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2024.04.19 10:12 MrSquav Unleashing the Lion Within: How to Dominate the Digital Savannah with Simba's Five Forces

Alright, my fellow content crusaders, let's veer off the beaten path of the tired old "create great content and THEY will come!" mantra, because let's face it - the internet is a wild, untamed beast! It's a virtual jungle out there, and you need more than just a pretty piece of content to survive in the digital wilderness.
Have you noticed how digital marketing, especially the often overlooked gem that is content marketing, doesn't get the respect it deserves? It's like the quirky cousin at the family reunion - everyone knows they are cool, but they don't always get a seat at the grown-up table. While other industries have textbooks thicker than a an old-school phonebook, digital marketing seems to get shoved aside like last year's iPhone model. But this might change, for I am on a noble quest to change that narrative.
My new book, Clickonomics, is here to hopefully shake up the status quo with fresh ideas, innovative frameworks, and tools that will not only revolutionize how we approach internet marketing but will also make the skeptics sit up and take notice. I will take some extracts from the book and post them here.
First new idea: Simba's Five Forces
Picture yourself as Simba the Lion King on the digital savannah. The sun beats down on the pixelated landscape, and beneath the buzzing of social media notifications, you hear it: the distant roar of competition. Other businesses, content creators, and aspiring influencers are circling like hungry hyenas, all vying for attention within the vast expanse of the World Wide Web. This, my friend, is the thrilling, chaotic, and sometimes cutthroat realm of marketing on the internet or as we clickonomists say, competing for attention.
But fear not! For you are no helpless little cub, destined to be left behind by the relentless stampede of online trends. You, the savvy content marketer, have stumbled upon a powerful tool – your survival guide to navigating the online jungle.
Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Simba's Five Forces.
Now, before you start groaning and rolling your eyes at the mention of another marketing framework, let me assure you - this isn't just some dusty theory cooked up by academics who still think Myspace is the latest social media craze. No, no, my friend, Simba's Five Forces are inspired by something far more exciting than your average business school jargon. We are talking about the OG of business strategic thinking here - the one and only Porter's Five Forces. Simba's Five Forces (SFF for short) is not just standing on the shoulders of giants, it's practically riding on their backs like a boss! I mean, Porter's Five Forces has been the backbone of business strategy since Michael Porter decided to grace us mortals with his wisdom back in 1979 in that Harvard Business Review article “The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy?” Pure gold!
This isn't your run-of-the-mill marketing fluff; this is the real deal. We are talking about competitive forces that can make or break a business, shaping strategies and defining success on the internet. And hey, if it's good enough for Michael Porter and legions of fortune 500 businesses, it's definitely worth a second look.
Think of it this way: the internet is its own kind of ecosystem. It has its predators (established brands with massive followings), its scavengers (those who recycle trendy content), and its adaptable survivors (the ones who roll with the punches and evolve with the ever-changing digital landscape). To thrive in this environment, you need a strategy that taps into both the primal instincts of a lion and the clever resourcefulness of a meerkat.
So, what exactly are these mystical forces?

Force #1: The Threat of New Content – Outsmarting the Deluge on the Internet Jungle
In the kingdom of Clickonomics, the battle for attention is as fierce as lions vying for a prime cut of an antelope. You might think you have crafted a masterpiece of content – a perfectly polished blog post, a hilarious meme, or a viral-worthy video. But wait! Before you unleash your creation into the wild, remember this: the digital savannah is teeming with hungry competitors, constantly churning out fresh content designed to steal your precious audience.
We live in the age of the content deluge. It's estimated that over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, much of that in the form of online content. That's the digital equivalent of a hippo stampede, with each new post, video, or tweet threatening to trample your own carefully crafted work into obscurity.
Think of it like this: you are a skilled hunter on the savannah – you have honed your skills, stalked your prey (aka your ideal audience), and prepared the perfect snare. But just as you are about to make your move, an entire pack of newcomers bursts onto the scene, their noisy and haphazard methods scaring away your potential catch. Frustrating, isn't it?
This relentless flood of new content is both the greatest challenge and the greatest opportunity on the internet.
The first rule of surviving the content deluge? Never, ever be a mere copycat. In the oversaturated digital jungle, mimicking what everyone else is doing is a surefire way to be ignored. Remember, back in the glory days of the early internet, a simple text-based web page might have cut it. These days, that's the digital equivalent of showing up to a cocktail party in sweatpants – technically, you are dressed, but you are definitely not making an impression.

Instead, your mission is to offer something unique, a piece of content that stands tall like a majestic giraffe against the backdrop of the digital plains. Embrace the power of niche – focus on becoming an expert in a specific area, providing the kind of in-depth knowledge your audience craves. Carve out your specialized watering hole, and soon, your thirsty audience will flock to you.
It might be tempting to panic and think, "I need to churn out content faster!" But resist the urge to sacrifice quality for speed. Think of the infamous tortoise and the hare fable. Slow, steady, and strategic wins the race in the online world too. One thoughtfully written insightful article can leave a longer-lasting impact than ten hastily thrown-together social media posts.
Instead of aiming to be everywhere at once, select a few key content platforms at first, and focus on creating content that truly shines there. Remember, your audience would rather see one truly remarkable piece of content per week than mediocre filler content on a daily basis.
Understanding the rhythm of your audience is vital to content mastery. Imagine yourself as a zebra at a watering hole. Visit at the wrong time, and you might find it dried up, or worse, swarming with lurking crocodiles. Similarly, posting the most amazing article at 3 AM when your audience is fast asleep is a recipe for digital crickets.
Analyse when your target audience is most active online. Tools for social media analytics are your best friend here. Publish strategically, so your content has a fighting chance against the deluge, instead of getting swept away unnoticed.
The best news? Not all content is destined to be swept away by the tides of the internet. Invest in creating 'evergreen' content – content that remains valuable long past their publish date. Think in-depth guides packed with practical tips, curated resource lists, or thought leadership pieces that tackle timeless problems in your industry. These are your content workhorses, attracting new audience members long after they are first created.
Of course, even evergreens need some maintenance. Periodically revisit your best-performing older content. Update any statistics, add fresh examples, or improve the formatting. This demonstrates that you are invested in providing the most up-to-date value, earning you serious trust with your audience.
Let's address the big elephant in the digital room: AI content generation tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Co-Pilot and Google’s Gemini. These have the potential to revolutionize the content creation game, giving smaller businesses and solo content creators a fighting chance against big business. AI can help you generate ideas, whip up attention-grabbing headlines, create image variations, and even draft scripts for videos – it can do so much more!
However, as with any powerful tool, AI in the wrong hands can be dangerous. It's tempting to fall into the trap of churning out generic, AI-written content en-masse. But here is a word of caution: the inhabitants of the digital savannah are getting smarter. Audiences can sniff out soulless, AI-generated content a mile away. And worse, search engines like Google are cracking down on sites that overuse these tactics.
The key to harnessing AI lies in using it as your intelligent assistant, not your creative replacement. Let AI handle some of the grunt work, giving you the building blocks that you then enhance with your unique insights, expertise, and brand voice.
Standing out and creating timeless content is essential, but so is the ability to stay nimble in the fast-paced digital world. Trends emerge and disappear faster than a chameleon changing colours. Ignore them at your peril, but don't become a slave to them either.
Think strategically. Can you leverage a trending topic in a way that aligns with your brand and niche? Is there a way to put your unique spin on a viral challenge in a way that feels authentic? Don't be afraid to experiment, just make sure there is always a method behind your choices (or madness!).
Let's step back for a moment and ponder this: we are living in an age where everyone's vying to create and share the latest and greatest thing, yet our attention spans are notoriously short and getting shorter. It's a paradox: we crave constant novelty, yet, at the same time, we are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of it all.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to navigate this contradiction. Become a digital curator – the one who sorts through the chaos, providing a carefully selected set of high-quality content that truly resonates with your audience. By offering value instead of simply adding to the noise, you become an oasis in the vast desert of information overload.
The threat of new content is a constant force in the realm of Clickonomics, but it's one you can learn to wield to your advantage. Remember: there is always space for content that offers genuine value, that cuts through the clutter, and provides your audience with experiences they wouldn't find anywhere else on the internet.
So, channel your inner Simba. Understand the landscape of this digital savannah, be both fierce and strategic in your content creation, and never underestimate the power of high-quality contributions that stand the test of time. Do this, and you won't just survive the content deluge, you will reign supreme as a king or queen of your digital domain.

Force #2: Threat of Different Type of Content – The Content Chameleon, Adapting to the Buffet of Consumer Preferences.
In George Orwell's thought-provoking masterpiece, Animal Farm, the animals were all gung-ho about the whole 'equality for all' gig. They even had a snazzy placard with the catchy slogan "All Animals Are Equal." But lo and behold, as soon as the pigs got a taste of power (and probably some delicious apples), that placard magically transformed into a new and improved version: "All animals are equal BUT some animals are more equal than others." Talk about a classic case of equality taking a nosedive straight into the realm of irony!
Yes, yes, we all know that "content is king." But let's not forget that in the vast kingdom of the internet, some types of content are like the royals of the British royal family. With over a hundred different flavors of content to choose from – blog posts, videos of all shapes and sizes, podcasts, infographics, memes, quizzes, you name it – it is no wonder we are all swimming in a sea of choices. Sure, all content should be engaging and attention-grabbing, but let's face it, some types of content are just born to rule the internet like the content monarchs they are. So, whether you are into dissecting the stats of Cristiano Ronaldo vs. Lionel Messi in a 10,000-word essay or prefer a 15-minute video reel of Cristiano and Messi dancing their way to greatness on the football pitch, remember, not all content is created equal – some are just destined for internet stardom!
Imagine yourself at a digital buffet, tables overflowing with every conceivable type of content: long-form blog posts that go deep into complex topics, bite-sized infographics perfect for a quick information fix, hilarious memes that make you snort-laugh in public (not ideal, but hey, we have all been there). This is what its like on the modern internet – a land of abundance and overwhelming choice for your target audience.
Here is the challenge: in this content smorgasbord, simply creating good content isn't enough. You need to become a master content chameleon, adapting your approach to suit the ever-evolving preferences of your audience. Remember the mantra of Simba's First Force: Content is King. But here is the twist: in the realm of Clickonomics, all content is indeed royalty, but some content types reign more supreme than others.
Let's face it, the internet has spoiled us rotten. We crave constant stimulation, flitting from one engaging type of content to another like a hummingbird between flowers. Statistics don't lie: studies show that our attention spans have shrunk to the size of a goldfish (cue Dory's voice: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!"). This means that long-form content, once the undisputed king of the internet, now faces stiff competition from its more concise cousins: listicles, infographics, and – the undisputed champion of the short attention span – the mighty short-form video.
Think about it this way: would you rather spend an hour poring over a dense blog post analysing the philosophy of The Lion King, or watch a 5-minute video filled with hilarious clips and insightful commentary on the same topic? For most internet users, the answer is clear – short, engaging video wins every time (unless you are a die-hard text fiend, in which case, kudos to your dedication!).
But hold on a second, Simba! We wouldn't want to paint the internet with one broad brush. Not everyone craves the same content format. Understanding your target audience goes beyond demographics like age and location. Delving deeper, you need to understand their content consumption habits. Are they avid podcast listeners who crave in-depth conversations? Or perhaps they are visual learners who get lost in the world of infographics?
Here is where the Customer Ikigai and web analytics become your secret weapons. These tools tell you a fascinating story about how your audience interacts with your content. Did your latest blog post get crickets? Analyse which format performed best with past audiences and consider repurposing the content into another content format. Perhaps a captivating video summary could breathe new life into the topic.
Repurposing your content isn't about laziness; it's about strategic efficiency. Imagine crafting a captivating blog post – it took time, research, and a hefty dose of creative energy. Now, picture the untapped potential this content holds beyond the written word.
Embrace the content chameleon spirit! Here is where Simba's Content Matrix comes into play (you will learn more about this ingenious tool later, stay tuned!). This matrix helps you map your existing content across different formats, transforming your blog post into a captivating infographic, a bite-sized social media post, or even the script for a short, engaging video.
By repurposing your content, you cater to the diverse preferences of your audience, ensuring your message reaches the right people in the format they crave. It's like serving the same delicious meal on different plates – some might prefer a fancy five-course experience, while others just want a quick and satisfying snack.
This abundance of content formats presents both a challenge and an opportunity. It forces you to be more strategic, to understand your audience on a deeper level, and to constantly adapt your approach. However, it also empowers you to reach a wider audience than ever before.
Think of it this way: in the pre-internet era, a marketer's message was limited by traditional media formats. They had to choose between print ads, radio commercials, or expensive television slots. Now, the internet offers a buffet of possibilities, allowing you to tailor your message to resonate with specific audience segments.
But here is another secret sauce that binds all these formats together: the power of storytelling. Regardless of whether you are crafting a lengthy blog post or a short video, weaving a narrative into your content is the most potent way to capture and hold your audience's attention. After all, humans are wired for stories. They transport us, educate us, and evoke emotions in a way that dry facts and figures simply can't.
In the grand scheme of storytelling, a history textbook might as well be the plain oatmeal of narratives - bland, forgettable, and lacking that certain spice that makes you want to come back for more. It's like trying to sip on a lukewarm cup of tea when you could be sipping on a tropical cocktail with a little umbrella in it. And when it comes to the epic showdown between Simba and Scar, well, let's just say a bullet-point recounting is like ordering a cheeseburger with no cheese, no burger, and just a random slice of lettuce on a plate.
But, oh, watching that battle unfold on the screen? It's like biting into a juicy, perfectly cooked steak - it's savory, it's satisfying, and it leaves you wanting more. The drama, the suspense, the heart-pounding music swelling in the background - that's the stuff that makes your hair stand on end and your heart race with excitement. So, if you had to choose between reading about Simba's triumph in a textbook or watching it all play out in vivid animation, well, let's just say Hakuna Matata wouldn't be in your vocabulary if you missed out on that cinematic experience.
The ever-changing landscape of the internet demands a relentless spirit of experimentation. Don't be afraid to try new content formats, analyse how your audience responds, and pivot your strategy accordingly. Remember those meerkats from the Pride Lands? They are always vigilant, testing out new routes and keeping an eye out for both predators and tasty snacks. That same sense of adventurous curiosity should guide your content strategy.

Force 3: Threat of Competition – The Roaring Crowd, standing out in the Internet’s Coliseum
Welcome back to the Clickonomics arena, where the battle for attention plays out with the ferocity of a gladiator duel in the Colosseum. Here, the roar of the crowd isn't measured in decibels, but in clicks, shares, and that coveted social currency – engagement. And guess who you are competing against? Not just your direct competitors, but a cacophony of voices vying for the same precious commodity: attention.
In the brick-and-mortar business world, competition often follows a clear line: you versus the company across the street offering similar products. But the internet mercilessly shatters these boundaries. Here, the playing field is vast and the competition is fierce, often coming from unexpected corners of the internet.
Remember the wise words of Gary Vaynerchuk, the social media guru himself: "And I’m terribly sorry for the biggest advertisers in the world wasting all their money because they are taking the consumer’s attention for granted.” This statement rings especially true online. Take HSBC, one of the biggest banks founded by a thrifty Scot, for example. They might think their biggest competition is another bank like JP Morgan or Citigroup. But on the internet, a single personal finance blogger churning out content about financial freedom could pose a far greater threat. Why? Because that blogger is capturing the very thing HSBC desperately craves – the attention of potential customers.
This abundance of options online presents a fascinating paradox. What entrepreneurs and businesses traditionally perceive as "competition," internet users simply see as "choice." They have the luxury of filtering through a vast sea of voices, choosing the ones that resonate with them most.
Here is a counterintuitive truth: competition online isn't about eliminating your rivals; it's about carving out a distinct space within this crowded marketplace. It's about understanding what makes your brand unique, what value proposition you offer, and how to communicate that message in a way that cuts through the digital noise.
Think of a lion stalking its prey on the savannah. It blends into its surroundings, using its natural camouflage to remain undetected. But then, it pounces – a burst of power and agility that sets it apart from the rest of the herd. That's the essence of differentiation in the digital world.
Now, here is a surprising twist: those seemingly fierce internet competitors can actually be a valuable source of knowledge. Analyse their digital marketing strategies, see what content resonates with their audience, and identify any gaps you can exploit. Remember, the internet isn't a zero-sum game. Learning from your competitors, and constantly iterating on your own approach, is what leads to long-term success.
Let's not forget the power of disruption. The internet thrives on innovation. Think of companies like Airbnb and Uber – they challenged established industries by offering fresh perspectives and disrupting the status quo. Could your brand take a similar approach? Is there a way to shake things up in your niche and capture the attention of a weary audience tired of the same old strategies?
In the digital coliseum, the roar of the crowd isn't a threat, but an opportunity. It's the sound of potential customers, waiting to be captivated by a brand that stands out from the rest. Embrace the challenge of competition, leverage the insights it offers, and most importantly, never stop refining your roar. That is how you transform competition into a catalyst for growth, attracting your ideal audience and establishing your dominance in your digital corner of the internet.
Remember, Simba didn't win the battle for Pride Rock by simply copying his father. He learned from Mufasa's wisdom, embraced his own strengths, and ultimately, found his own roar.
And most importantly, remember that the battle for clicks isn't about crushing your competitors; it's about connecting with your audience in a meaningful and authentic way. Carve out your unique niche, understand your audience's roar, and make sure your message resonates across the digital savannah.
The internet, with its boundless opportunities and fierce competition, offers an exhilarating and ever-evolving marketing landscape. While the battle might feel overwhelming at times, equipped with Simba's Five Forces, you have a powerful arsenal of strategies and insights to navigate this vibrant yet often chaotic ecosystem.
So, channel your inner lion, stand tall among the digital crowd, and let your brand's unique roar resonate through the internet, attracting the right audience and securing your rightful place in the Clickonomics kingdom!

Force #4: Bargaining Power of Content Platforms and Content Creators.
Ah, the shimmering oasis of the internet – a place teeming with content creators, each vying for a coveted sip from the well of audience attention. But hold on a second, Simba! This digital watering hole isn't quite as democratic as it seems. In the realm of Clickonomics, a complex dance unfolds between content platforms and creators – a delicate tango where power dynamics shift like desert sands.
Cast your eyes upon the digital horizon. You see them, don't you? The towering figures – Google, YouTube, Facebook – the content platforms that dominate the internet landscape. These digital behemoths hold immense power, controlling the algorithms that determine who gets seen, who gets heard, and who fades into the background noise.
Imagine a bustling marketplace where shopkeepers (the content creators) vie for customers' attention. But here is the twist: the market square is owned by a single, all-powerful landlord (the content platform). This landlord decides which shops get prime locations, sets the rent (through algorithm manipulation), and ultimately controls the flow of foot traffic (audience attention).
Now, don't get us wrong. Content platforms offer incredible opportunities for creators. Imagine having access to a global audience with just a click (or a well-placed hashtag). The potential for building a loyal following and amplifying your message is truly astounding.
But here is the paradox (yet again!): content creators need platforms to reach their audience, but platforms rely on content creators to create captivating content to attract users in the first place. It's a symbiotic yin and yang kind of relationship, a delicate dance where both parties hold a modicum of power.
Think of it like Simba and Nala in their playful cubhood days. Nala, with her adventurous spirit, pushes Simba to explore beyond the boundaries of Pride Rock. Without Nala's encouragement, Simba might never have discovered the world beyond the familiar. Yet, Simba brings his own strength and potential to the table, ensuring their adventures are exciting and memorable.
Content creators fuel the engines of these platforms. But creators also hold the power to walk away, taking their talents elsewhere. A mass exodus of popular YouTubers, for instance, could be a major blow to the YouTube's viewership and advertising revenue.
The algorithm – the mysterious gatekeeper in the digital marketplace – deserves its own paragraph (or perhaps an entire book!). These complex sets of rules determine how content is ranked, displayed, and ultimately, discovered by audiences. Understanding how algorithms work is crucial for any content creator or business hoping to navigate the power dynamics of Clickonomics.
But there is a catch: algorithms are constantly evolving, shrouded in a veil of secrecy by the platforms themselves. It's a game of cat and mouse, where creators try to decipher the algorithm's preferences to optimize their content, while platforms refine their systems to stay ahead of the curve.
Now, let us not paint a picture of complete content creator disempowerment. In today's digital world, creators with large, engaged followings wield significant power. Think of Mr Beast or PewDiePie on YouTube – they are celebrities in their own right, attracting billions of views and commanding hefty advertising fees. These "superstars" have the leverage to negotiate better deals with platforms, ensuring a fairer share of the digital pie.
The bargaining power dynamic between platforms and creators and businesses that want a piece of the attention pie is constantly in flux. New content platforms emerge, established giants fall, and the dance continues.
However, there is a growing trend – the rise of decentralized content platforms (…ahem, blockchain enters stage right!). These decentralized content platforms promise greater autonomy for creators, challenging the stronghold of the established players. Could this shift the balance of power in the future, leading to a more creator-centric ecosystem? Only time will tell.
In the realm of Clickonomics, understanding the interplay between Content platforms and creators is essential for forging a successful path. It's a game of chess – not checkers. Play the long game, focus on quality content, build your community, and navigate the shifting sands of algorithms.
While the content platforms wield immense power, remember the vital role you – the content creator – play in the success of the digital landscape. Your creativity, passion, and connection with your audience are what ultimately drive the engines of these platforms forward.
So, channel your inner lion! Recognize the power dynamics at play and use your own unique voice and talent to carve a place for yourself in the digital savanna. In the ever-evolving world of Clickonomics, the interplay between platforms and creators is a dance of both dependence and defiance, a struggle for visibility and the potential to reap the rewards of your hard work.

Force 5: Bargaining Power of Internet Users – Understanding the Power of the People in Clickonomics.
Amidst the noise of content and the allure of clicks on the internet, one force often gets overlooked: the power of the people themselves – the internet users, the consumers, the silent (but very much clicking) majority we call the Clickocracy.
In the realm of Clickonomics, we spend a lot of time dissecting algorithms, crafting content strategies, and analysing click-through rates. But sometimes, we get lost in the numbers game, forgetting the most crucial element – the human beings behind the clicks!
Think of it this way: imagine Simba, all grown up and ruling Pride Rock. He can have the wisest advisors (digital marketing specialists), the most loyal lionesses by his side (brand ambassadors), and the juiciest antelope herds (high-quality content) at his disposal. But if the pride itself (your target audience) loses faith in his leadership (your brand), well, that reign might come crashing down faster than you can say "Hakuna Matata."
The internet has empowered its users like never before. They have an abundance of choices at their fingertips – a million websites to browse, countless social media platforms to scroll through, and an endless stream of content creators vying for their attention. This, my friend, is the paradox of choice.
On the one hand, it's fantastic for users. They have the power to be discerning, to choose brands that resonate with their values, and to actively shape the digital landscape with their clicks and online behaviours. But for entrepreneurs and marketers like you and me, it presents a significant challenge. How do you stand out from the digital din and capture the attention of a fickle, ever-connected audience?
In this age of algorithm manipulation and sponsored content, one marketing force remains timeless: word-of-mouth marketing. Remember the days of blockbuster movies (RIP Blockbuster!) fuelled by positive reviews and enthusiastic chatter amongst friends? The internet thrives on a similar principle.
Think about the last time you bought something online. Did you blindly add it to your shopping cart, or did you scour review sections, check social media mentions, and maybe even watch a few unboxing videos? Chances are, you relied heavily on the opinions and experiences of your fellow internet citizens.
This phenomenon is rooted in something fundamental – trust. We, as humans, are wired to value the opinions of others, especially those we perceive as similar to ourselves. A glowing Amazon review from someone with similar interests holds far more weight than a perfectly crafted sales copy.
The Clickocracy isn't a silent majority; it's a vocal, engaged audience with the power to make or break your digital presence. Embrace the challenge, prioritize building trust, and focus on creating value for your audience.
Remember, it's not about manipulating clicks but about forging genuine connections. When you empower the Clickocracy, you don't just gain customers; you gain a community of loyal advocates who will champion your brand message far and wide across the vast digital savanna.
So, dethrone the outdated marketing tactics of the past. Welcome the Clickocracy era, understand the power of the people, and watch your brand ascend the ranks in the ever-evolving realm of Clickonomics. Remember, Simba didn't win the hearts of the Pride Lands by brute force. He earned their respect, their loyalty, and ultimately, their clicks (well, roars in this case) through trust, authenticity, and a genuine connection with his fellow lions.
The balance of power in the digital sphere is constantly shifting, but one thing is certain: the Clickocracy's influence will only continue to grow. With the rise of social media platforms, review sites, and the democratization of information, internet users have more power than ever before.
This presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses and creators in the realm of Clickonomics. Those who understand the evolving needs and expectations of the Clickocracy, who prioritize building trust and delivering genuine value, will be best positioned to survive and thrive on the internet.
This digital age we live in is a customer-centric one. It's no longer about blasting out sales pitches into the ether, but about cultivating a two-way dialogue, where businesses listen and respond to the voices of their audience. It's an era where businesses can build meaningful, lasting relationships with customers through digital channels, forging a bond that extends beyond mere transactions.
Remember as you navigate the vast landscape of the internet, never underestimate the power of the people on the other side of the screen. Their clicks may seem small, but collectively, they have the power to shape industries, launch brands into the stratosphere, and ultimately, determine the winners in the ever-evolving game of Clickonomics.
submitted by MrSquav to content_marketing [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 03:16 sheriffderek how you would learn web development if you could start over ?

I found this old thread asking a question I've asked myself often:
how you would learn web development if you could start over ?
(and then accidentally spent like 3 hours writing out this story, which I realized needed to be in a list) (and then none of it fit in the comment...) (so, now it will live here)
In a way, I did start over part way through my career. Old thread but I feel like this might be useful to someone out there.
TL;DR / Here's what I would do -- (if I didn't choose a path like College or LauchSchool or Watch and Code or Perpetual Education)
Obviously, I think PE is the best way to get all of this done the fastest and with the most support. But there are other bootamps that could be inserted in here at the right time - and like I mentioned tutors and many different ways you could learn things things. You could start a business or learn them on the job somewhere.
OK now: if you want to read it - (the story I had to work through and remember to get to this list ^) (might have some ways to explain the "why" here)

