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W Series

2018.10.10 08:20 kisop W Series

The W Series is an open-wheel racing championship launched in 2019, which aims to encourage greater female participation in motorsport.

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2020.03.01 06:48 finndog32 Coronavirus_NZ

Information and community strengthening during the New Zealand coronavirus outbreak

2024.06.07 22:54 Initial_Muffin_9521 Out of Control Dictatorial Mayor Rodrick

I want to address my concerns about recent actions by Mayor Daniel Rodrick of Toms River, NJ. Specifically, I'm troubled by the Mayor's decision to close the Toms River Animal Shelter despite previous assurances it would remain open. This closure has caused significant inconvenience for residents, volunteers, employees and the animals themselves. The surrounding shelters are overcrowded, and the animals at the shelter have nowhere to go. Additionally, the recent mass firing of township employees has created uncertainty and instability within our community. Transparency regarding the reasons behind these decisions is essential.
There have also been concerns raised about the accuracy of information provided by the Mayor's office regarding township finances. A clear and honest accounting is vital for responsible governance. He has spoken publicly about the Animal Shelter costing the township different amounts each time he decides to make his own narrative about closing the shelter.
The shelter also received a $1,000,000 dollar donation from a resident, in which that money will not be going to the shelter if it closes, but possibly into the pockets of the mayor and his associates.
There needs to be an investigation regarding a financial audit for the money claimed to be spent or saved for its use, especially if the shelter is going to the county, then where is that money going within Toms River. He also promised not to close the shelter or sell it, but he was caught trying to sell the shelter to a private pest control company, and then Ocean County, which then he denied but both parties came forward and said that the Toms River Township approached them.
I urge someone to investigate the matter, hold a public hearing on the building closure, as well as request a financial audit. Also, recent problematic behavior by the mayor needs to be addressed, as well as previous strange occurrences. The mayor is also trying to end a public newsgroup, “The Toms River Times”, which seems to be a way to silence an independent group of residents, whereas his own friend, who has also been appointed to be a public representative of Toms River, that owns his own newspaper and publishes news articles which are highly biased in praising the current mayor of Toms River. It is a way to control the news and the media and prevent free speech and transparency.
The mayor has also reduced Town Hall meetings, as well as stopped them being recorded which prevents them from airing for Toms River residents to view. This is not a fair situation for residents of Toms River. I ask for help regarding this situation, as the Township of Toms River deserves responsible leadership that prioritizes transparency and the well-being of our community.
I have included sources from various sources on the web, where you can see where the mayor lied about the finances of the town, as well as promising to keep the shelter open, as well as keeping the employees, and then lying about it and closing it anyway.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
A concerned resident
I have also included sources showing the mayor's wildly inappropriate behavior. Please take the time to review this information, as this is not suitable behavior for an elected official.
Lies about the Animal Shelter remaining open as well as whether or not it would go to the county.
You can see how often he changes the narrative and how much the shelter costs. The major question is, what is going to happen to the million dollar donation to the shelter if it is closed, and in the hands of the mayor?
Also, he lies about the state of the shelter. It is not dirty, and the animal are taken care of. You can interview any volunteer, as well as the police officers that keep their dogs in the shelter.
The mayor lying about the costs of the shelter and also not budgeting the shelter, even though the township could afford it and the donation to the shelter of 1 million dollars is in his hands instead of the shelter where is belongs
Here is a detailed overview of the costs of operating the shelter:
The mayor lied about the staff at the shelter keeping their jobs:
Most recent news of the shelter closing and the staff being fired:
Links to articles illustrating the mayor’s inappropriate behavior:
Controversial Meeting, in which the mayor has someone say something vulgar in order to avoid the meeting, which was held on zoom because of the citizens supporting the police. (Note that the vulgar sentence said out loud to end the meeting is similar to a disturbing claim that the mayor made about the Toms River council drawing pictures of naked kids; that article is the last on this list)
Shouting Match in which the mayor showed immature behavior in a town hall meeting/
Article from NJ 101.5 in which the mayor suspended the police chief of Toms River for no apparent reason, which is related to the time when the mayor wanted to cut police jobs
Unsafe parking garage where the mayor claims is safe and “doesn’t need to be painted”, avoiding the hazard at hand
Conflicting information from the mayor where he states that anyone fired after his mayor status can seek review, in which case he is lying, because he did a mass firing of township employees, and for which he did not give a review
Lawsuit 1 against the mayor, including derogatory statement made to the victim:
Lawsuit 2 against the mayor by the police chief for inappropriate suspension:
The mayor expressed blatant anti semitism - ‘Rodrick has also faced charges of making anti-Jewish comments. In a mailer of his own, Rodrick said he would stand up to “Lakewood-style development.” The Orthodox umbrella group Agudath Israel of America criticized both candidates in a statement for their “divisive and hateful language.” ‘
Daniel Rodrick has been censured 3 times, for inappropriate, disgraceful behavior, misconduct and lying.
Rodrick changing the town hall meetings to one day a month.
The mayor and his news bias of hiring his friend
The mayor hiring another friend
Here is one which I find most disturbing, the current mayor made outrageous claims about his council drawing, “naked children”, and there was no proof whatsoever.
Keep in mind, Daniel Rodrick is a school teacher, and is surrounded by children, everyday. This is completely inappropriate behavior on behalf of a school teacher, and should not be near children if this is the way that he thinks and behaves.
“Rodrick, in text messages to Patch, said he took the photo of Ciullo to prove Ciullo was the person behind a Facebook page named Sure News Network, which has been attacking Rodrick, Rodrick's friend James Roland, and Shore News Network over the past few months.
Rodrick said he sent the photo to the media; Shore News Network then posted an altered version of the photo to Facebook. The altered photo has since been removed.”
As mentioned previously, his friend *James Roland* owns and operates the “Shore News Network” which has biased news, false information and altered photographs.
Thank you again for taking the time to review this information. It is important to the citizens of New Jersey to be aware of who is in their government and what they are doing.
Toms River Concerned Citizen
submitted by Initial_Muffin_9521 to u/Initial_Muffin_9521 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:52 color178924 Torrents not downloading despite available peers

Torrents not downloading despite available peers
I'm on OSX Catalina running latest QBT 4.6.5. It is downloading to a network drive NAS (WD PR2100).
Not sure what other info you all need to diagnose but this happens frequently. I'll add a new torrent and it goes at 2-4 Mbps for a bit and then stalls to 0 and occasionally picks up a few kbps every now and then but is basically dead in the water. Whats the problem and how can I fix it?
submitted by color178924 to qBittorrent [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:48 Such-Travel5430 What even is my value

I (F) am about to turn 20 in two months. I feel like I got nothing to show that I've been alive and breathing for two decades now.
  1. Last year I developed anorexia and struggled severely with it. It got really ugly. Around fall, a switch flipped in my brain. I started drinking excessively and didnt care about calories nor about carbs. I just wantef to indulge in food without feeling terror. I put on nearly 20 kilos. Im fat now. And unhealthy, since I'm also diagnosed with PCOS. My body is a hormonal ugly mess. I look like shit, honestly

  1. I have no education. I experienced a severe mental breakdown (believe me it was horrendous), topped off with my parents' emotional torture and occasional physical abuse, while I was preparing for my university exams. I destroyed my chances of getting in, since i also got a low grade on the "high-school final exams" because those are the main grades used for applying to university in my country. I fluked them both terribly. I don't blame myself because I was a 18 years old girl handling too much on her own with zero support and constant abuse

  1. I moved cities. Changed everything I could about myself. But I'm utterly traumatized. One of my biggest triggers is people commenting on my looks (leftover triggers from the anorexia). They tell me I look around 23-25 and genuinely have this expression of utter shock on their faces when I tell them I'm a 2004 baby

  1. I still behave like a child. I spent my childhood and adolescence being an adult so now my brain is doing the reverse. I know it's not okay. I try to get a hold of myself and be more professional in my workplace. I just cant help it...

  1. I have no family. Cut them off entirely. I have no friends. Zero friends on Facebook and zero followers on Instagram. All I have in my ljfe is my pets that I can barely pay any real attention to since I work 12 hour long shifts.

  1. I'm fucking traumatized. My eyes are dead. My body is a fat piece of shit. I have certificates of several languages but I can't even speak any of them properly at my job because of shock and stress and anxiety. I'm a brainless creature. Not even human

  1. I constantly worry about being fired, about becoming homeless, about running out of momey and savings, of my landlord evicting me feom my shithole of a cockroach-filled apartment.

I want to kill myself. I want to rest. I need to close my eyes and rest. I'm sure whatever is on tbe other side will keep me safe and make me feel at peace.
I have nothing in my life. I am nothing. I'm not even functioning as intelligently as I did before. I used to be so smart and ambitious. Now I can't even speak my native language properly. I'm too traumatized to continue living
I dont want to suffer anymore...
submitted by Such-Travel5430 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:47 kay8632 Please help me find the name!

Hi, I’m looking for manhwa that I read quite a few years ago. It had a western historical setting and it was funny cause the MC was a woman with black hair who was really good at swords and fighting. She was the leader of a small group (two three other women) who took on mercenary type jobs. I think from memory she’s secretly a noble but doesn’t really want that lifestyle. She also loves women and flirts with them nonstop as well. A gorgeous blonde/white haired women came to her though asking for help guarding and protecting her to get her out of city/maybe country. The thing is that this women is actually a really strong magician I think - and I also think they might have secretly been like the prince of the empire that had to hide as a woman (can’t remember that well though - I might have gotten a few bits wrong!) Can anyone think of the name of it? It was really cute but I can’t remember the name or find it online! Please help! 🥺🙏🥺🙏
submitted by kay8632 to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:44 Runningdowndream Finally approved! F1- pending asylum- married to USC, filed without a lawyer and happy to answer any questions!

Finally approved! F1- pending asylum- married to USC, filed without a lawyer and happy to answer any questions!
I had a somewhat unique case, and I filed everything on my own without hiring any professional service, so I think sharing my experience/knowledge would benefit others.
First off, I want to thank this community for your help! Since I had to do it on my own, I did a lot research online, which included a lot of posts here (won't recommend to everyone lol).
I came to the US around 9 years ago on an F-1 visa. During my undergraduate years, I went back to my home country one summer and was arrested/tortured for political reasons (it was a legit case, I still have nightmares sometimes). After getting back to America, I quickly filed I-589. Unfortunately, I was never lucky enough to be picked for even an interview, even though I think I have a strong case. I imagine it's worse now with all the newcoming migrants who claim "asylum."
The upside of the pending asylum was that I could get an EAD without having to test my luck again against the H1B lottery. I found a decent job and make good money, but I was not able to travel internationally or even rest my mind. I've been out of status since graduating. Finally, my girlfriend and I decided to get married last summer.
The first thing was to make sure if I could do AOS directly. I a. (had a legal entry) and b. (was married to a USC, which would waive my out of status situation), so it was clear that I could do AOS. I also technically didn't have any unlawful presence because both a. (admitted under F-1 is D/S, so technically won't accure unlawful presence) and b. (pending asylum also won't accure unlawful presence). Still, if I needed to do consular processing, I would definitely hire a lawyer.
This sounds like a pretty simple case except my pending asylum status. I had some financial issues when I filed the case, and I didn't even want to spend money using some software assisted services. The lawyers I consulted with all quoted 5k+ because of my complicated legal situation. I've been researching American immigration laws for many years, and I'm confident that I already know a lot of nitty gritty about this system. Finally, I decided to file on my own. I definitely doubted my decision after filign the case, but I trusted my guts eventually.
I spent around 6 weeks preparing all the forms and documents. I also included my I-693 since I didn't want an RFE to waste time. Another unique situation is my wife is in grad school right now, so I'm the only breadwinner. I did a lot of research, and I learned that I could use my own income as the household income even though I was the immigrant. I already had an established career and earned enough money, so self-sponsoring I-864 was fine.
I also have a few traffic tickets and an arrest record (because of the aforementioned political reason). I explained my traffic tickets pretty clearly in the appendix. For the arrest, it was obvious since I used that as a reason to file I-589, so I don't think it negatively impacted my case. I didn't, however, provide any court records, arrest records, police report, etc. I explained that I could not return to my home country and obviously could not obtain any official record, which I think also made sense.
Finally, I had around 100 pages of papers which documented both my life and her life here in America. I sorted them into 4 main packages: I-485, I-130, I-131, and I-765. I mailed all of them in early December. Then the wait game began.
The combo card didn't take too long. I saw the approval notice on Jan 21 and got the card on Feb 1. After that, to make myself less anxious, I stopped caring about USCIS and went on about my life. Finally, around May 20, I got a few emails saying "we've taken an action on your case." But there was nothing even after a few days. However, I got the email again on May 28, and on May 29, I-130 became actively reviewing. Based on my hours of reading posts here, I knew it was finally my turn to get the approval notice the very next day.
I received two more action taken emails that night. I knew the stars were aligned now. I started refreshign my portal hysterically at 8 AM on May 30. Finally, at around 8:31 AM, I saw that I-485 approval notice under the document tab. I cried. All my years spent here in America, I am finally able to call this place my permanent home. I kissed my wife, celebrated, and had a nice dinner.
This is my story. I know it's long and winding so thank you for reading this. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
submitted by Runningdowndream to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:27 Every_Pass_226 Our days are numbered :(

Our days are numbered :( submitted by Every_Pass_226 to soccercirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:20 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 06/07/2024

