Dilution calculations 1 10 bleach water

Bleach Shirts

2011.08.09 23:07 attacksquid Bleach Shirts

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2024.05.16 21:33 urlov_077 I always hated my mom and cherished my dad but once I got to know the truth everything changed

I'm a 14 yr old girl my dad passed away when I was 10 and even before that I always had a difficult relation with my mom because she could be judgemental and rude sometimes. Today I had a argument with her and she told me everything about her past and my paternal (dad's) side of family. I didn't liked my dad's sisters and their kids from the start I just sensed some bad vibe from them but from now on I would never see them the same way again. She told me that she was just like me before caring and loving everyone but after her marriage she changed, my dad who I always taught was my superhero never really did a job and my mom was not well educated to get one herself he would always go and have fun with his friends and cousins which made money tight, my mom had tried to talk to him to get a job but he would never listen they used to live with my father's brothers and my paternal family never respected my mom my aunt (dads sister) and his niece aka my cousin sister kept taunting my mom,used her clothes and stuff, complain about her cooking, and even insult her in front of everyone saying they could have found someone better for him but he married my mom and my father never said anything ( my grandmother choose my mom for my dad and she died 1 month before my parents marriage) . My uncle's wife hated my mom because my father didn't marry her niece and she made her life hell, she would often starve my parents and if my mom tried to cook something she would pour water on her food to ruin it, my mom gave up cooking and started eating what she made but that wasn't easy either she would always add extra salt and chilli in the food because of which they couldn't eat it, sometimes when she cooked good meals and my parents tried eating she would either snatch their food or tount them when my 2nd brother was born and she came home with him they made my parents sleep in the living room in the freezing cold weather with my new born brother, eventually my mom sent my older brother to my grandparents house so he could live happily my mom bared all of this silently but the last straw was when she starved my mom for an entire day while she was pregnant with me my parents had enough and moved out. According to my mom there are many more things which I couldn't mention here because it's getting long.
After all of this my mom's parents felt pity on us and started giving money for food which helped changing our lives before we didn't even had new clothes on festivals and enough food to eat so my dad's sisters never used to visit us but when we started having better lives she would often come and stay our place with her kids and my father had no problem because he loved his family not accepting that they are using him. When I was 6yr old my dad a heart problem and was in the hospital for 6 months and on bed for almost 4 months recovering in this entire time my dad's family never visited us me and my 2 older brothers used to stay home alone while my mom used to take care of dad. the only person who I respect from my dad's family is his cousin who was more like a bestfriend to him he helped us alot during that time financially and still does after my dad's death. My father finally realised that he was blindly trusting his siblings who didn't cared about him.
Soon enough karma started its game my uncle's wife who used to torture my mom got mentally unstable because of which both their daughters chould never attend school and stayed home taking care him by this time my father started earning and we also had our own house. Even after all of this my mom still helped my cousins during their first periods and stuff and still does now after my older cousin got married and a baby girl and now is pregnant again she even go her routine check ups with her. Things don't end here my older cousin got some nerve problem when she was young resulting in her unable to fold her legs and they remained straight and stiff. 3 months before my father's death my uncle died due to covid eventually my father helped his son understand buisness and handled his buisness giving all the money to my cousins my cousin brother failed his 12th and eventually took over buisness after my father's death since no one was willing to help him. He would often come to us asking for money we didn't had much either because now we were fully dependent on my grandparents but they never turned us down. Long back we made a small house and gave it for rent which provided with a little money after my dad was no more. Soon the evil lady aka my uncle's wife got several infections and diseases resulting in loss of money for my cousins to be honest no one really liked her now since she would often speak disturbing things to others and try to snatch their belongings. Well my cousins were no less I only liked their younger sister who is now about to turn 20 now the older two always had a evil vibe around the and it was all confirmed when my mom told me that they would also bully my parents with their mom back then. Even now during family events my older cousin would often hand her daughter to me and enjoyed while I was forced to babysit but I wasn't like my mom I would straight to their faces say that I didn't came to babysit their kids.
In the end I just wanna say don't be stubborn like me and judge ur parents when u don't know what they went through to raise you I know not all parents are the same but I'm talking about the good ones. And don't be stubborn like my mom to tolerate everything learn to stand for yourself and your family.
submitted by urlov_077 to MystOfDarkness [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:28 moothemoo Oil & Gas Jobs - are they worth it?

My husband is an instrumentation technician with 10+ years experience in the petrochemical industry. He currently works in a 9-5 job in the water industry, but that comes with average pay. For financial reasons, he is considering getting into oil and gas again with camp jobs for a few years at least.
I've heard mixed opinions with a lot of friends saying it's not worth it. You get paid a ton but the conditions they live in and how it affects your relationships isn't worth it.
  1. How much more money will you make? He currently earns $70k - would working away at camps be like double or less/more?
  2. Is it as bad as I hear like prostitutes, drugs, prison like living conditions?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by moothemoo to alberta [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:25 WorkingLeading1033 10 Day Count Down For FFIE To Launch!!

Now that FFIE is above 1$ it must stay above 1$ for a min of 10 days to stay listed on the stock exchange. When we make that happen Wall Street is going to get caught off guard and blown out the water!!!
submitted by WorkingLeading1033 to roaringkitty [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:20 infinitemind000 1

