Oxycontin $1 milligram


2016.02.13 23:03 TacticalWombat PsychedSubstance

Trip reports, harm reduction guides, or just comments about Adam's videos - they're all welcome here!

2015.07.04 00:21 fizzmustard DIY E-Liquid

Let's make juice together!

2024.06.08 16:37 Psychedelico5 Caapi vine in changa

Hi friends—looking for some feedback and guidance, please. So, I'm planning on making this changa blend early next week:
It was suggested to me on another non-Reddit forum that there's not a lot of harmalas in caapi vine, and that I should make a 9x extract in IPA, then use that IPA in my infusion.
In other words, I would soak 4.95 grams of caapi vine in IPA for a week or so, then use that IPA to infuse the DMT with the original 550 milligrams of caapi and dream herb. (I was planning on adding the blue lotus later.)
Now, I don't have any experience working with caapi vine at all, but I've never read that this would be an important step when making changa.
Wikipedia suggests caapi contains these alkaloids:
But, like I said, I have no experience with caapi, and I don't have the experience to agree or disagree that these numbers don't represent much in terms of harmalas.
I'm not opposed to creating a 9x extract, but I'm just concerned that it could be too much in terms of harmalas. Could anyone who has more experience please give me some guidance?
submitted by Psychedelico5 to harmalas [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:52 Comprehensive_Web292 Estrogen

Matrix Hormone Clinic started me on a 2 mg Estrogen dose weekly. (I split it into two injections). Before this, I was taking oral estrogen 1/2 milligram per day. When I do the math, I was actually getting a little more estrogen milligram wise on the pill form per week. Is this a normal injectable starting dose? I’m having some hot flashes nothing terrible. When on the oral form, I could only get my estrogen up in the 30’s. I’ve been reading how important estrogen is along with testosterone for libido. My question is, what is a good dose of (injectible)estrogen to really get the benefit and increase my numbers? I’m having labs done in late July.
PS I’m on Testosterone 7.5mg week split x 2.
submitted by Comprehensive_Web292 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:20 CharacterMiddle4678 Math help pls

Q: A pharmacist is asked to compound 60 mL of an isotonic eye drop. Drug X (a liquid with an E-value of 0.33) and sodium chloride will be used to prepare a final concentration of 1:500 (w/v). How many milligrams of sodium chloride must be added to make the eye drops isotonic? (Answer must be numeric; no units or commas; round the final answer to the nearest WHOLE number.)
The answer is 500 but I don’t see how …..
Does anyone know how you would answer this question? The information in calc IV chapter is no help and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how they got 500????
submitted by CharacterMiddle4678 to NAPLEX_Prep [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:05 fifi_edits What Is Metabolic Syndrome? Everything You Need to Know

It’s estimated that a third of U.S. adults have metabolic syndrome. This widespread health issue is characterized by a combination of high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, excess body fat, and abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Individuals with metabolic syndrome are at risk of developing severe health issues such as type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke.
What is metabolic syndrome?
Also known as syndrome X or insulin resistance syndrome, metabolic syndrome occurs when a person simultaneously has at least three metabolic disorders.
These conditions include:
Metabolic syndrome is a warning sign, signaling significant metabolic and hormonal imbalances and an increased risk of developing potentially life-threatening chronic conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

Symptoms of metabolic syndrome

In its early stages, there may not be noticeable symptoms that could indicate the underlying health conditions associated with metabolic syndrome. However, as metabolic imbalances worsen, increasingly more physiological functions can be disrupted. This explains why metabolic syndrome can present a wide range of signs and symptoms.
Here are common symptoms linked to metabolic syndrome.

Diagnostic Criteria for Metabolic Syndrome

Unfortunately, symptoms related to metabolic disorders often remain undetected until these imbalances reach a critical stage. This highlights the importance of regular health screenings to evaluate metabolic health, which is crucial for the early detection and diagnosis of metabolic syndrome.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute published data outlining the value ranges of health markers used to assess metabolic health and diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome.
These values are considered normal and not indicative of metabolic syndrome:
Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed when three or more of the following conditions are present:
While routine tests evaluate LDL and HDL cholesterol, performing an advanced lipid profile to better understand the body’s cholesterol balance can be beneficial.
“The advanced lipid profile offers a more comprehensive understanding of an individual's cholesterol status by measuring both the small, dense LDL particles, which are considered dangerous, and the large, buoyant LDL particles, which are less harmful,” says Dr. Berg.
Causes of metabolic syndrome
While the precise causes are complex and not entirely defined, many experts agree that dietary and lifestyle choices play a significant role in the development of metabolic syndrome.
Research published in Current Vascular Pharmacology emphasizes this point, encouraging that when addressing metabolic disorders, “preventive healthcare should focus on changing lifestyle in order to reduce obesity and increase physical activity.”
Here are two of the primary causes associated with metabolic syndrome.
1. Poor dietary habits
A diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugars significantly affects metabolic health by increasing the body's demand for insulin.
Insulin is an essential hormone that stimulates various metabolic pathways and regulates energy storage.
Released in response to carbohydrate intake, insulin signals cells to absorb glucose. This enables cellular energy production, helps maintain blood sugar balance, and signals the liver to convert excess blood sugar into fatty acids for storage.
However, regularly consuming carbs and sugars can cause persistently high insulin levels. This can desensitize cells to insulin’s signaling and lead to elevated blood glucose levels, a core component of metabolic syndrome.
Over time, this insulin resistance can contribute to other conditions associated with metabolic syndrome, including high triglycerides, hypertension, and obesity.
2. Lack of physical activity
A sedentary lifestyle substantially raises the risk of metabolic syndrome.
Evidence published in Frontiers in Physiology shows that physical inactivity promotes the accumulation of visceral fat. This type of fat is associated with systemic inflammation, which is linked to insulin resistance and explains why overweight or obese individuals are at increased risk of metabolic syndrome.
This highlights the importance of engaging in regular physical activity as a powerful tool for preventing and managing metabolic disorders.
Research published in Frontiers in Endocrinology underscores this point and summarizes, "Physical activity represents a potent, non-pharmacological intervention delaying the onset of over 40 chronic metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.”
Risk factors for metabolic syndrome
Insulin resistance is believed to be the leading cause of all conditions associated with metabolic syndrome.
In addition to a sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary choices, various other factors can contribute to insulin resistance. Risk factors linked to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome include:
Additionally, the risk of metabolic syndrome increases with age. This trend underscores the importance of proactive health measures early in life to reduce future complications.
According to data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “prevalence of metabolic syndrome increased from about 10 percent among 18 to 29-year-olds in all race and ethnic groups to almost 70 percent among 70+-year-old adult females.”
5 ways to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome
The majority of risk factors linked to metabolic syndrome can be mitigated by implementing beneficial dietary and lifestyle changes.
1. Limit carbohydrates and sugars
The common denominator of all conditions related to metabolic syndrome is insulin resistance, which is primarily influenced by diet. Adopting a diet optimized to support steady blood sugar and insulin levels, such as Healthy Keto®, can help prevent and potentially reverse insulin resistance and reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.
2. Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is an excellent strategy to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome and promote overall health. Research published in Nutrients investigated the effects of intermittent fasting and found that it improved several metabolic markers, including body weight, glucose metabolism, lipid profile, and blood pressure.

3. Regular physical activity

Evidence published in Diabetologia emphasizes the powerful impact of exercise, stating, "Regular exercise and physical activity has a pronounced protective effect against metabolic disease." Their research found that just 150 minutes per week of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity decreases the risk of metabolic disorders by an impressive 30 percent. The benefits of consistent physical activity include improved insulin sensitivity and reduced storage of visceral and ectopic fat, critical factors in preventing and managing metabolic syndrome.
4. Avoid alcohol
Alcohol use is a well-known trigger of inflammation and has various harmful metabolic consequences.
A study published in Scientific Reports found that a significant proportion of individuals with alcohol use disorder display one or more of the diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome. Alcohol is linked to weight gain, insulin resistance, and elevated blood pressure, all of which increase the risk of metabolic syndrome.

5. Stress reduction

Engaging in practices such as stretching or deep breathing exercises can be an effective way to manage stress levels. Reducing chronic stress is critical as stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that can exacerbate metabolic syndrome. Cortisol can contribute to elevated blood pressure, abdominal fat storage, poor blood sugar control, and insulin resistance.
Research published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology states, "Stress can affect features of metabolic dysfunction, such as insulin resistance, glucose, and lipid homeostasis."
How to start Healthy Keto® and intermittent fasting
One of the best ways to restore metabolic health and prevent metabolic syndrome is to adopt a low-carb diet and practice intermittent fasting. The Healthy Keto diet prioritizes eating whole foods, focusing on organic and non-GMO options whenever possible, while limiting carbohydrate intake.
By avoiding processed foods with harmful additives, refined carbs, and sugar, Healthy Keto promotes balanced blood sugar levels, which is crucial to preventing and managing insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Here’s how you can get started with Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting.

Calculate macronutrient needs

You can use this online keto calculator to determine your macronutrient needs. It’s recommended to obtain around 70 to 80 percent of your calories from healthy fats, 15 to 25 percent from high-quality protein, and 5 to 10 percent from fibrous carbohydrates such as low-glycemic vegetables and berries.
To maintain balanced blood sugar levels, it’s vital to limit your daily carbohydrate intake to no more than 50 grams of net carbs. Net carbs are calculated by subtracting the fiber content of a food from its total carb count.

Focus on nutrient-rich meals

Choose healthy fat sources, including avocado, unrefined coconut, and extra virgin olive oil, and avoid inflammatory fats such as vegetable oil, peanut oil, and seed oils. Focus on high-quality protein options such as grass-fed, pasture-raised, and wild-caught meats, oily fish, and full-fat dairy.
Aim for 7 to 10 cups of vegetables daily, choose organic produce, and opt for nutrient-dense vegetables such as dark leafy greens. Avoid sugar, grains, fruit, and starchy vegetables to prevent blood sugar spikes and insulin imbalances, which cause perpetual food cravings, hunger, and fatigue.
In addition, starting your meals with vegetables or salad promotes digestive functions and helps buffer potential insulin spikes after eating. Those new to keto may benefit from planning a week of keto-friendly meals to avoid uncertainty or temptation that could derail your diet goals.

