Magpul mbus sight set rerview saiga quad rail

[WTS] Magpul MOE Carbine Stock, Vedder LightTuck IWB Glock 19 Holster, BCM Compensator, IR Illuminator, All Metal Rear Battle Sight, Tactical Pistol Illuminator, Sig MPX Ambi Charging Handle

2024.05.24 00:04 Appearing_Sane [WTS] Magpul MOE Carbine Stock, Vedder LightTuck IWB Glock 19 Holster, BCM Compensator, IR Illuminator, All Metal Rear Battle Sight, Tactical Pistol Illuminator, Sig MPX Ambi Charging Handle

All prices include shipping to CONUS.
Dibs then PM takes priority. Shipping to CONUS only. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Payment methods: PayPal F&F and PayPal G&S (buyer pays 3.49% G&S fee). PLEASE, NO NOTE on the payment.
Thanks for checking out my post! :)
All the best!
submitted by Appearing_Sane to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:45 ZeVikingBMXer My URGI inspired but not so URGI build

My URGI inspired but not so URGI build
Loads of controversy on the URGI subreddit I got a lot flak because it's not really even close to a URGI but I like the look the silhouette of it if you will Build list MK-16 geissele rail, surefire 4 prong, radian adac lower, geissele ssp, silencer co SCO15 upper, geissele barrel with "bomb proof" gas block installation" radian forward assist, radian enhanced bolt carrier B5 stock and grip bcm vert grip grovtec rail wrap geissele H2 buffer and 42 spring Magpul mbus pro sights vortex uh-1 gen 2 aero precision buffer tube with radian QD plate, and strike industries ultimate dust cover
submitted by ZeVikingBMXer to ar15 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:40 AppalachiaAstronaut (WTS/WTT) Discounted Complete M5/AR10 upper with BCG/CH, Complete M&P 15-22 upper with BCG/CH, extra furniture, lpvos, scope, and more

Serial numbers: ———
1) 16” Complete Aero (DPMS Pattern) Atlas S-One M5/AR10/308 upper. Includes BCG, charging handle, Bushnell 3-18 scope and piggybacked red dot, XS fixed transition high visibility offset sights, and bipod. Yours for $845 $825 shipped or Best Offer. 120 rounds through it.
2) 16” complete 15-22 upper with UTG 1-8 illuminated red/green lpvo, laser, Magpul scout mount, larue rail covers, handstop $465 $450 OBO
3) “.22 upgrade kit”: 1-4 primary red illuminated arms lpvo, 30mm rings, green laser and mount, Magpul scout mount, UTG rail covers, handstop, Mlok QD mount, 1/2 x 28 muzzle brake and crush washer, $175 $165 shipped
Both Uppers and .22 Ugrade kit for $1400 $1350 shipped OBO.
Before anyone asks me again, YES, the M&P 15-22 uppers can fit standard AR lowers with some modifications. I can send info on that if you’re seriously going to buy one.
Trade interests (can always do cash on top one way or another too):
submitted by AppalachiaAstronaut to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:55 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun (2x) epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp, AD
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail,
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow, Lever
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Epr
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium, Hm
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, Handmade(2x), fixer
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer, hm
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle,
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR, Gauss riffle, tommy gun,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, , Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP, Handmade
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade, EPR, Rail, Recurve bow
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
UNy/ap/sent heavy leather set
UnyApWwr trapper LL
UnyExploSent trapper and combat RA
Uny1sSent USA RL
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:54 ChanceOfRainTx H: Q2525 Fixer W: other commando grolls, apparel, armor, hm, epr, 10mm pistol, rr, ad, ulr, radium

