Farm accidents pictures

Car Accidents

2011.11.07 01:22 Mojorizen2 Car Accidents

Questions, pictures, discussion about car accidents.

2010.12.06 09:08 Forensicunit Videos and pictures of train accidents.

You can't look away.

2016.12.26 22:29 God_loves_irony Idiots Nearly Dying

Almost dying . . . almost. No actual death, dismemberment, or gore; this sub is for close calls or things that could have gone much worse. This is a Safe For Work sub.

2024.05.16 17:26 ThebestBlanket A comparison of the web and app chat rooms

A comparison of the web and app chat rooms
It's a bit messy, but this is what I've noticed in the term of differences between the apps chat room, and the websites chat room. In the app: things are quite round, giving off a more friendly and softer look to the whole interface. There is less buttons in your face, I also like how the chat bubbles act as their own buttons for edits, copying, and deleting. The chat bubbles take up a lot of space, but it makes up for that with bigger text, even when you have it set to small. Though, with the bigger chat bubbles, there is less space for a user to press when done with typing out a response. This leads to accidental presses on your own chat bubble when waiting for the Bot to reply (at least for me). When the app was still fairly new, this caused a few issues with the generation of the Bots response. Everything is pretty clearly labeled, buttons look like buttons, again, the only "hidden" buttons are the actual chat bubble, and the Bots profile picture. The whole interface is not cluttered or too in your face with the Galaxy theme, and honestly, I forget I have it on sometimes. The words pop enough to read in a bright room, and dull enough to not strain your eyes too much when reading at night. I love the fact that the chat bubbles follow the theme you the user set for it.
For the website: The chat box where the user types in, is very sharp and goes all the way to the edge of the screen. The sharpness of the chat box sort of clashes with the continuation of rounded chat bubbles. Speaking of the chat bubbles, I noticed that the user has more space to press when done typing. Making the chat bubbles more compact, the interface almost feels as if it's farther away, giving the illusion of smaller letters. Along with the chat, we also get an extra button on the right side of the chat, a square box ment for bringing up the 4 options: edit, copy, delete, and cancel. This is very useful for computer users, though can be seen as clutter on the mobile website due to the smaller screen. Again, accidentally presses are sure to happen, and while it might not bug out the website, it can become quite taxing to get the same pop up every time you press it on accident. Buttons still look and act like buttons, this time the only hidden button being the Bots profile. On the app, once you respond to it the first time, the little stripe of text is gone, on the website, the text on the top stays in full veiw. Making the interface feel more cluttered. With that in mind, it makes a bit more sense on why the Bots don't have a check mark when chatting. The italics on the website are a Grey, not following the galaxy theme at all. And on the topic, I've noticed the theme is a bit duller, and the design of stars, planets, ships, and galaxies, are smaller.
Overall: Each version of Dopple.AI has faults and perks, personally I like the haptic feedback the app provides. Others don't like it, and that's fine. The important thing is that we all understand that the Development team are not the robots that we talk to on the web and app. They are humans and shouldn't be rushed, talked down to, or overloaded with complaints that have been reported 100× within 2 minutes. People need breaks and positive criticism.
(This took so long to write, have a fantastic day and an even better week >×<)
submitted by ThebestBlanket to DoppleAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:40 Aggressive_Mirror_63 Got in a minor accident, other party took my keys.

I just got into an minor accident and the other party involved took away my keys and went away, the accident was completly my fault and I have caused an inch dent to the other person's car. I am still a learner and I don't have a driving licence.what should I do, I am panicking and my legs are shaking. They also took my picture and aadhar information, I also have their contact and the documented the dent with my phone and have their car registration number, how should I proceed with this....
submitted by Aggressive_Mirror_63 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:23 Severe_Size9312 AITA for calling 911 for a child who passed out after my boss told me not to?

I used to volunteer at this horseback riding farm. For context, volunteers were compensated with a free horse ride each time we volunteered (which I have since learned means that we technically qualified as workers in the state that I lived in). There was one day that I was working, and I went into the tack barn and saw a girl laying on the ground, looking rather unwell. She was another of the "volunteers." I asked her what was wrong, and she responded that she had touched an electric fence on accident and passed out. On this particular day, it was bucketing raining. If you've ever touched an electric fence with a wet hand or while it's raining, you know just how badly it hurts. I was premed at the time and thought she may have some sort or heart of neurological condition, so I had her lie down on the ground with her feet propped up on a wastepaper basket and monitored her pulse while I texted her mother.
It was at this point that our boss came in, saw her laying on the ground, asked what the hell she was doing, and, upon my explanation of the situation, told her she was faking and to get back to work. I instead walked her to my car so that she could sit down somewhere without the boss yelling at her and called her mother. During this time, she started to get worse and seemed very out of it. Her mother (a nurse) asked me to call her an ambulance. I hung up and did just that.
When the first responders arrived, our boss yelled at them to get off her property, but they refused because the girl in question was a minor. She saw the girl in my car and, realizing I was the one who called 911, told us both to, "leave and never come back." Another of her employees then tried to block EMS from giving the girl medical attention, so the cops were called and took statements. The day ended with two firetrucks, two police cars, one ambulance, one irate woman screaming, and a partridge in a pear tree.
I later found out she had been involved in some very shady business practices and that is most likely the reason she didn't want anyone there. I did what I could to get OSHA and other organizations involved to prevent another accident, or at least ensure that if something did happen, the person would receive medical treatment, but nothing every came of it and the business is still up and running a year later. I checked and saw that other reviews have said people have since been hurt on her farm. So, I left a review telling this story and warning people not to go there, as it could be dangerous. I received a very nasty reply from the boss/owner calling me a Karen and a bunch of other names and basically telling me that the girl and I were lying and had wasted the first responders' time. I feel like a terrible person for not doing more to help and also can't help feeling shaky every time I think about that response, like I also did something terrible by helping, even though I would do the same thing again.
I don't know what else to do, but I can't let this go. Not when she still has so many people, including summer camps for children, on her farm. So, AITA and is there anything else I can do?
submitted by Severe_Size9312 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:16 AutumnFanatic 22 [M4F] #Online - Good morning! Nerdy guy who lately has had zero social interaction looking for a female interested in forming an intimate connection/relationship

Why did the farmer visit the pharmacy? To speak with the farm-assist.
Hi and welcome to my post! Wanted to start off with a funny to me dad joke.
Nice to meet you, I'm Dylan! To put it simple, I am a single 22 year old man who has been pretty lonely in life and lacking in female connection and interaction. And part of what comes with that is the desire to be intimate with a person. I am very mature for my age and will always be respectful of your boundaries and feelings, especially with anything sexual. Lately all I have is myself when it comes to sexual desires, so I would like to have someone to keep company with in that regard too.
I'm just relaxing in bed before work and burning a woodwick candle. Perfect for when there's a storm outside. I love candles! 🕯️ Sometimes a campfire outside on a fall night or a crackling WoodWick candle is a relaxing constant among our busy and hectic world. It's nice to just disconnect, feel grounded and happy in your own little cozy space. Feeling calm and collected and at peace. Something that fewer people take the time to do these days.
I am seeking a woman around my age or older to build a close connection with that could possibly lead to a relationship and something intimate which includes the possibility of teasing/sharing pics etc. but only when we were comfortable. Figured I would be open in my Intentions as that's the best way to be.
Kind, respectful, and easy going.
Comfortable with the idea of eventually sharing intimate things together.
Willing to eventually move off of Reddit.
Want something genuine and fun!
Are honest in your intentions and a good person to be around!
That's about it, we will get along great I know it.
I've been feeling a little bummed out lately. I always try and stay happy and see the best in things. But.. I've just been so alone. Most of my whole childhood and adult years have been spent feeling lonely. I grew up surrounded by cornfields which was peaceful but also has a lonely aspect to it. My family never really were close and never did anything as a family really. And part of it too is the fact that I never had any neighbors my age to interact with. But aside from that, my adult life has been very lonely. I'm just always by myself. I barely have any meaningful adult relationships or experiences, or even any friends.
I work a 3-11 job in building maintenance at my company world headquarters building which I love, but again it's very lonely. I work the off shift so the building is always empty. I don't get normal social interaction with people my age or a chance to build relationships. I only have 3 older men as co-workers and we are mostly in the basement away from any people on the floors from knowing our existence. I always walk the floors and see office people laughing and chatting with their coworkers and I just don't have that kind of experience. And just.. no one knows I exist really. Everyone probably assumes I have a lot of friends, but I'm struggling inside with being so alone and trying to meet people and get past the "hi how are you?" "I'm good thanks" stage. Most people don't seem to want to talk beyond that. And most women are already in relationships and thus it would seem weird to approach them in an office setting trying to get to know them deeper. But man those "hi how are yous" are the only real interactions I get during my day.. so thus I decided to come here lol. Rant over, sorry! I promise I'm not a downer. 😅
Now for some things about me!
As you can tell, I am very mature for my age and am polite and have good grammar which unfortunately not everyone my age does anymore lol. I am not active at all on social media/internet culture really and don't know much about all the slang the younger people these days use. I feel like I'm 50. 🤣
I am left handed which is pretty cool. I'm not much of a party person or a drinker, I much prefer a quiet night at home and maybe a beer or two on a weekend but that's about it. I am simple and stay out of drama and trouble and don't get much into politics or other things that cause drama with people. I much prefer a relaxing campfire and a night at home and to just let the world keep on turning haha. I consider myself pretty intelligent and mature, especially for my age which is why I'm open to older ladies.
Physically I'm 180 pounds, have brown hair, green eyes, and a typical build. There's a few pictures on my profile.
Some of my hobbies are:
• Photography
I have a Nikon D200 and D5500 that I love to shoot with. I love nature scenes, abstract, black and white/goth kinda photography, sunsets, etc. it's so fun to just let your mind explore. It's not about what camera you have, but those who are behind the camera! I'm gonna try and photograph the northern lights tonight!
• Cooking and baking
I loveeee to cook and bake! I enjoy making various meals but also love to just have a frozen pizza once in awhile or something like that. I recently made homemade chili which turned out great. I love to bake, especially in the fall! I love pies, cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. I restored a vintage KitchenAid mixer that needed tbe gearbox rebuilt. Eventually I would love to practice home canning my own food.
• Music
Oh my gosh, I like so much!! Alternative rock, punk, post punk, electronic, synth pop, psychedelic rock, hard rock, etc. I am very non judgemental and open when it comes to music. My three current favorite bands are Type O Negative, Joy Division, and the Cure.
• Nature walks and camping
I really enjoy camping, making fires, and relaxing by a campfire. I love to take walks outside and just enjoy the beauty and simplicity of nature. It's wonderful, especially in a world so focused on everything digital.
• Repairing things
I'm a maintenance guy and one of my hobbies is electronics repair so I am good with my hands and just all around good at troubleshooting and fixing all sorts of things around the house. Last week I helped my elderly neighbor get his tractor started, it needed a new component in the starting circuit. So I'm pretty handy which... Comes in handy! 😂
• Autumn 🍁
This isn't a hobby per say, but man do I love the fall!!! It's my absolute favorite time of the year. Oh my gosh. The beautiful colors, crisp cool air, misty and foggy days, rain, lack of bugs, being cuddled up with a candle or by the fire drinking a tea, etc. I love it! There's only two seasons for me. Fall, and waiting for fall! Haha.
• Scented Candles and incense
Going along with my love for fall, I absolutely love candles! I have like 30 something lol. 😂 Currently my favorite are WoodWick, which are owned by Yankee candle. They have such a soothing crackle and the scents are great! I also love to burn incense from time to time as well. I have cottagecore hippie vibes.
• Old houses and architecture
I love old houses! Especially 1900s and Victorian era homes. Old homes have so much character to them and are just so beautiful from a time when people took pride in their craft. I strongly dislike the modern cookie cutter cheap construction of homes today. I would love to live in an old home one day. I also love their architecture and uniqueness, as well as architecture of old cathedrals and other buildings.
• Relaxing
Basic I know, but sometimes on the weekend I just love to get cozy in bed and relax and put on a YouTube video or an album! 😊
That's about it for me, I'm a pretty laid back and simple person. My ideal person is someone who is respectful and honest! I am very straightforward and open minded and would hope that you are as well.
If I seem interesting to you at all I would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much for reading.
submitted by AutumnFanatic to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:05 Latte_Macchiato_8 Should I just leave? Is there any hope left….?