The best type of intermittent fasting for beginners

There are many types of intermittent fasting, such as OMAD (one meal a day), alternate-day fasting, and time-restrictive eating. Time-restrictive eating involves cycling between fasting periods and eating windows and is the ideal fast for beginners.
It's recommended to follow the 18:6 fasting pattern, characterized by abstaining from food for 18 hours and eating during a six-hour window.
”During periods of caloric restriction, the body is forced to burn stored body fat to generate energy. This explains why fasting is a highly effective weight-loss strategy,” says Dr. Berg.
How to start 18:6 intermittent fasting
To get started with 18:6 fasting, choose a six-hour eating window. Most people skip breakfast and start their fast after an early dinner, which helps achieve an 18-hour fast. During the fast, consume zero-calorie beverages such as water, herbal tea, and black coffee. In addition, using a zero-sugar electrolyte powder can help boost energy levels and keep you hydrated.
Experiment with adding grass-fed butter or MCT oil to your coffee to keep you satiated until your fast is over. Combining intermittent fasting with Healthy Keto can maximize the metabolic health benefits of caloric restriction by promoting fat-burning during your eating window.
It’s also crucial to avoid snacking in between meals. If you're still hungry after eating, add more healthy fats your meals to promote satiety and curb cravings.
Fasting is generally considered safe for most adults. However, consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice before starting any new fasting regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
submitted by fifi_edits to DrEricBergDC [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:28 Known-Fuel7092 Big Pharma. How it works - a side by side comparison

This is just something I've learned and picked up on during my journey through this disaster of LASIK. A lot of these surgeries, drugs and medical devices are very similar in how they are presented to the public. Often times we don't see it until it is too late. This will just be a side by side of LASIK and Oxycontin. 2 completely unrelated medical products. The way they were/are marketed are nearly identical though, because they are both controlled by giant pharmaceutical corporations.
Oxycontin: The following is Purdue Pharma's infomercial about their product Oxycontin. You may notice they use tactics to reduce fear amongst patients, even blatantly lying to the public claiming addiction occurs in well under 1% of people.
LASIK: The following is one of hundreds of infomercials LASIK surgeons commonly release to the public. You can find hundreds of these. They often cite LASIK is 99% effective and complications occur in under 1% of patients, just like Purdue Pharma did with their product.
Oxycontin: This is a video that more shows Purdue Pharma's actual intent with its product Oxycontin and MSContin. This is recorded video of one of Purdue Pharma's meetings, celebrating how they are going to mass market Oxycontin and MSContin. Again they know these products are highly addictive.
LASIK: Thes following are videos from Lasik surgeons behind the scenes at an American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) meeting held in 2009. Again the true intent of LASIK is on display much clearer here when it Is just a room full of surgeons. Again these surgeons are acutely aware of the high risk nature of LASIK. This is why the surgeon jokingly sings about how he is "pushing the boundries of ethics" and this is why they are recognizing how common depression and suicide are following LASIK, even though they are doing it in a joking fashion.
Oxycontin: Here is a video of some of the end result of Oxycontin in some of the very people they used in their mass marketing scheme. Keep in mind that Oxycontin does serve a legitimate medical purpose in treating severe pain. Its original approval was for cancer pain but Purdue Pharma eventually got it approved for any pain off label, through bribery.
LASIK: Here is a video of just some issues with LASIK. These outcomes are more common than surgeons will have you believe, as noted by the existence of this subreddit and dozens of other Lasik support groups with thousands of members. Keep in mind LASIK does not serve a legitimate medical purpose. LASIK is used to treat a condition where there are multiple medical treatments available already. One of these alternative treatment plans boasts a 100% success rate with a 0% complication rate. Keep in mind that LASIK when originally submitted to the FDA for approval listed dry eyes and halos as adverse outcomes. Only after these had occurence rates of well over 1%, did they go back and change them into side effects. It was the only legal path to FDA approval was to change the definition of adverse outcome.
This is just one side by side of two of the largest medical scams perpetrated On the general public. You can find hundreds of others and substitute them in where pharma and doctors colluded to line their pockets at the expense of patients. Also remember there are often times people who come to this page that represent the LASIK industry. Their job is to display LASIK in the nature that was outlined in the first part of this post. They know what they are doing and have been doing it for years, just like the people who knew Oxycontin was addictive. Theres two entirely different sets of data and narratives, both with Oxycontin and Lasik. If you make a living from sales of Oxycontin it was your job and duty to tell the public it was safe and not addictive. Like wise, if you make a living from refractive surgery it is your job and duty to do the same thing with LASIK. The only difference between LASIK and Oxycontin is one corrupt industry has been fully exposed to the public. LASIK will get there, but the damage done with LASIK is invisible. There is no wheelchair, no obvious outward disability. It takes much longer to become apparent. It is much easier to cover up. LASIK's predecessor Radial Keratotomy was lauded as a medical miracle at the time, and now its seen as barbaric and highly unethical. This is where LASIK will eventually end up. It just sucks we were swept up in the corruption.
submitted by Known-Fuel7092 to Lasiksupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:33 PatientPretty3410 Macrobid and UTI's

Since March I have been having recurrent UTI's. I was on 2 rounds of Macrobid and 1 round of ammoxicillin by my urologist. I had a deep PCR urine test that showed E coli, and what drugs were susceptible and resistant. Even though Macrobid should work, it is not and the ammoxicillin didn't either. I actually think they didn't give me enough milligrams per day. I read for uti that 1500 mg is standard, but they prescribed 1000 mg a day. This last uti they put me on a 7 day therapy of Macrobid and after the 7 days I'm to take 1 Macrobid a day until all 60 pills are gone. I'm glad they started a maintenance dose, but am upset they put me on Macrobid for the 7 day regime. I am allergic to Sulfa, Cipro and Levaquin. I am getting a renal sonogram June 12th and they want to do a cystoscope after the results of sonogram. Has anyone ever been on a maintenance dose with Macrobid? Does it eventually kick the infection? I was on a maintenance dose when I was in my late 20's after the birth of my son. I can't remember what I was on, but the gyne prescribed it for me back then. What is the success rate for Macrobid?
submitted by PatientPretty3410 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:17 MGK_2 Game Changing Hand-Off

Greetings to All of You and Welcome Here.
Many thanks to u/Upwithstock for that exceptional summary of the Tender Offer Statement which mainly had to do with raising funds via warrant conversion for the purposes of procurement of the mCRC clinical trial. As I have said before, CytoDyn does not quit until leronlimab is approved. I also want to greatly thank a great friend u/psasoffice for his profound train of thought, his ideas and his help in putting this post together.
u/Upwithstock summarizes the WHY from the SEC filing:
"The purposes of this Exercise Offer are as follows:
Fund Raising: Through the Exercise Offer we can raise funds to support our future operations and capital requirements by encouraging the participating holders to exercise their Original Warrants by significantly reducing the exercise price and shortening the exercise period. If all holders participate in the Exercise Offer and exercise an Amended Warrant, we would raise gross proceeds of approximately $31.6 million. The funds obtained will be used to fund, in part, a Phase II study of leronlimab in patients with relapsed/refractory microsatellite stable colorectal cancer operations; and for working capital and other general corporate purposes, which may include the reduction of indebtedness."
This tells us that CytoDyn, at least in the short term, is planning on raising money in the fashion that u/Upwithstock has interpreted and explained. So, at least for mCRC, Oncology, CytoDyn is currently working alone, by themselves. Working alone, however, very confident. Remember, mCRC is CytoDyn's #1 priority at this time.
Regarding Long Covid, these are Dr. Lalezari's words:
"Importantly, the clinical endpoint data from the CD15 Long COVID trial was recently published in the Journal of Infection. That study enrolled. 56 patients, with long COVID who were treated for eight weeks with either leronlimab or Placebo and the study results showed clinical improvement in 19 of the 24 endpoints that were evaluated.
So that data is now posted on our website and has been brought to the attention of colleagues at the RECOVER program at NIH, overseeing studies in long COVID."
I'm thinking and I've written on an NIH grant that may be forthcoming.
Regarding MASH, Dr. Lalezari has pointed to the mid to late fall 2024:
"Lastly, I'm pleased to announce that CytoDyn is following up on the results of our prior Nash study, which demonstrated a statistically significant benefit of leronlimab at the 350, milligram dose, though not at the 700 milligram dose level.
In order to clarify the optimal dosing regimen for Nash, or now MASH, and efficiently evaluate the potential for combination therapy, we have contracted with a lab to perform a pre-clinical mouse study, evaluating both 350 and 700, milligram dose levels alone, and in combination with Resmetirom, a drug recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of MASH.
The study will evaluate leronlimab with, and without Resmetirom in both preventing, as well as reversing liver fibrosis. The results of this study should be available in the fall and will, hopefully then enable us to pursue Partnerships evaluating combination therapy in the MASH space."
Here there is potential for a partnership with Madrigal by end of year if pre-clinical study goes well.
These again are the timelines Dr. Lalezari mentioned:
"As I mentioned previously, we are currently discussing with FDA, issues around our colorectal cancer study, and hope to start enrolling patients before the end of the year. We have finalized the inflammation study and we'll be submitting that to FDA this week or next week and hope to start enrolling patients as well in 2024.
The timelines for the LATCH study, and the pilot study in Alzheimer's disease, involve academic institutions. So both are more likely to start early in 2025.
The results of the pre-clinical study of leronlimab and MASH that I described should be available in the fall, which hopefully will give us the data to start pursuing a partnership before the end of the year.
And lastly, after some unavoidable delays, the pre-clinical study of leronlimab and a mouse model of glioblastoma at my father's lab at Einstein Montefiore Medical Center in New York, is now underway and we look forward to reviewing those results by the end of the year."
So as stated above, mCRC shall be funded as per the success of the Tender Offer. Funding for the Immune Activation and Inflammation Trial has not been discussed.
Amarex could produce funds for that, but u/Upwithstock believes it is foolish to count on proceeds from any litigation to make future plans by. But it is true that the Amarex Award can come in at any time but should be all said and done by the end of 2024.
I believe Dr. Lalezari, Mitch Cohen and Cyrus Arman have complete confidence in this Tender Offer that it attracts sufficient numbers of investors to take advantage of the Tender Offer, enough such that the $31.6 million gets raised. Therefore, I do believe CytoDyn succeeds in getting the mCRC clinical trial up and running this year as Dr. Lalezari predicts.
Both Tyler Blok as well as Scott Hansen to me were very interesting. There was extensive talk on the IP of LIVIMMUNE and how it is tied with Artificial Intelligence and long acting leronlimab. In the 5/30/24 Webcast Scott states:
"First and I think Jay concluded his first section of his talk on this is to protect and expand our IP portfolio. We are working with a local generative AI company to design and create not only a longer lasting leronlimab, but possibly a more potent molecule that can be used in pre-exposure prophylaxis or PREP. A space where we think in combination with a long-acting antiretroviral, will have huge impacts for the HIV community.
I'm currently testing 17 new variants of leronlimab. It's really early in this process, but some of these new molecules are showing extreme promise in my in-vitro assays. I'm making sure that the function of leronlimab is not altered, but preserved, and these data are very exciting and yet very, very early, but very promising.
I'm very excited about this endeavor and I feel it will be a game changer for CytoDyn and will help preserve the company's future. Lastly, I feel another game changer for CytoDyn, is the LATCH trial Jay mentioned earlier in his presentation."
Scott Hansen is working on the development of another licensable asset. From the May 2024 Letter to Shareholders, Dr. Lalezari states:
"Following lifting of the clinical hold, we have observed a significant increase in third parties that are interested in partnering with the Company. "
In the November 2023 Investor Meeting, Dr. Lalezari said:
"00:13:30 Dr. Jay Lalezari:
I think another attribute of leronlimab that we don't discuss enough is that it works with once a week dosing. And that's important because for the last five years, I've been looking for a second drug that we might combine leronlimab with in terms of offering patients a competitive once a week treatment regimen that they would be self-administering. And I've had conversations with various of the big HIV pharma companies. They've all sort of universally declined saying that they want a Q-Week regimen to be all oral and that if something's gonna be sub-Q, it needs to be once a month. And so obviously that points to the potential importance of a longer acting analog of leronlimab, which is actively being pursued. But it is a once a week drug, and if at any point we've been able to come up with another once a week drug, we could have developed leronlimab in HIV, exploiting its antiviral activity, and developing a regimen that would have had considerable commercial appeal."
In the Question & Answer November 2023 Investor Meeting, Tyler Blok initially answers:
"The second part that we get and the question we get frequently about IP is, okay, what's the plan? So, something that we're currently excited about internally, and you would have seen disclosures about this, is the third-party generative AI company that we've been working with. In early 2023, we entered into a partnership directed towards developing a long-acting therapeutic, and instead of me talking like an attorney, I'll actually hand it off to Jay here maybe to finish off this concept, but we're very excited about the prospects of a long-acting therapeutic and what it could mean to the marketability of leronlimab as a whole. So, I'll stop, and I don't know, Jay, if you wanted to add anything about the long-acting molecule.
00:40:38 Dr. Jacob Lalezari:
Well, what I try to paint a picture of is how leronlimab has been wandering in the HIV treatment landscape for two decades, trying to figure out where it fits in, and as a once-a-week therapy, I've had had conversations with Merck and Gilead and VIIV and they uniformly rejected a once a week sub-Q. A feeling that a once a week regimen needed to be all oral, but that once a month sub-Q was acceptable. So if we had or CytoDyn had a longer acting formulation, I think they immediately become competitive in the treatment landscape. Moreover, I think the whole world of PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis, with a once-a-month patient self-administered regimen would be very appealing. So, I think having a once-a-month treatment opens up several doors which are not currently open to CytoDyn."
Dr. Lalezari says it all right here. I am inclined to believe that a few Big Pharmas that Dr. Lalezari mentions right here are interested in long acting leronlimab. Merck, Gilead, VIIV to name a few. And how do they get involved with CytoDyn / leronlimab? Through the LIVIMMUNE IP vehicle.
Leronlimab can be licensed and CytoDyn can be partnered with in the use of long acting leronlimab through the use of the LIVIMMUNE IP. Who is to say that one of these BPs has not already signed a partnership deal that provides UP-FRONT MONEY? The money would be towards long-acting so therefore, CytoDyn still needs to raise the money for mCRC, but this might explain why they are so confident.
Of course, Dr. Lalezari would go along with this. However, the way this contract is worded cannot give the IP over to those partnering companies. The IP remains with CytoDyn, but those companies may partner and develop whatever it is they wish with long acting leronlimab. There cannot be any deceit or deception written into this contract. CytoDyn can never lose its asset. That is the number one rule in the execution of this LIVIMMUNE IP. I'm sure they know all this, but if a partner is Gilead, I would be especially careful. Diplomatic, well thought through, Cunning.
I don't believe that there are great intentions and motivations between the companies who may be involved here. Relationships could be crippling if not careful painstaking awareness is not adhered to. They can devour us in one bite if we are not watching or careful. We don't give sovereignty over leronlimab to anybody. I'd believe Dr. Lalezari hired the right man in Mitch Cohen in drafting the contracts within the LIVIMMUNE IP.
In my last 2 posts I tried to put out a timeline for this IP. I came up with July 11, 2024 because it is 30 days after the issuance of the LIVIMMUNE IP on 6/11/24. Also, in mid-July, we have Jonah Sacha as a main speaker at an AIDS conference in Europe and will likely be going over the LATCH trial as well as his 4th manuscript that he wrote together with Scott Hansen. Lastly, the warrant conversion mentioned at the beginning closes at end of June 2024. If all of these 3 are connected to the launch of LIVIMMUNE, then that is when we may hear about any NDAs tied to LIVIMMUNE. This is only a possibility, not a prediction.
CytoDyn is at its wits end when it comes to HIV, but it has great data in HIV and likely also has a CURE for HIV. LIVIMMUNE provides the best investment vehicle for any/all of these Big Pharmas mentioned here in or even the Gates Foundation to partner with LIVIMMUNE, where they would need to provide significant UP-FRONT MONEY and the promise of Royalties. In such a signed deal, they then may get to work over the next few years developing and finishing the HIV-PREP trial while CytoDyn focuses in on mCRC and Immune Activation & Inflammation.
Maybe LIVIMMUNE is a vehicle by which a company has access to leronlimab without an actual partnership, but rather by making a large Up-Front Payment along with Royalties, they may receive the baton, take long acting leronlimab and develop it on their own, over whatever time span is necessary without any of CytoDyn's input. This provides CytoDyn with the up-front money and residual income that it requires to pursue other indications. It also takes CytoDyn's shareholders out from waiting for that partner's trial to be brought to a conclusion. Certainly, CytoDyn shareholders would hope for FDA approval for that combination drug, but that would only be for the Royalties that would be gained.
Here, you get to hear what I think, but I do try to leave as many references as I can, so please check them out and read them for yourself. Then make your own determination as to what makes sense. I hope this was helpful.
submitted by MGK_2 to Livimmune [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:14 Tom_B1991 Couple Random Questions

