Heart and blood flow games

Call of Duty Zombies Reddit

2011.01.26 05:21 Fedor1 Call of Duty Zombies Reddit

Call of Duty Zombies is a first-person shooter survival mode developed by Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, and Raven Software and published by Activision. CODZombies is a developer-recognized community focused on the franchise.

2013.05.23 23:51 GamersComm Dying Light

Dying Light and Dying Light 2 are first person zombie survival games developed by Techland.

2016.04.25 22:36 Hobominded Dark Souls Memes

Memes, From Dark Souls... And Alike.

2024.05.14 08:18 Live_Discipline_8224 Any other medication that helps other than midodrine and beta blockers?

I’ve been on midodrine for 4 months and the only thing it’s helped with is blood pooling and reducing my HR. I am still light headed constantly, still get heart palps. I have tried atenolol and propranolol and once again all it does is reduce my HR but I still feel shit and light headed on it.
I do the standard increased electrolytes, compression and keep up with my hydration.
submitted by Live_Discipline_8224 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:18 Oakflower A short review on Steelrising for people who are on the fence

Thanks to some of you, this game caught my attention with its passionate recommendations. I was expecting a buggy and casual Soulslike with cryptic level design that has a lot of heart, but Steelrising left me with a different impression.
Outside of bosses, playing Steelrising felt like playing Elden Ring or Bloodborne once the combat clicks. The feeling of danger is ever present and besting your opponents feels swift and satisfying. The module upgrades change how the game plays a fair bit.
The bosses felt like visually impressive adventure game bosses. I didn’t get the usual Souls-kick from them, but exploiting their openings was still very satisfying. I didn't mind picking them apart with ease, because the highlight of the game is its exploration.
I was floored by how interesting and visually impressive the game's exploration is. The Metroidvania style movement skills you get add clever ways of interacting with the environment. Towards the end of the game there were so many side quests to complete I was in awe of how much work was put into this experience.
However, only the latter half of the game is filled to the brim with interesting scenarios. Players might bounce off Steelrising due to how the game introduces itself. The levels feel restrictive at the start and getting into the groove of combat isn’t a given.
I highly recommend this game for people looking for good Soulslikes. Steelrising is more like an adventure game to be honest and that’s just fine.
submitted by Oakflower to PlaySteelrising [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:17 One-Environment3309 Buddhism view on Semen Retention aka Celibacy ! In short, "Emptiness"

Desire is no problem. Craving -- i.e., when desire becomes grasping -- is a problem.
And according to the guiding precepts, there is no proscription against sexual activity in itself (except for monastics). It's misuse of sex that is seen as unwholesome.

You need to understand that the entire Path of Buddhism is predicated on waking up from dream-like delusion of self, and selves, and subject (I, my, me) versus object (the presumed external world which the self is presumably 'missing' and needing, or at the mercy of). The point of mental discipline is to stop making an illusory world out of illusory concepts -- our relation to which causes all suffering -- and instead to rest in reality.
This is the basis of all Buddhist ethics. There is no ethical decree given from above by an authority figure; it is all functional, all in service of waking up and dispelling suffering.

