Blank da fm 4856

Verhältnis mit Chef stark angespannt

2024.05.14 12:15 Koniovan Verhältnis mit Chef stark angespannt

Hallo zusammen,
ich brauche euren Ratschlag, da ich im Moment nicht mehr weiter weiß.
Vor knapp 2 Jahren habe ich die Firma gewechselt und komme mit den Kollegen gut klar. Nur der Chef ist äußerst schwierig. Er macht jeden runter, lobt nie und hat keine Ahnung vom Themenbereich.
Ende 2023 wurde ich leider psychisch krank, war längere Zeit deswegen im HomeOffice (aber nie krankgeschrieben). Zu dem Zeitpunkt wurde eine Stelle frei, an der ich Interesse habe und die Kollegen wollten auch, dass ich diese übernehme. Eine Bewerbung wurde aber seitens des Chefs abgelehnt. Er möchte niemand, der psychisch krank ist an der Stelle (ging um interne IT-Sicherheit) und hat das auch im Personal offen kommuniziert.
Kurz nach meiner Rückkehr habe ich einen schriftlichen Hinweis wegen Fehlverhaltens bekommen. Da bin ich auch selbst Schuld. Kollege musste weg, ich sollte ins Büro kommen und vertreten. Leider haben meine Medikamente zu der Zeit verrückt gespielt und ich hab beim Autofahren die Kontrolle verloren, alle Vollgespuckt und Todesangst gehabt, da ich nichts mehr sehen konnte (bin dann auch rechts ran, keine Sorge). Habs den Kollegen anrufen, er soll bitte informieren, dass ich es nicht schaffe. Dies tat er nicht -> Chef sauer.
Heute morgen musste ich wegen eines Personaltermins unser wöchentliche Abteilungssitzung kurz vor Schluss verlassen. Auch da hat er mich im nachhinein verbal attackiert. Ich hätte kein Interesse an meinen Kollegen und an ihm, was das soll.
Wir kriegen nun Anfang Juli einen Abteilungsleiter, sprich mein jetziger Chef ist dann eine Etage drüber und nur noch indirekt für mich zuständig. Da ich heute zum ersten Mal wegen ihm geheult habe (Nerven liegen blank) will ich aber einfach nur noch weg.... er wird bestimmt gegen mich arbeiten, egal wie. Anlügen tut er mich eh schon und redet hintenrum schlecht über mich.
Hattet ihr eine ähnliche Situation? Seit ihr dann gegangen? Odet auf Besserung hoffen durch den Abteilungsleiter?
Viele Grüße
submitted by Koniovan to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:02 FrontburnerBot May 14, 2024: Eurovision’s charged political history

May 14, 2024
Eurovision might best be described as “the Olympics meets American Idol”: a singing contest where countries face off for the number one spot in musical glory. It’s incredibly campy, silly, and mostly very fun.

But this year’s Eurovision — which wrapped on the weekend — was dogged by controversy, as organizers faced protests for allowing Israel to compete amid the ongoing war in Gaza.

The European Broadcasting Union, which runs Eurovision, insists the contest is “non-political”. But our guest today argues that geo-political ideals and tensions have coursed through this competition since its inception in 1956.

Tess Megginson — a PhD candidate studying central and eastern European history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill — explains.

For transcripts of Front Burner, please visit:

Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

You can listen to the episode on the web here.
submitted by FrontburnerBot to frontburner [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:37 undeadreaper1370 new to gamemaker and cant get anything to work

"C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/igowindows/x64/Igor.exe" -j=8 -options="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\build.bff" -v -- Windows Run
Loaded Macros from C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\macros.json
Options: C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\bin\platform_setting_defaults.json
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\unknownUser_unknownUserID\local_settings.json
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\targetoptions.json
Setting up the Asset compiler
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/assetcompilewindows/x64/GMAssetCompiler.dll /c /mv=1 /zpex /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=0 /j=8 /gn="Survivor Game Template" /td="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP" /cd="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492" /rtp="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168" /zpuf="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\unknownUser_unknownUserID" /prefabs="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Prefabs" /ffe="d3t+fjZrf25zeTdwgjZ5em98a3GCN4ODbTZzeH5vdnZzfW94fW82eH92dnN9cjZ2eXFzeGl9fXk2fm99fjZtf31+eXdpb3iANnBzdn41cII2cYJpd3luaYFrdnZ6a3pvfDZxgml3eW5pcWt3b31+fHN6NnZzgG9pgWt2dnprem98aX1/bH1tfHN6fnN5eA==" /m=windows /tgt=64 /nodnd /cfg="Default" /o="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM" /sh=True /optionsini="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\options.ini" /cvm /ba
seproject="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\BaseProject\BaseProject.yyp" "C:\Users\josep\GameMakerProjects\Survivor Game Template\Survivor Game Template.yyp" /preprocess="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492"
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 307.3348ms
Loaded Project: Survivor Game Template
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 39.1468ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 22.9409ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_effect_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 15.5875ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_blur_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 26.6557ms
Loaded Project: GMPresetParticles
Release build
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\ExtensionOptions.json
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\PlatformOptions.json
[Compile] Run asset compiler
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/assetcompilewindows/x64/GMAssetCompiler.dll /c /mv=1 /zpex /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=0 /j=8 /gn="Survivor Game Template" /td="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP" /cd="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492" /rtp="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168" /zpuf="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\unknownUser_unknownUserID" /prefabs="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Prefabs" /ffe="d3t+fjZrf25zeTdwgjZ5em98a3GCN4ODbTZzeH5vdnZzfW94fW82eH92dnN9cjZ2eXFzeGl9fXk2fm99fjZtf31+eXdpb3iANnBzdn41cII2cYJpd3luaYFrdnZ6a3pvfDZxgml3eW5pcWt3b31+fHN6NnZzgG9pgWt2dnprem98aX1/bH1tfHN6fnN5eA==" /m=windows /tgt=64 /nodnd /cfg="Default" /o="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM" /sh=True /optionsini="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\options.ini" /cvm /ba
seproject="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\BaseProject\BaseProject.yyp" "C:\Users\josep\GameMakerProjects\Survivor Game Template\Survivor Game Template.yyp" /debug /bt=run /rt=vm /64bitgame=true
Looking for built-in fallback image in C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\bin\BuiltinImages
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_shader... compiled with vs_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_shader... compiled with ps_4_0_level_9_3 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_effect_shader... compiled with vs_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_effect_shader... compiled with ps_4_0_level_9_3 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_blur_shader... compiled with vs_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_blur_shader... compiled with ps_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compile Constants...finished.
Remove DnD...finished.
Compile Scripts...finished.
Compile Rooms...finished..... 0 CC empty
Compile Objects...finished.... 0 empty events
Compile Timelines...finished.
Compile Triggers...finished.
Compile Extensions...finished.
Global scripts...finished.
collapsing enums.
Final Compile...finished.
Saving IFF file... C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\Survivor Game
Writing Chunk... GEN8 size ... -0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... OPTN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... LANG size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... EXTN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SOND size ... 0.00 MB
Converting snd_attack_chimes_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_attack_chimes_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lose to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_click to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lightning_impact_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_melee_hit_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lightning_throw to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lightning_impact_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_pickup_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_pickup_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_pickup_3 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_ui_close to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_melee_hit_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_melee_hit_3 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_music_menu to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_music_game to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_ui_select to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_win to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Writing Chunk... AGRP size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SPRT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... BGND size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... PATH size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SCPT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... GLOB size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SHDR size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FONT size ... 0.02 MB
Writing Chunk... TMLN size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... OBJT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FEDS size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... ACRV size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SEQN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TAGS size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... ROOM size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DAFL size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... EMBI size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... PSEM size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... PSYS size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TPAGE size ... 0.00 MB
Texture Group - Default
Texture Group - __YY__0fallbacktexture.png_YYG_AUTO_GEN_TEX_GROUP_NAME_
Writing Chunk... TGIN size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... CODE size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... VARI size ... 0.03 MB
Writing Chunk... FUNC size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FEAT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... STRG size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TXTR size ... 0.04 MB
0 Compressing texture... writing texture __yy__0fallbacktexture.png_yyg_auto_gen_tex_group_name__0.yytex...
1 Compressing texture... writing texture default_0.yytex...
2 Compressing texture... writing texture default_1.yytex...
3 Compressing texture... writing texture default_2.yytex...
4 Compressing texture... writing texture default_3.yytex...
Writing Chunk... AUDO size ... 8.76 MB
Writing Chunk... SCPT size ... -0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DBGI size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... INST size ... 0.02 MB
Writing Chunk... LOCL size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DFNC size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... STRG size ... 0.00 MB
Stats : GMA : Elapsed=5230.2736
Stats : GMA : sp=53,au=18,bk=0,pt=0,sc=33,sh=3,fo=6,tl=0,ob=27,ro=2,da=0,ex=0,ma=6,fm=0xB00C4AE00224
Igor complete.
[Run] Run game
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/windows/x64/Runner.exe -game "C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\Survivor Game"
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/windows/x64/Runner.exe exited with non-zero status (-1073741515)
elapsed time 00:00:06.1866255s for command "C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/igowindows/x64/Igor.exe" -j=8 -options="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\build.bff" -v -- Windows Run started at 05/13/2024 23:31:24
FAILED: Run Program Complete
For the details of why this build failed, please review the whole log above and also see your Compile Errors window.
any idea why i cant get anything to run? this is one of the prebuilt game and i havent made any changes to it.
submitted by undeadreaper1370 to gamemaker [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:19 ramdytis3c Damon Rush & Alex Mind, Damon Rush & Matt Galbraith - Let the Bass Kick [Super Stylin Records]

