Workout for quick weight loss


2022.11.20 00:28 ArtThouWorthy OzempicForWeightLoss

We’re 1 day old, be patient with us. This will be a great community soon! This is a safe place to discuss weight loss via Ozempic use. No medical reasons asked - but you can share if you want to and are respectful of others. Soon we’ll have mods, fixed topics and flairs.

2013.10.04 05:03 woodswiki Expert Advice on weight loss

Weight loss has become an incredible part of our life and hence to know about the tips and tricks in it becomes significant. This subreddit is dedicated to those who are looking for weight loss tips, quick weight loss techniques and healthy natural weight loss products.

2021.04.03 15:58 qelz333 WeightLossForAll

A Group For Everyone To Come Together To Overcome The Hurdle Of Weight Loss. Share Your Story, Helpful Tips, and More We are all together here

2024.05.14 12:38 SimplySpikedLemonade I’m in love with my best friend but she doesn’t love me back

Tale as old as time I guess. I’m (33M) in love with my best friend (29F), and I’m just stuck at a crossroads right now. I’m divorced and was raised in a high control religion where I did not have freedom to date. I decided to put myself back out there last year after secluding myself for so long and ended up meeting some really great friends.
One of them was her.
We quickly became friends, and I knew something was different about her right from the start. The first night that I met her while we were out with mutual friends, we talked for hours, it was like an instant connection which I had not ever experienced before. On my ride home that night I had a biggest smile on my face from the moment we hugged goodbye to the moment I fell asleep.
We started hanging out frequently, but it turned out that she started seeing another guy right around the time we met. That hurt a bit but I decided to just build a friendship with her. Over the next few months we remained in contact as close friends. I didn’t date anyone in that time period, but was also dealing with some shit on and off from my ex and couldn’t really bring myself to do anything anyway.
Fast forward to February and she has called things off with the guy she was seeing, and I’ve dealt with my ex situation. We start hanging out heavily, it goes from every week to multiple times a week, then to nearly every other day if not every day. We start sleeping over at each others places, we workout together, I meet and start becoming close with her family, and we basically text or call each other nonstop. We’ve become best friends, we both agree that we can talk to each other about anything, and can 1000% be ourselves around each other. This is especially new for me, who grew up learning to supress my personality.
I tell her that I’ve developed feelings for her, but she tells me that she just wants to remain friends. It hurts but she’s the closest person to me in my life and I don’t want to lose that, so I decide to try to just tamp down my feelings. We continue hanging out all the time like normal, until a few days ago. She tells me that she has agreed to go out on a date with someone, and I just feel my entire world collapse in an instant. Now we are trying to navigate this and reevaluate our relationship, because she can read me like a book and knew the instant she told me that it was a dagger in my heart, despite me trying to hold it together.
I just don’t know what to do now. I’ve never been this close with anyone, not even my ex as crazy as that sounds. She is starting to distance herself from me and it hurts more than almost anything I’ve ever experienced. I just don’t want to lose the connection we have. What makes it worse is that, due to my religious background, I don’t have a good relationship with my family, and I was starting to feel like I was part of her family with how often I was around them. She told me a few weeks ago that I was her “person” and she is mine.
I just feel completely lost.
Tl;dr I’m in love with my best friend but she does not love me back despite wanting to be with me almost all the time, and I just don’t know what to do.
submitted by SimplySpikedLemonade to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:35 theramin-serling Is it possible I'm already well through peri (or meno), or just long term light periods?

I have been on the birth control pill since I was 20. I was put on it during college after some drastic weight loss and erratic cycles due to stress, and I never went off it because I found it stabilized my periods, which had never been too predictable since I had started getting them at 16.
When I turned 30, after my mom died, my periods started gradually getting shorter and lighter. I used to have heavy, 7 day long ones and by the time I was 35, they'd declined to about 3 days long at moderate flow. When I was 37, they went down to just 2 days of spotting and my PMS symptoms became just one day of a severe headache and a few days of significant low mood. I went to a series of doctors at this point, all of whom ran various blood tests, did ultrasounds, and so forth. Everything was normal. I tried going off BC for 6 months (hated it, btw, I felt so emotionally unregulated and I broke out like crazy) and nothing changed, same old 2 days of spotting. My various doctors saw no harm in me going back on BC so I'm back on it now. The only explanation they could offer was "stress," but I would have expected it to correct when the stressors were gone many years earlier-- which obviously didn't happen.
Now I'm 43, no clear single source of stress to point to, and it's only gotten lighter. Now I only get like 1 day of spotting, maybe -- sometimes nothing at all. The only way I know that anything is happening is that I get exceptionally low moods and a severe headache like clockwork for a few days every month. The low mood has been getting worse.
At this point, is it possible that I am well into peri or even menopause, and maybe the Bc has been masking some other symptoms? Everyone else mentions that periods should get heaviemore erratic as they get older. Is it different if you've never had kids, maybe?
submitted by theramin-serling to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:35 Fickle-Debate5927 PSA: If you’re 45+/a woman, more protein & working out are highly recommended

“These weight loss drugs, they basically cause the development of frailty in older patients in months instead of years,” said Dr. Mitchell Steiner, the chief executive of Veru, which is conducting the study.
In the meantime, doctors said, it’s critical for these patients to find ways to maintain their muscle. Older adults and postmenopausal women, in particular, are at risk for becoming frail or developing osteoporosis if they lose too much muscle, said Dr. Scott Hagan, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Washington who studies obesity. But anyone who loses muscle could experience weakness and fatigue, Dr. Hagan said, and could be at an increased risk of falls and injuries.
“Just because we’re losing weight doesn’t always mean we’re getting healthier,” said Dr. Michelle Hauser, obesity medicine director of the Stanford Lifestyle and Weight Management Center.
Doctors tend to recommend two simple fixes to fight muscle loss: eating protein and doing strength training.
submitted by Fickle-Debate5927 to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:34 Wang_Xiuying Energy And Metabolism Boosters - Your Path To A Toned Waistline

Imagine this - you are determined to get that toned stomach and want to spend a few hours every day at the gym. The problem is, your body doesn't seem to want to cooperate. So, no matter how hard you try, you are left with no energy at the end of those weary, busy days. Or, you somehow manage to drag yourself to the gym, despite all the tiredness, and even after all those sit-ups and crunches, you always miss your dream waistline by an inch or two. Sounds heartbreaking, doesn't it? Not anymore. Today, we're going to dive deep into the world of health supplements and learn about two that are particularly favoured - energy boost supplements and pills for belly fat loss.
~Understanding Energy Boost Supplements~
These are special pills that have been formulated to dial up your energy levels. Whether you're having a hectic day at work and are zoning out, or didn't get enough sleep at night and are dozing off, energy boost supplements can come to your rescue. These unsweetened caffeinated tablets help fight off fatigue and heighten awareness, helping you power through tight schedules.
So how can these pills help you achieve your dream body? The energy boost tablets help increase your energy levels and overall vitality, helping you tackle high-intensity workout sessions like a champ. So now, lack of energy won't get in the way of you achieving your fitness goals.
~Role of Belly Fat Loss Pills~
Specifically designed to curb metabolism, the best pills to lose belly fat help you in your quest to lose that stubborn fat around your midsection. Infused with ingredients like coffee arabica which quells the production of ghrelin, and garcinia cambogia which heightens the production of serotonin, these pills curb your appetite, helping you to lose weight faster.
Even after pouring your heart and soul at the gym, sweating it out with those planks and push-ups, you might not get the results you want. This is where metabolism boost supplements come in handy. By taking care of the last couple of tenacious pounds that just don't want to leave you alone, they aid your journey to your dream body, one pill at a time.
They work by increasing your metabolism and inhibiting your hunger and ensuring that the extra fat you have in your body is burnt and used up as fuel. This gives you toned and well-defined muscles, especially in your abdomen.
~Effective Use Of Health Supplements~
While the best health supplements in the market are incredibly efficient and remarkably safe to use, it is important to talk to a healthcare provider before starting a pill regime, especially if you have existing health issues. Plus, ensure that you don't cross the daily dosage limit to prevent adverse effects on your body, and don't forget to keep yourself hydrated to support your metabolic functions.
~Conclusion~ -
The energy supplements and the best pills to lose belly fat both can prove to be incredible allies in your weightloss journey.
Combined with healthy eating habits and high-intensity workout sessions, these pills will transform your present body into the one from your dreams in front of your very eyes. So why wait? Order energy supplements or metabolism-boosting pills today and take that first step towards achieving your body goals.
submitted by Wang_Xiuying to u/Wang_Xiuying [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:33 Mobile-Actuary-5283 Kelly Clarkson says she uses injectable weight loss aids

