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2024.06.09 19:23 Yurii_S_Kh Melangell With A Thousand Angels

Melangell With A Thousand Angels
Nun Nectaria (McLees)
Little known outside Wales and Great Britain, the secluded Welsh shrine of St. Melangel, deep in the Berwyn Mountains, is dedicated to a sixth-century Irishwoman, an anchorite who lived here for many years, alone and unknown. An early Christian treasure, it is the oldest existing Romanesque shrine in northern Europe. When the church was restored in the 1960’s, Melangell’s relics were discovered under the chapel floor, and now more than 10,000 pilgrims a year come to ask for her intercession.
St. Melangell
The shrine of Pennant Melangell, consisting of the church and a few small houses, is situated in a place of great natural beauty deep in the Berwyn Mountains. The small river, Tanat, runs by a narrow lane from the nearby village of Llangynog into a quiet green valley surrounded by high hills and the rugged promontory of Moel Ddu Maw (Moel Dimoel). For most of the year, powerful waterfalls cascade down the cliff-sides.
A Christian church and pilgrimage site for over 1200 years, the former Bronze Age site is ringed by ancient yew trees estimated to be over two thousand years old. A Bronze Age pre-Christian community erected a wall in the midst of the oak forest, which covered the valley, and they found safety hidden in this remote place.
Little is known about St. Melangell beyond the bare tradition that she was a daughter of the royal house of Strathclyde, and came from Ireland at the beginning of the 7th century to convert the Welsh and set up a small religious settlement. Such fragmentary information, however, only makes it apparent that her presence and her prayer must have been quite extraordinary, as attested to by the devotion the Welsh people have always paid her, even following the Reformation.
The Norman church, parts of which date from the twelfth century, is dedicated to St. Melangell (in Latin, Monacella), and incorporates materials of an even older shrine. The present stone church and reliquary-shrine, replacing older wooden structures, were built c. 1100 by order of the king in thanksgiving for peace in his lands and because, by that time, the saint herself had become extremely important in Welsh life.1 In 1450, an oak screen was installed, separating the nave from the chancel, and elaborately carved with the traditional account of the meeting of Melangell and Prince Brychwel. A great oak carving of Christ on the cross was also installed, although this cross was later destroyed and a replacement in bronze now hangs in its place. One of the two medieval effigies near the rebuilt shrine is thought to represent St. Melangell herself. The original Norman font was later joined by a Georgian pulpit, a chandelier, a commandment board, and a series of stone carvings of Melangell’s hare by the sculptor Meical Watts.
The entrance to the shrine bears the inscription, Perindod Melangell, “Melan- gell’s Pilgrimage,” and above the gate is a poem inscribed in Welsh: “Lean purely towards prayer in your heart. Take care when praising God; God only is good, and it is good to give Him honor here.”
In 1537, during the Reformation, the shrine and reliquary were removed by local Christians and hidden in the three-foot exterior walls of the church to prevent destruction. In 1630, the western tower was added, along with a square room (possibly a hermitage) against the exterior east end of the church’s sturdy three-foot thick walls. 1876 saw the tower rebuilt, a new roof, and some interior work. Another restoration followed in 1958 and part of the shrine was removed from the outer walls and badly erected in the interior of the former church—then the village school room. From 1989 to 1992, the church was fully and faithfully restored under the guidance of architects, historians, archivists, and builders. Saint Melangell’s Romanesque reliquary-shrine, beneath which her relics are laid, wasalso restored along with the church. This is the oldest Romanesque shrine in northern Europe. In the Middle Ages, pilgrims in search of healing were laid beneath the stone reliquary canopy.
Church of St. Melangell in Pennant Melangell, Powys, Wales
At the start of the restoration, Rev. Paul and Evelyn Davies moved into a tiny cottage beside the church to oversee the work and Evelyn organized the appeals campaign that eventually raised £300,000. The church was rededicated on July 28, 1992 by the Anglican Archbishop of Wales and has since been an important site for pilgrims— approximately 10,000 a year come for prayer. In 1994, Evelyn built the Cancer Help Centre in the garden and many healings have taken place at the shrine. Anglican, Catholic, and Orthodox pilgrims come to venerate the relics and to pray; the ministry continues today for all Christians.
Dr. William Morgan, translator of the Bible into Welsh, was the rector of Pennant Melangell from 1588-1595. Nearby Llangynog was later a well-known centre of harp-making. Both Thomas Lloyd, an early-20th-century quarry worker at Llangynog and winner of competitions for both harp-making and playing, and internationally-famous Welsh harpist Nancy Richards, are buried at Pennant Melangell.
The well-known story of Melangell and the hare comes down to us from the Welsh oral tradition through carvings, songs, and poetry, some only recently discovered and translated.
St. Melangell and the Hare
In early 7th-century Wales (Powys), there lived in the town of Pengwern Powys (now Shrewsbury), Prince Brychwel Ysgithrog, also Earl of Chester, whose dwellings were located where the later College of St. Chad would stand, nine miles from today’s Welsh border. The prince was known to give generous alms for the service of God and the poor.
One day in 604 AD, Brychwel went hunting in a remote area of his principality called Pennant. When his dogs started a hare, the prince, shouting encouragement, pursued it on horseback into a thorny bramble thicket, but instead of retrieving the hare, the dogs fled howling. In the midst of the brambles he came upon a clearing in which a beautiful woman stood deep in prayer, the hare lying boldly under the hem of her garment. Seeing the woman, the astonished prince asked how long she had lived alone in such a wilderness. According to the medieval Latin sources, she replied, “For the past fifteen years, I have not looked on the face of a man.” “But whose daughter art thou, and from where hast thou come? “I am from Ireland,” she replied, “the daughter of a king, and because my father decreed that I was to be given as wife to a nobleman of Ireland, by God’s leading, I came here instead, to serve God and the spotless Virgin with a pure body and heart for as long as I remain on earth.”
The prince asked the woman’s name, to which she replied, “Melangell.”2 After considering her state of life, her well-being, and her solitude, the prince replied, “Most worthy Melangell, I perceive that thou art a handmaid of the true God. Because it hath pleased Him for thy merits to give protection to this little wild hare from the attack and pursuit of the hounds, I give and present to thee with willing mind these my lands for the service of God, to be a perpetual asylum and refuge. If any men or women flee hither to seek thy protection, provided they do not pollute thy sanctuary, let no prince or chieftain be so rash towards God as to attempt to drag them forth.”3 Another version adds, “If, on the other hand, any guilty person enjoying your sanctuary shall go out to do any kind of wrong, then let those governing your sanctuary who know of these wrongs, deliver them to the officials of Powys.”
St. Melangell
Melangell continued her solitary life near Pennant for over thirty-seven years. The wild hares befriended her throughout her life, and were ever after called Wyn Melangell (St. Melangell’s lambs). Other chaste women settled nearby [who may have come with her from Ireland], to live together out of love of God, intent upon prayer and divine services.
After the death of the illustrious Prince Brychwel, his son Tysilio held the principality of Powys; then Cynan, Tysilio’s brother, and afterwards, Tambryd, Curmylk, and Durres the Lame. All of these decreed that the place of Pennant Melangell should remain a perpetual sanctuary for those devoted to God and the needy, confirming the acts of the prince.
After Melangell departed from this life in 607,4 a nobleman by the name of Elise came to Pennent Melangel, who, desiring to ravish and defile the virgins, came to a wretched end and perished suddenly. From that time on, whoever violated the liberty or holy order of this place rarely escaped divine vengeance.
So strong a tradition of her influence prevailed that, until this day, no one in the parish of Cwm Pennant will kill a hare, and for centuries, if a hare was pursued by dogs, it was firmly believed that if anyone cried, Duw A Melangell A’th Gadwo (“God and Melangell preserve thee!”), the hare was sure to escape.
Her festival is May 27.
The following play on her name was ancient even when it was recorded in Welsh in the registry of the church in 1723:
Mil engyl a Melangell Trechant lu fyddin y fall.
Melangell with a thousand angels Triumphs over all the powers of evil.
From: Road to Emmaus #36.
Nun Nectaria (McLees)
1 From the inaugural lecture of Rev’d Canon A.M. Allchin, Director of St. Theosevia’s Centre, oxford, and Hon. Professor of Celtic Spirituality at Univ. of Wales, Bangor.
2 Early versions of her story all record her name with the Latin Monacella, by which she was known for centuries. Melangell, (roughly pronounced “Meh-lan-ghekh”) is the Welsh variant.
3 Translated from a 17th-century manuscript by Professor Oliver Davies of St. David’s College, Lampeter. St. Melangell and St. Winifred of Holywell are the only two Welsh female saints with a medieval Latin hagiography.
4 670 AD is the traditionally accepted date of Melangell’s death, although one source puts it at 590.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 maelovepickle AITA for getting together with my best fiends boyfriend?

