Good facebook photo albums

Blunder Years: pictures from a regrettable past.

2013.01.03 20:35 cbrandolino Blunder Years: pictures from a regrettable past.

Do you still cringingly remember "Fuck drugs and government", the hardcore hit of your 15 year self? Have you just found your old myspace picture, xXxLadyDarkness85xXx? Come and share your dusty treasure for the world - and you - to laugh and regret - *Together.* So come and tell us what the old you was up to!

2010.01.14 22:33 US Navy

This is primarily a US Navy-centric subreddit, but all are welcome. REMEMBER OPSEC. Do not post your command or name! Post all questions and discussion about recruiters, MEPS, the Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Boot Camp, and transferring to your first command in our sister subreddit, newtothenavy. READ THE WIKI ( and please do a search before posting.

2009.04.29 06:01 shakirita Shakira

Shakira - world renowned singer and songwriter

2024.05.14 04:59 AdZealousideal8375 How do you organize your image assets?

I've bought the legacy version of IconJar a long while ago, but it only supports universal files such as PNG, EPS and SVG. It does a pretty good job at organizing that stuff, but I have a couple of cons about it.
  1. It catalogs in its own file system, it doesn't reference to the folder location instead.
  2. It doesn't support cataloging other files such as Photoshop, Illustrator or Affinity
I guess I could use Bridge, but it's soooo clunky in my opinion, but it does support files more than IconJar. I could also do the tried and true folder system in Finder, but I feel that's not very useful for logging and searching for stuff. There's also Apple Photos, but same issue, it dcatalogs in its own little database, and it's more for photos, not graphic assets.
submitted by AdZealousideal8375 to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:57 ionlyredditcasually Got rear ended and the guy behind me is claiming it is my should i proceed?

So i got rear ended on the highway the other day and I've never been in an accident before so apologies for the questions.
The accident happened in stop and go traffic when it was wet from raining a few hours earlier. I changed lanes into a new lane and was fully in my new lane for a good 30-40 seconds. As i braked when the guys in front of me braked, I saw in my rear view mirror the guy behind me coming at speed and rear ends we pull over and 911 says cops arent going to come.
We both file claims and I get a call from his insurance company basically saying that guy claims I cut him off....which is bs. Now the damage to my car is on the bar right side (impact dents and what not) and his damage is on the front left side. The reason the damage is only on one half of the rear of my car is because the guy behind me tried to swerve to the right at the last second to avoid the collision.
Now does this guy actually have grounds to put some of the fault on me? I mean its a "he said she said" situation i guess. I am worried the photo evidence (since damage is only on one side) could actually give him an edge. Should i be concerned and how should i proceed when talking to insurance? Are mediators able to judge from the photos of damage whether his claims are true or not?
submitted by ionlyredditcasually to driving [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:57 Plenty-Blackberry764 I (17F) embarrassed myself in front of a guy (17M) i like

on mondays, im alone at lunch (high school) cause all my friends have band. i recently met one of my friend’s friend, a guy, on thursday, and we exchanged a few words when i was hanging out with my friend. all cool except i ended up getting some sort of crush on him. so i tell my friend, and my friend promised to ‘set us up’ on tuesday, cause she’s in band mondays.
so i was asking her today if i should approach him. i found out we have a mutual band we both like and i decided i’d use that as a way to start a conversation. so, 2 minutes before the bell, i walk into the class he sits in at lunch (he was alone so i considered it a good excuse to start a conversation) and i say hi. except, while i’m explaining why i approached him, i’m horribly stumbling over all my words and my heart is beating super quickly. im really bad with social interaction when it’s someone i don’t really know. so while i’m stumbling over my words, he literally raises an eyebrow at me, probbaly cause i look like i’m on something, cause it’s taking me forever to get my words out. finally, i say “so, i heard you like (insert band)?” and he just awkwardly says “yea” so i continue to talk about it like a madman and i look silly during this whole thing!! i ask him his favorite album and i ask him if he’s ever listened to my favorite song and when he said “no” i recommended he listen to it. afterwards, he asks what my name was and says nice meeting u and i practically run out cus im so embarassed over what just happened
like i said, im really bad at social interaction but i’m also bad at reading people’s emotions. so i’m not entirely sure if he was put off by the interaction, or if he was fine with it.
later my friend texts him about it and she told me by the way he described it, he deemed the interaction as ‘odd’ but he called me nice. which is fine i guess, but i’m just stuck on the ‘odd’ part, which is really turning me away from pursuing him any further. he didn’t outright state he thought i or it was odd, but he implied it, and i’m just so embarrassed by how i carried myself and his reaction that i might just stop altogether.
so i’m not sure if i should keep trying to pursue him with my friend helping me, or if i should just stop. i really don’t want to let me embarrassment or awkwardness get the better of me, but i don’t want to odd him out anymore if that makes sense . it makes me happy that he thinks i’m nice, but i’m also friends with the friend he was telling this to, so he could’ve just been putting it lightly?? idk
so i guess my question is, should i discard my embarrassment and continue or just accept that he is probably weirded out by the interaction and just lay off of it?? i know i seem like i’m possibly overreacting (i probably am) but i take embarrassment really badly
TLDR ; embarassed myself talking to my crush, feeling really unmotivated to try to continue talking to him, wondering if i should continue or give up to save myself future embarrassment / also because he didn’t seem very interested in the conversation
submitted by Plenty-Blackberry764 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:56 normal-spongebob Cartier Santos 35mm QC

