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[Elden Ring] Do you deem the German localization of the game excellent or terrible?

2024.05.16 08:29 No_Pomegranate7134 [Elden Ring] Do you deem the German localization of the game excellent or terrible?

[I play Elden Ring in Japanese (as it is my native language), due to From Soft being a Japanese developer, so is Miyazaki himself.]
The most striking difference is within how they address the main protagonist (you as the player), as in Japanese he or she is referred to as 褪せ人 (lit: "verblasste Person") from the NPC dialog and cutscenes, however in the official German localization, it's: "Befleckten". In regards to the Japanese original, the kanji used is 褪 + 人 but 褪せ is from the ichidan verb:


lit. trad: verblassen / entfärben
Example sentence: 日光で看板の文字がせた。
(Die Buchstaben auf dem Schild sind von der Sonne verblasst.)

人 (Person)

Combine from 褪せる which is now merged as 褪せ人 [あせびと]
I have a rough list of the stuff that is named in Elden Ring, between the Japanese (original) and official German localizations of the game (Though I won't list everything, as it'll be too much).
Legendary Armaments:
日本語 Übersetzung aus dem Japanischen Offizielle deutsche Lokalisierung
マレイー家の執行剣 \1) Das Henkersschwert des Hauses Marais Henkerschwert der Marais
黄金律の大剣 - Großschwert der Goldenen Ordnung
世界喰らいの王笏 \2) Königliche Zepter des Weltenfressers Verschlingerzepter
剣接ぎの大剣 \3) Schwertgelenktes Großschwert Großschwert der Verpflanzung
夜と炎の剣 - Schwert der Nacht und der Flamme
グランサクスの雷 - Blitz von Gransax
蝕のショーテル - Shotel der Eklipse
暗月の大剣 - Dunkelmondgroßschwert
遺跡の大剣 \4) Das Großschwert der Ruinen Trümmergroßschwert
*1 In Japanese: マレー家 ("Haus / Familie Marais") already states that it comes from a family of executioners who resided in the shaded castle.
*2. The presence of Japanese 世界 ("welt") + 喰らう ("essen") then with a portemanteau of the Kanji 王 ("König / königlich") + 笏 ("zepter") forming the word 王笏 [おうしゃく].
*3. From Japanese: 大剣 literally means "großschwert" followed by the noun 接ぎ (lit: "Veredelung") with the word 剣 ("schwert"), as you can see the literal translation from the Japanese name insinuates that the boss used it during battle, as you alrady fought him.
*4. From Japanese: 遺跡 means "Ruinen" (as in abandoned or in ruins) insinuating that the sword is created from ruined stone.
日本語 Übersetzung aus dem Japanischen Offizielle deutsche Lokalisierung
満月の女王レナラ - Rennala, Königin des Vollmonds
最初の王、ゴッドフレイ \1) Der erste König, Godfrey Godfrey, Erster Eldenfürst
ラダゴンの赤狼 - Roter Wolf von Radagon
忌み鬼、マルギット \2) Eine Abscheulichkeit Male, Margit Margit, das Grausame Mal
忌み王、モーゴッド \2) König der Abscheulichkeiten, Morgott Morgott, König des Mals
ゴドリックの軍兵 \3) Soldaten von Godricks Armee Soldat Godricks
火の巨人 - Feuerriese
死竜フォルサクス \4) Fortissax der Todesdrache Lichdrache Fortissax
獣の司祭 (黒き剣のマリケス)\5) Priester der Bestie (Maliketh des Schwarzen Schwertes) Bestienkleriker (Maliketh, die Schwarze Klinge)
黄金律、ラダゴン - Radagon von der Goldenen Ordnung
神肌のふたり - Duo der Götterskalpe
神喰らいの大蛇(冒涜の君主、ライカード)\6) Götterfressende Schlange (Blasphemischer Monarch, Rykard) Götterverschlingende Schlange (Rykard, Fürst der Blasphemie)
ミケラの刃マレニア (腐敗の女神、マレニア) Miquella, Klinge Malenia (Malenia, Göttin der Verderbnis) Malenia, Miquellas Klinge (Malenia, Göttin der Fäulnis)
還樹の番犬 \7) Wachhund des zurückgekehrten Baumes Wachhund des Erdenbaumbegräbnisses
鉄茨のエレメール \8) Elemer von Eisendornen Elemer von den Dornen
百智卿ギデオン \9) Herr Gideon der Weise Gideon Ofnir, der Allwissende
写し身の雫 \10) Schatten einer Person Imitator-Träne
暗黒の落とし子、アステール \11) Astel, Bastard der Finsternis Astel, Stern der Finsternis
星砕きのラダーン \12) Radahn, der Sternzerstörer Sternengeißel Radahn
爛れた樹霊 \13) Wunden Baum Geist Baumgeist mit Geschwüren
接ぎ木のゴドリック \14) Gepfropfter Godrick Godrick, der Verpflanzte
*1. The Japanese title for Godfrey uses the kanji 王 ("König") since he is the elden lord, as opposed to German: they replaced that with "Eldenfürst" [エルデ王子] but the overall expression from the original Japanese is not connotated in German.
*2. The meaning of 忌み isn't conveyed correctly (in both Margit & Morgott) as it literally means "Trauernde" alone, but in the context of the game, it is connotated as "Abscheulichkeit" (from Japanese), which in no way it means "Grausame" So it is obvious that German just got it from English. Also, the presence of both Kanji 鬼 ("Oger / Geist") and 王 ("König") indicates their differences in hierarchical status too. Morgott bares the kanji 王 while Margit has 鬼 within his title, but in German (& English) the one with Margit is lost in translation.
*3. The word 軍兵 is a portemanteau comprising 2 kanji from ゴドリックの軍兵 implying that he was a soldier serving under Godrick at one point, as 軍 ("Armee") including 兵 ("soldat") forms 軍兵 (lit: "Kampftruppen") but this nuance from Japanese gets lost in translation.
*4. Fortissax's title in Japanese is a portemanteau of 2 kanji that have seperate meanings: 死 ("Tod") + 竜 ("Drache") forming the word 死竜 as he has the ability to inflict death blight towards the player, hence the presence of the kanji 死.
*5. In Japanese, Maliketh's title from his first phase has the word 司祭 ("Priester") instead of him being addressed as a cleric.
*6. The Japanese version of Rykard's title bares the kanji 君主 ("monarch / souverän") while in German it has been adapted to "Fürst" instead, but the intended meaning is lost from Japanese.
*7. The word 番犬 - literally means "Wachhund" while a portemanteau of 還 ("zurück") + 樹 ("Baum") are 2 kanji used together coining the term 還樹 - literally means amongst the lines of "Rückführung eines Baumes an seinen ursprünglichen Standort" and の is just a word particle present in Japanese.
*8. Elemer's Japanese title has 2 kanji: 鉄 ("Eisen") + 茨 ("Dornen") forming the word 鉄茨 (lit: "Dornen aus Eisen") saying that Elemer has thorns encompassing his iron armor. (Which is not conveyed directly in German.)
*9. The word 百智卿 beside Gideon's name is comprised of 3 kanji: 百 ("hundert") + 智 ("Weisheit") & 卿 ("Herr") - but 卿 is keigo as it is a very formal word (you only encounter with stuff to do with Feudal Japan.), the word 百智 literally means: "alles wissen" when combined, as the kanji 百 is used in a personified manner (as it is metaphorical) in conjunction with 智 ending with 卿.
*10. The word 写し means "duplizieren" followed by the kanji 身 ("der Körper (eine Person)") + 雫 ("Tropfen (Wasser)") as it spawns with the animation akin to a tear drop, and の is just a word particle present in Japanese, forming the word 写し身の雫.
*11. Astel's title in Japanese states 暗黒の落とし子 ("Der finstere Bastard") while the German localization went for Stern der Finsternis.
*12. 星砕き means "Sternenzerstörer" comprising from the godan verb: 砕く (lit: "zu zerschlagen ") and the kanji 星 ("Sterne") - coining the word from 2 kanji: 星砕き. From German, why did they change it to "Sternengeißel"?
*13. From Japanese, the ichidan verb 爛れる (lit: "Wunde / entzündet sein") is present in the tree spirit's title, while 樹霊 ("Baumgeist") is a portemanteau of the Kanji used 樹 ("Baum") - it's a fancier kanji since 木 is commonly used, but 霊 ("Geist") is also used in conjunction.
*14. Godrick's name in Japanese has the word 接ぎ (lit: "Veredelung") present, followed by 木 ("Baum") which is used here, as opposed to 樹 - found in for instance 黄金樹.
日本語 Übersetzung aus dem Japanischen Offizielle deutsche Lokalisierung
漂着墓地 \1) Angeschwemmter Friedhof Höhle des Wissens
崩れゆくファルムアズラ - Zerfallenes Farum Azula
深き根の底 \2) Tiefgründige Wurzeln Tiefen von Tiefwurz
リムグレイブ - Limgrave
湖のリエーニエ - Liurnia, dem Seenland
啜り泣きの半島 \3) Halbinsel der Verschmutzungshalbinsel Halbinsel der Tränen
ミケラの聖樹 - Miquella's Haligbaum
聖樹の支えエブレフェール - Elphael, Stütze des Haligbaums
モーグウィン王朝 *4 Mohgwyn-Dynastie Mohgwyn-Palast
魔術学院レアルカリア Raya Lucaria Akademie für Magie und Zauberei Akademie von Raya Lucaria
赤獅子城 Schloss des Roten Löwen Schloss Rotmähne
腐れ湖 - Fäulnissee
ケイリッド - Caelid
忌み捨ての地下 \5) Abscheu Untergrund Unterirdisches Reservat der Scham
ストームヴィル城 \6) Schloss Stormveil Schloss Sturmschleier
ゲルミア火山 \7) Gelmir-Vulkan Gelmir
月光の祭壇 - Mondlichtaltar
禁域 Unantastbares Gebiet Verbotene Lände
聖別雪原 - Geweihtes Schneefeld
巨人たちの山嶺 Bergrücken der Giganten Berggipfel der Riesen
アルター高原 - Altus Plateau
*1. From Japanese: 漂着 (lit: "treibend an der Küste") as you can enter via the beach behind, followed by 基地 ("Basis / Friedhof") implies that you are in a graveyard (metaphorically as Limgrave is not far from it, baring a dark undertone.)
*2. 深き根の底 literally translates to "Tiefgründige Wurzeln" but in German, they renamed it as "Tiefen von Tiefwurz" which is very different. From the Japanese adverb: 深き > 深く ("tief") + 根 ("Wurzeln (einer Pflanze / eines Baumes)") due to the presence of large tree branches and roots within the area you tread on, followed by 底 ("Boden (einer Grube / eines Brunnens)") as you're underground.)
*3. The word 啜り泣き is derivatve of the godan verb 啜り泣く ("zum Schluchzen"), followed by the word 半島 ("Halbinsel")
*4. The word 王朝 ("dynastie") is present as it is passed down from family, the Japanese name refers to the fact that the area where you fight Mohg contains Miquella's egg, saying that Mohg is Miquella's half brother.
*5. 忌み捨て literally translates to ("Buße (gegen die Trauer)") implying that Mohg is down there, perhaps he was condmened to be underground (you can find him as a boss, as hinted by the word in Japanese: 地下 ("untergrund").
*6. The Japanese name is closer to the English release as indicated by katakana, but in German they renamed it as "Sturmschleier".
*7. The Japanese 火山 ("vulkan") clearly states that you're not far from the volcano, the manor is even close to it. In German, they could've used "Berg" beside its name to make it clear, but it was omitted.
Note: It's difficult to convey directly from Japanese > German while keeping the original nuance in-tact, due to how different Japanese is to Indo-European languages.
The annotations within the original Japanese names are marked with * [numbered] there for further explaination, based on my own understanding to convey it from Japanese.
Since most translations into European languages are obviously from the English release of the game, therefore already loosing the intended meaning.
In hindsight:
submitted by No_Pomegranate7134 to AskAGerman [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:48 electricmastro Classical composers with the most monthly listeners on Spotify

