Mattresses for tent trailers

The push towards urbanization/densification is ultimately corporate greenwashing.

2024.06.07 22:38 Pooltoy-Fox-2 The push towards urbanization/densification is ultimately corporate greenwashing.

If you want to density the USA, make more of our housing multi-family, and reduce car usage, I fucking hate you. If you don’t want to live somewhere car-centric, fine, but don’t force all of us to live in your insect hive or peasant slum or constantly bitch about living in the car-centric place YOU CHOSE to live in and constantly demand to “densify” against the wishes of the residents.
Go fuck off to that continuous medieval peasant slum that is Europe or the worker bee hive that is East Asia and shut the fuck up and stop trying to take away our freedom and quality of life just because you want to give it up. Pick your circle of hell, Commie, and go. Thankfully you’ll be geographically trapped in your nightmare; civilized humans won’t have to deal with you. Unfortunately, we’ll have to hear your whining over the internet that everywhere isn’t Kowloon Walled City until you die in a mercy to the world.
I honestly see urban areas as the ultimate expression of authoritarian rightism: maximum social control, minimum individual freedom, maximum corporate profit, minimum quality of life, and rural and suburban areas as the ultimate expression of liberalism: individuality, dignity, freedom, maximum quality of life, less focus on corporate interests. I stand wholeheartedly against densification and urbanization, anti-car planning, and multi-family housing, and for de-urbanization, strong regulations on corporations and businesses, and emphasis on quelling overpopulation through workforce replacement and compensation through automation and a UBI.
I’m sick of my opinions being shared by conservatives, flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers, and queerphobes instead of people who genuinely value freedom and liberalism and discuss ways to thwart this plot to factory-farm humans for corporate profit by stripping away our quality of life as “unsustainable” while the corporations enslaving us and herding us into glorified prisons have carte blanche to pollute and breed humans even more, that threatens to destroy freedom, individualism, and liberalism and enslave all our posterity and future selves. It’s essentially trickle-down economics in a leftist wrapper. You’re not going to see any more of the “savings” than you will billionaires’ tax cuts.
If mental issues weren’t a problem, I’d want a gun to prevent myself from being forcibly relocated to (or priced out of anywhere but the) city. You can drag my cold, dead corpse into an apartment building or public transit. I’d rather live in a tent in the woods.
I will NOT stand idly by and let Commieblock life become the new normal for our children, taking American culture and values with it and making us all into soulless worker insects like those in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai, Taipei, and Seoul. Would you really want a world where your children and pets cannot even play outside, see stars, or have a moment of their lives where they can run and be free and out of the nosy eyes and ears of the public enforcing blind conformity like an oppressive blanket?
At least what Americans think of as deep poverty is considered wasteful, unsustainable luxury by Europeans. A stand-alone trailer complete with air conditioning (not a Commieblock apartment or a single shared wall) on a patch of grass near the woods (instead of in a urine-scented city) and a beat-up old personal vehicle bigger than a clown car. Do you really want to go back to being unable to exercise or even think during the summer, instead of having life and the economy function as normal, and having the children, elderly, and disabled die in droves from an expense less than the heating in a Nordic winter? Having entire swaths of the USA and warming world become uninhabitable? Relying only on public transit and effectively being imprisoned in your immediate vicinity, being unable to carry outdoor equipment or any decent-sized purchase, and always being in close quarters with dangerous, sick, and annoying strangers? Nowhere for outdoor recreation besides a starless, noisy, and artificial city park? Unable to travel anywhere non-urbanized? Unable to have free thought, life, and expression in your own “home,” constantly within earshot of the prying public and neighbors?
Would you luddites ban electricity? “It’s so expensive because everyone has to have it, and it’s so unsustainable! We should build electricity-free cities for freedom so everyone has a choice!” Yes, yes you would.
If you agree, DM me. If not, fuck off out of our country, bugman.
submitted by Pooltoy-Fox-2 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:28 Pooltoy-Fox-2 Do you also agree with me that the push towards urbanization/densification is ultimately greenwashing?

If you want to density the USA, make more of our housing multi-family, and reduce car usage, I fucking hate you. If you don’t want to live somewhere car-centric, fine, but don’t force all of us to live in your insect hive or peasant slum or constantly bitch about living in the car-centric place YOU CHOSE to live in and constantly demand to “densify” against the wishes of the residents.
Go fuck off to that continuous medieval peasant slum that is Europe or the worker bee hive that is East Asia and shut the fuck up and stop trying to take away our freedom and quality of life just because you want to give it up. Pick your circle of hell, Commie, and go. Thankfully you’ll be geographically trapped in your nightmare; civilized humans won’t have to deal with you. Unfortunately, we’ll have to hear your whining over the internet that everywhere isn’t Kowloon Walled City until you die in a mercy to the world.
I honestly see urban areas as the ultimate expression of authoritarian rightism: maximum social control, minimum individual freedom, maximum corporate profit, minimum quality of life, and rural and suburban areas as the ultimate expression of liberalism: individuality, dignity, freedom, maximum quality of life, less focus on corporate interests. I stand wholeheartedly against densification and urbanization, anti-car planning, and multi-family housing, and for de-urbanization, strong regulations on corporations and businesses, and emphasis on quelling overpopulation through workforce replacement and compensation through automation and a UBI.
I’m sick of my opinions being shared by conservatives, flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers, and queerphobes instead of people who genuinely value freedom and liberalism and discuss ways to thwart this plot to factory-farm humans for corporate profit by stripping away our quality of life as “unsustainable” while the corporations enslaving us and herding us into glorified prisons have carte blanche to pollute and breed humans even more, that threatens to destroy freedom, individualism, and liberalism and enslave all our posterity and future selves. It’s essentially trickle-down economics in a leftist wrapper. You’re not going to see any more of the “savings” than you will billionaires’ tax cuts.
If mental issues weren’t a problem, I’d want a gun to prevent myself from being forcibly relocated to (or priced out of anywhere but the) city. You can drag my cold, dead corpse into an apartment building or public transit. I’d rather live in a tent in the woods.
I will NOT stand idly by and let Commieblock life become the new normal for our children, taking American culture and values with it and making us all into soulless worker insects like those in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai, Taipei, and Seoul. Would you really want a world where your children and pets cannot even play outside, see stars, or have a moment of their lives where they can run and be free and out of the nosy eyes and ears of the public enforcing blind conformity like an oppressive blanket?
At least what Americans think of as deep poverty is considered wasteful, unsustainable luxury by Europeans. A stand-alone trailer complete with air conditioning (not a Commieblock apartment or a single shared wall) on a patch of grass near the woods (instead of in a urine-scented city) and a beat-up old personal vehicle bigger than a clown car. Do you really want to go back to being unable to exercise or even think during the summer, instead of having life and the economy function as normal, and having the children, elderly, and disabled die in droves from an expense less than the heating in a Nordic winter? Having entire swaths of the USA and warming world become uninhabitable? Relying only on public transit and effectively being imprisoned in your immediate vicinity, being unable to carry outdoor equipment or any decent-sized purchase, and always being in close quarters with dangerous, sick, and annoying strangers? Nowhere for outdoor recreation besides a starless, noisy, and artificial city park? Unable to travel anywhere non-urbanized? Unable to have free thought, life, and expression in your own “home,” constantly within earshot of the prying public and neighbors?
Would you luddites ban electricity? “It’s so expensive because everyone has to have it, and it’s so unsustainable! We should build electricity-free cities for freedom so everyone has a choice!” Yes, yes you would.
If you agree, DM me. If not, fuck off out of our country, bugman.
submitted by Pooltoy-Fox-2 to AskALiberal [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:04 Beginning_Boss_5435 Opila & Tarta Chicks

Opila & Tarta Chicks



The Baby Opila Birds are Opila Bird**'**s cute chicks. Five of them look like miniature Opila Birds, while one is slightly different. The Chick in question sports a cyan color with red accents on its claws, wings, beak and the ruff of feathers on top its head. This is because the Opila & Tarta Chick's father is Tarta Bird, who is cyan with red accents.
theyy are case 10A_10F and 100% Opila's babies
Givanium Opila Chick is the Opila Chick who accompanies the player in Garten of Banban IV. When she falls into the givanium tank, she transforms into a new form: She's now spotty and more muscular and large. Her legs and beak are now bright yellow, with the latter being covered in her pink skin and has an indentation on the inside. In addition to her bulging white eyes, she now sports a dark blue wing bone with giant tattered purple feathers. Event their mother Opila Bird is trying to get in through the exit door, normally she would kill The Player but if they collect all 6 Baby Opila Birds, Opila Bird will run up to her chicks instead of killing The Player, letting them safely go through the exit door instead Opening the door prematurely will lead to Opila Bird attacking the Player first.
Event During the garten of banban 3, the Player can find one of the Baby Opila Birds sitting inside the Bird Room in the middle but this is actually a trap because Opila Bird and Tarta Bird are stalking the Player from above, if the Player gets too close to the Baby Bird, Opila Bird or Tarta Bird will jump down and kill the Player, it seems like they are using their Baby Bird as bait to lure the Player. But, if the Player tames Tarta Bird by riding on his back, both Opila Bird and the Opila Chick are on the Player's side now and the Player places the Baby Bird on Opila Bird's back. The Baby Bird is sitting on the back of Opila Bird as Hellish Banban chases Opila Bird and Tarta Bird. Luckily, they made it through the door where Opila Bird and the Baby Bird run up to safety with Tarta Bird, running up shortly. When the fight is happening, Tarta Bird falls down due to the rumbles in the ground caused by Jumbo Josh . Opila Bird then briefly stares at the Player, signaling that she trusts the Player to take care of her Baby Bird before she jumps down to save Tarta Bird.
Event At the end of the previous game, Opila Bird trusted the Player to protect her Chick when she jumped down. So the Player is accompanied by the same Opila Chick, later nicknamed "Little Beak*"* by Sheriff Toadster. Little Beak plays a big role in garten of banban IV as she is one of the player's most trusted allies. She helps the Protagonist with some puzzles, as well as chirping as a warning for when Nabnab is nearby in the Ventilation Sector. At the end of the game, however, Little Beak falls into a Givanium barrel due to Queen Bouncelia shaking the entire room, thus she quickly mutates into a Givanium monster, growing in size and strength tremendously. Her allegiance to the Player doesn't seem to be affected as she then attacks Kittysaurus, and they begin to fight out of view.
Event During the game, after Player falls to Bird Room Givanium Little Beak can be seen sitting on the wall. Player needs get all 3 parts for Mr. Kabob Man's dress. Opila Chick can't catch player under the Middle of the room and can't find him. After Mr. Kabob Man distracts and stuns Little Beak, player gets to first battery. Player walking through the line, where Opila Chick can't see him. After getting next tent player distracts her using Givanium barrel. Player gets to the middle and wear gauntlets on Mr. Kabob Man and distracts and stuns bird again. Player gets to last battery and roll another Givanium barrel. Using Batteries and Bird Trap player stuns bird. After player clicks button "Secure and Exit" Little Beak tries to get player, but door kick her and back her into first form. After bird awakes, she run away.
  • There are Six Chicks and the number of Eggs that the Player fed Opila Bird in Opila Bird Mission was also Six. (Excluding the secret Seventh Egg)
  • There is only one Tarta chick among most of the Opila Chicks.
  • Their habitat is Opila and Tarta Chicks room and the Bird Nest.
  • The Givanium Opila Chick is covered in Givanium, Hence the different colors on its skin.
  • The Opila Chick in Garten of Banban IV is confirmed to be female (as Bittergiggle refers to her as a "she").
  • In the trailer for GoB IV, Little Beak seems to be completely covered in Givanium unlike in game where she is only partially covered in Givanium with her skin color being very visible.
  • It's unknown what happened to the other Opila Chicks after the second game as only one returns in the third game.
  • It's possible to glitch Little Beak into the ventilation sector walls by going between two vents and placing her at a specific angle. However you will end up soft locking yourself in the process as Sheriff Toadster will be blocking the only way between the two vents.
  • The Tarta chick in Garten of Banban II confused most players due to the seventh secret egg. The Tarta chick was also hinting Opila Bird's husband, Tarta Bird.
  • Opila and Tarta chick first talk in Garten of Banban: Punchrush
Opila & Tarta Chicks say: *cute chirping*
submitted by Beginning_Boss_5435 to gartenofbanban [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:53 OmegaCatfish Looking for a budget inflatable sleeping pad that focuses on comfort.