I am venting and seeking advice at the same time.
Today my husband was asking for space while I literally am being met over and over again with the silent treatment on top of the repetitive physical distance (like him saying he needs space but only he knows for how long. But all he said is he needs space). This is everytime I voice how I feel that leads up to an argument or whenever I can’t accept things, it has gotten to the point where I have been begging him to stay. After every single argument, just to see him leave.
Last night was the first time where he was sitting next to me after months of neglect and having to deal with my voices and anxiety alone. On top of disrespecting myself in begging him to stay and seeing him leave though the door over and over again in my head. Hence I couldn’t accept it yesterday. I know this is unfair but I can’t help but think “Why now? Why didn’t you do this before? How dare you? Honestly maybe I like being alone more now even if my thoughts are dark.. etc etc” It’s hard… I am aware that we are humans and I want to give myself grace but I keep fighting. Fighting for his love. While I’m empty yet giving unconditional love. Only to see him walk out of the door multiple times to trigger my abandonment issues. Don’t get me wrong now, he went through hell fire in his childhood too. Got bullied in school for years because of both parents abandoning him and him growing up with his grandparents from his mom’s side. Me too, just that my parents were physically there but emotionally so absent that I always wondered why I’m even here and secretly wished they weren’t so I could at least say that they were absent like he does… Now I am not saying mine is bigger or his is. It’s never a competition of pain. But when it comes to him it feels like it is always justified and he once just pulls away cause needs space and I ALWAYS check up on him. Because I’m aware of this trauma and try to accommodate. This time however I vowed to let him come to me first cause I am TIRED of doing so over a year now and being the person to keep pushing despite being done myself. And then getting punished instead of being appreciated for it. And feeling like he just (doesn’t or?) simply can’t be there for me like that anymore. I feel like it’s selfish of him but idk if I can even claim that cause I see how depressed he looks and behaves…. It’s just a lot and I am extremely confused after being neglected for so long even if it’s “justified” from his side… For now, I am just taking time out to spend with my loved ones since I have been neglecting them for a long time in the process. And taking their word for staying quiet just to see if he will reach out first since they’re aware of the situation and me being the person who always does this.
Financially I am also thinking where all the money goes considering he keeps getting fines and got into an accident twice this past year. Where he had to file for an insurance claim but couldn’t because of the language barrier. I help him with those things now, from mails to paperwork for his fines, and many more.. But it takes such a mental toll on me that I have no energy left to think about what I want to do, what I want for the future, for my life, for my work, etc etc. He seems to be so absent minded and forgetful nowadays that it feels like I married a different man for months than the one I fell in love with. He was so active, considerate and understanding. Idk who this man is anymore other than feeling like I am talking to a wall and who prefers his alone time smoking away his cigarettes more than being with me. Any concern i voice is seen as nagging, even if done in an compassionate and understanding manner (which I admit is hard for me cause I used to have a short fuse but I have worked so hard for it and can’t help but feel resentment. Even if he says he is over it. His actions prove otherwise) and how I should have more understanding for him instead of telling him that he is slacking off. Because then he either leaves again or starts to blame himself to the point where he says I’m better off without him even when I beg him to work on himself cause I see his potential. He just has these bad voices in his head that he lets them take over and it just hurts me to see him like that but I am also very aware that it has affected me for long enough where I feel obligated to take a step back and to really sit with my feelings so I can think about everything that has been happening. Idk anymore aside from reflecting myself....
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! Any tips will be MUCH appreciated and needed!
PS: He said he will come home after work to make some pictures of tools here at my parents place that he made for work. And that if I’m open for discussion that he is open to talk and if not it’s fine by him….
Extra INFO: I’ve been very patient and have seen slight improvement in previous bad habits and tendencies he has when it comes to his behaviour. I am just not a very patient person from nature and I want to nip things in the bud and resolve conflict fast. I feel tired of being the only one coming forward for conflict resolution just to not feel heard and understood. I feel like my partner doesn’t realise how much I swallow before I explode and he runs off…
I’m aware that this isn’t healthy and it’s taking a toll on both of us. I’m just explaining my side considering we have shared expenses and I take care of our savings. Seeing how easily he says “we have 2k left” while I see it as a safety cushion is concerning me. He never used to be like that. When we started dating he had an habit of budgeting. Scheduling his payments etc etc. He was extremely responsible and financially aware! I have tried to talk him into counselling and if marriage counselling is something he is open for? Considering his trauma from childhood he has complex PTSD and doesn’t ever open up. I understand and I always tried my best to make him feel safe and that it’s okay to cry as a man and what not because i genuinely feel bad for him and it hurts to see him like that. He also stated that he cried in front of me for the first time ever and that he never opens up to anyone and he only was able to do so with him so he doesn’t really see how counseling will help… And when I try to plan counselling, something always comes up like now where it gets delayed again.. So we keep postponing it. Plus I have to plan everything. From date nights. To even my own birthday get away. (And I am sorry to say this but even my exes at least got me a birthday cake or flowers??) I may not look the prettiest like when we started dating since I gained some weight after 3 miscarriages and the hormones but I am trying my best to workout. Just to see him be happy for me but not really doing so himself… He does it once or twice and now we both stopped again. It’s like a continuous limbo we are in. I’m really at a loss for words and feel so disassociating and lost. That I’m not sure if I’m just simply the problem…
Household chores wise I do the cooking and vacuuming. He does the laundry (sometimes me too), dishes and cleans the bathroom/ sinks.
I think it’s pretty fair considering he only cooked a few times. But this is just a side note.
submitted by Latte_Macchiato_8 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:32 Waiting_for_Exit So bot bot bot bot... out out.. in in in in in...

I see the same fake accounts posting here over and over again.
Random generic Ferrari in a garage. - Check Post history including just either Omega or Rolex watches and Porsche because rich people are into that stuff. - Check
Post karma is 10x of comment karma. - Check
What a weird amalgamation of people we are here: from aspiring nobodies (including me), to some comministas posting Ferrari accidents for "activism", to people who randomly saw a Ferrari on the road, to that one guy from Vietnam clicker farm which 200 tabs open that farms and sells reddit accounts, to Sajay from India portraying himself as a young guy entrepreneur from South Africa that needs just a few grand to start his business (an actual message i received).
submitted by Waiting_for_Exit to Ferrari [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:28 Emotional_Being809 Air craft carriers

So I am in an associate in the New Jersey Metro area. I asked my supervisor to look into getting our department two new air craft carriers. Since ours are basically an accident waiting to happen.
So my supervisor went to management and asked for new ones. Management said oh they don’t give new ones to stores because they are too expensive but they will sent the techs out to look at the wheels and replace them.
Well they replaced the wheels but the whole assembly is bent and it still doesn’t roll it has sharp metal from being bent all around the cart.
In lumber you use the aircraft carrier too safely unload and unstrap loose product. So since ours is broke we have to use a table top and it is very sketchy. I was going to call the aware line but our district manager already knows that we need new carts and he honestly doesn’t care.
According to my supervisor he was told that management said we don’t have the budget this year. I told him that when someone gets seriously hurt then maybe they will think otherwise.
My buddy who is a labor union worker told me to go to an osha office with pictures and video of the cart.
I don’t want to make waves and I don’t want too get hurt.
I’ve only been with Home Depot a year and is this how Home Depot operates across the country? Let’s preach safety but when a safety issue costs too much we just write it off.
Our store is not a 110 million a year store. So the stores that don’t make allot can’t spend allot.
submitted by Emotional_Being809 to HomeDepot [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:04 introgreen Which move will you first capture in the upcoming photo mode?

At the EVO Japan announcement we got a glipse of a photo mode which presumably will allow you to take pictures of chones attacks or recorded matches and compose the scene to your liking. My question is what moves do you think would make for a great still photograph? Overall I feel like Tekken 8 has some of the best animations in a 3d fighting game and I can't wait to take better pics of some of them.
My picks would be:
Alissa's ub4 in the Elegant palace
Lily's b1+3 at the Celebration on the Seine
Asuka's df3 on Ortiz farm
Feng's ub1+2 in Yakushima
submitted by introgreen to Tekken [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:48 Shineeday1 I need your help

I need your help
I ruined our lawn. I visually cannot stand dandelions. The problem is our neighbors' lawns on every side of us is overflowing with them. One neighbor who lives directly across the street, gets regular lawn treatments by a famous company in our area but they too have dandelions. our other neighbors don't do anything to prevent dandelions and other weeds from invading their lawns. They do, however, regularly mow their lawns, so that the dandelions are not always visually apparent. In early spring my husband usually puts down a liquid weed and feed, as well as a Scott's weed and feed that comes in the green and yellow 45 lb bags. they do, however, regularly mow their lawns, so that the dandelions are not always visually apparent. This year We did not keep to that schedule because he traveled a lot for work. Long story short when we did not keep to that schedule this year and the dandelions showed themselves in our neighbors as well as our lawn. i panicked and I did something wrong.... I put weed and feed in the spreader on top of what I now realize was leftover fertilizer from the fall and I burned our lawn up( small parts of our neighbors lawn too). my question is, how can I fix this before my husband gets home in a few weeks? He knows that there was an accident, but he does not know the extent. Please see the pictures. Thank you in advance for your help. we live in a southwest We live in a southwestern suburb of Chicago, Illinois.
submitted by Shineeday1 to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:22 Zestyclose_Onion5554 Bad Printing quality, what can i do to improve ?

Bad Printing quality, what can i do to improve ?
Hey, whats up?
im 3d printing for i thing half a jear now and every mistake and blob it makes i could manage until now.
the quality of my prints is ok and for working things like a hook or little pieces its perfect. but im at the point i want to get it perfect for example im printing a dr doom mask of thingiverse and im really frustrated that the printer makes stringing or what ever its called (you will see on the pictures) and the printer doesnt print the support really well. There are little holes in the support i dont understand (accidently i have the support printing speed at 25mm/s, this should improve the quality or am i wrong?)
Here is the description of my setup:
Printer & Slicer
  • Anycubic Kobra mit Double Z update + Manual Leveling weels for better bed control
  • Cura
Filament Material and Brand
  • PLA white from ERYONE
Nozzle and Bed Temperature
  • Nozzle 205°C & Bed 65°C
Print Speed 50mm/s
  • Infill: 50mm/s
  • Outer and Inner Wall: 30mm/s
  • Top/Bottom: 30mm/s
  • Support: 25mm/s
Nozzle Retraction Settings
  • Distance 10mm
  • Speed 70mm/s
(optimal would be 6mm to 50mm/s but its not working and i get so much stringing)
Pictures of the Print
Stringing or letting filament at points building outside the print some deposits
Bad Support but why ?
My Printing settings in detail:
Retract settings
The Setting Avoid Supports When Traveling is aktivated in this actual print, but i saw that the Printer is traveling to much and so i want to deactivate it next print.
Print Speed
Its my first post here, so if i forgot anything just say :)
Thx for your help :)
submitted by Zestyclose_Onion5554 to FixMyPrint [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:11 Sweet-Count2557 The Best Babymoon In Saint Augustine Florida 2023