Damon Rush & Alex Mind - Digital Dreams / Key Ebm, BPM 127, 5:59, MP3 14.42 Mb, AIFF 63.39 Mb
Damon Rush & Alex Mind - Want Your Soul (Remix) / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 3:48, MP3 9.16 Mb, AIFF 40.24 Mb
Damon Rush & Matt Galbraith - Laid Back / Key Bbm, BPM 122, 3:30, MP3 8.45 Mb, AIFF 37.09 Mb
Damon Rush & Pio-Neer - Don't Stop,Won't Stop! / Key Bm, BPM 121, 3:29, MP3 8.40 Mb, AIFF 36.88 Mb
Damon Rush & Travis Gaetz - Higher Level (Album Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 126, 3:34, MP3 8.61 Mb, AIFF 37.77 Mb
Damon Rush - Boomerang / Key Abm, BPM 128, 4:02, MP3 9.73 Mb, AIFF 42.72 Mb
Damon Rush - Bounce to Da Beat / Key Abm, BPM 123, 3:12, MP3 7.74 Mb, AIFF 33.96 Mb
Damon Rush - By Your Side / Key Cm, BPM 124, 6:12, MP3 14.95 Mb, AIFF 65.73 Mb
Damon Rush - Everything (Dub Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 125, 4:37, MP3 11.13 Mb, AIFF 48.91 Mb
Damon Rush - Father Time / Key Ebm, BPM 124, 4:08, MP3 9.98 Mb, AIFF 43.84 Mb
Damon Rush - Future is Now / Key Fm, BPM 124, 4:41, MP3 11.28 Mb, AIFF 49.56 Mb
Damon Rush - Hyperspace / Key Dbm, BPM 127, 4:25, MP3 10.66 Mb, AIFF 46.83 Mb
Damon Rush - I Feel You / Key Dm, BPM 129, 4:02, MP3 9.73 Mb, AIFF 42.72 Mb
Damon Rush - In My Arms / Key Bm, BPM 128, 4:35, MP3 11.04 Mb, AIFF 48.50 Mb
Damon Rush - Let the Bass Kick / Key Dm, BPM 125, 3:42, MP3 8.91 Mb, AIFF 39.13 Mb
Damon Rush - Mellow Madness / Key Bb, BPM 120, 4:56, MP3 11.89 Mb, AIFF 52.26 Mb
Damon Rush - Nemesis / Key Em, BPM 128, 4:17, MP3 10.33 Mb, AIFF 45.36 Mb
Damon Rush - Night Shadows / Key Cm, BPM 127, 6:34, MP3 15.82 Mb, AIFF 69.60 Mb
Damon Rush - Supernova / Key Cm, BPM 126, 4:54, MP3 11.80 Mb, AIFF 51.88 Mb
Damon Rush - The Pressure (Dub Mix) / Key Am, BPM 125, 4:22, MP3 10.52 Mb, AIFF 46.23 Mb
Damon Rush - Wicked / Key Em, BPM 125, 4:22, MP3 10.53 Mb, AIFF 46.28 Mb

DOWNLOAD - progonlymusic com
submitted by ramdytis3c to proresivesound [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:45 Sea-Feedback4197 Don't mind

submitted by Sea-Feedback4197 to AntimatterDimensions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:36 FunEngineer69 Realistic STA-2280

Realistic STA-2280
Picked up this bad boy over the weekend. The display was just too cool to pass up! It matches my Realistic EQ and sounds pretty good too!
submitted by FunEngineer69 to vintageaudio [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:38 Staralfur_95 Lost the title at home to Celtic on the final day

Lost the title at home to Celtic on the final day
Playing as Queen's Park, this is only season no. 2, we're newly promoted to Premiership and had an amazing run, taking the lead after 26 games and holding it till the final day when all we needed was a draw against Celtic at Hampden. Well, we didn't get that.
submitted by Staralfur_95 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:05 FrontburnerBot May 13, 2024: Israel rejects ceasefire deal, pushes into Gaza’s last refuge

May 13, 2024
There were scenes of celebration in Gaza last Monday, as word spread that Hamas had accepted the terms of an Egyptian-Qatari ceasefire proposal.

But the same day, Israel rejected the deal. Its military has since ordered more evacuations and pushed further into Rafah, considered a last refuge for over 1 million Gazans displaced by the war.  

So what would it take for Israel to agree to a ceasefire? If it wants the safety of hostages, why didn’t it take a deal to release them? And what could the human cost of this last push for Israel’s “total victory” be? 

Julian Borger is the Guardian's world affairs editor.

For transcripts of Front Burner, please visit:

Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

You can listen to the episode on the web here.
submitted by FrontburnerBot to frontburner [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:04 xStratos Boy am I going to have my work cut out for me over the next days and weeks!

Boy am I going to have my work cut out for me over the next days and weeks!
Received my grandparents coin collection and it includes miscellaneous but also 330 Buffalo nickels, we'll need about a gallon of nicadate, but I am so excited to get a chance to go through this over the next week or two as I catalog it properly.
submitted by xStratos to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:03 xStratos Boy am I going to have my work cut out for me over the next days and weeks!

Boy am I going to have my work cut out for me over the next days and weeks!
Received my grandparents coin collection and it includes miscellaneous but also 330 Buffalo nickels, we'll need about a gallon of nicadate, but I am so excited to get a chance to go through this over the next week or two as I catalog it properly.
submitted by xStratos to CRH [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:28 Punjavepoonpoon Americans who played abroad today: 5/11-12/24

May 11th
Premier league (England)
Antonee Robinson (Fulham) Started at LB and went the full 90’ in a 4-0 loss against Manchester City.Picked up a yellow in the 90th‘ (5.9/5.79) 29/36 passing Match Highlights
Chris Richards (Crystal Palace) Started at LCB and went the full 90’ in a 3-1 win at Wolves (7.2/6.71) 0/1 shot on target, 37/53 passing Match Highlights
Tyler Adams (AFC Bournemouth) Subbed on in the 80th‘ in a 2-1 loss against Brentford (-/6.10) 11/11 passing Match Highlights
Auston Trusty (Sheffield United) Started at CB and went the full 90’ in a 1-0 loss at Everton (6.8/6.99) 33/38 passing Match Highlights
League 2 - Semi-Finals - Leg-2
Jeremy Kelly (Crawley Town) Started at LWB and went the full 90’ in a 5-1 win at MK Dons. They advance 8-1 on aggregate (7.0/6.67) 1/1 shot on target, 56/66 passing Match Highlights
Segunda Division (Spanish 2nd Division)
Konrad de la Fuente (SD Eibar on loan from Olympique Marseille) Subbed on in the 70th‘ in a 2-2 draw at Levante (6.5/-) 2/3 passing, 1 chance created Match Highlights
Jonathan Gómez (CD Mirandés on loan from Real Sociedad) Started at LWB and went the full 90’ in a 1-0 loss at Racing Santander (6.5/-) 37/46 passing Match Highlights
Serie A (Italy)
Christian Pulišić (AC Milan) Started at LW and went the full 90’ in a 5-1 win against Cagliari. Won player of the match by scoring in the 59th’ and 86th’ (8.9/8.89) 2/3 shots on target, 39/45 passing, 2 chances created Match Highlights
Yunus Musah (AC Milan) Started at LCM and went the full 90’ in a 5-1 win against Cagliari (6.7/6.70) 34/38 passing
Bundesliga (Germany)
Brenden Aaronson (Union Berlin on loan from Leeds Utd) Started at RAM and played 53‘ in a 3-2 loss at FC Köln (6.6/6.40) 10/15 passing Match Highlights
Joe Scally (Borussia Mönchengladbach) Started at LM and went the full 90’ in a 1-1 draw with Eintracht Frankfurt. Assisted on their goal in the 9th’ (7.7/7.15) 25/31 passing, 1 chance created Match Highlights
Damion Downs (FC Köln) Subbed on in the 74th‘ in a 3-2 win against Union Berlin. Scored the game winner in the 90th’ (6.9/6.97) 1/1 shot on target, 1/1 pass
Lennard Maloney (1. FC Heidenheim 1846) Subbed on in the 65th‘ in a 1-1 draw at Freiburg (6.1/6.10) 5/7 passing Match Highlights
2. Bundesliga
Nathaniel Brown (FC Nürnberg on loan from Eintracht Frankfurt) Started at LB and played 85‘ in a 3-0 win against Elversberg (7.4/7.15) 0/1 shot on target, 37/42 passing, 1 chance created Match Highlights
3. Liga
Joe-Joe Richardson (SV Sandhausen) Started at RM and played 86‘ in a 4-2 loss at SV Waldhof Mannheim (-/-) Match Highlights
Mael Corboz (Arminia Bielefeld) Started at RCM and went the full 90’ in a 0-0 draw with Hallescher FC (-/-) Match Highlights
Terrence Boyd (SV Waldhof Mannheim) Started at RST and went the full 90’ in a 4-2 win against SV Sandhausen. Scored in the 9th’ and 44th’
Marcel Costly (FC Ingolstadt) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 6-1 win against Lubeck.Picked up a yellow in the 57th‘ (-/-) Match Highlights
Ryan Malone (FC Ingolstadt) Started at RCB and went the full 90’ in a 6-1 win against Lubeck
Justin Butler (Borussia Dortmund II) Subbed on in the 60th‘ in a 2-1 loss against SSV Ulm (-/-) Match Highlights
Liga Pro (Portuguese 2nd Division)
Jude Burst (Lank FCV) Subbed on in the 87th‘ in a 2-1 win against Penafiel (-/-) Match Highlights
Jupiler Pro League (Belgium)
Mark McKenzie (KRC Genk) Started at LCB and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 loss at Anderlecht (6.7/6.34) 0/1 shot on target, 35/41 passing
Gabriel Slonina (KAS Eupen on loan from Chelsea) Started at GK and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 win against RWD Molenbeek. Won player of the match (8.1/7.97) 7/7 saving
Premier League (Scotland)
Cameron Carter-Vickers (Celtic FC) Started at RCB and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 win against Rangers (7.6/6.86) 82/89 passing Match Highlights
Scott Pittman (Livingston FC) Started at RCM and played 66‘ in a 2-1 win against St.Johnstone (6.6/5.97) 17/23 passing, 2 chances created Match Highlights