Looking for a sleeping pad preferably under $50 but if it’s exceptional it can be above $50. Main thing I’m concerned about is comfort insulating value and weight is secondary. It will be used for summer car camping, and occasionally to sleep on the floor during trips. Preferably not self inflating and without a foot pump or a built in pillow. I know some will comment saying an inflatable mattress but it still need to fit in my relatively small tent.
submitted by OmegaCatfish to camping [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:54 WolfgirlQUEEN We must never return to the campsite (locations are real the story is not. locations: Australia, NSW, Cataract, First South Penrith Scouts)

We must never return back to the campsite
Let me tell you a story from when I was in scouts on a cold winters night on a camping trip with over 100 of us from different districts and regions, mine was called 1st South Penrith with about 20 people leaders included the week prior to the camping trip leaders have told us of something that roams the campground we were staying and people must travel in groups or you will disappear never to be seen again. I thought it was something that the leaders said to scare us looking back now I know it’s all to real. We all packed our trailer of camping gear and once we were let out of schools we would hit the road
As darkness approached Id hear whistles.Thinking it was my window I went to pull it up but it was pulled up, brushed it off thinking it was nerves because this was my first time camping with scouts. As we drove the night felt so much darker then normal but we were in the dark spots where no lights were only us and the road, mother said “Why don’t you tell us how was your day at school?” I told her about my day, who was there in my classes and what I did that day. Mum said we were nearly there according to Google maps. I was happy to get there until I saw a figure…it was like humanoid but so very not. I thought it was just my imagination. Later I found out it was real
I arrived at the camp site, said goodbye to my mum and began setting up campsite with the 20 or so people in our group in the cold, wet ,inky black, torch’s to aid us and each other for company leaders made us all hot chocolate with marshmallows to warm us up as it was going to be a -10 degrees cold winter night. It was around 11:00 pm in our warm sleeping bags eating some of our smuggled lollies then we heard a noise, a windy noise with Antarctic winds blowing from the south. Thinking it was nothing we drifted off to sleep but I stayed up scared, around 2:00 am someone from my tent had to use the bathroom I agreed to take her with me, with our torch in hand we lit the way to the bathroom. After we finished, she said” I’m gonna go over here for a bit, I just want to be alone for a while” nodded I went back to the tent but hanged up the torch outside for when she came back
In the morning I went to wake up everyone and she was gone, afraid we all went about looking for her in groups then I saw blood…human blood, I informed the leaders of my discovery but no sign of her anywhere, as the day went on we continued our search we were worried at this point, one of my now ex friends who was indigenous said there is a creature that roams here hunting for humans “do not look for her” “she is already dead” we all looked in horror we ended the trip early with leaders calling our parents With the next few days missing notice papers were around the area over months the face were just distant memories
Sometimes it’s best we leave the bushes behind and never return to that campsite and we never question the bushes as it keeps its secrets close
submitted by WolfgirlQUEEN to RedditHorrorStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:54 ADHDFeeshie What's worth the investment and what's not?

We're 2 middle aged adults and 2 kids (6 & 9), camping for the first time this summer but hoping to make it more of a habit if we all enjoy it. Since it's our first time, we have to buy pretty much everything, so I'm trying to reduce the initial investment as much as we can with the goal of upgrading things here and there over the next few years, but I also don't want to waste money on total garbage. We'll be primitive car camping (probably mostly in state parks) and we have plenty of cargo space so we're not concerned about bulk and weight. At this point we're only planning summer camping (warm nights), in the Midwest (Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan), probably in a 2-4 night range.
I have a long list of "maybe we'll need this" gear but I'm aiming to keep things simple where I can. I know at a minimum we'll need sleeping bags, something for adults to sleep on (kids have an air mattress), a campstove, maybe a biggebetter cooler, lights, comfy chairs, and a way to charge phones. We'd probably just bring a couple of our everyday pans but might invest in camp-specific kitchenware for future trips.
We're borrowing a tent this time but I'm assuming that's one of the areas where quality really matters. Where else would you never compromise? Where would you be willing to cut some corners? Is there gear I just shouldn't bother with for a test weekend? Are there specific items I should keep an eye on during end of season clearance if we enjoy this first trip?
ETA: Is there a specific benefit to cast iron? Our home cookwear is all stainless steel, ovenproof, no non-stick coating or plastic handles or anything, so it seems like it would work fine on a camping trip, but maybe I'm missing something?
submitted by ADHDFeeshie to camping [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:50 Storxusmc What type of trailer is this called?

I am planning to downsize from SXS to ATV soon. I am trying to research trailers and for the life of me i can't find the type of trailer i am looking for. I have tried multiple keywords, but not getting the results im looking for.
A while ago i was at a trail head and a guy was unloading his ATV, the type of trailer is what i am looking for. It was a very small enclosed trailer, but when he opened the back ramp, he was able to lift the ceiling of the trailer up a few feet and it gave him just enough room to sit on the ATV and back it out of the trailer. I really liked how compact that setup was and how the guy said he slept inside it when camping, because the tapered front gave him plenty of room to lay along the floor with an air mattress i recall him saying.
This is the closest to what im talking about, but it just calls it an enclosed trailer, so i don't know how to search for one larger that can fit an ATV.
submitted by Storxusmc to ATV [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:04 UwU_I_like_myself Update Buttercups

Update Buttercups
Yeah so as you can see I got these fork bags on the one side I want to store my tent and the other side i want to use for food. I am also thinking about upgrading my handle bar bag and going with the Ortlieb 9L handle bar bag instead of my current one. I am also not very confident about my sleeping mattress it ways 900gm and has a pack size of 27 cm x 17 cm but it’s very comfortable 😉. So please leave a lot of Tipps and Tricks in the comments 🐐
submitted by UwU_I_like_myself to bikepacking [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:53 Anonymous-User-6699 Tips for a high crime neighborhood??

I need all the tips I can possibly get. My dad died in February of 2023 and had his double wide put in my name. It got broken into within 2 days of him passing away. Of course I called the cops but all they did was take pictures and told me there was nothing they could do. I’ve tried selling it but got nothing short of low-ball offers, so I’ve decided to keep it and remodel to live in while I go to college.
This neighborhood has it all. Drugs, “ex”-criminals, thieves, sex offenders, squatters, you name it. The trailer next to my dad’s has been vacant for roughly 2 years, and now there are squatters living behind it in a tent and god only knows what their plans are.
I’ve requested police to patrol the area extra several times since my dad’s passed and they hardly ever do. I’ve heard that cops avoid the neighborhood since it is nothing but trouble.
What all can I possibly do to keep myself safe? I have cameras up and working, no trespassing signs, “you’re on camera” signs, motion lights everywhere. My boyfriend (m21) and I (f21) will be living there as soon as we finish remodeling. I’m scared shitless, but we can’t afford to live anywhere else so this is our best option financially. We have a somewhat tight budget but want to do everything we possibly can for security while we’re living there.
submitted by Anonymous-User-6699 to homedefense [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 02:56 QueenOfThickWhores TLDR: All My Trauma. Yippee

I have to live with my parents due to financial concerns and my lack of being able to do anything, let alone get/keep a job. I just wish I could move out, but there is no where to go. I'm 21 with adhd, autism, chronic fatigue, arthritis and cptsd. I also think I'm developing pshycotìc depression. I feel like I'm going insane cause they are "such nice people" to everyone else and my siblings treat me like my objections are unreasonable. My mom has the nerve to say that I am just so angry as if that's not completely justified.
When my freinds were over my parents would become perfect. I just wish they were who they tell themselves they are.
And they always ask "Why are you so hard on yourself?" Like Bitch please you and I both know that is your fault.
My father would treat my bed wetting as if it was a personal affront to him. I had an alarm ans when it would trip he said "You did that on purpose."
I talked to my mom recently and she suggested I should have just changed the bed myself. I wasn't even in kindergarten yet.
Father would check out In front of the TV and get mad when someone spoke up. I have vivid memories of sitting by his chair, wanting him to talk to me or maybe just pet my hair as we watched Hallmark movies. He never did.
My sis and bro would team up and always take the most prized toy and if I asked for a turn I was treated like the problem for "picking a fight"
Mom worked nights and dad rarly did things with us unless it was with my brother.
Dismissed pain- I was told that I wasn't in pain when I was. Same with anxiety
My hand flapping and hair twiling stims made me "look stupid"
Exercise as punishment- we had to run laps on the stairs and do lots of yard work.
Hulk in the doorway-I made my father angry, he chased me up the stairs, and after I slammed the door in a vain attempt to get away he broke it with his elbow I didn't have a door for a while.
My father was not that physically affectionate, but he always used his physical intimidation as leverage. so i now associate touch with violence, especially involving men.
Unconsentional clean out- I Have executive disfunction and instead of working with me after I missed the date, my mother and father went through my room and cleaned it out, by donating my toys or letting my siblings take brother still has my pokemon cards and I can't tell which ones were mine anymore. The binder I built up with my Christmas money, got consolidated into his (much bigger) collection.
All throughout third to fifth grade I had to be on a ketogenic diet and not the moderate one. Thing 15-20 carbs a day.
I had a toy taken away when I express sadness at not getting the one I wanted in a gift swap game. I was in kindergarten
My dad also would fight with me the most, cause I gave the largest reactions. I was an autistic child who was treated like a monster for not knowing how to act like an adult.
Unpaid movers- we had to move all the crap in our old house by ourselves and we're treated like we had to cause we were given the bare minimum of physical needs.
Thanksgiving from hell- On the aforementioned day he wanted us to unload the truck into two tents. On Thanksgiving with the extended family. When we got to it the food was cold and all the good bits were eaten
There and Back again-Pulled out of high school freshman year after just moving to a new state to fix up the old house. No furniture, I had an air mattress and all my things could fit in a milk crate.
We moved from the previous house before we built our current house. I didn't want to help and I finnally put my foot down. In return they iced me out and removed all affection and warmth. My mom has since said "Did you expect us to be happy about it?" No but I expected to not loose the minor support I was getting.
Being stuck in a practiaclly windowless concrete and metal box, without plumbing and it was 1/4 mile away from my grandma's house where everyone else was.
I Threatened cps but I didn't want to get me and my siblings taken away, not to mention my mom said that if I went in to foster care I'd be raped and beaten.
"You want to know about the real world" and being pushed to the ground and hit in the nose.
My dad calling me an it for being bisexual
"No you can't have boundries"- tried to ask my siblings to not make jokes at my expense and my father called me a baby, threw himself on the ground and started to wail my words back at me mockingly.
My father would always treat everything as a game of wills saying "I will win and you will loose"
All the names I've been called. --Dolores Umbridge due to My love of cat art --R word --stupid --careless --lazy --nag --lawyer --Crazy
I didn't follow his orders so he took away my one extra circular at the time a knitting group of old ladies.
He got a job as a teacher and admitted he preferred them to his own kids in an argument we had.
I don't care if they changed I just don't. I get to be mad about this and they can't force me to absolve them of guilt. I am not the problem I just pointed it out.
I have so much shit piling up in my heart, I want to go on but why the hell do I have to pay for THEIR mistakes.
This is more of a ramble. I am so tired, I can't work and I see no way out of this purgatory. My body hurts everyday, I have stopped being able to eat much due to depression, and I am tired of being told I'm wrong.
submitted by QueenOfThickWhores to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 02:39 Comfortable_Date2862 Thinking about getting a used truck

We are a family of six, four kids (13, 10, 8, 6) and my wife and I. We currently have a minivan for when we all go out together, usually on weekends. My wife is a teacher and she drives the van to her job, and I work from home. The secondary car (which I drive) is a 2007 Mercedes B200 that I bought used. As it is, I only use the car to take the kids to and from school (my wife leaves too early to do that) or driving around our community- we almost never drive it anywhere else. We have been thinking it would be nice to have a truck that would replace my car. We have a tent trailer that we can pull just fine with our van, but we can’t also easily take our bikes. On top of that it’s even hard to go out with our bikes (whenever we want to go outside our community) because our bike rack only holds six and it’s a pain to load, but with a truck we it would be very easy (she thinks, idk?) to put them in the back, so we would be able to do more stuff like that as a family. Given the truck won’t be driven much, except when we would go camping or want to go out for a day of riding outside our community, the reduced fuel economy isn’t a huge deal cause it doesn’t get driven much anyway. With that in mind, I’m trying to figure out a reasonable budget for a four seater truck that would get maybe 5000 to 7000 kilometres per year on it, and if anyone has suggestions about models? Yes I know we can’t fit all six in a four seat truck, I know we would still have to take the van too - which isn’t ideal but it is what it is. I am not super keen on it but I wanted to have numbers to frame the discussion with my wife about it. What I want to do is sell the little car, replace it with an inexpensive electric car and then she can drive that to and from work (250 Km per week) and buy a bike rack that holds six bikes (still much cheaper then getting a truck!!!). I figured the gas savings nearly covers the purchase costs because we have very cheap electricity
submitted by Comfortable_Date2862 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:34 jenEbean2002 Mattress Ideas for a VERY OLD Camper

Mattress Ideas for a VERY OLD Camper
My husband and I bought a pull-behind campetrailer a while back and we have been working on improvements and getting a little more comfortable for the age. We recently started sleeping on the pull-out bed that is also a couch at the back of the camper. It is U N C O M F O R T A B L E! I did buy a 4-inch foam pad to put on top of the cushions but it is awful. Admittedly the cushions are the original ones that came with the camper. However, they really weren't in bad shape.
What would anyone suggest at this point? Or what have you done in these situations?
I will say this is the oddest-sized bed, and I realize it is mostly due to age and style. I bought a full-sized foam topper and had to cut it down to fit the width, but it isn't long enough for the length. I believe it is about 80 inches long and 50-something inches wide, maybe wider. I am at work otherwise I would provide more precise measurements. I thought about a futon mattress but they are too wide and not long enough to fit the space.
The best picture I have of the couch/bed is the one on the back with the pillows on it.
The camper is a 1972 or 1973 Aljo.
The bed is in the middle of this picture.
submitted by jenEbean2002 to Camper [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:57 SidneyHuffman316 Toddler bed blackout tent?

