Puisi i

Stop sharing me this shit😭

2024.05.09 15:47 Unique-Prior-6930 Stop sharing me this shit😭

Stop sharing me this shit😭
one of my friend like to share this kind of post..the second image also he already note with caption “ . “
wtf bruhhh so annoying laa😭😭
submitted by Unique-Prior-6930 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 19:34 JackCooper_7274 I need help controlling DC motors with an Arduino

Hello! I am just looking for some pointers on how to use an external (wired) controller to control a couple of 12v DC motors. I have an arduino uno, an XY-160D motor driver, and two of the aforementioned 12V DC motors, which I am powering with a 12v battery. I am not super experienced when it comes to coding, everything I work on is purely mechanical (see profile). I have done some very simple OLED screen and servo motor stuff, but that's about it.
This is the controller I'm using, and I have no problem running the program through a PC
submitted by JackCooper_7274 to arduino [link] [comments]

2023.11.15 02:28 Gravbar Publiccaziuni di Puessi

Sapi quaccunu si ci su quarsiasi publiccaziuni dunni si prisintari i puisi o i stori cutti nnâ lingua siciliana? Vulissi ju pruvari a scriviri picchÏ sognu nu scritturi pâ passatiempo.
Sientivi di Arba Sicula ma un sacciu prisintarili
submitted by Gravbar to Sicilianu [link] [comments]

2023.08.04 16:46 Cyxiii New Spike Mechanic but this time...

New Spike Mechanic but this time... submitted by Cyxiii to ToramOnline [link] [comments]

2023.06.16 21:24 SavvyCleaner The 11 Best Commercial Vacuums of 2023

The 11 Best Commercial Vacuums of 2023
Are you interested in a commercial vacuum? Thinking about investing in one? u/AskAngelaBrown weighs in on them in this u/TheSpruce article by u/EricaPuisis about The 11 Best Commercial Vacuums of 2023! Check it out! 👀 🙂 #savvycleaner #commercialvacuums #clean
submitted by SavvyCleaner to u/SavvyCleaner [link] [comments]

2023.06.05 05:30 Stonespeech [Puisi] Masa yang Mengalir (sajak ke puisi bende ni? tak pasti lah. aku kecewa dgn diriku skarang)

submitted by Stonespeech to bahasamelayu [link] [comments]

2023.03.21 07:35 Level-Friend-3684 My cookbook collection!

My cookbook collection! submitted by Level-Friend-3684 to CookbookLovers [link] [comments]

2023.02.08 15:46 upperballsman Babad Diponegoro, Published by Narasi, Short Review:

Babad Diponegoro, Published by Narasi, Short Review:

Controversial bits are addressed at the bottom. Kalau ingin melihat Perang Jawa dri kacamata memori Pangeran Diponegoro sendiri, nggak ada opsi lebih baik dripada babad diponegoro, Babad yang ditulis pangeran sendiri ketika di pengasingan.
Babad dimulai dri Quick 200 Pages Recap sejarah Jawa, yang nggak ada kaitanya sama perang jawa sama sekali. tpi tetep menarik karena recap ini ngasih kita insight: sudut pandang sejarah jawa by jogja royal kraton pada saat itu,
contohnya, deskripsi trah panembahan senopati pakaianya serba hitam, atau bagaimana p. diponegoro mengingat peristiwa giyanti secara cukup dalam, tapi raden mas said/ mangkunegara disinggung sedikit sekali, dll
setelah 200 halaman lebih, dimulailah cerita perang jawa, masih menyambung dri kejadian giyanti, diceritakan bagaimana kondisi royal court saat itu, bagaimana pangeran diponegoro sangat tidak senang dengan "ketidak taatan" bangsawan kraton .
bagaimana makmurnya tegal rejo, dan bagaimana diponegoro terjebak di intrik royal kraton, yang membuat dia ke skip hak nya atas takhta.
my favourite part is the little details: contohnya, pas awal pecahnya perang, diponegoro lagi diskusi sama pengantar surat, di tengah pembicaraan terdengar suara meriam, semua pada kaget.
atau ketika tegalrejo udah diserang, diponegoro kekeuh ngga mau pergi, dia akhirnya pergi setelah diseret keluar, dan bagaimana anaknya(?) kabur dengan nggantung di kaki pangeran saat pangeran naik kuda.
semua detil kecil ini bikin kita ngerasa ikut serta dalam perjuangan pangeran, bagaimana rencana pembagian wilayah, gmn takaburnya kiai maja, gmn magelang penuh bgt orang ketika diponegoro dan belanda ngabisin waktu bersama di bulan puasa
endingnya paling surealis, diponegoro, dalam pengasinganya, cuma bisa menulis, dan menunggu kabar tak tentu atas keberabgkatan dia ke mekah, permintaan terakhir dia. kalimat terakhirnya, sangat melankolis:
"masih didalam kota manado, besok wallahualam adalah takdir Allah, sinuhun siang dan malam tetap berdoa kepada Allah ta'ala dan syafaat nabi"
setelah semua cerita panjang lebar itu, setelah semua pergolakan itu, di titik terakhir pun diponegoro gk pernah "menyerah", dia masih bersikap seolah raja kpd orang2 yang menangkapnya.
tpi kalimat terakhir itu ngehighlight, dihari itu, di hari kalimat itu dituliskan, kejayaan pangeran sudah lewat, dan sampai akhir hayatnya pangeran tidak pernah ke mekah, mimpi terakhirnya tidak pernah terwujud.
a melancholic ending for a wonderful story.
I said story, because it is a babad. saya nggak tau mana bagian yang benar mana bagian yang salah, atau di romantisasi. bahkan babad diponegoro pun ada banyak sekali versinya, dalam pengantar, penerbit nggak sebut ini versi yang mana, cuma disebut "dri museum nasional"
bukan berarti seluruh kesejarahan di buku ini invalid tho. anyway, buku ini diterjemahkan as-is, alias pake gaya susunan "puisi jawa", kalo kata pengantarnya. jadi bahasanya secara grammar lumayan rumit. all in all, a good read, 7/10.
Controversial bits: so i take it some of you already familiar with the whole "Diponegoro pernah nyalahin nyonya Cina yang dia setubuhi karena pernah kalah perang"
i will give you my insight:
di babad ini, diceritakan kira kira prafrasa nya begini "diponegoro menyesal salah mengira nyonya cina itu istrinya" dengan gaya2 puisi jawa yang serba rancu tanpa koma, klo insight dari gue: nggak ada satu katapun yang nyiratin klo objek utamanya itu si nona cina, feeling gue itu lebih menekankan "Diponegoro nyesel bersetubuh ama selain istrinya" ketimbang "Diponegoro menyalahkan nona Cina"
Itu dari gue, klo dari Ki Roni Sadewo (Certified turunan Diponegoro) dan Peter Carey, mereka, khas sejarawan yang selalu berhati2 dengan sumbernya, bilang "nyalahin nona cina" itu pernyataan yang bold. Tembang Jawa itu serba rancu, dan artinya bisa berubah2 tergantung naruh koma nya dimana, jdi pernyataan itu belum bisa dibenarkan.
submitted by upperballsman to NusantaraRaya [link] [comments]

2022.11.28 03:38 DamionLeeCurtis Rival fans are excited about a rematch? LMFAOOOOOOO we in their heads rent-free fr fr 🤣🤣🤣

Rival fans are excited about a rematch? LMFAOOOOOOO we in their heads rent-free fr fr 🤣🤣🤣 submitted by DamionLeeCurtis to nbacirclejerk [link] [comments]

2021.11.07 13:09 sumpitsehat R4R & Online PDKT: How and How Not to Approach Strangers Online

[December Update] Ada 7 poin baru dan tambahan poin-poin kecil yg di-enclose dengan [+]...[/+]. Ada glossary dan tambahan contoh percakapan juga. Karena jadi kepanjangan gw bagi jadi 2 thread.
Long thread, tapi setiap bagian ada TLDRnya. Thread kedua bisa dibaca di sini: R4R & PDKT: How and How Not to Approach Strangers Online/IRL [UPDATED/PART 2]
Hola! 5 Nov kemarin mod IndoR4R kita, u/wolfaragon dan u/amosinia, hapus account bersamaan. Ga tau u/wolfaragon kenapa, tapi terakhir u/amosinia sempet bilang beberapa orang emang ga bisa “take the hint” dan malah di-spam chat orangnya. Entah seller RG atau cowok ngegebet.
Ada beberapa (cewek) yg cerita ke gw pengalaman ga enak juga di IndoR4R. Solusi gampangnya adalah tinggal ban. Tapi menurut gw ini ga menyeselaikan karena kemungkinan orangnya ga tau salahnya di mana. Kalo tau caranya ngaco, ga mungkin dilakuin kan? Ya kecuali emang ngetroll… percuma dibahas.
[+] IndoR4R juga udah ga ada modnya, jadi ga bisa ban siapa-siapa di sana. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [/+]
Jadi… thread ini bertujuan untuk sharing sesama komodos tips PDKT dengan baik dan jitu. Gw juga ga jago-jago amat kok jadi arah diskusinya bisa ke sama-sama belajar. Oh karena gw cowok straight dan kebanyakan redditors di sini juga cowok straight dan korban harassment kebanyakan cewek, mungkin fokusnya ke arah gimana cowok bisa deketin cewek dengan benar dan ga creepy.
[+] Meskipun judulnya "Online PDKT", gw banyak tambahan jadi lebih umum, ga cuma online doang. Selain itu, gw rasa advicenya juga bisa dibaca perempuan. [/+]
IMPORTANT: Do not name and shame anyone. This is also not the place to talk about u/wolfaragon and u/amosinia. My writing is based on my personal experiences. What works for me may not necessarily work for you. I am NOT responsible for your dating life.

[+] Glossary [/+]

1.Chemistry: cuocok. Nyambung sama orang pas ngobrol atau lakuin aktifitas bersama.
  1. Gaslighting: memanipulasi, mengubah fakta agar orang lain menyalahi diri sendiri dan mempertanyakan sanity mereka. Contoh: "Kok gitu aja marah? Perempuan seharusnya ga boleh marah. Gila ya" padahal emang patut marah dan ga ada hubungannya sama gender.
  2. Gebetan: orang yg kalian "attracted to" dan deketin. Baca thread ini untuk perspektif lain.
  3. Ghosting: putusnya komunikasi secara mendadak. Chat tiba-tiba ga dibales, telpon ga diangkat, sosmednya ilang (artinya dia ngeblock). Banyak yg salah sangka kalo ghosting itu artinya chat yg perlahan mati. Kalo ini emang ga ada chemistry aja, emang chatnya kalo mau diterusin juga ga bakal nyambung.
  4. Harassment: artinya sih pelecehan, tapi biar gampang anggap aja hal yg bikin orang lain ga nyaman. Ga cuma berupa foto titit tanpa diminta ya. Banyak hal-hal yg orang suka ga sadar bikin ga nyaman. Contoh: maksa chat harus selalu dibales, maksa buat tau sexual history, menghina personal life atau passion, dst.
  5. Love Language: cara mengekspresikan rasa sayang. Tiap orang beda. Ada 5 jenis: words of affirmation (cth: kasih pujian), quality time (cth: nonton bareng), giving gifts (cth: kasih boneka), acts of service (cth: bikinin sarapan), dan physical touch (cth: pelukan).
  6. Red Flag: hal yg ga bisa ditoleransi dalam memilih pasangan. Tiap orang beda-beda. Contoh: ga bisa terima cewek ngambekan atau merokok. Bisa liat thread ini dan ini buat contoh lain. Cari pasangan ga perlu yg sempurna kok. Cari yg kelemahannya bisa diterima dan toleransi. Selain itu, perbaiki diri agar tidak memberikan red flag terhadap gebetan.


