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2016.07.30 11:55 shitbeliever Fujifilm X Series Cameras

A dedicated subreddit to discuss about Fuji X mirrorless camera lineup.

2008.04.03 20:28 Bollywood news, reviews, photos, videos and more.

All about Bollywood movies and Hindi OTT shows

2018.02.10 18:16 SunflowerSupreme Custom Funko Pops

A place to showcase custom / customized funko pop figures.

2024.06.09 18:55 AdGloomy9798 ex roommate hasn’t paid, left furniture as collateral, & now is a day away from deadline. what do I do?

i kicked my exroommate out because she hadn’t paid rent in months, & then i found out she lied to me about her entire identity. it’s important to note i’m 24f & autistic. a lot of this story is built upon the back of her lying to me? so for brevity sake im stating what I think is the most pertinent information for this. i wont get too deep into all the intricacies of the lies because they are big ones that im still unpacking in therapy, just looking for legal advice because im tapped on funds & would’ve sought an attorneys advice otherwise.
long story short, she avoided signing a lease or anything until after we moved in back in november because “life” kept getting in the way of her coming to the appointment for it. I learned my lesson here. I know I shouldn’t have let her move in without signing a sublease or getting a background check. she kept canceling our appt to get it signed, & eventually I became too overwhelmed with school & work that I forgot about it until I needed it. but I have all our financial agreement stuff in written form (text) im just not sure if that’s enough.
anyway, the apartment was in my name only. she paid sorta consistently. a day late here, a week late there. I was okay with it for the beginning because I am a student & had enough in savings from my loans to cover it in the beginning SO LONG as she paid me back. & she did. I also was working 35 hours a week on top of an 18 credit hour load, so i’m barely home save to sleep or eat. february is when she lost her job due to allegedly calling off & lying about it to her boss. (I only found that out after a coworker of hers reached out to me. my roommate was allegedly lying about me to people.) it’s important to note I didn’t know she lost her job. she didn’t tell me she got fired, instead said she was wanting to leave & was lowering her hours there while finding other work. I told her I just would like to be paid back on time & she said she would. spoiler, she didn’t.
in march we had a huge argument because she hadn’t paid me back for february rent or utilities & I had learned at that point a lot of her personal history that she had shared with me had been a lie. I looked into publicly available records about her & found out the following:
she comes clean about all of that during the confrontation in march. she cries, I cry, I thought all was getting resolved financially because she promised. (I roll my eyes now thinking about it) & she was enrolling herself in therapy. she pays me for the rent & utilities of february but not rent for march. she said she would get it to me with her next paycheck. I had some faith in her still because she was my friend or so I thought.
I also ended up enrolling in therapy shortly after this conversation bc it was traumatizing how much she lied to me.
regardless, i covered her half of rent during march & April, albeit very begrudgingly. i gave her extension after extension but started to look for another roommate during the end of april just in case she didn’t pay in may. the reason I did this is because I only had enough in savings to cover my portion of rent for june. obviously may came around & she didn’t pay, but she was able to go spend about $400 at the grocery store ?? & she also bought a new stanley cup (she had a collection & each one rubes around 48 usd) & a whole bunch of new make up, press on nails, toiletries such as shampoo & conditioner & three new candles!!
seeing her come home with all that that was my breaking point. I had been rationing off my food, my own toiletries, & my own “luxury” items just so I could afford to keep a roof over our heads.
so I found a new roommate very quickly, & got them ACTUALLY VETTED WITH BACKGROUND CHECK & CREDIT CHECK BY THE APARTMENT COMPLEX ITSELF. yes I learned from my mistake. no I will never repeat it again.
I told my ex roommate on May 6th, one week after she came home with all those new expensive items, that she needed to pay me all 3.453.35 that she owed me for rent/utilities or she would be kicked out. she asked me for an extension, she claimed she needed to May 10th to get her funds. I said no, she had already had two months & four full paycheck cycles to figure it out. she said she took out a personal loan & was waiting on it to be approved & deposited. I again reaffirmed that no, she could not stay here. I told her she had twenty minutes to pack up a bag but she needed to leave her furniture as collateral that she would pay me back. she agreed to this. all of this is in text form & I have her agreeing to it there. after she left, i told her she had thirty full days to pay me back or her items would be considered abandoned. thus, giving her an additional & final deadline. that deadline is Monday, June 10th, at 5 pm.
on June 3rd, after hearing nothing from her for weeks, she said she would pay me by the evening of the 7th. I told her that was fine, but if she didn’t pay then the original deadline of june 10th at 5 pm would still stand.
june 7th came & went. no payment. & june 10th is tomorrow. & idk what to do with her stuff or if I should give her more time?? i’m not sure how to proceed forward & wanna make sure i’m protected.
anyway, that’s the shortened version of it. any advice is welcome. I don’t need people telling me i’m stupid for the sublease thing bc I know & am well aware. I learned my lesson on that & my new roommate is on the lease & our financials are split evenly now so i’m good on that.
I just don’t know what to do with her items or even really,,,her. do I just need to suck it up, grab my credit card & get an attorney? I just dunno what to do :/ thank you in advance
submitted by AdGloomy9798 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:54 LTJ1690 26 [M4R] #Online- looking to meet new people!

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland! Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:54 LTJ1690 26 [M4R] #Online- looking to meet new people!

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland! Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:53 LTJ1690 26 [M4R] #Online- looking to meet new people!

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland! Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:53 Western_Past1525 OFFICIAL RDC GANG BEASTS TIER LIST (based on kills not wins so no mickeys)

OFFICIAL RDC GANG BEASTS TIER LIST (based on kills not wins so no mickeys) submitted by Western_Past1525 to RDCWorld [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:51 Fit-Assist7739 I'm in ahealthy relationship with my boyfriend but I still think randomly of the one that got away. This is kinda long so please bear with me...