i (19f) and my best friend emily (20f) have an extremely complicated past; we first met in my junior year of high school when we were both 17, we instantly clicked and had a lot in common. she had a boyfriend mike who was also in our highschool. emily and i had a mostly good friendship but she was only interested in what i had to say when it was something she was interested in, this created some issues in our relationship because i often felt ignored. 6 months into our friendship emily confessed she had feelings for me, i did not reciprocate those feelings and i rejected her. 2 months or so later emily, mike, and i got very drunk on mikes birthday. emily and i started dancing and we kissed, mike then asked if he could join and she said yes. i was 17 at the time and a virgin, we all had sex and i remember absolutely 0 about that night. i honestly don’t even remember kissing her, nor did i want to have sex with mike. i felt very uncomfortable and just wanted to ignore that it ever happened, mike agreed. emily however thought i used her and threatened suicide if i didn’t start dating her, so i started dating her. mike didn’t care if we dated and he continued to date emily separately. i was very weirded out by this situation but i felt like i couldn’t get out of it. i ended up breaking up with her after about 3 months, she did not take it well to say the least. my heart was was never in the relationship, but i was so scared that emily would react poorly or even harm herself physically that i felt obligated to stay till i couldn’t take it any longer. she basically said that she thought i was leading her on and i made her think i liked her. which i did, platonically. also i would like to clarify that we didn’t have sex at all during our 3 month relationship, i did not want her to get more attached, and i just wasn’t sexually attracted to her. this is a very long story and emily and i took a lot of long breaks in our friendship along with her frequent mental hospital stays so pardon me if i forget some details, but i think we took a 4-6 month break of talking after i broke up with her. in that time her and mike broke up. after we took our break i initiated that i wanted us to hang out again, i missed her a lot and i always felt connected to her as a friend. we ended up hanging out and i met fred, her then boyfriend, he and i hated each other at first and we didn’t click, she kept bringing him everywhere and just ignoring him while we hung out. emily started flirting with me a lot, even going as far to try and kiss me in front of fred. it made me super uncomfortable and i felt very violated honestly. i also started feeling bad for fred because he always seemed sad and left out, i began trying to talk to him more and include him in our conversations. we ended up connecting and eventually, became great friends. emily and fred had a very toxic relationship. emily would hold suicide over his head and make him bend over backwards for her. she also decided she wanted to be in an open relationship that was only open to her, so she could date women while keeping him around. her bipolar kept getting worse and she went to over 4 mental hospitals in the span of a year, when she wasn’t in the hospital she would have mental breakdowns and manic episodes daily. she would hit him, scream at him, have him chase her down the street, etc. we both felt horrible for her but i also felt horrible for fred being the one who has to handle it. emily also admitted to me that she is a lesbian, she said she didn’t find fred attractive and was only with him because it makes her life easier and he took care of her. fred would get constantly ignored, she would never help with he had depressive episodes, she relied on him financially, and she never touched him. it got to the point where i started thinking less and less of emily for treating a human like that, i knew what it was like to feel ignored by someone and i started making even more of an effort to hang out with him. about a year 1/2 into fred and emily’s relationship i told fred he should work with me at the restaurant job i had at the time because he was looking for work, he ended up getting hired. emily went on a 3 month long trip and it was just me and fred hanging out and working without her. we had a great time, we realized how toxic emily was in our lives and how freeing it was to be able to have conversations not revolving around her. 2 months into emily’s trip her and fred broke up mutually, they were both emotionally separated from the relationship for over a year by then. about a month later emily was still out of town and fred and i began developing feelings for each other, we did not flirt or anything while emily and him were together but i think deep down we always kinda liked each other. i did not want to tell emily because i didn’t want to ruin her trip or trigger a manic episode which usually resulted in self harm. when emily got back from her trip fred and i were full on dating, i still was way too scared to tell her. a couple months in to fred and my relationship i still didn’t openly tell emily, but i would drop hints and talk about our dates, expensive gifts, ask for advice, etc. and i just kinda assumed she knew we were together. ignorantly i thought she wouldn’t mind because she said she was a lesbian and wasn’t even romantically interested in fred, but oh was i wrong. i ended up saying something about fred’s beard being annoying when we kissed and she flipped tf out, it was incredibly awkward and i was literally shaking. i said “i just assumed that you knew sense i talked about him so much” and she said “i just thought you were close friends”. she was extra offended because i wasn’t hanging out with her nearly as much because i opted to hang with fred instead. she was never that good of a friend to me and fred made me feel way more heard and supported. fred and i have been together 8 months now, we’re in love and happy. fred has a lot of past trauma from the relationship but he has improved so much, i always make him feel appreciated and attractive. emily and i have only talked a little sense the debacle but i think our friendship is basically done. i still miss her sometimes but i know what i did is irreversible and our relationship will never be the same. so am i the asshole for getting with my best friends boyfriend?
submitted by maelovepickle to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 ThatOneRedThing My wife of 10+ years has chronic pain and we're miserable. We've grown apart and I don't know if I can fix it.

This is going to be long, but it's the most condensed I could make it.
I just don't know what to do and who to turn to.
My wife has had a rough life since her childhood. She was largely neglected in every sense and had chronic, debilitating migraines and pain since she was a child. Despite this she grew up to be a smart, driven, capable, compassionate woman.
When we first started dating, I knew she had some health issues, but it didn't bother me as I wanted to take care of her. She always hated feeling like she was a burden and was always trying to figure out new treatments and supplements to address her health issues. Despite that, we enjoyed our time together trying new restaurants and snuggling up on the couch or in bed.
When we got married we wanted to do a destination wedding in Mexico, but my family made a big stink about it and manipulated me to have us compromise for a domestic wedding and a symbolic one in Mexico. In hindsight I should have told them to pound sand, but I was a different person back then.
Then when it came to kids, I wanted us to try and she wanted to adopt. I wasn't opposed to adopting, but I wanted us to try first while we were younger. We went back and forth, but eventually she agreed and we had our daughter. It was a tough time as she gave up on her career to take care of our daughter as I had the better paying job. She had some post partum. But she wanted to have another, so we had my son a few years later.
The pregnancies really seemed to exacerbate her pain and health issues, and over the years it's gotten worse. I will fully admit that I can't truly understand her pain and it took me a while to realize how to adjust to be a spouse of a chronic pain sufferer.
Over the years, as life became more complicated, we drifted further and further apart. My career had afforded us a comfortable living with a house, two cars, a nice neighborhood, and nice things. But date nights became fewer. Instead of her ushering me off to bed when she was getting ready so we could snuggle, we went to bed at separate times. Intimacy waned. It started bothering me a few years ago. So I tried to open a dialogue on it.
What I was told was that she was resentful of being made into a housewife in a suburb while her health made her feel trapped and overwhelmed. She needed me to be more accommodating to her bad days and more involved in housework and child care. I tried to take it to heart and make efforts to do so and things would be good for a while. But then it would fall apart again. I became depressed.
Meanwhile we discovered her health was caused by a genetic condition that had no clear form of treatment. She had already tried the bulk of them to no avail. We'd go through numerous alternative treatment options over the years, but nothing TRULY addressed her pain or other symptoms. Each attempt hurting more and more, removing hope.
She would tell me that I needed therapy for my depression and I would spend a couple of years trying every antidepressant and seeing a therapist. And while it was nice to have someone validate my feelings, my wife didn't think my therapist was using the right tools to get me where she thought I needed to be. So I stopped going since the major driver was to address whatever was driving a wedge between us. My depression was getting worse as I felt more and more defeated. She'd suggest numerous supplements which helped in some regards, but never really made a significant dent in this dread I felt as my marriage seemed to be crumbling.
I would try more unconventional treatments like happy lights, meditation, gratitude journals, micro dosing certain fungal elements, even spending a month getting electromagnetic shocks from a dome that a clinician put over my head (her recommendation). It might give a boost via the placebo effect, but it would never last. My wife still didn't seem to think it was enough and we were growing further and further apart.
Now I'm sure some of you reading this might be screaming at me that just treating myself for depression and trying to modify my behaviors to address my wife's concerns is only my part of it. That she needs to make efforts too. And to her credit she has tried things, but it rarely lasts more than a few weeks. The worst part is she doesn't seek to understand what she can do better and she doesn't take my critiques well. If I come out and tell her something that she's doing is bothering me, if it isn't blatantly obvious she's in the wrong, she gets mad and shuts down on me. So I avoid bringing it up, but eventually when we're connecting I inevitably bring it up and it makes us not talk for several days. Oftentimes it ends up judo flipped on me and she reminds me about how hard her life is already and that she can't just be super lovey dovey and focus on me. She's touched out from our kids and the dogs. She just wants to be left alone and not have to validate or reassure me. She's convinced that our house makes her more sick and that she wants to move to another country and have land.
I know she needs to address some of her issues stemming from her childhood trauma and chronic health issues. To mourn the life she thought she would have. But she is CERTAIN that she's got the mental fortitude to be objective and see past her biases. That our issue is my expectations are too high.
It's bogus if course. I don't think expecting that we make our marriage a priority and making it a point to connect more meaningfully and work on our communication is unreasonable. She's just redirecting. In my opinion she's so sensitive to feeling responsible to not being as capable as she feels that she should be that whenever I shine a mirror on her she just uses her rage and resentment to deflect it and put me in the defensive. Then, maybe if I love her enough, I'll change into some sort of person that can enable her to do all the things she feels like she needs to do. At this point it is an extremely handy man who's focused on exactly what she wants, who never asks her to compromise, is always present, anticipates her needs, and never really asks for much in return. So... A fantasy.
Since she was focused on making it about my expectations and inability to understand her, I took it as a challenge to read all sorts of books on how to navigate marriage and be a better partner. And for a while, that helped. But then when I would try to share what I learned that could apply to her, again, it would just devolve into us it talking for a few days.
If you're still reading, you probably are suggesting that I give her an ultimatum to get counseling, single or couples. Otherwise, divorce. And I have tried in the past, but I can't seem to bring myself to actually pushing for divorce. I still truly love my wife and yearn for her to want to be the best spouse for me. I know my wife loves me, but not in a way you hope your spouse would. Every now and again, there is this glimmer of hope that keeps me hanging on. And I am trying to view her actions through the lens of someone who is suffering and needs my help. After all, I do feel responsible for some of her increased pain due to my insistence to have kids. And since she was a stay at home Mom for 8 years, her professional career has definitely limited her earning potential, so starting out on her own after a divorce is going to be hard. And I also recognize that I'm not a saint in this whole thing and I have things I need to work on too.
But I feel like divorce is inevitable at this point. It keeps getting harder and harder to deny how I'm feeling. I try to keep our unhappiness contained so no one knows, but I now know it's becoming more and more obvious. My daughter told my sister that the guest room is where daddy sleeps most of the time. My parents can tell I'm suffering and recognize how much I'm straining myself to accommodate my wife.
I have begged and pleaded for her to see this as I do. Cried until I'm a blubbering mess explaining how I want to salvage our marriage. How I'm trying to meet her, but she's not meeting me. Sometimes it helps and we have a few good days, but it gets shorter and shorter before it goes right back to what it used to be. Oftentimes the moment I imply she's not being as good of a partner as she could be, she gets mad and ends the conversation. I want to get therapy, but our insurance sucks and would require me to travel 45 min out of my way to the nearest provider. I know I'm not being a good role model for my kids. I know my health is declining from this all too. I feel buried under this life and having a harder and harder time recognizing myself as I look in the mirror. I just need her to see how she's hurting me and want to do what she can to fix it. To let me know that she recognizes that we're better together and need to be able to clearly, honestly, and openly communicate with each other. That she respects me. I'm sick of doubting myself and trying to mold and shift and strain to feel truly understood only to be disappointed.
But every time it seems just in reach, she just uses her chronic health issues and dissatisfaction with our current life as a means to justify her mistreatment. I truly, TRULY want to have us together. But I can't do it on my own and I feel like I'm being forced to end our marriage and be labeled as the guy who ditched his chronically ill wife because she wasn't enough for him. I know my kids would likely feel like I'm the bad guy. I know our lives our so intertwined that the idea of separating seems impossible.
I just... I just feel so stuck and hopeless.
Thank you for reading this all of you made it this far.
submitted by ThatOneRedThing to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 M_McCoy5 unable to eat due to stress

