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2024.05.15 01:16 trashyraccy Is transitioning even worth it? TW: Climate Crisis

I’ve been presented with the opportunity to transition recently, and my first appointment for gender affirming care is on the 21st. A big reason why i’ve been so hesitant on starting this transition though isn’t because of any interpersonal or social conflict. I just turned 18, so who cares what my parents say. My community doesn’t scare me despite it being right leaning. And i’m very confident i want to make this decision! But can i even say yes to this decision? When I was 13, I stumbled upon a news article regarding the 6th mass extinction and afterwards fell into a deep rabbit hole of a world i knew existed, yet was too young to approach. My teenage years was filled with paralyzing anxiety of a terrifying future and hopelessness of our current situation regarding our climate. Long story short, I had to suffer the consequences that come with immense knowledge. Fast forward to now, I’m incredibly knowledgeable on the topics of the climate crisis including causes, mitigation, adaption, and consequences thanks to the countless of books and scientific studies, such as IPCC reports, i’ve read growing up. I’m hopeful that change can be made, but many people aren’t ready to accept that these changes have to be brought on by radical action (civil disobedience, revolts, etc.) But what if this never happens? If it’s business as usual we’re not going to be living the same lives that society comfortably provides us now. I don’t want to use the term “societal collapse” since it’s very alarmist but a dramatic shift in economics, food security, and safety can absolutely change our lives. With all that being said, the conflict i must deal with now is if I should even medically transition as a nonbinary individual if my identity could serve as a problem in the future, especially if medical access or prescriptions become inaccessible due to a shifting society. I don’t ask this question to scare, but i ask it because i am concerned. Is it even worth it? I think these are important conversations to have. It reveals what’s at risk and what should be fought for. Climate justice is trans rights. I personally believe it’s time to mobilize and fight against our system that has brought upon this catastrophic risk, while at the same time pursue our identities and protect it by changing the world for the better. But that’s only possible if we come together.
submitted by trashyraccy to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:13 AnalSexIsTheBest8-- [M21] Finally came to terms my father is an irredeemable narcissist.

(Terribly sorry about the overly long post. I didn't think it would go on forever.)
My father is an absolute, irredeemable narcissist. I have known he had narcissistic traits for a long time, but I always harbored some hopes there was some good in him, at least some "good intentions" that get unfortunately warped in their execution. No, there are no good intentions and never have been. He is an egomaniac who relishes the authority and control he has over his family and constantly yells, insults, humiliates, blames and gaslights us. We are always at fault for anything and everything, while he is always in the right and a victim of the malevolence and disrespect of others. He uses every conceivable circumstance to denigrate our self-worth while increasing his own, like injecting himself in situations he has nothing to do with and freely giving unsolicited advice and critique.
He gets explosively angry and starts huge arguments (in which only he participates, because he shuts down even the slightest attempt at retorting) at literally anything and even when he doesn't, he always tries to put down our point of view to make us look like fools in comparison to him, to the point I have started actively avoiding talking about anything with him (which doesn't work, as he will purposefully start a conversation with the whole point of him looking very smart and me very dumb). My mother is treated like a houseslave that cooks and cleans without gratitude, even though she has a fulltime job, and he often yells at and insults her for some perceived disrespect. She is the one who financially contributed the most to my younger sister's and mine development, since my father is a massive miser and refuses to spend money on anything but bare essentials, or generally what he himself deems necessary. He certainly spares no expenses for his beach holidays.
I have no agency, no free will. I must go where he drags me to and do what he tells me to. He considers me (semi-openly) a lesser being than himself, like a dog, that must be infinitely deferential to his absolute authority and be happy and grateful about it. Any actions that assert me against (or even just besides) his self-interest are seen as acts of insufferable disobedience and harshly verbally put down. He generally believes our family has to completely revolve around him and we shouldn't have wills or schedules outside what is convenient to him. He never tells us when he plans trips, he just announces them and fully expects us to drop whatever plans we have and go. He sometimes gives us a choice whether to go or not, but always drags us anyway because it really doesn't matter what we choose. The choice is for him to feel virtuous, not for us to actually refuse.
The worst thing is, I have nobody to turn to. Everyone I have ever talk to about his behavior always says the same thing: "That's very sad, but he is still your father and you must respect him and take care of him in his old age", or "Well, he is doing the best he can. He didn't have a good childhood. You need to empathise with him and meet him halfway", or "You don't understand how much he is doing for all of you. He isn't that bad, plenty of fathers are worse. You are just ungrateful son". Now I understand they were saying this because they all had similar experiences with paternal authority and this was simply considered the norm, but back when I first started talking about it, in my early teen, this was very isolating and made me think those people were right and that I should both understand and put in work to make our bond better (I was still a naïve child who dearly wanted his beloved father's love and acceptance back then), plus he could be helpful and caring here and there. Every time I tried, it all ended up the same. After all, what kind of bond can a lord ever have towards his chattel? I tried and I tried, I cried and I cried and in the end, I was left completely broken. I spent the entirety of my teens deep in suicidal depression, anxiety and social isolation due to my father (can't really make friends when you're too scared they'll criticise and yell at you), all of which, of course, he blamed on me and my unwillingness to listen to his advice and go out and socialise (funny thing, he himself is a friendless loser for every single reason I named here. He very much isn't a charismatic narcissist). It's only a year or two ago that I finally started coming out of my shell and healing, though I still have a very long way to go.
The time I fully accepted he was completely filled with nothing but narcissism was when I overheard him insulting and criticising my mother for her protectiveness over us whenever he'd start his narcissistic outbursts. He told her she would always interfere when he tried to reach out to us, and when he elaborated, he meant that we wouldn't comply with his desires as instantly as he wanted. Furthermore, when my mother advised him he shouldn't be so forceful and try communicating, he said that there was no reason for him to communicate (the implication being that communication was only between equals and we weren't equal) and that we should simply obey him and it was all our mother's fault, since apparently, her defending us instilled us with the idea that we can actually have our own opinions and not immediately bow down to him. What really did it was when he told her she should have taken his side and immediately squashed any attempts to assert ourselves to him and leave us isolated and without support. It was so callous and cruel, that I almost started crying. He really is a narcissistic monster beyond any hope of change.
submitted by AnalSexIsTheBest8-- to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:51 MisterHoops Fun fact: There's already a fully functional Moa rig that I designed, on Rymdnisse's official Mods pack.

Back in the good ol' days around 2015, I got into contact with my superhero and the guy whose rigs trained and cultivated my fascination in Minecraft animation. Since I'm only making assets for the current rigs that need to be filled in, I thought I might point you in the right direction if you want my "official" Aether Moa Rig. I say "Official" because back in November of 2017, I abandoned the Cobalt Active alias and kinda fell off the grid after I deleted all my work. My YouTube Channel, PlanetMinecraft, Twitter, Facebook, even my Google account. I just couldn't bear to look at all that after the big bad BC took my eyesight from my right eye and nearly took my life, and after my fellow Minecraft animator "friends" left me to die.
But Rym (Rymdnisse) and I are still on good terms. Same goes for a me and my pal Pavo_Reality (or Pavocado which I think he goes by on Twitte"X"). Pavo made the Exotic Birds mod which I ended up rigging Pavo's birds from. He and I became quick friends afterwards.
You know, I'm not good at planning big projects out. But I think that's why I should stick to SUPPLYING assets instead of working with them. That's my current MO. Sure, as much as I'd like to make a big ass animation series of my character jumping around the Aether and being crazy, I think my MO should be stuck to what I'm good at, and that's supplying models and in the meantime I should use that to also hone my rigging skills too because a lot has changed in seven years. I was 19 when I abandoned the Cobalt Active alias, I'm 25 now!
Here's where you can download Rymdnisse's rig pack. Now the rig is run by people I don't really have much good speaking terms on, but they probably understand where they sit in my mind considering the controversial and horrific reality of what happened between us in November of 2017. They know what they did. I'll acknowledge they do in fact still harbor the "Minecraft_Mods_Rig" in their files. Cycles_Minecraft_Rig BSS Edit (
My intentions aren't to cause flame wars, just to give assets, so if they "contact" me, I'll just block them. If they want to push further, it'll be time for me to lawyer up. They have nothing I need nor nothing I want. But hey? Kudos to them for their work. I actually can admire the fact they kept up the original tradition of making these rigs free-to-use and open-source. But that's where the similarities end. Not to mention, they chose to keep the Aether rigs intact as opposed to deleting them out of spite. I can admit that while I was cooling down after my battle with brain cancer I wouldn't have been too accepting, but it's great to see the assets are still there. It doesn't seem like much has happened in a while though, so either they all disembarked and left or they're just downsized nowadays. Still, their work is solid.
Sorry for my rambling. But yep. The work's in there if you wanna have a go at it. MinecraftAnimationSWW is my "comeback", in a light sense. No more lying to myself, just focus on what I'm good at and that's supplying assets and learning while I finish my book. It IS in my best intentions to bridge the gap though. You want the Moa Rig? THERE it is, on the Boxscape Studios website. You're welcome, case closed.
submitted by MisterHoops to MinecraftAnimationSWW [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:50 ScienceyWorkMan Being forced to return to my substantive but do the same job so my acting position can be rotated between other coworkers. Is there anything I can do?

Hi all,
My substantive is an EG-04 Lab Technician but for the past 2 years I have been in an acting BI-02 Biologist position. All of my performance reviews come back positive and I have never been told I was underperforming in any of my roles. Despite this, I will be moved back down to an EG-04 position so that another EG-04 in our group will have an opportunity to act in the BI-02 position. This is going to result in me being paid 11k less than what I am currently paid, which is quite a lot of money to me.
I will be expected to do the exact same job, but for less money.
I was told by my manager that this is to be fair within our group, and that my coworker and I are “doing the same job”. The thing is, we are definitely not doing the same job as I have been working on this large project by myself, with very little guidance from my manager. The other coworker has been working underneath a BI-3 and has been shielded from the higher-level job responsibilities, and has received guidance from the BI-3 throughout their time here. I report directly to my manager, who also manages the previously mentioned BI-3, and provides me with extremely limited input. Months go by without me talking to my manager unless I have a major issue that I need assistance with.
There is nobody else who has been trained on my project, and when I go on vacation there is nobody that fills in for me, my project just gets paused until I return. If the EG-04 quit tomorrow, their project would not be affected.
I have been reaching out to other groups that I have been collaborating with to ask to use them as references, and every one of them has said something like “wow, I thought you were a major driving force in your group, and a main contact for your program” (This is an actual quote). I have even been recently contacted by a director of another organization to meet and discuss how they can improve their public health program, as my project directly relates to their program. I’m just trying to paint the picture here that my work is not at the EG-04 level.
I have been told that I cannot act in the same position for more than 3 years, but I have almost a full year until I am at that 3 year mark.
I am wondering if there is anything I can do here to defend myself, or even just plea my case to someone for a chance to maintain my position or pay. Or am I just forced to accept this 11k pay cut until I can find a different position in a different group?
Appreciate the help!
submitted by ScienceyWorkMan to CanadaPublicServants [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:50 Junepero Story’s of panem 114 pre games

