Activities for students to introduce cell cycle

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2008.03.13 21:31 Reddit Chemistry - Read the sidebar

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2024.05.15 12:48 prosperarena Tips for staying active while traveling

Staying active while traveling is a great way to maintain your fitness routine and enjoy new experiences. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:
  1. Explore on Foot: Instead of taking taxis or public transport, walk as much as possible. It’s a great way to see the sights and get your steps in.
  2. Pack Resistance Bands: They’re lightweight and can be used for a full-body workout in your hotel room or at a park.
  3. Use Hotel Amenities: If your hotel has a gym or pool, take advantage of these facilities to keep up with your workouts.
  4. Plan Active Excursions: Choose activities like hiking, cycling tours, or paddleboarding to explore your destination and stay active.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially if you’re in a warmer climate or at a higher altitude than you’re used to.
  6. Be Flexible: Your routine might change, so be open to trying new types of workouts or adjusting your schedule.
  7. Quick Workouts: Even 10-15 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be effective if you’re short on time.
submitted by prosperarena to FitXperts [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:47 nyczalex In game coaching?

This was introduced as a battle pass feature before if I've remember correctly to earn some levels and achievements but does it do anything now? It seems to be actively working but I just coached a game and talked with the student the whole way to victory but we were not able to rate each other after.
submitted by nyczalex to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:46 tazzior Need help with my 1st Garmin

Hey everyone,
I'm looking for some advice on which Garmin model to purchase. I'm fairly new to Garmin and currently weighing my options between a Garmin watch and the Apple Ultra Watch. My primary activities include:
Running Swimming Obstacle course racing Cycling Sleep monitoring
Given these needs, I'm looking for a Garmin model that excels in all these areas. I've never owned a Garmin before, so I'm not too familiar with the different models and their capabilities.
Any recommendations on which Garmin model would be the best fit for my activities? How does it compare to the Apple Ultra Watch in terms of functionality and accuracy?
I guess the choice is between: Forerunner 265 / 965 / Epix / Fenix. Or maybe I should stick to Apple Watch Ultra? I'd like to be able to control my watch via screen so I am not sure if all Garmins have this option. Moreover, would be great if I could connect it with iPhone and Strava
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by tazzior to GarminWatches [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:45 Late-Let-4221 My (21F) GF (28F) is cheating on me but I am stuck living at her place. What would be a right course of action?

To preface one thing - this is in Singapore, I am half singaporean and half thai, I have no close friends or family members around here, but I study here.
So after many years of dating and many quite one sided and manipulative relationships with guys and after 3 months of being single I finally got into relationship with my GF. First time trying lesbian dynamic. I felt it would be very different, she would understand me more and was less demanding of me and of course less physical and simply more harmonious, since, you know it's a fellow woman.
I was also taking it slow and we had like dozen dates before getting entangled officially couple months ago. She is quite lovely and well educated, slightly older than me, somewhat exotic looking around here and it felt we are becming good friends.
When we finally hooked up she had to guide me a lot because it's indeed quite different dynamic than with a guy but that was fine, I guess and she seemed to even enjoyed and would joke about how I was lesbian virgin and she can shape me to be suited for her. Which I thought at the time was cute.
Long story short I recently finally moved in with her and that was a mistake. I've been at her place most of the time we would hang out because my place was really tiny. Right after I moved in I was just in a span of week introduced to basically a laundry list of chores I should do and at the time I thought alright we pull this together right, but we didn't. After next couple weeks I realised (for the first time ever) that I am doing the same chores I would be doing for my former boyfriends and I started to feel, yet again, more as a maid with benefits. This time I had courage to voice that to my GF and she would apologise and be all sweet about how she didn't realise and that would coo me for another week, but no changes would actually happen. Only now I think it's been manipulative.
Since I am a university student and a "gym bunny" I have less free time than one would expect and suddenly it was filled mostly by coming home doing chores before going to gym and then coming from gym and my GF would be still up and then she would be demanding for attention, mostly in bedroom. This is when I've also noticed that while guiding me in bedroom she never seemed eager to pleasure me in return unless I would specifically ask and so for days I tried not to ask and suddenly it was super one sided bedroom stuff and she seemed perfectly fine with that. That stung because it immedaitelly reminded me of my last 3 boyfriends where it was the same.
I held a lot of this in, trying to keep being disciplined and do all she'd like me to do and chores and everything more and better in hopes of her seeing more value in me. But it simply didn't happen, not over course of two plus weeks.
Well this weekend I was using her ipad, where she always logged off out of all social and communication apps when she wasn't using. I always thought it's a like... internet safety thing in case the device gets hacked or something. But this time her whatsapp and wechat was logged in and I simply discovered that while I am at school and she's "working" from home she's hooking up at least once a week with guys. Or at least mostly with guys I wasn't in the mood to read into too much detail, seeing texts of your presumeably loved sending very intimite and heartfelt texts to guys and reacting to their D pics and sending stuff back... I felt betrayed but so far I haven't said anything and the routine contiues to my own detrement.
From doing gymnastics on higher level for 10+ years I'm used to some discipline and manners that would now be probably consider abuse, but what I learnt from that was to be quiet a lot not to cause conflict and please people. Despite my previous relationships with guys being basically abusive it was eventually always them to dump me, I never had the guts to do it yet (not counting middle school lol). This time I recognize the problem and I would like to end things but at the same time I moved too soon (in hindsight) and have nowhere to go at the moment.
And so for weeks I felt like maid and for 4-5 days now I feel more like bang maid who's also stupid and naive and I couldn't contemplate a good .. like escape plan, that's why I am making this post. In the meanwhile I continue the same old routine unable to almost meet my GF's eyes, yet she seem strangely not noticing any change and looking quite happy. On top of that you probably can guess how I feel being at school, knowing there's a decent change she's out hooking up. It just all crushing my selfesteem yet I feel stuck in the routine and my head.
TLDR: GF is cheating, doesn't know I know, because I am scared to confront her since I have nowhere to go if I'd move out.
submitted by Late-Let-4221 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:40 bromannhorsejack Parents put bills in adult child’s name, what are my options

When i was 18, I lived with my mom still and I had the utilities in my name. My mom’s always been low income and I was working at the time so that was my “rent contribution”. Our lease was up then and the landlord didn’t want to renew. I moved out with a significant other and have been on my own the past 4 years since.
My mom kept the utilities in my name and just switched the address. I can’t remember exactly why or how (it’s super easy if you can log in online to switch things like the address so I’m assuming that’s how). To my knowledge everything was fine until last year. I honestly don’t remember if I authorized her to keep it in my name, but like I said she was at least paying it.
Last summer I got an email saying I (or my mom’s address rather) owe 2500$ to dte. I immediately confront my mom because I’m now an unemployed full time student. She says she’ll get onto a low income plan or swap the debt into her name for dte (I don’t think that’s possible but she convinced me at the time). My mom cannot afford this debt, if she paid monthly she could’ve but not now so I felt bad and gave her some time to try those things.
From last year until now I’ve consistently nagged her to do SOMETHING, she hasn’t. The dte has accumulated to 5000$ now bc she hasn’t paid a single month in an entire year. She paid a chunk a couple months ago around tax season and that’s it. I also recently learned from my sister that my mom’s ex boyfriend had tampered with the meter and that’s where a random 2500$ came from and why I hadn’t received any crazy emails prior. Obviously I’m aware I might be responsible, or possibly completely responsible but I’m not sure and don’t want to waste money on a lawyer to lose and still have to pay 5k to dte.
Does anyone know what my best opinions would be. The account is still open and active. I was scared of it tanking my credit at 2500$ and trusted my mom would pay it. I’m not sure why dte keeps her electricity on with 5k debt but they do. I was planning on calling dte to say it’s not me but I think at this point I’ll have to sue my mom. I’m going to close the account so it doesn’t just become more and more. I’ve come to the realization I’ll most likely have to pay this but is there anything I can do to not be responsible for my mom’s debt? Do I have a leg to stand on if I sue? I’m in the US, Michigan to be more exact. Thanks for any advice, even if it’s telling me I’m SOL.
submitted by bromannhorsejack to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:35 Artistic-Demand8117 Major Order likely to fail

