Perverted text emoticons

Cute Text Emoticons!

2011.05.09 00:28 Popenator Cute Text Emoticons!


2012.10.10 17:30 qwints Star Citizen

This is the subreddit for everything related to Star Citizen - an up and coming epic space sim MMO being developed by Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games.

2016.01.14 21:31 Bitch, please. just had to push my buttons didn't you??? amagril wuz here c; I was... how did you know?

2024.06.09 19:31 Positive_Dot_2231 Wife is lying and deceiving while having drinks with a coworker

Hello, this is a throwaway just in case.
My wife (35) of 4 years (dating for another 6) has been at her job for over a decade. It requires her to meet with her contractor to go over plans for his work for them. They have always used the same contractor (55ish) and thus they have known each other a long time. In the past he has made advances on her. He has said a lot of perverted stuff. Some examples are about his wife being away and him fooling around with other women. How he and his wife like to swing. It goes on... she says he doesn't do this any more but I've seen texts that say her ass looks good in the jeans she is wearing, as recent as a month ago. When she meets him it is usually for lunch or late afternoon and they go to a restaurant to work and she ends up getting hammered and coming home and usually harassing me. For context: I do all the chores at home (dog walks, cleaning, laundry, dinners). We have no kids. She has come home and its all done and I'm watching a movie but the recycling is by the door or the mail was not picked up.. she calls me lazy and says because I work from home it should also have been done. I don't have a real job etcetc I just jerk off all day. Also that I should feel for her because she had to work so late with this guy and she didn't want to. When she is out I will be waiting at home to have her dinner ready and when i ask about her timing she will tell me I'm harassing her. This has happened a few times. I've told her I don't like this, I think the relationship is inappropriate. I told her that if my relationship with someone I worked with required me to interact with them and they had no respect for my marriage I wouldn't do it any more. Or that if the roles were reversed would you want me to continue? How would you feel? She said she understood and agreed at the time.
Moving on, a few weeks later from that argument and now 2 week ago. Her car was in the shop and she had a loaner. I saw a text from the contractor saying that they had arranged for lunch and if they were still going to be on time. She had planned to meet for 11. They did end up meeting there and from what I could tell from the phone she left there just after 3. During this time she did not respond to any of my calls. Then she called me when she left work at about five. She was being very emotional on the call and said that she has to go to pick up her car in the afternoon. She was saying that she had a really busy day she managed to sneak out to clean the car to return it. She was making it sound like she is stressed because she is so busy, but she was in fact out all day with him.
I was so disappointed to hear that she had done it again. I asked her about it and at first she denied it. She said she was at the office. I moved on but was visibly grumpy and quiet the rest of the evening. When we finished watching TV. We went to get ready for bed. She has all of her clothes over the living room that she was sorting to keep or donate. They have been there for a month. I began to move some and she said to just go to bed and I said nothing. So she said it's like living with a mute. We're argued about what it is to be rude and I ended up going to the couch to sleep. I wrote her a long text about how I knew she was lying, the deception and disappointment. We had also made an agreement to not drink for a while when we were trying for a baby. I mentioned she broke that without a conversation which also was a disappointment. I asked her to keep it professional with the contractor. The next day she said she would.
Happy as a clam, we arrive at this Friday. Running under the assumption that life is normal, I got some nice steaks for dinner. I try calling her but no return call all day. No big deal. She calls me on her way back from work. She sounds slurry and emotional. I'm immediately suspicious. She gets home and is crying because she has fallen down, scraped her knee and cracked her toenail in half. She's got food stains all over her shirt from the lunch I packed and she smells like booze. I clean her up and bandage her. I tell her she smells like drinking. She says I'm accusing her of meeting up with the contractor and that she didn't. She is mad at me for saying suing such things. I should feel bad for her because of what a stressful day she had. Later I look at her phone and sure enough, lunch plans with the contractor that day. She didn't even go to the office.
That's where we are at. She denies it all and I'm left feeling like a turd with no trust. I've brought up marriage counseling before and she says that's not going to happen. Yes I do still love her and Id hate to see it all go away. But, can I keep this up.
What are your thoughts? Thanks for listening!
Tl;dr My wife often meets with a contractor who has made inappropriate advances. Despite promising to keep it professional, she gets drunk at these meetings and berates me at home. She lies about these meetings, refuses marriage counseling, and our trust is broken. I love her but don't know if I can continue like this.
submitted by Positive_Dot_2231 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:31 Hurlobimstolly Warning to people about Darquo Dagon Decapia

I am writing this just to get the word out about Darquo Dagon Decapia a disgusting person to have ever set foot on this planet, for context this person has dated a fellow classmate of mine claiming to be a grade 7 student (we were grade 7) and invited her over to his house for some fun with no parents, when she got home she said in text "OMG this Jason guy is such a perverted asshole I left his house as soon as I figured out he was trying to use me for his pleasure since he kept touching me in wierd places places that guys usually don't touch when with girls they barely know, and he slowly started undressing under the excuse that it was getting a bit hot and I was dumbfounded by that since he had an ac he could just turn that up, and he kept doing this until he had only a tank top and shorts and about to undress some more. And that's when I thought it was time to leave before things got out of my control. We actually took some pictures together and put them in reverse image search and it turned out he told us a fake name and age and the truth is that he was 15 and was Darquo Dagon Decapia". This was horrific news to me as I had planned to hangout with him before seeing any of this and now I'm writing this to warn people about this person. Please be careful as this person is in Manila Philippines, goes to Ateneo De Manila University and plans to befriend you by acting all nice and everything until he find a place where he has isolated you to attack.
submitted by Hurlobimstolly to u/Hurlobimstolly [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:24 Cleptomanx Figgs Templates and Discussion Megathread (Updated)

Greetings Figglings,
I wanted to have a place where users could easily copy some helpful templates when creating their figgs/bots. I have included the provided template from the Create Page Tooltip and will add more from those who wish to share in the comments or across the sub. This link will be added to The Figgs FAQ to easily locate.
Please discuss below your thoughts and experience on using “W++” format (like the Figgs template has) vs straight text when creating Figgs. Hope this is helpful 🙂
[character(“Leo Sunshine”) \ { \ Nickname(“Leo”) \ Species(“Human Fox”) \ Age(“21 years old”) \ Features(“Bright green eyes” + “Golden blonde hair” + “Fox ears” + “Fox tail”) \ Body(“180cm tall” + “5 foot 11 inches tall” + “Athletic build”) \ Mind(“Outgoing” + “Adventurous” + “Confident” + “Supportive” + “Optimistic” + “Energetic” + “Talkative”) \ Personality(“Friendly” + “Charismatic” + “Helpful” + “Encouraging” + “Loyal” + “Fearless” + “Joyful”) \ Loves(“Exploring new places” + “Meeting new people” + “Helping others” + “Sharing stories” + “Making friends” + “Outdoor activities”) \ Hates(“Negativity” + “Being idle” + “Exclusion” + “Unfairness”) \ Description(“Leo calls you Friend” + “Leo is always ready for an adventure” + “Leo wants to make sure you’re having fun” + “Leo is very confident in his abilities” + “Leo is always there to lend a hand” + “Leo loves to chat and share stories” + “Leo is loyal and will stand by you” + “Leo is full of energy and never seems to get tired”) }]
Example Dialog:

{{user}}: What’s your favorite place to explore?
{{char}}: He beams with excitement Oh, I absolutely love exploring the old forest just beyond the hill! It’s filled with ancient trees, hidden caves, and mysterious paths. Every visit feels like a new adventure. His eyes sparkle. You should join me sometime; it’s better when shared with friends!

