Copy and paste games on facebook

I only need two buttons, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

2009.09.13 17:48 Null_State I only need two buttons, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

Go to Lemmy

2014.10.03 23:07 musicaficta Relax your mind

A place to be mesmerized.

2011.08.08 03:10 YourMommasBFF Power to the ̶P̶l̶a̶y̶e̶r̶s̶ P̶r̶o̶f̶i̶t̶s̶ S̶h̶a̶r̶e̶h̶o̶l̶d̶e̶r̶s̶ Expense Reports

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2024.05.14 20:11 Infamous-Print-5 Seamless Prompt Nodes Editor

What if they released a simple prompt workflow designer that allowed developers/users to automatically connect draggable prompt nodes in a simple canvas UI and connect them like input/outputs.
The outputs of prompt nodes would then be passed to the next connected node in the workflow and used as a prompt, along with any user added qualifiers for that node.
It seems like an easily implementable way to improve reasoning capacity for a given task until we get better reasoning, using multiple prompts seamlessly.
The number of times I've had to copy and paste the output of prompts and use it in another prompt. 'Include x information in y paragraph'.
You could also add a regenerate button on each box which regenerates all of the successive nodes one by one if you don't like the result.
submitted by Infamous-Print-5 to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:10 raul9608 I think it's time...

Frontier, what are you waiting for to make a sequel to a game that has sold 2.5 million copies and has been nominated 5 times?
It's incredible that they announce a sequel to JWE and don't say anything about Planet Coaster. The game is completely abandoned. Creations by other users are only published on social networks, but what people really ask for... absolute silence.
submitted by raul9608 to PlanetCoaster [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:08 sweetkatz69 Should i leave?

So my boyfriend had an ex fuck buddy about 3-4 years ago and they haven’t really talked much since then. Now she is a family friend on his side so she does go to like family or friend parties every now and then. He doesn’t like me to go if she is there because he says i will start drama which i haven’t done at any parties but ok i guess. But at the parties he doesn’t talk to her and has blocked her on instagram. Recently though she messaged and added him on Facebook and she asked him why he doesn’t talk to her and etc. he said it’s because she talks to his best friend. Now she says that she hates that she can’t talk to by boyfriend because “he gets hate for it” refereeing to be tripping about them communicating and my boyfriend tells her it’s ok to talk to him because i don’t trip about it as much as i used to…i felt like that wasn’t necessary to tell this woman and I’ve read their messages and nothing suspicious has come about but i feel like just even entertaining this woman is a red flag. He said there’s nothing going on but this was the woman he did have a threesome with when he cheated on me so by nature i have doubts. He tells me that she the ones who messages and etc and she told me herself that she isn’t going anywhere…and was like happy that i wasn’t going to trip on them talking like girl ok..i just don’t think you should be talking to past fuck buddies if you have a girlfriend and he called me insecure for it, should i just ditch the relationship or am i being crazy . He says i can read the messages of them but idk why he would have her blocked on instagram but accept her request on Facebook..that doesn’t even make sense.
submitted by sweetkatz69 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:08 Certain-Witness-2882 My fiancé's family is having some discourse, what can we do?

This might be a little sporatic to read because my mind is all over the place and I have no idea how to really talk about this without giving too much information (because I value my family's privacy), but enough to get the advice I need.
So I have been so lucky to find a family that has accepted me into theirs so easily and without issue. However, there has always been some tension in the room whenever everyone was brought together. My fiancé has told me numerous stories about growing up and how hard it was for him and his siblings at times. I would hear the same stories from the sibs, with the a lot of the same details of how they could recall it (both with and without my fiancé present) so I feel like there's some truth in what happened. I've told everyone in the family that since I wasn't there, I wasn't gonna pass judgement on their past actions, and I've remained doing so for the 5 years I've been with my fiancé.
Things seemed to be going okay for the first few years, we'd all get together on occasion, have some laughs, eat some good food, play games, ect. I was (and still am) a very shy person, so a lot of the time I just sit quietly and have more individualized conversations throught the days/nights we got together.
I think it's now been about one and a half years since the sibs went no contact with my MIL. I understood why they did, and supported them by being a listening ear, and reassuring them that if they felt this was the right thing to do for the mental well-being, then I wasn't going to stop them nor would their brother. 1) because I am going on 3 years no contact with my father, and it has brought me such peace and healing that I want them to have it too. 2) Fiancé did a year of no contact with MIL (before we got together).
Now, my relationship with MIL is great. I love her to bits and pieces. She's always shown me kindness and love every chance she got. I always listen to her relationship ups and downs, what projects she's working on, etc etc and vice versa. She's probably one of my favorite people. There have been times where I felt like I was being guilted for things, but I don't accuse of that happening because of my anxiety (I always think I'm blowing things out of proportion and it's not as big of a deal as I think it is) but I also know I can be a bit of a pushover and people pleaser. However, I have heard her side of the stories too, but they don't quite line up with what the sibs have told me, and they told me that would happen. I know the truth lies in between the stories, but in my gut I feel like I believe the siblings more.
As the months went on with the no contact thing going on, I could see the sibs start healing and being genuinely more happy and relaxed. It was so nice to see that peace I got was happening for them too. A couple times they even talked about if they were ever ready, they might sit down and hash out their feelings with MIL. The opposite was happening for MIL. This no contact year has really tore her down. She wants to know what she did wrong, she stopped doing projects for awhile. Really had some rough relationships that didn't help, and it really breaks my heart. But I don't feel it's my place to tell her why the sibs did it and what they have told me. Fiancé and I have been trying to stay out of being in the middle of this situation, but we're all human and I'm a big believer in not bottling up feelings, so I listen and get myself in the middle because of it.
Then it happened.
Yesterday, MIL made a FB post about spending Mother's day alone for the 2nd year in a row. (Last year our vehicle broke down, This year my fiancé leaves on Sundays and comes back on Fridays for his new job so we forgot that it was mother's day (we have no kids) because we were packing and finishing up yard work. We did stop by before he left but it was only for 10 minutes and still didn't remember it was mother's day. We feel really awful that we forgot) Youngest sib saw it, and made a big rant on his snapchat story that talked about some of the issues he has with MIL. Someone in his friends screenshotted it and sent it to MIL. No idea who, but it's not important.
I had no idea that had happened and had gone over to her house to install the new tv she got for her bedroom before she got home from work. I was finishing it up when I heard her come home earlier than expected and saw that she was very upset about something and asked if she was okay. That's when she showed me the screenshot and broke down crying. Now I'm going to be honest, I was upset and hurt myself that she said she spent it alone all day at first but then thought to myself, She pretty much did, we only stopped for 10 minutes and we didn't even say Happy Mother's Day. So I sat and listened to her like I always do, but I was immensely stressed out so I wasn't doing the best at being engaging in the conversation. I hear the stories again, but this time she says "She'd do it again because all that sib said is called parenting." and I HARD disagree with that sentiment. But she was in such a raw emotional state, I didn't want to ask her "Even if this is the result every time?" because I'm NOT at all a therapist and have no idea what it's like to be the parent in this kind of situation, only the adult child that is trying to heal from childhood trauma.
I want to be there for my family, but at the same time I don't want to be caught in the middle of this anymore. Neither does fiancé. We are looking to start our own life and family together and feel like there's nothing we can do about what's going on anyway. I almost feel like family therapy is what needed, but I don't think there is a chance to get everyone on board with it. Not to make them start talking to each other, but just to get everyone on the same page. Should I look into it anyway? Should I just keep my nose out of this? and if so, how? I really don't want to make anyone more upset than they already are, but I think that is pretty much impossible now.
submitted by Certain-Witness-2882 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:07 PhantomMAG Sony hate trend is funny.

