Brent everett, brent corrigan and chase mckenzie

[The Zoo] - Part 1

2024.05.12 22:37 karenvideoeditor [The Zoo] - Part 1

I’ll start with the job posting, I guess. I spotted it on Indeed while making my daily check for anything and everything that would hire someone with my biology degree, and it seemed on the up and up. Their website looked decent, the guy on the phone sounded nice, and I was looking for anything even slightly related to working with wildlife. Being a nightshift guard at a zoo was fine, especially when I took the incredibly generous rate of $25/hr. into account. That’s eleven bucks more than my dad makes at the local grocer, and he’s been working there for thirteen years. Then again, from the P.S. on the posting, I thought there might be good reason for the rate.
It said at the end, almost as an afterthought, ‘Zoo is haunted.’
When it comes to ghosts, they’ve never made much sense to me. Considering how badly our brains function from just getting jostled around on a football field, I’m not sure how ghosts could exist without a brain at all. I’d be excited as the next person to find proof, but YouTube videos are always fishy and the people on TV are essentially actors who only focus on the entertainment factor for their ratings. So, since I’d never seen anything that vaguely resembled a ghost, I’d say binge-watching Supernatural on Netflix last year was the extent of my experience in that department.
It seemed that the zoo hadn’t been here for long since it wasn’t even on Google Maps yet. There was a bit of a commute, it was half an hour away, but since I’d worked local jobs while I attended college online for the past four years, I’d saved up the money to buy a car. It wasn’t anything fancy, just an old Nissan sedan that I’d bought from someone in the next town over, with faded red paint and a mismatched back right door painted blue. It accomplished the job of transportation, though, which let me search the job market further away, a good thing considering how small a town I lived in. I really didn’t want to leave home yet, so moving for a job in a city or another state wasn’t an appealing option.
The website said very little. It had yet to fill in drop down menus that would excitedly describe their attractions. So far it only had some small sections about conservation and education, though that was intriguing because it mentioned that all the animals they had were endangered. I read that notation and wondered what the animals were. Mammals were always favorites of mine, which I know is a bit of a cliché, loving the furry ones. But when it comes down to it, I’ll take any animal over a person.
The employee entrance to the zoo was a door in the large steel gate that surrounded the property, a few yards down from the sliding gate that presumably opened to let visitors in. I pressed the button on a panel beside it, glancing up at the camera, and I was buzzed in. There was a short path that led to the building near the front and I knocked politely before going inside.
The interviewer, a plain metal nameplate on his desk describing him as Director of Security for the zoo, welcomed me in and sat on the other side of his desk, lounging back in his desk chair. His name was Andrew Higgs, and he had a British accent, which I thought was cool. I sat in one of the two loveseats in front of the desk.
Andrew was dressed business casual, with a blue Polo shirt, a thin black jacket, and I saw he was wearing slacks when he stood up to shake my hand. He was black, with dreadlocks that stopped just short of his shoulders, and a closely trimmed mustache. There was a tattoo, an artistic rendition of a hippo, on the right side of his neck, which bode well in my opinion. So many places hiring these days were overly uptight about their employees’ appearance, but it seemed that wouldn’t be the case here.
We went over the basics before he picked up the piece of paper off his desk, my resume, which he’d printed out. “Well, I spoke to all three of your references,” Andrew noted. “They had some good things to say. You were a great employee on the farm you worked last summer, your boss said. Punctual, hard-working, took instructions well…”
That was nice to hear. I’d spent this past summer working at a dairy farm, mostly assigned to the goats and cows they kept for milk. Aside from the staggering muscle pain that tapered from agony to merely miserable by the end of the summer, it wasn’t a bad job. I did have an old shoulder injury that I always had to work around, but it was my left shoulder and I was a righty, so it wasn’t that difficult to manage.
If anything, the muscle pain in my back and legs from being on my feet all day distracted from the typical issue I dealt with. My standard exercising day-to-day was typically either riding my bike or yoga, although yoga is mind-numbingly boring, so I need to listen to a podcast to pass the time. So, in fact, through the job, I was sort of grateful that my brain was focusing on a different area of my body that was in pain. Yeah, chronic pain is weird.
“He also said you don’t work well with others,” Andrew added, glancing up to me. “You kept submitting complaints about incompetent coworkers?”
I pursed my lips and let out a long breath through my nose, considering the most delicate way I was capable of replying to that before saying, “I dislike stupid people.”
Andrew gave me a half-smile and sighed, replying, “Well, I must confess I’m not fond of them either.” He looked back down to the paper. “This job will be a great fit for you.”
The job interview seemed like a formality, and I don’t know why. I was twenty-three and the ink had barely dried on my degree from the online college I’d attended. I’d been applying to jobs for months and had been thrilled when I’d gotten a call for an interview for this one, but also surprised. Call me a cynic, but I expected more invasive questions about any past work I’d done for a job in security, since I was a woman.
It's not like I was petite. Actually, the most common word I’d heard to describe me is ‘built’, and I fall short of being labeled overweight only because of muscle mass. One comment I recall from high school was being teased for being shaped like a rectangle. Even so, there was no good reason to look a gift horse in the mouth, but of course, me being me, that meant I examined its teeth closely.
“So, you’re hiring me? Just like that? Why?”
Andrew, chuckled. “Look, you’ve got BA in wildlife biology, and specializing in animal behavior is just the cherry on the sundae. That tells me you know animals are not people, and even if you feel like you know them, they can still be unpredictable. They can hurt you. But also, it makes me know you care.”
I suppose that did make sense, and it was true, so I’m glad he knew that. Most of my job on the night shift would be watching cameras and then walking around the place to make sure all the animals were as they should be, but it was more than that. Working at a zoo meant knowing where the line was, and sometimes it wasn’t exactly at the fence, but sometimes just putting a single finger through that fence meant losing that finger. As a whole, humans are generally idiots. Looking at you, anyone who really, honestly thinks that a bobcat would sense your boundless love enough to let you pat it.
“The website didn’t have much about the animals,” I said. “I know this place is new, so you might not have info on them up on the site yet. Do you have a map for me?”
“Oh, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” Andrew said with a wave of his hand. At that point, it had seemed to be a reasonable thing for him to say, but I will tell you, the reason was not what I thought. “Just to confirm, you’re not an early bird, Miss Mason? This schedule isn’t a concern?”
I shook my head. “Nah, I’m pretty talented at sleeping in, actually. I never really got past that teenage talent of staying up until five and sleeping in until three. And you can just call me Ripley.”
That made him smile. “Good. Then I won’t worry about you falling asleep on the job, Ripley.”
“Oh, no way.”
“All right. So. You saw the note at the end of the job posting?”
He just stared at me and I was forced to answer, “That the zoo is haunted.”
“Right. What are your thoughts on that?”
There was no easy answer to that question, especially depending on how seriously he took it. “Do you know the best word the Brits gave to us?”
“What’s that?”
Andrew slowly smiled and pointed at me with the end of the pen in his hand. “I think I’m going to like you,” he remarked. “Look…this is the part of the interview where we switch gears. If this was a regular zoo, you’d be a shoo-in for the job. But we’ve got other boxes to check. This outfit is…basically a preservation society. As you saw on the site, all the species are endangered, but what it didn’t say online is that the only people who came to visit are private parties.”
“So, that means…what?” I asked. “You bring in super-rich people who feel special when they get to see the animals you’re rehabilitating and taking care of? Then they donate oodles of money so they can brag to their rich friends about their charity contributions and having seen the animals here?”
Andrew raised his eyebrows. “Pretty much got it in one. It’s just more preservation and less rehabilitation. And a lot of our patrons really do care about the animals, or else they would just donate and not visit. You’ll see tourists a couple times a week, but we decided not to have anyone until we’re settled in here, and that means a person who’s on during the night shift that I can count on. And I don’t know if I can count on you yet.”
“Wait, I’ll see the tourists?” I asked. “They visit at night?”
“Everything we have is nocturnal,” he told me. That struck me as odd, but he continued before I could question it. “Listen up, and I’ll start with the basics. Have you ever seen anything weird? Possibly supernatural?”
“Nope,” I said with a shrug.
The fact is, I got along with my classmates, but I never did have any close friends. So, I thought maybe that’s why I missed out on all those reckless teen moments that started every horror movie. Maybe it left me without a bunch of exciting stories to tell. But hey, at least I didn’t break my leg falling through the floor of an abandoned building in eleventh grade.
Yes, that happened. It was a classmate of mine by the name of Brent. And yes, he’s just as much of a moron as you would imagine.
“If you see the ghost here,” he said, his tone emphatic, “will you freak out?”
I paused. “You’ve seen the ghost?”
“All the time,” Andrew told me. “It’s a young woman in a blue shirt and tan slacks, looks like she just walked out of a lake.”
“Do you have a picture?”
“No, and absolutely no photos or video are to be taken of her,” he said, his tone abruptly turning stern. “It’s cause for immediate dismissal. We have video cameras for security, but they all record off-site in a secure location, and Suzanne Cooper, the owner, manages it herself. Firstly, the ghost deserves privacy rather than exploitation, she’s not to be displayed like one of our animals, but secondly, people believe in ghosts. One leaked photo of her connecting it to us means we get overrun by ghost hunters, and if we trace it back to you, you’re done.”
Andrew seemed next-level serious about that, so I nodded. “Understood. That makes sense.”
The animals were the priority after all, I knew. I preferred them over people anyway, and that included dead people. Even if I could get a video of this ghost doing cartwheels back and forth through a wall, I would never post it and spread word of where I’d taken it. Andrew was right; the zoo would never get the paranormally-obsessed to stay away and would definitely have to relocate.
He continued, “If you’re curious, she’s never so much as tried to hurt anyone. But the zoo has moved before, and she moved with us.”
“She moved with you?” I asked, my eyebrows rising. “Is it like one of those stories where she’s attached to something in the zoo rather than a place?”
“More complicated than that,” he said. Then he grimaced. “She died because she was too ambitious with one of our animals. It never should have happened, but she… She was foolish, you’d say. Attempted to interact with one of the animals, got too close, and honestly, she should have known better. I thought she did.”
“Holy shit,” I whispered. “What killed her?”
He stared at his hands and shook his head. “It was before my time.”
It was clear Andrew was a true believer, but I still really wasn’t sure at that point. How was I supposed to react, though? Zoos have fences and tall barriers for a good reason. Not just to keep the animals away from us, but also the other way around, and ‘death by stupidity’ is not uncommon amongst humans. So, the story wasn’t outrageous, but still, I’d never so much as experienced something unexplainable. But if I saw a ghost, I suppose that’d be that.
“I just need to know, plain and simple, if you’re the kind of person who can handle things that are terrifying,” Andrew told me, splaying his hands. “Our last night shift bloke there was with us for years and years, but we spent months going through other employees. There were six we tried before we found him.”
“Six?” I exclaimed.
He snorted. “Yes, six. Let’s see…” Andrew counted off each one on his fingers. “The first two, the first night they saw the ghost, they lost it. One called me in a panic, babbling, and I had to get out of bed and drive to the zoo to send him home, and the second quit, although at least she made it to the next morning and didn’t drag me out here,” he said, his voice thoughtful. “They just thought I was blowing smoke up their bums with the whole thing.”
He shrugged. “Then, the third one was a bloke who was asleep when I got there in the morning, so I had to fire him. Then another ghost freak-out. The fifth bloke was someone who couldn’t deal with the animals, and then the sixth was so scared of the ghost that when I got here, he was already outside the zoo, pacing, waiting for my car. Apparently he’d said some stuff, rude or mean or whatnot, to try to get her to leave him alone and she had followed him back into the security room, so he fled. I need the opposite of those folks. Alright?”
At this point, I was starting to take it more seriously. Sure, this could just be Andrew’s thing, that he believed in ghosts and then made up these sightings to ensure I believed him. But if I saw her? What would I do?
Well, this would be my job, so I would have to take it seriously. Maybe that was why the pay was so good, to make employees think twice before ditching it. From Andrew’s perspective, if it really was haunted, he was the one who had to deal with applicant after applicant quitting as soon as they laid eyes on the guest who would never leave.
“So…honestly, I can’t say I won’t freak out, considering how next level this is,” I told him, feeling compelled to go with honesty, “but yeah. I think I can handle it, mostly because it’s important for someone to look after this place, look after the animals, so I’d do my best to work around anything that freaks me out. I mean, I have to say that I’ll believe it when I see it. But if ghosts really exist, as long as it isn’t some serial killer who stuck around to keep gutting people, I’ve always thought it’d be cool to find out we can exist after we die.”
The thing is, I think I did believe him. I thought there might really be a ghost there, because otherwise, why take it so seriously? It could’ve been that Andrew had only glimpsed her out of the corner of his eye a few times and could ascribe it to lack of sleep, but he was literally worried about word getting out. I thought that being halfway to believing him would give me the mental preparation I needed if I saw her. At least, I’d hoped so.
It turned out that most of my time would be spent at the security desk in the main building, near the entrance. Real-time footage played through thirty-five cameras around the zoo, all on a large screen that was five cameras across and seven cameras top to bottom. The cameras were impressive. I would mention the resolution, say something about them being 4K, but Andrew explained some stuff about how it’s actually the lens that is the biggest selling point. Looking at these cameras on the giant screen, I could see practically every corner of the place, and if I brought up one camera in particular to encompass 2/3 of the screen, I could zoom in so far that it felt like I could use it to check if one of the animals had fleas.
The zoo was well lit, not surprising considering nighttime was apparently the zoo’s business hours, and all of the tall lamps had red bulbs. For those of you who know why, A+ to you. For those who don’t, fun fact, it’s because red is closest to the dark and your eyes don’t need to strain to adjust to it. That meant I didn’t need my flashlight all that often, and even that was red, a solid name-brand one that had been on my desk when I arrived. I kept the white lights on back in the security room, though, because I didn’t want to make my brain think it was time to get tired.
When I headed out for my first sweep on that first night, I had the folded map in my pocket, but I already knew my way around. The layout of the zoo wasn’t that difficult to memorize, since there were only eleven expansive enclosures, and after the interview I walked around for half an hour to start training my memory. I’ll admit, working in a dark environment was creepier than I thought it would be.
I do want to mention the high quality of the zoo. The size of each enclosure was considerable, and the greenery was natural, hinting that they’d hired a pricey professional just to do landscaping toward the front of the enclosures after buying the land. The backs of the enclosures backed up into forestry, and from the estimate I got from Andrew, it seemed each of the animals had plenty of roaming space, including the small lake at the northwest corner and a manmade lake for one of the animals in particular. When I considered all of that, the thought passed through my head about how horrible it would be if word got out about the zoo having a ghost and needing to relocate, because it’d be devastatingly expensive.
My orders were to walk the zoo once every hour. This was my first security gig, so I’m not sure if that’s more or less than typical, but I had my comfy hiking boots on, the ones I’d saved up for and invested in a couple years earlier and were perfect for a job where I had to do laps around an area. This job was one that I didn’t have to worry about my shoulder pain worsening, since it was mostly about being on my feet. I take one or two Vicodin a day, depending on how bad my pain is. It came in handy in high school, actually. With a flexible ‘take as needed’ prescription, I occasionally sold pills for extra cash.
There wasn’t much to step in and there weren’t even any dips in the concrete sidewalks that I followed around in a route that easily led me back and forth until I made my way back to the office. The first three nights were actually boring. I would have thought Andrew had been pranking me about the ghost, but like I said, it hadn’t felt like that. And he hadn’t been specific about when she showed up for new people, or even for him.
To keep myself busy, I’d brought my e-reader with me, and I got into a cycle of looking over each of the cameras every time I hit the end of a chapter. I’m a pretty fast reader, so it was a good system. Also, every once in a while, I looked up if something moving caught my eye, like an owl flying close enough for the camera to catch it, but that’s about it.
Then, every hour on the hour, I did a walk through. The fourth night, I was passing by the small lake at the back left corner of the property when I saw her.
People say that you can tell if someone’s staring at you, that there’s some sixth sense humans have. It’s not true; they’ve done experiments. But the thing is, all those experiments were of someone human looking at them. After this last shift, I would guess that the sixth sense that sends goosebumps down your arms, the one that makes you feel an intangible pressure, that slides your body toward fight or flight mode, might be true of…other things.
Slowly coming to a stop at the disturbing feeling, I hesitantly looked around, through the trees. Then my heart skipped a beat and my breath hitched. It was startling because she wasn’t moving. Just standing among the trees, staring at me. I broke out in a cold sweat as I stared back at her, unsure what to do. I didn’t run. I didn’t try to talk to her. I just stood there. So, there’s my answer to Andrew: I didn’t freak out. I just froze.
The woman was Latina, her skin tone pallid from death, and was dressed as he’d described her, in slacks and a silky blue blouse. And she was soaked, as if she’d just walked out of the lake. Beyond that, her shirt was drenched in blood from what looked like claw marks across her abdomen. Her eyes were dark and penetrating, boring holes into me, as if she were able to get any and all knowledge that she wanted about me simply by glaring. The fabric of her shirtsleeves clung to her skin and was dripping, as was her long black hair. Speaking of her hair, it appeared to have seaweed woven into it, or maybe she also grew seaweed along with hair. Not my area of expertise.
The look on her face was indescribable. There was something deep in her eyes, behind her closed-off expression, that made my heart beat rapidly. Maybe I would’ve projected some emotion into her face if I’d had any idea of what she was capable of, whether she could move objects, or possess me, or if all she did was hang around. As things stood, I was left just projecting my fears, which gave me the impression that she was cross with me simply for being present. It felt like I was trespassing, even though I was a dozen feet back from the fence that encircled the enclosure. And also, this was my job so I was explicitly allowed to be here.
She was disturbingly close, and remained unnaturally still. If she had attacked me, I wasn’t sure what I would’ve done. Ran, probably, but considering ghosts probably don’t follow the laws of physics, maybe she could’ve chased me at Usain Bolt speed. For all I knew, she could teleport.
After an amount of time that felt awkwardly long, I finally spoke up.
“Hi,” I croaked.
The woman slowly tilted her head but didn’t otherwise move. I’d forgotten to ask Andrew for her name, I realized, but he had mentioned her death had been before his time, so maybe he didn’t know.
Swallowing hard, I tried to take a slow, deep breath, even though it felt like there was a cinder block on my chest. “So, I, uh…I work here now,” I said slowly. “I’m night shift security.” Pausing, I kept trying to gather information from her demeanor but failed. “Is that okay?”
At that, I saw a hint of curiosity flash across her face. “Why would it not be?” Her voice sounded completely normal, which was an off-putting contrast to her appearance.
Good question. Hell if I know the answer. “I don’t know. I mean…you were here first. I don’t know if you feel like I’m…intruding…or something.”
“You’re just doing your job,” she said, her tone softening a smidge.
I waited to see if she wanted to say anything else before saying, “Right.” Can I get you anything? A towel? Some bandages? “I’ll be going now.”
The woman made no movement to come after me as I gradually took one step, then another, keeping her in my sights as I walked off. I finally had to turn to face forward, unable or unwilling to be seen by her foolishly walking away backwards. Instead of continuing my sweep, I took the path that would lead me back to the security room. I kept looking behind me and felt her eyes on me all the way back, though I didn’t see her following me. At that point, even if she hadn’t moved an inch, my brain was on red alert when it came to self-preservation and figured I would continue to feel like a wet hand might grab me from behind at any moment.
Finally, I returned to the security room, swiping my card across the panel at the back door with a beep. Opening the door, darting inside, and slamming it behind me, I walked to the far side of the room and turned around, putting my back to the wall. Until I’d gotten back, I hadn’t noticed how fast I’d been walking, how quickly I’d been gasping for air. Leaning back against the wall, my legs turned to jelly and I slowly slid to the floor.
And that was it. My first sighting of the ghost. I’d thought that if I had seen her, there would be some part of me that was skeptical, that would reason my way out of it, convinced it was a prank. But I knew. She wasn’t a person. At least, not anymore.

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2024.05.09 16:43 FordsHalo COMPLETE LUCKI SNIPPET/GRAIL LIST (2017-NOW), v1

- By GARDr / FordsHalo -
for those who prefer watching/listening Over Reading..
Here -
Full Video Version I made ^ in case You don’t want to go through these Individually. I split it into 2 parts below
Everything On This Post is there^ So You don’t have to read all this shit.
Part 1 (2017-2023 snippets)
Part 2 (Extended Comment, 2023-5/9/2024 & other possible Gemini snippets)
if You PERSONALLY have contact to a Private Leak Dealer, DM me ASAP.
-There is some information I currently refuse publicly to share, unless that^ is the case. Respect the sub, DMs only for that. Lots of hitting dead-ends with this.
Also DM if you have information on any of these- BoofPaxkMooky, Duwap Kaine, & Summrs 2017-2020 music.
In the future it’s possible I might List some of their snippet/grails lists as well.
If You have any information on these that You consider unknown,
Dm me so You can stay anon-
Otherwise, comment below with that info and lmk if You’d prefer credited for a possible future “v2” post.
will Potentially be updating this list with the EXACT Year of a snippet ,with a possible v2 if enough is discovered down the road.
(would rather put a “-“ range between when these were being shared, also having trouble finding when a lot of these were Originally Posted due to a lot of them being taken down-reposted to different channels.)
* meaning = Copyright takedown might’ve moved date/not sure of true original posted.
A Lot of the snippets/grails below already have visuals I've Pre-made that I’ll be releasing occasionally after I enhance their audio for VOL. 1&2-
3 visuals are posted here on Reddit, the rest can be found on my channel below, more coming soon
(I will be keeping STEMS of all the songs I enhance so those of You who can RemasteRe-mix the songs better can do that. DM me/comment if You would like to help with that or if You want a STEM pack that I haven't posted to my channel yet. While I make enhanced versions, I have not (Yet) dipped into mastering/AI, any improvements You can make will end up in more uploads and credit for the help.)
Also, I Hope you’re doing well, Yal some wild mfs on here, I stg
- GARDr / FordsHalo 
U/MonitorFederal9282 has recently provided a 2017 snippet - ”2017”(Untitled) “Lowkey the beat in the second part sounds like a early version of lets see which is also produced by stoopidxool”
(New, not in video links provided at top of page, would be included in potential v2 update video along with credit for the find)
“Coffin”(Untitled) 2017-2019
Prod. ???
Where I originally found this -
One I’m pretty sure no one besides Mami Mandaa (OG Repost Channel on YouTube) ^noticed/uploaded (above). I’ve named it “coffin”. It’s not impossible I’ve mistakenly just re-discovered a released song ..but Google can’t find it, maybe You can?
U/MonitorFederal9282 recently provided another snippet of this song
(New, not in video links provided at top of page, would be included in potential v2 update video along with credit for the find)
??? - 2017-2020
Prod. ???
Another new find from this search. This is a nearly-unheard piece of a leak that Lucki has only played 3 seconds -2 separate times, intentionally skipping it.. For anyone who can confirm its name/producer I’d have to come up with a way to reward the information, as well as whoever can find “Lot in A Soda” that I will get to later down in this post. This list has over 60 entries.
Flute 2017-2020
Prod. Callari
Supersport Quick/ Brazy OG 2019-2020
Plug-N-Playlist posted this loop on 6-23-2020
Prod. Digital Dashboy
However, not only is this not the entire song(looped), but this is not the OG beat, while this is -
Earliest post I could find-
Full snippet -
Prod. Plu2o Nash
Good news. It has been confirmed by a reliable source that this leak is likely not Lost Media and could definitely surface at some point. Hope that is soon. I have dates of a lot of these but this post is bloated enough and a lot of these are posted-taken down- reposted
Dogfood 2017-2019
Prod. Uglyfriend
Did some digging into this track after a rumor surfaced that it was Lost Media, A slight update I got from 2 reliable sources while looking into this is that they both do not agree with that rumor ^
Someone on IG and also on a thread claimed they tried to buy it and were told it was deleted and given something else instead of this.
Had a friend who works with audio/sound design do his best to try to figure out the lyrics, we’re still going back and forth on a few bars but I may include what we tried to figure out in the upcoming visual I’m working on for this one.
Tired of Me/Superman 2019-2020
Prod. Yung Icey
Have a little bit of newer info I was told after some research on this leak, but I will stick to the basic info here.
Some time after Lucki made this song, which was originally titled “Superman”, Yung Icey was said to have sold this beat to someone else entirely. So while we got a remixed version from Christ Dillinger w/ Lucki’s OG vocals recently, this song seems to be unavailable for any Official release due to that. Whoever engineered/produced the remixed track most certainly had/has the OG stems or at least knows who does.
Besides them, there’s a few people who have claimed to have came across this track.
DM me if You find any new info on this one or any of the more rare ones.
High Togethe“Lowkey” 2019-2020
Prod. Brent Rambo
Reach out if You have any new information about any of the more notable Grails or Dealers thereof, especially this one. Brent Rambo has a reputation for keeping ahold of all his Grails and also there are 2 leaks, one of which from memory has an additional tag at the beginning of the song meaning that various forms of this same song might exist. Grateful that we have the entire snippet available.
Pay Me OG/ Spaceboy OG 2019-2020
Prod. Brent Rambo
The original beat for Spaceboy OG under the same vocals. I assume that the majority of the fanbase is satisfied with the version we got. Based on a reliable source, this one is not considered Lost Media.
Who Got Me 2019-2020
Prod. Brent Rambo
At the end of the snippet clip, Lucki can be heard in the IG snippet telling Producer ChasetheMoney He would send Him this one but He wants to be sent a beat -so besides Brent, we can assume Chase also has this.
( Chase^ has a long-standing history with making music with another Chicago artist, Valee, who was signed to GOOD music at one point. ChaseTheMoney is kinda like Valee’s BrentRambo imo, )
Money Phase 2019-2020
Prod. Brent Rambo
This one is rumored to be private-bought and traded between people but besides that rumor, I have no update on it. Sounds like there’s also another producer tag before you hear Brent’s but I’m not sure.
What It Is What It’s Not 2019-2020
Prod. Brent Rambo
Overseas 2019-2021
Prod. Brent Rambo
Unfortunately The only information I have on this one is that Brent mentioned at some point not a very long time ago that He was still trying to talk Lucki into dropping it. Since this interview- Brent has not mentioned “Extra Lucky 3” to my knowledge. In an IG Live I might post later on my channel, Brent replied to a comment made on IG about High Together recently -replying to it, that He has no control over anything- including this, dropping.
Hellkat Boi 2019-2020
An OG Posting-
CDQ Snippet Teaser-
Prod. Plu2o Nash
Seems that someone was passed this at some point from this snippet surfacing with tags on it. Surprised that it still hasn’t been leaked.
I might be able to remove the tags to hear it more clearly but not sure I care to currently do that.
Super True 2019-2020
Prod. Plu2o Nash
Str8 2019-2020
Prod. StupidXool
Lucki both confirmed this was going to be on FLM and then apparently said in a later IG Live it wouldn’t drop anymore. My personal opinion is that He likes it too much to drop it. He has mentioned on an interview He enjoys listening to some of his unreleased music.
Hotboi/Replicas 2019-2020
Prod. Plu2o or Plu2o+Adio? (not sure at times, most work w/them are collabs)
For some reason, thought I had a memory of this one being leaked at some point, but I haven’t been able to find it- along with a lot of other people who have attempted to look with me. It’s possible it’s on SoundCloud and I didn’t notice it or or that it was uploaded to YouTube and blocked by Copyright, etc.
Feel Like This/“Booze” 2019-2021
Prod. ???
Wish Me Well 2019-2021
Prod. ???
No information but the visual I’m planning for this one I’m excited to start working on. It was taken down off of YouTube, not sure if that was by Copyright. Some of these don’t register copyright on YouTube when uploaded, this one did, not sure if it will be taken down.
Exhaust 2020-2021
Prod. F1lthy
I think this was around Wake Up Lucki and there might’ve been another snippet or so floating around
Also, lyrics were posted online in 2 different places, here is one of them
Lil Boy 2019-2022
Prod. Brent Rambo
No Love 2019-2022
Prod. ???
Right Back 2020-2022
Prod. Plu2o Nash & Adio
This one might not ever see the Light of day, but fortunately it’s not Lost Media, which is confirmed.
Like many others, it will most likely never see an official release.
I Can’t 2020-2022
Prod. Wheezy
While this one might not ever be leaked, there is confirmation from a source this is not Lost/gone for good.
Like many other snippets, it probably will never be dropped officially.
Convince Me 2020-2022
Prod. Space The Wizard
(^Space has also produced for Babyface Ray. Haven’t looked into if He’s produced anything else for Lucki.)
More Than Ever 2 2019-2021
Prod. Goontex
(^“Goontex” is a production group that from what I’ve read online, was started by Flansie and includes Brent. The group used to include Loesoe, who did work on Yeats music.)
Total 2021-2022
Prod. Samsson
Samsson is a member of Prod. team Goontex and like Bhristo, I doubt any CDQ snippet has surfaced from any of his Lucki stuff.
If It Ain’t Wok 2019-2020
Prod. Flansie
This makes the list is because despite having a portion of a looped CDQ, it’s been noticed by a couple people that We don’t have the full leak.
Above, while playing the snippet, You can hear some additional stuff that isn’t in the CDQ leak ^
& Here is the CDQ loop
55 Nights 2019-2022
Prod. ???
Naruto (Good Intentions) 2020-2022
Prod. Brent Rambo
This is said to sample Never Been by Wiz Khalifa
Prod. Sledgren
-which sampled Scala's theme from the video game Chrono Trigger.
Someone once mentioned that Naruto is sampled in it..I haven’t noticed where it does. Feel free to help fill in the blanks as to why it’s titled Naruto and let me know if You know how the main whistle in the beat was sampled/made.
U/MonitorFederal9282 recently added - “Naruto beat was given to 1600j, song called “D Rose””
-In this case, it would place it in the same kind of category as Superman/Tired of Me, meaning it most likely would require a leak for us to get this.
Rich Junkie OG 2019-2022
Prod. Brent Rambo
Found this on Lemondarkz2’s channel, I’m not sure many people have came across this. Unique how different each version sounds. When I tried to share the link with a friend, it re-routed them so I uploaded it to mine. Also, I can’t remember if the intro was sampled elsewhere.
Brand New 2020-2021
Prod. Brent Rambo
Belly of The Beast (ft. KanKan) 2021-2022
Prod. Bhristo, Sharkboy, & 1bosley
Fuck The Law 2019-2020
Prod. Brent Rambo
Pretty Roxy 2020-2022
Prod. ???
Xanned Up 2020-2022
Prod. ???
I would bet that we will never see an official release of this one specifically and that a leak would be rare. One of the times it was previewed, Lucki said something that made me feel like it had been held onto for a good period of time also.
Manhattan v1 (ft. Babyface Ray) 2019-2021
Prod. ???
Lucki x Dae track 1 - (Untitled) 2021-2022\*
Prod. ???
How I Do Her ? 2018-2023 ?\*
Prod. Plu2o Nash & Adio
Some of these are harder for me to track down when they were originally previewed like this one. Not sure when I heard it first and it doesn’t sound like around when it was posted.
One Soda 2021-2023
Prod. Bhristo.
To my knowledge, Bhristo has not had any CDQ snippets surface prior to their release for Lucki’s music.
"Lot in a Soda" ? 2019-2023 ?
(New, not in video links provided at the top of page, would be included in potential v2 update video along with credit for the find) ..with enough of these updates/interest in the subject I will continue to edit this post and might have create a new post along with a v2 video to match.
The rest will be covered below, this originally was so it can be edited as a comment for more updated information, but that didn't work - GARDFordsHalo
Possible Gemini + additional snippets/information
Taste Like Act 2023
Prod. Rio Leyva, ReidMD, & Toom
Never Commit 2021-2023
Prod. CGM & CXDY
All Good 2022-2023
Prod. Bhristo & Noah
Itch/"Numb" 2023
(Prod. Kloudbwwoy?)
There is a link at the bottom if you decide to go through the entire list that says something about Kloudbwwoy possibly being behind this snippet, who knows.
Pretty 100’s 2023
Prod. ???
Super Brazy 2023
(Prod. Bhristo?)
(^Cant tell if I can hear his Producer tag)
It Ski What it Be 2023
Prod. ???
“Regular”(Untitled) 2023
Prod. 808 Mafia/Southside
As It Get 2023
Prod. ???
Elegant Junkie 2023
Prod. Brent Rambo
R.I.P. 2023-2024
Prod. - (Bhristo?)
(Another audio tag at start that sounds like Bhristo's ^. Think it’s a safe bet, feel free to let me know otherwise.)
“Louis Slippers” (Untitled ft. Yachty) 2023-2024
Prod. ???
Cant Feel A Thing 2024
Prod. ???
"Greedy" (Untitled) 2024
Prod. ???
Top Ski (Untitled) 2024
Prod. ???
Head Trauma 2024
Prod. Brent Rambo
CloveExotic 2024
Prod. ???
The lyrics on this one match an IG post Luck made on 4/27/24. While it’s a good chance we get it, for some reason all of the most favorited ones end up unreleased.
Heavy on My Heart 2024
& (Longer Version)
Prod. Coop
In God Hand (ft. Lil Double 0) 2024
Prod. ???
Higher than All of Yall 2024
Prod. ???
Kylie Jenner 2/Killer 2024
Prod. ???
Lucki x Veeze 2 (Untitled) 2024
Prod. ???
”Zombie” , (Untitled) 2024
Prod. ???
— I’m not including the Underw6ter Yap Session I wrote, this post is long enough. but some bullet points-
He did not leak “My Heart” but still left “🎁” on his IG when that happened
He didn’t drop on NYE like He said He would, He went Live twice and has since ghosted the topic.
He’s a Legend in the community, responsible for many Classics - but is Currently super unreliable with All Music Drops.
I could add detail but nah not rn - hopefully the old reliable Underw6ter comes back someday.
Before we reach the end of this post, I took a look on Rap Genius and found these links below. By “Misplaced”^ in this case, some of these tracks are some of the snippets above^^, they just don’t have enough information to be confirmed, so these are likely places future tracks will be updated later.
I went through every song on the Rap Genius list and they mention a lot of different missing tracks, this is why I decided to make this part a comment, -Gemini and future finds will change this part of the Post depending on what comes out and what info anyone else is able to provide and what Im working on.
Enjoy going through the last of these lists, thank You for checking out this post. The Super Futuristic visual is almost done, I’m gonna take a short break after that one and then get back to finishing the visuals.
There are 3 songs I could not place up there due to not enough information on them “Bentayga”(2020-2021), “I Hate Y’all”(2017-2018),”Wasn’t Easy”(2020-2022) also NO ID 2, 2020-?
Lil Uzi Collab (Untitled)
Lucki x Uzi (picture post)
Prod. Brandon Finessing
Ecstasy & Syrup
Prod. ???
Itch/(maybe its “Numb”, from above?)
Possible Link-
Prod. Kloudbwwoy
Follow Tune
Prod. Brent Rambo & SG1
Joony x Lucki (Untitled)
Pays For Me
Prod. F1lthy
Snippet -
Lyrics -
Prod. F1lthy, possible WUL missing track
Can’t feel My Face (ft. Veeze)
Prod. ???
-The rest of VOL. 1 of LLVS is almost complete, half of VOL. 2 as well.
-Super Futuristic visual next, let me know if any of this needs updated.
See You soon, GARDr / FordsHalo
submitted by FordsHalo to Lucki [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 15:07 subredditsummarybot /r/NFL's top [Highlights] for the week of April 30 - May 06, 2024