H: Q2525 Fixer W: other commando grolls, apparel, armor, hm, epr, 10mm pistol, rr, ad, ulr, radium submitted by ChanceOfRainTx to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:38 CookinRelaxi Sadik Hakim reminisces on Bird, Prez, and more
I was born in Duluth, Minnesota in 1919; my family was musical. My grandfather is still the only black man to have conducted his own compositions with the Duluth Symphony Orchestra. But I didn’t get serious about playing until I went to Los Angeles, after my high school graduation (1937) to visit my father. There I met Dexter Gordon, Illinois Jacquet and other fine young players. When I went back to the Mid-West to go to the University of Minnesota (only one year), I also played with Oscar Pettiford’s family band. The whole family, his father, even his sisters, played on several instruments.
In 1938 I went to Peoria to play with Fats Dudley, a 300-pound trumpet player and singer who played and sang like Louis Armstrong. Morris Lane the noted tenor player was also there at that time. He had to leave town not long after I came because of his involvement with a white girl. In 1940 I myself was run out of Kankakee, Illinois, for the same reason—the daughter of the President of Kresge’s Department Store. These were very prejudiced times and places.
Fortunately Chicago was only 50 miles away. I remember playing with many great musicians there, including the young Wilbur Ware and a tenor player named Buster Brown who accompanied himself on sock cymbal with his foot. I went to work with Jesse Miller, a trumpeter who had been with Earl Hines. A. K. Atkinson the arranger who later became A. K. Salim and who introduced me to Islam, was on alto; Goon Gardner was the other alto. The drummer was Ike Day, a kid, only 15. Ike Day was playing two bass drums then; out of sight; a big influence on Max Roach and others. (He died of an O.D. in New York a few years later).
This group was playing at a club on 63rd and Cottage Grove called Joe Hughes’s Deluxe. The featured acts were female impersonators backed by (real) chorus girls. One night we were playing Stompin’ At The Savoy for the chorus girls when, out of the blue we heard this horn from the front of the club playing over the top of the band. I looked up and saw Charlie Parker. He never stopped playing, just walked right through the chorus girls and came and stood over by the piano. Jesse Miller, who had played with Bird when Bird played second tenor for Earl Hines, had told me that Bird’s ability drove Hines’ first tenor (Bob Crump) to quit playing. A. K. and Goon had also been telling me about Charlie Parker. At that time, of course, Benny Carter and Johnny Hodges were my main men on alto. After hearing Bird that night I forgot about all other alto players.
I started hanging out with Bird in Chicago. (This was years before I recorded with him in New York.) Bird got a gig at the Rum-Boogie, a club on 55th Street and Central Parkway (now Martin Luther King Drive). As my gig with Jesse Miller started later than Bird’s, I would go with him to hear his first set. The band, about ten pieces, was led by an old man who played violin. Marl Young, the pianist, wrote the music for this band—very, very hard but good music. (Marl Young lives in L.A. now and writes for the movies.) Eddie Johnson, a great tenor player, was in the band; Gale Brockman and Billy Orr were on trumpets.
Anyway, Bird was never there for rehearsals. The band would rehearse all afternoon, Bird was never there, and the other members of the band were mad and didn’t like Bird. But the leader, the old man, did like Bird, which is why he never got fired. I remember this incident like it was yesterday. I went by with Bird to hear his first set. He always came about two or three minutes before the show hit. He’d look at the third alto part, glance at his part (he was playing lead); when the curtain came up, Bird was playing that music like he owned it plus adding things to the part. Well this night, Jimmy Dorsey was playing at the Sherman Hotel in the Loop, and he came down to hear Bird. The old man, Bird’s bandleader, knew what was happening. He called Cherokee, which featured Bird. Bird, of course, played like a man possessed. Jimmy Dorsey came back to the dressing room, introduced himself, and said to Bird, “Here man, you need this much more than I do,” and gave Bird his brand-new padless Selmer. I was with Bird the next day when he put it in pawn. I begged him not to. His own horn was a wreck, held together with tape, gummed paper, etc. This didn’t matter to him.
At that time there was a great club on the South Side, the Club De Lisa. The leader of their 12-piece band was a great show drummer, Red Saunders. Chicago was wide open then. You could buy liquor in drug-stores, and clubs were open 24 hours. On Saturday night and Sunday morning, every-one would go to the De Lisa—all the biggest sportsmen (pimps), the top whores, top Mafia hoods who would make the all-time Mafia list, if I could remember names. (I guess it’s better that I can’t). Well, I’d get off my gig at around 4:30 and, with Bird and other cats, go to the De Lisa. Bird would sit in with Red Saunders’ band, which included altoist Nat Jones, a great player in the tradition of Johnny Hodges. Also playing was a great tenor player from Texas, Tom Archia. Billy Eckstine was on the show; this was before he formed his first band. Also the tap dancer Baby Lawrence, who I heard trade fours with Bird on a Limehouse Blues, way up-tempo. This was taken down on a wire recorder, a classic. I don’t know who has this wire recording, which must be worth many thousands of dollars by now. Incidentally, the greatest comedian George Kirby was a bus boy in the De Lisa and got his start there by filling in with comedy.
I remember hearing Art Tatum with Bird in Chicago. After his gig in the Loop, Tatum would come down to a club on the South Side, drinking beer after beer and playing for five or six hours. All piano players in the city would be there. I remember Bird telling me then, “I wish I could play like Tatum’s right hand.”
I did work a gig with Bird in Chicago. For a while we played at the Sherman Hotel with Hot Lips Page opposite Boyd Raeburn’s Big Band. The second day of the gig, we couldn’t find Bird at all for the second set. We went up to our suite in the hotel, where we found Bird out cold in the bathtub. We got him together, he came down, and his playing just scared everyone to death. Charlie Ventura was with Raeburn’s band. The more Bird played, the paler he got.
When Bird left Chicago I rejoined Jesse Miller at the Downbeat Club. Red Allen was also playing there, with J. C. Higgenbotham on trombone. Ben Webster came in from New York to play as a guest artist with Red Allen. But he liked our rhythm section better. We’d play on the one the radio one hour, six nights a week. (It was so very hip then). Well, when Ben left to go back to New York, he told our rhythm section (Rail Wilson, bass; Hillard Brown, drums) he would send for us to come and play with him on the Onyx Club on 52nd Street. We thought he was kidding, but in about a month he sent us first-class sleeping train tickets.
This was in 1944. I was with Ben for 15 months on 52nd Street. Brown and Wilson went back to Chicago when the brownouts came in 1945. New York was it for me. The rhythm section at the Onyx Club became Eddie Nicholson (drums), Gene Ramey (bass) and myself. Many times Roy Eldridge would play with us, or Stuff Smith, or Bob Dorsey, a great tenor player. Then it was Bird—always late. Mike Weston, the Onyx Club owner, would be frowning as Bird came in late, but after a couple of Bird’s choruses, he’d be smiling. One night Bird was very, very late. Bird came in while Ben Webster was drinking at the bar; the rest of us were trioing. Bird picked up Ben’s tenor and said I Cherokee. He played that tenor like he owned it, and Ben was shook. He just kept saying “Give me another double.” The thing about this was that nobody could get a sound out of Ben’s tenor but Ben himself, due to the thickness of the reed, etc. I saw many great tenor players try-Prez, Buddy Tate, Ike Quebec, no good!
During this time I played the Ko-Ko date with Bird as I was living with him at 117th Street and Man-hattan Avenue, in Harlem. I was sent to the land-lady, Doris Schneider, because we were both from Chicago. I introduced Bird to Doris, and a week later he was living there. Later, for a while, they were married. Billie Holiday and her man, trumpeter Joe Guy, also lived in this eight room pad. Bird drew people like Thelonious Monk, Miles, and Dexter Gordon to the scene. Why this place didn’t get busted, I’ll never know. Everything was happening there.
About the record date; Bud Powell was supposed to be the pianist, but he was hung up in Pennsylvania and didn’t get back. Incidentally, the first pianist I heard playing like Bird was not Bud, but Elmo Hope. But Bud played so strong, he just took that style over. Bud was not easy to get along with, kind of a ferocious guy. He’d throw shoes at his little brother, Richie, when Richie tried to listen to us playing. He’d say things like, “Get up off that piano stool, you blind mother----!” to people like [Art] Tatum and [George] Shearing. He and Bird, despite their mutual love and respect, did not get along; their personalities clashed. But I hung out a lot with Bud. I think he liked me because I didn’t try to copy him. Naturally, I learned his tunes, but I didn’t slavishly imitate his solos.
With Bud, as I said, in Pennsylvania, Bird brought me to the record date, and I played on all the tunes except Now’s The Time and Billie’s Bounce. That was Dizzy (who happened to be recording with another group in the same building). For many years I didn’t get credit for this date on the liner notes, which have now been straightened out. Nor did I ever get paid for it. This is because I was still on transfer from the union in Chicago. The union delegate at the studio said that I couldn’t play, but as soon as he left, Bird told me to come out and play. My first paying record date was with Dexter Gordon. At this time (1945) I also recorded with Ben Webster, Big Sid Catlett, Eddie Lockjaw Davis and Bill DeArango.
My association with Bird and Bud helped to bring the new music on to 52nd Street. Bud would sit in at the Onyx Club while I worked there. Most of the musicians there didn’t understand Bud or Bird. Roy Eldridge would take me outside to smoke (everyone smoked then, we called it “gage”) and ask me about what Bird and Bud Powell were doing. I couldn’t tell him, all I knew was that it sounded great, made musical sense, and swung like no other music I’d heard. It made all the other music sound stiff and unswinging. This is what I’d tell Roy. The one exception was Prez, Lester Young.
I had always dug Prez. He used to come to Minneapolis with Count Basie before I left that area. I first heard Prez with his own group at the Spotlite Club on 52nd Street. He had just come from L.A. after his stint in D.B. (the army’s disciplinary barracks, thus the tune D.B. Blues). He had Kenny Kersey on piano. When Prez decided to revamp, I got the gig. Shadow Wilson was on drums (Lyndell Marshall on the road), Prez’s friend Rodney Richardson on bass, Bennie Harris on trumpet. Bernie brought Bud Powell to Prez as we were boarding the plane for our first road gig, but Prez said, “I’ve already got Lady Dense.”
That was me. My name at the time was Argonne Dense Thornton, and Prez called everybody “Lady” (most famously, Lady Day [Billie Holiday]). He had, incidentally, his own lingo for everything, and it took me several months to understand him. But it was all appropriate. The police he called “Bob Crosbys.” If something was a real drag, he called it a “von Hangman.” His most famous expression, “I feel a draft,” could mean that he detected racial discrimi-nation or that he felt bad since you wouldn’t drink and smoke with him. Reefer he called “Ettuce.” Whites he called “grey boys.” (I don’t know if he originated that term.) Blacks were “Oxford greys.” The bridge of a tune he’d call a “George Washington.” When we hit a new town and Prez would go looking for an old girlfriend, he’d say he was going to see “a Wayback.”
This gives me a chance to correct two en-tirely false rumors about Prez. One, he was not a faggot, not at all. Two, he was not into heroin or cocaine: he just smoked and drank. He was a great human being as well as one of the greatest jazz soloists of all time: responsible about money, generous with his possessions, natural, friendly, gentle, as well as creative.
With Prez I recorded the famous hit Jumpin’ With Symphony Sid, which in fact is my composition. The studio man came in and asked us, as we were warming up, to do something with Symphony Sid’s name in it, as we were going back to the Three Deuces on 52nd Street and the disc jockey had his radio show from there. Meanwhile, I was playing this blues melody off the top of my head. Prez said, “We’ll play that,” and we did it in one take. The A&R man just assumed that the tune was Prez’s.
While I was with Prez, the drummer, Lyndell Mar-shall, had a nervous breakdown. At my suggestion, the great Roy Haynes came into the band.
I remember a couple of things about Bird that happened while I was with Prez. Prez and I were in [Washington] D.C. at a club called Caverns, and Bird was also in town with Duke Jordan on piano. Bird asked me to join the band (not, I’m sure, because he didn’t like Duke’s playing, but for personal reasons, which my reply explains). I told Bird, “I love you, but I can’t put up with your not paying people and leaving them stranded in different places. If you did that to me I’d have to hurt you or try to, and I’d hate to have that happen because I love you. I’d rather be your friend and listen.”
Another time when I was with Prez, we had a week off before a gig in Chicago, so I went to Chicago ahead of time to hear Bird and Miles. The saxophonist who had the house band at the club where Bird played was named Eddie Wiggins. Wiggins had a long line of reed instruments up on his bandstand—clarinet, flute, bassoon, alto, tenor, English horn. Bird came in, early for once—no one else in his band was there. He had left his horn at the club. Now Bird had very good connections in Chicago, but this time he had apparently forgot to pay them. He opened his horn case to find all the keys torn off or broken. Without blink-ing an eye, Bird asked Wiggins if he could play the first set with Wiggins’ group. Then he proceeded to play all those instruments, a few choruses on each one, even the bas-soon. Of course, I was dumbfounded; Bird never ceased to amaze me. I remember him astounding some Afrikaaner mathematicians by suddenly solving a problem they were discussing; they couldn’t believe that Bird didn’t have an advanced degree in math. Same thing with chess. Tadd Dameron and Max Roach would be playing up at Dizzy’s, Bird and I would come in, Bird would walk over to the board, make a move and say “Checkmate.” And Bird is the only person who knew me before I became a Muslim and changed my name who never, after I told him my new name, called me anything but Sadik Hakim.
One thing Bird and Prez had in common; I remember both of them cutting Benny Goodman and embarrassing him. When I was with Ben Webster at the Onyx Club and Bird was across the street at the Spotlite Club, I’d go over to hear Bird as soon as our set ended. One night Benny sat at a front table as Bird began his set with Dizzy Atmosphere—way up-tempo. When he looked over and saw Benny, he changed to Dizzy Fingers (a feature of Benny’s). In the first eight bars, Benny turned red, green and all kinds of colors.
Later, with Prez on tour in L.A., we played opposite Benny at the L.A. Auditorium. (Frankie Laine was the between-sets act). Funny thing, Prez played his silver metal clarinet all night, never touching the tenor. He blew Benny away. All of us broke up as Benny turned red and a few more colors once again.
(The story is that Benny gave Prez this old metal clarinet, so maybe there was another reason for Prez to play it that night-Ed.)
I used to play Sunday afternoon gigs with Bird in Philly. The house band at this club had John Coltrane playing alto. At that time the very young Trane was probably the second best altoist in the world. I also played with Sonny Rollins back in the 40s. We both worked in a group led by trumpeter Louis Metcalfe, an older man who had played with Ellington. I used to marvel at how Rollins could get such great solos out of the corny tunes we had to play. He was playing tenor then, but I had known him even earlier, when he was playing alto. (In 1961, I closed Birdland with Sonny) [Birdland closed in 1964.T.F.]. I also remember some great, unknown saxophonists whose careers were tragically cut short. Like Henry Pryor, an alto player in the style of Bird, who got killed by police in Chicago while breaking into a church to get money for dope. A great waste. Or Lank Keyes a tenor player influenced by Prez, also very great, who O.D.’d in Chicago.
There have been and still are, many great saxo-phonists—Coleman Hawkins, Benny Carter, Johnny Hodges, Sonny Stitt, and today, George Coleman, Junior Cook, Clifford Jordan, Johnny Griffin. Still, no one has had a story to say like Bird and Prez. When I was working at the Onyx with Ben Webster, and Prez was across the street at the Spotlite Club, Dexter Gordon would march up and down in front of the Spotlite with a huge sign saying, GO IN AND HEAR THE TRUTH. Maybe THE TRUTH is what we should have called it. (Bird hated the name Be-Bop, which was Dizzy’s concoction.)
I will take this opportunity to get one other thing straightened out. The tune Eronel, attributed to Monk, is another composition for which I should have gotten credit. When I was at the Onyx Club with Webster, I met a beautiful 17-old lady from Kansas City named Lenore. We were together about a year. The tune I wrote for her was her name spelled backwards. Monk came over to my house one day, saw the music on the piano, played it and liked it, even suggested a chord change (which I rejected). I went to Montreal for a year in 1949, and when I returned, I heard the same exact tune, credited to Monk, on a record he made with Milt Jackson. Monk told me that he just forgot to tell the record company the tune was mine. Incidentally, anyone should be able to tell that Eronel does not sound like a Monk composition.
Monk is, of course, a great genius, and continued on he showed me many of his tunes. Earl Hines and Nat Cole were among the first pianists I really dug. Then Elmo Hope and Bud Powell. My favorites in the last two decades: Hank Jones and Tommy Flanagan—they’re even in my book. In the new breed I like Cedar Walton, Mickey Tucker, John Hicks, for sure Kenny Barron, and Herbie Hancock—when he was playing piano. Electronic music is garbage to me. Everything is too loud to swing and, as Duke said 50 years ago, It Don’t Mean A Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing. Among women pianist, I like Boo Pleasant, Shirley Scott, Terry Pollard. Among the less well-known, Willie Anderson, from Detroit, without peer, and Charles Fox from St. Louis (whatever happened to him?). But don’t let me forget Barry Harris, Walter Davis, Walter Bishop, Bill Evans, Horace Silver, Oscar Denard, McCoy Tyner, Chick Corea, Oscar Peter-son—so many great players, I can’t name them all.
Although I once watched Prez and Coleman Hawkins drink next to each other at a bar (the Spotlite Club, owned by the late Clarke Monroe) for two weeks without speaking, it seems like the musicians were closer in those days. Playing with Prez for those two or three years was one of the best times in my career. And I’ve had many good ones.
submitted by CookinRelaxi to Jazz [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:37 BonusIntelligent2991 [WTS] MK18 Near Clone Upper