This is my first time posting a QC/buying a rep, so I hope I do this right!
  1. Dealer name: Geektime
  2. Factory name: BVF
  3. Model name (& version number): BVF SS White 35 mm
  4. Price Paid: $478 without shipping
  5. Album Links:
  6. Index alignment: N/A
  7. Dial Printing: Looks like the typical floating R. The C might also seem small?
  8. Date Wheel alignment/printing: N/A
  9. Hand Alignment: N/A
  10. Bezel: Looks good
  11. Solid End Links (SELs): N/A
  12. Timegrapher numbers: -1 s/d, 293 amp. First time seeing a negative number after 10 secs into the video
  13. Anything else you notice: I think I see a spec of dust above the "I" or "1" print, but I think that might be lighting?
submitted by normal-spongebob to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:56 sb512022 (tldr warning) I (20M) regret what i did to my gf (20F) how can i rebuild trust with her and show her i think differently and wont hurt her again?

so to clear things up before i say the story. i understand why this is all happening and i do regret it and i wish i could go back in time and just be a good person in general and treated her way better. every single day i live with this regret and it just pains me.
so me and her have been together for two years now and it really was all fun and romantic. it felt like we were meant for each other and it wasn't just lust. it was love. true deep love and i loved it so much. we fought a good amount but it was never relationship ending. we always overcame our disagreements and learned to apologize and recognize when one of us is wrong. but we had a big problem recently and it was very personal to her and i failed at being a decent human being and instead got mad and defensive and i let my emotion take over instead of understanding.
so one morning i woke up to a text from her saying she found two pictures of instagram girls in bikinis saved on my accounts folder from when i was in freshman year. she politely asked me to delete them. then i did tell her id delete them but i then proceeded to get upset as if this was a common thing to get mad at me about and i acted like it wasn't a big deal and i basically told her to get over it and that "it shouldn't be a whole day problem" without realizing how much those photos impacted her. i wasn't aware of those photos being there and instead of reassuring her and just being nice and deleted them i made a whole big deal about it and i regret it.
she's always told me she doesn't like the way she looks and that she accepted the fact that she looks "mid" and she isn't anyone's type of girl but she's told me before that i made her feel like she was my type and i made her feel pretty at times but that's all gone now. i really was into her and she's still so pretty to me and she kept getting prettier and prettier in every scenario i saw her.
i didn't even think in the moment on how it could affect her seeing those pictures saved on my account. she must have felt awful seeing that and it would make it seem like i had a type and i was attracted to those girls when in reality i didn't even know they existed and im not really attracted to women other than her. i know it sounds like bullshit but i just can't see women the same after being with her and she won't ever believe that. i understand now how she must've felt and how it must have shattered her self esteem and i couldn't even reassure her. and when we eventually talked about it like a day later, i STILL didn't understand how she felt and when i apologized i wrote the most wrong apology saying stuff like "i did nothing wrong" "get over it im sorry" literally no reassurance just anger and i hate myself for not realizing it in the moment. it wasn't until like a WEEK LATER that i realized how she felt and what i should've done.
our anniversary of two years was in like a week and after this bad apology and talk we basically took a break so she can have time to think. we still talked here and there but nothing romantically or about us. and we agreed that we'd try couples therapy one day so i set it all up and this is where i did the most stupidest awful decision ever.
i know it's frowned upon and stuff but my dad tried to raise me to be cold and not show emotion but in reality emotion is all i could show. i ended up being very needy and anxious and just needing her comfort at times.
the night before we were going to talk to the therapy lady. she was having a bad time and told me she didn't want to talk tonight or call. and without thinking i just started being needy and wanted her attention and kept texting her. then i did something so stupid and ruined what i loved the most. i don't know what my thought process was or how i thought it was a good idea but i got on a "second number app" that allows you to text from a whole different number and i texted HER number while she was feeling bad and in the text i acted like i was a coworker i had that was "looking for me" the coworker was a girl and of no importance to me but i used her name practically asking for "myself to catch up"
i wrote a paragraph for when i wanted to reveal myself and in it i tried to say that i did it because i wanted her to see that "i was always there" or that it always was just her and i and that she doesn't need to worry about anyone getting in between us because it was always her and i. that reason sounds like BS now i genuinely don't know what i was thinking. she says she knows that i did it just to make her jealous, but i don't feel like it was that way. i didn't mean to hurt her and i wish i saw how it could hurt her.
after coming clean about it like a few texts on there i sent the paragraph thinking we'd just laugh about it or something like the stupid delusional person i am. she didn't say anything in the first few seconds but i felt a sudden regret and i felt like i couldn't breathe because i suddenly realize how bad of a thing it was. i promised her i would lie to her and i tricked her with this. so i started panicking after sending it and saying stuff like "this was a bad thing wasn't it" and just panicking and apologizing so fast because i tricked her. i didn't even think about how she would be jealous about that coworker and i was stupid to not think that back then. she then didn't reply for a while and it sank in that i really did something so awful to her. so out of panic i got in my car and went to see a friend at 2 am because they worked night shift. and i talked to her about it and she agreed that it was stupid and i shouldn't have done it. i am so conflicted about this right now. i don't know if it was because i was needy or i just wanted her attention or im just plain stupid. i don't know now why i did it and i regret it deeply. she won't accept an apology thought because my reasoning doesn't make sense at all and i understand that now.
