Pyqt 4.8.2 windows installer

Pooling on window trim

2024.05.14 16:21 davor_fodd Pooling on window trim

Pooling on window trim
My best guess is that this is coming from behind the siding (which was installed along with the windows in 2021). The circa-1950 house has no soffits, the gutters are basically flush with the exterior walls/siding.
Any advice here?
submitted by davor_fodd to fixit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:16 HairyEyeballz Andersen Quick Change Parts

I have an Andersen 10-Series storm door. It was recently installed and my dog hasn't quite grasped that there is now glass between indoors and outdoors. Yesterday, after a quick outdoor fire hydrant break, he bolted toward the house and attempted to sprint into what he thought was an open door. He's fine, but when he slammed into the glass, the two lower retainers that the window's quick change system latches to were broken off. Does anyone know what that part is called? I haven't been able to turn anything up on Andersen's parts store.
submitted by HairyEyeballz to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:16 Express-Purple-7256 Blue screen while restarting after latest updates

Hi, my PC is on Win10 Pro.....
I'm not IT-savvy at all so not sure what to do (hope experts here can help) ..... Today, I just installed latest updates and restarted PC (been having problems installing certain updates for months but other users have the same problem too)..... It restarted and reached around 20% before I got the blue screen and I selected the option to turn off PC..... so what should I do when I turn on PC in the morning and the blue screen is still there ?
I did clone my boot drive 2 days ago so I can use the clone but worry I will get the same problem if I update Windows on the clone
submitted by Express-Purple-7256 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:14 hardwstyle5 Lenovo Ideapad 110 is (Almost!!!) impossible to turn on

I'm having issues with with turning on my Lenovo Ideapad 110-115isk with windows 10. It was working perfectly (even though the battery was quite old and did not have a lot of power) but everything else was great. However, one day it was unable to turn on no matter what. I checked the voltage of the cable and it was okay.
I was suggested to disconnect the battery because there could be an issue there, and when I tried removing the battery the laptop was able to turn on.
Since then (2 weeks ago) I have been using it without battery, just connected with the cable. The thing is that I may be pressing the power button and the bios lateral button a thousand times, for more than half an hour, until it responds and turns on. To me it looks like a random thing with a tiny probability of turning on, I just had to put hours into trying it to turn on for it to work.
I have bought a new battery and installed it, hoping that this issue would be solved, but it is exactly as before. The thing is that when it is on it works amazingly, everything is as always, it's just this starting point issue.
I have realized that the white battery LED is blinking (I am not sure of what could this be indicating) and I also realized that when I am able to start the PC again, the time and date shown are those corresponding to the moment when the computer was turned off the last time.
Any help would be really appreciated, thanks!!!
submitted by hardwstyle5 to computer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:11 Evening_Coconut7531 Windows Server 2019

Hey Guys, I already do IT for a living but I am on the networking side so I am not sure the best route to take for my new project.
I am tasked with setting up a machine to allow multiple users to connect to the machine so they can operate on a piece of software. The device will also have a few VMs. I am looking to get a machine with about 2TB of data and 64GB of ram off Amazon, then install windows server 2019. I get confused on the difference between a Device CAL and User CAL. I will need about 3 users on the machine at the same time.
So I was thinking just buying the machine, buy a license for Windows Server 2019, install Remote Desktop Session Host Role but then I am not sure if I need to buy a device cal or buy 5 user CALs and have 2 for future growth. This will also be setup at a house for outside users to remote into so I figured I would also need to setup a VPN for them eventually.
submitted by Evening_Coconut7531 to it [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:11 Spaghetti_Kat Microsoft Edge redirects to Yahoo when I search, how do I switch back to Bing (default)- Malware

Yesterday in the middle of the night, my browser started using this plugin that I never installed called Wonder backgrounds, it was obviously malware and it protected itself by saying it was placed there by the organization that controls my computer. This is a PC so there should be no such thing. I eventually removed the extension, but my browser is still having issues. I can navigate to websites just fine, but when I search something, it redirects to some website called 'horoscopespro' or something and then straight to Yahoo, which is extremely annoying. So far I have done the following
For context, this is the plugin that came out of nowhere: NewTab Wonders - Microsoft Edge Addons
Is there any other suggestion to solve this problem?
submitted by Spaghetti_Kat to computers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:09 Rangerborn14 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pymysql'