Tuesday, April 30 - Monday, May 06, 2024


score comments title & link
8,214 701 comments [Highlight] Micah Parsons and CJ Stroud 1-on-1 Drills against a Sumo Wrestler
4,728 296 comments [Highlight] Browns QB Brandon Weeden gets trapped under the American flag prior to first career game (Sept. 9, 2012)
3,510 462 comments [Highlight] Every 2024 1st round pick’s best play from college
3,433 223 comments [Highlight] Haloti Ngata raised his kids to be proper Ravens fans
3,300 261 comments [Highlight] Brandon Lloyd made some of the sickest catches ever
2,634 270 comments [Highlight] 40mph winds causes Bears K Robbie Gould to miss 39-yard field goal attempt (Nov. 13, 2005)
2,208 226 comments [Highlight] 337-pound Keith Traylor intercepts the pass, Dick Enberg & Dan Dierdorf follow with one of the greatest calls ever (Jan. 6, 2002)
2,195 430 comments [Highlight] A TLDR on why Marvin Harrison Jr. hasn't sighed his NFLPA licensing agreement yet. (Fanatics is the reason)
2,051 242 comments [HIGHLIGHT] Drew Brees breaks all time passing yard record on a 62-yard bomb to Tre'Quan Smith.
1,990 226 comments [Highlight] Matt Forte's incredible ability as a receiver
1,469 249 comments [Highlight] 1993 #1 overall pick Drew Bledsoe aka the Patriots QB before Tom Brady
1,314 212 comments [Highlight] Adrian Peterson scored a TD with 6 Different Teams - Here's His 1st TD with Each
1,266 266 comments [Highlight] Micah Parsons and CJ Stroud get another rep in with a Sumo Wrestler
1,091 110 comments [Highlight] Brent Grimes' crazy one-handed interception (2014)
738 105 comments [Highlight] Giants S Kenny Phillips intercepts the ball off a deflection on the back of Jason Witten's foot
688 145 comments [Highlight] JPJ’s first career interception on a ball thrown by Lamar Jackson, while defending OBJ
591 80 comments [Highlight] Steelers run a fake punt against the Saints.
549 70 comments [Highlight] Best of Odell Beckham Jr. as a passer
546 128 comments [Highlight] Josh Allen 375 Passing Yds & 4 TDs against the 49ers in the 2020 nfl season
514 125 comments [Highlights] Gronk, during his rookie preseason, dragging a 250 lb James Laurinaitis to score a TD

Top comments

score comment
8,350 NarwhalEqualUnicorn said "If you get a chance to go 8-9 and all it costs you is your wife and gotta do what you gotta do" ☠️
4,576 VelvetBlue said Broncos out here playing 4d chess while everyone else playing football.
4,489 D0ctorHotelMario said There's also the whole "they weren't paying a QB in his mid-30s coming off an Achilles tear $100 million guaranteed over 4 years" thing. Just a thought.
4,139 justin9920 said Best joke: If you get a chance to go 8-9 and all it costs you is your wife and kids, you gotta do what you gotta do.
4,111 Amadeum said I'll bet he's the next QB to get punched in the face by his own teammate
3,562 Moncat77 said For the curious, the stable they're visiting is the Arashio stable and I'm fairly certain the wrestler in the video is 17 year old Tanji. He is a third tier wrestler with a rank of Makushita 22, which...
3,416 downbad12878 said When are we gonna draft sumo wrestlers
3,376 TheSmokedSalmon420 said Dude ended up having such a weird career
3,236 kbt1999 said This hurts Josh Allen more than when the Bills traded Diggs away & I cannot stress that enough
3,221 PrimetimeD18 said The Chiefs wanted to draft Paxton Lynch instead of Chris Jones, they then drafted Patrick Mahomes next year.
submitted by subredditsummarybot to nfl [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 10:15 XGramatik Pepperstone: The Daily Fix - a stealth climb but new highs for US equities are in play

Pepperstone: The Daily Fix - a stealth climb but new highs for US equities are in play
Authored by Chris Weston
It’s been somewhat of a stealth climb, on below-average volume, but US equity markets close out the best 3-day streak since November and we see the S&P500 just 1.5% from making a new all-time high. The NAS100 clearly has momentum working in its favour and the risk is we see 18,400 emerge in the near-term, while small caps shine, with the Russell 2k outperforming once again, and while it doesn’t feel like many are truly chasing this move, the risk vs reward trade-off suggests being long and playing for new highs as the right play.
While it was only REITS that didn’t fully participate – in a move where breath was sharp with 76% of stocks on the S&P500 closed higher - it was the tech that really drove the move, with Nvidia closing at $921, and the bulls will be eyeing a retest of $975. Meta eyes a close of the 24 April gap into $484.58, and I suspect it gets there, while Amazon continues its ascent with a 1.3% rise. Tesla looks less convincing on the daily chart and needs more work to have the momentum traders adding real length, but many will take another 2% gain. Banks have participated, with the XLF ETF +1.3% and on the small/regional bank side, the KRE ETF closed +0.8%, showing no real concerns to the SLOOS report (Senior loan officers survey) which showed 15.6% of responding banks saw tighter lending conditions in Q1.
Rates and bond markets have had a quiet day at the office, with yields little changed across the Treasury curve, and despite speeches from Fed members Barkin and Williams, we see 46bp of cuts priced by December, and the September FOMC meeting still the expected start date for the Fed to cut. That said, cutting rates in the meeting before a US Presidential election has never occurred before, so this could be new territory, and could do so to deafening cries of a ‘politicized Fed’.
Commodity markets have been well traded, where crude has reacted modestly to headlines on the geopolitical front – Brent traded into $83.80 on several occasions but saw supply kick in and traders were willing sellers here. Silver captured above-average client flow, which is unsurprising given the 3.3% rally on the day into $27.44, while gold sits at $2325 and has scope to push back into the 26 April highs of $2352, which may act as small resistance for the ultra-short-term traders to look at – a close through here and the prospect of a trend move into $2400 naturally increases.
Looking at the options market Gold 1-week put volatility trades at a modest 0.26 vol premium to calls – essentially, the options market sees the risk in price as finely balanced in the near term, and there is no immediate skew to where traders see the greater directional move playing out. It suggests many will be looking to fade rallies in XAU into $2350 – levels to put on the radar.
In FX, the lack of move in the US bond market has held FX volatility back and given traders a chance to regroup and review. USDJPY has seen some kickback after the recent solid declines and saw good sellers into ¥154.00. LATAM FX saw some love, with the MXN and CLP working well, with signs that perhaps carry traders could be cautiously putting on positions again.
The AUD has held in well, and becomes the currency du jour today, with the RBA meeting and Statement on Monetary Policy in play at 14:30 AEST – Aussie swaps price 3bp of hikes for today’s meeting, which feels fair, while the tone of all guidance will be reconciled vs the August pricing, where we see 12bp priced – or a 50% probability of a hike. The RBA is therefore expected to lay out that roadmap to hike, and that needs to meet market pricing or we could see a quick move lower – although that feels unlikely, as the RBA should almost certainly lift its inflation forecasts for the June and Dismember ’24 quarter and with that justifies a modest hawkish shift.
Asia equity should get off to a strong footing, where Japan comes back online, and plays catch up with a 1.7% rally on open expected. The ASX200 looks set for a 0.5% rise on open, with BHP likely to open 0.2% higher, with the focus on ANZ who have joined the party with a lofty $2b buy-back, although on first blush the cash earnings seem underwhelming.

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submitted by XGramatik to XGramatikInsights [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:32 karenvideoeditor The Zoo [Part 1]


I’ll start with the job posting, I guess. I spotted it on Indeed while making my daily check for anything and everything that would hire someone with my biology degree, and it seemed on the up and up. Their website looked decent, the guy on the phone sounded nice, and I was looking for anything even slightly related to working with wildlife. Being a nightshift guard at a zoo was fine, especially when I took the incredibly generous rate of $25/hr. into account. That’s eleven bucks more than my dad makes at the local grocer, and he’s been working there for thirteen years. Then again, from the P.S. on the posting, I thought there might be good reason for the rate.
It said at the end, almost as an afterthought, ‘Zoo is haunted.’
When it comes to ghosts, they’ve never made much sense to me. Considering how badly our brains function from just getting jostled around on a football field, I’m not sure how ghosts could exist without a brain at all. I’d be excited as the next person to find proof, but YouTube videos are always fishy and the people on TV are essentially actors who only focus on the entertainment factor for their ratings. So, since I’d never seen anything that vaguely resembled a ghost, I’d say binge-watching Supernatural on Netflix last year was the extent of my experience in that department.
It seemed that the zoo hadn’t been here for long since it wasn’t even on Google Maps yet. There was a bit of a commute, it was half an hour away, but since I’d worked local jobs while I attended college online for the past four years, I’d saved up the money to buy a car. It wasn’t anything fancy, just an old Nissan sedan that I’d bought from someone in the next town over, with faded red paint and a mismatched back right door painted blue. It accomplished the job of transportation, though, which let me search the job market further away, a good thing considering how small a town I lived in. I really didn’t want to leave home yet, so moving for a job in a city or another state wasn’t an appealing option.
The website said very little. It had yet to fill in drop down menus that would excitedly describe their attractions. So far it only had some small sections about conservation and education, though that was intriguing because it mentioned that all the animals they had were endangered. I read that notation and wondered what the animals were. Mammals were always favorites of mine, which I know is a bit of a cliché, loving the furry ones. But when it comes down to it, I’ll take any animal over a person.
The employee entrance to the zoo was a door in the large steel gate that surrounded the property, a few yards down from the sliding gate that presumably opened to let visitors in. I pressed the button on a panel beside it, glancing up at the camera, and I was buzzed in. There was a short path that led to the building near the front and I knocked politely before going inside.
The interviewer, a plain metal nameplate on his desk describing him as Director of Security for the zoo, welcomed me in and sat on the other side of his desk, lounging back in his desk chair. His name was Andrew Higgs, and he had a British accent, which I thought was cool. I sat in one of the two loveseats in front of the desk.
Andrew was dressed business casual, with a blue Polo shirt, a thin black jacket, and I saw he was wearing slacks when he stood up to shake my hand. He was black, with dreadlocks that stopped just short of his shoulders, and a closely trimmed mustache. There was a tattoo, an artistic rendition of a hippo, on the right side of his neck, which bode well in my opinion. So many places hiring these days were overly uptight about their employees’ appearance, but it seemed that wouldn’t be the case here.
We went over the basics before he picked up the piece of paper off his desk, my resume, which he’d printed out. “Well, I spoke to all three of your references,” Andrew noted. “They had some good things to say. You were a great employee on the farm you worked last summer, your boss said. Punctual, hard-working, took instructions well…”
That was nice to hear. I’d spent this past summer working at a dairy farm, mostly assigned to the goats and cows they kept for milk. Aside from the staggering muscle pain that tapered from agony to merely miserable by the end of the summer, it wasn’t a bad job. I did have an old shoulder injury that I always had to work around, but it was my left shoulder and I was a righty, so it wasn’t that difficult to manage.
If anything, the muscle pain in my back and legs from being on my feet all day distracted from the typical issue I dealt with. My standard exercising day-to-day was typically either riding my bike or yoga, although yoga is mind-numbingly boring, so I need to listen to a podcast to pass the time. So, in fact, through the job, I was sort of grateful that my brain was focusing on a different area of my body that was in pain. Yeah, chronic pain is weird.
“He also said you don’t work well with others,” Andrew added, glancing up to me. “You kept submitting complaints about incompetent coworkers?”
I pursed my lips and let out a long breath through my nose, considering the most delicate way I was capable of replying to that before saying, “I dislike stupid people.”
Andrew gave me a half-smile and sighed, replying, “Well, I must confess I’m not fond of them either.” He looked back down to the paper. “This job will be a great fit for you.”
The job interview seemed like a formality, and I don’t know why. I was twenty-three and the ink had barely dried on my degree from the online college I’d attended. I’d been applying to jobs for months and had been thrilled when I’d gotten a call for an interview for this one, but also surprised. Call me a cynic, but I expected more invasive questions about any past work I’d done for a job in security, since I was a woman.
It's not like I was petite. Actually, the most common word I’d heard to describe me is ‘built’, and I fall short of being labeled overweight only because of muscle mass. One comment I recall from high school was being teased for being shaped like a rectangle. Even so, there was no good reason to look a gift horse in the mouth, but of course, me being me, that meant I examined its teeth closely.
“So, you’re hiring me? Just like that? Why?”
Andrew, chuckled. “Look, you’ve got BA in wildlife biology, and specializing in animal behavior is just the cherry on the sundae. That tells me you know animals are not people, and even if you feel like you know them, they can still be unpredictable. They can hurt you. But also, it makes me know you care.”
I suppose that did make sense, and it was true, so I’m glad he knew that. Most of my job on the night shift would be watching cameras and then walking around the place to make sure all the animals were as they should be, but it was more than that. Working at a zoo meant knowing where the line was, and sometimes it wasn’t exactly at the fence, but sometimes just putting a single finger through that fence meant losing that finger. As a whole, humans are generally idiots. Looking at you, anyone who really, honestly thinks that a bobcat would sense your boundless love enough to let you pat it.
“The website didn’t have much about the animals,” I said. “I know this place is new, so you might not have info on them up on the site yet. Do you have a map for me?”
“Oh, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” Andrew said with a wave of his hand. At that point, it had seemed to be a reasonable thing for him to say, but I will tell you, the reason was not what I thought. “Just to confirm, you’re not an early bird, Miss Mason? This schedule isn’t a concern?”
I shook my head. “Nah, I’m pretty talented at sleeping in, actually. I never really got past that teenage talent of staying up until five and sleeping in until three. And you can just call me Ripley.”
That made him smile. “Good. Then I won’t worry about you falling asleep on the job, Ripley.”
“Oh, no way.”
“All right. So. You saw the note at the end of the job posting?”
He just stared at me and I was forced to answer, “That the zoo is haunted.”
“Right. What are your thoughts on that?”
There was no easy answer to that question, especially depending on how seriously he took it. “Do you know the best word the Brits gave to us?”
“What’s that?”
Andrew slowly smiled and pointed at me with the end of the pen in his hand. “I think I’m going to like you,” he remarked. “Look…this is the part of the interview where we switch gears. If this was a regular zoo, you’d be a shoo-in for the job. But we’ve got other boxes to check. This outfit is…basically a preservation society. As you saw on the site, all the species are endangered, but what it didn’t say online is that the only people who came to visit are private parties.”
“So, that means…what?” I asked. “You bring in super-rich people who feel special when they get to see the animals you’re rehabilitating and taking care of? Then they donate oodles of money so they can brag to their rich friends about their charity contributions and having seen the animals here?”
Andrew raised his eyebrows. “Pretty much got it in one. It’s just more preservation and less rehabilitation. And a lot of our patrons really do care about the animals, or else they would just donate and not visit. You’ll see tourists a couple times a week, but we decided not to have anyone until we’re settled in here, and that means a person who’s on during the night shift that I can count on. And I don’t know if I can count on you yet.”
“Wait, I’ll see the tourists?” I asked. “They visit at night?”
“Everything we have is nocturnal,” he told me. That struck me as odd, but he continued before I could question it. “Listen up, and I’ll start with the basics. Have you ever seen anything weird? Possibly supernatural?”
“Nope,” I said with a shrug.
The fact is, I got along with my classmates, but I never did have any close friends. So, I thought maybe that’s why I missed out on all those reckless teen moments that started every horror movie. Maybe it left me without a bunch of exciting stories to tell. But hey, at least I didn’t break my leg falling through the floor of an abandoned building in eleventh grade.
Yes, that happened. It was a classmate of mine by the name of Brent. And yes, he’s just as much of a moron as you would imagine.
“If you see the ghost here,” he said, his tone emphatic, “will you freak out?”
I paused. “You’ve seen the ghost?”
“All the time,” Andrew told me. “It’s a young woman in a blue shirt and tan slacks, looks like she just walked out of a lake.”
“Do you have a picture?”
“No, and absolutely no photos or video are to be taken of her,” he said, his tone abruptly turning stern. “It’s cause for immediate dismissal. We have video cameras for security, but they all record off-site in a secure location, and Suzanne Cooper, the owner, manages it herself. Firstly, the ghost deserves privacy rather than exploitation, she’s not to be displayed like one of our animals, but secondly, people believe in ghosts. One leaked photo of her connecting it to us means we get overrun by ghost hunters, and if we trace it back to you, you’re done.”
Andrew seemed next-level serious about that, so I nodded. “Understood. That makes sense.”
The animals were the priority after all, I knew. I preferred them over people anyway, and that included dead people. Even if I could get a video of this ghost doing cartwheels back and forth through a wall, I would never post it and spread word of where I’d taken it. Andrew was right; the zoo would never get the paranormally-obsessed to stay away and would definitely have to relocate.
He continued, “If you’re curious, she’s never so much as tried to hurt anyone. But the zoo has moved before, and she moved with us.”
“She moved with you?” I asked, my eyebrows rising. “Is it like one of those stories where she’s attached to something in the zoo rather than a place?”
“More complicated than that,” he said. Then he grimaced. “She died because she was too ambitious with one of our animals. It never should have happened, but she… She was foolish, you’d say. Attempted to interact with one of the animals, got too close, and honestly, she should have known better. I thought she did.”
“Holy shit,” I whispered. “What killed her?”
He stared at his hands and shook his head. “It was before my time.”
It was clear Andrew was a true believer, but I still really wasn’t sure at that point. How was I supposed to react, though? Zoos have fences and tall barriers for a good reason. Not just to keep the animals away from us, but also the other way around, and ‘death by stupidity’ is not uncommon amongst humans. So, the story wasn’t outrageous, but still, I’d never so much as experienced something unexplainable. But if I saw a ghost, I suppose that’d be that.
“I just need to know, plain and simple, if you’re the kind of person who can handle things that are terrifying,” Andrew told me, splaying his hands. “Our last night shift bloke there was with us for years and years, but we spent months going through other employees. There were six we tried before we found him.”
“Six?” I exclaimed.
He snorted. “Yes, six. Let’s see…” Andrew counted off each one on his fingers. “The first two, the first night they saw the ghost, they lost it. One called me in a panic, babbling, and I had to get out of bed and drive to the zoo to send him home, and the second quit, although at least she made it to the next morning and didn’t drag me out here,” he said, his voice thoughtful. “They just thought I was blowing smoke up their bums with the whole thing.”
He shrugged. “Then, the third one was a bloke who was asleep when I got there in the morning, so I had to fire him. Then another ghost freak-out. The fifth bloke was someone who couldn’t deal with the animals, and then the sixth was so scared of the ghost that when I got here, he was already outside the zoo, pacing, waiting for my car. Apparently he’d said some stuff, rude or mean or whatnot, to try to get her to leave him alone and she had followed him back into the security room, so he fled. I need the opposite of those folks. Alright?”
At this point, I was starting to take it more seriously. Sure, this could just be Andrew’s thing, that he believed in ghosts and then made up these sightings to ensure I believed him. But if I saw her? What would I do?
Well, this would be my job, so I would have to take it seriously. Maybe that was why the pay was so good, to make employees think twice before ditching it. From Andrew’s perspective, if it really was haunted, he was the one who had to deal with applicant after applicant quitting as soon as they laid eyes on the guest who would never leave.
“So…honestly, I can’t say I won’t freak out, considering how next level this is,” I told him, feeling compelled to go with honesty, “but yeah. I think I can handle it, mostly because it’s important for someone to look after this place, look after the animals, so I’d do my best to work around anything that freaks me out. I mean, I have to say that I’ll believe it when I see it. But if ghosts really exist, as long as it isn’t some serial killer who stuck around to keep gutting people, I’ve always thought it’d be cool to find out we can exist after we die.”
The thing is, I think I did believe him. I thought there might really be a ghost there, because otherwise, why take it so seriously? It could’ve been that Andrew had only glimpsed her out of the corner of his eye a few times and could ascribe it to lack of sleep, but he was literally worried about word getting out. I thought that being halfway to believing him would give me the mental preparation I needed if I saw her. At least, I’d hoped so.
It turned out that most of my time would be spent at the security desk in the main building, near the entrance. Real-time footage played through thirty-five cameras around the zoo, all on a large screen that was five cameras across and seven cameras top to bottom. The cameras were impressive. I would mention the resolution, say something about them being 4K, but Andrew explained some stuff about how it’s actually the lens that is the biggest selling point. Looking at these cameras on the giant screen, I could see practically every corner of the place, and if I brought up one camera in particular to encompass 2/3 of the screen, I could zoom in so far that it felt like I could use it to check if one of the animals had fleas.
The zoo was well lit, not surprising considering nighttime was apparently the zoo’s business hours, and all of the tall lamps had red bulbs. For those of you who know why, A+ to you. For those who don’t, fun fact, it’s because red is closest to the dark and your eyes don’t need to strain to adjust to it. That meant I didn’t need my flashlight all that often, and even that was red, a solid name-brand one that had been on my desk when I arrived. I kept the white lights on back in the security room, though, because I didn’t want to make my brain think it was time to get tired.
When I headed out for my first sweep on that first night, I had the folded map in my pocket, but I already knew my way around. The layout of the zoo wasn’t that difficult to memorize, since there were only eleven expansive enclosures, and after the interview I walked around for half an hour to start training my memory. I’ll admit, working in a dark environment was creepier than I thought it would be.
I do want to mention the high quality of the zoo. The size of each enclosure was considerable, and the greenery was natural, hinting that they’d hired a pricey professional just to do landscaping toward the front of the enclosures after buying the land. The backs of the enclosures backed up into forestry, and from the estimate I got from Andrew, it seemed each of the animals had plenty of roaming space, including the small lake at the northwest corner and a manmade lake for one of the animals in particular. When I considered all of that, the thought passed through my head about how horrible it would be if word got out about the zoo having a ghost and needing to relocate, because it’d be devastatingly expensive.
My orders were to walk the zoo once every hour. This was my first security gig, so I’m not sure if that’s more or less than typical, but I had my comfy hiking boots on, the ones I’d saved up for and invested in a couple years earlier and were perfect for a job where I had to do laps around an area. This job was one that I didn’t have to worry about my shoulder pain worsening, since it was mostly about being on my feet. I take one or two Vicodin a day, depending on how bad my pain is. It came in handy in high school, actually. With a flexible ‘take as needed’ prescription, I occasionally sold pills for extra cash.
There wasn’t much to step in and there weren’t even any dips in the concrete sidewalks that I followed around in a route that easily led me back and forth until I made my way back to the office. The first three nights were actually boring. I would have thought Andrew had been pranking me about the ghost, but like I said, it hadn’t felt like that. And he hadn’t been specific about when she showed up for new people, or even for him.
To keep myself busy, I’d brought my e-reader with me, and I got into a cycle of looking over each of the cameras every time I hit the end of a chapter. I’m a pretty fast reader, so it was a good system. Also, every once in a while, I looked up if something moving caught my eye, like an owl flying close enough for the camera to catch it, but that’s about it.
Then, every hour on the hour, I did a walk through. The fourth night, I was passing by the small lake at the back left corner of the property when I saw her.
People say that you can tell if someone’s staring at you, that there’s some sixth sense humans have. It’s not true; they’ve done experiments. But the thing is, all those experiments were of someone human looking at them. After this last shift, I would guess that the sixth sense that sends goosebumps down your arms, the one that makes you feel an intangible pressure, that slides your body toward fight or flight mode, might be true of…other things.
Slowly coming to a stop at the disturbing feeling, I hesitantly looked around, through the trees. Then my heart skipped a beat and my breath hitched. It was startling because she wasn’t moving. Just standing among the trees, staring at me. I broke out in a cold sweat as I stared back at her, unsure what to do. I didn’t run. I didn’t try to talk to her. I just stood there. So, there’s my answer to Andrew: I didn’t freak out. I just froze.
The woman was Latina, her skin tone pallid from death, and was dressed as he’d described her, in slacks and a silky blue blouse. And she was soaked, as if she’d just walked out of the lake. Beyond that, her shirt was drenched in blood from what looked like claw marks across her abdomen. Her eyes were dark and penetrating, boring holes into me, as if she were able to get any and all knowledge that she wanted about me simply by glaring. The fabric of her shirtsleeves clung to her skin and was dripping, as was her long black hair. Speaking of her hair, it appeared to have seaweed woven into it, or maybe she also grew seaweed along with hair. Not my area of expertise.
The look on her face was indescribable. There was something deep in her eyes, behind her closed-off expression, that made my heart beat rapidly. Maybe I would’ve projected some emotion into her face if I’d had any idea of what she was capable of, whether she could move objects, or possess me, or if all she did was hang around. As things stood, I was left just projecting my fears, which gave me the impression that she was cross with me simply for being present. It felt like I was trespassing, even though I was a dozen feet back from the fence that encircled the enclosure. And also, this was my job so I was explicitly allowed to be here.
She was disturbingly close, and remained unnaturally still. If she had attacked me, I wasn’t sure what I would’ve done. Ran, probably, but considering ghosts probably don’t follow the laws of physics, maybe she could’ve chased me at Usain Bolt speed. For all I knew, she could teleport.
After an amount of time that felt awkwardly long, I finally spoke up.
“Hi,” I croaked.
The woman slowly tilted her head but didn’t otherwise move. I’d forgotten to ask Andrew for her name, I realized, but he had mentioned her death had been before his time, so maybe he didn’t know.
Swallowing hard, I tried to take a slow, deep breath, even though it felt like there was a cinder block on my chest. “So, I, uh…I work here now,” I said slowly. “I’m night shift security.” Pausing, I kept trying to gather information from her demeanor but failed. “Is that okay?”
At that, I saw a hint of curiosity flash across her face. “Why would it not be?” Her voice sounded completely normal, which was an off-putting contrast to her appearance.
Good question. Hell if I know the answer. “I don’t know. I mean…you were here first. I don’t know if you feel like I’m…intruding…or something.”
“You’re just doing your job,” she said, her tone softening a smidge.
I waited to see if she wanted to say anything else before saying, “Right.” Can I get you anything? A towel? Some bandages? “I’ll be going now.”
The woman made no movement to come after me as I gradually took one step, then another, keeping her in my sights as I walked off. I finally had to turn to face forward, unable or unwilling to be seen by her foolishly walking away backwards. Instead of continuing my sweep, I took the path that would lead me back to the security room. I kept looking behind me and felt her eyes on me all the way back, though I didn’t see her following me. At that point, even if she hadn’t moved an inch, my brain was on red alert when it came to self-preservation and figured I would continue to feel like a wet hand might grab me from behind at any moment.
Finally, I returned to the security room, swiping my card across the panel at the back door with a beep. Opening the door, darting inside, and slamming it behind me, I walked to the far side of the room and turned around, putting my back to the wall. Until I’d gotten back, I hadn’t noticed how fast I’d been walking, how quickly I’d been gasping for air. Leaning back against the wall, my legs turned to jelly and I slowly slid to the floor.
And that was it. My first sighting of the ghost. I’d thought that if I had seen her, there would be some part of me that was skeptical, that would reason my way out of it, convinced it was a prank. But I knew. She wasn’t a person. At least, not anymore.

