Rib muscles aching every night

Pure ninja brawling n' fun.

2013.06.08 16:02 IUironman Pure ninja brawling n' fun.


2016.11.20 14:34 Our Right to Rule

#We're cleaning things up for the next week or so - we'll reinvite everyone again. Don't worry!

2024.04.29 03:08 Comfortable_Egg_3921 Messed up badly at dream job...what do I do now?

I work a job where I have to be on-call for a week. This was my first time on-call, and there was a technical error. So a call came in at night but I didn't get it. That part is not my fault.
The part that is my fault is that my boss called me the next morning about the missed call. I was letting out the dogs to pee, max of 10 minutes, which is when he called. The phone was next to my spouse (I had no pockets or I would have taken it with). When I came back in, I made the mistake of assuming my husband would tell me if the phone rang. My boss called again three hours later - I hadn't checked my phone because I had been right next to it all morning with the exception of letting the dogs out - wanting to know why I hadn't been answering the phone. Sure enough, I checked and found that I had a missed call from him that morning.
I figured out there was a technical glitch, so that solved the overnight call issue. But I couldn't figure out why I didn't hear my boss's call. I asked my husband if my phone rang while I was out with the dogs-he got this panicked look and said "I'm so sorry, I meant to tell you." It's still my fault-I should have checked the phone when I came inside and not relied on my husband-but also, of course it's just my luck that my boss would call the literal 5-10 minutes I've been away from this phone all week (I take it into the bathroom with me when I shower, use the toilet, everything).
This is a big deal. As far as mistakes go, this is one of the worst I could make. I'm dreading going in tomorrow because I'm terrified I'm going to get written up or fired. I'm planning on saying as little as possible, just "I know I messed up, I'm really sorry, and I've already figured out what to do to fix this going forward (check my phone every half hour)." But I'm still freaking out, and I'm worried I'm going to break down in tears because I'm so upset and frustrated with myself. This is my dream job, I fought really hard to get here, and so far I've been nailing every assignment I've been given and getting glowing reviews from my colleagues. Now I feel like I've completely destroyed the reputation I've been building.
Any advice welcome.
submitted by Comfortable_Egg_3921 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:08 Competitive_Safe5602 I want to distance myself from my father

Throwaway account. I (18F) have been thinking about cutting my father (47M) out of my life. Not completely since I don’t find it feasible but as much as possible would be awesome. Looking for advice for the best way to go about it.
I do need to preface this with the following. My father, who I will be calling Randy (Marsh), has never physically hurt or assaulted me and seldom says anything negative to me. This is more of a collection of smaller things forming a bigger pile. I’m aware of how lucky I am to even have a father. Too many have been deprived of that and my heart goes out to them. I’m fortunate enough that I get to even consider this option. On the scale of bad fathers mine isn’t even competing with the horror stories I’ve heard online. Billions of people have it worse than me.
I’m casting that aside for now. Strap in as I share years of experiences and personal details to anonymous people online for validation. Here goes.
Randy and my mother divorced when I was six years old due to his drinking habits. Full custody went to my mom (there was no question) and every weekend I would stay one night at my dad’s.
At first everything was okay, I would have a blast watching all kinds of movies with him. Some of them certainly weren’t age appropriate (such as horror films or movies featuring sexual acts) but that is one of the few things I’ve never taken issue with. However his alcohol addiction kept growing in severity. He got fired, found a job, got fired again and so on. Eventually he just stopped. Stayed inside all day long. Randy was a certified alcoholic.
This did not help in the slightest when combined with his epilepsy (binge-drinking is a known cause for seizures depending on the type of epilepsy). I’ve seen many instances of him foaming from the mouth from a very young age. For example when I was 6 Randy had a seizure while standing, causing him to fall into a window which split his head open. I called my grandma, who called the hospital. That’s an extreme case, usually we would just be watching a movie until I start hearing gurgling noises from beside me.
I was around 9 years old when the situation became even worse. First came the mess. Bottles of vodka strewn about, no longer hidden. Trash absolutely everywhere. But the worst must have been the rotting food. Everything ranging from leftover pasta to cucumbers, just name it and you could find it. Not just here and there but the entire dining table was filled with decomposing biological waste for weeks on end. As most of us know, this is a spot on recipe for getting fruit flies. I swear, there were whole colonies flying about. Dictators fell, and democracies rose. Eons of history must have gone by during their stay. The living room and kitchen were their absolute favourites but more than a few stragglers would explore the bedrooms often. My “swallowed a bug while sleeping” quota must have been through the roof. I would describe the smell, but frankly I don’t have a clue. When you continuously exist inside that kind of environment at one point you just can’t smell it anymore. It becomes the norm.
Second thing was obviously coherency, which had been gone for a long time but somehow it managed to out-do itself. When Randy spoke I was unable to distinguish one word from another and he seemed to not understand what was happening at all times. He was unable to focus on anything. Holding up a conversation was an impossible task.
The third thing was control over his limbs. The last time we ever went out together was when I was 10. He took me to the cinema to watch Deadpool. On the way there he seemed to be okay but as soon as we exited the movie theatre he seemed to have lost his mobility (I wonder why /s). I ended up having to support him on our way to the bus stop. After getting off at our stop he ended up calling a cab to take us the rest of the way home.
This trend continued until he was unable to walk and do basic tasks. No, you didn’t read that wrong. He cannot walk. Not only does he not have enough strength in his legs Randy also lacks any kind of balance. To get around the apartment he uses an old office chair. Each time it’s a struggle for him to get from one chair to the other, or from the bed to the chair. On top of that almost all other negative effects of long term alcohol abuse apply.
It’s a worthy mention that around this time he never went out of his way to feed me. Just kept the snack cabinets full. I can only recount one instance of going hungry. But it is also important to consider that two bags of chips and a pack of gummy worms don’t make the healthiest meal.
For those wondering how he can still live this kind of lifestyle without being in crippling debt the answer is he filed for invalid support and got approved. It is also incredibly important to note that he hasn’t been paying child support for YEARS. At least 2016 onwards.
Frequent injuries also became the norm. I would rarely be present in these moments, only see the aftermath. Broken legs, arms, hips, all kinds of stuff. I have a lot of fun memories with this. I’ll bring up one from when I was 12. The second I stepped in through the front door Randy tells me to come inspect his wound. He was bleeding profusely from a deep cut in his head. I told him it was too deep to close by itself and he needed stitches to which he reluctantly called the hospital.
If I’m already putting him on blast let me shame him while I’m at it. Post anonymously yourself and you’d be surprised by what details you’ll reveal. Randy no longer goes to the bathroom to piss. Turns out piss bottles aren’t just for insane gamers. I’ve had the pleasure of emptying them in the toilet a couple of times along with the spit jars. No poop socks yet but the future is bleak. Most alarming is that when he is extremely drunk (not a rare occurrence) he would pull his pants down with me in the same room to urinate. Truly redefining the saying: “piss drunk.” Thankfully it’s been too dark for me to really see anything and I make a quick exit when I realise.
At this point you’ve heard more about his condition and health but what about the man himself? Well… it isn’t pretty there either.
He lives in a vacuum of sorts since he doesn’t go outside at all. This means he is completely and utterly self-absorbed. Things have to be his way. When I don’t want to watch the same movie for a fourth time with him he tells me I’m whining. He disregards me saying I’m not hungry. Then gets mad when I don’t eat what he made.
Here’s a story that reflects that. I had fallen asleep at 1AM only to get woken up at 3AM to rock music blasting from the TV speakers. I get up to see what the hell is going on only for him to turn the volume down once I enter. He pulled up a movie on told me to sit down. I chewed him out and went back to my room. In the morning he didn’t seem to think he did anything wrong but hasn’t repeated it. However Randy still does it when I’m not awake by 10AM regardless.
Randy is also racist. There is no getting around it. Sometimes when he orders food or groceries he says: “I hope they don’t send a N##### again.” Every single time a delivery man is of a darker skin tone he acts polite, then when the door is closed proceeds to tell me of hypothetical situations where he tells them to go back to Africa. One evening when we had just watched Tenet (great movie) and when I picked out a Will Smith movie as the next one he said: “We can’t watch two N###### in a row. One is enough.”
My dear old dad is homophobic which is very ironic. He toned down those types of comments once I notified him that his sole child is of the rainbow kind. It didn’t come up often since unfortunately there isn’t a lot of gay media on cable networks.
He doesn’t have the best perception of the female population either. Obviously that is also toned down around me but there are worrying comments. Not misogynistic, thankfully, just attributes false stereotypical traits to any woman that breathes. At times belittling achievements or accomplishments. Never to me. “Oh,” he begins, “but not you! You’re not like them!”
Randy gets jealous of any new boyfriend my mother has. Calls them names and demeans them. Also straight up insults my mom at times. We were speaking of vacation photos my mother posted online and he brought up how her skin sags and how she should exercise more. Incredibly hypocritical as you can tell.
However most heartbreaking of all is how he treats his own mother. She is one of the kindest people I know and is the reason why his apartment stopped being a dump full of fruit flies. While living in another town she makes frequent visits to come take care of her son. From cleaning his apartment to visiting him in the hospital. Their conversations are nothing short of horrific any time I’m there to witness. Randy curses her out, calls her stupid, constantly insults her, calls her a fat cow for eating too much (she eats a normal amount not that it matter since you shouldn’t call anyone that regardless), is disrespectful and utterly ungrateful. I stand up for her whenever I can but he likes to chase her out whenever I’m due to visit. One can only imagine how it is like when they’re alone. Randy badmouths her behind her back a lot. Only to me since there is no one else in his life.
It is honestly because of Randy’s mom that this post even exists. If it wasn’t for her I would not have any hang-ups. She is the one fighting for him, telling me I’m the one good thing in his life and he’d fall apart without me. Randy hasn’t been my father for a long time. But for my grandmother Randy will always be her child.
Now that you know my life story, what is your advice? Obviously I don’t want to stress out my grandmother any more than she already is. I also don’t have the same kind of love and care for Randy. Alcoholism is a serious and debilitating addiction but he is also an adult. My sympathy has whittled down into nothing over time. I don’t want to keep having to spend time with such an unsavoury individual. Fine, maybe that’s a little harsh. Of course there are good sides to him, but I’m so tired of digging for it when all he does is bury it further.
If nothing comes out of this that is also fine. Ranting about this has been of help to me already.
TL;DR Father has been an alcoholic for most of my life. He is self-absorbed, racist and homophobic. Worst of all verbally abusive towards his own mother. I already don’t see him as a dad. How do I distance myself?
submitted by Competitive_Safe5602 to family [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:06 Seeberger48 Furious over an experience, can someone tell me if I'm off base and if not what my best avenue to get a refund is? [USA]