Hello all, I have recently lost about 30 pounds going from 210 to 180.
The weight loss was kick-started in February when I stopped eating out of stress as I prepared to take the Bar Exam. I was and am concerned about this, I have never had disordered eating issues before, and I spoke to my doctor and she said that not eating when under stress is pretty normal and that I should just try to eat anything I can stomach.
There were very few things I could stomach and for about 3 weeks i couldn’t eat much more than coffee with milk. Occasionally I could stomach some things, like randomly I would get a craving so I would immediately go buy and eat that thing because I was scared the craving was going to go away.
The day after the Bar my appetite was back like nothing had ever happened. The only difference was that I was about 190 pounds and my stomach had shrunk. While my appetite was normal, I was (and still am) unable to eat as large of volume as I once could. Which is probably a good thing, as I certainly wasn’t eating an appropriate number of calories before all of this went down.
Post bar, I fell in love with Pilates and for the first time in a long time started working out again. I go 3-4 times a week and I absolutely love it.
Here’s my problem now. I do like being in a thinner, healthier body. What I do not like is how I got here. I am studying for the Bar again as I did not pass in February because i literally didn’t feed myself enough calories for my brain to function, and I am so fucking scared this is going to happen again.
I am a woman, 5’11”, and I’d say I live a mildly active lifestyle (desk job). I currently eat about 1600-1800 calories a day, it’s not a massive deficit, but it is a deficit for my body type. I don’t count calories, I just eat what I want when I want, so that’s an estimate. I eat very little processed food now that I’m back living with my mom so that’s also contributing to the weight loss. But I do think I need to be eating more especially in the protein department.
One of the few things I have always been able to stomach is coffee and milk so my thoughts are that I could start putting protein powder or something in my coffee? Does anyone have any good recommendations?
(Like for increasing protein in general, I don’t eat much meat so that creates another hurdle, also forcing myself to choke down food will not work, I will not be able to keep it down)
submitted by M_McCoy5 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 AubreyHazeOfficial I need help

I've been with my partner for eight years in an open relationship. He's not only my dream partner but also the author of an insightful book on relationship dynamics. Despite my recent jealousy, I strive to prove myself as his best friend, longing for open communication. However, I'm confused and hurt by his dismissive attitude towards my emotions.
We both practice Tantra and collaborate professionally, which has been fulfilling. I was inspired by him and started doing couples clients with him and taking my own clients. It’s been a good partnership. He’s taught me so much and makes me feel loved a lot of the time. I’ve been his biggest fan and he has been mine. (We have been sexless for over a year, however, nobody really initiates it, but I touch him intimately when we watch movies. I have complained about it a few times but I don’t wish to coerce.)
But the reason I need advice - I find myself questioning his intentions with a new colleague and his shockingly sudden pattern of lies. Despite his denying it, I feel like I'm being replaced, and I am frustrated that he lied to me, amplifying my insecurities.
It began with him scheduling a 1-hour session with a client named "Jenny." I assisted in tidying up the space and then waited quietly in my room as usual. However, I ended up staying in my room for 3 hours while they conversed in the living room and then went into the massage room much later.
Only after I pressed him for an explanation did he admit it was actually a "training session." This revelation concerned me, as I have been his go-to partner for couples and four-hands for the last 8 years aside from when I’m not available he would have a backup. I overheard him giving her a copy of his book on open relationships. She’s also very attractive and his type (skinny and blond as seen on the Ring camera) I can’t help wonder why he wouldn’t have told me it was a training session in the first place. I asked if she inquired first or he offered and he said the former but I wonder if that’s a lie too.
The next day, he mentioned he was going out to buy a phone, confirming it was for her. This was unusual, as he had only purchased phones for me in the past that I had to reimburse (just so I didn’t have to partake in the transaction.) So this is some serious mentorship.
Later that evening, he had a solo session with a couple, but afterwards, he spent 4 hours at his favorite Thai restaurant which is rare. I’m betting it was the girl he was dining with (“Jenny”) I found her real name on his Instagram following, and it appears she’s married as of last year. When he returned, he claimed it was his clients who took him out and the leftovers he offered me were all cold. I suspect he was covering for her and that it was a business meeting or they did a couples together. I screenshotted her profile, sent to him and said I thought he may be out with her. He didn’t deny it, when he came home, he said it was his couple clients taking him out. I feel like I can tell when he lies now, like he’s just so happy to share but it’s really not sharing and doesn’t care if I’m suspicious.
We didn’t interact much that night, but before bed he abruptly moved to his bedding to his room, citing that he can no longer tolerate the disorganization of mine although it’s been a longstanding arrangement. I reacted poorly, expressing frustration at his sudden disengagement and suggesting I might get my own place after my tummy tuck recovery. He dismissed my concerns, attributing them to emotional manipulation and urging me to sleep it off.
The next morning, he texted me about a 2-hour client appointment at 7 pm listed as “Morgan” I inquired if it was with his new partner or a training session, to which he denied. However, while outside waiting, I noticed on the Ring camera that it was the same woman holding my massage oil bottle (he must have given it to her the night prior) They shared an intimate greeting. When I confronted him, he claimed it was her client and a four-hands session and that she didn’t have an incall location so it’s here, quickly updating the calendar to reflect it as “Morgan incall 2 hour with her client Jenny”. His nonchalant lying was alarming, especially given his usual transparency.
He even greeted the client "Jenny" alone, as if she were his regular client, and later in our argument he referred to her as “his client” I suspected he arranged the appointment for her, knowing it would upset me because it means he chose her instead of me when I was home and available (and truthfully struggling financially since I was in a car accident a few days ago and I have an upcoming tummy tuck)
I went up to my room after their client left (I said I don’t know why I need to remain hidden and outside of my living space if she’s not a client), he said she’s coming back up to take photos for her website. I refused to hide in my room and was in an emotional rage, insisting on meeting her if she comes up and making her aware that I exist. He tried to calm me initially, even saying “she’s not at all my type” which I know to be untrue and saying I’m doing all this over a girl he’s not even romantically involved with. I used harmful words calling him a pimp and groomer. He sent her home before she came back up.
He remains indifferent, denies any wrongdoing, and insists I stop emotionally manipulating him (which I have agreed to and want to demonstrate) but his refusal to address my concerns leaves me feeling gaslit and unconsidered. He also said he’ll never do business with me, so I suppose I am replaced. It's a heart-wrenching situation, leaving me questioning our future together.
Sometimes we just go back to normal after arguments, no closure other than he will just do as he pleases and I have to deserving of his sharing any information with me, which obviously I’m not deemed worthy of anymore.
I’m honestly having trouble not crying every few minutes and it’s the next day (I haven’t slept), I’m scared this is really the end of my usually dreamy life and I’m struggling with thoughts of self-harm. How can I redeem myself and address how I feel to him? Should I just let things play out and do my best to be loving despite how hurt and disappointed I feel?
submitted by AubreyHazeOfficial to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 No-Act386 Here my review of FF4 part 2