I've been running a code that generates a login page for a desktop app. By logging in succesfully, the user would be sent to the main UI of the app (""). However, everytime I tried to log in, it gives me an error about 'pymysql' not being found, even though I already have it installed. The error is caused by a file named "", which is used to show what user has been using the app lately:
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem import pymysql class ActividadWindow(QDialog): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("Actividad de Usuarios") self.setGeometry(100, 100, 400, 300) # Ajusta el tamaño según tus necesidades self.layout = QVBoxLayout() self.tableWidget = QTableWidget() self.layout.addWidget(self.tableWidget) self.setLayout(self.layout) # Conectar a la base de datos y cargar datos en la tabla self.cargar_datos() def cargar_datos(self): conexion = pymysql.connect(host='', user='root', password='password', database='test') cursor = conexion.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM actividad") datos = cursor.fetchall() self.tableWidget.setRowCount(len(datos)) self.tableWidget.setColumnCount(len(datos[0])) encabezados = [description[0] for description in cursor.description] self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(encabezados) for fila, dato_fila in enumerate(datos): for columna, dato in enumerate(dato_fila): self.tableWidget.setItem(fila, columna, QTableWidgetItem(str(dato))) conexion.close() 
What's strange is that when I run the "" file, it all runs smoothly. It's only when I run from the login page code that the error is happening. Here's the code of the login page for reference:
from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk from tkinter import messagebox import pymysql import subprocess import psutil from datetime import datetime windows=Tk() windows.title('AquaSense Login') windows.geometry('490x240+500+100') # windows.resizable(0,0) #forgot password def forgot_password(): windows.destroy() import forgotpassword #Button Definition process def create_one(): windows.destroy() import Registration2 def login(): if idEntry.get() == '' or passwdEntry.get() == '': messagebox.showerror('Alert', 'Please enter all entry fields!') else: db = pymysql.connect(host='', user='root', password='password', database='test') cur = db.cursor() queryActi = 'use testP' cur.execute(queryActi) queryActi='create table if not exists Actividad (actId int auto_increment primary key not null, userId int,FOREIGN KEY (userId) REFERENCES personaldata(id),fecha DATETIME) ' \ cur.execute(queryActi) query = 'select * FROM personaldata where passwrd=%s AND username=%s' cur.execute(query, (passwdEntry.get(),idEntry.get(),)) roles = cur.fetchone() if roles == None: messagebox.showerror('Alert!', 'Incorrect username or password') return else: login_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') user_id = roles[0] # Assuming the ID is the first column in personaldata table insert_query = 'insert into Actividad (userId, fecha) VALUES ( %s, %s)' cur.execute(insert_query, (user_id, login_time)) db.commit() messagebox.showinfo('success', 'Login Successful') # clear screen idEntry.delete(0, END) passwdEntry.delete(0, END) main_running = False for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if '' in main_running = True break if not main_running: # Launch the PyQt main page script using subprocess subprocess.Popen(['python', '']) # Close the original tkinter login window windows.destroy() #username def on_entry(e): idEntry.delete(0, END) def on_password(e): name=idEntry.get() if name == '': idEntry.insert(0,'username') #password def on_enter(e): passwdEntry.delete(0, END) def on_Leave(e): password = passwdEntry.get() if password == '': passwdEntry.insert(0, 'password') #for hiding data on the entry fields by clicking on the check box def show(): passwdEntry.configure(show='*') check.configure(command=hide, text='') def hide(): passwdEntry.configure(show='') check.configure(command=show, text='') frame=Frame(windows, width=700, height=400, bg='light blue'),y=0) LogoImage=PhotoImage(file= r'C:\Users\UserPC\Downloads\Personal_Registration_Form-main\Personal_Registration_Form\user (1).png') idlabel=Label(frame, text='Nombre', fg='black', image=LogoImage, compound=LEFT, bg='light blue', font=('Calibre', 14, 'bold')) idlabel.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=20, padx=1) passwordImage=PhotoImage(file= r'C:\Users\UserPC\Downloads\Personal_Registration_Form-main\Personal_Registration_Form\padlock.png') passwdlabel=Label(frame, image=passwordImage, compound=LEFT,fg='black', bg='light blue', text=' Contraseña', font=('Calibre', 14, 'bold')) passwdlabel.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=10, padx=3), y=70) idEntry=Entry(frame, width=39, bd=3) idEntry.grid(row=1,column=2,columnspan=2, padx=57) passwdEntry=Entry(frame, width=39, bd=3) passwdEntry.grid(row=3, column=2, columnspan=2) #application of erasable text on the entry fields idEntry.insert(0, "username") idEntry.bind('', on_entry) idEntry.bind('', on_password) passwdEntry.insert(0, "password") passwdEntry.bind('', on_enter) passwdEntry.bind('', on_Leave) #btn loginbtn=Button(frame, text='LOGIN', bg='#7f7fff', pady=10, width=23,fg='white', font=('open sans', 9, 'bold'), cursor='hand2', border=0, borderwidth=5, command=login) loginbtn.grid(row=9, columnspan=5, pady=30) donthaveacctLabel=Label(frame, text='¿No tienes una cuenta?', fg='black', bg='light blue', pady=4, font=('Calibre', 9, 'bold')) createnewacct = Button(frame, width=15, text='Registrate', border=0, bg='white', cursor='hand2', fg='black', font=('Calibre', 8, 'bold'), command=create_one), y=179) forgtpw=Button(frame, text='¿Olvidaste la contraseña?', fg='black',border=0, cursor='hand2', bg='light blue', font=('Calibre', 9, 'bold'), command=forgot_password),y=102) check = Checkbutton(frame, text='', command=show, bg='light blue'), y=83) ico ='C:\Users\UserPC\Downloads\Personal_Registration_Form-main\Personal_Registration_Form\icon (1).png') photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(ico) windows.wm_iconphoto(False, photo) windows.resizable(False,False) windows.mainloop() 
Anyone knows what's causing this?
submitted by Rangerborn14 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:07 Physilas 1 click install multiple apps from Company Portal with PowerShell

