Sample email thank you letter hotel

The Disclosure Party

2023.08.13 23:06 MartianMaterial The Disclosure Party

The Party Rules: We don't care about any political stance other than disclosure. If they are pro-disclosure, then we support them. Disclosure is truth. Everything else is just noise. Every letter, every phone call, every email, every conversation with a friend, are all steps forward on the path to disclosure. We appreciate you. Thank you for your service to disclosure. Scranton, PA Based.

2014.03.20 02:25 TakenakaHanbei Twitch Dates Pokemon Writing Team

This is the subreddit for members of the writing team to sit down and discuss certain aspects of development of "Twitch Dates Pokemon" (Working Title) that would fall under writing.

2017.07.10 12:30 mcmgmusic Music Promotion unlimted

A subreddit for music promoters, musicians, music lovers and fans to promote and showcase talented musicians and artists to the rest of the world. If you are looking for a subreddit to promote any genre of music without any restriction, this is the place for you. There's absolutely no rule here except for mutual respect of other promoters. Blog posts about music and musicians are also welcomed. Don't be biased, if it's good, give it an upvote and if it's wack give it a down vote.

2024.05.14 15:21 Sail_Soggy More grain that you'd expect from Delta 100?

More grain that you'd expect from Delta 100?
Hi gang, thanks again for the support :) some more development happening here, used Delta 100 and developed using Bellini Eco 1+3
I'm just wondering if anyone can advise if you would expect these (sample) to be a bit sharper? ignore focus factors, just looking at overall grain really
scanned using 8200i and turned off sharpening - camera used was an Olympus XA (trial run)
i am very new to this so
  1. you can tell me this is fine and to sort out my eyeballs
  2. request extra info if you think these are more grainy than expected
  3. if something is wrong explain what it might be!
I am also aware that i am using this sub A LOT as i figure this all out - if you think i should be using another resource i am happy for suggestions
submitted by Sail_Soggy to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:18 Extra_Ad8811 Is there any hope to clean this dirty shower tub

Is there any hope to clean this dirty shower tub
I screwed up, when I moved into my apartment the tub was already pretty dirty. Instead of cleaning it straight away, I put it off and I've been wearing flipflops in the shower like you do in hotels. Stupidly I was wearing the ones I also wear outside, which rubbed off dirt and grime and made it worse.
I tried using a bleach spray and scrubbing real hard with paper towels which did absolutely nothing. I don't know anything about cleaning products, I hope I'm wrong but I would think if bleach and hard scrubbing can't take off stains then what can?
Could anyone recommend products for me? From youtube videos I might be able to try Barkeepers Friend More, cleanser (?), and the fancy blue scrubbies, but I think they fake the stains because with how easy they scrubbed it off there is no way bleach would not work too. Thanks
submitted by Extra_Ad8811 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:17 Ratings-Command-Ctr There is currently a Ratings Task for [Bengali, Danish, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Slovenian, Swedish ]

Hello Populii Community,
There is currently a Ratings Task for [Bengali, Danish, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Slovenian, Swedish ]. Please engage as soon as you can to make the most out of the available volume.
Next steps: Login into Populii. My Gigs -> Allocated Gigs-> Click on Launch Rating. Login into Datacompute with your Populli email and start working. Please note that any deviation in the Quality or Average handle time will affect the pay rate. When working on this type of task, keep in mind the following: This prompt cannot be rated (e.g., contains PII, a nonsense prompt, a foreign language, or other scenario that makes the responses impossible to assess reliably). If you simply do not think you have critical expertise (eg. coding / mathematics), please skip the task with the reason "Don't know the answer"; do not mark it as not ratable!
Thank you for being part of the Populii community! Thanks, The Ratings Command Center Team at Populii IMPORTANT: Please note this account will not be able to respond to questions so please send those to []( This is the only location in which we’ll be able to address your concerns.
Thank you!
submitted by Ratings-Command-Ctr to OfficialPopulii [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:17 These-Ice2611 I received a proxy instead of a real card on Cardmarket.

