1 man 1 jar on iphone

Darth Jar Jar: The key to all this.

2015.10.31 15:09 onemananswerfactory Darth Jar Jar: The key to all this.

This subreddit is dedicated to exposing and discussing the consistently shady and ambiguous nature of Jar Jar Binks, and the expanding (Darth) Jar Jar theories created by fans of the Star Wars prequels. If you want to know more then please read the pinned post: "The Darth Jar Jar Holocron (updated)"

2015.01.26 07:06 iamthatis Apollo App

Apollo was an award-winning free Reddit app for iOS with over 100K 5-star reviews, built with the community in mind, and with a focus on speed, customizability, and best in class iOS features. It started development in late 2014 and ended June 2023. Dev's Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@christianselig Twitter: https://twitter.com/christianselig Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/selig.bsky.social/ PayPal: tipjar@apolloapp.io Website: https://christianselig.com

2008.01.25 06:34 r/iPhone

Reddit’s little corner for iPhone lovers (and some people who just mildly enjoy it…)

2024.05.14 03:40 Wopacity Teslagrad Remastered, Super Buff HD, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, SpeedRunners

Doing a first come, first serve to those who can Finish the Lyric
  1. Along with the game you want, you must include either the correct lyrics or if no one can guess by midnight (PST), I'll give it to what I think are close enough or funny.
  2. If you only ask for a game but don't participate, I will give you the "mark of shame" and you will be disqualified. I don't want bots to participate, I don't care if you put a guess later on.
  3. Good Luck
Teslagrad Remastered
Super Buff HD
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Lyric: "I only need you to ___, ____ __, _____.
If ya'll would like a hint, look towards those who will inevitability ignore my warnings and use their Mark of Shame as the hint.
I will give the winners their prize when I can.
submitted by Wopacity to steam_giveaway [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:40 DrSadSunday Video on how Seattle Airport boarding works?

I'm not sure how to ask my question but I'm a fearful flyer. I have a panic disorder that makes it difficult to handle stressful situations like flying. I'm also neurodivergent and like to learn what to expect before I arrive so it's less scary and stressful. But basically, I plan to make my first international trip (EU first time) this year and I'm hoping to better understand how the airport process works from start to finish.
Here's what I mean:
  1. When I arrive at the airport with my luggage, where do I go first?
  2. How do I know which lines to go through if I'm an American going to an international flight?
  3. What does it look like from start to finish?
  4. When do I need to show my passport?
  5. Details as much as possible please.
Thank you for your help. I don't know if there are videos of people going through the whole process or not. Can't figure out how to find something like that on YouTube.
submitted by DrSadSunday to AskSeattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:40 ThatPixieDreamGirl Hot take on Rowan

I just finished Queen of Shadows and wanted to rant a bit. I know a lot of people might not like what I have to say but I’m just not a fan of Rowan as > ! a romantic interest. ! <
I find Rowan to be attractive and great for Aelin’s healing process as a friend but it doesn’t excuse how rude he used to be to her. > ! I really don’t really see why they are paired together either.
On a whole other note: 1. I think it was out of character that Aelin tried so hard to be with Rowan and once he finally is willing, she basically says he can wait until they’re done bringing magic back to the world? Like I thought she didn’t like waiting because of how she waited with Sam and then never got to see him again… 2. Rowan PUNCHED her in the face when they first met…like ?? He obviously knew she was going through something too because he watched her for awhile in hawk form while she drank and wasted herself away on rooftops 3. Rowan just seems too boring, emotionally constipated, and stone faced to be with Aelin - their personalities are just so different to me 4. The age difference is kind of crazy. Like yes she’s been through a lot but he is several of hundreds of years older than her. She’s only 19. < !
submitted by ThatPixieDreamGirl to throneofglassseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:38 UlfurGaming a rework to reapers to make it more interesting

