Chick-fil-a application for employment

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2024.06.09 21:58 iamkingsleyf 5 Different Types of Barbed Wire

There are many different types of barbed wire. Many people invented styles of fencing that may have been labeled barbed wire before 1863.
These, however, were never made available to the general public. Michael Kelly came up with the idea for a fence with points tied to twisted wires in 1863.
This was the first time the barbed wire was generally available in the market.
When it became impracticable to continue utilizing stone and timber rails for fencing in the 19th century, different types of barbed wire became necessary.
This was because they were costly to use and became scarce over time. Highways, jails, privacy fields, and the boundaries of grass fields are the most common places where you can see the barbed wire.
The term 'devil's rope' is commonly used to describe barbed wire. Furthermore, the adoption of this fencing tool has altered lives worldwide.
Barbed wire is presently in use by almost everyone in some way or another. It did away with the necessity for fencing, allowing livestock to graze freely and travel freely within a specific region.
Farming might be done much more efficiently, and more people could relocate to the area. The primary rationale for employing barbed wire was that wooden fences were pricey and inconvenient for working conditions.
However, the tasks could be done more efficiently if the barbed wire were used. The automatic twist machine makes barbed wire out of high-quality low-carbon steel wire.
Single twist barbed wire, double twist barbed wire, and traditional twist barbed wire are the three most prevalent twist varieties of barbed wire.

Different Types of Barbed Wire Twist

Single barbed wire fences have sharp edges and are made with high-tensile wire. You can see a Single barbed wire in the military, prisons, detention facilities, government buildings, and other national security establishments.
The barbed tape appears to have been the most popular high-class fencing wire in recent years, not only for military and federal security purposes but also for cottage and society fences and other private structures.
Two-line wires are twisted together, and wire barbs are connected to make double barbed wire. Use a bent nail to secure the wire to the wooden fence posts.
This style is far safer than single high-tension barbed wire. Barbed wire is ideal for cattle fencing and the top wire atop a standard stock fence because of its great tensile strength. It can also be used for farm fencing and grassland farming.
Barbed wire is a relatively inexpensive and somewhat effective fencing material. When pushed against the fence, the barbs cause pain, preventing the horses from doing so.
Furthermore, traditional barbed wire can be made from galvanized steel or low-carbon steel. PVC-coated wires, zinc-coated wires, and even iron wires are all options.
To keep corrosion to a minimum, the wires have been galvanized. Typical applications are land fencing, animal cages, residential security, and commercial security.

Types of Barbed wire

Barbed wire comes in different types, shapes, and sizes. These are listed below, along with extensive explanations.

1. Galvanised Barbed wire

Many countries currently employ this type for security, government buildings, detention centers, and military facilities.
The length and spacing of the barbs vary depending on the size of this type. The four galvanized single barbed wire spikes are spaced around 70 to 120 mm apart.
This type of barbed wire is distinguished by high tensile wire and is ideal for security applications. In terms of sharpness and appearance, its barbs are incredibly similar to razor blades.
Due to the thin, razor-edged barbs, intruders will find it incredibly difficult to climb over this type of barbed wire. Both the wire and the strip are galvanized to prevent corrosion.

2. PVC Coated Barbed Wire

This type of barbed wire fencing is mainly utilized for security purposes. It's a vinyl-coated wire that not only resists rusting but also increases the material's strength.
Because the layers are covered with vinyl, their wear is significantly reduced when in use. This kind is ideally suited to ocean engineering.
This kind usually has two twisted wires with four spikes placed roughly 65 to 120 mm apart.

3. High Tensile Steel Barbed Wire

This is one of the types of barbed wire; his collection has a curl width of approximately 1000 mm. Each spike is around 60 mm away from its neighbor, with a tip length of 13 to 20 mm. This collection is available in many different sizes.

4. Concertina Barbed wire

Concertina barbed wire is one of the different types of barbed wire with a one-strand line wire with many protrusions on it.
Because these protrusions prevent the barbs from sliding down, this type is commonly employed in chain link or expanded metal fencing for high security.
Sharp edges, corrosion resistance, rigidity, and stability are all characteristics of barbed wire. Airport fencing, farm, jail, factory, horse, and highway fencing are the most common applications.