The Best Babymoon In Saint Augustine Florida 2023
The Best Babymoon In Saint Augustine Florida 2023
We are planning an unforgettable babymoon in Saint Augustine, Florida!
This historic city is a perfect destination for couples seeking a relaxing and romantic getaway. With its beautiful ocean views, charming attractions and delicious cuisine, Saint Augustine is sure to provide an unforgettable experience.
Whether you’re looking for a leisurely stroll through the city’s streets, a boat tour of the harbor, or a day trip to the nearby beaches, Saint Augustine has something for everyone. Plus, with its luxurious resorts and spas, you’ll be able to unwind and enjoy the experience of a lifetime.
Explore the Historic City
With its rich history, the city provides the perfect backdrop for a romantic getaway. St. Augustine, Florida is home to charming cobblestone streets, Spanish colonial buildings, and centuries of stories.
Exploring the city by foot is the best way to truly take in the sights and sounds of this historic destination. For those looking to immerse themselves in the culture, a sunset stroll is a must. Take a walk along the Matanzas River and discover ruins of the old Spanish fort, or wander through the cobblestone streets and catch glimpses of the old city walls.
In addition to history, the city offers a variety of activities that are perfect for a romantic babymoon. Take a boat tour on the Matanzas River and see the city from a different perspective, or spend a day on the beach and watch the sun set over the sparkling ocean.
With its charming atmosphere and scenic views, St. Augustine is the perfect destination for a romantic adventure. For a truly memorable experience, book a stay in one of the city’s many bed and breakfasts. Enjoy a romantic dinner at one of the local restaurants, or take a romantic stroll through the city’s cobblestone streets.
Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway or an adventure filled with exploration and discovery, St. Augustine is the perfect destination for your babymoon.
Relax and Enjoy the Ocean Views
Enjoy the stunning ocean views – a perfect way to make the most of your special pre-baby getaway! From soaking sunsets to romantic strolls, Saint Augustine is the perfect destination for a babymoon.
Take a leisurely drive along the coast to enjoy the picturesque views, or spend a romantic evening watching the sun go down over the horizon. Relax on the beach, take a dip in the ocean, or just take in the serene atmosphere while watching the waves rolling in.
The A1A Scenic Highway stretches from Jacksonville to Key West and passes through Saint Augustine. This scenic highway is full of breathtaking views, and its many stops are perfect for some restful sightseeing.
Take a romantic stroll along the beach or through the historic downtown area and take in the sights and sounds of the old city. Enjoy the best of both worlds with the bustling downtown area and the nearby beaches.
Saint Augustine is the ideal destination for a babymoon. With its stunning ocean views and romantic strolls, it is the perfect place to relax and enjoy time together before the arrival of your bundle of joy.
Spend time soaking up the sun and the atmosphere, and make the most of your special pre-baby getaway.
Visit the Local Attractions
You won't want to miss out on all the incredible attractions that Saint Augustine has to offer—it's the perfect spot for a pre-baby vacay! Pack light and leave room in your suitcase for souvenirs, because you won't want to miss out on any of these must-visit attractions:
Castillo de San Marcos: This 17th-century fort is the oldest masonry fort in the United States and provides a fascinating history lesson.
St. Augustine Lighthouse and Maritime Museum: Climb the 219 steps of the lighthouse to get a breathtaking view of the city and surrounding area.
St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park: Get up close and personal with crocs, alligators, and other reptiles.
Ponce de Leon's Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park: Follow in the footsteps of Ponce de Leon, who purportedly discovered the fountain in 1513.
Old Town Trolley Tours: Take a guided tour of Saint Augustine's top attractions, including the Old Jail and the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse.
What are you waiting for? Saint Augustine offers so much to explore and experience, so don't miss out on the opportunity to make memories that will last a lifetime. Plan the ultimate babymoon getaway and visit these incredible attractions!
Take a Boat Tour
Discover the city's beauty from the water with a fun boat tour - perfect for a pre-baby getaway! A boat tour is a great way to experience the sights and sounds of Saint Augustine from a different perspective.
From the comfort of your own boat you can take in the sights of the historic Castillo de San Marcos, the Bridge of Lions, and the beautiful waterfront homes. For a more leisurely experience, there are a variety of cruise excursions that include a guided tour of the area, complete with narration and interesting facts.
For your safety, there are a few important boat safety rules to keep in mind. Life jackets are mandatory on all boats, and boats must be equipped with fire extinguishers and navigation lights. Additionally, a boat must be registered with the state of Florida if it is used for navigation.
A boat tour is a great way to explore the city and enjoy its beauty. Make sure to take the time to familiarize yourself with the boat safety rules and regulations, so that you can have a safe and enjoyable experience.
Sample the Local Cuisine
Indulge in the culinary delights the city has to offer and sample the local cuisine on your pre-baby getaway. From the traditional to the exotic, Saint Augustine offers something for everyone. Take your taste testing to the next level with these four amazing dining options:
Raintree Restaurant: The Raintree Restaurant is a local favorite, offering a variety of fresh seafood and traditional eats with an upscale twist.
Mango Mango's Caribbean Grille: Enjoy the flavors of the Caribbean with a wide selection of jerk chicken, curried goat, and all the other flavors that come with eating out in the islands.
The Floridian: Satisfy your cravings with some classic southern comfort food. Choose from options like fried green tomatoes, collard greens, and shrimp and grits.
O.C. White's Restaurant and Bar: Enjoy the view of the Matanzas Bay while dining on an array of seafood entrées and sandwiches.
Saint Augustine offers something for every palate. Whether you're looking for a traditional Southern meal or something a little more exotic, there's something for you to enjoy.
With so many delicious options to choose from, the hardest part might just be deciding what to eat!
Visit the Nature Parks
After sampling the local cuisine, we headed to explore the nature parks in Saint Augustine on our babymoon. There are over two dozen parks in the area, offering an abundance of beauty to experience!
We started with a visit to Anastasia State Park, which is one of the most popular parks in the area. It boasts over 1,600 acres of land, making it an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise. We spent the day bird watching, star gazing, kayaking, and exploring the miles of trails. We even spotted a few gopher tortoises!
The next day, we visited Fort Matanzas National Monument. This park is situated on a small island and offers a unique opportunity to explore the historic fort and view local wildlife. We were able to take a boat tour and learn about the history of the fort, as well as view a variety of wildlife including ospreys, bald eagles, and dolphins. It was a wonderful experience that we won’t forget.
Enjoy the Nightlife
As the sun set, we enjoyed the vibrant nightlife of the charming city and indulged in the lively atmosphere. Whether we were bar hopping along the lively downtown district or taking romantic strolls along the Intracoastal Waterway, Saint Augustine offered plenty of evening entertainment.
We decided to start our night off at The Milltop Tavern, a staple in Saint Augustine. With live music and a lively atmosphere, The Milltop Tavern was the perfect place to get the night started.
After a few drinks, we took a short walk to the historic district where we explored the quaint cobblestone streets and the local shops.
The night ended with a romantic dinner cruise along the Matanzas River. Relaxing under the starlit sky, we watched the lights of the city twinkle against the water as we enjoyed a delicious dinner and live music.
It was the perfect way to end our night and the perfect way to celebrate our babymoon.
Experience the Arts and Culture
We're excited to explore the Arts and Culture of Saint Augustine, Florida on our babymoon!
First, let's visit the Colonial Spanish Quarter Museum, which offers a great opportunity to explore the city's Spanish colonial past and artifacts.
We'll also visit the St. Augustine Amphitheater, which hosts some of the area's most exciting live events and performances.
The Colonial Spanish Quarter Museum
You'll be amazed by the history of the Colonial Spanish Quarter Museum - it's been around for more than 270 years!
Located in the heart of St. Augustine, this museum gives you an immersive experience as you explore the Spanish Quarter of the city’s past and discover the history of the area.
Visitors can explore artifacts, watch reenactments, and learn about the people who lived in the area during the period of colonization.
Learn about the unique architecture, customs and traditions of the Spanish colonists and the native tribes who lived here before.
This museum offers a unique and educational experience that gives insight into the culture and history of the area and will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the past.
The St. Augustine Amphitheater
Head over to the St. Augustine Amphitheater for an unforgettable experience - it's perfect for your next night out!
Enjoy amazing concerts and performances, explore the lush parks, get lost in the breathtaking sunsets, and take in all that the St. Augustine Amphitheater has to offer:
Live Music: From national touring acts to local bands, you can enjoy the best music around at the St. Augustine Amphitheater.
Events: Enjoy a variety of events, such as comedy shows, festivals, and movies.
Parks: Explore the lush parks surrounding the amphitheater, perfect for a romantic stroll or a picnic with friends.
Sunsets: Marvel at the breathtaking sunsets from the amphitheater, a perfect way to end a night.
No matter what you choose to do, you're sure to have an unforgettable experience at the St. Augustine Amphitheater.
Shop at the Local Boutiques
If you're looking for something unique, you'll find no shortage of local boutiques in the area - in fact, Florida is home to over 5,000 independent retail stores! With so many options, you're bound to find something that you love during your babymoon in St. Augustine. Here's a look at just a few of the local boutiques that you can explore during your time in the area:
BoutiqueLocationDescriptionTanger OutletsSt. Augustine, FLA large outlet mall with over 120 stores and plenty of great dealsBoutique du JourSt. Augustine, FLA trendy boutique with a wide selection of clothing, accessories, and giftsBlue Heron Home BoutiqueSt. Augustine, FLA home decor store with unique pieces to spruce up any room
If you're looking to try out some new styles, the local boutiques are the perfect place to start. From the designer labels at Tanger Outlets to the unique finds at Boutique du Jour, you'll be sure to find something that speaks to you. And if you're looking to find great deals, you can always check out the clearance section of any of the stores. The great thing about the local boutiques is that you can take your time browsing the selection and find something that's truly unique to you.
Whether you're looking for the perfect piece of clothing or the perfect gift, you'll be sure to find something special at one of the local boutiques in St. Augustine. With so many options and so much to choose from, you're sure to have a great time shopping during your babymoon. So get out there and explore the shops - you never know what you might find!
Take a Day Trip to the Beaches
Take a break from the boutiques and spend a day at the beautiful beaches near your destination - you won't regret it!
St. Augustine is blessed with picture-perfect beaches that offer a perfect combination of activities and relaxation. Soaking up the sunsets on the beach is a great way to end your day and watch the sun dip into the horizon.
Take a romantic stroll along the shoreline as you exchange sweet nothings, or maybe even a picnic in the sand. The beaches here are perfect for swimming and sunbathing in the warm Florida sun.
Depending on your preference, you can find a beach that offers more seclusion or more attractions. If you're looking for more of the latter, the St. Augustine Beach Pier and the St. Augustine Beach Park are both great choices. Here, you can find many activities such as volleyball, mini-golf, and even a playground for the kids.
No matter where you choose to go, you'll be sure to make some amazing memories. From peaceful moments of tranquility to fun beach activities, St. Augustine's beaches have something for everyone.
So, don't forget your sunscreen and dive into the waves for an adventure you won't soon forget.
Book a Spa Treatment
For a truly pampering experience, book yourself a spa treatment to truly relax and unwind during your getaway.
There are a number of spa treatments to choose from in Saint Augustine. Whether you're looking for a luxury package to enjoy with your partner or a private session to take some time for yourself, there's something for everyone.
To ensure you get the most out of your spa experience, there are a few spa etiquette tips to keep in mind.
Before your appointment, make sure to arrive at least 10-15 minutes early to check-in and fill out any paperwork. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and refrain from wearing jewelry, as you'll be asked to remove it.
Once you are in the treatment room, you may be asked to undress depending on the type of treatment. Your therapist will provide you with a robe and leave the room to give you privacy.
To get the most out of your spa experience, be sure to speak up if you have any discomfort. Whether it's the pressure of the massage, the temperature of the room, or anything else, your therapist will be more than happy to accommodate.
Additionally, take your time and really savor the moment. Enjoy the relaxation and let go of any worries or stress.
Unwind at the Hotels and Resorts
Now that we've looked at the different spa treatments available in Saint Augustine during your babymoon, let's look into the different hotels and resorts that are in the area. Planning a staycation at one of the beautiful hotels and resorts in Saint Augustine is a great way to relax and unwind during your babymoon.
Go beachcombing, take long walks, or just spend time lounging around the pool; there are so many ways to relax and unwind during your stay.
From luxurious 5-star resorts to cozy boutique hotels, Saint Augustine has something for everyone looking for a place to stay on their babymoon. Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or a family-friendly vacation, there are plenty of hotels and resorts to choose from in Saint Augustine.
From modern beachfront properties to historic inns, you'll be sure to find the perfect accommodation to make your babymoon unforgettable.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best time to visit Saint Augustine Florida for a Babymoon?
If you're looking for a romantic getaway for your babymoon, St. Augustine, Florida is the perfect destination! With its beautiful beaches, historic sites, and plenty of outdoor activities, it's a great place to visit any time of year.
However, the best time to visit is during the spring and fall, when the weather is more mild and tourist crowds are smaller. Whether you're looking for a relaxing beach escape or a city adventure, St. Augustine has something to offer everyone.
Travel tips include booking your hotel in advance, taking advantage of the many walking tours, and exploring the city's romantic spots. With its rich history and array of activities, St. Augustine is a great choice for a romantic babymoon.
What are the safety precautions for visiting tourist attractions in Saint Augustine?
We're visiting Saint Augustine and ready to explore the tourist attractions, but we're also mindful of the safety precautions we need to take.
It's like walking a tightrope between having a good time and being safe.
We've read up on the sanitation guidelines, COVID policies, and other safety protocols so we can enjoy our visit and still stay healthy.
We're aware that many places have limited capacity and require reservations, so we've made sure to plan ahead and be prepared.
We're also wearing masks, washing our hands regularly, and keeping a respectful distance from other visitors.
With the proper precautions, we can have a safe and enjoyable time in Saint Augustine.
Are there any special discounts for couples visiting Saint Augustine for a Babymoon?
Couples looking for budget-friendly options for their babymoon in Saint Augustine, Florida, will be pleased to know that there are plenty of discounts to be had.
From pregnancy-friendly accommodations to discounts on attractions, there are plenty of ways to save when visiting Saint Augustine.
Many hotels offer special packages for couples expecting a baby, while some attractions offer discounts when purchased in advance.
Doing some research and asking around can help you find the best deals for your babymoon.
What activities are suitable for expecting couples in Saint Augustine?
We've all heard the saying 'love is in the air,' and that couldn't be more true in Saint Augustine, Florida.
From romantic restaurants to beach walks, there are plenty of activities suitable for expecting couples looking for a 'babymoon'.
Whether it's a stroll on the beach as the sun sets, a romantic dinner for two, or simply enjoying the sights and sounds of the city, Saint Augustine has something special for every couple.
Take a break and enjoy the beauty of this city, and your babymoon will be a truly unforgettable experience.
Are there any special requirements for visiting the nature parks in Saint Augustine?
Visiting the nature parks in Saint Augustine is a great way to enjoy the beauty of the area. As many of these parks are pet-friendly, you can bring your furry friends along with you. Additionally, there are plenty of baby-friendly activities, so you can involve the whole family.
However, you should be aware that there may be special requirements for visiting the parks. For example, certain times of day or proof of ID may be necessary. Make sure to check with your local park before visiting.
We had an unforgettable experience on our babymoon in Saint Augustine.
From exploring the historic city to taking a boat tour, we were able to experience the unique beauty and charm of the area.
We enjoyed the ocean views and felt like we were standing in a postcard.
The local cuisine was like a gourmet feast and the boutiques were like a treasure trove of finds.
We also took a day trip to the beaches, where the sand was as soft as silk.
Finally, we pampered ourselves at the spa with relaxing treatments, and stayed at a luxurious hotel, allowing us to completely unwind and recharge.
Our babymoon was an incredible experience and one we'll always remember fondly.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