1.Two Fundamental Rules: Sebelum ngapa-ngapain, pikirin dulu kalo hal yg sama terjadi sama kalian atau nyokap/saudara perempuan kalian.
  1. Why PDKT? Ask yourself if you really need a girlfriend. Having one is not the solution to your life problems.
  2. The Logic Behind Attraction and PDKT: Stop chasing girls. Invest in yourself.
  1. How to Make Yourself (More) Interesting: Dalami passion tapi jangan sampe hidup berputar di sana aja. Miliki tujuan hidup.
  2. Building Confidence and Overcoming Insecurities: Ubah apa yg bisa diubah dari skincare, olahraga, pakaian, hygiene, keahlian, circle dll. Don’t pity yourself. Perlu proses. Jangan overconfident.
  3. Building Social Skills: Latihan sama stranger yg harus berinteraksi sama kita. Gunakan terima kasih, tolong, dan maaf. Bisa ikut organisasi atau volunteering.
  1. Where to Begin: Coba di IRL, dating apps/IndoR4R, atau social media. Jangan cepet baper atau berkspektasi berlebihan. Filter sesuai interest dan gaya komunikasi.
  2. Texting and Communication 101: Cari common interests atau values, yg sopan, jangan kaku, hargai personal space.
  3. Progression and Asking Her Out: Nyaman komunikasi -> ajak keluar (perhatikan red flags) -> tunjukkan sisi romantis. Jangan diburu-buru.
  4. The Confession: Confess cuma kalo udah bisa terima nilai dan latar belakang masing-masing dan yakin dia nyaman juga. Confess pas ketemuan dan jangan berbelit-belit.


1. Two Fundamental Rules

i. The Self Litmus Test
Sebenernya ngertiin cewek itu ga susah, sama-sama manusia kok. Apa yg bikin kita nyaman atau bahagia, kemungkinan juga bikin mereka begitu. Apa yg bikin kita sedih, gelisah, atau kesel, kemungkinan bikin mereka begitu juga. Contoh: kesel ga kalo ada temen chat terus-terusan
bro mabar buruan
bales dong, buruan lama”
padahal lagi sibuk? Kalo kesel, ya simpelnya cewek juga kesel kalo dispam terus apalagi udah disuruh stop.
Intinya perlakuin cewek siapapun sewajarnya kayak kalian memperlakukan manusia. Ga perlu overthink atau try too hard cuma buat impress perempuan. Mereka bukan makhluk ajaib.
ii. The MotheSister Litmus Test
Bayangin tiba-tiba ada stranger DM ibu atau adik/kakak perempuan kamu. Dia send foto kontol terus chat “syG jilaT donG kntL aQ,, snge nicHH”. Kalo lu pengen tonjok tu orang, berarti lo juga berhak ditonjok kalo ngelakuin hal yg sama. [+] Kecuali... sengaja harass perempuan karena lo ada dendam sama nyokap atau saudara perempuan. Go fuck yourself. [/+]
TLDR: Sebelum ngapa-ngapain, pikirin dulu kalo hal yg sama terjadi sama kalian atau nyokap/saudara perempuan kalian.

2. Why PDKT?

Kesepian? Butuh temen curhat? Apapun itu, jangan berharap kalo si cewek atau berada di relationship bisa jadi solusinya. She is not your psychologist. Kalo mental health bermasalah, cari psikolog beneran.
Kesepian itu ga enak banget. Gw kadang kesepian juga (sad). Tapi mending alihin energinya ke hal yg lain. Lakuin hobi, coba nolong orang, atau ngobrol di DCT minimal. Kalo cari cewek cuma gara-gara kesepian, you will end up feeling lonelier because she may not always reciprocate.
Jangan cari cewek karena pressure dari temen atau ortu atau karena udah umurnya. Ga akan bahagia. Being single in your 20s? In your 30s? Still a virgin? It’s okay, you are not a mistake. Mending ketemu telat daripada buang waktu di hubungan yg dipaksakan. Gunakan waktu single untuk self-exploration dan improvement.
Terakhir, jangan cari cewek cuma karena sange. Mending coli, open BO, atau cari yg sama-sama mau ONS/FWB. Harus jelas ekspektasinya di awal.
Terus ngapain deketin orang? Ya buat kenal lebih deket. Entah jadi pacar atau mental health membaik, semuanya bonus.
[+] Iya emang end game-nya buat punya pacar. Ga salah kok. Tapi akhirnya dapet pacar atau engga itu di luar kontrol kita. Kalo misalkan deket sama perempuan terus udah cepet-cepet baper dan mikirin masa depan bersama, you are just making yourself vulnerable. Gw lebih setuju mindsetnya buat kenal lebih deket, sekalian liat ini orang beneran pantes atau engga. Jangan berekspektasi berlebihan. [/+]
TLDR: Ask yourself if you really need a girlfriend. Having one is not the solution to your life problems.

3. [+] The Logic Behind Attraction and PDKT [/+]

Kalo ditanya, apa yg bikin kita naksir orang lain? Kemungkinan kita maunya yg semok, good looking, asik, atau nyambung kan? Ya... cewek juga begitu.
Banyak cowok yg asal deketin orang tanpa persiapan, tanpa meng-upgrade diri sendiri dulu jadi menarik. Banyak yg siklus PDKTnya tuh: tertarik -> keburu baper -> coba deketin -> ternyata ga cukup menarik buat doi -> sad ending -> repeat. The bitter truth is... your texts and presence are never enough. 2 hal itu bisa dikasih semua orang jadi ga spesial.
Mungkin di luar sana ada success story cowok ngejar-ngejar cewek bertahun-tahun (sampe ada yg 5 tahun?!?), sampe akhirnya si cewek mau. Gw pribadi ga nyaranin ngejar-ngejar kayak begini. Selain buang waktu, failure ratenya juga tinggi (contoh: ngejar-ngejar 2 tahun tapi tiba-tiba doi ketemu yg lebih mapan dan menarik. Sebulan kenalan langsung pacaran mereka 🤡). Ada kemungkinan kalo si cewek juga mau karena kasian.
Gimana kalo patternnya diubah? Jadi menarik -> coba ramah ke semua orang -> akan sendirinya attract orang yg sefrekuensi/cocok -> profit. Selain itu, kita jadi lebih punya decision-making power. Entah mau beneran serius sama orang ini kalo cocok, atau malah ngefriendzone dia kalo ternyata ga cocok. (hehehehe)
Masa PDKT itu bukan buat ngejar-ngejar satu arah. PDKT itu harusnya dua arah. Cinta kalian harus diperjuangkan doi juga, jangan dikasih cuma-cuma. Kalo emang ada chemistrynya, bakal lama-lama saling deket sendiri kok. Kalo responsnya ga positif (bales chat lama, ga pernah mau diajak ketemuan), ya berarti dia ga tertarik. Solusinya adalah buat diri kita menarik, bukan malah ngejar terus-terusan (selebihnya di Poin 4, 5, dan 6.)
[NOTE: jadi menarik bukan berarti jadi "THE" Alpha/Sigma Male whatsoever in the room ya. Ga mesti jadi yg paling ganteng atau yg paling populer. Yg penting ada effort buat diri sendiri. Upgrade untuk diri sendiri, bukan untuk orang lain.]
TLDR: Stop chasing girls. Invest in yourself.


4. How to Make Yourself (More) Interesting

Kalo di dunia kerja ada yg namanya T-shaped skills. Garis vertikal di ‘T’ berarti seberapa dalam kita menguasai suatu bidang. Garis horizontal berarti seberapa fleksibel kita dengan bidang-bidang di luar spesialisasi kita.
Di dunia percintaan juga. Jadilah seseorang yg mendalami passion tertentu (garis vertikal). Akan terlihat menarik kalo punya passion yg jelas. Suka gambar? Suka nyanyi? Suka masak? Tekunin. Itu selling point dan sesuatu yg bisa di‘pamerin’ ke gebetan. [+] 'Pamer' maksudnya bukan songong ya.
Contoh yg salah: "eh liat gw masak Pasticcio alla Ferrarese with Balinese Sambal Matah, lo pasti ga bisa. JaMaN sEkArAnG cEwEk eMaNg GaK BiSa MaSak."
Contoh yg benar: "eh liat deh gw tadi coba-coba bikin ayam geprek. Kapan-kapan lo harus cobain deh. WKWKWK." Ini bisa membuka topik. Bisa juga jadi alasan untuk ketemuan.
[NOTE: passion ga cuma minat atau hobi ya. Nilai-nilai pribadi juga. Contoh: pandangan terhadap kesetaraan gender, konsep ketuhanan, dll. Tapi inget, ga semua orang akan terima values kalian.] [/+]
Di saat yg sama, jangan sampe kepribadian kita cuma 1 dimensi (perlu garis horizontal juga). Ketemu cewek yg 24/7 cuma ngomongin oppa favoritnya bikin capek kan? Sama. Boleh jadi wibu yg knowledgeable, tapi ga setiap hal harus di-Jepang-Jepang-in dan ga setiap saat harus manggil diri sendiri dengan ‘watashi’. Bakal bikin bosen. “Tapi kalo ketemu sesama wibu ekstrimis gimana?” Kemungkinan bakal bosen juga karena sama-sama ga ada variasi. Sesuai huruf T, minimal ngerti dikit-dikitlah tentang recent news, tempat travel bagus, life skills, dll jadi diajak ngobrol hal lain tetep nyambung.
[+] Selain konsep huruf T ini, miliki juga tujuan hidup yg jelas dalam karir atau aspirasi. Kalo mau attract perempuan yg mencari long-term companionship, harus meyakinkan doi dulu kalo sama kalian bisa bikin secure dan ada kepastian. Tapi ga mesti jadi super ambisius juga kok. Seimbang aja. [/+]
TLDR: Dalami passion tapi jangan sampe hidup berputar di sana aja. Miliki tujuan hidup.