i felt sick to my stomach and later that night like an hour or so later she broke up with me. my whole world sank. i dented my car and went back to my friend to tell her and i just broke down for what i have done. and i've been paying for this with karma ever since this has happened. not even an hour later from this, i got fired from the job i was working at and i lost everything. i have this pain in my chest that hasn't gone away since that day and i've been having nonstop stomach problems and my relationship with my family is decreasing and they're resenting me and i even lost my dog i had for 7 years. so many things keep happening but i know it's because i have to pay and i understand that.
backstory on why this made such an impact: i grew up as a lie. i lied to my family i lied to my friends. i lied to be liked in school and i always tried to be something i am not. when i met her i tried to put these lies behind me and bury my past and what i was and i deleted alot of stuff and quit my porn addiction because i really wanted something with her. but she found out about my past one day and i lied to cover it up and these lies only came back and i ended up breaking her trust again and again to the point where she thought things that were never happening. i know im a liar and a bad person but i was never a cheater or unfaithful to her. i've always genuinely liked her and how she looked and i had everything i wanted. i didn't need to cheat or find other girls because i had one and she was all that i wanted. i even made it clear to here that the relationship wasn't about sex because if we ever stopped having it i'd still love her. but i couldn't be understanding and reassuring with her and i messed up so much and i made it seem like i was lying to her again even though i wasnt. and her last relationship was full of lies and she was manipulated and she regrets going back to him after the fact she knew how he was. and this is the scenario i am in right now. what we had was real love and it was beautiful but i messed it up and destroyed it badly. and she doesn't want to disappoint her past self by doing the same thing she did with her ex because she's afraid of getting hurt again. she can't trust me anymore. she doesn't believe that we could fix it again. she doesn't believe that i liked her and that i was attracted to her. she believes i was out there getting crushes and talking to other women and she believes i did it to make her jealous and that i have a type of girl i like and it's not her. she thinks i led her on this whole time but when i ask "then why am i still here" there's no answer because im not doing this out of pity or attachment. i truly loved her and how she looked. she doesn't believe attractions change and that people can change. she's so focused that we can't have what we had before because it's too different now. i just don't know what to do and im full of regret.
so sometime later i gave her her space and just rotted away in my room missing what i destroyed. one day something compelled me to go to the store and i saw her there. i went up to her and she wanted to talk so i agreed and we went to the park to talk. she tried to break up with me in person that day but couldn't and later that night she texted me that we'd break up in person rather than through text because we're adults. so some time later we kept seeing eachother a bit and talking. we even ended up going to the place i rented for our anniversary just out of a spontaneous decision because she felt a comfort in being around me even though it hurts her. that day we ended up doing a lot of stuff and being intimate with each other and acting like normal. the only words that came out while we were doing it were "i love you" from both of us and it was so passionate and real and it felt like what we had before. we acted normal after that and spent the night and watched movies and cuddled and just talked like nothing at all happened. we were smiling and cracking jokes and just having a good time. it was the same. i didn't want to take her home because i knew it would end though. and that it was all just a dream. and it did end. we decided to be on a break for now and we still talk and sometimes even have fun like we used to but nothing romantically yet. we even started making out the other day but then like a few days later she gets reminded of everything and doesn't talk to me again. and i get she's in her feeling and i understand what i did and that she deserves better but i want to be that better. i want to change for her and show her that i wont hurt her again. but she's afraid. she can't trust me anymore and she's afraid to try again because she loved me she genuinely loved me and she looks for me in the person i am now and she can't "find him" and she believes things will never be the same again and that it won't work but she can't leave because it's too painful. BUT i feel like it can be the same... all those moments we had they were like nothing happened. it's still there within us. our love is still there and i know it is but she's afraid of doing it again and disappointing her past self. like we've been calling and acting normal even though we keep thing the same thing and it keeps bothering us. i feel regret and pain and she feels the pain too because she loved me. i don't know what to do. i know the best for us is probably to just leave it and go our separate ways but i can't. i do love her still and i want to be better for her. for my family. a better person in general. i know i can be the better for her and i don't want to give up. and she doesn't want to give up because she loved me but she also doesn't want her emotions to get in the way of what she should do. i don't know. this is a just a big rant i don't know if its a good idea to post it or if anyone will read this far. i just miss her so much. i miss what we were. i miss how happy we were. this kind and good hearted girl loved me and has showed me so much. she was my first for a lot of things. and my first actual commitment to a relationship. she took my virginity aswell but those are not the reasons i want to stay with her. i want to stay because i love her. i really love her and it just begs the question "why did you do it?" and i don't know. it eats me up inside and i can't take it i DONT know and i wish i could take it all back. i want to start over. i want a time machine. i want her. she loved me and i destroyed what i loved the most. my life hasn't been the same since then and so many bad things keep happening to me but i know it's for a reason. how can i regain her trust? is that even possible? i dont know what to do. i know she needs time but will she ever see that i do want to change? that change is possible and i don't want to hurt her anymore? i regret it all. why couldn't i just be more understanding and reassuring and been good to her. how could i be so foolish. if i just kept my stupid thoughts quiet and kept my mouth shut we could've gone to therapy or something. i messed up really bad.
thank you for reading. i feel so lost
submitted by sb512022 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:55 underrated003 Oldest debt of my life