Date: 06/07/2024

Reading time: 13 minutes, 2629 words

🪖 Military

Armenia, Germany reached agreements on military-technical and military-technological cooperation

Delegation to participate in ‘ILA Berlin 2024’ exhibition, held in Berlin from June 5 to 9. Several agreements were reached, and various documents were signed, the defence ministry said.
Armenpress, Armenia and Germany sign documents on military-technical cooperation

The NA committee approved the agreement on the expansion of Armenian-Greek military-technical cooperation

Armenia and Greece signed an agreement on military-technical cooperation. The agreement was signed on December 14, 2023 in Athens. The directions will be the transfer of technologies and technical support for the production of weapons and munitions.
CivilNet, Parliamentary committee approves ratification of Armenia-Greece defense cooperation agreement

Macron to supply Ukraine with Mirage 2000-5 warplanes and train pilots and troops in France

France to train and equip 4,500 Ukrainian soldiers in France. France to send pilots to Ukraine for five-six months. Move is part of new military cooperation.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Signing of Armenian-Azerbaijani peace treaty nullifies OSCE Minsk Group's relevance, believes Alen Simonyan

President of the Armenian National Assembly Alen Simonyan said Yerevan is taking steps aimed at concluding a peace treaty with Azerbaijan. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev suggested that both Baku and Yereva jointly propose to the OSCE the abolition of the Minsk Group. The Speaker of the National Assembly said the Constitution of Armenia is a matter of internal affairs.
Armenpress, According to Simonyan, the dissolution of the Minsk Group should be addressed after the peace treaty is signed, The Foreign Ministry assesses Baku's attempts to change the constitution as "gross interference" in the internal affairs of the country, According to Aliyev, if the constitution of Armenia is not changed, a peace treaty will not be signed, Baku's attempts to interfere in ArmenianConstitution issues is a gross interference in Armenia's internal affairs - Foreign Ministry, Aliyev: No peace treaty unless Armenia changes constitution

“Geghard” SAF welcomes the announcement by Lemkin Institute to withdraw support for Azerbaijan's hosting of COP29

The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention called on the UN to withdraw support for Azerbaijan's hosting of the COP29 climate conference. The “Geghard’ Scientific and Analytical Foundation welcomes the Lemkin’s statement.

Protesters at COP 29 accuse Azerbaijan of greenwashing genocide as host of COP29, call for release of Armenian prisoners

A group of activists reiterated the call for the Azerbaijani government to release the 23 political prisoners it is illegally detaining in Baku, including entrepreneur and philanthropist Ruben Vardanyan. At a protest on Friday, 7 June, protestors appealed to delegates at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC SB60) to oppose Azerbaijan’s hosting of COP29.

Azerbaijan proposes Armenia to jointly seek cancelation of Minak Group

The Azerbaijani President maintained that the move will show “how sincere Armenia is.”

Armenia elected as Member of UN Economic and Social Council for 2025-2027

Armenia elected as a Member of the UN Economic and Social Council for 2025-2027. Armenia received 148 votes in the voting held at the UN headquarters in New York. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Armenia committed to contributing to international cooperation.

Armenian Foreign Minister meets SCO Secretary-General

Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan had a meeting with Secretary-General of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Zhang Ming. The parties expressed hope that the discussions during the visit would contribute to expanding opportunities for cooperation between Armenia and the SCO.
Armenpress, Nikol Pashinyan Receives Zhang Ming and Delegation, SCO interested in expanding mutually beneficial relations with Armenia - Secretary General, The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is interested in expanding mutually beneficial relations with Armenia. General Secretary, Shanghai Cooperation Organization interested in expanding relations with Armenia

Armenian Parliament Speaker deems information regarding Pashinyan's visit to Azerbaijan absurd

President of the Armenian National Assembly Alen Simonyan says information suggesting that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is planning to visit Azerbaijan in November is absurd. Earlier, PM's Press Secretary Nazeli Baghdasaryan denied the post made by a political scientist.

Prime Minister receives the representatives of the Central Board of Armenian Democratic Liberal Party-Ramgavar

Nikol Pashinyan received the representatives of the Central Board of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party-Ramgavar. The PM emphasized that the government's goal is to strengthen the sovereignty and ensure the permanence of statehood in Armenia.

No delegation from Armenia visits Ukraine, affirms Armenian Parliament Speaker

Alen Simonyan says no delegation from Armenia went to Ukraine, noting that he is not commenting on Maria Zakharova's statements. The Russian representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry called for the handover of the list of those killed in Bucha.
Armenpress, Zakharova referred to the Armenian delegation's visit to Bucha

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan chairs regular session of the Investment Committee

The sixth session of the Investment Committee was held under the leadership of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. The committee discussed the Yerevan Metro Modernization Project. The main goal of the project is the creation of a pre-clinical center for pre-scientific research.

European Commission recommends start of accession talks with Ukraine, Moldova

The European Commission has recommended that European Union members start accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, the commission’s Spokesperson Ana Pisonero said at a press conference in Brussels. At a Brussels meeting on December 14-15, 2023, EU leaders decided to start negotiations with the two countries on joining the union.
Armenpress, Brussels says Ukraine and Moldova ready for membership talks as Hungary mounts opposition

Mirzoyan congratulates Greece on election to UN Security Council

Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan congratulated his Greek counterpart George Gerapetritis on Greece's election as a member of the United Nations Security Council. The message reads as follows: "I extend warmest congratulations" given commitment and shared vision for more secure environment in our region.
Armenpress, Armenian FM congratulates Greece and Denmark on their election to UN Security Council

The EU will provide budgetary support to Armenia

The financing agreement "EU support for education in Armenia" was signed between Armenia and the European Commission. The European Commission transferred 5 million euros to the Government in December 2023, and 1.5 million euros in May 2024. It is also planned to build 13 educational complexes in Syunik region, 7 of them in Kapan, and 6 in Goris.
Armenpress, EC allocates about 7 million euros to Armenia for education development, EU to provide budgetary support to Armenia

Pashinyan and Modi emphasized the importance of the development of Armenian-Indian cooperation

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had a telephone conversation with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Pashinian congratulated the National Democratic Alliance led by Narendra Modi on the occasion of its victory in the parliamentary elections. Nikol and Narendra Modi emphasized the importance of further development of cooperation between the two countries, the PM's office says.

Armenia’s parliamentary speaker: OSCE Minsk Group dissolution can be discussed after Yerevan, Baku sign peace treaty

Azerbaijan’s leader Ilham Aliyev said on Thursday that Yerevan and Baku should address the OSCE to initiate the dissolution of the Minsk Group. President of Armenia's National Assembly Alen Simonyan also said that Armenia puts its efforts towards the peace treaty.

Armenia to oblige banks, pharmacies and large retail outlets to install surveillance cameras

Armenian Parliament approves draft law obliging large economic entities and companies to install outdoor surveillance cameras. Deputy Interior Minister Arpine Sargsyan noted that the bill applies to banks, credit organisations, pawnshops, pharmacies and pharmacies. The changes will affect retail facilities with an area of more than 100 square metres, gas stations and catering outlets.

Police Guard to be established in Armenia

Armenian parliamentary committee on defence and security issues on Friday approved a bill calling for establishment of a police guard. The bill was presented by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Arpine Sargsyan. Guards will not take direct part in military actions, as was the case with the police troops.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister expects Iran-EEU FTA to becomeoperational in 2025

Russia expects the free trade area (FTA) agreement between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union to become operational in 2025. Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk noted that Iran’s accession to the FTA will enlarge the EEU market by 80 million people to a total 400 million people. The EEU countries signed a full-fledged free trade agreement with Iran on December 25, 2023.

Armenia willing to complete and sign peace deal with Azerbaijan within the next month – MFA

The Republic of Armenia does not have any territorial claims on any of its neighbors, including Azerbaijan, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said in response to Azerbaijani Presidents claims. ‘Such rhetoric torpedoes the peace process and casts doubts on the sincerity of the leadership of Azerbaijan to achieve peace’
ArmRadio, Aliyev: No peace treaty unless Armenia changes constitution

Sunak admits it was a 'mistake' to leave D-Day commemorations early

British PM Rishi Sunak has apologised for leaving D-Day commemorations in Normandy early, admitting it was a "mistake" Sunak: "The last thing I want is for the commemorations to be overshadowed by politics" Labour has called it a "dereliction of duty"

Gevorg Papoyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Saha Sinha

The Armenian government is planning to build a partnership with India to help develop the country's economy. The government is also planning to develop a partnership in India-Argentine partnership with the country.
Armenpress, Armenia might construct copper smelter using leading Indian tech, Armenia is considering the option of building a copper smelter using advanced technologies from India

Illegally built and non-compliant gas stations can not be in Yerevan - Avinyan

During 2023, we have dismantled 25 gas stations located near residential buildings in the city of Yerevan, wrote on his Facebook page. The process will be implemented this year as well and will continue consistently.

Israel's Netanyahu to address U.S. Congress on July 24

Benjamin Netanyahu will speak to joint session of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Netanyahu's visit comes amid tensions between him and U.S. President Joe Biden. Netanyahu has also issued a statement on his upcoming visit.
Armenpress, Netanyahu to address US Congress on 24 July

7 injured in massive blast at gas station outside Yerevan

A liquified gas tank exploded in the town of Abovyan along the highway to Lake Sevan. At least seven people were injured, two seriously, in a blast late Thursday evening. Authorities moved in February to shut down the gas station, which was operating without a license, local media reports.
CivilNet, Seven citizens were injured by the explosion on the Yerevan-Sevan road, two are in the intensive care unit, Gas supply to subscribers in Abovyan stopped since night due to explosion on Sevan highway, The gas supply to the city of Abovyan was stopped overnight due to an explosion on the Sevan highway, Seven injured in massive gas station explosion in Armenia

‘Stop threatening us’: Alen Simonyan responds to Galuzin's allegations

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said earlier that 'ill-conceived steps' could make it impossible to return to joint work on creating a common defence space with Russia and other CSTO countries. Simonyan said that Armenia is not negotiating with any country, nor is it discussing deployment of a foreign military base or joining any strategic alliance.

Russia works on bringing Mir cards back to Armenia

Russia working on resuming operation of its Mir bank cards in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin said on Friday. Russian banks, except for the Russian-owned VTB bank, stopped accepting Mir cards on 30 March 2024 due to the payment system being sanctioned by the Western countries. The Russian payment system was introduced in 2015.

Armenia has made significant strides in improving food safety, FAO and WHO say

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) jointly with key partners in Armenia observes the World Food Safety Day. This year’s theme emphasizes the importance of readiness for unforeseen food safety incidents, ranging from minor local events to major international crises.

💵 Economy

Exports of products of Armenian origin recorded 14 per cent decline in the first quarter - Finance Ministry

Exports of products of Armenian origin in the first three months of 2024, compared to the same period of 2023, recorded a 14.3 per cent decline. At the same time, imports grew 75.8 per cent in January-March 2024 compared to 2023. Armenia's foreign trade turnover increased 2.1 times to $9.2 billion.
ArkaAm, Finance Ministry: Armenia’s tourist influx drops by 2% in Q1 2024 YoY

Insurance premiums in Armenia totalled AMD 23bn in the first quarter of 2024.

The volume of insurance premiums collected by 8 insurance companies in Armenia in the first quarter of 2024 made more than AMD 23 billion. In 2023, AMD 73.3 billion were collected as personal insurance premiums.

🎭 Culture

Aram Khachatryan, Saroyan and Yerevan Metro

On June 6, passengers in the Yerevan metro were listening to Aram Khachatryan's music. It was the great composer's birthday, and the metro management decided to remind the passengers about the day. Both the "Dance with Swords&quat; and the.quatry. waltz melody of the &qot;Masquerade. ballet was playing in another station, the. &quatyyan's most famous and world-wide works.

⚽ Sport

Yerevan to host open boxing championship

The Yerevan Open Boxing Championship will be held in the Armenian capital on 10-15 June. Around 150 boxers from Bulgaria, Iran, Latvia, Hungary, Moldova, Russia, Georgia and Armenia registered for the tournament.