After compliting the rest of the game I gonna give my thought on the game in the more gemplay department now I pretty completed the game:
The story after I rescued rosa and recruit kain was more through the motion but I wouldn't say is a bad thing since I felt like it gave more time to breath which sometimes FF4 didn't gave me early on, but I will admit all of this cheap sacrifices really didn't left me a good impression, I be fine with edward and yang but in my opinion the twins and especially cid should stay dead and it bot because I dislike them far from it but they had the worst when it come suffer a death, not saying yang couldn't stay dead but his dead was off screen which can work, cid on the other hand felt like mega man X6 case of zero when cid "hid himself while recovering himself" type of deal.
edge was ok character I enjoy playing as him despite being the weakest of the last 5 cast of ff4 but he can feel annoying at times, and his arc of being in love for rydia felt out of place, I get it he a rebelious teen type of character but the romance thing is pretty one sided with no real conflict the giant of babil was alright calamity even though his size compare to the world just tell me it will take him forever to destroy if nothing was interrupting him, the founding was cecil was a lunarian was alright didn't really clicked with me but that mostly cecil kinda felt like have his arc mostly complete, golbez being his brother was a "luke I am your father" moment which I like.
zemus however felt so underwhelming, he not palpatine and felt like the most bland character in the game, he not xande but he felt kinda boring magical villain 101, the ending was worth it even with many of the cast still alive post sacrifice.
Presentation kept going great and I was still engaged, I love the look of the last floor of the lunar subtarrane, music which I didn't talk was great too, I say I like it more than earthbound but undertale and live a live take the cake for me for having some rock based ost, if I had to choose top 5 it be, main overworld, battle with the elemental fiends, fabul, boss battle and within the giant.
Gameplay was having ups and down.
The ups being the satisfying access for more magic especially flare and holy, after seeing cecil get ragnarok the number just feel me with joy, kain being stronger satisfying, and while the ninjistu is not very strong I still like to use it as budget, fire, ice and thunder magic for mid to late game.
For locations there one that was make me a bit frustrated and that the sylph cave, I was going around it for this area 7 times, and that mostly from this godamn malboros and their tanky HP, granted I found confuse being the tool to fight them but that only work with one or two, three of them, screw that though I did kill a row of four, I didn't find until very late I can cancel random encounters which I only did before the final boss so I can grinds in a better pace.
For the hardest boss in the game while zeromous was close dark bahamut take the cake for me, being pretty much a mix up of bahamut and a wicked mask with better AI, granted the final boss while kinda annoying I did kill him after 10 attempt and having level 69 kain (not a joke), I did got all the best weapons for everyone and I say I kinda wish you could skip cutscene especially how long zeromous can take, wish there was separate option for both speed up and auto battle it could make things less annoying at times.
Overall I really enjoyed the game and I plan to play it again later on not sure when but will do it, final fantasy 4 pixel remaster get my rank of 89 out of 100 or high A tier, it didn't do enough to get my rank of S tier but is still done a lot to get my score.
I plan to do a boss rank hopefully this week
submitted by No-Act386 to FinalFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:18 nogga_rebby Why can’t Mojang fix more bugs before adding more new stuff, or at least along the way?

Yes this is a rant, but it’s probably how most long-term Bedrock players feel. The information is relevant as I have been dealing with these issues on Xbox both next gen and old since I have both. My gf plays on the newer one since she’s the host of our 4 year survival world. I can’t explain all the bugs as I usually have a list of bugs I keep for games I play, but never expected I’d need one for Minecraft til now since I’m just starting to notice a lot of persistent bugs that range from slightly-annoying to game-breaking. Here’s my spiel. Yeah I wrote it when I was angry but it’s filtered.
For PC users, I don’t know why it’s turning my text into a code block despite me retyping it.
 Unpopular request I bet among the devs, but how about, now this might sound wild, the devs actually fix some heavy bugs before adding more new stuff that’s not gonna work right half the time. The shulker box dupe glitch is STILL a thing. Entities with name tags that randomly disappear, and almost EVERY arthropod getting stuck on fences, glass panes, and bamboo; like why devs? How in the world are PANDAS getting stuck on bamboo, and why do most entities(including pandas) have to path-find around bamboo like it’s a whole block wide? More importantly they always get stuck on it, and with it happening to fences too is beyond me because there are mobs that have been in the game from the start that I notice are getting stuck on these thin-type blocks. They definitely messed something up because they fixed it and now it’s back. Minecraft is statistically losing more and more long-term players on Bedrock edition(don’t know how bad Java has gotten, but with how lazy the devs have been, seemingly, I bet it’s bad). I know they need to bring in new players but now vanilla Minecraft is becoming comparable to games like Geometry Dash. Beat it once, done, and never come back. Or make a new world to do it all again but tbh most people don’t do that if their intent is to have one major survival world. For older gen players, they have to deal with stuff like broken chunks or chunks not even loading in, more commonly when using an Elytra. I’ve seen videos of people running and flying into invisible walls making fast ways of travel non-applicable. Would really love to see some improvement to the game, especially since I took a THREE YEAR BREAK and came back to see I could still abuse the s**t out of shulker boxes😂🤦C’mon devs, put that money to some actual good use. It’s like they don’t even have testers. Not only do we the players have to deal with the actual game mechanics, we gotta deal with bs like literal game-breaking bugs. This post is in terms of pure vanilla survival. I don’t even wanna know what add-ons be doing to the game through all of this. Anyways I’d love to hear some opinions on this, or more so, please educate me on why after three years, there are still these half-baked updates? Not even looking forward to new updates now. 
submitted by nogga_rebby to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:17 madsci1016 Home Assistant users with Unifi Protect Integration, PLEASE READ

BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front): There’s been drama and the main developer of the HA Unifi Protect integration has been booted out. There’s currently no one stepping up to take over. You need to either stop updating Unifi Protect (so that an update doesn’t break your HA integration), or take measures to switch over to that developers (now unofficial) integration.
Long Version:
(I’m gonna try and save my opinions till the end and avoid editorializing)
If you remember, the (formerly) main developer for the Unifi Protect Integration has strong feelings for Ubiquiti’s decision to require Unifi cloud access to enable local Smart detections. As an attempted protest/raise awareness, he submitted a pull request to the main HA branch that intentionally broke smart detection integration. If accepted, that would have meant all users of HA that use this integration and that feature would have had it stop working. The HA staff did not approve that pull request.
A few months following, he submitted a pull request that simply changed the license to ‘Business Source License” instead of an MIT open-source license. Please read his reasoning at that link.
In response, HA removed his access to the HA official github for the integration and removed his account as the maintainer of it. They forked his library at the point before the license was changed, and no one has really stepped up to take place as the official maintainer, so it’s left in a state of limbo.
I asked for some clarification on what that meant on an issue report, and he replied. The reply was quickly deleted by HA staff, but I have a copy saved. I think it’s worth reading so i will post it at the end.
He has continued to work on new features and bug fixes on his personal git repository. If you want to switch to it, you will have to manually install his version of Unifi Protect integration. This has been no such development on the official version.
My Opinion:
First, let me say I’d tried to capture these events as an outsider to the best of my ability. And I’ve tried to interpret them with my somewhat rookie understanding of the nuances of open-source collaborative development at this scale. So please forgive and feel free to correct anything. I just think this series of events and how it will impact the users of this code need to laid out in one place.
AngellusMortis was dead right about Ubiquiti requiring cloud access for local smart detections to be enabled. That’s a misstep by Ubiquiti’s commitment to staying 100% local (if the user wanted) and they have not addressed that when it’s called out. However, I will admit he can also get short/spicy when answering issues on github with his integration, and his actions with the pull requests and license change were extreme. I wish there were more attempts at working this out with more middle ground before this forking became inevitable, as the only people that suffer when an OSS repo is forked for drama are the end users.
However he seems to be a very good programmer (put the best way possible from an end user), and any programmer that shares code like this must also be credited for being generous. I owe him a beer and a steak dinner if I ever meet him in real life, as a large part of my home automation relies on it. For example:
And that was all possible to AngellusMortis work.
His reply to me that was deleted:
I would find it surprising if the core integration is ever updated again. And if it is, it will only ever be for the most basic of support. I really doubt there will ever be impactful new features added as I have been doing. Things like the Media Source, sensodoor lock support (RIP), exposing the event thumbnails for notifications, and many others. There is a sub-50 line PR that adds a feature I kept overlooking by accident that has been sitting for literally over a month. HA does not give a shit about this integration enough to approve the CI run so it can be merged. It is because the members of the org do not give a shit about security cameras inside of HA since it does not fit into their view of what Home Assistant should be used for. It is also why the video player for HA is fundamentally broken for security cameras and has been for literally years.
They are choosing to segment the integration and force someone to pick it up, which is unlikely to every happen. The license specifically allows usage in HA. It just has to be my code, as it was written. With no fork. This is a growing problem with the open-source world. More and more companies and groups, in this case Naba Casa, want to reap all of the benefits from open-source projects without any rules or restrictions. Open-source absolutism is what I call it. OSI and anyone that always calls for open-source absolutism just conveniently ignore the time and effort people put into open source. Usually for their own benefit and profit. Look at the story of Elasticsearch and AWS.
It is still open source. You can still do whatever you want with it, you just cannot intentionally cut me out of a project that I have contributed 95% of the code to and I want to retain the right to be able to restrict its usage for projects that cause me stress or too much additional work. HA is perfectly okay with rejecting contributions anytime they do not want to take on the additional burden of work a feature would cause them. But since it is the "the largest open-source project in the world" they can just go "lol, then fork us" and say fuck you to anything else who wants the same rights.
In this case, Nabu Casa employees want to come into my code and dictate terms to how I write and manage it all because they refuse to come up with alternative solutions. The only solutions proposed are almost always "contribute something better". Of course, they will just deny anything that does not fit into their limited view of what "home users" want, even if actual users show them that they are wrong (5th highest feature request of all time).
Okay, you do not like something my library is doing, that I have intentionally added to handle support issues for Home Assistant because Home Assistant Github and support fucking sucks. Guess what? It is on you to make a better working solution. Not me. Of course, when I make these complaints, I am ignored or gaslit about it. When the burden of dealing with literally hundreds of people making the same fucking support issue over and over again makes me a bit hostile, no wants even think to offer to help. Or make support suck ass for suck a large project. Or let me link to my own documentation and support. When I change the license because of it, HA decides to keep ignoring the situation and pretend like nothing is wrong. Of course, there is the double-standard when Nabu Casa employees want to do the same thing, and for the same reason. They do not want to deal with the support that will be generated by the project being used in the manner that it is.
I have always been very open about how shitty HA treats their contributors. Not everyone works full time on open-source or are employed by Nabu Casa so they can continue to do so. There is a reason why once an integration "loses" a codeowner it stops getting features and just breaks. And new people will choose to make a HACS integration instead of trying to update or maintain the core one. Because of the rules, micromanaging and bullshit. Code reviews for style issues, or performance issues are great. But if you want to decide to use a part of Home Assistant in a way that they do not like, you will just be alienated, ignored or kicked out. If you do not fucking like people accessing directly, then make a real API and stop putting burden of your mine trap of rules on contributors. Contributors that write software because they find it fun and want to make something cool. Not be your fucking code monkeys or support bitches. Of course, once again, HA will also choose to block custom integrations that do things they do not like or cause additional support burden on them, but you are never allowed to try to make things easier for you as a contributor.