Today, I paid the oldest debt of my life. It took me 18 years to pay this debt. And trust me, I am not the hero of this story. In 2006, when I was in 6th class, I and some kids were playing; it's been so long that I can't remember the names of the kids I was playing with. Suddenly, by accident, one of the kids who was wearing a spectacle got his spectacle broken while playing. Akash (One of the kids playing with us) and I got blamed. Just because I could not present a valid argument or defend myself in front of the teacher, the teacher punished us to get that Kid’s spectacle repaired. I clearly remember that it cost ₹50 to fix at that time. Akash paid the entire ₹50; since I was also blamed for this accident, I had to pay half, but that ₹25 was a really big amount for me then. I never could ask or tell my parents about this; I don’t know if the fear or the inferiority inside me thought my parents couldn’t afford to pay those ₹25. Akash paid my share, but every day, he used to ask me for money, which I never had; I used to feel very stressed and embarrassed at that time. I am 28 now. I can barely remember what I ate yesterday, but I remember what happened that day word by word, frame by frame. One day, Akash didn't ask me for the money, and a kid who was not even a good friend came to me and said, “Ankit tune jo Akash ko ₹25 dene the, vo Maine de diye hain and agar tre pass kabi paise ho toh de dio, nahi toh mat dio" Ankit I have paid the ₹25 that you owed Akash if you ever have the money pay, otherwise there's no need.
The kid who paid ₹25 on my behalf, his name is Navneet Chaudhary, and even after doing such an outstanding and selfless act at such a young age, we never became very close friends; he was busy with his life. I was busy with mine, but he never mentioned this incident to anyone; how do I know this? Until now, I have never met any friends who have asked me about this incident or spoken to me about it. I lost contact with Navneet after school and got busy with life. But when I was planning to move to Canada, I told myself I would be starting my new life in a new country, so I needed to settle all my debts, no matter how big or small. I found Navneet on Facebook and got his WhatsApp and Google Pay numbers, and I paid him 500 and said, I can pay the money I owe, but I would not be able to pay for the favour you did for me. Navneet, being the great guy he has been since childhood, not only returns the money but doesn't even remember this incident.
This story has no conclusion; the conclusion is for you all to assume. Maybe the platform isn't right, but this story is.
Original post -
submitted by underrated003 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:52 _bbypeachy 25 [F4R] #online/Midwest - whats something most people don't know about you?

hope everyone had a good monday!! i had a very boring day. gonna play some games, maybe watch a movie. not much else. wanna keep me company?
im an open minded, non judgmental disabled girl just looking for someone like minded who i can truly click with and get to know. im not looking for anything specific, just wanting to see what happens and if we click.
please be 21+ and willing to send photos of yourself to prove you're real! ty.
also, i am 420 friendly 💚
here some things i like for conversation starters: -tv/movies (bobs burgers, b99, the office, iasip, RHPS, coneheads) -music (suicideboys, ethel cain, wicca phase springs eternal, corbin, etc.) videogames (days gone, uncharted, tomb raider, tlou, etc.)
submitted by _bbypeachy to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:51 AutumnFanatic [22/M4F] Illinois/Anywhere/Online - Hi! Nerdy guy who gets zero day to day social interaction looking for a female interested in a genuine intimate connection