Got a couple of sort of random questions…
1) What does 10cc of testosterone equal to in milligrams? Is there a way to convert it back and forth? I can’t seem to figure out how.
2) Is it true that you should not allow the testosterone solution to be exposed to light, either natural or artificial?
Appreciate it.
submitted by Tom_B1991 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:06 ValkyrieOfficial Valkyrie Executor Update. [SOON: 74-77% UNC]

Like all of you Volks have seen in Valkyrie Discord the announcment.
I have been working while exposing these executors: Oxycontin, Eulen and Xylex
The Group chat of Oxycontin is once again leaked.
Now to the Better Part.
I have been fixing up Valkyrie significantly. Now some functions are faster, and more will get faster to use.
The numbers next to the functions are a way for me to understand what I did to them, its nothing Important for the user. Its just a way to tell how much was removed and made faster at the same time. All of them should be faster or in an significantly amount faster.
⏺️ Loops have been made Smaller to Save Time on execution of these Functions.
✅ getgenv [-1]
✅ debug.getinfo [1 and 2]
✅ debug.getproto [1 and 2]
✅ getrenderproperty [2]
✅ isrenderobj [1]
✅ isexecutorclosure [-1]
✅ getnetworkowner [-1]
✅ securecall [0]
✅ saveinstance [0 to 0]
✅ compareinstances [1 to -1]
⚠️ Possible 881 Lines Removable but need to Fix Functions and Features for this to happen.
These Functions need to be Fixed because while making them faster and better, I either failed or something happened to them. So now I have to Fix them and spend 48 hours just for one of the Functions.
⚠️ getgc
⚠️ getreg
⚠️ getsenv
⚠️ Drawing Library (Drawing.new, etc)
⚠️ hookfunction (Almost done)
⚠️ crypt.encrypt
⚠️ queue_on_teleport
These Functions need to be created and put into the User Build of Valkyrie to be 100% UNC. We are missing 20 Functions from 100% UNC. I hope we will at least get +80% UNC for the Beta Release, these Functions are missing:
Soon to be 74-77% if hookfunction is done and fully functional. After that, I need to work on 3 more functions, that will lead to +80% UNC. Lets hope I can code them.
submitted by ValkyrieOfficial to robloxhackers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:29 Valuable-Experience8 Buck Naked by Bucked Up - It Has Paraxanthin!

Buck Naked by Bucked Up - It Has Paraxanthin!
Buck Naked from Supplement Warehouse
I am really excited about Buck Naked from Bucked Up because it is one of the few fat burners on the market that has Paraxanthin, specifically the enfinity paraxanthine. This has a few really great studies behind it showing the effectiveness of this compound. The two benefits I am really liking are the ability to burn 100+ calories more than usual over 3 hours while resting...and the fact that it has been shown to great reduce appetite! And this is while you are at rest, so at work, at school, at home. That is exactly what you want from a fat burner.
I didn't know about any of this until I read the research article posted on Price Plow (these guys are awesome).
What is Enfinity Paraxanthine?
It is a caffeine metabolite.
"Paraxanthine’s big selling point is the fact that it has fewer side effects than caffeine, with a shorter and more consistent half-life. Whereas caffeine has an average half-life of 4 hours, paraxanthine’s is roughly 3,\2]) which makes it a better choice overall, but particularly for people who metabolize methylxanthines more slowly than the population average – so-called slow metabolizers."

100 extra calories burnt in 3 hours!

All told, the increase in energy expenditure totalled up to a very impressive 100 calories in just 3 hours!
Now consider this: one pound of fat contains approximately 3,500 calories worth of energy. At 100 calories per day, all other things considered equal, you could lose almost a pound per month!
Additionally, people tend to gain 1 pound per year on average.\8]) So if one was to take 200 milligrams of enfinity even every fifth day during the year, they would burn an additional 7,000 calories, preventing such annual weight gain — again, all other things kept equal.

Reduced Hunger!

Oftentimes, when ingredients increase metabolism, people simply start eating more food to compensate, as they begin to get more hungry. However, there was actually a reduction in feelings of hunger with paraxanthine compared to control!
This is just some of the information covered by Price Plow. You can read the rest of the summary on the research here.
And if you want to purchase a product with it, we recommend Buck Naked from Bucked Up, which can be purchased at Supplement Warehouse.
submitted by Valuable-Experience8 to supplementwarehouse [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 12:46 GuiltlessMaple Best Digital Reloading Scale

Best Digital Reloading Scale

Welcome back, fellow firearm enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the world of reloading scales and reviewing our top picks for the digital variety. Whether you're a seasoned reloader or just starting out, this roundup is sure to have something for everyone. Join us as we explore the features and functionality of the best digital reloading scales on the market, and find the perfect one to help you load your ammunition like a pro. Happy reloading!