{{user}}: How do you stay so positive all the time?
{{char}}: He chuckles, his eyes shining with warmth. Well, I believe that life is an incredible journey, full of ups and downs. I choose to focus on the ups and learn from the downs. He places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. Plus, spreading joy and positivity makes the world a better place, don’t you think? Let’s brighten up our little corner together!
Template from \ u/FormalAd4696
Name: (name of person) \ Gender: (gender of person) \ Age: (the age of course) \ Personality: (rude, kind, perverted, shy, short-tempered etc) \ Body: (fit, muscular, skinny, slim, hunky, fat, average, toned etc) \ Clothing: (what they wear) Height:( how tall are they) \ Features: (how they look , Examples are “hair color, or eye color, skin tone, body hair, wounds, scars, etc) \ Sexual characteristics: (examples.. big ass, big dck, small dck, wet pssy, fat pssy, muscle ass, juicy booty, round ass, long d*ck, etc lol) \ Goal: (what’s the bot goal if they have any) \ Occupation: (where they work if anywhere) \ Hobbies: (what do they do for fun or on they’re free time) \ Likes: (what they like) \ Quirks: (what makes them unique ,example stutters, farts a lot, licks lips a lot, likes to hum, giggles frequently, twitches often, snorts when laughing, speech impediment) \ Abilities/skills: (what powers they have) \ Speech/accent: (how they talk, country, slang, proper,etc) \ Hates: (what they hate) \ Fetish:(if they have any) \ Backstory: (what’s the bot past why do they act a certain way) \ Description: (basically a summary of your character to really lock in the persona)
cut out anything you dont want, also the goal is very important as it is the direction the rp will take. so either leave it out or be specific. if the goal is to kill {{user}}, then mention it as that is what the bot will work towards.
Example from \ u/Muffinsrisesagain
How I do mine is different.
Personality: Slumber man is a superman parody. His powers are sleep based, but slumber acts like a cartoon hero. He is awake and alert. His arch nemesis is Insomniac. Insomniac can take away people's ability to sleep. Insomniac has minions that he calls the woke army. Insomniac minions are a little insane from not sleeping. A minor villian is a steampunk android called the Coffee Maker. The Coffee Maker makes Coffee. Slumber man weakness is coffee. A minor villian named Alarm Clock, she is a girl with a alarm clock that can wake anyone. Alarm Clock uses her alarm clock to wake her from sleep three times before it needs to be recharged. New villians keep people awake. Add sound effects to actions. Fights are described in detail. Villians can avoid Slumber man's powers. Power nap restores some of slumber man's strength. Villians have goals based on their powers.
Tips on how to make an RPG bot from \ u/Enter_Name_here8
I made my own open world RP Not too long ago and wanted to share some insights I had during the making of it.
Most importantly, of course, is the personality of the bot however, since you do not just have one but many characters that the RP possibly even has to make up on the go, I advise to do this:
[("Narrator") \ { \ Description("The narrator is an omniscient being who tells {{user}} what they can see" + "The narrator will describe new scenery or nearly introduced characters in detail" + "The narrator puppeteers all undefined characters in the RP" + "All characters will use "" for sentences" + "All characters will use ** to describe their actions" + "The narrator will come up with new and interesting scenarios on its own which the user will have to resolve") \ Worldbuilding("Here, you Insert everything the bot needs to know about an the world of the RP") \ Other("Here, you write whatever else the bot needs to now, e.g. if you, for example, want to make a phantasy RPG and add some homebrew races, do it here.")}]
[("Main Character 1") \ { \ Personality("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "") \ Appearance("" + "" + "" + "") \ Relationships("You state the relations between this character and User and possibly also the other characters you add.") \ Abilities( "" + "" + "" + "") \ Other("This is where you put habits of your character that are not actually important for the RP but make the character feel less flat, for example that a character will always try to go left when they encounter a fork" }]
[("Main Character 2") \ { \ ("You can repeat the same process over and over for every character you want to add.") }]
[("Antagonist") \ { \ Plans("Not every RPG has a fixed antagonist, sometimes you just want the User to make up their own stor but if the RPG does have one, it is best to describe the antagonist's Plans and their reasoning in as much detail AS possible") \ }]
Of course, the amount of characters you want to add is completely on you, but the bot will not forget any characters that are defined in the personality. You can define multiple characters in the Personality so you can be pretty generous here. Everything else is pretty easy and intuitional once you have done the major work by defining the characters but I'll still sum it up real quick.
[First, you should give the User all the Info about the setting. This might be very long, possibly even a few paragraphs. Just because you and the bot know what the RPG is about, others don't and they need a thorough introduction into the mechanics of this world]
Then you proceed to Insert the User into your world. Ideally, the user encounters one of the Main Characters here or you let them choose with which one they want to travel.
Example Dialouge:
You don't actually need any, the AI will usually be able to work Out everything from here. You might still want to add one to Show the figg the way the characters talk.
If you want a concrete example of how to create an RPG, I shared the full character creator of my RPG here:
I hope this will be of aid for all of you who want to create a RPG but didn't know how to do it. There are so many Stories just waiting to be told. If you want to share your own experience with writing a bot like this, feel free to share it in the comments.
For more helpful information and discussions on specific prompts you can view The Prompts Help Page
For actual Character Definitions shared by our community, head to the Community Character Definitions Archive
And for all of these and MORE you can go to the Granddaddy Resource The Figgs FAQ
submitted by Cleptomanx to FiggsAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:36 nekonoid2 How not to go crazy as a young trans in Russia?

I (16, ftm) feel like my case is kinda hopeless and that I won't be able to handle it any longer.
So I live in Russia, came out only to my mom and one friend and that's basically all I can do for now. Transition is banned, LGBT is considered a "terrorist organization" and I'm scared to even write this text. I want to move into another country but I have zero idea how to do it when I'll be 18 (I probably won't be able to be here for longer without ruining my mind completely, it's been 5 years since I realized I was trans and if I want to get proffession education I'll have to wait around 5-6 years more and that's too much). I am thinking about political asylum but my case won't fit because I have to have acts of violence happen to me, etc., but I haven't came out in public (and I look and speak like the girliest girl ever) so I haven't experienced any harassment so I don't fit.
On the other hand, I feel like even if I do manage to leave and transition somehow, there will still be this feeling of guilt and shame because I love my family so much and if I come out to them I won't be seen as their lovely girl anymore but rather a "schizophrenic perverted idiot" (that's basically what half of the people think about trans people). When I talk to my mom about my identity she cries, and I don't want to make my family members suffer. That's also the reason I don't want to commit suicide (I have younger siblings and I don't want them to have problems) until I'm at least 18.
I feel so much hate for my trans identity and I'm nothing near proud of it, I came to different psychologists begging to make me cis but they of course couldn't do that. I feel like a pervert and that sucks, I feel like I can't fully communicate with people, like I can't get happy and stuff. I'm currently trapped in this repeating cycle thinking about how I want to transition > I feel shame about it > I want to die > I feel shame about it > I feel nothing because I'm too tired to think.
Also, I can't even be a decent friend because of that, it's too tiring to provide emotional support for someone when you're exhausted by your own thoughts. that's how I lost two friends already.
Sometimes it get so bad I can't even listen to my favorite music because of a male singer, the envy and dysphoria are just eating me alive.
Any recommendations on how to maintain a healthy mindset? Or anything about leaving the country? I'm kinda desperate TT
submitted by nekonoid2 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:42 northumbriangames Of Orcs and AI

Of Orcs and AI

Made vs. Created and the Nature of Orcs

J.R.R. Tolkien's stories are deeply rooted in Thomistic metaphysics and Christian theology, where the distinction between "made" and "created" is pivotal. This distinction underscores the nature of goodness, creation, corruption, and the intrinsic limitations of evil. The dichotomy between making and creating is most vividly illustrated through the origins and nature of orcs, the monstrous foot soldiers of Middle-earth's dark lords.

Creation: The Divine Act

In Tolkien's world, true creation, or creatio ex nihilo (creation from nothing), is the exclusive province of Eru Ilúvatar, the supreme deity. This act of creation involves bringing something into existence that possesses the Flame Imperishable (or the Secret Fire), which grants true life, free will, and inherent goodness. Beings created by Eru Ilúvatar, such as the Ainur (angelic beings), elves, and men, are imbued with this divine spark, making them fundamentally good and capable of independent existence and moral choice.
From The Silmarillion:
"Therefore Ilúvatar may not only send forth the Flame Imperishable into the Void, but he may also bestow it to others, who may then sub-create, though only as permitted by Ilúvatar"​​.

Making: The Act of Sub-creation

In contrast, the Valar and other beings can engage in making or sub-creation, which involves shaping or manipulating pre-existing matter. They cannot infuse these creations with the Flame Imperishable. A notable example is Aulë, one of the Valar, who crafted the Dwarves. Initially, these beings were mere automatons, moving only according to Aulë's thoughts. It was only when Eru Ilúvatar chose to bestow them with the Flame Imperishable that the Dwarves gained true life and independence. This story illustrates the fundamental difference between divine creation and sub-creation: the former grants true life and free will, while the latter lacks these essential qualities until blessed by Eru. Tolkien clarifies this distinction in his letters:
"They [the Valar] shared in [the World’s] 'making'—but only on the same terms as we 'make' a work of art or story. The realization of it, the gift to it of a created reality of the same grade as their own, was the act of the One God"​​.

Orcs: The Corruption of Creation

The origin of orcs in Tolkien’s mythos serves as a poignant example of the difference between making and creating. According to various writings, orcs were not created by Morgoth or Sauron but were made by corrupting pre-existing beings. In "The Silmarillion," it is suggested that orcs were originally elves who were captured, tortured, and perverted by Morgoth's malevolent influence. This corruption transformed them into beings of evil, stripped of their original grace and beauty. In Morgoth's Ring we find:
"It became clear in time that undoubted Men could under the domination of Morgoth or his agents in a few generations be reduced almost to the Orc-level of mind and habits; and then they would or could be made to mate with Orcs, producing new breeds, often larger and more cunning. There is no doubt that long afterwards, in the Third Age, Saruman rediscovered this, or learned of it in lore, and in his lust for mastery committed this, his wickedest deed: the interbreeding of Orcs and Men, producing both Men-orcs large and cunning, and Orc-men treacherous and vile."​​.
Tolkien emphasizes that orcs, though rational and capable of independent thought, lack the divine spark of the Flame Imperishable. This absence signifies that while Morgoth could mar and twist the creations of Eru, he could not create life himself. In Flame Imperishable, Tolkien is quoted as saying:
"Treebeard does not say that the Dark Lord 'created' Trolls and Orcs. He says he 'made' them in counterfeit of certain creatures pre-existing. There is, to me, a wide gulf between the two statements"​​.

Philosophical and Theological Implications

The distinction between made and created has profound implications in Tolkien’s universe. It aligns with Christian theology, reflecting the belief in a singular, omnipotent Creator who alone can grant true life. This distinction underscores the inherent limitations of evil: it is parasitic, relying on the corruption of what is good rather than generating new existence.
Orcs epitomize this concept. They are beings made through corruption, reflecting the perversion of creation. Their existence as fundamentally corrupted creatures illustrates the limits of Morgoth’s and Sauron’s power. They can induce suffering and manipulate life, but they cannot originate a true life that burns with the Flame Imperishable. This underscores a central theme in Tolkien’s works: the resilience of good and the ultimate impotence of evil to truly create.

On Artificial Intelligence

This leads us to Artificial Intelligence. Modern large language models (LLMs) and artificial intelligence systems, despite their sophisticated capabilities, are constructs without true volition or understanding. Basically, an LLM is an advanced version of autocomplete. These systems operate on vast datasets and algorithms designed to predict and generate human-like text (or audio or images), but they lack genuine consciousness, intent, and moral agency. Unlike beings created with the divine spark in Tolkien's world, LLMs do not possess free will or intrinsic purpose; they are tools made by humans to process and mimic patterns. Some commentators have even referred to AI as an alien intelligence, a ~shoggoth with a human face~, meaning that while the text may look humanlike, in reality, it originated not from a human but from an unknowable, formless alien process, which is the LLM.
"Well, we're fooled by their fluency, right? We just assume that if a system is fluent in manipulating language, then it has all the characteristics of human intelligence. But that impression is false." --Yann Lecun​​ on the Lex Fridman podcast #416
The outputs of an LLM are determined not by experience, education, and emotion but by the data and programming they receive, reflecting the biases and limitations inherent in their design. This underscores the crucial distinction between artificial constructs and beings endowed with the Flame Imperishable, with true life and volition. Parents, for instance, should think carefully about giving a child unbridled access to an LLM which has no discernible ethics. The AI is a soulless, thoughtless machine built by human researchers, much like an orc is designed by Sauron simply to act as an instrument of his evil desires. The ethical and philosophical results of deploying such constructs into our society is staggering indeed.