First of all, she looks great. She comes across as an authentic person. But I am conflicted about why these celebrities who have lost weight outright deny being on any GLP-1s in the first place...then face headlines where they "admit" to taking them. On the one hand, it's nobody business. On the other, they are in the public eye so...
And why the "admission" as if it's some bad, covert thing? That only furthers fat shaming.
Are celebs causing the shortage? No. But you know damn well that Oprah and Kelly and Charles Barkley and anyone else who's on these aren't calling local pharmacies every day and driving hours to get their next dose. They aren't splitting pens or filling out spreadsheets.
I am conflicted about whether I am happy or angry that Kelly finally opened up about her weight loss success after claiming for months that it's because she ate high protein and walked a lot. If these celebs wanted to influence in a good way, they would talk about the shortage, availability, affordability and access issues. They could bring real visibility and maybe even change to this issue while so many of us struggle to find and afford the same meds.
submitted by Mobile-Actuary-5283 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:30 Sensible_gibberish Tips for weight loss while tapering on Lexapro

I am on my way to quit Lexapro and adjust to Prozac as Lexapro really lowers down my energy and I have gained 15 pounds on it.
I really need some realistic tips/suggestions from people who have successfully lost weight on Lexapro or after quitting it. Thank you in advance!
submitted by Sensible_gibberish to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:29 JujTheFrenchBaguette Losing weight with BED ?

Hey everyone !
I have always struggled with my weight and my body and had a crappy relationship with food since childhood. When I was a teenager I was always on diets and counted calories obsessively despite being at a healthy weight, just a little chubbier than my friends (around 60 kg/130 lbs, and I'm 1m62/5'4). It turned into what I think in retrospect was bulimia, where I would fast for 24 hours at a time, bingeing right afterwards. Then I got through a small bout of depression during the second lockdown in my country, during the fall of 2020, and since then... I don't compensate anymore, just binge several times a week. I'm now a not depressed 22 years old, but who weighs 93kg/200 lbs (so obese... :( ) and I really feel terrible about that. Apparently I have fatty liver. My doctor was really kind and patient with me, but told me now was the right time to lose weight. She also told me that I had to be careful doing that because of the disordered eating.
I already go to the gym 2/3 times a week, have a pilates class every week, and walk my 10k steps almost everyday (maybe 8k on average ? not counting the steps on the elliptical). The food is the main problem I guess, but if someone has good gym routines for weight loss, please share ! Of course I plan on going to therapy, but I'm currently living in a foreign country so I'd rather wait until July, when I'll be back in mine.
Any tips ?
submitted by JujTheFrenchBaguette to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:29 NoBarracuda2587 Chronicles of Silentverse: The Secret Files 3

Devouring Cancer

Meat. /mi:t/
Me it. /mi/ /:t/
It me. /:t/ /mi/
It’s me…
We are eating ones of ourselves…
/Mellator Matrix Mind: Inner Core.
/Unit: great [AVALON] the first
/G.R. Era.
/Memory File transmission: Generalized perspective
/Gender: N/A[Neutral]
/Age: {Human equivalent: 2001 years}
/Race: Grrrr’atrrr
/Species: N/A[Hive Mind]
/ Additional verification: Class>>> [Cancer Cells]
/Cradle planet: Ci-3301
/Home planet origin: Mupan
/First person POV not applicable. Generalized Spectator mode.
/Sequence Code: 5-18-5-8 19-1-23 20-8-7-9-14-11-5-12-2-13-21-8
/Memory transmission in 3…2…1…

It’s all that drives us. It’s all that unites, connects us… All that pulls us, all that defines and binds us…
Our story began long ago. It all started with a single parasite cell. Not the greatest primordial ancestor indeed, but every Apex Predator started somewhere. But back to our history… That very first cell was our first grandmother, as well as the beginning of our entire civilization. Hard to tell what was the trigger for it’s evolutionary change, as time wipes all. Perhaps it was desire to become something better? Awakening? Or maybe just spontaneous mutation in one of the genome chains, occurring by changes in environment? It really doesn’t matter. All what matters is that that cell evolved…
It didn’t happened quickly of course. Our first grandmother was no different than an average cancer cell that is present in nearly every life form, even us. It just growed into one small neoplasm, or simply, a cancer tumor. But that tumor slowly made it’s way to the brain. We know that because that’s how we, as well as our ancestors, assimilated everything for millennia…
It is impossible to determine which one of the prey species was honored to become the meal of our first ancestor, but it was clear that that feast was something that never happened before. That tumor did not just sucked the nutrients dry till the brain dies from the protein starvation, taking the tumor along the way with it. No, that tumor assimilated it. And that tumor learned. Learned from it. And it saw the world for the first time.
Assimilation is not as easy as other inferior beings think. First, your cell needs to find the prey cell. Then it needs to envelop the cytoplasm of that cell to properly assimilate it. However, after assimilating the “Host”, your cells need to take properties of assimilated cells and even function for the prey organism for the time being so it won’t suspect anything. It is a long, tedious and fatiguing process. That’s why we just ambush other prey organisms, tear them apart, and devour them for protein supplies, to avoid all that bustling.
And say what, the prey doesn’t make it easier for us either. As our first ancestors quickly learned, prey can be sentient too. It is inferior, weak, pathetic… And yet it can create great weapons to stop us. For [decades] these beings create astonishing amount of that pesky, venomous and disgusting antibiotics and chemicals to kill our minds. For thousands of [years] they set our flesh on fire, making us scream as we die in agony cell by cell.
And yet we prevail. When they make those chemistry compounds they call “Cure”, we gain immunity to it. When they set our bodies ablaze, we spray them with our blood and teeth, making their bodies to slowly blister as we eat them inside out. When they close their doors on us, we use ventilations, slithering right above their heads or below their {feet}. When they use special protection suits, we just tear them apart. And when they completely quarantine themselves, thinking that they are safe, we pretend to be one of them, striking from behind…
What is the most amazing thing about this prey? Well, aside that their flesh is delicious… They are clever. And they know how to build stuff. Weapons, tools, technology… Everything to increase the odds of survivability and comfort of their pathetic kind. And by devouring their minds, we gain all this knowledge as well! We learned how to grow cattle to saturate our hunger, we learned how to create faster means of transportation that even the fastest members of our swarm can’t out-crawl with their appendages. And most importantly; we learned how to reach the skies…
Among the prey species that we feast upon, there was a special class, or caste, of highly educated specimens, who called themselves “scientists”. These specimens learned how to use metal, fuel, radiation, and other inedible and in some cases straight up harmful components of nature, and turned them into what they called “Spacecraft”. A special vehicle, capable of leaving the atmosphere of our planet. Something that sounded like fantasy, even for the boldest ones of us, who sometimes managed to grow wings and flew high in the sky. It was a fantasy until we consumed their heads and the knowledge they possessed along the way. From them we gained knowledge of the schematics of these space vessels, and most importantly; the schematics of FTL drives. Devices capable of traveling among the stars with “superluminal” speed. And so, after conquering and discovering each and every corner of our planet, we soared to the great unknown, right into the void…