So i know its been a dramatic past 2 weeks with the Sony drama and reduced player numbers due to the banned countries as well as general low player count and I've seen on multiple platforms people pulling up these reasons for failing the last order as well as likely failing this one.
While i don't intend to invalidate any of those reasons can we please stop ignoring the fact that the community or most players don't approach the major orders properly or just out right ignore them. Its a team effort to get these orders done and to be honest for the past 4 orders i haven't seen much of a team much less team work.
What do i mean by this well lets look back to when the automatons came back and we had to defend 10 planets. The devs straight up said if we cut supply lines on planets with defense mission and let them know they will automatically count that planet as defended. No one bothered looking at supply lines or tried playing it smartly, correction actually very few people did and some of them got shit for not defending the planet that was being attacked. Which is hilarious cause retaking the planets that cut off the supply line to the planet you had to defend had more liberation progress and a lower depletion rate meaning it would have been straight up more efficient to do that. This current order is also a good example the best missions to do would be the eradicate and defense missions, we could so easily cycle those as operation completion doesn't matter to this major order. Yet i see divers all over the place doing various drawn out missions getting fewer kills than they would on eradicate missions. So that's what i mean by don't approach the orders properly.
What do i mean by straight up ignore the order. That's simple the amount of time I've joined people and see them abandon operations to do another mission cause its faster or due to their daily or after they get their daily just log off and leave the operation unfished therefore not contributing as much or at all to the liberation level or a planet is insane. over the past 3 days alone i think that I've complete at most 3 operations when joining lobbies even though in those lobbies we finished 5-7 missions. People just drop operations so therefore basically ignoring the order. Even simpler is seeing 15- 20k players on the other side of what ever the major orders states. The amount of times I've seen people on bot planets when we have bug orders and the other way around is literally always its not times I've seen it as its a constant and its not a small number either most of the time (least I've seen)15- 25%(most I've seen) of the active players are just not doing the order.
My last point with there not being much of a team or team work ties into what I've already said but i feel this also has to be mentioned even if we don't want to acknowledge it. Toxicity has started to creep into our community both in and out off the game. The amount of times I've randomly been kicked from a lobby for no given reason has increased massively over the past 3 weeks. The amount of times I've seen other divers be kicked from a team for a genuine mistake has also risen as well as the general moaning and bitching towards one another and the game. I get it the game can be frustrating sometimes I'm not immune to that either but i don't take it out on my fellow divers if someone gets on my nerves i let them know politely that after killing me 5 times its getting a bit on my nerves but i don't blast them for it. Also there's an easy solution for when the game starts to be more frustrating and less fun. You can leave the mission without cancelling it for everyone else I'm not going to mockingly say go touch grass but leave the mission go smoke a cig, get a beer, watch an episode of your favorite anime or series, maybe even go have some fun with your S.O partner fuck buddy friends with benefits whatever. Call your best friend go de tilt for 30 minutes and then jump back in. Its a game let it be fun and if it frustrates take a quick breather no one going to be mad at you for that. So in that sense I've seen teamplay and general moral take a big hit.
Now to probably the most controversial part of this post. Where ive seen us be a team is in the fight against sony and hell yea well done everyone on that front but the amount of fighting and provoking the devs needs to stop. I have nothing against a discussion and sure the devs and community managers make some pretty big mistakes in their replies but we don't need to edge them on and throw gasoline onto the fire. Yes they fucked up, yes they didn't respond professionally with everything, yes the last war bond is Hella lackluster, yes we have bugs that are extremly annoying. You want to know something else this game has that very few others have A DEV TEAM THAT ACTUALLY GIVES A DAMN. Arrowhead isnt a massive studio and they have been overwhelmed since the get go and then with the sony drama i can understand that all of them are beyond on edge. All I've seen our community do is push for more, bitch some more, provoke even more. I'm not saying that's its the entire community and that feed back is bad. However you can also be decent and professional when giving it. That's what i mean about being toxic as a community out of the game. The devs aren't perfect but they care and are trying. How many other games have this and if we keep being rude mean and toxic to them we cant blame them when they eventually stop caring like most other companies do and then just stop communicating and fighting for us or wanting to make an amazing game. These guys are amazingly passionate however that can be put out and we will be the one responsible for this.
Now this is my opinion and how i see things that doesn't mean I'm right or that this is the end all be all or that i think I'm better than anyone. This is an opinion and id love to hear all of yours.
Also don't get me wrong this isn't a call out or start drama or even to divide the community. When it comes to how you play the game to each their own and play how you want but then don't bitch if we fail an order. At the end of the day we win as a team or we loose as one the only way to be better or get better is to work together. Also its a game its meant to be fun so have your fun but don't get mad if having your fun = not winning the major order.
Tldr: Haha no this is meant to be a discussion read the entire thing. Don't make half informed response cause you wanted the short notes of the post.
disclaimer English is not my first language I'm sorry for how wordy things are as well as for lack of punction bad grammar or general spelling. If I'm unclear about anything let me know and I'll try formulate it better sorry in advance.
Keep Diving and most importantly have fun and i wish everyone a good time and good health.
submitted by Artistic-Demand8117 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:31 Extension_Band_8138 No PUFA, low BCAA, swamp - + 2.5kg in 2 mths

Guess negative results have to be reported too!
Pufa avoider since roughly Jan. Strict avoider (little / no pork / chicken meat / olive oil / nuts) since Mar.
From 14 Mar - 14 May gained 2.5kg (88.6 > 91.1). Highest I have ever been since 2018 - this is not just a water weight etc. fluctuation.
Cals & Macros averages over this period:
Kcal - 2336 > completely at lib. C - 285g (51%) > whole wheat, potato, oats, fruit F - 91g (35%) > mainly diary (cream, butter, ghee) + some tallow + chocolate + coconut P - 86g (14%) > a lot of this is wheat protein (from bread) and bone broth protein, so actual BCAA here would be low.
I walk (cca 8k steps / day) and cycle (1.5 hr pw on average over this period).
This predict that at 91.1kg my TDEE is 2058 kcal, which is even below what most calculators predict for lightly active person of same age / gender (2178 kcal). The situation is dire!
Other observations: - my appetite started low when switching to no PUFA (1600-1700kcal per day at lib) but then moved to much higher values as shown by the averages. - any uncontrollable hunger / lack of satiety feels contained - presumably body is just getting what it needs? - feeling warm - most of the times, sometimes to quite remarkable levels (walking in T-shirt when everyone is in a coat?) - reasonable stamina & energy - better response to sun - i.e. getting only mildly burned (pink skin, not painful) as opposed to reallly burned, in pain for days. Better response to burns in general (pain subsides v quickly).
Next step: will give SMTM's potato+diary diet / potassium suplementation a try for a month or so. Beyond that - guess I'll have to starve?
submitted by Extension_Band_8138 to SaturatedFat [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:30 Revolutionary-Sky758 Summer Hustle: Earning Money as a Student

As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, summer beckons students with its promise of freedom from textbooks and lectures. It’s the perfect time to unwind, do your assignements, explore, and perhaps most importantly, earn some extra cash. Whether you’re saving up for tuition fees, planning a trip with friends, or simply looking to pad your wallet, there are numerous ways for students to make money during the break. Fear not! We’ve got you covered with a rundown of ways to hustle during the break.

1. Freelance Gigs

Freelancing is the ultimate summer hustle. Whether you’re a wordsmith, a graphic designer, or a coding wizard, there’s a gig waiting for you. Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect you with clients seeking your skills. Write blog posts, design logos, or build websites—all from the comfort of your beach towel.

2. Part-Time Jobs

Traditional part-time jobs are still a solid choice. Retail, food service, and customer service positions abound during the summer. Not only do you earn money, but you also gain valuable experience in teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.

3. Camp Counselor

Remember those carefree days at summer camp? Now you can be the one creating those memories for others. Camp counselor gigs involve leading activities, supervising kids, and making s’mores by the campfire. Plus, you’ll get a healthy dose of nostalgia.

4. Lifeguarding

If you’re a strong swimmer, consider lifeguarding. You’ll save lives (no pressure!) while soaking up the sun. Plus, the tan lines will be epic.

5. Research Assistantships

Channel your inner Hermione Granger and assist professors with research projects. Not only will you learn about your field, but you’ll also build connections that could lead to future opportunities.

6. Social Media Management

Turn your Instagram addiction into a money-making venture. Businesses need social media managers to handle their online presence. Post witty captions, engage with followers, and watch those likes turn into dollars.