Someone reading this book may wonder what sort of audience is being targeted here. They may also be confused as to what the endgame is behind such a book. The aim of this book is to parallel the different religious & mystic traditions & connect them to the tropes that we find near death experiences propagate. They often are reconnecting us with what ancient texts have said but in the modern secular world where materialism is the norm we have become numb to the meanings & impact behind such text. These texts are often considered archaic & primitive. Unable to contribute much to the modern world they may only be useful in prayer chants.
Thus I aim here to revitalise the spirit of these traditions and connect them to what many call the modern day scriptures. The study of near death experiences, neuroscience, consciousness & other paranormal phenomena.
The endgame of the mystic is to connect, achieve union, knowledge and self growth. Thus by approaching all these texts and the various evolving thought that emerged from it, we can explore the parallels and connections that bridge the gap between traditions. The beauty of mysticism and perennial philosophy is the freedom it offers in interpretation.
This book doesn't focus on the question of whether scriptures are divinely inspired, man made tools written for sociological and political agendas or some sort of corrupted divinity. That discussion is a debate that will never end. Rather the focus here is on the possible wisdom & theological beliefs which parallel and mesh together well in forming a higher meaning & connection to the divine. Whether it be a higher power, an all pervading source or a metaphysical truth. You aren’t required to literally believe the divinity of these texts. A simple level of curiosity & intrigue is sufficient.
However one may contend that it is easy to parallel traditions when they are in harmony but when they differ they directly contradict rendering these connections meaningless and superficial. Therein lies the limitations of this book. Therefore the following concepts won’t be discussed in here. These are mainly :
The primary focus is in following a don't throw the baby out with the bathwater approach. Some may also contend that this book follows a shopping cart style of cherrypicking from texts and discarding beliefs from texts one subjectively finds inappropriate. To this I would simply say that the approach here is one of finding the parallels that align well together and acknowledging when a belief doesn't align well. Not necessarily a pick and choose system. An approach I would call the rational mystic.
The rational mystic is one who is simply open to what may be beyond their senses. They may be mystically inclined, fascinated and open to the plethora of supernatural ideas. However they will not blindly believe any and all beliefs. They will discern using rational faculties what of mysticism is most compatible with reality, what the data or evidence shows & what is more probable than not. I believe people of all beliefs or no beliefs can fit this definition. Whether you identify by a religion, as spiritual but not religious, non religious, atheist, deist or agnostic. Thus a skeptic or believer may able to gain an appreciation for these belief systems.
This book dives into the verses and parallels of ancient texts such as the Old Testament, Gospels, Quran, Hadith, Bhagwad Gita, Dhammapada, Tao Te Ching & Gathas of Zoroaster. Other older parallels such as from Vedic India, Ancient Egypt, Greece & Mesopotamia may be referenced.
Alongside that are the testimonies of NDEs and how they may parallel or differ to these texts. This book also attempts to provide commentary on major philosophical themes & elaborate on various exegesis, mystical traditions such as Kaballah, Sufism, Advaita Vedanta, Neoplatonism & Chinese thought. Since mysticism is ultimately about experience it relevant and useful to enhance these discussions by contrasts to various scientific ideas, philosophy & pop culture.
NDE Filter Methodology
One of the problems with ndes is the fact that they are subjective experiences which we cannot objectively verify or replicate. This makes them a weaker form of evidence compared to empirical studies which can replicate the results. These present a challenge. An individual nde may therefore be subject to embellishment, fabrications & delusions. Therefore in picking our choice of NDEs here we can only look at ndes as a whole in terms of statistical patterns that form. This is the methodology used in NDE literature by various academics including neuroscientists & philosophers researching the phenomenon.
To elaborate we therefore will discard testimonies that appear embellished with fantastical details. These fantastical details may also be subjective from person to person. Calling an otherworldly journey fantastical is simply irony. However in following the certain patterns that appear cross culturally in ndes it is much easier to identify reports that are considered fantastical. The following tropes appear the most across multiple nde studies.
There are of course other concepts that ndes reference which appear from time to time. These allow ndes to be flexible and not rigid experiences. After all no two nde experiences are the same. However using these motifs listed we can filter through unreliable ndes. These include
Finally one may say that the chapters of this book attempt to hint at the veracity of a religion & this book is a subtle attempt to proselytize that faith. I will reiterate that this book isnt trying to prove any specific religion. There may be subtle signs from one faith that fit better with the nde phenomenon than others. The following theories I would say explain these subtle signs. I leave it up to the reader to decide what they feel is the best explanation.
Whilst these theories may suggest a subtle spark of corresponding truths, generally NDEs dont explicitly point to any religion. Some say its simply the case that a Christian will see Jesus, a Muslim will see Allah, A Jew sees Yahweh & a Hindu sees Krishna. This of course is not entirely true. The portion of ndes that claim to see Jesus form a minority & interestingly they too dont point at specific doctrines. NDE experiencers may simply describe a sentient light they perceive to be God. This being doesnt tell anybody that I am Yahweh or Allah. Experiencers will say that religious texts fall short of describing this being. It is beyond what people are taught in religion.
Those who are familiar with NDE reports and studies will know that NDEs tend to be very religion agnostic and at best subtly imply a religious correlation but rarely do we find massive amounts of nde reports cross culturally presenting exclusivist dogmas such as follow holy book x or you will burn, believe Jesus died for your sin or you will burn for eternity. When an nde does present this its seen as a red flag since this doesn't occur with the majority of other ndes. The most we have are subtle religious correlations. However NDEs do present us with certain philosophical dilemmas when it comes to religion.
Some may ask what difference does it make that it doesnt point to a religion. if anything NDEs show us that God is far beyond the narrow confines of religions. It makes an immense difference when we factor the fact that religions have influenced entire cultures and civilisations in good and bad ways. Religions have been used to wage war, cause destruction, control the masses, brainwash, confuse and build fear into the human subconscious. And on the good side religions have given hope to the world that suffering isnt in vain, that life has meaning & that justice and ultimate happiness exists.
For alot of people the need to connect to the transcendental is insatiable and religion provides a whole structure of beliefs that one can organise themselves on. For some this is very restricting and enforces a cultural dogma on to everyone. They may prefer a shopping cart version of religion where they take whats good for them and discard what they disagree on. For others they prefer to deny all religious concepts as dogma and cultural beliefs. One could argue that humans need the cultural clothing of customs and traditions to keep their lives going, something which they can use to relate with to the divine. Not everyone can believe in an abstract deity that they cannot conceive of in the absence of symbols such as scriptures.
Religious texts provide at the very least a gateway to which one can relate through stories of heroes, morals and metaphors of the divine. Of course none of this leads us to whether said divine being has revealed these texts, whether they are inspired but corrupted by man or fully man made. These symbols act as aids in feeling like we have a piece of the divine soul with us thus giving comfort and hope. Thus whilst some have no need for religions, for the masses religions have immense value.
So why dont NDEs prove religion ?
There are no clear answers to this (unless somebody has an nde and asks whoever they speak with to tell them in specifics what religion is from God and whats not) all we can do is speculate. The ndes that do ask or do mention a scripture are so few that we cannot form any conclusion on this.
Do NDEs support materialism or not ?
While the aim of this book isnt to debate the afterlife or brain hypothesis, I will say that at the time of this being written, my view on ndes is to say that I consider them a plausible source of evidence towards consciousness surviving death & the afterlife existing. This view of mine may change in time towards either side. The following are some reasons I would argue for them being plausible.
1 Veridical NDEs : Numerous NDES report out of body experiences including witnessing of events in an environment when this should not be possible. More than 100+ veridical cases have been documented. Not to mention veridical cases from across different countries which further strengthens the case. We would have to be radically skeptical to consider all of these testimonies fabricated.
2 Lucid narrative : NDERS experience a highly lucid narrative that usually doesn't end in the middle or chaotically unlike dreams or hallucinations. Their ndes tend to be structured with a beginning, middle and end where they are either told, know or are sucked back into the body. This is quite a strange experience compared to delirium, delusions, hallucinations etc.
3 Deceased Relatives : Most NDES claim to see deceased relatives rather than alive people supporting the afterlife hypothesis. We should expect a mixed cocktail of alive & deceased people appearing in ndes if this was a case of dreams or hallucinations. The population that do claim to see a mixed group of alive and deceased is quite a small proportion of total ndes.
4 Intuitive Reality : NDERS are very convinced that they are in a hyper real reality that makes this world seem black and white, like a dream/illusion as some would say. They are intuitively convinced they are in something real the way we might be talking in person, as opposed to it being just a dream. In one study its believed that nders brain recollect their nde as if it's a real world memory.
5 ESP claims : NDERS may perceive no time at all, may experience a life review such that they can feel the feelings of others and recall memories long forgotten. They may feel like they intuitively know things without needing to learn. Some may report greater vision and detail than waking life, ability to hear thoughts, instantaneously appear, be in two places at once or pass through solid walls.
5 Religious Expectations : NDES often may contradict the beliefs of many Christians, Atheists and Muslims who have varying beliefs about the afterlife. Some may be surprised to experience the things they see & are particularly surprised at the ESP abilities as these are not predicted by religions. Particularly interesting are religious conservative ndes with more exclusivist beliefs who are surprised and end up becoming more pluralist and liberal.
6 Clinical Death Scenario : The best NDE studies focus on scenarios whereby the person undergoes cardiac arrest and thus clinical death. At this time a person has no heartbeat, no breathing, dilated pupils, no light reflex, no gag reflex and EEG reading of little to no brain activity. This is consistent with unconsciousness as no blood and oxygen can fully reach the brain. Furthermore the fact that most undergoing clinical death dont report any experiences means NDEs are odd occurrences & consciousness should not occur.
7 Transformation : NDERS often are transformed in their beliefs with less to no fear of death, detachment from the material, more interest in altruism and spirituality and are impacted by their NDE for decades, remembering it far more than a hallucination or dream. They see it as the most important experience of their life.
8 Double edged sword : The fact that not everyone has an nde may support the idea of nde being more than brain activity. After all if the nde simply was some evolutionary dying mechanism we would expect everybody to have one. This point could also support naturalistic hypothesis (See below)
However there is still uncertainty regarding the nde phenomenon and further data, & studies are required to build a case that is greater than just plausible. These are some opposing reasons to consider doubt in them valid
1 Embellishment : NDEs are unverifiable and therefore we cannot verify which ndes are authentic or which ndes are embellished over time with the nders own thoughts, interpretations or exaggerations. This makes it easier for fabrications and frauds to claim an nde experience.
2 Brain Activity : Since NDES happen during clinical death or unconscious states where a persons brain can be returned to living we cannot be sure that there isnt some deeper brain activity that causes an nde. We also cant be sure than an nde isnt happening in the window where cerebral blood flow hasnt ceased or in the window where CPR leads back to cerebral blood flow. EEG machines also have certain limitations such that they cannot detect deeper brain regions due to the skulls electrical resistance. EEG spikes may occur due to muscle twitches & electrical noise which can often make it harder to differentiate whether this is due to the NDE or not.
3 Cultural/Religious Contradictions : If we keep an open mind, its entirely possible that a Western nde could see Jesus, an Indian nde see Buddha or an Indian nde see Jesus & a Western nde see Buddha. It seems this can be reconciled by the idea that ndes are customized to fit what comforts people subconsciously. Japanese NDEs for example see a bridge/river symbolizing journey to another world, Westerners a portal/tunnel. Westerners relate best to Jesus, Easterners to other figures. However some ndes provide conflicting metaphysical views. This can be an issue with some ndes if nde 1 says they were told to keep reincarnating until they reach nirvana, nde 2 says something more fitting to abrahamic faith. nde 3 says hell doesnt exist and nde 4 says they saw hell realms.
4 Double edged Sword : This point can be argued for ndes (See above) but also against ndes. Only a small percentage 10-20% of those under cardiac arrest are said to have experienced an nde. This point leaves questions as to why aren't all people experiencing an nde. Should we not expect a larger proportion say more than half of people to experience an nde ? If there is a realm beyond the material should we not expect every person to experience an nde. A low proportion may mean that the nde is some sort of brain anomaly. We only have speculations as to why all dont get an nde.
5 Future Science : Current materialistic explanations may be inadequate to explain ndes but this doesnt mean that future understanding of the brain may not yield a new theory/explanation that explains it away. Thus it remains a potential argument.
All of these points are worthy discussions on their own and can be found in various other valuable books. The above points are simply a valuable framework by which the reader may be able to take away what they value out of this book. Everything written is simply my own research into the subject & I always advise people to take it with a grain of salt unless it makes rational sense to you & appeals to your intuition.
Diving into the depths
Spirituality & mysticism can be thought of as two sides of the same coin with philosophy the ring that runs the circumference of the coin. While spirituality deals with the human aspects such as soul, spirit, ego, morality & purpose, mysticism deals with the divine aspects of things such as essences, attributes, metaphors, realities, realms, entities, space, time, substances etc. We aim to dive into the following themes in this book.
The Divine Source : Everything relevant to defining the higher power & source of existence including essences & attributes.

Consciousness & Spirit : Everything relevant to the nature of consciousness, qualia, perceptions, the spirit & soul.
Reality : Everything relevant to the nature of perception, illusion, concepts, space, time, substances, modes, forms & realities.
Spirituality & Purpose : Everything relevant to the nature of human meaning, objectives, purpose & suffering.
Morality : Everything relevant to values, ideals, ethics & morals.
Knowledge & Truth : Everything relevant to the nature of seeking truth, seeking knowledge & attaining wisdom. These include concepts such as beliefs, truths, axioms, speculations, nature of inspirations & revelations.
Awakening & Dark night of Soul : Everything relevant to the nature of materialism, spiritual awakening, seeking inner peace, anxieties, depression, remorse, angst & layers of the psyche.
Divine Sorrow : Everything relevant to the nature of the eschatological souls corruption, redemption, purification, punishment, divine justice & mercy including modes & forms.
Divine Bliss : Everything relevant to the nature of the souls destiny, ultimate peace, happiness, bliss & divine love including modes & forms.
submitted by infinitemind000 to u/infinitemind000 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:19 Houghton07 How fat leaves the body

Has anyone googled how fat leaves the body? I did because I always wondered and this is the actual answer: When you lose weight, your body converts fat into carbon dioxide and water, which are then exhaled and eliminated through urine or sweat. The lungs are the primary organ that removes fat from the body. For example, if you lose 10 pounds of fat, 8.4 pounds will come out through your lungs and the remaining 1.6 pounds will turn into water.
But that just seems kind of mystical. The process seems weird. So I choose to believe the picture above is what really happens.
Anyone that knows where this picture is from you are my people!
submitted by Houghton07 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:14 Radiant-Ad-1227 Two dogs grand mal seizures

