Soap note example nursing

Dangerous Design: When Bad Designs Can Kill

2014.09.05 04:41 ohgodthellamas Dangerous Design: When Bad Designs Can Kill

A subreddit for design that can kill or severely harm people.

2024.05.14 03:09 itoldusoandso Is there any script or something to move existing attachment files that are now along side notes into dedicated subfolders (in attachments folder) named like the note name?

I have imported notes from Evernote. Most notes are imported this way, example used here:
Evernote folder was "Legal".
Evernote note name was "Contracts". The note contains 1 attachment called in this case "Agreement123".
Now in Obsidian:
The way things were imported in Obsidian TYPICALLY (but not always):
In vault there is a folder "Legal".
Inside there is a folder .attachments.
The Obsidian note "Contracts" is now saved in the "Legal" folder.
The attachment "Agreement123" is saved inside .attachments folder in a subfolder there called "Contracts". Its path is: Vault > Legal > .attachments > Contracts...
And I am perfectly happy with this. This is how I want it.
The issue is as I mentioned, in some cases, the attachments were not placed into the .attachments folder when certain notes was imported. I don't understand why it happens (I re-run it multiple times to test) but it seems Evernote notes containing 1 attachment only, or notes that contains only attachment were typically imported in this alternative way:

The obsidian note "Contracts" is saved in the "Legal" folder.
The attachment "Agreement123" is saved directly in the "Legal" folder along with the note.
About 2/3 of my notes were saved correctly (the way I want) and about 1/3 imported the the other way.
So obviously it's not pretty now because I have some attachments in .attachments folder in their respective subfolders there, while many attachments are lurking around alongside with the notes in the main folder.
Is there a way to clean it up?
I would like to move those notes to were they should be (where xxxxx is the name of the note).
Vault > Legal > .attachments > xxxxxxxx... > ...
Maybe some sort of script to deal with it?
I already tried copy and move notes, merge notes etc.. to see if the attachments get cleaned up, but no, the attachment remains where it was saved initially.

submitted by itoldusoandso to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:09 CalyWitsune The Games That Scared Me Away

Long time lurker, first time redditoposter. I've been listening and reading a lot of these horror stories and figured it might be fun to share mine.
I haven't actually played a game of DnD or DnD adjacent since about 2020/2021, mostly because of what transpired during the games I actually did play before that. I love the concept, I love creating characters and stories and worlds, but I get a pit in my stomach when I actually try to play again.
I had my first opportunity to play DnD my freshman year of college. I dropped in on the campus tabletop club and I was quite anxious. I was the only girl in the room, everyone seemed to have known each other or clicked well, but I wanted to branch out of my comfort zone. The first night went well! We played a very quick heist one shot where we made a character with one flaw and one interesting trait. Through unfortunate rolls and circumstances, we had a TPK, but it was a fun time. I was invited afterwards to join a Pathfinder campaign that a few of the members were going to start up for the new semester, and so I scheduled a time to meet with the DM and create my first full fledged character.
Now, the DM was kind of eccentric, a little whack if you will but very excited to help me make my first character. I thought he was just goofy and really into the game. God I wish I picked up on all the red flags that would come.
He first asked me what kind of race I'd like to play as. I had always been drawn to tiefling characters because I liked the aesthetic. His eyes lit up at that for some reason. Then he asked what class I'd like; if I'd like to be primarily a support or tank or what have you. I didn't want to get overwhelmed in my first game and thought support might be nice. I could watch how combat worked while just keeping everyone going and buffed. I said let's try bard! The grin that crept up on his face...
He immediately started talking about how saucy that would be, how my character would be so flirty and fun. I expressed some discomfort in having my character immediately fall into the "h*rny bard" category I had seen meme'd on so much, but he laughed and waved it off by saying he "was a theater kid in high school! Everyone was super h*orny and making out backstage all the time. It just comes with the environment!" Being a new player, and wanting to fit in, I pushed down my discomfort and thought okay, I'll play her as a joke character I guess.
For awhile it was fine, I got to play her as a dancelyre player who was part of a traveling circus. Nothing weird was coming up the first few sessions. Most of the other PCs either joined together by taking quests from the town job board, or had ties built in to their backstory. My first red flag should have been that the DM, despite constantly raving about all his planning, was frequently skipping around the story. He would suddenly decide the plot point we were on wasn't interesting enough for some reason, and just throw us into another scenario. We left so many lose ends because he just didn't feel like finishing them, regardless of if we were engaging in it or not. But hey, he's the DM right? That's what I thought, he had the right to change it. I had no prior experience to see this was just bad DMing.
We ended up joining an archery competition as we were tempted by a mystery grand prize. At the sign up table, out of nowhere, the DMPC attending to registration suddenly starts flirting with my character. I got flustered in a negative way because this DM got very into character (giving me looks, leaning in as he spoke to me, the whole shebang). I panicked, all of a sudden being the focus of a room full of men seeing how I'd react to it. I again, stupidly, went along with it. I had her (nervously) flirt back lightly, and I was relieved it didn't go much further at that point. Skipping to the end of the archery competition, my bard ended up in the final two and sabotaged an assassination on the town's mayor mid competition. The party was invited to a celebratory dinner at the mayor's house afterwards, where we once again ran into the NPC that flirted with my character at registration. He invited her to bed, and again I got extremely uncomfortable and flustered. None of this was discussed beforehand, nor was I even asked if I was comfortable with such topics before joining the campaign. The guys at the table were egging me on, and I felt pressured to accept. With a few hoots and hollers, we had a fade to black scene (thank god). I went home feeling very icky, but convinced myself I was being a wimp. And the table had enjoyed my antics that night, so I should be grateful.
I had the thought between sessions to write in a childhood friends to lovers interest for my bard to try and avoid any more unexpected encounters like that again, thinking if the DM had another character to play as with some personal tie to my bard, that would make be feel better about the interactions. He was brought up once, where I milked the f*ck out of my character's attachment to him, hoping to drive home that this was juicy potential relationship to build over the campaign. He never came up again during that campaign. The DM also completely disregarded many of the notes I gave him detailing this love interest's personality, and took many 'creative liberties' with him, but not enough where I would decide to say something.
Another few sessions happened where we struggled through the DMs inconsistent storytelling and jumping around to whatever plot point had his interest at the moment. He was constantly putting us in fights we could not hope to win, way too challenging for our lvl. 1-3 party. We often sat around the table in disappointment and defeat as we got absolutely destroyed by monsters (no one being able to land hits for sometimes 3-4 rounds at a time because of how high the AC or CR was), while the DM laughed and basked in the dreary nature of the table. He would usually eventually fudge rolls to give us an out when we were close to TPKs. He even gave us a deck of many things and insisted our PCs "felt compelled" to pull cards despite the players disagreeing they that wanted to. He attempted to force my character to drastically change her alignment to an evil one for shits and giggles because of one card pull (later allowed me to ignore it because I didn't even WANT to use the deck), and got three of us killed by having them pull a card that summoned the highest CR monster you could use.
One night he texts the group chat that he decided he's done running that story, and wants to run another one shot instead. We had one last session to "close" that first campaign and discuss the one shot options. During our meeting, he gleefully admitted to me that he had planned for my bard to get PREGNANT in that one night stand with the NPC from the archery competition. Not only did he plan to do that without my consent or knowledge, he had planned for it to be a HAG baby that would have entirely f*cked my PC up (he explained it as the man having been a witch in disguise or something?? And said that's how hags are made? Which to my knowledge is entirely incorrect. Maybe it was a homebrew rule, but regardless, I was mortified. And now very grateful he lost interest in that campaign).
Moving on to the one shot, another player decided to try DMing, and so the Problem DM had a chance to be a PC, yay! He privately messaged me and asked if I'd be interested in connecting our characters and their backstories. I said yes and we got to work. We spent a few nights discussing their dynamic and I was really excited to go into this game. Well, come the night of the session, we were going around the table introducing our characters. The Problem DM went before me, and introduced an entirely different character than the one we discussed, and one that would often almost kill us during the one shot (to which the guy would cackle and mock us for getting upset each time). I asked him what happened to our plan, and he said earlier that day he decided he wanted to do something different. I sighed and let it go, because at least it was just a one shot and my character could still function without his connection to the other PC. Another one shot where the Problem DM got to be a PC, he seemed to make it his goal to be the biggest asshole to everyone else's character. My PC was an archaeologist, and when she excitedly discovered some old pottery in a dungeon, he had his PC run up and smash everything and laugh in her face.
The next campaign we tried that had issues was a Starfinder campaign. Our party was considered its own crew for a space ship, plus one DMPC that was placed into the mix supposedly to help us if we fell short, since we were all unfamiliar with Starfinder and spaceship battle mechanics. She was honestly a really cool character! And we had one or two sessions to establish the story and how the crew interacted. Now, this was my mistake, not taking any of the other creepy habits of the DM into consideration, but I offhandedly mentioned to the table at large that my PC (a woman) might be developing a crush on this DMPC (also a woman). They had gone through a lot together in-game at that point and it felt natural. The next session, you'll never guess, the DMPC started flirting hard core with my character. I was confused and asked the DM what that was about, as we had never had any interactions between those two that would be read as romantic. Even if I mentioned my character was crushing, she had never let it on, and the DMPC had never indicated she felt a similar pull as well. The DM didn't really have an explanation, just that apparently in-universe, the DMPC had been flirting more and more with my character since their last adventure together alone. I thought, okay, I guess...
Honestly? What transpired would have been an insanely cool plot twist if we had had the time to actually roleplay and develop the relationship between my character and the DMPC, as well as the crew at large and the DMPC. She ended up being part of a cult that wanted to steal an artifact we had acquired. She was apparently trying to 'romance' my PC because my PC was the one who often guarded the artifact, and needed her to let her guard down. It would have been a super impactful betrayal, but it was literally only a handful of sessions between the first meeting, and the plot twist. We just had to trust the DMs word that we had all gotten super attached to her between actual session meetings and we all should feel like we were stabbed in the back by this trusted individual. And I especially should feel heartbroken because she never really was interested in me anyway.
Later on down the line, despite some very interesting story points, it got creepy again. Our PCs ended up being sucked into a death game show, and isolated from the outside world while being broadcast to universal TV stations. At some point we were all given access to the internet after a few weeks in isolation to search up anything we wanted. Everyone searched up their names among other things. The DM described us finding our newly formed fanbases. He described the other PCs fanbases (men played by men) as having hot debates on their intelligence and decisions during the show, or bets on if they'd be the last ones standing; that sort of stuff. He described my fanbase as leering creeps saying the most unhinged things about what they wanted my PC to do to them s*xually, as well as some spreading photos of my PC without her face covering (she was a Kasatha, which canonically keep their mouths covered. But she had been forced to remove it briefly when it almost waterboarded her after she fell into a river).
Eventually, we weren't able to meet consistently enough to warrant running campaigns anymore, and I fell out of touch with all involved. Oh, we also lost a player at some point right after he confessed to me and I declined his interest.
I went another year not playing before another friend group of mine invited me to play as a guest character. I thought this would be a nice way to ease back into the game slowly after my horrid experiences before. Rather than make an entirely new character for one or two sessions, I brought back my tiefling bard because I still really liked her character, and had started to reshape her personality without being pressured to have her be a s*xual chess piece. The new DM dropped my character in a labyrinth their current party had been trapped in for awhile. I was made to be a level or two higher and be an ally they encountered to help them escape. We did, it was fun! But I was only there as a guest, and had only planned my character to be in one to two sessions before leaving. I was consistently mentioning to the party that my PC would be leaving as soon as they get to her major city, but either they didn't think I was serious or didn't remember. I may have been convinced to come on full time, but unfortunately, history repeats itself. We got to a session where the party got to a tavern and drowned their sorrows and nursed their labyrinth bruises with beer, and the idea of a threesome was thrown in the air between my PC and two others. Now, half of this group were dating someone else in the group, and seemed very comfortable roleplaying casual s*x between their PCs because of it. They started a damn chant pressuring me to say yes, already trying to roleplay it, and I felt sick. I was too anxious at the idea of saying no with how aggressive everyone was for me to agree, so I tried to "roll for yes or no" as an out; the dice failed me, and it rolled a number assigned to yes. I was very quiet the rest of the session, and afterwards messaged the DM that I want my character to leave at the beginning of the next session.
The DM then tried to convince me to stay, despite me saying a clear no multiple times within the same conversation. They begged me to stay saying the party loved my PC a lot, and they would hate to lose me. When they finally relented, they then tried to smoothly transition to talk of making me a new character so I could permanently stay with the party, without compromising my bards story and decision. I kind of got on their case about that, and told them to stop pressuring me and I did not want to play with that group anymore. Eventually, they gave up, but not without some low key guilt tripping.
I tried playing with one more group after this, and while it didn't get creepy, it was also a disappointment as none of the players seemed to care besides me and the DM, despite everyone having encouraged starting the game because they wanted to learn how to play for the first time. Players slowly started ghosting us, drama happened between two players that joined just to have an excuse to talk and try and date (which ended up very messy and they both left), and the new players would get angry at me or the DM if they got confused with the rules or combat dynamics (the wizard rushed ahead of me, the tank barbarian, and then acted like it was my fault when they nearly got killed in the first round because "the tank is supposed to protect the damage dealers").
The DM and I stayed in contact after all the other players ghosted the chat, and ended up bringing over some other new players who had also played before, and re hauled the campaign. This one had so much promise...then quarantine hit, and we couldn't keep up with regular meetings.
At this point, with all my games ending with creeps, messy player dynamics or falling through, I decided maybe these kinds of games weren't for me.
I have new friends now inviting me to play, who have very functional groups (experienced professional DMs, closeknit friend groups, long-running campaigns), but I am too wary to accept any more offers for games, despite deep down really wanting to try again and be part of something I know can be amazing. Maybe I will one day, but until then, I just have these horror stories to think about.
submitted by CalyWitsune to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:08 Low_Cardiologist8073 Thoughts on Arabian clones vs. OG?