7. Resident Assistant (RA)

Living on campus? Become an RA! You’ll guide fellow students, plan events, and mediate roommate squabbles. Plus, free housing and a stipend—score!
  1. Delivery Driver
With the rise of food delivery services like UberEats, DoorDash, and Postmates, becoming a delivery driver has never been easier. Whether you prefer driving, biking, or even walking, delivering food offers flexible hours and competitive pay, allowing you to earn money on your own terms.
  1. Creative Ventures
Do you have a passion for crafting, photography, or handmade goods? Channel your creativity into a side hustle by selling your creations on platforms like Etsy, Instagram, or at local craft fairs. From handmade jewelry to custom artwork, there’s a market for every niche, allowing you to turn your hobbies into a profitable business venture.
  1. Food Service Fanatic
Restaurants, cafes, and ice cream parlors are booming in the summer. These jobs offer flexible hours (perfect for that spontaneous beach trip!), and the fast-paced environment keeps things interesting. Plus, free (or discounted) food is a major perk!

Bonus Tips for the Savvy Student:



Summer isn’t just about lazy afternoons; it’s a chance to hustle and pad your wallet. Whether you’re freelancing, guarding pools, or leading campfire sing-alongs, embrace the summer hustle. Your bank account—and your future self—will thank you.
In addition, you can also join our community at 911papers_homworkhelp for more tips or need help, and also to connect with other students who share similar academic experiences.
submitted by Revolutionary-Sky758 to 911papers_homworkhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:26 NoIdeaWhat5991 Want to back out of an after school club.

Hi All,
High school teacher here. I committed myself to be part of a rangers club. We usually do activities that teaches students how to camp and how to survive in the wild. The head teacher was desperate for male staff so I told them I’ll do it. School finishes at 2:40pm. This club goes from 3 to 5.
I only been apart of this club for 4 weeks and realising now I no longer can commit to this club. It taking too much of my personal life and I’m not enjoying it as much as I thought.
However, because I joined they were able to expand the club and allow more students to join. Originally they said no to new members but with me joining an additional 10 students have joined.
How do I get out of this pickle? I know I should be an adult and just tell the leader I can no longer do this but I said I’ll stay until the end of the year and I’m quitting after 4 weeks!!!! The leader let 10 new students join because of me!!! Help!
submitted by NoIdeaWhat5991 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:24 Social_Media_Psyc Facebook use & social relationships (18+, English speakers, active Facebook users) [Repost]

Hi everyone,
I'm a PhD student and I'm conducting a study on Facebook use and social relationships. I'm looking for participants who are over 18 and active Facebook users (have posted at least 10 status updates in the past year). Taking part in the study takes around 20 minutes and you could also win a voucher for participating. :)
Here is a link to the survey:
Thank you all!
submitted by Social_Media_Psyc to SurveyExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:23 rusticgorilla Republicans reject abortion exceptions for child rape victims, create abortion registries, and ban possession of abortion medication

If you are in the position to support my work, I have a patreon, venmo, and a paypal set up. Just three dollars a month makes a huge difference! No pressure though, I will keep posting these pieces publicly no matter what - paywalls suck.
You can signup to receive a monthly email with links to my posts or subscribe to Keep Track’s Substack (RSS link).


Despite voters overwhelmingly rejecting a constitutional amendment that would have allowed abortion restrictions in the state, Kansas Republicans passed several anti-abortion bills into law late last month, overriding the governor’s veto.
The first bill, HB 2436, makes it a crime to “coerce” someone into having an abortion. Democrats attempted to widen the scope of the bill to include all kinds of reproductive coercion, like pressuring someone to become or stay pregnant and prohibiting their access to birth control, and enshrine a right to “reproductive autonomy.” Republicans voted down the amendment.
The second bill, HB 2749, requires medical facilities and providers to (1) ask patients their reason for having an abortion and (2) report the data, including personal information about the patient, to the legislature every other year. Gov. Laura Kelly (D) agreed with the objections of Democrats and reproductive rights advocates, saying when she vetoed the bill that there is “no valid reason to force a woman to disclose to the legislature why she is seeking an abortion.”
  • Democrats offered numerous amendments to HB 2749, including one to require men to report to the legislature their reasons for having a vasectomy and another requiring men to report why they are seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction. Republicans rejected all of them.
Finally, the Republican legislature overrode Kelly’s line-item veto allocating $2 million to the Pregnancy Compassion Awareness Program, created last year with a different veto override. The program is run by an anti-abortion group called the Kansas Pregnancy Care Network, which refers pregnant people to crisis pregnancy centers designed to use misleading information to discourage them from obtaining an abortion.


Louisiana’s legislature is doubling down on its anti-abortion laws, passing bills to increase criminalization and refusing to add exemptions to its abortion ban.
Earlier this month, the Louisiana House took up a bill passed by the Senate that would make it a crime, punishable by jail time, to possess abortion-inducing medication. SB 276, sponsored by 23 Republicans and one Democrat, was initially written to create a punishment for coercing someone into an abortion without their knowledge or consent (e.g. spiking a drink). However, House legislators recently added an amendment to the bill that classifies mifepristone and misoprostol as Schedule IV substances alongside some opioids and benzodiazepines. A pregnant person possessing the drugs for their own use could not be charged, but others who intend to distribute them to pregnant people seeking an abortion or store them for their own potential future use would face up to ten years in prison.
“Neither is a drug of abuse or dependence, and that is what the controlled drug schedule is for,” said [emergency room Dr. Jennifer] Avegno of the abortion drugs. “It makes no scientific or medical sense to put these drugs in the same category as Xanax or Valium.”
Mifepristone is a drug that blocks a hormone called progesterone, which is necessary for a pregnancy to continue. Misoprostol causes uterine contractions, causing the body to expel the pregnancy tissue. Mifepristone is also used to treat Cushing’s disease, a hormonal disorder. Misoprostol is also used to induce labor, manage a miscarriage and in the treatment of ulcers. Neither are addictive. “People do not go around taking them and getting dependent and having bad outcomes because of it,” said Avegno. “It’s like saying your blood pressure medicine or insulin is a drug of abuse.”
A week later, Republicans on the House Criminal Justice Committee voted 7-4 to reject a bill to add rape and incest exceptions to the state’s total abortion ban. House Bill 164, written by Democratic Rep. Delisha Boyd, would have allowed girls younger than 17 to have abortions if they became pregnant as the result of sexual assault.
“That baby [in the womb] is innocent … We have to hang on to that,” said committee member Rep. Dodie Horton, R-Haughton, who voted against the bill. Rep. Lauren Ventrella, R-Greenwell Spring, also voted against the legislation, saying the proposed law would be difficult to enforce. Teenagers who had consensual sex might feign rape or incest in order to get access to abortion services, she suggested…
Dr. Neelima Sukhavasi, a Baton Rouge doctor specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, also implored the lawmakers to approve Boyd’s proposal. She and her colleagues have delivered babies for pregnant teenagers, including mothers as young as 13, since Louisiana’s abortion ban went into effect two years ago. These young pregnant people can experience health complications that affect them for the rest of their lives, Sukhavasi said, and sometimes don’t have the mental capacity to handle the births. “One of these teenagers delivered a baby while clutching a teddy bear,” she told the committee.
The Committee also killed three other bills: HB 56, to allow abortions in cases of spontaneous miscarriage or nonviable pregnancy; HB 63, to clarify that the removal of an ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion under state law; HB 293, to add protection for physicians who do not intend to induce abortion by prescribing certain medications.


