
Freebies, Coupons and Premium Watch Faces

2019.09.27 11:42 aveeaffian Freebies, Coupons and Premium Watch Faces

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2020.02.23 05:24 PersonThatPosts Onii-chan wa Oshimai - Onii-chan is Done For!

A subreddit for the webcomic, manga, and anime Onii-chan wa Oshimai (aka Onii-chan is Done for, My Brother is Done For, OniMai, OniMai: I'm now your Sister)

2008.07.03 06:36 flashlight

We discuss flashlights of all types! EDC, keychains, headlamps, lanterns, weapons, work, and many others.

2024.05.16 03:37 MysteriousGolf659 Amizade com ex namorada

No 9° ano conheci uma garota, ela era da minha sala, e então a gente foi puxando assunto e acabamos por virarmos melhores amigos.
Final de ano nas férias, como a gente não tinha um costume de sairmos de casa, eu dei uma afastada dela, e quando as aulas voltaram, a gente voltou a se falar, e começamos com os flertes, ficamos e começamos a namorar.
Eu (H15) tenho problemas com traumas na família, desde os 11 anos, meus pais me xingavam e me batiam sempre quando eu abria a boca para falar qualquer coisa que eles achassem estúpido, então eu tive sérios problemas para me comunicar ou relacionar com outras pessoas.
Em meio a esse relacionamento que durou 9 meses, tiveram muitas brigas desde o início, MUITAS MESMO, e era sempre pelo mesmo motivo, ela (M16) fazia algo que me deixava mal, eu não sabia como dizer isso, ela me jogava contra a parede e me forçava a falar de uma maneira em que eu só chorava e pedia desculpas por não saber falar.
sempre quando eu me sentia confortável, eu falava, falava tudo que me incomodava, sobre eu não gostar que ela ficasse abraçada com outros meninos, sobre ela ser extremamente grosseira e ignorante dentro da nossa relação (e a grosseria era apenas comigo) e a mãe dela também chegou a reclamar com ela sobre os mesmos motivos.
Ela prometia mudança, prometia ser mais paciente comigo, e nunca mudou.
Até que em um domingo, me preparei para ir até a casa dela, chegando lá, subi a bicicleta no AP dela, e foi o básico, abracei ela, dei um beijo na testa, comprometei o irmão dela, foi falar com os pais dela, e por fim, voltamos para o sofá.
Eu já estava meio mal no dia anterior por problemas dentro da minha casa e no ambiente familiar, e nisso acabei postando uma nota no Instagram dizendo "todos parecem que me odeiam" (típico de adolescente carente) e nisso eu tentei desabafar com ela sobre isso, ela mandou um "ah tá, fica bem" e eu claro, fiquei extremamente chateado com isso pois não tenho costume de desabafar sobre assunto familiar
sentando no sofá, ela me questiona sobre as notas "por que você postou aquilo? você não me ama mais?" eu a disse que amava, e que era besteira, nisso ela começou a me dar tapas, começou a bater de uma maneira que realmente tinha me machucado.
nisso eu fiquei assustado e comecei a chorar, me calei por 3 horas, e só sabia chorar, ela falava coisas do tipo "por que você tá chorando?" "você vai estragar esse dia mesmo?"
Quando criei a coragem de falar, eu disse "você é extremamente grosseira comigo, você não me entende, eu queria que você fosse pelo menos uma pessoa mais amigável comigo"
Nisso ela arrancou as alianças e disse "é sempre o mesmo motivo, eu me cansei de tudo isso"
Eu também tirei minha aliança, entreguei algo dela, e quando me levantei para ir embora, ela começou a chorar e falar que não queria que eu fosse embora, e que tinha tido momentos bons e momentos ruins e blá blá blá
Eu apenas fui para casa chorando, fiquei 3 dias desolado sem acreditar em tudo que estava acontecendo
Dias se passaram, ela me chamou para conversar, falou que queria que fôssemos amigos, e que ainda ficaria dboa com tudo isso, ela citou em ficar comigo, e tentou me convencer ao máximo para que eu ficasse
Eu como uma pessoa que não sei dizer não, apenas disse um "pode ser"
passaram uma semana após o término, ela começou com mordidas, querer que eu levasse ela para casa e perguntar se eu ainda a amava
Em meio dessas coisas, eu fiquei super mal, minha mãe sabia que o motivo era ela, e a mandou ela me bloquear de tudo, e mudar de sala.
Eu tinha feito uma carta de despedida, e falei que a gente não deveria ter feito toda essa besteira, e lancei uma referência de gravity falls dizendo "ser you next Summer"
Nisso ela voltou mais uma vez, só que no meu whatsapp, se desculpando, e dnv me convencendo de voltar a ser apenas um amigo e por aí vai.
Ela começou a levar comidas para mim, e sempre apenas ficava ao meu lado enquanto eu falava as coisas do meu dia a dia.
Eu só aceitava isso, pois achava que estava tudo bem e que isso não estava me fazendo mal, só que hoje ela começou a falar coisas do tipo "você não merece esse bolo" "você é uma pessoa desprezível".
começou a me cobrar "tchaus" em finais de aula, sendo que eu não tenho costume de dar tchau para literalmente NINGUÉM
Eu não sei oque fazer em relação a isso, eu gosto muito dela, mas o jeito que ela me trata, é uma merda, e eu odeio isso
Desculpa se o texto ficou muito grande, perdão chat
Ps: Desde então, comecei a focar em mim mesmo, comecei a terapia, a treinar e estudar, enquanto ela curte a vida dela indo atrás de pessoas e amigos dela.
submitted by MysteriousGolf659 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:21 Alone-Inspector-9156 h15 hledam nekoho kdo mi bude davat otazky nejaky poradny🤪🤪