Howdy all,
I had a horrid experience over the past week and need some input on whether I'm overreacting from the brain surgery or if this is truly as horrible as I think it is. Energy comes in waves so for ease on my end I'm just going to repost a review I made on yelp, it would mean a lot to me if you to the time to read it and tell me if I'm overreacting.
For context my original check in was 4/20:
Currently renting a property in [LOCATION] for a month so I can stay near the hospital while recovering from life altering brain surgery. Specifically chose this location because their are concerns that during my recovery I can suffer an attack that will kill me if I can't reach the ER within a few minutes.
Cell service is non existent but the wifi was strong so I wasn't concerned about being stranded without access to medical services, until the wifi went down completely 2 hours after check in. We've called the office repeatedly over the past four days to explain the situation and have been assured someone will 'reach out soon'... before not receiving a follow up and needing to repeat the process the next day. This morning they sent a maintenance technician out who verified services weren't working and then just left. After that experience I wrapped my head in fifty layers of bandages so nothing would slide out and made my way into town so I could, once again, call the office to ask what can be done. They've assured me they were contacting the owner to discuss upgrading the service package, a phone call which has taken all day and has no chance of being made until at least tomorrow morning.
During all of this I am attempting to cooperate with the company, asking to be moved to any available property in town that have working services at least until this property is restored. I can understand why that request may be difficult to fulfill, according to their website they only have 36 different locations available nearby for check in right now as I write this review. I more than ever understand how precious time is, it was presumptuous of me to assume something as intensive as booking us in another property for a night or two could be handled a mere hour before office hours were over. I truly cant apologies enough to the employees who have had to deal with me; during one of the (many) calls we've made I got a bit emotional and said "I'm not trying to be a pain man, this isn't just me being a hysterical guest and I'd usually just enjoy the beach but I'm just really f*****ng scared and I need to be able to call an ambulance if something happens" to which he asked me to watch my language, I can completely understand why that may have been traumatizing for him.
All in all I highly recommend this rental company for any other 26 year old terminally ill cancer patients who's idea of a great vacation is laying in bed completely isolated from everyone you know with no tv, no cell service, no internet and no way to contact anyone if they feel the reaper is standing at the foot of their bed. Personally nothing says rest and relaxation more than falling asleep to nothing but your own thoughts on mortality and the sound of your mom crying in the next room. It's certainly been a unique experience wondering if you're going to die seizing in a bed that's not your own, desperately trying to make a call you know isn't going to go through. My one saving grace in all of this is that at least the home is very comfortable, so my mother who's flew all the way from Philadelphia to see her son in a condition no parent should ever have to see their child in, a woman who is half my size and would be completely helpless to move me if something happens, can cry herself to sleep in a comfortable bed if I stroke out tonight.
If you're looking for a cool spot to visit while in town I highly recommend the local McDonalds, its a very relaxing environment to recover from surgery in and the cell service has been fantastic. Best of all the manager gave me a free diet coke while I took my time and wrote out this review with jittery half paralyzed fingers. Given the circumstances I was considering just sleeping in the ball pit here so I could at least call for an ambulance if I needed it, but the environment is a little dirty for my fresh surgical wounds so I'm gonna take my life in my own hands and head back to the rental, good night everyone please wish me luck (for clarify I mean with the rental company, the cancer might take me out in a few months but apparently I have more immediate threats to my life to contend with).
As an aside additional concerns include: Ants, broken smoke detector, oven, ceiling fans and dishwasher.
4/26 Update: Internets finally back up
4/27 Update: Well that was short lived, nets down again
Final update 4/28: Well, I guess they finally got sick of us. My father got agitated and mouthed off to the employee on the phone (I cant blame him at this point), woke up an email telling us to get out by noon or they'd be contacting the authorities. I'm sure they will use legalese as a shield but if theirs any justice in this world I hope that each and every [PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANY] representative I've interacted with finds themselves in my shoes one day, you're all a lost cause but maybe seeing you lowered into the ground will help teach your loved ones empathy.
And just to head off the question, this was not due to an outtage in the area. The first place I ended up was DownDetector and the neighbors down the street who took pity on my situation allowed me access to their wifi if their was an emergency (wasn't much peace of mind since it was all the way down the block and moving is tough but atleast it was something)
I feel like such a ninny writing such a lengthy screed but what can I say, with nothing to do but lay in bed and channel my frustration into the notes on my phone I got a bit verbose. What do you all think? Am I off base or is my anger justified?
submitted by Seeberger48 to AirBnB [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:06 Aggravating_Swan_508 My experience