1.Divisjon (Norwegian 2nd Division)
Chris Hegardt (Stabaek) Subbed on in the 85th‘ in a 3-3 draw at Moss FK (-/-) Match Highlights
Thomas Roberts (Stabaek) Started at RCM and went the full 90’ in a 3-3 draw at Moss FK
Ian Hoffmann (Moss FK) Started at LB and played 90‘ in a 3-3 draw with Stabaek. Assisted in the 73rd’ and scored in the 77th’
NordicBet Liga (Danish 2nd Division)
José Gallegos (SønderjyskE FC) Subbed on in the 61st‘ in a 1-0 win against AaB (6.7/-) 0/1 shot on target, 4/7 passing, 1 chance created, 1 penalty won Match Highlights
Liga HaAl (Israel)
Kenny Saief (Maccabi Haifa) Subbed on in the 77th‘ in a 1-0 loss against Maccabi Tel Aviv (-/-) Match Highlights

Superettan (Swedish 2nd Division)
Marcelo Palomino (GIF Sundsvall) Started at RST and played 63‘ in a 3-1 loss against Landskrona BoIS (-/-) Match Highlights
Ekstraklasa (Poland)
Ben Lederman (Raków Częstochowa) Started at LCM and played 75‘ in a 2-1 win against Pogoń Szczecin (7.4/-) 28/32 passing, 2 chances created Match Highlights
Danny Trejo (Korona Kielce) Started at LM and played 61‘ in a 3-0 loss at Jagiellonia Białystok (5.7/-) 10/12 passing Match Highlights

Fortuna 1 Liga
Szymon Lyczko (Stal Rzeszów) Started at LW and played 89‘ in a 4-2 win against Termalica Nieciecza (-/-) Match Highlights
Fortuna Liga (Slovakia)
Zyen Jones (FC Kosice) Subbed on in the 70th‘ in a 1-0 loss at Skalica (-/-) Match Highlights
Veikkausliiga (Finland)
Justin Rennicks (AC Oulu) Started at LW and went the full 90’ in a 1-1 draw with IF Gnistan (-/-) Match Highlights
Prva Liga (Slovenia)
Barnabás Tanyi (NK Aluminij) Started at RW and played 58‘ in a 4-1 win at Rogaska. Scored in the 42nd’ and 45th’ (-/-) Match Highlights
Úrvalsdeild Karla (Iceland)
Aron Jóhannsson (Valur Reykjavik) Started at LCM and went the full 90’ in a 3-1 win against KA Akureyri (8.4/-) 0/4 shots on target, 43/53 passing, 1 chance created, 1 penalty won
Kategoria Superiore (Albania)
Gledi Mici (KF Tirana) Started at RCB and went the full 90’ in a 3-0 win at Egnatia (-/-) Match Highlights
Realdo Fili (KF Teuta) Subbed on in the 84th‘ in a 1-0 win against FC Dinamo City. Scored the game winner in the 90th’ (-/-) Match Highlights
Xhelil Asani (KF Erzeni) Started at LB and went the full 90’ in a 4-0 loss at Partizani (-/-) Match Highlights
South America
Liga 1 (Peru)
Pierre da Silva (Universidad César Vallejo) Started at LW and played 87‘ in a 1-1 draw with Los Chankas (-/-) Match Highlights
Matías Succar (CA Mannucci) Started at LST and played 58‘ in a 3-0 loss at Cusco FC (-/-) Match Highlights
Primera División (Uruguay)
Matias Fracchia (Danubio FC) Started at RCB and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 loss at Cerro.Picked up a yellow in the 56th‘ (-/-)
May 12th
Championship - Semi-Finals - Leg-1 (English 2nd Division)
Josh Sargent (Norwich City) Started at ST and played 83‘ in a 0-0 draw with Leeds Utd (6.0/6.14) 0/2 shots on target, 7/11 passing, 1 chance created Match Highlights
La Liga (Spain)
Johnny (Real Betis) Started at LCM and played 59‘ in a 3-2 win against Almeria (7.3/6.79) 27/30 passing, 1 chance created Match Highlights
Luca de la Torre (Celta Vigo) Subbed on in the 87th‘ in a 1-0 loss at Atletico Madrid (-/5.93) Match Highlights
Serie A (Italy)
Weston Mckennie (Juventus FC) Started at RCM and played 45‘ in a 1-1 draw with Salernitana (6.0/6.02) 15/18 passing Match Highlights
Bundesliga (Germany)
Kevin Paredes (VfL Wolfsburg) Started at LWB and played 78‘ in a 2-0 loss at Bayern Munich (6.9/6.53) 47/54 passing, 1 chance created Match Highlights
2. Bundesliga
Johan Gómez (Eintracht Braunschweig) Started at RST and played 70‘ in a 1-0 win against Wehen Wiesbaden (6.7/6.60) 1/1 shot on target, 9/15 passing, 1 chance created
3. Liga
Santiago Castaneda (MSV Duisburg) Subbed on in the 84th‘ in a 2-2 draw with Erzgebirge Aue (-/-) Match Highlights
Kaan Inanoğlu (MSV Duisburg) Started at ST and played 46‘ in a 2-2 draw with Erzgebirge Aue
Eredivisie (Netherlands)
Ricardo Pepi (PSV) Subbed on in the 68th‘ in a 1-1 draw at Fortuna Sittard (6.3/6.25) 1/1 shot on target, 9/10 passing Match Highlights
Malik Tillman (PSV on loan from Bayern Munich) Started at CAM and went the full 90’ in a 1-1 draw at Fortuna Sittard (6.7/6.67) 1/1 shot on target, 32/45 passing, 1 chance created
Taylor Booth (FC Utrecht) Started at RW and played 55‘ in a 1-0 loss against Sparta Rotterdam (7.1/6.72) 0/3 shots on target, 7/11 passing, 2 chances created
Paxten Aaronson (Vitesse on loan from Eintracht Frankfurt) Started at CDM and played 83‘ in a 3-1 win at Heerenveen.Picked up a yellow in the 61st‘ (6.8/6.45) 0/1 shot on target, 17/17 passing, 1 chance created
Ligue 1 (France)
Folarin Balogun (AS Monaco) Subbed on in the 43rd‘ in a 2-0 win at Montpellier. Assisted on the game winner in the 52nd‘ (6.8/6.58) 0/1 shot on target, 10/15 passing, 1 chance created

Jupiler Pro League (Belgium)
Kahveh Zahiroleslam (St. Truiden) Started at ST and played 72‘ in a 2-1 win against KV Mechelen (6.3/6.49) 1/1 shot on target, 9/11 passing
Premier League (Scotland)
Dante Polvara (Aberdeen FC) Started at LCM and played 66‘ in a 4-0 win at Hibernian. Scored in the 39th’ (7.8/7.91) 1/3 shots on target, 15/19 passing, 1 chance created Match Highlights
Bundesliga (Austria)
George Bello (LASK) Started at LB and went the full 90’ in a 2-2 draw with Sturm Graz (6.1/-) 32/42 passing Match Highlights
Sebastian Soto (SK Austria Klagenfurt) Subbed on in the 83rd‘ in a 1-0 loss against Rapid Wien (-/-) 1/1 pass Match Highlights