Asking $1200
Upper has 250rds on it. Parts are as follows:
Colt cage code receiver, DD 10.3in barrel with pinned gas block, DD RIS II rail, SF4P muzzle device, PRI M84 gas buster combat latch charging handle, DD BCG (for the unlimited warranty), Matech rear sight, Mbus 3 front sight, Magpul AFG,
This upper has some marks from mounting but very minor. Muzzle device has some carbon from using a Warden on it. Can sell without BCG, CH, SF4P, sights, etc. I can also add a Warden or change out BCG or CH for milspec.
Expeditiously shipped via USPS. Payment via Paypal FF no notes.
PM with questions or offers.
submitted by BonusIntelligent2991 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:01 Grey-Jedi185 H: Q50C25 Handmade W: 3500 Leaders or Non Fasnacht Apparel

H: Q50C25 Handmade W: 3500 Leaders or Non Fasnacht Apparel submitted by Grey-Jedi185 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:48 robosnails4 [WTS]Vltor MURs, Arisaka/Malkoff/Surefire Light set up, HBAR Barrel, Tactical Load Bearing Vest w/ Belt, Centurion 9315 Flash Hiders, AR Multitasker Tool, MBUS PRO Front & Rear, XS Sight Systems SDT Round Top Front Sight, SPHUR Raptar Adapter A-0029, BCGs, DD Tool, More

U Notch Glock .40 - $50
Mfr 1m291 Mag - $40
5rd 7.62x39 + 20rd 7.62 PMAG - $25
Chrome Lined Black BCGs - $125
Chrome or Nickel Boron Idk( Firing Pin Spot is different than ive seen) - $150
Mounts -
New in bag Geissele Aimpoint Micro Series 1.93" Super Precision T1 Mount - $100
Vortex Optics Mount - $50
Centurion Micro Mount - $50
Mossie Tactics Midnight Mounts - $25 each
Small flat Mount with spring button - $25
ACOG Mounts- $25
Ring Mount(Not sure Dimensions) - $20
Uppers -
Black Vltor MUR w/ forward assist, 16" Barrel(I think Sionics), BE MEYERS 249SAKER Muzzle Device - $800
Green Vltor MUR w/ forward assist, 16" Barrel(Sionics I think), FCD Muzzle Device - $500
Barrels -
FDE Barrel - $60
HBAR Barrel 1/9 Unmarked FSB - $225
Tools -
Multitasker Series 2 AR Tool(Will include bits) - $175
Smaller Multitasker AR Tool - $60
SOG POWERLOCK Multitool - $50
Hammerhead Rifle Tool - $35
Gages and Tool piece they screw into(.30 Cal, M1/M14,M1 30/06 - $100
DD AR Tool - $15 by itself, $9 if added on with other stuff
12" Wrench - $20
XS Sight Systems AR15/M16 SDT Round Top Front Sight New in package - $59
Small Bag of other Sight pieces(Have taken out of bag, should be a photo) - $30
Muzzle Devices -
Centurion 9315 3 & 4 Prong - $69 each
Z Comp 5.56 - $30
Other I have no idea but it's definitely used - $15
More -
Delta Ring Parts - $20
Rock River Stock - $20
Vickers Combat Padded Sling w/ QD Swivel, has other end piece that connect to Rail(photos upon request) - $95
Raptor Charging Handle by AXTS - $60
MI End Plate Adapter Spray Painted FDE - $30
Knights Armament Rail Covers - 3/$50
FDE Rail Cover w/ spot for button + 2 Black & 1 FDE cover - $25
Arisaka 600 Series Body, Malkoff E2HT head(I think), Arisaka Mount, SF Tail, SF Button fitted with Cloud Defensive Mount(can send more photos) - $325
Surefire Model Z10 Switch Blocker - $25
Magpul MVG Grip - $15
PEQ Pattern Generators - $35
SPUHR Raptar Adapter - $60
Kram 5.5 - $20
Blackwater Challenge Coin - $60
Salt River PD Challenge Coin - $25
Firing Pins - One bag of 20 - $70
Centurion ml1513- $200
9 Mag Followers Light Green Old I think colt - $15 by itself, $5 if added on
Surefire DG switch fits glock 19 - $40
Federal Air Marshall Challenge Coin Kiai O Ka Lewa - $45
Microtech Ultratech SE 10/2009 - $400
D&H 5.56 Mag - $15 by itself, $10 if added on
7" Flat Wrench - $15
Gerber 600 PRO Scout Multi tool - $60
Bag of Brushes - $15 by itself, $5 if added
Highlander Holster unused will not fit glock 19 but im not sure exact size details - $80
Shotgun piece, digital fde - $25
Gas Block not sure Dimensions- $15
Tactical Load Bearing Vest with belt - $60
If I missed anything, let me know.
There's some stuff I don't know what it is.
submitted by robosnails4 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:18 DaxTheOx [WTS][BC] Upgraded AAP-01, 3 Mags and Suppressor in Case

AAP-01 runs great with 2 spare mags (3 total) Maple leaf barrel Maple leaf bucking Action Army hop up chamber.
Comes with Case Magwell Metal Hammer set Rail mounted Laser Front Quad rail Suppressor with Novritsch Multicam cover Clip holster with Safariland QLS
I might have the stock barrel and hop up, but have to go thru some boxes.
$365 shipped, no trades, payment by EMT.
submitted by DaxTheOx to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:07 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun (2x) epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp, AD
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail,
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow, Lever
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Epr
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium, Hm
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, Handmade(2x), fixer
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer, hm
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle,
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR, Gauss riffle, tommy gun,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, , Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP, Handmade
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade, EPR, Rail, Recurve bow
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
UNy/ap/sent heavy leather set
UnyApWwr trapper LL
UnyExploSent trapper and combat RA
Uny1sSent USA RL
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:03 Hot_Calligrapher8239 [PS4] H: Responders set, crazy man mask, and a BE15rs Rail W: Quad Elders Mark Offers

submitted by Hot_Calligrapher8239 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:02 Hot_Calligrapher8239 H: Responders set, crazy man mask, and a BE15rs rail W: Quad Elders Mark

submitted by Hot_Calligrapher8239 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 15:49 Spiffers1972 Help 45-70 with Red Dot

I took a Primary Arms Micro off an AR that I had sighted in. I put it back on the orginal rail mount that came with it so it's as close to the rail and it can be. I have the Midwest handguard with full length rail.
Decided to sight in guns yesterday and set up my table and sandbags at 50 yards away from a IDPA target. Sighted in the 2 ARs and then decided to sight in the 45-70. Didn't get on the target. I shot 3 times, 2 aiming center mass and the last one aiming at the bottom of the target. No holes whatsoever. Given how expensive ammo is for it and the fact that I can't find any powder for it to reload I didn't want to waste ammo.
Anyone got any tips for what I should try to get on target? I'm going to dial the red dot all the way up/down right/left and then count the clicks till it stops and then go back half of that number. I've done that on an Aimpoint to get it mechanically centered again and it worked.
submitted by Spiffers1972 to LeverGuns [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 15:40 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun (2x) epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp, AD
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail,
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow, Lever
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Epr
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium, Hm
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, Handmade(2x), fixer
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer, hm
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle,
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR, Gauss riffle, tommy gun,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, , Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP, Handmade
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade, EPR, Rail, Recurve bow
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
UNy/ap/sent heavy leather set
UnyApWwr trapper LL
UnyExploSent trapper and combat RA
Uny1sSent USA RL
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 15:03 Future_Ad_3485 To Catch a Fallen Feather Part Thirty-Two: Another Night, Another Bite!