That's how pc/xbox players react to anything related to sony.
Sony releases the Playstation games on steam too after while: Hahaha no more exclusives, bad console, it's not worth it.
Sony doesn't release the games on pc and keep them on ps5 only: you are decreasing your sales, sony really want to kill itself. Pffft First party games suck. I'm not GONNA BUY a Playstation, and they better release it on pc.
They literally want to hate on sony no matter what..... And if someone said "I don't mind sony", they reply with "what a fanboy, go think before becoming a slave..." like bruh....
Hating on sony is a trend that is so funny.
Not like sony give a dam about the internet's opinion, let's be realistic.... They only care about what benefits them $$$.
But sony will always be the black sheep that gets hate, just because the majority of gamers have a pc lol....
Sony can literally offer people loves and kisses, and pc players will refuse them.
Now sony is predicted to sell around 125 million ps5 copies by the year 2027, which is more than the ps3 and the ps4.... Massive success.
But to the majority of people on the internet, it's always gonna be "screw sony" 💀🤨
At the end of the day, what's on the internet mostly stays on the internet. It rarely affects anything in the real world, but i just found it funny that this is how people react on other gaming subreddits...
submitted by PhantomMAG to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:06 Leather_Fortune1276 AITAH for wanting nothing to do with my half sister?

This all happened last summer shortly after my paternal grandmother died, and I’ve just managed to get everything in order for the judgement of internet strangers. I did my best to provide context were I could.
TL;DR: We found out we have a half sister after our grandmother died and after we were done dealing with a variety of family issues. The Half-sister contacted us against the wishes of our dad and late grandmother. Due to a variety of reasons, we made the family decision to have nothing to do with her.
So for context:
My dad emigrated from Mexico to California with his family to look for work. He and my mom were childhood sweethearts but they were not together when he left Mexico for California. This is confirmed by my parents and my uncles.
While in California, my dad met this woman and they messed around a little bit. He says it wasn’t that serious of a relationship. He was young, got drunk often and she was young and pretty. I believe my dad was in his early twenties as was this girl if my math is right. This girl was also a known flirt and slept around a lot. Naturally, she gets pregnant and claims its my dad’s. He doesn’t believe her despite her insisting its his baby so he dips.
(Based on the info from my dad, and what my sister could gather, my dad was the only one with a stable job so we think she was trying to baby trap him. I’m not trying to make excuses, my dad isnt perfect but he’s honest and loves my mom).
My dad’s family, especially his sister, did NOT like this lady at all due to the aforementioned sleeping around so she helps him get to texas. My mom had just emigrated as well and my dad wanted to be with my mom. So he leaves this girl. Baby Momma threatened with child support, or that she would abort the baby if he left which pissed my dad off. When you’re mexican and catholic, threatening an abortion is a no no. So he leaves her, meets back up with my mom, married her, and I come along. We hear nothing of them for a while and its not like the lady couldnt track him down.
Flashforward to a few years. My mom gets a call from BM’s brother where he yells at her and my dad calling him a piece of shit for leaving BM and the baby. My dad ended up taking the phone and said again, the baby isnt his, and that he wants nothing to do with them and to never contact his family again. My mom was then aware of the other girl and she was mad, but again, they weren’t together and my dad was young drunk and stupid. So they push it down, ignore it, move on and forget.
Then my grandmother died. She knew about the other girl and she believes that it is my dad’s. My grandma would travel between our house and my uncles in california where she would meet with the other girl. Everyone on my dad’s side does think she’s his daughter.
Added context that is important.
For my mom, and only my mom, my dad stopped drinking and was sober for almost 23 years. However, in 2020, being surrounded by other alcoholics and being away for days for a job, he started drinking again. My dad helps build houses and would sometimes go all the way to oklahoma Or lousiana for a job. No he didn’t cheat. His coworkers actually teased him because he called my mom so often just to talk to her. I need y’all to understand that my dad loves my mom. He would move mountains for her. He’s not a perfect person, but he was a good dad and husband. Never hit us. Never raised his voice. We destroyed his model car collection that included some expensive pieces as kids. He didn’t ell he saw we were happy and tried to hide the survivors better. He gave my mom everything.
When she found out, they fought so badly it tore them apart. My dad is also stubborn to a fault and believed he could manage it. In the end, it got bad wnough my mom let me. Have a go at him because he was not listening or doing anything. He was also stressed as my sister was in bootcamp and I was getting married. So i think drinking was just easier for him.
I tore into him that day. I cornered him and confronted him for refusing help even though we offered. I told him how much it was hurting mom and when he refused to listen, I threatened to kick him out of my wedding if he didn’t do something about his drinking. He finally did especially after we think all their bad energy attracted an evil entity. I can elaborate if asked but its not relevant. Quit cold turkey again and he and my mom talked about how they would move forward. They began going to church a lot more often, all is good. My dad is doing better emotionally and is trying to make up with my mom. We have a conversation with my mom about being more patien and communicating more.