Please, I want to hear your hot take… what does everyone think about Arabian clones? I am feeling STRONGLY in complete opposite ways… there’s a part of me that absolutely adores Arabic clones, some of them hit spot on in terms of cloning the fragrance (many can stand on their own, too), and often beat their original counterpart in terms of longevity and projection. And price, of course… almost always. Although sometimes the bottles in which Arabian perfume companies choose to package their juice in DOES raise an eyebrow for me, generally, I’m a big fan… but on the flip side, and I’m wondering if anyone else feels this way, there’s something about my Arabic perfumes that is just…. Different? I can’t exactly put my finger on it…. My original perfumes feel… deeper? The notes just feel a bit more distinct, a bit more rich… more complex? Even though I literally feel like the scent is exactly the same.. if that makes any sense at all. I wore Delina on my birthday for example, and I was blown away by it all over again. I’d been wearing its Arabian counterpart (just conserving the OG) for awhile, which I actually think is a pretty solid dupe in terms of matching the scent… but WOW, it was just so beautiful! It just hit me in a totally different way. Somehow. ??
Maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m hallucinating…. I genuinely don’t know if it’s psychosomatic or WHAT…but I really would love to know what you all think, and what everyone else’s experiences have been! Do you like Arabian clones? Prefer them? Can’t stand them? Is it worth it to you to buy the OG, even when it costs 10x more? Does it bother you on an ethical level picking up the clone?? Let me know!
submitted by Low_Cardiologist8073 to fragrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:06 throw123454321purple Advice, please: Mom is healthy enough to come home from skilled care but Dad won’t let her.