Pacing outside of Nyx’s door, a personal matter had come up. Raising my hand to knock, sweat drenched my Victorian style suit. The modern materials made it a bit better, the door opening had me jumping back into what I called reality. Nyx yawned groggily, her tired smile lingering on her lips. Tugging at the hem of one of Salem’s shirts, the lack of sleep had dark bags underneath her eyes. Guilt ate at me, an apologetic smile haunting my pale features.
“Let me get ready.” She mumbled under her breath, confusion twisting my features. “You need me to help you, right?” Nodding my head, the door closed gently. Coming out ten minutes later in a simple ruby sweater dress. Fussing with the hem, her case caught my eyes. Wondering why she loved sweater dresses so much, the wool must feel nice when she used her ice powers. Quit thinking such idle thoughts!
“I like sweater dresses because they are like warm hugs.” She explained with a broken smile, her finger playing with the hem of her dress. “Asher made them for me and it feels wrong to wear anything else.” Her ears pinned back, my hand resting on my hip. Loving what they meant to her, my other hand ran through my hair.
“A couple of friends asked if you could hunt down a couple of rogue vampires. They have been killing a clan in the night.” I explained with an annoyed huff, hating who I was helping. “We don’t have to disguise ourselves.” Chuckling softly to herself, her hand rested on my shoulder. Mumbling something about it all being fine, a flurry of feathers had wonder brightening my eyes. Her majestic wings were the eighth wonder of the world, a couple of tears dancing down her cheek. Wrapping her arms around my waist, the floor squealed as we shot out the open window. Giving her the address, her hair fluttered about as she zoomed towards my former home. Choosing to watch the trees flashing underneath us, something seemed off about Nyx today. Awkward silence tainted the air, a snowstorm whistling to life the moment she landed. Setting me down, her slender hand dusted off my outfit. Must she be so caring? I am but a small cog in her well run machine of a team.
“I will always back you up if anyone disrespects you.” She promised with her genuine smile, the door creaking open. My lifetime bully opened the door, his cocky grin dropping at the sight of me. Mikail could be the biggest dick, no one yanking his leash. Nyx shot daggers in his direction, the full moon beginning to rise in the distance. Parting his lips to tease me, her hand covered his mouth. Her expression frightened me, the ferocious snarl had me shrinking back.
“You will respect him.” She snapped coldly, ice creeping up her arm. “If you don’t, I leave and let you all die. I mean that. Do you want help or not?” Knocking him to the floor, she let herself in. Dragging me in, her kind heart had its limits apparently. Making sure I was walking next to her, her throat cleared. Leaning towards my ear, her next words solidified my admiration for her.
“Never let them squish you. You deserve to walk next to me.” She whispered with another one of gentle smiles, her boots echoing up the stairs. My former bully's golden waves bounced with each step, his ruby eyes glittering with pure hatred. Something seemed off about him, a chain tattoo beginning around his neck had Nyx cursing under her breath. Slamming his fist on the railing, the collar of his navy suit floated up with his increasing energy. A dark energy swallowed the manor, the corrupted versions of my friends came out of the shadows. Horror rounded my eyes, Nyx shoving me behind her. Asking me to cover my eyes, her steady hands ripped her blade from its case. Spinning it in her palm, ice devoured the space. Not wanting to kill them, tears welled up in my eyes.
“Run if you don’t think you can kill the ones you once loved because they can’t be saved.” She pleaded with wet eyes, the truth coming out in her numb expression. Every job we went on, death was the last thing she desired. Silent tears stained her cheeks, her angelic form stealing my breath away. Something woke up in me, her sad smile falling to a broken grimace. Too much time had passed, my rival popping up behind me with his claws out. Knocking me out of the way, his claws slid into her shoulder. Her blood joined the snow that had been building underneath our boots, her hand grabbing onto his arm. Ice devoured his arm, the others darting towards us. Cupping the sides of my head, this was how my best friend died for me. A bell rang, an eerie silence drowning out the noise. His rotting corpse twitched over me, his human features swimming with maggots. What fresh hell was this! Rocking back and forth, my confidence faded away. Crouching down to my level, his hands draped around my neck. Glancing back at him, his form returned to how he looked that day. His ocean blue eyes twinkled with joyous tears, his chin resting on my head. His light blonde hair floated up with his big smile, violent sobs wracking my body.
“I am happy to see you have friends.” He laughed innocently, his old fashioned suit reminding me of the best time of my life. “You need to wake up and fight to keep what you earned. When you miss me, ring this bell and remember our fun.” Dropping the bell we found that one day into my palm, his form shot into the sky. Struggling to my feet, Nyx was getting slammed around by Mikail. Hating him for killing one the few people who generally cared for me while torturing me, a jagged piece of ice shimmered in the corner of my eyes. Cutting my palm on the ice, Mikail tossed a limp Nyx over the frozen railing. My rival was going down today, ribbons of my blood whipping past his head. Cocking his head to the left, a hiss poured from his lips. Extending my claws, the snow crunched underneath my boots. Sparks joined the snow, our claws coming at each other face repeatedly. Nyx floated to the bottom floor, her feathers catching the fall. Struggling to my feet, her apologetic smile gave me confidence as she healed herself. Slamming her blade into the ice, spikes impaled everyone but us. Watching them decay to ash, my heart sank. Claws coming for my face snapped me back to the battle, Nyx sprinting out of the mansion. Realizing that she would need my help, my knee smashed into his jaw. The fight needed to end if I stood a chance of protecting her.
“Enough of the damn bullying!” I thundered venomously, his bloody body shooting into the air. Angling my claws, the acute ends impaled him. His head rolled to my feet. Decaying to ash as I leapt over the railing, a cloud of snow obscured my landing. Sending out my blood ribbons to seek her out, the ribbon twisted into a single one. The snowstorm became a blizzard, another ribbon tying itself around my waist. Walking along the tight ribbon, screams had me sprinting alongside it. Horror rounded my eyes at a monster of a demon stabbing her repeatedly, blood pooling around Nyx. Cutting my ribbon, it shifted into a giant blade. Darting along the trees, there had to be a free point. Noticing the ice underneath my boots, an idea came to mind. Picking a frozen pinecone, I tossed it in the opposite direction. Shouting in frustration, he left Nyx alone to suffer. Guilt ate at me, her state was all because of my request. Kneeling down to heal her, fear paralyzed me at his heavy footfalls rushing back. Tossing her over my shoulders, the hair stood up on the back of my neck at an intense heat heading my way. Ducking behind a pile of giant rocks, black flames melted everything in seconds. Checking on Nyx again, her limp body spoke of lost consciousness. Please wake up, damn it!
“Come on out, you little rat.” His deep voice rumbled cruelly, a chill running up my spine. “Your boss isn’t worth rescuing. Hand her over and you get to not be a piece of crispy barbecue." Poking my head around just enough to be seen, this must be Emberon. His chain blade tapped against his leg, his ruby eyes glittering with pure evil. Sinking back into my hiding spot, Nyx stirred awake, her fingers gripping her blade. Fishing around her boots, a couple vials of medicine rolled into her palms. Ripping off the cork with her teeth, her throat bobbed up and down with every gulp. Wounds sealed shut, her eyes fluttering languidly. Sliding off of my shoulders, her feet began to walk towards him. Snatching her wrist, that would land her more wounds. Pushing my hand away, a feeling of uselessness came over me. Crunching into his view, a defiant grin lit up her determined features.
“I can go at this all night long.” She bluffed unconvincingly, her legs quaking from the impact of his last attack. “Eternal life is mine, not yours. As long as I can stand, the world will always have a hero.” Raising her blade in the attack position, a single blow smashed her into the crumbling remains of a torched tree. Sliding down, a fountain of blood burst from her lips. Using her blade to stand, Nyx didn’t know when to stop. Seconds from charging at him, shock rounded their eyes at me exploding from my hiding spot. Dodging his attacks, my blood ribbons held his back Pushing off the mud, my boots hit his sword. Gliding down his blade, a jump had me flipping through the air. Surprise mixed with pain at his fist knocking me into a charred tree, several of my organs popping. Coughing up blood, Nyx flipped over him to get over to me. Tossing me over her shoulder, ice devoured what remained of the forest. Who was hurt worse? That question couldn't be answered, her tenacity garnering more of my respect.
“Thank you for trying to fight but we need a few more people to beat him.” She wheezed with a bright smile, a thin line of blood pouring from her lips. Skating faster than he could get to her, her brave face never fell with every wave of black flames laced with chains. Skidding into a bustling small town, the attacks faded away to nothing. A pensive expression watched his chains and flames whisk him away to safety, her arms setting me down. Offering me her wrist, no words needed to be said. Sinking my fangs into her tender flesh, her sweet blood had my organs weaving themselves back together with every gulp. Downing a potion of her own, the blood streaming from the corner of her lip slowed to stop. Wiping her mouth with a sleeve, she offered me her elbow. Hooking it around her, her fingers tucked her blade back into her case. A bell rang, the locals glancing up from their food. The silence was suffocating, Nyx folding up her wings as she plopped down into an empty booth. Raising her fingers by her face, a snap of her fingers had them looking at us like we were normal humans.
“Do you mind if I order something to eat? Hunger seems to have a hold on me.” She chirped cheerfully, the young waitress bouncing over to me. “I wish to order a black coffee and a country fried chicken platter. Thank you.” Scribbling it down, her heels clicked away. Crossing her hands on the table, the usual numb look of depression returning with a vengeance. What can I do to help?
“Do you mind if I ask you how you are doing?” I asked cautiously, her wet eyes meeting my exhausted smile. “Today must be rough.” Ignoring me, there wasn’t much I could do. Tracing her finger around the table, her eyes refused to meet mine. Everything up to this point had ripped her apart, the weight of the world weighing her down. Our order came out, her ears pinned back. Plucking my phone from my pocket, her hand stopped me from texting Salem. Why did she do that?
“Not today.” She pleaded with a busted expression, her hand refusing to leave mine. “I need a bit of time away from it all.” Sliding my phone back into my pocket, her fork poked at the fried piece of chicken. Pushing the plate away, her appetite disappeared. Letting her sit in peace, the chaos at the house had my head pounding half the time. Crying silently into the table, ice crept out from underneath her hands. A puddle of shadows bubbled next to us, Salem and Ombre rising through the floor. Snapping her fingers again, the other patrons forgot what they saw. Sliding over to let them in, Ombre drooled at the plate of food. Pushing it over to her, the fork and knife moved a mile a minute. Salem rubbed her back, my heart aching for my own bat. She would be sure to greet me with the biggest smile. Staring out at the sinking moon, Salem tossed me a giant sweatshirt. Pulling it over my head, the oversized hood would prevent the sun from burning my skin. Sometimes it did, sometimes it didn't with the infinity mark. What was a vampire to do? Sipping on my black coffee, the damn stuff was weak. Whispering something into her ear, her middle finger had him rolling his eyes. Huffing a brisk fine, her slender hand slammed a couple of twenties onto the table. Climbing onto his back, shadows bubbled underneath him. Sinking through the floor, Ombre bounced across from me to finish up her meal. Someone was awfully cheerful.
“Let’s get your bat some flowers and a couple of gifts.” She suggested lightly, pocketing the bills to replace it with her own. “We can’t have her paying for what she didn’t eat, can we? I saw a couple of stores along main street.” Pressing her palm together with a bubbly smile, Batty would love it if I brought back a souvenir. Shooting out a quick sure, her features brightened considerably. Hiding her hands in her cute pink sweater, her dark jeans rubbed together. Wondering if someone had a crush, she popped to her feet before I could ask her. Running out of the restaurant, Ombre spun around with a big smile. Smiling softly to myself, today must be special to her. Bouncing around, the false smile didn’t hide her trauma. Helping me pick out a couple of things for Batty, my dear mate would love what we picked out. Summoning her puddle of shadows, an awkward pause hung in the air.
“I wanted to thank you for taking care of her today.” She choked out with a stern expression, my hand resting on my hip. Taking care of her was nothing, Nyx took care of us all. None of us could repay the amount of good she had given us. Yanking me into her circle of shadows, we sank into the concrete. Rising up through the kitchen, Nyx slumbering on the couch with her kids had a wave of relief crashing over me. Master Scarston and Salem chatted pleasantly over her, Batty bouncing up to me as Ombre spun towards her room. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, her mismatched eyes watched me with all the love in the world. Presenting her with the bouquet of mismatched flowers and books, her lips kissed mine feverishly. Time slowed down, my breath hitching the moment she let go. Dragging me down the hall to quench her hunger, a couple of hours passed before I found myself leaving her to sleep off our recent activity to check up on Nyx. Floorboards creaked in protest, a quiet hello had me leaping into the air. Nyx sipped on a cup of tea in the dark, her dark bags looking worse than the day before. The scent of a nightmare floated off of her back, her false smile not hiding her puffy face. Rushing to her side, one of Salem’s dress shirts was swallowing her. The nightmare could be a number of things, her life being a partial shit show up to this point.
“Before you protest, I can smell the nightmare curling off of you.” I pointed out sternly, her wet eyes meeting my earnest smile. “I won’t tell anyone else.” Unloading everything onto me, tears of my own dribbled off of my chin, her strife breaking my heart. Burying her into a bear hug, another wave of emotions had her soaking my dress shirt. Gripping my jacket, our fearless leader had the fragility of a porcelain doll. Forever being on the cusp of losing her mental stability, a floorboard creaking had my head snapping behind me. Salem lingered in the shadows with Sphynx’s face against his bare chest, guilt eating at him. Hating myself for being in what was supposed to be his spot, he mouthed a silent thank you. Snores echoed in my ears, my arms laying her down gingerly. Placing her empty tea cup on the table, the cup had been empty for hours. Rising to my feet, her trembling lips called for Salem. Walking over to the couch, his hand rested on my shoulder. His energy was as gentle as hers, the two being a perfect match for each other.
“Thank you for being there at the right moment. All of us were trying to get her to talk to any of us.” He expressed graciously, patting my shoulder aggressively. “Something about you is so relaxing and I can’t put my finger on it. Whatever it is, keep it up.” Joining her side, he pulled her head onto her lap. Calling for him in her sleep, his loving gaze had me wishing for my own mate. Assuring her that he was there for her, her arms wrapped around his waist. Clutching him desperately, his smile couldn’t be any bigger. Flyx shoved his way past me, his adorable yawn stealing Salem’s attention. Leaping into his father’s arms, another desire rose inside of me. Wishing for a family of my own, Flyx wedged himself in between Salem and Nyx. Draping his arms around her neck, Nyx sighed happily in her sleep. Mumbling the words love you, Flyx giggled before passing out. Waving as I made my way back to our room, I hovered in the doorway. Sliding down the wall, a quiet fear had me playing out the mistakes in my head. Chewing on my nail, the door creaked open. Batty plopped down next to me in one of my dress shirts. Resting her head on my shoulder, her crooked grin refused to leave her face as I unloaded everything. Happy to be there to listen to me, my lips pressed into a thin line.
“Do you want children?” I inquired cautiously, her eyes meeting mine. “Sor-” Covering my mouth before I could spoil my shot, her other hand rested on my chest. Shooting a bright yes, the flames of hope flickered to life. Please grant us what we need to defeat this mountain of brute.
submitted by Future_Ad_3485 to NaturesTemper [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:09 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun (2x) epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp, AD
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail,
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow, Lever
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Epr
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium, Hm
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, Handmade(2x), fixer
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer, hm
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle,
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR, Gauss riffle, tommy gun,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, , Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP, Handmade
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade, EPR, Rail, Recurve bow
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
UNy/ap/sent heavy leather set
UnyApWwr trapper LL
UnyExploSent trapper and combat RA
Uny1sSent USA RL
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:33 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun (2x) epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp, AD
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail,
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow, Lever
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Epr
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium, Hm
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, Handmade(2x), fixer
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer, hm
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle,
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR, Gauss riffle, tommy gun,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, , Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP, Handmade
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade, EPR, Rail, Recurve bow
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
UNy/ap/sent heavy leather set
UnyApWwr trapper LL
UnyExploSent trapper and combat RA
Uny1sSent USA RL
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:19 GhoulGriin Best Compact Riflescopes

