Red blotchy ankles

For the love of lawn gnomes

2012.10.01 01:05 MisssBadgerEnt For the love of lawn gnomes

For all of us who love lawn gnomes! Whether it's keeping them in our yards, repainting them, or finding hilarious ones - share your pictures of gnomes!

2024.06.07 20:18 MrMister2905 Parkhurst Delaware - dark brown horsebutt 3 month review and thoughts (long)

Parkhurst Delaware - dark brown horsebutt 3 month review and thoughts (long)
Pics should be linked above.
3.5 month (probably 375 hours) review of my Parkhust Delaware – Dark Brown Horsebutt TPR (Maryam) 602M in 12D
Ok, I am terrible at this format, and I am by no means an expert. I am still learning. Most of my collection consists of/has consisted of midrange, and mainly Red Wings.
Let’s get the sizing out of the way as well.
My right foot is like a 12.3 brannock in between a D/E width. My left foot is 12 D.
Nike/Adidas/Reebok 12.5; Converse 12; Thursday 12D/E; Wolverine 1k 11.5D; Red Wing 23/45 last 12D; Red Wing 8 last 11.5D (round toe) 12D (unstructured toe); Parkhust 602M 11.5D; Urban Wolf Club 12E
I have been looking at Parkhurst for awhile, and appreciate their looks and their make-ups. The sihlouttes look great, and I love the overall aestethics. I am not a fan of the limited production, and limited sizes, and limited leathers. It makes it hard to plan for a release, and the lack of “anchor” models means if you like something you probably should buy it as it might never come back or it might be multiple years before it’s seen again.
I saw these drop, in horsebutt, and I knew immediately that I was going to pounce. I did ask for sizing help, and a 12D was suggested based off of my larger right foot (more on that later). I places the order for this, and the natural pair, and paid $488.00 even, no tax or shipping charges which I thought was more than fair.
I received the boots a few days later, and was blown away. Overall construction is very clean, stitching is concise and straight. No loose threads initially. Welt and welt join were clean. Insoles and heel pads are straight. The boots also had nice symmetry. Toe caps, were a little off but are same length, and hardly noticeable unless you are staring. The broguing details are very clean, and well done, if not a basic design. The heel stacks, and top lifts are nice and even and the outsoles are lined up pretty straight. And while I love the look of the wheeled welt, and finishing I can’t help but think that it might be very hard, or impossible to resole cleanly. Standard, thinner (maybe 3ish mm, vs a 5mm+ midsole. The tongue on the right boot, is a little “off” as it doesn’t line up as nicely as the right boot. This might be due to the leather used which does have a TON of visible shell. When laced up, though, it is a non issue and I don’t even notice it. Stock laces are trash, but I find that with most boots. I ended up using guarded goods round waxed laces right out of the box. Edge finishing is nice, but not durable at all as mine essentially washed away after the first few puddles I walked through. My main gripe, as some have already mentioned, is the celastic toe box length and design. It either needs to be about 2 inches shorter, or non existent. That is by far biggest issue with the boots. It’s definitely not a deal breaker, but it is something to note. I believe I read somewhere that Andrew is aware, and this should not be an issue on models going forward.
I did anticipate these to be generous. But wow, are they generous. They, in my opinion, and definitely an E width in the forefoot and possibly a EE width, and are honestly a size too wide for me even in my larger right foot. I did use a thin insole (Nick’s generic) initially during break in to help take up some volume. Now, with thicker socks, I can wear them without the insole comfortably. With thinner socs I use either insoles or kilties depending. I probably could go with an 11.5D in the 602M last, and will do so in the future specifically with the ‘M’ designation. I am not sure on the regular 602 last, as I have no experience. It should be noted that Shell/horsebutt does not relax/soften/”stretch” as bovine does. So I am very grateful that these are slightly too big versus being too small because they would never relax in the same sense. I have also noticed that they feel more fitted the more that the insoles/footbed have descended and the leather rolls in the ankles also.
Overall thoughts
I love the horsebutt. This is my first pair of horse anything, and it exceeds my expectation. The color is dark and rich, with visible honeycombs which are hard to pick up. The TPR is actually something that I like a lot. It adds a nice shine when brushed, and does add a soft glow. It does come off in water, but it adds a little bit of character. It is permeable, so the leather does get wet in waterain so it is nothing that overwhelming. I can tell the areas where the TPR is less, or gone with heavy brushing and wear. This pair has visible shell, which is especially apparent on the tongue. It adds character to the boots, and I tried to pick it up on one of the pictures linked above.
These things are VERY stiff, and were not painful to break in, but definitely required work. They did squeak, on the gusset, from the leathers rubbing. This has reduced with wear, and is only noticeable on the right boot in the quietest of places. I will add some conditioner to that area, but I do not plan to condition these for awhile as so far they have not needed it.
The horse, mainly rolls and folds with some very little fine creasing. I do wish the celastic wasn’t so intrusive, as I KNOW that the toe boxes would have some wonderful character as well. It’s a shame, in that respect. The leather breathes well, and these boots have seen at least 30 wears, and are #1 in my rotation currently. They get 2-3 wears a week (most wears are 10-15K+ steps) and are recently coming off a trip in which they got 60k steps, rain, and mud in New Orleans over 3 days of wear. These things did not hiccup at all, and took it all in stride. I have gotten a couple compliments on them, but they are more handsome rather than hawt.
The boots do have a classic service boot look. The color is very dark. Chocolate. But there is enough visual interest with the honeycombs and the rolls. I had wanted the plain toe in the charcoal-ish color but none were to be had in my size range. I do also appreciate the natural welt contract. The horse will scuff, but many brush out if they are lighter and not too deep.
I used a damp rag for the first time, after the New Orleans trip because they were filthy. Outside of that just brushing every wear or two. I did buy some Saphir Oiled leather cream to use once I am ready to condition, but that might not be for a year or more if the boot continues as is. I am not using trees with these boots at this time, and I use activated charcoal bags for moisture and stink management. That’s it.
I would recommend. This experience will have me looking for a horsebutt boot in the future, likely black Friday when deals are to be had. I would buy from Parkhurst again, without hesitation. Overall quality, and value is there in my opinion. I am not aware of any other boot manufacturer that has horse anything for less than $500 out the door. I would prefer MiUS, but the factories used are European, which typically has a higher standard of working conditions which is important to me overall. I also appreciate the make-ups, and the variety of designs and leathers that I have noticed over the years.
Outside of that, these are wonderful boots for me and a keeper despite the fit not being excellent.
Thanks for looking, and let me know if I can answer any questions or if I missed anything. This sub is always so helpful, and I hope that I can add some of that back into the mix. I do have another pair or two that I will be reviewing here soon.
Also: I did include pictures of the natural horsebutt as well, for comparison.
submitted by MrMister2905 to goodyearwelt [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:30 KQC_2105 Rolled ankle- is anyone familiar with what grade this could be and if I need to go see a doctor.

Rolled ankle- is anyone familiar with what grade this could be and if I need to go see a doctor.
Happened last night and has been about 18 hours, I slipped on some loose sand on a court. Doing the RICE Method and wrapped it in an ace bandage this morning. Last night I saw redness and swelling on my outer ankle and this morning noticed the redness and subtle swelling on inner ankle.
How long should I monitor before determining whether a doctor should be visited?
submitted by KQC_2105 to FootFunction [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:05 Capt_Norrys (Ending rewritten) There Is A Man Living In My Closet

