How to ask for layers hair cut


2013.03.16 16:46 ModestSilence HairDye

The HairDye community is devoted to hair dye and dyed hair. Any posts of your dyed hair, or questions relating to dying your hair are welcomed; Anything from Brown to Rainbow. So go ahead, let the world see your gloriously dyed hair!

2011.12.09 16:44 nikiverse Curly Hair

For all natural curlies, coilies, and wavies! All hair is good hair. Find help with your hair, recommendations on products, technique advice... anything to help embrace your texture!

2008.09.23 13:27 /r/hair

Welcome to the /hair community! This community is all about hair and beauty.

2024.05.14 22:20 Sir_Girard [UR] Gus DeLuca: To Rossi's

"That's a load of bull!" Gus burst out, his laughter bouncing off the cozy walls of the small diner.
"Yeah, Tony. That's not how it went down at all," Vinny chimed in, a grin spreading across his face.
Tony leaned back in his chair, swirling the ice in his glass. "Alright, then spill the beans. What really happened?"
Gus shot Tony a playful glare, trying to stifle his laughter. "Come on, Tony, I'm not playing your game."
Tony chuckled, shaking his head. "You're a real character, Gus. Vinny, what's the scoop?"
"We got ourselves another Rossi problem," Vinny sighed.
Gus sat up straight, a frown creasing his forehead. "Rossi again? How much did he stiff us for this time?"
"The whole damn tab," Vinny replied, his expression grim.
Gus slammed his hand on the table. "The whole thing?"
He glanced around the diner, his mind racing. "Tony, get the car ready."
Tony quickly finished his drink and rose from his seat to fetch the car keys.
"Sammy!" Gus called out over his shoulder.
A tall, sharply dressed man hurried over to their table.
"You got a smoke?" Gus asked, his voice calm despite the urgency in his demeanor.
Sammy reached into his pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. With a nod, he offered it to Gus.
Gus took a cigarette, then hesitated before accepting another. "Thanks," he muttered, tucking them into his shirt pocket.
"You're welcome, Gus," Sammy replied before heading back to the counter.
"Can't stand that guy," Gus murmured. "Talks like he's got a screw loose." Despite his annoyance, he chuckled softly, though a sharp pain shot through his side.
"Let's get moving. Tony's waiting," Gus declared, pushing himself up from the table.
As Gus and Vinny exited the diner, they found Tony waiting by the rear driver's door, already open for Gus. Gus climbed into the car while Vinny walked around to the passenger seat.
"Why can't Rossi just pay what he owes?" Gus grumbled, pulling a cigarette from his shirt pocket and placing it between his lips. "I'm not asking for the world."
Gus patted his pockets, searching for a lighter. "Vinny, got a light?"
Vinny reached behind the seat to retrieve a lighter and flicked it, igniting Gus's cigarette.
"Thanks," Gus muttered, taking a few puffs.
"Maybe business is slow for him?" Tony offered as he pulled away from the curb.
"All year?" Gus shot back, disbelief evident in his tone.
Tony fell silent, his focus on navigating the streets.
"I don't want to have to resort to drastic measures," Gus admitted, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "I've always liked Rossi... but he's not leaving me much choice."
"What else can you do?" Vinny asked, his voice tinged with concern.
Gus remained silent, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window, lost in thought.
"Remember Beans?" Gus asked the car, his voice carrying a tinge of nostalgia.
"Beans?" Tony echoed, trying to jog his memory.
"Tall guy, slick hair? Used to run with Sonny's crew back in the day..." Gus prompted, eyes fixed on the road ahead.
"Oh yeah, Beans. I remember him now. What about him?" Tony recalled.
"Beans had a brother named Larry," Gus continued, taking a drag from his cigarette. "Larry owes me twenty grand as of yesterday."
Tony's expression softened. "Oh, I see."
"Anyway, Beans fell off a boat a few years back," Gus added casually, his tone belying the gravity of the situation.
"Oh," Tony murmured, understanding the unspoken implications.
"I heard Little Larry moved out to Minnesota or something after Beans passed," Vinny chimed in from the passenger seat.
"Yeah, he did. But he's making a return trip for his sister's wedding," Gus explained.
"Vicky's getting married?" Tony asked, surprised.
"No, not Vicky. The other one," Gus clarified, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Vinny twisted around in his seat to gauge Gus's expression, realizing he wasn't joking.
"Who's the unlucky groom?" Tony inquired, intrigued.
"Some hotshot lawyer from Manhattan," Gus replied, his tone dripping with disdain.
"When's the wedding?" Vinny inquired, breaking the momentary silence.
"Today," Gus replied tersely.
"We're here," Tony announced, pulling the car to a stop in front of a quaint flower shop.
"What's the plan?" Vinny turned to Gus, anticipation evident in his voice.
"First, we deal with this Rossi mess..." Gus began, only to be interrupted by Tony.
"And what's the plan for that?" Tony interjected, his tone expectant.
Gus paused, considering his words carefully.
"Let's go," Gus declared, swinging the car door open and stepping out onto the street, with Tony and Vinny following suit.
submitted by Sir_Girard to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:20 Soninetz ZoomInfo Free Alternatives: Boost Data, Compliance, Win Deals!

ZoomInfo Free Alternatives: Boost Data, Compliance, Win Deals!
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Useful Links:
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  2. ZoomInfo Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:15 notyourhbb I need to scream but cannot

You know, sometimes life feels like an unending spiral of frustration and heartache. Dating after a divorce? Itā€™s like piecing together a shattered mirror, constantly cutting yourself on the sharp edges of past trauma. Everyone says, "Just get back out there," but how? How do you even start when the weight of your past clings to you, refusing to let go? Flirting feels foreign, like I've forgotten how to speak a language I once knew fluently. And hooking up? Itā€™s not just about the physical actā€”it's the emotional barriers that feel insurmountable.
I put in the effort to look good, to project confidence. But just when I think Iā€™m making headway, life throws another curveball. This week, it was getting laid off. Perfect timing, right? Just another blow to my already fragile self-esteem. It feels like life delights in kicking me when Iā€™m down. I want to rebuild myself, to believe that things will get better, but the weight of it all is so crushing. Itā€™s exhausting.
The loneliness is suffocating. Sometimes, all I crave is someone to hold me, to whisper that itā€™s going to be okay. But even that seems impossible now. Trust? Itā€™s a foreign concept. Every time I start to let someone in, fear grips me, reminding me of past betrayals. Itā€™s a vicious cycle, a never-ending loop of hope and despair that I canā€™t escape.
Is it too much to ask for a moment of respite? Just one moment where I can breathe without feeling the crushing weight of everything going wrong? I need something to go right. Just once. Something to remind me that it wonā€™t always be this hard.
And let me make one thing clear: Iā€™m not saying this for sympathy. I just need to get this off my chest, to scream into the void and hope that maybe, somehow, things will change.

submitted by notyourhbb to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:14 Evening-Condition964 Looking for Guidance

I met my twin flame in August. She had a boyfriend, and was moving to New York with him in December. But as soon as we were in the same room our eyes were locked onto each other, and we magnetized to each other until she ended the romance because she was moving to New York with him and I cut off all contact because I knew I could never be "friends" with the person I wanted spend my life with. So while she was the one that asked me to stop bringing her flowers, poems, and gifts, I am the one that said don't text or contact each other well never speak again. Sometimes I regret saying that but it felt like it was the right thing to say then so oh well.
Now it has been 6 months (we stopped talking in November). I am still just as in love with her now as I was then. I reject every girl that comes into my life because they don't compare (if I found someone who made me feel this way I would date them, but nobody has). It feels like the universe has not brought me a new person, but also not letting me move on. I think about her constantly. Dream about her. I still make gifts for her and dedicate artwork and all of my accomplishments to her. I know what I want.
My question is this. What do I do? I have paid attention to the twin flame journey. I am in therapy. I am focusing on improving myself and healing. I am looking inside and understanding who I am and how I relate to the world. But that doesn't change the fact that she is the girl I love and I want to be with her. I could reach out to her. I don't think I would change her mind (we have been no contact since November 28). She seems to have dived deeper into the 3d to avoid acknowledging the connection we share. So I know better than to think I can change that. But I hate this feeling of no agency, of being powerless and dreaming of a reconnection.
I want to surrender. i read about the people who have and I'm jealous. I've tried to surrender actively and passively. I ground myself in nature and try to reconnect with my inner child. But I feel completely powerless because this need for her almost feels like its happening to me. I fear that I will never move on. I know that I will either move on, she will come back, or I wont move on. I hope that she comes back. Does it make sense to not try to reconnect and just let her be? Does it make sense to never reach out and let her come back to me only? I feel very overwhelmed and like I don't have the tools to ever make sense of what happened to me in the fall.
TLDR: I have been 6 months no contact with my TF, and am considering reaching out just to tell her I still feel the same way. That feels like a lack of self respect. Looking for guidance on how to move forward.
submitted by Evening-Condition964 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:14 Carbon_Sixx A Crawling Chaos (Prelude 1/4) *Moderate Entomophobia Warning: Here There be Bugs!*

A Crawling Chaos (Prelude 1/4) *Moderate Entomophobia Warning: Here There be Bugs!*
As befits their nature, similarities between chaotic beings are vanishingly rare. Asking for consistency from the children of Chaos is like asking for warmth from a glacier- it is simply not possible under ordinary circumstances. Yet there is a common thread between them, if one knows where to look. Chaos is unpredictable, but never truly random. All chaotic creatures value self-determination, and share a desire to alter the status quo to fit their personal vision. The most common expressions of this are in mischief and fiery idealism. But all too often, Chaos manifests as an insatiable hunger to tear down all that is and replace it with something utterly incomprehensible, horrifying, and sometimes more depraved than anything Evil can dream of. While not our greatest enemy, Entropy represents the most blatant opposing force to the Balance.
  • An excerpt from "The Balance and You: A Guide to True Neutrality" by Tarul Var.

Zionyn, 663rd Layer of the Abyss
Usuz lazily droned across the ochre skies of what may have been the most loathsome place in existence. A rancid marsh of putrefying gore stretched for uncounted leagues below him, the manifested legacy of the sins his kind had committed before the first sunrise, and which persisted unabated to this day. Ekolids like Usuz were never known for impulse control- or anything beyond turning any non-demonic lifeforms they met into living incubators for their parasitic young, for that matter. The land teemed with octillions of insects who thrived on the further infestation of the ekolids' discarded victims.
To the staggeringly unlucky mortals who came to Zionyn, the noise and smell alone were truly nauseating, and the realization of where they originated and the implications therein invariably obliterated their sanity. Watching visitors crumble into wailing madness was one of Usuz's favorite pastimes, second only to watching those same visitors explode when the eggs he implanted in them hatched. Their blood fed the innumerable swarms vermin that blotted out Zionyn's sickly sun at regular enough intervals to generate night and day. Truly, this was a paradise of entropy, one that the rest of the planes would get to experience some day.
"As above, so below," Usuz chittered from his three irregularly spaced mouths.
An ekolid demon. (Credit: Isabel Beis)
To his east, the heavy waves of the Resin Sea lapped at a tidal floodplain of translucent brown polymer. The viscous ocean provided building materials for the ekolid hive-cities in the rocky badlands to the north; the demonic equivalent of mortar. The bricks in this analogy were, of course, the corpses of beings the ekolids especially despised. There had been quite a lot of those over the eons. To be an demon of any kind was to be filled with primordial, entropic hatred- for the forces of Law and Good, for the multiverse that looked at them with disgusted contempt, and for everything not of the Abyss that birthed them.
A discordant drone filled Usuz's senses, cutting through the omnipresent hum of the marshlands. In addition to the blasphemous language of the Abyss, every ekolid could produce a distinct tone that they used to communicate across long distances. This "verminsong" also induced psychosis in mortals, who would tear themselves to shreds trying to rid themselves of imaginary insects below their skin. But this droning was far more focused and insistent than any ekolid could muster, which meant it could only come from one being.
Obox-ob was calling to his children.
Usuz wheeled around and flew north at frightening speeds. In a matter of minutes, he had left the decaying marshes and entered the badlands, where the hive-cities sat. This positioning was not out of any desire to avoid the charnel swarm-pits to the south, but rather because the horrid grandeur of Zionyn only became apparent when one could survey the whole layer. Usuz tucked his wings and dived towards the amphitheater in the city of Skitterhome, the largest of the cities and the source of the dark missive. The arena was used primarily for performance hatchings, events where parasitic indulgence met art. Contestants implanted captured creatures with their eggs, and were judged based on the quality of their victims' screams. As he plummeted, he joined a swarm of thousands of ekolids, all headed for the same destination. But it was only as he alighted on the resin-entombed corpse of a long-dead paladin that served as a stadium seat that he could hear his kin buzzing to each other with a mix of excitement and trepidation.
"Obox-ob comes! O, glorious day! The Prince of Vermin calls to us!"
"I wonder what scheme our lord has planned this time. Hope it involves lots of dead mortals."
"Well, if he doesn't rip something into bloody chunks first, I'm not listening to a damn thing!"
Usuz's many eyes watched the yawning pit in the center of the arena intently. Obox-ob, the demon lord of Zionyn and father of the ekolid race, had ordered the construction of Skitterhome's amphitheater right above the entrance to his lair so that he could enjoy the screams of performance hatchings even while he plotted the downfall of order. It was considered a mark of incredible honor for a contestant when he rose from the pit to devour their victim's corpse. And just like all the other times, a hush came over the buzzing crowd when the Prince of Vermin appeared.
Obox-ob was splendid and awful to behold all at once- a massive centipede with far too many razor-sharp legs, who sported a trio of wicked scorpion stingers where his head should be and three faces stacked atop one another at the end of a neck-like tail. His mouth ran vertically up his faces, from which emerged a long tongue tipped with a corkscrew spike. The ancient demon lord's limbs undulated hypnotically as he crawled far faster than should have been possible for a thing of his size.
Obox-ob, Prince of Vermin. (Credit: MichaelJaecks)
The Prince of Vermin surveyed the demonic swarm with satisfaction. Sensing the ekolids' tension, he extended a forelimb over the great pit. From the depths rose a gaunt petitioner; the soul-husk of a mortal who had pledged himself to entropy in life and arrived in the Abyss upon death. The man looked terrified, but also resolute. With a sharp gesture, Obox-ob seized him in a telekinetic grasp and crushed him into ichorous pulp. The swarm erupted in cheers as their lord shaped the chaotic gore into a new, familiar form: a newborn ekolid. The mortal-turned-demon took in its new, insectile form with chirps of relief, bowed before Obox-ob, and fluttered away to join its fellows. Then the demon lord spoke:
"My esteemed offspring," he chittered in a voice that every god of Law had learned to fear, "today is an auspicious day. Not just for Zionyn, nor even our kin throughout the Abyss, but for the scions of Chaos across the multiverse! Cosmic strife and repeated incursions by selfish beings have thinned the veil between the Material Plane and the rest of the multiverse. Should that veil be torn asunder, the realms of mortals shall be laid bare for any with the strength to control them. To the victor go the spoils, and we all know that the forces of Chaos are destined to be the eternal victors!"
"The other planar forces- Law, Good, and Evil- are preparing to claim the Material Plane with armies of their own. But we are not ones to shy away from adversity, are we? Imagine the despair the children of Law will feel when they realize that we have beaten them to the prize! We will swarm over the realms, shattering any who would establish a foothold on what is rightfully ours. In our wake shall come hordes of our brethren to unmake the world in our image! Chaos will be all, and all will be Chaos!"
Usuz was the first to take up Obox-ob's battle cry, inspiring the other ekolids to add their voices to the discordant choir that shook Zionyn to its foundations and echoed through the whole Abyss. Every demon in the multiverse heard the apocalyptic chant and without knowing why, joined it at once. It spread across the planes, calling every lord of disorder- from the rulers of the slaadi to the very gods of Chaos- to muster their forces for war. Even on the Material Plane, where the forces of the Outer Planes held little sway, some wizards heard a droning in their orb messages that made the inside of their skull itch. The few who understood what it foretold broke down sobbing.
Chaos would be all. All would be Chaos.
/uw Well, that was the most unpleasant thing I've ever written. It's certainly far from the most grotesque post on the sub, but when compared to the goofy stuff that's been posted lately, it's pretty bad. Hooray for tonal whiplash! Fortunately, this is probably the worst the planar incursion event will get.
I actually had a bit of fun describing Zionyn in all of its hideous glory, though. The one flaw of the Atrax Saga was that old writer's saw: "show, don't tell." The Age of the Phoenix was a credible threat, but I think it could have been better if Atrax had made more examples to reinforce what would happen to the realms if he wasn't stopped. I don't need to do that with the hordes of Chaos. Zionyn speaks for itself.
If you want more like this (for whatever reason), I was inspired by this video by AJ Pickett. Early 2000s D&D lore gets pretty wild at times. And if you want to help squash the most fucked-up ants in the universe, stay tuned! We're just getting started here.
And before I go, let me leave you with this:
There are bugs under your skin
submitted by Carbon_Sixx to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:13 Dependent-Leader-195 Do I have obligation to tell a non-Muslim friend of infidelity?