Best Compact Riflescopes
When it comes to rifle scopes, size matters. Whether you're hunting in the woods or engaging in a long-range shooting competition, a compact riflescope can make all the difference. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the best compact riflescopes on the market, exploring their features, benefits, and what makes them stand out from the crowd. So sit back, grab your favorite beverage, and let's dive into the world of compact riflescopes.

The Top 8 Best Compact Riflescopes

  1. Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Folded Light Path Spotting Scope - The Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope offers superior image quality with a compact, lightweight design, making it an ideal choice for avid outdoor enthusiasts seeking advanced optical performance.
  2. Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting - The Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring 1.5-5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope empowers hunters with precise targeting and crystal-clear vision in low-light conditions, making every shot count.
  3. Powerful Dual-Speed Digiscoping Scope with Extra Low Dispersion Lens - Experience crystal-clear, high-contrast digiscoping with the Snypex Knight PT 72mm f/6.0 Ed-Apo Photography Scope, featuring a powerful, dual-speed focus system and impressive low-light performance, all packed in a durable, compact design.
  4. Shrewd Nomad Scope - Durable 35mm .019 RH Compact Riflescope - Experience crystal-clear precision with the Shrewd Nomad Scope 35mm, featuring a durable aluminum body, interchangeable sunshades, and versatile mounting options for all shooting scenarios.
  5. Athlon Optics Cronus G2 High-Definition Spotting Scope for Compact Rifles - The Athlon Optics Cronus G2 20-60x86mm UHD Spotting Scope offers unparalleled clarity and light transmission, making it the ideal choice for outdoor enthusiasts seeking to spot game or identify birds in challenging environments.
  6. High-Performance Riflescope with Compact Design - The Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope offers a perfect balance of premium optics and a compact design, making it an ideal choice for backcountry hunters seeking exceptional resolution and a wide field of view.
  7. ATN Auxiliary Ballistic Laser 1000 Terra: Accurate Range-Finding Laser for Hunting - Expertly calculate your point of impact with ATN Corporation's Auxiliary Ballistic Laser 1000, tailored to seamlessly integrate with ATN Smart HD day, night, or thermal rifle scopes!
  8. Leupold GR Compact Spotting Scope: Lightweight, High-Resolution Observation - The Leupold Gold Ring Compact Spotting Scope offers exceptional brightness and resolution in a lightweight, portable design, making it the ideal choice for traveling and hunting enthusiasts.
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🔗Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Folded Light Path Spotting Scope
I recently got my hands on the Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope, and I must say it's a game-changer! This little powerhouse boasts an Extra Low Dispersion Optical System, which maximizes color fidelity and contrast. It provides an incredible image across a wide field of view, all with best-in-class eye relief for easy viewing with or without eyeglasses.
One feature that really stood out for me was the Folded Light Path (FLP) system. Instead of using prisms, this system employs mirrors to compress a long optical path into half its length, making the scope incredibly compact and portable.
Another highlight is its magnesium housing. This lightweight material packs a serious punch when it comes to durability, making it ideal for rough outdoor conditions. And don't even get me started on the 100% waterproof and fog proof capabilities - this thing can brave any weather!
However, one issue I encountered was with the focus knob. It's extremely stiff and doesn't change smoothly as you adjust the magnification. It took me quite a few tries to get used to it. Additionally, there's no diopter adjustment, but the good eye relief somewhat compensates for that.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I've been thoroughly impressed by the Leupold Gold Ring HD Spotting Scope. Its top-notch optical performance combined with its rugged construction makes it a strong contender in the realm of spotting scopes. If you're in the market for one, this could be an excellent investment.

🔗Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting
Using the Killer Instinct MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope has been quite an experience. The scope has made hunting much more enjoyable for me, thanks to its amazing abilities to lock onto and track moving targets from vast distances.
One of the features that really stood out is the durability of the metal case. This thing has a real tank-like feel to it, resisting impacts and harsh weather as if it was made for it. The spring-loaded covers on the lenses also proved to be quite reliable, keeping the lenses safe and scratchless until I was ready to hunt.
The built-in Speed Ring is another aspect of the scope that has impressed me. Making adjustments for my crossbow's speed has been a breeze, and the illuminated reticle is a big help when it comes to sighting in low-light conditions. I particularly appreciate the contrast the red/blue illumination provides.
However, there was one downside that I found a little disturbing. The scope came in a condition that made it apparent that someone had used it before. I was not happy with this fact, especially considering I had paid for a brand new product.
Overall, the MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope is a product that I would recommend, even with its minor fault. It certainly helped me become a better hunter, and it would do the same for anyone looking to enhance their hunting experience.

🔗Powerful Dual-Speed Digiscoping Scope with Extra Low Dispersion Lens
Recently, I had the chance to get my hands on the Knight PT 72mm f/6.0 Ed-Apo Photography Scope from Snypex. This digiscoping scope was a game changer for my photography, allowing me to capture stunning images with my DSLR camera.
One of the standout features of this scope was the dual speed focuser. It made it incredibly easy to achieve precise focus, even in low-light conditions. The scope's focal length of 432mm and f-stop of f6.0 provided a beautiful and sharp image, which was especially noticeable when using the optional eyepiece.
Moreover, the scope was built to last, with a durable white paint coating on its aluminum housing. The 1/4"-20 tripod mounts at both ends of the shoe made it easy to balance the weight, and the integrated dovetail plate was a handy addition for quick-release heads.
However, I did encounter a minor issue when trying to attain focus on stars. Despite the scope's apochromatic doublet lens, I found that achieving proper focus was a bit challenging. Additionally, while the price was reasonable at $160, I noticed that it was listed for a much higher price on the product website.
Overall, the Knight PT 72mm f/6.0 Ed-Apo Photography Scope from Snypex is a powerful and versatile tool for photography enthusiasts. With a few minor adjustments, it could become an exceptional choice for both digiscoping and spotting scopes.

🔗Shrewd Nomad Scope - Durable 35mm .019 RH Compact Riflescope
During my time as a hunter, I had the opportunity to test out the Shrewd Nomad Scope 35mm. With its sleek CNC machined 6061-T56 aluminum body, the scope truly stood out. One of my favorite features was the 0.012" throat, providing a minimum obstruction for the target. However, mounting this scope took a bit more effort than I anticipated - it required a 3/8" Shrewd scope rod.
Adding to the overall experience was the variety of optional sunshades threaded into the front and rear of the scope that allowed me to make adjustments as needed. A nice touch were the three colored levels and sticks of fiber that came included, really adding a pinch of personalized flair. Nonetheless, it didn't come without its quirks - I had to get a 10-32 x 2 in order for it to securely mount.
Overall, the Shrewd Nomad Scope 35mm was a well-made, durable tool for any hunting enthusiast. While there were a few hiccups along the way, the benefits certainly outweighed the inconveniences. I would definitely recommend it to other hunters looking for a high-quality scope that can withstand the test of time.