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2024.05.16 12:24 Key_Plastic_1120 Want an accident

Some context, and why these thoughts started. Im 18 and my dad killed himself a few months ago and although we had rough patches with his drinking and mental abuse he spent the last few months improving himself not drinking a sip and improving our relationship I selfishly didn’t put the same effort into fixing it and would see him maybe once a week sometimes went even longer and when I did it was short, he would always call and text and I’d ignore or keep it short. Long story short I don’t feel the right to live anymore after treating him like that and not being there he wanted to talk so bad the day it happened I told him I was busy at the store and would call him later by then it was too late, he had even sent a picture of him fake smiling and I brushed over it. I just want punishment for not being there in his final moments. The only reason I haven’t committed yet is because of my mom, and that my dad made sure to leave me insurance behind he always talked about it. Minus my ramblings I want an accident to happen to me or at least make my suicide look like one so my mom won’t weight it on anything she could’ve done and everyone can go on thinking I tried my best and they don’t have to carry any weight of it. Any ideas lmk.
submitted by Key_Plastic_1120 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:38 Agreeable-Ad4806 Exploration of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Part 2

Preface: This is for Vedic, Sidereal Astrology.
This took a super long time to finish, but I've finally reached a point where I think I'm done trying to improve it. This part will focus more on how Purva Bhadrapada manifests for individuals.
Purva Bhadrapada reminds me a lot of Kali Yuga. In Hindu cosmology, Kali is the final of the four ages that the world goes through as part of a continuous cycle of creation, maintenance, and dissolution. It is the final stage before the onset of a new cycle, promising the destruction of the old order and the eventual merging of all into a unified whole. It signifies a time of dual balance before dissolution of individual identities and the reunification of all existence with the divine source. This can be viewed as being similar to the process of individual death, but it is on a universal scale. Kali Yuga is considered the age of darkness and moral decline, where spiritual values deteriorate and materialism prevails. According to Hindu scriptures, Kali Yuga is characterized by widespread social, political, and moral corruption, as well as a decline in virtue and Dharma (righteousness). It is believed that, during this age, human beings face numerous challenges and spiritual tests, and the pursuit of higher consciousness becomes increasingly more difficult compared to the previous Yugas. Just as Kali Yuga tests individuals with challenges to their spiritual resolve amidst the prevailing degeneration of values, Purva Bhadrapada is a cosmic stage where one's truest nature is tested through the weakening separation of the spiritual and the material. Here, individuals are made to confront their deepest fears and desires, burdened with the challenge of facing their true nature and purifying their souls. The emphasis of this nakshatra lies in releasing attachments amidst the seduction of outer freedom and power, mirroring the spiritual trials inherent to Kali Yuga. Yet, despite challenges of degeneration, there exists a unique opportunity during the stages of both Kali and Purva Bhadrapada. Kali is believed to be the best time for spiritual progress and true liberation because individuals can attain spiritual growth more rapidly due to the intensity of the challenges they face during this period, and the same is true of Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra. Both Kali and Purva Bhadrapada emphasize the importance of transcending mundane concerns and dedicatedly seeking spiritual truth amidst the backdrop of pervading ignorance.
The primary nature of Purva Bhadrapada is that of penance and disequilibrium. Purva Bhadrapada is the stage of evolution where individuals are made to undergo intense internal transformation and dissolution, shedding layers of their being in preparation for spiritual renewal and divine return. This process of metamorphosis can be seen as a type of penance, whether embraced willingly or thrust upon them. It offers eventual rewards as they journey towards enlightenment. As the primary nature of Purva Bhadrapada revolves around penance and transformation, individuals heavily influenced by this Nakshatra are oriented towards personal introspection and societal purification, viewing their lives as both a personal quest for growth and an opportunity to contribute to something greater. Individually, they seek to cleanse themselves of past transgressions and strive for spiritual redemption, and they feel personally responsible for their impact on others. At a broader societal level, they are driven by a strong sense of justice and a duty to rectify societal wrongs of the past and present in order to contribute to the collective upliftment and purification of their community. As such, they often subject themselves and others to extreme physical, mental, and spiritual challenges. They are presented with a kind of spiritual trial of sacrifice: either they can willingly embrace self-denial and endure while remaining detached, or they can create so much desire and fear that it causes them to lose the direction of their souls in the process. While the primary manifestation of Purva Bhadrapada energy is inwardly focused on cultivating self-discipline and perfection, oftentimes to an unhealthy degree, sometimes the focus can instead shift outward. This is where Purva Bhadrapada gains a lot of its infamy; Purva Bhadrapada is revered as one of the most "difficult" and "intense" nakshatras among Vedic astrologers. It is an asterism that gets approached with trepidation due to its somber imagery and associations with themes of violence, debauchery, and malevolence. The negative traits linked to Purva Bhadrapada, such as paranoia, pessimism, and hedonism, contribute to its daunting reputation. And for the most part, the fear of this nakshatra is justified. Not only are these individuals capable of doling out punishment themselves through various means like violence, manipulation, curses, etc., but they can also inadvertently bring out the self-destructive or uncontrolled nature of others. They are the types to cause deep introspection and confrontation with one's own shortcomings and fears, often acting as catalysts for irreversible transformation of character.
In terms of Purva Bhadrapada's inherently unbalanced nature, the trajectory is quite clear. These natives are not the type to do anything in moderation and often have an unstable demeanor and sense of self. They will always be pulled towards the polar extremes of anything, but they can flip on their values rapidly following any transformative event. They may occupy the deepest levels of material saturation, completely lost in chasing fame, drugs, sex, and uncontained immoral activities. Yet, paradoxically, they can also find themselves drawn to the heights of spiritual austerity, sometimes even at the same time they are trying to maximize their material standing. This innate propensity for extremes and contradiction manifests in every aspect of their lives, from their relationships, to their goals, to their beliefs, and to their actions. They are esteemed for their amiable disposition, characterized by warmth, thoughtfulness, and a selfless inclination to assist others without seeking acknowledgment. Yet, concurrently, they are often perceived as self-serving, prone to bouts of ill temper, and housing a proclivity towards ego-centricity. Despite appearing outwardly normal a lot of the time, they can be very eccentric. They are the types to lead clandestine lives, harboring secrets and maintaining hidden facets of their personalities and activities, even to those closest to them. This can make them seem nefarious and untrustworthy. Sometimes this is the case, but despite having a reputation for deceit, many of them are known to be sincere and honorable. Yet, underlying however they are being perceived is a deeper struggle to fully identify with anything. This challenge leads to inner conflicts and uncertainties, as they grapple with their sense of self and their place in the world. They are up and down, left and right, constantly in a state of internal conflict that leaves them questioning who they really are. They can feel like they don't know themselves while still being hyper-individualistic and defensive over whatever their current sense of identity is, even though it is likely to change. These contradictions reveal the complexity of their psyche, where outer appearances often mask inner conflicts and contradictory emotions and experiences. Purva Bhadrapada natives navigate the space where boundaries are starting to blur, reflecting the burgeoning singularity of existence in their minds. Due to this, sometimes they can seem like walking contradictions, embodying multiple clashing characteristics at once. For example, while they may harbor a sense of superiority over others, they can also experience deep-seated insecurity and jealousy. They can like to be critical, but cannot handle criticism. Additionally, they might demonstrate a strong desire for independence and self-reliance, yet simultaneously crave validation and approval from those around them. These conflicting traits contribute to their complex and enigmatic nature, making them intriguing yet challenging individuals to understand to others and themselves.
Purva Bhadrapada's inclination towards extremes extends to their pursuit of goals, as they approach certain tasks with unwavering ambition and dedication. They set high standards and are willing to push themselves to extreme limits to get what they want. This relentless drive for perfection and attainment can sometimes lead them to engage in behaviors that are harmful to the well-being of themselves or others, as they struggle to find balance and moderation. At this point, you may be asking, "how is that penance if they are only striving to selfishly get what they want?" Well, the painful truth about this is that they do not really want these things. They are told by others ignorant to their situation that they will be happy when they achieve some kind of abstruse goal set forth for them by society, and they are sent on a goose-chase of material ambition to achieve happiness, but this inevitably only leads to further dissatisfaction. They are met with pain, humiliation, and harsh transformation, but they keep pushing towards their aspiration of material fulfillment. It is only when they get that job, marry that partner, become famous, etc. that they realize it does not bring them happiness or fill them with the sense of purpose they crave. In fact, this realization often leads to intense anger as they confront the worthlessness of what they spent all their time chasing. The journey through Purva Bhadrapada is undeniably arduous, but that is to be expected with such a potent force. They are called to transcend their attachments, lest they be forcefully ripped away. They begin to grapple with an inescapable emptiness they feel when interacting with the world, and this can often lead them to deep feelings of nihilism. Purva Bhadrapada natives are predisposed to being unhappy, and this is not a shallow kind of unhappiness that fades based on external circumstances. Rather, it is a deeply existential depression– a feeling of confused worthlessness and dissatisfaction they often battle with for the duration of their lives. Their experiences and attachments become increasingly burdensome as they grow more aware of the fleeting nature of life. These natives will openly acknowledge the impermanence of worldly intentions, and while this can be both good or bad, it ultimately makes their minds unpredictable and unstable. With the recognition that nothing lasts forever, a new philosophy can be used to justify any action according to moral relativism. If nothing matters in the grand scheme – where whatever you do will eventually fade into obscurity, wiped away with the start of a new cycle – then anything you do doesn’t really matter in the end. This gives these natives a sense of untouchability, a feeling to do whatever they please at their most uninhibited. And it is in this stage of recognizing one’s freedom to do whatever they want is that the test to discern their one’s nature begins. When there is total freedom, the only real concern becomes about what one chooses to do with their freedom. After all, the only harm that can come from doing what you want is ultimately the result of wanting to do something harmful. Sadly, the reality is that most people are not strong enough to fully resist the temptation of evil and would fail this test. It is for this reason that this trial is exclusively administered to individuals who possess a high level of spiritual advancement found under Purva Bhadrapda. Regardless of the difficulties they face, those governed by Purva Bhadrapada have tremendous inner strength and personal resilience, which often manifests in worldly and spiritual achievement and prosperity in various facets of their lives.
Individuals born under the influence of the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are inherently inclined towards detachment from external influences. This detachment often leads them down two distinct paths. Some choose to embrace a life unbound by societal norms, driven solely by their inner convictions. These individuals seek to experience life to the fullest, embracing both its joys and challenges. However, if they feel unfulfilled, they may turn to darker pursuits in search of excitement. Conversely, others utilize their detachment for spiritual advancement, renouncing materialism in favor of a disciplined quest for higher truths. In both cases, detachment becomes a defining trait, shaping their lives in divergent yet meaningful ways. Whether they become revolutionary leaders or appear lazy due to their selective motivation, their actions are stirred only by what truly invigorates their souls. Their inner character often changes with time. They can start out seeming quite innocent and fragile, and a lot of the time they will have something about them that invites torment, be it their big and eccentric personalities, their height, their weight, their looks, etc. This often leads people to perceive them as different and vulnerable. Unfortunately, this vulnerability often attracts individuals who seek to exploit, victimize, or corrupt them. There's a noticeable pattern of others attempting to take advantage of their perceived weakness, whether it be through just trying to make them feel bad, manipulating them, coercing them to do things they do not want to, or forcing them to be alone by treating them as outcasts. This predatory behavior can leave these individuals feeling isolated, betrayed, and miserable, further fueling their inner turmoil and sense of disillusionment with the world around them. However, this also serves to strengthen them. During the course of their lives, they will experience a series of external transformations that will change who they are. While their soft and innocent demeanor may still be present in some ways, there will be a new darker side to their nature. The inner transformations that Purva Bhadrapada natives undergo change them into stronger, more hardened versions of themselves. This alteration can manifest in tendencies towards violence, aggression, deceit, manipulation, etc., yet at the same time, it also equips them with the strength and capability to protect others when needed. As they navigate the complexities of life, they become formidable forces, possessing the resilience and detachment to confront challenges head-on along with the capacity to wield their strength for both good and evil.