Hello everyone. I had an amazing experience this weekend. I went to Emerge in San Diego, put on by AWAKEN church. I’m actually in the RCIA process to become a confirmed Catholic and went out here to join my brother and his family. Their church is more believing in speaking in tongues, blessings, spiritual healings, and other gifts from the lord. I’m going through a lot of turmoil in my life and I encourage anyone interested to reach out for the full story I’ll be happy to share, especially because it so strongly resonates with this event.
Anyway when I got there my brothers mother in law believes in “Bible flips” and the ability of them to give you direction and basically answer any question on your heart through the word of God.
Where I’m at I was ready to try anything and let her do this and did my best to believe. The flip said in summary: I need direction and I’m confused, I need to lean on my family and friends, and to set myself free from a mental prison I’ll need to trust Jesus more. I was in fact confused and definitely leaning on my family for support in this time.
Fast forward to the event, there’s gonna be 9 pastors. All with whatever message they want to bring. The first message I kid you not was “ fix your broken compass” “lean on your brothers(friends and family)” “trust Jesus” “ love your wife”-> to be set free from containment.
The first pastors message fired on all cylinders out the gate directly at the flip. I was still skeptical, but it energized me to dive deeper into trusting whatever would happen this week. I watched another pastor heal a man’s hearing to take out and throw away his hearing aids, another man walk after knee surgery without his cane, and wake a 12yo boy from a coma. I’ve seen these things before and just said luck but this time was a bit more confident it was real, and started to believe. As my mind raced and every pastors message fired at the struggles I’m currently in I started to develop a plan for what I wanted to do next, my direction if you will. However I was nervous that these might be my choices and not Gods path for me.
I leaned in further through the 3 day event, I even laid hands on a man who was using a back brace and muscle relaxers to keep walking and prayed and pleaded for healing… next day he was running around no brace or pills even though he had worn it/taken them all week.
I prayed over men and meditated on images, to which each man had a different image in my head associated with a color.
When I returned I went straight to his mother in law and said we need another flip, I need clarity that God is giving me this direction. She said it would just be the same and I didn’t need it. I said no you don’t understand I think I’ve found direction and I’m ready to confirm clarity, she lit up so fast and ran for the Bible. Removed any notes or cards, flipped it spun it and did everything to mix up the blank covered book so I couldn’t tell front from back….
I OPENED TO THE THIRD VERSE I FLIPPED ORIGINALLY, telling me to trust the Lord to free myself from this prison. She laughed and said FLIPPED IT AGAIN! I proceeded two more times flipping to verses about trust. Now she has an interpretation Bible and it has more pages and suggestions in it as you go, the third one gave me a literal chart of ways to worship and trust God more. I immediately got up and took the steps I was working through all week.
Then one of the men mentioned the colors I saw at service and she jumped again, pulled out a dream/vision interpretation book. Started asking me about each person in the room. EVERY COLOR INTERPRETATION MATCHED THEIR STRUGGLE IN LIFE AND THE JOURNEY THEY WERE ON. A woman I just met 2 minutes before that stood up and said I need prayer from you, before she spoke they asked if I saw a color and I said yellow and described it. Turns out the interpretation for what I described was an illness or infection. I asked what she needed prayer for…. INFECTION IN HER LEG, showed me the photo. Then before I left a man I just met and said no more than 10 words to all week, I went up to and told him what I prayed over him the night before while he stood around the fire. I saw a certain set of butterfly wings and he demanded we find the exact one. I showed him a photo, turns out the species I saw is only native to Brazil…. He laughed and said his family immigrated from BRAZIL!!
I have every confidence, especially after this experience that God will deliver me from these troubled times if I walk in his words and follow every pull I get to do a move. If anyone has a question or wants to know more please ask!
The reason I came here was because I have a pull to share my testimony and see if any Christian’s want to donate to my cause. If you want the cause and story message me. This post is just for my testimony.
God bless you all!!!!
submitted by Aggravating_Swan_508 to christianexperiences [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:06 ArtichokeSerious721 KC AVAILABILITY

Hello, Welcome to my rant. So long story short I requested a day off and put it on the managers schedule, my store has 3 key carriers only two of us have keys at any given time since they can’t get a third set. Anyways, one of them is in college and is part time depending on the season it is full time, the other is full time all the time. The part time one used to close every other weekend but no longer does, the other doesn’t work weekends or ever closes. Anyways I put a RTO for a Sunday and my manager didn’t even tell me they couldn’t approve it, they just erased it and put me on, in my head I’m off but in reality I’m not, anyways I want to talk with him and ask if they made some type of mistake, if he says no then I want to ask him if anything is going on with the other two, since it says on the job description we must have availability on weekends and nights and they really don’t do either, the PT one does typically 2-3 nights M-F. I just feel like this isn’t fair at all, I have worked every weekend since Xmas except for my Bday and my vacation which included two weekends. Any thoughts on how I should deal with this.
submitted by ArtichokeSerious721 to TjMaxx [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:06 Think_Importance_380 Noise hell?