I realize this may not be the right place to post this, but figured the pet parents here would have the most experience with the topic of dog seizures and possible causes. Both of our dogs had grand mal seizures within 3 days of each other with no prior history of seizures. I’ll try to be thorough with things, but it will be long.
Dog #1 (Jupiter) Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, female, 101 pounds, 6 years old. Takes trazadone for anxiety and Proin for urinary incontinence.
Dog #2 (Selene) Border Collie, female, 46 pounds, 4 years old. History of elevated liver enzymes for unknown reasons and serotonin syndrome caused by trazadone.
They have both been OFF of flea/heartworm meds for several months because of the elevated liver enzymes. So we can rule that out as a cause.
We had an exterminator come to the house on Tuesday April 23rd. He used two products, one inside (permethrin based) and one outside (fipronil based). [ASPCA poison control and the manufacturer of these chemicals were consulted and both agree that these should not be connected to the seizures] They are never outside alone. They both try to eat grass sometimes. The area they use is just lawn and then rocks with some weeds growing in them.
5 days later (Sunday Apr 28) dog #1 starts wretching just before breakfast and that transitions into a grand mal seizure lasting approximately 2 minutes. Recovery was quick, maybe 10 minutes, was taken to emergency vet. Thyroid testing (normal), chest/abdomen X-rays (normal) and blood tests (normal except slight elevated bilirubin). Sent home on seizure watch.
3 days later (Wed May 1) dog #2 wakes up with our alarm, runs from couch to bedroom door and immediately goes into grand mal seizure that lasted 5 minutes. Urinated and defacated during seizure. We had cameras all over to keep an eye on the other dog at this point. Recovery was slower, she didn’t even try to stand up for 15 minutes. Went immediately to emergency vet. All bloodwork came back normal.
*At this point our vet is sure it’s got to be environmental. We throw out dog food, dog treats. Empty and thoroughly clean and sanitize water bowl. Wash all dog toys and their toy box. Mop all floors, clean all rugs, wash all walls. Moved and wiped down every piece of furniture. Power washed the foundation where pesticide was applied. We even washed the garage floor because that’s where they go in and out. We went back to making their food for them, so no more kibble after the seizures. We bought a totally different brand of treats too. I even crawled under the deck to make sure there weren’t rodent baits or anything under there. They only get RO water, which is the same water we drink.
May 7-Dog 1 goes for yearly vet exam and vaccines. No issues. Heart worm negative.
May 10-Dog 2 goes for yearly vet exam and vaccines. No issues. Heart worm negative.
Vet gave the “all clear” to put them back on heartworm/flea prevention after being off of it for several months. I decided to wait and make sure they were good before giving their preventatives because I know they all have a seizure risk and didn’t want to introduce more toxins to their systems.
Today, 18 days since first seizure, dog #1 starts wretching just before breakfast (same as before the first seizure) and it immediately transitions into another grand mal seizure. Lasting about 2 minutes, similar to the first seizure. She comes around after 5 minutes, drunk walks 10 feet and then vomits bile/foam. Call the vet immediately and vet has us pick up levetiracetem and start it right away. She goes back to the vet tomorrow for further testing—ekg and urinalysis.
We are wracking our brains trying to figure out what kind of environmental thing could be causing this. They don’t swim or go into any water sources. We do have farm fields around us, but the dogs don’t go there and haven’t been out during spraying or anything. They haven’t eaten anything strange outside. Previous owners of this house had cats and a dog. Our neighbors dog hasn’t had any problems (they also used the same exterminator on the same day we did). My dogs don’t really get into anything in the house, don’t chew. They have not had flea/heartworm preventative for the last 4 months (see above). The only thing I’ve found that the vet hasn’t brought up is toxoplasmosis. I do plan to have the water tested again (it was tested one year ago and water was fine, but slightly elevated nitrates, which is why we only give RO water)
We may never find an answer to what is causing this, but in the hopes that someone may have a lead for us, I’m asking for your help redditors.
If it helps we live in northern Indiana near-ish to Lake Michigan. We have lived in this house since last fall, it’s rural (we lived in city previously). There are stray cats, squirrels, lots of chipmunks, turkey and deer that are around all the time. House was built in the 90s so lead shouldn’t be a concern as far as the paint goes.
submitted by Radiant-Ad-1227 to EpilepsyDogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:12 _zurenarrh Tips to increase your…Well TIPS!

Lately I’ve been getting some great tips and just wanted to share how I think I’ve managed to sway over some home owners. Following this has led to me having over 100 reviews ALL 5 star
Before the appointment
I schedule most of my routes starting at 7. So I’ll text at 6:30 letting them know I’ll be ready and on time
“Hey this is Carnell with ___window cleaning just letting you know I’ll be there 7 a.m sharp
This puts them at ease because most people are used to dealing with contractors who don’t show up on time or at all
Always show up 5 minutes early and text that you’re there. You won’t believe how many times I get thanks for being early because they expect you to show up hours late
During the appointment
ALWAYS send before and after photos of the work you’re doing after you finish the first few windows. No more then 1 hr into the work they should have a set of photos and a TikTok video or whatever you a use.
This shows multiple things
  1. You’re working and your work is noticeable and actionable
  2. Whenever your on your phone if they happen to see you could be taking photos or examining work. It’s less of a chance of them thinking you’re in there just to be on there
  3. Keeps them updated. You’re a stranger going inside and out of their property and house. They don’t know you. I find this takes some of the apprehension out of hiring a complete stranger
ALWAYS ask for a drink like water or Gatorade and even a bite to eat.
Remember you’re selling yourself not window cleaning 🫡
This makes you more personable more real, and at least here in Fl where the heat index is 100+ people feel helpful when you do this. Especially older people. It sounds odd to ask for food but 9/10 times the customer is actually DELIGHTED when I ask for a sandwich or some spaghetti tie
Always play with their animals. Whether it be a dog or cow or cat or baby pig 🐽always point out, play with, and ask if they have any treat you can give them
This moves MOUNTAINS
Post Clean
When you’re wrapping up always send your final before and after pictures. This could be from the roof or the back of the house or wherever.
I usually do this when I clean the screens at the end before I clean or before I put them back on the windows
Wrapping up goes with this after payment
“I’m going to send you a copy of your receipt to your phone and email. Can you also leave a 5 star review ⭐️ on Google and Facebook? It’s really important as it helps others find me and Google and Facebook take those reviews VERY seriously
Awards you send a copy of their receipt AND the link to both your Facebook and Google page.
I find that walking them through a Facebook review helps because older people often don’t know to go to “recommended” to leave a reviews. Don’t forget to thank them for the tip (if you got one)
Here’s my my text looks: “I sent you a copy of your receipt :)
If at possible could you leave me a 5 star review on Google and Facebook They take those reviews SUPER seriously and it would be a big help
Here is the direct link to my Google page
And you already have my Facebook! lol
To leave a Facebook review it’s called a “recommendation “
You go to where it says 33 reviews > and then click it > then it will ask if you recommend me
Thanks for the tip btw! 😊🙏🏽💯”
Do this and watch the $$$ roll in.
submitted by _zurenarrh to WindowCleaning [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:12 lhamacega Making 2WD Arduino vehicle drive straight with MPU6050

Hello!! I'm finishing my graduating in Control and Automation Engineering and this 2WD vehicle is my final paper...
Well, i've already made so much progress, but now i'm stucked on the position control for the robot drives straight, and i'm having some problems with the logic for it: i dont know how to compare the initial yaw value with the yaw value while it's driving forward.
//roda direita #define pinMot1A 5 #define pinMot1B 6 #define v_motor1 3 //roda esquerda #define pinMot2A 9 #define pinMot2B 10 #define v_motor2 11 // Acelerômetro e giroscópio #include #include  MPU6050 mpu(Wire); // Timers unsigned long timer = 0; float timeStep = 0.01; // Yaw value float yaw = 0; float yawAntigo = 0; // Velocidades int velAlta = 255; int velBaixa = 10; int vel = 130; int vel_D; int vel_E; void setup() { pinMode(pinMot1B, OUTPUT); //sentido horario pinMode(pinMot2B, OUTPUT); //sentido horario pinMode(v_motor1, OUTPUT); //velocidade do motor 1 pinMode(v_motor2, OUTPUT); //velocidade do motor 2 Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin(); byte status = mpu.begin(); Serial.print(F("MPU6050 status: ")); Serial.println(status); while(status!=0){ } // stop everything if could not connect to MPU6050 Serial.println(F("Calculating offsets, do not move MPU6050")); delay(1000); // mpu.upsideDownMounting = true; // uncomment this line if the MPU6050 is mounted upside-down mpu.calcOffsets(); // gyro and accelero Serial.println("Done!\n"); } void loop() { // Motor 1 - Direito digitalWrite(pinMot1B, HIGH); analogWrite(v_motor1, vel_D); // Motor 2 - Esquerdo digitalWrite(pinMot2B, HIGH); analogWrite(v_motor2, vel_E); mpu.update(); if((millis()-timer)>10){ // print data every 10ms Serial.print("\tYaw : "); Serial.println(mpu.getAngleZ()); timer = millis(); } } void control(){ int kp = 15; //se a direção mudar: vel = vel - (yawAntigo - yaw) * kp; vel_D = vel + (yaw - yawAntigo)*kp; if(vel_D > velAlta){ vel_D = velAlta; } else if (vel_D < velBaixa){ vel_D = velBaixa; } vel_E = vel + (yaw - yawAntigo)*kp; if(vel_E > velAlta){ vel_E = velAlta; } else if (vel_E < velBaixa){ vel_E = velBaixa; } } 
I tried to be simple with my code, and its not actually complete but its on the way.
Until the 'void loop' it just turn on the motors and show the yaw values
the 'void control' its just a prototype i just found online and its not implemented yet xD.
I'm looking for some guidance for this control and some good advices for the project
submitted by lhamacega to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:12 abtasty Optimizing Revenue Beyond Conversion Rate

Optimizing Revenue Beyond Conversion Rate
When it comes to CRO, or Conversion Rate Optimization, it would be natural to assume that conversion is all that matters. At least, we can argue that conversion rate is at the heart of most experiments. However, the ultimate goal is to raise revenue, so why does the CRO world put so much emphasis on conversion rates?
In this article, we’ll shed some light on the reason why conversion rate is important and why it’s not just conversions that should be considered.

Why is conversion rate so important?

Let’s start off with the three technical reasons why CRO places such importance on conversion rates:
  1. Conversion is a generic term. It covers the fact that an e-commerce visitor becomes a customer by buying something, or simply the fact that this visitor went farther than just the homepage, or clicks on a product page, or adds this product to the cart. In that sense, it’s the Swiss Army Knife of CRO.
  2. Conversion statistics are far easier than other KPI statistics, and they’re the simplest from a maths point of view. In terms of measurement, it’s pretty straightforward: success or failure. This means off-the-shelf code or simple spreadsheet formulas can compute statistics indices for decision, like the chance to win or confidence intervals about the expected gain. This is not that easy for other metrics as we will see later with Average Order Value (AOV).
  3. Conversion analysis is also the simplest when it comes to decision-making. There’s (almost) no scenario where raising the number of conversions is a bad thing. Therefore, deciding whether or not to put a variation in production is an easy task when you know that the conversion rate will rise. The same can’t be said about the “multiple conversions” metric where, unlike the conversion rate metric that counts one conversion per visitor even if this visitor made 2 purchases, every conversion counts and so is often more complex to analyze. For example, the number of product pages seen by an e-commerce visitor is harder to interpret. A variation increasing this number could have several meanings: the catalog can be seen as more engaging or it could mean that visitors are struggling to find what they’re looking for.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, the conversion rate is the starting point of all CRO journeys. However, conversion rate on its own is not enough. It’s also important to pay attention to other factors other than conversions to optimize revenue.