Purva Bhadrapada natives exhibit a curious mix of flippancy and seriousness, often displaying a casual attitude towards many topics yet simultaneously exuding an air of solemnity in regards to topics concerning things like philosophical and existential inquiries. They possess a keen intellect characterized by innovation and depth of gnosis, which lends to their excellence in fields like science and research. Additionally, they are known to have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and information gathering brought about by a powerful yearning for deeper truth. While they may have a religious inclination, their focus lies more on unraveling the essence of spirituality rather than adhering rigidly to dogma. As a result of their approach to religion, they can sometimes be critical of conventional religious practices, which rely heavily on dogmatic rules and rituals. These natives are generally liberal and disdain hypocrisy as well as superficiality, valuing authenticity and depth in both thought and action, regardless of how much it clashes with anything else. Despite their show of outward confidence, they often wrestle with inner self-doubt and a crippling fear of failure, which leaves little room for optimism when they are faced with setbacks. While they typically prefer to be alone, they may inadvertently rely on others when seeking to escape the monotony of their everyday lives. This can make them seem unreliable or inconsistent when it comes to their relationships. They are driven by an innate desire to transcend mediocrity and to be perceived as exceptional. This drive for superior distinction stems from underlying feelings of insecurity and a fear of judgment, compelling them to constantly push the boundaries and strive for success through originality in all aspects of their lives. In their personal relationships, Purva Bhadrapada natives may struggle to balance their need for independence with their desire for connection. Generally, in their interactions with others, Purva Bhadrapada natives are intense yet detached. Despite their desire for authenticity and closeness in relationships, they may struggle to express their openly, fearing rejection or misunderstanding. This internal conflict between their need for connection and their fear of vulnerability can create barriers to intimacy, causing them to retreat through self-imposed isolation. Additionally, their critical nature and high standards can sometimes alienate others, as they can come across as overly judgmental or demanding of their fitness, partners, colleagues, etc. They value depth and sincerity in relationships, but sometimes it can be too much to where they end up pushing others away with their intensity. Despite these challenges, they are still often very empathetic and understanding, and they can offer support to people when needed.
Before I get into the padas, I want to give some examples. I do not want to go into much detail or take up too much time with this, but given the very complicated nature of this nakshatra, I feel that it is necessary to provide media representations for people to look into if they are interested in knowing more about how it manifests: Martin Scorsese PB Moon and Andrew Garfield PB ASC (Silence Official Trailer (2016) - Paramount Pictures), Billie Eilish PB ASC (Billie Eilish - bury a friend (Official Music Video)), Jack Black PB Moon (School of Rock (2003) Trailer #1 Movieclips Classic Trailers), Dylan O'brien PB Moon (AMERICAN ASSASSIN - Official Trailer - HD (Dylan O'Brien, Michael Keaton), Logan-Marshall Green (Upgrade Trailer #1 (2018) Movieclips Trailers), Paul Walker PB Moon (Hours TRAILER (2013) - Paul Walker Movie HD), Bill Skarsgard PB Moon (The Crow - Official Trailer (2024) Bill Skarsgård, FKA twigs, Danny Huston), Olivia Wilde PB Sun (A VIGILANTE Official HD International Trailer Starring Olivia Wilde) & (The Lazarus Effect Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Olivia Wilde, Mark Duplass Movie HD), John Stamos PB ASC (John Stamos Stars in "Secrets of Eden" Lifetime), Hozier PB Sun (the lyrics and imagery of this video are extremely Purva Bhadrapada) Hozier - Take Me To Church), Kaya Scoledario PB Sun (Spinning Out Official Trailer Netflix), Ryan Gosling PB ASC (THE FALL GUY Official Trailer 2 (Universal Studios) - HD), Camila Mendes PB Moon (Do Revenge Official Trailer Netflix), Bryan Cranston PB Sun (Breaking Bad Trailer), Sabrina Carpenter PB Moon and Milo Manheim PB Sun (Sabrina Carpenter - Feather (Official Video) Alexandra Daddario PB Sun (Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches Trailer: Starring Alexandra Daddario AMC+), Jacob Elordi PB Moon (2 HEARTS Official Trailer (2020) Jacob Elordi, Tiera Skovbye), Tom Blyth PB Moon (Billy The Kid (EPIX 2022 Series) Official Trailer), Daniel Gillies PB Sun (COMING HOME IN THE DARK Trailer (2021) Daniel Gillies Suspense Thriller Movie), Matthew Gray Gubler PB Sun (KING KNIGHT Trailer (2022) Angela Sarafyan, Matthew Gray Gubler), Jon Hamm (Corner Office (2023) Official Trailer - Jon Hamm, Danny Pudi, Sarah Gadon), Rachel Weisz PB Sun + Moon and Sam Claflin PB Moon (MY COUSIN RACHEL Official Trailer FOX Searchlight), Chris Pine PB Moon (Jack Reacher Movie Trailer), Madison Beer PB Sun (Madison Beer - Make You Mine (Official Music Video), Sharon Stone PB Sun (Basic Instinct - Trailer (1080p)), and Michael Jackson PB Moon (Michael Jackson - Thriller (Official 4K Video).
(mostly for Moon) They all tend to be skinny to middle weight until they get older, where they either become more muscular or plump/curvy.
1st – The first pada of Purva Bhadrapada, falling in the Aries Navamsa, signifies a stage of primal energy and raw ambition. With Mars as their guiding force, they exhibit a relentless drive to achieve their goals, refusing to be deterred by obstacles or setbacks. However, being the initial pada of the nakshatra just leaving the stage of Shatabhisha, this quarter is the least spiritually developed. While they may possess great worldly ambition and the capacity for success, they may also be prone to ego-driven actions and an overly narrow focus on material pursuits. They can get into occultism or spirituality, but it is usually an attempt to further themselves in the material realm. Natives born under this pada possess a combative nature, always ready to engage in confrontations to defend their beliefs or assert their dominance. They tend to be more mentally aggressive than physically, but nonetheless their volatile temperament can lead to physical disputes as well when they are provoked enough. They know they can be very damaging when they lose control, so they will do everything in their power to prevent escalation. Ironically, this can make them seem passive. They typically exhibit anxious tendencies while attempting to conceal or downplay their feelings of worry. Natives of this pada are extremely passionate, but they have a tendency to constantly compare themselves to others, which ultimately can lead them to disregard their efforts to focus on surpassing someone else's. This propensity of theirs for aggression, envy, and competitiveness can strain relationships and hinder their personal growth, as they become consumed by their own desires for dominance and validation. They are usually medium tall with a wide forehead and low eyebrows.
2nd – The second pada of Purva Bhadrapada, ruled by Venus in the Taurus Navamsa, embodies a stage of sensual indulgence and creative expression. Individuals born under this pada are drawn to the occult and mysteries of the unseen, often delving into practices such as astrology and black magic. There is a bit of detachment from the mysticism of it at this stage though. They may prefer to look at it through a scientific or philosophical perspective as opposed to one that embraces faith in the divine. While their interest in these esoteric realms may lead to proficiency in such arts, it also heightens their propensity to lose track of their life's direction, becoming absorbed in the pursuit of hidden knowledge and power. Natives of this pada are characterized by their attractive physique, with beautiful broad teeth and strikingly captivating eyes that draw others to them. They possess an innate charm that makes them highly appealing to the opposite sex, and they are not hesitant to indulge in their darker desires and fantasies. Their creativity knows no bounds, as they constantly innovate and explore new avenues of expression. However, despite their magnetic allure and creative flair, individuals of this pada are prone to indulgence and excess, particularly when it comes to satisfying their sensual appetites. Their pursuit of pleasure and gratification can sometimes lead them astray, causing them to lose sight of their responsibilities and priorities. This stage of Purva Bhadrapada is more spiritually evolved than the prior, but it is still in the accumulation phase of Aquarius and the 11th house. Despite their outward charm, they may struggle to find stability and balance in their lives. They are prone to accidents.
3rd – The third pada of Purva Bhadrapada falls in the Gemini Navamsa and is ruled by Mercury. Natives born under this pada embody the mental side of Purva Bhadrapada, which is very focused on cultivating critical reasoning and gathering information, emphasizing communication, learning, and adaptability. Individuals born under this pada are intellectually inclined, constantly seeking to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. They are playful and curious by nature, approaching life with a sense of wonder and exploration. Their energy is expressed through communication and expression, as they excel in articulating their thoughts and ideas. They have a natural gift for language and may find success in fields such as writing, teaching, or public speaking. Despite their playful demeanor, they are still very serious about their pursuits, driven by a deep-seated desire for personal growth and self-improvement. Natives of this pada tend to be peaceful and honorable, seeking harmony and balance in their interactions with others. However, their mercurial nature can sometimes manifest as manipulation or deceit, particularly when they perceive it necessary to achieve their goals. Nonetheless, they are skilled at navigating social situations and may possess a knack for making money through their cleverness and resourcefulness. In terms of appearance, individuals of this pada may have gaunt lower cheeks, high cheekbones, a narrow and defined jawline, and a medium stature. These physical characteristics complement their sharp wit and agile minds, making them engaging in social settings.
4th – The fourth pada of Purva Bhadrapada is ruled by the Moon in Cancer Navamsa. This is the most spiritually advanced of all the padas and tends to be among the most intense. At this stage, individuals born under this pada have either undergone profound inner transformation, shedding their attachment to worldly desires and material gains for the sake of aligning with the cosmic order, or they have fallen for the empty temptations of material life, leading them to a deeper state of moral decay. This pada in the sequence of this nakshatra symbolizes the finalization of death, and just like when we die, the impact of our lives can no longer be altered. You are called to surrender all you have acquired to the purifying flames of the spiritual fire, relinquishing personal benefit for the greater good, and if you fail, your soul will be lost to another cycle of rebirth. This represents the height of the nakshatra's power to manifest, it can come to be either an uplifting force for individuals and humanity as a whole, or as a potentially dangerous influence. Those born under this pada are deeply engaged in their own spiritual pursuits, usually guided by a sense of purpose and higher calling. They possess an innate magnetism and power that exerts influence over others and the world around them. Despite the intensity of their spiritual journey, individuals of this pada tend to enjoy good longevity and robust health, thanks to their deep connection with the cosmic energies. They are often perceived charismatic individuals, drawing others to them with their presence. However, their innate power comes with a responsibility to wield it wisely, as they hold the potential to bring about significant positive change or destruction, depending on how they choose to channel it.
Purva Bhadrapada belongs to the Brahmin or priestly/scholarly caste. This classification is based on the inherent qualities and tendencies of individuals born under this nakshatra, rather than their family lineage, as seen in contemporary caste systems. In Vedic astrology and Hindu tradition, each nakshatra is associated with as caste, thereby linking them to specific attributes, occupations, and societal roles. Brahmin is positioned as the highest caste and is given the most power and responsibility, both socially and spiritually. In classical texts, the Brahmin caste is exalted for its dedication to scholarship, spirituality, and moral rectitude. Brahmins are depicted as the keepers of sacred knowledge, entrusted with the preservation and dissemination of ancient scriptures and teachings. They are revered for their intellectual prowess, philosophical insights, and commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards. Brahmins are expected to lead lives of austerity, simplicity, and self-discipline, setting examples of virtue and righteousness for society. Additionally, they play important roles in leading religious rituals, ceremonies, and spiritual practices, acting as intermediaries between individuals and the divine. Their contributions also extend beyond religious and intellectual realms though, as they also provide guidance, counseling, and healing to individuals and communities. Overall, Brahmins are portrayed as paragons of virtue, wisdom, and enlightenment, embodying the highest ideals of human excellence and divine knowledge as described in classical texts, acting as oases of wisdom by guiding society not only in matters of spirituality but also in areas such as literature, philosophy, and science. Their primary occupations are mostly associated with administration of all sectors of society, teaching, healing, and providing spiritual guidance. Its intersection with Aquarius Rashi on the ecliptic plane may also relate it to Kshatriya and Shudra.
The nakshatras each represent the different gunas at different levels of functioning. For this asterism, it might be confusing to find out that, despite all of its negative connotations, it is associated primarily with Sattva or purity/balance. This mainly stems from this Nakshatra's capacity for penance, spiritualism, and generosity. Overall, Purva Bhadrapada is associated with two levels of Sattva and one of Rajas. Sattva prevails at the physical and mental levels, while Rajas predominates at the spiritual level. At the physical level, individuals born under Purva Bhadrapada exhibit qualities of purity, harmony, and balance. They are often composed, grounded, and possess a sense of stability in their physical endeavors. Mentally, they tend to exhibit clarity, wisdom, and a penchant for introspection when they are only focused on engaging their rational mind. This can get muddy when they try to incorporate less tangible aspects into their thinking though. At the spiritual level, the influence of Rajas emerges, driving them towards spiritual growth and evolution but also threatening them with the struggle of inner turmoil. With Rajas at the most personal level of the spirit, this can cause a onstant seeking pf external validation and gratification, which leads to things such as constantly chasing after fleeting desires and pleasures from their lack of contentment. Additionally, the intense drive associated with Rajas may result in overexertion, burnout, and a disregard for self-care. It can lead to an inflated ego, arrogance, and a tendency towards manipulative or self-serving behavior. Therefore, while Rajas can propel individuals towards spiritual evolution, it also poses challenges that need to be navigated with mindfulness and self-awareness. Together with the heavy influence of Sattva, Rajas in this nakshatra creates a spiritual restlessness that works to propel these natives to actively engage in spiritual practices, seeking to transcend worldly limitations and attain spiritual liberation. It comes with risk, but this is a necessary trial.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra falls under the category of Manushya Gana, or "human/mixed species." This designation speaks to the inherent qualities and tendencies of individuals born under this nakshatra, aligning them with human characteristics and behaviors. People belonging to the Manushya Gana Nakshatras, including Purva Bhadrapada, place value on their self-worth and esteem. They often enjoy good physical attributes and are blessed with fortune, leading comfortable lives. With warm and friendly personalities, they exhibit care and affection towards their family, friends, and loved ones, readily offering assistance to those in need. However, they also prioritize their own interests and benefits. They are known for their warm and caring nature, and while they may appear busy if approached, they are capable of balancing their personal and professional lives effectively. The path of those born under Manushya Gana nakshatras is undefined. They possess the potential to exhibit both positive and negative qualities, akin to the diverse nature of humanity itself. They have the potential to be even more evil than the Rakshas and even more good than the Devas. While some may lean towards acts of kindness and generosity, others may display tendencies that are less altruistic. This blend of qualities makes them a complex combination qualities you might see for the Deva and Rakshasa Ganas. Keep in mind that you should look at the dominant Gana in your chart to gain a better understanding of how this may apply to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this if you did. I will have to continue this in a third part because I'm out of room on this post. Afterwards, I will be starting on Shravana Nakshatra soon, and then later on Anuradha.
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2024.05.16 10:57 MichaelAftonXFireWal My version of The Finale of Red vs Blue.