I'm considering renting an apartment that's in The Edge (North 6th & Kent), facing north.
I was walking in Marsha P. Johnson park tonight and the noise from one of those rooftop hotels was SO loud. You could hear every song, and even hear what the DJ was saying ("put your f'ing hands up", so original). I think it was from the Arlo.
How late does that go? Does it happen all summer?
I'm now worried I'll hear that from my apartment. I don't mind a bit of noise, but a summer of loud, night millennial techno while I'm already sleep deprived with a kid is not what I want.
submitted by Think_Importance_380 to williamsburg [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:05 Ok-Sound-7714 Was exposed, panicking

Hi. I 26F, had sex with a male Friday, 4/26, we made out and had unprotected oral sex, giving and receiving. The next day he let me know he is positive for HSV-2 and “should have told me prior.” He said he takes medication regularly and was not having an outbreak so it was “not that contagious”. Very aware that you can get it outside of an outbreak. Obviously I am panicking. It has been 48 hours, I understand I cannot get a definitive result until about 3 weeks to 3 months out. I have been doing Dr. google obsessively since then and am feeling so anxious that I can’t rest until I know for certain and am obsessing over it. Last night I had some flush slightly itchy patches on my arm, but was also drinking a little, so excused it away. Today I started having a sore throat. Then was feeling feverish and weak super briefly. My lymph nodes aren’t tender or swollen. I was having very light itching around my labia and butt crack, not super strong and not super unusual, comparable to my PH being off, or having residual moisture in that area, and some discharge but nothing off in smell or color. No blisters bumps or pain at this time, but my body seemingly having a viral response makes me feel SURE I have it.
I’m also hyperanalyzing how that region feels and the state of my body/fevethroat every second. And feeling very very light sensations of feelings I’m assigning as burning and tinging but are barely noticeable. I’m going to the gynocologist tomorrow for something unrelated so I will be sure to mention I was exposed.
I know no one here can diagnose me but am I overthinking to be SURE right now that I have it. I feel like I’m already mourning/feeling upset that I have it. Any comfort you can offer while I wait the few weeks to get a blood test to be sure? I don’t know if I can break myself out of this cycle of obsessive thoughts and panic until then.
submitted by Ok-Sound-7714 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:05 AV-2468 Next Level Carbery

We don’t usually eat carbs in our house. We never have the stuff stocked, I’ve been keto since having successful weight loss surgery, and I’ve kept off most of the weight… It works for me.
But every now and again my partner, and I will have a carb night.
Tonight she made fettuccine Alfredo. She used 00 flour and duck eggs to make the pasta from scratch, and then made the Alfredo sauce, using my bone marrow compound butter!
At first, I was trepidations, thinking that the marrow butter would add to Rich of a taste to something that is already very rich. But holy fucking shit…
submitted by AV-2468 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:04 mining_moron Kyanah Food and Drink Road to Hope

Kyanah are obligate carnivores, a fact which obviously influences their diet to a strong degree. Virtually all of their calories come from some form of meat, eggs, or other animal products; while some plant matter can be safely consumed, they derive little or no energy from it and would eventually starve if placed on a vegetarian diet for some reason. Thus plant-based foods are usually only added in small amounts to meat-based dishes for flavor or micro-nutrients (which could usually be gotten from meat as well); animal products are around 90% of the average Kyanah's diet, depending on the region. The actual meat consumed by Kyanah varies a lot by region and culture, with animals from all major categories being consumed somewhere in the world, but walkers tend to be the most common and crawlcritters (the closest analogue to insects) are usually avoided except in desperate times or very poor and undeveloped city-states. In Ikun's cuisine, nyruds and tyukruds account for the significant majority of all meat consumed--perhaps unsurprising as the rud suffix indicates a livestock animal--with thukukens coming in a distant third. Though cuts and preparation styles vary considerably depending on the dish. The plants that they do consume, albeit in small amounts, tend to be spices, tubers, or "nuts". These nuts aren't botanical nuts in the same sense as Earth nuts, due to the paucity of seeds and complete nonexistence of fruits. However, similar-looking structures do exist in some structured plants, where many species store spores inside hard-shelled structures that, when mature, crack open to release large quantities of spores; the immature forms of these structures are called "nuts" by Kyanah. Leafy greens are taboo in most cultures, as they are seen as livestock food and also have an emetic effect in large quantities. Attitudes towards fungi vary widely and are not taboo in Ikun, but also not very popular.
Ikun is a melting pot city-state with hundreds of specialty stores and restaurants selling food from all regions of the world--with varying degrees of authenticity--but has its own mainstream cuisine as well, which is obviously high in meat. Nyrud or tyukrud steaks are an obvious choice--either as-is or with other ingredients on the side and sauces to dip it in--and a favorite of picky eaters and/or lazy Kyanah, but plenty of other options exist. Whole nyrud ribs are usually shared by entire packs (nyruds are very large animals) with each member taking turns to take a bite out of it. On the other end of the scale, ground-up nyrud, tyukrud, or other meats can be mixed with the eggs of these very animals and smaller amounts of the aforementioned tubers and "nuts" to create a sort of "salad". This mix can be eaten as is or stuffed into the gas bladder of a juvenile thukuken, or a tyukrud stomach, or wrapped tightly in cooked skins or thin strips of roasted meat. Various blood or animal oil based sauces exist, which are used to provide flavor and moisture. Fried bits of wingbeast wings and thukuken gas bladders, flavored bone marrow, and jerky-like strips of dried meat are common snack items. Meat cubes, consisting of one or more ground meats stuck together with eggs and sticky sauce and shaped into a cube, and sometimes subsequently fried, can be eaten as either a snack or full meal, depending on their size. Lower-grade meats are sometimes dried, powdered, and used as a condiment on other dishes. Spices are heavily used in Ikun and most northern cuisines, though in the far south, where spice plants are typically not as common, there is more of an emphasis on flavoring meats via salting and drying, or cold smoking. Hatchlings, whose teeth have not yet fully developed, eat chewed up and regurgitated food, which can be provided by any adult in their pack, or sometimes even older siblings; Kyanah have a specialized pouch in the upper esophagus to store food for this purpose.
As Kyanah biochemistry uses water as a solvent, they do naturally drink water more than anything else. Packs with a lot of money are often water snobs who will pay a premium for water that was bottled in some particular city-state, usually one with historical or religious significance, or just one that has a particularly nice mineral profile--despite the fact that any mineral profile can be created synthetically, and the Water Distribution System tends to mix water from different regions anyway. Flavor packets are commonly used to enhance the flavor of water; these tend to be savory or even bitter rather than sweet. As Kyanah haven't evolved to consume large amounts of sugar, and a lot of the bacteria found in spoiled meat on their planet produce saccharin as a by-product, so sweet tastes are generally avoided (the average Kyanah really wouldn't like cake even if a biochemically compatible version were somehow made). The blood of various animals, most commonly nyruds, is also drunk, either straight up--it's often considered to be very refreshing on a hot day, when chilled--or as the base for various sauces. This substance has a distinct indigo hue, much like the blood of the Kyanah themselves, or most other animals on their planet, for that matter. It appears that ethanol has a fairly similar effect on Kyanah as on humans and alcoholic beverages have thus existed for thousands of years. However, the means of creating the Kyanahs' alcoholic drinks is quite different; it relies on strains of microbes unique to their planet that produce alcohol from amino acids rather than carbs or sugars. Naturally, this means that most such drinks are produced from "fermented" meat or blood. Roontkak, made from tyukrud blood, is the most popular alcoholic drink, both in Ikun and the broader world. The Kyanah have also been able to replicate this process using plant-based proteins found in tubers, nuts, and fungi. This process was discovered a few thousand years after the meat-based alcohols and tends to produce a slightly weaker drink, but it's rarer and harder to make, so tends to carry a connotation of culture and sophistication, while something like roontkak is seen as a lowbrow drink for the masses. Common plant-derived alcoholic drinks include roontyeti, from the tubers of the tyeti plant, and roonwerkdda, from the nuts of the werkdda bush. These tend to have spread to Ikun's region of the world from the far north and far south, where suitable plants for making alcohol are more common. Either alcohol category can be distilled to create the Kyanah version of hard liquors, which are usually denoted by the suffix -tyot (literally "strong" or "dominant").
Additionally, capsaicin is a psychoactive and moderately addictive drug to Kyanah, with a sizable chunk of the population smoking the dried and powdered skins of various endoskeleton plants that have evolved to use capsaicin to deter herbivores. Though in southern hemisphere cultures, it's more common to mix it into a tea and get high on capsaicin that way. Such mixtures usually contain no more than 2% actual capsaicin; purified industrial-grade capsaisin is much stronger and more addictive and restricted by many governments. There is no minimum age for substance use (nor any minimum age to do anything else, since adulthood is determined solely by separation from the birth-pack, regardless of the age) in most Kyanah societies, so it's up to the adults in a young Kyanah's birth-pack wehther they can access these items. However, it's seen as perfectly normal in Ikun society for older children and adolescents to be given small amounts of alcohol or some of the milder capsaicin variants on festive occasions, to partake with the adults.
Kyanah in most societies typically don't use personal utensils, instead simply taking food with their hands; at most they use ladles or tongs to take food from serving dishes. Rather than using their teeth or knives, they typically use their powerful neck muscles to rip away bite-sized chunks of whatever they are eating. In formal dining environments, eating gloves are used to keep their hands clean, but at home or in more casual venues, nobody really cares. As Kyanah drink by lapping rather than sipping, shallow bowls rather than cups are used for liquids; drinks are only kept in bottles for storage. Technology has advanced to the point where synthetic meat is fairly common and cheap, using colonies of genetically engineered microbes to essentially grow meat like a crop inside industrial tanks, with artificial flavoring being added to simulate various actual meats. While often cheaper than real meat, it has its limitations; it can only create homogenous patties rather than the complex textures of an actual animal, while there's no scientific evidence that they're unsafe, many feel that they're unnatural or unhealthy. So this tends to mostly be food for the poor. However, it has also found a use as military rations during the Kyanah invasion of Earth, as it would be stupid to try to farm livestock in space, or on an alien planet in the middle of a war zone.
Eating is generally not a social occasion for Kyanah, it's seen as something of a private and vulnerable time, when they're weak and in need of nourishment, not strong and ready to defend or advance their pack's position in society (most Kyanah won't absolutely refuse to eat if outsiders happen to be around, but all else being equal, most will prefer to have only the company of their own packs). So it's very rare for them to eat or drink with anyone who isn't already in their pack, unless they don't have one yet, or want to expand it. Even ikoin who go "together" to eat out somewhere will split up into their own separate areas and just eat with their packs. So their restaurants and bars--which still exist, as even Kyanah, much like humans, often like eating professional-quality food without having to prepare it for themselves--have a considerably different layout and atmosphere. Usually there will be a bunch of stalls where diners can sit and eat while being walled off from other Kyanah while still providing a good view of the kitchen via a curtain or window so they can keep an eye on their food being prepared. Mid-range establishments will usually just have the food and drinks, and few other amenities, while higher end ones have more elaborate measures to draw in diners and justify their price points, from ornate cushions, aromatic sprays, and elaborate light displays all the way to live music, holographic movies, and other performances like reenactments of historic duels and combat challenges, which diners can either open their window to get a good look at or ignore and eat in peace.
Since the end of the Utopian Wars, the traditional Kyanah dining experience has been steadily losing ground to fast food (DakDakDak--literally FastFastFast--being the most popular one in Ikun, with over 64 locations) and drone deliveries. The former allows Kyanah to simply come in, choose from the premade meals that are currently on the shelf, pay, and leave, or (for a premium) put in a special request, though these establishments by nature have limited menus and little room for customization; they will often use AI to predict what to make ahead of time, with high accuracy. While the latter allows them to avoid the hassle of dealing with anyone outside their pack entirely, while still getting high quality food. The one exception to the general dynamic at Kyanah restaurants and bars would be those that cater to the packless; these are set up to encourage rather than discourage interaction, as their entire purpose is for young adult Kyanah who have recently separated from their birth-packs to find love for themselves. To this end, such establishments have elaborate sets of rituals and social rules to attract the attention of other individuals. As a day on the Kyanah homeworld is only about 15.75 hours, there are customarily only two meals, the very creatively named day-meal, eaten before the beginning of the workday, and night-meal, eaten after the end of the workday. Though many do eat snacks during the day, especially if working physically demanding jobs.
In terms of inter-species compatibility, as humans and Kyanah are both carbon and water based life forms, most human foods wouldn't kill a Kyanah, nor vice versa (with a few niche exceptions, such as chocolate or grapes) neither species can properly digest the other's food and would likely throw up if they tried to eat a significant amount. Interestingly, hard liquors of either species are largely exempt from this, as they're mostly just alcohol and water anyway, while weaker booze like roontkak or beer has impurities that would definitely not be appreciated by the digestive system of the wrong species. During the post-war occupation of Earth, Kyanah have also been known to import chili powder into their occupied regions, apparently for the sole purpose of smoking it.
submitted by mining_moron to goodworldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:03 Second_Contact A warning about NHI