Looking back upon the last few months of my life, I now feel a peculiar clarity upon the once foggy and suspicious events which have suspended my life for their allotted time. The cause of my suffering is now evident beyond all reasonable doubt. There is a man living in my closet, of that I am certain.
Six months ago, at the dawn of September, I had finally moved away from the safe nest of my mother into my own apartment in a small town just off the eastern sea of North Carolina. Befitting of the small town, my apartment was a quaint place, consisting of only three small rooms; a kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom attached to the bedroom. Money had been tight, and any ambitions of scholarly advancement had been snubbed out by the absurd toll it asked of me. I resigned to focus on my work life until I had acquired a suitable amount of savings to pay off college. As for my job, I had chosen to work at the local library. It was a small and mundane place, hardly ever visited by the locals. In truth, the building stood more as a historical landmark than anything else, for many years ago it was deemed historically important, and the government had barred any change in the building's appearance from that point onward. The town praised it as a pillarstone of the community, yet the few employees who worked there could attest that such sentiments were merely hollow praise.
Speaking of my coworkers, there was naught but four. First and foremost was the head librarian, Esmerelda Grimshaw, whom every man with his head on correctly called Miss. Grimshaw. She was a stern old woman, about age 70, yet I never dared to ask her exact birthdate. She had never bothered to marry, for in her own words her “only love was books” and to that, my coworkers can attest. Her knowledge of literature was deep and vast; one could often find her at the front desk burning through the works of Shakespeare and Orwell. I had a certain sweet spot for what many would consider a mean old crow, perhaps due to her sharing a sweet spot for me. She was the foundation of that library and did well to honor its legacy.
After her was her son, Tony, a bastard on all accounts, who wholly disproved the common theory that all apples fell near their tree. A young chap of 17 years, he spent his time finding new and creative ways to waste time and wreak havoc. I wholly suspected that he had been working at the library due to being unable to hold down any other job, with the upside of his mother keeping an eye on his behavior. Despite his apparent behavioral issues, I found the boy to be quite charming and intelligent, approaching ideas in ways I had never considered, he often held the key to a nuanced perspective, even if he himself did not quite grasp this concept.
Attached to Tony at all times was his girlfriend, Lilly, a more straightforwardly bright young girl. Having some of the best grades of her high school, she stumbled into her job through many long nights of studying at the library. After one particularly long night, Miss Grimshaw had reprimanded her with the phrase “If you want to stay here all night, why don’t you just keep a set of keys for God’s sake!” Lilly had obviously taken up this offer as it was in no time at all that she had begun working at the library, where she soon after began dating Tony. The two of them could not be more opposite yet together they seemed natural. Lilly was the best employee of the library, being perhaps the only one to consistently find work to do during her shifts.
Finally was Ted, the man who I firmly believe is the cause of my suffering. Ted was a twisted man on all accounts, the type of person to idolize Dahmer and Bundy, the latter of whom he madly believed to be the inspiration for his name. He worked in the library, yet his home was what I assumed to be the local prison. Having been unfit for physical labor, the jail had resigned to send him to the library, a deal which Miss Grimshaw only accepted after she had been handed a generous donation from Ted’s wealthy father and had purchased a low-caliber pistol to store permanently in her front desk. Of his crimes, I am not entirely sure, yet in hushed whispers between Tony and Lilly, I head all manner of rumors ranging from petty burglary to brutal murder of the first degree. His frame was peculiarly small, standing only about 5’4, and weighing what I can only assume to be under 100 pounds, though I never directly asked. Despite this his presence in a room was rarely unnoticed, and with it came hushed tones and thoughts of immediate evacuation. Even thinking of his odor now makes my stomach churn, he smelled strongly of dead fish and iron, with a third rancid smell unplaceable in my mind. His attire consisted of his prison jumpsuit, which loosely hung over his tiny frame, and a peculiar necklace, colored a freakish red and depicting an unknown symbol that had the faintest resemblance to a fish. Ted rarely worked, yet whenever he did days slogged on, and nobody could ever feel entirely safe, even with Miss Grimshaw keeping a watchful eye, hand always primed to grab her gun.
My first two months living in North Carolina had brought with them a freedom that I hadn’t yet experienced in my lifetime. My journey towards inhabiting this new town was greatly helped by my co-workers, all but one of whom helped me learn the customs of the small town, eventually allowing me to blend myself into its natural ecosystem. In this environment, I was living a thriving and fun life. I had made new acquaintances throughout town and had become favorable to the local university students, which I now planned to attend come the next year. It was at this university I met what would soon become my closest companion: Richard, Dick for short. We had become acquainted through a night of debauchery and alcohol, our bond cemented by sunrise, at which time both of us were in the back of a police cruiser, loudly and oafishly singing “My Heart Will Go On” voices cracking upon every note which could be considered remotely high. The two of us spend a great deal of time together, enjoying our newly found freedom and all the perks of a young adult’s life.
My life looked to be going upwards, and befitting of this trend my apartment had become quite the cozy little place. The walls had become filled with posters defining my interests in music and literature, a few of which were heavily influenced or altogether put in place by Dick. Particularly the poster of Michael Jackson which hung slightly crooked on my kitchen wall, placed one hazy night while I was passed out at the foot of my bed. Dick had shared this interest with me through a conversation about the King of Pop’s ailing health and appearance, remarking how sad the day will be when he draws his last breath. Dick then proceeded to show me concerning and offputting pictures of the popstar, which I remarked looked strikingly similar to Ted. Intrigued by my comment, Dick wrestled all that I had known about Ted that night, eventually turning the conversation onto the local urban legend, the night watchman.
Dick relayed to me the tales he had heard growing up in the town. Tales of a wicked man who had spent upwards of a year living underneath the house of his victim. A victim who he had relentlessly stalked, following them around in public and watching them sleep. Eventually, the night watchman had grown bored and decided to play with his victim by moving household objects around, occasionally stealing the ones he found particularly interesting. The cops upon hearing this, believed none of it to be a reality. That was until they had found such evidence within the house of the nightmarish terror of the night watchman. The case was deemed too gruesome for the public, and the whole matter had been settled privately, leaving the civilians the wonder who the night watchman truly was. Dick then, in a matter which unsettled me deeply, proposed that Ted was the night watchman. Disturbed by this thought, I wholeheartedly disagreed with this horrifying statement. Dick agreed, jesting that he knew Ted wasn’t the night watchman, because he was.
The two of us began to laugh and continued the rest of our night without mention of the night watchman. The next day I woke up and went to work, slightly late and hungover. As I walked in Miss Grimshaw asked me why I was late. I evaded telling her the truth, lying that I had simply forgotten to set my alarm, yet in her eyes I could see she didn’t believe any of what I was saying. As I was leaving to begin my daily cleaning ritual she told me the good news that Ted was finally done working at the library. I asked why and she simply shrugged, attributing it to him finding another job to do, one more befitting of an inmate At the time I agreed, but even then I had already known the truth, Ted was out of prison.
Tony began exhibiting odd behavior following Ted’s leaving of the library. More days than not he would come in substantially late, if he bothered to show at all. When he did show his attire was disheveled and his mind unfocused, his evenings of mischief turned to quiet days, where more often than not he would resign himself to a corner of the library and simply stare. On one such night, I asked him what the bother was, and he complained of a failing relationship with Lilly and problems concerning his house, notably that of the drinking water and the chilling breeze that now freely flowed through the house. He then checked his surroundings, as if looking for an intruder, before leaning into me and whispering in a dreadfully hushed tone about feelings of being stalked.
I was taken aback by such a suggestion and commented that in all likelihood, he was not being followed or stalked by anyone, but was rather just feeling paranoid due to stress. He seemed to believe me, thanking me for my words, yet after our conversation, I could not help but wonder if his words had genuine weight to them. For the remaining time of his employment, he and I would share a few other words, and his behavior would only become worse and more frequent.
My work aside, it seemed that every day my small apartment became more like a real home to me. Besides the multitude of posters Dick and I had placed on the walls, filling up nearly every inch of space on the plaster, the rest of my house began to fill itself up with homely items. Kitchen utensils, foodstuffs, and many other miscellaneous items necessary to a true home all naturally worked their way in over time, giving the small place a cozy feel. I worked my best to never allow clutter to take over the place, but by my nature, it eventually worked its way in. My closet in particular was busy enough to put a minimalist into cardiac arrest, with various clothing items, cleaning supplies, and various knick-knacks scattered chaotically around the small interior.
My apartment had been a safe haven for me, until one day, during my routine cleaning Dick had made a chilling observation. He had noted that a CD he had gotten for me was strangely missing and after spending upwards of two hours looking for the thing, we both found nothing. The strangest matter of all was how cherished that CD was to me. It had been the first gift Dick had given to me, and with that status, I kept it safe in my nightside cupboard, taking care to never misplace it. Dick eventually chalked it up as “One of those things” before we both quit our search in favor of an exploratory night in the town. Upon returning the next night, I once again searched for the thing but never found it. I couldn’t think of it as “One of those things” but my obsession with the search bore no fruit, and I began to think that perhaps it had been stolen by some malicious force. This obsession led to the purchase of a new set of locks on my doors, which I hoped would prevent any further incident.
There was, however a most annoying issue which began to form in my apartment. A mere three months after my move in the water started to taste and smell terribly. I asked my landlord about this and he responded that there was no issue, and if there was it would soon be resolved. His ineptitude and clear lack of care for his tenants made me curse my beloved home, yet my financial situation and sentimental attachment made me cautious of a move, resigning me to simply accepting the oddity.
As November passed and the town became acquainted once again with Christmas cheer and Mariah Carrey, Miss Grimshaw burst through the doors of the library, unusually late and fuming out the ears. She relayed to me that Tony had not only failed to show up to her family’s Thanksgiving party but was flat-out missing from her home. I displayed nervousness for the safety of the boy, and Miss Grimshaw responded, telling me she was far too angry at her son to care about his safety, and that he had plenty of friends to stay with if he chose to run away. I was still deeply concerned for Tony’s safety but did not dare press the furious Miss Grimshaw further.
Upon my next meeting with Lilly, I inquired about Tony and she responded, telling me that the two hadn’t been speaking for the past month and that she had no idea where he was or what he was doing. I relayed the information Miss Grimshaw had told me, and she responded with a mundane voice that she was not surprised, as Tony had begun exhibiting erratic behaviors, eventually leading to their breakup. I gave my apologies for the situation and changed the topic to the Christmas season, lending into a nice conversation about holiday cheer and gift-giving. From both accounts of Miss Grimshaw and Lilly, it seemed Tony had gotten into trouble not too atypical for a boy his age, yet my mind could not resist thinking about his statement early into November, shuddering at what implications it left.
Throughout December, my apartment began showing strange behavior. The CD had only been the first of many objects which would be unceremoniously stolen from me in the dead of night. In total, five objects were taken; the aforementioned CD, a pair of headphones, a polo shirt, a bottle of counter cleaner, and the most striking of the bunch, a kitchen knife. Beyond the thievery, which my new locks had failed to protect against, strange notes began appearing throughout my apartment, left in odd places where they were particularly difficult to find. They had bizarre utterings written repeatedly onto them, phrases such as “The Joys of Peace” and “The Freedom of Falling”. Their perplexing nature led to me asking the landlord once more. He simply looked at me as if I were crazy and told me that if I were truly worried I should call the police. I did exactly that, and after a quick search, they left without finding any hint of foul play. I hoped they were right, and continued in my life, attempting to find a sense of normalcy once more.
This attempt at finding what I had just a few months prior was stomped out by Dick, who I noticed began to drift further away from me. What was once a daily friendship became a weekly facade, where in Dick kept me at arm’s length and left before we could do anything substantial. Our short friendship ended two days before Christmas when the two of us exchanged gifts. I had gotten him a collection of H.P. Lovecraft books, an author I had tried perhaps too hard to get him to read, while he had gotten me a CD, the same CD I had lost in November. As I opened the gift my heart sank, slowly realizing what he had done. I immediately burst out at him, accusing him of stealing the CD only to re-gift it to me. He argued that he had simply gotten another one to replace the one I had lost, but in my anger I rejected his claim and furiously yelled at him, accusing him of stealing from my house and writing those strange notes. He looked at me with a mix of sadness, confusion, and anger, before bursting out that he didn’t know anything about notes or other stolen objects, telling me that I was crazy and needed some serious help. On that note, he left, and in the aftermath, I realized he wasn’t the likely cause of my suffering, and that I had ruined my only true friendship over nothing.
After my tragic parting with my beloved friend, my days began to blur together into one monolith of monotony and suffering. I can hardly now recollect my last weeks working at the library. My time in there now blurs together, yet in this hazy fog, I cannot help but feel disturbed, as if those days were spent in Demonic ritual, my only protection against the act the amnesiac state I had taken following the heinous acts. On my final day of work, I entered the library in a fog, only to be snapped to by Miss Grimshaw, whose eyes conveyed a veritable disgust and hatred for me. I knew what was going to come out of her mouth before she said it, and soon my suspicions were confirmed. She fired me, for reasons still partially obscured in my mind, and on that note, I left the library forevermore.
Depressed and disturbed, not desiring to go back to my home just yet, I decided to stop by a local bar for a drink. As I sulked my way towards to place, I heard a voice spring from an alley I was passing by. The voice called to me once more, and I realized who it belonged to. I turned and saw the face of Tony in the ally beside me. He was wearing raggedy, torn clothing, holding a blanket around his shoulders and chest, shivering all the while. We conversed for a short time about his current situation, in which I learned he was now homeless, having been kicked out by Miss Grimshaw, and rejected by all his friends. As he got closer I noticed his skin looked blotchy and leathery, now hanging loosely over his malnourished face. He talked of his problem, most concerning of which was the continuing fear of being stalked. This time I did not offer any reassuring words to the boy, instead looking at him with glassy eyes. As our conversation ended I wished him a recovery from his horrid situation, in response, he looked and me and wished the same thing, claiming that we were in this together. A perplexing statement, considering the full extent of my misery was not known to the boy.
Upon entering the bar I got nothing but frightful glances from the inhabitants. I took my seat at the bar, and those around me noticeably moved away. After finishing my first drink, failing to strike up any meaningful conversation with the bartender, I paid my bill and headed into the bathroom. It was here while looking into the mirror I realized how ill I appeared. My hair had grown out to an unnatural length, being oily and ratted throughout. My face was thin and frail, its lines now perpetually conveying misery and dread. My body looked the same way, my clothes hung loosely over my frail and unwashed body, I looked like a skeleton underneath it all. I did my business and left, resigning to return immediately to my home, where those frightful eyes could not reach me.
Crestfallen and with much time to spare, I decided to spend a few days organizing my abode, in hopes of finding the cause of its many oddities. I soon realized that the house had a peculiar way of keeping itself cluttered. Days I would spend cleaning and organizing would be unearthed upon my waking the next day. It wasn’t until mid-January that I finally managed to get the place neatly packed up. With no sign of the missing objects, and having found many more strange notes, I was more convinced now than ever that foul play must be present. I didn’t trust the police, so I decided to hold off on informing them until I found something more substantial, a wish that would soon be fulfilled.
It was within my closet that I found the strange trapdoor leading to a tiny room. The door had been hidden with all manner of items, and upon finding it my bones chilled and a tingle crept up my spine. I opened the door to find a small space, barely enough to fit a huddled-up body inside. Lying on the floor in the space, placed in a ritualistic manner, were all the miscellaneous items that were stolen from me, and along with them was a pack of sticky notes and a pen. The walls of the place were filled with the same type of notes scattered through my home, two peculiar ones stuck out, one being a rudimentary map of my apartment with small dots scatted throughout it, and another being what seemed to be a grocery list. The discovery made me frightened, but more so it made me angry.
I backed away from the crawlspace and began ranting and raving, stomping through my home and screaming out threats towards whoever may have been in my home at the time. It made all the sense in the world, if there was one hidden cubby, there very well may have been more. I did the only thing I could think of and threw all my organized mess around, frantically searching for another cubby, one that might’ve had the perpetrator within it. I knew who was stalking me, it was the night watchman, Ted, he had to be the one behind this terror. I screamed threats toward him as loud as my lungs could muster while continuing my search for further hidden artifacts and rooms.
I was unable to find another such chilling abode before I heard a knock on my door. It was two police officers, sent here due to a complaint by my neighbors. I thought them fools for disturbing my important search, and I flung open the door to relay that to them. Upon viewing me their faces twisted into disgust and fright, and upon asking me what I was doing I told them in a cold and callous tone. They were doubtful of my truth, believing me mad just as they had the first victim of the night watchman. I took them to my closet and revealed to them the frightful cubby, however upon viewing the nightmare they looked at me with apparent concern, their eyes betraying their belief that I was the one responsible.
The two officers eyed me down in between glances at one another, before telling me that they needed to take me in for a psych evaluation. I vehemently refused, and when the officer reached to try to calm me down I smacked his hand away and pushed past them both before they could take me away. I burst through my door to find the whole hall peering through their doors towards me, their horrible, intrusive eyes peering through my body and into my soul. I ran as fast as I could, bolting down the steps ignoring the screams of my neighbors and cops as I went. I made it outside, taking a sharp right down a dingy alleyway, running as fast as I could through the shadowed streets.
I lurked in the darkness for quite a while until I was sure I had lost the police. I crept about, I knew I couldn’t return to my apartment, either the police or Ted would be waiting for me when I did, so I decided to find an alleyway where I could make my new home. After much careful creeping about, I did exactly that. It was a damp, dark place, illuminated by neither sun nor moon, I needed that, I couldn’t let them find me. I moved some trash into position to make a suitable bed, obscured beneath the shadows and garbage of the alleyway, and slept, pondering what I was to do next.
My dreams have become a hellish nightmare. Every time I close my eyes I’m back in that apartment, but not where I normally resided, I’m hidden away in that cubby. I hear myself walking about, continuing the life I had just a few months prior. I write notes, some the insane ramblings that push their way into my mind, others warnings to my previous self about his future. Sometimes, I dream of being outside that cubby, lurking about my apartment as my other self sleeps soundly on his bed. I take what I need and leave the warnings where I hope my past self can find them, before resigning once more to my hiding place. There is not a night where I sleep soundly, these insane dreams haunt my rest, reminding me of my suffering, reminding me of the night watchman who lurks ever near.
My waking hours are hardly better. I never move about during the day, I’m entirely nocturnal. I need the cover of darkness to hide me from those who want to take me. I creep about the town, stealing anything that I can use. Houses are easy to break into here, nearly every one has a crawlspace beneath it, a crawlspace I can quietly sneak into and use as an access point for the home. I steal food, clothing, tools, anything that can keep me alive for another day I take as I please. On a few occasions, I’ve been caught in my acts, leaving the homeowners screaming, terrified at merely viewing my putrid form. So far none has been quick enough to catch me, I’m always able to slink away back into the cover of darkness, back where I belong. I’ve sustained myself like this for weeks now, leeching off the sane in a desperate plea to save my maddened self, but in my heart, I know the end of my escapades is not far off.
Occasionally I hear of myself from the townsfolk. Listening in from an unseen position, I hear rumors of the night watchman, of the cursed beast who roams the town at night. In their assertion they are correct, this torment has turned me into a beast beyond all reason and sanity. Occasionally I see myself, reflected in pools of water in the pale moonlight. In those puddles, I see a true beast, one more horrifying than the worst nightmares of man. For the sanity of man, and the safety of myself, I hide myself, as there is no place safe for a monster such as me.
submitted by Capt_Norrys to NoSleepAuthors [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:30 solarguy510 Red blotchy spots on neck

Red blotchy spots on neck submitted by solarguy510 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:41 GlueGuy00 Givony updated Big Board with Intel