reapers hideout would be rename to flamehearts fortress & would be redesigned into a gothic style star fort this fortress will have changes like harpoons that make moving loot easier 2 on each side of the island with moving platforns that goes into main building there would also be more defenses around the island such as incendiary cannons like the ones from new burning blade mortars and swivel guns (cannons too but those are already on reapers) and more also this new fort would have a shipwright and soneome you can buy crates from finally the small island that south west of main island would be a tavern the fog around flameheart fortress would have extremely thick fog encircling it with thinner fog on the inside this fog cant be seen through on either sides and is tall enough to obstruct your view even in galleons crows nest
while flying reaper mark flag you gain emmisarry progress 50% faster but you are marked on the map with the amount of loot you have on ship
reapers bones will now only accept stolen loot reapers items log books other factions flags & a few special loot items like chest of fortune or cursed chests all items now sell for 300% if other factions steal said loot items that are reapers specific loot and take it to athena fortune they gain 25% extra gold of its original value (also you can no longer sell logbooks amd flags to skeletons at outposts this couldbe explained by them escaping and all going to new flamehearts fortress)
new cosmetics
1 shadow skeleton with different glowing eye colors could be unlocked by killing a ghost curse at night maybe different eye colors would be different ways of killing them
2 a grim reaper cloak and hood seriously its called REAPERS Bones i want a reapers grim reapers outfit
3 different colored reaper pjs or just pallete swaps for example a black reapers mask with red eyes clothing being red with gold accents and black trims
4 have it so you can wear the reapers mask separately from the rest of the outfit seriously that would make some great outfits
5 the hat that servant of the flame wears (its probably in game already but i cant remember so just gonna throw it in anyways)
( also please give your own ideas cause im curious how others would change/improve reapers)
submitted by UlfurGaming to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:38 MoonParasyt3 I am now convinced that Xiao's play style is based on Xaldin from Kingdom Hearts (fixed)

Hear me out (because this might be a lot)(sorry in advance if I missed any spelling errors on Xiao's name. It was brought to my attention and now should be fixed)
1) Xaldin's weapon of choice is a Lance/ spear (though the actual name of it is Whirlwind Lancer so I guess Lance even though it looks more like a spear so I will call it a spear)(also to point out here, Xiao's normal attack is called Whirlwind Thrust) 2) his element is Aero/wind (which in case it isn't clear, is Genshin's equivalent to anemo 3) Granted, Xaldin constantly fights with multiple of the spears and Xiao technically can only do that in his burst, it is worth pointing out 4) Xadlin has an attack that (while not exactly the same, looks similar) to Xiao's skill: Lemniscatic Wind Cycling (how it looks similar is Xaldin will Thrust all his spears at you. Though, I will point out, this is my weakest point) And last but not least: reason number 5) One of his attacks is where he will plunge attack you (though, I think he's only throwing his spears down at you, but I suck at the game so I can't really tell) but, the best way to beat him? "Learn" how to plunge attack him (which the way you plunge attack him looks a lot like Xiao's "burst then plunge" attack.
Now I'm gonna be honest, do I think Hoyo "ripped off" another character? No. But I do think that, (weather or not intentional), Hoyo based Xaio's play style off of Xaldin. Though before questioning it, I would recommend looking up Xaldin's data boss fight (best way to see what I mean about the similar attacks)
submitted by MoonParasyt3 to GenshinImpact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:37 Ventingmyfrust We like the same guy

I noticed this girl at my gym comes in like 1-2x sometimes just looking around and then comes back later to actually work out. Today I clocked who she’s been looking for this whole time. My gym crush, who ironically wasn’t at the gym today. She came in 3x looking, and my intuition was screaming that she’s looking for him. Now I feel like I have competition.
She’s one of those gym girls who likes to show her ass off. Will directly stand in front of all the guys and do squats. I was watching her today and she flirted with 2 guys while he wasn’t there. Btw I go to the ymca and they have strict dress codes so idk how she’s doing this. Im scared to even wear a 2 piece set.
I just know that I want him more than she does and I don’t want her to steal him. She flirted w two guys just from today, she has plenty of options. I only have my eyes set on him. I feel like I deserve him more, as childish as that sounds. It’s how I feel.
submitted by Ventingmyfrust to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:37 Extreme_File_2745 Boss and legends

Need tips on boss 3-1 and legends 5-1...these robots are fking mean
submitted by Extreme_File_2745 to wearewarriors [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:37 StephenMiniotis Thoughts and Writings: "On Hearing Voices".