On, you can see the statistics of the classical composers that receive the most streams on Spotify each month, and just for fun, I decided to compile a list, giving an idea of what classical composers are more popular than others among the general public.
They are:
1.) Johann Sebastian Bach - 7.878 million
2.) Ludwig van Beethoven - 7.407 million
3.) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - 6.875 million
4.) Frédéric Chopin - 6.659 million
5.) Antonio Vivaldi - 6.025 million
6.) Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - 5.700 million
7.) Claude Debussy - 5.534 million
8.) Erik Satie - 5.018 million
9.) Camille Saint-Saëns - 4.637 million
10.) Johannes Brahms - 4.399 million
11.) Franz Schubert - 3.269 million
12.) Edvard Grieg - 3.241 million
13.) Franz Liszt - 3.127 million
14.) George Frideric Handel - 2.998 million
15.) Antonín Dvořák - 2.985 million
16.) Sergei Rachmaninoff - 2.628 million
17.) Georges Bizet - 2.455 million
18.) Giuseppe Verdi - 2.424 million
19.) Maurice Ravel - 2.393 million
20.) Gabriel Fauré - 2.360 million
21.) Felix Mendelssohn - 2.259 million
22.) Jean Sibelius - 2.237 million
23.) Dmitri Shostakovich - 2.232 million
24.) Johann Pachelbel - 2.178 million
25.) Léo Delibes - 2.170 million
26.) Giacomo Puccini - 2.071 million
27.) Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - 1.973 million
28.) Edward Elgar - 1.741 million
29.) Philip Glass - 1.729 million
30.) Sergei Prokofiev - 1.555 million
31.) Leonard Bernstein - 1.551 million
32.) Niccolò Paganini - 1.388 million
33.) Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - 1.327 million
34.) Johann Strauss II - 1.258 million
35.) Samuel Barber - 1.244 million
36.) Bedřich Smetana - 1.218 million
37.) Alexander Scriabin - 1.214 million
38.) Henry Purcell - 1.139 million
39.) Aram Khachaturian - 1.131 million
40.) Arcangelo Corelli - 1.118 million
41.) Jean-Philippe Rameau - 1.116 million
42.) Jules Massenet - 1.066 million
43.) Richard Wagner - 1.057 million
44.) Christoph Willibald Gluck - 1.023 million
45.) Carl Maria von Weber - 1.011 million
46.) Jacques Offenbach - 996.2 thousand
47.) Ralph Vaughan Williams - 995.3 thousand
48.) Gioachino Rossini - 984.3 thousand
49.) Gustav Holst - 933.2 thousand
50.) Gustav Mahler - 914.0 thousand
51.) Ottorino Respighi - 901.7 thousand
52.) Joseph Haydn - 895.0 thousand
53.) Tomaso Albinoni - 887.9 thousand
54.) Modest Mussorgsky - 882.3 thousand
55.) Richard Strauss - 819.5 thousand
56.) Charles Gounod - 815.9 thousand
57.) Alexander Borodin - 777.1 thousand
58.) Pietro Mascagni - 768.9 thousand
59.) Vladimir Horowitz - 708.6 thousand
60.) Frederick Delius - 675.5 thousand
61.) Arvo Pärt - 669.8 thousand
62.) Jean-Baptiste Lully - 657.7 thousand
63.) George Gershwin - 648.5 thousand
64.) Joaquín Rodrigo - 610.5 thousand
65.) Francis Poulenc - 606.1 thousand
66.) Domenico Scarlatti - 604.3 thousand
67.) John Field - 582.8 thousand
68.) Béla Bartók - 567.7 thousand
69.) Luigi Boccherini - 563.3 thousand
70.) Clara Schumann - 531.6 thousand
71.) Georg Philipp Telemann - 526.4 thousand
72.) Alexander Glazunov - 512.8 thousand
73.) Igor Stravinsky - 500.0 thousand
submitted by electricmastro to classicalmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:25 Zathrus_DeBois Xbox: Shield Bug Persists

Release 1.11.36 Platform Xbox X
This issue was listed in the patch notes as an issue fixed in the update. The bug is still present in my game unfortunately. Same shield installed (1600 rating), same NPC companions (2), and same character skills but the actual shield ratings are wildly different in my 8 ships. It is possible this is just a UI display bug but I can't figure out a viable way to test this. This is super annoying but not as bad a corrupt save file naturally. A real fix would be most welcome.
submitted by Zathrus_DeBois to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:45 Reidog Nick and Mout have become brazen with their trolling/torpedoing

SPOILERS: Tombs of Scoria, Tides of Death, Outcasts, Hardly Heroes

After making it through HcH and FroFro/HoBo, it was clear that Nick was looking for a new challenge. He saw the young sheep, Mouton, torpedoing GTC and decided to throw down the gauntlet by 1uping him in ODaM.
This led to the pair getting increasingly unhinged in trying to outdo each other in ToS. Some of their long list of antics:
Mout almost dying to the Kobold "King" & "Jester"
Mout needlessly tanking a hit from a troll, Nick running aimlessly to jiggle locked doors
simply going into NEAL Team Six's camp, ignoring Koibu's enemy vs ally NPC discrepancy
Mout getting level drained by an imprisoned vampire
Nick casually watching an ancient vampire walk to the party
Nick casually walking into and getting KOed by the barnacles he just confirmed were alive
deciding to fight 7 cavalry in an open plain
Mout throwing himself into a juvenile brown dragon's mouth
Nick burying himself under rocks during the first real dragon fight
walking straight into a known trap
Mout trying his luck at running aimlessly, Nick transforming into an Intellect Devourer
Mout banishing himself after killing a sidequest dragon
Nick, not to be outdone, fucking an ancient hag-like entity
Mout getting the last laugh by getting scorched/smited by Velthara
This duel bled into ToD with Nick picking the worst class with shit stats. He would've gone unchallenged but Mout started kidnapping and killing children to keep up. Nick then jumped headfirst into a trollaroo's mouth only to be revived. Being too blatant with the torpedo, he was nerfed into an undead. Despite Nick's skill with shit rolls, Mout got the last laugh once again by unleashing a Death Knight upon the party.
The blood feud continued with Outcasts where Mout attacked NPCs on a hair-trigger, leading to "human-time" and his imprisonment. Nick tried escalate with a classic "wanna see something cool?" but it led to such a shitshow that he was nerfed once again with a retcon-but-technically-not-a-retcon since Koibu did initially say that the carriage rode past them.
Having his torpedoes so blatantly and unfairly nerfed twice, Nick has sought to recoup his losses by playing as the worst class AND taking his rolls to new depths in HdH. Mout recreating an inferior human Den-Ted has been quite an adversary but he hasn't been able to match Nick's dogshit-roll consistency. The Bri'ish lad blue shelled and banana peeled himself in a grandmaster-class exhibition of his skills to lose an already won footrace. I'm just worried he'll get nerfed again and will dig even deeper for torpedoes.
God damn, the psychopaths took turns getting stomped out by the hotshot sharpshooting grenadiers of STEAL Team 6. Mout actually somehow regained the low ground. His Hail Marthas rewarded him with Nick's dice seed in order to sacrifice their 12 gems and Martha statue. I fear for the torpedoes cooking in the depths of Nick's Easy-Bake™ oven.
Nick failed the lucky lady, Terrapin, twice in one day. What an absolute lad of a unit. His sausage apparently cooked in the sun 25min less than was needed, and then he forced a guard to seppuku in shame. But the most important torpedo is soon to come since he successfully flustered his 13 Hotness queen into losing her composure twice as well. The king is in.
That's all that's public from these sickos so far. Sign up for HdH#9.
I was feeling inspired by Nick's rolls leading to the banana peel.
Check out my previous Arcadia summary.
submitted by Reidog to Koibu [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:13 ThrowAwayGameDevQs Dev time of a feature list for an oldschool game

Hi! So, I'm not 100% sure if this is really the right place to throw this, and please direct me to where if not, but I kinda wanted an estimate on how long some code development would take for what I'd consider the core mechanics of a game me and some friends want to make. This is mostly because we all fill out most the roles in game development, all except programming. And I know this is variable to change dev to dev, debugging time, etc etc, but it'd be nice to have an idea because it'll play a part into how much we have to budget when we look for someone to fill the role.
A bit of background, we are wanting to make a game inspired a lot by Megaman Legends. Third person adventure game, shooter and hack/slash. Very focused on story, character, and exploration. So, the mechanics don't really have to be SUPER complex. Anyways, this is our 'list':
Movement: Walking, Running, Jumping, strafing, dodgerolling-sides, ledge grab/shimmy/climb/drop, knockedback
Scene transitions: Fade in and out between areas. Object location/condition saved between scene loads (ex: like a wall being destroyed, a crate moved).
Attacking: Melee, shooting (reloading but infinite ammo), magic (mana system, slow regen).
NPC Interaction: Dialogue (retain 3rd person camera, or zoom in 1st person style. Can make npc play animation from dialogue),
shop system. Quest system.
Enemies: Humanoid base, quadrapeds, robots, other 'unique' enemy types. Boss mechanics.
Object interaction: Button presses, object-contexual interaction (ex: using a computer station, radio, opening or closing door)
Weapon system: Easy modular weapon system. Melees animation-style based on weapon type. Guns animation style, projectile or hitscan, gun stats/properties. Magic system has different effects based on magic (ex: fire projectile, earth makes wall, heal magic)
Slot-upgrades: Player can find and equip accessory gem items into 1 of 3 slots that boost stats, such as weapon damage, health, speed, etc.
Save and load system.
Cutscene manager.
submitted by ThrowAwayGameDevQs to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:40 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.

[PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.


This took weeks of picking and testing mods
Played on PS5, should work on PS4
Order is stable, no crashes
New game on survival difficulty required
All 6 DLCs needed
No unbalanced cheat mods added
Very difficult but satisfying and immersive
Adding other mods will break stuff, ask in comments
Not tested on PS4 or PS4 Pro performance-wise


This modlist is for people enjoying difficult challenge, exploration, combat, managing settlements and a bit of building. No more bullet sponges, loot/enemy respawns and rambo playstyle!
In the beginning you are no one. You leave the vault weak, tired, with barely any gear. Avoid most encounters and quests at the start. Try to survive, build a safe spot and carefully explore. Be aware of your surroundings, use what you find.
Saving often in beds and making 'autosave drug' at the earliest possibility is a good idea (nearest chemistry workbench is at Abernathy Farm). Save menu is always on top of MISC category in Pip-Boy.
Discovering new places gives plenty of exp in the beginning, but quests are your main exp income.
Exploring safer areas like Sanctuary, Concord and smaller settlements first (avoiding powerful enemies) recommended. There might be a lot of combat in the background. Don't engage much, especially avoid supermutants, robots, turrets, bears - they are deadly even for high level, well developed characters. Raiders also hit hard, depending on their weapon and rank.
Weapon caliber makes huge damage difference. 10mm is pretty weak, but if you find rare .50cal rounds or some good explosives, you should eliminate tougher targets much more easily.
Investing in stats right after level 15 is a good idea. STR for carry weight, PER for accuracy, END for health, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak and speed, LCK for dmg and loot. Be sure of your choices. Watch out for 'revealing all map markers' and 'slow time when aiming' perks. Be sure you want and like them, there is no going back.
Deathclaw in the early minuteman quest is tough - try to use explosives to break his legs and some high caliber weapons to finish him off by shooting his face. Or maybe you'll get lucky and raiders will kill him. Or just simply avoid him until you get proper gear.
Don't waste ammo on zombies, use melee. Bullets are valuable. However zombies can grab and instantly kill you if your HP is very low, so watch out on low, early levels!
Aim for the head for much higher damage. Concentrating damage on arms or legs to rip them off is a good strategy too. Raider without arms wont do much to you except running around and alerting nearby enemies, that is.
Damage types are important. Ballistic damage is not efficient against turrets, melee against radroaches and so on. You need to figure out yourself whats best strategy.
Develop and protect your settlements, put walls to protect generators and other important structures. Repairing is costly. Gear up settlers. Scraping and cleaning settlements is a good early source of components.
Try to fully explore the map, kill enemies and do all quests. Most loot and enemies wont ever respawn so this is your chance to find new secrets in Commonwealth and clear the place.

