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Belarus Maidan, protests, uprising of the people of Belarus

2020.07.31 13:04 ceesaart Belarus Maidan, protests, uprising of the people of Belarus

Belarus Maidan, protests, uprising of the people of Belarus, promoting Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya. A un-biased source of news, analysis, discussion and investigative journalism of Russia's actions in and against Belarus. Facts makes the difference between NEWS and PROPAGANDA.

2024.06.07 21:25 waqar2501 The Marks are in the ring trying to feed their families 😢

submitted by waqar2501 to SCJerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:15 Morrywolf End Game Content Proposal: Economy and Resource Sink

I got an idea for end game content for this game which potentially could solve Balance issue and give a reason to exist for underwhelming weapon as well. Current Situation players above level 50 in Helldivers 2 encounter a cap on resource utilization, leading to a plateau in engagement and replayability. Extending the level cap to 150 is a temporary solution that introduces balancing challenges if you add even more stratagems and weapon to cover those 100 reward-empty levelsw. A more sustainable approach is to implement mechanisms that maintain game balance and replayability when players are already max level.

Proposed Solution

Introduce a new tier of difficulty levels (10-15) accompanied by an economy and resource sink system. This system will ensure that high-level players have continual challenges and meaningful ways to spend their accumulated resources.

Difficulty Levels 10-15

Economic Model

Risk and Reward

Community and Collaboration

Game Balance

Additional Features

By implementing this comprehensive economy and resource sink system, Helldivers 2 can maintain engagement and replayability for high-level players, ensuring the game remains balanced and exciting over the long term. I hope the dev see this and consider my solution.
submitted by Morrywolf to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:00 GentlemanlyAdvice The Completely True Story of How a Filthy Gweilo Married the Most Beautiful Girl in the World

I was a damaged person. But I was on the mend.
I had a pretty traumatic break up with my childhood best friend, turned girlfriend. I had known her since we were 8 years old. We had been boyfriend and girlfriend since we were 13 and had been so for 9 years until my junior year of college when she cheated on me in a very cruel way. It came to light that she had cheated on me many times before as well.
I loved her so god damn much! I thought we were one of those stories where two souls were knitted together from eternity to eternity, or some hallmark card bullshit like that.
I was emotionally shattered and it took me a while until one day about 2 years later, I woke up and thought about her, but then realized that I hadn't thought about her at all the previous day. It was glorious and I knew then that I was on the mend. After that, my healing process sort of exponentially snowballed and I was back in the saddle as far as relationships went. I started going on dates and meeting up with women.
I was a software engineer working for a large corporation. Because I was good at my job, and because I didn't have a family, I was given the opportunity to move to Singapore and lead a project there for what would be a couple of years but turned out to be 7 years.
The great thing about Singapore is that they speak the "King's English" when they're not speaking "Singlish" (a patois of mostly English with funky grammar, but with Malay, Chinese, and Hindi thrown in). So I didn't have to learn a whole new language to fit in. I just had to learn how to translate Singlish to English, which wasn't too hard after a couple of months of trying. I even learned the lingo and it would amuse my coworkers a whole lot when I spoke Singlish. They thought it was hilarious.
I was a good looking guy (still am!!) but I really let myself go in my depression. I was a tall, muscular 210 pounds when I broke up with my ex, but I had ballooned up to over 300 pounds. I started a workout regimen and lost it all but the workout regimen became sort of an obsession. It was the one thing that grounded me. After I went to Singapore, one of my business perks was a gym membership at "Fitness First", a local gym franchise. I was down to my previous weight, but I had to practically camp out at the gym because the best thing about Singapore is the FOOD. The food is incredible! However, you WILL pack on the weight if you don't get your ass to the gym.
The meet cute
I was working out one day much later than normal due to some overtime on my project and I saw a girl on a treadmill. The treadmill was the one I usually use because it was in the back and kind of out of the way. The girl was stunning! The thing that stuck out to me was that she was had her hair in a pony tail through a ball cap, which is a look I find very attractive. I was a little nervous because, even though I was fairly confident about the way I look, I was definitely batting out of my league with this girl.
I went to her and chatted her up after she got off of the treadmill. She didn't look me in the eye and didn't really engage. I figured that I had acted like what is now known as a "gym creep" and I figured it was a "swing and a miss!" I apologized and said I wouldn't bother her anymore. I stuck out my hand and said "I'm OP, by the way. What's your name?"
She hesitated and looked at me for a bit and said "Lilly" (not her real name).
I remember this exactly because she later said that it was what intrigued her about me. At the time, she was an actress/model who had done some print/public billboard type ads, product demo booths at expos, and even a bit part in a local tv (Mediacorp) series. She had started to attract public attention because of these (mainly the TV show and the ads that were hanging all around town at that time) not just from men but from women too and it was super uncomfortable for her.
The fact that I had no idea who she was relaxed her and made her think that I was attracted to her for her and not because her face was everywhere at the time. After she told me about it, I did notice her face everywhere. But photoshop was a thing even back then, so I didn't recognize her from her ads and I really don't look at ads, tuning them out. I also didn't watch her TV show because it was in Mandarin Chinese and I don't speak or understand any Chinese, and I wasn't in a position where I was required to attend or arrange trade shows.
In the years prior to meeting me, Lilly had undergone a lot of plastic surgery (breast, eyelid, facial contouring, nose job, lipo, etc). She said it got to where she didn't recognize herself in the mirror and it disturbed and depressed her. She hadn't particularly wanted the surgery but she got the procedures done at the behest of her family who wanted her to bring in more money and the people in charge of her career development (don't know the term). It was all very expensive and she felt like she owed her family and the talent people who managed her.
Later, I found out that she hated the public recognition. Not just from men, but mostly from women who were really catty about her plastic surgery. The people in charge of her were pushing her to start singing but she didn't have a good voice and would need a bunch of training for that. She was depressed due to not recognizing herself in the mirror any more and didn't want to follow the career track that she had been on. They were pushing her to do more figure/body modeling which was why she was in the gym. She was SUPER uncomfortable with that and constantly hungry and pissed off.
She was afraid that she would do some more modeling and then get married off by her parents to some rich mainland Chinese man that she would be ambivalent about (she preferred Caucasian men) and she'd be forced to be a traditional pampered Chinese wife living in Beijing.(Doesn't sound that bad to me. Some of those Chinese businessmen live crazy luxurious lifestyles.
Since I was working a lot of overtime, I kept going to the gym later at night and we saw each other and I would wave and smile and she would smile and wave back. OK I was kinda hoping to meet her regularly. I spotted her on a couple of exercises and we began to chat with each other a bit. A couple of times I had to steady her because she was fainting from being hungry and working out at the same time. I used that as an excuse to take her out to a hawker center, which like a mall food court but with delicious local food (not chain restaurants). We chatted and got along really well. It became a regular thing until I confessed I had a crush on her. We started dating after that until it got to a point where she practically moved into my place.
She, of course, had her share of guys interested in her. She was on livejournal at the time (remember livejournal??) and she was doing that and posting pictures of herself for her career mostly, but I'm sure she did enjoy the attention. She had one guy from Belgium who was really after her. He actually bought her 800 thread count sheets, which is an oddly practical but vaguely inappropriate gift. He actually visited Singapore on business (he was a tech sales guy) and wanted to meet up with her in a public place, a hawker center. I still had trust issues from my previous "love of my life" betraying me. To this day, I cringe at my behavior at the time, but I laid down a clear boundary. She could absolutely go see and hang out with this guy if she wanted to, but if she did, she'd be doing it as a single available girl and we would be through. She said she saw my face "turn to stone" and it was clear that she would lose me if she went to meet up with that guy. That honestly gave her pause about our relationship and she really considered ending it at the time. I didn't know that until much later, though. Certainly, I'm glad that she didn't. She didn't go meet up with the guy. To this day, we call the incident "The Belgian Waffle". OK so I call it that, she thinks it's stupid.
Meeting her family
Eventually, Lilly asked if I could have dinner with her parents, saying that they wanted to meet me. I bought some gifts, basically Japanese cookies in really nice packaging, and then we met. I did the traditional thing and formally introduced myself and asked them about their family and history.
At the time, Lilly got some criticism from her extended family because I am a white guy. There was a certain stigma attached to local girls who liked white guys. They called those girls "SPGs" which stands for "Sarong Party Girls", a derogatory name for the prostitutes who would entertain British expats at after hours parties "back in the day".
Over the next few months, I won over her family mainly by eating their food and being accepting of their culture. I grew up in Texas, so pickled jalapenos were common in my salt and pepper, we put them on everything. Later on, I was the kind of guy who put tabasco or sriracha on everything. So eating their spicy food was no problem for me. I remember us both going shopping at an open air market and seeing an older woman cutting up cili padi. I asked if I could try some. She looked at my pale face and then at Lilly and she said I could. I bit into one and chewed it up as the woman looked at me with an amused look on her face. She was waiting for me to jump up and down with fire shooting out of my mouth, I guess. I disappointed her, but she and Lilly were impressed. She later told her mother and she was impressed too. She wanted me to eat one for her as well. Oh well, trained monkey time I guess.
The real test came when I tried Durian for the first time. This is the same food that "defeated" Andrew Zimmern, the "Bizarre Foods" guy. I actually liked it. I had a D24 durian, which admittedly is like the "beginner version" of durians. There are like 16 different types. When you get past the smell and actually taste it, it doesn't smell that bad any more. It's very sweet and creamy. It's like the taste overwrites your disgust of the smell. I think that's what really impressed them to an extreme degree. They started calling me an "egg", because I was "white on the outside but yellow on the inside."
I would visit her grandmother with her. In true Chinese fashion, Lilly and her brother Johnny were raised by their paternal grandparents while their parents worked full time jobs, so her grandmother was like her mom. She was in an elder care facility at this point, though. She didn't like living there, but it was all they could afford. We would visit her every week and she'd be very happy. She didn't speak any English at all so she and Lilly would just chat speaking Hokkien Chinese while her grandmother would pet my hairy forearms like I was a dog. She was absolutely smitten with my hairy forearms.
Meeting my family
After a little over a year, I took her back to Texas to meet my family. It was quite the culture shock. Lilly was amazed by red barns and hay bales, black and white Holstein cows, things she saw in movies about the USA. She particularly was impressed by the cluster mailboxes lined up on country roads ("So cute, leh!") We actually had to stop the car and take pictures of her standing next to them, smiling goofily for the photo. I made sure to take her to the Texas hill country during spring, when the hills are covered with soft green grass and festooned with bluebonnets, sunflowers, indian paintbrushes, black eyed susans, daisies, etc. I had to practically hold her down to keep her from picking them. It's not illegal or anything, it's just frowned upon and tradition to leave them alone. OK, I let her pick some. Give me a break, I was in love with the girl.
Driving was also something that kind of boggled her mind. Texas is huge, and traveling from my parents' place to visit my brothers and their families was a seemingly endless trek. Driving from Houston to Austin, to Corpus Christi was crazy long, even with the stops to visit my relatives.
Lilly was practically agoraphobic at the big sky in Texas. She was used to being in a forest of tall concrete and steel buildings, with only strips of blue sky available at the top. In Texas that sky went from horizon to horizon. She was also amazed at the uncountable numbers of stars at night away from the city lights. She later told me it was like visiting Narnia or something.
In Texas, she got her share of looks from guys, especially in the bigger cities. I wasn't jealous. I've never been a jealous guy, although my experience with my ex "love of my life" really put my radar up, I still was proud that other guys were attracted to her. My attitude was "go ahead and eat your hearts out, she's with me!"
When she met my oldest brother, it was like a cultural thing with her, so she was very deferential and respectful. I knew that my oldest brother was attracted to her because he was stumbling and stuttering when he was speaking to her, looking at her but kind of avoiding looking at her. I wasn't too concerned because he was a married guy with 2 sons and not a scumbag, but it was still pretty amusing to see "Mr. Smooth-don't-let-em-know-you-want-em-kid" at a loss for words.
My parents met Lilly finally (she was super nervous but she did really well) and later my mom brought me aside and asked me if she should re-set her mother's diamond engagement ring. I thought about it a bit, and then told her "yes". My mom's eyes started sparkling with images of unborn grandchildren and she smiled bigger than I had ever seen her smile (kind of unsettling actually). My dad later brought me aside and basically told me I couldn't do any better and I would be a "god damn fool" if I let her get away from me. I agreed. My dad then told me something that remains with me to this day: "She will make your life sparkle, son." (she has).
Before our time in the US was up my mom gave me the ring and I asked Lilly to be my wife in a field of wildflowers, which had become her favorite place to be in Texas. She said yes. Looking back, that was one of the happiest days of my life. It was up there with losing my virginity to "the love of my life" (who turned out to be a duplicitous crazy person but at the time it was really special), my wedding day to Lilly, and the births of our children.
The Engagement
When we got back to Singapore we had to pretend we weren't engaged because I had to ask her parents for their daughter's hand in marriage. I spoke with them and explained how my prospects in my career were good. I told them that I loved their daughter and that my family also loved their daughter. We had to schedule a phone call between my parents and her parents.
I had clued my parents in as far as the traditions go. In Chinese culture, the groom pays for the wedding rather than the bride. The groom also has to give the bride's parents certain auspicious gifts. My parents luckily had done a tour of China a few years before and knew all of this beforehand, having befriended their local tour guide who was saving up money for his own wedding at the time. On the call, they agreed upon a pinjin, which is basically "betrothal money". We started to plan the Guo Da Li ceremony which would take place in 3 months time, and 3 months before the wedding.
Unfortunately life threw us a curve ball and Lilly's grandmother died. It was bittersweet because, while Lilly missed her, her grandmother had become very old and infirm to the point where her quality of life was pretty low. All wedding stuff was put on hiatus until the funeral was over plus 100 days for mourning.
After that, we were able to do the Guo Da Li ceremony. I gave my future in laws a red packet of money plus special cakes and 12 mandarin oranges and gold jewelry. It all went very well.
Wedding planning started in earnest. I got some money from my dad (who insisted) but the lion's share was out of my pocket. During this process I was able to meet some incredible people. The stand outs were Richard and Jimmy. Rich and Jimmy were tailors and dressmakers. They were a couple and they gave my fiancĂŠe a really good deal on a wedding dress and cocktail dress if she agreed to do some print modeling for their business. They also made me a tuxedo and a suit. I offered to model for them as well and we all had a good laugh at that prospect (OK they were doing most of the laughing - ego still hurts from that one, guys).
The venue we were using was Chijmes. It's the same one used in the move "Crazy Rich Asians". It was back when they had first started offering it up as a venue so it wasn't crazy expensive at the time. Plus, it was a smaller venue for weddings. Usually weddings are held in large hotel ballrooms and are huge affairs (this is what I was told). The families both invite everyone they've ever met to come: Neighbors, business contacts, everyone. They all bring red packets filled with cash. We opted for the "small" wedding.
The Bachelor Party
We had planned bachelobachelorette parties on the same night (separate venues). Lilly's MOH threw hers while Rich and Jimmy threw mine. My best man was my dad (because he's the best man that I know) and so cigars and brandy would have been disappointing to my work friends and my future brother in law and cousins. I don't think anyone was prepared for what happened.
We had the party at the sushi restaurant of a friend of Rich and Jimmy's. It was after hours. We had some incredible sashimi and rolls. I even tried fish sperm. Didn't like it. I asked Jimmy are you sure it's FISH, sperm?? He said of course he'd never do that to me. To be fair, it did taste and smell very fishy. I don't know how human sperm tastes like (or maybe I do now, I don't know).
After the sushi was done, it was time for the entertainment, and oh boy. Rich and Jimmy hired a trans entertainer who sang show tunes. The thing is, she had an incredible voice. She was obviously biologically male, but she really carried herself with a lot more femininity than I've seen from biological women. She sang and told jokes and roasted me pretty thoroughly. My dad was there and he thought it was funny as hell. My friends from work, especially the Aussies and Brits, thought it was great, my future BIL and most of my future cousins did too. Other cousins politely excused themselves and left. I think the free flowing booze and beer kept most people there, though.
After her thoroughly entertaining performance, it was time for the dancers. This is kind of where it went off the rails. Rich and Jimmy hired exotic dancers...but they were all male or trans. Now, to be fair, it wasn't like they didn't tell me about it beforehand. They did. Personally, I thought it would be hilarious to announce that the strippers were here and then have male dancers come out. I have a twisted sense of humor, I suppose. I certainly wasn't going to cheat on the most beautiful woman in the world mere weeks before our wedding, so prostitutes and female dancers were completely out of the question for me. They jokingly suggested male dancers it and we laughed. I thought about it a bit and I guess I'm "take-the-joke-too-far" guy so I encouraged it. Lilly knew about it and thought it was funny as well and wanted me to video tape it while it happened. ("Yeah right you just want to ogle the dancers" "Of course, lah!")
What I wasn't prepared for was the PLATOON of banana hammocks that marched out into the restaurant. Smooth greased up Asian chests everywhere! My dad was of course shocked at first and then looked at me and we started laughing and the ridiculousness of it. My dad stood up and clapped his hand on my shoulder and put a mock serious look on his face. The people immediately around me witnessed my dad telling me that he loved me and accepted my life style choice and that nothing I could say or do would ever change the fact that he and mom loved me and accepted me. Thanks, dad. I was laughing during the whole thing and my future BIL and work buddies who were around me were laughing as well. My dad excused himself and said he had to go find my mom and tell her the "bad news about her future grandchildren" and left ("Can adopt, lah! Can surrogate, meh!" Thanks for the support, guys). My future BIL laughed and said that since all of the available male dancers were at my party, there were none available to attend his sister's party, so she was "safe".
Among the highlights of the evening is that I discovered that a few of my co-workers and future cousins were in fact gay. I was told to stay out of the ladies' room no matter what. I wasn't planning on going in but thanks for the warning. I was proud that we all only vomited in the trash cans and not on the floor (what a waste of some damn good sushi....and fish sperm). Rich and Jimmy stayed next to each other all night. I even saw them holding hands and looking at each other lovingly. To my shame, I was under the common misconception that all gay men were very promiscuous and I kind of expected them to pair off with the dancers. What I saw that night was a very loving monogamous relationship.
The Wedding Day
The day of the wedding came a few days later and I had the good fortune of being the first one in my family to experience the fun and interesting experience of a groom going through a Chinese-style wedding. I say "Chinese-style" because while we did do a lot of the traditions from a Chinese wedding, we did say vows to God before a Christian minister. This was something she insisted on as her family had converted from Taoism to Christianity (but still kept the Taoist traditions and festivals).
First up was the gatecrash. I went over to the her family's apartment and the MOH and bridesmaids stood at the door refusing to let me in unless I gave them $9999.00. Nine is a significant symbol to them. It means "longevity" I think. So the whole idea is for me to haggle the price down by doing challenges and games. I had to do a handstand and walk with my hands. I had to answer trivia questions ("What is her nickname for you?" "Cranky old man" "What is your nickname for her?" "Baby"). BIL and I had to do "the worm". I haggled them down to $99 which I paid to them in a red packet. My BIL and wife chided me for not going lower but my dad was there and was in his 70s and couldn't do any feats of strength.
After I "secured" my bride, we did the traditional tea ceremony with her parents and my parents. Lilly was dressed in a traditional red silk qipao, tailor made by Rich and Jimmy. I gotta tell you people, the qipao really does it for me! Not gonna lie, it was like cupid gut punched me when I saw her dressed in it . My parents were pretty stoic throughout but my mom sympathy cried with Lilly's parents when she tearfully did the tea ceremony with her mother and father. We received red packets from each set of parents. I was told the red packet her parents gave us had most of the bride price we paid in it. Her mom gave her her grandmother's jeweled antique watch and my mom gave her a sapphire ring (sapphire is my birth stone). As we left her home to go to Chijmes, I told her "we're keeping that dress, understand me??" She laughed.
We got to Chijmes, did the photos and she walked down the aisle in a beautiful white dress with a small train behind it with sequins on it. My dad gave me the ring. He was my best man. He was my best man because he's the best man I know. After the wedding, she changed into a champagne colored strapless cocktail dress another Rich and Jimmy original. THREE wardrobe changes, people! THREE! All with different hair and make up and she did it super quick. I don't know what wizardry was invoked but we may be indebted to the hoary netherworld.
We honeymooned at the Fullerton Hotel. The old British colonial Post Office was converted to a luxury hotel in 2001. We stayed there for 3 days ordering overpriced room service ("Go to hawker center, lah! Much cheaper better food, meh!).
Emigration and Immigration
So a little bit before this time, a little event happened in New York. You might have heard about it. Anyway because some sexually repressed incels decided to murder thousands of people, USA's immigration was all jacked up. The INS went bye-bye. Then we had the BCIS for a brief moment, followed by the USCIS. I saw that my project was ending and my company helped me with her immigration. It was a pain, though. It seems like we had new forms to fill out every week while the old ones became obsolete. That's how I remember it, anyway. It was a pretty frustrating time and I almost had to leave her behind (it wouldn't have been permanent but it would be a long time). Luckily we were able to make it time.
For explanation purposes, we didn't get LEGALLY married in Singapore. We had the religious ceremony but no "government contracts" were involved. This is because, at that time at least, it was easier to bring over a fiancĂŠe than a wife, for some reason. So Lilly was a "90 Day FiancĂŠe"!! We got married at the county courthouse when we finally were able to go to my new project. We didn't wait 90 days. We did in three (jet lag).
Unfortunately for her, we moved from Singapore, a 24 hour international class city, to a sleepy seaside town in the USA near a military base. Lots of fun was had with that. A total fish out of water story for another time (What is this "coin laundry"? Do you Americans have a place to wash your coins?).
My BIL got married to a beautiful girl and moved to Australia and opened a Bait and Tackle store in Surfer's Paradise on the east coast of Australia. He has 2 daughters. In 2012 he was caught cheating on his wife and lost everything. She moved back to Singapore with his kids, and he kind of struggled for a while. He got another bait and tackle store eventually and tries to see his daughters whenever he can. They don't have a good relationship.
Rich and Jimmy celebrated the decriminalization of homosexuality in Singapore in 2022, but they still can't get married. We still talk from time to time. Writing this, I find myself missing them. I had some really fun times because of them. I've never had better conversations in Singapore than with them while at Lilly's dress fittings (and my suit fittings).
We have been married for 21 years. She has never given up being a Singaporean citizen. She keeps her passport current. She's a "permanent resident" here in the USA. We have three kids, two boys and a girl. We are still married. She still wears her hair in a pony tail with a ball cap when she works out. She still wears that qipao on special occasions, which I try to achieve as often as possible. She's still my Baby and I'm still her Cranky Old Man.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by GentlemanlyAdvice to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:57 Independent_Wind7841 National Capitalism vs. Global Socialism