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2024.05.06 15:33 Leather_Focus_6535 The 113 inmates executed by Virginia in the post Furman era and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk) [part 2, cases 59-113]

This is part 2 of my list for Virginia's post Furman execution roster. As mentioned in part 1's opening paragraph, character count limitations forced me into splitting my Virginia's execution roster into two separate posts. For the link to part 1, please click here.
59. Kevin Cardwell (1991-1998, lethal injection): Cardwell intercepted Anthony Brown, a 15 year old drug carrier, while he was at a bus stop. He lured Brown into his apartment and searched his belongings for any drugs. Brown was then dragged into the woods, shot to death, and stripped of the cocaine strapped to his legs.
60. Mark Sheppard (~1980s-1999, lethal injection): Sheppard and his accomplice Andre Graham were invited by their dealers, 40 year old Richard and 35 year old Rebecca Rosenbluth, over to their home to buy cocaine. However, an argument broke out during the transaction, and Sheppard shot the couple to death. The pair then drove away from the scene with the couple's car and a few undisclosed stolen items. Sheppard had a long history of violence that dated back to when he was 9 years old.
61. Tony Fry (1994-1999, lethal injection): Fry and his partner shot Leeland Jacobs, a 42 year old car salesman, while robbing his Ford Dealership. The pair tied Jacobs to a car they stole while he was still alive, and dragged him to death.
62. George Quesinberry Jr. (1989-1999, lethal injection): Quesinberry shot 63 year old Thomas Haynes while breaking into his office with an accomplice. When Haynes survived the initial shooting, Quesinberry hit him in the head with the gun and fractured his skull. The pair stole a total of $200 in the robbery.
63. David Fisher (~1970s(?)-1999, lethal injection): Fisher was paid $7,000 by an associate to kill 18 year old David Wilkey in retaliation for abandoning a murder scheme. Originally, Wilkey was part of a conspiracy to seduce and marry a young woman in order to kill her for an insurance policy, but backed out when he genuinely fell in love with the would be victim. He was tricked into going on a hunting trip with Fisher and shot to death by him. Fisher had 25 previous criminal convictions and was involved with organized crime. He was in the witness protection program at the time of Wilkey’s murder.
64. Carl Chichester (1991-1999, lethal injection): During a holdup of a Little Caesars, Chichester shot and killed the manager, 30 year old Timothy Rigney, for refusing to open the cash register. He and his two accomplices ran off with a total of $110.
65. Arthur Jenkins III (1991-1999, lethal injection): Jenkins and his teenage brother shot and killed their uncle, 72 year old Floyd, and their uncle's friend, 69 year old Lee Brinklow. They then stole their wallets and sacked Floyd's home for any money and valuables.
66. Eric Payne (~1980s-1999, lethal injection): Payne broke into the residences of two women, 61 year old Ruth Parham and 57 year old Sally Fazio, and raped them. Both women were beaten to death with a hammer, and he took money from their drawers and pocket books. He had a history of drug possessions and exposing himself to women.
67. Ronald Yeatts (1989-1999, lethal injection): Yeatts and an accomplice invaded 70 year old Ruby Dodson's home and stabbed her to death. The pair grabbed her purse during the burglary and divided up the money they found in it.
68. Tommy Strickler (1989-1999, lethal injection): Strickler and his partner kidnapped 19 year old Leann Whitlock from a mall and crushed her head with a 70 pound boulder. Whitlock's car and credit cards were stolen during the attack.
69. Marlon Williams (~1980s(?)-1999, lethal injection): Williams was paid $4,000 to murder 44 year old Helen Bedsole by his dealer, who was also her estranged husband. The couple were in the midst of a bitter divorce at the time, and the dealer wanted to both collect a life insurance policy and prevent Helen from dividing up their assets. He suck into the couple’s home, and shot and killed Helen in the kitchen. Williams had an extensive criminal history, which included cutting the throat of his ex girlfriend’s grandmother, 71 year old Virgina Parker, during a bungled attempt on her life.
70. Everett Mueller (1990-1999, lethal injection): 10 year old Charity Powers was dropped off at a skating ring by her mother. She was supposed to be picked up by her mother's friend, but they didn't show up due to failing asleep in their home. While Powers was waiting outside the ring in vain for her ride, she was abducted by Mueller. He raped the girl, slashed her throat, and dumped the body in a nearby forest.
71. Jason Joseph (1992-1999, lethal injection): While robbing a Subway with an accomplice, Joseph shot and killed one of the clerks, 22 year old Jeffrey Anderson.
72. Thomas Royal Jr. (~1991-1999, lethal injection): Royal and 3 other gang members fatally shot a police officer, 29 year old Kenneth Wallace, while he was sitting in his patrol car. Wallace was killed as part of the gang's campaign to target law enforcement agents. Royal and his fellow gang members were also suspected in the shooting of James Smith Jr. (age unknown), a Vietnam veteran, outside his trailer, but the charges were dropped from the lack of sufficient evidence.
73. Andre Graham (~1993-1999, lethal injection): Graham assisted the above mentioned Mark Sheppard in the Rosenbluth murders. He also shot and killed a waitress, 20 year old Sheryl Stack, and injured a 23 year old man while robbing a restaurant on his own, and is suspected in a total of 10 murders.
74. Douglas Thomas (1990-2000, lethal injection): The parents of Thomas' 14 year old girlfriend, 33 year old James and 33 year Kathy Wiseman, barred her from seeing him. In a bid to continue their relationship, Thomas and his girlfriend shot them to death in their home.
75. Steve Roach (1993-2000, lethal injection): Roach shot and killed 70 year old Mary Hughes on her doorstep and stole her credit card. He was caught on tape trying to use Hughes' stolen cards to pull money out of an ATM machine in North Carolina.
76. Lonnie Weeks Jr. (1993-2000, lethal injection): Weeks was pulled over by a state trooper, 50 year old Jose Cavazos, for speeding while driving a stolen car. In the confrontation that followed, he shot Cavazos dead after climbing out of the car, and fled the scene. He was captured hiding in a nearby motel after an hour long manhunt.
77. Michael Clagett (1994-2000, electric chair): Clagett's girlfriend was fired from her job as a hotel waitress by the management, and the couple decided to retaliate by robing the establishment. They shot and killed the owner Lam Van Son, a 41 year old Vietnamese refugee, a waitress, 31 year old Karen Rounds, two other employees, 31 year old Karen Rounds and 32 year old Wendell Parish Jr., and a customer Abdelaziz Gren, a 34 year old Moroccan immigrant, and took $400 in cash from the register. Van Son’s 3 year old son was sleeping in the backroom during the attack, but the couple left him unharmed.
78. Russel Burket (1993-2000, lethal injection): Burket snuck into the home of 30 year old Katherine Tafelski while her Navy SEALs husband was deployed overseas, and sexually assaulted her. Katherine and her 5 year old daughter Ashley were both beaten to death with a "rusty" crowbar.
79. Derek Barnabei (1993-2000, lethal injection): Barnabei seduced a fellow Old Dominion University student, 17 year old Sarah Wisnosky, into a relationship with him and kidnapped her. She was raped, partially strangled, beaten to death with a hammer, and dumped into a river near campus grounds. Due to him being of Italian ancestry, his death sentence and execution sparked outrage in Italy.
80. Bobby Ramdass (1992-2000, lethal injection): Ramdass was condemned for the shooting death of Mohammed Kayani, a 34 year old Pakistani immigrant working as a clerk, during a convenience store robbery. He also shot dead 19 year old Darrell Ferguson in an alley and wounded a cab driver in other robberies.
81. Christopher Goins (1994-2000, lethal injection): Goins broke into the home of his 14 year old girlfriend (who was 7 months pregnant with his child). He shot and killed her parents, 35 year old James and 29 year old Daphne Jones, and her siblings, 9 year old Nicole and 4 year old David. The girlfriend and her youngest sibling, 21 month old Kenya, were also shot in the attack. Both of them survived, but the unborn child was lost in the shooting.
82. Thomas Akers (1998-2001, lethal injection): Akers and his accomplice were driving with their friend, 24 year old Wesley Smith. When they pulled over on a road to urinate, they pounced on Smith. In the attack, he was strangled with a belt and beaten to death with a baseball bat. They pair then grabbed $200 from his wallet and dumped his body in a creek. While on death row, Akers demanded his execution and made threats against the judge who sentenced him if it wasn't carried out.
83. Christopher Beck (1995-2001, lethal injection): Out of anger for being fired, Beck invaded the house of his former employer, 52 year old William Miller. He waited for him and his two roommates, 54 year old Florence Marks and 34 year old David Kaplan, to return home and shot and stabbed them all to death. Marks was also raped in the attack. Although Beck claimed that he "only" staged a sexual assault on her, a medical examination confirmed that she was abused in that manner. Beck stole several guns, bicycles, and money in the robbery.
84. James Patterson (1987-2002, lethal injection): Patterson held his friend's mother, 56 year old Joyce Aldridge, in her home at knifepoint. Enraged that she only had a few coins in her purse, he raped Aldridge, stabbed her 3 times, and left her to die. When Aldridge managed to crawl to a phone to call her son for help, Patterson returned and stabbed her 14 more times. Although Aldridge's murder was left unsolved for years, Patterson was later imprisoned for raping an 18 year old girl, and DNA found at the murder was traced to his samples filed in the inmate database in 2000.
85. Daniel Zirkle (1999-2002, lethal injection): Zirkle's girlfriend broke off their relationship due to his violent behavior and filed protective orders against him. He was arrested for violating them and sentenced to a few months in jail. After his release, Zirkle went to his ex girlfriend's home without her permission to visit their daughter, 4 year old Christina. However, the ex girlfriend's other daughter, 14 year old Jessica Shifflett, blocked him from coming inside. He stabbed her to death and kidnapped Christina. He then drove Christina to the George Washington National Forest, slit her throat, and stabbed himself in a failed suicide attempt.
86. Walter Mickens Jr. (~1974-2002, lethal injection): Mickens ambushed and sodomized 17 year old Timothy Hall, and stabbed him 143 times. He stripped the boy of nearly all of his clothing, and left him to die in an abandoned apartment. A long time sexual predator and career criminal, Mickens had several robbery and sodomy convictions dating back to the 70s. One of his previous incidents involved breaking into an elementary school, and coercing a teacher of her purse by threatening the life of a 7 year old student. He also had a conviction for sexually assaulting a cellmate.
87. Aimal Kasi (1993-2002, lethal injection): In his efforts to fight against American foreign policy regarding Islamic nations, Kasi attacked the Langley CIA headquarters with a Type 56 assault rifle. He shot dead 2 CIA employees, 66 year old Lansing Bennett and 28 year old Frank Darling, and wounded 3 others. Kasi then fled to Afghanistan, but was lured into his native Pakistan to be captured in a joint FBI-CIA led operation, and extradited back to the United States to face trial.
88. Earl Bramblett (~1970s(?)-2003, electric chair): Bramblett had molested 11 year old Winter Hodges and feared that her parents, 41 year old William and 37 year old Teresa, were planning on reporting him to the police. In an attempt to prevent that from happening, he attacked the family in their home. Teresa was strangled, while William, Winter, and another daughter, 3 year old Anah, were shot dead. Bramblett then set the house on fire to destroy any evidence of the murders. He had several abuse allegations and was also suspected in the 1977 disappearances of two 14 year old girls, Tammy Akers and Angela Rader, that worked for him, but was never charged for any of them.
89. Bobby Swisher (1997-2003, lethal injection): Swisher abducted 22 year old Dawn Snyder from her flower shop at knife point and raped her. He slashed Snyder's throat and dumped her into a nearby river. Despite managing to swim back to shore, Snyder succumbed to her injuries on the river bank.
90. Brian Cherrix (1994-2004, lethal injection): Cherrix ambushed 23 year old Tessa Van Hart while she was trying to deliver a pizza. He sodomized and shot Van Hart twice in the head, and left the body in her car. The crime was left unsolved until Cherrix was arrested for shooting and wounded his brother two years later. In an attempt to secure leniency, Cherrix disclosed some details of Van Hart's murder, but tried pinning it on a deceased cousin. He only confessed when investigators learned that the cousin couldn't have possibly done it.
91. Dennis Orbe (1998-2004, lethal injection): Orbe fatally shot Richard Burnett, a 39 year old clerk, while robbing a grocery store, and seized $90 from the register.
92. Mark Bailey (1998-2004, lethal injection): Bailey shot and killed his wife, 22 year old Katherine, and their 2 year old son, Nathan, while they were laying in bed. He claimed to investigators that the murders were done out of anger for Katherine's alleged infidelity.
93. James Hudson (2002-2004, lethal injection): In a feud over a driveway, Hudson broke into the home of the Cole family (consisting of brothers, 64 year old Thomas and 56 year old Walter, and Thomas' wife, 64 year old Patsy) to confront them with a shotgun. He shot all three of the Coles dead and drove away from the scene. Hudson was captured after nearly a day long manhunt.
94. James Reid (1996-2004, lethal injection): Reid stabbed 87 year old Annie Lester 22 times with a pair of scissors, beat her with a can of milk, and strangled her with the cord of a heating pad. He left the body in her bedroom and fled her house. Although the evidence for his guilt was overwhelming (which included the blood on his clothes matched Lester's DNA, several of his fingerprints were discovered on the murder weapons, samples of his saliva were found on a cigarette butt in her house, and his handwriting was identical to the writing of a death threat sent to Lester), Reid's death sentence and execution was contested on the grounds of him allegedly having brain damage from a car accident, seizures, and alcoholism. The motivations behind Lester's murder remain unknown, but prosecutors suspected that it might have been part of a bungled robbery or rape attempt.
95. Dexter Vinson (1997-2006, lethal injection): Vinson attacked his ex girlfriend, 25 year old Angela Felton, near her home. Felton tried to escape by driving away, but he rammed her car with his, and forced her inside it. She was then dragged into a vacant house, raped, beaten, and stabbed in the face, neck, arms, buttocks, stomach, and vagina. The body was left in the house as Vinson fled the scene.
96. Brandon Hedrick (1997-2006, electric chair): Hendrick kidnapped a sex worker, 23 year old Lisa Crider, while he was cruising for prostitutes. Initially, Crider and Hendrick had engaged in paid consensual relations, but the situation turned violent when he robbed her of $50 at gunpoint. She was then raped, shot in the face, and dumped into a river.
97. Michael Lenz (~1990s-2006, lethal injection): While serving 29 years for a burglary and weapons possession conviction, Lenz stabbed a fellow inmate, 41 year old Brent Parker, to death. Both were part of a Nordic Neopaganism sect, and the killing was committed over Parker allegedly not expressing enough devotion to their deities. Parker was serving a life sentence for killing a friend during a drunken rage at the time of his own murder.
98. John Schmitt (1999-2006, lethal injection): During a holdup of a bank, Schmitt shot and killed the guard, 39 year old Shelton Dunning, and took $35,000 from the vaults.
99. Kevin Green (1998-2008, lethal injection): Green and his teenage nephew stormed a convenience store, and forced the owners, 68 year old Lawrence Vaughan and his wife, 53 year old Patricia, to hand over $9,000 in cash. They then shot the couple, killing Patricia and wounding Lawrence.
100. Robert Yarbrough (1997-2008, lethal injection): Yarbrough and his accomplice tied up 77 year old Cyril Hamby while robbing his grocery store. They subjected Hamby to beatings and nearly decapitated him with a pocket knife. The pair then stole beer, wine, cigarettes, and an undisclosed amount of money.
101. Kent Jackson (2000-2008, lethal injection): Jackson and an accomplice attacked 79 year old Beulah Kaiser in her apartment, and raped her. She was stabbed several times in the neck, beaten, and her cane was shoved down her throat after she was anally penetrated with it. A cigarette butt found at the crime scene was traced to the pair.
102. Christopher Emmett (2001-2008, lethal injection): Emmett was staying at a motel room with a coworker, 43 year old John Langley, while they were working on an out of town roofing job. The pair played cards until Langley went to bed. As he slept, Emmett bludgeoned him to death with a lamp, and stole $100 from his wallet. He used the stolen money to buy crack cocaine.
103. Edward Bell (~1990s-2008, lethal injection): While running away from officers trying to arrest him for a parole violation, Bell shot and killed one of his pursers, 32 year old Sergeant Ricky Timbrook. Bell had a long criminal record, which included several felony and misdemeanor convictions of assault, burglary, carrying conceal weapons, and was found to have stolen a car during the investigations of Timbrook's murder.
104. John Muhammad (~1999-2008, lethal injection): The so called “D.C. Sniper”, Muhammad shot and killed 17 random people between the ages of 21-76 with the help of a teenage accomplice in mostly sniper attacks. The killings took place in the national capital, hence the epithet, and across several states. Due to his affiliation with the Nation of Islam and the accomplice’s accounts of planning terrorist attacks and training camps, Muhammad’s murder spree are often considered to be acts of Islamic extremism in the media. However, experts believe that his real intentions was to kill his estranged wife using the sniper attacks as a mask. Muhammad had a long history of domestic violence, and had abducted his children from his estranged wife on numerous occasions. His accomplice had also accused him of sexual abuse a few years after his execution.
105. Larry Elliott (2001-2008, electric chair): Elliott, a former military counterintelligence agent, was in an online "sugar daddy" relationship with a much younger woman. At the woman's request, Elliott sent her over $450,000, which she used to pay for a home, credit card, car, breast enhancement surgery, and enrolling her children in a private school. The woman was also involved with a bitter custody dispute with her children's father, 30 year old Robert Finch. In an attempt to win the woman's devotion, Elliott shot and killed Finch in his home, and beat Finch's girlfriend, 25 year old Dana Thrall, to death with the butt of his gun.
106. Paul Powell (1999-2010, electric chair): Angry that his friend, 16 year old Stacie Reed, was in an interracial relationship, Powell made an attempt to rape her in her home. When she fought back, Powell stabbed her to death. He also tied up Stacie's 14 year old sister to be raped, stabbed, and strangled, and left the girl to die in the family's basement. The sister managed to survive with the timely arrival of their stepfather, who called the police and the paramedics to the scene. On the mistaken belief that the death penalty was off the table, Powell sent letters flaunting the lewd details of the murder to taunt the prosecutors, judge, and the victims’ family.
107. Darick Walker (~1996-2010, lethal injection): In 1996, Walker walked up to the door of 36 year old Stanley Beale, and angrily accused him of showing up at his home despite the fact that they were complete strangers. He then shot Beale dead in front of his children and girlfriend, and ran away from the scene. A year later, Walker forced himself into an apartment, and shot 34 year old Clarence Threat seven times while he was laying in bed with his girlfriend. Walker had a history of violence and frequently stole from his friends and family. In one reported incident, he kicked the stomach of a pregnant woman in an act of rage.
108. Teresa Lewis (2002-2010, lethal injection): Lewis conspired with two men that she had a sexual relationship with to kill her husband, 51 year old Julian, and her stepson, 25 year old Charles. Charles was about to be deployed to participate in the then upcoming invasion of Iraq, which gave him a $250,000 life insurance policy that Lewis wanted to collect from both him and his father. She let her accomplices inside their trailer, and shot Julian and Charles while they were sleeping. Charles was killed immediately, while Julian, who witnessed Lewis pay the attackers, survived long enough to notify the responders of his wife's involvement.
109. Jerry Jackson (2001-2011, lethal injection): Jackson broke into the apartment of 88 year old Ruth Phillips, and woke her up while he was rummaging through her room. Despite Phillips' pleas for her life, Jackson raped her and suffocated her to death with a pillow. He stole her car and a total of $60 in the break in, and spent the stolen money on marijuana.
110. Robert Gleason (2007+(?)-2013, electric chair): In 2007, Gleason shot and killed 54 year old Michael Jamerson, in order to prevent him from testifying about his drug trafficking activities, and was given a life sentence for the murder. While incarcerated, he tied up and strangled his cellmate, 63 year old Harvey Watson (who serving a life sentence for a mass shooting). Prison officials then transferred him to a high security prison to await trial for Watson’s murder, but he managed to strangle another inmate, 26 year old Aaron Cooper (who was serving 34 years for robbery), to death with the wire that separated their cages. Gleason demanded the death penalty, which was given to him by the courts. He also claimed that he committed several other killings before Jamerson, but his additional confessions currently remain unverifiable.
111. Alfredo Prieto (~1984-2015, lethal injection): Prieto was both a serial killer of young women and a member of the Pomona Northside street gang. His sexual crimes involved the abductions, rapes, and shooting deaths of at least 4 females, 24 year old Tina Jefferson, 22 year old Rachael Raver, 19 year old Stacey Siegrist, and 15 year old Yvette Woodruff. Raver and Siegrist’s partners, 22 year old Warren Fulton III and 21 year old Anthony Gianuzzi, were also murdered during their kidnappings. The other known victims, 27 year old Manuel Sermeno, and couple, 71 year old Lula and 65 year old Herbert Farley, were shot dead during robberies. In the home invasion that killed Woodruff, Prieto and his fellow gang members also abducted her 17 year old friend and the friend’s 33 year old mother. The mother and daughter pair were gang-raped, shot and stabbed together, but they managed to escape with their lives. Prieto was sentenced to death in both California and Virginia, but stayed in California’s San Quentin until his death warrant was signed in Virginia. He had also shot and injured 3 gang members over his suspicions of them sleeping with his wife, but was lightly sentenced due to the victims' gang affiliations.
112. Ricky Gray (~2005-2017, lethal injection): Gray and his similarly aged nephew murdered at least 9 people, which composed of a lone woman, 35 year old Treva Gray, and two entire families, the Harveys (consisting of parents, 49 year old Bryan and 39 year old Kathryn, and their daughters, 9 year old Stella and 4 year old Ruby), and the Baskerville-Tuckers (consisting of 21 year old Ashley, her 46 year old mother Mary, and Mary’s 55 year old husband Percyell) in a week long burglary spree. Almost all of the victims were tied up and gagged in their homes, and beaten to death with hammers or had their throats slit. Before she was killed by them with her parents, victim Ashley Baskerville had assisted Gray and his nephew in several of their robberies. The pair stole any items and valuables they could carry, and were reported to have taken money, computers, television sets, wedding rings, and even cookies. They were also linked to several non fatal assaults, one of which involved a 26 year old man being beaten into a coma.
113. William Morva (~2005-2017, lethal injection): Morva, a son of Hungarian immigrants, and an accomplice were arrested while trying rob a grocery store at gunpoint. While awaiting trial, he badly sprained his ankle and wrist in prison, and was transferred to the Montgomery Regional Hospital for treatment. He overpowered a deputy guarding him with a metal toilet-paper container, stole his gun, fatally shot Derrick McFarland, a 25 year old hospital security guard, and escaped. Morva then fled to Virginia Tech’s campus, and shot and killed 40 year old Eric Sutphin, one of the police officers chasing him.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 15:45 heyvern2007 Mystik Dan wins 150th Kentucky Derby by nose in photo finish