PowerShell noob... Was looking for an easy way to install multiple apps on multiple devices with minimal effort.. you need the application name and app ID, lemme know any feedback, I know it can be improved.
takes a list of apps and app IDs, checks if they are already installed, if not, goes to try and install them from company portal, checks a few times to see if it can detect the app, if it can't it moves on to the next one and logs it.
Ideally I'd like to be able to pull back installation error codes but I'm not sure how to.
# Function to check if an application is installed already
function IsApplicationInstalled($appName) {
$installed = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $appName }
return [bool]$installed
# Define log file path
$logFilePath = "installation_log.txt"
# Create or append to the log file
$logFile = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($logFilePath, $true)
# List of app IDs and Names
$applicationInfo = @(
Id = "AppID"
Name = "AppName"
# Add as many as you want in the format of ID = application ID from company portal, Name is the name it will show up as in Control Panel
# Loop through each app
foreach ($appInfo in $applicationInfo) {
$appId = $appInfo.Id
$appName = $appInfo.Name
# Checks if the app is installed
$isInstalled = IsApplicationInstalled $appName
# Log installation status
if ($isInstalled) {
$logFile.WriteLine("$appName - Installed already, skipping app")
Write-Host "$appName is already installed. Skipping..."
} else {
$logFile.WriteLine("$appName - Not installed, attempting to install")
Write-Host "$appName is not installed. Installing..."
# If the application is already installed, skips to the next application
if ($isInstalled) {
# Opens Company Portal at the app to be installed
Start-Process "companyportal:ApplicationId=$appId"
# Waits for Company Portal to load (adjust sleep time as needed)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
# Load System.Windows.Forms assembly
# Sends Ctrl+I keystroke to initiate install as you can't interact with Company Portal otherwise
# Generic amount of wait time to allow application to install (adjust sleep time as needed)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
# variable to hold the product name
$productName = $null
# Counter to track retries
$retryCount = 0
# Loops until productName is not null or retry count reaches 5
while ($productName -eq $null -and $retryCount -lt 5) {
# Get the product name using the application name and checks if it is found on the machine
$product = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name='$appName'"
if ($product -ne $null) {
$productName = $product.Name
Write-Host "$appName is now installed"
$logFile.WriteLine("$appName - Now installed")
} else {
# Output message if the product is not found
Write-Host "App not yet detected: $appName (Retry: $($retryCount + 1))..."
$logFile.WriteLine("$appName - Not installed (Retry: $($retryCount + 1))")
# Increment retry count
# Wait for a while before retrying
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
# Check if the retry count reached 5
if ($retryCount -ge 5) {
Write-Host "Skipping $appName due to maximum retry count reached. Please contact IT Support for further assistance!"
$logFile.WriteLine("$appName - Skipped (Maximum retry count reached). Please contact IT Support for further assistance!")
continue # Skip to the next application
# Close the log file
# Open the log file
Invoke-Item $logFilePath
submitted by Physilas to Intune [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:05 diamondglassnmirror FRAMELESS SHOWER DOORS/PORT ST LUCIE FLORIDA

Diamond Glass and Mirror is the Clear Choice when it comes to all of your home and business glass and mirror repair and projects. From broken and fogged windows, to glass and mirror installation, frameless shower doors, and commercial store fronts repairs and new installs. No job too small or too big. Diamond Glass and Mirror is the Clear Choice for all your glass needs.
submitted by diamondglassnmirror to u/diamondglassnmirror [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:05 Dashhin Random freezes