I'd say the start (of my learning) went pretty well, so I'd likely do it the same.
The first thing I did was take a course on Lynda (around 2011) that was actually taught by her brother. It was all absolute positioning and background images. I'm glad I did it. It really cleared up how MySpace worked. I had learned how to hack together pretty fancy MySpace pages for bands in college, but I had no real understanding of how everything worked. So, I'm glad I found that course - but basically, the night I finished the project, I read about `@media` rules 💡 (which was new and allowed for responsive/adaptive layouts that could change and many screen sizes). So, that was amazing, and I just got really really into HTML and CSS, and I copied websites I liked and made them even better by making them responsive (when that was really new). I joined stack overflow and answered a lot of questions and learned a lot about the confusions people had with HTML and CSS. I also learned a lot about how to ask good questions.
If I were to do that today, I wouldn't have to hack everything into a custom framework with floats. I'd have Flexbox and grid and custom properties and subgrid, and everything would be 3x easier. I'd start with Flexbox until I could pretty much make anything - and then learn Grid when I got to those situations where it really proves its worth / and then probably end up using Grid much more. I'd focus on this for a long time because you can get a job if you're really good at HTML and CSS, but you can't get a job if you're just OK at everything.
I'd also get a tutor or someone to help me. At the time, none of my friends were doing web development.
I also think that instead of doing freelance for so long, I'd try and get a job at an agency / or these days a bigger company so things weren't so hectic and I'd have some stability. I learned a lot about being freelance, but it was painful. Trial by fire. I learned some WordPress from Chris Coyier's Lynda course. And that was really eye-opening. Not because it was WP but because it tied together the CMS and the dynamic nature of templates. For whatever reason, the way he explained it just really clicked with me, and I felt like I majorly leveled up (fast). I built a pretty serious WP site for a client that is still up today! So, I'd keep that part. But what I would change is that I didn't learn anything about PHP. I tried to use as little as I could get away with and I let it all be mysterious. I didn't know what an array was or an associative array or an object. And I just left it that way. I did the same for JS. I knew just enough to get a click to work but could not have explained how it worked at all. I have proof in some old StackOverflow questions.
It's amazing how there are all these full-stack devs now, and we expect so much out of ourselves, but I was doing great with just that little skill set. I got a job at a small dev shop and learned a ton about clients and teams and all that. But again - I just, for some reason, thought that PHP and JS were beyond me. I just let it be a mystery - and really, the people there weren't the type of people I would learn anything about programming from. So, in retrospect (and I consider choosing where to work as part of the learning process) I should have looked for a new job that would have some more advanced developers after a while. That could have completely changed my trajectory. If someone could see my level of understanding and kinda mentor me - or just say, "Dude. Learn programming. It's not that crazy - you can do it," then I just would have let that mystery cloud go away.
Making sure you're at a place with people who are smarter than you and more experienced than you is really important. But I had learned by myself and always felt like an outsider and that there were some other official 'programmer' people - and I wasn't one of them. So, maybe reaching out to people and trying to go to meetups earlier or getting a tutor would have cleared all that away way early on.
Besides not learning PHP or JS, the next big mistake I made was to try and learn "real web development" and jump into AngularJS (an early JS framework). People always talked about how PHP was dead and WP was lame and I guess I believed them (Even though they were very wrong). It sure worked great, but I wanted to make "apps" and so I started making things with Angular. But the problem was - I was just hacking things together and I didn't even know what a JavaScript object was. I made some cool things, but also - it took me 40x longer than it should have, and I wasn't adding anything to my foundational understanding. It was just avoiding all of the important things to know - and everything I built barely worked, and I didn't understand it at all. But I'd invested so much time! (this is like a lot of new devs who start out learning React). Then Angular 2 came out, and everything I'd scraped together was gone. So, if it's not clear - I would spend as much time as I needed to learn solid PHP and JS before any frameworks. By learning PHP - I could have had a much clearer understanding of HTTP and how forms work and sessions. That would have made everything I did after so much faster and clearer, and I would have really leveled up. And learning about JS would have been pretty easy because it's mostly the same. Everything about the browser API and jQuery would have made so much more sense. Config files would have made sense. Brunch and gulp and build tools wouldn't have been a total black-box mystery.
It's like I made everything 100x harder just because I didn't know what I didn't know. It's seriously ridiculous. What a waste.
In the same amount of time (those 3 years or so), I could have been a master of Angular. I was basically a master of HTML and CSS, but that didn't seem like enough. Again, it would have been if I had known to work at a bigger company and specialize. I could be like those people talking at the conferences on a yacht with Eric Meyer! haha. But what did I do? I decided to learn Ember.js!! Yep! I did my research, and I was sure that Angular had blown it and that Ember was going to be where I could put my energy and become "a real web developer." I did it again! I somehow thought I could skip knowing pretty much every important thing about programming, and I went about memorizing the shapes of the functions and objects and trial and error, and I made some pretty cool stuff. And it's probably hard for you to believe... but I still don't think I understood the basics of programming. It's seriously crazy to think of. And I didn't have anyone who was looking close enough to slap me and redirect me a little. So, I certainly wouldn't do that. If I'd spent 3 months learning PHP or JavaScript, I could have learned more than I learned in what seemed like 2 years of fighting through building things with Ember. It was all my fault. And luckily, I went to a bunch of Ember meetups. And I asked a lot of questions in the Ember Slack. And I got enough feedback to get it through my head that I didn't know nearly enough about what I was doing _to ask intelligent questions.
So, what did I do? I decided to learn Ruby on Rails. Why? Because all the Ember tutorials had this mysterious backend server, they just spun up like it was nothing, and everything depended on it. So, I followed "The Rails Tutorial," and I built the next Facebook and was rich. Just kidding. I finished my app and put it up on Heroku, and a week later didn't know how any of it worked because I'd followed along and there were all these little edge cases and auth setup, and it was all server-side, and I'm sure I learned some things... but not nearly as much as if I'd had a real-life empathetic human to actually take stock of what I knew, didn't, know - and how disconnected it all was.
It's just insane that we expect to learn all this complex stuff on our own.
So, at this point - I was 5 or 6 years into my web dev life. And this is where I decided to stop what I was doing. To stop all the framework stuff and all the epic (but unfinished) projects and go back to JavaScript. I think that I should have gone back to PHP actually, so that's what I'd do in this new ideal outline. But I didn't. So, let's insert: learn enough about PHP to make a CRUD app with forms, deal with the file system, really clarify HTTP, query strings, and serverside concepts, sessions, and cookies, and build a small version of a CMS-like Visual Idiot who built Anchor (an awesome dev I just remembered being really inspired by). Learn basic SQL queries and things.
It's just wild how much this would have opened up for me.
Then (and only after that), I'd sprinkle in some JS and learn how to progressively enhance things. At that point, I would have been a real developer - and I probably could have done it in a year if I'd had some other humans to talk to. I'm not shy. I just didn't know how to find anyone. I listened to shoptalk show. I read CSS tricks.
To really learn JS, I bought a few books. Eloquent JavaScript and the new The Secret of the JavaScript Ninja Second edition (and to date, how late this was in my career - it came out September 10, 2016). ElloquentJS started out OK, but wasn't a fit for me. JS Ninja was a good fit. But it still didn't help me figure out where to use it. I did all the challenges. I worked through all the code. I understood what set was. But it wasn't until somehow I'd found this book Exercises for Programmers that I actually sat down and wrote code until I really knew how to be a real programmer. The exercises were language agnostic. They had no answers. It just forced you to sit down with the tools and design a solution. It helped outline the process of breaking down the problem. And more than anything, it forced you to think about user requirements. I hadn't been learning the right programming things all those years, but I was now a Sr Product designer and front-end developer. I learned a lot about UX along the way. And if you combine HTML, CSS, and PHP or JS with clear user requirements, you will learn how to build web interfaces faster than you can imagine. That's what I did.
I learned everything I should have learned (and could have learned 5 years prior) - in a few months. Shortly after I also ran into Godon's Watch and Code and seeing his introductory course where he talks through building a todo list was a bit late - but also would have been really really helpful 5 years ago! So, it all came together. The configs all turned out to be just key:value pairs. I realized that the CSS and HTML were also key:value pairs the whole time. It's all just key:value pairs. I filled in all the gaps I had with Ember. I felt pretty dumb, but it also felt really great to finally understand it through the lens of the problems it solved and how it's more like training wheels than extra-advanced JavaScript. The Rails tutorial made sense in retrospect and acted as my connection for what I should have learned about PHP. I picked up Vue really easily and managed to avoid React and JSX because gross. And I wouldn't change anything about it - because it made me who I am. But I'd never wish it on anyone else. And so many other things happened that I'm sure I forgot - but / now, when someone askes me how I'd learns web development - I have a very clear idea about that. And I even have a few years of testing this reverse-engineered outline on real people. It works.
submitted by sheriffderek to perpetualeducation [link] [comments]

2024.01.01 00:44 StarLotus7 The vibes I get when thinking about the 2000s

Disclaimer: This post was written through the perspective of an 18 year old from Brazil, so not everything that is going to be said is 100% correct, I'm not the best person talk about the 2000s in the most accurate way ever, and I might make some few mistakes here and there, although I still tried my absolute best to get most of the important information right.
So... Let's get started!


Even though I obviously grew up more during the 2010s, my earliest memories came from 2008-2010. I used to live on a different apartment from the one I live since Late 2010 and I remember how different was the technology that my parents and relatives used. Feature phones, digital cameras, portable DVD players, CRTs, those old Plasma TVs, the PS2, and my parents still even used old VHS tapes before we started to keep them on the cabinets (even though, I already perceived them as being old and never saw my parents buying or renting them). Wherever place in Brazil I went back then, there was a unique vibe I felt that, for the longest time, I couldn't put my finger on. The media (movies, TV, and music) that I consumed also felt different as well, most of them being leftovers that came out during the 2000s. I remember when I used to be really into Ben 10 and wanted anything related to that show, it was a fun time...
When I moved to a new home in Late 2010, this was when the vibe started to wear down on me. It didn't came to a complete halt yet, I remember in 2010 when I used the internet for the first time and still had that Late 2000s "Old Web" aesthetic, we still used to rent DVDs, and we still had a CRT up until 2011 (when I accidentally broke it and was almost crushed by it, lol). But by 2011, HDTVs were slowly but surely becoming more common in the places I went, got the first Blu-Ray player, my parents finally got their first smartphones and I was exposed to them for the first time, listened to American Early 2010s pop songs for the first time, and I also realized that the media was slowly shifting towards a different direction. 2012 felt like the barrier between the 2000s and 2010s, with some old trends still seen as relevant, like Emos for exemple, and overall being the perfect balance between those two zeitgeists. Even though my parents and others (mostly) finished transitioning in tech, I saw a lot of other people at the time who were still behind on that front. I was exposed to Windows 7 (I only knew XP and Vista before that) for the first time and iPads at school, but the latter isn't that important, because most people in Brazil didn't and still don't have enough money to buy them, and neither us. By 2013, that 2000s vibe was pretty much gone and only relegated to a few residual leftovers where I live, like the Wii for exemple. So in conclusion, it felt like I got to see the last glimpses of the 2000s before moving towards the 2010s culture.

But after these events, throughout the Mid 2010s onwards, I stumbled upon videos on YouTube that caused that same feeling I had in the Late 2000s and Early 2010s, specially old VOCALOID and Touhou music/clips. And now with the resurgence of 2000s nostalgia, that made me question: "Why these seemingly random YT videos are reminding me so much of the 2000s?" So I finally settled down, researched a bit, came with a somewhat comprehensible explanation to these personal feelings, and a playlist of videos and songs that that brought those memories.


Part 1: Nightcore Club - Old Nightcore remixes often speed up and raise the pitch of Late 1990s to Early 2010s Electronic music with vocals. It has that feeling of a show/rave in the open, that's happening from far way but close enough to hear it muffled. Speeding up and raising the pitch of a song creates a distorted effect that reminds me of 2000s Old Web/Webcore aesthetics (and also Alvin and the Chipmunks, lol). It invoke feelings of cuteness, excitement, but also small tinge of uncanniness, due to the unnatural high pitch.
Part 2: Internet Virals - These are classic internet videos and "memes" that were popular during the 2000s. They seem strange at first, but they carry a simple yet charming feeling, evocative of the times where people were just sharing funny videos to their friends and family members through MSN or AOL. And the videos that got viral were the most unexpected ones as you could imagine.
Part 3: Liminality - Something I realized on the past few years was the rise of internet aesthetics like Liminal Spaces and Weirdcore. When I learned about them for the first time, it reminded me of my early memories from the 2000s, due to the low quality of the images, that seem to been taken with cheap digital cameras. On a tangent note, the architecture seen in most images of these aesthetics reminds me a lot of the one from the Pixar movie "Monsters, Inc.", probably because of the artificial look that it had. So back to what I was talking about, Liminal Spaces and Weirdcore achieves to create a sense of familiarity, disorientation, transition, nostalgia, uneasiness, and living in a Altered Reality, most of them being things I feel when recalling those old memories. And it doesn't help that these aesthetics are explicitly inspired by media that was shared on the web during the 2000s, specially with those amateur image edits seen on places like Blingee, Myspace, Orkut, and personal websites. For me, the low-resolution 2000s images and these aesthetics represent an old childhood memory, that is visible and mostly understandable, but still blurry enough to cover some details. As for the decade's zeitgeist, it could represent the transition from the 1990s to the 2010s in terms of the technology and culture, not as retro as the 90s, but also not as modern as the 10s. Also, there is also a recent music artist called Yabujin, which has an audiovisual identity that seems very reminiscent of 2000s web aesthetics too.
Part 4: 2000s Snippets - Raw video recordings uploaded to YouTube. They represent a simple and casual feeling of the 2000s lifestyle, where you didn't need to be an active uploader in the site to stay relevant, but instead post whatever you felt like it for fun, therefore having more time to enjoy life.
Part 5: Meanwhile in Brazil... - It's the Brazilian take on the 2000s decade! The only thing I need to add here is that prank calls were popular during that time too. Don't ask me why, I also don't know...
Part 6: Let's pick a DVD and watch a movie together! - Basically intros, bumpers, and anti-piracy PSAs that you see on DVDs before start watching a movie. They are pretty loud and "in your face", but that's the reason why I love them, not gonna lie. Something I realized about movies from the time is the action and camera shots. It was pretty over-the-top, with so many of those "wooosh" and other loud sound effects to demonstrante a sense of movement in a very impactful way. As for the CGI, it looked a lot better than the 90s but not quite as good as it became in the 2010s onwards, specially because the movement still felt a bit stiff and, depending on the studio and/or project, the visuals could look uncanny at times. Also, for some reason, there was this trend in animated movies (most notably in 2000s Dreamworks movies) were characters throw some party and start dancing to a pop song in the end. I would say that movies like The Matrix and Shrek had a huge influence over the cinematography of other 2000s movies that would come out afterwards. Also, Spoofs and Comedy Movies were also pretty big the 2000s (almost forgot to tell that).
Part 7: Personal Interpretation - This is the part where I discuss my personal views on the 2000s, which I don't think everyone is going to agree with. There was something relaxing and free feeling about the decade's vibe, almost on a laid-back way. Maybe because it was a time were the internet was present in life, but not as omnipresent or time consuming as it became in the 2010s and 2020s. So this section, which is mostly composed of 2000s Mario and Touhou music, was meant to represent that vibe. There's also a few videos I put there to go along with this music, so why not.
Part 8: In a Trance state - From the Electronic music genres that were popular at the time, the one that best represented the 2000s for me would be Trance, which technically was already popular by the 1990s. But their sounds specifically, I was able to hear them in some 2000s media, and that's why I got into that genre. There's is a small collection of tracks I put in the playlist that exhale "2000s energy" to me. It makes me think of the technological advancements that were happening during the decade and how people perceived as being futuristic and cool, but looking back, it definitely didn't aged as well as they wish it did.
Part 9: 2000s Pop Music - I tried to avoid adding pop music to the playlist, but after thinking a bit more, I realized that it was necessary to make this package feel complete. Y'all already know the drill by this point, we had music genres like Nu-Metal, Emo Rock, Hip-Hop, Ringtone Rap, Crunk, and Pop Rock. That last one also being the first mainstream genre that comes to my mind when thinking about the 2000s, specially with female singers. These music genres, alongside music clips, were very flashy and over-the-top, they were either "OMG, look at these fancy cars and gorgeous women‼", "Edgelord wannabe", "Teenagers having fun", or just downright absurd. Not every music clip followed that pattern, but most of the mainstream stuff was like that anyway. Oh, and I also put some few Brazilian 2000s hits to shake things up.
Part 10: *turns on the TV\* - These are just some TV show OPs, idents, and bumpers. Some are nostalgic to me, some are definetly not. There's isn't much I can add that I didn't said before. I feel like I need to expand this section...
Part 11: Gaming and Commercials - 2000s gaming content and commercials. Something really cool that I learned an year ago is that the Xbox 360 was announced on MTV on the day I was born, so I was curious to see "what was happening" during that day through a YT video. It felt like I was cracking up a time capsule for the first time, it's shocking to see how much things have changed since then. Also, yeah, I need to expand that section too...
Part 12: The End! - A few random videos to finally finish this playlist! Windows XP, DVD Player Screensaver and a Vídeo Brinquedo trailer (yes, I actually grew up with this crap xD) that was available on their DVDs. In the very end on this playlist, I also put Xploshi's "RAFFLESIA OLINE" album, which in my opinion, really captures the blissful and techy vibe of the 2000s, very reminiscent of the Frutiger Aero and Y2K aesthetics.
Gaming - The 6th and 7th Generations are definitely the go-to 2000s consoles and they represent a rather interesting era of Video Game history. Again, it also represented a period of transition from 1990s to 2010s when it comes to the way we approach games as a whole. Not much in terms of graphics, since it already did that with the transition from 2D to 3D in the 90s, even though the leaps from one gen to another were still noticeable. The 2000s brought a lot of things that would become stables of the 2010s like online play, wireless multiplayer, digital media, updates, multimedia menus, touchscreens, and motion controls. These innovations, alongside things that already existed in the 90s, created a sense of convenience, simplicity, and freedom when buying and approaching games whatever the way you wanted. You could play a game alone, with your friends, or strangers online. You could try unusual controller schemes for more natural or immersive experiences. It was up to you! Although all this stuff was brought and even amplified in the subsequent years, it felt like these kinds of feelings were lacking in the 2010s/2020s with the rise of DLCs, season passes, Day 1 updates, microtransactions, and loot boxes, which removed the simplicity of just buying a finished game, with no need to pay more for extra content. At least that's what gaming feels like to me nowadays.
Design - This decade brought a very unique take on design. Most of its trends were very maximalist, with a lot of details, visual effects, colors, and gradients. Vectorbloom, Chromecore, Metalheart, Hipness Purgatory, McBling, UrBling, Frutiger Metro, they were all prominent throughout the decade. [You can learn more about them in the Aesthetics Wiki] The use of 3D was also pretty prevalent during the 2000s, specially on logos, which bring us the two most influential Design Aesthetics: Y2K and Frutiger Aero. Y2K had visuals that were blob-like, shiny, liquid or metal, and represented a possible distant future, that was anticipated by the new millennium (hence why the name). While Frutiger Aero is more glossy, focused on nature/humanistic imagery, and represented a near possible future, that unfortunately never became real. Together, they gave the 2000s decade a vibrant and somewhat optimistic feel to it, which the only other decades that were able to get close to this kind of vibe were the 80s and 90s. And these design trends are a stark contrast to the Minimalism and Flat Design aesthetics that would become popular in the next decade.

Something I realized during this analysis is a sense of duality that was present in the 2000s atmosphere. Pop culture was either about femininity, cuteness, and sexuality, or masculinity, "edginess", and darkness, all in a very trashy yet charming way. Most of the media was very flashy, shiny, and over-the-top, but almost in a natural and casual way(?) for the time, but ended up aging poorly nowadays. Maybe I'm talking shit, but that's how I viewed these things. The 2000s was also a decade defined by major technological advancements. It was involving fast before our very eyes, in a pacing which was unheard of in past decades. We went from Dial-up Internet, CRTs, Nokia bricks, and VHS in the Late 90s/Early 00s to Broadband Internet, Wi-Fi, HDTVs, Blackberries, Smartphones, and Blu-rays in the Late 00s/Early 10s. So that puts this decade in a rather strange place when it comes to technology, where it was starting to get pretty advanced but it wasn't quite there. The image and video quality is very unique compared to other decades and the tech design looked way more futuristic than it actually was.
So in conclusion, I think the 2000s was like "the middle cousin" of recent decades, that tried to look cool and futuristic by mixing opposite ideas and concepts, and ended up creating a zeitgeist that was definitely a product of its time.

What I personally think the "2000s vibe/atmosphere" is (Summary)
Something I wrote in the playlist's descriptions sums my thoughts pretty well:
The decade of Flip Phones, DVDs, Digital Cameras, iPods/MP3 Players, Emos, and Low-rise Jeans. It was a time where the internet was a new and exciting thing, with websites like Myspace, Orkut, YouTube, and Blingee becoming very popular.It was futuristic, technologically advanced yet dated, loud and quiet, colorful and muted, modern yet nostalgic, uplifting and melancholic, comforting and uneasy, cute and edgy, high and low quality sound, HD and SD, fast and slow internet speeds, and cheesy but still charming media. In my point of view, the 2000s was a decade of opposites sensations clashing together to create a zeitgeist that still manages to be cohesive. It was an in-between "liminal" decade, that would transition us from the 1990s to the 2010s.

Final Thoughts

As you may realize by that point, despite the playlist itself being already huge with morre than 400 videos in it, it's expected to be expended even more in the future, so I might announce this playlist again in the future. Although there's a lot of stuff that is nostalgic to me, there's also stuff that either just have the vibe, stuff I only knew about it years later, or even Anemoia in a few cases.
Another thing that some people realized is that I didn't mentioned 9/11 or the "War on Terror". Although these events were definitely influential for the 2000s and set down at slightly more bleak image to the decade, I feel like these events had a stronger influence on politics than pop culture.
Also, no fashion, because I personally don't care about it. But if you want my honest opinion on it, here it is: I think it looks either too casual in comparison to other decades or just straight up ugly.
I also really want to make a post/playlist about the 2010s vibe, but I feel like I need to wait a few years for their influences to fully dissipate, so I can make it a lot more accurate and without my Early 2010s biases. And because the 2010s as a whole is just too recent to be considered nostalgic, so there's that, lol. I could also make ones about other decades like the 90s, 80s, 70s, and so on, but that would be a lot more difficult for me to do.

So, this is my perspective on the "2000s zeitgeist"! What do you think about it? I hope you liked reading through this post and checked my playlist, which took a lot of time to make.
Anyway, I wish you all a Happy New Year's Eve 2024! :D
submitted by StarLotus7 to decadeology [link] [comments]

2023.12.31 23:41 StarLotus7 The vibes I get when thinking about the 2000s

Disclaimer: This post was written through the perspective of an Early 2010s Kid from Brazil, so not everything that is going to be said is 100% correct, I'm not the best person talk about the 2000s in the most accurate way ever, and I might make some few mistakes here and there, although I still tried my absolute best to get most of the important information right. Also, the objective of this post is to share my personal experiences and opinions about the 2000s zeitgeist, not to start discussions about "who is X or Y decade kid" or "if year Z had Y decade influences or not", these are definitely not welcome here.
So... Let's get started!


Even though I'm obviously more of a 2010s kid, my earliest memories came from 2008-2010. I used to live on a different apartment from the one I live since Late 2010 and I remember how different was the technology that my parents and relatives used. Feature phones, digital cameras, portable DVD players, CRTs, those old Plasma TVs, the PS2, and my parents still even used old VHS tapes before we started to keep them on the cabinets (even though, I already perceived them as being old and never saw my parents buying or renting them). Wherever place in Brazil I went back then, there was a unique vibe I felt that, for the longest time, I couldn't put my finger on. The media (movies, TV, and music) that I consumed also felt different as well, most of them being leftovers that came out during the 2000s. I remember when I used to be really into Ben 10 and wanted anything related to that show, it was a fun time...
When I moved to a new home in Late 2010, this was when the vibe started to wear down on me. It didn't came to a complete halt yet, I remember in 2010 when I used the internet for the first time and still had that Late 2000s "Old Web" aesthetic, we still used to rent DVDs, and we still had a CRT up until 2011 (when I accidentally broke it and was almost crushed by it, lol). But by 2011, HDTVs were slowly but surely becoming more common in the places I went, got the first Blu-Ray player, my parents finally got their first smartphones and I was exposed to them for the first time, listened to American Early 2010s pop songs for the first time, and I also realized that the media was slowly shifting towards a different direction. 2012 felt like the barrier between the 2000s and 2010s, with some old trends still seen as relevant, like Emos for exemple, and overall being the perfect balance between those two zeitgeists. Even though my parents and others (mostly) finished transitioning in tech, I saw a lot of other people at the time who were still behind on that front. I was exposed to Windows 7 (I only knew XP and Vista before that) for the first time and iPads at school, but the latter isn't that important, because most people in Brazil didn't and still don't have enough money to buy them, and neither us. By 2013, that 2000s vibe was pretty much gone and only relegated to a few residual leftovers where I live, like the Wii for exemple. So in conclusion, it felt like I got to see the last glimpses of the 2000s before moving towards the 2010s culture.

But after these events, throughout the Mid 2010s onwards, I stumbled upon videos on YouTube that caused that same feeling I had in the Late 2000s and Early 2010s, specially old VOCALOID and Touhou music/clips. And now with the resurgence of 2000s nostalgia, that made me question: "Why these seemingly random YT videos are reminding me so much of the 2000s?" So I finally settled down, researched a bit, came with a somewhat comprehensible explanation to these personal feelings, and a playlist of videos and songs that that brought those memories.


Part 1: Nightcore Club - Old Nightcore remixes often speed up and raise the pitch of Late 1990s to Early 2010s Electronic music with vocals. It has that feeling of a show/rave in the open, that's happening from far way but close enough to hear it muffled. Speeding up and raising the pitch of a song creates a distorted effect that reminds me of 2000s Old Web/Webcore aesthetics (and also Alvin and the Chipmunks, lol). It invoke feelings of cuteness, excitement, but also small tinge of uncanniness, due to the unnatural high pitch.
Part 2: Internet Virals - These are classic internet videos and "memes" that were popular during the 2000s. They seem strange at first, but they carry a simple yet charming feeling, evocative of the times where people were just sharing funny videos to their friends and family members through MSN or AOL. And the videos that got viral were the most unexpected ones as you could imagine.
Part 3: Liminality - Something I realized on the past few years was the rise of internet aesthetics like Liminal Spaces and Weirdcore. When I learned about them for the first time, it reminded me of my early memories from the 2000s, due to the low quality of the images, that seem to been taken with cheap digital cameras. On a tangent note, the architecture seen in most images of these aesthetics reminds me a lot of the one from the Pixar movie "Monsters, Inc.", probably because of the artificial look that it had. So back to what I was talking about, Liminal Spaces and Weirdcore achieves to create a sense of familiarity, disorientation, transition, nostalgia, uneasiness, and living in a Altered Reality, most of them being things I feel when recalling those old memories. And it doesn't help that these aesthetics are explicitly inspired by media that was shared on the web during the 2000s, specially with those amateur image edits seen on places like Blingee, Myspace, Orkut, and personal websites. For me, the low-resolution 2000s images and these aesthetics represent an old childhood memory, that is visible and mostly understandable, but still blurry enough to cover some details. As for the decade's zeitgeist, it could represent the transition from the 1990s to the 2010s in terms of the technology and culture, not as retro as the 90s, but also not as modern as the 10s. Also, there is also a recent music artist called Yabujin, which has an audiovisual identity that seems very reminiscent of 2000s web aesthetics too.
Part 4: 2000s Snippets - Raw video recordings uploaded to YouTube. They represent a simple and casual feeling of the 2000s lifestyle, where you didn't need to be an active uploader in the site to stay relevant, but instead post whatever you felt like it for fun, therefore having more time to enjoy life.
Part 5: Meanwhile in Brazil... - It's the Brazilian take on the 2000s decade! The only thing I need to add here is that prank calls were popular during that time too. Don't ask me why, I also don't know...
Part 6: Let's pick a DVD and watch a movie together! - Basically intros, bumpers, and anti-piracy PSAs that you see on DVDs before start watching a movie. They are pretty loud and "in your face", but that's the reason why I love them, not gonna lie. Something I realized about movies from the time is the action and camera shots. It was pretty over-the-top, with so many of those "wooosh" and other loud sound effects to demonstrante a sense of movement in a very impactful way. As for the CGI, it looked a lot better than the 90s but not quite as good as it became in the 2010s onwards, specially because the movement still felt a bit stiff and, depending on the studio and/or project, the visuals could look uncanny at times. Also, for some reason, there was this trend in animated movies (most notably in 2000s Dreamworks movies) were characters throw some party and start dancing to a pop song in the end. I would say that movies like The Matrix and Shrek had a huge influence over the cinematography of other 2000s movies that would come out afterwards. Also, Spoofs and Comedy Movies were also pretty big the 2000s (almost forgot to tell that).
Part 7: Personal Interpretation - This is the part where I discuss my personal views on the 2000s, which I don't think everyone is going to agree with. There was something relaxing and free feeling about the decade's vibe, almost on a laid-back way. Maybe because it was a time were the internet was present in life, but not as omnipresent or time consuming as it became in the 2010s and 2020s. So this section, which is mostly composed of 2000s Mario and Touhou music, was meant to represent that vibe. There's also a few videos I put there to go along with this music, so why not.
Part 8: In a Trance state - From the Electronic music genres that were popular at the time, the one that best represented the 2000s for me would be Trance, which technically was already popular by the 1990s. But their sounds specifically, I was able to hear them in some 2000s media, and that's why I got into that genre. There's is a small collection of tracks I put in the playlist that exhale "2000s energy" to me. It makes me think of the technological advancements that were happening during the decade and how people perceived as being futuristic and cool, but looking back, it definitely didn't aged as well as they wish it did.
Part 9: 2000s Pop Music - I tried to avoid adding pop music to the playlist, but after thinking a bit more, I realized that it was necessary to make this package feel complete. Y'all already know the drill by this point, we had music genres like Nu-Metal, Emo Rock, Hip-Hop, Ringtone Rap, Crunk, and Pop Rock. That last one also being the first mainstream genre that comes to my mind when thinking about the 2000s, specially with female singers. These music genres, alongside music clips, were very flashy and over-the-top, they were either "OMG, look at these fancy cars and gorgeous women‼", "Edgelord wannabe", "Teenagers having fun", or just downright absurd. Not every music clip followed that pattern, but most of the mainstream stuff was like that anyway. Oh, and I also put some few Brazilian 2000s hits to shake things up.
Part 10: *turns on the TV\* - These are just some TV show OPs, idents, and bumpers. Some are nostalgic to me, some are definetly not. There's isn't much I can add that I didn't said before. I feel like I need to expand this section...
Part 11: Gaming and Commercials - 2000s gaming content and commercials. Something really cool that I learned an year ago is that the Xbox 360 was announced on MTV on the day I was born, so I was curious to see "what was happening" during that day through a YT video. It felt like I was cracking up a time capsule for the first time, it's shocking to see how much things have changed since then. Also, yeah, I need to expand that section too...
Part 12: The End! - A few random videos to finally finish this playlist! Windows XP, DVD Player Screensaver and a Vídeo Brinquedo trailer (yes, I actually grew up with this crap xD) that was available on their DVDs. In the very end on this playlist, I also put Xploshi's "RAFFLESIA OLINE" album, which in my opinion, really captures the blissful and techy vibe of the 2000s, very reminiscent of the Frutiger Aero and Y2K aesthetics.
Gaming - The 6th and 7th Generations are definitely the go-to 2000s consoles and they represent a rather interesting era of Video Game history. Again, it also represented a period of transition from 1990s to 2010s when it comes to the way we approach games as a whole. Not much in terms of graphics, since it already did that with the transition from 2D to 3D in the 90s, even though the leaps from one gen to another were still noticeable. The 2000s brought a lot of things that would become stables of the 2010s like online play, wireless multiplayer, digital media, updates, multimedia menus, touchscreens, and motion controls. These innovations, alongside things that already existed in the 90s, created a sense of convenience, simplicity, and freedom when buying and approaching games whatever the way you wanted. You could play a game alone, with your friends, or strangers online. You could try unusual controller schemes for more natural or immersive experiences. It was up to you! Although all this stuff was brought and even amplified in the subsequent years, it felt like these kinds of feelings were lacking in the 2010s/2020s with the rise of DLCs, season passes, Day 1 updates, microtransactions, and loot boxes, which removed the simplicity of just buying a finished game, with no need to pay more for extra content. At least that's what gaming feels like to me nowadays.
Design - This decade brought a very unique take on design. Most of its trends were very maximalist, with a lot of details, visual effects, colors, and gradients. Vectorbloom, Chromecore, Metalheart, Hipness Purgatory, McBling, UrBling, Frutiger Metro, they were all prominent throughout the decade. [You can learn more about them in the Aesthetics Wiki] The use of 3D was also pretty prevalent during the 2000s, specially on logos, which bring us the two most influential Design Aesthetics: Y2K and Frutiger Aero. Y2K had visuals that were blob-like, shiny, liquid or metal, and represented a possible distant future, that was anticipated by the new millennium (hence why the name). While Frutiger Aero is more glossy, focused on nature/humanistic imagery, and represented a near possible future, that unfortunately never became real. Together, they gave the 2000s decade a vibrant and somewhat optimistic feel to it, which the only other decades that were able to get close to this kind of vibe were the 80s and 90s. And these design trends are a stark contrast to the Minimalism and Flat Design aesthetics that would become popular in the next decade.

Something I realized during this analysis is a sense of duality that was present in the 2000s atmosphere. Pop culture was either about femininity, cuteness, and sexuality, or masculinity, "edginess", and darkness, all in a very trashy yet charming way. Most of the media was very flashy, shiny, and over-the-top, but almost in a natural and casual way(?) for the time, but ended up aging poorly nowadays. Maybe I'm talking shit, but that's how I viewed these things. The 2000s was also a decade defined by major technological advancements. It was involving fast before our very eyes, in a pacing which was unheard of in past decades. We went from Dial-up Internet, CRTs, Nokia bricks, and VHS in the Late 90s/Early 00s to Broadband Internet, Wi-Fi, HDTVs, Blackberries, Smartphones, and Blu-rays in the Late 00s/Early 10s. So that puts this decade in a rather strange place when it comes to technology, where it was starting to get pretty advanced but it wasn't quite there. The image and video quality is very unique compared to other decades and the tech design looked way more futuristic than it actually was.
So in conclusion, I think the 2000s was like "the middle cousin" of recent decades, that tried to look cool and futuristic by mixing opposite ideas and concepts, and ended up creating a zeitgeist that was definitely a product of its time.