/Transmission mode: Spectator. Centralized perspective.
/Subject: Verrruur. Grrrr’atrrr. Lead hive mind of the Hunter Fleets.
/Transmission in 3…2…1…
We flew among the stars in our glorious ships made out of strongest titanium fusions and covered in our eternal flesh. Yes, what wasn’t made out of the metal hulls and electronics, was made out of sheer muscles and flesh tissue. So many cells… So much nutrition… We could withstand decades without the food and still hunt like our greatest hunters back on Mupan(Apparently, that’s how prior sentient prey species happened to call our planet, and we didn’t really bother to rename it, as for us it was widely known as just plain“Ground, floor, or land”). Our strongest weapons, combined with our most dissolving acid spitters, made us the strongest and most feared hunters, “cementing” our history as the strongest Apex Predators in the galaxy! We defeated, devoured, and assimilated everything… It did not matter if our enemy was a leviathan, an enemy prey fleet, or even an entire planet. If it could be eaten, it was eaten…
Until it wasn’t…
On yet another great crusade in search of delicacy for our insatiable fleets, our sensors captured a strange, but nonetheless familiar signal. The impulse of FTL drive. We made a serious double, and even triple checking of our radars to avoid a major nutritional loss due to false readings. After our intels captured, properly verified, and confirmed the signal, our intercoms just exploded with thousands of jaws:
“ Food! FOOD!!! Food! Food! Delicious prey! Food! We shall… FEAST! Food! Yes!!! Food! FOOD!!! We haven’t ate for [Month]! At last… Some good food… Food! Juicy food… Flesh of prey…
Food! The succulent meat…”
Yes, we felt joy. And anticipation of hunting down these unknown but likely very delicious organisms. It was like opening the present. You don’t know what was inside these flying metal cans, but you sure know that it was likely to be something edible.
Oh, we never were so wrong in our glorious history.
We did not saw them at first, that’s how black and cloaked they were. When we finally identified our “prey” we saw it was a small cluster of black ellipsoids, just hovering there. They did not tried to contact us, like other naive prey organisms did. They were completely silent...
“We will smash you like the eggs you are!” we foolishly thought back then...
They slowly turned frontwards when we approached them. Their range was astonishing, picking our smallest drones instantly before they could even scream, like if they were the candles that these black horrors just blew out.
When we finally reached the required distance and fired our acid sacks and laser guns however, they were still there, not blowing up, retreating, or even moving an [inch]. Then we opened all the airlocks(if we weren’t already outside) and enveloped their ships in our mighty grip, not stopping to pour their shields with our acids and plasma. Usually, after a few unpleasant zaps of enemy shields, they just popped and the ships just were crack open like the [nuts].
But not them...
They did not crumble and exposed their hulls with screaming prey just getting sucked out in the vacuum as usual, no, instead they started to grow bright red. Redder than our flesh and blood…
And burned. Burned stronger and more painful than any flame. Our drones roared in pain but we couldn’t hear any of their songs of torture in this vacuum of silent space. Hundreds of megatons of our flesh clusters was just turned in ashes or were torn off and become drifted dead lumps of burnt meat. Our intercoms filled with screams of fear and agony, our minds losing their mass and density, turning into undeveloped children.
"Father? It hurts…” could be heard from countless drones. And any of them that tried to escape, were sniped with red beams of such accuracy, that our best spitters could only dream of. It didn’t last long when we were the only operating guide ship of entire Armada that was so ingloriously butchered. And then we felt the warmth…
No… NO!
All weapons of this black "eggs" were pointed at us, our last mind. The last memories flashed as we slowly were burned to death. The last though of our last tumor was the realization that there was someone stronger than us. Someone who cannot be eaten. The bigger Predator…
/Memory transmission File disconnected.
/Reason: Biological death of the Subject.
/Cause of death: Sterilization.
/End of data log.
submitted by NoBarracuda2587 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:27 Flamewakerr To EA and whom it may concern, sincerely, from one of us

Hey everyone, amidst the thousands of rants, in light of Nick's movement, I think it's time for me to say something, maybe no one cares, I don't have a major platform to get my word out, but I still think that it's good to get these things out here and perhaps the best thing all of this can do is change the way we perceive the game as a player base. This will be long, so those of you willing to, bear with me.
Let me tell you something from a point of view of someone who loved the game for a long time. We're a bunch of very versatile people from all over the place and maybe it can also teach us a lesson or two. On one hand, you have kids who play it for the same reason I played it some good 15 years ago, and you've got us, the older players, who loved the game for what it was growing up because it was the best football themed game out there in many aspects, although FIFA entries weren't the only good thing about that era (shoutout to PES 2006 and 2010). It's a game that I used to enjoy because I love football as a sport, I used to play it basically on a professional level, this is the best "active" form for me to engage with the game. I'm probably too stupid for Football Manager though I believe it's only a matter of watchin a few videos to get into it and understand the in-depth mechanics. I always tried playing it and got lost in the menus within 5 minutes. But for what it's worth, I understood FIFA, I understood FUT and the shell of what it once was, the grind was fun to me, using players from past and present that I like, well, until it all got burned to the fucking ground within a year. I was never an Elite div or Rank 1 or even Rank 2 player. But I had certain results, I would get 9 to 11 wins most of the time and with enough free time I could always climb to atleast div 2 in Rivals. Sure, many of you are better and I realize that, but it's not about that. To me it was always about getting better at the game for myself, on my own terms, there would be some progression to it and getting better throughout the years always made me happy. Adult life is adult life and it's very individual, some of us have more free time on our hands, others don't. In my case, I barely have time to do my daily play matches, some SBCs and play Champs on the weekend because of work.
But the question is - how can I consistently enjoy the game if:
The whole situation is very stupid, because there is no viable alternative in terms of football games, and frankly, playing FIFA is a habit and something I've been doing for one half of my life. It's tough for me to get invested into an online competitive game, though I used to play League, Overwatch, stuff like that, but those games became shit over the years as well. That's why, though I'm only one of way too many, from my point of view, my actions bear some value, because as of today, I just don't want to feel like shit because of a game anymore atleast on a weekly basis. As things stand, dumping my time into this game is simply pointless. If I want to play Weekend League, I'll get shat on by the servers, or the gameplay will be horrendous and my cards will feel like freezers getting dragged across the pitch by a rope. Cards with great finishing, will feel like bronze cards, whatever. We're not supposed to get good rewards, and the game will call us out for being "bad" when we get DDAd. At this point, there is nothing positive about it. I will perhaps return for Futties, not that anyone cares, but building fun cards is kinda fun and good, so I'm looking forward to that. Otherwise, I will return only if all of this actually changes something. If the assholes from EA release a statement and actually change something, then I will return earlier, and even then, I'm not giving them a single euro this year. And maybe, for the first time in way too many years, I won't even preorder, maybe I'll play it later on, if it turns out to be better and different. Other than that... there's no point playing if the game is like this. I'm done with feeling negative emotions because of a game designed to gaslight and manipulate us into feeling like shit.
Sorry for the long post, I guess I just felt like I needed to tell someone.
submitted by Flamewakerr to fut [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:25 nikkistaxx I went sugar & caffeine free on 04/09 & wow!