1) Ban offshore corporations & offshore elites from owning anything in my country
2) Abolish WEF & UN
3) Eliminate income tax on wages on citizens
4) Eliminate sales tax on citizens
5) Eliminate cap gains tax on citizens
6) Legal immigration = good. Illegal immigration = bad
7) Eliminate corruption by government officials
8) US currency should only be used to help US citizens.
submitted by Independent_Wind7841 to CapitalismVSocialism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:14 packmanwiscy r/NFL Top 100 Players of the 2023 Season - #100-91

Welcome to The 100-91 Reveal for the NFL Top 100 Players of the 2023 Season!

Players whose average rank landed them in places 100-91 are on this portion of the list revealed today. Players are associated with the team they finished playing for at the end of the 2023 season
Below you will see some write-ups from the community summarizing the players’ 2023 season and why they were among the best in 2023. Stats for each player are included below. Additionally, their ranks from previous years are available for y’all to see


Link to more detailed writeup on our methodology
And without further ado, here are the players ranked 100-91 in the NFL Top 100 Players of the 2023 Season!

#100 - Stefon Diggs - Buffalo Bills - Wide Receiver

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
22 38 10 74 N/A N/A N/A N/A​
Written by: u/BlackTieClip
Following yet another offseason of cryptic tweets and drama, Stefon Diggs showed up from the onset of the 2023 season as red hot as the lasers he was catching off the arm of Josh Allen - making it clear he came to play and leave everything out on the field. However, 2023 was a tale of two Diggs’ - and that's not a reference to Stefon's brother, Trevon, who unfortunately was out for the season prior to their two teams facing off in week 15.
Through the first 6 games of the year, Stefon Diggs was averaging 8 catches, 104 Yards, and nearly a touchdown per game. During that time, the Bills passing offense funneled the ball through Diggs and relied on his ability to make plays all over the field to remain productive. Diggs answered the call and delivered the type of results we've come to expect of him, however just like the team itself, Diggs’ season would fall off pretty harshly following the team's week 6 match up against the Giants. In the 11 remaining games of the season, he failed to produce a single 100-yard outing and would only catch 3 more total touchdowns on the year. It's important to acknowledge that the Bills as a whole struggled offensively between weeks 5 and 10, directly leading to Offensive Coordinator Ken Dorsey's firing after Buffalo’s week 10, 24-22, loss to Denver - a game in which Diggs only caught 3 passes for a total of 34 yards.
Once Joe Brady stepped in as Interim Coordinator, the Bills offense began healing as a result of changes made to their strategy, changes which resulted in a more balanced attack that trusted the run game and prioritized spreading passes around to a wider selection of targets in the air. This shift meant Diggs was on the field less, in addition to receiving less targets when he was out there running routes. The impact of this change is most plainly obvious when comparing Diggs’ stats from weeks 1-8 to 9-16. While this adjustment ultimately worked out in Buffalo's favor (they would close out the last 7 games of the year with a 6-1 record), it did drive an unfortunate statistical drop for Diggs. Diggs would still flash his elite hands and skills often enough to finish the season respectively though, earning a spot in the pro-bowl as well as finishing #13 in total receiving yards and #7 in total receptions. Tragically, what he will probably be remembered most for this past year (at least in the minds of Bills Mafia) will be the ugly, game-altering drop he had late in the Divisional round matchup against Kansas City.
Throughout 2023 there were all manner of rumors on whether Diggs was playing through an undisclosed injury or experiencing a falling out with the organization, true or not, it would be foolish to claim that Diggs isn't still a premier pass catcher in the NFL. Now a Houston Texan, Stefon Diggs will serve as another weapon for C.J. Stroud to take advantage of in 2024. Assuming he doesn't destroy the culture in Houston by manifesting into some sort of target-hoovering diva-demon like all the tired sports media personalities predict, expect the former Bills Captain to be a key contributor for the Texans next year.

#99 - Lavonte David - Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Off-Ball Linebacker

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
60 95 43 76 N/A 35 N/A 99 27 11 N/A​
Written by: u/Ronon_Dex
After flirting with retirement and leaving Tampa Bay last offseason, Lavonte David stuck around for another year as a Buccaneer - year 12 (and soon to be year 13). And it paid off, yet again, as David stayed the impactful, complete LB he has been for over a decade.
Playing 956 (98%) defensive snaps, David was impactful across the board, recording 99 tackles (134 combined per pfr) with a 5.7% missed tackle rate, 4.5 sacks with 19 total pressures on only 76 pass rush opportunities, 5 forced incompletions and 1.1 yards per cover snap, and a ridiculous 61 run stops and 17 TFLs. His coverage stats took a bit of a dip from the past, but he was still solid while being incredibly impactful against the run. He's smart - see here how he diagnoses quickly, and beats the blocker to the spot before sticking the TE for a loss. He's exceptional at slithering through OLs - see here and here how he uses his speed and awareness to split through holes in the line and finish the play before it can start. Despite being 33, he's still really fast - if you're late on rotating in pass protection, he's already past you and sacking the QB. And he's always had a nose for the football.
David has been one of my favorite players of the 2010s and it will be sad to see him go. Few LBs are as complete as Lavonte has been for his career - he can do everything you want from an offball LB. Given that he's likely to retire pretty soon, this might be the last time he appears on this list, so I'm gonna break the rules a bit. Lavonte has always stood out statistically in two ways, by forcing fumbles and TFLs. As for FFs, the only LB with more is Cornelius Bennett, who was somewhat of a hybrid rushbacke4-3 OLB. Which means that among true off ball LBs, nobody has forced more fumbles than Lavonte David (tbf only tracked reliably since 1993). Similarly, I've never seen a player as adept at slicing through blockers to make a TFL. He has 160 career TFLs, 9th all time. No other offball LB is in the top 20, and only 4 other LBs have even 100. We might as well start giving out the "Lavonte David award" to whoever leads LBs in TFLs.
Put him in the HOF, cowards.

#98 - Bradley Chubb - Miami Dolphins - EDGE Rusher

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A​
Written by: u/cnvas_home
One word has followed Chubb throughout his career: Dynamic. Coming into his second year in a Dolphins jersey off a five-year, $110 million contract extension (recently restructured in the wake of injury)—Chubb managed to arguably elevate to higher levels of said dynamic play than even in previous seasons that saw him earn Pro Bowl recognition.
In 16 games this season, Chubb managed to thrive in a defense that utilized its front 7 in unconventional manners. Of the 837 snaps Chubb played: 36% of snaps against the rush, 57% against the pass, and 7% in pass coverage (top 20 in EDGE coverage snaps…over a dozen in the slot). Amongst his position, Chubb posted a top 10 pass rush win rate per ESPN along with top 15 pass rush and top 5 coverage grades per PFF respectively. This showed with 11 sacks, 73 total tackles, 44 hurries, and 6 forced fumbles (t-1st in NFL) over the season.
Chubb has an uphill battle going into the next season with a torn ACL acquired in Week 17 against the Ravens. Still in the prime of his career and a leader within the locker room, Chubb certainly seeks to return to this level of form as soon as possible. There's a lot of money on the table for him.