So the tainted mental activity that produces the illusion of a 'me' and an external world inevitably leads to craving, grasping, and suffering, like a wheel that turns around and around endlessly.
Craving that persists with regard to a particular object or theme is known as lust. There are many remedies for lust.
First off all, just following the Path in a good course of training will settle the mind and even the energy. Much of our personal suffering and many of our dysfunctional tendencies arise because our energy (in ancient terms named 'inner winds') is inflamed and irregular. A balanced lifestyle and good training in meditation, ethical behavior, and wisdom smooth out the practitioner's energy and establish calmness and stability. The upshot is that one doesn't crave the things one craved before, and turns instead toward noble aims and aspirations, the causes of happiness.
Śamatha (acquiescence/calmness/concentration) meditation is especially regarded as a cure for all kinds of sensual attachment. This is because it diminishes the mental activity that creates the illusion of subject-object separation and its accompanying habitual patterns of attachment. When the mind settles, there is less 'going out' toward supposed external objects.
There are also specific remedies for sexual attachment, including contemplating the constituent parts of a body and/or the many unpleasant aspects of a body -- blood, pus, oil, urine, feces, odor, shedding skin, and so on. Related contemplations consider aging and decay.
These practices are effective because typically the lustful person is fixating on a very limited and idealized version of the supposedly desirable person: they see only momentary physical beauty or preferentially selected qualities, not the whole reality. The contemplations establish what a body really is (which is far from gloriously pleasant). And one can imagine that seeing the entire life span of the object of desire -- seeing hehim as germ cells, a fetus, an infant, a toddler, a child, and adolescent, an adult, an elderly person, a withered aged dying person, a heap of dust and bones -- can dispel the illusion of perfect desirability that characterizes lust.
[Additional note: there's a text in which the Buddha helps Ananda overcome fixation on a woman by bestowing such a vision upon him, of the woman in time-lapse, quickly moving through all stages of her life. Perhaps our scriptural experts will provide a citation here.]
Some of the most important and influential means of bringing the mind under control (not rigid control, but stability and functionality) have to do with lifestyle. There are many teachings that don't appear in books, and which you get through human contact and actually living the lifestyle along with others.
Regulating diet, sleep, physical movement and rest account for possibly half or more of the spiritual accomplishments and personal transformations sought by practitioners. If you just eat right, your efforts are already tremendously supported.
Avoiding overly dulling or stimulating foods (like too much meat & dairy, and certainly sugars, oily foods, processed foods, overly spicy foods), avoiding overeating, and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and recreational drugs go a long way to settling the fiery, eruptive energy that easily becomes sexual craving.
Certain specific foods are discouraged or, within specific practices, prohibited because they directly block the practice. Some of these are strongly aphrodisiac foods, others are known to block the energy flow being cultivated.
Sleeping the right amount at the right time evens, calms, and uplifts the energy. Best is to be asleep at least an hour before midnight (by the sun, not by the clock which can change with daylight savings time), and to wake and rise before the first light of dawn. No surprise: this follows the schedule of temples and practice centers. And having too little sleep, though not ideal, is better for the subtle energy than too much sleep. Having too little sleep harms the body, but having too much sleep harms the energy and spirit.
Physical movement is also extremely important for health at all levels, and for spiritual practice. Physical practice is another aspect of authentic Buddhism that is not (and perhaps cannot be) conveyed in books, blogs, and videos; but it's incredibly effective in bringing forth a natural, rooted stability of mind. Prostrations practice, vigorous physical work, and whole-body-and-breath physical activities and exercise are effective upon sexual craving on a number of fronts (grounding, energy flow, outlet, contentment), but they also greatly support meditation and mental training.
And finally (but far from the last benefit available), the influence of a teacher and practice community can't be overstated. Being in the presence of those who maintain the true view helps your own wavering, wandering, attaching mind come under control and move toward the true view itself. Being with people who are clear about their values, and whose discipline arises naturally from wisdom (rather than being imposed tyrannical by an ideology), helps one learn how to become clear and disciplined.
To a great extent, cravings and addictions are cured by replacing them with wholesome and more satisfying and fulfilling aspirations and behaviors, and by replacing the triggering environment with a more healthy one.
Addiction is not always best addressed by wrestling with it directly, as that can become another trigger, causing recurrent cycles of repression and acting out. Objectification is a root problem; so be careful of making a personal issue into an object of fixation. A good course of training will help teach you where to place your attention and effort. It's like the story of the two wolves: the one that grows is the one you feed (with your attention). "You become that which you place before you."
We don't learn how to live by amassing concepts; we learn how to live by being in the presence of true humans.
And if we establish the karmic causes for being in the presence of an enlightened teacher, the influence on our life is unimaginably beneficial.
submitted by One-Environment3309 to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:15 BunztheBunz The nerve of this bitch

to say this to my face when I’ve been here almost TEN in game years!! It’s Winter year 9!! My farm is fantastic!! And to giggle and sit in the community center I single handedly finished and say this to me?! We even have full hearts!! The absolute GALL of this woman!! 👁️👄👁️
submitted by BunztheBunz to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:14 ElectricalLetgo Amlodipine

I went to the hospital like 5 days ago for a high heart rate probably from anxiety, well the doc there told me to take the amlodipine he prescribed me which was 5mg. Has anyone else experienced continuing high blood pressure? I have been sitting on my bed almost an hour and just got up to check my blood pressure and it is 151 over 96 and pulse was regular 76. Idk if its high bc of my subconscious mind anxiety of how bad my anxiety is that is still causing it to be hugh, or if there is an underlying problem that has been causing me to have high BP or if that med is not for me and making it worse. I have never been on BP meds but ik that cold turkey can be bad and or risk it to xome back worse and risk a heart attack. I told the doc that and he said i eill be fine to take this and basically stop taking it whenever i want if i dont like it and im looking online and it says to not do that. Idk what to do bc i dont like the side effects and don't want to take another dose, but also don't wanna like die...
submitted by ElectricalLetgo to MedicationQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:12 Nice_Mood7460 Are you supposed to wipe until there is no blood when on your period?

I have a heavy flow and when I change my pads I typically don’t bother to wipe the blood more than once. I was just thinking about this last time I changed it and though “hm this is actually a little gross”. I wiped then like 10 more times until I finally gave up because I was currently bleeding. Is it okay to just clean things up with a simple one wipe or is that unhygienic?
submitted by Nice_Mood7460 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:11 Expensive_Sock_3200 Undiagnosed but…