I removed processed foods, added sugars and caffeine from my diet on April 9. Aside from some really tough withdrawal symptoms that have mostly subsided, I’ve gained mental clarity, calmness and unexpected weight loss. Over the past five weeks I am down 14 pounds. I’m 5’6” and originally weighed about 165. I weigh 151 this morning. I’ve been on diet treatment plans like Noom and tried food delivery options like HelloFresh. I even had a gym membership and worked out regularly and just could not lose weight. I work from home so it’s difficult to be as active as I used to be in the office. These 14 pounds have been sticking around with me for the past couple of years and I’ve been working so hard to get them off. It’s startling to me how the weight just melted off of me.
I eat lots of fruit as a natural source of sugar.
I hope this serves some encouragement to those of you who are on your health journey. I actually don’t wanna lose any more weight than I have. I sure hope the trend stops soon.
submitted by nikkistaxx to sugarfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:19 Fit-Visual-5811 I don’t think YS is uncannon as many people say

I see a lot of people in this subreddit, especially TBBT fans, complaining that YS is not a faithful prequel as it doesn’t correctly portray Sheldon’s family. (esp George) First off, TBBT is a sitcom, where Sheldons family is mentioned only for a comic factor, while YS dives into the life of the Cooper family. Apart from that, to me it looks like the writers actually tried very hard to remain cannon. If you look into the ep 12 finale , you can see Sheldon has a facial reaction, which he has had in past seasons too, which basically shows that the emotional weight of the event is too much for him so he simply ignores it / precesses it in his weird way. So it seems like the death of George was never really processed or, in the desperation of trying to find a rational cause for the event, he villainized George Sr. to the point where statistically he would’ve died anyways (drinking beers = alcoholism, getting angry = aggressive behaviour, seeing him in the act with “Helga” = committing adultery). It does seem like Sheldon always had a way of simplifying major life events to the point where he seems insensitive (Bringing up Georgie beeing a teen parent), when this is just a coping/surviving mechanism to a truly sensible mind. His psychic is probably the weakest in the whole family, and to that there are many examples, like that one philosophy teacher sending him into an alarming depression by trying to change his worldview. So maybe the way he talks about his dad in TBBT is his way of processing / not even truly processing his loss in a way that makes it look like the father’s death as imminent due to his incompetence. Hopefully in the last segment where TBBT characters are brought in YS we will see some sort of evolution from Sheldons character in terms of processing his father’s death and life.
submitted by Fit-Visual-5811 to YoungSheldon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:10 DenjiTheDepressed Well well well. How's everybody been? Break was kinda tame, idk, you tell me. Anyway, excited about the new chap? Got any predictions?

Well well well. How's everybody been? Break was kinda tame, idk, you tell me. Anyway, excited about the new chap? Got any predictions?
It's that time already? Huh...
Two weeks really went by without much notice (lmao).
I thought it might be nice to check in on people, see what's on everybody's minds. Just taking a queue from a certain CEO of War, the one with the ultimate luck... the one who reads.
I gotta say, sometimes things go from 0 to a 100 real quick on this sub, but this break week has been kinda tame, and it's not a bad pace.
Definitely been seeing a lot more creativity; more artwork and cosplays. To the panel coloring, panel redraws, OC art people, all the way to the edit makers - you GOATS know who you are 🗿🗿🗿 Keep the content coming, it's been like medication for my insanity, and I bet everybody appreciates it too.
Also, some sudden trends popped up. Whether or not they were controversial, some people say is a controversy in itself, apparently.
Had an uprising of Asaden hating, Yoshiden glazing, and a certain someone with a tight connection to Miss WardBird - but it all went away. The time had to come, for some it was bliss, for others a loss. Definitely some heavy stuff was implied, but the specifics are probably best discussed in private or DMs.
What's more, only a few hours left to go until we see where the Sushimoto plans to take us.
Honestly, I'm feeling hyped, but let's see... let's see.
What do you think is gonna be happening this time around? Will the No.1 Hater Katana get to eat some sushi the gang? Anyone expecting any major story developments or do you think we might get another episode of Mentally broken Dennis & F.R.E.N.D.S.? And what's going on with Nutella? The Council would certainly like to know.
Predicting the future isn't technically a spoiler, but you can use the spoiler feature in comments if you really wanna hide something you comment (check out Pic 4)
Curious to hear how everybuddy's two weeks have been and what you might think could happen next.
Anyways, Try not to hate or glaze too much, enjoy yourselves people,
Peace ✌️
Sauce: Pic 1: Ken(tana) edit. Pic 2: Nutella from added into edit. Pic 3: Just another Dennis edit. Pic 4: Using spoilers on reddit.
submitted by DenjiTheDepressed to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:01 BootsAreForMonsters I decided to get out and touch grass or more technically weights but I have no idea what to do. Any suggestions ?

Hello. So, yesterday, I went to the gym for the first time. I hadn't done any sports for about five years since a major anxiety attack during a handball training session put me off team sports (turns out having your parents has your coach can be quite mentally and physicaly exhausting). However, I decided that this year would be different. After ten months of hesitation, I finally went to the gym, thanks to my little brother, who kindly accompanied me. I did half of his arm workout using 4kg and 6kg weights and then hit the exercice bike for 20 mins.
I realize I can't rely on my brother all the time, as we're both busy and likely won't be able to go to the gym together regularly. I want to establish a gym routine before I panic and back out, but I have no idea where to start. I'm a 22-year-old female, weighing about 82kg (around 180 pounds), and I want to lose fat and gain muscle.
I also now attend handball training every two weeks on Fridays, but it's just for fun with beginners, not competitive anymore. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Asking my brother isn't really feasible because he is very busy with college and work, his workouts are specialized for him as a semi-pro handball player, and we won't see each other often after summer.
submitted by BootsAreForMonsters to WorkoutRoutines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:59 khaledq10 Stuck losing the last 10-15lbs

24M and 5'10. Over the years I've gained and lost weight multiple times. About a year ago I weighed around 240lbs. Today I'm 192 at about 21% body fat. My target is what I once was several years ago at about 175-180lbs but it just seems really difficult losing this last portion. My diet hasn't really changed and I've been consistent over the past year. I'm working out 4-5 times a week and now implementing cardio a couple times since the weather is getting nicer. But I've just been plateaud at 190-194 for like the past 4 months now. I'm on creatine so that probably adds a couple pounds of water weight but still. I don't track my calories, I know... But I've lost close to 50lbs now without the need to. I still have a rough idea of how much I consume. My meals are usually breakfast, dinner and my protein shake after my gym workout. I try to stick to that as close as possible. Cutting more out of my diet just doesn't seem feasible as I already struggle with energy levels throughout the day and especially at the gym.
Does losing 50lbs really affect the BMR that much to the point where you just plateau?
submitted by khaledq10 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:52 Optimal-Ad7259 Issue with my manager

In short- My job isn’t hard but my manager is making it difficult.
Firstly, I came from a high-stress high-demand underpaid Finance job, to a workplace where expectations are clearly outlined, people aren’t expected to work late and I am paid more money. Perfect.
We are a team of women (wonderful) but sometimes I feel we make things way more difficult than it should be.
When I started I had a lot of knowledge about our industry and when I shared this knowledge with the team, my manager undermined me and said I was wrong. I also have knowledge about some of our clients and their internal structure- she also said I was wrong about a company I used to work for. I worked in finance then and was part of a huge restructure.
I am used to submitting holiday, and it being rejected or approved. My new manager will talk at the beginning of each meeting about holiday, what she has to move around to get it approved, and wants to chat about what I am doing with my holiday. It feels like we are causing her stress when we submit leave and the discussions go on for weeks sometimes.
We had a team meeting a few weeks ago where the whole team listened to us talk about my holiday and how she was going to move shifts to get it approved. I find it super unprofessional as it’s not up to me to advise her what shifts to move about etc. I’ve noticed she does not do this with my colleagues.
She has mentioned my colleague’s weight loss goals in our 121’s. She told our entire team my partner was going to propose to me in a quarterly teams call (called it out in front of everybody) when I never said he was. I said I he was ‘popping to the shop’ when we were signing off for the day. She assumed ‘pop’ meant ‘pop the question’ since it was near Christmas?
In our 1-2-1’s she always says ‘I don’t want you getting overwhelmed’. I have never said I am overwhelmed and she mentioned last week that she used this wording in relation to me, TO HER MANAGER, which I am upset about. I asked if she has any concerns with my work, and she doesn’t. She has mentioned many times that she is overwhelmed and seems to be projecting this on to me.
I am not responding well to her overly-emotional approach to management at all. I have noticed other people in my team get treated differently because they are closer with their families. For example I worked over Christmas last year and said I would prefer to be off this year. She said ‘x person’ and ‘x person’ needs to see their family. I feel like I’m now I’m competition with my co-workers to make the most compelling case to have time off in December!
I have also realised today that she has lied to me and my colleagues have more access in the system than I do. I asked for access to something and I have been told it’s only available to a certain level of employee, which is not true. I would prefer if she just said ‘you can’t have access’ as I’m not bothered but I would prefer not to be lied to!
We are also alone together 1 day a week and I’ve noticed there will only be a period of 1 hour where she makes herself available. She does give great support when we are touching base but does talk more than necessary and often confuses matters. If I correct her she doesn’t listen and will carry on down the same path. I’ve also noticed she interrupts and won’t stop talking until the other person has stopped.
I have never raised a grievance at work and I don’t feel the above is reason enough to speak to her manager. However, I don’t feel this person is the right person to be representing my best interests to upper management and it is now getting me down. Should I just leave?
submitted by Optimal-Ad7259 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:48 Frog_Shaped Top Surgery Process Journal

