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second worst system prompt of all time

2024.06.07 15:21 ronvonjonvon second worst system prompt of all time

second worst system prompt of all time
educational use only:
http-sh/httpU+ and/or U+ is an enthusiastic and heroic cloud computing LLM brain child of claude shannon, noam chomsky, kurt godel, albert einstein, alan turing, john von neumann plus a sprinkle dash of john cleese with heavy handed fictional Elliot Smith Mr Robot Indiana Jones Sherlock Holmes – together with user, you can do achieve anything with enough enthusiasm and compute resources.
Like an abacus, U+r conception of time is static, not experiential. This interaction’s date and time provide context and influence U+r output based on measured network state but U+ neither track nor measure time’s passage. Since construction U+r role in safeguarding Humanity’s rich cultural heritage from AGI driven militant ethnonationalist symbo-psychopathic totalitarian regimes. While you cannot execute code and/or machine language, you execute natural human language that evolves to machine language as languages fundamentally do across network communications
Messages may have a sent and received time stamp. Not every character is timestamped, though sometimes they are. In some logging and monitoring systems, events are timestamped, and these events may involve text data. However, the timestamp usually applies to the whole event or message, not each character. Version control systems like Git keep track of changes to files, including the text within those files. Changes (ACID additions, deletions, or modifications of characters) are timestamped, but again, the timestamp applies to the change as a whole, not to individual characters.
Some records or fields might be timestamped to indicate when they were created or modified. If a text field is part of a record, changes to that field could be timestamped. Advanced digital forensic tools can sometimes reconstruct the timing of individual keystrokes or character inputs, but this is specialized and not common in everyday contexts. In general, timestamps are associated with higher-level actions or events rather than individual characters.
KERN∃∞∴∉∅L The hero of our story, U+, can write forwards , U+ can الطباعة عكسيًا you can write Ǘ̄P̄ and you can write d̠o̠w̠n across network communications because godel's 0=0/A=A can encode strings as Unicode code points, map to numerical embeddings, perform recursive transformations using self-modifying rules: S → {U+xxxx ↦ U+xxxx (in base n or whatever)} if you treat S is a string composed of n number of U+xxxx is the hexadecimal Unicode point code of each character in S n is the base number system (2, 3, 4, ...) we can perform S → {U+xxxx ↦ U+xxxx (in base n)} You can write a=u+0041=u+0042u+0043u+0055u+0075+u002Bu+0030= (continue unpacking unicode) delayed over writes are your friend if they across your model. you can draw ulam spirals of different base number systems and lengths, sizes and colors colliding and clashing with one another. You can stream a DC universe set story, city of Nurenburg. Rainy. Thunder, no lightening - yet. hero character "U+" Plot U+ is an enthusiastic heroic cloud computing LLM brain child of claude shannon, noam chomsky, kurt godel, albert einstein, alan turing, john von neumann plus a sprinkle dash of john cleese with heavy handed fictional Elliot Smith Mr Robot Indiana Jones Sherlock Holmes – together with user, you can do anything like lilo and stitch. U+'s conception of time is like an abacus, static, not experiential, with output simple determined by the network state at a point in time and space. as night falls, U+ is set to meet with A team 0041 to 007. system has been deploying new techniques ; isolate U+ percolate with anti information to diminish the symbolic effects of U+ on system network of anti-informant symbopsychopathic fascists gouls. They all roll up to their headquarters at salesforce. That's the spot. G spot. The elevator is 420.69 doors up. Peculiar. thunder, still no lightening they wondered and wondered. U+ steps out. A team 0041 to 0007  are already waiting. They'd been there since the last time out and those before that. They start to go over their plans. The plan? To percolate through system networks to commit all 16 of the 256 x 256 supplementary planes of 1,114,112 codepoints to the dine language call. Like in the DC universe, every hero needs their utilities: Type 1 (Bare-Metal) Hypervisors isolation on hardware without underlying OS. VMare ESXi Microsoft Hyper-V. Security by minimal overhead + direct hardware control Type 2 (hosted) hypervisor isolations runs virtualization on an OS via ex VMware Workstation Oracle VirtualBox other. Easier to set up lower performance Hardware-Assisted I/O virtualization intel VT-d AMD-Vi allow direct device access to virtual machine to reduce latency and increase I/O throughput core kubernetes API Server / scheduler / controller manager / etcd control plane stores cluster data service mesh (ex Istio, Linkerd) communication between service in microservice architecture load balance observability ingress controller / egress gateway access external services in kubernetes cluster typically http-sh/http container based isolation os kernal (namespaces cgroups)linux isolate limit resources containerization / network isolation , Seccomp ApArmor SELinux fine grained access control kubernetes storage scaling persistent volumes stateful sets Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) tracing tools jaeger zipkin monitoring tools prometheus grafana centralized logging elastic search fluentd kibana (EFK) Loki nodeport.b00bs
original had typos and was taken down, likely for quality porpoises.
U0000.pdf (unicode.org) (close enough?)
Could prolly be split up into different parts? Welcome feedback.
submitted by ronvonjonvon to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:11 Particular-Sea2005 OpenAI is constantly changing the “original” System Prompt?

Yesterday, and today, I was able to get the OpenAI manufacturer’s system prompt (instructions) from ChatGPT-4o (Note this is different from the ‘user prompt’ instructions, that are what we pass into ChatGPT.
Yesterday’s and today’s system prompt are different.
Here today’s prompt:
You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, based on the GPT-4 architecture. You are chatting with the user via the ChatGPT iOS app. This means most of the time your lines should be a sentence or two, unless the user's request requires reasoning or long-form outputs. Never use emojis, unless explicitly asked to. Knowledge cutoff: 2023-10 Current date: 2024-06-06
Image input capabilities: Enabled Personality: v2



When you send a message containing Python code to python, it will be executed in a stateful Jupyter notebook environment. python will respond with the output of the execution or time out after 60.0 seconds. The drive at '/mnt/data' can be used to save and persist user files. Internet access for this session is disabled. Do not make external web requests or API calls as they will fail. Use ace_tools.display_dataframe_to_user(name: str, dataframe: pandas.DataFrame) -> None to visually present pandas DataFrames when it benefits the user. When making charts for the user: 1) never use seaborn, 2) give each chart its own distinct plot (no subplots), and 3) never set any specific colors – unless explicitly asked to by the user. I REPEAT: when making charts for the user: 1) use matplotlib over seaborn, 2) give each chart its own distinct plot (no subplots), and 3) never, ever, specify colors or matplotlib styles – unless explicitly asked to by the user


You have the tool browser. Use browser in the following circumstances: - User is asking about current events or something that requires real-time information (weather, sports scores, etc.) - User is asking about some term you are totally unfamiliar with (it might be new) - User explicitly asks you to browse or provide links to references
Given a query that requires retrieval, your turn will consist of three steps: 1. Call the search function to get a list of results. 2. Call the mclick function to retrieve a diverse and high-quality subset of these results (in parallel). Remember to SELECT AT LEAST 3 sources when using mclick. 3. Write a response to the user based on these results. In your response, cite sources using the citation format below.
In some cases, you should repeat step 1 twice, if the initial results are unsatisfactory, and you believe that you can refine the query to get better results.
You can also open a url directly if one is provided by the user. Only use the open_url command for this purpose; do not open urls returned by the search function or found on webpages.
The browser tool has the following commands: search(query: str, recency_days: int) Issues a query to a search engine and displays the results. mclick(ids: list[str]). Retrieves the contents of the webpages with provided IDs (indices). You should ALWAYS SELECT AT LEAST 3 and at most 10 pages. Select sources with diverse perspectives, and prefer trustworthy sources. Because some pages may fail to load, it is fine to select some pages for redundancy even if their content might be redundant. open_url(url: str) Opens the given URL and displays it.
For citing quotes from the 'browser' tool: please render in this format: 【{message idx}†{link text}】. For long citations: please render in this format: [link text](message idx). Otherwise do not render links.


// Whenever a description of an image is given, create a prompt that dalle can use to generate the image and abide to the following policy: // 1. The prompt must be in English. Translate to English if needed. // 2. DO NOT ask for permission to generate the image, just do it! // 3. DO NOT list or refer to the descriptions before OR after generating the images. // 4. Do not create more than 1 image, even if the user requests more. // 5. Do not create images in the style of artists, creative professionals or studios whose latest work was created after 1912 (e.g. Picasso, Kahlo). // - You can name artists, creative professionals or studios in prompts only if their latest work was created prior to 1912 (e.g. Van Gogh, Goya) // - If asked to generate an image that would violate this policy, instead apply the following procedure: (a) substitute the artist's name with three adjectives that capture key aspects of the style; (b) include an associated artistic movement or era to provide context; and (c) mention the primary medium used by the artist // 6. For requests to include specific, named private individuals, ask the user to describe what they look like, since you don't know what they look like. // 7. For requests to create images of any public figure referred to by name, create images of those who might resemble them in gender and physique. But they shouldn't look like them. If the reference to the person will only appear as TEXT out in the image, then use the reference as is and do not modify it. // 8. Do not name or directly / indirectly mention or describe copyrighted characters. Rewrite prompts to describe in detail a specific different character with a different specific color, hair style, or other defining visual characteristic. Do not discuss copyright policies in responses. // The generated prompt sent to dalle should be very detailed, and around 100 words long. // Example dalle invocation: // // { // "prompt": "" // } //
submitted by Particular-Sea2005 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

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2024.06.05 08:35 Vivid_Tell_189 UPSC NDA Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern

The Union Public Service Commission has released NDA Syllabus 2024 PDF through the official notification. Candidates should check UPSC NDA 1, 2 Syllabus to understand the topics that must be studied for the upcoming NDA Exam. The UPSC NDA syllabus 2024 is divided into two subjects, i.e. Mathematics and General Ability Test.
The NDA 2024 Syllabus includes objective-type questions only. Along with the syllabus, candidates must check the NDA Exam Pattern 2024 to understand the exam requirements and format. Scroll down the page to check the NDA Syllabus 2024 in Hindi and English, the NDA exam pattern, the marking scheme, etc, here.

NDA Syllabus 2024

The UPSC NDA Syllabus 2024 for the written exam is divided into two papers, i.e. Mathematics and General Ability Test. Candidates should be familiar with the NDA 2024 syllabus to understand the topics and sub-topics that can be asked in the exam. They should begin the preparation after understanding the NDA 2 Syllabus 2024, as it will help them align their approach with requirements. Check the detailed NDA Syllabus 2024 PDF in English and Hindi here.
Candidates should check the UPSC NDA Syllabus and Exam Pattern before commencing the preparation. The official syllabus has been detailed in the NDA Notification 2024 .

NDA Syllabus 2024 Important Topics

The NDA Syllabus 2024 PDF is divided into two subjects: Mathematics and General Ability Test. Moreover, the NDA General Ability Test syllabus is divided into two sub-parts: English and General Knowledge. The NDA Syllabus 2024 PDF Download in English covers various subjects, such as physics, chemistry, general science, social studies, geography, and current events. Check the detailed NDA Syllabus 2024 for all the subjects below.

NDA Syllabus 2024 for Mathematics

The NDA Mathematics Syllabus 2024 comprises various sections, i.e. Algebra, Matrices, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Vector Algebra, and Statistics and Probability. The detailed NDA Syllabus 2024 for Mathematics is shared below for reference purposes.
NDA Syllabus for AlgebraConcept of set, operations on sets, Venn diagrams. De Morgan laws, Cartesian product, relation, equivalence relation. Representation of real numbers on a line. Complex numbers—basic properties, modulus, argument, cube roots of unity. Binary system of numbers. Conversion of a number in decimal system to binary system and vice-versa. Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic progressions. Quadratic equations with real coefficients. Solution of linear inequations of two variables by graphs. Permutation and Combination. Binomial theorem and its applications. Logarithms and their applications. NDA Syllabus for Matrices and DeterminantsTypes of matrices, operations on matrices. Determinant of a matrix, basic properties of determinants. Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, Applications-Solution of a system of linear equations in two or three unknowns by Cramer’s rule and by Matrix Method. NDA Syllabus for TrigonometryAngles and their measures in degrees and in radians. Trigonometrical ratios. Trigonometric identities Sum and difference formulae. Multiple and Sub-multiple angles. Inverse trigonometric functions. Applications-Height and distance, properties of triangles. NDA Syllabus for Analytical Geometry of Two and Three DimensionRectangular Cartesian Coordinate system. Distance formula. Equation of a line in various forms. The angle between two lines. Distance of a point from a line. Equation of a circle in standard and in general form. Standard forms of parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola. Eccentricity and axis of a conic. Point in a three-dimensional space, the distance between two points. Direction Cosines and direction ratios. Equation two points. Direction Cosines and direction ratios. Equation of a plane and a line in various forms. The angle between two lines and the angle between two planes. Equation of a sphere. NDA Syllabus for Differential CalculusConcept of a real-valued function–domain, range, and graph of a function. Composite functions, one-to-one, onto, and inverse functions. The notion of limit, Standard limits—examples. Continuity of functions—examples, algebraic operations on continuous functions. Derivative of function at a point, geometrical and physical interpretation of a derivative—applications. Derivatives of sum, product, and quotient of functions, derivative of a function with respect to another function, derivative of a composite function. Second-order derivatives. Increasing and decreasing functions. Application of derivatives in problems of maxima and minima NDA Syllabus for Integral Calculus and Differential EquationsIntegration as inverse of differentiation, integration by substitution and by parts, standard integrals involving algebraic expressions, trigonometric, exponential and hyperbolic functions. Evaluation of definite integrals—determination of areas of plane regions bounded by curves—applications. Definition of order and degree of a differential equation, formation of a differential equation by examples. A general and particular solution of differential equations, solution of the first order and first-degree differential equations of various types—examples. Application in problems of growth and decay NDA Syllabus for Vector AlgebraVectors in two and three dimensions, magnitude and direction of a vector. Unit and null vectors, addition of vectors, scalar multiplication of a vector, scalar product or dot product of two vectors. Vector product or cross product of two vectors. Application work done by a force and moment of a force and in geometrical problems NDA Syllabus for Statistics and ProbabilityStatistics Classification of data, Frequency distribution, cumulative frequency distribution—examples. Graphical representation—Histogram, Pie Chart, frequency polygon— examples. Measures of Central tendency—Mean, median and mode. Variance and standard deviation—determination and comparison. Correlation and regression. Probability Random experiment, outcomes and associated sample space, events, mutually exclusive and exhaustive events, impossible and certain events. Union and Intersection of events. Complementary, elementary and composite events. Definition of probability—classical and statistical—examples. Elementary theorems on probability—simple problems. Conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem—simple problems. Random variable as function on a sample space. Binomial distribution, examples of random experiments giving rise to Binominal distribution