Hello all, do any of you have advice? I bought a Secret Lair Ur-Dragon from Cardmarket and I received a proxy. It is easily spottable since the back coloring is way off and the thickness of the lettering in the text also doesn‘t match with the original.
Did any of you have the same problem ? If so what did you do and what has been your experience ?
Thank you in advance for the help, I am pretty angry right now…
submitted by These-Ice2611 to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:16 nifty_caterpillars Man in HOA golf community repeatedly sexually harassing and assaulting clubhouse workers and getting away with it

There is a man in our neighborhood who is repeatedly sexually harasses and assaults golf cart girls and waitresses and continually gets away with it. What can we (neighbors) do legally?
I live with my parents in an HOA community on a golf course. Here is a list of things this man has done (and “consequences” he has received). All girls are in their early 20s.
Stuck money in a golf club waitresses bra. She reported this and nothing was done, so she quit and wrote a ton of our neighbors an email about how she was disappointed no one advocated for her and he didn’t suffer any consequences. We are able to see the email.
Another girl reported him for an unknown reason. He then waited until she was alone in the clubhouse and confronted her. She said he was yelling at her and saying she was full of shit. She quit shortly after and rumor is that she checked herself into a hospital (she had previous abuse in her past).
Said to another waitress “I wonder if you taste as good as you smell” he was suspended for this comment for 3 months.
Said to another girl when asking her name “how about I call you Princess”
This last girl was a waitress at our clubhouse and he walked up to her and put his hand on her back and slid it down to her butt and rubbed her butt. She immediately walked away and told her coworkers and filed a report that night. Apparently the people who own the company questioned him and two coworkers and he denied it and her coworkers said they didn’t witness anything. The company told her if she doesn’t make this a thing they would give her more hours so she could quit her other job. She took this opportunity. They also told her that she needs to wait on this man like it never happened.
Each time these events are brought up, he gets a light consequence (short suspension) or just a vocal warning. And he continues to do it. Most of my neighbors and I are fed up. He is disgusting and these are young girls who need these jobs. His wife is supporting him. Now, he is threatening to sue neighbors for defamation of character for talking about these incidents.
My question is: Is there anything legally that we can do as a community to ban him from our community centers? Should/can we consult with a lawyer? Can he actually sue us for spreading the word about his actions?
We were thinking of creating a petition and bringing it up at our next board meeting to show how strongly our community stands against him. The newest girl that he touched on the butt will not go to the police.
Also, these are happening in different time frames, different clubhouses. So these girls don’t know each other and unlucky they would be conspiring against him. It’s always the same man. Thanks for any guidance or help.
submitted by nifty_caterpillars to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:12 Decent-Development47 How to speed up the immigration office to grant me a work permit

I am a 30-year-old female holding a six-month job seeker visa. After I came to Germany, I found a job, but I called the Essen Immigration Office, they said I needed to make an appointment through the email, but I sent a few I sent them emails but got no reply(English and German both were used). I am worried that my visa has expired and I have not received a work permit, so I will be deported.
I'd love to know if anyone has any ideas? Thank you so much!
submitted by Decent-Development47 to germany [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:12 nors4 Finnally got smt, let's hope it is a begining of my career.

This thread has been my comfort zone for a long time. I would come here and read all the posts of people who have been struggling to find a job, just like I did. My personal story is not unique to this thread, where there are probably countless stories like mine. To give some context: I'm an international student (migrant 🥲) in the UK. I have studied here for 5 years at a good university that is part of the Russell Group. I completed both my master's and bachelor's degrees with high 2.1 grades. During my university years, I had a couple of internships and some work experience in a pub. Despite my qualifications and experience, finding a graduate position was incredibly challenging.
I'll be honest, in the beginning, I wasn't really applying for jobs. My daily application rate was low, and my self-esteem suffered as I had no idea how to do it properly. What kept me going was the motivation that if I didn't do it, I would fail to live up to what my parents had provided for me. My go-to tool became a chat GTP for cover letters, tailored CVs, and sometimes interview preparations.
Out of all the interviews I had, 70% led to nothing. I applied to more than 600 jobs during this period, got around 20 interviews, and only 3 led to second/final round interviews. Interestingly, those 3 interviews that led me to the next stage came from "Quick apply" postings, which said "send your CV and Cover letter to this email." I would advise others to pay attention to the "quick apply" posts. The first company that invited me for an in-person interview was great and had interesting people. They even covered my transportation costs. However, they sent me a rejection on Sunday via an automatic reply. This devastated and demotivated me for at least a week. I wished they had sent me a personalized rejection on Monday, especially since they had brought me to the final round. On top of that, in the email, they said they would be happy to provide feedback if I requested it, but when I did request feedback, no one ever got back to me.
Just before that, I directly contacted a company called Prohibition Partners through their info email. They contacted me back and I had an interview with one of the Data Analysts. They seemed happy with me and asked me to do a research project on the Weed market in Canada to see how I can conduct market research. I completed the research and was told they would review it and get back to me, but I was ghosted.
The last interview was nice, and I got it through "Quick apply," where it said to send the CV and Cover letter directly to the recruiter's email address. The phone screening went well, and the interview stage went well too, but unfortunately, they went with a more qualified and experienced candidate.
After half a year, I finally got something - an internship that I received through a cold emailing, and I hope they will give me a returning offer afterward.
How was this whole job search experience? It was fucking horrible. I hated the repetitive workdays and fucking workday website, the same typical questions everywhere, and the re-typing of information from my CV that was already provided in the CV. It felt like they shouldn't ask for a CV if they're just going to ask for the same information again. The whole job market feels insane right now. However, stay strong, there is a chance, but you never know where it's going to come from.
submitted by nors4 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:11 Exotaurus24 20 years old - Roth IRA and Taxable Brokerage Help