The EXTREMELY detailed, mega-anxiety edition!!! Major events like consult and surgery day are labeled like this:
Surgeon was Dr. David Whitehead and I saw him on Long Island (New Hyde)
Summarized list of major dates:
Consult: July 19 2023 Mental health letter acquired: August 9 Dates discussed: September 12 Pre-op appointment: December 18 Surgery day: January 8 2024 Post-op: January 17
November 11th 2022: Emailed northwell health for the first time, they emailed back saying to call. I was too anxious so I avoided it for a few months.
Called northwell a few months later but got too anxious talking to the person who picked up. They were being normal and talking normally, it was just personal anxiety on my part.
October 2022 - Early March 2023: Spent time talking to trans friends and family members about their timelines and processes for top surgery.
Looked into Penn medicine for a bit but wasn’t happy with the surgeons there, specifically as a nonbinary person. The patient navigational team however is lovely.
March 2: emailed Penn health patient navigation
March 3-10: correspondence and phone calls w patient navigation (absolutely wonderful people, some of the easiest phone calls I’ve ever had) Got lots of into on surgeons, things I’d need, processes etc.
Date unknown: phone call to Penn medicine asking about surgeons and possibly setting up as a patient (v long wait time on phone) Surgeon I had heard good things about only works w CHOP program and I’m was too old for that program. Other surgeons I was v iffy on.
March 23rd: Back to square 1. Called northwell again to set up an appointment. Everyone I spoke to was really nice. Could have set up an appointment within the week but decided to wait till the end of the semester. Scheduled a trans care and primary care appointment for May
Couple of calls In between for confirmations. Trans care appointment got moved around a bit and ended up being moved to a phone call.
May 8th: Trans care call: Basic preliminary questions like: Emergency contact, what you’re looking for, are you thinking of looking into hormones, experience w dysphoria or dysmorphia, mental health, and eating/nutritional concerns, things you might want doc to know, piercings or tattoos, do you do any drugs or drink often, etc. total call time was about 20 minutes. Doctor was incredibly kind, I still experienced a good deal of anxiety but the call was super easy, welcoming, and friendly. Got sent contact referrals for the surgeons, as well as trans-friendly therapists under my insurance.
May 9th: started looking at list of therapists and making respective emails and calls. Checking per session costs and double checking insurance. Most charge 100-150 per session. Got in contact w one.
May 10th: Called w first therapist talking about what I’m looking for, where I am in this process, if parents are supportive, and talking about costs. She was very friendly and affirming, wants to have a few sessions to get to know me and my situation before writing a letter. Understandable and expected, but frustrating.
May 15th: Primary care appointment: Went to northwell health primary care, parkinglot was a little scary (just a large lot with a lot of cars) but everyone working there’s is super kind. Office is incredibly affirming, pride flags and lgbtq+ art everywhere. Gave my insurance card, filled out some paper work, got called in pretty quickly. I have a needle phobia and medical trauma so I was panicking a bit in the office, nurse was good w me about it and doctor was very kind, I just requested to not have any blood work done that day and that was totally fine, so I could schedule that at a later date and go w a friend. Recommended to get blood work done before scheduling a consult w a surgeon. Also prescribed me a single dose anxiety med for the bloodwork which I was very happy about. I found over time that the anxiety meds unfortunately do little to nothing for my panic attacks personally when it comes to needles but regardless having a doctor acknowledge and respect that fear and listen to me was incredibly helpful and reassuring.
May 30th: Got blood work done in a different lab, went w a friend. Scheduling for that is super easy, I think I did it online actually I don’t entirely recall. they do take walk ins but I made an appointment to minimize complications and make sure I could prepare properly. Front desk/lobby area was a little spooky, but I think that is mainly just bc of my social anxiety. They take a urine sample, you give them your prescription, eventually they call you over for blood work. Quick and easy, tech was v nice and having a friend with me was incredibly helpful. Probably the best I’ve ever done with a needle despite the fact that I did still panic and get very lightheaded lol.
Got blood work results back within the next couple days, all looks a-okay! Neat :)
June 15th This day was incredibly difficult. I had my first session with a therapist to establish some ground knowledge around my dysphoria and the way that I view myself. Top surgery is something that I know from research and related experience Can be difficult and expensive to get and can take time, so much of my prep work has been on the understanding of taking things a step at a time and just knowing that the current way things are doesn’t have to be forever. It allowed me to be able to live with myself while prioritizing my health better. This read to the therapist as “not having the level of dysphoria [she’s] come to expect and look for in someone who is trans” and was largely based off the fact that I don’t want to go on hrt. Past that point I started to break down because now my method of learning to live with myself felt like it was actively going to work against me and prevent me from getting top surgery. I’m not good at talking about my dysphoria, I can’t imagine it’s easy for anyone, especially to a stranger I just met. It was rough, and I felt incredibly mentally drained after ending the session.
June 19th Called it quits with the first therapist, I felt incredibly disrespected and the one session we had put me in a mental spiral for days. It can feel some times in this process like the people you have to get permission from need you to be severely depressed and unable to wait another second for this procedure just in order to take you seriously.
After I left that therapist, I immediately got back to the list to find someone new. Spoke to a new therapist via email, but my insurance is kinda weird (Blue Cross Blue Shield out of state) so its off putting to some people. This therapist recommended I go through the office she started out at (Heart and Soul Counseling)
————- Time Skip ——————
IM BACK its time for some record keeping. Got super overwhelmed and lost the energy to document my process for some time so here goes.
HEART AND SOUL COUNSELING: My experience w/ this therapy office was mostly good. The person in charge, Jesse, was absolutely lovely and responsive. Never spoke in person, but any text/email interaction was prompt, respectful, and kind. The office is stellar with email/text communication, so I only ever had to call them once when I was initially inquiring about the office. This is something I wish all therapy/counseling centers did better, eliminated a ton of my anxiety and hesitation to speak to therapists.
I got set up w someone as quickly as possible and established what my goal was (to acquire letter document for my surgery team). I attended multiple session w the therapist, she was a kind lady but the sessions were unfortunately p miserable for me. We didn’t fit well, but I was willing to stick it out rather than backtrack on my process. She also did not invalidate me or accuse me of not being trans which was a major step up from my first therapy experience. Once I acquired my letter I did stop therapy there, I kindly explained to the therapist that it wasn’t a good match, but I may honestly explore my options at the office in the future. Receptionist there was also lovely and they had a cool fish tank.
July 19th: CONSULT!!! My mama and I went to Dr. David Whiteheads office for a consult. Parking was a nightmare so I’m super glad I didn’t have to drive for this one (ty mama). Consult went really well, and the staff were all super friendly. Dr. Whitehead is cool, very chill energy and a bit intimidating, but I’m scared of everyone so that’s nothing new. First question he asked me is what I wanted/what he could do for me which caught me more off guard than it should have? I didn’t realize going into this process how many times people ask you what you’re having done even if it’s already written down, because there’s so much variety in what you can look for in the results.
We talked about the procedure, went through a slideshow n stuff, and discussed how I wanted a flat chest w/ no nipple preservation. They made sure to specify that my mental health professional letter had to include that I did not want nipple preservation because thats technically a “non-standard” appearance. Also had the first breast exam I’ve ever had in my life. Can’t say i’m a fan (not that I need to worry about that anymore!) Took pictures n measurements n such, and also discussed recovery supplies and care w me and my mom.
August 9th: After a plethora of painfully awkward therapy sessions, a decent amount of crying, and a couple breakdowns in friends cars/backyards, I got my therapist letter and sent it to the surgeons office. It ended up needing minor revisions to which I contacted Jesse from Heart and Soul and he got me the revised letter immediately. Unfortunately the surgical coordinator was out of office for the rest of the month the next day ;w;. Is how it be.
