Trucker flashing pics

Best Friend Reveal

2020.10.28 02:26 lookatnudies Best Friend Reveal

Unexpected flashing done by a best friend

2017.01.08 20:28 A place for the girls you can't take home to Mom ... God love 'em.

This is a place to post HIGH QUALITY pics of attractive women most people would consider "trashy." (Note: Trashy doesn't mean gross, so no outright disgusting pics, please). Think tats, piercings, slutty outfits or lingerie, that dress that's just a LITTLE too short... think stripper in a wedding dress, slutty librarian, or the girl who wears a cocktail dress to a friend's wedding. Like the title says: This is for the girls you'd never take home to Mom.

2022.02.16 22:15 ch_rrym IwonaBlecharczyk

Fan Subreddit for the best pics, screenshots and videos of polish trucker girl Iwona Blecharczyk.

2024.06.09 11:57 MidniteFluff [UPDATED] Build your own wifi-dev board guide

[Updated] Build your own wifi-dev board guide

  1. Finding the board Marauder - You're gonna wanna look for ESP-32 boards. ESP-8662 boards are of an older technology and isnt supported by marauder. Both esp-vroom 32 and esp-32s works fine. Your board should ideally include
  2. GPIO pins, if possible pre-attached, if not it's fine
  3. WiFi chip, I recommend CH340 but CP9120 should work
  4. Micro usb/usbC port would be great
  5. Buying connection cables Look for GPIO cables and
  6. If your board has pre attached pins, get the female-male one
  7. if not, get male-male pins 10cm should be fine.
  8. Installing maraudeblackmagic firmware
  9. I personally recommend using the flipper zero esp32 firmware flasher tool
  10. If you're running flipper Xtreme firmware, it should come pre-installed under apps -> GPIO
  11. If not, install "esp32 flasher" from the flipper app store Now, connect your flipper to your board using the cables, notice how there's TX and RX ports on the flipper. Connect the TX (transmit) one on the board to RX (receive) on the flipper. Once you're done, connect GND and 3V3 ones and you should be good. Connection scheme (credits to u/clipboard11)
  12. Enter the esp32 firmware flasher app and select "Enter bootloader". If everything is done correctly it should output something
  13. Next just flash the firmware you want from the same app
Now you're done!
BTW if you're looking to crack WiFi passwords you need to select sniff and then export the pcap to another device to crack the hash lol
submitted by MidniteFluff to flipperzero [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:24 guiltycitrus Can anybody tell me what is happening to my laptop screen?

I bought this second hand ROG laptop 2nd hand Model (GL703GE) I tend to play video games a lot like valorant and wuwa. And my screen is always constantly flashing when I open darker screens. U can refer to the pics above? Is this a result of screen tearing? One thing I noticed about this laptop is that the brightness cannot be adjusted either, so most of the time it's at its brightest.
TLDR : my laptop monitor is constantly flashing when I play games and idk why.
submitted by guiltycitrus to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:00 BroccoliVast4300 Red Patches

Red Patches
What are these? They’re on my cheekbone/highlighter placement area, on both sides. Pics were taken using flash and after nighttime skincare.
submitted by BroccoliVast4300 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:34 taylo4sm Flashing on chimney with vinyl siding

Flashing on chimney with vinyl siding
I had my roof replaced last year and they had told me I’d need to find someone else to do any of the chimney work.
I have 4 chimneys, 3 of which aren’t used so I had someone come out to cap those, tuckpoint the one with brick, and make sure flashing etc was all good so no water can get in to damage my new roof.
Does this look right? I’m most concerned about the one in the first pic with vinyl around it…
submitted by taylo4sm to Roofing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:29 bilalrazam Help a fellow trucker choose the best rig for reefer OTR - Cascadia vs. T680

Hey truckers fam,
I'm in the market for a gently used truck to haul reefedry loads OTR which can haul around 45-47k lbs of goods without having problems. Been at this game for a few years now, but I want to make sure I'm making a smart choice for my next rig.
Here's my situation: I'm currently running a Kenworth T680 with 800,000 miles on the clock. It's been a loyal workhorse, but lately, it's been giving me hell with the differential. Not sure if it's the bearing or what, but I've dumped more cash into repairs in the last 3 months than I care to admit. Time for an upgrade.
I'm eyeing a 2017 Kenworth T680 with 500,000 miles (pics attached). It looks clean, but my recent repair bills have me second-guessing Kenworth. Also considering a Freightliner Cascadia.
Here's what I'm looking for:
  1. Fuel efficiency: Running reefer means that APU is always humming. Need something that won't break the bank at the pump.
  2. Comfort: Living on the road means I need a decent-sized sleeper. What's the sweet spot between space and aerodynamics?
  3. Reliability: Can't afford more downtime like with my current rig. Which makes/models have been solid for you reefer haulers?
  4. Power: Gotta have enough horses to pull those heavy reefers up hills without losing too much speed.
  5. Resale value: Might want to upgrade in a few years, so what holds its value best?
So, what's the verdict? Stick with Kenworth and hope my repair woes were just bad luck, or switch to the Cascadia? Also open to other suggestions like Volvo VNL. What's your go-to reefer rig and why? Any models I should steer clear of?
Much appreciated, keep the shiny side up!
submitted by bilalrazam to Truckers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:21 KittyShots Worried about my 25F insensitivity ; TLDR Warning