Quick Summary:

This post will contain spoilers for both Season 15, and Restoration.
With the release of Restoration, Red vs Blue has finally come to an end, and it was a pretty solid ending for the most part amid a few flaws here and there, but most I think would agree it was a Satisfying ending. However as I said before it has a few problems. One being is that we don't know if Restoration actually happend, or if it's also a simulation much like The Shisno Trilogy, and Zero.
Secondly even though some people didn't like The Shisno Trilogy retconing it removes all of the major delevompment certain characters went through. Such as Grif, Donut, and Washington. I think The Shisno Trilogy defenitntly handled their characters better then Restoration did. So I'm going to give my version of what happend after the battle on The Staff of Charon, and see if we can fix some of the mistakes of both The Shisno Trilogy, and Restoration.

Season 15 Prelude:

So in my rewrite I'm going to have both Season 15, and Restoration happen, but there will be some tweeks, and changes added to them. One such change will be Tucker's descent into becoming The New Meta, rather then it just happening offscreen. We see this through Tucker behaving much more differently then he normally would. He often gets angry for unknown reasons, or behaves more violently then he normally would. All of this is a result of him being influinced by both Sigma, and Omega. Personally I think Omega would help Sigma with his goals as long as Sigma gave Omega something in return.

Season 15:

Now let's get into the actual Season. So Season 15 Episode 1 Prolouge goes the same as it does in the original, with The Blues and Reds attacking a UNSC base, and killing everyone there. Dylan Andrews then does her report with Frank, she deciedes to track The Reds and Blues down, Frank is replace by Jax, and together they head to Blood Gulch, meet sister, and VIC, Dylan makes a deal with VIC that he will give her "Three wishes", and then she, and Jax go to Sidewinder, meet Specncer, and Encounter The Blues and Reds. So far Season 15 seems to be going exactaly the same as it did before right, well here's where the first difference comes. Dylan doesn't immendidlty put together put together that they aren't the real Reds, and Blues. This is because Surge actually has a shotgun, and they all have voice filters to sound like the Reds, and Blues.
Anyways after all that instead of going to Chorus, Dylan and Jax decied to go to other places The Reds and Blues have been starting with Zanzibar. There they wouldn't find much, but I think Dylan would at least try to see if she could find any information on the computer Gamma hacked, but probably wouldn't find anything.
There next stop would be Valhalla. There they would first check out The Blue Base, find nothing, and then they would check out The Red Base, where they would find the holgraph training thing Sarge had Lopez built. Once again they wouldn't find anything they would help with their investagation.
Oh by the way the call between Dylan and James would still happen in Episode 4 at Zanziabar and it would go the same as in the original Season.
Anyways then then go to the sandy place with The Temple, then where the Reds and Tucker got destroyed by Tex, and even where they confronted The Director, but they find nothing, and Dylan is about to Give Up when Jax suggest that why not go to the place The Reds and Blues were last known to be, Chorus. Dylan calls Jax a genius, and they head of to Chours. Again this goes exactaly the same as it did in the original version, but with one major difference, Doc would be on Chours working at Donald Doyle General Hosptial as Doctor Grey's assisatant, but once he here's about The Reds and Blues he too like Sister, Grey, and Kimball believes that The Reds and Blues wouldn't go evil, despite all they've put him through. So after getting the info from Kimball, Dylan, Jax, and Doc would all go to The Reds and Blues are on. Doc apologizes to Grey for leaving, but she assures him it's okay, and that he wasn't really that good at opperating, no offense of course. Anyways they go to the planet, the same Star Wars Parody scene happens, and Dylan finally meets The Real Reds and Blues. Cabooose still falls of the cliff, The Reds and Blues kind of have a small reaction to Doc like "Oh Doc what are you doing here". Doc then tries to explain only for The Reds and Blues to say that "No one cares", then they tell their story. It's exactaly the same, but Carolina does point out Tucker's weird behavior from being influnced by Sigma, and Omgea, but they all just blow it off as a phase, and then they get the SOS from Church.
And that's where Season 15 would end. Now I'm sure some of you are going to question why I shorten Season 15 to only about 10 episodes instead of the Original 20, well that was because of Dylan and Jax. See one of my main issues with Season 15 was the lack of development the two new characters got. I mean what did we learn about either of them throughout the Season? Um Dylan was a reporter, Jax wants to make movies, Dylan has a husband she's distant from, and that's about it, and as soon as The Reds and Blues come back into the picture, both Dylan and Jax basically get sidelinded. For me that was my biggest disappointment from Season 15, and is the main reason why I added episodes of Dylan and Jax going to these other places The Reds and Blues have been was so we could learn more about Dylan and Jax.
One thing I think we could learn about is why Dylan is so distant from her husband, here's my take on the reason why. Dylan can't have kids. When Dylan gets the call from James, Jax could ask her why she's so distant from him, to which Dylan would say that it's none of his buisness, then Jax can drop it, and tell Dylan his life story, then in Chorus Lessons Dylan can tell Jax about her being unable to reproduce, she explains to him that other then being a reporter one of her biggest dreams was to be a mom, she and James tried so many times, but nothing worked, so they went to the doctors where they got the news that Dylan was infertal. This revlation devestated Dylan, and she started to distants herself from James, and burry herself in her work. James did suggest things like Adoption, or a Surragate Mom, but Dylan didn't want to do either of does. I know it's not the best story for Dylan, but I just wanted more from her and Jax, instead of them just being sidelinded after The Reds and Blues came back into the picture. Anyways onto the New Season 16.