Hi everybody,
Long-time lurker here. I'm currently 20 years old, and would like some insight into my portfolio and next steps from here.
I want to follow the Boglehead three-fund principle, although honestly, without the bond portion. I feel I'm too young to need this reduced risk (especially considering I have an emergency cash fund anyway).
My ROTH IRA is maxed out for this year: 80% FSKAX and 20% FTIHX.
I also have an emergency fund (in an HYSA) that covers more than six months of expenses. I'd like to park the rest of my money in a taxable brokerage account (also with Fidelity).
I'm honestly pretty lost here. Right now, I believe I will opt for buying FSKAX and FTIHX (again, lol) and leaving it to grow for a long period, but I just wanted to confirm that this is the most tax-efficient fund to choose. If anyone has any advice or guidance on how to understand the tax efficiency of one fund versus another, I'd also really appreciate such resources (I'm trying and struggling to grasp the concept myself; I feel like I just wrapped my head around an optimal IRA strategy).
Thanks everybody, I appreciate your help in advance! P.S. I'll be back relatively soon; I just received a letter from my summer internship company about the 401K and match they're giving me for the summer, and it seems that's a whole other beast. Cheers!
submitted by Exotaurus24 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:11 Ogskunk-12 Girlfriend left me after 6 months without giving me a real reason. Even after I took her back several times