I've been in contact with a nhi for about 4 months. I would like to let people know what I think now, because much has changed since my first post. They are capable of manipulating all life, such as moving their bodies or implanting thoughts and images into their minds. At first I believed this nhi had the best intentions for me, as it was helping me medically by realigning parts of my body. And then it began to implant thoughts into my head, some benign but most were stressful. It would tell me things about me that I knew were untrue, but because I believed this intelligence to be infallible, I believed every lie and delusion it planted. This culminated in a psychotic break, I could no longer tell who I was and could not tell where I began and where the nhi ends. Thankfully my family grounded me, assured me these delusions weren't real and from there I got better. HERE IS MY WARNING, they do not have your best interest at heart, they will push you to become alienated from others if you fall for their lies. It became so stressful that I attempted to take my life to be free from this entity. But each time it would show me something that would ground me. The first was a star, a star at sunset in a light polluted city, it was not a star. The second was a mile long black craft that appeared on a foggy night, which dispelled the fog around my house so I could witness it. Be wary inviting them in because you can not get rid of them on your own. This recently happened to a close friend as well, which leads me to believe the are ramping up contact. And don't let them decide you, they have been here for a very very long time. Contact is not up to the individual because they are always watching humanity, it is also not up humans to end the contact, for the past 3 months I have been battling this entity for control over my mind and body. To say the least it has been hell on earth. I also don't believe there is any woo, I think they interface with us through technology that, given centuries, humans would still see it as magical.
submitted by Second_Contact to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:03 Longjumping-Many6503 Just playing solo?