Meanwhile, in Texas—a state that pioneered the war on women and reproductive rights—a man initiated legal action to sue people who helped his former partner obtain an out-of-state abortion.
The man, Collin Davis, filed a petition in a state district court seeking permission to launch legal depositions to collect evidence for a potential lawsuit under a Texas law that contains civil liability for anyone who “aids and abets” an abortion. According to his lawyer, Jonathan Mitchell (who crafted the anti-abortion law), Davis is seeking to sue “co-conspirators and accomplices…involved in the murder of [his] unborn child.”
“Fathers of aborted fetuses can sue for wrongful death in states with abortion bans, even if the abortion occurs out-of-state,” he wrote. “They can sue anyone who paid for the abortion, anyone who aided or abetted the travel, and anyone involved in the manufacture or distribution of abortion drugs.”
Molly Duane, a senior staff attorney with the Center for Reproductive Rights, described Mitchell’s statement and general approach as misleading “fearmongering.”
“People need to understand that it is not a crime to leave Texas or any other state in the country for an abortion,” said Duane, who is working with lawyers from the firm Arnold & Porter to represent the woman and others targeted in the Davis case. “I don’t want people to be intimidated, but they should be outraged and alarmed.” Duane described the woman’s relationship with Davis as “toxic and harmful.”
Mitchell also represents a different man who pursued a similar claim last year: Marcus Silva engaged Mitchell to sue the friends of his estranged wife for allegedly helping her obtain abortion pills. Evidence later revealed that Silva knew about the plans beforehand and did not intervene, likely intending to use the threat of legal action as a way of forcing his partner to halt divorce proceedings.
Monday’s counterclaim illustrates, in painstaking detail, exactly how Silva—aided by Mitchell—allegedly deployed this tactic. It was only after Brittni’s abortion was complete that Silva revealed he knew about the plan and, according to the lawsuit, threatened to turn her in if she didn’t submit to his continued abuse. He even showed the police photographs of messages discussing the possibility of an abortion. “Once I finally got home with the girls he had been drinking and he told me that he knew,” Brittni texted one friend. “He’s using it against me.” In another message, she wrote, “Now he’s saying if I don’t give him my ‘mind body and soul’ until the end of the divorce, which he’s going to drag out, he’s going to make sure I go to jail for doing it.” […]
The counterclaim points out another flaw in his argument: Silva himself “is responsible for the alleged injury for which he seeks to recover.” He “knew that Brittni planned to terminate her alleged pregnancy and acquiesced in accepting Brittni’s actions,” so “it would be unconscionable to permit him to benefit by changing his position now.” His claims, in short, are barred “by unclean hands,” because he effectively entrapped his estranged wife—covertly discovering her plan to terminate the pregnancy, then allowing her to go through with it for the express purpose of blackmailing her into staying with him.


A three-judge panel of the Indiana Court of Appeals last month unanimously recognized a religious freedom challenge to the state’s complete ban on abortion.
The case, brought by Hoosier Jews for Choice and four anonymous women of various faiths, alleges that the ban interferes with “their sincere religious beliefs that require and direct them to obtain abortions” criminalized since the law took effect in 2023. According to Jewish law, a fetus does not have personhood until birth, and abortion is required if the pregnancy endangers the life or health of the mother.
Brief of Hoosier Jews for Choice (and other plaintiffs): As indicated by the declarations of numerous rabbis, Judaism teaches that a fetus becomes a living person only at birth, and prior to that is considered part of the woman’s body, without independent rights. Abortion should occur and is mandated to end a pregnancy that may cause serious consequences to a woman’s mental or physical heath. Judaism also recognizes that physical health risks are not limited to those likely to cause substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function. Judaism stresses the necessity of protecting the physical and mental health of the woman—a life—over the potential for life present in a zygote, embryo, or fetus. Therefore, restrictions that prevent a woman from obtaining an abortion where compelled by Jewish law, which mandates that the woman act to protect her physical or mental health, impose a substantial burden on that person’s religious exercise.
Under Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), “a governmental entity may not substantially burden a personʹs exercise of religion,” defined to include “any exercise of religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief.” This means that arguments about whether plaintiffs are strictly observant are irrelevant; the law protects sincerely held religious views regardless of whether that view is idiosyncratic or unorthodox. However, even a law that imposes a substantial burden on the exercise of religion can be enforced if it is “the least restrictive means of furthering [a] compelling governmental interest” (the strict scrutiny test).
The state argued that abortion does not carry “religious significance” and, even if it did, the abortion ban satisfies strict scrutiny because it is “sufficiently narrowly tailored” to “further the State’s interest” in “protecting human lives in the womb.” Throughout Indiana’s brief, the state attempts to use science to back up fetal personhood, extending developmental physiology to make unfounded claims that protected life unquestionably begins at conception:
In lower courts, the State’s compelling interest is not up for debate. In Cheaney v. State, the Indiana Supreme Court held that the State’s interest in protecting unborn children is “valid and compelling” from “the moment of conception.” …A basic understanding of biology supports these holdings. “That human fetuses are human beings is a scientific fact, not a theological claim.” Regardless whether an individual person believes this, “the scientific consensus” is that “[d]evelopment begins at fertilization,” after which the newly created “unicellular zygote divides many times and becomes progressively transformed into a multicellular human being through cell division, migration, growth, and differentiation.” …. Science thus tells us that “[t]he act of performing an induced abortion during any stage of pregnancy, from fertilization up to birth, ends the life of an innocent human being.” The State’s interest in protecting unborn fetal life at any stage from intentional destruction accordingly is nothing less than “compelling.”
A panel of the Indiana Court of Appeals—made up of a Republican appointee and two Democratic appointees—unanimously ruled against the state, upholding a lower court’s injunction against the abortion ban as it applies to the plaintiffs. In the process, the court laid out a path for religious freedom challenges to abortion bans in other states and at the federal level.
The trial court found that absent a preliminary injunction, Plaintiffs would be irreparably harmed by the loss of their religious freedoms guaranteed by RFRA. A loss of First Amendment freedoms, which include the right to free exercise of religion, “for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury.”... Without a preliminary injunction, Plaintiffs will suffer the loss of their right to exercise their sincere religious beliefs by obtaining an abortion when directed by their religion and prohibited by the Abortion Law. They also have shown their sexual and reproductive lives will continue to be restricted absent the injunction and as a result of the Abortion Law.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:22 Cynicast9 With 51 sessions under our belt, both Auril and Cryonax have been defeated as summer returns to Icewind Dale. AMA

After a year and a few months of playing (mostly) weekly games, summer has returned to Icewind Dale after the death of Auril and Cryonax.
Our party:

Act 1: Ten Towns (Chapter 1)

I ran the early quests fairly as is, but minimised the sandbox-y nature of them. I always felt that if the 'correct' quests weren't seen or completed then Chapters 3 and 4 just get sort of thrown onto the party with little warning. So, using Cold-Hearted Killer as an overarching quest, the party found themselves wandering over to the quests that I felt were fun and/or necessary for the future story.
Within this Act the party met the goblins of Foaming Mugs, explored the haunted Gem Mine in Termalaine, killed both the wendigo assaulting citizens of Lonelywood and the yetis atop Kelvin's Cairn, protected the Easthaven Town Hall from simultaneous break-ins, and were killed by the Summer Star.
The early quests are a blast, each with their own little stories or things to explore. Though a lot of them within my Act 1 were just to expand the world and allow the PCs to meet the various NPCs within Ten Towns. I found this to be a good starting to point on how they might approach Destruction's Light in the future.

Act 2: Sunblight (Chapters 3 & 4)

I treated the Black Cabin quest as a transition to learn more about chardalyn (which was unknown up to this point), and introduce the duergar into the story more. The party learnt of various break ins and strange activities that haunted Caer-Konig, Easthaven and Termalaine, with the only clue being footsteps within the snow.
Receiving a letter from the Soothsayer, the party learnt of Xardorok and were informed of the Duergar Outpost at the base of Kelvin's Cairn. This led them to the Easthaven Ferry to find the other Sunblight child, who tried his best to escape the party's grasp. Heading into the spine of the world, the party encountered the Id Ascendant and eventually made their way to Sunblight Fortress where Vellynne Harpell was introduced.
At the end of Act 2, the party would become the 'Heroes of Ten Towns' managing to save only two of the towns from destruction but warning the citizens ahead of time, allowing them to escape unscathed.
Sunblight and Destruction's Light were fun as hell to run

Act 3: Ending the Endless Winter (Chaters 5, 6 & 7)