I have suspicion, costochondritis is what I’m dealing with.
For months (since February to be exact) I over night developed SOB.. with many many hospital visits (3 different to be exact) and GP visits. I was told it’s anxiety.panick attacks. I started to feel hopeless and crazy none the less due to people not believing me.. (ct scan on heart and lungs with contrast were normal.. blood tests , normal besides low vitamin D xray, normal.. PFT came back normal.. but I am referred to a pulmonologist waiting for my appt. I also go to physical therapy twice a week for my neck pain)
as time goes on I am developing more symptoms.. SOB being daily. Acid reflux &most severe back pain.. (I also have had in the past the cracking in my sternum.. which led me to these posts)
I came across these threads on Reddit bc googling my symptoms led me down a rabbit hole of even worse anxiety, to where I think I’m dying daily.. I’ve also become a hypochondriac.. (checking O2, bpm, ecg via Apple Watch, religiously)
I’m not looking for a diagnosis, just a friendly helping hand..
Has anyone else developed SOB severely with this issue?!
I’m a 32f just under 5 foot weighing a whopping 90lb.
I’m in desperate need of relief (currently waiting on my back pod shipment) started doing breathing exercises and just discovered Steve on YouTube with at home stretch’s!!
Once again, I’m not looking for a diagnosis, just some encouragement that this will in fact get better and I’m not dying. And possibly bring this up to my GP as the possible issue..
submitted by Expensive_Sock_3200 to costochondritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:04 InsidiousDormouse Soprobec 200 possible systemic side effects, long-ish

I'm a 38 y/o female.
I was diagnosed with asthma as a kid.
Current meds Soprobec 200 two puffs AM, two puffs PM, ventolin as needed.
I moved into this flat in 2022, was fine before I moved and to begin with, then I developed worsening asthma symptoms as the months went on. I spent ages trying to fathom out the possible cause. I found no sign of mold or anything like that. then found out tobacco smoke from the man downstairs was coming into mine, it's been so bad on a couple of occasions my bathroom has 'fogged up' with smoke. I have tried everything, including having the council works department out to see if we could seal up any gaps etc, nope, no way of stopping it. He seems to vanish for long periods of time, leaving his flat empty. During these periods, my asthma symptoms vanish completely.
In response to my worsening asthma symptoms, in Jan 2024 the asthma nurses at my surgery decided to increase my ICS dose of Beclomethasone from 400mg a day to 800mg a day. Now I have high functioning Autism on top of all this, I am far from dumb or stupid, but anything to do with numbers seems to go over my head a lot of the time, even though I am better at maths now, amounts of things can still flummox me.
NOBODY told me this was considered a moderate to high dose and I should be carrying a steroid warning card, nobody, not once. I wrongly guessed it was only a few mg more than the soprobec 100 I was on. The Soprobec 100 was two puffs am, two puffs pm.
Now, since I have been on the Soprobec 200 at 800mg a day, I have developed some extreme and very disruptive possible side effects.
All possible other causes of these symptoms just got ruled out in a complete bloodwork which included diabetes, hypercalcemia, thyroid and iron deficiency, which are all possible causes of the things I have listed below, all tests have come back requiring no further action.
These are:
EXTREME, unquenchable thirst. I am drinking easily over four liters of water per day. I am also waking up several times a night for a drink, and if I go out I must carry water with me otherwise the thirst is VERY distressing. I feel dehydrated on a 'cellular level', like it doesn't matter how much I drink, I feel thirsty WHILE drinking water!.
Fatigue so bad I can hardly get up out of my chair most days and I am asleep by 9pm, where before I would like to chill with my dog watching a film or something till about 12pm. I have gone from waking literal miles through local fields and woodland with my dog, to barely being able to take her on the local park which is only across the road. I hardly ever go out, and if I do, I suffer immensely as my muscles start aching. I live upstairs and I am struggling getting up the stairs.
It feels as if I have lost all muscle tone all over my body. I no longer feel safe walking my dog as she is med size mastiff cross who is quite strong, she has almost pulled me over at times and I cannot even lift my kitchen bin bag or the laundry basket, I have NEVER had this problem before.
I have lost my appetite and have to force myself to eat every meal, often taking hours rather than minutes.
Episodes of vaginal thrush, something I have NOT had for YEARS, started when I went on this high dose of ICS.
My once 'perfect' periods are now very heavy and irregular.
I feel more angry than before. I had to seriously check my anger levels in my adult years, and developed a much more patient and stoical outlook to life, which brought my stress levels down massively. Since I went on this inhaler I have been snapping at people again, including my own family :(
Tingling hands. This can come on anytime, never had it before the inhaler.
A terrible hoarse voice and it feels like my voice is getting deeper and I am starting to sound 'male' other people have noticed this too.
Profuse sweating on my hands and feet. My hands DRIP with sweat, to the point I hide them from people. Never happened before this inhaler.
Salt and red meat cravings. I am not a big fan of either, and due to heart problems in the family I keep my salt intake low. Other day I just felt compelled to walk into the local coop and buy pork loins and a pack of beef biltong, things I haven't eaten in many moons. I recall saying to myself 'this is SO out of character for you'.
Episodes of nausea, two episodes of vomiting in the morning over two months (not preggers before anyone asks lol) which were not related to anything I had eaten.
Dizzy spells and almost fainting, usually happens if I push myself to do even basic stuff like household chores, which I usually enjoy doing.
I know these are listed as 'rare' side effects, but unusual thirst, tiredness and weakness is mentioned both in the patient info leaflet with the inhaler, and in various other information regarding side effects, such as this article: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/corticosteroid-inhalation-route/side-effects/drg-20070533?p=1
I take the inhaler via a spacer, my technique is good, I've been doing this whole asthma game all my life, so I am pretty ofay with it all now lol.
I have had a battle over this inhaler with my GP and other asthma services as well. They just do NOT believe ICS can have systemic side effects, in contradiction to what the drug manufacturers say on the leaflet. I think I am going to have to go back to the GP and stand up for myself, which is not something I am good at at all, and present them with this information leaflet, which actually tells you to consult your doctor if you develop any of them!.
Would it be worth asking to try the same dose, as I do not want to risk withdrawal, I have experienced this before from ICS, but on a different steroid with a different inhaler?.
Is there any more bloodwork I could ask for, perhaps adrenal function or cortisol levels?.
I am at a loss, I need to control my asthma, but I also need to be able to live!.
Thank you for taking time to read this, I hope everyone is well and your asthma leaves you alone to enjoy the summer!. :)
submitted by InsidiousDormouse to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:02 DC_Legend1 Subway Surfers APK MOD (Unlimited Coins, Keys, Menu) v3.26.0