I have an old non-Muslim friend from college who I started to feel was less my friend as we got older. He would sometimes talk about me when not around, and be snoopy through stuff of mine. I cut ties when he hung out with someone who threatened me after i made it clear i wanted no parts with the person. Long story short, we do not hang out much at all, but heā€™ll come over here and there due to mutual friends maybe a couple times a year. (I am in America so people have bf/gf often).
Anyways, recently I went to a friends party, some people were Muslim, most werenā€™t. I did not want to go, but I showed up to be supportive. Apparently, one of the girls there was my old friendā€™s spouse. She knew of me, saying he mentioned me all the time, but I knew nothing of her. She was hurt by the fact that I did not know her and that she wasnā€™t mentioned. I tried to assure her that my old friend didnā€™t mention her because we donā€™t talk much and she felt better. However, later that night, one of the guys there told me he was leaving to hang out with a girl, when he said it she walked up to him and left with another guy as he put her hand around her shoulder. I was shocked and didnā€™t know what to do so I avoided it.
I said nothing of this to my old friend. It just feels like drama and I want no parts. I guess Iā€™m just asking if there is anyone who can reference Quran or a scholar that may know the best way to go about this from some sort of Hadith or anything. Again, I am American so people date here. I have been doing Istighfar daily but I want to make sure it is okay for me to avoid this. My old friend called me a day later saying how much he likes her and introduced her to his parents.
submitted by Dependent-Leader-195 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:12 jaydalogar Spoke with my ex 10 years after our breakup, this is how it went. What to do next? 32M 31F

I was with my first love for 3 and a bit years, we met in late 2010 before we broke up 10 years ago in early 2014. We were young and in our early 20s back then, things just fizzled out.
I've always thought about her but eventually we went our separate ways, she got in to a relationship with another guy after me for a few years but eventually he ended up cheating on her, this was around 2017.
After her breakup in 2017 I confessed my feelings for her but we didn't go anywhere with it as she was still healing so I told her I need to cut her off at the point because I told her I was struggling to be just friends with her, to which she said that she was heartbroken that's it come to us parting ways. But we wished each other well and went our separate ways. I was really at my lowest at that point but have come a really long way since in terms of having a successful career and have improved a lot financially and mentally.
At the start of 2019, she did add me on social media but she didn't say anything to me so a few days later I ended up deleting her because I realised I still wasn't over her, I regretted deleting her afterwards.
At the end of 2019 I heard that she was engaged, she ended up getting married but then I heard she got divorced around a year and a half ago. A few monthds ago I found out that the reason for her divorce was because her husband cheated on her and was abusive towards her. They got divorced around early 2022.
As for me I did get in to another relationship with someone else but I was also cheated on so I have been single for a few years now, I have been evolving in my career and proud of how far I've come and have recently started a new chapter in my career. I considered getting in touch with her a few months ago but I noticed that she had cut off a lot of people from her social media so I wasnt too sure how she'd react to me adding her, I thought she'd reject me seen as she's cutting off a lot of people.
So around 3 months ago I took the plunge seen as I had nothing to lose and sent her a request on instagram, and she has accepted and also followed me back. She's been viewing my stories and a month ago I posted a life quote on my story which she liked, I haven't spoke to her yet. I posted a few pictures of myself which she hasn't liked but A few weeks ago I posted a quote on my story that said 'be the reason for someone's pain to turn into a smile', she liked that quote and also another one that I posted last week. It was my birthday a few days ago and she liked a birthday story that I posted on instagram. I'm limiting the amount of posts that I like of hers because I don't want to seem too forward.
I'm assuming she is single but not entirely sure. I added her 3 months ago but she deleted me, I was confused because she only liked one of my stories few days prior. I would have liked to see if there was future for us but don't think she's interested now, i have messaged her saying 'Hi, hope your well. I probably should have said something a long time ago but I didn't, my fault. I've been praying for you, today I realise I've been deleted anyways I hope your keeping happy and healthy'. She replied saying 'Hey I'm good thanks hope you are too, that is kind of you, I didn't expect this kind of message'.
I didn't really know what to say back to her, I still don't understand why she deleted me even though days before she was showing an interest in my stories before and now she's deleted me. I have just replied saying 'that's good. Sorry for catching you off guard with it, I wanted to reach out to you earlier. I'm glad your doing well though' and now she has replied back saying 'can I ask why?' I replied back saying 'It's been on my mind for a while to get back in touch with you, I didn't add you for no reason. But we don't need to if it's not something your comfortable with'. She has now sent a long message as follows: 'You donā€™t make me feel uncomfortable. I have thought about you over the years and wished you well.
I removed you because you have my ex and his family on your instagram and I removed everyone who has any contact with them. You will have heard that I was married there for a short period of time but it was hell and now Iā€™m out of it I donā€™t want them knowing anything about my life, so I removed everyone who has any link with them. I didnā€™t realise till that day that you did. It was nothing to do with you personally.' .
Im not actually friends with her ex husband as he is just someone that lives nearby to me and we have never spoken so I have now replied with this: 'I'm sorry that you had to go through that, I hope your okay and I pray god brings you ease. I wouldn't exactly say I have anything to do with them personally though, only thing I know about them is that they're from my area too. It makes sense now and it's understandable why you did that.'
She has replied back again saying 'I'm great, God is the best of planners and it was the best thing for me. Even so, I removed everyone who had us both so sorry about that' and to which I have replied 'That's fair enough, I'm glad to hear your doing well though and that your at peace now. That's what matters most'. She had now asked 'how have you been, what's new with you?' I have just replied saying 'I'm not too bad thanks, life's changed a lot since we last spoke so there's quite a lot that's new lol'. That was few nights ago, and after that we were speaking generally about the holiday that I'm currently on and what to do as she has been here before too and she also asked how long I'm there for, it was in general a short and civilised conversation.
She ended the conversation 6 nights ago by liking my last message, I don't know if she plans to message me again as she did take a few hours to reply between each message, What are the chances that she'll message me even if we don't follow each other on instagram anymore. I am slightly anxious that she won't message me after this due to her deleting me because her ex is on my Instagram. Was thinking of just giving her space for a few more days, then deleting her ex and requesting her back in around a weeks time.
submitted by jaydalogar to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:10 Basic_Domie How to help someone whoā€™s being bullied

So my sonā€™s almost 10. It was always easy for him to make friends, full of positive energy and all that. Weā€™ve moved from London to Glasgow 3 years ago and now heā€™s having some hard time. Kids keep picking on him cuz of his (American) accent, different style, earrings, dyed hair and all that. The thing is heā€™s very emotional and gives them reactions so they keep doing it. One kids whole life revolves around bullying my son. Theyā€™re always on the streets and my son isnā€™t. They have plenty of free unsupervised time and no goals. I think thatā€™s the main reason why kids do what theyā€™re doing. My son had long purple hair previously and cut them because of his bullies. Theyā€™ll be telling him heā€™s gay cause of his earrings too. I keep telling him to not let them destroy his creativity. Why do people want everyone to just be like them, thatā€™s so boring. Iā€™m considering moving to a different, more diverse area. One of his bullies was kicking our front door few times a week until he was told to stop. My sonā€™s struggling mentally now and I donā€™t know how to help him. He always has hobbies he picks himself, now itā€™s swimming and coding (which he absolutely loves and even made a few wee games) and he taught his classmates some little coding too. He goes to boxing classes sometimes too and he knows how to punch. Heā€™s a pacifist tho and he doesnā€™t want to fight. He just gets emotional and he keeps saying heā€™s gonna kill him self. I have adhd too and tried to delete myself in the past too so I know how difficult it is now for him. Is there anything we could do about his confidence? Howā€™s he going to learn to protect himself? Iā€™m terrified Thanks In advance and sorry if Iā€™m not making much sense.
submitted by Basic_Domie to bullying [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:10 TheAce5 AITA My neighbor mowed my lawn without asking me

So I usually try to mow my yard around every 2ish weeks. Iā€™ll be the first to admit the yard got a little crazy in the back but the front wasnā€™t too bad. Not the worst yard on the street. Thing is, it rained a good bit. I have a fenced in backyard with the exception of a gate that Iā€™ve been scheduling with my dad to work on that project together sometime this summer. My neighbors backyards are all fenced in. Each time I had planned to cut it myself last week it would rain. I then had to go out of town for Motherā€™s Day weekend. We do not have a HOA, no fees, or anything. These neighbors arenā€™t super friendly and mostly keep to themselves. We havenā€™t had much of a conversation.
I came back home Sunday night thinking I can cut it. Saw my neighbor had just cut his too so I felt it would be good to sync our yards so that they lined up nicely! However, the neighbors had a Motherā€™s Day party in their backyard that night. So I felt that it was best not to run the lawnmower as it would disturb their party. I did quiet yard work instead. They did not see me, I donā€™t think. So they donā€™t know all of this planning I had.
I decided Iā€™d cut it within the next few days as I had the time. I left my house last night at 5:20. I saw the neighbors outside on their porch like usual as I was leaving. I came back by 7:30 to a fully fresh mowed yardā€¦a little confused as I initially thought it was a mistake by a yard service. You could tell there were tractor marks. My neighbors have a tractor. I knew they were home so I thought theyā€™d know what had happened. So I decided to send them a text saying hey hate to bother you guys. Hope yā€™all are well. I was planning to mow the yard this week but was surprised to see it done. I was wondering if you had seen anyone out here?
They replied that they did it because their toddler likes to ride the tractor with the dad and they wanted to do something nice. Hoped I didnā€™t mind.
Iā€™m not gonna lie, I wasnā€™t sure how I felt since it was a nice gesture but they didnā€™t ask me first. I wouldnā€™t alter someone elseā€™s property without asking if they wanted the help first because I donā€™t think itā€™s the right thing to do. Plus itā€™s sorta trespassing to me. What if they had gotten hurt or something on my yard.
I ended up responding by saying ā€œI appreciate the gesture and was going to take care of it. I know you meant well. In the future, I would appreciate if you ask me first.ā€ I really just didnā€™t want them thinking they could do whatever they wanted to my house and I probably wouldā€™ve paid him if he had asked me first. Maybe it was an asshole response on my part but I was a bit annoyed by the situation.
They apologize for not asking first. I thanked them again and complimented them on their yard. We traded a few more texts and I think weā€™re good now. I appreciate the help but I feel bad for not looking responsible.
Sighā€¦.Here we go.
Am I the asshole?
submitted by TheAce5 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:10 Soninetz Navan Demo: Streamline Work Trips with TripActions

Navan Demo: Streamline Work Trips with TripActions
Did you know that 90% of businesses fail within the first five years? To beat the odds, you need a game-changer like Navan Demo. Revolutionize your business with cutting-edge solutions tailored to your needs. Experience seamless integration, enhanced productivity, and unmatched efficiency. Say goodbye to outdated processes and hello to streamlined success with Navan Demo.
Useful Links:
  1. Navan LifeTime Deal
  2. Navan Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Simplify Booking: Use Navan demo to streamline work trip bookings for efficiency.
  • Optimize Expense Management: Master the use of company cards and expenses within the platform for better financial control.
  • Implement Travel Policies: Create a well-defined travel program to ensure consistency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Improve Group Travel: Enhance coordination for group trips through Navan demo's features.
  • Boost Efficiency: Elevate overall travel and expense management processes to save time and resources effectively.
  • Take Control: Utilize Navan demo to centralize and optimize your travel and expense operations.