5. Welded Razor Wire

Straight blades are soldered together to create this razor barbed wire. When it comes to security, it's a very functional type of barbed wire, and it also looks very appealing, thanks to its tidy appearance.
It's made of stainless steel, with a little carbon steel and wire tossed in for good measure.
Furthermore, Barbed wire is a great security measure, and most people have used it for that purpose since its development in 1873.
Intruders will find it incredibly difficult to access a property protected by barbed wire because it has sharp metal edges.
Barbed wire is available in various varieties, and you should select the barbed wire that best meets your requirements.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:36 lsd_chimpanzee How do I find a job after being fired by my abusive ex's friend?

I used to live in a small tourist town and I worked at a popular resort there. The two mangers who hired me were very friendly and enthusiastic. I enjoyed working with them very much.
After six months of working there, one of the managers got promoted and no longer worked in my department, and the other manager decided to resign and work elsewhere. I had heard rumors of a toxic upper management culture--that he had left because of this.
A new manager was hired to work with us directly. This person happened to be a former coworker of my abusive ex. I almost quit when I found out I'd be working with him, as my ex never had anything good to say about me. My ex was really into starting rumors about me in an attempt to destroy my reputation. Unfortunately, I stayed at this job.
Several months later, another staff member was hired. This person was extremely toxic (psychopathic) and difficult to work with, but was very good at flattering the managers. I complained about this person, but no one did anything.
The work environment got progressively worse. After nearly two years, things got ridiculous.
I put my lunch in the microwave one day, ate the food, and started having symptoms of being drugged. Forty-five minutes after starting to eat, I began to feel very heavy. My mouth got dry, and I felt dizzy. I could hardly stand up. I said nothing initially, but eventually told a coworker who I was friends with. After several hours, I recovered and went home. This drug gave me a terrible "hangover" the next morning. It would take a few days to feel normal again.
I was dealing with a relentless stalker at this time, and thought the stalker had gotten into the break room where I was heating my food and put something in the food. There were no cameras in that location.
I was drugged three more times. Each time, I said something to the manager. He didn't seem to believe me. One time, I made the mistake of drinking a beer after going home. I felt like I had recovered from whatever the drug was, but it was still in my system. It made one beer feel like a six pack.
The last time I was drugged, the managers had me go to the hospital. I asked for a drug test. It came back negative. I was suspicious of the results because the test also came back negative for THC. At that time I had been taking a CBD/THC gummy almost nightly for ten months. In the hospital, I was treated like I was delusional.
While waiting for the drug test results in the hospital, I opened my backpack, got my water bottle out, and drank the rest of the water--about a half-liter. After about a half hour, I started to feel drugged again. I realized that the drug was in my water. My stalker wasn't drugging me, it was one of my coworkers. I had always kept my water bottle zipped up in my backpack.
There were cameras in the office at my work. I had asked the managers to try to find footage of my stalker coming into the office and tampering with my food. The managers didn't see my stalker on the cameras, of course, and they didn't think to look carefully at what my coworker was doing.
I decided to not say anything. I was planning on leaving town in a few months anyway, and I was also afraid that my psycho coworker would do something to me. They happened to live very close by. I just didn't want to risk being beaten or even killed.
The next morning, I came to work and was fired for being "disruptive". I really wanted to tell the managers what was going on, but was too afraid.
It is now a year later and I live several hundred miles away. I have been self-employed, but now need a regular job. I have applied to several places and haven't received a call back, even though I'm highly qualified. The only employee who is still at my old job is the manager who is friends with my ex. I can't imagine he is giving me a favorable reference.
What should I say if asked why I was fired? Many applications ask I've ever been fired. My situation was ridiculous and almost unbelievable. I don't know what to do.
submitted by lsd_chimpanzee to workplace_bullying [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:33 ArtistsWho How tough is it for a foreigner to get a writing job? (If possible at all…)