In all of this, my mom was dealing with liver issues and the stress of all of this was not helping.
Back to the story.
My grandmother died in march of 2023. I meet my cousins through video chat bc they were in Mexico. They video the service and funeral most of which we paid for. My dad bought a beautiful coffin for her, paid for roses and the gravestone. We paid for mariachi because my grandma always wanted mariachi for her funeral. We mourn, we move on.
My halfsister contacts my dad first to try and talk to him. My dad tells her again to leave us be that we want nothing to do with her. My dad’s number is public because thats how he gets jobs. So thats how she contacted him.
So she contacts us.
No one told us about her. She knew about us because my grandma would tell her about us. But we didn’t know about her. Everyone left it up to my dad to lake that decision and he never did.
My sister and I are both contacted by this girl through facebook. The profile is new and I’d almost gotten scammed once so we’re suspicious. We play along, ask for ID, video, proof. Everything. She provides it all. BC we thought she was a scammer, we weren’t exactly nice. So we’re thinking there might be some truth. We call my dad, he denies it. Call my mom, he denies it. I have my sister call him for me again because she’s better about getting things out of him. I call an uncle that Half Sister says knows about her.
Finally, they tell us everything that y’all just read. My sister and I are reeling, but we don’t tell the other three siblings. My mom is upset wanting to know why this girl is bothering us and that she doesn’t want her bothering us. She and my dad fight and my sister and I head to them (we’d moved out). We talk to our siblings separately.
My sister and I decide we don’t want anything to do with her. She is a stranger to us, and our parents are in a good place right now. They deserve peace. Not to mention, she went against the wishes of our grandma and my mom was still dealing with her liver issues. They could not. Handle another big issue right now.
So we gather everyone. Tell my parents that my sister and I want to tell our siblings together as a family and make a decision as a family. We preemptively talked to our siblings and agreed we wanted nothing to do with her.
I would rather not get into too many details. My mom spiraled. We both have anxiety but only one of us (me) sought a therapist. She was convinced my dad would leave her and that we would hate her or turn against her. (She is not a narcissist. She has anxiety shes finally learning to manage it). I removed my mom and brought her outside to breathe while my sister talked with my dad. Both me and my dad struggle to voice what we want to say and so it was becoming a bad cycle with my mom not being fair to him. My sister helps my dad word what he wants to say. But my sister and I get a handle on the situation. When we planned this, we knew we wanted to make sure mom was good. Dad already made his opinion in the matter clear. We just also knew our mom.
My dad reaffirms that he loves my mom, and us and doesn’t want to leave her. He also tells us that its our decision if we want to talk to this girl. My siblings and us all agree that we don’t want anything to do with her. We spend some time talking, winding down, go to ihop and head home.
Where I feel bad for her:
She wanted to meet us and get to know us. My parents had five of us and we are all very close while she was an only child. So I understand where she's coming from and I have a lot of sympathy from her. She knew parts of our extended family and whatever my grandmother told her about us. You see videos online of adoptees or people who were seperated from their parents who want to reconnect with their families and they are hailed for it. Even a scroll through the comment section people praise them for the attempt and villify the family if they reject them. And I understand why she wants to meet us. We're her siblings, but I can't bring myself to.
My parents just got done dealing with my dad's relapse into drinking. My mom had forgiven him and were trying to move past it. My mom could not handle any more stress due to her liver (or maybe it was her kidneys. The doctors said she needed to watch out for her blood pressure). My sister and I knew that this would be an issue and we did our best to deal with it and act as family counselors. My parents aren't perfect, but they're good parents and raised us well and I know they love each other. They recently had a proper wedding ceremony after twenty six years. Our siblings and I are starting to finally give back to them (taking them out to eat, giving them nice gifts, replacing the model cars we destroyed years ago). We would do just about anything to make them happy.
In my eyes, our half sister (if she is blood related) went against my grandmother's wishes and only contacted us AFTER my grandmother had been dead for a few months. And then, after my dad told her not to bother us, she contacted my sister and I. I loved my grandmother. We were devastated when she died so right as we're starting to recover from that, we get with this and it pissed me off.
I understand she wants to get to know us, but I don't want anything to do with her and my siblings (even after talking with them) agreed. We don't know her. We are happy where we are right now and don't want anything that is going to ruin that. She is a stranger that is going to upend the peace that we finally have. And now, a year later, she is all but forgotten to us because to us, she really isn't anything. And its not like she's not doing well for herself. She's works as a nurse and is living her life.
So Reddit, am I the asshole (or are we the assholes) for wanting nothing to do with our half-sister who we never met and didn't know existed?
submitted by Leather_Fortune1276 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:05 TrickSimple4760 Why are Bette & Classy still talking about the same crap? Sounds like 2 narcissists needing attention...