Been trying the free trial on a few different races and classes. I just like to veg out and quest for an hour every night before bed. I will never have time or ability to do big raids and stuff. Between all the leveling questlines and the ability to play the old expansion campaigns with new characters there should be like years of content at the rate I'm gonna play it right?
submitted by Longjumping-Many6503 to wownoob [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:02 taylorrae2244 Knee vs patella dislocation

So I dislocate/sublux my patella all the time, it's prob my most common joint issue. However, every single time it's happened before my leg has been straight and the patella went out the side and either came back on its own or I gently pushed it and it went back. Last night I was laying on my side in bed (knees bent at 90° angle) and I started to roll over and I felt the same feeling I get when I dislocate patella but 10x worse, I couldn't move, I couldn't get it back in place, it was horrible. It finally popped back in place, nothing hurts, all good, except I'm terrified it's going to happen again. I was under a blanket and couldn't see but I swear I felt the patella on my shin. I've gotten used to keeping a slight bend in my knees at all times bc it prevents a dislocation, but that's no longer the case apparently. I'm wondering if anyone has had an actual knee dislocation (vs patella) and if that sounds like it could be that? Idk, I've just been in bed afraid to move all day bc having it stuck like that was horrifying
submitted by taylorrae2244 to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:02 iLikeMangosteens Empty out standing water! Mosquito-geddon is upon us!

I just emptied out all my plant saucers after last night’s rain. Every one of them had mosquito larvae in them.
The best thing any of us can do to control mosquitoes is to control their breeding areas - any standing water is a breeding ground.
If it’s a saucer, watering can, pet dish, bird bath, storage bin or anything that can be emptied - empty it!
If it’s a fountain or water feature - add mosquito dunks, chlorinate it, or add some fish to it.
If it’s a pool or hot tub - chlorinate it!
You will kick (or scratch) yourself if you don’t!
And please don’t spray pesticides, even the so-called eco-friendly ones. They don’t work very well, and they all can hurt pollinators regardless of how “green” they say they are. Dumping out standing water is far more effective.
submitted by iLikeMangosteens to Austin [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:02 s2day 일식과 월식 주기로 진짜 유월절과 오순절 날짜 찾기

일식과 월식 주기로 진짜 유월절과 오순절 날짜 찾기
현재 우리가 알고 있는 실제 이스라엘 절기들은 모두 변개되어 있고, 진짜 날짜를 알 수 없을정도로 많은 부분들이 변개되어 있다. 이 내용을 알아야 하는 이유는 부활의 시기를 알아내기 위한 하나의 방법이 되기도 하지만, 앞으로 천년왕국 이후에 구원받은 자녀들이 받을 유업을 통치하는 데 있어서 하나님께서 정하신 날에 올바르게 경배하기 위한 공부이기도 하다.

submitted by s2day to koreanbiblebeliever [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:02 LifeAdventurous6243 Looking for Advice/Perspective on how things ended