I (27F) am currently in a relationship with my BF (30M) for more than a year now and we've been sailing smoothly so far. He's a green flag in all aspects but sometimes, I can't help thinking about the one that got away.
Let's call Chip. Chip and I first met in church wayback 2017. He was introduced to me by our church mates and we clicked. Every youth program we had, Chip and I are constantly partners. He never wanted to be partnered with other woman than me. I was in my early twenties and heartbroken and he was in his late 20s and ready to mingle during those times. He knew my past and I knew his too and we're okay with it. There were no verbal confirmation that we were a thing but everyone in church sees us a couple.
FF on December 2018, I started working while I'm in school. Chip asked why I got a job instead of staying in school and I told him about the family feud I had with my dad. It was still 2 years after my mom's death and I still cannot accept my dad is dating another woman and spends time with her son instead of me. For context, I'm the youngest and the only one in school now cause all my three elder siblings are married. My judgement were so cloudy because of the feud I had with my dad. Since then, Chip and I barely talk to each other. Even in church we barely spoke. I also noticed there's this new girl and he seemed to have bonded with her like how he used to with me. Then I realize he's no longer into me and I felt like he is not ready to take that version of me - a young lady, still grieving and about to take poor life decisions yet.
Career took off well and earning comfortably and I dated few men but never in a relationship with them. I kinda conpared them to ChIp and if they were not behaving like a gentleman like Chip was to me, I dump them.
FF Around September 2022, I met some of my church friends and bonded with them. It was in a different church and suddenly, he came. He tapped me and greeted me joyfully. I reciprocated his greetings to kill the awkwardness and those faces my friends made when they saw us talking after all these years. I jokingly asked him if he's married since I haven't seen him in a while. He told me he's not married cause he's waiting for me. I don't know if he's being shady or what but it definitely caused intense awkwardness. So I flipped the subject and asked them what they'd be doing after lunch. He said he was there to attend a meeting for the next youth activity and he asked me if I'm free for an afternoon coffee. I don't know what to say so I was like "yeah sure". But I left and had some coffee with my friends and never came back to see him.
On December that same year, I was so torn about being single for 6 years so I asked God if he prepared someone for me and behold, I met my boyfriend. We clicked instantly like how Chip and I were but this time, my BF expressed his intention to be with me because he sees me as the one he's gonna spend the rest of his life with. I was so happy because God did answer my prayer... Or so I thought.
My BF is from a different Christian denomination so he wanted to know more about my faith. I brought him with me around March 2023 and introduced him to my friends and they all welcomed him wholeheartedly. That very same day, my BF and I decided to spenda our afternoon with our friends at church... And Chip was there. You can see it in his eyes how happy he was to see me, in the same church we met. He sat next to me cheerfulyl but before anything else, I introduced him to my BF. They shook hands and still talked to me but that awful awkwardness started to come around that he left and sat in a different row. My BF didn't know the history I had with Chip but he asked why he transferred to a different seat. I calmly told him "those are his closest friends". Gladly he bought it.
Every time Chip and I meet in church after that incident, he avoids me. He still greets me but doesn't look me in my eyes. He deactivated his social media. I don't know what I did wrong. There was never an "US" but the pain I see in him and what I felt, it's like we're meant to stay apart.
I just can't help thinking what if I said yes to that coffee date? What if I didn't let the issues of my family affect me and never took the job? What if I just stayed in school til I finished my degree? What if me staying in school is all that it takes so we can start over?
Am I being ungrateful for having my BF in my life and still longed for Chip? Please.. any advice would be helpful at this point
submitted by Fit-Assist7739 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:50 Synsemata [Online] [Other] [EST] [LGBTQ+ Friendly] A Gold Rush That Triggers An Avalanche

Howdy there! It’s your old gal Lila, here to ask for one, maybe two players to help spice up a campaign I’ll be starting in about a week.
To save you a bit of reading, I’ll get all the important stuff out of the way upfront, then I’ll ramble about the plot.
— Sessions take place at 4 PM EST on Saturdays, and usually run for ~3 hours.
— We’re using Mythras 2e for the system because it’s a beautiful bastard of an RPG and I adore it. Don’t worry if you don’t know Mythras, I’m happy to teach it.
— It’ll be via Discord VC. Theatre of the mind will mainly be used with a few visual aids.
— The game’s setting is still freshly being made, but the core idea is, to simplify it, a sandbox-style game where you hear about a gold rush happening up north, and of course gold = a metric fuckload of cash lining your pockets. Get there before people start fighting over it. Do note that this means I will be trusting you to actively play and participate. If you like going whole hog inside the GM’s world to see what cool shit you can do, this is the game for you.
— 18+ is preferred but not required, since there won’t be any gratuitous themes or majorly mature things occurring. However, things like xenophobia and sexism will likely come up, as the campaign will definitely delve into the political and social failings of the various countries and cities, so if that’s not your deal, there’s your warning! Also note a good deal since Mythras is a classic swords-and-sorcery style game, expect that when things go down, things go down. Blood is spilled brutally and gratuitously in this system. Gotta give a big shoutout to my special little boy “spell that explodes your fucking heart.”
— Expect a roleplay/combat ratio of 80/20, maybe 90/10. I enjoy combat being rare and tense, where it’s only happening because you’ve either made a huge mistake, or things have collapsed in on themselves so hard you have no choice but to risk death.
Anyway, I’ll give you a quick lore expo if you’re still reading. Thank you for that, by the by.
You’ve been holed up in Glaciers’ Rise for a while now — poised on the border between Dheresis and The Rhovarian Empire…or what remains of that empire. Most just call it Rhovaria now. The current year is 1288, April 4th (because I’m not making up fantasy months to be easy on you lol), and word has reached Glaciers’ Rise of an ungodly amount of gold and other metals like iron, copper, and tin being dug up in the mountains of Vudristan, the jeweled empire up north.
They’re already powerful, but a huge reserve? Now? They may as well have slit Rhovaria’s throat — their economy is already outdoing the fading empire’s, but this could easily spell a death-blow for Rhovaria. Rhovaria’s main claim to fame is their unmatched iron, bronze, and steel trade which has always remained the backbone of their economy, but if Vudristan could cut into that trade? Things could get really, really dicey — and really, really venomous.
…Not that it might matter to you in particular right now. Even just a few pounds of gold could let you live lavishly for years, and if you get a bigger find? You’d get to retire for good. The chance is too good to pass up, you HAVE to get to Vudristan.
If that at all sounds interesting, feel free to pop a message by! Remember that this is gonna be more of a sandbox game, so how you get there is up to you — as a GM I’ll always work best when the players have active goals and carve their own paths through the world.
submitted by Synsemata to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:50 BestieBoo300 (Dumpster Fire Alert!) Musical Mischief Event Proposed Changes