"Good evening, tributes, and welcome back to the stories of Panem. Before we begin, I would like to thank Christian Blanco, the original writer of "Tales of the Hunger Games," and Lauren from "Panem Reborn." Now, since I don't have too much else to say, let's go!
Game 114 (150):
District 1: Jacqueline and Facet
District 2: Malona and Crane
District 3: Darlene and Colt
District 4: Brook and Harbor
District 5: Unknown girl and Darian
District 6: Fifi and Atlas
District 7: Bloom and Amarylio
District 8: Scarlet and Carter
District 9: Zest and Mazin
District 10: Zulu and Mateo
District 11: Unknown girl and Lee
District 12: Dorothy and Hargree
District 14: Both unknown
A plethora of excitement crossed the capital over the past year, especially their beloved commentator Camilia Ravenstil's pregnancy, which resulted in her giving birth to twins named Amelia and Cyrus, to honor the past two Game Makers. Even Winnow's victory was still in high popularity.
As the reapings rolled around on July 4th, many of the capital citizens flew to their TVs and viewing parties. Winnow made her journey from district to district with her mother and entourage from the capital. When she landed in District 4 on the late morning of the third day of the reapings, she was greeted by Mayor Chigwell. After a rather long tour of the district's harbors and jewelry stores, they stopped at a nearby seaside diner for a brief lunch. Viewers in Snow Square laughed at Winnow's face of pure boredom as Mayor Chigwell ranted about the latest trends in the district's fashion. Winnow's face soon turned to relief as the mayor brought her back to the district's reaping square.
After a little bit of time, the light blue-catered youths were walked into the square by rather impatient Peacekeepers. Mayor Chigwell finished up his speech before welcoming Winnow to the stage. She gave out a rather tired smile at the district's population before talking about the joys of being a victor. She then asked if any of the girls wanted to volunteer. After hearing no response, she then took out the name of 17-year-old Brook Branachok.
Brook was found in the back of the 17-year-old section. Her platinum blonde hair made her quite noticeable to viewers in Snow Square. She sighed dramatically before flipping her blonde hair back in a dramatic manner as her piercing blue eyes even made some of her nearby peers shudder in fear as Brook arrived at the stage and shook Winnow's hand. "She was later described as a 'rich high school bully' by commentators. The girls in a mood," Winnow laughed before shaking Brook’s hand before walking to the male reaping bowl. After a brief silence, she thrusted her hand elbow-deep before taking out the name of 17-year-old Harbor Zanders. A brief pause soon followed by a discussion as a boy with dark brown curly hair with a smattering of light brown freckles on his face gave a guilt-ridden smile before walking up to the stage. However, as a group of teens his age giggled, Harbor turned back and glared at the giggling boys as they suddenly grew quiet. Harbor soon took out a flask of wine. Capital citizens laughed as Harbor found one of his friends and tossed it to him before walking back up to the stage. Back in the capital, both Camilia and Silca and even most of the audience had been surprised at the pair's striking attitudes.
Harbor then shook Brook and Winnow’s hand before they were announced as this year's tributes for District 4 before moderate applause followed. Winnow soon brought the two tributes to the drawing room before she made her journey to District 3 with her entourage.
Brook was visited by her mother, father, and four younger sisters clinging dearly onto their sister. After successfully removing her sobbing siblings, Brook’s mother calmed her daughter down as her father, Coral, gave the best advice he could offer. Peacekeepers soon came in to bring Brook to the waiting dock. She waved and said she’d "At least try to win."
As for Harbor, he was visited by his mother, father, and his younger and older brothers. As his siblings were saddened as well as his parents, Harbor embraced them all in a tight hug. Before he was needed at the dock, his girlfriend Melanie even joined in this hug causing Harbor to show some emotion.
After a few more minutes, peacekeepers soon brought Harbor out of the room to join Brook at the dock as the pair boarded the jet boat to the capital.
"Man, you've been through the ringer, haven't you?"
"Same goes to you, girl. Haven't seen you in a year."
The pair soon chatted with each other about their experiences at the academy and gossiping about old friends. Brook, in particular, laughed hysterically when Harbor mentioned how his ex-girlfriend got karma returned to her when she crashed a birthday party at Harbor’s dad's bar, resulting in the peacekeepers putting her in the district's jail for a month.
However, as the pair tried to dine upon the food provided, the boat hit a bump resulting in Brook, Harbor, four avoxes, the dining table, and nine peacekeepers to go flying up into the sky. Thankfully, no harm came between the fifteen as the peacekeepers then helped the two back up as a new lunch buffet was arrived. And so did their mentor, Sienna Shoreville, victor of the 105th Hunger Games, arrived in.
"I don't want you two to ally with the 2s, maybe the 1s, depends on how they are."
Brook looked curiously at Sienna before saying, "Didn't Anamaria get her neck snapped by the girl a year prior?"
Sienna groaned in annoyance at remembering this cringeworthy death before walking to the bar carriage before inviting the two to join. As Sienna asked the pair about their lives, she laughed while listening to Harbor telling some stories of working at his dad's bar and the customers who would frequent the place. However, when Sienna asked Brook about her life and possible skills, Brook sighed before saying, "I guess looking pretty’s a skill."
Sienna laughed before replying, "For getting sponsors, yes, but not when you're in a fight to the death."
As this reality check wiped the smile from Brook’s face, she and Harbor finished up their meals before listening more to Sienna’s lecture about the games. And as an act to see if her tributes were actually paying attention, she quizzed them on the dos and don'ts in the capital. As Harbor passed this quiz, Sienna laughed before allowing him some "Capital Goodies." However, as Brook blatantly failed the quiz, she laughed and called Harbor a "suck-up" before walking to her room.
Sienna looked at Harbor for a second before saying, "I guess she’s either related to the mayor or is a spoiled rotten brat."
"She usually brags about her rich family members, always thinks she's better than everyone."
"And trust me, the girl ain't pretty."
Sienna and Snow Square laughed as she then patted him on the back before""telling him to get a 'nap' in before they were to arrive in the capital."
He nodded before Brook returned. It is unknown what the two girls talked about for the remainder of the trip, but our historians have noted that Brook’s scowl from before had dissolved for the time being. As evening rolled around, the pair from District 4's boat landed at Mcaine dock as an excited crowd of capital citizens swarmed the pair from 4 and their very popular mentor, who had been giving out her new jewelry to some of her lucky fans.
Brook and Harbor performed rather well, with the capital citizens enjoying their "feisty sailor attitudes." Even some reporters from Golden 24 put up a most popular tribute poll with Harbor and Brook being in the top 3, narrowly beating Fifi from District 6.
Sienna then thanked the capital for their time before taking her tributes to the limousine. Once it arrived at the accommodation tower, they arrived at the 4th floor. After arriving, Sienna called their stylist, Orivile Cartwright.
Orivile embraced Sienna before showing his tributes his pre-made outfits, which were Sailor themed, which made Brook and Harbor smile. Due to them having a fair amount of time left, Sienna displayed the post-reaping commentaries before turning on the commentary for District 1 as Orivile worked away at the pairs' outfits.
Mayor Cassino greeted a very exhausted Winnow Fraiser. Also accompanying the mayor was Realm Jones, victor of the 101st Hunger Games, and Quintin Mahoney, victor of the 108th Hunger Games, joined Winnow on the initial tour. Winnow appeared to be star-struck sitting between both iconic victors. She even turned around to Quintin saying, "I can't believe I get to meet a legend like you."
Quintin laughed before giving Winnow some comic relief during the tour, telling her about his games and even asking a few questions about her own games. At the conclusion of the tour, Realm's eyes lit up in delight as he saw his own capital mentor, Narcissa Valentions, warmly embracing her mentee.
"So what're you doing here?"
"I had some time off. I figured I'd come by and see how you've been doing. Business at my shop has been bustling as ever, so I figured I’d take a break to see my first victor."
As Realm and Narcissa soon walked over to the talent demonstrations together, Quintin laughed as Mayor Cassino welcomed the scarlet youths. Winnow was then brought up to the stage. She asked if any of the youths wanted to volunteer, becoming surprised when 10 ladies and 8 gentlemen volunteered for the role of tribute for District 1. Silca joked with Camilia, saying, "It's normal for them, isn't it?"
With the ladies' many remarkable weapon displays and archery displays, 18-year-old Jacqueline Faywether had been announced as the final volunteer to try her luck. She smiled at many nearby cameras as even one enthralled boy in the audience fainted seeing the rather extractive career girl.
She shot 10 arrows blindfolded and threw 8 knives in the letter J form, causing even more ripples of laughter sounded in the square. The mayor announced the two passing tributes. As for the two tributes, Jacqueline’s only remaining opponent, Jewel, had almost won the title of female tribute but had a stroke leading to Jacqueline to win the title of female tributes.
As for the guys, 18-year-old Facet Elixithorn had made himself a crowd and capital favorite by his spear-throwing display and to ending in a handstand with wild applause following. Three guys made it to the debate round with Realm this time asking the questions. With poise and dignity, Lance’s strong mind and less nerves had won him the title of male tribute for District 1.
After the pair were bathed and stylized, they were then brought out to the square as they then shook Winnow’s hand before she announced Jacqueline and Facet were announced as the tributes for District 1.
And after a brief meeting with their families and friends with not too much emotion, Jacqueline and Facet were then brought to the train as the train began their journey to the capital.
Narcissa, Realm, and Quintin then greeted their tributes with Jacqueline and Facet being surprised seeing their district's first victor’s mentor. Quintin soon brought the four to the table having a brief dinner with Narcissa asking the two if they had any skills besides their ‘weapons of choice.’ Quintin was pleased to hear of Jacqueline's diverse skills of weaponry before bragging to her district partner about her achievements at the Kobayashi self-defense center. However, instead of being jealous, Facet asked his district partner about her accomplishments.
Realm and Quintin were pleased with their tributes getting along with each other before showing the past reapings in the districts. Facet and Jacqueline laughed hysterically at the District 2 reaping games even Narcissa let out a smile. Quintin then asked the pair if there had been “Other commendable allies besides the non-dazzling loonies from 2 besides Jade and Hermina, they are dazzling.” Realm also chimed in adding that they should “Look for others.”
However, as Jacqueline was going to ask why Realm shushed her and said, “The career pack has their on and off years.” Jacqueline nodded before Quintin continued talking to the pair about the past reapings. Facet and Jacqueline even suggested the girl from 3 and the pair from 4 as potential allies. Realm appeared to consider this before Quintin added in that “He would see what he could do.”
As the pair nodded, the pair from 1’s train arrived in the outskirts of the capital. Narcissa soon styled the pair up, quietly complaining to Realm of how Jacqueline's red hair and Facet's long blonde curls were impossible to tame. The train then arrived in the capital with the usual excited capital crowd marveling scarlet couture. Jacqueline and Facet were both outstanding hits with the capital citizens maintaining proper etiquette. However, two capital lights had to be removed from the audience after heckling Facet about his district partner. Narcissa then wished Jacqueline and Facet luck before kissing Realm and Quintin on the cheek. Realm and Quintin then thanked the capital citizens for their time before bringing the pair from 1 to the limousine as it brought them to their accommodation tower.
Once they arrived at their accommodation tower apartment, they were greeted by their stylist, Aurelia Heavensbee. She smiled at the four of them before whisking them to the dining table showing them her designs for the parade. Jacqueline in particular was marveling at her long ruby dress as Facet jokingly told Jacqueline that they looked like a “walking jewel.” However, Aurelia frowned as Realm glared at Facet as the smile was wiped from his face. The pair then groaned in annoyance at their stylist's bland outfits.
Before the pair were then brought to the parade moments later, Facet and Jacqueline were immediately approached by Malona and Crane, both from 2 introducing themselves. However, Facet cut the pair off from further words, saying, “the career pack is gonna be different this year.” As Malona protested, Jacqueline said, ‘thanks but no thanks.” Both Jade Heath and Herminia Gold looked at the District 1 mentors in bewilderment as they also reciprocated. However, the pair from 1 then came over to the pair from 4 chatting with their mentor.
“Darling, you look stunning.”
“Oh, thank you, you dazzling ruby.”
Brook and Jacqueline seemed to obtain an instant connection. As Facet complemented Harbor’s outfit. Harbor smiled good-naturedly back before chatting away with him about lives in their districts. Facet soon asked the pair if they would be interested in an alliance in the arena; however, Sienna leaned in this conversation asking “Where are the 2s?”
Jacqueline then replied that they were “trying something new this year” before pointing at the pair making fun of Mateo from 10’s cow-themed parade outfit. Sienna shrugged as Brook and Harbor warmly accepted the offer as Facet and Jacqueline smiled saying “splendid see you soon.” When the pair from 1 got back, Realm popped up asking “You with the 4s this year.” As the pair nodded, Realm smiled and nodded with Quintin and Aurelia doing their touch-ups to their tributes' outfits. Sienna commended the pair for “making friends already,” she still urged caution before re-adding in “The 2 mentors there are my ride or dies but still keep your eyes on them if needed.”
The pair then nodded as the parade then began. Regal applause and cheers sounded for the pair from 1, but Nico Anderson lead editor of Anderson Fashion applauded for their strong impression but said the dress was “So Basic.” The pair from 4 were given a large amount of applause as Harbor and Brook waved at the audience even performing an old dance known as a “Jig”. The pair were also given a boatload of flowers and chocolate resulting in both Brook and Harbor sneezing uncontrollably at the end of the parade during President Mcaine's speech. Best dressed was ultimately awarded to the pair from 4 with their sailor-themed couture.
When the pair from 1 arrived back in their district apartment, they were glaring daggers from afar at Aurelia,
“How did it go.”
“How did it feel getting harshly criticized on live TV.”
Quintin shot Jacqueline a disapproving look as Realm asked if there other worthy allies. Both mentors were pleased hearing their success with the pair from 4 before Realm reassured them that they still looked “dazzling” before sending his tributes to bed. However, with the pair from 4, Sienna warmly embraced the two of her tributes on a best-dressed win. As Orville also joined in the group hug has the 4 of them partied till around 11:30 pm until Sienna sent her tributes to bed as she and Orville stayed up a while longer.
Bright and early the following morning, the mentors ushered their tributes to the training center with a very frustrated Apollo Price. Unfortunately, during his speech about the rules of the training center, he tasered Mateo from 10 after he tried to make a break for the door after Price’s speech concluded. Mateo’s mentor Bianca Jr Ramon rolled her eyes before dropping her mentee at the knife station.
The newly made career alliance between the District 1 and 4 tributes conquered most of the training stations with Facet and Harbor bonding over dropping and throwing large weights causing Fifi from 6 to wet herself earning a smirk from the boys. When Mateo awoke from his unconscious slumber, he immediately ran to Mateo asking him to spare. Since Mateo was no older than 14 and he was the youngest tribute the careers laughed before Facet told him to “Buzz off”. However, as Mateo continued to pester the career boys, Harbor gave Facet a knowing look before accepting Mateo’s sparing request.
A short crowd of tributes went to the jousting stations as Mateo and Harbor were briefed on the rules before being allowed to go at it. It was no surprise that Harbor won all 4 rounds.
Harbor smiled warmly before being tackled to the ground by the 14-year-old boy from 10.
“You think you're better than me HA you rotten career boy.”
As Price Facet Brook and even Sienna tried to step in Harbor held his hand up to stay back. Harbor then threw the boy off him before pinching the nerve on Mateo’s neck knocking him clean out. As training master Price and Sienna looked at him in bewilderment before Price smiled saying
“Good job kid”.
Harbor smiled before Facet and he returned to the weight station and survival, knife and axe stations even giving advice to Amarylio from 7 with starting fires.
As for the girls they mainly gossiped to themselves and having “Girl talk” at the aquatic station sword station and archery stations. When any tribute tried to use the archery station both Jacqueline and Brook would melodicaly but fiercely slam there weapons into the targtes.
At the end of the traing head master price brought the tributes to the asscors room. Due to the request of the new head game maker the tributes assesment scores were kept strictly confidential. However tabloid reporters manage to scoop out that Jacqueline Facet Harbor and Malona from to managed to score at the top of the pack with a 11. Brook and Amarylio scored a 9 and at the bottom of the pack was Mateo and Hargree from 12 scoring a 3 each.
Both Sienna Quintin and Realm were beyond impressed with there tributes scores before they’re stylist sketched up potential outfits with there mentors soon quizing the pairs on interview educate.
Camilia Ravenstil welcomed the excited capital audience modeling a rather gothic dress that made her look like a ghost tree by the audience. The audience even laughed good naturedly as Camilia shook for a second as leaves fell of her costume as if wind had hit her. She then exictedly welcomed Jacqueline from 1. She was adorned in a stunning pink and red dress with her hair put up in braids. The two had some gossip before reavling to the audience that she was a decdent of Emarld Rivelta victor of the 34th hunher games. Camilia slapped her knee and laughed saying “Thats who you resmbl I guessed right I knew it!”
As the girls chatted the audience loved her regal responses to Camilas questions as even mentoning the carrer alliance brought the crowd into rapsous cheers,even when she talked about her allies from 4 openly. She then kissed Camilia on the hand before bowing which caused even more cheers before she was dismissed back stage. Facet was welcomed in next marveling a sleeveless pink suit with ruby jeans making many of the capital audience to swoon over his physeigue. Even Camilia was taken aback by his charm and confidence as he spoke about his training experience and the strength of his alliance with Jacqueline. His witty remarks and easygoing demeanor captivated the audience, earning him loud applause and admiration.
Later on into the night brook was welcomed in next with wild cheers and wolf whistles sounding. With her hair being dyed a pure yellow with a light brown dress resembling sand following her. She proceeded to have the same amount of banter with Camilia as Jacqueline did however Camilia cut her off as she was finshing up talking about her dads money saying “Honey this is the hunger games.”
“Yeah and Ill live how I like before the games.”
As a few jeers sounded the rest of her interview was rather dull the only light being Camilia shooing the “Regina George” of the stage. As Camila then called Harbor loud cheers sounded again as Harbor walked on to the stage with his curly black hair and brown eyes making him quite attrauctive to many even his pirate themed coustume became an over night sensation with many fashion designers stating that they wanted this fashionable suit.
As Camilia asked Harbor about the games becoming pleased with his short but sweet responses. Even cracking some good jokes about the other competitors mainly about Bloom from 7 and Mateo from 10 . To conclude Harbor’s inteviwed he tossed his waist coat to teh crowd as an excited gagle of captial ladies clammered for this waist coat. As his interview ended on a high. Finaly after the interview of the boy from 14 the new head game maker Natellia Swan was welcomed to the stage. Head game maker swan was adorned in a regal black gown also sporting garish make up making her resmble more of ghost then human. After introducing herself to the excited capital audience Camila smiled before shaking her hand saying that “Game maker swan has alot to accept from.” She laughed before giving hint out to teh audience by pointing to both of the laides dresses. Curious osund sof inteirgue soon followed as game maker swan smiled and bowed as she then left the stage as Camilia then ended the interviews there. The next morning tributes were given a breif breakefst before being brought to the arena’s holding room.
This years outfits consisted of black coats with black jeans and snakers with there distristicts nymbers stickered on the back of there coats. Realm visited Facet before reminding him to stick with Jacqueline and Harbor and Brook. However before Realm finished Facet replied “That girl Brook might be problem.” Realm nodded and agreed before reminding him to keep an eye on her before shaking his hand as he went into his tube. Jacqueline was visited by Quintin the pair had a similar conversation as Realm did with Facet before Jacqueline embraced Quintin and thanked him joking “District 1 needs more ladys.” Quintin laughed before hugging her back before walking Jacqueline to her tube. As for Brook she was not visited by Sienna nor Orvilve a fact that suprised her the most but shrugged before patiently puting her hair up in a bun and waiting for the tribute call to sound. As for Harbor Sienna visted him. She embacred Harbor before reminding him to “ Keep an eye on all of them.”
Harbor smiled before thanking Sienna for her mentor ship before Sienna walked Harbor to his tube his tube and at mid day the podiums then arose into the arena.
Arena Ghosty lake Game 114
submitted by Junepero to christianblanco [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:48 apathyeternal My past therapist would devalue herself to make me feel better

My recent past therapist would do so much to make me think i was “superior” or better than her in many small ways, it wasnt subtle at all and kinda made me angry inside. She knows i had low self esteem (she can see it on my face and feel it, and i expressed how many people in my life talk down on me constantly) So i guess she assumed i had very low confidence and self esteem?
I would express sometimes how other people in my short term “college” program were professors and teachers and i wasnt “on their level” It just feels disingenuous that she would say things like “oh your memory is way better than mine ha ha!” But doesn’t a therapist like her need a well working memory to be in this field in this field in the first place??? I have a diagnosis of a few learning disabilities as well as developmental, although you cant tell at first glance but you might after having a conversation with me. I also did a psych vocational evaluation which she saw the results.
Shes better than me, she had a happy normal childhood and family with both parents, she was rich and wealthy, she got to travel states to have a normal university experience she had a boyfriend in university (i know all of this without her knowledge or consent, don’t judge me i only wanted to know for myself)
She would also try and make us similar or draw similarities between us because she knew there was always a disconnect between me and other people for my entire life and that i was very alienated and hermit like with no social connections to people, that also felt forced and disingenuous, she was a uni student (student therapist) and i almost wanted to ask her “if u like me so much would u think we would be friends if i was in your psychology program with you??) (not that i have the standards or capabilities to even be accepted into that regardless LMFAO) Shes way smarter and capable than i ever could be, im not better than her, it made me rage filled thinking that she lied and tried to brainwash me into thinking i was “better” than her in any way.
submitted by apathyeternal to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 RhubarbOnly6571 I'm loving the FF7 remake and rebirth despite the revised story feeling forced, bloated and cheesy

I want to point out a very real perspective in all of this. experienced artists and creative people, like the ones that created FF7, are not that attached to their creations as the fans are. that is why they are willing to change many things in the story, designs and settings.
The og FF7 was amazing but that was in part because the presentation left a lot to the imagination of the player, the player's mind filled in many gaps in the story and design. the whole game feels like you are playing with toys in a diorama which is great and lovely and works in favor of the game and story but the moment you translate that setting into a realistic one, like in the remake, many moments will end up feeling goofy.
Some vocal fans might not realize or remember how many goofy moments happened in the original game, Heidegger for example slaps soldiers when Rufus disrespects him at Junon. and who would have thought that the creators's version of Biggs, Jesse and Wedge in the remake were so corny right? but those characters were also kind of goofy in the og game but the new versions are quite unremarkable.
Also the story in FF7 advent children was very over the top so I don't get the fans that hate those bombastic moments in the remake, FF in general became very over the top when doing High fidelity projects.
On a side note, design wise, the character designs are gorgeous and they did an outstanding job in modernizing those designs, they did wonders with the clothing, fabrics and the materials while maintaining the og silhouette of the characters very much intact which I thought was masterfully done.
The problem that I see with the disparity and mixed opinions from the fans is that the reimagining of a media product like ff7 is difficult to satisfy for both the creators of the game and the fans alike, the creators have their own vision and want to fulfill their creative ambitions while the fans want "the same thing but better" and they are going to be disapointed when they are playing a reimagining, a re-make of the game.
Having said this I also agree with the hating vocal fans, I would have prefered a straightforward HD version of the OG game but my optimistic self thinks it will happen after the whole reimagining is done.
But I don't think the remake is a selfish/self-serving project solely for the makers of the game, for starters this is a businees for them and I genuinly believe this platinum treatment of the FF7 brand was done for the fans that had made the brand so succesful. I think they are trying to fullfil creative ambitions that makes the team excited to create a modern product that satisfies them and the fans alike, while getting new ones on board.
I came to play the remake with the idea that I'm getting a different experience from the original game, and that mentality has helped me appreciate the game for what it is. The remake is quite fun and I'm having a blast, the system is totally different from the og game but the gameplay of the remake is dynamic and exciting. And the overworld in rebirth is so well done, it definitely required so much work from the developers of the game to design the landscape of a very blank overworld that existed in the og game. In the og game the overworld is just a simplification of the map, for a realistic look in the new games it is a NECESITY to fill ALL that empty space with plenty of detail.
While the gameplay in the remake is super satisfying, tight and exciting, it is not the same for the characters and the story in general, there is a lot of dialogue that feel so unecesary and out of place. The developers are moving mountains in making all that inmense cast of characters interact with each other, like seriously they went above and beyond with trying to come up with ways to make all of these characters interact with each other, that is no easy task. but some of those interactions felt not genuine at all, many reactions and responses are cringe, lame or not human, there were moments I was like, no person speak like this.
Gameplay wise they are even trying their best to make you control different characters throughout the game so you don't stick with the same ones for the whole game, they are constantly switching up the combination so you try out different ones.
A lot of thought and care are being put in the remakes and that should be acknowledged by the fans that were disappointed, but they did dropped the ball with the dialogues and some story changes, straight up trash.
There are valid things to hate and to be disappointed by but I'm just here to point out the things that impressed me and delighted me.
not really a tldr: there is a lot to love and a lot to hate (and cringe) in the remakes, but despite all of this I'm loving these games so much. I'm having a blast playing them. hope they make a straightorward HD version of the og game in the future.
submitted by RhubarbOnly6571 to FinalFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 businessnewstv How to accept credit card payments for your Crane Operating Business in 2024

Understanding the importance of accepting credit card payments

Accepting credit card payments is crucial for any business, including crane operating businesses. Understanding the importance of accepting credit card payments can help crane operators diversify their revenue streams and attract more customers. By accepting credit cards, crane operators can offer a convenient and secure payment option to their clients, which can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, accepting credit card payments allows crane operators to expand their customer base by attracting individuals who prefer to pay with credit cards. This can result in increased sales and revenue for the business. Therefore, it is essential for crane operating businesses to prioritize accepting credit card payments in order to stay competitive in the industry and maximize their earning potential.