🔗Athlon Optics Cronus G2 High-Definition Spotting Scope for Compact Rifles
As a nature enthusiast, I recently had the chance to try out the Athlon Optics Cronus G2 20-60x86mm UHD Spotting Scope and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. Boasting an Apochromatic Lens System and ED glass, I was able to achieve great color definition, clarity, and light transmission even in the trickiest of lighting conditions.
Even in the most challenging settings, such as dimly lit forests or shadowed treelines, the Cronus G2's enhanced contrast allowed me to easily separate my subject from its surroundings. Its versatile magnification ranges from 20x to 60x, offering unparalleled flexibility when scouting for game.
However, I did notice that the scope might be a bit bulky for some beginners, as it weighs around 40 oz. However, its overall performance and the smoothness of its single focus wheel make up for that setback.
In conclusion, the Athlon Optics Cronus G2 20-60x86mm UHD Spotting Scope is a fantastic investment for anyone looking for premium optics at an affordable price. I highly recommend it for hunters, birdwatchers, and nature lovers who desire exceptional clarity and image quality.

🔗High-Performance Riflescope with Compact Design
As an avid birdwatcher, I've been using the Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope for a while now, and it's been nothing short of remarkable. The compact design makes it super convenient to carry around, and I love how lightweight it feels. The clarity and sharpness of the image are outstanding, making it so easy to spot even the tiniest details on my feathered friends.
The adjustable magnification is another feature I've grown fond of. It's so effortless to switch between different magnification levels, giving me that extra edge when I need to zoom in on a specific bird. I also appreciate the ergonomic shape of the eyepiece, making it comfortable to use for extended periods.
However, the one downside I've noticed is the slight difficulty in focusing. Sometimes, it takes a bit of finesse to get the image looking razor-sharp, but once you've got it sorted, it's smooth sailing from there.
Overall, the Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope has been an absolute game-changer for me. Its superb optics, convenience, and ease of use have made it a go-to tool for all my birdwatching adventures, and I can't imagine going back to using anything else.

🔗ATN Auxiliary Ballistic Laser 1000 Terra: Accurate Range-Finding Laser for Hunting
I recently had the opportunity to try out the ATN Corporation ABL 1000 Elements Terra - ACMUABL1000ET. It's a fantastic range-finding laser that easily attaches to any ATN Smart HD day, night, or thermal riflescope. The touch of a button provides precise point of impact adjustments for a distance to the target, ensuring accuracy within one yard or meter.
One feature that stood out to me is its compatibility with a wide range of ATN riflescopes, allowing for seamless integration. The laser also records the distance to the target on videos shot by the smart scope, providing valuable data for future reference. It's built to withstand high-caliber recoil, thanks to its hardened aluminum alloy construction. With a battery runtime of 12 hours, it's perfect for extended hunting trips.
While the ABL 1000 Elements Terra was a pleasure to use, I did notice that it can be a bit pricey for some hunters. However, considering its features and performance, I believe it's a worthy investment for those seeking the best in range-finding technology. Overall, this laser has become an essential tool in my hunting arsenal.

🔗Leupold GR Compact Spotting Scope: Lightweight, High-Resolution Observation
I've had the pleasure of using the Leupold Gold Ring Compact Spotting Scope for a bit now and I must say, it's a game-changer for those who value portability yet don't want to compromise on image clarity. This device offers a 10-20x40mm magnification range that delivers incredibly bright, high-resolution images.
The most impressive feature in my opinion, is the prism-less 'Z' shaped path utilizing mirrors, which significantly compresses the long optical system into half its length. The result is a compact scope that doesn't skimp on performance. Despite being small, it captures stunning details, offering a crisp view that's perfect for birdwatching in the backyard or spotting wildlife while on a nature hike.
Another advantage is its waterproof and fogproof body, making it suitable for any weather condition. And don't forget about the ease of portability - with a weight of only 15.8 oz, it's small enough to be carried around your neck yet capable of standing steady on a tripod.
The anti-reflective coatings are also a nice touch, providing better light transmission and improving overall image quality. The scope body is made of carbon fiber, ensuring durability without adding unnecessary weight.
However, there are some aspects that aren't perfect- the focus knob can be a bit sensitive which makes it more challenging to get a clear view, especially if you're not used to it. Also, for some users, it may not be their primary choice for benchrest shooting, but that wasn't a requirement for me.
Overall, the Leupold Gold Ring Compact Spotting Scope is an excellent choice for those looking for a portable yet high-performance spotting scope, providing a clear view of the world while not compromising on size or weight.

Buyer's Guide

Compact riflescopes are designed to provide a reliable and accurate sighting solution for shooters who require a high-quality optic without adding unnecessary bulk or weight to their rifle.

Important Features to Consider

  • Objective Lens Size: A larger objective lens size will typically provide more light and a brighter image, but may add weight and bulk to the scope.
  • Magnification: Choose a suitable magnification range that suits your shooting needs. Consider factors like the maximum effective range and shooting distance when choosing the magnification.
  • Reticle Style: Select a reticle style that best suits your shooting needs. Common reticle types include duplex, mildot, or mil-dot.
  • Field of View: A wider field of view can be helpful for target acquisition and tracking moving targets, while a narrower field can provide a more focused view.
  • Optical Clarity and Brightness: Ensuring that the lenses are of good quality and providing good light gathering capability is crucial for maintaining a clear, sharp sight picture.

Considerations for Different Shooting Applications

When choosing a compact riflescope, consider the shooting application and how the scope will be used. Different applications may require certain features and traits from the scope.

General Advice for Selecting the Right Compact Riflescope

  • Test before you buy: If possible, try the scope out before purchasing to ensure it meets your needs and performs as expected.
  • Durability and Weatherproofing: A good compact riflescope should be able to withstand the elements, so consider factors like waterproof seals, fogproof lenses, and shock-absorbing materials in its construction.
  • Ease of Adjustment: Ensure the scope is easy to adjust for windage and elevation, and that adjustments can be made quickly and accurately during shooting.


What are compact riflescopes?

Compact riflescopes are smaller optics designed for hunting and shooting enthusiasts who require a portable and lightweight scope. They offer similar quality and performance as full-sized scopes but in a more compact and lightweight package.

How do compact riflescopes compare to full-sized riflescopes?

Compact riflescopes typically have lower magnification ranges compared to full-sized scopes. While some may offer higher magnification, they usually come at the cost of image quality and light gathering ability. Full-sized scopes, on the other hand, often have better optics and provide a clearer and brighter image. However, compact riflescopes are more portable and easier to carry during hunting and shooting sessions.

Which brands produce high-quality compact riflescopes?

There are several well-regarded brands that manufacture high-quality compact riflescopes. Some of these brands include Vortex Optics, Leupold, Burris, and Nikon. These companies typically offer a wide range of options to suit different shooting needs and budgets.

What are some key features to look for in a compact riflescope?

  • Durability: Look for a riflescope made with high-quality materials, such as aircraft-grade aluminum, to ensure it can withstand harsh conditions.
  • Optical Clarity: A good compact riflescope should have clear and sharp optics, even at lower light levels.
  • Weight: Consider the weight of the compact riflescope, as it will be carried during long hunting or shooting sessions.
  • Magnification Range: Determine the necessary magnification range for your intended use, as compact riflescopes may have lower magnification options compared to full-sized scopes.
  • Reticle Options: Some compact riflescopes offer different reticle options, such as those with illuminated or ballistic features, which can be useful for various shooting scenarios.

How much should I expect to spend on a good quality compact riflescope?

The cost of a compact riflescope can vary greatly depending on the brand, features, and magnification range. Generally, you can find good quality compact riflescopes in the $400 to $800 range. However, prices can go up to $1,000 or more for premium models from well-regarded brands.

How do I install and mount a compact riflescope?

The installation of a compact riflescope typically requires a 2-piece scope mount or a 1-piece Picatinny rail mount. It is essential to use the appropriate screws and torque settings to ensure a secure and accurate mount, which is crucial for accurate shooting.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:49 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

H: Tradelist W: Offers
AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun (2x) epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp, AD
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail,
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow, Lever
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Epr
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium, Hm
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, Handmade(2x), fixer
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer, hm
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle,
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR, Gauss riffle, tommy gun,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, , Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP, Handmade
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade, EPR, Rail, Recurve bow
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
UNy/ap/sent heavy leather set
UnyApWwr trapper LL
UnyExploSent trapper and combat RA
Uny1sSent USA RL
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:23 Pinoy1HitKO (WTS) G$ NEW 10.3 SUPER DUTY UPPER BLACK/GREEN

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2024.05.23 04:38 Alexandratta Book 3 - Chapter 43 - Stairs to Heaven

Table of Contents
Chapter 35 l Chapter 36 l Chapter 37 l Chapter 38 l Chapter 39
Chapter 40 l Chapter 41 l Chapter 42
I didn’t feel any wind. I held Gabriel’s hand as we ascended, I could certainly tell we were moving upwards.

“My mother said time worked differently in Sheol, have we met on the mortal plane yet?” I asked Gabriel.

“Yes,” they said curtly.

I looked away, “...So, you know St. Michael chose poorly, then?”

“If you think St. Michael chose poorly, then I suppose he did,” Gabriel spoke, their words soft and demure, “Had you said nothing on the matter, I would not agree with you.”

I furrowed my brow, “But I failed.”

“You were defeated,” Gabriel clarified, “Whether you failed or not has yet to be determined.”

I felt hopeful, for a moment. Maybe in Timothy’s hands the Sanctified Blade of the Guardians would find better use? Maybe that’s why Michael gave it to me? Because Michael knew I could lead the Archangels with it symbolically, knowing that I would give it to the right person?

“Your intuitive mind takes little to reach its conclusions,” Gabriel noted.

“...Oh,” I paused, “You can hear my thoughts?”

“I can see your emotions,” Gabriel explained, “It’s why I am unable to tell you why you have been called upon. If I gave you even the slightest clue, you’d likely already have deduced the nature of your meeting with Our Father,” Gabriel sighed. “You share that trait with your father: Far too wise for your own good.”

I was unsure how to take such an assessment of myself, but decided I had best remain quiet going forward.

As the scene around me changed. Towering over us was a massive silver wall of light. At almost 10 meters high, was a huge golden gate with white alabaster accents glimmering in surreal white light.

Standing before the gate, with a massive bronze staff in one hand and an oversized tome in the other, was a Cherubim Angel, clad head to toe in bronze armor. Over the armor were long white robes, covering them from the shoulders to their knees, tied to their armor with a large silvery belt.

The helm of the Bronze Angel turned to me, “... Melinoë Walters, also known as Sellenia Misho, the Ragnarök.” As the Angel spoke, its massive book opened, pages turning on their own as it did.