As most of you know, Musical Mischief is considered the hardest and the most disliked AdAges event by most. There are many issues with this music history themed event that have been addressed over the past two years, but not much has changed. This rant is about the poor status of this current event and what can be done to make it fairer and more enjoyable for most players.
Good Things:
Before we get into all of my proposed changes for our current event I want to begin this post by saying something. Musical Mischief isn’t the worst event out there. There is actually quite a bit I like about it. This post is just mainly focused on its many problems.
Its music, for one thing, is, by far the best out of any soundtrack in any video game that I’ve heard, and considering that I’ve played every single Hyper Hippo Productions event and each event comes with a soundtrack, that’s saying something for sure. And the art isn’t bad either. I especially like the researcher art and appreciate the effort put into it. I just wish the gameplay had nearly as much work put into it.
Suggested Changes to Costs:
There are a lot of redundant costs of many of the relics. Here are my suggestions to fix long walls, and they really go well with my proposed missions:
Flutes stay the same
Increase Bassoons cost from 10,000 Batons to 100 M Batons
Increase Violins cost from 1 T Batons to 1 AA Batons and unlock requirement from 25,000 Bassoons to 50,000 Bassoons
Harps stay the same
Trumpets stay the same
Lower Pianos cost from 1 RR Batons to 10 QQ Batons
Music Stands Cost Stays the same
Drum Kits stay the same
Increase Saxophones cost from 1 B Music Stands to 10 B Music Stands and unlock requirement from 50,000 Drum Kits to 200,000 Drum Kits
Lower Keyboards unlock requirement from 5 M Trumpets to 2.5 M Trumpets
Lower Electric Guitars cost from 10 II Music Stands to 100 HH Music Stands and increase unlock requirement from 25 M Keyboards to 35 M Keyboards
Lower Microphones cost from 10 OO Music Stands to 10 NN Music Stands and unlock requirement from 400 M Electric Guitars to 200 M Electric Guitars
Increase Sheet Music cost from 1 T Music Stands to 10 AA Music Stands
Erhu stay the same
Lower Kotos cost from 10 T Sheet Music to 1 T Sheet Music
Lower Pekings cost from 10 EE Sheet Music to 100 DD Sheet Music, 1 M Kotos to 100,000 Kotos, and unlock requirement from 22 M Kotos to 10 M Kotos
Lower Sitars cost from 10 LL Sheet Music to 10 KK Sheet Music, 100 M Pekings to 1 M Pekings, and unlock requirement from 500 M Pekings to 300 M Pekings
Decrease Vinyl Records cost from 100 FF Sheet Music to 10 FF Sheet Music
Lower Gramophones cost from 10,000 Vinyl Records to 100 Vinyl Records
Lower Jukeboxes cost from 10 M Gramophones to 1 M Gramophones, 10 AA Vinyl Records to 1 AA Vinyl Records, and unlock requirement from 600 M Gramophones to 120 M Gramophones
Lower Boomboxes cost from 100 M Jukeboxes to 10 M Jukeboxes and unlock requirement from 1 B Jukeboxes to 600 M Jukeboxes
These changes might really help balance the gameplay and make it more enjoyable for players. I cannot speak for anyone else here, but these seem more right to me
Suggested Missions:
As we all know, a LOT of Music’s missions are redundant, too easy, or too hard in some way or another. I have tried to roughly find a good balance with the mission tracker to figure out the best missions. If a capsule is scripted, rewards will be shown. (Note: Missions will be displayed like the mission tracker.)
First free capsule (50 EXP, 3x Jackie Zazzerino, 1x Westfalia van Beerovin’)
Rank 1:
Upgrade 5 Batons (48 EXP, 4x Jackie Zazzerino)
Level Up 2 Cards (45 EXP, 5x Jackie Zazzerino, 1x Guido D’Allegro)
Own 150 Flutes (48 EXP, 4x Jackie Zazzerino)
Own 30 Bassoons (47 EXP, 4x Johann Saturn Bacchus)
Collect 2 B Batons (55 EXP, 3x Johann Saturn Bacchus, 1x Westfalia van Beerovin’)
Rank 2:
Collect 25 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Unlock Music Stands (48 EXP, 5x Johann Saturn Bacchus, 1x Guido D’Allegro)
Upgrade 2 Music Stands (72 EXP, 7x Chip Berry, 1x Hendrick Barley)
Own 24,842 Bassoons
Rank 3:
Spend 300 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Own 5,000 Drum Kits
Collect 940 T Batons
Collect 250 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Own 50 Violins (80 EXP, 3x Jo Haytin’, 6x Chip Berry, 1x Queenie Singer)
Rank 4:
Collect 4.44 B Music Stands (Armored Capsule)
Own 5,000 Violins
Own 191,191 Drum Kits
Collect 555 BB Batons
Own 98,765 Violins
Level Up 3 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Own 19 Saxophones (100 EXP, 3x Lady Ella Geraldine, 8x Jo Haytin’, 1x Hendrick Barley)
Rank 5:
Collect 82.2 CC Batons
Own 987,654 Violins
Collect 50 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Collect 7.37 AA Music Stands (Armored Capsule)
Own 363 Harps (113 EXP, 4x Wolfgang AmaDeus-Ex, 9x Lady Ella Geraldine, 1x Queenie Singer)
Rank 6:
Own 500,000 Saxophones
Unlock Sheet Music
Upgrade 4 Sheet Music
Spend 600 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Own 1,234 Erhu
Collect 11 EE Batons
Rank 7:
Collect 2.32 M Sheet Music (143 EXP, 7x Liu Erhu, 10x Wolfgang AmaDeus-Ex, 2x Queenie Singer)
Own 2.5 M Saxophones
Collect 400 EXP
Own 555,555 Harps
Own 5 Keyboards (148 EXP, 5x Buddy Bop St. Clair, 15x Liu Erhu, 2x Guido D’Allegro)
Rank 8:
Collect 55.5 FF Batons
Own 989,989 Erhu
Level Up 3 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Spend 900 EXP
Own 7.5 M Harps (Armored Capsule)
Own 666 Keyboards
Collect 4.44 T Sheet Music (157 EXP, 6x Neon Tadao, 16x Buddy Bop St. Clair, 2x Westfalia van Beerovin’)
Rank 9:
Collect 10 DD Music Stands
Collect 100 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Collect 3.23 II Batons
Own 100,000 Kotos
Own 15 M Harps
Rank 10:
Own 33 Trumpets (200 EXP, 4x Georgie ‘Bugle’ Fingerhook, 8x Neon Tadao, 13x Buddy Bop St. Clair, 2x Tanpura Charleston)
Collect 4.8 GG Music Stands
Level Up 3 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Own 5 M Kotos
Collect 130 JJ Batons
Own 17.5 M Keyboards
Collect 987 BB Sheet Music (Armored Capsule)
Collect 800 EXP
Rank 11:
Own 2.8 M Trumpets
Collect 53.3 HH Music Stands
Own 35 M Keyboards
Collect 1.5 MM Batons (Armored Capsule)
Rank 12:
Spend 1200 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Own 3 Electric Guitars (250 EXP, 5x Drix Headstock, 11x Georgie ‘Bugle’ Fingerhook, 14x Neon Tadao, 2x Groovy Kengyo)
Collect 50 DD Sheet Music
Own 15 M Trumpets
Collect 22.2 II Music Stands
Collect 200 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Rank 13:
Own 88 Pekings (275 EXP, 6x Noto Java, 11x Drix Headstock, 15x Georgie ‘Bugle’ Fingerhook, 2x Tampura Charleston)
Collect 18.9 OO Batons
Own 68,000 Electric Guitars
Collect 500 EE Sheet Music
Level Up 4 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Own 250 M Trumpets
Collect 280 JJ Music Stands
Unlock Vinyl Records
Rank 14:
Upgrade 1 Vinyl Records
Collect 6.89 PP Batons
Own 690,000 Pekings
Collect 1200 EXP
Own 111 Gramophones (300 EXP, 8x Emile Turntablesen, 12x Noto Java, 17x Drix Headstock, 3x Groovy Kengyo)
Rank 15:
Own 26.4 M Electric Guitars
Collect 88.88 M Vinyl Records
Collect 9 GG Sheet Music
Spend 1500 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Collect 1 QQ Batons
Collect 4.34 MM Music Stands (Armored Capsule)
Own 2 Pianos (325 EXP, 8x Fredrick Chopmont, 12x Emile Turntablesen, 19x Noto Java, 3x Tampura Charleston)
Rank 16:
Collect 17.1 B Vinyl Records
Own 10 M Pekings
Collect 300 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Collect 363 QQ Batons
Own 200 M Electric Guitars
Collect 8.48 II Sheet Music
Own 1.5 M Gramophones
Level Up 4 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Collect 1.22 NN Music Stands
Rank 17:
Own 2 Microphones (350 EXP, 9x Frank Sparta, 14x Fredrick Chopmont, 18x Emile Turntablesen, 3x Queenie Singer)
Own 8,700 Pianos
Own 120 M Gramophones
Collect 1200 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Collect 2 JJ Sheet Music
Own 88 M Pekings
Own 2 Jukeboxes (375 EXP, 9x Pete Kor Spinnerbottom, 14x Frank Sparta, 20x Fredrick Chopmont, 3x Bill PutMneme)
Rank 18:
Own 4.32 M Pianos
Spend 2000 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Collect 3.53 PP Music Stands
Own 250 Jukeboxes
Collect 60 UU Batons
Own 200 M Pekings
Collect 400 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Own 333,333 Microphones
Collect 8.88 BB Vinyl Records
Rank 19:
Collect 1.23 KK Sheet Music
Own 200,000 Jukeboxes
Level Up 4 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Collect 777 QQ Music Stands (Armored Capsule)
Own 33.3 M Microphones
Own 40.4 M Pianos
Collect 1.2 CC Vinyl Records
Own 2 Sitars
Collect 54.3 KK Sheet Music (400 EXP, 10x Raven Valentino, 15x Pete Kor Spinnerbottom, 21x Frank Sparta, 3x Robot M-00G)
Collect 1200 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Rank 20:
Collect 1.31 VV Batons
Own 88.8 M Microphones
Collect 2.34 LL Sheet Music
Own 300 M Jukeboxes (Armored Capsule)
Spend 2500 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Collect 521 RR Music Stands
Rank 21:
Own 121 M Pianos
Collect 13 FF Vinyl Records
Own 25,000 Sitars
Collect 11.1 SS Music Stands
Collect 400 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Collect 232 VV Batons
Rank 22:
Own 4 Boomboxes (450 EXP, 11x Fritz Fumer, 15x Raven Valentino, 22x Pete Kor Spinnerbottom, 3x Robot M-00G)
Own 150 M Microphones
Collect 345 MM Sheet Music
Level Up 4 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Own 111 Boomboxes
Collect 222 SS Music Stands
Collect 44 GG Vinyl Records
Own 23 M Sitars
Collect 1600 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Collect 369 WW Batons
Own 424 M Pianos
Collect 75.7 NN Sheet Music
Rank 23:
Own 4,000 Boomboxes
Spend 3000 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Level Up 4 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Collect 4.1 HH Vinyl Records
Own 60.6 M Sitars
Collect 500 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Collect 6.66 XX Batons
Collect 33 OO Sheet Music
Rank 24:
Own 70.7 M Boomboxes (Armored Capsule)
Spend 4000 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Collect 29.2 TT Music Stands
Collect 180 II Vinyl Records
Level Up 4 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Own 3 B Pianos
Own 340 M Boomboxes
Own 554.4 M Sitars
Collect 2000 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Own 910 M Microphones
Own 4.24 B Pianos
Own 1.2 B Microphones
Collect 6.3 PP Sheet Music
Collect 4.4 KK Vinyl Records
Max Rank:
Own 3.5 B Microphones
Collect 2 ZZ Batons
Collect 1.1 VV Music Stands
Own 1.01 B Sitars
Spend 4000 EXP (Armored Capsule)
Collect 333 QQ Sheet Music
Collect 22 MM Vinyl Records
Own 26.4 B Pianos
Own 3 B Boomboxes
Collect 500 Cards (Armored Capsule)
Repeat this cycle and multiply all production missions by 10 and people missions by 3 each ten missions, and finish at two hundred total missions.
These mission changes may not be great, but they’ll probably be better than they are currently, and there are no big redundant missions like the current balance. Some changes are a bit debatable, especially considering that Rank 24 requires way more people than Rank 23, but it should be more completable than the current balance. I want your opinions on these missions.
Also, Bill PutMneme should be initially x11 instead of x10 just to keep the increase by 2 per age. This is more of an OCD than a helpful thing, but please, Hyper Hippo, just do it.
HH, if you see this, please DO something about this event. I’m pretty sure half of experienced players don’t play this event because its balance is terrible, and you’ve been told that multiple times. I would like a reasonable event, and even if you don’t change the missions, at least change the costs and scripted capsules. This event needs scripted capsules and we all know it. I want feedback on these changes, but I really hope I gave you a good balance for this current event. I would like to see change for this event, and I really hope you viewers agree that this event isn’t great, and it would be an honour if this balance got implemented.
Bestie Boo
submitted by BestieBoo300 to AdVentureAges [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:46 Gullible-Bridge3261 [Recruiting] funbutter Clan Level 23 Town Hall 9+ Arranged Wars/Warring Independent Clan Tag #92GPJLQ2