Why did the farmer visit the pharmacy? To speak with the farm-assist.
Hi and welcome to my post! Wanted to start off with a funny to me dad joke.
Nice to meet you, I'm Dylan! To put it simple, I am a single 22 year old man who has been pretty lonely in life and lacking in female connection and interaction. And part of what comes with that is the desire to be intimate with a person. I am very mature for my age and will always be respectful of your boundaries and feelings, especially with anything sexual. Lately all I have is myself when it comes to sexual desires, so I would like to have someone to keep company with in that regard too.
I'm just relaxing at work since there's nothing really going on and thinking about going home tonight and burning a woodwick candle. Perfect for when there's a storm outside. I love candles! 🕯️ Sometimes a campfire outside on a fall night or a crackling WoodWick candle is a relaxing constant among our busy and hectic world. It's nice to just disconnect, feel grounded and happy in your own little cozy space. Feeling calm and collected and at peace. Something that fewer people take the time to do these days.
I am seeking a woman around my age or older to build a close connection with that could possibly lead to a relationship and something intimate which includes the possibility of teasing/sharing pics etc. but only when we were comfortable. Figured I would be open in my Intentions as that's the best way to be.
Kind, respectful, and easy going.
Comfortable with the idea of eventually sharing intimate things together.
Willing to eventually move off of Reddit.
Want something genuine and fun!
Are honest in your intentions and a good person to be around!
That's about it, we will get along great I know it.
I've been feeling a little bummed out lately. I always try and stay happy and see the best in things. But.. I've just been so alone. Most of my whole childhood and adult years have been spent feeling lonely. I grew up surrounded by cornfields which was peaceful but also has a lonely aspect to it. My family never really were close and never did anything as a family really. And part of it too is the fact that I never had any neighbors my age to interact with. But aside from that, my adult life has been very lonely. I'm just always by myself. I barely have any meaningful adult relationships or experiences, or even any friends.
I work a 3-11 job in building maintenance at my company world headquarters building which I love, but again it's very lonely. I work the off shift so the building is always empty. I don't get normal social interaction with people my age or a chance to build relationships. I only have 3 older men as co-workers and we are mostly in the basement away from any people on the floors from knowing our existence. I always walk the floors and see office people laughing and chatting with their coworkers and I just don't have that kind of experience. And just.. no one knows I exist really. Everyone probably assumes I have a lot of friends, but I'm struggling inside with being so alone and trying to meet people and get past the "hi how are you?" "I'm good thanks" stage. Most people don't seem to want to talk beyond that. And most women are already in relationships and thus it would seem weird to approach them in an office setting trying to get to know them deeper. But man those "hi how are yous" are the only real interactions I get during my day.. so thus I decided to come here lol. Rant over, sorry! I promise I'm not a downer. 😅
Now for some things about me!
As you can tell, I am very mature for my age and am polite and have good grammar which unfortunately not everyone my age does anymore lol. I am not active at all on social media/internet culture really and don't know much about all the slang the younger people these days use. I feel like I'm 50. 🤣
I am left handed which is pretty cool. I'm not much of a party person or a drinker, I much prefer a quiet night at home and maybe a beer or two on a weekend but that's about it. I am simple and stay out of drama and trouble and don't get much into politics or other things that cause drama with people. I much prefer a relaxing campfire and a night at home and to just let the world keep on turning haha. I consider myself pretty intelligent and mature, especially for my age which is why I'm open to older ladies.
Physically I'm 180 pounds, have brown hair, green eyes, and a typical build. There's a few pictures on my profile.
Some of my hobbies are:
• Photography
I have a Nikon D200 and D5500 that I love to shoot with. I love nature scenes, abstract, black and white/goth kinda photography, sunsets, etc. it's so fun to just let your mind explore. It's not about what camera you have, but those who are behind the camera! I'm gonna try and photograph the northern lights tonight!
• Cooking and baking
I loveeee to cook and bake! I enjoy making various meals but also love to just have a frozen pizza once in awhile or something like that. I recently made homemade chili which turned out great. I love to bake, especially in the fall! I love pies, cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. I restored a vintage KitchenAid mixer that needed tbe gearbox rebuilt. Eventually I would love to practice home canning my own food.
• Music
Oh my gosh, I like so much!! Alternative rock, punk, post punk, electronic, synth pop, psychedelic rock, hard rock, etc. I am very non judgemental and open when it comes to music. My three current favorite bands are Type O Negative, Joy Division, and the Cure.
• Nature walks and camping
I really enjoy camping, making fires, and relaxing by a campfire. I love to take walks outside and just enjoy the beauty and simplicity of nature. It's wonderful, especially in a world so focused on everything digital.
• Repairing things
I'm a maintenance guy and one of my hobbies is electronics repair so I am good with my hands and just all around good at troubleshooting and fixing all sorts of things around the house. Last week I helped my elderly neighbor get his tractor started, it needed a new component in the starting circuit. So I'm pretty handy which... Comes in handy! 😂
• Autumn 🍁
This isn't a hobby per say, but man do I love the fall!!! It's my absolute favorite time of the year. Oh my gosh. The beautiful colors, crisp cool air, misty and foggy days, rain, lack of bugs, being cuddled up with a candle or by the fire drinking a tea, etc. I love it! There's only two seasons for me. Fall, and waiting for fall! Haha.
• Scented Candles and incense
Going along with my love for fall, I absolutely love candles! I have like 30 something lol. 😂 Currently my favorite are WoodWick, which are owned by Yankee candle. They have such a soothing crackle and the scents are great! I also love to burn incense from time to time as well. I have cottagecore hippie vibes.
• Old houses and architecture
I love old houses! Especially 1900s and Victorian era homes. Old homes have so much character to them and are just so beautiful from a time when people took pride in their craft. I strongly dislike the modern cookie cutter cheap construction of homes today. I would love to live in an old home one day. I also love their architecture and uniqueness, as well as architecture of old cathedrals and other buildings.
• Relaxing
Basic I know, but sometimes on the weekend I just love to get cozy in bed and relax and put on a YouTube video or an album! 😊
That's about it for me, I'm a pretty laid back and simple person. My ideal person is someone who is respectful and honest! I am very straightforward and open minded and would hope that you are as well.
If I seem interesting to you at all I would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much for reading.
submitted by AutumnFanatic to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:49 wreeper007 How to deliver better photos as a one man outfit without student workers or friendly competition from peers?