========== CHANGES ==========

Combat, Enemies

  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, run in fear, use and pick up ammo & weapons, swap to backup gun and so on.
  • Headshots or weakspot hits do much higher damage than torso shots.
  • Gun caliber greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful and damage type matters.
  • Foes have special moves like biting and holding leg, wrestling moves, kicks. Dependent on enemy type and briefly stuns you.

Sound, Graphic

  • Sounds are less flat because of added reverb and other tweaks.
  • Very dark nights with wide, helpful flashlight.
  • Atmospheric lightning: beautiful light from lantern and fire sources, dusk, dawn, moon, plus bullets illuminate environment when flying around.
  • No dreadful, annoying, unimmersive: combat music, hearthbeat, sounds of generators, turrets, exp gain sound, most perk triggers and perk chart.

Crafting, Modifying

  • Making/disasembling ammo and also creating various shipments. Upgrading clothes, rings, glasses in different ways.
  • Legendary swapping, crafting legendary effects using technical documents. Some effects have been adjusted.
  • Added crafting of new, lower damage explosives, but they have unique effects for ease of use.


  • STR affects carry weight, PER accuracy, END is health, max AP, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak, walk and reload speed, LCK for small dmg boost, loot, critical hits outside VATS and while using it.
  • Leveling up does not give you health. You rely on stats, bonuses, gear.
  • Perks tree mostly changed, level 15 needed to start increasing Special base stats, level of around 100 to increase stat to 10. To get all perks you would need 300 levels, so new modified 'idiot savant' will help a lot.
  • Collecting magazines, bobbleheads, companion perks is now more helpful and recommended.
  • Some skills are changed, reordered, much more interesting and useful.
  • More perks are needed for crafting, especially science perk is required for most technology related stuff.
  • Lockpicking everything is available instantly from level one, but perks and AGI make it reasonably easier. Bobby pins are more rare.
  • Hacking is simplified to not do the repeating minigame. Now holotapes to reprogram and override terminals might be of use.

Settlements, Building

  • Expensive build costs of robot workbenches, turrets, big generators, so buying component shipments is justified.
  • You can hire guards for caps or risk settlers lives on the usual guard posts.
  • Can't harvest planted fruit and veg, you get your fair share in workbench instead.
  • Collecting resources by settlers changed. Bigger variety of settlers and they are now mortal.
  • More objects to build and decorate your bases.

Locations, Loot

  • Items like meds and ammo are harder to find and exist in appropriate containers.
  • New map markers and few minuteman towers as a small addition to explore.
  • Quick travel available, but only to settlements.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses drop legendaries. And many more...

Before you download:

  • Safe to remove/swap mods are listed below the modlist, just in case you don't like or want some of them. Rest needs to be kept for balance or glitch removal, but only in the CORRECT ORDER!
  • Remove all mods you currently have before downloading this mod list.
  • Read what to do after downloading mods.


  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4] - Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4.
  2. Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file.
  3. [PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom) - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file.
  4. Kane's Items Sorting (PS4) - Junk is sorted and some other things too.
  5. [PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents.
  6. Named NPC Protection [PS4] - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies.
  7. Tribals of Commonwealth - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness.
  8. Ghouls Of Commonwealth - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos.
  9. DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4] - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos.
  10. Longhorns Of The Commonwealth - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map.
  11. Gulpers Of The Commonwealth - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  12. Wolves Of The Commonwealth - Adds wolf spawn points to the map.
  13. More Behemoths In Commonwealth - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth.
  14. Behind Enemy Lines - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region.
  15. Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations.
  16. More Radstags - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests.
  17. Better Radstags - More agressive radstags.
  18. Not a Princess - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood.
  19. Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4] - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests.
  20. [PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu.
  21. Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 49 objects for building in settlements.
  22. Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags.
  23. Constructible Faction Guards - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction.
  24. [PS4] OCDecorator - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects.
  25. [PS4] OCDecorator DLC - Support for addons for the above mod.
  26. Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty.
  27. 1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4] - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically.
  28. [PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags - Adds animations to supermutant meat bags.
  29. Power Line Physics [PS4] - Swinging power lines in settlements.
  30. No Sneak Indicators - Completely removes all sneak indicators.
  31. [PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin.
  32. Vertibirds Unghosted - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism.
  33. [PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition) - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them.
  34. Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter.
  35. Fallout 76-Style Region Music - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks.
  36. Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4] - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options.
  37. Better Dialogue - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption.
  38. Esk QuietPerks [PS4] - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant.
  39. No Experience SFX - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources.
  40. [PS4] Dead Beat - Removes heart beat sound at low HP.
  41. Combat Music Remover - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you.
  42. Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4] - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker.
  43. UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth.
  44. [PS4] No More Fake Puddles - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7.
  45. No More Twigs - Removes stupid twigs sticking out of the ground.
  46. [PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps.
  47. [PS4] Dark Mode - Abandoned Settlements - Empty settlements don't have light sources.
  48. Vanilla Moon (4x) - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality.
  49. Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4] - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night.
  50. Crafting Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor.
  51. Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while aiming.
  52. More Map Markers (PS4) - Adds some new markers on map.
  53. CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4 - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while aiming in VATS mode.
  54. VATS Third Person Only - As the name says, just changes in cameras used in VATS.
  55. [PS4] Payneful VATS - Better VATS cinematics, shows important hits and finishers a bit slower.
  56. Component Tagging Helper - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total.
  57. Grenade and Mine Pack - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives.
  58. Saving Survival Mode - Allows crafting misc items on chemistry workbench for anytime saving (3 standard autosave slots and 1 save shared/overwritten on all survival characters).
  59. Animations Be Gone - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary.
  60. Minuteman Watchtowers - Adds 8 minuteman watchtowers containing loot and/or guards.
  61. Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters.
  62. Clothes For Every Stats Wz - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave.
  63. Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4] - Small changes in how traps work and balance them.
  64. See-Through-Scopes [PS4] - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification.
  65. See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4] - As above but for 2 Nuka World guns.
  66. See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4] - As above but for 2 Far Harbor weapons.
  67. Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4] - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours.
  68. Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4 - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes.
  69. Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4) - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor.
  70. Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation) - DLC compatibility for IG.
  71. Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4) - Overwrites starting level to 1.
  72. Medium Settlement Raids PS4 - Makes enemy raids less ridicolous and balanced.
  73. Zombie Walkers (PS4) - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies.
  74. Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition - - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight.
  75. Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4] - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport.
  76. Realistic Insects Health [PS4] - Makes insects easier to kill and balanced.
  77. Full Load - Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot.
  78. Full Load - Rough Start Less Handouts - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111.
  79. Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature. - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs.
  80. Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk.
  81. Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4 - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying rings for special legendary effects.
  82. [PS4] STS - All-In-One - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects.
  83. (PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions.
  84. Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4 - Adds rank two of VANS perk - explorer. Uncovers map.
  85. Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4) - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS.
  86. Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4] - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away.
  87. Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4] - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit.
  88. Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4 - Moves attack spawns outside the settlements.
  89. Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4] - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits.
  90. [PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu if you have any.
  91. No Affinity Cooldown - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions.
  92. [PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120) - Increased experience required to level up.
  93. Increased EXP - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced.
  94. No Building Houses XP Gains PS4 - Building settlements don't provide experience.
  95. Pip-Boy Flashlight - Pipboy light is now a flashlight.
  96. PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light.
  97. [PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7 - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak.
  98. No Enemy Respawns - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed.
  99. Accelerated Fast Travel - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs.
  100. Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4] - Day and night lasts twice as long.

Additionally after downloading:

  • After installing the mod list, restart your PS4/PS5.
  • Dont add or remove mods mid playthrough.
  • Change game difficulty to survival in options.
  • Play on performance 60fps. Newly added mode visual 60fps is more laggy and has awfull VATS framerate.
  • If you want even more immersive settings, go to Settings, Gameplay and turn off quest markers or crosshair.
  • Go to Options, Sound and reduce ambience level by 5-8 clicks and reverb by 2-3.
  • Dont forget to change camera sensitivity (I play on max), next go to Options, Display and change hud color to blue or any other that makes sense (not red), lower transparency by 30% or more, set pip-boy colour to your preference (I use red pip-boy and minty hud to have the best compatibility with highlighting perks and scopes).

You can add/swap some mods if you want:

101... Immortal Cats - PS4 - Invincible cats, so you don't lose happiness increase when they die. Add after mod #83 \ 102... [PS4] STS - Extras - Living & Dead - Season Pass Version - You can get extra resources from scraping dead bodies in settlements. Watch out not to scrap someone alive. Place after mod #82. \ 103... Josephine Preset - Nice looking preset number 13 for female character creation. Change hair and other details if you want. Delete after leaving vault111 and saving (if you need mod list space that is). Add after mod #55. \ 104... Faster Positive Affinity For Companions - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Swap with mod #91 if you want more cheaty version. \ 105... Silent Main Menu - To mute main menu sound, find duplicate sound slider named 'Master sound' and move it all the way to the left. Add after mod #41. \ 106... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC - Quieter production lines. I ran out of space on mod list so this and next one are optional. Add after mod #34. \ 107... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #34. \ 108... [PS4] Simple Settlers (Immortal Edition) - Instead of #33, so generic settlers don't die during settlement attacks. \ 109... Reduced Rubble Etc. - Safely reduces density of unimportant objects by 50-75%. Add after #44 or swap with #45. \ 110... Vrexia's Magical Rings - Add after #57 only if you get poison/perception bug where your PER is shown as (-1). You can offset it by equiping multiple rings from this mod (created at chem bench). Didnt found a better way yet. \ 111... Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter) - For a smaller, brighter flashlight swap #96 with #95 and replace #95 with this.