#97 - Kolton Miller - Las Vegas Raiders - Offensive Tackle

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A​
Written by: u/ExpirjTec
Offensive tackles have always been highly sought after for one important reason; to keep their franchise quarterback healthy. Miller had a slightly different objective; keep Jimmy Garoppolo handsome, it's fine if he misses the season since he was far from a franchise quarterback; but Miller excelled, allowing the least pressures (only 16 pressures per PFF, compared to 18 for Tyron Smith and Trent Williams) out of any premier tackle. While he missed a few games due to a shoulder injury, Miller put in enough work to prove he's a top 100 player in the league.
Always one of the more underappreciated OTs in the league, Miller's impact was best felt by his absence; in the first missed game of his career, Jets defenders got to Aidan O'Connell several times, and the rest of the offensive line just looked flimsy.
Combining agile, quick footwork with enough armpower to seal off some of the biggest men in the NFL, Miller quietly dominated opposing pass rushers, and #74 could even scale multiple levels on the run to help his team generate big plays. Even when it didn't seem like there was much worth fighting for, Miller never gave up hope.

#96 - Dion Dawkins - Buffalo Bills - Offensive Tackle

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A​
Written by: u/Man_0n_F1re
The shnowman cracks the top 100 this year after a dominating performance in the trenches all season long. While offensive line play can be hard to parse and judge, Dawkins ranked 4th in the league among OTs in pass rush win rate at 93% and only allowed 1 sack. The 30-year-old from New Jersey (famously the home of the Giants and Jets) also provided numerous rare O-line highlights, such as the absolute shnowplow of a block he delivered against the Cowboys’ Damone Clark. His arguably career-best season also saw him named to the Pro Bowl for the third straight year.
The Bills shook up their skill positions on offense this off-season, but the core of the offensive line remains largely the same, and Dawkins will certainly be a leader of the unit. This off-season he signed a 3-year, $60.5 million extension, making him one of the highest-paid offensive linemen in the league. He has played in at least 15 games each season of his career so far, and Buffalo is clearly banking on his production to continue as the rest of the offense takes a new shape.
This year, Dawkins was also Buffalo's nominee for the Walter Payton Man of the Year award, due in large part to his foundation Dion's Dreamers, which provides mentoring services to troubled youth. Dawkins has become highly involved in the Buffalo community since being drafted in the 2nd round in 2017.

#95 - James Cook - Buffalo Bills - Running Back

Previous Ranks
Written by: u/packmanwiscy
Being a running back in Josh Allen’s offense is a bit tricky. Allen is virtually a one-man offense, willing to not only sling the rock deep but also bruise out some yards on the ground for himself. For most of Allen’s tenure in Buffalo, Bills running backs haven’t been the most productive, failing to produce a single season with more than 1,100 scrimmage yards. When Buffalo selected James Cook in the 2nd round of the draft last year, they sought to give Allen a workhorse back that could efficiently eat touches and take the load off of Allen just a bit. After a timeshare in the first year, the Bills let Devin Singletary walk and gave Cook the lead back role, and he did not disappoint.
James Cook is a true modern running back. His lightning quick acceleration allows him to hit holes hard and bounce outside if they’re plugged. He’s not the biggest or strongest back, but he can still shrug off arm tackles and churn for extra yards. Pass catching out of the backfield is a key part of his game as well, for a running back he’s very proficient at route running, catching the ball in stride, and running after the catch. He does everything you want out of a running back in the 2020’s NFL, and he rewarded the Bills with the 6th most scrimmage yards in the league. He’ll have to do quite a bit to pass his brother in career stats, but this season was a great start.

#94 - Elgton Jenkins - Green Bay Packers - Offensive Guard

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019
N/A N/A 77 N/A​
Key Stat:
Written by: u/Letsgomountaineers5
One of the most powerful and positionally versatile offensive linemen in the NFL, Elgton Jenkins’ value to, and dominance on, the Packers OL has more than earned him his place on this list. Elgton is the engine that makes the Packers' run game go. Whether it be trapping, wrapping, or pulling to lead, Elgton is the Packers’ most-pulled lineman and their best (and one of THE best in the league) elevator to the second level on inside zone and duo run plays. Finally able to hunker down and stay, more or less, in the same position for a full season, Elgton was the driving influence on the Packers finishing top 10 in yards per attempt and top half in overall rushing offense, even while being near the bottom of the NFL in called run plays. It has yet to be mentioned how great he was in pass protection this year, as well. With a younger QB who at times held the ball a bit too long, Elgton allowed 0 sacks and had one of the lowest pressure rates allowed in football.
As mentioned before, Elgton is a dominant player in the run game because of the power he executes his blocks. His main weakness throughout his career has been his feet and ability to play in space, but this year he was tasked with reaching, trapping, and pulling to lead more than ever before. And as demonstrated here, he excelled in that role. The Packers were at their best when Jenkins was tasked with doubling and elevating or climbing to the second level immediately. Here, he displaces the LOS, comes off the 3T, and gets to the backer to create a lane for the back to follow into the endzone. In this example, the player engaged with the LT does not cross the LT’s face, so he quickly climbs to backer and creates a cut back lane for the back to gain 6-7 yards. As you can see, much of what the Packers did in the run game centered around 74, and he delivered time and time again.
In the pass game, Elgton used his strong anchor and well-timed striking to shut down every interior defensive lineman he faced. 0 sacks allowed, an absurdly low 4.4% pressure rate allowed, and the sheer dominance he displayed on tape has led many experts to call him a top 3 pass protecting guard in all of football. This is probably his biggest area of growth once making it to the NFL, as he always had the power in his lower half, but has improved his base and hand placement to truly stonewall any bull rushes he faces. And if you try and get cute by swimming or, god forbid, knowing your beat and jumping to swat the ball. Well, you will probably end up on your ass. He rose to the highest levels of competition, repeatedly shutting down (three examples there) the likes of Aaron Donald on a game-by-game basis.
Overall, Elgton Jenkins continues to push the established elite at the guard position, and with continued technical improvement, he looks to rise even higher on this list next season.

#93 - Will Anderson Jr - Houston Texans - EDGE Rusher

Previous Ranks
Written by:u/ExpirjTec
Will Anderson. What a full grown manderson. Only a rookie, but already the most electric pass rusher we've had since JJ Watt. His early season stats didn't quite show it, but since week 1 he's performed at a high rate already producing one of the top pressure rates in the league and opening up opportunities for the rest of the banderson. In four months, people went from criticizing Demeco and Caserio for trading a supposedly massive draft haul to Arizona for Anderson to realizing the incredible positive impact that the trade had. All according to planderson.
In his first season, Anderson showcased great pass rush ability, always working his way into the pocket, stuffed the run effectively, and even blocked a field goal; WAJ Swat, amirite? In fact, Lil Jon is rumored to be working on a song called "Turn Down for Wanderson", Daniels music video and all. JJ Watt is one of the all-time greats, but are the Terminator-Megawatt comparisons valid? Can Area 51 stand on the same ground as the Milkman?
(Yes, those are all real nicknames.)
Anderson's rookie year compares nicely with JJ’s , both on stat sheets and the eye test, and both got even better as the year went on; WAJ also walked away with the DROY award (though he didn't have to compete with Von Miller and... Aldon Smith?) Will he follow the same trajectory as JJ? In fact, he doesn't need to. It's fine if he doesn't. We don't need the greatest defensive end of the century, because Will Anderson is already damn good, does his job, and is certain to improve even further. Maybe he'll end with a gold jacket in Canton, maybe he won't, but we don't need that. What expectations we do have of him, he's easily exceeding, and on his current trajectory -- whether JJ-like or not -- he'll continue to exceed them for a long, long, time.

#92 - Deebo Samuel - San Francisco 49ers - Wide Receiver

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019
N/A 10 N/A N/A​
Written by: u/scmsf49
Deebo Samuel's 2023 season saw him compile 1117 total yards and 12 total touchdowns in 15 games (though that 15 includes a weird injured decoy game with 0 targets, a game with 9 snaps, and a quarter in a meaningless week 18). The best metric to summarize the impact that he has on the team: the 49ers were 11-1 when Deebo played more than 33% of snaps in a game and 1-4 when he did not.
8.8 yards after the catch per reception ranked first among receivers, making this the fourth consecutive season that Deebo holds that distinction (and he was 2nd as a rookie). The ascension of Brandon Aiyuk and full season from offensive player of the year Christian McCaffrey shrunk the role of one of the league's most exciting players, but he made the most of the opportunities he got, ranking 8th in yards per target among players with 1000 yards.
The most memorable game of the year for him is undeniably his hat trick against the Eagles amidst a tense race for the 1 seed, capped off by a 46 yard all-YAC touchdown. Contrary to popular belief, this is actually not how he gets all of his touches. His longest touchdown of the season, a 54 yarder against Seattle, and one of his back shoulder TDs (a new feature off the offense this year!) put the wide in wide back to remind fans (and a couple loud players) that Deebo is more than capable of killing you on traditional routes.
This was the final season for #19 in the Bay Area (because he's changing his jersey number to 1) and he once again left it all out there, putting together enough production to clinch a spot on this list despite a diminished role.

#91 - Justin Simmons - Denver Broncos - Safety

Previous Ranks
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
69 59 55 24 N/A N/A N/A​
Written by: u/BlindManBaldwin
Winners are remembered. The glory of sports comes from hoisting a trophy at the end, and everyone who touches it becomes immortal. To those who never touch it, they can still create a legacy through winning in other ways: big regular season games to get into the playoffs, and perhaps even winning a couple games in the tournament.
In this lens — losers have no space. Those who come up short get nothing. Sports are zero-sum. There are always winners and losers. Every immortality comes with a death.
Justin Simmons played 118 games with the Denver Broncos since 2016. In his rookie year, the team went 9-7 but missed the playoffs. In every subsequent season, the Broncos had a losing record. Despite his All-Pro play, Simmons never played in a meaningful football game in late December or January. In a team with a history of winning — Justin Simmons was a loser.
A ball on a memorial in 2021. Spending a weekend at charity events in the city months after getting cut. Maybe the problem is the binary. Pursuit of immortality driving everyone mad to the point of blindness. There is the trophy and that matters, but there are more things in life too. There are the connections. There are the emotions.
Justin Simmons never won a big game in Denver. He never played in one. But in 2023 — as he had done throughout his career — he proved himself worthy of immortality in the Ring high above.

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submitted by packmanwiscy to nfl [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:45 NaTrave [Match Thread] Amistoso Internacional: Inglaterra x Islândia

[15/2T] Inglaterra 0 x 1 Islândia

Gols Inglaterra: N/D Gols Islândia: Thorsteinsson (11/1T)
Amistosos de seleçþes - Amistosos Estådio: Wembley Data: 7 de Junho de 2024, 15:45 Transmissão: SporTV Link para Live Match Thread
Inglaterra (4-2-3-1) Islândia (4-3-3)
Ramsdale, Walker, Stones (Konsa), GuĂŠhi, Trippier, Mainoo, Rice, Palmer, Foden, Gordon, Harry Kane Valdimarsson, Bjarkason, GrĂŠtarsson, Ingason, Finnsson, Traustason, Haraldsson, Gudmundsson, Thorsteinsson, Gudjohnsen, Mikael Anderson
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Henderson, Pickford, Trafford, Alexander-Arnold, Joe Gomez, Quansah, Gallagher, Wharton, Eze, Toney, Watkins, Bowen, Saka Ólafsson, Gunnarsson, Sampsted, Fridriksson, Bjarnason, Thórarinsson, Logi Tómasson, Thórdarson, Jóhannesson, Sigurdsson, Hlynsson, Magnússon
TĂŠcnico: Gareth Southgate TĂŠcnico: Age Hareide
Arbitragem: D. Massa (Árbitro Principal)


Começa o Primeiro Tempo! 11/1T ⚽ Gol do Islândia! Belo gol de Thorsteinsson! Ele recebe de Haraldsson pela esquerda, avança, corta para o meio e chuta rasteiro, entre as pernas de Stones, e faz o gol! 16/1T NA MARCAÇÃO! Inglaterra pressiona a saĂ­da de bola da Islândia, Palmer fica com a sobra pela direita e enche o pĂŠ esquerdo, mas a bola bate na marcação e vai para fora! 21/1T PEGA O GOLEIRO. ApĂłs boa troca de passes pela esquerda, Foden recebe de Mainoo dentro da ĂĄrea e chuta cruzado com a canhota, mas Valdimarsson pega a bola. 27/1T PERDEU! Cole Palmer cruza da direita para a ĂĄrea e Harry Kane finaliza sozinho na pequena ĂĄrea. Camisa 9 perde gol incrĂ­vel em Wembley! [Video (0:14)] 44/1T UUUUH. Traustason recebe passe na grande ĂĄrea e bate de primeira para o gol. GuĂŠhi entra na frente e bloqueia a finalização, que era perigosa. [Video (0:11)] 45/1T 🟨 CartĂŁo amarelo para Ingason. 45/1T ⏱️ Termina o Primeiro Tempo!   [Intervalo] 🔃 Substituição na Inglaterra: SAIU: Stones, ENTROU: Konsa.   Começa o Segundo Tempo! 03/2T PRA FORA! Inglaterra troca passes com paciĂŞncia atĂŠ Gordon receber. Camisa 11 rola para trĂĄs e Foden bate de primeira com a esquerda. Bola passa perto do gol defendido por Valdimarsson! 05/2T NA REDE PELO LADO DE FORA! Harry Kane mande de trivela para Palmer, que domina, invade a ĂĄrea e chuta com a esquerda. Bola bate na rede pelo lado de fora. Inglaterra cresce no jogo. 07/2T ERROU! Palmer recebe grande passe de Rice, dribla Valdimarsson, mas perde o ângulo. Na sequĂŞncia, camisa 7 tenta mandar para a ĂĄrea e acerta o goleiro adversĂĄrio. 11/2T DE PRIMEIRA! Gudmudsson manda na ĂĄrea, Thorsteinsson ajeita de peito e Gudjohnsen bate de primeira da meia-lua. Bola vai no meio do gol e Ramsdale faz a defesa com segurança.
submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:18 M471o wow, so viele

wow, so viele submitted by M471o to Spielstopp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:14 ShellSwitch Bro has balls of steel

Bro has balls of steel
On his legendary return, as casual as he’s always been. Account fluctuating by hundreds of millions by the day.
His resolve is the same as it’s always been. He smiles and is just happy to talk to his viewers.
Good kitty.
submitted by ShellSwitch to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:41 DTG_Bot Salvation's Edge - The Final Shape Raid Race Megathread