5. Building Confidence and Overcoming Insecurities

Confidence itu penting agar bisa menjadi menarik dan membawa percakapan. [+] Confident men (and women) are hella attractive. Cowok insecure akan mendatangkan perempuan insecure juga, yang akan berujung ke hubungan yg toxic karena sama-sama akan menghambat pertumbuhan partnernya. My partner shouldn't be better than me because I would feel insecure and less worthy. [/+]
Yes, looks matter and beauty privilege exists. Yup, muka kalian ga bisa tiba-tiba jadi seganteng u/TheBlazingPhoenix. TAPI selalu ada hal yg bisa diubah supaya rasa insecurenya berkurang. Liat ke cermin. Kalo merasa jelek, kemungkinan cuma fitur-fitur tertentu yg bikin jelek. Ga semua yg ada di diri kamu jelek.
Pahami apa yg bisa diubah dan apa yg ga bisa. Tinggi kalian mungkin berhenti di 170cm, tapi kalian selalu bisa ilangin skinny fat dan bentuk sixpack. Sebagian perubahan emang perlu waktu yg lama tapi bukan berarti mustahil. Contoh: bebas jerawat (harus rutin skincare, proper diet, sleep, dll), atau proper body physique (harus rutin olahraga, diet, rest). Ke progresspics buat liat kalo ganteng itu bisa dibentuk.
Dress up dan smile. Baju ga perlu mahal-mahal yg penting ga kekecilan atau kegedean. Kaos putih, jeans, jaket denim juga oke asal pas. (Katanya kalo kekurusan pake baju oversized aja(?) Gw ga ngerti deh rumusnya gimana tapi begitulah.) Rambut kepala dan facial hair trim yg rapi. Wangi dan bersih jangan lupa. [+] Senyum juga bisa tebar aura positif dan naikin mood. [/+]
Cari olahraga yg disukai. Ga cuma ngegym kok. Olahraga bikin mood bagus, yg berarti bikin PD. Menjadi confident karena prosesnya bukan karena hasilnya (karena ga instan).
Build expertise. Berkaitan dengan Poin sebelumnya, kalo kita punya keahlian atau minat khusus, kita juga akan lebih PD karena hal itu jadi nilai plus kita. Paling engga, ga akan insecure saat ngomongin hal yang kita kuasai. Banyak baca buku juga biar wawasannya luas.
[+] Keluar dari circle atau sosmed yg toxic. Kalo misalkan sekeliling kita cuma sombongin keberhasilan dan menjatuhkan kita, mending jauhi. Jangan takut FOMO atau sendiri apalagi demi kebahagiaan pribadi. Belajar untuk nyaman dalam kesendirian. [/+]
Don’t pity yourself. Know your worth. Jangan selalu tebar aura negatif atau kekuarangan kalian apalagi ke orang yg kalian suka. Secara implisit kalian bilang “ini loh... 1000 reasons why you SHOULDN'T date me”. [+] Selain bikin ilfeel (coba liat top comment di sini), apa yg kalian katakan akan tercermin ke sikap dan perilaku kalian. Ga mungkin bisa confident kalo enggak act that way. Fokus ke kelebihan. [/+]
Yang terpenting, ingat semuanya perlu proses. Ubah penampilan dan gaya hidup itu ga instan. Semua dimulai dari hal kecil. Ga biasa olahraga? 1 push up pas bangun tidur udah lebih baik daripada engga sama sekali. Ga perlu juga mencoba semua hal di atas secara bersamaan. 1-1. Misalkan bulan ini mau fokus perbaikin gaya berpenampilan, yaudah itu dulu. Bulan depannya bisa fokus olahraga.
[+] Percaya diri dan menarik itu go hand-in-hand. Bisa memperganteng diri terus lebih percaya diri lalu menjadi menarik. Bisa juga gara-gara percaya diri jadi lebih menarik.
Yg penting inget, jangan overconfident. Aware sama kemampuan dan batas masing-masing. Kalo misalkan ga ngerti Konsep A, jangan sok-sok jelasin cuma buat impress gebetan. Jangan juga kebanyakan pamer.
Selain buat PDKT, punya rasa percaya diri banyak manfaatnya kok. Mood jadi bagus, lebih berani speak up kalo ada hal yg bikin ga nyaman, dst. PENTING: Jadilah confident untuk diri sendiri, BUKAN untuk gebetan.
[NOTE: Di sini gw ngomongin bangun confidence secara umum ya. Kalo misalkan ada masalah psikologis tertentu yg mengakibatkan perpetually low self-esteem, berarti solusinya ke psikolog.] [/+]
TLDR: Ubah apa yg bisa diubah dari skincare, olahraga, pakaian, hygiene, keahlian, circle dll. Don’t pity yourself. Perlu proses. Jangan overconfident.
Further readings:

6. [+] Building Social Skills [/+]

Tujuannya adalah agar gimana kita bisa membawa percakapan dan ga menjadi boring. Saran gw sih coba latihan berinteraksi sama stranger (terutama lawan jenis) yg harus berinteraksi sama kita. Contohnya waitress, mbak-mbak warteg, mbak-mbak ojol, dll.
Cara ini tuh low return tapi low risk juga. Low return karena ga akan tiba-tiba kenalan terus nikah minggu depan. Ya cukup untuk latihan aja. Low risk karena kalo misalkan gagal atau awkward, ya ga usah ke sana lagi. Contoh gampang bisa muji masakan mbak-mbak warteg, "Eh kak/mbak/teh, enak nih ayam gorengnya saya suka. Hehehe." Apapun la terserah. Kalo ga suka long conversation, 1-2 kalimat aja cukup kok. Semakin lama bisa perpanjang percakapannya kalo kalian nyaman.
Manfaatnya agar merasa lebih PD, ga awkward, dan lebih nyaman sama perempuan. Kalo terbiasa ngomongin hal mundane kayak begitu, bisa bawa percakapan sama gebetan dengan lancar juga. Terakhir, biar ga gampang baper karena udah biasa ngobrol sama perempuan, jadi dibaikin sedikit sama perempuan ga bikin tiba-tiba baper hopeless.
Karena tujuannya latian, pembicaraannya sewajarnya aja. Ga perlu godain mbak-mbak wartegnya. Jangan bilang "Eh kak/mbak/teh, ayam gorengnya enak nih... aPaKaH sEeNaK mAsA dEpAn kItA jUgA?" 🤦‍♀️c r i n g e.
Biasakan juga menggunakan 3 kata sakti: Terima kasih, tolong, dan maaf, ke semua orang. Tujuannya melatih agar menjadi ramah. (Khusus minta maaf, jangan kebanyakan juga, liat Poin 13.)
Saran terakhir adalah coba ikut organisasi atau voluntereering. Ya sekalian latian interaksi sama orang aja. Tapi kalo ga suka, ya jangan.
[NOTE: Bagian ini ga ada hubungannya sama introvert atau extrovert ya. Gw introvert tulen juga kok. Paling ga suka kalo harus dipaksa interaksi sama orang padahal lagi ga mood. Tapi bukan berarti ga bisa ajak ngomong stranger.]
TLDR: Latihan sama stranger yg harus berinteraksi sama kita. Gunakan terima kasih, tolong, dan maaf. Bisa ikut organisasi atau volunteering.


7. [+] Where to Begin [/+]

Poin ini bukan poin baru, tapi gw revamp banyak. Ada beberapa opsi:
i. IRL (temen kampus//komunitas/etc.). Ini paling enak sih apalagi yg seprojek bareng, jadi ada kesempatan buat ngobrol.
Kalo gw sih biasanya ga ada 'crush secara spesifik'. Ga pernah liat cewek terus langsung target dan fokus cuma ke dia. Gw biasanya mencoba ramah ke siapapun dan karena gw orangnya suka iseng dan bercanda sama orang, biasanya gw sekalian 'ngetes' siapa yg nyambung sama bercandaan gw. Dari situ biasanya akan gampang ngobrol sama gw dan bisa cepet akrab. Jadi dari awal udah attract yg emang sefrekuensi.
Jadi... cari tau interest dan gaya komunikasi kalian, dan gunakan itu untuk mem'filter' orang. Kalo misalkan kalian tipe yg melankolis pecinta puisi dan seni, biasanya akan attract dan cocok sama yg begitu juga. Kuncinya adalah untuk tunjukkin kelebihan dan buka opsi sebanyak-banyaknya. Jangan cepet baper atau fokus hanya ke 1 perempuan.
[NOTE: ini beda ya sama secara desperate godain semua perempuan. Liat Poin 2 dan 3. Intinya adalah buat jadi ramah aja. Sebagai introvert, gw juga ga bisa kok nge-maintain deket sama segitu banyak orang.]
ii. Dating apps/IndoR4R. Konsepnya sama kayak IRL. Coba ngobrol sebanyak-banyaknya dan filter yg ga cocok. Sesuai Poin 4 dan 5, tunjukkan kelebihan dan passion kalian di profile. Don't pity yourself. [+] Khusus dating apps, wajib pasang foto terganteng kalian. Bisa pm kalo mau gw nilai profile + foto kalian hahahaha. [/+] Kalo di IndoR4R, ga ada foto dan sosmed kayak di dating apps. Kalian bukan lagi bersaing secara fisik dan status, tapi murni tulisan di profile kalian. Use it to your advantage. Tulis juga kalo kalian mau serius atau iseng-iseng. Jangan pernah ragu juga untuk memulai percakapan duluan.
Patut diinget, jumlah M di dating apps dan IndoR4R itu jauh di atas F. Ciwik-ciwik ga akan selalu sempet balesin semua orang. Gpp kok. Value kalian ga akan turun cuma karena ga dibales Anon di internet. Jaga ekspektasi.
iii. Social media (IG, Reddit, dll.). Ini sebenernya final attempt ngegebet sih. Saran gw sih jangan asal nge-DM karena ga semua orang nyaman langsung ngomong 1-on-1 sama stranger. Kecuali ada written invitation, sesuatu yg privat atau mendesak, atau udah establish diri sebagai orang yg menarik dan bervalue baru boleh deh. Di IG balesin storynya dulu, di Reddit balesin comment atau postnya dulu. Bisa DM (with caution) kalo si cewek udah sering balesin juga. Liat creepyPMs untuk contoh yang SALAH.
TLDR: Coba di IRL, dating apps/IndoR4R, atau social media. Jangan cepet baper atau berkspektasi berlebihan. Filter sesuai interest dan gaya komunikasi.

8. Texting and Communication 101

Di dating apps atau IndoR4R, opening linenya gimana? Bisa coba pick up line. Tapi ini risky. Kalo bercandaanya kena, ya bagus. Tapi kalo salah sasaran, bisa dianggap cringe & first impressionnya jelek. Bisa juga ngomongin interests atau values dari profilenya.
[+] Di luar dating apps atau R4R, ngomongin common interests atau values aja. Kalo udah kenal IRL, bisa lanjutin percakapan IRL. [NOTE: ngejulid-in orang tertentu itu juga common interest loh hehehehe. Tapi jangan sering-sering.] [/+]
Tergantung orangnya, ga semua orang nyaman buat langsung ngomongin diri mereka sendiri. Liat mereka punya (TW) self-harm marks? Jangan tanya “lu depresi ya?”🤦‍♀️ Tunggu mereka yg cerita duluan. Jangan kasar dan tiba-tiba ngomongin hal seksual. Jadi pendengar yg baik dan jangan invalidate feelings.
[+] Contoh: doi cerita "aduh sedih banget revisi skripsi ditolak lagi."
Respon salah: "Biasa aja kali. Gw aja udah revisi 15 kali masih hepi-hepi aja." Selain ga ada yg nanya, emosi, entah sedih atau apapun itu, adalah hal natural dan ga bisa disalahi. Masalah hidup orang juga beda-beda. Gimana kalo ternyata ortunya tipe yg strict yg selalu menuntut dia untuk sempurna?
Coba clarify emosi dia dan tanya pertanyaan. Contoh: "Gila pasti pusing ya lu sekarang. Emang kata dosbingnya gimana? Ada yg bisa gw bantu ga?" atau berbagai variasi lainnya. [/+]
Karena ga ada intonasinya, bolehlah sekali-kali pake wkwk, haha, emoji atau sticker biar ga datar. Ada humor juga, bawa santai, dan jangan kaku.
Terakhir, ga perlu selalu chat 24/7. BUKAN karena harus jual mahal, tapi karena kita menghargai personal space doi. “Bedanya apa ngab?” Jual mahal artinya menaruh harapan agar doi tertarik. Menghargai personal space artinya mengakui itu emang hak dia dan kita ga perlu dapet reward apa-apa. Tapi kalo doi asik-asik aja balesin dan lu juga gapapa, monggo. Selalu liat situasi, kalo respon dia negatif ya jangan diganggu-ganggu terus.
TLDR: Cari common interests atau values, yg sopan, jangan kaku, hargai personal space.