A few beers in, apologize in advance.
I shoot for a D1 school in a FCS conference, the other schools in the conference vary in their photographic staff with most being a single photog but there is a range between having an SID (and contacting out or using local media) and having several on staff. I've been shooting for my university 7 years (but over 20 when I factor in student/free labor) and I feel like I'm hitting a wall.
I know that we all think our work sucks and all that, but when we are all honest we actually are pretty good. I produce good work, it isn't always great but it is what is needed for marketing and the game day stories. I am a solid proponent of being in photo clubs/having peers only if they are mostly better than you. You can't grow if you don't have better photogs around you.
But how can I find these? I follow some of the other conference (plus the higher level "local" schools) and I will occasionally steal their ideas but there is a constant sense of frustration when I look at LSU media and realize I can't produce that since I'm a 1 man show. Student workers are a possibility but there isn't enough gear (not gonna send them out there with a d300 that hasn't been used in a decade) so I sit back and realize I can't create the great shots because I gotta be there for the guarantees.
Sports info and athletic marketing have no issues with the shots (they use them and all that) but I know I'm capable of more but can't because I need to cover everything. As an example we had our track meet recently, I have a ton of ideas of great shots but I can't ever implement them because getting a cool shot of polevault means that I miss high jump or something like that.
This might come off as a poor me post but its not, those of you that are one man shows at a university that has a bunch of sports how do you stay inspired when others count on you for guaranteed shots? I have a constant fear of falling into a rut of good enough but I honestly don't have any peers in my area (hell the nearest university with good sports photogs is about 2 hours away in any direction).
submitted by wreeper007 to sportsphotography [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:47 Broad-Beginning6297 Why is Undercover of darkness feels like its own thing.

I don’t how to explain but this song feels like it own thing . It just stand out from all the other song . The riff in the verse is so catchy and interesting. The guitar work and structure is a different thing the strokes have done compared to anything on album or others. I don’t know it just masterpiece and the music video is so good. Does any else feels like this about this song.also the production of is different more polished compared to many of the song and less of the raw garage radio sound.
submitted by Broad-Beginning6297 to TheStrokes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:42 Exotic_Artist_2847 Careful - Telus Scam

Careful - Telus Scam
I got a call from a “telus rep” today saying that my internet promotions were expiring and that he could help me get a new deal right now. I told him I’m pretty sure we just renewed our stuff not to long ago. He kept saying it’s expiring and could get us a new deal. He then asked me to verify myself by providing my Telus pin. I told him he needs to verify himself first. He said okay check your email. I had received an email from him (check attachment photo). I gave him my pin. He then asked if I was a mobility customer to which I said yes and gave him my phone number. He knew we had Telus services at 2 addresses and other general information. He then asked me to confirm my address for verification purposes and it’s then I realized something is wrong. I told him you have all that information file and I already verified myself. I told him I don’t feel comfortable and will call back myself another time. He then kept insisting that our promotions were about to expire and he could give a deal right now. I hung up the phone.
He was so convincing as it was a Philipino man (used to scammers being Indians no offence) and Telus reps are usually philipino. They also sent me an email to verify it was telus and it looks very legit. I’m you and good with technology and don’t fall for this stuff but this one was the best one I’ve ever had to deal with. I almost completely fell for it. I’m very worried for anyone else especially seniors as this could fool a lot of people.
submitted by Exotic_Artist_2847 to telus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:42 ExternalFollowing I watched all 22 demo videos of OpenAI’s new GPT-4o. Here are the 9 takeaways we all should know.

GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”) was announced a few hours ago by OpenAI, and although the announcement livestream is good, the real gold nuggets are in the 22 demo videos they posted on their channel.
I watched all of them, and here are the key takeaways and use cases we all should know. 👍🏻
A. The Ultimate Learning Partner
What is it? Give GPT-4o a view of the math problem you’re working on, or the objects you want to learn the language translation of, and it can teach you like no other tool can.
Why should you care? Imagine when you can hook up GPT-4o to something like the Meta Rayban glasses: then you can always have it teach you about whatever you are looking at. That can be a math problem, an object you want translated, a painting you want the history of, or a product that you want get the reviews of online. This single feature alone has incredibly many use-cases!
🔗 Video 7, Video 8
B. The Perfect Teams Meeting Assistant
What is it? Having an AI assistant during Teams meetings, whom you can talk to the same way you talk to your colleagues.
Why should you care? Their demo didn’t expound on the possibilities yet, but some of them can be…
  • having the AI summarise the minutes and next steps from the meeting
  • having the AI look up info in your company data and documentation pages (e.g. “what’s the sales from this month last year?”)
  • having the AI work on data analysis problems with you (e.g. “create a chart showing sales over the past 5 years and report on trends”)
🔗 Video 5
C. Prepare for Interviews like Never Before
What is it? Have GPT-4o act like the company you’re interviewing for.
Why should you care? What’s changed is that the AI can now “see” you. So instead of just giving feedback on what you say, it can also give feedback on how you say it. Layer this on top of an AI avatar and maybe you can simulate the interview itself in the future?
🔗 Video 11
D. Your Personal Language Translator, wherever you go
What is it? Ask ChatGPT to translate between languages, and then speak normally.
Why should you care? Because of how conversational GPT-4o has become, the AI now helps not just with translating the words, but also the intonation of what you’re intending to say. Now pair this with GPT-enabled earphones in a few years, and you pretty much can understand any language (AirPods x ChatGPT, anyone?)
🔗 Video 3
E. Share Screen with your AI Coding Assistant
What is it? Share screen with your AI partner, and have them guide you through your work.
Why should you care? Now this is definitely something that will happen pretty soon. Being able to “share screen” to your AI assistant can help not just with coding, but even with other non-programmer tasks such as work in excel, powerpoint, etc.
🔗 Video 20
F. A future where AIs interact with each other
What is it? Two GPT-4o’s interacting with each other, that sounds indistinguishable from two people talking. (They even sang a song together!)
Why should you care? Well there’s a couple of use cases:
  • can you imagine AI influencers talking to each other live on Tiktok? Layer this conversation with AI avatars and this will be a step beyond the artificial influencers you have today (e.g. the next level of @lilmiquela maybe?)
  • can this be how “walled” AIs can work together in the future? example: Meta’s AI would only have access to facebook’s data, while Google’s AI would only have access to google’s - will the two AIs be able interact in a similar fashion to the demo, albeit behind-the-scenes?
🔗 Video 2
G. AI Caretaking?
What is it? Asking GPT-4o to "train” your pets
Why should you care? Given GPT-4o’s access to vision, can you now have AI personal trainers for your pets? Imagine being able to have it connect to a smart dog-treat dispenser, and have the AI use that to teach your dog new tricks!
🔗 Video 12
H. Brainstorm with two GPTs
What is it? The demo shows how you can talk to two GPT-4o’s at once
Why should you care? The demo video is centered around harmonizing singing for some reason, but I think the real use case is being able to brainstorm with two specific AI personalities at once:
  • one’s a Devil’s Advocate, the other’s the Angel’s advocate?
  • one provides the Pros (the Optimist), the other gives the Cons (the Pessimist)?
  • maybe Disney can even give a future experience where you can talk to Joy and Sadness from the movie Inside Out? - that would be interesting!
🔗 Video 10
I. Accessibility for the Blind
What is it? Have GPT-4o look at your surroundings and describe it for you
Why should you care? Imagine sending it the visual feed from something like the Meta Rayban glasses, and your AI assistant can literally describe what you’re seeing, and help you navigate your surroundings like never before (e.g. “is what I’m holding a jar of peanut butter, or a jar of vegemite?”). This will definitely be a game-changer for how the visually impaired lives their daily lives.
🔗 Video 13
If this has been a tad bit insightful, I hope you can check out RoboNuggets where I originally shared this and other AI-related practical knowledge! (The links to the video demos are also there). My goal is not "AI daily news", as there's already too many of those, but instead share useful insights/knowledge for everyone to take full advantage of the new AI normal. Cheers! 🥚
submitted by ExternalFollowing to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:41 FrozenBr33ze I'm troubled by the encouragement of engaging in risky behaviours of gay men for sex

I'm in a Facebook group for gay men sharing their travel stories and learning about travel destinations. Majority of the posts are about sex, and the primary usage for the platform appears to be as an alternative to apps like Grindr. Doesn't surprise me.
A recent post caught my attention - a guy was seeking recommendations of places in Iceland where he could go stare at naked men, because he wants to see penis. Lots of recommendations encouraged him to visit public pools where men, women and children shower naked. Anybody raising concern over that discussion was ripped to shreds for disrespecting a "safe space" for gay men to be themselves. Fine.
And more recently, a man was seeking recommendations to visit Islamic states and Muslim majority countries due to his interest in architecture and culture, and inquired about safely navigating those regions. Somehow the responses gravitated towards encouraging him to find sex parties in such countries, going drinking and engaging in risky behaviours.
I grew up in the middle east and another Muslim majority country. I immigrated to the US to save my life. I weighed in with my experience, recommended "safe" regions to explore, and maintaining discretion. Other Americans insinuated I was being hyperbolic and that there's no need to avoid public sexual intimacy with other gay men nor consider caution when using apps like Grindr because they can't imagine law enforcement breaking in and targeting gay men in countries like UAE, Jordan and even Saudi Arabia. I alerted them that law enforcement lurk on apps like Grindr to catfish gay men, and lure them out to "catch them." How do I know? I lived in those regions.
I'm alright with people taking calculated risks for themselves. But encouraging others to participate in risky behaviours troubles me.
One of my responses:
I grew up in the UAE. You can take a trip around that country and venture into Qatar and Oman on your way, but UAE has plenty of attractions to enjoy. Avoid summer time. End of the year is a good time to go.
It's very safe there as long as you keep your sexual orientation private, and don't use apps like Grindr.
A response:
you just get a VPN. I was getting 50-80 messages on GROWLr a day when I was in Dubai & Qatar for the Qatar World Cup. Men were thirsty! If you like bears, some of the men you will meet are the hottest you will meet anywhere. Plus they dig us bigger guys too! 💦
I take my safety seriously because I've survived years fearing for my life. I find the obsession with sex among gay men problematic.
submitted by FrozenBr33ze to gaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:41 NiceUse3926 Is this a scam