What I personally think the "2000s vibe/atmosphere" is (Summary)
Something I wrote in the playlist's descriptions sums my thoughts pretty well:
The decade of Flip Phones, DVDs, Digital Cameras, iPods/MP3 Players, Emos, and Low-rise Jeans. It was a time where the internet was a new and exciting thing, with websites like Myspace, Orkut, YouTube, and Blingee becoming very popular.
It was futuristic, technologically advanced yet dated, loud and quiet, colorful and muted, modern yet nostalgic, uplifting and melancholic, comforting and uneasy, cute and edgy, high and low quality sound, HD and SD, fast and slow internet speeds, and cheesy but still charming media. In my point of view, the 2000s was a decade of opposites sensations clashing together to create a zeitgeist that still manages to be cohesive. It was an in-between "liminal" decade, that would transition us from the 1990s to the 2010s.

Final Thoughts

As you may realize by that point, despite the playlist itself being already huge with morre than 400 videos in it, it's expected to be expended even more in the future, so I might announce this playlist again in the future. Although there's a lot of stuff that is nostalgic to me, there's also stuff that either just have the vibe, stuff I only knew about it years later, or even Anemoia in a few cases.
Another thing that some people realized is that I didn't mentioned 9/11 or the "War on Terror". Although these events were definitely influential for the 2000s and set down at slightly more bleak image to the decade, I feel like these events had a stronger influence on politics than pop culture.
Also, no fashion, because I personally don't care about it. But if you want my honest opinion on it, here it is: I think it looks either too casual in comparison to other decades or just straight up ugly.
I also really want to make a post/playlist about the 2010s vibe, but I feel like I need to wait a few years for their influences to fully dissipate, so I can make it a lot more accurate and without my Early 2010s biases. And because the 2010s as a whole is just too recent to be considered nostalgic, so there's that, lol. I could also make ones about other decades like the 90s, 80s, 70s, and so on, but that would be a lot more difficult for me to do.

So, this is my perspective on the "2000s zeitgeist"! What do you think about it? I hope you liked reading through this post and checked my playlist, which took a lot of time to make.
Anyway, I wish you all a Happy New Year's Eve 2024! :D
submitted by StarLotus7 to generationology [link] [comments]

2023.11.21 19:53 longtimelurkerfft I was the “developer” on that reddit post that locked the clients out of their website

First off - obligatory English isn’t my first language!
TLDR: I was once hired to make a basic website for clients, they didn’t pay me, so I posted that they stiffed their developer on their LIVE website that they linked to on their social pages?? That was weird. Was asked if I could give them the login creds about a year ago and I said no. Only found out today that they asked for the login because a screenshot of the page was posted on Reddit, people found out and they’ve been spamming on their now defunct socials to pay back their dev. (Spoiler: they never did)
I recently came across a reddit post with a screenshot of a website I built 3 years ago that called out the owners who didn’t pay up when a friend asked me today what happened to that website so I looked for it on Google and lo and behold, that post popped up and I was like, hey that’s me. So I figured I may as well tell my story, which would answer some questions on the post.
To start with, no I’m not an actual developer, I’m a digital marketer by trade. Everything I learned about coding, I learned through Myspace, Livejournal and Tumblr (age reveal!). So all the developers coming at me for using Wordpress, calm tf down it’s not supposed to be a super cool website. Ok, on with the story.
So back in 2020 at the height of c-vid, one of my best friends reached out to me asking if I could help her cousin and her cousin’s business partner build a website for their clinic. It was supposed to be a simple brochure site and very straight to the point. It just needed a list of their services and a contact us form. At that time I was freelancing and have done some frontend work mostly for SEO and email marketing so I said I could do it BUT subject to limitations. By limitations, it was understood that I was only going to do templated sh*t because I am by no means an actual web developer and I was only doing it to learn more about WP (been wanting to create my own web portfolio) and help out my friend because her cousin had almost no budget for it. And by no budget, I mean they were only willing to pay 10k PHP (equivalent to 180 USD) so they couldn’t afford an actual web developer. We laid out the terms of what I was able to do and they accepted it.
So we get started. I get all the images, logo, color palette, etc from the clients and an overall idea of how the site was supposed to be. They approved the mockup (I’m better in Photoshop than WP), sent money for the domain + hosting, and I went ahead and built the site. A few meetings later, the business partner’s husband suddenly comes into the picture and very condescendingly starts saying that this isn’t good, it’s very basic and he showed us Apple’s website and says he wants the clinic’s website to look like that. And he says all this like he knows so much about building websites. Like ok, if you can build a website just go ahead and do it yourself? So I talk to my friend in private and told her:
  1. you can’t compare a simple brochure website to Apple. Apple has an unlimited budget. They’re one of the biggest global companies in the world, meanwhile they had a measly budget of $180. Ridiculous.
  2. we previously agreed it would only be a templated site, nothing fancy
  3. the mockup was already approved and now we’re moving to a completely different direction. We agreed to revisions to the project, not a complete overhaul.
  4. if they wanted something like an Apple website, we’d need to hire actual web developers and up the budget
  5. also from a marketing perspective, a tech website like Apple just doesn’t suit a clinic??
My friend completely understood and was with me on this one and discussed it with her cousin. Weeks go by and my friend comes back to me, completely embarrassed and apologetic, saying that they won’t go through with the website, will find someone else to do it and that they’re refusing to pay me despite already going through several revisions before the husband even came in. I didn’t mind so much since I did learn a few things from the whole experience and it filled up my days in the midst of lockdown restrictions, but I did feel bad for my friend who probably didn’t have the best time having that convo with her cousin and then delivering the message to me, plus the husband was so obnoxious, I decided to delete the pages and put up a single page saying they won’t pay their web developer. (To the people on the reddit post saying it wasn’t made by a real developer and I shouldn’t have used the term web developer, I’m sorry but I was pissed and that was the most concise way I could phrase it. I wasn’t going to write “the owners of this clinic won’t pay the person they contracted to build their site” just to please the pedantics.)
I said it was ok, left the website at that without telling my friend, and forgot about it. I didn’t expect it would blow up. A year or so goes by, I have moved away from my home country at this point and my friend reaches out and asks if I can give them the login details to their website. *insert maniacal cackle here*
I said no, apologized to my friend as she’s put in a tight spot yet again, and then checked on the website. There have been attempts to login, so I changed the password. My friend then asks if I can take down the post on the site instead. I figured I’ve been petty enough for a long time, so I did (that’s why it changed to Hello World, that was me being nice, not them trying to figure things out themselves. I didn’t give them the opportunity to.) I didn’t know that someone posted a screenshot of it on reddit and they were probably responding to hate comments on their socials, I’m just now learning about all of this lol
It’s now been 3 years and the domain has since expired. I was actually contemplating renewing the domain just to be extra petty, but they don’t deserve my time or money. I looked them up on Google maps today to see if they’re still operating and the 1 star reviews were hilarious. To answer the questions there - no, I still haven’t been paid!
And to the comments I’ve read on the original post:
SSL - they barely had enough money for a domain name, let alone security like Cloudflare. I intentionally left this out during production and was supposed to add it once they had enough budget for it.
Legality - there was no binding contract, it was just a list of terms that we agreed on. And this was in the Philippines. We’re not a stickler for laws, not that we have any laws on it. I think.
Edit: formatting
submitted by longtimelurkerfft to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2023.08.24 20:03 DTG_Bot This Week in Destiny - 08/24/2023

This week in Destiny, it’s witchy time! We’re hot off the heels of an exciting Showcase right before diving back into what’s next for Guardians. After all, we’ve got a Witness to nab, right?
Also, apologies in advance because Season of the Witch is very much my jam, so please excuse the puns and just know that each one is absolutely necessary. Thank you for your understanding.
Before we dive into what we’re chatting about this week, let’s recap what we shared in last week’s TWID:
  • Guardians for Maui—support for Hawaii.
  • A little Showcase teaser, as a treat.
  • Twitch Drop it like it’s hot on August 22.
  • We recapped some of the more epic moments in Destiny history.
  • Season 22 Weapons Preview recap.
  • Pick up your gear!
  • Increased reputation gains all week.
  • Regional pricing update.
Now for this week:
  • Destiny 2 Showcase “remember when’s.”
  • Guardians for Maui update.
  • Calling all creators.
  • Feeling nostalgic with older Seasons.
  • Featured Quests, what are they?
  • Three new Season 22 Strand Aspects and what they do.
  • World First rundown.
  • New Emblems, who dis?
  • Player Support Report.
  • #Destiny2AOTW and #Destiny2MOTW picks.
But first, a quick message from the team regarding the Showcase:
Thank you to everyone for tuning in to our Destiny 2 Showcase on Tuesday! This was a labor of love for everyone involved at Bungie, and we're excited to finally share so much of what we’ve been working on behind the scenes for The Final Shape, Season of the Witch, and our new Episodes with all of you.
We are aware there were some technical issues with audio and live subtitles in certain regions that may have impacted your viewing experience. We sincerely apologize to everyone affected by those issues, and we're taking steps to improve the experience in the future.
In the meantime, our Showcase videos are available to watch with corrected subtitles for all supported languages here, and we've also localized our Showcase recap article. Thanks as always for your support, and happy Season of the Witch!

"And They Were Broom-Mates." A Brief Showcase Recap.

Finally. Our time has come. Not only are we finally taking the fight to the Witness with The Final Shape, but we finally get to live our best witchy lives with Season of the Witch. From Eris returning front and center in all her epic glory to Cayde-6 bringing his miraculous self back into our lives, we’re excited to share in this journey with you all as we charge towards the conclusion of the most important fight in the hard-fought Light and Darkness saga.
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Now that we’ve collectively gotten the excited giggles out of the way with Cayde-6's mysterious return, let’s do a brief recap into what’s on the way with The Final Shape and what started yesterday with Season 22: Season of the Witch. If you haven’t already, check out the Showcase recap here.
The Pale Heart
The Pale Heart is duality at its finest, born from the Light, but also from the memories of the Darkness itself. This is the place that the Witness needed to get to last Season, which means we have to beat it to the punch with The Final Shape. What’s a little destruction among entire universes, am I right?
Fresh Supers and Exciting New Aspects
There will be three new Supers for Guardians to master, as well as three new Aspects. Warlocks will harness their inner Solar superbness with Song of Flame; Hunters will make Nikola Tesla proud with the power of Arc through Storm’s Edge; and Titans will bring the Void mayhem by hurling some big axes at enemies with Twilight Arsenal. Range. [chef’s kiss]
You can learn more about the new Supers here.
New Enemies
As if the name didn’t give it away, the Subjugators are no joke, and they work at the Witness’s behest. There are two types, and both are experts on the battlefield. The first is a master of Stasis. They have the ability to slow, freeze, and shatter an opponent for certain death, but they also have the tactical chops to force any Guardians to weasel out of cover when in a fight. The other will use Strand against you. Their proximity mines suspend enemies and launch severing projectiles that dissolve their target into oblivion. They’re tricky, but we’ve faced tricky before. It’s what Guardians do.
Episodes and the Road Ahead
We’ve heard your feedback regarding the typical Seasonal model, so let’s try this on for size. Hear me out: Episodes. Instead of four Seasons in the year, we’ll be moving to three content drops instead. These will be bigger, more action-packed, and offer a fulfilling experience that players will want to take their time in. With the first three Episodes (Echoes, Revenant, and Heresy), players will contend with the aftermath of The Final Shape, with each Episode acting as a standalone narrative experience. More story beats? Check. More quests? Check. 200 Season Pass ranks? Check. New rewards? Check and check.
We’re excited to show you what’s next, so make sure you scope out the roadmap here to see everything that was announced yesterday, including details about the currently live Season of the Witch.

Guardians for Maui - Campaign Update

In just a week, the Bungie community has rallied to support the people of Maui in the wake of the deadliest wildfires in over a century. To date, the community has purchased over 12,000 Mālama Maui shirts and 3,000 individual Kūlike Kākou emblems. All profits from the shirt and emblems will go to our long-time partner Direct Relief, supporting their emergency response and recovery operations in the region.
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We are offering Guardians even more ways to support Maui moving forward. All profits from the Bungie Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity Association pins on the Bungie Store between August 17 and September 10 will be donated to the campaign as well. These include:
  1. Everyone Can Play Collectible Pin
  2. Stand With Asians Collectible Pin
  3. Be Heard Collectible Pin
  4. International Women’s Day Collectible Pin
  5. Bungie’s Pride Collectible Pin 2.0
  6. Head to and join your fellow Guardians in showing your support. ##Calling All Creators: Shoot That Shot
If you’re a content creator and you’ve asked yourself, “Self, how do I work with Bungie?” then you’re in the right place. Earlier this year, we welcomed Chef Andy to the team to lead efforts for the content creators and community leaders who work—and want to work—with us going forward. His team has the expertise and the compassion to help lead creators into fun new adventures with Bungie and the worlds we create.
No matter your style or genre, Bungie wants to inspire and partner with you to make content for your audience and empower your communities. If joining us for new and familiar journeys in the future sounds right up your alley, then what are you waiting for? Shoot that shot and fill out our content creator form right here. Let’s chat, shall we?

Those Rewards Are So Last Season, But We Still Love 'Em

Later in Season of the Witch, we’re planning on bringing back a selection of cosmetic items from previous Season Passes to the Eververse, for players who missed out on acquiring them. We’ll be starting with a handful of items from Season of the Worthy.
This nostalgic throwback, which we’re calling Seasonal Flashbacks, will only be available during weeks 4, 5, and 6. In the future, other Seasonal items may return, so if there are any coveted items you’d like to see again, shout them out to the @Destiny2Team account as feedback. More info on future offerings at a later date.

Featured Quests: Like MySpace's Top 8 WIthout the Existential Dread

You’ll notice a new feature when looking at your in-game directory called Featured Quests. This is a quest log that gives you a little extra guidance on which questlines Destiny 2 thinks you should prioritize. The goal here is to make it a little easier to maneuver between content, no matter when it was released.
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Here’s a quick rundown on the Featured Quests section:
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  • Players just starting out on their journey may only see a single quest at first until more content is unlocked.
  • Players who may have taken some time away from Destiny 2 may only see a few active quests, depending on how long they were away.
  • Returning players may have multiple ongoing quests, due to more recent activity.
  • Now, you can launch quests directly from the Featured Quests screen. The Director is cool and all, but not needed to jump right into your next adventure.
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At the start, the most recent campaign and Seasonal quests will be prioritized in their respective categories. Players can also track quests, and then those will be prioritized to make them easier for Guardians to find. EZ PZ, witchy squeezy.

Go, Go, Power-er, Strand Aspects!

In addition to everything we’ve mentioned that’s coming up with new Supers, combat styles, and foes, we’ve also got three new Strand Aspects (one for each class) to play with. First up, you might be wondering: How do I get the new Aspects? That’s a great question, dear reader. If you've completed the Parting the Veil quest in Neomuna, go say hi to Nimbus. They'll give you a new quest to return to the Veil Containment for another message. Do this, and you'll obtain a new Strand Aspect.
Titan: Banner of War
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After you defeat an enemy with a melee attack (yes, that includes Glaives, Swords, finishers, or your Super’s melee) a Battle Standard is woven on the Berserker's back. The resulting animation pulses slowly to start, but gains tempo and extends the life of the Battle Standard as the player defeats (or assists in defeating) additional enemies. Allies can also charge the Battle Standard by getting kills while standing near the Berserker.
Each beat sends out a healing pulse to allies in a 10-meter radius. While the Battle Standard is active, the Titan and nearby allies deal increased melee damage, too. Not to sound biased or anything as a Titan-main, but it’s kind of badass.
Hunter: Whirling Maelstrom
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With this new Aspect, destroying Tangles turns them into a whirling mass of Strands that seek out and damage nearby enemies (in addition to the normal Tangle explosion damage). Enemies within the Maelstrom take significant damage over time. The Maelstrom emits unraveling projectiles after defeating an enemy. After 15 seconds, the Maelstrom evaporates.
Warlock: Weavewalk
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Let’s break reality a bit with a fancy new air move that allows Warlocks to temporarily step into the weave. For the person playing the Warlock, this will appear as a darkened screen effect with a forest of Strand threads, while others will observe the Warlock using this Aspect as a mysterious green ghost. If you like the third-person perspective with Nova Warp, then you’ll enjoy this animation, too. It’s slick. Warlocks utilizing this Aspect are also highly resistant to damage during this time, although they can’t interact with the world. The time in a Weavewalk state varies depending on how many full melee charges the Warlock has when they activate Weavewalk. After all, life is about balance; what you get, you also have to be willing to give.
While in the weave, Warlocks passively generate up to a maximum of five perched Threadlings (literally perched on and around the Warlock!) if the player does not end Weavewalk early by using another air move.

Grab Some Crotato Chips, We're Talkin' World First

You know the drill: Raid goodness just dropped, which means it's time to dive in and see what Crota's End has to offer now versus in the original Destiny. For those eager to take on Crota's End, whether it’s your first time or you're looking to enjoy some nostalgic fun, there are a few things you should know before diving into this fine raid weekend:
  • Contest Mode will be enabled for 48 hours.
    • You will need to be at 1790 Power to be at the cap for all of the encounters to take the raid on.
  • Clearing the raid with Contest Mode active is the first step to access the Challenge Mode in the Director and the special Superior Swordplay Triumph with the challenges for each encounter.
  • To complete the Superior Swordplay triumph, a fireteam must complete a curated list of challenges in this Challenge Mode and claim the triumph to snag that World First title and that sweet, sweet belt.
  • After completing Superior Swordplay, a fireteam must complete a curated list of challenges in this Challenge Mode to snag that World First title and get that sweet, sweet belt.
  • To enforce the Triumph requirements in Challenge Mode, your fireteam will wipe if you fail the success conditions during any encounter.
For Crota’s End, we’ve made some tuning changes to Contest Mode, as summarized below. Our goal is to maintain a high bar of challenge for the launch event achievements, relative to the ever-expanding capabilities of players.
  • Increased the cap of player outgoing damage vs. combatants. Keep in mind that the incoming damage cap did not change.
  • Some enemies will gain elemental shields.
  • All enemies will be more aggressive than in the previous Contest Mode. ##New Emblems, Who Dis?
Don’t even play, we know that new emblem hype is real, so we figured since this was a big week of updates, why not share three new additions with #Destiny2MotW, #Destiny2AotW, and the new Destiny 2 fashion emblem.
The snazzy new #Destiny2MotW emblem is like happiness in pixels with its bright colors and newness. You can earn this one by tagging player-made videos with the above tag on all socials and our Creations page for a chance to snag it for yourself:
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The #Destiny2AotW emblem is also brand spankin’ new and has color blocking that would make your friend from art school proud. *You can earn this one by tagging player-made art (be it digital, paint, a cool sketch, cosplay, fiber arts—the sky is the limit!) with the above tag on all socials and our Creations page for a chance to add this to the ‘ol collection: *
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And finally, we’ve got the latest fashion emblem. Those with that eye for style have a chance to win this new digital piece of awesomeness, and who doesn’t want a cute prism kitty to call their own? We’ll have more fun like this coming up, so stay tuned!
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Player Support Report

Forget the Traveler, Eris is our god now.
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It’s launch week, which means a new host of experiences to jump right into. To kick off Season of the Witch on the Player Support side, here is the latest in what you need to know about known issues and special reminders.
Known Issues List Help Forums Bungie Help Twitter
Starting January 1, 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 operating systems. After that date, the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. To continue running Steam and any games or other products purchased through Steam —including Destiny 2—players will need to update to a more recent version of Windows. For more information, please view Steam’s article.
Due to an issue, we have temporarily disabled the Loadouts function. This will appear in-game as Loadouts being locked behind Guardian Ranks. Any existing Loadouts will be saved and available to all players who have already unlocked them once a fix can be deployed.
With the launch of 7.2.0, the option to favorite cosmetics was added to the game. As a result of this implementation, the option to favorite Finishers in player inventories was deprecated. Players who would like to only use specific Finishers in gameplay can Store their Finishers in their Flair Collections. To obtain them again or to obtain other Finishers, players can reacquire them in their Collections under Flair > Finishers.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help forum:
  • The description for Weavewalk fails to mention that players must have at least one full melee charge available in order to use the Aspect. Attempting to use Weavewalk without a full melee charge will not do anything.
  • The Unveiled quest can’t be completed if a player listens to the new lore in Veil Containment before acquiring the quest from Nimbus.
  • The Veteran’s Flair transmat effect is missing from player accounts.
  • The Origin Perk Specialization II artifact perk is not overcharging Season 22 weapons when the modifiers are active.
  • The Deck of Whispers Ascension VIII card scorches players abnormally fast.
  • Various Exotics in the Monument of Lost Light can’t be acquired, even if the player owns the correct DLC.
  • Infinite Quiver advertising art in the Eververse store is displayed using an incorrect shader.
  • The Volatile Throne bundle advertising art in the Eververse store is displayed using an incorrect weapon shader.
  • Unstoppable Taken Phalanx are immune to receiving damage from headshots.
  • Some players may have an Open Event Card popup stuck on their screen.
  • The Grandmaster Nightfall opening date says June 13. This is incorrect; the correct date is September 12.
  • The Phosphorescent shader currently visible in Collections is not an actual item, and instead was added to the game unintentionally. This will be removed in a future update. Click here for more information.
  • Some players have reported not seeing the cutscene of Eris’s transformation.
  • The Defiant Ghost projection displays a projection from Season of the Witch.
  • Some players are reporting that the Clan Banner is not appearing for them even though they are already in a clan. Players can speak to Hawthrone in the Tower to reacquire their missing Clan Banner.
  • The Lectern of Divination is missing icons in the H.E.L.M.
  • The Hive portal in the H.E.L.M. is missing portions of its transportation technology. Players having issues going through the portal can slide to always go through the portal.
  • The Paracasual Path emblem does not appear in Collections.
  • There are various issues with the Crucible’s new Relic mode, such as “Relic energy charged” appearing multiple times in the feed and arrow waypoints persisting over depots after it despawns.
  • The Festival Dance emote has unintentionally changed to the Samba Dance.
  • Some players cannot purchase Ascendant Alloy or Enhancement Prisms from Rahool Special Orders if over the old holding limit.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.

Bring a Super Saiyan Eris to a Knife Fight

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Bruno: Just because we gave Monte Carlo a new stabby catalyst doesn't mean you can start throwing weapons with pointy ends at your enemies like a Hunter—particularly Izanagi's Burden, although I have to admit it takes some guts to throw such a huge blade.
Movie of the Week: Don't play with knives.
Video Link
Ivan: This #Destiny2MOTW was created with passion, imagination, and a lot of love for both Destiny and anime. A sibling rivalry is a plot device we’ve seen in many anime movies before, but that doesn’t make it worse. Keep the good stuff coming, Guardians, and let your imagination take you anywhere it goes!
Movie of the Week: Destiny 2 Anime Story
Video Link

Kirby: The Real Final Shape

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Hippy: [Gasps in Guardian] It was Kirby all along!
Art of the Week: The Real Final Shape by pop-six-squish via Tumblr
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Sam: Sometimes you just have to take a quick break while on patrol in the Throne World. Also, the fact that the Warlock is floating just a little bit, such a neat touch.
Art of the Week: On patrol in the Throne World by @TheTylegomaniac via Twitter
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And that’s a wrap on another TWID. We hope you’re having an amazing week so far enjoying the new Season and seeing some old friends once more in-game. Whether you’re just happy to see Cayde-6 back or eager to kick some Witness butt, we hope you have a great time, and we can’t wait to see your reactions as the future unfolds.
Just your usual reminder to remember to drink that water, practice that self-care, and always lead with your kindest foot forward. Enjoy Season of the Witch and The Final Shape! We’ll see you next time, friends.
“I should go,”
<3 Hippy
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2023.08.24 20:03 DTG_Bot This Week in Destiny - 08/24/2023

This week in Destiny, it’s witchy time! We’re hot off the heels of an exciting Showcase right before diving back into what’s next for Guardians. After all, we’ve got a Witness to nab, right?
Also, apologies in advance because Season of the Witch is very much my jam, so please excuse the puns and just know that each one is absolutely necessary. Thank you for your understanding.
Before we dive into what we’re chatting about this week, let’s recap what we shared in last week’s TWID:
  • Guardians for Maui—support for Hawaii.
  • A little Showcase teaser, as a treat.
  • Twitch Drop it like it’s hot on August 22.
  • We recapped some of the more epic moments in Destiny history.
  • Season 22 Weapons Preview recap.
  • Pick up your gear!
  • Increased reputation gains all week.
  • Regional pricing update.
Now for this week:
  • Destiny 2 Showcase “remember when’s.”
  • Guardians for Maui update.
  • Calling all creators.
  • Feeling nostalgic with older Seasons.
  • Featured Quests, what are they?
  • Three new Season 22 Strand Aspects and what they do.
  • World First rundown.
  • New Emblems, who dis?
  • Player Support Report.
  • #Destiny2AOTW and #Destiny2MOTW picks.
But first, a quick message from the team regarding the Showcase:
Thank you to everyone for tuning in to our Destiny 2 Showcase on Tuesday! This was a labor of love for everyone involved at Bungie, and we're excited to finally share so much of what we’ve been working on behind the scenes for The Final Shape, Season of the Witch, and our new Episodes with all of you.
We are aware there were some technical issues with audio and live subtitles in certain regions that may have impacted your viewing experience. We sincerely apologize to everyone affected by those issues, and we're taking steps to improve the experience in the future.
In the meantime, our Showcase videos are available to watch with corrected subtitles for all supported languages here, and we've also localized our Showcase recap article. Thanks as always for your support, and happy Season of the Witch!

"And They Were Broom-Mates." A Brief Showcase Recap.

Finally. Our time has come. Not only are we finally taking the fight to the Witness with The Final Shape, but we finally get to live our best witchy lives with Season of the Witch. From Eris returning front and center in all her epic glory to Cayde-6 bringing his miraculous self back into our lives, we’re excited to share in this journey with you all as we charge towards the conclusion of the most important fight in the hard-fought Light and Darkness saga.
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Now that we’ve collectively gotten the excited giggles out of the way with Cayde-6's mysterious return, let’s do a brief recap into what’s on the way with The Final Shape and what started yesterday with Season 22: Season of the Witch. If you haven’t already, check out the Showcase recap here.
The Pale Heart
The Pale Heart is duality at its finest, born from the Light, but also from the memories of the Darkness itself. This is the place that the Witness needed to get to last Season, which means we have to beat it to the punch with The Final Shape. What’s a little destruction among entire universes, am I right?
Fresh Supers and Exciting New Aspects
There will be three new Supers for Guardians to master, as well as three new Aspects. Warlocks will harness their inner Solar superbness with Song of Flame; Hunters will make Nikola Tesla proud with the power of Arc through Storm’s Edge; and Titans will bring the Void mayhem by hurling some big axes at enemies with Twilight Arsenal. Range. [chef’s kiss]
You can learn more about the new Supers here.
New Enemies
As if the name didn’t give it away, the Subjugators are no joke, and they work at the Witness’s behest. There are two types, and both are experts on the battlefield. The first is a master of Stasis. They have the ability to slow, freeze, and shatter an opponent for certain death, but they also have the tactical chops to force any Guardians to weasel out of cover when in a fight. The other will use Strand against you. Their proximity mines suspend enemies and launch severing projectiles that dissolve their target into oblivion. They’re tricky, but we’ve faced tricky before. It’s what Guardians do.
Episodes and the Road Ahead
We’ve heard your feedback regarding the typical Seasonal model, so let’s try this on for size. Hear me out: Episodes. Instead of four Seasons in the year, we’ll be moving to three content drops instead. These will be bigger, more action-packed, and offer a fulfilling experience that players will want to take their time in. With the first three Episodes (Echoes, Revenant, and Heresy), players will contend with the aftermath of The Final Shape, with each Episode acting as a standalone narrative experience. More story beats? Check. More quests? Check. 200 Season Pass ranks? Check. New rewards? Check and check.
We’re excited to show you what’s next, so make sure you scope out the roadmap here to see everything that was announced yesterday, including details about the currently live Season of the Witch.

Guardians for Maui - Campaign Update

In just a week, the Bungie community has rallied to support the people of Maui in the wake of the deadliest wildfires in over a century. To date, the community has purchased over 12,000 Mālama Maui shirts and 3,000 individual Kūlike Kākou emblems. All profits from the shirt and emblems will go to our long-time partner Direct Relief, supporting their emergency response and recovery operations in the region.
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We are offering Guardians even more ways to support Maui moving forward. All profits from the Bungie Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity Association pins on the Bungie Store between August 17 and September 10 will be donated to the campaign as well. These include:
  1. Everyone Can Play Collectible Pin
  2. Stand With Asians Collectible Pin
  3. Be Heard Collectible Pin
  4. International Women’s Day Collectible Pin
  5. Bungie’s Pride Collectible Pin 2.0
  6. Head to and join your fellow Guardians in showing your support. ##Calling All Creators: Shoot That Shot
If you’re a content creator and you’ve asked yourself, “Self, how do I work with Bungie?” then you’re in the right place. Earlier this year, we welcomed Chef Andy to the team to lead efforts for the content creators and community leaders who work—and want to work—with us going forward. His team has the expertise and the compassion to help lead creators into fun new adventures with Bungie and the worlds we create.
No matter your style or genre, Bungie wants to inspire and partner with you to make content for your audience and empower your communities. If joining us for new and familiar journeys in the future sounds right up your alley, then what are you waiting for? Shoot that shot and fill out our content creator form right here. Let’s chat, shall we?

Those Rewards Are So Last Season, But We Still Love 'Em

Later in Season of the Witch, we’re planning on bringing back a selection of cosmetic items from previous Season Passes to the Eververse, for players who missed out on acquiring them. We’ll be starting with a handful of items from Season of the Worthy.
This nostalgic throwback, which we’re calling Seasonal Flashbacks, will only be available during weeks 4, 5, and 6. In the future, other Seasonal items may return, so if there are any coveted items you’d like to see again, shout them out to the @Destiny2Team account as feedback. More info on future offerings at a later date.