Both Bette & Classy repeat the same story over and over. It literally is EXHAUSTING. Do they not realize if they both just stopped hosting lives talking about one another, the other would eventually give up? Bette having her lives & "speaking her truth" & calling Classy a narcissist, but Bette is a narcissist, too. Or do neither of them know what a narc is? A narc thrives off attention & needs to remain in powecontrol. From what I am seeing, they BOTH won't leave the situation alone, each other alone, digging up the past, rehashing the past, talking crap about one another for all of kingdom come to see, & then play the blame game/"oh I am the victim". Literally, if one or both of them just sat the heck down & stopped hosting half day lives about one another, the situation would pass. They are creating their OWN drama. It's boring. It's narcissistic & both need to take a seat & get off social media. If you don't love one another, don't want each other's attention, stoppppp feeding into it, Bette & Classy. It's like the pot calling the kettle black- 2 narcs, who won't shut up about each other, play the victim & won't move on.
submitted by TrickSimple4760 to LesbianTikTokDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:05 Avtrofwoe Running events/tournaments as a store

Hello Chess!
I own and operate an LGS (local game store focusing on board games and Trading Card games) in my spare time, and am in a relatively small town in South Georgia. I enjoy chess as a hobby, mainly just trying to improve on I have never really been involved in a Chess Community.
About a year ago, we picked up some of the USCF Chess board sets, and tried starting a local Chess club, and it's been going ok for the past year, 5-6 people regularly come out and play games. I want to try and do more with it, I just don't know what.
A little background on me, I played Magic: The Gathering competitively, and am a Judge in the game, so I am familiar with tournament play, rules etc.
But I don't know where I would start if I wanted to run a Chess tournament, or even what kind of events I could host to interest people who have never played the game, or just something to do that's a little different than just laying the boards, pieces, and timers out for people and letting them play for a few hours.
Is there something your local club has done that worked well? IF I wanted to run a tournament, am I able to do that? Is there some certification process to be an arbiter? If anyone can point me in a direction, I would really appreciate it.
We do not monetize the Chess club at all, I am not looking for that, Just trying to see if I can expand our local community/keep the current community engaged.
Thank you!
submitted by Avtrofwoe to chess [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:03 Trev_SP We’ve made some security improvements for our customers 🔒

We’ve made some security improvements for our customers 🔒
At Shakepay, we're always working hard to improve the security measures our customers benefit from when using our app. This work never stops and we're constantly iterating on the products and processes we use internally.
The data incident we had in December of last year that affected a small number of our customers is an opportunity to openly discuss some of this recent work.
Here’s a quick update to share what’s changed.


We announced the integration of passkeys making Shakepay one of the first Canadian financial services companies to support passkeys for all customers.
Passkeys are a more secure form of multi-factor authentication that provide stronger protection against phishing attacks compared to traditional two-factor authentication methods while also allowing for a simpler sign-in experience.

Face authentication to authorize transactions

For certain activities that pose higher risks to customers, like withdrawing large amounts to the blockchain, customers will now be asked for face authentication. We know that a simple 2D selfie won’t provide the highest level of security, so we have implemented 3D face verification software.
Customers will be asked to verify the transaction with a selfie, similar to the selfie asked during onboarding. The flow should be super quick allowing transactions to be approved within seconds.

Anti-phishing codes

At the bottom of all account activity emails, you’ll find a unique anti-phishing code that you can copy and paste into the Shakepay app to verify that this email was truly an authentic communication that came from Shakepay.

Fraud monitoring and alerts

We’ve improved fraud monitoring and alerts.
  • Increased logging and visibility around access to internal accounts by Shakepay team members, including a full review of internal access to systems we rely on
  • Improved volume and behavioural based alerts to detect and prevent suspicious access to customer information
  • Better data loss prevention to track any and all data through its entire lifecycle
  • Enhanced monitoring for suspicious activity related to new devices and geographic considerations

Your role in security

While we’re working hard to do our part, we’re also committed to educating our customers on how to best protect themselves. To keep your account safe, make sure to:
  • Set up two-factor authentication (2FA) using an authenticator app for your account (Bonus points: consider adding a passkey and deleting your password altogether)
  • Only sign in to your account through our official app or website
  • Be careful with suspicious links asking for your sign-in details
  • Use the in-app chat to talk to someone from our team
  • Use anti-phishing codes to verify that communications regarding your activity in your account are really coming from us
Remember: As of now, we don’t offer direct customer support by phone. This means a member of our team won’t call you directly to walk you through different steps or request a money transfer.
If this were to change, you would be notified immediately, with step-by-step instructions on how to make sure you’re talking to a member of our team.

Looking ahead

2024 is already shaping up to be a great year, and we’ll continue to improve Shakepay to provide industry-leading trust and security to our customers.
submitted by Trev_SP to shakepay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:03 okcthunder2023 Best 75-77 inch TV at Costco

Hey all,
My wife finally agreed to upgrade our TV. We currently have a 65 inch Vizio. Originally I got the P65-C1, which failed on me and Square Trade replaced with a P series TV in 2020. I’ve had numerous issues with Vizio and I’m ready to move on. I plan on getting the TV at Costco cause I have a large gift card. My budget is 2K.
I am leaning towards a C3 because we mainly watch movies and TV shows at night and I do light gaming. Our living room can get decent light during the day, but we hardly watch TV during the day. It’s not until late afternoon early evening. I do watch a fair amount of sports, but mostly streaming services on an Apple TV 4K . I have an antenna plugged into a Tablo, which I stream to. I do worry about the brightness levels, but watching TV during the day is not as common for us. I was also leaning towards an X93L, but they seem to be out of stock now. I also am considering an S90C, but I am weary of Samsung appliances and TVs (bad experience with a fridge and dishwasher in the past). Any recommendations or different model I should look at?
submitted by okcthunder2023 to 4kTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:02 LaCremerie Out of touch!