Ladies and brethren, I stand declared, a person who hears voices in his mind and communicates with himself. I have been diagnosed with Paranoia and Schizophrenia; and despite being medicated with what I call inhibitors, the voices in my head ever continue to harass, play, and entertain me.
I no longer fear the voices; certainly, they're a nuisance. I cannot drive, for example, or operate heavy machinery. I'm carefully distracted while reading; my reading speed has slowed to a crawl; I take just one course per year at the University, for which I recieve a grant, and am carefully distracted.
But despite the drawbacks and setbacks, I consider hearing voices to be an upgrade to regular consciousness. I can now emulate people in my mind, and calculate probabilities which, in all likelihood, won't occur. I hear dialogue and fiction spread itself before my mind, in ways unimaginable to a regular, "healthy" person. I have summoned einstien's emulation in my mind, just to hear him lecture on why he isn't dead yet in my mind; and wrote a treatsie on time, for example.
I dialogue with characters from the past and present - and some I've made up entirely. Anyone I think of isn't immune. Where this journey ends, nobody knows; but to consider me the ill one, and diagnose me, and medicate me, is, I think, doing me a disservice.
Fear is a low-level play of acumen. And if you are afraid of the voices, and still paranoid, then my brother, you might need medication, if only temporarily - but sometimes for life. But sometimes you just need someone to explain to you that nobody is in your mind, that you hear emulations, and that you'll be fine.
And once you realize that your mind emulates other people, and seize the day, so to speak, and seize control of the situation, then you have entered a higher realm of learning, one where dialogue and fiction are written in your mind, while you enjoy a laugh or two. Comeotragic, isn't it? And rather artistic, these fictitious characters, these emulations, these voices. And the beauty of it? None of it ever occured, but in your mind.
Never fear the voices, Never do what the say, and always laugh alone at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation, and you'll be just fine. Toughen up. Certainly the voices will berate you, belittle you, and beat you down if you let them. But if they come to fear and respect you some day, then maybe you'll be glad. And some writing may come of this.
note: at the request of his family, the artist will be taking meds for life. He's injected every three months to inhibit the voices.
An English Literature Undergrad
University Of Toronto
Part-Time Studies
St. Michael's College
Stephen M. Miniotis, a diagnosed Paranoid Schizophrenic.
To be edited. This is just a rough draft. May, 2024.
submitted by StephenMiniotis to StephenMiniotis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:36 angrypandaphant First time finding ticks on dogs, me, and in the house. I'm freaking out...What steps do I take?

I live in a suburb of Chicago. Lived here 25 years, had one dog for 8 years now, the other for 3. I've never had a tick problem. In the last week or so, I've found about 8 ticks. 3 on my dogs, 2 in my hair, 2 on my body, 1 in the shower just crawling around.
I walk my dogs in forest preserves, but we don't go off trail. Sometimes they go into the tall grass, but nothing they've never done before.
I'm really freaking out as I've never had to deal with ticks before. What are the chances of contracting diseases from them? I have no idea how long they were on me or my dogs or if they were "attached". One that I found on my dog was way under her fur on the skin, but I just grabbed it off and killed it. For me, one was on my scalp, same thing, idk if it was attached to me, I just pulled it off and killed it. The others were on the surface of the haifur and I just flicked them off.
I'm taking both my dogs to the vet tomorrow and to update their vaccines and get a tick check and blood panel. I'm washing all my clothes and blankets and the dog beds/blankets/pillows/harnesses.
How will I know if they've laid eggs anywhere? Do they lay them in the house or only on living things?
submitted by angrypandaphant to ticks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:36 MoonParasyt3 I am now convinced that Xiao's play style is based on Xaldin from Kingdom Hearts

Hear me out (because this might be a lot)(sorry in advance if I made any spelling errors on Xiao's name) 1) Xaldin's weapon of choice is a Lance/ spear (though the actual name of it is Whirlwind Lancer so I guess Lance even though it looks more like a spear so I will call it a spear)(also to point out here, Xiao's normal attack is called Whirlwind Thrust) 2) his element is Aero/wind (which in case it isn't clear, is Genshin's equivalent to anemo 3) Granted, Xaldin constantly fights with multiple of the spears and Xiao technically can only do that in his burst, it is worth pointing out 4) Xadlin has an attack that (while not exactly the same, looks similar) to Xiao's skill: Lemniscatic Wind Cycling (how it looks similar is Xaldin will Thrust all his spears at you. Though, I will point out, this is my weakest point) And last but not least: reason number 5) One of his attacks is where he will plunge attack you (though, I think he's only throwing his spears down at you, but I suck at the game so I can't really tell) but, the best way to beat him? "Learn" how to plunge attack him (which the way you plunge attack him looks a lot like Xiao's "burst then plunge" attack.
Now I'm gonna be honest, do I think Hoyo "ripped off" another character? No. But I do think that, (weather or not intentional), Hoyo based Xaio's play style off of Xaldin. Though before questioning it, I would recommend looking up Xaldin's data boss fight (best way to see what I mean about the similar attacks)
submitted by MoonParasyt3 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:36 Kaiodenic (In the vein of the previous) You're granted immortality for one year. You may keep it if you convince at least 100,000,000 people that you have it within that time*. How do you do it?