We are a clan who constantly participates in wars. We have a war record of 552W-237L-5D. War is taken seriously. Assignments are posted for targets. We have a rule that unless you have told us you are going away or cannot attack for whatever reason, you must be green if you don’t have heroes upgrading. To say again, we are a war clan, we expect you to participate in wars. Rushed bases won’t be allowed into the clan. You need to be able to carry your war weight. This means being able to three star a base that is similar to yours (town hall 16s are excluded from this rule as it is very difficult to three star consistently there). As long as you understand enough English to read this post and follow war instructions, you’re welcome in the clan. You’ll have to participate in clan games, raid weekends, and especially CWL. Don’t join the clan and have your heroes under for a month straight. Eventually you will be kicked. Promotions are earned through following the above rules and being active in chat. This clan is mainly made up of people from the United States and Canada, so people are often active during the day and evening in those time zones. We of course accept people from everywhere as long as you understand English. Clan was established in 2014 and many of the Co-Leaders have been around for many years. We are looking for some members to become co-leaders as the co-leaders here have gotten older and busier. If you try your best in war and attack who you’re assigned to, we will work with you on improving your attacks. If you have the child filter for clan chat, you will likely be kicked because we do allow swearing in chat and the censor is very annoying. Give the clan a look and consider joining if you can follow the above rules. Being a consistent attacker for 3 wars will earn you elder. Thank you!
submitted by Gullible-Bridge3261 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:45 hyperpopdeathcamp This game is unplayable.