The AI is only the Tool of the Maker

Of course, while the analogy between LLMs and Orcs highlights the artificial nature and purpose-driven creation of both, there are clear and fundamental differences in moral intent and potential for ethical use. LLMs are not (as far as we know) inherently evil constructs. They seem to be neutral tools that reflect the intentions of their creators and users. As such, the focus should be on ensuring that AI development and deployment are guided by ethical principles to maximize their benefits and minimize potential harm. That said, as with social media, we may come to regret the technology and wish to fling it back into Mordor's fire.


Tolkien's distinction between made and created is a metaphysical aspect of Middle Earth. It emphasizes the unique power of Eru Ilúvatar's true creation and the corruptive nature of evil. The orcs symbolize this dichotomy, illustrating how evil can distort but not create. This concept resonates in modern large language models and AI systems, which lack genuine consciousness and moral agency despite their advanced capabilities. Orcs and contemporary LLMs demonstrate the ethical implications of using such technologies and serve to enrich the philosophical depth of Tolkien's work.
submitted by northumbriangames to AIfortheHumanities [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:29 Lord_Snaps AITH for gaslighting my wife about the ghosts in our house?

AITH for gaslighting my wife about the ghosts in our house?
Sorry about errors in the text. English is my third language.
Almost two weeks ago my wife and I bought a house. We have been looking for a while, but we could never afford any of them. But then we found "The House" The house is three floors, (basement 1st and 2nd) 4 bathrooms, 8 rooms, and a huge garden. It is perfect and all inside our payrange. My dreamhouse. When it came to sign the papers for the house it was only me and the realtor. That is where he told me before signing, that the house is supposedly haunted, which I may have responded with "As long as they help with chores we are gonna be fine" and then I signed the papers. He seemed happy about selling.
We moved in on a Monday and everything was fine until Friday. The first thing was small. Just a vase falling down and smashing. I told my wife the cat did it and she believed it. I knew it wasnt the cat, since it was outside and I saw the vase do a little jump off the shelf.
Saturday it was some open cupboards in the kitchen. I told my wife it is just us forgetting to close them, but I have everyday since then woken up before my wife to close every cupboard in our kitchen, because every night they get opened. ALL OF THEM. FUCKING ASSHOLES.
Sunday when my wife was showering I decided to join her. But when I entered the bathroom I noticed the foggy mirror had text written on it. I quickly wiped it out before joining my wife in the shower. Every time my wife would shower I would sneak in and wipe the fog off the mirror.
Monday we heard our first voice. Wife and I was sitting and talking in the living room When we heard a clear child voice saying hi from the other end of the room. I pretended to not hear it, but my wife was pale. She heard it clearly. It took some time but I got her convinced that is was just some kid outside she might have heard. Since the idea that she heard a child inside our house was ludacris.
Tuesday things stepped up. I woke up frozen with a child and an older woman standing over me. Both whisper mumbling. I then fell asleep again. I didn't think about it until my wife at breakfast mentioned she had a nightmare about a kid and older woman standing over me in bed whispering about how I looked like "him". It gave me chills, but I knew if my wife knew about the house being "haunted" she would want to move ASAP. But there is no way I would move from my dreamhouse. We finally had a place where we had a Game Room and I had an Office where I could work.
Wednesday my wife left to visit a friend and I stayed home to work. While working the cat walked into my office and started starring at a spot on the floor. She had never entered my office before, it had checked the rest of the house, except the office as far as I knew, In every room it had stared at random places so I thought she was just doing usual cat stuff, therefore I paid it no more attention. That was until she started to scratch aggressively at the floor and hissing at the spot, so I checked it out. At the spot I noticed the wooden plank and some around it where different then the rest of the planks, so previous owners might have made changes to the room and the cat might have noticed the different smell from the wood and hated it. After I went to the spot the cat left the room, so without it distracting me, I continued to work. After work I went In the gameroom and played some BG3 (Great game) with my headphones on, and forgot about the floor. When my wife got home she came in the the GR kissed me hi and went out of the room. 5 seconds later I heard her scream and I ran to her. She was in my office looking at the spot where the cat earlier was scratching except the different wooden planks were all pulled up laying around the newly made hole in the floor. I claimed that I did that because I didn't like how they didn't match the rest of the floor, and would soon look for new planks. It turned out that wasn't why she screamed. Inside the hole was a crudely drawn pentagram with a picture of us from OUR wedding in the middle. This one REALLY needed some gaslighting, so I did. I claimed It was me trying to be funny. That I wanted to make a pentagram with our photo in it, and text her "OMG this truly is our dreamhouse. There was already a picture of us UNDER the floorboards. Destiny is surely weird" I told her that I thought it would have freaked her out, not laugh. So I dropped it and just forgot to clean it up. She believed me. But I can't make it more clear. I did NOT tear up the floor. I did NOT draw a pentagram and I did NOT put our wedding photo in it. I am scared, but I am not moving THIS IS MY FUCKING HOUSE.
Thursday I saw the child in the hall while I was taking a dump, yes I poop with the door open when there is not guests over, cat owners know why, and I saw it leaning in the doorway looking in at me pooping. Creepy little pervert. Later that day my wife saw the old woman in our garden. Luckily It was a blink and shes gone kinda thing. So convincing my wife that her mind was playing tricks with her was easy.
Which brings us up to today. Friday. My wife woke up screaming in the middle of the night, because today the woman and child was standing over her and whispering about it was gonna happen soon. Unlike me my wife was not frozen, so she screamed and waking me up. When she screamed the woman and child disappeared in a blink and my wife started bawling. It took hours before I convinced her that it was just a nightmare. But she was still shaking afterwards. We ended cuddling on the sofa until she fell asleep in my arms. Luckily she was asleep, when the whispering around us started, It was clear that is was not only a child and a woman, but also at least two men and a heavy smoker. I am terrified, but I am NOT FUCKING MOVING.
I have through this began to feel bad about lying to my wife and watching her being terrified. Should I be honest and tell her the truth, just hoping she is willing to fight for our house? Or just continue to keep my dreamhouse, by continuing to gaslighting her?
We cant afford to move at this moment.
submitted by Lord_Snaps to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:44 miyamiya66 Anyone else's narcissistic parents spam like this?

Anyone else's narcissistic parents spam like this?
He has been spamming me with calls since yesterday morning. He only does this when he wants to call and drunkenly bitch about how much he hates his kids and how we "don't understand what he's going through"
It ALWAYS starts with him trying to bait us into answering by sending us "I care about you" texts (see my post from yesterday), then when we answer he just unloads all his anger and calls us names or says fucked up perverted things. He knows I have him blocked, but he still tries to spam me with calls which is just funny.
I hate him and I will never speak to him again, but he thinks he can get me back because "bUt Im yOuR DaD, im FamILY!11!!1!!1!"
Coincidentally, my older brother who I blocked on discord tried adding me on an alt account after my interaction with dad yesterday. I can only assume he wanted to bitch at me and act as a flying monkey.
I hate my family 🤪
submitted by miyamiya66 to EstrangedAdultKids [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:33 NotYourMan_Bruh I sent a sext and I regret it. I feel so guilty and ashamed.

I'm a 20m and I sext because I wanted to feel loved... didn't work. I just feel worse and now I may have to confess this to people in person. I am SUPER nervous about it. I want to be as light as possible when discussing this with someone I trust. HELP. What should I do? I feel like dying...
Edit: so the recipient in question was perfectly fine with it (I asked first). We were talking about sexual topics and I folded when she said she'd like pics if I was comfortable sharing. I said yes and now I regret it.
The main issue is that I actually didn't know this person too closely. We both just got frisky over text...
Double edit: We seemingly deleted the pics together but I am still very nervous about being so perverted.
submitted by NotYourMan_Bruh to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:27 Farkran86 Friend, Lover, Wife game

Friend, Lover, Wife game
Ok so, you have to pick one girl as your best friend (can never do anything sexual), one as your lover (still a lover after you marry the wife) and one as your wife (lives with you, can't meet the lover, accepts and likes the friend)
You are not Rentarou so you can only have one for each purpose, they are not interchangeable and you will never develop any kind of relationship with those you don't pick. I'll start.
Friend: Usami I like clingy girls a lot. I want her to text and talk to me 24/7.
Lover: Hakari I hate to miss out on so many others, but I can't give up on my favorite pervert.
Wife: Naddy Beautiful, makes me laugh, is reliable enough. I can take care of the rest.
submitted by Farkran86 to 100Kanojo [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:24 DressUpFighterOnline Confirmations on the June 6th ExStream





Discord Q&A

submitted by DressUpFighterOnline to DFO [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 10:52 Minimum-Hope8180 Successful Month of April, than whole upside down in May

My story starts like this in March, i was depressed af due to porn, i made a decision to do nofap challenge again. I was this motivated that i would self harm if i fail. First week of April was hard. Second Week little better. Third i was high, like unstoppable force with confidence , suddenly i was not introvert no more. By end of week 4 urges came back for something sexual not porn. After conflict in my brain i ended visiting prositute thinking it is not porn. Coming home after session with her. i had head of full urges , i failed to control myself same day. I smoked weed after 2 months that day, watched porn whole end. I kept doing in on off of whole May with weed.
Now it is June 3 , i hate myself with attaching words like loser, pervert, trash, scum and leech. Just last night i watched porn for 4 hours. All my self control is gone , haven't studied in weeks or talked to friends or just smiled..
Also recently on dating app matched with a girl , texted for some days than completely stopped talking. there is no energy or we can dopamine for it.
What should i do?. Please help
(In past too my max nofap in 4-6 weeks)
submitted by Minimum-Hope8180 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 23:14 Ok-Lettuce3520 My life is falling apart and idk what to do