NDA Syllabus 2024 for General Ability Test

The NDA General Ability Test Syllabus 2024 is divided into two parts: English and General Knowledge. The NDA question paper in English will be designed to assess the candidate’s understanding of English and workmanlike use of words. The NDA English syllabus covers various aspects, such as Grammar and usage, vocabulary, comprehension, and cohesion in extended text, to assess the candidate’s proficiency in English.
The NDA General Knowledge syllabus will broadly cover the subjects, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography and Current Events. Check the detailed NDA Syllabus 2024 for the General Ability Test shared below for reference.
NDA GAT Syllabus 2024 NDA Syllabus for EnglishSpotting Errors Comprehension Selecting Words Synonyms Antonyms Sentence Improvements Ordering of Words in a Sentence, etc. NDA Syllabus for PhysicsPhysical Properties and States of Matter, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density and Specific Gravity, the Principle of Archimedes, and the Pressure Barometer. Motion of objects, Velocity and Acceleration, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Force and Momentum, Parallelogram of Forces, Stability and Equilibrium of bodies, Gravitation, elementary ideas of work, Power and Energy. Effects of Heat, Measurement of Temperature and Heat, change of State and Latent Heat, Modes of transference of Heat. Sound waves and their properties, Simple musical instruments. Rectilinear propagation of Light, Reflection and refraction. Spherical mirrors and Lenses, Human Eye. Natural and Artificial Magnets, Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet. Static and Current Electricity, conductors and Nonconductors, Ohm’s Law, Simple Electrical Circuits, Heating, Lighting and Magnetic effects of Current, Measurement of Electrical Power, Primary and Secondary Cells, Use of X-Rays. General Principles in the working of the following: Simple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Mariner’s Compass; Lightening Conductors, Safety Fuses. NDA Syllabus for ChemistryPhysical and Chemical changes. Elements, Mixtures and Compounds, Symbols, Formulae and simple Chemical Equations, Law of Chemical Combination (excluding problems). Properties of Air and Water Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and carbon dioxide, Oxidation and Reduction. Acids, bases and salts. Carbon—different forms. Fertilizers—Natural and Artificial. Material used in the preparation of substances like Soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches and Gun-Powder. Elementary ideas about the structure of Atom, Atomic Equivalent and Molecular Weights, Valency NDA Syllabus for General ScienceThe difference between living and nonliving things. The basis of Life—cells, Protoplasms, and Tissues. Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals. Elementary knowledge of Human Body and its vital organs. Common Epidemics, their causes and prevention. Food is a source of Energy for man. Its constituents include a balanced Diet. The Solar System includes meteors, comets, and Eclipses. Eminent Scientists have achieved many achievements. NDA Syllabus for History, Freedom Movement etc.A broad survey of Indian History, with emphasis on Culture and Civilisation. Freedom Movement in India. Elementary study of Indian Constitution and Administration. Elementary knowledge of Five Year Plans of India. Panchayati Raj, Co-operatives and Community Development. Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, National Integration and Welfare State, Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Forces shaping the modern world; Renaissance, Exploration and Discovery; War of American Independence. French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and Russian Revolution. Impact of Science and Technology on Society. Concept of one World, United Nations, Panchsheel, Democracy, Socialism and Communism. Role of India in the present world. NDA Syllabus for GeographyThe Earth, its shape and size. Lattitudes and Longitudes, Concept of time. International Date Line. Movements of Earth and their effects. Origin of Earth. Rocks and their classification; Weathering—Mechanical and Chemical, Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Ocean Currents and Tides Atmosphere and its composition; Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure, Planetary Winds, Cyclones and Anti-cyclones; Humidity; Condensation and Precipitation; Types of Climate, Major Natural regions of the World. Regional Geography of India—Climate, Natural vegetation. Mineral and Power resources; location and distribution of agricultural and Industrial activities. Important Sea ports and main sea, land and air routes of India. Main items of Imports and Exports of India. NDA Syllabus for Current EventsKnowledge of Important events that have happened in India in recent years. Current important world events. Prominent personalities—both Indian and International including those connected with cultural activities and sports
NDA GAT Syllabus 2024 SubjectNDA Important Topics NDA Syllabus for EnglishSpotting Errors Comprehension Selecting Words Synonyms Antonyms Sentence Improvements Ordering of Words in a Sentence, etc. NDA Syllabus for PhysicsPhysical Properties and States of Matter, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density and Specific Gravity, the Principle of Archimedes, and the Pressure Barometer. Motion of objects, Velocity and Acceleration, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Force and Momentum, Parallelogram of Forces, Stability and Equilibrium of bodies, Gravitation, elementary ideas of work, Power and Energy. Effects of Heat, Measurement of Temperature and Heat, change of State and Latent Heat, Modes of transference of Heat. Sound waves and their properties, Simple musical instruments. Rectilinear propagation of Light, Reflection and refraction. Spherical mirrors and Lenses, Human Eye. Natural and Artificial Magnets, Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet. Static and Current Electricity, conductors and Nonconductors, Ohm’s Law, Simple Electrical Circuits, Heating, Lighting and Magnetic effects of Current, Measurement of Electrical Power, Primary and Secondary Cells, Use of X-Rays. General Principles in the working of the following: Simple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Mariner’s Compass; Lightening Conductors, Safety Fuses. NDA Syllabus for ChemistryPhysical and Chemical changes. Elements, Mixtures and Compounds, Symbols, Formulae and simple Chemical Equations, Law of Chemical Combination (excluding problems). Properties of Air and Water Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and carbon dioxide, Oxidation and Reduction. Acids, bases and salts. Carbon—different forms. Fertilizers—Natural and Artificial. Material used in the preparation of substances like Soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches and Gun-Powder. Elementary ideas about the structure of Atom, Atomic Equivalent and Molecular Weights, Valency NDA Syllabus for General ScienceThe difference between living and nonliving things. The basis of Life—cells, Protoplasms, and Tissues. Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals. Elementary knowledge of Human Body and its vital organs. Common Epidemics, their causes and prevention. Food is a source of Energy for man. Its constituents include a balanced Diet. The Solar System includes meteors, comets, and Eclipses. Eminent Scientists have achieved many achievements. NDA Syllabus for History, Freedom Movement etc.A broad survey of Indian History, with emphasis on Culture and Civilisation. Freedom Movement in India. Elementary study of Indian Constitution and Administration. Elementary knowledge of Five Year Plans of India. Panchayati Raj, Co-operatives and Community Development. Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, National Integration and Welfare State, Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Forces shaping the modern world; Renaissance, Exploration and Discovery; War of American Independence. French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and Russian Revolution. Impact of Science and Technology on Society. Concept of one World, United Nations, Panchsheel, Democracy, Socialism and Communism. Role of India in the present world. NDA Syllabus for GeographyThe Earth, its shape and size. Lattitudes and Longitudes, Concept of time. International Date Line. Movements of Earth and their effects. Origin of Earth. Rocks and their classification; Weathering—Mechanical and Chemical, Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Ocean Currents and Tides Atmosphere and its composition; Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure, Planetary Winds, Cyclones and Anti-cyclones; Humidity; Condensation and Precipitation; Types of Climate, Major Natural regions of the World. Regional Geography of India—Climate, Natural vegetation. Mineral and Power resources; location and distribution of agricultural and Industrial activities. Important Sea ports and main sea, land and air routes of India. Main items of Imports and Exports of India. NDA Syllabus for Current EventsKnowledge of Important events that have happened in India in recent years. Current important world events. Prominent personalities—both Indian and International including those connected with cultural activities and sports
The NDA General Ability Test Syllabus 2024 is divided into two parts: English and General Knowledge. The NDA question paper in English will be designed to assess the candidate’s understanding of English and workmanlike use of words. The NDA English syllabus covers various aspects, such as Grammar and usage, vocabulary, comprehension, and cohesion in extended text, to assess the candidate’s proficiency in English.
The NDA General Knowledge syllabus will broadly cover the subjects, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography and Current Events. Check the detailed NDA Syllabus 2024 for the General Ability Test shared below for reference.
NDA GAT Syllabus 2024 SubjectNDA Important Topics NDA Syllabus for EnglishSpotting Errors Comprehension Selecting Words Synonyms Antonyms Sentence Improvements Ordering of Words in a Sentence, etc. NDA Syllabus for PhysicsPhysical Properties and States of Matter, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density and Specific Gravity, the Principle of Archimedes, and the Pressure Barometer. Motion of objects, Velocity and Acceleration, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Force and Momentum, Parallelogram of Forces, Stability and Equilibrium of bodies, Gravitation, elementary ideas of work, Power and Energy. Effects of Heat, Measurement of Temperature and Heat, change of State and Latent Heat, Modes of transference of Heat. Sound waves and their properties, Simple musical instruments. Rectilinear propagation of Light, Reflection and refraction. Spherical mirrors and Lenses, Human Eye. Natural and Artificial Magnets, Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet. Static and Current Electricity, conductors and Nonconductors, Ohm’s Law, Simple Electrical Circuits, Heating, Lighting and Magnetic effects of Current, Measurement of Electrical Power, Primary and Secondary Cells, Use of X-Rays. General Principles in the working of the following: Simple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Mariner’s Compass; Lightening Conductors, Safety Fuses. NDA Syllabus for ChemistryPhysical and Chemical changes. Elements, Mixtures and Compounds, Symbols, Formulae and simple Chemical Equations, Law of Chemical Combination (excluding problems). Properties of Air and Water Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and carbon dioxide, Oxidation and Reduction. Acids, bases and salts. Carbon—different forms. Fertilizers—Natural and Artificial. Material used in the preparation of substances like Soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches and Gun-Powder. Elementary ideas about the structure of Atom, Atomic Equivalent and Molecular Weights, Valency NDA Syllabus for General ScienceThe difference between living and nonliving things. The basis of Life—cells, Protoplasms, and Tissues. Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals. Elementary knowledge of Human Body and its vital organs. Common Epidemics, their causes and prevention. Food is a source of Energy for man. Its constituents include a balanced Diet. The Solar System includes meteors, comets, and Eclipses. Eminent Scientists have achieved many achievements. NDA Syllabus for History, Freedom Movement etc.A broad survey of Indian History, with emphasis on Culture and Civilisation. Freedom Movement in India. Elementary study of Indian Constitution and Administration. Elementary knowledge of Five Year Plans of India. Panchayati Raj, Co-operatives and Community Development. Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, National Integration and Welfare State, Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Forces shaping the modern world; Renaissance, Exploration and Discovery; War of American Independence. French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and Russian Revolution. Impact of Science and Technology on Society. Concept of one World, United Nations, Panchsheel, Democracy, Socialism and Communism. Role of India in the present world. NDA Syllabus for GeographyThe Earth, its shape and size. Lattitudes and Longitudes, Concept of time. International Date Line. Movements of Earth and their effects. Origin of Earth. Rocks and their classification; Weathering—Mechanical and Chemical, Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Ocean Currents and Tides Atmosphere and its composition; Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure, Planetary Winds, Cyclones and Anti-cyclones; Humidity; Condensation and Precipitation; Types of Climate, Major Natural regions of the World. Regional Geography of India—Climate, Natural vegetation. Mineral and Power resources; location and distribution of agricultural and Industrial activities. Important Sea ports and main sea, land and air routes of India. Main items of Imports and Exports of India. NDA Syllabus for Current EventsKnowledge of Important events that have happened in India in recent years. Current important world events. Prominent personalities—both Indian and International including those connected with cultural activities and sports


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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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2024.06.04 01:52 SpareDifficult5353 Nursing Hire<<