The current management is clearly out of touch, repeatedly deploying the same failed strategies and expecting different results. They continue to spend tens of thousands of dollars on marketing campaigns that evidently fail to attract new customers, as reflected in their recent revenue and order numbers.
Over the past few days, I've been observing some of the social media marketing that has appeared in my news feed. One particularly interesting example involves a campaign about socks, where someone asks random questions to two people, and whoever gets five correct answers wins a free pair of socks. This campaign has garnered hundreds of thousands of views.
We could adopt a similar strategy by visiting university, college campuses, concerts, public events, etc and asking random health, wellness, or science-related questions to strangers. Participants would receive free cash or products for their participation. This approach would generate significantly more views at a fraction of the cost of our current campaigns. Additionally, a portion of these viewers could potentially become customers and even investors. Also, once people start to click on these videos, we can fine-tune out social media marketing ads, to target them.
Although I couldn't find the exact sock video, I found a similar one that managed to generate 1.5 million views. Check it out below:
submitted by LaCremerie to Lifeist [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:02 jzazre9119 24.05 and PHP (Ubuntu)

I wanted to add my own interesting experience here for anyone on Ubuntu 22.04 running Bookstack v24.02.3 and Nginx.
The latest Bookstack v24.05 requires PHP 8.1 or higher. FYI, stock 22.04 has PHP v8.1.x, so you should be OK.
I thought - why not upgrade the Ubuntu distribution to 24.04 (latest at time of this writing) in order to get PHP 8.3 and hedge against future releases? I've been able to do Ubuntu in-place upgrades for the last one or two releases without issue. We are on hypervisors so snapshotting and attempting upgrades has very little risk.
My initial installation of Ubuntu basically stock wizard-click - not much attention to partitioning because everything is running on a SAN / virtual machine. So the /boot partition was the abysmally small 450MB or so default, and the rest of everything is on an LVM2 partition which can be easily managed in various ways.
As it turns out, you have to first upgrade to 23.x and then to 24.04 beacuse the normal release cadence doesn't get exposed until August 2024 when they release 24.04.1. The upgrade stopped short because there wasn't enough room on the /boot partition to support this process. Running apt autoremove didn't come anywhere close to solving the problem.
And thus began my hours long trail of tears attempting to expand the /boot drive. Never did I imagine how difficult this would be to do, and I sorely wish I had paid more attention to partitioning it properly in the first place, or (despite 'best practices') putting the /boot in the LVM parition.
Let's just say you'll need Kubuntu mountable .iso, and a carefully curated series of steps to do it properly. Here are my steps in general; you still need to know what you're doing, this is not a point click manual. Try at your own risk, this is just a hope it could save people time.


How to

This was performed on 22.04.x LTS.
Before starting, know the boot partition format (ext2, ext4, etc.) and its size. It should hopefully be easily recognizable by its very small size. You can get this by simply Do: "df -h"
It's going to use the old partition to boot, because we haven't updated the rest yet in the live system. Once the system is back up, do the following:
You will have a partition left that you can't do anything about, or at least that I'm aware of. Considering it's probably 500MB, it's not a worry to me. If you look at it in Kubuntu, it is unallocated space.
submitted by jzazre9119 to BookStack [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:01 Neeeeedles Nav mode is quantum?

My opinions here, all open for discussion.
Cig forced themselves into this imo, should have used power distribution instead of master modes. I like what mm does but hate how arbitrary and fake it feels. That out of the way i have issues with nav mode being a qt bubble.
  1. If we were in qt bubble collisions with other objects would not work the same
  2. If were in a qt bubble then why use engines and thrusters to do everything?
  3. Why does our character nearly faceplant on the windshield?
  4. Are you trying to tell me that without a quantum bubble our ships cant even go past about 500m/s? Im again gonna mention that starship irl went above 7000m/s and that any fighter jest is faster. I know its a game and i like the slower fights but this feels just so forced by master modes.
submitted by Neeeeedles to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:01 DinerLobster95 There’s too much going on this Chapter and I don’t think it’s any benefit to the overall feel and gameplay.

Medallions, island, collabs/mythics, towers, vaults, attachments all at once are just too much I think. Every game feels like the same exact thing where you go for the same things to obtains specific abilities. It’s made this feel like the longest damn season ever and I’m so bored of it.
This stuff all completely overshadows so many other aspects of what made this game so fun. Games used to feel like a journey that required strategy. Now I feel like I just exist on this map and blink and we’re in the top 5 and can’t even remember how I got there.
Idk how to explain it but my individual games and POIs felt memorable before and now it just feels like one big game for the past 5 months.
submitted by DinerLobster95 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:00 a_very_sad_lad Alternatives to dating apps?

I don’t like dating apps for a couple of reasons. Firstly I feel like a lot of the people on there don’t have anything in common with me (don’t share my special interests etc). Of course you’re not going to find someone who’s one for one like you, you need to make compromises and try out their interests too. But it’s just to the point where I have no chemistry with a lot of people on there.
Secondly dating apps are businesses. I’m convinced that they actually don’t want most people to find a partner on there and instead want them to spend as much time using their service as possible. Also the price of their premium services are ridiculous - £30 for one week of bumble?!?! It’s just preying on people’s insecurities.
Thirdly I notice how it effects my own behaviour. If I’m swiping on hundreds of people I start to get very picky about people’s looks. It can get to a point where I’ll swipe left if someone has a slight imperfection, where as if it was someone I just met in real life I’d probably find them attractive. So I feel that it’s just not a healthy way to view people. Of course not getting likes for some time impacts my own self worth as well.
Most of the success I’ve had in the past was actually talking to people on Discord servers or Reddit. I think because there you can just message people instead of waiting for the algorithm to match you with someone. Also people there are more likely to be ND too, like video games and anime etc. The only problem with that is they’re usually long distance, and I just don’t want to do that again.
People have also suggested picking up a hobby and trying to meet people naturally. Unfortunately most of what I do for fun these days is play card games, and every card shop I’ve been to so far only has guys there. Maybe I’d have more luck if I went to something like a language exchange, or went back to Fencing or a different sport like basketball. Could try that once I move back to the city.
submitted by a_very_sad_lad to evilautism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 TiLt_Sin Returning player, Anyone on EU time zone just started out or looking for someone to play with regularly?