Beyond conversion rate

Before we delve into a more complex analysis, we’ll take a look at some simpler metrics. This includes ones that are not directly linked to transactions such as “add to cart” or “viewed at least one product page”.
If it’s statistically assured to win, then it’s a good choice to put the variation into production, with one exception. If the variation is very costly, then you will need to dig deeper to ensure that the gains will cover the costs. This can occur, for example, if the variation holds a product recommender system that comes with its cost.
The bounce rate is also simple and straightforward in that the aim is to keep the figure down unlike the conversion rate. In this case, the only thing to be aware of is that you want to lower the bounce rate unlike the conversion rate. But the main idea is the same: if you change your homepage image and you see the bounce rate statistically drop, then it’s a good idea to put it in production.
We will now move onto a more complex metric, the transaction rate, which is directly linked to the revenue.
Let’s start with a scenario where the transaction rate goes up. You assume that you will get more transactions with the same traffic, so the only way it could be a bad thing is that you earn less in the end. This means your average cart value (AOV) has plummeted. The basic revenue formula shows it explicitly:
Total revenue = traffic \ transaction rate * AOV*
Since we consider traffic as an external factor, then the only way to have a higher total revenue is to have an increase in both transaction rate and AOV or have at least one of them increase while the other remains stable. This means we also need to check the AOV evolution, which is much more complicated.
On the surface, it looks simple: take the sum of all transactions and divide that by the number of transactions and you have the AOV. While the formula seems basic, the data isn’t. In this case, it’s not just either success or failure; it’s different values that can widely vary.
Below is a histogram of transaction values from a retail ecommerce website. The horizontal axis represents values (in €), the vertical axis is the proportion of transactions with this value. Here we can see that most values are spread between 0 and €200, with a peak at ~€50.
When it comes to CRO, or Conversion Rate Optimization, it would be natural to assume that conversion is all that matters. At least, we can argue that conversion rate is at the heart of most experiments. However, the ultimate goal is to raise revenue, so why does the CRO world put so much emphasis on conversion rates?
In this article, we’ll shed some light on the reason why conversion rate is important and why it’s not just conversions that should be considered.

Why is conversion rate so important?

Let’s start off with the three technical reasons why CRO places such importance on conversion rates:
  1. Conversion is a generic term. It covers the fact that an e-commerce visitor becomes a customer by buying something, or simply the fact that this visitor went farther than just the homepage, or clicks on a product page, or adds this product to the cart. In that sense, it’s the Swiss Army Knife of CRO.
  2. Conversion statistics are far easier than other KPI statistics, and they’re the simplest from a maths point of view. In terms of measurement, it’s pretty straightforward: success or failure. This means off-the-shelf code or simple spreadsheet formulas can compute statistics indices for decision, like the chance to win or confidence intervals about the expected gain. This is not that easy for other metrics as we will see later with Average Order Value (AOV).
  3. Conversion analysis is also the simplest when it comes to decision-making. There’s (almost) no scenario where raising the number of conversions is a bad thing. Therefore, deciding whether or not to put a variation in production is an easy task when you know that the conversion rate will rise. The same can’t be said about the “multiple conversions” metric where, unlike the conversion rate metric that counts one conversion per visitor even if this visitor made 2 purchases, every conversion counts and so is often more complex to analyze. For example, the number of product pages seen by an e-commerce visitor is harder to interpret. A variation increasing this number could have several meanings: the catalog can be seen as more engaging or it could mean that visitors are struggling to find what they’re looking for.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, the conversion rate is the starting point of all CRO journeys. However, conversion rate on its own is not enough. It’s also important to pay attention to other factors other than conversions to optimize revenue.

Beyond conversion rate

Before we delve into a more complex analysis, we’ll take a look at some simpler metrics. This includes ones that are not directly linked to transactions such as “add to cart” or “viewed at least one product page”.
If it’s statistically assured to win, then it’s a good choice to put the variation into production, with one exception. If the variation is very costly, then you will need to dig deeper to ensure that the gains will cover the costs. This can occur, for example, if the variation holds a product recommender system that comes with its cost.
The bounce rate is also simple and straightforward in that the aim is to keep the figure down unlike the conversion rate. In this case, the only thing to be aware of is that you want to lower the bounce rate unlike the conversion rate. But the main idea is the same: if you change your homepage image and you see the bounce rate statistically drop, then it’s a good idea to put it in production.
We will now move onto a more complex metric, the transaction rate, which is directly linked to the revenue.
Let’s start with a scenario where the transaction rate goes up. You assume that you will get more transactions with the same traffic, so the only way it could be a bad thing is that you earn less in the end. This means your average cart value (AOV) has plummeted. The basic revenue formula shows it explicitly:
Total revenue = traffic \ transaction rate * AOV*
Since we consider traffic as an external factor, then the only way to have a higher total revenue is to have an increase in both transaction rate and AOV or have at least one of them increase while the other remains stable. This means we also need to check the AOV evolution, which is much more complicated.
On the surface, it looks simple: take the sum of all transactions and divide that by the number of transactions and you have the AOV. While the formula seems basic, the data isn’t. In this case, it’s not just either success or failure; it’s different values that can widely vary.
Below is a histogram of transaction values from a retail ecommerce website. The horizontal axis represents values (in €), the vertical axis is the proportion of transactions with this value. Here we can see that most values are spread between 0 and €200, with a peak at ~€50.
The right part of this curve shows a “long/fat tail”. Now let’s try to see how the difference within this kind of data is hard to spot. See the same graph below but with higher values, from €400 to €1000. You will also notice another histogram (in orange) of the same values but offset by €10.
We see that the €10 offset which corresponds to a 10-unit shift to the right is hard to distinguish. And since it corresponds to the highest values this part has a huge influence when averaging samples. Due to the shape of this transaction value distribution, any measure of the average value is somewhat blurred, which makes it very difficult to have clear statistical indices. For this reason, changes in AOV need to be very drastic or measured over a huge dataset to be statistically asserted, making it difficult to use in CRO.
Another important feature is hidden even further on the right of the horizontal axis. Here’s another zoom on the same graph, with the horizontal axis ranging from €1000 to €4500. This time only one curve is shown.
From the previous graph, we could have easily assumed that €1000 was the end, but it’s not. Even with a most common transaction value at €50, there are still some transactions above €1000, and even some over €3000. We call these extreme values.
As a result, whether these high values exist or not makes a big difference. Since these values exist but with some scarcity, they will not be evenly spread across a variation, which can artificially create difference when computing AOV. By artificially, we mean the difference comes from a small number of visitors and so doesn’t really count as “statistically significant”. Also, keep in mind that customer behavior will not be the same when buying for €50 as when making a purchase of more than €3000.
There’s not much to do about this except know it exists. One good thing though is to separate B2B and B2C visitors if you can, since B2C transaction values are statistically bigger and less frequent. Setting them apart will limit these problems.

What does this mean for AOV?

There are three important things to keep in mind when it comes to AOV:
  1. Don’t trust the basic AOV calculation; the difference you are seeing probably does not exist, and is quite often not even in the same observed direction! It’s only displayed to give an order of magnitude to interpret changes in conversion rates but shouldn’t be used to state a difference between variations’ AOV. That’s why we use a specific test, the Mann-Whitney U test, that’s adapted for this kind of data.
  2. You should only believe the statistical index on AOV, which is only valid to assess the direction of the difference between AOV, not its size. For example, you notice a +€5 AOV difference and the statistical index is 95%; this only means that you can be 95% sure that you will have an AOV gain, but not that it will be €5.
  3. Since transaction data is far more wild than conversion data, it will need stronger differences or bigger datasets to reach statistical significance. But since there are always fewer transactions than visitors, reaching significance on the conversion rate doesn’t imply being significant on AOV.
This means that a decision on a variation that has a conversion rate gain can still be complex because we rarely have a clear answer about the variation effect on the AOV.
This is yet another reason to have a clear experimentation protocol including an explicit hypothesis.
For example, if the test is about showing an alternate product page layout based on the hypothesis that visitors have trouble reading the product page, then the AOV should not be impacted. Afterwards, if the conversion rate rises, we can validate the winner if the AOV has no strong statistical downward trend. However, if the changes are in the product recommender system, which might have an impact on the AOV, then one should be more strict on measuring a statistical innocuity on the AOV before calling a winner. For example, the recommender might bias visitors toward cheaper products, boosting sales numbers but not the overall revenue.

The real driving force behind CRO

We’ve seen that the conversion rate is at the base of CRO practice because of its simplicity and versatility compared to all other KPIs. Nonetheless, this simplicity must not be taken for granted. It sometimes hides more complexity that needs to be understood in order to make profitable business decisions, which is why it’s a good idea to have expert resources during your CRO journey.
That’s why at AB Tasty, our philosophy is not only about providing top-notch software but also Customer Success accompaniment.
submitted by abtasty to u/abtasty [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:06 hell0potato Legoland CA: First time visit trip report

Went on a Wednesday in Mid-May, after reading lots of tips and tricks here. 4y + 1y. The kids had so much fun, we ended up converting our single passes to annual passes at the end of the day. I found it to be so well thought out for little kids. Even the bathrooms had low sinks, and hand dryers for littles. And lots of family restrooms and the stalls in the regular bathrooms were wide so you could bring your toddler in with you and not be cramped. We had no issue whatsoever bringing in snacks and re-fillable water bottles from home. Note: when going through the gates, you have to empty your stroller of all bags, so don't spend time meticulously packing it in the parking lot, only to have to empty it and re-pack like we did.
We arrived around 9:30 to get into the gates before opening because we wanted to get coffees, buy some stuff at the big store and go to the bathroom, etc before getting into the main areas. Well, the coffee machine was broken, and the big store was closed until later, I think because it was such a slow morning. Not sure when it opened, but maybe 11ish? So our morning plan was a bust. We talked to an MC later and they said it was a slow day, only 3000 in the park, versus 10-15k on a busy summer day.
Once 10am hit, we went straight to the back area where the medieval themed area is to meet other people arriving through the back hotel gate. We were a few of maybe 15 people in the area. My 4yo was able to ride the medieval horse ride, 3x in a row without getting off because there were no other people waiting. As we made our way back towards the front, things started filling in, but we were still able to ride rides a few times in a row until about 11:30 or so. FYI, the medieval themed area is very shady compared to the rest of the park, so if it's a really hot day and you need a break, then maybe head back there. The wooden playground was very novel for my kids and they loved it. We slowly made our way around the circle to the front of the park, checking everything out along the way since it was everyone's first time.
We stopped for lunch at the pizza buffet. Had planned to do the BBQ place but we didn't want to double back. This was a good choice for little kids. Salad bar had lots of stuff for the 1yo - peas, corn, chickpeas, cheese, shredded carrots, etc. And pizza, pasta and mac n cheese. Pizza surprisingly good for a theme park. Drinks included, but only soda, no milk or juice for kids (that I saw). When we arrived it was empty (12:45), but by the time we left at 1:30 it was insanely busy with a huge line to get in/get to the buffet. So come early or come after lunch hour. After lunch we made our way through miniland, over to funtown and then through lego movie area and dino valley back to the entrance. We kind of had to blow through funtown (except duplo) and lego movie/dino valley due to lack of time.
Rides 4yo loved most: Medieval horse ride, little airplane ride, beetle bounce and lost kingdom in the adventure land area, bioncle blasteteacups and dino valley stuff, too. Technic coaster was too much for him.
Ride 1yo loved most: little airplane ride and carousel
Playgrounds: Duplo and the wooden one at the back were the fav of both 4 and 1 yos. 4yo also loved the one with the flying balls in adventure land. I personally thought the ninjago one was the coolest.
Other items of interest: 4yo was obsessed with going around miniland and pushing all of the buttons to make stuff happen. Dance party at the end of the day at the front stage near the entrance. The build your boat to race attraction was a big hit, too. The adults really enjoyed the SD part of miniland, especially the funny inside jokes, like the "Allbertos" taco shop, IYKNK :D
Thanks again to this sub for all the info and insight!
submitted by hell0potato to legoland [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:05 Temporary_Noise_4014 51% return: Element79 Gold collects over CAD 5 million for Maverick Springs! (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

51% return: Element79 Gold collects over CAD 5 million for Maverick Springs! (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
4.4 million CAD in cash generated from the sale
Now the deal is done and dusted! As previously reported by Goldinvest.de, Element79 Gold (CSE ELEM / WKN A3EX7N) is selling the former main project of its Nevada project portfolio Maverick Springs to the Australian company Sun Silver. The process has dragged on, but now CEO James Tworek’s company can announce the exercise of the binding option agreement to complete the sale of Maverick Springs!