1. Zaccharie Risacher SF Bourg (France)

We'll see how wide of a net Risacher elects to cast in NBA team workouts with fairly limited time at his disposal and coming off a long season. Most teams don't expect him to be available in the draft past No. 4, when the San Antonio Spurs pick, so the Atlanta Hawks (No. 1 pick) and Washington (No. 2 pick) are looking like increasingly strong options.
  1. Alex Sarr PF/C Perth (Australia)
  2. Donovan Clingan C UConn
Clingan isn't expected to drop past the Portland Trail Blazers at No. 7, whom he just visited for a private workout as well. He is being discussed among teams as a possible target for the likes of Chicago, Memphis, Oklahoma City or Utah, who all might explore trading up for a player in his mold. His youth, productivity, touch and instincts on both ends of the court give him a high floor and make him a sleeper candidate to hear his name called at No.
  1. Reed Sheppard PG/SG Kentucky
Sheppard's range appears somewhat narrow at this stage, and his draft positioning likely begins at No. 3, with the Houston Rockets, San Antonio Spurs, Detroit Pistons and Charlotte Hornets all viable landing spots early on. If Sheppard falls out of the top five, which might hinge to an extent on potential teams trading picks -- he'd be a strong fit with the Hornets at No. 6 as a complement to their young core.
  1. Matas Buzelis SF/PF G League Ignite
Sources say Buzelis' hometown team, the Chicago Bulls, watched him work out privately in Los Angeles early in the pre-draft process. Chicago has shown a willingness to explore moving up in the draft for the right price. The Bulls' Lithuanian president, Arturas Karnisovas, has extensive knowledge of Buzelis, who is also Lithuanian.
  1. Stephon Castle PG/SG UConn
It has been difficult for NBA teams to schedule Castle on the workout circuit, so it remains to be seen exactly where that will land him on draft night. He has been most strongly connected to San Antonio, but if the Spurs go a different direction with their two first-round picks, there will be suitors elsewhere in the top 10, with a potentially strong fit in the Utah Jazz.
  1. Rob Dillingham PG Kentucky
Dillingham is nearing a mid-month return from the ankle injury that has disrupted his pre-draft process, sources say, likely leaving him time for only a handful of workouts before June 26. He's in the conversation for every team drafting in the top 10 that is in the market for a point guard, but he might need some trade scenarios to come to fruition to aid his cause on draft night.
  1. Dalton Knecht SF Tennessee
Knecht has positioned himself pretty firmly as a mid-lottery pick, drawing strong interest from Charlotte, Portland, San Antonio, Memphis and Utah in the Nos. 6-10 range.
  1. Tidjane Salaun PF Cholet
Salaun's measurements -- 6-10 in shoes, 217 pounds with a near 7-2 wingspan and 9-2 standing reach, indicate he has the potential to play some small-ball 5 down the road as his frame fills out, with comparable dimensions to NBA players such as Daniel Gafford or Kevon Looney at the same age. He is expected to be targeted by many of the teams picking in the Nos. 4-14 range, with workouts ultimately determining where he lands.
  1. Nikola Topic PG Red Star (Adriatic League)
The extent of Topic's recovery process will be determined by specialists in the U.S., but it will not be surprising if he will require a redshirt season -- similar to how Chet Holmgren, Joel Embiid, Michael Porter Jr. or Blake Griffin started their NBA careers. San Antonio (No. 8), Utah (No. 10), Oklahoma City (No. 12) and Portland (No. 14) are viewed by teams as potential landing spots depending on team doctors' full assessments of his medicals, which have yet to be distributed. Only teams picking in the top 15 will have access to those, per new CBA rules.
  1. Ron Holland SF G League Ignite
Holland's range appears to be a little wider than initially thought. He has fans among teams drafting in the top 10 but is casting a fairly wide net in workouts, including teams such as the Miami Heat at No. 15 and the Los Angeles Lakers at No. 17, in part because of his strong positional fit in those attractive markets. Holland's game might not be best-suited for a workout setting with his streaky jumper, especially with many lottery candidates opting for one-on-zeros, which means he'll have to find other ways to impress NBA teams with his toughness and aggressiveness. Teams say they are having a somewhat difficult time pegging his floor.
  1. Cody Williams SG/SF Colorado
At this stage, Williams' range would appear to be among the widest of our projected lottery prospects. He has interest from teams in the top 10, including Detroit, Charlotte, Portland, San Antonio and Utah, but there are also teams picking outside the lottery that remain curious whether he might fall to them.
  1. Devin Carter PG/SG Providence
Carter has built up buzz throughout the pre-draft process and has worked himself comfortably into the Nos. 8-15 pick range. He worked out for the Los Angeles Lakers at No. 17 this week and has multiple workouts in the lottery still scheduled. While he has not accepted any type of promise from a team, he is trending in a positive direction. The San Antonio Spurs (No. 8), who have a need at guard, and the Memphis Grizzlies (No. 9), where his father, Anthony Carter, serves as an assistant coach, are viewed as the high end of his range. Another interesting landing spot would be the Miami Heat at No. 15, where his father played from 1999 to 2003 and coached from 2018 to '23, creating a level of familiarity. Carter will also be of interest to playoff-caliber teams that are considering moving up in the draft.
  1. Ja'Kobe Walter SG/SF Baylor
Walter has interest from teams drafting in the lottery and shouldn't fall too far out of it if he slips, bringing a 3-and-D skill set that's widely in demand.
  1. Jared McCain PG Duke
Teams say McCain is taking a different strategy than most players who are in his draft range, which is believed to be around Nos. 9 to 20. He is refusing one-on-zero workouts in favor of competitive 3-on-3 group settings. With most of the teams in his range also looking for shooting finesse, including Memphis, Oklahoma City, Sacramento, Miami, Los Angeles, Orlando and Toronto, McCain likely won't have a very long wait to hear his name called on draft night.
  1. Zach Edey C Purdue
Teams say Edey's range appears to be in the Nos. 9-19 range based on the workouts he has conducted and scheduled. He was with the Toronto Raptors this past week, will visit the Los Angeles Lakers, and is in the conversation at Memphis (9), Utah (10), Chicago (11), Oklahoma City (12), Portland (14) and Miami (15).
Several teams say Edey's productivity ranks him as a top-three prospect in this class according to their draft models -- ESPN's Kevin Pelton had him ranked No. 2 in his stats-only draft projections.
  1. Tristan Da Silva SF/PF Colorado
He has interest from lottery teams, including the Memphis Grizzlies (No. 9) and Sacramento Kings (No. 13), and has scheduled workouts with teams drafting down into the teens, with the expectation being he'll come off the board somewhere in that part of the draft.
  1. Johnny Furphy SG/SF Kansas
He should be off the draft board within the top 20 and has interest from the late lottery teams, including Memphis, Chicago, Oklahoma City and Sacramento.
  1. Kyshawn George SG/SF Miami
George will be getting looks from many of the teams looking for wing shooting from the late lottery through the early 20s, including Oklahoma City, Sacramento, Portland, Orlando and Toronto.
  1. Carlton Carrington PG Pittsburgh
How teams value him relative to some of the other young guards will be a determinant here, with several picks in the teens belonging to organizations that might want a more NBA-ready prospect, which may ultimately widen his range down to around No. 20 or so.
  1. Kyle Filipowski PF/C Duke
Filipowski is shaping up to have a pretty wide range, with interest from teams in the late lottery but also feasible scenarios where he could fall into the 20s. His draft range still fluid.
  1. Isaiah Collier PG USC
Collier has one of the widest draft ranges of any prospect in this draft, starting in the late lottery and extending through the 20s and perhaps beyond. He has been a hard player for teams to peg for his floor, as he's not the easiest player to slot positionally as a young, ball-dominant guard with streaky perimeter shooting.
  1. Yves Missi C Baylor
Every team in the range from No. 9 to 20 wants to gauge his skill level and readiness for helping a team in the short term.
  1. Kel'el Ware C Indiana
His interviews with teams have been largely positive in reframing some of the narratives around his career thus far.
  1. Baylor Scheierman SG Creighton
He's an easy fit for most of the teams drafting in the 20s and isn't expected to drop past Boston with the No. 30 pick.
  1. Tyler Kolek, PG, Marquette
  2. Bobi Klintman, SF/PF, Cairns
  3. Jaylon Tyson, SG/SF, California
  4. Pacome Dadiet, SG/SF, Ratiopharm Ulm
  5. Tyler Smith, SF/PF, G League Ignite
  6. Justin Edwards, SG/SF, Kentucky
  7. Cameron Christie, SG, Minnesota
  8. Terrence Shannon, SG/SF, Illinois
  9. Ryan Dunn, SF/PF, Virginia
  10. AJ Johnson, SG, Illawarra
  11. Juan Nunez, PG, Ratiopharm Ulm
  12. Adem Bona, C, UCLA
  13. Kevin McCullar, SF, Kansas
  14. DaRon Holmes II, PF/C, Dayton
  15. Nikola Djurisic, SG/SF, Mega MIS
  16. Jonathan Mogbo, PF/C, San Francisco
  17. Ulrich Chomche, PF/C, NBA Academy Africa
  18. Harrison Ingram, SF/PF, North Carolina
  19. Ajay Mitchell, PG, UC Santa Barbara
  20. Pelle Larsson, SG, Arizona
  21. Jaylen Wells, SG/SF, Washington St
  22. Melvin Ajinca, SG/SF, Saint Quentin
  23. Dillon Jones, SF/PF, Weber St
  24. Izan Almansa, PF/C, G League Ignite
  25. Keshad Johnson, PF, Arizona
  26. Jamal Shead, PG, Houston
  27. Cam Spencer, SG, Connecticut
  28. KJ Simpson, PG, Colorado
  29. Bronny James, PG/SG, USC
  30. Jalen Bridges, SF, Baylor
  31. Trentyn Flowers, SG/SF, Adelaide
  32. Oso Ighodaro, PF/C, Marquette
  33. Isaac Jones, PF/C, Washington St
  34. Enrique Freeman, PF/C, Akron
  35. Antonio Reeves, SG/SF, Kentucky
  36. Quinten Post, C, Boston College
  37. PJ Hall, PF/C, Clemson
  38. Trey Alexander, PG/SG, Creighton
  39. Ariel Hukporti, C, Ludwigsburg
  40. Bogoljub Markovic, PF/C, Mega MIS
  41. Mantas Rubstavicius, SF, NZ Breakers
  42. Armel Traore, PF, Blois
  43. Tristen Newton, PG/SG, Connecticut
  44. Zacharie Perrin, PF/C, Antibes
  45. Isaiah Crawford, SF/PF, Louisiana Tech
  46. Jesse Edwards, C, West Virginia
  47. Nae'Qwan Tomlin, PF/C, Memphis
  48. Reece Beekman, PG, Virginia
  49. Riley Minix, SF/PF, Morehead St
  50. N'Faly Dante, C, Oregon
  51. Malique Lewis, SF/PF, Mexico City
  52. Andrija Jelavic, PF/C, Mega MIS
  53. Judah Mintz, PG/SG, Syracuse
  54. Noah Penda, SF/PF, Vichy-Clermont
  55. Yannick Kraag, SG/SF, Joventut
  56. Ilias Kamardine, PG/SG, Vichy-Clermont
  57. Dylan Disu, PF, Texas
  58. Tre Mitchell, PF/C, Kentucky
  59. Boogie Ellis, PG/SG, USC
  60. Thierry Darlan, SG/SF, Bangui SC
  61. Emanuel Miller, SF/PF, TCU
  62. Anton Watson, PF, Gonzaga
  63. Quinn Ellis, PG, Trento
  64. David Jones, SF, Memphis
  65. Zyon Pullin, PG, Florida
  66. Marcus Domask, PG/SG, Illinois
  67. Jaylin Williams, PF, Auburn
  68. Isaiah Stevens, PG, Colorado St
  69. Eli John Ndiaye, PF/C, Real Madrid
  70. Jamison Battle, SF/PF, Ohio St
  71. Jaedon LeDee, PF/C, San Diego St
  72. Spencer Jones, SF/PF, Stanford
  73. Babacar Sane, SF/PF, G League Ignite
  74. Mouhamed Faye, C, Reggio Emilia
  75. Blake Hinson, PF, Pittsburgh
submitted by GlueGuy00 to NBA_Draft [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:40 Nejness Two Weeks on Maine Coast and in Boston

Two Weeks on Maine Coast and in Boston
First One-Backpack Trip
This is still evolving, so I could really use your suggestions. I’m traveling to see family on the Maine Coast and in Boston for two weeks at the end of June and beginning of July.
  • Maine is always tricky, because it can literally be in the 50s or the 90s with no way of predicting—and driving to the next peninsula could bring totally different weather.
  • I know I appear to have a bit more variety than the average one-bagger, but that will permit me to do laundry only once. Otherwise, it gets to be a whole laundry drama. I need unscented everything. If I don’t hoard my dirty clothes, items will just get thrown in with the family laundry to “help” me out and I spend ages trying to remove perfumes and detergent residue from my clothes so that I don’t break out in a major rash or have a massive migraine attack.
  • We’ll have a full day of travel driving to the airport, flying, and then driving to Maine, so my airplane outfit won’t be too wearable unless I wear jeans. Wish I owned merino for this purpose!
  • Even though I’ve packed more than I need, it fits into three of my smallest size packing cubes. I’m short, so my clothes are smaller. Cropped tops are full-length on me. Full length tops are tunic-like.
I have: BOTTOMS: 1. Old Navy SleekTech Joggers in Olive; 2. Brooklyn Ankle Pants in Navy (could sub indigo or tan—haven’t decided); 3. Black wide leg Athleta pants in the same lightweight fabric as the Brooklyns—no idea of style name; and 4. Blue/grey Eileen Fisher hemp blend wide leg pants. * Note: I don’t own shorts or skirts due to major weight loss and ugly legs—only a dress that packs big but I could consider wearing on the plane. I’m considering getting a skort I can swim in that would sub for or serve as a bottom as well (Someone here recommended one from Duluth Trading.)
TOPS: 1. Light blue Uniqlo mini tee; 2. Madewell cropped striped polo (maybe wear with a red bandana for 4th of July, but this is the top I should cut if any); 3. Black halter neck Uniqlo bra top; teal Uniqlo Airism tee; 4. Charcoal cropped Backcountry outdoors top. * I’m really sun sensitive, so I might wear any of these other than the polo under the long-sleeve layers I’d knot at the waist or wear open. I don’t intend to wear any of those solo: 1. White cropped Mountain Hardwear Crater Lake sun hoodie that packs down to nothing; 2. Madewell chambray shirt (would serve as a sweatshirt); and 3. J. Crew cotton gauze button up.
OTHER: Main shoes are New Balance Fresh Foam. Second set is TBD. Also bringing a bathing suit, Uniqlo crossbody bag, sun hat, and light jacket I’ll wear on the plane. I also have mesh underwear (On Gossamer) that take up little space, two supportive but small-packing bralettes, and no-show merino socks. Sleeping in bike shorts and 30 Degrees shirts.
My main indulgences are packing a travel hair towel and silk pillow case so I don’t need to wash or restyle my curly hair as often. Toiletries and electronics aren’t too voluminous.
Have bought a Patagonia Black Hole Mini MLC but also trying to see if I can get away with returning that and using an old Osprey work bag I have. I think that is around 20-24L but can’t find the model specs to tell. Alternate affordable and lightweight backpack suggestions are very welcome! Thank you!
submitted by Nejness to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:05 Any-Squirrel-8309 Hives and Joint Pain!