submitted by madsci1016 to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 Low-Organization1563 I (27M) ,Need Advice and Suggestions regarding my gf breaking up

Hi All, I am M(27), I am currently in Banglore and my girl ( 24 ) is in Allahabad, We were in a long-distance relationship
We had been dating for last 9 months and it was going great as well but in January end my family members started looking for a girl for me in an AM setup and I used to refuse every girl as I wanted to marry her and she was also kinda ready but never told me directly. Initially, my girl only initiated the idea of getting married as my Family members had started looking for someone and they were quite active. She told me she wanted to marry me and asked me to talk to my parents first as my parents are a bit strict about these things .
During Holi time we had a fight and it got sorted as well, After Holi, she went to her Mausi's Home for a couple of weeks with her Mummy, And she shared about me with her mausi in the hope that once the time comes she will help her to convince her family specially her mummy and papa about me as we both are from different castes ( She is OBC & I am ST ) .
I also shared about her with My Family members (Bhaiya, Didi, Jija & Bhabhi ) except Papa & Mummy ( as their thinking is still a bit old about all these especially Papa ), as they will understand and help to convince Papa, Mummy for our weddings.
But Once she came from Mausis Home She started behaving differently and things started turning bad , she starts ignoring me my texts and call I had to convince her then she told me that Mausi is saying your papa won't agree for all these and all , Intially the girl only said to me that caste won't be an issue at her home , everyone one is chill and multiple people have gone through Love Marriage setup and also she said if you are such a good guy earning enough and from a Tier-1 Enginnering college , then it would be easy to convince her family not an issue , After listening to all these , then I only got into a relationship with her then only I became serious as I never wanted anything short term or anything.
But after coming from Mausis home, after every 2 days, she was getting changed her behavior and all and she starts ignoring me and every day saying breakup again and again.
I used to do a lot of things her, I am Literally in love with her, This is the first time I fell for someone before that I was focused on my career and family responsibilities so I always avoided dating anyone. Once our family got stable then only I started dating so basically last year only I started dating and she is my first Love, She had a relationship in past for 3 or 4 years.
She was trying to break up with me again and again and I was convincing her again and again
Last month she broke up with me and cut me off fully, The Last time I cried in front of anyone was when I was in class 3 or 4th after that I never cried in front of anyone, even my grandfather whom I loved so much when he died ( I was in class 10th ), I didn't cry, I stopped my tears coming down, now after all these years I cried for her I cried in front of her on phone multiple times to not leave me alone, I was shattered, I was crying all night alone in my room no one was there to tell me or stop me, I live here in Banglore alone in a flat with my flatmates, I was in my room for 3 days straight, didn't drink water for 2 days and hadn't food for straight 3 days, I was shaking and shivering and I was getting sudden panic attacks and sudden burst of emotions, I never cried this much in my life, I was getting suicidal. after 3 or 4 days I got up and went to her hometown to convince her.
Reaching Allahabad was also painful, I wasn't getting any direct flight to Allahabad so booked for Varanasi flight from there took a bus to Allahabad and stayed there for 2 days to convince her. It was such a harsh weather that I puked multiple times in Allahabad in such a hot and sunny weather, as a person who hadn't had food for 3 or 4 days it was hard for me.
I gave her a handwritten note and a flower bouquet we had dinner and she got convinced as well and that night I accompanied her to home and I was happy, but deep down I was afraid, as again coming to Allahabad when you are not mentally and stable and a bit ill as well and you hadn't had food, sleep and all and coming all alone In hope that I will convince her, I even didn't know how to find her as she had blocked me and whether she will reply me on insta or not ? But I was happy that she was okay after meeting me and she was happy and things will be okay, next day I gave her chocolates that I had bought specially for her during my trip to Bali and we talked and had lunch together and things were fine I had plan to go on Monday but since I was not feeling well so I left on Sunday only and left for my Hometown ( Varanasi ) instead of going to banglore .
But after few days she again started behaving the same and within few days it was again came back to normal and 3 days before I came back to banlgore , she totally ignored me like I never existed at all because of that I lost my senses like I couldn't believe and had an minor accident as well because while riding the bike I was so in grief that I couldnt' control my self on a highway I almost had a near to death experience , nothing happened to me just got a minor injury nothing . I stayed for 10 days at home that time , and in last 3 days she totally cut me off and I was shattered and since I am home I couldn't cry as well 24*7 everyone used to be with me only as I was home after a long time ..
I thought before going to banglore Ill go and meet her once again but I had one important project going on so I had to leave for banglore, I was holding my tears for so long that the day I again came back , the moment I sat in the cab for my flat I started crying in the cab I was crying for straight 1.5 hours while way back to my flat , this is also a kind of first time for me crying in front of a random guy . this time I couldn't control my self I cried like a baby in front the driver , I was trying hard to hold my tears and hiding my face, the cab guy understood and he was also behaving like he is not seeing me. once I reached home I cried and cried whole night , I called here msged her she didn't picked my call didn't reply .
So for 7 days I didn't call or text her I was trying my best to be first a stable person , one day one of my friend , she said , jab itna mehant kiye hi ho to ek bar last time try kar hi lo, So I tried again and called her msgd her and but rat ko bat huyi us din to but she was same like earlier stone cold and , she is saying she lost interest in me , ab wo vibes nahi aati we are different and all , also why should I settle for less If I can get better ( her mausi's world I guess ) , she saying mummy bol rahi this kuch Acche riste hai don't worry and all and blah blah , and she in past while breaking up time also said once I was trying and I thinks its not working anymore .
that day I got devasted more, as earlier I thought because of family pressure and caste issue she is backing but this time I got her different side , I still couldn't believe I thought these are her Mummy or Mausi's word not her because the girl whom I know cannot do all these to me she is open minded and a good person and she was the one who iniated the idea for marriage and opening up to our family.
that time meri didi ka ek bat mujhe yad aaya , Didi ne mujhse bola that, ki tum usse pyar karte ho aur Shaadi karna chahte ho , kya wo bhi tumse pyaar karti hai na ?
that night again I cried and again started getting headache and panic attacks and started shivering and again suicidal thoughts started coming.
Now last week one of my friends she told me about one new caffe in Banglore to try out , so we went and we did shopping together , while coming from there she was forcing me hard to go to her flat and was saying she is alone at her place her flatmate she is not there and she was trying hard to convince me for watching Netflix series together and she was breaking the touch barrier again and again I can sense what she was implying so I kept denying not in mood and all so that I can go to my place.
so I came back to my place, and became emotional and sad as I never ever even thought of touching a girl other than her , Since the day I meet her It became so different for me, I lost interest in every girl except her I stopped talking to all other girls from my circle so that she never feel insecure and also I lost interest as well, She is the only girl whom I can think of spending my life or anything . So next day I again tried to contact her , maine call ya msg nahi kiya hota but I coudln't control this time, I cannot think of another girl anymore except her.
I wanted to talk to her , msged her in morning on Whatsapp did some texting but we couldn't talk on phone as she was busy , then again I tried to call in afternoon but no luck then again in evening and again at night time , this time I also lost my patience and maine bhi bhala bura keh diya aur gusse me as a slang gali nikal gaya ( gali uske liye nahi that wo as a slang hi nikla tha ) within a seconds we cut the call she blocked me again and I texted her use bhala bura bola and all usne bola, aaj tumne gali dekar dikha diya and I am proud of my decision and all I also said you used me to get over your ex. and blah blah some random things like you were depressed I helped you overcome this and I also don't want jo har 2 din me palat jata ho apni bat se.
the line that she said na ki, I am proud of my decision , it hurt me , sari rat yahi line meri dimag me chalta raha, I am a overthinker guy, so ye thoda jyad hi hurt kar gaya. Agle din subah maine use snapchat me msg kiya ki mere sath kuch hua tha I felt bad I thought only you would understand isliye tumko ping kiya tha convince karne nahi aaya tha. and sorry for my kal ke behaviour ke liye. bye take care. its been a week and she hasn't read that msg and and I guess unfriend bhi kar diya hai ( waise snapachat usi ke wajah se hi install kiya tha warna I hate snap )
In Past I used to write shayari and poems for her and used to tel her the lines that I used to write for her. I also used practice her favourite songs and used to sing and record and send her. In past she used to to say to me you are a perfect package, anyone would be lucky to have you , she used to say tum gym bhi jate ho , daru waru, ciggrete wagairah kuch nahi karte ho ghumne phirne ka shauk hai family responsibilities handle karte ha , itna kamane ke bad bhi attitude nahi hai , tumse aadha kamane wale ladke bhi udane lagte hai , tum perfect ho and all she used to be very happy with me , rat bhar bat karna and other plannings and everything , I was happy being single but once she came to my life I became more focussed, I still cannot belive she got changed yahi sab sochta hu to lagta hai ki ek bar phir try karu.. I love her.
Now today while talking to my sister she again asked me about her, I told her ki Didi aisa kuch nahi hai bhool jao , Did bolne lagi ki Papa mummy ko humlog mana lenge bas tum ready ho to bata do. maine saf mana to kar diya
but after that I got emotional, I thought I will write a letter and post it and will try to convince again I wrote a long 5 page letter lying right now on my bed but I don't know what to do. Please help me what should I do ?
submitted by Low-Organization1563 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:15 ThrowRA_838383 My [36F] veteran brother [39M] is an alcoholic. How do I help him?