Element79 acquired the project in 2021 and has since developed it further. Among other things, a resource update was carried out, certifying Maverick Springs inferred resources of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent in accordance with the Canadian NI 43-101 standard.
Element79 had already started looking for financing partners for Maverick Springs last year, as the formerly producing Lucero gold mine was already coming into focus at that time. In August 2023, the company then negotiated and later signed the binding option agreement with Sun Silver.
Proceeds from the sale support Lucero development
Element79 is now focusing almost exclusively on the development of the high-grade Lucero project in Peru, where it sees the potential for a return to production in the foreseeable future. The proceeds from the Mavericks Springs transaction come at just the right time. According to Element79, the adjusted costs for the original acquisition of Maverick Springs were CAD 3.337 million, while the project can now be sold for CAD 5.033 million. This means that the value of Maverick Springs has been increased by CAD 1.696 million. This means an ROI (return on investment) of 51% – within just 28 months, as Element79 Gold calculates.
As the company further explains, the sale will generate a total of CAD 4.4 million in cash. In addition, Element79 will receive 3.5 million Sun Silver shares at AUD 0.20, which represents a fair market value of AUD 700,000. It is expected that the Sun Silver shares will be tradable on the ASX from approximately May 15.
According to Element79, it will use CAD 2.2 million of the proceeds from the sale to repay a loan in connection with the acquisition of the Nevada projects. The remaining capital will be used to fund other corporate projects and operations and to reduce capital debt and liabilities.
“The successful completion of the transaction underscores Element79’s unwavering commitment to executing its strategic plan,” said James Tworek, CEO of the company. “This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it is a testament to our team’s ability to create value through project execution and indicates a potential inflection point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it underpins careful financial management by cleaning up the balance sheet from past efforts; and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to create further value for our investors.”
Conclusion: With the Maverick Springs transaction, we believe Element79 has not only shown that it is possible to create value for shareholders, but also that it is now possible to intensify efforts in relation to the ongoing exploration and optimization of the main Lucero project. This should be all the easier as the company is now in a much more stable financial position. We are excited to see what Element79 Gold can achieve this year.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to SmallCapStocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:05 heyandrei Absurd PSEG bill

Hi all, curious if anyone else’s PSEG bill has skyrocketed this month.
I have been renting a 1 bedroom ~500 sq foot apartment the past year or so and never paid more than $70 for the monthly bill. Two weeks ago someone did a reading of the meter and this month I’m seeing a bill for $2,077, claiming a KWH electric usage of of over 10,500 for April. We have been current on all bills prior and always paid on time.
Our water heater broke in early March and had to be replaced and I’m wondering if that may be a cause of the increased electric usage. PSEG claims that all the prior months bills were all estimates and now this is the official reading. It just seems so incorrect and to top it off we are moving out of this apartment in 2 weeks so it’s just been a stressful time as is with moving expenses, etc.
Im curious if anyone has experienced something like this and is there any route to formally dispute / legally challenge? A $2k bill for a tiny apartment is just so absurd.
Thank you all in advance for your thoughts
submitted by heyandrei to Hoboken [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:04 Temporary_Noise_4014 51% return: Element79 Gold collects over CAD 5 million for Maverick Springs! (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

51% return: Element79 Gold collects over CAD 5 million for Maverick Springs! (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
4.4 million CAD in cash generated from the sale
Now the deal is done and dusted! As previously reported by Goldinvest.de, Element79 Gold (CSE ELEM / WKN A3EX7N) is selling the former main project of its Nevada project portfolio Maverick Springs to the Australian company Sun Silver. The process has dragged on, but now CEO James Tworek’s company can announce the exercise of the binding option agreement to complete the sale of Maverick Springs!

Element79 acquired the project in 2021 and has since developed it further. Among other things, a resource update was carried out, certifying Maverick Springs inferred resources of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent in accordance with the Canadian NI 43-101 standard.
Element79 had already started looking for financing partners for Maverick Springs last year, as the formerly producing Lucero gold mine was already coming into focus at that time. In August 2023, the company then negotiated and later signed the binding option agreement with Sun Silver.
Proceeds from the sale support Lucero development
Element79 is now focusing almost exclusively on the development of the high-grade Lucero project in Peru, where it sees the potential for a return to production in the foreseeable future. The proceeds from the Mavericks Springs transaction come at just the right time. According to Element79, the adjusted costs for the original acquisition of Maverick Springs were CAD 3.337 million, while the project can now be sold for CAD 5.033 million. This means that the value of Maverick Springs has been increased by CAD 1.696 million. This means an ROI (return on investment) of 51% – within just 28 months, as Element79 Gold calculates.
As the company further explains, the sale will generate a total of CAD 4.4 million in cash. In addition, Element79 will receive 3.5 million Sun Silver shares at AUD 0.20, which represents a fair market value of AUD 700,000. It is expected that the Sun Silver shares will be tradable on the ASX from approximately May 15.
According to Element79, it will use CAD 2.2 million of the proceeds from the sale to repay a loan in connection with the acquisition of the Nevada projects. The remaining capital will be used to fund other corporate projects and operations and to reduce capital debt and liabilities.
“The successful completion of the transaction underscores Element79’s unwavering commitment to executing its strategic plan,” said James Tworek, CEO of the company. “This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it is a testament to our team’s ability to create value through project execution and indicates a potential inflection point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it underpins careful financial management by cleaning up the balance sheet from past efforts; and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to create further value for our investors.”
Conclusion: With the Maverick Springs transaction, we believe Element79 has not only shown that it is possible to create value for shareholders, but also that it is now possible to intensify efforts in relation to the ongoing exploration and optimization of the main Lucero project. This should be all the easier as the company is now in a much more stable financial position. We are excited to see what Element79 Gold can achieve this year.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to StonkFeed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:04 Temporary_Noise_4014 51% return: Element79 Gold collects over CAD 5 million for Maverick Springs! (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

4.4 million CAD in cash generated from the sale
Now the deal is done and dusted! As previously reported by Goldinvest.de, Element79 Gold (CSE ELEM / WKN A3EX7N) is selling the former main project of its Nevada project portfolio Maverick Springs to the Australian company Sun Silver. The process has dragged on, but now CEO James Tworek’s company can announce the exercise of the binding option agreement to complete the sale of Maverick Springs!

Element79 acquired the project in 2021 and has since developed it further. Among other things, a resource update was carried out, certifying Maverick Springs inferred resources of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent in accordance with the Canadian NI 43-101 standard.
Element79 had already started looking for financing partners for Maverick Springs last year, as the formerly producing Lucero gold mine was already coming into focus at that time. In August 2023, the company then negotiated and later signed the binding option agreement with Sun Silver.
Proceeds from the sale support Lucero development
Element79 is now focusing almost exclusively on the development of the high-grade Lucero project in Peru, where it sees the potential for a return to production in the foreseeable future. The proceeds from the Mavericks Springs transaction come at just the right time. According to Element79, the adjusted costs for the original acquisition of Maverick Springs were CAD 3.337 million, while the project can now be sold for CAD 5.033 million. This means that the value of Maverick Springs has been increased by CAD 1.696 million. This means an ROI (return on investment) of 51% – within just 28 months, as Element79 Gold calculates.
As the company further explains, the sale will generate a total of CAD 4.4 million in cash. In addition, Element79 will receive 3.5 million Sun Silver shares at AUD 0.20, which represents a fair market value of AUD 700,000. It is expected that the Sun Silver shares will be tradable on the ASX from approximately May 15.
According to Element79, it will use CAD 2.2 million of the proceeds from the sale to repay a loan in connection with the acquisition of the Nevada projects. The remaining capital will be used to fund other corporate projects and operations and to reduce capital debt and liabilities.
“The successful completion of the transaction underscores Element79’s unwavering commitment to executing its strategic plan,” said James Tworek, CEO of the company. “This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it is a testament to our team’s ability to create value through project execution and indicates a potential inflection point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it underpins careful financial management by cleaning up the balance sheet from past efforts; and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to create further value for our investors.”
Conclusion: With the Maverick Springs transaction, we believe Element79 has not only shown that it is possible to create value for shareholders, but also that it is now possible to intensify efforts in relation to the ongoing exploration and optimization of the main Lucero project. This should be all the easier as the company is now in a much more stable financial position. We are excited to see what Element79 Gold can achieve this year.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to PennyStocksWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:03 Temporary_Noise_4014 51% return: Element79 Gold collects over CAD 5 million for Maverick Springs! (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

4.4 million CAD in cash generated from the sale Now the deal is done and dusted! As previously reported by Goldinvest.de, Element79 Gold (CSE ELEM / WKN A3EX7N) is selling the former main project of its Nevada project portfolio Maverick Springs to the Australian company Sun Silver. The process has dragged on, but now CEO James Tworek’s company can announce the exercise of the binding option agreement to complete the sale of Maverick Springs! Element79 acquired the project in 2021 and has since developed it further. Among other things, a resource update was carried out, certifying Maverick Springs inferred resources of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent in accordance with the Canadian NI 43-101 standard. Element79 had already started looking for financing partners for Maverick Springs last year, as the formerly producing Lucero gold mine was already coming into focus at that time. In August 2023, the company then negotiated and later signed the binding option agreement with Sun Silver. Proceeds from the sale support Lucero development Element79 is now focusing almost exclusively on the development of the high-grade Lucero project in Peru, where it sees the potential for a return to production in the foreseeable future. The proceeds from the Mavericks Springs transaction come at just the right time. According to Element79, the adjusted costs for the original acquisition of Maverick Springs were CAD 3.337 million, while the project can now be sold for CAD 5.033 million. This means that the value of Maverick Springs has been increased by CAD 1.696 million. This means an ROI (return on investment) of 51% – within just 28 months, as Element79 Gold calculates. As the company further explains, the sale will generate a total of CAD 4.4 million in cash. In addition, Element79 will receive 3.5 million Sun Silver shares at AUD 0.20, which represents a fair market value of AUD 700,000. It is expected that the Sun Silver shares will be tradable on the ASX from approximately May 15. According to Element79, it will use CAD 2.2 million of the proceeds from the sale to repay a loan in connection with the acquisition of the Nevada projects. The remaining capital will be used to fund other corporate projects and operations and to reduce capital debt and liabilities. “The successful completion of the transaction underscores Element79’s unwavering commitment to executing its strategic plan,” said James Tworek, CEO of the company. “This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it is a testament to our team’s ability to create value through project execution and indicates a potential inflection point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it underpins careful financial management by cleaning up the balance sheet from past efforts; and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to create further value for our investors.” Conclusion: With the Maverick Springs transaction, we believe Element79 has not only shown that it is possible to create value for shareholders, but also that it is now possible to intensify efforts in relation to the ongoing exploration and optimization of the main Lucero project. This should be all the easier as the company is now in a much more stable financial position. We are excited to see what Element79 Gold can achieve this year.
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2024.05.16 21:01 JoelCanon [JB CM SEPT ß-4/10] Septenary 'Fundamentals Extended 1.2'