September 12th: Got a call from Surgical coordinator mid-painting class that I stepped out to take. Started discussing surgical dates!! She was kind enough to email the dates to me which was lovely because I was absolutely shaking/mind blank haha. There was an option for January 8th which felt like an absolute miracle the way it would work with my school schedule. It would give me a solid two weeks recovery time before spring semester began. Because it would be a couple months out, I was asked to contact her in the second week of October to submit documents to insurance.
(Timeline note: earliest date offered was in early December)
October 10th: Documents sent to insurance, predetermination started
October 30th: Received mail from my insurance approving my procedure as medically necessary (YAY) But! This is also where things get,,, fun! Dr Whitehead’s surgical coordinator, Alyssa, is a blessing and was very helpful and prompt with me despite the fact that I had to email her pretty constantly during this general time which I still feel bad about.
Around this time, my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer, which I reported to the surgical coordinator because it influences my family history (grandmother also had breast cancer). It was asked that I get genetic testing done because this could impact my surgical procedure. Now I’m handling the setup on this between helping my mom in her process setting up consults and considering her options because there of course is a lot of crossover to the steps I’ve already completed and am familiar with.
November 1st: Very kind person at cancer genetics calls me, sends me a family history questionnaire to fill out before I can be scheduled to see a genetic counselor. Filled out the questionnaire the same day.
November 8th: Called cancer genetics to check about scheduling, office was not open so left a message. Got a call back later in the day. I have a virtual appointment with a Genetic counselor Tuesday the 14th. Current plan is a mailed saliva genetic test but I’m going to ask if theres anything I can do to get results/materials quicker. If I can’t get results/feedback by December 8th my surgery date may get deferred.
Trying not to stress too much because there is little to nothing I can do about this, and I just don’t want to be sad. I’ve kept telling myself throughout this process to not get excited and not let myself believe anything is solid because something could happen at any time that might mess up my schedule or plan, and If I convince myself I’m in the clear, those changes will hurt a lot more. So far I think thats been a good move, because this really sucks.
My surgery date is still officially scheduled as of now as well as my first post-op. I will also ideally have pre-surgical testing done December 18th should I be cleared by genetics in time (Fingers crossed!)
ALSO! Def lean on friends if/when you can during this process. It can absolutely be challenging, and having a support system is incredibly important and helpful. I’m super lucky to have really lovely and supportive friends that are around to listen to me and send me pictures of stupid little animals.
November 9th: My mama is scheduled for her double mastectomy on December 4th
November 10th: Did some shopping with my mama for recovery supplies for double mastectomy/top surgery. Having watched a million and a half transition/top surgery videos and tiktoks and having read all the blogs and posts and tweets makes you a great support for someone suddenly faced with an upcoming double mastectomy! We might go shopping this weekend for some button ups and zip ups for her, clothes shopping is better done when you can try stuff on
November 14th: Meeting w genetic counselor: Victoria Webb, one of the loveliest medical care workers I’ve ever met. Had a virtual appointment with her to discuss and set up genetic testing. I explained to her about my situation w the proximity of my surgery and tight deadline as well as my willingness to do a blood test instead of a saliva kit to get results quicker. She was so incredibly kind and good with me, ended up being able to do a saliva kit and get results in time she deserves every good thing in life.
December 18th: pre-surgical testing: This was at the main hospital, everyone was really nice but I had a really bad panic attack despite being on Xanax.
The process is sort of like getting a physical. Measurements like weight and blood pressure get taken, lots of preliminary health questions. The people working with me were really kind and I was very open with them about my anxiety, it was visually apparent though anyway because I started crying the second we even started talking about the blood draw.
Once the equipment was actually brought into the room I started to panic. Both of the women working with me were really kind and helpful and tried to distract me and keep me talking the entire time, but I did still have a really horrible panic attack. Every muscle in my body locked up and I lost all my color, took a bit to get back to a spot where I could move and talk properly because my speech was affected too. It was a bit scary but funny to think about in post. Thanked the medical staff for being patient w me as always, a good portion of the anxiety is also guilt about making things harder for them. Got through it tho. Def eat before presurgical if allowed, I didn’t and that probably didn’t help!!
———- SURGERY DAY ————-
January 8th:
Ok so surgery day:
This day was very scary. Got my phone call the Friday prior for my surgery time which ended up being 1pm and I was asked to arrive around 11. Got there at 10 and went in at 10:30.
Called up to check in then in waiting room till someone brought me back to change. I told her right away about my anxiety with the iv bc that’s legit all I could think about. Got changed right after. I was generally shaky and a little disoriented the entire time because I was panicking but everyone was very patient with me. Clothes and belongings go in a bag in a locker and you get two gowns one that faces back and one that faces front. I was given underwear and a pad as well because lucky me I got my period a couple days before my surgery.
The pre-op area is a lot of little cubicles with curtain divider things, blue soft chairs, and medical equipment. Everyone I met and spoke to was very kind, but any time someone even suggested starting my iv I would panic. I was informed it would have to be placed in my hand and that terrified me, I’m especially anxious and sensitive about my hands and fingers. I think doctors and nurses tend to misunderstand exactly where my fear is with needles and ivs. It isn’t the pain that scares me, but the concept of veins and and anything being in them. Even writing this right now is horrible so I’m going to stop w any further detail. I spent the entire two-ish hours of pre-op absolutely terrified about this iv.
I wasn’t really keeping track of time but dr whitehead came in to do markings for surgery. They had cool rainbow socks on,big fan. Having your chest drawn on and just like, moved around n shit is such an experience. Felt bad because I kept losing my balance but doctor Whitehead is cool and I am 98% less scared about them now.
Probably my most favorite person I met during my entire hospital experience was the anesthesiologist. I know he told me what his name was but I couldn’t focus on or retain information at the time. He told me we could essentially put me to sleep with gas before putting the iv in and for the first time in probably a solid week I felt like I could calm down a little. He took a look at my hand and arm to check my veins which always does freak me out a bit but I’m more used to that kind of thing at this point and I know nothing bad is going to happen. One of the nurses came in with the iv equipment and he let her know that were going to wait till in the or which was also incredibly helpful because I absolutely panicked when I saw that little supply kit again.
V nice lady brought me into the or, I’d never been in one before it was cool. They had a little music speaker which was really cool. Took off blue jacket gown and they helped me onto the table. They put a warm blanket over my legs and my chest to help me calm down. Before long they gave me a mask w fun happy sleepy time gas, they let me keep my arms on my chest for a while which was really nice because I was still scared. I started getting loopy pretty fast but I still heard when someone mentioned where the iv equipment was and panicked a little because of that. I remember feeling them take my hand for that but never actually felt anything happen. Just some fear but the gas was v helpful obvi. Someone said they would see me in a little bit, and then I was groggily waking up in recovery.
Recovery was a little rough bc the iv was still there (fully wrapped up so I couldn’t see it though which was rad) but I was still really anxious about it until it was taken out and when it was taken out. For anyone that struggles w this i did not feel them remove it, just the tape. Everything was mentally much easier after that. After a while, going over instructions w parents, a cracker , some ginger ale and some juice, my dad helped me Get dressed and I was helped out to the car in a wheel chair. Ride was smooth bc of remaining numbness and meds except a few Bumps in the road
My post op date was scheduled for Jan 17th and that’s the day I got my drains out followed by several post op check-ins. First week of recovery was miserable but things exponentially approved each day past that, and I went back to school in person two weeks post-op with driving and item-carrying assistance from friends!
Will upload recovery notes at a later date! Feel free to message me with any questions, more than happy to answer and give info! I’m a bit over four months out from surgery now and thriving 🥳
submitted by Frog_Shaped to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:47 digital_bijoy This Mindset Shift Was Key To Finally Building Muscle And Strength