submitted by Alone-Inspector-9156 to influencerky_cze_sk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:33 Kris_44444 Eu sinto que toda decisão quê faço é a decisão errada

Eu (H15) sinto que minha vida está sendo consumida pela ganância de ter e o tédio de possuir, não concordo com Schopenhauer, mas eu cada dia me sinto mais próximo dele, sempre que eu mudo algo na minha vida na intenção de melhorar meu bem estar (socializar mais, por exemplo) eu acabo ficando mais insatisfeito do quê antes de tomar a decisão, minha rotina é chata, eu acordo 6:20 da manhã, cansado por ter dormido mal, vou pra escola às 7:00 para a aula começar às 7:30 e acabar às 16:30, nesse tempo eu fico extremamente insatisfeito por desperdiçar 9 horas do meu dia com coisas que nunca usarei fora da escola, eu já parei de fazer as atividades nas plataformas do cmsp, e quando chego em casa fico insatisfeito por ter que ficar em casa (em casa eu fico muito mais quieto do que na escola, não converso muito com minha mãe e meus irmãos, afinal, sempre que eu converso com minha mãe acabamos discutindo por assuntos idiotas). Em casa eu sempre tomo muito café e como alguma coisa mesmo não tendo fome, na intenção de preencher esse vazio que tem dentro de mim, não consigo manter minha atenção em algo por muito tempo, não consigo manter diálogo com as pessoas (até as que eu tenho muita vontade de conversar), às vezes tenho pensamentos suicidas, mesmo sabendo que eu não vou me matar (eu acho isso simplesmente ilógico, por isso não vou por em prática), não consigo desabafar com ninguém direito, a última vez que comentei com um amigo sobre isso ele ao invés de me apoiar me deu um conselho que não condizia com meu problema. Esse negócio de não ficar feliz com nenhuma decisão vai além de decisões simples, quando eu me tornei agnóstico há um ano atrás eu fiquei super feliz, eu não sentia mais que eu passaria o resto da eternidade no inferno, eu senti liberdade pra aproveitar a vida, agora só sinto que nada do que eu faço é certo e que a minha vida não tem sentido. Eu sei que muitas pessoas vão se identificar com isso e quero prestar meu apoio, eu sempre apoiei às pessoas quando elas precisaram, mas ninguém me dá o apoio que eu preciso, então eu vou continuar apoiando a todos que estão na mesma situação que eu (talvez esse seja meu propósito de vida, afinal).
submitted by Kris_44444 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:28 paulineapinero Seems as though there are always tensions in terms of relationships, and a general feeling of being alone in this world. Can you help me figure it out? Used the Whole Signs system here