Idk what happened but it's been four straight days of nothing but laggy matches. Not just a lot of laggy matches... Every single match is running like a slideshow. My internet connection is good, so that is not the case. It's just that A: Smash Ultimate online is already fucking terrible. Like... no rollback, P2P, etc. etc. Just complete dogshit. Then we got B: Nintendo online. Oh my god. Oh my FUCKING god. Why do I pay you $90 a year for dial up? OoOooOOOooOoOOo I gEt aLL oF tHe EmuLaTorS. Maybe I'd give a fuck about that if there was anything worth playing on them outside of metroid and the old mario games.
It literally is not possible to enjoy this game anymore. Four days, 90 some matches, every single one blighted by lag. On top of this we already have the terrible fucking input reads. Dash attack? Nope! F tilt!!! Use my second jump? NOPE!!! Die :) Jab jab jab. ...you meant neutral B right? Idk man. This shit is fucking horrible. I had a game recently where I'm pretty sure a bot tried to take over while I was actively in the fucking game because the connection to the host server started bugging. I was just chillin then my character started doing shit that I was in NO way inputting for like 6 seconds. I'm probably going to stop playing altogether at this point and potentially just give up on nintendo in general because it's been so long (with a few exceptions) since nintendo has been in any way consistent with releasing good content. Every year we get one good game and 9 cooking/hentai dating simulators. Tf happened to this company? If it weren't for Pokemon and LoZ I'd sell my switch in a heartbeat.
It's bad enough that they released Fp2, patched it like what? Twice maybe? and then just completely abandoned this dumpster fire of a game. Now it legit seems like as time drags on the game gets worse and worse. Smash dev team go fuck yourselves. Everyone at nintendo either drop metroid prime 4 or fuck off forever.
submitted by hyperpopdeathcamp to SmashRage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:44 LTJ1690 26M looking to meet new people!

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland! Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:43 LTJ1690 26M looking to meet new people!

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:42 TheLoneWolfArcher20 Get $5 for signing up for Cash App using promo code 4NXXZH4

Hey! I’ve been using Cash App to Send money and send using the Cash App Card. Try it using my code and you’ll get $5. Cash App does make it easier to ace these other Referral codes instantly and sometimes you’ll receive your promo bonus same day due to the quickness of how Cash App moves money to debit cards. Give it a try if you haven’t already. Sign up here: https://cash.app/app/4NXXZH4
  1. Enter your referral code (4NXXZH4) when you sign up
  2. Link a new debit card or bank account to your new Cash App account. People under 18 can activate a Cash Card Instead
  3. Send $5 within 14 days of entering the referral code.
submitted by TheLoneWolfArcher20 to referralswaps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:40 PoliRanger Baptism as an adult for church membership?