I’ve (25F) been speaking to this coworker (28M) of mine more on than off since January. Towards the start, he revealed a previous drug addiction and I didn’t expect for him to open up about that kind of topic so soon into our talking, so I was a little hesitant on what to say so I tried to make a joke (My humor is more witty/sardonic/dark) and I said with a giggle and what not “Well hey, you’re not a crackhead anymore….” He didn’t even do crack, so it was stupid to say. I was in the middle of a 12 hr night shift as well so my brain gets foggy and it seems like my favorite thing to do is put my foot in my mouth smh. He laughed about it though, but after the shift, he said he took it personal and if it were anyone else, they might take it a direct attack on their character. I apologized profusely and I told him in no way was I trying to attack his character or trying to be insensitive to his addiction. He is three years sober as well, so that’s a huge feat!
The next occurrence was the second week of us talking, the previous one was the first. So this occurrence was thru the phone. There had already been a couple women he had been interested/had sex with a few months before we started talking. The other girl was 21 and pretty toxic. The other one just decided that she didn’t want to be around if the 21 yo was going to bring toxicity to the workplace. They both ended up quitting either way and he switched to overnights, whereas he had been working early afternoon to evenings. Anyway, with the two previous women in mind, he had to go the bathroom AT WORK and when he was gone, he was still texting me. I teased him about texting on his phone while he was peeing and he had replied back with “Maybee… 👀” So he is being playful as well and idk what else he said, but I said something along the lines of “Well I wouldn’t know if you actually are or not… I can’t ask for a picture 😂” Damn I can’t remember what he said but it was something along the lines of “maybe I could”or something like that. I clammed up in true ME fashion and got a little anxiety. I told him that I wasn’t that type of girl and it was giving off “player vibes.” I was disgruntled he would be willing to send a pic that fast when I was just joking about it. It just felt too soon for me? We hadn’t spoken about sex and I was trying to keep it that way until I got to know him more on personal level. Anyway, flash forward to now, we’ve still been talking. There are a couple of other instances where he was in the wrong or I was in the wrong and we compromised or we didn’t even talk about it after it happened. It sometimes feels like I’m walking on eggshells and anything I say sometimes might be taken the wrong way.
Theres another instance where he took my actual teasing in a way I didn’t expect. Backstory is a few weeks ago, he planned a float trip with me and 8/9 other coworkers after I invited him too late to a gathering involving some people I don’t know if he would even be cool with. I wanted to ask him all day, but he’s usually really busy and I had already brought up going out with friends to him during a phone call in the morning and he didn’t sound interested. Here’s another kicker. We are only FWB and not even exclusive at that, so I felt like it might be pushing a boundary to invite him and to seem like a couple, since he’s the one who has said he just wants a friendship right now. There’s been no exclusivity set, I have just hoped it is, because I haven’t had any issues and he has said he only has sex with 1 person at a time. ANYWAY, he was upset with me because I didn’t ask him, but meanwhile he was actually at a baseball game when I invited him. The plans were at 11 pm and I texted him at 8 pm just to see if he would like to come out. He didn’t answer until 1030, said he had plans and the last minute invite was hurtful. I apologized and tried to make it up to him. Told him to leave his next Friday open for me and tried to make sure he knew I had wanted to, I just didn’t want to cross boundaries. He just read it and never responded. We talked about it later on and tbh the situation paired with some jealousy over another coworker speaking/flirting with me led to him ending our FWB. He said it was becoming too much for him and he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to be my man, because his actions have seemed to not be going along with his own words on what he wants. So we ended and were amicable. For the float trip that would happen in a couple months, I was really sad about it, bc I kind of did want to go, but I overthink a lot and started thinking about how if I did go, him and I would probably rekindle and since he doesn’t know what he wants, it’s probably not a good idea, but then at the same time, I did still want to go just to have fun since I’d never been on a float trip before. My best friend agreed that I should just decline the invitation, so I went into the group chat and said “I actually have a camping trip that weekend, so I can’t go! Have fun yall! 🤍” and then just left the chat. I felt a huge weight off my shoulders. He says after I said that though, people declined… and what irritates me is that they are all their own person and a couple of them had already said they would be able to make it that weekend, but after I said it, barely anyone responded anymore and then someone who had agreed to come changed their mind. He felt that I canceled plans out of spite when I was just trying to protect my peace, knowing it probably would not go well. NOTE: The coworker he was jealous of was invited to the trip as well. I just felt like it was the smartest decision.
Anyway we rekindled the same week he ended it and have been talking since then. I know :/
Yesterday at his place, I was wearing something yesterday where he couldn’t keep his eyes off me, so I made the teasing comment “See? Now imagine if I had gone on that float trip… in a bikini… you’re drunk, I’m drunk…all of our coworkers would know by then 😅” and he just smiled and “You’re right… maybe we should plan a float trip with just you and me” and he got closer to me. Flash forward a couple hours later, he does the same thing where he just couldn’t quit touching me or kissing on me and so my dumbass brought it up again. I just said “Whoo, I really am glad I canceled on that, you CANNOT keeps your hands off me 😂” It was me teasing. He looked at me with a serious expression and said “You just had to say that, you just had to rub it in.” He took a deep breath and just walked away and went into the bathroom for a couple minutes. I felt super uncomfortable. When he came back out and we talked about it, but in completely honesty, I explained why I did what I did and apologized for saying what I said. He thinks I cancelled out of spite. It just felt like no matter what I said, he couldn’t come to a compromise or him understanding my perspective. Afterwards, I asked for total vulnerability from him with the promise to return it. The vulnerability didn’t feel too vulnerable, because he wouldn’t look at me and still seemed a little on the offensive. Towards the end, I asked him if he would like to go on a trip with me and he just said point blank “No.” I just… I had no words. I told him it was just a thought and he claimed he just has too much going on now to even go on a float trip, but… he’ll think about it. (He’s having expensive car issues)
Anyway, we just sat there watching a movie for a bit and I felt disconnected from him. I just felt like I didn’t know what to do and I don’t usually feel that way in relationships. I came out of a 4 month relationship awhile before him and we didn’t have any problems really, as well as it ending amicably. Before that, I was in a 9 year relationship starting from high school. The night went by fine after that, actually great tbh. It wasn’t until I was about to leave that he was sharing a story from his past about a police officer being too rough with him after he and a couple others when he was 18 would throws rocks at moving cars and what not. He told me he was running as fast as he could to get away, but the cop who caught him was too rough and he wanted to speak with the supervisor about pressing charges. The cop supervisor gave him tough love advice and told him things along the lines of that he should have thought of that before throwing rocks and vandalizing cars. The cop supe continued to tell him that basically the cop would get away with it anyway bc cop was white and the guy I’m with is a dark Hispanic. I’m still reeling from the blatant arrogance from the cop supervisor using race and I said “Is he wrong though?” because deep down, that is most likely what would have happened. Lo and behold though, HE THOUGHT I was talking about him deserving what he got for vandalizing cars when I was more focused on how the cops treated him and how they responded to his complaint. He immediately got up and said that “I was something else.” I actually teared up and just felt like leaving. Within a couple of minutes, he came back and told me that from his POV, he wished I had been more sympathetic and said that I was sorry it happened first rather than “Is he wrong though?” He said it was all good now, but for the record, he was not done with the story and I was most certainly going to say that I was sorry it happened and give him a hug afterwards. When I left, he gave me a hug and kiss goodbye, but deep down, I’m starting to wonder if I really am insensitive af, he’s highly sensitive, or he would rather misunderstand me than actually want to understand my thought process.
submitted by KittyShots to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:13 mansplanar 15 tips for dating photography