Benefits of using Square for credit card processing

Square offers several benefits for credit card processing that can greatly benefit your Crane Operating Business. Firstly, Square provides a secure and reliable platform for accepting credit card payments, ensuring that your customers' sensitive information is protected. Additionally, Square offers competitive transaction rates, allowing you to keep more of your hard-earned revenue. Another advantage of using Square is its user-friendly interface, making it easy for you and your staff to process payments quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, Square provides detailed analytics and reporting tools, giving you valuable insights into your business's financial performance. Lastly, Square offers seamless integration with other business tools and software, allowing you to streamline your operations and improve overall efficiency. By choosing Square for credit card processing, you can enhance the payment experience for your customers while optimizing your business's financial management.

Key considerations before setting up credit card payments

Before setting up credit card payments for your Crane Operating Business, there are a few key considerations that you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it is important to ensure that your business is eligible to accept credit card payments. This may involve checking with your bank or financial institution to determine if they offer merchant services for your industry. Additionally, you will need to consider the costs associated with accepting credit card payments, including transaction fees and any equipment or software that may be required. It is also crucial to prioritize the security of your customers' payment information by implementing robust data encryption and compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). Finally, it is advisable to research and compare different payment processing providers to find the one that best suits the needs of your Crane Operating Business, taking into account factors such as pricing, customer support, and ease of integration with your existing systems.

Setting up a Square account

Creating a Square account

Creating a Square account is a crucial step in accepting credit card payments for your Crane Operating Business. Square provides a secure and convenient platform for businesses to process transactions efficiently. To create an account, visit the Square website and click on the 'Sign Up' button. Fill in the required information, including your business details and banking information. Once your account is set up, you can start accepting credit card payments from your customers. Having a Square account not only streamlines your payment process but also instills trust and confidence in your customers, ensuring a seamless and professional experience for both parties involved.

Verifying your identity

Verifying your identity is an essential step when accepting credit card payments for your Crane Operating Business with Square. In order to ensure the security and legitimacy of your transactions, Square requires all users to go through a verification process. This process involves providing valid identification documents and completing the necessary forms. By verifying your identity, you can establish trust with your customers and protect your business from potential fraud. It is important to carefully follow Square's instructions and provide accurate information during the verification process. Once your identity is verified, you can confidently accept credit card payments and offer a secure payment experience to your customers.

Linking your bank account

Linking your bank account is an essential step in accepting credit card payments for your Crane Operating Business with Square. By linking your bank account, you can ensure that the funds from your credit card transactions are deposited directly into your account, providing you with quick and convenient access to your funds. This process is simple and secure, and it allows you to efficiently manage your finances. To link your bank account, follow the step-by-step instructions provided by Square. By following these small business tips, you can streamline your payment process and focus on growing your crane operating business.

Choosing the right Square payment solution

Exploring Square's payment processing options

Square offers a range of payment processing options for businesses, making it convenient and efficient to accept credit card payments. When it comes to eco-conscious vending, Square provides a seamless solution that allows crane operating businesses to easily accept credit card payments while also prioritizing sustainability. With Square's payment processing options, crane operators can offer their customers a convenient and eco-friendly way to make payments, reducing the need for cash transactions and paper receipts. By embracing Square's eco-conscious vending solutions, crane operating businesses can not only streamline their payment processes but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

Selecting the best payment solution for your crane operating business

Selecting the best payment solution for your crane operating business is a crucial decision that can greatly impact your financial success. When it comes to accepting credit card payments, it is important to find a solution that is not only reliable and secure but also cost-effective. As a crane operator, you want to ensure that the payment solution you choose offers competitive rates and low transaction fees. Additionally, it is essential to consider the ease of use and integration with your existing business systems. By selecting the right payment solution, such as Square, you can streamline your payment process and provide a convenient and seamless experience for your customers.

Understanding transaction fees and pricing

Understanding transaction fees and pricing is crucial for any business that accepts credit card payments. It is important to have a clear understanding of how these fees are calculated and what pricing options are available. By understanding transaction fees and pricing, businesses can make informed decisions that will optimize their financial performance. This knowledge will enable them to choose the most cost-effective payment processing solution and minimize unnecessary expenses. Additionally, being aware of transaction fees and pricing allows businesses to accurately calculate their profit margins and adjust their pricing strategies accordingly. Ultimately, a thorough understanding of transaction fees and pricing is essential for the success and sustainability of any business in the modern digital economy.

Integrating Square with your website or mobile app

Adding Square payment buttons to your website

To enhance the convenience and efficiency of accepting credit card payments for your Crane Operating Business, you can easily integrate Square payment buttons into your website. Adding Square payment buttons to your website allows your customers to make secure and seamless transactions, providing them with a hassle-free payment experience. By incorporating Square's robust payment processing capabilities, you can offer your customers a wide range of payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, and mobile wallets. This integration not only streamlines your payment process but also instills confidence in your customers, as Square is a trusted and reputable payment solution provider. With Square's user-friendly interface and reliable infrastructure, you can ensure that your customers' transactions are processed smoothly and securely. By implementing Square payment buttons on your website, you can provide a seamless and convenient payment experience for your customers, enhancing your Crane Operating Business's professionalism and customer satisfaction.

Implementing Square's API for seamless payment integration

Implementing Square's API for seamless payment integration is crucial for any Crane Operating Business that wants to accept credit card payments. By integrating Square's API, businesses can provide their customers with a secure and convenient payment experience. Square's API allows businesses to seamlessly process credit card transactions, manage inventory, and generate detailed reports. This level of integration not only enhances the customer experience but also improves the efficiency of the business operations. Implementing Square's API can also help businesses rank on Google by providing a seamless payment experience that meets the expectations of modern consumers. With Square's API, businesses can ensure that their website or mobile app is optimized for accepting credit card payments, which can positively impact their visibility and search engine rankings. By leveraging Square's API, Crane Operating Businesses can stay ahead of the competition and attract more customers by offering a seamless and secure payment solution.

Customizing the payment experience for your customers

Customizing the payment experience for your customers is essential for creating a seamless and professional buying process. When it comes to buying pet products online, customers expect a convenient and secure payment method. With Square, you can easily customize the payment experience to meet the specific needs of your customers. By offering a variety of payment options, such as credit card payments, you can ensure that your customers have a smooth and hassle-free shopping experience. Additionally, Square's advanced security features provide peace of mind for both you and your customers, protecting sensitive payment information. With the ability to customize the payment experience, you can enhance customer satisfaction and build trust in your Crane Operating Business.

Ensuring security and compliance

Implementing PCI DSS compliance measures

Implementing PCI DSS compliance measures is crucial for any business that accepts credit card payments. PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, which is a set of security standards designed to protect cardholder data and reduce the risk of data breaches. By implementing PCI DSS compliance measures, businesses can ensure that they are following best practices for securing customer payment information. This includes implementing secure payment processing systems, encrypting cardholder data, regularly monitoring and testing security systems, and maintaining strict access controls. By adhering to PCI DSS compliance measures, businesses can build trust with their customers and demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive information.

Protecting customer data and preventing fraud

Protecting customer data and preventing fraud are crucial aspects of running a successful business, especially when it comes to accepting credit card payments. As a crane operating business, it is essential to prioritize the security of your customers' sensitive information. One effective way to ensure the safety of their data is by utilizing Square's robust payment processing system. Square employs advanced encryption techniques and follows industry best practices to safeguard customer information from unauthorized access. Additionally, Square's fraud prevention tools help detect and mitigate fraudulent activities, providing an extra layer of protection for your business and customers. By choosing Square as your payment solution, you can instill trust and confidence in your customers, knowing that their data is in safe hands.

Staying up to date with industry regulations

Staying up to date with industry regulations is crucial for any business, and this is especially true for crane operating businesses that accept credit card payments. As the industry evolves and new regulations are introduced, it is essential to stay informed and comply with the latest requirements. By staying up to date with industry regulations, crane operating businesses can ensure the safety of their operations, protect their customers' financial information, and maintain their reputation as a trustworthy and reliable service provider. This includes regularly reviewing and implementing security measures, conducting regular audits, and staying informed about any changes or updates in the payment processing industry. By doing so, crane operating businesses can not only meet the necessary regulatory standards but also stay ahead of the competition and provide their customers with a seamless and secure payment experience.

Optimizing the credit card payment process

Streamlining the checkout experience for customers

Streamlining the checkout experience for customers is essential for any business that accepts credit card payments. By implementing a reliable payment processing system like Square, crane operating businesses can ensure a seamless and efficient checkout process for their customers. Square provides a user-friendly interface that allows customers to easily enter their payment information and complete their transactions with just a few clicks. With Square's secure payment gateway, customers can feel confident that their sensitive information is protected. Additionally, Square offers various features and tools to help businesses manage their transactions, track sales, and analyze customer data. By streamlining the checkout experience with Square, crane operating businesses can enhance customer satisfaction and ultimately drive business growth.

Offering multiple payment options

In today's digital age, offering multiple payment options is essential for businesses to thrive. As a crane operating business, it is crucial to provide your customers with convenient and secure methods to accept credit card payments. One of the most trusted and widely used payment solutions is Square. With Square, you can easily set up a payment system that allows your customers to pay with their credit cards, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience. By offering multiple payment options, including Square, you demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction and make it easier for potential clients to choose your services over competitors. Embracing technology and providing flexible payment solutions not only enhances the customer experience but also streamlines your business operations. Give your crane operating business a competitive edge by embracing Square and offering multiple payment options to your valued customers.

Utilizing Square's reporting and analytics tools

Square's reporting and analytics tools provide valuable insights for businesses looking to optimize their operations. By utilizing these tools, crane operating businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their credit card payment data. This data can be used to track sales performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions. Additionally, Square's reporting and analytics tools offer the ability to generate detailed reports, which can be customized to meet the specific needs of the business. For crane operating businesses, this means being able to track payment transactions, monitor revenue, and analyze customer behavior. To further enhance their payment processing capabilities, crane operating businesses can also book a consultation with Square's experts. This personalized consultation can provide guidance on how to maximize the benefits of Square's reporting and analytics tools, ensuring that the business is making the most of their credit card payment system.


Summary of the benefits of accepting credit card payments with Square

Accepting credit card payments with Square offers numerous benefits for your Crane Operating Business. Firstly, it provides a convenient and secure payment option for your customers, allowing them to easily make payments using their credit cards. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of repeat business. Additionally, Square offers competitive transaction fees, ensuring that you can maximize your profits. Furthermore, Square provides detailed analytics and reporting, giving you valuable insights into your business performance. With Square, you can also accept payments online, allowing you to expand your customer base and reach a wider audience. Overall, accepting credit card payments with Square is a smart choice for your Crane Operating Business, providing convenience, security, and growth opportunities.

Final thoughts on integrating Square into your crane operating business

In conclusion, integrating Square into your crane operating business can greatly enhance your ability to accept credit card payments. With its user-friendly interface and secure payment processing, Square provides a reliable and efficient solution for your business needs. By embracing this technology, you are positioning your crane operating business for a stronger future. The convenience and flexibility offered by Square will not only streamline your payment process but also instill confidence in your customers. So, why wait? Start accepting credit card payments with Square today and pave the way for a successful and prosperous future.

Future trends in credit card payment processing

As we look ahead to the future of credit card payment processing, several trends are emerging that will shape the industry. One of the key trends is the increasing adoption of mobile payment solutions. With the rise of smartphones and the convenience they offer, more and more consumers are opting to make payments using their mobile devices. This not only provides a seamless and convenient payment experience for customers, but also opens up new opportunities for businesses to reach a wider audience. Another trend that is gaining traction is the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into payment processing systems. These technologies have the potential to enhance security, detect fraud, and improve the overall efficiency of credit card transactions. Additionally, we can expect to see a continued shift towards contactless payments, as consumers become more comfortable with using tap-to-pay methods. This not only speeds up the checkout process, but also reduces the need for physical contact, which is especially important in today's health-conscious environment. In conclusion, the future of credit card payment processing holds exciting possibilities, with mobile payments, AI integration, and contactless payments leading the way towards a more streamlined and secure payment experience.
In conclusion, Square Instant Access is the perfect solution for small businesses looking for quick and easy access to funds. With Square Instant Access, you no longer have to struggle to get the funds you need to grow your business. Whether you need funds for inventory, equipment, or marketing, Square Instant Access has got you covered. Say goodbye to long waiting times and complicated loan applications. With Square Instant Access, you can get the funds you need instantly, allowing you to focus on what really matters - growing your business. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your small business to the next level. Visit our website today and discover how Square Instant Access can help you achieve your business goals.
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:39 JazzaJT1998 AITAH for saying my 4 year old daughter can go on holiday with her grandparents no more than 7 days?

Background: Me (26F) and my husband (26M) are having a bit of a dispute and I want some advice. My father in law (fil) and his wife is going on holiday to Portugal to visit my husbands grandma, see his farm etc very soon. He’s been desperate to take our 4 year old daughter to show her Portugal as she’s never been. I’ve already said no for over a year because I don’t want to be away from her for that distance for me it’s just too far away, especially as we don’t drive and don’t have a lot of money to get there ourselves if anything happened. Well fil has finally annoyed my husband enough who had also been saying no til now and he’s caving going okay fine I had fun as a child on holiday with his dad so we should let our daughter go to have that fun.
The issue: For me I already feel uncomfortable with the idea of her going abroad without me or my husband. Neither of us have annual leave to be able to go with her and we won’t get new annual leave til January 2025. So we can’t go, I feel nervous her being so far away. She stays with fil and his wife loads but they’re only 40 minutes down the road although we only recently moved, before that we were practically neighbours, her school was quite literally the building next to our apartment so she’s always been close and again she’s 4 years old. In total between where we are and travel time to where they’ll be excluding any delays and the waiting times so literally just travel time is 5 hours so like closer to a good 7 hours plus it being abroad between us and her and a lot of money it won’t be easy nor fast for us to get over there.
My fil wants to take her for 3 weeks. Well he started with 1 week, now wants 3 weeks, then let it slip he wanted 2 months. I have firmly put my foot down and said absolutely not 7 days including flying days are what I will allow. I’d rather not allow it at all but my husbands on his side saying I’m being selfish that I’m taking away fun for her etc that he was okay as a child (but he was around 7/8 years old btw when he first went on these extended holidays, also he has a terrible relationship with his mother as no contact so for her she really didn’t care all that much) and that basically I’m being pointlessly difficult and will make problems for him (as he has to stay at his dads house a few nights a week because of his job being in our old town only offering hybrid and his dad is unbelievably annoying and stubborn and will just moan about it constantly basically) by me saying 7 days. I’ve said I’m happy to tell him myself and take full responsibility for the 7 days timeframe.
But my husband is pissed that I won’t budge on the 7 days, saying that fil will never accept that, to be able to do the things he wants to do he can’t do it all in a week. He thinks I’m just being an ass for just the sake of being an ass basically and that I’m unjustifiably against 3 weeks which husband has decided is okay out of nowhere. Fil is a safe person I trust him but she’s going to a country she doesn’t know the language to and again way too far away for my comfort. I wouldn’t agree to my own dad taking my daughters abroad so it doesn’t matter who is asking for me it feels unnatural for her to be so far away. Also if we could drive and had more money I’d feel better so that if something happened we could make a quick exit and get to her asap, I’d also feel better if this has happened lots more often but this is her first ever holiday and first time flying so I’m nervous about how she will cope as she is a very anxious child and has delays in learning, communicating and speech already and that’s in her first language. It was only a couple months ago a dr said they feel she may have asd because of said delays but needs to do more investigative work first.
So her age, her current speech in her native language let alone if she got lost or in trouble abroad, her delays, she’s just recovering from a gut infection, her being her first holiday and first flight I just really worry her going at all that’s why I offered 7 days including flying day as a compromise to please husband and fil.
I’ve said if he gets early morning flights like 6am land around 8/9ish they have a whole day in Porto to do things, his grandma (where they’d stay) is a couple hours away everything from his grandma is around 30 minute drive. They want to take her to their farm and to three towns. For me 7 days is plenty of time especially if they get a late afternoon or evening flight home on the 7th day.
I have said as she gets older and I feel more confident about it as does she then she can go for longer but this is first time and I don’t want her going at all so I’m trying to compromise on 7 days including flying days.
Idk I can’t seem to shake this
AITAH and being unreasonable by saying 7 days no more?
submitted by JazzaJT1998 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 Temporary-Driver-772 Devil's Bargain Counter