9. Progression and Asking Her Out

Ini sebenernya tergantung pace masing-masing. Mungkin umumnya kalo udah sama-sama lancar komunikasi terus-terusan (tetep bukan berarti 24/7). Doi ga sungkan ngomongin topik baru dan tanyain balik (jadi ga 1 arah). Ada inside jokes, bisa ngomong hal random tanpa perlu ragu. Tukeran sosmed juga oke-oke aja. Kemungkinan ya dia udah nyaman.
[+] Biasa di titik ini kalian akan mulai baper. Cie cie cie. Kadang kepikiran si dia pas ngelamun. Kadang cenat-cenut kalo dapet text si dia. Wajar kok gpp. Tapi inget buat selalu jaga ekspektasi. [/+]
Bisa mulai ajak keluar. Ga selalu perlu ‘proper date’ kok. Misalkan perlu beli baju baru, bisa tanya “eh Sabtu ini gw mau belanja baju baru nih, sempet temenin ga?” Pas udah keluar kan bisa sekalian makan bareng. Kalo ketemu, perhatikan juga red flag yg ga keliatan selama chatting. Contoh: ternyata dia hobi pup di celana terus cengengesan. Pas udah, jangan lupa bilang thank you udah ditemenin. [NOTE: ada orang yg prefer buru-buru ketemuan karena ga suka chatting. Sah-sah aja. Yg penting sama-sama nyaman.]
[+] Tujuan ketemuan adalah buat kenal lebih dalam, terutama shared values. Ga mesti dinner berdua di atas Monas kok. Yg penting sama-sama nyaman. How do you carry yourself matters most. [/+]
Kalo udah biasa keluar dan dia juga suka ajak keluar, bisa tunjukin sisi romantis dan perhatian situ untuk kasih hint kalau kalian tertarik. Contohnya bisa dari hal kecil. Dia mau sidang skripsi? Bisa tulis tangan surat UwU-UwUan buat semangatin. Dia baru promoted? Bisa kasih kue kecil-kecilan. Bisa dikit-dikit mulai kontak fisik tapi tetep respect boundaries [+] (jangan langsung pegang tete 😠, sentuh pundak dulu kek atau kalo pas jalan tangannya bisa deket-deketan). [/+] Senyaman love language kalian. Ini bisa ditunjukin di tahap sebelumnya juga sesuai kebutuhan. TAPI jangan berlebihan padahal baru kenal. Harus perlahan.
[+] [NOTE: Nikmati prosesnya. Jangan diburu-buru karena takut keduluan orang lain. Kalo kalian cukup ber-value, dia yg akan nungguin kalian.] [/+]
TLDR: Nyaman komunikasi -> ajak keluar (perhatikan red flag, kenal lebih dalam) -> tunjukkan sisi romantis. Jangan diburu-buru.
Further readings:

10. [+] The Confession [/+]

The 'confession' or the 'talk' or whatever you call it.
Harusnya di titik ini kalian udah sama-sama tau dan bisa menerima nilai-nilai dan latar belakang masing-masing. Sama-sama udah tau tujuan pacaran apa. Udah tau dan bisa terima konsekuensinya kalo pacaran (contoh: beda agama ahem).
[Paragraf ini pindahan dari Poin 9] Confession itu buat bikin resmi dan ada kepastian. Masing-masing yg tau sendiri senyaman apa gebetan, sesering dan setergantung apa dia sama kalian. Kalau selama ini ngobrol, keluar, dan dikasih perhatian khusus reaksinya positif-positif aja dan dia juga lakuin hal yg sama, kemungkinan bakal aman. You can still get rejected though, so be gentle and respect her decision.
How to properly confess? Ga mesti terlalu extravagant kayak sewa satu Sush* Te* buat berdua terus minta dinyanyiin staffnya Koi wo Shiyo yo kok. Sebisa mungkin confess pas ketemuan dan ngomongnya ga berbelit-belit. Look into her eyes. "Eh kalo boleh jujur, gw selama ini sih nyaman ya keluar bareng lo. Gw pengen deh bisa bawa hubungannya ke arah yg lebih serius" atau berbagai variasi lainnya. Tunjukkan rasa sayang dengan love language. Contoh: bawa gift kecil-kecilan misalkan boneka atau surat atau apalah yg dia suka.
Kalo dia terlalu permasalahin cara confession ("kOk gAk sErOmAnTiS SoNg JoOnG-Ki SiH?"), kemungkinan pas pacaran dia akan permasalahin hal-hal sepele lainnya. Seharusnya kalo udah dewasa sih lebih ngomongin kedepannya mau gimana ya daripada pusingin hal kayak begini.
[NOTE: buat perempuan yg baca thread ini tapi nungguin di-confess si cowok, don't. When in doubt, ask. Kalo engga, lo cuma kasih kesempatan buat dimainin. "Gw bisa ngomong sebentar? Pengen bilang sejauh ini gw sebenernya nyaman jalan bareng lo. Jadi kalo boleh tau ini arahnya sebenernya mau ke mana ya?" atau berbagai variasi lainnya.]
TLDR: Confess cuma kalo udah bisa terima nilai dan latar belakang masing-masing dan yakin dia nyaman juga. Confess pas ketemuan dan jangan berbelit-belit.
Dilanjutkan di thread kedua di R4R & PDKT: How and How Not to Approach Strangers Online/IRL [UPDATED/PART 2]
submitted by sumpitsehat to indonesia [link] [comments]

2021.08.22 16:56 Muazrozlan Any good Bahasa literature?

As the title implies, I want to read any Bahasa literature, any puisi or good novel are welcome, but preferably something sophisticated.
The whole purpose is to expand my vocabulary and trying to improve myself to be a better wordsmith. I'm an inspiring rapper.
submitted by Muazrozlan to malaysia [link] [comments]

2021.08.07 07:05 MrsHumanCar Question: Where can I find traditional Malay poems (puisi/pantuns)?

I've been working on a project related to our country's history (particularly Penang), I was wondering where I can find examples of traditional pantuns (with author, dates listed) - and also old newspapers from 1900s-1950s. Any help or links would be appreciated.
Take care!
submitted by MrsHumanCar to malaysia [link] [comments]