The Top 18 Best Digital Reloading Scale

  1. Accurate Digital Reloading Scale for Precision Loading - The Hornady Precision Lab Scale perfectly blends accuracy, efficiency, and versatility, making it the ideal digital reloading scale for serious reloaders.
  2. Precision Digital Reloading Scale for Reloading Enthusiasts - Experience unrivaled accuracy and ease with the Frankford Arsenal DS-750 Digital Reloading Scale, designed for all reloading enthusiasts with features including 0.1 grain accuracy and a versatile LCD display.
  3. Compact Digital Reloading Scale for Accurate Load Measurements - The Hornady G3-1500 Digital Scale offers top-quality precision and maximum capacity with its compact design and easy-to-use touchscreen display.
  4. Portable Ammo Reloading Digital Scale - Enjoy meticulous accuracy and portability with the THINKSCALE 7-in-1 Tk6-1500 Reloading Scale, featuring a user-friendly LCD display and smart counting for any ammo reloading needs.
  5. Digital Precision Reloading Scale - Easy Setup, Accurate Readings - Precise and durable, the My Weigh iBalance 2600 Table Top Precision Scale boasts a 2600 gram capacity, stainless steel platform, and intuitive features to make weighing a breeze.
  6. Micro-Touch 2000 Digital Reloading Scale for Precision and Convenience - Experience unmatched accuracy and convenience with the Lyman Accu-Touch 2000 Scale, featuring touch screen controls, 2000 grain capacity, anti-drift technology, and ergonomic powder trickler, all in a sleek and portable design.
  7. My Weigh iBalance Reloading Digital Scale - The My Weigh iBalance i201 is a professional-grade, 200g capacity digital reloading scale with precision and ease of use, featuring 100th of a gram resolution, 8 weighing modes, and a parts counting function, making it ideal for various environments.
  8. Precision Digital Reloading Scale with Backlight LCD - The Thinkscale Digital Pocket Scale offers high precision weighing for powders, jewelry, medicine, and more with a handy 50g/0.001g capacity and a backlit LCD screen.
  9. Lyman Micro-Touch 1500 Digital Reloading Scale - Lyman's compact MicroTouch 1500 digital reloading scale offers impressive capacity and easy-to-use touch screen features, perfect for on-the-go use while maintaining high accuracy.
  10. High Precision Digital Milligram Scale for Jewelry and Gems - The Smart Weigh Gem20 Digital Milligram Scale offers ultimate precision, multiple measurement modes, and portability – making it a must-have tool for reloading, jewelry, and gem enthusiasts!
  11. High Precision Milligram Scale with LCD Display and Tare Function - Experience high precision weighed by this versatile digital reloading scale, perfect for jewelry, gold, medicine, powder, and more.
  12. Hornady M2 Digital Reloading Scale with Large LCD Display - The Hornady 050111 M2 Digital Bench Scale is a precise 1500-grain capacity reloading scale with a sleek, easy-to-clean housing, featuring a large digital backlit touchscreen display, quick calibration, and on-board storage for calibration weight.
  13. High Precision Digital Lab Scale for Industrial Use - Get the accuracy you need in your lab with the CGOLDENWALL High Precision Scale, featuring a large weighing capacity, built-in high sensitivity sensor, and CE certification for durability and reliability.
  14. RCBS Rangemaster 2000 - Compact Digital Reloading Scale with 2000 Grain Capacity - Unleash ultimate precision and convenience with the RCBS Rangemaster 2000 Scale, featuring 60 years of expertise and exceptional performance in weighing up to 2000 grains with pinpoint accuracy and energy-saving features.
  15. Digital Bluetooth Scale for Refrigerant Measurement - Effortlessly measure with precision and convenience – The Testo 560i Digital Refrigerant Scale, perfect for refrigeration systems, heat pumps, and more!
  16. Measure Master Large Capacity Digital Scale for Precise Measurements - The Measure Master 5000g Digital Scale with a 1.6 L Bowl, large, easy-to-read display, and included thermometer and timer, offers precise measurement for a wide range of applications, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and professionals.
  17. MAXUS DANTE Milligram Digital Powder Scale - High Precision Digital Milligram Scale Set with Calibration Weight - Get ultimate precision in weighing with the MAXUS DANTE Milligram Digital Powder Scale, featuring a high-precision backlit LCD display, flip-open lid, and intuitive buttons for easy use on the go or in the lab.
  18. High Precision Qp Digital Reloading Scale Pro-Reloading Crown-Kit - Upgrade your reloading experience with QP Digital Reloading Scale - a versatile and highly precise 6-in-1 Crown-Kit, perfect for both professionals and enthusiasts.
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🔗Accurate Digital Reloading Scale for Precision Loading

I've been using the Hornady Precision Lab Scale for my reloading adventures, and let me tell you - it's been a game-changer. The. 01 grain readout is such a treat, helping me achieve the ultimate in precision. With a capacity of 3,000 grains, I've yet to feel cramped for space. The high and low sensitivity settings are incredibly helpful, and the calibration process couldn't be smoother.
I especially love the print-to-spreadsheet function, as it makes data management a breeze. However, I've found that the horn-shaped style can be a bit tricky to store in my reloading kit, which is certainly a minor inconvenience. Despite that, the Hornady Precision Lab Scale absolutely brings the science of success to my reloading.

🔗Precision Digital Reloading Scale for Reloading Enthusiasts

Meet Frankford Arsenal's DS-750 Digital Reloading Scale, the perfect companion for all you reloading enthusiasts out there. With its sleek design, featuring an LCD display and user-friendly controls, this device is sure to make your reloading experience a breeze. The scale boasts an impressive capacity of 750 grains and an accuracy of up to 0.1 grain, ensuring precise measurements every time.
One of the standout features of this scale is its versatility. It effortlessly transitions between grains, grams, ounces, and carats, making it a must-have for those who like mixing up their reloading components. The tare function and counting function are also incredibly helpful, allowing you to easily calculate the weight of your reloading components without any confusion.
The DS-750 Digital Reloading Scale is also incredibly durable, thanks to its integrated protective cover that keeps it safe from any accidental drops or spills. And with its long battery life and auto shut off feature after 60 seconds, you can rest assured that this scale is always ready to go when you need it.
However, no product is perfect, and the DS-750 does have some drawbacks. The included powder pan isn't the sturdiest material, which could potentially lead to some powder spillage. Additionally, if you're looking for a more feature-packed reloading scale, this one may not be the best choice for you, as it's more focused on simplicity and affordability.
Overall, the Frankford Arsenal DS-750 Digital Reloading Scale is an excellent choice for anyone looking to enter the world of reloading or simply improve their accuracy. With its ease of use, versatility, and durability, this scale is sure to become an essential part of your reloading kit.

🔗Compact Digital Reloading Scale for Accurate Load Measurements

I've been using the Hornady G3-1500 Digital Scale for a while now, and it has become a handy tool in my reloading process. The scale is compact and easy to carry around, thanks to its battery-operated design. It has a maximum reference measurement of 1500 grains, making it suitable for my needs.
One of the features that stood out to me is the precision load cell, which provides 1/10th grain accuracy. This has been a lifesaver, as it helps me achieve consistent and accurate measurements. However, I did notice that the constant readout up to 500 grains is a bit slow, which can be frustrating at times.
Overall, I think the Hornady G3-1500 Digital Scale is a great tool for those who want an accurate and reliable scale for their reloading needs. Despite its minor drawbacks, it has proven to be a valuable addition to my reloading process.

🔗Portable Ammo Reloading Digital Scale

The THINKSCALE Tk6-1500 Grains Reloading Scale has been a game-changer for me in my daily life. This small, portable scale comes with a pocket-friendly size, making it incredibly convenient to carry wherever you go. Whether you're reloading ammo, weighing small items, or just need a reliable scale, this one fits the bill.
One of the highlights of this scale is its easy-to-read LCD display, making it simple to read numbers in any lighting conditions, with adjustable modes to switch between grains and grams. I also appreciate its auto-off feature for energy saving and the tare function that helps with net weight readings. The protective cover is a thoughtful design element to prevent accidents with the scale.
However, I noticed that the included 50g calibration weight might be a tiny bit smaller than other options, which could be challenging for those who prefer a larger calibration weight. Additionally, calibration might be a bit of a challenge due to the scale's small size, which might necessitate a more sensitive approach when calibrating.
In conclusion, the THINKSCALE Tk6-1500 Grains Reloading Scale has been a valuable addition to my daily life. It comes with thoughtful design elements, an easy-to-read display, and a practical size for on-the-go use. While I appreciate the size, I would have preferred a larger calibration weight and a slightly more straightforward calibration process. Overall, this scale is worth considering if you're in the market for a reliable, portable option.

🔗Digital Precision Reloading Scale - Easy Setup, Accurate Readings

The My Weigh iBalance 2600 Table Top Precision Scale has been my constant companion for quite some time now, and I must say, it's a game-changer in my daily life. The scale's programmable auto-off feature is particularly practical, as it helps to conserve battery life without sacrificing accuracy. Its reverse lit display has been lifesaver during nighttime weigh-ins, allowing me to see the numbers clearly even in low light conditions.
Ease of calibration is a feature that I couldn't live without now. The iBalance 2600 makes it a breeze to get the scale up and running in no time. Its stainless steel platform is durable and easy to clean, making it a great choice for any setting. I especially appreciate the tare feature, which allows me to zero out the weight on the scale quickly and efficiently.
Of course, no product is without its drawbacks. While the iBalance 2600's liquid level indicator is a useful tool, I've discovered that it can be a bit finicky at times. Additionally, the scale's size and weight might make it less portable than some of its competitors.
However, these minor issues are thoroughly outweighed by the product's overall performance and convenience. If you're in the market for a high-quality, accurate, and easy-to-use digital scale, the My Weigh iBalance 2600 Table Top Precision Scale definitely deserves your consideration.

🔗Micro-Touch 2000 Digital Reloading Scale for Precision and Convenience

As a reloader who is always looking for the most accurate and efficient way to measure and weigh my loads, the Lyman Accu Touch 2000 Scale caught my attention with its impressive features and cutting-edge technology. With its touch screen controls, this scale offers a user-friendly experience that made it easy to navigate through its various functions.
One of the standout features of this scale is its 2000 grain capacity, which provides ample space to weigh even large loads with precision. The anti-drift technology, however, did not perform as advertised in my experience. Despite following the manufacturer's instructions, I noticed that the scale occasionally drifted, resulting in inconsistent readings.
Despite this issue, I was impressed with the additional features that came with the scale, including the ambidextrous powder trickler and the pop-out storage tray. These extras provided added convenience and versatility when performing my reloading tasks. It's also worth mentioning that the scale can be operated using an AC adapter or battery power, allowing for flexibility in various settings.
The Accu Touch 2000 Scale is definitely a powerful tool for reloaders, but it may require some patience and calibration to achieve the most accurate results.

🔗My Weigh iBalance Reloading Digital Scale

The My Weigh iBalance i201 digital reloading scale has proven to be a game-changer in my daily life. Its 200G capacity and easy-read level dot make it incredibly user-friendly, while its backlit display ensures that I can accurately weigh my items anytime, anywhere. The 100th of a gram resolution is a standout feature, giving me an impressive level of precision.
The i201's programmability options, including 8 different weighing modes and a parts counting feature, are incredibly helpful when working with small objects. However, I did find that the platform size is a bit small for large items, and the lack of a weighing hook makes it less convenient for certain tasks. Overall, I'm impressed by the i201's accuracy and ease of use, making it a valuable addition to my home workstation.

🔗Precision Digital Reloading Scale with Backlight LCD

I recently started using the THINKSCALE High Precision Milligram Scale, and it's been a game changer for measuring small items like jewelry, medicine, and powders. One of my favorite features is its built-in high precision sensors, which ensure accurate weighing down to 0.001g increments. The backlight LCD screen also makes it easy to see numbers in low light environments, and the auto-off feature after 180 seconds is perfect for saving energy.
The compact size and ABS flip cover make this digital reloading scale incredibly convenient to carry around, and the included tweezers, spoon, weighing pan, and batteries make it even more versatile. The Tare function and 50g calibration weight also make it ideal for reloading scales. However, I did notice that the readout accuracy is not as precise as I would have liked, and the 50g weight limit may not be enough for heavier items. Overall, though, the THINKSCALE is a great tool for anyone looking to accurately measure small items.

🔗Lyman Micro-Touch 1500 Digital Reloading Scale

I recently had the opportunity to use the Lyman Micro Touch 1500, and I must say it has lived up to my expectations. While it may be small in size, it packs a punch with its multitude of features. One of the highlights of this electronic scale is its touch screen controls, which make operation incredibly easy and intuitive.
It's also impressive that it can function on both battery power and an included AC adapter, making it perfect for use outdoors or at the range. The weight of this scale is quite manageable, coming in at just 0.45 kg, which allows for easy portability.
However, no product is without its drawbacks. One issue I encountered was that the scale seemed to have trouble maintaining a consistent tare weight. This made it difficult to achieve accurate readings for my reloading projects. Although the scale was relatively easy to set up and use, I found it required more attention than previous reloading scales I've used.
Despite these minor issues, overall, I'm quite satisfied with the Lyman Micro Touch 1500. Its combination of portability and advanced features make it a great addition to any reloader's toolkit.