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- The 150th Kentucky Derby produced one of the most dramatic finishes in its storied history -- three noses at the wire.
Mystik Dan desperately fought to hang on with two challengers coming to him in the closing strides. He did, too, after a delay of several minutes while the closest three-horse photo finish since 1947 was sorted out.
That year, Jet Pilot won by a head over Phalanx and a length ahead of Faultless.
This one was much tighter.
Mystik Dan, an 18-1 shot, edged Sierra Leone by a nose, with Forever Young another nose back in third on Saturday. Sierra Leone was the most expensive horse in the race at $2.3 million.
Long shots Track Phantom and Just Steel led the field through the early going, with 3-1 favorite Fierceness racing three-wide just off the leaders.
At the top of the stretch, everything changed.
Track Phantom drifted off the rail, opening a hole that Hernandez squeezed Mystik Dan through, and the bay colt suddenly found another gear. He quickly opened up a daylight advantage on the field.
"When he shot through that spot, he was able to cut the corner and I asked him to go for it," Jockey Brian Hernandez Jr. said. "He shot off and I'm like, 'Oh man, I've got a big chance to win the Kentucky Derby.'"
To Mystik Dan's outside, Sierra Leone and Forever Young took up the chase in the middle of the track.
As Mystik Dan sped along the rail, Sierra Leone lugged in and bumped Forever Young three times in the stretch, but jockey Ryusei Sakai didn't claim foul.
Mystik Dan got so close to the rail that Hernandez's boot struck it.
"But I think we can buy another pair of boots," he said.
The winner's share of the record $5 million purse was $3.1 million, with the jockey and trainer typically earning 10% each.
"Just a brilliant, brilliant, brilliant jockey and ride," trainer Kenny McPeek said. "Brian is one of the most underrated jockeys, but not anymore, right?"
Sierra Leone, the second choice at 9-2 odds, and Forever Young from Japan came up just short at the wire in front of 156,710 at Churchill Downs, the largest crowd since 2018.
It was just the 10th Kentucky Derby decided by a nose -- the closest margin in horse racing -- and the first since Grindstone edged Cavonnier to wear the garland of red roses in 1996.
The crowd waited several minutes in the heat and humidity as the result was reviewed by the stewards and declared official.
"The longest few minutes of my life," Hernandez said, after he and Mystik Dan walked in circles while the stunning result was settled. "To see your number flash up to win the Derby, I don't think it will sink in for a while."
Fierceness finished 15th in the field of 20 3-year-olds. Owner Mike Repole is 0 for 8 in the derby. He had the favorite in 2011 with Uncle Mo, who was scratched the day before the race with an illness. Last year, Forte was scratched the morning of the race as the favorite with a bruised foot.
Mystik Dan ran 1¼ miles over a fast track in 2:03.34 and paid $39.22, $16.32 and $10.
Hernandez and McPeek had teamed for a wire-to-wire win in the Kentucky Oaks for fillies on Friday with Thorpedo Anna. McPeek is the first trainer to sweep both races since Ben Jones in 1952.
The winning owners are cousins Lance and Brent Gasaway and Daniel Hamby III, all from Arkansas. They bred Mystik Dan.
"We've done it with what I call a working-class horse," McPeek said. "His mother is a filly who raced hard, but wasn't well known. His father wasn't a big name, either."
Sharilyn Gasaway, Brent's wife, said, "It is surreal for sure. We feel like we're just ordinary people and we've got an amazing horse."
Sierra Leone returned $6.54 and $4.64. Forever Young was another nose back in third and paid $5.58 to show.
Catching Freedom was fourth, followed by T O Password of Japan, Resilience, Stronghold, Honor Marie and Endlessly. Dornoch was 10th and then came Track Phantom, West Saratoga, Domestic Product, Epic Ride, Fierceness, Society Man, Just Steel, Grand Mo the First, Catalytic and Just a Touch.
To Mystik Dan's outside, Sierra Leone and Forever Young took up the chase in the middle of the track.
As Mystik Dan sped along the rail, Sierra Leone lugged in and bumped Forever Young three times in the stretch, but jockey Ryusei Sakai didn't claim foul.Mystik Dan got so close to the rail that Hernandez's boot struck it."But I think we can buy another pair of boots," he said.The winner's share of the record $5 million purse was $3.1 million, with the jockey and trainer typically earning 10% each."Just a brilliant, brilliant, brilliant jockey and ride," trainer Kenny McPeek said. "Brian is one of the most underrated jockeys, but not anymore, right?"
Sierra Leone, the second choice at 9-2 odds, and Forever Young from Japan came up just short at the wire in front of 156,710 at Churchill Downs, the largest crowd since 2018.
It was just the 10th Kentucky Derby decided by a nose -- the closest margin in horse racing -- and the first since Grindstone edged Cavonnier to wear the garland of red roses in 1996.The crowd waited several minutes in the heat and humidity as the result was reviewed by the stewards and declared official.
"The longest few minutes of my life," Hernandez said, after he and Mystik Dan walked in circles while the stunning result was settled. "To see your number flash up to win the Derby, I don't think it will sink in for a while."Fierceness finished 15th in the field of 20 3-year-olds. Owner Mike Repole is 0 for 8 in the derby.
He had the favorite in 2011 with Uncle Mo, who was scratched the day before the race with an illness.
Last year, Forte was scratched the morning of the race as the favorite with a bruised foot.Mystik Dan ran 1¼ miles over a fast track in 2:03.34 and paid $39.22, $16.32 and $10.Hernandez and McPeek had teamed for a wire-to-wire win in the Kentucky Oaks for fillies on Friday with Thorpedo Anna. McPeek is the first trainer to sweep both races since Ben Jones in 1952.
The winning owners are cousins Lance and Brent Gasaway and Daniel Hamby III, all from Arkansas. They bred Mystik Dan."We've done it with what I call a working-class horse," McPeek said. "His mother is a filly who raced hard, but wasn't well known. His father wasn't a big name, either."
Sharilyn Gasaway, Brent's wife, said, "It is surreal for sure. We feel like we're just ordinary people and we've got an amazing horse."Sierra Leone returned $6.54 and $4.64.
Forever Young was another nose back in third and paid $5.58 to show.Catching Freedom was fourth, followed by T O Password of Japan,
Resilience, Stronghold, Honor Marie and Endlessly. Dornoch was 10th and then came Track Phantom, West Saratoga, Domestic Product, Epic Ride, Fierceness, Society Man, Just Steel, Grand Mo the First, Catalytic and Just a Touch.
submitted by heyvern2007 to breakerfeed [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 08:39 shadowlarx Star Trek Generations (1994), Star Trek: First Contact (1996), Star Trek: Insurrection (1998), Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)

Star Trek Generations (1994), Star Trek: First Contact (1996), Star Trek: Insurrection (1998), Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)

Star Trek Generations

When mad scientist Soran (Malcolm McDowell) becomes fixated on returning to a temporal nexus and resorts to destroying stars to do it, it’s up to Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the crew of the Enterprise-D (Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden and Michael Dorn) to stop him. When Soran and his allies prove to be too much to handle for Picard, alone, he receives an unlikely ally in the long missing James T. Kirk (William Shatner). Together, the two Starfleet legends must team up to stop Soran and save an entire solar system.
Emotion was clearly the theme for this movie. From Picard struggling with his grief over his brother’s and nephew’s deaths to Soran’s obsessive pursuit of the Nexus of Joy to Data struggling with his emotion chip to Kirk’s regrets about his past, the theme of emotion is very prevalent in this movie and I loved every minute of it. Seeing Picard and Kirk team up was a lot of fun and Soran made an interesting villain but it was the emotional exploration of the film that I found most compelling.

Star Trek: First Contact

When the Borg set their sights on Earth and attempt to change human history, Picard and the crew of the newly minted Enterprise-E must travel to the past to keep history on course by protecting scientist and warp travel pioneer Zefram Cochrane (James Cromwell) with the help of Cochrane’s colleague Lily (Alfre Woodard). But Picard must also face a reckoning with his past and face off with the Borg Queen (Alice Krige) to overcome his personal demons.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I’m a sucker for a good time travel story. Again, though, the emotional context of this film really sells it. Picard goes chasing after his white whale, the Borg, with the same vengeful fury that Ahab, himself, showed (small wonder, then, that Stewart would play Ahab in a TV miniseries just two years later) and only Lily, herself a soldier, could pull him back from the edge. On top of that, seeing Data manipulated by the Borg Queen in his continued pursuit of humanity was heart wrenching. Still, the film managed to balance out the drama with some lighthearted moments such as the crew’s hero worship of Cochrane, who turns out to be a belligerent drunk who’s in it for the money, and one of my favorite jokes in the film as Crusher is forced to use the familiar Emergency Medical Hologram (Robert Picardo) that Voyager fans are so familiar with.

Star Trek: Insurrection

The crew of the Enterprise-E is called back into action when Data goes rogue on a mission to an isolated planet. Upon arriving, Picard and his crew discover an amazing secret but also learn that Starfleet has become tied up in a feud between two ancient races. In an effort to save a peaceful people, Picard and the crew must defy orders to do what is right.
Once more, the emotional context takes center stage and, once more, Picard and Data are at the heart of it. Picard struggles to choose between honor and duty while Data continues his pursuit of humanity and both Stewart and Spiner continue to show why they are two of the finest actors to grace the Trek universe. F. Murray Abraham turns in a chilling villain performance while Donna Murphy plays Picard’s love interest with grace and beauty. My favorite moment, though, will always be Geordi finally getting to see a sunrise with his own eyes. It’s a beautiful moment and it always gets to me.

Star Trek: Nemesis

En route to celebrate the nuptials of William Riker and Deana Troi, who will soon be departing for a new assignment, the crew of the Enterprise-E are summoned to engage in negotiations with the Romulan Empire. They are shocked to discover, however, that the new Emperor is a clone of Picard who calls himself Shinzon (Tom Hardy). Also complicating matters is the discovery of Data’s long lost “brother”, B-4. As the crew discovers a dangerous conspiracy afoot, Picard must face off against his most dangerous opponent yet: himself.
The final film outing of the TNG crew is far from perfect but still has some nice touches. Tom Hardy made his presence known as Shinzon and showed Hollywood that he was a name to keep an eye on. Spiner did a nice job playing Data, now just shy of human, and B-4, just starting on his own journey of discovery. And Data’s final sacrifice still makes me misty-eyed. Not the best Trek film but still a decent movie.
Thanks for boldly going along with me and I’ll see you next time.
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2024.05.03 04:01 katanddog 2,000 Names (and their meanings) For Your Baby Boy found from a Vintage Mennen Company Booklet

My mom passed along this booklet that belonged to my grandmother when we were expecting. Figured I would share it here before discarding it. The Girl Name list is already posted 😊 Enjoy!
Don't let the meanings concern you. Think instead of how the name will fit the child, when the child is grown, or known. Choose the name with care. It's very important to your baby-all through life. Here are some guides: - Say each name aloud, along with your own family name, to check rhythm and sound. - Use soft first names with sharp-sounding family names. - Use multi-syllable first names with short family names. - Avoid using a first name that ends with the same sound that starts the last name, such as "Jane Nevins." - Avoid "famous combinations" such as "Abraham" and "Lincoln." - Watch out for initials that spell out familiar letters, like “S. O. S”
if it's a BOY
A AARON.. Exalted ABBOTT.. Fatherly ABEL.. Proud ABELARD. . Noble ABNER. . Full of light ABRAHAM.. Great Father ABSALOM.. Peaceful ACHILLES.. Brave ADAM.. Man, manly ADDISON.. Son of Adam ADELBERT.. Bright ADLAI.. Just ADOLF.. Noble animal ADONIS.. Lord, lordly ADRIAN.. Courageous AENEAS.. Praiseworthy ALAN, ALLEN.. Swift, cheerful ALARIC.. Ruler over all ALASTAIR.. Worthy defender ALBERT.. Illustrious ALBIN.. Fair ALBION.. Name for England ALDEN.. Friend ALDO.. Experienced, skilled ALDRED.. Wise counselor ALDRIC. Wise ruler ALDRICH.. See Aldric ALDWIN.. Wise friend ALEXANDER.. Aid to men ALEXIS.. Helper ALFRED.. Good counselor ALGERNON.. Wise ALLISON.. Holy fame ALLISTER.. See Alastair ALOYSIUS.. Famous ALONSO, ALONZO, ALPHONSE, ALPHONSO Good Warrior ALVIN.. Friendly AMBROSE.. Immortal AMIEL.. God's helper AMORY.. Loving AMOS.. Reliable ANATOLE. . Sunrise ANDERS.. Strong ANDERSON.. Manly son ANDRE.. See Andrew ANDREW.. Manly, strong ANGELO.. Saintly messenger ANGUS.. Virtuous ANSELM.. Warrior of God ANSON.. Born of God ANTHONY, ANTON, ANTONIO.. Thriving ARCHER.. Bowman ARCHIBALD.. Valiant ARDEN. . Fervent ARGUS.. Watchful ARIEL.. Lion of God ARISTIDE.. The best ARMAND.. Brave ARNO.. Eagle-eyed ARNOLD.. Eagle-strong ARTHUR.. High, noble ASA.. Healer ASHER.. Fortunate ASHLEY.. Ash meadow ATWATER.. Near the water ATWELL.. Near the spring ATWOOD.. Near the forest AUBREY .. Fair-haired ruler AUBURN.. Red-haired AUGUST, AUGUSTINE, AUGUSTUS.. Imperial AUSTIN.. See August AVERIL.. Courageous AVERY.. See Averil AXEL.. Heaven blessed AYLMER.. Famous
B BAILEY.. Officer of the law BAINBRIDGE.. Short bridge BALDWIN.. Bold friend BALFOUR.. Pasture BANCROFT.. Bean field BANNING.. Newsworthy BANNISTER.. Fruitful BARCLAY. . Birch meadow BARD, BAIRD.. Minstrel BARLOW.. Brave BARNABAS, BARNABY, BARNEY.. Consoler BARNARD.. See Bernard BARNETT.. Commands BARRETT. Mighty BARRY.. Diligent BARTH.. Sacred BARTHOLOMEW.. Guardian of the plough BARTON.. Homestead BARUCH.. Blessed BASIL.. Kingly BAXTER.. Baker BAYARD.. Wise BEAUFORD.. Good crossing BEAUFORT.. Good fort BEAUMONT.. Good hill BELLAMY.. Good friend BELMONT.. Good hill BEN.. Son BENEDICT.. Blessed BENITO.. See Benedict BENJAMIN.. Favorite son BENNETT.. See Benedict BENSON.. Son of Ben BENTLEY.. Meadow BENVENUTO.. Welcome BERKELEY ..See Barclay BERN. Strong as a bear BERNARD.. Bold as a bear BERTHOLD.. Bright ruler BERTRAM.. Bright as a raven BERTRAND.. See Bertram BERWYN.. Famous friend BEVERLY.. Beaver meadow BEVIS.. Bow BION.. Energetic BJORN.. Bear BLAINE.. Slim BLAIR.. Plain dweller BLAKE.. Dark complexioned BLAKELY.. Dark meadow BLYTHE.. Light-hearted BOAZ.. Agile BONIFACE.. Fortunate BOOTH.. Sheltered place BORIS. . Spirited BOWEN.. Son BOWMAN.. Archer BOYCE.. Woodland BOYD.. Blond BRADEN.. Broad minded BRADFIELD.. Broad field BRADFORD.. Broad crossing BRADLEY.. Broad meadow BRADSHAW.. Broad forest BRADSTREET.. Broad street BRADY.. Spirited BRAND, BRANT.. Fiery BRENDEN.. Fiery BRENT.. Hill dweller BRET, BRETT.. A Breton BREWSTER.. A brewer BRIAN, BRYAN.. Strong BRIGHAM.. Home near a bridge BRISBANE. Horseman BROOK, BROOKS.. Stream BRUCE.. Ruler BRUNO.. Dark complexioned BRYCE.. Swift BURGESS.. Freeman BURKE.. Stronghold BURL.. Castle BURLEIGH.. Castle meadow BURTON.. Fine BYRNE.. Armor-protection BYRON.. Clear vision
C CADMAR.. Valiant. CADMUS.. Adornment CADWALLADER.. Strategist CAESAR.. Emperor CALDWELL.. Cold spring CALEB. . Faithful CALVERT.. Head man CALVIN.. Bold CAMERON. . Scottish nobility CAMPBELL. . Scottish nobility CANUTE.. See Knut CAREW.. Castle moat CAREY, CARY.. Beloved CARL.. Manly CARLETON.. Country town CARLYLE.. Country tower CARMICHAEL.. Stronghold CAROLL.. See Carl CARSON.. Beloved son CARTER.. Driver CARVEL.. Song CARVER.. Sculptor CASEY.. Valorous CASIMIR.. High prince CASPAR.. Horseman CASSIDY.. Inventive CASTOR.. Purity CAVANAUGH.. Cavalier CECIL.. Misty-eyed CEDRIC.. General CHAD.. See Chadwick CHADWICK.. Country home CHANDLER.. Candle-maker CHANNING.. Cannon-like CHARLES.. Strong CHAUNCEY.. Chancellor CHENEY.. Forest dweller CHESTER.. Camp CHEYNEY .. Strong as an oak CHRISTIAN.. Follow the Lord CHRISTOPHER.. Christ-bearer CICERO. . Farmer CLARE, CLARENCE.. Illustrious CLARK.. Scholar CLAUDE.. Delicate CLAUS.. Victory CLAY.. Mortal CLAYTON.. English CLEMENT.. Merciful CLIFFORD.. Cliff crossing CLINTON.. Hill town CLIVE.. Cliff CLYDE.. Strong COLBY. . Coal town COLIN.. Triumph COLVIN.. Dark-haired friend CONAN, CONANT.. Wisdom CONRAD.. Wise counselor CONROY.. Wise ruler CONSTANTINE.. Steadfast CONWAY.. Wise COOPER.. Barrel maker CORBET, CORBIN, CORBY.. Little raven CORDELL.. Binding cord COREY.. Chosen CORNELIUS.. Crowned CORNELL.. Sturdy CORRIE.. Glen dweller CORT.. Courageous orator CORWYN.. Gentle friend COSMO.. Orderly COURTNEY.. Farm dweller COWAN.. Mason CRAIG.. Steadfast rock CRISPIN.. Curly-haired CULVER.. Peaceful CURRAN.. Romantic hero CURTIS.. Courteous CUTHBERT.. Famous, bright CYRIL.. Lordly CYRUS.. The sun
D DAGOBERT.. Sword bearer DALE.. Valley DAMON.. Conquering DAN.. A judge DANA, DANE.. Arbiter DANIEL.. God is my judge DARIUS.. Ruler DARRELL, DARRYL, DARYL.. Dear little one DARWIN.. Brave friend DAVID. Beloved DEAN.. Churchman DEEMS.. Judge of men DELAND.. Dark-eyed DEMETRIUS.. Of the earth DENIS, DENNIS.. Joyous DERRICK.. Ruler DESMOND.. World power DEWEY.. Like the dew DEXTER.. Fortunate DIETRICH.. Ruler DION. See Denis DICKSON, DIXON. Strong DMITRI. See Demetrius DOMINIC, DOMINICK.. Belonging to the Lord DONALD.. Proud chief DORAN.. A gift DOREMUS.. We shall give DORIAN.. Conquering hero DOUGLAS.. Dark-haired DOYLE.. Dark stranger DREW .. Adept, gifted DRUMMOND.. Lover DUANE.. Hill dweller DUDLEY .. Fair meadow DUFF.. Dark-haired DUKE.. Leader DUNCAN.. Dark-haired DUNSTAN. . Dark stone DURAND.. Enduring DURWIN .. Dear friend DUVAL.. From the valley DWIGHT.. Wise fellow
E EARL.. Noble EBEN, EBENEZER.. Strong EDAN.. Bright as flame EDBERT.. Blessed EDELBERT.. Illustrious EDGAR.. Fair protector EDISON.. Blessed son EDMUND.. Blessed peace EDRED.. Blessed counselor EDSEL.. Profound EDWALD.. Powerful EDWARD.. Blessed guardian EDWIN.. Blessed friend EGBERT.. Bright as a sword EGMONT.. Protector EINAR.. Battle chiet ELBERT.. Illustrious ELDEN, ELDON.. Old friend ELDRED, ELDRID.. Wise ELDWIN.. Wise friend ELEAZER.. God has helped ELI, ELIAS, ELLIS.. High ELIHU.. God is He ELIJAH..The Lord is God ELIOT, ELLIOTT.. Hunter ELISHA.. God is salvation ELLERY.. Strong as a tree ELLSWORTH.. Nobility ELMAR, ELMER.. Famous ELMO.. Congenial ELROY.. Royal blood ELTON.. Town dweller ELY.. See Eli EMANUEL.. God is with us EMERSON.. Nobly born EMERY, EMORY.. Leader EMIL.. Follows the good EMMETT.. Industrious ENNIS. Praiseworthy ENOCH.. Dedicated ENOS.. Man ENRICO.. See Henry EPHRAIM.. Productive ERASMUS.. Lovely ERASTUS.. Beloved ERIC.. Heroic ERNEST.. Zealous ERNST.. See Ernest ERROL.. Adventurer ERWIN.. Triumphant ESME.. Esteemed ESMOND.. Protector ETHAN.. Strength ETHELBERT.. Illustrious EUCLID.. Famous EUGENE.. Well born EUSTACE.. Sturdy EVAN.. Young fighter EVELYN.. Youth EVERARD.. Strong as a boar EVEREST, EVERETT.. Bold EWART.. Strong EZEKIEL.. God makes strong EZRA.. Help
F FABIAN.. Farmer FAIRFAX.. Fair-haired FARLEY.. Sturdy FEDERICO.. See Frederick FELIX.. Happy FENTON. Marsh town FEODOR.. Gift of God FERDINAND.. Bold in peace FERGUS.. Fierce chief FIELDING.. Lad of the fields FINDLAY.. Competent FIORELLO.. Little flower FISK. . Faith FLETCHER.. Arrow maker FLORIAN.. Flourishing FLOYD.. Brown-haired FORREST.. Woodland FOSTER. . Forester FRANCHOT.. Free FRANCIS.. See Franchot FRANK.. See Francis FRANKLIN.. Freeholder FRASER, FRASIER FRAZER.. Curly-haired FREDERICK,.. Peaceful ruler FREEMONT.. Peaceful guard FRITZ.. See Fred FULTON.. Big town
G GABRIEL.. Man of God GAILLARD.. Lively one GAMALIEL.. Reward of God GARDELL.. Protector GARDNER.. Garden keeper GARETH, GARTH.. Garden GARRET.. Honored GARRICK.. Fighter king GARRISON, GARRY.. Protector GARVEY.. Soldier GARY.. See Garvey GASTON.. From Gascony GAVIN, GAWAIN.. Battle hawk GAYLORD.. Lively master GAYNOR.. Lively head GEOFFREY.. Peace-loving GEORGE.. Farmer GERALD.. Spear wielder GERARD, GERHART.. Strong with spear GERVAIS.. Warlike GIDEON.. Hewer GIFFORD.. Merciful GILBERT.. Bright servant GILES.. Shield GILFORD.. Wide crossing GILROY.. King's servant GIORDANO.. See Jordan GLENN.. Valley GODFREY.. God's peace GODWIN.. God's friend GORDON.. Strong, upright GRAHAM.. Serious GRANT.. Great GRANTLAND. . Deeded land GRANVILLE.. Great city GRATTAN. . Fenced land GRAYSON.. Gray's son GREGG.. Flourishing GREGORY.. Vigilant GRENVILLE.. See Granville GRIFFITH.. Faithful GRISWOLD. Gray woods GROSVENOR.. Great hunter GROVER.. Grove dweller GUS, GUSTAVE.. Good staff GUTHRIE.. Military sage GUY, GUIDO.. Leader GUYON .. Soldier
H HAAKON..Spearsman HALBERT.. Bright stone HALDANE, HALDEN.. Valley home HAMILTON.. Hill town HAMLET.. Village HAMLIN, HAMLYN.. Home HANK.. See Henry HANLEY.. Wide meadow HANS.. See John HARDY.. Enduring HARLAN.. Warrior-born HARLEY.. Of the meadow HAROLD.. Army leader HARRISON.. Son of Harry HARRY .. See Harold, Henry HARTLEY.. Stag meadow HARVEY.. Noble warrior HARWOOD.. Wood dweller HAVEN.. Refuge HAYWOOD.. Hedged wood HEATH.. Open land HECTOR.. Dependable HEINRICH.. See Henry HENRY.. Home ruler HERBERT.. Bright soldier HERCULES.. Chosen one HERMAN.. Army man HERSCHEL.. See Henry HEYWOOD. See Haywood HEZEKIAH.. Might of God HILARY.. Happy, merry HILDEBRAND.. War sword HIRAM.. Noble HOBART.. See Hubert HOLDEN.. Good HOLMES.. Meadow HOMER.. Promise HORACE, HORATIO.. Keen HOSEA.. Salvation HOWARD.. Castle guard HOWELL.. Lordly HOYT.. Joyous HUBERT.. Bright in spirit HUCK.. See Henry HUGH, HUGO.. Lofty HUMBERT.. High and bright HUMPHREY.. Peaceful HUNTER.. One who hunts HYMAN. . Long life
I IAN.. See John IGNATIUS.. Fiery IMMANUEL.. See Emanuel IRA.. Watchful IRVING.. Leader IRWIN.. See Erwin ISAAC.. Laughter ISIDORE.. Gift of Isis ISAIAH.. Salvation of Lord ISRAEL.. Soldier of God IVAN.. See John IVAR, IVER, IVOR.. Archer
J JACINTO.. Born to the purple JACK.. See Jacob, John JACOB.. One who replaces JACQUES.. See Jacob JAMES.. See Jacob JAN.. See John JARED.. Descent JARVIS, JERVIS.. Challenger JASON.. Healer JASPER.. Treasurer JAY.. Lively JEAN.. See John JEFFREY. . See Geoffrey JEREMIAH, JEREMY, JERRY.. Exalted of the Lord JEROME.. Holy JESSE.. Wealthy JESUS.. Saviour JETHRO.. Excellence JOAB.. The Lord is my father JOACHIM, JOAQUIM.. The Lord will judge JOB.. Patient JOCK.. See Jack JOEL.. The Lord is God JOHN.. God is gracious JONAH, JONAS.. Peace dove JONATHAN.. Gift of God JORDAN.. Garden JOSEPH.. Prosperous JOSHUA.. God is salvation JOSIAH.. God supports JOYCE.. Merry JUAN.. See John JUDAH, JUDE.. Praised JUDSON.. Son of praise JULES, JULIAN, JULIUS.. Soft-haired JUNIUS.. Roman JUSTIN, JUSTUS..Just
K KANE.. Exacting KARL. . See Carl KASPER.. Precious KEANE, KEENAN.. Sharp KEITH.. Windy place KELLY. Fighter KELVIN ..Army friend KEMP.. Champion KENDALL.. Valley chief KENNARD.. Great lover KENNETH.. Handsome KENT.. Chief KENTON. . Chief town KENYON.. White-haired KERBY, KIRBY.. Church town KERMIT.. Great warrior KERRY.. Mysterious KERWIN.. Good friend KEVIN.. Handsome, kind KIM.. Leader, chief KING.. Ruler KIT.. See Christopher KNUT, KNUTE.. Weapon KONRAD.. See Conrad KURT.. Concise
L LACHLAN.. Courageous LAIRD.. Lord LAMBERT.. Bright land LANCE, LANCELOT.. Warrior LANDERS, LANDIS.. Son of the plains LARRY.. See Laurence LARS.. Lord LATHAM.. Low village LAUREN, LOREN, LORIN.. Sign of victory LAWRENCE.. Victor LAWTON.. Praiseworthy LAZARUS.. See Eleazer LEANDER.. Reknowned LEE, LEIGH.. Meadow LELAND. Meadow land LEMUEL.. Dedicated to God LENNOX.. Quiet stream LEO, LEON.. Lion LEONARD.. Bold as a lion LEONIDAS.. Lion-like LEOPOLD.. Lion of the people LEROY.. The king LESLIE.. Low meadow LESTER.. Meadow camp LEVI.. United LEWIS.. Bold warrior LINCOLN.. Deep stream LINDLEY.. Linden meadow LINDSAY, LINDSEY.. Gentle LINUS.. Flaxen-haired LIONEL.. Young lion LISLE, LYLE.. The islander LLEWELLYN.. Lightning LLOYD.. Brown-haired LOCKWOOD.. Enclosed forest LORENZO.. See Lawrence LORING.. Famed warrior LOTHAIR, LOTHARIO, LOWTHER.. Fighter LOUIS.. See Lewis LOWELL. Low spring LOYALL. . Faithful LUCIAN, LUCIUS.. Light LUDLOW.. Humble man LUDOVIC, LUDOWICK, LUDWIG.. See Lewis LUKE.. See Lucian LUTHER.. Famed warrior LYMAN.. Manly LYNN.. Lake LYSANDER.. Emancipator
M MACAULAY.. Stalwart son MACE.. Sceptre MADDOX.. Power MAGNUS.. Great MAHON.. Chief MALACHI.. God's messenger MALCOLM.. Servant of (St.) Columba MANFRED.. Great peace MANLEY, MANLY.. Strong MANUEL.. See Emanuel MARC, MARK.. See Marcus MARCELLUS.. From Mars MARCUS.. War-like MARMADUKE. . See Duke MARSHALL.. Groom MARTIN.. War-like MARVIN.. High hills MATTHEW, MATTHIAS.. Gift of God MAURICE.. Dark-haired MAURY.. Twilight MAXIM, MAXIMILIAN, MAX.. Of the greatest MAXWELL.. Fair son MAYNARD.. Mighty MEAD.. Meadow MELVILLE, MILVIN.. Chief MEREDITH.. Sea guardian MERLIN. Hill by the sea MERRILL.. Fragrant MERRIT.. Worthy MERTON.. See Martin MERVIN.. Raven of the sea MEYER.. Steward MICHAEL, MICAH.. God-like MILES, MYLES.. Soldier MILLARD.. Grinder MILO.. Warrior MILTON.. Mill town MITCHELL.. See Michael MONROE.. Mt. on River Roe MONTAGUE.. Of the mount MONTE.. From the mountain MONTGOMERY.. Hunter MORGAN.. Coastal dweller MORRIS.. See Maurice MORTIMER.. Place by sea MORTON.. Big hill MOSES.. Blessed leader MOSS.. See Moses MURDOCH.. Sailor MURRAY.. Great water MYRON.. Incense bearer
N NAPOLEON.. Strong ruler NAT, NATHAN, NATHANIEL.. Gift of God NEAL, NEIL.. Champion NED.. See Edmund, Edward, Edwin NEHEMIAH.. Comfort of God NELSON.. Son of Neal, Neil NERO.. Powerful NESTOR.. A rememberer NEVILLE.. New city NEWCOMB.. Newcomer NEWELL.. New spring NEWTON..New town NICHOLAS.. Conqueror NIGEL. . Dark-haired NILS.. Victorious NIMROD.. Great hunter NOAH.. Rest NOEL, NOWELL.. Christmas NOLAN.. Well-known NORMAN.. Man from North
O OAKLEY.. Oak meadow OCTAVIUS.. Eighth (born) OGDEN.. Dell of oaks OLAF.. Champion OLIVER.. Bearer of peace OMAR, OMER.. Better ORAN, ORIN.. White-haired ORLANDO.. See Roland ORRICK.. Golden king ORSINO, ORSON.. Little bear ORTON.. Golden town ORVILLE.. Golden city OSBERT.. Divine brightness OSBORN.. Divine bear OSCAR.. Leaping warrior OSGOOD.. Godly OSMOND.. Protection of God OSRIC.. Divine power OSWALD.. Divine ruler OTIS.. Keen of hearing OTTO.. Mountain OWEN.. High-born
P PABLO.. See Paul PADDY.. See Patrick PADRAIC.. See Patrick PAOLO.. See Paul PARKER.. Park keeper PASCAL.. Easter PATRICK.. Noble, a patrician PAUL.. Little one PAYTON, PEYTON.. Noble PEARCE, PIERCE. See Peter PERCY, PERCIVAL.. Keen-eyed PERRIN, PERRY.. See Peter PETER..Firm as a rock PHELAN.. Wolf PHILANDER.. Lover of people PHILBERT.. Outstanding PHILEMON.. Loving PHILIP.. Lover of horses PHINEAS.. Frank, candid PIERRE.. See Peter PIP.. See Philip PIUS.. Pious, filial PRENTICE, PRENTISS.. Learner PRESCOTT.. Church PRESTON.. Of the church PRIMUS.. First (born) PROCTOR.. Officer PUTNAM.. Watering town
Q QUENTIN, QUINN, QUINTIN, QUINTUS.. Fifth (born) QUILLER.. Fledgling QUINCY.. Fifth son Worshipper of God
R RADCLIFF.. Red cliff RADFORD.. Red ford RALPH.. See Randolph RAMSAY, RAMSEY.. Island RANDALL, RANDOLPH.. Protected by the wolf RANGER.. Forest guard RAOUL.. See Ralph, Rudolph RAPHAEL.. Healed by God RASTUS.. See Erastus RAY.. See Raymond RAYMOND.. Quiet protector RAYNARD.. Sound judge REDMOND.. Adviser REED.. Red-haired REGAN.. Noble man REGINALD.. Strong ruler RENARD.. See Raynard RENE, RENATO.. Reborn REUBEN.. Behold, a son! REUEL.. God is his friend REX.. King REXFORD.. King's crossing REYNOLD.. See Reginald RHYS.. Chieftain RICHARD.. Bold fighter RIDGELEY.. Ridge meadow RIORDAN.. Royal singer RITCHIE.. Stern leader ROBERT, ROBIN.. Illustrious RODERICK. . Famous king RODMAN.. Surveyor RODNEY.. Famous in counsel ROGER.. Famous with spear ROLAND.. Glory of the land ROLF, ROLFE.. See Randolph ROLLO.. See Randolph ROMEO.. Man of Rome RONALD.. See Reginald RORY.. See Roderick ROSCOE.. Swift as a steed ROSS.. Gallant as a steed ROY.. King ROYAL, ROYCE.. Kingly RUDOLPH.. Famous RUFUS.. Red-haired RUPERT.. See Robert RUSSELL.. Red-haired RUTHERFORD.. Meadow
S SALVADOR.. Saviour SAMSON.. Like the sun SAMUEL.. Asked of God SANDER(S), SANDOR, SAUNDERS.. See Alexander SANFORD.. Sand crossing SAUL.. Asked of God SAWYER.. Woodcutter SAXON.. Swordsman SCHUYLER.. Learned SCOT, SCOTT.. Northman SEABROOK.. Sea spring SEAN.. See John SEARL, SERLE.. Armed SEBASTIAN.. Majestic SEBOLD.. Bold conqueror SEDGWICK.. Victorious SELIG.. Blessed SELWYN.. Royal friend SETH. . Appointed SETON.. Countryman SEWARD.. Sea warden SEWELL.. Sea spring SEXTUR.. Sixth (born) SEYMOUR.. Like St. Maur SHAUN, SHAWN.. See John SHELBY.. Shell city SHELDON.. Shield bearer SHELLEY.. Of the meadow SHERMAN.. A cutter SHERWIN.. Bright friend SHERWOOD.. Bright wood SHIRLEY.. County meadow SIDNEY, SYDNEY.. Joyous SIEGFRIED.. Conqueror SIGMUND.. Victor SIGURD.. Ruler SILAS.. Woodsman SILVAN.. Of the forest SILVESTER.. Forester SIMEON, SIMON.. Hearkening SINCLAIR.. Ilustrious SOLOMON.. Peaceable SPENCER.. Steward STACEY, STACY.. Steady STAFFORD.. Staff crossing STANISLAUS.. Praiseworthy STANLEY. Stone meadow STANTON. Stone town STEPHEN, STEVEN.. Crown STERLING.. Little star STEWART.. One in charge STROTHER, STRUTHER, STRUTHERS.. Stream(s) SUMNER.. Summoner STUART.. See Stewart SVEN.. Youth, swain SYLVESTER.. See Silvester
T TAD.. See Theodore TALBOT.. Hunter TAYLOR.. Tailor TED, TEDDY.. See Theodore TERENCE, TERRY.. Tender THADDEUS.. Praise THANE.. Aid THATCHER.. Roof maker THAYER.. Strong THEOBALD.. For the people THEODORE.. Gift of God THEODORIC.. Ruler of people THEOPHILUS.. Dear THOMAS.. Twin THORNE.. Thorn tree THORPE.. Village THURSTON.. Stone of Thor TIMOTHY.. Honoring God TITUS.. Protected TOBIAH, TOBIAS.. The Lord is good TOD, TODD.. Thick foliage TOM, TOMMY.. See Thomas TONY.. See Anthony TRACEY, TRACY.. Leader TRAVERS, TRAVIS.. Traveller TREMONT.. Three-hilled TRENT.. Thirty (French) TREVOR.. Prudent TRISTAN.. Romantic TURNER.. Acrobat TYBALT.. See Theobald TYLER.. Tile maker
U UDOLPH.. Fortunate noble ULRIE, ULRICH.. Noble lord ULYSSES.. Greek God UPTON.. Hill dweller URBAN.. Of the city URIAH.. Light of God
V VALENTINE.. Valiant VALERY.. Strong, worthy VAN.. Advance VARDEN.. Hill dweller VAUGHAN, VAUGHN. . Small VERGIL, VIRGIL.. Flourishing VERN, VERNON.. Green country VICTOR.. Conqueror VINCENT.. Conquering VIVIAN .. Full of life VLADIMIR.. Glory of princes
W WADE.. Wanderer WADSWORTH.. Traveler WALCOTT.. Stone cottage WALDEMAR.. Famed power WALDEN.. Powerful WALDFORD.. Mighty ford WALDO.. See Waldemar WALLACE.. Scottish hero WALT, WALTER.. Leader WARD.. Guardian WARE.. Keen-witted WARING.. Watchful WARNER, WERNER.. Protector WARREN.. Park WARRICK, WARWICK.. Fighting king WASHINGTON.. Town on The Wash (Thames estuary) WAYLAND.. Traveler WAYNE.. Wagon-maker WEBSTER.. Weaver WENDELL.. Wanderer WESLEY.. West meadow WHITELAW.. White hill WHITNEY.. White island WILBUR.. Forest dweller WILFRED.. Lover of peace WILL, WILLY.. See William WILLARD.. Strong of will WILLIAM.. Protector WILLIS.. Shield WILLOUGHBY.. Willow town WILMAR, WILMER.. Resolute WINFRED.. Peace maker WINSTON.. Friendly town WINTHROP.. Friendly Village WOLVERTON.. Town of good peace WOODROW.. Officer of the forest WRIGHT.. Worker WYNDHAM.. Windy village WYNNE.. Gain
X XAVIER.. Glorious XERXES.. King
Y YARDLEY.. Meadow yard YATES.. Gate dweller YVAIN, YWAIN.. Young warrior
Z ZACHARIAH, ZACHARY.. Whom God remembers ZEBEDIAH.. The gift of God ZEKE.. See Ezekiel ZENO, ZENOS.. Gift of Zeus ZIGMOND.. Winning
submitted by katanddog to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 22:35 WeridNgiga R&B isn’t dead, we’ve just lost the art of the club banger.