For the duration of the "trial year," your immortality consists only of a lack of aging. You are not invulnerable, you can still catch diseases, be injured or die. Should you succeed, your indefinite immortality will include invulnerability.
Rules: 1. You cannot tell anyone about the deal during your trial year. 2. People must truly believe you, not just say they do or agree to say they will. 3. (More detail on rule 2) The belief must be current and true to thr believer. If someone is partially-in and only technically believes you because you say you can prove it in 1 year and 1 day (once you can shoot yourself and survive) that won't be counted towards the deal. I.e., belief must be true to the believer and not conditional on fulfilling the deal later. 4. People can have their doubts or feel conflicted, the belief doesn't have to be absolute. Just enough to where they would internally feel like it's a lot more likely to be true than not, and if asked they'd say they do believe it and mean it.
*Optional "extra" rules so as not to limit everyone's possibilities, but I'm particularly interested in these rules if you can work with them: 5. This must in include some degree of scientific recognition, part of which is that... 6. There must be at least one credible published paper in a credible scientific journal about your immortality.
These rules are optional since I imagine most people (myself included) don't know how you could reasonably, scientifically prove immortality over just slower aging within a year, but if anyone is familiar with any relevant discipline - please do include that!
Rules 3 and 4 are really 2.1 and 2.2, but Reddit didn't want to format those subpoints properly so I made them whole numbers. Sorry!
submitted by Kaiodenic to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:36 NovelMMC Have you all seen nanaspage26 (Briana) on your FY page?

Her video came up on my FY page of her baby daddy picking her up from the hospital with his GF and then kept watching. She made 1 video where she stated some of her followers said she’s trying to be the next Morgan but honestly, she seems actually HONEST. It’s refreshing.
Idk, just here wondering if anyone else besides me has kinda liked her content lol
I just appreciate the honesty of it all even though it’s messy.
submitted by NovelMMC to morganbaiiley [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:36 Spiritual_One126 Advice for moving from student accommodation to renting in Canberra

I’m a uni student living in student accommodation in Canberra, but am researching to move off campus at the end of the year as I’ll no longer be eligible for the on campus accommodation conditions.
I thinking of renting a 1 bedroom or studio in Canberra, (no room mates please), but don’t know where to get started.
I’m not sure of what the first steps in this transition would be and would appreciate some help.
Can anyone recommend cheap yet good suburbs, and how much time before moving in would you recommend making an application?
submitted by Spiritual_One126 to canberra [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:36 CLOSLearns Help on Deal in small town TX

I’ve been conversing with a seller in Henrietta Texas. Population is less than 10,000. Mentioned to seller I’d be buying and he’s agreeing to cash price below on market listing. Where I need help is 1)Filling out TREC or having it assigned 2) Being able to locate an interested buyer in this area 20 minutes outside of Wichita Falls
Open to collaboration or advice
submitted by CLOSLearns to WholesaleRealestate [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 diggidydog3 CONSTANT +/- 1 LOSSES

Man been on a cold streak for a minute now, and lately just keep losing by 1 point or rebound or assist. Seriously frustrating
submitted by diggidydog3 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 CoinBoySavage My New play for tonight

Check out my bet on FanDuel Sportsbook! https://account.sportsbook.fanduel.com/sportsbook/addToBetslip?marketId[0]=42.428897557&selectionId[0]=43321244&marketId[1]=42.428897565&selectionId[1]=18970806&marketId[2]=42.428897565&selectionId[2]=6126021&marketId[3]=42.428897565&selectionId[3]=62686291&marketId[4]=42.428897885&selectionId[4]=62687064&marketId[5]=42.428897976&selectionId[5]=41652479&marketId[6]=42.429046538&selectionId[6]=43033250&marketId[7]=42.429073132&selectionId[7]=50343316&shareBetId=30503195_-1258957248
submitted by CoinBoySavage to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 qeggroll Graduating from HS in a month, how should I spend my summer?