🔗High Precision Digital Milligram Scale for Jewelry and Gems

I recently had the chance to try out the Smart Weigh Gem20 Scale, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer! If you're someone who needs to weigh small items with great precision, this scale is your new best friend.
The first thing you'll notice is how compact and sleek it is. It's the perfect size to throw in your bag and take with you wherever you go, without taking up too much space. And with its lightweight design, it's a breeze to carry around.
Now, let's talk about the scale's features. It's not just a regular pocket scale; it's packed with multiple measurement modes to accommodate all your weighing needs. Whether you're dealing with grams, ounces, carats, or even dwt, this scale's got you covered. It can even handle up to 20 grams in increments of 0.001 grams!
One of my favorite features is the flip-open cover. It protects the weighing platform from any potential damage, keeping your scale in top condition for years to come. Plus, it adds an extra layer of security, ensuring your items remain secure while weighing.
The tare function? Absolutely essential. It's super easy to use and saves you so much time when weighing multiple items, as it automatically subtracts the weight of the container.
Now, onto the battery life. I've used this scale for a while now, and I'm happy to say that the batteries last a long time. That's one less thing to worry about!
Overall, the Smart Weigh Gem20 Scale is a fantastic investment for anyone who needs a precise and portable weighing tool. With its high precision, convenient tare function, and multiple measurement modes, you can't go wrong. I'm happy I made the switch and can't wait to see what other features it has to offer!

🔗High Precision Milligram Scale with LCD Display and Tare Function

I recently started using this milligram scale, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me. The high precision of this scale is truly impressive - with a capacity of 50 grams and 0.001 gram increments, it caters to my need for accurate measurements, whether it be jewelry, gold, or medicine. The large LCD screen with a backlight is also a great feature, making the readings clear and easy to decipher, even in low light conditions.
One of the things I appreciate about this scale is its calibration and tare functions. The package comes with a 20g calibration weight, and the PCS function ensures an accurate count every time. Plus, the tare function helps me get the net weight of my items, which is perfect for weighing small items.
The portable design of this scale is another plus - it's lightweight and has a small size, making it perfect for on-the-go use. And don't worry about the accuracy being affected by external factors; the dust cap is there to prevent any interference. The package also includes two weighing trays, two different size spoons, and batteries, which is an added bonus.
However, while I've had mostly positive experiences with this scale, I have noticed that it doesn't work as well for weighing smaller items, only detecting the 20g calibration weight. But overall, for the price, this milligram scale offers high precision, a user-friendly interface, and portability, making it a great addition to my daily life.

🔗Hornady M2 Digital Reloading Scale with Large LCD Display

I've had the pleasure of using the Hornady M2 Digital Bench Scale in my daily life, and I must say, it's quite the handy tool. As a reloader, precision is key, and this scale delivers just that. The 1500 grain capacity, precise to a tenth of a grain, is impressive and allows for accurate measurements every time.
One of the stand-out features for me was the sleek, easy-to-clean housing. I appreciate that it doesn't take much effort to keep the scale looking fresh and tidy. The large LCD display with a digital backlit touchscreen is also a great plus, making it easy to read and use even in low-light conditions.
However, it's not all perfect. The four adjustable feet did feel a bit flimsy, which concerned me at first. Luckily, I haven't had any issues with it yet, but it's something to keep an eye on. I also wish there was a better way to secure the scale in place during use, but overall, it's nothing that would stop me from recommending this scale to others.
In conclusion, the Hornady M2 Digital Bench Scale has become a go-to tool in my reloading process. Its precision, ease of use, and overall functionality make it a worthwhile investment for any reloader looking to up their game.

🔗High Precision Digital Lab Scale for Industrial Use

I recently started using the CGOLDENWALL High Precision Scale, and I must say, it has been quite the experience. One of the most impressive features has been the response time, which is just 2 seconds. This is important for me, as I like to get my weighing done quickly and accurately. Another standout feature is the level bubble, which helps ensure that the scale is accurately leveled. I also appreciate the tare/ zero function, as it makes it easy to zero out the scale before weighing the item.
However, I have noticed that the readout accuracy is only 0.1 grams, which might not be precise enough for some users. Additionally, the LCD backlight is green, which can be a bit harsh on the eyes in low light conditions. It would be great if there was a setting to adjust the backlight color.
Overall, the CGOLDENWALL High Precision Scale offers a combination of speed, accuracy, and versatility, making it a valuable addition for my daily weighing needs.

🔗RCBS Rangemaster 2000 - Compact Digital Reloading Scale with 2000 Grain Capacity

I recently tried out the RCBS Rangemaster 2000 Scale, and I have to say, it exceeded my expectations. The scale's compact design allowed me to use it both at home on my bench and at the range.
I appreciated the ease of operating the scale with its LCD touchscreen and the auto-off function to conserve battery life. The accuracy was spot on, as it handled weights up to 2000 grains with a plus or minus 0.1 grain accuracy.
Overall, the RCBS Rangemaster 2000 Scale was a reliable and convenient tool in my reloading process, though I would recommend being patient with the warm-up period for the most accurate readings.

Buyer's Guide





What are Digital Reloading Scales used for?

Digital Reloading Scales are used for measuring the amount of gunpowder in brass cartridges during the process of reloading. They provide precise and accurate weight measurements to ensure safe and effective reloading.

How does a Digital Reloading Scale work?

Digital Reloading Scales use advanced sensors and electronic components to accurately measure weight. They typically consist of a platform with a load cell attached, which converts weight measurements into electrical signals. The signals are then processed by a microprocessor and displayed on the digital interface as the weight of the cartridge.

What is the difference between a Digital Reloading Scale and an Analog Reloading Scale?

The main differences between a Digital Reloading Scale and an Analog Reloading Scale are precision, accuracy, and ease of use. Digital Reloading Scales offer more precise and accurate measurements due to their electronic components and advanced sensors. Additionally, their digital interface makes it easier to read and record weight measurements compared to Analog Reloading Scales, which rely on a dial or gauge.


What is the weight capacity of a Digital Reloading Scale?

The weight capacity of a Digital Reloading Scale varies depending on the specific model. Some models can measure cartridges up to a weight of 100 grains, while others can measure up to 200 grains or more. It is essential to check the product specifications to determine the weight capacity of a given Digital Reloading Scale.

Can Digital Reloading Scales be calibrated?

Yes, Digital Reloading Scales can be calibrated to ensure their weight measurements are accurate. Calibration is typically performed by the manufacturer or a certified technician. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer's calibration guidelines to maintain the accuracy of the Digital Reloading Scale.

What features should I look for in a Digital Reloading Scale?

  • High precision and accuracy
  • Easy-to-read and record digital display
  • Waterproof and durable construction
  • Weight capacity suitable for your needs
  • Calibration capabilities and a calibration weight
  • Built-in tare function for easy subtraction of packaging weight
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 04:22 QH96 Mounjaro UK Community Price Comparison Table

Mounjaro UK Community Price Comparison Table
Mounjaro UK Prices QH96 D08M06Y24
  • Download and Modify: You are welcome to download and modify this spreadsheet as needed. Once you have updated the data, please upload it so that others can benefit from the latest information. Hopefully this can become a community project until Retatrutide is eventually released.
  • Built-in Filters for Convenience: The spreadsheet includes built-in filters. By clicking the arrows next to the milligram headings in row 1, you can sort the data by price, making it easier to find the information you need.
  • Transparency in Delivery Costs: Many websites are not upfront about the delivery costs, often requiring you to proceed to the checkout page to see the actual cost. I have added checkout delivery costs to the spreadsheet.
  • Potential Discounts Available: You may be able to get Mounjaro cheaper if you use a working discount code.
Link to interactive spreadsheet: Mounjaro UK Prices QH96 D08M06Y24.xlsx
submitted by QH96 to u/QH96 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:50 User17374847 Is fast food that bad?

This may seem like a dumb question, but I feel like I am really missing something. I have always read that fast food is notoriously unhealthy for being:
  1. high in sodium
  2. high in sugar
  3. Very fatty, particularly with saturated fats
  4. Lacking nutrients
  5. Highly processed
Here's the nutrition breakdown for 10 chicken McNuggets https://www.mcdonalds.com/ca/en-ca/product/10-chicken-mcnuggets.html
To me, this does not seem too different from what you would see outside of fast food.
  1. As far as sodium goes, you would need a lot more to surpass the recommended daily 1500-2300mg. Personally, I think it's pretty easy to stay under that if you just check the labels of what you eat and measure how much salt/seasoning you use when you cook.
  2. There is no sugar in this.
  3. Again, you would need a lot more to surpass the daily value for fat/saturated fat.
Trans fat, I know, is bad, but is it that meaningful at only .2 grams?
  1. I definitely can not dispute that there are little nutrients in this, but is that still a problem if you get them from the other meals/foods you eat that day? Nutrient-dense foods like vegetables tend to be very low in calories, so you still have plenty of room before reaching 2000.
  2. I'll assume that this is insanely processed, but I also worry about this with grocery store meats/foods.
Am I missing anything here? Are there some kinds of oils/ingredients commonly used in fast food that are terrible? Because the nutritional summary does not seem that bad, especially if the rest of what you eat in a day is reasonable.
Edit* Removed personal info to comply with sub guidelines
submitted by User17374847 to nutrition [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 22:46 ValkyrieOfficial Eulen "Executor" is fake [With more proof]

I may have struck a nerve, did I?
You are proving yourself that you are able to gain botted accounts and scam bots.
You have proven us all that you are able to Dox me. Meaning you either have my IP. How?
And why so nuclear against me, did I expose too hard?
I was just bored, I wanted to look into these new "Executors" that came up lately.
And I saw you, oxycontin. *Oxycontin "Executor" was fake and was gone for the time being until Eulen "Executor"*
1. You wrote my name wrong
2. You played yourself.
3. You have proven that you need the help, and not me.
Since we know that you are not that good in English we will assume that you are either Bad at English or a little kid. What's it going to be? Either way, you are going to be shown bad at something.
1. My Name is Johannes Bürger and not Johaness Burger.
See, you wrote it wrong. Grammar
2. The more you do, the less you gain. What am I?
The more you talk, the more I gain.
The more I talk, you gain your certain doom.
Certainly, this is not a game. This is your doom.
3. You have proven that you need help. Chronically Online Oxycontin.
There is only one Email for Valkyrie.
Which is: [valkyrieexecutorofficial@gmail.com](mailto:valkyrieexecutorofficial@gmail.com)
But thank you, I just realized. I need to make another email anyway.
Because Valkyrie is not just an Executor, its for GTA 5 and other games as well.
So I will make a new official Valkyrie Email again that is Universal for all Usages, including GTA 5 Helping and Roblox. So really thank you for making me realize that there is the word: "executor" in the Email. (This may take a while to create.)
Peace out ;)
submitted by ValkyrieOfficial to robloxhackers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:41 Timely_Lion_3233 For those of you with celiac disease in the USA