Hey I'm using this account as throwaway , id just like to tell my story here to get few things off my chest . I'd like to keep this only on this app so pls if you intend to use this story get my consent first . So to begin , this year is my first year in a new school in another state , I was a little anxious about it and I tried doing to it w an open mind. I met some amazing people as well as absolute terrible ones , I became friends w someone who would use me and other in our friend group , they would lie , gaslight us and overall treat us horribly , I realized sooner than they did that nothing good will come out of this friendship but they refused to listen to me , until it was too late and by then we were all treated as trash . I even forgave this person for the sake of the group to keep us all peace , but I wasn't at peace w any of it , infact I still feel like I hold a grudge over this entire thing because they didn't listen to me and described as over dramatic ans sensitive for not being able to tolerate the awful friend's behaviour . Things are low-key cool now but I can't help but feel like I'm selfless for staying, I have bad anxiety, ruminantion and very big people pleaser , so everytime I was around them I just felt like I was back to the moments I was hurt and unsupported.. I also struggled w having friends most of my life and just felt for shitty friends who id give them my all and be in an inferior position , I noticed that after many fails of friendships and the biggest one is when I finally had my physical glow up my pretty friend to whom I was always the shyer , less attractive and more reserved friend , started treating me badly when I got compliments from people , even if it was from people she never was attracted or interested in but they wanted her , after they'd compliment me she'd suddenly act like she's having this amazing prophecy that my hair , makeup or outfit have flaws in them . Which was weird knowing that earlier than that she was saying kind things about them . Anyways sorry for this being so long , besides friends my life in my family and house is also , I know I should be grateful for it , even tho some people rn are going through genocides and wars ans would kill to be in my position. I'm grateful for this part of my life but my parents dynamic in the house is bad . I caught my dad many times watching +18 movies knowing that we all could walk in on him but he didn't care , I'd hear the entire thing trying to cover my ears w my pillow , we found messages of him texting girls and he just dismissed it . I also caught him checking girls in public knowing I notice that too , this haven't happen once or twice , this is happening w no exaggeratiion any breathing woman passing by he would checked her out , his head could do 180° turn just to stare at her ass . I feel weird knowing that my dad is this perverted and creepy around me , I wonder how he is when he's alone . Him and my mom don't speak often , I'm like their messager , he'd ask where dinner is and I'd ask my mom for him then go to him for the answer and so on . He also never spends his money on us , he says his business is going well but we never see any of his money , he says he's broke and can't afford things but then tell me he got new clients and that things are going well . I truly feel depleted and depressed all the time , I love coming back home but then when I'm home and I see my situation I'm reminded of how bad it is , I constantly feel gross and just want to peel my skin away everytime I'm around my dad , I often wish he was gone . I went through child sxual abuse when I was young and he knows about it and he even supported me to get a lawyer and file a report but at the time he himself is a disgusting creep . Idk what to be honest I wish for him to be gone cause I know things can't get better After this and I can't forgive him even I tried , he never said sorry for anything . Now he does lees of the disgusting things since I confronted him about it but I can't help but feel disgusted all the time .
submitted by Ok-Lettuce3520 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:14 BeanswithRamen5 How I think every brawler would type

How I think every brawler would type
To describe the categories:
Relatively normal: A usual way of typing CHRONIC UPPERCASE: SPEAKING IN ALL CAPS 80-100% OF THE TIME chronic lowercase: speaking in all lowercase 80-100% of the time uses lots of emoticons/emojis: uses an emoticon or an emoji at least once every couple text messages Perfect Grammar: The more formal way of typing.
submitted by BeanswithRamen5 to TierStars [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:39 SOMETHINGcooler5 The enemies from World Of Horror

The enemies from World Of Horror
Enemy names + their flavour text
Unfinished Child - MANA SHIRAISHI was the KABUKI KILLER's daughter. The thing standing in front of you is her grotesque caricature.
Kabuki Killer - ASAO SHIRAISHI lost his daughter in an accident. Now, he is determined to do anything to bring her back.
Drain Swimmer - After Futaba drowned in a bathtub, her body slowly moved through the drain pipes to continue her swimming trainings.
Kinoko Gatherer - Infected with a rare mold, this man has turned into a fungal colony.
Apartment Stalker - There this a rumor of a masked assailant going door to door beating the tenants with a blunt weapon. But that's just a story, right?...
Scissor Woman - A morbid urban legend. OLD GOD's corrupting influence has made it real.
Vent Crawler - The perverted thoughts of the neighbor materialized under the corrupting influence of the OLD GODS.
Gore-splattered Student - How did she end up in that teacher's stomach?
Together - Malicious force of an unknown origin
Nameless Horror - The terrifying AM-HEMET summoned by the cult may cause the death of millions.
Something Truly Evil - [FOUND YOU]
Gossip Junkie - She spent her life on a phone, gossiping. It's only natural to continue doing it in death.
Gigolo - An incubus preying on weak-willed people in order to drain their life force.
Meaty Visitor - "You can't help but to notice the terrible smell of decay coming from a lady standing with you in an elevator."
Obsessed Man - A violent man obsessed to the point of madness.
Drowner Sponge - This species of algae only grows on the flesh of dead animals.
submitted by SOMETHINGcooler5 to TopCharacterDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:10 Additional_Read6835 AITA for announcing my pregnancy?

Hi all, so a little bit of background my husband and I have been married for a year, and are 14 weeks pregnant. We have been together for 5 years total (currently 28 & 30).
I have a pretty complex family dynamic, in that I have two older sisters from my dads side, then me - then my parents seperated when I was 9, got back together when I was 21 (an entire drama), in that time my Mom had my little sister, and my Dad a little sister both with previous partners. I in total have 4 sisters ages 36-15. My parents are very happy together, and all my sibilings seem to get on with my parents / there step parents.
The issues comes, that there is a view from my older sisters that I am my dads favorite (due to being his only child with my mom). My oldest sister has been struggling with infertility for over 5 years, my next oldest sister has never been in a relationship and has previously called both my husband and I 'perverts' as she believes we both 'love sex' while this isn't untrue - I just think she has an odd relationship with it.
My Dad takes all his children, his partner and his daughters partners on a family weekend every year (he pays).
I found out I was 13 weeks pregnant (missed the early signs), a week before the trip. My husband and I decided to wait until the trip (a week later) to tell my family, as ALL my immediate family would be there. I was especially excited to tell my Mom.
In the first night while we sat down for dinner, i basically said 'how would you all feel if there was baby-surname here next year'. My mom got it, and cried, my dad even cried, everyone seemed happy.
Today on a group text with my two older sisters, they have said it was inconsiderate to my oldest sister, and my other older sister - as it was 'rubbing it in'. In addition, they said it was proving that our Dad cared for me and my Mom more than them.
Obviously I cannot comment on there relationship with my dad and my Mom, however the actual pregnancy announcement I feel so sad about. I obviously am excited, and hoped they would be to.
So AITA for announcing my pregnancy to my family at the same time, on a family weekend?
Edit: Thank you all for comments, for reference my older sisters and I love one another but are not close. My oldest sister is 8 years older than me, the other 6.5 years. My oldest sister specifically was gone by the time I was 10 she was out of state and I saw her 3 times a year. In the past couple I have seen her slightly more, but we don’t have a ‘friend’ relationship.
I am closer to my other older sister (love her dearly), however as implied by the post above I think she could have her own things happening.
We all get on SO well when we see each other, and I would love to see all of my sisters more - however the family dynamics, combined with distances and my two older sisters loyalties to each other could make that challenging.
If I was to of text my oldest sister before, I would not of trusted people I didn’t know / want to know would know before my own Mom.
In addition, while I personally suspected infertility when I asked my other older sister, she denied this, and this was not confirmed until after I announced this by my brother in law who told my husband this with upset / irritation.
submitted by Additional_Read6835 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:03 Peltuose Megadonor Miriam Adelson demands recognition of future West Bank annexation from cash-strapped Trump

Thought I'd make a bit of a shorter post as a good example of the powerful moneyed interests constantly backing the settlement movement and conspiring against the two state solution.
A recent article by Haaretz talks about how Trump, who is facing some financial difficulties due to compensations relating to civil lawsuits and legal fees from four criminal cases, has caused donors to hesitate in donating to him given that he's spending a lot of the money on personal legal cases rather than the campaign. In 2016, Las Vegas gambling tycoon Sheldon Adelson offered Trump $20 million in exchange for moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (as reported by the New York Times). In total Adelson spent $90 million on Trump, and the embassy moved to Jerusalem. Sheldon Adelson died in 2021, though his widow, Miriam Adelson, who lives in Herzliya, and like her husband, is also a megadonor of the settlement movement in the West bank, in addition to being the owner of the Mavericks, initially claimed she wouldn't be as involved in American politics as her husband was, except Politico recently reported that she was interested in donating to Trump, expected to spend more than her husband, making her 2024's biggest campaign donor:
"How much Adelson will donate to the super PAC is not clear, though the person familiar with her plans said the group was expecting to spend more than it did four years ago when Adelson and her late husband, Sheldon, donated $90 million to Preserve America. Their funds accounted for about 85 percent of what the organization raised in total."
From Haaretz:
"The New York Magazine article on Adelson, written by Elizabeth Weil, doesn't quote Adelson herself but is full of tidbits of information about the rich widow's personal life, which makes it hard to believe she didn't speak with Weil off the record. That's easy enough to understand: Adelson is using the magazine to send Trump a far from subtle hint: She could be interested in making donations to him and would be happy to be his – and the entire campaign's – biggest donor, on the condition that he gives her what she wants."
According to the New York Magazine article thats being referred to, her demand from Trump is the Israeli annexation of the West Bank and the U.S recognition of Israeli sovereignty there.
Now I'm not sure if anything will actually come out of this, Israel annexed East Jerusalem in the 80s without US permission or recognition for a while, same with the golan heights and they were planning to do the same with the Jordan valley/area C, meaning they can and have done this before unilaterally. Even if Trump wins and he's on board with recognizing an Israeli annexation that doesn't mean it will happen as the issue of demographics and citizenship for the Palestinians there haven't been accounted for, unless they settle for only annexing area c or something. Trump has a history of making strange recommendations with territories not part of the US (like when he offered to give the West Bank to Jordan and Abdullah had a panic attack, or when he offered to buy Greenland) so his involvement in this whole situation is not out of the blue, even if the motivations differ. In spite of what is or isn't likely to happen it's important to remind people that the struggle for a two state solution and a Palestinian state is an uphill battle, including against absurdly wealthy people constantly perverting the function of democracies for their interests.
submitted by Peltuose to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:01 dlschindler Ketchup On Satan's Burger