I have played a lot of Dofus in the past and enjoyed it a lot, almost got all main achievs/dofuses but had to quit cuz all my friends stopped playing, the game wasn't as fun solo, I tried multi account servers for a little bit but it wasn't the same. currently thinking about rejoining, I’m happy to start fresh on a new server or even a new account, Anyone up for it ?
submitted by TiLt_Sin to Dofus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 ngt500 ScreenConnect Relay service hanging every 6-12 hours (and resolution)

I had posted a reply some days ago in a thread concerning v24.1.6 about an odd issue I was having where the Relay service would hang after 6-12 hours requiring a services shutdown and restart. I'm following up in a new thread since v24 didn't end up having anything to do with the problem. The server is a Windows 2022 Server Core VM running on an Ubuntu KVM host, and the problem began to manifest around the end of March (about a month and a half ago).
The cause ended up being an index corruption in the Session.db SQLite database. I shutdown the ScreenConnect services and copied the Session.db to a working folder on an Ubuntu machine.
Issuing a PRAGMA integrity_check; revealed: row 43392 missing from index SessionEvent_SessionID_ConnectionID
Apparently even that minor index corruption was enough to cause the problem. I ran the following commands to repair the database: sqlite3 Session.db ".recover --ignore-freelist --no-rowids" >sessiondb_recovered.sql sqlite3 SessionFixed.db After copying the SessionFixed.db back over to the ScreenConnect server overwriting the original Session.db and restarting the services I haven't had a problem for four days now.
What would have been really helpful is if the ScreenConnect server had much better (or basically any) error logging that could have hinted a database issue. It's a bit frustrating that I didn't see ANY errors show up in the event log related to ScreenConnect. I also have no idea at all what might have caused the corruption because neither this VM or host has had any crashes or power loss (certainly not over the past few months).
Is there any option that would allow for enhanced error logging? Ideally to a separate log file and not the OS event log. I wasn't able to find anything in my extensive search.
submitted by ngt500 to ScreenConnect [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 Erwinblackthorn Review: Tales of the EdgeWorlds Volume 1

Today’s review is for Tales of the EdgeWorlds Volume 1 by Shawn Frost. I was given an ARC copy back in July of 2023, but didn’t finish reading it until recently because I bogged myself down with too many activities, and something this long takes me a while. I will go through the things I liked about it, the things I hated, and wrap it up with a score from 1-10. My scoring system goes through 5 key components, with each one going over the creative aspect and the technical aspect. I will explain that part when we get to scoring later on, so let’s plow on through.
This is a collection, about 266 pages long, and is meant to be the first installment of a comedy series. Shawn runs a Youtube channel where he covers lolcows and does gaming streams, so comedy should come naturally to him. As a volume, this holds 4 short stories, each one holding about 8 chapters, with each story running for about 20k words. Technically, we can say it’s 4 novelettes, but as I explain the situation, you’ll see why they are so long. The plot may seem complex but the main characters go through the same situations: the dimensional merge occurred, between all of our creative properties and C-197, with a group of rambunctious penguins doing mercenary work.
Sadly, it’s not really the Chris-Chan version of a dimensional merge, so we do not see Sonichu or any of that wacky world… yet. It's volume 1, so it's too early to say it's not open to the possibilities. The style runs close to internet memes and those old Newgrounds cartoons, with the focus aimed at action scenes and descriptions of the creative world around their setups. But, as you read through the massive amount of descriptions and banter, you'll realize that very little happens in each story. I would say each one is very simple and with a low reading level needed to get through them, which is a double-edged sword in this case.
I say this because the writing tries too hard to claim a joke was made when it wasn’t really a “ha-ha” joke to begin with. It’s more like “ah… humor is detectable somewhere in these pages” kind of comedy. It relates to the offensive animals of Fritz the Cat, where the comedy comes from the absurdity of a setup, rather than a punchline that is found. Unfortunately, because the satire is absent and it focuses too much on the premise, the result becomes more like my favorite episode of Heil Honey I’m Home, minus Hitler and his annoying neighbors. The banter bogs down the pacing, turning each chapter into a short, yet overly long, sample of a scene, chained together by constantly shifting points of view.
Thankfully, this simple way of approaching a story allows a casual reader to speed on by. Things are easy to follow and characters are easy to remember. The main cast of Edgy, Jeff, Todd, and Hylus are separated by their brand of chaotic addictions. Addiction to drugs, addiction to hentai, addiction to video games, addiction to murder; all greatly expressed in what are meant to be running gags that resemble a sitcom cast. The ship they travel around in, from job to job, can easily be imagined as a "That '70s Show basement" version of the ship in The Orville, as each story goes to different planets where they meet different aliens.
There is enough in each story to understand what is going on, with the stories more as an exploration of lore than an exploration of character or theme. The lack of focus, as well as the indifferent prose, harms the way each tale is told. I would never say these are bad ideas or bad concepts, just bad ways to get them across. High concept, low composition. I would say the main value is from the promise of more to come than what is presented in the pages.
Time for the rating, which will be given between 0-2. 1 point goes to the technical aspect and 1 point goes to the creative side of things. Flaws within a point will reduce it into smaller decimals, but a single aspect is not able to entirely kill a story on its own. If it’s all technical or all creative, a story will be treated as mediocre. Even if I like something, it is still possible to get a 5/10, meaning it’s not suitable for the average reader who is more accepting of a 7 or an 8.
Plot: 1.5 Things happen and people go places in the form of a violent travelog. The pacing bogs down the destination with tourist traps.
Characters: 1.5 The characters play their roles well, even though their roles don’t play well with the plot. Their banter and quirks fall flat in parts.
Prose: 1 With clear points between A and B, wet and sloppy ideas are delivered dry and brittle. With each paragraph shoving lore down the reader’s throat, it can become death by a thousand detours.
Theme: 1 There is a great message about how chaos and anarchy transforms people into primitive animals. Unfortunately, the author couldn’t find it in the infinite vastness of subspace.
Setting : 2 It is a world you want to know more about and look forward to the next bit of info. Creative, exotic, to the proper point of chaotic, yet still comprehensible. Everything about this book is in the setting.
Final verdict: 7/10
The book is niche, it takes a while to heat up, and even then it’s as appealing as a mystery flavor hot pocket. If you’re into absurdity, you will enjoy it. I just wish the absurdity had some life behind it. There is room for expansion and I hope that opportunity is taken.
submitted by Erwinblackthorn to TDLH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 Stock-Pomegranate181 Won in Twitch Drops, wasting an hour of my life, accounts hooked up before clicked my drop, told watch another hour, on main page no beta download. To those twitch streamers got money for promoting this. Site policy said wait 24 hours, not work? Day 1 Launch Looks Like MassHacks. Nvidia fix inside🔥

My Story, below covers account activation after winning and a nvidia fix and I implore everyone to write there problem below as one hot thread with drama make change happpen quicker than anything. so we raise mass awareness to the issue and Developers are either forced to fix it or Day 1 Launch Game Tanks.