Hello! I am looking for a blackout tent that can fit on a standard 28"x52" crib mattress. I see all sorts of them for the mini-crib, pack & play, twin, and full, but I can't find anything for the standard crib mattress! Has anyone had any luck finding one of these? I'd love to buy one
submitted by SidneyHuffman316 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 19:51 Low_Boysenberry_5538 I THINK IM BI

This is my first time using reddit, soo I really don’t know how this works but I know a few people who go onto this app to ask for advice so I guess that’s what I’m going to do.
Me and this boy met at the gym at the age of 14 a while back. We’ve been friends for a long time now and I think it’s even safe to say we are best friends. We talk everyday before school and pulled all nighters together. He is the funniest, sweetest guy I’ve ever met and he makes me laugh, he’s also drop dead gorgeous and I’m surprised he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Anyway, me and this guy got invited to a party and a few of us stayed the night. Because we hadn’t planned on staying over there was only 1 spare mattress, which me and him shared. Now might be a good time to mention he have a very feminine look to him. That’s probably why I thought he was cute when we first started talking, he was very clean and always smelt nice. So I didn’t complain about sharing a bed. I guess I do because he protested the idea at first which kinda made me feel bad about it but it is what it is. Me one boy and a few girls stayed up while the party host and Liam fell asleep. A little while after we all fell asleep too and when I woke up, was around 6am in the morning. I was (and I’m not sure this is the correct terminology) big spooning him. I kinda pitched a tent and went to the toilet to calm down. I couldn’t think of a scenario where I wouldn’t embarrass myself so I just left. That’s it. I’ve been thinking about it all week and it’s eating me alive. I actually want to cry when I think about it so that’s it, I guess i just need advice on whether I am straight and just think a feminine looking guy is hot or I’ve got a preference or something. That’s all
submitted by Low_Boysenberry_5538 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:29 Inside-Stomach4691 Recommendations for broke college kids

My boyfriend has never been camping before and asked if we could go for his birthday. I haven’t been camping since I was a kid and most of my camping gear was given to me by my grandparents. We’re a little tight on money (as in we can’t afford to buy all new gear), but still figured we could make it work. That being said, what do you recommend for our sleeping setup? We have an air mattress, 30 degree sleeping bags, and a pretty decent tent. I’m just worried because the forecast says 45 degrees at night. Will our setup be okay? If not, is there anything I can get to make it better that’s less than $50? I have hip problems and need to sleep on something that keeps me fully off the ground. Thank you!!
submitted by Inside-Stomach4691 to CampingGear [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:55 JennaBrowniepants Early 2000's Suburban/Yukon XL/Escalade

I've been driving minivans for about the last 10 years. We have 4 kids ages 4-11, 2 dogs (one that is a mini pony aka 70 lb goldendoodle), my hubby and self. I frequently haul around a couple of extra nieces/nephews/neighborhood kids and love my 2012 Toyota Sienna. It's got 230k on the miles and it's the XLE, so it has the creature comfort bells and whistles. We picked up a 3500~ lb pop up tent trailer last fall, and just finished fixing it up this spring. Took our first camping trip with it and had a blast! However, we're cramming all 6 of us and the 2 dogs into my hub's 2018 Ram, which was fine until we added in the dogs and my knees now live against the dash. We plan on camping a ton, we hybrid homeschool so we have a fair amount of freedom with our schedule. I've been going the rounds with my husband about swapping out the minivan for a big ol' SUV so we can tow the camper and ride more comfortably. He's worried about buying an older, high mileage SUV that's likely been used for hauling/towing (AKA used/abused lol) and having a ton of upfront costs for repairs on top of the purchase price.
I am specifically looking at 2000-2006 Suburbans/Yukon XLs/Escalades after doing as much research as I can on my own, but neither of us are home mechanics and will definitely be using a shop for most any repair. I have looked into a couple of '08 Sequoias, but I just really want that trunk space! I'm really hoping for specific suggestions of what to look for in maintenance/repairs that has been already completed, what to avoid, and any other tips anyone would like to share. We'd really love not to lose the leather seats (SO much easier to clean with kids!!) and the DVD player, so I'm keeping my eyes out for those things, but I'm all ears! We're trying to keep the price within what we could sell the minivan for, so somewhere in the $6-7k range, which seems doable with what I've seen in my Utah market. There is a possibility of upgrading to a hard-sided camper down the road, but we expect to be using this tent trailer for at least 3+ years, so we're not too worried about needing towing capabilities much past 7k. Thank you for your help!
submitted by JennaBrowniepants to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:26 Tricky_Bill_6725 JUST WANTED TO SHARE MY OC :DD

Name: Susan Macledaw
Alias(s)/Nickname(s): Ziv, The Purple Death
Sex: Female
Gender: Gender fluid
Type: Sinner
Age of Death: 19
How Many Years in Hell: 15
Current Age in Hell: 34
Date of Death: November 2th 2009
Cause of Death: Shoot in the back
Reason to be in Hell: Witchcraft
Demon Type/Species: Spider Demon
Sexuality: Homoromantic Pansexual
Relationships: Friends- John, Baxter, Arackniss, Husk. Lovers- none. Enemies- The Vees, Lucifer (in the future), Angel Dust. Bosses- Vox, Lilith (in the future)
Occupation (If any/Optional): An Assasin
Nationality/Ethnicity: Half Mexican, Half Polish, but lived in America
Abilities: Can shapeshift a little bit, for example change their sex
Do they seek redemption?: Absolutely no
Skills: Fast, agile, excellent at using any weapon, dancing (lmao)
Likes: Cats, manga, cappuccino, tiramisu, history, night walks, spending time with friends (which she has 4 with only 1 really close), drinking wine in bed while watching horrors, smoking, snuff, long warm baths, spider lilies and metal music
Dislikes: Mess, anyone above her and flaunting it, feelings of out of control, unnecessary social interactions, people hating on other weaker people for no reason
Strengths (If any): cold-blooded, patients and rational (most of the time at least), adaptable
Weaknesses (If any): Apathy, depression, temperamental, angry issues, pushing away loved ones, trouble showing affection
History: She lived in LA with her older brother, Micheal, whom she called Lu, in a small apartment, never questioning lack of parents out loud. One day, Lu suddenly told her to pack everything and, at the age of 18, she went with him out of town to the forest, where they first lived in a tent and then rented a house trailer. She trusted her brother and didn't ask any unnecessary questions and just went with what was happening around her. One day, they both woke up in the middle of the night by gunshots. Susan ran outside to find out what was going on, but as soon as she looked out the door, Lu grabbed her and dragged inside, but she was shot in the back and shortly after he too. They died almost instantly togheter in their arms. Susan ended up in hell because of messin with dark powers, which, however, gave her some predispositions to learn shapeshifting. Even though she looked for her brother everywhere, she never found him. She was hired by Vox as a personal assassin and even though they hate each other, she plays her role perfectly, eliminating almost anyone in the overlord's path
submitted by Tricky_Bill_6725 to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 12:54 Anxious-Paper2511 Mindless speculation: red motifs and women's power in Season 3

Hi everyone! Since season 3 part 2 is taking eight years to come out, here's some mindless speculation that I have on the use of the colour red in this season! The trailer sparked a bit of curiosity in me when I saw Cressida's dress and Pen's lipstick, so I thought I'd run with it.
If you've paid attention to details in the two trailers, nothing in here is really spoiler-y, but I've used the spoiler marker on one plot point, just in case.
Since Bridgerton's styling and aesthetic is influenced by a wide range of cultural, temporal, and stylistic influences, rather than applying any particular anachronistic meaning to the color red, I think it is best to observe what red appears to mean within the show's universe.
A couple quick thoughts... Firstly, red is certainly depicted as a regal colour. At very least, it appears most commonly in the interior spaces that are in the Queen's residences. I cannot find a red room before season 3 that is in another home (but I could be wrong!).
Second, red is also not a popular dress colour for debutants, although it is worn by Lady Danbury on a number of occasions. Red makeup is also used scarcely by members of the Ton, although red was a lip pigment that dates back to 3500 BC.
There are three interesting appearances in Part 1 that I was reflecting on, purely in relation to one another (bear with me!). The first is the common use of red as a backdrop for the Queen when she is amongst the Ton. In Episode 3: Forces of Nature, her tent is red:
Similarly, in Episode 4: Old Friends, the Queen is elevated in a red ballroom for her own ball. So, while everyone is depicted in relation to red, the Queen maintains ownership over it.
There are other red sets used with the Queen in other seasons, as well.
Considering the regal association between the Queen and these sets, I think it is interesting that another red set piece emerges in the form of Lady Tilly Arnold's bed. Considering red is only a minor accent in most of the room's decor, at best, it could be an interesting reference to the authority and independence that Lady Arnold has, through visual association with the Queen's colours.
Although her characterization is somewhat limited after only two episodes, it is clear that Lady Arnold is meant to be an authoritative head of her own household, not under the control or paternalism of any particular man, and with significant sexual liberty. In this way, she does reflect a similar degree of independence and authority over her own romantic affairs as the Queen does over those of the Ton (albeit sometimes unsuccessfully).
Another use of the colour red that I found interesting is in the trailer for Part 2. The first appearance is Cressida's red dress and the second is Penelope's red lipstick.
I can only speculate about the context of both of these scenes. However, if the red in the Queen's décor and Tilly's bedroom may both represent female power, it would be interesting to see if that is reflected in both of these bold style choices, as well.
If we take Lady Danbury's occasional choice to wear red as a trend for married women, this could be a married Cressida. It would show a marked departure from her debutant style choices.
Alternatively, taking a page from the Queen and Tilly's uses of red as a signifier of authority, this could be Cressida attempting to assert her power and independence (in whatever form it may take). We could speculate that this is her attempt to embrace her faux-Lady Whistledown identity after her pamphlet attempts to allow her to assume that role. If this was true, it again would represent a power that comes independent of male influence, especially if (considering her negative financial relationship with her father) this is a Cressida who has gained a degree of independence through the acquisition of the bounty for Lady Whisteldown.
The second style choice is the bold red lipstick that Pen wears.
As I mentioned before, this colour was likely available in a historic sense. However, according to the fashion that we've seen in the show to this point, it is not fashionable. Context will mean everything here. If you think that this looks weird and out of place, I'd argue that it is likely intentional. The employment of an otherwise garish makeup choice is likely meant to single out Penelope as an outsider in this scene.
If my crack theorization is correct, this Pen is one with the same echoes of authority that defies male influence as with the Queen, Lady Arnold, and Cressida. In that case, I'd guess that what we are seeing in this scene is a visually combined (and yet, unreconciled) Penelope/Whistledown.
If it is correct, it would create an interesting association with Cressida. Who, in wearing an all red ensemble is attempting to assert a single identity as Cressida/Whistledown. The contrast in this scene of the red lipstick with the green/blue (idk) dress shows a yet unresolved Penelope/Whistledown identity attempting to messily co-exist. It may represent internal and external conflict for Penelope and between Penelope/Colin (I'd assume, based on him looking towards her in the next shot of the trailer), as her visual appearance gives the impression of a lack of harmony.
Providing the red lipstick may act as a visual cue and reminder that if, at this point, Colin knows about her identity as Whistledown but they have not reconciled, she is sporting multiple personas. If Colin does not know at this point, it may represent internal turmoil.
Anyway, all of this could be (and is likely) wrong, but I'm posting it anyway because part 2 is taking an eternity. If you have any thoughts or theories, I'd love to hear them!
submitted by Anxious-Paper2511 to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 11:11 GuiltlessMaple Best Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent

Best Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent
Welcome campers! Today, we are diving into the world of outdoor adventure with a focus on a must-have item for any trip: the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent. This innovative and versatile shelter has been making waves in the market, and we'll be exploring what makes it a popular choice among both seasoned explorers and novice adventurers alike. Get ready to pitch and relax in ultimate comfort as we unravel the secrets of the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent. Let's dive in!