Looking for love? It should come as no surprise that your dating profile photo can have a huge impact on your chances of finding love—or a hookup, no judgment here.
First impressions are almost always digital these days, and that kind of pressure can make it hard to choose the perfect pic. Of course you want to look good (don’t we all?) but you don’t want to oversell yourself, either.
So how can you look your best while still looking like … you? Try these 15 tips to do flattering dating photography that will get you more DMs.
Put some distance between you and the camera
I love a good selfie, but it may not be the most flattering option for your dating profile pic, especially if you’re using the front-facing camera. Who wants to see your arm off to the side in every photo?
Try to put some distance between yourself and the camera. Use a tripod if you have one, or prop your phone up using whatever objects you have available. That might mean using books, boxes, or a shelf to find a flattering angle.
Another option is to ask your friends to take a candid photo of you. You might be surprised at how good they come out! Ask them to take realistic, everyday shots. A candid shot is more unique and will stand out—plus it gives more insight into your personality.
Get the angle right
Your camera should be slightly above eye level—this is the most universally flattering angle. Too high, and it makes your head look small and weird. Too low, and you risk giving yourself the dreaded double chin.
You can also tilt your head forward and down just a little. This brings your forehead a bit closer to the camera and helps accentuate your jawline.
Another thing to keep in mind is that most of us have a “good” side. If you can’t figure out what yours is, it’s probably your left. Studies have shown that people tend to prefer the left side of someone’s face.
P.S. If you aren’t sure which angle looks best, try changing up your dating profile pic to see which image gets you the most matches. It sounds weird, but it will help you find the pics that potential dates love!
Use indirect lighting
I love ring lights, but sometimes their direct light can be a bit much. Go for soft, indirect lighting to do classier dating photography.
Natural lighting is best, so if the weather cooperates, then try heading outside to snap a few shots. The best time of day is either during sunrise or sunset (the “golden hour”), but you can also try taking your pictures on an overcast day or in the shadow of a building.
If you’re taking your photos inside, make sure the room has soft lighting. No one looks good under harsh fluorescent lights. Snap a pic in front of a sunny window covered by a curtain for a softer look.
And whatever you do, avoid using flash on your phone! Not only will it highlight imperfections, but it can also make you look older … and not in a good way.
Leave the sunglasses off
Sure, sunglasses are trendy, but people want to see what you really look like. In fact, a study by PhotoFeeler showed that people with sunglasses are perceived as less likable. Ouch.
Potential dates want to be able to see your eyes because it’s an indicator of how trustworthy you are. You might love the look of your Ray-Bans, but trust me: your gorgeous eyes will do all of the talking.
With that said, if you have a photo of yourself rocking sunglasses and you absolutely love it, you can add it to your picture gallery—just don’t use it as your main profile pic.
Relax your eyes
The eyes may be the window to the soul, but people do some crazy stuff with their eyes when they’re getting their picture taken!
The main thing here is to R-E-L-A-X. If you shut your eyes too tightly, it’s going to be hard to gauge your personality.
Some people take squinting too far. You might feel like it makes you look mysterious, but most of the time you just look angry, which is not the look you want for a dating profile pic! It also creates more creases around the eye, which probably isn’t what you’re going for.
Of course, you don’t want to open your eyes too much. The last thing you want is to become the next “Overly Attached Girlfriend” meme. Keep your eyes relaxed; you can squint a little by bringing your lower eyelids up slightly.
Show off those pearly whites
I know smiling for the camera can feel awkward, but a smile can do wonders for your dating life. Smiling makes you look more approachable and friendly, so if you want more folks to swipe right, whip out your 24 karat smile.
When you smile, make sure you show your teeth a bit. A tight-lipped smile just doesn’t look genuine. If you’re self-conscious about your teeth, you can always whiten your teeth in photos with just a click of the button.
Go for some color
Blacks, grays, and dark blue tones can come across as a bit gloomy or intense, especially if those are the only colors you’re wearing. Pick a few outfits in a variety of colors for your dating profile pics. Jewel tones and pastels can brighten a picture and make you look more lighthearted and fun.
Now, if you really want to catch people’s attention, wear red. Multiple studies have shown that both men and women find people wearing the color red more attractive.
Plus, you’ll stand out from all the other people wearing beige or gray—and there are a lot of them. Tinder analyzed 12,000 photos and found 56% of women and 72% of men wear neutral colors. So go ahead—throw on that cute red top and strut your stuff like the superstar you are.
Crop the photo correctly
Your face is gorgeous, but you probably don’t want your face to fill the entire frame. Ideally, you should take up only 60 - 70% of the frame in any dating profile pic. Try to get your shoulders in the frame and don’t be afraid to throw in one or two full-body pics in your gallery, too.
If you want to use a travel photo because it has some crazy, epic background, you can totally do that. Just make sure you’re still taking up about 20-40% of the picture. Yes, the Grand Canyon is spectacular, but people want to see you!
Be aware of your background
Speaking of backgrounds, you’ll need to pay close attention to that, too. I’m not going to judge your messy room, but potential dates on Tinder might. At the very least, try to pose in front of a clean spot in your apartment.
You can take this a step further and add a few things into the background to hint at your interests. A strategically-placed telescope or a framed painting can give potential dates insight into your personality.
(And for the love of all that is good in this world, avoid bathroom pics. They’re usually not as flattering as you think and they’re definitely cliché.)
Stick to current photos
No matter how much you love that picture of you at the beach from 2016, keep it out of your dating profile. Sure, we all wish we could rewind the clock every now and then, but it’s best to show off the real you. Try your best to stick with photos that are less than a year old.
And in case you need to be reminded: the “you” from today is just as amazing (if not more) than the “you” from years past. I promise.
Use casual pictures
I hate to be the one to say it, but if you’re super dressed up in all of your photos, it could raise your dates’ expectations a bit too much.
And I know what you’re going to say: “But I looked amaaaazing at my friend’s wedding!” I totally get it.
But when it comes to dating photography, you want to make sure you can recreate the look in the pictures that you post. These pics should look like the real, every day you. Save the fancy photos for your social media.
Skip the group photos
A lot of people like to include group photos in their dating profile pictures, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good idea. Sure, group photos can show your social side—and that’s important—but your profile pic isn’t the place to do it.
In the fast-paced dating world of swiping left and right, people simply don’t want to take the time to figure out who you are in the pic. You’ve only got about 1-3 seconds to capture their attention, and a group photo is just too confusing.
Get creative
Do you have any hobbies that define who you are? Don’t be afraid to feature them in your profile pic! If you’re a photographer, hold your camera or wear it slung around your neck. If you’re an artist, playfully wave a paintbrush toward the camera.
When you’re doing something that you truly enjoy, it shows. These fun, casual pictures give people a sneak peek at the real you that goes way beyond a simple headshot.
Just don’t fake it—if your profile pic shows you strumming a guitar, someone will probably ask you to play it at some point. Make sure you can follow through!
Have someone else choose your dating profile pic
Most of the time we’re pretty good at choosing pics for dating photography that showcase our best qualities. But hey, sometimes we get it wrong. We’re just too familiar with our own appearance and personality. This can lead to a bias that someone who’s never met you may not have.
Translation: a picture that you think is perfect might give off a different impression to someone who doesn’t know you. Remember, it only takes a few seconds for a stranger to determine whether they want to get to know you better.
You can always have a trusted friend choose your photo, but if you want honest feedback from someone’s first impression, try using a photo testing site like DATEnhance.
Up your dating game
Following these 15 photography tips for dating will give you plenty of flattering photos to choose from. And don’t be shy about taking lots of pictures—the more, the merrier. You’ll want to settle on 4 - 6 photos with different outfits, looks, and poses to feature in your dating photo gallery.
Remember that the goal isn’t to look perfect—it’s to look perfectly you. The Match Artist is here to help you add the perfect photo to any dating profile.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:10 mansplanar The Rules for Picking Hot Tinder Photos (or any dating app)