Hello, 39F, previously on Paxil, just switched to Lexapro, also amlodopine and hydrochlorothiazide. Okay so what I originally thought was BUG BITES has been confirmed as hives, but holy shit. It started as a few little red things that look like mosquito bites. 4-7, then more and more. Mostly on my arms, then spread to hands, back, now ankles. My PCP thought one outbreak could be shingles, sent photo to dermatology, they said no. Two months in, finally got a dermatology referral. Punch biopsy results: Microscopic examination reveals a superficial to deep perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate with increased eosinophils…. More suggestive of an allergic hypersensitivity reaction. They recommended triamcinolone acetinide cream and multiple light therapy appointments per week.
I had my worst outbreak last week, 40-50+ welts from left hand to right hand, across my back, and now even spreading to my butt and legs.
I finally quit my job and after I met with my toxic bosses and they made me feel like it’s my fault I quit(not theirs) they asked me to stay longer and tell them why they are losing the person in my position yet again. I am now experiencing my worst outbreak ever. Normally it’s one day of new hives that itch like crazy on day 1. Day 2 they itch so much they start yo hurt. They usually fade after that. But my stress has remained and more hives have appeared.
My right hand, wrist and elbow are throbbing right along with my welts. Some of the welts look like blood blisters.
What is happening to me? This is stress right? Is it something else too? What are my doctors missing?
I have three weeks left at my job… what can I do? I can’t make it through a shift.
submitted by Any-Squirrel-8309 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:37 KennyBoucher Exit 13 (part one)

It’s been days since I was first admitted. I’ve lost count to be honest, several weeks have probably passed. The thing is, I was never given any reason why, which is madly frustrating. So I do my best not to think about it. I have my own room with a sink. Say nothing and keep a low profile. I’m already up to 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups daily now. I only work out when they aren’t watching and keep biding my time. My goal is to escape this asylum plain and simple. I’ve got to find my son.
I was able to pilfer a bar of soap, plastic knife, and some black shoe polish. I’ve been working on carving the bar to resemble a small hand gun. I keep it all under the mattress. I’ll need an edge when I make my break. It’s gotten to the point where I can hide their pills under my tongue, then wash them down the drain after they leave.
This place is quite strange, for instance I can’t read any of the text, the characters all look like gibberish to me. There’s other things as well but that’s one of the main things I’ve noticed. The attendants have a strange accent I can’t make out, it’s nothing I’ve ever heard before.
Last night I heard a cat at my window, meowing. I woke and watched it walking back and forth along the ledge on the outside. The cat looks just like my Sophie, sure I know that sounds crazy. Black as coal and quite a big cat, pressing her head against the glass from time to time. It lifted my spirits… sometimes it’s the small things that really matter.
Today there was something different, the attendant that brings my meals told me I’m up for a psychiatric review with their chief resident doctor, Kitchens. He smiled when he told me, in a nice way and told me not to be nervous, it’s routine. I’d never met her before, so I had no idea what to expect. It could be good or bad, and I’d wager the latter.
The next day there were two attendants that came to get me just after the first bell, both quite large men. I’m 6’ 4", so I suppose they wanted to be careful. One of them had a baton tucked in the top of his white pants, the handle looked well worn. "Be good and you’ve got nothing to worry about here." the other attendant told me. They led me out of my cell, one on either side. I immediately realized I was the sole ward in this wing. My room was at the far end of the hallway leading to the steel bars at the junction. No other cells, save mine.
The gate slid open and we crossed the portal over to the other side. "Her office is over here." said the armed attendant. The door was open, and as they led me inside I saw a wooden chair with thick leather straps sitting in front of a desk. "Sit down." he said. "We’ve got to restrain you since it’ll be just you and her." I sat very still and then they strapped down my wrists and ankles. It wasn’t uncomfortable but I could tell I wasn’t going anywhere.
"Hello." I heard the doctor’s voice behind me. She came to my side for a moment then went and sat down behind the desk. She looked to be in her mid forties and had a mane of stark white hair pulled back tight in a bun. The doctor wore wire frame glasses with thick bifocal lenses. There was a wooden metronome sitting on the desk and she leaned over to start the metal pendulum swinging back and forth. Each time the pendulum reached its zenith there was a slight audible click.
She told me this was to be my first evaluation. She wanted me to help me progress so I could eventually leave and return to a normal life again. Her voice had a queer cadence that seemed to match the rhythm of the metronome. It was hard at times not to fall into a trance as her soft words continued to tumble off the top of her pink tongue. She talked and talked as those hard green eyes of hers were constantly staring deep into mine, never once blinking.
Kitchens asked me why I was so quiet. Involuntarily I smiled and looked back, then I felt myself nodding off. The sound of the metronome instantly brought me back out of the brief stupor and now the dim light from the overhead lamp seemed just a bit softer. The doctor was smiling back at me, her perfect white teeth partially hidden by the pale thin lips. She wouldn’t look half bad with some makeup.
My palms began to itch, try as I might to ignore the eerie sensation. There was a warning bubbling up from my subconscious, Kitchens asked me to tell her all about myself. It felt like she was invading my mind now, slowly breaking down the last of my mental barriers. Finally I spoke "Evaluation…" I said. "It’s more like an interrogation." I coughed and immediately a drop of bright red blood spilt from one of her thin nostrils, splatting against some paper spread out on top of the desk. She frowned for the first time and suddenly the metronome came to a stark halt. Now it felt like her mental intrusion had at last come to a stop. I smiled again then she passed out.
I sat there in silence for quite some time waiting to see what would next happen. Finally I heard the door open and the attendant with the tucked baton entered the room. He went over to the desk and gently propped the doctor’s head back, then he turned to look at me. "Stone walling her, aren’t you?" he asked and seemed agitated. I said nothing and slightly dropped my head so our eyes didn’t meet. "Back to your room now." he said and the other attendant entered.
They lead me back to my room, one attendant on either side. I maintained my docile manner, head down, shuffling my slippered feet. Once I was locked in the kind attendant remained for a brief while. He told me I’d get a good dinner this evening and smiled, it actually looked genuine. "Thanks mate." I said. I saw the shock his face, it was the first time I had spoke to either of them since I’d been there.
I immediately took out the cell phone I pilfered after they left. I had managed to snag it off Kitchens’ desk while the attendants were busy unstrapping me. The mobile device was fully charged and I had lots of time to while away before dinner time. It was very difficult to use because I couldn’t recognize any of the characters displayed on the screen, however I was able to figure out how to invoke the AI assistant since it would respond to my voice commands.
The things I quickly learned interrogating the phone amazed me. There was definitely something very odd about this place, this very world. Eventually I found the site linked to the asylum, NüWorld. Funnily enough there was no mention of the asylum, the main advertisement basically stated that for the right price you could live the fantasy life you always dreamed of having. I had no idea what that had to do with me being here.
I decided this evening I had to make my break. Dinner would be served at 6 PM and anything leftover retrieved an hour later. There was only the two attendants as far as I knew and it would be evening by 7 PM. Dinner was served via the long slot in the lower half of the door to my room by the kind attendant. Having no hunger I put it aside and removed the bulbs from the lamp atop the ceiling while standing on top of the bed. I would use the pillow case as a sack to carry the cellphone since my simple clothes had no pockets.
The other attendant returned right on time to collect the dinner tray. "Put it through!" he yelled. I remained silent, waiting beside the door, then there came the click of the tumblers as he put the key into the keyhole and turned it. Slowly the door began to open a bit. "Where are you?" he asked gruffly, still standing outside in the hallway. A moment passed then he pushed the door open and took a step inside, while I remained still, hidden behind the door. I waited, listening to his heavy breathing while he came forward some more into the darkness inside. Springing out at full speed I charged straight into the attendant, knocking him hard against the far wall, then I got behind him and stuck the barrel of my fake pistol underneath his chin. I hugged him tight round his waist with my other arm. "Make one wrong move and I’ll blow your brains out." I whispered into his ear. "Drop the baton right now." I then told him, to which he immediately complied. After I heard the baton hit the floor I took the twine I had fashioned from one end of the bed spread, wrapping it tightly around his neck with both hands. The attendant struggled hard but could not break free as I continued to squeeze, listening to him gag and rasp. Finally he dropped to his knees and keeled over, having passed out. Pulling the twine loose I tied his hands snuggly behind his back and wrapped the blanket around his head, careful so that he could still breathe.
I took the key chain from his belt and entered the hallway. There was no sign of anyone else, so I crept down the hallway to the gate. Other than my recent trip to meet Kitchens this was my furthest outing within the mental institution. Looking past the steel bars it appeared there was doorway leading to the outside just across the inner sanctum. One key after another I attempted to open the lock until finally there came the satisfying sound of the click.
I looked all around and listened while slowly opening the gate. No one was around so I went to the doorway leading out. It was unlocked and I stepped outside into the night, closing the door behind me. Fresh snow had recently fallen and it was very cold. Using the cellphone again I opened a map for the immediate area. It was then I felt something rubbing against one of my legs and heard the sound of soft purring. I looked down to see the black cat standing beside me. It rubbed against me some more then ran over to the edge of the parking lot when I bent over to pet the feline. The cat mewed at me, looking up into my eyes.
I put the cellphone away and instinctively began to follow the cat. It ran beside a parked truck and waited for me there. Inside the vehicle was a hooded winter jacket, which I took out and put on. The cat jumped onto the seat and purred again. I got inside the cab behind the steering wheel and searched through the keys until I found a car key. The engine ignited the first crank and I put the transmission in drive. Next I turned on the heater and backed out of the parking spot. There was only one road, which I took and we were on our way. I looked back one final time at the asylum, very happy to see it from the rearview mirror.
I waited until I was well past the building before turning on the headlights. The immediate area was heavily wooded and a pale full moon loomed overhead. Driving several miles of twisting roadway we finally reached the entrance to the highway. I had placed the cellphone on the middle of the bench between myself and the cat. I heard a sharp chime from the mobile device and looked down to see the cat had placed one of its paws on the screen of the phone. Picking it up I realized the map had zoomed into an area not too far ahead on the highway. The cursor was blinking, pointing at an exit marked number 13. This was the first time I could actually read any of the characters and it was a great feeling.
I turned onto the highway, heading towards the exit. The black cat lay upon the bench, intently watching me as I drove. There were few other vehicles on the highway. We made good time, reaching the exit after several minutes had passed since leaving the road to the asylum. I pulled over onto the curb, noticing the egress had been blocked off with several large orange barrels. I turned off the engine and got out, followed by the cat. The feline ran past the barrels and looked back at me, mewing again.
I followed her, leaving the warmth of the truck behind. I began to feel quite dizzy and my breath grew short as I weaved my way through the barrels. For a moment it felt like I was dissolving, it was the strangest sensation, and right at that very moment the cat leapt up my shoulder, gently nudging her head against my cheek. The weird sensation then quickly passed.
Standing still I placed my hands on my knees and shook my head vigorously, fighting to recall my last memory prior to being incarcerated within the asylum. My memories were dark and murky. The first image finally to spring to mind was my son, again I knew I had to find him. Next I remembered my last case as a personal bodyguard, which had been my most current profession. There was the case of the lost triplets, two of the young sisters were reported missing, one after another. I had been hired to protect the remaining one. This memory was very painful and brought about intense feelings of frustration and rage. Try as I might I could not remember any details regarding initially having been incarcerated.
Loudly the cat meowed, shaking me from searching for my memories. Quickly she jumped back down and ran forward along the closed road beyond the exit, and I followed. The exit road looped around, leading me into a town hidden by thick groves of tall oak trees running along the sides of the highway. The immediate area was composed of buildings surrounding a small lake. The moon was directly overhead now and its rippling image shone upon the surface of the dark water. This place seemed familiar but I could not remember where I was.
The feline led me to the rear of one of the close by buildings. She rubbed up against a door, which I turned the knob and it opened. We both went inside, then I closed the door behind us. Thankfully it was warm, however the lights were all off. I pulled the cellphone out of my cloth sack and enabled the flashlight function. The small bright lamp revealed a leather couch beside the far wall, where I went and sat down. Immediately I felt heavy waves of tiredness rolling through me and my sight began to grow dim. I laid down and just as I was falling asleep I felt the cat climb on top of me, rubbing one its cheeks against my face and purring.
I awoke after a long deep slumber. The cellphone battery was dead now since I had not thought to turn off the flashlight. My first thought upon awakening was that I needed to move. Someone would have, if not already found the truck and the service provider for the cellphone can reveal the last location after it has been switched off. The black cat was sitting over in a corner grooming itself. Against my better judgement I uttered the name Sophie. Immediately the cat stopped grooming and inquisitively looked up at me. That’s not to say it was my cat, how would that even be possible, the situation totally freaked me out.
Running my fingers through my long hair I took a deep breath and tried to relax. It had been ages since my last haircut, and I had grown a long beard as well. Sliding the dead phone under the couch, I got up and stretched. The cat came up beside me. It let me reach down and pet her head. Sophie had been a gift from my ex-girlfriend, Cindy, whom had given her to me when she was still just a tiny little kitten. I could feel her wet fur as I ran my fingertips along her back. Cindy had once said black cats are often the reincarnations of witches, she was really into that kind of thing, which I had always found weird. Sophie seemed to only have ever liked me, much to Cindy’s chagrin.
I felt hungry, having skipped dinner last night. The cat and I searched through the vacant building but we didn’t find anything to eat, however there was a water fountain, which I shared with the cat. Pausing for a moment after the refreshment I looked out one of the windows in the front of the building. Suddenly some memories came flooding back and I remembered this place... this was the very town where I lived! I thought back to the past evening when I last used the map on the cellphone. I distinctly remember this town did not appear beyond the exit, so strange indeed.
Looking out I could see it was early morning. The streets outside were still empty. I sat back down to examine the contents of the winter jacket I had absconded. There was a billfold with some money in an inner pocket, how convenient I chuckled to myself.
submitted by KennyBoucher to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:21 KennyBoucher Short Pier