I'm committed to a school for CS and Linguistics. I wrote my essays about being interested in NLP but in reality I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm very happy to be studying CS in the future, but I'm kind of scared of it at the same time.
I've been seeing it a lot online how the CS job market is really oversaturated, how you should have an internship during college, the projects you should be making on the side, consistency practicing leetcode and etc...
What should I do this summer so in like 1-2ish years I won't be saying"I should've done x y z"? Is practicing leetcode and trying to make projects the way to go? How big of a commitment should this work be? I'll be taking a course at my local cc in addition to working part time. All advice appreciated.
submitted by qeggroll to csMajors [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 acndavid Pets and Experience (EXP)

Pets and Experience (EXP)

How to own Pets, earn Experience and level them up.

  • How can I start owning a Pet?
Each liquid staking token (LST) has its corresponding Pet. To own a Pet, simply hold at least 0.1 of it's corresponding LST.
Click on the “EXP” button in the top navbar to view your Pets, their EXPs and other information.
Pets are represented by the little pet shop icon.
  • What can I do to earn EXP for my Pet?
The fundamental way Pets earn EXP is when you hold their respective LST. It is represented by the little sparkle ✨ icon.
All Pets earn 10 EXP per minute for every 1 SOL worth of the respective LST that you currently hold. This is known as the base rate of earning EXP.
Example: Jane currently owns the Infinitie pet by holding 3.5 SOL worth of INF in her wallet. Her Infinitie will earn 3.5 * 10 EXP = 35 EXP every minute.
Refer to our detailed “Pets and their EXP” table for a full list of actions that earns EXP for each Pet.
You need to hold at least 0.1 of your Pet's corresponding LST to be growing and earning EXP. Once your LST balance falls below 0.1, your Pet goes into hibernation and stops earning EXP.
  • What can I do to level up my Pet?
Pets will level up as they gain EXP. The level is represented by the little cloud ☁️ icon. The EXP needed to level up will increase exponentially per level. However, the base rate at which your Pet earns EXP stays constant across all levels.
Pets can only reach a maximum level of 999.
  • When will my Pet evolve?
Pets will evolve upon reaching a certain level. There is a maximum of 3 evolutions per Pet. Pet evolutions will be launching soon, so keep your eyes peeled!
  • Where can I browse the full list of Pets?
Click on the “Sanctum Wonderland” tab (https://app.sanctum.so/wonderland) in our webapp to browse all Pets and their artworks. Or, check out this page in the Guides.

All Season 1 Pets

All 18 Pets in Season 1 and how they earn EXP.
The following information can also be found in app.sanctum.so/wonderland.
You have to hold at least 0.1 of an LST for your Pet to be earning EXP.
List of pets: https://learn.sanctum.so/guides/wonderland/pets-and-experience-exp/all-season-1-pets
submitted by acndavid to SanctumSolana [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 AlternativeCan6150 Oh Polly

I ordered off here and it says estimated ship date is June 2-12 is that when it gets to my house or leaves the warehouse I’m stressing My grad is the 13th I did 1-3 day shipping but it’s on preorder so idkkkkk
submitted by AlternativeCan6150 to PrincessPolly [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 Successful_Leek6813 How can I make a good YouTube channel for Pokemon Solo runs?