I recently just got into Linux after using Windows my whole life.
I installed a fresh version of popOS And everything went smoothly I installed steam and installed some other games. But I have this problem where when I'm playing any game it will randomly just freeze and I have to restart my PC.
No keyboard inputs work I already tried Ctrl alt f3 and everything similar it just hard freezes my system.
This has been going on for a week now and it's really annoying because of how random it is.
I can play with my friends fine then randomly freeze have to restart then it will just freeze right when I get in the game.
Only thing I feel helps is if I just sit at my desktop for 5 minutes until I open a game.
Any help what should I do?
submitted by Dashhin to linux_gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:03 TomTomXD1234 Any way to change output to speakers using windows output control when using GG/Sonar

Before i got my nova pro wireless, i usually switched between my headset and speaker output using the windows output changer on the bottom right. However, since i installed GG, when i click my speakers in the dropdown of windows output selection, it gets selected but the audio still plays via the headphones.
The only way i found to play stuff via my speakers is to change the output of each 'channel' in sonar to my speaker output which is quite tedious.
Anything im missing?
submitted by TomTomXD1234 to steelseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:03 NomadJago Ubuntu install over MX LInux ?

I installed MX-Linux 23.04 x64 on an SSD on my laptop a couple of days ago. I want to instead install Ubuntu desktop 24.04 x64. Is there any way to do this non-destructively, so as to keep my installed software packages? Or am I best just doing a fresh install of Ubuntu?
I was going to install Ubuntu initially, but as I started the install process off an Ubuntu live usb, the option of where to install grub was grayed out, and that worried me. My laptop has two ssd drives (actually they are nvme) and one has Windows 10 on it. I guess I could open up my laptop and remove the Windows 10 ssd drive temporarily, or will the Ubuntu install put grub2 on the non-Windows ssd like MX-Linux did?
submitted by NomadJago to Ubuntu [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:01 HEX-babonski Question about windows 10 clean installation

Question about windows 10 clean installation
Hello. I’m doing a clean installation of windows 10 from a USB flash drive. Which partitions should I delete? For context my computer got infected by some nasty malware and I want to get rid of it. Sorry for the bad quality.
submitted by HEX-babonski to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:00 Illustrious_Trick847 2022 16" L5P 12700/3070 Power draw issues

Hello people,
So i was modding FO4 everything wasnt fine so i had to take drastic measures, meaning i fresh installed drivers.
Before the drivers fresh installation (DDU,Safemode, Drivers from lenovo with my SN etc), GPU would draw 150w and CPU 40-50w with 4082Mhz.
Now after fresh installation of drivers, when i first fired FO4 again GPU wont draw more than 125w no matter what, i changed power plans, delete them and reinstalled them, ticked OC from Vantage, nothing would make it draw more than 125w.
Now after finding a "solution" Bios-> disable battery for disassembly -> Leave laptop without power adapter plugged in for 10+ seconds, GPU finally draws 150w meaning the Dynamic boost 2 works as intended BUT now CPU wont react the same as before (meaning draw 50w with 4082Mhz for longer period without affecting GPU clocks/power draw) But rather it will draw 50 with 3.3-3.8GHz and cut down GPU clocks and power.
Last time it did this it was cause of Vantage driver updates while i was playing CP2077 and remember the same thing happening so i went and fresh installed windows with disk image from Lenovo.
I now use legion Toolkit and set 60w PL1 90w PL2 50w Cross loading PL 90*C TempLimit, and 25w DynBoost 10w cTGP 85*C TempLimit for GPU.
Temperatures arent an issue i havent seen it above 75 CPU/GPU at least in FO4.
Also i cleaned it 3 months ago and used PTM7950 pads, also i have the bottom lid off and use my inhouse cooling contraption (x2 120mm Fans connected to a 16Volt hair clipper charger for maximum powah)
Anyone happens to had the same issue and figured it out or possible solutions and fixes?
It doesnt matter if i go to dGPU mode only, change to custom PP or Legion performance mode.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Illustrious_Trick847 to LenovoLegion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:59 Tamanor How can I tell if Ooba is using Flash Attention or not

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I go about knowing if flash attention is being used when loading exllamav2 / exllamav2_HF models.
In my system I have a both a 4070TI SUPER 16GB and a 3060 12GB, I have looked online at some 34B models like the Yi-34B-200K-RPMerge-exl2-40bpw.
I was also reading a thread from mcmoose1900 about using 40k-90k context on 34B models with 24gb Vram.
using Exui, but I was having issues getting that to start with that but saw that Oobabooga has / can use flash attention. I added the flags but when I load the above mentioned model with 30k context my Vram usage is around 26.5gb.
I had a look around on the WebUI / CMD window but could not see any mention of if it was using flash attention or not, I have flash attention installed with pip.
Hopefully someone can help who knows more about this :).
submitted by Tamanor to Oobabooga [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:57 ComprehensiveSpeed90 Archival Hard Drives