SZA recently did an interview and shared that she believes she’s only placed in the R&B category because she’s black, not because she makes R&B music & how being typecasted in that role feels reductive. Me & my friends got to talking about it and we ended up talking about why artists don’t want to be boxed into R&B anymore as if the genre is dying out.
My theory is that R&B artists don’t make music that “hypes people up”anymore for lack of a better term. I believe Chris Brown, Usher, & even Ciara were able to remain at the top of the genre because they produced music you wanna hear in the club or music that you dance to when you hear it in the car. At the top of their careers they were able to infuse other genres that were popular into R&B - i.e. Dance, Pop, Trap, etc. Music that makes you move. But currently a large portion of R&B feels like it doesn’t go over 80-90 bpm. I personally love this type of slow music but when I think of R&B songs that gained traction in recent years they have been upbeat. Chris Brown - No Guidance/Go Crazy, Usher - Hey Daddy, Kehlani - Distraction, Summer Walker - Body, Ella Mai - Boo’d Up, even some slower songs like Trip or Snooze but the point is that these are songs that people get addicted to because of the way they want to dance when they hear it or the way it makes them feel.
Male R&B artists have been chasing fame by using the same melancholy R&B sound that The Weeknd & Partynextdoor found fame from, and it’s worked for Giveon, Brent, Bryson, Lucky Daye, DVSN, they popular but not so much outside of the R&B community. Even Post Malone has been successfully but I don’t know if he is considered an R&B act - but his songs have done very well for the general public.
SZA being one of the frontrunners for R&B and publicly saying she’s typecasted in the role kind of hurt me because while she leans more alternative R&B & is very explorative of other genres in her music, it feels to me like she has R&B roots & I was loving watching how far she’s taken (and is still taking) the genre. Even though I said the club banger is what’s missing for R&B and I wouldn’t say she has any.
SZA has found her own lane and her own success through that. As for other artists, continuing to make the same type of music is what’s reductive, not necessarily the genre. What do you guys think?
submitted by WeridNgiga to rnb [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 11:20 baychildx Late Arrivals (Update on the pre-order)

Late Arrivals (Update on the pre-order)
What a journey to get here!
The pre-order (placed last year) arrived last week while I still was on vacation, the 2nd store (first one was “graciously” canceled by the store!) order was ready to be picked up yesterday.
Now there’s rumors that a third one is on the way…
Which means now I have to be patient! Not only that I cannot read two books at the same time, let alone three, I promised to give the two extra copies away once all three are in.
The third one is bound for the European continent at the moment.
So we do what Brent does all the time, display patience. 🙌
I’ll keep you all updated!
Who hasn’t gotten one yet?
submitted by baychildx to CerroGordo [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 05:29 Doctor_Arkeville HaremLit Authors With Links (In Alphabetical Order)

The recommendation lists on the sidebar and in the other sticky post can really only highlight some of the most frequently suggested works. We have a large community of authors that can not possibly all be included fairly in either location. Here is an attempt at listing all of the authors writing HaremLit in one place.

That being said these are authors that write HaremLit, but perhaps not exclusively. They may have works outside of the subgenre, possibly even non-Harem entirely. It might be other forms of polygamy, erotica, romance, fantasy, or any number of other genres or settings. It could be from older works, branching out to reach different audiences, or just to do something different creatively. Each individual work should be judged on their own merits and not used to diminish their HaremLit stories. If there are concerns about content in any particular novel there are several options available for inquiring about it, including our Discord server at

In addition to the Amazon and author websites I've also included the links to Patreon pages for the authors that have them. Often these include exclusive content, early access to chapters or stories, and at the very least can help offer added support to your favorite creators.

This list is almost certainly not complete. I will add more names, websites, and Patreons as I can, so please be patient if something is missing or incorrect. Thank you.

Author and Amazon Page Website Patreon
Phil Aerix
Rex Albion
Jenna Albright
William D. Arand
S.A. Archer
Simon Archer
Trevor Arctus
David Aries
Ace Arriande
Sain Artwell
Alvin Atwater
Jay Aury
Dave Austin
Stoham Baginbott
Max Ballista
Austin Beck
Neil Bimbeau
Thaddeus Blackheart
Alton Blair
Morgan Blayde
JJ Bookerson
Tyler Bowman
Archibald Bradford
Marcus Branson
Victor Briggs
Adam Bright
G. D. Brooks
Jack Bryce
Aaron Bunce
David Burke
Gideon Caldwell
Jace Cannon
Roland Carlsson
Micky Carre
Garrett A. Carter
Ecco Castle
A. R. Cevlar
Jack Chance
J. A. Cipriano
Callen Clearwater
Keegan Connelly
Harmon Cooper
Mark Coveny
Aaron Crash
G.S. D'Moore
Michael Dalton
Chase Danger
Jake Daniel
C.S. Darknight
Randi Darren
Bern Dean
Travis Dean
Devan Drake
Nemo Duspy
Michael-Scott Earle
Kurtis Eckstein
Fox Edwards
Ryan Eisenhower
Ashus Evinco
Heidi Fisk
Cormac Fletcher
Bruce Flint
Marilyn Foxworthy
Deacon Frost
M.R. Frost
Scottie Futch
Nicholas Gaumer
Hikaru Genji
Alexander Gordon
Gwen Grayson
Sebastian Guzman
Stephen L. Hadley
Shane Hammond
Chet Hardacre
J.L. Harrie
Nick Harrow
Jamie Hawke
Sarah Hawke
Annabelle Hawthorne
Eddie R. Hicks
Hankyu Hikaru
J. R. Hogan
Isaac H. Hooke
Edmund Hughes
Leo Hull
Darren Hultberg Jr
Dax Hunter
Natalie Hunter
Sam Hunter
Wolfgang Hux
Solomon Ignis
Logan Jacobs
Xander Jade
Cyrus Janiak
JG Jerome
Hondo Jinx
Danny Kade
Atlas Kane
Wyatt Kane
Lowe Keye
Isaac Keyes
Shawn Keys
Kingsley Khan
Quentin Kilgore
Dante King
Joshua King
D.J. Kingman
Seth Kingsbridge
Justin Knight
Marvin Knight
Zaire Knight
Virgil Knightley
A Knowles
Punished Kom
A. D. Krabis
Joe Kuster
S.B. Lamina
Adam Lance
Sirus Langdon
Cassius Lange
Noah Layton
Ronan Les
D. Levesque
Nolan Locke
Warden Locke
Edward Lost
Lara X. Lust
Aren Luxon
Ajax Lygan
Jason C. Lyle
Tony Magnus
Kirk Mason
Danielle Mains
A.J. Markam
Troy Maverick
CJ McCormick
Anya Merchant
Sydney Michaels
Dustin Midnight
B.N. Miles
Gideon Mills
Jaeger Mitchells
Scot C. Morgan
Alan Moria
Jake Myles
Nick Noble
J. Tiffany Noore
Peter North
Phoenix Parker
Daniel Pierce
Nathan Pierce
Seth Pike
Jack Pinkhunter
Michael James Ploof
Michael Plymel
Jack Porter
Harla Quinn
Montgomery Quinn
Rowan Raine
Dave Ranger
Dan Raxor
A.V. Ray
Eden Redd
A. R. Rend
Jon Roberts
Marc Robert
K.D. Robertson
Danny Rogan
D. R. Rosier
Donny Royel
R.U. Ruff
M. H. Ryan
J.R. Saileri
Atucim Sanumar
CE Savage
Daniel Schinhoefen
Landon Scott
Bruce Sentar
Mr. 17
Kory Shen
Blake Sky
Edie Skye
Marcus Sloss
F.G. Smith
Grady Sparks
DD Spec
Jack Spry
Rory Stathos
Tim Steiner
Nicholas Steam
Will Stewart
Milo Storm
Nick Storming
Brett Strong
Ace Strutton
Jan Stryvant
Tamryn Tamer
M Tefler
Turner Tellborn
M. E. Thorne
Mark Torr
AL Traversky
Justin Trublood
Mike Truk
Brent Tyman
Patrick Underwood
Eric Vall
Eric J. Vann
Brandon Varnell
Jonathan Vault
Kaz Velveto
Jordan Venture
Naoto Vesari
Misty Vixen
J Foster Ward
Regina Watts
Lucas Webber
Erik Weir
Eric Wesson
Hercules West
Leon West
Kay W. Williams
Kaizer Wolf
Jeremy Zenith
submitted by Doctor_Arkeville to haremfantasynovels [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 00:30 RodeoBoss66 Clovis Rodeo: Recap, Highlights and Payouts

Clovis Rodeo: Recap, Highlights and Payouts

A Top 25 paying regular season rodeo lead to some big moves out in California

April 29, 2024 03:28 PM
Coming in with a total payout north of $400,000, the Clovis Rodeo is the second-highest paying non-Texas Swing Rodeo so far this season and ranks as the 23rd highest paying rodeo in the PRCA.
It was a very rich one-header in the roughstock events while the timed event athletes were reacquainted with a format similar to Red Bluff (and many summer rodeos), a three-header and then a Short Round to determine the Average Champion on four.


First Round: 1. Leighton Berry, 88.5 points on C5 Rodeo’s Virgil, $10,913; 2. Clayton Biglow, 86, $8,367; 3. (tie) Kade Berry and Keenan Hayes, 85.5, $5,093 each; 5. Donny Proffit, 85, $2,546; 6. Kashton Ford, 84.5, $1,819; 7. Bradlee Miller, 83.5, $1,455; 8. (tie) Caleb Bennett and Anthony Thomas, 83, $546 each.


First Round: 1. Clayton Hass, 4.8 seconds, $2,481; 2. Marc Joiner, 5.3, $2,157; 3. Colt Honey, 5.8, $1,834; 4. (tie) Cody Devers and Boyd Sawyer, 6.8, $1,348 each; 6. Stan Branco, 7.1, $863; 7. Eli Lord, 7.3, $539; 8. Walt Arnold, 7.5, $216.
Second Round: 1. Dalton Massey, 5.2 seconds, $2,481; 2. Clayton Hass, 5.7, $2,157; 3. Quentin Wheeler, 5.9, $1,834; 4. Cody Harmon, 6.5, $1,510; 5. Gus Franzen, 7.9, $1,187; 6. Josh Garner, 8.4, $863; 7. Billy Boldon, 8.9, $539; 8. Jacob Edler, 9.0, $216.
Third Round: 1. Colt Honey, 5.7 seconds, $2,481; 2. Dakota Eldridge, 6.0, $2,157; 3. Dalton Massey, 6.2, $1,834; 4. Trisyn Kalawaia, 6.3, $1,510; 5. Michael Bates Jr., 6.6, $1,187; 6. Clayton Hass, 6.7, $863; 7. Mason Couch, 7.1, $539; 8. Bryar Byrne, 7.9, $216.
Finals: 1. Clayton Hass, 5.9 seconds, $1,001; 2. Cash Robb, 8.3, $828; 3. Dalton Massey, 10.5, $656; 4. Boyd Sawyer, 10.6, $483; 5. Marc Joiner, 10.7, $311; 6. Rowdy Parrott, 17.7, $173.
Average: 1. Clayton Hass, 23.1 seconds on four head, $4,962; 2. Dalton Massey, 30.9, $4,315; 3. Boyd Sawyer, 39.7, $3,668; 4. Marc Joiner, 45.8, $3,020; 5. Cash Robb, 49.9, $2,373; 6. Rowdy Parrott, 58.0, $1,726; 7. Trisyn Kalawaia, 70.2, $1,079; 8. Sterling Lambert, 30.5 on three head, $431.


First Round: 1. (tie) Dawson Graham/Dillon Graham and Korbin Rice/Caleb Hendrix, 6.3 seconds, $2,480 each; 3. Brenten Hall/Kaden Profili, 6.4, $1,961; 4. (tie) Jeff Flenniken/Jake Minor and Jake Smith/Douglas Rich, 7.0, $1,442 each; 6. Cole Thomas/Dylin Ahlstrom, 7.6, $923; 7. Jack Graham/Jordan Ketscher, 7.7, $577; 8. (tie) Marcus Battaglia/Todd Hampton and Devon McDaniel/Walt Woodard, 7.9, $115 each.
Second Round: 1. Korbin Rice/Caleb Hendrix, 7.0 seconds, $2,653 each; 2. Riley MinoBrady Minor, 7.3, $2,307; 3. Trey Blackmore/Whip Peterson, 8.0, $1,961; 4. Cash Duty/Clay Green, 8.4, $1,615; 5. (tie) Luke Brown/Travis Graves and Shain Sproul/J.C. Niesen, 8.9, $1,096 each; 7. (tie) Lane Lowry/Brent Lockett, Cutter Machado/Dalton Pearce and Franky Martinez/Tucker Donlon, 9.0, $269 each.
Third Round: 1. Riley MinoBrady Minor, 7.4 seconds, $2,653 each; 2. Devon McDaniel/Walt Woodard, 7.9, $2,307; 3. (tie) Ben Jordan/Scott Lauaki and Kolton Schmidt/Landen Glenn, 8.1, $1,788 each; 5. (tie) Doyle Hoskins/William Cowden and Bryor Minton/Clayton Moore, 8.2, $1,096 each; 7. (tie) Brye Crites/Tyler Worley and Jake Smith/Douglas Rich, 8.3, $404 each.
Finals: 1. Brayden Schmidt/Kyle Lockett, 8.0 seconds, $1,146 each; 2. Ben Jordan/Scott Lauaki, 8.2, $948; 3. Brenten Hall/Kaden Profili, 8.3, $751; 4. Brye Crites/Tyler Worley, 8.4, $553; 5. Korbin Rice/Caleb Hendrix, 9.1, $356; 6. Derrick Begay/Colter Todd, 9.6, $198.
Average: 1. Korbin Rice/Caleb Hendrix, 32.3 seconds on four head, $5,305 each; 2. Brenten Hall/Kaden Profili, 34.5, $4,613; 3. Doyle Hoskins/William Cowden, 35.7, $3,921; 4. Derrick Begay/Colter Todd, 38.3, $3,229; 5. Ben Jordan/Scott Lauaki, 38.6, $2,537; 6. Jake Smith/Douglas Rich, 40.1, $1,845; 7. Brye Crites/Tyler Worley, 44.0, $1,153; 8. Brayden Schmidt/Kyle Lockett, 45.6, $461.


First Round: 1. (tie) Kade Bruno, on Corey & Lange Rodeo’s Monster, and Ryder Wright, on Burch Rodeo’s Lyin’ Lunatic, 88 points, $8,893 each; 3. (tie) Parker Fleet and Logan Hay, 87.5, $4,698 each; 5. Statler Wright, 87, $2,349; 6. Brody Wells, 86.5, $1,678; 7. Tucker Bourdet, 85, $1,342; 8. (tie) Allen Boore, Damian Brennan and Karson Mebane, 84.5, $336 each.


First Round: 1. Hope Thompson, 2.8 seconds, $1,640; 2. (tie) Lari Dee Guy and Macy Young, 2.9, $1,319 each; 4. (tie) Rylee A George and Chloe Lambert, 3.0, $891 each; 6. (tie) Hanna Hundsdorfer and Cheyanne McCartney, 3.1, $463 each; 8. (tie) Bailey Bates, Bailey Humphry and Hailey Wilbur, 3.2, $48 each.
Second Round: 1. (tie) Whitlee Burgess and Shayla Hall, 2.4 seconds, $1,533 each; 3. Jade Mitchell, 2.8, $1,212; 4. Taylor Munsell, 2.9, $998; 5. (tie) Hanna Hundsdorfer and Suzanne Williams, 3.0, $677 each; 7. Danielle Lowman, 3.1, $356; 8. Kate Branco, 3.2, $143.
Third Round: 1. Cheyanne McCartney, 2.7 seconds, $1,640; 2. Lari Dee Guy, 3.5, $1,426; 3. Maddie Biglow, 3.6, $1,212; 4. Shayla Hall, 3.8, $998; 5. Sienna Radelfinger, 3.9, $784; 6. Beth Hitchcock, 4.0, $570; 7. Gianna O’Day, 4.1, $356; 8. Quincy Sullivan, 4.2, $143.
Finals: 1. (tie) Martha Angelone, Danielle Lowman, Sienna Radelfinger and Quincy Sullivan, 4.1 seconds, $852 each; 5. Samantha Fulton, 4.2, $356; 6. Lari Dee Guy, 4.3, $198.
Average: 1. Lari Dee Guy, 14.4 seconds on four head, $3,279; 2. (tie) Danielle Lowman and Quincy Sullivan, 15.4, $2,638 each; 4. Sienna Radelfinger, 16.6, $1,996; 5. (tie) Samantha Fulton and Martha Angelone, 17.6, $1,355 each; 7. Cheyanne McCartney, 23.6, $713; 8. Hanna Hundsdorfer, 11.9 on three head.


First Round: 1. Bodie Mattson, 8.9 seconds, $2,746; 2. (tie) Hunter Herrin and Lucas Potter, 9.2, $2,209 each; 4. Chance Thiessen, 9.5, $1,672; 5. Nick Achille, 9.8, $1,313; 6. Cole Clemons, 10.0, $955; 7. Ladd King, 10.1, $597; 8. Chisum Allen, 10.2, $239.
Second Round: 1. Nick Achille, 8.9 seconds, $2,746; 2. Kalai Nobriga, 9.3, $2,388; 3. Shad Mayfield, 9.6, $2,030; 4. (tie) Ty Harris and Marty Yates, 9.8, $1,493 each; 6. Tom Crouse, 9.9, $955; 7. Hunter Herrin, 10.0, $597; 8. Haven Meged, 10.2, $239.
Third Round: 1. Tanner Green, 9.8 seconds, $2,746; 2. (tie) Bryce Derrer and Marty Yates, 10.1, $2,209 each; 4. Shad Mayfield, 10.4, $1,672; 5. Trevor Hale, 10.5, $1,313; 6. Bodie Mattson, 10.6, $955; 7. Jason Andersen, 11.0, $597; 8. (tie) Garrett Busby and Hunter Herrin, 11.4, $119 each.
Finals: 1. Bodie Mattson, 8.5 seconds, $1,088; 2. Shad Mayfield, 9.3, $900; 3. Marty Yates, 11.0, $713; 4. Bryce Derrer, 11.4, $525; 5. Hunter Herrin, 11.9, $338; 6. (tie) Haven Meged and Jake Pratt, 12.1, $94 each.
Average: 1. Marty Yates, 42.4 seconds on four head, $5,492; 2. Hunter Herrin, 42.5, $4,776; 3. Bryce Derrer, 45.8, $4,060; 4. (tie) Haven Meged and Bodie Mattson, 46.2, $2,985 each; 6. Jake Pratt, 47.0, $1,910; 7. Garrett Busby, 47.5, $1,194; 8. Shad Mayfield, 48.8, $478.


First Round: 1. Wenda Johnson, 16.86 seconds, $2,766; 2. Paige Jones, 16.92, $2,371; 3. Sidney Forrest, 16.93, $1,975; 4. Sissy Winn, 16.97, $1,712; 5. Kathy Petska, 17.14, $1,317; 6. Ann McGilchrist, 17.18, $1,054; 7. (tie) Miley Bravos and Sarah Kieckhefer, 17.20, $658 each; 9. Hayle Gibson, 17.25, $395; 10. (tie) Skylar Alves and Ashley Castleberry, 17.27, $132 each.
Second Round: 1. Loni Yates, 16.92 seconds, $2,766; 2. Sarah Kieckhefer, 16.96, $2,371; 3. (tie) Ashley Castleberry and Kathy Petska, 16.99, $1,844 each; 5. Hailey Garrison, 17.02, $1,317; 6. Sheena Robbins, 17.04, $1,054; 7. (tie) Paige Jones and Tarryn Lee, 17.05, $658 each; 9. Miley Bravos, 17.06, $395; 10. Megan McLeod-Sprague, 17.11, $263.
Finals: 1. Sissy Winn, 16.56 seconds, $2,049; 2. Wenda Johnson, 16.85, $1,536; 3. Ashley Castleberry, 16.94, $1,024; 4. Kathy Petska, 17.00, $512.
Average: 1. Wenda Johnson, 50.83 seconds on three head, $4,148; 2. Sissy Winn, 51.00, $3,556; 3. Paige Jones, 51.09, $2,963; 4. Kathy Petska, 51.13, $2,568; 5. Ashley Castleberry, 51.20, $1,975; 6. Sarah Kieckhefer, 51.27, $1,580; 7. Miley Bravos, 51.43, $1,185; 8. Chelsea A Moore, 51.55, $790; 9. Megan McLeod-Sprague, 51.71, $593; 10. Tarryn Lee, 51.74, $395.