Remove, if you want:

Stock, ugly Pip-Boy color - #3 \ No tinkering with legendary effects - #5 \ No powerful groups wandering and attacking places - #15 \ Radstags to be less agressive - #17 \ Dont care about building - #20 #21 #22 \ Dont care about decorating settlements - #24 #25 \ Annoying wandering brahmins instead of dogs - #31 \ Cash register sounds when gaining exp - #39 \ Old vanilla dusk and dawn lighting - #49 \ Don't use VATS much - #53 #54 #55 \ Prefer old combat scopes - #64 #65 #66 \ Don't want uncover map perk and will never unlock it - #84 \ Don't have any weapon skins from Creation Club - #90 \ Faster leveling - #92 \ To gain building EXP - #94 \ Start with 7 extra SPECIAL points to distribute - #97 \ Loot and enemies respawn after time - #98 \ Fast travel to take time - #99 \ Days be vanilla length - #100

Known issues, bugs, glitches, exploits:

Some of those are present in vanilla game. I just mention every problem encountered during testing and not fully fixed. - Ground textures in and around sanctuary flicker black. FIX: Fixes itself. Possibly after short time or reload. - Creature cages cost too much in building menu. NO FIX: Did not found a safe and balanced fix yet, so cages are most likely out of reach, because cost is absurd. - Green chest containing flare gun and 10k flares after exiting vault 111. FIX: Mod dev forgot to delete it. Ignore it or if it bothers you much, remove mod #83, which I don't recommend doing. - Hubby secret basement in Sanctuary. NO FIX: Its up to you if you want to use its content. Just easier difficulty option, but not game breaking. - Hacking rank 4 seems useless or has wrong description. NO FIX: Needs proper check. - Wall turrets sometimes glitches and play sound on repeat. FIX: Re-enter the area or reload save. - Contact frag mines seems to have too low damage. FIX: Just dont craft them. Rest of new explosives should work fine even that it shows low damage values in description. - Perception low, constant (-1) PER in stats because of poison damage/resistance bug. FIX: Add mod #110 and equip perception rings. Dont delete the mod. Cant find safer solution for now. Rings dont take equipment slots. - Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male. NO FIX: Just 25% AP regen loss at high level. Not a big deal. - Bubblegum seems to unintentionally quench thirst a bit and kind vendors give it for free. NO FIX: Free candies. Its better to use them to slow down time. - Incorrect cost to build concrete foundations. FIX: Use mod #20 to add tons of foundations in newly added category Structures-Concrete. - OCDecorator replaces creation club menu. FIX: Items from CC are still available in other building categories. Ignore or delete mod #24 + #25 if you dont care about its function. - Few perk descriptions might be slightly incorrect or missing. NO FIX: Nothing important to worry about. - Three street lights, powered water pump, industrial purifier and subway light have incorrect build costs. NO FIX: These have wrong values, but items like clean sofa or tv are more expensive to build on purpose though. - Pip-boy light wont transfer from first to third person camera view. FIX: Turn flashlight off and on. - Water surface sometimes flash black when moving underwater. NO FIX: Its not very noticable and you don't dive much in FO4 anyway. - Can't use Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal, animation stops. FIX: There is a radroach behind the wall. Kill it by swinging melee, explosives or reenter area. - Flashlight in Vault111 has incorrect beam look/color. FIX: It will fix itself after mods load right after you leave Vault111, dont worry.
v1.00 - Initial version.

Have fun!

submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to Fallout4modsps4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:46 Immediate-Set-3728 Servers running with AzerothCore

I was just wondering if there is somewhere a list of servers running –or incoming servers planing on running– with AzerothCore.
For those who don't know, AzerothCore is a huge open-source project made and mantained with the only purpose to emulate the game to the very last script and detail and be offered to the community without any type of trade or catch to it. I've reported tons of quests, npc behaviors, even graphic/visual errors that have been fixed only after a few days or even hours. Sometimes it takes longer, but devs are really commited. Anybody is free to contribute and help and, as far as I know, there are even bounty rewards for those who can fix tricky scripts.
I have played on Chromiecraft for quite a while but lost the interest due to the lack of PvP and a more active community. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good server, but is too focused on PvE and they also added a little bit "too much" custom stuff that was not necessary to add, in my opinion. I would be looking forward to any server that plans on using AC as base and, particularly, those which have a progressive plan, blizzlike xp/rewards rates and not p2w shop, of course.
submitted by Immediate-Set-3728 to wowservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:37 SameGameParlay Bovada Sportsbook Review - Bonus - Promo - App

Bovada Sportsbook Review 2024

Bovada History
Bovada has firmly established itself as the most popular offshore online sportsbook for players in the U.S. Bovada covers a typical range of sports. It has a top-rated reputation for paying customers out on time, and we have always found the customer service at Bovada to be responsive and has multiple ways of staying in contact with a customer.
Bovada was initially part of the Bodog, the brand launched by entrepreneur Calvin Ayre in 2000. Bovada is the U.S. sports betting app, If you are looking for a sports betting sites in Canada Bodog is available today.
Customer Service
The customer service team works 24/7, 365 days a year. Bovada’s customer service team tends to be active across the web’s sports betting and gambling forums. There is chat, email and of course phone options for getting in touch with Bovada. If you are on X then there is a Bovada handle to follow.
Is Bovada safe? The site uses SSL encryption software to keep the connection secure. Bovada has been in business for over 20 years. If it was one of those rip off sites, then it would have gone out of business a long time ago. The team at Bovada has made it a premier offshore site and a large part of the credit goes to the responsive nature of the customer service department.
Website Experience
The Bovada site has all of the sports betting wagers than a US customer would expect. Ease of navigation, betting menu and overall aesthetics. It is easy to browse and the various sports and markets are laid out in an obvious manner. The site is devoid of unnecessary clutter.
The menu at the top of the homepage allows you to choose from the most popular sports, including football, basketball, soccer, and hockey. There are also icons that take you straight through to the live betting section and to a list of all the sports covered. A Quick Links section to the left of the sports betting homepage also alerts you to big sporting events that are about to take place, while you will see the most important upcoming ball games listed in the middle of the page. You can switch from American odds to fractional or decimal odds.
Sports Betting Experience
Bovada offers a wide range of betting options for anyone that likes to bet on sports. All of the major sports are covered, football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, tennis, golf, boxing, and UFC. They also offer smaller markets like, table tennis, badminton, winter sports, and Aussie rules. European sports like darts, snooker, cricket, rugby league, and rugby union will see them covered at Bovada.
As a US focused site, the United States customer will see their favorite sports offered with a large number of bets available. NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL fans will find betting options to choose from on each game. You will often find more than 100 different bet types on offer when you click on an NFL game. The odds include, spread, totals, and win as would be expected. However, Bovada provides fans with alternative spreads and props as well. Yes, Bovada offers same game parlays just like Fanduel and Draftkings do. If you are currently wagering at one of these books then it is worth taking a look at Bovada to see if your bet has a better return at Bovada. Why make an SGP bet for +800 when Bovada is offering +950?
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There is also a politics betting section at Bovada. If you want to bet on politics in the US, you must use an offshore site. Political wagers are banned at Draftkings, Fanduel, BetMGM, Caesars and all US located betting sites. It is against Federal law for any betting site located in the United States to offer bets on politics.
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Bovada generally offers everything you would expect from Draftkings or Fanduel. In fact, when Draftkings & Fanduel first started out, they were just clones of Bovada.
Mobile Betting App Review
The Bovada betting app is a browser extension. Bovada offers a mobile betting interface with all of the qualities of an app but with one big difference. An app from the Google or Apple app store would also include a lot of spywares. Your every movement would be tracked. This is how BetMGM and Caesars apps operate. They have access to all of your phone calls and text messages on your app. Bovada doesn't operate like this. There is fare more personal privacy with using a browser extension than using an Apple spyware app.
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The Bovada site includes sports, online casino, live dealer, poker, and horses. The online casino at Bovada is one of the largest casinos in the world and will satisfy 95% of online casino customers. Casino games including blackjack, table games, slots, and specialty games. The casino section displays a collection of featured games when you arrive, made up of classic slots, popular table games, and Bovada is constantly adding new games to satisfy the US gaming market. The video poker has 17 different game options such as; Deuces Wild, Joker Poker 52 Hands, and Double Double Bonus Poker. There is also a large variety of live dealer games.
Is Bovada legit? The site has been around since 2000. It is not one of those betting sites that comes and goes in a couple of years. Bovada has been around for over 20 years because of customer loyalty. The customers know that the Bovada motto, "never missed a payout" is vital to staying in business. Bovada has also stayed in business this long by evolving to meet the changing desires of the US betting market. When customers want a new type of bet or a new casino game. Bovada responds.
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Bovada Cons
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See videos on how to setup a crypto wallet and make your deposit.
Video – How to Get Started Using Crypto
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Registration Screen
This will be your first step to opening an account with Bovada
You will need to provide the following:
  1. Your First and Last Name
  2. Your Date of Birth
  3. A mobile number for verification
  4. An email address for promotions and verification
  5. Preferred currency. You do NOT need to make all withdrawals & deposits with the choice.
  6. Your Zip Code. Bovada does not accept bets in: Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, or Delaware.
  7. Click on verification text or email. Bovada Registration Screen. This will be your first step to opening an account with Bovada. You will need to provide the following. Your First and Last Name Your Date of Birth A mobile number for verification An email address for promotions and verification Preferred currency. You do NOT need to make all withdrawals & deposits with the choice. Your Zip Code. Bovada does not accept bets in : Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, or Delaware. Click on verification text or email.
Making a Deposit
  1. Login into your Bovada account
  2. In the upper right will be an account icon
  3. Your account deposit / withdraw screens & available bonuses are here
  4. Choose deposit
  5. Choose deposit type
  6. Choose deposit amount
  7. Choose your bonus (if you want to search your bonuses, click here before choosing type & amount)
  8. After making a deposit a verification screen with reference number will show
  9. Once a deposit is confirmed, you are ready to start gambling. Making a Deposit at Bovada Login into your Bovada account In the upper right will be an account icon Your account deposit / withdraw screens & available bonuses are here Choose deposit Choose deposit type Choose deposit amount Choose your bonus (if you want to search your bonuses, click here before choosing type & amount) After making a deposit a verification screen with reference number will show Once a deposit is confirmed, you are ready to start gambling
Choose Your Bonus
Scroll down to choose your bonus before deciding what amount you will deposit. There may be additional bonus offers available that are better than the one you were going to use.Choose Your BonusScroll down to choose your bonus before deciding what amount you will deposit. There may be additional bonus offers available that are better than the one you were going to use.
Bonus Screen
The "Choose Your Bonus" Screen
If you click on this, every bonus that you are currently eligible for will show. This is not just for new customer's initial deposit. This is the screen that will have all bonuses, including retention bonuses.
The Bonuses will have important information on them.
  1. Type of currency
  2. Type of game the bonus can be used on
  3. The amount of the bonus
  4. The minimum and maximum deposit
  5. The rollover requirements if you choose this bonus. Bovada Bonus Screen. The "Choose Your Bonus" Screen If you click on this, every bonus that you are currently eligible for will show. This is not just for new customer's initial deposit. This is the screen that will have all bonuses, including retention bonuses. The Bonuses will have important information on them. Type of currency Type of game the bonus can be used on The amount of the bonus The minimum and maximum deposit The rollover requirements if you choose this bonus
Deposit Verification
Once you have chosen a bonus type and made a deposit. You will receive confirmation of your deposit. If you think there is a mistake. Contact customer service immediately so it can be corrected.Bovada Deposit VerificationOnce you have chosen a bonus type and made a deposit. You will receive confirmation of your deposit. If you think there is a mistake. Contact customer service immediately so it can be corrected.

What are the deposit limits?