Hey everyone! I completed my master’s in Creative Writing last year and have been applying for writing jobs ever since (6 months). I’ve been applying to anything even remotely connected to writing/editing: content writer, copywriter, editorial assistant, editor, staff writer,etc. I’ve also applied to any internships I could get my hands on. Yet, despite my efforts I haven’t been invited to a single interview yet. I always receive this generic emails from HRs saying “We won’t be moving forward with your application…” or “We’ve decided to prioritise other candidates …”, so I don’t even know the exact reason why I’ve been getting rejected. I have a perfect CV and 6+ years of writing industry experience with some previous work experience in the UK. However, seeing over 200 applicants applying for a single position on LinkedIn makes me lose my competitive edge.
Is anyone here experiencing the same? What are the chances to find a job related to writing in the UK and get your Skilled Worker Visa sponsored by an employer? Do employers in the writing industry usually hire migrants?
submitted by ArtistsWho to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:32 gulaschmulasch Can an employer offer a much lower rate when employing you directly and not through an agency?

I have worked as a full-time cover lecturer for FE for the past two months. I negotiated a great rate through my agency. I had the best time, and everyone there loved me. They openly said that they wanted to keep me around so they told me they would get back to me as soon as they had any new jobs going.
The person I covered for has now quit, and the full-time position is available. However, the pay they are offering on the official job post is much lower than what I originally got (almost half). I would love to take the job, but the pay is just a big issue for me, especially since I have already been paid way more by the same school.
I was employed through an agency, so my questions are:
Do I need to let my agency know about this? I guess not because I would apply directly to the school.
Can I ask for the same pay even tho it is much higher than what they are advertising? / Are they allowed to offer me a much lower rate even tho I have already worked there?
Part of the application form is information about your last job pay and position.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by gulaschmulasch to UKJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:21 clcliff How long do you prepare for interviews?

I have an interview coming up and have already been researching the company. I also have a list of questions and answers that I’m going over and coming up with some examples that I can pull from if they ask behavioral questions, but I feel like at this point, I’m a new grad but have done several interviews and already know most of what I want to talk about from preparing for previous interviews. So I’m curious how long you guys typically prepare for an interview and what else I could be doing? The setting is outpatient peds.
Also do employers actually google candidates? I’m probably massively overthinking this, but I’m applying to outpatient peds but I also participated in some activities through my school where we were interviewed for an article. In the article I talked about my dream setting being in a different setting than the job I’m applying to. Would this ever potentially hurt my application if the employer saw that?
submitted by clcliff to OccupationalTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:15 Ok_Song_7989 Hey guys, does anybody have a same experience? So confused

Hey guys, does anybody have a same experience? So confused submitted by Ok_Song_7989 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:15 4807jcir Critique my school list.

critique my school list Last cycle 8 interview invites 5 waitlists 3 rejections. Schools with * gave me an interview. I also applied early last cycle. State/Country of Residence: NJ
Ties to other States/Regions: No
URM? (Y/N): No
Year in School: none graduated.
Undergraduate Major(s)/Minor(s): bio major
Graduate Degrees (if applicable): MBS RWJMS SMP Program
Graduate 3.95
Cumulative GPA: 3.46
Overall GPA w masters 3.50
AMCAS sGPA: 3.29, AACOMAS sGPA: 3.46
MCAT Score(s): 505 (129/124/125/127)
Research Experience: Capstone research project on COVID misinformation and beliefs.
Publications/Abstracts/Posters (include how you were credited e.g. first author, second author, etc.): Presetation of Capstone.
Clinical Experience (paid or volunteer): ~2500 hour medical/technician scribe in opthamology offive \hours clinical volunteering (volunteer covid vaccine clinic and NADI and Rutgers RIOT)
Physician Shadowing: ~20hours across multiple areas, mostly opthamology.
Non-Clinical Volunteering: ~150 non-clinical volunteering. Mentor for highschool students.
Other Extracurricular Activities: None
Other Employment History: Swim instructor (~250 hours). PHYSICAL therapy assistant. Covid Lab Assistant.
Immediate family members in medicine? (Y/N): None.
Specialty of Interest (if applicable): maybe opthalmology
Interest in Primary Care (Y/N): Yes
Interest in Rural Health (Y/N): N
Medical School List: Aamc Albany Medical College Central Michigan University College of Medicine Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science Cooper Medical School of Rowan University Drexel University College of Medicine Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine Indiana University School of Medicine Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University New York Medical College Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Rutgers, Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine me post Interview Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University College of Medicine * on a waitlist University of Connecticut School of Medicine University of Maryland School of Medicine University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Wayne State University School of Medicine * on a wait list
Aacomas (tentative)
Rowan som * on a waitlist reached out to admissions said I am competitive applicant but not enough seats Pcom Unecom * rejected me post interview Nyitcom * on a waitlist Touro com *waitlist for middletown Lecom * rejected me post interview Duqcom I never applied to this school.
I dont have any significant changes from last year. I still do the same hobbies such as dance and singing. I'm rewording alot of my application as well.
submitted by 4807jcir to premed [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:00 unveiled- My husband (27 M) is depressed & I (27 F) need advice on how to best support him. What should I do?