Featured Quests: Like MySpace's Top 8 WIthout the Existential Dread

You’ll notice a new feature when looking at your in-game directory called Featured Quests. This is a quest log that gives you a little extra guidance on which questlines Destiny 2 thinks you should prioritize. The goal here is to make it a little easier to maneuver between content, no matter when it was released.
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Here’s a quick rundown on the Featured Quests section:
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  • Players just starting out on their journey may only see a single quest at first until more content is unlocked.
  • Players who may have taken some time away from Destiny 2 may only see a few active quests, depending on how long they were away.
  • Returning players may have multiple ongoing quests, due to more recent activity.
  • Now, you can launch quests directly from the Featured Quests screen. The Director is cool and all, but not needed to jump right into your next adventure.
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At the start, the most recent campaign and Seasonal quests will be prioritized in their respective categories. Players can also track quests, and then those will be prioritized to make them easier for Guardians to find. EZ PZ, witchy squeezy.

Go, Go, Power-er, Strand Aspects!

In addition to everything we’ve mentioned that’s coming up with new Supers, combat styles, and foes, we’ve also got three new Strand Aspects (one for each class) to play with. First up, you might be wondering: How do I get the new Aspects? That’s a great question, dear reader. If you've completed the Parting the Veil quest in Neomuna, go say hi to Nimbus. They'll give you a new quest to return to the Veil Containment for another message. Do this, and you'll obtain a new Strand Aspect.
Titan: Banner of War
Video Link
After you defeat an enemy with a melee attack (yes, that includes Glaives, Swords, finishers, or your Super’s melee) a Battle Standard is woven on the Berserker's back. The resulting animation pulses slowly to start, but gains tempo and extends the life of the Battle Standard as the player defeats (or assists in defeating) additional enemies. Allies can also charge the Battle Standard by getting kills while standing near the Berserker.
Each beat sends out a healing pulse to allies in a 10-meter radius. While the Battle Standard is active, the Titan and nearby allies deal increased melee damage, too. Not to sound biased or anything as a Titan-main, but it’s kind of badass.
Hunter: Whirling Maelstrom
Video Link
With this new Aspect, destroying Tangles turns them into a whirling mass of Strands that seek out and damage nearby enemies (in addition to the normal Tangle explosion damage). Enemies within the Maelstrom take significant damage over time. The Maelstrom emits unraveling projectiles after defeating an enemy. After 15 seconds, the Maelstrom evaporates.
Warlock: Weavewalk
Video Link
Let’s break reality a bit with a fancy new air move that allows Warlocks to temporarily step into the weave. For the person playing the Warlock, this will appear as a darkened screen effect with a forest of Strand threads, while others will observe the Warlock using this Aspect as a mysterious green ghost. If you like the third-person perspective with Nova Warp, then you’ll enjoy this animation, too. It’s slick. Warlocks utilizing this Aspect are also highly resistant to damage during this time, although they can’t interact with the world. The time in a Weavewalk state varies depending on how many full melee charges the Warlock has when they activate Weavewalk. After all, life is about balance; what you get, you also have to be willing to give.
While in the weave, Warlocks passively generate up to a maximum of five perched Threadlings (literally perched on and around the Warlock!) if the player does not end Weavewalk early by using another air move.

Grab Some Crotato Chips, We're Talkin' World First

You know the drill: Raid goodness just dropped, which means it's time to dive in and see what Crota's End has to offer now versus in the original Destiny. For those eager to take on Crota's End, whether it’s your first time or you're looking to enjoy some nostalgic fun, there are a few things you should know before diving into this fine raid weekend:
  • Contest Mode will be enabled for 48 hours.
    • You will need to be at 1790 Power to be at the cap for all of the encounters to take the raid on.
  • Clearing the raid with Contest Mode active is the first step to access the Challenge Mode in the Director and the special Superior Swordplay Triumph with the challenges for each encounter.
  • To complete the Superior Swordplay triumph, a fireteam must complete a curated list of challenges in this Challenge Mode and claim the triumph to snag that World First title and that sweet, sweet belt.
  • After completing Superior Swordplay, a fireteam must complete a curated list of challenges in this Challenge Mode to snag that World First title and get that sweet, sweet belt.
  • To enforce the Triumph requirements in Challenge Mode, your fireteam will wipe if you fail the success conditions during any encounter.
For Crota’s End, we’ve made some tuning changes to Contest Mode, as summarized below. Our goal is to maintain a high bar of challenge for the launch event achievements, relative to the ever-expanding capabilities of players.
  • Increased the cap of player outgoing damage vs. combatants. Keep in mind that the incoming damage cap did not change.
  • Some enemies will gain elemental shields.
  • All enemies will be more aggressive than in the previous Contest Mode. ##New Emblems, Who Dis?
Don’t even play, we know that new emblem hype is real, so we figured since this was a big week of updates, why not share three new additions with #Destiny2MotW, #Destiny2AotW, and the new Destiny 2 fashion emblem.
The snazzy new #Destiny2MotW emblem is like happiness in pixels with its bright colors and newness. You can earn this one by tagging player-made videos with the above tag on all socials and our Creations page for a chance to snag it for yourself:
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The #Destiny2AotW emblem is also brand spankin’ new and has color blocking that would make your friend from art school proud. *You can earn this one by tagging player-made art (be it digital, paint, a cool sketch, cosplay, fiber arts—the sky is the limit!) with the above tag on all socials and our Creations page for a chance to add this to the ‘ol collection: *
Image LinkimgurBelle Epoque
And finally, we’ve got the latest fashion emblem. Those with that eye for style have a chance to win this new digital piece of awesomeness, and who doesn’t want a cute prism kitty to call their own? We’ll have more fun like this coming up, so stay tuned!
Image LinkimgurFelis Galaxias

Player Support Report

Forget the Traveler, Eris is our god now.
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It’s launch week, which means a new host of experiences to jump right into. To kick off Season of the Witch on the Player Support side, here is the latest in what you need to know about known issues and special reminders.
Known Issues List Help Forums Bungie Help Twitter
Starting January 1, 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 operating systems. After that date, the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. To continue running Steam and any games or other products purchased through Steam —including Destiny 2—players will need to update to a more recent version of Windows. For more information, please view Steam’s article.
Due to an issue, we have temporarily disabled the Loadouts function. This will appear in-game as Loadouts being locked behind Guardian Ranks. Any existing Loadouts will be saved and available to all players who have already unlocked them once a fix can be deployed.
With the launch of 7.2.0, the option to favorite cosmetics was added to the game. As a result of this implementation, the option to favorite Finishers in player inventories was deprecated. Players who would like to only use specific Finishers in gameplay can Store their Finishers in their Flair Collections. To obtain them again or to obtain other Finishers, players can reacquire them in their Collections under Flair > Finishers.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help forum:
  • The description for Weavewalk fails to mention that players must have at least one full melee charge available in order to use the Aspect. Attempting to use Weavewalk without a full melee charge will not do anything.
  • The Unveiled quest can’t be completed if a player listens to the new lore in Veil Containment before acquiring the quest from Nimbus.
  • The Veteran’s Flair transmat effect is missing from player accounts.
  • The Origin Perk Specialization II artifact perk is not overcharging Season 22 weapons when the modifiers are active.
  • The Deck of Whispers Ascension VIII card scorches players abnormally fast.
  • Various Exotics in the Monument of Lost Light can’t be acquired, even if the player owns the correct DLC.
  • Infinite Quiver advertising art in the Eververse store is displayed using an incorrect shader.
  • The Volatile Throne bundle advertising art in the Eververse store is displayed using an incorrect weapon shader.
  • Unstoppable Taken Phalanx are immune to receiving damage from headshots.
  • Some players may have an Open Event Card popup stuck on their screen.
  • The Grandmaster Nightfall opening date says June 13. This is incorrect; the correct date is September 12.
  • The Phosphorescent shader currently visible in Collections is not an actual item, and instead was added to the game unintentionally. This will be removed in a future update. Click here for more information.
  • Some players have reported not seeing the cutscene of Eris’s transformation.
  • The Defiant Ghost projection displays a projection from Season of the Witch.
  • Some players are reporting that the Clan Banner is not appearing for them even though they are already in a clan. Players can speak to Hawthrone in the Tower to reacquire their missing Clan Banner.
  • The Lectern of Divination is missing icons in the H.E.L.M.
  • The Hive portal in the H.E.L.M. is missing portions of its transportation technology. Players having issues going through the portal can slide to always go through the portal.
  • The Paracasual Path emblem does not appear in Collections.
  • There are various issues with the Crucible’s new Relic mode, such as “Relic energy charged” appearing multiple times in the feed and arrow waypoints persisting over depots after it despawns.
  • The Festival Dance emote has unintentionally changed to the Samba Dance.
  • Some players cannot purchase Ascendant Alloy or Enhancement Prisms from Rahool Special Orders if over the old holding limit.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.

Bring a Super Saiyan Eris to a Knife Fight

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Bruno: Just because we gave Monte Carlo a new stabby catalyst doesn't mean you can start throwing weapons with pointy ends at your enemies like a Hunter—particularly Izanagi's Burden, although I have to admit it takes some guts to throw such a huge blade.
Movie of the Week: Don't play with knives.
Video Link
Ivan: This #Destiny2MOTW was created with passion, imagination, and a lot of love for both Destiny and anime. A sibling rivalry is a plot device we’ve seen in many anime movies before, but that doesn’t make it worse. Keep the good stuff coming, Guardians, and let your imagination take you anywhere it goes!
Movie of the Week: Destiny 2 Anime Story
Video Link

Kirby: The Real Final Shape

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Hippy: [Gasps in Guardian] It was Kirby all along!
Art of the Week: The Real Final Shape by pop-six-squish via Tumblr
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Sam: Sometimes you just have to take a quick break while on patrol in the Throne World. Also, the fact that the Warlock is floating just a little bit, such a neat touch.
Art of the Week: On patrol in the Throne World by @TheTylegomaniac via Twitter
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And that’s a wrap on another TWID. We hope you’re having an amazing week so far enjoying the new Season and seeing some old friends once more in-game. Whether you’re just happy to see Cayde-6 back or eager to kick some Witness butt, we hope you have a great time, and we can’t wait to see your reactions as the future unfolds.
Just your usual reminder to remember to drink that water, practice that self-care, and always lead with your kindest foot forward. Enjoy Season of the Witch and The Final Shape! We’ll see you next time, friends.
“I should go,”
<3 Hippy
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2022.11.26 18:02 Caffeinated_Kittens The Biggest Crush I Have Ever Had On Someone Part 1

Hello, all. First-time poster here. TL,DR at the bottom. Today I wanted to share my ongoing struggle with a crush I have on someone. An attraction towards another person so potent that it almost feels like an illness, and I wanted to vent about it anonymously to a community in hopes that it helps me deal with these feelings. Throwaway account since my GF is also on Reddit. She knows about the whole situation but I don't think she knows just how much it is on my mind, and I don't feel comfortable discussing it with her for obvious reasons. So I decided to log my experiences on this sub-Reddit both for the sake of catharsis and in hopes that some can relate and even discuss.

Let's travel back in time to 2004/2005 , my senior year of high school. A time of self-discovery and many regrettable decisions. I was the typical niceguys sans fedora. I had an abusive upbringing and suffered a lot of bullying in my younger years, so my self-esteem was something I struggled with greatly at the time. Even though I was actually reasonable to look at, I found it impossible to believe that a girl whom I crushed on would actually reciprocate due to my severe lack of confidence, and this is where my problem would begin.

So there was this one girl in my school who we will just refer to as "E". For some time, E was just another face I would pass by in the halls during passing time. She wasn't in any of my classes, and for a while I barely even knew she existed, until one day.

Now, this is where things get weird, and I don't know if anyone has had a similar experience. As stated before, I barely knew E existed. But I still knew she existed. One fateful night, I had a strange dream that to this day I remember vividly. I was at a school dance in our high school's gymnasium. It had a formal vibe like homecoming and it was packed with students dressed in formal attire. The only thing that was off was the fact that there were booths and tables set up in the gym, so it was a combination of a school dance and a fancy restaurant, with servers walking around balancing platters of food and drinks. One of the servers who was carrying a large tray of drinks had fallen over and the glasses all came crashing down, causing everyone standing around the area to back up in a circle around the whole mess. I was in that crowd, and E was standing next to me. I made some off-hand, witty remark about the situation to her (I don't remember what it was) that made her laugh, and then a slow song came on, so I asked her to dance and she agreed, at which point I woke up.

Immediately after I woke up, I couldn't stop thinking about her. It was crazy to me how one day I hardly knew this person existed, and the next day I was obsessed. When I went to school the next day, I started to keep my eyes peeled for her in the halls. From then on, every time I merely saw her in the halls, she gave me butterflies. Just this overwhelming feeling of excitement one feels when they encounter theit crush. Naturally, I figured the next step would be pursuing her. So I started to ask around.

Since she wasn't in any of my classes, and I had no clue what her name was, all I had to go by was the location of her locker, which I had discovered by wandering the halls in the morning before school started. So I did some detective work and found out through one of my friends what her name was and who she hung out with.

Because this was so long ago, I don't remember all of what happened but I somehow started to talk to her core group of friends, and like a typical high-schooler, I told them I liked her and wanted to know if she liked me back. Later, they came back and told me that she "wanted to go to a club with me" or something along those lines, which was basically to say that she was interested in going on a date. I was floored. Remember how I said I was reasonable to look at, but had such serious self-esteem issues that the notion that someone I crushed on so hard would reciprocate that feeling was unimaginable? Well, I didn't believe it. No way someone so attractive could be into me.

But it was true. I did indeed have a chance with her, and being so unsure of myself, I shot my shot without having any real plan for what to do in the event of a positive response. So the next step was to have her friends actually introduce me to her. During passing time when everyone was out in the halls, I went with her friends to go meet her. When the time finally came and I was faced with her, I was so consumed with paralyzing anxiety that I backed down. That's right. I turned around and fled with my tail between my legs. I was so lacking in self-confidence, and so sure that I would screw things up that I felt like the better option was to just not go through with it. To this day I wonder what could have been had I just gone through with it.

However, things weren't completely over just yet. I still talked to her friends, and if what I knew about high school girls was true, they were damn sure talking about me, as I was about her to my friends at the time. There was still time to work up courage to make a move. Later on, however, something would happen that would ruin things completely. Back in high school, I was a smoker. I would always hang out across the street from the school in the mornings and smoke in the strip mall near the Chinese restaurant across the street from the school where all the smokers would congregate, since smoking was forbidden on school grounds. I had one friend over there with whom I would smoke and chat before class. We will just call him "NB". One day in the school hallways during passing time, I passed E and her friends, and NB was walking right behind them. Now, I had kept my tobacco use as hidden as I could from her, thinking that she would mostly be repulsed by that sort of thing. My plan was to get with her first and worry about quitting smoking later. NB then very loudly asked me, within clear earshot of E, if I had a cigarette. I Immediately looked back at E and saw her head jolt. You know, that thing that one does when they overhear something about someone they like that is deal-breakingly repulsive. It was then confirmed for me that she did, in fact, have a thing for me, and that it was ruined right there in one fell swoop. I was crushed.

Once the school year ended, I had graduated, and would no longer see her. But I didn't want to give up that easily. Back in the early 2000s, before TikTok and SnapChat and Facebook, my generation used MySpace, an early social networking site similar to Facebook. At the time, such social media was ground-breaking, and I was amazed that I could just look someone up and communicate with them on the computer. So I looked her up and found her profile. You see, MySpace had these surveys where you could answer a bunch of questions about yourself and post it publicly on your profile. I looked at what she wrote on her survey and learned some new things about her that at the time I found interesting. Then, after much debating and hyping myself up, I sent her a friend request. The request would go unanswered, of course. It was probably just because she was repulsed by my smoking, but I, being the self-esteem-lacking pessimist that I was, thought she was creeped out by me, hated me, and wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. Whatever the case, I eventually found a new relationship with a new girl that would take my mind off of E. I even remember going to a nearby well-known fast-food chain restaurant with my new girlfriend and saw E and her friends there, and was holding hands with and hugging this new girl right in front of her. After that I slowly began to forget about E, and high school would be the last place I would ever see E on a regular basis. Or so I thought...

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this saga, as this is far from over. Thanks for reading, I hope it was enjoyable/relatable.

TL;DR-I develop a massive crush on this girl in my high school, get my chance, blow it, and severely regret it.
submitted by Caffeinated_Kittens to Crushes [link] [comments]

2022.11.04 23:04 No_Cause_3051 First And Last love

*this is a story about two teenagers who fall in love at first sight, but it has a sad ending.*
one day i this kid called luke went to school in his boring lessons with his boring friends, luke was a single simple friendly guy but however other than his few friends at school he felt lonley the next morning he woke up feeling how he did every day lonley but little did he know today was a big step up from all the days that had gone before. when he got home he found his mom and dad were out of town for the weekend so he started getting ready for bed as usual not knowing what would happen next in fact he didn't even know why he felt like this about it. but when he went to school he got to his first lesson spanish and as usual it was boring and as the teacher was reading out the names he noticed something, the teacher had read out the name "Abigail Asher" and as soon as he said her name Luke knew exactly that he had to meet her somehow. he thought she looked really nice and cute and he wanted to get closer to her but how could he without telling anyone? he sat there thinking about it all day at school and when he got home he couldn't help but feel excited he decided to try and see her again but this time in private so he asked his parents if they could go shopping together on saturday afternoon. Abigail Asher (16)
Luke's mom and dad agreed to take him along and he decided to sneak into the mall and find abigail who was working behind the counter of a shop selling clothes luke said to abigail "hi you probably dont know me but im luke im in your spanish class" "oh hi luke its nice to meet you" "i just wanted to say you are very pretty and look great in those clothes" "thanks luke that means alot" luke walked away so happy that he introduced himself to the new girl in his spanish class.
the next morning luke woke up with butterflies in his stomach it was the morning of the day he had waited for, the day he was going to finally meet his crush he found abigail in the hallway and he rushed over to her and said "hey its me" but thats when he got embarassed because he had realised she was with all her friends and he looked like an idiot standing there alone in the hallway trying to talk to her. he tried to walk off but she grabbed him by the arm and spoke to him "you're the guy who spoke to me yesterday right?" "yep" "so how are things with you " "i- im good yeah" "i will see you later?" "yeah" luke walked off again but this time he was screaming in his mind because he had finally made friends with her but he knew now he had to act cool he spent the rest of the day practicing acting cool and when he met her at lunch he acted like everything was normal but inside he was screaming cause he was scared of messing it up. he bought some food from the cafeteria and ate it in a corner where no one else was around and he saw abigail walking towards him with her friend chloe gunn, luke was shy so he walked of leaving abigail confused wondering if they were actually friends or not but later that night he recieved a text from a random nuber he asked "who is this" the reply was not what he was expecting "its me luke ask me anything" so luke sent back "hi abigail i just wanted to say you are very pretty" she replied "thats sweet thanks" luke felt relieved and thought he might have done ok after all but then he got another message which made him feel terrible "are we friends?" luke felt guilty that he had just texted her for no reason so he told her the truth "no sorry your my crush and i cant do this to you." she replied "ok" and then he got a text from her saying "im sorry about that" luke replied "it's ok" and he went to sleep feeling bad about himself but that was nothing compared to the way he felt the next morning when he found out she left the school early. he asked about in her friend group for answers although deep inside he knew it was to do with him and he was sure she was upset.
that evening when he got home he was really nervous and he phoned his mom to come and help him with his homework because it was making his head hurt. His mother arrived and she noticed how pale he seemed and that he was sweating profusely so she took him to his room and helped him get ready to go to bed. Once his mum had finished helping him she went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. He couldn't stop thinking about abigail and his love for her grew stronger and stronger every day until he finally decided to tell her how he felt.
he waited for the perfect moment to talk to her but it never came because she was always busy with school work or friends and when she was free he wasn't. so he decided to write her a letter and give it to her at school. so he went to the mall and bought a fancy looking pen and some nice paper and wrote a beautiful poem and on the last line he asked her to be his girlfriend. the next day he was nervous to check hi locker and when he did it shocked him, there was a letter inside that read "Luke the other night about us not being friends, i understand but i want to still be friends, i really like you and yesterday when i left school early its because i was hoping to find you" Luke was stunned, he ran down to his classroom and gave the letter to the teacher asking her to pass it onto abigail because he couldn't wait any longer. he waited anxiously for the rest of the day but he didn't see her and he began to doubt if she would ever respond to him. Finally the bell rang to signal the end of school and everyone left except for him and abigail. she was crying and he took her hand and said "why are you crying?" "because i hate myself, i am a horrible person who can't even handle being friends with someone" luke hugged her tight and said "no i don't think you are awful abi" "you are right" "but you need to admit it to yourself" "i guess you're right" "besides im here for you always" "i know" "so whats the plan for tomorrow?" "we can hang out together and go to the movies and stuff" "great!" "and maybe we can become official" "of course" "wanna go to the cinema now?" "yeah of course" "ok lets go" "wait here for me please" "yes of course" she kissed him goodbye and went to her locker while he headed for his. she was nowhere to be found and he panicked and turned around in circles searching for her. he looked everywhere and still couldn't find her so he asked his teacher if they had seen her and she said she hadn't. he got home and noticed she was gone from her room and he started to worry. He got worried and started to search for her house. He searched the whole neighbourhood and he couldn't find it anywhere so he called his friends but none of them knew where she lived so he decided to wait outside her school for her tomorrow.
The next day he waited in the same spot and she showed up in the afternoon but as soon as she saw him she ran off like a frightened animal. She had obviously been hiding and waiting for him to appear. Luke followed her home and knocked on her door and she let him in. They talked all evening and the more they spoke the deeper their feelings became for eachother. By the end of the night they were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. they broke the news to her friends and they were happy for them... apart from one chloe gunn despised luke after that day.
That night luke lay in bed thinking about abigail and how much he loved her and how she was the best thing that had ever happened to him. he wished he could be with her at all times and he wondered if she felt the same way too. he felt so safe and warm in her arms and he felt like he could trust her with his life. he fell asleep holding her hand and he dreamed about how wonderful the future would be with her by his side.
Luke Traczykowski (16)
Abigail Asher (16)
luke sat there staring at the small picture of his future wife. he had been waiting in the coffee shop for what seemed like hours but it hadn't been long enough. he had to meet her, he had to see her again. he couldn't believe this was happening. he was meeting his true love in only a couple of days and he had to make sure that everything went perfectly. he had arranged this date almost a month ago and he was worried that he had gotten the wrong day but he checked the calendar and it was correct. he had been so nervous all week and he couldn't stop thinking about her. he was so excited that he couldn't sleep and he had to wake up early in the morning to get ready. he thought he might vomit whenever he thought about how nervous he was. but then abi showed up lukes heart skipped so many beats, he knew he had found the right girl. he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have met her and he couldn't stop smiling. they ordered their drinks and he paid for both of them. it was quite a short drive to the restaurant and they arrived in no time. later that night luke recieved a text from abi's mother it said "luke i am so sorry i have to say this but chloe and abi have been meeting up doing just more things than typical friends would" luke replied "i know but i think it has to do with something else" "well if u want to talk about it let me know" luke was furious and he stormed out of the house in tears and drove straight to abigail's house. he pulled up in front and put the car in park before running to her house. he knocked on the door and heard footsteps approaching the door and he opened it and walked in. he saw abigail sitting on the sofa he said to her "tell me i know you have been with chloe but i just need to know how you could do this, we were so happy" she stood up and walked over to him and she started crying as she was hugging him and she cried "sorry i dont know why i did this, please forgive me" he grabbed her face and looked in her eyes and he kissed her and she returned the kiss with all her passion. abigail then said " im sorry" luke turned around to find chloe walking into the room with a knife in her hand. she started to approach luke slowly, he backed away and held out his hands in defense "chloe im sorry but i cant let you hurt her" luke was shaking and he was breathing heavily "please stop, shes mine" chloe laughed and she walked over to abigail and stabbed her in the stomach. luke screamed and jumped on top of abigail and tried to hold her as she bled out. he tried to stop the blood from flowing but it was too late and she died in his arms. chloe shouted "you two never deserved eachother" luke looked up and saw that chloe was standing in front of him pointing a gun at him. he was terrified and he pleaded for his life "lose your fucking virginity already!" she shouted and shot him twice and he fell to the ground chloe dropped the gun, she laughed and walked off. Luke still had some life in him he crawled to the kitchen grabbed the gun that chloe had dropped and shot her in the back. she fell to the floor and didn't move. he crawled to the bathroom and then he picked up his phone and dialed 999. he left the room and crawled back to the living room and laid down next to abigail. he lay there next to her for an hour or so before he heard sirens nearby. he got up and went to the window and saw a police van parked outside. the police entered and saw chloe and abigail dead the police instantly aimed their guns at luke and arrested him thinking he murdered them both. Luke explained that chloe had killed abigail and he shot chloe but the police didnt believe him. luke 2 years later on died in prison at age 19.
submitted by No_Cause_3051 to stories [link] [comments]