Discover the Ease of Booking Work Trips

Simplified Process

Employees can now easily book work trips using Navan, saving time and hassle. With a user-friendly interface, the booking process is efficient.
Navan's platform offers a seamless experience for users by providing all necessary details in one place.
Experience the ease of corporate travel and expense management with Navan! Start your free trial today and see the difference! šŸ’¼āœˆļø

Effortless Features

The system allows users to input their travel preferences and receive customized options quickly. Events and meetings can be seamlessly integrated into the itinerary.
Users can access real-time updates on their trip details, ensuring they are always informed.

Streamlined Experience

Navan's interface is designed to be intuitive, guiding users through each step effortlessly. Reviewers have praised the platform for its simplicity and effectiveness.
A nominal incentive program further enhances the user experience, showing appreciation for loyal customers.

Master Company Cards and Expenses

Tools Overview

Navan provides a comprehensive set of tools to streamline the management of company cards and expenses. With features like real-time tracking and customizable spending limits, companies can efficiently monitor and control their financial transactions.

Enhanced Control

By utilizing Navan, companies can enhance their control over expenses by setting specific guidelines for card usage. This ensures that employees adhere to company policies, reducing the risk of overspending or unauthorized transactions.

Improved Visibility

One key benefit of using Navan is the enhanced visibility it offers into company expenses. Through detailed reporting and analytics, businesses can gain insights into spending patterns, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make informed decisions to optimize their financial management.

Craft a Structured Travel Program

Enhanced Efficiency

Navan's incentive programs streamline travel planning, ensuring optimal utilization of resources and time management. The platform's user-friendly interface simplifies the process, reducing administrative burden.
Navan's innovative solutions have evolved over the years, incorporating feedback from various industries to tailor travel programs effectively. By leveraging data analytics, companies can make data-driven decisions for cost-effective travel arrangements.

Organized Travel Planning

Utilizing Navan enables companies to establish clear guidelines for travel expenses, ensuring compliance with company policies. The platform centralizes all travel-related information, facilitating easy access and monitoring of expenditures.
  • Pros:
    • Streamlined travel planning process
    • Data-driven decision-making for cost efficiency
  • Cons:
    • Initial learning curve for new users

Optimized Management

With Navan, companies can optimize their travel management by tracking expenses in real-time and identifying areas for improvement. The platform offers customizable reporting features that provide insights into travel patterns and expenditure trends.
Useful Links:
  1. Navan LifeTime Deal
  2. Navan Free Trial

Enhance Group Travel Coordination

Seamless Coordination

Navan streamlines group travel coordination, ensuring smooth communication and organization among travelers. It offers real-time updates and notifications.
Navan's platform enables instant messaging for quick communication, eliminating delays in decision-making during group trips. The app's user-friendly interface enhances collaboration.
The calendar integration feature in Navan allows users to sync important dates and events, ensuring everyone is on the same page throughout the trip.

Features for Coordination

Navan provides a shared itinerary feature that allows all group members to access and contribute to the travel plan. This fosters transparency and inclusivity within the group.
The expense tracking tool in Navan simplifies financial management during group travel, enabling users to monitor expenses and split costs efficiently.
With Navan's location sharing feature, travelers can easily track each other's whereabouts, enhancing safety and convenience during group outings.

Elevate Your Travel and Expense Management

Simplified Processes

Navan simplifies travel and expense management for travelers by offering a user-friendly platform. It streamlines the entire process from booking flights to submitting expense reports.
The platform allows employees to easily book flights, hotels, and rental cars in one place, reducing the time spent on coordinating travel arrangements. This simplicity enhances business continuity by ensuring smooth travel experiences for employees.

Real-time Visibility

With Navan, companies gain real-time visibility into their travel and expense data. This transparency enables businesses to track expenses more efficiently, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Improved tracking of expenses
  • Enhanced visibility into spending patterns

Cost Savings

One of the key benefits of using Navan is the potential for significant cost savings. By centralizing travel bookings and expense management, companies can negotiate better deals with vendors and optimize their travel budgets effectively.
  • Negotiate better deals with vendors
  • Optimize travel budgets for maximum efficiency

Closing Thoughts

You've learned how to streamline work trip bookings, manage company expenses efficiently, structure your travel program, coordinate group travels effortlessly, and enhance overall travel and expense management. By implementing these strategies, you can save time, reduce errors, and boost productivity for your team. Embrace these practices to revolutionize your business travel experience and financial tracking.
Take charge now and transform the way you handle corporate travel. Implement these insights to elevate your travel management game and witness the positive impact on your organization's efficiency and bottom line.
Ready to take control of your corporate expenses? Try Navan, the top-rated super app loved by users everywhere! Sign up for your free trial today! šŸ’¼

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I streamline work trip booking using Navan demo?

By utilizing the Navan demo, you can easily streamline your work trip bookings by accessing a user-friendly platform that simplifies the process, allowing you to book flights, accommodations, and transportation efficiently in one place.

What benefits does mastering company cards and expenses bring to my business travel?

Mastering company cards and expenses through Navan demo ensures better financial control, accurate tracking of expenditures, simplified reimbursement processes, and enhanced visibility into spending patterns, ultimately leading to cost savings and improved financial management for your business trips.

How does crafting a structured travel program benefit my organization?

Crafting a structured travel program with Navan demo enables your organization to establish clear travel policies, optimize budget allocation, negotiate better deals with vendors, ensure compliance with regulations, enhance employee satisfaction through seamless booking experiences, and drive overall efficiency in managing corporate travel.

In what ways can Navan demo help enhance group travel coordination?

Navan demo facilitates seamless group travel coordination by providing features such as centralized itinerary management, real-time communication tools for all travelers, shared expense tracking capabilities, easy access to emergency assistance services, and the ability to customize group preferences for a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.

How does Navan demo elevate travel and expense management for businesses?

Navan demo elevates travel and expense management for businesses by offering advanced reporting and analytics tools for data-driven decision-making, integration with accounting systems for streamlined financial processes, automated policy enforcement to prevent non-compliance issues, mobile accessibility for on-the-go management, and overall optimization of the entire travel lifecycle.
Useful Links:
  1. Navan LifeTime Deal
  2. Navan Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 AdVarious2348 AITA for not remembering the small good things about a past relationship?

So I (now 23f) was dating my ex boyfriend (now25m) in Oct 2018 till Sept 2020 roughly 2 years. Letā€™s call him Blake. I had moved to a new country for college, where I met him. We had one of those relationships where everything was great, we were quite compatible and happy together. We rarely fought. But, we broke up because we wanted different things in life and it made sense to breakup then than later which wouldā€™ve caused us both more hurt. However, he changed completely after our breakup and became very bitter. He became very rude towards me and cut all contact. I was hurt and upset over this but thought it was his coping mechanism. We all returned to college in Septā€™20 when social distancing protocols were in place. But I found out he had started dating my ex best friend, letā€™s call her Sarah. (Important Context: She was a narcissistic self serving person who couldnā€™t see me being friends with anyone but her and tried controlling me which I couldnā€™t stand. So I distanced myself from her. None of our friends liked her and kept their distance from her. Blake hated Sarah especially and even mocked her in front of all our friends.) So when Blake and Sarah started dating, all of our friends reached out to me and asked me whatā€™s happening? I told them all if you find out, let me know as well. So after we broke up, I still had some stuff at Blakeā€™s place (we had to head back to our country during Covid lockdown in Mar-20) so I sent my best friend to pick my stuff up from his place. He made her wait outside for 30 mins- mind you she had already told him a week in advance that sheā€™ll be coming to collect mystuff and also pinged him the morning of for the same. I didnā€™t let it bother me and tried to move on.
It was in September-21 when Sarah reached out to me on WhatsApp with a huge text as to how evil I am and how I should stop texting with Blake. I just asked her what she was on about? I hadnā€™t spoken to him in a year? And I just blocked her because I actually forgot she existed, I was just so calm and happy in my own life that I wasnā€™t even interested in these two. That was actually the day I had a date planned and I instantly blocked her before she could further piss me off.
Fast forward to January 2022, Blakeā€™s bestfriend randomly pings me on Instagram and makes small talk that lasted upto 3/4 days (I take a lot of time to respond to msgs). Then he told him to talk to Blake. I was surprised and asked him wasnā€™t he dating Sarah? He said I think heā€™s not happy and that I should please talk to him. I found it very troubling because Blakeā€™s bestfriend is a ā€œno-nonsenseā€ kinda person and wouldnā€™t have texted if it wasnā€™t an emergency. So I reached to Blake on WhatsApp after Sept-20 for the first time. He sounded low and said itā€™s wrong that heā€™s talking to me because heā€™s still with Sarah but only and truly loves me. He wanted to breakup with her but she wonā€™t let him and all sorts of ā€œI only love you. Iā€™ve only ever truly been happy with you. I still look at our picturesā€ and he also described a lot of things that I did for him that he loved and how happy it made him and at one point he cried and I just muted the phone and chuckled because I didnā€™t remember any of it because I kinda forgot all about him. I took a whole year to process this breakup and work upon myself and my mental health. He was hurt that I donā€™t miss him. And he even said that this means I didnā€™t truly love him. He was the one who started dating someone else in the 1st place. So what does that say about him?
He has mostly recently sent me an email (3page long) from his work address confessing his love for me. I donā€™t even know what to say. (This was yesterday)
Would I be wrong to just ignore it?
submitted by AdVarious2348 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 Soninetz ZoomInfo Free Trial: Details, Duration & Guide Unveiled

ZoomInfo Free Trial: Details, Duration & Guide Unveiled
Looking to supercharge your sales prospecting efforts? Curious about the power of ZoomInfo's data-driven solutions? Imagine accessing a treasure trove of business leads, contact information, contact data, and company profiles at your fingertips with a ZoomInfo free trial. Ready to revolutionize your lead generation game? Unlock the potential of targeted outreach and watch your conversions soar. Dive into the world of actionable insights, intelligence, and seamless integration with a ZoomInfo trial today.
Useful Links:
  1. ZoomInfo LifeTime Deal
  2. ZoomInfo Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize free trials: Take advantage of free trials like the one offered by ZoomInfo to explore the platform and its features before committing.
  • Engage with features: Actively engage with the different features and benefits during your trial to understand how they can benefit your needs.
  • Seek feedback from customers: Look into reviews and insights from other users to gain a better understanding of the platform's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Make an informed decision: Use the trial period to navigate the platform thoroughly and evaluate if it aligns with your requirements.
  • Maximize learning: Use the trial to learn how to effectively use the platform's tools and resources for your business or personal objectives.
  • Plan for next steps: After the trial, assess your experience and decide whether to subscribe based on how well ZoomInfo meets your criteria.

Understanding Free Trials


Free trials offer users a risk-free opportunity to explore software services like ZoomInfo that offers email, business, and credits. Users can test the platform's features and functionalities before committing to a paid subscription.


Free trials serve as a marketing strategy to attract potential customers by showcasing the value of the product. They allow users to experience firsthand how the software can benefit their needs.
Discover new opportunities šŸŒŸ and boost revenue with ZoomInfo. Sign up now for a free trial!
  • Free trials provide temporary access to all or some features of a software service without any payment.
  • Paid subscriptions offer full access to all features and are usually accompanied by ongoing charges.

Initiating Your Trial

Signing Up

To initiate your ZoomInfo free trial, start by signing up on the official website or app. Enter your details and create an account.

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After signing up, activate your 30-day free plan by following the simple steps provided. No credit card is required for this process.

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Once you've activated your trial, you can explore ZoomInfo's basic features for lead generation and understanding buyer intent. Take advantage of this period to assess its usefulness.

Benefits of the Free Trial:

  • No need for a credit card during sign-up.
  • Access to essential features for lead generation.
  • Understand buyer intent through the platform's tools.

Exploring Features and Benefits

Key Factors

ZoomInfo's community edition offers a range of features tailored to meet specific data needs. Users can access the platform for free, making it an attractive option for those looking to leverage its capabilities without a financial commitment.

Product Features

The community edition program allows users to host meetings with up to 100 participants, facilitating collaboration and communication among team members or clients. This feature enhances connectivity and fosters engagement during virtual interactions.

Pricing Plans

While the community edition is free, it is essential to consider the limitations it imposes on data. For instance, users may encounter restrictions on exporting data or accessing advanced functionalities available in the paid plans. Evaluating your requirements against the features offered in the free plan is crucial for determining if an upgrade to a professional plan is necessary.
Useful Links:
  1. ZoomInfo LifeTime Deal
  2. ZoomInfo Free Trial

Upgrade Considerations

When assessing whether to transition from the community edition to a paid model, factors such as increased data requirements or the need for more comprehensive analytics tools should be taken into account. Upgrading to a professional plan can unlock additional capabilities that align with evolving business needs and growth objectives.

Navigating the Platform

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Upon starting your zoominfo free trial, take time to familiarize yourself with the user interface. The platform offers a clean and intuitive layout, making it easy for users to navigate through different features.

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ZoomInfo allows you to connect your email account to the platform, enabling you to access important work emails directly within the interface. This integration simplifies the process of managing communication and staying updated on crucial information.

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Reviews and Insights

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User reviews offer valuable insights into the ZoomInfo free trial, shedding light on how individuals and businesses leverage the platform. Some users utilize the free plan for personal use, exploring company profiles and business contacts, while others harness it for professional purposes to access intelligence for their marketing strategies.

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Feedback on the usability and performance of ZoomInfo during the free trial period provides a glimpse into its effectiveness. Users often compare its offers, integrations, and pricing information with other market players, gauging its value for their specific needs.

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You now have a comprehensive understanding of how to make the most of your ZoomInfo free trial. By initiating your trial, exploring the platform's features, navigating its interface, and considering reviews and insights, you are well-equipped to leverage this tool effectively for your business needs. Remember, knowledge is power, so dive in and start utilizing ZoomInfo to its full potential.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a free trial and how can I get one on ZoomInfo?

A free trial on ZoomInfo allows you to explore the platform's features for a limited period without any cost. To initiate your trial, simply visit the ZoomInfo website and look for the free trial sign-up option.