Armenia beat Kazakhstan 2:1 in a friendly

Armenian national beat Kazakhstan in a friendly at Republican Stadium after Vazgen Sargsyan in Yerevan. Nair Tiknizyan opened the score in the 4th minute of the match. Vahan Bichakhchyan doubled the advantage in the 58th minute.
ArmRadio, Armenia hosts Kazakhstan in a friendly tonight

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
submitted by HaykakanTxa to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:17 inkheiko Why is "A cheesy one-liner" such a good fan comic? Long post warning

First... If you haven't read it and you're a Firefly lover, here:
This comic is about how Firefly eventually started using her edgy lines as Sam.
When we make fan comics or fan fiction about romance, we often simply want to show our characters in cute and romantic moments. Which is totally fine and I'll never complain. But this artist probably didn't just want to make a cute romantic thing, but actually tell a story. And I want to explain why, in my opinion, this fan comic is probably the best one we have so far.
The answer us actually simple even if it is hard to execute: they knew how to write a good romance, or at least they understood well how to write their Headcanons in an organic way:
So first, it is needless to say that with ALL THE HINTS we've seen since White Night, Firefly and Traiblazer, even before we actually met her, probably had a very unique bond, romantic or not. I won't bother you with all the hints, but we will first state this: they have a very special and strong bond.
But in a fiction, how do you write a relationship (positive, negative, friendly, familial, or romantic)?
A character generally supports a theme. For example with the movie Puss In Boots 2, the Protagonist has a fear of death and weak self esteem, and his love interest is a reflection of his fear to engage himself.
When two characters are connected, you have to explain in the story how they are close. And the best thing is when you can also make their themes match.
And for Trailblazer and Firefly, I think it's the case. What is Trailblazer's story? There is a lot of question about destiny, and the path of the Trailblaze or other aeons, and Firefly tries to help him, when she's not busy being edgy, by telling him that she herself want to reach her end the way she wants, and doesn't let the inevitability of the events slow her down.
And the way Traiblazer impact her is probably the reason she is the way she is now: how can she be so adorable, cute, but also resolved and extremely edgy?
Her being this edgy is a Blade thing, if she was supposed to simply be a weapon or a knight, she probably valued the honor of protecting her nation or the efficiency over everything and else, and if she was just cute, saying such edgy lines can sound off.
And the artist decided to make Traiblazer the reason behind her desire to make such one liners.
Firefly probably had no objectives in the past, and Traiblazer gave her the desire to eventually live as herself, the girl named Firefly. Or maybe she always wanted to live as Firefly, but never knew how.
And in both cases, living as yourself is never an easy task. You define yourself with many things:
-What you know
-What you like, and it is this point that Firefly probably learnt the most about.
These one-liners are not useful in any ways, and the Traiblazer in this comic openly says "It's such a wasted potential, you could be so cool", which doesn't show any sort of efficiency: Trailblazer tells her to do it simply because it's cool and fun.
When she heard about it, she is not sure, and doesn't think it can work. But Trailblazer doesn't give up and makes her eventually do it, she is extremely embarassed. This is not for efficiency, this is edgy and a little cringe... Why doing that?
But then you see all the time they spent simply having fun making those lines and trying to make her the coolest Kamen rider possible. And it is what she loves. She probably associates this moment they made those lines and trained together as a moment she lived as Firefly, and not Sam.
She came to like it, as we can see on the Livestream of today, she still practices her lines. It may be just for fun, but Firefly doesn't seem to be that bothered with her choices. She embraced them because they made who she is.
And so, Trailblazer taught her to not fear the cringe, just enjoy things she enjoys, because what matters by the end of the day, is that you did everything you wished, it is how you live as who you are without regrets.
To summ it up:
The romance is cute because it talks about the story Firefly tells us, which is how to live, and the answers she eventually got came from the one she is close to, which is TrailBlazer. They are not just close because it is cute, but because on their stories, they complete each other.
And we have Firefly dressed as a shark lol. It's fun, it's cute, it's adorable, it's hilarious and there is a sense of details. It is not too much, and it is not too little.
This comic is so good that almost anyone I've talked to so far agreed to say that this is canon for now lmao, because the artist really worked well on the story to tell
What did you think of this little comic?
submitted by inkheiko to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:17 inkheiko Why is "A cheesy one-liner" such a good fan comic? Long post warning

First... If you haven't read it and you're a Firefly lover, here:
This comic is about how Firefly eventually started using her edgy lines as Sam.
When we make fan comics or fan fiction about romance, we often simply want to show our characters in cute and romantic moments. Which is totally fine and I'll never complain. But this artist probably didn't just want to make a cute romantic thing, but actually tell a story. And I want to explain why, in my opinion, this fan comic is probably the best one we have so far.
The answer us actually simple even if it is hard to execute: they knew how to write a good romance, or at least they understood well how to write their Headcanons in an organic way:
So first, it is needless to say that with ALL THE HINTS we've seen since White Night, Firefly and Traiblazer, even before we actually met her, probably had a very unique bond, romantic or not. I won't bother you with all the hints, but we will first state this: they have a very special and strong bond.
But in a fiction, how do you write a relationship (positive, negative, friendly, familial, or romantic)?
A character generally supports a theme. For example with the movie Puss In Boots 2, the Protagonist has a fear of death and weak self esteem, and his love interest is a reflection of his fear to engage himself.
When two characters are connected, you have to explain in the story how they are close. And the best thing is when you can also make their themes match.
And for Trailblazer and Firefly, I think it's the case. What is Trailblazer's story? There is a lot of question about destiny, and the path of the Trailblaze or other aeons, and Firefly tries to help him, when she's not busy being edgy, by telling him that she herself want to reach her end the way she wants, and doesn't let the inevitability of the events slow her down.
And the way Traiblazer impact her is probably the reason she is the way she is now: how can she be so adorable, cute, but also resolved and extremely edgy?
Her being this edgy is a Blade thing, if she was supposed to simply be a weapon or a knight, she probably valued the honor of protecting her nation or the efficiency over everything and else, and if she was just cute, saying such edgy lines can sound off.
And the artist decided to make Traiblazer the reason behind her desire to make such one liners.
Firefly probably had no objectives in the past, and Traiblazer gave her the desire to eventually live as herself, the girl named Firefly. Or maybe she always wanted to live as Firefly, but never knew how.
And in both cases, living as yourself is never an easy task. You define yourself with many things:
-What you know
-What you like, and it is this point that Firefly probably learnt the most about.
These one-liners are not useful in any ways, and the Traiblazer in this comic openly says "It's such a wasted potential, you could be so cool", which doesn't show any sort of efficiency: Trailblazer tells her to do it simply because it's cool and fun.
When she heard about it, she is not sure, and doesn't think it can work. But Trailblazer doesn't give up and makes her eventually do it, she is extremely embarassed. This is not for efficiency, this is edgy and a little cringe... Why doing that?
But then you see all the time they spent simply having fun making those lines and trying to make her the coolest Kamen rider possible. And it is what she loves. She probably associates this moment they made those lines and trained together as a moment she lived as Firefly, and not Sam.
She came to like it, as we can see on the Livestream of today, she still practices her lines. It may be just for fun, but Firefly doesn't seem to be that bothered with her choices. She embraced them because they made who she is.
And so, Trailblazer taught her to not fear the cringe, just enjoy things she enjoys, because what matters by the end of the day, is that you did everything you wished, it is how you live as who you are without regrets.
To summ it up:
The romance is cute because it talks about the story Firefly tells us, which is how to live, and the answers she eventually got came from the one she is close to, which is TrailBlazer. They are not just close because it is cute, but because on their stories, they complete each other.
And we have Firefly dressed as a shark lol. It's fun, it's cute, it's adorable, it's hilarious and there is a sense of details. It is not too much, and it is not too little.
This comic is so good that almost anyone I've talked to so far agreed to say that this is canon for now lmao, because the artist really worked well on the story to tell
What did you think of this little comic?
submitted by inkheiko to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:17 next3days Big Weekend of Local Fun in Blacksburg and Across the New River Valley (June 7-9, 2024)....