2022.10.27 21:50 Gallionella ALLS3A

Germany Generated So Much Renewable Power, Electricity Prices Went Negative
Tent camping could lead to flame retardant exposure
Johns Hopkins study of 1,391 mother-child pairs finds that too high folate levels during pregnancy doubles risk of autism. Combined elevated folate and B12 levels increase the risk 17 times.
A natural label may confuse consumers, boasting of being a healthier choice than other foods, even organic ones. “Consumers attribute all sorts of benefits to the term — no antibiotics, no artificial colors, no GMOs, no synthetic pesticides. Organic means all those things but ‘natural’ does not.”
Researchers found that your subconscious Thoughts and beliefs can actually cause molecular changes In your genes
AI Teaching Assistant Helped Students Online—and No One Knew the Difference
a simple trick could help extend laptop battery life by up to 50 per cent - by switching the browser you use when surfing the web.
Developers behind browser Opera said they have introduced a new power-saving mode to the software.
study participants who reported eating seafood less than once a week experienced more rapid memory decline than those who ate at least one seafood meal per week.
If your job, or simply your state of mind, depends on feeling empathy for others, you might want to reconsider reaching for the Tylenol the next time you have a headache.
It's not just Aristolochia either -data released in March showed that, over the past five years, herbal supplements have been linked to at least six organ transplants in Australia, with a link being identified between green tea supplements and liver failure.
But psychologists believe 'tweaking' the retail environment to match different personality types could be used as a means to make retailers spend even more.
A new study claims levels of self-control may be linked to the environment we're in, and that taking people out of their comfort zone can alter their levels of self-control.
Fake Jellyfish and Other (Fake) Chinese Delicacies
Study Develops Strategies for Online Persuasion
However, a high-calorie diet and a large consumption of sweet carbonated drinks reduces the microbiome's biodiversity, which can negatively impact one's health. Overall, about 126 various external factors can influence the microbiome.
Benefits Of Honey Extend To Killing Bacterial Infections; Sugar And Bee Proteins Are The Fighters
New study suggests rethink of dementia causes
You Can’t Talk About Robots Without Talking About Basic Income
The original source for International Cost-of-Living Comparisons
The constant threat of breaches, surveillance, and online data collection stopped almost half of American households from doing business and expressing opinions online last year, according to a new survey from the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Researchers say cellphones don't give you cancer; expert not convinced
“We knew horseradish had health benefits, but in this study, we were able to link it to the activation of certain detoxifying enzymes for the first time,” says U of I crop scientist Mosbah Kushad.
Kushad’s research team had previously identified and quantified the compounds responsible for the cancer-fighting compounds, known as glucosinolates, in horseradish, noting that horseradish contains approximately 10 times more glucosinolates than its superfood cousin, broccoli.
there are also foods that can increase inflammation. According to the Arthritis Foundation, they include anything containing high levels of sugar, saturated fats, trans fats, omega 6 fatty acids, refined carbohydrates, MSG, gluten and casein, aspartame, and alcohol.
And regardless of the benefits and risks of nanoparticles in infant formula, parents have a right to know what’s in the products they’re feeding their children. In Europe, food ingredients must be legally labeled if they are nanoscale. In the U.S., there is no such requirement, leaving American parents to feel somewhat left in the dark by producers, the FDA and policy makers.
At high intensity of light (as in a well-lit office) nearly 80% of the patients reported intensification of headache -- in all colours but green. Burstein and his colleagues found, unexpectedly, that green light actually reduced their pain by about 20%.
Using exercise to reduce glutamate build-up in the brain
“Working memory is increasingly recognized as a crucial cognitive skill, and these findings are great news for people looking for a fun way to boost their working memory.”
The study had 72 people running either barefoot of with shoes for about 15 minutes.
temp... The awesome beauty of the Milky Way, in one enormous image
temp... Exercise, more than diet, key to preventing obesity
1-----The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have just released a report, The Abstract: Did the committee reach a fundamental conclusion on whether GE crops are "good" or "bad"?
Gould: No, the committee did not reach such a conclusion.
If there's no straightforward answer on such a fundamental question, what is the value of the report? Why is it important? Gould: Good question. Maybe the greatest value in the report is pointing out that there is no straightforward answer. There has been a polarization of public opinion on GE crops, and please remember that researchers are not immune to such polarization.
2-----SHOCK: GM crops are good for you and the planet, reckon boffins..The National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, .....
3-----Unlike many scientists, Marion Nestle of New York University, who was a reviewer but not an author of the report, said “the report reveals how little is known about the effects of GE foods”. She said if the people behind the report wanted to end the polarisation over these foods, “This won’t do the trick.”
Not feeling confident? Here are six ways to fake it
Another Day, Another Hack: 117 Million LinkedIn Emails And Passwords
conducted a study using ultrasound and electroencephalography (EEG) to see what's happening in your head when you're in the middle of a caffeine withdrawal. The answer: Some weird stuff
temp... 12-Year Old Child Reveals One of the Best Kept Secrets in the World smartknowledge 8,702,402 views Published on May 15, 2012 12-year old exposes the immorality of the global banking system and why sound money is essential to freedom and stopping the spread of misery on this planet.
temp...The most honest 3 minutes of television, EVER...
Humans Are 'Meathooked' But Not Designed For Meat-Eating
amino acid proteins
Emerging research suggests high blood pressure could significantly raise the risk of developing vascular dementia, the second most common form of dementia.
"Other studies have also showed signs of disadvantageous health effects from vitamin E, so our results are in line with current research findings concerning other types of tumours,"
temp...This amazing girl proves autism is not what most doctors and everyone else think it is. For educational purposes only,
The best and worst nutritional advice from around the world As it turns out, the US isn't the only country struggling to give diet advice. Here's a quick look at fascinating — and similarly conflicted — guidelines from around the world.
We looked closer and found these toxic chemicals in 'green' products. Always look at your labels!
Roughly half of cancer deaths in the United States could be prevented or forestalled if all Americans quit smoking, cut back on drinking, maintained a healthful weight and got at least 150 minutes of exercise each week.
These same measures would also reduce the number of new cancer diagnoses by 40% to 70%, according to a new report.
My research found that the migration of aluminium into food during the cooking process of food wrapped in aluminium foil is above the permissible limit set by the World Health Organisation.
Shell had been a sponsor of the museum’s climate science exhibition but once that controversial email had been unearthed – as the result of a freedom of information request – there was no going back. The museum’s reputation was damaged and the end of Shell’s sponsorshipbecame inevitable.
Earlier this month, the campaign group, Art Not Oil, published a damning report into the “corrupting influence” of another fossil fuel giant – BP – on the museums and galleries it sponsors. Once again, it places the Science Museum in the spotlight.
How to Start an Exercise Routine and Stick to It
China's government fabricates and posts several hundred million social media posts a year to influence public opinion about the country, according to a new paper by U.S. researchers examining one of the most opaque aspects of the Communist Party's rule.
Scientists Are Just as Confused About the Ethics of Big-Data Research as You Now, in the third phase, researchers can buy, say, Twitter data going back years and merge it with other publicly available data. “It’s in the intermingling that we can see the tension in the ethics and privacy,” she says.
Artificial intelligence will create a ‘useless class’ of humans as machines take over,…
Google’s newest messaging app Allo is not coming until later this summer, but the verdict seems to be already in from privacy advocates on social media, notably from National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden: don’t download it and stay far from it.
How to get that song out of your head, according to science
However, this item only becomes a dangerous weapon if it is dispersed or spread out into fine dust.
The final item in the experiment is powered sugar, which Tulett deemed the most flammable of the three and seemed to travel the fastest along the wooden panel.
This Is the Best Time of Day for You to Maximize the Benefit From Coffee
8 Everyday Activities That Increase Your Mental Health
Expressions of gratitude create strong, collaborative ties and pave the way for greater influence. Studies find that individuals who express gratitude to others as groups are forming have stronger ties within the group months later.
So when everything feels absolutely terrible, turn that frown upside down.Even if your peculiar grin makes others write you off as a creep, smiling for no good reason, at least you'll feel better. And that's what counts.
different strains of horseradish have varying levels and thus different potential anti-cancer properties. Here higher-grade U.S. “fancy strains” were found to possess higher glucosinolates
Whatever rice you're preparing, be it high-arsenic brown or low-arsenic basmati, to minimize arsenic content, wash the rice first, Urbach says. Cook six cups of water to one cup of rice, discard all the water during the process and replace it with two cups of fresh water. Finish cooking. Rinse the finished product in yet more water. This cooking method will also discard some nutrients, but you can't have it all.
Exposure To Common Flame Retardant Chemicals May Increase Thyroid Problems In Women
Participants in the first annual Robot Art competition showed just how far our silicon counterparts have come in creating great artwork.
Use, Regrow, Repeat: 4 Vegetables that Regrow in One Week
Never paint a nursery yellow, said Carlton Wagner, director of Wagner Institute for Color Research, in SantaBarbara, Calif. Yellow activates the anxiety center of the brain. In infants, it results in crying, he said. In adults, it results in shortness of temper. We notice a lot of fighting.
Color Psychology of Yellow - Its Impact on Mood ++
Major Cell Phone Radiation Study Reignites Cancer Questions
Working Too Much May Indicate a Serious Psychiatric Disorder, Study Finds
Italian Food Scientists Are Tired Of Phony Cheese
The rise of the machines has started! iPhone and Samsung assembler Foxconn replaces 60,000 employees with ROBOTS
Will Uber Crush These ‘Ethical’ Alternatives?
There’s an oft-repeated adage in the world of cybersecurity: There are two types of companies, those that have been hacked, and those that don’t yet know they have been hacked.
NASA releases ‘Metabolomics: You Are What You Eat’ video
They are encoded when we are stressed and reach for food to cope. The brain remembers that food 'saved us' from stress, so it encodes an expectation, such as "I get my safety from food." That circuit can be replayed for a lifetime, fuelling maladaptive eating.
Research now shows that these survival circuits can be rewired and we do that in EBT. In fact, they can only be rewired when we are stressed.
A calorie-restricted diet which mimics the effects of fasting may reverse the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and help repair the damage caused by the disease.
It turns out, the participants made healthier choices in both settings, leading researchers to conclude that it is self-awareness that drives healthier choices and not necessarily the light setting itself.
Use Ghee and Mustard oil instead of refined oil, doctors suggest
People returning from areas where the Zika virus is found should follow safe sex practices or abstain from sex for at least eight weeks rather than just four, the World Health Organization (WHO) said
temp...Plants Know When They’re Being Touched
legumes are able to take nitrogen out of the air and incorporate it into their cells. This is possible because legumes have developed a symbiotic relationship with a particular type of soil bacteria that are housed within their roots.
'Pot in a bag' stews onions as fights pollution
Here's why people make stupid decisions when experts warn otherwise
To Get Happier, Focus on What Makes You Miserable
Genetically modified Golden Rice falls short on lifesaving promises
Meaningful work not created -- only destroyed -- by bosses, study finds
The authors of the report also argue that the science of food has also been “corrupted by commercial influences”. Just as big tobacco companies bought the “loyalty of scientists” when a link was made between smoking and lung cancer, they argue, the influence of the food industry represents a “significant threat to public health”.
How candy makers shape nutrition science
"Is moral a magic word?" he said. "In some ways, it might be. We grow up thinking morality is this thing that's untouchable. What's moral is permanent and cannot be challenged."
WATCH: You are actually two brains living in one person
Chile is producing so much solar power, it's giving it away for free
How to Set Yourself Up for the Perfect Nap
An example given by Reddit said that, in practice, if a user posts a link to a "storm trooper necklace" and they haven't opted out or included an affiliate link, when someone clicks the link it will be rewritten.
Engaging in short, explosive leg contractions is the most effective way of strengthening muscles
Seaweed On Your Dinner Plate: The Next Kale Could Be Kelp
Thinking is hard work and asking tough questions can make you unpopular. So it’s no wonder that even clever people don’t always use their brains
The lesson here is this: as its name suggests, Amazon is a marketplace. It would be unwise to accept the price of the first vendor promising you the best deal in an IRL marketplace without shopping around first. The same applies online. So if you want the best deal on Amazon, it looks like you’re going to have to make that extra effort to click the mouse one more time.
So drugs and food additives are not covered under this law, but just about everything else - every material and product that we use contains chemicals that this law is supposed to have regulated and hopefully will now be able to.
Explainer: Toxic Substances Control Act
In U.S. drinking water, many chemicals are regulated — but many aren’t
Even during the Deepwater Horizon disaster, BP was forced to quintuple its estimate of the wellhead’s daily flow rate from 1,000 barrels to 5,000 barrels—not because of a government investigation and reassessment, but because of satellite and radar data collected by a tiny, independent nonprofit called SkyTruth.
Lentils contain more iron than chicken and steak, but their iron is harder to absorb. Combine them with vitamin C (such as a good squeeze of lemon juice) to increase iron absorption.
Changes in diet can cause gut microbes to produce acetate, which in turn stimulates insulin secretion and obesity in rodents,
Post-Workout Tips: 3 Products That Can Help With Muscle Recovery
So, sure: The size of the glass, and the shade of the wine, are your new excuses for ordering another round tonight.
Blue light exposure has a lasting effect on brain function
DIY aircon uses old plastic bottles - and is already used in used in 25,000 Indian homes
How to stop wasps invading your picnic: trap the first one under a glass so it cannot recruit others
Scientists Unpack How Toxoplasma Infection Is Linked To Neurodegenerative Disease
Previous research has suggested that certain vitamins and vitamin deficiencies may be important in migraine, but studies using vitamins to prevent migraines have yielded mixed results,
Dietary fiber and microbes change the gel that lines our gut "Our study gives biologists and scientists studying diseases of the gut something else to think about," says Datta. "Now they can take the structure of the gut mucus, and how it responds to its environment, into account."
Moderate Zinc Deficiency Can Impair Digestion, Be Detrimental To Health
Revised UK 'Eatwell Guide' promotes industry wealth not public health, argues expert
Chill coffee beans for a more flavorsome brew
The Hidden Social Forces That Guide Your Decisions
World's Ugliest Color Minimizes Appeal Of Cigarettes
WHO: Coffee itself isn’t cancerous, but watch out for ‘very hot’ beverages
Researchers used a low-cost espresso machine — rather than expensive analytical equipment — to detect PAHs in soil.
The Muffin Study: Mono- vs. polyunsaturated fats in patients with metabolic syndrome
Group eating muffins made with safflower oil lost more weight, saw greater health improvements Participants consumed three MUFA (high-oleic sunflower oil) or PUFA (safflower oil) enriched muffins daily.
For example, some studies indicate that oats and rye are better whole grain sources than wheat in terms of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease,
Many overlay adverts on livestreaming sports sites have fake close buttons, or close buttons that move when a mouse is hovered over them. This deceptiveness exposes users to further risk of being exposed to malware.
Researcher discusses 'functional stupidity'—when smart people are discouraged from thinking at work
In another NanoImpact paper, scientists warn that our knowledge of the risks to agriculture associated with using nanotechnology is not sufficient. They say it's time to rethink the way we investigate the risks posed by nanomaterials to plants, specifically to food crops.
Duckweed pulled the phosphorus out of both the high- and low-phosphorus water samples. In the process, the plants also “grew really, really fast,” Julia says. “I realized that this could cause a problem in the future if all of a sudden Lake Erie had a ton of duckweed.” After all, surface mats of duckweed can block out sunlight just as the algae can.
So the teen did more reading. She soon learned that duckweed is a nutritious food for cattle. All farmers would need to do is scoop it off the water.
This is the first study to objectively show that memory loss in patients can be reversed, and improvement sustained, using a complex, 36-point therapeutic personalized program that involves comprehensive changes in diet, brain stimulation, exercise, optimization of sleep, specific pharmaceuticals and vitamins, and multiple additional steps that affect brain chemistry.
The results among female workers were striking, Dembe said. The analysis found a clear and strong relationship between long hours and heart disease, cancer, arthritis and diabetes.
Men who worked long hours had a higher incidence of arthritis, but none of the other chronic diseases.
Sleep deprivation triggers mood swings in teens leading to poor mental health
High-pitched tunes found to turn drinks sour while deep bass sounds make beer bitter
1- Blueberry supplementation impacts gut microbiota, inflammatory profiles, and insulin sensitivity in high-fat fed rats
3-(disable JavaScript) Blueberry All Essential Benefits/Effects/Facts & Information
If I Have No Choice But To Eat Fast Food, How Do I Eat Healthier?
temp... Animal hormone is involved in plant stress memory Regulating melatonin production in plants via drought priming could be a promising approach to enhancing abiotic stress tolerance of crops
How juice companies game science to perpetuate the myth that cranberry prevents UTIs
As a shod foot hits the ground the cushion of the running shoe stops the foot arch from flattening out and sucking up the impact – about 25 per cent less than for a bare foot. But more than just a lack of spring in the arch, the researchers found that the foot muscles had to work harder to stabilise the shape of the arch.
Fish-flavored cat food could contribute to feline hyperthyroidism
A single species of gut bacteria can reverse autism-related social behavior in mice
Sorry, sleeping more won't necessarily fix your bad memory
research suggests memory can be improved if one performs exercise four hours after they learn something.
So, while it’s natural to try and catch up on lost sleep — this is a mistake. It is far better to go to bed when you are tired and get up when you wake up and can’t get back to sleep.
In a superficial sense, they look successful, because they are always on their feet. The truth, however, is that by never failing, they never progress.
Fiber from fruit, whole-grain breads and cereals such as rolled oats was associated with healthy aging, suggesting that the influence of dietary fiber on healthy aging may vary depending on the food sources it comes from
How Can One Control Their Nerves During Public Speaking Or Even An Exam?
How to Prevent Painful Swimmer's Ear
Net neutrality decision a big win for all of us So it's time to celebrate. The internet will remain under control of everyday users - thanks in large part to the efforts of those same users.
"It was interesting that those who most strongly denied the possibility of a machine doing their job were often from the sectors most at risk, like checkout operators, drivers and analysts. These are all areas where we can already see technology having an impact."
So who is going to store, manage and process all this information? Well, why not you? Companies are starved for people with this kind of expertise. Big data is a growth industry and people from a variety of academic backgrounds can find successful careers in this area.
listening to Mozart lowers blood pressure…but ABBA has no impact
Types of Yoga
5 simple ways to remember
The browsers tested were Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Opera.
The results showed that Google Chrome was the worst on the battery,
Researchers Debunk Medical Myths About Vitamin D
8 Common Foods You Should NEVER Reheat
Spinach, beets, radishes and celery should never be reheated
So to be less of a nervous wreck at a lectern, try looking for an agreeable face in the crowd. Or just look over everyone’s heads.
"There seems to be some truth in the saying 'Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper', however, this warrants further investigation."
The review showed that adherence to cancer prevention guidelines was associated with a 10 to 45 percent reduction in all cancer incidence and a 14 to 61 percent reduction in all cancer mortality.
The study also showed consistent reductions in the incidence of breast cancer (19 to 60 percent), endometrial cancer (23 to 60 percent), and colorectal cancer (27 to 52 percent) in both men and women.
Fermentation Fervor: Here's How Chefs Boost Flavor And Health
How the mafia is causing cancer
submitted by Gallionella to zmarter [link] [comments]

2022.08.27 18:49 Cranky_Crypto The Market Cycle - What Causes the Perpetual 'Lambo to Sandals' Loop

The Market Cycle - What Causes the Perpetual 'Lambo to Sandals' Loop

Everybody Wants to Moon but Nobody Willing to Study Rockets

TLDR: None. A summary would require its own TL;DR. Read time: 8 minutes. Grab a coffee and have a seat.
I've been active in this sub for the past few months trying to share my approach on how I've been navigating the financial markets for the past few decades. I've been welcomed by many of you who are open-minded and willing to listen to alternative perspectives. Thank you for that.
I respect everyone's opinion even when they differ from my own. No amount of negativity or cynicism will deter me from continuing to share these ideas and analysis. To put it bluntly: I am tired of seeing people lose their hard-earned money by following the herd to the slaughterhouse.

A History of Helping (and Being Drowned Out)

I've been actively trading cryptocurrency since 2017. For any Canadian crypto OG's out there: I was one of the first people who warned that QuadrigaCX was showing early signs of insolvencyone full year before the exchange went bankrupt. I helped prevent those around me from losing their life savings. I also like to believe that many more investors were persuaded to take their business elsewhere before the company went belly up. In the end, the debacle left $250 million owed to investors across the country.
National news headlines, 1 year after my infamous post in 2018

Story Time! Remember When Bitcoin Was Only $25?

Many, many moons ago (before Moons existed) at the local Toys R Us, your friend mentioned a new digital money called 'Crypto Currency' and 'blog-change' technology. Something about a gold coin with a 'B' on it for $25. You aren't interested in magic internet money (already using PayPal) and quickly change the topic to the upcoming release of the 5th Gen iPod Touch MP3 Player. So much hype!
A month later, your barber brings up his latest investment tip: Bitcoin, which has since quadrupled in price and is now trading at $100! You think to yourself: this guy is a sucker—he's always getting fooled by the latest scam. Stick to cutting hair, Sam!
Next week, you login to MySpace to see your social circle posting about $200 Bitcoin on their profile pages. You can't believe your eyes! This thing has doubled before your fresh fade has even lost its crisp lines.
You call up your friend and demand to know where you can buy this so-called 'Bid Coin.' He tells you the address and you drive to the nearest (only) crypto ATM in town. By the time you get there, the price has already risen to $225 (before 10% fees, of course). But you buy anyways because it will surely double again, right?
By the time you get home, the price has already surged to $250. You are a genius! To the moon, Alice! Then, you refresh your Blackberry's internet browser application to see the price drop to $225. Well, that's normal—this thing can be pretty volatile. Suddenly, it pumps back to $260. Phew, just a dip! You decide to take a nap before the Charlotte Bobcats vs. New Orleans Hornets game comes on at 6 PM, in full 1080p glory.
You wake up a couple of hours later and check the price again. You can't believe your eyes: Bitcoin has fallen to $100 and is dropping even further! This must be an error. You call up your friend again. He is also in disbelief. Throughout the night, you exchange BBM instant messages as the price dips as low as $70. Somehow it recovers to $125 by sunrise. You pass out.
A couple of hours later, you jump out of bed to start your shift at Blockbuster. You look up Bitcoin and it appears to have stabilized at $100. Unable to check your phone during working hours, you try to keep your mind occupied while restocking DVDs of Django Unchained and Life of Pi.
By the time you clock out, you see that Bitcoin is selling off worse than yesterday. It touches $70 and finally breaks below to $50. You call up your friend and offer to sell him your bag since he was the one who got you into this mess. Chad agrees. The very next day, Bitcoin jumps back to $100. Shoot! But who cares; you are just glad to be out. This cryptography stuff is pure gambling, man...
Over the following months, you try to keep your mind off the -80% loss. Nobody is talking about Bitcoin anymore. It has disappeared from MySpace and even that new 'Face Book' website. It won't be until December that you hear the word 'Bitcoin' again. This time it's on every news channel as the price shoots over $1,000. You are flabbergasted. And also heartbroken that Chad is now your wife's new boyfriend.
2013 Bitcoin daily chart (log scale) - From $13 to $260, drops to $50, then back to $100. Went on to hit $1150 in December (not shown).
You, my friend, just witnessed the complete Market Cycle play out before your eyes. And you experienced every emotion on that rollercoaster ride: indifference, greed, uncertainty, and fear. In case you are wondering, the prices from the fictional story do line up with the chart above.

The 'Groundhog Day' Movie on Repeat

Today I want to discuss the foundational concept behind understanding markets: the Market Cycle. This idea does not involve any fancy indicators, trendlines, or predictive models. It simply describes human nature and our emotions when it comes to speculation (i.e., investing and trading).
Any instrument that is traded on an open market—whether it be AAPL, BTC, USDEUR, Gold, Oil, Real Estate, Pokémon cards, or NFTs—exhibits similar chart patterns and cycles. Why? Because humans are creatures of habit, and we tend to repeat the same things over and over (just look at my post history). This is especially true when it comes to attempting to profit off the price change of an asset. Again, why? Because at the root of every trade are two core emotions: fear and greed.
When grouped together into aggregate buyers and sellers, the market's actions become observable through a phenomenon called Mass Psychology. It is simply the supply and demand relationship for an asset at certain prices. Too much supply pressure and price will drop. Too much demand pressure and price will rise. Economics 101.

The Four Stages of the Market Cycle

Over 100 years ago, Richard Wyckoff developed a theory to explain how and why markets move. And over the last century, his Market Cycle has played out millions (billions?) of times, on thousands of assets, over and over again. The Four Stages of this cycle are as follows:
Four Stages of the Market Cycle and the dominant emotion during each phase.
  • Stage 1: Accumulation - nobody cares about an asset—or has even heard of it—but institutions (Whales), early adopters, and insiders are starting to build up positions.
  • Stage 2: Markup - price breaks out of a range and enters an uptrend. There are pullbacks (dips) and consolidations (crabs) along the way. Everyone is happy because they are making money.
  • Stage 3: Distribution - we reach a top where price fails to break higher, but it can't go lower either. Anxiety looms in the air as the last buyers are getting in (FOMO); early entrants are starting to get out if they haven't taken profit already.
  • Stage 4: Markdown - price finally cracks and there is a panic sell-off. Each dump is followed by a short rally (pump) as we enter a downtrend. Professionals are actively shorting and this helps drive the price down (shorting involves borrowing shares and selling into the market).

We Just Went Through a Complete Cycle Together!

No, I'm not talking about $BBBY. Compare the above image with the Ethereum chart below. Ask yourself—and those around you—what were you thinking during the recent 1-month rally? What were people in this sub saying when we broke out from Stage 1 into Stage 2 (over $1280). How about during the pullback from $1650 to $1350? Or when we ripped up to $2k. Or when we broke out to $2030 last weekend only to be rejected? And finally, now that we're down 27% from the recent highs?
Ethereum daily chart with recent Market Cycle
Seriously: I would like you to reflect on your emotions and compare them to the Market Cycle. Were they aligned or were they conflicting. Does the following quote, from the greatest trader who has ever lived, resonate with you at all?
The market is never obvious. It is designed to fool most of the people, most of the time. -Jesse Livermore

Chartception - The Market is Fractal in Nature

As discussed in previous posts, the Market Cycle appears on every single timeframe that humans—and the algos they have programmed—trade on. This is how we can be rallying on a 1-min chart, while in a downtrend on the 1-hour chart, inside of an uptrend pullback on the daily chart, which is just a Bear Market retracement on the weekly chart, all during a decade-long cyclical Bull Run.
Below are some examples that show the Market Cycle on macro and micro timeframes. Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4. Rinse and repeat.
Ethereum weekly chart showing the 4 phases playing out over and over
Zoom into each Stage. Enhance. You will see Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4 happening at this layer, too. Zoom in again. Enhance. There it is again: Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4. There's levels to this.
Bitcoin 3-minute chart from yesterday demonstrates the Market Cycle at the micro level
On the nano timeframes, each Stage 2 Markup is merely a rally for ants! Scalpers and day traders who operate at this level don't care that $BTC is selling-off on the bigger picture. They are happily surfing the waves in their own little world. They know their timeframe; do you know yours?

Mission Statement

My goal in this community is to awaken some curious minds to begin approaching crypto investment/speculation in the traditional sense: treat it like any other asset class in your portfolio. I understand that many of you are not interested in actively managing your positions. At the very least, please understand the Market Cycle so you have a framework to make your financial decisions within.

Disclaimer: Not financial advice. For educational purposes only. Do your own due diligence. Only invest with money you can afford to lose. The typical passive investor is better off with DCA over a longer time horizon (assuming your assets are stable and align with your personal risk profile/tolerance).
submitted by Cranky_Crypto to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2022.05.08 03:44 Player1SpiritBomber Metal Beard - A Tale of Toxic Friendship Pt 2: Bros Before Beards

Metal Beard – A Tale of Toxic Friendship Part 2: Bros and Beards
Last time on Metal Beard Z! OP escaped Casa De Creep, questioned what friendship is, and realized that damn Loch Ness Monster needs to quit trying to steal my $3.50!
Part 2 of this series takes place a few years after the first story. If you want to check out the first part, the link is here:
The cast list for this episode is:
OP – That’s me!
Metal Beard (MB) – Self-proclaimed KING OF METAL.
Chad – new friend, sports-fan, all around bro.
Comicon – knows a thousand and one Batman facts that you don’t.
Switchblade – Has a love for collecting knives, possibly a future serial killer.

Lunch Time Drama
This story takes place when I was in high school. Metal Beard and I sat alone at a table for lunch like we normally do when I heard someone call over to us. It was Chad, someone who might be considered an outcast by others.
Chad: “Yo, you guys don’t have to sit by yourselves over there, you can join us if you want!” he said while pointing to his table where a few other guys sat. I didn’t know Chad but after seeing the various anime shirts the guys wore, I thought I might make new friends.
MB: “No! We don’t need to sit with the likes of YOU and your inferior choice of anime!”
Chad: “And you don’t need to try to compensate for your centimeter peter with a big blue mohawk, but you do anyway. Look man, I’m just being nice and inviting you to sit with us. If you don’t want to, fine, if you change your minds, there’s room for both of you.”
He returned to his table afterwards and I told MB that we should consider joining them. He crossed his arms, left out a snarl and replied, “Are you serious?! You want to sit with those posers? Haha ha, they probably don’t even know who Ozzie is and only watch English dubbed animes.”
I checked out as he continued to rant. I’ve been friends with Metal Beard for years and he did a lot of crap talking others, including me. At times, his loud, condescending nature was like a toxic cloud, sapping my energy. The next day, MB was sick, so I was alone at lunch. Chad approached me and said that his offer is still good, that no one should have to sit alone. So, I grabbed my tray and joined them.
Chad: “I know your name is OP, this here is Comicon and that’s Switchblade.”
I was quite at first but when we all began talking about our favorite shows, things just kicked off for us. Soon there was laughter and for once, I felt normal. Lunch time was over, and we parted ways. I thanked Chad for letting me sit with them and he welcomed me back if I wanted. Metal Beard would be out of school for the rest of the week, so I continued enjoying the company of my new associates. MB would call me at some point like he normally does. He explained that he’s out for food poisoning.
MB: “Hhaha, my step-dad made a bet with me that I couldn’t eat the whole cheeseburger he took out of the dumpster at the gas station. I showed him and got $20! It’s just a bonus that I don’t have to go back to school until next week. You must miss me like crazy, you’re probably starring at my pictures on Myspace right now like some creeper lol.”
OP: “I don’t even think that the Pentagon could get on your myspace page with the 50 videos you have up.”
MB: “I’m providing a service to the people! I’m helping to improve their lame ass lives by educating them in good music like Black Sabbath and giving my vast insights into what makes it good! Females love a man with good taste in music!”
OP: “Alright, don’t bust a gasket! I’m sure women want to wait 3 hours to load your page and hear your PhD level rants about music. You’re so kind to the masses.”
Metal Beard not being able to detect my sarcasm, joyfully agreed. After dealing with him going about his bowel movements and reminiscing about how the dumpster burger wasn’t that bad, the call came to an end. I sat in my room and wondered what hanging out with Chad would be like. He seems like the opposite of MB. At this point of my life, I had huge self-esteem issues so it was difficult to imagine that I had any characteristics that people would want to engage with. MB was my only friend, he knew all my secrets, and despite constantly berating me, I thought that was normal though it felt wrong.
The next week of school came, and MB was back. Lunch time came and he was horridly offended to find out that I was sitting with the enemy while he was away. Metal Beard preceded to call me a traitor and how could I hurt our friendship by sitting with those he already declared as undesirables. I sheepishly apologized and said that it’s not like I ended my friendship with him by sitting at a different table. Chad and his friends overheard the drama and shot MB dirty looks. MB and I sat by ourselves like we normally do with him ranting about how loyal he’s been to me and how much help he gave me. I can’t think of anything partial that he’s helped me with but kept my mouth shut.
Chad called over and invited us to sit with them again. MB scoffed and said, “I already told you! WE (pointing back and forth between himself and me), do NOT want to sit with the likes of YOU!”
Chad: “Ok, you don’t have to sit with us.”
He then motioned to his two buddies, and they all lifted their trays and came over to our table. Chad sat next to me and Comicon and Switchblade sat next to him, leaving an empty chair between them and MB.
MB: “Wtf man?! I just said we didn’t want to sit with you!”
Chad: “You’re not sitting with us; we’re sitting with you so calm your triple D’s.”
OP: “It’s ok Metal Beard, you said that they have inferior taste in anime and probably don’t know who Ozzie is. This is your chance to educate them about what good stuff is. Just like your myspace page helping millions, you can help improve their lives as well.”
MB sat quietly for a moment, rubbing his chins, not realizing that he somehow smeared mashed potatoes on one of them. Then it’s like a broken lightbulb popped up over his mohawk.
MB: “Hhaha ha… know OP…you’re surprisingly right. It would be wrong to keep all my immense knowledge of music and culture to myself. They can sit with me; this will be considered charity work by helping the mentally challenged hahaha.”
Chad: “Why thank you sir for your generosity!”
And from that point onwards, we all sat together until graduation. Comicon and Switchblade were even more introverted than me and didn’t say much. But we all became friends soon enough. Metal Beard was like the Eric Cartman of the group. This was a strange sensation, to have other friends besides MB. It’s really nice! One day Chad invited me to go over his house. MB overheard it and got upset.
MB: “OP already has plans to hang out with me! I’m going to show him how to pick up females from the mall. It’s all about showing them that you’re an alpha male like me! Yeah…a lot ladies want me but feel so intimidated by my masculine aura, they don’t approach, hah haha.”
Chad: “I think that’s just you overkilling the Axe body spray. Do you press the button and not let go until the can is empty?”
MB: “I’m being considerate of married men! If I don’t use something that mixes well with my natural musk, then many married women will try to pick me up and I’m no home wrecker!”
Chad: “And I’m sure when you sweat, it rains gravy but the choice of hanging out with me is OP’s, not yours.”
OP: “It’s cool MB, you were going to visit your dad in Texas anyway remember?”
It took him a moment to contemplate but then he remembered about being gone from Friday until Wednesday the following week. He looked a bit disappointed to not go to the mall with me but, I assured him we could do that the weekend he came back.
Hanging With Chad
Chad is a big sports fan and very active himself. When my mom drove me to his place, it was a large house next to an apple orchard. The house itself wasn’t fancy looking, and there were some woods behind it. It seemed strange as I’m so used to trailer parks. My mom wanted to meet his family first before dropping me off. Chad’s mother was tall, skinny, and pretty like she came out of a cooking magazine. She was very sweet and pleasant. My mom liked her, and they seemed to get along fine. After my mom was satisfied that she wasn’t a psycho-killer, she left.
Chad soon came outside and greeted me. He grabbed my duffle bag for me and showed off his home. His room was covered in sports posters and was a bit messy. He had a Playstation and some sports games that I was willing to give a shot. Chad also had a few golden retrievers that were very playful. There was a spare bed in his room that he put my duffle bag on and said I’d sleep there later. That give me a lot of peace of mind after the scary events of my first sleepover at MB’s.
Chad: “Alright bro, there’s a lot we can do. I suggest throwing the football around for a bit, see what trouble we can get into on yahoo chat, and later we can build a fire and make smores!”
OP: “I’m not really good at sports…the last time I stepped on a scale, it called 911 on me!”
Chad: “It’s ok, it’s not like we’re playing in the NFL. Let’s go!”
We went to his backyard and start passing the football around (American football for my friends overseas). I dropped it almost every time and my passing skills were not great either. Chad never lost patience and showed me how to properly hold and throw the ball. He then brought up Metal Beard and asked what the deal is with him as we continued to pass.
OP: “I’m not sure what you mean?”
Chad: “Well, please don’t take this the wrong way but he acts like a complete A-Hole towards you and everyone else. You two have been friends for awhile but it almost seems one-sided. Like, he always tries to speak over you and dictate what you’re going to do. No offense man, it’s like he’s obsessed with you or something.”
OP: “I’m not sure about obsessed but we’re both outcasts so we’ve only had each other for years. I get picked on for my weight, hair, love of anime, etc. and so does he. He’s the one person that gets me, you know?”
Chad: “Yeah man, I get it. Not bragging but I’m a fit guy and ok at sports but, don’t get along with the jocks. That’s why I’m not on any teams, I love sports but I’m not going to be apart of a team I can’t trust. Plus, you don’t see too many jocks into the stuff that you and I like.”
OP: “I understand, MB can be a jerk. However, he’s been the only person to want to be my friend and I want to honor that. Weird right?”
Chad: “No bro, that just means you’re a good friend and loyal. I’m not trying to mess that up, but I wanted you to know that I want to be your friend too. It’s not everyday I run into another DBZ fan. Can’t wait for the Majinn Buu saga! Now go long!”
Chad chucked the football as far as he could in the sky. All I could do as the ball came down was waddle as fast as I could to try to catch it. I had a lot of things flood my mind, things about what is true friendship, can a friend be both toxic and loyal, and can I possibly change myself?
As the ball was almost within catching reach, I saw some thorn bushes in the way. I could have just let it hit the ground and that would have been ok. But something clicked inside of me. I felt as though the football was like a metaphorical test to see if I got what it takes to endure hardship. It was getting really close now and I had a choice to make.
Gasping for air as my chubby body has never ran that fast before, I couldn’t help but get a little teary eyed. With some blood coming down my hands and arms from the thorn bushes, I held up the football victoriously as if I won the Super Bowl!
Chad looked amazed as he didn’t intend for the ball to go in the direction but was impressed by my resolve. The rest of the night was fun! We messed with people on yahoo chat (not proud of us being brats on there but it was harmless fun). The night calmed down with a nice fire pit and smores.
As I closed my eyes in the comfortable bed, I fell asleep with a smile and the thought that, “Maybe I really can change?”

Thanks so much everyone that read this! I really appreciate all the love and support! Part 3 will be about the group’s dating lives and a LOT of CRINGE!
Will OP finally gain independence from Metal Beard? Will Metal Beard finally get a M-lady of his own? Will the NFL recruit Chad?
Find out next time on Metal Beard – A Tale of Toxic Friendship!
submitted by Player1SpiritBomber to neckbeardstories [link] [comments]

2022.03.25 04:53 Pureenus Possible Email/PII Breach or PC/Network Virus Scenario - HELP

I understand some applications like password managers or haveibeenpwned are a good start to track if your password or email were part of a recent breach but say for example I am helping a person who never knew about these before in their life and were freely giving away their PII to certain applications and websites without running basic security settings like searching first if the site has good rating or if it's phishing, immediately links logins to personal emails that they use for important apps i.e. Banking, Social Media, etc...
How would one go about it?
I feel like if it's a breach you'd go from top to bottom. Namely changing password of the affected email, removing linked apps and devices, etc..
But what if the person wanted to go down the route of privacy/anonymity as well so you wouldn't just go right of the bat delete/deactivate the account pr remove the login token but you'd like to change some information related on the app itself before deleting it and finally unlinking it.
For the sake of argument let's say the person started in the myspace era and have been using 1-3 emails and different devices and phone number to login to the apps. How do I even start hahaha I took it upon myself to help this person but it's feeling a bit overwhelming. Don't get me wrong I'm learning a lot but if there's already a checklist that I can follow and not have to write my own to follow it'd be a great start.
At the moment I've provided a new device to the person.
  1. Proper clean install (unfortunately couldn't DBAN due to it being really up to date but ran a couple of passes of reset). I've also reset their wifi password, changed SSID, changed admin username and password, and set it to hidden and disabled remote control.
  2. Created a new email for the person, new password manager and making sure all the emails that were affected have been password reset and revoke trusted devices so I'm only working on one device, only keeping physical 2FA and new recovery email (as the recovery emails were also breached) and possibly the phone might've been affected to as the person likes to use it without link verifications and just clicking on anything that fancies them.
Somewhere along the line this person would also want to just de-activate the emails but I'm still on the fence about it cause if any other person that were to contact that email might not be able to reach it so I'm thinking of a forwarding setup until there's no more emails that comes through for the next year and then finally delete it(?). I've read that protonmail has this but I also would like to have a setup with different emails and different phone numbers for major groups. I.e. Main email & SMS for personal, government, and work. Another email and sms for online shopping and getting her to use paypal(if that's the safest I'm not sure as it doesn't save the card details on the shopping database?), then another email for newsletters, misc stuff, etc..
I'm really enjoying the aspects of privacy and anonymity but would want to first focus on the security aspect as every email was linked, passwords were all same, security questions were all similar or searchable, etc..
Any help or advice would be awesome! Checklists, applications for individual things I've listed, services, etc... would be much appreciated! Thanks everyone and hope everyone has a great day!
submitted by Pureenus to techsupport [link] [comments]

2022.03.25 04:27 Pureenus Helping a friend with a Email/PII Breach and PC (possible network) Virus

I understand some applications like password managers or haveibeenpwned are a good start to track if your password or email were part of a recent breach but say for example I am helping a person who never knew about these before in their life and were freely giving away their PII to certain applications and websites without running basic security settings like searching first if the site has good rating or if it's phishing, immediately links logins to personal emails that they use for important apps i.e. Banking, Social Media, etc...
How would one go about it?
I feel like if it's a breach you'd go from top to bottom. Namely changing password of the affected email, removing linked apps and devices, etc..
But what if the person wanted to go down the route of privacy/anonymity as well so you wouldn't just go right of the bat delete/deactivate the account pr remove the login token but you'd like to change some information related on the app itself before deleting it and finally unlinking it.
For the sake of argument let's say the person started in the myspace era and have been using 1-3 emails and different devices and phone number to login to the apps. How do I even start hahaha I took it upon myself to help this person but it's feeling a bit overwhelming. Don't get me wrong I'm learning a lot but if there's already a checklist that I can follow and not have to write my own to follow it'd be a great start.
At the moment I've provided a new device to the person.
  1. Proper clean install (unfortunately couldn't DBAN due to it being really up to date but ran a couple of passes of reset). I've also reset their wifi password, changed SSID, changed admin username and password, and set it to hidden and disabled remote control.
  2. Created a new email for the person, new password manager and making sure all the emails that were affected have been password reset and revoke trusted devices so I'm only working on one device, only keeping physical 2FA and new recovery email (as the recovery emails were also breached) and possibly the phone might've been affected to as the person likes to use it without link verifications and just clicking on anything that fancies them.
Somewhere along the line this person would also want to just de-activate the emails but I'm still on the fence about it cause if any other person that were to contact that email might not be able to reach it so I'm thinking of a forwarding setup until there's no more emails that comes through for the next year and then finally delete it(?). I've read that protonmail has this but I also would like to have a setup with different emails and different phone numbers for major groups. I.e. Main email & SMS for personal, government, and work. Another email and sms for online shopping and getting her to use paypal(if that's the safest I'm not sure as it doesn't save the card details on the shopping database?), then another email for newsletters, misc stuff, etc..
I'm really enjoying the aspects of privacy and anonymity but would want to first focus on the security aspect as every email was linked, passwords were all same, security questions were all similar or searchable, etc..
Any help or advice would be awesome! Checklists, applications for individual things I've listed, services, etc... would be much appreciated! Thanks everyone and hope everyone has a great day!
submitted by Pureenus to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2022.03.25 04:21 Pureenus PII Breach or Virus Scenario

I understand some applications like password managers or haveibeenpwned are a good start to track if your password or email were part of a recent breach but say for example I am helping a person who never knew about these before in their life and were freely giving away their PII to certain applications and websites without running basic security settings like searching first if the site has good rating or if it's phishing, immediately links logins to personal emails that they use for important apps i.e. Banking, Social Media, etc...
How would one go about it?
I feel like if it's a breach you'd go from top to bottom. Namely changing password of the affected email, removing linked apps and devices, etc..
But what if the person wanted to go down the route of privacy/anonymity as well so you wouldn't just go right of the bat delete/deactivate the account pr remove the login token but you'd like to change some information related on the app itself before deleting it and finally unlinking it.
For the sake of argument let's say the person started in the myspace era and have been using 1-3 emails and different devices and phone number to login to the apps. How do I even start hahaha I took it upon myself to help this person but it's feeling a bit overwhelming. Don't get me wrong I'm learning a lot but if there's already a checklist that I can follow and not have to write my own to follow it'd be a great start.
At the moment I've provided a new device to the person.
  1. Proper clean install (unfortunately couldn't DBAN due to it being really up to date but ran a couple of passes of reset) I've also reset their wifi password, changed SSID, changed admin username and password, and set it to hidden and disabled remote control.
  2. Created a new email for the person, new password manager and making sure all the emails that were affected have been password reset and revoke trusted devices so I'm only working on one device, only keeping physical 2FA and new recovery email (as the recovery emails were also breached) and possibly the phone might've been affected to as the person likes to use it without link verifications and just clicking on anything that fancies them.
Somewhere along the line this person would also want to just de-activate the emails but I'm still on the fence about it cause if any other person that were to contact that email might not be able to reach it so I'm thinking of a forwarding setup until there's no more emails that comes through for the next year and then finally delete it(?). I've read that protonmail has this but I also would like to have a setup with different emails and different phone numbers for major groups. I.e. Main email & SMS for personal, government, and work. Another email and sms for online shopping and getting her to use paypal(if that's the safest I'm not sure as it doesn't save the card details on the shopping database?), then another email for newsletters, misc stuff, etc..
I'm really enjoying the aspects of privacy and anonymity but would want to first focus on the security aspect as every email was linked, passwords were all same, security questions were all similar or searchable, etc..
Any help or advice would be awesome! Checklists, applications for individual things I've listed, services, etc... would be much appreciated! Thanks everyone and hope everyone has a great day!

Edit: Added possible local virus on the machine they use a lot and I've reset their WiFI settings i.e. Admin creds, Changed SSID and WiFI password and kept it hidden, disabled remote control as well.
submitted by Pureenus to privacy [link] [comments]

2022.02.14 20:19 bffwoesthrowaway A post for Hetlors who don't understand but are open to understanding Gaylors

A post for Hetlors who don't understand but are open to understanding Gaylors
Hey there. u/ChellyGal1989 recently took to GaylorSwift to ask, "What is something you wish Hetlors would understand?". I said I wished Hetlors would take a moment to understand Gaylors, where we're coming from, and why we believe what we believe - without assuming we're crazy. Since Gaylorism is not welcome on the main TaylorSwift sub, I'm posting this on GaylorSwift.
Swifties, I come in peace, love, and good spirits, and urge you to approach this post with curiosity. I am not here to influence your beliefs. You absolutely must believe what you wish to, and I will lay down the facts in a (hopefully) unbiased manner. I am simply here to talk about why Gaylorism not only exists, but is steadily gaining traction post Folklore and Evermore.
Who am I? I am a queer researcher who has studied public figures and privacy, and I'm also a musician with an affinity for meaningful songwriting. Happy to privately offer proof to mods. You can understand why this unique combination of interests has led me here. ;)
Okay, buckle up.


Who the hell are Gaylors and Hetlors, and why is there a 'rivalry' to begin with?
Gaylors: Gaylors are Taylor Swift fans who believe that she is sapphic, WLW, fruity, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, anything you want to call the condition of being a little bit-but-actually-definitely queer. Most Gaylors believe that TS:
i. routinely alludes to her sexuality in her music by including queer themes and dropping more-than-obvious easter eggs,ii. has dated women and written songs about distinctly female muses (specially in Reputation and later albums),iii. has engaged in bearding relationships with queeheterosexual men in the industry including but not limited to Jake G, Taylor Lautner, and Harry Styles for the purpose of (a) PR, (b) individual or mutual closeting, and (c) furthering both parties' careers, andiv. has signalled enough times that she is queer but has not formally come out, either for personal reasons, or because she simply does not need or want to.
Hetlors: Hetlors are Taylor Swift fans who believe that she is straight.
You may wonder, if TS fans at large also believe this to be true, what differentiates Swifties from Hetlors? Well, Hetlors have (usually) been exposed to Gaylors and believe that assuming Taylor's sexuality is a definite invasion of her privacy. In some corners of the internet, Gaylors are considered by Hetlors to be gross, creepy, unhinged, and rather conspiratorial. Hetlors say Gaylors see queer proof where there actually isn't any, and are, when it comes down to it, crazy. In fact, a Reddit user once famously called Gaylors pop-culture Q-anons.
Gaylors are routinely banned from the main sub, their comments (non-brigading) are deleted, or they are downvoted into oblivion for suggesting that Taylor might be queer.
The rivalry: Hetlors say that Gaylors shouldn't assume TS's sexuality, and that if she really was queer, Gaylors shouldn't be outing her by reading into her behaviour, music, and easter eggs.
Gaylors say that Hetlors' intense aversion to the possibility of TS being queer is homophobic and offensive, and that Gaylors aren't outing her, but are instead discussing queer easter eggs that SHE purposefully drops.

Has TS ever mentioned her sexuality?

Hoo boy, here is the contentious thing. Yes. Once, while giving an interview about YNTCD, she addressed her sexuality. Here is the snippet.
"I ask her, why get louder about LGBTQ rights now? “Rights are being stripped from basically everyone who isn’t a straight white cisgender male,” she says. “I didn’t realize until recently that I could advocate for a community that I’m not a part of. It’s hard to know how to do that without being so fearful of making a mistake that you just freeze. Because my mistakes are very loud. When I make a mistake, it echoes through the canyons of the world. It’s clickbait, and it’s a part of my life story, and it’s a part of my career arc.”
When Hetlors say Taylor has confirmed she's straight, this is what they're referring to. Gaylors say that well, obviously - the point is that she IS closeted. She IS pretending to be straight, so obviously, she said that. In fact, TS has a definite pattern of doing something really queer (like a gay music video about gay rights with her gay friends donning bisexual flag hair), and following it up with a quick hetsplanation. We'll get into that latter. So, without further ado, let's talk about the queerness of it all...

What is the queer proof, anyway?

There's a lot, and it comes in varying flavours of obviousness and unhingedness. Some of it is damning and hard to disprove. Some of it is very 5 holes fence-y. I can't show you all of it in a single post, so I'm going to pick and choose a few examples for each theme. Let's start with:

A few irrefutable literary references

Taylor drops queer phrases in her work. I start here because this is not speculation about a particular relationship or person. This is TS's own work, which she has said she wants people to interpret.
RWYLM, a song regarded to be about closeting and mourning a queer relationship: "I swear you could hear a hairpin drop" - there is no alternate definition for this phrase
'Rose flowing with your chosen family' from the 1: Chosen family is a phrase that is very, very popular in the LGBTQ+ community across the world.
She has referenced closets, multiple times, e.g. in this song where she's singing to another girl, Seven:
'You won't have to cry or hide in the closet'. Here, I point out that the popularized queer phrase is not 'closet' or only 'in the closet', but rather, literally, 'hiding in the closet',
Dorothea: "You got shiny friends since you left town"
Hetlors, can we agree that once or twice is a coincidence, but so many times is a pattern?

Songs about women

TS has written songs blatantly about women including Betty, Dorothea, Seven, and Ivy. In many other songs, she has NOT included a single male pronoun, only the word 'you'. Isn't assuming that the song is about a man also an assumption of sexuality?
If the songs are fictional, is it not STILL a bit fruity that she can still write about kissing women, making them her centerfold, and their eyes shining brighter than Tepulo?
Let's talk about Ivy, for example. This is a song about Emily Dickinson and her lesbian lover - a tragic, real life love story about how a popular poet had to remain closeted because of societal pressure. TS released it on December 10 and said it's about a woman from 1830. Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830. After wide speculation, TS approved its use in a Dickinson documentary. What clued a lot of people in on the fact that this song was written about a woman for a woman was the phrase, 'my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand', along with phrases like 'drink my husband's wine / dare to sit and watch what we'll become'.

Songs about men with... female pronouns?

Taylor has swapped pronouns from her own songs to make it obvious that she is singing about women. There are MANY examples, but I am going to show you two that are very, very obvious.
IKYWT: At 2:35 in her IKYWT performance, she swaps 'he never loved me' to 'she never loved me':
NYD: In New Year's Day, she sings, 'I want her midnights', see in this video at 5:17 -
Riptide: When TS covered Riptide, she said, 'I wanted to change up the arrangement and hear what it would sound like if a girl sang it', and then proceeded to sing female pronouns (hence making the song gay), with a smirk on her face whenever she sang the word 'she'.
Did you know that writing songs with queer pronouns and then changing them to male pronouns is a very common queer experience? You may have heard of the damning evidence that TVFN's lines, "'Cause they don't know about the night in the hotel / They weren't ridin' in the car when we both fell / Didn't read the note on the Polaroid picture / They don't know how much I miss you" should have actually been "how much I miss her", given an AABB rhyme scheme. In one of the only songs clearly about a man on Evermore, i.e. Willow, Taylor sings, "Every bait and switch was a work of art".

Obvious Lover queer symbolism

TS posted a picture of her wearing a 'Proud' bracelet with bi flag colours (often worn by members of the LGBTQ+ community!) with a rainbow filter
She had bisexual hair in a video about gay rights, YNTCD
She tweeted 'ME! Out now', a song with rainbow symbolism, on Lesbian Visibility Day... come on guys. :D

Mingling with and supporting Celesbians

Did you know that saying you listen to Girl in Red is queer culture?!
On a day when Taylor knew there would be eyeballs on her account, she posted this:
Taylor also performed 'Curious', a lesbian anthem, with Hayley Kiyoko, who is popularly known - again, in queer culture - as 'Lesbian Jesus'. TS also chose 'Delicate' - one of her most queer-associated songs - to perform with Lesbian Jesus. She's also performed with iconic Lesbian duo, Tegan and Sara. And collabed with popular queer culture sapphic, Phoebe Bridgers. n fact, Taylor has hung out with every queer woman icon from hollywood you can think of from Ruby Rose to Cara Delevigne. It's almost like she's using her fame to support and uplift queer women and musicians in particular... ever wondered why? As is with the literary references, once or twice is a coincidence. More, it's a pattern. ;)


I know this is contentious again, but hear me out.
Big Sur: Taylor and Karlie went on a trip to Big Sur. When asked where someone should take their partner for their anniversary, Taylor said Big Sur.
DBM: In Don't Blame Me, Taylor drew the exact Daisy that Karlie had tagged her as during the Big Sur trip, in the original lyrics. Also note the 'Halo', a nod to Karlie being a Victoria's Secret Angel.
Kissgate: When Kissgate happened, Taylor went home and liked a bunch of WLW Kaylor posts on Tumblr, and then unliked them the next day. Kissgate happened on Terminal 5. When asked about her favourite place in a Vogue interview, Karlie said it's Terminal 5. Taylor then wrote Dancing With Our Hands Tied, a song which perfectly described what happened that night.
"I had a bad feeling / People started talking, putting us through our paces / I loved you in spite of / Deep fears that the world would divide us."
Then, on Kissgate's anniversary, Taylor posted an Instagram picture with a caption from DWOHT.
Cruel summer: I snuck in through the garden gate each night that summer just to seal my fate. She used to sneak in through Karlie's garden gate in the West Village..... a LOT!
Ps. in False God, Taylor sings, "You're the West Village / You still do it for me, babe".
Cardigan: Karlie said in a Vogue interview that she loves the New York high line. Taylor wrote in Cardigan, 'Playing hide-and-seek and / Giving me your weekends / I knew you / Your heartbeat on the High Line".
Gold rush: Taylor sang, "Walk past, quick brush / I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush". BTW, Karlie has a Instagram picture of her wearing gold, captioned, 'gold rush'. ;)
Sunshine and best friends; general themes: Have you ever watched the Karlie and Taylor Vogue BFFs video? In it, Taylor clearly describes Karlie as the sun/sunshine. Since then, she's referred to one of her mysterious lovers as sunshine/sun/daylight/golden through her discography. She and Karlie were popularly known as best friends, and then she wrote songs like Dress, with the line, 'I don't want you like a best friend'.
There's hordes of Karlie proof. I can't fit it all here!!!!!!!
Taylor also has dating rumours with other women, but I won't add them here. Instead, here's an interesting tidbit - did you know Breathe is confirmed to be about Emily, Taylor's fiddle player?
"It's killing me to see you go after all this time / Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve / Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out / And I can't breathe without you, but I have to".

Jack Antanoff

Taylor's longtime collaborator Jack Antanoff once said on a podcast that he likes working with gay women, and hence likes working with Taylor. When the interviewed was like, what?! He quickly stuttered and backtracked saying no, no, no, I was talking about someone else. He's also tweeted this, and has shown general disbelief on Taylor's claims that William Bowery is Joe. (Lyrics, too? Jesus!)


Many Gaylors believe that some or all of the relationships Taylor has are bearding relationships. There are two types of bearding relationships - to cover up homosexuality, and for profit.
Profit: After Tayvin breaking up, Calvin tweeted this and later deleted it.
Did you know that MANY of her ex boyfriends have gay rumours about them in Hollywood? Being well aware of bearding rumours, Taylor wrote Cowboy Like Me.
"I've got some tricks up my sleeve / Takes one to know one / Never wanted love / Just a fancy car / Telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear / Like it could be love / I could be the way forward / Hustling for the good life / And the skeletons in both our closets / Plotted hard to mess this up / Forever is the sweetest con."

Taylor's old Myspace

Did you know there's a bunch of really queer posts on Taylor's old MySpace? Here's an example.

Bonus round

Would Hetlors like to take a shot at explaining why, in the IBYTAM video, Taylor hands the red scarf to a woman while one guest clutches her pearls and another queer coded guests looks shocked? Or why she later wrote on her official social media, 'the bride was willing to risk it all'? ;)


I have so much more to point out and to say, but I've reached the picture limit. There's so much more compelling stuff you can find on the GaylorSwift subreddit, sort by Top-All! But, with this post, can you begin to see why Gaylors are not... entirely unhinged? Not just seeing things where there is nothing?
In many cultures, homosexuality is tied with yearning, repression, secrecy, and signalling your true identity in a million ways instead of just coming out. This is why Gaylorism is a really, really interesting subculture that people gravitate towards. It's valid, as is queerness.
Given her many references, it's clear that Gaylors are not outing Taylor. She is SO LOUD in wanting to be seen and understood - which I can assure you, is a quintessential and formative queer experience. Give the woman some credit. Consider that she knows what she's doing. That she's not stupid, she's a songwriter who pours her soul into her work. That bearding and PR relationships and lavender contracts and open marriages have long, long, long existed and have not disappeared. That, take it from a queer person, coming out isn't easy just because it's gotten relatively easier.
If you ever want to join us, we're an awesome, safe space of kind people. If you don't, at least don't shit on us, call us crazy, and then pretend like queer erasure of closeted artists - a historical, well documented issue - is somehow protecting Taylor Swift. She is obviously queer-positive, she has said so multiple times, she has the queerest music video in existence. So you can rest assured she's really, really not complaining about the association.
Sending love.
submitted by bffwoesthrowaway to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2022.01.17 15:03 Mobile-Year4149 4 Risks of NFTs You Simply Cannot Ignore

4 Risks of NFTs You Simply Cannot Ignore
An NFT (non-fungible token) is a way to token assets on a blockchain, giving digital assets a unique identity. This unique blockchain identity can be tethered to digital goods such as assets in video games, pieces of art, and even media like music and memes.
NFTs are deeply polarizing. Some people love the idea of "owning" the cute Doge picture, Myspace-style. Others concern themselves with the darker underlying implications that a virtual market may eventually bring to light.
There's a lot to love about NFTs, but ignoring the risks that come along with them is foolish, just like in any other area of life. So read on for some food for thought that might have you thinking twice before buying one yourself.
1️⃣ You Might Get Scammed
E-commerce, in a general sense, has always sort of been a gambling man's game. This is why reputable sellers like Amazon have risen to superpower levels of omnipotence—if we aren't picking the product up off of the shelf ourselves, how can we know that the deal is legitimate?
Without a name and a face to trust, the internet really does become sort of like the wild west. There are so many ways to get scammed when buying an NFT:
Fake marketplaces
Fake sellers (often impersonating real artists and selling copies of their work at a fraction of what the original is going for)
Unverified sellers
All of the above will be of concern to buyers, but what about investors? If you're an angel investor, you'll want to be especially wary of fraudulent projects and less-than-trustworthy "artists" trying to get rich quickly. Anything that looks suspiciously cheap or too good to be true should not be something that you pursue further. But, just like in every area of e-com, where capitalism reigns supreme, you'll always find somebody trying to get ahead nefariously.
2️⃣ NFTs Are Bad for the Environment
Cryptocurrency has changed a lot about our world, but one problem that cannot be swept under the rug is the industry's unquestionably negative impact on the environment. The computers that generate this blockchain data constantly run and at a very high capacity.
One enterprising duo went so far as to quantify just exactly how much energy these proof-of-work concepts actually consume. They found that it's more environmentally taxing to mine cryptocurrency than mining copper, gold, and platinum. They also estimated that between January of 2016 and June of 2018, crypto-mining alone contributed between 3 million to 15 million tons of CO2 emissions to our current environmental situation.
Environmentalists slam other industries and heavyweights for negative environmental externalities of this magnitude; why should those doing the same in crypto be any exception?
3️⃣ NFTs Aren't Art, and They Don't Protect Artists
Students of the old school of modern art often contend that the Van Goghs and the Dalís of our time never saw the light of day "because kids nowadays are lazy." This is sort of true, but work ethic is not necessarily the culprit—money is.
Some amount of success in the world of NFTs certainly comes down to sheer luck. The owner of the Doge pup probably didn't expect that a random photo of her dog would be worth more than $4 million in 2021, to name one freak example. One could certainly argue that the same notion applies equally to the world of art as it exists currently, but it doesn't have to.
If you take a stadium full of people and show them all a couple of memes in succession, you can probably come up with some idea of the ones that would get a laugh from, say, all of the men in the stands, or from all of the members of the working class.
This type of "popular opinion" exists for a good reason: many of us share the same problems in life. Poor people laugh at the fat man, smoking his cigar alone in opulent comfort. The rich ridicule the unwashed masses lost in their own ignorance and circumstance. Everybody hates something in life, and when two people hate the same thing, they relate to one another over it and develop a lexicon.
The difference between "popular" art and fine art: popular art lampoons the human experience as we see it and don it today, making light of things that we fear and despise, helping us pass our time. Fine art acts as a beacon of light, beckoning us away from the frivolity of the past, toward a brighter and more equitable future. They perform two totally different functions in society. When we mistake one for the other, we degrade morally and suffer.
We're not saying that low-brow art can't or shouldn't exist. We argue that these less serious endeavors should not be held at the forefront, especially at the expense of real culture. When you incentivize cheap thrills and low-hanging gags exclusively, art becomes a zero-sum game. It has been robbed of its purpose.
Who decides what should be considered "real" art? In an ideal sense, curators, the most thoroughly human among us, work authentically and from the heart. In reality, however, the one who decides usually ends up being the one with the means to buy. Supply and demand is a very simple concept; if an artist sees that producing something silly, cheap, or generic is enough to get them paid, they generally never seek to push beyond the whim and fancy of whoever's signing the dotted line NFTs could be used to incentivize the most dedicated, earnest, and honest artists in the world to produce the greatest works of their lives. Instead, we're swapping trading cards of digital cyberpunks like middle-schoolers.
If the powers that be (i.e., those with game-changing stacks of money to blow) decide to invest exclusively in Nyan Cat NFTs, Rembrandt starves, and the future never has a chance to remember him and to engage with his work
4️⃣ You Never Actually "Own" An NFT
s value consumptive by definition? If an image can be enjoyed by millions of people, is it valuable in the same way that an apple is? Only one person gets the apple, and the same can certainly be said in favor of a more traditional definition of art—a single span of canvas or a single sculpture, awarded to a single collector.
So the old joke goes: why would I want to buy the Mona Lisa for $860 million when I could just look at a picture of it on Wikipedia for free? You don't necessarily need to own a piece of intellectual property in order to enjoy it all the same. Is this stealing, though? If so, who are we stealing from? The "owner" of the artwork or the person who created it?
For small-timers like us, in our own petty and brief lifetimes, these consequences will be largely invisible, delegated to those who will be inheriting what we've created together. What do all of these individual consumer positions amount to in the long run collectively?
The state of the economy at any given time, arguably, ends up being the bedrock of society, at least in a modern sense. We become who we strive to be every morning, so to speak, and our voices carry on.
Our parting thought here is not that fun and popular NFT collectibles should be outlawed; in fact, we could not possibly imagine a bigger waste of time. Instead, we need to rethink how best to exploit this concept, not just for our own entertainment, but for the sake of tomorrow, and perhaps the next day, too.
submitted by Mobile-Year4149 to NFTsMarketplace [link] [comments]

2021.10.03 20:21 RissaOfRivia (not complaining about date range) This is why I consider myself a millennial even though some sources say I’m technically Gen Z

I(25F)was born in 1996. My older brother who I’ve always been close to-Hes actually my roommate-was born 1992. I’m the youngest grandchild on both sides, so I always grew up with older millennials, and I was also a year ahead in school. Because of this, I was on MySpace and Xanga at a young age. I was one of the first people to get a gmail account, I remember when FB only allowed college students. I played all old school game consoles (Dreamcast was my first love). Remember demo disc? I do. I also remember 9/11, George Bush winning against John Kerry. I come from a very political family, so I remember everything about WMD’s and Iraq war. The recession affected Millennials specifically, and I was no exception. My college fund took a hit as did my brothers and I remember crying about it wondering if I’d be able to pay for college. I’ve always been friends with older people, and same with dating. The youngest person I’ve dated was born in 1994. My point is that culture is important to take into account when debating about generation classification. I’m not gonna lie, I was triggered the other day when I was classified as Gen Z. Not that there’s anything wrong with Gen Z, it’s just that I’ve always seen myself as a millennial. Lots of people from Gen Z grew up with cell phones/smart phones. My first smart phone was the iPhone 4s, but before that I always dreamed of owning a razer than a sidekick. Some Gen Z girls(19-20)I work with had no idea what a sidekick/razer was, they didn’t know Neopets, they didn’t even know what a Wonderball was! At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter. But the depression and nostalgia that comes with being a millennial is something I deal with on a daily basis. Since I graduated college in 2018, I didn’t qualify for jobs because I didn’t have a Masters degree. I didn’t have the money to survive.. now my degree doesn’t serve a purpose, just like my brother. Recently- I had to put myself in more student debt to go to a fancy cosmetology school. Whoever thought tuition to learn hair cutting would be $31000 😒 but lots of my classmates are younger individuals. I love my classmates, however I’ve noticed a cultural divide between me and the Gen Z’ers. Even though I’m included at hangouts and stuff, I don’t feel like Im fully part of their “tribe” which I don’t want to be because I’ve always been an outsider. Our values and morals are different. Maybe it’s just maturity rather than generation. But I can say without a doubt, they are 100% more shallow and narcissistic than millennials I know and I think it’s because of Instagram/social media. It’s always about how you look, rather than who you are. Also, it seems like they aren’t about solidarity. Millennials I know are mostly about helping each other succeed in our individualistic society. The younger people I personally know are not that at all. They’d rather be the best and will let you know how amazing they are. Sorry for this lengthy, incredibly scattered rant. I honestly could care less if anyone read this, I just wanted to put my feels and thoughts out there. It’s something that’s been on my mind for few days and I just had to express this.
submitted by RissaOfRivia to Millennials [link] [comments]