Mom (86) was in the hospital last Christmas due to a freak medication accident and has recovered. She had trouble walking unassisted before, and with the exception of that and some incontinence, she wants to come home.
Dad (84), transferred her out of the hospital to a skilled nursing facility when my mom was still pretty out of it. He’s told her that she’ll be staying there indefinitely. (This is to a woman who was been a stay-at-home Mom for several decades, has anxiety issues for which she takes meds, and has never spent more than 48 hours anywhere without a family member nearby.)
My dad, who is in great shape, has enough money to pay to keep her there indefinitely if Medicare ceases coverage. The facility won’t release Mom under her own recognizance because she cannot demonstrate that she can take care of herself (bathroom) unassisted and is in a wheelchair. We’ve seen that she can stand unassisted but the wheelchair transfer to her bed, toilet, car, etc. requires help.
My mom is physically well, but the stress of being in that place these last few months is breaking her psychologically. When she tells my dad that she’s in pain or wants to go home he shuts her down without explanation. She is very much used to him calling the shots in the marriage (63 years this July).
I’ve done a ton of homework on the matter and have shared with Dad that Mom’s needs can easily be met with some part-time home care from an CNA/LVN. She just needs someone to change her diapers, sponge bathe her, and give her her meds.
Dad shoots down every one of my suggestions on how to bring Mom home. Every concern he has expressed about bringing her home is either easily addressable or will require some flexibility on his part. For example, he claims that he’ll need to spend thousands to renovate the bathroom for a wheelchair user; I counter with the fact that as long as Mom requires only diaper changes and sponge baths from a CNA, she need never step foot in a bathroom again. Dad doesn’t want a parade of strangers in the house every day to car for Mom; I counter with the fact that he has a weekly cleaning service come to the house and it doesn’t seem to be a problem for them. I add on that should anything happen to him at home—where he now lives alone—at least Mom will be there to call 911 (as opposed to us finding him days after the fact).
Outside of him having some terminal disease that he’s not telling people about, there absolutely no reason why Mom can’t come home, and I’m now stating to wonder if a lawyer needs to be involved. He can’t just deny her the ability to return home and refuse to participate in her care there as long as Mom’s needs can be easily be accommodated, can he? (He won’t have to lift a finger except let home care help in and out the door.) He just needs to get over having strangers in the house.
Is he breaking the law and committing some kind of psychological abuse or neglect, or is he just a complete asshole? Am I being the asshole for trying to stand up for her? She won’t stand up for herself and I’ve told her that as long as she complies with Dad’s wishes, he has no reason to listen to her needs. She rarely gets any other visitors, and she greets Dad when he visits like the way an puppy still greets its abusive owner because it sees no one else all day.
submitted by throw123454321purple to AgingParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:04 Neurogence Gary Marcus: OpenAI likely pivoted to new features because they couldn't achieve the expected exponential improvement in capability.
Perhaps the most fundamental question in AI right now is whether “scaling laws” will hold indefinitely or whether they might be petering out.
All the massive hopes and valuations are based on the assumption that those laws will continue to hold for several more years.
All of the evidence for the last 14 months suggests instead that (for reasons not fully known) we have reached a period of diminishing returns.
If you had predicted where we would be now based on the deltas between GPT to GPT-2 to GPT-3 to GPT-4, you’d think that we would have made more progress than we have.
It’s not “shitting on” LLMs to note that fact. It’s good science to investigate assumptions.
(I defy anyone who thinks we are still in exponential regime to actually present a plot of the data, below, and to address the plots I presented in my essay “Evidence that LLMs are reaching a point of diminishing returns — and what that might mean”, which distinctly show otherwise.)
I want AGI to happen as soon as possible more than any of you but I'm still open minded as to what the critics have to say.
His takes specifically on GPT4o:
The speech synthesis is terrific, reminds me of Google Duplex (which never took off). but • If OpenAI had GPT-5, they have would shown it. • They don’t have GPT-5 after 14 months of trying. • The most important figure in the blogpost is attached below. And the most important thing about the figure is that 4o is not a lot different from Turbo, which is not hugely different from 4. • Lots of quirky errors are already being reported, same as ever. (See e.g., examples from @RosenzweigJane and @benjaminjriley .) • OpenAI has presumably pivoted to new features precisely because they don’t know how produce the kind of capability advance that the “exponential improvement” would have predicted. • Most importantly, each day in which there is no GPT-5 level model–from OpenAI or any of their well-financed, well-motivated competitors—is evidence that we may have reached a phase of diminishing returns.
submitted by Neurogence to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:01 irishboy_3 Unusual swelling, fatigue, and pain.

28 M, 6ft and 146lb
Hi guys 👋 I hope you're well, first off apologies in advance for what will be a long winded post but I'll try keep it concise and information based 🙂
I've been suffering for the past year with some very strange symptoms
I got blood test results back a few days ago and it said I had "raised non specific inflammatory markers" I'm not sure exactly what that means but my doctor told me to just take antihistamines. I'm currently waiting for multiple appointments with cardiology, immunology, respitory and sleep specialists.
Medication wise I'm only on 25mg promethazine (Phenegran) taken every night to help me sleep but it literally does nothing it's currently 1.30 am in Ireland as I write this post lol.
My doctor seems baffled and hasn't really given me any indication of what this might be. Obviously I'll have to just wait for all of these different specialist appointments but I thought maybe I could be pointed in the right direction of some possible causes of this or what might be beneficial to discuss with my doctor. I must admit I'm a terrible patient as when I go in I sometimes struggle to describe exactly how I'm feeling or else I forget to mention specific things due to the brain fog/anxiety I also hate bothering people and hate even asking for help as I feel like I'm being dramatic.
I have shared some pictures of the swelling I get in my lips. I have no pictures of the swelling I get in my hands or the soles of my feet as you can't even see it only feel it.
All of this is having a huge impact on my life I recently left my job because I was just physically and mentally not able to continue with it. It's irritating because I feel like my body is falling apart around me and I think people just think I'm dramatic but in my gut I know there's something going on.
Many thanks and apologies for that novel!! 🙂
submitted by irishboy_3 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:59 Frequent-Movie8220 Can someone please grade my synthesis essay

This was about the 2021 Free-Response Questions Handwriting prompt. Just looking for # values of my thesis, evidence, and sophistication.
Although some argue that handwriting instruction is beneficial in helping students develop certain skills, to a greater extent, handwriting instruction is not needed in today’s schools because the aforementioned skills aren’t directly proportional to handwriting and the world is evolving into a society that lacks the need for such writing skills.
Handwriting instruction has no place in this globally changing society that is geared more and more towards technology. Technology has no doubt pervaded into our school systems on a global level. Kids in elementary schools are receiving chromebooks, ipads, and even laptops. This is even the case for my own situation, in which I was given a chromebook for assignments in fifth grade. However, schools have continued to implement handwriting practice into daily routines, and for what reason? The opinions are starting to sway against teaching handwriting skills, however. Teachers themselves are stating that they believe we need to do away with the practice and “move on”(Source A). It is not only an individual basis level, however, as even forty one states have implemented courses that omit cursive from their curriculum as a whole(Source A). The fact that not only individuals are rebelling against this “archaic [...] communication” but also a majority of states on a national level are doing so highlights how change is what the nation wants. Specifically, technology is making the teachings of handwriting obsolete. The keyboard allows students to be “quicker on the keyboard” and can help them be “better writers as handwriting takes up less of their education”(Source C). Others agree with this sentiment that doing away with handwriting can give more time for education in other subjects too. For example, some articles are saying that handwriting is taking away time that could be better prioritized for “essential life-skills” like finance and programming(Source E). The sentiment of teachers, editors, states, and more, is that handwriting has no place in a society that is evolving.
The supposed skills that come with teaching handwriting at our schools are lacking in direct benefits. For example, some argue that handwriting activates cognitive and fine motor skills because it requires knowing what to write and how to use motion to write as such(Source D). However, this assertion could be applied to any scenario. Say painting: it requires a vision of what to make and the skills to create the work. However, why is painting not a required curriculum in many schools? This basic line of reasoning has been pointed out by others too, with one pointing out how “playing the original Super Mario Bros helps develop fine motor skills”(Source E). Knowing where to jump or which pipe to take is the equivalent to using your cognitive skills while inputting such decisions into your controller is using motor skills. However, schools are not requiring 15 minutes a day to gaming. This comparison between handwriting and Super Mario Bros underscores how the perceived benefits of handwriting are, in reality, not inherently needed. Another point of view to highlight is that while handwriting instruction may have benefits, they are highly constrained to when one is in school. In Source F, for example, it is shown that the use of paper over technology is heavily prevalent but in K-5. In Source D, it is said that elementary-age students were found to write more during their time. However, these assertions do not take into account the realities of our society. Children are not in the growing technology-focused workforce. Children will not have the time to take such liberties when having to take quick notes in high school or college. Children will be losing out on time that could be used to develop other more important skills.
Overall, the practice of handwriting instruction is not needed in today’s schools because the overall consensus agrees with such and the supposed benefits of handwriting do not outweigh the loss.
submitted by Frequent-Movie8220 to APLang [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:59 elanaesther Can I use my professional credentials?

I am thinking of applying for the influencer program. This sub has been very helpful - thanks! I have over 1000 followers on my Instagram and I am credentialed in my profession (prefer to keep it anonymous here.) My question is, am I allowed to give my credentials in a review? For example, “Hi, I am a nurse practitioner and this blood pressure monitor is the best I’ve used because…..” or “I am a licensed esthetician and I love this facial cream because…” Thank you for any help!
submitted by elanaesther to Amazon_Influencer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:57 KonosubaChristmasWiz Dr Bailey and how shes grown over the last 20 years.