Using the quests from Chapter 2, and the help of Vellynne, the party learnt of the Island of Solstice and the Codicil of White. Heading their they fought Geluvicken and collected their prize. Erret became a 'Chosen of Auril' accepting her challenge to receive her blessing and succeeding.
Exploring the Lost Spire of Netheril allowed the party to find the location of the Glacier Entrance and eventually explore the Caves of Hunger. While Tekeli-li was fun to haunt the party with, the big reveal within the Caves was Cryonax a.k.a. The Thing in the Ice and originator of Cursed Chardalyn. Learning this, the party knew that Auril wouldn't be the only 'god' they fight within Ythryn.
After exploring most of the Towers of Magic, putting an end to the Zhentarim and Arcane Brotherhood, the party explored the Spire and met Iriolarthas after hearing about him over and over. While it was a difficult fight, they defeated him and went on to use the Mythallar to end the Endless Winter. Quickly, they found themselves against Auril, but after Kithkin sacrificed himself to put an end to Auri's 3rd form, the party were safe. However the looming threat of Cryonax weighed in their mind.
Heading back into the Caves, they found Cryonax within a large throne room made entirely of ice, and after defeating a few of his minions their final fight broke out. However, with the weird magical effects suffused within Cryonax, the party found themselves Plane Jumping and teleported back in time to previous fights they had had (as well as other effects). With Erret getting the final blow on Cryonax, everyone was brought back to present-day Ythryn and summer returned to Icewind Dale.
I'm a huge fan of this module, despte some of it's rougher areas and quite large prep times. I ended up adding a lot of homebrew elements from different sources across the internet to make Icewind Dale my own. Feel free to ask what additions I made to the module.
submitted by Cynicast9 to rimeofthefrostmaiden [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:21 adulting4kids World Building

I have created a ton of tools that help writers that are struggling, one of which is a spreadsheet full of world-building questions for those who write fantasysci fi. I will be picking some parts to publish, but if you think that there would be interest in the spreadsheet, I can post that, too.
First part is this section of questions about the species on your unique world/planet
General Species Information:
  1. How many distinct species exist on your planet?
  2. What are the criteria for classifying a group as a separate species?
  3. Are there recognized taxonomic categories for different species?
  4. How do species interact within ecosystems?
  5. Are there dominant or keystone species that heavily influence ecosystems?
  6. What is the typical lifespan of various species?
  7. Are there seasonal variations in the behavior of different species?
  8. Do species exhibit migratory patterns or movements?
  9. Are there endangered or protected species on your planet?
  10. How do different species contribute to the planet's biodiversity?
Physical Characteristics:
  1. What are the physical sizes of various species?
  2. Do species exhibit sexual dimorphism in physical characteristics?
  3. Are there species with unique adaptations to specific environments?
  4. How do different species reproduce and care for their offspring?
  5. Are there species with extraordinary strength or speed?
  6. What sensory abilities do various species possess?
  7. Do species have unique markings or colors for identification?
  8. Are there species with specialized limbs or appendages?
  9. How do species adapt to changes in their environments?
  10. Are there species with unique anatomical features?
Behavioral Traits:
  1. How do different species communicate with each other?
  2. Are there recognized mating rituals or courtship behaviors?
  3. What role does social behavior play in different species?
  4. Do species exhibit hierarchical structures within their groups?
  5. How do species handle conflicts or disputes?
  6. Are there migratory patterns or seasonal behaviors?
  7. Do different species form alliances or cooperate for survival?
  8. Are there nocturnal or diurnal behaviors among species?
  9. What role does play or recreation play in various species' lives?
  10. Are there species with unique learning abilities or intelligence?
Habitats and Environments:
  1. Where do different species predominantly inhabit on the planet?
  2. Are there species adapted to extreme climates or conditions?
  3. How do various species interact with their specific environments?
  4. Are there migratory patterns or movements between habitats?
  5. What is the impact of human activities on different species' habitats?
  6. Do certain species exhibit territorial behaviors?
  7. Are there recognized nesting or denning behaviors among species?
  8. How do species contribute to the overall health of their ecosystems?
  9. Are there symbiotic or mutually beneficial relationships between species?
  10. How do species adapt to changes in their natural habitats?
Diet and Feeding Patterns:
  1. What types of diets do various species have?
  2. Are there herbivorous, carnivorous, and omnivorous species?
  3. How do different species hunt or gather food?
  4. Are there species with unique feeding adaptations?
  5. Do certain species play specific roles in balancing ecosystems through their diets?
  6. Are there seasonal variations in feeding patterns?
  7. How do species handle competition for food resources?
  8. Are there recognized migration patterns related to food availability?
  9. What impact do human activities have on different species' diets?
  10. Are there species with specialized digestive systems?
Reproductive Strategies:
  1. How do various species reproduce, and are there different reproductive strategies?
  2. Are there recognized mating seasons or reproductive cycles?
  3. How many offspring do different species typically have?
  4. Do species invest heavily in parental care or exhibit more independent offspring?
  5. What role do environmental factors play in reproductive success?
  6. Are there recognized courtship rituals or displays?
  7. How do different species attract mates?
  8. Are there recognized gestation or incubation periods for offspring?
  9. Do certain species exhibit monogamous or polygamous mating systems?
  10. How do species ensure the survival of their offspring?
Cultural and Societal Aspects:
  1. Do different species have cultural practices or traditions?
  2. How are knowledge and traditions passed down among species?
  3. Are there recognized leaders or influencers within species groups?
  4. What role does cooperation play in species societies?
  5. How do different species handle conflicts or disputes within their communities?
  6. Are there recognized ceremonies or rituals among species?
  7. How do species handle changes or introductions of new elements into their societies?
  8. Do different species have ways of expressing emotions or social bonds?
  9. Are there recognized forms of art or creative expression among species?
  10. How do different species address issues of justice or societal norms?
Interspecies Interactions:
  1. How do different species interact with each other?
  2. Are there alliances or conflicts between certain species?
  3. Do species engage in trade or exchange of resources?
  4. Are there recognized communication methods between species?
  5. What role do interspecies collaborations play in survival?
  6. How do different species contribute to each other's well-being?
  7. Are there recognized instances of cooperation during times of crisis?
  8. How do different species navigate shared territories or resources?
  9. Are there cultural exchanges between species?
  10. How do different species handle misunderstandings or conflicts?
Evolutionary Histories:
  1. What are the evolutionary origins of different species?
  2. Are there recognized evolutionary milestones or adaptations?
  3. How have different species evolved to coexist on the planet?
  4. Are there species with shared ancestors or common evolutionary paths?
  5. What impact do environmental changes have on species evolution?
  6. Are there recognized extinction events in your planet's history?
  7. How do different species contribute to the planet's overall evolutionary trajectory?
  8. Are there recognized periods of speciation or diversification?
  9. How do different species adapt to changes in ecosystems over time?
  10. What role does genetic diversity play in species survival?
Human-Species Interactions:
  1. How do humans interact with different species on the planet?
  2. Are there recognized conservation efforts to protect specific species?
  3. How do human activities impact the habitats and survival of different species?
  4. Are there conflicts or collaborations between humans and certain species?
  5. Do different species play roles in human cultures or traditions?
  6. What role do different species play in human economies?
  7. Are there ethical considerations in human interactions with different species?
  8. How do humans contribute to the well-being of other species?
  9. Are there recognized efforts to study and understand different species?
  10. How do humans contribute to the preservation of biodiversity on the planet?
These questions explore the diversity and intricacies of various species on your planet, covering aspects ranging from physical characteristics to cultural and societal dynamics, and their interactions with humans and each other.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:17 Chemical-Fennel3577 Ependymoma Market Size, Share, Trends, Growth 2024-2032

The ependymoma market, valued at USD 149.86 million in 2023, is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.80% during the forecast period of 2024-2032, reaching USD 228.5 million by 2032. Ependymoma is a type of tumor arising from ependymal cells in the brain and spinal cord. The market's growth is primarily driven by increasing research and development activities for new treatments across major markets.

Ependymoma Market Dynamics





Ependymoma Market Trends

Ependymoma Market Segmentation

By Type:

By Age Group:

By Treatment:

By End-User:

Ependymoma Market Growth

The ependymoma market is expected to witness steady growth due to increased R&D activities, improved diagnostic techniques, and rising government support. The adoption of advanced therapies and minimally invasive procedures will further drive market expansion.

Recent Developments in the Ependymoma Market

Ependymoma Market Analysis

The market analysis includes a detailed examination of market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges. It covers the impact of technological advancements, regulatory landscape, and competitive dynamics. The analysis also delves into market segmentation, providing insights into key growth segments and potential areas for investment.

Competitor Analysis

The ependymoma market features several key players, including pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and healthcare providers. Competitive analysis focuses on their market positioning, product portfolios, strategic initiatives, and recent developments.

Key Players


1. What is ependymoma? Ependymoma is a type of tumor that originates from ependymal cells in the brain and spinal cord.
2. What are the key drivers of the ependymoma market? Key drivers include advancements in treatment options, increased awareness and diagnosis, and government support for cancer research.
3. What are the main challenges faced by the ependymoma market? Challenges include high treatment costs, side effects of treatments, regulatory hurdles, and a limited patient pool for clinical trials.
4. What are the latest trends in the ependymoma market? Trends include personalized medicine, minimally invasive surgeries, immunotherapy, and biomarker research.
5. Who are the key players in the ependymoma market? Key players include General Electric Company, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Schiller AG, and others.