Subway Surfers APK MOD (Unlimited Coins, Keys, Menu) v3.26.0
Name Subway Surfers
Publisher SYBO Games
Genre Arcade
Size 169 MB
Version 3.29.0
MOD Unlimited Coins, Keys, Menu
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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The race in Subway Surfers is one of the longest in video game history. Millions of people still participate in it every day. Does it have anything that makes players so passionate? This is an endless runner game. No matter how long you play, the journey never ends. This challenges the player’s endurance and control technique.


You play as a bad boy running on train tracks. The attraction here is that a fat old policeman is always trying to catch you. This race is a race on a bullet train track. Here, trains running in the opposite direction are trying to hit you. Try to avoid them to run as far as possible.
  • Exciting Experience: Jumping on the roof of trains running at high speed certainly gives players a heart-stopping experience. It makes excitement surge through my veins.
  • Agility Required: Agility is the key to this game. Players must jump between trains and avoid obstacles along the way. If you touch them, you officially lose.
  • Action Hero Thrills: Your race will resemble an action movie with dangerous jumps over obstacles. Sometimes, the obstacle does not appear in front of your eyes but hides somewhere and rushes out suddenly. Unfamiliar players will immediately crash into it and lose.


The graphics of this game are extremely smooth and vivid. The character design is very funny, making players immediately feel humorous. And the game’s landscape design is equally unique. A series of trains moving at high speed creates a huge contrast. It makes a strong impression on players.
  • Vivid Visuals: The game makes the player’s vision explode with the enormous amount of colors it has. However, the unique feature is that the game can display sharp details on most devices that can run this game.
  • Realistic Graphics: Thanks to its sharp design, when you play the game, you can recognize all the details from the largest to the smallest, which improves the player’s reflexes. In addition, the scenery changes according to each occasion of the year, making the game lively and trendy.
  • Smooth Animations: Its animations are extremely smooth. With simple movements on the screen, you can make the character move without any lag problem. Each player’s action skillfully controls the character’s movement.


Do you remember the name of the game? It seems like it has nothing to do with how the game is played. However, you will immediately understand when you see the boy using the Futuristic Hoverboard. It has unique features that help players move more easily in this game. And it’s a lifesaver, too. While surfing, you are protected from losing 1 life.
  • High-Speed ​​Riding: The hoverboard helps players move much faster. This feature helps the boy quickly outpace his opponent’s pursuit. In addition, moving faster also scores more points.
  • Cool Tricks: One of the attractions of using a hoverboard is that you can do tricks. These tricks are especially impressive because they are done in the air, and the space constantly moves, making it look like you’re gliding through the air.
  • Smooth Movements: Perhaps this is one of the games with this unique combination. It offers a humorous, tense race with elements of skateboarding.


The best feature is that you can fly into the sky thanks to the Jetpack. When you pick up the Jetpack, the player can fly into the air without encountering any obstacles. This experience is probably one of the most fascinating experiences of my life. When you pick up this item, there will be no obstacles that will make you lose. Furthermore, it will have a lot of coins flying continuously in the air for you to pick them up.
  • Paint-Powered Flight: As soon as this item is picked up, you will have a jetpack strapped to your back. Then, an explosion occurs, and you are sent flying into the air. It is empowered by the drawings you have done.
  • Colorful Streaks: When you fly up, you leave behind a trail of colorful smoke. This was considered an eloquent demonstration of momentary victory and motivated players to continue moving forward.
submitted by DC_Legend1 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:02 Lollybug3739 My First Breakup