I now see that my [36F] veteran brother [39M] is an alcoholic. How do I help him?
He served in Iraq and Afghanistan, did 3 tours in the infantry and as a sniper. He's seen some shit. He was pretty messed up when he came home around 2007ish and my parents got him therapy and EMDR, which helped. We've never been close and I wouldn't say either of us are close with our parents. Emotions weren't really "allowed" and we grew up to be closed off people. With therapy in my marriage, I've certainly come a long way and am more open and communicative now, but my brother has only become more closed off. I'm really concerned for him and I think he has a pretty serious addiction to alcohol. I don't want to intrude on his life but I also don't want him to drink himself to death, and I worry that's what he's doing.
He goes to a local bar nearly every day. Our family has an app where we can all share our location. This is how I know. He has a good job as a firefighter. He's married with a teen son. On the rare occasion I do see him, he brings a cooler with his drinks. He never gets obviously drunk or obnoxious. He's always been able to remain collected even when he was pretty smashed. But now, it seems like a daily habit. I tried calling him to see if I could meet him for a drink just to start establishing some time together because I saw he was at his bar. But he didn't answer my call. He's known to be a flake when anyone tries to make plans with him and he just mostly avoids everyone.
I know you can't help people when they don't want help. I don't want to pressure, lecture, or chastise him. But I can't sit idly by while my brother slowly kills himself. My family is oblivious to his problem and I doubt any of them will intervene even if they knew. My brother has been through a lot. My heart hurts and he's all I think about lately. Reddit, where do I even begin to help him?
submitted by ThrowRA_838383 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 DionaeaQuan Toxicity

I'm going to try to make this as constructive as I can.
I've been playing Spelunky for over 10 years, and, I've beaten the game a good amount of times but by no means lightning quick at it. I've done everything there is to do in 2 for example many times but not completed the Cosmic Ocean. I'm nearing 40 years old and definitely at my personal skill cap. I play this game and its sequel essentially to see the special ending / credits because of this, no crazy goals. I like to stream just to share for whoever's interested and not necessarily to impress anyone. I do not have a big channel or anything; I don't even talk or use a webcam.
I've deleted saved stream videos on multiple occasions because of trolls, or, just rude criticism, and, again today because someone came in at the very last minute after Yama in 1. I was happy with the stream and myself, right up until the 50 minute mark when they showed up and I really didn't want to immortalize some jerk in the comment window telling me how "new" I play, so, great, morning's ruined, thanks.
This fanbase seems either oddly antagonistic or pretentiously offended by others' gameplay. It's like you can't even stream if you're not god tier, and, of course all these commentor profiles are void of their own content. Originally I thought this was just a few bad apples, laughed it off, but it's been a lot given how long I've played. I don't believe this is one overly-invested troll with more than one account.
My question is simply this: What is uniquely wrong with this community, or am I just cursed? I remember saying with no particular emotional emphasis once on a message board that dark levels would be the one thing I could do without and people wanted to crucify me on an altar to Derek Yu to satiate their ego.
It's true to say you can find this in any fanbase, but Spelunky doesn't feel like it would carry a vibe that invites it either. It's just stressful. I like the games; I like the characters and exploring.
I've heard some awful multiplayer stories; glad I've mostly avoided that.
submitted by DionaeaQuan to spelunky [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 TheMythicWriter [Online][5e][Sundays 7 AM EST][18+]Mythic Saviors: Legends of Kairne, a long term homebrew campaign!

Salutations, potential future player!
I have come to reddit seeking one player for a rather large, roleplay heavy, homebrew campaign. One of our players recently had to drop out due to a new work schedule, so while they will be making guest appearances from time to time, they are no longer an official player. As such, we decided to get someone new.
New species, new races (playable and non-playable), new classes, and an entirely new additional power system called soulskills! Abilities or skillsets unique to you and you only, you will work with me to decide the specifics and costs of your soulskills, which will improve as you level. This gives every player (and most npcs) even more diversity of skill. There are also unique special secondary classes that players can gain access to depending on how things go. This is separate from multiclassing and is akin to gestalting.
There will also be special artifacts that players have access to called Mythic Artifacts. Essentially they are sentient items you will start out with that have powerful abilities and grow alongside you as long as you have a good relationship with them.
I am also introducing a “Story Time” feature. During the campaign, players will be rewarded for investigating rumors, digging into characters, and researching information about certain things (in game of course) with “Story Beats”. Once they reach a certain amount of story beats pertaining to a certain character, item, or tale, I will say that it’s story time. When this happens, characters will take a temporary backseat as I tell them a small story regarding the content of the story beats collected.
Then there're the “Story Clashes”, which is pretty much just a way to make rp in combat more impactful and emotional, introducing a new ability score stat called Will.
All of these things will of course be more detailed to those actually in the campaign via a pretty long rules and mechanics document. The overall tone is more lighthearted/adventurey with PLENTY of room for drama, emotion, and horror.
Now, for a little about the world~
You all live on the planet Kairne, a goddess-like entity who devotes their body to housing all sorts of life. Rich in magical aptitude, technological progress, and spiritual makeup, the world flourishes in many aspects. You can be nearly anyone you wish in this world, if luck and/or hard effort serve you well. Magic in the world comes from the Heart of Kairne, an absolutely enormous tree in the center of the largest and most mystical forest on the planet. Leylines spread throughout the entire world, in some places moreso than others (this does affect spellcasting sometimes), only to be seen by VERY special individuals.
Many problems exist all over the world, from ancient evils locked away in a hell-like prison landscape, to cities run entirely by crime, to a MOSTLY peaceful dragon dictator with the capability of taking over the world, but the most pressing is the invasion of the Shades, monstrous creatures that started appearing on Kairne in recent times (roughly 20 years ago.) They are sickly creatures that now inhabit the world, constantly multiplying in numbers. Shades all have matte black, almost oozing skin, blank white eyes, and spines along their back, and like other species, they adapt and evolve. They are also highly intelligent and can communicate with each other.
Of course, these are all problems you surely won’t come across… right? Whatever your path in life, whether that be as a researcher, a criminal, a military figure, or someone still figuring that out, your destiny awaits.
Welcome to Mythic Saviors: Legends of Kairne~
One last note, we have a selective mute in the party who will mainly be typing out responses. I’ve been in multiple campaigns with this person, so it’s not usually a problem, but you do need to have a certain level of patience in order to wait for them to type out responses and actions sometimes.
If you would like to join us on this massive adventure, please just fill out the form below!
submitted by TheMythicWriter to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 konzara DOGE & SHIB.