In this social media age, it's all about your online image. There are people out there who know how to take a flattering shot, who know their angles almost too well. So well they look nothing like their true selves, in fact.
This isn't an article on how to catfish, or how to basically fool the world into thinking you're Jessica Biel or Jake Gyllenhaal.
These are our tips on how to pick out the best photos for your Tinder, Bumble, Grindr, or any dating app profile. Photos that portray the best version of (the real) you, for instance, confident, well-rounded and interesting sides of your personality!
You've probably seen plenty of articles on how to write the perfect Tinder bio. The everlasting debate around stating your height might come to mind. Should you divulge too much information? Should you go for a witty one-liner? Well here at the Match Artist, we value photography. We think that the secret to a killer Tinder profile is in its photos, and some people could do with a helping hand.
Stuck with your Tinder photos? Hire a professional to help you get some amazing snaps.
There's a knack to it, surprisingly enough. The images we choose to represent ourselves on social media and online say a lot about who we are. For instance if you've chosen six different versions of similar selfies for your Tinder profile, you probably aren't going to come off as particularly interesting. If all six of your photos feature you with your ex, you're probably going to come off a bit obsessed.
Here are our tips on how to portray the best version of yourself in your Tinder photos:
  1. Don't just pick selfies!
Sure, we understand. Nobody can take a better photo of you than, well, you. However, no matter how tempting it may be, don't just pick selfies for your Tinder photos! It makes you look super boring and shallow. Tinder gives you a small window to be as interesting as possible. You need to utilise your opportunity, that means making the best use of each photo. One selfie is OK, but make sure you include a nice variety of shots in your Tinder photos.
  1. Find the perfect balance for body shots
It's daunting, but the straight truth is that people on Tinder are judging your looks. That means not only your face, but your body too. There's a fine balance with choosing a body pic. If you hide your body completely, you don't look self-confident. If you show off your rippling abs in every photo, you can look self-obsessed. The trick here is to choose just one picture that includes your body. If that means a top-off beach pic, then do it. If that means a full-body photo where you're glammed up for a night out, fantastic. If that means a candid shot where your torso is visible, that works too. If you're not massively confident in your body, just try not to make it totally obvious!
  1. Show off a hobby
Again, Tinder is about making use of a small opportunity to sell yourself. You need to cram in as much information about yourself as possible, so using your Tinder photos to tell your story is perfect. Whatever your hobby might be, rock it in one of your photos. You might be an athlete (sport photos are always great), you may be a chess champion, amazing at crochet, or completely obsessed with dogs (dogs count as hobbies too, right?) Whatever it might be, having an interest or hobby is attractive. People might share your interest and take more of a liking to you for it, or they might picture themselves sharing the activity with you.
  1. Work your angles
Whatever photos you choose, know which ones you look good in. You may have a great profile view, or a jawline to show off. Tip number 4 is simple; know what angles and looks work for you, and try to choose your most flattering pictures. (Rocket science, we know!)
  1. Include friends, but not too many
We've all been there, swiping through Tinder when you come across a group photo of twelve guys. Which one is he?! Don't be that person. It's great to include a group photo or pictures with friends; it shows you're a sociable and friendly person. However, you do not want to make a prospective date have to work hard to figure out which person you are.
If you do include a group photo, make sure it includes no more than four or five people. Nobody wants to be scanning fifteen tiny faces to figure out who's who. Do not, I repeat, do not include more than one group photo. It's too confusing. Next.
  1. Smile
You're not Edward Cullen. You're going to need to flash those teeth to show you're open and charming. Photos of you smiling and baring your teeth are going to show
Nobody wants to go on a date, or potentially be in a relationship with someone who can't (or won't) smile! Get those gnashers out!
  1. Don't flex with a 'hot girl/guy'
A weird one, but people do it. Including a photo with your hottest guy-or-girl-friend does not make people fancy you more! It's a strange kind of mind game that just ends up being a huge no-no for many people. If you were considering a gal on Tinder who's first picture was her with a male supermodel, wouldn't you (on some level) feel like she was saying 'this is my expectation, don't swipe right unless you're this beautiful'. This point also includes exes. People don't like to see pictures of potential dates with a member of the opposite sex. Don't ask us why. They just don't.
  1. Get fancy
Everyone likes to get dressed up for a night out or a big event. Likewise, everyone likes a girl in a beautiful dress or a guy in a well-fitting tux. You should try to include a photo of yourself dressed up to the nines to show Tinder-ers your potential and how you might, one day, look on their arm at an event (or even wedding).
  1. Go outside
This one sounds stupid, but subliminally, including one picture of yourself outside makes you look a little bit more adventurous and interesting. Pictures of you only indoors will on a very deep level tell people that you don't go out much. Think about it, your Tinder photos are telling a story. Make a little bit of that story out-of-doors!
  1. Leave out the filters
Nobody is looking to go out with a guy or girl with dog or panda ears! Snapchat filters are a no-go for dating profiles. Sorry folks.
  1. Try out professional photography
If you've read this article and been thinking 'I don't have any photos of myself like that', you can try getting a professional to snap you looking your very best. You can now hire a professional portrait photographer from just £99 for an hour session.
You can be sure that a portrait photographer will capture your best angles, smiles and even your friends. Portrait photographers have the best lenses and kit that will flatter your mug far more than the tiny fish-eye iPhone lens.
It's not unheard of, either! Plenty of people nowadays opt for a pro photographer to help them look sharp in their headshots, dating profiles, and even their passport photos. It's reasonably priced enough, the same as a nice dinner in a restaurant, but with longer lasting results!
There's a few simple things to bear in mind when selecting photos for your dating profile: not too many selfies, not too many group shots, work your best features, show your bod (a bit), make sure to smile, go outdoors, get dressed up, and leave out the silly filters. You can also try getting a professional photographer to take some snaps.
Now get out there and start swiping! The most important thing is to be confident in yourself and your choices, but if you follow these tips you should be an absolute love magnet within hours.
Are you thinking about booking a portrait shoot with the Match Artist? Great idea!
If you're going to have an enviable Instagram feed or Tinder photos, you can't rely on your best friend to capture your best angles at the drop of a hat. Sometimes life calls for a professional photographer to get you some selfies that will drop jaws. Luckily, the Match Artist can find you such a pro at short notice and for a great price.
We guarantee quick and simple booking, an amazing professional photographer who will travel to you, and 48 hour photo delivery every time.
We do all this so you can have great shots of you looking your best.
Don't have any shots worthy of your Tinder profile? Try out a Match Artist photographer today! We'll help you get those matches.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:02 BigBowloDeez [WTS] BA 8.3” .300 BO Hanson Performance Series Upper w/ Keymo FH, Holosun EPS 2 MOA(Full Size), Streamlight TLR7A, FDE Reptilia Link Zhukov Stock for CZ Scorpion w/ FDE Magpul MVG, ZP G17.3 Complete Ported Slide + x3 17rd OEM mags

Looking to offload a few odds and ends to fund a suppressed M1A setup or something equally as nifty.
Ballistic Advantage 8.3” .300 Upper; Hanson Performance Series Barrel and Melonite Gas Tube w/ 7” Logic MLok Handguard. No BCG or CH, but does come with handguard wrenches, a Single Magpul MLok rail section and Deadair Keymo Flash Hider. Light salt; Upper has seen ~100 rounds suppressed. Looking for $280.
Upper Pics:
Holosun EPS 2MOA (Full Size; Red dot.) Optic has minor salt; includes box and tool. Does not include adapter plate. Looking for $240.
EPS Serial and Pics:
Streamlight TLR7A; Like new as it’s sat in a nightstand safe and includes all keys + installation tool. Looking for $95.
TLR7A serial and pics:
FDE Reptilia Link Zhukov Stock for CZ Scorpion; does not come with box and has minor salt from moving around in the safe. This will also come with a matching FDE Magpul MVG. Looking for $160. $140 $120.
Link and MVG Pics:
Zafirri Precision G17.3 Complete Portred Slide w/ ZP TiN Barrel, Fiber Optic Suppressor Height Sights and 3-17rd OEM mags. (NO BAN STATES.) Not looking to part out. Looking for $400.
ZP Slide Pics:
Price is shipped and insured via USPS. PayPal F/F only. NO NOTES or you will be refunded and snitched on. Dibs respected, but don’t dibs then haggle (that isn’t very cash money of you.) Call dibs on the post THEN PM for payment details (not IM or chat as I will ignore them.) Priority goes to dibs on all applicable bundles THEN individual items. Scammers be scamming, so I will NOT PM you. Payment is due within 30 minutes of transaction confirmation or you get leap froggy frogged.
submitted by BigBowloDeez to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:47 tthrowawawyy My boyfriend has a flash drive with hundreds of photos of his female friends on it