Key Features of the Market Report

submitted by Chemical-Fennel3577 to u/Chemical-Fennel3577 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:13 More_Edge1178 Key Skills Developed During a BSc Nursing Program

Nursing is a profession that demands a blend of scientific knowledge, compassion, and advanced skills. Throughout a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSc Nursing) program, students gain various abilities that prepare them to meet healthcare settings' challenges effectively.
This blog will explore the essential skills developed during a BSc nursing program, particularly focusing on programs at BSc nursing colleges in Wardha and other areas of Maharashtra.

Clinical Skills

One of the fundamental skills nursing students develop is clinical competence. This includes learning to assess patient conditions, administer medications, perform procedures, and monitor recovery. BSc nursing courses provide extensive hands-on training in hospitals and laboratories, ensuring students apply their theoretical knowledge in real-life scenarios.

Communication Skills

Effective communication is crucial in nursing. Nurses must be able to convey complex medical information to patients, listen to their concerns, and collaborate with other healthcare professionals. Throughout their education, nursing students learn how to communicate clearly and compassionately. They practice these skills during clinical placements, where accurate communication can significantly impact patient outcomes.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Nursing often requires quick thinking and effective problem-solving abilities. Students in BSc nursing programs are trained to assess clinical situations, identify possible complications, and make informed decisions swiftly. The curriculum encourages them to think critically about patient care and treatment options, preparing them for real-world challenges in healthcare.

Emotional Intelligence

Nurses often deal with stressful situations and emotionally charged environments. Developing emotional intelligence helps nursing students manage their emotions and better support patients and their families. Emotional intelligence includes empathy, resilience, and the ability to remain calm under pressure, all cultivated throughout the BSc nursing course.

Leadership and Teamwork

While individual performance is vital, nursing also involves teamwork. Students learn leadership skills that help them manage and lead healthcare teams in the future. These skills include delegating tasks, motivating colleagues, and making strategic decisions. Teamwork skills are equally important, as nurses often work in multidisciplinary teams and must collaborate effectively to provide the best patient care.

Time Management

Nurses must juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities, often in a high-pressure environment. Therefore, time management skills are critical. Nursing students learn to prioritize tasks, manage their time efficiently, and complete critical patient care activities within the required timelines.

Adaptability and Flexibility

The healthcare field constantly evolves, with new technologies and treatment methods emerging regularly. BSc nursing programs emphasize adaptability and flexibility. Students are taught to be open to change and flexible in adjusting to new roles, environments, or technologies.

Attention to Detail

Given the high stakes involved in healthcare, paying attention to detail is non-negotiable for nurses. From administering the correct medicine dosage to recording patient information accurately, meticulous attention to detail can be the difference between effective and ineffective treatment. Nursing programs stress the importance of precision and caution in all aspects of patient care.

Ethical and Legal Knowledge

Both ethical considerations and legal requirements bind nurses. During their training, students understand the ethical issues and legal boundaries within which they must operate. This knowledge ensures they can provide care that respects patient rights and adheres to professional standards.

Technical Skills

As technology becomes more integrated into healthcare, nurses must be proficient with various medical technologies and information systems. BSc nursing programs include training in medical software, diagnostic tools, and other technical equipment, ensuring graduates are well-prepared to work in modern medical environments.


The skills developed during B.Sc nursing courses in Wardha and other areas of Maharashtra are diverse and essential for anyone looking to impact the healthcare industry significantly.
Graduates from BSc nursing colleges are equipped with the practical skills needed for patient care and the soft skills necessary for effective communication, leadership, and teamwork.
These comprehensive training programs ensure that nurses are competent, compassionate, and ready to meet the challenges of today's healthcare field.
submitted by More_Edge1178 to u/More_Edge1178 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:12 Social_Media_Psyc Facebook use & social relationships (18+, English speakers, active Facebook users)

Hi everyone,
I'm a PhD student at the University of Southampton, and I'm conducting a study on Facebook use and social relationships. I'm looking for participants who are over 18 and active Facebook users (have posted at least 10 status updates in the past year). Taking part in the study takes around 20 minutes and you could also win a voucher for participating. :)
Here is a link to the survey:
Thank you all!
submitted by Social_Media_Psyc to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:09 richlabzpravalika Sparkles

The global dry-cleaning and laundry services market size was estimated at USD 60.9 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 63.2 billion in 2022. The global dry-cleaning and laundry services market is expected to grow from 2020 to 2027 to reach USD 79.9 billion by 2027.
Visit our page @
Everyone likes to wear clean and neat clothes. Doing laundry at home is not an enjoyable task for most of the consumers. Due to busy lifestyles, several consumers are actively looking for dry cleaning & laundry services to take care of their dirty clothes.
Dry cleaning & laundry services are emerging as a reliable and convenient service at a reasonable price as nowadays, busy consumers are willing to pay for their laundry. Growing working population globally, coupled with rising spending on clothes and cleaning services, are expected to further fuel the demand for such services.
Dry cleaning & laundry business has observed a huge transformation in the last few years from washing clothes at home to on-demand services. Due to busy lifestyles, consumers have to work more in less time, thus they are prioritizing convenience and increasingly opting for dry cleaning & laundry services to smoothen their daily life.
On-demand laundry services are increasingly becoming popular as they follow an efficient full-cycle approach right from booking, cleaning as per consumers’ instructions and delivering cleaned & processed clothes within scheduled timeframe
submitted by richlabzpravalika to u/richlabzpravalika [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:07 getfiio WSJ article about a crackdown looming for bigger investors