[JB CM SEPT ß-1/10] Septenary REDDIT
[JB CM SEPT ß-2/10] Septenary 'Fundamentals’ REDDIT
[JB CM SEPT ß-3/10] Septenary 'Fundamentals Extended 1.1’ REDDIT
CM Septenary DRIVE
Hello and good day to all the fine people of worldbuilding. This is day 4 post 4 of my 10 part series of the release of ‘Septenary’, a creative tool from the project ‘Canon Mode.’ I’m not in a great mood right now because I’m begrudgingly writing this again after a couple days ago when after spending an hour writing this post it got lost in the ether when I tried posting it. F!@# my life. Well whatever doesn’t kill you makes you brighter no one says. So if this post is a little lackluster that’s the excuse I’m using.
And actually on that note, how is everyone actually doing, actually? I’m asking because I haven’t had any feedback on any of these posts yet. I’ve been getting upvotes, which means that at least some of you are liking the posts but that’s all I got. So if anyone’s got the time I’d be really interested in hearing what you guys have to say. I’m not just talking positive feedback or constructive criticism I literally want to know anything you think about it. Basically everything I work on has a reason it was chosen to be made that way, so even something as simple as “the term you used in that one your groups sounds weird” might have a bigger impact than you think because those are the types of things I ultimately take account of.
CM SEPT 2 Fundamentals Extended 1.2 SHEET COLOR
CM SEPT 2 Fundamentals Extended 1.2 SHEET GRAYSCALE
Today we’ll be looking at the ‘Attributes’ group of the ‘Fundamentals’ septenary. This group was originally created with the intent of aiding with character design. The issue when trying to create such a group was that it’s impossible to create a list of all the different types of species and beings that exist. So instead of trying to make a giant list it was instead easier to create a more basic list of things that can then go on to further define the features of something else.
The term ‘Attributes’ was chosen specifically when making this group because the advantage of focusing on just the attributes of certain things means that this entire group is not just applicable to character creation but as well anything else that might have defining features of some sort. To start customizing and giving attributes to things it’s first needed to have something one is wanting to customize. A character, a house, a car, an outfit, a smartphone, or anything else really that’s either tangible or physical can be given any of these attributes.
The mystical subgroup describes things related to God, spirituality, or the supernatural. Things like halos and wings, horns and pointed tails, clouds and heavenliness, fire and brimstone, religious figures and symbols are all things that might be considered mystical in nature. If one were to take into account ‘Biblically accurate angels’ then we might see giant floating dismembered body parts as mystical attributes as well. Generally speaking though anything that could be considered magical might be something that could be described as having mystical attributes.
The word ‘extraterrestrial’ was chosen over the word ‘alien’ specifically because of the implication of each word. Extraterrestrial describes things whose origin exists outside of Earth or whatever planet is being discussed. Alien on the other hand only implies that something is foreign to whatever is being described. The difference being is that something that’s extraterrestrial has a completely different origin than something that’s from Earth or a particular planet. The term alien on the other hand doesn’t necessarily describe this, as something that is alien could be foreign but still be of the same origin. That is to say something alien can still be related to the thing being described while something extraterrestrial has no relation to what’s being described.
The word ‘Mechanical’ was also chosen over the words ‘cyborg’ or ‘robot’ because they were too limiting otherwise. Cyborg and robot are terms which only describe mechanical beings, not necessarily anything else that might be mechanical. You could have a mechanical bird, or maybe mechanical food, or even a mechanical tree. Anything could be mechanical really if one has enough motivation, inspiration and determination.
When first creating the ‘Mythical’ subgroup it was in an attempt to create a complete list of every mythical being. The problem? That’s impossible, because there are an infinite amount of beings that are already either well established or could be created otherwise. Some of the common ones might be elves, fairies, werewolves, undead, giants, warlocks/wizards/witches, ghosts/spirits, orcs/trolls, dwarves/gnomes, and many many more.
The word ‘naturalistic’ was chosen for this subgroup specifically so it could include both forest people and furry people. Walking, talking plants, trees, and animals were the inspiration for this subgroup, basically anything that’s found in a forest could apply. There are a lot of other things that could also be considered naturalistic too though. Rocks, water features, dirt/sand, or anything else really that relates to nature.
Unlike most of the subgroups in the Attributes group, ‘Objectified’ is not a well established idea such as the others. The idea with the objectified subgroup was for it to describe in particular living inanimate beings. Features of objectified things might include blank or missing features, ultra rounded or sharply edged parts, ridged or impossible statures, or exaggerated and unreal characteristics. Really anything that looks like an object could be considered as part of the ‘Objectified’ subgroup.
This last group is a bit more tricky because the typical defining feature of spectres is that they’re transparent or invisible. That doesn’t leave much room to work with. Other ideas for spectral attributes might include auras, glowingness, dull flat colors and shading, soft edges, broken or damaged parts, wisps, and in general anything ethereal or spirit-like in nature. While not always possible, another feature of spectral things is that they float. They are also typically intangible, meaning they can pass through physical things. The unfortunate difficulty when describing something spectral is that many of the things that could be described this way depend on context and might be situational.
Generally speaking though it could be said that things that are spectral exist on a spectrum. This is because the definition of spectral is ‘of a spectrum.’ It’s not exactly clear what that actually means, but it could be seen as a starting point or inspiration
Usually I try to end with something insightful or profound but for this post I just don’t have it. I’m not necessarily upset over the time I spent and lost over the prior version of this post that I was working on as much as it is very upsetting that I lost the specific work I wrote. While I’m pretty sure I still covered the important ideas for this installment there still were a few very specific things that I wrote that I’ll never remember. I think the worst part about rewriting this post wasn’t that I necessarily couldn’t remember everything I wanted to say, it’s just that the inspiration to write it was gone. The quality of this post as a result really plummeted because of the fact that I was already aware of everything I wrote and no longer had that initial inspiration.
I think if I were to end on any note this time I’d say I think it’s interesting the progression from when I first came up with this idea to how it turned out. It started with me trying to list literally every type of entity or being someone might want to make into a character. Then it turned into trying to make a group of base characteristics which could then go on to define an already existent being. And it was only later that I came to the conclusion that it was possible to make the group more general by calling it attributes which opens it up to it being able to describe pretty much anything that has defining features of some sort. I think being aware of that progression has been a very valuable learning experience for me because it explores further these sort of all-encompassing ideas.
That’s all for this post. Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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VANCOUVER, BC , May 16, 2024 /CNW/ - Vizsla Copper Corp. (TSXV: VCU) (OTCQB: VCUFF) (" Vizsla Copper " or the " Company ") is pleased to announce the appointment of Craig Parry , Executive Chairman, to the role of Chief Executive Officer (" CEO "), and further information on the newly acquired Poplar Project ( "Poplar" or the "Project" ). The Poplar Project is home to the Poplar Deposit (the "Deposit" ), a large porphyry-related copper-gold-molybdenum deposit that is one of the most advanced pre-production copper projects in British Columbia
  • CEO. Craig Parry , Executive Chairman, has assumed the role of CEO.
  • Large, Gold-Rich Resource Base. The Project hosts a current undiluted indicated mineral resource of 152.3 million tonnes grading 0.32% copper, 0.009% molybdenum, 0.09 g/t gold and 2.58 g/t silver and an undiluted inferred mineral resource of 139.3 million tonnes grading 0.29% copper, 0.005% molybdenum, 0.07 g/t gold and 4.95 g/t silver.
  • Development Potential. The Poplar Deposit is a large, near-surface copper deposit that extends to the top of the bedrock and is covered only by a thin veneer (5- 10m thick) of overburden. It possesses a higher-grade core that also extends to the top of the bedrock and may be beneficial to phased mining scenarios.
  • Exploration Potential. Very little exploration drilling or ground geophysical surveying has been completed outside of the immediate Poplar deposit area, suggesting terrific potential for the discovery of additional porphyry-related mineralization.
" With the completion of the Universal Copper transaction, I look forward to taking a more active role in the Company's day-to-day operations " stated Craig Parry , Executive Chairman of the Company. " Since Vizsla Copper's inception, we've succeeded in adding multiple exciting development and exploration assets, and we're just getting started. Vizsla Copper is in a terrific position with the price of copper approaching $5 per pound and strong tailwinds continuing to dominate the sector."
"Now that we've had a chance to absorb and reflect on the exploration data from the Poplar Project, I'm very impressed by the development potential and exploration opportunity it provides " commented Steve Blower , Vice President, Exploration of the Company. " With a significant precious metal component, large size and location essentially at surface, this deposit is impressive
With the continuing evolution of the Company, Mr. Craig Parry has assumed the role of CEO and will remain Chair of the Company's Board of Directors. Craig brings a track record of creating shareholder value in previous CEO roles. Most recently, in his role as CEO of IsoEnergy, he turned an early-stage exploration spinout company into a much larger discovery success story in the uranium space. Mr. Chris Donaldson , remaining as a director of the Company, will step down as CEO effective immediately so that he can devote more time to other pursuits. The Company is appreciative of Chris's efforts as the former CEO.
The 39,000-hectare Poplar Project hosts a porphyry-related copper and gold deposit, the Poplar Deposit (Figures 1 and 2). The top 10 historical drill hole intersections (>0.2% Cu) in the Poplar Deposit, ranked by Grade*Length (%Cu*m) are provided in Table 1. The top ranked drill hole was recently completed in 2021 by Universal Copper. Drill hole 21-PC-131 intersected 432.8m @ 0.42% Cu, 0.011% Mo, 0.15 g/t Au and 1.80 g/t Ag (0.58% Cueq 1,2 ) from 2.2m
The Poplar Deposit has a historical indicated mineral resource of 152.3 million tonnes grading 0.32% copper, 0.009% molybdenum, 0.09 g/t gold and 2.58 g/t silver and a historical inferred mineral resource of 139.3 million tonnes grading 0.29% copper, 0.005% molybdenum, 0.07 g/t gold and 4.95 g/t silver (above a cut-off grade of 0.20% copper). The historical mineral resource estimate was prepared for Universal Copper in September, 2021. It is not being treated as a current Mineral Resource Estimate, as the Company has not yet had it verified by an Independent Qualified Person. However, the recent date of the Universal estimate and the lack of drilling completed since that date suggests that the historical estimate is relevant. Readers are cautioned that mineral resources, which are not mineral reserves, do not have demonstrated economic viability.
The Poplar Project is located in mining country, 35km from the Huckleberry Copper Mine. The road accessible property is bisected by a 138 Kva hydroelectric line and lies 88km from the rail head at Houston and 400km from the deep-water port at Prince Rupert by rail.
Table 1 – Top 10 Poplar Deposit Drill Hole Intersections (>0.2% Cu) Ranked by Cu%*m
The Company will be updating the Mineral Resource Estimate for the Poplar Deposit to bring it up to current status. This will provide important inputs to planned internal scoping level trade-off studies which will be used to rank and prioritize development scenarios amongst the various projects and deposits within the Company. The results of the internal scoping studies will determine the path forward for a Preliminary Economic Analysis.
Figure 1 – Poplar Project Location Map
Figure 2 – Poplar Project Map
Figure 3 – Poplar Deposit Level Plan (700masl) (Drill hole traces projected in their entirety)
Figure 4 – Poplar Deposit Vertical Longitudinal Section (Section Line on Figure 3)
The Company's board of directors have approved amendments to its current 10% Rolling Stock Option Plan (the " Plan "), originally adopted on September 20, 2021 to comply with the recent changes to the TSX Venture Exchange (the " TSXV ") Policy 4.4 – Security Based Compensation. The amendments have been conditionally approved by the TSXV and are subject to shareholder ratification at the Company's next annual general meeting later this year.
The Company has granted a total of 7,500,000 stock options (the " Options ") to directors, officers, employees and consultants of the Company. The Options will have an exercise price of $0.09 , expire five years from the date of grant and shall vest over two years. The Options were granted pursuant to the Plan and are subject to regulatory approval.
The disclosure of technical or scientific information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Ian Borg , P.Geo., Senior Geologist for Vizsla Copper. Mr. Borg is a Qualified Person as defined under the terms of National Instrument 43-101.
Vizsla Copper is a Cu-Au-Mo focused mineral exploration and development company headquartered in Vancouver, Canada Williams Lake, British Columbia Carruthers Pass , all well situated amongst significant infrastructure in British Columbia British Columbia, Canada and it is committed to socially responsible exploration and development, working safely, ethically and with integrity.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This news release contains forward-looking statements or forward-looking information relating to the future operations of the Company and other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements in this news release include but are not limited to: obtaining the necessary approvals required for the Arrangement; completion of the Arrangement and the timing thereof; the benefits of the Arrangement; exploration activities; and Vizsla Copper's growth and business strategies.
Forward-looking statements are based on the reasonable assumptions, estimates, analyses and opinions of management made in light of its experience and its perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances at the date that such statements are made, but which may prove to be incorrect. Management believes that the assumptions and expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable. Assumptions have been made regarding, among other things: the Company's ability to carry on exploration and development activities; the timely receipt of required approvals; the price of copper and other metals; and the Company's ability to obtain financing as and when required and on reasonable terms. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive of all factors and assumptions which may have been used.
Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include but are not limited to: the Company's early stage of development and lack of history as a stand-alone entity; the fluctuation of the price of copper and other metals; the availability of additional funding as and when required; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development; the timing and ability to maintain and, where necessary, obtain necessary permits and licenses; the uncertainty in geologic, hydrological, metallurgical and geotechnical studies and opinions; infrastructure risks, including access to water and power; environmental risks and hazards; risks associated with negative operating cash flow; and risks associated with dilution. For a further discussion of risks relevant to the Company, see the Company's other public disclosure documents.
Although management has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There is no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements, except as, and to the extent required by, applicable securities laws.
SOURCE Vizsla Copper Corp.