For those in town, here's 30 local events you can enjoy in a big summer line-up of local fun and the weather forecast looks great with three days of sunshine and highs in the 70s.
Weekend Rundown of Fun: 1. Arts NRV Market 2024 Montgomery Museum of Art & History, Christiansburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 12:00 - 6:30 PM and Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Admission: Free The Arts NRV Market is a celebration of creativity and community art. The Market will feature over 30 regional art and crafts vendors with artwork for sale and local art demonstrators on display. This event will also feature a wine garden, delicious food from Copper Dog & Co. food truck, and an arts-based raffle. This event will also feature the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts’ (VMFA) On the Road Traveling Museum Artmobile, a state-of-the-art, climate-controlled trailer equipped with Wi-Fi and interactive components that meet 21st-century expectations. The VMFA is bringing their "Love, Laughter, Tears: An Artist’s Guide to Emotion" exhibit to the Montgomery Museum. On Friday, after the market closes, the museum will host "Paint like Picasso!," a painting class led by Ruth Lefko and David Ferrell. The cost is $45.00 including canvas, materials, and one glass of wine. Limited additional wine may be purchased at the event. Finished paintings will be displayed at the museum after the market concludes. This event is for adults only, with a limit of 18 participants. Register is required and available online. Saturday features numerous art demos including Backyard Stone Carvers Demo, New River Arts & Fiber Demo and Fire and Sky Pottery Studio Demo. Link:
2. 2024 Pearisburg Festival in the Park Pearisburg Community & Recreation Center, Pearisburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 5:00 - 11:00 PM, Saturday, June 8, 2024, 9:30 AM - 11:00 PM Admission: Free The 39th Pearisburg Festival in the Park features carnival rides, three days of live entertainment each day, food vendors with all your favorite festival foods, special activities, vendors and crafters concluding with a fireworks show on Saturday night. On Friday night, award-winning Pennsylvania bluegrass band Colebrook Road headlines and on Saturday night country music veteran and Randy Travis and Clay Walker songwriter Ray Scott headlines. There will be rides and games for the whole family. Free shuttle bus service is offered all nights for the duration of the Pearisburg Festival in the Park to and from downtown Pearisburg. The shuttle service will run as long as necessary to ensure festival goers can get back to their vehicles. Admission is free and all are welcome. Individual tickets for rides will be available at the festival. The Cancer Kids and Christmas & Pearisburg Festival Cruise-In will be held on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Entry is $20.00 and vehicles must be registered by Noon. Trophies and prizes will be awarded. Chairs and blankets are welcome. Link:
3. Furious Jones in Concert Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Singer and songwriter Furious Jones currently resides in Blacksburg, VA though originally from Houston, TX. Enjoy a live acoustic solo show featuring Americana, blues, folk, and rock with both originals and extensive covers. Link:
4. The Jared Stout Trio in Concert Rock House Marina, Pulaski Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Three members of The Jared Stout Band perform on stage. Get ready to experience the high-octane energy and soulful sound of the Jared Stout Band. This alt-country powerhouse hails from Southwestern Virginia and is known for their unique blend of Appalachian rhythm and blues. As runners-up for the "On-The-Rise" award at FloydFest 22, the Jared Stout Band delivers an unforgettable performance by bringing their own energetic and soulful original songs to the stage. Link:
5. 2024 SummerFEST Christiansburg Huckleberry Park, Christiansburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 10:00 PM Admission: Free Relay For Life of Montgomery County presents the 2024 SummerFEST. Kick off the new season and warmer weather with SummerFEST featuring five food trucks, 12+ vendors, entertainment, Kids Zone and more. In Relay For Life tradition, the event will also feature the Luminaria ceremony, survivor lap, fight back ceremony, and more. Entertainment includes the Appalachian Cloggers, Daniel Davis, group Zumba and more. There will also be a kids zone with Stormtroopers and the fully accessible playground & splash pad. All proceeds from fundraisers, donations, etc. go directly to the American Cancer Society in the fight for a cure. Link:
6. 2024 Summer Arts Festival Friday Night Outdoor Concerts Kickoff with Blacksburg Community Band Henderson Lawn, Virginia Tech Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 7:30 PM Admission: Free The Summer Arts Festival kicks off their 2024 Friday Night Outdoor Concerts with the Blacksburg Community Band. The Blacksburg Community Band, Inc. is an all-volunteer community organization formed in 1989 under the auspices of the Department of Parks and Recreation in the Town of Blacksburg, Virginia. The band is under the direction of David McKee. The ensemble is open to individuals of all ages and ability levels from the New River Valley and surrounding areas. Bring your chairs and/or blankets. In the event of inclement weather, this event will be canceled. Friday Night Outdoor Concerts on Henderson Lawn are presented by Virginia Tech and the Town of Blacksburg as part of the 2024 Summer Arts Festival. Link:
7. Friday Nights at the Farm with Music from Chloe and Stewart Scales Beliveau Farm Winery, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Beliveau Farm Winery continues Friday Nights at the Farm with Music from Chloe and Stewart Scales. Hailing from opposite ends of the state of Virginia, Chloé and Stewart met in 2012 at the Floyd Country Store, brought together by a shared interest in the music of southwest Virginia. Chloé is a classically trained cellist who is exploring traditional music; Stewart is a self-taught bluegrass banjo, guitar, and bass player. Now married, together they play a variety of styles, but folk and bluegrass are favorite genres. Enjoy delicious food from Beliveau's full service kitchen until 8:30 PM and chat over a glass of wine during our extended bar hours until 9:00 PM. Link:
8. Squeeze the Squid in Concert The Milk Parlor, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM Admission: $5.00 Squeeze the Squid is a psychedelic funk rock band from Richmond, VA. Link:
9. Fundraiser Ride For Firefighter Jeremy Compton and His Family Radford Fire Department, Radford Saturday, June 8, 2024, 8:30 AM - TBD Admission: $20.00 The Radford Fire Department and Christiansburg Fire Department presents a Fundraiser Ride For Firefighter Jeremy Compton and His Family starting at the Radford Fire Department and ending on the Christiansburg Fire Department. Registration is from 8:30-10:00 AM and kickstands up at 10:00 AM. 100% of collected money will benefit Jeremy Compton's family and his medical bills. Jeremy fought cancer for over three years and has been a professional firefighter with the Radford Fire Department and a volunteer with the Christiansburg Fire Department. Tragically Jeremy passed away on May 30th, 2024. Jeremy was the epitome of a public servant. He dedicated years to serving and protecting his community as a firefighter, emergency medical technician and sheriff’s deputy. Jeremy’s passion and love for the firefighting profession was unmatched. Jeremy often referred to firefighting as "the best job in the World". Jeremy’s compassion for the people he encountered was never-ending. He would always go above and beyond to comfort and calm the patients he met. Jeremy genuinely loved every aspect of the job and shared that love with his coworkers and fellow volunteers. The ride will be approximately 50 miles with a stop near the middle with lunch donated by Mission BBQ and there will be a 50/50 Drawing during lunch at the Christiansburg Fire Department. Additional donations are greatly appreciated. Link:
10. Summer Health Fair Blacksburg Boxing and Fitness, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Admission: Free Kickstart your summer health and wellness goals at Blacksburg Boxing's Summer Health Fair. With free subs catered by Jimmy Johns (available while supplies last), enjoy dozens of amazing local health and wellness businesses from across the New River Valley in attendance all in one spot. Ranging from mini-massages, to free supplement samples, body composition analysis, dietary tips, free boxing workouts, yoga, lavender products, physical therapists, chiropractic analysis and more. Link:
11. 2024 Floyd Artisan Trail The Floyd Center for the Arts, Floyd Saturday, June 8, 2024 and Sunday, June 9, 2024, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Admission: Free The Floyd Center for the Arts presents the 2024 Floyd Artisan Trail at multiple sites in Floyd County over two days. This annual event hosts over 40 Floyd County artists and artisans sites opening up their studios for the weekend, welcoming folks from the tri-state area to come visit. Artisan Trail celebrates the true breadth of Floyd County's creative community and is a vital part of their tourism. Venture deep into the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where local artisans and agrarian cultures share their creative passions and open their studio doors and pasture gates for an authentic Floyd experience. Meet potters, woodworkers, jewelers, glass artists, fine artists, photographers, beekeepers, farmers, and others who look forward to sharing the story of their craft, art or tradition. Visit local artisan studios, galleries & shops, farms & markets, restaurants & lodging sites. Stop by the Floyd Center for the Arts for the Silent Auction during the event. Grab your official brochure and map at The Floyd Center for the Arts so you can plan out your trail. Link:
12. 2024 Claytor Lake Festival Claytor Lake State Park, Dublin Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM Parking is $20.00 per vehicle or $15.00 with donation of five cans of food. The Claytor Lake Festival Committee presents the 25th Annual Claytor Lake Festival. The festival kicks off the summer season at Claytor Lake State Park each year. Enjoy entertainment all day including performances by Back Alley II and The Castaways, fireworks at night, arts & crafts vendors, beach access included with admission, free children's activities, youth & adult fishing tournament, wine tastings available all day, Chuckles the Clown, US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 83 NRV and lots more. Registration for the Everett Lee Yearout, Jr. Adult and Youth Fishing Tournament will be held 7:00-10:00 AM. This year the tournament theme is "There is a lot to learn from fishing because...". Essays are due at 12:00 PM. Trophies and awards will be given out in the afternoon. The Car Show voting is done by the show participants who are completely registered by 10:30 AM. All entries will receive a dash plaque, goodie bag and category winners will receive trophies. There is no pre-registration fee. The fee is $20.00 to enter the car & motorcycle show and this is the only fee you pay to enter the festival. Swimming is included with admission. The event is rain or shine. An ATM will be on site. Link:
13. Balance and Brews Iron Tree Brewing Company, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:45 - 11:45 AM Admission: $20.00 Move through foundational yoga poses, gentle stretches, and experience the many restorative benefits that yoga has to offer. This one hour class is appropriate for all levels, including those who are totally new to yoga. The cost includes an Iron Tree beverage of your choice. No reservation required, just show up. Link:
14. Beer, Bourbon and BBQ with Live Music from Bunco Pete Dye River Course, Radford Saturday, June 8, 2024, 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Admission: Free, All You Can Eat BBQ Buffet: $30.00 Join the Pete Dye River Course for a Beer, Bourbon and BBQ celebration. Beer will be sponsored by 3 Notch'd brewing with a Steal the Pint along with giveaways and other fun items. Bourbon sponsored by JH Bard's with individual drinks available and a tasting flight with a chance to win a special prize with a raffle drawing. There will also be a BBQ Buffet featuring chicken legs, pork ribs, sliced brisket, fried catfish, coleslaw, potato salad, mac & cheese, succotash and more. Live music will be performed by BUNCO from 4:00-7:00 PM. Link:
15. 2024 Purple Party in the Park Nellie's Cave Park, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Admission: Free Join the 3rd Annual Purple Party in the Park to support the Alzheimer's Association. Put on your best purple outfit and enjoy free ice cream, games, and fun to support the local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. There will be an Ice Cream Buffet, raffle with hand-crafted prizes, a water balloon toss, yard games and more. New this year there will also be a Craft Corner hosted by Blacksburg Ballet. All donations go directly to local programs, support and care for those affected by Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. Reservations for the event are appreciated and can be made on the Facebook Event listing. Link:
16. 5th Brewery Birthday Celebration & Makers Market with Live Music from Black Wax Rebellion Eastern Divide Brewing, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 12:00 - 8:00 PM Admission: Free Celebrate Eastern Divide Brewing's 5th Birthday and discover unique treasures at their Makers Market opening at noon featuring local artisans with Heart of Virginia Artisans, enjoy $5.00 pints of their finest brews and live music from Black Wax Rebellion featuring Lilly Potts from 5:00-8:00 PM along with raffle prizes and free ice cream in the out bar while supplies last. Black Wax Rebellion is an American rock-n-roll trio based in southwest Virginia. Link:
17. Tiptoe Through the Tulips, err, Vineyard JBR Vineyards LLC, Pearisburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 12:00 - 5:00 PM and Sunday, June 9, 2024, 1:00 - 5:00 PM Admission: Free Wine Pricing: Tastes: $1.00, Cups of Wine: $5.00, Bottles of Wine: $15.00-$20.00 plus tax Tiptoe through the vineyard to see how much the fruit and vines have grown already. In addition to tours and tastings, the winery is in the midst of bottling; so, you can also see how the operation is done. JBR Vineyards is a small, family operation growing only classic wine grapes. Their focus is on growing the best grapes they can and making the best wine they can. Link:
18. Genealogy Saturdays Alexander Black House & Cultural Center, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM Admission: Free Join the Alexander Black House & Cultural Center on the first Saturday of every month for Genealogy Saturdays. Ancestry experts will be on hand to assist you as you explore your family tree. Come with questions about research and discovering your roots. They will be able to demonstrate starting your family tree or help you conduct a deeper dive into specialized areas of genealogy. Come with questions about research and discovering your roots or come with no knowledge of your family and let them guide you. Link:
19. Outdoor Tactical Laser Tag with Laser Club at Virginia Tech (LCAT) Pandapas Pond, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM Admission: Free The Laser Tag Club at Virginia Tech (LCaT) presents Outdoor Tactical Laser Tag every Saturday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Laser Tag games are open to all ages for free. No fees of any kind for anything and no reservations are required. All equipment will be provided. Just show up ready to go. Play includes use of the Club’s laser taggers, a limited amount of camo clothing, snacks and water. Complete instructions for fun and safe play are briefed at game time. Play is on several acres of Forestry Service approved terrain adjacent to the lower parking lot at Pandapas Pond. Players are reminded that the play area is wooded and hilly, so dress appropriately and use insect repellent (some insect repellent is provided, if needed). Games start at 1:00 PM and run until 4:00 PM, but players may come and go as they please. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult parent/guardian in the play area. Teens ages 12-17 must have an adult parent/guardian present at Pandapas Pond. Link:
20. 2024 Arc in the Park Christiansburg Huckleberry Park, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 6:00 PM Admission: Free The Arc of the New River Valley presents the 3rd Annual Arc in the Park. Enjoy free food, fun and friends. We will be giving out BBQ and hot dogs, kids crafts, balloon animals, snow cones, face painting and more! In addition, The Annual Arc in the Park Gift Card Raffle will be drawn at 5:00 PM. The Gift Card Raffle will help raise funds for the good work the organization does all year long. Participants do not have to be there in person to win. There will be multiple winners and individuals can win more than once. Raffle tickets are $5.00 each and can be purchased online. The deadline for online purchases is Friday, June 7th at Noon. All are welcome. The park is handicap accessible. Link:
21. Summer Arts Festival Free Classic Movies: Fried Green Tomatoes Lyric Theatre, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 5:10 PM Admission: Free The 2024 Summer Arts Festival continues their Free Classic Movies series featuring "Fried Green Tomatoes". "Fried Green Tomatoes" is a 1991 drama starring Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy and Mary Stuart Masterson and is rated PG-13. Synopsis: Evelyn, an ordinary housewife, visits a nursing home and befriends the old lady Ninny. Together, they bond over stories from the past about two intrepid women of Whistle Stop Cafe. Link:
22. Educate Your Palate Beliveau Farm Winery, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 4:30 PM Admission: $35.00 The "Educate Your Palate" class offers a tasting of 10 wines with cheese, crackers, and a chocolate, guided by the undivided attention of a Beliveau Wine Educator. You’ll love sharing this 1.5 hour experience with friends, current or newly met. The class is by advance reservation only. Link:
23. 2024 Rockin' Main Street Concert Series with Lyn Avenue and Drew Pace Downtown Christiansburg, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 5:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free The Town of Christiansburg and the Christiansburg Parks & Rec continues their 2024 Rockin' Main Street Concert Series featuring music from Lyn Avenue at 7:00 PM and Drew Pace at 5:00 PM. Celebrate food and music in downtown Christiansburg! Rockin’ Main Concerts. Attendees can purchase food and drinks from a selection of food trucks and wine & beer vendors. Born and raised in Savannah, GA, Lyn Avenue is a husband and wife country and Americana duo bringing you catchy, compelling stories with genuine southern charm. Described as six string spirit and small town soul. Drew Pace is a country music singer and songwriter from Scottsville, Virginia. He is now making a name for himself in the country music industry one show at a time. He has a unique sound that wins over his audience showcasing his voice and charm. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs to sit at the square and watch the live music. Concerts are rain or shine. Link:
24. Mount Tabor Ruritan Club June Fish Fry with The Blacksburg Community Band Slusser's Chapel Church of God, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 5:00 - 7:00 PM In Person: Adults: $12.00, Children Ages 3-11: $6.00, Children Under 3: Free, Carry-Outs: $12.00 The Mount Tabor Ruritan Club presents their 2024 June Fish Fry. Enjoy a serving fish, fries, slaw, homemade desserts, and beverage. This month the Blacksburg Community Band will be performing. And, take you picture with the Dolly Parton cutout, and get information on signing up with the Imagination Library of Montgomery County, VA to receive free monthly books for kids under five. This is a fundraiser for the Ruritan Club's community service projects and scholarships. The event will be held rain or shine. Link:
25. Irish Trad Jam with Mist in the Mountain Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Mist on the Mountain is an Irish Traditional Music group based in the New River Valley. From lively jigs and reels to heartbreaking laments and rollicking ballads, Mist on the Mountain provides great Irish music for any occasion. Link:
26. Enchanted Forest Prom Moon Hollow Brewing, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Prepare to get lost in the enchanted forest at the Moon Hollow Enchanted Forest Prom. DJ Bug Bite and friends will be spinning the tunes and the prom punch will be flowing. There will also be prom photos in the cove. 10% off bar tab for those who dress in prom attire. Link:
27. Four Band Concert with IROH, Lie Heavy, Holy Roller and Wolfbiker The Milk Parlor, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM Admission: $10.00 Enjoy a night of killer heavy rock and roll with the four band concert featuring IROH, Lie Heavy, Holy Roller and Wolfbiker You don’t want to miss some of Virginia and North Carolina's finest heavy, psych, doom and stoner rock. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the music starts at 8:00 PM. Link:
28. Yoga On Tap with Blacksburg Yoga Collective Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Sunday, June 9, 2024, 9:30 - 10:45 AM Suggested donation of $15.00-$20.00. The Blacksburg Yoga Collective presents Yoga On Tap. Enjoy an energizing and uplifting flow with Blacksburg Yoga Collective in the beautiful settings of the Rising Silo Farm Brewery. Focus on therapeutic movements and breathing techniques aimed toward collective wellness. Meditate and move together to ease stress, manifest positivity, and improve our awareness and focus. The cost includes a post-yoga non-alcoholic beverage from the brewery. Participants can use Venmo to pay for the class. Please bring your own mat. Link:
29. Sunday Mountain Music Series with Indian Run String Band Mountain Lake Lodge, Pembroke Sunday, June 9, 2024, 4:00 - 6:00 PM Free Admission Mountain Lake Lodge continues their Sunday Mountain Music Series with the Indian Run String Band. The Indian Run Stringband from Blacksburg, VA plays fiddle and banjo foot stomping dance tunes, ballads and sings traditional songs with old time harmonies perfect for dancing the two step. From dance tunes to the blues, the Indian Run Stringband plays with love and abandon. They make old-time music fresh and new. Stop by Salt Pond Pub every Sunday from Memorial Day to Labor Day from 4:00-6:00 PM and enjoy live music along with food and drinks. Perfect for relaxing with the whole family (furry friends are welcome too). Link:
30. MLB / USA Baseball: Bluefield Ridge Runners vs. Pulaski River Turtles (Saddle-Up Sunday) Calfee Park, Pulaski Sunday, June 9, 2024, 5:30 - 8:30 PM General Admission: $5.00, Seniors Ages 65 & Older: $1.00, Kids 6 & Under: Free, Grandstand: $11.00, Reserved Seating: $12.00, Party Zone: $12.00, Club Seating: $15.00 The Pulaski River Turtles Appalachian League team hosts the Bluefield Ridge Runners as they continue their 2024 season. Enjoy Saddle-Up Sunday featuring free mechanical bull rides and a cowboy hat giveaway while supplies last. Additionally, enjoy Sunday Savings featuring concession specials every Sunday. Tickets can be purchased at the gates on game day or online. Link:
For all the rest of the weekend fun, check out:
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
submitted by next3days to VirginiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:16 aireviwer Certification Course Quiz Answers - Want to become a certified expert… for FREE? 🤯 Certification Course Quiz Answers - Want to become a certified expert… for FREE? 🤯

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If you're looking to enhance your online marketing skills and showcase your expertise with a Certification, this video is a must-watch. It covers everything from a step-by-step walkthrough of the quiz to tips and tricks for maximizing your learning experience and effectively using features like tags, affiliate links, and the marketplace.
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Main dashboard and contacts

  1. What is the specific feature called in Systeme io that allows you to categorize your contact list into different groups?
  • [ ] Segments
  • Tags
  • [ ] Groups
  • [ ] Lists

2. As a affiliate with the affiliate ID “so00429112924b15f8b38622698484,” which of the following URLs should you use to correctly promote the home page?