My husband is depressed and I have no clue how to help him, looking for advice on how to support him and motivate him.
Recently my husband relocated to America so we could be together. He’s legally authorized to work now and finding ideal employment has been a nightmare. We’ve applied to hundreds of jobs for him and all have rejected his application or simply not responded.
Luckily, we were able to get him a temporary position as a doorman while he finds his ideal position. He’s making full union pay and it’s a significant pay increase than he had back home but it doesn’t seem to be enough to make him happy knowing that this is a temporary source of income.
It’s been two weeks since he started and he’s been given evening and weekend shifts. He used to be a police officer and had similar shifts and quit because of it. His mental health has significantly declined and I try to motivate him to see the silver linings (significant improvement in pay vs. his home country, flexibility in doing things in the morning, exposure to the American culture through meeting people, etc.) and nothing seems to help.
He’s fine on the days that he doesn’t have to work but when the time gets close to him going to work he’s a completely different person. Without us even wanting to, we’ve been fighting more often and the root of all problems is his employment situation. He has a college degree and wants to find a job utilizing it, rightfully so, but doesn’t realize it’s super cutthroat here and many people are looking for jobs.
I truly am at a loss on what to do to help him find motivation to continue on. His default response is that he will quit this job and move back home which really hurts our relationship because it makes me feel like our relationship is always up in the air. I know he genuinely loves me and when he cools down he says he’s not going to just leave and that he’s upset so it’s not as much of a concern for me that he’s saying these things because I too say things I don’t mean when frustrated or upset. I just hope someone will give him a chance and he can find a job during the week with normal work hours so he can be happy and no longer be so miserable.
If you’ve gotten to this point and know of any companies in NYC or remote that are hiring please let me know so I can help him apply. If you have any advice on how to help him improve his mental health surrounding this topic, please share. He doesn’t have health insurance and would likely not want to speak to a health professional even if he did. I wouldn’t say he’s to the point of needing to necessarily, he just needs to be happy; which really won’t come from me or anyone helps but within. I just need to find ways to guide him to that realization.
Thank you all in advance.
submitted by unveiled- to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:00 irodov4030 Unpaid Intership becomes a paid training! Applied to an unpaid intership position, HR is now quoting $430 because it is a training that they are providing. Meakred it scam on Linkedin

Unpaid Intership becomes a paid training! Applied to an unpaid intership position, HR is now quoting $430 because it is a training that they are providing. Meakred it scam on Linkedin submitted by irodov4030 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:46 unveiled- My husband is depressed and I have no clue how to help him

Recently my husband relocated to America so we could be together. He’s legally authorized to work now and finding ideal employment has been a nightmare. We’ve applied to hundreds of jobs for him and all have rejected his application or simply not responded. Luckily, we were able to get him a temporary position as a doorman while he finds his ideal position. It’s been two weeks since he started and he’s been given evening and weekend shifts. He used to be a police officer and had similar shifts and quit because of it. His mental health has significantly declined and I try to motivate him to see the silver linings (significant improvement in pay vs. his home country, flexibility in doing things in the morning, exposure to the American culture through meeting people, etc.) and nothing seems to help. He’s fine on the days that he doesn’t have to work but when the time gets close to him going to work he’s a completely different person. Without us even wanting to, we’ve been fighting more often and the root of all problems is his employment situation. He has a college degree and wants to find a job utilizing it, rightfully so, but doesn’t realize it’s super cutthroat here and many people are looking for jobs. I truly am at a loss on what to do to help him find motivation to continue on. His default response is that he will quit this job and move back home which really hurts our relationship because it makes me feel like our relationship is always up in the air. I just hope someone will give him a chance and he can find a job during the week with normal work hours so he can see the financial opportunities here are better. If you’ve gotten to this point and know of any companies in NYC or remote that are hiring please let me know so I can help him.
submitted by unveiled- to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:45 lilhonker Will unemployment effect my ESTA application being approved?

Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question but just looking for some input. I'm 26, a UK citizen and plan to travel to the USA later this year to see a music show. I've never traveled to the USA before and I'll be applying for an ESTA, however I have no current or previous employer as I've been a carer for my mother since I was 18 and receive carers allowance. I'm able to fund my trip which will only be for a few days, due to this and my savings. However I don't believe there's a way I can explain this on the ESTA application form and I just wondered what is the likelihood of my application being denied? My knowledge on this is very limited other than the research I've done so apologies is this is a stupid question and thanks in advance!
submitted by lilhonker to travel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:37 unveiled- My husband is depressed and I have no clue how to help him

Recently my husband relocated to America so we could be together. He’s legally authorized to work now and finding ideal employment has been a nightmare. We’ve applied to hundreds of jobs for him and all have rejected his application or simply not responded. Luckily, we were able to get him a temporary position as a doorman while he finds his ideal position. It’s been two weeks since he started and he’s been given evening and weekend shifts. He used to be a police officer and had similar shifts and quit because of it. His mental health has significantly declined and I try to motivate him to see the silver linings (significant improvement in pay vs. his home country, flexibility in doing things in the morning, exposure to the American culture through meeting people, etc.) and nothing seems to help. He’s fine on the days that he doesn’t have to work but when the time gets close to him going to work he’s a completely different person. Without us even wanting to, we’ve been fighting more often and the root of all problems is his employment situation. He has a college degree and wants to find a job utilizing it, rightfully so, but doesn’t realize it’s super cutthroat here and many people are looking for jobs. I truly am at a loss on what to do to help him find motivation to continue on. His default response is that he will quit this job and move back home which really hurts our relationship because it makes me feel like our relationship is always up in the air. I just hope someone will give him a chance and he can find a job during the week with normal work hours so he can see the financial opportunities here are better. If you’ve gotten to this point and know of any companies in NYC or remote that are hiring please let me know so I can help him.
submitted by unveiled- to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:28 fedexsucks1 Rejected because of the I-140 EB2 NIW Self-petition Asylum Fee

I just got a rejection notice because I simply left Part 1 Item 5&6 blank unchecked.
Also refer to other previous reddits:
I just want to make sure that EB2 NIW self-petitioners should mark I-140 (new form as of 2024 April) Part 1. Item 5 and 6. correctly. That is, EB2 NIW self-petitioners are considered 'NOT a non-profit organization or a governmental research organization' (so NO to Item 5) and 'to employ 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees' (We employ zero, so YES to Item 6).
I know that both questions are quite it's tempting to leave both as blank. I'm not an employer nor an organization. But I guess this is more about how to classify self-petitioners as 'discounted' asylum fee payer.
This is confusing but clearly mentioned in the official USCIS guidance.
Employment-Based Forms and Fees
Q. Do self-petitioners also pay the Asylum Program Fee, and, if so, do they pay the full amount of $600?
A. An individual self-petitioner would pay the reduced Asylum Program Fee of $300 when filing Form I-140 as an EB-1A noncitizen of extraordinary ability or as an EB-2 with national interest waiver. On Form I-140, such self-petitioners must select Yes in Part 1, Question 6, to indicate that they currently employ a total of 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees.
When an individual beneficiary of a Form I-129 or Form 1-140 petition is a part or sole owner of the petitioning entity, then the Asylum Program Fee depends on the petitioning entity’s number of employees and nonprofit status, as is the case for any petitioning entity or individual.
On Form I-140, select Yes in Part 1, Question 6, if you currently employ a total of 25 or fewer full-time employees. Select Yes in Part 1, Question 5, if you are a nonprofit organization.
On Form I-129, select Yes in Part 5, Question 15, if you currently employ a total of 25 or fewer full-time employees. Select Yes in Part 1, Question 6, if you are a nonprofit organization.
Btw it is recommended to send checks rather than using credit cards with G-1450 because sometimes credit card transactions can be denied (banks/card companies think it's a fraud) and your application would be rejected. This can be also found in other reddits.
For my new package, I sent two checks: one for I-140 form fee ($715) and the other for I-140 asylum fee ($300 for EB2 NIW).
Also, I knew that I f****d up with the asylum fee right after I sent the application and just sent another one before I got the first (rejected) application back today. The rejected package includes a green letter that USCIS sent, which says the green letter should be included in the new package, which I obviously didn't.
Will this be a problem? I just sent the new package anyway because I also found that I made a typo on my own birthday :(
submitted by fedexsucks1 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:19 Expert-Banana Have you seen an EA on a work visa? If so, which country, and did she/he cope fine?