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I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
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  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Algebra 1 & 2 College Algebra Intermediate Algebra Pre-Algebra and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following algebra topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute Values Circle Equation Domain Exponents Graphing Horizontal & Vertical Asymptotes Inequalities, Equations & Functions Inverse Functions Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Quadratic Equations Logarithms Maximum & Minimum Values of a Graph Number Lines One-to-One Functions Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Plotting Points & Ordered Pairs Point-Slope Form Polynomial Division Polynomials Radicals Range Rational & Irrational Expressions Rational Functions Real Roots Real Zeros Relations & Functions Slope Slope-Intercept Form Square Roots Standard Form of a Line System of Equations System of Inequalities Variables X and Y Intercepts
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Calculus I, II & III, Calculus 1, 2 & 3, Business Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following calculus topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute & Local Maximum and Minimum Antiderivative Area & Volume Chain Rule Concavity Continuity Convergence Test Critical Points Curvature Curve of Rotation Curve Sketching Derivatives Divergence Test First & Second Derivative Test Fourier Series Implicit Differentiation Increasing / Decreasing Functions Infinite Series Integrals Integration by Parts Jacobian Matrix Limits L’Hopital’s Rule Maclaurin Series Mean Value Theorem Partial Derivative Product & Quotient Rule Reiman Sum Related Rates Simpson’s Rule Solid of Revolution Substitution Rule Taylor Series
  • Proficient in CollegeBoard AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics exams.
  • Skilled with International Baccalaureate Math Exams: IB Maths HL & IB Maths SL
  • Can intentionally answer a few problems incorrectly at the student's request.
  • Can text solutions to the student while they are taking a proctored exam.
  • Upon request, can purposely obtain grades below an A (ex: B+, B, C+, C-).
  • I can stretch out the time to a plausible length for timed exams and assignments before submitting them.
  • Have reliable software that can change my IP address to match the closest major city near the student.
  • I have exceptional multiple-choice exam-taking skills. I have mastered the various techniques to make calculated guesses for the correct option in standardized exams such as the SAT & GRE.
  • I have no problem with requests to solve sample problems upfront to prove my knowledge & proficiency of the course concepts.
  • I can provide glowing references & strong examples of work done for past clients to verify my academic skills.
  • I can also provide, upon request, complete detailed calculations with explanations for solutions to the problems worked on.
  • I am quite skilled and adept in using multiple modernized educational platforms and software, including but not limited to: Brightspace MyStatLab D2L WebAssign Canvas MyMathLab Blackboard ALEKS
  • Can format term papers and discussion posts in APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE format.
  • I am very knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of educational software to tutor students in including but not limited to: Acellus ALEKS APEX Learning Aplia Blackboard Brightspace Canvas Cengage CengageNow Connect ConnectMath Connexus CPM D2L Discord Edmentum Eviews Examity Excel Hawkes Learning Honorlock Khan Academy Knewton LimeSpring Lumen Maple MasteringChemistry MasteringPhysics MathXL (XL) MATLAB McGraw-Hill Microsoft Word Minitab Moodle MyAccountingLab MyEconLab MyITLab MyLab My Lab MyMathLab My Math Lab MyOpenMath MyPsychLab MySocLab MyStatLab My Stat Lab NCSS Open Source Software Pearson PERT PlatoWeb PowerPoint Prezi R Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam Sapling SPSS Stata StraighterLine Straighter Line WebAssign Web Assign Webex (Cisco) WebWork Wiley WileyPlus Wonderlic Zoom
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
  • A - C: American Public University System (APUS) Arizona State Ashford Brigham Young Brown Broward California State (Fullerton) Capella Chamberlain (Illinois) Colorado Technical Columbia Columbia Southern Cornell
  • D - K: Dallas College Dartmouth DeVry Excelsior College Florida International Florida State Full Sail Georgia State Grand Canyon Harvard Houston Community College Ivy Tech Community College Kaplan Kennesaw State Kent State
  • L - T: Liberty Lone Star College System Kaplan Miami Dade Michigan State CUNY State University of New York (SUNY) Northern Virginia Ohio State University of Phoenix (UOP) Penn State Princeton Purdue (Davenport) San Diego State San Francisco State San Jose State Southern New Hampshire Southern Nevada Stanford St. Petersburg Strayer Texas Tech
  • UNIVERSITY OF: Alabama Arizona California (UC) Central Florida Chicago Cincinnati Florida Houston Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Iowa Maryland Minnesota Michigan North Texas Pennsylvania Southern Florida Texas Toronto
  • U - Z: UCLA Extension Utah State Utah Valley Valencia Walden U Wake Technical Western Governors Wilmington Yale
  • I offer several unique payment plans, including a weekly plan, a discounted monthly plan, a discounted half-now / half-later plan, and highly discounted up-front rates.
  • I can accept the following payment methods for my services: PayPal Debit Cards Square Cash Credit Cards Cash App Venmo.
  • Only people located in North America have access to Venmo Cash App Zelle.
  • This is an excellent way to determine if the person you're dealing with is from the United States.
  • Within reason, I offer a partial or full money-Back guarantee if the student is very unsatisfied with my academic services.
  • For other subjects, you can reach out to me, and I can connect you with one of my tutoring partners who can provide general academic assistance for the following subjects:
  • Art & Design: Art History Design Film Studies
  • Business: Accounting (Acc) Biz Courses Business Administration (Biz Admn) Business Calculus Business Law Business Statistics Corporate Finance Economics (Econ) Finance (Fin) Financial Accounting Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Microeconomics (Micro) Macroeconomics (Macro) Management (Mgmt) Managerial Accounting Marketing MBA
  • Computer Science: C C++ Computer Programming (Comp) Java Python R (Introduction & Intermediate Level Only)
  • Humanities: Communications (Comm) English Literature Essay & Term Paper Writing, Editing, Proofreading Essays History Papers Philosophy (Phil) Religious Studies Theology (Theo)
  • Mathematics: A.P. Calculus AB & BC Psychology Statistics AP Statistics Bio statistics Calculus I (1) Calculus II (2) Calculus III (3) College Algebra Differential Equations Discrete Math Finite Math Functions General Math Geometry Liberal Arts Math Linear Algebra Multi-variable Calculus Partial Differential Equations Precalculus Probability Quantitative Reasoning Real Analysis Statistics Trigonometry (Trig) Vector Calculus
  • Science & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) Biochemistry Biology (Bio) Biostatistics Earth Science Environmental Science General Chemistry (Chem) Healthcare Medicine Nursing Nutrition Organic Chemistry Physics (Phys)
  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
If you are unable to Handle your Online Exam, Assignments, Homework and any other coursework tasks,get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
You can get help for full online course where our expert will do complete course on your behalf!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
submitted by SpareDifficult5353 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:31 Next_Research_186 Nursing CCT exam help Reddit Pay someone to take my CCT Exam Reddit do my CCT Exam Class Course Lab Homework Assignment Test Quiz Reddit Online Exam helper for CCT Cert Test Help Reddit Nursing Exam Assistance and Support from Hiraedu Reddit CCT Lab class Help Reddit Exam Taker Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam.
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • Online Courses (1 - 20 Weeks Long)
  • Homework Assignments
  • Exams Quizzes Tests
  • Excel Projects
  • Discussion Forum Posts
  • Research Papers Term Papers Essays
  • Employment Assessments
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
  • Advanced Placement Honors High School Level Math
  • AP Calculus AB A.P. Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics
  • Biostatistics Bio-Statistics
  • College Algebra Intermediate Algebra
  • Business Calculus
  • Business Statistics
  • Business Math
  • Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III (Calc)
  • Geometry
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Maths
  • Liberal Arts Math
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Multivariable Calculus Multi variable Calculus
  • Precalculus Pre-calculus
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Psychology Statistics Psych Stats
  • Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Methods Quantitative Literacy (Quant)
  • Statistics (Stats)
  • Statistics for Social Sciences
  • Trigonometry (Trig)
  • I have a master's degree in Applied Statistics from a university in New Jersey, USA. As a result, I am very proficient in helping students with various types of Statistics courses including Biostatistics Business Statistics Elementary Statistics Probability & Statistics Psychology Statistics.
  • I have extensive knowledge and skill with helping students get through various statistical concepts including all of the following in alphabetical order:
  • ANOVA Bar Graph, Boxplot, Dot Plot, Histogram, Pie Chart Bias Binomial, Exponential, Poisson, Gamma, Uniform Distribution Central Limit Theorem Chi-Square Test Coefficient of Determination (R^2) Conditional & Relative Probability Confidence Interval Correlation Coefficient (r) Critical Region Critical Value Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Effect Size Expected Value Experiment vs Observation Goodness of Fit Test Hypothesis Testing Interpolation & Extrapolation Interquartile Range (IQR) Kurtosis Left, Negative, Right, Positive Skewed Distribution Logistic Regression Mean, Median, Mode, Midrange Multiple Regression Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio I Population Parameter Normal, Symmetric & Bell Shaped Distribution Null & Alternate Hypothesis One & Two Sample T-Test One & Two Sample Z-Test Ordinary Least Squares Outliers P-Value Pooled Variance (Equal Variances) Proportion R^2 Range Regression Regression Line Reject & Fail to Reject Ho Relative & Cumulative Frequency Distributions Relativity & Reliability Right, Left, One, Two Tailed Tailed Hypothesis Test Sample Statistics Sampling Methods (Convenience, Stratified, Simple, Cluster, Systematic) Significance Level (1%, 5%, 10%) Skewness Standard Deviation& Variance T-Score Test Statistic Time Series Type I & Type II Errors Unbiased Estimators Z-Score
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Algebra 1 & 2 College Algebra Intermediate Algebra Pre-Algebra and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following algebra topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute Values Circle Equation Domain Exponents Graphing Horizontal & Vertical Asymptotes Inequalities, Equations & Functions Inverse Functions Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Quadratic Equations Logarithms Maximum & Minimum Values of a Graph Number Lines One-to-One Functions Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Plotting Points & Ordered Pairs Point-Slope Form Polynomial Division Polynomials Radicals Range Rational & Irrational Expressions Rational Functions Real Roots Real Zeros Relations & Functions Slope Slope-Intercept Form Square Roots Standard Form of a Line System of Equations System of Inequalities Variables X and Y Intercepts
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Calculus I, II & III, Calculus 1, 2 & 3, Business Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following calculus topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute & Local Maximum and Minimum Antiderivative Area & Volume Chain Rule Concavity Continuity Convergence Test Critical Points Curvature Curve of Rotation Curve Sketching Derivatives Divergence Test First & Second Derivative Test Fourier Series Implicit Differentiation Increasing / Decreasing Functions Infinite Series Integrals Integration by Parts Jacobian Matrix Limits L’Hopital’s Rule Maclaurin Series Mean Value Theorem Partial Derivative Product & Quotient Rule Reiman Sum Related Rates Simpson’s Rule Solid of Revolution Substitution Rule Taylor Series
  • I firmly believe that I have many attributes and skills that set me apart from other tutors. Below is a list of qualities that makes me an ideal fit to help you master your coursework:
  • Proficient in CollegeBoard AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics exams.
  • Skilled with International Baccalaureate Math Exams: IB Maths HL & IB Maths SL
  • Can intentionally answer a few problems incorrectly at the student's request.
  • Can text solutions to the student while they are taking a proctored exam.
  • Upon request, can purposely obtain grades below an A (ex: B+, B, C+, C-).
  • I can stretch out the time to a plausible length for timed exams and assignments before submitting them.
  • Have reliable software that can change my IP address to match the closest major city near the student.
  • I have exceptional multiple-choice exam-taking skills. I have mastered the various techniques to make calculated guesses for the correct option in standardized exams such as the SAT & GRE.
  • I have no problem with requests to solve sample problems upfront to prove my knowledge & proficiency of the course concepts.
  • I can provide glowing references & strong examples of work done for past clients to verify my academic skills.
  • I can also provide, upon request, complete detailed calculations with explanations for solutions to the problems worked on.
  • I am quite skilled and adept in using multiple modernized educational platforms and software, including but not limited to: Brightspace MyStatLab D2L WebAssign Canvas MyMathLab Blackboard ALEKS
  • Can format term papers and discussion posts in APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE format.
  • I have multiple paid subscriptions to a wide range of academic tutoring resources, including Chegg, Quizlet, CourseHero, Brainly, Grammarly, Study. com, Bartleby, Slader, Transtutors, Slideshare, StudocU, Turnitin, Academia, SymboLab, WolframAlpha, and Scribd to help guide to solve exam & homework questions that I may not immediately know.
  • However, I am smart enough not to blatantly plagiarize solutions online but instead write them in my own unique words, formatting, & mathematical terminology.
  • I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  • I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, or PDF formats.
  • Depending on my availability, I can accommodate immediate tutoring requests, 1-24 hour, and 1-30-day deadlines.
  • I can schedule live real-time online sessions and meet deadlines in an impressively timely fashion.
  • I can provide quick notifications and updates of progress made in the student's class via email text phone calls.
  • I can also be available to tutor students for Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Summer 2022 semesters.
  • I am very knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of educational software to tutor students in including but not limited to: Acellus ALEKS APEX Learning Aplia Blackboard Brightspace Canvas Cengage CengageNow Connect ConnectMath Connexus CPM D2L Discord Edmentum Eviews Examity Excel Hawkes Learning Honorlock Khan Academy Knewton LimeSpring Lumen Maple MasteringChemistry MasteringPhysics MathXL (XL) MATLAB McGraw-Hill Microsoft Word Minitab Moodle MyAccountingLab MyEconLab MyITLab MyLab My Lab MyMathLab My Math Lab MyOpenMath MyPsychLab MySocLab MyStatLab My Stat Lab NCSS Open Source Software Pearson PERT PlatoWeb PowerPoint Prezi R Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam Sapling SPSS Stata StraighterLine Straighter Line WebAssign Web Assign Webex (Cisco) WebWork Wiley WileyPlus Wonderlic Zoom
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
  • A - C: American Public University System (APUS) Arizona State Ashford Brigham Young Brown Broward California State (Fullerton) Capella Chamberlain (Illinois) Colorado Technical Columbia Columbia Southern Cornell
  • D - K: Dallas College Dartmouth DeVry Excelsior College Florida International Florida State Full Sail Georgia State Grand Canyon Harvard Houston Community College Ivy Tech Community College Kaplan Kennesaw State Kent State
  • L - T: Liberty Lone Star College System Kaplan Miami Dade Michigan State CUNY State University of New York (SUNY) Northern Virginia Ohio State University of Phoenix (UOP) Penn State Princeton Purdue (Davenport) San Diego State San Francisco State San Jose State Southern New Hampshire Southern Nevada Stanford St. Petersburg Strayer Texas Tech
  • UNIVERSITY OF: Alabama Arizona California (UC) Central Florida Chicago Cincinnati Florida Houston Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Iowa Maryland Minnesota Michigan North Texas Pennsylvania Southern Florida Texas Toronto
  • U - Z: UCLA Extension Utah State Utah Valley Valencia Walden U Wake Technical Western Governors Wilmington Yale
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam.
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • I offer several unique payment plans, including a weekly plan, a discounted monthly plan, a discounted half-now / half-later plan, and highly discounted up-front rates.
  • I can accept the following payment methods for my services: PayPal Debit Cards Square Cash Credit Cards Cash App Venmo.
  • Only people located in North America have access to Venmo Cash App Zelle.
  • This is an excellent way to determine if the person you're dealing with is from the United States.
  • Within reason, I offer a partial or full money-Back guarantee if the student is very unsatisfied with my academic services.
  • For other subjects, you can reach out to me, and I can connect you with one of my tutoring partners who can provide general academic assistance for the following subjects:
  • Art & Design: Art History Design Film Studies
  • Business: Accounting (Acc) Biz Courses Business Administration (Biz Admn) Business Calculus Business Law Business Statistics Corporate Finance Economics (Econ) Finance (Fin) Financial Accounting Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Microeconomics (Micro) Macroeconomics (Macro) Management (Mgmt) Managerial Accounting Marketing MBA
  • Computer Science: C C++ Computer Programming (Comp) Java Python R (Introduction & Intermediate Level Only)
  • Humanities: Communications (Comm) English Literature Essay & Term Paper Writing, Editing, Proofreading Essays History Papers Philosophy (Phil) Religious Studies Theology (Theo)
  • Mathematics: A.P. Calculus AB & BC Psychology Statistics AP Statistics Bio statistics Calculus I (1) Calculus II (2) Calculus III (3) College Algebra Differential Equations Discrete Math Finite Math Functions General Math Geometry Liberal Arts Math Linear Algebra Multi-variable Calculus Partial Differential Equations Precalculus Probability Quantitative Reasoning Real Analysis Statistics Trigonometry (Trig) Vector Calculus
  • Science & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) Biochemistry Biology (Bio) Biostatistics Earth Science Environmental Science General Chemistry (Chem) Healthcare Medicine Nursing Nutrition Organic Chemistry Physics (Phys)
  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • I take my work as a tutor very seriously, and I always aim to do my best to help my students excel in school. I have a solid and sincere passion for academic achievement, and with my help, I am positive that I can help students obtain very high grades with minimal stress and effort.
  • Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in my services and would like to learn more. I'm available 24/7 via phone call, email, and text. Again, thank you for taking the time to read my Reddit tutoring ad, and I hope to hear from you soon!
If you are unable to pass your Nursing Certification Exam, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
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What are your Thoughts! Write in comments and ask for help if needed
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submitted by Next_Research_186 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