Eliteserien (Norway)
Adam Saldaña (KFUM) Subbed on in the 81st‘ in a 4-1 loss against Fredrikstad (-/-) 5/5 passing Match Highlights
Michael Lansing (Kristiansund BK) Started at GK and went the full 90’ in a 4-2 loss against Bodoe/Glimt (5.7/-) 6/10 saving Match Highlights
Fortuna Liga (Czech Republic)
Laurent Kissiedou (FK Pardubice) Started at RCM and played 66‘ in a 3-2 win against Dynamo Ceske Budejovice (-/-)
1.HNL (Croatia)
Rokas Pukštas (Hajduk Split) Started at RAM and played 89‘ in a 1-1 draw at NK Istra 1961 (6.9/-) 14/21 passing, 2 chances created Match Highlights
Superettan (Swedish 2nd Division)
Arquímedes Ordoñez (Ostersund FK on loan from Cincinnati FC) Started at ST and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 loss at IK Brage (-/-) Match Highlights
Adrián Zendejas (Skovde AIK) Started at GK and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 loss at Gefle (-/-) Match Highlights
Protathlima Cyta (Cyprus)
Christos Hadjipaschalis (Othellos Athien) Started at LCM and went the full 90’ in a 4-1 loss at Apollon Limassol (-/-) Match Highlights
Nemzeti Bajnokság I (Hungary)
Erik Kocs-Washburn (Mezokovesd Zsory FC on loan from Debrecen VSC) Started at LW and played 64‘ in a 4-3 loss at Kisvarda (-/-) Match Highlights
Ykkösliiga (Finnish 2nd Division)
Noah Levis (Mikkelin Palloilijat) Subbed on in the 65th‘ in a 4-0 loss at KaePa (-/-) Match Highlights
Lasse Ikonen (TPS) Started at RB and played 90‘ in a 1-0 win at SalPa (-/-) Match Highlights
Gabriel Oksanen (SJK II) Started at RB and played 84‘ in a 1-1 draw at PK-35.Picked up a yellow in the 58th‘ (-/-) Match Highlights
1.CFL (Montenegro)
Luka Malešević (OFK Petrovac) Started at LB and went the full 90’ in a 2-2 draw with FK Arsenal Tivat (-/-)
Prva Makedonska Fudbalska Liga (North Macedonia)
Keith Larson (Makedonija) FK Subbed on in the 46th‘ in a 2-1 win against Bregalnica Stip. Scored in the 63rd’ (-/-)
South America
LigaPro Serie A (Ecuador)
Michael Hoyos (Independiente del Valle) Subbed on in the 72nd‘ in a 2-1 win at El Nacional (-/-) Match Highlights
Past week's Post
submitted by Punjavepoonpoon to ussoccer [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:57 cinikitti How could junior...

How could junior... submitted by cinikitti to DuolingoGerman [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:57 West-Ad961 Why isnt my game build running properly

"C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/igowindows/x64/Igor.exe" -j=8 -options="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\build.bff" -v -- Windows Run
Loaded Macros from C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\trying_4D0456F\macros.json
Options: C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\bin\platform_setting_defaults.json
Options: C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\waterlana39_4530278\local_settings.json
Options: C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\trying_4D0456F\targetoptions.json
Setting up the Asset compiler
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/assetcompilewindows/x64/GMAssetCompiler.dll /c /mv=1 /zpex /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=0 /j=8 /gn="trying" /td="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP" /cd="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\trying_4D0456F" /rtp="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168" /zpuf="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\waterlana39_4530278" /prefabs="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Prefabs" /ffe="d3t+fjZrf25zeTdwgjZ5em98a3GCN4ODbTZzeH5vdnZzfW94fW82eH92dnN9cjZ2eXFzeGl9fXk2fm99fjZtf31+eXdpb3iANnBzdn41cII2cYJpd3luaYFrdnZ6a3pvfDZxgml3eW5pcWt3b31+fHN6NnZzgG9pgWt2dnprem98aX1/bH1tfHN6fnN5eA==" /m=windows /tgt=64 /nodnd /cfg="Default" /o="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\trying_9EEC61B_VM" /sh=True /optionsini="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\trying_9EEC61B_VM\options.ini" /cvm /baseproject="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\
runtime-2024.4.0.168\BaseProject\BaseProject.yyp" "C:\Users\BUMEP 9\GameMakerProjects\trying\trying.yyp" /preprocess="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\trying_4D0456F"
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 2818.7959ms
Loaded Project: trying
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 275.4374ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 15.2088ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_effect_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 13.1314ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_blur_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 71.3827ms
Loaded Project: GMPresetParticles
Release build
Options: C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\trying_4D0456F\ExtensionOptions.json
Options: C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\trying_4D0456F\PlatformOptions.json
[Compile] Run asset compiler
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/assetcompilewindows/x64/GMAssetCompiler.dll /c /mv=1 /zpex /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=0 /j=8 /gn="trying" /td="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP" /cd="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\trying_4D0456F" /rtp="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168" /zpuf="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\waterlana39_4530278" /prefabs="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Prefabs" /ffe="d3t+fjZrf25zeTdwgjZ5em98a3GCN4ODbTZzeH5vdnZzfW94fW82eH92dnN9cjZ2eXFzeGl9fXk2fm99fjZtf31+eXdpb3iANnBzdn41cII2cYJpd3luaYFrdnZ6a3pvfDZxgml3eW5pcWt3b31+fHN6NnZzgG9pgWt2dnprem98aX1/bH1tfHN6fnN5eA==" /m=windows /tgt=64 /nodnd /cfg="Default" /o="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\trying_9EEC61B_VM" /sh=True /optionsini="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\trying_9EEC61B_VM\options.ini" /cvm /baseproject="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\
runtime-2024.4.0.168\BaseProject\BaseProject.yyp" "C:\Users\BUMEP 9\GameMakerProjects\trying\trying.yyp" /debug /bt=run /rt=vm /64bitgame=true
Looking for built-in fallback image in C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\bin\BuiltinImages
Compile Constants...finished.
Remove DnD...finished.
Compile Scripts...finished.
Compile Rooms...finished..... 0 CC empty
Compile Objects...finished.... 0 empty events
Compile Timelines...finished.
Compile Triggers...finished.
Compile Extensions...finished.
Global scripts...finished.
collapsing enums.
Final Compile...finished.
Saving IFF file... C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\trying_9EEC61B_VM\
Writing Chunk... GEN8 size ... -0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... OPTN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... LANG size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... EXTN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SOND size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... AGRP size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SPRT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... BGND size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... PATH size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SCPT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... GLOB size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SHDR size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FONT size ... 0.02 MB
Writing Chunk... TMLN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... OBJT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FEDS size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... ACRV size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SEQN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TAGS size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... ROOM size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DAFL size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... EMBI size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... PSEM size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... PSYS size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TPAGE size ... 0.00 MB
Texture Group - Default
Texture Group - __YY__0fallbacktexture.png_YYG_AUTO_GEN_TEX_GROUP_NAME_
Writing Chunk... TGIN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... CODE size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... VARI size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FUNC size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FEAT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... STRG size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TXTR size ... 0.03 MB
0 Compressing texture... writing texture __yy__0fallbacktexture.png_yyg_auto_gen_tex_group_name__0.yytex...
1 Compressing texture... writing texture default_0.yytex...
Writing Chunk... AUDO size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SCPT size ... -0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DBGI size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... INST size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... LOCL size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DFNC size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... STRG size ... 0.00 MB
Stats : GMA : Elapsed=2925.2135
Stats : GMA : sp=2,au=0,bk=0,pt=0,sc=0,sh=3,fo=0,tl=0,ob=2,ro=1,da=0,ex=0,ma=6,fm=0x400080020
Igor complete.
[Run] Run game
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/windows/x64/Runner.exe -game "C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\trying_9EEC61B_VM\"
Setting scheduler resolution to 1
DirectX11: Using hardware device
Collision Event time(microsecs)=11
Attempting to set gamepadcount to 12
Finished PrepareGame()
Done g_EffectsManager.Init()
Done RenderStateManager
CreateColPairs took 0.000000s 1 usecs for 3 object types obj_col_numb=0 physobjcount=0 resizes 0 final size 0
Done ObjectLists
Done Extension_Initialize
About to startroom
Total memory used = 3235397 (0x00315e45) bytes 3.09MB
Free memory = 6551360 (0x0063f740) bytes 6.25MB
Peak memory used = 8310287 (0x007ece0f) bytes 7.93MB
Entering main loop.



C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/windows/x64/Runner.exe exited with non-zero status (1)
elapsed time 00:00:43.4939809s for command "C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/igowindows/x64/Igor.exe" -j=8 -options="C:\Users\BUMEP 9\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\build.bff" -v -- Windows Run started at 05/13/2024 00:22:56
FAILED: Run Program Complete
For the details of why this build failed, please review the whole log above and also see your Compile Errors window.
this is the error code and i cant understand what it means
submitted by West-Ad961 to gamemaker [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:30 scholarlybeard Chord Wheel - Handcrafted Gift for my Guitar Playing Dad

The wheel and key each rotate independently and can be removed from the frame.
Made from Walnut, Poplar, and Cherry.
submitted by scholarlybeard to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:27 scholarlybeard Chord Wheel - Guitar Playing Dad Thought This Would Be and Easy Build

Chord Wheel - Guitar Playing Dad Thought This Would Be and Easy Build
It wasn’t.
Turned and Engraved the Wheel, Routed and Hand Chiseled the Key, and Made the Frame. The Wheel and Key Each Rotate Independently and Can be Removed from the Frame.
submitted by scholarlybeard to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:22 scholarlybeard Chord Wheel - Early Father’s Day Present for Guitar Playing Dad

Chord Wheel - Early Father’s Day Present for Guitar Playing Dad
The Wheel and the Key Each Rotate Independently (Made from Walnut, Poplar, and Cherry)
submitted by scholarlybeard to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:38 Alteran195 Bluebrixx Prometheus Complete

Bluebrixx Prometheus Complete
Another fun, well designed build. Love these ships, shame I don’t have room for all of them.
They even have plugs for the stand holes you can use if you want.
submitted by Alteran195 to Stargate [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:27 korkuv Aguardente

Alguém sabe o valor desta garrafa? Data de fabrico?
submitted by korkuv to Madeira [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:05 Not_Mason_Pines Piecing Together the Inside of the Noceda Residence

Hi, hello, it's me again, posting some more work my brain forced me to do before I'm allowed to get back to writing again 'cause none of it will be seen by anyone if I don't.
tl;dr, I tried to use the scenes we get to put together two possible floorplans for the Noceda residence, though, surprise surprise, there's no definitive answer.
Here's also an imgur album where all the sketches and combined screenshots scattered around this post are located. I'd suggest having all embeds open for this post's formatting's sake. If you instead want to read this post on tumblr, head here. Anyway.