2021.06.17 04:41 Ajjaj13 Islamisasi dan De-Islamisasi Bahasa

Arif Wibowo, SP, M.PI
[Penggiat PSPI (Pusat Studi Peradaban Islam), dan Pengajar Pada Padepokan Lir-Ilir Karang Pandan]
“Een Holandsche Kwajongen”, kurang lebih artinya “Begajul Belanda “, adalah artikel dalam Bahasa Belanda yang ditulis oleh Syafruddin Prawiranegara di Majalah USI (Unitas Studiosorum Indoneesiensis / Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Indonesia). Artikel tersebut merupakan protes atas pernyataan Profesor Eggens, yang menyebutkan bahwa Bahasa Indonesia (yang saat itu disebut Bahasa Melayu) merupakan bahasa primitif yang tidak mungkin menjadi bahasa ilmu. Menurut Syafruddin pendapat itu tidak layak keluar dari mulut seorang guru besar, apalagi Prof. Eggens baru saja datang dari Belanda dan belum mempelajari Bahasa Indonesia secara mendalam. Meski oleh Senat Fakultas (Dewan Guru Besar) melalui ketuanya, Prof. Zeylemaker, Syafruddin disuruh meminta maaf, Syafruddin. Ia mau minta maaf kalau Prof. Eggens meminta maaf terlebih dahulu kepada Bangsa Indonesia umumnya, dan kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswa Indonesia pada khususnya (Rosidi, 2011 :83) .
Keberpihakan terhadap Bahasa Melayu juga diperlihatkan oleh Haji Agus Salim. Cendekiawan yang menguasai 7 bahasa, dan sangat fasih berbahasa Belanda ini, lebih memilih untuk menggunakan Bahasa Melayu, saat berpidato di sidang Voolkstraad, meskipun oleh pimpinan sidang diminta untuk menggunakan Bahasa Belanda.[1] Bahasa Melayu pada saat itu memang merupakan bahasa yang dibenci oleh penguasa kolonial Belanda sebab identik dengan bahasa umat Islam.
Bahasa Melayu Islam
Agama Hindu yang berkembang di Kepulauan Nusantara merupakan Hindu bersifat estetik dan ritualistik. Unsur-unsur saintifik yang menekankan unsur rasional, intelektual, analisa sistematis dan logis ditolak. Sehingga penyajian Hindu di Indonesia lebih merupakan renungan para penyair bukan perenungan para pemikir dan filsuf (Al attas 2011 : 214). Oleh karena itu, seiring dengan perpindahan massal keagamaan masyarakat di kepulauan Nusantara kepada Islam, maka bahasa masyarakat setempat mengalami Islamisasi dengan cepat. Hal ini dikarenakan sifat intrinsik Islam yang sangat membutuhkan penalaran logis dan rasional dalam pemahamannya, sehingga Islam itu sendiri sering dikategorikan sebagai scientific religion.
Keharusan Islamisasi Bahasa untuk keperluan pemahaman Al Qur’an ini dapat dilihat dari pernyataan Syed Naquib Al Attas bahwa. “Bahasa pertama yang mengalami Islamisasi adalah bahasa Arab itu sendiri. Dimana bahasa Arab setelah turunnya Al Qur’an menjadi bahasa arab “baru” dan tersempurnakan, yang memuat konsep-konsep dasar Islam, yang tidak berubah dan dipengaruhi perubahan sosial” (Al attas 2011 : 56).
Istilah Islamisasi Bahasa Melayu lebih tepat digunakan daripada arabisasi, sebab motif penyerapan bahasa Arab ke dalam bahasa lokal variabel utamanya adalah upaya untuk mendalami Al Qur’an. Sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh A.H. Johns
“Kitab suci Al Qur’an memiliki peranan sentral dalam kehidupan umat Islam, dan semua komunitas umat Islam membutuhkan salinan kitab suci itu. Oleh sebab itu, menyalin Al Qur’an, mengajarkan aturan melafalkannya, serta menerjemahkan makna ke dalam bahasa setempat merupakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang diperlukan.” (Johns, 2009 : 49 – 51).
Terjemahan pertama Al Qur’an dengan tafsirnya ke dalam Bahasa Melayu adalah Tafsir Al Baydawi yang masyhur, yang menandai kebangkitan rasionalisme dan intelektualisme yang sebelumnya tidak berlaku di Kepulauan Melayu-Indonesia (Al Attas, 2011 : 217). Karya yang bersifat rasional dan filosofis pun bermunculan, seperti Tarjuman al Mustafid karya ‘Abd al-Rauf al-Singkili (1615 – 1693) yang merupakan saduran terbuka dari Tafsir Jalalayn. Kitab al-‘Aqaid al-Nasafiya karya Njm al-Din Al-Nasafi diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Melayu Aceh di tahun 1590 (Bragisnky, 2009 : 88) dan masih banyak karya penerjemahan lain yang akhirnya memperkaya Bahasa Melayu Islam. Denys Lombard, memperkirakan ada 3.000 peristilahan Melayu yang berasal dari bahasa Arab dan Arab-Parsi (Lombard, 2008 : 163) . Kata-kata serapan dari bahasa Arab yang digunakan dalam bahasa Melayu berkisar 15 – 20 persen (Johns, 2009 : 49). Bahasa Melayu mengalami suatu perubahan besar, dimana, ia menjadi bahasa pengantar utama untuk menyampaikan Islam ke seluruh Kepulauan Melayu (Al Attas, 2011 : 216).
Huruf sebagai wujud perlambangan bilangan, nada atau ujaran juga mengalami perubahan seiring Islamisasi Bahasa ini. Huruf Pallawa dan Pranagari tidak lagi mampu menampung peristilahan yang masuk ke dalam Bahasa Melayu,n dan akhirnya memunculkan Huruf Arab Jawi sebagai medium dalam penulisan Bahasa Melayu. Proses ini berlangsung mulai abad ke 11, sesuai bukti arkeologis yang ditemukan di Pahnrang, pesisir tengah Vietnam, yang berasal dari tahun 1.050 M. Selain itu batu nissan Raja-Raja Pasai (1237 M) dan prasasti Batu Trengganu (1303) menunjukkan pemakaian huruf Arab dalam penulisan Bahasa Melayu. Pada pada tahun 1600, huruf Arab Jawi merupakan satu-satunya huruf yang digunakan untuk menulis dalam bahasa Melayu (Johns, 2009 : 51). Satu-satunya wilayah yang belum menggunakan bahasa Melayu dan huruf Arab Jawi adalah sebagian wilayah Jawa, yakni Mataram.
Peta pemakaian huruf Arab Jawi 17 – 19.
Jawa, Sebuah Anomali
Mataram, di bawah kepemimpinan Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo, melakukan islamisasi besar-besaran melalui. pendidikan Islam massal kepada masyarakat. Di setiap kampung diadakan tempat untuk belajar membaca Al Qur’an, tata cara beribadah dan tentang ajaran dasar Islam seperti rukun iman dan rukun Islam. Saat itu, apabila ada anak berusia 7 tahun belum bisa membaca al Qur’an, ia akan malu bergaul dengan teman-temannya. Selain itu, juga dilakukan penerjemahan kitab-kitab besar berbahasa Arab dalam kajian yang bersistem bandongan(halaqah). Kitab-kitab itu meliputi kitab Fiqih, Tafsir, Hadits, Ilmu Kalam dan Tasawuf. Juga Nahwu, Sharaf dan Falaq. Sistem kalender juga disesuaikan dengan sistem Islam( Yunus, 1996 : 223-225).
Sayangnya, rintisan yang dilakukan oleh Sultan Agung ini tidak dilanjutkan oleh pewarisnya, yakni Amangkurat I yang lebih memilih dekat dengan VOC dan berhadapan dengan kaum santri di bawah pimpinan Trunojoyo. Ketergantungan militer pada VOC menyebabkan, penerusnya, yakni Amangkurat II tidak mempunyai pilihan kecuali memberikan sebagian pesisir kepada VOC. Hal ini membuat komunikasi dengan pusat-pusat Studi Islam di Asia Selatan dan Timur Tengah menjadi sulit (Woodward, 2008 : hal. 16-17).
Stagnasi proses Islamisasi di bumi Mataram ini kemudian dimanfaatkan oleh pemerintah kolonial Belanda untuk melakukan eksperimen “Nativisasi Kebudayaan”, yakni mengembalikan kembali Jawa kepada peradaban pra Islam. Pada tahun 1830 Pemerintah kolonial Belanda mendirikan Instituut voor het Javaansche Taal (Lembaga Bahasa Jawa) di Surakarta, yang merupakan tempat berkumpul para ahli-ahli Jawa berkebangsaan Belanda. Para javanolog Belanda ini lebih jauh menggali kesusastraan, bahasa dan sejarah Jawa kuno yang telah lama menghilang di kalangan orang Jawa. Para Javanolog Belanda mengembalikan tradisi Jawa kuno (Jawa pra Islam) dan menghubungkannya dengan Surakarta. Javanolog Belanda lah yang “menemukan”, “mengembalikan” dan “memberikan makna terhadap Jawa masa lalu. Jika orang Jawa ingin kembali ke masa lalunya, mereka harus melalui screening pemikiran Javanolog Belanda[2] (Shiraishi, 1997 : 7). Lembaga ini akhirnya berhasil menciptakan sebuah kultur menjadikan Islam sebagai unsur asing dalam budaya Jawa.
Translation bukan sekedar proses mengartikan secara leksikal dan gramatikal adalah proses mengungkapkan makna suatu ajaran, buku atau puisi ke dalam bahasa lain (Johns, 2009 : 49). Kesamaan huruf tentu lebih memudahkan proses asimilasi, adapsi dan adopsi konsep-konsep Islam ke dalam bahasa lokal. Dan Pemerintah Kolonial memahami betul akan hal ini. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjalankan apa yang disebut sebagai oleh mantan Zending consul Van Randwijk sebagai”Strategi Memangkas Islam” maka pengajaran bahasa Melayu harus dihentikan, dengan jalan memunculkan dialek daerah pra Islam (Steenbrink, 1995 :144). Karel Frederick Holle misalnya, di tahun 1865 menerbitkan buku cerita rakyat Sunda yang dibagikan kepada penduduk, dengan tulisan Sunda yang merupakan varian artifisial tulisan Jawa. Padahal, Holle sendiri mengakui bahwa masyarakat Sunda lebih mengenal huruf Arab daripada huruf Sunda. Tetapai bahasa dan huruf Arab harus dibatasi karena akan memperkuat pengaruh orang yang fanatik terhadap agama (Steenbrink, 1995 : 107). Selain itu juga melakukan politik bahasa dengan menjadikan huruf Latin sebagai huruf resmi di administrasi pemerintahan, perdagangan dan lembaga pendidikan. Dengan demikian bahasa Melayu dan huruf Arab Jawi makin terkucil dari masyarakat.
Proses Latinisasi huruf ini, pada dasarnya adalah proses westernisasi dan deIslamisasi yang sejalan dengan politik asosiasi oleh Belanda, Dampak dari Romanisasi huruf ini menurut Al attas adalah kebingungan dan kesalahan dalam memahami Islam bukan tidak beralasan. Sebab Romanisasi bahasa yang semula berhuruf Arab menjadi latin, secara berangsur-angsur terjadi pemisahan hubungan leksikal dan konseptual antara umat Islam dengan Sumber Islam. (Al attas, 2011 : 156-157). Proses latinisasi ini akan menceraikan hubungan pedagogi antara kitab Suci Al Qur’an dengan bahasa setempat. Sehingga terjadilah proses deislamisasi, dimana terjadi penyerapan konsep-konsep asing ke dalam fikiran umat Islam, yang kemudian menetap dan mempengaruhi pemikiran serta penalaran mereka (Al-attas, 2011 : 57). Puncak tragedi ini, di Indonesia adalah ketika ditahun 1970, pemerintah Orde Baru yang saat itu banyak di think-thank i oleh cendekiawan Katolik dan sekuler, melarang pengajaran huruf arab Jawi di sekolah-sekolah umum. Sehingga huruf ini hanya tersisa di pesantren-pesantren salafiyah.
Dampaknya dapat kita lihat sekarang, dimana umat Islam mengalami semacam gegar intelektual, dimana kosakata asing yang berasal dari dunia Barat tidak lagi bisa dibendung. Istilah-istilah baru yang menimbulkan kontroversi di tengah masyarakat muslim datang silih berganti. Idiom-idiom pluralisme, multikulturalisme dipaksa masuk menggantikan konsep kemajemukan masyarakat yang sudah mapan dan tidak mengundang kontroversi. Tidak berhenti sampai di situ, bahkan kalau kita lihat dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) edisi ketiga, yang diterbitkan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan Balai Pustaka, penulisan beberapa istilah baku agama Islam sudah meninggalkan kedisplinan dalam transliterasinya. Sebagai contoh, Al Qur’an ditulis Kuran (hal. 616), ibadah sholat ditulis Salat (hal. 983). Hal ini merupakan kesalahan fatal, sebab sebagai agama wahyu, Islam sangat disiplin menjaga kemurnian baik istilah kunci agamanya, baik dalam pelafalan maupun pemaknaannya.
Sayangnya saat ini, di internal umat Islam sendiri abai menjaga bahasanya, agar tetap seiring dan senafas dengan Islam. Wacana Islam politik, relasi agama dan negara, tampil sangat dominan dengan segala variannya. Sementara wacana relasi agama dan bahasa semakin menghilang dari rak-rak kepustakaan kaum muslimin. Padahal agama dan bahasanya keduanya merupakan variabel utama pembentuk kebudayaan dan peradaban. Wallahu a’lam bish shawab.***
***disampaikan dalam Kajian Tematik Studi Wawasan Islam “Islamisasi di Tanah Jawa”, Kamis 07 Juli 2014
Notes :
[1] (http:/m/republika.com/berita/khazanah/12/04/24/m2yi6c-haji-agus-salim-sang-pembela-kebenaran) diakses. Hari Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013, Pkl. 12.20 WIB
2 Takashi, Shiraisi, Zaman Bergerak: Radikalisme Rakyat di Jawa 1912-1926, (Jakarta: Grafiti Press, 1997). hal. 7
Daftar Pustaka
Adian Husaini, Wajah Peradaban Barat, Dari Hegemoni Kristen ke Dominasi Sekular-Liberal, (Jakarta : Gema Insani Press, 2005).
A.H. Johns, Penerjemahan Bahasa Arab ke dalam Bahasa Melayu, Sebuah Renungan, dalam Henri Chambert-Loir et. al, Sadur, Sejarah Terjemahan di Indonesia dan Malaysia, (Jakarta : Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, 2009).
Ajip Rosidi, Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, Lebih Takut Kepada Allah SWT, cet. II (Jakarta : Pustaka Jaya, 2011)
Denys Lombard, Nusa Jawa : Silang Budaya, Buku I, Batas-Batas Pembaratan (cet. IV), (Jakarta : Gramedia, 2008)
Julius Rumpak, et.al, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Edisi Ketiga, (Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan Balai Pustaka, 1991).
Mahmud Yunus, Prof, Dr. Sejarah Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, (Jakarta : Hidakarya Agung, 1996)
Mark R. Woodward, Islam Jawa, Kesalehan Normatif Versus Kebatinan, (Yogykarta : LKiS, 2008)
Syed Naquib Al Attas, Islam dan Sekularisme (cet II), (Bandung : Institut Pemikiran Islam dan Pembangunan Insan / PIMPIN, 2011).
Vladimir Braginsky, Jalinan dan Khazanah Kutipan, Terjemahan Dari Bahasa Parsi Dalam Kesusasteraan Melayu, dalam Henri Chambert-Loir et. al, Sadur, Sejarah Terjemahan di Indonesia dan Malaysia, (Jakarta : Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, 2009).
Sumber online: (http:/m/republika.com/berita/khazanah/12/04/24/m2yi6c-haji-agus-salim-sang-pembela-kebenaran)
submitted by Ajjaj13 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2021.04.12 00:05 Only_Primary9569 'Ricardas Puisys'

Hey. Please check out the story of 'Ricardas Puisys', it's absolutely crazy. Here's an article https://www.cambs.police.uk/news-and-appeals/Ricardas-Puisys-found . The story comes from an episode of a British tv documentary called '24 Hours in Police Custody'. I think you'll find it interesting.
submitted by Only_Primary9569 to mrballen [link] [comments]

2020.12.31 20:05 chris-Sedlak [Post Game thread] FSU defeats Virginia Tech 73-63

Box score:https://www.espn.com/womens-college-basketball/game?gameId=401271533 FSU rebounds from their loss vs Clemson with a big win over the Hokies today. Puisis played really well for the Seminoles hitting at least four key threes. I was also impressed with their defense. They forced Tech into 20 turnovers. They had good performances from both Myers and Baldwin down low that helped keep Tech from scoring. Va Tech had a good game from Kitley and Sheppard but no one else stepped up! It takes a collective effort to beat a good team and they did not have that today. This must change if Tech is to compete with the good teams in the ACC.
submitted by chris-Sedlak to NCAAW [link] [comments]

2020.03.08 16:10 dangerousszone [Game Thread] #22 Florida State vs. #10 NC State (2020 ACC Championship)

From the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina, it’s time for Seminole basketball!