I have already posted on here somewhere about how I and my current bf are looking to hopefully get married sometime in the not too distant future. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I could not be happier.
This is about my first boyfriend, let's call him Dick.
I was 24 and he was 19. We met while I was working on a college campus at a Burrito Bowl. Well, actually, that's not strictly true. Although I did not attend that particular college, I was often involved in a religious organization that met on that college campus-in addition to working there. We met when I joined the Discord server for that religious organization, and offered to bring dinner to meet new people. He was the only person to take me up on my offer, and so on a storming night in the middle of a week in October, I rolled up to the campus meeting center with a wagon full of:
-a pot of soup
-tortilla chips
-seasoned bread
-shredded cheese
-sour cream
-fork, knives, spoons, glasses, and folded cloth napkins
Yes, I basically brought an absolute stranger a full meal. For free. On a college campus. In a wagon.
We hit it off and became really fast friends. Really fast friends. Fast forward to end of April the following year. He and I were hanging out together because he wasn't going to be coming back to that college the following semester. He had lost his scholarship because of bad grades. The night before he was supposed to leave, I took him to one of my favorite restaurants as a farewell treat. It was going to be two years before I could see him again. After I dropped him back off at his dorm, I went to run a few errands of my own. Meanwhile, he is texting me that he hasn't packed anything and he doesn't know where to start. I offered to come help, and he said please.
I was at the store while he was texting me, so I bought for myself a 1.25L bottle of coke, and some chocolate. I got THE text as soon as I had finished checking out: "Hey when you get here, I'd like to talk to you about something that's been on my mind."
I pull up to the dorm and go up to his room, plop myself onto the couch. He left to go get something out of his car that he had forgotten. When he came back, he nervously sat down on the arm of another chair in the room, and proceeded to drink MY coke and chowed down on MY chocolate, while rambling on about how he thought I was super sweet and that he really like me and that he hadn't intended to come back, but now, it was his entire goal to come back one day for me. He didn't ask me right then to be his gf, but said he wanted time to think about it, but would I also think about what my answer would be?
I said I would, and proceeded to get his entire dorm room cleaned and packed by 9 am the next morning. A week later, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and we were incredibly happy--for three weeks.
At the end of three weeks, we were talking while he was traveling to and from work, but there just wasn't anything there anymore. He started ("inadvertently") giving me lists of people, animals I would have to please and things I would have to do in order to be his gf. He didn't want to talk to me anymore, I never knew if he would call me or not, or if he would just randomly hang up on me in the middle of a call. He would constantly rather play video games or listen to music than talk to me. I was becoming more and more discouraged and feeling very boxed in. Also, I never received any gifts, flowers or presents from him our entire relationship. I know it is kind of hard to do long distance, but I managed to send TWO packages to him containing meaningful gifts. Side note for those interested: my current bf either sends me flowers/gifts via DoorDash, Instacart, etc., or has me go out and buy what I like and then refunds me the money. I love this so much.
I went away to go volunteer at another religious organization. Right before I left, I bought a plane ticket to go visit him for my birthday week. Everything was arranged. During the camp, we broke up. Here's how.
He knew that he was my first ever for everything. First bf, first serious relationship, first KISS. He played that, and played it hard. He knew that I had boundaries and that I would stick to them, even if I was embarrassed or thought it would hurt him. I was not going to budge on what I thought was right. He told me that his plan was basically to kiss me the minute I stepped off the plane to see if there was any "spark" there. Idk what would have happened if he didn't find the "spark". When I hinted that I might not be comfortable with that, he asked me why, and I said it was the way I was raised. He got upset, told me that he was starting to hate my parents and said that this was the way things were going to go. I hung up with him, called my mom and told her everything. I got her to begrudgingly allow me that if Dick wanted to kiss, I could. That is all I wanted, sex wasn't even on the menu.
At this point, I am mad at Dick. So I called him back and ranted off on him about how I felt about the entire thing, but mentioned that I had "permission" from my mother to kiss him IF I chose. He didn't let it go, but got his mother involved. We argued back and forth for two days. Finally, two days before camp ended, he texted me, asking if we could have an honest conversation. The basics of what he said, over TEXT:
"I love you, and when I say it I do mean it, but I mean it more in the way that you would tell your sister."
I was so distraught and stressed out that I couldn't think of anything else to do other than pray. Over the period of an hour, I literally typed out my heart and feelings to the God I thought I believed in, to Dick. At the end of it, Dick's entire response? "Don't you know that would've been better said to the Big Man Upstairs?"
I ended things immediately.
We tried to remain friends (at first this was mutual agreement, and then entirely his idea) but it didn't work out well at all. All I can say is that Karma is an absolute bitch, and in this matter I am 100% on her side. Hell, I would've even given her the weaponry needed to screw Dick over, even without her asking.
A few months go by and he ends up getting into another relationship. The gf doesn't know me, but tells him that he needs to block me or else. So he does, I end up having to leave the Discord server for the religious group, and I lost contact with most of my support group because of this. I should mention here that these were MY friends, not his. He wasn't even from the same state as I was. I found out from my best friend that just a few short weeks later, Dick went into the server and posted a prayer request about how his gf was missing. Later, he posted another, and even later posted a third. My best friend rang my phone off the hook that night trying to get in touch with me.
Apparently, Dick's gf was incredibly mentally unstable. She had threatened to go end her life, and disappeared. Nobody knew where she was. Dick eventually called the cops, and when they found her, she GASLIT him saying that he was so untrusting, was just the worst, he made her feel that way, all the jazz. They broke it off and I believe she may have been institutionalized for a little bit.
So yeah. I think I'm way happier now, just sayin. :)
submitted by Lollybug3739 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:01 John_Ferrari Heyy, I need someone to talk to