Seems as though there are always tensions in terms of relationships, and a general feeling of being alone in this world. Can you help me figure it out? Used the Whole Signs system here
Just need a bit of insight in my chart POV. :)
submitted by paulineapinero to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:21 EUCMD Diagnosing GUI issue on alternate computer

Was wondering if anyone could help with an error message I've been receiving when I transfer a script to a new computer. I created a GUI On my windows virtual machine to transfer to my work computer.
The GUI script works on the VM. However, on the new computer I constantly get the error "Error: Unexpected "}". I checked the code and do not see any outstanding brackets. I believe I have tracked the error to how the script recognizes the OnEventHandler(*) action.
Code is below:
^+r::{ myGui := Gui() DateTime1 := myGui.Add("DateTime", "x25 y25 w95 h20") DateTime2 := myGui.Add("DateTime", "x125 y25 w95 h20") myGui.Add("Text", "x25 y75 w120 h23 +0x200", "Device:") device := myGui.Add("Edit", "x125 y75 w100 h15") myGui.Add("Text", "x25 y100 w120 h23 +0x200", "Mode:") mode := myGui.Add("Edit", "x125 y100 w100 h15") myGui.Add("Text", "x25 y125 w120 h23 +0x200", "Settings:") therapy := myGui.Add("Edit", "x125 y125 w100 h15") myGui.Add("Text", "x25 y150 w120 h23 +0x200", "Usage:") usage := myGui.Add("Edit", "x125 y150 w100 h15") myGui.Add("Text", "x25 y175 w120 h23 +0x200", "AHI:") ahi := myGui.Add("Edit", "x125 y175 w100 h15") ButtonOK := myGui.Add("Button", "x65 y210 w125 h50", "&OK") ButtonOK.OnEvent("Click", OnEventHandler) myGui.OnEvent('Close', (*) => MyGui.Destroy()) myGui.Title := "Compliance data" myGui.Show("w250 h275") myGui.OnEvent('Escape', (*) => MyGui.Destroy()) OnEventHandler(*) { old := A_Clipboard If (RegExMatch(usage.value, "[\d+]", &match)) { if (match[]<4) { A_Clipboard := "______my line of text_______" } Else { A_Clipboard := "_______other line of text_________" } } ClipWait MyGui.Destroy() Sleep(4000) A_Clipboard := old } } 
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
submitted by EUCMD to AutoHotkey [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:10 Short_Algo $BILI Awaiting Short Signal based off 10 signals $1,760 net profit 15.66 profit factor 90% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$BILI Awaiting Short Signal based off 10 signals $1,760 net profit 15.66 profit factor 90% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:05 jlake32 Club Mysteries maps

submitted by jlake32 to JunesJourney [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:55 Short_Algo $IVZ Awaiting Buy Signal based off7 signals $8,000 net profit 3.58 profit factor 85% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$IVZ Awaiting Buy Signal based off7 signals $8,000 net profit 3.58 profit factor 85% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:49 JWcommander217 Technical Analysis for AMD 5/13--------Pre-Market