Hi reddit! I’m on a throwaway but technically this is my first post, because I’ve never actually made a post on my own personal account. My best friend is on vacation right now and I haven’t had anyone to talk to, so I guess I just wanted to get this all off my chest.
kinda a lot to unpack here, so I apologize if this is kinda ramble-y, but pretty much exactly what the title says. A few days ago I found that my (28f) boyfriend (33m) of 6 months has a flash drive with easily hundreds of photos of female acquaintances, ex hookups, ex girlfriends, pretty much anyone he “used to have a crush on/fantasize about” (his words), all meticulously organized by name, all within a file titled “Known”. What freaked me out the most was that only very few were intimate photos - most were fully clothed, otherwise innocent photos that looked like they were pulled unknowingly from these womens’ Facebook profile photos. Seriously, matter how well you know someone, when you find a dusty old drive with 20 hidden folders each with a different personally-known woman’s name on it, you get a little (a lot) shook as a woman yourself. Like, I was completely by myself and actually said “what the fuck is this” out loud to no one, like in a movie, I didn’t think people actually did that lol but I was just.. stunned.
Sooo, naturally I’m incredibly creeped out by this, and I confront him about it. He immediately started sobbing and saying he didn’t want to lose me, that he forgot it existed, that “when he was younger, he was weird about sex”. So now this becomes a whole other thing to unpack cause I’m like what tf do you mean by that and how does it apply here lol. The part where he forgot it existed, I believe that, because although I didn’t check the “recently viewed” dates when I found it, it was definitely all dusty.
But the more I think about it, the more it bothers me. Like I know when we’re younger sex is weird, I know dudes sometimes either accidentally or purposely keep a recent ex’s nudes, people have pasts and keep memories but like… These photos were amassed over a span of time between 2011-2016, and collecting and organizing photos of close female friends to jerk off to over a 5 year span just feels different than some kid saving spank bank material so his parents don’t find it. This gets worse when you consider that at 33 currently, 8 years ago my boyfriend was 25 - I tried explaining by making an example to him, that it’d be different if it was 20yrs ago, we were all weird at 13. Shitty example, but you get it. But he was 25, at 28 myself, I know I certainly wasn’t collecting pics of my guy friends off their instagrams to save to a flash drive flick it to at 25 years old.
It gets worse. From 2011 to 2022, he was in a long term monogamous relationship with someone he dated high school and after that he ended up marrying. Which means that in the time he was saving and using these photos for masturbation material, he was in a relationship. He says to him it was just porn, a way to fantasize about women he couldn’t have, not cheating - I asked him to explain that one to me. Because how is being in a relationship and locking yourself in a room to jerk it to photos of yours and your wife’s friends not cheating in some way? That made him cry more, and the extreme reaction to me finding it all instead of just being like “yeah idk I was a weirdo” made it all the worse somehow. He said he wasn’t happy in his relationship so he’d save these to look at later.
I believe that he hasn’t accessed this flash drive in years. But I still can’t get it out of my head. 8 years ago or not, this didn’t feel like just random spank bank material. It gave me a “pattern of behavior” vibe. I dug a little more into the names in the flash drive as well, and some of them weren’t even his own friends, but his then-wife’s. Gives me goosebumps just typing it. He says it was a “long time ago” and that, technically, he “didn’t do anything to betray my trust”. Again, I believe he hasn’t accessed it… but I can’t stop wondering if he’s just gotten smarter and instead of keeping a flash drive, maybe now he keeps these folders hidden on his phone. Maybe there’s one of me from before we dated with my instagram photos in it. Maybe my best friend has a folder of her own. Maybe our female coworkers have one too. I just… have no way of not knowing, and I can’t shake that this isn’t just one-off weird behavior from nearly ten years ago. It just felt like… something more We live together, and it’s difficult for me to just pack up and go, although my gut tells me maybe that’s what I should do. I dunno, I don’t really have anyone to talk to, so I guess I just wanted to get that off my chest.
submitted by tthrowawawyy to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:44 jimmythecollector [FS] [USA] B0ttega Ven3tta Jacket, Retail K1th Tee, He11star Tour Tee, Suprem3 Bogo Tee, Ga11ery Dept Trucker, Vuj@ De Carpenters, Rhud3, EE Shorts, Chrom3 Heart$, 424, Ston3 Is1and Ghost Sweaters, LV Belts, F0G Joggers, Ba1enciaga Tees & Beanie, Retail Y-3, Ultraboo$ts, & More! 🏷️💲



$9 - Retail LOVE Uniq1o x MoMA Art Tee - Small - Retailed for $30. Amazing design and lightly worn.
$36 - He11star Biker Tour Vintage Tee - Fits Medium - Sells for a crazy $140 at retail, rep is pretty much on point to retail. Worn once.
$65 - Retail K1th Cream Logo Tee - Fits Boxy Medium - Retailed for 89 with taxes and fees IIRC and was the last in stock at the K1th store in Hawaii. Take for an absolute steal.
$32 - Suprem3 Box Logo Black on Black - Medium (Fits Small-Fitted Medium) - Used quite a few times but still in amazing condition. Blank has slight fading to it which it on point with retail as it was released a few years back, print in pristine condition.
$67 - St0ne Isl@nd Olive Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Large - Exactly on par with retail down to tags. Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$35 - N1ke Vintage Cream Crewneck - Fits Medium- Lightly worn and high-quality rep. Almost certain from Ambition, take for a steal.
$35 - F3ar of G0d Essentia1s Longsleeve Polo Gray - Fits Small-Medium - Bought used and fits amazing. Exactly on point with my retail and I can’t tell any difference between both.
$29 - Retail N1ke Dri-Fit Black Spellout Sweater - XL (Fits Large) Length 26 / Width 24. - Paid 60 for this at outlets. Has Dri-Fit material and was only washed/ tried on once. In like new condition and take for a steal.
$52 - Vuj@ De Carpenter Olive Pants - Fits Small (Waist Size 28-32) - Only tried on. Quality is amazing and fit is similar to straight fitting pants.
$29 - EE Blue Floral Stripe Shorts - Fits XS-S - Has correct perforations on logo and nice/light blank for summer weather. Would be keeping but too small on me, perfect for Size 28-30 waists.
$42 - Essentia1s Tan Joggers - Small (Waist Size 30) - High quality batch but too small on me. Print and embroidered logo on front are pristine and blank is on point with retail.
$82 - B0ttega Ven3tta Black Zip-Up Jacket - Fits Boxy Medium - Got professionally tailored as sleeves were way to long (pause) for formal wear. Such a beautiful jacket but I got a similar one from Uniql0 that I wear more often. Take for a steal.
$58 - Y33zy “Ye Must be Born again” Brown Hoodie - Fits Boxy Medium - Sizing similar to retai land puff print is in amazing condition with slight fading from couple of wears. Always gets lots of eyes and extremely comfy hoodie. Stitched out hoodie sizing cause it said XL when this fits more like a medium.
$49 - Y33zy Calabasa$ Agoura Black/Grey Sweatpants - Fits Small (Waist Size 30) - Blank similar to retail and embroidery is high quality. Honestly can’t tell a difference between this and retail.
$66 - Pa1ace Arms Blue/White Jacket - Fits Small-Medium - Best batch out and was released a few years back. Has been in closet for a while but time to let go, unsure if it’s from Pa1ace37 or not. Insane quality and great for everyday wear.
$75 - 424 Denim Fairfax Distressed Jacket - Medium - Best batch out and only tried on. Rare rep from a haul I did a few years back and link is now dead. No red sleeve.
$19 - Balenc1aga Rainbow Tee from Cl0yad - Fits Small - From Cloyad who’s a top-tier reseller. Never been worn personally but seems lightly used.
$9 - Retail D0ckers Straight Fit Pants Grey - 32x29 - Paid $40 and quality is amazing. Have nice straight fit to drape slightly over your shoes and I would’ve 100% kept if I didn’t outgrow them.
$19 - Retail Vintage Chevy Walts Kings Men 1993 Tee - Fits Large - Thrifted and few imperfections (pictured) which might come out in wash. Take for a steal, can’t find comps on eBay.
$15 - Retai1 Vintage Buzzie Nascar Racing Tee - Fits Medium - Thrifted and used only a few times.
$25 - Retail Pepsi Cola Timeless Tee 1993 Tee - Large - Bought from Consignment Shop and in great condition, just had tags removed and some slight aging as it’s an older shirt. Take for a steal.
$79 (FINAL SALE) - Y33ZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket - Fits Medium - In like new condition and extremely rare rep from 2019, haven't seen one posted since. I have rarely used and I’m not in a rush to sell it cause this is most likely the first and last one that’s going to be posted on here, hence the price.
$67 - St0ne Isl@nd Cream Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Medium-Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$52 - Br0ken Plan3t “Into the Abyss” Blue Hoodie - Medium - From Hotd0g and one of the nicer designs from this brand IMO. Lightly worn and in amazing condition.