Hi everyone. I'm a DP looking to upgrade my archives and store my projects more efficiently. I currently have a bunch of WD 8TB internal drives hooked up to my desktop on a Sabrent external dock. Some of these drives are over 8 years old, and it's time to find a more effective solution. Although the drives are for archival purposes, I occasionally use these as working drives to cut old projects. They're definitely not the fastest, but they have worked for me. However, I have also heard people use Sandisk 2.5" SSD's or Samsung Evo SSD's on a 2.5" dock. They seem faster than HDD, more reliable, and you can find them for pretty cheap these days. Not sure if this is true, but figured I would ask all you experts. I've attached a link below to a dock that was recommended to me if anyone has used this before?

Sabrent USB 3.0 4-Bay 2.5" HDD/SSD Docking Station with Fan
Can anyone speak to the reliability of these drives? Can anyone offer some suggestions as to the most reliable archival method via SSD or HDD, and a dock with at least 4 banks that won't severely bottleneck speeds on a Windows desktop platform?
On another note... I have noticed a lot of my external drives (T5, T7, Lacie, and G-Drive's) have all gotten wonky over the years. They seemed to have automatically created weird folder structures like trash folders, 501 folders, and other random numbered and lettered folders that I'm finding some of my clips inside of. I've heard this is potentially due to Windows ChkDsk. With that said, my archival WD HDD's I've spoken about above are the only drives I have that are not plagued by this problem. This is interesting to me considering they are the oldest drives I own. I presume because they are not ejected and mounted repetitively like external drives are? Maybe someone can shed some light on this issue?
Thank you!
submitted by ComprehensiveSpeed90 to FilmDIT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:51 Competitive_Berry671 Cost-plus with minimum fee, cap, carveouts

About to negotiate a cost-plus contract to build a sizeable high-end fully custom home.
Our builder is 100% open book. But want to make sure we aren't unnecessarily paying for markup on things that shouldn't be in the book in the first place.
The more I think about it, it seems a cost-plus with stated minimum fee and cap (which would go up woth any material scope changes) may work best for both sides. Is that something people in the industry see?
Would let be homeowner self-supply and pay for certain items like fully custom cabinets, appliances, higher end materials choices like specific natural stone sourcing for counters & floors... while ensuring the builder still makes their profit. Would be totally fine paying a fee for any time & cost associated with the builder's need to coordinate delivery and do the install.
For a number of reasons, our builder is likely willing to get creative in their fee structure. And the goal on my end isn't to save money as much as it is to ensure we feel that we get appropriate value for the price.
If we end up paying an effective 15-18% (vs. quoted 12%) to the builder due to a minimum fee and the owner choosing to take on a lot of materials selection / coordination work from outside the builder's normal suppliers... then so be it.
Would love to hear any thoughts
submitted by Competitive_Berry671 to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:45 Ysundere M34WQ F06 Firmware Upgrade Guide