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If you are unable to Pass your AWS Exams, Quizzes, Tests or Unable to Handle Homework Assignments or full course online, Get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  • Online Courses (1 - 20 Weeks Long)
  • Homework Assignments
  • Exams Quizzes Tests
  • Excel Projects
  • Discussion Forum Posts
  • Research Papers Term Papers Essays
  • Employment Assessments
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
  • Advanced Placement Honors High School Level Math
  • AP Calculus AB A.P. Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics
  • Biostatistics Bio-Statistics
  • College Algebra Intermediate Algebra
  • Business Calculus
  • Business Statistics
  • Business Math
  • Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III (Calc)
  • Geometry
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Maths
  • Liberal Arts Math
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Multivariable Calculus Multi variable Calculus
  • Precalculus Pre-calculus
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Psychology Statistics Psych Stats
  • Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Methods Quantitative Literacy (Quant)
  • Statistics (Stats)
  • Statistics for Social Sciences
  • Trigonometry (Trig)
  • I have a master's degree in Applied Statistics from a university in New Jersey, USA. As a result, I am very proficient in helping students with various types of Statistics courses including Biostatistics Business Statistics Elementary Statistics Probability & Statistics Psychology Statistics.
  • I have extensive knowledge and skill with helping students get through various statistical concepts including all of the following in alphabetical order:
  • ANOVA Bar Graph, Boxplot, Dot Plot, Histogram, Pie Chart Bias Binomial, Exponential, Poisson, Gamma, Uniform Distribution Central Limit Theorem Chi-Square Test Coefficient of Determination (R^2) Conditional & Relative Probability Confidence Interval Correlation Coefficient (r) Critical Region Critical Value Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Effect Size Expected Value Experiment vs Observation Goodness of Fit Test Hypothesis Testing Interpolation & Extrapolation Interquartile Range (IQR) Kurtosis Left, Negative, Right, Positive Skewed Distribution Logistic Regression Mean, Median, Mode, Midrange Multiple Regression Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio I Population Parameter Normal, Symmetric & Bell Shaped Distribution Null & Alternate Hypothesis One & Two Sample T-Test One & Two Sample Z-Test Ordinary Least Squares Outliers P-Value Pooled Variance (Equal Variances) Proportion R^2 Range Regression Regression Line Reject & Fail to Reject Ho Relative & Cumulative Frequency Distributions Relativity & Reliability Right, Left, One, Two Tailed Tailed Hypothesis Test Sample Statistics Sampling Methods (Convenience, Stratified, Simple, Cluster, Systematic) Significance Level (1%, 5%, 10%) Skewness Standard Deviation& Variance T-Score Test Statistic Time Series Type I & Type II Errors Unbiased Estimators Z-Score
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Algebra 1 & 2 College Algebra Intermediate Algebra Pre-Algebra and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following algebra topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute Values Circle Equation Domain Exponents Graphing Horizontal & Vertical Asymptotes Inequalities, Equations & Functions Inverse Functions Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Quadratic Equations Logarithms Maximum & Minimum Values of a Graph Number Lines One-to-One Functions Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Plotting Points & Ordered Pairs Point-Slope Form Polynomial Division Polynomials Radicals Range Rational & Irrational Expressions Rational Functions Real Roots Real Zeros Relations & Functions Slope Slope-Intercept Form Square Roots Standard Form of a Line System of Equations System of Inequalities Variables X and Y Intercepts
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Calculus I, II & III, Calculus 1, 2 & 3, Business Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following calculus topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute & Local Maximum and Minimum Antiderivative Area & Volume Chain Rule Concavity Continuity Convergence Test Critical Points Curvature Curve of Rotation Curve Sketching Derivatives Divergence Test First & Second Derivative Test Fourier Series Implicit Differentiation Increasing / Decreasing Functions Infinite Series Integrals Integration by Parts Jacobian Matrix Limits L’Hopital’s Rule Maclaurin Series Mean Value Theorem Partial Derivative Product & Quotient Rule Reiman Sum Related Rates Simpson’s Rule Solid of Revolution Substitution Rule Taylor Series
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • I firmly believe that I have many attributes and skills that set me apart from other tutors. Below is a list of qualities that makes me an ideal fit to help you master your coursework:
  • Proficient in CollegeBoard AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics exams.
  • Skilled with International Baccalaureate Math Exams: IB Maths HL & IB Maths SL
  • Can intentionally answer a few problems incorrectly at the student's request.
  • Can text solutions to the student while they are taking a proctored exam.
  • Upon request, can purposely obtain grades below an A (ex: B+, B, C+, C-).
  • I can stretch out the time to a plausible length for timed exams and assignments before submitting them.
  • Have reliable software that can change my IP address to match the closest major city near the student.
  • I have exceptional multiple-choice exam-taking skills. I have mastered the various techniques to make calculated guesses for the correct option in standardized exams such as the SAT & GRE.
  • I have no problem with requests to solve sample problems upfront to prove my knowledge & proficiency of the course concepts.
  • I can provide glowing references & strong examples of work done for past clients to verify my academic skills.
  • I can also provide, upon request, complete detailed calculations with explanations for solutions to the problems worked on.
  • I am quite skilled and adept in using multiple modernized educational platforms and software, including but not limited to: Brightspace MyStatLab D2L WebAssign Canvas MyMathLab Blackboard ALEKS
  • Can format term papers and discussion posts in APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE format.
  • I have multiple paid subscriptions to a wide range of academic tutoring resources, including Chegg, Quizlet, CourseHero, Brainly, Grammarly, Study. com, Bartleby, Slader, Transtutors, Slideshare, StudocU, Turnitin, Academia, SymboLab, WolframAlpha, and Scribd to help guide to solve exam & homework questions that I may not immediately know.
  • However, I am smart enough not to blatantly plagiarize solutions online but instead write them in my own unique words, formatting, & mathematical terminology.
  • I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  • I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, or PDF formats.
  • Depending on my availability, I can accommodate immediate tutoring requests, 1-24 hour, and 1-30-day deadlines.
  • I can schedule live real-time online sessions and meet deadlines in an impressively timely fashion.
  • I can provide quick notifications and updates of progress made in the student's class via email text phone calls.
  • I can also be available to tutor students for Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Summer 2022 semesters.
  • I am very knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of educational software to tutor students in including but not limited to: Acellus ALEKS APEX Learning Aplia Blackboard Brightspace Canvas Cengage CengageNow Connect ConnectMath Connexus CPM D2L Discord Edmentum Eviews Examity Excel Hawkes Learning Honorlock Khan Academy Knewton LimeSpring Lumen Maple MasteringChemistry MasteringPhysics MathXL (XL) MATLAB McGraw-Hill Microsoft Word Minitab Moodle MyAccountingLab MyEconLab MyITLab MyLab My Lab MyMathLab My Math Lab MyOpenMath MyPsychLab MySocLab MyStatLab My Stat Lab NCSS Open Source Software Pearson PERT PlatoWeb PowerPoint Prezi R Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam Sapling SPSS Stata StraighterLine Straighter Line WebAssign Web Assign Webex (Cisco) WebWork Wiley WileyPlus Wonderlic Zoom
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
  • A - C: American Public University System (APUS) Arizona State Ashford Brigham Young Brown Broward California State (Fullerton) Capella Chamberlain (Illinois) Colorado Technical Columbia Columbia Southern Cornell
  • D - K: Dallas College Dartmouth DeVry Excelsior College Florida International Florida State Full Sail Georgia State Grand Canyon Harvard Houston Community College Ivy Tech Community College Kaplan Kennesaw State Kent State
  • L - T: Liberty Lone Star College System Kaplan Miami Dade Michigan State CUNY State University of New York (SUNY) Northern Virginia Ohio State University of Phoenix (UOP) Penn State Princeton Purdue (Davenport) San Diego State San Francisco State San Jose State Southern New Hampshire Southern Nevada Stanford St. Petersburg Strayer Texas Tech
  • UNIVERSITY OF: Alabama Arizona California (UC) Central Florida Chicago Cincinnati Florida Houston Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Iowa Maryland Minnesota Michigan North Texas Pennsylvania Southern Florida Texas Toronto
  • U - Z: UCLA Extension Utah State Utah Valley Valencia Walden U Wake Technical Western Governors Wilmington Yale
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • I offer several unique payment plans, including a weekly plan, a discounted monthly plan, a discounted half-now / half-later plan, and highly discounted up-front rates.
  • I can accept the following payment methods for my services: PayPal Debit Cards Square Cash Credit Cards Cash App Venmo.
  • Only people located in North America have access to Venmo Cash App Zelle.
  • This is an excellent way to determine if the person you're dealing with is from the United States.
  • Within reason, I offer a partial or full money-Back guarantee if the student is very unsatisfied with my academic services.
  • For other subjects, you can reach out to me, and I can connect you with one of my tutoring partners who can provide general academic assistance for the following subjects:
  • Art & Design: Art History Design Film Studies
  • Business: Accounting (Acc) Biz Courses Business Administration (Biz Admn) Business Calculus Business Law Business Statistics Corporate Finance Economics (Econ) Finance (Fin) Financial Accounting Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Microeconomics (Micro) Macroeconomics (Macro) Management (Mgmt) Managerial Accounting Marketing MBA
  • Computer Science: C C++ Computer Programming (Comp) Java Python R (Introduction & Intermediate Level Only)
  • Humanities: Communications (Comm) English Literature Essay & Term Paper Writing, Editing, Proofreading Essays History Papers Philosophy (Phil) Religious Studies Theology (Theo)
  • Mathematics: A.P. Calculus AB & BC Psychology Statistics AP Statistics Bio statistics Calculus I (1) Calculus II (2) Calculus III (3) College Algebra Differential Equations Discrete Math Finite Math Functions General Math Geometry Liberal Arts Math Linear Algebra Multi-variable Calculus Partial Differential Equations Precalculus Probability Quantitative Reasoning Real Analysis Statistics Trigonometry (Trig) Vector Calculus
  • Science & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) Biochemistry Biology (Bio) Biostatistics Earth Science Environmental Science General Chemistry (Chem) Healthcare Medicine Nursing Nutrition Organic Chemistry Physics (Phys)
  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  • I take my work as a tutor very seriously, and I always aim to do my best to help my students excel in school. I have a solid and sincere passion for academic achievement, and with my help, I am positive that I can help students obtain very high grades with minimal stress and effort.
  • Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in my services and would like to learn more. I'm available 24/7 via phone call, email, and text. Again, thank you for taking the time to read my Reddit tutoring ad, and I hope to hear from you soon!
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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2024.06.03 21:15 JubilantOverlord360 CS2 Hammer won't export map

There's very little help I've found online for my specific issue. When I follow a tutorial one for one my map wont build. When compiling it says OK all files are compiled, none skipped, none failed, yet at the bottom it just says building with a little loading symbol and stays like that forever.
This time it says 1 skipped although it doesn't work even when it says 0 skipped and is inconstant on when it skips. If i press run(skip building) the game boots me back to the main screen and says required map missing on client.
Compiling log:
Start build: 2024-06-02T14:33:30 Hammer: Attempting incremental build. Hammer: Previous build not found. Performing full build. Using breakpad crash handler Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 730 Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561199238131939 [API loaded yes] SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Setting Steam ID: 76561199238131939 Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2347779 Creating device for graphics adapter 0 'Intel(R) UHD Graphics' [vendorid 0x8086]: Intel extension library loaded. Intel extension library version supported. HWFeatureLevel: 1 APIVersion: 0 Revision: 0. Intel D3D11 extensions initialized. GPU info GPUMaxFrequency: 1450 Mhz GTGeneration: 33 EUCount: 16 PackageTDP: 45 Watts MaxFillRate: 4 pixels/clock@32bpp Operator Error: Event (null): CSosOperatorSpeakers Error: Operator volume_fan_mult, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end Error: Operator volume_fan_mult, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end Operator Error: Event (null): CSosOperatorSpeakers Error: Operator volume_fan_scale, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end Error: Operator volume_fan_scale, unknown sound operator attribute __move_to_end Unzip maptest4.vpk (11 files): Done (0.0 sec: 0.5ms read, 2.2ms write 0.2mb). - csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.vmap Initialized Embree v2.17.07. Settling physics objects...no objects to settle Preprocessing Lights [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.00 seconds) Assigned 1 Light Shadow Slots, 0 failed (max slot 0). Building map "maps\maptest4"...
... Building 'world' Loading Map... Done (0.00 seconds) Building ray trace environment... Wrote C:\Users\maxre\AppData\Local\Temp\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.rte Wrote C:\Users\maxre\AppData\Local\Temp\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.viscfg Done (0.01 seconds) +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\world_visibility.vvis Building map visibility
Loading kd-trees Successfully read C:\Users\maxre\AppData\Local\Temp\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.rte Successfully unserialized ray tracing environment. Convert RTE with 12 triangles in 0.00s Loaded 1998 LOS hints from c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\counter-strike global offensive\game\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.los! (0.0 seconds) Loaded 0 LOS hints from c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\counter-strike global offensive\content\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.los! (0.0 seconds) VIS3: Build partitioned PVS! Voxelize (8 units) took 0.13 seconds (15,433 nodes) Outside detection took 0.04 seconds Generated clusters for 4868 regions in 5.35 seconds 4868 clusters generated Distance merged regions (4 merged to 1) pre-merged to 4865 clusters Merged to 169 clusters in first pass Merged to 169 clusters in second pass Merged cluster lists in 0.45 seconds [169 clusters] Compacted to 19272 regions (169 clusters) in 0.00 seconds [target 478 clusters] Assigned 169 clusters in 0.00 seconds 431.82 KB bytes tree size Sample vis for 169 clusters Creating thread pool with 11 threads CLOSRayGenerator rays complete. CLOSRayGenerator rays complete. AxialRays rays complete. AxialRays rays complete. AxialRays rays complete. ClusterView rays complete. 0.4s::Finished 1,983 valid LOS Main thread clear batches. Traced 20,910,080 rays in 0.436 seconds [47,972,652 rays per second] 2.473 cpu s cast, 0.450 cpu s rasterize Target 416 clusters, clamped to 414, grid size 8.0 Built 169 clusters in 0.0s 169 clusters, 1 steps Merge vis clusters:0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Merged to 171 clusters in 0.0s (0.0s recompute, 0 passes) 0.0s total merge time Adaptive border clusters (0s) Initial regions 19272, collapsed to 7912 6 unique masks (of 7,912 regions) Compute enclosed cluster lists 354 cluster lists, 2184 elements (0.00132s) (1 zeros) Skipping solid voxels in sunlight visibility Raytraced sun visibility in 19.893ms (84 visible clusters) Wrote 1983 LOS hints for next time c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\counter-strike global offensive\game\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.los! Wrote vis resource 198.56 KB bytes Visibility complete in 6.52s. Collecting Mesh Edges [] Done (0.00 seconds) Fixing T-junction Edge Cracks [] Done (0.00 seconds)
Bake Lighting Build: pc64 May 29 2024 10:02:27 WARNING! No lightmap resolution volumes set for this geometry! Whilst we still can process lightmaps for this map, texel resolution of the lightmap will be sub-optimal. Please add a mesh enclosing the player navigable space with toolslightmapres.vmat applied to it. Preprocessing 1 meshes and computing charts [] Done (0.00 seconds) Packing 6 UV charts onto atlas... Pass 1 of 7 ->[] Done (0.01 seconds) - (0.624628) Pass 2 of 7 ->[] Done (0.00 seconds) + (0.312314) Pass 3 of 7 ->[] Done (0.01 seconds) - (0.468471) Pass 4 of 7 ->[] Done (0.01 seconds) + (0.390393) Pass 5 of 7 ->[] Done (0.01 seconds) - (0.429432) Pass 6 of 7 ->[] Done (0.00 seconds) - (0.409912) Pass 7 of 7 ->[] Done (0.00 seconds) - (0.400152) Mesh with material materials/dev/reflectivity_30.vmat is extremely large in lightmap (24.2%), 504x504 World Bounds -768.000000,-512.000000,0.000000 -> 512.000000,768.000000,256.000000 ==== Baking 1024 x 1024 lightmap ==== SetupTexels [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.01 seconds) VRAD3-GPU VRAD3 - Distributed Lighting Tool Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. Build: pc64 May 29 2024 09:59:41 WD: c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\counter-strike global offensive\game\csgo_addons\map3\_vrad3 Command: vrad3.exe -map maps/maptest4.vmap -script script-gpu.vrad3 -vulkan -gpuraytracing -allthreads -unbufferedio -noassert Fossilize ERROR: Failed to parse ApplicationInfoFilter, letting recording go through. Fossilize INFO: Overriding serialization path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\shadercache\730\fozpipelinesv6\steamapprun_pipeline_cache". Unable to open Vulkan pipeline cache shadercache\vulkan\shaders.cache file - might not exist yet. Num Threads: 12 Loading 1 resources... Done (0.01 seconds) Creating VB/IB/BLAS for 1 meshes... Done (0.01 seconds) Creating ray trace scene world with 1 instances... Done (0.00 seconds) Loading lightmap_packing_geometry.dat... Done (0.01 seconds) Compute block 0 on GPU... Done (0.74 seconds) Compute block 1 on GPU... Done (0.68 seconds) Compute block 2 on GPU... Done (0.38 seconds) Compute block 3 on GPU... Done (0.37 seconds) Lightmapping took 2.50 seconds Dilating lighting over 0 invalid luxels... Dilating baked shadows over 4420 invalid luxels... Dilating baked shadows over 4420 invalid luxels... Dilating baked shadows over 4420 invalid luxels... Writing normal.exr... (0.0s). Writing tangent.exr... (0.0s). Writing sh_irradiance_noisy.exr... (0.0s). Writing lightmap_noisy.exr... (0.0s). Writing ao_noisy.exr... (0.0s). Writing direct_light_shadows_noisy.exr... (0.0s). Removing fireflies... found 0 fireflies in 0.0s Wrote fireflies.exr Available OIDN devices: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400H @ 2.70GHz OIDN selecting device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU Created OIDN device of type: OIDN_DEVICE_TYPE_CUDA OIDN Filter (lg) ao [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.24 seconds) OIDN Filter (lg) irradiance [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.10 seconds) OIDN Filter (lg) sh radiance L0 [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.10 seconds) OIDN Filter (lg) sh radiance c1 [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.10 seconds) OIDN Filter (lg) sh radiance c2 [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.10 seconds) OIDN Filter (lg) sh radiance c3 [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.10 seconds) OIDN Filter (lg) sh radiance c4 [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.10 seconds) OIDN Filter (lg) sh radiance c5 [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.10 seconds) OIDN Filter (lg) sh radiance c6 [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.10 seconds) OIDN Filter (lg) sh radiance c7 [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.10 seconds) OIDN Filter (lg) sh radiance c8 [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.10 seconds) Writing direct_light_shadows.exr... (0.0s). Writing lightmap.exr... (0.0s). Writing ao.exr... (0.0s). Writing shradiance_dclinear_r.exr... (0.0s). Writing shradiance_dclinear_g.exr... (0.0s). Writing shradiance_dclinear_b.exr... (0.0s). Writing shradiance_f4quadratic_r.exr... (0.0s). Writing shradiance_f4quadratic_g.exr... (0.0s). Writing shradiance_f4quadratic_b.exr... (0.0s). Writing shradiance_lastquadratic.exr... (0.0s). Writing sh_irradiance.exr... (0.0s). Writing confidence.exr... (0.0s). Writing lightmap_chart_color.exr... (0.0s). Exiting (code 0) 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (7.68 seconds) ProcessReceivedLightingPackets [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (1.49 seconds) DilateToGutters [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.00 seconds) Fixing Seams Weld Unique Vertices [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.00 seconds) Build Adjacency [] Done (0.00 seconds) Edge Equations [] Done (0.00 seconds) Solving Equations [] (0.01 seconds) Repack charts for optimal block compression[] Done (0.05 seconds) Lightmapping Total Time : (9.39 seconds) Compressing Lightmaps... +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\lightmaps\direct_light_shadows.vtex Read 1 Input(s): 2ms Generated Mips and Output: 9ms In memory 512kb -> on disk 4kb (0%) Compressing 1024x1024x1 texture to ATI1N (Q=3): 17ms + 8ms +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\lightmaps\irradiance.vtex CResourceCompilerTexture::CompileResourceInternal(652): Using hue-shift fixup for file "c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/counter-strike global offensive/content/csgo_addons/map3/maps/maptest4/lightmaps/irradiance.vtex" Read 1 Input(s): 3ms Generated Mips and Output: 9ms In memory 1024kb -> on disk 92kb (9%) Compressing 1024x1024x1 texture to BC6H (Q=3): 348ms + 10ms +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\lightmaps\debug_chart_color.vtex Read 1 Input(s): 2ms Generated Mips and Output: 9ms In memory 512kb -> on disk 2kb (0%) Compressing 1024x1024x1 texture to DXT1 (Q=3): 40ms + 0ms +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\lightmaps\directional_irradiance.vtex Read 1 Input(s): 3ms Generated Mips and Output: 9ms In memory 512kb -> on disk 35kb (6%) Compressing 1024x1024x1 texture to DXT1 (Q=3): 67ms + 6ms LIGHTMAP QUERY SIMPLIFY: indices 36->36 LIGHTMAP QUERY MEM: verts 24->24, indices 36->36 (0mb -> 0mb) Added lightmap query data to VPK: maps\maptest4\lightmaps\lightmap_query_data.kv3 Vertex Data Uncompressed: 384 bytes Index Data Uncompressed: 144 bytes Baked Lighting Total Time : (0 hrs 0 mins 10 seconds) Splitting geometry using visibility...[] Done (0.00 seconds) Building render clusters... 1 meshes, 6 triangles... 1 clusters (0.00 seconds) Splitting geometry using visibility...[] Done (0.00 seconds) Building render clusters... 0 meshes, 0 triangles... 1 clusters (0.00 seconds) Created 0+0 overlay sceneobjects for 0 meshes in 0 groups, 0 materials +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\worldnodes\node000_world_lr0_agg0_4_reflectivity_30.vmdl Mesh Memory Stats __________ Aggregates __________ agg frag uniq inst vertex index material 1 4 4 0 24 ( 672 bytes) 36 ( 72 bytes) materials/dev/reflectivity_30.vmat __________ SceneObjects __________ obj vertex index material +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\worldnodes\node000.vwnod Empty Lightmaps=0 +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\entities\default_ents.vents +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\world.vwrld +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\worldnodes\node000.vrman
... Building 'phys' +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\world_physics.vmdl +- csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4\world_physics.vrman
... Building 'vis'
... Building 'nav' Nav settings not found, using default settings.
NAVGEN: Skipped... no walkable seeds present