Time Live Stats TV Stream Radio
12:00 PM ET ESPN.com ESPN2 WatchESPN Stream/AM & FM/SiriusXM
Watch Parties Discord Twitter
List of FSU Alumni Clubs The Warpath @RFSUSports

Series History

NC State leads, 31-16
First Florida State Win Latest Florida State Win Largest Florida State Win
Florida State 76 #24 Florida State 75 #9 Florida State 72
NC State 75 #9 NC State 70 NC State 52
January 19, 1992 February 7, 2019 February 26, 2015

The 2019-20 Florida State Seminoles (24-7)

The University
Overview • Tallahassee, Florida • Notable Alumni
The Team
Overview • 2019-20 Season • Coach Sue Semrau • Roster
Best 3 Regular Season Games
December 1 December 5 February 6
#12 Florida State 80 #8 Florida State 78 #17 Florida State 67
#6 Texas A&M 58 #19 Michigan State 68 #5 Louisville 59
ACC Tournament
Quarterfinal Semifinal
#22 Florida State 76 #22 Florida State 62
Wake Forest 47 #4 Louisville 60

The 2019-20 North Carolina State Wolfpack (27-4)

The University
Overview • Raleigh, NC • Notable Alumni
The Team
Overview • 2019-20 Season • Coach Wes Moore • Roster
Best 3 Regular Season Games
December 5 January 26 February 2
#13 NC State 66 #8 NC State 76 #7 NC State 63
#9 Maryland 59 North Carolina 68 Duke 60
Highlights Highlights
ACC Tournament
Quarterfinal Semifinal
#10 NC State 57 #10 NC State 82
Georgia Tech 48 Boston College 75
Highlights Highlights


Stat Florida State NC State Stat Florida State NC State
PPG Kiah Gillespie (15.3) Elissa Cunane (16.3) PPG 72.7 71.6
RPG Kiah Gillespie (8.7) Elissa Cunane (9.6) PAG 59.8 56.7
APG Nicki Ekhomu (4.9) Aislinn Konig (3.6) FG% 45.2% 43.7%
FT% Nausia Woolfolk (78.0%) Elissa Cunane (79.7%) FT% 70.0% 71.9%
3P% Sammie Puisis (39.8%) Elissa Cunane (41.7%) 3P% 33.6% 36.0%
Complete stats for Florida State and NC State

Now get excited to cheer on your Seminoles with the War Chant and the FSU fight song!

Go Noles!

submitted by dangerousszone to fsusports [link] [comments]

2019.11.29 21:03 Cancelledartist Man supposedly murdered posting selfies.

I found this case interesting and wanted to see if we could solve it.
An earlier article on the incident has been found by @_Jazzie_•
submitted by Cancelledartist to RBI [link] [comments]