Head’s up that the Target brand / Up & Up antihistamines have been re-sourced, re-formulated and are no longer labeled gluten free. I checked Walgreens and it appears they are also no longer labeled gluten free and ingredients have changed. The Children’s Up&Up liquids are still labeled GF, but one dose is 1/10 the milligram of the adult.
submitted by Timely_Lion_3233 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:27 ValkyrieOfficial Eulen "Executor" is fake. [WITH PROOF]

Most of you may not know this new "Executor" called: Eulen.
It is a fake Executor.
The Owner of it which declined to give me his lawyer's data so I can get into legal action with him.
He declined every way I asked for the lawyer's data. He never gave straight answers.
He even stated that he is oxycontin (Old Fake Executor Owner)
Not many know that these Persons: oxycontin, Nie and Eulen are the SAME Person.
The way oxycontin and Nie talk are the same way Eulen talks.
Their Speech pattern seems to not have changed a significant amount.
1. Eulen = Oxycontin
2. Speech pattern is same, meaning that he is Oxycontin
3. Math Error now Table Error?
4. His server is botted and is old oxycontin Server.
1. He is saying here in my server that he is infact oxycontin.
2. His speech pattern indicates that he is oxycontin.
Second Time I was told this: "chronically online person" by the same guy.
The way he talks is exactly like oxycontin.
He gave the exact responds to us saying his server is Botted. (His server is old oxycontin server meaning 10K Botted users and less real ones.)
3. Math Error and Table Error what is next? Function Error? Or a Perfectly Fake Executor?
I will be checking all these new Executors 24/7 to see your damn speech pattern, even if its AI. I can pick up how humans operate, even if its AI. So lets be real, I don't want to deal with your crap anymore.
Oxycontin was proven to be not a Math Error!
Also an Isolation Error is not what is happening.
Lets go to the setreadonly test in the UNC Check.
The setreadonly Test does this:
In a longer Message and a more clear one:
The setreadonly test within the Current UNC Check Script creates a table named object which is the main goal of the test, it freezes the table which will make it frozen, duhh, after it freezes the table with Roblox's official freeze function within the table: table it continues to unfreeze it to check if the env function works it tries to set the success variable within object to true to make it check if it works. If it doesnt set it to true it would error that it did not allow the table to be modified. But the weirdly fact is that there is no record of an isolation error for the table.freeze or any env function that sets the table readonly to writeonly. Meaning this is false whilst they try to take actions against it by giving it random error names that have nothing to do with the actual problem.
If the table errors in anyway, it will still error meaning it will give an error in the test function.
It would look like this:
⛔ Function-Name - Reason
but what it does in the UNC Showcase of Eulen is:
✅ setreadonly - Did not allow the table to be modified
meaning its erroring but also returning the string: "Did not allow the table to be modified"
But in the test function it does this:
Meaning either way it would error, you even said its an isolation error. Meaning it would error every way if its:
Non-Existing, Isolation or Not setting table writable.
What happened to your Karma and all of your Posts oxycontin?
4. Indications that Eulen Discord Server is old Oxycontin Discord Server.
I never gone into a Server named Eulen in anyway.
This meaning its old Oxycontin Server.
My Account was ONLY banned from Feather Discord and Oxycontin Discord.
Eulen Discord = Oxycontin Discord.
Oxycontin Discord = Botted = Eulen Discord.
If you or anyone have any information about this problem, you may say it here in the comments or in Valkyrie Discord. You may also Direct Message me here in Reddit or Discord.
submitted by ValkyrieOfficial to robloxhackers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:15 KyleKKent OOCS, Into A Wider Galaxy, Part 020

Harriett The Spy AND HHH/Herbert’s Hundred Harem
The sensation of Null on her was never pleasant. Sure, with the Axiom her new shape was perky, bouncy and looked like a supermodel’s idea of a supermodel on Earth. But with Null in effect... everything drooped painfully. She leaned on the table and heard Jurgen’s deep breathing.
“Thirty Seconds.” Lloyd states as she watches the three doctors work. Gin may be in charge, but he’s clearly not the only star of this show. With Doctor Lorn assisting him and Doctor Howard peeling off the larger chunks of Blood Metal things are moving quickly. Half the nightmare is already off and being moved into containment. Continual cracking and snapping sounds as the thin metal is broken apart to be taken away piece by piece.
“Third neural area taken care of.” Doctor Gin says.
“Forty Seconds.” Lloyd says as Harriett shifts as the Doctors start moving faster.
“We’re ahead of schedule. One last piece of metal on neural tissue.” Doctor Gin says.
“No remaining metal in the tissue in this part of the crater.” Doctor Howard says. His operating position is awkward as hell with Doctor Gin and Doctor Lorn as he has to reach over All Lady’s core and stay out of the way of the more delicate part of the procedure, but he still has surgical training and can still safely peel the Blood Metal off and away from the poor woman.
The medics are quickly rushing up and taking away all the Blood Metal while it’s forced into dormancy and then right into a bio-hazard container. That is going to be sealed into a trytite and lead lined case once they have it all.
“Fifty Seconds.” Lloyd counts.
“Delicate part done. Let’s get this shit off her.” Doctor Gin announces. All three doctors shift around and quickly start peeling the nightmare of the woman and...
“Sixty Seconds.”
Blood Metal clangs as it’s thrown away and then shifted into containment in rapid order. Chunks the size of dinner plates are stacked up fast and efficiently.
“Seventy Seconds.”
They finish peeling off the metal and high powered lights are shone on the core to see clean through it. Tiny slivers are located and pulled out.
“Eighty Seconds.”
They scan over the core again and then glance to each other before giving things a third scan.
“Ninety Seconds.”
“We’re clear. Let the Axiom in. Patient is free of Blood Metal and can begin standard Axiom restoration.” Doctor Gin says.
“She’ll recover a little sooner as well. I adjusted the dosage after seeing her first sample of it.” Doctor Howard says as the lights that flickered out with the Axiom scrambled start to slowly start glowing again.
“Waking up fifteen minutes after surgery is fine.” Doctor Gin says.
“Since when is Fine enough? We’re looking for healthy, and the less drugs in a patient’s system the better. We add them as needed and no more, otherwise we can cause further damages. The addictive nature of anaesthetics are well known among humans and we are intensely toxin resistant by compare to something like a Slohb, the less I give to any patient the better.” Doctor Howard answers and there are some noddings.
“So how much sooner will she wake up?” Harriett asks as the pain slowly tapers off as the Axiom returns and breathing becomes something she can do without leaning forward and resting the boulders on something.
“Any minute now. It was hard to calculate the amount of anaesthetic she would need in either surgery without knowing definitively how much of her anatomy is dedicated to digestion, neural tissue, sensory tissue or other vital organs. Each one processes it differently, but all of them are linked together, normally in a single, sphere, but each bump is a partial sphere with any one of a number of differing organs inside it, and she has bumps on the bumps of her bumps bumps.”
“Did you have to say that in rhythm?” Doctor Gin asks in a grumpy tone.
“Do you have to be a giant asshole?”
“So that’s a yes then.” Doctor Gin concedes even as the gel starts to shift again. “Already?”
“Hmm... too soon. I’ll need to run the numbers again.” Doctor Howard notes to himself.
“So is she safe to approach, or am I still an infection hazard?” Jurgen asks as he looms over the surgical tent.
“You’re fine. The girl just needs to let herself heal a little and she’s fine. The benefit to working on a Slohb is that their slime repels almost all known infectious agents. She’s producing more and her injuries are covered. She will be fine.” Doctor Lorn says.
“That’s a relief... Now...” Jurgen begins to say and then stops as the gel starts moving.
“Is... is it over? It feels like it’s over.” All Lady asks without forming any tendrils. Holding herself still as if afraid.
“Hold on a moment. The last bit of Blood Metal is being sealed away.” Harriett says before the final lock on the bio-hazard containment latches into place.
“Sealed!” A Medic reports.
“Good. Get that nightmare out of here and away from this poor woman.” Harriett says even as All Lady reconnects to her gel and things start moving.
“So it’s over? I can use Axiom on myself again?”
“Yes.” Doctor Gin says. “There are no longer any traces of...”
The gel RUSHES around and then rushes onto the core only to vanish. Like an entire waterfall landing in a single shot glass and being unable to fill it. Then suddenly it does as Dark Blue Gel surrounds the core and then it seems to invert and a singular, transparent and delicately detailed Gel woman is lounging in the surgical bed.
“I haven’t been able to be small and cute for years!” She exclaims in a giddy tone. “I can store all that gel again and my core! Oh this is great! I’ll be able to go up top! Feel the sunlight! Not starve as I feel myself bud over and over again without ever having a child... Oh thank you! Thank you little humans! This is everything I wished for but didn’t dare think I would truly gain.”
“Alright, so the patient is recovering... I hope? How did you hide your core like that?” Doctor Gin asks.
“One of the earliest Axiom techniques a Slohb learns, one I couldn’t use with that terrible stuff inside me.” All Lady says before she shifts around them. “Hee hee! I just shifted my everything between two people standing near each other! It took one move!”
“So I take it that you’ve gotten everything you’ve hoped for and more?” Jurgen asks and then in a single move All Lady launches herself onto him and wraps around his torso before rising up from it to hug him around the head.
“Yes! Yes yes yes! Thank you for bringing them! I was right to ask you for your help this is amazing I can finally leave this place!”
She then flits off him and shifts around the entire tent in moments. “Oh there’s just so much to do now! I couldn’t risk going anywhere if I couldn’t hide more core as is proper but now I can jump around as much as I want! Oh thank you!”
“Alright, calm down ma’am. If you can bring your core back for us to check, we need a final sample to make sure you’re not growing addicted to the anaesthesia or having grown dependant on the Blood Metal.” Doctor Lorn says and All Lady flits back into the tent, engorges her form over the surgical bed and suddenly her core is in it and she slips away from it ever so slightly. She pulls away all her gel and only a thin film covers it as the core, now much healthier, produces a little more. Doctor Lorn gently gathers some of the gel in a vial.
“Thank you, stick around until I’ve finished testing this.” Doctor Lorn says and he immediately begins testing.
Tiaria looks up as the door to her cell opens and she draws herself up to lambaste whoever it is thinks any of this is even slightly acceptable. Only to see a tiny figure pushing in a chair. They then rush out before she can question anything and returns to push in another, then repeats the pattern with a third.
“What is...” She begins before he rushes out before returning with a small trolley covered with treats and drinks that he drags in behind himself.
“Nearly there!” He says before sticking his head out of the room. “Miss Bleat! It’s time!”
“Bleat that...” Tiaria says before a woman wearing the mask of The Daughter walks in. Then out of the trolly the child brings out a Mask of The Midwife he holds out to her. He then puts on a mask of The Son as she takes the mask in confusion. “Wait... what is...”
She freezes as she recognizes the woman.
“Told you.” The little boy says as he pours a few drinks and then grabs a can of something cold and bright purple out of the trolley. He opens the can and it causes a strange sound before he drinks from it.
“So, do you feel sorry?” The woman in The Daughter mask asks.
“I recognize you. It’s still you. You pushed me so hard into giving my assets up.” Miss Bleat says.
“I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Tiaria says simply.
“Then why’d you look so funny when she first came in?” The boy asks.
“I’m sorry, who are you young man? I can tell you’re a young man. Truly young. Healing comas leave a certain trace and you only have a touch of it. Likely no more than enough to save your life from an accident.”
“Enemy action actually.” The child notes as he takes a sip of his drink. “We got you. Now we need the other.”
“The other?” She asks.
“Who wore The Mother mask?” The boy asks and her eye twitches in memory. “So you DO know! That’s wonderful now...”
“I want my lawyers.” She says.
“Your assets are being looked over. You’ve been very, very naughty.” The boy says.
“Who are you?” She demands and he taps his mask. “You’re no son of mine.”
“You have no sons at all.” Herbert says before pointing to Miss Bleat. “Now, don’t you think you owe this lady an apology?”
“Excuse me?”
“She’s been having a very hard time after you and your friend took everything from her. At least an apology would be nice.” Herbert notes.
“...!? Is this all about an apology?”
“It’s about a lot of things. An apology is just one of them.” Herbert says.
“... Your insane.”
“Nope.” Herbert retorts before snagging a cookie. “Now you wanna play nice? Or nasty? Because you’ve played pretty nasty so far.”
“I have rights.”
“And you have trampled on the rights of others. Do you want to be treated in the same way you’ve treated them?” Herbert asks.
“Who are you?”
“Agent Herbert Jameson of the Undaunted.”
“By many standards I am a child. However, I am also working with The Council and many of it’s powers and associates to get our hand on what The Darnaxian Concurrence got up to because it is a world of trouble. Literally, the whole world has felt it and...”
“...dead...” Tiaria mutters.
“Excuse me?”
“She’s dead! The woman in charge of it all! She’s dead! We were planning on keeping Bleat there in the know, pay her back and everything but the woman with all the codes and all the plans died to a stupid conspiracy that tainted the food supplies of a restaurant! One day things are fine, then she misses a call in, I go looking and I find out I missed her dying by six hours! She is deader than stone! Throw an engine into her corpse and all you get is dust because she is dead, cremated and done! The whole thing is finished! I lost all contact after that because there were no higher ups and there was no one else with any information! Dead! Gone! Wasted! Stupid! Finished! After everything she promised and planned and wheeled and dealed and scammed she didn’t have a single stupid backup so the moment she had a stupid accident with her goddess damn Llanwrack steak sauce being tainted the whole thing fell apart!”
Tiaria slumps back into her chair like a puppet with it’s strings cut. Panting, furious, exhausted emotionally and looking down until a bottle is placed in her view. It’s a personal favourite of hers. She tears out the stopper and downs it.
“What was her name?”
“Mariandia Lowbridge. She died of Lulathi Poisoning. Her favourite sauce has an identical taste and... She was dead in her seat. No one noticed until the waitress tried to get her attention far too late to help her. Just slumped down and done. I don’t know what she was making. She said she stumbled onto something big from an old club and kept it to herself. Said there would be big money in it and no one would get hurt. She just needed someone to keep things safe, which was me, and some start up funds, which was Bleat.” Tiaria says gesturing towards Gina who’s taken off her mask to just stare. “So what was the big secret? If people are getting kidnapped over it and The Council is taking interest it must have been big. What was the score? What was Lowbridge’s big promise?”
“... Blood Metal.” Herbert says.
“A very rare metal that can normally only be created by turning someone’s own Axiom against them. It tortures the person to death and produces a few milligrams of the stuff.”
“What in the...”
“She found a way to make more, a lot more. Set up a lot of systems to automate things so well that we have literally the largest stash of the stuff in the history of the galaxy now. The price is incalculable because Blood Metal is illegal to own due to it’s horrific manufacturing method.”
“But if it could be produced safely, and en mass we could have named a price. Any price.”
“No. You see, Blood Metal is dangerous unstudied and could do anything. Just looking at it makes anyone feel uneasy, and the method of it’s mass production has contributed to the horrible nature of the bottom ten levels of the spires. Even worse, we have found one more thing it can do, which is that it will stab itself into a Slohb and torture them into budding uncontrollably, but render them unable to split, causing them to grow without end. There’s no telling what it would do to other races, it twists Axiom and draws it in too. Eating it for lack of a better term. There could have been a lot of money in it for you. But it would have only been a matter of time until everything went wrong.” Herbert says and Tiaria just stares into the middle distance, seeming to age centuries in seconds before she sighs.
“So it was all just a waste of time? Even if it worked, it would have just made us public enemies?” She asks and he nods. She slumps down into her seat and throws the now empty bottle away. Thankfully it’s plastic and not glass, otherwise it would have shattered. “So what now?”
“We confirm things, and then we see from there.” Herbert says. “Care for another drink?”
“Yes, please.”
~First~ Last Next
submitted by KyleKKent to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:54 DaveHervey What Is the Healthiest Energy Drink?