3. Which of the following statements are true about the marketplace in

  • The marketplace is a virtual space where vendors publish their offers for affiliates to promote.
  • The marketplace is a platform where affiliates can find offers to promote and earn commissions.
  • The marketplace offers a search bar to easily find specific offers or vendors.
  • [ ] Affiliates can only promote offers through opt-in pages, not sales pages.

4. Which of the following features is missing from the contacts tab in

  • [ ] Viewing the date and time when a contact was added to the list.
  • [ ] Accessing the contact page to view detailed information about a specific contact.
  • [ ] Unsubscribing a contact from marketing emails.
  • Sending emails directly to contacts from the contact tab.

5. What does the “Email Activity” filter allow you to do in the contact list?

  • Identify contacts who haven’t opened or clicked your emails since a specific date.
  • [ ] Search contacts based on their email address.
  • [ ] Organize contacts based on their tags.
  • [ ] Filter contacts based on the date they were added.


1. What is the purpose of the squeeze page in the funnel?

  • To collect and save leads.
  • [ ] To sell a product or service.
  • [ ] To run an evergreen webinar.
  • [ ] To thank the customer for their subscription.

2. What are blocks in the context of building pages in

  • Pre-made elements to help you build your pages quickly and easily.
  • [ ] Sections of code for customizing pages.
  • [ ] Templates for creating pop-up windows.
  • [ ] Default settings for page elements.

3. What is the difference between a simple block and a master block?

  • [ ] Simple blocks cannot be saved for future use, while master blocks can.
  • Simple blocks do not change across all pages when edited, while master blocks do.
  • [ ] Simple blocks can be customized in detail, while master blocks are fixed.
  • [ ] Simple blocks are pre-made elements, while master blocks are user-created.

4. What is the purpose of’s A/B test feature?

  • [ ] To test different automation rules and triggers for lead collection.
  • [ ] To track and analyze the statistics and earnings per page view.
  • To test two different versions of a page and split your incoming traffic between them evenly to determine which one performs better.

5. Which page is typically used to present the main offer in detail and contains text blocks and buttons?

  • [ ] Upsell page
  • [ ] Downsell page
  • Sales page
  • [ ] Thank you page

6.Which payment option in the order form allows customers to make indefinite recurring payments?

  • [ ] One-time payment
  • Subscription
  • [ ] Payment plan
  • [ ] Trial period

7. What is the purpose of using available substitutes in the email editor?

  • [ ] To share the webinar registration page link.
  • [ ] To remind subscribers about the event they registered for.
  • [ ] To create urgency by showing time slots for the webinar.
  • To provide personalized information to subscribers.


1. What is the purpose of the blog layout editor in

  • [ ] Adding elements that appear across all pages of the blog.
  • Customizing the appearance of individual blog posts.
  • [ ] Redirecting menu items to external websites.
  • [ ] Creating pop-ups for visitor engagement.

2. What is the purpose of the “blog post listing” element?

  • [ ] It allows visitors to send messages to the blog owner.
  • [ ] It provides a form for visitors to contact the blog owner.
  • [ ] It customizes the layout of the post list page.
  • It displays the latest posts published on the blog.

3. What is the purpose of the “categories” feature in the blog?

  • [ ] It allows visitors to subscribe to specific categories.
  • It organizes posts into different topics or themes.
  • [ ] It provides a form for visitors to leave comments.
  • [ ] It customizes the layout of the blog’s homepage.

4. Which page on the blog allows visitors to send messages to the owner?

  • [ ] Home page
  • [ ] Post list page
  • [ ] About page
  • Contact page


1. Which trigger can be used to set an automatic action when a contact completes an email campaign?

  • [ ] Register to webinar
  • Campaign completed
  • [ ] Tag added
  • [ ] Email link clicked

2. Which trigger should you use if you want to set an automatic action when someone clicks on a link in an email?

  • [ ] Tag added
  • [ ] Page visited
  • Email link clicked

3. Which option allows you to split the path of an action in a workflow?

  • Add a decision
  • [ ] Add an action
  • [ ] Add a trigger
  • [ ] Add a delay

4. In the workflow example, what is the purpose of adding a delay after checking if a contact has a specific tag?

  • [ ] To send them an email
  • [ ] To unsubscribe them from the campaign
  • [ ] To check their contact fields
  • To wait for one day


1. In the products tab, what information can be accessed in the “Orders” section?

  • [ ] Product descriptions and SKU.
  • Customer email addresses, information about the product and the order’s fulfillment status.
  • [ ] Shipping label creation options.
  • [ ] Integration with external platforms.

2. When creating a coupon in, what is the purpose of setting a limit of use?

  • [ ] It determines the discount type (fixed amount or percentage).
  • [ ] It specifies the expiration date for the coupon.
  • It restricts the number of times the coupon can be used.
  • [ ] It defines the products eligible for the coupon.

3. What is the purpose of the “automatic post approval” setting when creating a community?

  • [ ] To customize the URL path for the community.
  • [ ] To grant access to the community to new members.
  • [ ] To categorize the community’s posts into topics.
  • To determine whether members can publish posts without approval.

4. What must be chosen in the order form to enable the delay feature for courses within a course bundle?

  • [ ] Full access
  • Drip content
  • [ ] Bundle pricing
  • [ ] Student enrollment

5. Which of the following is unnecessary when creating a course in

  • [ ] Adding a course description.
  • [ ] Choosing a theme color.
  • [ ] Uploading a logo.
  • All of the above

6. In which option(s) are available when editing a lecture?

  • [ ] Deactivate the lecture
  • [ ] Duplicate the lecture
  • [ ] Remove the lecture
  • All of the above


1. In, which options are available on the “Subscriptions” page when canceling a customer’s subscription?

  • Cancel immediately or cancel on the next payment date
  • [ ] Cancel and provide a credit towards future purchases
  • [ ] Cancel and offer an alternative subscription plan

2. Which of the following allows you to view the payments made by your customers through your funnel’s order forms?

  • Transactions
  • [ ] Subscriptions
  • [ ] Affiliate invoices
  • [ ] My Affiliate Program

3. On the subscription page, what are the three status options available to filter subscriptions?

  • [ ] Active, Pending, Complete
  • [ ] Active, Canceled, Refunded
  • Active, Canceled, Completed
  • [ ] Active, Suspended, Expired


1. What option allows you to preview how your newsletter will look in your inbox before sending it to all of your contacts?

  • [ ] Save and schedule
  • [ ] Save as a draft
  • Save and send a test email
  • [ ] Schedule the newsletter

2. Which email addresses are allowed to be used as the sender’s email address?

  • Email addresses from the main email providers, but it’s highly advised to use professional email addresses connected to a custom domain name
  • [ ] Any email address from Outlook, Yahoo, iCloud, or Hotmail
  • [ ] Any email address, regardless of the provider
  • [ ] Only email addresses ending in “.com”

3. How can you add contacts to an email campaign in

  • [ ] Contacts can only be added manually by selecting them from the contact list.
  • Contacts can be added manually by selecting their tag group from the list or automatically through automation rules or workflows.
  • [ ] Contacts can only be added automatically through automation rules or workflows.
  • [ ] Contacts can only be added by sharing the campaign link and having recipients open the link.

4. What is the main difference between newsletters and email campaigns?

  • [ ] Newsletters are sent across a specific period of time with one specific purpose, while email campaigns are more dispersed and don’t follow a sequence.
  • [ ] Newsletters require a visual editor, while email campaigns require a classic editor.
  • [ ] Newsletters are sent to a specific target audience, while email campaigns are sent to a broad audience.
  • Newsletters are more dispersed and don’t necessarily follow a sequence, while email campaigns are coordinated sets of individual emails sent across a specific period of time with one specific purpose.

5. Why does monitor the specific email statistics of each account?

  • [ ] To track the number of emails sent from the account.
  • [ ] To determine the average percentage of open emails.
  • [ ] To prevent contacts from marking emails as spam.
  • To identify the risk category of the account based on email performance.

Account settings

1. Where can you add your personal information like display name, first name, last name, country, and city in

  • [ ] Account settings
  • Profile settings
  • [ ] Manage my subscription
  • [ ] Mailing settings

2. Which setting allows you to add a tracking code like Facebook pixel or Google tag to all of your funnel pages?

  • [ ] Payment page settings
  • [ ] Course settings
  • Sales funnel settings
  • [ ] Mailing settings

3. What is the purpose of the “Affiliate program settings” tab in

  • [ ] To set up a custom domain for affiliate programs.
  • [ ] To configure notification settings for affiliates.
  • [ ] To integrate your account with ActiveCampaign.
  • To establish commission percentages and payout conditions for affiliate programs.

4. How can workspace members be invited to collaborate in

  • [ ] By clicking on the “Change password” step and entering their email addresses.
  • By clicking on the “Workspace members settings” tab, creating an invitation, and providing their email addresses.
  • [ ] By adding custom domains in the “Affiliate program settings” tab.
  • [ ] By selecting the payment method for affiliate commissions.
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submitted by aireviwer to systemeiotutorial [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:12 art36 TIME, TRUTH, AND HEARTS The 2000's Most Enduring Rock Record Turns 20

This is a personal essay commemorating the 20th anniversary of The Killers' Hot Fuss, which was released on June 7, 2004. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts. This isn't an argument that this is the "best" album from that year or decade, but I don't think another album (or song like "Mr. Brightside") has persistently continued its popularity like this one
The Killers are inextricably connected to the city of Las Vegas, and for good reason. Similar to the desert city in which the band formed, they defied reality with a sound, aesthetic, and bravado incomprehensible to their peers in mainstream rock music, and were downright contemptible to their underground and indie rock contemporaries for being much more sleek and popular.
Like the glitz and glamor of the neon signs that parade Las Vegas Boulevard and Fremont Street, The Killers were a band that shimmered and dazzled in a truly unmistakable way, that uniformly caught flak from music critics for being as disingenuous as Flowers's vocal affectation. But the passing of two decades since the release of Hot Fuss has only proven that the excitement and infectiousness of their debut wasn't unearned or short-lived.
The Killers as a band have never achieved the singular moment of success and adulation that they've chased after. For example, they've never won a Grammy and haven't graced the cover of Rolling Stone, but they still have achieved a high degree of success and admiration that many other bands would gladly kill for.
Although their debut was wildly popular, it was warmly reviewed by critics but not heralded as anything truly noteworthy in its time. The band would pivot on their second album, Sam's Town ("they've made a fucking cowboy album" to quote Atlantic Records President Jay Greenberg's response to listening to the Eagles' sophomore album Desperado), which was also received with very mixed reviews (some more smarmy and cutting than others) for the dramatic shift in musical direction, and also a general distaste for a frontman consciously chasing after a lofty legacy.
Each album the band has released since has ebbed and flowed between the two poles that they established on those albums: the glitzy new wave synth of their first album with the heartland americana rock of their second. Though the band never suffered from any significant amount of ridicule, they were moreorless dismissed by critics for never quite capturing the zeitgeist of the moment in each of their successive releases. Something was always missing. It wouldn't be too far off to characterize each album from the band as a reaction to their previous work, in which the band would rework it's dynamic in favor of different pop flavors versus classic rock truths.
However, the throughline that connects each of the albums the band has released throughout their career, regardless of the shifts in sound and production and even personnel, is an earnestness that fuels every anthemic tune the band has ever written. It's why audiences all over the globe have flocked to see the band perform these larger-than-life hits in arenas, stadiums, and at festivals.
And this earnestness is the connective tissue that has formed the bond between the band and their still growing fanbase. The theatric nature of their music and the high stakes involved, even in quiet towns and on desert highways, with soaring synths and raging guitars has found a home in the ears and hearts of millions.
So twenty years later, The Killers have arguably achieved the most enviable status of any band from their era. The truly beloved songs from their debut album, most notably "Mr. Brightside," are the most enduring tunes of a generation. With time, truth, and hearts, they were able to prevail and build the legacy they were laughably dismissed for even attempting to chase after.
Like the city of Las Vegas, they are shining brighter than ever, and there is no sign that they will be fading away anytime soon.
submitted by art36 to LetsTalkMusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:07 SourceMedium6031 Daily News Report: 06/01/2024 - 06/07/2024

Date: 06/07/2024

Reading time: 3 minutes, 794 words

🪖 Military

Two Georgian Citizens Detained for Links to Terrorist ‘Islamic State’

The State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) reported the arrest of two Georgian citizens for the illegal purchase and storage of firearms and ammunition as part of the ongoing investigation of a terrorist crime. Automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, flags with symbols of the terrorist organization “Islamic State” and various types of evidence were removed from the residences of the arrested persons.