Welcome to the Final Shape, Guardians. This is it.
  • Contest Mode will be enabled for 48 hours.
  • You will need to be at 1965 Power Level to be at the cap through all of the encounters.
  • Completing The Final Shape campaign and the Wild Card Exotic quest is a requirement to launch the raid, but only the fireteam leader must meet this requirement.
DestinyTheGame Twitter
Disabled Items
  • Lucky Pants
  • Cascade Point
  • Magnificent Howl
  • Relentless Strikes
  • Facet of Command
  • Ascension Aspect
Please note that players will not be prevented from equipping disabled Fragments or items with disabled perks, but the effects will not work when in the raid during the disabled time frames listed above.
Warning, spoilers inbound!
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:34 Street_Weird_9281 He is back💯

He is back💯 submitted by Street_Weird_9281 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:31 Mango-Bob Sociocultural Event 12:30 6/7/2023

Sociocultural Event 12:30 6/7/2023 submitted by Mango-Bob to supersecretyurtclub [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:29 RemembaME Bagholder cosplay

Bagholder cosplay submitted by RemembaME to gme_meltdown [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:26 Fit-Government9221 Undervolt?? 🧐

I’m wondering if someone can help me out. I’ve searched the internet and forums and can’t seem to find a straight answer. I’m trying to undervolt my 12900K on a ROG STRIX Z690-E; BIOS Version 2.21.1278 with 64gb (2x32gb in A2/B2) Corsair Dominator DDR5 5200.
My issue: XTU won’t allow me to set any undervolt offsets due to watchdog being enabled. From what I have read, it has something to do with intel locking users out from accomplishing this. I have also read that certain MB’s have an option to enable or disable this feature. My questions are:
  1. Where can I find this setting in the UEFI I’m currently using?
  2. If this version doesn’t support it, is there ANY version that does?
  3. Do any of you fine people have any advice as far as taming this chip? Im looking to cap heat on the package and chip not to exceed 80-81c in cinabench and maintain 5ghz across P-Cores.
The cooling unit I have is the Corsair H170i Elite LCD top mounted in a 7000X chassis, which I modded to accept an additional 3 140mm fans on the front side panel. Another 4 120mm fans front panel, and one extra 140mm exhaust fan in the back for a total of 11 fans. I know it’s a bit overkill, but my case temperature is never a problem as I have it set to a very slight positive pressure. Even with my GPU running full tilt my case stays pretty cool.
My issue is that stubborn chip and its temperatures. Using the AI Optimize function I see temps in the low to mid 90’s (sometimes nearing 100). The cooler prediction SP is a 78 and the cooler scores 177 pts. Honestly, I’m not sure if that’s good or not but I have a hard time believing that a 420mm rad can’t tame this thing.
I’ve even tried disabling multicore enhancement(MCE) and run everything on pure Intel specs and it isn’t much better as far as temps go. In fact, temps are slightly better but clock speeds are down and locked at 4.9. If I let ASUS do its thing, temps are in outer space, thermal throttling is a thing, but I see clock speeds around 5.1-5.2.
What I have settled on is allowing ASUS to handle my MCE, setting P & E core ratio to auto, set CPU core/cache current limit to 360.0A (unless someone sees a reason I should go no higher than 400.0A), and limiting the Long and Short Duration Package Power Limit to Intel’s spec 241 watt. I think if I was able to undervolt this thing I could possibly reach my goal.
Anyway, I know that was a lot but I’m trying to be as thorough as I can and at the same time provide you all with as much information as I can. Appreciate any advice, thanks!
submitted by Fit-Government9221 to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:17 MD_thrway_AfterPea I am 31 years old, make $92,600 base, live in Northern Alberta, work in Forestry and recently returned to work after a year off for maternity leave

Title: I am 31 years old, make $92,600 base, live in Northern Alberta, work in Forestry, and recently returned to work after a year off for maternity leave.
HHI: $166,000
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: Total $76,431 (joint)
Equity: The house is worth $400,000. We owe $303,000. Equity is $97,000.
Savings account balance: $450 in emergency savings (this is a priority starting in August to beef up), $2000 in property taxes sinking fund (to be spent by July)
Checking account balance: $5288.15 - we both got paid today so I will be moving money around and this number will be down a lot by the end of the day.
Credit card debt: $16,635
Student loan debt: $0
Other Info:
Net Worth: $164,484
Section Two: Income
Income Progression (Post College/Trade School):
Main Job Monthly Take-Home:
Mine: $4768.90 (two paycheck months)
H: $3687.28
Side Gig Monthly Take-Home:
Any Other Monthly Income Here:
Section Three: Expenses
Day 1 - Friday
2 am - L wakes up and I get her back down 3 times before 3 am. At 3, H takes her out of the room to burn some energy before they both come back to bed roughly an hour later. Thanks, L. Thank you, H I was getting pretty frustrated with our darling child.
6:30 am - The first alarm goes off and I grab L for a cuddle and morning nursing session. Once she’s done, she rolls around and tries to climb both of us to get our phones before we all get out of bed at 7. Today is a PJ movie day at daycare so we don’t bother dressing her only changing the diaper and then H and L are out the door by 7:15. I leave for work at about 7:45 after doing some putting around.
8:15 am - I get to work and my first stop is the coffee machine. I get back to my office after talking to a few coworkers about our social club golf event next weekend. I see that an industry-specific mentor cohort program is open for applications so I find my most recent resume (2021!) and do a major update before applying. This year one of my goals is to work on leadership skills and mentoring so why not apply?
9 am - I had a hard time finding a bra this morning so I go online and purchase two new ones from the local bra-tique for pickup. My total is $170 after my 10% discount for signing up for their email list. This money is coming from my $500 annual work benefit for whatever I want and I now have $20 left. I eat my breakfast at my desk - yoghurt and homemade granola today.
11 am - I have a webinar on caribou to attend so I log into Zoom and while it's loading, pull up our cashflow forecaster to get the payday finances done before the weekend. $1750 to H’s cc to cover some overspending/vehicle expenses, $100 to the LOC, $373.10 for utilities, and $450 for daycare. Total is $2673.10 I’m not sure if I should include the bills in the daily writeups, but ah well. Day 1 spending is off to a great start.
1 pm - I get the notification that my bras are ready for pickup. Woohoo! I get new bras for the weekend! I send $50 to H’s TFSA once I confirm the bank account is connected.
2:30 pm - Eating lunch now as breakfast was so late. Freezer butter chicken with broccoli. I only have 1 more freezer meal at work so I make a note to restock.
3:30 pm - I work on some cycle times for the log haul for this coming logging season. It takes me a few minutes to remember exactly what I’m doing and how to do it. I am super glad I came back to work at the end of April as I get 3-ish months of slow time to get back into the swing of things before work starts to pick up.
4 pm - I am struggling to do any more than format my Excel sheets so I figure it’s time to pack it up and head home.
4:30 pm - After picking up my bras, I go to Once Upon A Child for some cheap baby clothes. L is in between sizes and we somehow managed to misplace all her more summery sleepwear so I’ve been grabbing a few here and there. OUAC has a sale on, 5 sleepers for $15 so I grab 5 of those and 4 other onesies for summer. We have a family photoshoot on Canada Day and I’ve been hunting for something that’ll match L’s ribbon skirt. $30.45
5 pm - I stop at the store to check the mail and grab a 12-pack of mixed tequila smashes. $37.55
5:30 pm - H calls. He’s off work and headed to get L. I pull burgers and fries out of the freezer, start up the BBQ and get the air fryer going.
6:05 pm - H and L arrive home in perfect time as the burgers and fries just finished cooking. I have an open Pineapple Tequila Smash and I hand H one to drink with supper too. L also has a veggie pouch with the burgers and fries.
7:20 pm - L is in bed nursing to sleep after her bath while H preps episode 4 of Obi-Wan Kenobi for us to watch. We watched it when it was first coming out, but he saw the discs at Walmart last week and figured to grab them. We thought we hadn’t seen all the episodes, but so far we’re 3:3 so we might’ve seen them all.
7:40 pm - L is down and out and I sneak out of the bedroom. I start a load of laundry and find the two bras I couldn’t this morning and handwash them. I sit down with H and we watch some Obi-Wan Kenobi.
10 pm - I check my email and see one from a local photographer group I really like. I’ve done at least two shoots with all 3 of them separately before and they’ve now joined forces. I went to their open house yesterday and won 50% off a boudoir package in 2024. I’ve wanted to book in since they announced their group, so I go through their open spots and book for November. My initial deposit is $262.50.
10:30 pm - We finished the last 3 episodes and watched all previously except for the finale. Of course. It was pretty good, but near the end, I started to scroll on my phone more than pay attention to the show. I swap the laundry, shower and head to bed at 11 pm.
H’s spending Day 1: $7.54 for lunch, $267.58 on vehicle parts/oil change that we didn’t budget for. Normally we would’ve, but communication is kinda crappy atm, and I think that’s due to sleep deprivation.
Day 1 total: $775.62 spending + $50 to TFSA. Oof off to a spendy start for the pay period.
Day 2 - Saturday
2:40 am - L is awake again and not going back down. This time it’s my turn. It’s already been a not-great night, hopefully, this 2 am party time doesn't keep happening.
4 am - We go back to bed. Our internet is on autopay and the notification comes through for my credit card. $105
7:20 am - L is up for the day. I don’t want to get out of bed yet, so I cuddle H and L rolls around, tries to stand and almost deletes everything on my phone. Then she notices my boobs so it’s time for a quick nurse.
8 am - I run the coffee machine and get breakfast going. We’re having pancakes this morning. While they’re cooking I pop some milk in the frother to make a fancy coffee. TBD if I drink it while it’s still hot. I feed the cats their morning meal.
8:30 am - H gets up and I’m still cooking. He grabs a coffee and takes L into the living room so I don’t trip over her and the plastic container horde.
9:30 am - H plays some Baldurs Gate 3 and L watches while I sort through the laundry I did last night. I try to get dressed and none of my shorts fit anymore so off in the donation bag they go. It’ll be a summer of dresses I guess! I start another load of laundry.
9:50 am - L is ready for a nap. Just kidding she just wanted some boob instead. We go outside afterwards to get some morning sun. Hopefully, this will tire her out and she will go down for a nap later! She hasn’t been big on sleep since she was born and gets major FOMO so we have no semblance of a schedule on weekends.
10:45 am - I bring L back inside and change her into outfit #3 for the day. Her trike got rained on and she gets soaked when she sits in it. I switch the laundry over, start yet another load and then pass L to H so I can head to the store, fill the Jerry can with gas for the lawnmower and do the recycling. 20 L of gas is $32.78 and I grab two lime slushes for H and I ($5.19). It’s +20 already and gorgeous. Total $37.97
11:30 am - L is ready for a nap! By 11:50 she’s down and I head outside to mow some of the lawn. It’s usually a 4 hr job so I don’t think I’ll get it all done today.
1 pm - I head inside for lunch, we’re having tuna sandwiches. L napped for 20 min and I didn’t get more than half the lawn mowed. After lunch, we head into town to hang out with my friend K and her two kids. We met in college back in 2014 and have babies of a similar age so it’s always nice to go over and visit.
4:30 pm - We leave K’s house and I swing by Wendy’s for a cold coffee-type drink for the drive home. I try the chocolate frosty-cinno and it’s terrible. Should’ve just gone to Tim’s for an ice cap. $4.19
5:05 pm - L fell asleep on the drive home so I hang out in the car with the windows down for another 5-10 minutes before moving things inside. She wakes up and we head in. H picks a meal and starts making dinner. L is fussy and still tired so I nurse her and we hang out in the cool basement while H cooks. I sort through the laundry that finished off today.
6 pm - H is still cooking our dinner, I reheat leftover pasta for L. H runs her bath and I bath her. She’s still grumpy on and off so she’ll probably be going to bed right after this.
6:45 pm - H and I eat chicken wings and shrimp poppers. L has decided it’s not bedtime yet, I tried to put her down and she got a second wind instead.
9:30 pm - I work on the website for one of the non-profits I volunteer for once L goes to bed at 8. After I’m done, I head into the craft room and work on the custom rag quilt project. One row left to sew together, then to put the final 5 rows together, figure out my borders and start cutting all the edges! It’s not ‘due’ until mid-July but I’d rather get it done sooner and not have to rush. My SIL texts and asks to borrow $50 till Thursday, I send it over out of my spending.
11 pm - H and I both go to bed after some kitty snuggles
Day 2 total: $92.16 (not counting $105 for internet)
Day 3 - Sunday
7 am - L is awake and I nurse her a couple of times cause she can’t decide if she’s happy or not. It was a decent night, but she must still be tired from not napping much yesterday. It’s my day to sleep in so H takes her out of the room by 7:30.
9:30 am - I get up make some coffee and slowly start on breakfast
10:30 am - L and I are eating breakfast, I made scrambled eggs, fried up leftover sausage, tomato and she also has two crackers with cream cheese. H and I wrote up a grocery list before I sat down and he’s off to town to get groceries and fuel up the car before the work week starts. Usually, H and his best friend C have a grocery shopping bro-date every Sunday, but C and his family are out camping this weekend so H heads in alone.
11 am - L is ready for a nap. I put her down and fold her laundry and the house laundry, taking a few breaks to scroll Reddit or Facebook and drink more coffee.
12:30 pm - L woke up and is kinda grouchy so we have a dance party to elicit baby giggles. H gets back from shopping and we put the groceries away, they cost $374.03. This is actually cheaper than the last few times we did a stock up so that’s nice! Groceries include ground beef, frozen chicken, wings, fries, cucumber, tomatoes, grapes, bananas, yoghurt, frozen lunches, macaroni, Ichiban, burgers, buttermilk, perogies, frozen fruit, frozen veggies, gravy mix, hollandaise mix, and more. We’ve been buying more convenience foods lately, but I do have 3 suppers planned for the week. He also grabbed me a big coffee mug for $6. He got gas for $60.83, and once we unload the groceries, he runs to the store for bacon, 2 jars of our favourite cowboy candy (pickled sweetened jalapeños), chips and a Starbucks frappe drink for $41.93. I make some sandwiches for lunch for tomorrow so I don’t have to scramble in the morning.
1 pm - Lunch is Ichiban noodles for H and I and baby charcuterie for L - strawberries, grapes, ham, cheese, and cucumber. We head outside afterwards to enjoy the weather, L is so close to walking, she pulls herself up onto everything right now. She has an after-lunch snack of mown grass and dandelions.
3 pm - We’re back inside and H puts on Die Hart 2. L goes down for her second nap at 4:15 and we finish the movie. I wake L up at 5:45 so she doesn’t sleep too long. When she wakes up she makes a face identical to her dad’s and it’s hilarious.
7 pm - H is cooking dinner, we’re having eggs Benny and bacon for supper. I prep L’s diaper bag for tomorrow and we run it out to the car. I also put all my laundry away so the closet is ready for the week. H sits on the chair once we’re done dinner and both cats flock to him and spread themselves over his legs.
9:45 pm - I finish off piecing the quilt top and head downstairs to shower. L is getting tired too so as soon as I’m done we head to bed. H is not far behind us.
Daily 3 total: $482.79. This is pretty usual for a grocery shop day.
Day 4 - Monday
6:35 am - My alarm goes off. Can’t lay in bed today as I need to meet my coworkers at the office at 7:30 am. We’re doing a team bonding mountain hike and it’s a 2.5 hrs drive away. I grab a banana, toast a bagel, add cream cheese and I’m out the door before 7 after filling up the cats' food.
7:30 am - I get to the office, fill up a water bottle, make a coffee and grab a few things from my office. Almost everyone is there, and we leave at 7:45
9:45 am - We’re there! I’ve seen 2 moose, 1 mule deer, 1 elk and almost hit 2 caribou on the highway already today! We start up the trailhead at about 10 am
1:00 pm - This mountain is much steeper than anticipated. A coworker and I decide at about 300 metres to the top that we shouldn’t push it. The last km has been extremely steep and we’ve hit our max. The rest of the group has gone ahead and summitted. We eat our lunch with a great view and start the trek back down.
3:30 pm - We’re back at the trucks! 11.2 km round trip. We hit the road to head home and stop at Dairy Queen for a celebratory ice cream. I spend $4.92 on a medium dip cone.
6 pm - Back at the office. I call H and let him know I’m headed home now and he suggests chicken wings for supper. I’m down for anything as long as I don’t have to cook.
7 pm - We all eat dinner. L has some veggie pouch, chicken wings/nuggets and leftover pasta. I am almost too tired to eat. One cat keeps trying to get L’s nuggets so he gets in trouble and shooed out of the dining room.
8:15 pm - I try to put L to bed and she goes down for a bit but decides ultimately that it’s not actually time for bed.
8:40 pm - I go and have a hot, hot shower, my muscles are sore and tomorrow might not be fun. L and H party in the TV area, she’s pulling herself up onto everything and trying to crawl up the couch. Not sure where she got this energy from! One of our cats comes for some aggressive cuddles and pets and H puts his dirty t-shirt on the chair for him. Our cat loves dirty laundry it’s hilarious.
9:20 pm - Time for bed for everyone. Hope tonight is a good night and we all can get some rest.
Day 4 Total: $4.92 (this would have been covered by one of the superintendents but a few people got ahead of her in line so she couldn’t pay for us all). My card is also charged by the garbage disposal company for the dumpster ($40.43 - counted in the bills above).
H didn’t spend any money today.
Day 5 - Tuesday
7 am - The first alarm went off at 6:30, but we are all tired and don’t want to wake up. I nurse L for a bit then we get up at 7. I’m pretty sore this morning so I’m not moving too fast. Get her dressed and H and L leave by 7:10. H fed the cats this morning so I don’t have to.
7:30 am - I forgot to pay H’s other cc and it’s due in 4 days so I pay it off now - $93.80 (random Amazon purchases and my KU). I pull some chicken out of the freezer to defrost and make my breakfast of homemade granola, hemp hearts and yoghurt. I leave the house around 7:45 to head to work.
8:20 am - I get to the office and immediately get asked some questions about blocks we have slated for this Fall/Winter. I’m not 100% sure of the answer and have to double-check with my boss. I grab a coffee and chat with the head boss before my boss arrives. I clarify what I need and relay the info back to my coworkers.
9:30 am - I eat my breakfast while I scroll through online courses offered by my company. I got an email yesterday of one I’m supposed to take so I book into that.
11 am - I book H and myself massages, 2 each - one this month and one next month.
12:30 pm - I took a long time to eat breakfast so I’m not quite hungry yet. I grab my running shoes from the truck and take a slow walk on the elliptical to help my sore muscles. This morning hasn’t been too busy, but I’m having a hard time starting my next big task (cycle time calculations) so hopefully the slow walk helps some.
1:30 pm - I’m back at my desk and diving into cycle time calculations. H grabs KFC for lunch $24.12
2 pm - Lunch time, I’m having a leftover sandwich from yesterday, a grapefruit cup, grapes and strawberries. I also grab a chai with milk from the coffee machine. I eat while I plug away at the cycle times.
3:45 pm - I finish off one section of cycle times and my brain has had enough. I go fill my water bottle and chat with a few coworkers. At 4:15 pm someone comes by to sign a few cheques I asked for and I leave the office at 4:30 pm
4:40 pm - H grabbed buttermilk instead of heavy cream and I need it for supper tonight so I swing by the grocery store. Then, I head out of town to a colleague’s house to drop off one of the cheques. $4.95
5:15 pm - I check the mail, get home and start cooking. We’re having Skillet Dijon Chicken with Asparagus and Mushrooms for supper. I also make some macaroni for a side. H and L get home about 5:45 to the cats waiting at the door.
6:20 pm - Supper is served! It is delicious. L and H aren’t fans of the asparagus, but the chicken, macaroni and sauce are perfection! H also riggs up a tie to L’s water bottle so it doesn’t hit the ground every 30 seconds. We fed the cats at the same time and they’re not begging for food quite so much tonight.
6:50 pm - We’re finished supper, H cleans up and I bath L.
7:30 pm - H calls my/our best friend J via FaceTime and we chat with her and her daughter R for a few minutes. L tried to steal the phone and gets mad when we don’t let her. J’s daughter requests a morning call so I promise to call at 7 am. J doesn’t think R will be awake yet so we’ll see!
8 pm - L is tired and ready to go to sleep. I put her down, have a hot bath, throw in some epsom salts, and read a bit on my KU.
9:40 pm - Bedtime!
Day 5 Total: $112.17 (removed $10 for my KU - counted in subscriptions)
Day 6 - Wednesday
7 am - I nurse L, she had a weird wake-up last night so we’re tossing the idea of taking her into daycare today. I’ll probably take her in a bit later and H will take his truck so if I have to WFH for the afternoon I can. Try calling J and R and there is no response - I am not surprised.
7:45 am - L and I leave the house, she’s not coughing much and doesn’t have a fever or anything so she’s good to go to daycare today
8:15 am - I drop L off at daycare
8:30 am - I get to the office. I talk with a few coworkers and ask our admin if my new phone has been dropped off yet.
9 am - My new phone is here! Now to start the setup process, everything takes forever with all the authentication apps we need. I also go through all my iCloud photos and organize/save them to my OneDrive while the phone is getting set up.
12:30 pm - I think the phone is finally done. Now to eat some lunch, I’m having leftovers from 2 nights ago - chicken nuggets, strawberries, grapes and a Cherry Bubly.
1:30 pm - H goes to a food truck for lunch. $35.01. This includes the tip.
3 pm - I had some more phone set-up to do. Might be finished now? Get an email about the cats’ annual checkups and vaccinations so I book their appointments for August.
4 pm - SIL paid me back the $50, plus another $50 she’d borrowed earlier. (+$100) I work on the photo garland for L’s first birthday for a bit.
5 pm - I haven’t gotten much done today beyond setting up my phone. I leave the office and pick up L at 5:20. I talk to her day home provider for about 15 min about how she’s been doing, etc.
6 pm - We get home! H has cooked supper already, so as soon as we get in the door we sit down to eat. Supper tonight is perogies and garlic bread. L also has a veggie pouch. H tells me the old vehicle was sold, and the buyers are doing a payment plan. We will get $300/month for the next 10 months. A lump sum would be nice, but H’s coworkers will handle all the paperwork so it’s no more work for us.
6:45 pm - Time for a bath! H cleans up supper, cleans the litter boxes (we have 3) and starts some laundry while I take L and get her cleaned up.
7 pm - All finished in the bath. We head downstairs and hang out until L is ready for sleep. I mostly scroll my phone and H plays on his Rog Ally. L climbs the couch and me and scoots around on the floor hunting for different treasures.
8:40 pm - L is ready for bed. I put her down and read some more KU
10 pm - H and I head to bed. I washed and dried a baby quilt to bring to work in the morning for a coworker.
Day 6 Total: $35.01 for H’s lunch. I spend $0, and ‘make’ $100
Day 7 - Thursday
6:35 am - The first alarm goes off. It’s a new one on the phone and nice to wake up to! L doesn’t want to wake up and she grumbles and rolls around.
7 am - We all get out of bed. I get L dressed while H packs up what he needs for the day. I get her milk together and they’re out the door by 7:15
7:50 am - I leave the house. After H and L left, I did the dishes and packed up my stuff for the day. Made a smoothie for breakfast (yoghurt, flax seed, orange, banana, rhubarb jam, frozen berries, watermelon, cranberry juice and milk) and there’s lots left over so I pop that into the fridge for tomorrow. I need gas in the work truck, so I head there before going to the office. I have a fuel card so I don’t spend any $ on fuel.
8:30 am - Get to the office and it’s time to make a coffee. I have some things to get done before my webinar at 11 am.
9 am - I show the quilt to my coworker, she loves it and buys it! (+$100)
11 am - Oops. I didn’t get the login link earlier and don’t know who to contact to get it so no webinar for me. I scroll Reddit and my socials and work a bit more on my cycle times. I snack on some grapes and drink another coffee.
1 pm - Lunch time! I’m having leftover skillet Dijon chicken and macaroni. It is still delicious, that recipe is going into the rotation for sure! H goes to McDonalds for lunch and spends $35.66. He bought a coworker lunch as well, she was having a rough day.
2 pm - Chat with a few coworkers about different projects/things we need to think of for this next year.
3 pm - I have an afternoon pick-me-up snack of Brookside pomegranate-flavoured chocolate and a ginger ale.
4:30 pm - I’m tired and don’t feel like doing anything else. I leave the office and call H to see what we should do for supper. We decide on potstickers and veggies, I’ll start cooking when I get home. I stop and check the mail on my way home too.
5:45 pm - H and L arrive home. I take L into the spare room and we call my mum and grandma for a video chat. L rolls around the bed and shows off how she’s almost standing!
6:10 pm - We sit down to eat, L isn’t that interested in either the potstickers or veggies so we pull out some leftover macaroni and she goes to town on that.
7 pm - Bath time! H cleans up and does some more laundry. It just seems to never end.
7:30 pm - Bedtime for L. I read some of my book while I put her down.
8:30 pm - SIL texts again to borrow $50. I send it over out of my spending. I get all of the borders cut for the custom quilt.
9 pm - H has SING on so I sit down to watch it, he’s also playing his Rog Aloy and I’m reading some more of my book.
10 pm - We go to bed.
Day 7 Total: $35.66 for H’s lunch. I spend $50, and ‘make’ $100
Weekly Expenses:
Total Spending: $1639.03
submitted by MD_thrway_AfterPea to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:06 SoftPois0n What TV Show To Watch After Hierarchy