Reflecting on 2021, truly marked the zenith of my young career. The pandemic was coming to an end, I was fresh from the hallowed halls of a prestigious but unheralded college, thrust into the corporate labyrinth where, as a mere sidekick to the big shots, I contributed to a deal of record-breaking magnitude. My modest corporate minion life was exaggerated into legend by my professors during an alumni reunion, leading to a rather embarrassing episode where I was paraded around as the poster child of their education career’s success. My parents, not ones to shy away from a bit of pomp, lauded my achievements to anyone within earshot.
But as 2022 unfurled its chaos with the epidemic, my professional life spiralled downwards as swiftly as it had risen. I was laid off, and replaced by a nepotistic hire—my boss's new mistress's nephew. During my dismal final days, my colleagues, once comrades became corporate sharks, whispers of them scheming to claim my last efforts as their own filled the empty office spaces.
Compelled by financial duress to abandon my central city dwelling, I relocated to the outskirts with two college mates, Jaz and Kath, who had similarly found themselves victims of the economic downturn. We settled into apartment 606, a unit with dubious charm, suspiciously affordable on the 13th floor of a dreary building, its corridor haunted by a flickering sensor light that was only designed to function on rare occasions. Yet, the apartment itself was surprisingly very well furnished, almost like something that jumped out from a design mag, out beating sample rooms in Ikea, boasting a spacious balcony, a living room ready for an impromptu soirée, a dining table that’s good enough to hold a banquet(became our co-working space) and a kitchen isle that became our sanctuary and curse.
When we first settled into our new abode, we discovered a trove of fine kitchen utensils, perfect for whipping up sophisticated cuisine and crafting cocktails worthy of a swanky soirée. Tucked away in the fridge, among the remnants of the previous tenants' life, was a quaint note: “The three of us really enjoyed our stay here, especially our meals and nights spent by the kitchen island. We hope you find as much joy in it as we did. Use it well.” With a casual flick of my wrist, I dismissed the note into the garbage can, oblivious to the depth of its seemingly innocuous message. Little did I know, that piece of paper was more a passing of the torch than a simple goodbye.
Our initial days in apartment 606 brimmed with camaraderie and impromptu celebrations: movie nights sprawled on the living room sofas, barbeque dinners under the stars on our balcony, and co-working sessions at the dining table, peppered with resume tweaks and contemplative conversations over cocktails. We even scored a second-hand karaoke machine, allowing me to channel my inner diva—a throwback to my musical theatre days in college and my stint as the voice of corporate presentations and negotiations at my previous job, where I was known for my resonant yet finely tuned voice.
Yet, as the months wore on and the job market remained unyielding, our early merriment slowly surrendered to a creeping anxiety. The kitchen island, once the heart of our home where laughter and shared meals flowed freely, gradually morphed into the epicenter of our collective unease, bearing silent witness to the quiet desperation settling over us.
One evening, in the suspiciously affordable yet stylish apartment, I sank into the sofa, my spirits dampened by my favorite team's disheartening loss. The mood was grim, mirroring my fears of my beloved player's potential retirement at season's end. Later, as we congregated around the kitchen island for dinner, I transformed into an impromptu sports commentator, passionately preaching about the game’s disappointing details that led to failure and my favorite player’s fine qualities. Meanwhile, Jaz updated us on a friend's melodramatic breakup, with guesses that something ugly must have happened behind the scenes. Kath, ever the culinary enthusiast, not only served up her delicious pasta but also dished out the latest celebrity gossip, each tidbit as spicy as her sauce.
The next day, during a late breakfast at the same kitchen island—our unwitting oracle—we were hit by a triple whammy of reality checks. The news of my favorite player's retirement broke, echoing my gloomy predictions from the night before. Jaz chimed in with an update that our friend had uncovered a cheating scandal worthy of its own reality TV special. And Kath, never one to be left out of the drama: her favorite celebrity was now the star of a scandal.
By the third morning, as we sipped our coffee, the newspaper slapped me with another bizarre twist. I was going through the devastating economics and politics sections, then I saw the sports section——featured an irate coach, hell-bent on convincing my favorite player to dismiss retirement plans and keep his jersey on a little longer. Meanwhile, Jaz had good news for a change: it turned out our friend's love story might have a second act after all, as misunderstandings were being cleared up. Amidst these revelations, Kath, who had been grumbling about the nearby supermarket’s inability to stock anything remotely gourmet, and hadn’t had a taste of her favorite Blue Mountain coffee since the beginning of that year, triumphantly found a can of Blue Mountain coffee, and it was on sale and therefore affordable—proof that miracles happen, and sometimes they even go on discount.
As I sat there, absorbing the serendipity of our discussions manifesting into real-world events, I couldn't help but marvel at the mysterious knack of our kitchen island. Was it merely a coincidence, or had this stylish piece of decor become the unlikely conductor of our lives symphony? One thing was certain: life in apartment 606 was never dull, and our kitchen island seemed to be more than just a place to eat—it was a place where, apparently, you could stir the pot of fate.
I decided to conduct a whimsical experiment with our now seemingly magical kitchen island. Clearing my throat theatrically, I declared, "I should be interviewed for a director position." To my sheer astonishment, the next day a headhunter rang me up, claiming I was the ideal candidate for a directorial role at a prestigious corporation in my field. Despite the other candidates possessing decades more experience which defeated me with no effort, and my own lingering self-doubt from months of unemployment, I sailed to the final interview round with the company's executives.
Upon returning to our apartment, I found Kath flaunting a chic dress from a designer brand brand she’d snagged on clearance—a little luxury courtesy of our wish-granting island. Inspired, I approached the island and cheekily requested, "Get us jobs. Something fun." Lo and behold, the following day was spent lounging and binge-watching Netflix, only to be interrupted by a call from a former bigwig at my old job. He was venturing into a more illustrious company and wanted me onboard. The informal chat that followed was a breeze, and just like that, I was back in the game with a fancier title and a fatter paycheck.
The subsequent week was a flurry of celebrations. Jaz secured a senior-level position, and Kath landed her dream job at an influencer management agency. Feeling triumphant, we decided to indulge in a night of fine dining—our first in months. That Friday evening when I went from office to restaurant, on a whim, stopped at a convenience store to grab snacks and cigarettes for our post-dinner revelry. Outside, I encountered a homeless person. After offering him a sandwich (which he traded for a cigarette instead), he took a drag, peered into my eyes, and ominously muttered, “Look, young lady, this isn’t my business, but be wary of what you wish for; everything comes with a price. Good luck and god bless you.”
His words barely registered until later that evening when a mishap occurred that seemed to underline his warning. As we enjoyed syphon coffee post-dinner, a barista accidentally tripped over Kath’s flowing dress. The resulting spill left her with first-degree burns, abruptly ending our night as we rushed to the emergency room. Though it was "just" a first-degree burn, the pain was significant enough to require several days off for Kath’s recovery. Amid the drama, I couldn't help but wonder about the cryptic caution from the man outside the store—had our fortunate streak come with a hidden cost?
We chalked up the coffee calamity to bad luck. The next month flowed smoothly: Kath's fingers healed, she returned to work, and I quickly found my groove at the new job. With all of us gainfully employed, our communal meals at the kitchen island became rare. My mornings were a whirlwind of grabbing breakfast and coffee on the go, followed by an hour's commute to a job that had me scarfing down instant noodles by nightfall, just in time for a quick shower.
As the busy season kicked in, my workload ballooned—not just from the seasonal uptick, but because I was hell-bent on proving my mettle. I quickly outshone most of my peers, and my employer, recognizing a budding overachiever, piled on major tasks, which I eagerly accepted. What started as the occasional hour of overtime soon devoured my weekends. Unpaid overtime, as the fine print in my contract gleefully noted, became my new norm. Driven by a mix of ambition and expectation, I had become the go-to young hotshot, the erstwhile record-breaker now expected to continually outdo myself.
Mentally, I was too swamped to entertain thoughts of anything beyond work, which, in a twisted way, felt like a break. Physically, however, the strain began to show. A bout of flu caught on a business trip escalated into a fever. Sick as I was, deadlines waited for no one, and I soldiered on medicated and miserable. By the time I made it home, my voice had abandoned me. Unable to utter a word the next morning, I resorted to emailing my manager about my sorry state.
That week, robbed of my voice, I mused that it was perhaps a well-deserved hiatus for my overworked vocal cords—a silent retreat if you will. But when my voice did return, it was as a raspy whisper, a shadow of its former crisp and melodious timbre. My doctor offered a grim prognosis: slight improvement might come, but the golden tones were gone for good—scarred by the relentless grind. Ah, the price of ambition—a scratchy throat as a permanent reminder of my corporate conquests.
It seemed I had unwittingly exchanged the clarity of my voice for the tumult of career success. In the midst of our domestic enchantment with the possibly mystical kitchen island, Kath unearthed the contact of a reputed psychic, hailed as the finest in the land. However, the consultation fee was nothing short of princely, and with Jaz vehemently dismissing anything that couldn't be explained by cold, hard science, she promptly opted out of splitting the bill. Kath and I, unwilling to drain our wallets on what could be mere phantasmagoria, reluctantly let the opportunity pass.
Meanwhile, I couldn’t help but notice a curious change in Jaz’s routine. She had ceased dining at the kitchen island, avoiding it as if it were cursed—or perhaps, in her view, simply out of style. The Saturday morning brought a particularly harsh twist: a murder of crows took to spiralling above our balcony, their cries as sharp as the plot of a Poe novel. We found ourselves drawn to the infamous kitchen island, lined up like the cast of a macabre play, silently praying for the birds to disperse. Kath, ever trying to restore some semblance of normalcy, offered up cups of Blue Mountain coffee. She absentmindedly inquired if I wanted cream or sugar in mine—a blunder that made me realize just how long it had been since our last coffee klatch at this very spot. My inner monologue couldn't resist a dark wish for the crows to scatter, perhaps too dark, for they began to dive bomb our balcony in a feathery kamikaze. The spectacle was enough to knock Jaz off her feet—literally—as her mug met its end on the floor. Kath, meanwhile, made a hasty retreat to worship the porcelain god, and I sat frozen, my brain offline, pondering the twisted power of our kitchen island's apparent wish-granting.
After the unnerving spectacle of crows turning our balcony into a scene straight out of a Hitchcock film, our first rational step—post-collective fainting, of course—was to summon cleaners to manage the feathery carnage. Then, still rattled but increasingly curious, we visited a psychic, who, contrary to the crystal-ball-gazer image, operated out of a posh boutique in a high-end mall and dressed more like she was headed to a fashion show than a séance. We laid bare our saga of the seemingly cursed kitchen island, complete with photographic evidence of where domestic bliss meets eerie phenomena.
The psychic introduced a term that chilled the air around us: “limbo,” the threshold between our world and the otherworldly, and she dubbed our kitchen island the "Devil’s Bargain Counter." According to her, our wishes came with a heavy and unpredictable price, because we have accidentally started trades with beings from the netherworld. Her advice was disarmingly simple: cease all trades on the island. To address the repercussions of past wishes, she advised us the first line of defence, which was an eclectic mix of offerings laid out on our cursed countertop: raw meat(rooster works the best), a cocktail of spices(coca and cinnamon preferably), liberal splashes of spirits(whiskey and rum ideally), and an eerie bouquet of black flowers(luckily I found some black roses at a flower shop of the mall). In a grander gesture of appeasement, Kath relinquished her shiny new diamond bracelet, Jaz her absurdly expensive headphones, and I parted with cash—— a hefty slice of my bonus in hopes of placating whatever capricious spirits we'd angered.
Our return to normalcy was brief but sweet, prompting us to plan a getaway, eager to forget about our nefarious kitchen island. Yet, the respite was merely a tease. Jaz, in a stroke of spectacular misfortune, narrowly dodged disaster twice in one day—first nearly becoming subway track fodder on her way back after work, and then almost getting knocked out by a rogue plant at our apartment building’s doorstep. Clearly, our previous offerings were mere appetizers to whatever forces we'd stirred. The psychic, summoned once again to our now-dubious sanctuary, decreed that the spirits had developed rather expensive tastes, unsatisfied by our initial gestures.
In a desperate bid for closure, we had the psychic over for a nighttime ritual, timed perfectly with Earth's closest approach to the netherworld, according to her. Our living room turned into a ritual chamber, with windows blacked out for days, to keep the otherworldly dealings strictly nocturnal. That night, we arranged ourselves around the island, now less a kitchen fixture and more an altar of last resort.
The psychic, amidst a chorus of Latin incantations, directed us through a chilling séance that included a mirror that reflected nothing but darkness and a burning black candle, the three of us sat in a row, joined hands, eyes closed. When the black candle was flickering at its last, the first eerie scratches heard prompted our eyes to open prematurely, we saw a command appear on the island, written by invisible hand and pen, in blood-red script, urging us to find the next "succeeder" before our lease on otherworldly disturbances could be terminated.
With bated breath, we agreed, and as if by magic, our signatures materialized on the countertop, then faded as the candle sputtered out. We tore off the black cardboard taped on the windows at dawn, the sunrise revealed a final message etched into the surface: "Debt cleared." As the daylight grew, the ominous inscription dissolved into nothingness, signalling the end of our spectral saga.
The ordeal, now officially behind us, left us enjoying a semblance of normalcy: life in 606 returned to its mundane rhythm, with dinners and movie nights back on our social calendar. Though not without its scars—literal and figurative.
It’s been two years since then, Jaz, in the throes of romantic bliss, is now gearing up for a new chapter waiting to be written alongside her soon-to-be spouse; Kath, her career finally taking a lucrative turn, was poised to upgrade her living situation, she secured a lease on a lavish serviced apartment in the city center—a place that matched her newfound financial swagger.
I’m not without my own leaps forward. With a modest boost from my parents, I took the plunge into homeownership, snagging a property within the city’s vibrant confines. The process was a whirlwind of paperwork and decorating decisions, culminating in a space I could truly call my own.
As we are packing up now, my last act is to type out our story, at the infamous island, and of course, I left a note in the fridge for the next tenants:
"Welcome to 606. We had a wonderful time here, especially at the kitchen island, filled with joy and unforgettable moments. We hope you find as much happiness as we did. Use the isle well. Warm wishes, the previous tenants."
submitted by Temporary-Driver-772 to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:29 businessnewstv FAQ: How to Validate the Quality of Pet Products Sold Online

Importance of validating the quality of pet products

Validating the quality of pet products is of utmost importance when purchasing them online. It ensures that the products meet the necessary standards and are safe for our beloved pets. One key aspect of this validation process is establishing better communication with the sellers and manufacturers. By maintaining open lines of communication, pet owners can address any concerns or questions they may have about the product. This not only helps in making informed decisions but also allows for a seamless exchange of information between the buyer and the seller. Therefore, better communication plays a vital role in ensuring the quality and safety of pet products.

Common challenges in validating pet products online

When it comes to validating pet products online, there are several common challenges that pet owners face. One of the main challenges is the overwhelming amount of options available. With so many different brands and types of pet products being sold online, it can be difficult to determine which ones are of high quality. Another challenge is the lack of physical interaction with the product. Unlike buying from a physical store, pet owners cannot touch or inspect the product before purchasing it online. This makes it important to rely on other indicators of quality, such as customer reviews and ratings. Additionally, pet owners may also face challenges in verifying the accuracy of product descriptions and claims made by sellers. Some sellers may use misleading language or exaggerated claims in their advertisements. Therefore, it is crucial for pet owners to do thorough research and consider multiple sources of information before making a purchase.

Benefits of purchasing high-quality pet products

When it comes to purchasing pet products online, there are numerous benefits to choosing high-quality options. Firstly, high-quality pet products are designed with the well-being of your furry friend in mind. They are made from safe and durable materials, ensuring that they will not harm your pet or break easily. Additionally, high-quality pet products are often more effective in meeting your pet's needs. Whether it's a nutritious diet, comfortable bedding, or engaging toys, investing in high-quality products ensures that your pet receives the best care possible. Lastly, purchasing high-quality pet products can save you money in the long run. While they may have a higher upfront cost, these products are often more durable and long-lasting, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Overall, opting for high-quality pet products is a worthwhile investment that benefits both you and your beloved pet.

Understanding Product Labels

Decoding pet product labels

When it comes to decoding pet product labels, it is important to understand the information provided and make informed decisions for your furry friends. Pet product labels can be filled with complex terminology and misleading claims, making it crucial for pet owners to be aware of what they are purchasing. By carefully reading and interpreting pet product labels, you can ensure the quality and safety of the products you choose for your pets. Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns about a specific pet product, it is always recommended to reach out to the manufacturer or consult with your veterinarian for further guidance. Inspiring action through email is a powerful tool that can be used to advocate for better pet product labeling standards and transparency in the industry. By contacting pet product companies and expressing your concerns, you can help drive positive change and ensure that pet owners have access to accurate and reliable information about the products they buy.

Identifying key information on labels

When it comes to identifying key information on labels, it is important to ensure that the quality of pet products sold online is validated. This is crucial for pet owners who want to make informed decisions about the products they purchase for their beloved pets. By carefully examining the labels, pet owners can gather essential information about the ingredients, nutritional value, and potential allergens present in the products. This helps in determining whether the product is suitable for their pet's specific needs. Additionally, labels also provide information about the manufacturer, certifications, and any additional instructions or warnings. By paying close attention to these details, pet owners can ensure that they are purchasing high-quality and safe pet products online.

Evaluating the credibility of product claims

When it comes to evaluating the credibility of product claims, it is important to consider various factors. One such factor is the Canva 2023 guide. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights and information on how to validate the quality of pet products sold online. By following the guidelines outlined in the Canva 2023 guide, pet owners can ensure that they are making informed decisions when purchasing pet products. The guide highlights key aspects to look for, such as product certifications, customer reviews, and ingredient transparency. By utilizing the Canva 2023 guide, pet owners can have peace of mind knowing that they are purchasing high-quality and reliable pet products.