What features and benefits can I expect during my ZoomInfo free trial?

During your ZoomInfo free trial, you can explore contact information, company insights, and advanced search functionalities. This will help you understand how ZoomInfo can enhance your lead generation and sales prospecting efforts effectively.

How do I navigate the ZoomInfo platform efficiently during my free trial?

To navigate the ZoomInfo platform seamlessly during your free trial, utilize the search bar effectively to find specific contacts or companies. Take advantage of filters to refine your searches and explore different tabs to access various data points easily.

Can I read reviews and insights about ZoomInfo before starting my free trial?

Yes, you can find reviews and insights about ZoomInfo from reputable sources online. These testimonials provide valuable information about user experiences, platform performance, and how businesses have benefited from using ZoomInfo for their sales and marketing strategies.

Is it easy to cancel my subscription if I decide not to continue after the free trial?

Yes, cancelling your subscription after the free trial on ZoomInfo is straightforward. Simply follow the instructions provided on the platform or reach out to customer support for assistance with cancelling your subscription hassle-free.
Useful Links:
  1. ZoomInfo LifeTime Deal
  2. ZoomInfo Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:07 Altruistic_Engine818 Fleshing out Other unseen NCR Settlements

I thought it would be a fun idea to write out my headcanons for the other, unmentioned settlements/cities in the New California Republic. As a SoCal native, I thought it would also be fun seeing how some notable cities in the region would look in the fallout universe. Iā€™ve only included places in Southern California because I honestly donā€™t have too much detailed knowledge about central/northern CA cities.
I tried fitting it in with the lore at the time of New Vegas in 2281, but there might be a few mistakes here and there.

San Diego Area

-Camp Pendleton: Controlled by one of the largest Raider groups of SoCal, cutting off entry to the San Diego area from the 5 Freeway. Uses restored Vertiberds, Power Armor, and APCs left over by the Marines after the war. Because of this, they are an extremely valuable target for the Brotherhood of Steel, though they have not launched a full-scale attack due to fears of high casualties. This, along with manpower shortages in the region due to the the situation in the Mojave, has prevented the NCR from conducting operations as well. Many in the San Diego area have discussed creating a temporary alliance between Settlers/NCR, the BOS, and the Temecula Super Mutants, though the feasibility of that seems a bit low.
-Escondido: Settlement located along the former 15 freeway and acts as a trade settlement on the way to San Diego. Population: 400. Facing raider attacks from nearby Camp Pendleton and feeling like theyā€™ve been failed by the NCR, some local leaders have considered asking the Temecula Super Mutants to assist in a joint assault on the camp. Population: 500.
-San Diego: Though one of the founding states of the New California Republic, San Diego, now known as Dayglow, is severely underfunded and underdefended compared to other States. Some say this is because of its distance from the capital, others says its because of continued discriminiation towards Ghouls and Super Mutants who helped found the settlement. Despite this, it still operates as a thriving scrap hub and exports many of the materials used by NCR soldiers, vehicles, and machinery. Many smaller settlements still exist in areas farther from downtown, the most major of which include El Cajon, Chula Vista, and Miramar. The latter is the main NCR facility in the area, and has been requesting additional support from Shady Sands to help defeat the Camp Pendleton Raiders. Though having the threat of Raiders in the northwest as well as threats of increased radiation exposure from the Glow in the northeast, many of these settlements are some of the most advanced in the NCR due to the pre-war governance and technology maintained by the descendants of Vault 72. Located near Balboa Park, Vault 72 is the only known vault in the area. Though initially an experiment vault, like Vault 81 in the Commonwealth, its operations were cut short, in this case after a mutiny against the scientists and Overseer by the inhabitants, many of whom were Ex-military due to the Vaultā€™s close distance to the San Diego Navy Yards. For the next century and a half, Vault 72 acted as a control vault. Eventually, its systems started to fail, and many of its inhabitants exited the vault in search of new settlements, bringing the technology and infrastructure found in the vaults with them. As the New California Republic expands, there have been rumors among NCR soldiers about restoring some of the abandoned Navy ships in the former San Diego harbor, though nothing has been completely confirmed. The Brotherhood of Steel also seeks to acquire former military technology in the area, but has been unable to do so.

Inland Empire

-Riverside: Home to ā€œRubidoux,ā€ a mid-sized NCR town with a population of about 1,000. Located on the base of Mt. Rubidoux. The Mission Inn, located in the former downtown, is now utilized as an NCR armory and base. Possible plans to rebuild more of downtown have been discussed by local leaders, but not implemented. Vault 54 is located near Rubidoux on the base of Box Springs Mountain. It is a rare control vault with around 800 living citizens, and has been frequently trading with the nearby Rubidoux settlement since its opening in around 2245.
-San Bernardino: Took the most nuclear strikes out of all cities in SoCalā€™s Inland Empire during the Great War. Due to this, Feral Ghoul encounters are common in the area, though their population has been dwindling in recent years due to Rubidoux settlers and NCR forces slowly clearing up the area, mainly to help caravans from the area safely travel the 215 freeway to reach high desert settlements.
-Temecula: Reclaimed by former Master Super Mutants into a small settlement, population of 50. Do not mind caravans using the former 15 freeway that goes through the city to reach the San Diego area.
-Hemet: Thriving farm town. Decently isolated from the SoCal sprawl, Hemet is relatively sleepy and peaceful. Supplies a decent amount of crops to the IE region. Nothing really interesting about it besides that. Population: 300.

Desert Regions

-Idyllwild: Used as a training ground for NCR soldiers due to its isolation in the mountains.
-Palm Springs: Run by the remnants of the Agua-Caliente, Cabazon, and Morongo Native American Tribes. Due to its strategic prominence, being south of the Mojave and west of Arizona, as well as its proximity to the Idyllwild training grounds and routes to Shady Sands, it has become popular with many NCR higher-ups, many of whom own second homes in the town. Population: 1,000. Vault 93: Located in the foothills of the San Jacinto Mountains. Experimental vault studying the effects of celebrity influence. A dozen celebrities were selected among the 900 civilians who entered the vault, where factions aligning with each of them divided up the leadership inside. No holotapes have been found showing what happened next, though it is to assume that whatever played out led to Vault 93 being opened and vacated. Though considered by the NCR to be repurposed, it sits abandoned, now silently overlooking the Sonoran wastes.

Orange County

-Huntington Beach: Inhabited by the descendants of the Children of the Cathedral, who founded a settlement in what was Huntington Beach after the destruction of the Cathedral in Long Beach and the end of the Unity project in 2162. Though they tend to keep to themselves, there are still some devout Unity believers who kidnap caravans travelling along the former 405 freeway in order to adopt them into the cult and keep the population afloat (They donā€™t have any FEV to make Super Mutants). Population: 100.
-Irvine: Largely an NCR base centered around the former John Wayne Airport, though there are a decent amount of civilians who have set up shop to cater to the large soldier population. The 452nd Battalion is stationed at the airport, though their numbers have dwindled due to transfers to the Mojave. This has made them unable to respond to the Camp Pendleton Raiders. Population (including soldiers): 2,000.
-San Clemente: A ā€œGhoul onlyā€ settlement ran by wealthy pre-war Ghouls who maintain the area. Despite the exclusivity, it has maintained a population of over 1,000 mainly by bringing in other Ghouls from Orange County and the surrounding area. Mainly keeps to themselves though they accept caravans for trade, though less have been showing up due to the threat of the Camp Pendelton Raiders.
submitted by Altruistic_Engine818 to falloutlore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:05 Euphoric-Earth-4765 An inside look at the culture and ideology of Faith Comes By Hearing_PART 2