Technical Analysis for AMD 5/13--------Pre-Market
Anyone got a pulse on this thing bc I feel like we are flatlining here. Since earnings AMD has pretty much had zero movement after closing the gap post earnings. When you go back and look at the historical trading pattern right after earnings, it usually does SOMETHING or anything really. Up/down? there is movement. But this is just treading water and as we see a daily battle out over the space between $150 and pretty much $155. That incredibly tight trading range has held for the past week and I'm not sure its set to break out until the end of the week.
NVDA's earnings are next week and I think we can all expect to see an earnings run up going into the report. NVDA always garners A LOT of hype and A LOT of speculation. Expect to see premiums spike very heavily and influence price action movements in wild directions. This is going to affect the entire semi sector and lead to some choppy waters over the next couple weeks. I would not advise now being the time to open up a new position. There are just sooooo many ways this could go and none of them are necessarily good for AMD.
NVDA is such a large component of tech ETF's that if it misses even because they specifically say "we are seeing increased competition from AMD" we still might get dragged down with the broader market. I don't think NVDA can explain away the monetization case for AI and while AI chip sales I'm sure will be strong, I think some of the underlying issues the market has with the AI trade (mainly the monetization) are going to remain afterwards and we will probably see a big rebalance. Who knows I could be totally wrong. I can't tell you how many times I've urged caution on NVDA only for it to go up another 20% so I definitely don't have a good handle on it. It is so far detached from anything resembling fundamentals that it is hard to keep up with the hype cycle.
AMD will probably continue to trade flat going into the earnings as NVDA garners most of the attention. I think NVDA is going to see MASSIVE increases in options but the price action might be statistically flat over time. I think there is going to be a big battle for the AI trade between the bulls and bears and it might make leaps up and down in either direction but overall will be roughly flat. AMD won't really get the affect of those jumps since there will be a little lag. I'm going to sit this one out for sure. Not short position. No selling of calls. No nothing. Just wait and look for other things to invest in and get cuaght up with some other things on my list.
I bought a little arm at $96.61 and I might look to add to my position if I see any weakness. I would prefer to buy it below $100 if ya ask me. I also though QCOM killed it and isn't getting enough attention. However they just hit a new high and now is not the time to buy. I bought a little and have a nice DCA position of like $168 and if it closes that gap below $170 I'll perk up on that again. But really on the hunt for some diversification while I wait to see whats out there.
submitted by JWcommander217 to AMD_Stock [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 15:38 Short_Algo $ZI Awaiting Buy Signal based off 11 signals $2,240 net profit 23.4 profit factor 90% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$ZI Awaiting Buy Signal based off 11 signals $2,240 net profit 23.4 profit factor 90% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:48 Short_Algo $FHN Awaiting Short Signal based off 6 signals $2,724 net profit 4.37 profit factor 83% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$FHN Awaiting Short Signal based off 6 signals $2,724 net profit 4.37 profit factor 83% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:18 Kawaii_Kat_In_Hell ≤ 0p1n10n5 0n c06a1+ he1m1ng? (Opinions on cobalt helming?)

≤ G00d even1ng every+r011. My name 15 Maduvu 4++a3r and 1 am 0ne 0f +he many +r0115 30rk1ng a+ 0mn1ver5a1 F1ee+5h1p5 LLC +0 he1p rev01u+10n1ze 5pace+1me +rave1. 0ne +h1ng +ha+ 3e are 50, 50 c105e +0 mak1ng a rea11+y 15 c06a1+ he1m1ng. M05+ c06a1+5, a5 y0u kn03, are capa61e 0f m1nd c0n+r01 p03er5 50me may ca11 unna+ura1. =03ever, +he5e p03er5 are 51mp1y underu+111zed. 3e a1ready have a c0up1e 0f 31111ng v01un+eer5 11ned up +0 30rk a5 +e5+ 6a++er1e5, and 3e 30u1d 11ke +0 hear y0ur feed6ack! 3ha+ d0 y0u guy5 +h1nk 0f c06a1+ he1m1ng? 1f +h15 a11 g0e5 3e11, 3e 3111 6e 100k1ng 1n+0 purp1e he1m1ng ne%+.
(Good evening everytroll. My name is Maduvu Attawr and I am one of the many trolls working at Omniversal Fleetships LLC to help revolutionize spacetime travel. One thing that we are so, so close to making a reality is cobalt helming. Most cobalts, as you know, are capable of mind control powers some may call unnatural. However, these powers are simply underutilized. We already have a couple of willing volunteers lined up to work as test batteries, and we would like to hear your feedback! What do you guys think of cobalt helming? If this all goes well, we will be looking into purple helming next.)
submitted by Kawaii_Kat_In_Hell to alterniaposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:27 DeLaRoka Google Sheets as custom spreadsheet data source for Definer popup dictionary browser extension