Alright, so we all know that houses in cartoons are innocuous suburban homes that inside are secretly eldritch shapeshifting nightmares hellbent on driving anyone trying to put together a definitive interior insane, answering only to the whims of the storyboarders. And typically, the longer a show runs and the more scenes we get inside a house, the more contradictions etc. build up. Thankfully, the Noceda residence, which I think I'll call Walnut Grove, or the Grove for short from here on out (since Noceda is losely translated to grove of walnut trees, and the Grove or Walnut Grove sounds like something people might name their house). Petering out sentence aside, thankfully we only see the inside of the Grove in a couple episodes: Camila's room in Enchanting Grom Fright's last scene, the living room in the ending scene of Keeping up A-fear-ances, several scenes of the kitchen and Luz's bedroom in Yesterday's Lie, the kitchen and entry hall at the end of King's Tide, Luz's room and the upstairs hallway in the epilogue, and of course every single room we know of in Thanks To Them.
Since the scenes establishing the Grove's interior are mostly isolated to single rooms or all within one episode, hopefully the paradoxes and contradictions remain somewhat low. And of course, before we fully dive into things, this is not meant as a critique towards the show. Setting up a scene, joke, or otherwise, trumps a fully logical, realistic layout, and putting together a full floorplan prior to boarding or animating makes it almost impossible to account for any later rooms or more useful arrangements that are needed in the future.
So, with the introduction aside, let's first take a look at the exterior of Walnut Grove.
Walnut Grove exterior
The house is a quaint suburban home with two floors, possibly an attic, and (a later revealed) basement, with a forward-facing gable roof that has one shed-style dormer window at the front. There's a chimney off on the right, slightly off-center, and there's two windows on this side, one for each floor. The front door is to the left, along with six windows, two thinner ones on either side of the door and four big ones, though the second thin window is occasionally missing, such as in the picture above. There's no garage, just a driveway. The back and left-facing sides of the Grove are never seen, so they're a blank slate, though it's very likely there's a backdoor. The general dimensions of the house seem to have a comparable width to length, close to a square.

First attempt

With that out of the way, now for piecing together the actual inside. Let's have the first attempt start right at the front door, which opens up into the entry hall, where the staircase resides.
Front door
In the second half of Thanks to Them, there's a perfect shot that shows the full entryway.
Full entry hallway
Here you can see the stairs on the left, a door on the left near the back of the stairs, a door all the way at the end with ventilation up top, and two openings on the right, one leading directly into the kitchen.
As a funny aside, in the extended intro in Thanks to Them there's a shot of the hall that looks like this, where the stairs have to be fit in a seriously thin slice on the left to not be visible.
Spaghettified staircase
Anyway, going counter-clockwise, the living room is easily established as being the first opening on the right of the hall (hard to see due to low lighting), the stairs are also visible from the living room. The majority of this room is occupied by drawers and small tables, plus a large sofa in the middle with a TV against the front wall. There's also a window off to the right.
Living room
The back right corner of the living room is never seen properly, nor is the front wall beyond a close-up shot of the TV, but the back left has this additional inward corner.
The other room visible in the prior establishing shot of the entry hall is the kitchen, being accessible through the second opening. These two opposing shots give a full view of the kitchen. There's a counter that runs along the back three walls, along with a kitchen island and a breakfast table on the other side. The microwave and stove top plus oven are on the left along with the fridge, and the sink's at the back.
The opening on the right of the second picture leads into the hallway, with the other exit being a regular door.
There's also a different angle where the opening is seen more clearly, with the room opposite the hall being the downstairs toilet. This also means the door on the left of the establishing shot of the entry hallway belongs to the downstairs toilet, leaving only the door at the back of the hall unaccounted for, though the presence of the window in the kitchen makes it very likely this is the backdoor, or something that leads into a small room that has the backdoor.
Kitchen view of toilet
And that should be all the known rooms on the ground floor done with. Here's a crude sketch for the layout (not necessarily to scale):
Sketch of downstairs
Before making anything more definitive, let's move on to the other two floors. First, the basement is probably the easiest and most well-defined. These two opposing shots map out the majority of it.
There's a small work station and a sofa seated up against the stairs down to the basement, a closet on the wall to the right, alongside a washedryer setup. In the opposing corner is a small bar. This was definitely the mancave. The one thing that's missing is a pool table. The only trouble the basement has is…where are the stairs to the basement located? The space right under the stairs in the entryway is already occupied by the downstairs toilet, and the front of the house is already mapped from left to right: left wall -> entry hall -> living room -> window on the right wall. The only bits with space undefined/left is in the back right, as the kitchen's right wall has no windows or anything to indicate it's actually an outside wall, or the back left, with the unassigned door which may or may not be the backdoor obscuring things. The unassigned door has ventilation above it, and while I'm not sure, I presume it's common to have those above interior doors rather than exterior ones, so perhaps there is indeed another room back there. Especially if it's the entry to the basement, which has no windows or access to the outside for ventilation. Plus, the way the kitchen extends further back than the hallway in its establishing shot suggests there is room back there.
Lastly, let's move on to the upper floor.
The main thing we see on this floor is Luz's room, which is almost fully mapped by these shots, leaving just one corner unseen.
Luz's room
It has a bunk bed, a window on either side on both walls, a built-in closet with sliding door on the opposing wall, a small bookcase, and a desk under the right-most window. This is also where we run into the first definitive irreconcilable contradiction. You can see the slanted roof of the house here, with Luz's ceiling going up diagonally from the wall with the bookcase to the door at the back. However, in Yesterday's Lie, Vee jumps out of the desk window on the right, and comes out the shed window at the front of the Grove.
Vee yeeting out the window
Furthermore, we also have a shot at the end of the extended intro in Thanks to Them, where Luz sits at her desk on the right and directly sees the school bus arrive at the front.
School bus arrives
So, the ceiling says the desk window should be on the side of the Grove, but two instances say the window is at the front. There's sadly no way to reconcile this, so any future layout will have to compromise and pick one or the other. One thing that's clear though is that Luz's room has a front-facing wall. Whether that means her room is at the front-right corner or the front-left corner is up to us to pick.
The ceiling's slant in Luz's room should start a lot lower near the floor anyway, as the roof at the front slants down all the way to the bottom of the upper floor, along with the shed window being obvious from the inside, while in Luz's room the diagonal ceiling is only near the top, and the windows are both on flat walls. But of course, fitting in a bunk bed with that kind of ceiling is much more difficult for animators with these shots, so let's just let that slide.
Moving on, we also get a few shots of the upstairs hallway.
Upstairs hallway
Now, I definitely think this hallway has been stretched out in the right picture, namely to add in all the photos on the wall, so let's go with animation trickery and assume the length is shorter than this, otherwise it'll probably be wider than the entire house, length- or width-wise. We also have at least two doors on one side of the hall, possibly three since the door in the left picture is white, with the other door further back in the right picture being brown. There's also room behind the camera on the left for a door, as well as the stairs leading up to the hallway. There's no serious slant visible in the ceiling like in Luz's room, so the hallway isn't directly up against an outside wall, so that's one point off.
When it comes to Camilla's room we basically see nothing except the bed and the door, so nothing more to say about that.
Camila's room
Before I go ahead and show my first attempt at a complete floorplan, I'll also mention that we're missing a proper bathroom, so that's something that has to be around somewhere. Since there's at least three doors in the upstairs hallway, and convention, the bathroom will be upstairs.
There's also this inward corner in the back-left of the living room, and the kitchen doesn't have an alcove back there, so another room has to be back there. Though from all possible angles, no door can be seen. So apparently the Grove just has a hole in its center?
Unidentified empty space
Lastly, there's the already mentioned possible location of the basement stairs behind the door at the back of the hall. I'll leave out a highly possible attic space, as it's never shown, and adding it to the floorplan is pretty easy. Just a singular room with a collapsible ceiling ladder somewhere in the upstairs hallway.
With all this kept in mind, the floorplan that arises from this looks like this, though proportions can be altered a little:
Floorplans attempt 1
Some clarifications, I turned the mysterious gap in the center of the house into a pantry, with kitchen-access, even if there's no actual access visible in the show. The second doorway in the kitchen also directly leads into the living room, in the corner we can't see. A fireplace is also added, as there should be a chimney/fireplace around that location. The space behind the door at the back of the hall is turned into a room with access to the basement, though I can also see it containing the breaker box and that kind of stuff on the right wall.
For the basement, nothing more needs to be said, except yes, I did add the pool table. And for the upstairs, by making things fit with the parameters set with the ground floor, the additional space in the front-left corner becomes a home office (for Manny, rest in peace), with Luz's room at the front-right and her desk window becoming the shed window, and Camila's room at the back-right. Using up some of the remaining space for built-in closets, the potential third/middle door in the hallway becomes the missing bathroom, which is an en-suite here. Lastly, the remaining space in the back left just becomes more storage space.
So yeah, a few clunky things, but it works overall.
Now to tear this apart and point out all the inconsistencies I left out up until now.