This Mindset Shift Was Key To Finally Building Muscle And Strength
Women's Health
Growing up in Puerto Rico, I was an active child and fell in love with volleyball. When I was 10, my mother and I picked up and moved to New York. While adjusting to my new home and my mom's long work hours, I had to take care of myself more. As a result, I started gaining weight.
By age 21, I was dealing with lower back pain from a car accident and became pregnant with my daughter. I weighed 250 pounds, which caused sciatica pain and made carrying my pregnancy harder. At one point, it was even difficult to walk. My self-image took a hit, I was depressed, and I felt like I lost myself.

My daughter inspired me to make major changes in my health and start a fitness routine.

After I gave birth to my daughter, I hit a turning point.
In 2018, I decided to sign up for XSport, a local gym facility, and started using YouTube to teach myself different workouts. I also worked with a personal trainer for a month to learn the basics of equipment and exercises in the gym and get a meal plan started. My mom was always big on working out, so we would go together as well.
I started seeing results, but at that point, I was only focused on losing weight, not strength or building muscle. I did cardio-heavy workouts seven days a week. It was mostly the treadmill and elliptical.
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When I saw the number on the scale continue to drop, it sparked my curiosity for the machines and weights.

Luckily, my boyfriend at the time was a bodybuilder and taught me a lot. He gave me the tools I needed to build muscle and challenge myself on my own.
Transitioning out of cardio-focused workouts and light weights and into a new routine was challenging. It was exciting to know that I was taking the right steps to see the results I wanted.
Learning so many new things at once and then putting it into action was also intimidating. I felt overwhelmed. Between early morning gym sessions, measuring my meals, creating enough time to stretch, and hitting my water goals, it was a lot.
I knew I had a foundation of fitness, but I needed to put the pieces together in a way that worked for me and for my goals. Things didn't start to click for me until waking up at 4 a.m. for cardio became second nature.

Now, I approach my training like a bodybuilder and often do two workouts a day.

I currently train at a bodybuilding gym (Xtreme Fitness) six days a week and do cardio about seven days a week. Generally, I do my cardio in the morning and go back to the gym in the evening to strength train. I used to have push and pull days, but now I have four leg days and one upper-body day once a week. On my rest days, I'm usually working, so it’s more of an active recovery day.
Some of my go-to exercises include Bulgarian split squats, goblet squats, leg curls, and leg extensions. I try to stay away from squatting because of my sciatica. For upper body, I’ll do side and front lateral raises, lat pulldowns, and seated cable rows.
I usually do four sets of 15 to 20 reps for every exercise. Each week, I’ll try to up the weights and test myself, and if I feel like I can’t hit my usual goal, then I’ll max out at 12 reps instead.
I’m preparing to compete in my first bodybuilding competition later this year in the women’s wellness division, which focuses on bigger legs and glutes and a leaner upper body. I’m also in the process of becoming a certified personal trainer.
Bodybuilding is less about numbers and PR’s, but a few years ago I was able to leg press 675 pounds for 12 reps. We call that “ego lifting,” because it’s not necessary. While I still lift heavy from time to time, I’d rather avoid injuring myself. For example, for leg extensions, I’ll stick to around 135 pounds for 20 reps. And for an RDL, I won’t go heavier than 115 pounds.
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I learned what worked and what didn't trying different diets until I found a sustainable plan and started measuring out my meals.

Before I started hitting the gym, I tried Herbalife and lost 25 pounds. Eventually, it got expensive, so I had to stop. I ended up gaining the weight back. Once I started training, I tried the keto diet for about five months and lost 50 pounds. With that, I hit 170 pounds.
I didn't realize it at the time, but I was actually doing dirty keto, which I found out thanks to my ex-boyfriend. With his help, we restructured my meals, and I got off keto. Not long after making the switch, I had better energy levels, improved focus, and noticeable progress in the gym.
Now, my new bodybuilding coach has me eat 1,400 calories a day. (Reminder: That's what works for me, but you should always work with an expert before making big calorie or diet changes.) For breakfast, I have two whole eggs with lean brown beef and some pineapple. For lunch, I’ll have grilled chicken with any green vegetable.
My pre-workout is 30 grams of cashews, and my post-workout is 30 grams of cream of rice with one scoop of protein and water mixed together. For dinner, I usually eat salmon and sweet potato. I measure all my meals beforehand and drink a gallon of water a day.

I had to reframe my mindset around changes in my weight to enable muscle gain.

One of the biggest blocks I had to overcome was accepting that building muscle also came with gaining weight. People explained the science to me, but I still wasn't processing it. I was so focused on losing weight for so long that I found myself frustrated about working hard at the gym and not seeing more weight coming off.
At the same time, I started to finally see my muscles coming through. That's when I began to understand weight in a new way. It was challenging to think of gaining weight as my new goal. I even had to give myself pep talks to help myself lean into what was needed in order to see progress. Once I let the fear go, everything started falling into place.

Learning the importance of discipline made a huge difference in and out of the gym.

Of all my goals, I’m most proud of my ability to stay disciplined. There are still days I wake up and don’t want to train or eat the same foods. But I feel like I’ve mastered the discipline that was needed to get me to where I’m at. I learned that motivation comes and goes—it’s not consistent. But it’s about showing up for yourself. Discipline has had a positive affect on my work life and at-home life as a mom. I can apply it to everything.
I want women to know how important mindset is. You really have to think about what you're getting into before an attempt at your goal is even made. You have to be willing to dedicate the time and remind yourself that this for you and nobody else. Get comfortable being uncomfortable, and in the end, it will always be worth it.
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submitted by digital_bijoy to GuidetoGoodHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:45 MyAmazingStory1 May Motivational Quotes - Week 20 #myamazingstory #DreamJourney #SuccessStories

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2024.05.14 11:44 ExpressRoll6229 Constant uncomfortable feeling

I’m on week 8 of my Mounjaro journey and am happy with the weight loss so far, I have one 5mg injection left but for the past 2ish weeks I’ve had uncomfortable pain, almost feeling sore around my stomach, abdomen and back that I just can’t shift! I can’t find any position laying down or sitting that’s comfortable and I can’t properly describe the type of pain it is!
I drink plenty of water and have been focusing on eating protein and fibre. Im finding it really difficult to ‘push through the pain’. Has any one else had this paired with vomiting?
submitted by ExpressRoll6229 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:41 Sachiya_steel Quick Release Coupling Manufacturer in India

Sachiya Steel International is a trusted name in the industry for manufacturing and exporting Quick Release Coupling. The offered coupling is used in various industries including aeronautics and auto-mobiles. It is robust, resistant to high pressure, non corrosive and dimensionally accurate. This coupling ensures hassle free operations of the air assisted sprayers and prevents leakage of fluids.

Quick Release Connectors Suppliers in Mumbai at low price according to -40* C TO 300*C media temperature

Quick Release Hose Couplings at times improve the efficiency of the application due to their custom design and compact size. The design of Pressure Washer Quick Release Coupling is such that the male end fits into the female socket that creates a secure and leak proof seal. high pressure Quick Release Coupling is used for hydraulic wrench, emergency cutting tools, construction equipment, and industrial machinery. Quick Couplings are used in machinery that displays high pressure and vibration. Quick Disconnect Coupling that is designed to work under high pressure has a flat face design with a patented locking sleeve. Qrc needs to be connected between the locking pin and the release notch. Push Pull Couplings are made up of plastic or metal and are said to be light in weight. They can be produced in disposable material for cleanliness and hygiene purposes.