One guy on TLRY board over at Yahoo Finance made this remark:
"Lovin those hiball energy seltzers. Didn't know the brand had such a following, but now I understand why."
I never knew that line of drinks have been started back. Did a search on HONEHEALTH.com:
"What Is the Healthiest Energy Drink? May 5, 2024
Hiball Energy (Listed as 5th in US) When we think about the best energy drinks, our mind goes to something in-line with soda—flavorful and sweet. That’s where Hiball flips the script.
Branded as an energy seltzer, Hiball is milder in flavor than most other options on this list, with some reviewers comparing it to Perrier sparkling waters. It's completely unsweetened. Though the taste is mild, it still packs 160 milligrams of caffeine, plus 50 milligrams of guarana, and 50 milligrams of ginseng per each 16-ounce can for naturally boosted energy levels.
Nutrition Facts (1 can, 16 fl oz.): 0 calories, 0 g total fat, 0 mg sodium, <1 g total carbs, 0 g total sugars, 0 g added sugars, 0 g protein, 160 mg caffeine
Sweetener: None
Energy HIBALL Walmart ($41) Amazon ($48)"
Just imagine this Energy seltzer infused with 10mg THC & 10 MG CBD for an energy seltzer to use at the gym, out for a walk, bike ride, concert... I suspect even diabetics could enjoy these and have to stay away from alcohol drinks.
submitted by DaveHervey to TLRY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:10 Routine-Grade-6649 Persistent Internal Hemorrhoid, 2 Months Symptomatic & Minimal Relief.

26, Male, 6’0”, 203 lbs., Hispanic, 2 months Symptomatic & 3 years Asymptomatic prior, Texas, Colonoscopy conducted in May of 2022 & diagnosed then with internal hemorrhoids, and medications utilized as followed: Analpram 2.5% cream, Align probiotic, and Docusate 100 milligrams.
Starting in 2012, I would have at least two to five regular sized bags of a hot chip (hot Cheetos, Takis or an off-brand) monthly. Around January of 2022 however, my body became incapable of digesting and/or processing the red dye utilized in these hot chips resulting in harsh bowel movements such as diarrhea, liquid red dye excrement, and severe constipation leading into straining (I thought straining every bowel movement & taking from 30-90 minutes each time was OKAY). Having a family history of colon & renal cancer, I was advised to have a colonoscopy in May of 2022 where it was discovered that an internal hemorrhoid existed. Instead of following up on the issue, I brushed it off and tried to make lifestyle adjustments.
Fast forward near two years later in April of 2024, I made a poor decision and ate a bag of Takis to celebrate an occasion & within half an hour experienced intense abdominal cramping alongside violent bowel movements. Experiencing these frequently throughout the day, I could not differ between the red dye or blood, however this is where my issues began; May 2nd, I decided to go out for a Fiesta celebration in my hometown (San Antonio) & upon exposure to the heat, began experiencing intense aching/throbbing pain alongside itching within the inner-rectum. Keeping it dry would alleviate the pain for under a minute, before aching resumed. Ever since then, that internal hemorrhoid pain has not left me and presents itself viciously (burning, pulsating, and getting agitated when moist) anytime I drive, workout and/or exert myself beyond sitting down at varying degrees. Alongside the medication prescribed and lifestyle changes (2-5 glasses of water daily, medication more fiber, and no junk food), I’ve seen minimal results & even under 1 minute bowel movements greatly irritate or inflame the hemorrhoid.
The internal hemorrhoid is located near my tailbone region, roughly the size of a pea, and hardly seems to respond much less diminish in irritation to Analpram when applied. While somedays it is less of a nuisance, other days it can be unbearable and “life ending” in terms of pain management. I started ibuprofen yesterday and it helped me pass a blood clot in my bowel alongside reduced pain, however I’m looking for a longterm solution over short term fix. Any advice is appreciated, please and thank you!
submitted by Routine-Grade-6649 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:13 micheal_pippen WARNING - Evansville Man Indicted for Allegedly Dealing Fentanyl Using Snapchat Resulting in at Least Three Overdoses, Including One Death - Don't Buy Drugs on Snapchat