After reading the article, it looks like another misleading headline designed to generate buzz by the sales team at the WSJ.
But I still want to be cautious in my strategy and mitigate any risks.
Curious what do others think of the article?
The article needs a subscription, so I pasted the text below.
Wall Street went on a home-buying spree. Now, more lawmakers want to stop it from ever happening again.
Democrats in the U.S. Senate and House have sponsored legislation that would force large owners of single-family homes to sell houses to family buyers. A Republican’s bill in the Ohio state legislature aims to drive out institutional owners through heavy taxation.
Lawmakers in Nebraska, California, New York, Minnesota and North Carolina are among those proposing similar laws.
While homeowner associations for years have sought to stop investors from buying and renting out houses in their neighborhoods, the legislative proposals represent a new effort by elected officials to regulate Wall Street’s appetite for single-family homes.
These lawmakers say that investors that have scooped up hundreds of thousands of houses to rent out are contributing to the dearth of homes for sale and driving up home prices. They argue that investor buying has made it harder for first-time buyers to compete with Wall Street-backed investment firms and their all-cash offers.
Wall Street went on a home-buying spree. Now, more lawmakers want to stop it from ever happening again.
Democrats in the U.S. Senate and House have sponsored legislation that would force large owners of single-family homes to sell houses to family buyers. A Republican’s bill in the Ohio state legislature aims to drive out institutional owners through heavy taxation.
Lawmakers in Nebraska, California, New York, Minnesota and North Carolina are among those proposing similar laws.
While homeowner associations for years have sought to stop investors from buying and renting out houses in their neighborhoods, the legislative proposals represent a new effort by elected officials to regulate Wall Street’s appetite for single-family homes.
These lawmakers say that investors that have scooped up hundreds of thousands of houses to rent out are contributing to the dearth of homes for sale and driving up home prices. They argue that investor buying has made it harder for first-time buyers to compete with Wall Street-backed investment firms and their all-cash offers.
Share of single-family homes purchased by investors, by portfolio sizeSource: John Burns Research and ConsultingNote: Quarterly data measures the trailing 12 months. iBuyers are a type of house flipper.2016'17'18'19'20'21'22'23'2402.55.07.510.012.515.017.520.022.525.027.5%iBuyers1,000+ home companies100-99910-991-91-9 1Q 2017 18%
Investors of all sizes spent billions of dollars buying homes during the pandemic. At the 2022 peak, they bought more than one in every four single-family homes sold, though more recently their activity has slowed as interest rates rose and supply became tighter. Two of the largest home-buying firms, Invitation Homes and AMH, are publicly traded companies, while a number of other companies, backed by private equity, hold portfolios of tens of thousands of homes nationwide.
Companies that buy single-family homes say their businesses provide renters the opportunity to live in desirable neighborhoods where they otherwise couldn’t afford to buy.
With home prices and rents near record highs around the U.S., legislators and officials at all levels of government have become more active on housing issues. States have passed new measures to fund more affordable housing, to allow builders to bypass local zoning laws and to make the eviction process more favorable to tenants.
Most calls to block large companies from snapping up homes come from liberals, but some conservatives also show an inclination to crack down.
This “corporate large-scale buying of residential homes seems to be distorting the market and making it harder for the average Texan to purchase a home,” Republican Gov. Greg Abbott wrote on X last month. “This must be added to the legislative agenda to protect Texas families.”
Close to equal numbers of voting-age Republicans and Democrats said they would support a measure to block Wall Street firms from buying homes, according to a new study funded by the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank. The study gauged opinion from 5,000 renters and homeowners in urban and suburban ZIP Codes.
Proposals to curb investors might be popular with voters, but so far they haven’t gained much traction in legislatures. None of the bills in Congress or in any of the state houses has reached a floor vote.
Advocates for the single-family rental industry, such as the National Rental Home Council, oppose such legislation and blame rising prices on an undersupply of new-construction homes. They also point to the relatively low number of homes owned by institutional investors, defined as those companies with portfolios of 1,000 homes or more. Some research estimates these companies own 3% to 5% of American rental homes.
In some American cities, institutional investors hold a much larger share of homes than they hold nationally. In Atlanta, nearly 11% of all rental homes in the five-county area are now owned by three real-estate companies, a recent study by researchers at Georgia State University found. A 2022 analysis by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development said 21% of Atlanta rental homes were owned by some large institution.
Rep. Nikema Williams (D., Ga.), from the Atlanta area, in December co-sponsored the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act in the U.S. House. The act “won’t solve all of the problems, but it will definitely make an impact,” she said in an interview.
Critics of regulation note that many of the largest investors have bought very few or no homes in the past year. “The great trade is done,” said John Burns, founder of the eponymous housing research and consulting firm. “So what are you trying to stop?”
Smaller investors that own between 10 and 99 homes have stepped up their share of home buying this year, Burns said. Some of the proposed legislation would also target these smaller investors.
The bills in the House and Senate would cap rental-home ownership at no more than 50 homes for many companies, requiring them to sell off any more they already own. A bill in Minnesota, meanwhile, would limit ownership to 20 homes.
Bills to block landlords in the Ohio and Nebraska state legislatures were written in response to a small number of investors buying up hundreds of homes in a handful of Cincinnati and Omaha neighborhoods.
Louis Blessing III, a Republican representing suburbs of Cincinnati in the Ohio Senate, introduced a bill to tax large landlords so heavily that they would likely feel compelled to sell their properties. Blessing said he is concerned about real-estate companies developing monopoly power in some neighborhoods, while putting starter homes further out of reach for home buyers.
“It’s an antitrust in spirit bill,” he said.
submitted by getfiio to realestateinvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:04 Throwaway_Zenin Need some advice on our relationship.

Before I get things started, I’d like to say that I(22M) am from a rather conservative country, I am a virgin, and this is my first relationship.
It’s been around 6 months since I started dating my 22F girlfriend, we have a 1000km distance, but we’re both students and are not financially independent yet. I just needed some advice as I just feel like this keeps going around my head and I’d like to articulate it better for myself while receiving advice from the more experienced people on this subreddit.
To start things off, This isn’t my girlfriend’s first relationship and she’s been in relationships for a while now, she started dating somewhat young (for my country at least, or maybe I have been too closed off to realize) and she said she’s had sex from a year or two and has had a few ex-boyfriends she’s mentioned to me before whom she slept with and she’s also had a few friends with benefits (I found out about this later)..
I knew she wasn’t a virgin before we started dating and It does not matter to me if she wasn’t a virgin, because she’s dating me and choosing me and I do have some self-confidence and am a bit secure with who I am to let it bother me much.
I love her a lot and would love if this relationship lasted a long time and even hope to marry her and build a home with her someday.
Around 2 months back, she told me that she did not want to sleep with me till we got married and when I first heard this, I was quite taken aback, especially since I didn’t think she cared much about that due to her history and I don’t care much about it either (I’ve had my share of mental issues and felt that it wouldn’t be right to date anyone with those level of issues, so decided to not date anyone till I met her..).
This turned into a somewhat large argument and we were supposed to have a few days free and were planning on talking and video calling for those days, but we ended up arguing a bit, I was just feeling very mentally messed up and trying to process everything and I did get a bit cold and kind of withdrew into myself.
When I asked her for the reason, she said she didn’t know and then later said that she wanted a serious relationship with me and “I’m not like her playboy ex-boyfriends”and that she “doesn’t want to introduce me as a person she slept with to her parents” and wants to “respect them by not sleeping with me” while these ideas aren’t too uncommon amongst the younger generation of my country, I didn’t think she would have such thoughts because then why do it with a few others and then not with me? (I don’t think I am entitled to sleep with her, nor do I feel it’s my right or anything like that, I wouldn’t want her to do anything with me if she doesn’t wish to, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I knew I forced someone into having sex with me when they don’t want to.)
When we went further into this discussion, she asked me if sex was something so important to me and if I just wanted her for her body and not for who she is and that kind of things, which made little sense to me, as why would I be in a LDR if I just wanted sex?
Anyways, after a while, she kept apologizing and was like if you want to we can do it. (and that wasn’t the conclusion I wanted, I just wanted her to tell me some real reason why she doesn’t want to do anything with me, I forgot to mention, but she called our relationship an online one and that hurt me quite a bit (she later said that she didn’t mean it that way and meant it as a LDR).
After a day or two, I kind of decided to just not think about it, because she just kept apologizing and I felt like I was hurting her by continuing the topic.
A few weeks after she talks about the house of some guy she was “more than friends with” I didn’t know about this before and thought she only had sex in relationships (again, my country is quite conservative and maybe I am too closed off** to have had considered this before) and that kind of got to me, because whenever she said anything about people wanting her only for her body and that kind of stuff, I kind of felt like she was coerced into sleeping with her ex-boyfriends (I understand that I might have tried to rationalize what was going on and made up stories), and imo a friends with benefits is where you just have sex and it’s quite consensual, to say the least.
Now, a week back, I just wanted to bring this topic up again and I kind of messed up with the timing as we both were quite tired and I hadn’t slept properly in a while.. at the same time, I was feeling a bit guilty because I did fantasize about sleeping with her when we met even though I agreed to her boundary.
She told me she was confused and why I still thought about this topic and stuff like that and she asked me if I “didn’t like anything else about her apart from her body” and “what would I do if she had any physical deformities and she couldn’t have sex with me”( she said this when we first spoke on this too), she then said that she isn’t a touch person like I am and me thinking about such things out of the blue is quite strange to her.
All this has kind of led me to feel like I am ugly (which I don’t feel anymore, apart from the occasional intrusive thought) and whether she doesn’t want to sleep with me because she thinks I’m not the right person for her or maybe she thinks I am not good enough and so on...
She later said that she doesn’t want to have sex because she hates her body and how she looks and that she is carrying trauma from her past relationships because her ex-boyfriends slept with her and left her, I obviously understand this.. till a few days later she again said that we wouldn’t have sex till marriage. So I don’t know what’s really going on in her mind. Is she uncomfortable with me?
I understand that this might be a “Me” problem or something I am doing wrong or just overthinking and over analysing things and ending up with a wrong conclusion. I’m just confused I guess.
TLDR: My long-distance girlfriend doesn’t want to have sex with me even though she has had sex before (She later (after a month, when asked) said it is because she hates her body*). I felt hurt by this and it makes me feel very unwanted. I love her and I want to be with her, but I keep thinking about this and it’s making me lose my self-esteem and confidence as I feel like I am not good enough.
*I felt not including this in the TLDR would make it seem as though I am only telling my side of the story
**by closed off I mean I’m quite introverted and just stay home a lot and my parents are somewhat strict too (her parents are much stricter btw)..
I don’t know what I should do, I love her and I understand where she’s coming from, but this is kind of eating at me, whenever I feel low or am having a slightly bad mental health day my feelings of being not good enough or not the right person or that I am not wanted keeps creeping back up and starts shaving away at my self-esteem and the more I think about it the worse I feel.
Should I just stop thinking about this and pretend everything is okay with me? Am I not understanding enough? Do you think I can do something better? Should I talk about this topic again? (my girlfriend has exams for a few weeks now, so I would most likely hold off the topic until then, at the same time I might go to see her in June and I don’t know how that would work if we have such a conversation before this.)
submitted by Throwaway_Zenin to LongDistance [link] [comments]