Google Sheets as custom spreadsheet data source for Definer popup dictionary browser extension
You can easily turn a Google Sheets database into a popup dictionary. This allows you to quickly search through it when selecting text on any webpage or PDF document.
A spreadsheet serves as an accessible and adaptable database option. It’s faster to set up and easier to manage than traditional SQL-based databases.
In this tutorial, I'll guide you through creating a popup dictionary for your own spreadsheet. For demo purposes, I’ll use a modified dictionary spreadsheet for the Yherchian constructed language, generously provided by u/Xsugatsal.
First, let's take a look at how exactly all of this will work when we're finished:
Google Sheets database in Definer popup dictionary browser extension
A little explanation of what's going on in the video:
  • A Google Sheets spreadsheet is set to public so anyone with the link can view it.
  • The Definer popup dictionary set up to fetch data from this spreadsheet using a link to Google's Visualization API (gviz).
  • A small window pops up whenever you select a word on a webpage or in a PDF document, displaying results from the spreadsheet if there's a match in the first two columns.
If this sounds useful, let's start setting it up. You don’t need any technical skills to follow these steps.

1. Install the Definer browser extension

Definer - Popup Dictionary & Translator browser extension has a feature called "Custom source" that allows turning any website into a popup dictionary using only its link. We'll need this to interact with Google Visualization API.
Install it from:

💡 On Firefox, you might need to disable Enhanced Tracking Protection.

2. Locate the Custom source

Right-click the extension icon and select "Definer Options". On the "Sources" page, activate the "Custom" source and drag it to the top if you want it as your default. Then, click on "Settings" to configure it.
How to locate the Custom source in Definer browser extension

3. Set up your spreadsheet

Conlang dictionary basic table structure
I’ll work with a prepared spreadsheet that includes four columns:
  1. English word
  2. Yherchian word
  3. Category
  4. Meaning
View my example spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UMifrR60d-6tQ6LoxbaeXlqomaQcNP11FedeGvoOBec
It's crucial that the spreadsheet is set to public. In your own spreadsheet, you'd have to find and click on "Share" button and under "General access" select "Anyone with the link".

4. Set the website address (URL)

We need to prepare the URL the popup dictionary will use to fetch data from your spreadsheet. Here’s what it will look like for my spreadsheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UMifrR60d-6tQ6LoxbaeXlqomaQcNP11FedeGvoOBec/gviz/tq?tq=SELECT A,B,C,D WHERE A CONTAINS "{str}" OR B CONTAINS "{str}"&tqx=out:html&headers=1 
Now, let’s break it down and see what each part of this URL means and how you can customize it for your own spreadsheet:
Gviz link schema
1. Base spreadsheet URL: This is the link to your Google Sheets that is set to public access.
  • Example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UMifrR60d-6tQ6LoxbaeXlqomaQcNP11FedeGvoOBec
2. Google Visualization API endpoint: Adding /gviz/tq?tq= to the base URL enables querying the sheet using SQL-like commands. You can read the docs for more info.
3. SQL-like query: The SELECT A,B,C,D WHERE A CONTAINS "{str}" OR B CONTAINS "{str}" part is the query that fetches rows where the first two columns match the word selected in your browser.
4. Output format and headers: The &tqx=out:html&headers=1 specifies that the output should be in HTML format and the first row of the spreadsheet should be used as headers.