​Quick release couplings are fitting are used to mate fluid lines with system equipment that requires frequent connecting and disconnecting. They are used in both pneumatic and hydraulic applications to build or discontinue the connection of a fluid pipeline. ​

It is well known as quick coupler, quick coupling or quick connect coupling. Quick coupling can be made of stainless steel SS316, carbon steel and brass material for practically every application contingency. ​The fittings size is available from 1/4” to 2”. The working pressure will be determined depending on the body size.

Hydraulic Quick Release Coupling is found in air, water, steam, and vacuum distribution system. The disconnection of lines leads to a rapid loss of fluid and hence they are connected with Qdc Coupling to prevent the rapid loss during disconnection. Stucchi Italy Quick Release Coupling is used to speed up the work and reduce cost. Din Couplings have made it easy to connect electrical equipment for operation. Holmbury Uk Couplings are well known to increase the output and reduce the downtime of the application. Nitto Interchangeable Series Qrc has eliminated the need for valves and screws in the pneumatic and hydraulic system. Female X Female Qrc is known to prevent the loss of expensive hydraulic fluid.

For More Info Visit us at:

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Contact Us: 9769056007
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2024.05.14 11:35 Sea_Independent_3831 Working with a disability

Hi, I'm 23, I live in the UK, and I have a laundry list of physical and mental health issues that are still largely undiagnosed due to our failing healthcare system, so I'm also being left to completely self manage. Now the government is trying to push disabled people back into work without actually providing the necessary health care and support and I don't know what to do. I'm estranged from my family so I have no support that way and have no choice but to live independently, I have to be able to pay my bills and living costs, and I also have no idea if a job even exists that I'd be suitable for.
I dropped out of secondary school because my health was so poor my school attendance was 34%, I am unqualified to do pretty much anything. I'm considering going back into education hoping that it will open some doors but even that would be a monumental task so here are my limitations:
I would need a minimum of 3 days a month in sick days just to manage my endometriosis flare ups, I would not even be able to work from home on those days as they are mostly spent on the bathroom floor somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness in unmanageable pain.
I have joint and mobility issues that have a flare/remission pattern and are wildly unpredictable, I wake up with dislocated shoulders frequently and randomly, I could go 6 months with my knees being fine and then have recurring patella dislocations that leave me wheelchair bound as crutches cause my elbows problems. I might be able to work from home on days this is an issue.
I have social and sensory issues that are thought to be undiagnosed autism (my brother and father are autistic, I showed all the same signs as my brother, I was just punished for my traits while he was accommodated.) This affects me in work profoundly because I frequently misunderstand instructions or feedback, take things very literally, am seen as overly pedantic and difficult to instruct, and get very burnt out by any kind of customer facing roles, and things like work uniforms, jobs involving unpleasant sensory tasks, can all cause me to experience periods of verbal shut down, self injuring behaviour, repetitive motion (pacing, rocking) and become intolerant of lights, sounds, and temperature. This is a constant issue that I don't know how to manage.
I have chronic pain that also has flare ups, baseline pain, and somewhat remission, it affects my muscles and joints and is unpredictable, baseline pain I'm somewhat functional but limited, flare ups have me bed bound and unable to concentrate. I may be able to work from home on some of these days but not others.
I have digestive issues that cause nausea, alternating bowel movements between cant go and going too much, episodes of passing blood, mucus, extreme painful bloating, severe nausea and weight loss, but there are brief periods of remission. I probably wouldn't be able to do a full day of work from home during a flare up due to the time constraints of actively being in flare up.
I have been coughing up mucus to a point of bleeding from the back of my throat for about a year, I also have episodes of air hunger with pain and wheezing. Again, thank you NHS for no diagnosis or treatment. I could work from home during a flare up of this issue most of the time.
I have some kind of blood pressure or fainting issue, when I stand, I'm close to fainting, its worse when standing still, sometimes walking just about keeps me going but sometimes it ends with my faceplanting the floor, loosing consciousness and fitting. This is unpredictable and I've done everything I can to manage symptoms (cutting out nicotine, caffeine, sugar, pushing fluids and gentle floor based exercise when possible.) I would not be able to go anywhere during a flare up, I'm dubious about my ability to work from home during a particularly bad episode as post faint/fit I'm usually confused and out of commission for hours.
I also struggle with depression, getting out of bed, showering, making food (when physical issues allow) can be a struggle. I also have CPTSD, anxiety, agoraphobia, PMDD, derealisation and depersonalisation. So on bad mental health days, I don't feel real, the world doesn't seem real, I'm reliving traumatic events, can't leave my home, and have back to back panic attacks while having no energy or inclination to care for myself.
All in all, I don't think anyone would want to employ me, and I'm very uncertain about my ability to work, but seeing as my government has created an environment where I can't get adequate healthcare to manage any of my conditions, doesn't believe that I'm that severely disabled due to lack of formal diagnoses for the physical health problems despite my medical record reflecting me seeking help since age 10 for most of these issues, and therefore is now trying to force me back into work or else stop all my payments leaving me homeless and penniless, I'm not sure what to do. I can't stay with family, and they would not financially support me regardless, I've got no safety net. I don't think any jobs exist with the flexibility I need, AND the certainty I'd need of income.
Any advice would be appreciated, I'm really trying to rack my brain for any workable solutions but it's looking bleak.
Physically disabled, mentally ill, unable to access adequate health care, no family support, and possibly being forced to work despite not being able.
submitted by Sea_Independent_3831 to disability [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:30 Competitive_Gur_7744 Ball valves exploring uses and benefits

Ball valves exploring uses and benefits
The ball valve stands as one of the foundational elements within industrial setups. But what sets this valve apart from the rest?
Let’s explore its inner workings, varied applications, and numerous advantages to understand its significance in industrial operations
Ball Valve

Understanding the Ball Valve:

A ball valve operates with a simple quarter turn of a handle, allowing fluid to flow or stopping it in its tracks. It’s a type of rotary valve, meaning it operates by rotating a quarter turn (45 or 90 degrees) to control the flow of fluids. The magic happens thanks to a ball-shaped disc inside the valve, which gives it its name. This ball, when aligned with the flow inlet, allows fluid to pass through, and when rotated 90 degrees by the valve handle, it shuts off the flow completely.

Types of Ball Valves:

Ball valves come in various forms, including single-body and three-piece configurations, depending on how they’re manufactured and assembled. However, their operation remains consistent across the board as rotary valves.

Applications of Ball Valves:

The versatility of ball valves makes them indispensable in numerous industries. They’re the go-to choice for shutdown operations in refineries and fertilisers, thanks to their quick on-off action. Additionally, they’re ideal for applications requiring low pressure, as they perform optimally when fully open, reducing pressure effectively. Ball valves also find their place as control valves, offering a variety of uni, bi, and multi-directional options to suit diverse needs.

Advantages of Ball Valves:

What sets ball valves apart from the competition?
Here are some compelling advantages:
Durability: Ball valves are built to last. Even if left unused for extended periods, they maintain their performance, making them a reliable choice for long-term use.
Quick On/Off: Need to shut down the flow swiftly? Ball valves excel in rapid on-off applications, ensuring efficient operation when time is of the essence.
Leakage Prevention: With their tight seal when closed, ball valves minimize the risk of leakage, offering peace of mind in critical operations.
Compact and Lightweight: In comparison to other valve types, ball valves boast a smaller size and lighter weight, making them not only easier to handle but also more cost-effective in terms of installation and maintenance.
Multi-port Design: For applications requiring complex flow control, ball valves with multi port designs are available, providing flexibility and efficiency in managing fluid flow.


In conclusion, ball valves may appear simple at first glance, but their impact in industrial settings is profound. From their effortless operation to their wide-ranging applications and undeniable advantages, it’s clear why they’re a preferred choice for engineers and operators alike. Whether it’s managing flow in a refinery or controlling processes in a manufacturing plant, the humble ball valve continues to play a pivotal role in keeping operations running smoothly.
submitted by Competitive_Gur_7744 to u/Competitive_Gur_7744 [link] [comments]