2021.08.02 13:23 hathawaymusic Trance Discord August Artist Spotlight Everlight Pt 1

Hello everybody and welcome to the next artist spotlight for the trance production server. So, introducing our next artist spotlight he is the synth addicted trance producer from the future.
He is known for his high-quality mixes many styles of tech and trance all with pumping groove ready for the dance floor. Whether it's his softer side with uplifting vocals or his harder side with tech.
You can find his tracks played on the likes of ASOT, Pure Trance, V II, outburst and many more.
He has had tracks signed to big labels such as FSOE, Clandestine, Knocturnal Knights, Outburst records, Pure Trance and deepinthought to just name a few.
He is releasing his first artist album today August 2nd and it's called lightspeed and it's been 20 years in the making.
He is the record boss of Blacknet and generally an all-round good guy. It's the music producer, DJ Dude it's Everlight!
Hello man
How are you doing man?
I am top, I am very well yes, how are you?
Very well thank you.
That was a fantastic introduction you did there. You made me sound very cool. Nice one.
That's what it's about bigging up the trance artist spotlight that we're picking for the artist spotlight and stuff.
Nice one, Happy to be here
Excellent good good.
Okay, so let’s talk a bit about yourself. First, how did you come up with the name Everlight?
I like this story this is great, and I don't get the chance to explain it very often. So, when I was in college here in the UK, I was studying music technology but by that point I had already been producing music for a good 3 or 4 years. So, I was quite knowledgeable about the subject, and I was quite eager to help people and I my friends gave me the nick name ever ready after the batteries and one time my music tech lecturer had picked up on this nickname that people had been calling me and he attempted to call it me, but he butchered it and ended up calling me Everlight.
This initially didn't stick it was a funny moment everybody laughed at it but it didn't evolve into my nickname but then later about a week or two later I had noticed on my back pack I had a torch like a keyring torch attached to it and the brand of the keyring torch was Everlight or at least it had the words Everlight on it and I showed it to my friends at the time like hey look what I've just noticed and they went um that's weird we can't not call you Everlight now.
And around that sort of time I was making music that I was comfortable with publishing publicly and I needed to create a user name for my Myspace account at the time so I chose my nickname Everlight.
Great story. And obviously part of the Everlight brand is also the mask that you use on your live shows and when your doing live streams and one of the things that always blows me away about that is the LED lights and how they're in sync with your performance.
How did the mask come about?
It's kind of funny how the name Everlight came first and the mask with the lights in came a lot later if you didn't know about me you may think that the name is the result of the mask. But it's the other way around.
I just love technology in general I love to tinker with things it's one of the reasons I got into music production. So, one day on social media I discovered a video where someone had managed to hack together these LEDs that would respond to a midi input. So, midi being the note information that's transmitted from music production software like Ableton live. So, you could use a midi plug to plug into this little gadget these little LED strips and when you play the notes on the keyboard it would light up the LEDs different colours depending on what note you played. And this was this little project that this guy had made, and he was showing off on this video.
So, I thought oh this is a cool little thing and I use Ableton as a DJ tool. So, I thought this would be cool if I could copy this somehow and plug it in to my existing DJ system. Which would then react in time to the music.
So, I reached out to the guy, and he was very helpful and told me what I need. He told me that you use an arduino which is a little processor board a little bit like a raspberry pi and he had developed some software for it. So, with some help from him and a friend I was able to do what he did and from there it was just about how I wanted to incorporate it into my live system.
So that project stood still for a little while and in the meantime, I had come up with an idea of a mask that uses Electroluminescence paneling which is like you know the back light that you get for LCD screens, and you can cut it to shape so I developed the shape of this mask that lit up, but it didn't have any LEDs or anything.
So, I had these two experiments going on concurrently and then one day I found out 3D printing had developed far enough that it was now a commercial product that you could buy there were these websites that you could send your designs to, and they would 3D print it in your choice of materials and send it you. And then that's when I thought I could 3D print a holder a shape of a mask to put these LEDs in then I could wear it as a mask.
And when it comes to using the mask in your live shows if you had unlimited funds what would you do with that?
I would like to get a team of people hire a research team that could develop new ways to take this system this platform that I've used for the mask and try to extend it into more lighting solutions get screens involved that sort of thing.
I take a lot of inspiration from people like Deadmau5 and Eric Prydz with Deadmau5 he has a cube to stands on top of when he is performing and from what I can remember I believe he controls the visuals that are on it they're tied to the music that he is playing so when he triggers certain musical elements in a set it triggers specific visuals that are related to that part and that is something that I would like to hook in to and draw inspiration from if I had the money.
In the meantime, whenever I'm have a gig and I'm setting up initially before the club opens and I'm get the mask out and test everything is working okay, I usually attract the attention of the lighting engineers and the Vjs because usually they’re there setting up their lasers and stuff.
So very often I'll end up getting in a conversation with them So if the chance presents itself I might liaison with the Vj guys, so they do certain things when the mask is on like turn all the lights in the DJ booth off which is one thing I request to do if I'm able to. So, all you can see is the glowing mask with all the lights shining around it that is something I try to do.
And for you what did come first was it Djing or producing?
It was producing which I understand to be quite unique because people tend to get into production from being a DJ first. So, they either think oh I want to make this music, or they want to get involved more with the scene and a good way is through producing.
I think that I was lucky in the respect that I picked up the producing side first when I was a teenager. So, when I was able to go to clubs, I already had a good idea of the software like Ableton which can also be used for live performance as a DJ tool. So when I first starting Djing in clubs instead of using CDJs I would use Ableton because it's what I already knew.
I know how to use CDJs and when I go round to friends who have them, I’ll do mixes because a friend taught be how to use them while I was at university but my choice for live performance is to use the laptop and use Ableton. And it's an integral part to the functionality of the mask as well because it all feeds through Ableton.
And would you agree that by using Ableton you have a lot more flexibility then if you were using CDjs?
You can do a lot more with Ableton as a performance tool. When you're doing a set with CDjs there primary purpose is mixing between the tracks. Whereas with Ableton that is the beginning point. You can then develop it further. My live set up is basically a very fancy pair of decks. It's very rare that I perform any of the elements live my live system isn't like Giuseppe where he has all his different elements and synthesizers on stage with him and he plays different parts.
It's more like having 8 decks available to me so I can layer up different bits of different tracks. This is something I'll often do when I'm playing faster paced techno. I'll have 5 or 6 different songs all lined up mixing in and out of each other all at the same time. You might see it on the live streams I've been doing during lock down you might notice the faders on the APC like four of them up at the same time and each of them are playing different songs. Because Ableton session view lets you split things in to clips all the songs are separated into their different sections so, intro outro etc. They can then be relooped and played over and over. I can effectively mash up to 8 songs all at once.
And I have a system in Ableton that tells me what key they all are and that tells me they will mix well in to these two tracks. And that is where the strength and flexibility lay with my live Ableton system as opposed to a set of decks.
And talking about Ableton that wasn't the first DAW that you used, was it?
No so going way back at the very beginning when I first got interested in music, I was must have been either 9 or 10 I got gifted a Casio keyboard that you will probably find like in music lessons at school. I quickly found that I enjoyed toying with it and making little melodies and from there I discovered dance e jay and the PlayStation game music 2000.
That was when I really started to get an understanding for the arrangement side of things. But they're just toys really, and they have these preset sounds that you drag and drop, and I got frustrated with how limiting they were, and I expressed an interest to my dad about wanting to be able to go in and make the sounds myself.
That was when I went to a music shop here in Birmingham and explained to him that I wanted to learn how to produce music from scratch. So, I asked the guy what I would need, and he took me in to an area of the shop with their little demo studio software set up and he sat me down with a copy of reason. I said to my dad I'm not sure what any of this does but this is what I need. Then we came away that day with a copy of reason and I installed it on the family computer.
So, what was it that made you decide to switch over from reason to Ableton eventually?
There was an online communities I had joined which was called reason freaks and on that forum there was a member I looked up to and he said he had started using Ableton and rewiring it in so you could use audio from reason in to Ableton you could then use Ableton effect units on the sound that was being generated by reason.
So, this was kind of cool because I had been using reason as a tool to learn the basics of sound design. Through reason I learnt what a synthesizer was what a sequencer was and I really starting to get to grips with it. So, it was cool to take that knowledge that I had learnt and feed the sounds generated using instruments in reason in to Ableton to then be affected.
That was what I did for a little while. I used them both in tandem via rewire. Then I started using more plugins I started acquiring more VSTIs that I would use in favor of reasons in built instruments and then eventually I didn't need use reason at all so started using just Ableton.
Excellent, and what Ableton did you start at?
It was version 5 I think reason was version 4.
So still speaking of DAWs have you ever collaborated with someone that was using a different DAW to you?
Yeah so, I've done a couple, it's funny how you can work in different ways with different people. I don't think anyone collaboration has had the same workflow. The two that come to mind one is Tasso his name is Dean he is a good friend of mine We make music together obscenely quickly.
He was down on the weekend, and he arrived on the Friday and left on Saturday afternoon. In the space of about 24hrs we had managed to draft out the arrangements of two tracks. On Saturday after he left, I finished them off on my own then sent him bits and pieces to get approval on, because by that stage it was just technical polish and stuff.
One of the reasons it's so quick is because I've been making good use of the session view in Ableton. The session view is something I didn't use for a very long time. I only started using it about 2 years ago. So, what I've taken to doing is getting down the main core ideas of the main sections of the track. Then all I need to do after that is transfer it to arrangement view. So, I know what the whole track is going to sound like.
Then what I'll do is take a completed track a reference track and drag it in to Ableton and along with location markers I'll pinpoint where all the various sections start. So, I'm using that as a scaffolding ready for the parts of my own track. So, you can basically have the idea for a track drafted out in just a few hours.
So would you say it's a good idea to get those creative ideas out as efficiently as possible.
Yeah, absolutely if you have Ableton session view is something you should really get to know. There are so many people that use Ableton that don't bother with session view. If you're not using session view, you’re really doing yourself a disservice because the benefits of it are so huge.
It just impossible to measure the extra productivity you get out of drafting your tracks in this way. One of the things that session view enables you to do is perform with your ideas.
So, you will be able to switch on and off different sections. So, if you have a little keyboard, I have an AKAI 25 which is just a little keyboard with a session view clip grid attached to it. I use that to perform and play with the ideas.
Would you say laying out tracks this way like with the playing live that it's easier to come up with variations within your loops?
Completely yeah that is exactly one of the things the session view is good at doing. It good at inspiring you to try different things which you can then use at different sections of your track. I think that's why it's easy in session view to come up with a flow of how your track should go from one section to the next.
And Tasso does he use Ableton?
So, Tasso when we do collaborations it's very much me in the driving seat and he will contribute various sounds and loops and stuff that he has gone away and made in FL Studio. So yeah, he uses FL Studio, and he will send stuff over to me.
Recently I did a collaboration which was the other way around. There is a collaboration on my album which is between myself, and John Dopping and he uses Cubase or logic I can't remember which but it's different because he oversees writing most of the track in the terms of instrumental because it's a vocal track which I'll get to in a moment.
There is a sample of the track it's called razor blade and it's been posted to my YouTube and Facebook. So, if anyone is interested in checking out that they can listen to a sample of the track.
But effectively what we did was he said Hey do you want to do a collaboration for your album? I said yes let’s do that. So, he sent me 3mins of a track which was really a completed idea already, he had a bassline Atmos and percussion he already had the first 3mins of it but he didn't know how to progress it from that.
So, he was bringing me in as a collaborator so I could look at it and go okay maybe let’s go in this direction. But what he did he imported everything as stems and sent over the individual elements and then in Ableton I was creating loops out of the stems he sent. I was then using them in audio to flesh out a arrangement of what he had sent over. There were somethings I replaced like the percussion, but the bassline and the core of the chord progression were all Johns contribution.
So, we decided a little bit later because of John’s background in classic bands and he can play the guitar we wanted to make use of that. And what we were making was quite aggressive so I thought it would be cool if we could get some off his guitar on it. So, I asked him to do some ad libs on the guitar and by that stage we really started to get this psytrance/tech trance / rock crossover going. We were both enjoying this high energy aggressive vibe it had.
I then said he need to go down the rabbit hole on this one and see where it goes. It's then we decided to bring in a session vocalist with a rock background. I wrote the lyrics and the vocal melody. I then recorded it with my own vocal and sent it off to the session vocalist who is a friend of friend his name is Jay.
In the end we were left with this track that was a mix of genres which has become one of my favorite tracks on the album.
Talking of multiple genres, do you think it's important to listen to lots of different genres for inspiration for your own music?
I think it's essential. An interesting fact is, I'm kind of ashamed to say it, but I don't listen to trance very much. It's not because I'm ashamed of the genre not by any stretch. But I use my consumption of music to get ideas.
I'm not a fan of a lot of the trends that are going on in trance now. So, what I'm looking for when I'm listening in my day-to-day listening is things that I can basically trancify them. I can take say a melody sequence or a groove from say techno or a progressive track or a drum and bass track or something and I can then convert that into something that will work with trance. This is a lot of how the music that I create comes about.
I think there are a lot of producers out there who do just listen to the genre their making. And would you agree that it can stifle them and make them more of a cookie cutter producer?
I think it's about having a balance and where you draw your inspiration from. If you spend too much time obsessing over someone else’s work, all your doing is your following in their wake. You’re not really splitting off and taking things in a new direction and that is I think where the real success lay. When your able to create some new by combining existing ideas or coming up with something new entirely and you're able to get good at that this is when you start to see real success. I think to do this you really do need a wide range of inputs or muses and directions.
What do you think of the saying that you should imitate before you innovate?
To be honest I would agree completely. This is what I did, and I would be lying to say that I didn't do that. I used to idolize people like Mark Sherry. I used to be really into the style of tech trance which is effectively hard trance sandwiched between an uplifting breakdown.
But it's something that once I was satisfied that I could imitate it, I thought that I could do a lot more with the knowledge that I had gained. I was then in position with a better technical background that I could move on.
So, I don't have anything against the producers that use it as a steppingstone because it's something that you do. And one of the ways I learnt to learn early on, going back to dance ejay etc., I used to use those games to recreate the trance tracks I liked at the time.
So yeah, from a technical viewpoint this is good but from a creative point you need to innovate you need to add to it and to add to it you need to have more than one source of inspiration.
Okay, so reading through your book creative kicks which can be found via your website and on amazon, you talk about people doing tutorials and looking for certain sounds rather than learning what they're using from a technical aspect.
Would you say that far to often people are looking for a certain sound instead of learning how to make that sound?
Yeah, I think that you must be careful when you're following YouTube tutorials. This is because a lot of them are focused on the result. But you rarely see tutorials teaching you about what something does.
So, for example if you put in serum tutorial, you're likely to find things like how to make a bass in serum or how to make a trance bass or something like that, rather than a complete comprehensive overview of what serum actually is and what it does.
The problem is if you learn how to produce music by focusing on the result then your music will sound like a patchwork of all the different processors that you have pieced together. So, you will pick a bass from one tutorial a lead from another and you will follow all these steps, but you won't understand why you're following the steps. You understand what a compressor does or how it works or how to change the setting in a compressor to achieve a different result.
This limits you because you know how to make sounds, but you don't know how to make new sounds. So, you should be focusing on how to use the tools themselves. You can then know how to use that tool for your own direction.
So, would you say that you're better off instead of doing another brand-new trance lead tutorial that it might be better to purchase a trance bank and reverse engineer the patches?
Yes, and for one reason, the biggest piece of advice I could give to someone who wants to learn how to produce music and to be more creative is the same piece of advice and that is to learn your tools and know how they work and what they do.
Because if you do that you will run in to a lot less frustrations and barriers when you're in a creative mode. What I mean by that is have you ever gone into Ableton live and been really inspired to make a song? But then you put a bassline in you put a kick in you put a lead in but then you get stuck?
And it's because the lead isn't the sound that you want, and you can't figure out how to make it that sound.
Oh yeah 100% it's happened to me plenty of times.
Yes, exactly and it happens to everybody, but if you knew how to get the sound you wanted you wouldn't get stuck. Instead, what would happen is you would flow to the next step and that flow from one step to the next step can be unlimited if you never get stuck.
And the only reason you would get stuck expect for creative blocks which is another thing is because of your technical ability. So, the best thing you can do for your creativity is sit down and really learn 1 or 2 or 3 of the tools that are fundamental to your production.
Okay, great so moving on or back to what you were talking about with vocals, do you write all the lyrics in your tracks?
Yeah, so it's funny I was thinking of this the other day about how a lot of my music is vocal heavy. Which I think has become a bit of a signature for the music I produce.
But I rarely have tracks that feature vocals full on. So, they might have verses and choruses and stuff but that has changed a little bit for the album.
I think I have four tracks on there where the main feature is vocals. All of those were written by myself and in one of them I sing myself.
So normally with a vocal in my tracks I'll write the melody I'll write the lyrics and then I'll do a demo version with my own vocal which then gets sent to a session vocalist. I've had a few collaborations with Emma Chatt like stronger, obelisk and dream eater all of those were wrote by myself she then did the performance and it's the same for the album.
I've got two different vocalist who feature outside of myself one guy is called Justin and the other one as I mentioned before the guy Jay on the track razorblade. I really enjoy writing lyrics but because of the style of music I do, I don't get to do it that often.
Would you ever consider writing vocals of other artists?
Yeah, I've had people approach me and it's something given the time and if somebody was to catch me at the right moment and offer me a project that would be a lot of fun to work on, I would probably be up for doing it.
Because it is something I enjoy doing and often round the house even doing the washing up I'll come up with snippets of melodies, which are completely unusable for the type of music I make but would sound good given the proper stage.
When I was writing the album that was something that I really wanted to indulge in because it's part of my musicality that I don't put across very often.
When you're going around just making up these little melodies do you keep your phone on you to record just in case you come up with something you could use yourself?
Yes, and it happens more often than you would think. The main melody of roots which was a track that I did with Tasso, it's on my album it was also released as a single recently on my label Blacknet.
The main melody of that which comes in on the breakdown and the main drop was a melody that I created while I was doing the washing up. I then sang it into my phone and later when I was finished, I came up stairs into the studio and put it in the track.
Awesome, do you find it easy to transcribe something that you've sung into your phone and then put it into your DAW?
It can be hard sometimes. A little trick that I do is I hum it in to Ableton and then I use melodyne which is auto tuning software. And if you're familiar with melodyne it comes up with a piano roll which gives you a proximation of where you are, the notes that have been sung.
I also sit down with my keyboard and try and do by tone but sometimes the melodies that I come up with are quite complex and can be difficult to find each individual note.
Talking of melodyne, what do you think about all the technology we have these days which can turn someone who may be quite mediocre musically in to sounding however they want using this technology?
I've been making music a long time and I've seen it firsthand. The thing is with music production is the barrier of entry has lowered, with all the technology that's available to us. Laptops have gotten faster and are able to run you know 100 channel projects with relative ease. We have vsts that now have artificial intelligence in them to take care of automating certain tasks.
All these things make it easier to get started in making music and even getting to a professional sounding level technically making music.
But the core element of having that fundamental creativity to make music that is worthwhile listening to is always stayed the same difficulty.
It's just as hard to write a hit song now that it was 15 to 20 years ago you know when DAWS weren't even a thing.
The entry barrier has changed but the dropout rate is much bigger and probably the amount of producers who get to the top is probably still about the same.
You need to that creativity about you. You need to have that streak to really set you out from the crowd and get ahead of the pack.
Would you say with that lower bar of entry into music production there is an over saturation in all genres of music?
Yeah, I think what's happening now in music production and surrounding is we're experiencing a boom within a market.
Not only are people getting into music production which in turn is creating a new market of fresh music producers. They're producing music which in turn is then being released then what's happening is it's having an affect where then general value of the finished product has dramatically lowered.
So, music as a commodity has dramatically devalued as it's far easier to make and is far easier to get access to on sites like Spotify.
Whereas now the market is growing to market products towards music producers, So, you are finding that people like myself and others who having been producing for a while will make more money from teaching other people to producer music then actually selling music themselves.
So, it's having this affect. But it's not necessarily a bad thing. Because of a result of the growing market for new music producers you have companies like Behringer who are developing cheap synths that people can go ahead and purchase and it's because of this new hobbyist of music producer that the price for software and hardware has become so cheap.
So yes, we are saturated, and I think that's obvious but in the same breath we're experiencing a renaissance within music production.
Absolutely and touching on what you said about more established producers marketing products to new producers, do you think some can take that too far? Like charging for feedback and things like that?
I do yeah. But at the same time, I recognize that it's all different approaches isn't it. Like for me I wouldn't charge for feedback or something like that.
But my general rule for helping people is if I need to open Ableton then I'm going to charge for that service, that's the rule that I have send me something and I need to master it or something like that then that's going to be chargeable. But if it's just advice just words then that's not something I'm going to charge for.
My outlook on it is advice is always free but if I need to action something on it for you and to use my musical knowledge to do that technically or creatively then yeah that's going to be a chargeable service.
And yeah, that's fair enough because you need to know your own value and if you were to just give away all your years of experience you would be doing yourself a disservice don't you think?
Yeah, I would agree with that. There is a lot of time, money and energy that gets invested in to becoming successful at music production and getting to a professional level.
Personally, I've always been into this because I enjoy the challenge and I enjoy getting technical with music production.
But I recognize that it's important for me to charge where it's necessary not just for myself but also for the quality of the genre and everyone else. Because money is a way of separating people that mean business and those that don't.
There is a limit to it but generally if someone puts their money where their mouth is it means they're serious about achieving their goals. And it's a good way of filtering out the people that will be good to work with.
submitted by hathawaymusic to tranceproduction [link] [comments]

2021.07.10 02:31 Lateralus06 Publicly Traded Volume vs Dark Pool Volume: Week 28

Publicly Traded Volume vs Dark Pool Volume: Week 28


This is not financial advice. Why are you coming to Reddit for financial advice? That's like trying to short GameStop, a company that I happen to like.
Please also forgive any formatting errors, as I am just a simple, smooth brained ape like you. I'm still building this template for future use, and I prefer Markdown Mode as this allows me to draft in Notepad. The Fancy Pants editor does not like copy/pasta, and I'm an old man who grew up in a pre-2008 MySpace world.


In previous posts, I believe I've been misinterpreting the data. Stockgrid reports numbers in 000s. I now interpret this to mean "1,234,567" is reported as "1,234.567". If you feel that my conclusions are wrong, don't just downvote me, please, please, please take the time to correct me. I do not want to spread misinformation. With that being said, all of my spreadsheets had to be updated. Thank you for being patient while I grow wrinkles.


Public volume data was collected from Fidelity every evening after 00:00 GMT, when After-Hours market closes. Then, I double check in the morning so no major corrections are missed. Any corrections to the graph will be updated with next weeks post.
Dark Pool (DP)teehee Net Short Volume data was collected from Stockgrid. Net Short Volume for the day is updated at 22:00 GMT. I also double check this the next morning to confirm no major corrections are needed. I'm excluding Friday from this double check process to maintain a schedule, and will update as needed on the next Monday.


What's Net Short Volume?
Per Stockgrid:
Net Short Volume is short volume minus buy volume.
...a positive number means that the short volume was higher than the buy volume...


I interpret this to also mean that a negative number means that the DP buy volume was higher than the DP short volume.
There are no examples of negative volume for Week 28. For an example, see Week 27, on 6/30. The report of -71,368 volume means hedgies bought more shares than they shorted.
Personally, this TA tells me how hedgies have misbehaved for the week, and, if tracked long enough, may provide insight into the next days actions.


A positive red bar means hedgies are shorting the shit out of our beloved $GME.
A negative red bar means hedgies are buying shares in dark pools more frequently than they are shorting shares.

The Graphs:

Week 26
Week 27
Week 28


This week was shorter than the laundry list of chores my wife's boyfriend makes me do. Tuesday was very light, I think hedgies were still recovering from their three day ski trip.
Wednesday took a swift downturn in the amount of an $18 drop from $196 to $178 in the first 30 minutes of market open, eventually climbing back to $190. Personally, I see this being reflected in nearly double the amount of volume on the dark pool from the day before. When volume is this low, large movements will cause drastic price changes. Wednesday also saw the Moonjam announcement. GameStop sponsoring an event is SUPER bullish IMHO.
Thursday saw a further price dip in the pre-market, opening at $179, but quickly climbing back to $186, then inching its way to $190 by the end of the day. Much like Bumbles, our Northern Ape descendants, $GME has been bouncing, which could lead to some interesting price action.
Friday was slow, today was the lowest reported public volume this year. The next lowest is May 5th at 1.789M shares. The stonk opened at $190, gradually falling to $186, climbing to $194, and finally settling a dollar over open, $191.
Friday was very much like Tuesday. I believe this is because hedgies need to spend Friday's concentrating on their skiing, and hiding their fraudulent shares in their Morian OTM puts, to dungeons deep and caverns dim. What hedgies still fail to realize is that the Balrog has already begun to awaken.

Week 29 Forecast:

Week 29 has a date many apes have been talking about recently. I don't really pay attention to dates, as much as hedgies kick the can down the road, so too do apes kick their projections down the road to match them.
Apparently, there may be some theoretical stuff that goes down July 14th and also maybe the 16th. However, we all know how hedgies roll. I've set my expectations, and phasers, to Zen. So far, July has been like joining a SpaceX live stream launch way too early. All that's left to do is wait for blast off.
That's it for Week 28, thanks for joining me on your Friday evening! I would deeply appreciate any constructive criticism on this TA, if it can be called that. I'll be back next week, until then, stay stonky!
submitted by Lateralus06 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2021.07.10 02:27 NigelDeUnamuno Travis & Jodi Timeline (Part 2: 2004 - November 11, 2006)

{Palin : Wilmont / OG : Daryl Brewer / If it’s commentary between “[ … ]” : Notes from Websleuths, BLog threads or Me / a lone "J " : 🙂}
In 2004, Deanna learned that her company was relocating its operation to north Phoenix, Arizona. She could either move with them or be out of a job. At the time, Deanna was living with roommates in Huntington Beach, most of whom were either getting married or moving away, or both. On top of that, their lease for the share was up, making it a good time for Deanna to entertain a change. Moving to Arizona sounded kind of cool, and she liked the idea. When she told Travis about it, he also seemed open to the possibility. He told her he had been eager to buy a house somewhere, but real estate in Southern California was just too pricey, so Arizona had promise. The more they spoke, the better the idea sounded. Deanna decided to keep her job with the company, signing up with them for another year. If the job in Phoenix was horrible and she hated it, she could move back home in twelve months.
Travis’s decision to relocate to Arizona was largely based on Deanna’s choice. There was nothing making him stay in California, and he could do his PPL business from wherever he pleased. Once he had made up his mind, he traveled to the area several months ahead of Deanna to look for a property he could purchase. He looked first in Mesa, twenty miles east of Phoenix, because of its large Mormon population. It was home to the massive Mesa Arizona Temple, located on a twenty-acre piece of property on South LeSueur Street. Almost immediately, he found the five-bedroom house on Queensborough Avenue in Mesa. He liked the neighborhood and just about everything about the 4,500-square-foot Spanish-style house. Of course, he didn’t need a house this big, but he thought it would be cost-effective; the more bedrooms, the more roommates he could have to help pay his mortgage. He would still have to contribute, but the amount was pretty much equal to what his roommates would be paying.
When Deanna arrived, she rented an apartment in Phoenix, not far from her new office. That Travis and Deanna were living in different geographical locations meant that they belonged to different wards of the Mormon church and saw different bishops. They still attended the same temple, as there were more wards in the Phoenix area than there were temples.
Typically, a Mormon temple is a big, beautiful sacred building for adults only, except for certain occasions when children can go. There are sacred ordinances performed in the temple, such as baptisms, endowments, and marriages. Worshippers must show a Temple Recommend, similar to an ID card, just to gain entry to an LDS temple. To obtain one, worshippers must first be interviewed by their bishop, who asks if the applicant is living up to the standards of the church and if he or she believes in its principles. Then, a decision is made. Recommends must be renewed every two years to assure church standards are being upheld. Both Deanna and Travis had their Temple Recommends.
In Mesa, Travis joined the local LDS church on Hawes Road, and quickly became a popular member of its YSA, Young Single Adult Ward. To help pay his mortgage, he rented out rooms to church members, friends, and singles looking for a monthly arrangement. It was not long before he had a full house, all young men whose commonality was Pre-Paid Legal and/or Mormonism. At times, when the house was brimming with lots of handsome young men, the UFC fight-watching parties on Wednesday nights were the nights to look forward to. One of Travis’s first housemates was an ambitious young Mormon named Taylor Searle. Taylor had just returned home from a two-year church mission in Japan. He met Travis at a Pre-Paid Legal business briefing held at a local hotel. Travis was dressed in a gold pinstriped suit and was standing in the front of the room greeting people as they arrived.
Travis soon became Taylor’s mentor at PPL, as well as his landlord on Queensborough Avenue. Seven other guys were living at the house when Taylor moved in. He recalled that it was basically like a hotel, with tenants coming and going, some leaving to get married or to move to more permanent housing. Travis had an open-door policy and friends said he never kept the house locked. Deanna had her own key and an open invitation to come by anytime.
Travis and Deanna enjoyed their thriving social scene. For Halloween that year, they attended a party with five other couples, all of whom were married. All the couples dressed up in complementary matching costumes. Travis and Deanna went as Johnny Lingo, a Polynesian trader, and Mahana, his Samoan wife, from the 1969 film Johnny Lingo, produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Travis wore a sarong and let Deanna smother him in self-tanning lotion. At the party, everyone played the Newlywed Game. Deanna and Travis couldn’t believe they had come within two points of winning, even though they were the only ones who were not married. They often laughed about how they had outscored couples who had been together for years. Yet, despite their obvious compatibility, Travis could not fully commit himself to Deanna. Several of his roommates said that he adored her, but he just had reservations. Ironically, the ambivalence Linda had felt regarding Travis a couple of years earlier, Travis now seemed to be experiencing regarding Deanna.
(Exposed: The Secret Life of Jodi Arias by Jane Velez-Mitchell)
MAY, 2005
Together with her boyfriend Darryl, Jodi buys a house in Palm Desert, California (about 100 miles east of LA). The two agree to split all the costs 50/50. At the time they purchase the house -Brewer is living off his savings and seeking employment. Jodi works at California Pizza Kitchen. Jodi’s parents Bill and Sandy ask if they can make the trip down and visit, see Jodi’s new home. Her father Bill Arias recalls Jodi as saying, “Where you going to stay? I don’t want you staying here, snooping through our stuff…”
[Jodi and Brewer purchased a house in 2005 during the US housing bubble/subprime mortgage era. Hard to believe now, but during those times, home buyers only needed $0 or very little down payment and easily got approved on mortgages with ridiculously low (subprime) adjustable interest rates. They didn't need good credit history, job history, no nothing. And they paid only the interest portion of the mortgage for the first few months or a year, until the mortgagees start asking for payment that included principal with newly set higher interest rate. When this time came, most subprime mortgagors had no means to pay higher mortgages and lost their houses to foreclosures.
This is exactly what happened to Jodi and Brewer in 2006. When Brewer asked Jodi to pay her portion, she came back at him with the law of attraction. She did not want to focus on any negativity (ie, having to pay bills). According to DB, he paid for few months by himself but couldn't keep up so in Dec 2006, left the house to foreclose. Jodi lived in it for free during the foreclosure process.]
Nurmi continues, “And did you and Mr. Brewer (Jodi's tapping her fingers on the desk in anticipation of the question) have to put down a, a sizable down payment in order to buy that house?” Jodi pretends to think, but she remembers every detail as it relates to the acquisition of the home in question. She answers, “I think... I can't remember who put money down... but, I think it was one of those... ummm... I think it was, I think it was, (she's uncomfortable, and I know what's coming), umm... 100% financed, interest only, kind of thing.” I hope the jurors realize, especially if there are any of them who have realized significant losses of home equity as a result of housing collapse, that Jodi Arias is not like them. The defense has been dancing around the issue and importance of Jodi's home ownership since Jennifer Willmott's opening statement. Jodi Arias owned nothing, and neither did her foolish, middle aged boyfriend, Darryl Brewer. Actually, I'm recalling something Darryl Brewer said in his post non-mitigation interview. Perhaps he was upset that he had been painted as a skirt chasing, career suiciding, alcoholic who was all dressed up with no place to go on mitigation day, but, he stated, on camera, that Jodi had saved $12,000 for a down payment on their shared home. Jennifer Willmott wants us all to believe that Jodi Arias and Darryl Brewer were victims of the housing collapse that began in 2008 and peaked in 2009.
Nurmi says, “Okay”. That's it. We have been subjected to details that mean nothing. Well, I don't want to move on. I want to hear about this home purchase that Jodi Arias, educated in community college real estate courses, bought and then walked away from. That tells the jury a lot about Jodi Arias. It certainly trumps Crayola crayons, Costa Rica, Denny's, Bobby Juarez, and who bought Marlboro's every day. I suspect we'll be moving along.
The lies are about to continue. Nurmi would like to know what Jodi's financial position was when she purchased the house. She responds, “I was in a pretty solid financial position. I had a lot of money in the bank saved. Well, by a lot, I mean about ten or twelve thousand (it's probably less than $10,000, if it's even close to what she's saying)... ummm... (pause), which I think, at that point in my life, was the most I had saved ever, and ummm, I had very good credit. Darryl had good credit, he had, I think, umm, a Roth IRA that he was also, you know, saving for retirement, so he was investing as well”. Can we talk about the IRA? Did he cash it in? Did he lose it in the collapse? No ask, no tell. Where did the $10 – 12,000 go, if not on a down payment? Lawyer's fees, title searches, inspections? Will Nurmi ask?
No. He's not asking. He wants to know when they closed on the house and moved in. Jodi responds, “I believe it was June, 2005 that we actually... well... (she's directing her own examination now, and she wants to address issues Nurmi never raised)... we were actually going to move to Sacramento, and we were looking around the area there, ummm, so we made an offer on a house in Fair Oaks, which is a city right outside of Sacramento, and, ummm, the owners accepted our offer, and we checked out the house, we really liked it, and ummm, the day after our offer was accepted, ummm, the plan was, we were going to take his son, and keep him full-time (that would mean that Darryl wouldn't be paying child support; rather, he'd be receiving it), and you know, he would visit his mother, in LaQuita (you know, that town that Jodi thinks is in Riverside County), so, ummm, the day after our offer was accepted, she decided that she wanted him to be, to come live with her, and continue the same custody agreement. So, at that point, Sacramento wasn't feasible anymore for Darryl, and I wasn't able to buy a house without him, and, of course I wanted to be with him (of course, Jodi, of course) because we were still together, so ummmm.....”. Oh, thank God. Nurmi realizes that she has decided to add testimony they never agreed to bring up. She, for some reason, wants to answer a simple question that requires nothing more than a month, a day, and a year, with an irrelevant essay about some house they didn't buy. She wants us to know how badly she wanted it. She wants us to know that Darryl's ex-wife screwed her out of her dream home. She wants us to know that Darryl's ex-wife decided to pull the rug out from under them after their offer was accepted. Where is Darryl's ex-wife? I'd love to hear what she has to say, because I have a sneaking suspicion that her version of events would be drastically different than the one Jodi Arias just vomited all over the court room.
(Behind the Words: A Logical and Satirical Guide to the Impossible Defense of Jodi Arias by Kim Anne Whittemore)
Jodi begins work with Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. (now LegalShield). Her boss is a man named Dr. David Hughes. [Other sources say March/April]
APRIL, 2006
Darryl Brewer notices changes in Jodi’s behavior. He says she seems like a different person. Jodi is involved with Mormon church, relationship with Darryl deteriorates. (Darryl Brewer testimony).
MAY, 2006
Jodi gets breast augmentation in La Jolla, California..
JUNE, 2006
“Taking her spirituality more seriously” (as Darryl Brewer puts it), Jodi converts to Mormonism. Mormon men begin showing up for weekly Bible study. Jodi abstains from sex, and insists Darryl Brewer stop using profanity. Jodi & Brewer no longer sleep together, and their relationship fizzles to an end..
AUGUST, 2006
Even though she’s still working with Pre-Paid Legal, Jodi stops paying her share of the household bills.
As Darryl started pondering a return to Northern California, Jodi started looking around for options, which was when she discovered an opportunity called Pre-Paid Legal. Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. (PPL) encouraged individuals who represented them to sell legal insurance to others. The more people you signed up to sell legal insurance, the bigger your take, and the higher you rose in the company’s ranks. To some the corporate structure seemed to look a little like a pyramid. To others it seemed like a fun way to make money while meeting lots of new people. There was a social aspect to PPL that was very attractive to those who got involved. It felt a lot like being part of a club.
From Darryl’s perspective, it all looked like magical thinking. Jodi was thinking positive thoughts but stopped paying her share of the bills. Jodi started putting her half of the mortgage on her credit cards. Instead of getting better, her financial situation was becoming even more precarious. But Jodi appeared to be counting on Pre-Paid Legal to solve it all, and in September 2006 she decided to attend PPL’s Las Vegas convention, where a chance meeting with Travis Alexander would change the rest of her life.
(Exposed: The Secret Life of Jodi Arias by Jane Velez-Mitchell)
Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias meet at a work conference in Las Vegas, Nev (CBSNEWS)
Jodi attends a Prepaid Legal work conference at Las Vegas, Nevada‘s MGM Grand. It’s a professional event, but the general mood is festive; lively people having fun. During a break, Jodi steps outside the main entrance of Rainforest Café. In the distance, she sees her supervisor Dr. David Hughes call out to another man, “Hey Travis! There’s someone I want you to meet..!” She notices her boss is pointing at her! Travis Alexander walks right up to Jodi, extends his hand and introduces himself. There’s immediate chemistry and throughout the next 48 hours, the two spend most of their free time together. Travis is smitten with the 26-year-old beauty, and he is also interested in converting Jodi to the Mormon faith. As the Prepaid Legal work conference comes to an end, the attractive young professionals exchange contact information and promise to stay in touch. With Jodi living in Palm Desert, California – and Travis living nearly 300 miles away in Mesa, Arizona – the two begin long-distance dating via email and phone. They meet each other in various locations between and around their separate home locations.
Cinderella in Las Vegas (Version 1)
The two were in Las Vegas to attend the Pre-Paid Legal Services convention. Travis and Jodi were on opposite ends of the PPL organization. Travis had joined Pre-Paid Legal Services in 2001, when he was about twenty-four, and since then he had parlayed his role in the firm into something well beyond that of a mere salesman, becoming one of PPL’s most sought-after motivational speakers. He was such a successful salesman that by early 2006, he had already become an executive director by achieving at least seventy-five sales in one month, including sales made by those under him. He was now earning close to the hundred-thousand-dollar mark, which was the level at which salespeople were awarded a special ring for executives known as “Ring Earners.” As an executive director at the Vegas convention, Travis had access to all the executive perks, things such as special banquets, front-row seats to popular presentations, and other VIP treatments. The conventions were ways for him to network and to troll the crowd of newcomers for fresh recruits.
By comparison, Jodi was a relative newcomer, who’d only just begun working with PPL a few months earlier, in March 2006. Jodi first heard about the opportunities at Pre-Paid Legal from a stranger who had come into the restaurant where she worked as a waitress. Her job at California Pizza Kitchen in Palm Desert was one of several she was juggling in an attempt to make her monthly bills. She and the stranger got into a casual conversation, so it kind of surprised her when he asked her where she saw herself in five years. He let her know that he was going to retire soon, having made enough money at a company called Pre-Paid Legal Services to do so at a young age. Jodi did not object when he handed her some printed material and a promotional DVD. The DVD sat in her house gathering dust for six months, when one day she came across it while cleaning. She was going to throw it away but decided to watch it first. She popped it into her machine. The message seemed like providence. Here, possibly, was the answer to her mounting problems.
Jodi got so excited about the potential financial windfall that she signed up online and was soon contacted by one of the company’s salespeople, who signed Jodi up as an independent associate. At the time, Jodi had been struggling, working several jobs just to make ends meet, but because PPL’s associates work from home, Jodi didn’t have to give up her other jobs in order to make money. After she signed up with PPL, she heard about the company’s semi-annual convention in September. Apparently it was a great way to pick up tips on how to profit with the multilevel marketing firm, so when September came, Jodi traveled to Las Vegas with her sponsomentor and another Pre-Paid Legal associate to attend her first convention. She had been searching for something financially stable to lock on to and maybe this convention would provide the key. Jodi had just finished lunch and was standing with a group of people near the gorilla bench at the entrance to the Rainforest Café when Travis walked right up to her and introduced himself with an extended hand.
“Hi, I’m Travis,” he greeted her. He was dressed in a dapper business suit and well-polished shoes. His short brown hair was combed back off his face, his features were chiseled, his green eyes were light and cheerful, and his smile was bold.
“Hi, I’m Jodi,” was the response from the beautiful, demure blonde. Her dimples enhanced a smile befitting a model and her voice was soft, but confident.
Though Jodi later claimed there wasn’t really any initial magnetic attraction between the two, what followed led many to believe there must have been a potent spark, a palpable heat, from the get-go. Jodi insisted that, at first, his was just another of the many names she had to remember given the hundreds of people she was meeting that weekend. Still, there was clearly something that drew the two into conversation.
Travis joined Jodi and her friends for a stroll through the casino and before long, the two found themselves wandering away from the group. By the time they had reached the hotel’s lobby, where a larger-than-life gold lion statue sat in a raised pedestal surrounded by fresh flowers, they’d discovered their common interests.
That night, Jodi was out for dinner at a Las Vegas Applebee’s when Travis called the cell phone of one of her friends. He wanted to invite Jodi to be his guest at the executive directors’ banquet, taking place at the MGM that very evening. The upscale dinner was reserved exclusively for the firm’s top performers and their guests. Although Jodi knew that being asked was an honor, she initially turned down the invitation because she didn’t have any “dress up” clothes, and it was starting in an hour. Her friend implored her to reconsider, telling her it would be a good experience and would get her more excited about the company.
Jodi stopped at a Kohl’s department store, where she grabbed a few things off the rack, but she ended up calling Travis back to tell him she had had no luck finding something suitable. Travis was disappointed. He and his friends had been sitting around a table at the hotel waiting to hear from Jodi. Everyone was really excited for him. They knew he really liked her. He had even indicated that Jodi “could be the one.” He described her as “sweet” and “super cool.” He said the two had lots to talk about, and he was hoping she would be able to accompany him to the banquet that night. Everyone knew she was out looking for a dress, so when Travis’s cell phone rang, all eyes were on Travis.
“She can’t find a dress,” he said with a look of disappointment.
“Oh, what size is she?” his friend Sky Hughes asked. Sky was the wife of Travis’s original PPL contact, Chris Hughes. The two were among Travis’s closest friends.
“About your size,” Travis replied.
“Well, if she needs one, I have one upstairs that she can borrow.”
A statuesque brunette, Sky had packed two dresses for the convention, so she offered Travis her black one with the white floral pattern. It wasn’t particularly fancy, but it would fit the bill. Sky gave Travis the key to her room and told him where he could find it. When Jodi returned to the hotel, she met Travis upstairs and changed in the bathroom, while Travis waited. Jodi emerged looking gorgeous that Thursday evening. She was stunning to begin with, and even though the borrowed dress was nothing special, it fit her to a tee.
At the banquet, Travis stood out in a black suit with bold white stripes, a reflection of his extroverted, larger-than-life personality. His outfit was punctuated with a black bow tie, giving him a look that telegraphed confidence. Travis’s colorful suits were well known to his friends, and he always wore them with style and assurance. Before dinner was served, there was a period of time for mingling, and Travis used the opportunity to introduce his group to Jodi.
“Hey, everybody, this is Jodi,” Travis said with a big smile. “Jodi, this is everybody.”
(Exposed: The Secret Life of Jodi Arias by Jane Velez-Mitchell)
Several of Travis’s friends were surprised to see him with a woman this overtly sexy. Jodi was five feet six and a hundred and fifteen pounds, with an almost perfect body, and though nobody knew it then, she’d had breast implant surgery to enhance her cup size. Travis, too, had recently undergone a makeover of sorts. He had long struggled with his weight, and friends say he’d felt frustrated when trying to attract the bombshell women that some of his buddies seemed to wrangle. But he’d been working out furiously and losing weight, bringing out the natural attractiveness of his even features and making him more confident around potentially available women.
This confidence was important because Travis was certainly ready to settle down. With his thirtieth birthday around the bend, he was affectionately considered the “old man” in his Young Singles Adult Ward. He was more eager than most to find a mate and settle down, as his advancing age would soon necessitate him moving to a more age-appropriate group, the Family Ward, where he’d be surrounded by married couples and older singles.
Despite his bachelorhood, Travis was a star at Pre-Paid Legal, and his motivational talks were legendary. He wasn’t speaking at the executive directors’ banquet, but plenty of other people were. Jodi listened to the various speeches, and when the speakers talked about not worrying about money, it spoke to her. People were sharing details of their lifestyles and throwing around numbers. They spoke about how they no longer struggled, no longer worried about money. Instead, they were concerned with things of a higher nature, like how to use their incomes to better society. Travis’s friends who were there that night said that Jodi was socially appropriate, learning about the other people in attendance and asking good questions. She talked about herself, but not to the point of obnoxiousness. Jodi recalled that Travis spoke of his own success with the firm, as if he was hoping to impress her with the possibilities. At some point in the evening, it became clear to Jodi that his interest in her went beyond a professional relationship.
There was definitely a potent chemistry brewing, but Jodi said she didn’t want to start anything romantic because, according to her, she was a “one guy at a time” kind of person, and the timing wasn’t right. She liked Travis and had essentially agreed to be his date at the banquet, but she insisted she could not act on her interest because she had a boyfriend back in Palm Desert. Travis was disappointed, but acted appropriately.
Jodi and Travis spent much of the rest of the five-day conference in each other’s company. The following evening, the two shared a bench in the casino, where they talked into the wee hours of the morning. Jodi said that at one point, Travis leaned in close as if he wanted to kiss her, but when she reminded him of her boyfriend, he restrained himself.
On Sunday, the last day of the conference, the two met for breakfast alone. Afterward, Jodi accompanied Travis to the front desk, where he checked out of the hotel and got in a taxi for the airport. She gave him her telephone number, hoping he would call. He reached out the very next day.
Travis may have thought he was pursuing Jodi. But in reality, Jodi was already pulling the strings. Her history showed she liked to vine-swing by having another man ready to grab on to before she let go of the last. With Travis waiting in the wings, Jodi returned to Palm Desert and her relationship with Darryl, which she knew would not last much longer. For his part, Travis was amazed that this gorgeous stranger was showing interest in him. But Travis had seen just one side of Jodi Arias. Another side, far darker, was soon to emerge.
(Exposed: The Secret Life of Jodi Arias by Jane Velez-Mitchell)
Cinderella in Las Vegas (Version 2)
Jodi and her two traveling companions had just finished dinner at the Rainforest Cafe and were standing outside the restaurant at the MGM Grand. Across the hotel, from a small group of Prepaid Legal associates, a handsome young man in a dark suit emerged. It was Travis Alexander.
“Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone walking toward me, pretty fast-paced,” Jodi recalled. “He stepped right in front of me, and stuck his hand out and introduced himself.”
Travis and Jodi chatted briefly and he explained his position with the company. As the entire group made their way back to the lobby of the hotel, Travis stayed focused on Jodi. Wandering through the labyrinth of slot machines and blackjack tables in the casino, Travis made a point of walking next to Jodi, keeping her engaged in conversation.
After they parted ways, Jodi thought little about the encounter. She had a boyfriend, and Travis was just another Prepaid Legal associate with a name she had to remember. But for Travis, Jodi left a lingering impression.
The next day he called and invited her to the Prepaid Legal Black and Gold Ball, a special event reserved for high-level executives and their guests. Initially, Jodi was hesitant. It was a black-tie affair and she hadn’t packed anything appropriate. She eventually agreed to attend, granted she could find a formal dress. As she searched a local department store for something suitable, Travis called once again.
“I found you a dress,” he said.
Travis had informed Sky Hughes about the pretty girl he wanted to take to the ball. Because Sky was always eager to assist her friend in matters of the heart, she offered to loan an extra dress she had packed for the trip.
“She’s about your size,” Travis told Jodi. “It should fit you.”
Sky provided Travis her hotel room key and Jodi met him outside the Hughes’ room to change. Dressed in the borrowed gown, Jodi looked stunning. She strutted into the ball on Travis’s arm. That night Travis and Jodi talked, laughed, and dined.
For Jodi, the experience was intoxicating.
As part of the banquet, various Prepaid Legal associates gave presentations about their financial success with the company. Jodi began to realize it was a legitimate business opportunity, one that could transform her future.
“It definitely made a big impression on me,” she said. “It stuck out in my mind.”
Throughout the weekend conference, Travis continued to pursue Jodi. During the presentations, he invited her to sit with him in the executive level seating. On Saturday night they went out for dinner.
(Picture Perfect: The Jodi Arias Story by Shanna Hogan)
At first, Jodi was unsure about Travis’s intentions. He was friendly, but not overly flirtatious. But by Saturday night, it became clear that his interests were romantic. She decided she needed to make it clear to him that she had a boyfriend.
Late on Saturday night, she asked to speak to Travis privately, and the she asked to speak to Travis privately, and they took a walk around the hotel.
“I like you,” she told him. “But I’m in a relationship.”
Jodi went on to explain the crumbling status of her and Darryl’s relationship. She said she wanted to get married and have kids, but Darryl did not. “I’m not sure where it’s going, but he is my boyfriend.”
Strolling around the lobby, Travis and Jodi found a bench where they sat and chatted for hours. Throughout the conversation, Travis spoke about Mormon values, including the importance of marriage and children.
At dawn, Travis escorted Jodi to her room. Inside the elevator, he leaned close to her, licked his lips, and stared at her mouth. Just when it seemed he was about to steal a kiss, he withdrew.
“I wish you didn’t have a boyfriend,” he said softly.
When the elevator doors opened, Travis put his arm around Jodi, and walked her back to her hotel room.
The following morning they had brunch together and she escorted him to the lobby, where he checked out and left in a taxi for the airport. At the end of the weekend, Jodi returned to Palm Desert, not knowing if she would ever see Travis again.
When she arrived back home, however, Jodi began to question her relationship with Darryl. Just one chance meeting with Travis had caused her to reevaluate her life.
“Leaving the convention was painful. I knew there was a lot of change on the horizon at that point,” Jodi recalled. “The idea of change was uncomfortable. I really liked Darryl, but I could not continue.”
That realization was further solidified the day after the conference when Travis called. Over their subsequent conversations, he encouraged Jodi never to settle for mediocrity.
“The things he said made a big impression on me,” she said. “He made me think about the direction of my whole life, where I stood and where I was going.”
Now in her mid-twenties, Jodi wanted more than anything to get married.
Travis was young, attractive, and financially successful. A future with a man like him was alluring.
Four days after meeting Travis, Jodi sat down with Darryl and explained her recently realized life goals.
“I know we’re not getting married,” she said “But I’d like to have kids someday, and I think I’d like to pursue that goal.”
Meanwhile, Darryl was dealing with his own life change. His ex-wife had remarried and wanted to take his son to Monterey, about a ten-hour drive from Palm Desert. For Darryl, living so far from Jack was not an option. He told Jodi he was looking for a job in Monterey and was making plans to move.
Later, Darryl would say he was unclear that their relationship had ended at that point. But for Jodi, she now considered herself a single woman and had every intention of pursuing a budding romance with Travis Alexander.
(Picture Perfect: The Jodi Arias Story by Shanna Hogan)
Jodi broke up with OG the Thursday after meeting Travis. This is said in the defense's opening statement. Met up with Travis Wed and spent the night at the Hughes that Sat. (
Ehrenburg, AZ - Alice said on the stand Jodi and Travis met up at Starbucks. This is when Jodi gave Travis the BJ in the car. Jodi's own words in the police interview: 21:56
JA: And one time we just met in Ehrenberg when I went to southern California so we could just rent a hotel room and make out the whole weekend, and umm…whatever, but we drove to go see a movie and there was this lady (Jodi crying) standing on the side. He pulled over in his BMW and rolls down his window and says, “Are you hungry?” and she said, “Yeah,” so we turned around and went to the Wendy’s right next to the hotel and he got her this triple decker and the biggie fries or whatever it’s called and the biggest drink they had and gave it to her. (Jodi crying)
OCTOBER 1, 2006
After seeing Jodi’s MySpace page which involves witchcraft, Travis’ friend Jacob Mefford gets a bad feeling and warns Travis that Jodi is really creepy, and to stay away from Jodi.
OCTOBER 6, 2006
Jodi babysat Travis' dog and she meet Deanne at Travis' house.
OCTOBER 15, 2006
Travis purchases the book 1,000 Places To See Before You Die. Using this book as a guide, the young couple spend the next few months traveling to, or meeting up at, various romantic vacation spots; including such places as Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, the Albuquerque Balloon Races, Carlsbad Canyon, and Disneyland.
Right before Thanksgiving, Jodi says on the stand (her 2nd day) that Travis came over to the house Jodi shared with OG. The pug fell in the swimming pool, Travis saved it, took a shower, then they had oral sex.
NOVEMBER 1, 2006
In Palm Desert, California – Jodi Arias stops paying her share of the mortgage. This is when Darryl said on the stand that Jodi started to change.
Jodi and Brewer purchased a house in 2005 during the US housing bubble/subprime mortgage era. Hard to believe now, but during those times, home buyers only needed $0 or very little down payment and easily got approved on mortgages with ridiculously low (subprime) adjustable interest rates. They didn't need good credit history, job history, no nothing. And they paid only the interest portion of the mortgage for the first few months or a year, until the mortgagees start asking for payment that included principal with newly set higher interest rate. When this time came, most subprime mortgagors had no means to pay higher mortgages and lost their houses to foreclosures.
This is exactly what happened to Jodi and Brewer in 2006. When Brewer asked Jodi to pay her portion, she came back at him with the law of attraction. She did not want to focus on any negativity (ie, having to pay bills). According to DB, he paid for few months by himself but couldn't keep up so in Dec 2006, left the house to foreclose. Jodi lived in it for free during the foreclosure process.
NOVEMBER 6, 2006
Jodi said on the stand that she had a DR's appt in Pasadena. She met up with Abe. Later that same day, she met up with John Dixson for a date. They hugged and watched movies (Jodi said this on her 2nd day on the stand)
NOVEMBER 11, 2006
Travis sent Jodi pictures of his dong. (or so she says).
NOVEMBER 11, 2006
Nurmi got me on the edge of my chair with this line of questioning. The fireworks continue as he asks, “And this Super Saturday event that you met this particular individual, when did this take place?”. Jodi responds, “It would have been the same date as the photographs, so November 11, 2006”. Is she casually inserting a reference to the radioactive penis pics that she could barely touch, let alone look at, when Nurmi was tossing them around? Now, the words, “the photographs” just roll off her tongue as if she were speaking about normal pictures, the type that are suitable for framing? Why does she want the jury to recall that she was sexting one boyfriend while simultaneously flirting with another? How can this help her?
Nurmi asks, “And did this individual ask you out on November 11, 2006?'. Jodi answers, “Yes, but nothing confirmed or concrete – just threw it out there and I said okay, maybe, sure, you know?”. Nurmi asks, “Did you feel like it would have been, at that point in time, considering your relationship with Mr. Alexander, that it would have been inappropriate to date this individual?” Jodi answers, “Not just to date, I wouldn't have considered it inappropriate, umm...I would not have, if it was just a date”.
I am now beginning to wonder if Nurmi and Willmott have thought this storyline through. In the twisted mind of Jodi Arias, all of this might make perfect sense, but to the normal mind, it's quite illogical. For example, Jodi has already told the jury that she was having oral and anal sex with Travis, a man with whom she did not have a dating relationship. In fact, he refused to date her, or even take her to a nice restaurant and pay the bill. The closest they got to having an actual date was when he took her to the movies and two cheap restaurants during a weekend hotel tryst (I don't count the PPL banquet as a date). However, Jodi sees nothing inappropriate about going on an actual date with another man while everyone knows that she is desperate to attach herself to Travis. Does she not realize that people could reasonably assume that a woman who will engage in multiple sex acts with a man who will not date her is very likely to do that and more when she is going out with a man who is actually willing to take her on a date? I do not understand her morality or her logic.
(Behind the Words: A Logical & Satirical Guide to the Impossible Defense of Jodi Arias by Kim Anne Whittemore)
submitted by NigelDeUnamuno to TravisAndJodi [link] [comments]

2021.04.30 13:32 iplaythelaptop Why Every Musician Needs an Email List — Even in 2021

It seems pretty intuitive to think email lists are boring or even archaic, but in today’s constantly shifting tech environment, they’re one of the most reliable ways to reach fans with new music, share information about what you’re doing musically, and news about your upcoming projects.
Here are a few reasons why email lists aren’t only great, but absolutely crucial for an artist if you want to grow at a steady pace— and ensure that your growth stays.

Email is the BEST way to sell music and merch

Let’s switch sides for a moment. When you add your name to somebody’s email list, it usually means that you’re really interested in what they have to say. It signifies your trust in them and your interest in what they’re offering.
That’s the kind of people who are going to subscribe to your email list.
When somebody is trusting you enough to give you something which gives you the power to contact them every single day—their email address—which means they really do want to hear what you have to say. And if they really want to hear what you have to say, chances are good that sooner or later, they’ll want to buy something you have to sell.
Besides, no other platform provides that kind of one-on-one connection with your fans. People read emails in the privacy of their inbox. The message is not on a public timeline or newsfeed. They can ask you questions directly with confidence. This helps build trust and connection.


The old social media networking company Myspace recently made headlines for accidentally deleting millions of songs that artists had uploaded to its platform.
Now imagine if this happened today with your content on Instagram or Facebook. Most musicians now promote their work through Instagram and Facebook, however, Myspace’s embarrassing debacle shows just how unreliable social media platforms are, not just for sharing music but also as marketing tools.
Having your own email list makes you not rely on 3rd party sources to show your brand. What if Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram shuts down, should that mean you lose all your content? Or worse, should that mean you lose all your fans?
Having an email list places all your information in your own hands. You get to control what people see and how you build your brand.

Email beats the social media algorithm

Each time you post something on social media, what are the chances that all your fans will see it? Whether it’s a fan taking a break from social media, or the platform you post on intentionally limiting the number of users who see your post, getting your audience to pay attention to what you share online can be rather tricky.
Email marketing enables you to send engaging messages to the most attentive parts of your fanbase by grouping them all together. The amazing thing that you can do with email marketing is segment this list further to key in on specific demographics within your fanbase.
You do not own Facebook, Twitter, or Google. Your social media campaigns and SEO efforts can go to waste when these platforms change their policies. On the other hand, you own your email list, and it's not influenced by the decisions of other businesses.

Email beats social media— period.

You may have heard that Facebook has 1.4 billion and Twitter has 100 million daily active users. What you have may not have heard, is the number of people using Email every day.
Every internet user has at least one email account. A recent research conducted by Radicati found out that there 3.8 billion active email accounts. That’s half the population of Earth.
Email marketing is a phenomenal marketing tool because personal email isn’t going to go out of fashion anytime soon. Everyone from your grandma to the most avid music fans depend on personal email, making it a great way to connect with your fans.
Also, having a blog or website is necessary to your marketing plan because it gives people a place to find you that’s permanent. It doesn’t need to be fancy. In fact, all you really need is one page! Make sure you have a website set up before you get to setting up your email list.

How Do I Get An Email List?

To get started with an email list, you’ll need two things.
  1. A platform to collect the email addresses.
  2. A platform to email those people from (a CRM—Customer Relationship Management).
Bandcamp is an inexpensive way for musicians to collect emails and MailChimp is a great CRM to start with since your first 2000 email addresses are free.
Having said that, make sure your email list is worth being subscribed to. One of the reasons that fans subscribe to a musician’s newsletters is because they hope they’ll get the inside scoop on what’s been up. Everybody likes to feel that they have access to exclusive content. A fan newsletter can be the electronic equivalent of a backstage pass. Make it seem that way!
While social media continues to dominate the focus of online marketing discussions, there is no question that email has, is, and will continue to be the key to success for musicians.
With a strong email list and a proper email marketing strategy, comes long-term success.
submitted by iplaythelaptop to musicmarketing [link] [comments]