💡 You can also target a specific worksheet by adding &sheet=SHEET_NAME_HERE to the end of the URL.

Type the URL into the "URL" field in the Custom source settings in Definer, replacing the spreadsheet ID and possibly modifying the SELECT query to match your table structure.
URL field in the Custom source settings

5. Set custom styles (CSS)

At this point it should already work perfectly. But just to slightly improve the visual aspect, let's add some CSS, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets and affects how webpages look. The code snippet below will align the colors of the resulting table with the Definer’s theme. Paste this into the "CSS" field:
table, tr { background-color: var(--v-ground-base) !important; color: var(--v-text-base) !important; } table, td { border: none !important; } tr[style^="font-weight: bold"] td { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(var(--text-rgb), 0.4) !important; padding: 0 6px 3px !important; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: rgba(var(--text-rgb), 0.05) !important; } 
Copy and paste the code into the \"CSS\" field in the Custom source settings


Now, it's functional AND beautiful. Let's check it out in action:
My attempt to write a poem in Yherchian conlang with the help of Definer popup translator that is connected to my dictionary database in Google Sheets

Searching the Google Sheets database by typing the word, instead of selecting it on a page

Looking up an English word in my spreadsheet by selecting it on a page. Dark theme in Definer.

Highlight to define the word on a page using Definer popup dictionary and Google Sheets as a data source. Light theme.

Select a word on a page to find it in the spreadsheet. Dark theme.

Another example of popup search in Google Sheet database through the definition extension. Green theme.

Definer popup dictionary tool linked to a database in Google Sheets. Royal Blue theme.

Chrome Web Store Firefox Addons

submitted by DeLaRoka to lumetrium_definer [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 22:48 MatureHypnoDom GenAI + Dating -> the latest

Among the tech blogs that I follow for my day job is a legal tech blog that featured this today:
May 10, 2024 ~Read Online~ 194 ChatGPT wants to make you horny?! Brainyacts #194 It’s Friday.
Let’s get to it.
Lead Memo~ AI Trend: Apps for matchmaking, platonic friendships, managing motions, and getting horny
In today’s Brainyacts: To read previous editions, click ~here~. Whitney Wolfe Herd, the founder of Bumble, has proposed that the future of dating could lie in the hands of artificial intelligence. According to her, AI agents could act as "dating concierges," interacting with each other to assess compatibility and recommend potential matches, saving users time and effort. How Bumble Will Use AI to Create Healthier Relationships This unique approach has sparked a lively debate, with some welcoming the idea as a time-saving solution for finding quality connections, while others question the authenticity and effectiveness of such a system. As the world of dating continues to evolve, the role of AI in our romantic lives remains a topic of fascination and speculation. I thought I would share a sampling of the spectrum of AI apps related to relationships - fake or real.
Dating? As I shared above, why not have your AI self message their AI self first to see if the real you should even bother with the real them? Huh? Well, it sorta makes sense. Here is more on Bumble’s ~AI-dating concierges~ that will message each other on a human’s behalf. ~Related apps:~ ~https://nomi.ai/~ - an AI companion with memory and a soul~https://kindroid.ai/~ - an AI friend with a voice, looks, and personality~https://replika.ai/~ - an AI companion who cares
Fighting? Ok, so we may already be in a relationship but struggling to get along or understand each other. Meet ~Angry Girlfriend~ - an AI-powered relationship simulator that walks straight men through gamified versions of common conflicts with wives and girlfriends. For a peek inside the experience, follow along with ~Nick Rishwain as he interacts with the app~. Others like ~Relish~ analyze communication patterns to give couples personalized relationship advice. ~Maia~ helps couples work through fights, have conversations, and find date night ideas.
Horny? Yup, it happens and ~OpenAI~ is exploring how to 'responsibly' make AI erotica and porn
submitted by MatureHypnoDom to datingoverfifty [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:52 Short_Algo $NTRS Awaiting Short Signal based off 7 signals $6,800 net profit 5.85 profit factor 85% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$NTRS Awaiting Short Signal based off 7 signals $6,800 net profit 5.85 profit factor 85% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 05:15 sunshine0810 one file's font is tiny for new sheets compared to other files