# Name Date Genres
1 Bitch X Rich 2023-05-30 Drama, Mystery, Thriller
2 Class of Lies 2019-07-16 Mystery, Thriller
3 Heirs 2013-10-08 Comedy, Drama, Romance
4 Pyramid Game 2024-02-29 Drama, Thriller
5 Boys Over Flowers (KR) 2009-01-04 Comedy, Drama, Romance
6 Tempted 2018-03-11 Drama, Mystery, Romance
7 Sky Castle 2018-11-22 Drama, Family, Mystery
8 Extracurricular 2020-04-28 Crime, Drama
9 Revenge of Others 2022-11-08 Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
10 Weak Hero 2022-11-18 Action, Drama
11 Boyhood 2023-11-23 Drama, History, Suspense, Thriller
12 The Whirlwind 2024-06-27 Drama
13 Agents of Mystery 2024-06-17 Game Show, Mystery, Reality, Suspense
14 Elite 2018-10-04 Crime, Drama, Thriller
15 All of Us Are Dead 2022-01-27 Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
16 True Beauty 2020-12-08 Comedy, Drama, Romance
17 Our Beloved Summer 2021-12-05 Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance
18 Love Alarm 2019-08-21 Drama, Romance
19 The Sound of Magic 2022-05-05 Drama, Musical
20 Extra-ordinary You 2019-10-01 Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance
21 Crash Course in Romance 2023-01-13 Comedy, Romance
22 Playful Kiss 2010-08-31 Comedy, Romance
23 Dream High 2011-01-02 Comedy, Drama, Romance
24 18 Again 2020-09-20 Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
25 Who Are You: School 2015 2015-04-26 Drama, Mystery, Romance
26 School 2017 2017-07-16 Drama, Romance
27 The School Nurse Files 2020-09-24 Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery
28 Night Has Come 2023-12-03 Drama, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller
29 Light On Me 2021-06-29 Drama, Mini-Series, Romance
30 Cherry Blossoms After Winter 2022-02-23 Drama, Romance

List of All TV Shows Recommendation To Watch If You Liked Hierarchy

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submitted by SoftPois0n to kdramas [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:45 Fit-Government9221 Undervolting

I’m wondering if someone can help me out. I’ve searched the internet and forums and can’t seem to find a straight answer. I’m trying to undervolt my 12900K on a ROG STRIX Z690-E; BIOS Version 2.21.1278 with 64gb (2x32gb in A2/B2) Corsair Dominator DDR5 5200.
My issue: XTU won’t allow me to set any undervolt offsets due to watchdog being enabled. From what I have read, it has something to do with intel locking users out from accomplishing this. I have also read that certain MB’s have an option to enable or disable this feature. My questions are:
  1. Where can I find this setting in the UEFI I’m currently using?
  2. If this version doesn’t support it, is there ANY version that does?
  3. Do any of you fine people have any advice as far as taming this chip? Im looking to cap heat on the package and chip not to exceed 80-81c in cinabench and maintain 5ghz across P-Cores.
The cooling unit I have is the Corsair H170i Elite LCD top mounted in a 7000X chassis, which I modded to accept an additional 3 140mm fans on the front side panel. Another 4 120mm fans front panel, and one extra 140mm exhaust fan in the back for a total of 11 fans. I know it’s a bit overkill, but my case temperature is never a problem as I have it set to a very slight positive pressure. Even with my GPU running full tilt my case stays pretty cool.
My issue is that stubborn chip and its temperatures. Using the AI Optimize function I see temps in the low to mid 90’s (sometimes nearing 100). The cooler prediction SP is a 78 and the cooler scores 177 pts. Honestly, I’m not sure if that’s good or not but I have a hard time believing that a 420mm rad can’t tame this thing.
I’ve even tried disabling multicore enhancement(MCE) and run everything on pure Intel specs and it isn’t much better as far as temps go. In fact, temps are slightly better but clock speeds are down and locked at 4.9. If I let ASUS do its thing, temps are in outer space, thermal throttling is a thing, but I see clock speeds around 5.1-5.2.
What I have settled on is allowing ASUS to handle my MCE, setting P & E core ratio to auto, set CPU core/cache current limit to 360.0A (unless someone sees a reason I should go no higher than 400.0A), and limiting the Long and Short Duration Package Power Limit to Intel’s spec 241 watt. I think if I was able to undervolt this thing I could possibly reach my goal.
Anyway, I know that was a lot but I’m trying to be as thorough as I can and at the same time provide you all with as much information as I can. Appreciate any advice, thanks!
submitted by Fit-Government9221 to ASUSROG [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:29 EttaJamesKitty Different treatment protocols. Who to follow? Follow both? Add in more? So confused.