The inconsistencies #1

Obviously, Luz's room is a Schrodinger's room that's in either the front-left corner state or the front-right corner state. For the sake of illustrating both options, I collapsed the wave function into front-right for this attempt, but I'll get back to the other state in a bit.
This also means the hallway is oriented wrong, as none of the slanted roof can be seen at the back, which would be the case if the orientation was front to back. The upstairs hallway is depicted as being oriented from left to right, parallel to the rooftop, especially with the window at the end.
Speaking of windows, the sideview of the Grove's exterior shows there's no window near the front at the right-facing wall, even though the living room has a window at the right. No matter what, the living room is solidly depicted as being in the front-right corner of the house, making this missing living room window the second irreconcilable contradiction we've encountered so far.
Keeping up with windows, the exterior window in the back of the right-facing wall is nowhere to be seen in the actual floorplan, belonging to the kitchen, which has no window on that wall. Furthermore, the side of a neighbor's house is visible in the kitchen window, meaning that wall is side-facing. This means the kitchen is either in the back-left corner or the front-right corner, though the latter is already occupied by the living room, so if anything, the kitchen would be in the back-left.
And, as mentioned previously, there's absolutely no entry to this mysterious hole in the center of the floorplans in any of the interior shots.
Kitchen window inconsistency
Based on these floorplans, it should also be clear that the house stretches back more than it is wide, which doesn't match up well with the outside, where the layout is more square.
Oh, and I left out the biggest inconsistency so far.
You remember that second entry to the kitchen? The one with the door, not the one to the entry hall? The one I assigned to being a direct passage into the living room?
Yeah, there's a whole second hallway beyond there, one we never actually see from within in the show.
Surprise hallway!
So…big oversight on my part there.
With all these big inconsistencies pointed out though, barring the two irreconcilable ones, let's try again, and attempt to work out these kinks.

Second attempt

I'll spare you the same pictures of the rooms again, so let's get to the meat of this second attempt.
Rather than base things off the entryway, let's instead build things up on the ground floor around the kitchen, since that one had the biggest inconsistencies in attempt one.
Well, let's start with putting the kitchen at the left of the house, with the kitchen window facing left. We also still have the downstairs toilet across the hall from the opening, and we now also have this second hallway visible from the other door, which has a corner, if not a T-junction, right where the kitchen door is, and two doors, one for each wall of said corner.
A crude sketch of this arrangement looks like this:
Sketch of kitchen and hallway
We now have a weird mess of hallways and turns, but to further build on this, let's just connect the two bits of hallway we can see into one, which you'll see just below in the final floorplan.
Of course, the location of the entry hallway and the living room doesn't change whatsoever, so let's just go ahead and show my full second attempt:
Floorplans attempt 2
As you can see here, the new kitchen direction with adjacent hallway system, combined with the entryway and living room, fills up quite a bit of floorspace. That, and the downstairs toilet now neatly explains the back-left corner of the living room. Concerning the two additional doors visible in the second hallway, I've assigned one to the pantry, and the other to a small closet containing the breaker box.
The long stretch of hallway parallel to the right of the kitchen did create some empty space between the living room and the pantry, but I filled this up with a proper dining room. This also now happens to be the spot where the chimney/fireplace would be located, which seems very fitting.
The basement does not change in any significant way, besides needing to figure out where the basement stairs are, as the kitchen now occupies the space right behind the entry stairway. As the weird second hallway section seems to extend beyond the windowless kitchen wall, the implied space right beyond the kitchen is turned into the basement stairs. This also turns the whole basement by ninety degrees.
Lastly, there is the upstairs. As the placement of the staircase really does not change, the floorplan of the upstairs is not determined by that of the downstairs. In reality, the floorplan of the first attempt and that of the second attempt here could be interchanged if you fudged the proportions a little. Anyway, for this upstairs I collapsed the Luz Schrodinger's room wave function into the front-left corner state, meaning we're now adhering to the sloped roof visible in Luz's room rather than the desk window. I also gave the one corner that's never actually shown in the show an indent to give some room for the stairs to go up without the ceiling being in the way.
With her room in the front-left, this makes the hallway stretch from left-to-right, also solving that discrepancy discussed with the last attempt. Beyond that, I assigned the three visible doors upstairs to Luz's room, a hallway closet, and the home office (otherwise an empty space), with the shed window now being part of said office, and in the back there's Camila's room, a walk-in closet, and the en-suite bathroom to fill the remaining space.
All in all, a decently put together floorplan, I'd say. Now let's point out what's wrong with this one.

The inconsistencies #2

Let's get the obvious ones out of the way. Luz's desk window now doesn't face the front anymore, but this was one of two irreconcilable contradictions anyway. The other one is the lack of a living room window on the right side of the house, which again can't be fixed.
Speaking of windows, the one in Luz's room, above her low bookshelf, is not visible on the exterior, where only the shed windows are visible. Proportions just won't allow this shed window to belong to Luz's room, unless you fudge with things and make the other room on the front end be much thinner. At least there's now space for a window on the lower right wall near the back, which I added to the bit of hallway that reaches the right wall, between the dining room and pantry.
There are two glaring inconsistencies though, one being the fact the entrance hall no longer matches the one establishing shot, where the kitchen is visibly established as being oriented where its one window is facing the back. This kitchen window both facing the back of the house as well as showing one of the neighboring houses is the third irreconcilable contradiction.
Full entry hallway
The other big inconsistency involves the downstairs toilet, which happens to have a small window on the wall opposite the door. The stars are even visible through it.
Quantum tunneling toilet window
In this layout, this wall is an interior one, with the living room being on the other side. It seems this window is somehow capable of quantum tunneling to the exterior wall, which doesn't sound very realistic. (As an aside, I'll skip on figuring out a floorplan for the actual Owl House, citing magic as my excuse. That, or 'Hooty was feeling a little quirky with his insides that scene' when contradictory shots show up).

Concluding remarks

In general, the Noceda residence is decently well established, and does not have too many irreconcilable contradictions, as hoped for predicted in the introduction. Trust me, other cartoon houses are notorious for being extremely inconsistent in their depictions.
  1. Luz's desk window suggests her room plus upstairs hallway stretch front-to-back, but the ceilings of her room and hallway show they stretch left-to-right.
  2. The kitchen window is facing left, but the entry hall and kitchen are established to face front-to-back.
  3. The living room is established to be in the front-right corner, but the window visible on the right wall is absent on the outside.
Anyway, I'm pretty happy with the two layouts I put together, though I personally prefer the second attempt. Besides the three irreconcilable contradictions, which you'll just have to pick and choose or ignore altogether, there's only three other contradictions here, compared to the five of the first attempt, which included the missing hallway. That, and things just fit together more neatly. I do like how both have at least one loop in them. I can just picture younger Luz doing the human equivalent of zoomies on the ground floor.
So, dear reader who's somehow found this post and read it to the end, which floorplan do you prefer, or think makes more sense? Keep in mind that you can swap the layouts for the upstairs between the two attempts as long as you adjust the proportions a little.
But that's enough out of me. I'll see you once the next side-tangent for fic writing hits and I put too much effort into it to not show it online.
submitted by Not_Mason_Pines to TheOwlHouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:14 tinman1997 Ayo Dr Light?!

Ayo Dr Light?! submitted by tinman1997 to Megaman [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:13 AlgernonsLilies [QCrit] A HAUNTING BETWEEN WORLDS, Fantasy: Magical Realism, New Adult, 99,000

This is my second attempt. I followed some bad advice on my first query drafts and regret sending it out to 15 agents. Thank you for taking the time to review it!