These events occurred over 20 years ago, back before things like smart phones existed, so keep that in mind. My best friend from university and I had just got back stateside after completing two grueling back to back tours. We decided to get together for the weekend so he drove down to my place. That Friday evening we went out for steaks then afterwards I suggested we stop by a pier close to my home for a smoke. I had brought back some Cuban cigars. He drove us there in his pickup truck. There was a group of teenagers partying when got there. We parked on the other side of the pier, then we lit up, listening to some Zeppelin on the radio.
The pier was part of a small park beside the river, located at the end of a road in an elite residential area. Some time passed and then a motorized cart pulled up to the pier. Immediately a couple of park Rangers got out and walked over to confront the teenagers. Johnny turned down the volume so we could listen better. One of the Rangers was a short scrawny young man and the other was a young woman. Immediately the male Ranger started to harass the kids, asking them if they were smoking weed. I could tell they felt uncomfortable and didn’t say much in return. The male Ranger then told them he’d have to confiscate the drugs. The teenagers broke into a run, quickly scampering away. The Rangers just stood there and watched them, then laughed.
Next the Rangers headed towards the truck. "Good evening." said the male Ranger. "Im going to need you to step out of the truck." said the Ranger.
"Why’s that?" asked Johnny. He sounded agitated.
"This area has a bad reputation for drug use." replied the Ranger.
"We don’t use drugs." Johnny said as he opened his door. Simultaneously I got out on my side. We towered over both of them. "We don’t want any problems."
The male Ranger was quiet for a moment, then replied. "I’m going to need you to place your hands behind your back." he told Johnny. Johnny crossed his arms against his chest and stared back. The female Ranger made a sudden movement. Johnny reacted immediately, cold cocking her. She crumpled like a rag doll falling limp to the ground.
"Oh gosh!" said the male Ranger. "Now you’ve gone and done it." He began to reach for a walkie talkie hanging on his belt. Johnny quickly grabbed the radio and threw it in the bed of his truck.
"That was a dumb move. She’ll be alright." Johnny said. A cool breeze started to blow while the clouds began to clear, revealing a full moon.
"Can you swim?" I asked the Ranger.
"What?" he asked with a cracking voice.
"I asked if you can swim, can you?" I grabbed him by both wrists, lifting his arms up over his head. Johnny squatted and grabbed his ankles, then we lifted him off the ground and began to carry him towards the pier.
"Let me go right now!" cried the Ranger.
"Shut up tough guy." Johnny told him as we stepped onto the pier. You could hear the planks crack as we carried him to the far end. The sound of the waves splashing against the pylons was soothing. "Okay…" Johnny laughed. We began to swing the Ranger back and forth. "One, two, three!" Together we tossed him off the end into the river. There was a splash as the Ranger hit the water.
His head broke the surface when he bobbed back up. You could tell he was already shivering in the cold water. "Keep an eye on him." Johnny said as he walked away. A few moments later I could hear the whiny engine of the Ranger’s cart turning over, then it came to life. Johnny drove the cart onto the pier, turned off the engine and got back out. Next he rolled it off the side of the pier. It made a big splash when it hit the water, then sank like a rock. We could hear the Ranger whimpering below while the water splashed against his face.
Johnny looked down at him and frowned. "Learned your lesson tough guy?" The Ranger was treading water and did not reply. Johnny and I both took one more long look at him, then walked back off the pier. Overhead the moon seemed to glow. As we approached the truck we saw the other Ranger sprawled in grass, out cold.
We got in the truck, relit our cigars then drove off. "There’s a nice tavern not far from here I’ve been telling you about." I said to Johnny. "Let’s go." he replied then we both laughed, enjoying the coolness of the slight breeze blowing through the cabin.
"They got off easy." said Johnny said while he turned up the volume of the radio. A song by Red Lorrie Yellow Lorrie was playing. "De Oppresso Liber." I replied and we both smiled, driving away back into the dark night.
submitted by KennyBoucher to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 06:54 After_Reference_8063 Copper IUD, The Pill, and Gaslighting Gynecologists

Throwaway account,I’ll be checking up on it tho: This is going to be a “which method?” and a rant so let me get started on the rant first:
I’ve been on the pill in the start of my birth control journey. However, at a young age I started to have severe problems with it. I tried mutiple types of the pill, and still had severe issues with it. I decided to have the copper iud (Paragard). Now I’m wondering if I should get off of it due to symptoms that I’m still having with it. Either that or I’m being gaslit by the gynocologist and google.
When I was on the pill (hormonal) I quickly realized how much it affected me. Every time I would bring up my issues the gynecologist would say: “actually that doesn’t happen.“. “I think that’s a just you problem”. These are the symptoms I was having in no particular order: 1. Severe dry skin- caveat: I already do have dry skin. My mom and me have that dry Northern European rosacea skin lol. but when I was on the pill my skin was hyper dry, and I noticed it was kind of causing me to age in a way. I noticed that no matter how my gallons of water my skin was way more flaky and dry. 2. Ankles and permanent unevenness- This one makes me so angry. I noticed that my birth control I was having severe edema in my ankles. So much so my friends even started to notice that my ankles were swollen. The later birth control pills I had taken my right ankle was not swollen but my left one was severely swollen. After not having the pill for 6 years my left ankle still looks uneven compared to my right. They were always symmetrical before birth control. I had gotten an ultrasound on my left ankle, and the technician said I was fine. If I had known that my ankles would be permanently uneven from it, I would’ve took pictures of my ankles before and after, then sued. 3. Weight gain. 4. No period/amenorhea- I know not everyone wants to have periods but for me having my period without birth control told me 1: that I’m not pregnant 2: that I’m absolutely healthy, and that nothing is wrong. I have heavy periods, but I don’t naturally have agonizing painful ones like some women do which I’m grateful for. when I was at my gyno, the gyno & nurses acted like I was crazy and asked multiple times “why would you want your period?.” Well, I don’t know Susan maybe it’s because I don’t want to take a pregnancy test every freaking month. some of the birth control pills that I took gave me a period but IT WAS STRAIGHT UP MUCUSY BROWN. Like that’s not normal. 5. Constantly feeling like I was emotionally pmsing. Felt like I was quick to anger.
It’s been 6 years, and I’m having issues with the copper iud in no particular order:
  1. Not losing weight no matter what. Lower body fat on my stomach. I could’ve sworn I lost weight more easily.
  2. I wonder if my brain fog is one of the symptoms.
  3. Severe Fatigue
  4. Depression? Derealization?
  5. Heavy Painful periods, severe cravings,feeling like I’m going crazy. Caveat: I already had heavy periods before the copper iud, but the painful, severe cravings, and mood swings has never happened to me until I had Paragard.
What contraception should I use if I take out my copper iud, and don’t like the pill? I don’t have a boyfriend anymore, and probably never will again. That’s not gonna be an issue. I live in a red state (Texas) and I feel like men rape, and I just want to protect myself since roe v wade ended. Of course I always use condoms without fail. I was thinking of getting a ton of plan B, supplements to take that are natural birth control, and what else?
submitted by After_Reference_8063 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:58 orange_cat_brain Could this pain be DVT?

Hi so, I wanna preface this by saying I've never had a bloodclot but I have been sitting around a lot more then normal. This week I've played some darts and went bowling and yesterday my calf hurt and today right above my knee down hurts. Could this pain be DVT? I broke my ankle back in november and haven't been able to walk much since it never healed probably and I was bed bound for two months from it. Im naturally blue an red due to being extremely pale so I don't really notice and discoloration. Is this normal pain or possible blood clot? I have a 30 hour car ride Saturday so I'm nervous now that if it is DVT it could get worse. It doesn't hurt so much when I'm standing more so hurts when I'm sitting or laying down. It's a persistent dull ache. Like when you spran your knee kind of pain. Any advice?
submitted by orange_cat_brain to ClotSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:31 burnafter_redditing7 Should I see a doctor for this? (Cat bite)

Hi all - I have an unrelated doctor appointment next week but I got bit by a cat yesterday. The cat is vaccinated, fixed and SNAP tested - he is just spicy because he saw my cat through a door and wanted to fight him (which is why he is separated currently). I closed the door, he got mad/overstimulated and bit my ankle instead. The purple mark is where one of his teeth broke skin. All the redness developed within 24hrs. I have only been bitten by a cat one other time (I do a lot of rescues) and it also got infected. Is this something that can wait until next week or should I make an earlier appointment?
submitted by burnafter_redditing7 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:48 CommercialTurn5502 Pediatric Edema

Pediatric Edema
Y’all this is really concerning. His ankles/feet are so swollen, red and toe tips are white from pressure. He’s a chunky monkey, but this is not just chunky feet. It looks painful and his skin is always red/purple and swollen. My youngest had heart surgery to fix 3 holes and a membrane that grew in her top left chamber. She was swollen just like this because her heart was struggling. He could go to all his wellness checks and they not bring up the concerns and it would never be questioned. We had 3 pediatricians say our baby was healthy and 1 that finally listened and sent us to Children’s for testing. She ended up needing open heart surgery and she was fixed. If so many mothers and nurses are stating concern, why are they not addressing it or having a specialist check his labs and heart? Pediatric Edema could be as simple as dietary changes or more serious like kidney, heart or liver complications. With Hunter having autoimmune disease, they should know it’s very common for your child to be born with autoimmune or develop disease as well. I have Crohn’s and thyroid disease and as a result my baby had heart defects. I hope they get him checked out.
submitted by CommercialTurn5502 to havens_jh [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:23 shesapinkbobafett Incutattoos

  1. This was supposed to be Brandon's gorgeous piece "Another". The bastard artist fucked it up. I gave him all the proper resources. I do believe I even brought in White Fluffy Clouds if I am not mistaken. I sat there watching Old School while he tattooed me. It was a gorgeous shop and he seemed very cool. Super quiet and I'm a chatterbox. I never shut the hell up. But at least I admit it and fully full on embrace it. I mean it's not ugly, but it's NOT what I wanted. Fuck.
2.u/ScotterMcJohnsonator just wondering by your username is your name Scott? If so...may I call you Scotty? 😁 I'm super rad! No disrespect, but I think Scotty is such a badass name. Anyhow, this is my Crow tattoo. The artist lifted "Look....Find....Free...." out of the booklet. I had brought the CD booklet with me because a friend and I had discussed getting tattoos Ona whim. I was either 19 or 20, I can't remember which anymore. It was very spur or the moment. I borrowed her copy of Crow. The artist was a total douchenozzle though. I told him precisely what I wanted. I wanted the Crow's outline in black, but I want the shading in in Red. Actually I didn't know jack shit about tattoos then, so I said I want an outline of black and the inside red. He straight up told me that you can't do that. It made no sense to me at the time. Knowing all I do about tattoos now, it's like you are a moron, pally. He even had "Tipping makes it hurt less." Printed on his business card. Dude, I was going to tip you anyway, I believe you tip for good service. But that is a little arrogant and I didn't like that and you were a jackass. He got ten bucks haha.
  1. Everything in ebb around my lower leg/ankle area
  2. My baby love! This one is my favorite, my favey gravey. For serious. I actually just have the heart from the Light Grenade on my right inner wrist. But after my father passed, I was like fuck it, life is too damn short I'm getting what I want. This was a mammoth of a tattoo, I took it like a champ! One session, thank you! With breaks of course. I ain't no punk bitch! Bring out a hypodermic needle if you want to see me freak, turn white, scream and beg for mercy! I do not like those fuckers! They are different than tattoo needles! I will die on that hill! The lyrics are from LG, the song. "To get their attention start sobbing the light Grenades, that burst and blind them with the truth." It's also in my handwriting, I was close friends with my tattoo artist and she let me make the stencil too. I was so stoked. Lately, being honest when people ask me what it says, if I'm tired or they're not nice about my tattoos I say I don't remember what it says anymore. Once I said it was Norwegian for mind your own beeswax. (I'm Norwegian. Uff Da!!)
  3. Brandon's Barbary Castle artwork with Drive lyrics. I was salty and pissed as fuck because the artist, who I was excited to be tattooed by at all, because he had all but retired, he owned the shop and was well respected in the community was going to do it for me. He also did my Dory on my ankle. Also one of my favorites and a surefire conversation starter when I wear shorts, capris, a skirt or a dress. Anyhow Harry (his nickname was Dirty Harry. Haha. Go Ahead and make his day.) I was so mad because when he read the stencil to me, he read it out correctly, even when I looked at the stencil in the mirror, it looked right! It did! It looked amazing! But, after he had finished and let me tell you, I love getting tattooed, I love the slow burn of the tattoo needle as it punches into your epidermis injecting ink. But this was fucking painful. Of course it was, it was on my shoulder blade. It was on bone. You can see my very first one in the middle. The star with the film strip. (I graduated from film school and thought I was going to be a film director. Ahhh to be young and naive.) But that was just skin and stuff. This was bone. I didn't even notice this shit until I got home. It read: whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there With open eyes and open arms. Harry and I had words. Haha BTW, Brandon didn't even notice until I pointed it out, he said his mind's eye just read it like it was supposed to. I was like okay, he wrote the song, if he can see it like it's supposed to be, I'm cool.
  4. This was very impromptu, INNW had leaked like maybe a week, a week and change to the day I got this. My brother was just learning to tattoo. A career he sadly abandoned. As you can clearly see; he was not skilled at script or text. It looks like a prison tattoo. It's a shitty tattoo, I admit it and accept it. I used to be upset about it but NOW I truly think about those lyrics that hit me so hard he first time I ever heard Isadore that I screamed and threw my headphones across the room. "It's not who you were, it's who you are." Ohhh. It's part of me. I love it.
  5. I got this done in Denver a week after the drama-rama that was Edgefest 2006 in Tempe, Arizona. I am too much of a lady to air dirty laundry publicly. I'll just say drama-rama-llama-trauma. Big trauma. To this day. Like if I hear 30 Seconds To Mars or if someone even mentions Jared Leto, I freak out. (They played the festival, they went on right before Incubus.) The artist was way cool. He charged me far less than the quoted price so he got an even bigger, fatter tip. I was gonna give him a big tip anyway, he did an outstanding job. I ended up giving him more than I would have paid him for the tattoo that what I was originally quoted and he felt bad. I was like that is yours. That is your tip. Shut up. Take it.
Those are mine, do any of you have any? Show me yours? Not quite sure how Reddit works? Would you have to start a new thread? If so, just send them to me in a message so we don't have a bazillion new threads. That's kind of dumb. Hahaha.
submitted by shesapinkbobafett to incubus [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:57 Sleepypz123 The Alchemist's Rot (Please feel free to give any and all feed back you may have. Thank you.)