$75 - Retail Zar@ Black/White Loafers - EU 39 (Fits Size 7.5-8 Mens) - Brand new and never used. The latest product line and retailed for 80 + 20 in taxes and fees. Take for an absolute steal.
$85 - N3w Ba1ance 2002R Protection Pack Rain Cloud - TZE - 8.5 Mens - Bought best batch out at the time from TZE. Lightly used and still in amazing condition. Comfort and materials are really nice.
$119 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das 4D Exo Runners - Size 7.5 (Fits 7.5-8.5 Snug Mens) - Listings on eBay around $240 brand new/used. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition.
$129 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das Terrex Swift R3 Goretex - 8.5 Mens - Multiple listings on eBay around $230 brand new. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$79 OBO - Retail Y-3 Ajatu Court Low Black - 8 Mens - Selling for around $166 on StockX. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$29 - Black/White Penny Lug Loafers - Fits Mens Size 7.5-8 - Used once and in amazing condition. Saw Jeff Goldblum wear similar model and he pulls them off great but too small on me.
$23 - Ultraboost$ Oreo 3.0 - 10 Mens (Fits 9-9.5 Mens) - Best batch out from Lin. Used but flash really accentuates flaws, they still have a lot of life.
$86 OBO - Retail N1ke Air Max 1 Premium Hangul SE - 8.5 Mens - Brand new and only tried on. Paid 140 for them, take for a steal.

Accessories (Wallets/Belt/Bags/Cologne):

$13 - Retail T0M Ford “Oud Wood” Cologne Sample - 2ML - Beautiful smell and sprayed a little once just to try. A great way of sampling this beautiful fragrance.
$12 - Cart1er Tank Strap from G33ktime - Strap for smallest size of Cartier Tank (I think it’s small?). Nice but I replaced mine, take for a steal.
$19 (2 Left!) - Stu$$y Camo Waist Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Amazing quality and IMO 1:1 with Retail.
$34 (2 Left!) - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Brown/Gold Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$18 - Aap3 Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.

Jewelry (Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Keychains):

$23 - Chr0me Heart$ Pendants - OOS - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. I’ve personally used most models for 6+ months daily along with an Amazon-bought chain. Pendants have nice weight/quality and always get compliments. 925 sterling silver plated and has been used in the gym without issues. Available Models:
$22 - Chr0me Heart$ Silichrome 20th Anniversary Cross Necklace - One Size Fits All (26 Inches) - Great alternative to paying CH’s wild retail price of $160, this rep is extremely accurate IMO (.95:1). Available Colors:
$19 - LV Keychain Black Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$19 - LV Keychain Brown Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$19 - Retail Gue$$ Blue/Black Watch - Fits Up to 6.25 Inch Wrists (Has additional clasp to expand to ~6.5 Inches) - Paid 120 shipped for this, take for an absolute steal. Movement is stuck so might need new battery, selling as is.
$19 (Add-On) - Culture K1ngs Cap CarrieStorage NFS - OOS - Exclusive item not being sold; need to buy 3 hats to receive. Take at a great price.


$38 (1 Left!) - Ga11ery Dept Upside Down Logo Trucker Hat - Adjustable - New with tags. Best batch out. Solid batch
$32 (1 Left!) - Balenciag@ Brown Logo Beanie - One Size - Best batch out and deadstock, take for a steal.
$28 (2 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ “Big CH” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$32 - Retail LA Dodgers 9F0rty N3w 3ra Purple Haze A-Frame Hat - Adjustable - Retail and sold out at Cultur3 Kings. Link to retail is HERE. Paid $42 with shipping, just trying to make some money back, take them for $34 with free shipping. Insane quality and has nice Jackie Robinson patch on side.
$19 - Canad@ Goos3 Beanies Various Colors - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads. Models:
$25 - Retail D0dgers A-Frame Trucker Hat N3w Era - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. I think this is a European exclusive as I see no US sellers have this. Take for a steal price.
$19 - Vuj@ De “VD” Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and nice quality blank.
$19 - Prad@ Badge Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and compared badge to SurvivalSourc3 keychain and looks 1:1.
$19 - Acn3 Studio$ Ice Grey Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New. Embroidery and quality of beanie are spot on with Retail.
submitted by jimmythecollector to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:13 Purtle [PIL] #1331 6/8/2024

Purtle's Internet Lineup for June 8th, 2024 6:14pm
submitted by Purtle to Purtle [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:57 fandangohelp [FS][USA][WW] R!ck 0wens Dvnks, Helmvt Lang, Uns0und Rags, Dies3l, Carh@rtt, Chan3l, LV belts, Vggs, Ess3ntials, Arc't3ryx, Dvnks, C3line, Bap3, Al3xander McQveen sunglasses

PayPal invoice only. first come first serve. anything not crossed out is still available. all items shipped within 2 business days, you will get an email from PayPal with tracking so you don't have to ask me for it. All prices for US shipping. add $10 for international
timestamp tagged pic:
pt 2:
Carh@rtt tee: size XL. $20
Al3xander McQveen sunglasses: black, white, pink, translucent beige available. $25 each
Bap3 shark tee: black and white available. fits M. $25
Ess3ntials beanie: $25
C3line beanies: no inside tags. blue and tan available. $25 each
Arc beanie: $25
K3n Carson tee: size L. $25
Carh@rtt side bag: $25
Beav!s & Butth3ad tee: size XL. $25
Wv Tang photo tee: XL. $25
Wv Tang logo tee: Xl. $30
Carti tee: size L. $30
Shaq jersey: size L. $30
Chan3l necklaces: $30 each
Ess3ntials t-shirt: size XL. $30
ERD tee: size S. $30
Crtz green trucker hat: $30
Double pleats cropped pants: size S. $40
LV belts: white only size 39 left. brown checkerboard size 36, 38, 39 available. brown monogram gold buckle only size 38 left. $50 each
Chicago Dvnks: size 9. $50
grey SB Dvnk Highs: size 8.5. $50
Vggs: womens 6. $50
Halloween Dvnks: size 9. $50
Dies3l bag: $50
Uns0und Rags jeans: Deeds Japanese denim batch. size 28. $75
Helmvt Lang Flak jacket: Turn batch. size 42 (S). $100
R!ck 0wens dunks: size 40 (fit size 8-8.5). added extra sole to protect original sole, lightly aged and added dye bleed to look more authentic. never worn $150
submitted by fandangohelp to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:57 fandangohelp [FS][USA][WW] R!ck 0wens Dvnks, Helmvt Lang, Uns0und Rags, Dies3l, Carh@rtt, Chan3l, LV belts, Vggs, Ess3ntials, Arc't3ryx, Dvnks, C3line, Bap3, Al3xander McQveen sunglasses