Limits are based on the deposit method chosen. Please refer to the chart below, the limits indicated are on a per transaction basis:
Method Minimum Maximum
Visa/MasterCard * $20 / $1,500
BTC, BCH, BSV, LTC * $10 / $5,000
ETH * $50 / $5,000
Player Transfer * $10 / $15,000
Direct Bank Transfer * $50 / $450
MatchPay * $20 / $1,000
USDT * $5 / $5,000
\Deposit limits may differ per account; please check your limits in the cashier page for more information*
\*Amounts are in USD market equivalent; however, as these can fluctuate - Litecoin (LTC) and Ethereum (ETH) deposits of less than 0.01 LTC/ETH or Bitcoin (BTC) deposits of less than 0.0002 BTC will not be honored.* What are the deposit limits?Limits are based on the deposit method chosen. Please refer to the chart below, the limits indicated are on a per transaction basis:

Making a Withdrawal at Bovada

Once you have chosen the type. The next step is to choose the amount.
After selecting Request Withdrawal - below a "Reference Number" will be generated. If you have any questions about your withdrawal. Contact customer service and provide this number as verification for your withdrawal.
Before you withdraw, take note of the following:
When will I receive my withdrawal?
When you request a withdrawal, the funds are deducted from your account immediately.
All requests are then reviewed, in the order in which they are received and the timeframe depends on the type of request you submit.
Once approved, delivery times may vary from one withdrawal method to another. Check the estimated time frame by clicking the method on the cashier page.
If you’re looking for the fastest payout, we recommend using our cryptocurrency methods. Once requested, it'll take about 24 hours for approval. Compare the time frames below:
Understanding the Rollover
If you do not understand what a rollover requirement is then please take the time to read.
What is rollover?
Rollover, or playthrough, is the total monetary amount of bets (aka handle) you need to place in order to cash out your bonus along with any winnings attached to that bonus. When it comes to Rollover, your wins and losses don’t matter, each qualifying bet contributes to handle, and the Rollover required.
Sportsbook Details:
Meeting Rollover in our Sportsbook is a tad different. For winning wagers we’ll credit the lesser of the risk amount or win amount. If your bet loses, your risk amount contributes toward Rollover no matter what. However, bets graded 'No Action', a tie or Pushed bet, along with canceled or voided bets, do not contribute in any way to the playthrough requirements of a bonus.
Casino Details:
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submitted by SameGameParlay to SameGameParlay [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:26 PrometheusHasFallen Perception and Insight are the only passive scores that make sense

Recently, I've taken off my DM hat and have been playing as a player at a number of open tables for mostly oneshots. One thing I noticed is a number of DMs ask for other passive scores besides Perception and Insight. I didn't really think much of it but it's starting to bug the DM part of my brain. So let's talk about it...
The most utilized passive score is Perception which appears on the official 5e character sheet, and rightfully so.
In general, I've seen two different scenarios where Passive Perception is used...
(1) A creature makes a stealth check against the party's passive perception scores behind the DM's screen to avoid being detected.
(2) A character with a high passive perception notices a critical clue in order for the adventure to move forward or sometimes just because the DM wants the player to feel like a badass for making a character with such a high perception.
So what's the prefer use?
In my opinion, it's scenario 1 because it's a fairly clear cut case of the core 5e mechanics, just in reverse... an active check, the creature's stealth roll, against a fixed DC, the party members' passive perception scores.
In scenario 2, it's a less useful way to utilize passive perception. If there is a critical clue the DM needs to tell the party, then don't put it behind a "check wall". Just tell them what they notice. If it's not critical, then the players will miss it unless they are taking actions or asking questions which will solicit an active perception check request from the DM.
In the past, I've certainly been guilty of scenario 2 passive checks but I've come to the realization that scenario 1 situations are really the only types of scenarios where passive checks are not only recommended but required.
To put scenario 1 in more general terms, it's situations involving the characters and another creature or NPC. And in those situations it's the creature or NPC who is making an active check against the characters' DC.
Going down the list of skills, only two pairs come up...
Stealth roll (or Sleight of Hand) to beat (passive) Perception
Deception roll to beat (passive) Insight
Are there any other situations that I'm missing? Perhaps but these are 99% of cases. In either case, the DM rolls behind the screen. If they fail then they let the respective player or players know what their passive score picked up.
Conversely, I've seen most often DMs use (passive) Investigation. But what active roll is that opposing? Remember, if it's mission critical information, you should be giving it to them without any "check wall". And if it's not, then well, they miss it, trigger the trap, not see the secret door to the treasure trove, not find the bag of gemstones on the body, etc.
And this takes me to a more fundamental point...
Don't reward your players for being passive participants. Teach them (sometimes through harsh lessons) to be more inquisitive, ask those questions, take those actions which will improve their chances of having the best outcomes during the adventure.
submitted by PrometheusHasFallen to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:11 ajwats81tux Maintaining Relationships

I'm starting to wish that we had to 'maintain' our friendships and romances. My first romance was Jina and I haven't talked to her in ages, because.. why would I? I don't even remember who my Shepp is (Tish?) I used to keep a list of who wanted gifts and such, but now I'm down to maxing Najuma and Subira friendships and flirting with the male NPCs (I avoided it for a while, but needed to get the items and story. I'm a 43yo straight male and I know it's just a game, but it really felt weird at first.) I'm getting closer to 'finishing' most of the content and I think that having to maintain your relationships, at least through gifting (I know conversation requires more story writing and the devs don't have time for that yet in beta) could add more content to the game. Maybe we could lose favor by not talking to an NPC for a while, or not gifting? What do you think?
submitted by ajwats81tux to Palia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:57 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.


This took weeks of picking and testing mods
Played on PS5, should work on PS4
Order is stable, no crashes
New game on survival difficulty required
All 6 DLCs needed
No unbalanced cheat mods added
Very difficult but satisfying and immersive
Adding other mods will break stuff, ask in comments
Not tested on PS4 or PS4 Pro performance-wise


This modlist is for people enjoying difficult challenge, exploration, combat, managing settlements and a bit of building. No more bullet sponges, loot/enemy respawns and rambo playstyle!
In the beginning you are no one. You leave the vault weak, tired, with barely any gear. Avoid most encounters and quests at the start. Try to survive, build a safe spot and carefully explore. Be aware of your surroundings, use what you find.
Saving often in beds and making 'autosave drug' at the earliest possibility is a good idea (nearest chemistry workbench is at Abernathy Farm). Save menu is always on top of MISC category in Pip-Boy.
Discovering new places gives plenty of exp in the beginning, but quests are your main exp income.
Exploring safer areas like Sanctuary, Concord and smaller settlements first (avoiding powerful enemies) recommended. There might be a lot of combat in the background. Don't engage much, especially avoid supermutants, robots, turrets, bears - they are deadly even for high level, well developed characters. Raiders also hit hard, depending on their weapon and rank.
Weapon caliber makes huge damage difference. 10mm is pretty weak, but if you find rare .50cal rounds or some good explosives, you should eliminate tougher targets much more easily.
Investing in stats right after level 15 is a good idea. STR for carry weight, PER for accuracy, END for health, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak and speed, LCK for dmg and loot. Be sure of your choices. Watch out for 'revealing all map markers' and 'slow time when aiming' perks. Be sure you want and like them, there is no going back.
Deathclaw in the early minuteman quest is tough - try to use explosives to break his legs and some high caliber weapons to finish him off by shooting his face. Or maybe you'll get lucky and raiders will kill him. Or just simply avoid him until you get proper gear.
Don't waste ammo on zombies, use melee. Bullets are valuable. However zombies can grab and instantly kill you if your HP is very low, so watch out on low, early levels!
Aim for the head for much higher damage. Concentrating damage on arms or legs to rip them off is a good strategy too. Raider without arms wont do much to you except running around and alerting nearby enemies, that is.
Damage types are important. Ballistic damage is not efficient against turrets, melee against radroaches and so on. You need to figure out yourself whats best strategy.
Develop and protect your settlements, put walls to protect generators and other important structures. Repairing is costly. Gear up settlers. Scraping and cleaning settlements is a good early source of components.
Try to fully explore the map, kill enemies and do all quests. Most loot and enemies wont ever respawn so this is your chance to find new secrets in Commonwealth and clear the place.

========== CHANGES ==========

Combat, Enemies

  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, run in fear, use and pick up ammo & weapons, swap to backup gun and so on.
  • Headshots or weakspot hits do much higher damage than torso shots.
  • Gun caliber greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful and damage type matters.
  • Foes have special moves like biting and holding leg, wrestling moves, kicks. Dependent on enemy type and briefly stuns you.

Sound, Graphic

  • Sounds are less flat because of added reverb and other tweaks.
  • Very dark nights with wide, helpful flashlight.
  • Atmospheric lightning: beautiful light from lantern and fire sources, dusk, dawn, moon, plus bullets illuminate environment when flying around.
  • No dreadful, annoying, unimmersive: combat music, hearthbeat, sounds of generators, turrets, exp gain sound, most perk triggers and perk chart.

Crafting, Modifying

  • Making/disasembling ammo and also creating various shipments. Upgrading clothes, rings, glasses in different ways.
  • Legendary swapping, crafting legendary effects using technical documents. Some effects have been adjusted.
  • Added crafting of new, lower damage explosives, but they have unique effects for ease of use.


  • STR affects carry weight, PER accuracy, END is health, max AP, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak, walk and reload speed, LCK for small dmg boost, loot, critical hits outside VATS and while using it.
  • Leveling up does not give you health. You rely on stats, bonuses, gear.
  • Perks tree mostly changed, level 15 needed to start increasing Special base stats, level of around 100 to increase stat to 10. To get all perks you would need 300 levels, so new modified 'idiot savant' will help a lot.
  • Collecting magazines, bobbleheads, companion perks is now more helpful and recommended.
  • Some skills are changed, reordered, much more interesting and useful.
  • More perks are needed for crafting, especially science perk is required for most technology related stuff.
  • Lockpicking everything is available instantly from level one, but perks and AGI make it reasonably easier. Bobby pins are more rare.
  • Hacking is simplified to not do the repeating minigame. Now holotapes to reprogram and override terminals might be of use.

Settlements, Building

  • Expensive build costs of robot workbenches, turrets, big generators, so buying component shipments is justified.
  • You can hire guards for caps or risk settlers lives on the usual guard posts.
  • Can't harvest planted fruit and veg, you get your fair share in workbench instead.
  • Collecting resources by settlers changed. Bigger variety of settlers and they are now mortal.
  • More objects to build and decorate your bases.

Locations, Loot

  • Items like meds and ammo are harder to find and exist in appropriate containers.
  • New map markers and few minuteman towers as a small addition to explore.
  • Quick travel available, but only to settlements.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses drop legendaries. And many more...

Before you download:

  • Safe to remove/swap mods are listed below the modlist, just in case you don't like or want some of them. Rest needs to be kept for balance or glitch removal, but only in the CORRECT ORDER!
  • Remove all mods you currently have before downloading this mod list.
  • Read what to do after downloading mods.