I'm 8 months into LC but it was only in May that I became non-functional (housebound/bedbound). I had a cognitive crash in early May and haven't been able to recover no matter how much rest I do. I'm very fatigued physically, but moreso mentally.
Cognitive PEM sucks. It's one thing to lie around all day when you can watch TV. It's a very different thing when you can't. It leaves you alone with your thoughts and is scary AF.
I've been working with 2 different functional/naturopathic drs over Zoom. Why 2 - b/c I haven't found someone that I really trust yet. Someone I can say "they get it and they really want to help me try to improve my condition". Maybe I'll never find that practitioner though.
The first one (Dr A) I found searching online. The second (Dr. B) came recommended to me in a different LC forum.
Dr. A's website has a lot of info on LC, but when I first met him in April I was functional so my concerns were improving my then issues (chest pressure, SOB, dizziness, elevated HR). I'm not 100% confident in Dr A's ability to help me though. He just doesn't seem that concerned about my condition when we talk, but maybe that's more his demeanor or maybe its my desperation for wanting someone to be as invested in me as I am.
Dr. B I met when my crash started, so my focus was getting TF out of this crash. Dr. B appears to be very knowledgeable about LC. He seems to get it. He talks about the things talked about here. He keeps up with the research. It was amazing talking to him b/c he understood the things I was saying.
The person who recommended him to me is a LC patient of his and she has improved under his care. Dr. B isn't warm and fuzzy but he seems to understand LC (better than any of my in-person doctors where I live) and I feel a bit more confidence in his approach. I just wish he was more warm and fuzzy and would answer all of my insane questions I send him.
Dr A's Protocol
Dr. A put me on a natural extract treatment protocol focusing on reducing inflammation, esp of the neurovascular system. These extracts include:
I've taken these supplements for a couple weeks now. Not sure if they're doing anything. But they aren't hurting (that I can tell). They're all from a site called Hawaii Pharm.
Dr. B's Protocol
Dr. B is focusing more on my mitochondria. He's trying to repair my cellular energy. He's put me on a bunch of $$ supplements (most from Quicksilver Scientific) that I just started last week:
I've only been taking these for a week so it's too soon to tell if they're helping or not. The woman who referred me said she started to see some improvement in about 4 weeks. She's now functional and able to walk and work and do all the things I could do until I crashed in May. That seems amazing to me right now.
(I'm also on a beta blocker (bisoprolol) for POTS and methimazole for hyperthyroidism. I'm also experimenting with different sleep meds for insane insomnia (ambien, trazodone).
I guess my question to the community is, should I be following both protocols?
A neighbor suggested I may be overloading my system with all of this stuff and maybe I should just pick one lane. And that makes sense from a healthy persons perspective. But I'm not healthy and super desperate to get out of this crash and start to get back to being functional. So I'm scared to pick a lane for fear that the other lane may be the way out.
If anything I would drop Dr. A's supplements. I feel like helping the mitochondria is key right now, esp given how fatigued I am.
I do like Dr A's supplements though b/c they allegedly address neuro-inflammation which I have a lot of (if they work of course). But if I can get the LDN dosage right (and it works for me) LDN should also address my inflammation issues.
Then I also wonder about supplements like nattokinase, lumborokinase, etc.... So many of you have had success on those. Dr. B mentioned it, he knows what it can do, but he's focusing on mitochondria right now. Dr. A never mentioned it. But I also worry about adding in nattokinase to everything else I'm doing right now. Maybe it would help with any microclotting I think I have. Maybe I add it in once I can actually walk around normally again.
So many of us are on sooooooo many supplements. Maybe I should be taking all of this right? Throw everything and the kitchen sink at this right?
But then I wonder if something in some supplement may contradict something else. I don't know these supplements well enough to figure it out. Also asking Dr A "hey Im working with Dr. B - can I take his stuff with yours" probably wouldn't go over too well. I know I'm allowed to work with whomever I want to, but I feel like that would probably undermine whatever working relationship we have.
What I really want is a Dr. C who is local to me for when I can go into an office. Gets LC. Gets supplements. Gets medications. And wants to really figure this shit out with me. Yeah...I know...and pigs fly right?
If you can't tell I'm just all over the place right now. Thanks for any input you have.
submitted by EttaJamesKitty to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:13 RedChipCompanies Soligenix and Sharps Technology Interviews to Air on the RedChip Small Stocks, Big Money(TM) Show on Bloomberg TV

ORLANDO, FL / ACCESSWIRE / June 7, 2024 / RedChip Companies will air interviews with Soligenix, Inc. (Nasdaq:SNGX) and Sharps Technology Inc. (Nasdaq:STSS) on the RedChip Small Stocks, Big Money™ show, a sponsored program on Bloomberg TV, this Saturday, June 8, at 7 p.m. Eastern Time (ET). Bloomberg TV is available in an estimated 73 million homes across the U.S.
Access the interviews in their entirety at:
In an exclusive interview, Christopher J. Schaber, PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer of Soligenix, appears on the RedChip Small Stocks Big Money™ show on Bloomberg TV to provide a corporate update. Soligenix, a late-stage biopharmaceutical company, showcases a strong portfolio with several products in advanced clinical stages, targeting a potential $2 billion in annual global sales. Notable among these is HyBryte™, a photodynamic therapy for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), a rare chronic cancer, which has demonstrated positive results in a Phase 3 study published in JAMA Dermatology. The company is gearing up for a follow-up confirmatory Phase 3 study, with HyBryte's market potential estimated at $250 million. Additional promising assets include SGX302, aimed at treating psoriasis, currently in Phase 2a trials with a market potential exceeding $1 billion, and SGX203 for pediatric Crohn's disease, pending further funding for Phase 3 trials.
Robert Hayes, Chief Executive Officer of Sharps Technology, appears on the RedChip Small Stocks, Big Money™ show on Bloomberg TV to provide a corporate update. Sharps Technology recently signed a $200 million five-year Sales Agreement and enhanced its Asset Purchase Agreement to acquire Nephron Pharmaceuticals' InjectEZ facility. This acquisition will position Sharps as North America's first fully dedicated specialized polymer prefillable syringe manufacturer. The facility, set to begin product deliveries in Q2 2025, is expected to generate over $35 million in revenue in the first 12 months, with the potential to exceed $50 million by 2026 and $100 million by 2028. Recent FDA recalls and tariffs on Chinese syringes have boosted demand for Sharps' products, which are increasingly preferred over glass syringes. Sharps is engaging with major pharmaceutical companies, retail chains, and healthcare distributors to expand its market presence. With a clear path to substantial revenue growth and profitability, alongside a buy rating and $16 per share price target from Aegis Capital, Sharps represents a compelling opportunity.
About Soligenix, Inc.
Soligenix is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing products to treat rare diseases where there is an unmet medical need. Our Specialized BioTherapeutics business segment is developing and moving toward potential commercialization of HyBryte™ (SGX301 or synthetic hypericin sodium) as a novel photodynamic therapy utilizing safe visible light for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). With successful completion of the second Phase 3 study, regulatory approvals will be sought to support potential commercialization worldwide. Development programs in this business segment also include expansion of synthetic hypericin (SGX302) into psoriasis, our first-in-class innate defense regulator (IDR) technology, dusquetide (SGX942) for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, including oral mucositis in head and neck cancer, and (SGX945) in Behçet's Disease.
Our Public Health Solutions business segment includes development programs for RiVax®, our ricin toxin vaccine candidate, as well as our vaccine programs targeting filoviruses (such as Marburg and Ebola) and CiVax™, our vaccine candidate for the prevention of COVID-19 (caused by SARS-CoV-2). The development of our vaccine programs incorporates the use of our proprietary heat stabilization platform technology, known as ThermoVax®. To date, this business segment has been supported with government grant and contract funding from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).
For further information regarding Soligenix, Inc., please visit the Company's website at and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter at u/Soligenix_Inc.
About Sharps Technology
Sharps Technology is an innovative medical device and pharmaceutical packaging company offering patented, best-in-class smart-safety syringe products to the healthcare industry. The Company's product lines focus on providing ultra-low waste capabilities, that incorporate syringe technologies that use both passive and active safety features. Sharps also offers products that are designed with specialized copolymer technology to support the prefillable syringe market segment. The Company has a manufacturing facility in Hungary and has partnered with Nephron Pharmaceuticals to expand its manufacturing capacity in the U.S. For additional information, please visit
About RedChip Companies
RedChip Companies, an Inc. 5000 company, is an international investor relations, media, and research firm focused on microcap and small-cap companies. For 32 years, RedChip has delivered concrete, measurable results for its clients. Our newsletter, Small Stocks, Big Money™, is delivered online weekly to 60,000 investors. RedChip has developed the most comprehensive service platform in the industry for microcap and small-cap companies. These services include the following: a worldwide distribution network for its stock research; retail and institutional roadshows in major U.S. cities; outbound marketing to stock brokers, RIAs, institutions, and family offices; a digital media investor relations platform that has generated millions of unique investor views; investor webinars and group calls; a television show, Small Stocks, Big Money™, which airs weekly on Bloomberg US; TV commercials in local and national markets; corporate and product videos; website design; and traditional investor relation services, which include press release writing, development of investor presentations, quarterly conference call script writing, strategic consulting, capital raising, and more.
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Dave Gentry RedChip Companies Inc. 1-407-644-4256 [](
SOURCE: RedChip Companies Inc.
View the original press release on
submitted by RedChipCompanies to u/RedChipCompanies [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:00 JoniVanZandt Who's you're "quality assurance" actor?