2019.11.15 07:20 Rocknocker DEMOLITION DAYS, Part 44

We’d arrive there, do our science, and gather the necessary data. Then, we’d return to University to get our samples into the lab and have some small time to work on our papers, notes, and collaborations.
In the meantime, usually around 2 days, the camp would be torn down and relocated to our next port of call.
The itinerary, as planned, was:
  1. Costal geological processes,
  2. Economic geology,
  3. Botany, ichthyology, anthropology,
  4. Ice dynamics and mechanics,
  5. Seismology and geophysics, and
  6. Igneous and metamorphic geology.
There were base camp locations delineated for each, however there would be transport, via airplane, helicopter, snowmobile, and sledge for local excursions around each. There would also be a dedicated medical helicopter 24-7 in case of any sickness or injuries in the field.
It was all very impressive, and very well executed. We would do an inordinate amount of varied science in a relatively short time frame.
But that was for later. Right now, the cocktail reception was in high gear. Esme was off chatting with those who spoke German. Seems that’s a thing when you’re truly bilingual or trilingual.
I was wandering around with a fresh drink and unlit cigar. That changed when I saw my colleagues with their fuming pipes and cigarettes.
“So, you use that to set off dynamite?” I was asked by the ichthyologist, pointing to my smoldering cigar.
“Nah. I usually opt for primacord and millisecond delay caps.” I chuckle back.
After a while, I was answering all manner of demolition and data acquisition questions.
Many folks were astounded that I was legally able to obtain and utilize explosives. Seems many countries are a lot more restrictive in granting permits and access to high-velocity pyrotechnics.
However, most questions were directed towards how much can I lay my hands on and how do I think my talents would aid in their inquiries.
These were indeed very valid questions. I had touched upon the situation with Doctor Jäämägi, but hadn’t gone into any specifics.
This was a situation that needed immediate rectification.
The good Doctor assured me that tomorrow, at the university, elements of the military would be present. All questions would be answered.
My certifications and letters of reference had been vetted and approved. We had numerous industry sponsors so that remuneration for the devices would be non-problematic.
The only question remained a bit of a Catch-22. How much would I require? Well, what do you have? Well, what do you require?
Round and round this went until the next day when I met with officials of the country’s military. Well, actually they have none of their own, per se. It’s all handled by the Royal Danish Navy. I’m sure they will have an adequate supply for our needs.
An informal poll of participants helped flesh out a fairly firm idea of what they wanted to accomplish. I took the rest of that evening to gin up a wish list which I could present the military at our morning meeting.
Captain Bådfører was our military liaison. He was the quintessential career navy man. No nonsense, stern of mien, and curiously skeptical. He grilled me over both my qualifications and needs for the expedition. I explained over coffee and cigars the why’s and wherefores’ of seismic data acquisition, ice blasting and mineral recovery.
He was very attentive and slightly taken aback when I presented him my 5-page list of ordinance I figured we’d require for all participants.
“And where will you be storing all this?” he asked.
Since we had no approved bunker, I suggested that they stockpile my list and I’d communicate with them for smaller deliveries on a call-out, per-job basis.
He agreed that would be the best as they were in port and everything was already bunkered. They would be remaining until the end of the expedition unless their situation changed in the interim. We had helicopters at our disposal, so a call to the ship and a quick request could be filled swiftly.
We both thought this would be the best answer to the questions at hand. We’d go to the field, assess the situation and I’d place a request through the University. They’d communicate with the ship and our pyro order would be loaded and sent with the greatest dispatch.
It was like having carte blanche as a kid in a candy store; one that delivered.
We spent the rest of the morning going over the various types of ordinance they had available. As I needed very few rounds for a 4”’ naval gun, the conversation revolved around breaching charges, Primacord, bulk explosives like dynamite, gunpowder, C-4, and even thermite, which I discovered in Antarctica treats ice like hydrofluoric acid treats limestone.
They had electronic and manual blasting machines, demolition wire, and all the blasting caps and boosters I could desire.
“Well,’ I mused, “I can desire an awful lot…”
“I’ve been instructed to assist you in every way”, the Captain replied, “I’ve reviewed your permits, qualifications, and letters of reference. I have absolutely no qualms assisting you in every aspect of the expedition, Doctor. Besides, I like your cigars…”
Manly handshakes ensued. I was primed, locked, and ready to be loaded.
There was a great pre-expedition dinner that evening and everyone even remotely associated with the program was invited. The dinner was held in the gymnasium of the University. The feed was a sumptuous repast, which is a vast understatement.
The traditional cuisine in Greenland is composed of meats from birds, fish, game, and marine mammals. The sea provides most of these meats. Nonetheless, Greenland also offers plenty of odd plant dishes including fruits, herbs, and seasoning.
Meat and fats provide great nourishment and content diet energy that sustains life on the harsh Arctic winter that demands more regarding energy reservation. Greenlandic culinary culture is closely associated to the community’s old hunting social solidarity where every catch is equally shared. Food has been recognized as Greenlanders hospitality characteristic. For our consideration, there was the ubiquitous Whale Meat - Arfeq Nikkui, Narwhal Blubber - Qilalukkat Orsua, Seal – Puisi, Muskox – Umimmak, Dried Cod - Saarullik Panertoq, Eider Sea Duck – Miteq, wolf fish, also known as Atlantic catfish - geeraq/kigutilik, and halibut-qaleralik.
More traditional dishes were Greenlandic Lamb – Sava, scallops, prawns, and fried grouper filets.
There were representatives of Greenland’s floral cuisine, which is primarily composed of bounceberries, crowberries, and blueberries in desserts and garnished cakes. These berry compote dishes accompany most meat meals. Seaweed is also used as a food alternative during the winter. Tasty but saline.
During the summer, Greenland lousewort, roseroot and fireweed leaves are gathered for food. There are scarce green vegetables in Greenland because of the harsh polar climate.
Several herbs are used in Greenland food, primarily ‘angelica seasoning’ which is part of the Greenlandic staple cuisine. Angelica (Angelica archangelica) is closely related to carrots, is a member of the parsley family, and quite flavorful and aromatic.
However, most Greenland dishes do not use many spices, and where they used, it is sparing. Not to worry, I brought several bottles of Tabasco and Habanero Insanity Sauce. It was the only way I could choke down whale meat and Narwhal blubber.
Even considering we were set to head out in the morning, drinks included that famous Greenlandic dinner drink: coffee. Greenlandic coffee consists of hot coffee, Grand Marnier, whiskey, whipped cream, and KahlĂşa that is served in a Bordeaux glass. The coffee is served volcanically hot.
Ice beer was also made available and it boasts an almost two millennia Arctic natural ice harvested glacier pedigree. It is manufactured locally in Nuuk. Other brands of ice beer included the Icefiord Bryghus, Nuuk, and Bryghus that all use frozen ancient glacial water.
Both Angelica and crowberries are incorporated into these alcohol Icefiord drinks. Apart from that, Svarti dauði, the ‘Black Death’; Brennivín, and Reyka vodka were also well represented.
The day dawned dim, as we were in the just sub-polar latitudes and winter is approaching.
During the summer, its White Nights; 24-hours of daylight. But during winter, just the opposite. Luckily, we were early enough in the year and just far enough south so that we had sufficient diurnal sunlight to carry out our experiments.
Our 18-strong scientific cadre was supplemented by a group easily our numerical superior.
They were our stout support team members. Security, logistics, drivers, pilots, cooks, barkeeps, medics, and other unsung heroes of any scientific endeavor. Without these guys, the wheels of science would indeed grind much more slowly. I cannot praise these folks enough. They had jobs to do and they did them extraordinarily well, without as much as a bitch, kvetch, or murmur. I may not often mention them, but they are the real heroes of field science.
Huzzah to them!
We were trundled over to the west side of the Nuuk Airport, where there sat our field conveyances. There was a huge double-rotored Chinook helicopter, several Bell UH-1 “Huey” choppers, a couple of European (Aerospatiale (?) I think) little buzzers, as well as a number of balloon-tired or ski-equipped fixed wing craft; bush planes. The larger helicopters and their pilots were courtesy of the Danish Naval Forces.
We were separated into different groups, even though we all had the same destination. The question was raised as to why all the science folks couldn’t just pile in to the Chinook; it was more than ample for the job.
“Well, what would happen to the state of science today if there was a problem?” Which, translated, means that if there were, however unlikely, an accident with the Chinook, they don’t want the whole scientific expedition wiped out.
“Fair enough”, was the consensus.
I opted for a seat in one of the Hueys. I was getting my ‘Full Metal Jacket” on…
We were flying more or less due north, hugging the coast. In fact, save for a glaciological sightseeing /geological collecting trip, most of our treks were confined to the coasts. These are the only ice-free land area and consist largely of highlands; mountain chains parallel the island’s east and west coasts, rising some 12,139 feet (3,700 metres) at Gunnbjørn Mountain in the southeast.
These highlands notwithstanding, most parts of the rock floor underlying the Greenland Ice Sheet are in fact at or slightly beneath current sea levels due to glacial eustacy. That is, the weight of the overlying ice actually depresses the lithological framework of the island deeper into the crust.
Around Uummannaq, on the west coast, there is an island, and peninsula. Both of which were covered in ice in the centers as the cooling weather was slowly allowing the ice cover to extend. This would be our first camp for the primary set of experiments.
Although we had a set series of steps that were laid out in planning, with the eclectic bunch we had, the program devolved into each basically going their separate ways, off to investigate whatever blew whatever was left of their hair back. But always back to investigate ‘what that other guy was doing’.
Basic scientific curiosity.
It seemed counterintuitive, but it worked out well.
After a very short time, we had botanists questioning the geologists, petrologists querying the ichthyologists, everyone wondering what the physical anthropologist was up to; that sort of cross discipline stew that leads to the most delicious serendipitous discoveries.
It also lent to a real esprit de corps.
Just to rehash slightly, our intended field camp study points of:
  1. Costal geological processes,
  2. Economic geology,
  3. Botany, ichthyology, anthropology,
  4. Ice dynamics and mechanics,
  5. Seismology and geophysics, and
  6. Igneous and metamorphic geology.
…were just mashed together in one, great big scientific free-for-all; data and experimentation-wise. Every point of the above mentioned was examined at every one of our campsites. I think Doctor Jäämägi might have had this in mind when he was setting up the itinerary, but just let it evolve in the field as the accident will.
This had the effect of both promoting safety, as we examined more than just a singular part of our expedition and quickly understood the foibles of the arctic condition. However it also promoted camaraderie, inter-disciplinary investigation, and provided for a much deeper examination of each sub-discipline.
It also makes for more linear story-telling, as I can dispense with all the usual foofaraw at each base camp and focus on the more unusual highlights.
There is one constant thread through all this though. Polar bears were a constant danger.
We always had armed personnel with every group; or even singular researcher, when out in the wild. The bears are a protected species and only the local Inuit folks can legally take a small, government-proscribed number of them annually.
However, if one is aggressive or proves dangerous, it can be “removed”.
Many bears have been relocated if they got too sniffy around settlements. If relocated, they were tranquilized, tagged, and had identifying marks made on them for easier future reference before being shuttled and deposited north.
We ultimately had zero trouble with polar bears, although one did adopt us.
He was a senior male, who bore a bright blue splotch of indelible paint on his backside.
Inevitably, he was nicknamed “Old Blue.”
“Old Blue” the polar bear always showed up at our camps, no matter where we were on the island. East, west, or south coast, the only spot he missed is when we went due north to Peary Land at the northernmost tip of Greenland.
At first, he’d show up and stay just out of the ranger’s range. He was never aggressive, but always inquisitive. We made certain that when we took biological specimens: small cetaceans, seals, fish, etc., we’d always leave the leftovers out in the open for Old Blue to find and enjoy upon our departure.
It probably wasn’t the most prudent of ideas; feeding and caring for a huge ursine polar predator, but hell, he was our huge ursine polar predator.
I don’t know who first lost their fear; Old Blue, or us. At first, the rangers would shoo him away with blanks fired from pistols. He’d lope off a few meters, and then turn and stare.
We’d get back to work, and he’d sneak in, slowly, a few bear-steps at a time. The rangers kept a sharp eye on him, but since we didn’t freak, and they knew Old Blue was an old, old male, they held a certain degree of affection for him.
It took until the end of the second excursion before Old Blue finally found the courage to stroll into camp and snag a fresh salmon off the ichthyologist’s specimen racks. Old Blue had absolutely no concern for rocks, lichens, or theodolites, but always kept an eye on the fish people.
He did not care for explosives. Although, I like to think that later we became friends.
The petrology people were the first to enlist me in my detonic department. I was spending enough time up to my Mickey Mouse Boot tops in freezing North Atlantic water, taking coastal samples and trying to figure out how to best sample a frozen-solid beach. Both the igneous and metamorphic petrologists came to me with their tale of woe.
“Dr. Rock,” they complained “These rocks are simply too frozen for us to sample. Perhaps you could be of service with your specialty?”
“Of course”, I agreed, smiling like a loon, “Let’s take a look so I can assess the situation.”
They showed me a knob of protruding banded komatiite. Komatiites are a type of ultramafic mantle-derived volcanic rock defined as having relatively low MgO. Komatiites have low silicon, potassium and aluminum, and high to extremely high magnesium content.
It’s these kind of weird things that get petrologists all hot and bothered.
It was not terribly eroded, but had co-sets of really nice, open fractures. Open in a geological sense, they were filled with the monomineralic rock, environmentally solid Oxidane: H2O.
They wanted a series of graduated samples, to get an idea of the polar weathering profile.
I’d have to dig deep on this one.
After the order I placed with the Royal Navy was delivered, I poured liquid Oxidane over the series of blasting caps, with boosters, I had set into the fractures. Basically, I was using ice to cement the caps in place, to direct the blast into the fractures rather than out and up.
Now was as good a time as any. At lunch that day, when we were all gathered, I told everyone that we needed to have a small conference out in the field. I was going to go over range safety, and I only wanted to do it once; since I was seeing a large number of situations where explosives could make the day go just that much better.
We all gathered together near the small outcrop of komatiite, and I proceeded to set flags around the shot area. We had translators there to help with the understanding of what I was going to address. This was deathly important, I wanted everyone to know exactly what was going on every time I broke out the boomy stuff.
“OK, gentlemen”, I said, waiting for the translators to get into their cadence, “I am the Range Master here. When explosives are to be involved, I am the only one licensed and recognized by the government of Greenland as an expert. Therefore, when there’s blasting going to happen, I’M THE BOSS! Period.”
I waited for the murmuring to die down.
“That means, what I say, goes. No questions, no dissention in the ranks, no variance. I’m certain you all can appreciate the gravity of the situation, especially in this climate. So, I need everyone’s TOTAL and COMPLETE understanding and cooperation that I’m the only one to design, place, set, and prime any explosives. Is that clear? Are we all in understanding and agreement?”
It took a little time, but we finally had a unanimous consensus.
“OK, gents,” I continued, as I showed them the detonator, “This is my BOOMBOX!”
There were some titters of laughter. They got the reference.
“Good,” I drove on, “Now, these flags means that behind them is the safe zone. No one, except me and Bjarke here, will venture any closer than the flag line. Understood?”
They understood. I had spoken with Bjarke, one of the Royal Navy guys, earlier. He was familiar and had checked out with explosives, spoke English, thus was my second-in-blasting-command.
“OK, let us proceed.”
I went through the procedure of ‘clearing the compass’.
I also told everyone that out here, we need to use our ‘field voices’. That is, be loud, noisy, and boisterous.
If I call for affirmation, I want “AYE!”, not “ok”.
So, on we pushed. We’ve set our flags. We’ve been through clearing the compass.
Next, I told them about the three blasts from the air horn. I told them that meant blasting was imminent.
More understanding.
Had a little trouble with “FIRE IN THE HOLE!”
But after “BRAND I HULLET!”, “ЛОЖИСЬ!”, “TULIPALKO!”, “VARSKU HER!”, and “BRANDINN í HOLUNNI!” everyone eventually got the idea.
“This”, I warned, “Means that an explosion is going to follow in mere seconds.”
I continued with a review of the blasting machine and the utility of the words “HIT IT!”
I asked “Everyone green here?”
After explaining the concept of ‘green’ explosives-wise, we were all on board and duly briefed.
What better after a lecture than a demonstration?
I directed my class over to the knob of komatiite, the one surrounded by all the red flags.
They all did so.
I explained galving the connections. Since I was dealing with herds of Ph.D.’s, there were no questions.
I prepared connecting up the device and yelled: “CLEAR NORTH?”
Um, translators? Please?
“CLEAR NORTH!” finally came the loud replies.
OK, now we’re getting somewhere.
And so on, and so forth…
Bjarke gave three blasts with the air horn and several of our comrades jumped.
In the cold, clear, still polar air, that sucker is loud.
Then “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” and “BRAND I HULLET!”, “ЛОЖИСЬ”, “TULIPALKO!”, “VARSKU HER!”, and “BRANDINN í HOLUNNI!” thrice, I handed Bjarke the blasting machine.
I looked to the crowd, they gazed back in rapt attention.
I point to Bjarke: “HIT IT!”
Push goes the big, red shiny button.
“Pop, pop, pop, pop…”
The letdown was almost palpable. I grin broadly and evilly…
“Stay put! Wait for it…must give it time to clear.” I muse aloud.
The 2 kilos of HELIX binary explosive I had planted some 50 meters north of the outcrop was on a 90,000 millisecond (1.5 minute) delay.
It was a window, ground, and camera-lens rattler. It felt good.
The milling scientists quickly goggled and looked to see the cute mushroom cloud growing skyward out of the natty jagged crater I just made in the ice.
“NOW THAT is the reason I demand absolute compliance.” I said.
The chorus returned: “We are GREEN, Doctor Rock!”
Even Old Blue seemed to agree. He bolted a few meters when the caps popped off. He just sat there on the ice and stared at us after the binaries went off.
Eventually, there evolved a lottery of sorts. I would and could do everything, but I made the mistake of once letting the ichthyologist handle the big shiny red button. So, now, when projects evolved, there was a waiting list for the big, red shiny button.
I had asked Bjarke what he thought and agreed. As long as I was present and had the situation under control, there was no harm in letting the others address their inner pyromaniac.
A couple of the geophysicists had brought along SIR, or Subsurface Interference Radar, a type of GPR, or Ground Penetrating Radar. It uses impulse-emitted bipolar radar waves to delineate subsurface interfaces between materials with contrasting dielectric, magnetic, and/or structural or geometric properties.
The horizontal location of the target submerged in a dissipative half-space, i.e., ice, may be detected easily by using the symmetry of the measured electric field pattern. A simple relationship between the field pattern and the depth of the target is derived and confirmed with experimental results.
Just in case you were interested.
However, in order to best utilize the beast; a flat, or gently undulating surface was best as there had to be an intimate coupling between the emitter and collector. In other words, rumpety, bumpety surficial glacial ice with all its topsides manifestations was not at all conducive to good, reliable data collection.
“Hmmm”, I pondered, “Would explosives make the day go better?”
Silly question.
Bjarke and I, along with an armed ranger, and Old Blue; set out to a likely looking patch of ice of no current scientific interest. How best to plane the ice without creating a more rugose surface?
Dynamite? Nah. Too energetic, and a point source.
Binaries? Oh, hell no.
C-4? Perhaps if sheeted…
Nope, sheeted C-4 is just too energetic.
That left out RDX, PETN, even ANFO, and similar explosives.
Utilizing the scientific multiple working hypothesis; or, in this case, the process of elimination via trial and error, we settled on Primacord.
Bjarke and I laid out small 2x2 meter grids of varying geometries and densities of Primacord.
Each one was just a bit too energetic and tore up the surface.
Fuckbuckety damn.
I just had to sit on a likely looking outcrop of migmatite; have a smoke and a ponder.
Bjarke, the ranger, and Old Blue all joined in.
Old Blue was the only one who refused the offer of a cigar.
He actually came to within a few meters, plopped down on the ice, and stared at us like a forlorn puppy dog.
A huge, very toothy, heavily clawed, 1,000-pound seriously carnivorous puppy; but with the biggest, saddest brown eyes.
“Sorry, Old Blue. No brownie points for the big soulful eyes routine”, I muttered.
“Think, think, think.” I thought.
Certainly, if there was ever a time for an appearance of the Old Thought Provoker, it was now.
Keeping a sharp eye on Old Blue, we had a couple of thought provoking and warming tots. I know alcohol only gives the false impression of warming when one is freezing. But being ethanol-fueled, and thus inured to cold, the others didn’t seem to mind the offer.
“EUREKA!” I eureka-ed as the lightbulb lit off. “Standoffs!”
Bjarke asked me what I was on about.
“Look,” I said, “Oh, hell. It’s so simple. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? We’re setting the Primacord directly on the ice. If we stand it up off the surface of the ice, the blasts will go downward and outward. They’ll constructively interfere with each other…”
Bjarke considered this and said, “Yes. Correct. But, it will diminish the force of each individual charge.”
“Precisely!” I said, triumphal, “That’s what we want. Just enough detonic juju to clear the ice surface, but not enough to shatter and score it.”
Now, what to use? What to use?
Now the ranger came through.
“Well, you probably want some non-metallic standoff material, so there’s no shrapnel.” He noted.
“Yes, quite right”, we both agreed.
“So, wood?” he asked.
“Perfect.” We agreed.
However, wood’s a bit scarce here out on the ice. The country’s plant life is characterized mainly as tundra vegetation and consists of such plants as sedge and cotton grass. Plantlike lichens also are common. The limited ice-free areas are almost totally devoid of trees, although some dwarfed birch, willow, and alder scrub do manage to survive in sheltered valleys in the south.
Interesting, but not much help.
Bjarke mentions that Eskimo Pies, Cremesicles, and similar quiescently frozen confections are all the rage in the Royal Navy. What better than to ply polar waters and chomp on an ice cream…on a stick?
They save all the wooden sticks on board ship until they make port. He mentions they have boxes of them, cleaned, and just waiting to be used for whatever use they’re employed once they get back home. For kids in elementary school, I think.
How appropriate…
Six hours later, we’re back on the ice with boxes of de-popsicled Popsicle sticks, for the lack of a better term. Like kids with a new Lego set, we foss small holes in the ice with a hot poker, and pop in a Popsicle stick. They freeze erect almost instantly.
They’re about 6” tall, and should prove to be quite efficacious. A quick notch in the stick’s tip and we have an above-ice network of Primacord.
We set out varying geometry and density patterns.
HOLY WOW! IT WORKS! Like a charm.
We found that a triangular pattern some 18 inches to a side provides enough pressure-wave energy to clear the ice surface immediately below of loose frozen schmoo. It also provides enough thermal energy to instantaneously melt the surface to a depth of a few millimeters, whereupon it instantly freezes flat and planar again.
Damn, when I’m good, I’m damn good.
We corral the radar geophysicists and tell them of our discovery. They were skeptical, but dragging around a 125 kilo machine with heavy batteries over uneven ice was no picnic. If the goofy American and crazy Dane have come up with a solution…then…
They showed us the area they wanted to survey. With the admonition that they didn’t want me to put it into orbit, they suggested a small trial area first.
“OK,” I replied, “Ye of little faith. Hmph.”
Bjarke and I flag off an area and get to populating the ice with vertical popsicle sticks. It looks ridiculous enough that most of the rest of the crew, scientific and otherwise, come over to watch the show.
I reminded everyone that this was serious science time and stay the fuck behind the flags.
They all complied instantly.
It was an area about 6x6 meters and looked positively festive by the time we were finished.
I was galving up the connections when Bjarke started clearing the compass.
Everything was locked and loaded, ready for the big red button push. I called over Dr. Jordskjelv, the Norwegian seismologist in charge of this part of the project and offered him the boom box.
“After the air horn, the thrice FIRE IN THE HOLE, I’ll point to you and say “HIT IT!” When I do, you follow through.” I reminded him.
He was grinning like a Scandinavian Cheshire cat.
Tootle x3. “FIRE IN THE HOLE” x3.
I look to him and he’s tensed like a leopard ready to ambush a veldt jumpbuck.
I point to him and say in a loud steady voice: “HIT IT!”
Mash goes the shiny, big red button.
The Popsicle sticks and Primacord disappear in a huge puff of glacial ice and cosmic dust.
“Wait for it”, I order.
I give the area a quick once over. Everything’s gone, according to plan.
“Can I have the detonator back please, Doctor?”
He’s still grinning ear to ear.
We give it a few minutes for everything to clear and refreeze.
“Well, Doctors? Satisfied?”
They drag the heavy radar device over our newly cleared patch and are both very impressed and relieved.
Here was going to be great slabs of science done in the next few days.
At dinner that night, over whale tartare and Narwhal fajitas, Bjarke and I were the recipients of the geophysicist’s generosity. We cleared an area of over 150 x 150 meters and they had data just pouring out of their ears.
Svarti dauði, the ‘Black Death’; Brennivín, and Reyka vodka, flowed our way unaided that evening.
When we returned to Nuuk after the conclusion of this mini-expedition, Bjarke and I were presented boxes of dry-cured cigars, fresh from Copenhagen. Evidently, the Scandinavian geophysicists had their connections as well.
We all spent the next two days at university and the hotel. It was a welcome respite to be back with Esme even after only 5 days away.
She was having a great time. She’d made a load of new friends with the spouses of some of the others on the project, as well as with many locals. She laughed when she told me she hadn’t spent a night alone while I was out freezing, as such, on the ice.
She and her new friends were either shopping, dining out, clubbing, or going to the cinema every night after work. The laboratories at the university simply hummed along.
Well, I’m glad she wasn’t missing me too much. I think.
The next thing I know, I’m in the Chinook headed even further north. Time flies when you’re having fun.
To be continued…
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