*Management style:
Not democratic/participative. Not transformational. Not Coaching. Very much Autocratic/Authoritative/Coercive. Sometimes Laissez-faire. Style depends on the department.
*Chain of command:
The ministry is seen as a church by top management. Top management are the ā€œeldersā€ and the CEO is the Senior Pastor. Then there is everybody else. So, confidence is put on their positions of authority. They are, in all sense and purposes, the ā€œspiritual leadersā€. They present themselves as having spiritual authority and, therefore, as being entitled to receive immediate agreement and unquestioned compliance.
Also, there are multiple management layers or chains which this quote sums up as well:
"When you become an admiral, you never have bad meals and you never hear the truth. there are all these layers of management and buffer layers and each one is afraid to tell unpleasant truth to the top levels.... ā€œ
Not a culture of authenticity where everyone on the team, including management, is encouraged, and expected to be who they are. There is a sense that top management puts up a false front, they seem to want to appear perfect. Illusions of invulnerability exist. They always lead well, they always make the right decisions, they never admit mistakes, etc. Want people to think they got it all together- all rainbows and lollipops. Do not exhibit vulnerability. Toxic positivity is also very much present: Everything is seen as ā€œawesomeā€. So, there is judgment if you have a bad (not "everything is awesome") day.
The vertical chain of command, results in less collaboration, slow communication, lack of career growth, feelings of subordination, and decreased employee empowerment. Top management sets the rules and standards without any input from the ā€œbottomā€ employees. Employee questions, concerns or ideas have to go up several steps of the chain of command so that upper management can address or approve. The bottom employees do not have the ability to make decisions related to their work or a particular situation. So, not everyone feels equal.
So, if you are not a spiritual leader, you are just basically told to submit and listen to those who are in authority over you because they are the people that ā€œhear from Godā€ and you are not and so whatever they say goes. And they set up a scenario where they basically kept those of us who were not spiritual leaders dependent upon them.
Many in management are overconfident and overestimate their abilities. They have a simple idea of how things are and how things work. Unfortunately, they make decisions that impact entire departments without gaining the needed knowledge.
The chain of command and lack of ongoing training also results in many employees being promoted so much that they max out their competence and will remain there until they leave or are let go. So, you end up with many in the role of management that lack the training and competence of the respective department. So, employees with the most authority are often not the most experienced and not adept in the particular field leading team members. And employees with the most experience and skills and knowledge and wisdom have the least (or no) authority.
Good leaders donā€™t always claim the ā€œleaderā€ title. Oftentimes, good leaders are those with more understated temperaments. Leadership is as much about listening as it is about telling. However, people with the most open and receptive personalities often do not have much authority.
Also, how the chain of command should operate when there is a unit that acted without proper authorization, it is not a junior authority whoā€™s going to bear a responsibility for that, but somewhat of more senior status. And thatā€™s true in any military or business or ministry operating by a code of ethics. So, if someone at the bottom of the chain is struggling, failing, or making mistakes, those at the top of the chain bear full responsibility. Everything stands or falls on leadership. Unfortunately, the chain at FCBH is not two directional.
There is also a sense that top management promotes employees who are least-competent but pose no risk to their own position (in-group bias) to management.
Work environment or culture is not set up for employees to give honest feedback/opinions or to deliver bad news or to question or disagree with management.
Sample bias is also common. Management will send an email asking for feedback but they won't consider how only the people who are open to talking and sharing their opinions will participate while others wonā€™t. Bias arises because employees with specific characteristics (e.g., extroverts) might be more likely to agree to participate than others, making the participants a non-representative sample. People with strong opinions or substantial knowledge about a specific topic may be more willing to give feedback than those without. Management does not follow up to determine why they are unresponsive or follow up frequently to reduce attrition.
Management claims they want to hear from employees, but they only want opinions and ideas on matters that are superficial or trivial. So, few employees give candid feedback on important and significant matters.
Top management does not involve employees in the change process when changes occur.
Management does not ask for honest feedback on their leadership or on decisions that are made that affect employees. Management will not ask how they are doing as leaders, what employees need from them. No regular check-ins or 1:1 on employeesā€™ professional and personal well-being. Are employees stressed, disappointed or feeling burdened physically, emotionally or spiritually? No growth and career discussions.
Management will ignore most feedback, comments, suggestions even when it's common knowledge but will adamantly listen to employees who preface with "God told me to tell you..." Or ā€œI felt God say ā€¦ā€ or ā€œGod spoke to me and saidā€¦ā€
For example, management started focusing on Gen Z only after a few people claimed that ā€œGod told us that Gen Z are important for our future business growth.ā€ In another instance, someone said ā€œGod gave us this word: we as a ministry need to really consider how everyone is wired, how each person is different. How people have different personalities.ā€ Then, management affirmed this ā€œword from God.ā€
If one employee brings something up to management it is often ignored and the employee is gaslighted. If two or more employees bring the same thing to management, then God is communicating something and they take it seriously (per Matt 18). Even if it is just coincidence or frequency bias.
Groupthink, confirmation bias, in-group bias, illusions of unanimity, and self-censorship is very prevalent in the culture and especially in their meetings. There is a lot of direct pressure to not question, to conform, to agree with the views and personal convictions of the top management. Employees condemn those who disagree or question top management and they accept those who agree, creating immense pressure for conformity.
So, many employees frequently remain quiet, preferring to ā€œkeep the peaceā€ rather than disrupt the uniformity. Employees are pressured to hide problematic information (especially from top management).
*Disagreements/Different perspectives:
Top management will also point out the working and living conditions of international employees to ā€œencourageā€ local employees to not ā€œcomplainā€ or give critical feedback or bring up legitimate problems (e.g., fumes or loud noises from construction in the building).
Management also often commits the "ends (or goals or vision) justify the means" fallacy: the work, the production and distribution of bibles (the ends) being done is more important, so employees shouldn't complain at all about the means or their working conditions (broken chairs, broken or inadequate equipment, poor work-life balance, bad management).
And, if management disagrees with you, with your observations, feedback, suggestions, or theology, they will often try to trump you with spirituality or vague meaningless spiritual terminology instead of using Scripture (properly interpreted), facts and reasoning.
In addition, top managers will take great offense when employees question or disagree with the directions and decisions they make. Dissent is not welcomed. Respectful debates/disagreement is not encouraged. Open discussion and alternative perspectives are not encouraged. Management does not value, support, or respect diverse opinions and ideas. They do not actively seek out different viewpoints. Do not allow people to speak their perspective, their thought of mind. So, there is no psychological safety. Employees do not feel comfortable expressing dissenting opinions without fear of retribution or judgment. Afraid of breaking the little glass image. People do not feel comfortable sharing setbacks, mistakes, failures. Management does not encourage open communication. Management often seeks agreement, instead of posing honest questions that challenge the status quo and provoke critical thinking and discussion. They do not encourage employees to challenge them. In fact, they are seen as a type of complaining or critical feedback and so are viewed as sin. This makes top management seem self-centered.
*Appeals to emotion: Guilt and Shame:
Top management often shares their personal opinions and convictions (e.g., spending money only when absolutely necessary, not accepting large gifts, not buying fancy items) as something everyone should do. Itā€™s never direct. It's always through stories. Management loves stories. The personal convictions of management are presented as more than preferences.
For instance, top management encourages extreme frugality and poverty through their personal anecdotes #loudbudgeting and stories from international cultures. Think along the lines of: ā€œwe, here in America, have no right to be sad or to complain about things or to request better things or ask for accommodations or for more employee engagement because others (internationals) have it much worse.ā€ Even wanting better equipment and supplies or asking for better working conditions is frowned upon (in some cases seen as a sin), even if your request helps you to do your job more effectively and makes the work better (a new whiteboard, a new office chair, better computers, etc.)
Example: ā€œYou should really try to come in to work even if you feel bad, even if you are snowed in and the roads are hazardous because people need to get our bibles. And our international employees work in much harsher conditions.ā€
You also get this feeling from the way they communicate that top management would rather not pay their employees. They would prefer it if everyone just worked for free because ā€œwe are on a mission from God. We are doing the Lord's work.ā€ There is also a sense that employees should be more than willing to sacrifice their well-being, career goals, financial goals, personal goals for reaching people with their Bibles.
Leadership sets the example and expectations, so this all ends up making employees confused and feeling guilty and ashamed. Guilty and shameful about asks, spending money (even their own). Guilty and shameful about having nice things (new car, new phone, new tv), about making needs known, about sharing concerns regarding work, about asking for raises to keep up with cost of living, etc.
Example: An employee has continued to use an old whiteboard. It is so old it is hard to read and difficult to erase. Management likes to tell donors: ā€œWe don't spend money on everyday things like whiteboardsā€¦. Instead, we use that money for more bible recordings, for people to hear about Jesus.ā€
This also causes confusion. Every few months there is a meeting where management discusses how sitting on stores of money is bad, but spending it is also bad, but also not spending it is bad... "Being rich is bad. Money is bad. let's not accumulate money, that's bad. We must think about how people will see what we have. So we should look poor and not appear too frivolous." But top management is okay with receiving gifts from donors and other ministries. Management personally does not like to have nice ā€œfancyā€ things, and as a ministry, they say FCBH should also not have nice fancy things, they should use the money for other more important things. They don't like when other ministries use their money for nice fancy things, but it's okay if other ministries give FCBH nice fancy things like tote bags, key chains, mugs, phone holders, lunch bags. Another example, it took them years to repaint the parking lot. It was at the point where people did not know where to park. Before repainting, management decided to remodel the hallways and install posters and multiple monitors with language stats.
There is also a subtle sense that producing audio and video bibles is the highest calling one can have. And it's implied that FCBH is the main means God uses to fulfill the great commission: ā€œGod needs FCBH to do these bible recordings or people (specifically unreached internationals) will go to hell.ā€ So, top management hints that working anywhere else isn't really serving God (or at least, not serving God as well as one could if they worked somewhere else). They imply that working at this ministry is the only way to truly serve God and fulfill your calling. They also use this framing to guilt and shame employees into not quitting. Management implies that employees should not take opportunities to leave or take other jobs because getting the Bible to people is Godā€™s highest calling for us as Christians:
ā€œIf anyone leaves FCBH, then they must not really understand the vision/calling. They are not committed to saving people. We should be willing to give up things to fulfill the calling. The apostles did not pursue better jobs and so God will provide if we need better pay, benefits, career. For those of us who join the ministry to hold true to get God's word to every person, it takes discipline because we have opportunities to do other things. I'm sure that Noah had problems with Builders because he probably had hundreds of people not thousands working on the ark. They started their own businesses and started side things going on. pretty soon they'll have no time to work with him on the ark. and you can have all kinds of diversionary things happen. and so we want to understand they focused in the ministry. and that's been one of the things that I've really tried to do is what did God tell me at the time this ministry began because I was not interested in this ministry. I was interested in living by faith and experiencing God through people and seeing people experience God. and when I was praying about that here in Albuquerque the Lord said bring my church together and make disciples. and then he also told me that when his people think the same they are one. so it's not a matter of getting rid of the buildings or the leaders but it's a matter of people thinking the same. They can go to different denominations, different buildings, have different teachers, and different preachers and leaders but once they think the same, they're one and that's what his objective was. and so that's when I felt like the Lord said get God's word to every person. So I'm challenging us to stay true to what God has called us to do. and every time somebody leaves the ministry there are reasons for leaving. but it startles me a little bit, because I think well we haven't, we haven't communicated the vision very well somehow because they didn't get it. like Noah building the arc. it it's a long project it's not a month or a year two years or three years. our immediate goal is 2033 and it means that we're committed to a cause. and that means some of us we give up something. I we've given up stuff we live in a small apartment and that's what we saw that God had us do and that's our lifestyle we we tone down our lifestyle to get the cause committed to the cause. and and I know that's difficult for some, in some cases maybe there's financial needs because of family growth and stuff there they just can't afford to work in the ministry. but sometimes it's a choice and every time somebody leaves it where it's actually a choice. I think we haven't communicated the mission very good the vision very good. I've been looking at is that could you imagine read reading the New Testament. and finding out that Peter about halfway through or Paul halfway through the ministry all of a sudden got a better job offer. and stopped their portion of the ministry they held the course no matter what happened. whether it was good or whether it was bad. Paul talks about this and sometimes we want to follow the Lord. but we don't impart on ourselves the same responsibilities that those disciples did. so when God Empower them is he empowering you in the same way. and you're making choices that maybe you shouldn't make that you will impart and say the Lord is leading me someplace else when in fact maybe it isn't. it's just a better offer. if the Bible in the New Testament was reading a little bit different than Stephen left the ministry at this point or James left the ministry at this point because of something I think we need to be very very careful and why I say that is that as we work internationally.ā€
SO, there is a lot of guilt and shame about leaving to pursue other interests or meet needs. Guilt and shame about wanting to leave to advance and develop professionally. For this reason, many remain ā€œloyalā€ and stay at the ministry.
So there is lots of control and manipulation in the work culture.
*Weekly worship meetings:
These are mandatory and there are some legitimate concerns:
Top management seems to have misconceptions about true worship and worship experiences. They often reduce worship to singing by their communication, the way ā€œworshipā€ is used. Worship is seen as something we do on occasion - once a week, when we gather at work for the mandatory worship time. Top management, by ignoring other styles, seems to believe that there is a single style of worship which is correct for Christians.
And it seems like just about anyone can lead worship or be on the team: anyone that can play an instrument. Top management does not require a worship class or agreement to biblical principles concerning worship as a prerequisite for employees who desire to plan and lead worship experiences. So you end up with people who have different views/philosophies on the worship team. Unfortunately, many who lead do not take the time/effort to plan and lead worship experiences, to discern from songs that are better suited for individual or private worship from songs that are corporate or public worship, to discern songs that are controversial/questionable (have bad theology, weak theology), songs that are theologically ambiguous or songs that lean more towards ā€œfeminineā€ attributes. Most, if not all, of our modern ā€œChristianā€ worship music is written at a simplistic level of understanding and comprehension. Most music tends to appeal to our emotions. Many songs appeal mostly to women. So there is a great need for teaching on the biblical principles concerning worship. Also a need to choose theologically balanced songs with music appropriate for the people. Unfortunately, many of the songs chosen are theologically incorrect (e.g., having elements from the Word Of Faith movement, New Apostolic Church, New Age). Songs are often not theologically balanced. Songs seem to be chosen for their emotional impact, to make employees feel good; many focus on just one aspect of God (e.g., love). Many promote self-centered worship.
Most of the worship leaders just sing the songs: They do not actually ā€œleadā€ people into worship. They do not help people connect the lyrics of the song to where they are at in their personal life, to teach them something about God or help the people understand what this song means and what God wants them to get out of it, so they're not just singing songs and just doing, going through the motions or help them understand the depth and the richness of what lyrics mean and how it applies to their life. What matters to them seems to be whether songs are impactful, moving, and beautiful. (Whatever that means.) Whether songs make employees feel good. They don't seem to care whether the songs actually reflect truth: Do the lyrics line up with Scripture? Do the songs glorify self or God? How would new Christians or nonChristians interpret the song?
Theology is the study of God and it's very important doxology is an expression of praise to God so the point here is that all theologies should ultimately lead to doxology if theology doesn't lead to doxology then we've actually missed the point of theology so if you have theology without doxology you just have dead hold orthodoxy which is horrible. On the other side you have the people who say ā€œforget about theology I just want to praise.ā€ But if you have doxology without theology you actually have idolatry because it's just a random expression of praise but it's not actually informed by the truth of who God is so God is
concerned with both he's concerned with an accurate understanding of him and that accurate understanding of him leading to a response of praise adoration and worship towards him.
*Leadership quality:
Top management has more respect for donors and guests than their employees.
Management lacks basic core leadership principles/values:
Unfortunately, many employees are not given power or resources: Management just gives them the responsibility to get things done. Before responsibility is given, employees should be equipped: be empowered, have the authority, be given resources and have the experience. Employees are not empowered as individuals to solve their own problems using their own solutions. Micromanagement is often required every time the situation changes or problems arise. Employees are not inspired to act as leaders for themselves, delivering amazing performance without guidance. They have coaching sessions but only when thereā€™s a problem. True coaching occurs regardless of whether the individual is crushing their goals or falling behind. Management does not seem to care about unlocking a personā€™s potential and getting the most of their performance. They seem only interested in producing more followers, not more leaders.
No method to hold management accountable to core values listed in their own Employee handbook. Employees are expected to abide by the procedures and rules described in the handbook but top management can choose to ignore it when it is convenient for them.
-Top management are NOT learners: No desire to develop and improve their skills.
-They do not ask employees: Whatā€™s one thing you see me doingā€”or failing to doā€”that you think I should change?
-They do not ask how they are doing as leaders. Or ask employees how theyā€™re doing.
-They do not ask what employees need from management that they are not giving them.
-No performance evaluations for both management or non-managment.
-They often fail to emotionally connect with employees.
-They do not speak to employees' needs first.
-They do not focus on what they can put into people rather than what they can get out of them.
-They do not understand basic psychology, how people think and behave.
-They are often resistant to (and even hate) change: Perhaps because they fear losing control. In fact, new information, objective facts, research, stats, and even new ideas are often ignored in favor of what's easiest to do or because of tradition. If something has been done and ā€œworksā€, top management does not see a reason to question it or to improve on it. If something was tried 5, 10, 20, even 50yrs before and failed, top management does not see a reason to try it again even if the exact circumstances have changed.
-They do not empower or give the means, the power or opportunity to do to employees.
-They do not trust others to follow through managing processes and performing tasks.
-They do not lead by example.
-They do not know when to move forward and when to back off, what to improve and how radical those improvements should be.
-They often fail to see options, and plan and prioritize.
-They fail to develop leaders around them.
-Their communication is often poor.
-Their listening is also poor: do not listen for more than facts, but also the feelings, meanings and undercurrents.
-They do not take the time to get to know the people they lead: no weekly check-ins which top organizations have to discuss how employees are doing professionally and personally. Management doesn't ask ā€œwhat was good this week? What was not good this week? How is your well-being? How is your family?ā€
Competence in leadership skills is also poor.
-They are not teachable: not willing to keep learning, growing, improving in leadership and management practices: FCBH has a yearly ā€œleadershipā€ summit. But, the way it is set up, it reinforces weaknesses instead of challenging leadership growth.
The summit is also just for a select few in top management. Not every employee is seen as a leader so most employees are excluded.
Top managers attend the summit but there is no followup, no post accountability by other managers and especially by the employees that are under the managers. No discussion on how management will apply what was learned.
Some of the past speakers have had questionable characters and even questionable teachings (Judah Smith). Leadership qualifications and theological background seems to be ignored in favor of charismatics, dynamics, popularity.
-Top management does not take responsibility for their part of a disagreement or failure and apologize.
-They often embrace a victim mentality.
-They often limit yourself by your job title.
-They do not invest in better tools or processes.
-They are content with the status quo.
-They allow their past achievements to stagnate their desire to keep learning.
-There is a lack of discernment, finding the main cause of problems/issues.
-They do not anticipate problems.
-They do not accept the truth of the problem: Do not face up to the reality of the situation;
-They get bogged down in the details.
-They often avoid problems.
-They donā€™t deal well with problems.
-They do not have their team study all angles.
-They often do not value nontraditional thinking: Donā€™t embrace change, ambiguity and uncertainty well.
-They do not work well with differences.
-They do not have their own mentors or provide mentorship to others.
-They do not invest to improve their own professional or leadership skills.
-They are often insecure, constantly seek validation, acknowledgement and love.
-They limit employee's success and recognition:
-They do not seem interested in making people successful: Donā€™t attempt to remove barriers that prevent employees from being successful.
If an employee who is not management has a great idea to improve the work, management often does not support it and may secretly try to shut it down.
When a team succeeds, management will not give other people credit and instead take the credit themselves.
It seems like some of the people working there were given the title of management, the position, and that alone made them qualified. Management or leaders assume that their position alone qualifies them to make critical decisions where they may not have the best data, insight, wisdom, skill, experience. Just because one may have the word ā€œmangerā€ in the job title, does not automatically make them a great leader. Leadership is about dealing with people, and the dynamics between those people, and influencing people.
*Dead end career path:
For the most part, top management assumes that team members are fine and "settled", rather than taking the time to understand their true feelings and needs. They do not ask employees where they are struggling, where they are having trouble, what frustrates them the most?
Management does not seem interested in making employees better both personally or professionally. They do not have a growth plan or professional development plan for employees. No job related training. They do not provide what is needed to help employees to grow and improve. They don't provide opportunities for employees to apply their talents and expertise. They donā€™t ask how they can better support employees. Employees donā€™t check on each other.
One is expected to work until health deteriorates and skills become obsolete so you leave in a worse place than you started. For most employees, there is no long term future with the organization. Management does not let employees know how they are doing and what the future looks like for them. What the opportunities are. They do not take the time to learn from employees what they want to be. No honest conversations to understand employees goals and ambitions. So, because there is no growth or development plan, no career path, once your skills are outdated, they will probably let you go or they will keep you in the same position and your salary will max out.
Management does not coach employees on how to manage their time, priorities, and energy; no teaching on how to problem solve, or make better decisions, or how to set boundaries or how to minimize context switching and zoom fatigue.
submitted by Euphoric-Earth-4765 to u/Euphoric-Earth-4765 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:02 MjolnirPants Jerry and the Men in the Mirror: Part 6