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70,000 meters completed, highlights include:
349.0 m of 0.77% Cu , including 232.0 m of 0.86% Cu (AZ23292)
382.5 m of 0.54% Cu , including 74.0 m of 0.86% Cu (AZ23277)
TORONTO, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- McEwen Copper Inc McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE: MUX) (TSX: MUX), is pleased to provide the assay results from the currently completed drill season at the Los Azules project in Argentina. The prime objectives of this season’s infill drilling campaign were: 1. to confirm the size and grade of the deposit as compared to the 2023 PEA estimate and upgrade the resource categories for the upcoming feasibility study; 2. test for extensions of mineralization beyond the current pit shell; and 3. explore our large property package for other mineralized areas.
Based on the assay results received to date, our first objective appears to have been met. Initial interpretation suggests that our infill drilling will result in an increase in Measured and Indicated resources and an overall mineral inventory within 5% of the PEA estimate. Testing for extensions beyond the planned pit has successfully encountered mineralization both to the north and to the south. Primary mineralization was intercepted (202.0 m of 0.20% Cu) over 400 meters north of last year’s deep exploration hole, confirming its extension at depth a significant distance to the north. Exploration south of the planned pit has intercepted the principal mineralized intrusive more than 700 meters south of previous drill intercepts and indicates that prospective intrusives continue well to the south of the pit.
Exploration over our property has produced an intriguing target, late in the season. Initial results of a concession-wide regional mapping and sampling campaign have identified strong evidence of a large porphyry system 3 kilometers east of the Los Azules deposit. Porphyry-style veining and quartz vein stockworks with copper oxide mineralization have been recognized within this new target, with assay results pending.
Additionally, this news release covers all results from the first half of the 2023-24 drill program (see Table 1 ). Final results will be published when all the geochemistry is completed.
The objective of the 2023-2024 drilling campaign is to collect all the necessary information to support the completion of the Los Azules Feasibility Study by early 2025. This information continues to arrive and will be processed in the following months. Resource drilling is focused on converting all the mineralization to be mined in the first 5 years to Measured and Indicated resource, to increase confidence during the payback period. Geotechnical, metallurgical, hydrogeological, exploration, and condemnation drilling are also being performed.
  • Hole AZ23292 returned an intercept of 349 m of 0.77% Cu (approx. true thickness). The Enriched zone portion of this hole extends over 346 meters and includes an intercept of 232 m of 0.86% Cu
  • Hole AZ23277 has an intercept of 382.5 m of 0.54% Cu (approx. true thickness). The Enriched zone portion of this hole extends over 306 meters with a grade of 0.61% Cu and includes an intercept of 74 m of 0.86% Cu
Results are summarized in two schematic cross sections ( Figures 2 and 3 ), which include simplified interpretations of the Overburden, Leached, Enriched and Primary zones. The Enriched mineral zone refers to the enrichment of a copper deposit by precipitation-derived water circulation that carries copper minerals downward through the rocks to accumulate in a thick, often horizontal “blanket”. Immediately above the Enriched zone is the Leached zone, from which copper was removed and transported. Weathering and oxidation often aid in this process. Below the Enriched zone, the Primary (or Hypogene) zone is formed by ascending copper-rich fluids having a much deeper magmatic origin. The green line on the sections indicates the pit floor of the 30-year pit shell from the 2023 NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA).
Figure 1 presents a plan view of the location of two sections and the holes reported. Adjacent cross sections are located 50 m apart from each other, starting with the lowest numbered section at the south end of the deposit and progressing to the north.
Figure 1 – Plan View Location of Cross-sections and Drill Holes Reported in this News Release
Figure 2 displays an intercept of 349 m grading 0.77% Cu (AZ23292)
and includes 232 m grading 0.86% Cu within the Enriched zone. This hole extends higher-grade Enriched zone mineralization in the center of the section to the east and at depth.
Figure 2 - Section 40 - Drilling, Mineralized Zones and 30-year PEA Pit (Looking North)
Figure 3 highlights a 382.5 m interval grading 0.54% Cu (AZ23277) and includes an interval of 74 m grading 0.86% Cu within the Enriched zone. This hole extends higher-grade mineralization in the eastern portion of the Enriched zone to the east and at depth.
Figure 3 - Section 52 - Drilling, Mineralized Zones and 30-year PEA Pit (Looking North)
Growing the Deposit
Exploration hole AZ23241 ( Figure 4 ) intersected a long interval of low-grade mineralization in the Primary Zone ( 202.0 m of 0.20% Cu ) and began to enter higher-grade mineralization at the end of the hole ( 12.0 m of 0.44% Cu ). This hole is located completely outside of the 2023 PEA base case mineable pit shell. This hole is over 400 meters to the north of exploration hole AZ22174, also located outside of the 2023 PEA base case mineable pit shell, which encountered 1,052.0 m of 0.29% Cu including 480 m of 0.42% Cu ( Figure 4 ). These intercepts suggest that primary mineralization continues at depth a significant distance to the north. Exploration drilling south of the deposit has extended the presence of the early mineral porphyry more than 700 meters south of previous drilling and well outside of the southern pit boundary. This porphyry is host for the majority of the mineralization at Los Azules and encountering it a significant distance farther south indicates that the deposit may also continue in this direction. Assays for these holes are pending.
A comprehensive structural model for the deposit has been completed that will provide a better understanding of structural controls on the deposit and aid in future exploration work. Field verification of a previous property-wide structural study using satellite information was carried out in January and has refined the identification of nearby exploration targets.
Figure 4 – North-South Longitudinal Section (Looking East) With Deep Exploration Holes to the North and Exploration Holes to the South With Early Mineral Porphyry Shown in Red
Indications of Another Porphyry Copper System Nearby
To date, geological mapping and geochemical sampling has been focused primarily near the Los Azules deposit and only covers roughly 40% of our large concession. To address this limitation, a mapping and sampling campaign was begun in December, to obtain 100% coverage of our concession.
Early results of this work have identified a large new porphyry system 3 kilometers east of Los Azules. Preliminary work has identified porphyry-style veining and alteration, indicating the presence of a porphyry copper system. Areas with strong quartz vein stockworking and the recognition of copper oxides at surface add to the prospectiveness of this newly identified area ( Figure 5 ).
Figure 5 – Quartz Stockwork Veining and Copper Oxides Identified at Surface in Porphyry Copper System 3 Kilometers East of Los Azules
Table 1 summarizes copper (Cu), gold (Au) and silver (Ag) assay results received from October 2023 to December 31, 2023.
Table 1 – Recent Los Azules Drilling Results
Technical information
The technical content of this press release has been reviewed and approved by Darren King, Director of Exploration of McEwen Copper, who serves as the qualified person (QP) under the definitions of National Instrument 43-101.
All samples were collected in accordance with generally accepted industry standards. Drill core samples, usually taken at 2 m intervals, were split and submitted to the Alex Stewart International laboratory located in the Province of Mendoza, Argentina, for the following assays: gold determination using fire fusion assay and an atomic absorption spectroscopy finish (Au4-30); a 39 multi-element suite using ICP-OES analysis (ICP-AR 39); copper content determination using a sequential copper analysis (Cu-Sequential LMC-140). An additional 19-element analysis (ICP-ORE) was performed for samples with high sulphide content and that exceeded the limits of the ICP-OES analysis.
The company conducts a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program in accordance with NI 43-101 and industry best practices using a combination of standards and blanks on approximately one out of every 25 samples. Results are monitored as final certificates are received, and any re-assay requests are sent back immediately. Pulp and preparation sample analyses are also performed as part of the QAQC process. Approximately 5% of the sample pulps are sent to a secondary laboratory for control purposes. In addition, the laboratory performs its own internal QAQC checks, with results made available on certificates for Company review.
Table 2 – Hole Locations and Lengths for Los Azules Drilling Results
McEwen Copper is a well-funded, private company which owns 100% of the large, advanced-stage Los Azules copper project, located in the San Juan province, Argentina. McEwen Copper is a 47.7%-owned private subsidiary of McEwen Mining, which has the ticker MUX on NYSE and TSX.
Los Azules is being designed to be distinctly different from a conventional copper mine, consuming significantly less water, emitting much lower carbon and progressing towards carbon neutral by 2038, and being powered by 100% renewable electricity once in operation. In June 2023, an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) was released, which projects a long life of mine, short payback period, low production cost per pound, high annual copper production and a 21.2% after-tax IRR.
McEwen Mining is a gold and silver producer with operations in Nevada, Canada, Mexico and Argentina. McEwen Mining also holds a 47.7% interest in McEwen Copper, which is developing the large, advanced-stage Los Azules copper project in Argentina. The Company’s goal is to improve the productivity and life of its assets with the objective of increasing the share price and providing a yield. Rob McEwen, Chairman and Chief Owner, has a personal investment in the companies of US$220 million. His annual salary is US$1.
This news release contains certain forward-looking statements and information, including "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The forward-looking statements and information expressed, as at the date of this news release, McEwen Mining Inc.'s (the "Company") estimates, forecasts, projections, expectations or beliefs as to future events and results. Forward-looking statements and information are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties, risks and contingencies, and there can be no assurance that such statements and information will prove to be accurate. Therefore, actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements and information. Risks and uncertainties that could cause results or future events to differ materially from current expectations expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements and information include, but are not limited to, effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, fluctuations in the market price of precious metals, mining industry risks, political, economic, social and security risks associated with foreign operations, the ability of the corporation to receive or receive in a timely manner permits or other approvals required in connection with operations, risks associated with the construction of mining operations and commencement of production and the projected costs thereof, risks related to litigation, the state of the capital markets, environmental risks and hazards, uncertainty as to calculation of mineral resources and reserves, and other risks. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information included herein, which speak only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to reissue or update forward-looking statements or information as a result of new information or events after the date hereof except as may be required by law. See McEwen Mining's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, under the caption "Risk Factors", for additional information on risks, uncertainties and other factors relating to the forward-looking statements and information regarding the Company. All forward-looking statements and information made in this news release are qualified by this cautionary statement.
The NYSE and TSX have not reviewed and do not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this news release, which has been prepared by the management of McEwen Mining Inc.
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2024.05.16 20:48 Temporary_Noise_4014 51% return: Element79 Gold collects over CAD 5 million for Maverick Springs! (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