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submitted by tommyoptnation to u/tommyoptnation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:00 Designer-Ad399 Need advice/opinion

Bit of a long post but I need to get it off my chest because honestly I don't know what to do. I've never been in this type of situation, therefore any advice from someone whos been through something similar would be helpful. Anyway, bit of backstory.
My gf (20) and I (23) met early December last year and we really hit it off. The problem was that she was in a relationship then, but they broke up not long after ( I honestly think it wasn't because of me, they had problems long before we met) and we started talking and hanging out more often. We either texted or talked on facetime entire day because I am in Switzerland and she is in Croatia. It got to a point where she told me point blank that she had feelings for me but she wasn't ready for a relationship just yet, which I was ok with (keep in mind this was a month and a half after they broke up). Anyway, we started planning to go on a trip for a couple of days as soon as I got back home. I asked her where she wanted to go and picked the best place to stay and planned the entire thing perfectly, I even offered to take some of her friends with us just so she could feel more comfortable (in the end her sister and her boyfriend went with us). The two of us were holding hands and were next to one another entire time, we slept in the same bed, we even made out and had sex when we were alone one night (no alcohol or something similar, just passion I think). And honestly I liked that because we were each others little secret at the time. She even stayed at the house I rented for 7 days because we wanted to spend as much time as we could together. It started to feel like a beginning of a relationship but we didn't wanna say it at the time, we just wanted to be together entire time. Call it honeymoon phase if you will, but we both knew we had feelings for one another. I even met her family and her friends and had dinner with them. It was almost perfect.
This is where magic stops and reality hits. A couple of days ago she wanted to go through my phone, which I was fine with because I have nothing to hide, no porn, no other girls, no ig models, nothing. Just my dogs, family, friends and work, so I said fine as long as I can go through yours, which she reluctantly agreed. And that's when I saw it. Not only has she been texting some other guy, she's been actively seeing him and telling him how much she needs him, but she slept with him the same night and day I was driving 1200km just to see her and take her and her sister on that trip that we planned for so long. But that's not even the best part. At the same time we were planning our trip, that guy booked some cheap ass apartment and texted her the date saying I will see you then. ON THE SAME NIGHT I WAS DRIVING JUST TO SEE HER. And she responded with "I can't wait". But what bothers me is that that guy put in so little effort. I remember on Valentines day we wished each other happy Valentines, and I even sent her a bouquet of roses, just to show her that I really do care about her and I wanted to be there with her right now but can't because of work, she asked him that same fucking day if he wanted to go for a walk. And he said "no, I'm going to play games with my friends, I told you we will meet on the 22.". AND SHE WAS HEARTBROKEN BUT SHE STILL CHASED HIM. HOW PATHETIC DO BOTH OF THEM NEED TO BE? And the entire time she was texting him and going out with him, she was telling me how much she misses me, and how she can't wait for me to come. Entire time while I was there for her, spending days and nights talking and laughing with her, sending her flowers every week ( FLOWERS THAT SHE SHOWED HIM), that guy was putting in so little effort and reaping all the rewards. What's funny is after they slept together she bragged to all of her friends and said how they fucked twice and no protection cuz duh. Same friends that she introduced me to, that said that they are all cheering for me. They all knew, they all saw how much I cared for her and nobody said a thing. Then when I put the phone down and asked her to explain herself, only thing she said was "that was before we were official, and it was just for one night". The same girl that sent me a checklist of her perfect boyfriend where it stands "NEEDS TO BE LOYAL" does something like that and then says it was before we were official. She didn't even show a little bit of remorse, only thing she said was "you need to get over it". How???
I'm sorry for this long post, but my mind is just going crazy right now. I just needed a place to vent, a place where I can get some advice on what to do. Thank you for any advice😅
TL;DR; : Am I getting played? Or was that really a mistake on her part?
submitted by Designer-Ad399 to couplestherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:59 Potential_Joke3403 What is the meaning of number 10000?

In the fascinating realm of numerology, every number carries its unique vibration and significance, influencing our lives in myriad ways. The number 10000, with its repeated zeros amplifying the energy of the single 1, holds a powerful message from the universe, beckoning us to understand its profound implications on our spiritual journey, divine purpose, and everyday existence.

What is the Meaning of number 10000

Table of Contents
The number 10000 symbolizes infinity, wholeness, and the beginning of a spiritual journey leading to personal development and enlightenment. It encourages individuals to seek balance and harmony in their lives while emphasizing the importance of self-expression and the pursuit of one’s higher self. This number serves as a reminder of the sacred connection between the physical and spiritual worlds, urging us to align our actions with our divine purpose.

Meaning of 10000 in Numerology

In numerology, the number 10000 is seen as a potent symbol of creativity, potential, and new beginnings. The digit 1 represents leadership, ambition, and initiative, while the zeros amplify these qualities and introduce the concepts of wholeness, infinity, and comprehensive development. This combination encourages individuals to embrace their uniqueness and express their creativity, leading to fulfillment and bliss.

10000 in Relation to Horoscopes

When the number 10000 appears in relation to horoscopes, it suggests a period of significant spiritual growth and transformation. This number encourages individuals to seek harmony and balance in their astrological influences, promoting health, happiness, and good fortune. It serves as a divine sign to trust in the universe and the path it lays out, ensuring that luck and prosperity are on their way.

The Meaning of the 10000 Angel Number

The 10000 angel number is a powerful message from the spiritual realm, signifying support, encouragement, and divine guidance. Seeing this number repeatedly suggests that your guardian angels are reminding you to focus on your spiritual journey, emphasizing personal development and enlightenment. It also symbolizes the presence of divine forces in your life, offering protection, love, and guidance toward achieving your true potential and soul mission.

What Does the 10000 Number Mean for Your Career?

In the context of career, the number 10000 signifies growth, advancement, and the manifestation of your dreams into reality. It encourages you to maintain a balance between your professional ambitions and your personal development, ensuring that your work aligns with your divine purpose. This number is a sign of good fortune, suggesting that your efforts will lead to success, financial stability, and fulfillment in your chosen field.

What Does the number 10000 Mean for Love?

For love and romance, the number 10000 brings messages of hope, renewal, and divine timing. It encourages individuals to open their hearts to love, fostering deep connections and harmonious relationships. Whether you are seeking a new partner or aiming to strengthen your bond with your wife or husband, this number signifies that love is on the horizon, promising bliss and happiness in your romantic endeavors.

Spiritual Energy of the number 10000

The spiritual energy of the number 10000 is both transformative and enlightening, guiding individuals on their path to discovering their higher self and true purpose. It encourages a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual awakening, promoting a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it. This number carries a vibration of healing, offering peace, balance, and harmony to those who embrace its energy.

Things You Need To Know About number 10000

Understanding the number 10000 involves recognizing its potential to influence various aspects of your life, from personal growth and spiritual development to career success and romantic relationships. It is a reminder to maintain balance and harmony, to trust in the divine timing, and to stay open to the messages and guidance offered by the universe and your guardian angels.

Facts about number 10000

The number 10000 is often associated with completeness, infinity, and the start of a new cycle. In various cultures, it symbolizes endless potential and the ability to achieve greatness through perseverance and faith. It also represents the interconnectedness of all things, reminding us of our collective journey towards enlightenment and universal harmony.

Biblical Meaning of the number 10000

In the Bible, the number 10000 is used to represent a vast multitude, signifying completeness and divine perfection. It is often mentioned in the context of God’s infinite power and the countless blessings bestowed upon His followers. The biblical interpretation of this number encourages believers to have faith in God’s plan for their lives, assuring them of His guidance, protection, and love on their spiritual journey.
In conclusion, the number 10000 carries a profound spiritual significance, offering guidance, encouragement, and divine wisdom in all aspects of life. Whether encountered in numerology, horoscopes, or as an angel number, it serves as a powerful reminder of our potential for growth, happiness, and fulfillment when we align ourselves with our divine purpose and the universe’s infinite energy.
submitted by Potential_Joke3403 to Thepythagoras [link] [comments]