Howdy friends and followers of Jesus,
At a weird crossroads internally with my faith and would appreciate advice and scripture.
I was raised in the Lutheran faith and baptized as a baby(Confirmed in high school). My wife and I have finally found a home church that clicks with us (non denominational) as we’ve tried multiple (couple different denominations) churches that haven’t.
We’re looking to become members as we’re fairly active; however, part of the process that has me at crossroads is that they require their members to be baptized at an age where they made the conscious choice (middle school and above typically). My wife was baptized in high school and won’t have to be baptized again. For reference, being a member at this church allows you to vote, lead bible studies, and other normal member duties.
Unsure if I’m venting or just getting my thoughts on paper, but this makes me ~feel~ cornered and that my baptism wasn’t significant. I think it’s worth mentioning I have no strong feelings towards paedo or creto baptism, I’m happy that the kingdom of God is growing.
I firmly believe my infant baptism has guided me to do my best to walk with Jesus today. I’m afraid if I have another baptism to become a member, I’ll just be getting wet or going through the motions - I’m trying to not be defensive and change my lens about this situation. We have a meeting with an elder in a couple weeks and I look forward to talking about this topic with them.
Happy to read any advice, scripture, or discussion. Thanks.
submitted by PoliRanger to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:39 LTJ1690 26M looking to meet new people! [chat]

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland! Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:38 Fwisser [FS] - Portland, OR- $2.50 - Neocaridina (cherry) shrimp, Caridina, and other shrimp food

[FS] - Portland, OR- $2.50 - Neocaridina (cherry) shrimp, Caridina, and other shrimp food
Hi there! I’m a new seller on here but I’m happy to connect you with people I’ve sold to or reviews on other platforms :)
I have a live arrival guarantee (if the amount you paid for doesn’t arrive I’ll reimburse you). I ship Monday and Tuesday mornings through USPS Pririority unless you want it faster, then I can send it through UPS 2nd day or overnight. Plan on around $10 for USPS and $25 for UPS.
$20 minimum order for shipping, no minimum for local pickup
(Water parameters: PH 6.8- 8.2; TDS 100-400; GH 5-7; KH 1-4; Temperature 62-80)
  • Bloody Mary: $3.50
  • Green Jade: $3.50
  • Blue Dream: $2.50
  • Yellow: $2.50
  • Orange Sunkist: $2.50
  • Ocean Blue
(Water Parameters: PH 5.5- 6.8; TDS 120-200; GH 5-7; KH 0-1; Temperature 62-74)
  • PRL Crystal Red SS/SSS: $3.50
  • PBL Crystal Black: $4
  • Wine red: $6
  • Red Galaxy fishbone: $12
  • Extreme Blue Bolt: $12
  • Black Fancy tiger Low grade: $8
  • OEBT (Orange Eye Blue Tiger): $12
  • OEBTRB (Orange Eye Blue Tiger red body): $40
  • Blue Dragon Blood: $20
  • Gold (Red) Calceo Bees: $10
Let me know if you have any questions or want more pictures!! I’ll give discounts on larger orders. As the Mods request, paypal only!
submitted by Fwisser to AquaSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:37 AHS1214 OMY Kobe 11 Update

OMY Kobe 11 Update
Felt like posting some follow up clips hooping in my OMY sunset 11s although I haven’t been active in here recently. If I remember correctly it’s been around 3-6 months I’ve been hooping in these occasionally (full 5 on 5 games as well as workouts). I also have a pair of Barcelonas that I’ve owned for over a year now (same batch and seller). I’m not sure if it’s specific to this colorway as I haven’t had any issues with my Barcelonas, but the sunset colorway has definitely not been holding up as well. A lot of ripping/tearing in the toe box area as well as on the sides of the shoe. They still hold up fairly well, but if you’re someone who relies heavily on sharp lateral cuts/movements like myself, this colorway might not be the best option. A couple of pros I’ve noticed over my time hooping in OMY 11s is definitely the court feel and traction. If you like feeling as low to the ground as possible with minimal interference, these shoes will get the job done for you. As far as the traction is concerned, I can’t speak for the translucent outsoles as I haven’t purchased any colorway that has them, but I’ve heard that they are very prone to collecting dust and don’t bite as well. One negative would be the lockdown. Being such a minimal, low top shoe, there isn’t great lockdown so I wouldn’t recommend these for people who are prone to ankle injuries or who are a little on the clumsy side and need the extra support. Overall in my experience buying reps, the 11s have been my favorite so far. As an extremely flat, wide footer, this shoe is one of the only shoes I’ve hooped in that actually fits really comfortable right out of the box. For my wide footers, I’d suggest going up half a size for more comfort. You will probably also experience some minor heel slippage initially, but after 1-2 sessions they break in nicely and that goes away. I would definitely also recommend to anyone interested in these to rotate them often to extend their life. By no means am I an expert when it comes to basketball shoes/reps so I apologize in advance for this kind of erratic review. If anyone has any other questions that I didn’t answer in here, feel free to message me/comment below and I’ll try to answer them when I can!
submitted by AHS1214 to KobeReps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:36 hackr_io_team Interactive Photo Gallery Project

I wanted to share a project for intermediate HTML designers. I'll include the code and steps for each part. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Step 1: Setting Up The Project

Start by preparing your environment to develop an interactive photo gallery with HTML.
If you want to dive straight in, I'd recommend following along with me using our online coding environments.
We’ll use some JavaScript for this project, so I’d recommend using an online JavaScript compiler to build with. I will also outline the steps for you to create the necessary files and organize your workspace on your own computer.
Just follow these, and you'll have a solid foundation for your project.
i. Choose an IDE or Editor
Before you start, choose an IDE or editor tailored for web development. I favor Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
It's for HTML and CSS and a solid choice if you’d prefer to build on your own machine.
ii. Install Necessary Plugins
If you choose VSCode, consider installing VSCode extensions like "Live Server" to preview your HTML pages in real time and "Prettier" for code formatting.
These tools will make your development process smoother and more efficient.
iii. Create a New HTML Project
Once your editor is set up, it's time to create a new project:
iv. Set Up a Basic HTML Structure
Open your index.html file and set up a basic HTML structure. Here’s a simple template to get you started:
     Interactive Photo Gallery     
Header content like a title or a navigation bar
Gallery content will go here
Footer content, perhaps some contact info or social links
Here's the compiler where you can try it.
This is the basic structure every HTML project that uses JavaScript starts with.
We've got our DOCTYPE, HTML tag, head section (with meta tags, title, and links to our CSS and JavaScript files), and the body where our content will go.
This basic structure also introduces the JavaScript file linked with the defer attribute, ensuring it loads after the HTML content.
v. Prepare for CSS and JavaScript Development
Make sure your styles.css is linked correctly, and your script.js is set to load at the right time in your HTML file to start adding styles and functionality in the next steps.
vi. Verify Project Setup
To ensure everything is set up correctly, try opening your index.html with the Live Server plugin or directly in your browser.
You should see a blank page with the basic document structure ready to be filled with content.
And there you have it! You’ve successfully set up your environment to create an interactive photo gallery with HTML.
Next, you'll create the HTML structure for your interactive photo gallery.