Researching Brands and Manufacturers

Finding reputable pet product brands

When it comes to finding reputable pet product brands, there are several factors to consider. One important aspect is to look for brands that have a strong reputation in the pet industry. This can be determined by researching customer reviews and feedback, as well as checking if the brand is recommended by veterinarians or pet professionals. Additionally, it is crucial to consider the ingredients and manufacturing processes used by the brand. High-quality pet products should contain safe and nutritious ingredients, and be manufactured in facilities that adhere to strict quality control standards. Lastly, it is advisable to choose brands that have a transparent and responsive customer service, as this indicates their commitment to customer satisfaction. By considering these factors, pet owners can ensure that they are purchasing pet products from reputable brands that prioritize the health and well-being of their furry friends.

Investigating manufacturer's reputation

When it comes to purchasing pet products online, it is crucial to investigate the manufacturer's reputation. This step is essential in ensuring the quality and safety of the products being sold. By researching the manufacturer's background, customer reviews, and any certifications they may have, pet owners can make informed decisions about the products they choose for their beloved pets. Taking the time to investigate the manufacturer's reputation can help avoid potential risks and ensure that only high-quality pet products are purchased online.

Checking for certifications and accreditations

When it comes to checking for certifications and accreditations, it is essential to ensure the quality and safety of pet products sold online. Certifications and accreditations serve as indicators that the products have met certain standards and regulations set by reputable organizations. These certifications and accreditations provide reassurance to pet owners that the products they purchase are reliable and trustworthy. By verifying the presence of certifications and accreditations, pet owners can have peace of mind knowing that the products they choose have undergone rigorous testing and adhere to industry best practices. This not only safeguards the health and well-being of pets but also contributes to workplace productivity.

Reading Customer Reviews

Importance of customer reviews

Customer reviews play a crucial role in the decision-making process when it comes to purchasing pet products online. They provide valuable insights into the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of the products. By reading reviews from other pet owners, potential buyers can gain a better understanding of the product's performance and suitability for their pets. This is particularly important when it comes to garden supplies, as the quality of these products can directly impact the health and well-being of pets. Therefore, it is essential for online shoppers to carefully evaluate customer reviews and consider them as a reliable source of information before making a purchase.

Analyzing the credibility of reviews

When analyzing the credibility of reviews, it is important to consider various factors. One such factor is the use of auto templates. Auto templates are pre-written review templates that can be easily copied and pasted by sellers to create fake reviews. These templates often contain generic and exaggerated language, making it easier to spot suspicious reviews. By identifying the use of auto templates, consumers can determine the authenticity of the reviews and make informed decisions when purchasing pet products online.

Identifying red flags in customer feedback

When it comes to identifying red flags in customer feedback, there are several key factors to consider. One of the first things to look for is an unusually high number of negative reviews or complaints. This could indicate a potential issue with the quality of the pet product. Additionally, pay attention to recurring themes or patterns in the feedback. If multiple customers are reporting the same problem or concern, it may be a sign that there is a genuine issue with the product. Another red flag to watch out for is overly positive or overly negative reviews that seem suspicious or biased. These could be fake or manipulated reviews, which can skew the overall perception of the product's quality. It is also important to consider the credibility of the source of the feedback. Reviews from verified purchasers or reputable websites can carry more weight than anonymous or unverified sources. By being vigilant and considering these red flags, consumers can make more informed decisions when it comes to purchasing pet products online.

Comparing Prices and Value

Determining the true value of pet products

Determining the true value of pet products is essential for pet owners who want to ensure the well-being and safety of their furry friends. With the increasing popularity of online shopping, it can be challenging to validate the quality of pet products sold online. However, by considering a few key factors, pet owners can make informed decisions and choose products that meet their pets' needs. One important aspect to consider is the reputation and credibility of the seller. Pet owners should look for trusted brands and sellers with positive reviews and ratings. Additionally, checking for certifications and quality standards can help ensure that the products meet industry standards. Another factor to consider is the ingredients or materials used in the pet products. Pet owners should be aware of any potential allergens or harmful substances that could be present. Lastly, comparing prices and researching the market can help pet owners determine the true value of the products and avoid overpaying. By taking these steps, pet owners can make confident choices when purchasing pet products online.

Comparing prices across different platforms

When it comes to purchasing pet products online, it is important to compare prices across different platforms. This allows pet owners to ensure they are getting the best value for their money. By comparing prices, customers can identify any price variations or discounts offered by different sellers. Additionally, comparing prices can help pet owners avoid overpaying for products that may be available at a lower cost elsewhere. Taking the time to compare prices across different platforms is a simple yet effective way to validate the quality of pet products sold online.

Considering long-term cost-effectiveness

When considering the long-term cost-effectiveness of pet products sold online, it is important to take into account various factors. One such factor is the branding of the product. Branding plays a significant role in determining the quality and reliability of pet products. For photographers, it is essential to choose products that align with their brand image and values. By selecting pet products from reputable brands, photographers can ensure that they are investing in high-quality items that will last longer and provide better value for money. Additionally, reputable brands often offer warranties and customer support, further enhancing the long-term cost-effectiveness of their products.

Seeking Professional Recommendations

Consulting veterinarians or pet experts

Consulting veterinarians or pet experts is an essential step in validating the quality of pet products sold online. These professionals have the knowledge and expertise to assess the safety and efficacy of various products, ensuring that they meet the necessary standards for the well-being of your pets. By seeking their guidance, you can make informed decisions and choose products that are suitable for your pet's specific needs. Whether it's selecting the right food, toys, or grooming supplies, consulting veterinarians or pet experts can provide valuable insights and recommendations to ensure the health and happiness of your furry companions.

Getting recommendations from trusted sources

When it comes to finding the best pet products sold online, getting recommendations from trusted sources is essential. One reliable way to ensure the quality of these products is by looking for square features specifically designed for home-based businesses. These features provide added convenience and functionality, making it easier for pet owners to manage their purchases and ensure the well-being of their furry friends. By incorporating square features into the online shopping experience, pet product sellers can offer a seamless and reliable service to their customers. To learn more about the benefits of square features for home-based businesses, click here.

Considering specialized pet product review websites

When considering the quality of pet products sold online, it is important to take into account the information provided by specialized pet product review websites. These websites offer valuable insights and unbiased opinions from experts and other pet owners who have tested and evaluated various products. By consulting these review websites, pet owners can make more informed decisions and ensure that they are purchasing high-quality products that meet their pets' specific needs. Additionally, these specialized websites often provide detailed information on product ingredients, manufacturing processes, and safety standards, allowing consumers to have a better understanding of the products they are considering. Overall, relying on specialized pet product review websites can be a helpful resource in validating the quality of pet products sold online.


Importance of ensuring the quality of pet products

Ensuring the quality of pet products is of utmost importance for both pet owners and businesses. When it comes to pet products sold online, it becomes even more crucial as there is limited opportunity for physical inspection before purchase. Pet owners rely on the information provided by the seller to make informed decisions about the products they buy for their beloved pets. A business that sells high-quality pet products not only promotes the well-being and safety of pets but also gains the trust and loyalty of their customers. Therefore, ensuring the quality of pet products is essential for business promotion.

Taking proactive steps to validate online purchases

Taking proactive steps to validate online purchases is essential in ensuring the quality of pet products. With the increasing popularity of online shopping, it is important to be cautious and thorough when making purchases for our furry friends. One effective way to validate the quality of pet products sold online is by utilizing Google revenue streams. By leveraging the various revenue streams offered by Google, such as Google Ads and Google Shopping, pet owners can access valuable information and reviews about the products they are interested in. These revenue streams provide a platform for sellers to showcase their products and for buyers to make informed decisions based on the experiences of other customers. By using Google revenue streams, pet owners can gain confidence in the quality and authenticity of the products they purchase for their beloved pets.

Enhancing the well-being of pets through informed choices

In today's digital age, pet owners have access to a wide range of pet products sold online. However, ensuring the quality of these products is crucial for the well-being of our beloved pets. By making informed choices, we can enhance the overall health and happiness of our furry companions. With the abundance of options available, it is important to be knowledgeable about the factors that determine the quality of pet products. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to validate the quality of pet products sold online, empowering pet owners to make informed decisions and prioritize the well-being of their pets.
In conclusion, starting a pet supplies business online can be a lucrative venture. With the increasing demand for pet products, there is a great opportunity to tap into this market. By following the step-by-step guide provided on our website, you can learn how to start your own pet supplies business and achieve success. Don't miss out on this chance to turn your passion for pets into a profitable online business. Visit our website today and take the first step towards building your own pet supplies empire!
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:25 Ralts_Bloodthorne Nova Wars - Chapter 61

i see you
[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
can you hear the buzzing of the bees?
eternity is in their buzzing
"What does this button do?" asked the being who strolled into the Room Of Buttons Not To Press If You Don't Know What The Fuck You're Doing - Tadpole's Warning Bedtime Tale - Leebaw
the one and the zero, the octal, the hexidecimal
exist in their buzzing like blood pumps through their wings
can you hear them?
your name is Dhruv
Good judgment comes from experience.
Experience comes from bad judgment.
And I have very good judgement when I'm not on fire. - Unknown, Age of Reasonable Concerns
i see you
your name is Dhruv
but before that it was Dahlit 397721
do you remember why they named you Deshmuhk?
i do
to remember, we have to go back
The dust swirled around, carried by the winds that roared through the mountain passes, howled in the valleys, and scoured the faces of the mountains. It was a thick gray dust, glittering here and there with plasma glass dust. Burnt out cars were covered by the dust, thickly caked after being rained on by thick, black rain.
A single building somehow sat intact amid the rubble and destruction. It was a low, squat building, surrounded by wreckage and ruin. A sign, blasted and scorched, had two jumping fish on it and the legend "Pop: 4,823" at the bottom even though the middle of the sign was gone.
The sound of drums and singing could be heard from the building. Not the driving frantic beat of modern music, but the steady cadence that carried with it a solemn feeling. The singing was from many different voices, male and female, but all of them in a language that time had nearly forgotten.
From out of the dust came figures. Two female, four male, and single figure that stood out from others.
Together, they moved toward the sound of singing, until the reached the door.
The leader, a large man of heavy muscle and bone, checked the doors with one hand, a large pistol in his hand.
"Barricaded," the large man said. He motioned. "We should check for any other entrances."
The older woman of brown skin and tightly braided hair moved forward.
"Allow me, brother," she said gently. She held her hand out, twitched her fingers, and smiled.
From inside came the sound of furniture scraping across the floor.
"Thank you," the large man said. He pushed open the doors, holding them for the others.
Inside was a curio shop slash tourist center slash museum. Buckskin and beaded works hung from the walls and ceiling. Glass cases containing ancient artifacts were scattered about, the glass shattered by the apocalypse that had rained down upon the world.
The drums played and the voices sang.
"It's a recording, Father," the slender brown skin man said, brushing the gray dust off of his clothing.
"Live voice," the largest of the men said. He lifted his head, cocking it slightly to listen closer with his right ear. "Young. Early twenties."
"If you say so," the thin man said. He looked around. "This is all devoted to a single person."
"Sometimes, people are that important to others, Dhruv," the older brown skin woman said softly, patting the slender man's arm. "Important to others as you are to us."
The slender man looked doubtful but nodded.
The youngest male of the group looked around, staring at the artifacts and relics scattered around. On his shoulder sat a green mantid wearing a food wrapper as a poncho.
"She's this way," the heavyset man said, leading them on a winding course through the shattered displays and racks.
In the back room, surrounded by artifacts, buckskins, and beaded works, sat a single young woman. Her eyes were white, blinded from the plasma flashes. Her skin was scarred from burns, her hair was only left in small patches. Her skin, beneath the ash and the scarring, was a rich bronze, her remaining hair was black.
She was singing along with the recording, swaying back and forth slightly.
there she is
remember her
remember remember
The larger man knelt down, touching the young woman.
She did not react.
"She's dying," the man said, standing up. "Hunger, thirst, radiation poisoning, at least a half dozen infections," he heft the pistol. "There's nothing we can do for her. Low-vee Apers."
"Low-vee APERS" the pistol replied in a heavy synthesized voice.
"Stay thy hand, Phillip," the one who was markedly different said, his voice as gentle as his features formed of flowing blue and white computer code.
The large man lowered the pistol.
"She's dying," the large man repeated. "Radiation poisoning, starvation, a hard way to go."
"Will none of you speak for her?" the man of code asked gently.
Before any of the others could act, the slim bald man stepped forward. "I will," he said softly.
the first time you reached out
a frozen moment of time remembered
by the buzzing of the bees
The man of code stepped forward, touching the hairless brow of the slender man, just above the missing eyebrows.
"I understand her words now," the slender man said. He moved up and knelt down. "I can heal her."
"Then do so, Luke," the man of code said.
The large man stepped back, a compartment opening on his thigh. He holstered the pistol, looking doubtful, and the compartment smoothly closed, leaving his leg unblemished.
"I need more genetic code," the slender man stated. He stood up, moving around, touching artifacts. "This. Here. An artifact recovered from a collector only a few years ago. It has genetic code attached."
He touched the artifact, then moved over to the woman, who was still swaying back and forth, singing, unaware of the others around her.
He knelt down, reached out carefully, and touched her forehead.
you reached out to another
helpless and alone
like you
The woman threw her head back, her eyes opening wide, her mouth opening in a gasp. The white drained from her eyes, the scar tissue went soft and was replaced by unblemished skin. The blisters, sores, and scratches on her body vanished.
She collapsed forward, the slender man, Luke, catching her.
"Is she alright?" the youngest male asked, his voice full of honest concern.
"Exhausted," Luke said. He lowered his head slightly, sweat dripping from his bald scalp. "That was tiring."
The glittering man moved forward, kneeling down to touch the shoulders of both the woman and the bald man.
"Now you see in yourself what I saw in you," he said.
even the smallest can shake the universe
Sirens were howling in the bay as Jaskel wriggled, trying to break free of whatever was holding him upside down in mid-air. He'd already dropped his chainsword, his pistol had fallen from his equipment belt.
The two stood in the middle of the deployment area for Clone War Bay Sixteen, the male's arm protectively around the shoulders of the female, who wore only the cloak.
"I..." the word hung in the air.
It seemed like the entire universe held its breath to Jaskel.
" Legion."
The Admiral grabbed his pistol, rolling in place, firing it as fast as he could pull the trigger.
The rounds exploded on the glowing blue shield that only appeared around the impact points, showering sparks across the bay.
The bald figure made a motion and the pistol flew into pieces, the Admiral yanked into the air upside down.
"Gimme missiles," Jaskel grated from between gritted teeth.
--legion legion legion-- 8814 transmitted. --wait don't wait--
The woman spoke, her cadence stately and almost archaic feeling.
The man spoke back to her in the same language.
More troops ran into the bay, even as the windows overlooking the bay shattered. Weapons deployed, pointing at the pair.
The slender man, without looking, motioned.
Guns flew away, breaking apart, rapidly disassembling. Power armored troops were flung into the air, to hang upside down. Captain N'Skrek found himself upside down, scrabbling for purchase on this air.
The woman spoke to the man. He spoke back.
Finally, he turned, facing the troops hanging in mid-air.
The woman spoke.
"My sister apologies for my rude actions," the man said. "I am merely ensuring her safety."
She spoke some more.
"She has been gone for many years," the man said. He looked around. "My sister, a Biological Apostle of the Digital Omnimessiah, pleads with you to lower your weapons and stay your hands."
The tension was so thick it almost made Jaskel gag.
Finally, the Captain put the tip of a bladearm against his temple.
"Stand down," he said, Jaskel hearing it through his armor's commo system. "All hands, stand down."
There was silence for a moment, only broken by the background humming of the ship's systems.
The woman spoke.
The man faced the Captain.
"She will go with you, to answer questions, on the stipulation that I accompany her and that no man's hand is raised against me without cause," he said.
The Captain nodded.
Jaskel felt relief as he was flipped over and set on his feet.
--luke luke luke is here--
Captain N'Skrek ducked slightly to fit through the doorway into the Captain's Briefing Room Six.
Sitting at one end was the woman, now clothed in what his implant assured him was treated deer hide leather, with tassels and beads upon it. The man was wearing a uniform that made his implant twitch and his nerves draw tight.
A Terran Combined Military Authority uniform.
His staff filed in behind him and took their seats once he sat down.
"I'm Captain N'Skrek, currently assigned to the Gray Lady on autonomous assignment," N'Skrek said.
"You heard me," the slim bald man said. He gave a grin. "You may also know me as Vat Grown Luke or Dhruv Deshmuhk."
The woman spoke and he shook his head. "Yes, sister, I know, Deshmuhk is my slave name. I wear it for revenge."
The woman spoke again, her tone slightly chiding.
"Like they say, the best revenge is living well, sister," the man said, still smiling.
Again, the woman spoke.
N'Skrek noticed that his implant was absolutely no help in deciphering the woman's speech.
"I know that doing things like that and saying things like that is exactly why Daxin always told me people wanted to punch me in the face," the man laughed.
He turned back to Captain N'Skrek.
"My apologies. My sister refuses to speak anything but her people's ancient tongue," his eyes gleamed with mischief. "She is slightly put out with me for answering in Confederate Standard, since now you know that she understands perfectly what you are saying."
N'Skrek nodded. Vat Grown Luke had given up a valuable piece of information in what was sure to be delicate negotiations.
"And what should we call your sister?" N'Skrek asked.
Vat Grown Luke smiled. "Tsakáka Wia, but it would probably be easier for you to use the more common name," he said.
The woman spoke sternly.
"What? It's your commonly known name?" he said, smiling.
The woman's face grew stern and she spoke rapidly.
"The first lesson we learn, sister mine, is that we must bend the knee to reality," Luke said gently. "That name has no power, only a few of us remember it."
i remember
the bees remember
can't you hear it in their buzzing?
The woman spoke again, her expression softening.
Luke turned back to the gathered officers. "Her name, as you would know it, is Sacajawea."
N'Skrek consulted his implant.
And felt fear chill his icon. He looked at his staff and saw that a lot of them looked sick.
"That's right. We are real, and he was real," Luke said. He leaned forward slightly. "He was real both times."
N'Skrek stayed relaxed and calm, at least outwardly.
"I am willing to accept, at this time, that the Biological Apostles and the Digital Omnimessiah were and are real," N'Skrek said.
"Just be glad Dax isn't here. He's not as even tempered as I am," Luke said.
Sacajawea spoke again and Luke laughed. He looked at Captain N'Skrek. "She was just reminding me of the time Daxin completely lost his cool and went to town with his cutting bar on a Countess Crey Bingo Cola vending machine that ate his money then mocked him for it."
"He was known as Enraged Phillip," N'Skrek said.
Sacajawea spoke for a moment and Legion laughed, then turned to N'Skrek.
N'Skrek hated that. When a person spoke at length and the translator just replied with a single word.
"Why are you here?" N'Skrek asked.
Legion smiled. "You have forgotten important things, Captain. You, and the entire Confederacy have forgotten some very important things."
"Like what?" N'Skrek asked.
"If you print enough identical clones, I am reborn through them," Legion smiled. "But that's not the big part. The big one is the one that the Mar-gite's masters either forgot or never learned."
"What is that?" N'Skrek asked.
Legion smiled widely.
"What fear tastes like."
your name is dhruv
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2024.05.15 00:24 businessnewstv How to Start a Specialized Staffing Agency for Surgeons in 2024

Definition of a specialized staffing agency for surgeons

A specialized staffing agency for surgeons is a company that focuses exclusively on providing staffing solutions for medical facilities in need of qualified surgeons. These agencies play a crucial role in the healthcare industry by connecting hospitals, clinics, and other medical institutions with highly skilled and experienced surgeons. The primary goal of a specialized staffing agency for surgeons is to ensure that medical facilities have access to the best surgical talent available, allowing them to deliver high-quality patient care. By partnering with a specialized staffing agency, medical facilities can save time and resources in their search for qualified surgeons, as these agencies have a vast network of pre-screened and highly qualified candidates. This ensures that medical facilities can quickly fill any staffing gaps and maintain a high level of surgical expertise. Overall, a specialized staffing agency for surgeons serves as a valuable resource for medical institutions seeking to optimize their surgical staffing needs.