Mainly writing this for future reference as I am finally able to upgrade my monitor's firmware from F03 to F06 using the steps below.
  1. OSD Sidekick -
  2. The latest firmware. Version F06 as of this writing:
  3. Use a HDMI connection from PC to monitor. DO NOT USE DISPLAYPORT.
  4. USB Type-B MUST be connected from PC to monitor.
  5. No other USB devices connected to monitor except for no. 4 above.
  6. No other USB devices connected to PC except for mouse and KB. Use simple/generic KB and mouse and avoid gaming/exotic ones if possible.
  7. UPS, if power is intermittent in your area.
  1. Extract the 2 zip archives.
  2. Install OSD Sidekick - there will be 2 executables on the OSD Sidekick zip file. Run the one with the larger filesize as admin and install.
  3. Settings > Apps > Installed Apps. Sort list by Date Installed. Uninstall all apps installed from no. 2 EXCEPT for these two: OSDSideKick and Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable ( → uninstall Genesys Logic Generic USB Class Filter Driver, VLBillboardTest and Windows Driver Package - libusb-win32 (libusb0))
If the steps continued below somehow restarted at 1, its a reddit thing.
  1. Uninstallation will prompt you to restart. Restart PC.
  2. DO NOT RUN OSD Sidekick yet upon restart.
  3. Move contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Gigabyte\OSDSidekick to C:\OSDSidekick
  4. Move the firmware *.bin file somewhere also in c:\ such that the complete path is short and does not have space, i.e. C:\GIGABYTE_M34WQ_F06\GIGABYTE_M34WQ_F06.bin
  5. For every *.exe file under C:\OSDSidekick and all its subdirectories, right-click > Properties > Compatibility tab > ☑ Run this program as administrator.
  6. Sound > Output device > Select anything EXCEPT HDMI output
  7. Control Panel > Power Options > Select "High Performance" power plan. Firmware write somehow bugs out midway if this is not done, at least for my system. I have sleep/screensaver off on the balanced profile.
  8. Right-click > Run as admin: C:\OSDSidekick\OSD_Sidekick.exe
  9. At the ABOUT tab, it should tell the actual model of your monitor ex: M34WQ, not some garbled text like 8?r?8?r etc. If the model name is garbled and you don't see a KVM+ tab, you need to uninstall some drivers installed along OSDSidekick (go back step #3).
  10. OSDSidekick app > About > Monitor Firmware > Browse and select the F06 bin file
  11. Press Update
  12. Wait until done. Mine took just short of 12mins. Monitor will restart itself.
  13. Rerun OSD Sidekick if it closed itself (I believe it does). New firmware version should reflect on the ABOUT tab.
  1. OSDSidekick keeps crashing → reinstall OSDSidekick, move install dir to a short path with no spaces, run as admin. Run "High performance" power plan. Disconnect all USB devices from monitor and PC except generic mouse and KB.
  2. OSDSidekick app says "App already running" but no app window → restart PC
  3. FW update failed prompt and OSDSidekick not responding → restart PC. I couldn't end task tree from either cmd or task manager even as admin.
  4. No display shows after a failed FW write → Disconnect everything from the monitor including power cable for 1 min. Power on again → should revert display and old FW.
submitted by Ysundere to gigabyte [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:41 Jwhitey96 Games not opening on correct monitor

So Octopath traveler used to open on my main monitor but all of a sudden it opens on my second monitor. Moving it to the correct monitor, closing it then re-opening it does not fix the issue. All Nvidia drivers are up to date, all windows updates are installed. I know alt+enter allows me to click and drop but I want a more permenant fix. On a side note I opened every steam game one by one and all open on the correct monitor except Octopath and Doom 2016
submitted by Jwhitey96 to Steam [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:38 mathiastherex1 Cataclysm on Windows 11

Hello. I've managed to play the expansion, Cataclysm/Emergence on a modern OS, exactly on the Windows 11. I guess this also works on 10. I played the game on a Steam Deck. So I've downloaded the game from GOG. After it, I've also downloaded a program, to emulate an old voodoo2 card into the game. The link for it is: I put all of the files from the latest version into the game folder. Then from the MS folder put your system version folder (x86, x64, arm) content into the game folder also. After it, run the dgVoodooCpl.exe and configure it as you lile to run. The last step, right click on the desktop where after the installation the game put the launcher, properties and there into the target field put after the long part write /noswddraw /windows /noborder /sw /safeGL . After it, hopefully, just start the game. You can set the resolutuon in the options, for me, in the Steam Deck, the 1024x768x32 was the highest, bacause of it, I can still see a small part of the desktop, butnthe game runs smoothly.
submitted by mathiastherex1 to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:38 MarioMakerLegend I've been doing an 100 Days but the version upgrades everyday in Betacraft, any thoughts?