The Top 14 Best Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent

  1. Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent: Instant Camping with LED Lighting - Upgrade your camping experience with the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent, featuring LED-lighted poles, easy 60-second setup, and accommodations for six sleepers or two queen air beds.
  2. Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Instant Cabin Tent with LED Lighted Hub - Experience stress-free camping with the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent, featuring LED lighting and spacious design, perfect for family adventures.
  3. Comfortable 6-Person Ozark Trail Dome Tent for Three Seasons - The Ozark Trail 6-Person Dome Tent offers a spacious and versatile camping experience, with multiple entry points, built-in storage, and a convenient media pocket for electronic devices, making it the perfect choice for your next adventure.
  4. Eureka El Capitan 3+ Outfitter 3 Person Tent with Durable Features - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Eureka El Capitan 3+ Outfitter 3 Person Tent, featuring a 2-pole dome design, 15% more floor space, heavy-duty 150D poly oxford floor, and versatile ventilation control options.
  5. Affordable, Durable Camping Tent for Adventurers - Eureka Timberline SQ Outfitter 6 Person Tent - A spacious, durable three-season hiking tent for dedicated campers, featuring an A-frame design and generous accessibility options in a reliable, weather-protected package.
  6. Eureka Solitaire AL: Compact, Lightweight 3-Season Solo Tent for Adventurous Travelers - Eureka Solitaire AL – the lightweight, easy-to-set-up 3-season solo tent for weight-conscious backpackers, with a quick-to-use tunnel design and weatherproof protection.
  7. Eureka Tetragon NX 3 Person Tent: Durable and Easy-to-Pitch for Camping Adventures - Experience the perfect blend of comfort, durability, and convenience with the Eureka Tetragon NX 3 Person Tent - a top choice for your next camping adventure!
  8. Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent for Camping Adventures - Experience the ultimate camping hub with Eureka Boondocker Hotel - a 6 person tent featuring adjustable venting, gear garage, and a comforting sleep system.
  9. Spacious 6-Person Dome Tent for Camping - The CORE 6 Person Dome Tent's innovative hybrid pole connector design and Dura Wrap poles offer impressive headroom and strength while the water-resistant fabric and ample storage ensure a comfortable, adventure-ready experience.
  10. Eureka Jade Canyon 6-Person Camping Tent with Premium Frame Materials - Experience ultimate comfort and spaciousness for the whole family with the Eureka Jade Canyon X6, a premium 6-person car camping tent designed for unforgettable camping adventures.
  11. Comfortable Family Tent with Weather-Resistant Design and Enhanced Features - Experience ultimate comfort and convenience with the Eureka Copper Canyon LX 6 - a family-friendly camping tent boasting durable construction, smart design, and weatherproof features for a stress-free outdoor adventure.
  12. Eureka Kohana 6 Person Tent - Versatile and Durable Camping Solution - Eureka Kohana 6 Person Tent – Affordable and Durable Camping Solution with Adequate Space, Comfort, and Weather Protection for Your Family Adventures.
  13. Eureka Silver Canyon 6 Tent with Room Divider and Vestibule Area - Rock Creek Stuga 6 Tent: A spacious, 6-person tent featuring a room divider, fly-designed vestibule, tub-style floor, and no-see-um mesh walls, perfect for your outdoor adventure.
  14. Eureka NoBugZone Screenhouse for Bug-Free Outdoor Gatherings - Spend more quality time outdoors with the Eureka NoBugZone Screenhouse, which shields you from bugs and unpredictable weather while providing ample space and durability.
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🔗Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent: Instant Camping with LED Lighting
When it comes to camping, the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent with LED Light is a game-changer. I used this tent during a recent outing and was thoroughly impressed by its quality and functionality.
Setting up the tent was an absolute breeze. With its pre-attached poles, I was able to have the tent up and ready within minutes. The roomy interior was perfect for hosting friends or family on a weekend trip, and I appreciated the additional LED lighting that provided a warm, comfortable glow throughout the tent.
However, there were a few minor drawbacks to my experience. While the tent itself was sturdy and well-built, the initial set up was a bit confusing due to the presence of a box and some cardboard between the poles. Additionally, while the tent's design allowed for ample space for gear and sleeping bags, it didn't leave much room for standing upright, which may cause some discomfort for those who are taller.
Overall, my experience using the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent with LED Light was largely positive. The convenient set up, roominess, and added lighting made it a standout choice for campers of all levels. While it's not entirely without its drawbacks, the benefits far outweigh any minor shortcomings.

🔗Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Instant Cabin Tent with LED Lighted Hub
One sunny afternoon, I decided to take an outdoor adventure trip with my family. We set up camp in a secluded area, surrounded by the buzzing sounds of nature. With a bit of help, we started to unpack our gear and set up the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent. The best part? It required no assembly at all. The poles came pre-attached to the tent, and with a quick unfolding, extending, and securing of the tent to the ground, we had a comfortable space to call home for the night.
As the evening rolled in, we were grateful for the ample amount of light provided by the included LED lighted hub. With its adjustable settings of low, medium, and high, we could easily create a cozy and well-lit atmosphere within the tent.
The Ozark Trail tent offered plenty of room for our family, allowing us to comfortably fit two queen airbeds or up to six campers, depending on the sleeping arrangements. Despite the spacious interior, the mesh windows and adjustable AC vent provided an excellent flow of fresh air, keeping us comfortable throughout the night.
One downside to our experience was having to deal with the electrical cord access and storage pockets. Though convenient to keep our gear organized, it took a bit of time to figure out the best places to store them within the tent.
Overall, our camping trip with the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent with LED Lighted Hub was a great success. Although there were minor inconveniences, the easy setup, ample space, and adjustable light source made our outdoor adventure a memorable and enjoyable experience.

🔗Comfortable 6-Person Ozark Trail Dome Tent for Three Seasons
As a seasoned camper, I've come to appreciate the Ozark Trail 6-Person Three Season Dome Tent for its versatility and spaciousness. This tent is a great fit for my family of four, providing just the right amount of room for comfort. The unique dome design, with added headroom in the center, has been a game-changer for our camping trips.
I've also been impressed with the tent's built-in features, such as the handy gear loft overhead and the external side wall pockets, providing thoughtful storage solutions for our essentials. The ability to detach the full-mesh roof is also a plus, creating a sense of openness and allowing for a more refreshing night's rest.
However, there are a couple of drawbacks I've encountered. The tent is not the best for windy conditions, which I've found out during a camping trip at a lake. I also had to deal with the rather noisy rainfly, which flapped around all night long. Lastly, the bottom of the tent, despite being durable, creates a fair amount of crinkling noises that can be quite disruptive during the night.
Despite these minor setbacks, the Ozark Trail 6-Person Three Season Dome Tent remains a solid choice for families seeking a spacious and comfortable camping solution.

🔗Eureka El Capitan 3+ Outfitter 3 Person Tent with Durable Features
The Eureka El Capitan Outfitter 3+ has been my go-to tent for every camping trip I've taken this year. The first thing that stood out to me was the venting system. The two vents in the rain fly above the side windows allowed hot air to escape, which kept my tent cool even in the warmest of conditions. It's a little different from other tents I've used, but it's a game-changer for keeping me comfortable while camping.
Another feature that really impressed me was the tent's durability. With its heavy-duty 150D floor fabric, I never had to worry about the tent sustaining any damage from rocks or branches. Even when the wind picked up, the tent's aluminum poles held strong, and the zippers didn't budge despite being tested in rough conditions.
One downside I did experience was the size of the vestibules. While they were spacious enough to store some of my gear, I found myself wishing for a little more room to store my larger backpack and other essentials. However, this was a minor inconvenience compared to the overall benefits the tent offered.
Overall, the Eureka El Capitan Outfitter 3+ has become a staple in my camping gear. Its innovative venting system, durability, and spaciousness make it the perfect choice for any outdoor enthusiast looking for a reliable and comfortable tent.

🔗Affordable, Durable Camping Tent for Adventurers
The Eureka Timberline SQ Outfitter 6 Person Tent has been my trusted companion on numerous camping trips and adventures. This tent has proven to be sturdy, reliable, and versatile, adapting to different weather conditions with ease.
One feature that stands out to me is the A-frame construction, which makes setting up a breeze. The proprietary Sequoia frame provides strength and excellent internal volume, while the mid-span spreader bar accentuates the curves in the tent body, adding more internal space. This allows for a spacious interior with enough room to accommodate up to six people comfortably.
The tent doors and windows offer ease of access and excellent ventilation options, thanks to the heavy-duty #10 zippers and zippered windows. The large mesh window in the rear, combined with the zippered cover, lets in plenty of natural light and provides ample air circulation. The interior pockets help keep essentials close at hand, while the heavy-duty 4 oz Oxford nylon floor ensures a watertight, bathtub-style protection against splashes and standing water.
While I appreciate the Lite-Set Footprint as it protects the floor from punctures and dirt, I'd have preferred if the footprint came included with the purchase. Other than that minor inconvenience, this tent has been an outstanding choice for my camping needs. It's easy to carry, set up, and tear down, making it an ideal option for both solo campers and groups of six.
Overall, the Eureka Timberline SQ Outfitter 6 Person Tent has proven to be a reliable and durable companion in the great outdoors. Despite occasional challenges like dealing with rain or ventilation, the tent's numerous standout features make it a top choice for those seeking a spacious and sturdy shelter during their camping adventures.

🔗Eureka Solitaire AL: Compact, Lightweight 3-Season Solo Tent for Adventurous Travelers
The Eureka Solitaire AL tent has become my go-to for all my solo adventures. Its lightweight build and quick setup make it the perfect companion for my backpacking and camping trips. The two-pole tunnel design is a breeze to set up after a long day of hiking or climbing, and it has proven to handle some serious wind.
The integrated full-coverage fly is rolled back for stargazing on clear nights, giving me the best views of the night sky. The tent's durability and weatherproof protection have made even the most unpredictable weather conditions a non-issue.
The only drawback is that it can be a bit hard to stake down in rocky terrain, but that's a minor inconvenience compared to the overall experience. If you're looking for a lightweight, easy-to-use shelter for your solo adventures, the Eureka Solitaire AL tent is a fantastic choice.

🔗Eureka Tetragon NX 3 Person Tent: Durable and Easy-to-Pitch for Camping Adventures
During a recent camping trip, I found the Eureka Tetragon NX 3 Person Tent to be an excellent choice for my needs. The fiberglass poles made for quick and easy setup, ensuring that I could pitch the tent in minimal time. The classic dome design also contributed to the swift setup process.
One of the standout features of this tent was its hooded rain fly design and mesh windows, which provided cooling ventilation. The quality materials, design, and construction were impressive, and I felt confident that this tent would last for years without any issues.
The mesh windows also made a great addition, as they allowed me to enjoy the surrounding views while remaining protected from insects. However, there were a couple of concerns I had. Firstly, I felt that the mesh area, which is in the wall across from the door, should have been sewn or zippered shut to provide a bit more privacy. Secondly, the height of the lip under the door could have been shorter, making it easier to enter and exit the tent.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Eureka Tetragon NX 3 Person Tent for anyone in search of a reliable and easy-to-use camping tent. The combination of cooling ventilation, privacy features, and hassle-free setup make it a top choice for both experienced campers and newcomers alike.

🔗Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent for Camping Adventures
The Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent is a fantastic addition to any camping adventure. The tent has a spacious interior that can hold up to six people comfortably, making it perfect for larger families or groups. The design is both functional and visually appealing, with a large vestibule that can hold bikes, backpacks, and other gear when the tent is guyed out or act as a sun shade or rain break.
One of the standout features of the Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent is the high/low air exchange venting system. This allows for easy adjustment of airflow to suit any weather conditions. The mesh roof and windows provide ample ventilation, which can make a big difference during hot summer nights. The footprint included with the tent is a great addition, as it helps protect the floor from wear and tear.
Unfortunately, the tent does have a few drawbacks. First and foremost, the 210 denier floor fabric may not be sturdy enough for families with children and pets. Setup can also be a bit confusing, especially for those who are new to camping tents. However, these minor issues do not detract significantly from the overall quality and performance of the Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent.
In conclusion, the Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent is a reliable and spacious option for anyone looking to take their camping adventures to the next level. Despite a few minor shortcomings, its many features make it a strong contender for your next camping trip.

🔗Spacious 6-Person Dome Tent for Camping
I recently tried the CORE 6 Person Dome Tent and it exceeded my expectations for a camping trip. The bent-pole connector design gave me extra room to stretch out inside, and I appreciated the durable 75D fabric that resisted wear and tear. The ample interior storage pockets come in handy for keeping essentials organized.
However, the rainfly was a bit of a challenge to attach, and the minimum trail weight of 18 pounds felt a bit heavy. Overall, the CORE 6 Person Dome Tent is a reliable option for camping enthusiasts who value comfort and functionality in their gear.

🔗Eureka Jade Canyon 6-Person Camping Tent with Premium Frame Materials
As someone who loves camping trips, I recently used the Eureka Jade Canyon x 6 Person Tent for a family camping adventure. This tent made room for all of us with its spacious and kid-friendly design. The Jade Canyon X6 features a 7-foot interior peak height that accommodated even the tallest camper in our group. The CabinMAX architecture provided 30% more livable space when compared to traditional cabin tent designs, making it perfect for big families like mine.
One of the most impressive features of this tent was its overhanging open rain fly that created a dry entry porch awning. Four floor-to-ceiling windows were perfect for promoting cooling air circulation even during light rain. The tent's strong frame made of steel and aluminum materials stood up to every storm we encountered, making it a durable option for our next family camping trip.
However, there were some downsides to the Jade Canyon x 6 Person Tent. Setting it up took a little more time than I expected, and while it's generally easy to assemble, I found myself struggling with a few parts. Additionally, while the tent is perfect for small families or car camping, it might not be the best choice for rough weather conditions or heavy-duty camping situations.
Overall, the Eureka Jade Canyon x 6 Person Tent is a fantastic choice for families or individuals who enjoy the great outdoors. Its spacious design, high-quality materials, and ability to withstand various weather conditions make it an excellent addition to any camping gear collection.

🔗Comfortable Family Tent with Weather-Resistant Design and Enhanced Features
I recently had the pleasure of using the Eureka Copper Canyon LX 6-person tent on a family camping trip. This tent lived up to my expectations and provided a cozy and spacious home-away-from-home during our outdoor adventure.
One of the first things that stood out to me was the sturdy design of the tent, featuring a steel and fiberglass frame that was easy to set up on my own. The near-vertical walls provided ample standing room, which was perfect when camping with our air mattress and cots. The large mesh windows with waterproof curtains proved to be highly effective at providing ventilation and keeping the interior cool.
However, I did encounter a few minor drawbacks during my experience. The tent body's polyester taffeta fabric with PU coating seemed a bit thin for my liking, which left me concerned about long-term durability. Additionally, setting up the tent took a bit longer than expected, especially when it came to securing the four corner poles.
Overall, the Eureka Copper Canyon LX proved to be a comfortable, roomy, and user-friendly tent, ideal for family car camping. With some minor adjustments in design, this tent has the potential to become an even better choice for outdoor enthusiasts.