I feel stupid for not knowing how to fix this, but here goes. I have a file that wasn't created by me. When I add a tab or even if I copy data into an existing tab it's a tiny font compared to all my other files or if I open a whole new file. Even the row & column heading are smaller. I know there has to be a way to make the formatting like my other spreadsheets, but I can't find it. I've looked in file/advance, but don't see anything about font.
this is my normal view of other files
This is what it looks like when I add a tab, hopefully you can tell it's smaller
submitted by sunshine0810 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:20 woodford86 Can someone explain the naming convention?

A whole pile of 2023-24 AGT mini excavators at an upcoming option, they look the same other than cab/cage/no and color so I’ma but clueless which ones to consider buying.
Can someone explain how these are named? They’re all AGT’s so I assume there’s some reason to it.
The options are:
submitted by woodford86 to miniexcavator [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 14:24 Nils1303 Hash Funktion Datei lange Laufzeit

Hash Funktion Datei lange Laufzeit
Hallo zusammen,
ich hänge total an der Aufgabe H15) b). Ich habe alles versucht, Lange Zeichenketten, Kurze Zeichenketten, Zeichenketten die alle diesselbe Summe an Char-Werten haben, ich komme in keinem Fall über eine Sekunde Laufzeit. Ich nutze die 1MB natürlich komplett aus. Hatte natürlich auch ausführliche Korrespondenz mit ChatGPT. Kann mir jemand helfen?
submitted by Nils1303 to informatik [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:13 Short_Algo $NCLH Awaiting Short Signal based off 5 signals $9,800 net profit 6.44 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$NCLH Awaiting Short Signal based off 5 signals $9,800 net profit 6.44 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:58 Short_Algo $VIPS Awaiting Buy Signal based off 10 signals $1,160 net profit 6.04 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$VIPS Awaiting Buy Signal based off 10 signals $1,160 net profit 6.04 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:17 GlasstonTheCragheart Help with MAX when blank cells are distinct from 0, 1, 2, etc.

I'm a novice with sheets, and am trying to modify something I found online. I want to find the MAX number (could be 0-6, or blank) when referencing several items with FILTER. I'm using IFERROR to return a blank when there is no data, but that creates an error for the initial MAX such that the initial IFERROR returns a blank even if some of the items in the MAX are not blank. Here is my code:
(IFERROR(MAX(FILTER(GamesAdversaryLevels, GamesAdversaries=H$1, GamesWon, GamesSpirits1=$C15, GamesAspects1="")), "")),(IFERROR(MAX(FILTER(GamesAdversaryLevels, GamesAdversaries=H$1, GamesWon, GamesSpirits2=$C15, GamesAspects2="")), "")),(IFERROR(MAX(FILTER(GamesAdversaryLevels, GamesAdversaries=H$1, GamesWon, GamesSpirits3=$C15, GamesAspects3="")), "")),(IFERROR(MAX(FILTER(GamesAdversaryLevels, GamesAdversaries=H$1, GamesWon, GamesSpirits4=$C15, GamesAspects4="")), ""))
Implemented at the following link on the subsheet called Spirit_vs_Adversary. Cell H15 should return a "4", but instead is blank.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by GlasstonTheCragheart to googlesheets [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:35 Short_Algo $NVCR Awaiting Buy Signal based off 10 signals $9,800 net profit 4.5 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$NVCR Awaiting Buy Signal based off 10 signals $9,800 net profit 4.5 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]