PayPal invoice only. first come first serve. anything not crossed out is still available. all items shipped within 2 business days, you will get an email from PayPal with tracking so you don't have to ask me for it. All prices for US shipping. add $10 for international
timestamp tagged pic:
pt 2:
Carh@rtt tee: size XL. $20
Al3xander McQveen sunglasses: black, white, pink, translucent beige available. $25 each
Bap3 shark tee: black and white available. fits M. $25
Ess3ntials beanie: $25
C3line beanies: no inside tags. blue and tan available. $25 each
Arc beanie: $25
K3n Carson tee: size L. $25
Carh@rtt side bag: $25
Beav!s & Butth3ad tee: size XL. $25
Wv Tang photo tee: XL. $25
Wv Tang logo tee: Xl. $30
Carti tee: size L. $30
Shaq jersey: size L. $30
Chan3l necklaces: $30 each
Ess3ntials t-shirt: size XL. $30
ERD tee: size S. $30
Crtz green trucker hat: $30
Double pleats cropped pants: size S. $40
LV belts: white only size 39 left. brown checkerboard size 36, 38, 39 available. brown monogram gold buckle only size 38 left. $50 each
Chicago Dvnks: size 9. $50
grey SB Dvnk Highs: size 8.5. $50
Vggs: womens 6. $50
Halloween Dvnks: size 9. $50
Dies3l bag: $50
Uns0und Rags jeans: Deeds Japanese denim batch. size 28. $75
Helmvt Lang Flak jacket: Turn batch. size 42 (S). $100
R!ck 0wens dunks: size 40 (fit size 8-8.5). added extra sole to protect original sole, lightly aged and added dye bleed to look more authentic. never worn $150
submitted by fandangohelp to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:07 The_SouthernTiger New growth of infection?

New growth of infection?
Pics are from today 2 weeks ago and 4 weeks ago and when I first got him April 26th.
I’m worried about my male guppy. I recently bought a glass lid and smacked it on my 20 long 2 days ago. I knew it was going to trap heat in the tank and figured it would only rise a few degrees But after 24 hours it had gone from ~74 to the low 80’s.
I also noticed my three adult guppy’s were all grouped up on the front left edge when they are normally swimming about the entire tank as well as one of my peppered Cory’s flashing on the hardscape so I took it off and my tank has gone back down to ~74 and everyone seems to be acting normal again.
Today though I have noticed that one of my males has developed whitish edge on his fin and these short stringy bits trailing.
From what I’ve read I’m thinking it’s Flukes and am planing on getting some Prazipro to help fight it off but am worried about dosing my tank for no reason if this is for some reason normal fin growth.
My tank has had a stable 0 ammonia 0 nitrites and ~30 nitrates for ~ 6 weeks and has been up and running for 9 weeks now.
I did also dose with an all in one fertilizer two days ago when I got the lid. I can list the ingredients but if anyone has used it before it’s from MarcusFishTanks. It says it’s tested fish and invertebrate safe and it what he says he uses on all of his tanks.
I have a second 10 gallon tank I just started a few days ago to eventually house a betta and shrimp but it hasn’t quite cycled yet even after cleaning out my filters sponges in the water to help seed the new filter. I’ve read some medications can kill off the bacteria colony so should I put him in my new tank and go ahead and dose? It’s testing at 0 ammonia .25-.5 nitrite and ~5-10 nitrate.
Sorry for the wall of text just worried about my little guys and hope it does spread at all.
submitted by The_SouthernTiger to Guppies [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:06 mystro28372 [US/NC] [H] Omnibus [W] Paypal
Combined my last 2 sales post, only books still available will be listed for sale below! Can get more pics of books if needed, just let me know! Can ship most on Monday, have plenty of packing materials and boxes to ship!
Thor Omnibus Straczynski : Sealed! $70
Spiderman Clone Saga Omnibus set DM covers : Both sealed! $190
Spiderman 2099 Omnibus Vol 1: Sealed! $85
Black Panther Omnibus set Priest DM covers : Both sealed! $130
Black Panther Early Years Omnibus standard cover : Sealed! $70
Blade Early Years Omnibus : Sealed! $55
She Hulk 3 Omnibus set : All sealed! $160
Spiderman Omnibus Stern DM cover : Sealed! $110
Devil's Reign Omnibus standard cover : Sealed! $67
Daredevil Epics Vol 1 & 2 : Used in good condition. $50
Wolverine Epic collection lot of 3 : Inner Fury $OLD. Other 2 are available like new. $55
Injustice Omnibus Set : Both sealed! $120
Flash Omnibus Set of 3 : All sealed! $170
American Vampire Omnibus Set : Both sealed! $130
Seven Soldiers Omnibus : Sealed! $70
Batman/TMNT Omnibus : Sealed! $55
Daredevil Miller omnibus Poster cover : Sealed $60
Daredevil Brubaker omnibus 1-2 DM covers : Sealed $150
Daredevil Waid omnibus 1-2 DM covers : Sealed $200
Aliens omnibus Vol 1 DM cover : Used in great condition $70
Aliens omnibus Vol 3 DM cover : Used in great condition $70
Aliens omnibus Vol 4 DM cover : Sealed $70
All 3 Aliens omnibus for $200
Hulk omnibus Vol 2 David Hulk vs Hulk cover : Sealed $70
Hulk omnibus Vol 3 David DM cover : Used in great condition $110
Hulk omnibus Vol 4 David Standard cover : Sealed $70
Hulk omnibus Vol 5 David Weeks cover : Sealed $60
All 4 Hulk omnibus for $300
Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus Vol 1 Venom cover : Sealed $70
Absolute Carnage omnibus : Sealed $60
Fantastic Four Omnibus Hickman Vol 1 Davis Cover : Sealed $60
Predator Omnibus Vol 1 Coello cover : Sealed $70
Flash Waid Omnibus : Used in great condition $80
Black Cat omnibus DM cover : Sealed $60
Absolute Swamp Thing Set (All 4) : Sealed $205
Once & Future DLX Slipcase Vol 1 : Sealed $60
Faithless Deluxe Hardcover : Sealed $60
Paper Girls 1-3 Hardcover : Vol 1 like new, 2-3 sealed $55
Darkness Vol 2 hardcover : Sealed $25 (add-on only)
Transformers Phase 3 1-3 Hardcover : Sealed $160
Batman/TMNT Deluxe Hardcover : Sealed $20 (add-on only)
Fear Agent 1-4 Final Edition : New $55
Aphrodite 1-4 Tpb set : New $50
Excellence 1-2 Tpb set : New $15 (add-on only)
Batman One Bad Day 4 books : Sealed $20 (add-on only)
Batman Arkham city tpb : Used in great condition $15 (add-on only)
Batman/Spawn 2 small trades : Used $15 (add-on only)
Final Incal Hardcover : Sealed $24 (add-on only)
Alice in Borderland Vol 8 Manga : New, bought 2 copies by mistake $10 (add-on only)
submitted by mystro28372 to comicswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:57 Archangelus87 [WTS] Burris RT6 1-6x. MCX 5.56 Barrel. MecGar EAA Witness/CZ75 mags. CPD 7.62x39 mags. TLR8 AG. Magpul G2 MBUS. Inconel Gas Tube. Custom PSA 5.56 16” Middy PSA with Hanson. Misc Accessories.