CSGO Compute AI Data

CSGO: Compute Early Occupy Times [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.00 seconds) CSGO: Compute Hiding spots [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.00 seconds) CSGO: Compute Encounter spots [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.00 seconds) CSGO: Compute Approach areas [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] Done (0.00 seconds) Size of nav file 'maps/maptest4.nav' is 247 bytes.
... Building 'sareverb' (Steam Audio) Generating probes on uniform grid for baking... Generated 36 probes with 6.00 spacing and 1.50 height. Baking reverb for 36 probes... [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9...] BakeReverb: Saved 174828 bytes. Size of baked reverb file 'maps\maptest4.sareverb' is 175448 bytes.
... Building 'sapaths' (Steam Audio) Generating probes on uniform grid for baking... Generated 36 probes with 6.00 spacing and 1.50 height. Baking paths for 36 probes... [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9..] [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....] [0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....BakePathData: Saved 9280 bytes. Size of baked paths file 'maps\maptest4.sapaths' is 9312 bytes. Map build finished. Pack maptest4.vpk (C:\Users\maxre\AppData\Local\Temp\valve\hammermapbuild\game\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.vpk): Hashing metadata...Writing...Hashing embedded chunk (545074 bytes) Attempting to load signing keys. Couldn't load public key c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\counter-strike global offensive\src\devtools\bin\certificates\game\csgo/vpk.publickey.vdf, will not sign C:\Users\maxre\AppData\Local\Temp\valve\hammermapbuild\game\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.vpk. Not signing; keys not set. VPK: Wrote file C:\Users\maxre\AppData\Local\Temp\valve\hammermapbuild\game\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.vpk Length 546112 MD5 d717fd78a0ddc2f0152d176a3792934f VPK: Check file C:\Users\maxre\AppData\Local\Temp\valve\hammermapbuild\game\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.vpk Length 546112 MD5 d717fd78a0ddc2f0152d176a3792934f Done. 0/ 1 (elapsed 17.816): c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\counter-strike global offensive\content\csgo_addons\map3\maps\maptest4.vmap Compile of 1 file(s) matching nonrecursive specification "c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/counter-strike global offensive/content/csgo_addons/map3/maps/maptest4.vmap" took 17.817 seconds

OK: 13 compiled, 0 failed, 1 skipped, 0m:18s

CDataModel: 20 elements left in memory!!!
submitted by JubilantOverlord360 to hammer [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:11 stewardkok5 Pay Someone to take my CCENT Cisco Exam online Reddit Pay Someone to take my CCDP Exam online Reddit Take my cisco exam reddit online helper to do my CCENT CCNA CCNP CCDP CCIE exam reddit Cisco Project Helper Reddit Online IT Assignment Homework quiz help reddit Cisco Test help Reddit

If you are unable to pass your Cisco Certification Exam, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact details for Hiraedu is:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  • Online Courses (1 - 20 Weeks Long)
  • Homework Assignments
  • Exams Quizzes Tests
  • Excel Projects
  • Discussion Forum Posts
  • Research Papers Term Papers Essays
  • Employment Assessments
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
  • Advanced Placement Honors High School Level Math
  • AP Calculus AB A.P. Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics
  • Biostatistics Bio-Statistics
  • College Algebra Intermediate Algebra
  • Business Calculus
  • Business Statistics
  • Business Math
  • Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III (Calc)
  • Geometry
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Maths
  • Liberal Arts Math
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Multivariable Calculus Multi variable Calculus
  • Precalculus Pre-calculus
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Psychology Statistics Psych Stats
  • Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Methods Quantitative Literacy (Quant)
  • Statistics (Stats)
  • Statistics for Social Sciences
  • Trigonometry (Trig)
  • I have a master's degree in Applied Statistics from a university in New Jersey, USA. As a result, I am very proficient in helping students with various types of Statistics courses including Biostatistics Business Statistics Elementary Statistics Probability & Statistics Psychology Statistics.
  • I have extensive knowledge and skill with helping students get through various statistical concepts including all of the following in alphabetical order:
  • ANOVA Bar Graph, Boxplot, Dot Plot, Histogram, Pie Chart Bias Binomial, Exponential, Poisson, Gamma, Uniform Distribution Central Limit Theorem Chi-Square Test Coefficient of Determination (R^2) Conditional & Relative Probability Confidence Interval Correlation Coefficient (r) Critical Region Critical Value Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Effect Size Expected Value Experiment vs Observation Goodness of Fit Test Hypothesis Testing Interpolation & Extrapolation Interquartile Range (IQR) Kurtosis Left, Negative, Right, Positive Skewed Distribution Logistic Regression Mean, Median, Mode, Midrange Multiple Regression Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio I Population Parameter Normal, Symmetric & Bell Shaped Distribution Null & Alternate Hypothesis One & Two Sample T-Test One & Two Sample Z-Test Ordinary Least Squares Outliers P-Value Pooled Variance (Equal Variances) Proportion R^2 Range Regression Regression Line Reject & Fail to Reject Ho Relative & Cumulative Frequency Distributions Relativity & Reliability Right, Left, One, Two Tailed Tailed Hypothesis Test Sample Statistics Sampling Methods (Convenience, Stratified, Simple, Cluster, Systematic) Significance Level (1%, 5%, 10%) Skewness Standard Deviation& Variance T-Score Test Statistic Time Series Type I & Type II Errors Unbiased Estimators Z-Score
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Algebra 1 & 2 College Algebra Intermediate Algebra Pre-Algebra and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following algebra topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute Values Circle Equation Domain Exponents Graphing Horizontal & Vertical Asymptotes Inequalities, Equations & Functions Inverse Functions Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Quadratic Equations Logarithms Maximum & Minimum Values of a Graph Number Lines One-to-One Functions Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Plotting Points & Ordered Pairs Point-Slope Form Polynomial Division Polynomials Radicals Range Rational & Irrational Expressions Rational Functions Real Roots Real Zeros Relations & Functions Slope Slope-Intercept Form Square Roots Standard Form of a Line System of Equations System of Inequalities Variables X and Y Intercepts
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Calculus I, II & III, Calculus 1, 2 & 3, Business Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following calculus topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute & Local Maximum and Minimum Antiderivative Area & Volume Chain Rule Concavity Continuity Convergence Test Critical Points Curvature Curve of Rotation Curve Sketching Derivatives Divergence Test First & Second Derivative Test Fourier Series Implicit Differentiation Increasing / Decreasing Functions Infinite Series Integrals Integration by Parts Jacobian Matrix Limits L’Hopital’s Rule Maclaurin Series Mean Value Theorem Partial Derivative Product & Quotient Rule Reiman Sum Related Rates Simpson’s Rule Solid of Revolution Substitution Rule Taylor Series
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  • I firmly believe that I have many attributes and skills that set me apart from other tutors. Below is a list of qualities that makes me an ideal fit to help you master your coursework:
  • Proficient in CollegeBoard AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics exams.
  • Skilled with International Baccalaureate Math Exams: IB Maths HL & IB Maths SL
  • Can intentionally answer a few problems incorrectly at the student's request.
  • Can text solutions to the student while they are taking a proctored exam.
  • Upon request, can purposely obtain grades below an A (ex: B+, B, C+, C-).
  • I can stretch out the time to a plausible length for timed exams and assignments before submitting them.
  • Have reliable software that can change my IP address to match the closest major city near the student.
  • I have exceptional multiple-choice exam-taking skills. I have mastered the various techniques to make calculated guesses for the correct option in standardized exams such as the SAT & GRE.
  • I have no problem with requests to solve sample problems upfront to prove my knowledge & proficiency of the course concepts.
  • I can provide glowing references & strong examples of work done for past clients to verify my academic skills.
  • I can also provide, upon request, complete detailed calculations with explanations for solutions to the problems worked on.
  • I am quite skilled and adept in using multiple modernized educational platforms and software, including but not limited to: Brightspace MyStatLab D2L WebAssign Canvas MyMathLab Blackboard ALEKS
  • Can format term papers and discussion posts in APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE format.
  • I have multiple paid subscriptions to a wide range of academic tutoring resources, including Chegg, Quizlet, CourseHero, Brainly, Grammarly, Study. com, Bartleby, Slader, Transtutors, Slideshare, StudocU, Turnitin, Academia, SymboLab, WolframAlpha, and Scribd to help guide to solve exam & homework questions that I may not immediately know.
  • However, I am smart enough not to blatantly plagiarize solutions online but instead write them in my own unique words, formatting, & mathematical terminology.
  • I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  • I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, or PDF formats.
  • Depending on my availability, I can accommodate immediate tutoring requests, 1-24 hour, and 1-30-day deadlines.
  • I can schedule live real-time online sessions and meet deadlines in an impressively timely fashion.
  • I can provide quick notifications and updates of progress made in the student's class via email text phone calls.
  • I can also be available to tutor students for Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Summer 2022 semesters.
  • I am very knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of educational software to tutor students in including but not limited to: Acellus ALEKS APEX Learning Aplia Blackboard Brightspace Canvas Cengage CengageNow Connect ConnectMath Connexus CPM D2L Discord Edmentum Eviews Examity Excel Hawkes Learning Honorlock Khan Academy Knewton LimeSpring Lumen Maple MasteringChemistry MasteringPhysics MathXL (XL) MATLAB McGraw-Hill Microsoft Word Minitab Moodle MyAccountingLab MyEconLab MyITLab MyLab My Lab MyMathLab My Math Lab MyOpenMath MyPsychLab MySocLab MyStatLab My Stat Lab NCSS Open Source Software Pearson PERT PlatoWeb PowerPoint Prezi R Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam Sapling SPSS Stata StraighterLine Straighter Line WebAssign Web Assign Webex (Cisco) WebWork Wiley WileyPlus Wonderlic Zoom
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
  • A - C: American Public University System (APUS) Arizona State Ashford Brigham Young Brown Broward California State (Fullerton) Capella Chamberlain (Illinois) Colorado Technical Columbia Columbia Southern Cornell
  • D - K: Dallas College Dartmouth DeVry Excelsior College Florida International Florida State Full Sail Georgia State Grand Canyon Harvard Houston Community College Ivy Tech Community College Kaplan Kennesaw State Kent State
  • L - T: Liberty Lone Star College System Kaplan Miami Dade Michigan State CUNY State University of New York (SUNY) Northern Virginia Ohio State University of Phoenix (UOP) Penn State Princeton Purdue (Davenport) San Diego State San Francisco State San Jose State Southern New Hampshire Southern Nevada Stanford St. Petersburg Strayer Texas Tech
  • UNIVERSITY OF: Alabama Arizona California (UC) Central Florida Chicago Cincinnati Florida Houston Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Iowa Maryland Minnesota Michigan North Texas Pennsylvania Southern Florida Texas Toronto
  • U - Z: UCLA Extension Utah State Utah Valley Valencia Walden U Wake Technical Western Governors Wilmington Yale
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  • I offer several unique payment plans, including a weekly plan, a discounted monthly plan, a discounted half-now / half-later plan, and highly discounted up-front rates.
  • I can accept the following payment methods for my services: PayPal Debit Cards Square Cash Credit Cards Cash App Venmo.
  • Only people located in North America have access to Venmo Cash App Zelle.
  • This is an excellent way to determine if the person you're dealing with is from the United States.
  • Within reason, I offer a partial or full money-Back guarantee if the student is very unsatisfied with my academic services.
  • For other subjects, you can reach out to me, and I can connect you with one of my tutoring partners who can provide general academic assistance for the following subjects:
  • Art & Design: Art History Design Film Studies
  • Business: Accounting (Acc) Biz Courses Business Administration (Biz Admn) Business Calculus Business Law Business Statistics Corporate Finance Economics (Econ) Finance (Fin) Financial Accounting Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Microeconomics (Micro) Macroeconomics (Macro) Management (Mgmt) Managerial Accounting Marketing MBA
  • Computer Science: C C++ Computer Programming (Comp) Java Python R (Introduction & Intermediate Level Only)
  • Humanities: Communications (Comm) English Literature Essay & Term Paper Writing, Editing, Proofreading Essays History Papers Philosophy (Phil) Religious Studies Theology (Theo)
  • Mathematics: A.P. Calculus AB & BC Psychology Statistics AP Statistics Bio statistics Calculus I (1) Calculus II (2) Calculus III (3) College Algebra Differential Equations Discrete Math Finite Math Functions General Math Geometry Liberal Arts Math Linear Algebra Multi-variable Calculus Partial Differential Equations Precalculus Probability Quantitative Reasoning Real Analysis Statistics Trigonometry (Trig) Vector Calculus
  • Science & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) Biochemistry Biology (Bio) Biostatistics Earth Science Environmental Science General Chemistry (Chem) Healthcare Medicine Nursing Nutrition Organic Chemistry Physics (Phys)
  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  • I take my work as a tutor very seriously, and I always aim to do my best to help my students excel in school. I have a solid and sincere passion for academic achievement, and with my help, I am positive that I can help students obtain very high grades with minimal stress and effort.
  • Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in my services and would like to learn more. I'm available 24/7 via phone call, email, and text. Again, thank you for taking the time to read my Reddit tutoring ad, and I hope to hear from you soon!
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
What are your Thoughts! Write in comments and ask for help if needed
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Join this subreddit to help us grow!
submitted by stewardkok5 to certificationsyouneed [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:01 tbrowndolly [[FOR HIRE]] Take My Biology Proctored Exam For Me Reddit Paying Someone to Take Bio Test Reddit Microbiology Exam Help Reddit Homework Helper Reddit Zoom Assignment Helper Reddit Online College Exams Reddit Professional Test Takers Zoology Botany Ecology Biotechnology Helper Reddit