So I'm an experienced admin/business support professional, and for the last 8 years I've been an EA and intend to stay that for the next few years at least. I am from Singapore, and while it's been great, I want to explore other countries, in search of a less stressful childhood experience for my kids, and growth opportunities for me (F37) - if all good, I would definitely apply for PR in that country.
I've had a look at a couple of countries' skilled worker shortage lists and while EA is on some, I would like to concentrate efforts on where it's most likely going to happen (most prospective employers don't seem to like a long notice period, let alone having to apply for a visa and wait for months...). I am currently a PR express entry applicant with the Canadian government, but have had no joy, as I can't even land an interview!
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated please - a little lost at the moment.
submitted by Expert-Banana to ExecutiveAssistants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:16 durelable From F-1 to O1 or TN - help with answering some questions I have

Hi folks,
I am in a transition phase and I am looking for information in order for me to make a plan for myself! I am putting my questions in bold. If my situation is not clear, I'm happy to answer questions, but I am not looking for other unsolicited advice at this time.
I am currently on OPT F-1, which expires in early August. Until end of April I was waiting to hear about a job I had been shortlisted for in Canada, where I had citizenship, but I didn't get the job. So starting beginning of May I began looking into options about whether to stay in the US or not. I have decided that I'd like to stay in the US, but have some hiccups to sort out.
My first option is to apply for an O-1 visa from within the US, but it's going to take me until August to put together and submit the application, and in September and October I will need to briefly travel out of the country for work. From my understanding, I cannot travel while my O-1 is pending, is that right?
I may have part-time employment in the Fall here in the US (teaching at a university), allowing me to apply for a TN visa, but I won't have confirmation of that until August. As a self-employed person I currently have marketplace insurance with an ACA subsidy geared to my income. If I am on a TN visa, and my work is on a part-time contract basis without health benefits, do I still qualify for ACA?
From my understanding:
Either I apply for the O-1 by August, and then have to stay here in the US until it's approved, or I go back to Canada and apply there, and wait for it to be approved to re-enter the country.
Is it also the case that if I apply from outside the country, while my O-1 case is pending, I can't visit the US even on a tourist visa? I am not planning to work illegally, just to be clear.
Also: if I stay in the US while my O-1 case is pending, I am assuming that I cannot work? What about my health insurance, would I be able to maintain my health insurance?
Thanks in advance for any help.
submitted by durelable to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:06 AblePost7537 How to Qualify for a USDA Home Loan in Kentucky

The Kentucky Rural Housing USDA home loan program offers an excellent opportunity for eligible homebuyers in rural and suburban areas of Kentucky to secure affordable financing with no down payment. To qualify, applicants must meet specific requirements related to credit score, income, work history, bankruptcy, foreclosure, debt-to-income ratio, property requirements, and mortgage insurance. Here’s a detailed guide to help you understand these qualifications:

Credit Score Required For Kentucky Rural Housing Approval

A minimum credit score of 640 is generally required to qualify for a USDA loan. This score allows for streamlined processing through the Guaranteed Underwriting System (GUS). Applicants with scores below 640 may still qualify but will need to undergo manual underwriting, which requires additional documentation and scrutiny.

Income Requirements for Kentucky USDA Rural Housing Approval

USDA loans have income limits that vary by county and household size. These limits are designed to ensure the program assists low- to moderate-income families. Generally, your household income should not exceed 115% of the median income for your area. The USDA provides an online tool to check income eligibility based on your location and household size.