51% return: Element79 Gold collects over CAD 5 million for Maverick Springs! (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
4.4 million CAD in cash generated from the sale
Now the deal is done and dusted! As previously reported by Goldinvest.de, Element79 Gold (CSE ELEM / WKN A3EX7N) is selling the former main project of its Nevada project portfolio Maverick Springs to the Australian company Sun Silver. The process has dragged on, but now CEO James Tworek’s company can announce the exercise of the binding option agreement to complete the sale of Maverick Springs!

Element79 acquired the project in 2021 and has since developed it further. Among other things, a resource update was carried out, certifying Maverick Springs inferred resources of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent in accordance with the Canadian NI 43-101 standard.
Element79 had already started looking for financing partners for Maverick Springs last year, as the formerly producing Lucero gold mine was already coming into focus at that time. In August 2023, the company then negotiated and later signed the binding option agreement with Sun Silver.
Proceeds from the sale support Lucero development
Element79 is now focusing almost exclusively on the development of the high-grade Lucero project in Peru, where it sees the potential for a return to production in the foreseeable future. The proceeds from the Mavericks Springs transaction come at just the right time. According to Element79, the adjusted costs for the original acquisition of Maverick Springs were CAD 3.337 million, while the project can now be sold for CAD 5.033 million. This means that the value of Maverick Springs has been increased by CAD 1.696 million. This means an ROI (return on investment) of 51% – within just 28 months, as Element79 Gold calculates.
As the company further explains, the sale will generate a total of CAD 4.4 million in cash. In addition, Element79 will receive 3.5 million Sun Silver shares at AUD 0.20, which represents a fair market value of AUD 700,000. It is expected that the Sun Silver shares will be tradable on the ASX from approximately May 15.
According to Element79, it will use CAD 2.2 million of the proceeds from the sale to repay a loan in connection with the acquisition of the Nevada projects. The remaining capital will be used to fund other corporate projects and operations and to reduce capital debt and liabilities.
“The successful completion of the transaction underscores Element79’s unwavering commitment to executing its strategic plan,” said James Tworek, CEO of the company. “This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it is a testament to our team’s ability to create value through project execution and indicates a potential inflection point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it underpins careful financial management by cleaning up the balance sheet from past efforts; and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to create further value for our investors.”
Conclusion: With the Maverick Springs transaction, we believe Element79 has not only shown that it is possible to create value for shareholders, but also that it is now possible to intensify efforts in relation to the ongoing exploration and optimization of the main Lucero project. This should be all the easier as the company is now in a much more stable financial position. We are excited to see what Element79 Gold can achieve this year.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to SmallCap_MiningStocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:44 como365 Oscar Mayer facility's future could depend on tax abatement

Oscar Mayer facility's future could depend on tax abatement
Upgrades to Columbia’s Kraft Heinz plant, for which the company is seeking a local tax abatement, could help keep the facility in the community.
The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Kraft Heinz is exploring a sale of its subsidiary Oscar Mayer, whose plant in Columbia has been producing hot dogs for decades.
In its application for the abatement, or tax break, Kraft Heinz said it is evaluating the location of the Columbia plant, which has approximately 450 full-time employees.
The project that could help keep the plant in Columbia is Project Lightyear, a $92 million investment into the modernization and decarbonization of the facility.
To help pay for the project, the company has requested a 75% property tax abatement on $49 million of new equipment, said Kathleen Bruegenhemke, a member of the Regional Economic Development Inc. incentive subcommittee. This means Kraft Heinz will only pay 25% of the property taxes on the equipment for the next 10 years.
Regional Economic Development Inc. is a public/private partnership assisting with the project and the abatement that Kraft Heinz is pursuing.
The abatement would be financed by a Chapter 100 bond. Under state law, Chapter 100 allows personal property to be purchased tax exempt by the city or county and leased back to a company. This has a maximum length of 10 years.
Bruegenhemke said the investment would strengthen the retention of the facility in Columbia.
“The Wall Street Journal article underscores the need for the (Chapter 100) incentive as (Kraft Heinz) is evaluating all their options,” Bruegenhemke said.
Boone County Presiding Commissioner Kip Kendrick said the potential selling of Oscar Mayer will not impact how the county proceeds with the abatement at this time.
“We’ll proceed under the current framework of Kraft Heinz owning Oscar Mayer,” Kendrick said. “And certainly as we get to contract negotiations, we can have that conversation on what that looks like.”
Multiple taxing jurisdictions that are impacted by the proposal need to approve the Chapter 100 bond and then present it to the Boone County Commission, which will make the final decision. The Columbia School Board, which is one of the jurisdictions involved in this agreement, voted Monday to instruct Board President Suzette Waters to vote yes on the project. The decision-making entities will reconvene May 21 to continue discussion.
Kendrick said the county will make the decision in the interests of the groups most impacted, like the school district.
“Giving all the taxing jurisdictions a voice and a seat at the table,” Kendrick said. “It’s important to hear directly from them.”
Kraft Heinz pursued and received a similar abatement for new equipment in 2015, which gave it seven years of tax breaks in exchange for retaining its employees and wages.
Even with the abatement, the bond project is estimated to increase property tax revenues by over $1 million over the next 10 years. The bulk of that will go to Columbia Public Schools.
“If they didn’t make this investment then there’s no additional property tax revenue going to the city or the county,” Bruegenhemke said.
Kendrick said the county will likely make its final decision in late May or early June.
submitted by como365 to columbiamo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:43 Noelani852 Overwhelmed with prepping for variety of diapers, new and old

I’m currently 33 weeks pregnant with my second child and trying to get my diaper situation prepared in the next few weeks. My first child was born 10 years ago. I mostly used a diaper service with prefolds back then, but I do have a lot of inserts/boosters (some hemp/cotton, some bamboo/microfiber) and fitteds (mix of bamboo and hemp) that I saved from when he was a baby. Plus PUL covers and a handful of prefolds. I also bought new diapers for this baby since I won’t be using a service this time around. I have a mix of AIOs and pockets, and some extra prefolds and covers for the newborn phase.
Should I be stripping the old diapers? There’s a slight barnyard smell to some of the hemp fitteds, otherwise everything in my old stash seems okay. Or do I go straight to prepping them with the new diapers? I have Grovia mighty bubbles that I was going to use to at least deep clean all the old diapers since they’ve been in storage for so long.
I’m planning to use Tide powder of some kind, plus probably Calgon, since I have seriously hard water. I don’t know how hard the water was where I was living 7 years ago when these diapers were last washed. For the Tide powder, do you recommend using one with oxi or bleach?
submitted by Noelani852 to clothdiaps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:43 hemantgiri1999 Seeking advice for Blood donation and hair fall

I (25)M am experiencing hair loss, hair thinning and dandruff usually itching and skin flaking that too on face near nose and chest area. My doctor mentioned I have high hemoglobin and suggested blood donation to lower it. However, I'm unsure if these symptoms are related or if donating blood is the best course of action, at first I though it was due to my low levels of ferritin but he exclaimed that it was normal level and no need for supplementation . These are my Blood test report
Is my iron and ferritin really normal or should i get supplements ? is it related to my hair fall and dandruff?
submitted by hemantgiri1999 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