Elias scratched his spiny horn, though it never itched, it purely became a habit, during stressful situations, a sort of comfort, despite hating it. Everyone was disgusted at seeing it, sprouting from his head. How they threw stones at him, some even trying to burn him with torches, like he was a monster. At least that's what his father always told him, because of this curse he couldn't quite remember, which forced his father to have to remind him why he should never leave the forest.
No, no no, He thought, rapidly scratching his horn. Seeing the large monster lumbering towards him. It looked a lot like a chimera, a mixture of wicked and grotesque beasts. It possessed a head of a bear, tentacles sprouting from its massive back and a deadly scorpion tail. Poor Elias's knees were shaking, due to the grave aura the mighty beast was giving off. Should he run? Would it chase him if it did? Perhaps chucking stones at it would cause it to flee, but it also could enrage it.
All of this contemplating didn't help him in the slightest, his mind continued to run wild with what he should do rather than what he should be doing. The dark red fur of the monster was like blood, perhaps it was, coated from its last victim. As soon as the young boy could see the fierceness in the monster’s amber eyes. He finally realized he needed to do something. But what?
On a whim he removed himself from the bark of the tree and ran for his home. Luckily he wasn’t too far in and knew his way. But Elias didn't think about those two things. No, he was more concerned about the loud, and closer encroaching crunching noise coming from his backside, oh how the sticks cracked and broke beneath such a creature. One could mistake it for the sounds of bones snapping. The frightened boy did not turn to see the snarling face that he believed would be there, waiting to pounce and rip him apart as soon as he turned. No he continued to run, faster and faster, as the noise became louder and louder.
His home looked as if there were deserted ruins. Nature overtook the man-made cabin. Vines crawled up the sides, slowly strangling it like it wanted to drag it down into the dirt. It was on its last legs, the window shutters hung askew from its hinges and the roof was concave, like it would collapse in on itself if something heavy would fall on it. But seeing that rundown home of his was a joyous sight to behold. But right before he made it to the door and into sanctuary, his foot caught a root, tripping him in the process. He quickly flipped around, throwing his arms up, somehow thinking that would shield him from the many teeth and claws that were about to leap upon him. But strangely they never came.
After a moment of hesitation, and panicked breaths, Elias removed his hands, placing them down at his sides. With wide eyes he stared ahead, waiting for the monster to appear, but it was gone, like it was a figment of his own imagination. Tears began to swell in his eyes, believing fully that he was about to die a moment ago. Only after his nerves settled and streams of sadness left his face did the young boy stand and hobbled inside his home.
Thanks to that root, each step he took, the feeling of a bitter pain roared up from his ankle. His ankle was red and beginning to swell, but seeing no other option he persisted through the house. He noticed his father wasn’t around, most likely working hard in the basement again. There was a feeling of loneliness that always seemed to infect his heart whenever he entered the house, like his body knew something his mind didn't. His father always spent his time in the lab, at least as far as Ellies could recall. This hollowness, thankfully faded quite quickly after he paid a visit to Poppy. She was clawing at the cage, when Elias entered through the door.
He unlatched the cage and held open the door for her to exit, which she did with stride. Her appearance was strange, and her species unknown. Elias wasn’t sure exactly what kind of species it was. It had long ears like a rabbit, a lizard-like tail and a small pear shaped body. his father only ever mentioned that he created the creature one day, while working on his cure. So it had no use being classified as a specific species. She gurgled and clung to Elias’s leg with her little soft paws.
“You wouldn't believe the day I had.” Elias said, rubbing his hand through the fluffy chestnut fur that covered her skin. She began to tug at his pants leg, and then she ran to the door. “Sorry but you can't go do your business outside today. There's something bad out there.” He said, peering out of the window, looking for the whereabouts of that ghastly beast. “But don't worry.” he looked down to look at Poppy, who was currently clawing at the door, gurgling even more. “I’ll put down some rags or old clothes for you.” He smiled. She did not look pleased.
The alchemist slaved over his table, violently mashing up pits of fungus root with his mortar and pestle, muttering about formulas. It became like white noise within the room, constantly echoing across the many glass bottles and jars of varying sizes. He never ventures away from his work bench. It was important after all, if he could just find the right combination, everyone would know his name. They shall deem him the greatest Alchemist that ever lived, rather than a fester fool that wasted what little time remained.
He did not leave his work long, not even to sleep or eat, he rarely showed himself in sunlight, why would he? He had too much to do. If he didn't do it, someone else would, and he sacrificed too much to allow that to happen. He only left his dank basement for two reasons. One, to resupply his dwindling assets, and the other was to test what he had created.
Elias, who was currently humming to himself while fixing himself and Poppy food. Only when those shrill hinges screamed did his playful humming stop. “Are you hungry? Do you want me to fix you something?” He said looking over to the wild eyed man that he called father.
“No time, no time.” the alchemist stuttered. He then stumbled over towards Elias like a man with two left feet. In his hand was a small bottle with a strange elixir inside. The liquid had a foggy pink tint to it. “ Here boy drink, quickly now, quickly! Before the sediments settle.” his voice was ragged and unhinged, like his own mind unraveled like a piece of string that was unknotted.
This happened a lot, the constant drinking of various medicines his father cooked up. He remembered not having to do it so often when he was younger, but now he did it almost daily and still he was no less cured then when he begin. Elias reached for the drink but paused for a moment, his attention being stolen by poppy. She was tugging at his pants even harder. She was always stubborn, especially when it came to going outside. Eventually, He grabbed the potion and being the good boy he was he began to drink from the small glass bottle until the entirety of the liquid vanished down his throat. It was for his sake after all.
Elias could taste a slight bitterness to the drink, not overwhelmingly bad, certainly not good either, most of what he foraged for his fathers research were mushrooms, corpse flowers, and certain bugs only native to this region.
After drinking the odd mixture. His father watched with wondrous anticipation. It caused a powerful feeling to run throughout his entire body. From the tips of his toes to the point of his horn it reverberated within him, growing warm, eventually becoming a painful burning sensation. He could no longer escape this turmoil that his creator had given to him. His vision began to warp and spin. In order not to vomit, Elias had to close his eyes and hold his mouth shut, refusing to allow his body to cough the medicine up.
The Alchemist stared widely at his son as his breathing became heavy. His father began to stroke his mighty, tangled beard in delight. Was this it? Was this the right combination? The wrinkles in his face began to tighten as his mouth shifted into a giddy smile. All of his painstaking work, all of his sacrifices. Was this the day that the alchemist finally did it?
Elias’s body began to grow, noticeably like he was growing into an older version of himself. to both his and his son’s dismay. A twisted horn began to protrude from Elias shoulder causing him great pain, causing him to drop to his knees. Slowly it dug its way out from beneath the poor boy's skin. The shrieks he gave off, it was lucky they lived deep within the forest because many people would confuse the screams of Elias for a terrible murder, but in their fairness they sounded very similar.
Only when the new horn stopped growing did Elias become silent and his wet eyes opened. One of them, now jet black, both the iris and sclera were now void of color, completely dark, almost as if it wasn’t even an eyeball anymore. His vision was still slightly blurry , but he could still see his father, examining him still. His smile faded into a more serious look. “It seems I'm still far off from the right formula,” he muttered. From his pocket he pulled out a clean vial and scraped a bit of sweat that now coated his woozy son’s flesh. He returned to his subterranean laboratory to further his research, while his son is forced to figure out what exactly that potion changed within him, as well as out.
Elias sank down further to the floor, not having the strength to stand up any longer. Poppy hopped towards his face. She gurgled dreadfully and rubbed her head against Elias chest. Like she was trying to provide comfort to him. His head slowly swiveled over to the crooked horn that was stabbing out from his shoulder.
He didn't quite understand what had happened. The cloudiness in his mind felt like a dream. Am I sleeping? Thought Elias, but that couldn't be, his eyes were open. But that horn, this strange creature nuzzling him and this place… Where exactly am I? He thought before he faded away into a deep sleep.
All of his memories returned to him after he awoke, at least he thought so. There was still a strange feeling lingering in the air, most likely due to his new found deformities but the young boy paid it no mind, he still had chores to do after all.
Poppy joined him as he journeyed up stairs. The second floor only had three rooms in it, his room, his fathers room ( even if he doesn't use it much) and the third was his older sister’s room, but now it was used for storage. Elias lit the candles and began his dusting. Since his father had to much important work on his plate, it was up to him to keep the cobwebs at bay.
He first started with his father’s room, even though Poppy insisted on the storage. But the young boy never listened to his pet, he wanted to make sure as soon as his father finally completed his work, he would have a nice clean bed to sleep in. Elias hummed as he went around cleaning the shelves and de-webbing the corners of the room, Poppy watched from his bed, looking a bit down since he awoke, perhaps she was frightened by his new form, it was all for the best. His father was trying to save him. Since his mother and sister passed from the same affliction as he. He did nothing but put in every second he had into finding a cure for his son. After the first room was completed, he entered the storage room. Poppy raced in ahead of him and disappeared behind boxes. It was filled with things from their old life. The belongings of his sibling and dear mother were also stashed here, untouched. He sometimes came in here to visit them, to remember things he’s forgotten, they helped him remember them if only slightly, it was more than a feeling he got, then a past vision, a feeling of happiness and safety that they are still with him.
Poppy seemed to have perked up a bit, and began to adventure around the room. She sniffed and crawled around many old relics of the past. Elias was busy wiping clean the old wheat scythe that laid propped up against the wall. When a small chest crashed to the floor, severing the old lock on it and scattering its contents across the floor. “Poppy!” He yelled at the adorable little creature who had undoubtedly knocked it over. He couldn't stay mad at her, with a slight smile on his face , he began to clean up the mess.
As he was stacking the papers in the box, one of the books caught his eye. It was a leather bound one with a strap on the side to keep it closed. But what stole his attention was the name written on it, It was a name so familiar, so, so safe that it brought forth a bloom of the past. The Alchemist didn't mention his wife much, not after she passed, but Elias knew what his mother’s name was, it was the same one written in this journal. It seemed he would never forget that.
Opening it he discovered her hand writing, beautiful and elegant, perhaps she came from nobility, It talked about her life, Marrying his father, having her daughter and son, but after they all moved to this isolated home, her hand writing became much more scratched on then how she began her journal. It read, I don't know what's happening to me, my hair began to grow abnormally, turning scarlet red, when it was before black. I can't seem to remember my past, whenever I try to recall my parents, my mind becomes foggy. What is happening? My dear husband said it is a curse placed upon me, and says he can cure it. I hope he can, Please my beloved save me. I don't want to forget our children’s faces. He continued reading, completely until the last page written on, which read, the medicine, it's always been the medicine. What is he doing to me.
Elias wasn't sure what to make of this. Was she talking about his father? And the same medicine he takes? No it couldn't be? I just remembered. I need to leave this place quickly, with my children and escape this mad man. Her panicked scribbles abruptly ended, as if ripped away from her desk.
A New idea began to form with Elias’s troubled mind. It was true his memory was flawed, but he now could sense danger with in the house, with in his own father. The worried look upon his face grew terribly. Seeing this made Poppy excited, she jumped brightly on his shoulder. All he was concerned with now was getting out of the house.
He crept down the stairs, hoping not to stir up too much trouble. the small creaks in the steps now sounded like loud shockwaves. Before he made it to the bottom steps, His father whipped open his lair door. “Elias! I have a new mixture to try!” he yelled, searching the kitchen. When the mad man’s eyes were set on his son, he was observant enough to know something was different in the boy. He usually jumped towards him at his medicine. His eye fell down towards his hands. Elias was holding something. A book? It was hers!
He yelled again “Elias, give that here!” but that started a fire by the boy’s feet. Dashing for the door as quick as he could but his father was closer grabbed him and through him down on the wooden floor. The alchemist held his son down and pried open his mouth. “Please!” He begged his father, but he wasn't listening. The mad man poured the blue tinted liquid down his throat causing Elias to cough and choke. “That's it” his father said through gritted teeth, not leaving a drop in the vial.
Many weeks went by or maybe it was only just a few days, Elias never could tell anymore, between the constant potion trials and never changing environment surrounding him, as well as his dwindling memory, time no longer was relevant to him. The things his father asked for were becoming more and more obscure. Just last week he requested an albino toad. But that was fine, he’s trying to cure his ailment after all. He forgot all about what had transpired after he read his mother’s words. He never found that journal again.
Nowadays the wind that occasionally drifted through the trees had a strangeness to it. Perhaps the seasons were changing or a storm was encroaching, or maybe the many twisting horns that grew from the poor boy’s body played a part. He looked a lot more like a distorted porcupine, both his eyes were now pitch black and his body grew large he was now over five five feet tall. Ten years old and he was now the same height as his own father.
Ever since that first sighting, the crimson beat never returned, Although Elias could still hear its cries echo through the trees. It sounded bleak and angry, with a hint of sadness with each roar. Elias was glad it was gone, but he wondered why it vanished so suddenly before. Perhaps it was for the best. Before he knew it, somehow the very sky was black. How long was he out here? It couldn't have been an hour since he left, but that was in the morning. This happened a lot recently, how time just slips by. Elias’s mind became much more hazy, like it was filled with a constant stream of static. Sometimes he even woke up outside, unaware of how he got there.
I need to save him. That is easier said than done, everything she tried failed and he was already forgetting himself. All that bile is rotting his brain. He doesn't even remember her anymore. She was at least lucky enough to retain her intellect. Poppy gilded her paw across the bars of her cage. As she did she reminded herself that she already tried to kill that batty man, but this body that she now resided in was no more lethal than a still stone. What could I do? She paced in her cell. When Elias finally found his way home it was nightfall. He’s been coming home later and later recently. Most likely forgetting where he lived. Oh how she wished their mother was here, but she was gone too, lost forever stumbling through this forest.
The mad man barged upstairs, most likely hearing his son’s large feet scraping the floor.“Finally “ he said, ignoring his son’s tortured posture, and swiping his bag that was tangled between the ridged horn like spikes sprouting from his arms. “Give it here!” he barked, ripping it off him. He gazed upon what was inside and smiled a hellish grin. “Finally!” he shouted throughout the wilting house. He rushed back down stairs to get to work on the formula that finally do it.
Elias, sat at the chair, his mind was drifting, he usually let Poppy out of her cage but not today, he completely forgot about Poppy, just like he did when she was once his sister and just like his mother before her. Poppy saw him hanging on by a thread, she began to rush back and force, hoping he could break through the small cage. She tackled the door. It didn't budge. She did it again. It still didn't open, but the cage did move, if only slightly. It was up to her to save her little brother. She no longer had the journal to bring light to her father’s crimes, she saw it herself. He burned it, and then… wept to the sight of it. Perhaps inside he still had some semblance of how he used to be, before he became obsessed. But even so he was a monster that needed to be stopped.
To Poppy he was gone and he did too much to her and her family to ever be forgiving. She rammed against the cage again, harder this time. Beyond the short fur, her body was especially squishy, but with determination alone, she still managed to get her prison closer to the edge. One more should do it, she thought, pressing herself against the back of the cage, before charging against the front.
Her cage crashed to the ground, grabbing her younger brother’s attention. “hmm “ the nothingness of his eyes focused on the cage on the floor with the small creature inside, looking awfully dazed. After a moment, he remembered “Poppy?” he said, his voice now deep and frightening. He walked over and bent down, to open the small door. Poppy quickly regained her wits and crawled her way out.
Now that Poppy was now free, there was only one other option that she could think of at this point, it was dangerous and might not work, but it was either this or watching him slowly become someone else, worst case they all died quickly.
She ran over to the door and began to scratch at it. Elias stumbled over to let her out, as soon as he opened up, Poppy bolted past the tree line and into the forest. She ran as quickly as her small, rabbit like legs could carry her. She was determined though, to saver her brother and end her father tyranny. She needed to find their mother.
The forest that surrounded the haunting the house was vast, filled with flora and fauna a plenty, well more flora and fauna. The ripped apart corpses of deer and wolves made it seem more like a feeding den rather than a forest floor. Despite her many warning signs to turn back the small creature persisted.
A teeth shaking roar lured her closer. She hopped atop a low hanging branch to get a better view and that's where she saw her, the crimson beast. It was over top of a large bear, gorging on its abundance of flesh. Poppy’s heart raced at the sight of her. Of all this time she never caught a glimpse. She remembered he slowly changed into the ravenous monster she now witnessed. She wished she could have realized sooner, cursing herself for being so naive. To think her father wanted only to destroy, rather than heal their mother. Poppy took her small paws and slapped her bouncy cheeks, she couldn't think of that right now. If mother was still inside that beast of gory red, she needed to find her. She hopped down from the branch and approached her.
Poppy’s first words were supposed to be mother, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was a purring, gurgling sound. It must have been loud enough because she stopped eating the bloody meat she scooped out from the bear’s remains. Eying the small creature before her, the beast growled as she turned around to face her new prey.
Mother, please! Its Elias, you need to help, she tried desperately to plead with her, but her voice was gone, and her mother didn't even recognize her. Her new body came with new instincts as well, ones to sense danger. These alarms were screaming at her right now to run, but all she wanted to do was cry, to let whatever happen happen, but when she thought of her poor younger brother still being subjected to those horrid experiments…
Poppy turned around and wiggled her rump towards the maddening beast This way mother, she thought before taking off towards their once warm home. Her little butt wag worked a little too well, as the crimson beast that was soaked in blood was right on her heels, the only thing that slowed her down just short of getting her were the abundance of foliage and stone, she swiftly glided through. The sound of small trees breaking and the pounding of her large claws against the soil filled the air, like it was a dust cloud moving across a plain.
When Poppy finally made it into their yard. She was panting heavily and her eyes were focused on her mother who halted her pursuit at the tree line. refusing to step any closer, she remained just beyond the clearing, still growling, no longer at Poppy, but at the house itself. The beady eyes of hers stared at the looming house like it was about to grab her and pull her closer. Her daughter noticed this, this must mean she still had a bit of her former self within her. She at least hoped so. What could she do to get her closer, to remind her of who she really was? That's when an idea struck her like lightning.
The alchemist toiled in his laboratory. Every concoction he mixed turned into was a complete failure. What was he missing? His son’s withering mental state was also costing him valuable and much needed resources. Elias was out there for hours and yet he only procured enough supplies to hold in one palm. He stopped thinking about what to do about his gathering issues. He was too focused on his latest feat. This one for sure! It had to do it. Eternal youth, that's what it will bring, for both his name and mankind.
When his father made his way up those shaky steps. He found his son holding a broom in the other room, staring blankly at the cold fireplace. The same fireplace where they once shared memories together and the same place where he had burned his wife’s journal. “Elias, I believe I have done it this time. Your cure. Try it!” he said, handing over the potion. His son slowly turned his head to face him. The mind was all but absent from this task now, it was merely instinct at this point. He had done this so many times that it had been ingrained into his very muscle. He removed one of his hands from the broom handle, showing off that they had changed too. Instead of five fingers he was born to, he now had three large ones, like the extra two were absorbed by the others.
He slowly brought the potion to his lips, but before it could reach his mouth and fall down his throat, Poppy came bursting through the window and knocked the elixir from Elias's mangle hand. The glass vial smashed into pieces, spilling the bubbling mixture everywhere. “You! What have you done!” He had said to his former daughter, as he clutched his head in frustration. To make matters worse she taunted the grief stricken man. Wagging her dairy air at him, much like she did with her mother. Things were dire and she needed him to follow him and boy did he ever.
He let out another anger-filled growl as he barreled towards Poppy, but thanks to her agility and small frame, she easily maneuvered around him, much like a mouse. She jumped through the same window she entered from. The alchemist raced out the door, after her. But when he did He saw something he preyed on never to see again, his wife’s angry face staring back at him. “M- Mar” he began, but soon went cold. Like Poppy hoped for, the beast removed herself from the safety of the trees, her eyes firmly set on the demented man that cursed her and all her kids. All of the anger she felt, that festered inside of her heart, finally remembered the object of her hatred.
Elias watched his father and his pet chaotically dash around the room. It didn't dawn on him until the two took their chase outside, that he had dropped his medicine. He stared down at the liquid that was now spread across the floor. Perhaps it was still good? His father did seem sure of himself with this one. He slowly fell to his knees and began to drink up as much as he could.
The scorned mother stumped towards The alchemist, growling and roaring. It was like she was trying to yell at him, to curse his name. The old fool tripped backwards as she approached “Ma- Ma- Martha” he said quickly “ I am doing this for everyone’s sack, humanities, imagine how far our kind will expand, if we no longer aged.” he pleaded, hoping she could still understand him. In his eyes he was a saint, a man willing to sacrifice anything to better the world. But to everyone else, he was a twisted mad man bending morality to his design. A foolish man playing god.
Martha seemed to want to hear him out, or perhaps she liked seeing him in this panicked state. She bent her face down and bared her massive teeth inching them ever closer to her husband's pale face. He crawled backwards until he felt something hard behind him. It was the steps of the house. his eyes were large and shaky as he stared down her vengeful eyes. He was so close, so very close, he could feel it. And yet it was gonna end here, his work unfinished, his name forgotten. “No!” He refused to let that happen. He found a nearby branch and pointed at his former wife.
Poppy sat on the side lines, watching the miserable man stumble and crawl away from her mother. She couldn't help but to feel happy, maybe even a little bit satisfied with her action, but in the chaos she forgot to check up with Elias. When she ran back inside she found a horrific scene. Elias was licking the remains of the potion up. Poppy tried to stop him but it was too late, the potion was already taking effect.
The three fingered hands grew more claw-like, much like a mole’s, his jaw began to grow wider, creating a large underbite, revealing sharpened teeth, and his two large blackened eyes became one. When Elias, the cyclops saw Poppy he yelped, frightened at seeing her. His vocal cords seemed to only give off loud aching sounds when he tried to speak. Even he was surprised at this, clutching at his neck. Poppy yelped and gurgled trying to make him calm down. In his new form. She contemplated doing a little dance or rolling over to better soothe him, luckily he seemed to have settled. Until a mighty roar shook the house. Elias, curled up clutching his ears tightly.
The alchemist stormed into the house, only pausing at seeing what became of his son, his face grew more irritated then frightened. It didn't work, he thought for sure it would have worked! Did the roots already? He completely forgot about the monster he was running from, until she made herself known again.
Martha crashed through the wall right behind her husband, barely missing him with her sharp, poisonous tail. He dashed for his beloved basement door but she did not pursue him. She froze just like her husband did at the sight of her son. It wasn't to figure out some god foreskin mixture that would probably never grow fruit of eternal youth. No, it was of a mother gazing upon her son, her once beautiful child that looked so sweet and innocent, now a monster. She saw Poppy trying to comfort the scared little boy she gave birth to. Martha looked back over to the closed basement door, the alchemist’s sanctuary, his room of evil.
She could have easily tore it to pieces and gotten to him, but… should she? Death could be a blessing, for a man that lost his mind, that would be constantly tormented with his desire to achieve greatness. Perhaps a lifetime of obsession and loneliness was a suited punishment for a man that brought rot to their once happy family. So that's where she left him, toiling his days away in his own creation. While she took her kids, and tried to pick up what remains of themselves and start their new lives together.
submitted by Sleepypz123 to AmateurWriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:22 wellokaybyethen Fun low stakes question: mystery lumpy legs