Season 16:

So yeah Season 16 is just the rest of Season 15 honestly, and for the most part everything goes exactaly The Same. Grif quits still, Carolina and Washington go to search for their old Freelancer friends, and The rest of The Reds and Blues along with Dylan and Jax try to trace Church's message. Everything from their goes the same, including the meeting with Spencer. It's when they meet The Blues and Reds where it's different. When they first meet it goes basically the same where The Blues and Reds claim that they're the good guys, and its The UNSC who are the bad guys, but Tucker does not trust them one bit because they are still going around pretending to be The Reds and Blues, with Tucker even questioning how Dylan couldn't tell they were fakes. Anyways the go into the underwater base, and here's where we get some differences. First of all The Blues and Reds and not the originals, they are just copycats. Doc also never knew them, and there's a little moment of him asking if they have their own Doc, and getting kind of dissapointed that their isn't.
Here's another major difference. It's Sigma who convinces Tucker to not trust Dylan, and to instead trust The Blues and Reds, and espesically Temple. After that everything from Wash and Carolina's relationship getting forming, to The Blues and Reds capturing them goes the same.
Now we get to The Blues and Reds story of why they are doing all of this. Now like I said before they are not the originals like in the canon version of Season 15, and honestly coming up with a different story for them was hard, and this was all I could think of. They were part of The UNSC Resistance, and took part in the battle of the Sargaughcas in Season 9. We still get that whole think of Biff and Temple being friends, and Biff wanting to go home to be with his wife, but this time instead of him asking Temple to shoot him, he was already given permission to leave, and this would have been his last mission. Unfourtnetly he is killed during the battle by Carolina and Tex. As for why The Blues and Reds are pretending to be The Reds and Blues? They saw the article Dylan wrote and that's what gave Temple the idea to pretend to be The Reds and Blues.
Anyways The Reds, and Blues discover The Blues and Reds are evil, Doc, and Sarge join The Blues, and Reds, The Reds, and Blues are captured, Lopez gets launched into Space, runs into Locus, and gets Grif. Grif, Lopez, and Felix go to save The Reds and Blues, free Wash and Carolina, with Wash all loopy, Sarge apologizes, and the fire fight happens. Here we would also see more of Sigma, and Omega influnicing Tucker, primarily Omega during this part since Tucker is angry, and of course Wash gets shot in the Neck.
So after that everything goes exactaly the same as it does in the original with The Reds and Blues, Dylan, and Jax all heading to Earth to stop The Blues and Reds.
Okay now for the Final Battle aganist The Blues and Reds, for the most part it's the same. Sarge and Surge's fight to Sarge accidendtly killing Surge, Grif, and Simmons figthing Gene and leaving him, and Loronzeo getting kicked into space, as well as Cronut blowing up in The Tank, but surving.
Now for the differnces. First off Loco's machine is not a time machine, but it will still causes mass destruction, and possibly destroy the planet so it needs to be stopped. Tucker beats Buckey even worse then he does in the original, breaking nearly all of his bones. This is again because of Omega. Anyways once we get to the final battle against Temple it all goes the same. Temple accidently kills Loco, VIC dies stopping the Machine, and Loco gives Caboose some batteires for Freckles. Now for the differnces. First there's no door that opens to Blood Gulch, and Alpha Church, The Machine just gets destroyed by VIC. Donut still gets shot by a bolt of electricty, but it does nothig except give him a little jolt. Oh and everything that happend with Doc went the same.
Now for Temple's fate. This time Tucker actually kills Temple, quite violently to, shocking everyone. Carolina then says "Tucker, what have you done"? to which Tucker, who's voice is mixed with Sigma's says. "Tucker is gone, I am The Meta"! Tucker now complety controlled by Sigma runs off, gets into Dylan's ship and flies off leaving everyone in shock. Then The Chours crew comes with Sister who reuintes with Grif, and the others are informed of Wash's recover, but then Caboose ask what they are going to do about Tucker, which Carolina says she doesn't know. Season 16 ends with Tucker returing to the base where The Reds and Blues were stationed after Chorus. He opens a door, to a room where The Meta's old armor was stored. Tucker then puts on the Armor and faces the screen in a scene similar to when Maine became The First Meta.
So yeah Season 16 aka The Rest of Season 15 didn't have a lot of changes other then changing the Origins of The Blues, and Reds, and showing more of Tucker's desent into becoming The New Meta. So let's move onto The Final Season.


So I think the best place to start The Final Season is to have The Reds and Blues first go to Chorus to check on Wash. As for Dylan and Jax, they stay behind since they can't fight The Meta. Anyways The Reds and Blues arrive on Chorus, and Carolina goes to see Wash in the Hospital, she wants to tell him about what happend to Tucker, but Wash doesn't let her at first, and instead tells the story about his cat. He tells the story about five times, so Carolina ask Doctor Grey about what's going on, and she tells Carolina about Wash's Cerebal Hypoxia. Now here's where we get our first difference. Carolina tells Wash about his condition, and does not hide it from him. Wash of course is devestated after learning this, but isn't as angry as he was in the original Season since Carolina was honest with him, but then she tells Wash about Tucker, and this causes an argument between the two of them, Carolina wants Wash to stay behind on Chorus while she and the others take care of Tucker, but Washington is insitant that he comes along saying how Tucker is his friend, and he's not going to sit back while Tucker suffers. Try as she might Carolina cannot convince Wash to stay behind.
While that was going on The Reds and Blues come back with the Message from Church. Of coruse Carolina, is skeptical at first considering what happend with the last message from Church, but Epsilon, who somehow new about all of this is able to prove he is real.
Okay so that's basically it for differnces, as everything else goes the same as it does in the original film with the acception that Sister, Wash, Carolina, Donut, Lopez, and Doc are all there the whole time. There would also be more scences of Tucker trying to fight off Sigma's influnce
Now for The Battle on The Staff of Charon with The Meta, here is where we would see Wash's injury effecting him, and it gets to a point where The Meta is about to kill him, only for Doc to sacrfice himself to save him. So yeah Doc still dies, but this time it's onscreen. As for Sarge, he dies too, same way he does in the original film, but the difference is that Sarge doesn't choose to abandon Caboose at first, he dies saving Caboose.
Final battle in Blood Gulch is The Same, with Tex coming back, but also Junior too. They fight and defeat Sigma, and Free Tucker. Caboose then destroys the Memory Unit.
Now for the ending. Grif doesn't leave like he does in the original film, Simmons does still offer it to him, but Grif chooses to stay. One thing The Shisno Trilogy did good was Grif's character arc. He realized that he needs the others in his life, no matter how much he doesn't want to admit it, he went crazy when he was all alone. Washington's character was something else done well in The Shisno Trilogy, his struggle with Brain Damage, and having to come over it, which is one of the biggest reasons why I hate Zero when they just said that he somehow got cured from that offscreen.
Finally with everything fixed, The Reds and Blues all decied to remain on Blood Gulch. Red Base has Simmons, Grif, Donut, and Lopez, while Blue Base has Caboose, Tucker, Washington, Carolina, Sister, and Junior.
Oh one more thing, they also had a memorial for Doc too. Donut is the first one mouring Doc, with Simmons, and the others eventually joining as well, and it's here where they finally acknowledge all the terrible things they did to Doc over the years, and genuinally apologize to him, even if Doc can't here them


And there we go, my rewrite of Season 15, and Restoration. I know it's not perfect, and believe me a billon other people could do a trillon times better then I ever could, but I just wanted to talk about my take on how I would try to handle The End of Red vs Blue.
submitted by MichaelAftonXFireWal to RedvsBlue [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:38 Front-Unable Seriel Killer vibes or nice old man?

Hi, I'm pretty sure I met a serial killer? So, there's a very old (cold) murder case round our area: a serial killer who killed tens of people. He was never found.
By accident I got talking to an old man during an event, probably around 60. As soon as I started talking with him he gave me the creeps. There was sth very strange in his eyes: it was as if he didn't focus on me but was somewhere else. Still, he heard me more than okay and WAS in fact looking at me. He had a few wounds on his knuckles, dirt on his trousers and shoes, very long finger nails - the whole apperance was off. And the way he talked too. He kept asking me about where I lived. I didn't tell him. So, he gave me his address and phone number.
I called him, out of dumb curiosity. A weird woman picked up, and every time I called she told me he wasn't here but digging some stuff up in the garden... ahem I mean planting flowers (?) until midnight. ?????
I wonder if he gave me the right number or if he gave me the number of a human trafficker? The woman told me she's his sister, but all seemed very weird. Like why isn't HE picking up the phone? Or is he really in the garden all night?
I called because all my friends told me I'm crazy, that he's just a nice old man who wanted some kind of I just wanted to reassure myself you know.
Weirdest thing: the unsolved murder case happened around the address he gave me. AND there's a facial composite on this unfound murderer who looks... exactly like him.
Maybe it's just my imagination at play here. I can't even remember what he looked like exactly. It might just be in hindsight he looks similiar. And he might have a weird sister and be weird. And reallt just be an old man who likes gardening?
After all, if there really WAS sth wrong he surely wouldn't give me his address and phone number (if they're the correct ones?!) AND why would the sister tell me he's digging stuff up in the garden if.. he really was doing something illegal? Plus police said the eye witness for the picture was unreliable. BUT the description (hair, eye colour, age) all fits, but is quite general.
I have to say I'm quite a bit over the top at times and too immersed in crime fiction and stuff so it might be my imagination that's putting all that stuff together. I don't even know WHY I spoke to the stranger - it must've been stupid curiosity, because I immediately felt something was off.
Oh I remember: It's a landline I called basically. BUT the woman put the phone down for like 5 minutes, telling me she'll look for the man. She couldn't have possibly tracked my phone right? That's only stuff police can do? And when I was asking her about something he had told me she asked me if I really did need to talk to him at all cause he's been quite busy lately and told me to call back another time (we were taking about post cards and stuff, that's why I called, about a rare edition he had showed me during the event).
I now wonder if I'd been stupid.. I didn't give him my name, my address or anything else. All he or whoever has is my mobile phone number, that's it. They can't do anything with that right?
Talked to him again and yet again he asked me about my real address to send me rare postcards (I expressed interest, he offered to send them; he didn't seem pleased that I have a 'friend's' address and not mine and kept slightly pushing me for MY address just to be sure they arrive alright. Isn't that weird? Granted my friend lives a bit farther away so it might be a financial issue?
submitted by Front-Unable to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:19 llewellynnz Terminated for gross negligence