  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4] - Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4.
  2. Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file.
  3. [PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom) - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file.
  4. Kane's Items Sorting (PS4) - Junk is sorted and some other things too.
  5. [PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents.
  6. Named NPC Protection [PS4] - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies.
  7. Tribals of Commonwealth - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness.
  8. Ghouls Of Commonwealth - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos.
  9. DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4] - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos.
  10. Longhorns Of The Commonwealth - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map.
  11. Gulpers Of The Commonwealth - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  12. Wolves Of The Commonwealth - Adds wolf spawn points to the map.
  13. More Behemoths In Commonwealth - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth.
  14. Behind Enemy Lines - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region.
  15. Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations.
  16. More Radstags - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests.
  17. Better Radstags - More agressive radstags.
  18. Not a Princess - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood.
  19. Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4] - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests.
  20. [PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu.
  21. Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 49 objects for building in settlements.
  22. Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags.
  23. Constructible Faction Guards - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction.
  24. [PS4] OCDecorator - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects.
  25. [PS4] OCDecorator DLC - Support for addons for the above mod.
  26. Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty.
  27. 1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4] - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically.
  28. [PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags - Adds animations to supermutant meat bags.
  29. Power Line Physics [PS4] - Swinging power lines in settlements.
  30. No Sneak Indicators - Completely removes all sneak indicators.
  31. [PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin.
  32. Vertibirds Unghosted - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism.
  33. [PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition) - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them.
  34. Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter.
  35. Fallout 76-Style Region Music - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks.
  36. Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4] - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options.
  37. Better Dialogue - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption.
  38. Esk QuietPerks [PS4] - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant.
  39. No Experience SFX - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources.
  40. [PS4] Dead Beat - Removes heart beat sound at low HP.
  41. Combat Music Remover - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you.
  42. Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4] - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker.
  43. UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth.
  44. [PS4] No More Fake Puddles - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7.
  45. No More Twigs - Removes stupid twigs sticking out of the ground.
  46. [PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps.
  47. [PS4] Dark Mode - Abandoned Settlements - Empty settlements don't have light sources.
  48. Vanilla Moon (4x) - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality.
  49. Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4] - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night.
  50. Crafting Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor.
  51. Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while aiming.
  52. More Map Markers (PS4) - Adds some new markers on map.
  53. CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4 - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while aiming in VATS mode.
  54. VATS Third Person Only - As the name says, just changes in cameras used in VATS.
  55. [PS4] Payneful VATS - Better VATS cinematics, shows important hits and finishers a bit slower.
  56. Component Tagging Helper - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total.
  57. Grenade and Mine Pack - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives.
  58. Saving Survival Mode - Allows crafting misc items on chemistry workbench for anytime saving (3 standard autosave slots and 1 save shared/overwritten on all survival characters).
  59. Animations Be Gone - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary.
  60. Minuteman Watchtowers - Adds 8 minuteman watchtowers containing loot and/or guards.
  61. Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters.
  62. Clothes For Every Stats Wz - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave.
  63. Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4] - Small changes in how traps work and balance them.
  64. See-Through-Scopes [PS4] - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification.
  65. See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4] - As above but for 2 Nuka World guns.
  66. See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4] - As above but for 2 Far Harbor weapons.
  67. Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4] - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours.
  68. Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4 - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes.
  69. Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4) - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor.
  70. Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation) - DLC compatibility for IG.
  71. Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4) - Overwrites starting level to 1.
  72. Medium Settlement Raids PS4 - Makes enemy raids less ridicolous and balanced.
  73. Zombie Walkers (PS4) - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies.
  74. Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition - - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight.
  75. Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4] - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport.
  76. Realistic Insects Health [PS4] - Makes insects easier to kill and balanced.
  77. Full Load - Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot.
  78. Full Load - Rough Start Less Handouts - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111.
  79. Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature. - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs.
  80. Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk.
  81. Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4 - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying rings for special legendary effects.
  82. [PS4] STS - All-In-One - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects.
  83. (PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions.
  84. Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4 - Adds rank two of VANS perk - explorer. Uncovers map.
  85. Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4) - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS.
  86. Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4] - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away.
  87. Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4] - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit.
  88. Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4 - Moves attack spawns outside the settlements.
  89. Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4] - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits.
  90. [PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu if you have any.
  91. No Affinity Cooldown - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions.
  92. [PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120) - Increased experience required to level up.
  93. Increased EXP - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced.
  94. No Building Houses XP Gains PS4 - Building settlements don't provide experience.
  95. Pip-Boy Flashlight - Pipboy light is now a flashlight.
  96. PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light.
  97. [PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7 - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak.
  98. No Enemy Respawns - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed.
  99. Accelerated Fast Travel - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs.
  100. Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4] - Day and night lasts twice as long.

Additionally after downloading:

  • After installing the mod list, restart your PS4/PS5.
  • Dont add or remove mods mid playthrough.
  • Change game difficulty to survival in options.
  • Play on performance 60fps. Newly added mode visual 60fps is more laggy and has awfull VATS framerate.
  • If you want even more immersive settings, go to Settings, Gameplay and turn off quest markers or crosshair.
  • Go to Options, Sound and reduce ambience level by 5-8 clicks and reverb by 2-3.
  • Dont forget to change camera sensitivity (I play on max), next go to Options, Display and change hud color to blue or any other that makes sense (not red), lower transparency by 30% or more, set pip-boy colour to your preference (I use red pip-boy and minty hud to have the best compatibility with highlighting perks and scopes).

You can add/swap some mods if you want:

101... Immortal Cats - PS4 - Invincible cats, so you don't lose happiness increase when they die. Add after mod #83 \ 102... [PS4] STS - Extras - Living & Dead - Season Pass Version - You can get extra resources from scraping dead bodies in settlements. Watch out not to scrap someone alive. Place after mod #82. \ 103... Josephine Preset - Nice looking preset number 13 for female character creation. Change hair and other details if you want. Delete after leaving vault111 and saving (if you need mod list space that is). Add after mod #55. \ 104... Faster Positive Affinity For Companions - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Swap with mod #91 if you want more cheaty version. \ 105... Silent Main Menu - To mute main menu sound, find duplicate sound slider named 'Master sound' and move it all the way to the left. Add after mod #41. \ 106... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC - Quieter production lines. I ran out of space on mod list so this and next one are optional. Add after mod #34. \ 107... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #34. \ 108... [PS4] Simple Settlers (Immortal Edition) - Instead of #33, so generic settlers don't die during settlement attacks. \ 109... Reduced Rubble Etc. - Safely reduces density of unimportant objects by 50-75%. Add after #44 or swap with #45. \ 110... Vrexia's Magical Rings - Add after #57 only if you get poison/perception bug where your PER is shown as (-1). You can offset it by equiping multiple rings from this mod (created at chem bench). Didnt found a better way yet. \ 111... Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter) - For a smaller, brighter flashlight swap #96 with #95 and replace #95 with this.

Remove, if you want:

Stock, ugly Pip-Boy color - #3 \ No tinkering with legendary effects - #5 \ No powerful groups wandering and attacking places - #15 \ Radstags to be less agressive - #17 \ Dont care about building - #20 #21 #22 \ Dont care about decorating settlements - #24 #25 \ Annoying wandering brahmins instead of dogs - #31 \ Cash register sounds when gaining exp - #39 \ Old vanilla dusk and dawn lighting - #49 \ Don't use VATS much - #53 #54 #55 \ Prefer old combat scopes - #64 #65 #66 \ Don't want uncover map perk and will never unlock it - #84 \ Don't have any weapon skins from Creation Club - #90 \ Faster leveling - #92 \ To gain building EXP - #94 \ Start with 7 extra SPECIAL points to distribute - #97 \ Loot and enemies respawn after time - #98 \ Fast travel to take time - #99 \ Days be vanilla length - #100

Known issues, bugs, glitches, exploits:

Some of those are present in vanilla game. I just mention every problem encountered during testing and not fully fixed. - Ground textures in and around sanctuary flicker black. FIX: Fixes itself. Possibly after short time or reload. - Creature cages cost too much in building menu. NO FIX: Did not found a safe and balanced fix yet, so cages are most likely out of reach, because cost is absurd. - Green chest containing flare gun and 10k flares after exiting vault 111. FIX: Mod dev forgot to delete it. Ignore it or if it bothers you much, remove mod #83, which I don't recommend doing. - Hubby secret basement in Sanctuary. NO FIX: Its up to you if you want to use its content. Just easier difficulty option, but not game breaking. - Hacking rank 4 seems useless or has wrong description. NO FIX: Needs proper check. - Wall turrets sometimes glitches and play sound on repeat. FIX: Re-enter the area or reload save. - Contact frag mines seems to have too low damage. FIX: Just dont craft them. Rest of new explosives should work fine even that it shows low damage values in description. - Perception low, constant (-1) PER in stats because of poison damage/resistance bug. FIX: Add mod #110 and equip perception rings. Dont delete the mod. Cant find safer solution for now. Rings dont take equipment slots. - Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male. NO FIX: Just 25% AP regen loss at high level. Not a big deal. - Bubblegum seems to unintentionally quench thirst a bit and kind vendors give it for free. NO FIX: Free candies. Its better to use them to slow down time. - Incorrect cost to build concrete foundations. FIX: Use mod #20 to add tons of foundations in newly added category Structures-Concrete. - OCDecorator replaces creation club menu. FIX: Items from CC are still available in other building categories. Ignore or delete mod #24 + #25 if you dont care about its function. - Few perk descriptions might be slightly incorrect or missing. NO FIX: Nothing important to worry about. - Three street lights, powered water pump, industrial purifier and subway light have incorrect build costs. NO FIX: These have wrong values, but items like clean sofa or tv are more expensive to build on purpose though. - Pip-boy light wont transfer from first to third person camera view. FIX: Turn flashlight off and on. - Water surface sometimes flash black when moving underwater. NO FIX: Its not very noticable and you don't dive much in FO4 anyway. - Can't use Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal, animation stops. FIX: There is a radroach behind the wall. Kill it by swinging melee, explosives or reenter area. - Flashlight in Vault111 has incorrect beam look/color. FIX: It will fix itself after mods load right after you leave Vault111, dont worry.
v1.00 - Initial version.

Have fun!

submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to FO4mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:53 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.

[PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.


This took weeks of picking and testing mods
Played on PS5, should work on PS4
Order is stable, no crashes
New game on survival difficulty required
All 6 DLCs needed
No unbalanced cheat mods added
Very difficult but satisfying and immersive
Adding other mods will break stuff, ask in comments
Not tested on PS4 or PS4 Pro performance-wise


This modlist is for people enjoying difficult challenge, exploration, combat, managing settlements and a bit of building. No more bullet sponges, loot/enemy respawns and rambo playstyle!
In the beginning you are no one. You leave the vault weak, tired, with barely any gear. Avoid most encounters and quests at the start. Try to survive, build a safe spot and carefully explore. Be aware of your surroundings, use what you find.
Saving often in beds and making 'autosave drug' at the earliest possibility is a good idea (nearest chemistry workbench is at Abernathy Farm). Save menu is always on top of MISC category in Pip-Boy.
Discovering new places gives plenty of exp in the beginning, but quests are your main exp income.
Exploring safer areas like Sanctuary, Concord and smaller settlements first (avoiding powerful enemies) recommended. There might be a lot of combat in the background. Don't engage much, especially avoid supermutants, robots, turrets, bears - they are deadly even for high level, well developed characters. Raiders also hit hard, depending on their weapon and rank.
Weapon caliber makes huge damage difference. 10mm is pretty weak, but if you find rare .50cal rounds or some good explosives, you should eliminate tougher targets much more easily.
Investing in stats right after level 15 is a good idea. STR for carry weight, PER for accuracy, END for health, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak and speed, LCK for dmg and loot. Be sure of your choices. Watch out for 'revealing all map markers' and 'slow time when aiming' perks. Be sure you want and like them, there is no going back.
Deathclaw in the early minuteman quest is tough - try to use explosives to break his legs and some high caliber weapons to finish him off by shooting his face. Or maybe you'll get lucky and raiders will kill him. Or just simply avoid him until you get proper gear.
Don't waste ammo on zombies, use melee. Bullets are valuable. However zombies can grab and instantly kill you if your HP is very low, so watch out on low, early levels!
Aim for the head for much higher damage. Concentrating damage on arms or legs to rip them off is a good strategy too. Raider without arms wont do much to you except running around and alerting nearby enemies, that is.
Damage types are important. Ballistic damage is not efficient against turrets, melee against radroaches and so on. You need to figure out yourself whats best strategy.
Develop and protect your settlements, put walls to protect generators and other important structures. Repairing is costly. Gear up settlers. Scraping and cleaning settlements is a good early source of components.
Try to fully explore the map, kill enemies and do all quests. Most loot and enemies wont ever respawn so this is your chance to find new secrets in Commonwealth and clear the place.