Step 2: Creating the HTML Structure

With your development environment ready, it’s time to construct the HTML skeleton of your interactive photo gallery.
i. Create the Header Section
The header will introduce your gallery. You might want to include a catchy title or a brief description:

My Photo Gallery

Explore my collection of high-quality images ranging from landscapes to portraits.
This sets the tone and context for the visitors of your gallery.
ii. Set Up the Gallery Section
This main part will hold all your images in a grid or other layout:
Replace "path-to-image-1.jpg" with the actual path to each image. Ensure that each image has an appropriate alt text for accessibility.
iii. Include a Filter Section (Optional)
If your gallery is large, consider adding filters to help viewers sort images by categories:
These buttons are set up to trigger JavaScript functions that will filter the gallery based on the category.
iv. Add a Modal for Image Viewing (Optional)
To enhance the interactivity, include a modal that opens when an image is clicked, allowing for a closer view:
This section will be controlled via JavaScript to display images dynamically when clicked.
Here’s a summary of what we've accomplished in this step:
Let’s move on to Step 3 to style your interactive photo gallery.

Step 3: Styling with CSS

Now your HTML structure is set up, it’s time to add styles to bring your interactive photo gallery to life.
We'll focus on creating a responsive layout and designing aesthetic details like animations and hover effects.
i. Include a Google Font
First, choose a font from Google Fonts that complements the aesthetic of your gallery.
For example, we might use 'Roboto' for its clean and modern appearance. Add this to your HTML file within the section:
This link imports the 'Roboto' font, with normal and bold weights.
ii. Style the Header
Begin by styling the header to make it stand out as the introduction to your gallery:
header { background-color: #f8f9fa; padding: 20px; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } header h1 { font-size: 24px; color: #333; } header p { font-size: 16px; color: #666; } 
This styling gives your header a clean, professional look.
iii. Style the Gallery Layout
Use CSS Grid or Flexbox to arrange your images in a tidy, responsive grid:
#gallery { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr)); gap: 10px; padding: 20px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } .photo { position: relative; } .photo img { width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; } .photo .caption { position: absolute; bottom: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); color: #fff; width: 100%; text-align: center; padding: 5px 0; } 
This grid layout ensures that the gallery is responsive and the images adjust to the screen size.
iv. Style the Filter Buttons
Make the filter buttons interactive and visually pleasing:
nav button { background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 10px; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } nav button:hover { background-color: #eee; } 
The hover effect adds a dynamic element, encouraging users to interact with the filters.
v. Style the Modal for Image Viewing
Create styles for the modal that displays the full image:
.modal { display: none; position: fixed; z-index: 1000; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; background-color: rgb(0,0,0,0.9); font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } .modal-content { margin: auto; display: block; width: 80%; max-width: 700px; } .close { position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 35px; color: #f1f1f1; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; } .close:hover, .close:focus { color: #bbb; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } #caption { color: #ccc; font-size: 16px; padding: 15px 20px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } 
This styling will create a dark overlay when the modal is active, focusing attention on the clicked image.
vi. Ensure Responsiveness
Add media queries to ensure your gallery looks good on both desktops and mobile devices:
u/media (max-width: 600px) { #gallery { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(150px, 1fr)); } } 
This media query adjusts the size of the gallery cells on smaller screens below 600px.
Here’s a summary of what we've accomplished in this step:
With the CSS styling in place, your photo gallery not only looks more appealing but is also ready for the dynamic interactivity that JavaScript will provide in the next step.

Step 4: Adding Interactivity with JavaScript

With the HTML structure and CSS styling in place, it's time to breathe life into your photo gallery with JavaScript.
This step will involve writing scripts to handle image filtering, modal interactions, and other dynamic behaviors.
i. Implementing Image Filtering
Start by writing a JavaScript function to filter gallery items based on categories:
function filterGallery(category) { const photos = document.querySelectorAll('.photo'); photos.forEach(photo => { const isVisible = category === 'all' photo.classList.contains(category); photo.style.display = isVisible ? '' : 'none'; }); } 
This function takes a category and changes the display property of photos that do not belong to that category, effectively hiding them.
ii. Setting Up the Modal View
Write the JavaScript necessary to open a modal when an image is clicked, and populate it with the correct image and caption:
document.querySelectorAll('.photo img').forEach(img => { img.addEventListener('click', function() { const modal = document.getElementById('myModal'); const modalImg = document.getElementById('img01'); const captionText = document.getElementById('caption'); modal.style.display = 'block'; modalImg.src = this.src; captionText.innerHTML = this.nextElementSibling.innerHTML; }); }); // Get the element that closes the modal const closeButton = document.querySelector('.close'); closeButton.onclick = function() { const modal = document.getElementById('myModal'); modal.style.display = 'none'; } 
This script sets up event listeners for all images in your gallery.
When an image is clicked, it displays the modal and updates the modal's content with the image and caption of the clicked item.
iii. Enhancing Usability with Keyboard Navigation
Add keyboard functionality to improve accessibility and user experience, allowing users to close the modal with the 'Escape' key:
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.key === 'Escape') { const modal = document.getElementById('myModal'); if (modal.style.display === 'block') { modal.style.display = 'none'; } } }); 
This listener checks for the 'Escape' key and closes the modal if it is open.
Here’s a summary of what we've accomplished in this step:
With JavaScript added, your photo gallery is now fully interactive, allowing users to filter images, click to view images in detail, and interact smoothly with the gallery interface.