If there is no risk in life, there is no success.
Do you remember how you felt when you missed the legendary SHIB pump?
Do you remember how you felt when the doge suddenly surpassed the cents and rose to the half dollar?
This time it will be much worse. Out of this world. No one can stop this invasion.
Time passes so fast it must hurt your ears.
The “once in a lifetime opportunity” of YOUR lifetime. But it won't last long... tick tock.
(GreenAlien)-(GALIEN) This is exactly such an opportunity.
The reason is that it has 1000X potential, I wanted to share it so that you can discover GALIEN potential early.
How to get it?
Go to Pancakeswap. Connect your wallet. Select your BNB Chain Network.
Go to the swap section.
Copy and paste the GALIEN CONTRACT address. 0x11266bBf6c4432328aD2BA02e30e0e0aa993dD21
Trade. This much..
1 GALIEN : 0.000142 USDT
1: Target: 0.05 USDT
2: Target: 0.5 USDT
3: Target: 1 USDT
4: Target: 1.5 USDT
5: Target: 2 USDT
Be patient and wait to hit the target.
GALIEN is listed on Binance's Dappbay.
This is very good news for the future..
Token Supply:
74% of the tokens were sent to the liquidity pool, 16% of the LP tokens were burned and the contract was abandoned. The remaining 10% is held in a wallet to be used solely as tokens for future centralized exchange listings, bridges and liquidity pools...
Maximum GALIEN: 850 Million
submitted by konzara to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 JoelMahon 17 games of Slark radiance in turbo

I'm only a 4.3k EUW player, so please stop reading if you don't care about the game at my humble MMR, especially given turbo
Feels good, as someone who had like 300 ranked games of Slark but could not enjoy him after the map was enlarged this felt good again.
The winrate is not anything to brag about, if I played one more game it could easily drop to 50% but it felt very impactful, even on the games I lost I felt like I contributed a lot. and ofc I did end up going offlane a couple times which matters a little, although much less in turbo.
I hadn't played Slark more than one or twice in months leading up to this so I was mechanically rusty for a few games. I also played more turbo shown here than all other turbo I've played since the mode was released combined, so I was also rusty on how to play turbo. And experimenting with the build. I learnt a few things. Shroud doesn't feel good except very situationally. If I was against enough mana burn, or a 90% magic damage line up that I cannot avoid through ulti I'd consider it, but otherwise I found it was not as good as Octarine, aghs, or s&y.
After some refinement I have basically settled on the build:
4111 by level 7 as normal.
Bracer situationally (remember to hide and backpack bracer for faster regen ironically)
Usually like to rush boots and windlace to weave in and out of vision to maximise regen before 6 and get more hits off. Especially vs ranged heroes and their harass the gloves of haste matter less.
Always finish lane with at least treads + null talisman + wand + windlace. then "rush" radiance.
Then after that you have lots of options. If the game is slow or you are ahead then Octarine is easily the best farm accelerator. Some games you just want an early shard (counter duel, chrono, dismember, etc). S&Y if you want more immediate survivability against blinkers and/or ground target stuns like axe, tiny, pudge, SS, lion, LC, etc.
Then you usually want aghs, your essence shift is maxing out at this point and/or getting your 15/20 talents and you want to capitalise on that.
You can go back for Octarine after aghs if you didn't get it in the above step.
Likewise very few games do you not want S&Y eventually, the entire item synergies with Slark quite well. problem is slots, e.g. if you need abyssal badly then you may have to give up the slot.
With radiance, octarine, aghs, s&y, treads you can consider disassembling radiance into blfy and nullifer, or you can get blink first, depends on the game.
very few games do you want BKB with this build imo, you don't burst people in a 6 second window, you just spam 9s cd pounces, swinging 32 stats EVERY TIME, hitting them, and wearing them down, and getting absurdly high armour. but sometimes BKB is too important. you are very hard to kill without bkb because every item you build increases your survivability, as opposed to orchid/diffusal which doesn't.
ofc some games you need linkens but it is rarer with this build.
silver edge has 100% uptime with octarine so that can be fun.
you rarely initiate but you want to be deep in the backline but close to the whole enemy team to attract as much focus as you can, with a 22.5s cd ulti you can usually ulti twice per fight, but only if you use the first one earlyish which may not be a good idea every game. shroud is still too long cd to use twice so account for that, pounce early and often, even if the enemy isn't moving you want the stats steal and if you're sitting on 2 charges then you're "wasting" casts.
with octarine I don't think about dark pact much and just spam the button almost constantly, still tread switching, you're not made of mana even with this.
You basically play like a lifestealer, you take kills if you can but farm up dangerous areas and apply pressure that way instead of being fixated on kills like a riki.
some tips, none really specific to this build but whatever:
  1. set cl_dota_alt_unit_movetodirection "1" in your autoexec.cfg, this allows you to directional move (no path finding just face+walk the direction you click directly) with just alt+right click. for pounces
  2. when you get low hp and hide to regen backpack your aghs octarine for a moment to basically double your regen or more, don't backpack s&y though
  3. run mid ASAP at the very start with a sentry, 80% of games you can find an observer ward and help your midlaner so much
  4. really try to avoid missing pounces, as I said, 32 stat swing each time you land one, that's like 2k gold value minimum, hard to quantify ofc because branches are 50g but it's also more than an eaglesong, so at bare minimum it's 600g, but branches are really unfair to use because they're slot inefficient. anyway, the point is it's a massive deal, it's like fighting with a eaglesong in your backpack instead of your inventory and feeling like an idiot after the fight ends and you realise. hence why blink is usually in the lategame items. try to not use pounce to escape, with these items you should be tanky enough to just run away without pounce, better to use some of your ulti than a pounce to escape if possible.
  5. you can effectively farm triangle after you finish radi, normally slark SUCKs at farming ancients. you take too much damage and deal too little damage. this doubles your dps if not more and stops ancient camps killing you so quickly.
  6. people will cry, even in turbo, even if you're doing well, just mute and play
oh and it goes without saying, always take the pounce facet, this hero doesn't exist without it.
this is not an amazing build by any means, but I think it's more viable than diffusal, and often better than orchid. those two being by far the most commonly built on d2pt. and I think there are several better carry heroes this patch (although it is better vs TA and CK than normal Slark). But if you like Slark but stopped playing him due to his weakness then consider trying it, even in just turbo, to enjoy it again. In none of these games did I feel "helpless", which was a VERY common feeling the last several losses I had on slark in ranked.
next up is ranked, going to stick to playing it with my five stack at first though, don't want to grief strangers nor get mass reported when it turns out it falls apart outside turbo.
There's still more room for optimisation, I wasn't using pounce much for moving from camp to camp because I have muscle memory of running out mana doing that with diffusal builds. But I should have been.
submitted by JoelMahon to TrueDoTA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 distantcurtis [FOR HIRE] Fiction writer, screenwriter, ghostwriter, creative developer, novelist looking to create compelling storytelling for adventures/ comedies and dramas. (Pay Rate: 0.10/word)

My name is Ronald Payne and I want to be your next freelance writer. I'm a passionate film watcher and can quote most of the classics. I typically watch movies in the action adventure, sci-fi, fantasy and thriller genres but appreciate most of the big franchises. Serial storytelling is a favorite nut to crack while enjoying developing core essential characters that can flow through multiple installments. I don't discriminate on taste if you have a different genre in mind.
I can research and develop for the story that you want me to tell. I can ghostwrite and format creative pitches into pilots. I can write full length feature film screenplays (for less than wga script rates)(unless you want it very quickly). I can write fictional or non-fictional narrative podcasts or teleplays or web shows.
PAYMENT My screenplay rate can be negotiable but is always done in double payments, with one at the beginning as a retainer and one when it is finished and satisfactory. If you dont want to pay a retainer Im not working for you. Im calling off work for the months and its going to take alot to preplan, start and finish the project so that retainer shows me you can afford to put money into creative story development. It also shows me that you are serious. I will provide a plan of approach and how long it should take and keep a week by week updates from then on.
SCHEDULING/UPDATES I will give daily updates and keep communication clear while keeping you as informed as possible where I am in the process. DISCLAIMER: When it comes to creative development and writing a script don't expect it to happen overnight at a high quality. In story development it is essential to be cautious and patient. I assure you that if you're looking at story development with patience,eventually you will see the story you want as a long term investment than it was worthwhile in the end.
Need a Quick Screenplay In A Month? If you really need a script in a short time you can hire me but don't expect the quality to be extraordinary. 1.The minimum window that I will crunch and push out a script for a two hour long screenplay is 2-3 months. 2. If you need a rough feature length screenplay under an hour long or close to it in a month time. The price is $1650.
Short Stories I can provide short stories in a short amount of time. You can look in the flash fiction section below for examples of what you might be getting. My pay rate for those are 0.10/a word.
SIDE NOTE: Most things you probably love were delayed or rewritten more than you'd like to think. I believe that's a big part of why they succeeded.
Fun Fact: Toy Story, the original finished script story for the movie, based off the critically acclaimed short "Tin Toy" had to get thrown out.
The most important lesson I've learned these past years is that good writing takes time and great writing takes even longer. My focus is to find a price for the both of us AND a time window that is close to what you want but also is realistic to me. We can work together to find a way somehow to give our project its legs.
(work samples below.)
Looking forward to hearing from any of you and taking on the beast of creativity. Sincerely, Ronald Payne.
Recent Commission Novel Chapter Sample:
Red Wolf Running
Format: Novel Sample
Summary: A guilty werewolf fights his own urges while investigating a growing vampire syndicate in a blizzard stricken New Orleans in 1899.
Screenplay:(Format: Sci-fi, Adventure)
Derrion Marks of The New War Mongers.
Summary: A retired pilot adjusting to probationary life on his home world receives a probe from a war mongering planet that he can't refuse until tragedy strikes.
Commission: Adult Dark Dystopic/Comedy Sci-fi Pilot:
Age of Terry
Summary: A metal loving IT guy turned apocalypse witness struggles with the destruction of earth while being jettisoned into a new life.
Short Story
James Spade & The Underlings
Summary:A courageous spelunker searching for hope discovers the treacherous corrupting secrets of the ancient South American crypt of Centalama.
Novella Work
An except from a 66 page novella I'm publishing soon.
Summary: A man believes his wife to be somebody else. She seems different and while he doesn't know why, or who hired her. He also doesn't know why he's feeling compelled to want to see it out till the end.
Novella Chapter:
submitted by distantcurtis to HireaWriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 beccababie124 Need goldfish advice for work