Russia is sending a nuclear submarine to the Caribbean Sea

Russian Navy ships will enter Cuba's territorial waters as a sign of friendship, Cuban Ministry of the Revolutionary Army announced in Havana. The nuclear-powered submarine will not have nuclear weapons, the statement said.

Zelensky: "NATO's eastern border cannot be terminated with Ukraine"

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Normandy on June 7. He met French officials in Paris, including French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden. He also received new terms of military assistance from the leaders. Emmanuel Macron announced that he will deliver Mirage military aircraft to Ukraine.

🏛️ Politics & Government

President of Latvia: By suspending candidate status, a clear signal should be sent to Georgia

President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkevičs, says the situation in Georgia requires an urgent and strict response from the European Union. He said by suspending the candidate status, the EU should send a clear signal to the Georgian government so that the situation does not worsen.

CEC Complains about “Damaging Groundless Accusations” Ahead of Elections

The Central Election Commission of Georgia issued a statement, complaining about the persisting “unverified, baseless, and damaging statements about the election process” ahead of the crucial Parliamentary elections on October 26. The CEC claims that such statements and assessments are spread from abroad as well. The Commission echoes the ruling party’s longstanding narrative about alleged political interference in the elections.

Domestic Reactions to First Tranche of U.S. Sanctions on Georgian Individuals

U.S. State Department announced the first tranche of visa sanctions against “dozens” of Georgian individuals. Georgian Dream party members, MPs, law enforcement officials and private citizens among those sanctioned. Georgian opposition: "No one is afraid of these sanctions. We have declared our policy that we protect the country's interest"
CivilGe, Political evaluations of American sanctions from Georgia, Mdinaradze: We have right to know whether we are the first legislators who were sanctioned for passing a law, People’s Power MP on sanctions: Main partner made another gross mistake, black day of Western democracy, Mdinaradze: We have right to know whether we are the first legislators who were sanctioned for passing a law, US announces first tranche of visa restrictions comprising members of Georgian Dream

Orban: "War psychosis in Europe, supporters of peace are being silenced"

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán assesses the current events in Europe as a psychosis of war. Orbán also says that NATO and the European Union are moving towards war with Russia. He hopes that Donald Trump will win the American elections and thus a transatlantic peace coalition will be created.

Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova - waiting for a decision

The European Union is expected to start negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova in connection with the accession of these countries to the European Union in June. The European Commission wants to start formal negotiations with Kyiv and Chisinau as soon as possible before Hungary takes over the position of the EU presidency on July 1. Experts say that ultimately Hungary will not be able to prevent these negotiations. Georgia is lagging behind Moldova and Ukraine in the most important issues, says Kakha Gogolashvili.
EuroNewsGeorgia, European Commission: Ukraine and Moldova fulfilled all recommendations

💵 Economy

The government predicts 6% economic growth this year

Georgian government predicts 6% economic growth this year. First Deputy Minister of Finance Giorgi Kakauridze noted that in the first four months of this year, the economy grew at a much higher rate than expected.

⚽ Sport

Georgian national team’s full squad trains in Austria ahead of Euro 2024

Georges Mikautadze and Solomon Kvirkvelia among 26 players in Austria. Georgia will play in Group against Turkey on June 18, Czech Republic on June 22 and Portugal on June 26. The team will play a friendly match against Montenegro in Podgorica on Sunday.

Date: 06/06/2024

Reading time: 4 minutes, 981 words

🪖 Military

Ukraine Latest: Himars Strike Destroys Air Defenses inside Russia, Kremlin Warns of ‘Fatal Consequences’

Kremlin warns Washington that it could suffer “fatal consequences” for backing cross-border attacks. US has so far allowed Kyiv to hit targets within Russia only if they pose an immediate threat to Ukrainian forces. US President Joe Biden gave Ukraine permission to use American-supplied weapons to strike within Russia last week.

🏛️ Politics & Government

BREAKING: US State Department Implements First Tranche of Sanctions against Georgian Individuals

U.S. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller, announced at today’s press briefing that the US has sanctioned “dozens ” of Georgian individuals in its first tranche of sanctions. The number of sanctioned individuals is between two to three dozens.

Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics: Georgian Parliament Misuses Media Conduct Rules

The Georgian Parliament is using the new rules of conduct of media in legislature as a punitive tool against journalists. Journalists are barred from accessing first-hand information from the legislative body for one to six months.

Economy Minister says promoting green economy potential, sustainable development Gov’t “important priority”

Georgian Economy Minister Levan Davitashvili spoke at the 14th Local Economic Development Forum in Tbilisi. He said promoting the potential of green economy and sustainable development represented the Government’s ‘priority” in the country's economy. The Minister said the Government's policy aimed at developing the private sector's capabilities, effective management of resources and carrying out structural reforms.

Opposition Parties Plead to the U.S. Congress to Commit Resources for Election Monitoring in Georgia

Opposition parties write to U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson, the initiator of the MEGOBATI Act. They plead with Congress to commit necessary human and financial resources to ensure due electoral observation for the October parliamentary elections in Georgia. The letter stresses the will of the “overwhelming majority” of the Georgian people for the country’s integration into the EU and NATO.

MFA Keeps SIlent, as “People’s Power” Lies About NATO’s Article 5

People’s Power, an offshoot of the ruling Georgian Dream party, issued a lengthy statement on June 5. It claimed that NATO Charter's Article 5 did not guarantee military assistance to Allies in the event of an attack. Georgia's Foreign Ministry has not responded to the People's Power statement. has approached the Information Center on NATO and EU.

Georgian Dream Introduces Draft Law to Restrict LGBTQ+ Rights

Georgia’s ruling party has introduced draft legislation that would limit LGBTQ+ rights. The measures come soon after the adoption of the “foreign influence” law, which resulted in months’-long mass protests and criticism for its perceived threat to democratic freedom.

Georgian FM: Adoption of UN Resolution on IDPs from Russian-Occupied Regions “great success”

Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili celebrated this week’s adoption of a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly concerning Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees from the Russian-occupied Abkhazia and Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) regions. The resolution reiterates the right of return for all displaced persons and refugees to these regions, with 103 countries voting in favor, nine against, and 52 abstaining.

TI Georgia: Chinese Company with ‘Questionable Reputation’ to Build Anaklia Port

Transparency International (TI) Georgia, a local corruption watchdog, says the government awarded the Anaklia Port project to a Chinese company “known for corruption scandals” The watchdog also warns that the deal raises corruption risks amid the growing crackdown on civil society watchdogs. The U.S. State Department echoed these concerns on June 1, stressing the importance of safeguarding Georgia’s security.

Georgian Witnesses at the Congressional Hearing Under Fire

The People’s Power attacked Ivane Chkhikvadze and Natalie Sabanadze for testifying before the U.S. Congress. PM Irakli Kobakhidze and ruling party MPs compared the two witnesses to Bolsheviks and fascists. Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili said: “We have seen Orjonikidzes of the 21st century, who have snitched on their homeland”
CivilGe, William Courtney on the Helsinki Commission Hearing and Sanctioning Georgian Dream

Celebrating World Environment Day 2024: UNDP and Its Commitment to Georgia’s Environmental and Energy Sustainability

On World Environment Day 2024, the UNDP celebrated its ongoing work in Georgia with regards environmental preservation and sustainable energy solutions. Georgia boasts 100 protected areas which cover 13% of its land, where forests flourish across 75% of these natural havens.

💵 Economy

Fitch Ratings Initiates Coverage of TBC Bank Uzbekistan with a BB- Rating, in line with the sovereign

Uzbekistan-based Joint Stock Commercial Bank ‘TBC BANK’ (TBCU) Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of ‘BB-‘ with Stable Outlooks and a Viability Rating (VR) of 'b' TBCU’s ‘b’ VR reflects its reasonable risk profile and asset quality and good capitalisation. The bank contributed 9% of the group's total revenue and 5% of net profit in 2023, although we expect it to increase further in the medium term.

Date: 06/05/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes, 533 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Parliament Bans Another Critical Journalist from Working in Legislative Building

The Georgian Parliament has banned Natalia Kajaia of the opposition-leaning TV Pirveli from working in the legislative building for one month, until July 3, at the request of the leader of the People’s Power party, MP Sozar Subari. The bans come as a result of implementing a controversial February 2023 Order issued by Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.

Roth: A Russian-style crackdown on LGBTI is another red flag for Georgia‘s EU ambitions

A Russian-style crackdown on LGBTI is another red flag for Georgia‘s EU ambitions. Georgian Dream must stop initiatives to destroy Georgia future, – Michael Roth, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the German Parliament (Bundestag).

People’s Power Distorts NATO’s Article 5 Content

People’s Power, an offshoot of the ruling Georgian Dream party, issued a lengthy statement on June 5. The People's Power claimed NATO's Article 5 does not guarantee military assistance to Allies in the event of an attack. The statement accuses the “Global War Party” of misleading the Georgian people for years.

Russia’s Deputy FM: West is Trying to Implement Maidan Scenario in Georgia

Mikhail Galuzin, Russia’s deputy Foreign Minister, accused the West of putting “unscrupulous pressure” on “many sovereign states” in Georgia. The Russian official also lashed out at the foreign ministers of Lithuania, Estonia and Iceland, calling their actions “blatant interference in the internal affairs of an independent state”

EU Ambassador: EU to Check Whether Visa Liberalization Conditions Still Apply to Georgia

EU Ambassador to Georgia Paweł Herczyński said that the EU will consider “all options” that can be introduced towards Georgia as a result of the adoption of the foreign agents law, including the suspension of visa liberalization. He expressed his concern that ordinary citizens of Georgia will be affected and will have to pay a very heavy price.

U.S. Congressional Hearing Discusses Support for Georgia’s Sovereignty and Democracy

The United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission) held a congressional hearing on supporting Georgia’s sovereignty and democracy. The hearing came amid the recent adoption of the Russian-style foreign agents law and the U.S. announcement of sanctions against those undermining democracy in Georgia.

🧪 Science & Technology

Georgian Citizen Illegally Sentenced in Occupied Tskhinvali Region

Giorgi Mosiashvili, 35, was sentenced to two years in a general regime colony by the de-facto court in occupied Java, Tskhinvali region. He is accused of crossing the occupation line and fishing, in particular, catching about 25 kg of trout fry with an electric fishing rod.

Date: 06/04/2024

Reading time: 3 minutes, 704 words

🪖 Military

Informal mobilization in Russia

Wives of conscripted soldiers held a small protest in front of the Ministry of Defense in Moscow. The wives demanded the return of their husbands. They were announced as a foreign agent by the Russian government.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Stormi Daniels says she and her family are being threatened

Stormy Daniels claims she had sexual relations with Donald Trump 10 years ago. Daniels says she and her family receive serious death threats on a daily basis.

Congress starts discussing "MEGOBARI" - politicians talk about possible sanctions

Washington states that they are considering the US response to the actions taken by the Georgian government. According to the spokesperson of the US State Department, the US has announced the new policy of sanctions, although it has not yet announced individual sanctions. Opponents of the government say that along with the American visa restrictions, the EU member states should individually adopt such decisions.

“Georgian Charter” signed by 17 parties and 5 independent deputies

The administration of the President publishes information about political parties and independent MPs who have signed the “Georgian Charter” The charter talks about “repeal of laws harmful to the European course of the country”, liberation of the justice system and restoration of trust, improvement of the electoral system and creation of a new political reality.

Parliament Slaps Bans on Critical Journalists at GD Vice-Speaker’s Request

Two journalists from opposition-leaning media outlets have been temporarily banned from the legislative building. MP Nino Tsilosani demanded their accreditations be suspended after the journalists approached her even though she refused to answer their questions. The bans come as a result of implementing a controversial February 2023 Order issued by Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.

Parliament Speaker Enacts “Offshore Law”

Georgia's 'Offshore Law' makes it easier to bring offshore assets to Georgia. The law is aimed at allowing Georgian Dream’s billionaire founder, Bidzina Ivanishvili, and his cronies to evade Western sanctions. President Salome Zurabishvili vetoed the bill, which was then overruled by the Parliament.
CivilGe, Parliament Speaker Presents Homophobic Legislation

Prime Minister’s Report Claims Progress in Foreign Policy, Defense, Economy, Governance

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze presents report to Parliament on June 28. Report covers foreign and security policy, conflict resolution and human rights, economic development and social development and human capital, and state governance. Ukraine is mentioned only three times in the 171-page document.

Expert Paper Details Risks ahead of Georgia’s Crucial Parliamentary Elections

The German Marshall Fund published a paper called “Georgia’s 2024 Parliamentary Election: Pre-election risk assessment” It details risks and vulnerabilities in the political pre-election landscape, legal framework and election administration, campaign environment, and media and information space. Author Laura Thornton anticipates political violence and arrests and challenges to the legitimacy of the election.

Management team plans to protect "family values".

The draft law, which, according to the civil sector, will limit the rights of LGBTQ+. Intimate scenes of same-sex couples will be cut from the films, these shots will not be shown on TV screens or in cinemas. Talking about the queer community in educational institutions may be prohibited, if it is considered as propaganda for the LGBTQ+ community.