I’ve been re-watching episodes where Dr Bailey started out as a mousey intern, full of shyness, and severely lacking confidence, and became the powerhouse that she evolved into when she initially taught each of the original five.
Bailey loved each of the original five as her own children, that’s why she gets so frustrated when Meredith puts herself in these kind of situations. It’s a mother’s frustration, a mother’s love.
Lets examine Bailey over the entire series run.
She loved each of original five as if they were her own children, and thats why she gets so frustrated when Meredith does something to put herself in these kinds of situations. Its a mothers love…is it not?
I mentioned Meredith’s trial as an example yesterday, and i re-watched it closely and revised my opinion.
She knew as far back as season 3 that Meredith was a pain in her side. Remember the panties on the bulletin board?
Remember her being protective of Meredith and laying into McDreamy when he caught them in a parked car?
She also knew that Meredith had the makings of an excellent surgeon. She knew that Meredith had to go through the refiners fire.
Heres a transcript of her speech.
Dr. Bailey: 'Ever since I first met Meredith Grey I knew she was going to be a thorn in my side. You're worried about her breaking rules? Well, that's not gonna stop. She's been doing that since day one.
And, yes, she broke a law to save a life. So she deserved to lose her job. She deserves to pick up trash. No one should be questioning her license.
She's too good at what she does. And she's worked too hard to get to where she is. And with all that she has survived, it hasn't made her hard. It hasn't made her mean or cold. It hasn't made her not care.
It's made her better. It's made her better than anyone in this room. Well, except me. I'm Dr. Miranda Bailey, chief of surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, and I approve this message.'
—————— my reasoning of Dr. Bailey at the hearing————
Bailey doesn’t try to lessen what Meredith has done. She doesn’t try to get her off the hook. She explains why Meredith is such a good surgeon and states that everything she’s been through has made her an even better doctor.
Meredith may make some interesting choices, and some of them may drive Dr. Bailey up the walls, just like children often do. But given their relationship, Dr. Bailey hated Meredith’s actions, but not Meredith herself.
Have you ever been in a situation where someone you loved and cared about did something you you hated and didnt approve of? Did you hate them for it or did you hate *what they did* but not themselves?
You can hate what someone does without hating the person themselves. That is what I believe Bailey has done. In the beginning of the series, she was billed as a not-see (not typing it out)
This was Dr Bailey’s first speech to the interns in S1E1
"I have five rules, memorize them,” she told the interns. “Rule number don't bother sucking up, I already hate you, that's not gonna change, trauma protocol…nurses will page you, you will answer every page at a run. A run, that’s rule number two.”
“Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours. You’re interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain,” she continued.
“You run labs, write orders, work every second until you drop and don’t complain. On-call rooms, Attendings hog them, sleep when you can where you can, which brings me to rule number three if I’m sleeping, don’t wake me unless your patient is actually dying."
“Rule number four, the dying patient better not be dead when I get there, then not only would you have killed someone, you would have woke me for no good reason, we clear?”
She was responsible for turning out excellent surgeons.
You dont go easy on them and expect them to thrive and survive. You go hard on them. But you want them to succeed.
Otherwise you are just wasting your time, your resources, and the lives of the patients that they lost.
In the current season, Dr Bailey is back, doing what she did in the beginning, but this time she has 20 years experience.
We’ve seen Miranda go soft on people during the series and we’ve seen that doesn't turn out very well. Remember what BCB is an acronym for? What surgeons need is tough love. What surgeons need is someone to inspire them.
Bailey may be straightforward, tough, and full of wit and wisdom. Without a doubt, she is a really good physician and an independent one at that. However that independence has cost her personal relationships such as Ben.
She hated that Ben became a firefighter and is how in a very perilous environment day after day, but she doesn’t hate the guy.
If anything, Miranda has become more compassionate and more open hearted…not hateful
Not too long ago, Miranda started a women’s clinic at the hospital and as a result of her hard work in the face of adversity from the pro-lifers, she wins the esteemed Catherine Fox Award.
How can you do something like that while spreading hate throughout the hospital? You cant.
submitted by KonosubaChristmasWiz to greysanatomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:41 Kagros Guide to Infinite Rank with Tribunal Over the Past Four Seasons

Guide to Infinite Rank with Tribunal Over the Past Four Seasons
I've been playing Tribunal for the past few months and I've used it to hit week 1 Infinite every month. It's basically a guaranteed Infinite as long as you know how to identify bots. Because Tribunal always has low power on the earlier turns, the bots will always Snap and you can collect your free 8 cubes. Decklist at the end.
TL;DR: Abuse bots with Tribunal and get easy cubes. Against human players, retreat liberally since you only need a 25% win rate to eventually reach Infinite.
Metas change, but Tribunal is forever. It's kind of like how Shuri Sauron used to be ol' reliable, before the power creep kicked in. To give an idea how just how steady this deck is, I've only changed it once over the past few months, which was when Zabu got nerfed (swapped it out for Sera). The Shang-Chi nerf at the end of last year made classic Tribunal playable, followed by the Omega Red buff in February really put the deck together. If Tribunal stops working due to the numbers not being good enough, I'd be very concerned with the state of the game.
Right now, with the Patriot meta, running Tribunal might be a bit dangerous since Enchantress is back, but that's nothing our Cosmo can't handle. Always use protection.
I see that the Negative version of Tribunal is running around a lot, but I don't find it as strong. It's great to hide the last turn play, but in my opinion is not consistent enough. Negative may have a higher ceiling, but you are just as likely to miss Iron Man and Mystique and zap down Onslaught and TLT. You also lose Iron Lad, which could come in clutch on Turn 7.
As mentioned in the TL;DR, the strength in the deck is winning 8 cubes from bots. Because we don't put out much power turns 1-4, it's very easy to be losing two lanes, which will lead to the bot snapping on turn 5. You can easily snap back if you have the combo and generally, even if you don't have Magik, you can win games just off of a Iron + Tribunal stack without Onslaught.

How To Play + Notes

Standard line is Magik turn 3 or 4, and then Iron Man turn 5, Onslaught turn 6, and Tribunal turn 7 all in the same lane. The three cards in the same lane gives you 22 power across all three lanes if Magik is in another lane, otherwise it's 24 if you have all three in the same lane. As a result, you absolutely need to make sure you have enough turns to play your combo. If you can't, just hit that retreat button. There are ways around it which I give some examples below, but it's all about managing your energy to set up your combo. Without any shenanigans, you usually average around 28-30 power per lane which will win against most decks.
If you fail to draw Iron Man before turn 5, Sera turn 5, Onslaught turn 6 on the same lane can let you play out Iron Man + Tribunal turn 7.
Ravonna on T2 lets you play Jubilee on T3 and sets up a T4 Iron Man, so you can follow up with a T5 Mystique as a substitute for Onslaught in case you don't find Magik so you can T6 Tribunal.
Cosmo, though, is the secret sauce to the deck. We are obviously weak to cards like Enchantress and cards that can zap Limbo out. While Cosmo will lose you a few games because you are locked out of Jubilee or Iron Lad, it will win you more cubes overall because you won't have to worry about a surprise tech card that loses you 8 cubes. You can always Iron Lad or Jubilee Tribunal on the last turn in a separate lane if it's still in your deck too.
Cosmo will also hose some decks too like Destroy or Wong, so you can pick up those free wins with it.
Super-Skrull is important for the mirror and also helps against all of the Ongoing decks. If I'm up against an ongoing deck, the right play is Super-Skrull + Mystique Turn 7 in separate lanes, one of which has Onslaught on it. Super-Skrull however does make you weak to Loki, though if you see Loki, you best bet is the retreat. Same with if you think it's stolen by Cable. However, just remember that if you have Iron-Man + Onslaught out, their Skrull will not double the Iron-Man effect, so it can still be winnable.
Omega Red is an interesting card and might take some practice because timing matters for Omega Red. If you are winning the lane Omega is played in when you drop Tribunal, it becomes much more harder to disrupt because the boost Omega gives you will also be applied to that lane. I usually like to play Omega Red not on my Iron Man + Onslaught stack because the +3 power can be multiplied through that stack while not taking up a spot on that location. You can play Omega on the stack if you'd don't other cards to fill the stack, but I like to think of it as a fifth card on the stack than have it take up space.
As for cards to watch out for, anything that changes locations is bad. Retreat if you are up against Thanos and they have reality stone. Snowguard Hawk and Legion are even more dangerous, because Cosmo will not be able to stop these unless timed precisely.
Enchantress, Rogue, and Red Guardian are all dangerous. Cosmo protects against these though.
Magneto could hose you if it plugs up your Iron Man lane before you play Onslaught.
Locations don't matter too much since we start our game plan after turn 3. I like to spread out my early plays just in case. If you ever see Mojoworld, make sure it's filled. If your opponent doesn't fill it for whatever reason, you win just by playing Tribunal. Locations that give cards additional power should be played on. Magik away any restrictive locations.
As for substitutions, you can always swap out Skrull for another tech card, especially if you are afraid of it being used against you. Everything else I think has a role in the deck.
Overall, I find this deck to be very solid for climbing. Give it a try; it's basically Solitaire imo. Happy to answer any questions on piloting the deck.

(2) Ravonna Renslayer

(3) Mystique

(3) Magik

(3) Cosmo

(4) Jubilee

(4) Super-Skrull

(4) Omega Red

(4) Iron Lad

(5) Iron Man

(5) Sera

(6) Onslaught

(6) The Living Tribunal


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.

submitted by Kagros to marvelsnapcomp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:26 Ble_u Post dedicated to Memieko- and the rest of those who think Lord Nicholas has no personality

So, you said Lord Nicholas has no personality, which is true lol, but since I'm the devil's advocate, I took that as a challenge. Make yourself comfortable for a long read. Have some popcorn.
Why is this guy more of a tragic character, rather than a villain? And how does a man lose identity, and becomes a monster through desperation? I'll answer this for you below.
• Throughout Plague Tale Innocence, there are various signs that although he is personally close to Vitalis (no use of titles or formalities when speaking to each other) he is the execution, and not the mastermind behind the plans. For example, when Hugo's Macula was to be tested, he urged Vitalis on to put an end to the plague already, they are not here to play games.
• In the very same chapter, we get a little insight on what he believes and thinks about the conflict between the Inquisition and the De Runes. He doesn't understand why Beatrice De Rune resists their persuasion for information regarding the Macula, since their goals are shared -> ending the Plague. Ultimately, he blindly believes Vitalis wants to control the Plague to save them. And he does anything, ANYTHING to make that happen.
Commit genocide against peasants, and in the end, even go as far as killing Hugo.
Now, let's take a little turn to make a background check for this guy. Or at least what is hinted, and what can be assumed with intuition and theories.
• Like I mentioned before, him and Vitalis are personally close, and in the preultimate chapter of Plague Tale: Innocence, after his death, guards talk about him in the city. They are confused why Vitalis hasn't sent anyone for his search (I'll get to that one later), since he was his Protégé. This alone in itself wouldn't mean anything, but right after that a guard added "Maybe he found himself another Protégé" regarding Hugo of course.
Since this game is about innocence and children, it's almost safe to assume that Nicholas likely got taken under Vitalis' wings just as Hugo was now in the present. That would explain why they are close, and why Nicholas blindly trusts his master. Another dialogue backs this up, between the Arch Bishop and Vitalis. "Puppets like you will kneel and beg me to save them." and look who appears and kneels right there and then? Lord Nicholas. This is my theory, I can back it up but it isn't 100% surely true of course. Take it with a pinch of salt please.
• Now, time to get to why Vitalis didn't send anyone after Nicholas' disappearance... We saw nothing of the two months Hugo spent in the Bastion, but based on the Cathedral's state, it's safe to assume things didn't go that well with controlling the Macula. The plan was to get Hugo through the threshold finally, so that the Conjuration can begin. (Note to self: another essay later about that one). Although they tried to push Hugo through with hurting his mother, it didn't work. Because of this, Vitalis tasked Nicholas with taking Hugo to his sister, to end her life. This is simple, but it doesn't stop here.
In the chapter Blood Ties (where we control Hugo), we already meet an impatient Nicholas who wants to put an end to the Plague. Not only that, but let me get to one crucial sentence told by Vitalis. "Nicholas... You cannot understand." This hints at the disagreements between the two, and that Nicholas is not indulged in how this should be done. Nicholas tries to help Vitalis up, but he rejects the help too. It's quite symbolic for the one-sided trust between the two. Due to this growing mistrust, and how Vitalis didn't expect Nicholas to come back after his mission later on, to me it seems like Vitalis cut the ties and sent him exactly to his death to get rid of him.
• Vitalis' plan was never to get rid of Hugo once they pass the threshold ("I have a lot to teach the Carrier, and his friends."), and knew well, that Nicholas has no chance against Hugo and Amicia with the rats alongside them. He sent the man who trusted him the most to his death, and with that also chose his ultimate protégé - Hugo. It's also likely that Nicholas' mistrust grew because his position in the hierarchy was compromised, since it's likely Vitalis got obsessed with Hugo, and Nicholas almost realized he is played with. There is also the idea, that Vitalis sent him away to actually save him from the white rats he meant to send on the crowd anyway. Anyway, Vitalis is for another essay...
• The betrayed, the sacrificed. Who is he? There is absolutely little we know of him, except for his title and occupation. What always speaks in Plague Tale: Innocence though, is the design. I mean look at that drip- sorry.. In "A Making of Plague Tale: Innocence" the creative developers mention the importance of faces, and overall pure, intuitive impressions we get of our characters.
• There is only one character whose face we never see, and that is Nicholas. That doesn't only play as a psychological trick to make him more terrifying, but also hints at certain points. First of all, his robes are Dominican. This is historically fitting (although there were no dominican knights) since Dominicans were those entrusted by the Church to handle trials against heresy and begin inquisitions. This also hints that he is very religious and dedicated to serving the (assumed) good. I know, no way. Let's not forget about how faded out it is, or bloody. In NO way he is a good guy, but a tragic believer? Likely. Under the robes is the armour, which is hit all around. It's no news we talk about a very experienced and efficient knight who also happens to be serving Vitalis (NOT the Church! Explained in another essay, chill.). Knights start their training at 7, and only nobles are in for the job, obviously. I made the connection, that since he likely knows Vitalis from his childhood, and his training also began when he was 7 years old, and his name was Nicholas...
Side note: In medieval times, children were named after Saints to inwoke their blessing, in this case, among many things, protecting children.
It's likely that he himself, just like those he hunts, was an orphan, perhaps even a sinner, who had to be saved by none else, than Vitalis. Give it a thought, maybe he was a lost little boy like Hugo, whose innocence was stolen way too early. With how Plague Tale likes to play with irony and parallels between characters, I don't see this as unlikely.
• All in all, he is what his occupation is, and nothing human. He is the machine that serves. The cross, the judgement. We cannot see his face, because he has no identity except what Vitalis gave him. His role, his title, his mission (perhaps even name). As it can be seen, Hugo too, was dressed in robes showing the Inquisition's sign, like a mark of ownership over him.
• From the very start of the story, he was the representative of that time's barbaric cruelty, unforgiving, misplaced judgement. And as though from the children's perspective he was a monster from the very beginning, how did it go down? As I said before, he has no identity except his committment, and through that his morals, ambitions are shown. At the very start, they ambushed the De Rune estate, and we CANNOT know, if the violance was planned beforehand or it came due to Robert's resistance.
People were taken hostage for questioning, the goal was to capture Hugo, the Carrier, and Beatrice, the only one who can help them understand the plague's origins. It was bloody, but after this chapter, you can hear guards clearly say "capture children" and not just Hugo. Now, unbelivably, I don't think he wanted Amicia bad at the start. They confront each other in the English camp for the second time (where he paid a ransom for both of them), where he tries to negotiate with her to give them Hugo and stop running. Later his methods change, telling the plain truth that there is nowehere for her to go out there (These methods of convincing show a lot of personality and insight especially in the boss fight).
Later on, it's mentioned Vitalis is going hard on him but "he is used to it". Again, their shared history is hinted. The hunt for Hugo is fruitless still, and the plague is spreading day-by-day.
Next we hear from him, is in the chapter where we visit the city with Amicia. Or rather, that he is not exactly participating in the mission killing the sick. Since him and Vitalis disagree with methods of solving the Plague, and he is occupied with catching Hugo, there is a possibility this order of slaughter was carried out without his consent. Though, this is a high take and it would be totally in character to do such a task in the means of self-preservation.
Amicia's visions of him from Penance is not reliable, but at the very same time she clearly dreamed what happened and it's likely she mixed reality with hallucinations from exhaust. If, the hallucinations were true, that means Hugo did hear Amicia, but Nicholas directly diverted his attention from her and led him away.
It's hard to speculate if he did this to let nature do its work, or to actually show mercy, which is equally possible, since it was clear from the beginning that even though she killed his men, he knew she is simply running and kills as a means to survive.
Now, as I explained earlier, many things go down when Hugo resides in the Bastion, and we can only guess what that causes. I mentioned Nicholas' growing distrust, now let me introduce you to the psychological denial he experiences during the boss fight, along with his reflections pointing at the children. The man, becoming the monster. The fire (another essay since fire in Plague Tale is symbolic) causing him to destroy himself.
In the chapter Remembrance he goes to the Château d'Ombrage along Hugo, to ensure the boy passes the threshold with killing his sister, with this enabling Vitalis to pass as well. At first, Nicholas is quite calm and confident, sending Hugo to kill her "Go, and do what has to be done.". Interestingly, despite this, he still has his sword prepared, which shows he still doesn't trust Hugo. Later on, he knocks Arthur out, but doesn't kill him senselessly, despite the fiasco at the English camp. He takes Amicia to Hugo, and now threatens him to kill her, or else he kills his mother in front of him. After that, he tells him, if Hugo does as he tells him so, maybe Vitalis keeps him by his side.
This could hint that only by accomplishments such as this, and proving devotion, can one remain important in Vitalis' eyes. Also, that maybe, Nicholas had to go through something similar, "She means nothing to you now".
Doubts and frantic impatience take hold, which ultimately lead him to take matters into his own hands. He decides to kill her, himself. As he pushes Hugo away, she calls him a bastard, which he then turns back at her, to question her morality and self-righteousness. She betrayed him, that is why he gave himself up. It can be perhaps far-fetched, but this also can count as self-reflection already. Betrayal -> causing giving up, which happens later to him too.
After Arthur "takes care of him" (not exactly...) and the siblings reunite, Nicholas wakes up and this time, immediately kills Arthur. The death is not just a shock value as many believe, it also shows the already progressing monster stepping forth, and losing humanity entirely.
The boss fight has three phases. His methods at provoking the children, and self-reflect change and become way more intense with time.
In the first phase, he tries to separate them and tells Amicia that he knows it must be difficult to live in the Carrier's shadow. Also, that they are terrified. He is poking at her most vulnerable place, their biggest fear, which's "face" is ultimately him. Also, reminding Amicia of her biggest desire, that is to be acknowledged by her parents. Especially this can count as self-reflective, since as I said earlier Nicholas likely noticed Hugo is slowly replacing him in Vitalis' eyes. The wish to excell, and be acknowledged for the devotion is a deep scar this character could carry. He also reminds them of how their father died, to remind them of honour, which Nicholas obviously has a twisted sense of.
In the second phase, his first voice line shows surprise and fear, and anger in response to those feelings. He is more reckless and aggressive too. Here, again, he manipulatively reminds them how little they can do, and threatens them. This is both calculated and instinctual, since he says such things to bring the children out of their hiding places, but at the very same time also because he is slowly losing himself. There are also lines which can be reflective to his beliefs and assumptions based on himself, such as: "Your sister won't be able to save you child.... You are alone." There were already connections made between how Vitalis saved him, and if one puts it all together, this line shows how he doesn't believe in the siblings' bond, because his own bond with Vitalis broke, and Nicholas is (alike to Hugo) alone. Or there is also the line "What do you think you can do? You are nothing. [...]" I wanted to highlight this line because Plague Tale (among many other things) is about the helplessness one faces trying to protect loved ones, and/or trying to rewrite their fates. The fact that Nicholas dehumanizes them entirely, shows he knows the fact one, them or him, cannot change the course that has been set, but he is still in denial trying to fight it (a lot like Amicia in Requiem, by the way. Also, fire (this is why that needs another essay....).
In the third phase, he becomes uncharacteristically reckless and desperate, where he succumbs to the wrath and, his fate. "Come to me, come into my arms my dear children." His sanity decreases and he knows death is unavoidable. The question left is whenever he can bring them down with himself or fails. And failure, is unacceptable. He is better dead, than failed. "I will teach you the meaning of sacrifice" this line shows that likely, he accepted his last quest knowing well he is going to die probably. That he rather burns himself, bring hell, than letting go. He keeps shouting the motto of his order, because that is the only thing that he clings to. It's pathetic and forced, inhumane. "[...] We'll die together" <-> "I will boil your blood until it spurts from your eyes", "You are going to pay, [...]" by this time, he keeps switching tactics at approaching and luring them out, frantic and monstrous. His words mean nothing by this time and desperation takes hold. What line of him is the purest, rawest, and most honest, between all the threads and claims, self-convincing attempts to maintain devoted is this: "The pain... To feel oneself alive... And deliver death." This line might seem like one among the many terrible threats, but it in fact shows his deepest belief. That is, of pain and life. Sacrifice and death. That those who live, have to kill, and that is what it means to exist in this world.
• In Plague Tale Innocence and Requiem, we see Amicia's development into a murderer who follows similarly blind committments.
She ultimately becomes, what she condemned, and what caused her great misery. What, in the end, she herself becomes if Hugo doesn't lead her on the right path. A monster.
So, to sum it all up, Lord Nicholas represents the human being of that time, whose identity is what he serves, and nothing else.
It makes one selfless, righteous, but at what cost? Violence spreads from one person to another, while everyone tries to save what is precious to them. Hope this helped seeing him as more human and with more personality. Cheers. A few more points I couldn't exactly integrate are the following:
• A few things showing the underlying morality and plain intentions: at first he tried to negotiate with both Robert, Amicia, and Beatrice as well. He condones stealing entirely. He doesn't kill Arthur at first.
• In the concept art he is left handed. In Middle Ages, left handed people were considered sinful, since it was the "devil's hand". This added with the self-punishing- self-destructive-Catholic mindset, added with his devotion, signs that he is penitent, and does what he should for a greater good, a salvation, and carries the burden of "sacrifice".
submitted by Ble_u to APlagueTale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:19 Fun_Ad4848 I don’t know if this relationship is right for me - I just really can’t tell and the uncertainty is killing it.

Me (18M) and my gf (18f) have been together for 18 months. We’re each other’s first everything. We’ve recently gone through a few-week long mini saga of short lived breakups and now I need advice on what’s right moving forward.
TLDR: Many things about the relationship are great, but there are some things that leave me feeling not completely content. I can’t tell whether these things are meaningful, or whether in reality they are very small things and are not a valid reason to end a pretty healthy relationship.
Here’s the long story:
The breakup saga was first started by me - I broke up with her for reasons that are hard to explain, and were in turn hard to explain to her which made the breakup worse. The best way of describing why I did it was that I felt 70% content in our relationship. Now, 70% content probably sounds pretty good and pretty normal, and it is - a marriage where the couple are 70% content will probably last - but the fact that I am so young and this is my first ever relationship makes it hard to imagine staying in a 70% content relationship for ever and ever. Part of me wants to see what else there is to experience, and that lingering 30% made me constantly wonder whether it was truly the right relationship for me and that’s what made me do the extremely hard thing of breaking up with someone who I love.
It’s probably best that I also try to explain what makes up the 70%, and what makes up that other 30%.
The 70%: She makes me feel loved, truly needed and wanted, comfortable with things that were once insecurities, actually desired, etc. These are all things I struggle to find anywhere else in my life. I have friends, but I don’t really have any close ones anymore - so it’s very rare that I feel like I’m being missed in group settings, or have people who would even notice if I went AWOL for a week. She would most definitely notice. She has such a natural ability to make me feel good about myself and truly loves me for who I am.
Physically, I find her very attractive.
We get along well in general - she’s kind and funny and we more or less share similar interests.
Now the 30%: This is harder to explain. It’s more of a gut feeling that’s come and gone throughout our relationship - it tells me that I’m not completely fulfilled. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly where this gut feeling comes from but I’ll try my best.
I think part of it comes from the actual time we spend together, and what that time consists of. 90% of the time, it consists of me going round to her house, lying in bed with her, being intimate, maybe we’ll watch a movie maybe we won’t, then either I go home or we go to sleep. This gets very repetitive for me - she doesn’t mind it so much. I’ve brought this issue up a couple times before, and we usually have a period of doing other stuff like going out for a walk, baking something, or maybe commit to watching a tv show properly, after I bring it up. But after a while it always ends up going back to the usual routine, almost as if the other stuff isn’t the natural state of our relationship.
Then there’s the things I really enjoy doing, that I don’t feel like we are able to fully do together. For example I’m super into music - it’s one of my favourite things to do (listen to it, go to concerts etc.) and one of my favourite things to talk about with people. She also likes music, and enjoys some of the same stuff as me, but isn’t quite as passionate as I am. We rarely listen together, or recommend each other stuff - it just doesn’t feel natural for some reason and idk why. I think we listen to music in different ways - for me it’s one of my biggest passions, for her it’s something she likes doing while playing games or walking somewhere etc. We both know this, and it’s okay - she doesn’t have to share exactly the same passions as me. But I would really love it if I went over to her house and she was like “Omg you have to listen to this song it’s so good I think you’ll love it” or that sorta thing. Those type of conversations are some of my favourite conversations to have with people, and it doesn’t feel like we will ever really have them.
The same goes for movies - we both like them, but they’re one of my biggest passions, whereas she likes them as an occasional comfort watch. I love watching weird and wonderful stuff, and having weird and wonderful conversations about it, but again it doesn’t feel like those conversations will ever naturally occur with us. Again, like with music, I’d love for us to be bouncing off each other and recommending stuff to each other, but I think she feels under qualified and a bit self conscious to rec me stuff as she doesn’t watch as much as me and knows we kinda have different taste. I feel a similar way - I know a lot of the stuff I watch isn’t really her thing so we don’t really watch it together. We’ll sometimes watch comfort movies together, which is always nice, but I’d love it if we found connect together with other types of stuff too.
So yeah, that’s kinda the 30%. Idk whether those are important things in a relationship, like I said - I’m too young and inexperienced to know. Part of me thinks what really matters is the stuff I noted in the 70% section, but another part of me feels like I’m not as fulfilled as I could be. So yeah that’s really the gist of it.
Now for the rest of the story. After I broke up with her, I came running back - I decided I made a mistake. She eventually agreed to get back together, but then a week or so later broke up with me - she said she wanted to experience more since she is still so young (sounds familiar). I understood, and kinda felt the same way, so the breakup felt kinda right to me (partly also because we were now going out on good mutual terms, and planned to stay friends so hadn’t really faced the hard part of a breakup yet). She said she still wanted to see me regularly (and be intimate with me). I told her I wasn’t sure if that would work, as it just sounded like us going on as normal except we’re allowed to see other people too which I knew wasn’t sustainable and would hurt one of us or both. I didn’t want to never see her again though, and definitely wanted to stay in contact to some extent, so I agreed to meet up with her. We agreed before seeing each other that no matter how good it felt to be with each other again we were not to get back together. So we saw each other a couple times, and it felt great. She has now decided that she in fact doesn’t care to experience thing a with anyone else, and wants to commit to relationship with me again. I’m not so sure. I’m conflicted. While I did have a really great time with her, I’m aware all those feelings are being amplified by the fact we broke up and are now regaining what we almost lost. And I’m also aware of the fact that this fresh excitement will ware off and that 30% that I discussed will return.
The question is does that 30% even matter? That’s what I need advice on. At the moment I’m leaving her in limbo as I can’t decide whether I want to commit to a full on relationship again, which is unfair on her, as she’s sure she does (note that she said she’s never felt the 30% that I claim to feel). I just know I’m not certain about it all, so I’m scared to commit to long term just for it to not be right and I have to hurt her all over again. Oh it’s also worth noting that I’ll be moving 300 miles away in a few months for university, so our relationship would become long-distance. So yeah, any and all advice is appreciated.
submitted by Fun_Ad4848 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 Sufficient-Ant-3991 How do you cope with the reality that no one really likes you

Hey so I'm struggling to cope with the fact that "I'm just not that guy." I have always struggled to make friends.
I tried therapy. All I got was a therapist who got be to believe wishful thinking but it never changed my situation.
I tried self improvement like working out and building confidence. Sure I felt better mentally but it only made it more noticeable that people didn't like me. People were quicker to show disapproval. Just here recently I try to get a girl to study with me and she lied about being busy. She was decided to study with someone else. I try to approach people as friends but i just get ignored. For example, in my grad school, everyone went out to the bars and I wasn't invited. Tried to plan a pool party and the idea was shot down.
So I have given up. Friends I do make feels one sided. No one really initiates first in my life. I'm a sideline character and I see that now.
Side note: I know it sounds like I lack self confidence but I don't. I put alot work into myself because I love myself. But that hasn't ever really transferred to others.
Idk if anyone has felt like that before. How did you cope with it?
submitted by Sufficient-Ant-3991 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 dalty69 Don't sleep on this, this can literally change your life, buy $PlayDBZ

Don't sleep on this, this can literally change your life, buy $PlayDBZ
Greetings, everyone!
I'm here to provide you with an exciting update on this project. The highly anticipated $PlayDBZ AMA event is just around the corner! People from the community can't wait to see the progress the team have made on their game and take a peek in their long-term vision. I personally can barely sleep.
As they diligently work on the game's development, they are also actively pursuing collaborations with other projects that have earned a commendable reputation within their respective communities. Multiple discussions are underway, but it is important to note that no collaborations have been officially confirmed at this stage. They understand the significance of taking the necessary time to evaluate each opportunity thoroughly.
Once the game is launched, the multiplayer feature is activated, and utility is established for their token, they anticipate attracting the attention of more serious investors who will be eager to join their venture. They have some grand plans in store, and it's important to remember that they are still in the early stages of this project. So, sit back, relax, and prepare to embark on this thrilling journey alongside this omega dev and his obssession!
Here's an example of a character in the game that makes reference of one of the great tokens we have in the Solana blockchain, again, no collaboration is confirmed.
submitted by dalty69 to memecoinmoonshots [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:10 dalty69 This Dev is a machine, he never stops! Buy $PlayDBZ now!

This Dev is a machine, he never stops! Buy $PlayDBZ now!
Greetings, everyone!
I'm here to provide you with an exciting update on this project. The highly anticipated $PlayDBZ AMA event is just around the corner! People from the community can't wait to see the progress the team have made on their game and take a peek in their long-term vision. I personally can barely sleep.
As they diligently work on the game's development, they are also actively pursuing collaborations with other projects that have earned a commendable reputation within their respective communities. Multiple discussions are underway, but it is important to note that no collaborations have been officially confirmed at this stage. They understand the significance of taking the necessary time to evaluate each opportunity thoroughly.
Once the game is launched, the multiplayer feature is activated, and utility is established for their token, they anticipate attracting the attention of more serious investors who will be eager to join their venture. They have some grand plans in store, and it's important to remember that they are still in the early stages of this project. So, sit back, relax, and prepare to embark on this thrilling journey alongside this omega dev and his obssession!
Here's an example of a character in the game that makes reference of one of the great tokens we have in the Solana blockchain, again, no collaboration is confirmed.
submitted by dalty69 to Memecoinhub [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:06 mochajud Do not use ITExams. I'm mad I paid!

some of their answers are wrong for example.
An IS auditor notes that the previous year's disaster recovery test was not completed within the scheduled time frame due to insufficient hardware allocated by a third-party vendor. Which of the following provides the BEST evidence that adequate resources are now allocated to successfully recover the systems?
Answer : C
I said B and I very confused on how its C. However, I check somewhere else, and they have the same question, but the answer is D like I thought. Because how is a vendor memo the correct answer??
also, for the emergency button question, ITExams said the button should be illuminated and that doesn't make any sense! the button should be covered
submitted by mochajud to CISA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:04 Past_Gas_4539 Closed captioning

The closed captioning on Netflix is wild and fantastic right? Example: night nurse sigh for Edwin.
submitted by Past_Gas_4539 to DeadBoyDetectivesTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:02 TyMcDuffey Lessons on leadership, decision-making, and human nature from the life of King Solomon of Israel

Hello, I am researching different Kings of history, including what they're remembered for, their leadership traits, information about their lives, the difficulties they faced, things to take away from their lives, all in the name of becoming more kingly in my own life.
Today, I'd like to share knowledge on King Solomon of Israel, remembered for his wisdom, wealth, and building projects. Solomon's reign, chronicled in biblical texts, provides several lessons on leadership, decision-making, and human nature.

King Solomon

Solomon, son of David, reigned as king of Israel for about 40 years in the 10th century BCE. His reign is often considered the peak of Israel's power and wealth.
Solomon is most celebrated for his exceptional wisdom, granted by God in response to his request for discernment to govern Israel rightly.
His wisdom is exemplified by the famous judgment between two women claiming to be the mother of a child, where Solomon's clever solution revealed the truth.
This event is detailed in the Bible in the First Book of Kings, chapter 3, verses 16-28. It involves two women who came before King Solomon, both claiming to be the mother of a baby.
To resolve the dispute, Solomon proposed a drastic measure: he suggested that the baby be cut in two, with each woman receiving half of the child. This proposal was a test to reveal the true feelings and intentions of the claimants.
One woman immediately agreed to the division, arguing that if she could not have the baby, then neither woman should. However, the other woman, driven by her maternal instinct and true love for the child, begged Solomon to give the baby to the other woman instead, thus sparing the child's life.
Recognizing the genuine concern and love of the second woman for the baby, Solomon declared her the true mother and awarded her custody of the child, exposing the truth through this clever test.
This story is often cited as an example of Solomon's wisdom and his ability to perceive the deeper truths of human nature.

Wisdom in Governance

Solomon's wisdom extended into governance, diplomacy, and economics. His ability to forge alliances through marriages and treaties expanded Israel's influence.
Solomon's most noted alliance was through his marriage to the daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt. This marriage was a political strategy to secure a powerful ally to the southwest of Israel, helping to stabilize his kingdom's borders and increase trade routes.
Solomon is credited with constructing the First Temple in Jerusalem, a monumental project that not only served as a religious center but also as a symbol of unity and strength for Israel.
Solomon's life was not without its challenges. His numerous alliances, while politically astute, led to domestic unrest and spiritual deviation, as seen in his later years when his adherence to his wives' religions led to idolatry, drawing criticism and divine displeasure.
Here are a few of my takeaways from Solomon's life for personal growth:

The Importance of Wise Decision-Making

Solomon's request for wisdom over wealth or power illustrates the value of prioritizing discernment and understanding in leadership roles.

The Balance of Power and Humility

Solomon's early humility before God highlights the strength in recognizing one's limitations and seeking guidance beyond oneself.

The Consequences of Compromise

His later years serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of compromising core values and beliefs for short-term gains or pleasures.

Applying Solomon's Lessons

Consider the balance Solomon maintained between wisdom, wealth, and spiritual devotion in his better years.
Emulate his quest for wisdom and understanding in your personal and professional endeavors.
As you reflect on Solomon's life today, think about the areas in your own life where you can apply his lessons of wisdom, leadership, and integrity.
However, remember the pitfalls of compromise and the importance of staying true to your core values and beliefs despite the temptations that success and power may bring.
submitted by TyMcDuffey to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:59 Kamahari777 Is the CompTIA CertMaster Practice for CySA+ Worth it?

Hi Everyone. I am lookig for some input regardin the CertMaster Practice for CySA+ and if it's worth it. I just finished reading the entire Sybex book for CySA+. Of course I am going to have to go back and retake notes and setup Kali to go over some logs and other tools but I really am stumped on practice test.
I just passed the Security+ in March and went ahead and went straight into CySA+. The only reason I feel I passed Sec+ was because I took 100's and I mean 100's of practice test. They are a bit skimp for the CySA+. I did buy Dion's but a lot of them are pulled from his Sec+. I also have the Sybex 1000 Pratice Test questions as well but wanted to see if buying the CertMaster practice was still worth it.
I did the trial and I love that it comes with some PBQ examples. Has anyone invested in it? Is it worth it? Thanks.
submitted by Kamahari777 to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:59 Historical-Income396 We are building out the ability to have reps convert leads from our IOS app and are running into some issues.

Hi Everyone,
I've built a 3rd party app to help with Salesforce adoption by giving field sales reps the ability to update Salesforce with voice on the go (sales cloud only for now)
We are building out the ability to have reps convert leads from our IOS app and are running into some issues.
Is there a way we can trigger lead conversion via our application using the Salesforce REST API instead of this ConvertLead SOAP API example)?
Any help would be appreciative!
submitted by Historical-Income396 to salesforce [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:51 Simonbargiora Conversation with Bing

Anyone with a medical background How accurate is this?

Is there any chemicals in the dead cities that can be used for medicinal purposes in the above scenario? (dead cities, survivors left them when food ran out to the smaller areas, gasoline ran out and electricity was taken out removing power for the stuff in the cities, the function of cities remained however machines were full of every kind of valuable chemical, metal, even sewage to use as fertilizer, and machines, buildings could be demolished for concrete and all the machines every part could be repurposed for a different purpose cars put to their individual machanical components every part of a house taken apart surgically, the dead cities provided resource extraction to last indefinitely and cities ripped by thousands of workers, with 4 million survivors out of a 50 million pre war population supply exceeded demand)Copilot
In the scenario you’ve described, where survivors have left the cities to find resources elsewhere, the abandoned urban areas could indeed become treasure troves of materials for various uses, including medicinal purposes. Here’s how chemicals and other materials from the dead cities might be repurposed:
  1. Medicinal Plant Compounds:
  2. Pharmaceuticals:
    • Any remaining pharmaceuticals could be salvaged and repurposed. However, their efficacy and safety would need to be carefully considered due to potential degradation over time.
  3. Industrial Chemicals:
    • Certain industrial chemicals found in machinery or laboratories could have medicinal properties. For example, ethanol from industrial or research facilities could be used as a disinfectant.
  4. Metals for Medical Tools:
    • Metals from machinery and buildings could be melted down and reshaped into medical tools such as scalpels, tweezers, and other surgical instruments.
  5. Sewage as Fertilizer:
    • Treated sewage could be used as fertilizer to grow medicinal plants, creating a sustainable cycle of resource use.
  6. Repurposing Vehicle Components:
    • Parts from vehicles could be used to build medical equipment. For example, car batteries might power makeshift medical devices, and lenses from vehicle lights could be used in medical diagnostics.
  7. Building Materials for Clinics:
    • Concrete and other building materials could be used to construct clinics and hospitals where medical care can be provided.
  8. Chemical Reagents:
    • Chemical reagents from abandoned laboratories could be used for medical testing and research to develop new treatments.
In this scenario, the key to utilizing these resources would be a deep understanding of chemistry, medicine, and engineering. The survivors would need to be innovative and cautious, ensuring that any repurposed materials are safe and effective for medical use. The transformation of these materials into medicinal resources would be a testament to human resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. 🌱🔬
1link.springer.com2listverse.com3link.springer.comYouwhat are some industrial chemicals found in machinery or laboratories could have medicinal properties and where can they be found?Copilot
In the context of machinery and laboratories, several industrial chemicals that could have medicinal properties include:
  1. Ethanol: Commonly used as a solvent and cleaning agent, ethanol also serves as a disinfectant and antiseptic in medical settings1.
  2. Glycerol: Found in machinery as a lubricant, glycerol is used in pharmaceutical formulations to improve smoothness and provide lubrication1.
  3. Hydrogen Peroxide: Used for bleaching or cleaning in industrial settings, it’s also an effective antiseptic for treating wounds1.
  4. Acetic Acid: While used in the production of synthetic fibers and plastics, it has applications as an antifungal agent1.
  5. Isopropyl Alcohol: A solvent in manufacturing processes, it’s also used for disinfecting skin before injections1.
These chemicals can be found in various industrial and laboratory settings, including chemical manufacturing plants, research facilities, and places where machinery maintenance occurs. In a post-apocalyptic scenario like the one described in “Threads,” survivors might find these chemicals in:
It’s important to note that while these chemicals have medicinal properties, they must be used with caution. Proper knowledge of their handling and application is crucial, especially in a scenario where professional medical advice and facilities are scarce. 🏭🔬
can post attack chemistry extract these chemicals from any objects?Copilot
In a post-attack scenario, extracting useful chemicals from various objects would be a crucial survival skill. Here’s how survivors might go about it:
  1. Ethanol Extraction:
    • Ethanol could be extracted from alcoholic beverages or fermented materials. Distillation setups using basic equipment like pots, tubes, and heat sources could be improvised to purify ethanol.
  2. Glycerol Recovery:
    • Glycerol is a byproduct of biodiesel production, which can be made from used cooking oils. It can also be recovered from soap-making processes.
  3. Hydrogen Peroxide Production:
    • Hydrogen peroxide can be synthesized through various chemical reactions, including the electrolysis of water or by reacting barium peroxide with sulfuric acid, if available.
  4. Acetic Acid (Vinegar):
    • Acetic acid can be obtained from the fermentation of fruit juices or other sugary solutions. The process would require oxygen and time for vinegar bacteria to convert ethanol into vinegar.
  5. Isopropyl Alcohol:
    • Isopropyl alcohol can be found in cleaning products or medical supplies. It could also be synthesized through the hydration of propene, which might be sourced from fuel or chemical storage facilities.
Survivors would need to have knowledge of chemistry and access to some basic laboratory equipment or be able to improvise with available materials. Safety would be a paramount concern, as chemical extraction processes can be dangerous without proper precautions and equipment123.
In such a scenario, the ability to adapt and innovate with available resources would be essential for survival and recovery. 🧪🔬
1scientificamerican.com2pubs.rsc.org3pubs.rsc.org4media.gettyimages.com5media.gettyimages.comYouwhat are some examples of fermented materials?Copilot
Fermented materials are produced through the metabolic activity of microorganisms, which transform the food materials by utilizing sugars and other components. Here are some examples of fermented materials:
These fermented materials are not only a means to preserve food but also enhance their nutritional content and flavor, making them a valuable resource in various culinary traditions around the world. 🍶🧀🍞
1microbeonline.com2en.wikipedia.org3draxe.comGlad you liked this answer!
Youis their any fermented materials that isn't edible?Copilot
Yes, there are non-edible fermented materials that are often used for industrial purposes or as components in various products. Here are some examples:
These materials are valuable in a wide range of applications, from sustainable packaging solutions to renewable energy sources, demonstrating the versatility of fermentation beyond food production. 🧪🌿
1sciencedaily.com2mdpi.com3mdpi.com4link.springer.com5doi.orgYouwas there any non edible fermented materials in cold war era Britain?Copilot
During the Cold War era in Britain, non-edible fermented materials were primarily used for industrial purposes. Some examples include:
These materials were part of the broader industrial landscape of Britain, contributing to various sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, and energy. 🏭🌾
submitted by Simonbargiora to Threads1984 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:51 seabasscreative Advantage+ Audience

Help Please!!
I've been testing and trialling using Advantage+ Audience on a bunch of different ads across different industries and I keep running into the same conclusion that my manually targeted ads perform better in some aspects but not all so I can't work out which is better.
For example, I've got 2 ads running currently, one with Advantage+ and one i've manually targeted for and the amount of impressions on the manually targeted at is 20x that of the Advantage+ audience, therefore the CPM is way higher also. Also to note, the audience of the manually targeted one (as defined by Meta) is only about 100,000 more than the Advantage+ audience so it's not like the audience is smaller therefore doesn't have the same potential reach.
*Both ads have the same budget and have been running for the same time
Has anyone else come across this? Or is the impressions supposed to be less because its getting targeted to people who are most likely to interact therefore it doesn't get shown to as many people? Any help is appreciated!
submitted by seabasscreative to FacebookAds [link] [comments]