🔗Eureka Kohana 6 Person Tent - Versatile and Durable Camping Solution
The Eureka Kohana 6 person tent is a reliable and affordable option for families looking to enjoy the great outdoors on a budget. With 83.3 square feet of interior space, this tent easily accommodates up to six campers and provides ample storage for gear with its multiple internal pockets.
Setting up the tent is a breeze, thanks to its traditional dome architecture and sturdy aluminum poles. The tent's freestanding design allows you to move it around your campsite to find the perfect spot. The durable fabrication on the floor and rainfly ensures protection from the elements, while integrated vents help to minimize condensation.
One of the tent's standout features is its dual doors and vestibules, which provide ample space and storage for the whole group. Despite this, I noticed a slight design flaw in the fly, as it created a dependent spot that caused water to drip through the front and back doors during my last camping trip.
Overall, the Eureka Kohana 6 person tent offers a great balance of affordability, functionality, and durability for camping families. Its spacious interior, easy setup, and protective rainfly make it an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable tent without breaking the bank.

🔗Eureka Silver Canyon 6 Tent with Room Divider and Vestibule Area
Imagine hiking up to a beautiful campsite, and as you pitch your tent, you want to ensure that it can stand up to any weather conditions. This is where the Rock Creek Stuga 6 Tent comes in. I was initially skeptical about this lesser-known brand, but after using their tent, I must say I'm impressed.
What stood out to me the most was the high ceiling, which gave me a feeling of spaciousness and comfort, even when I was camping in the great outdoors. The two mesh pockets attached to the tent were a game-changer, allowing me to store my essentials right beside me without having to rummage around in my backpack.
Now, I must admit, this tent isn't perfect. The packing bag was quite a hassle to use, and I found it challenging to fit the tent back into it neatly. But the biggest drawback for me was the tent's porosity. Rainwater leaked through the mesh walls during a downpour, which was a bit of a surprise, given the product's emphasis on water resistance.
All in all, the Rock Creek Stuga 6 Tent has its highs and lows. It certainly offers a roomy and comfortable experience with its features and design. However, it may not be the best choice for an overnight adventure when the weather isn't on your side.

🔗Eureka NoBugZone Screenhouse for Bug-Free Outdoor Gatherings
Last weekend, I took my family camping, and we decided to bring the Eureka NoBugZone Screenhouse with us. It turned out to be a lifesaver! The screened walls kept the bugs at bay, and the double zipper doors made it easy to come and go as we pleased.
One of the features I loved the most was the rugged, free-standing steel frame. It provided a sturdy structure that withstood the whipping winds and occasional light rain. The waterproof top even saved the day when a passing shower threatened to drench our camping gear.
On the downside, setting up the Screenhouse took a bit more effort than I expected. It took some time to figure out how to attach the poles, and I had to ask for help from my husband. However, once it was set up, it was easy to disassemble and pack away.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Eureka NoBugZone Screenhouse to anyone in search of a functional, bug-free shelter for their outdoor adventures. It may take a bit of practice to set up, but once you have it down, it's a cinch to use and offers plenty of protection from the elements.

Buyer's Guide

Whether you're planning a weekend camping trip or a multi-day adventure, selecting the right tent can make all the difference to your experience. In this buyer's guide, we'll explore the key features, considerations, and general advice to help you find the perfect Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent for your needs.

Size and Capacity
The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent is designed to accommodate up to six people comfortably. When selecting a tent, consider the number of people who will be sharing the space, as well as the amount of gear you'll need to store. Make sure there is enough headroom and living space for everyone to move around comfortably.

Weight and Portability

If you plan on hiking to your campsite, the weight of the tent will be an important factor. The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent is a lightweight option, but be sure to check the weight and dimensions before making your purchase, especially if you have limited space in your backpack or vehicle.

Ease of Setup

No one wants to spend hours setting up their tent, especially after a long day of traveling. The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent features a quick and easy setup, but be sure to read the instructions carefully and practice before your trip to ensure you're comfortable with the process.

Durability and Waterproofing

Your tent should be able to withstand various weather conditions, including rain and wind. Look for a tent with a waterproof coating and welded seams to keep you and your gear dry. Additionally, consider the tent's overall durability and materials; a well-constructed tent will provide long-lasting performance.

Ventilation and Bug Protection

A good tent provides adequate ventilation to keep you cool during warm weather. The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent features mesh panels to promote airflow, but be sure to check for other features like windows and vents for excellent ventilation. Moreover, consider the tent's bug protection if you'll be camping in an area with lots of insects.

Additional Features and Accessories
Additional features and accessories can make your camping experience more enjoyable. For example, some tents may come with a storage vestibule, awning, or guylines for added convenience and organization. Be sure to check the details and features of the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent before making your purchase to ensure you have everything you need for a comfortable stay.
Selecting the perfect Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent depends on your specific needs and preferences. By considering factors like size and capacity, weight and portability, ease of setup, durability and waterproofing, ventilation and bug protection, and additional features and accessories, you'll be well equipped to find the perfect tent for your next camping adventure.


What is the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent?

The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent is a lightweight and spacious camping tent designed for outdoor enthusiasts looking for a comfortable shelter during their adventures. This tent features a unique architecture that provides excellent ventilation and space for up to six people.

What materials is the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent made of?

The tent is built using high-quality materials, including a polyester flysheet and mesh panels for superior ventilation. The floor is made of 68D polyester with a PU coating for durability and water resistance. Additionally, the tent features a 7572 Series aluminum pole system for exceptional strength and stability.

How many people can the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent accommodate?

The tent is designed to accommodate up to six people comfortably. It has a spacious interior with two large vestibules for additional storage space and a front porch for added relaxation.

What are the dimensions of the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent?

The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent has a floor area of 83.3 square feet and a height of 6 feet 3 inches. The packed size is 28 x 7.5 inches, making it easy to store and transport.

What is the weight of the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent?

The tent weighs approximately 12.9 pounds, making it lightweight and easy to carry during hikes or backpacking trips.

Does the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent come with a carrying case?

Yes, the tent comes with a protective carrying case that helps protect the tent from damage during transport and storage.

What is the warranty on the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent?

The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent is backed by a limited warranty. Please refer to the product's official website or user manual for more information on the warranty coverage and duration.

What accessories are available for the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent?

Additional accessories for the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent include a gear loft for added storage, a lantern clip to hang a lantern inside the tent, and optional guylines for improved stability in windy conditions. Please check the official website or consult the user manual for more information on available accessories.
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2024.06.06 11:11 GuiltlessMaple Best Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent

Best Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent
Welcome campers! Today, we are diving into the world of outdoor adventure with a focus on a must-have item for any trip: the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent. This innovative and versatile shelter has been making waves in the market, and we'll be exploring what makes it a popular choice among both seasoned explorers and novice adventurers alike. Get ready to pitch and relax in ultimate comfort as we unravel the secrets of the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent. Let's dive in!

The Top 14 Best Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent

  1. Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent: Instant Camping with LED Lighting - Upgrade your camping experience with the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent, featuring LED-lighted poles, easy 60-second setup, and accommodations for six sleepers or two queen air beds.
  2. Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Instant Cabin Tent with LED Lighted Hub - Experience stress-free camping with the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent, featuring LED lighting and spacious design, perfect for family adventures.
  3. Comfortable 6-Person Ozark Trail Dome Tent for Three Seasons - The Ozark Trail 6-Person Dome Tent offers a spacious and versatile camping experience, with multiple entry points, built-in storage, and a convenient media pocket for electronic devices, making it the perfect choice for your next adventure.
  4. Eureka El Capitan 3+ Outfitter 3 Person Tent with Durable Features - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Eureka El Capitan 3+ Outfitter 3 Person Tent, featuring a 2-pole dome design, 15% more floor space, heavy-duty 150D poly oxford floor, and versatile ventilation control options.
  5. Affordable, Durable Camping Tent for Adventurers - Eureka Timberline SQ Outfitter 6 Person Tent - A spacious, durable three-season hiking tent for dedicated campers, featuring an A-frame design and generous accessibility options in a reliable, weather-protected package.
  6. Eureka Solitaire AL: Compact, Lightweight 3-Season Solo Tent for Adventurous Travelers - Eureka Solitaire AL – the lightweight, easy-to-set-up 3-season solo tent for weight-conscious backpackers, with a quick-to-use tunnel design and weatherproof protection.
  7. Eureka Tetragon NX 3 Person Tent: Durable and Easy-to-Pitch for Camping Adventures - Experience the perfect blend of comfort, durability, and convenience with the Eureka Tetragon NX 3 Person Tent - a top choice for your next camping adventure!
  8. Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent for Camping Adventures - Experience the ultimate camping hub with Eureka Boondocker Hotel - a 6 person tent featuring adjustable venting, gear garage, and a comforting sleep system.
  9. Spacious 6-Person Dome Tent for Camping - The CORE 6 Person Dome Tent's innovative hybrid pole connector design and Dura Wrap poles offer impressive headroom and strength while the water-resistant fabric and ample storage ensure a comfortable, adventure-ready experience.
  10. Eureka Jade Canyon 6-Person Camping Tent with Premium Frame Materials - Experience ultimate comfort and spaciousness for the whole family with the Eureka Jade Canyon X6, a premium 6-person car camping tent designed for unforgettable camping adventures.
  11. Comfortable Family Tent with Weather-Resistant Design and Enhanced Features - Experience ultimate comfort and convenience with the Eureka Copper Canyon LX 6 - a family-friendly camping tent boasting durable construction, smart design, and weatherproof features for a stress-free outdoor adventure.
  12. Eureka Kohana 6 Person Tent - Versatile and Durable Camping Solution - Eureka Kohana 6 Person Tent – Affordable and Durable Camping Solution with Adequate Space, Comfort, and Weather Protection for Your Family Adventures.
  13. Eureka Silver Canyon 6 Tent with Room Divider and Vestibule Area - Rock Creek Stuga 6 Tent: A spacious, 6-person tent featuring a room divider, fly-designed vestibule, tub-style floor, and no-see-um mesh walls, perfect for your outdoor adventure.
  14. Eureka NoBugZone Screenhouse for Bug-Free Outdoor Gatherings - Spend more quality time outdoors with the Eureka NoBugZone Screenhouse, which shields you from bugs and unpredictable weather while providing ample space and durability.
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🔗Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent: Instant Camping with LED Lighting
When it comes to camping, the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent with LED Light is a game-changer. I used this tent during a recent outing and was thoroughly impressed by its quality and functionality.
Setting up the tent was an absolute breeze. With its pre-attached poles, I was able to have the tent up and ready within minutes. The roomy interior was perfect for hosting friends or family on a weekend trip, and I appreciated the additional LED lighting that provided a warm, comfortable glow throughout the tent.
However, there were a few minor drawbacks to my experience. While the tent itself was sturdy and well-built, the initial set up was a bit confusing due to the presence of a box and some cardboard between the poles. Additionally, while the tent's design allowed for ample space for gear and sleeping bags, it didn't leave much room for standing upright, which may cause some discomfort for those who are taller.
Overall, my experience using the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent with LED Light was largely positive. The convenient set up, roominess, and added lighting made it a standout choice for campers of all levels. While it's not entirely without its drawbacks, the benefits far outweigh any minor shortcomings.

🔗Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Instant Cabin Tent with LED Lighted Hub
One sunny afternoon, I decided to take an outdoor adventure trip with my family. We set up camp in a secluded area, surrounded by the buzzing sounds of nature. With a bit of help, we started to unpack our gear and set up the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent. The best part? It required no assembly at all. The poles came pre-attached to the tent, and with a quick unfolding, extending, and securing of the tent to the ground, we had a comfortable space to call home for the night.
As the evening rolled in, we were grateful for the ample amount of light provided by the included LED lighted hub. With its adjustable settings of low, medium, and high, we could easily create a cozy and well-lit atmosphere within the tent.
The Ozark Trail tent offered plenty of room for our family, allowing us to comfortably fit two queen airbeds or up to six campers, depending on the sleeping arrangements. Despite the spacious interior, the mesh windows and adjustable AC vent provided an excellent flow of fresh air, keeping us comfortable throughout the night.
One downside to our experience was having to deal with the electrical cord access and storage pockets. Though convenient to keep our gear organized, it took a bit of time to figure out the best places to store them within the tent.
Overall, our camping trip with the Ozark Trail 6-Person Instant Cabin Tent with LED Lighted Hub was a great success. Although there were minor inconveniences, the easy setup, ample space, and adjustable light source made our outdoor adventure a memorable and enjoyable experience.

🔗Comfortable 6-Person Ozark Trail Dome Tent for Three Seasons
As a seasoned camper, I've come to appreciate the Ozark Trail 6-Person Three Season Dome Tent for its versatility and spaciousness. This tent is a great fit for my family of four, providing just the right amount of room for comfort. The unique dome design, with added headroom in the center, has been a game-changer for our camping trips.
I've also been impressed with the tent's built-in features, such as the handy gear loft overhead and the external side wall pockets, providing thoughtful storage solutions for our essentials. The ability to detach the full-mesh roof is also a plus, creating a sense of openness and allowing for a more refreshing night's rest.
However, there are a couple of drawbacks I've encountered. The tent is not the best for windy conditions, which I've found out during a camping trip at a lake. I also had to deal with the rather noisy rainfly, which flapped around all night long. Lastly, the bottom of the tent, despite being durable, creates a fair amount of crinkling noises that can be quite disruptive during the night.
Despite these minor setbacks, the Ozark Trail 6-Person Three Season Dome Tent remains a solid choice for families seeking a spacious and comfortable camping solution.