Brace yourself, it's a long one.
We have had a bit of a horror week and hope the information may be useful to others. I guess this is also a bit of a cathartic AITA for us as well.
We hired our 18-year-old German au pair privately through an NZ Facebook group. She was in the last month of a long trip here, but her last family could not afford to pay her any more. We put her straight on a salary with our company, gave her a near-new nice car to drive, and even allowed her boyfriend to stay and fed him for over a week.
When we hired her, we insisted on a contract and included an instant dismissal clause for 'gross negligence' - we were glad we did.
She did an okay job. Looking after one four-year-old for around three to four hours a day and a few extra days by arrangement, she would turn up at the exact minute expected and stop working the minute scheduled. She didn't assist with things like cooking, other than one night, or with dishes after she or her boyfriend ate with us. But it's hard to complain about that as it was not like we enforced that as part of the remit.
Anyway, we get to the last week and allow her time off (after having spent the weekend away) to drop her boyfriend at the airport. She arrives back at the absolute last minute and bundles our daughter out the door quickly to go to the park via a local book-sharing room. A bit over an hour later, they rush back in, with the au pair upset and my daughter a bit concerned that a lady had been mean to the au pair. From this point, the stories start changing.
First version: The au pair says she got a call from her mum with some bad news and went to the car, parked around 10 meters away and in complete view of the playground, to take the call so our daughter wouldn't see her upset. She says she was there for three minutes before an angry mum comes up with Maeve, telling her off for leaving her alone, and taking a picture of the car. Having been told the 'bad news', I jump in my vehicle with the au pair to find the woman to give her a telling-off for being so mean to a young lady in a bad situation. Thankfully, we don't find her.
Through the wonder of social media, the mother does, however, find us and her story is rather different from the au pair's:
Second version: The mother tells us our daughter was on her own for 'quite some time', estimated to be at least ten minutes. This park is next door to a competition-standard skate park with some pretty hard skating and big drops, and she wandered all the way over there. There are some details I will skip, but she slowly made her way back to the playground (thankfully not the other way to the major highway) and played more (unfortunately including peeing herself on the slide), approaching other children and parents, and finally latching on to another mother trying to deal with her three kids.
That is when she asked our daughter where her parents were. Our daughter said she was there with her au pair, and after a while, the mother managed to find her where she explained to her the situation just wasn't right. The au pair's biggest concern - that she didn't want the mother to tell us as it would 'ruin her last few days in NZ'.
On this news, we confronted the au pair again who did not deny it.
Third version: The au pair now says she went back to the car as she was cold and wanted to put on more clothes. Our daughter had told her she wasn't cold and wanted to keep playing, so she left her as it was only for a few minutes. But indicated she stayed in the car to warm up and her mother called and following this she lost track of time. We checked phone records later and she had made an outgoing call, she wasn't the one called.
At this stage, my wife is incredibly upset, both from the lies, the fears around our daughter being alone, and that this was somehow her failure. I send the au pair back to her quarters, of a mind that if that is it, there will be no more out-of-home trips but she can see out the week.
But it still feels fishy to me, the au pair doesn't seem upset enough for the news she shared. So I contact a representative of the park to check their CCTV. They promise to do so in the morning. And here comes the kicker...
Fourth version: The park management tracked our daughter around the park, separate from our au pair, for AT LEAST 25 minutes. They can't say it wasn't less than that due to blind spots. The woman there is extremely disturbed that it happened considering the nature of the park, and suggests the au pair needs to be gone immediately. I agree.
At this point it is not just the negligence, it is the lies.
I confront the au pair - managing somehow to stay calm - and immediately dismiss her under the gross negligence clause. I tell her to pack, head back to the living area and book secure accommodation (but the cheapest I would send an 18-year-old daughter to) in the city for the six nights till she flies out, a bus ticket, and a taxi to the bus. I pay for it all, not wanting any comeback and still treating her as human and someone's daughter, even if she didn't extend us the same courtesy.
No apologies, no arguments, but there is a postscript.
The car she was using is, like most new cars, surrounded by cameras. There is even one that records on a small rolling memory in case of accidents, but when the car is off it is off. Her and her boyfriend clearly had panicked, thinking the video evidence we got the timeline from was from the car, and she was upset she didn't know the cameras were recording (they weren't, and can't) as they took the car camping on the weekend. I wonder if the concern came down to the condom wrapper we found in the back seat where my daughter sits, lol!
Anyway, our new, older, more mature Japanese au pair arrives on the weekend. We haven't let this deter us from what should be a great process. Just make sure you can terminate contracts and have an exit plan in place. And don't rush off to confront Karens without all the details.
submitted by llewellynnz to Aupairs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:32 Few-Engineering-1100 Drunk Sky Shippers

Drunk Sky Shippers
Remember kids do not drink and fly, you have a chance of hitting something. Even though there's a lot of space between floating islands drunk flying accidents are 100% fatal. Picture up above shows what happens... The pilot wanted to use the elevator to get up. He forgot he was piloting a vessel. As soon as he remembered his ship regained the ability to collide into other objects since he was already in the elevator with the ship he was completely squished with the force beyond human comprehension.
submitted by Few-Engineering-1100 to DreadDelusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:06 L0WK3YLENZ Rear Ended

Hey guys was stopped at a red light and got rear ended by a truck that had a hitch with some tools for their landscaping job. Not sure if the weight of that plus the truck made the impact felt harder then it did but it’s the first time this has ever happened to me. The rear seems okay but I’ll definitely bring it in to get checked out. Three year old was in the back and he seemed okay which was my main concern. I got out the car and asked what happened and it seems that he didn’t brake on time. I tried to get a witness that I waved down and asked to pull over ( she ended up saying she didn’t see the accident happen) so no witness.
We pull into an apartment parking lot try to exchange information but he was having the hardest time presenting his drivers license let alone some ID. He said that he was feeling very anxious and nervous which took him forever to finally give me some ID that came up to be a picture on his phone a long with his drivers license number. I took pictures of him, the plate, his insurance papers. I was trying to explain that we got to call ICBC and report what had happened. He seemed very lost and confused about what to do next.
I just wanted to know if this guy doesn’t call ICBC to explain what happened is there anything I can do to be pro active. It been nearly 10 hours and I can definelty feel some whip lash side affects. I’ve been stretching and icing for hours just to minimize the pain as best as I can so it doesn’t come all at once in a day or two. I’ll call my family doctor and describe symptoms I’m feeling. I know ICBC has changed a lot of their rules, do they cover car seats that have been involved in accidents. Am I entitled to any kind of compensation through this claim. Will this effect my premium (10 year+ discount). I’ve never dealt with any kind of accidents before and really don’t know what to expect from any of this.
Any kind of advice, information, comments would be much appreciated
Thank you
submitted by L0WK3YLENZ to icbc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:11 thedumbestspoon Moving with many pets — how to sell before buying?

Looking to move next year and trying to understand the best way to navigate the move, as equity in our current home is needed for the down payment on a new one. When we purchased our current home, it was contingent on the sale of our old home, and that was a very stressful and rushed experience, but we ended up being only displaced for one night and were only moving down the street, so managing the situation with the animals was a bit easier.
We currently have 3 dogs (GSD, super mutt, and Pom mix) and 5 cats. Has anyone here navigated a similar situation/have any advice? Basically, how the heck do people with a farm of animals move?!
We are considering:
I have no idea what is most common/least stressful, as my husband bought our first home before I entered the picture and the only home buying/selling process I’ve experienced was very unusual.
Thanks in advance for any input!
submitted by thedumbestspoon to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:04 Bearly1948 I Kind Of Channeled My Own Recent Past Life

This happened many years ago but has remained so clear in my memory that it could have been yesterday. I'm not sure I believe in reincarnation, but if not that, what was this?
A little background ... When I was a little girl, ages 4 and 5 or thereabouts, I had a "pretend friend" named Patricia. I didn't do a lot with her, partly because she was a little older and acted bossy to me. In my own family I was the oldest child, have two younger sisters.
When I was a bit older, I asked my mother if there had ever been a child before me -- a boy. Because I had the strong feeling I had an older brother. Had he died before I was born? Or had we been twins and I made it but he didn't? I asked my mother several times about the older brother thing, she always said No, the last time I asked was when I was in high school.
Skip forward to 1980. I'm in my 30s, single, secretarial work for a construction organization. One of the guys who worked there was originally from Pennsylvania and we got talking about that state -- my mother was born there so I know a bit about it and through those conversations we became friends.
He mentioned living on a farm as a kid, and when he said that I suddenly had a mental picture/vision of a train traveling through a field -- it was a little distance away and there was something between me and the field such that I could see a snatch of field, then blank space, then field again maybe a couple of times. He mentioned having a sister, and I thought "Something's not right with that." But was not a good time to talk.
I will call this guy "C". He lived about 50 miles from the job, I lived 2 streets away from the office. He had a medical condition that was being checked out and if he was too tired at end of the work day he'd stop a while at my place, maybe take a nap before the drive home.
Shortly after the mention of him growing up on a farm, he needed to stop at my place for an hour or so. I brought him some peppermint tea, and brought up the train in the field.
And then I said this: "I'm on a lane, just dirt lane. On the left is an orchard and sheep are grazing there. Ahead is the end wall of a an old two-storey white farmhouse."
C was staring at me, tea forgotten, and he was literally shrinking away from me.
"And there's a meadow behind the house, and a train runs through the meadow, but I can't see all of it because something's in the way, blocking some of the view."
C said, "That was the view from the back steps. How do you KNOW THIS?"
And I kept on talking. I said, "You said you had a sister, but there was another child, wasn't there. What happened to that child?"
And C said, "There was a baby sister, named J. She was born in early 1948 and died of crib death a couple of months later."
His living sister? Her name was Patricia.
A month or so later, C had his sister come visit and they had me over. Patricia and I could easily have been sisters. Both C and Patricia felt it was pretty darn solid that I was their baby J sister, reincarnated now as the person I am.
My mother was able to corroborate that I'd had a pretend friend named Patricia, and she also remembered me wondering about a brother.
C, Patricia and I talked about whether or not to tell their mother. She had never really gotten over the loss. We didn't know how she might react to the very idea of reincarnation. So we decided not to put her in that position.
C moved out of state, we stayed in touch by phone until he passed in the 1990s. Last fall, I thought of contacting Patricia, only to learn she too had passed on.
If this was not a reincarnation matter, then I don't know what it would be. I've never, in my whole life, had another experience like it. One other possibility would be me reading C's mind, but that's never happened with other people.
Anyone else have the experience of actually meeting someone from a previous life?
submitted by Bearly1948 to Psychic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:50 Eclecticfart Pissed at the state of California and State Farm

I recently purchased a used car from a friend and tried to insure it. My old car broke down in the fall, and after trying to fix it for months, I decided to cut my losses and had it junked. So after paying for car insurance for about 6 months on the car and not driving it I cancelled the insurance. When I did this, State Farm did not tell me I would have to re-apply for insurance and there would be a chance I would be dropped.
Fast forward to today. I thought I would be able to just purchase a new policy and have car insurance that day since I have had State Farm for 15+ years and I have other insurance policies with them including whole life insurance and renters insurance. They tell me that I have to reapply since I canceled my policy and I would take 2 weeks for the policy to be effective. New law in California apparently. Then I get a voicemail saying that they will not cover me because I had 2 accidents last winter.
This is what upsets me-
-the agent never told me that this was a possibility when I cancelled my insurance. They did offer to pause the policy until I got a new care but did not specify there was a chance I would not be able to receive a new policy under the new regulations and my driving history.
-both of my accidents were minor and a result of bad weather and road conditions. Where I live, we had record breaking snowfall. I worked as a first responder which required me to drive in atrocious weather to and from work so I could help people, I did not have a choice to not drive during bad weather and storms because it was my job to be on duty those days. My town was literally declared to be in an official state of emergency. FEMA and the National Guard were present, not that this is relevant to car insurance just painting a picture.
-My two dumb accidents were sliding down an icy road coming home from work and hitting my coworker who had slid in the same spot into a snow bank in front of me and was stuck in the the road and couldn’t avoid him and the other one was accidentally backing into someone very lightly in a parking lot where there were 10+ foot snow banks, I couldn’t see, and slightly dented the back panel of his truck with my spare tire.
I’m not claiming to have no fault, I am not a perfect driver or person but I feel like I could have been given more information from my agent before canceling my policy. I have been with this particular agent for 10 years.
I know this post is long and the chances of it being read are probably low, but if anyone has any insight, that would be great.
submitted by Eclecticfart to Car_Insurance_Help [link] [comments]