Just the title. I am 19M and if u r someone around my age looking for an online friend, can we give it a go. We can talk about anything ranging from lord of the rings to cynicism or from stupid ideas to the Texas sharpshooter fallacy. I'm studying for bachelor's in computer science while my heart is in concept art for video games. Idk how to end this but if u wanna talk, DM ig.
Have a nice day :)
submitted by John_Ferrari to INTP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:00 BigDefinition390 Why The Growth Matrix? (Reviews)

Program for Men or Fake Men’s Sexual Health System?
Males all over cross the world experiencing low sexual prowess due to unhealthy lifestyle, or old age. Many people try several different methods to boost their performance. most method are harm and not good waste of time money and effort so it is very difficult to other to fix there problem and looking for a serious and honest answer.
The Growth Matrix by Ryan Mclane is tested and proven to many people that use his simple method it will give you weekly gain and satisfaction about your problem it enhancement program that encompasses video tutorials, nutrition guides, and more to help members increase their penile size and girth naturally and in a non-invasive manner.
Benefits of The Growth Matrix It will help you to boost your confidence , healthy blood flow in your entire system of body No more Erectile Dysfunction , Low Libido and Testosterone Problem It will give you Guranteed Satisfaction.
Simple Join to Group to see who is using it and ask them a question and how satisfied all of them https://www.reddit.com/growthmatrix/
Link To Watch Video Tutorial https://growthmatrix.co/mdm
submitted by BigDefinition390 to WhyTheGrowthMatrix [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:56 InvestigatorFirm3681 New game plus not working

Just finished all main story quests including hearts of stone and blood in wine on my new game plus save. I wanted to start new game plus again but it says the “game not completed in this save” when it is what do I do?
submitted by InvestigatorFirm3681 to thewitcher3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:56 _____michel_____ The Ironbloods doesn't make sense. Is the writing the Trails getting worse with each game? (I'm playing through the whole Trails series for the first time.) Spoilers for Cold Steel III endgame.

Is it just me, or is the writing for these games going down the drain? Or am I missing something?
I really loved the series to begin with. Loved the Liberl arc. Then I loved Crossbell. And now I'm invested and want to see it through, even though I didn't really like Cold Steel 1 and 2. Cold Steel 3 felt like a step up again, but there's some bad writing now and then. It's like the writers have NO IDEA about how to write realistic human motivations.

WTF is up with "The Ironbloods"??

In the final chapter... I'm thinking of Millium and Claire. Both of these characters have been mostly portrayed as sympathetic. As people with conscience. People with "a good heart". Yes, they've been loyal to Giliath Osborne as well, but they have also seen what he has done the last few years up close. Millium was a member of Class VII, and she even declared out loud that she would stand with Class VII, right? Then she went back on that promise and sided with the Ironbloods until the very end. Claire made no such promise, but from everything that happened I'd expect her to pick the right side by the end.
The issue here, with the writing, is that the motivations of the Claire and Millium is 100% UNBELIEVABLE!
Rufus was questionable for most of the time. And Lechter even more so. That they would "pick the dark side" doesn't seem that crazy. But the other two...? Keep in mind that this is after the royal palace was turned into some kind of glowing evil egg, and Giliath Osborne had joined Ouroboros.
I just started Cold Steel IV (because I've gotta see these games through now...) and I'm writing this just after the scene where Claire opened the two week old email from Millium and started crying. I'm assuming there will be a redemption arc for a few characters in this game. But still...
Thoughts? I feel like this isn't the first example of such bad writing, but it's unbelievably bad.
And couple more things I just thought of... After Millium had died, and Rean lost his mind, killing the dragon, and then slowly (SLOOOOWLY for some reason) walked towards the two Gilliath and the other bad guy, his class mates were screaming "NO! Don't do it!" or something to that effect. Wtf was up with that?? If there was ANYTHING right and proper at that moment it would be to rush those motherfuckers and splice them into little pieces! Right? Why object to that? Just for plot armour reasons??
The Trails series stood out to me in the start for it's good writing. It felt like the world made internal sense. The pieces of the games fit together better the more pieces I found. There were some mysteries all the time, like Ouroboros and what their plans and motivations were, but I trusted it would be revealed and make sense. Now idk if I've missed it, or if this is gonna be a mystery for the rest of the games. But it's starting to annoy me that I still don't know what it is about Ouroboros that makes their member so loyal to the cause. At the moment it makes no sense Sharon decided to go back to Ouroboros after being loyal to the Reinfords for so long. She went on and on about her "love" for the Reinfords, and also seemingly for Class VII. This, again, bothers me a lot, because it's more of the same issue, the issue of motivations that don't line up with actions.
Is it just me? I just want the world to make sense, to be coherent, and for characters to have reasonable motivations. I don't have to have all the answers yet, but I need to trust that there are answers that will make things make sense.
submitted by _____michel_____ to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:56 Mouse-Mission1294 How to approach someone in their anger?