MEP: GD tried to put the last nail in the coffin of Georgia’s European future

Georgian parliamentarian Thijs Reuten responds to the signing of the law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence” by the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili. “Georgian Dream” recently tried to put the last nail in the coffin of Georgia’s European future – but in the end they will fail, writes MEP Reuten.

Date: 06/03/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes, 405 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Georgian Infrastructure Minister: Gov’t continuing to develop sports infrastructure

Infrastructure Minister Irakli Karseladze opens stadium in southern Georgian city of Marneuli. The 2,000-capacity stadium is designed to host both local and international tournaments.

Protesters against Foreign Agents Law Fined

On May 20, and the court fined several activists GEL 500 (approximately USD 180) in connection with protests against the Foreign Agents Law. This is the maximum fine for the offense, according to Article 174 Prima of the Administrative Code. Those fined include Saba Skhvitaridze, Anri Gorgiladze, and Boris Chele Kurua of the opposition party.
CivilGe, Parliament Speaker Enacts Foreign Agents Law After President’s Refusal to Sign, Parliament Speaker signs the law “On transparency of foreign influence”

Opposition Parties Sign Georgian Charter

Opposition parties which have agreed to sign the Georgian Charter will do so on June 3. Opposition parties For Justice, Greens Party, Girchi-More Freedom and Droa, European Democrats, European Georgia, Republican Party, For People, Ahali, Lelo for Georgia, Citizens, Freedom-Zviad Gamsakhurdia’s Way, United National Movement, Law and Justice, National-Democratic Party have already signed the Charter.
CivilGe, Gakharia: For Georgia not to sign “Georgian Charter” offered by President, Political parties sign “Georgian Charter” presented by President, Gakharia: For Georgia not to sign “Georgian Charter” offered by President

UK to have a new ambassador to Georgia

The United Kingdom will have a new ambassador to Georgia – Mark Clayton will be replaced by Gareth Ward in a few months. Gareth Ward will start working as the Ambassador of Great Britain in Georgia from August 2024.

Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Georgia visites Machakhela Protected Landscape to review ongoing initiatives

Petr Kubernát, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Georgia, visited Machakhela Protected Landscape to review ongoing initiatives and discuss future partnerships for sustainable development.

Date: 06/02/2024

Reading time: 0 minutes, 0 words

Date: 06/01/2024

Reading time: 0 minutes, 151 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Georgians Gear Up for ‘Unprecedented’ Election Mobilization

Georgia's President Salome Zurabishvili has unveiled a roadmap for victory in October's elections. She has called the upcoming elections a “referendum’s referendum” between a ‘European, democratic, independent Georgia, or a Russian-led, authoritarian, and isolated Georgia. With the polling day approaching, opposition remains fragmented, with a unified opposition list.

Intimidation Campaign Against Opposition, Civil Society, Gov’t Critics as Repressions Announced by GD MPs

An orchestrated campaign of intimidation against opposition politicians, media, civil society organizations and critics of the foreign agents law has resumed on May 31, several days after the final passage of the infamous law. This time, Georgian Dream representatives don’t hide their involvement in this campaign, on the contrary, they openly announce the repressions.

Citizens Confront GD MPs Following Adoption of Foreign Agents’ Law

After Georgian Dream MPs voted on May 28 to overturn veto on the Foreign Agents Law, they have been confronted by angry citizens, opposing the law. Several cases of citizens writing on the walls of GD MPs’ houses and calling them “slaves” and “traitors” in public have been observed.
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submitted by SourceMedium6031 to Sakartvelo [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:05 Sm3xy_Cake Uber Fraudulent Accounts NYC

Little context why I am writing this. I work 30 hours at a takeout only restaurant and rest of the time I do doordash after college. I am located in NYC.
I have been working at this restaurant since 2023 June. At that time there was no delivery drivers wage mandate in NYC. Our sales are mostly ubereats. If we get 50 orders in uber we get 10 and 10 at dd and gh. GH is good as always. Doordash doesnt provide enough info but on the ubereats restaurant app u can see what car, name and location of the delivery rider. At that time, earlier December 2023. Delivery drivers were mostly Hispanic people. And everything was logical. Delivery drivers names were also hispanic.
However, lets come to the point. Last 3 months me and my manager figured out something is wrong with the delivery drivers account that show up in the app. Please dont judge me or I am not judging anybody.
As I said it was mostly hispanic riders and everything was logical. Now 80% of the riders are French speaking. Mostly from Afrian regions. How do I know? Well most of them enter the store and looks at me and instantly recognize I am muslim. So they start to say greetings any arabic. They speak 0 English and speak french and arabic. Um not tryna complain about language.
Here is the twist. I ask them brother whats your name. Most of them says my name is Abdul, Mohammed, Mohamadu, Abdullah. But when I look at our restaurants app I see its actually him but the names are like JASON, ANTHONY, ANDREW. It doesnt make sense. I told my manager look whats happening. Oneday me and my manager engaged in a conversation with a guy. He speaks English. I asked him his name he says brother I am Mohammed. Then I told him but it says jason. He says yes I am Mohammed Jason. If you know you know it just simply doesnt make sense.
Yesterday night my manager engaged in a conversation with another guy. He said he pays $200 a month for the ubereats driver id. I couldnt find anyone how they doing this. I need to make a friend with one of them to figure out whats going on.
I am not judging anyone based on their language, country, colour or their immigration status.
submitted by Sm3xy_Cake to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:05 The_Entheogenist Stuttgart (ATP250) Qualifying Draw - Gasquet, Medjedovic, Nadal!

Stuttgart (ATP250) Qualifying Draw - Gasquet, Medjedovic, Nadal! submitted by The_Entheogenist to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:00 enoumen A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations June 07 2024:🎥Kuaishou launches new Sora rival 🎧 OpenAI reverse engineers the workings of AI models 🤖New Chinese video generation model beats OpenAI’s Sora📊Nvidia is now the second-most valuable company, overtaking Apple 🔍OpenAI probes GPT’s inner workings

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations June 07 2024:🎥Kuaishou launches new Sora rival 🎧 OpenAI reverse engineers the workings of AI models 🤖New Chinese video generation model beats OpenAI’s Sora📊Nvidia is now the second-most valuable company, overtaking Apple 🔍OpenAI probes GPT’s inner workings

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations June 07th 2024:

🎧 OpenAI reverse engineers the workings of AI models

🤖 New Chinese video generation model beats OpenAI’s Sora

📊 Nvidia is now the second-most valuable company, overtaking Apple

🚀Adobe’s launches AEP AI Assistant to help brands master customer

🏆The most comprehensive benchmarking & leaderboard for image models is here!

🧬AI used to predict potential new antibiotics in groundbreaking study

🔒Meta gets EU complaints from 11 countries over use of personal data to train AI

🔍The Federal Trade Commission is investigating Microsoft-Inflection AI deal

🎥 Kuaishou launches new Sora rival

🔍 AI RESEARCH: OpenAI probes GPT’s inner workings

Enjoying these daily updates, listen to our podcast at:

🎧 OpenAI reverse engineers the workings of AI models

In new research, OpenAI has shared improved methods for finding a large number of "features"—patterns of activity in AI models that are human interpretable. They developed new state-of-the-art methodologies that allow scaling sparse autoencoders to tens of millions of features on frontier AI models.
It demonstrated smooth and predictable scaling, with better returns to scale than prior techniques. And they could find 16 million features in GPT-4. The research also introduces several new metrics for evaluating feature quality.
OpenAI has shared the paper, code, and feature visualizations to foster further exploration.
Why does it matter?
It could bring us closer to understanding the inner workings of neural networks. This interpretability will eventually increase model trustworthiness and steerability.
While OpenAI is being criticized for taking unnecessary risks with AI technology, this shows it is also keen on tackling the risk by making models more explainable.

🤖 New Chinese video generation model beats OpenAI’s Sora

Kuaishou, a Chinese tech company, has introduced Kling, an AI model for video generation. It can make videos up to two minutes long at 1080p resolution and 30 frames per second, vs. Sora’s one-minute videos.
Kuaishou claims Kling correctly simulates the physical properties of the real world, including complex motion sequences. Using a diffusion transformer, it can also combine concepts and create fictional scenes, such as a cat driving a car through a busy city.

📊 Nvidia is now the second-most valuable company, overtaking Apple
Kuaishou, a Chinese tech company, has introduced Kling, an AI model for video generation. It can make videos up to two minutes long at 1080p resolution and 30 frames per second, vs. Sora’s one-minute videos.
Kuaishou claims Kling correctly simulates the physical properties of the real world, including complex motion sequences. Using a diffusion transformer, it can also combine concepts and create fictional scenes, such as a cat driving a car through a busy city.
Nvidia rallied to record highs on Wednesday, with it’s stock market valuation hitting $3 trillion and overtaking Apple to become the world’s second most valuable company. This comes after Nvidia made a series of major announcements in the past week.
However, Nvidia’s stock has surged 147% so far in 2024, with demand for its top-of-the-line processors far outstripping supply as Big Tech races to build out their AI computing capabilities and dominate the emerging technology.
Microsoft remains the world’s most valuable company, with a market value of approximately $3.15 trillion.
Why does it matter?
Nvidia is now seen as a key company to watch to see how fast AI-powered tech is spreading across the business world, a shift that Nvidia’s founder, Jensen Huang, has declared as the dawn of the "next industrial revolution".

🎥 Kuaishou launches new Sora rival
Chinese tech firm Kuaishou just introduced KLING, a new text-to-video AI model capable of generating high-quality videos up to 2 minutes long with outputs that appear to rival OpenAI’s still-unreleased Sora. The details: KLING can produce videos at 1080p resolution with a maximum length of 2 minutes, surpassing the 1-minute Sora videos demoed by OpenAI. KLING’s demos include realistic outputs like a man eating noodles and scenic shots, as well as surreal clips like animals in clothes. The model uses a 3D space-time attention system to simulate complex motion and physical interactions that better mimic the real world. The model is currently available to Chinese-based users as a public demo on the KWAI iOS app. Why it matters: These generations are even more mind-blowing when you consider that Will Smith’s spaghetti-eating abomination was barely a year ago. With users still anxiously waiting for the public release of Sora, other competitors are stepping in — and the AI video landscape looks like it’s about to heat up in a major way.

ByteDance’s AI chip loophole

TikTok parent company ByteDance is renting advanced Nvidia AI chips and using them on U.S. soil, exploiting a loophole to sidestep restrictions on China’s AI chip exports. The details: Due to national security concerns, the U.S. government prohibits Nvidia from selling AI chips like the A100 and H100 directly to Chinese companies. The restrictions don't prevent Chinese firms from renting chips for use within the U.S. — ByteDance is allegedly leasing servers with chips from Oracle. ByteDance reportedly had access to over 1,500 H100 chips and several thousand A100s last month through the Oracle deal. Other Chinese giants like Alibaba and Tencent are also reportedly exploring similar options, either renting from U.S. providers or setting up US data centers. Why it matters: The AI race between the U.S. and China is only escalating — and it appears major players are going to get AI chips by any means necessary. While the U.S. tries to stall its rival’s progress with restrictions, it feels like a game of whack-a-mole that won’t stop China from reaching its AI goals.

🔍 AI RESEARCH: OpenAI probes GPT’s inner workings
OpenAI just released a new paper detailing a method for reverse engineering concepts learned by AI models and better understanding ChatGPT’s inner workings. The details: The paper was authored by members of the recently disbanded superalignment team, including Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike. ‘Scaling and Evaluating Sparse Autoencoders’ outlines a technique to ID patterns representing specific concepts inside GPT-4. By using an additional model to probe the larger model, researchers found a way to extract millions of activity patterns for further exploration. OpenAI released open-source code and a visualization tool, allowing others to explore how different words and phrases activate concepts within models. Why it matters: Much like Anthropic’s recent “Golden Gate Claude” and corresponding research, AI firms are still working to understand what’s truly going on underneath the hood. Cracking AI’s black box would be a big step towards better safety, tuning, and controllability of rapidly advancing models.

New AI Job Opportunities on June 07th 2024:

Harvey - Data Analyst: Meta - Applied AI Research Scientist - Reinforcement Learning: DeepL - Corporate Communications Lead: Palantir Technologies - Enablement Partner:

What Else Is Happening in AI on June 07th 2024

🚀Adobe’s launches AEP AI Assistant to help brands master customer

Adobe’s Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) is a real-time customer experience management (CXM) solution designed for enterprises. AEP AI Assistant is a gen AI chatbot hooked up to the AEP and an enterprise’s storehouse of advertising and customer data, brand assets, and content collateral (at their direction).

🏆The most comprehensive benchmarking & leaderboard for image models is here!

AI image models have achieved near-photographic quality. But how do they compare? Are the open-source alternatives on par with their proprietary counterparts? The Artificial Analysis Text to Image Leaderboard aims to answer these questions with human preference-based rankings.

🧬AI used to predict potential new antibiotics in groundbreaking study

Scientists used an algorithm to mine the entirety of the microbial diversity that we have on earth – or a huge representation of that – and find almost 1million new molecules encoded or hidden within all that microbial dark matter.

🔒Meta gets EU complaints from 11 countries over use of personal data to train AI

Meta rejected the criticism and referred to a May 22 blog in which it said it uses publicly available online and licensed information to train AI as well as information that people have shared publicly on its products and services.