I have rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis and the antibodies for hashimotos but fine thyroid levels.
I take Humira once every 2 weeks, imuran, Meloxicam, Claritin, birth control, iron supplements, and maybe one methylprednisolone pack a year for bad flares. I took sulfaalazine from 2021 until earlier this year, but stopped as they thought it was giving me nerve damage.
Throughout this story I have gained a bunch of weight. I'm 5'9 and I was about to 230lbs in 2021, up to 290 now.
In late 2021 I had a really hard fall on icy steps and got a massive but lightly colored bruise on my left shin. The skin wasn't broken.
After 10 days it started turning red, dry and puffy, and didn't spring back when I pressed it. Being on Humira you get told to visit a doctor if you suspect infections so I went to urgent care. They diagnosed me with cellulitis and gave me antibiotics. Nothing changed and I went back and got different antibiotics. Eventually I went to another clinic and the doctor said it wasn't infected, just a bad bruise and vein insufficiency (in one leg). I stopped the antibiotics, tried compression stockings, but mostly just let it go.
For the next year (October 2021-october 2022) that area of my shin was puffy and would change colors from red to purple to barely visible. Some days I would have a sharp or burning feeling in that area. It was also firm to the touch if you pressed it and wouldn't spring back quickly. My PCP eventually got an ultrasound and they basically said it was just inflamed, no hematoma. She did a timing test holding both of my feet and said I didn't have vein insufficiency.
Eventually it mostly faded, although there is still a hard area on my shin bone you can feel.
This December, I got a tiny little bruise on the same leg near the ankle. Unlike the first time where it was a very hard and memorable fall, I don't even know how I got this bruise. It didn't hurt at all, just appeared one day.
This tiny bruise has now turned into another lump that changes colors and is still there 6 months later.
My doctor offered me another ultrasound but basically chalked this up to a weird body thing. Bruises on other parts of my body or my other leg don't turn into purple lumps that last a year.
I'm someone who spent a lot of time being really really sick and a medical mystery, and I know it's not worth pursuing answers if they're not destroying your life. But this set of symptoms are just weirding me out. Any ideas about what might be causing this?
A few other notes that might be important: -I have vitiligo in that same one leg that appeared after using Nair in middle school. It spreads tiny amounts when I'm super stressed. -I had chronic erythema nodosum for a year and a half in college and this isn't that -- it feels and looks completely different, and doesn't hurt most of the time -I do have some kind of mystery numbness and muscle spasming in my arms and legs when pressure is put on them (pressure on my elbow will sometimes make my whole forearm and hand go numb for example -- neurologist says it's RA, rheumatologist says maybe it was a rare sulfaalazine side effect)
I'm happy to answer other questions if you all have any! I hope someone has ideas about what this could be that's more specific than "huh immune systems are funny"
submitted by wellokaybyethen to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:37 No_Birthday_8602 [The Endless adventure/Chapter 2]