🔗Eureka El Capitan 3+ Outfitter 3 Person Tent with Durable Features
The Eureka El Capitan Outfitter 3+ has been my go-to tent for every camping trip I've taken this year. The first thing that stood out to me was the venting system. The two vents in the rain fly above the side windows allowed hot air to escape, which kept my tent cool even in the warmest of conditions. It's a little different from other tents I've used, but it's a game-changer for keeping me comfortable while camping.
Another feature that really impressed me was the tent's durability. With its heavy-duty 150D floor fabric, I never had to worry about the tent sustaining any damage from rocks or branches. Even when the wind picked up, the tent's aluminum poles held strong, and the zippers didn't budge despite being tested in rough conditions.
One downside I did experience was the size of the vestibules. While they were spacious enough to store some of my gear, I found myself wishing for a little more room to store my larger backpack and other essentials. However, this was a minor inconvenience compared to the overall benefits the tent offered.
Overall, the Eureka El Capitan Outfitter 3+ has become a staple in my camping gear. Its innovative venting system, durability, and spaciousness make it the perfect choice for any outdoor enthusiast looking for a reliable and comfortable tent.

🔗Affordable, Durable Camping Tent for Adventurers
The Eureka Timberline SQ Outfitter 6 Person Tent has been my trusted companion on numerous camping trips and adventures. This tent has proven to be sturdy, reliable, and versatile, adapting to different weather conditions with ease.
One feature that stands out to me is the A-frame construction, which makes setting up a breeze. The proprietary Sequoia frame provides strength and excellent internal volume, while the mid-span spreader bar accentuates the curves in the tent body, adding more internal space. This allows for a spacious interior with enough room to accommodate up to six people comfortably.
The tent doors and windows offer ease of access and excellent ventilation options, thanks to the heavy-duty #10 zippers and zippered windows. The large mesh window in the rear, combined with the zippered cover, lets in plenty of natural light and provides ample air circulation. The interior pockets help keep essentials close at hand, while the heavy-duty 4 oz Oxford nylon floor ensures a watertight, bathtub-style protection against splashes and standing water.
While I appreciate the Lite-Set Footprint as it protects the floor from punctures and dirt, I'd have preferred if the footprint came included with the purchase. Other than that minor inconvenience, this tent has been an outstanding choice for my camping needs. It's easy to carry, set up, and tear down, making it an ideal option for both solo campers and groups of six.
Overall, the Eureka Timberline SQ Outfitter 6 Person Tent has proven to be a reliable and durable companion in the great outdoors. Despite occasional challenges like dealing with rain or ventilation, the tent's numerous standout features make it a top choice for those seeking a spacious and sturdy shelter during their camping adventures.

🔗Eureka Solitaire AL: Compact, Lightweight 3-Season Solo Tent for Adventurous Travelers
The Eureka Solitaire AL tent has become my go-to for all my solo adventures. Its lightweight build and quick setup make it the perfect companion for my backpacking and camping trips. The two-pole tunnel design is a breeze to set up after a long day of hiking or climbing, and it has proven to handle some serious wind.
The integrated full-coverage fly is rolled back for stargazing on clear nights, giving me the best views of the night sky. The tent's durability and weatherproof protection have made even the most unpredictable weather conditions a non-issue.
The only drawback is that it can be a bit hard to stake down in rocky terrain, but that's a minor inconvenience compared to the overall experience. If you're looking for a lightweight, easy-to-use shelter for your solo adventures, the Eureka Solitaire AL tent is a fantastic choice.

🔗Eureka Tetragon NX 3 Person Tent: Durable and Easy-to-Pitch for Camping Adventures
During a recent camping trip, I found the Eureka Tetragon NX 3 Person Tent to be an excellent choice for my needs. The fiberglass poles made for quick and easy setup, ensuring that I could pitch the tent in minimal time. The classic dome design also contributed to the swift setup process.
One of the standout features of this tent was its hooded rain fly design and mesh windows, which provided cooling ventilation. The quality materials, design, and construction were impressive, and I felt confident that this tent would last for years without any issues.
The mesh windows also made a great addition, as they allowed me to enjoy the surrounding views while remaining protected from insects. However, there were a couple of concerns I had. Firstly, I felt that the mesh area, which is in the wall across from the door, should have been sewn or zippered shut to provide a bit more privacy. Secondly, the height of the lip under the door could have been shorter, making it easier to enter and exit the tent.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Eureka Tetragon NX 3 Person Tent for anyone in search of a reliable and easy-to-use camping tent. The combination of cooling ventilation, privacy features, and hassle-free setup make it a top choice for both experienced campers and newcomers alike.

🔗Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent for Camping Adventures
The Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent is a fantastic addition to any camping adventure. The tent has a spacious interior that can hold up to six people comfortably, making it perfect for larger families or groups. The design is both functional and visually appealing, with a large vestibule that can hold bikes, backpacks, and other gear when the tent is guyed out or act as a sun shade or rain break.
One of the standout features of the Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent is the high/low air exchange venting system. This allows for easy adjustment of airflow to suit any weather conditions. The mesh roof and windows provide ample ventilation, which can make a big difference during hot summer nights. The footprint included with the tent is a great addition, as it helps protect the floor from wear and tear.
Unfortunately, the tent does have a few drawbacks. First and foremost, the 210 denier floor fabric may not be sturdy enough for families with children and pets. Setup can also be a bit confusing, especially for those who are new to camping tents. However, these minor issues do not detract significantly from the overall quality and performance of the Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent.
In conclusion, the Eureka Boondocker Hotel 6 Person Tent is a reliable and spacious option for anyone looking to take their camping adventures to the next level. Despite a few minor shortcomings, its many features make it a strong contender for your next camping trip.

🔗Spacious 6-Person Dome Tent for Camping
I recently tried the CORE 6 Person Dome Tent and it exceeded my expectations for a camping trip. The bent-pole connector design gave me extra room to stretch out inside, and I appreciated the durable 75D fabric that resisted wear and tear. The ample interior storage pockets come in handy for keeping essentials organized.
However, the rainfly was a bit of a challenge to attach, and the minimum trail weight of 18 pounds felt a bit heavy. Overall, the CORE 6 Person Dome Tent is a reliable option for camping enthusiasts who value comfort and functionality in their gear.

🔗Eureka Jade Canyon 6-Person Camping Tent with Premium Frame Materials
As someone who loves camping trips, I recently used the Eureka Jade Canyon x 6 Person Tent for a family camping adventure. This tent made room for all of us with its spacious and kid-friendly design. The Jade Canyon X6 features a 7-foot interior peak height that accommodated even the tallest camper in our group. The CabinMAX architecture provided 30% more livable space when compared to traditional cabin tent designs, making it perfect for big families like mine.
One of the most impressive features of this tent was its overhanging open rain fly that created a dry entry porch awning. Four floor-to-ceiling windows were perfect for promoting cooling air circulation even during light rain. The tent's strong frame made of steel and aluminum materials stood up to every storm we encountered, making it a durable option for our next family camping trip.
However, there were some downsides to the Jade Canyon x 6 Person Tent. Setting it up took a little more time than I expected, and while it's generally easy to assemble, I found myself struggling with a few parts. Additionally, while the tent is perfect for small families or car camping, it might not be the best choice for rough weather conditions or heavy-duty camping situations.
Overall, the Eureka Jade Canyon x 6 Person Tent is a fantastic choice for families or individuals who enjoy the great outdoors. Its spacious design, high-quality materials, and ability to withstand various weather conditions make it an excellent addition to any camping gear collection.

🔗Comfortable Family Tent with Weather-Resistant Design and Enhanced Features
I recently had the pleasure of using the Eureka Copper Canyon LX 6-person tent on a family camping trip. This tent lived up to my expectations and provided a cozy and spacious home-away-from-home during our outdoor adventure.
One of the first things that stood out to me was the sturdy design of the tent, featuring a steel and fiberglass frame that was easy to set up on my own. The near-vertical walls provided ample standing room, which was perfect when camping with our air mattress and cots. The large mesh windows with waterproof curtains proved to be highly effective at providing ventilation and keeping the interior cool.
However, I did encounter a few minor drawbacks during my experience. The tent body's polyester taffeta fabric with PU coating seemed a bit thin for my liking, which left me concerned about long-term durability. Additionally, setting up the tent took a bit longer than expected, especially when it came to securing the four corner poles.
Overall, the Eureka Copper Canyon LX proved to be a comfortable, roomy, and user-friendly tent, ideal for family car camping. With some minor adjustments in design, this tent has the potential to become an even better choice for outdoor enthusiasts.

🔗Eureka Kohana 6 Person Tent - Versatile and Durable Camping Solution
The Eureka Kohana 6 person tent is a reliable and affordable option for families looking to enjoy the great outdoors on a budget. With 83.3 square feet of interior space, this tent easily accommodates up to six campers and provides ample storage for gear with its multiple internal pockets.
Setting up the tent is a breeze, thanks to its traditional dome architecture and sturdy aluminum poles. The tent's freestanding design allows you to move it around your campsite to find the perfect spot. The durable fabrication on the floor and rainfly ensures protection from the elements, while integrated vents help to minimize condensation.
One of the tent's standout features is its dual doors and vestibules, which provide ample space and storage for the whole group. Despite this, I noticed a slight design flaw in the fly, as it created a dependent spot that caused water to drip through the front and back doors during my last camping trip.
Overall, the Eureka Kohana 6 person tent offers a great balance of affordability, functionality, and durability for camping families. Its spacious interior, easy setup, and protective rainfly make it an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable tent without breaking the bank.

🔗Eureka Silver Canyon 6 Tent with Room Divider and Vestibule Area
Imagine hiking up to a beautiful campsite, and as you pitch your tent, you want to ensure that it can stand up to any weather conditions. This is where the Rock Creek Stuga 6 Tent comes in. I was initially skeptical about this lesser-known brand, but after using their tent, I must say I'm impressed.
What stood out to me the most was the high ceiling, which gave me a feeling of spaciousness and comfort, even when I was camping in the great outdoors. The two mesh pockets attached to the tent were a game-changer, allowing me to store my essentials right beside me without having to rummage around in my backpack.
Now, I must admit, this tent isn't perfect. The packing bag was quite a hassle to use, and I found it challenging to fit the tent back into it neatly. But the biggest drawback for me was the tent's porosity. Rainwater leaked through the mesh walls during a downpour, which was a bit of a surprise, given the product's emphasis on water resistance.
All in all, the Rock Creek Stuga 6 Tent has its highs and lows. It certainly offers a roomy and comfortable experience with its features and design. However, it may not be the best choice for an overnight adventure when the weather isn't on your side.

🔗Eureka NoBugZone Screenhouse for Bug-Free Outdoor Gatherings
Last weekend, I took my family camping, and we decided to bring the Eureka NoBugZone Screenhouse with us. It turned out to be a lifesaver! The screened walls kept the bugs at bay, and the double zipper doors made it easy to come and go as we pleased.
One of the features I loved the most was the rugged, free-standing steel frame. It provided a sturdy structure that withstood the whipping winds and occasional light rain. The waterproof top even saved the day when a passing shower threatened to drench our camping gear.
On the downside, setting up the Screenhouse took a bit more effort than I expected. It took some time to figure out how to attach the poles, and I had to ask for help from my husband. However, once it was set up, it was easy to disassemble and pack away.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Eureka NoBugZone Screenhouse to anyone in search of a functional, bug-free shelter for their outdoor adventures. It may take a bit of practice to set up, but once you have it down, it's a cinch to use and offers plenty of protection from the elements.

Buyer's Guide

Whether you're planning a weekend camping trip or a multi-day adventure, selecting the right tent can make all the difference to your experience. In this buyer's guide, we'll explore the key features, considerations, and general advice to help you find the perfect Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent for your needs.

Size and Capacity
The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent is designed to accommodate up to six people comfortably. When selecting a tent, consider the number of people who will be sharing the space, as well as the amount of gear you'll need to store. Make sure there is enough headroom and living space for everyone to move around comfortably.

Weight and Portability

If you plan on hiking to your campsite, the weight of the tent will be an important factor. The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent is a lightweight option, but be sure to check the weight and dimensions before making your purchase, especially if you have limited space in your backpack or vehicle.

Ease of Setup

No one wants to spend hours setting up their tent, especially after a long day of traveling. The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent features a quick and easy setup, but be sure to read the instructions carefully and practice before your trip to ensure you're comfortable with the process.

Durability and Waterproofing

Your tent should be able to withstand various weather conditions, including rain and wind. Look for a tent with a waterproof coating and welded seams to keep you and your gear dry. Additionally, consider the tent's overall durability and materials; a well-constructed tent will provide long-lasting performance.

Ventilation and Bug Protection

A good tent provides adequate ventilation to keep you cool during warm weather. The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent features mesh panels to promote airflow, but be sure to check for other features like windows and vents for excellent ventilation. Moreover, consider the tent's bug protection if you'll be camping in an area with lots of insects.

Additional Features and Accessories
Additional features and accessories can make your camping experience more enjoyable. For example, some tents may come with a storage vestibule, awning, or guylines for added convenience and organization. Be sure to check the details and features of the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent before making your purchase to ensure you have everything you need for a comfortable stay.
Selecting the perfect Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent depends on your specific needs and preferences. By considering factors like size and capacity, weight and portability, ease of setup, durability and waterproofing, ventilation and bug protection, and additional features and accessories, you'll be well equipped to find the perfect tent for your next camping adventure.


What is the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent?

The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent is a lightweight and spacious camping tent designed for outdoor enthusiasts looking for a comfortable shelter during their adventures. This tent features a unique architecture that provides excellent ventilation and space for up to six people.

What materials is the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent made of?

The tent is built using high-quality materials, including a polyester flysheet and mesh panels for superior ventilation. The floor is made of 68D polyester with a PU coating for durability and water resistance. Additionally, the tent features a 7572 Series aluminum pole system for exceptional strength and stability.