Part 5
Gerard, God
Somewhere in time and space
He watched the passers-by as they moved about, following their daily routines, unaware of the fate that would shortly befall them. This was the time that fascinated Him the most. The moments before they finally understood that The Threat was here.
It was a sort of last hurrah, He thought. They didn't know it, but Gerard could nonetheless sense a sort of joi de vivre, a liveliness that simply didn't exist in prior times, and couldn't possibly exist in future ones. He watched mothers dote lovingly over their children, watched children hurl themselves into play with abandon, watched addicts take in their drugs like a drowning man would gulp for air. They might not known that there was no tomorrow for most of them, but they nonetheless seemed to put just a little bit of extra effort into everything.
Eventually, it came to an end, of course. It always did, no matter how many times He watched it. He saw happiness and mundanity give way to pain and suffering. Laughter was replaced by the screams of the dying. Life was replaced by death. The world replaced by destruction.
He sighed, leaving this timeline. He never watched the arrival of The Threat twice in the same timeline. There was nothing for Him to learn that way. His power was immense and total. He only had to witness The Threat once in each timeline to understand it.
Worst of all was the knowledge. The knowledge that He would only be able to save a single timeline. That all others would fall into ruin, destroyed and left to rot away. Only one could survive; the one that He chose. He could stop The Threat only once, for doing so would require Him to remain. Ever vigilant, ever ready to stop any recurrence.
He had to choose which timeline. That task was less than He feared, for now he knew that there were an infinite number of them. He could choose one with the right qualities, one whose nature would aid Him in His work. He realized then that He would, once He had chosen the proper timeline, finally watch The Threat come twice. Once, when He reviewed that timeline prior to choosing. And again, when He would stop it.
And stop it, He would. No other outcome was acceptable. He had already sacrificed too much. His mortality, His life, His happiness, His very soul itself. He had wrought Himself into a weapon, to strike down The Threat, and He would fulfill that purpose, no matter what.
Jerry Williams, Godslayer
We were sharks, swimming and darting among a school of fish. Gods and devas fled, screaming in terror as we flew through the swirling, chaotic energies that should have driven us -or at least my wife and daughter- mad within seconds. They had thought that their realm protected them.
Little did they know, we were already mad.
Inanna and I flanked a group of fleeing gods, preventing them from leaving this world, extending their essence into manifested bodies somewhere in one of the countless material worlds, or simply crossing the energy that was the core of their beings into the Spirit World. Here, in Nibiru, our divinities and demi-divinities gave us access to unlimited power. We seized it and wove nets with which to entrap those minor gods who could not find escape elsewhere, and had huddled here in fear of our coming.
As the group fled, we sped up, curving our course, which caused them to curve theirs, fearful of drawing too close to either of us. We moved slowly, carefully, angling them where we wanted them to go.
It wasn't long before the gaping maw of the Grandfather of the Gods came into view. Ixlublotl, the primordial god, the originator of divinity. The gods we herded realized their peril and turned to flee back the opposite direction, but there they found Aaina, burning towards them, screaming in rage and bristling with offensive energies.
Trapped, they had no choice. They attacked us. Emotions and thoughts, energy and matter, all of it flew at us in an orgy of sudden violence that churned the substrate of this world into a screaming chaos. All three of us linked our magics into a shield; a half-sphere of anti-magic that absorbed their attacks, sending the energy of which they were made back into into the swirling chaos around us.
They threw everything they had at us, a desperate last stand, driven by necessity and panic. All of it crashed against our defenses, the resulting streamers of magic filling the space around us with an all but impenetrable cloud. Hidden by that cloud, Ixy closed in.
By the time they realized that it was too late, it was over.
Ixy's physical body, that cloud-wrapped cacophony of maw-stalks, eye-stalks, spider-like legs and whipping tentacles, currently the size of a skyscraper, swept in, mouths snapping up the energies that were the cores of our quarry.
We came together when it was done. Inanna created a haven for us, allowing us to release the magic that held our bodies in stasis and protected us from the wild magic all around. It was a copy of our house, something she'd come up with a while back and shown to me with great pride. I had loved it, of course.
I sank into the loveseat with Inanna next to me as Aaina took the recliner.
"That's most of them," Aaina said.
"About thirty more," I replied. "And then we can start the next phase."
"Do either of you have any doubts about what we're doing?" she asked. I could see the indecision in her eyes. She was so young, and such a good girl. My heart broke at having dragged her into such dirty business.
"No," Inanna answered, her voice hard and confident.
"Yes," I added. "But at the end of the day, this is what needs doing."
Aaina looked back and forth between us, then nodded. None of us smiled.
Emily Windham, Wizard, Artificer
Fremont, Nebraska, at the corner of E 4th Ave and N Main St
Emily turned just in time to see the massive troll hit Jim Carmichael with a shoulder, sending the trooper flying before angling at her with no change in speed.
Acting on pure instinct, she conjured a wall of force between them. The troll slammed into it, shattering the magics that held it together with raw force, but the wall did its job, stopping the warrior in his tracks.
Emily snatched the rune-engraved knife off her belt and surged forward, jumping at the last second to put her in range of the troll's huge neck. The blade plunged in, and she released a quick burst of magic that made her legs and off hand sticky, allowing her to cling to the thing, too close for it to use its battleaxe on her.
She ripped the knife out and plunged it in again and again as the barbarian roared in pain and indignation at being hurt so badly by a foe so tiny. Emily grabbed his beard, yanking hard to bring his eyes to hers as she slammed the knife in and twisted, the magic in the blade telling her when it found his windpipe and carotid artery.
Blood sprayed, coating her face and shoulders. The troll's roars were cut off in a gurgling, breathy hiss. He stumbled, then fell. Emily rode him down, her eyes locked onto his, watching all hopes of victory, or even survival, fade from them. She lost herself in those eyes, in the mystery that was this troll's life, ending right before her. She saw the regrets, the crushed hopes, the shame of defeat and wondered at the context.
The impact as they hit the ground broke the spell.
Emily released the magic and stood up, instincts trained into her by the security troops and war wizards making her search for more threats before she could even process what had just happened. But there were no more threats. That had been the last one.
Greg Ramirez walked towards her, his rifle barrel pointed down, hanging from the sling in front of his armor and all the various attachments that he and the security troops referred to as their 'battle rattle'.
"Nice work," he said, eyeing the troll, who continued to gasp for air, the sound of his labored breaths reminding Emily of a pig squealing. She looked down, searching for that orgasmic feeling her bio-dad had so desperately wanted her to share with him, but not finding it. All she found was a sense of satisfaction, yet even that was too much.
Years of therapy, of telling her story to trained clinicians and listening to and internalizing their advice. All of it had helped her make friends and move among the normal people, but it had never erased that feeling of satisfaction. This was the fourth time she'd killed a sentient being, and each time, she felt the exact same way. It was a victory.
Her maudlin thoughts were interrupted by the bark of Greg's rifle. The troll's head jerked and deformed, a splattering of blood coming out as a .277 fury round drilled a hole straight through his temples. She glanced up to find Greg still eyeing her.
"You did good," he said, his expression showing some concern.
"I liked it," she said quietly, her eyes turning back.
"You liked killing him?" Greg asked. Emily nodded, wondering if she'd always be fucked up.
"I killed him," Greg said. "And I damn sure liked it."
Emily turned back, eyeing him with some interest. Greg was, in many ways, the opposite of her. Cool, confident, charming and just all-around well-adjusted. She hadn't ever imagined that he wound enjoy something like this.
"It means I won," he explained. "It means that big, badass motherfucker showed up here trying to bully us, and take whatever he wanted from us, and little old me stood up and said 'no', and when he tried to force the issue, I took his life away. It feels like justice. It feels like one less motherfucker trying to kill me and my friends. Damn straight I liked it."
Emily smiled. She didn't realized she had smiled until Greg smiled back.
"I read your psych eval," he went on. "I know you think you're fucked in the head, but I'm gonna tell you right now, you're not. You're a warrior, that's it. Bloodlust isn't a bad thing, if it can be controlled. Enjoying killing isn't a bad thing, if you're killing the people that need killing. Give yourself a break, girl."
He clapped her on the shoulder, then took the back of her head with his free hand and pressed her forehead to his.
"I'm gonna recommend you be allowed to join the war wizard roster. You're all trained up, you're prepared for it, and from what I've seen today, you're a fucking natural."
Without waiting for a response, he let her go and turned away, grabbing the radio fob on his armor and squeezing it.
"Black Lead, this is Black-Two Actual. All raiders at the target site are neutralized. We're commencing a sweep now, will report back in thirty mikes."
Emily smiled at his back as he walked away. A part of her reflected that he was a natural leader, knowing exactly what to say to her in that moment. Another part didn't care, because it worked. She glanced down at the troll again, and didn't see a victim.
She saw a victory.
Kathy Evenson, Professional
Somewhere in the ruins of an ancient city in the Seventh World
Kells shifted nervously as Kathy continued to cut chits from the electrical panel lid with the magical laser emerging from her fingertip. He held his machete, really a short sword, in one hand, and his dagger in the other.
"We really shouldn't be much longer, Kath," he said. Kathy had explained to him the difference between Kath and Kathy, and even hinted at the things she'd done while possessed by Pissface and calling herself 'Kath', and even gone into some detail about how much she hated the nickname. Kells hadn't cared. He simply agreed with her, then continued to call her 'Kath'.
And the truth was, she really didn't mind that much.
She wasn't quite sure why, though she could hazard a guess. The man was disarming to a great degree. He presented himself as a dirty wanderer, a simple, violent man who shouldn't be trusted as far as you could throw him. But within just a few minutes of meeting him, she'd seen the intelligence in his eyes and words. She had seen the integrity in his negotiations with her, and the ethics that had turned him protective when the Searchers had appeared.
And despite that protectiveness, he still managed to avoid being patronizing. When she'd told him how she planned to get his chits, he had warned her of the dangers, then agreed to come along without hesitation when she didn't change her mind. Kells was a good man, she thought, and if a good man wanted to call her Kath, she supposed she could let him reclaim the name from the hell it had once represented.
"It won't be much longer," she said. She already had over seven hundred, and this plate would bring her to eight hundred. She only needed five or six more. This deep in the ruins, there was an untouched electrical box on almost every building. Some had been corroded, but most were surprisingly intact.
As she cut the final strip into chits, a roar sounded. It was a gurgling, rasping roar, unlike anything she had ever heard before. Or rather, the first one had been unlike anything she had ever heard before. This was the third time she'd heard it, and it sounded closer than the last two.
"That's no good sign, right thur," Kells said.
Kathy finished, dumping the little squares of galvanized steel into her bag and standing up.
"Come on," she said. "We'll go a couple blocks away from whatever that was before I cut the next one."
"Aye," Kells agreed, his head swiveling on his shoulders as he followed her down the alley. Kathy took note of how spooked he was. He seemed more nervous here than he had with the Searchers right in front of him. She supposed that might have something to do with the nature of the threats. The Searchers were, regardless of power and reputation, mere humans. Whereas whatever was making that roar was clearly some sort of monster.
She led him six blocks in a direction away from the roar before she stopped to examine the buildings. They had moved into a downtown area, which was one of the reasons she had stopped. The buildings here were closer together, which should make the rest of her task quicker. She found a good cover and ripped the little padlock off, then pulled it open and off its hinges.
A mass of spiders rushed out of the electrical box. She jerked her hand away, but they ignored her, scurrying down the wall and vanishing into the cracks between the bricks, safe once again in enclosed darkness.
She began to cut as Kells again stood watch.
She hadn't even made it halfway through the panel when another roar sounded, even closer than the last, and from a different direction.
"Call it," Kells said. "Call it now, Kath. Better ye collect some more later on than deal with the beast makin' them sounds."
"What kind of beast?" Kathy asked. She kept cutting, but glanced up and around, not seeing anything but filthy, dilapidated alleys.
"Walkers, they call 'em," Kells said. "Like great spiders, but rottin' away, with bones stickin' out an' flesh hangin' off th'legs."
"Great spiders?" Kathy asked. "How big?"
"Bigger'n a building."
"You've seen them yourself?" Kathy asked.
"Only once," Kells said, his voice growing quieter. He seemed to be done speaking for a moment, staring around. But after a few seconds, he continued.
"Friend o'mine, name o' Gil. We used t'work together, he an' I. I were real new to runnin' a caravan crew back then, about ten years back. Gil were an old hand at it, though. Took me under 'is wing and taught me th'roads, as it were.
"Anyways, we'd taken a pair o' contracts. Rough ones, with a tight timetable. Merchants needed t'get to Freeman's Port post-haste. One faster'n th'other. Gil took that one, left me with the easier one, though that weren't t'say it were an easy job.
"We was in Craster's Holdfast at th'time, an smack in between there an' Freeman's Port were an ancient ruin. Big one, 'bout the size o' this'un, in fact. Normally, it took about a week t'travel between the two places, but if one were brave or foolhardy enough, they could cut through th'ruins an' make it in five days.
"Well, old Gil had that in mind. We left together, an' at th'place where ye normally would turn north t'go around the ruins, he led his caravan on straight. I prayed fer their safety that night, but never really believed anything would happen. Gil were an experienced caravaner, an' tougher'n anyone else I'd ever met.
"Two days later, we was walkin' this ridgeline north o'the ruins when somethin' called out t'me. Not sure what, exactly. I started lookin' south, scannin' the ruins, an' sure enough, I found Gil's caravan, walking down a wide road between th'largest buildings. They was movin' at quite a clip, I hav'ta say.
"I were tickled pink, at first. Because we'd made near as good a time as they had, despite movin' almost a day's north to skirt th'ruins. But as I watched, I realized that they weren't just travelin', they was runnin'."
Kells sighed, his eyes distant and full of old regrets.
"That's when I saw one. A great Walker, striding out o' th'deepest part o' th'ruins. The way it moved were like nothin' I ever seen before. It crawled along th'sides o' the ruins themselves, like a spider almost, but always with two or three feet on th'ground.
"It came fer th'caravan, and fell on 'em in a slaughter. I watched it breathe fire down on 'em, stompin' men flat with its feet an' scooping 'em up with its great claws."
He sighed again, then looked down. He tucked his sword under his armpit and used his hand to rub his eyes for a moment, before taking the blade up again.
"Killed 'em all, it did. Erry single one, as I live an' breath. An' when it were done, it went around, stompin' th'bodies flat. Never ate one, jes did all it could t'make sure that not a single survivor lived t'tell the tale. I were shook something fierce, I tell ya. Took me own caravan down off the ridge, t'avoid bein' spotted. We ended up arriving a day late, but to this day, I thank me lucky stars we made it at all."
Another sigh came, and Kathy heard the cracks in his voice as he continued on.
"Not Gil, though. Nor any o'them what worked for him, or th'merchant what hired him. A few years later, I worked up th'courage t'take a couple o'men into the ruins, t'find the bodies. I found bones dressed in Gil's clothes. I took his sword, which had survived, an' is th'one I carry to this day. I think Gil'd be pleased to know his blade had saved me life, quite a few times since."
Kathy finished cutting the cover up and stood to put her hands on Kells' shoulder.
"Thank you for telling me that," she said, her voice gentle. "I can tell it's an important story to you."
Kells nodded and sniffed once, then jerked his head in the direction away from the most recent roar. "I still think we should get out o' here, Kath," he said. "I'll face down the Searchers an' be happy o' a good death, should they take me. But them Walkers... They ain't warriors ye can face an' die with honor. One o'them things finds us, there ain't no fightin' it. We jes' die screaming, th'only consolation coming when it's all over."
Kathy weighed his words carefully. Kells knew this world far better than she did. And while she knew her own abilities far better than anyone here, she had to be mindful not to be too arrogant. Kells had told her how a single Walker had slaughtered an entire caravan of experienced fighters, led by an experienced leader.
"Okay," she said. She handed the bag to Kells. "There should be about eight hundred and fifty chits in there. You can count them out later, and I'll trust your count. After I find what I'm looking for, I'll collect the rest and we'll settle up."
"Good call," Kells said. He tied the bag off to his belt and walked to the corner of the building, peeking around. When he was satisfied, he nodded. Kathy joined him, and together, they made a beeline to the edge of the ruins.
They had made it about halfway out when another roar sounded, this one right on top of them. A rumbling crash sounded from her right, and Kathy turned to see rubble falling to the ground as something massive rose off the ground, two blocks over.
"Stars an' stones," Kells swore, then shouted "Run!"
submitted by MjolnirPants to JerryandtheGoddesses [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:02 Ok_Cook_1033 I have a slight problem