This is probably the most ambitious project I've done, but I'm on day 62 as of writing this, and it's been a blast! Here are my notes for every day in this: Day 1 (inf-20100607) Did nothing more than make myself a house and get food. Wood seemed scarce, so I mined coal during the night.
Day 2 (inf-20100608) Lit up the area, and made myself a cloth cap and shirt. The first sapling grew today, so I chopped it down and replanted.
Day 1 (again) (inf-20100611) Minecraft decided that my world didn't exist so I had to restart. Not too hard, though. I had to quickly build myself a wooden house (good thing there were so many trees!) and hide in there for the night. I didn't have coal, so no torches, and no torches means no light, and no light means PITCH BLACK nights. I was genuinely scared by this. Also, the skeletons and zombies made player noises. Weird.
Day 2 (again) (inf-20100615) Finished the wood shack and installed windows (not the OS, mind you). Then I added a tube to the back of the mineshaft to get to my house easier, and I also went mining. Found coal, but didn't have enough time to mine it due to it being update time.
Day 3 (inf-20100616-1) Decided to make a giant cobblestone nerd-pole so that I wouldn't get lost when exploring. Speaking of exploring, I did just that... for a little bit. That was very short-lived. I ended up mining for a while, and found the void-lava.
Day 4 (inf-20100617-1) Today was so far the most successful mining trip. I nerded out about the old trees having logs on the inside and the new trees not having that and those two kinds of trees being right next to each other. That's a run on sentence isn't it? Then I went into the mines and found more iron than I can count. Like I said, successful.
Day 5 (inf-20100617-2) Mining trip was good. Got more iron and found some void gold (a gold vein that exposed the void). It was cool.
Day 6 (inf-20100618, Seecret Friday 1) I screwed around with minecarts.
Day 7 (inf-20100624) Decided to light up the area around spawn, but not in spawn. Decided to fight baddies for the heck of it that night. Also made the house look more appealing.
Day 8 (inf-20100625-1) Everything that I placed and did in the last day got reversed to how they were on Day 6, except for my inventory. I spent the day fixing everything. In the night, I went mining and found more iron. No diamonds D:
Day 9 (inf-20100625-2, Seecret Friday 2) Today they added dungeons and some other stuff but it's not very important to me right now. Went mining for the day.
Day 10 (inf-20100627) Nothing interesting was added today so I went exploring to find water. I also made a glass room in my mine to tell the time.
Day 11 (inf-20100630-1) Infdev 20100629 didn't wanna work. So here we are, at 20100630-1. Stairs were added in the last version, so I added stairs to my mine. The stairs sure are finnicky, though! I also filled a creeper blast with water (that is surprisingly calming...)
Day 12 (inf-20100630-2) The last Infdev day. Tomorrow it will be Alpha! To prepare for the long journey of Alpha releases I built a new addition to the house. Finally, I made a sign and a shrine for Infdev. Farewell!
Day 13 (a1.0.1_01) Last version was Seecret Friday, but the file is lost and I have to play this version. But there are so many changes!! Excited! Didn't find redstone in the mines, though. I also finished the new room and organized the chests.
Day 14 (a1.0.2_01) Went exploring for some coal and cooked all my pork chops.
Day 15 (a1.0.2_02) Can't remember much other than that I went mining. That's it I guess?
Day 16 (a1.0.3) Went exploring for some coal but found a cool cave and also found lots of coal and iron
Day 17 (a1.0.4, Seecret Friday 4) Same as Day 16.
Day 18 (a1.0.5) Went back home and decided to go strip-mining because caving didn't go very well. Not much happened.
Day 19 (a1.0.5_01) There is a new project now; I am carving my face on a mountain. Gonna need a lot of stone though. And gravel. Lots and lots of gravel.
Day 20 (a1.0.6, Seecret Friday 5) Cactuses were added. Neat I guess. Also Boats. But that doesn't apply to what I did today because what I did today was work on my face. I went to get gravel. There was a lot of gravel.
Day 21 (a1.0.6_01) Marked the gravel spot, got distracted, and now I'm lost. at least I found a cactus!
Day 22 (a1.0.6_03) Using the power of looking back at the footage, I was able to return home! With the cactus! Yippee!
Day 23 (a1.0.7) Continued work on the face: I did it! Now I am making the body. Might need more gravel...
Day 24 (a1.0.8_01) i died.
Day 25 (a1.0.9) I continued working on my statue of me and got some more gravel. Had 1 block left after finishing!
Day 26 (a1.0.10) Went strip mining, found no diamonds.
Day 27 (a1.0.11, Seecret Friday 6) This update, lots of cool stuff was added but nothing that I can use. Went strip mining and found zero diamonds.
Day 28 (a1.0.12) The splash was "missingno" for some reason. Anyways, continued working on a giant tower. Ladders suck
Day 29 (a1.0.13) Finished the tower. Ladders STILL suck...
Day 30 (a1.0.13_01) Got bored of building so I went in one direction to find some sugarcane. Found some and am going back
Day 31 (a1.0.13_01 1Kin24h edition) The title screen was changed to say 1K in 24h because Minecraft sold 1,000 units in 24 hours! That might not seem like a lot but at the time that was big news. ANYWAYS, got back home and planted sugarcane, and also made a bookshelf. Also, bricks!