I've got a YouTube channel that's going on 4 years in the making this year, and I've got 217 subscribers, and almost 400 videos between shorts and long form videos. I've been gaining about 1 subscriber a day on average for the past month, and I continue to make shorts of the successful battles I have in Pokemon romhacks and Pokemon games. I started doing Pokemon Solo runs in long form videos of all gym battles and elite four and champion battles back in 2020, but they didn't get many views, maybe 50-100 or so views. I stopped doing that until this year, and I should've kept doing what I did in 2020, but now I do long form videos of each Gym Leader battle with failed attempts and the successful battle, but for right now only in Pokemon Blue Kaizo.
I do plan on wrapping up my Solo Starmie run in Pokemon Blue Kaizo, and I plan on tackling Pokemon Crystal for some Solo runs to show successful runs instead of failed run after failed run in Pokemon Blue Kaizo.
I do make my own thumbmails, however I'm on a Nokia G50 android phone, and I can't seem to make the good thumbnails many of the other Pokemon Solo run tubers make, mainly because I can never tell if the Pokemon image will fit into the YouTube Studios thumbnail size until I upload it into the app, and usually you can't see the whole Pokemon.
I use the Meme Generator to add text to the thumbnail, telling of the Pokemon game I'm playing, the Pokemon I'm using with the word "Solo" so everyone knows it's a Solo run (I've had to say this in the #shorts videos because so many people keep saying I'm overleveled, now the comments are better), and the Gym Leader or Rival number I'm facing.
For example, I'll have a Long Form video titled "Pokemon Blue Kaizo: Solo Starmie (Part 1) - Brock" Simple, right? I also have that in the thumbnail with a picture of Starmie, so you know what to expect in the part. Then I make a #shorts video of the battle, and if the battle takes over a minute, I do 60 seconds of the end of the battle, then link the full video in the Related Video.
One of my shorts videos did pretty well, 225+ views and 110.9% average viewed, although those amount of views are pretty low, but much better than my long form videos, although they're now doing better after being linked as the Related Video.
I heard look at the metrics, so I think I'll start doing that, although many of my long form videos are getting more views than before, mainly because I stopped making 30+ minutes videos and just show the important battles in the Solo runs, and then I put the long form videos in the Related Video of the Shorts videos I make, so perhaps I'm going in the right direction?
Sorry for my very long message, I'm not really good at just making it short, sweet, and to the point. I know of quite a few people on YouTube that do Solo runs (Gym Leader Matt, JRose11, Mah Dry Bread, RBY Challenges, Squidgy, Scott's Thoughts, etc.) I want to one day do YouTube full time, although this might not be that good of a niche to do that, I'd at least love to make some extra income on my YouTube channel. I want to get monetized by 2025, so any helpful feedback would be highy appreciated!
submitted by Successful_Leek6813 to PokemonROMhacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:34 Anxious_Resistance Being the primary parent sucks and I don't feel appreciated

Married mother of 3. 1 ASD 11 years son, 1 ADHD pending ASD test 6 year old son, 1 4 year old daughter.
I let them on their tablets all day today. Because it was easy. All day all I heard was them tell me they were hungry. They got 3 meals and loads of snacks. They wouldn't let their dad help brush their teeth. At all. I was so drained but I managed to do teeth brushing. I managed to do bedtime and then I had a good cry. I cried a lot on mother's day. Usually we do something with my MIL she's amazing. But she had told my husband she was doing something with her mother and her husband's mother so my husband could plan something. He didn't. I didn't get anything. I had to ask him to go buy breakfast because I was so drained. After laying in bed I decided to tell him how I felt and how he didn't put any effort and how I do put effort into fathers day. I don't need much. Have the kids make me a card. Take them out to get me a candy bar to involve them. We aren't rich but $20 wouldn't have made us starve. I cried for hours. I could literally not stop crying. I have such heavy mental loads I feel like a burden. I don't know how I do it. I feel like I suck as a mother because of my lack of help. It's always me and nothing has ever changed. Normally he would at least let me sleep in but he didn't do that either. He tried asking me what I wanted for dinner after all of that and I ended up making it for myself haha. He kinda just stood around the kitchen until I had him put rice to start cooking. I love him but I have just been so sad and overwhelmed and I cannot keep myself from crying pretty much every day.
submitted by Anxious_Resistance to regretfulparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:34 Swimming-Sundae-9510 Deformed first molar in 7 year old

Deformed first molar in 7 year old
I was doing a heavy clean on my kids’ teeth and noticed significant decay in my 7 year old since his last dental visit a few months ago. I also noticed that both his first molars seem to be deformed? This one particularly on the top right seems to be odd (1st photo). And then on his upper left, a cavity seems to have broken the tooth and he now has a hole. I cleaned it out but I’m feeling frustrated by the rapid decay.
We’ve been waiting for almost a year to get scheduled at the hospital by his dentist to have his other teeth filled and capped but apparently it’s difficult to get surgery time? But I’m starting to wonder if I just need to find a new dentist for my kids. Both of my kids have a rate autoinflammatory disease and immunodeficiency that they are medicated for with an il-1 inhibitor shot. My 9 year old actually was on heavy chemo for leukemia treatment for 3 years and his teeth are perfect - never a cavity at all. However, my 7 year old seems to have inherited my bad teeth. I remember having extra cusps shaved off my molars as a kid and my teeth always seemed to rot from the inside out no matter what I did, but my 7yo’s situation seems to be worse.
Are there dentists who are more specialized and deal with kids who have other medical conditions that affect their teeth? What would I search for, if so?
Thanks so much.
submitted by Swimming-Sundae-9510 to askdentists [link] [comments]