2018.11.19 10:02 TheApsodistII [General] My translation of an Indonesian poem, "The First Man in Outer Space" by Soebagio Sastrowardoyo

Sharing this incredible poem to an international audience. I am by no means a professional translator and English is my second language, so feel free to critique and suggest better terms!
Manusia Pertama di Angkasa Luar
Beritakan kepada dunia Bahwa aku telah sampai pada tepi Dari mana aku tak mungkin lagi kembali Aku ini melayang di tengah ruang Di mana tak berpisah malam dan siang Hanya lautan yang hampa di lingkung cemerlang bintang Bumi telah tenggelam dan langit makin jauh mengawang Jagat begitu tenang. Tidak lapar Hanya rindu kepada isteri, kepada anak, kepada ibuku di rumah Makin jauh, makin kasih hati kepada mereka yang berpisah Apa yang kukenang? Masa kanak waktu tidur dekat ibu Dengan membaca dongeng dalam mimpi tentang bota Dan raksasa, peri dan bidari. Aku teringat Kepada buku cerita yang terlipat dalam lemari Aku teringat kepada bunga mawar dari Elisa Yang terselip dalam surat yang membisikkan cintanya padaku Yang mesra. Dia kini tentu berada di jendela Dengan Alex dan Leo, -itu anak-anak brandal yang kucinta Memandangi langit dengan sia. Hendak menangkap Sekelumit dari pesawatku, seleret dari Perlawatanku di langit tak berberita Masihkah langit mendung di bumi seperti waktu Kutinggalkan kemarin dulu? Apa yang kucita-cita? Tak ada lagi cita-cita Sebab semua telah terbang bersama kereta- ruang ke jagat tak berhuni. Tetapi ada barangkali. Berilah aku satu kata puisi daripada seribu rumus ilmu yang penuh janji yang menyebabkan aku terlontar kini jauh dari bumi yang kukasih. Angkasa ini bisu. Angkasa ini sepi Tetapi aku telah sampai pada tepi Dari mana aku tak mungkin lagi kembali Ciumku kepada isteriku, kepada anak dan ibuku Dan salam kepada mereka yang kepadaku mengenang. Jagat begitu dalam, jagat begitu diam. Aku makin jauh, makin jauh Dari bumi yang kukasih. Hati makin sepi Makin gemuruh. bunda, Jangan biarkan aku sendiri.
The First Man in Outer Space
Tell the world That I have reached the edge From where I can no longer return I am hovering in space Where inseparable are night and day Only empty seas in the bow of sparkling stars The earth has sunk and the sky is drifting ever farther The universe is calm. Unwanting. Only longing for my wife, children, and Mother at home. Farther, stronger is the love for those I left behind. What do I reminisce? Childhood, when near Mother I dozed Reading fables in dreams of trolls, And giants, faeries, and angels. I remember: Children’s books folded in the drawer And that red rose from Elisa Tucked inside a letter whispering her tender love Surely she is by the window, With Alex and Leo, those rascals, my loves Staring at the skies in vain. Trying to catch a flash of my ship, A glimpse of my sojourn in these skies without word Are the skies still overcast on Earth as when I left it that day? What do I dream for? There are no more dreams They have all flown away with the space train To these uninhabited cosmos. But there is, perhaps. Give me a word of poetry In lieu of a thousand formulas of Science chock-full of promises Which has caused me to be cast away, this far from the Earth that I love. These skies are mute. These skies are lonesome. But I have reached the edge From where I can no longer return Kisses for my wife, for my kids and for Mother And regards to those who remember me. The cosmos are deep. The cosmos are silent. I am farther, farther away From the Earth I love. The heart grows lonely, grows clamorous. Mother, don’t leave me alone.
submitted by TheApsodistII to Poetry [link] [comments]

2018.04.03 10:40 edwigfan Ibu Indonesia

"Ibu Indonesia
Aku tak tahu Syariat Islam
Yang kutahu sari konde ibu Indonesia sangatlah indah
Lebih cantik dari cadar dirimu
Gerai tekukan rambutnya suci
Sesuci kain pembungkus ujudmu
Rasa ciptanya sangatlah beraneka
Menyatu dengan kodrat alam sekitar
Jari jemarinya berbau getah hutan
Peluh tersentuh angin laut
Lihatlah ibu Indonesia
Saat penglihatanmu semakin asing
Supaya kau dapat mengingat
Kecantikan asli dari bangsamu
Jika kau ingin menjadi cantik, sehat, berbudi, dan kreatif
Selamat datang di duniaku, bumi Ibu Indonesia
Aku tak tahu syariat Islam
Yang kutahu suara kidung Ibu Indonesia, sangatlah elok
Lebih merdu dari alunan azan mu
Gemulai gerak tarinya adalah ibadah
Semurni irama puja kepada Illahi
Nafas doanya berpadu cipta
Helai demi helai benang tertenun
Lelehan demi lelehan damar mengalun
Canting menggores ayat ayat alam surgawi
Pandanglah Ibu Indonesia
Saat pandanganmu semakin pudar
Supaya kau dapat mengetahui kemolekan sejati dari bangsamu
Sudah sejak dahulu kala riwayat bangsa beradab ini cinta dan hormat kepada ibu Indonesia dan kaumnya."
Hello komodos, puisi di atas adalah puisi karya bu Sukmawati Soekarnoputri. I want to know what you guys think about the poem, the mainstream media kinda portray her as the bad guy and people are pretty upset with the main topic in her poem (no surprise here),
for me personally, i really like the poem and i think it’s beautiful and brave. I dont think she deserved these shits thrown at her, what do you guys think about this? is being nationalistic is frowned upon muslim fanatics? is the content of the poem really that offensive?
let’s have a nice discussion everyone! edit: formatting
submitted by edwigfan to indonesia [link] [comments]

2017.05.06 15:35 aristock Dutchie trying to buy some latvian candy

Hi /latvia, I'm from the netherlands and I have a friend from latvia studying at my university. It's her birthday soon (12th of may) and I wanted to surprise her with some candy from her home country. I was looking online but i couldn't find a shop that sold latvian candy and has "fast" (within a week) delivery times. Now I was wondering if some of you vould help me out. So any of you know a online shop that delivers latvian candies to the netherlands relatively fast? It would help me out and probably put a smile on her face :)
Sveicieni, daĹži holandieĹĄu puisis.
submitted by aristock to latvia [link] [comments]

2014.08.15 03:34 kelelawar 17 Agustus is coming. Let's discuss for something interesting for that day.

And our header is still mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
I bet we can make something interesting for our coming independence day. Jadi semacam ngadain acara 17an, but on reddit. List of ideas on my head as of now is Whose line is it Anyway? Independence Day Edtion, or maybe questions thread; annadpk style, and of course many would like to see a Giveaway. I may or may not participate in this giveaway as a giver if it happens. I think an AMA from an historian or the like is interesting too. Too bad there probably won't be any.
So tell us your ideas, komodos!
Okay, so here is some of the ideas so far.
Anyone want to host the thread?
Menulis cerpen, menggambar, menulis puisi, dan lain lain.
Heh. I doubt anyone will participate besides tropicalreddit herself. Still, who know this will take off, right? It will be better if we have to take the selfie OUTSIDE. So that you can brag of the place you live.
I think this is the most popular ideas? I will make sure this will happen.
Okay, i don't get how we do this. But i like it anyway.
Yay! Of course, om octo will take care of it i believe, and there are a few that want to give something. Wait for it komodos!
I think someone from the mod team will make a 'more' official thread. Happy Independence Day everybody!
submitted by kelelawar to indonesia [link] [comments]