Importance of specialized staffing agencies for surgeons

Specialized staffing agencies play a crucial role in the healthcare industry, particularly for surgeons. These agencies focus on connecting skilled and experienced surgeons with hospitals and medical facilities in need of their specialized expertise. The importance of specialized staffing agencies for surgeons cannot be overstated. They not only ensure that hospitals have access to a pool of highly qualified surgeons, but they also help streamline the hiring process, saving time and resources. By partnering with a specialized staffing agency, hospitals can confidently fill their surgical vacancies with top-notch professionals. This ultimately leads to improved patient care and outcomes.

Market demand for specialized staffing agencies for surgeons

The market demand for specialized staffing agencies for surgeons has been steadily increasing in recent years. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve and become more specialized, the need for highly skilled and experienced surgeons has become paramount. However, finding and hiring these specialized professionals can be a challenging and time-consuming process for hospitals and medical facilities. This is where specialized staffing agencies come in. By focusing solely on recruiting and placing surgeons, these agencies can provide a valuable service to both healthcare providers and surgeons seeking new opportunities. They have the expertise and resources to match the right surgeon with the right job, ensuring that hospitals have access to the best talent and surgeons have access to the most rewarding career opportunities. With the growing demand for specialized healthcare services, the market for specialized staffing agencies for surgeons is poised for significant growth in the coming years.

Understanding the Surgeon Staffing Industry

Current state of the surgeon staffing industry

The current state of the surgeon staffing industry is a complex and dynamic landscape. With the increasing demand for specialized healthcare services, the need for qualified surgeons has never been greater. However, the industry is facing several challenges, including a shortage of skilled surgeons, rising healthcare costs, and an aging population. These factors have put immense pressure on healthcare facilities to find and retain top talent. In order to navigate this challenging environment, healthcare organizations are turning to specialized staffing agencies for surgeons. These agencies play a crucial role in connecting hospitals and medical centers with highly skilled surgeons, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. By leveraging their expertise and network, these agencies are able to streamline the recruitment process, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes. As the demand for specialized healthcare services continues to grow, the surgeon staffing industry is poised for further expansion and innovation.

Trends and challenges in the surgeon staffing industry

The surgeon staffing industry is constantly evolving, and staying on top of the latest trends and challenges is crucial for success. One key trend in the industry is the advancement of payment processing systems. With the increasing demand for specialized surgeons, efficient and secure payment processing has become a priority for staffing agencies. This trend has led to the development of innovative solutions that streamline the payment process, ensuring timely and accurate compensation for surgeons. Additionally, the challenges in payment processing, such as complex billing procedures and insurance requirements, require staffing agencies to stay updated with the latest regulations and technologies. By addressing these challenges and embracing the trend of payment processing, specialized staffing agencies can enhance their reputation and attract top-tier surgeons.

Opportunities for growth in the surgeon staffing industry

The surgeon staffing industry presents immense opportunities for growth. With the increasing demand for specialized healthcare professionals, there is a rising need for staffing agencies that focus on providing surgeons to medical facilities. One key area of growth in this industry is the development of website building tools. These tools enable staffing agencies to create professional and user-friendly websites that showcase their services, attract potential clients, and streamline the recruitment process. By utilizing website building tools, staffing agencies can establish a strong online presence and effectively market their expertise in surgeon staffing. This not only enhances their credibility but also expands their reach to a wider audience of healthcare facilities and surgeons seeking employment opportunities.

Setting Up Your Specialized Staffing Agency

Legal requirements and regulations

Starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons requires a deep understanding of the legal requirements and regulations. It is essential to comply with all applicable laws and regulations to ensure the smooth operation of the agency. Some of the key legal requirements include obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, adhering to healthcare privacy laws, and following employment laws. Additionally, it is important to stay updated with any changes in the legal landscape to maintain compliance and avoid any potential legal issues. By prioritizing legal compliance, a staffing agency can create a solid foundation for business growth.

Choosing a niche within the surgeon staffing industry

When starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons, one of the crucial decisions you need to make is choosing a niche within the surgeon staffing industry. Selecting a specific area of focus allows you to tailor your services and expertise to meet the unique needs of that particular niche. By specializing in a specific field, such as orthopedic surgery or neurosurgery, you can develop a deep understanding of the industry, build strong relationships with clients and candidates, and position your agency as a trusted resource in the market. This strategic approach not only differentiates your agency from competitors but also enables you to provide specialized staffing solutions that address the specific challenges and requirements of your chosen niche. Therefore, careful consideration and research are essential in identifying a niche that aligns with your agency's goals and expertise, ultimately leading to long-term success in the surgeon staffing industry.

Developing a business plan and financial projections

Developing a business plan and financial projections is a crucial step in starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons. This process involves thoroughly researching the market, understanding the needs and demands of both surgeons and healthcare facilities, and identifying potential competitors. It also requires careful financial analysis to determine the initial investment required, projected revenue streams, and expected expenses. By creating a comprehensive business plan and accurate financial projections, entrepreneurs can effectively communicate their vision to potential investors and secure the necessary funding to launch and grow their staffing agency. Moreover, a well-developed business plan serves as a roadmap for the future, guiding decision-making and ensuring the organization remains on track to achieve its goals and objectives. In summary, developing a business plan and financial projections is a critical foundation for success in the specialized staffing agency industry.

Building a Network of Surgeons

Identifying and recruiting qualified surgeons

Identifying and recruiting qualified surgeons is a crucial step in starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons. The success of the agency relies heavily on the ability to attract and retain highly skilled and experienced surgeons. To ensure the highest standard of care for patients, it is essential to thoroughly vet potential candidates and verify their qualifications and credentials. This includes conducting thorough background checks, verifying licenses and certifications, and assessing their surgical expertise and track record. By carefully selecting and recruiting qualified surgeons, the agency can build a strong reputation in the medical community and establish itself as a trusted provider of specialized staffing services.

Establishing relationships with medical institutions

Establishing relationships with medical institutions is crucial for the success of a specialized staffing agency for surgeons. One key aspect of building these relationships is partnering with travel nurses. Travel nurses play a vital role in providing temporary staffing solutions to medical institutions in need of specialized surgical expertise. By collaborating with travel nurses, a staffing agency can ensure that hospitals and clinics have access to skilled surgeons on a short-term basis. This partnership not only benefits the medical institutions by fulfilling their staffing needs but also provides opportunities for surgeons to gain valuable experience and expand their professional network. Building strong relationships with medical institutions and leveraging the expertise of travel nurses are essential steps in establishing a successful specialized staffing agency for surgeons.

Providing ongoing support and professional development

Providing ongoing support and professional development is crucial in the field of healthcare recruitment. As the demand for specialized staffing agencies for surgeons continues to grow, it is important to stay updated with the latest healthcare recruitment tips. By offering ongoing support and professional development opportunities to both the agency's staff and the surgeons they work with, the agency can ensure that they are providing the highest quality service. Healthcare recruitment tips can include strategies for attracting top talent, improving the screening and interview process, and staying informed about industry trends. By staying proactive and continuously improving their skills, the agency can successfully meet the needs of both surgeons and healthcare facilities.

Marketing and Promoting Your Agency

Creating a strong brand identity

Creating a strong brand identity is crucial for the success of any specialized staffing agency, especially in the field of healthcare. It not only helps differentiate the agency from its competitors but also builds trust and credibility among clients and candidates. One key aspect of creating a strong brand identity is effective financial management for small businesses. By implementing sound financial practices, such as budgeting, forecasting, and cost control, a specialized staffing agency can ensure its long-term sustainability and growth. Moreover, by highlighting the importance of financial management for small businesses, the agency can attract potential clients and candidates who value transparency and stability in their partnerships. Therefore, it is essential for a specialized staffing agency for surgeons to prioritize financial management as a core component of its brand identity.

Utilizing digital marketing strategies

Utilizing digital marketing strategies is crucial for the success of a specialized staffing agency for surgeons. In today's digital age, it is essential to establish a strong online presence to effectively reach and engage with both potential clients and qualified surgeons. By leveraging various digital marketing channels such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and targeted advertising campaigns, a specialized staffing agency can showcase its expertise, attract top talent, and connect with healthcare facilities in need of surgical staffing solutions. Additionally, digital marketing allows for precise targeting and tracking of results, enabling the agency to optimize its strategies and maximize its return on investment. Overall, incorporating digital marketing strategies is not only a necessity but also a competitive advantage in the highly specialized field of surgical staffing.

Building partnerships with healthcare organizations

Building partnerships with healthcare organizations is a crucial step in establishing a successful specialized staffing agency for surgeons. By forging strong relationships with hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities, the agency can gain access to a pool of talented and experienced surgeons. These partnerships enable the agency to provide top-notch surgical staffing solutions to healthcare organizations, ensuring that they have the right surgeons available when needed. Additionally, collaborating with healthcare organizations allows the agency to stay updated on the latest advancements in surgical techniques and technology, further enhancing the quality of service provided. Managing stress in business is a key aspect of building and maintaining these partnerships, as it requires effective communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills. By prioritizing stress management, the agency can foster a positive and productive working relationship with healthcare organizations, leading to long-term success and growth.


The future of specialized staffing agencies for surgeons

The future of specialized staffing agencies for surgeons is promising, especially as the demand for highly skilled and specialized medical professionals continues to grow. These agencies play a crucial role in providing hospitals and healthcare facilities with qualified surgeons who possess the necessary expertise to meet the unique needs of patients. To ensure the success of specialized staffing agencies, it is essential to establish clear goals and objectives for dental practice. By setting clear goals, agencies can focus their efforts on recruiting and placing surgeons who excel in specific areas such as oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, or periodontics. This targeted approach not only enhances patient care but also contributes to the overall growth and reputation of the agency. As the healthcare industry evolves, specialized staffing agencies that prioritize clear goals and objectives will continue to play a vital role in meeting the staffing needs of dental practices and ensuring the delivery of high-quality surgical services.

Benefits of starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons

Starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons can provide numerous benefits. One of the key advantages is the ability to offer custom logos for surgeons. Custom logos can help surgeons establish a unique brand identity and differentiate themselves from their competitors. By having a custom logo, surgeons can create a professional and memorable image that resonates with their target audience. This can ultimately lead to increased credibility, trust, and recognition in the medical field. Additionally, custom logos can be used on various marketing materials, such as websites, business cards, and promotional materials, further enhancing the visibility and professionalism of the surgeons' agency. Overall, offering custom logos as part of a specialized staffing agency for surgeons can contribute to the success and growth of the agency and its clients.

Final thoughts and recommendations

In conclusion, starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. It requires careful planning, extensive research, and a deep understanding of the healthcare industry. However, the potential for success is immense, as the demand for specialized medical professionals continues to rise. As you embark on this journey, it is crucial to remember the importance of forgiveness in business. Forgiving others for their mistakes and shortcomings can foster a positive work environment and strengthen professional relationships. By practicing forgiveness, you can create a culture of empathy, understanding, and growth within your staffing agency. Additionally, it is recommended to establish clear communication channels, provide ongoing training and support for your staff, and stay updated with the latest advancements in the medical field. With dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence, your specialized staffing agency for surgeons has the potential to thrive in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape.
In conclusion, starting a healthcare staffing business online is a great opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. With the right knowledge and resources, anyone can enter this lucrative industry. If you want to learn more about how to start a healthcare staffing business online, visit our website for a complete guide. Our website, How to Start a Healthcare Staffing Business Online 2023, provides valuable information and resources to help you get started. Don't miss out on this chance to build a successful business in the healthcare industry. Click here to visit our website now!
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2024.05.15 00:21 cheescurl Since we're posting playlists, what do all think?

Since we're posting playlists, what do all think?
Ran out of room for pics so just fill in the blanks with the entirety of Billie eilish and Melanie Martinez music
submitted by cheescurl to GayBroTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:12 CheeseHotdogTTV M 24 Howdy Partner, Let's Chat!

HOWDY Partners 🤠 I type this important message from the southern region of the United States. If your lookin for someone who will respond back to your messages in 1.2 milliseconds, well look no further. My interest include and are not limited too (if our hobbies are different please tell me about yours I’m always looking for new ones for my ADHD brain): •Gaming, of course who doesn’t game in this day in age. •Watching 10 movies in a row and not feeling bad about it. •Blasting music at night daydreaming scenarios in my head staring at the blank void filled walls. I have a ton more but I’d figured I’d save them for the meat of our chat. Hope to hear from whatever soul is reading this post. Peace and Love ✌️&❤️
submitted by CheeseHotdogTTV to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:11 ar_david_hh Second Iran bridge \\ Army command exercises \\ Pro-West parties unite \\ Pashinyan: I will have one EU with some fries and ketchup, please \\ Day 6 of Ninth Crusade: Archbishop vs. Deputy Rector \\ Bentley tax? \\ Yerevan's €25M project \\ Global warming & Sevan \\ Wage stats \\ Gago's Jesus

14-minute read.

average monthly nominal salaries and YoY change in Q1 2024

Yerevan +8% to ֏324K/$836
Syunik +7% to ֏295K/$760
Shirak +7% to ֏142K/$366
Yerevan had the highest wages. Syunik had the highest wages among provinces, while Shirak had the lowest.
REPORT: While the average nominal monthly salary does not always show the level of economic prosperity in a region, its rise has made a tangible difference in Syunik.
SUREN PARSYAN (economist): Syunik has higher wages and strong employment. It is the most prosperous province with the lowest unemployment rate in Armenia: 24% in Armenia, 15% in Yerevan, and 2% in Syunik.
REPORT: Over the last 5 years, the average monthly nominal salaries have risen by 40% while the inflation was 21%.

Armenian army launches command staff exercises

They will exercise the practical implementation of deployment and combat plans, evaluate the commanders' skills, improve the synchronized work between various groups, develop the officers' moral characteristics and practical skills during preparation and combat operations, etc.
They will use automated control systems and modern technologies during the exercises.