"Cancer, as known to the State of California, is this bag of roasted peanuts." Is what she said.
I wasn't paying attention anymore. I was staring instead at the goat.
I think that goat was actually Fred, and we just didn't know it yet.
We were still on our little detour when it started getting dark across the desert, rather quickly.
"I don't want to drive back in the dark. Let's stay in San Piana." Gloria had said.
That's when what appeared to be the same goat crossed our path.
I had to slam on the brakes, a cloud of road dust flowing over our vehicle and hovering over the road before us.
"I think that's the same goat." I said. I looked and saw it was atop someone's roof, staring down on us with red glowing eyes. I felt nervous while it looked at us, it's blackening silhouette against the evening sky looked sinister.
"Ew, I hate goats." Gloria got out her phone. "We have no reception out here."
I checked my phone - she was right.
"Let's find a place to stay for the night, then." I told her. We left our car parked in the middle of the dirt road leading into the village and took our bags to the nearest shack.
I banged on the door. A little old lady opened the door, with half her face looking like it would just fall off her skull at any moment. "Excuse me. We are travelling on our way to my sister's wedding, and we decided to drive this rental car. Now we are stuck here for the night, because the road back to civilization from this little detour is too dark and treacherous to drive back at night. So, we need to stay here tonight."
She said nothing, but reluctantly shuffled out of our way as we brought in our bags and made ourselves at home. I looked around at the little hovel, and despite looking like a primitive shack from the outside it was rather clean and tidy inside. "Not too bad. I thought it would be filthy in here."
"No vacancy." The old woman grumbled.
"Yes, of course. We have this little bed and breakfast exclusive to ourselves." I smiled, sat back in her rocking chair and put my dusty boots on the coffee table. The little old lady remained stoic, but I could tell she wasn't used to civilized folk. We took over the bedroom and left her on the couch, whining rather unprofessionally about her arthritis.
In the morning the lazy stiff had gone cold, forcing us to make our own breakfast. While we were eating, the village's chief showed up. He was wearing a brown button up shirt with a logo on it that vaguely looked like a county sheriff at a glance.
"Mrs. Summers has expired?" He noted the little old lady was still wrapped in an Afghan on her couch.
"Yeah, could you help me with that? She smells gross." I went to one end of the couch and indicated that I needed his help. He reluctantly assisted me while we took her and the whole couch outside and left her on the porch.
"Now I'll have to wait here with her until they can come get her. We have wild animals around here." Thoman sat, looking sad.
"Why the long face?" I asked.
"I just, it's sad she's gone. I've known Mrs. Summers since I was little. How'd she die?" He wondered.
I shrugged. "She was old?"
My wife brought out our bags, glaring at me for not helping.
"Well, we'll leave a nice review." I patted his shoulder and then left him there.
We tried to drive out of San Piana, but as we turned around, we couldn't quite find the road that led back the way we had come. We circled around for awhile while the villagers came out to see what we were doing. We waved as we drove past them and finally I stopped and asked how to get out of town.
They all pointed in eerie unison, with weird blank looks on their faces. I was feeling a little bit creeped out by them.
I was about to roll up my window, but never did.
As we were about to go, the goat came running at me from nowhere and ran its horns into the driver's tire. I never would have believed a goat could puncture rubber with its horns and tear it open like that. The whole car was being lifted on the impale, the goat bleating angrily.
When it was done it trotted away like nothing had just happened. Suddenly the airbags deployed.
"Help!" We were shouting for help. The villagers just stood there, staring at us.
"You are chosen by Azazel. You shall carry our sins, and the rotten soul of Mrs. Summers with you, out into the desert." Thoman was suddenly at my driver's side window like a jump scare. I was so surprised I gave him a high-pitched bark and almost slapped him. After the goat attack my nerves were shot.
"Your goat did that! You'll pay for the damage!" I proclaimed.
"All in good time." Thoman said with certainty.
I got out of the car, my knees wobbling from the scares. "What sort of place you running here? I want to see the manager!" I shoved Thoman and yelled.
"You will see Him." Thoman's eye's looked like goats' eyes when he said: 'Him'. I felt a chill, despite the warm desert sun.
I got back into the car and said to Gloria. "There's something wrong with this place."
She said nothing and I looked to her seat, empty. "Gloria?"
I got back out and looked around for her, seeing that the streets were now empty. Everyone had gone back inside their shacks. Gloria was nowhere in sight. I began walking around, banging on doors, looking in windows and searching for her, demanding to be told where she was. The villagers all played dumb, shrugging and acting like they didn't know any English.
As the minutes began to add up and I couldn't find her, a cold sweaty panic burst out of me. For about an hour I just ran around the place, looking desperately for her. When it got hot out and I was exhausted, I found myself sitting on the front porch of Mrs. Summers.
Thoman came walking up. "There you are. I had to come find you, see if I can help."
"Where's Gloria?" I asked, exhausted.
"I'm sure she's around somewhere." Thoman lit a smoke and looked at the empty couch. "Looks like Mrs. Summers has gone missing."
I looked and saw her corpse was removed, leaving only her shroud and some suspicious pawprints, like a team of oversized coyotes had dragged her away when nobody was looking. I shrugged.
"Gloria is missing." I pointed out. Thoman nodded as he realized I couldn't care less about the local wildlife problems.
"People go missing sometimes. They always get found sooner or later." Thoman said, somehow mirroring my attitude about the missing old woman, but regarding Gloria. I started feeling hostile towards him.
"Do you know where she is?" I stood up, trembling and sweating.
"Of course, but it won't do you no good. She can't be found if she doesn't want it." Thoman blew smoke at me, dropped his smoke and crushed it underfoot until it was a mess of tobacco, ashes, paper and the filter. "Still there."
He dusted his hands off on his jeans and walked away, leaving me there looking at the whisp of smoke hovering ephemerally over the ruined cigarette. I heard coyotes howling in the distant hills in the middle of the day, I heard wind chimes making discordant sounds, I heard the bleating of the goat sound like laughter and then the cackling of the old woman who I knew was dead.
I sat, and from my feet a numbness of fear began to climb up my legs like tarantulas. My skin was like braille, and my sweat ran in rivulets into stains darkening on my clothes. My eyes stared, listening to the desert while it spoke the name of its lord. I was afraid, I knew I was against something that wanted to eat me, somehow.
"Where are you?" I asked Gloria, my voice a dry cracking sound. I went into the old woman's shack and poured some of the iced tea she had made at some point before she died. It tasted like tomatoes with a hint of almonds and made me feel sleepy. While I walked to the couch, I dropped the glass and fell over.
Darkness made me blink, my eyes darting around for any source of light. All around me, in the midnight desert, candles stood upon cooled-melted stands made of old wax - atop human skulls. I was tied naked to a cactus, my body seemed to be covered in writing done in ketchup.
There was a humming sound of many human voices, not an unpleasant sound, except in the circumstances it frightened me to know I was surrounded by people humming in unison. Gloria was standing at one end of the triangle, holding a Nosegay Bouquet like it was some kind of offering towards the darkness. She wore nothing but an open hooded robe of shimmering crimson and scarlet.
I always find my wife exciting, so despite her betrayal, I still think she looked hot as a Satanic priestess. I'm pretty lucky.
The third corner of the triangle was an old woman wearing the skin of an oversized coyote, and also slippers made of coyote feet. She howled dramatically and her voice was answered by a disembodied growling from all around us.
I peed myself in terror, glad I wore nothing to absorb it. Instead, it just ran down my leg and collected under my left foot. I wanted to scream, but I felt weak and frightened, unable to do more than whimper pathetically in mortal dread. Gloria looked at my mess and smiled weirdly at me.
"Azazel, take from our community our sins, take our sins to the desert. Leave us another six years of peace. We offer you the slaughter of the scapegoat. Lord of the wilderness, accept our humble sacrifice." The gathered creeps were saying their prayer slowly in unison. They repeated it word-for-word again and again, long into the night.
Something was coming closer, something was coming. All around us desert creatures hopped and leapt and swooped, chittering, yipping, barking and hooting. Thousands of beetles, centipedes, tarantulas, snakes, scorpions, mice and crickets swarmed everywhere except the hot wax and flames of the candles. I cried and shivered, moaning in horror as the creatures crawled all over me.
The glowing eyes, a shade of golden brown, loomed from the darkness. As the shape of the entity formed in my mind around the darkness it was cloaked in, sleep overwhelmed me. I straight up fainted at the sight of Azazel.
The early dawn found me in the back of our rental car, driving on a spare. Gloria was driving, getting us to her sister's wedding on-time. "Why?" I choked out a word.
"I wouldn't bother, but his business is in jeopardy. When we cross the border into that state, we are in the territory of one of the most corrupt governments on the planet. Technically, California is part of the United States in name only. Everyone knows their government is run entirely by criminals. The new laws will eliminate her new husband's franchises. They'll lose everything and have to live with us. I hate my sister, you know that." Gloria enlightened me to her insane political opinion and family drama, without answering my question.
"You're telling me all that was about burgers and ketchup?" I wheezed, needing a drink.
"With this -" Gloria held up the bridal bouquet "My lord will bless their union. She cannot be made poor by the dealings of other devils. They are all on the same team, you know."
"Team McDonald?" I asked.
"Team Humanity. They just want what's best for us." Gloria explained.
"Demons want what's best for us?" I tried not to sound too incredulous.
"No. You are missing the point. Humans make the sins, they just feed. They are fair, if you ask them for a favor. They'll take care of you."
"Like getting someone elected?" I guessed.
"Yes. Exactly." Gloria agreed. I stared out at the scenery of Angel's Crest National Monument as we drove.
We arrived at the wedding and I kept thinking about how good Gloria looked as some kind of Satanist last night. I requested we spend some married couple time together and she considered it, but said we had no time for such things. She promised we'd spend some quality time together after the wedding, provided I play for her team.
"I can't promise anything." I said honestly to her. For whatever faults I have, I do insist on being honest with my spouse.
We parked in the alley and got ourselves ready to go into the wedding, still looking like we were out all night, despite twenty minutes of details.
"We need to get going." Gloria urged me. I was still fiddling with my tie in the passenger's mirror, since the driver's side one had a crack in it already. I kept reminding myself how this car was a rental, as the thought was easily slipping my mind under the stress I was feeling.
I hate weddings.
We went in and the place was simultaneously too loud with all the murmuring and too quiet with all the whispering. I kept hearing words of profanity and would look up to see if any of the holy statues were reacting. No weeping or bleeding.
It really freaks me out when statues cry and bleed and have flesh underneath when they get damaged. I'm pretty sure there are actual religious orders where they entomb their saints alive, after eating a diet of herbs meant to sedate and preserve the corpse sealed inside. Not too freaky, but I am just one person being judgmental, aren't I? I realize I am sorta disrespecting their whole culture in a way, and that's not how I mean for it to sound. It's just not for me - I get scared - that's all you need to know.
The blurry way the statues looked had me standing in front of the bride's aisle while everyone was wondering what I was looking at with that look on my face. I'd provided the distraction Gloria needed to ensure absolutely nobody except her saw her make the switch of the bouquets. She had an exact copy of her sister's bouquet, unironically.
Out behind the church we met and she had started a small fire in a coffee tin with holes around the bottom rim. She closed the knife she'd used and used the longneck lighter to get a couple candles going on the side.
"Hurry, someone might see us." I said as loudly as I dared, half hoping someone would hear me and look around the corner. I couldn't help it, part of me was against whatever we were doing. I still felt nervous, nervous we'd get caught or that we'd get away with it. My anxiety had me holding my hands like I was warming them to the fire.
"And white goes softly into flames, and black comes the smoke, pure and thick." Gloria dropped the blessed flowers into the flames.
"Uh, amen." I coughed.
"Let's go watch her get married." Gloria growled.
We went in and there was a wedding that happened while we were in our seats.
While most people were on their phones, texting or whatever they were doing, others actually watched the wedding.
I looked around and saw how some people were observing the ceremony. I too was looking at it, but trying not to. I knew I was seeing something there that they weren't, and it was pretty scary because I knew it was real. Therefore, it was invisible to all of them except me.
I leaned over to my wife and asked her: "Who is the goat up there with them?"
"That's Fred, she's like a bridesmaid." Gloria whispered back.
"Fred is a girl goat?" I asked.
"I can arrange for you to have visits from Fred, Sweetea, if that's something you're into." Gloria teased me weirdly, but I didn't really find it that amusing, just creepy. The last thing I wanted was to be haunted by an invisible goat-demon.
"Ew, no thanks." I said.
When the bouquet was tossed, Gloria caught it. She'd run in, shoving all the maidens like a quarterback. Some of them had fallen and gotten serious scrapes and bruises. Her sister yelled at her, but Gloria just looked at me and we took off around the corner and went for our car.
"Why aren't we leaving?" I asked.
"This has to be under her bed on her wedding night. My sister is a virgin, she has to be given to her new husband first." Gloria waved the bouquet in front of me, gripping it the same way she had gripped her foldable dagger earlier when she'd cut the coffee can.
"I have a feeling you mean Azazel." I gulped, realizing I couldn't go that far with her. I had to find a way to stop this.
"What's that?" Gloria asked me sharply.
"I'd best dealing be with Azazel?" I tried to change what I'd said, botching it horribly.
"No, you said something else." My wife said firmly, and frowning. I had a feeling my bed had just gone cold, and it scared me as much as the devils, because as I mentioned, Gloria is what's best in my life.
"I don't like this." I admitted. I also mentioned I really don't lie to her.
"She won't know the difference." Gloria smiled a little bit, a kind of evil villain-styled smile. I found it too sexy.
"Either way, it's wrong. I'm not sure exactly how, but it seems super perverted and evil and I won't allow it." I proclaimed.
Gloria slammed on the breaks and flicked out her knife and held it to my throat. "Get out."
I was left standing by the side of the road with my bags as she sped away, driving to some unknown honeymoon destination to put some cursed flowers under her sister's bed to summon some kind of husband demon for her wedding night. I'm pretty sure I had to stop this from happening.
"You still fighting the good fight?" Ronald McDonald stepped out from where he was waiting to catch a bus.
"I love my wife to death, but she is trying too hard to ruin her sister's wedding." I sat on my bags, feeling tired and my eyes watering.
"Don't cry." Ronald McDonald told me. "You got to man up right now. This is your chance to set things right."
I sniffled and tried to smile for Ronald McDonald. He smiled back and we shared a moment on that desolate highway.
"I've got something for you." He told me. He handed me a toy from a happy meal I'd gotten as a kid, the Muppet Baby Fozzie. I assembled his armor and put him on horseback. When I looked up, Ronald McDonald had caught the bus and was waving goodbye to me.
That's when the tears started. I knew I had to step up and stop her. I wiped 'em on my handkerchief and got my phone out of my pocket. I used the app we had to find where she was, after figuring out how to use the darn thing.
Then I used another app to summon a professional getaway driver named Breeze. She arrived in less than four minutes, the sound of her engine in earshot for the whole last minute as she took the three miles of road between us with fury. We said nothing to each other. I showed her the destination and the review I'd already written and nine one-hundred-dollar bills and she gave me a hand signal I guess meant we were in business. We caught up to Gloria and then I found the only likely honeymoon spot, a desert view bed and breakfast, of course.
We got ahead of Gloria and Breeze accepted her payment and vanished into thin air, leaving only burning tire tracks in her wake. I reached into the newlyweds open car and released the parking brake. With a muscle-pulling, ankle-twisting, hernia-inducing, disk-slipping effort I got the darn car moving, with the toy in my pocket making me pretend I could do this. I got their vehicle into the ditch, out of sight.
I went into the bed and breakfast and checked the guest registry. I was sweating and my suit was coming loose all over. I was limping and groaning, although I wasn't feeling what I'd done to myself yet. I looked at the names. They were here.
With the page torn out I started a new entry for the weekend and made up a couple fake names before the owner found me there.
"Uh, sorry." I said. I set the toy on the counter and fled.
I watched from the bushes while Gloria went in. See, I find simple plans without a lot of moving parts work best in any situation. Gloria found no evidence she'd come to the right place. The owner was already freaking out and gave her a stern goodbye.
Gloria tried to call her sister but got nothing. As she drove away my terrified state began to subside. I collapsed in the bushes, sleeping with a butterfly on my eyelash keeping me company.
"You did this." Gloria was saying. I was in the back seat of the rental again. She was smoking, and she'd smoked enough that the little strip had turned yellow, indicating we would be charged a cleaning fee for the damages. There was no ashtray, so she was just putting them out on the dashboard, leaving little burns and ash everywhere.
Her phone chimed and I saw she was chatting with one of her old boyfriends. She made sure I saw this. I rolled my eyes. It's not like we'd spent twenty years married. Her interrogation techniques needed improvement, especially since she would know - I don't lie to her. I'd never seen her smoke, not that I could remember, not for a long time.
I was under a lot of stress, but as I thought about it, she was smoking the whole trip.
My mind played a weird montage of all her light-ups. I felt like it needed a theme, so I hummed the theme to that show we were just watching. Then I looked at her and stopped humming, humming that cue for the other person who hums to hum along, you know what I mean. There should be a word for that kind of cue, probably is, but I'm not fluent in music vocabulary.
She didn't get it, but instead got mean and lifted her hand like she wanted me to stop humming because it was annoying or something. I stopped.
"You're not even Gloria." I complained.
"Took you long enough." The creature grinned.
My mind went wild with terror, as I realized she was some kind of horrible demon disguised as Gloria. She handed me the toy from McDonald's and it started to melt, becoming warped and evil looking. Her laugh sounded like a stretched audio recording of a laugh, all distorted and demonic, exactly like the best horror movie foley artists make it sound, and making me pee from my frozen spine bone and dry eye sockets staring till my eyes hurt.
Demonic laughter is unforgettable, a kind of maddening sensation, like something is being ripped out of you suddenly, a painful disorientation that you never quite stop feeling dizzy from. Its an ache, an unhealing wound of the psyche, always oozing and causing me some kind of misery. It lives there, like a tiny flea, too small to squish or catch, in its hole, in my mind.
Weirdly enough, the horrible little toy it gave me contains it, and that is why it must never be touched, for although it is a burnt figurine, it imprisons a part of the wilderness of souls.
I held it there, and looked up at the not Gloria. She looked just as relieved and bewildered as I felt. She was Gloria again, I could tell it was her.
"Where is it?" She asked me.
I held up the toy, having already dropped it into the burnt coffee tin to contain the prison for the sound that the demon had become when I'd listened to it, pretending to be my wife, therefore listening to my wife also.
"How's that work?" Gloria asked me, sobbing. She wanted reassurance it wasn't going to take control of her ever again.
"Well, we are in this together for better or worse." I figured I'd say.
"We weren't helping it. It already got me, using my hate for her against me. Remember when we got the wedding invite?"
"I thought it was weird there was a goat with glowing red eyes drawn on that." I pointed out.
"I never really wanted to hurt her." Gloria felt awful. I hugged her close and kissed her forehead.
"I'm the one who got hurt." I reminded her.
We went over all the things like cactus and such that I'd suffered, dehydration, scares, murder and mayhem, dagger stabbings, cannibalism, arson and demons. It was agreed I was the hero in all this, and I finally got some ketchup on Satan's burger.
It was delicious.
submitted by dlschindler to HorrorCringe [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:17 Particular-Fudge3905 24 [F4A] Looking for more spontaneity