What if purgatory was real? Charlie’s soul is stuck in the spirit realm after she saves a stranger’s life and unwittingly foils a vengeful ghost’s plan. Katherine has entrancing eyes, rotting flesh, and dark powers that let her target everyone connected to her murderer. She rips Charlie’s soul from her body and forms a new plan: possession.
In the between world, the Shadows in The Pit and spirit guides in Havenwood fight over trapped souls like vultures. If the Shadows catch you, they turn you into a Fright, a jellyfish-like creature stuck in an endless loop of its worst memories. But Charlie’s soul isn’t up for grabs until she wakes from her coma or severs her ties to her body.
Katherine wants Charlie to choose death and take her place as the Shadow’s minion, saying only Charlie can free the Frights. She lies to Charlie that the man she pulled from the water is dead. However, David Samson is alive, and Charlie’s spirit is pulled back to her body any time he visits her in the hospital – a phenomenon her doctors nor David can explain.
Havenwood is in shambles, and only one spirit guide remains, Patrick. His love for Katherine destroyed the village and turned his friends into Frights. Patrick uses his magic to show Charlie how to move through her memories and process her trauma, including her mother’s suicide, but Patrick and Katherine are still in cahoots.
Katherine uses the tortured ghost of Charlie’s mom to force her into the deal. The problem? Charlie is only half of a soul.
A HAUNTING BETWEEN WORLDS is a 99,000-word fantasy novel with heavy notes of magical realism and horror akin to A MONSTER CALLS by Patrick Ness and THE OCEAN AT THE END OF THE LANE by Neil Gaiman. Based on your wishlist for BLANK, I believe this manuscript may be a good fit for your list.
I am an award-winning author whose fiction work has been hailed as “exhilarating,” “ingenious,” and “alluring and evocative” by literary judges.
(Content warning: Suicide, domestic violence survival, and alcohol and drug addiction.)
First 300 Words:
The air palpated with Katherine’s rage. The man in front of her pried off a broken screen door from the lighthouse, and murderous excitement coursed through her being. She removed her elbow-length gloves and threw them over the cliff’s edge. The black lace garments trailed in the wind and disintegrated, turning to ash like her captured souls.
Katherine glided toward the man. She wore a gradient body suit that faded from white to gray then black. The monochrome ensemble was created to conceal the rot spreading through her spirit’s veins, but it only accentuated her decay. The man before her couldn’t see her damaged soul; no living person could, but they could certainly feel her. Katherine’s presence dampened the atmosphere, and she saw the hair on his neck rise as she stood at his back.
“Now,” she hollered to her cohort in the evergreen bushes.
“Da-vid.” They breathed his name in a whisper the wind carried over the cliff and down to Cemetery Beach.
David turned toward the noise, cocking his head, and searching for the person calling him. Katherine’s partner threw their voice over the edge again, and she followed the 22-year-old to the ledge. A purple sky threatened above them, crackling in response to her presence. Katherine studied David. She knew his brown eyes, just as she knew the sins littering his history.
Katherine’s soot-rimmed fingernails dug into her palms. She summoned her hatred and exchanged it for a second of physical power. David heard his name a third time and bent over just as her hands crossed the barrier between life and death to push him.
His body tumbled down the uneven cliff wall, and his arms searched for a handhold in the sandstone. The rocks caught him first. His scream ended with a crack that matched the lightning surging in the darkening clouds.
submitted by AlgernonsLilies to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:25 Tricky-Ordinary-4106 A garota que eu saí duas vezes teve um completo colapso mental.