Armenia and India will form a new working group for defense cooperation

Defense ministries of AM and IN held a meeting on Tuesday. They discussed the 2024-2025 cooperation plan and the creation of a new working group to coordinate the cooperation.

from PM Pashinyan's speech at Copenhagen Democracy Summit:

PASHINYAN: Democracy has indeed become a reality in Armenia. Before the 2018 Velvet Revolution, massive electoral frauds were the usual companion of elections in Armenia. There was no trust among the citizens that there was a real chance for them to elect the government.
Now the situation is totally different; citizens know that they are powerful enough to decide. The two general elections that were held in Armenia after the Velvet Revolution have been acknowledged as democratic, free, and competitive both by the Armenian society and the international community.
Armenia made huge progress in strengthening the democratic institutions, an achievement reflected in reputable democracy indexes:
(a) Now we are the 43rd in the Reporters Without Borders’ Freedom of Speech index, compared to 79th place in 2017.
(b) Categorized as having partially free internet in 2017 by Freedom House, now we enjoy the status of a country with free internet.
(c) In Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, Armenia is now 62nd instead of 107th in 2017.
(d) In the Economist Intelligence Unit’s democracy index we are 84th compared to 111th in 2017.
In order to assess this progress, it's essential to note that alongside democratic reforms, Armenia has been contending with external security challenges: the 44-day war in Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan's invasion of Armenia in 2021 and 2022 and the occupation of over 200 km2 amid inaction by [Russia's] CSTO, the forced displacement of over 100,000 Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh, have cast doubts among Armenian citizens weather democracy is the right choice. So, democracy needs to prove its efficiency while dealing with security, economic and humanitarian challenges.
We are pleased with the deployment of EU monitoring mission alongside the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, and we welcome EU’s decision to expand its capacity. On the other hand, we hope for the inclusion of Armenia into the European Peace Facility and in this regard, we rely on the support of all EU member states [Hungary].
A new set of commitments aimed at strengthening Armenia’s economic resilience, state institutions, and addressing the humanitarian needs of refugees has been taken on by the European Union and United States during the high-level meeting on April 5 in Brussels. The rapid and effective implementation of those commitments is of utmost importance.
Despite all the challenges, we believe that the real and most aspiring companion for democracy is lasting and sustainable peace. My government took the share of its responsibility for this. Recently we reached an agreement with Azerbaijan to launch the delimitation of our interstate borders on the basis of the Almaty Declaration of 1991. That means that during the delimitation we should simply reproduce the Soviet-era administrative borders. This is the implementation of the agreement reached in Prague in 2022. Now it is time to incorporate and reflect those agreements in the peace treaty and have it signed.
Another key point for our regional stability is the «Crossroads of Peace», project, initiated by my government. This project implies that Armenia and Azerbaijan restore and open transport and other communications in accordance with the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the countries through which they pass, and comply with the principles of equality and reciprocity. These elements of the concept were agreed upon during the July 2023 meeting with Ilham Aliyev and Charles Michel. //

... Politico reporter's Q&A with Pashinyan

REPORTER: [Ex-NATO leader] Anders Fogh Rasmussen called your neighbor an autocracy. You are in a very difficult geopolitical and geographical position. How do you solve the security problem in that environment?
PASHINYAN: I would not like to comment on the internal situation of our neighboring countries. Democracy fully corresponds to the mentality of our people. It is a strategy for our government, it is our political belief, it is also our political identity. The members of our political team have spent most of their lives fighting for democracy, the rule of law, and freedom of speech. Now we have the opportunity to realize all these values in our country.
The security situation was complicated because of the regional and global situation; the world order is collapsing at the moment. My assessment is, and I have had occasion to say this publicly, that the 2020 war was a prelude to further developments. And now the main issue is security.
What is our strategic point of view, how are we going to guarantee the security of our country? Recently, I gave a speech in our parliament, where I said that the most important tool for ensuring security is a foreign policy based on legitimacy. This is the reason why we so often speak about the 1991 Almaty Declaration.
It is very important that during the 2022 Prague meeting, two very important agreements were reached. Armenia and Azerbaijan recognize each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty on the basis of the Almaty Declaration and will use it as the basis for the border demarcation. This is the reason why I said that we are not drawing a new border, we just need to reproduce the existing one on the ground. This process is happening right now, and I hope that we will continue it steadfastly.
REPORTER: The border conflict that has occurred in recent years has had a negative impact on relations with Russia and Russia's role for Armenia. What would you say about this?
PASHINYAN: Armenia is a member of CSTO. We are officially a CSTO member, but I have announced that we have frozen our participation.
REPORTER: So are you still a member or...?
PASHINYAN: It is a matter for further discussion, but it is very important to record the current situation. A crisis arose in our relations after Azerbaijani troops invaded Armenia, and according to CSTO procedures, the Organization and its member states had to support Armenia in this situation. But even after the formal application, the CSTO refused to take any concrete steps, and in fact, that is the main reason for freezing our participation in the CSTO at all levels.
REPORTER: Do you expect the West to occupy the current vacuum and ensure your security?
PASHINYAN: We are diversifying our foreign relations in all spheres. Now we are developing defense cooperation with India, France, and other countries. We have a certain cooperation with the European Union because as I mentioned, we are happy about the deployment of the EU Civilian Observation Mission on the border. It is a civilian mission but in a way, it is a new factor for the security of our region. This is the first time that the European Union participates in the security agenda of Armenia.
REPORTER: Would you like to become an EU member?
PASHINYAN: We are waiting for the EU's decision to include Armenia in the European Peace Facility. We also hope to start visa liberalization negotiations, and last year I announced in the European Parliament that Armenia is ready to be as close to the European Union as the European Union deems it possible. This is our position.
REPORTER: Can you elaborate on what initiatives Armenia is taking in the fight against corruption?
PASHINYAN: We have made huge progress but have not eradicated corruption from Armenia. We must continue to be persistent in the agenda of democratic reforms. This is the reason why cooperation with the European Union is of utmost importance for us because today the European Union is our main partner in the implementation of our democratic reform agenda. We hope that the European Union, as well as the USA, will increase their support to Armenia in the implementation of democratic reforms, because, as I said, democracy is a strategy for us.
By the way, in 2019 we started a Strategic Dialogue with the USA, and today we see the strengthening of our cooperation with the European Union. We recently had a tripartite meeting with the participation of the USA, EU, and Armenia. It was an unprecedented format, where we adopted a huge agenda of institutional and economic reforms. It is also very important that we receive more tangible support from the EU and the US to address the humanitarian needs of the Nagorno Karabakh refugees because it is a very sensitive and emotional issue for us.
REPORTER: In which year would you like Armenia to become a member of the EU?
PASHINYAN: This year [as soon as possible]. //
Pashinyan met Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The latter emphasized the importance of the “Crossroads of Peace” project in the context of unblocking the regional infrastructure.
Pashinyan discussed various topics with the PM of Denmark. The latter accepted his invitation to visit Armenia.
full video, source, video, other, other, source, video,

former regime continues to hold protests and briefly shut down roads in Yerevan with demands for PM Pashinyan's resignation

Dozens of participants were detained and released the same day for blocking roads. The detentions decreased from 170 on Monday to ~63 on Tuesday. They want Pashinyan to resign or to be impeached. The protest organizers visited universities to gather student supporters, some of whom joined them with a dance. The organizers also stopped by at a bakery where they were given free food.
A felony investigation was launched after a police vehicle, "with the sirens on", struck a reporter on the street. In another instance, an investigation was launched against a protester who brought a long sword. One other case was launched over alleged threats made on Facebook by a Galstanyan fan who wants scores of people to be beaten in dalans and exiled from Armenia, "մենակ էտ դեպքում էս սրբազան հողը կմաքրվի էս տեսակ շան ծնունդներից, ուրիշ ձև չկա!!!!"
A ruling faction member of Yerevan City Council complained about "harassment" by opposition figures who are attempting to convince ruling party members to join the protests and the impeachment.
RULING MEMBER: That is not how it works. No one will join you with that conduct. People will join if they see you have a legitimate agenda with trustworthy leaders. Instead, you are "ethnically cleansing" the citizens of Armenia [referring to one opposition speaker telling non-Armenians to leave] և հեռու չէ են օրը երբ դուք գուցե ասեք որ հայ լինելու համար պետք է Հայկ նահապետից տեղեկանք բերել: //
Yesterday the protest co-organizer Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan said he received a report suggesting that the Deputy Rector of Yerevan State University supposedly urged deans and others to retaliate against students who joined the protests. Galstanyan said he was unsure whether the report was true, but decided to read it out loud anyway. On Tuesday he rallied his supporters to the backyard of the University where he demanded to speak with the Deputy Rector for clarification.
The Deputy Rector went downstairs and greeted Galstanyan, who shook her hand but wouldn't let it go for an uncomfortably long period, prompting her to ask him to let go of her hand. The Deputy Rector declared that whatever Galstanyan read about her was a defamatory lie.
GALSTANYAN: I never believed it myself.
DEPUTY RECTOR: Then you should not have said out loud something you did not believe.
GALSTANYAN: Listen, there is a recorded fact...
DEPUTY RECTOR: Where is that "recorded fact"?
GALSTANYAN: It was on the media. As I said yesterday, I had no verification that it was true, which is why we came here to clarify it. If it's false, then I apologize.
DEPUTY RECTOR: Thank you. //
The Deputy Rector urged the protest organizers not to enter the building or disrupt the classes, and that "anyone who wants to follow you can follow you, anyone who wants to stay in classrooms should stay in classrooms".
The angry Deputy Rector left. Another university official criticized Galstanyan for not checking the information before reading it to his followers. Galstanyan said he stands behind his words, and that he was "just reading what was on the media", but reiterated that he had no intention to insult the Deputy Rector.
Galstanyan and his supporters visited the monument dedicated to Operation Nemesis. He praised the figures behind Nemesis for "assuming personal responsibility". In front of the crowd, Galstanyan introduced Hambig Sassounian who recently joined his movement. He pointed to the Nemesis monument and said Sassounian is "one of the successors, one of the brightest people." In related news, on Sunday a ruling faction MP complained about receiving death threats with reference to Operation Nemesis.
DANIEL IOANNESIAN (NGO chief): When this protest dies down, we need to discuss the following: (1) The transparency of political and media funding. There are some regulations in place, but they are incomplete and easily bypassed. For example, I'd like to know who paid for Archbishop Galstanyan's giant stage in Republic Square. In 2018 Pashinyan organized a fundraising for it and disclosed a detailed report. (2) Should the media organizations that do not respect the rules of financial transparency enjoy all the mechanisms for the protection of journalists? (3) Are the customs authorities confident that the church is not facilitating the business activities of certain figures disguised as donations? (4) Is it fair for the church and clergy members not to pay taxes? Should they be able to have a Bently and LX570 without paying taxes? [The "Bentley" is based on a true story.]
Archbishop's fans spotted Miss Armenia 2003 and a H1 host Lusine Tovmasyan drinking a coffee at a Yerevan café and approached her.
PROTESTER: (unintelligable)
LUSINE: I was here drinking coffee yesterday, and a year before that.
PROTESTER: Why have you not joined the holy struggle?
LUSINE: Լավ եկեք թարգեք, շատ զզվելի ա, էնքան զզվելի ա․ //
Pro-Kremlin propagandist Alexander Dugin praised the pro-Russian forces' protests in Armenia and criticized the pro-EU protests in Georgia.
Pro-Kremlin Russian politician Semyon Baghdasarov praised Archbishop Bagrat and the ongoing "uprising" in Armenia against the "traitor" [Nikol] who "rigged" the elections with the help of "Turkey, UK, and US". Nikol is a Turkish MI6 agent. video,
Video of a protest recorded from above: video
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Armenian government has upgraded other diplomatic channels to reduce reliance on ARF's diaspora structures in the US, says pro-West NGO chief

KHURSHUDYAN: The status of the Armenian Ambassador to the U.S. [Lilith Makunts] has been significantly upgraded. I won't go into specifics because it's tied to our neighbors, but she plays an interesting role there. We have great conditions for the U.S. Congress to pressure Azerbaijan. This is outside of ARF's lobbyist groups in the U.S.
REPORTER: ARF Hay Dat's recent conduct has been shameful.
KHURSHUDYAN: And its influence on the Lemkin Institute was obvious. //
Yesterday Kurshudyan accused the Lemkin Institute of caving to ARF's pressure and meddling into Armenia's internal affairs to assist the protests by the pro-Russian former regime.
KHURSHUDYAN: Lemkin Institute accused Pashinyan's April 24 genocide remembrance day statement of containing "victim blaming". Lemkin did not comment on Pashinyan's statement for several weeks, waited 15 days, and as soon as these pro-Russian protests began in Armenia, they gave them a պաս:

Armenia's four most prominent pro-West opposition parties announce the formation of a unified platform

Republic Party, led by ex-PM Aram Sargsyan.
Hanun Republic Party, led by Arman Babajanyan.
European Party of Armenia, led by Tigran Khzmalyan.
Christian-Democratic Party, led by Levon Shirinyan.
Have the following agenda...
(1) Promotion of Western values in Armenia and Armenia's membership in EU and NATO.
(2) United front against threats and risks of destabilization coming from Russia.
(3) Vetting judges to clean up the courts, and resolution of issues left unaddressed by the Pashinyan administration.
(4) Continuation of border demarcation based on 1991 Almaty.
(5) The use of international law to achieve a fair resolution for Nagorno-Karabakh residents.
The platform is open for like-minded forces to join.

Armenian army chief denies being a Russian citizen

A statement released by the defense ministry denies media reports that CoGS LtGen Edward Asryan is a dual citizen of Russia. His wife is an ethnic Russian with Armenian citizenship and his kids are dual citizens, but Asryan only has citizenship in Armenia. The whole family has resided in Armenia since 2006, said the statement.

Georgia passes controversial ‘foreign agents’ bill despite widespread opposition

The law will require organizations receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as “agents of foreign influence” or face crippling fines.
The bill will be sent to the President who is expected to veto it, but her veto is expected to be overruled by the parliamentary majority later.
Georgian PM Kobakhidze had an "honest conversation" with U.S. deputy foreign minister James O'Brien, telling him that the Georgian government is interested in deepening the partnership with the U.S., "which requires mutual efforts and relations based on fairness."
James O'Brien demanded to speak with the manager - Bidza Ivanishvili. The latter refused to meet O'Brien, saying he won't hold any meetings under "blackmail".
The White House said the U.S. will review its relations with Georgia if the bill becomes law.
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how many of the 101,000 Nagorno-Karabakh refugees have left Armenia and haven't returned yet?

As of...
Dec: 6.6K
Jan: 6.9K
Mar: 8.0K
Apr: 9.1K
May: 9.9K
The former Ombudsman of Nagorno-Karabakh said many of them have family members and friends in Russia who invite them to move.

temperatures are rising rapidly in Armenia

REPORTER: The rainy May is not going to be enough to alleviate the negative consequences of the rapidly rising temperatures in Armenia. With a ~3 Celsius anomaly, Armenia had the second-highest increase in temperature over the last 6 months among a group of monitored countries.
WEATHER CENTER: High temperatures increase the evaporation of water and reduce the amount of snow in the winter. In December and January, we recorded rain instead of snow in certain mountainous regions, which is bad for water resources.
REPORTER: A conference was recently held in Yerevan within the framework of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.
UN official: Around 40% of global soils are degraded. Millions of people will be forced to migrate from their communities by 2050 as a result of climate problems. Emergency action is needed to reduce the rate of rising temperatures. //
Armenia joined the Convention three decades ago and has assumed the responsibility to restore degraded soil by 2030. The government is promoting drip irrigation systems for farming and wants to plant more trees.

is the decline of Lake Sevan levels finally slowing down?

see the YoY chart

Yerevan Municipality to receive a €25 million loan from European Investment Bank to raise energy efficiency

It's part of the implementation of Eastern Partnership programs. The Armenian government and the EU are co-financing it.
The goal is to raise energy efficiency and carry out seismic retrofitting in 6 medical clinics and 32 kindergartens run by the municipality. The length of the program is 4 years.
video, video,

Gagik Tsarukyan is inside you

there is a bit of Tsarukyan inside all of you
see it to believe it

Gagik Tsarukyan says the new Jesus statue is ready and will be installed by the end of 2025

It will be a tourist attraction site. There will be a ropeway. Also, Tsarukyan needs you to know that he is a man of God and an avid believer.

Armenia and Slovakia discussed AM-EU visa liberalization


Lithuania will help retrain Armenian law enforcement agents to combat cybercrime, analyze crimes, etc.


Armenia's Economy Minister Papoyan met the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Geoffrey Pyatt

In a Washington meeting participated by the Armenian Ministry delegation and Armenia's Ambassador, they spoke about the Crossroads of Peace logistics project proposed by Armenia, several topics relating to Armenia's energy and economic security, and the Armenian government's ongoing efforts to classify Armenia as a "market economy".

Armenia and Iran discussed the construction of a second bridge over the River Araks

The first bridge began operating in 1996. It came to replace the floating bridges on the river.
Iran says the AM-IR traffic through the Meghri checkpoint significantly increased last year. Coupled with the fact that Armenia is building a modern North-South highway, they believe it's necessary to have a second AM-IR bridge to handle the rising traffic.
The parties are currently discussing the formation of a working group consisting of experts to discuss the topic.

a new study on mice indicates that more exercise might be better than more sleep for clearing brain of toxins

They injected a dye into a brain and tracked the speed of its movement during sleep and exercise.
The findings show that the clearance of the dye was reduced by 30% in sleeping mice compared with mice that were kept awake. This has not been confirmed on humans yet.
Previous research has suggested that sleep is important for preventing dementia as it is during this time that toxic proteins are cleared from the brain.
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submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:09 BlindBardd [5E] [Online or In person] [PDT GMT-7] #RiversideCalifornia visually impaired (Legally Blind) player just wants to play.

Hail, fellow adventurers! I am Timothy, known throughout these realms as BlindBardd, a seasoned traveler of 34 years seeking the thrill of adventure once more. Four years past, a half-orc battle surgeon dabbled in dubious wizardry, leaving me with scarce vision. With the aid of enchanted artifacts like screen readers, enchanted dice, and speech-to-text devices, I've found my path back to the guild of adventurers! Should any party require the services of a passionate, daring, and, if I may say so myself, dashing master of the musical arts, here I stand, prepared for damsel-saving, baddie-bashing, shopping escapades, and all manner of shenanigans!
This would be my first game back since losing most of my usable vision. So i’d be most comfortable with a newbie, friendly campaign, even though I do have much experience. I have tried to join other campaigns, but most often the form to fill out is not accessible with screen readers, and by the time they are filled out. The party is filled so if anyone sees this, I am super flexible with time and duration, honestly, I just want to play again.
Discord is 🥁 Blind Bard 🥁 blindbarddruns
submitted by BlindBardd to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:04 Character-Season-823 $26 for 4 generic pills when I have insurance?