How many people can the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent accommodate?

The tent is designed to accommodate up to six people comfortably. It has a spacious interior with two large vestibules for additional storage space and a front porch for added relaxation.

What are the dimensions of the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent?

The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent has a floor area of 83.3 square feet and a height of 6 feet 3 inches. The packed size is 28 x 7.5 inches, making it easy to store and transport.

What is the weight of the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent?

The tent weighs approximately 12.9 pounds, making it lightweight and easy to carry during hikes or backpacking trips.

Does the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent come with a carrying case?

Yes, the tent comes with a protective carrying case that helps protect the tent from damage during transport and storage.

What is the warranty on the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent?

The Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent is backed by a limited warranty. Please refer to the product's official website or user manual for more information on the warranty coverage and duration.

What accessories are available for the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent?

Additional accessories for the Eureka Sunrise Ex 6 Tent include a gear loft for added storage, a lantern clip to hang a lantern inside the tent, and optional guylines for improved stability in windy conditions. Please check the official website or consult the user manual for more information on available accessories.
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2024.06.06 10:43 Count-Daring243 Best Eureka Down Range Solo Tent

Best Eureka Down Range Solo Tent
For those who crave a bit of solitude in the great outdoors, the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent is the perfect abode. This compact and lightweight tent will protect you from the elements while offering the luxury of your own space. Read on for a comprehensive review and list of its key features.

The Top 19 Best Eureka Down Range Solo Tent

  1. Versatile Eureka Timberline 4T Tent for Outdoor Adventures - The Eureka 2627800 Timberline 4 Tent in Green offers an A-frame design with clips for easy setup, twin-track side-opening door, and 2 large windows for ventilation, making it a sturdy, durable, and versatile shelter for outdoors enthusiasts.
  2. Eureka Mountain Pass 3 Person Tent - Lightweight, 4 Season Converterible - Experience cozy camping with the Eureka! Mountain Pass tent, featuring breathable canopy, removable side panels, and weather-resistant rain fly, making it a versatile choice for seasoned adventurers.
  3. Lightweight and Durable 3-Person Eureka Midori Camping Tent - The Eureka! Midori 3 Person Tent features a durable polyester UV-resistant fly, sturdy aluminum poles, bathtub floor design, and ample interior pockets for a comfortable and efficient camping experience.
  4. Affordable, Durable Camping Tent for Adventurers - Eureka Timberline SQ Outfitter 6 Person Tent - A spacious, durable three-season hiking tent for dedicated campers, featuring an A-frame design and generous accessibility options in a reliable, weather-protected package.
  5. Affordable 4-Person Camping Tent – Eureka Kohana 4 - Experience a comfortable, budget-friendly camping adventure with the Eureka Kohana 4 Person Tent, offering ample space, reliable construction, and convenient amenities for your family's outdoor fun.
  6. Easy-Up, Lightweight Eureka Suma 2 Person Tent for Adventures - Eureka Suma 2 Person Tent: A budget-friendly, reliable, and lightweight backcountry tent perfect for resting after long hikes, offering ample living space and dependable comfort.
  7. Eureka El Capitan 2+ Outfitter 2 Person Tent: Durable, Spacious, and Versatile Camping Solution - The Eureka! El Capitan 2+ Outfitter tent combines durability, ventilation, and spaciousness, making it the perfect choice for your next outdoor adventure.
  8. Eureka Jade Canyon 6-Person Camping Tent with Premium Frame Materials - Experience ultimate comfort and spaciousness for the whole family with the Eureka Jade Canyon X6, a premium 6-person car camping tent designed for unforgettable camping adventures.
  9. Space Camp 6 Person Family Camping Tent: Comfort, Durability, and Ventilation for Any Adventure - Experience luxury camping with the Eureka Space Camp 6 Person Tent, offering exceptional comfort, ventilation, and versatile storage options for family adventures.
  10. Eureka Mountain Pass Sleeps 2 6-Pocket Breathable Tent with High/Low Vents - Experience the perfect blend of lightweight construction, breathable air vents, and spacious living quarters, all encapsulated within the versatile Eureka Mountain Pass 2 Person Tent.
  11. Spacious 2-Person Eureka Apex Tent for Comfortable Camping - Eureka Midori 2 Person Tent: Experience unmatched livability and durability with ample interior space, versatile ventilation, and dependable aluminum frame for comfortable trail trips.
  12. Eureka Tetragon NX 2 Person Tent: Lightweight and Durable Camping Solution - Experience comfortable, hassle-free camping with the Eureka Tetragon NX 2 Person Tent, featuring a durable frame, easy-to-pitch design, and smart features for optimal performance.
  13. Eureka Military-Inspired Assault Outfitter 4 Person Tent with Vestibules - Experience unmatched durability and convenience with the Assault Outfitter 4 Person Tent, inspired by the resilience of US Marine Combat tents, featuring a 3-pole free-standing dome design for increased stability and portability.
  14. Eureka Copper Canyon LX 12-Person Tent: Durable and Spacious Vacation Shelter - The Eureka Copper Canyon LX 12-person tent offers a premium camping experience with its durable design, easy set up, and ample space for standing and relaxing, making it perfect for family outings or group adventures.
  15. Trekker Tent 1V: Ultra-Light, Compact Backpacking Shelter - Experience the ultimate one-person tent for your outdoor adventures with the Trekker Tent 1V, featuring a spacious design, easy setup, and a lightweight, ultra-durable construction.
  16. Eureka Tagalong Shelter: Durable, Compact, and Versatile Sun Protection Enclosure - Eureka Tagalong Shelter: Lightweight and Durable, Easy Setup, Includes Guy Lines, Stakes, and Sand Anchors for Ultimate Sun Protection and Stability in Any Environment.
  17. Eureka Midori 1 Person Tent: Affordable and Durable, Perfect for 3-Season Solo Camping - Eureka Midori 1 Person Tent: An affordable and durable solo tent with ample headroom, waterproof protection, and breathable mesh canopy for your next outdoor adventure.
  18. Lightweight Ultralight 3 Season Trekking Tent - The Naturehike 1 Person Trekking Pole Tent offers an ultralight and waterproof camping solution for solo backpackers, featuring a spacious design and a versatile inner tent.
  19. Eureka Space Camp 4 Person Family Camping Tent with 2 Doors and Gear Storage - The Eureka Space Camp 4-person family tent provides ample space and durable construction, keeping everyone comfortable and organized while withstanding various weather conditions.
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🔗Versatile Eureka Timberline 4T Tent for Outdoor Adventures
The Eureka Timberline 4 tent has been a reliable companion for many campers over the years. Its A-frame design with clips makes it easy to set up, even in challenging conditions. The twin-track, side-opening door allows for hassle-free entry and exit, while the two large windows provide ample ventilation. The side pullouts on the fly maximize head and shoulder space, making it comfortable for all users.
The shock-corded, seamless aluminum frame is sturdy and stable, even in cold weather. The polyester fly won't stretch or sag, and offers greater resistance to UV breakdown. The A-frame design is incredibly sturdy and easy to set up, allowing for a large front door with Twin Track window/door zippers that make it easy to go in and out of the tent.
The 2 large windows provide excellent ventilation, with one in the door and one in the back. They are hooded so they can be open even in rain, ensuring that you still get the proper air flow. All windows are closable, great for stopping blowing sand or light snow, and the breathable nylon canopy helps minimize condensation.
The shockcorded side guy outs and fly attachments give stability and tear resistance in stormy conditions, while the updated junction tubes are custom blended Zytel nylon for durability. The included tent, pole, and stake bags make it easy to store and transport the tent, and the fire-retardant feature adds an extra level of safety.
However, the tent is not for standing up in, and not for tables, chairs, or cots. The tent stakes are also made of the cheapest materials, and may bend or mangle easily. Additionally, the elastic chords on the top of the tent and the ends/bottom of the rain fly may start to fail, causing some sagging over time. But overall, the Eureka Timberline 4 tent is a durable and reliable option for campers seeking a sturdy and practical tent for their adventures.

🔗Eureka Mountain Pass 3 Person Tent - Lightweight, 4 Season Converterible
The Eureka Mountain Pass 3 is a versatile, four-season tent that can accommodate up to three people. Built for heavy weather but crafted with lightweight materials, it is perfect for backcountry adventures. The tent features a breathable canopy and removable side panels, allowing for optimal ventilation in varying weather conditions.
The waterproof rain fly safeguards the tent from external elements, while also providing two vestibules for extra storage space. The High/Low Vent system reduces moisture buildup inside the tent, making it a comfortable and breathable space.
The removable side panels add an extra layer of protection in changing conditions and include a gear loft and five pockets for storing essentials. Overall, the Eureka Mountain Pass 3 is a reliable and functional tent suited for outdoor enthusiasts seeking a comfortable shelter in different weather conditions.

🔗Lightweight and Durable 3-Person Eureka Midori Camping Tent
As I took the first step with the Eureka Midori 3 tent on my camping trip, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and a touch of apprehension. The tent looked promising with its cross-arch pole configuration and UV-resistant polyester fly offering adequate headroom and protection against condensation.
Setting up camp, the tent's ease of pitching and sturdy pole structure was a welcome relief. The freestanding design allowed me the freedom to move the tent around and find the best spot for a comfortable night's sleep. The dual vestibules provided storage space for my gear, while the ample mesh and High/Low Vent system kept air flowing and the interior dry.
During the night, my experience with the tent was a mix of satisfaction and disappointment. The no-see-um mesh provided a convenient and breathable entry and exit, as well as allowing for a starry night sky view. The interior pockets were convenient for storing small items, but the lack of storage space near the door made it cumbersome when trying to access gear or shoes during the night.
While I appreciated the durable and waterproof polyester floor and fly, the tent's performance in heavy rain conditions left me wanting. Although the tent held up well during a thunderstorm, I noticed that some rainwater had seeped into the interior through the canopy mesh and vent openings.
Overall, the Eureka Midori 3 tent balanced weight, durability, and price to offer a satisfying camping experience. While it excelled in certain aspects, such as its spacious interior and breathability, it fell short in protecting against heavy rain and required some adjustment to optimize for storage and accessibility.

🔗Affordable, Durable Camping Tent for Adventurers
The Eureka Timberline SQ Outfitter 6 Person Tent has been my trusted companion on numerous camping trips and adventures. This tent has proven to be sturdy, reliable, and versatile, adapting to different weather conditions with ease.
One feature that stands out to me is the A-frame construction, which makes setting up a breeze. The proprietary Sequoia frame provides strength and excellent internal volume, while the mid-span spreader bar accentuates the curves in the tent body, adding more internal space. This allows for a spacious interior with enough room to accommodate up to six people comfortably.
The tent doors and windows offer ease of access and excellent ventilation options, thanks to the heavy-duty #10 zippers and zippered windows. The large mesh window in the rear, combined with the zippered cover, lets in plenty of natural light and provides ample air circulation. The interior pockets help keep essentials close at hand, while the heavy-duty 4 oz Oxford nylon floor ensures a watertight, bathtub-style protection against splashes and standing water.
While I appreciate the Lite-Set Footprint as it protects the floor from punctures and dirt, I'd have preferred if the footprint came included with the purchase. Other than that minor inconvenience, this tent has been an outstanding choice for my camping needs. It's easy to carry, set up, and tear down, making it an ideal option for both solo campers and groups of six.
Overall, the Eureka Timberline SQ Outfitter 6 Person Tent has proven to be a reliable and durable companion in the great outdoors. Despite occasional challenges like dealing with rain or ventilation, the tent's numerous standout features make it a top choice for those seeking a spacious and sturdy shelter during their camping adventures.

🔗Affordable 4-Person Camping Tent – Eureka Kohana 4
Camping with your family doesn't have to be an expensive endeavor, especially with Eureka's Kohana 4-person tent. This affordable tent proved to be a reliable and spacious option during my recent outdoor adventure. The Kohana provided plenty of square footage (60 sq ft) for me and three other campers, all while keeping its lightweight frame and easy setup in mind.
One of the standout features of this tent is the two side-opening doors with mesh panels and fabric, which offered flexibility for ventilation and insect protection. The vestibules in front of the doors also provided a combined 32 sq ft of protected external storage space, greatly increasing the tent's functionality and organization.
Setting up the tent was a breeze, thanks to the lightweight and easy-to-handle aluminum poles, which required little effort to pitch. The durable fabrication on the floor and fly ensured protection from the elements, and the integrated vents helped regulate airflow and minimize condensation. We were also impressed by the matching yellow webbing on both the tent and fly, which made the set up process even easier.
However, there were a few drawbacks to consider. The height of the tent was a bit on the shorter side, which might be a bit of a downside for taller campers. Additionally, the tent fly, while sturdy, seemed to be a bit fragile and susceptible to damage, especially in windy conditions.
Overall, the Kohana 4-person tent provided an affordable and functional camping experience for us and our family. With its spacious interior, flexible door options, and easy setup, it's a solid choice for budget-conscious campers looking to enjoy the great outdoors.

🔗Easy-Up, Lightweight Eureka Suma 2 Person Tent for Adventures
I recently got the chance to use the Eureka Suma 2 Person Tent on a camping trip, and I must say, it was an impressive experience. The tent was surprisingly easy to set up, thanks to its intuitive design and quick-to-assemble frame.
One of the standout features of this tent is its spacious interior, which comfortably fits two people and their gear. I particularly appreciated the ample headroom, allowing me to move around the tent without feeling cramped. The vestibule area also came in handy, providing an extra space to store our gear and keep it dry.
However, there were a few minor downsides to using this tent. The materials felt a bit on the cheaper side, and the zipper on one of the doors had a tendency to snag. Additionally, the tent only comes with one door, which might be limiting for some campers.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I found the Eureka Suma 2 Person Tent to be a reliable and comfortable shelter, perfect for those looking to get away from it all.