First Round: 1. (tie) Chase Dougherty, on Bridwell Pro Rodeos’ Big Salty, and Deklan Garland, on Corey & Lange Rodeo’s Stand By Me, 88.5 points, $8,893 each; 3. (tie) Wacey Schalla and Hayes Weight, 86.5, $4,698 each; 5. Maverick Smith, 86, $2,349; 6. (tie) Lukasey Morris and Jestyn Woodward, 85, $1,510 each; 8. Jordan Hansen, 84.5, $1,007.
submitted by RodeoBoss66 to prorodeo [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 04:23 Peacock-Shah-III The Progressive-Federalist National Convention of 1948 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

The Progressive-Federalist National Convention of 1948 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections
As Farmer-Labor fights for its meaning in a battle destined to be decided on the knife’s edge, a party defined by its role in the opposition must select a standard bearer in a field of giants of days past.
Robert Moses: The aftermath of the Revolution that left New York City in ruins gifted immortality to a young bureaucrat tasked with rebuilding the city. Arrogant, bullying, and dictatorial to his critics; a zealot with a single-minded focus on success to his admirers; Robert Moses’s idealism has integrated itself into every corner of the new New York, from rebuilt bridges, new stadiums, and infrastructure, to the clearing of largely minority neighborhoods to make way for modern roads, community pools, and sleek skyscrapers. A model for efficient bureaucracy in an era where the antics of Tammany Hall would propel POSCR to power, Moses’s vision of sprawling suburbs designed around the automobile has been heralded by some as a model for the modern American city, sweeping him into the Governor’s office in 1946 to bring his planning statewide. Now, the 60 year old Federalist Governor of the nation’s largest state has mounted a campaign for the presidency, denouncing the New State and La Follette’s Win the Peace plan as untenable while admiring his use of executive power as he claims to both support state regulation and want to lessen state involvement in the economy and denounces the concept of public ownership of utilities.
While opposing environmentalism, Moses has promised the consolidation of New State agencies and made a review of government efficiency his signature policy, while criticizing “the dogma of ultraconservatives builds an impassable barrier between the fields of business and government”, Moses has declined to campaign extensively, relying upon press releases denying his Jewish heritage and calling President La Follette a “weak sniveling liar,” vituperations that have damaged his campaign with its ferocity. Further, Moses’s lack of foreign policy experience and vague endorsement of the party platform on the American Century has led to criticism. Nonetheless, to those in the party looking less to dismantle the New State than to place it under new, efficient management, Moses is the man of the hour.
Eliot Ness: Handsome, intelligent, and disarmingly soft spoken, few Americans have blended the role of administrator and celebrity quite so well as dashing crime fighter Eliot Ness. Practically worshiped as a hero in the 1930s by the People’s Ownership Smash Crime Rings movement as he put Al Capone behind bars as one of J. Edgar Hoover’s agents and served as Cleveland’s Public Safety Commissioner, crushing not only organized crime but corruption within the police force as he sent dozens of police officers to prison. Ness’s fame would grow such that Hoover himself would privately attempt to soil his reputation behind closed doors, accusing him of stealing credit Hoover himself deserves.
Riding his fame to the Cleveland mayor’s office in 1945, Ness has taken a hardline on crime while funding a renewal of the city’s transit system. Most notably, Ness has become a darling to the growing environmentalist movement, legally challenging on factory owners to fulfill his promise of clean air in industrial Cleveland, and to conservatives, personally mounting a horse to lead strikebreakers in a move that has led John L. Lewis to denounce Ness as the worst mayor in the nation—yet, as he invariably points out, it was the strike he opposed, not the workers’ demands, which he fulfilled once the strike had been crushed. Nonetheless, despite his role as a nominal Progressive, Ness, who rarely votes and has been a registered independent for much of his life, has worked closely with the La Follette Administration, supporting and expanding the National Youth Administration while implementing rent control; nearly alone among the candidates, Ness has been reticent on the repeal of the New State, promising to take the nation “forward, not backward.”
With POSCR stalwarts such as Colorado Governor Roy Best and a young guard led by Eleanor Butler Roosevelt’s former attorney Richard Nixon, who has managed Ness’s campaign, “practically camping on my lawn” in an attempt to recruit a new celebrity candidate for the presidency, Ness has finally given in and mounted a campaign, declaring that “this country used to have a forward spirit, it has gotten listless, apathetic, and careless” as he promises to implement environmental reforms, infrastructural development, and rent control while taking on “the establishment,” yet being willing to listen to and manage teams of experts on such issues as foreign policy, where Ness himself admits his lack of expertise. Through the campaign, the preference of the Mayor for action over talk has become apparent. A dull campaigner, the now 45-year-old Ness has regularly slipped away from campaign staff to converse personally with onlookers once cheering from afar that “Ness is necessary.” Grappling with allegations of alcoholism and his noted lack of partisanship, his campaign has sought to frame Ness as an outsider, an incorruptible man without a price committed to not being “one more huckster on the hustings.
Benjamin Gitlow: From the son of impoverished Jewish migrants to the golden boy of the Workers Party of America’s congressional delegation, Benjamin Gitlow’s 1920 arrest at the hands of federal agents would set off the greatest unrest in American history. Freed by cheering crowds, Gitlow would stand before tens of thousands of admirers to proclaim the formation of the Bronx Soviet as the opening salvo of a proletarian New American Revolution. Leading the most famous of the American soviets, Gitlow would earn a place in the pantheon of American communists behind only Richard F. Pettigrew along with the nickname “the American Bukharin” after his Bolshevik idol, as he led a Revolutionary army of over 100,000 against a siege by Japanese ships and Federal troops. Presumed a casualty of American bombs, Gitlow and his dictatorship of the proletariat would be hailed as a martyr of global revolution by the Comintern and a fallen apostle of treason by the federal government.
Ben Gitlow spent a dozen years as a dead man. Returning to the factories that made him under the name James Hay, Gitlow would watch as his former Russian comrades, even his beloved Bukharin, fell from glory to the Gulags, and experience a most profound ideological shift. Thus, in February of 1934, garment worker James Hay would reveal himself to be the martyred hero of Revolution with the publication of I Confess: The Truth About the New American Revolution. In stark terms confessing to what he views as his own personal failures, Gitlow would accuse foreign forces of fomenting the Revolution, caricature the WPA as a party ruled by intellectuals rather than laborers, and denounce the ideology he and hundreds of thousands other Americans had once taken up arms for, labeling a dictatorship of the proletariat as no better than Howardite fascism as he declared that “reactionaries ride on the totalitarian juggernaut…economic security and freedom go hand in hand, only through the democratic process can both be achieved.” Further, Gitlow would allege that the tactics of he and the Revolution unwittingly set the stage for American fascism, a claim he would reiterate upon the election of Charles Lindbergh.
Immediately back in the center of the public eye, Gitlow has given thousands of speeches and written hundreds of articles since his return. Despite swearing off electoral politics, Gitlow’s fame and status as the prince of anti-communism has led to him being drafted by the presidency by an anti-communist movement ranging from moderate Benjamin Muse to right wing Everett Dirksen. Approaching his new crusade with characteristic zeal, Gitlow has spoken of rooting out communism at home and abroad, adopting the internationalist foreign policy of the American Century; most of all, if Hoover and Vandenberg speak of authoritarianism as surgeons diagnosing an illness, Gitlow relives with hollowed eyes days of revolution, conjuring vivid images of the execution of Bolshevik leaders he once embraced as brothers, while denouncing fascism in equal terms as communism as “nationalists storming the citadels of democracy.”
Seen as the most liberal of the candidates, Gitlow has promised to immediately decrease executive power and dismantle the institutional trappings of the New State, while defying the right wing of his supporters with liberal policies such as support for universal healthcare and free labor unions; praising the workings of a market economy and “the relationship between labor and management that is a cornerstone of American life,” while denouncing the USSR as mere “state capitalism,” Gitlow has nonetheless remained sympathetic to the concept of co-operatively owned businesses or profit sharing. Nonetheless, Gitlow’s prominent role in insurrection has led many to question the merits of his nomination, with retired Indianan James Watson quipping that “it's all right if the town whore joins the church, but they don't let her lead the choir the first night.”
Herbert Hoover: Isolationists including Progressive founders Hamilton Fish III and Thomas Schall have rallied around the presidential candidacy of 74 year old former Vice President Herbert Hoover. Transformed from philanthropist mine engineer to national hero after being arrested by Japanese authorities in 1915 while presiding over an effort to relieve Chinese famine victims, Hoover’s story would carry him to the vice presidency alongside Aaron Burr Houston and galvanize the nation to support the American-Pacific War. Yet, the Vice President himself would soon turn against his war and his President, abetting anti-war Federal Republicans in a move that would see the end of his short political career, leaving him to re-enter the private sector and serve as President of his alma mater, Stanford University.
Yet, after a surprise smattering of faithless electoral votes in 1944 from right wing opponents of internationalism, Hoover has waded anew into the political fray. Declaring that La Follette’s decision to use atomic weapons on Japanese civilians “revolts my soul,” Hoover has focused his campaign on isolationism, being the only candidate committed to opposing a Pacific alliance and call for the withdrawal of all American troops from Asia and an end to all foreign aid, rallying his supporters with the cry of “no more foreign grants, no more foreign loans, no more foreign wars!” On economic issues, Hoover has identified himself as a progressive conservative, strongly supporting public works projects while calling for the dismantling of much of the New State, the weakening of executive power, and increases to interest rates.
Arthur Vandenberg: 64 year old publisher and 1944 vice presidential nominee Arthur H. Vandenberg has emerged as the anointed successor of Henry Luce and his internationalist circle, despite rumors of an affair with Clare Booth Luce. A journalistic ally of the Lynch Administration whose caricatures of Henry Ford earned him national fame, Vandenberg’s quixotic attempt to build a new Federalist Party following the fall of Federal Republicanism would set the groundwork upon which the movement to establish Federalist parties has been built since 1942, with Vandenberg supporting renaming the entire party infrastructure to Federalist in a move to embrace the mantle of Hamiltonian Federalism for the coming American Century. Coining the phrase “politics stops at the water’s edge,” Vandenberg has advocated for a fiercely internationalist foreign policy, defending President La Follette’s foreign policy, from atomic bombings to ally armament, while advocating for further steps to form an American bloc internationally, as well as support for the United Kingdom in the Franco-British conflict and further expansions to the MacArthur Plan. Domestically, Vandenberg stands as a rock-ribbed conservative, denouncing the New State as a usurpation of the role of private business and questioning the merits of government funding for healthcare.
Fulgencio Batista: 47 year old Cuba Governor Fulgencio Batista began his rise to power as a protege of Rafael Trujillo and Pedro Del Valle in the dark fields of colonial Moroland, where Batista has been cleared formally of war crimes despite allegations of collaborating with the Moros to execute rivals for promotion as a means to rise through the American ranks. Returning to his native Cuba in the time of Revolution, Batista would participate in a bloody crackdown on the island’s revolutionaries before continuing his campaign under Trujillo in the mainland, first making his way into national prominence via the Hearst Press’s adoration of Captain Trujillo. Rising through Army ranks, Batista would swear an oath of vengeance against President Lindbergh as he drove Trujillo and Del Valle from the Army for their involvement in war crimes and the murder of journalists, resigning in solidarity only to return with them two years later to command American forces in the Third Pacific War, much to the chagrin of Progressive House leader Eduardo Chibas, whose disgust for Batista is well known.
Batista would, despite being largely sidelined, gain fame as a powerful propaganda tool in Cuba–a role that would win him election as Governor upon his return. Legalizing gambling and refusing to enforce anti-prostitution measures, Batista has become infamous for his extensive ties to organized crime, yet has become the only Progressive in the nation to win the wide support of organized labor. This saving grace has propelled Batista to serious consideration as a candidate, with analysts predicting that a La Follette triumph at the Farmer-Labor convention could drive John L. Lewis and millions of loyal Farmer-Labor workers behind Batista, effectively guaranteeing him the presidency. Further, the opposition of both the party establishment and young guard has allowed General Batista to campaign as a populist war hero, claiming to be twice the outsider as Ness while promising to expand American power abroad and “lock up Lindy” for the former President’s denunciation of Trujillo and Del Valle as war criminals, claiming that the action constituted criminal negligence.
The Primaries:
With Gitlow and Ness leading the way in amiably competing through the first in the nation Wisconsin and Kentucky primaries, candidates would miss the groundswell developing beneath them. Former Wisconsin Senator Alexander Willey would be the first sign, hitching his attempt at a political comeback to a Cuban wagon as he swept through the state in support of his man. Eugene Siler, campaigning for Hoover in Kentucky, would write to his wife in surprise at the crowds shouting the name of their hero. Even if Siler and Willey had seen the coming storm, however, every candidate would find themselves unprepared for Fulgencio Batista’s back-to-back wins. Dismissed as the candidate of “Latins and far right nuts,” Batista’s full throated populism would place him in the center of the campaign.
Within days, unable to fundraise adequately, Robert Moses would announce his withdrawal from the race outside of New York, endorsing Elliott Ness in a move credited with giving the crime fighter Missouri by a 2% margin over Batista, even as the General won his native Cuba. The coming days would see few surprises, Ness carrying Ohio and Hoover triumphing in Texas with 31.2% of the vote to 31.1% for Gitlow, who would be able to carry Colorado and Massachusetts despite the endorsements of Ness and Vandenberg by much of both state’s prominent figures. With his favored Ness losing the state, Colorado Governor Roy Best, predicting either a Batista or Gitlow victory, would openly speak of serving in the Vice Presidency in a move that would win him the ire of Richard Nixon.
Arthur Vandenberg would win the Luce bastion of Connecticut, but come up short in Wyoming. However, victory in Wyoming would mean little for Gitlow in comparison to Fulgencio Batista’s successes in Dakota and Nevada, once more showing to the world that, among the voting populace, he was far from alone in his willingness to defy party orthodoxy. The Super Tuesday wave of primaries would carry Batista forth with victories in South Carolina, earning the backing of the legenary Tolbert family and demonstrating an ability to hold the black vote, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, New Mexico, Shoshone, and even New Jersey, where Batista would win a relative blowout with 36.1% of the vote to 28.8% for Ness, Gitlow wracking up his worst showing of the day with a mere 6.3%. Nonetheless, Illinois, Florida, Tennessee, and, in a lone sole Caribbean dissent, Haiti would all add themselves to the ex-communist’s corner. A perennial second place, Elliott Ness would leave the night with only Houston to his name, nonetheless showing above both Herbert Hoover and Arthur Vandenberg, whose sole triumph in his home state of Michigan would spell the end of Luce’s anointed successor–and, with it, a rise in the fortunes of Benjamin Gitlow as a peculiar standard bearer for an American Century.
The combined efforts of the party’s orthodox wing would stem the rising Batista tide in coming primaries, as the support of Robert P. Bass allowed Benjamin Gitlow to sweep the New Hampshire delegation despite a narrow loss to Ness, with Gitlow winning via popular vote in Delaware and Vermont as he withdrew from the Virginia primary to allow Elliott Ness to triumph over Batista with 37.2% of the vote to the Cuban General’s 34.6%. With rejection after rejection, the Hoover campaign would sputter to a grinding halt despite narrow victories in Iowa with the support of Lester J. Dickinson and Misssippi with the endorsement of Senator Mary Booze, as North Carolina voted for Benjamin Gitlow, allowing Senator George Pritchard to enter the former revolutionary’s name into the nomination. Meanwhile, running largely as a surrogate of the Ness campaign despite rumors of desiring selection as a compromise candidate, Robert Moses would sweep New York’s winner-take-all primary despite only triumphing over Fulgencio Batista by a 1.8% margin.
Elliott Ness’s campaign would see a revival with a triad of victories in the miniscule Alabama primary and those of Nebraska and Indiana, where Senator William E. Jenner had moved from the Hoover column to back the untouchable Ohioan. Yet, the stump speaking of Benjamin Gitlow would carry him ahead of the bland Ness, an ever reluctant campaigner, to carry Louisiana, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Maine, leaving Ness with Washington and pyrrhic victory in Arkansas, where political wizard Osro Cobb had engineered a joint anti-Batista ticket only symbolically led by Ness. Despite parries by Batista in Montana and Tijuana, as well as a shock victory in Georgia with the overwhelming support of rural voters despite the Georgia Progressive Party’s tacit support for Gitlow, leaving Vancouver to Ness, Maryland to Gitlow, and Minnesota to a razor thin Ness victory as Thomas Schall found his Hoover camp abandoned.
The final primaries would come down to Pennsylvania and California, neither able to give a delegate load able to secure the nomination, even if both swept, yet able to represent the choices of two key swing states. Pennsylvania would see Senator Hugh Scott leading the Gitlow campaign, to James E. Van Zandt for Batista, the urbane Scott’s infallible machine would deliver a resounding victory to the former leader of the Bronx Soviet. California would be a greater contest, as California Senate Minority Leader Thomas H. Werdel would organize a Batista effort able to counter Richard Nixon’s for Ness. On behalf of Gitlow, moderate State Senator Alphonso Bell would organize a movement mired in third place, even with the support of Sam Hayakawa. Despite Hoover and even Eleanor Butler Roosevelt making campaign appearances for the Mayor of Cleveland, and erstwhile pro-La Follette newspaper mogul Elinor McClatchy publishing for Ness, the state would fall to Fulgencio Batista with 42.7% of the vote to 35.5% for Ness and 26.4% for Gitlow, leaving him as the undisputed victor of the primaries despite having far from a victor’s share of the delegates.
Benjamin Gitlow 397 701
Herbert Hoover 157 101
Elliott Ness 44 13
Robert Moses 41 0
Arthur Vandenberg 3 1
Fulgencio Batista 2 2
The Convention:
Two key events would shift the nature of the race as the convention approached, pundits preaching prophecies of a convention of chaos.
Firstly, the carnage of the Farmer-Labor convention would leave Progressives and Federalists horrified at the prospect of losing the trump card of order to a wild convention of their own, and begin a scramble for unity. Former President Luce, unimpressed with Batista, would publicly endorse Ben Gitlow for the first time as the strongest rallying point in opposition to the controversial Cuban.
Secondly, the nomination of the incipient Liberty League national convention of Will Rogers for the presidency aside the nomination of elderly John Nance Garner for Vice President, who would decline by declaring that the office was "worth a bucket of warm piss" and leave the party’s libertarian vanguard to nominate the president's right wing libertarian cousin, author Suzanne La Follette, although certain members of the Single Tax Party have put forth Jerry Voorhis as his running mate, which would propel the candidacy of Gitlow to the forefront on the grounds of his cordial relationship with the famed humorist and the possibility of electoral collaboration to victory against President La Follette. Most importantly, despite the implorations of Richard Nixon and other campaign leaders, a weary Elliott Ness would refuse to stay in for the possibility of a prolonged convention fight. Thus, on July 17th, Elliott Ness would join Arthur Vandenberg for a press conference in Indianapolis to endorse Benjamin Gitlow for the presidency and issue a call for party unity soon joined by Robert Moses.
With enemies lining up against their standard bearer, an article by Brent Bozell would call for a bolt by Batista and his supporters before the convention even commenced to join with those elements of the Lewis movement willing to collaborate on a “Social Labor” ticket, claiming to unite nationalist and socialist interests beneath a singular banner. Importantly, Bozell would pledge the marketing fortune of his recently deceased father to an independent Batista ticket. Seeing the nomination slipping from his grasp and wanting to avoid the humiliation of a convention defeat, Fulgencio Batista would announce on July 20th that he would pursue the presidency as an independent, pledging to resist sore loser laws in court and announcing the formation of state Social Labor parties to secure him ballot access in places such as Massachusetts.
Thus, a pallor would hang over the convention, nearly a third of its delegates missing, as the proceedings moved forth with a background show of quietly seating delegates to replace the unspoken apostates. Indeed, as speeches continued and balloting began, hushed whispers would tell that John L. Lewis ally Tony Boyle had been selected for the Vice Presidency. Nonetheless, with Ness and Vandenberg delegates uniting behind him, Benjamin Gitlow would fall only a few small votes short of the nomination. By the second ballot, with new delegates seated in Cuba, Georgia, and California, Gitlow would carry the day at the rump convention and win the nomination despite a handful of Ness loyalists led by Nixon to hold the line on their candidate. In a move to appease Herbert Hoover, a relative isolationist and a hardline conservative would be necessities in a vice presidential nominee. With Batista showing strength among black voters, Mississippi Senator Mary Booze would win consideration for a time, as would Lester J. Dickinson of Iowa, Alice Roosevelt, and even young Richard Nixon. Yet, bombastic as ever, with a resume filigreed by his connections to Aaron Burr Houston, former Secretary of the Treasury W. Lee “Pappy” O’ Daniel, once viewed as a 1948 frontrunner before choosing to step back and pursue Texas's competitive Senate seat instead, would rise to the fore.
Gitlow would meet with O’Daniel, furrowing his brow but cordially shaking his hand and leaving the convention to assume his nomination a done deal. Yet, as Henry Luce had driven O’Daniel from the cabinet with accusations of drunkenness and fundamental policy differences, the prospect of his rise would bring the Time editor to Philadelphia to implore Gitlow against the decision. Surprised, the former communist would nonetheless demur and turn to Herbert Hoover, who would suggest Lester J. Dickinson of Iowa. 75 and reluctant to threaten his senatorial career on a ticket he had lost faith in, Dickinson would recommend 49 year old Iowa Governor Harold Royce Gross, a famed fiscal conservative notable for vetoing every tax and spending increase passed by the legislature; denounced as an “unanchored radical” by some moderates and outspoken in his devotion to conservatism, the nomination of Gross would serve as an olive branch to the party’s right. Unwilling to renounce O’Daniel in front of the convention, Gitlow would instead step back as Dickinson introduced Gross’s name into the nomination in a surprise move after Margaret Bell Houston’s introduction of O’Daniel. As word silently swept the convention of Luce’s opposition to O’Daniel, Gross would emerge first. Yet, with the lack of a firm statement from Gitlow on his preference fueling miniature movements for Frances P. Bolton, Mary Booze, and Alice Roosevelt that would force the excruciating contest to seven ballots and Pappy O’Daniel to a fit of fury that has led him to refuse to campaign alongside Gitlow and Gross.
Benjamin Gitlow’s acceptance speech would roundly denounce perceived threats to American democracy from the left and the right alike, declaring that:
My emphatic answer to the claims of both Fascists and Communists is, No! The record of Fascism speaks for itself, and it is not a savory record.
What about the idealistic claims of the Communists? What about their vaunted slogan of bread and freedom? What about their promises to the masses that Communism would abolish poverty, rid them of their exploiters, deepen democracy and provide them with economic security?
Few are they who today harbor any illusions about the sort of “democracy” that prevails in Russia today. It is virtually indistinguishable from the “democracy” practiced in Marshal Petain’s France and, dare we say, Governor Elliott’s Alabama. In the thirty years of its existence Communism in Russia has failed to fill the bread basket.
To yield to Communism is to permit the abrogation of our liberties and the institution of a system of state exploitation of labor that would make of our people chattels of the dictatorial regime. Communism is universal conscription of labor. Communism is forced labor. Free labor cannot exist under Communism any more than it can exist under Fascism. Free trade unionism is impossible under either regime. Neither regime recognizes the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Democracy is something more than a shibboleth. The history of Man is a sanguine record of stubborn struggles against oppression, of countless sacrifices for the sake of freedom. We cannot lightly surrender this dearly-won heritage. If democracy in America, precious for all its imperfections, were to be replaced by a Communist dictatorship, a new American Revolution would have to be fought to reestablish the rights of Man. Economic security and freedom go hand in hand. Only through the democratic process can both be achieved.
I have come to the conclusion that the Communists, more than any other force, were responsible for the development of fascism. Strangely enough Fascism and Bolshevism in their modus operandi, greatly resemble each other. The essence of both is dictatorship; the one is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the other the dictatorship of the proletariat. Both are compact, enthusiastic, highly disciplined military organizations composed of militants of the two warring groups; both are based upon the principle that in the supreme crisis, all the riff-raff of ignorants and incontinents in the respective classes must be pushed to one side, and that the direction of the struggle shall pass into the hands of the active spirits, who not only understand the true interests of their social group but who also have the energy, courage, and initiative to battle for them relentlessly to the end.
Spirited cheers would fill the hall on a closing note promising to reach out further to the Rogers and Lewis camps in an attempt to unite on an American democracy ticket, drawing allusions to 1940, and a line of red meat to conservatives accusing “liberals” of failing to recognize the true depravity of communism. Yet, Ben Gitlow’s speech, though made in the same fierce voice that once spurred New York to revolution, has been overshadowed by another. Days after the close of the convention, Progressive National Committeeman Osro Cobb, a political genius nicknamed the “wizard of Arkansas,” would buy a time slot for actor Clark Gable, previously largely apolitical, to announce his support of the Gitlow and Gross ticket. From an attempt to divert the headlines from the Social Labor Party’s small national convention, the speech has taken on a life of its own as Gable declared the coming of “a time for choosing.” Abridged and distributed widely in pamphlet form, the speech has been cut and played over the radio countless times since.
submitted by Peacock-Shah-III to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 23:39 ahopcalypsebeer Top 5 Prospects by position (Final)

I am by no means an expert or a professional scout but I have watched countless hours of tape on these players and enjoy talent evaluation. I have bolded the players I hope the Bears select. Critique and discuss!
  1. Anthony Richardson- I keep thinking about Josh Allen when I watch film.
  2. CJ Stroud
  3. Bryce Young-I truly believe height is going to be an issue.
  4. Hendon Hooker
  5. Will Levis
  1. Bijan Robinson-LT comps are legit. Smooth and can do it all
  2. DeWayne Mcbride-I am higher than most but I think he is a throwback workhorse
  3. Jahmyr Gibbs
  4. Tyjae Spears
  5. Chase Brown
  1. Zay Flowers-My favorite player to watch on offense this year. My early favorite for ROY
  2. JSN-wish he would have played more this year
  3. Jordan Addison
  4. Jalin Hyatt-Could be the next Cheetah!
  5. Quentin Johnston
  1. Michael Mayer-Comp I have is a more athletic Heath Miller
  2. Dalton Kincaid
  3. Luke Musgrave
  4. Sam Laporta-under rated IMO
  5. Darnell Washington
  1. Broderick Jones
  2. Darnell Wright
  3. Cody Mauch-Developmental at OT but I think he will be the best in this class eventually
  4. Paris Johnson
  5. Matthew Bergeron
  1. Peter Skoronski-Arm length actually matters, and he has T-Rex arms. Which is why he is a guard
  2. O'Cyrus Torrence-Just massive and powerful
  3. Steve Avila-Love his tape
  4. Andrew Vorhees
  5. Mclendon Curtis-Wish he would have played against better competition
C-This class is DEEP
  1. Joe Tippman-I have him pretty even with JMS
  2. John Michael Schmitz-Is being older an issue?
  3. Olu Oluwatami-Being a U of M fan, I loved this kid. He stands out on tape
  4. Ricky Stromberg
  5. Juice Scruggs
  1. Will Anderson-No surprises, he will be very good
  2. Tyree Wilson-
  3. Lukas Van Ness-This is due to his incredible potential. He may be the best player in this draft...eventually
  4. Tuli Tuipulotu-Not sure why most draftniks have him rated so low. Great tape and moves well for his size
  5. Keion White-Can play inside and out
  1. Jalen Carter-hopefully the kid is not a headcase because he has unlimited skills and potential
  2. Calijah Kancey-Zay was my favorite on O. Kancey was my favorite defender. John Randle jr
  3. Bryan Bresee-has a great story and I am rooting for him
  4. Mazi Smith
  5. Siaka Ika-Classic NT, hard to move off the ball
LB-this is where I will probably get the most criticism
  1. Jack Campbell-best LB in football last year and tested better than most expected. Not as good as Kuechly but not as far from it either
  2. Ivan Pace jr-Did not play much coverage last year but man this guy flys around. Can rush the passer a bit as well
  3. Daiyan Henley
  4. Dorian Williams-Love his toughness. Was watching Tulane for Tyjae and kept seeing him fly around the ball
  5. Trenton Simpson-Not a huge fan but that athleticism though...
  1. Christian Gonzalez
  2. Devon Witherspoon
  3. Emanuel Forbes-I know he is skinny but he is the best on the ball play maker in the draft.
  4. Joey Porter jr
  5. Julius Brents
  1. Brian Branch
  2. Ji'Ayir Brown
  3. Antonio Johnson
  4. Jammie Robinson
  5. Kaveon Merriweather-I am way higher on him that most
submitted by ahopcalypsebeer to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 01:52 nowhereman136 All Guild Awards Nominees and Winners 2024