========== CHANGES ==========

Combat, Enemies

  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, run in fear, use and pick up ammo & weapons, swap to backup gun and so on.
  • Headshots or weakspot hits do much higher damage than torso shots.
  • Gun caliber greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful and damage type matters.
  • Foes have special moves like biting and holding leg, wrestling moves, kicks. Dependent on enemy type and briefly stuns you.

Sound, Graphic

  • Sounds are less flat because of added reverb and other tweaks.
  • Very dark nights with wide, helpful flashlight.
  • Atmospheric lightning: beautiful light from lantern and fire sources, dusk, dawn, moon, plus bullets illuminate environment when flying around.
  • No dreadful, annoying, unimmersive: combat music, hearthbeat, sounds of generators, turrets, exp gain sound, most perk triggers and perk chart.

Crafting, Modifying

  • Making/disasembling ammo and also creating various shipments. Upgrading clothes, rings, glasses in different ways.
  • Legendary swapping, crafting legendary effects using technical documents. Some effects have been adjusted.
  • Added crafting of new, lower damage explosives, but they have unique effects for ease of use.


  • STR affects carry weight, PER accuracy, END is health, max AP, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak, walk and reload speed, LCK for small dmg boost, loot, critical hits outside VATS and while using it.
  • Leveling up does not give you health. You rely on stats, bonuses, gear.
  • Perks tree mostly changed, level 15 needed to start increasing Special base stats, level of around 100 to increase stat to 10. To get all perks you would need 300 levels, so new modified 'idiot savant' will help a lot.
  • Collecting magazines, bobbleheads, companion perks is now more helpful and recommended.
  • Some skills are changed, reordered, much more interesting and useful.
  • More perks are needed for crafting, especially science perk is required for most technology related stuff.
  • Lockpicking everything is available instantly from level one, but perks and AGI make it reasonably easier. Bobby pins are more rare.
  • Hacking is simplified to not do the repeating minigame. Now holotapes to reprogram and override terminals might be of use.

Settlements, Building

  • Expensive build costs of robot workbenches, turrets, big generators, so buying component shipments is justified.
  • You can hire guards for caps or risk settlers lives on the usual guard posts.
  • Can't harvest planted fruit and veg, you get your fair share in workbench instead.
  • Collecting resources by settlers changed. Bigger variety of settlers and they are now mortal.
  • More objects to build and decorate your bases.

Locations, Loot

  • Items like meds and ammo are harder to find and exist in appropriate containers.
  • New map markers and few minuteman towers as a small addition to explore.
  • Quick travel available, but only to settlements.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses drop legendaries. And many more...

Before you download:

  • Safe to remove/swap mods are listed below the modlist, just in case you don't like or want some of them. Rest needs to be kept for balance or glitch removal, but only in the CORRECT ORDER!
  • Remove all mods you currently have before downloading this mod list.
  • Read what to do after downloading mods.


  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4] - Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4.
  2. Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file.
  3. [PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom) - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file.
  4. Kane's Items Sorting (PS4) - Junk is sorted and some other things too.
  5. [PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents.
  6. Named NPC Protection [PS4] - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies.
  7. Tribals of Commonwealth - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness.
  8. Ghouls Of Commonwealth - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos.
  9. DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4] - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos.
  10. Longhorns Of The Commonwealth - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map.
  11. Gulpers Of The Commonwealth - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  12. Wolves Of The Commonwealth - Adds wolf spawn points to the map.
  13. More Behemoths In Commonwealth - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth.
  14. Behind Enemy Lines - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region.
  15. Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations.
  16. More Radstags - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests.
  17. Better Radstags - More agressive radstags.
  18. Not a Princess - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood.
  19. Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4] - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests.
  20. [PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu.
  21. Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 49 objects for building in settlements.
  22. Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags.
  23. Constructible Faction Guards - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction.
  24. [PS4] OCDecorator - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects.
  25. [PS4] OCDecorator DLC - Support for addons for the above mod.
  26. Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty.
  27. 1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4] - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically.
  28. [PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags - Adds animations to supermutant meat bags.
  29. Power Line Physics [PS4] - Swinging power lines in settlements.
  30. No Sneak Indicators - Completely removes all sneak indicators.
  31. [PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin.
  32. Vertibirds Unghosted - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism.
  33. [PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition) - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them.
  34. Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter.
  35. Fallout 76-Style Region Music - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks.
  36. Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4] - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options.
  37. Better Dialogue - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption.
  38. Esk QuietPerks [PS4] - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant.
  39. No Experience SFX - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources.
  40. [PS4] Dead Beat - Removes heart beat sound at low HP.
  41. Combat Music Remover - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you.
  42. Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4] - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker.
  43. UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth.
  44. [PS4] No More Fake Puddles - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7.
  45. No More Twigs - Removes stupid twigs sticking out of the ground.
  46. [PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps.
  47. [PS4] Dark Mode - Abandoned Settlements - Empty settlements don't have light sources.
  48. Vanilla Moon (4x) - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality.
  49. Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4] - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night.
  50. Crafting Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor.
  51. Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while aiming.
  52. More Map Markers (PS4) - Adds some new markers on map.
  53. CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4 - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while aiming in VATS mode.
  54. VATS Third Person Only - As the name says, just changes in cameras used in VATS.
  55. [PS4] Payneful VATS - Better VATS cinematics, shows important hits and finishers a bit slower.
  56. Component Tagging Helper - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total.
  57. Grenade and Mine Pack - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives.
  58. Saving Survival Mode - Allows crafting misc items on chemistry workbench for anytime saving (3 standard autosave slots and 1 save shared/overwritten on all survival characters).
  59. Animations Be Gone - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary.
  60. Minuteman Watchtowers - Adds 8 minuteman watchtowers containing loot and/or guards.
  61. Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters.
  62. Clothes For Every Stats Wz - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave.
  63. Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4] - Small changes in how traps work and balance them.
  64. See-Through-Scopes [PS4] - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification.
  65. See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4] - As above but for 2 Nuka World guns.
  66. See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4] - As above but for 2 Far Harbor weapons.
  67. Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4] - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours.
  68. Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4 - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes.
  69. Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4) - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor.
  70. Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation) - DLC compatibility for IG.
  71. Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4) - Overwrites starting level to 1.
  72. Medium Settlement Raids PS4 - Makes enemy raids less ridicolous and balanced.
  73. Zombie Walkers (PS4) - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies.
  74. Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition - - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight.
  75. Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4] - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport.
  76. Realistic Insects Health [PS4] - Makes insects easier to kill and balanced.
  77. Full Load - Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot.
  78. Full Load - Rough Start Less Handouts - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111.
  79. Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature. - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs.
  80. Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk.
  81. Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4 - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying rings for special legendary effects.
  82. [PS4] STS - All-In-One - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects.
  83. (PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions.
  84. Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4 - Adds rank two of VANS perk - explorer. Uncovers map.
  85. Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4) - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS.
  86. Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4] - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away.
  87. Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4] - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit.
  88. Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4 - Moves attack spawns outside the settlements.
  89. Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4] - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits.
  90. [PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu if you have any.
  91. No Affinity Cooldown - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions.
  92. [PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120) - Increased experience required to level up.
  93. Increased EXP - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced.
  94. No Building Houses XP Gains PS4 - Building settlements don't provide experience.
  95. Pip-Boy Flashlight - Pipboy light is now a flashlight.
  96. PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light.
  97. [PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7 - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak.
  98. No Enemy Respawns - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed.
  99. Accelerated Fast Travel - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs.
  100. Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4] - Day and night lasts twice as long.

Additionally after downloading:

  • After installing the mod list, restart your PS4/PS5.
  • Dont add or remove mods mid playthrough.
  • Change game difficulty to survival in options.
  • Play on performance 60fps. Newly added mode visual 60fps is more laggy and has awfull VATS framerate.
  • If you want even more immersive settings, go to Settings, Gameplay and turn off quest markers or crosshair.
  • Go to Options, Sound and reduce ambience level by 5-8 clicks and reverb by 2-3.
  • Dont forget to change camera sensitivity (I play on max), next go to Options, Display and change hud color to blue or any other that makes sense (not red), lower transparency by 30% or more, set pip-boy colour to your preference (I use red pip-boy and minty hud to have the best compatibility with highlighting perks and scopes).

You can add/swap some mods if you want:

101... Immortal Cats - PS4 - Invincible cats, so you don't lose happiness increase when they die. Add after mod #83 \ 102... [PS4] STS - Extras - Living & Dead - Season Pass Version - You can get extra resources from scraping dead bodies in settlements. Watch out not to scrap someone alive. Place after mod #82. \ 103... Josephine Preset - Nice looking preset number 13 for female character creation. Change hair and other details if you want. Delete after leaving vault111 and saving (if you need mod list space that is). Add after mod #55. \ 104... Faster Positive Affinity For Companions - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Swap with mod #91 if you want more cheaty version. \ 105... Silent Main Menu - To mute main menu sound, find duplicate sound slider named 'Master sound' and move it all the way to the left. Add after mod #41. \ 106... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC - Quieter production lines. I ran out of space on mod list so this and next one are optional. Add after mod #34. \ 107... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #34. \ 108... [PS4] Simple Settlers (Immortal Edition) - Instead of #33, so generic settlers don't die during settlement attacks. \ 109... Reduced Rubble Etc. - Safely reduces density of unimportant objects by 50-75%. Add after #44 or swap with #45. \ 110... Vrexia's Magical Rings - Add after #57 only if you get poison/perception bug where your PER is shown as (-1). You can offset it by equiping multiple rings from this mod (created at chem bench). Didnt found a better way yet. \ 111... Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter) - For a smaller, brighter flashlight swap #96 with #95 and replace #95 with this.