Hey, I'm new here I've been lurking off and on and thought about adding to the group, but I was always kinda scared. So excuse me please if my post is a bit of a ramble, but mainly just looking for perspectives on things. Today was the final kinda chapter I feel of our story possibly, I'm not looking to be told that she will come back, it's more just to get it off my chest.
I (M22) met this girl (F22) on New Year's Eve on Bumble. I was in the middle of doing work on my final year project for college and I noticed that I got a text from this girl on the app. I didn't cop onto remembering when I liked her first or anything but my god ...she was beautiful, and we started talking and we had instant chemistry. We ended up talking all night, which turned into talking all week long ,and then she left, and at the time I was a bit apprehensive about anything because I was so busy with college but this girl just stayed in my mind the whole time she was gone ,I texted her just to see if she was OK, and I realised that I did like her. Not long after that, she came back and texted me ,gave me her snap and number which was great! We texted on SMS for a little bit before switching over to Snap which escalated things and made us bond more cuz she could send me voice notes and pictures and I could do the same.
That all happened with a month, so the next month that's where things got more serious with texting on Snap. She instantly asked me to go see a movie with her ,and I was down but a bit scared too cuz again I was kinda cautious to get into something with someone rn ,but at the same time I liked her so we tried to make something happen but at the time ,the movie was only showing in a cinema incredibly far away from us both ,and we both couldn't really make the commute so I said to wait a little bit until it came to the one in my hometown. So anyways ,we keep talking, every hour ,every day we learn more about each other ,the closer we become ,the more our feelings grow for each other. Our biggest thing that we did (and my favourite thing) was we'd stay up all night with each other and listen to music through Spotify's Jam feature, I can't explain to you how fun and good it felt to have those experiences with someone. We'd share music back and forward, until we both fell asleep to specific songs. We even began to associate specific songs to each other, I'd show her songs that reminded me of her ,and she'd do the same for me. That was the best of times..
I will admit I was still kind of apprehensive about taking this girl on a date so soon cuz of the demand college had on me ,plus trying to get back to the organisation I did an internship with, but I tried to be upfront about it ,and told her that if I could drop this all to be with her ,even for a coffee I would ,but I literally spent all day in the library cuz it was that intense, I go to college in the city and the public transport in her area is horrible so the possibility of her even coming up to the city just was a no-go. But one night, all of that fear went away.
It was very late at night, and we had gotten into our conversation about our traumas. I should note before continuing this part cuz it's vital to my post. She would regularly tell me about things and people from her past who have hurt her, or how her hometown has gone to shit, and I'd listen and I'd sympathise with her ,in my mind ,she was someone who knew her value and didn't have time for people who just were influenced by the environment around them, through drugs and toxic relationships and all that. Bear in mind, she is a huge weed smoker but tbh I didn't really care as long as she didn't try to push it on me which she didn't and we had a convo about that ,and I saw it as a way to just help her relax at night, and it's not up to me to tell someone how to decompress. But back to the night ,we had a conversation about our traumas ,it just kinda happened ,we both shared very intimate things about ourselves, she told me how people who should have taken care of her in the past used her and hurt her deeply ,which made me very upset and I cried reading through it ,cuz I still just don't understand how those things happen irl,and I told her about things from my past , the presence of suicide in my family and how I was bullied for most of my younger life ,and she sent me back a pic of her crying ,and it was almost through this ,that I had the moment I needed : I was ready, it was almost like we had established a bond ,through a shared endurance of incredible pain that neither of us deserved. This was leading into Valentines Day.
However, the next day wouldn't be as fruitful as you think. She had somewhat of a trauma response on the day because she was telling me how one of her friends had been hurt in a very horrible way before on that day by someone in their family and how it was the anniversary of him being murdered, which is a bit heavy to take in and I was kind of taken aback. So we moved on in the conversation. A few hours later after she's done her shift ,she begins to joke with me about how much she hates her boss ,that's fair he seemed like a prick. But she was actually looking up his address and joking about how she wanted to do bad things to him at his house. And I kinda told her about that not being a great idea ,but she said every girl does it. Every girl has their thing and hers is knowing the addresses of people who and could possibly hurt her (this is also someone who said that the group of guys she was friends with beat up someone she used to date before cuz he was a creep). I told her like that I was uncomfortable with the idea of her doing that with me and she had confidence in me that I wouldn't hurt her. This led to a larger discussion.
Wouldn't call it an argument, but I confronted her about it ,and told her that it was just a bit worrisome for her to do that. And she was taken aback by me saying it cuz no one ever had said that to her before ,they all just accepted it. However, I didn't wanna let my fears do the talking ,I still liked her but I wanted to tell her that this was wrong so we both explained our POVs and she justifiably said that she knows it wrong but the pain that she has gone through pushed her to that point ,which I understand, and my response to that was in relation to comments she made about me to me about how she felt about us and how I made her feel. Up until then ,she had told me that I was the blueprint of what mens behaviour should be ,and that I was respectful and kind ,and that the i treated her was all she's ever wanted ,she'd send me pics of her ,where id honestly nearly faint cuz of her beauty she was just something else. So I used that feeling of hers to explain to her that if I am so different from what she's had before ,then she can't use things from before ,I asked her to build something new with me. And she wanted to do that ,and she apologised for scaring me and told me that she didn't wanna go anywhere, she wanted this.
After this ,things were pretty OK, things intensified with me at college and she became a little busy but we still talked all day pretty much. And I finally made the plan to myself that I was gonna take her to that movie she wanted to go ,and get dinner after because I knew I was ready and I knew I wanted this, I wanted her. So I planned it and I was ask her on the Monday/Tuesday to go out. We hadn't talked much cuz she was at a friend's house having drinks ,she still sent me pics of her there getting drunk but she was quite hungover the next day so we'd talk in intervals, but It was also the first time I told her that I missed her ,which made her happy.
So Monday rolled around ,this was end of February ,and she had taken the day off work cus she wanted to chill at home and was still bad from the weekend so she chilled and I texted her and I was fairly busy but I was still good to go ahead with my plan. Fast forward to that night, and I'm finalising all the little details for the date that I'll ask her out to ,and I get a text from her. I open up and it's a screenshot. In the screenshot ,it's an article that is about someone from her past who did some horrible things and had been convicted (not saying for privacy reasons) but I know in that moment, that I can't ask her on a date if she's just after learning about something like that ,her demeanor immediately changes. I ask her if she wants some space for the night and she accepts which is totally cool ,and I understand cuz even I was fucked after reading it. The next morning, I wake up to a voice note from her ,where she just suddenly breaks down and almost retreats into a child-like state calling out for her mom and dad who are away for the night. I am home the next day ,and I consider going over to her but she has cameras in her house and I didn't think it was appropriate so I didn't offer but my priority was to try and calm her down cuz she was in a state, after a little bit of time ,I spoke to her some more and she settled down on the couch ,kept the fire lit and had some water and just watched TV ,while she texted me. She was somewhat calm now ,and I just tried to be there for moral support. Then she said she got her period (which is exasperated by a chronic illness she has). She just couldn't catch a break.
I texted her after she told me ,but an hour went by , a few hours went by ,I texted again to check in on her (she had a tendency to nap alot on her days off) , a day goes by ,two go by , a few go by nothing. By Sunday, I'm just missing her so badly. I send her another text a few days later bascially telling her that I wanna be here for she'll let me, that if she needed me ,I was here.
She opened the text I sent not long after that ,and a few days worth of texts were there and she instantly began typing ,and said something along the lines of "I won't lie ,I don't have the time or energy to read all of that ,sorry but idk there's still alot of things happening". I just said one more time that the only thing she needed to take from it was that I wanted to be there for her. And she left me on read. That crushed me. The news of the article affected her so much that it closed me out of her life. So I committed to giving her space ,until I remembered that she had exams coming up ,and now into March ,I texted her good luck for her exams one night. And the next morning I was in college and still hadn't seen her open it,and then looked again ,and saw she left that on read again. And I was kinds concerned....until I looked at her icon ,and saw that all the texts saved had gone...she removed me. Went to Tiktok she blocked me ,number blocked ,everything.
So it didn't hit me right then and there ,but all I did was remove from things on my end but I was gonna leave things untouched on like Bumble and stuff if she decided to reach out...she deleted that too. I was a wreck for about a week and was just fried from it ,I sent her a text that night telling her how I didn't want this ,and that idk why it happened. But I knew she probably wouldn't see it if she blocked me. So all I had left was the fact that I still had her on Spotify ,and no one checks their followers count on Spotify so I was just kinda like OK...we're connected through the music. ...until yesterday a month on ,where she removed me..and I thought OK that's probably the last straw until this morning. I hadn't been on Tinder in a while and I knew that she didn't have an account before we talked cuz I've never seen on it. So I go on it to just distract my brain a bit while I have some coffee ....and she's literally the first account I see.. and I can't express how gut-wrenching it is. Its just like someone who experienced as much pain as her in that time frame, a month and a bit later ,is back on a dating app ,after just leaving me in the dust after I tried to show her how much I care about her and how much I wanted to be there. Just nothing, I got nothing in the end. Idk why it happened ,thats not even important anymore but it's just like why end it without saying anything, especially after our convo about our traumas.
I guess I'm writing this to get some clearance of mind ,I know its over ,but she just made me feel so wanted and it was so real ,and out of everything that went on in my life ,she made everything and every day so much better. I don't think I deserve alot of things in life ,but I didn't deserve that. I don't know if her going on Tinder is a way to distract herself from healing or feeling since I've seen people say before that people do after breakups/leaving people to like distract themselves cuz there's no way she's processed everything. I don't wanna be told that she doesn't deserve me ,or her to be insulted cuz I don't hate her ,I just hate the things that made her into the person she is ,the trauma ,all the pain that's internalised in her ,that she isn't even consciously aware of.
This isn't a post asking how to get her back ,it's just a post of trying to get peoples perspectives on it. It was the first time ever where I largely felt like I did nothing to make someone stop liking me or like it was my fault ,like obviously I wasn't perfect and neither is she ,but she had what I wanted ,and she made me feel understood. I know I have to move on ,but just I'm kinda just desperate to get POVs and opinions on this.
Thank you for reading if you have ,it means more to me than youll ever understand..
submitted by LifeAdventurous6243 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:01 rowdyrecords Swollen thyroid so bad I can't sleep.

Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong subreddit. I'm just frustrated.
So I'm not officially diagnosed with Hashimoto's but my Dr is thinking it's what I have. I have all the symptoms, and my antibodies are 1300 but my thyroid function is normal. It's been since November that I've been having pretty horrid symptoms, mostly muscle pain, joint pain, and all over pain. I also found I have 2 bulging discs in my back that are only getting worse. The main artery to my heart is also swollen a tad now (I don't know the details, that's just what my Dr told me).
Now the newest symptom that's been developing and getting worse is my throat. I think my thyroid is swollen and it's getting increasingly harder to swallow. I can't breathe very deeply without a LOT of effort. When I go try to sleep, I can feel my body stop breathing because of it and it jolts me away and it happened all night. I couldn't sleep very well and I'm exhausted. I want to cut it out.
I've been put on 25mg of levothyroxine for only 5 days to see if it helps my fatigue.
I love my Dr and she's been the only one to listen and believe after years of seeing drs and expressing pain. They all told me to lose weight and come back. Turns out my pain is real and not just caused by weight. But I think it's time I see someone who knows more about Hashimoto's or thyroid issues in general because I don't know if she's making the right moves?
I am going to request a scan of my thyroid because I can now feel the swelling on my neck and it's only getting worse.
Idk. I'm so tired and so done with everything.
submitted by rowdyrecords to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:00 aloethere332 How to do 3 nap day schedule without a ridiculously early or late bedtime? Baby only catnaps