I am a young man and I dont know how to deal with this, let me tell the whole story: I have always had really short hair like buzz cut type short and then crew cut later in life, but now I grew my hair out and saw some curls and decided to keep growing it out, but my family specifically my mom are now attacking me about it, saying im forcing my hair to be curly and that its actually straight. I have spent countless days arguing with my mom and even wet my hair one time and brushed it in front of her and told her to brush it as well, I told her to wait for it to dry and weā€™ll see what I have, and NO WAY I WHO COULD OF KNOWN WOW (it dried and it curled up.). edit: I forgot to add that when my momā€™s hair is wet its curly and even today she said ā€œI need to take care of my hair its turning a little curlyā€ and I was like bro. its mainly just that my family for some reason thinks straight hair is superior and ā€œgood hairā€ and curly hair is ā€œbad hairā€ (what they call it).
submitted by Ok_Cook_1033 to curlyhair [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 Minty_Me_Isme Need some help with relationships between characters

Okay so, me and my friend are making a comic (possible webtoon) and we need some input on something.
We have 3 characters that we want to be in the polyamory relationship, but right now its like, they both have a crush on one character, they bond over that, but we want something else for them to bond over or have a mutual understanding that makes them close.
For reference, the girl in this duo is a siren/anglerfish thing that like in most stories, has legs when out of water. Her home and village has been destroyed due to water damage and is currently trying to get money to rebuild it. They're in a group with a runaway princess that has a bounty on her head, thats how they get money. The guy in this duo is a god of some sorts, that comes along to make sure they don't get into trouble, when he sees the ruins that all the people in the groups homes are in, he sort of has a meltdown over how the things he helped create werent as good as they thought they were.
Their crush is a sexy tiefling lady, but we want to have an equal amount of attraction between them all. I hope I've explained it enough, sorry if i cause any trouble lol, ask questions and ill answer them for you!
dynamics: God and Tiefling start off as enemies, but they both find eachother undeniably attractive. Siren and Tiefling bond while doing a kid in the groups hair, they both hold high amounts of respect and attraction towards one another. God and Siren bond over the attraction they both have for the Tiefling, and realize they've fallen for one another later on, but they don't have anything else going on for them.
submitted by Minty_Me_Isme to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 BrookieCookieCon19 Reposted to fix errors in format and add poctures

Reposted to fix errors in format and add poctures
My wedding was a dumpster fire... literally...
I saw your wedding horror story videos and have one of my own I think a lot of people would get a kick out of. Yes, this entire story is 100% true with no real hyperbole, tall tales, etc. This all actually happened and I have witnesses that will attest to this if asked.
I'd been with my husband for about 2 years, engaged for 1, when we found out I was pregnant. Obvi, we decided to rush the wedding after we had a talk about the surprise and what we wanted to do. Flash forward a little and my original Maid of Honor and I had a falling out because the last time we had been together and gone to the church the wedding was being hosted, she had gotten disrespectful with the elders and asked questions she thought were funny, but were really just rude. The swearing really didn't help matters either. I asked her if she would be able to try to be more respectful of my beliefs and be gentle with the others that would be there. This lead to a fight and the beginning of the end of a 7 year relationship (when we tried to rekindle our relationship later, she said she hoped my son would get unalived by a cop because he is white and no one cared about it. Thank God I cut ties when I did). This was also the beginning of a new friendship between myself and the best man's fiancƩ (we are still bffs today) when I asked her to take over. Crisis 1 averted.
For the sake of setting some scenes, I worked at a hotel in a podunk town, right off the highway and met with a make up artist that came in for a makeup party gig with housekeeping. We talked and she agreed to work with me and MOH for the wedding. Here comes the beginning of everything going down hill, on fire, in a rickety buggy.
The night before, after the rehearsal dinner, at 11pm the makeup artist gets ahold of me saying she has to cancel because her husband got into a water bottle accident (water bottle is oilfield speak for the giant water trucks they have on site) and was in the hospital. We understood and told her to do what she has to, we can handle things ourselves.
Meanwhile, my husband's uncle was cooking the pig for the reception dinner as it doubled as his wedding gift to us (which we are extremely thankful for btw). It caught on fire. In the parking lot. Of the hotel I was working at, and everyone was staying. Luckily he was able to save it, but I got to hear about it when I got back to work. They printed the security camera image and everything. It was great.
Now it's the morning of the wedding. I realize that I am missing makeup that I need and, living in a map dot myself, needed to drive half an hour away in order to get what we were missing. Thank God for my dad needed to go out that way anyway. He got us breakfast, took us to the store, and we grabbed what we needed and started to take off. The shirt I was wearing, without my knowledge, had popped the button right over my boobs showing God and everybody my goodies and I hadn't realized it until we were on our way to grab the cupcakes and "smash" cake (it was a cheap alternative to a traditional wedding cake and actually save us a TON of money for the "event"[ note for brides on a budget, say event and not wedding to save some extra $]).
We get home and nerves take over, coupled with my already awful morning sickness, leading me to be stuck in the bathroom for a while. I finish up, brush my teeth again for the third time and decide to start getting things around and just get ready at the church. I made a Playlist in order, and wrote down the order for my brother to be able to just press play and not worry about ads or anything. I literally went as far as saying song a-c for while you wait, d for the procession, and e for my enterance with the song titles. This will become a problem apparently.
As MOH and I are getting ready, I start to freak out because the makeup I got is streaky and I can barely get anything to blend how I want it to, so my mom had my dad grab her makeup and bring it down and takes over for us. Her friend, who offered to do pictures for us along with my SIL (and I paid them both for) told my mom to give me fake lashes because it'd make the pictures prettier. I told them I wasn't comfortable with it because it was new and I didn't know if I could handle the glue smell and the glue she uses hurts my eyes as is. Mom basically said to hush and let her do it.
One thing lead to another, and my mother glued my eyes shut. 10 minutes before my wedding was due to start. Even though I had asked for no fake lashes. Hormones kicked in and I started to cry. After about 5 minutes, we are able to get my eyes opened, but still had bits of glue in my lashes that ended up scratching my eyes throughout the wedding. I included a picture where you can see even through the editing how chunky the glue made my lashes and where chunks were pulled out with the glue. My dad came down asking what was taking so long, and my mom snapped at him and told him to go upstairs and wait a second, which made me start to cry again.
I calm myself down rather quickly and get dressed (the dress ended up being too big because the morning sickness had made me lose weight without me realizing it) and we all head upstairs only about 5 minutes or so late. At the doors, I can hear the music playing. It's the wrong songs. My dad, in his usual joking fashion, said "It's not too late to run". I told him I just wanted to get this dumpster fire over with.
Speed up a bit and during the ceremony, the pastor skipped over the marriage cross ceremony (where the newly weds put a cross together as a symbol of our faith in our marriage), and called my husband Durk. Miraculously, we make it through with those being the only things amiss, besides my husband being tired and looking grumpy the entire time (I guess he and Best Man stayed up half the night BSing with his uncle and dad, my FIL, and having a couple drinks).
Now the ceremony is over and we have people heading to the hotel to set up for the reception. Pictures were a cluster, there was yelling, I started to cry again because I just wanted things to be done quickly, and my mom wanted her photographer she had come in take pictures that she promised to pay for. We still haven't gotten any of them from said photographer.
After my parents were done with their part, they took off for the hotel and someone accidentally set some of the mac and cheese on fire, setting off the smoke alarms for the hotel. Can't say I cared too much because it wasn't the recipe I'd given my mom to make that she asked me to send her because I'm a picky eater as it is with my "touch of the tism" coupled with pregnancy making things worse.
Eventually we get there, and things had gotten flip-flopped as to what was going on and when because Mom wanted it to go her way, MIL was trying to stick to the schedule I had made... It was great. Thank God for hubby's "Aunti B" that was able to take charge and be my voice and fix things where as my mom looked at MIL and Aunti B and said "I don't care, she's you're problem now". Honestly wasn't surprising from my mom. So we wait for every one to file in to the room we were supposed to start in, and I have to teach my brother how to press play on my phone for music. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Awesome.
We get the Mother Son dance and the Father Daughter dance, and by then my husband was done with everything so we just had the food blessed and proceeded to the dining area. No newlywed dance for us. Still pretty upset about that.
At this point I'm too upset to eat, but manage to nibble here and there. As things start to come down, Mom's friend (yes eyelash woman) comes up to me upset because I didn't warn her that the hotel had a pool so she didn't bring suits for her girls to swim in while everyone else was prepared. I informed her (and showed her) that on the event page for the wedding I wrote where everything was taking place and that the hotel had a pool they were free to enjoy. The same information everyone else had used before coming. Embarrassed, she left and just had her daughters swim in their underwear and diaper.
At that point, everyone had eaten, we did the cake cutting, cake smash "competition" (hubby and I each had a jar people woukd put money into as a bid to who will get the cake to the face. Hubby lost, but we ended up turning it into a little game anyway. Pictures included) and a lot of the ceremonial stuff was over so I started cleaning up (condition of being able to use the hotel for free for the event as an employee) and everyone started pitching in.
The ceremony was at 3pm, reception around 4pm. We had everything cleaned up by 6:30pm, 7pm at the latest. Everyone that was staying in the hotel hung out for a bit, and my MIL and SIL (bless them) attempted to get the rest of the eyelash glue out of my eyes and managed to get a bit out with only one piece left before I had to stop. I got chewed out about how things went and how bad my parents looked with everything by my mom (OFC) and I decided to say screw it, packed up, and left for home with hubby, MOH and BM. If you thought that was the end of it, you're mistaken.
The next day, after my amazing MOH got the last of the glue out of my eye, we saw everyone off, and we were to take off for our honeymoon (a Civil War town because there was quite a bit of fun there when I went, and Hubby hadn't been, and it was cheap). I convinced my dad to let us take the SUV because I had a bad feeling about my car. Thank God I did because despite the "new" engine, the car died on the highway not even 10 miles from home when I took it to work later on.
Anyway, we make it to the hotel that had amazing reviews online to discover stains everywhere on the bed and stuff (ew), the pool was atrocious, and the water in the shower smelled like chemicals and started to burn my husband's face. So we checked out saying we had an emergency back home and had to leave. I called a nearby hotel in my brand I worked for and managed to get a room that is usually about $170 a night or so, for $60 a night. Thank God for them.
The rest of the honeymoon went on well with almost no morning sickness, and no other issues. The only bout of morning sickness (which reiterates my desire to know why it's called that when it can happen anytime of day) happened when my husband was being sweet and shared some of his food with me he knew I generally liked. The baby decided "I don't like that", sending me to hug a trash can a little while after lunch. In the middle of the section of (Civil War Town). By the (civil war history specific) house. In the middle of afternoon traffic.
The family ahead of us glared and started saying something about drunk people in the day šŸ™„ and my husband started laughing at the irony of it all. He took off to find me napkins to clean up and a good Samaritan stopped to ask if I was ok. I told him "I'm fine, just pregnant" and they chuckled then left. I managed to get cleaned up when hubby came back with the napkins and we continued on our way.
For those wondering, we now have 2 healthy boys, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and have been happily married for 5 years in August. We still laugh about my eyes getting glued shut on our anniversary with our friends and how my wedding was a prime example of Murphy's Law. If it can go wrong, it will go wrong.
submitted by BrookieCookieCon19 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 Nicky2327 Should I confront a church about their ridiculous photography restrictions?