I paused, “Walters?” I turned to Gabriel, “Wait, Persephone had a last name on Dei?”

“Her first name was Cleopatra,” Gabriel’s voices echoed through the nearly endless space we stood in.

“Cleopatra? But Teryn called her… oooh… Pat, okay, yeah, that makes sense for Teryn, yeah,” I sighed, “...Guess she did that to everyone she met.”

“Only her friends,” Gabriel said, one head smiling, “...She calls me ‘Reia’.”

“...Huh,” I said, unsure how else to react.

Teryn would know Seraphim, wouldn’t she? Especially if Gabriel and other angels ferried souls to and from Sheol.

I wondered what she called the Angel Duma?

“...Your sins are so numerous, I am unsure, even with Gabriel ferrying your feted soul, how you do not sink into the depths of Hell,” the Bronze angel spoke, the gates opening, “I would carry that knowledge with you. For should Gabriel release you for but a moment behind these gates, the weight of your sins would drag you downward to eternal damnation.”

**“**Thank you, Brother Cephas,” Gabriel whispered, as we passed by, “For educating Ragna on her current predicament,” Gabriel looked down to me, “Come along, Ragna. We should not keep Our Father waiting.”

I turned to Cephas, looking at their visor, “Who did I hurt the most, in my life?”

Cephas did not hesitate in the least, “Our Father.

My brow furrowed, “I don’t-”

All sinners harm Our Father the most, above all!” His mighty voice boomed through the air. “For He sees all and He loves most. For Our Father loves His children more than any. To see them falter, to see them suffer and to bring others suffering, pains Him more than any other being on this or the next plane!” Cerphas declared.

I flinched as I felt Gabriel tugging me.

“Come,” Gabriel’s voice called. The large gates began to open before me. “...I should warn, those whom you vanquished that were found to be worthy are likely to be here. Your coming was, indeed, heralded.”

“And what does that mean?” I asked.

“It means keep your anger in check,” Gabriel chided.

I heaved a sigh as we walked through the gates.

As we passed through the towering gates, the scene changed entirely.

We were not standing near a gateway at all, but rather we were surrounded by towering white marble structures that defied all logic and physics.

Huge marble spires floated, upside down, on the horizon. Some were not even angled, but smoothed out hive-like structures with many windows and doors.

A yellow light filled the air, with both a flawless sunset on the far eastern side and a beautiful sunrise on the west.

I looked straight up and saw the shimmering twinkle of a night sky. Depending upon where I looked, the entire landscape took on the time of day I had last glanced upon.

My voice was caught in my throat as Gabriel began to lead me through the vast and almost infinite reaches of this place.

The horizon stretched out in every direction. The ground my feet treaded on was both yielding and firm. Looking down showed me the material looked like clouds, but felt like a sort of padded floor.

I noticed angels flying in the air. They began to land nearby.

It wasn’t long before I felt a chill running down my spine as I realized I recognized some of their faces.

Some gazed at me with somber eyes.

Others fixed me with glares full of anger and in this place I could see they felt a mixture of aversion to my presence but a satisfaction of justice. A sense of retribution filled the air.

“...These are the angles of the Guardian Temple I slew, aren’t they?” I asked Gabriel quietly.

“Yes,” Gabriel spoke succinctly.

One walked before us, the angel’s white wings opened. He had long blonde hair and his gray eyes fixed me with a look of disdain.

“Hastapher, clear a path,” Gabriel instructed.

Hastapher. Oh.

I frowned.

The old leader of the Guardian Temple’s defenses.

I gritted my teeth.

Hastapher pointed to me, his eyes narrowed on me, “Did you taste love but for less than 5 years, wicked one? Spawn of the Morning Star?”

I paused, narrowing my eyes on him, “...What?”

“Hastapher,” Gabriel growled, “Not now. Father has requested her presence.”

“Answer me, Cursed Daughter of Lucifer!” Hastapher shouted.

“No,” I quipped.

I recalled the words Hastapher spoke before I slew him: “May any happiness you ever have be tainted by greater sorrow. May the feat of victory always turn to ash in your mouth.”

Hastapher’s angry face changed and he moved, “Good.”

I gritted my teeth.

That curse upon me was real?! I nearly leapt at him until I spotted someone out of the corner of my eye.

Standing next to a mighty black-skinned Niten Dragon was Rachel.

Her red hair was down and her eyes were once again a soft blue. She looked so pure, so serene, but so heartbroken watching me.

My eyes filled with tears and I pulled away from Gabriel.

I heard Gabriel call out as my hand left their’s.

I watched Hastapher’s armor appear on him as he moved to stop me.

I jumped into the air and I soared towards Rachel.

Rachel pushed the Black Niten Dragon away from her and flew towards me.

“Rachel!” I shouted as I flew towards her.

Rachel smiled and shouted to me, “Ragna!”

We embraced.

I held her tight. The scent of her hair was the same. As we latched onto each other and landed on the ground, I could feel the memories we shared.

It was as if I was reliving every moment I had with her, however brief.

Memories of us on our little Eden. Visions of her pregnant with Lucilia.

I pulled back just enough to kiss her and she kissed me back.

At this moment, nothing else existed. Just her.

Just my Rachel and I.

My Dream. My Amaranthe.

When the kiss broke, her forehead pressed to mine and I couldn’t help but laugh through my tears of joy, “My Amaranthe…” I whispered, barely able to speak.

Rachel sniffled, “...Ragna. I missed you. I’m so sorry… I… I didn’t mean to leave you.”

My lip trembled as I heard footsteps behind me.

“...An enigma you both remain,” Gabriel’s voices spoke softly.

All around us, angels had cleared a circle, as if we were toxic or could somehow harm them.

Hastapher was closer than others, but held back many, “Do not touch them…” He spoke softly “...Ragna hangs here but by a thread.”

I looked at Rachel and I felt my knees sinking into the floor.

Rachel held me tight, “Don’t leave me again!”
Gabriel’s hand seized my shoulder, my knees no longer sinking. “Even with pure love, you nearly fell. It is a miracle you did not, Ragna. That was reckless of you,” Gabriel warned.

I turned to Gabriel, glaring, “I thought you lived for reunions.”

Gabriel’s three heads all raised their eyebrows.

I turned back to Rachel, looking at her beautiful tear filled eyes. I kissed her forehead and dried her tears, holding her face in my hands, “I will come back for you. I swear to you. Nothing here can keep me from you.”

Rachel just pursed her lips and nodded. She kissed me once more and I returned it.

“...That is enough, Ragna,” Gabriel whispered.

I broke the kiss and stood, my hand lingering on Rachel’s face as she looked up to me longingly.

“I promise,” I shouted as Gabriel led me onward, “I will come back for you!”

Rachel reached out to me, the Black Niten Dragon holding her back by the shoulder, Hastapher standing between us as Gabriel led me onward.

“Ragna!” Rachel cried, “I love you!”

“I love you too!” I answered back before I was taken far from her.

“...You should not make promises you cannot keep, Ragna,” Gabriel explained once we were out of earshot.

I took one of Gabriel’s hands as they led me onward, glaring ahead, “If anyone here… and I mean anyone thinks they can keep me from my Rachel, they’ll be sorely mistaken.”

Gabriel scoffed as they led me onward and I noticed less and less structures around us, “You are indeed, your father’s child.”

I glared at Gabriel as we continued forward.

Eventually, I saw a golden staircase looming out of the horizon.

It was narrow, but towering. Reaching high into the sky, where it ended I couldn’t see, outside of a pin-hole of white light where the stairs top could no longer be seen.

The base of the stairs had black obsidian-like flooring.

Gabriel stood there and turned to me, “Here you may release me. You will not fall from here onward.”

I let go, looking around, “So… where is ‘Our Father’?” I asked.

Gabriel pointed up the stairs, “They are there,” Gabriel turned to the steps, “Upon the top of these steps is the Throne of Heaven, where Our Father sits and waits.”

I looked up the dizzying steps.

No railings, no structure holding the steps together.

Each step floated on its own accord, suspended by nothing, connected to the other steps by nothing. All only half a meter wide.

“And I’m climbing to meet Them?” I asked.

“You will attempt to climb,” Gabriel said as they turned from me, “Only Angels have survived the journey. Fall from the steps and you will burn in Hellfire. But that is the least of your concerns,” Gabriel explained.

“The least of my concerns?” I scoffed, “What do you mean?”

“To climb upon these steps is to face the Creator of our universe. The raw power of The Almighty is so grand that even to stand near Their Radiance is to stand before a burning star. Those souls who lack the constitution to weather such power will burn away, until nothing remains,” Gabriel spoke firmly to me.

I shrugged, “So, I need to climb up the stairs, not fall and face the power of a star unprotected?” I spread my wings.

“You’ll find your wings will not help you here, Ragna,” Gabriel chuckled, “The power of The Almighty would cast you down immediately.”

I narrowed my eyes, “...Thanks for the warning. Are you hoping I will fail?”

Gabriel nodded, “As I said, you should not make promises you cannot keep. I suspect this will be the last time we see one another.”

I turned to Gabriel, “If I don’t make it… What happens?” I asked.

“God shall enact His final act and His children shall be with him,” Gabriel sighed, “The mortal realm will be left to those immortals who would call themselves Gods and the damned left at their mercy.”

I frowned, “So… Eris… Xyphiel…” I winced, “...And every demon in Hell.”

Gabriel nodded, “Yes. But worry not, your love will be safe. I can promise that much.”

I looked to the steps and then back to Gabriel, “Thank you for that.”

“This may come as a shock, but I know what it is like to lose a loved one, only to find them on the other side,” Gabriel explained, “This is something I only discovered recently… after I suffered a remediation from my Father.”

I scoffed, “And what did you do that angered your father?”

Gabriel paused, the eyes on two of their heads closing as the eyes on one faced me sternly, “I loved a mortal and kept him on the mortal plane without an edict or any other logical reason. For this, I was punished.”

“Well, even the pious can err, huh?” I mocked.

Gabriel’s eyes opened, all fixed upon me with wrath, “If you fall now, none would know if it were by my hand or by your own failing.”

“I think someone would know, since They know everything,” I chuckled as I shook my head, “But I will not fall. Not to you and not as I climb” I declared as I made my way to the steps, moving to the first and already feeling a potent heat hitting me in the face.

I moved to the second step and nearly stumbled back as a powerful wind pushed against me.

It starts with one~” Gabriel’s voices began to sing.