Was talking to someone on a dating app and they asked why i was on there and i said to meet people. The pic i saw was if an older person and they seemed lonely. Next the oerson says they want to offer me money to just speak to them a couple times a week. I was like this is prob too good to be true but wanted to test the waters. They said they wanted to talk off the app and asked for my number and we texted for about 5 sec before no more responses. They sent a photo of "themselves" and when i went back on the app the profile was gone. Should i be worried? What can they do if the onky thing they have of mine is my number and photo fro profile pic? I may be overthinking but its sketch aff and i should've known if its too goo to be true it usually is..
submitted by NiceUse3926 to ScammerPayback [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:40 Disastrous_Host5311 HMU I have some really good photo and vids lol

submitted by Disastrous_Host5311 to Fresnonsa559 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:35 No_Passion2809 Any recommendations for best headset for use as a cheap workplace

Hello! I am looking to get a vr headset, and use it to set up virtual monitors and use it as a workspace. I'm ok with buying used, and I would need passthrough technology/mixed reality ability, and I'd prefer inside out tracking. I don't care about wireless vs wired.
My budget is: Cheap as possible, but I'm in an area where facebook marketplace is brimming with quest 2's for 50 bucks and other really nice headsets for cheap.
I also already have a good pc so standalone isn't needed.

At the end of the day I'l go with whatever suits my need the best, but I'd prefer to not give money to Meta XD, or try to avoid anyone that's going to sell my data to robot overlords.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, including how to actually set up monitors in vr, although I'd prefer not to use apps like immersed, so if anyone has any alternatives that actually respect their consumers that would be awesome! Any other advice is also super appreciated!

Thank you for reading this far!
submitted by No_Passion2809 to virtualreality [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:35 hereforthetea001 DJ/MC/Photo booth

Hi all!! In the NY/NJ area, can anyone share the average price of a Dj/mc? I was quoted $2750 for 4 hours, + $250 for the cocktail hour music. Thoughts on this pricing?
Also - This is a popular NY/NJ company and they offered to throw in a Photo Booth for around $900. I definitely want a Photo Booth but unsure if this is fair-ish pricing? I asked them to reduce it if possible and tried to negotiate and they were able to take it down $100. I definitely would like to work with this company but unsure if I’m getting a good deal for the Photo Booth or if I should look elsewhere for the Photo Booth and just use them for Dj services.
Another competing company offered to do Dj and photo booth for around $3400 so a bit cheaper but not my first choice for Dj.
Thank you!
submitted by hereforthetea001 to WedditNYC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:34 beardlesshipster Daily Song Discussion #287: Da Bang

This is the twelfth track from Prince’s 20th album, Crystal Ball. How do you feel about this song? What are some of your favorite lyrics? How would you rank it among the rest of Prince’s discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?
Studio version
SUGGESTED SCALE: 1-4: Not good. Regularly skip. 5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it. 6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on. 7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit. 8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall. 10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.
Rating Results 1. Crystal Ball: 9.45/10 2. Dream Factory: 8.43/10 3. Acknowledge Me: 8.51/10 4. Ripopgodazippa: 7.74/10 5. Love Sign (Shock G's Silky Remix): 7.55/10 6. Hide the Bone: 8/10 7. 2morrow: 7.47/10 8. So Dark: 7.69/10 9. Movie Star: 9.48/10 10. Tell Me How U Wanna B Done: 6.07/10 11. Interactive: 8.91/10 12. Da Bang:
submitted by beardlesshipster to PRINCE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:34 Min-Yong77 People will remember that I am a Eula Fanboy

I was at Genshin Pop-up store event and was featured in the final photo wearing Eula T-shirt. I got famous overnight lol
submitted by Min-Yong77 to EulaMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:33 thewiselady Should I rekindle a severed friendship?

Approx 5 years ago, I had two very close friends that I have bonded with when I first moved to a new city. 3 years ago, after dealing with feelings of abandonment during Covid and loneliness, I did a stupid thing – I badmouth one of the friend on social media as a terrible person. upon her finding out, she was hurt and let me know that our friendship is over. The other friend kept a distance with me, refused to meet, and eventually stop reaching out.
I deeply apologized and we haven’t spoken since that incident. I have deeply regretted my actions and it took me a year to grief through the sadness in losing both friendships. Recently I decided to do that thing we advised friends not to- I searched and saw photos of them both spending time with new friends. Understandably it brought up memories of the good times we used to share - it made me sad to have lost these two friends and one of the last words the friend said to me was that she’s open to seeing if the friendship can be rekindled, after enough time has passed for us both to work through our differences. Deep down, a part of I really wanted to reach out and see if we have the opportunity to meet and talk. I’m terrified on the potential rejection I might face and I’m also uncertain if this is a wise thing to approach, given that we have gone through our self transformation and they have well and truly moved on.
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
submitted by thewiselady to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:29 Mysterious_Speech923 Bought a pedal, doesn’t turn on

Bought a pedal, doesn’t turn on
I just bought the MC404 Wah from Facebook, through a kind gentleman who seemed to be a good guy. Now I’m home trying to figure out why the pedal isn’t even turning on, did I get scammed or am I using it wrong. I plugged in my strymon zuma into the wah for the power and still nothing happens. I even texted the seller and he sounded confused. Any help would be appreciated !
submitted by Mysterious_Speech923 to guitarpedals [link] [comments]