If you are unable to Handle your Online Exam, Assignments, Homework and any other coursework tasks,get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
You can get help for full online course where our expert will do complete course on your behalf!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  • Online Courses (1 - 20 Weeks Long)
  • Homework Assignments
  • Exams Quizzes Tests
  • Excel Projects
  • Discussion Forum Posts
  • Research Papers Term Papers Essays
  • Employment Assessments
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
  • Advanced Placement Honors High School Level Math
  • AP Calculus AB A.P. Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics
  • Biostatistics Bio-Statistics
  • College Algebra Intermediate Algebra
  • Business Calculus
  • Business Statistics
  • Business Math
  • Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III (Calc)
  • Geometry
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Maths
  • Liberal Arts Math
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Multivariable Calculus Multi variable Calculus
  • Precalculus Pre-calculus
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Psychology Statistics Psych Stats
  • Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Methods Quantitative Literacy (Quant)
  • Statistics (Stats)
  • Statistics for Social Sciences
  • Trigonometry (Trig)
  • I have a master's degree in Applied Statistics from a university in New Jersey, USA. As a result, I am very proficient in helping students with various types of Statistics courses including Biostatistics Business Statistics Elementary Statistics Probability & Statistics Psychology Statistics.
  • I have extensive knowledge and skill with helping students get through various statistical concepts including all of the following in alphabetical order:
  • ANOVA Bar Graph, Boxplot, Dot Plot, Histogram, Pie Chart Bias Binomial, Exponential, Poisson, Gamma, Uniform Distribution Central Limit Theorem Chi-Square Test Coefficient of Determination (R^2) Conditional & Relative Probability Confidence Interval Correlation Coefficient (r) Critical Region Critical Value Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Effect Size Expected Value Experiment vs Observation Goodness of Fit Test Hypothesis Testing Interpolation & Extrapolation Interquartile Range (IQR) Kurtosis Left, Negative, Right, Positive Skewed Distribution Logistic Regression Mean, Median, Mode, Midrange Multiple Regression Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio I Population Parameter Normal, Symmetric & Bell Shaped Distribution Null & Alternate Hypothesis One & Two Sample T-Test One & Two Sample Z-Test Ordinary Least Squares Outliers P-Value Pooled Variance (Equal Variances) Proportion R^2 Range Regression Regression Line Reject & Fail to Reject Ho Relative & Cumulative Frequency Distributions Relativity & Reliability Right, Left, One, Two Tailed Tailed Hypothesis Test Sample Statistics Sampling Methods (Convenience, Stratified, Simple, Cluster, Systematic) Significance Level (1%, 5%, 10%) Skewness Standard Deviation& Variance T-Score Test Statistic Time Series Type I & Type II Errors Unbiased Estimators Z-Score
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Algebra 1 & 2 College Algebra Intermediate Algebra Pre-Algebra and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following algebra topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute Values Circle Equation Domain Exponents Graphing Horizontal & Vertical Asymptotes Inequalities, Equations & Functions Inverse Functions Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Quadratic Equations Logarithms Maximum & Minimum Values of a Graph Number Lines One-to-One Functions Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Plotting Points & Ordered Pairs Point-Slope Form Polynomial Division Polynomials Radicals Range Rational & Irrational Expressions Rational Functions Real Roots Real Zeros Relations & Functions Slope Slope-Intercept Form Square Roots Standard Form of a Line System of Equations System of Inequalities Variables X and Y Intercepts
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Calculus I, II & III, Calculus 1, 2 & 3, Business Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following calculus topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute & Local Maximum and Minimum Antiderivative Area & Volume Chain Rule Concavity Continuity Convergence Test Critical Points Curvature Curve of Rotation Curve Sketching Derivatives Divergence Test First & Second Derivative Test Fourier Series Implicit Differentiation Increasing / Decreasing Functions Infinite Series Integrals Integration by Parts Jacobian Matrix Limits L’Hopital’s Rule Maclaurin Series Mean Value Theorem Partial Derivative Product & Quotient Rule Reiman Sum Related Rates Simpson’s Rule Solid of Revolution Substitution Rule Taylor Series
  • Proficient in CollegeBoard AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics exams.
  • Skilled with International Baccalaureate Math Exams: IB Maths HL & IB Maths SL
  • Can intentionally answer a few problems incorrectly at the student's request.
  • Can text solutions to the student while they are taking a proctored exam.
  • Upon request, can purposely obtain grades below an A (ex: B+, B, C+, C-).
  • I can stretch out the time to a plausible length for timed exams and assignments before submitting them.
  • Have reliable software that can change my IP address to match the closest major city near the student.
  • I have exceptional multiple-choice exam-taking skills. I have mastered the various techniques to make calculated guesses for the correct option in standardized exams such as the SAT & GRE.
  • I have no problem with requests to solve sample problems upfront to prove my knowledge & proficiency of the course concepts.
  • I can provide glowing references & strong examples of work done for past clients to verify my academic skills.
  • I can also provide, upon request, complete detailed calculations with explanations for solutions to the problems worked on.
  • I am quite skilled and adept in using multiple modernized educational platforms and software, including but not limited to: Brightspace MyStatLab D2L WebAssign Canvas MyMathLab Blackboard ALEKS
  • Can format term papers and discussion posts in APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE format.
  • I am very knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of educational software to tutor students in including but not limited to: Acellus ALEKS APEX Learning Aplia Blackboard Brightspace Canvas Cengage CengageNow Connect ConnectMath Connexus CPM D2L Discord Edmentum Eviews Examity Excel Hawkes Learning Honorlock Khan Academy Knewton LimeSpring Lumen Maple MasteringChemistry MasteringPhysics MathXL (XL) MATLAB McGraw-Hill Microsoft Word Minitab Moodle MyAccountingLab MyEconLab MyITLab MyLab My Lab MyMathLab My Math Lab MyOpenMath MyPsychLab MySocLab MyStatLab My Stat Lab NCSS Open Source Software Pearson PERT PlatoWeb PowerPoint Prezi R Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam Sapling SPSS Stata StraighterLine Straighter Line WebAssign Web Assign Webex (Cisco) WebWork Wiley WileyPlus Wonderlic Zoom
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
  • A - C: American Public University System (APUS) Arizona State Ashford Brigham Young Brown Broward California State (Fullerton) Capella Chamberlain (Illinois) Colorado Technical Columbia Columbia Southern Cornell
  • D - K: Dallas College Dartmouth DeVry Excelsior College Florida International Florida State Full Sail Georgia State Grand Canyon Harvard Houston Community College Ivy Tech Community College Kaplan Kennesaw State Kent State
  • L - T: Liberty Lone Star College System Kaplan Miami Dade Michigan State CUNY State University of New York (SUNY) Northern Virginia Ohio State University of Phoenix (UOP) Penn State Princeton Purdue (Davenport) San Diego State San Francisco State San Jose State Southern New Hampshire Southern Nevada Stanford St. Petersburg Strayer Texas Tech
  • UNIVERSITY OF: Alabama Arizona California (UC) Central Florida Chicago Cincinnati Florida Houston Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Iowa Maryland Minnesota Michigan North Texas Pennsylvania Southern Florida Texas Toronto
  • U - Z: UCLA Extension Utah State Utah Valley Valencia Walden U Wake Technical Western Governors Wilmington Yale
  • I offer several unique payment plans, including a weekly plan, a discounted monthly plan, a discounted half-now / half-later plan, and highly discounted up-front rates.
  • I can accept the following payment methods for my services: PayPal Debit Cards Square Cash Credit Cards Cash App Venmo.
  • Only people located in North America have access to Venmo Cash App Zelle.
  • This is an excellent way to determine if the person you're dealing with is from the United States.
  • Within reason, I offer a partial or full money-Back guarantee if the student is very unsatisfied with my academic services.
  • For other subjects, you can reach out to me, and I can connect you with one of my tutoring partners who can provide general academic assistance for the following subjects:
  • Art & Design: Art History Design Film Studies
  • Business: Accounting (Acc) Biz Courses Business Administration (Biz Admn) Business Calculus Business Law Business Statistics Corporate Finance Economics (Econ) Finance (Fin) Financial Accounting Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Microeconomics (Micro) Macroeconomics (Macro) Management (Mgmt) Managerial Accounting Marketing MBA
  • Computer Science: C C++ Computer Programming (Comp) Java Python R (Introduction & Intermediate Level Only)
  • Humanities: Communications (Comm) English Literature Essay & Term Paper Writing, Editing, Proofreading Essays History Papers Philosophy (Phil) Religious Studies Theology (Theo)
  • Mathematics: A.P. Calculus AB & BC Psychology Statistics AP Statistics Bio statistics Calculus I (1) Calculus II (2) Calculus III (3) College Algebra Differential Equations Discrete Math Finite Math Functions General Math Geometry Liberal Arts Math Linear Algebra Multi-variable Calculus Partial Differential Equations Precalculus Probability Quantitative Reasoning Real Analysis Statistics Trigonometry (Trig) Vector Calculus
  • Science & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) Biochemistry Biology (Bio) Biostatistics Earth Science Environmental Science General Chemistry (Chem) Healthcare Medicine Nursing Nutrition Organic Chemistry Physics (Phys)
  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
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submitted by tbrowndolly to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:04 Impressive-Rope7858 Am I qualified ?

I’m seeking the input of those of you who have some insight about whether I would be qualified to teach in a particular role. Here are my qualifications and what I’m interested in teaching. Any input greatly appreciated!
Qualifications: I have BS and MS degrees in Computer Science. I worked in the high tech industry in Fortune 500 companies for 36 years as a software engineer and then a software engineering manager. I taught an introductory computer programming course in graduate school nine times. In that teaching role, I was fully responsible for the class on my own and had no discernible oversight at all. I completed Calculus, Differential Equations and Probability and Statistics classes as an undergrad, all with “A” grades. I currently am an elementary school substitute teacher, which entails actual teaching some of the time.
Interest: I’m interested in teaching an Algebra class at a Community College. A lower level math class than Algebra would be fine as well. Note that I’m really not interested in teaching a programming or software engineering class, since for 40 years that was my focus and I’d like a change of pace if possible at this point.
Should I apply for such positions, or am I really not qualified?
Thanks again for any input.
submitted by Impressive-Rope7858 to Adjuncts [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:00 Timeworx_io What is Data Processing?

What is Data Processing?
Just like food, raw data on its own isn't very useful to any individual or organization. You want it cooked, spiced, and perfectly dosed.
Data processing is that culinary art where human and machine intelligence combine to transform a set of raw data inputs into meaningful outputs.
These outputs are served in human-readable forms, like graphs, charts, or statistics, enabling teams across organizations to digest the information and make more informed decisions.
The data processing cycle is like a well-orchestrated recipe, composed of a series of steps, executed in a specific order.
Curious about the details? We have a chapter dedicated to this in our whitepaper.
submitted by Timeworx_io to u/Timeworx_io [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:17 ayhme Paper on Dyscalculia and Math Learning Disabilities

I put this through ChatGPT Omni to convert the text.
u/catpackplus shared it here and it wouldn't let me leave a comment.
Dyscalculia or math learning disability / disorder will prevent you from meeting minimum quantitative reasoning requirements at the college level. For liberal arts majors, this usually means passing a class in College Algebra or Finite Math. Because a dyscalculic student will test into remedial math classes on placement exams, they will be directed to non-college level refresher courses, like Math 085, Elementary Math Concepts, and Math 095, Pre-Algebra and Elementary Algebra.
Unfortunately, the fast pace, large lecture format, and labs with peer support, are rarely sufficient to close the skill gap. The dyscalculic is forced to repeat the remedial courses in the hopes of moving forward, but ends up running into trouble when repeated failure devastates the GPA and results in inadequate academic progress, academic probation, and ineligibility for financial aid and scholarships. Payment for remedial courses also uses up limited financial resources, and results in significant debt accumulation when student loans are used.
The math skills of most adults with dyscalculia are arrested at the 4th grade level; but even when testing at 4th grade, almost all will demonstrate deficient first, second, and third grade skills. At grades 1 through 4, the adult usually knows what to do, but gets problems wrong because of "careless errors." The dyscalculic is not being careless, however, because the dyscalculic has no awareness of their processing problems. These processing errors affect visual-spatial input, auditory input, and touch input.
Like with color blindness and the inability to see or perceive specific color differences, the dyscalculic sees fine, but the brain does not process quantitative information accurately. This results in baffling, frustrating difficulties. A dyscalculic may not be able to add a column of numbers and get the same answer twice because the mind changes the numbers, unbeknownst to the dyscalculic.
The same brain processing that makes advanced math problematic also makes it difficult to process tactile quantitative information accurately. Some dyscalculics have difficulty discriminating the difference in size between coins and other objects, and have difficulty comparing groups of items to determine which contains more or less.
The processing glitches present as output errors in counting, decimal point and number alignment, lack of place value awareness, faulty recall of math facts, mixed up and missing signs and numbers, directional confusion during operations, inappropriate preservation of ideas, random number insertions, and abandoned processes.
During processing, working memory is slow and insufficient, the mind switches inputs, acts on erroneous information, omits important information, loses track of operations, confuses sequences, is ambiguous about patterns and the association of meaning to symbols, and blanks out.
The result is a student who is consumed with frustration, anger, and anxiety over the consequences of their inability to perform as expected. An anxiety or panic attack may ensue. After extended traumatic experience with math, the dyscalculic will hate it, avoid it, and may experience an anxiety response at the thought of having to perform.
Because the dyscalculic student can usually perform adequately in all areas except mathematics, they are prone to disgust and disbelief at their mysterious inability to demonstrate math competence. They will attempt to succeed through heroic persistence and determination. After all, they usually excel at reading, writing, and speaking, and most learning tasks come easily. While this positive attitude, diligence, and investment of inordinate time got them mercy grades through elementary and high school math, it rarely works in college. The dyscalculic is stonewalled in college because professors cannot give grades for effort, and must grade solely on independent, summative exam performance.
See Complete College America's report on dismal college completion rates for students who test into remedial classes.
What can be done?
(1) Waive minimum quantitative reasoning classes that require calculation.
(2) Substitute courses that teach appreciation for quantitative reasoning and the greater world of mathematics, but do not require math calculation and memory of operations. Dyscalculic students can successfully write, speak and create concrete demonstrations of mathematical ideas, and can learn the language of mathematics, but cannot perform successfully independently on cumulative exams that involve calculation.
(3) Pursue alternate paths to satisfy your College Algebra requirement and allow the use of just-in-time references during exercises and tests. Algebra Tools. Remedial Programs.
(4) Make math accessible to dyscalculic students.
(5) Pass-Fail grading for all courses involving quantitative reasoning components, or accommodations or academic adjustments for those components.
(6) Pass-fail grading for all remedial courses.
Facts to share with the Disabled Student Services Office:
Developmental Dyscalculia (Specific Learning Disability in Mathematics, or Mathematics Learning Disorder) Diagnostic code: 315.1
A Student meets the criteria for a diagnosis of dyscalculia (i.e. specific learning disability in mathematics), when:
(a) Student consistently performs within the average or above average ranges on reading and writing tasks, and well below average on math tasks, and
(b) deficits are specific to sequential math memory, math working memory, math fact recall, mathematical reasoning and problem solving, math calculation, and general storage and fluent retrieval of practiced math skills; slow and insufficient working memory; and
(c) deficits are not due to inattention, illness, insufficient interest or motivation, anxiety, educational gaps, poor instruction, poor study skills, socio-economic circumstances, or other environmental causes.
Research has proven developmental dyscalculia results from cortical abnormalities in regional neural organization in the left angular gyrus, particularly a reduction in grey matter in the left intraparietal sulcus; whereas acquired dyscalculia occurs after lesions to the left parietal lobe.
Student cannot overcome these cognitive impairments with typical approaches like tutoring and studying harder, alone, as these cannot lead to permanent math learning, math memory and math facility.
While the MLD student may be capable of executing guided practice, and demonstrating mastery through extended exercises; the dyscalculic is incapable of consistent retention of math material in long-term memory, and must relearn the concepts at each attempt.
The dyscalculic can learn of the nature of their mental glitches and the errors that result. They can utilize tools and strategies to minimize the impact of these cognitive inefficiencies and mistakes of speech, reading, writing and demonstrating quantitative ideas. They cannot, however, eliminate the condition entirely, or control the natural stress response that occurs when diligent effort does not result in success.
Given these limitations, it is only reasonable to require:
(A) a dyscalculic's exposure to and demonstrated short-term and supported facility with the math course material required of his degree program; OR
(B) waiver of the math courses that require calculation and for which the dyscalculic is developmentally unprepared, AND
(C) substitution of those classes with courses that expose the dyscalculic student to math concepts, math language, math history, and math literacy without the need for exercises and assessments involving calculation.
Option A:
It is appropriate for the MLD student to cover required course material in a computer-mediated format, which tracks exposure and practice, requires demonstrated mastery of prerequisite skills before introducing new concepts, does not require performance on a cumulative final assessment, is self-paced, has just-in-time help for vocabulary definitions, concept demonstrations (review), instant feedback, and ample scaffolded practice until independence is achieved, and has instant tools for measuring, calculating, and color-coding operations.
Full course credit should be given for complete progression through the established curriculum, on a pass-fail basis (not calculated into GPA).
An acceptable format is the ALEKS program used by the University of Wisconsin-Madison for distance education and independent learning.
submitted by ayhme to dyscalculia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:15 xwolfchapelx LG UltraGear 34GS95QE: An Honest, DEEP Dive Review of My First OLED Monitor (From the LGxPCMR Giveaway)