🔗Eureka El Capitan 2+ Outfitter 2 Person Tent: Durable, Spacious, and Versatile Camping Solution
As a frequent camper, I was thrilled to try out the Eureka El Capitan 2+ Outfitter 2 Person Tent. This tent is a perfect blend of durability and practicality, making it a great choice for outdoor enthusiasts. The 2-pole dome design with an integrated ridgepole provided excellent headroom and shoulder space, allowing me to move around comfortably inside.
One of the standout features that caught my attention was the 15% more floor space compared to traditional designs. This extra room was incredibly helpful for storing gear and moving around without feeling cramped. The heavy-duty, 150D poly oxford floor defended against abrasion and punctures, giving me peace of mind during my camping trips.
The oversized YKK brand zippers added an extra touch of durability, ensuring that they would last through various weather conditions. Additionally, the front and rear doors made entry and exit a breeze. I also appreciated the front and rear vestibules with Eureka's High/Low Vent-Air Exchange System, which helped regulate the temperature inside the tent.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I noticed. The tent's height of 7 inches might be a bit restrictive for taller campers, and the weight of 7.6 lb could make it a bit cumbersome for longer hikes.
Overall, the Eureka El Capitan 2+ Outfitter 2 Person Tent has become a reliable companion on my camping adventures. The thoughtful design and high-quality materials make it a worthy investment for outdoor enthusiasts.

🔗Eureka Jade Canyon 6-Person Camping Tent with Premium Frame Materials
As someone who loves camping trips, I recently used the Eureka Jade Canyon x 6 Person Tent for a family camping adventure. This tent made room for all of us with its spacious and kid-friendly design. The Jade Canyon X6 features a 7-foot interior peak height that accommodated even the tallest camper in our group. The CabinMAX architecture provided 30% more livable space when compared to traditional cabin tent designs, making it perfect for big families like mine.
One of the most impressive features of this tent was its overhanging open rain fly that created a dry entry porch awning. Four floor-to-ceiling windows were perfect for promoting cooling air circulation even during light rain. The tent's strong frame made of steel and aluminum materials stood up to every storm we encountered, making it a durable option for our next family camping trip.
However, there were some downsides to the Jade Canyon x 6 Person Tent. Setting it up took a little more time than I expected, and while it's generally easy to assemble, I found myself struggling with a few parts. Additionally, while the tent is perfect for small families or car camping, it might not be the best choice for rough weather conditions or heavy-duty camping situations.
Overall, the Eureka Jade Canyon x 6 Person Tent is a fantastic choice for families or individuals who enjoy the great outdoors. Its spacious design, high-quality materials, and ability to withstand various weather conditions make it an excellent addition to any camping gear collection.

🔗Space Camp 6 Person Family Camping Tent: Comfort, Durability, and Ventilation for Any Adventure
I recently tried out the Eureka Space Camp family camping tent, and I have to say, it lived up to its name. The generous height and spacious footprint provided ample room for my family of six, complete with two large doors, two gear lofts and plenty of interior pockets to keep everyone's gear organized.
Setting up the tent was a breeze and took my partner and I around 20 minutes. The high/low venting Air Exchange System was incredibly useful, as we could easily adjust the airflow according to the weather's fickle moods. I was also particularly impressed by the durability of the tent's 7000-series aluminum frame – it stood strong against the harsh conditions of a recent camping trip.
However, there were a few minor drawbacks. The rainfly felt a tad flimsy, and we found ourselves constantly adjusting its flaps to maintain a perfect seal. Additionally, some straps on the tent began to fray after just one camping trip, which was a bit surprising given the tent's overall build quality.
All in all, the Eureka Space Camp tent made for an enjoyable camping experience for my family. With the right weather and a few adjustments, it proved to be a reliable shelter in this adventurous quest for cosmic comfort.

🔗Eureka Mountain Pass Sleeps 2 6-Pocket Breathable Tent with High/Low Vents
The Eureka Mountain Pass 2-person tent has been a trusty companion on my adventures. It's designed to handle various weather conditions with ease, from rainstorms to shoulder-season snow. The removable side panels provide extra protection when conditions change, and the tent is built for heavy weather using lightweight materials.
One of the standout features is the combination of the main door and wall, which lets in plenty of fresh air when opened. However, the tent could benefit from an alternate zipper placement for easier opening. The number of tent stakes included is a bit puzzling at 11, and it would be helpful if the footprint covered the vestibules completely.
Despite these slight drawbacks, this tent has proven to be reliable and a great fit for my outdoor needs. The 5 pockets and gear loft provide ample storage, while the large vestibules add extra space for gear. The breathable flooring and well-placed ventilation add to the overall comfort of the tent. With its lightweight materials and easy setup, the Eureka Mountain Pass 2 is a worthy addition to any outdoor enthusiast's gear collection.

🔗Spacious 2-Person Eureka Apex Tent for Comfortable Camping
Using the Eureka Midori 2 Person Tent has been an enjoyable experience during my camping trips. The tent stands tall, offering ample headroom and a more spacious interior, providing the perfect livable space. The strong aluminum frame combined with the durable fabrics gives this tent miles of dependable performance, no matter where I set it up.
One of the features that stood out to me is the dual vestibules in front of the large side doors, adding an extra space for storing my wet or muddy shoes and gear. The side entry mesh canopy offered breathability and convenient entry and exit, proving helpful during my stays.
I also found the High/Low Vent system and the Air Exchange System quite useful, offering adjustable ventilation options to adapt to any weather condition. These features, along with the dome-style design, ensures that I never worry about condensation build-up or uncomfortable temperatures inside the tent.
However, I did notice that the tent's stakes are not the most sturdy or durable, so I prefer to bring my own stakes when I camp. Additionally, the tent body has some areas where the mesh seems to be thinner, which could potentially cause some condensation issues.
Overall, the Eureka Midori 2 Person Tent has been a reliable and comfortable choice for my camping trips, and I'm looking forward to using it more in the future.

🔗Eureka Tetragon NX 2 Person Tent: Lightweight and Durable Camping Solution
I recently had the chance to use the Eureka Tetragon NX 2 Person Tent on a weekend camping trip, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. The classic dome design made it a breeze to set up and take down, while the hooded rain fly provided great protection against the elements without compromising ventilation.
One of the standout features for me was the quality materials used in the construction. The tent felt sturdy and durable, and I had confidence that it would handle various camping conditions without any issues. The fiberglass poles were a game-changer in terms of ease of setup and I appreciated the built-in design features like the large door and multiple mesh windows.
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks that I experienced. First, I found that the mesh windows could be a bit drafty on colder nights, so I had to adjust my sleeping gear accordingly. Second, the included stakes were not the strongest, so I would recommend bringing along some heavier-duty stakes for added security.
Overall, the Eureka Tetragon NX 2 Person Tent proved to be a reliable and functional camping companion during my trip. It's a solid choice for both casual and experienced campers looking for a durable, quick-to-set-up tent for their next adventure.

🔗Eureka Military-Inspired Assault Outfitter 4 Person Tent with Vestibules
The Eureka Assault Outfitter 4 Person Tent is a sturdy and reliable choice for campers seeking a spacious shelter. Modeled after military-grade performers, it offers a minimalist yet versatile design with both a front and rear vestibule option. Perfect for youth groups and conservation enthusiasts, the tent's dome design ensures a strong and stable structure that withstands harsh weather conditions.
However, some users have noted a few drawbacks, such as occasional pooling of water and insufficient ventilation. Despite these minor issues, the Assault Outfitter 4 Tent remains a popular and highly-rated choice for those seeking a durable and functional camping tent.

🔗Eureka Copper Canyon LX 12-Person Tent: Durable and Spacious Vacation Shelter
With its sturdy steel and fiberglass frame, the Eureka Copper Canyon LX 12-Person Tent stood tall against the elements and kept our camping trips cozy and comfortable. The near-vertical walls created ample space for us to enjoy a good night's sleep or stand in comfort. When camping with air mattresses and cots, we appreciated the extra standing room offered by these walls.
The two massive doors at the front and rear made it a breeze for everyone to enter and exit the tent, while the large mesh windows with waterproof curtains provided scenic views and plenty of ventilation. We liked that the extended fly coverage over the door offered extra weather protection and a dry entryway for us as well as our camping gear.
Now, let's talk about the E! Powerport which provided easy electronic access in the tent, and the gear lofts and stash pockets for storage that helped us keep our belongings organized. The continuous pole sleeves, clips, hubs, and ring along with the pin pole attachment made setting up and taking down the tent a breeze.
We did notice a few minor drawbacks, like a slightly thinner floor that could be easily punctured. But overall, we were happy with our Eureka Copper Canyon LX 12-Person Tent experience. It was a comfortable and spacious option for our car camping adventures.

Buyer's Guide

When you're in the market for a solo tent, there are several factors to consider. Here is a comprehensive buyer's guide to help you make an informed decision.

Size and Weight

The Eureka Down Range Solo Tent is lightweight, making it easy to carry for solo camping trips. Look for a tent that strikes a balance between weight and size, ensuring you have enough room for your gear and yourself.

A good solo tent should be waterproof to keep you dry during rainfall. Look for tents with sealed seams and waterproof materials to ensure a snug, dry shelter. Some tents also come with a rainfly for added protection.

Ease of Setup

Setup time is an important factor when choosing a solo tent. Look for tents with a quick and easy setup, preferably using a single pole design. This will save you time and hassle on your camping trips.


Ventilation is crucial to maintain a comfortable temperature and prevent condensation buildup. Look for tents with mesh panels and a good door design to promote airflow and keep the interior fresh.


Durability is essential for a solo tent, as it will be subjected to wear and tear during various camping trips. Look for tents made with high-quality materials that can withstand harsh weather conditions and rough handling.


A warranty can provide peace of mind when investing in a solo tent. Look for tents with a reasonable warranty covering manufacturing defects and materials. This can save you money in the long run and ensure a trouble-free camping experience.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews can be invaluable when choosing a solo tent. Look for reviews that provide insights into the tent's performance, durability, and ease of use. This will help you assess the product's potential drawbacks and make an informed decision.


Finally, consider your budget when selecting a solo tent. There are tents available at various price points, so it's essential to find a balance between quality and affordability. Be prepared to invest a reasonable amount to ensure a comfortable and safe camping experience.
When choosing a solo tent, consider factors such as size and weight, waterproofing, ease of setup, ventilation, durability, warranty, customer reviews, and budget. By focusing on these essential aspects, you can select the perfect tent for your solo camping adventures.


What are the dimensions of the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent?

The Eureka Down Range Solo Tent measures 5.9 ft x 2.4 ft x 2.4 ft (180 cm x 72 cm x 72 cm), providing ample room for a solo camping experience.

What material is the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent made from?

The tent is constructed from 210D ripstop nylon and coated with a UVR-rated 5000-Series polyurethane fabric.

How much does the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent weigh?

Weighing in at an impressive 3 lbs 14 oz (1.7 kg), the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent is a lightweight option for backpacking trips.

Is the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent easy to set up?

Yes, the tent sets up quickly and easily with the help of its color-coded hubs and clips.

What is the estimated lifespan of the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent?

The tent's lifespan depends on various factors such as proper maintenance and storage. Eureka estimates the tent to last for approximately five years under regular use.

Does the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent come with a warranty?

Yes, the tent is covered by a 3-year warranty, which provides replacement or repair if the tent is defective.

Is the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent waterproof?

Yes, the tent's rainfly provides excellent waterproofing, ensuring that you stay dry during periods of rain.

How many people can the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent accommodate?

The Eureka Down Range Solo Tent is designed for solo camping and does not accommodate more than one person.

Are stakes and guylines included with the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent?

Yes, the tent comes with stakes and guylines for securing it during setup.

Does the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent come with a storage bag?

Yes, the tent includes a storage bag for easy packing and carrying.

How well does the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent ventilate?

The tent's dual vents offer excellent ventilation, keeping the interior comfortable and reducing the risk of condensation buildup.

Is the Eureka Down Range Solo Tent available in multiple colors?

The tent is available in one color option: Black.
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2024.06.06 09:22 Freshmangreen1 Anyone have experience with termite tenting a boat?

I purchased a 18.5’ center console a few months back. Boat is a 1987 but in quite good shape for its age. It has an almost new 80 hour Suzuki 140 and I just spent the last couple months putting a ton of love into it setting it up just how I want so it hopefully has a nice long life with the family. But tonight was the first really humid night heading into summer and I came out to the boat and there are termites crawling around. Quite a lot of them. I never saw any sign of termite damage or droppings while purchasing or working on the boat, but they are definitely coming from inside somewhere. I’m super bummed right now.
So I’m wondering if anyone has experience with tenting (fumigating) a boat? I’m hoping to call around tomorrow and try to find some place that I can bring it to, or that will come to me and just drop a tent over it and fumigate it. It’s not a really big boat so I’m hoping it won’t break the bank. But I’m wondering if the gas used will affect anything in the boat? Specifically fuel or engine, but also anything else I would need to remove or be aware of getting affected? Thanks for any help.
Edit: I should add boat is kept on a trailer and easily towed somewhere.
submitted by Freshmangreen1 to boating [link] [comments]