So, I am coming to the conclusion my husband is pwBPD, though not diagnosed. I'm not seeking confirmation on that, but it helps me to try to understand his emotions and behaviours. Reading through posts here is helping enormously.
We've been married for 15 years, and he has always had angry outbursts, but they are getting more frequent, being triggered by (from the outside ) seemingly smaller and smaller things, and he then retreats into an angry stonewalling that is now lasting for months at a time.
Currently he is not speaking to me for several weeks, and I think that it is because I fell asleep on the sofa while waiting to help him with some medication (for a separate medical issue). I can't think of anything else that triggered it, there was no fight, I guess he just felt like I didn't care enough about him to stay awake.
I am not allowed in the room with him, he comes home late and slams things. When I have offered to help or offer a cup of tea etc, he pulls his hair and looks at me with such rage. He has held his hand up in my face and screamed that he needs space.
In the past he has only really climbed down from this point when a crisis occurs. E.g. he ended up in icu with high blood pressure, his mum ending up in icu with high blood pressure likewise, or me nearly getting deported because he wouldn't support my visa application. As in a serious crisis. Then once he starts talking again, he expects us all to carry on as if nothing happened.
This is taking its toll on my own mental health, and our daughter and his mother. I don't feel like he is choosing this, but he won't come down or allow anyone to reach out to him.
I am scared, for myself (he's not violent, but the look in his eyes terrifies me), for him (he could easily end up having a heart attack), for our marriage, for our family.
I would hugely appreciate any advice on how to approach things from anyone who finds themselves in that way. Do I just give the space he is asking for, even though this could be months, and surely makes him feel more rejected? Or do I keep trying to approach, bearing in my that even the slightest perceived criticism might result in a deepening or a full blow up. He doesn't read well, and won't read a letter, he is not responding to messages. He is not in a place to accept that he needs professional help. I'm so lost.
There is a lot of background and detail I can add if anyone needs to know, but just some basic top tips would be so helpful.
Thank you.
submitted by Mouse-Mission1294 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:55 morganleigh00 Symptoms that led to my raynauds and hyper mobile ehlers-danlos self diagnosis- I feel like I’m going crazy

Hi all. I am a 26 year old female, who has always had noticeable hyper extension of my elbows, my toes and my neck. With a lot of research, I’ve reached this diagnosis. My primary care provider scratched his head when I suggested this diagnosis and my symptoms, so I’m coming to Reddit. I’ve heard a lot about ehlers danlos and raynauds, and my symptoms of severely cold toes and discoloration (I’m diagnosed with ADHD and have been prescribed 30 mg vyvanse which triggers it without fail) led me to believe I have all of the above. My discoloration has occurred since I was a child, which was always triggered by cold temps and led to my legs having patchy purple patterns and pale toes. It worsened in severity when I became pregnant at 20 and felt better after giving birth. But I noticed I had multiple bruises on my legs that occurred without trauma, and would eventually heal after about 1-2 weeks. The bruising also occurred when I began working out and running, which would begin to tamper off after about a month of consistent exercise. With my doctor waving me off with a non existent worry, I’m curious if anyone with this also has bruising? They appear after physical activity and sometimes have a sore bump underneath. I consistently have cold feet, and have veins in my arms and feet that protrude with adequate blood flow. (For context my dad also has obvious symptoms of ehlers danlos, but never was diagnosed) Thank you all, sincerely from a user with health anxiety that is very confused.
submitted by morganleigh00 to Raynauds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:54 Jagagv07 Escape Room: Mysterious Realm

Embark on an exhilarating adventure into the heart of "Escape Room: Mystery Realm," a captivating point-and-click escape game that will test your skills and unravel thrilling mysteries! Dive into a world of intricate puzzles, hidden objects, and challenging quests across 50 levels of excitement. Are you ready to uncover the secrets of the mysterious realm and escape to freedom?
submitted by Jagagv07 to escaperoom24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:51 Witty_Clock_3930 7You can’t 7shut me down7