Day 32 (a1.0.14-1, Seecret Friday 7) Chickens and chest minecarts and furnace minecarts are added and I WANT A RAIL SYSTEM so I decided that my face could be a cart station. also iron doors suck
Day 33 (a1.0.14-2) What did I do... Oh yeah i put a tower compass thing.
Day 34 (a1.0.15) Played Minecraft, Watched Hermitcraft, Got Gravel.
Day 35 (a1.0.16) Mined some dirt
Day 36 (a1.0.16_01) placed the dirt replacing the sand, also paths.
Day 37 (a1.0.16_02) paths. PATHS!!!!!!1!
Day 38 (a1.0.17_02) Fences were added in alpha 1.0.17 but that version and a1.0.7_01 are lost so this is the one I have to play. Anyways, I got some wood for a farm project. How is that related? You'll see...
Day 39 (a1.0.17_03) See, fences placed underneath farmland makes the farmland UNTRAMPLEABLE. That's nice.
Day 40 (a1.0.17_04) Last a1.0.1x version! Grinding for wood sux.
Day 41 (a1.1.0-1, Seecret Friday 9) Compasses! I WANT A COMPASS. So I don't get lost ;) but i don't have redstone so i went mining for some. NO LUCK as always...
Day 42 (a1.1.0-2) Mining. No. Redstone. Or. Diamonds.
Day 43 (a1.1.1, Seecret Saturday) SNEAKIN' ROUND THE BLOCK, WOOHOO! Spent this legendary version just mining and found BEDROCK. I'll tell you that that wasn't there before. Still no redstone OR diamonds. FOUND A CAVE, THOUGH.
Day 44 (a1.1.2) idk what I did, I cooked pork I guess
Day 45 (a1.1.2_01) I mined out a bit of my face and gave a tour of the world to Pap. Last version with neon foliage.
Day 46 (a1.2.0, Halloween Update) Because this version added the Nether, I desperately tried to get diamonds so I could make a nether portal. Alas, no luck on that front.
Day 47 (a1.2.0_01) Continued mining until my pickaxes broke. After that, I hollowed out some more of my face. That's it?
Day 48 (a1.2.0_02) I tried making a rail way to the resource gathering area, but turns out that furnace minecarts are extremely finnicky. That project will have to wait until Beta 1.5...
Day 49 (a1.2.1_01) Turns out that Alpha 1.2.1 is the only lost Alpha 1.2 version. Go figure. Anyways, I started working on Mama's Mother's Day gift thing, and got ambushed by like a million mobs during the night. This is what I signed up for when switching to Hard mode, what did I expect?
Day 50 (a1.2.2-1) The ability to easily switch between texture packs was added in this version, replacing the ever-defunct "Play tutorial level" button. Also, nether portals with F4. I'm definitely going to use that once I figure out how it works. Update: figured out how the portals work, they seem to be random. I tried it in a test world then in my actual world and it worked! It was really cool in the Nether, but I just so happen to be underground. Ugh.
Day 51 (a1.2.2-2) Spent the day continuing working on the Mother's Day gift. I didn't die this time!
Day 52 (a1.2.3) Coordinates were added to the F3 menu, which is pretty nice. Now I CAN'T get lost! Anyways, I finished the Mother's Day gift and then died due to skelley boi. Man I need to mine... That will be a project for tomorrow.
Day 53 (a1.2.3_01-1) I didn't mine. Instead, I focused on ranged attacks and getting food and leather for armor.
Day 54 (a1.2.3_01-2) I continued to get resources from animals and ended up with a lot of pork chops and a leather shirt.
Day 55 (a1.2.3_02) Started a new mine so that I can get iron and diamonds faster. I found iron actually now!
Day 56 (a1.2.3_04) Turns out a1.2.3_03 doesn't exist. Weird, huh? Anyway, I finished digging down to y11 and am installing stairs.
Day 57 (a1.2.4, a1.2.3_05 in-game) Continued mining out my brand-new definitely not abandoned mineshaft. Got some of the unused rails and put them to good use!
Day 58 (a1.2.4_01) Went a little overtime huh? Well today was kinda uneventful, i mined, mined some more, and mined EVEN MORE. STILL no diamonds. I'm kinda losing hope...
Day 59 (a1.2.5) Only 1 alpha version left! Wow, time really did fly fast, huh? Anyway, I went and made a new room below the furnace room for storage, so that when I am in the beta versions I won't run out of storage. I also need wood.
Day 60 (a1.2.6) It's the LAST version of Alpha, and you know what I'm gonna do? Make an alpha shrine of course! I did the same for Infdev on day 12 if you remember. So yeah, that's what I'll do today. Update: I got killed by a zombie at the last second it COULD have. That sux
Day 61 (b1.0) Immediately, the Alpha shrine got blown up by a creeper instantly. And I died twice. It gets better, though. I continued working on the storage area and got things sorted out. However, there appears to be an inventory bug and that made my life waay harder. Still though, pretty productive day!
Day 62 (b1.0_01) The stupid chest bug was fixed! Yaay!
submitted by MarioMakerLegend to GoldenAgeMinecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:37 1Zafeer Intel Graphics Driver.

Last time I tried to switch to Linux, I was not able make drivers run properly. When installing fresh windows my pc had 'basic display driver' then i installed drivers and memory went from 256mb -> 2160mb. I was not able to, despite trying many times, increase my GPU memory from, I think, 256mb. It made me quit Linux, what to do?
If it matters mine is Intel HD Graphics 4600
submitted by 1Zafeer to linuxquestions [link] [comments]