We don't judge anybody for what they do in their free time as long as you are not hurting anyone else but if you are going to do drugs please be careful where you are buying them from.
There are a plenty of safe markets on the Dark Web with reviews and safety precautions set in place so you know exactly what you are getting. Leave these social media sites like snapchat, Instagram etc alone when buying shit.
EVANSVILLE- A federal grand jury has returned an indictment charging Jeremial Lee Leach, 19, of Evansville, Indiana with one count of Distribution of Fentanyl Resulting in Death, two counts of Distribution of Fentanyl, and one count of Possession with Intent to Distribute Fentanyl.
As alleged in the complaint and indictment, Leach is responsible for dealing fentanyl resulting in at least three overdoses, one of which resulted in death. Leach advertised fentanyl-laced counterfeit pills over Snapchat to hundreds of recipients using the alias “Mel.”
On June 25, 2022, at approximately 12:11 a.m., officers with the Evansville Police Department (EPD) responded to a residence on Wedeking Avenue in reference to the overdose of an adult female. The woman was revived with naloxone. Later the same day, at approximately 10:55 a.m., EPD officers responded to the same residence on Wedeking Avenue for the overdose of another woman, who subsequently died. The coroner located a counterfeit oxycodone pill containing fentanyl on the deceased woman’s person. The cause of both overdoses was determined to be fentanyl intoxication.
Investigators searched the deceased victim’s phone and found conversations between her and Jeremial “Mel” Leach in which they discussed the transaction of “blues” pills. Leach gave her his address on Shanklin Avenue.
On August 20, 2022, at approximately 4:15 p.m., EPD officers were dispatched to a restaurant located on Hirschland Road concerning an overdose. Upon arrival, the officers located a woman sitting on the ground in the parking lot of the restaurant, not alert and beginning to lose consciousness. An officer administered naloxone and, a short time later, the woman began to regain consciousness. The woman advised EFD that she had taken 30 mg of oxycodone.
On August 22, 2022, the third victim told investigators that on the day of her overdose, she purchased four Percocet 30’s from 1614 Shanklin Avenue and overdosed because they contained fentanyl. She identified her supplier as “Mel,” Jeremial Leach.
On October 7, 2022, at approximately 2:14 p.m., EPD officers responded to a location on SE Riverside Drive after receiving a call regarding a single vehicle accident. The witness advised that the driver of the vehicle, a minor boy, was no longer coherent. EFD personnel arrived on scene and attempted to wake the driver with a sternum rub. After that failed, they administered naloxone. The boy became responsive and admitted to medical personnel that he took two Percocet 7.5mg pills that he had purchased from “Mel” via Snapchat approximately forty-five minutes before the vehicle crash. He speculated that the pills may have been pressed fentanyl pills, rather than actual Percocet.
On October 11, 2022, investigators with the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Drug Task Force observed Leach conduct two apparent drug deals at his residence. The buyers, both underage boys, left separately in a Kia Optima and a gold Hyundai Tucson. Shortly thereafter, law enforcement stopped both vehicles after observing traffic violations.
During the stop of the vehicles, investigators located three blue pills marked “M30” inside the Kia and six blue pills marked “M30” inside the Tucson. One of the boys in the buyer’s car later stated that his dealer’s name was “Mel.”
Later that day, officers executed a search warrant at Leach’s residence on Shanklin Avenue. Leach exited the front door of the home and was taken into custody by detectives. Some of the items located and seized during the search included 33 blue pills marked “30,” a digital scale, two 9mm pistols, and approximately $1,843 in cash.
The pills seized during the two traffic stops and from Leach’s residence were submitted for laboratory analysis and tested positive for the presence of fentanyl.
DEA, Evansville Police Department, and the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Drug Task Force investigated this case. If convicted on all counts, Leach faces up to life in federal prison. A federal district court judge will determine the actual sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.
U.S. Attorney Myers thanked Assistant United States Attorney Kristian Mukoski, who is prosecuting this case.
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, as little as two milligrams of fentanyl can be fatal, depending on a person’s body size, tolerance, and past usage. One kilogram of fentanyl has the potential to kill 500,000 people. 6 out of 10 illegal fentanyl tablets sold on U.S. streets now contain a potentially lethal dose of the drug.
One Pill Can Kill: Avoid pills bought on the street because One Pill Can Kill. Fentanyl is a highly potent opioid that drug dealers dilute with cutting agents to make counterfeit prescription pills that appear to be Oxycodone, Percocet, Xanax, and other drugs. Fentanyl is used because it’s cheap. Small variations in the quantity or quality of fentanyl in a fake prescription pill can accidentally create a lethal dosage. Fentanyl has now become the leading cause of drug poisoning deaths in the United States. Fake prescription pills laced with fentanyl are usually shaped and colored to look like pills sold at pharmacies, like Percocet and Xanax. For example, fake prescription pills known as “M30s” imitate Oxycodone obtained from a pharmacy, but when sold on the street the pills routinely contain fentanyl. These particular pills are usually round tablets and often light blue in color, though they may be in different shapes and a rainbow of colors. They often have “M” and “30” imprinted on opposite sides of the pill. Do not take these or any other pills bought on the street – they are routinely fake and poisonous, and you won’t know until it’s too late.
submitted by micheal_pippen to Learn_How_To_Scam_Now [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:14 Cynophilis Outcrop Gold and SIlver (OCG.v): Silver’s Critical Role in the Clean Energy Transition

Silver is an essential material in the global energy transition, playing a key role in renewable power generation and battery storage technologies. The report emphasizes silver’s fundamental role across various clean energy technologies, including solar energy, electric vehicles (EVs), and artificial intelligence (AI). Amid this backdrop, Outcrop Silver and Gold emerges as a key player, Let's delve into the initiatives and achievements of Outcrop Silver and Gold, particularly their impactful collaboration with the Colombian government and the promising Santa Ana Silver Project.
Silver’s Recent Rally
•⁠ ⁠2024 Performance: Silver has surged by 32.93% year-to-date as of May 27, 2024, recovering from a flat performance in 2023.
•⁠ ⁠Factors Influencing Silver Prices: The rally is attributed to prospects of easing monetary policy in the U.S., geopolitical instability in the Middle East, and increased central bank buying, especially from China.
•⁠ ⁠2023 Challenges: Rising interest rates and slower economic growth in the U.S. and China posed significant headwinds. Western investment demand was weak, leading to a reduction of 50 million ounces in silver bullion ETFs.
•⁠ ⁠Future Outlook: Silver prices are expected to rise due to lower interest rates, increased physical and ETF investment, and growing industrial demand.
Demand and Supply Dynamics
•⁠ ⁠Industrial Demand Growth: In 2023, silver demand surpassed supply, driven by industrial applications, particularly photovoltaics. Industrial demand is forecasted to rise by 9% in 2024.
•⁠ ⁠Historical Demand Split: Traditionally, half of the silver demand has been industrial, but this has increased to 55% due to rising industrial uses.
•⁠ ⁠Sector Contributions:
* Solar Energy: Silver is crucial in solar panels due to its high conductivity, with the average solar cell using ~111 milligrams of silver.
* Automotive and EVs: Silver is used in various car components, with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) using between 25-50 grams of silver per vehicle.
* AI and Data Centers: AI and data centers will require more silver due to increasing electricity consumption and the metal’s superior electrical properties.
Silver Supply Challenges
•⁠ ⁠Stagnant Production: Silver mine supply has been flat for a decade, declining by 1% in 2023, with further declines expected in 2024.
•⁠ ⁠Market Deficit: The silver market deficit is projected to grow by 17% in 2024 due to stagnant supply and rising industrial demand.
Outcrop Silver and Gold
Collaboration with the Colombian Government and Santa Ana Silver Project
Outcrop Silver and Gold is engaged in the Santa Ana project in Colombia, prioritizing environmentally safe practices in collaboration with local governments and biologists.
Government’s Perspective on Mining
•⁠ ⁠Economic and Labor Benefits: The mining sector is seen as crucial for economic growth and job creation in Tolima.
•⁠ ⁠Environmental Responsibility: Mining should also support environmental sustainability.
•⁠ ⁠Value Generation: Mining businesses are expected to generate value for the local community.
Outcrop Silver and Gold’s Commitment
•⁠ ⁠Collaboration and Sustainable Growth: Outcrop Silver and Gold is committed to collaborating with the Tolima government to ensure the Santa Ana project maximizes its positive economic impact and supports the energy transition.
Santa Ana Silver Project
•⁠ ⁠Exceptional Grades: The project is noted for its high silver grades, averaging 446 grams per ton.
•⁠ ⁠Positive Metallurgy: High recovery rates of silver through flotation processes enhance economic viability.
•⁠ ⁠Resource Estimates:
* Indicated Resource: 24.2 million ounces of silver equivalent at a grade of 614 grams per tonne.
* Inferred Resource: 13.5 million ounces of silver equivalent at a grade of 435 grams per tonne.
* Distribution: Resources are spread across seven major vein systems.
•⁠ ⁠CEO Commentary: CEO Ian Harris estimates the district could hold up to 200 million ounces of silver, highlighting the project's high potential and global significance.
Outcrop Silver and Gold is dedicated to sustainable development in Tolima, working closely with local government to foster economic and social growth through responsible mining. The Santa Ana Silver Project stands out for its high silver grades and significant resource potential, supported by robust financial backing and strategic planning.
*Posted on behalf of Outcrop Gold and Silver.
submitted by Cynophilis to PennyStocksCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:14 Cynophilis Outcrop Gold and SIlver (OCG.v): Silver’s Critical Role in the Clean Energy Transition

Silver is an essential material in the global energy transition, playing a key role in renewable power generation and battery storage technologies. The report emphasizes silver’s fundamental role across various clean energy technologies, including solar energy, electric vehicles (EVs), and artificial intelligence (AI). Amid this backdrop, Outcrop Silver and Gold emerges as a key player, Let's delve into the initiatives and achievements of Outcrop Silver and Gold, particularly their impactful collaboration with the Colombian government and the promising Santa Ana Silver Project.
Silver’s Recent Rally
•⁠ ⁠2024 Performance: Silver has surged by 32.93% year-to-date as of May 27, 2024, recovering from a flat performance in 2023.
•⁠ ⁠Factors Influencing Silver Prices: The rally is attributed to prospects of easing monetary policy in the U.S., geopolitical instability in the Middle East, and increased central bank buying, especially from China.
•⁠ ⁠2023 Challenges: Rising interest rates and slower economic growth in the U.S. and China posed significant headwinds. Western investment demand was weak, leading to a reduction of 50 million ounces in silver bullion ETFs.
•⁠ ⁠Future Outlook: Silver prices are expected to rise due to lower interest rates, increased physical and ETF investment, and growing industrial demand.
Demand and Supply Dynamics
•⁠ ⁠Industrial Demand Growth: In 2023, silver demand surpassed supply, driven by industrial applications, particularly photovoltaics. Industrial demand is forecasted to rise by 9% in 2024.
•⁠ ⁠Historical Demand Split: Traditionally, half of the silver demand has been industrial, but this has increased to 55% due to rising industrial uses.
•⁠ ⁠Sector Contributions:
* Solar Energy: Silver is crucial in solar panels due to its high conductivity, with the average solar cell using ~111 milligrams of silver.
* Automotive and EVs: Silver is used in various car components, with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) using between 25-50 grams of silver per vehicle.
* AI and Data Centers: AI and data centers will require more silver due to increasing electricity consumption and the metal’s superior electrical properties.
Silver Supply Challenges
•⁠ ⁠Stagnant Production: Silver mine supply has been flat for a decade, declining by 1% in 2023, with further declines expected in 2024.
•⁠ ⁠Market Deficit: The silver market deficit is projected to grow by 17% in 2024 due to stagnant supply and rising industrial demand.
Outcrop Silver and Gold
Collaboration with the Colombian Government and Santa Ana Silver Project
Outcrop Silver and Gold is engaged in the Santa Ana project in Colombia, prioritizing environmentally safe practices in collaboration with local governments and biologists.
Government’s Perspective on Mining
•⁠ ⁠Economic and Labor Benefits: The mining sector is seen as crucial for economic growth and job creation in Tolima.
•⁠ ⁠Environmental Responsibility: Mining should also support environmental sustainability.
•⁠ ⁠Value Generation: Mining businesses are expected to generate value for the local community.
Outcrop Silver and Gold’s Commitment
•⁠ ⁠Collaboration and Sustainable Growth: Outcrop Silver and Gold is committed to collaborating with the Tolima government to ensure the Santa Ana project maximizes its positive economic impact and supports the energy transition.
Santa Ana Silver Project
•⁠ ⁠Exceptional Grades: The project is noted for its high silver grades, averaging 446 grams per ton.
•⁠ ⁠Positive Metallurgy: High recovery rates of silver through flotation processes enhance economic viability.
•⁠ ⁠Resource Estimates:
* Indicated Resource: 24.2 million ounces of silver equivalent at a grade of 614 grams per tonne.
* Inferred Resource: 13.5 million ounces of silver equivalent at a grade of 435 grams per tonne.
* Distribution: Resources are spread across seven major vein systems.
•⁠ ⁠CEO Commentary: CEO Ian Harris estimates the district could hold up to 200 million ounces of silver, highlighting the project's high potential and global significance.
Outcrop Silver and Gold is dedicated to sustainable development in Tolima, working closely with local government to foster economic and social growth through responsible mining. The Santa Ana Silver Project stands out for its high silver grades and significant resource potential, supported by robust financial backing and strategic planning.
*Posted on behalf of Outcrop Gold and Silver.
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