I can see I had to be by myself
But lately I’m digging this
I needed to heal some old wounds
So I could be ready to be me freely
This wasn’t easy believe me
I know I’m not dreaming I know lucid I know screaming
I tell you I’m human
Star dust in this room then
With the breath of life and a will to live
Sinner & Saint
I use words as my paint
& I paint with my words
Weather a brush of my sword
Or a flick of my words
If you were to ask me come close n you grasped me
If you were to mention Love I’d both flee and I’d stay
Im fucked up this way
I’d come back to earth
Fly fast back n forth for you I would morph
O lovely I’m cursed agape phileo storgé ëros
Come forth be my power and source
To teach and reach people who don’t know what it’s worth
Break away from this earth yet live here until only My
Legacy remembers me and the love I had for those given to me
I’ve been bound since my birth
I’m both blessed & I’m cursed
The best of the worst Or my worst made Him cursed
Loved me so I could love thee
Loved me before I could ever love properly
My views were tainted selfish and sexually charged Hedonistic at large trying to fill up a void That nearly destroyed my life like the toss of a toy
By a careless little boy
This isn’t a game and I’m not a toy
I’m innocently guilty covered In blood
But it’s clearly cleansed me God how why
All I know is that you befriend me
When I cursed you said mine and I cursed you An atheistic rebel reveled in this place some call a hell hole
Who wants to feel me
Don’t do it I can be picky
Don’t want to break you I’m Territorial I luv 2 leave hickies
Can’t shut me down Weather you kiss or you hit me
Are we doing this -fuck it
Come get me Die to live with me
Internal swim oceans I promise to hold you
Love deadly healing the cold you
Externally on guard I don’t look like what I’ve been through
Hold back what’s so terribly easy Most thinking sinning is winning
A cycle most recite recycle weathered and bitter
I’ve lerned that I can do more go beyond being spiteful
These limits they’ve chained us
To this world and it’s fleshly endeavors
I know the One who enables me to always remember
To keep it together To love always
September Remember remember the fifth of November victory In Him who made me twenty fifth of December Somehow i still lived and kept lit This hidden🔥 ember🖤.
submitted by Witty_Clock_3930 to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:50 Jagagv07 Escape Room: Mysterious Realm

Embark on an exhilarating adventure into the heart of "Escape Room: Mystery Realm," a captivating point-and-click escape game that will test your skills and unravel thrilling mysteries! Dive into a world of intricate puzzles, hidden objects, and challenging quests across 50 levels of excitement. Are you ready to uncover the secrets of the mysterious realm and escape to freedom?
Step into immersive environments filled with hidden clues and unravel the secrets that lie within each room. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.air.adventure.mysterious.realm&gl=us
submitted by Jagagv07 to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:50 Maleficent-Cow-8480 {Update} #1 A Night of Reflection and Uncertainty.

My First Post https://www.reddit.com/useMaleficent-Cow-8480/comments/1crj3m1/seeking_advice_and_support_after_a_mistake
Hey Reddit
I wanted to provide a quick update, even though it's only been a few hours since my last post. Tonight has been a mix of emotions and unexpected events.
Firstly, I regret to share that my mom is currently in the hospital with shoulder pain, and her heart rate is quite low at around 30 BPM. It's late now, and with my dad not at home, I probably won't have a chance to talk to either of them tonight. I'm trying to stay positive and hope for the best.
On the upside, having this evening to myself has allowed me some much-needed time to think and relax without having to explain myself or my mistakes to my dad. I appreciate this moment of peace to gather my thoughts before we discuss the situation.
Earlier, I had a great time playing a game with some family members, which lifted my spirits. While I know I'll eventually have to share my thoughts with my parents, for now, I'm choosing to focus on relaxation and fully processing my feelings.
As for school, there's still uncertainty about how things will unfold. I haven't received any updates from the principal regarding possible consequences like expulsion or suspension, so I'll have to wait and see.
On a positive note, I'm relieved to share that I am currently out of the self-harm zone. However, I remain uncertain about what lies ahead in terms of my mental health journey.
I appreciate all the support and encouragement I've received from this community. If you want more context, feel free to check out my previous post for additional information.
Thank you all for being there. I'll keep you updated as things progress.
Take care
submitted by Maleficent-Cow-8480 to u/Maleficent-Cow-8480 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:46 Crybabycalzone I’m tired of feeling like I’m hunted for sport

I’m tired of my heart racing with the w thoughts and trauma of you cheating. Of you stealing almost five years of my life, with empty promises and broken dreams. To treat me like I’m nothing of value, to treat me like I’m some nuisance when you were the one who pursued me. I’m tired of your lies, your explanations that make no sense, you using past forgiven things to hurt me over and over and over like a knife to the chest
There is no more blood left There is no more blood left
submitted by Crybabycalzone to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:46 yourweirdoneighbor69 43 [M4F] Hey you, yeah you, I see you eyeballing me. Tap me to read. You know you want to!!!

About Me:
Hi, I am 43, currently residing in Texas, single, no children or pets but open to both. I am an introverted/romantic/affectionate type of person. I am sentimental and a real hopeless romantic at heart.
Things I enjoy range from playing board/video games as well as binge-watch shows and movies, window shopping as well as to the park and lake sometimes and enjoy getting out of the house from time to time but prefer to stay home most days.
Looks, weight, ethnicity or health issues etc doesn't matter to me.. I care more about how we click/connect and what we have in common and how we treat one another that matters most to me.
What I Am Looking For:
Someone who is single or divorced who is single and in the USA. Someone who I can eventually settle down with. Be romantic with.
Someone who enjoys gaming either it be card games, board games, video games, or just binge watch movies or tv shows. who enjoys the flea markets, parks, lakes, long road trips to nowhere. enjoys slow dancing and snuggling.
Someone who is serious and wants to eventually live together and be a real couple. Someone to grow old with and to have a long lasting relationship with.
submitted by yourweirdoneighbor69 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]