I growled and started slowly up the next step.

All I know,” Gabriel’s voices called out, “It’s so unreal.”

I walked further, at the fifth step at least, I found the heat was nearly unbearable, like facing into the exhaust of a powerful engine.

Gabriel’s voices rang out in song, both mourning and joyful, “Just to watch you go~”

I grunted, pushing myself up to my feet and moving up farther. I pushed past several more steps before I fell forward, gripping the hot golden metal before me.

I felt my hands searing from the heat and turned back to see only a dozen or so steps had been cleared.

Gabriel remained below, their voices ringing out, almost taunting as they sang. “I tried so hard, and got so far. But in the end, it doesn’t even matter. I had to fall, to lose it all, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter.”

I growled and pushed myself higher, feeling the heat through the soles of my feet as I climbed.

The hot wind blew my hair wildly and the heat penetrated my clothing as I climbed, keeping my eyes fixed on the next step before me.

I try so hard,” Gabriel’s voices sang, “Got so far.”

I gritted my teeth and started a mad sprint upwards, trying to ignore the heat, the pain and every bit of chaos around me.

I focused on one step before the other.

I moved up at least another dozen steps before I had to fall to my knees, the heat overwhelming me as I felt my clothing start to burn.

In the end~” Gabriel’s voices rang out, the final word holding for what seemed like eternity as I knelt.

I tossed my jacket off, watching it ignite in the air as I pulled my belt off. The soles of my boots had already burned away, my bare feet sizzled on scorching gilded steps.

“Pain is temporary,” I tried to encourage myself, as I pressed onward.

Gabriel finally changed from their long note, their voices somehow still reaching me, “I tried so hard, and got so far! But in the end, it doesn’t even matter. I had to fall, to lose it all! But in the end, it doesn’t even matter!”

I grunted and pushed onwards, the song Gabriel’s voices sang now seemed far more personal. As if they hadn’t been personal enough, I now set myself to a slow, steady and grueling pace of setting one bare foot before the other on burning step after burning step.

I’ve put my trust in you. Pushed as far as I could go. For all this, there’s only one thing you should know-” Gabriel’s voices called out as a potent wind made me pause for a moment, their voice taking on a venom I didn’t expect. “I’ve put my trust in you! Pushed as far as I can go! For all this, there’s only one thing you should know! I tried so hard and got so far. In the end, it doesn’t even matter! You had to fall to lose it all - but in the end, it doesn’t even matter!”

I pulled myself up, gritting my teeth as I continued, the wind growing in strength both in intensity and heat.

My hair ignited and despite this I pushed on. Gabriel’s last words that I could hear were ringing in my mind.

I wasn’t going to fall as they wanted. I would see Rachel again. I’d see Zepherina again. My Lucilia. I would see my family once more!

As I pushed onwards, a blast of heat nearly knocked me off the edge of one step.

I could barely see as my eyes felt like they were burning.

I paused, grabbing the step ahead of me with one hand as I knelt on the other.

I screamed in pain as what little clothing remained ignited and burned away.

Now, I was completely and utterly exposed. I held my wings tight to my back, pushed myself up and kept walking.

The searing heat from each step only grew more intense as I climbed.

I glanced down to my hand, seeing my very flesh bubbling and charring.

I turned away from the sight, trying not to focus on what was happening to me.

I glanced upwards and it seemed I had made almost no real progress. The pin-point of light was still so far away.

I pushed onwards, the heat only growing, my pain only intensifying.

Still, I pushed onward.

A shot of light shocked me, a soft violet hue filled my vision.

I glanced down at my hand, noticing no flesh remained, but now a glowing essence of sorts.

A violet light, faintly glowing around me. Steam seeping from my hand in the powerful hot wind.

“Oh Guardians… My soul’s being stripped bare…” I thought as I watched violet mana slip away in the monstrously brutal wind.

I shook my head and carried on with my climb.

By no means did it get easier.

If anything my flesh was a buffer against the pain. Now every blast of hot wind felt like pins being slammed into my body. My soul?

I think all of my physical form had been eradicated at this point as I made my arduous climb skyward.

Even though my wings lacked feathers, a dangerous glance backwards showed they were bare wings. Even the flesh on them was stripped away, all that remained were glowing violet wing bones with wisps of mana between them.

Even turning nearly made me fall as the dizzying height I had reached showed I was so far away from where I started that it looked like nothing but a pin-prick of a black dot.

I began to panic slightly as I looked up at the sky above.

There, the pin-prick had changed.

Now, a fiery ball of light shimmered in the distance and gazing upon it burned my eyes.

I cast my eyes down, looking at the burning golden steps I was currently frying on.

I crawled up the steps now, one hand ahead of the other, one knee at a time.

The only relief came from when I would lift a limb up and while the pain stopped for a moment, it came back when I made contact with the golden step.

It was here that I realized my hands were withering away.

Each moment they remained on the step more and more of my hand burned away.

Now, I climbed with the stumps of my forearms, unable to grasp the step before me.

I couldn’t feel my feet as well.

I wondered what I looked like now. An unfinished model of a figure, perhaps?

Lacking all definitions that made me what I was.

My hair, my skin, my feathers.

Was I even myself?

What was driving me? Why was I subjecting myself to this horrific experience?


With renewed vigor, I pushed myself further.

Rachel, Timothy, Lucilia, Zepherina and even Maddy.

My family, my friends, everyone who would call me nothing more than the product of my parents.

I wouldn’t fall.

I would pass this trial, no matter how excruciating it was.

No matter how much of myself was burned away.

I wasn’t going to fail.

I couldn’t fail, not now.

I chuckled, it was just as Gabriel said, “I had come so far…”
The wind stopped abruptly. As did the burning in my limbs.

Though I still felt the heat.

I looked up and was immediately blinded by an unyielding white light.

I recoiled, trying to guard my face with my arm but still the light burned my eyes. All I could do was cast my eyes away from the source.

A cacophony of voices of all ages, genders and accents filled my ears.

It felt as if someone was stabbing my ears with a thousand needles. It was so loud.

“Ah, I see you have finally made it.”

I gasped in pain, “Please… Not so loud!” I begged.

The volume didn’t change, nor did the pain of every word, “I am sorry. These words shall pain you. I will attempt to be brief.”

I grunted as I heard the words, “Fine! Then… Speak! Why have you brought me here?! What do you want with me?!”

“Want? No.” The cacophony called out, “Need.”

I panted as I heard that the Father, Guardians or whatever, was doing Their best to be brief. But it seemed that being brief meant They were being vague. “Just… Please tell me everything you need from me. I’ll just… Bare it…” I shivered in pain.

“Very well. I do not wish to harm you, Daughter of Lucifer. But, I will tell you all now, since you are before Me.” The Guardian’s began, “No God rules forever, though all Gods are Eternal. How does this strike you, Ragna?”

I winced, taking a moment to collect myself, “Gods… Come and go with worship, right? Some rise, some fall… Eris was weak and then she started to get some praise, she got stronger when Chaos took hold of the world.”

“Yes. The Spirit of Chaos is but a trifling thing. Though the power she wields, it is very specific for one. For even she cannot peer past this moment,” The Guardians explained.

“And, I know this will hurt to hear but, what is the significance of this moment?” I asked.

The moment when Ragna Misho comes before Us. Not every path led you here. In fact, but one path did. It was not the cleanest path, nor the one I desired, but such is free will. We know all choices made, We know all paths forward. We see the beginning and the end, for We are the Alpha and the Omega.” The Guardians declared.

“So free will is bullshit?!” I shouted, still reeling from the pain of the Guardians' words.

“Far from it,” the Guardians bellowed, “Free will is why I am, both Omnipotent and Omni-absent.”

I caught my breath, the Guardians allowing me time to understand.

“We see all choices of all people. As such, We cannot know what true path the world will take. There are endless destinies and We have seen every one of them. We cannot choose the outcome. We plan and We wish for one, but the Free Will of Mortals is a constant challenge. A blessing and a curse.”

I panted, “So, you know the outcome of every decision I could have ever made?”

And the outcomes of those decisions you could not make. Those of your mother and father, your brother and even those whom you did not realize altered your path.” The Guardians explained.

“So,” I took a deep breath, which only served to steel myself, “What is it you want from me? Why have you asked me here?”

“We want to offer you a path to redemption. For you, Ragna, have found Love. You understand, for once, what Love is. That is how you climbed. If you did not know Love, you would fail. Either fallen or vanished. Your faith remained with your heart. But still, you have done so much wrong, your soul is unclean, unfit to rise. It will either sit in Sheol or burn in Hellfire.”

I looked up, trying to stare at the blinding light once more, but I had to turn away, “So… What are the terms? What must I do? Will you send me back to finish it? To vanquish Xyphiel?!”

“No. We will leave this plane. We shall take our children and retire. But someone must shepard the damned souls and give them a chance at redemption,” The Guardian’s voices all appeared to change tone, they were happier, for a moment, “Who better to guide a flock of those needing redemption than one who, herself, seeks a second chance?”

I paused to consider and I slowly got to my feet, “So, I cannot go back… You want me to watch over the souls of the damned and help them become redeemed?”

Yes. For We love Our children. Even you, Ragna, who slew so many. We love you and We wish for all those who suffer to attain one final chance to join Us in Heaven. So I will ask: "Will you shepard my lost flock, Ragna?”

I let out a slow breath, lifting my face to try to gaze at the bright light again. I got as far as looking at the base of a mighty throne. “...Under one condition.”

The voices of the Guardians all grew angry with me and I staggered back from a powerful burst of heat, “Doth thou think We are bartering?! Doth thou think you can disrespect Us, Your Spiritual Father?!”

Trembling, I slowly answered, “You know what I want. You know what I’m thinking,” I said softly, “...You know all I want is Love, right?”

The voices seemed to calm, “There were two choices you could have made, Ragna.”

The voices didn’t hurt my ears now as I felt a rush of cool air surrounding me.

We are pleased that you have made the best choice,” The Guardian's voices called to me.

I felt calm, the pain in my body vanishing as my heart felt, for once, at ease, “...Thank You. I won’t let you down. But… What about Xyphiel?”

That is for the mortals to resolve,” The Guardians called out, “We have given them all they need. Now, the task is upon them. The most difficult part of my task, as always, is to extend to my children my most powerful gift.”

I shivered as I felt my flesh and clothing restoring, “What gift is that?”

“My Eternal Faith.”
submitted by Alexandratta to The_Guardian_Temple [link] [comments]