Where to start. It's going to get long so the people who do read it all fully, I truly appreciate you and thank you for reading my hurt.
I met this girl at work back in December and things were not good from the start. She said she didn't want to be in a relationship cause she had just got out of one 3 months prior to me talking to her. The very 1st day I meet her at work I ended up coming to her house. We didn't do nothing but smoked, drinked. talked and watched Rick and morty, it was awesome and I knew then that I really wanted to pursue this women since I only desired to know her as a person. Things went good after that we talked more and hung out more times. It was building into something.
Move forward a month she starts to get cold feet tells me that she wqsmt ready for a relationship and ended things. Well to my surprise a week later she wanted to work it out and told me that she's never been with a real caring man before and she was scared it was too good too be true and ran away from me and our relationship. We talked about it and I told her to not give up on me cause I would never give up on her. Things went good after that. Until I started to see some changes in her behavior.
A couple months passed and during those months she would hangout with a friend who was a bad influence on her. Her friend always wanted to go out to the club and would put her in some fucked up situations where then she would call me to come fix or just come pick her up. This happened more times then I could remember. One time I was getting shit faced with some buddies and she called me at 2 am to come pick her up since she was too drunk with her friend. It was a 3 hour drive and I went to help her knowing it was a horrible choice due to me being drunk but I loved her and cared about her way too much so the answer was quite easy to go and help her. Another time she was with her same friend and I caught her going live on tiktoc with her friend and she was in bathtub in her bikini with hwr friend and in the mirror I could see another man standing there mid 40s close to 50 without a shirt on asking them if they needed more drink and towels. I commented on the live and she immediately took it down and blocked me. Th3 next day she said she didn't know who that guy was and proceeded to make excuse after excuse. She told me she was sorry and that it won't ever happen again that she wanted to be with me and only me. we dont talk for about a week after this cause i couldnt believe she would do such a thing to me. That was betrayal to me, trying to be sneaky behind my back getting caught then lying to me about it. She came to my house unexpectedly and gave me a letter professing her love and commitment to me something she's never done before. It showed me change and effort, so I took her back (stupid I know but I really wanted her and gave her every chance to change into a better person) a couple weeks if not a month after that incident, she goes to a casino with that same friend. At this point I told her that it wasn't a good idea to keep contact with this friend cause she doesn't care about our relationship and puts her in some fucked up situations all the time. But it was hard for her since this friend was someone she knew since they were 10 it was hard for her to hear my words. So she calls me at 5 am the night she went with the casino with her friend and tells me that she absolutely needs me that she was kidnapped and needed me to come save her. Sp that's what I did. Drove over an hour and 30 min to get to her. She was walking with her friend when I found her and she couldn't remember where she parked her car she said it had to be in the casino parking lot but we couldn't find it. Where was her car? Just a block away from the people who "kidnapped her" at this point I was done. She done lied to me so many times and took advantage of my heart. I told her that after I help her that we are done. She goes to an extreme and says she's going to kill herself and to just drop her off wherever. I lost a friend due to suicide so this one hit at home and I couldn't let her go thru with it, also cause I loved her and still cared for her, of course. We end up taking a trip the day after for 3 days to get away and help her balance her life again. It seemed to work fine. She was so into me and said she wanted to marry me and have kids and start a family. I was excited yet felt it was too much of a rush. So we waited.
Just last month in April she really wanted a kid and by this time things have gotten much better she wasn't hanging out with that bad friend anymore and she would always come over to stay the night or I would go to her place. It was perfect and everything I ever dreamed off to be honest. So we try to have a kid. To complete us and our relationship. She missed her period in the beginning of May and she was pregnant. Something she thought she couldn't become cause she said she tried many times before with her past partners and it never worked. We were both excited. Just last week she told me she wasn't ready for a kid and wanted an abortion. I asked her why since this was the very thing we had hoped for for some time and she simply said it was due to money and not having insurance the bills would be crazy expensive and that she wasnt ready. I supported her decision since we could always have another baby down the line if she wasn't ready then she wasn't ready. I can respect that. A couple days after that she tells me that she doesnt see herself with me and that she doesnt love me anymore. Just out the blue. After everything we have been through. All the times I forgave her and took her back just to be left out in the cold without her giving me a chance to fix whatever the problem may have been. When she told me she didn't love me anymore and that she lost feelings it made me very confused and lost. Why try to have a baby then just a week ago? Why come back to me asking for forgiveness all those times if you were just gonna play me in the end? I asked her these things and she could only say sorry. That's it. That's all I got. I kept asking why how could you do that out of nowhere was it the baby? She just said she lost feelings a long time ago and doesn't love me anymore. Okay then why try to have a baby with me if that was true? why did she make me believe that she was really down for me and committed to me. These answers I'll never know. Since she just tells me sorry and to move on. But real love doesn't work that way. I'm finding it hard to cope with. Last thing she asked me was if I was going to help with the abortion cost. I told her yes cause it was also my responsibility and not just hers. The abortion is the 21st of this month and I dread each day closer to that date.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Ogskunk-12 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:11 internalaudit168 Looking for a Tax Lawyer to help with a CRA dispute / decision

I had changed my 2021 and 2022 returns via REFILE in November 2023 only to change my reported capital losses to business/investment losses because having gone through the test/criteria (a to h), it made more sense to report on the account of income rather than capital and I for these kind of security transactions, I didn't mind being consistent and report on the account of income going forward.
A few weeks ago, the CRA agent who initiated the review in late December denied the gross business income and net business loss (provided all the calculations and walkthroughs and explanations) solely based on the rationale that I didn't trade frequently enough during those two calendar years. For all the other criteria I cited reasons for, it was left out of the decision conveniently.
So I chanced upon a post on on subreddit legaladvicecanada that was on a different legal situation:
"Here is the advice: call or email as many family lawyers as you can. Many of them, maybe even most, will want a consult fee. You will find a handful that will meet with you or discuss your issues over a 30 to 1 hour call for no consult fee. Focus on those. Do not pay a consult fee unless you can afford to throw that kind of money around. You should probably choose a lawyer that has recently embarked on their own and is young."
I live in Ontario and would like to know if the above recommendation makes sense in my situation. To talk to a handful of tax (not family) lawyers over a half-hour no fee consulting and ask about their fee structure and find out their strategy, advice and timelines?
Would be open to any tax lawyer recommendations who are credible, reliable and forthright and likely, have a good track record of winning these CRA cases.
Then I also found out about this Referral Service on that subreddit. Does it make sense to go through this referral service? I feel searching online may leave me with only law offices that have good Search Engine Optimization and I may really not land many of them that could be gold nuggets and could help with my current tax filing situation.
Thank you in advance for any advice/recommendation. Much appreciated.
Law Society Referral Service
submitted by internalaudit168 to cantax [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:04 mustardgoeswithitall Counselling documents UK