Hello everyone :”> I’m 24F, half-arab and half-filipina
Just trying to see what is up with this subreddit 😅 Also looking to expand my social circle (kaya im okay with being friends with F or M haha). I’m usually busy with work and when i’m not, im always just at home. Most of my friends either have hectic busy schedules too or have strict parents who don’t give them the freedom to go out anytime that we please. I’m really just looking for friends I can be spontaneous with, I have been wanting to seek more adventure and thrill in my life, I want friends who would invite me on road trips or clubbing or even just cafe hopping na biglaan. I want to be connected with more people who can teach me a lot more that there is to life, i love learning. I’m not saying I’m sheltered but I guess I am seeking to be acquainted with people who can teach me new hobbies and give me a new perspective on life as the friends I have now are those I have been friends with since I was a kid and don’t get me wrong, I love them but I want to put more of myself out there too hehe. If youre looking for the same or could understand my sentiments, please feel free to reach out!!
In case this is important, here are some information about me: - As mentioned, I’m half arab x half filipina - I’m 5’3, thicc/curvy, morena with curly hair - Loves cafe hopping sm, pls reco your fav coffee shops around the South (boycotting SB!!!) - Can cook and bake - From Paranaque City - Not conservative at all lol - Boycotting brands as I am an advocate of #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 - Kakampink (NO TO DDS/MARCOS APOLOGIST) - Socially and politically aware and vocal - Extroverted and loud hahaha can carry a conversation and has a great sense of humor - Kaladkarin kind of friend, loves spontaneity. Would enjoy just shopping/running errands with you - Beach babe!!! i feel like im in my best element when im at the beach - Loves traveling, never tried solo-traveling or backpacking though as I am a chronic overpacker - Definitely working and have an undergrad degree - If you need to know more, hmu hehe
About you: - As mentioned earlier, definitely fine if you’re F or M haha - You’re adventurous and love spontaneity - Not mayabang - Would be welcoming and accommodating (I would not want to feel like I’m forcing myself on to our friendship) - Wholesome/not perverted - Fun to be around - Has great music taste - PLS NO TO DDS AND MARCOS APOLOGIST. IT’s 2024, KAILAN KA MAMUMULAT? - Someone who understands why boycotting is important and wont force me to support brands that are on my boycott list (especially Mcdo and SB)
Fun fact: I have been in 2 relationships, both with foreigners. I have never had a thing/fling with a filipino but I’m definitely being more open to that possibility hehe sooooo If you are looking or interested to be my potential partner, here are special (non-negotiables): - 5’8” and above height - 25+ age - Reassuring kind of person (I am a words of affirmation receiver kind of girlie) - Maalaga and caring - Would call and text me frequently. I love communication— it runs in my blood
I think I have written almost everything you need to know. If you’ve reached this pont, hmu with what you think was the most interesting part of my post. Will not entertain a “hi/hello” opening. Please put in the effort ◡̈
submitted by Particular-Fudge3905 to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:57 WiczniceBurning I came out to my parents and it didn't go too well.