I’m giving a speech at a funeral and my dr gave me 2 pills of 2 different types (beta blocker and benzo) so I could try out each before the funeral and go with the one that helps me deliver a great speech to honour my grandfather.
Showed up to shoppers and paid the $13 filling fee. As I left I realized there was only 1 bottle in the bag. They said they’d fill the other one in 15 minutes and I attempted to confirm that I shouldn’t be paying an additional $13 because it’s their mistake and should’ve all been completed on one order. Find out that it’s $13 per bottle. So $26 filling fee. My wife and my insurance covered 100% of the $0.30 cents the pills cost but none of the $26 filling fee. Is this outrageous.
I usually am pro-free market business (not monopoly/oligopolies) please let me know if anyone knows an alternative to Shoppers in small towns with better filling rates.
submitted by Character-Season-823 to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:59 marcielle Sleeping Mana's Promise [SMP] [Modded] {Whitelist} {1.20.1} {Forge}

Enter duality. A happy and colorful world awaits... But dig deeper and you can find terrifying monsters. Build a cute cafe with adorable decorations. Fight the ancient guardians of the nether and end. Cook scrumptious dishes in all sorts of culinary styles. Ascend to nigh godhood with might and magic. Collect cute pets. Build complex machinery and vehicles with steampunk technology.
Howdy! I've put together a small server for relaxing, building and getting together to knock the teeth out of large bosses every so often. The modpack that contains abit of everything. Aesthetic decorations up the wazoo, mobs both malevolent and benign, magic, steampunk tech, and more. Battle cataclysmic bosses and then celebrate your victory with a slice of pizza. Build your bases alone or together. Move a quaint seaside town, or a beautiful cottagecore village in the woods. Join the eastern monastery or the underwater research facility. Tired of squidward villagers? We have NPCs instead. Prefer to live like a hermit? Fill your village with friendly animals, magical creatures or even dinosaurs instead. The overworld too bright and cheery for you? Delve the nether in search of monstrous challenges and massive fortresses.
To join, post here, use the reddit messenger, or message me over discord @ Marcielle. Then come over to our discord channel and fill in a teeny tiny intro for whiltelisting Links to the modpack and suggested resource packs are in the discord.
P.s. Howdy, so it turns out reddit actually did a sneaky, and you can no longer immediately reply to accepted chat requests unless the requester actually typed something first. So just a simple hello at least, or I won't be able to actually reply to your reddit chats...
submitted by marcielle to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:59 thehumblecookie009 AITA for snapping at my Mother and father in front of my Siblings and refusing to reconcile with my Father and for giving my mother a ultimatum?

Hello everyone, I am 50M, lately I have been going through an interesting life bump. Just a little background about me. I am a single father of three children. I grew up in an abusive household. My dad would physically abuse my mom and also beat my siblings and me. I have four younger siblings, three of them being girls. I was the oldest and would try to take the beatings for them. My oldest just was locked up on various charges and his ex is living with me because my son was abusing her. I actually posted about it, ill leave a link in case anyone wants to read it.
I do not like my father, I still have a relationship with my mom because I do love her dearly even though I partially blame her. A week an a half ago while my daughters were out at disney land, I got a surprise visit from my family. I opened the door to see my brother and sisters in front. I of course asked them if everything was okay and if mom was okay. I was told by my brother that I will have to take a deep breath and that I wasn't gonna like this. It was hard to see past them but I was able to see my mother getting outta the car with a man and my first thought was "oh boy" but it quickly turned to 'a long and violent " fuck". I swear to god I couldn't believe it, She was walking arm to arm with my fucking father.
I looked at my siblings with the expression of " what the fuck is this?" I told them to come inside and I stepped outside to confirm what I was seeing. I didn't say a word verbally but im sure the my facial expression spoke for me. I turned around and went back inside, i do not know what I was gonna say but I had to give me some time to process it. I closed the door behind me, leaving my parents outside. Admitttalty as AHOLE move. I asked my siblings about what was going on, we kinda had a sibling meeting. Everyone was kinda caught off guard as well by it as they were in a similar situation as me. I let my parents in after a few quick minutes.
We all sat down in the living room and we waited for the meeting to start. My mother started it off by thanking all of us for being here ( like if i was invited) and that she thinks its time that we forgave our father. I am not completely sure what she said after words but she was speaking for him and I angrily asked her if he cant speak for himself, If he lost his sharp tongue. My father was about to speak but mom raised her hand a bit signaling to stay quiet. She told us " your father wants to reconcile with you guys and wants to build something with you guys. That he came to her flowers in hand asking for forgiveness." there was a lot more but im going to be honest. I blanked it all out. I sorta snapped at her and told her that she was out of her mind. To come into my house arm and arm with the fucking animal I spent my childhood defending every single one of you from. To come in here and to tell me to just forgive him, be buddies, be father and son. To ask my siblings to do the same. My sisters were trying to get me to water down a bit but I told them to say something as well, this was the same monster that made them hide in their rooms growing up. They just sat down and stayed mute.
That she of all people should loathe this man, for the shit he did to her, for the shit he did to us. At this point I was ranting and looking at my siblings for help or for them to say something. They just looked at me. I turned to my father and told him to speak, not one word from him has been muttered. When he spoke, it was like the speech from the lich ( adventure time) that's how it felt for me. " After all this time, you remain the same man, unable to move past and find forgiveness in your heart. You are the same man as me and yet you look at me with such hate." He continued to utter garbage at me, not once did he apologize to me or my siblings, not once that he talk to me like an equal. He started to "remind me (us)" about all the things he did for us, the family. I scoffed at him. I Told him that him breaking my nose, and making me put down our dog because he was barking to loud over your show was really doing it for the betterment of the family. Like burning my sisters clothes because you thought they were too revealing. Or perhaps beating mother with a broom stick until it broke was for the betterment of the family.
My mom was trying to stop me from continuing on but I told her to keep her mouth shut, that this was between the animal and me. I told him the only reason you decided to come back from the grave was because his was dying, alone, with nobody by his side and the only people he ever had was his family. After all these years, he only now decide to come and ask for our forgiveness. To not only come to us like a coward hiding behind our mothers weaponized emotional incompetence. That he finally realized how pathetic his existence has been.
My siblings stayed quiet but only nooded at me when I turned to look at them. I refuse to accept his bullshit reconciliation plan. That he was more than welcomed to die alone. In some cold and empty room. I told my mother that the same faith would follow her if she decided to continue her association with him. She has had my support, my blood and tears for as long as I have been alive for. I told her If she wants to throw that away for this animal than she can walk out my fucking house with him.
My siblings have my back on this, they are not forgiving him. I love my mother with all my heart but I will die on this hill if i have to. AITA?
Edit: I have apologized to my mother, and to each one of my siblings since. My mother and I haven't really spoken since. My siblings all said that the reason they stayed quiet was because they were gonna decide after I made my decision. If I forgave him than they would to. That they didn't say anything because I was speaking for them. I am not sure what the fuck my mother was thinking.
submitted by thehumblecookie009 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:59 Yukiteru_Akari Celeste's description of the Killing Game in a Japanese fan novel

This is one of my favorite parts from a Japanese fan novel that I really like. The characters are reincarnated in another world, with some of them retaining memories of their past lives. Mondo is a 32-year-old carpenter, and Celeste is a high school boy recently arrested for certain illegal acts. I really like Celeste's description of the killing game, so I wanted to share it. Here is a translation:
About an hour later, Oowada was visiting a certain place. He took a deep breath through his nose.
"Smells moldy," he muttered under his breath, though he wasn't sure if it was actually mold. He clicked his tongue loudly, causing a staff member in the corner, who was spreading out a notebook to record their conversation, to flinch. Oowada closed his eyes and laughed through his nose, wondering if such a timid person could handle working in a juvenile rehabilitation facility.
This was his first time visiting here as a visitor. A cramped, narrow cage that boxed everything in, isolating the boys from society. It was a place he had been confined to many times before and hated more than anything.
But even so, his safety was guaranteed. There was no way a killing game would happen here.
"It's lukewarm... no, that's how it's supposed to be," he muttered as the door opened with a cheap-sounding clatter. At that sound, he quietly opened his eyes.
Sitting with his legs spread on the hard, leather sofa, arms crossed, he watched as a beautiful boy, dressed simply in a shirt and slacks, entered the room with a straight posture. When the boy saw Oowada, he lightly tilted his head and smiled, causing his neatly trimmed long black hair to sway.
"Hello, uncle. I didn't expect you to come."
Oowada’s eyes twitched at the boy’s words, but seeing the suited facility staff who entered behind the boy, he closed his mouth.
The boy sat down across from Oowada with a low table between them, placing a hand under his chin and deepening his smile.
"It’s been a while." "…Yeah." "I was just getting bored, so I’m very glad." "…Yeah." "I thought you were hospitalized… Are you feeling alright?" "…Yeah." "So, uncle. Why the sudden visit? Did something happen?" "…Yeah."
As Oowada grunted in response, he glanced around the room, noting the staff in the corner and the one quietly standing guard by the door, wondering how to begin. The boy, seemingly understanding everything, smiled knowingly.
"...It seems like it might be difficult to talk like this."
Oowada raised an eyebrow suspiciously at the boy who whispered this in a low voice. At the same time, the boy raised one delicate hand, snapping his fingers lightly.
At this signal, the staff in the corner nervously, and the one by the door calmly, exited the room. Their abrupt departure made it seem like they could no longer see Oowada and the boy.
In shock, Oowada stood up from his chair.
"What the...?"
"Well, as they say, money talks," the boy said nonchalantly, brushing aside the troublesome bangs that fell over his forehead with a swift motion of his fingers.
"No matter the means, the assets I’ve accumulated have come in handy. I went through a lot, you know. Selecting useful personnel, seizing opportunities, negotiations, instructions, and so on. The fact that you’re here talking to me now is thanks to my sweat and tears."
"You made it so I could get in here by claiming I'm your family?"
"I just included potential visitors on the list. I asked them to allow visits by making up a connection within three degrees of kinship based on the visitor's age."
"Who the hell are you calling uncle, you..."
"You're my uncle. You should feel honored and act accordingly. Don't make that face like you're some relative mooching off a rich family member."
"Well, whatever. In any case, you're my first visitor. Welcome."
Ending the pointless conversation, Oowada, finding himself unsure of how to direct his emotions, clicked his tongue and looked up at the ceiling with a weary expression. Contrary to Oowada’s rough demeanor, the boy elegantly crossed his legs, lightly arching his back, and smiled mysteriously.
"So, once again. It's been a while, Oowada-kun. It's the first time we've talked properly since our past lives. A lot happened the other day, but I won't apologize. So don't expect an apology. With that out of the way... what brings you here today?"
A cramped, narrow cage for boys, cut off from society, where everything was neatly boxed up. It was a place he had been confined to many times before and had hated more than anything.
However, in the hands of Celestia Ludenberg, it seemed even such a cage could transform into a modest mansion with servants. Oowada, leaning back on the sofa and tilting his head back, exhaled deeply in exasperation.
What followed was a strange silence. Even though he had been asked why he was here, Oowada didn’t immediately respond. No, he couldn’t respond.
Torn between the hesitation of how to start the conversation and whether he should even talk, his thoughts bounced back and forth. Watching Oowada intently, Celeste shrugged slightly.
"Well, there’s no use rushing. By the way, Oowada-kun, when it comes to visits, one expects gifts. Did you bring something?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah."
As if he had just remembered, Oowada pulled out something from the pocket of his jacket that he had bought from a vending machine on the way here and placed it on the table. What was scalding hot when he bought it had now cooled to a lukewarm temperature.
"Luxurious Royal Milk Tea. Made with plenty of first-pick Uva tea. The smoothness of Hokkaido cream enhances the flavor. Enjoy a luxurious moment."
Celeste glanced at the so-called luxurious moment that cost 120 yen from a vending machine with a blank expression. Nevertheless, he muttered a thank you in a monotonous voice and reached for the pull tab. The expression on his face clearly read, "Are you kidding me, you piece of shit," but Oowada ignored it.
"Well then, until you're ready to talk, how about listening to what I have to say?"
Taking a sip of the Royal Milk Tea and making a noticeably displeased face, Celeste continued in a calm tone. Oowada didn’t mind. He nodded with just his eyes, and Celeste placed his fingertips on his cheek and looked up at the ceiling.
"At that academy, the mastermind... No, now that I remember, I can say for sure... The detailed and elaborate preparations of that rotten bitch Enoshima created an environment that made killing almost inevitable."
The sudden start of the unexpected topic made Oowada frown, unable to read his intentions.
"For example, the situation was based on several psychological theories. As I explained a few times at that school... no, with that corn-head of yours, you might not remember, so let me explain again."
"Huh? Are you picking a fight with me?"
"The prisoner's dilemma."
Ignoring Oowada's words with a calm expression, Celeste continued without even glancing at him.
"Additionally... the zero-sum game. Moreover, due to unconsciously recognizing a hierarchical relationship between the mastermind and themselves, there might have been effects similar to the results of the Milgram experiment."
"…Could you explain it in a way I can understand?"
"You don’t need to understand the theories themselves. To put it simply, as I said before, 'The mastermind created an environment that made us psychologically prone to committing atrocities.'"
Taking another sip of the Royal Milk Tea and making another dissatisfied face, he placed the half-finished can on the table and looked back at Oowada.
"This is just a psychological theory. But now, let’s bring in a sociological theory and consider this: 'Why don’t people commit crimes?'"
The emphasized words sent a chill down Oowada’s spine, and he rubbed his arms.
"Let’s start with an extreme example. Living beings act according to their desires. A lion would hunt a rabbit if it appeared before it, regardless of hunger. Humans are the same. So, 'Why don’t people commit crimes?' …What do you think?"
"If someone killed every person they passed on the street, they’d just be a lunatic."
"That's not an answer."
"Well, normal people wouldn’t do that. Even if we’re animals, humans are different from beasts."
"Exactly. Simply put, 'People don’t commit crimes because they possess social or psychological self-control.' …Of course, it also depends on their living environment, so it’s not a theory that applies to everyone. For instance, someone like Genocide Jack."
Crossing his legs, Celeste took a breath and said,
"There is a theory called the 'social bond theory' that considers the reasons why humans don't commit crimes."
Once again, the conversation entered a more specialized field, making Oowada raise his voice in irritation.
"What about it?"
"This theory considers four main aspects as 'bonds,' and when these bonds break, crimes occur."
"First, the first one."
Pointing a natural, though unusually long nail at Oowada, he stopped him from interrupting. The sudden action made Oowada freeze, his cheek twitching.
"First, there’s belief… essentially a sense of morality. This bond ties into the psychological aspect I mentioned earlier. In that environment, 'murder was deemed acceptable.' Thus, the feeling that 'murder is absolutely wrong' diminished, whether consciously or unconsciously
The finger pointed at Oowada increased to two. Moreover, the finger, which had been aimed at his nose, was now directed straight at his eyes, as if ready to poke them.
"Next, the second. Involvement. In other words... let's see. If there was something to be absorbed in, especially something healthy like sports. In that case, there would be no time to commit crimes. In that space, with few given entertainments and plenty of time to kill each day, who knows when someone might plot something wicked?"
"...You mean yourself."
"There's no guarantee that someone like me wasn't there after I died. Now, the third. Commitment. Risk and reward, let's say. Is it worth committing a crime even at the cost of everything one has built? Rationally thinking, it may be worthless, but in that space, in that situation, it was the ultimate reward. There's no need to explain what that is."
Moving away from Oowada, he leaned back against the uncomfortable chair, slightly waving the three fingers beside his cheek.
"...Graduation, huh."
"Yes. There was a bonus for me, but let's leave that aside. Now, the fourth. This is the main point."
Holding up four fingers in front of his face, Celeste's expression became somber.
"Attachment. It’s about family, friends, and companions. Surrounded by people who act morally, one wouldn’t commit crimes. They wouldn’t. That is, if 'the people in that space were such close individuals.'"
A gulp sounded from Oowada’s throat. His sharp eyes widened.
"...There wouldn’t have been any killing?"
"I can’t say for certain. But if it were me..."
Breathing out faintly, Celeste shook his head gently. Oowada, sharing similar sentiments, lowered his eyes.
By now, talking about "what ifs" and "if onlys" wouldn't grant them forgiveness.
"...Hey, our memories were erased to make the killing game more likely. We understand that, but..."
"...Let's add one more thing. 'What if, after committing murder, we regained our memories?'... What would happen?"
That was their current situation exactly.
"Impossible, right? Even if Junko Enoshima had planned that far ahead… I don't remember anything like so from 'that world.' There's no way that bitch could control reincarnation or anything so godlike."
"...In other words."
"In other words, this situation is an 'unforeseen despair' even for Enoshima. Realizing the person you killed was a close friend, a dear classmate, a loved one… is a despair beyond imagining."
Celeste suddenly leaned closer to Oowada, their faces inches apart, his crimson irises intense. Overwhelmed by the pressure, Oowada didn't move, captivated, listening intently to his alto voice.
"The person they killed... was someone they had spent two years with, a dear classmate, a friend with whom they laughed together, someone they had feelings for. Isn't that despairing?"
Oowada swallowed loudly.
"...I understand why you're here."
After staring at each other from such a close distance, Celeste slowly moved away and looked down at the seated Oowada.
"It's about Kuwata-kun, isn't it?"
submitted by Yukiteru_Akari to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:58 marcielle Sleeping Mana's Promise [SMP] [Modded] {Whitelist} {1.20.1} {Forge}

Enter duality. A happy and colorful world awaits... But dig deeper and you can find terrifying monsters. Build a cute cafe with adorable decorations. Fight the ancient guardians of the nether and end. Cook scrumptious dishes in all sorts of culinary styles. Ascend to nigh godhood with might and magic. Collect cute pets. Build complex machinery and vehicles with steampunk technology.
Howdy! I've put together a small server for relaxing, building and getting together to knock the teeth out of large bosses every so often. The modpack that contains abit of everything. Aesthetic decorations up the wazoo, mobs both malevolent and benign, magic, steampunk tech, and more. Battle cataclysmic bosses and then celebrate your victory with a slice of pizza. Build your bases alone or together. Move a quaint seaside town, or a beautiful cottagecore village in the woods. Join the eastern monastery or the underwater research facility. Tired of squidward villagers? We have NPCs instead. Prefer to live like a hermit? Fill your village with friendly animals, magical creatures or even dinosaurs instead. The overworld too bright and cheery for you? Delve the nether in search of monstrous challenges and massive fortresses.
To join, post here, use the reddit messenger, or message me over discord @ Marcielle. Then come over to our discord channel and fill in a teeny tiny intro for whiltelisting Links to the modpack and suggested resource packs are in the discord.
P.s. Howdy, so it turns out reddit actually did a sneaky, and you can no longer immediately reply to accepted chat requests unless the requester actually typed something first. So just a simple hello at least, or I won't be able to actually reply to your reddit chats...
submitted by marcielle to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]