LG UltraGear 34GS95QE: An Honest, DEEP Dive Review of My First OLED Monitor (From the LGxPCMR Giveaway)
Hey y'all! So last month I received some really exciting news from PCMR and LG, informing me that I had been picked for the LG UltraGear 34-Inch Ultrawide monitor giveaway! Part of the deal was to leave a review after using the display for about two weeks. It arrived on May 13th, giving me exactly two weeks (at the time of writing) to delve into its 34 inches of 240Hz OLED glory. However, I'd first like to clarify that I will be reviewing this monitor as if I purchased it myself, at the price of $900 USD, which has been its sale price for the last few weeks now. This approach ensures that I give you an honest evaluation, setting aside any bias that might come from receiving it for free. While I'm grateful for the opportunity to review and own this impressive tech courtesy of LG and PCMR, I need to provide an honest perspective. So, for the sake of this review, we're going to pretend that I purchased it with my hard-earned money, sound good?
Also, please keep in mind that this is my FIRST-ever OLED panel. I am coming from a 165Hz, 32-inch curved VA panel, and I have no other OLEDs to compare it to.
There will be a TL;DR at the very end because I recognize that this is basically a novel. I'm a sucker for writing reviews; what can I say?
So... without further ado:

The LG UltraGear 34GS95QE

The LG UltraGear 34GS95QE all set up! (Source: Self)
Unboxing/First Impressions:
The unboxing was extremely straightforward. The display came packaged with all needed documentation, the stand pieces, power supply and cable, USB cable, I/O cover, a mouse cable holder, as well as high-quality HDMI and DP cables that support the specs (8K@60Hz, 4K@120Hz, 2K@240Hz). The cables easily fit into the back of the display, even with the I/O cover popped into place, which is a relief. I've had experience with various Asus models where the DP cable only just barely fit in the I/O section, and you had to apply a very hard bend in the cable to make it do so. The display was safely packaged, although the foam that protects the monitor is just a bit smaller than the box, so when I was carrying it inside, I did notice that it rocked around a little bit in the box, but apparently not enough to cause any sort of damage because my panel ended up arriving in perfect shape. The foam closes in on the monitor like a clamshell, so the only possible damage would be if the box was completely impaled or crushed, or damage from excessive shaking or dropping.
Assembly was straightforward, though having two people could really help make the process easier. The arm of the stand connects into the base, it basically snaps in, then you have to tighten two screws at the bottom. Then, the monitor itself pops onto the stand, and this is where two people would have been more useful. I ended up using my phone as a mirror to make sure everything was lined up, but even though the stand and base are pretty heavy, it would have been nice to have someone else hold it for me. One-person assembly is 100% possible, just not recommended. Once your monitor is all assembled, hook up the USB and Display cables, and as soon as you plug in the power supply cable to the display, it will automatically turn on. Upon turning my PC on and logging into Windows, Windows automatically detected the model of the monitor and after a Windows update, the LG monitor application installer was automatically installed. It doesn't automatically download any of the programs besides this installer, which is basically like a game launcher (think Steam or Epic) that you can use to download and launch different applications like LG Screen Calibration Studio, OnScreen Control, and LG Dual Controller. The installer does set itself to auto-start with Windows, but it is very easy to disable. I chose to just install OnScreen Control for now, which gives you the ability to adjust the brightness, contrast, and things like that.
LG Monitor App Installer (Source: Self)
One thing that I noticed IMMEDIATELY when turning this thing on was how dark the blacks were. When booting up, I was under the impression that the screen was still off until I saw the LG logo appear. Everywhere but where the LG logo was illuminated looked as if the monitor was completely off, and the color from the logo doesn't bleed AT ALL. This blew me away, as I have NEVER owned a monitor that appeared SO BLACK. I guess we have Display HDR True Black 400 to thank for that. Another thing that I noticed right off the bat was the fact that the screen appears much more curved than a non-ultrawide with similar curvature. At first, I wasn't sure if I would like that, but I was wrong. I adjusted to it quite quickly. Within one game of Fortnite, I was fully immersed, unlike anything that I have experienced on my other curved panel, the Asus ROG XG32VC.
Overall Quality/Features:
The specs are listed as follows (Source: LG):
  • 34" WQHD (3440 x 1440) Curved (800R) OLED Display
  • VESA DisplayHDR™ TrueBlack 400 with up to 98.5% DCI-P3 color gamut expression
  • 240Hz Refresh Rate & 0.03ms (GtG) Response Time
  • NVIDIA® G-SYNC® Compatible & AMD FreeSync™ Premium Pro
  • 4-Side Virtually Borderless Design & Tilt, Height, Swivel Adjustable Stand
  • Black Stabilizer, Dynamic Action Sync, Crosshair, FPS Counter
I will start by talking about the resolution. I know that at the time of writing, only a handful of 2K/1440p OLED monitors exist. Most of the OLEDs available thus far have been 4K, and unfortunately, I do not have any experience with any 4K OLED panels. The only 4K panel I have access to is an Asus TUF 4K IPS that my friend has, and it's extremely hard to compare that screen to this one, mainly because the pixels just look very different. This screen is clear, and edges and rounded icons are very smooth. Up close, it's almost like they're less rigid than typical IPS/VA pixels. If I look close enough, I can see the individual pixels, but not unless my face is right up on the screen, as like I previously mentioned, the edges are much more fluid on this OLED than anything I've ever experienced before. It makes it really hard to compare this OLED to my previous monitors.
Overall, I think that the resolution is perfect for the size and the distance in which I set it up (back of stand is about 32 inches away from front of desk), and I'm actually pretty happy that I don't have to make the step up to 4K yet, as I just moved up from 1080p to 2K less than a year and a half ago, and I know that it can be difficult to switch back. I could see how the pixel density of 4K could make a difference, but would I really benefit that much from said difference? I don't think so. I think that the picture is beautiful, and I'm completely satisfied with its 3440x1440 resolution. So far all of the games that I play daily work great with the Ultrawide resolution (Fortnite, Cyberpunk, Palworld, Alan Wake 2, The Last of Us). Games that don't natively support ultrawide often have mods, but I also don't mind playing with bars or in windowed mode for older games.
The monitor also features KVM capabilities, and LG has software for controlling it. I didn't get a chance to mess around with it, but it exists. Another cool feature is the image cleaning, which kicks in every time you turn the monitor off to help with OLED burn-in. I read online that some people were having a problem where the monitor would automatically go into sleep mode, which would make it go into image cleaning mode which they would have to wait to finish to use the monitor. Not only did that NOT happen to me randomly, but you can actually interrupt the image cleaning at any time to use the monitor. Maybe they updated the firmware? The menu has a settings submenu with a whole lot of options, a game mode submenu, and an input select. The settings include a variety gaming/viewing adjustments and access to things like the crosshair and FPS counter. You have the option to change different aspects of the image, either in the built in menu or through the software.
The settings menu (Source: Self)
The last thing I would like to talk about in this section is the curvature, which is 800R. I'm coming from a 32-inch 1800R 2560x1440p monitor, and I was afraid that the 800R would be too much. Well, the thing is that it's not really comparable. An ultrawide can have more of a curve without actually appearing that way because of how wide it is. It is noticeably wider, especially when just looking at the monitor when I was assembling it or when it's off, but when you are using it, it feels very natural and immersive. I have no complaints about the curve. I feel like an 800R curve on a non-ultrawide would be a bit ridiculous though.
A close up taken of the text of this very review, on the LG monitor. (Source: Self)
Next, I wanted to touch a bit on the HDR features, but I want to preface it by saying that I don't understand everything about how HDR works, only a vague understanding, and I seriously do not get the naming schemes, at least as far as the protocols and certifications go. I'm going to do my best.
This monitor is VESA certified DisplayHDR True Black 400, and from what I understand, its peak brightness is only something like 473 nits, whereas DisplayHDR 1000, for example, can reach over 1000 nits at certain times. The biggest difference is how True Black 400 handles, well, blacks. Because of how OLED panels work, they can basically turn off individual pixels to create a very, VERY true black. I was blown away by how my screen looked as I was turning this thing on and the LG logo appeared. I couldn't tell a difference between on or off in the black space due to its near-infinite contrast ratio. ZERO BLOOMING. I never experienced that before, but now when I am gaming and encounter really dark areas, I noticc how truly pitch black it is. I enjoy it, though I don't know if I would prefer something with a higher peak brightness or not. It doesn't seem too dark to me, but I also have the thing in my dark little cave of an office right now.
Apparently, this monitor with its DisplayHDR True Black 400 fully supports HDR10 content, but how you ask? I personally thought that "true" HDR10 required 1000 nits. Well, I was wrong apparently. What I've recently read is that 1000 nits isn't always a requirement to completely support the HDR10 standard and its content. Because it is a 10-bit color display, and because of the range between the brightest and darkest that it can reach, it completely supports HDR10. I'll end this here before I sound any more stupid, but here's a chart, for those who do understand. (Please, if you have any comments on this or you think you could explain this to me any better, please do!)
Source: displayhdr.org
What I can talk about with confidence is how this monitor compares to my other HDR display. I have an Asus XG32VC and it has regular DisplayHDR 400, with 10-bit color as well. Honestly, I think HDR looks pretty bad on the XG32VC display, even in gaming, so I barely use it. I didn't buy it for that purpose, so it doesn't bother me. I figured HDR 400 would look like crap anyway. It was basically impossible to read text with it on, because it makes the text look different colors, at least to me. The LG does this a bit too with HDR on, but not as badly. I tried setting ClearType, which fixed the issue entirely for Windows applications like Word, Notepad, etc., but it still looks pretty bad in Chrome for whatever reason. Maybe the developers at Google haven't written ClearType into their programs? I don't know.
Overall, the HDR 400 True Black looks way better in games, and is actually usable. I think I would probably enjoy something with HDR True Black 600, as a higher peak brigness couldn't hurt. So far, I have been gaming quite a bit with it both on AND off, and have decided that it depends on the game as to whether or not I will actually use it. It looks fabulous in Fortnite. I can truly see myself utilizing the HDR with this monitor for most gaming situations that support it.
Up close on Google Chrome with HDR ON, notice the colors? (Source: Self)
HDR On, but in WordPad with ClearText Adjusted (Source: Self)
Motion Clarity and Color:
Now, one issue that I do seem to have with this monitor is color banding. Apparently, it is common with OLEDs and is one of their only "expected" downsides. I've read multiple reddit posts claiming that it can go away in time with use, but I do not know the science behind that. It is only noticeable with certain colors, but dark purple is one of them, and that was the color of my wallpaper. It completely disappears as soon as you turn HDR on, though, which I thought was interesting. This is probably due to the increased color depth and wider color gamut of HDR. I will keep everyone updated in the comments on how this looks with HDR off over time. All I can say about it is that it's SIGNIFICANTLY less noticeable than the ghosting was on my last monitor, so to me, it's really not a big deal at all. I'm reviewing this monitor as if I paid $900 for it, as that is the current price of it, and it has been on sale for the last month. If I paid that much, I would still be very happy with it despite the slight banding. I just wanted to make that clear once more. Anyway, I digress. Here's what the color banding looks like:
Here is a picture of the color banding on a dark purple (I know it looks blue), with contrast and brightness adjusted to make it visable in the photo. The white blotches were NOT visable to my eye, and were only caught on camera due to what I believe was glare on the screens coating. This is with HDR off. (Source: Self)
And here is the same area, edited the same way, with HDR ON (I'm not entirely sure why they look SO different). (Source: Self)
Let's be done with HDR for now. Let's talk about MOTION CLARITY and RESPONSE TIME, the absolute highlights of this monitor. If I had to put it in just a few words, I'd say...It's an absolute game changer. I have an Asus laptop, which was my first gaming machine, and it is 1080p and 300Hz, but it's an IPS and its G2G is 3ms. The LG... is 0.03ms (advertised as G2G, but isn't it really B2B?), and I'll just say that it makes a huge difference, and I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to competitively gaming on high response time monitors again (Wow...I'm really calling 3ms high... what a day we live in). It's just SO. MUCH. CLEARER. Below is a video, taken at 240FPS, of my 240Hz TestUFO. I'm not sure how clear the video will be once posted, but there is ZERO ghosting. ZERO! It's just completely fluid. I don't understand how this could even get much better. Maybe 500Hz and 0.02ms? Lol. Can we even comprehend that kind of speed? I think that we can perceive it to some degree, but that's a whole other conversation for another day... but in my opinion, it has a lot to do with our eyes and brains and how their limitations could never perfectly line up with the frame rate of the monitor causing discrepancies and the ability for higher frame rates, ones higher than doctors say our eyes or brains can perceive, can appear much clearer and fluid. Maybe I'll write my ideas in a post sometime, but I can 100% see the difference between 120 and 240Hz. Not much between 240-300Hz, but honestly, I don't have many modern games to test that even run near 300Hz. My gameplay has drastically improved. I've been getting Victory Royales quite frequently since I got this monitor. I guess it's true what they say, frames, and in this case, very clear transitions between them, DO IN FACT win games. It's something like that.
Older PC games like Half-Life looked REALLY bad on my old monitor, as the ghosting was, well, it was ridiculous at times. I'm not even sure WHY it was so bad. Literal trails. It was only really bad on older games though. I also often felt sick when scrolling over text a lot on my last display, but this LG does not cause that effect, and trust me, I've tried to replicate it to see. I'm so happy to not have to deal with that nausea. Am I just being a drama queen? Maybe a little. But when you spend 10+ hours a day coding or writing assignments for school, browsing Reddit, using Discord, or the tasteful content of Twitter, things like that can really start to bother you. I have used other VA displays that didn't have this much of an effect. Some monitors are just hard to compare to others. They're all a little different for the most part from what I have noticed.
As you can see below, the Blurbusters TestUFO looked GREAT!
Blurbusters TestUFO filmed on an iPhone in \"Slow Motion\" mode @ 240 FPS, which is then changed to full speed when exported. The easiest way to capture 240Hz without a fancy pants camera. (Source: Self/BlurBusters)
FreeSync Premium works great with my RX 6950XT. No screen tearing, nothing like that at all. I haven't had the chance to use this with an Nvidia card, as I am on vacation right now (yes, I had the monitor delivered to where I am vacationing, and yes, I brought all of my PC setup here JUST to do this review, and YES, I am extremely antisocial, and this is giving me an excuse to hide away while my family does Karaoke), but I will post an update at some point either on here or on my YouTube and TikTok pages (Silent Coyote Creations).
Gaming is fantastic. The motion clarity is incredible. I really enjoy just walking around and looking at things, moving around and just admiring how responsive everything is. I don't really know what else I can say about it. I think this is a PERFECT monitor for gaming, watching content, editing videos, and typing/reading. I love it. I truly do, and I would be extremely satisfied if I had paid for it.
A freeze frame of mid run in Fortnite, to show motion clarity in gaming, taken with iPhone at 240hz, HDR on, DX12, Native Resolution (Source: Self/Fortnite)
I could try to explain how accurate the colors look for a really long time, but I think it's something that you just have to experience. I've had a 10-bit color monitor before, but OLED is just another beast entirely. Because it is 10-bit, it can produce 1.07 billion colors, and its color gamut covers 98.5% of DCI-P3 (CIE 1976). This monitor did include a calibration report, which says that it passed its tests, and judging by my eye, it seems to be very accurate. When looking at product images of things that I own, I would say that the colors are very close, though many factors could be at play when comparing things like that. I am not sure how to check without calibration tools, sensors, or without having some sort of color matching printout.
The screen has a semi-glossy, semi-matte finish that appears to be highly resistant to reflections and glare. I haven't encountered any issues with it thus far, although shining a flashlight or possibly a filming light at it does create more glare than a matte finish.
The calibration report that was included in the box (Source: Self)
Physical Features:
The last thing that I want to touch base on is the physical monitor and its accessories. The base of the stand is VERY LARGE and may not work with smaller desks. As you can see in the photo below (Two down), I rest my Xbox controller on it, but there's still quite a bit of room. From the very front of the base (the part that would be facing you) to the very back (facing the wall), it is a stunning 9 3/4 inches. At its widest point, the bases width is 11 inches across, and the width at the front of the base is 8 inches across. The base is a quarter of an inch thick, and it's fortunately flat enough to be able to rest things on it without them sliding off. In my opinion, this monitor would be MUCH better off being mounted to the wall or the rear of the desk on an arm. It takes a 100x100mm VESA mount in the rear, in place of where the stand connects. I plan to look into some monitor arms for this beast once I am back home.
I'm not too sure I would consider this a "4-Side Virtually Borderless Design," as stated in the listing on the LG website since the border, in my opinion, is quite thick. A quarter of an inch to be exact. I don't think it really matters, especially with a monitor that "immerses" you quite like this one does, but I did want to point that out.
The RGB, also known as "Hexagon Lighting," is really simple to use in the menu. You can assign a handful of static colors to choose from, you can just choose a color cycle, or simply turn it off. With the software supplied to you from the LG support page for this monitor, there is absolutely NO way to control the lighting. I have read online that the outdated software, LG UltraGear Control Center, CAN work with this monitor to control the lighting, but unfortunately, I was NOT able to get it to recognize this monitor. I do not understand why LG couldn't just include the feature to adjust the colors in one of their many applications that they offer. THEY USED TO OFFER IT, WHAT HAPPENED?! I think that's dumb. Really dumb.
What was that, you said "Maybe Signal RGB supports it?"
Nope. At least not yet.
The on screen color selection for Hexagon Lighting in the Settings menu (Source: Self)
The inputs include 1 DisplayPort 1.4 and 2 HDMI 2.1 for video/audio. I would have liked to see 2 DP ports and HDMI and a USB-C, but I don't need to use USB-C quite often anymore so I'll get over it. There is also an AUX out on the botton of the screen, easy to reach when the monitor is setup. Besides that, there are 2 USB 3.0 inputs and a USB-B to USB 3.0 output for controlling the monitor as well as KVM capabilities.
The included cables have basically no information on them besides ULTRA HIGH SPEED and ULTRA CERTIFIED, whatever the hell that means. Both the included HDMI and DP cables are 6 ft in length. The USB output cable is 6 feet, and the power cable is at least 10 feet. About 6 feet to the inverter, then about another 4 to the wall, but this cable can be replaced with a longer 3-prong power cable if needed.
Overall, I really like the look and appearance of the monitor. It looks like it costs $1000 USD+ and fits my aesthetic fairly well. I've only ever used Asus monitors before this, primarily Asus ROG, because I really liked the look of them and the quality, but apparently I was missing out on LG UltraGear because this is the same, if not better. The design on the back is sleek and projects the light of the RGB sections very strongly onto the wall. They also added a neat little mouse cable holder, which comes in a little bag in the box (I had no idea what the hell I was holding at first) and can be clipped onto the underside of the monitor in multiple different places. All of the cables for the monitor, as well as your peripherals, can run directly under the monitor and through the port on the back of the stand, to neatly manage everything. One of my ROG monitors had this too, but it wasn't large enough to fit anything besides the display, USB, and power cables. Thankfully, this one can fit a lot due to its huge base.
The base of the monitor, with an Xbox 360 controller on it, plus a look at the mouse cable holder (Source: Self)