🔍The Federal Trade Commission is investigating Microsoft-Inflection AI deal

The FTC has sent subpoenas to tech giant and startup, asking whether their partnership evaded the required government antitrust review of the transaction. Microsoft picked off Inflection’s specialized workforce of AI researchers but didn’t purchase the company outright.

Enjoying these daily updates, listen to our podcast at:

submitted by enoumen to u/enoumen [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:59 Necrophilicgorilla Well y'all, I took all but the few cents that I had in my Schwab account after selling one share of shit stock that I had for $2.10 in some cannabis co. to get enough money to buy 1 share of GME. It's not much, but I have one.

Well y'all, I took all but the few cents that I had in my Schwab account after selling one share of shit stock that I had for $2.10 in some cannabis co. to get enough money to buy 1 share of GME. It's not much, but I have one. submitted by Necrophilicgorilla to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:58 art36 TIME, TRUTH, AND HEARTS The 2000's Most Enduring Rock Record Turns 20
The Killers are inextricably connected to the city of Las Vegas, and for good reason. Similar to the desert city in which the band formed, they defied reality with a sound, aesthetic, and bravado incomprehensible to their peers in mainstream rock music, and were downright contemptible to their underground and indie rock contemporaries for being much more sleek and popular.
Like the glitz and glamor of the neon signs that parade Las Vegas Boulevard and Fremont Street, The Killers were a band that shimmered and dazzled in a truly unmistakable way, that uniformly caught flak from music critics for being as disingenuous as Flowers's vocal affectation. But the passing of two decades since the release of Hot Fuss has only proven that the excitement and infectiousness of their debut wasn't unearned or short-lived.
The Killers as a band have never achieved the singular moment of success and adulation that they've chased after. For example, they've never won a Grammy and haven't graced the cover of Rolling Stone, but they still have achieved a high degree of success and admiration that many other bands would gladly kill for.
Although their debut was wildly popular, it was warmly reviewed by critics but not heralded as anything truly noteworthy in its time. The band would pivot on their second album, Sam's Town ("they've made a fucking cowboy album" to quote Atlantic Records President Jay Greenberg's response to listening to the Eagles' sophomore album Desperado), which was also received with very mixed reviews (some more smarmy and cutting than others) for the dramatic shift in musical direction, and also a general distaste for a frontman consciously chasing after a lofty legacy.
Each album the band has released since has ebbed and flowed between the two poles that they established on those albums: the glitzy new wave synth of their first album with the heartland americana rock of their second. Though the band never suffered from any significant amount of ridicule, they were moreorless dismissed by critics for never quite capturing the zeitgeist of the moment in each of their successive releases. Something was always missing. It wouldn't be too far off to characterize each album from the band as a reaction to their previous work, in which the band would rework it's dynamic in favor of different pop flavors versus classic rock truths.
However, the throughline that connects each of the albums the band has released throughout their career, regardless of the shifts in sound and production and even personnel, is an earnestness that fuels every anthemic tune the band has ever written. It's why audiences all over the globe have flocked to see the band perform these larger-than-life hits in arenas, stadiums, and at festivals.
And this earnestness is the connective tissue that has formed the bond between the band and their still growing fanbase. The theatric nature of their music and the high stakes involved, even in quiet towns and on desert highways, with soaring synths and raging guitars has found a home in the ears and hearts of millions.
So twenty years later, The Killers have arguably achieved the most enviable status of any band from their era. The truly beloved songs from their debut album, most notably "Mr. Brightside," are the most enduring tunes of a generation. With time, truth, and hearts, they were able to prevail and build the legacy they were laughably dismissed for even attempting to chase after.
Like the city of Las Vegas, they are shining brighter than ever, and there is no sign that they will be fading away anytime soon.
submitted by art36 to popheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:45 QueasySherbert6137 37M - Colorado - My weekend will be doing chores around the house, interested in meeting someone new and living vicariously through people with more interesting lives.

What exciting thing do you have going on this weekend? Maybe your life is similar to mine and we can commiserate at how mundane life has become. My days all seem to be the same lately and I go back on forth on if that’s a good thing or not. I’m fairly routine especially on the weekdays when my day pretty much consists of working then reading with the tv in the background at night. I mostly watch sitcoms, food shows, and sports. I’m in the kitchen a lot, it’s something I really enjoy doing and seeing the reaction of people when they eat my food. Occasionally I’ll go biking, hiking and practice my photography.
Once in a while I like to post and try to meet someone new and to get outside of my little narrow perspective. I don’t have any expectations for anyone that replies, I like to just get to talking and see if the conversations flows. I know that this can be a line in the sand for a lot of people so I want to be upfront about it, I’m in a relationship. Some people I've met are pretty adamant not to talk with people who are not single and I can understand that but for me I don't care about your relationship status.
I’m a fairly realistic person so I feel like the odds of finding matches are low. On the flip side, after years of being immersed in tv/movies that depict meet cutes and “the one” I still believe there is a chance for something unexpected so whether you are half way around the world or within walking distance from me, if you think we have something in common let’s see where the conversation takes us. The ideal situation is that we get along and live relatively close to each other since I'm always looking to meet local people, but it’s more likely that we’ll just be talking online so don’t let distance be a deterrent if you want to reply and think we’d get along. Opening messages can be awkward. What to ask, what to reveal, how long should it be, etc. Don’t over think it and tell me about yourself and what you’re looking for, let’s get to know each other.
submitted by QueasySherbert6137 to MakeFriendsOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 art36 TIME, TRUTH, AND HEARTS The 2000's Most Enduring Rock Record Turns 20

TIME, TRUTH, AND HEARTS The 2000's Most Enduring Rock Record Turns 20
The Killers are inextricably connected to the city of Las Vegas, and for good reason. Similar to the desert city in which the band formed, they defied reality with a sound, aesthetic, and bravado incomprehensible to their peers in mainstream rock music, and were downright contemptible to their underground and indie rock contemporaries for being much more sleek and popular.
Like the glitz and glamor of the neon signs that parade Las Vegas Boulevard and Fremont Street, The Killers were a band that shimmered and dazzled in a truly unmistakable way, that uniformly caught flak from music critics for being as disingenuous as Flowers's vocal affectation. But the passing of two decades since the release of Hot Fuss has only proven that the excitement and infectiousness of their debut wasn't unearned or short-lived.
The Killers as a band have never achieved the singular moment of success and adulation that they've chased after. For example, they've never won a Grammy and haven't graced the cover of Rolling Stone, but they still have achieved a high degree of success and admiration that many other bands would gladly kill for.
Although their debut was wildly popular, it was warmly reviewed by critics but not heralded as anything truly noteworthy in its time. The band would pivot on their second album, Sam's Town ("they've made a fucking cowboy album" to quote Atlantic Records President Jay Greenberg's response to listening to the Eagles' sophomore album Desperado), which was also received with very mixed reviews (some more smarmy and cutting than others) for the dramatic shift in musical direction, and also a general distaste for a frontman consciously chasing after a lofty legacy.
Each album the band has released since has ebbed and flowed between the two poles that they established on those albums: the glitzy new wave synth of their first album with the heartland americana rock of their second. Though the band never suffered from any significant amount of ridicule, they were moreorless dismissed by critics for never quite capturing the zeitgeist of the moment in each of their successive releases. Something was always missing. It wouldn't be too far off to characterize each album from the band as a reaction to their previous work, in which the band would rework it's dynamic in favor of different pop flavors versus classic rock truths.
However, the throughline that connects each of the albums the band has released throughout their career, regardless of the shifts in sound and production and even personnel, is an earnestness that fuels every anthemic tune the band has ever written. It's why audiences all over the globe have flocked to see the band perform these larger-than-life hits in arenas, stadiums, and at festivals.
And this earnestness is the connective tissue that has formed the bond between the band and their still growing fanbase. The theatric nature of their music and the high stakes involved, even in quiet towns and on desert highways, with soaring synths and raging guitars has found a home in the ears and hearts of millions.
So twenty years later, The Killers have arguably achieved the most enviable status of any band from their era. The truly beloved songs from their debut album, most notably "Mr. Brightside," are the most enduring tunes of a generation. With time, truth, and hearts, they were able to prevail and build the legacy they were laughably dismissed for even attempting to chase after.
Like the city of Las Vegas, they are shining brighter than ever, and there is no sign that they will be fading away anytime soon.
submitted by art36 to TheKillers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 marinegamer12 I hate my father and his side of my family

I 16M, and my brother 15M live with my father 37M and it is a living hell. My brother and I are in a group chat with our mother who was kicked out of our property thanks to my father with their ongoing divorce. Their divorce started basically because of my father's binge drinking and he would begin to lash out at my mom and just act useless and be deplorable. The sad thing is, is he thinks he can spend money to buy me and my brother's love (Fortnite cards, video games, etc). He even pretends to be sugar sweet when in reality he sends my mom horrible messages basically demeaning her as a human being. He always needs to be in control, like with money, clothes you wear (if they're dirty or not), and what you do in your day to day life. As I'm writing this he invited people to this "cookout" with relatives from his side we resent, (uncle, aunt, cousin, and grandma). He also texted me saying "Yeah, I really can't, bud. I have my bosses out here and I need to impress them." when I asked if they could tone things down. He also has a disabled brother with autism who is non-verbal, and cant do anything for himself, (clothing himself, bathing, etc), and he, and my grandma just leaves him in the house whenever he has guests, completely disregarding his needs. Not only that, he gets mileage checks to take him places, but all he's ever at is his home because he doesn't take him anywhere. I barely use Reddit, I've talked to my mom about reporting him to the police for what he's doing to me and my brother emotionally, but I know if I were to do that, I'd be in foster care, and I don't want that at all. He has made Facebook statuses about women he'd like to have sexual intercourse with, while he was married to my mom, and he completely disregarded their marriage together at times. He treats me and my brother like we're toddlers for no reason, even though I'm 16 and he's 15, he hasn't worked a day in his life; when he was married to my mom, he'd usually dump his brother on her, and make her watch him even though it's his job. My mom now lives multiple towns away because of his antics of all of these factors, I have a high reputation in the small town I live in, I played football and basketball for my high school, and pretty much anyone in my town knows my name. Anytime halftime would come around playing football, he'd sneak away to go drink beer. This isn't the NFL, you can't be drinking at a high school football game. I'm thinking of starting over, and moving down to where my mom is at, train for football and basketball, get a part time job to pay for a car and my probationary license, and graduate in a different high school because that's what my father has caused me to think like. I've even had thought's of suicide because of how he treats my family; a year prior to all of this my grandfather died of leukemia, and he puts all of his drinking on that, he claims he's never done it before that, but he's asked me for so many years to fetch him beers. You know the "When son won't fetch me beers" meme? I don't even find it funny because of what feels like trauma hits me. It gets worse, he even said I'd be a good bartender even though I hated dropping everything I'm doing to fetch him beers. Some nights it got so bad, I'd have to give him two at one time. He has also talked behind my mom's back to her parents, and now they won't even talk to her. But enough about my father, let's talk about my "relatives".
First: My grandma. She is just as if not worse than him. She is a narcissist, she does Christmas as bribery for putting up with her narcissism, and if you don't do anything her way, she takes a present away. Not only that, but she hated my mom for many years as well (underpaying her, kept her away from my disabled uncle, etc). She is also very disgusting, she pees and poops in her pants, and doesn't bother to change. She laughs it off, like it's a big game, and sits in it. Her and my father died laughing as I was holding their closet door shut trying not to get scratched by their cat they pick on as well. She condones homophobia, racism, and transphobia, she always thinks you're lying when something needs to get done with her life. She claims to be a Christian, when in reality she cherry-picks The Bible. She also has disowned my transgender cousin who identifies as male, saying how "it's the devil's work on why he's transgender".
Second: My uncle. He is a failure. He has 5 children, 4 of them are with his current wife (my aunt) and they all hate him. He cut off his first born daughter and grandchild, only God knows why, he drinks, he says racist slurs, he pretty much discriminates everybody, and his opinion always needs to be heard, and it's usually about politics. He also disowned my cousin who happens to be transgender, which is makes him a horrible uncle to him
Third: My aunt. She is such a backstabber, she literally can't say anything to your face, she can't discipline her kids, she's a failure of a mother, together, her and her husband (my uncle) go bar hopping to let their kids (my cousins) "raise themselves" and she claims my mom has abused my uncle while taking care of him in place of my father. She, like my uncle, and grandmother, have also disowned my transgender cousin, and misgender him on the daily and dead-name him.
Last but certainly not least: My cousin, (a different cousin). She is a recently graduated high school student and has her whole life ahead of her, but instead rather tries to spy on my mom, and try to "relate" to me and my brother, when there's nothing to relate to only that her parents are divorced as well. Young and impressionable, but decides to throw her life away for alcohol and parties.
So in conclusion, my father's side of the family are hateful, bigoted, and live by their own rules based on their narcissism. They don't care if you're disabled or not, they don't care if you have a different opinion because it's always wrong and they're always right. You can't do anything, wear anything unless it's father approved, and you can't buy anything within a certain budget because he has to control money as well. My grandma has to have Christmas AKA the bribery for her narcissism and is probably worse than my father in terms of bigotry; disowning my transgender cousin, and cherry picks Bible verses on her day to day life.
submitted by marinegamer12 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:38 10028guy Facebook's Market Cap Compared to Countries' GDPs

Facebook's Market Cap Compared to Countries' GDPs submitted by 10028guy to u/10028guy [link] [comments]