Work History requirements for Kentucky USDA loan Approval

A stable work history is essential for Kentucky USDA loan approval. Lenders typically look for at least two years of consistent employment. Any gaps in employment need to be explained and documented. For self-employed applicants, a minimum of two years of tax returns is required to verify income stability.

Kentucky USDA Rural Housing Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Guidelines

While past financial difficulties like bankruptcy or foreclosure can affect your eligibility, they do not automatically disqualify you. Here are the typical waiting periods:

Kentucky USDA Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI) Requirements

The Kentucky USDA loan program has specific DTI requirements to ensure borrowers can manage their mortgage payments. The front-end ratio (housing expenses) should not exceed 29% of your gross monthly income, and the back-end ratio (total monthly debt obligations) should not exceed 45%. Exceptions can be made for borrowers with compensating factors, such as higher credit scores or additional cash reserves.

Kentucky USDA Property Requirements

USDA loans are intended for properties in designated rural areas. The USDA provides an online tool to check property eligibility. The home must be used as the primary residence and meet certain quality standards according to Kentucky FHA Appraisal HUD Guidelines including:

Mortgage Insurance Required For Kentucky USDA loan Approval

Kentucky Rural Housing USDA loans require mortgage insurance, which includes an upfront guarantee fee and an annual fee. The upfront fee is typically 1% of the loan amount, which can be financed into the loan. The annual fee, usually 0.35% of the loan balance, is paid monthly as part of the mortgage payment. These fees help protect lenders and the USDA in case of borrower default.


Qualifying for a USDA home loan in Kentucky involves meeting specific criteria in several areas:
By understanding and meeting these requirements, you can take advantage of the USDA loan program to achieve homeownership in Kentucky’s rural areas. For personalized assistance, consider consulting with a mortgage broker or lender experienced in USDA loans, like Joel Lobb in Louisville, who can guide you through the process and help you qualify.

Joel Lobb Mortgage Loan Officer

American Mortgage Solutions, Inc. 10602 Timberwood Circle Louisville, KY 40223 Company NMLS ID #1364
Text/call: 502-905-3708
email: [](

submitted by AblePost7537 to MortgageQuestionsKY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:58 Crylose There are so many jobless people in this subreddit. Y'all should consider applying to this

There are so many jobless people in this subreddit. Y'all should consider applying to this submitted by Crylose to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:58 Summer_song98 I dropped out of community college years ago, now I want to pursue a degree. Please advise!

I am pretty ashamed at the juncture in my life I am at right now. I had always been a great student for most of my life, amassing many awards and honors until high school. Things took a turn once I started community college. I performed pretty well during my first year, though admittedly not to my full potential. By the second year, I felt seriously fatigued and unmotivated and eventually, started missing many classes until I unofficially dropped out.
About a year or so afterward, I tried to make up for my failure by privately retaking my country's college exams and had acceptable passing grades. I was able to get employment and have been working ever since. Now, I am at another juncture in my life where I feel that I am now ready to pursue a Bachelor's degree. Of course, my community college failure has come back to haunt me since I will need to provide transcripts in my application.
The truth is that I have avoided the thought of starting my degree for this same reason before. I just need advice on how to proceed.
submitted by Summer_song98 to education [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:56 Ganymedei Do the hiring managers see what we completed in the Employment Equity part?

When I got hired, I discussed with my supervisor and my hiring manager about what’s expected in the new role I was taking. I was a bit anxious but it went well. Then my hiring manager told me she saw I said I had ADHD in my application form, and she continued by saying, if she asked me this, is to know if I needed any accommodations, etc It was very considerate of her but my question is: do the hiring managers see what we completed in the Employment Equity part?
Thanks for your answers
submitted by Ganymedei to CanadaPublicServants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:50 Rare-Group-4364 A Modern Approach for Your Online Education