Who's you're
I've come to the conclusion that Gary Cole is mines. I don't really seek out stuff he's in on purpose but I recently realised that I like every movie or TV show I've seen him in to one extent or another, and most of the time he's the best part of it despite never being the lead. Maybe he's in a lot of junk and I just haven't seen it.
submitted by JoniVanZandt to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:59 Screwdatt Todays Games and PPV Events
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=== PPV UFC PACK ===
PPV UFC 00: Lfa 185 // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:00pm
PPV UFC 01: Cage warriors 173: san diego // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:30am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:30pm
PPV UFC 02: Hollywood fight nights: walsh vs ortiz // UK Sat 8 Jun 2:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 9:00pm
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PPV LIVE EVENT 01 - 8:30AM One Friday Fights 66 Knggchai v Hamidi
PPV LIVE EVENT 02 - 6PM Broner v Cobbs
PPV LIVE EVENT 03 - 7:30PM DCS 92 Summer Kickoff
PPV LIVE EVENT 04 - 8PM One 167 Tawanchai v Nattawut
PPV LIVE EVENT 05 - 8PM Collazo v Zapata
PPV LIVE EVENT 07 - 9:30PM Cage Warriors 173
PPV LIVE EVENT 08 - 10PM Hollywood Fight Nights Walsh v Ortiz
PPV LIVE EVENT 09 - 6PM Dirt Late Model Dream Eldora
PPV LIVE EVENT 10 - 5:30PM Open Modifieds 80 Stafford
PPV LIVE EVENT 11 - 6:15PM ARCA West Sonoma
PPV LIVE EVENT 12 - 6:30PM Attica Sprints
PPV LIVE EVENT 13 - 6:30PM USAC Indiana Midget Week
PPV LIVE EVENT 14 - 6:45PM Weekly Racing Utica
PPV LIVE EVENT 15 - 7PM Albany Saratoga Late Model
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PPV LIVE EVENT 16 - 7PM Williams Grove Sprints
PPV LIVE EVENT 17 - 7PM Supermodifieds Thunder Road
PPV LIVE EVENT 18 - 7PM Accord Modifieds
PPV LIVE EVENT 19 - 7PM Lindas Micro Sprints
PPV LIVE EVENT 20 - 7PM Outlaw Karts
PPV LIVE EVENT 21 - 7:15PM World of Outlaws Sprint Cars
PPV LIVE EVENT 22 - 7:15 Kubota High Limit Racing
PPV LIVE EVENT 23 - 7:45PM IMCA Weekly Racing Marshalltown
PPV LIVE EVENT 24 - 8PM Lucas Oil MLRA Callaway
PPV LIVE EVENT 25 - 8PM Dirt Kings Mississippi Thunder
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PPV FLO RUGBY 00 : 2024 Chiefs vs Queensland Reds - Quarterfinal start:2024-06-07 08:00:00 stop:2024-06-07 12:00:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 00 : 2024 Munster Rugby vs Ospreys Rugby - Quarterfinal start:2024-06-07 19:35:00 stop:2024-06-07 23:35:00
PPV FLO RUGBY 00 : 2024 Hurricanes vs Melbourne Rebels - Quarterfinal start:2024-06-08 05:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 09:00:00
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PPV MOLA EVENT 01 : LPGA - ShopRite LPGA Classic Presented by Acer - Round 1 start:2024-06-07 17:00:00 stop:2024-06-07 22:10:00
PPV MOLA EVENT 01 : KORN FERRY TOUR - BMW Charity Pro-Am Presented by TD SYNNEX - Round 2 start:2024-06-08 02:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 08:10:00
PPV MOLA EVENT 02 : PGA TOUR - The Memorial Tournament presented by Workday - Round 2 start:2024-06-07 18:50:00 stop:2024-06-08 01:10:00
PPV MOLA EVENT 02 : Cage Warriors: 173 start:2024-06-08 02:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 12:40:00
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PPV FLO SPORTS TV 00 : FloWrestling Radio Live start:2024-06-10 17:00:00 stop:2024-06-10 21:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 01 : FloRacing 24/7 start:2024-06-02 10:00:00 stop:2024-12-01 06:59:59
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 02 : 2024 Criterium du Dauphine start:2024-06-07 15:25:00 stop:2024-06-07 19:25:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 02 : 2024 Dirt Late Model Dream at Eldora Speedway start:2024-06-08 00:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 02 : 2024 Hurricanes vs Melbourne Rebels - Quarterfinal start:2024-06-08 06:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 10:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 02 : 2024 Brumbies Rugby vs Highlanders - Quarterfinal start:2024-06-08 11:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 15:30:00
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PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 POLYÁK IMRE & VARGA JÁNOS MEMORIAL Ranking Series #2 start:2024-06-07 10:30:00 stop:2024-06-07 14:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 Team One U14 vs Swans Blk U14 start:2024-06-07 17:45:00 stop:2024-06-07 21:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 Team One U14 vs Whalers U14 start:2024-06-07 21:50:00 stop:2024-06-08 01:50:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 Lucas Oil MLRA Late Models at Callaway Raceway start:2024-06-08 02:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 06:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 Blues vs Fijian Drua - Quarterfinal start:2024-06-08 09:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 13:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 03 : 2024 Mole HC U16 vs Team One U16 start:2024-06-08 14:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 18:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 04 : 2024 Tour of Britain (Women) start:2024-06-07 13:45:00 stop:2024-06-07 17:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 04 : 2024 Team One U14 vs Kracken U14 start:2024-06-07 17:55:00 stop:2024-06-07 21:55:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 04 : 2024 Sanford River Rats vs Orlando Snappers - Doubleheader start:2024-06-07 22:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 02:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 04 : 2024 FCA U19 vs Whalers U19 start:2024-06-08 02:40:00 stop:2024-06-08 06:40:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 04 : 2024 Wayne (Squirt) vs Ramsey (Squirt) start:2024-06-08 14:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 18:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 05 : Knockout Summer Slam 2024 start:2024-06-07 14:00:00 stop:2024-06-07 18:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 05 : 2024 Top Speed U14 vs Whalers U14 start:2024-06-07 18:05:00 stop:2024-06-07 22:05:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 05 : 2024 Team One U16 vs Whalers U16 start:2024-06-07 22:45:00 stop:2024-06-08 02:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 05 : 2024 Fitzhenry U16 vs Mole HC U19 start:2024-06-08 02:50:00 stop:2024-06-08 06:50:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 06 : 2024 UCI MTB Leogang Austria start:2024-06-07 08:30:00 stop:2024-06-07 12:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 06 : 2024 NYSPHSAA Outdoor Championships start:2024-06-07 18:30:00 stop:2024-06-07 22:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 06 : 2024 Team One U14 vs Kracken U14 start:2024-06-07 22:55:00 stop:2024-06-08 02:55:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 06 : 2024 Idaho Falls Chukars vs Boise Hawks start:2024-06-08 03:05:00 stop:2024-06-08 07:05:00
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PPV FLO SPORTS TV 07 : 2024 Chiefs vs Queensland Reds - Quarterfinal start:2024-06-07 09:00:00 stop:2024-06-07 13:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 07 : 2024 Team One U16 vs Swans Gold U16 start:2024-06-07 19:00:00 stop:2024-06-07 23:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 07 : 2024 Mole HC U16 vs Swans Gold U16 start:2024-06-07 23:05:00 stop:2024-06-08 03:05:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 07 : 2024 Yolo High Wheelers vs Oakland Ballers start:2024-06-08 03:15:00 stop:2024-06-08 07:15:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 08 : 2024 Mole HC U16 vs Whalers U16 start:2024-06-07 19:20:00 stop:2024-06-07 23:20:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 08 : 2024 Open Modified 80 at Stafford Speedway start:2024-06-07 23:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 03:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 09 : 2024 Team Green vs Team Orange start:2024-06-07 20:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 00:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 09 : 2024 Cheema U19 vs Penguins U19 start:2024-06-08 00:10:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:10:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 10 : 2024 Team One U16 vs Swans Blk U16 start:2024-06-07 20:15:00 stop:2024-06-08 00:15:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 10 : 2024 Top Speed U16 vs Swans Blk U16 start:2024-06-08 00:20:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:20:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 11 : 2024 Top Speed U16 vs T1 Girls U16 start:2024-06-07 20:25:00 stop:2024-06-08 00:25:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 11 : 2024 NASCAR Weekly Racing at Autodrome Granby start:2024-06-08 00:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 12 : 2024 NJSIAA Groups 2 & 3 Championships start:2024-06-07 20:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 00:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 12 : 2024 Ottawa Titans vs New Jersey Jackals start:2024-06-08 00:35:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:35:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 13 : 2024 NJSIAA Groups 1 & 4 Championships start:2024-06-07 20:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 00:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 13 : 2024 Lancaster Stormers vs Charleston Dirty Birds start:2024-06-08 00:35:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:35:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 14 : 2024 NJSIAA Non-Public A & B Championships start:2024-06-07 20:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 00:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 14 : 2024 Staten Island FerryHawks vs High Point Rockers start:2024-06-08 00:35:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:35:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 15 : 2024 Munster Rugby vs Ospreys Rugby - Quarterfinal start:2024-06-07 20:35:00 stop:2024-06-08 00:35:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 15 : 2024 Weekly Racing at Utica-Rome Speedway start:2024-06-08 00:45:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:45:00
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PPV FLO SPORTS TV 16 : 2024 Team One U19 vs Kracken U19 start:2024-06-07 20:35:00 stop:2024-06-08 00:35:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 16 : 2024 Appalachian Mountain LM Speedweek at Clinton County Speedway start:2024-06-08 01:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 05:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 17 : 2024 Mole HC U19 vs Whalers U19 start:2024-06-07 21:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 01:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 17 : 2024 Schaumburg Boomers vs Windy City Thunderbolts start:2024-06-08 01:35:00 stop:2024-06-08 05:35:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 18 : 2024 Top Speed U14 vs Swans Blk U14 start:2024-06-07 21:40:00 stop:2024-06-08 01:40:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 18 : 2024 IMCA Weekly Racing at Marshalltown Speedway start:2024-06-08 01:45:00 stop:2024-06-08 05:45:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 19 : 2024 Team Blue vs Team Yellow start:2024-06-07 21:40:00 stop:2024-06-08 01:40:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 19 : 2024 Team Ben Franklin vs Team Freedom start:2024-06-08 02:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 06:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 20 : 2024 Team Freedom Futures vs Team Constitution Futures start:2024-06-07 23:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 03:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 20 : 2024 Ogden Raptors vs Glacier Range Riders start:2024-06-08 03:05:00 stop:2024-06-08 07:05:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 21 : 2024 Team Purple vs Team Silver start:2024-06-07 23:20:00 stop:2024-06-08 03:20:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 22 : 2024 Team Walt Whitman vs Team Independence start:2024-06-07 23:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 03:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 23 : 2024 Team Brooklyn vs Team Lincoln start:2024-06-08 00:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 24 : 2024 Team One U16 vs T1 Girls U16 start:2024-06-08 00:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:00:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 25 : 2024 ARCA West at Sonoma Raceway start:2024-06-08 00:15:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:15:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 26 : 2024 USAC Indiana Midget Week at Bloomington Speedway start:2024-06-08 00:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 27 : 2024 New York Boulders vs Tri-City ValleyCats start:2024-06-08 00:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 28 : 2024 Sussex County Miners vs New England Knockouts start:2024-06-08 00:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 29 : 2024 Wilson Tobs vs Morehead City Marlins start:2024-06-08 00:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 30 : 2024 Martinsville Mustangs vs High Point-Thomasville HiToms start:2024-06-08 00:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:30:00
PPV FLO SPORTS TV 31 : 2024 Holly Springs Salamanders vs Greenville Yard Gnomes start:2024-06-08 00:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 04:30:00
Screwdatt, [6/7/2024 8:57 AM]
IE LOI TV 01 : Derry City FC vs Galway United FC // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:45pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 2:45pm
IE LOI TV 02 : Drogheda United FC vs St. Patricks Athletic FC // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:45pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 2:45pm
IE LOI TV 03 : Shelbourne FC vs Dundalk FC // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:45pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 2:45pm
IE LOI TV 04 : Waterford FC vs Sligo Rovers FC // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:45pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 2:45pm
IE LOI TV 05 : Cobh Ramblers FC vs Finn Harps FC // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:45pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 2:45pm
IE LOI TV 06 : Cork City FC vs Longford Town FC // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:45pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 2:45pm
IE LOI TV 07 : Treaty United FC vs Bray Wanderers FC // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:45pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 2:45pm
IE LOI TV 08 : UCD AFC vs Kerry FC // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:45pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 2:45pm
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AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 01 Chiefs V Reds Super Rugby Pacific Quarter Final 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:15am // ET Fri 7 Jun 2:15am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 01 Shaw/wagner V Lapthorne/sasson Quad Wheelchair Doubles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 12:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 01 Jamrichova/valentova V Jones/paganetti Girls Doubles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 4:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 11:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 01 Hurricanes V Rebels Super Rugby Pacific Quarter Final 2024 // UK Sat 8 Jun 5:15am // ET Sat 8 Jun 12:15am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 01 Perth Bayswater V Wanneroo Wa Premier Grade R7 2024 // UK Sat 8 Jun 8:25am // ET Sat 8 Jun 3:25am
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AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 02 Schrodevink V Davidson/ramphadi Quad Wheelchair Doubles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 10:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 5:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 02 Harris/taucher V Hill/van Rijt Boys Wheelchair Doubles Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 2:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 9:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 02 Sunnybank V Bond University Hospital Cup Round 10 2024 // UK Sat 8 Jun 6:00am // ET Sat 8 Jun 1:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 03 Samson V Penickova Girls Singles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 10:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 5:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 03 Hewett/reid V Fernandez/houdet Mens Wheelchair Doubles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 2:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 9:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 03 Uq V Wests Hospital Cup Round 10 2024 // UK Sat 8 Jun 6:00am // ET Sat 8 Jun 1:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 04 Li/zhu V De Groot/van Koot Womens Wheelchair Doubles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 10:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 5:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 04 Errani/paolini V Kostyuk/ruse Womens Doubles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 2:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 9:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 04 Norths V Souths Hospital Cup Round 10 2024 // UK Sat 8 Jun 6:00am // ET Sat 8 Jun 1:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 05 Bigun V Schwaerzler Boys Singles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 10:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 5:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 05 Dolehide/krawczyk V Gauff/siniakova Womens Doubles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 4:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 11:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 05 Easts V Gps Hospital Cup Round 10 2024 // UK Sat 8 Jun 6:00am // ET Sat 8 Jun 1:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 06 Cattaneo/laget V Miki/oda Mens Wheelchair Doubles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 10:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 5:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 06 Ruud V Zverev Mens Singles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 4:30pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 11:30am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 06 Blues V Fijian Drua Super Rugby Pacific Quarter Final 2024 // UK Sat 8 Jun 7:40am // ET Sat 8 Jun 2:40am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 07 Carboni V Berkieta Boys Singles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 12:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 08 Kamiji/montjane V Mathewson/tanaka Womens Wheelchair Doubles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 12:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 09 Valentova V Grant Girls Singles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 12:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 10 Granollers/zeballos V Arevalo/pavic Mens Doubles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 12:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00am
AU STAN SPORT AU EVENT 11 Alcaraz V Sinner Mens Singles Semi Final Roland Garros 2024 // UK Fri 7 Jun 1:30pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:30am
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UK-AU OPTUS 01 : England v Iceland start:2024-06-07 19:25:00 stop:2024-06-07 22:05:00
UK-AU OPTUS 02 : Germany v Greece start:2024-06-07 19:25:00 stop:2024-06-07 22:05:00
UK-AU OPTUS 05 : Poland v Ukraine start:2024-06-07 19:25:00 stop:2024-06-07 22:05:00
UK-AU OPTUS 06 : Scotland v Finland start:2024-06-07 19:25:00 stop:2024-06-07 22:05:00
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=== UK DAZN PACK ===
UK DAZN UK 02 Liv houston day 1 07th 5:58pm/Collazo vs. Zapata 08th 12:58am/Ironman 70.3 boulder 08th 1:28pm/Flag eastern conference game 08th 10:58pm/Liv houston day 3 09th 5:58pm/Pfl 4 weighin 12th 10:58pm
UK DAZN UK 03 Pfl europe 2 weighin 07th 5:58pm/Tenerife bluetrail 08th 6:28am/Rws kompatak vs. Chalarm 08th 1:43pm/Flag western conference game 09th 12:58am/A7fl week 9 09th 5:58pm
UK DAZN UK 04 Flag eastern tournament 07th 8:58pm/Red bull cliff diving usa 08th 4:28pm/Eastern conference championship game 09th 12:58am/Sevilla vs. Atletico madrid 09th 7:28pm
UK DAZN UK 05 San diego rebellion vs. Denver bandits 07th 2:58am/Flag western tournament 07th 10:58pm
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=== UK Amazon PACK ===
UK Amazon UK 00 : Badminton-Indonesia Open: Quarter-Finals start:2024-06-07 07:25:00 stop:2024-06-07 15:54:00
UK Amazon UK 00 : M. Granollers / H. Zeballos - M. Arevalo / M. Pavic Men Doubles Semi-Final Roland-Garros start:2024-06-07 11:55:00 stop:2024-06-07 15:55:00
UK Amazon UK 01 : LaLiga FC Futures-Group Stage: CĂĄdiz v Mallorca start:2024-06-07 08:55:00 stop:2024-06-07 12:55:00
UK Amazon UK 01 : S. Errani / J. Paolini - M. Kostyuk / E. G. Ruse Women Doubles Semi-Final Roland-Garros start:2024-06-07 13:55:00 stop:2024-06-07 17:55:00
UK Amazon UK 02 : LaLiga FC Futures-Group Stage: Real Sociedad v Celta de Vigo start:2024-06-07 09:25:00 stop:2024-06-07 13:25:00
Screwdatt, [6/7/2024 8:57 AM]
UK Amazon UK 02 : N. Budkov Kjaer / J. Schwaerzler - T. Derepasko / A. Omarkhanov Junior Men Doubles Semi-Final Roland-Garros start:2024-06-07 13:55:00 stop:2024-06-07 17:55:00
UK Amazon UK 03 : F. Schiavone / M. Bahrami - D. Hantuchova / G. Forget Mixed Doubles Legends Roland-Garros start:2024-06-07 09:50:00 stop:2024-06-07 13:50:00
UK Amazon UK 03 : Tennis Roland-Garros start:2024-06-07 14:55:00 stop:2024-06-07 18:55:00
UK Amazon UK 04 : N. Dechy / P. Parmentier - L. Davenport / F. Pennetta Women Doubles Legends Roland-Garros start:2024-06-07 09:50:00 stop:2024-06-07 13:50:00
UK Amazon UK 05 : Kaylan Bigun - Joel Schwaerzler Junior Men Singles Semi-Final Roland-Garros start:2024-06-07 09:50:00 stop:2024-06-07 13:50:00
UK Amazon UK 06 : Maximilian Taucher - Ivar Van Rijt Junior Men Wheelchair Singles Final Roland-Garros start:2024-06-07 09:50:00 stop:2024-06-07 13:50:00
UK Amazon UK 07 : LaLiga FC Futures-Group Stage: Real Betis v Las Palmas start:2024-06-07 09:55:00 stop:2024-06-07 13:55:00
UK Amazon UK 08 : Australian Rules Football-Western Bulldogs v Brisbane Lions start:2024-06-07 10:10:00 stop:2024-06-07 14:10:00
UK Amazon UK 09 : LaLiga FC Futures-Group Stage: Girona v Granada start:2024-06-07 10:25:00 stop:2024-06-07 14:25:00
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=== UK NRL PACK ===
UK NRL LIVE 00 : St George Illawarra vs Wests Tigers // UK Fri 7 Jun 10:58am // ET Fri 7 Jun 5:58am
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=== UK PDC PACK ===
UK PDC EVENT 01 : 2024 mr vegas nordic darts masters day one // UK Fri 7 Jun 6:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 1:00pm
UK PDC EVENT 02 : 2024 pdc asian tour events 1314 // UK Sat 8 Jun 3:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 10:00pm
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UK VIA PLAY 01 FIVB Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour Elite16 ostrava // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:30am ET Fri 7 Jun 2:30am
UK VIA PLAY 01 FIVB Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour Elite16 ostrava // UK Sat 8 Jun 8:00am ET Sat 8 Jun 3:00am
UK VIA PLAY 02 FIVB Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour Elite16 ostrava // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:30am ET Fri 7 Jun 2:30am
UK VIA PLAY 02 FIVB Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour Elite16 ostrava // UK Sat 8 Jun 8:00am ET Sat 8 Jun 3:00am
UK VIA PLAY 03 LALIGA FC FUTURES CĂĄdiz mallorca // UK Fri 7 Jun 9:00am ET Fri 7 Jun 4:00am
UK VIA PLAY 03 LALIGA FC FUTURES Real betis las palmas // UK Fri 7 Jun 10:00am ET Fri 7 Jun 5:00am
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UK VIA PLAY 03 LALIGA FC FUTURES Real madrid mallorca // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:00am ET Fri 7 Jun 6:00am
UK VIA PLAY 03 LALIGA FC FUTURES Barcelona real betis // UK Fri 7 Jun 12:00pm ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00am
UK VIA PLAY 03 NHL Nhl tonight // UK Fri 7 Jun 2:00pm ET Fri 7 Jun 9:00am
UK VIA PLAY 03 LALIGA FC FUTURES Athletic club villarreal // UK Fri 7 Jun 4:00pm ET Fri 7 Jun 11:00am
UK VIA PLAY 03 LALIGA FC FUTURES Barcelona las palmas // UK Fri 7 Jun 5:00pm ET Fri 7 Jun 12:00pm
UK VIA PLAY 03 KSW Wikłacz vs przybysz // UK Fri 7 Jun 6:00pm ET Fri 7 Jun 1:00pm
UK VIA PLAY 04 LALIGA FC FUTURES Real sociedad celta vigo // UK Fri 7 Jun 9:30am ET Fri 7 Jun 4:30am
UK VIA PLAY 04 LALIGA FC FUTURES Girona granada // UK Fri 7 Jun 10:30am ET Fri 7 Jun 5:30am
UK VIA PLAY 04 LALIGA FC FUTURES Villarreal rayo vallecano // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:30am ET Fri 7 Jun 6:30am
UK VIA PLAY 04 LALIGA FC FUTURES Atltico madrid osasuna // UK Fri 7 Jun 4:30pm ET Fri 7 Jun 11:30am
UK VIA PLAY 04 LALIGA FC FUTURES Real madrid cĂĄdiz // UK Fri 7 Jun 5:30pm ET Fri 7 Jun 12:30pm
UK VIA PLAY 04 LALIGA FC FUTURES Atltico madrid girona // UK Fri 7 Jun 6:30pm ET Fri 7 Jun 1:30pm
UK VIA PLAY 04 UEFA International Friendlies Poland ukraine // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:35pm ET Fri 7 Jun 2:35pm
UK VIA PLAY 05 UEFA International Friendlies Armenia kazakhstan // UK Fri 7 Jun 4:50pm ET Fri 7 Jun 11:50am
UK VIA PLAY 05 UEFA International Friendlies Germany greece // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:35pm ET Fri 7 Jun 2:35pm
UK VIA PLAY 06 KSW Wikłacz vs przybysz (polish) // UK Fri 7 Jun 5:55pm ET Fri 7 Jun 12:55pm
UK VIA PLAY 07 LALIGA FC FUTURES Villarreal celta vigo // UK Fri 7 Jun 6:00pm ET Fri 7 Jun 1:00pm
UK VIA PLAY 07 United Rugby Championship Munster ospreys // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:00pm ET Fri 7 Jun 2:00pm
UK VIA PLAY 08 UEFA International Friendlies Scotland finland // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:00pm ET Fri 7 Jun 2:00pm
UK VIA PLAY 09 LALIGA FC FUTURES Real madrid alavs // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:00pm ET Fri 7 Jun 2:00pm
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US DIRTVISION 01: 6.7.24 Attica Raceway Park // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:30pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:30pm
US DIRTVISION 02: 6.7.24 Williams Grove Speedway // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00pm
US DIRTVISION 03: 6.7.24 River Cities Speedway // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:15am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:15pm
US DIRTVISION 04: 6.7.24 DIRT Zone // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:30am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:30pm
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US TRILLER TV 01 Don King Adrien Broner vs Blair Cobbs // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:00pm
US TRILLER TV 02 Dynasty Combat Sports 92 Summer Kickoff 2024 // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:30am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:30pm
US TRILLER TV 03 Black Label Pro Family Reunion // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:30am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:30pm
US TRILLER TV 04 AEW Rampage Episode 2324 // UK Sat 8 Jun 3:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 10:00pm
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US PEACOCK 01 TENNIS French open mens sf // UK Fri 7 Jun 4:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 10:00am
US PEACOCK 01 INDYCAR Road america practice 1 // UK Fri 7 Jun 9:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 3:00pm
US PEACOCK 01 NXT Nxt level up // UK Sat 8 Jun 3:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 9:00pm
US PEACOCK 02 CYCLING Criterium du dauphine stage 6 // UK Fri 7 Jun 2:25pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:25am
US PEACOCK 02 GOLF Memorial tournament rd. 2 // UK Fri 7 Jun 7:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 1:00pm
US PEACOCK 03 GOLF Shoprite lpga classic rd. 1 // UK Fri 7 Jun 5:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 11:00am
US PEACOCK 04 GOLF Amfam championship rd. 1 // UK Fri 7 Jun 8:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 2:00pm
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US WNBA GAME 01 Indiana Fever @ Washington Mystics start:2024-06-08 00:30:00 stop:2024-06-08 02:30:00
US WNBA GAME 02 Seattle Storm @ Las Vegas Aces start:2024-06-08 03:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 05:00:00
US WNBA GAME 03 Dallas Wings @ Los Angeles Sparks start:2024-06-08 03:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 05:00:00
US WNBA GAME 04 Minnesota Lynx @ Phoenix Mercury start:2024-06-08 03:00:00 stop:2024-06-08 05:00:00
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US MILB 01 Tulsa Drillers vs Amarillo Sod Poodles // UK Fri 7 Jun 10:05pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 5:05pm
US MILB 01 Las Vegas Aviators vs El Paso Chihuahuas // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:35am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:35pm
US MILB 02 Tulsa Drillers vs Amarillo Sod Poodles // UK Fri 7 Jun 10:10pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 5:10pm
US MILB 02 Eugene Emeralds vs Tri-City Dust Devils // UK Sat 8 Jun 2:30am // ET Fri 7 Jun 9:30pm
US MILB 03 Akron RubberDucks vs Portland Sea Dogs // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:00pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:00pm
US MILB 03 Visalia Rawhide vs Rancho Cucamonga Quakes // UK Sat 8 Jun 2:30am // ET Fri 7 Jun 9:30pm
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US MILB 04 Daytona Tortugas vs St. Lucie Mets // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:10pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:10pm
US MILB 04 Albuquerque Isotopes vs Sacramento River Cats // UK Sat 8 Jun 2:45am // ET Fri 7 Jun 9:45pm
US MILB 05 Dunedin Blue Jays vs Palm Beach Cardinals // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:30pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:30pm
US MILB 05 Vancouver Canadians vs Everett AquaSox // UK Sat 8 Jun 3:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 10:05pm
US MILB 06 Jersey Shore BlueClaws vs Greensboro Grasshoppers // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:30pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:30pm
US MILB 06 Fresno Grizzlies vs Modesto Nuts // UK Sat 8 Jun 3:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 10:05pm
US MILB 07 Jupiter Hammerheads vs Lakeland Flying Tigers // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:30pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:30pm
US MILB 07 San Jose Giants vs Stockton Ports // UK Sat 8 Jun 3:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 10:05pm
US MILB 08 Fort Myers Mighty Mussels vs Tampa Tarpons // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:30pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:30pm
US MILB 08 Reno Aces vs Tacoma Rainiers // UK Sat 8 Jun 3:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 10:05pm
US MILB 09 Clearwater Threshers vs Bradenton Marauders // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:30pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:30pm
US MILB 10 Gwinnett Stripers vs Durham Bulls // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:35pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:35pm
US MILB 11 New Hampshire Fisher Cats vs Erie SeaWolves // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:35pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:35pm
US MILB 12 Hudson Valley Renegades vs Wilmington Blue Rocks // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:35pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:35pm
US MILB 13 Norfolk Tides vs Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:35pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:35pm
US MILB 14 Bowling Green Hot Rods vs Asheville Tourists // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:35pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:35pm
US MILB 15 Altoona Curve vs Richmond Flying Squirrels // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:35pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:35pm
US MILB 16 Rochester Red Wings vs Worcester Red Sox // UK Fri 7 Jun 11:45pm // ET Fri 7 Jun 6:45pm
US MILB 17 Greenville Drive vs Hickory Crawdads // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00pm
US MILB 18 Aberdeen IronBirds vs Brooklyn Cyclones // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00pm
US MILB 19 Harrisburg Senators vs Reading Fightin Phils // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00pm
US MILB 20 Birmingham Barons vs Tennessee Smokies // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00pm
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US MILB 21 Winston-Salem Dash vs Rome Emperors // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:00pm
US MILB 22 Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp vs Charlotte Knights // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:04am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:04pm
US MILB 23 Carolina Mudcats vs Charleston RiverDogs // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 24 Columbus Clippers vs Indianapolis Indians // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 25 Down East Wood Ducks vs Salem Red Sox // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 26 Kannapolis Cannon Ballers vs Fredericksburg Nationals // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 27 Cedar Rapids Kernels vs Great Lakes Loons // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 28 Lansing Lugnuts vs Dayton Dragons // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 29 Binghamton Rumble Ponies vs Bowie Baysox // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 30 Myrtle Beach Pelicans vs Augusta GreenJackets // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 31 Lynchburg Hillcats vs Delmarva Shorebirds // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 32 West Michigan Whitecaps vs South Bend Cubs // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 33 Peoria Chiefs vs Fort Wayne TinCaps // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 34 Buffalo Bisons vs Lehigh Valley IronPigs // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 35 Hartford Yard Goats vs Somerset Patriots // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 36 Mississippi Braves vs Pensacola Blue Wahoos // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 37 Fayetteville Woodpeckers vs Columbia Fireflies // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:05pm
US MILB 38 Lake County Captains vs Beloit Sky Carp // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:35am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:35pm
US MILB 39 Louisville Bats vs Nashville Sounds // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:35am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:35pm
US MILB 40 Chattanooga Lookouts vs Rocket City Trash Pandas // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:35am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:35pm
US MILB 41 Biloxi Shuckers vs Montgomery Biscuits // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:35am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:35pm
US MILB 42 Quad Cities River Bandits vs Wisconsin Timber Rattlers // UK Sat 8 Jun 12:40am // ET Fri 7 Jun 7:40pm
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US MILB 43 San Antonio Missions vs Midland RockHounds // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:00am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:00pm
US MILB 44 Round Rock Express vs Oklahoma City Baseball Club // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:05pm
US MILB 45 Frisco RoughRiders vs Corpus Christi Hooks // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:05pm
US MILB 46 Memphis Redbirds vs Omaha Storm Chasers // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:05pm
US MILB 47 Springfield Cardinals vs Arkansas Travelers // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:05pm
US MILB 48 Wichita Wind Surge vs Northwest Arkansas Naturals // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:05am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:05pm
US MILB 49 Syracuse Mets vs St. Paul Saints // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:07am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:07pm
US MILB 50 Toledo Mud Hens vs Iowa Cubs // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:08am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:08pm
US MILB 51 Sugar Land Space Cowboys vs Salt Lake Bees // UK Sat 8 Jun 1:35am // ET Fri 7 Jun 8:35pm
US MILB 52 Lake Elsinore Storm vs Inland Empire 66ers // UK Sat 8 Jun 2:35am // ET Fri 7 Jun 9:35pm
US MILB 53 Hillsboro Hops vs Spokane Indians // UK Sat 8 Jun 2:35am // ET Fri 7 Jun 9:35pm
submitted by Screwdatt to TodaysGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:00 RaysBot Game Chat: 6/7 Orioles (39-22) @ Rays (31-31) 6:50 PM