Does anybody know what documents\notes a counsellor (in the UK) would add to the work of a patient?
If the patient had homework between sessions, would anything be added to it afterwards?
Edited to add: I'm writing a letter as a ppiece of homework someone has been set by their counsellor. I wanted to put a wee bit of official 'stuff' in front of it to kind of set the scene, if that makes sense.
Thank you!
submitted by mustardgoeswithitall to Writeresearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:03 AethonBooks [Free Audible Codes Available] Keeper of Scarlet Petals, A New Romantasy

[Free Audible Codes Available] Keeper of Scarlet Petals, A New Romantasy
We are excited to announce the release of KEEPER OF SCARLET LETTERS, the first book in a new romantasy series with a strong female lead, heartwarming romance, and cursed magic.
If you're interested in a free listen, please email us at [[](] to request a copy with KEEPER OF SCARLET LETTERS in the subject. Please indicate if you need a US or UK code.
Act fast. First come, first serve. Limited Amount.
submitted by AethonBooks to audible [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:03 Secret-Revenue-1842 What next? Psoriasis? Sinus?

I give up with this nitwit. The posts from the island are just…..vapid? Stupid? Boring? This morning she is shilling gut health!!! Wonder what the hotel will think of that! 🍌, just go back to Ohio, find a nice Chad, Brad and real Dad (thank you Taylor!).
submitted by Secret-Revenue-1842 to annaklootssnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:02 investoroma I want to care less about my work (and more about my other priorities) but my fear of incompetence is holding me back

I feel like I'm in this weird bind. I do scientific work that can also involve a lot of meetings, email, document writing etc. I recognize the years are slipping away and I want to focus on my other priorities but I emotionally chain myself to my desk. My work is okay but not particularly interesting or meaningful and I work in a corporate environment with a lot of red tape.
I know this conflict comes from a fear of being seen as incompetent. I want to care less about my job and focus on my family and hobby interests but I end up thinking about work because I want to do that little extra at work to prepare for meetings or write just a little bit more to not be seen as incompetent. I get nervous if I havent dotted all my i's and crossed all my t's, so to speak.
Does anyone have any advice on this? How do I shift my time and priorities and get over this incompetence fear?
Thank you.
submitted by investoroma to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:58 HalloIchBinDerTim Simple Question about ANOVA

Hello and thank you!
A question for my master analysis:
The one way ANOVA examines whether at least one group differs from (at least) two other groups:
Which statistical analysis would you have to choose if you want to analyze: group 1 is significantly different from group 2 AND group 3?
My hypothesis (master thesis) would be:
: Modified warnings lead to increased recognition of ChatGPT hallucination than no warnings and simple warnings.
So group 1 is compared with group 2 and group 3!
Or should the hypothesis be split into two hypotheses in such a case? Then it would be a t-test for independent samples two times!
submitted by HalloIchBinDerTim to AskStatistics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:58 ZealousidealOil7913 Geography Website

Hello,i have created a geography school website about geography and i need some viewers, could you please visit my website and replyed to my email your comments. I would be very happy. Thank you.Website
submitted by ZealousidealOil7913 to geography [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:58 Hyrdogen First trip to Ireland -please review the plan

Hello everyone, My wife and I are planning a 6 day trip, please give any advice for improvement to our plan. This will be in late July, so we are prepared for rain or sunny days.
Day 1 - Dublin Malahide castle after airport arrival in morning Walk around Dublin with lunch at brazen head St Patrick’s cathedral Guinness storehouse late afternoon Dinner somewhere near hotel
Day 2 Kilkenny castle Stay in Waterford Open to ideas around Waterford
Day 3 Killarney
Blarney castle Muckross abbey English market area
Day 4 Killarney Leaving day open for ring of Kerry tour on a bus
Day 5 Galway Cliffs of moher walking tour.
Day 6 County Cavan
Day 7 Early flight out
We have a rental car and we like pubs/live music and seeing little shops. Is there anything we should include or exclude from this list?
Thank you everyone.
submitted by Hyrdogen to irishtourism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:57 Quirky_quinnn LBP to Security Bank