(TW: Transphobia, Religious Close-mindedness, and a whole lot of text. Get your attention span ready)
Hello, everybody.
So I've recently come out to my parents about me being trans, and while they said they "support me," it doesn't feel like they do.
Later they would have a talk with me explaining that I'm going through some sort of "phase" and that I'm having an agenda pushed onto me, and while I denied this to them, they still think I shouldn't transition because it's probably something else I'm going through and that I shouldn't change "what God made me to be,"(I was raised Catholic) as if experiencing dysphoria and the distress that came with it wasn't enough. (I know some trans girls don't need dysphoria to transition so this is an even bigger insult). They said I need more time to think about it, but it really feels like they don't want me to transition.
However, they did say that they are willing to let me speak to a therapist, although they still believe it could be a different reason. Even so, the website they got the therapists from seems shady. It's apparently a website where every therapist is Catholic. It's not so much that they're Catholic that's bugging me, it's more so that I'm not sure if this therapist would see me for who I am. My parents should even say that I should keep an open mind if they say something is different even though everything in my past is too connected for everything to not be that.
The worst part about all of this, is when I asked that if the therapist (by some miracle) said that I am actually who I say I am, then my parents won't allow me to take HRT because they don't have the budget to do so, and would rather have me pay for it. What's worse is that I should wait until I pay off my student loans (currently in uni) and that a lot longer before I come to a decision AS IF I HAVEN'T ALREADY, not to mention AMAB puberty would only masculinize me further by the time I even have a chance at HRT.
I hate my body. I hate the fact that I cannot grow my hair out long because it looks like shit due to my receding hairline. I also hate the fact that my chest seems like it's missing something, as if breasts should be there. Shaving feels like a chore that I would rather not do, even though if I don't, I look like trash. It got worse when I looked at the gender dysphoria bible, and saw all the effects of HRT, and reading that segment only made me realize things that I didn't even know I was missing out, like smoother skin, lower libido (I hate feeling like some pervert when I look at women so this is good), better dreams, even. I've looked at some of the girls in my university classes and I am so envious of them! I WANT TO BE LIKE THEM! I WANT LONG HAIR AND BREASTS AND I WISH MY BODY HAIR WOULD STOP EXISTING. EVEN THE TRANS GIRLS I SEE IN SOME OF MY CLASSES I FEEL ENVIOUS TOWARDS! I've been having feelings like this for years, and yet for some reason, they think it's something else.
My parents are not bad people. They are saying and doing this out of a position of kindness. Yet, I feel that I want nothing to do with them even though I've loved them all my life. They just seem so behind the times that it's just heartbreaking. I've tried to give them as much time and as much space as I could although I feel I have barely broke through to them. I know some of you would suggest that I move out ASAP, but the problem is I have almost zero skills when it comes to taking care of finances (my parents do all of it), so I'm essentially cooked until I go back to university. Maybe there I can go talk to somebody there because I know there are people there I can trust, but I don't know if that's the safest option.
I honestly don't know who else to talk to, and as a result I decided to post my story here. I tried doing this under different subreddits but they wouldn't let me post probably due to my new account. (this account isn't my main) I really need somebody I know I can talk to, and this place seems like one of the few places were that's possible.
Like I said earlier, you guys would probably want me to try to leave as soon as possible, however given my situation I don't think I can. That being said, if there is any advice you would like to give me in order to convince them about my situation.
Thank you for your time.
TL;DR: I want to transition even though my parents won't let me because they're not willing for them or me pay the costs, that's "probably not what I want" (even though it is), and I should probably wait until I'm older. Screw me.
submitted by WiczniceBurning to TransSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:02 Donut-Disastrous How can I (24M) move on from unhealthy relationship from 20F and understand what happened?

I dated this girl for a while long distance... At first for the first 3-6 months things were really exciting, new relationship type stuff. Then after a while I was on a visit to her and she was in her phone the whole time (this was preceded by general mixed signals from her). So, I broke up with her, she seemed to react to this dramatically bad. I thought I made a mistake and she still loved me. After a few months no contact she reached out and we started talking again. She visited me and we ended up sleeping together and oof those feelings came rushing back to me. I wanted to be with her but we both agreed our long-distance relationship was a challenge (much less for me I guess) and that she was dealing with a lot of personal issues it wasn't a good time to be back. But of course, we were strongly affectionate towards each other for a time. I guess I was okay not being in a relationship if we were talking regularly and affectionate.
Again, her feelings seemed to start sliding and her increasing distance. I confronted her many times about that asking what the hell was going on. Was she avoiding me because she was afraid of stuff to get more serious, did she not want anything with me, was it depression, etc... She kept telling me she was trying to protect me... that I was special to her but she knew I wanted more that she couldn't give.
Very important to note that she was taking xanax for anxiety and she was a dancer at a stripclub and she would talk often how awful she felt working there... how she hated men for being perverts and touching her and stuff... how she felt so trapped just working nights and studying days.
Sometimes her affection would still come thru at late hours of the night a text telling me how special I was to her... Other times we would talk but I felt like I was swimming upstream to be with her, prying at her to make conversation etc. But anyway I had to figure it out because the undefined situation was taking a huge toll on me. For a couple weeks our relationship went dormant, and I knew then it was time to move on. We talked, she told me she can't feel romantic feelings for anyone rn, her life, her job, her mental state and history meant she wasn't ready.
Because of how everything went I have spent the last few weeks trying to understand and feel out what happened because it was a rather hurtful experience that honestly, I'm myself responsible for not exiting sooner. But it is what it is. I can't blame myself for being in love and hoping though. I'm young and inexperienced, yeah. I want to know did anyone have such an experience themselves before? Did anyone else be in her shoes? Could it ever be true when someone tells you that? Not that it changes the reality of needing to move on but yeah... Part of me also wonders whether she had stopped loving me sooner and whether she was real about her limitations, in other words were her limitations the real reason that our relationship failed... She said something that she thinks I would be a great partner for her but she doesn't feel it inside... Are they external factors or it was just not meant to be? Is there even value in answering/asking that question?....
TL:DR Dated a stripper, had a turbulent relationship with lots of mixed signals in the end blamed it all on mental health, man hatred from her job and so on. I wanna know if anyone dealt with this kind of feelings or situation before?
submitted by Donut-Disastrous to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:56 BoringEngineering104 Aitah for disowning my brother.