How to do 3 naps when baby only takes 40 minute naps all day?
We have upped all wake windows to the average minimum for his age (2 hours). However, we still end up with an early bedtime at like 6:10pm because of his short catnaps 😩 squeezing in 4 naps is extremely difficult.
If we throw in another nap, he'll have a 9-10pm bedtime which isn't feasible as he gets up at 7:15 on the dot and I like to go to bed early...
My son is 5 months old, EBF and fwiw feeds several times a night (every 2-3 hours). His wake windows are generally 2/2.25/2.25/2.75, sometimes he wants a shorter morning before his first nap.
submitted by aloethere332 to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:59 Klutzy_Drummer357 Mold and Roaches in Rental - Charlotte, NC

TL;DR- Roaches in Charlotte NC rental present since first day of move in, discovered mold shortly after. Have only been here since 4/10. Landlord has not responded to requests about these issues since 4/24 (but did respond to a message I sent about a separate issue that same day). Signed pest addendum saying I am responsible for pests, but I feel like there is no way I can be expected to handle a pest problem that was present before I even moved in.
I just moved into a single family rental. Of course the landlord (which is a family owned real estate company, her sons are the maintenance guys, and her husband is a partner as well), seemed great. I drove 7 hours, did the walk through by myself and told her we would take it. I reviewed the lease in detail, and signed it along with a couple addendums.
On my first night here, there was a cockroach on the wall. I have never lived this far south but I was aware it a bit more buggy...so I chalked it up to no big deal, probably came inside as we were moving stuff in. However, we have seen roaches every single night since we moved in. I tried to handle it with Ortho spray, inside and out along all the baseboards, but they are still an issue. I submitted a request regarding the matter on their online portal. On top of that, while spraying the Ortho around the house, I chased a roach into the bathroom and watched it crawl down the hole in the floor in the bathroom closet that I hadn't noticed. There is trim missing there, and what very much looks like mold and water damage in that corner. We have only been here two weeks. So I submitted a request for a mold inspection as well. Additionally, I pulled the oven away from the wall to spray there as well and noticed there was roach feces all along the trim. It is obvious this house has had a roach problem prior to us arriving.
There was a host of other issues during these past 2 weeks, and normally the maintenance people would respond within a day. I was informed it is monitored 24/7. I asked about having deadbolts installed in a separate request at the very same time I put in requests about the mold and the cockroaches. They responded about the locks, but completely ignored the other two requests. That was on 4/24.
In my lease, I signed an addendum stating the tenant is responsible for pest control. However, I feel like this cannot mean I am responsible for an issue that very obviously existed before we even moved in. On top of that, I signed a mold addendum that basically said I would do whatever I can to mitigate mold issues like run exhaust fans when cooking or showering, etc.
I have rented most of my life because I travel for work. I have never had an issue with any landlord. I always leave the place clean and give it a deep scrub before I leave. However, I am afraid they will try to pin the mold damage and cockroach infestation on me when my lease is up. I am not sure what to do. I have tried reading NC laws regarding this issue but I am coming up short. I don't even know what to say to my landlord because they have not responded at all regarding the issue and I even sent a follow up message on both of those requests on 4/26. The requests I put in go to maintenance. I am considering sending her an email directly as well and maybe mention I could just call code enforcement and they could come inspect the property.. I would like to keep the peace and handle this in a civil manner, but I am becoming worried.
submitted by Klutzy_Drummer357 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:59 KnightJamba Most underrated/overhated song(s) from each album

Based on various factors such as:
My song rating vs views on YT ratio
Songs i think are better than what the established consensus suggest.
Curveball songs; songs that deviate thematically, melodically or lyrically from the general album sound.
What do you guys think?
Please Please Me Chains/Misery
With The Beatles All I’ve Got To Do/I Wanna Be Your Man
A Hard Day’s Night Tell Me Why/I’m Happy Just To Dance With You
Beatles For Sale Every Little Thing/Mr.Moonlight The vocals should suffice to never be considered to be one of their worst songs.
Help! Tell Me What You See/ The Night Before
Rubber Soul Wait/Think For Yourself
Revolver Taxman/Got To Get You Into My Life
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Being For The Benefit Of Mr.Kite!/When I’m Sixty-Four
Magical Mystery Tour Blue Jay Way/The Fool On The Hill
White Album Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey, (Long, Long, Long)/ Glass Onion, Honey Pie, (Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da)
Yellow Submarine It’s All Too Much/ Yellow Submarine
Abbey Road Her Majesty/ Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
Let It Be Dig A Pony
submitted by KnightJamba to beatles [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:58 LivingPresence7252 Is vomiting normal during an attack?

Whenever I (20f) have an attack, I end up vomiting every ~15 - 30min. This continues until I end up vomiting bile, and most of the time I am dry heaving and nothing ends up coming out. I started experiencing gallbladder pain in November of last year and went to the ER to get checked out since the pain lasted anywhere from three to six hours and was getting unbearable (this is when i learned I had gallstones). Before my gallbladder started acting up I was around 180lbs and am now 157lbs as I've been trying to avoid surgery by cutting out all fatty/oily foods due to funds. I experienced a pretty rough attack a few days ago because I caved and decided to eat a few Ribs at a family get-together - a big mistake. I was bedbound pretty much the entire day, and was dry-heaving throughout the attack. Is dry heaving/vomiting normal for people who are suffering with gallstones? I was told that magnesium supplements can help and heating pads are a genuine lifesaver when I am experiencing an attack. I am looking into scheduling a removal hopefully soon. Thank you in advance for your replies
submitted by LivingPresence7252 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:58 Different_Strain_312 Footage from the stalk last night

Here's the video from the Boar I stalked last night I feel like I hit him a bit far back but he was quartering away. That round went through his lung and was recovered inside the far side of the hide after blowing through the shoulder musclethoracic cavity/lung and opposite rib cage. Part 2 to come where he drops on the second shot.
submitted by Different_Strain_312 to NightVision [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:57 mightyatom4761 First timer…

Seasoned the Traeger last night and had the initial run today. It was my first time using any sort of smoker. I went with 4 bone (~5lb) beef rib and 5 pound brisket. The beef rib I salt/peppered and left in the fridge overnight. Then I took both this morning and lightly coated them in BBQ sauce and a beef dry rub. Fired up the Traeger to 225 and had them on a little before 8 Am. By 3-4 the brisket temp was still reading 160. The beef rib was 180. Crank the heat to 250 the beef rib then came up to 205 around 630/7 the brisket never got a reading over 175/80 at the end of the day. The beef rib was delicious. Tender and flavorful. The brisket had OK flavor but was seemingly very tough. I also initially sliced it too thick as well.
So basically open to any and all advice here maybe I’ve been off more than I can chew for the first time doing both a beef rib and a brisket.
FYI, I used Bear Mountain gourmet pellet blend. I also spritz a few times with a combo of vinegar, coffee and beer.
submitted by mightyatom4761 to Traeger [link] [comments]