Burris LPVO RT-6 1-6x24mm with Butler Creek Scope caps pretty much new-$260
MCX Virtus 5.56 Barrel 13.9” Pin & Welded with a Griffin Taper Stealth Flash Hider to 16” by D.Wilson, no rounds through it.-$500
Mecgar Tanfoglio EAA Witness Small frame/CZ75 mags 9mm(17)-$25 each
CPD 7.62x39 magazines(28)-$20 each
Sig P320 frame/grip module Medium manual safety cut-$25
Magpul MBUS Gen 2 set-$55
Streamlight TLR-8 AG FLEX-$205
AFG MLOK Adapter Rail-$5
V Seven Extreme Environment Inconel Midlength Gas Tube, used, bent, could easily be bent back into working order-$40
PSA 16” 5.56 13” Keymod Mid-length upper with a Hanson Barrel professionally installed. Also comes with a 5 section picitinny rail and 2 QD sling mounts. Pretty much new, fired one 10 mag round to check function.
Price is $250 shipped and insured.
Any questions or request for more pics are welcome.
Shipping & Insurance included for $20+
Payment via Paypal F&F, Cashapp, Zelle, Venmo, or Paypal
submitted by Archangelus87 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:27 whipskirtayeyay [WTS] AK Parts: SLR, TDI, Zastava, Primary Arms

Payment via PayPal FF or Venmo. Absolutely NO NOTES.
RS Regulate GKR-10MS
JL Billet handguard set
UltiMAK M19 (KP9)
Yugo M70/M92:
SLR AK ION 8.6" (M92)
  • Modified to tuck 4-piece Bulgarian flash hider (see pics)
  • Includes SLR gas tube
  • $250 shipped
TDI Arms Z92 handguard (M92)
  • $60 shipped
Zastava Arms underfolder kit (M70/M90)
  • Mounted but never used
  • $150 shipped
Zastava Arms Curly Maple furniture (M70/M77/M90)
  • Brand new
  • Comes with handguard ferrule, butt plate, sling loop and stock bolt
  • Red
  • $200 shipped
Zastava Arms Curly Maple furniture (M70/M77/M90)
  • Brand new
  • Comes with handguard ferrule, butt plate, sling loop and stock bolt
  • Green
  • $200 shipped
Zastava Arms Curly Maple furniture (M70/M77/M90)
  • Brand new
  • Comes with handguard ferrule, butt plate, sling loop and stock bolt
  • Plum
  • $200 shipped
Primary Arms SLX Gen 3 Prism 3x
  • Excellent condition
  • All original accessories included
  • $200 shipped
submitted by whipskirtayeyay to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:56 Head_Leader_7771 Pantsed in front of my crush

So this happened last summer, we were on holiday after exams finished just before we were all going to university. 3 boys (including me) and 2 girls, Emily and Jen. Both girls were hot, but I had a massive crush on Jen.
We were there at the beach, and it was boiling. Jen was wearing an incredibly skimpy white bikini. She had this amazing tan and a great bum that was on full display. She asked me to put some sunscreen on her back, and I did. As I got lower she pulled her bottoms down slightly so I could get really far down. Instant boner. What I didn’t realise was one of my male friends was behind me, and he whipped my shorts down to my ankles. Tiny, hard dick out for everyone to see. I was so shocked it took me ages to cover myself and grab my shorts back up. The boys were laughing, Emily screamed and then started to giggle, but Jen was the worst reaction…
She turned round when the commotion happened, and caught a glimpse before I managed to get my hands over. She gasped, then looked me dead in the eyes and said “I’m not surprised…” and walked off. I felt like total shit but so turned on. I got comments about it ALL day. “Tiny, shrimpy, acorn, pinkie.” Yeah…
The next night, we were playing truth or dare. I knew what was coming so avoided dare, but after 2 truths you have to pick dare with my friendship group. So, forced to pick dare. Jen immediately spoke up and dared me to flash. I went bright red and, after a lot of jeers and laughing from the others, showed them my dick. This got even more laughter, and I’m sure I saw Jen take a pic, even though she fully denies it.
I was so embarrassed but it really did turn me on. During that truth or dare session, I did get to see both girls’ tits, but it barely made up for the humilation I faced. I still get comments from those friends to this day.
submitted by Head_Leader_7771 to SPHStory [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:50 SafeRecordKeeping Green Tree Frog?

Green Tree Frog?
Found this little guy on my tent in Southeastern Coastal Alabama. Sorry about the lighting quality I took one flash pic and felt bad because I don’t want to blind him :(
submitted by SafeRecordKeeping to frogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:31 InternalStomach4460 “Boot failure detected” please help

Motherboard: gigabyte b650 aorus elite ax ice CPU: ryzen 5 7600 RAM: XPG lancer DDR5 6000mt/s CL30 SSD: adata legend 960 max PCIe Gen4 x4 M.2
Newbie pc builder here. So when i tried to do POST for the first time, I pressed [DEL] when the first screen has appeared (I wasnt able to take a pic but it has the aorus logo)
I waited for a few seconds and I got into this screen which I attached the pic below, I pressed the “Y” button. I’m not sure if it’s the correct option but that’s what my friend told me since everything is new.
After pressing that, there’s a message prompt that appeared (2nd pic attached) and when I clicked OK, I got into this next screen saying “boot failure detected” (3rd picture attached) with a few options below that I can hover up and down to.
the options are “Load optimized defaults then boot”, “Load optimized defaults then reboot”, and “Enter bios”
I tried clicking and pressing enter on those 3 options, but nothing happens. So I’m stuck and don’t know what to do. Also, which option should I choose among the 3?
I also noticed that I have a red boot light on my mobo.
I tried clearing cmos through the jumper pins and by removing the battery for 5 mins. I also tried to remove the 4th ram and left the other one on the 2nd slot, but still getting the same prompt.
Idk if i could q-flash, I’m not certain if that’s what i should do before being able to access my bios settings. I really just wanted to check my temps and components if they’re working. I don’t have my flash drive yet to install windows.
I would also like to enable expo(?) I’m not quite sure how to do that and what else to do to optimize my pc’s performance. please help and let me know if you need more info. thanks!
(sadly I cannot upload photos, but I hope you could help.
submitted by InternalStomach4460 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:25 5hif7y_x86 Macro + flash card advice needed

Just finishing building my macro(pics to come) and I was tested using a ds flash card that I had lying around to see how GBA games would run and they all run like in the picture with bars on the right and bottom. Can anyone advise me on what card/firmware there using to play GBA on the macro?
Thanks all in advanced.
submitted by 5hif7y_x86 to gameboymacro [link] [comments]