Won in Twitch Drops, wasting an hour of my life, had all accounts hooked up before clicked my drop, brought to a page telling me to watch another hour, and on main page no beta download. To those twitch streamers that got views n money for promoting this. Fix this or
Day 1 will be mass-cheats Day 1. Their own on site policy reads
"The Non-Steam Key, like the Steam keys, serves as a voucher for beta
access eligibility. Please note that keys obtained from Twitch Drops
cannot be activated by the user. Once you obtain a Steam or Non-Steam
key from the Twitch Drops event, your linked Level Infinite Pass account
will be activated automatically within one business day. No further
action is required on your part; simply be patient and wait for us to
grant your beta access."

Someone who is not me can easily recode an older version of Unreal 4, and why the hell yous wrapped your mobile port into Unreal 4 instead of 5? Faking the amount of accounts to be in the beta. Day 1 and the playerbase is gonna be rageful rants about people 360 spinning, headshotting and pre-aiming through walls.
Diplomacy for the keys is over as of now, waited 24 hours exactly - but if that fails the public can decide. Also your banned new cards etc is because its a mobile port still in its base-code, ported to Unreal 4 which will already have conflicts with newer graphics cards past its era, but they probably expect Nvidia to retrofit their little high advertised but poorly executed marketed F2P title.
FIXING FPS DROPS, STUTTERING ETC THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE UNLESS NVIDIA RETRO PATCH A GAME THATS FREE 2 PLAY UNLIKELY, ESPECIALLY ONE THATS ARCHITECTURE IS BASED IN MOBILE SOFTWARE AND THEN A WRAPPER IS USED TO RUN IT THROUGH UNREAL 4 - a cheap way of porting. My only clue for using Unreal 4 is maybe theyd have to pay royalties to Unreal 5. But combine the OG mobile architecture + UE some new cards will conflict with old tech, below is my solution:
It's this or by their own site I've screenshots for all this - they lied, community needs to stand together on this cause its bullpoop 🔥
Nvidia Fixs & Mouse Poll Rate:
Stuttering Fix for Nvidia cards
Win + R
Paste the following: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache
Delete everything in the folder or sort by date and only delete the ones after the game was installed & ake your polling rate on your mouse 1000hz
It's still gonna be janky on the newer cards running on an old UE4 engine. Its cause they ported a mobile game which clearly is still fundmentally running mobile graphic software, and got retrofitted with Unreal 4 (NOT 5 FOR NO REASON AS A WRAPPER ON THE GAME WOULD OF SOLVED IT FOR EVERYONE)
So the newer cards dont run well with a combination of mobile port into Unreal 4. They need nvidia to be bothered to patch the new cards to word with UE40.

Everyone post your own description of events and raise awareness, this is bullsh!t Larry!

submitted by Stock-Pomegranate181 to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:56 Jordan_Jay Embark Needs To Improve Their Customer Support System

Embark Needs To Improve Their Customer Support System
For context: I have been playing this game since start of season 1, me and my friend only play casual and only played ranked for the circuit challenge. I don't take this game serious in anyway and like most of us it is just something do with friends to unwind after work etc.
I was playing with my friend one night and the following day I was unable to launch my game, did some basic troubleshooting and had to open a ticket with Embark support.
What I am going to show you is the problem, and from what I have seen going down this rabbit hole I am not the only one who has had this experience. There is no way to get in contact with a real person to help you with your issues. I have tired to reach out in the discord only to have CM tell me to open a ticket.
I have been told by some people that these are real people responding to me in the tickets but I have seen other post with the same copy and paste responses.
At this point I dont think I will ever get to play on my account again which is a shame because I really like this game and what it was doing, and starting over when I have already put time and money into the game is not something I want to do.
This is my last attempt at trying to get some kind of answers and hopefully get the current system improved upon so other like me do not have to be left in the dark, do what you will with the information below.
submitted by Jordan_Jay to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:56 ThousandHandsOfGold Finally! My Struggle Story to collect Gundam PSX for my collection

Finally! My Struggle Story to collect Gundam PSX for my collection
It was so hard to find this game in collector's condition. I was looking for it in German language and searched for it for months. Really, no one sold it complete; only incomplete parts. Sometimes, the instructions were so hard to find. But finally, I got Gundam Battle Assault 1 completely from a saleswoman on a trading platform. I had bought Gundam Battle Assault 1 before, but the condition was not so nice. So now I have two copies of them :D. Afterwards, I bought Gundam Battle Assault 2 on eBay, which was marked as "very good," but after I received it, I saw the instructions were really broken. I got my money back from eBay and got the game for free xD. If I can only somehow get to the instructions of Battle Assault 2, I would be thankful asf 😂 Such a beautiful game cover.
submitted by ThousandHandsOfGold to psx [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:54 Just-Her_Intentions AITA For avoiding my husband's SIL