Conheci uma moça nas redes sociais, parecia ser bem interessante, gostos similares e tudo mais, começamos a conversar, como acontece milhares de vezes com milhares de pessoas todos os dias. Após algumas semanas de flerte e conversa, saímos pela primeira vez, e desde então eu percebi que havia alguma coisa de errado. Pensei ser coisa da minha cabeça, mas desde a primeira saída ela já aumentou muito a intensidade do flerte. Na segunda vez, eu tive certeza de que deveria me afastar, ela falava DEMAIS, dava informações pessoais desnecessárias, falava muito sobre o passado dela, e começava com monólogos confusos sobre eventos da vida dela que envolvem pessoas que eu nem ao menos conhecia. O clima ficou tão estranho que eu saí com muita pressa do apartamento dela, e ela claramente percebeu que algo estava estranho. No dia seguinte, eu já estava preparado para ter a conversa do "não vamos mais nos ver", mas ela havia parado de me seguir e me removeu como seguidor, pensei que o problema havia se resolvido sozinho, mas mais tarde ela veio falar comigo no intuito de esclarecer as coisas, onde nos entendemos e ela disse que "poderíamos ser amigos", eu aceitei pois tive a impressão que se eu simplesmente sumisse tudo seria pior.
Pois bem, um dia depois ela vem e pergunta se eu quero saber de uma fofoca, eu digo que ela poderia contar se quisesse, e ela diz que vai me mandar áudios. Ela me mandou VINTE E CINCO minutos de áudio, que eram áudios DELA, falando com parentes do ex dela, lavando roupa suja, chorando, xingando pessoas, falando coisas, sério, foi uma das coisas mais assustadoras do mundo, parecia o áudio diário do coringa. Tudo bem, eu disse que não queria mais saber daquelas coisas e comecei a deixar ela no vácuo. Ela dizia "não fica com medo dessa gente não, eles são inofensivos", mas ela não entendeu que eu tava com medo DELA. Após uma semana dela mandando várias mensagens e eu sendo bem curto, eu disse que não tava mais com vontade de conversar com ela porque o comportamento dela me incomodou, ela pediu desculpas e me bloqueou. No mesmo instante ela seguiu minha ex-namorada (descobriu ela através das habilidades de stalker dela), e foi falar mal de mim, que eu era louco, narcisista, e pra minha ex ficar longe de mim porque ela já tinha lidado com um homem parecido e quase apanhou. Minha ex ficou putaça comigo, mas depois de muita conversa ela entendeu, e nós continuamos tendo um bom relacionamento. Mas ela não fez isso apenas com a minha ex, foi atrás de vários amigos meus, perguntar se me conheciam, e gerar intriga, foi atrás de mulheres perguntando se já tinham ficado comigo, foi um dia muito esquisito. No final desse dia ela veio falar comigo, se desculpar, dizer que possivelmente é Borderline, mas eu nem deixei ela falar, apenas disse que ela já sabia o que tinha feito, e que se antes eu já tinha dúvidas, agora eu tenho certeza absoluta que não queria nenhum contato com ela. A princípio ela entendeu, mas continuava mandando mensagens, às vezes 40 mensagens por vez, no mesmo teor dos áudios, coisas desconexas com os problemas do passado dela, até que eu não aguentei mais e bloqueei ela no WhatsApp.
Passam alguns dias ela me segue de volta no Instagram. Deixei, pensei "que mal faria", mas não a segui de volta. Algumas horas depois ela começa a curtir todas as minhas fotos juntas, me incomodei e bloqueei ela. Passam mais alguns dias, ela me manda um convite de amizade no Facebook, recusei e a bloqueei lá também. Passam mais alguns dias, uma conta esquisita no Twitter curte 40 tweets meus, por precaução eu bloqueio essa conta. Mais um dia, a conta da menina com foto e nome dela começa a curtir meus tweets também, eu bloqueio mais essa conta e privei minha conta. Vou deixar uma nota aqui do Twitter dela, que foi também uma das coisas mais assustadoras que eu já li, coisas completamente desconexas, não dava pra saber o que era pra mim e o que era pras outras pessoas que ela se envolvia, era uma completa verborragia onde pra ela todo mundo era louco, narcisista, e ela uma baita gostosa que todo mundo quer estar junto.
A esse ponto todos meus amigos já sabiam dessa história, várias piadinhas rolando, e eu sempre levantando o meu receio de que um dia essa moça apareceria na porta da minha casa. Detalhe: ela não sabia onde eu morava, nem na mesma cidade moramos, eu nunca trouxe ela aqui, ela só sabia meu nome e a cidade onde eu morava, mas descobrir não seria difícil, é uma cidade pequena onde todos se conhecem, se ela estivesse motivada, nada ia impedir ela.
Aproximadamente 3 semanas depois que eu a bloqueei no WhatsApp, eu estava do lado de fora de casa, recolhendo minha roupa do varal, quando eu escuto um barulho no portão da minha casa (que é aqueles portões decorativos que só vai até o joelho, mais pra segurar cachorro do que gente), eu viro, e lá tá a boneca parada de pé me olhando. No mesmo momento eu gelei, entrei em pânico, comecei a tremer, comecei a dizer coisas como: "Eu não acredito que vocês fez isso, não era óbvio que eu não queria nada com você? O que você tem na cabeça de aparecer aqui na minha casa? Vá embora!", e ela começou a dar desculpas que não tinha dinheiro nem bateria no celular, ela estava vestida de roupa de academia, chinelo de dedo, e carregava uma sacola com alguns pertences e o celular. Parecia que ela não conseguia entender que pouco me importava se ela não tinha dinheiro ou celular, se ela achou um jeito de ir na minha casa, ela tranquilamente poderia a achar um jeito de ir embora. Mas mesmo assim, peguei 50 reais e dei pra ela, após uns 15 minutos de discussão, ela concordou em ir atrás de um suposto "amigo" dela que levaria ela pra casa.
Assim que ela foi embora, eu corri na delegacia abrir um B.O., expliquei toda a situação, e disse que não ia querer prestar queixa, afinal ela não tinha cometido nenhum crime, eu apenas queria deixar registrado para me proteger em quase de qualquer eventualidade. Voltei pra casa, botei meus fones de ouvido sem fio, e entrei no Discord pra contar pros meus amigos o que tinha acontecido. Estava eu dentro do meu quarto, dobrando minhas roupas, quando eu viro a volta, e lá está a dita cuja parada na porta do meu quarto. Cidade pequena, acostumado a nunca trancar portas, cê sabem como é. Dessa vez eu entrei em pânico, comecei a expulsar ela da minha casa, e ela se recusando, e rindo. Foi aí que eu tive uma ideia brilhante, abri minha webcam e pedi pros meus amigos gravarem a tela. Ela começou a mexer nas minhas coisas, deitou na minha cama, sentou na cadeira do meu PC, quando eu percebi que não ia conseguir raciocinar com ela, eu corri pra fora de casa e fui nos estabelecimentos próximos pedir ajuda, explicando a situação, e principalmente chamando testemunhas. Algumas vezes ela até correu atrás de mim, e eu tive que sair correndo dela, porque eu realmente não queria que ela encostasse em mim de jeito nenhum, e ela só dizia que "queria conversar" e que "me amava muito".
Nesse meio tempo, eu já havia ligado pra polícia 3 vezes, mas eles não tinham viatura disponível pois uma ocorrência grave estava se passando no interior. Enquanto isso, do nada, ela sai da minha casa calmamente, ignora todos que estão lá fora já cuidando a comoção, e começa a caminhar em direção a um lago que tem perto da minha casa, um lago bem grande, uma propriedade privada de lazer onde os donos criam peixes, ignora os cachorros do dono da casa que por algum motivo não a atacaram, e SE JOGA DENTRO DO LAGO. Nadou até o meio (que tem 7 metros de profundidade), nadou de costas, e depois foi até a borda onde ficou debruçada por um longo tempo. Um dos homens que estava observado foi lá, conversou com ela, e ajudou ela a sair. Na volta ela voltou pra minha casa, mas dessa vez eu já havia trancado as portas, pediu pra usar o banheiro, mais uma vez eu neguei, e ela foi embora mais uma vez, dessa vez, toda encharcada de água de lago.
Toda a cidade já estava sabendo do ocorrido, minha família, meus amigos, a polícia. Já eram 8 e 30 da noite, quando eu estava sentado na parte de fora da casa, usando fones no Discord conversando com meus amigos, esperando a polícia, quando do nada, do escuro, vem vindo a princesa mais uma vez. Dessa vez eu tirei os fones de ouvido, e fui correndo em direção ao meu carro, ela tentou me segurar pelo braço mas eu me desvencilhei dela e consegui entrar e trancar as portas, mas não deu tempo de fechar as janelas, pois ela PULOU PRA DENTRO DO CARRO PELA JANELA, e pior ainda RINDO, falando "me leva junto hahahah". Eu abandonei o carro e comecei a sair a pé. Ela saiu do meu carro e foi pra dentro da minha casa. Eu voltei pro carro e fui correndo pra delegacia que não tinha NINGUÉM NEM UMA VIVA ALMA, então fui pra casa de um primo, em busca de ajuda. Voltei pra casa com meu primo e encontramos ela no meu quarto, na frente do meu computador, ela tinha entrado no meu Instagram, tinha se desbloqueado e estava curtindo as próprias fotos usando meu perfil. Convencemos ela a ir pra fora de casa para conversar, meu primo foi bem ríspido com ela, mas ainda assim propôs ajudar a encontrar alguém pra levar ela pra casa, e após uma breve conversa ela foi embora, ofendida ainda, disse "eu vou embora, vim aqui só pra ser tratada igual lixo".
A esse ponto todos queriam que eu saísse da minha casa, mas eu não queria abandonar nem a casa, nem meus bichos, aí eu escondi meu carro, tranquei todas as portas e janelas, apaguei todas as luzes, e fiquei em casa em silêncio. Ela desceu e subiu duas vezes, falando bem alto, acompanhada por dois caras aleatórios. Eram 11 e 30 da noite, quando eu escuto uma batida na porta. Era ela, mais uma vez, dessa vez chorando, gritando, falando coisas desconexas, ela tentou abrir a porta por uns 10 minutos, desistiu e foi embora. Minha família veio, tentamos procurar ela nos arredores da casa mas não encontramos. Minha família encontrou ela na frente de um posto de gasolina, chorando, descalça, e sem os pertences. Levaram ela pra casa da minha prima, e me convenceram a pagar um táxi pra levar ela de volta pra cidade dela, que me custou 170 reais. Ao embarcar ela disse "pode me levar, amanhã eu to de volta". O taxista levou ela até a delegacia da cidade dela, onde perguntaram se ela precisava de ajuda, ela disse que "não", e foi embora.
No outro dia, às 10 e 30 da manhã, eu já começo a receber os avisos de que a moça foi avistada na cidade. Segui o mesmo procedimento de esconder o carro e me trancar. Ao meio dia ela veio na minha casa, tentou entrar, chegou até a ver que eu estava em casa, eu dei uns gritos com ela, mas ela não insistiu muito e foi embora. Calmamente começou a descer na direção do lago novamente, mas dessa vez os donos estavam fazendo um almoço de confraternização, ela chegou, sentou na mesa, se serviu de comida, bebeu refri direto da garrafa, pediu mais quando acabou, E ALOPROU TODO MUNDO DA MESA falando asneiras. Depois que comeu, levantou, veio na minha casa, tentou mais um pouco e foi embora mais uma vez.
Pouco depois do meio dia uma viatura da polícia finalmente veio, eu expliquei a situação e eles abriram mais uma ocorrência contra ela, puxaram os antecedentes e aparentemente ela tem passagem por invasão domiciliar, o ex dela tem uma medida protetiva contra ela, e ele já teve que se defender de acusações falsas de agressão, mas conseguiu provar inocente. O PM até me zoou e disse "parece que ela cortou o pinto de um cara lá em tal lugar", e eu "O QUEEEEEE????", e o PM "kkkkk to brincando". Enfim, os policiais disseram que não poderiam fazer nada, pois ela não estava cometendo nenhum crime grave, eles não poderiam levar ela pra cidade dela, pois caso ela se machucasse, a culpa cairia em cima dos PM, e eles até foram alertados que a moça estava dormindo na área de uma casa alguns metros pra cima da rua da minha, mas a menos que a dona da casa prestasse queixa eles não poderiam fazer nada.
E é agora que o caldo engrossa, pois esses foram os eventos DO MEU PONTO DE VISTA. Observem agora o total de acontecimentos de o que rolou, depois que todo mundo começou a compartilhar as informações:
1 - Alguns dias antes disso, ela tinha me mandado uma mensagem de texto SMS perguntando se eu tava bem e dizendo que tava preocupada comigo, eu nem vi essa mensagem, se perdeu no meio de todo o SPAM e se eu tivesse visto não teria respondido e apenas bloqueado assim que vi.
2 - Na noite anterior, ela tinha feito um treino de luta, por isso estava de roupa de academia, e tinha postado algumas fotos, aparentemente ela amou muito o look dela, pensou que seria o look perfeito pra tentar reconquistar o amado.
3 - Ela veio pra minha cidade A PÉ, uma distância de 25KM, mas na metade do caminho alguém que tava vindo pra cá viu ela, sentiu pena e deu carona, relatos dizem que a moça dizia que estava "indo visitar alguns amigos, seguindo o instinto dela".
4 - Aparentemente ela chegou aqui na minha cidade no meia dia, e passou a tarde toda rodando a cidade falando de mim pras pessoas até finalmente alguém apontar ela pro endereço certo.
5 - No dia seguinte, não sei como ela fez pra voltar pra cá, mas aparentemente ela começou a invadir VÁRIAS casas, em uma delas até tomou banho, roubou uma calcinha da filha do dono, e pegava as fotos nas paredes e dizia "eu sou filha de vocês, olhem, vocês tem que acreditar em mim".
6 - Ela também tentou roubar alguns carros.
7 - A dona da casa que ela estava dormindo na área tentou levar ela pra delegacia mas não tinha ninguém (cidade pequena), então acabou levando pro hospital, onde ela ficou 10 minutos e depois começou a andar no bairro do hospital perdida, tentando roubar carros.
8 - Finalmente a saúde pública e polícia se juntaram e a internaram na ala psiquiátrica de uma cidade vizinha, onde ela ficará internada por 30 dias.
E a cereja do bolo é que enquanto ela estava sendo apreendida ela dizia "me levem pra casa do meu marido, me leva pro meu marido", aí perguntavam "quem é seu marido?" ela respondia "O FULANO (meu nome)".
Por fim, apesar de ter sido uma das situações mais enervantes e assustadoras que me aconteceram, acredito que tudo que aconteceu, aconteceu perfeitamente, pois o meu maior medo é que ela fosse fazer alguma acusação maluca sobre mim, ou quebrar minhas coisas, mas ela conseguiu criar UM CAMINHÃO de evidência contra ela, eu tenho vídeos que eu fiz, vídeos de câmeras de segurança dos arredores, os vídeos que meus amigos gravaram, e depois toda a loucura que ela produziu na cidade, e todas as pessoas que viram tudo o que aconteceu.
Se ela tivesse chegado na minha casa uma hora mais tarde eu teria saído pra trabalhar, e com o velho costume de nunca trancar nada, ela poderia ter entrado na minha casa e feito o que bem entendesse, até mesmo ir em um dos quartos vazios e dormir, e eu só perceberia que tinha alguém na minha casa sei lá, às 3 da manhã quando ela começasse e subir na minha cama comigo dormindo.
Por sorte em nenhum momento ela foi violenta, apenas esquisita e assustadora.
Acho que eu tô de boa de conhecer gente nova.
Profissionais da saúde mental, o que rolou com essa coitada?
Edit: por motivos de credibilidade postei uma foto do primeiro B.O. que eu registrei contra ela (fortemente censurado nesse link) https://files.fmnf32bz9rd7
Não compartilharei nenhuma foto ou vídeo por motivos de privacidade.
submitted by Tricky-Ordinary-4106 to RelatosDoReddit [link] [comments]