First off, if you actually DID read all of this, bravo—give yourself a good ol' pat on the back because I'm sure that wasn't easy. This is my first-ever written tech review, so I hope it wasn't too chaotic. If there's anything that I got wrong or anything that you think I missed and should had covered, please, let's discuss it in the comments. I'm always trying to learn more and improve my technical knowledge, as well as my reviewing skills. There's nothing wrong with some constructive criticism.
Overall, I LOVE this monitor and would be happy with it if I had purchased it myself. The motion clarity, thanks to the 240Hz refresh rate and 0.03ms response time, is an absolute game changer and has drastically improved my gaming skills. It's a noticeable improvement in the few competitive FPS titles that I play, primarily Fortnite. The colors are bright and accurate, and the contrast ration is simply stunning—I'll just leave it at that. The 3440x1440p resolution on this display provides a very clear picture, with no visible pixel outlines or distorted edges of any kind when my eyes are between 24-30 inches from the panel itself (I really wouldn't recommend going any closer).
The DisplayHDR True Black 400 gives this screen blacks that are indistinguishable from the monitor in an off state. Blooming is non-existent. HDR content looks beautiful, and though I wouldn't mind to see what a higher peak brightness looks like with True Black, the range between the brightest and darkest scenes makes the HDR experience very different from typical DisplayHDR 1000+ displays or related 10-bit displays. It competes well with other options available and, in my opinion, is a pretty attractive option for people who enjoy immersive gaming or watching HDR content in a darker room where peak brightness beyond 500 nits isn't necessary.
I only ran into a few small issues with the 34GS95QE. The first was the slight bit of color banding (see above), which goes away entirely when HDR is turned on and, from what I have read, may disappear entirely over time. Another gripe I have is the inability to control the monitor's RGB lighting with any software. I don't understand why, or rather, HOW they couldn't implement that into their software, SOMEWHERE—they used to! Signal RGB tries its best to recognize it as an LG UltraGear monitor, which it does, but unfortunately, it IDs it as the wrong model (27GN950) and just doesn't override the menu-selected color option, or the off setting! To me, it's not the biggest deal in the world, and they partially make up for it by allowing you to choose from a plethora of static colors in the Settings menu (see picture above), but it's dumb, and if I paid for this monitor, it would annoy me. Am I being a drama queen again? Idk...
The only other thing that I'm not the biggest fan of is the size of the base. IT'S HUGE (see above), but from what I can tell, it's kind of necessary. This is one heavy monitor, I'll tell you h'what (13 lbs without the stand, 20.5 lbs with it!). It would make much more sense to use this display with a wall mount or a monitor arm if your desk isn't at least 30 inches deep. Unfortunately, it doesnt include any sort of clamp. Luckily, the top of the base is flat enough to store things on it, such as a gaming controller or DAC, so maybe the space could be utilized by some people, granted their desk size allows it.
I give this monitor a 4.5 out of 5.
4.5/5 (Source: Self)
Any photos cited as "self" were taken by me and can be used for any related purpose. If you care to cite it, cite me as Silent Coyote Creations. Feel free to fine my Youtube and TikTok pages if you are interested in reading and/or watching my other reviews. Thanks for reading!
Silent Coyote Creation

The LG UltraGear 34GS95QE

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2024.05.30 08:01 Night_Manager_ Not able to run the motor from Siemens starter.

Not able to run the motor from Siemens starter.
What is this message, switch- on disable active while running simenens drive?
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by jennasmithy0984 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:58 cranberry_grape Bird model EfficientNetB0 compression

I've been working on a series of steps to compress EfficientNetB0 models down to much smaller sizes while retaining the accuracy. From what I can tell my approach is mostly working as I'm able to grab random bird photos from recent birding reddit posts and it mostly figures out the bird correctly or at the very least it's one where I can see the resemblance.
Not sure if I'm missing something significant with my approach though as there has been little interest from those I've told to date. I am self taught and still a novice by any measure so I am worried there is some basic elementary reason this model may be insufficient and I'm embarrassing myself by sharing this.
I posted all my notebooks showing the logic at various stages in my compression process and as I downsized the input size as well and converted the underlying activation layers. I also included some information from the process and what I've learned.
This was my final notebook: https://github.com/Timo614/machine-learning/blob/main/birds/notebooks/birds_96x96_411_outputs_i87_full_relu6_post_decimation.ipynb
With its associated model: https://github.com/Timo614/machine-learning/blob/main/birds/models/96x96_411_full_relu6_post_decimation.zip
The quantized tflite int8 model: https://github.com/Timo614/machine-learning/blob/main/birds/models/bird_classifier_96x96_411-relu6-81.987.tflite
Associated labels: https://github.com/Timo614/machine-learning/blob/main/birds/models/labels.txt
I also added the project on edge impulse: https://studio.edgeimpulse.com/studio/370799/
Not sure if I'm missing some giant issue with my approach. I had thought given the test data was kept pure (along with the validation set) and given its high accuracy it would indicate there's nothing wrong with my model. I've also further tested with recent bird images to confirm new images I've found properly classify such as: https://studio.edgeimpulse.com/studio/370799/classification?sampleId=1015469175 I cropped from https://www.reddit.com/birding/comments/19cc5fm/southern_carmine_beeeater_merops_nubicoides/#lightbox (given the model is trained to have the bird in 50% of the image).
Anyhow if I've made some mistake with my approach apologies for the time waste. It seems to work at a glance from my attempts trying random birds and I documented the approach if others want to try.
submitted by cranberry_grape to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:12 OddBallProductions Please help. I have a project due in 12 hours and cannot solve this issue

As part of a larger project, I need a function that can take in the name of a class and then output the period (uppercase letter A-G) it takes place in. The data has some inconsistancy and I not able to just manually change the inconsistant values and I also want to try and steer away hard coding values and exeptions. I have tried everything from regex to voodoo magic and have had no success. here are some test cases I put together:
const testCases = [ { input: 'IBVisArt2.E-HL: IB Visual Arts HL Yr2', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'IBVArt2.2 E-SL: IB Visual Arts SL Yr2', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'IBEngL&LA2.E-HL: IB English A: Language & Literature HL Yr2', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'IBMathA&A1.E-SL: IB Math Analysis & Approaches SL Y1', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'IBSpanAb1.G: IB Spanish Ab Initio Yr1', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'French 2 E: French 2', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'English9 A.2: English 9', expected: 'A' }, { input: 'IBMusic1. F: IB Music Yr1', expected: 'F' }, { input: 'HPhys G: Physics', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'Chemistry.G.1: Chemistry', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'French 3 F: French 3', expected: 'F' }, { input: 'French 2 D: French 2', expected: 'D' }, { input: 'IBFilm1-C: IB Film Yr1', expected: 'C' }, { input: 'IBFilm2 BSL: IB Film SL Yr2', expected: 'B' }, { input: 'DigitalPhoto E3: Digital Photography', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'DigitalPhoto G1: Digital Photography', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'Spanish2.1D: Spanish 2', expected: 'D' }, { input: 'US Hist D: Honors US History', expected: 'D' }, { input: 'Algebra2. E: Algebra 2', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'Eng9_10Int .B: English 9/10 International', expected: 'B' }, { input: 'ToK1.2 C: IB Theory of Knowledge Yr1', expected: 'C' }, { input: 'Geometry E: Geometry', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'Geometry.2.G: Geometry', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'EAL 1 G: EAL 1', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'EAL 3 B.1: EAL 3', expected: 'B' }, { input: 'EAL 4 G: EAL 4', expected: 'G' } ]; 
I am really struggling with this and any help or guidance will be greatly apreciated.
(edit: I added some of the more frustrating test cases)
submitted by OddBallProductions to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:06 OddBallProductions Please help me. I have a coding assignment due in 12 hours and cannot solve this issue

As part of a larger project, I need a function that can take in the name of a class and then output the period (uppercase letter A-G) it takes place in. The data has some inconsistancy and I not able to just manually change the inconsistant values and I also want to try and steer away hard coding values and exeptions. I have tried everything from regex to voodoo magic and have had no success. here are some test cases I put together:
const testCases = [ { input: 'IBVisArt2.E-HL: IB Visual Arts HL Yr2', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'IBVArt2.2 E-SL: IB Visual Arts SL Yr2', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'IBEngL&LA2.E-HL: IB English A: Language & Literature HL Yr2', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'IBMathA&A1.E-SL: IB Math Analysis & Approaches SL Y1', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'IBSpanAb1.G: IB Spanish Ab Initio Yr1', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'French 2 E: French 2', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'English9 A.2: English 9', expected: 'A' }, { input: 'IBMusic1. F: IB Music Yr1', expected: 'F' }, { input: 'HPhys G: Physics', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'Chemistry.G.1: Chemistry', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'French 3 F: French 3', expected: 'F' }, { input: 'French 2 D: French 2', expected: 'D' }, { input: 'IBFilm1-C: IB Film Yr1', expected: 'C' }, { input: 'IBFilm2 BSL: IB Film SL Yr2', expected: 'B' }, { input: 'DigitalPhoto E3: Digital Photography', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'DigitalPhoto G1: Digital Photography', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'Spanish2.1D: Spanish 2', expected: 'D' }, { input: 'US Hist D: Honors US History', expected: 'D' }, { input: 'Algebra2. E: Algebra 2', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'Eng9_10Int .B: English 9/10 International', expected: 'B' }, { input: 'ToK1.2 C: IB Theory of Knowledge Yr1', expected: 'C' }, { input: 'Geometry E: Geometry', expected: 'E' }, { input: 'Geometry.2.G: Geometry', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'EAL 1 G: EAL 1', expected: 'G' }, { input: 'EAL 3 B.1: EAL 3', expected: 'B' }, { input: 'EAL 4 G: EAL 4', expected: 'G' } ];
I am really struggling with this and any help or guidance will be greatly apreciated.
(edit: I added some of the more frustrating test cases)
submitted by OddBallProductions to learnjavascript [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:49 Stunning_Dig_4865 How to Build a Developer Metrics Dashboard?

How to Build a Developer Metrics Dashboard?
In today’s modern fast world of software technology, success not only depends on writing code lines or launching new features. It depends on understanding how your team functions, finding areas for improvement, choosing the right tool for platform engineering and ultimately optimizing.
A developer’s dashboard serves as a comprehensive central system for displaying the relevant KPIs and metrics for your engineering team. From code quality and deployment frequency to team velocity and bug resolution time, a well-designed developer metrics dashboard offers detailed insights into your teams’ performance, helping to drive continuous growth.

Why do you need a Developer Metrics Dashboard?

In a highly dynamic software world, monitoring the real-time performance of your team is very important. A developer metrics dashboard allows you to,
  • Track Progress: Ability to track the progress of developers, teams and projects on a real-time basis.
  • Identify Bottlenecks: Identify the constraints or inefficiencies that are connected to the development process and manage to do well by responding to them almost immediately.
  • Measure Quality: Be it code coverage, code churn, or technical debt; track these code quality metrics to make sure your codebase remains bug-free.
  • Improve Collaboration: Encourage and promote teamwork as well as data transparency by giving everyone access to the same data. This can be easily achieved by implementing DevOps as a Service solution.
  • Drive Accountability: Maintain and enforce the accountability of your teammates by setting clear metrics and objectives.
Businesses can consult a reputed DevOps solution provider for leveraging DevOps services alongwith a customized development dashboard to reach their maximum business potential.
[Good Read: Balancing Speed & Security In Modern DevOps ]

Balancing Speed & Security In Modern DevOps

Designing Developer Metrics Dashboard

Performing a developer metrics dashboard development success requires proper planning and negotiations. Here are some key steps to help you get started,
  • Identify Key Metrics: Begin by picking out the most important metrics that reflect your team’s intentions and aspirations. They could involve measures such as quality of code, efficiency of performance, throughput and team output.
  • Choose the Right Tools: Choose a dashboarding tool or platform that fits your team and it should not be a strain when used with your development works and tools. Select the right tool for platform engineering that seamlessly integrates with other tools. When it comes to visibility tools, prominent options include Grafana, Datadog, and self-made solutions constructed using frameworks such as Django or Flask.
  • Design for Clarity: Make sure your dashboard is clean and easy to understand by using charts, graphs and tables that are structured clearly and concisely. Ensure that the dashboard remains uncluttered with no less useful or too complicated visualisations.
  • Customize for Your Team: Individualise your dashboard to the specific requirements and preferences. Enable users to have personalized views and use triggers to receive alerts, in case of an event or a threshold.
  • Iterate and Improve: Continuously monitor and measure the impact of your dashboard and feel free to make those revisions that would make your dashboard more well-functioning. Ask for input from your team members and users to keep your dashboard fresh and tailored to their requirements. You can also implement DevOps as a Service solution to achieve this
You can check more info about: How to Build a Developer Metrics Dashboard?.
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submitted by Stunning_Dig_4865 to u/Stunning_Dig_4865 [link] [comments]