(NOTE: Only feature film categories are listed. Certain nominations omit teams of nominees and only list the film and/or certain individuals. Winners highlighted)

Producers Guild of America

Darryl F. Zanuck Award for Outstanding Producer of Theatrical Motion Pictures
Award for Outstanding Producer of Animated Theatrical Motion Pictures
Outstanding Producer of Documentary Theatrical Motion Pictures

Directors Guild of America

Feature Film
First-Time Feature Film

Screen Actors Guild

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role
Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture
Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture

Writers Guild of America

Best Original Screenplay
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Documentary Screenplay

American Society of Cinematographers

Winners Announced March 5
Theatrical Feature Film Nominees
Spotlight Award
Documentary Award

American Cinema Editors

Best Edited Feature Film (Drama, Theatrical)
Best Edited Feature Film (Comedy, Theatrical)
Best Edited Documentary (Theatrical)
Best Edited Animated Feature Film (Theatrical or Non-Theatrical)

Visual Effects Society

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature
Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature
Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Feature
Outstanding Animated Character in a Photoreal Feature
Outstanding Character Animation in an Animated Feature
Outstanding Created Environment in a Photoreal Feature
Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature
Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a CG Project
Outstanding Model in a Photoreal or Animated Project
Outstanding Effects Simulations in a Photoreal Feature
Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Animated Feature
Outstanding Composition and Lighting in a Feature
Outstanding Special (Practical) Effects in a Photoreal Project
Emerging Technology Award

Motion Pictures Sound Editors

Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Feature Animation
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Feature Documentary
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Foreign Language Feature
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Feature Dialogue ADR
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Feature Effects/Foley
Outstanding Achievement in Music Editing - Documentary
Outstanding Achievement in Music Editing - Feature Motion Picture

Cinema Audio Society

Motion Picture: Live Action
Motion Picture: Animated
Motion Picture: Documentary

Casting Society of America

Feature Animation
Feature Big Budget - Comedy
Feature Big Budget - Drama
Feature Studio or Independent - Comedy
Feature Studio or Independent - Drama
Feature Low Budget - Comedy or Drama
Feature Micro Budget - Comedy or Drama
The Zeitgeist Award

Art Directors Guild

Excellence in Production Design for a Contemporary Film
Excellence in Production Design for a Period Film
Excellence in Production Design for a Fantasy Film
Excellence in Production Design for an Animated Film

Guild of Music Supervisors

Best Music Supervision for Film Budgeted Over $25 Million
Best Music Supervision for Film Budgeted $25 Million And Under
Best Music Supervision for Film Budgeted $10 Million And Under
Best Music Supervision for a Non-Theatrically Released Film
Best Song Written and/or Recorded for a Film

Costume Designers Guild

Excellence in Contemporary Film
Excellence in Period Film
Excellence in Sci-Fi/Fantasy Film
Excellence in Costume Illustration

Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild

Best Contemporary Make-up
Best Period and/or Character Makeup
Best Special Makeup Effects
Best Contemporary Hair Styling
Best Period Hair Styling and/or Character Hair Styling

Society of Composers and Lyricists

Outstanding Original Score For a Studio Film
Outstanding Original Score For an Independent Film
Outstanding Original Song For a Drama or Documentary
Outstanding Original Song For a Comedy or Musical
David Raksin Award for Emerging Talent

Set Decorators Society of America

Best Achievement in DécoDesign of a Contemporary Feature Film
Best Achievement in DécoDesign of a Period Feature Film
Best Achievement in DécoDesign of a Science Fiction or Fantasy Feature Film
Best Achievement in DécoDesign of a Comedy or Musical Feature Film
submitted by nowhereman136 to oscarrace [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 19:18 mcm8279 [Video Essay] STEVE SHIVES on YouTube: "Why Seven of Nine Actually Deserved Better" "Captain Seven of the USS Pander-prise" (Text Transcript inside)

STEVE SHIVES: "Yeah, okay, so I’m exaggerating — a little — but let’s take another look at that long term trajectory for Seven’s character, with the ending of Picard season three included:
from child, to Borg drone, to rescued Borg drone working with the Starfleet crew that rescued her, to vigilante in the wild west of space, to Starfleet officer, to Captain of the Titan which is nonsensically renamed the Enterprise and operated by a crew consisting almost entirely of legacy characters or the children of legacy characters.
Fans who approved of this direction for Seven said things like “Good for Seven!” and “She deserves it! She’ll make a great captain!” Which are the kinds of things you say when someone you like gets a promotion or an award or some other well deserved recognition — when that someone is a real person. Seven of Nine is not a real person. She’s a character on a made-up TV show. Jeri Ryan is a real person, and a terrific actor, and I wish her all the success in the world [...]
But, Seven of Nine, Fan Service Ranger? Captain of the Starship Pander-prise? Leader of the Member Berry Brigade? I’d be hard pressed to think of a premise for a Star Trek series I’d be less interested in, short of something completely creatively bankrupt like “Enterprise, Season 5: The Romulan War!”
Steve Shives on YouTube
"When the first full trailer for Star Trek: Picard was released ahead of the premiere of its first season in January of 2020, Trekkies were surprised and intrigued by the appearance of one particular character: Seven of Nine, played once again by Jeri Ryan.
It was surprising because the Picard show had been pitched as definitely not a nostalgia show. Yes, Patrick Stewart was returning as Jean-Luc Picard, and yes, Brent Spiner was playing Data again, somehow, but in interviews and across social media, Stewart and the creators of the series made it clear that it would not be Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 8. Picard himself was to be the only legacy character in the regular cast, and the plot would send the elderly former Captain of the Enterprise on a whole new adventure.
So, what was Seven of Nine — who, like Jean-Luc Picard and Data, was a legacy character, but from an entirely different series — doing on Star Trek: Picard?
It was intriguing because, after you thought about it for a minute, it kinda made sense. Picard and Seven had never interacted on screen before, but they shared at least one very important experience in common: they were both former Borg. Picard was briefly assimilated during the legendary TNG two-parter “The Best of Both Worlds,” an experience that was revisited during the film Star Trek: First Contact; and Seven was introduced as a regular of Star Trek: Voyager beginning in that show’s fourth season as a Borg drone who was rescued by the Voyager crew and allowed to rediscover her individuality.
There seemed to be potential for Seven to be included in the story of the Picard series in an interesting way — whatever that story turned out to be.
How did it turn out? Well, a clue to my opinion on the subject can be found in the title of this video, which is:
Why Seven of Nine Actually Deserved Better
Before we dig into Seven’s characterization in the Picard series, let’s back up. Seven joined Star Trek: Voyager almost halfway through that show’s seven year run and almost immediately became a breakout character. She had been added to the cast in a blatant attempt to boost the show’s sex appeal, but a combination of sharp writing — atypical for Voyager — and an intelligent and multifaceted performance by Jeri Ryan turned Seven into a genuinely compelling character, and one of the few on Voyager to actually have an arc.
That arc mostly involved Seven’s struggles to leave her life as a member of the Borg Collective behind and rediscover her individuality and her humanity. It provided the basis for some of the better episodes of Voyager’s later seasons, but it also left Seven without an obvious path forward when Voyager ended. Hypothetically speaking — the series was over, so there was no path forward for any of the Voyager characters.
But, if you wanted to imagine what would happen to them next, what direction their lives would take after the ship finally returned home to Earth after having been lost on the far side of the galaxy for seven years, you at least had some idea. The Starfleet crew would presumably continue their Starfleet careers, maybe get promoted — we live in hope, don’t we, Harry? Tom and B’Elanna would adjust to being first-time parents.
But Seven's prospects weren’t nearly so clear-cut. She wasn’t a member of Starfleet. It was never a foregone conclusion that she would want to join Starfleet if and when Voyager returned home. She was obviously going to break up with Chakotay in a matter of weeks, if not days, but other than that, her future seemed wide open, and impossible to predict.
That’s one of the reasons her reappearance as a recurring character on Star Trek: Picard held such promise, and generated such interest. It’d been almost twenty years since we’d seen her...
Judging by her brief appearance in the Picard trailer, she seemed different than we remembered. Where had she been? What had she done? Who was she now?
We begin to learn the answers to those questions in episode five of Star Trek: Picard’s first season. Seven’s first appearance technically comes in the previous episode, but she doesn’t show up until the closing moments, and says only a single line: “You owe me a ship, Picard.”
Her ship had just been destroyed while helping Picard and his new crew aboard La Sirena fight off a Romulan ship. That’s the end of episode four. At the beginning of episode five, we get a brief, bloody glimpse of what Seven has been up to since the events of Voyager’s final episode. We meet Icheb — yes, that Icheb! Remember Icheb from Voyager? Was he one of your faves? Are you happy to see him again? Don’t get attached.
In this opening flashback to thirteen years before the present day of the Picard series, we find Icheb, captured by criminals who are stripping him for his Borg parts. Seven bursts in to the rescue, uses her phaser to take out all the crooks, then rushes to the table like, “Icheb, is that you?”
“Aye aye — wait, scratch that second one.”
Poor Icheb is in a real bad way, there’s apparently no saving him, so with his tearful assent, Seven, also crying, Old Yellers him.
Who would have thought that her time on Voyager would turn out to be the Good Old Days? Jesus! Returning to the present aboard La Sirena, Seven and Picard have a scene where they discuss the fact that Seven works for the Fenris Rangers, an unsanctioned vigilante group that attempts to maintain order in a lawless region of space. Seven has apparently been a Ranger for most of her post-Voyager life, doing what she can to help people who reside outside the reach or interest of the Federation.
It’s an interesting place to pick things up with her, mostly for how unexpected it is. I like it a lot, at least in concept. When the Picard series started, I remember some fans whining about how Jean-Luc Picard was retired and living on his estate running the family vineyard.
“He should be the President of the Federation!” a lot of discontented Trekkies said.
And sure, the longer the Picard series went on, the more generously it furnished us with actual things to complain about, but Picard’s starting point was never one of them. President of the Federation? Is there a more boring, obvious, unimaginative path his character arc could have taken? Granted, “retired and making wine” isn’t exactly out of the box, since it’s more or less where he was in the possible future depicted in the final episode of TNG way back in 1994, but Christ, it’s better than President of the Federation.
Likewise, we don’t pick up Seven of Nine to find her, I dunno, commanding a science vessel, or working with Admiral Janeway on some project to adapt Borg technology for use with Starfleet ships, or living on a commune with a group of ex-Borg and teaching them how to exist as individuals while also participating voluntarily in society, or being the captain of the Enterprise, or any other tumblr fanfic bullshit — we find her doing something new, something we probably wouldn’t have guessed she’d be doing based on what we’d seen of her before, but something that feels like it fits with who she is.
Seven spending her time fighting the good fight, but outside the structures of the Federation or Starfleet makes sense. On Voyager she was frequently the one who saw what the right thing to do was, and wound up butting heads with someone else — usually Janeway — who told her she had to play by the rules, to do the right thing, but in the right way. Seven was able to function within that system eventually, but she never seemed totally comfortable with it. Seeing her operating outside of established systems and institutions, in an area where systems and institutions like that don’t seem to exist, as a Fenris Ranger, seems natural, even though we couldn’t have predicted it for her.
Also, a big reason why we couldn’t have predicted it for her is that Fenris Rangers weren’t a thing yet! The writers of Star Trek: Picard made them up, for their show! Creators of a Star Trek show, creating new Star Trek shit! And using it to forward the story of an established character, instead of just showing us that character doing some variation of what they were doing thirty years ago! Wild, right?!
The Picard series isn’t always that inventive, even in the first season, and a lot of what Seven winds up doing in season one feels like bringing up old business — Oh, there’s gonna be Borg stuff? You know who’d be good for that?! And sometimes even the new stuff they give Seven is severely undercooked — Oh, hey, are Seven and Raffi, like, a thing now? That’s cool — couldn’t you have, I dunno, made that a part of the show instead of just throwing it out there as an element in one of the final shots of the season?!
But overall, Star Trek: Picard does a fair job of reintroducing Seven, and treating her like a character rather than an action figure. In season one.
Then, the series continues for two more seasons and — Jesus. Okay. Seven does make out a lot better than some of her fellow Star Trek: Picard characters. At least in season two Jeri Ryan does actually get to play Seven, and not an entirely different character who just happens to look exactly like her — which was the case for not one, not two, but three of her castmates!
What I was saying just now about the Picard series not always being very inventive? That’s — there ya go. Season two also mercifully keeps Seven removed from the Borg-related stuff. The writers of the series are not sufficiently merciful to just not do any more Borg-related stuff in the first place, but this time the Borg stuff mostly winds up centering on Jurati — which sucks for her, ...
since she finds herself at the center of some of the most brainless, cribbed-from-a-middle-schooler’s-AO3-profile, cringe-inducingly bad material of this, the single worst season of Star Trek yet produced, but this video isn’t about Jurati, it’s about Seven, and while I wouldn’t say Seven is used well in season two of Picard, at least she’s not stuck doing . . . whatever any of this was supposed to be.
Instead, Seven spends most of the season in an approximation of a buddy comedy with Raffi. Which sounds like a good idea on paper, right? Seven and Raffi are just kinda randomly together at the very end of season one, so now we can actually see them as a couple, and a team, and get a better idea of what they are like. Only, that never really happens. When the season begins, Seven and Raffi are separated — physically separated, yes, but also in terms of their relationship. They’re not quite broken up, but not quite together. And they stay that way for most of the season.
So . . . why have them get together at the end of the first season at all?
I realize that this shit was probably not planned ahead, but in hindsight wouldn’t it have made more sense to not have Seven and Raffi suddenly holding hands and seeming all lovey-dovey at the end of season one, and make them falling in love as they have their adventure together in the 21st century part of their story in season two?
I feel like that’s kinda what they tried to do anyway, hence having them not really being together at the start of the season, but it — like everything else in season two — just doesn’t work. Seven and Raffi never really have much chemistry together — they bicker a lot, but not in a way that imparts any romantic or sexual tension to their scenes together. And it doesn’t help that their scenes together are among the most absurdly uneventful scenes of the season. I know I’ve referred to this a few times before as an example of the sort of writing that makes season two of Picard so dreadful, but there’s an episode where Seven and Raffi spend most of an episode standing around in an alley trying to figure out what to do. They track Borg-Jurati to the alley, Borg-Jurati fights them and gets away, and then Seven and Raffi just sorta loiter for a bit like
“Well, what now?”
We cut away from them doing nothing, cut back to them in the same place, still doing nothing, cut away, cut back, same place, still nothing — riveting! Seven and Raffi also get to have the most pointless car chase in the history of television. They’re pursuing nothing, being chased by no one, they go nowhere, and they get out of it by having someone else come to their rescue. It doesn’t help that the script can’t decide which member of the Odd Couple each of them is supposed to be at any given time. Even in her more relaxed post-Voyager phase, Seven seems like an obvious choice to be the Felix, while Raffi — I mean, she’s an Oscar if I’ve ever seen one. But, that’s beside the point — if they wanted Seven to be the Oscar and Raffi to be the Felix, that’s fine, just pick an arrangement and try to at least keep it straight within a single scene, huh? We can’t have people flipping between Felix and Oscar willy-nilly! After that, can extinction be far behind?
For most of season two, Seven is just along for the ride. She’s there, and she does stuff that serves the plot, such as it is, but not much beyond that. There is a brief flirtation with something potentially interesting in the early going. When Seven wakes up in the alternate reality that occurs for reasons which I don’t think even the writers of the show understand, she realizes right away that this reality’s version of her was never assimilated by the Borg. She has no Borg implants on her face. When she beams down to Earth in the 21st century for the first time, she encounters a little girl who has no reason to fear her — a little girl who, having just seen her materialize out of thin air, looks at her like a superhero.
Now, in the sort of TV show where the things that happened meant something and characters had arcs, this would be important and potentially lead somewhere. Seven is having a new experience — she doesn’t feel like an outcast, or a monster. When people look at her, they don’t see a threat, or someone who needs to be fixed. Perhaps Seven’s story, as the season continues, will return to this theme. Perhaps Seven will start to like the feeling of being this alternate version of herself, and will begin to feel conflicted about putting history back the way it was. Hey, maybe Seven will even consider staying behind in this century, as this version of herself, instead of returning to the future with her friends.
There are all sorts of ways this could go to make Seven’s part in the show meaningful and compelling . . .
. . . if Star Trek: Picard was that kind of show, which it’s not,
so instead Seven doesn’t really have much of an arc at all, her participation in the plot is fairly generic and could have been handled by any of the other characters without necessitating any major changes to the script beyond search-and-replacing the names, and ultimately it’s Captain Rios who decides he wants to remain behind in the 21st century, because he met a girl and he thinks the cigars and peanut butter are better than back home.
You know what, maybe Seven wasn’t overlooked by the writing of season two — maybe she was hiding from it. Smart move.
Come season three of Star Trek: Picard there was nowhere to hide, though, because the writers of season three had big ideas for Seven of Nine! Bold, creative ideas to push her character in exciting new directions!
Brilliantly imaginative ideas like . . . uh . . . she’s in Starfleet now? I guess? And she’s a commander, and the first officer of the Titan, which is the hero ship for the third season? ...Okay. The first episode of Picard season three is one of the worst episodes of Star Trek I’ve ever seen, and Seven’s character arc essentially being rebooted is near the bottom of the list of shit that’s wrong with it, so I guess there’s that, at least? Seven’s part isn’t as bad as most of the rest of the show?
Season three of Picard gets better after that first episode — it would almost have to — peaking with an outstanding fourth episode before eventually just falling off a cliff at the end. One of the relative bright spots in the season does turn out to be Seven. She doesn’t really have a character arc, but she does have a story, a story primarily defined by her relationship with her commanding officer aboard the Titan: Captain Shaw.
While serving under his command, Captain Shaw requires Seven to go by her birth name, Annika Hansen. This would not be Seven’s choice — she was assimilated by the Borg as a young child, and even though she’s now been de-assimilated for longer than she was a Borg drone, she still thinks of herself as Seven, not Annika. Shaw doesn’t care, though. As a no-nonsense by-the-book captain and survivor of the Borg’s destruction of the Federation fleet at Wolf 359 back when Picard was assimilated, Shaw doesn’t particularly care by which name his former Borg first officer prefers to be known. As far as he’s concerned, she’s Commander Hansen, and that’s how he wants her to be addressed.
Shaw’s refusal to call Seven by her right name is an act of fundamental disrespect, but Seven endures it for . . . some reason. I don’t know — she really wants to be in Starfleet all of sudden? To the point that she’s willing to put up with this asshole deadnaming her and having all her subordinates on the crew deadname her, as well? It doesn’t really make sense with what we’ve seen from Seven up to this point in the Picard series, but then again this is season three, where almost nothing we’ve seen up to this point in the series matters, anyway!
Besides, it’s a starting point for a story — a story that, in a rare and daring departure for this season of the show, is not merely an excuse to throw a bunch of pandering nostalgia at the screen — so, I’ll let it slide.
As the season unfolds, and circumstances require Seven to step up and demonstrate her ability to lead, as well as her intelligence and bravery, Shaw’s respect for her increases. This leads to the big payoff in the second-to-last episode of the season, when Shaw, mortally wounded in a firefight with the Borg, orders Seven to take command of the ship — using her right name: Seven of Nine — moments before dying from his injuries.
That’s a nice moment — redemption for Shaw, validation for Seven, and a demonstration for us in the audience of how important and meaningful it is to respect the identities of others, and call them by their names — their right names, the names they want to be called by, not the names you’ve decided they should be called by. In that way, Seven receives two kinds of validation at the same time: in-story, finally being accepted and acknowledged for who she is, receiving her due respect from her captain; and externally, as a character, showing what depth and symbolic power she possesses.
It also pushes Seven forward both in terms of plot and her character development. Like I said, she doesn’t really have much of an arc in season three, but what little arc she does have relates to her moving from being a subordinate to being a commander, and how she gains the confidence to accept herself as being fit for that role. If you squint and tilt your head a bit, it even kinda fits with her portrayal from the previous seasons of Picard, and her portrayal on Voyager:
she leaves one hierarchy, the Borg; joins another, Voyager’s crew, albeit as an unranked crewmember outside the conventional command structure; eventually leaves that hierarchy behind altogether to become a Fenris ranger, operating in spaces beyond the reach of institutions like Starfleet and the Federation; then, finally, returns to the hierarchy of Starfleet,this time as a full-fledged member, a commissioned officer, and finds a way not only to function within that hierarchy, but rises to a position of leadership within it — commanding officer of a starship.
From child, to Borg drone, to liberated Borg drone working with the Starfleet crew that rescued her, to vigilante in the wild west of space, to Starfleet officer, and finally to Captain of the Titan. It’s not the path I would have written for her, but it is a path that can be read in a way that makes sense and is consistent with who we’ve known Seven to be over the years.
Then they had to go and fck it all up with their fan-fk fckery.
. . .
As most of you who watch my stuff even somewhat regularly know, I was not a fan of the Star Trek: Picard series overall. I do think the third and final season, as shameless and pandering as it is, is the best season of the show, but only because the first two seasons are worse, not because season three is all that good, because, with the exception of a couple of episodes and a few of the performances, it’s not. Despite being generally better than the first two seasons, there are particular areas where season three of Picard represents the show at its absolute worst.*
Much of the creative project of the season is dedicated to undoing the somewhat out-of-the-box elements of the earlier seasons, and making the show feel more familiar and conventional. Season one of Picard is not good, but it has its moments, and it has some promising ideas. Seven in the Fenris Rangers is one of them. At the start of season two, before all the time travel shenanigans, Seven is still a Fenris Ranger, but now in command of La Sirena since Rios has returned to Starfleet to become captain of the new USS Stargazer. Seven being a ranger doesn’t factor into the story of season two at all, but it’s a sensible and potentially interesting place for her to be in her life.
Then comes season three — and like I said, it’s not what I would have written, it does take Seven off of this fresh, unexpected path she was on and drag her in a more conventional direction, but it’s fine up to a point.
Then in the final episodes the season, and the series, goes full Rise of Skywalker, reveals the Borg as the true villains, brings back the Enterprise D — the one that was destroyed thirty years ago, yes, that Enterprise D — and ends with the hero ship for most of the season, the Titan, being rechristened as the new Enterprise, and Seven becoming the captain of this new Enterprise. Oh, and Raffi is Seven’s first officer, and Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher’s son, Jack, who is also now in Starfleet, is a member of the crew, too, as Captain Seven’s “special counselor,” a position so meaningless it makes “strategic operations officer” sound like an integral link in the chain of command.
Oh, also, the helm officer of the Titan-prise is Sydney La Forge, Geordi’s daughter. ... Anything else? Hey, how about Chief Engineer Naomi Wildman? Remember her, from Voyager? Why not Science Officer Icheb? I know they killed him in season one of Picard, but what if it turns out he backed up his soul onto one of his Borg implants and they were able to transfer his consciousness to a new android body, like they did for Picard — and Data? And, since we’re apparently just grabbing legacy characters randomly from anywhere we feel like, maybe Ship’s Counselor Molly O’Brien? She’s spent her entire life helping her father work through constant unthinkable trauma, and now she’s ready to put what she’s learned into practice!
Room for one more? How about . . . I dunno, this guy! (shows a guest star of TNG episode 2x7 Unnatural Selection) They fixed his immune system so it wouldn’t cause other people to die of rapid-onset old age, and they cut him loose from Darwin Station, and he joined Starfleet — they waved the “no genetic engineering” rule for him, who f*ckign cares — and how he’s, uh, Chief of Security! Because he’s got super strength! And he’s fast! And super smart! He’s a superhero! And he can tell when someone’s thinking of starting some shit because he’s also a telepath! Security Chief This Guy, from that one episode of TNG! Coming soon to Paramount Plus: Star Trek: You Remember!
Yeah, okay, so I’m exaggerating — a little — but let’s take another look at that long term trajectory for Seven’s character, with the ending of Picard season three included:
from child, to Borg drone, to rescued Borg drone working with the Starfleet crew that rescued her, to vigilante in the wild west of space, to Starfleet officer, to Captain of the Titan which is nonsensically renamed the Enterprise and operated by a crew consisting almost entirely of legacy characters or the children of legacy characters.
Fans who approved of this direction for Seven said things like “Good for Seven!” and “She deserves it! She’ll make a great captain!” Which are the kinds of things you say when someone you like gets a promotion or an award or some other well deserved recognition — when that someone is a real person. Seven of Nine is not a real person. She’s a character on a made-up TV show. Jeri Ryan is a real person, and a terrific actor, and I wish her all the success in the world — and if part of that success is getting to play Seven of Nine again, this time as the lead in a new Star Trek series, you know what? Despite my wish that Star Trek — along with everything else — would stop leaning so hard on fan service and nostalgia, in theory, I’d be up for a Seven-led Trek show. I’d really have been up for it after season one of Picard. Have Phaser — Will Travel? A series following Seven of Nine, a lone crusader championing the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law? Give her a talking ship and you know what you’ve got? Knight Rider in Space! You bet your ass I’ll give that a look.
But, Seven of Nine, Fan Service Ranger? Captain of the Starship Pander-prise? Leader of the Member Berry Brigade? I’d be hard pressed to think of a premise for a Star Trek series I’d be less interested in, short of something completely creatively bankrupt like “Enterprise, Season 5: The Romulan War!”
Here’s the thing: I’m not the sort of Trekkie who yearns for a series centered away from Starfleet. I know there are some fans who are just dying for a show about Klingons, but I couldn’t give less of a shit. I love Klingons — but does the basic concept of “Star Trek: Oops, All Klingons” excite me? Nah, not so much. However, just because I’m happy for the franchise to continue centering on characters in Starfleet, that doesn’t mean every character, or at least every lead character, should have the same job, or the same arc. Not everyone needs to be the Captain of the Enterprise, or a captain at all. Not everyone should be.
“Captain of the Enterprise” isn’t a trophy to be given out to our favorite characters, and no one, least of all the writers of actual Star Trek shows, ought to be looking at it that way. Seven’s a great character. So is Major Kira from Deep Space Nine — should she be the Captain of the Enterprise? My favorite cast member of Star Trek: Discovery is Saru — he got to be Captain of the Starship Discovery during that show’s third season, but now that the series is about to end, should the last episode end with Saru assuming command of that era’s version of the Enterprise, whichever letter they’d be up to in the 32nd century? Probably multiple letters by that point — it’s almost a thousand years in the future.
The Enterprise WTF. Captain Saru of the Starship Enterprise? Because he earned it for being an awesome character? Maybe the Enterprise SMH.
It’s not that Seven’s rise to the captaincy of the Enterprise doesn’t make sense within the fiction of the show. It’s presented in such a way that we can understand the sequence of events that leads up to it, and it makes sense in a purely plot-based way. It’s not that Seven, from what we know of her, would make a bad captain — she’s incredibly smart, she’s courageous, she’s principled, she’s authoritative and able to command attention and respect, she’s empathetic — she’d probably make a very good captain. But, that’s not the point.
Seven’s appeal lies in her status as an outsider. On Voyager, and on Picard for its first two seasons, she stands apart from the established hierarchy. She speaks to Captain Janeway with a bluntness and, when she feels it necessary, a disregard for traditional discipline, that no other character can muster, because even though she lives on Janeway’s ship and is ultimately still subject to Janeway’s authority, Seven’s not in Starfleet. She doesn’t care about being demoted, or court-martialed, or whatever — she speaks her mind and she does what she thinks is necessary and right, whether it happens to be the Starfleet thing to do or not.
When she reaches the Alpha Quadrant with the rest of the Voyager crew, she decides not to pursue a life in Starfleet, but instead to continue living and working in the margins, doing what she can on behalf of people who have been forgotten, or abandoned, or failed by the institutions of civilization.And sure, you can frame her joining Starfleet and becoming Captain of the Enterprise as a continuation of that — she’s bringing her outsider’s mentality inside, she’s using the resources of the Federation to come to the aid of those who need help but haven’t gotten it. There’s even a possible seed of story and character development in there somewhere — will Seven change the system, or will the system change Seven?
But — for me, anyway — if you choose to take the character in that direction, you’re turning away from her most compelling attributes and turning her into just another variation of almost every Star Trek lead protagonist that has come before her: the maverick captain.Which wouldn’t necessarily be bad — it’s worked before — but it’s still not the ideal use of Seven’s character.Back in 1997, when she joined the regular cast of Star Trek: Voyager, Seven of Nine was a character with a strong starting premise and a character arc stretching out before her filled with promise — some of which was even fulfilled by the time Voyager ended its run. But, when many viewers of the show looked at Seven, all they saw was a fantasy object — a pretty toy. These viewers weren’t interested in Seven’s story — they just wanted to see her do what they wanted her to do.
Today, a year after the conclusion of season three of Star Trek: Picard, with a certain segment of the fanbase still demanding a new series picking up where Picard left off, featuring the adventures of Captain Seven, things haven’t changed very much. The fantasy itself has changed — we’ve gone from fans daydreaming about Seven in that catsuit and high heels, to fans daydreaming about Seven in the center seat on the bridge of the Enterprise — but what was true in 1997 is still true now:
Seven of Nine deserved, and still deserves, better than to be the product of narrow, meager imaginations. And I know some of you are probably thinking, “Whatever, Steve, you’re just saying all this because you’re salty you’re never gonna get Knight Rider in Space,” but . . . that’s not the only reason ..."
Steve Shives on YouTube
submitted by mcm8279 to trektalk [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 21:36 Magai Greenville's Lord receives John Brophy Award as ECHL Coach of the Year