I just shot a wedding recently and was completely blown away by the restrictions they implemented for ceremonies. Before I explain, I should state that I'm Catholic, and a majority of my weddings are Catholic or in a Catholic church, so I know how to be respectful of the mass while capturing it. I've shot in small churches, cathedrals, and basilicas, and have never run into anything like this.
Anyway, I arrive after shooting the morning activities and am met by who I can assume is the event coordinator for the church. She's an older woman who was polite enough (to begin with) but she explains to me that I can stand no further than the 5th pew from the back for the procession, and must move to the back of the church and stay there for the remainder of the ceremony. I can move along the sides, but no further than the 5th row. To me, this is ridiculous, as the space is fairly large. My business is small, I shoot weddings with my wife, and we have one long lens capable of shooting a wedding from the back of a damn church between the two of us. This has worked just fine for us for the last 7 years of doing this since I generally have the freedom to move around. I bring up to her that this is going to be a problem for me since I won't be able to capture the photos that my client is expecting based on my prior work. She says "I don't make the rules, I just enforce them. The priest makes the rules." She mentions that a big part of the reasoning is that I would be in the way of their live stream of the ceremony. I find this hard to believe since they have several cameras in the back, all of which are at least 10-12ft above seating space, and a professional technician in a booth managing the stream (this is a church in a very wealthy city in case you couldn't tell).
I know the bride and groom quite well, so I was comfortable talking with them about the matter, asking the bride if she knew about these restrictions beforehand. She is shocked and tells me to just do whatever I need to do to do my job, stating that she cares way more about her pictures than she does a livestream. She also sends her attendants to talk to the priest about it, whom they know really well. The priest later finds me and says as long as I'm respectful and not distracting I can move further up as needed, which I of course would do anyway. I'm not sure if this was mentioned to the coordinator, but she was definitely with the priest when the attendants brought up the issue.
Cut to the ceremony and I do what I was told by the event coordinator as best I can. I'm kind of boy scout with rules and don't want to make enemies with anyone, so I just tried to make the best of it. However, it didn't take long to realize that this was going to be an issue. My second shooter (my wife) is basically useless for the entire ceremony. We can't get any photos of the bride and groom's parents or family since they're in the front row. I can barely get shots of the musicians because of the layout of the church. The way the decor and seating are arranged, we can't even get photos of the bridal party, even if we had longer lenses. By the time we get to the Marian Devotion portion of their mass, I have had enough. After struggling to get a shot that the bride and groom explicitly said they wanted, I send my second discretely up the front to capture it, but we were too late in the end.
Upon heading to the back of the church, the event coordinator walks up to my wife and sternly tells her that she's being disruptive and can't go up that far for photos, which drives me over the edge. I confront her (quietly of course) saying that their rules are hindering our ability to do the job that we were paid to do. She reiterates that she doesn't make the rules, to which I respond that I received permission from the person who does, as well as the bride. Her response is, and I quote, "Well that's just not cool." She then tells us that we're moving around too much and too quickly and being distracting. Apparently, casually and quietly walking around the edges of the church, as instructed, qualifies as such. Never mind the two dozen small children that are making noise and running around, or the crying babies being taken from their pews to the back of the church. We are the distraction. She spends the rest of the mass talking behind our backs to her little henchman helping her with the ceremony, both of whom stare daggers at us the rest of the ceremony.
I've never had to deal with something like this before. Sure I've worked with restrictions, but never anything this rigid. I fully understand that it's their facility and they can make the rules however they please, and I'm sure they're there for a reason. However, when you are permitted by the person who makes said rules to bend them a bit, I don't think there's an excuse to be made. To me, this was very clearly someone who was given a small amount of power and takes it to a level of seriousness that is completely unnecessary. Likely because she can't do so anywhere else in her life.
I also get that there's an argument to the made that if I'm going to shoot weddings then I should have all the necessary equipment to do so, which I believe that I do. Does it help that I have to share that equipment with my second? No, but again, it's worked out just fine for the entirety of my career. This is my side gig, and we all know how expensive equipment can be.
So, my question is whether I should reach out to the church with my experience in hopes of inspiring some sort of change for future photographers. Again, I know there are plenty of places that operate like this (if not worse) and at the end of the day, we all have to make do. This particular set of circumstances, and how it was managed on their end, just don't sit well with me though. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
submitted by Nicky2327 to WeddingPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 Cloxxki I saw Samsung's 77" 4K OLED next to 75" 8K NEo QLED

Question 0: please be kind. Thank you so much.
A rookie's perpective, I've not had a dedicated flat screen in my life, and nothing larger in the house than my 17" HD laptop. The TV will be for my new house, larger than 79" will just be stupid, even 75" is pushing it, but I just wanna.
The 8K QLED was a lower price than the 4K OLED.
My use will be "everything except TV channels and Netflix, etc. YouTube, downloaded movies, wall art, and some productivity. Room is to the south, but by trees and taller building across the street, so not super light. Due to me never using TV (I might obtain downloads of 4K car racing at times), it's barely a factor that 8K broadcasts are rare.
Yet to learn: the effect of AI upscaling 4K->8K and even HD->8K. These will be very common situations, but the store is not set up to show that. Let alone what productivity tools look like in native resolution.
In the store just now I saw these two next together. Both, I consider to look amazing. The store ran a demo (I think Samsung specific) that was supposedly being broadcast in 8K, I'll believe them. It was on all TV at the same time.
The 4K OLED looked lovely and actually quite bright to me.
The 8K QLED simple offered more depth perception, more immersion. Animal fur, human hair, it just was "that" bit nicer than on the 4K OLED.
I did also see the Samsung 8K OLED in 85". In the dark side room, so an unfair advantage. In 8K, just utterly stunning, even standing pointlessly close. We tried a 4K netflix nature documentary and it was less than meh. Perhaps it was shot in HD and the AI chip couldn't make much of it. YouTube 8K actually looked hor-ri-ble. Salesman attributed that to YouTube's bitrate, 4K comes out looking better he said. Question 1: does a paid YouTube service fix that to any degree?
The salesman echoed what I'd read on Reddit: OLED isn't the thing to have for produtivity with fonts and such. I won't use the 75" TV as my primary monitor (I hope), but for cigar chair or bean bag creative sessions and the odd collab with a house guest...I think I'll have to skip OLED TVs until they've addressed pixel placement.
I intend to get into sim racing. Sometimes the TV may be asked to perform. The serious PC this requires will also be needed for a bunch of my other use cases. This helps me justify the insane cost (that said, as a kid I bought a no-name 80486-DX2-66 MHz SVGA setup that was close to the best one could buy. In today's money, very similar to a decked out game PC minus screen. Do I need 8K for sim racing on a TV? No-one needs that. But it's nice to have.
The wall art, static and moving, just blows me away in 8K. Yes, in OLED it looks even better, but the price more than doubles which is hard to justify when it's largely the same product otherwise.
Question 2: does anyone have REAL experience with 4K media displayed on a 4K panel vs upscaled to an 8K, with the latest AI chips?
Question 3: Sony audio-through screen. Hyped everywhere, but not actively being demo'd in the store. I can ask next time. I am messy by nature, so any opportunity to declutter helps. I don't need BIG audio, can the Sonys with audio through screen save me their premium's worth in external audio devics (banned word, WTH?) and the hassle of keeping it working?
Question 4: Would the Sony keep me from getting an audio system for the room, or integrate into one? Am I correct to suspect that no sane person uses non-Sony flat TV speakers for just music or boost portable devices?
Question 5: What does the AI upscale-to-8K game look like now? Advanced to be expected soon? Samsung brags, but are they at the top in this game? How are Sony and LG doing? I wasn't able to test this yet in the store, or the media available made it suck on the OLED 85" unit. Anyway, you'd need a similar 4K panel next to it which seems a lot to ask from a store. I might not even see regular 4K vs 8K on similar panels :)
submitted by Cloxxki to 4kTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:57 Bloodfetish666 My (27F) boyfriend (33M) doesn't trust me and makes me miserable. Any advice on how to leave?

I've been with my current boyfriend for 7 months. Things moved really fast and I moved in after 3 months of dating. He has two kids (one biological and one that is the half brother of his son). Living with him has been very difficult. But I never expected things to get so bad.
He's been through a lot of bad relationships. His most recent one was 7 years ago and he was cheated on constantly. My last relationship was 4 years ago and I was severely abused. He didn't have sex or contact with women for 7 years. He is constantly distrustful of me. We've gotten into so many arguments because of really immature shit. Our most recent argument was because I didn't kiss him goodbye before leaving for work because I thought he fell asleep and I was late for work. That turned into a screaming match when I got home.
He also went through my phone last night because he asked who I was talking to and I told him. I was talking to my previous lover's brothers. We'll call him J. J took his own life last year and I've been grieving. I got in touch with J's family and want to plan a trip to see them (they live in England). I got up to take a shower and noticed my phone was moved. While I'm at work today, my boyfriend randomly "suggested" that I go on a trip to England and meet them. He was really aggressive and pushy in the texts and said how he thinks that would make me "so happy". He constantly thinks that he doesn't make me happy (he makes me miserable because of his behavior). He clearly read my conversation. He also made a joke about me to his friend. The "joke" was that his long hair is the only thing I'm attracted to in the bedroom and how that's barely even enough. I haven't had sex with him in weeks because of how awful he treats me.
He also has accused me of cheating because his boss was talking about something that my boyfriend and I discussed days before. His boss also told him that some "random girl knocked on my door today and I let her in". He freaked out and thought it was me. Google maps tracks all of my travels with locations, dates and times. I had to show him that so he would believe me. I've proved him wrong time and time again whenever he thinks I'm lying or cheating and then he just finds something else to be paranoid about.
I'm so miserable and want to leave once I have the money to find a place. He isolates me from friends and family because he thinks that I'm cheating on him whenever I leave the house (I literally leave just to go to work). I'm so miserable and I have no one to talk to about this, so here I am looking for some advice from strangers. Thank you for reading šŸ§ø
submitted by Bloodfetish666 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:56 DJMitch117 Support for PA/PET Woes and Complaint

Support for PA/PET Woes and Complaint
Hi all,
I just want to share my experience with Support for PA (with PAHT-CF on my X1 C) and Bambu Lab's response regarding the poor performance of this material.
I bought this material along side some PAHT-CF. I both dried them, as per the Bambu wiki, before use. I then used the Support for PA as the support interface material for several prints. I used the Orca Slicer (and Bambu Studio) recommended settings after selecting the Support for PA as the interface material (Top Z distance = 0mm).
I noticed that the Support for PA is very stringy, and strings would get caught in the layers of the PAHT-CF part. I also noticed that the interface would be very hard to remove by hand.
Support for PA is advertised on it's store webpage as:
  • being a "perfect support material"
  • providing support material with "Easy removal by hand"
  • compatible with PAHT-CF
With poor results, I dried both materials again as per the wiki. This helped with the stringing, but did not eliminate it. I also studied the store webpage and wiki for any specific settings for this combination of materials that I might be unaware of, but I found nothing. I have also found that others have had poor results with Support for PA. I tried increasing the Top Z distance to 1.5mm and this solved the issue with stuck interface material, but the overhang surface finish was just okay. My thinking is that if I have to increase the Top Z distance to get this material to work, which results in a worse overhang finish, then what's the point of this expensive and stringy support material?
I then got in touch with Bambu Lab support. I printed some test pieces, that are similar to the model in the images on the Support for PA store webpage, and provided a .3mf file of my Bambu Lab project. They told me to tweak some settings, which included increasing the Top Z distance.
Test results:
  • Control: part and support all printed using PAHT-CF. Default Top Z distance of 0.2mm. Overhang finish is reasonable, but would expect better results with an support interface material and a Top Z distance of 0 mm.
  • Using Support for PA as the interface material and a slicer recommended Top Z distance of 0mm. As expected, interface material is stuck and embedded into the overhang surface. But the overhang surface finish (where I can actually see it) is great.
Top Z distance = 0mm. String caught between layers towards left of image.
  • Using Support for PA as the interface material, and using Bambu Support suggested settings that include Top Z distance of 0.2mm. Support and interface can be removed from the part by hand BUT the overhang surface finish is almost identical to the control!
Left: Support for PA with Bambu Support settings incl. Top Z distance = 0.2mm. Right: not using Support for PA as interface material, Top Z distance = 0.2mm
Support for PA is not a "perfect support material" and can't be easily removed by hand unless you compromise the overhang surface finish (when used with PAHT-CF). Don't get me wrong, the overhand surface quality is good in all scenarios (besides from the the interface is stuck), but keeping in mind that these are higher end, expensive, engineering materials, I don't think this is good enough from Bambu. At the very least, Bambu Lab should amend the Support for PA store webpage with information on how to get a decent results with this support material. If they did this, would people still buy it? My expectations from the store webpage were that this would work as well as Support for PLA. Notice how there is no image of the results when using Support for PA with PA-CF on the store webpage, but there is an image of the results when using a (what I assume) is a non CF material (PET maybe?).
I appreciate better results might be achieved with more tweaking of settings, but Bambu Lab should mention this, and how there is still a trade off between Top Z distance and overhang surface finish, rather than saying this support material is "perfect".
I'm trying to raise this as more of a complaint. I've wasted a lot of time and some money on this filament. I also hope that they might provide a refund for the spool. At this point Bambu Lab support has stopped being helpful and are reiterating what has already been said and are not directly addressing my concerns.
Even if there settings that provide a slightly better overhang surface finish (which can be removed with ease), when compared to not using this interface material, I still wouldn't want to use this interface material for intricate engineering parts due to the risk of Support for PA stings and small blobs getting caught in between layers.
Has anyone here had better results with this support material or with a different support material when using PAHT-CF? Do we think Bambu should do better here? Or am I asking for too much. Remember, they're using the word "perfect" with no caveats.
submitted by DJMitch117 to BambuLab [link] [comments]