Remove, if you want:

Stock, ugly Pip-Boy color - #3 \ No tinkering with legendary effects - #5 \ No powerful groups wandering and attacking places - #15 \ Radstags to be less agressive - #17 \ Dont care about building - #20 #21 #22 \ Dont care about decorating settlements - #24 #25 \ Annoying wandering brahmins instead of dogs - #31 \ Cash register sounds when gaining exp - #39 \ Old vanilla dusk and dawn lighting - #49 \ Don't use VATS much - #53 #54 #55 \ Prefer old combat scopes - #64 #65 #66 \ Don't want uncover map perk and will never unlock it - #84 \ Don't have any weapon skins from Creation Club - #90 \ Faster leveling - #92 \ To gain building EXP - #94 \ Start with 7 extra SPECIAL points to distribute - #97 \ Loot and enemies respawn after time - #98 \ Fast travel to take time - #99 \ Days be vanilla length - #100

Known issues, bugs, glitches, exploits:

Some of those are present in vanilla game. I just mention every problem encountered during testing and not fully fixed. - Ground textures in and around sanctuary flicker black. FIX: Fixes itself. Possibly after short time or reload. - Creature cages cost too much in building menu. NO FIX: Did not found a safe and balanced fix yet, so cages are most likely out of reach, because cost is absurd. - Green chest containing flare gun and 10k flares after exiting vault 111. FIX: Mod dev forgot to delete it. Ignore it or if it bothers you much, remove mod #83, which I don't recommend doing. - Hubby secret basement in Sanctuary. NO FIX: Its up to you if you want to use its content. Just easier difficulty option, but not game breaking. - Hacking rank 4 seems useless or has wrong description. NO FIX: Needs proper check. - Wall turrets sometimes glitches and play sound on repeat. FIX: Re-enter the area or reload save. - Contact frag mines seems to have too low damage. FIX: Just dont craft them. Rest of new explosives should work fine even that it shows low damage values in description. - Perception low, constant (-1) PER in stats because of poison damage/resistance bug. FIX: Add mod #110 and equip perception rings. Dont delete the mod. Cant find safer solution for now. Rings dont take equipment slots. - Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male. NO FIX: Just 25% AP regen loss at high level. Not a big deal. - Bubblegum seems to unintentionally quench thirst a bit and kind vendors give it for free. NO FIX: Free candies. Its better to use them to slow down time. - Incorrect cost to build concrete foundations. FIX: Use mod #20 to add tons of foundations in newly added category Structures-Concrete. - OCDecorator replaces creation club menu. FIX: Items from CC are still available in other building categories. Ignore or delete mod #24 + #25 if you dont care about its function. - Few perk descriptions might be slightly incorrect or missing. NO FIX: Nothing important to worry about. - Three street lights, powered water pump, industrial purifier and subway light have incorrect build costs. NO FIX: These have wrong values, but items like clean sofa or tv are more expensive to build on purpose though. - Pip-boy light wont transfer from first to third person camera view. FIX: Turn flashlight off and on. - Water surface sometimes flash black when moving underwater. NO FIX: Its not very noticable and you don't dive much in FO4 anyway. - Can't use Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal, animation stops. FIX: There is a radroach behind the wall. Kill it by swinging melee, explosives or reenter area. - Flashlight in Vault111 has incorrect beam look/color. FIX: It will fix itself after mods load right after you leave Vault111, dont worry.
v1.00 - Initial version.

Have fun!

submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:40 OriginalSprinkles718 [FO4][PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.

[FO4][PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.


This took weeks of picking and testing mods
Played on PS5, should work on PS4
Order is stable, no crashes
New game on survival difficulty required
All 6 DLCs needed
No unbalanced cheat mods added
Very difficult but satisfying and immersive
Adding other mods will break stuff, ask in comments
Not tested on PS4 or PS4 Pro performance-wise


This modlist is for people enjoying difficult challenge, exploration, combat, managing settlements and a bit of building. No more bullet sponges, loot/enemy respawns and rambo playstyle!
In the beginning you are no one. You leave the vault weak, tired, with barely any gear. Avoid most encounters and quests at the start. Try to survive, build a safe spot and carefully explore. Be aware of your surroundings, use what you find.
Saving often in beds and making 'autosave drug' at the earliest possibility is a good idea (nearest chemistry workbench is at Abernathy Farm). Save menu is always on top of MISC category in Pip-Boy.
Discovering new places gives plenty of exp in the beginning, but quests are your main exp income.
Exploring safer areas like Sanctuary, Concord and smaller settlements first (avoiding powerful enemies) recommended. There might be a lot of combat in the background. Don't engage much, especially avoid supermutants, robots, turrets, bears - they are deadly even for high level, well developed characters. Raiders also hit hard, depending on their weapon and rank.
Weapon caliber makes huge damage difference. 10mm is pretty weak, but if you find rare .50cal rounds or some good explosives, you should eliminate tougher targets much more easily.
Investing in stats right after level 15 is a good idea. STR for carry weight, PER for accuracy, END for health, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak and speed, LCK for dmg and loot. Be sure of your choices. Watch out for 'revealing all map markers' and 'slow time when aiming' perks. Be sure you want and like them, there is no going back.
Deathclaw in the early minuteman quest is tough - try to use explosives to break his legs and some high caliber weapons to finish him off by shooting his face. Or maybe you'll get lucky and raiders will kill him. Or just simply avoid him until you get proper gear.
Don't waste ammo on zombies, use melee. Bullets are valuable. However zombies can grab and instantly kill you if your HP is very low, so watch out on low, early levels!
Aim for the head for much higher damage. Concentrating damage on arms or legs to rip them off is a good strategy too. Raider without arms wont do much to you except running around and alerting nearby enemies, that is.
Damage types are important. Ballistic damage is not efficient against turrets, melee against radroaches and so on. You need to figure out yourself whats best strategy.
Develop and protect your settlements, put walls to protect generators and other important structures. Repairing is costly. Gear up settlers. Scraping and cleaning settlements is a good early source of components.
Try to fully explore the map, kill enemies and do all quests. Most loot and enemies wont ever respawn so this is your chance to find new secrets in Commonwealth and clear the place.

========== CHANGES ==========

Combat, Enemies

  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, run in fear, use and pick up ammo & weapons, swap to backup gun and so on.
  • Headshots or weakspot hits do much higher damage than torso shots.
  • Gun caliber greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful and damage type matters.

- Foes have special moves like biting and holding leg, wrestling moves, kicks. Dependent on enemy type and briefly stuns you.

Sound, Graphic

  • Sounds are less flat because of added reverb and other tweaks.
  • Very dark nights with wide, helpful flashlight.
  • Atmospheric lightning: beautiful light from lantern and fire sources, dusk, dawn, moon, plus bullets illuminate environment when flying around.

- No dreadful, annoying, unimmersive: combat music, hearthbeat, sounds of generators, turrets, exp gain sound, most perk triggers and perk chart.

Crafting, Modifying

  • Making/disasembling ammo and also creating various shipments. Upgrading clothes, rings, glasses in different ways.
  • Legendary swapping, crafting legendary effects using technical documents. Some effects have been adjusted.

- Added crafting of new, lower damage explosives, but they have unique effects for ease of use.


  • STR affects carry weight, PER accuracy, END is health, max AP, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak, walk and reload speed, LCK for small dmg boost, loot, critical hits outside VATS and while using it.
  • Leveling up does not give you health. You rely on stats, bonuses, gear.
  • Perks tree mostly changed, level 15 needed to start increasing Special base stats, level of around 100 to increase stat to 10. To get all perks you would need 300 levels, so new modified 'idiot savant' will help a lot.
  • Collecting magazines, bobbleheads, companion perks is now more helpful and recommended.
  • Some skills are changed, reordered, much more interesting and useful.
  • More perks are needed for crafting, especially science perk is required for most technology related stuff.
  • Lockpicking everything is available instantly from level one, but perks and AGI make it reasonably easier. Bobby pins are more rare.

- Hacking is simplified to not do the repeating minigame. Now holotapes to reprogram and override terminals might be of use.

Settlements, Building

  • Expensive build costs of robot workbenches, turrets, big generators, so buying component shipments is justified.
  • You can hire guards for caps or risk settlers lives on the usual guard posts.
  • Can't harvest planted fruit and veg, you get your fair share in workbench instead.
  • Collecting resources by settlers changed. Bigger variety of settlers and they are now mortal.

- More objects to build and decorate your bases.

Locations, Loot

  • Items like meds and ammo are harder to find and exist in appropriate containers.
  • New map markers and few minuteman towers as a small addition to explore.
  • Quick travel available, but only to settlements.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses drop legendaries. And many more...

Before you download:

  • Safe to remove/swap mods are listed below the modlist, just in case you don't like or want some of them. Rest needs to be kept for balance or glitch removal, but only in the CORRECT ORDER!
  • Remove all mods you currently have before downloading this mod list.
  • Read what to do after downloading mods.


  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4] - Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4.
  2. Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file.
  3. [PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom) - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file.
  4. Kane's Items Sorting (PS4) - Junk is sorted and some other things too.
  5. [PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents.
  6. Named NPC Protection [PS4] - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies.
  7. Tribals of Commonwealth - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness.
  8. Ghouls Of Commonwealth - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos.
  9. DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4] - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos.
  10. Longhorns Of The Commonwealth - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map.
  11. Gulpers Of The Commonwealth - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  12. Wolves Of The Commonwealth - Adds wolf spawn points to the map.
  13. More Behemoths In Commonwealth - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth.
  14. Behind Enemy Lines - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region.
  15. Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations.
  16. More Radstags - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests.
  17. Better Radstags - More agressive radstags.
  18. Not a Princess - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood.
  19. Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4] - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests.
  20. [PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu.
  21. Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 49 objects for building in settlements.
  22. Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags.
  23. Constructible Faction Guards - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction.
  24. [PS4] OCDecorator - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects.
  25. [PS4] OCDecorator DLC - Support for addons for the above mod.
  26. Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty.
  27. 1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4] - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically.
  28. [PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags - Adds animations to supermutant meat bags.
  29. Power Line Physics [PS4] - Swinging power lines in settlements.
  30. No Sneak Indicators - Completely removes all sneak indicators.
  31. [PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin.
  32. Vertibirds Unghosted - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism.
  33. [PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition) - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them.
  34. Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter.
  35. Fallout 76-Style Region Music - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks.
  36. Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4] - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options.
  37. Better Dialogue - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption.
  38. Esk QuietPerks [PS4] - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant.
  39. No Experience SFX - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources.
  40. [PS4] Dead Beat - Removes heart beat sound at low HP.
  41. Combat Music Remover - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you.
  42. Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4] - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker.
  43. UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth.
  44. [PS4] No More Fake Puddles - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7.
  45. No More Twigs - Removes stupid twigs sticking out of the ground.
  46. [PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps.
  47. [PS4] Dark Mode - Abandoned Settlements - Empty settlements don't have light sources.
  48. Vanilla Moon (4x) - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality.
  49. Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4] - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night.
  50. Crafting Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor.
  51. Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while aiming.
  52. More Map Markers (PS4) - Adds some new markers on map.
  53. CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4 - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while aiming in VATS mode.
  54. VATS Third Person Only - As the name says, just changes in cameras used in VATS.
  55. [PS4] Payneful VATS - Better VATS cinematics, shows important hits and finishers a bit slower.
  56. Component Tagging Helper - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total.
  57. Grenade and Mine Pack - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives.
  58. Saving Survival Mode - Allows crafting misc items on chemistry workbench for anytime saving (3 standard autosave slots and 1 save shared/overwritten on all survival characters).
  59. Animations Be Gone - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary.
  60. Minuteman Watchtowers - Adds 8 minuteman watchtowers containing loot and/or guards.
  61. Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters.
  62. Clothes For Every Stats Wz - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave.
  63. Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4] - Small changes in how traps work and balance them.
  64. See-Through-Scopes [PS4] - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification.
  65. See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4] - As above but for 2 Nuka World guns.
  66. See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4] - As above but for 2 Far Harbor weapons.
  67. Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4] - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours.
  68. Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4 - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes.
  69. Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4) - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor.
  70. Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation) - DLC compatibility for IG.
  71. Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4) - Overwrites starting level to 1.
  72. Medium Settlement Raids PS4 - Makes enemy raids less ridicolous and balanced.
  73. Zombie Walkers (PS4) - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies.
  74. Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition - - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight.
  75. Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4] - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport.
  76. Realistic Insects Health [PS4] - Makes insects easier to kill and balanced.
  77. Full Load - Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot.
  78. