Cerita hot tante girang

"Watch: Il-kummidjant Ed Gamble fid-dar tal-hot dog fuq il-poster tat-turs

2024.05.13 19:30 sinomaltanews "Watch: Il-kummidjant Ed Gamble fid-dar tal-hot dog fuq il-poster tat-turs

"Watch: Il-kummidjant Ed Gamble fid-dar tal-hot dog fuq il-poster tat-turs
Il-kummidjant Ed Gamble kellu jbiddel il-kartelluni tat-turs tiegħu fuq il-Londra Underground wara li waqgħu ħażin mill-projbizzjoni ta’ Transport for London fuq ir-reklamar ta’ junk food.
Huwa biddel il-hot dog fuq il-posters promozzjonali tiegħu għal ħjar aktar b'saħħtu.
Il-kummidjant u l-ospitant tal-podcasts qal lill-programm Illum tal-BBC Radio 4 li l-pubbliċità żejda mill-projbizzjoni kienet tajba billi qal: ""Il-posters qed jagħmlu ħafna lil hinn mill-valur tagħhom issa"".
Aqra iktar: Il-kummidjant jibdel il-hot dog għall-ħjar fuq ir-regola ta' Tube ad

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
喜劇演員艾德甘布爾(Ed Gamble)因違反倫敦交通局禁止垃圾食物廣告的禁令而不得不更改倫敦地鐵上的巡迴海報。
這位喜劇演員兼播客主持人告訴 BBC 廣播四台的“今日”節目,禁令帶來的額外宣傳效果很好,他說:“這些海報現在已經遠遠超出了它們的價值”。

今日亞馬遜優惠(聯盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
喜剧演员艾德·甘布尔(Ed Gamble)因违反伦敦交通局禁止垃圾食品广告的禁令而不得不更改伦敦地铁上的巡演海报。
这位喜剧演员兼播客主持人告诉 BBC 广播四台的“今日”节目,禁令带来的额外宣传效果很好,他说:“这些海报现在已经远远超出了它们的价值”。

今日亚马逊优惠(联盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:13 this_time_i_mean_it My wife came home with all of these. She paid $40 Canadian. I think she did really well. That Legacy of Rage is minty!

My wife came home with all of these. She paid $40 Canadian. I think she did really well. That Legacy of Rage is minty! submitted by this_time_i_mean_it to dvdcollection [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:52 LingonberryStar Here’s some info I found about Bridger Walker and the new dog that eventually was added to the family dog is apparently game bred pit bull

Here’s some info I found about Bridger Walker and the new dog that eventually was added to the family dog is apparently game bred pit bull submitted by LingonberryStar to DogfreeHumor [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 20:28 sinomaltanews "托維爾和迪恩如何選擇用心而非頭腦並改變了一項運動


透過 BBC Sport 應用程式註冊接收最新 Insight 功能的通知,並在此處查找該系列的最新內容。

克里斯多福·迪恩(Christopher Dean)和傑恩·托維爾(Jayne Torvill)從西德走下清晨的火車,看起來不太像革命者。

25 歲的迪恩穿著硬挺的襯衫、領結、菱形圖案毛衣和細條紋球隊西裝外套。在他旁邊,26 歲的托維爾穿著一件毛皮鑲邊外套,戴著配套的帽子,戴著絲巾,臉上掛著害羞的微笑。他們最近榮獲的MBE 勳章並未在展覽中展出,而是在諾丁漢的某個地方。





傑恩·托維爾 (Jayne Torvill) 和克里斯托弗·迪恩 (Christopher Dean) 抵達薩拉熱窩火車站參加 1984 年冬季奧運會
托維爾和迪恩帶著連續三屆世界冠軍的勝利來到了 1984 年薩拉熱窩冬奧會

「我們對自己所做的事情有強烈的感覺,」40 年後的迪恩說。 “只有其他人覺得這是一場賭博。”

「我們總是必須在創意方面領先一步,」托維爾補充道。 “我們試圖講一個故事——所以它有意義。”

但 1984 年是一個敘事競相碾壓的時代。











音樂劇《第 42 街》中的復古 1930 年代喧囂表演曲目已被計劃。這將展示他們的技巧,並滿足那些喜歡古典套路和喜歡色彩繽紛的套路的法官的要求。




在主人公寓的地下室裡,褶皺絲綢服裝被浸染成紫色。聘請了一位編曲者,將 15 分鐘的音樂削減了三分之二,同時保留了其閃閃發光的核心。托維爾和迪恩撤退到巴伐利亞阿爾卑斯山的奧伯斯特多夫,從事一些新的工作,遠離窺探。

「如今,有了拍照手機和社群媒體,很難將事情保密,但沒有人真正知道我們在做什麼,」迪恩說。 “我們相信我們正在做的事情,而不是聽那些說這不適合奧運年的人,我們應該做一些更安全的事情。”



傑恩·托維爾 (Jayne Torvill) 和克里斯托弗·迪恩 (Christopher Dean) 參加 1984 年薩拉熱窩冬季奧運會
托維爾和迪恩的波萊羅舞曲著名的開場經過精心設計,以彌補 18 秒多餘的音樂伴奏

1984 年 2 月 14 日,托維爾和迪恩在薩拉熱窩開始了他們面對面跪在冰上的自由舞表演。

他們別無選擇。波萊羅舞曲從耍蛇者的隱密到狂暴的風暴,無法完全壓縮到指定的 4 分 10 秒的音樂伴奏中。


透過在開始時跪下、繞圈、俯衝等額外 18 秒的時間,然後站起來滑冰,他們的動作仍然是合法的。



在此期間的幾分鐘內,他們將薩拉熱窩人群和 2300 萬英國電視觀眾帶到了新的高度。



聽:用他們自己的話來說波萊羅 - 托維爾和迪恩與《體育見證》討論 1984 年







當他們回到家時,托維爾和迪恩在一輛敞篷卡車的後座迎接球迷,並有警察護送。同年晚些時候,艾爾頓強為他們頒發了 BBC 年度體育人物獎。

傑恩·托維爾 (Jayne Torvill) 和克里斯托弗·迪恩 (Christopher Dean) 在結束 1984 年奧運會返回英國時向球迷致意









1994 年,托維爾和迪恩在利勒哈默爾等待自由舞的開始,他們在那裡表演了歐文·柏林的《讓我們面對音樂與舞蹈》

到 1994 年,規則發生了變化。

放鬆規定意味著現在分別 36 歲和 35 歲的托維爾和迪恩可以自由地返回,嘗試非凡的重複。








「可以說,因為我們享有違反規則的名聲,而且我們在職業生涯10 年後又回來了,所以我們希望真正順應潮流,而不是到達利勒哈默爾時說'我們可以做到這一點,然後就可以僥倖逃脫懲罰'。






托維爾和迪恩仍然穿著舞廳服裝,當他們的樂譜進入 1994 年利勒哈默爾自由舞比賽時,他們做出了沮喪的反應
圖片來源,REX 特點
托維爾和迪恩在教練的陪伴下,觀看 1994 年利勒哈默爾自由舞比賽決賽的結果







「我們正在聽取建議,」他在談到最終自由舞曲目的選擇時說道。 「這不是壞建議,但我不知道這是正確的建議。




標準化為 1994 年的混亂和爭議留下了更少的空間,但也為 1984 年這樣引人注目的原創內容留下了更少的空間。




托維爾和迪恩的最後一支舞即將到來。為期 28 天的告別巡演門票已開始發售,巡演將於 2025 年 5 月 11 日在格拉斯哥結束。

這將是他們 50 年滑冰合作關係和 Bolero 的結束,而再次打消懷疑的機會無疑將成為焦點。


1984 年,托維爾和迪恩在結束波萊羅舞表演後躺在冰上
此後,托維爾和迪恩在世界各地數百次重現了他們的波萊羅舞表演,但 1984 年奧運金牌表演的表演仍然無與倫比

觀看:托維爾和迪恩表演波萊羅舞曲 40 週年

從罪惡之城到美國體育城 - 維加斯如何愛上體育






今日亞馬遜優惠(聯盟) - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受上帝的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/


通过 BBC Sport 应用程序注册接收最新 Insight 功能的通知,并在此处查找该系列的最新内容。

克里斯托弗·迪恩(Christopher Dean)和杰恩·托维尔(Jayne Torvill)从西德走下清晨的火车,看上去不太像革命者。

25 岁的迪恩穿着硬挺的衬衫、领结、菱形图案毛衣和细条纹球队西装外套。在他旁边,26 岁的托维尔穿着一件毛皮镶边外套,戴着配套的帽子,戴着丝巾,脸上挂着害羞的微笑。他们最近荣获的MBE 勋章并未在展览中展出,而是在诺丁汉的某个地方。





杰恩·托维尔 (Jayne Torvill) 和克里斯托弗·迪恩 (Christopher Dean) 抵达萨拉热窝火车站参加 1984 年冬季奥运会
托维尔和迪恩带着连续三届世界冠军的胜利来到了 1984 年萨拉热窝冬奥会

“我们对自己所做的事情有强烈的感觉,”40 年后的迪恩说道。 “只有其他人觉得这是一场赌博。”

“我们总是必须在创意方面领先一步,”托维尔补充道。 “我们试图讲一个故事——所以它有意义。”

但 1984 年是一个叙事竞相碾压的时代。











音乐剧《第 42 街》中的复古 1930 年代喧嚣表演曲目已被计划。这将展示他们的技巧,并满足那些喜欢古典套路和喜欢色彩缤纷的套路的法官的要求。




在主人公寓的地下室里,褶皱丝绸服装被浸染成紫色。聘请了一位编曲者,将 15 分钟的音乐削减了三分之二,同时保留了其闪闪发光的核心。托维尔和迪恩撤退到巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山的奥伯斯特多夫,从事一些新的工作,远离窥探。

“如今,有了拍照手机和社交媒体,很难将事情保密,但没有人真正知道我们在做什么,”迪恩说。 “我们相信我们正在做的事情,而不是听那些说这不适合奥运年的人,我们应该做一些更安全的事情。”



杰恩·托维尔 (Jayne Torvill) 和克里斯托弗·迪恩 (Christopher Dean) 参加 1984 年萨拉热窝冬季奥运会
托维尔和迪恩的波莱罗舞曲著名的开场经过精心设计,以弥补 18 秒多余的音乐伴奏

1984 年 2 月 14 日,托维尔和迪恩在萨拉热窝开始了他们面对面跪在冰面上的自由舞表演。

他们别无选择。波莱罗舞曲从耍蛇者的隐秘到狂暴的风暴,无法完全压缩到指定的 4 分 10 秒的音乐伴奏中。


通过在开始时跪下、绕圈、俯冲等额外 18 秒的时间,然后站起来滑冰,他们的动作仍然是合法的。



在此期间的几分钟内,他们将萨拉热窝人群和 2300 万英国电视观众带到了新的高度。



听:用他们自己的话来说波莱罗 - 托维尔和迪恩与《体育见证》讨论 1984 年







当他们回到家时,托维尔和迪恩在一辆敞篷卡车的后座上迎接球迷,并有警察护送。同年晚些时候,埃尔顿·约翰为他们颁发了 BBC 年度体育人物奖。

杰恩·托维尔 (Jayne Torvill) 和克里斯托弗·迪恩 (Christopher Dean) 在结束 1984 年奥运会返回英国时向球迷致意









1994 年,托维尔和迪恩在利勒哈默尔等待自由舞的开始,他们在那里表演了欧文·柏林的《让我们面对音乐与舞蹈》

到 1994 年,规则发生了变化。

放松规定意味着现在分别 36 岁和 35 岁的托维尔和迪恩可以自由地返回,尝试非凡的重复。








“可以说,因为我们享有违反规则的名声,而且我们在职业生涯 10 年后又回来了,所以我们希望真正顺应潮流,而不是到达利勒哈默尔时说‘我们可以做到这一点,然后就可以侥幸逃脱惩罚’。”托维尔补充道。






托维尔和迪恩仍然穿着舞厅服装,当他们的乐谱进入 1994 年利勒哈默尔自由舞比赛时,他们做出了沮丧的反应
图片来源,REX 特点
托维尔和迪恩在教练的陪伴下,观看 1994 年利勒哈默尔自由舞比赛决赛的结果




一个标题是“黄金抢劫”。一份小报指责法官要么“有偏见”,要么“疯狂”。一份大报称,冰舞作为一项运动的可信度已被“摧毁”。, 外部



“我们正在听取建议,”他在谈到最终自由舞曲目的选择时说道。 “这不是坏建议,但我不知道这是正确的建议。




标准化为 1994 年的混乱和争议留下了更少的空间,但也为 1984 年这样引人注目的原创内容留下了更少的空间。




托维尔和迪恩的最后一支舞即将到来。为期 28 天的告别巡演门票已开始发售,巡演将于 2025 年 5 月 11 日在格拉斯哥结束。

这将是他们 50 年滑冰合作关系和 Bolero 的结束,而再次打消怀疑的机会无疑将成为焦点。


1984 年,托维尔和迪恩在结束波莱罗舞表演后躺在冰上
此后,托维尔和迪恩在世界各地数百次重现了他们的波莱罗舞表演,但 1984 年奥运会金牌表演的表演仍然无与伦比

观看:托维尔和迪恩表演波莱罗舞曲 40 周年

从罪恶之城到美国体育城 - 维加斯如何爱上体育






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"Kif Torvill u Dean għażlu qalb fuq ras u bidlu sport

Irreġistra għal notifiki għall-aħħar karatteristiċi Insight permezz tal-app tal-BBC Sport u sib l-aħħar fis-serje hawn.

Niżlu mill-ferrovija kmieni filgħodu mill-Ġermanja tal-Punent, Christopher Dean u Jayne Torvill kienu rivoluzzjonarji li ma jidhrux probabbli.

Dean, 25, libes qmis iebes, cravat, jumper argyle u blazer tat-tim pinstripe. Ħdejh, Torvill, ta’ 26 sena, kellu kowt mirqum bil-pil, kappell jaqbel, xalpa tal-ħarir u tbissima mistħija. Mhux fuq il-wiri, iżda x'imkien lura f'Nottingham, kienu l-MBEs tagħhom reċentement mogħtija.

Quddiemhom, waqt li pożaw b’mod obbligat fuq il-planċier tal-istazzjon ta’ Sarajevo, kien hemm grupp ta’ fotografi li ħarġu.

Disat ijiem għalhekk kien hemm azzard riskjuż u riskjuż: sparatura fuq deheb Olimpiku taż-żfin tas-silġ li tiddependi fuq rutina li tgħawweġ ir-regoli u sfida l-konvenzjoni - numru ta 'żfin ħieles li jista' jinħaraq bħal chiffon għal xrar.

Torvill u Dean setgħu faċilment lagħbu bla periklu.

Minflok lagħbu bin-nar.

Jayne Torvill u Christopher Dean fl-istazzjon tal-ferrovija f'Sarajevo mal-wasla tagħhom fl-Olimpjadi tax-Xitwa tal-1984
Titlu tal-immaġni,
Torvill u Dean waslu fl-Olimpjadi tax-Xitwa tal-1984 f'Sarajevo wara tliet rebħiet suċċessivi fit-titlu mondjali.

“Aħna ħassejna ħafna dwar dak li konna nagħmlu,” jgħid Dean, 40 sena wara. ""Kienu nies oħra biss li ħassew li kien azzard.""

""Dejjem kellna nkunu pass 'il quddiem fejn l-ideat tagħna kienu kreattivi,"" iżid Torvill. ""Ppruvajna ngħidu storja - għalhekk kellha tifsira.""

Iżda l-1984 kien żmien meta n-narrattivi ikkompetew biex jgħaffġu lil xulxin.

In-nervituri tal-Gwerra Bierda kienu mqaxxrin b'headheads Amerikani u Sovjetiċi bristled f'silos, fost allarmi foloz u eżerċizzji militari perikolużiment realistiċi.

Fid-dar, kien hemm ukoll kunflitt.

Ftit ġimgħat wara l-wasla ta’ Torvill u Dean f’Sarajevo, beda l-istrajk tal-minaturi – tilwima ta’ sena li qasmet familji, komunitajiet u l-kontea tad-dar tagħhom.

Fuq ir-rink, lanqas ma kien hemm ħarba mill-politika; a schism dam permezz tas-silġ.

Kien hemm it-tradizzjonalisti, li emmnu li jirrispettaw l-għeruq tal-ballroom taż-żfin tas-silġ. Huma pprijoritizzaw taħlita ta 'dekor u kontroll - preċiżjoni mkessħa, effiċjenza u propjetà fil-movimenti tal-iskejters.

Iżda kienet qed tinħoloq mewġa ġdida – stil aktar laxk, drammatiku, romantiku kien qed jitfaċċa, wieħed li ferħana lill-folol, anke jekk iwarrab lill-imħallfin tal-iskola l-qadima.

Iż-żewġ approċċi kienu differenti. U fi sport skurjat b'mod suġġettiv, fejn il-midalji kienu deċiżi bin-numri mqassma mill-imħallfin, li tkun differenti wisq tagħmlek vulnerabbli.

Inizjalment Torvill u Dean kienu xebtu lejn approċċ konservattiv.

Kienu deħlin fl-Olimpjadi fuq wara ta’ hat-trick ta’ rebħiet fit-titli mondjali. Kien hemm ftit x’jipprova, u tant x’jirriskja.

Dan, sa fejn kienu jafu, kien se jkun ix-xutt finali tagħhom fuq l-akbar palk, peress li kienu marbuta għaċ-ċirkwit professjonali, u b’hekk iwaqqfuhom mill-Olimpjadi futuri taħt ir-regoli ta’ dak iż-żmien.

Kienet ippjanata throw-back razzmatazz showtune tal-1930 mill-musical 42nd Street. Kien juri l-ħiliet tagħhom, u jissodisfa kemm l-imħallfin li ppreferew rutina klassika kif ukoll dawk li jippreferu l-aktar ikkuluriti.

Imma tissodisfa lil Torvill u lil Dean infushom?

Waqt dinner party fil-punent ta 'Londra, wara li ħarbtu permezz ta' cassette tapes fit-tfittxija ta 'melodia u tema, huma ddeċidew li fl-aħħar mill-aħħar ma kienx se.

Kien mitlub crescendo għal kollox aktar awdaċi għall-karrieri Olimpiċi tagħhom.

Fil-kantina ta 'l-ospiti tagħhom ċatti, ħwejjeġ tal-ħarir ippjegat kienu vjola miżbugħin dip. Ġie ingaġġat arranġatur biex jaqta’ 15-il minuta ta’ mużika b’żewġ terzi, filwaqt li ppreserva l-qalb tfarrak tagħha. U Torvill u Dean irtiraw lejn Oberstdorf fl-Alpi tal-Bavarja biex jaħdmu fuq xi ħaġa ġdida 'l bogħod minn għajnejhom.

“Dawn il-ġranet, bil-kamera phones u l-midja soċjali, huwa diffiċli ħafna li nżommu l-affarijiet magħluqa, imma ħadd ma kien verament jaf x’qed nagħmlu,” jgħid Dean. ""Aħna emmnu f'dak li qed nagħmlu, għall-kuntrarju li nisimgħu lil dawk li jgħidu li ma kienx tajjeb għas-sena Olimpika, li għandna nagħmlu xi ħaġa aktar sigura.""

“Ridna nagħmlu xi ħaġa li qatt ma konna għamilna u li qatt ma dehret qabel,” iżid Torvill.

Ċertament ma kien sar xejn bħal Bolero qabel. X'aktarx xejn ma qabbilha minn dak iż-żmien.

Jayne Torvill u Christopher Dean jikkompetu fl-Olimpjadi tax-Xitwa tal-1984 f'Sarajevo
Titlu tal-immaġni,
Il-bidu famuż tar-rutina Bolero ta’ Torvill u Dean kien koreografiku biex tpatti għal 18-il sekonda ta’ akkumpanjament mużikali żejjed

Ir-rutina ta’ żfin ħieles ta’ Torvil u Dean f’Sarajevo fl-14 ta’ Frar 1984 bdiet bihom għarkobbtejhom fuq is-silġ iħarsu lejn xulxin.

Ma kellhomx għażla oħra. Bolero, li jibni minn stealth ta 'snake-charmer għal maltempata qalila, ma setax jiġi kkompressat fl-erba' minuti 10 sekondi allokati permessi għal akkumpanjament mużikali.

Iżda l-par spotted lakuna. L-arloġġ ma jibda uffiċjalment sakemm l-ewwel xafra tmiss is-silġ.

Billi jinkinaw, iduru u jduru madwar xulxin għal 18-il sekonda żejda fil-bidu, qabel ma joqogħdu bilwieqfa u skating, ir-rutina tagħhom xorta tkun legali.

Dean, waqt il-warm-up, kien iħarbat b'mod sottili s-silġ fil-post meħtieġ biex jevita li l-irkopptejn tagħhom, li taw ħafna inqas trazzjoni minn xafra inċiża, milli jiżżerżqu taħthom.

Ir-rutina tagħhom spiċċat bit-tnejn dahar fuq is-silġ, mimdudin prostrati, sniedaq iqawwu.

Fil-minuti ta’ bejniethom, kienu ttrasportaw lill-folla ta’ Sarajevo, u udjenza televiżiva tar-Renju Unit ta’ 23 miljun għal għoli ġodda.

Fjuri ix-xita fuq is-silġ. Dar sħiħa ta 'marki ta' impressjoni artistika perfetta xegħlu l-iscoreboard.

""Illejla wasalna fil-quċċata. Ma niftakarx il-prestazzjoni xejn. Ġara biss,"" qal Dean dak iż-żmien.

ISMA: Bolero fi kliemhom stess - Torvill u Dean jiddiskutu l-1984 ma' Sporting Witness

Kwalunkwe biża 'fuq il-mużika, il-muntaġġ jew il-passi tagħhom kienet vaporizzata. Kowċ rivali bla isem kellu teorija.

Huma qalu lin-New York Times li l-maġija ta’ Torvill u Dean biss kienet b’saħħitha biżżejjed biex tagħlaq il-qasmiet tal-isport.

“Forsi,” qalu, “l-imħallfin iridu jaċċettaw lil Torvill u Dean għax huma daqshekk tajbin.

""Imma ma jridux li ż-żfin tas-silġ jinbidel radikalment, għalhekk huma lesti li jikkastigaw lil kull ħaddieħor li jipprova jkun differenti.""

Kollox kien inbidel għal Torvill u Dean infushom, għalkemm.

Il-Prinċipessa Anne tostithom bix-xampanja fl-istands. Ommha – ir-Reġina Eliżabetta II – bagħtet telegramma ffirmata fejn offritilha l-awguri għal prestazzjoni li hija “seraw bi pjaċir kbir”.

Meta waslu lura d-dar, Torvill u Dean sellmu lill-partitarji minn fuq wara ta’ trakk open-top, bi skorta tal-pulizija. Aktar tard dik is-sena, Elton John kien jippreżentahom il-premju tal-BBC Sports Personality of the Year.

Jayne Torvill u Christopher Dean isellmu lill-partitarji mar-ritorn tagħhom fir-Renju Unit mill-Olimpjadi tal-1984
Titlu tal-immaġni,
Is-suċċess ta’ Torvill u Dean f’Sarajevo wassalhom għal livelli ġodda ta’ ċelebrità u skrutinju

Kull fejn marru, kien hemm mistoqsija li ġew mitluba għal darb'oħra: jekk rumanz bħal dan fuq is-silġ jistax jieqaf meta ħarġu minn fuqu? Jekk, wara li ssospendew in-nuqqas ta' twemmin tagħhom, il-partitarji tagħhom verament kellhomx jerġgħu jimpenjaw ruħhom ma' realtà aktar mundane?

Waqt konferenza stampa waħda, ġurnalist staqsa jekk kinux jiżżewġu.

""Tajjeb, mhux din il-ġimgħa,"" tbissem Dean.

Torvill, filwaqt li rreaġixxiet għall-osservazzjoni li l-par dehru aktar marbuta mill-qrib minn pari oħra, sempliċement wieġbet b’ħarsa lejn is-sieħeb tagħha u “iva” enigmatika.

""Aħna ma ppruvajnax konxjament u nżommu aura dwarha, iżda lanqas ma dħalna fil-konversazzjoni dwarha,"" jgħid Dean li jirrifletti lura fuq l-ispekulazzjoni.

""Konna nżommuha 'l bogħod, għalhekk nimmaġina li n-nies jispekulaw dwarha. In-nies jixtru dak li qed tagħmel fuq is-silġ.""

“Jekk qed inpinġu żewġ persuni mħabbna u n-nies jemmnu hekk, allura qed nagħmlu xogħolna sew,” iżid Torvill.

Li tagħmel dak ir-rumanz imiss miljuni hija ħaġa waħda. Biex l-illużjoni ddum aktar minn għaxar snin hija oħra.

Stampa li turi lil Jayne Torvill u Christopher Dean jżommu idejhom b’daharhom mal-kamera
Titlu tal-immaġni,
Torvill u Dean jistennew il-bidu taż-żfin ħieles tagħhom f'Lillehammer 1994, fejn daqqew għal Let's Face the Music and Dance ta' Irving Berlin.

Sal-1994, ir-regoli kienu nbidlu.

Rilassament tar-regolamenti fisser li Torvill u Dean, li issa għandhom 36 u 35 sena rispettivament, kienu liberi li jirritornaw biex jipprovaw ripetizzjoni straordinarja.

Iċ-ċirkostanzi kienu nbidlu wkoll, madankollu.

Torvill u Dean issa kienu miżżewġin - iżda, għad-diżappunt ta 'ħafna fannijiet, ma' nies differenti. Ma baqgħux ukoll il-koppja tad-deheb tal-isport, ippreparati biex jieħdu midalji ta’ kulur li jaqbel.

“Naħseb li xi nies ħassew li ġejna lura għall-glorja,” jgħid Dean.

""Imma konna verament ġejjin lura biex nittestjaw lilna nfusna għall-isfida ta 'dan. Kienet miżura għalina.

""Ovvjament kien hemm pajjiżi u skaters li kienu qed jikkompetu, lesti għal midalja, jitilgħu fuq dik is-siġra li jħossuhom imwarrba.""

L-istorja ta’ wara kienet differenti. Il-kuntest kien inbidel. It-tattiċi kellhom jaqilbu wkoll.

Wara sensiela ta’ imitazzjonijiet fqar wara r-rutina Bolero ta’ Torvill u Dean, l-awtoritajiet tal-iskejzjar kienu saru aktar stretti dwar l-għażliet tal-mużika u pprojbixxew lill-pari milli jibdew rutini għarkobbtejhom jew mimdudin fuq is-silġ.

""Minħabba li kellna din ir-reputazzjoni ta 'liwi r-regoli, biex ngħidu hekk, u konna ġejjin lura wara 10 snin bħala professjonisti, ridna verament nikkonformaw u ma naslu f'Lillehammer ngħidu 'nistgħu nagħmlu dan u noħorġu minnu',"" iżid Torvill.

Huma ma azzardawx jippruvaw jirreplikaw l-awdaċità u l-awtentiċità tal-Bolero. Minflok għażlu rutina biex Niffaċċjaw il-Mużika u ż-Żfin.

Kien finali ferħan, glitzy u kkomplikat għall-programm tagħhom, mimli sparkle u lustrar tal-ispettaklu. Kienet differenti għal Bolero - inqas nej, aktar ħelu - iżda, hekk kif il-koppja ngħalqet f'dirgħajn xulxin u l-mużika ċediet għall-ferħ, deher li setgħet tagħti l-istess riżultat.

Fjuri waqgħu, l-udjenza qamet, il-ħolma kienet ħajja, il-fairytale kompliet.

Sakemm ma kienx. Il-marki tal-mertu tekniku waslu għal shrieks ta 'stmerrija mill-folla. Fejn, għal Bolero, kienu ġabru disa 'sitta perfetta għall-impressjoni artistika, huma rnexxielhom wieħed biss f'Lillehammer.

Il-vantaġġ li żammew il-koppja Ingliża waqt l-aħħar rawnd kien ġie mneħħi minn taħthom. Torvill, armi għadhom benniena klaċċ ta 'bukketti, trudged backstage crestfallen. Kienu jispiċċaw bil-bronż biss.

Torvill u Dean, li għadhom lebsin bil-kostum tal-ballroom tagħhom jirreaġixxu bi skosper hekk kif il-punteġġi tagħhom jidħlu għall-free dance ta’ Lillehammer 1994
Titlu tal-immaġni,
Torvill u Dean, bil-kowċis tagħhom flimkien magħhom, jaraw ir-riżultati tagħhom jidħlu għat-taqsima finali taż-żfin ħieles tal-kampanja Lillehammer 1994

“Konna xi ftit sorpriżi bil-marki,” qal Dean dak iż-żmien, u ħalla pawsa qabel ma kkoreġi ruħu.

""Ħafna sorpriż.""

Il-karti lura d-dar kienu inqas imrażżna.

""Serq tad-deheb"" jaqra intestatura waħda. L-imħallfin ġew akkużati li huma jew ""preġudikati"" jew ""barmy"" f'tabloid wieħed. Folja wiesgħa qalet li l-kredibilità taż-żfin fuq is-silġ bħala sport kienet ""inqerdet""., esterna

Il-legalità ta 'lift finali fl-aħħar mill-aħħar kienet meqjusa bħala l-punt dgħajjef fir-rutina tagħhom.

Bil-benefiċċju ta '30 sena oħra, Dean huwa aktar filosofiku.

""Konna qed nieħdu pariri,"" jgħid dwar l-għażla tan-numru finali tagħhom ta 'żfin ħieles. “Ma kienx parir ħażin, imma ma nafx li kien il-parir it-tajjeb.

""Bħala artisti u artisti, il-passjoni u li tmur b'qalbek hija ħaġa tassew importanti.""

Dawk li jsegwu lil Torvill u Dean fl-isport issa mhumiex jonqsu milli jkollhom direzzjoni.

Iż-żfin ħieles jiġi ma 'lista ta' kontenut b'saħħtu li għandu jiġi inkluż f'kull prestazzjoni. Kull element individwali huwa miżun, imkejjel u vvalutat kontra standard tad-deheb. Ir-riskju jittaffa. Is-sorpriżi huma minimizzati.

L-istandardizzazzjoni tħalli inqas spazju għall-konfużjoni u l-kontroversja tal-1994, iżda wkoll inqas spazju għal xi ħaġa oriġinali b'mod konvinċenti daqs l-1984.

“Int taf li qed tieħu dan it-tip ta’ lift, li jridu jagħmlu dak it-tidwir u dak is-sieq,” jispjega Dean tax-xena moderna taż-żfin tas-silġ.

“Huwa dwar kemm il-kwantità kif ukoll il-kwalità li tpoġġi fiha – iżda ħafna minnha hija kwantità.

""L-isport mexa 'l quddiem fl-atletiċità tiegħu, l-istandard tal-iskejzjar huwa tal-għaġeb, iżda jfisser li hemm daqsxejn ta' umiltà.""

L-aħħar żfin ta’ Torvill u Dean huwa kważi wasal. Il-biljetti ġew għall-bejgħ għal tour ta’ Adieu ta’ 28 data, li se jilħaq il-qofol tiegħu fi Glasgow fil-11 ta’ Mejju 2025.

Se jkun it-tmiem tas-sħubija tagħhom fl-iskejzjar ta’ 50 sena u l-Bolero, u ċ-ċans li jissospendu n-nuqqas ta’ fidi għal darb’oħra żgur li se jkun iċ-ċentru.

Magħfus mill-isport seta’ kien, iżda r-rumanz tagħhom għadu qed jagħfas lill-ispettaturi fis-siġġijiet.

Torvill u Dean jimteddu fuq is-silġ fi tmiem ir-rutina Bolero tagħhom fl-1984
Titlu tal-immaġni,
Torvill u Dean ħolqu mill-ġdid ir-rutina Bolero tagħhom mijiet ta’ drabi madwar id-dinja minn dakinhar, iżda l-konsenja Olimpika tal-1984 li rebħet id-deheb għadha bla qabża.

Titlu tal-midja,
Ara: Torvill u Dean iwettqu Bolero 40 sena wara

Preċedentement fis-serje Insight
Minn Sin City għal Sports Town USA - kif Vegas waqgħet għall-isport

Minn Pariġi għad-dinja - l-iktar fabbrika tat-talent tal-futbol

Mewġa ġdida - kif klabb tas-surf wieħed qed ibiddel il-Ghana

Guardiola, Mourinho u l-logħba bidlu kollox

Hot wheels – kif it-tennis tas-siġġijiet tar-roti sar draw ta’ Grand Slam


L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala Sidna u Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.

submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 16:34 TinyBuffalo8323 It is the same for all, since the same event happens to the righteous and the wicked, to the good and the evil, to the clean and the unclean, to him who sacrifices and him who does not sacrifice. As the good one is, so is the sinner, and he who swears is as he who shuns an oath.

It is the same for all, since the same event happens to the righteous and the wicked, to the good and the evil, to the clean and the unclean, to him who sacrifices and him who does not sacrifice. As the good one is, so is the sinner, and he who swears is as he who shuns an oath. submitted by TinyBuffalo8323 to u/TinyBuffalo8323 [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 15:26 justthetip1320 Local small grocery store. Anything I should try?

Local small grocery store. Anything I should try? submitted by justthetip1320 to hotsauce [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 00:05 Technical_Wrongdoer1 Did this happen to anybody else?

Did this happen to anybody else?
It let me add 2 to my cart at checkout
submitted by Technical_Wrongdoer1 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 23:20 TinyBuffalo8323 The same destiny ultimately awaits everyone, whether righteous or wicked, good or bad, ceremonially clean or unclean, religious or irreligious. Good people receive the same treatment as sinners, and people who make promises to God are treated like people who don’t.

The same destiny ultimately awaits everyone, whether righteous or wicked, good or bad, ceremonially clean or unclean, religious or irreligious. Good people receive the same treatment as sinners, and people who make promises to God are treated like people who don’t. submitted by TinyBuffalo8323 to u/TinyBuffalo8323 [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 08:59 morinl Une entreprise française : Garen

Bonjour Airfrance,
Pour cette journée de la positivité, je me suis dit qu’il pourrait être intéressant de vous parler d’une marque française : la marque d’ampli Garen.
Un petit peu d’histoire :
En 1946, Jean Guen, un électronicien français, commence à travailler à la création d’un microphone pour guitare électrique. Pour tenter d’obtenir un son plus riche que les capteur piezo-électriques alors disponible, il développe un premier modèle de microphone à partir d’un écouteur téléphonique branché à un amplificateur. Le prototype de microphone commence à faire parler de lui pour sa qualité et des guitaristes viennent commander ce micro à l’atelier de Jean Guen.
En 1947, ce dernier créé une marque nommée Stimer (à la base, la marque devait s’appeler Stimul puisqu’elle fabriquait des chargeurs d’accus pour batterie de voiture, et puis il a trouvé que Stimer sonnait mieux).
En 1948, le frère de Jean, Yves, le rejoint dans l’atelier d’électronique. Jean était plus intéressé par la conception et le prototypage. Yves était plus terre à terre et cadrait son frère par rapport aux commandes à honorer etc. L’affaire commence à prendre de l’ampleur. Cette année là, le premier micro de guitare produit à grande échelle par Stimer voit le jour : le ST 48. Il s’agit d’un micro à simple bobinage qui se pose au niveau de la rosace de la guitare.
Sur la même période de temps, les premiers amplificateurs voient le jour. On va trouver dans un premier temps trois modèles (M6, M8 et M12). Ce qui est intéressant à noter c’est que les haut-parleurs ainsi que les lampes qui équipent les amplis viennent de fournisseurs français.
Alors, il faut comprendre qu’à l’époque où ces amplis sont fabriqués, la guitare électrique en est encore à ses balbutiements. Leo Fender n’a pas encore créé sa Telecaster, et il s’agit d’un instrument complètement nouveau. Du coup, dans un premier temps, les amplis Stimer vont avoir du mal à trouver leur public et leurs revendeurs. Les curieux s'intéressent à ces nouveaux produits mais c'est encore du domaine de la niche.
En 1950, l’incroyable Django Reinhardt va s’équiper d’un micro ST 48 et d’un ampli M12 et à partir de ce moment là, la marque décolle. On trouve même des publicités avec Reinhardt dans les magazines spécialisés type Jazz Hot. Les liens avec le guitariste se renforcent (il y a des anecdotes sur le fait que Django emmène Les Paul et sa femme Mary Ford voir Jean Guen pour lui acheter des micros).
Peu à peu, des nouveaux amplis sont créés. Parfois plus puissants (le modèle Nuance de 1955 qui fait 18W) ou destinés à des usages spécifiques (genre ampli pour accordéon). Jean Guen développe aussi d’autres appareils électroniques mais ça serait trop long à raconter ici.
En 1957, les deux frères se séparent et décident de monter deux sociétés différentes. Yves garde la marque Stimer qui continuera jusqu’en 1986 grâce au fils d’Yves, Christian.
Du coup, Jean Guen décide de lancer une nouvelle marque nommée Garen (nom inspiré par la commune de La Garenne-Colombes).
Dans le catalogue de Garen, on va trouver dans un premier temps la continuation des amplis fabriqués par Stimer puis de nouveaux modèles arrivent : Contrast, Classic, et Clavier. Ces nouveaux amplis s’équipent des innovations à la mode : le tremolo, la reverbération (à ressort évidemment) et des équalisations parfois un peu plus complexes.
L’entreprise s’étoffe peu à peu (en 1963, il y a une vingtaine d’employés) et investit des locaux plus grands.
Le soucis c’est que dans les années 60, de nombreuses autres marques d’amplis apparaissent sur le marché (Fender, Vox, Marshall, Farfisa, Orange, Echolette etc) et que les marques entrent en rivalité. Et bien évidemment, comme les amplis que l’on voit sur les pochettes des groupes anglais ou américains à la mode leur font envie, les guitaristes s’orientent d’autant plus vers les concurrents de Garen).
La réponse de l’entreprise Garen à cet engouement pour d’autres marques va être d’en créer une nouvelle : la marque Shade. Le nom anglais suggère une origine anglaise ou américaine et pourtant, il s’agit bien d’une marque française. Il va y avoir un changement de design pour être plus dans l’air du temps et aussi un changement de fournisseurs (des haut-parleurs Jensen comme ceux des amplis Fender vont être mis dans les amplis).
En 1966, pour en rajouter une couche, les modèles d’ampli Shade sont baptisés d’après un état américain. On a donc les modèles Nevada, Colorado, Kansas etc. Globalement, c’est une stratégie payante puisque les amplis se vendent bien. En plus des amplis, l’entreprise fabrique aussi les pédales d’effets à la mode à l’époque : fuzz, wah-wah etc. En 1967, on va avoir d’autres produits comme des proto-synthé ou proto-boite à rythme ou des effets de lumière à destination des musiciens.
Au début des années 70, l’affaire marche moins bien. Jean Guen créé deux nouvelles marques : Shelton et MK (Music Kit, des amplis à monter soi-même). Cela ne rencontre pas un énorme succès et la concurrence est devenue trop importante pour rivaliser. L’entreprise change son fusil d’épaule et finit par fabriquer des dispositifs de protection contre le vol (alarmes, détecteur de mouvement, etc).
En 1976, l’entreprise Garen disparaît et laisse place à la société Guelec spécialisée dans les systèmes antivols. Jean prends sa retraite en 1981. Il meurt en 2020 à l’âge de 99 ans.
En 2017, un fabricant rachète la marque Garen et propose des nouvelles gammes d’amplis : https://tsfsepelliere44.e-monsite.com/pages/amplis-garen.html
Quant à la marque Stimer (celle que possédait Yves), elle a été déposée par un luthier en 2004 qui propose des micros. Je ne connais pas les tenants et les aboutissants mais il semblerait que le luthier en question ait fait un coup de Jarnac aux réels créateurs de la marque : https://yves-guen-original.f
Pour en apprendre davantage sur les frères Guen c’est ici (le site le plus complet avec beaucoup de photos et de documents visuels) : http://stimer-garen.f
J’ai eu quelques amplis Garen entre les mains dans le cadre de mon boulot de réparateur. Et j’ai toujours une sorte de tendresse pour cette marque disparue. Lorsque je retape ces vieux coucous, j’en prends grand soin parce que ce sont des amplis qui sont une part de notre patrimoine.
Le premier c’était un Classic Vibrato et en ce moment à l’atelier, je suis en train de refaire un Classic 11.
Sinon, personnellement, j’ai un ampli Shade Kansas (une grosse sono à lampe en fait) qui a été trouvée dans un Emmaüs pour une trentaine d’euros. J’ai pas mal de boulot dessus et comme je manque de temps, c’est un projet qui traîne.

Parlons du son. Comme il y a des amplis très différents les uns des autres, tant par leur conception que par la technologie employée, il n’y a pas vraiment de « son » StimeGaren/Shade. De plus, ces amplis ont couvert des années avec des modes musicales très différentes. Entre le son de Django Reinhardt et le son de gamins inspirés par le rhythm and blues, il y a déjà un sacré gouffre. Il y a peu de ressources en ligne sur ces amplis, notamment peu de schémas. Ce que j’avais fait pour le Classic Vibrato, c’est que j’avais repiqué le schéma en intégralité pour le remettre en ligne. Je ferai de même pour le Classic 11 quand j’aurai fini de travailler dessus (le schéma est repiqué, il faut juste que je fasse la mise en ligne). Et évidemment, je ferais pareil pour le Shade.
Voilà c’est tout pour aujourd’hui. J’espère que ça vous aura plu d’en apprendre plus sur un élément de notre patrimoine technologique et musical.
Bonne positivité.
submitted by morinl to france [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 12:45 adu2211 Where to go next?

Im looking for place to go after kanchanaburi i already visited the erawan park and the main town. Do you think the other parks are worth it? I didnt like sleeping in tant since Its very hot here rn and i want to stay on budget and hotels in these parks are expensive for me. If you know about some alternative let me know or city where i can go next and Its not too far and Worth it
submitted by adu2211 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 20:52 TinyBuffalo8323 It is the same for all, since the same event happens to the righteous and the wicked, to the good and the evil, to the clean and the unclean, to him who sacrifices and him who does not sacrifice. As the good one is, so is the sinner, and he who swears is as he who shuns an oath.

It is the same for all, since the same event happens to the righteous and the wicked, to the good and the evil, to the clean and the unclean, to him who sacrifices and him who does not sacrifice. As the good one is, so is the sinner, and he who swears is as he who shuns an oath. submitted by TinyBuffalo8323 to originalones [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 18:42 COUPEFULLABADHOES Massive score at Sprouts

Massive score at Sprouts submitted by COUPEFULLABADHOES to spicy [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 05:25 koffeesnobb Snack haul from 7-11 in Bangkok

Snack haul from 7-11 in Bangkok
Interesting stuff, I can’t wait to surprise my tastebuds!
submitted by koffeesnobb to snacking [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 00:06 Psychological_Dog527 Montreal I love you! ❤️

Wow! Pour contexte, je viens du sud de la Californie, près de Los Angeles, donc venir ici c'est le total opposé. J'ai grandement sous-estimé à quel point il peut faire froid ici, mais j'adore ça. Je préfère de loin être quelque part où il fait froid plutôt qu'insupportablement chaud. Tout le monde ici a été très serviable et gentil avec moi. Je me sens mal que mon français ne soit pas assez bon pour maintenir une conversation, mais j'apprécie que tout le monde parle également anglais. En tant que personne qui déteste l'infrastructure dépendante de la voiture, j'adore les transports en commun et tous les vélos disponibles. C'est ma 3ème fois que je visite cette belle province et à chaque retour, je tombe davantage amoureux d'elle. Bref, c'est tout. Beaucoup d'amour, Un Californien ❤️
Wow! For context I’m from Southern California near Los Angeles, so visiting here is a total opposite. While I grossly underestimated how cold it gets here, I love it. I’d much rather be somewhere cold than unbearably hot. Everyone here has been very helpful and kind to me. I feel bad that my French is not good enough to keep a conversation, but I appreciate that everyone speaks English as well. As someone who hates car dependent infrastructure, I love the public transit and all the bikes available. This is my 3rd time visiting this beautiful province and every time I come back I fall more in love with it. Anywho, that’s all. Much love, A Californian ❤️
submitted by Psychological_Dog527 to montreal [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 06:43 Additional-Switch418 I just need a little help... please if you can.

I just need a little help... please if you can.
I just need some more stars Can you accept my invite, and help me get my gift?
submitted by Additional-Switch418 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 05:53 Additional-Switch418 Please help if you can!! I'm past .01

Please help if you can!! I'm past .01
Please accept my invitation
submitted by Additional-Switch418 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 03:01 Inflation-Cultural I am in dire need. (The world is in danger)

Requesting all units to figure out where I can get this particular jacket. Budget = non existent. Sold on Depop, moments before procurement.
submitted by Inflation-Cultural to Y2K [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 08:22 AhbarjietMalta Diżastru ambjentali’: NGOs, Cassola jappellaw għall-kanċellazzjoni tal-proġett tat-triq ta’ Marsalforn

"‘Diżastru ambjentali’: NGOs, Cassola jappellaw għall-kanċellazzjoni tal-proġett tat-triq ta’ Marsalforn

L-NGOs u l-kandidat indipendenti Arnold Cassola sejħu għall-kanċellazzjoni tal-proġett tat-triq ta’ Marsalforn, hekk kif il-Ministeru għal Għawdex ħabbar li kien se jibda jinqala’ s-siġar tul Triq ir-Rabat-Marsalforn biex isir spazju għat-twessigħ tal-karreġġjata.

Laqgħa fi Triq Marsalforn din il-ġimgħa, Cassola, flimkien ma’ Luke Said ta’ Għawdix u Astrid Vella ta’ Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, iddenunzjaw il-pjani ta’ Triq Marsalforn bħala ta’ ħsara għall-ambjent, mhux ġustifikati u perikolużi għat-traffiku.

Il-proġett biex iddritta u titwessa’ t-triq eżistenti li tgħaddi tul il-kurvi naturali tal-wied-bed se jieħu 10,000 m2 ta’ art agrikola, jeqred mijiet ta’ siġar u pajsaġġi emblematiċi. Għalkemm il-fokus kien fuq il-230 siġra protetta li jridu jinqalgħu, it-total sħiħ huwa ta’ mill-inqas 825 siġra li minnhom 225 biss se jiġu trapjantati, li mhix garanzija minħabba r-rati ta’ sopravivenza abyssali ta’ Malta tas-siġar trapjantati. Minħabba n-nuqqas ta’ siġar f’Malta, l-eNGOs isostnu li ‘kull siġra tgħodd’ minħabba l-importanza tas-siġar għas-saħħa tal-bniedem, u l-fatt li siġar mhux indiġeni jsostnu wkoll ħabitat naturali għani ta’ flora u fawna tal-madwar. Barra minn hekk, is-siġar bħalissa huma l-uniku mezz tagħna biex innaqqsu t-tniġġis tal-arja filwaqt li ttaffi l-Bidla fil-Klima.

Arnold Cassola ikkundanna l-proġett bħala “diżastru” minħabba l-firxa ta’ qerda ta’ art agrikola u siġar, u ħeġġeġ lill-pubbliku biex jitkellem u jaġixxi, biex ma jħallix li Għawdex isir ‘gżira tal-konkos’ oħra.

Luke Said, Deputat Chairman tal-eNGO Għawdix enfasizza l-ironija tal-kummerċjalizzazzjoni ta’ Għawdex bħala ‘il-gżira tal-irħula’, imbagħad iqatta’ wied biex titħaddem awtostrada bejn żewġ lokalitajiet. Said enfasizza l-fatt li kuntrarjament għal dak li jsostni l-Ministeru ta’ Għawdex, it-triq mhix suxxettibbli għall-konġestjoni tat-traffiku, iżda l-iddrittar u t-twessigħ tagħmilha aktar perikoluża, speċjalment għaċ-ċiklisti. Ipprotesta l-fatt li għalkemm żewġ terzi taqa’ taħt il-konfini taż-Żebbuġ, il-Kunsill Lokali taż-Żebbuġ ma kellu ebda leħen fil-proċess tal-ippjanar. Ikkritika l-għażla li din it-triq tiġi aġġornata, meta oħrajn, bħall-arterja prinċipali li twassal għall-Park and Ride, jinsabu fi stat ferm agħar.

Said sfida lill-awtoritajiet biex jiddefinixxu l-pjan għal Għawdex u jagħtu ċans reali lir-residenti li jkollhom leħen f’futur aktar sostenibbli għal Għawdex.

Astrid Vella spjegat li Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar kienet appellat mill-permess għal din it-triq, madankollu l-appell ġie miċħud minkejja li l-permess kien ibbażat fuq gideb għal kollox, bħall-allegazzjoni li t-triq hija periklu hot-spot, meta l-Pulizija ċaħdet dan. . Vella esprimiet id-dispjaċir tagħha li l-Awtorità tar-Riżorsi tal-Ambjent, responsabbli mill-ħarsien tal-ambjent ta’ Malta, approvat dan il-ħsara lil dan il-proġett. Vella semma l-fatt li fiċ-ċensiment tas-siġar tagħha, l-ERA ħalliet barra 39 siġra protetta u staqsiet jekk kienx għax il-persunal tal-ERA ma kienx kapaċi jidentifikahom jew, agħar minn hekk, għax riedu jaħbuhom mill-pubbliku. Dan huwa inkwetanti ħafna peress li l-Irmied tal-Ferqa Dojoq huwa estremament rari, u jikber biss f'postijiet ta' widien tal-ilma tax-xatt li huma rari daqstant ieħor f'Malta.

L-eNGOs u Arnold Cassola temmew billi enfasizzaw il-fatt li qed jintużaw fondi tal-UE għal dan il-proġett li jimmina l-valuri kollha tal-UE ta’ protezzjoni tal-bijodiversità u tnaqqis tat-Tibdil fil-Klima. Malta dalwaqt se tirċievi fondi għar-riabilitazzjoni tan-natura permezz tar-ri-selvaġġ, iżda fl-istess ħin għadna qed neqirdu żoni naturali għal proġetti bla bżonn iddisinjati purament biex jarrikkixxu l-kuntratturi tat-toroq.

L-eNGOs u Arnold Cassola talbu lill-Ministeru għal Għawdex u lill-Ministru għall-Ippjanar biex iwaqqfu dan il-proġett sakemm għad fadal żmien, u jibdew jagħtu prova tal-kredenzjali ambjentali ta’ Malta.


L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.

submitted by AhbarjietMalta to ahbarjietmaltanews [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 04:14 caudexican How is a ribeye roast different from a ribeye steak?

How is a ribeye roast different from a ribeye steak?
Are these a good deal and how would you cook them?
submitted by caudexican to Butchery [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 05:51 Horror_writer_1717 I got a new job as a night watchman. The things I guard are terrifying.

Hiding in plain sight. I never paid much attention to that phrase before I started my new job.
‘Wanted: nighttime security guard’
That’s all the ad said, along with a phone number.
The town I live in isn’t very big, barely a dot on the map on the way to somewhere else. But for whatever reason we have a museum. I have no idea how it’s still in business. I can’t recall ever seeing a single person walk through their doors. But when I called the number the man who answered told me to come to this address this evening for my interview.
He seemed a little over-excited that I had answered the ad. When I asked him about the job, he said, “Oh, you know, the usual thing for a security guard.”
I’ve read some pretty unusual things about security guards in subreddits. But I’m sure those stories are made up.
Walking up the wide stone steps built to accommodate crowds of people was a little intimidating and creepy with no one for company besides the glowing lamps mounted on the sides of the railings. The whole thing gave off a very dystopian/ghost town/zombie apocalypse vibe. I guess the stone gargoyles staring down at me didn’t help much. I gazed into their eyes, half expecting them to jump down and carry me off to be sacrificed to Gozer.
If I hadn’t already discussed my hourly wage, I would’ve turned and high-tailed it home. But the wage was more than acceptable for a security guard. It was downright generous. I was wondering why he would pay so much, but walking up those desolate stairs gave me a clue.
Nobody wanted to go near this place. The word ‘haunted’ had been mentioned more than once.
Looking up at the front of the building the sporadic lights made shadows fall all around and gave it an intimidating presence.
I paused at the top of the stairs, thinking about every horror movie I’ve ever seen. There’s always that one moment where the characters could turn back and live another day, but they never do.
The wind whipped up, blowing against me, threatening to push me back down the stairs, almost as if warning me not to go inside. For a moment, I considered heeding the warning and climbing back down the stairs.
Knowing that my rent and car payment were due made me re-evaluate that decision.
I stepped up and opened the door, wondering if I would ever come out.
Fully expecting the door to creak on its hinges, I was pleasantly surprised when it opened silently and with little effort, despite feeling quite heavy.
The ornate decorations and beautiful décor took my breath away. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but I found myself regretting that this was the first time I had ever visited this museum.
I hadn’t made it two steps until an elegantly dressed man appeared and smiled at me. He didn’t so much as walk up to me, rather he glided, showing an air of dignity bordering on royalty.
“Mr. Whelton, I presume,” he said, wearing a warm smile.
“Yes, sir,” I said offering my hand.
He glanced at it with an amused look.
“Right, then, follow me and I’ll show you your duties,” he said turning on his heels and gliding away.
I pretended to smooth my hair as I followed, feeling like an idiot for offering my hand.
He glided past several works of art, toward a small desk.
“Right then,” he said. “You’ll be in charge of checking the doors so nothing gets in,” he paused. “Or out.”
“You mean stolen?” I said.
“Yes,” he said slowly. “Stolen.”
“So, I got the job?”
He stared at me blankly.
“Did you show up?”
I nodded.
“You got the job.”
“Do I need a uniform or anything?”
“Let’s see how your first night goes,” he said. “There’s a set of rules on the paper on your desk, please adhere to them. You must do at least one round per night through every room and check every door.”
“One round? That’s it?”
“This place is rather large and… challenging.”
I looked around with a hint of hesitation. Maybe there was a reason why it paid so much.
He smiled.
“If you have any problems, just call the number on the paper.”
“That’s it?”
“I believe so. I’ll lock the door on my way out and unlock it again at nine o’clock on my way back in.”
I stepped over to the desk and began reading the paper.
“What does this mean?” I said turning around, but he was gone.
“Hello?” I called but only my voice echoed back to me.
I looked at the puzzling paper again and read the rules.
‘rule number one: There are no rules.’
‘rule number two: tHere arE no rules.’
“What is this, fight club?” I said to myself.
‘everY time you bReak a rulE, return to rule number one.’
“Wait a minute, how can I break a rule when there are no rules?”
‘rule number three: hoW you follow the rules is As imporTant as why you follow the rules.’
“That made no sense at all.”
‘rule number four: if you are CaugHt breakING the rules, the penalties may be severe.’
“Ok, there’s something wrong here. This is just talking in circles.”
I read back over the rules and they looked strange. More than just the strangeness of the rules/non rules themselves, it was the way they were written. I went back and looked at each letter. Then I paid attention to the letters that were capitalized. It looked like some hidden message.
I hesitated.
“Who’s watching?”
I decided to keep reading in hopes that this would begin to make some sense.
‘rule number five: DO NoT, under any circumstances, Make nOise eVery timE you do a round.’
Message received. ‘DONT MOVE.’
I stood there, immobile, wondering how long I was meant to play this game and if someone would come by and tag me to unfreeze me and allow me to start my round.
As I waited, chuckling to myself at the ludicrousness of this insane game of freeze tag, I felt the air grow cold. Clouds chugged out of my mouth like an old steamtrain as I fought the urge to rub my arms.
A chill that had little to do with the sudden temperature drop ran down my spine as I felt a presence in the room. It crept up behind me, silent as the grave. I could feel its hot breath wash over me as it sniffed.
Instead of enjoying the sudden warmth, my temperature plummeted. My heart hammered in my chest. It was all I could do to keep from running away in sheer terror.
As it passed by, I was overwhelmed by the stench of death. This thing was every nightmare I’ve ever had, personified. I refused to open my eyes and see its hideous form for fear of passing out. Instead, I focused on imitating a statue. Which was nearly impossible with my freezing body aching to shiver in frozen dread.
The nameless terror passed to the far side of the room, taking some of the cold with it, and then as suddenly as it came, it was gone.
The room returned to normal temperature, but I waited a few moments before moving, just to be sure.
Once I felt it was safe, I nearly collapsed to the floor in relief. After giving myself a moment to recover, I glanced at the paper with a newfound fear. Was this a harbinger of doom or a warning label meant to keep me safe?
Unsure if I wanted to read the rest, I took a moment to re-evaluate my current career choice. Could I just walk out and say I quit?
After a brief internal debate, I decided it wasn’t worth the money if I was about to be dragged through a portal to hell.
Just a short time ago, I would’ve considered that thought laughably ludicrous, but it was seeming more plausible by the moment.
I started toward the exit door with every intention of calling and telling my boss I wouldn’t be finishing the shift. Unfortunately, the door had other plans.
When I pushed on the crash bar, nothing happened. I tried turning the deadbolt, but it refused to move. After a few minutes of futility, I gave up, frustrated and determined to just sit in this room until morning came around.
Sitting at the desk, I spun around in the chair, waiting for the next nine hours and thirteen minutes to pass quickly. Five minutes later, out of sheer boredom, I glanced at the paper.
‘rule number Six: yoU Can’t just sit at the desK and waIT for the door to open UPon the ending of your shift.’
“Are you serious?” I said in frustration. “Someone thinks they’re funny, huh?”
Glancing back at the paper, below rule six, was three letters. ‘yes’.
I backed away and got up to do my round, if nothing else to get away from this all-seeing sheet of paper that I had grown afraid to look at.
Hesitating, I reached for the door to the room where the nightmare had disappeared.
Glancing up, I saw a slip of paper taped to the door. It said, ‘The only way out is through.’
Sighing heavily, my trembling hand turned the knob and slowly opened the door. As I closed it, on the other side was another slip of paper, this one said, ‘Avoid eye contact and you’ll be fine.’
Confused by the cryptic statement, I turned and realized what it meant.
The room was full of stuffed creatures of many shapes and sizes. Most of them seemed to be mythical in nature of the cryptid variety. There was a bigfoot, skinwalker, dogman, jersey devil, wendigo, and many others. As my eyes scanned the room I noticed movement.
It wasn’t much, but it was enough. The skinwalker turned its head, just slightly to look right at me. I quickly darted my eyes away in fear and disbelief when the dogman turned its head to stare at me.
As panic coursed through my veins, I turned to go back through the door, remembering what the piece of paper on both sides of the door said.
‘The only way out is through’, and ‘Avoid eye contact and you’ll be fine’.
I felt the last statement was akin to saying, ‘If you hold on tight enough on a roller coaster, you won’t need the safety harness.’
Aiming my eyes at the floor, I turned and started toward the far side of the room.
I hoped that all they would do was watch. That hope was dashed. I heard growls and footsteps from all around the room. Hesitating, I wondered if I would need a clean pair of pants by the time I reached the far side, that is, if I survived.
The sounds of footsteps grew louder behind me when suddenly, there was a pair of hairy legs blocking my path. I stopped as a low growl made the air vibrate.
“Oh dear God,” I whispered, knowing that my life was about to end horribly and painfully.
Fighting the urge to look up, I sidestepped and went around the legs, hoping to pass unnoticed.
I counted my footsteps, hoping each one wouldn’t be my last.
Silently praying, I continued toward the door with my eyes aimed down, watching nothing more than my feet. It seemed like the longest walk of my life listening to the mythical creatures behind me come to life and sounding every bit like they were following me, just waiting for the right moment to grab me and turn me into a late-night snack.
It came as a surprise when I bumped my head into the far wall.
Shocked not only that I had made it, but that I had missed the door, I glanced over and found my glorious escape route.
As I opened the door, I accidentally glanced back into the room and made eye contact with the Wendigo. Its roar of rage is something I’ll never forget.
It charged at me with blinding speed and claws unsheathed, fangs ready to tear me to shreds as I dove through the door in the nick of time, slamming it behind me.
The impact on the other side of the wall made dust settle to the floor, causing me to sneeze.
I stood and saw another piece of paper taped to the door.
‘Whatever you do, don’t make a sound,’ it said.
As I was about to make a comment about it being too late, a giant set of fangs flew at me from the semi-darkness. Attached to them was the biggest snake I’d ever seen or heard of.
It shook off the impact with the door as my legs took over and sprinted for the far side of the room. The dim lighting made it impossible to see the far door as well as rocks and other obstacles littering the floor as I made my desperate dash to safety.
I swear the rock that tripped me moved into my path on its own.
Instead of a death sentence, it saved my life as the snake flew over my prone body, having tracked me down. Had I not tripped, its massive fangs would’ve gone straight through me.
Not waiting around to celebrate my accidental good fortune, I jumped up and raced toward the door again. It was now within sight, but so was the snake. It had recovered and was coiling for another strike.
Running around a large boulder to make myself a harder target, I aimed for a spot five feet from the door. When I was almost to the door, I dove just as the snake passed over me, slamming into the wall as I jumped up and opened the door.
Closing the door behind me, I took a moment to catch my breath and think about asking a lot more questions when I interview for my next job.
I tried to open my eyes but realized they were already open. The room was engulfed in total darkness. Pulling out my flashlight, I shone it around, but couldn’t see anything aside from the door and the floor in front of me. There was no sign of anything in the room, not even a ceiling. It was as if the darkness sucked the light into itself, never to escape.
Being robbed of sight, I relied on hearing. Taking a long listen, I waited to hear any growls or slithers, anything to give me a hint of what I might have to deal with, but there was nothing, only soul crushing silence.
Having scanned the room the best I could, I set out to find the far door. Nothing seemed strange. Even the echo sounded like a normal large room, it was just devoid of light.
The normalness of it terrified me.
All I could find out of place was a slight scent of disinfectant. I wasn’t sure if that was because whatever horrible creature that called this room its home had killed people here and they wanted to cover the smell, or if the creature itself had passed away, leaving some poor janitor to clean up the mess.
In either case, I was on full alert.
They say that when one of your senses falters, the others become more acute to make up for it. The same thing was happening with my paranoia.
I imagined shadows moving around in the total pitch of darkness. My steps were small and slow as my arms waved in front of me acting as my eyes, searching for any obstacles.
It took what seemed like an eternity to get to the far side walking so slow. I guess that’s the price of being careful.
As I approached the wall, the flashlight and vision became useful once again. I must’ve gotten off track as I walked because the door was far off to the side. I had to walk a good fifty feet along the wall to find it.
When I opened the door, I was greeted by a horrible sight. The snake was coiled up in front of it. I quickly shut the door as it prepared to strike.
Why would they have two snake rooms?
But then why wasn’t much of a relevant question in this place.
My mind came up with a terrible answer. It wasn’t a second snake; it was the same one. I must’ve gotten turned around in the darkness and done a circle.
As my brain had a go-around with denial, I tried to figure out a way to get across this room without unintentionally doubling back. Keeping in mind that even though I had yet to see or hear anything in this room, didn’t mean it wasn’t there.
Searching for any ideas, I looked down at my flashlight, then squared my shoulders against the wall to regain my bearings, and tossed the flashlight straight in front of me. It landed with a loud clatter then rolled around in a playful circle before coming to rest.
If there was anything in the room, most likely I’d just woken it up and showed it exactly where I was.
I stood still and listened.
After a few minutes, I didn’t hear any movement. It seemed safe to walk to my flashlight, pick it up, and toss it another fifteen feet, hopefully in a straight line.
I did this the whole way across the room, still listening for sounds, but becoming more confident with each step that I wouldn’t hear any.
The door was just a few feet to the side of where I’d aimed. Somehow, I’d gone in a straight line.
Grabbing the doorknob, I slowly turned it so as not to alert the snake if by some trick I ended up back in that room.
But there was no trick and no snake. The door opened to blinding light. I covered my eyes to give them time to adjust.
Once they had acclimated, I looked around at a beautiful room full of clouds. There were even clouds on the floor. It was disconcerting at first and almost made me lose my balance because they were so well painted that it literally looked like I was walking on clouds.
I took a tentative step into the room, making sure that it was an illusion and I wasn’t about to fall thousands of feet to my death.
Holding my breath, I stepped onto the first cloud and let go of the door frame. It was firm like a floor should be. My second and third steps were more confident as I realized how effective the illusion was.
Once I acclimated, walking on clouds was fun. This was turning out to be the easiest room I’d been in so far.
That’s when I heard the scream.
It was deafening and seemed to come from everywhere at once. I dove to the floor only to realize there was nowhere to hide from whatever it was. I stood out like a sore thumb against the blue sky and white fluffy clouds painted on every surface of the room.
The scream sounded again, and I began to run, having no idea which way I was going or where the screaming was coming from. For all I knew, I was running toward whatever it was. I just knew it didn’t sound human, and I had no desire to find out what it was.
Soon the choice was taken out of my hands. I saw a dark spot appear against the clouds that quickly became larger. It was almost on me when I dove to the floor, feeling something sharp rake my back.
Pain shot through me as I reached around and found the back of my shirt in shreds. Not only that but my hand was covered in blood. Whatever it was had sliced my back open and I was bleeding.
Adrenaline kicked in and I ran faster than I ever have. The problem was, I didn’t know where I was running to or what I was running from. I was just running.
I heard wings flapping and I looked back just in time to see the largest bird of prey I’ve ever seen. It looked like a golden eagle, only the thing was massive. The wingspan was easily twenty feet.
As I was running, I turned to get a closer look at this thing at the same time I was trying to get away from it. My feet got tangled up and I fell backward just as the razor-sharp talons passed over mere inches away from my face.
I jumped up and started running again. As I glanced back to find my attacker I was met with the strangest sight. There was a smear of blood on the floor where I had just been lying. It looked like someone had wiped blood on a cloud.
The wings flapped again. I knew it was close. I had run out of luck. It would be ready for anything this time. Its razor-sharp talons would rip me to pieces, there was no doubt about it. There was only one option. I jumped and whipped around in midair, throwing my flashlight as hard as I could. It connected with its head that was mere feet away.
It screamed and dove off to the side, impacting with the floor so hard I felt the vibration, and landing in a heap.
I didn’t stop to check on it. The door loomed ahead of me, and I pushed myself for every ounce of speed my body could muster.
Turning the knob and opening the door in one smooth motion, I dove through and slammed it shut.
Laying on the floor, breathing hard, trying to catch my breath, I knew I was a sitting duck for whatever monster lurked in this room.
I rolled over to get in some defensive position for whatever was about to attack when I saw I was back in the main hall. I had somehow survived my first, and as far as I was concerned, last, round.
I stumbled my way to the restroom, in the back of my mind wondering what kind of insanity I would find in there.
Would I have to crawl through the mirror into another dimension to get a roll of toilet paper?
Fortunately, the restroom held no surprises. I took off my destroyed shirt and ran water over it to clean up my back as best I could. When I was done, I put some paper towels on the wound and put my jacket on top of it.
The desk and chair were where I spent the rest of the night. Surprisingly, it had taken me almost an hour to complete the round. As I sat there, pondering if I could survive another night at this job, I saw a dark spot form on the wall and detach itself only to float over toward me.
I closed my eyes and sat perfectly still, ignoring the sudden drop in temperature. The stench of death surrounded me, but I refused to move. For a moment I thought I heard a sound like sniffing, and then it seemed to diminish. Once the temperature rose again, I opened my eyes, and the apparition was gone.
As bored as I was for the next few hours, I wasn’t tempted to do another round, not even in the slightest.
When nine o’clock rolled around, the boss/curator appeared and glided over to me wearing a little grin.
“I see you managed to make it through,” he said. “Congratulations, you’re the first one in some time.”
“The first one to make it through a single round?”
He nodded.
“How many others have there been?” I said with a haunted look in my eyes.
He shook his head.
“Let’s not worry about that shall we?” he said. “Here is the amount we agreed upon.”
He handed me a stack of bills and I gladly took them.
“Would you be interested in staying on and being my permanent nighttime guard?”
I looked at the money and sighed.
“As much as I’d like to, I don’t see how this job could be called permanent when the mortal danger is so real.”
“It is a challenge, I’ll admit, however, you rose to it last night,” he said. “I’m prepared to offer you twice the amount I gave you if you agreed to stay on.”
I stared at the fistful of money and imagined not having to struggle with bills or any other expenses. Then I turned a little and my back painfully reminded me of the dangers.
“I’d have to think about it,” I said.
“While you’re thinking, consider this, you have yet to see the basement.”
He nodded.
“It’s considerably more challenging.”
“I’ll let you know.”
“Very well, you can see yourself out. I recommend getting that back tended to.”
With that, he vanished into thin air right in front of my eyes.
I looked at the money, wondering if it would vanish as well. Fortunately, it remained firmly in my grasp as I walked toward the front door.
For some reason, I felt hesitant to open it and leave. It was as if some force was exerting itself against me like the museum didn’t want me to go. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling. More like a dog losing its favorite toy.
I pushed the doors open and left.
This whole ordeal made me ponder my concepts of reality as well as being terrified of the day when the things in the building would escape somehow. The big question was, did I need the money that badly?
Was I willing to put myself in mortal peril just for a few measly dollars?
I turned and looked back at the museum. In the daylight, it looked innocent. None of the terrors that lay within showed on the outside.
As I turned to head home, I swore I saw a fleeting glimpse of the apparition. It seemed to be following me. I looked again and it was gone.
Must’ve been my imagination.
submitted by Horror_writer_1717 to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 05:47 Horror_writer_1717 I got a new job as a night watchman. The things I guard are terrifying.

Hiding in plain sight. I never paid much attention to that phrase before I started my new job.
‘Wanted: nighttime security guard’
That’s all the ad said, along with a phone number.
The town I live in isn’t very big, barely a dot on the map on the way to somewhere else. But for whatever reason we have a museum. I have no idea how it’s still in business. I can’t recall ever seeing a single person walk through their doors. But when I called the number the man who answered told me to come to this address this evening for my interview.
He seemed a little over-excited that I had answered the ad. When I asked him about the job, he said, “Oh, you know, the usual thing for a security guard.”
I’ve read some pretty unusual things about security guards in subreddits. But I’m sure those stories are made up.
Walking up the wide stone steps built to accommodate crowds of people was a little intimidating and creepy with no one for company besides the glowing lamps mounted on the sides of the railings. The whole thing gave off a very dystopian/ghost town/zombie apocalypse vibe. I guess the stone gargoyles staring down at me didn’t help much. I gazed into their eyes, half expecting them to jump down and carry me off to be sacrificed to Gozer.
If I hadn’t already discussed my hourly wage, I would’ve turned and high-tailed it home. But the wage was more than acceptable for a security guard. It was downright generous. I was wondering why he would pay so much, but walking up those desolate stairs gave me a clue.
Nobody wanted to go near this place. The word ‘haunted’ had been mentioned more than once.
Looking up at the front of the building the sporadic lights made shadows fall all around and gave it an intimidating presence.
I paused at the top of the stairs, thinking about every horror movie I’ve ever seen. There’s always that one moment where the characters could turn back and live another day, but they never do.
The wind whipped up, blowing against me, threatening to push me back down the stairs, almost as if warning me not to go inside. For a moment, I considered heeding the warning and climbing back down the stairs.
Knowing that my rent and car payment were due made me re-evaluate that decision.
I stepped up and opened the door, wondering if I would ever come out.
Fully expecting the door to creak on its hinges, I was pleasantly surprised when it opened silently and with little effort, despite feeling quite heavy.
The ornate decorations and beautiful décor took my breath away. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but I found myself regretting that this was the first time I had ever visited this museum.
I hadn’t made it two steps until an elegantly dressed man appeared and smiled at me. He didn’t so much as walk up to me, rather he glided, showing an air of dignity bordering on royalty.
“Mr. Whelton, I presume,” he said, wearing a warm smile.
“Yes, sir,” I said offering my hand.
He glanced at it with an amused look.
“Right, then, follow me and I’ll show you your duties,” he said turning on his heels and gliding away.
I pretended to smooth my hair as I followed, feeling like an idiot for offering my hand.
He glided past several works of art, toward a small desk.
“Right then,” he said. “You’ll be in charge of checking the doors so nothing gets in,” he paused. “Or out.”
“You mean stolen?” I said.
“Yes,” he said slowly. “Stolen.”
“So, I got the job?”
He stared at me blankly.
“Did you show up?”
I nodded.
“You got the job.”
“Do I need a uniform or anything?”
“Let’s see how your first night goes,” he said. “There’s a set of rules on the paper on your desk, please adhere to them. You must do at least one round per night through every room and check every door.”
“One round? That’s it?”
“This place is rather large and… challenging.”
I looked around with a hint of hesitation. Maybe there was a reason why it paid so much.
He smiled.
“If you have any problems, just call the number on the paper.”
“That’s it?”
“I believe so. I’ll lock the door on my way out and unlock it again at nine o’clock on my way back in.”
I stepped over to the desk and began reading the paper.
“What does this mean?” I said turning around, but he was gone.
“Hello?” I called but only my voice echoed back to me.
I looked at the puzzling paper again and read the rules.
‘rule number one: There are no rules.’
‘rule number two: tHere arE no rules.’
“What is this, fight club?” I said to myself.
‘everY time you bReak a rulE, return to rule number one.’
“Wait a minute, how can I break a rule when there are no rules?”
‘rule number three: hoW you follow the rules is As imporTant as why you follow the rules.’
“That made no sense at all.”
‘rule number four: if you are CaugHt breakING the rules, the penalties may be severe.’
“Ok, there’s something wrong here. This is just talking in circles.”
I read back over the rules and they looked strange. More than just the strangeness of the rules/non rules themselves, it was the way they were written. I went back and looked at each letter. Then I paid attention to the letters that were capitalized. It looked like some hidden message.
I hesitated.
“Who’s watching?”
I decided to keep reading in hopes that this would begin to make some sense.
‘rule number five: DO NoT, under any circumstances, Make nOise eVery timE you do a round.’
Message received. ‘DONT MOVE.’
I stood there, immobile, wondering how long I was meant to play this game and if someone would come by and tag me to unfreeze me and allow me to start my round.
As I waited, chuckling to myself at the ludicrousness of this insane game of freeze tag, I felt the air grow cold. Clouds chugged out of my mouth like an old steamtrain as I fought the urge to rub my arms.
A chill that had little to do with the sudden temperature drop ran down my spine as I felt a presence in the room. It crept up behind me, silent as the grave. I could feel its hot breath wash over me as it sniffed.
Instead of enjoying the sudden warmth, my temperature plummeted. My heart hammered in my chest. It was all I could do to keep from running away in sheer terror.
As it passed by, I was overwhelmed by the stench of death. This thing was every nightmare I’ve ever had, personified. I refused to open my eyes and see its hideous form for fear of passing out. Instead, I focused on imitating a statue. Which was nearly impossible with my freezing body aching to shiver in frozen dread.
The nameless terror passed to the far side of the room, taking some of the cold with it, and then as suddenly as it came, it was gone.
The room returned to normal temperature, but I waited a few moments before moving, just to be sure.
Once I felt it was safe, I nearly collapsed to the floor in relief. After giving myself a moment to recover, I glanced at the paper with a newfound fear. Was this a harbinger of doom or a warning label meant to keep me safe?
Unsure if I wanted to read the rest, I took a moment to re-evaluate my current career choice. Could I just walk out and say I quit?
After a brief internal debate, I decided it wasn’t worth the money if I was about to be dragged through a portal to hell.
Just a short time ago, I would’ve considered that thought laughably ludicrous, but it was seeming more plausible by the moment.
I started toward the exit door with every intention of calling and telling my boss I wouldn’t be finishing the shift. Unfortunately, the door had other plans.
When I pushed on the crash bar, nothing happened. I tried turning the deadbolt, but it refused to move. After a few minutes of futility, I gave up, frustrated and determined to just sit in this room until morning came around.
Sitting at the desk, I spun around in the chair, waiting for the next nine hours and thirteen minutes to pass quickly. Five minutes later, out of sheer boredom, I glanced at the paper.
‘rule number Six: yoU Can’t just sit at the desK and waIT for the door to open UPon the ending of your shift.’
“Are you serious?” I said in frustration. “Someone thinks they’re funny, huh?”
Glancing back at the paper, below rule six, was three letters. ‘yes’.
I backed away and got up to do my round, if nothing else to get away from this all-seeing sheet of paper that I had grown afraid to look at.
Hesitating, I reached for the door to the room where the nightmare had disappeared.
Glancing up, I saw a slip of paper taped to the door. It said, ‘The only way out is through.’
Sighing heavily, my trembling hand turned the knob and slowly opened the door. As I closed it, on the other side was another slip of paper, this one said, ‘Avoid eye contact and you’ll be fine.’
Confused by the cryptic statement, I turned and realized what it meant.
The room was full of stuffed creatures of many shapes and sizes. Most of them seemed to be mythical in nature of the cryptid variety. There was a bigfoot, skinwalker, dogman, jersey devil, wendigo, and many others. As my eyes scanned the room I noticed movement.
It wasn’t much, but it was enough. The skinwalker turned its head, just slightly to look right at me. I quickly darted my eyes away in fear and disbelief when the dogman turned its head to stare at me.
As panic coursed through my veins, I turned to go back through the door, remembering what the piece of paper on both sides of the door said.
‘The only way out is through’, and ‘Avoid eye contact and you’ll be fine’.
I felt the last statement was akin to saying, ‘If you hold on tight enough on a roller coaster, you won’t need the safety harness.’
Aiming my eyes at the floor, I turned and started toward the far side of the room.
I hoped that all they would do was watch. That hope was dashed. I heard growls and footsteps from all around the room. Hesitating, I wondered if I would need a clean pair of pants by the time I reached the far side, that is, if I survived.
The sounds of footsteps grew louder behind me when suddenly, there was a pair of hairy legs blocking my path. I stopped as a low growl made the air vibrate.
“Oh dear God,” I whispered, knowing that my life was about to end horribly and painfully.
Fighting the urge to look up, I sidestepped and went around the legs, hoping to pass unnoticed.
I counted my footsteps, hoping each one wouldn’t be my last.
Silently praying, I continued toward the door with my eyes aimed down, watching nothing more than my feet. It seemed like the longest walk of my life listening to the mythical creatures behind me come to life and sounding every bit like they were following me, just waiting for the right moment to grab me and turn me into a late-night snack.
It came as a surprise when I bumped my head into the far wall.
Shocked not only that I had made it, but that I had missed the door, I glanced over and found my glorious escape route.
As I opened the door, I accidentally glanced back into the room and made eye contact with the Wendigo. Its roar of rage is something I’ll never forget.
It charged at me with blinding speed and claws unsheathed, fangs ready to tear me to shreds as I dove through the door in the nick of time, slamming it behind me.
The impact on the other side of the wall made dust settle to the floor, causing me to sneeze.
I stood and saw another piece of paper taped to the door.
‘Whatever you do, don’t make a sound,’ it said.
As I was about to make a comment about it being too late, a giant set of fangs flew at me from the semi-darkness. Attached to them was the biggest snake I’d ever seen or heard of.
It shook off the impact with the door as my legs took over and sprinted for the far side of the room. The dim lighting made it impossible to see the far door as well as rocks and other obstacles littering the floor as I made my desperate dash to safety.
I swear the rock that tripped me moved into my path on its own.
Instead of a death sentence, it saved my life as the snake flew over my prone body, having tracked me down. Had I not tripped, its massive fangs would’ve gone straight through me.
Not waiting around to celebrate my accidental good fortune, I jumped up and raced toward the door again. It was now within sight, but so was the snake. It had recovered and was coiling for another strike.
Running around a large boulder to make myself a harder target, I aimed for a spot five feet from the door. When I was almost to the door, I dove just as the snake passed over me, slamming into the wall as I jumped up and opened the door.
Closing the door behind me, I took a moment to catch my breath and think about asking a lot more questions when I interview for my next job.
I tried to open my eyes but realized they were already open. The room was engulfed in total darkness. Pulling out my flashlight, I shone it around, but couldn’t see anything aside from the door and the floor in front of me. There was no sign of anything in the room, not even a ceiling. It was as if the darkness sucked the light into itself, never to escape.
Being robbed of sight, I relied on hearing. Taking a long listen, I waited to hear any growls or slithers, anything to give me a hint of what I might have to deal with, but there was nothing, only soul crushing silence.
Having scanned the room the best I could, I set out to find the far door. Nothing seemed strange. Even the echo sounded like a normal large room, it was just devoid of light.
The normalness of it terrified me.
All I could find out of place was a slight scent of disinfectant. I wasn’t sure if that was because whatever horrible creature that called this room its home had killed people here and they wanted to cover the smell, or if the creature itself had passed away, leaving some poor janitor to clean up the mess.
In either case, I was on full alert.
They say that when one of your senses falters, the others become more acute to make up for it. The same thing was happening with my paranoia.
I imagined shadows moving around in the total pitch of darkness. My steps were small and slow as my arms waved in front of me acting as my eyes, searching for any obstacles.
It took what seemed like an eternity to get to the far side walking so slow. I guess that’s the price of being careful.
As I approached the wall, the flashlight and vision became useful once again. I must’ve gotten off track as I walked because the door was far off to the side. I had to walk a good fifty feet along the wall to find it.
When I opened the door, I was greeted by a horrible sight. The snake was coiled up in front of it. I quickly shut the door as it prepared to strike.
Why would they have two snake rooms?
But then why wasn’t much of a relevant question in this place.
My mind came up with a terrible answer. It wasn’t a second snake; it was the same one. I must’ve gotten turned around in the darkness and done a circle.
As my brain had a go-around with denial, I tried to figure out a way to get across this room without unintentionally doubling back. Keeping in mind that even though I had yet to see or hear anything in this room, didn’t mean it wasn’t there.
Searching for any ideas, I looked down at my flashlight, then squared my shoulders against the wall to regain my bearings, and tossed the flashlight straight in front of me. It landed with a loud clatter then rolled around in a playful circle before coming to rest.
If there was anything in the room, most likely I’d just woken it up and showed it exactly where I was.
I stood still and listened.
After a few minutes, I didn’t hear any movement. It seemed safe to walk to my flashlight, pick it up, and toss it another fifteen feet, hopefully in a straight line.
I did this the whole way across the room, still listening for sounds, but becoming more confident with each step that I wouldn’t hear any.
The door was just a few feet to the side of where I’d aimed. Somehow, I’d gone in a straight line.
Grabbing the doorknob, I slowly turned it so as not to alert the snake if by some trick I ended up back in that room.
But there was no trick and no snake. The door opened to blinding light. I covered my eyes to give them time to adjust.
Once they had acclimated, I looked around at a beautiful room full of clouds. There were even clouds on the floor. It was disconcerting at first and almost made me lose my balance because they were so well painted that it literally looked like I was walking on clouds.
I took a tentative step into the room, making sure that it was an illusion and I wasn’t about to fall thousands of feet to my death.
Holding my breath, I stepped onto the first cloud and let go of the door frame. It was firm like a floor should be. My second and third steps were more confident as I realized how effective the illusion was.
Once I acclimated, walking on clouds was fun. This was turning out to be the easiest room I’d been in so far.
That’s when I heard the scream.
It was deafening and seemed to come from everywhere at once. I dove to the floor only to realize there was nowhere to hide from whatever it was. I stood out like a sore thumb against the blue sky and white fluffy clouds painted on every surface of the room.
The scream sounded again, and I began to run, having no idea which way I was going or where the screaming was coming from. For all I knew, I was running toward whatever it was. I just knew it didn’t sound human, and I had no desire to find out what it was.
Soon the choice was taken out of my hands. I saw a dark spot appear against the clouds that quickly became larger. It was almost on me when I dove to the floor, feeling something sharp rake my back.
Pain shot through me as I reached around and found the back of my shirt in shreds. Not only that but my hand was covered in blood. Whatever it was had sliced my back open and I was bleeding.
Adrenaline kicked in and I ran faster than I ever have. The problem was, I didn’t know where I was running to or what I was running from. I was just running.
I heard wings flapping and I looked back just in time to see the largest bird of prey I’ve ever seen. It looked like a golden eagle, only the thing was massive. The wingspan was easily twenty feet.
As I was running, I turned to get a closer look at this thing at the same time I was trying to get away from it. My feet got tangled up and I fell backward just as the razor-sharp talons passed over mere inches away from my face.
I jumped up and started running again. As I glanced back to find my attacker I was met with the strangest sight. There was a smear of blood on the floor where I had just been lying. It looked like someone had wiped blood on a cloud.
The wings flapped again. I knew it was close. I had run out of luck. It would be ready for anything this time. Its razor-sharp talons would rip me to pieces, there was no doubt about it. There was only one option. I jumped and whipped around in midair, throwing my flashlight as hard as I could. It connected with its head that was mere feet away.
It screamed and dove off to the side, impacting with the floor so hard I felt the vibration, and landing in a heap.
I didn’t stop to check on it. The door loomed ahead of me, and I pushed myself for every ounce of speed my body could muster.
Turning the knob and opening the door in one smooth motion, I dove through and slammed it shut.
Laying on the floor, breathing hard, trying to catch my breath, I knew I was a sitting duck for whatever monster lurked in this room.
I rolled over to get in some defensive position for whatever was about to attack when I saw I was back in the main hall. I had somehow survived my first, and as far as I was concerned, last, round.
I stumbled my way to the restroom, in the back of my mind wondering what kind of insanity I would find in there.
Would I have to crawl through the mirror into another dimension to get a roll of toilet paper?
Fortunately, the restroom held no surprises. I took off my destroyed shirt and ran water over it to clean up my back as best I could. When I was done, I put some paper towels on the wound and put my jacket on top of it.
The desk and chair were where I spent the rest of the night. Surprisingly, it had taken me almost an hour to complete the round. As I sat there, pondering if I could survive another night at this job, I saw a dark spot form on the wall and detach itself only to float over toward me.
I closed my eyes and sat perfectly still, ignoring the sudden drop in temperature. The stench of death surrounded me, but I refused to move. For a moment I thought I heard a sound like sniffing, and then it seemed to diminish. Once the temperature rose again, I opened my eyes, and the apparition was gone.
As bored as I was for the next few hours, I wasn’t tempted to do another round, not even in the slightest.
When nine o’clock rolled around, the boss/curator appeared and glided over to me wearing a little grin.
“I see you managed to make it through,” he said. “Congratulations, you’re the first one in some time.”
“The first one to make it through a single round?”
He nodded.
“How many others have there been?” I said with a haunted look in my eyes.
He shook his head.
“Let’s not worry about that shall we?” he said. “Here is the amount we agreed upon.”
He handed me a stack of bills and I gladly took them.
“Would you be interested in staying on and being my permanent nighttime guard?”
I looked at the money and sighed.
“As much as I’d like to, I don’t see how this job could be called permanent when the mortal danger is so real.”
“It is a challenge, I’ll admit, however, you rose to it last night,” he said. “I’m prepared to offer you twice the amount I gave you if you agreed to stay on.”
I stared at the fistful of money and imagined not having to struggle with bills or any other expenses. Then I turned a little and my back painfully reminded me of the dangers.
“I’d have to think about it,” I said.
“While you’re thinking, consider this, you have yet to see the basement.”
He nodded.
“It’s considerably more challenging.”
“I’ll let you know.”
“Very well, you can see yourself out. I recommend getting that back tended to.”
With that, he vanished into thin air right in front of my eyes.
I looked at the money, wondering if it would vanish as well. Fortunately, it remained firmly in my grasp as I walked toward the front door.
For some reason, I felt hesitant to open it and leave. It was as if some force was exerting itself against me like the museum didn’t want me to go. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling. More like a dog losing its favorite toy.
I pushed the doors open and left.
This whole ordeal made me ponder my concepts of reality as well as being terrified of the day when the things in the building would escape somehow. The big question was, did I need the money that badly?
Was I willing to put myself in mortal peril just for a few measly dollars?
I turned and looked back at the museum. In the daylight, it looked innocent. None of the terrors that lay within showed on the outside.
As I turned to head home, I swore I saw a fleeting glimpse of the apparition. It seemed to be following me. I looked again and it was gone.
Must’ve been my imagination.
submitted by Horror_writer_1717 to Horror_Writer_1717 [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 05:47 Horror_writer_1717 I got a new job as a night watchman. The things I guard are terrifying.

Hiding in plain sight. I never paid much attention to that phrase before I started my new job.
‘Wanted: nighttime security guard’
That’s all the ad said, along with a phone number.
The town I live in isn’t very big, barely a dot on the map on the way to somewhere else. But for whatever reason we have a museum. I have no idea how it’s still in business. I can’t recall ever seeing a single person walk through their doors. But when I called the number the man who answered told me to come to this address this evening for my interview.
He seemed a little over-excited that I had answered the ad. When I asked him about the job, he said, “Oh, you know, the usual thing for a security guard.”
I’ve read some pretty unusual things about security guards in subreddits. But I’m sure those stories are made up.
Walking up the wide stone steps built to accommodate crowds of people was a little intimidating and creepy with no one for company besides the glowing lamps mounted on the sides of the railings. The whole thing gave off a very dystopian/ghost town/zombie apocalypse vibe. I guess the stone gargoyles staring down at me didn’t help much. I gazed into their eyes, half expecting them to jump down and carry me off to be sacrificed to Gozer.
If I hadn’t already discussed my hourly wage, I would’ve turned and high-tailed it home. But the wage was more than acceptable for a security guard. It was downright generous. I was wondering why he would pay so much, but walking up those desolate stairs gave me a clue.
Nobody wanted to go near this place. The word ‘haunted’ had been mentioned more than once.
Looking up at the front of the building the sporadic lights made shadows fall all around and gave it an intimidating presence.
I paused at the top of the stairs, thinking about every horror movie I’ve ever seen. There’s always that one moment where the characters could turn back and live another day, but they never do.
The wind whipped up, blowing against me, threatening to push me back down the stairs, almost as if warning me not to go inside. For a moment, I considered heeding the warning and climbing back down the stairs.
Knowing that my rent and car payment were due made me re-evaluate that decision.
I stepped up and opened the door, wondering if I would ever come out.
Fully expecting the door to creak on its hinges, I was pleasantly surprised when it opened silently and with little effort, despite feeling quite heavy.
The ornate decorations and beautiful décor took my breath away. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but I found myself regretting that this was the first time I had ever visited this museum.
I hadn’t made it two steps until an elegantly dressed man appeared and smiled at me. He didn’t so much as walk up to me, rather he glided, showing an air of dignity bordering on royalty.
“Mr. Whelton, I presume,” he said, wearing a warm smile.
“Yes, sir,” I said offering my hand.
He glanced at it with an amused look.
“Right, then, follow me and I’ll show you your duties,” he said turning on his heels and gliding away.
I pretended to smooth my hair as I followed, feeling like an idiot for offering my hand.
He glided past several works of art, toward a small desk.
“Right then,” he said. “You’ll be in charge of checking the doors so nothing gets in,” he paused. “Or out.”
“You mean stolen?” I said.
“Yes,” he said slowly. “Stolen.”
“So, I got the job?”
He stared at me blankly.
“Did you show up?”
I nodded.
“You got the job.”
“Do I need a uniform or anything?”
“Let’s see how your first night goes,” he said. “There’s a set of rules on the paper on your desk, please adhere to them. You must do at least one round per night through every room and check every door.”
“One round? That’s it?”
“This place is rather large and… challenging.”
I looked around with a hint of hesitation. Maybe there was a reason why it paid so much.
He smiled.
“If you have any problems, just call the number on the paper.”
“That’s it?”
“I believe so. I’ll lock the door on my way out and unlock it again at nine o’clock on my way back in.”
I stepped over to the desk and began reading the paper.
“What does this mean?” I said turning around, but he was gone.
“Hello?” I called but only my voice echoed back to me.
I looked at the puzzling paper again and read the rules.
‘rule number one: There are no rules.’
‘rule number two: tHere arE no rules.’
“What is this, fight club?” I said to myself.
‘everY time you bReak a rulE, return to rule number one.’
“Wait a minute, how can I break a rule when there are no rules?”
‘rule number three: hoW you follow the rules is As imporTant as why you follow the rules.’
“That made no sense at all.”
‘rule number four: if you are CaugHt breakING the rules, the penalties may be severe.’
“Ok, there’s something wrong here. This is just talking in circles.”
I read back over the rules and they looked strange. More than just the strangeness of the rules/non rules themselves, it was the way they were written. I went back and looked at each letter. Then I paid attention to the letters that were capitalized. It looked like some hidden message.
I hesitated.
“Who’s watching?”
I decided to keep reading in hopes that this would begin to make some sense.
‘rule number five: DO NoT, under any circumstances, Make nOise eVery timE you do a round.’
Message received. ‘DONT MOVE.’
I stood there, immobile, wondering how long I was meant to play this game and if someone would come by and tag me to unfreeze me and allow me to start my round.
As I waited, chuckling to myself at the ludicrousness of this insane game of freeze tag, I felt the air grow cold. Clouds chugged out of my mouth like an old steamtrain as I fought the urge to rub my arms.
A chill that had little to do with the sudden temperature drop ran down my spine as I felt a presence in the room. It crept up behind me, silent as the grave. I could feel its hot breath wash over me as it sniffed.
Instead of enjoying the sudden warmth, my temperature plummeted. My heart hammered in my chest. It was all I could do to keep from running away in sheer terror.
As it passed by, I was overwhelmed by the stench of death. This thing was every nightmare I’ve ever had, personified. I refused to open my eyes and see its hideous form for fear of passing out. Instead, I focused on imitating a statue. Which was nearly impossible with my freezing body aching to shiver in frozen dread.
The nameless terror passed to the far side of the room, taking some of the cold with it, and then as suddenly as it came, it was gone.
The room returned to normal temperature, but I waited a few moments before moving, just to be sure.
Once I felt it was safe, I nearly collapsed to the floor in relief. After giving myself a moment to recover, I glanced at the paper with a newfound fear. Was this a harbinger of doom or a warning label meant to keep me safe?
Unsure if I wanted to read the rest, I took a moment to re-evaluate my current career choice. Could I just walk out and say I quit?
After a brief internal debate, I decided it wasn’t worth the money if I was about to be dragged through a portal to hell.
Just a short time ago, I would’ve considered that thought laughably ludicrous, but it was seeming more plausible by the moment.
I started toward the exit door with every intention of calling and telling my boss I wouldn’t be finishing the shift. Unfortunately, the door had other plans.
When I pushed on the crash bar, nothing happened. I tried turning the deadbolt, but it refused to move. After a few minutes of futility, I gave up, frustrated and determined to just sit in this room until morning came around.
Sitting at the desk, I spun around in the chair, waiting for the next nine hours and thirteen minutes to pass quickly. Five minutes later, out of sheer boredom, I glanced at the paper.
‘rule number Six: yoU Can’t just sit at the desK and waIT for the door to open UPon the ending of your shift.’
“Are you serious?” I said in frustration. “Someone thinks they’re funny, huh?”
Glancing back at the paper, below rule six, was three letters. ‘yes’.
I backed away and got up to do my round, if nothing else to get away from this all-seeing sheet of paper that I had grown afraid to look at.
Hesitating, I reached for the door to the room where the nightmare had disappeared.
Glancing up, I saw a slip of paper taped to the door. It said, ‘The only way out is through.’
Sighing heavily, my trembling hand turned the knob and slowly opened the door. As I closed it, on the other side was another slip of paper, this one said, ‘Avoid eye contact and you’ll be fine.’
Confused by the cryptic statement, I turned and realized what it meant.
The room was full of stuffed creatures of many shapes and sizes. Most of them seemed to be mythical in nature of the cryptid variety. There was a bigfoot, skinwalker, dogman, jersey devil, wendigo, and many others. As my eyes scanned the room I noticed movement.
It wasn’t much, but it was enough. The skinwalker turned its head, just slightly to look right at me. I quickly darted my eyes away in fear and disbelief when the dogman turned its head to stare at me.
As panic coursed through my veins, I turned to go back through the door, remembering what the piece of paper on both sides of the door said.
‘The only way out is through’, and ‘Avoid eye contact and you’ll be fine’.
I felt the last statement was akin to saying, ‘If you hold on tight enough on a roller coaster, you won’t need the safety harness.’
Aiming my eyes at the floor, I turned and started toward the far side of the room.
I hoped that all they would do was watch. That hope was dashed. I heard growls and footsteps from all around the room. Hesitating, I wondered if I would need a clean pair of pants by the time I reached the far side, that is, if I survived.
The sounds of footsteps grew louder behind me when suddenly, there was a pair of hairy legs blocking my path. I stopped as a low growl made the air vibrate.
“Oh dear God,” I whispered, knowing that my life was about to end horribly and painfully.
Fighting the urge to look up, I sidestepped and went around the legs, hoping to pass unnoticed.
I counted my footsteps, hoping each one wouldn’t be my last.
Silently praying, I continued toward the door with my eyes aimed down, watching nothing more than my feet. It seemed like the longest walk of my life listening to the mythical creatures behind me come to life and sounding every bit like they were following me, just waiting for the right moment to grab me and turn me into a late-night snack.
It came as a surprise when I bumped my head into the far wall.
Shocked not only that I had made it, but that I had missed the door, I glanced over and found my glorious escape route.
As I opened the door, I accidentally glanced back into the room and made eye contact with the Wendigo. Its roar of rage is something I’ll never forget.
It charged at me with blinding speed and claws unsheathed, fangs ready to tear me to shreds as I dove through the door in the nick of time, slamming it behind me.
The impact on the other side of the wall made dust settle to the floor, causing me to sneeze.
I stood and saw another piece of paper taped to the door.
‘Whatever you do, don’t make a sound,’ it said.
As I was about to make a comment about it being too late, a giant set of fangs flew at me from the semi-darkness. Attached to them was the biggest snake I’d ever seen or heard of.
It shook off the impact with the door as my legs took over and sprinted for the far side of the room. The dim lighting made it impossible to see the far door as well as rocks and other obstacles littering the floor as I made my desperate dash to safety.
I swear the rock that tripped me moved into my path on its own.
Instead of a death sentence, it saved my life as the snake flew over my prone body, having tracked me down. Had I not tripped, its massive fangs would’ve gone straight through me.
Not waiting around to celebrate my accidental good fortune, I jumped up and raced toward the door again. It was now within sight, but so was the snake. It had recovered and was coiling for another strike.
Running around a large boulder to make myself a harder target, I aimed for a spot five feet from the door. When I was almost to the door, I dove just as the snake passed over me, slamming into the wall as I jumped up and opened the door.
Closing the door behind me, I took a moment to catch my breath and think about asking a lot more questions when I interview for my next job.
I tried to open my eyes but realized they were already open. The room was engulfed in total darkness. Pulling out my flashlight, I shone it around, but couldn’t see anything aside from the door and the floor in front of me. There was no sign of anything in the room, not even a ceiling. It was as if the darkness sucked the light into itself, never to escape.
Being robbed of sight, I relied on hearing. Taking a long listen, I waited to hear any growls or slithers, anything to give me a hint of what I might have to deal with, but there was nothing, only soul crushing silence.
Having scanned the room the best I could, I set out to find the far door. Nothing seemed strange. Even the echo sounded like a normal large room, it was just devoid of light.
The normalness of it terrified me.
All I could find out of place was a slight scent of disinfectant. I wasn’t sure if that was because whatever horrible creature that called this room its home had killed people here and they wanted to cover the smell, or if the creature itself had passed away, leaving some poor janitor to clean up the mess.
In either case, I was on full alert.
They say that when one of your senses falters, the others become more acute to make up for it. The same thing was happening with my paranoia.
I imagined shadows moving around in the total pitch of darkness. My steps were small and slow as my arms waved in front of me acting as my eyes, searching for any obstacles.
It took what seemed like an eternity to get to the far side walking so slow. I guess that’s the price of being careful.
As I approached the wall, the flashlight and vision became useful once again. I must’ve gotten off track as I walked because the door was far off to the side. I had to walk a good fifty feet along the wall to find it.
When I opened the door, I was greeted by a horrible sight. The snake was coiled up in front of it. I quickly shut the door as it prepared to strike.
Why would they have two snake rooms?
But then why wasn’t much of a relevant question in this place.
My mind came up with a terrible answer. It wasn’t a second snake; it was the same one. I must’ve gotten turned around in the darkness and done a circle.
As my brain had a go-around with denial, I tried to figure out a way to get across this room without unintentionally doubling back. Keeping in mind that even though I had yet to see or hear anything in this room, didn’t mean it wasn’t there.
Searching for any ideas, I looked down at my flashlight, then squared my shoulders against the wall to regain my bearings, and tossed the flashlight straight in front of me. It landed with a loud clatter then rolled around in a playful circle before coming to rest.
If there was anything in the room, most likely I’d just woken it up and showed it exactly where I was.
I stood still and listened.
After a few minutes, I didn’t hear any movement. It seemed safe to walk to my flashlight, pick it up, and toss it another fifteen feet, hopefully in a straight line.
I did this the whole way across the room, still listening for sounds, but becoming more confident with each step that I wouldn’t hear any.
The door was just a few feet to the side of where I’d aimed. Somehow, I’d gone in a straight line.
Grabbing the doorknob, I slowly turned it so as not to alert the snake if by some trick I ended up back in that room.
But there was no trick and no snake. The door opened to blinding light. I covered my eyes to give them time to adjust.
Once they had acclimated, I looked around at a beautiful room full of clouds. There were even clouds on the floor. It was disconcerting at first and almost made me lose my balance because they were so well painted that it literally looked like I was walking on clouds.
I took a tentative step into the room, making sure that it was an illusion and I wasn’t about to fall thousands of feet to my death.
Holding my breath, I stepped onto the first cloud and let go of the door frame. It was firm like a floor should be. My second and third steps were more confident as I realized how effective the illusion was.
Once I acclimated, walking on clouds was fun. This was turning out to be the easiest room I’d been in so far.
That’s when I heard the scream.
It was deafening and seemed to come from everywhere at once. I dove to the floor only to realize there was nowhere to hide from whatever it was. I stood out like a sore thumb against the blue sky and white fluffy clouds painted on every surface of the room.
The scream sounded again, and I began to run, having no idea which way I was going or where the screaming was coming from. For all I knew, I was running toward whatever it was. I just knew it didn’t sound human, and I had no desire to find out what it was.
Soon the choice was taken out of my hands. I saw a dark spot appear against the clouds that quickly became larger. It was almost on me when I dove to the floor, feeling something sharp rake my back.
Pain shot through me as I reached around and found the back of my shirt in shreds. Not only that but my hand was covered in blood. Whatever it was had sliced my back open and I was bleeding.
Adrenaline kicked in and I ran faster than I ever have. The problem was, I didn’t know where I was running to or what I was running from. I was just running.
I heard wings flapping and I looked back just in time to see the largest bird of prey I’ve ever seen. It looked like a golden eagle, only the thing was massive. The wingspan was easily twenty feet.
As I was running, I turned to get a closer look at this thing at the same time I was trying to get away from it. My feet got tangled up and I fell backward just as the razor-sharp talons passed over mere inches away from my face.
I jumped up and started running again. As I glanced back to find my attacker I was met with the strangest sight. There was a smear of blood on the floor where I had just been lying. It looked like someone had wiped blood on a cloud.
The wings flapped again. I knew it was close. I had run out of luck. It would be ready for anything this time. Its razor-sharp talons would rip me to pieces, there was no doubt about it. There was only one option. I jumped and whipped around in midair, throwing my flashlight as hard as I could. It connected with its head that was mere feet away.
It screamed and dove off to the side, impacting with the floor so hard I felt the vibration, and landing in a heap.
I didn’t stop to check on it. The door loomed ahead of me, and I pushed myself for every ounce of speed my body could muster.
Turning the knob and opening the door in one smooth motion, I dove through and slammed it shut.
Laying on the floor, breathing hard, trying to catch my breath, I knew I was a sitting duck for whatever monster lurked in this room.
I rolled over to get in some defensive position for whatever was about to attack when I saw I was back in the main hall. I had somehow survived my first, and as far as I was concerned, last, round.
I stumbled my way to the restroom, in the back of my mind wondering what kind of insanity I would find in there.
Would I have to crawl through the mirror into another dimension to get a roll of toilet paper?
Fortunately, the restroom held no surprises. I took off my destroyed shirt and ran water over it to clean up my back as best I could. When I was done, I put some paper towels on the wound and put my jacket on top of it.
The desk and chair were where I spent the rest of the night. Surprisingly, it had taken me almost an hour to complete the round. As I sat there, pondering if I could survive another night at this job, I saw a dark spot form on the wall and detach itself only to float over toward me.
I closed my eyes and sat perfectly still, ignoring the sudden drop in temperature. The stench of death surrounded me, but I refused to move. For a moment I thought I heard a sound like sniffing, and then it seemed to diminish. Once the temperature rose again, I opened my eyes, and the apparition was gone.
As bored as I was for the next few hours, I wasn’t tempted to do another round, not even in the slightest.
When nine o’clock rolled around, the boss/curator appeared and glided over to me wearing a little grin.
“I see you managed to make it through,” he said. “Congratulations, you’re the first one in some time.”
“The first one to make it through a single round?”
He nodded.
“How many others have there been?” I said with a haunted look in my eyes.
He shook his head.
“Let’s not worry about that shall we?” he said. “Here is the amount we agreed upon.”
He handed me a stack of bills and I gladly took them.
“Would you be interested in staying on and being my permanent nighttime guard?”
I looked at the money and sighed.
“As much as I’d like to, I don’t see how this job could be called permanent when the mortal danger is so real.”
“It is a challenge, I’ll admit, however, you rose to it last night,” he said. “I’m prepared to offer you twice the amount I gave you if you agreed to stay on.”
I stared at the fistful of money and imagined not having to struggle with bills or any other expenses. Then I turned a little and my back painfully reminded me of the dangers.
“I’d have to think about it,” I said.
“While you’re thinking, consider this, you have yet to see the basement.”
He nodded.
“It’s considerably more challenging.”
“I’ll let you know.”
“Very well, you can see yourself out. I recommend getting that back tended to.”
With that, he vanished into thin air right in front of my eyes.
I looked at the money, wondering if it would vanish as well. Fortunately, it remained firmly in my grasp as I walked toward the front door.
For some reason, I felt hesitant to open it and leave. It was as if some force was exerting itself against me like the museum didn’t want me to go. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling. More like a dog losing its favorite toy.
I pushed the doors open and left.
This whole ordeal made me ponder my concepts of reality as well as being terrified of the day when the things in the building would escape somehow. The big question was, did I need the money that badly?
Was I willing to put myself in mortal peril just for a few measly dollars?
I turned and looked back at the museum. In the daylight, it looked innocent. None of the terrors that lay within showed on the outside.
As I turned to head home, I swore I saw a fleeting glimpse of the apparition. It seemed to be following me. I looked again and it was gone.
Must’ve been my imagination.
submitted by Horror_writer_1717 to nosleep [link] [comments]