In today's dynamic world, pursuing further education through traditional means can be challenging due to work, family commitments, and other responsibilities. Fortunately, online education has emerged as a viable and flexible alternative, allowing individuals to advance their knowledge and skills without sacrificing their other obligations. However, to ensure a successful online education experience, it’s essential to follow some well-established procedures as outlined below.
Making Informed Choices:
Choosing the right field of study is a critical first step. Ensure that your selection aligns with your interests and career goals. Experts agree that learning is more effective and enjoyable when you are passionate about the subject. A genuine interest in your field of study will sustain your motivation and enhance your retention of knowledge.
Conducting a Thorough Review:
Once you have decided on a field, the next step is to conduct a comprehensive review of the available programs. Utilize the Internet to explore various schools and universities that offer online courses in your chosen discipline. Take detailed notes on the courses, the differences in curriculum, and the processes involved in each program. This detailed review will help you make a more informed decision.
Comparing Programs:
After gathering sufficient information, compare the programs based on several factors. Consider the course requirements, the amount of work involved, the duration of the study, and the associated costs. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the institutions for more detailed information. This phase is crucial for narrowing down your choices to the programs that best meet your needs and expectations.
Ensuring Accreditation:
Accreditation is a key factor in choosing an online education program. Accredited institutions have met rigorous standards set by accrediting bodies, ensuring the quality and credibility of their programs. For students seeking grants and loans, accreditation is often a prerequisite. It also facilitates credit transfers between institutions and enhances the acceptance of your qualifications by employers. Always verify the accreditation status of the institutions you are considering.
Evaluating Costs:
Financial considerations are paramount when planning for your online education. Investigate whether the institutions you are interested in are Title IV funded, which allows students to qualify for federally-funded student loans. This can be especially important if you do not have financial support from your employer and need to finance your education independently.
Making the Final Decision:
Once you have gathered all the necessary information and compared your options, it’s time to make your final decision. Complete the online application form for your chosen school, but be prepared with a list of questions to ask when the institution contacts you. Ensure that all your questions are answered satisfactorily, and request written confirmation of essential details if necessary.
Before committing, take a moment to re-evaluate your choices. Some institutions may pressure you to enroll quickly, but remember that this is a significant life decision. Make sure you are completely comfortable with your choice before proceeding.
Preparing for online education requires careful planning and informed decision-making. By thoroughly reviewing your options, ensuring accreditation, evaluating costs, and making a considered final decision, you can set the stage for a successful and enriching online education experience. This modern approach to learning offers the flexibility needed to balance education with other life commitments, paving the way for personal and professional growth. Read More about Online Courses >>>
submitted by Rare-Group-4364 to u/Rare-Group-4364 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:43 _zow Invalid TIN #

Before I started working last 2019, pinalakad ko po sa kaibigan ko yung TIN # ko. Simula po nung nagkatrabaho ako, hanggang ngayon sa current employer ko, the same TIN # yung ginagamit ko.
Bumili po ako last year ng lupa sa Caloocan City and part of the process is yung pag bayad nung mga taxes. So nung nag punta ako sa BIR Caloocan, nung nag pa verify ako ng TIN # (Application of Registration; Form 1904), hindi daw po mahanap sa system yung orignal at nag iisa kong TIN #. Tapos "invalid" daw po.
Dahil dito, binigyan/ginawan nila ako ng bagong TIN # - and lahat nung taxes para sa binili kong lupa, nasa new TIN # ko .
Lahat po ng mga BIR 2316 forms ko, nandun yung original at nagiisang TIN # ko + RDO Code. So for me, I assume na valid naman po.
  1. Bakit po hindi nakita yung TIN # ko sa BIR Caloocan office?
  2. Bakit and paano naman po magiging invalid?
  3. Paano po yung mga taxes ko since 2019? Ibig sabihin po ba nito, nag babayad ako ng "ghost" taxes dahil invalid yung TIN # ko?
  4. Ano po mangyayari sa original & new TIN # ko?
Sabi po kasi sakin ng mga pinagtanongan ko, isa lang dapat ang TIN # ng bawat tao or tax payer. So in my case, naging dalawa/dalawa na ang TIN # ko.
Please help. :(
submitted by _zow to taxPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:00 StationDangerous3533 PSA no fee passport

Another PSA. Merchant Mariners are entitled to no fee passports. Yes, really, free as in beer. It's a regular blue passport book, with one exception, there is an endorsement that says the bearer is a crewmember of an American Flagged ship. Valid for 5 years.
You need a letter from you employer that states you are a merchant mariner and a passport is required for your job. It should also mention a ship by name. You also send a copy of you MMC with the application.
submitted by StationDangerous3533 to maritime [link] [comments]