Step 5: Review and Debug

With the HTML structure, CSS styling, and JavaScript interactivity in place, it's time to thoroughly review your interactive photo gallery and prepare it for public viewing.
i. Testing Across Different Browsers and Devices
Start by testing your photo gallery across various browsers (like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge) and devices (desktops, tablets, and smartphones):
ii. Debugging Common Issues
Address common issues that might arise during testing:
iii. Code Validation
Use HTML and CSS validators to ensure your code meets web standards and is free from syntax errors. The W3C Validator is a reliable tool for this purpose.
iv. Test Responsiveness
Adjust your browser window size to simulate different screen sizes or use your browser’s developer tools to test various device resolutions.
Make sure your layout adjusts and looks good on mobile, tablet, and desktop views. Adjust your CSS using media queries if necessary to improve responsiveness.
v. Improve Accessibility
Ensure your page is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities:
vi. Optimize Loading Times
Optimize your page for faster loading times:
vii. Gather Feedback
Sometimes, it helps to get a fresh set of eyes on your project:
With your page polished and debugged, it's ready for the world to see.
The next step would be to consider how and where to publish it, so let’s take a look at that!

Step 6: Publishing Your Page

Now that your interactive photo gallery is fully developed, tested, and ready, it's time to publish it and look into ways you can continue to expand your skills.
This final step will guide you through the process of publishing your page online.
i. Choose a Hosting Service
To make your photo gallery page accessible on the internet, you need to host it on a web server.
Here are a few popular, user-friendly options that offer free plans:
ii. Prepare Your Files for Deployment
Before uploading your files, ensure everything is named correctly and organized:
iii. Upload Your Files
Depending on your chosen hosting service, the process will vary:
iv. Set Up a Custom Domain (Optional)
If you have a custom domain, you can link it to your hosting provider to give your gallery a more professional look:
v. Test Your Live Site
Once your photo gallery is online, visit the URL provided by your hosting platform. Check everything once more to ensure:
vi. Share Your Photo Gallery
Now that your photo gallery is live, share the URL on your professional networks, email signatures, and social media profiles.
Congratulations! You've successfully created and published your HTML interactive photo gallery.
This not only enhances your online presence but also demonstrates your ability to apply HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills in a practical project.
submitted by hackr_io_team to HTML [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:36 Rabbitfaster13 Show some love Sunday!!!

Lesser known wk 11
Lesser know wk 11
This is a post that I’ll be trying to make weekly to help gain traction for novels or series that we as a community want to be given more attention. I am currently focusing on novels of our genre that have 300 or less reviews and less than 5 stars.
That’s the range I believe that we could make the most difference with positive reviews, comments, feedback for authors in this genre. If enough of us found a lesser known book like Greatest Dragon Rider In The West, Wings over Marseilles, or Thule the fast food barbarian we could make the difference. It’s straight up a numbers game if we share the love of these books and novels with each other.
Some of these fictions are so close to joining the success list! Please don’t stop supporting now!
With an awesome suggestion from the mod team I’ve added links to every novel.
Strength unleashed Ajax lygan
Fall to the forest deacon frost
The first quest: Monster Girl Sanctuary! By Virgil Knightley
Dark lords commands me thorne
Peach valley defense force Kirk mason
Soulborne by Rowan raine
Wings over marsaille Lucas Webber
Slime keeper Leon west
Arcane arctic by Peter north
Astral odyssey by Virgil Knightley
Greatest dragon rider in the west Trevor arctus
Brandless Isaac keyes
Lazy dragon queen ace arriande
The bawdy ballads of bodrick the bard V knightley and Serena Silverlake
Thule the fast food barbarian Virgil Knightley
Heavy Metal mana ace Stratton
Kevin’s kitty rescue Montgomery Quinn
Monster girl thieves guild milo storm
The adventures of Delvin Walsh JG Jerome
Full frontal galaxy Arron crash
Celestial Knight D R Rosiero
Venus online J zenith
Do Android Girls Need Oil Changes? by A. R. Cevlar
Sect Wars A Knowles
The Retort & Whelk by Ardeur Virga
Game of planets Marcus Sloss
Monster girl dungeon by Danielle Mains
Incubus RA parts 3- 6 and prequel by Virgil Knightley (Omnibus 1-5 here)
Vixen AD Lara X Lust
Supernatural travel agency Dante king
Solar dragons need love too 7 Virgil Knightley
Now again these are ones where I’m shooting for 300 or less reviews
Please if you could help add to this list we can actually make a difference and keep this genre strong by giving these novels the attention they deserve. Turn a hidden gem into a bright light in a market and a world that often seems too dim of creativity and variety. The quality and quantity are out there if we lend a hand to our fellow readers and authors.
And now the most exciting news!! we have even more successes! As of this week 11 there are 10 novels above 300 and more that are almost there! WE HAD OUR FIRST 400 BREAK (Numbers as of this morning)
Raconteur by Kirk Mason now sits at 349!!
King of Christmas Town by Hercules Westnow sits at 309!!
The Last Real Man 1 by J Foster Ward now sits at 336!!
Magic steampunk pirate booty by Grady Sparks has hit 304!!
Solar dragons need love too 6hit 318
Chronicles of Grove 1 by Callen Clearwater is now at 325!!
Son of the Hero King Hikaru Genji now sits at 406!!!
Dashing Devil: Hidden Hero G D Brooks sits at 326!!!
Incubus R A 2 by Virgil Knightley has reached 302!!!
Soul Knight 1 by JJ Bookerson is at 389!!!
The rise in reviews this last week was still something that hugely helps. Especially since we had our very first over 400 novel with Hikaru Genji’s Son of the Hero King.
It’s heartwarming to check these novels each week and see those numbers rise. Everyone, you rock. I’m flattered by the interactions on these posts and it continues to motivate them.
(HUGE EDIT) I will be editing this post later tonight because ive got about 40+ new novels to add after I review them for review numbers, lol. I just cant at this exact moment but I did add a few of the new ones that I know are within the paramters Ive set. happy reading and lovely writing!
submitted by Rabbitfaster13 to haremfantasynovels [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:34 LTJ1690 26M looking to meet new people!

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland! Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to makingfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:33 LTJ1690 26M looking to meet new people!

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland! Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:33 LTJ1690 26M looking to meet new people!

Hi! I’m 26 and from Scotland! Looking to hopefully make new friends and help cure my constant boredom, preferably looking for longer term but I don’t mind casual conversations too!
When it comes to my interests I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary. I’m a bit of a tattoo addict and love to see what other people have too!
I watch/play football, I’m a big fan of older music and I like gaming whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and keeping fit and active and I spend most of my free time with my dog (more like a miniature horse). Feel free to send me pet photos too
Send me a DM if you think we’ll get on 🙂
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