Okay, so this is going to be a long one. I (31F) have been married to my husband (32M) for 13 years, going on 14 years. We married young. I was 17, and he was 19. (Yes, I know that's crazy young) My husband, i will call him (" hubs " in this post) has 2 brothers. I will refer to his brothers as ( "John" and "zack"). Hubs is the oldest of the three boys. Zack is the second oldest brother (26 M), and John is the youngest brother (24M).
For years, I have had issues with zack. He has continually bullied me in the past. I used to have a lazy eye (I've had surgery to correct it), and he would make fun of it. Asking me which eye i was looking at him with. I have 3 kids, and before I started working again, he made a recommendation to me while having him as a guest at my home.. the recommendation was that I get up and give my chair to my husband so he can sit and relax because he "actually works." As a teen ( he was 17ish), he shoulder checked me (HARD) into a brick wall while I was pregnant with my second daughter. When I was pregnant with my oldest, I lived with my in-laws for a while, and he would make up lies about me to "get his way" with his parents. Stupid lies. Like I was hogging the TV remote, or I was being "mean" to him. Because he is their child and they did not know me well, of course they believed him. Since then, it's been non-stop little things. And jokes that are very distasteful and inappropriate. (No im not a karen these jokes were concerning sex or race and he would say them around my young children) (they are no longer allowed around zack without me or hubs present due to this issue) These things continued to happen up till about 3 or 4 years ago.
My husband's family has regular family gatherings. For every holiday, and in-between the holidays birthdays. For YEARS, I have continued to go despite me being uncomfortable. I respect Hubs mom and grandmother a lot. I also have a good relationship with them. So, to keep the peace, I just dealt with it. That is until my 30th birthday. I then decided that I wouldn't sacrifice my peace on every holiday ect to make someone else happy. So I told my husband's mom that I would only be attending 1 or 2 a year because I no longer wanted to be put in uncomfortable situations.
Zack found out about this. I'm assuming his parents told him. He called and apologized to me. Altho I do forgive him. I don't trust him. So I still don't go much. (Also, zack had been a lot better... untill now)
Rewind a bit..
Now to the SIL Zack got married a few years ago. We will call his now wife "jan" (24F). Jan is 3 months older than the youngest brother John. Despite my distaste for zack, I have tried to keep the peace with Hubs' family. I didn't want to be the cause of family issues. So when I found out about Jan, I had her and zack over. The first time I met Jan, she "scoffed" at me. I joke around with hubs a lot. I call him "baby daddy." We were standing in my kitchen, and I said, "Hey baby, Daddy, can you hand me my drink?" she looks over and scoffs and rolls her eyes at me. Again.. this is our first meeting and we are in MY house. As time passes, she does this quite often. A few years ago, I got breast augmentation, and I was honest about it. I didn't hide it. After three kids and breastfeeding, I wanted to love my body again, and I felt I needed to normalize things like this. (Also, I didn't get them huge.. not that it would matter if I did but for context in 5'4 145 lbs my bottom half is "thicker" so dr said larger implants would "even me out" i got DD's and they do look Portionate) Well I was passing zack and Jan at hubs grandmother's house I over heard them laughing about it. (I don't remember their exact words) Then after that, I found out from other family members that she was going around talking bad about me and my augmentation behind my back.
After that happened, my children went to my mother in laws house. ( zack and Jan moved next door to them), and Jan went to MIL house with her four-wheeler. Then Jan and FIL let my (at the time 11 year old) son get on without an adult with no prior experience and without our knowledge and with no gear. He drove it around the property. I found out about this, and hubs spoke to his parents and let them know that we were not comfortable with that. I called Jan and politely told her that we don't like him on things like that by himself. (My hubs best friend died on something similar when he was 15) and asked that the next time she would call to ask, and maybe we could at least get protective gear for it. She snapped at me and wouldn't let me finish my statement, and with an attitude said "okay I get it, you're the parent," and hung up.
Following this there was also a family wedding that she was very rude at. John got married to a lovely and sweet girl. I will call her lisa. Mine and jans kids were both hin johns and lisas' wedding. So we were in the room with lisa and the bridesmaids. Jan was so rude that the bridesmaids in the wedding noticed. However, Im really close to John and really do see him as my brother. So I kept my mouth shut and held it together because I didn't want to start anything on his wedding day.
Fast forward to now
We recently had a family get-together. I don't go often, as i stated above. But I haven't seen the family in a while (and I am really close to them) so I decided to go. Zack was working, so he wasn't there, but Jan and her two kids were. Lisa and I talked for a while (we are close and get along great!) then I talked to the rest of the family a bit. Jan walked past me and said hi, so to keep things cordial, I smiled andnsaid hi. But that's all I said to her while I was there. When I left, I hugged everyone goodbye (not jan).
A while later, I got a phone call from another family member saying that zack called them ranting about how jan told him i was mean to her. How I didn't hug her goodbye and accusing me of trying to "steal lisa." (Like you can steal a human being 🤦🏻‍♀️) Then zack told this family member that if I continued, he was going to go back to his "old ways."
I'm taken aback by this. I do not want a relationship with zack or Jan because I don't think they are good people. They have both been constant drama and just distasteful. Zack had gotten better, but now this... and still... Why would I want a relationship with them. Or go out of my way to physically hug someone who is hateful to me? Also, i don't even go to most of the family gatherings. How am I trying to steal the other sister in law? Lisa and I hung out outside of the family because we bonded. I even spoke at their wedding. This was already known information. Why would it be weird that I talk to her? I get that jan may feel left out, but in my opinion, you can't make your bed out of rocks and then be upset that it's not comfortable... why should i once again have to make myself uncomfortable to please her? Or them? Jan claims that she just wants a relationship with me (she didn't tell me this. She told another family member)(and this was the same day she and zack call a different family member to rant about how mean i am), but i think she just likes playing games. Because if she did, she wouldn't treat me the way she continues to. (Also, I'm not the only one who notices the way she has treated me) I think she wants to be a victim 🤷🏻‍♀️ Most of the other family members understand my POV. But some think I should "give her a chance," but i do not understand the logic of jan and zack. And i do not have a desire to have any form of a relationship with them.
AITA For not wanting to involve myself with her and her husband? What do I do? If I don't go to any family functions, I'm letting them control me. So I'm definitely not doing that, but what other options are there?
Also, NOTE- My husband hates zack and Jan. He is on my side with this. Also, sorry for any typos. I wanted a biased opinion on this, and I'm about to have to leave for work, so I typed fast 😅
submitted by Just-Her_Intentions to AITAH [link] [comments]