When the universe began 0 was the only one 0 is not good or evil,Then 1 appeared 1 is only good,Then 2 appeared 2 is good and evil,0 and 2 fell in love,2 gave birth to Afiniti,Afiniti was good and evil and not good and evil.Afiniti hated the world and wanted to destroy it and left Eternity the god world and became a beast known as Typhus,Typhus hibernates during the spring and summer and lives in a hole filled with dried melted gold in the volcano known as Kovid mountain.After stealing the white heart he headed to Spruceville because being a god he picked up 0s message that the chosen one is in Spruceville and planned to destroy the entire town.Typhus appeared in the sky next to the Rock,Chaos transformed into a flying eye with triangles swirling around it.Chaos trapped Freeze in a bubble that chained her wrists and ankles to the bubble to be safe and pushed her off the Rock, Freeze Princess fell into the Deathly Forest.Then Rock fell from the sky in front of the Freeze Princess who had just been freed from the bubble,Rock was being frozen but before Rock fully froze it told Freeze Princess “Atlas isn't the chosen one,Your father didn't die he left your mother and remarried then his wife gave birth to your half sister,You must go to Little wizards daycare and find her she is a white 4 year old girl and will be the most famous wizard of all time”Rock froze up into a statue.Princess Freeze walked along the path when suddenly tree branch grabbed her arm and a bush brand grabbed her foot, She ran down the forest path when squirrels with red eyes grabbed her legs and started biting the suit,She shook them off and started running faster and owls started chasing her.Then as she ran through she saw a black house with a yellow light and ran inside, When she walked in she saw a white elderly woman wearing a blanket fabric dress with grey hair.The Freeze Princess tapped on the rusty dented bell several times,The lady who was sitting in a rocking chair in front of an old heavily scratched and cut desk with a caged lamp on it woke up“Welcome to the hotel for lost travellers in the Deathly Forest. This hotel is completely free, your room is whatever you like, we don't get many people here”.Princess Freeze walked up the stairs after taking three steps. The third step broke,After that she hurried up the stairs into the first bedroom and closed the door.The room had a fireplace,An iron bed,A couch,Freeze Princess had never felt warm fire before so she took off the suit,At first she was too scared to light the fire and was worried about all the bad things that would happen if she did light the fire,Then after much hesitation she took a match and lit the wood,At first she felt a strange tingle like the heat was battling the cold she could feel the warmth warming her heart,She pulled up a couch and sat staring at the waving orange flames and after 30 minutes she climbed into bed.Hours later a tree started tapping on the window,Then started banging,Then the window cracked,Then broke,The tree hands grabbed Freeze Princess,Freeze Princess screamed “Help” “Help”The lady grabbed her sword and ran upstairs,With her sword the Lady chopped the trees arms off,Freeze Princess fell to the floor then got up,The lady looked at princess freeze the Lady said: “Why do you sleep in your clothes?” Freeze said: “This is the only thing i've ever worn” The Lady said:“come with me”.Freeze followed her downstairs,Lady went into a closet and took out,A white nightgown,A red dress,Blue jeans,A black leather jacket,Yellow shorts,A sun hat,A sweater,A sword,30 Rooples,After getting the objects Freeze turned back,The Lady said: “Wait” what is your name, “My name is Freeze” “Well that isn't really a name, What about a new one, What about Amber do you like that?”Then Amber walked up to her room, Put on her nightgown then got into bed.Next morning Amber walked downstairs and asked if there was a shower,The Lady said there is a hot spring out back.Amber opened the door and walked into the dew filled misty cool morning,She walked over to the sparkling spring in the back of the building, And stepped into the bath,Then she turned on the bubble tap put her head back and looked at the sunlight glistening through the trees and breathed the pine air.Amber got out after 10 minutes and put on her jeans and leather jacket,The Lady gave her a bag to store all her things.Amber left walking down the road of sticks and leaves.The forest is nocturnal during the day so the Deathly Forest is safe now.As Amber was walking down the trail a unicorn with rainbow hair appeared,Amber got on the unicorn and and ran through the the beautiful Deathly Forest.Amber rode to a hair salon,Amber went up to the desk of the neat well kept hair place and asked for a haircut,Barb a black barber woman cut of the long parts of hair down her head and dyed the front of the hair blue.When Amber walked out she was a new woman,No longer a princess.After that Amber got on the unicorn and rode off, The unicorn let out a beautiful neigh, A neigh that sounds like beautiful singing,The unicorns hair sparkled like glitter against the sunlight.Upon reaching the end of the Deathly Forest Amber saw a restaurant,Amber pulled over at the restaurant,Tied her unicorn up to a post and walked through the saloon style doors,Amber walked to the counter sat down on a bench and ordered two fried slizzles and a coffee.While that was happening Typhus flew into town blasting fire at the entrance,Which caused the town to go on high alert,The guards in towers started ringing lthe gongs and the entire army ran out but as they stared into the snakes eyes they all turned to stone,Then Typhus turned his fingers into snakes and ripped out the buildings beside him with both hands,Then used the buildings to destroy other structures.1 year ago 4 month old Emelia's mother pushed the stroller onto the Little wizards daycare train,She strapped Emelia into her booster seat,Then the train took off from the station and magically drove under the ground.The children were served as many floating rice puffs and dissolving chewy drinks as they could eat,Eventually they flew out of the dirt and stopped at the daycare.The boosters then flew into the daycare entrance,They were then fitted for uniforms and served a puree feast for dinner after they finished eating they were put to bed in their cribs for the night.In morning they were given their plastic beginner wands with a glowing light on the tip.At the daycare they play with rattles with floating magic dust inside and dolls that are alive and can realistically interact with them,And are told stories about wizards like them.Atlas was sleeping in his bed of sticks when typhus attacked,All of a sudden a bell tower was thrown at Atlas home, But suddenly invisible armour known as plot armour saved him.After laying some waste on Spruceville Typhus announced that he is going to find the armour of Achilles.Amber finished her breakfast,Amber untied her unicorn and rode down a field of beautiful daisies down to Belle Station.King Korvid was a terrible ruler,He forced all children to go to schools that brainwashed them and forced them to obey the darkness king.Every mistake the children made would lead to abuse,They were only given small amounts of food,And any sickness and injury was left untreated,They slept on the floor without beds in rooms filled with rats and mould and dirt and none of the rooms were heated,They were told they were worthless and would never do anything great and that they would forever be a slave to the Darkness King.Kovid stole money from everyone and never paid them,He lived on Korvid mountain far from Spruceville,King Korvid thought that no one could ever get to him.One day a man brought together a group of 8 Wizards,2 large men in heavy armour,2 Knights on horses,2 Bishops,The King of Hydrogen,The Hydro Queen and 2 hydrogen dragons.So then the adventure started,They moved across the land for days until they arrived.The leader Barren was a tall man with long hair and a muscular body wearing gold and silver chest armour and knee armour and wearing any shoe you want said “King Korvid today my fear echoes and yours dies”,Korvid walked to the deck and blew his battle horn,Korvids army assembled in front of the mountain,One wizard stepped out,A horse stepped close to him,The wizard walked up to the horse,A guard walked up behind the wizard,A guard stepped out from his spot,A heavily armed guard walked up behind the wizard,A soldier walked a few steps from his spot,A wizard walked a few steps,A knight moved through the rows,A wizard walked up to a wizard,The Queen walked forward,The heavily armoured guard walked up to a wizard,The Queen stepped to the front of the army,A wizard walked behind a wizard,A wizard stepped closer to the army,A knight on a horse walked up to the heavily armoured guard,The horse walked to a wizard,The Queen walked close to the rebel group and killed a wizard,A wizard walked up to a knight on a horse,A horse killed a heavily armoured guard,A wizard walked over and killed a soldier,A knight on a horse killed a soldier,A horrified Queen ran back to the back of the army,A wizard killed a soldier,The queen went over a killed a soldier on a horse,A wizard walked over and stood in front of the shivering Queen Hydro,A bishop came and killed a wizard,The Hydrogen King was so scared he killed a bishop,The Queen was scared so she walked back a couple steps,A wizard killed a soldier in front of King Kovid so he killed the wizard,A bishop ran to kill the Queen but the Queen killed her,The King and Queen of Hydrogen were really scared so they hugged each other in fear,The wizard in front of the Queen of Hydro ran to kill the Queen but the Queen killed her,The knight on a horse stood in front of the Queen Hydro,A horse stood next to the Queen Hydro,The Queen Hydro took her husband's sword and killed the horse,The bishop killed the knight on the horse,A bishop killed a bishop,The Queen killed a bishop and Kovid killed the King of Hydrogen,The Hydro Queen hyperventilating in shock trudged over to Barren and yelled where were you in all this, “I was too scared” said Barren, “ You could have saved my husband” said Anna the Hydrogen Queen.In a flurry of anger using the power of the of the sword,She sped to the centre of the battlefield and ran towards Korvid,King Korvid realising the danger his wife was in took Sarah the Darkness Queen,Into the mountain,But as he was being magically elevated he threw his wife into a secret safe hole in the wall,Korvid prepared to face off against Anna.Anna holding the sword of sol swung her sword the same time as Korvid and destroyed Korvids sword with one hit of the shimmering blade,Anna walked closer to Korvid So Korvid fired his wrist arrows several times but Anna swung her sword around dodging all the arrows,Anna pointed the sword of sol in front of Korvid ordering him to surrender.The king was arrested and chained to a mineral,A man walked toward Korvid but before he did anything he announced he had bludgeoned the Queen of Hydro and stolen the sword of sol and forged it into the highest rock in the highland of lighting,Then using his wand started chanting a spell,The mineral lit up glowing brighter and brighter,Then he raised his sword and chopped off Kovids head and the heads of the entire army and pushed them onto the mineral,He stopped chanting which absorbed all the bodies into the mineral,Queen Sally stood at the edge of the castle and jumped off falling to her death,Then the last living wizard asked the man “Who are you” the man said I am Korvids brother,The wizard flashed a light from his wand causing Korvid to completely disappear,Then the wizard realised that the mineral was shaped like a heart then looked up and saw a heart carved into the mountain.
submitted by No_Birthday_8602 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:06 CommunityBitter6781 1st EMG

I have my first emg coming up on the 28th, not too worried about if itll hurt just want to get down to the cause like everyone else
It started at my feet then went up a little up the ankles but now has moved to my hands, the hands feel like im wearing a tight gloove that gets tighter at the wrist and my feet oh boy do they go numb randomly and tingle, but at night and the morning theyre red and burning up
Anyone else have similar experiences? Ive been cleared for diabetes and my dad had neuropathy, i was a heavy drinker from age 13 until 20 so that might have something to do with it, 22 now and definitely feeling past it
submitted by CommunityBitter6781 to neuropathy [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:59 ScucciMane Kris Bryant hurt his Dinger

I hope it’s okay. Medium effort post. Go Rox.
submitted by ScucciMane to rockies [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:39 gyssyg (ps+ newbie) How can I stop someone repeatedly grappling me while I'm on the ground?

I can counter standing grapples with L1, but this doesn't seem to work too well when I'm on the ground. Was just fighting this guy and he was mashing X next to my legs twisting my ankle over and over like 20 times until my leg was red lol. No amount of tapping L1 or timing it or holding it seemed to do anything.
submitted by gyssyg to AEWFightForever [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:29 Flimsy-Ad8609 Unsure on trainer / Red Flags

Hey Ya’ll,
I’ve had some recent red flags from my trainer which have made me really demotivated to train and I’m honestly tempted to switch gym. I’ve trained there for around 6 months, previous experience with some boxing gyms but wanted to transition to Muay Thai.
I lurked this subreddit for a bit before joining as I know there are a lot of McDojos out there and I was honestly really scared about having to leave a gym if I discovered it was bad (thanks, social anxiety)
The first red flag i saw was it has a progression system, not like I see with belts in some places, as they have absolutely no place in Muay Thai. But with a different colour Pra Jiad. Begginers have white, then the colour ranges by your experience levels.
Second red flag was the uniform, paying almost £90 for shorts, T shirt and ankle supports, trainer will not allow you to train if you’re not wearing the uniform and has previously barred people from training permanently if it’s not worn…
Third red flag was constantly pushing Muay Boran, Krabi-krabong and drilling combos that aren’t legal in Muay Thai… like elbows to a grounded opponent????
Fourth, irregular sparring.. sparring once a week or even month.. making beginners spar on their second session.
Fifth, promoting people to ‘Kru’ after they only do online training sessions and have never sparred once. We had one come down for a guest session, who couldn’t even throw a jab properly and was messing up basic combos.
The trainer is Thai, and is considered a pioneer of Muay Thai in Britain. Worked with ‘Master’ toddy before who is notorious for McDojo red flags.
I really like the trainer, I mean no disrespect to him and he’s a really nice guy. I just want to train in a place that is truly giving an authentic Muay Thai experience.
submitted by Flimsy-Ad8609 to MuayThai [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:09 rdhreddit Question about fur and shedding

Question about fur and shedding
While I know that shibas are shedding heavily currently and blowing their coat, I noticed this patch of fur that was significantly shorter on his back legs. In addition, he has an area of thin fur on chest towards his armpit area as well that was thicker originally. Also his skin doesn't look red, blotchy, or inflamed at all either. He's less than a year old and he is my first dog, so I just want to make sure that everything is alright and not a cause for concern. Thank you!
submitted by rdhreddit to shiba [link] [comments]