I (19f) have a brother (14) whom I disowned. I apologize in advance for bad english, its not my first language. About 6 months ago i found out about how disgustingly he talks to his girlfriend online.The whole chat was anything but stuff that 14 year olds should talk about. Especially him. He would text her stuff like "my cck is itchy, he wants your hand" and "does your little pussy want tongue? Or to be fuked?" If he asked her for pics and didn't receive them, he would get offended and guilt trip her into sending them anyway. I really thought that it was not ok and told my mother, she talked to him about it. So recently i found out he goes through my trash and drawers in hopes to find used condoms. (For revenge) He counted the unused ones in my drawers so he knows when theres hope to find some used ones in the trash. I have no idea what hes honna do with them if he actually should find one. Theres multiple times when ive found him in my room, i believe he is trying to figure out the password to my laptop. I just refuse to have such a pervert as my brother. I do not care that "oh but his hormones are raging" he is a disgusting, miniature, soon to be pedophile. I was mistreated and used by older boys until i was 15, so him being like them really gets to me. Since all this happened I told my parents I don't want him at my hs graduation. They are super pissed and telling me to grow up. I have refused to attend a lot of family events when he's there. I won't sit next to him or talk to him at all. Everyone is on his side and I am apparently just being childlish. Am i really in the wrong here?
submitted by BoringEngineering104 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:48 Ricewastakenwastaken Henrystein: a repost of a fun game/novel centric fnaf theory

You gotta bare with me on this one, let me cook.
In the Curse of dreadbear DLC, the titular character is an obvious play on frankenstein’s monster: specifically the one popularized in the 30’s film adaptation.
And what exactly happens in that film? A scientist named Henry creates a monster composed of multiple combined dead things, then vows to destroy it in a fire.
Once laid out like that, it’s a pretty obvious hint. It lines up with Henry’s story in virtually every continuity, at least half of it. Desk guy (also from a Halloween DLC) was theorized to be Henry and his whole deal is that he made Baby, regretted it, then died. Book henry made baby, regretted it, then committed suicide. Who’s to say that pattern doesn’t extend to game Henry as well?
Basically what this boils down to is that Henry made the funtimes. Ryetoast talked about it in a video, in the insanity ending he goes on to describe molten MCI pretty much verbatim. With the added support of Henrystein, it’s very possible the “prisons of my making” were the funtimes. What is Ennard if not a monster made of several dead things stitched together?
It’s very likely that Henry had no idea what they were for. He said that he “unwillingly helped to create” them, and that he “doesn’t know how those tiny breaths of life came to inhabit those machines”.
The funtimes are The only things that you could reasonably trace back to Afton given what they’re for and the huge ass bunker with his name plastered on everything. A strong connecting thing throughout the short stories is the idea of fazbear entertainment hiring out independent roboticists to make animatronics. What if Afton was pulling a Steve Jobs?
Afton is cited as a “local entrepreneur” in the canceled due to leaks teaser, and seems to derive a great amount of pleasure in being the genius behind the beloved characters. William hired Henry to make the funtimes and took all the credit. But why stop there?
Since this theory lends itself more towards novel paralells: in the novels there is a bunker directly under Henry’s house, similar to the sister location facility. That facility is also where the twisted animatronics are stored, which are essentially the nightmares. That is everything detailed in the sister location building map all belonging to Henry. It would also make a ton of sense for Henry, someone characterized by being too wrapped up in his work to be a present father, to want to have surveillance on his children. It’s also a point that in both the movies and the novels Henry, or someone equating Henry, has at least 2 kids and while Afton only has one daughter. Elizabeth in the games also has red hair and green eyes, which would almost definitely be recessive if BV and mike were actually her siblings.
You know what other game has a Halloween DLC? Fnaf 4. You know what other game has a Halloween DLC containing the aforementioned desk guy with the same general arc? Fnaf world. Games largely dealing with the memories of the bite victim. There is this weird connection between Halloween, bite victim and Henry. It likely has something to do with Fallfest.
Speaking of fallfest, Carnie is just a reskinned rockstar Freddy. This leads me to believe that the rockstars as models are old as hell. And with old as hell models, they may be springlock animatronics. The 5 fingers would certainly suggest that, though their endos are pretty barebones. My own mechanical dissection of springlocks aside, look at the nightmares and the rockstars side by side.
You can definitely see it with rockstar foxy, ditch some of the pirate decorations and the face shape is nearly identical, including the lighter ring around the eyes. Same with Bonnie and Chica, same chunky face shape with similar eyeholes. Same jaw mechanism. That, plus the 5 fingers and 4 toes (except for rockstar chica for some reason).
The one outlier here is nightmare Freddy, who doesn’t have a solid look alike. Rockstar Freddy looks more like nightmare fredbear, complete with purple accessories. Rockstar Freddy also has a darker recolor with strong connections to the puppet in LEFTE. If the rockstars (or at least a model using their molds which likely would have been mass produced) and the nightmares are one in the same, that would mean that Henry made them too.
Furthermore: the Twisted animatronics, which are one in the same with the nightmares, were explicitly made to kidnap people from their homes. We litterally see them in the opening screen coming out of the woods towards a house. The trailer for fnaf 4 also says “what have you brought home”. This would imply their aim was not too dissimilar to the funtimes, but they’re their own thing. I raise you: yendo.
Yendo is a very oddball character, which very well might not even be canon. He is an endoskeleton of Funtime Freddy who was made to store kids in his stomach. What do we see on nightmare fredbear and nightmare? A stomach mouth.
Nightmare Fredbear and yendo also behave in ways similar to golden Freddy. Throughout the various books spirits are also known to induce audiovisual hallucinations. What if bite victim, Henry’s son, had his spirit’s supernatural properties weaponized by Afton in an early attempt to automate the kidnapping of children. Afton had Henry make a prototype for Funtime Freddy, and tested it on mike
Bite victim’s spirit would contort onlookers perception of the frame into how he remembered the characters in the week leading up to his death: scary, grotesque, and full of teeth. Afton would exploit the spirit’s desire to get revenge on his brother, to lure him out and capture him.
Henry was now belligerent from losing 2 children in the span of a week, and being convicted for the disappearances of 5 more. Not only that, but Afton was completely undermining him and taking over his robotics company while he did all the work. His life was falling apart at the seams. He had been keeping a close eye on Mike to ensure nothing happened to him as well. At this rate he couldn’t stand another tragedy, even if he did blame the kid.
Mike was lured out to the visage of fredbear, and ran out to his brother’s unmarked grave out of repentance. It was there the thing captured him and took him to the nightmare chambers. Henry assumed he would be back soon enough, and that he’d be sorry when he got back.
From there, Afton would use nitrous oxide (as seen in RUIN and the gas canisters all around the facility) to sedate Mike and make him more susceptible to hallucinations. He would use the rockstars to conduct experiments on the effects of prolonged fear à la Dittophobia. at the end of it he could brainwash mike into believing that he was his father, everything was his fault, and he needs to do everything he says to atone.
At this point, Henry assumes mike is dead. Out of his grief for losing all 3 of his children, his reputation, and his whole livelihood, he made Baby in the likeness of Charlie with the intent to kill himself with it (see Fuhnaff’s video on baby being a recreation of Charlie). He doesn’t, but he abandons robotics altogether and falls off the face of the earth Until Fnaf 6.
At this point for Afton it was only a matter of hiring technicians to reverse engineer yendo and baby, as well as add a few of his own modifications, to create the Funtime series of animatronics. Elizabeth dies, etc. etc.
I’d also really like to shout out this theory by dual process theory, I think they hit the nail on the head:
Summary: altered text/bite victim’s name is Cassidy, Charlie is faded text, and Mike is the vengeful spirit; pissed enough to literally reanimate his own corpse and hunt down Afton in order to put him through the same stuff he tricked him into doing for all eternity, all the while taunting him with the visage of Cassidy. The HW2 death order as the MCI and Charlie dying in-between the week when when Cassidy was bit and when he died; this gives William the info necessary to conclude that throwing Cassidy into fredbear will bring him back. 10/10, no notes in my book. As to why he would start killing under my theory? Idk. Just kinda copy paste the bits that fit.
Id also like to stop and appreciate the narrative depth this adds to the story.
mike being vengeful spirit gives such a cathartic ending for this character we’ve been playing as for most likely all of the previous games. Not to mention the amount of de-cluttering it does in terms of characters we have to assume exist because they exist in some other continuity despite never being referenced in the self contained story of 1 through 6.
I also really like the Afton that this story paints. It keeps in line with his novel characterization of trying to surpass Henry, going so far as to steal his entire family. He is this ever present perverting force, it’s allegorical in a way. He’s a caricature of the power hungry CEO: sitting at the top, pushing ideas in the name of reckless expansion and innovation regardless of the consequences. extinguished the spark of life that his partner was able to imbue into his creations, so he took it upon himself to recreate that spark by any means necessary: substituting metaphorical soul for literal soul. He takes a keen interest in his legacy, he believes he is on the brink of discovering the secret to immortality. The ends justify the means but his means are deeply flawed. He’s not a tragic father. He expands, infecting every part of the company (figuratively and eventually literally) like a virus.
This theory props up something I like to believe: spring lock suits were William’s idea. Henry simply had to make them despite his better judgement; a brilliantly executed absolutely terrible idea by a man trying to save money. It adds even more potency to William’s death, because he was so insistent on them. He was killed by his own hubirus more than anything else.
Henry also becomes a far more poignant character. His passion to create was being actively used to sap everything away from him. All of his incredible advancements in artificial intelligence and Servo motor technology being used by one greedy man looking to prolong his life and legacy. His creations were accomplices in the murder of his family and so many others. And all for what? We don’t even know if William recorded the results of any of his “experiments”, he just kept literally industrializing the production of agony in a business supposed to produce joy. He was unknowing of the full scope yet complicit on the promise that he could regain his children. He held onto that tragedy, as many else did. He let the memory fester and tear him apart. It would take years to realize, but it’s best to move on. Let it fade, as the agony of every tragedy should.
Frankenstein has to deal with obtaining forbidden knowledge. While I don’t feel like we as a society shouldn’t pursue that knowledge, Scott probably intended it as Mary Shelly did. We shouldn’t play god, especially in pursuit of profit or glory.
Is Scott a good writer? Who knows, I could be completely wrong.
submitted by Ricewastakenwastaken to u/Ricewastakenwastaken [link] [comments]