Orioles (39-22) @ Rays (31-31)

First Pitch: 6:50 PM at Tropicana Field
Team Starter TV Radio
Orioles Cole Irvin (5-2, 2.84 ERA) MASN2 98 Rock
Rays Aaron Civale (2-4, 5.37 ERA) BSSUN WDAE, WQBN/1300 (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Baseball Savant Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Strikezone Map Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Scheduled

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
BAL 0 0 0 -
TB 0 0 0 -

Box Score

Posted at 8:00 AM. Updates start at game time.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by RaysBot to tampabayrays [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:32 bakercooker What Is The Best Way To Build A Team Around A Dominant QB?

In the modern NFL what type of roster construction (assuming you have an elite QB) sets you up for the most Super Bowl opportunities? Let's look at the careers of elite QBs such Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees and Patrick Mahomes.
The first 4 men are finished and retired. Brady has 7 rings and 10 Super Bowl appearances. Manning has 2 rings and 4 Super Bowl appearances. Rodgers and Brees only have 1 win and only even played in 1 Super Bowl. Brady consistently had the best defenses., but arguably the worst weapons. Manning had probably the 2nd best defenses and amazing weapons, but there is a huge drop-off behind the Brady defenses. His 2nd Super Bowl ring was all Denver's all time great defense. Rodgers and Brees generally had mediocre to bad defenses. Brees would go through stretches of not even making the playoffs. Not coincidentally the 1 time Rodgers had a great defense is the 1 time he won a ring.
Obviously, the goal is to get better and stronger at every position. But the NFL is a hard salary cap league and draft capital is finite. It does seem to me that if you have an elite QB that these finite resources are better allocated towards defense. If your goal is to maximize Super Bowl appearances then recent history suggests defense is the way to go.
Last year was by far the worst offense of the Mahomes era and it still ended in a Super Bowl victory. But Mahomes with a defense is almost unfair. Even with a lack of weapons.
submitted by bakercooker to KansasCityChiefs [link] [comments]