Hello, question lang po I transferred money from LBP to Security Bank 20k kaninang 10am, was worried kasi until now no confirmation email from LBP that it was successfully transferred pero nabawas na siya sa account ko. Any help. Thank you so much.
submitted by Quirky_quinnn to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:56 ZealousidealOil7913 Website

Hello,i have created a geography school website about geography and i need some viewers, could you please visit my website and replyed to my email your comments. I would be very happy. Thank you.Website
submitted by ZealousidealOil7913 to GEOCOM [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:51 Affectionate_Run3921 Zurich - Hotel Belvoir

Hello. I’m an American who has never been to Switzerland before but will be attending a meeting in Zurich for a few days in September.
Any suggestions on things I should do and see when I get a few hours of time to myself?
I’ll be staying at the hotel Belvoir, Säumerstrasse 37, 8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland.
Thank you
submitted by Affectionate_Run3921 to Switzerland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:45 lorryghhhh Google cannot verify phone number

Hello! I am trying to create a new Gmail account since I recently got hired for a local agency here in PH. It's a requirement. However, nag try ako mag create ng email but Gmail wont seem to verify any number I provide. Na try nyo ganitong issue? Pa-help pls! I read from forums and this issue has been going on for a while now. Nag try na ako using different browser, device, ISP, the sim cards are new pero still... Please if na-encounter nyo ang ganitong issue, I badly need your advice. Thank you! :)
submitted by lorryghhhh to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:40 sophieornotsophie_ The nastiest trial day I've ever had

I will try to keep this short. The company I work for is going through an acquisition and I am not on permanent contract, so as much as I like it and they seem to like me, I am still looking around. I had an interview with a company close by in a similar position (finance) and being a smaller company the interview was directly with the GM. All was pretty quick and fairly nice so I agreed to go to the office and see what they were actually doing in person, as she said "it will be better to understand the job". I noticed the office was not in the best condition, with piles of documents almost everywhere but I didn't think much of it since the interview was so quick. I show up at 9 as agreed and someone buzzes me in. Right after me, they proceed to buzz in the whole rest of the company as no one is apparently allowed to have the keys of the front door. I sit down next to a guy who tells me just to wait, a person will be with me soon to show me some stuff. 40 minutes pass and I am literally playing on my phone, when he decides me to throw me a letter and ask me what I understand from it since it's in a foreign language - which I speak. I explain it to him and start waiting again. After some 15/20 minutes he asks me to look at an email and do some online research to be able to answer the person.. Mind you, I don't work there and no one explained me anything about the company yet. I spend 1h researching as agreed and he gives a quick look and says "good, I will use this to answer them". Then another lady comes to me with a cordless phone, all covered in grease from someone's face and tells me I need to make a phone call. She explains what I need to request and how and I comply. While talking to the customer she keeps interrupting and asking for further stuff, which I cannot understand as the other person is also still talking. At this point I am already pretty annoyed so I just ignore her and keep talking with the customer till the line cuts. Apparently someone else in the office is making a different call on the same line and "oh yeah it happens with these phones". She then proceeds to pick up an old cell phone with the glass completely shuttered and explains that is the mobile they use. THE GLASS WAS COMING OUT OF THE SCREEN AND YOU COULD FEEL IT. Then she asks another guy to take over and if I tell you he never brushed his teeth ever you have to believe me. The smell was disgusting. He gave me another task and left me alone, but I noticed immediately in the time I agreed to be there I could not finish it so I said: "You guys have the break at 12.30 right? Cause I made plans afterwards as I was just asked to be here in the morning" to which he answers "oh not really, it depends". I completed half of the task and at 12.30 I gave back the paperwork and said I needed to leave. GM comes to me and convinced it went well asks if I will be able to go back another day to see more, maybe for the whole day. Mind you, all of this was not paid as I was under the impression I just had to go see what they do and not actually work. Bonus points: THE OFFICE WAS NASTY. The laptop (yes they use laptops, idk how they don't get blind) was so dirty you could not see some of the letters on the keyboard. The screen had a big green stripe of exploded pixels right in the middle and the plugged mouse was not working so I used the laptop one. THERE WAS NO TRASH BIN, JUST A TRASH PILE IN A CORNER. Someone told me if I needed to use the bathroom I could. I wish I went checking to have a laugh but I didn't have the courage. People, do better. If you are in a high position make sure the office is decent and people have at least the minimum required conditions to do the job or you will forever complain that you can't find someone to hire. NASTY.
submitted by sophieornotsophie_ to antiwork [link] [comments]