Greenville's Lord receives John Brophy Award as ECHL Coach of the Year
The ECHL on Wednesday announced that Andrew Lord of the Greenville Swamp Rabbits is the 2023-24 recipient of the John Brophy Award as the league’s Coach of the Year.
The John Brophy Award is the trophy presented annually to the ECHL coach selected to have contributed the most to his team’s success as selected in a vote of ECHL coaches, broadcasters, media relations directors and media members. The trophy is named for John Brophy, who won a record three ECHL titles with Hampton Roads in 1991, 1992 and 1998, and was inducted into the ECHL Hall of Fame in 2009.
Tad O’Had of Kansas City finished second in the voting, followed by Adirondack’s Peter MacArthur, Pat Mikesch of Toledo and Jacksonville’s Nick Luukko.
The winner of the Nick Vitucci Goaltender of the Year Award will be announced on Thursday.
Lord led Greenville to a 44-23-5 record in the regular season and the club’s first South Division title since the 2010-11 season. The Swamp Rabbits have advanced to the Kelly Cup Playoffs in each of Lord’s four seasons with the team, and this season, he served as one of the coaches for the 2024 Warrior/ECHL All-Star Classic in Savannah.
Prior to joining Greenville in advance of the 2020-21 season, Lord led the Cardiff Devils of the Elite Ice Hockey League to nine separate titles, including three Conference championships, two Challenge Cup championships, two League titles, and two Playoff championships. As the winningest coach in Devils history, he led the team to a 221-75-22 record across his six seasons as head coach. Prior to entering the coaching ranks, Lord enjoyed a lengthy professional hockey career out of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). He spent 10 seasons in the pro ranks, totaling 462 games. His best work as a pro was done in the EIHL, where he scored 173 points in 216 games, all with Cardiff.
John Brophy Award Winners (ECHL Coach of the Year) 2023-24 Andrew Lord, Greenville Swamp Rabbits 2022-23 Everett Sheen, Idaho Steelheads 2021-22 Jeff Pyle, Atlanta Gladiators 2020-21 Bruce Ramsay, Wichita Thunder 2019-20 Steve Bergin, South Carolina Stingrays 2018-19 Matt Thomas, Cincinnati Cyclones 2017-18 Brad Ralph, Florida Everblades 2016-17 Dan Watson, Toledo Walleye 2015-16 Richard Matvichuk, Missouri Mavericks 2014-15 Derek Lalonde, Toledo Walleye 2013-14 Spencer Carbery, South Carolina Stingrays 2012-13 Jarrod Skalde, Cincinnati Cyclones 2011-12 Rob Murray, Alaska Aces and John Wroblewski, Gwinnett Gladiators 2010-11 Brent Thompson, Alaska Aces 2009-10 Derek Laxdal, Idaho Steelheads 2008-09 Rick Kowalsky, Trenton Devils 2007-08 Chuck Weber, Cincinnati Cyclones 2006-07 Davis Payne, Alaska Aces 2005-06 Glen Gulutzan, Las Vegas Wranglers 2004-05 Nick Vitucci, Toledo Storm 2003-04 Pat Bingham, Wheeling Nailers 2002-03 Claude Noel, Toledo Storm 2001-02 Dave Farrish, Louisiana Ice Gators 2000-01 Troy Ward, Trenton Titans 1999-00 Bob Ferguson, Florida Everblades 1998-99 Bob Ferguson, Florida Everblades 1997-98 Chris Nilan, Chesapeake IceBreakers 1996-97 Brian McCutcheon, Columbus Chill 1995-96 Roy Sommer, Richmond Renegades 1994-95 Jim Playfair, Dayton Bombers 1993-94 Barry Smith, Knoxville Cherokees 1992-93 Kurt Kleinendorst, Raleigh IceCaps 1991-92 Doug Sauter, Winston-Salem Thunderbirds 1990-91 Don Jackson, Knoxville Cherokees 1989-90 Dave Allison, Virginia Lancers 1988-89 Ron Hansis, Erie Panthers

submitted by Magai to ECHL [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 06:10 mjanicki5 [For Sale] Liquidating a Good Portion of My Collection Before Moving. Priced to Sell Quickly

Really need to clear a good number of records out of my collection before I move at the end of the month. Records are priced below discogs and ready to move. Happy to package for a bigger discount. All records are NM unless otherwise stated. Message me with any questions or if you would like to see pictures. Shipping is $5 no matter how many records you get.
Artist Album Price Discogs + Notes
21 Savage I am > I was SOLD
A Tribe Called Quest Midnight Mauraders $16 -SOLD
Action Bronson Only For Dolphins $32 (Limited Florescent Green w Lenticular Cover)
BabyTron Book of Tron $38 (opened never played)
Boldy James & The Alchemist The Price of Tea in China - Deluxe $110 (NM/NM)
Bon Iver i,i $20 (NM/NM)
Brent Faiyaz Sonder Son $155 SOLD (NM+/NM+)
Car Seat Headrest Making a Door Less Open $20
Chief Keef Back from the Dead 2 $60
Chief Keef Thot Breaker $30
Denzel Curry Melt My Eyes See Your Future $25 (VMP)
Drake Take Care $20
Dreamville Revenge of the Dreamers - Director's Cut SOLD
Flatbush Zombies BetterOffDead $60 (opened, never played)
Flatbush Zombies Vacation in Hell $105 (VG+ jacket bandana available)
Giveon Take Time $60 (small seam split)
Isaiah Rashad Cilvia Demo SOLD
JID The Never Story $75 SOLD(NM-/NM+) OG Pressing
JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown Scaring The Hoes $35 (opened, played once)
Kenny Beats Louie $20
Kid Cudi Passion, Pain, & Demon Slayin $120 (VG+ OG RSD pressing, priced at a water damaged copy on Discogs)
Lana Del Rey NFR! $30
Metro Boomin Heroes & Villains $45 (Torre Pentel Edition)
Pierre Bourne Life of Pierre 5 $28
Quasimoto The Unseen $20
Saba Few Good Things $32
SiR Chasing Summer $185 (small seam split along top. fantastic shape otherwise)
Spillage Village Spilligion SOLD
submitted by mjanicki5 to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 04:35 br0kena4m All items that get multiple chemistry (2x, 3x, etc).

I updated a team chemistry post on mut gg to include several new multi chemistry items over the last two months, and I thought I’d post it here as well.
ADDENDUM: Since this post is getting traction, I would like to add that a lot of us want EA to update the Free Agency Promo to add 2x chemistry for players in the promo that got signed by teams after the promo was released, please.
Eric Berry S 2x Chiefs at 80 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
Channing Crowder MLB 2x Dolphins at 80 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
Kevin Mawae C 2x Jets at 80 OVR; 2x Jets, Seahawks, Titans at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
Frank Gore HB 2x 49ers at 80 OVR; 2x Bills, Colts, Dolphins, 49ers, Jets at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
Ronde Barber CB 2x Buccaneers at 80 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
Jordan Reed TE 2x Commanders at 80 OVR; 2x Commanders, 49ers at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
Rob Eisen HB 2x Any Team NFL Combine†
Team Affinity Strategy Items (1x-4x)
96 Emmit Smith HB 2x AKA Crews
93 Greg Dortch WR 2x Division Dynasty
92 Aeneas Williams CB 3x Team Diamonds
88 Marquise Brown WR 2x Division Dynasty
84 Paris Johnson Jr RT 2x Rookie Premiere*
98 Kirk Cousins QB 2x AKA Crews
96 Jonnu Smith TE 2x AKA Crews
94 Kirk Cousins QB 2x NFL Free Agency
93 Jake Matthews LT 2x Division Dynasty
92 Bill Fralic RG 3x Team Diamonds
88 Calais Campbell RE 2x Division Dynasty
84 Bijan Robinson HB 2x Rookie Premiere*
96 Randall Cunningham QB 2x AKA Crews
93 Travis Jones DT 2x Division Dynasty
92 Anquan Boldin WR 3x Team Diamonds
88 Odafe Oweh ROLB 2x Division Dynasty
84 Zay Flowers WR 2x Rookie Premiere*
97 Andre Reed WR 2x AKA Crews
93 Reggie Gilliam FB 2x Division Dynasty
92 Ruben Brown LG 3x Team Diamonds
88 Dion Dawkins LT 2x Division Dynasty
84 Dorian Williams MLB 2x Rookie Premiere*
Frank Gore HB 2x 49ers at 80 OVR; 2x Bills, Colts, Dolphins, 49ers, Jets at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
97 Charles Tillman CB 2x AKA Crews
94 Damien Lewis LG 2x NFL Free Agency
94 Josey Jewell MLB 2x NFL Free Agency
93 Bryce Young QB 2x Division Dynasty
92 Julius Peppers LE 3x Team Diamonds
88 Bradley Bozeman C 2x Division Dynasty
84 Jonathan Mingo WR 2x Rookie Premiere*
97 Charles Tillman CB 2x AKA Crews
96 Gale Sayers HB 2x AKA Crews
94 Gerald Everett TE 2x NFL Free Agency
93 Nate Davis RG 2x Division Dynasty
92 Alshon Jeffery WR 3x Team Diamonds
88 Justin Jones DT 2x Division Dynasty
84 Darnell Wright RT 2x Rookie Premiere*
94 Tee Higgins WR 2x NFL Free Agency
93 Ted Karras C 2x Division Dynasty
92 Geno Atkins DT 3x Team Diamonds
88 Logan Wilson ROLB 2x Division Dynasty
84 DJ Turner CB 2x Rookie Premiere*
93 Shelby Harris DT 2x Division Dynasty
92 Joe Thomas LT 3x Team Diamonds
88 David Njoku TE 2x Division Dynasty
84 Dawand Jones RT 2x Rookie Premiere*
96 Troy Aikman QB AKA Crews
96 Emmit Smith HB 2x AKA Crews
96 Randall Cunningham QB 2x AKA Crews
93 Osa Odighizuwa DT 2x Division Dynasty
92 Chuck Howley MLB 3x Team Diamonds
88 Leighton Vander Esch MLB 2x Division Dynasty
84 Luke Schoonmaker TE 2x Rookie Premiere*
98 Aquib Talib CB 2x AKA Crews
98 Chris Harris Jr CB 2x AKA Crews
93 Mike McGlinchey RT 2x Division Dynasty
92 Julius Thomas TE 3x Team Diamonds
88 Jerry Jeudy WR 2x Division Dynasty
84 Marvin Mims Jr WR 2x Rookie Premiere*
98 Amon Ra St. Brown WR 2x AKA Crews
93 Jalen Reeves-Maybin LOLB 2x Division Dynasty
92 Kevin Glover C 3x Team Diamonds
88 Penei Sewell RT 2x Division Dynasty
87 Aidan Hutchinson LE 2x Rookie Premiere*
84 Jahmyr Gibbs HB 2x Rookie Premiere*
97 Josh Jacobs HB 2x NFL Free Agency
93 Elgton Jenkins LG 2x Division Dynasty
92 Clay Matthews LOLB 3x Team Diamonds
88 Christian Watson WR 2x Division Dynasty
84 Lukas Van Ness LOLB 2x Rookie Premiere*
97 Dalton Schultz TE 2x NFL Free Agency
96 J.J. Watt RE 3x Team Diamonds
93 Sheldon Rankins DT 2x Division Dynasty
92 Mario Williams LE 3x Team Diamonds
88 Jimmie Ward SS 2x Division Dynasty
84 C.J. Stroud QB 2x Rookie Premiere*
99 Pat Mcafee P 2x April Fool's
97 Marshall Faulk HB 2x AKA Crews
97 Michael Pittman Jr WR 2x NFL Free Agency
93 Samson Ebukam RE 2x Division Dynasty
92 Reggie Wayne WR 3x Team Diamonds
88 Julian Blackmon SS 2x Division Dynasty
84 Julius Brents CB 2x Rookie Premiere*
Frank Gore HB 2x 49ers at 80 OVR; 2x Bills, Colts, Dolphins, 49ers, Jets at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
93 Roy Robertson-Harris RE 2x Division Dynasty
92 Donovin Darius SS 3x Team Diamonds
88 Zay Jones WR 2x Division Dynasty
84 Brenton Strange TE 2x Rookie Premiere*
98 Travis Kelce TE 2x AKA Crews
93 Donovan Smith LT 2x Division Dynasty
92 Will Shields RG 3x Team Diamonds
88 Isiah Pacheco HB 2x Division Dynasty
86 Darrelle Revis CB 2x Playoffs†
84 Rashee Rice WR 2x Rookie Premiere*
Eric Berry S 2x Chiefs at 80 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR Team Captains†
Chiefs Super Bowl Offensive Playbook 1x
Chiefs Super Bowl Defensive Playbook 1x
Chiefs Super Bowl Home Uniform 1x
Chiefs Super Bowl Away Uniform 1x
Chiefs Super Bowl Base Stadium 1x
93 Daniel Carlson K 2x Division Dynasty
92 Lincoln Kennedy RT 3x Team Diamonds
88 Marcus Epps FS 2x Division Dynasty
84 Tyree Wilson ROLB 2x Rookie Premiere*
98 Chris Harris Jr CB 2x AKA Crews
96 Hunter Henry TE 2x AKA Crews
93 Zion Johnson LG 2x Division Dynasty
92 Phillip Rivers QB 3x Team Diamonds
88 Gerald Everett TE 2x Division Dynasty
84 Tuli Tuipulotu LOLB 2x Rookie Premiere*
98 Aquib Talib CB 2x AKA Crews
98 Kevin Dotson LG 2x NFL Free Agency
97 Isaac Bruce WR 2x AKA Crews
97 Marshall Faulk HB 2x AKA Crews
96 Todd Gurley HB 3x Team Diamonds
93 Coleman Shelton C 2x Division Dynasty
92 Ryan McNeil CB 3x Team Diamonds
88 Kyren Williams HB 2x Division Dynasty
84 Byron Young LOLB 2x Rookie Premiere*
96 Jonnu Smith TE 2x AKA Crews
93 Jason Sanders K 2x Division Dynasty
92 Reshad Jones FS 3x Team Diamonds
88 Emmanuel Ogbah LE 2x Division Dynasty
84 Cam Smith CB 2x Rookie Premiere*
Channing Crowder MLB 2x Dolphins at 80 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
Frank Gore HB 2x 49ers at 80 OVR; 2x Bills, Colts, Dolphins, 49ers, Jets at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
98 Danielle Hunter LOLB 2x NFL Free Agency
98 Kirk Cousins QB 2x AKA Crews
96 Randall Cunningham QB 2x AKA Crews
93 Dalton Risner LG 2x Division Dynasty
92 Fran Tarkenton QB 3x Team Diamonds
88 Harrison Phillips LE 2x Division Dynasty
84 Jay Ward FS 2x Rookie Premiere*
98 Aquib Talib CB 2x AKA Crews
97 Mike Owenu RT 2x NFL Free Agency
96 Hunter Henry TE 2x AKA Crews
96 Jonnu Smith TE 2x AKA Crews
93 Cole Strange LG 2x Division Dynasty
92 Logan Mankins RG 3x Team Diamonds
88 Jabrill Peppers FS 2x Division Dynasty
86 Darrelle Revis CB 2x Playoffs†
84 Christian Gonzalez CB 2x Rookie Premiere*
98 Chris Harris Jr CB 2x AKA Crews
98 Cameron Jordan LE 2x AKA Crews
93 Rashid Shaheed WR 2x Division Dynasty
92 Jimmy Graham TE 3x Team Diamonds
88 Tyrann Mathieu FS 2x Division Dynasty
84 Bryan Bresee DT 2x Rookie Premiere*
97 Brian Burns RE 2x NFL Free Agency
93 Evan Neal RT 2x Division Dynasty
92 Terry Kinard FS 3x Team Diamonds
88 Shane Lemieux LG 2x Division Dynasty
84 John Michael Schmitz C 2x Rookie Premiere*
93 Tony Adams SS 2x Division Dynasty
92 Joe Klecko DT 3x Team Diamonds
88 Laken Tomlinson LG 2x Division Dynasty
86 Darrelle Revis CB 2x Playoffs†
84 Will McDonald IV RE 2x Rookie Premiere*
Kevin Mawae C 2x Jets at 80 OVR; 2x Jets, Seahawks, Titans at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
Frank Gore HB 2x 49ers at 80 OVR; 2x Bills, Colts, Dolphins, 49ers, Jets at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
97 John Madden MLB 2x Ring of Honor
96 Randall Cunningham QB 2x AKA Crews
93 D'Andre Swift HB 2x Division Dynasty
92 Troy Vincent CB 3x Team Diamonds
88 James Bradberry IV CB 2x Division Dynasty
84 Nolan Smith Jr LOLB 2x Rookie Premiere*
93 Broderick Jones RT 2x Division Dynasty
92 Le'Veon Bell HB 3x Team Diamonds
88 Mason Cole C 2x Division Dynasty
84 Darnell Washington TE 2x Rookie Premiere*
97 Isaac Bruce WR 2x AKA Crews
93 Aaron Banks LG 2x Division Dynasty
92 Merton Hanks FS 3x Team Diamonds
88 Dre Greenlaw ROLB 2x Division Dynasty
84 Ji'Ayir Brown SS 2x Rookie Premiere*
Frank Gore HB 2x 49ers at 80 OVR; 2x Bills, Colts, Dolphins, 49ers, Jets at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
Jordan Reed TE 2x Commanders at 80 OVR; 2x Commanders, 49ers at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
49ers Super Bowl Offensive Playbook 1x
49ers Super Bowl Defensive Playbook 1x
49ers Super Bowl Home Uniform 1x
49ers Super Bowl Away Uniform 1x
49ers Super Bowl Base Stadium 1x
93 Jason Myers K 2x Division Dynasty
92 Steve Largent WR 3x Team Diamonds
88 Jaxon Smith-Njigba WR 2x Division Dynasty
84 Anthony Bradford RG 2x Rookie Premiere*
Kevin Mawae C 2x Jets at 80 OVR; 2x Jets, Seahawks, Titans at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
98 Aquib Talib CB 2x AKA Crews
98 Mike Evans WR 2x NFL Free Agency
93 Aaron Stinnie LG 2x Division Dynasty
92 Doug Martin HB 3x Team Diamonds
88 Ryan Neal SS 2x Division Dynasty
86 Darrelle Revis CB 2x Playoffs†
84 Yaya Diaby LOLB 2x Rookie Premiere*
Ronde Barber CB 2x Buccaneers at 80 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
97 Chidobe Awuzie CB 2x NFL Free Agency
96 Jonnu Smith TE 2x AKA Crews
93 Azeez Al-Shaair MLB 2x Division Dynasty
92 Keith Bulluck ROLB 3x Team Diamonds
88 Jeffery Simmons RE 2x Division Dynasty
84 Will Levis QB 2x Rookie Premiere*
Kevin Mawae C 2x Jets at 80 OVR; 2x Jets, Seahawks, Titans at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
98 Kirk Cousins QB 2x AKA Crews
97 Andre Reed WR 2x AKA Crews
94 Frankie Luvu LOLB 2x NFL Free Agency
93 James Smith-Williams LE 2x Division Dynasty
92 Brian Orakpo ROLB 3x Team Diamonds
88 Cody Barton MLB 2x Division Dynasty
84 Emmanuel Forbes CB 2x Rookie Premiere*
Jordan Reed TE 2x Commanders at 80 OVR; 2x Commanders, 49ers at 81 OVR; 2x Any Team at 85 OVR; 3x Any Team at 96 OVR Team Captains†
*Marks a player item that requires a token that is no longer obtainable in order to get an extra chemistry slot
†Marks a player item that must hit a certain overall to unlock an extra chemistry slot for either the team represented on the player item's card art, all the teams the player started a game for throughout their career, or any team
submitted by br0kena4m to MaddenUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 22:46 Market_Mages Market Mages Weekly Newsletter: Week of April 7th - How Ongoing Geopolitical Unrest Affects Markets

Market Mages Weekly Newsletter: Week of April 7th - How Ongoing Geopolitical Unrest Affects Markets
While the economy, earnings, and interest rates are very important drivers of the markets, so are politics and geopolitics, especially when they reach the magnitude of where we are today.
Saturday, Oct. 7th of last year was when the news started to break about the invasion of Hamas from Gaza into Southern Israel. This is one of those seminal events that will impact the world for many years. It is now over 7-months since this horrific event took place and it is not getting any better, in fact, it is getting worse, and it will more likely get much worse.
It is almost certain that Israel will eventually go in and finish the job against Hamas and then turn their attention to Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon. While it would seem that Hamas and Hezbollah are no match for the IDF, it is Iran that stands behind them and uses them as proxies in their war against Israel.
Keep in mind also, that Russia and China have formed alliances with Iran, and they are using Iran as a proxy in their cold war against America. That is why the market does not take these developments lightly. It is showing record gold prices and surging oil prices.
Both of these asset classes are good indicators of tension in the middle-east, and it is obvious from their recent price action that tensions are running very high at the current time. Oil is up over 28% since last December and as a result, prices at the pump have gone up right along with rising oil prices.
This is also contributing to sticky inflation that came in at a hotter-then-expected 3.5% annual rate (CPI) this past Wednesday. As a result, the DJIA was down 422 points on that day and is now threatening to roll over from a Distribution topping trend into a Markdown correction.
And while the market is drifting lower, gold is continuing higher. In fact, gold is hitting new, all-time highs after returning just an average of 5.5% per year over the last ten years (while the S&P 500 has averaged 17.8% per year).
In the past, gold has done well during financial crisis (it was up 24.9% during the financial crisis of 2007-2009 while the S&P was down -54.5%), big drops in the U.S. dollar (we have not had any lately), and central bank buying during times of world crisis. This is what is now taking place.
The PPI numbers came in lighter than expected on Thursday and we had a nice rebound in the market with the AI stocks on fire.
But, then on Friday, we had another big sell-off in the market.

Major News Headlines For The Week:

Monday 4/8/24: A very dull day for the market on Monday. The DJIA is now 900 points below its recent high. I guess most traders were watching the eclipse.
The biggest S&P stocks have to do the heavy earnings lifting (again) - Goldman
"The 10 largest S&P 500 (NYSEARCA:SPY) (IVV) (VOO) companies are expected to grow sales by 15% yeayear and post EPS growth of 32%," strategist David Kostin wrote in a note. "In contrast, the remaining 490 firms are expected to grow topline by just 2% yeayear and deliver EPS growth of -4%."
Jamie Dimon says rates could spike to 8%, AI akin to the printing press
“JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon says the markets should be prepared for more turbulence than what is currently priced in. In his annual letter to shareholders, Dimon cast doubt on the confidence that the U.S. economy will see a soft landing - and the corresponding equity valuation. "Equity values, by most measures, are at the high end of the valuation range, and credit spreads are extremely tight," Dimon wrote. "These markets seem to be pricing in at a 70% to 80% chance of a soft landing — modest growth along with declining inflation and interest rates."
GE Aerospace boosts dividend by 250% to $0.28
“GE Aerospace (NYSE:GE) declares $0.28/share quarterly dividend, 250% increase from prior dividend of $0.08”
Tuesday 4/9/24: Another dull day for the market as it awaits the big CPI report on Wednesday.
Germany's inflation rate drops to 2.2% in March, lowest since May 2021
“Stock bulls are confident that AI enthusiasm will overcome fewer rate cuts and sticky inflation. But inflation continues to bite small business owners, who are the most pessimistic in more than 11 years. The NFIB March small business optimism index fell for the third-straight month to 88.5. That's the lowest level since December 2012 and the 27th month in a row it's been below the historical average of 98.”
Wells Fargo ups its year-end S&P 500 target to 5,535
“Wells Fargo said Monday that it has raised its year-end S&P 500 (SP500) target to 5,535, which would give the benchmark average upside of roughly 6.4% from current levels. “We raised our year-end SPX target to a Street-high 5535 (20.5x 2025E's $270) from 4625, implying 6.4% upside. The 20.5x multiple reflects a 4.88% discount rate (4% 10yr UST + 88bp IG credit spread). EPS focus shifts to 2025 from 2024,” Wells Fargo said in an investor note.”
Global oil market likely 'extremely tight' in this year's H2, Citadel says
“Crude oil futures fell Monday but settled above the session's lowest levels, as Israel said it would remove some troops from southern Gaza to prepare for future operations. Israel and Hamas opened a fresh round of Gaza ceasefire talks on Sunday, but media reports differed on the amount of progress that was made.”
Wednesday 4/10/24: A big sell-off in the market on Wed. after a hotter than expected CPI report. The bond market gets clobbered as interest rates jump a whopping 19-basis points.
CPI inflation stays hot in March, rising 3.5% Y/Y
“The Consumer Price Index climbed 0.4% in March, the same increase as in February, and exceeding the 0.3% rise that economists expected. The indexes for shelter and gasoline both increased in March, contributing more than half of the monthly increase in the all-items index. The energy index jumped 1.1% over the month, and the food index edged up 0.1%. On a year-over-year basis, March's CPI climbed 3.5%, in line with expectations and accelerating from 3.2% in the prior month.”
Fitch cuts China's credit outlook to negative on public finance risks
“Fitch Ratings has cut its outlook on China's long-term foreign debt to negative from stable, reflecting the growing risks to the country's public finances, but affirmed its A+ rating. The rating agency pointed to China's uncertain economic prospects as it transitions away from property-reliant growth to what the government views as a more sustainable growth model.”
Crude oil forecasts raised at UBS on strong demand
“UBS on Wednesday raised its oil price forecasts by $5/bbl, estimating Brent (CO1:COM) to hold a range of $85–$95/bbl and West Texas Intermediate (CL1:COM) in $80–$90/bbl range over the coming months. The bank also raised its demand growth estimates for the year, by 0.1mbpd to 1.5mbpd, while cutting its OPEC+ crude production projection for the second quarter of 2024.”
Thursday 4/11/24: A huge rally for the AI stocks on Thursday. Nvidia had a big day.
Producer price index cools in March from hot February print
“The Producer Price Index rose 0.2% in March, less than the +0.3% expected and slower than the +0.6% pace in February, the U.S. Department of Labor said on Thursday. 35 The gauge increased 2.1% Y/Y, compared with +2.3% expected and +1.6% in February. Core PPI, which excludes food and energy, also increased 0.2% M/M vs. +0.2% expected and +0.3% prior. Compared with a year ago, core PPI rose 2.4%, topping the 2.3% expected and accelerating from the 2.0% pace in February.”
Initial jobless claims fall more than expected in past week
“Initial jobless claims for the week ended April 6 fell by 11K to 211K vs. 216K consensus and 222K prior (revised from 221K). 36 The four-week moving average was 214,250, a decrease of 250 from the previous week's average of 214,500 (revised from 214,250). Continuing claims: 1.817M vs. 1.800M expected and 1.789M prior (revised from 1.791M).”
President Biden still expects rate cut before end of year
“President Joe Biden still sees the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates by the end of the year, he said on Wednesday, standing by his prediction laid out last month. Asked about March's hotter-than-expected consumer inflation report at a joint news conference with Japan's prime minister, Biden said the U.S. central bank might delay rate reductions by a month, and the White House is unsure about what exactly will happen.”
Friday 4/12/24: The market sells off on mid-east tension.
No link between weight loss drugs and suicidal thoughts, EU regulator concludes
“Following a months-long review, the EU drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), announced Friday that there is no link between suicidal thoughts and weight loss drugs such as semaglutide marketed by Novo Nordisk (NVO).”
Exxon CEOs 2024 total pay bumped up 3% to $36.9M; Chevron CEO pay rose 12%
“Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) disclosed CEO Darren Woods' total compensation rose 2.8% to $36.9M last year, according to a new SEC filing Thursday. Woods' base salary was worth ~$1.9M, with the vast majority of his pay package based on variable factors such as a $4.8M bonus and stock-based awards. The CEO's total pay was 199x the median pay for an Exxon (XOM) worker, which improved 8% to $185,376.”
Drug shortages in U.S. at highest level on record since 2001
“Drug shortages in the U.S. continue to worsen, with 323 medications in short supply in Q1 2024, the highest on record since the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists and University of Utah Drug Information Service began tracking the data in 2001. "All drug classes are vulnerable to shortages," said ASHP CEO Paul Abramowitz. "Some of the most worrying shortages involve generic sterile injectable medications, including chemotherapy drugs and emergency medications."
Stock Market Weekly Scorecard:
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2024.04.12 03:48 Crafty_Ebb5825 US Market Update!

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