Hey guys, something I’m struggling with in work. I work in a petshop and do ask much as I possibly can to give the fish a good quality of life. I spend a lot of time educating people who want to buy fish ect before I allow them to purchase. A problem I have is some people have managed to keep goldfish alive in bowls for months obviously they die an untimely death. These people question how did the fish survive that long if it’s so bad and I honestly don’t have a good answer to give them other than they survived they did not thrive. Is there a more educated explanation that I can give ?
submitted by beccababie124 to Goldfish [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 retardbae Need Help with Weight Loss and Fitness - 18M, 90kgs, Preparing for Important Exam

Hi everyone,
I'm an 18-year-old male student and I really need your help. My whole life, I've been bullied for my weight. I weigh 90kgs and I'm about 5'9"/5'10". This has affected my confidence and performance in everything I do. My family and cousins often tease me about my looks, calling me "uncle." I've joined the gym several times but never managed to stay consistent for more than a week or two. I have no control over my diet and often feel hopeless. Now, I'm preparing for an exam where my fitness will be tested, and I feel like they'll kick me out just by looking at me.
Recently, I was diagnosed with ADHD and OCD by my psychiatrist, and my mental health isn't very good. I think going to the gym will help me get better. Additionally, I struggle with strong urges to eat junk food and have no idea how to control these cravings. I'm a heavy smoker, smoking 3-4 times a day, and I know it's terrible for my health, but I can't seem to stop. Porn and masturbation are also significant problems for me and I feel like I'm wasting my teenage years on these habits.
This is my last chance to turn things around. My career depends on it. I need practical advice from experienced people on how to get lean and lose fat within this year. What should my daily gym routine look like, especially since I can't go to the gym every day? I need a simple, practical diet plan that doesn't stress my mom with special meals. How much weight should I aim to lose per month, and how do I track my progress daily? Realistically, how long will it take to see significant fat loss?
I’m really committed to making this change and would appreciate any guidance, tips, or personal experiences you can share. Thanks in advance.
submitted by retardbae to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:13 rbathplatinum 2.1 or 3.1 system for Garden office around $1000

Hey Folks!
Not sure if this will get reported and deleted but I wanted to attach photos to help.
Looking for some suggestions on a sound system for my new Home office/ Pool House I am building.
Looking for some suggestions on a sound system for my new Home office/ Pool House I am building.
I mostly listen to electronic music and love heavy bass and get the tingles all the time from it. Odesza is one of my favorites.
Anyways I am thinking I want to do a 2.1 or 3.1 System. Some nice big bookshelf speakers or towers and a Center speaker maybe. and a dedicated sub woofer.
All the windows can crank open, and we are doing a Pool in a couple years as well so this doubles as a poolhouse entertainment area.
It is definetly tempting to go with a home theater system to get some good surround, but the listeners position is not always the same location or direction. 75% of the time will be at the desk, but I want good sound for the lounge area as well.
Also had thoughts about directing the sound the other directing long ways but really not sure how sound and echos will end up affecting that. Will have lots of plants and soft surfaces eventually in here to manage some sound bounce.
I am excited about being able to open up all the windows to give it a more open feel too.
Would love to hear some considerations from you all for recommendations. Budget would be around $1k Canadian and would definitely max out at $2k.
I love music loud so want something really crisp at high volume.
submitted by rbathplatinum to StereoAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:13 sadmaps Neurodivergence on a rewatch

I watched this show growing up, and fell out of it when I started college around 2014. I just recently started my first real rewatch and a decade later, as an adult, I’m noticing something kind of interesting and a little… funny?
Whenever Grey’s intentionally portrays a person with a stated neurodivergence it’s so stereotypical and honestly a little offensive, BUT this show has probably some of the best examples of successful neurodivergent characters of any show I’ve seen and I really don’t think they even intentionally wrote them that way. Which, in itself has a certain beauty.
My favorite example, Christina Yang. She absolutely resembles a high functioning person on the spectrum. I see it in almost every scene. Her attention to detail, how she responds to emotion and touch. The many instances where she has to excuse herself to deal with overstimulation. Every time she doesn’t understand why someone is upset with her. Looking back with this in mind, there are a few other characters that I think portrayed adhd or autism characteristics pretty well too, but they come later than where I am in my rewatch so I’ll refrain from naming them until I get there.
The reason I find it interesting and kind of funny, is because Christina wasn’t written to be an autistic person. She was just written as a person with her own unique strengths and weaknesses. While I definitely think intentional representation is important (I’m neurodivergent myself), it’s also good to see neurodivergent people just be written as people, and people who are able to succeed not only despite their differences, but maybe even partially because of them.
I’m also not at all surprised to realize, looking back, my favorite characters were always the ones I now think have some form of neurodivergence, because I saw myself in them. I just didn’t realize it growing up because how could someone like me be as successful as them? Spoiler alert, I am. Well, I’m not a surgeon but I went to grad school and I’m a successful scientist so… close enough!
That was a bit long winded I guess but yeah, thanks for coming to my ted talk lol.
submitted by sadmaps to greysanatomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:13 fm9601 From Bar Kisses to Heartbreak: My Confusing Long-Distance Situationship

I need advice about a long-distance situation I’ve been in for over a year. I met a girl on vacation in my country, and we hit it off immediately, ending the night with a kiss. After she returned to her country, we kept texting, though she often took 1-2 days to reply. Her responses were always engaged, so I didn’t mind at first.
She visited my country again five months later, and we met up three out of five days. I told her I wanted to visit her, and I did. We had a great time, but once I left, her replies slowed down again, sometimes taking up to five days. We continued texting and managed three more trips together, each 1-2 months apart. In person, things are great, but the long gaps in communication when apart make me doubt her interest.
I brought this up, and she said she likes me but thinks the distance is too long for something serious. We agreed to try seeing each other more, but she rarely has time (she works and studies). Additionally, I’m from a country where people are warm and close, while she is from a country known for being more cold and distant, which might affect our communication styles.
My job allows me to relocate easily, and I’ve considered moving to her country for a few months to see if things change. However, I’m unsure if this is a stupid idea or if it might be worth trying.
What should I do? How should I handle this situation?
Any advice would be appreciated.
TL;DR: Met a girl over a year ago, hit it off but she lives in another country. We've had great times together during visits, but her slow replies (sometimes 5 days) when we're apart make me doubt her interest. She says she likes me but is unsure about the distance. Considering relocating to her country for a few months to see if things improve. Need advice on whether this is a good idea or how to handle the situation.
submitted by fm9601 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:13 Latter-Teaching-2449 Can Someone Help me to choose the Right path for me ?

I'm at a crossroads while choosing my Career path. I'm Currently Learning UX UI designing and even though I like certain aspects of the UX UI, I'm not completely sure whether this is the Right path for me or not. Because I Find most part of designing as overwhelming and also I don't really like doing that kinda things. Such as User Interviews, Creating Wireframes and User Flows. Actually The Only thing I like about this field is to Sit and Design beautiful Websites and Apps and that's it. I don't really like to work on any other parts of the UX UI designing. Also After I spoke with some people who works in this industry, I learned that it is not easy to survive in this Industry with only one skill.
Now What's interesting is that I really like to read and tell stories. I Really enjoy exploring new stories and story ideas in any formats. I also develop some story Ideas myself. So some friends told me that I should become a creative writer. And Ngl I was thinking the same for a long time. But the Problem is I don't know how to Write dialogues and I doubt myself that whether I Could Come up with an original ideas of my own. So I narrated some story ideas I Came up with to my friends and they said that most of them where mediocre. So Again I was disappointed and Doubting myself. Now I'm all open for to Learning how to be a creative writer and I really like to be one too. Some part of me really compels me to pursue my career as a creative writer. But I'm Really Confused whether I can be a good writer and whether I should switch my Career from UX UI. Because I already switched my career once. I was Student who switched to the UX UI designing. So If I'm to change my path again I should really be certain that it will be the right thing for me. And I'm 25 rn so that is another problem. Can You Guys Help me with choosing the right path for me?
submitted by Latter-Teaching-2449 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:12 fm9601 From Bar Kisses to Heartbreak: My Confusing Long-Distance Situationship

I need advice about a long-distance situation I’ve been in for over a year. I met a girl on vacation in my country, and we hit it off immediately, ending the night with a kiss. After she returned to her country, we kept texting, though she often took 1-2 days to reply. Her responses were always engaged, so I didn’t mind at first.
She visited my country again five months later, and we met up three out of five days. I told her I wanted to visit her, and I did. We had a great time, but once I left, her replies slowed down again, sometimes taking up to five days. We continued texting and managed three more trips together, each 1-2 months apart. In person, things are great, but the long gaps in communication when apart make me doubt her interest.
I brought this up, and she said she likes me but thinks the distance is too long for something serious. We agreed to try seeing each other more, but she rarely has time (she works and studies). Additionally, I’m from a country where people are warm and close, while she is from a country known for being more cold and distant, which might affect our communication styles.
My job allows me to relocate easily, and I’ve considered moving to her country for a few months to see if things change. However, I’m unsure if this is a stupid idea or if it might be worth trying.
What should I do? How should I handle this situation?
Any advice would be appreciated.
TL;DR: Met a girl over a year ago, hit it off but she lives in another country. We've had great times together during visits, but her slow replies (sometimes 5 days) when we're apart make me doubt her interest. She says she likes me but is unsure about the distance. Considering relocating to her country for a few months to see if things improve. Need advice on whether this is a good idea or how to handle the situation.
submitted by fm9601 to dating [link] [comments]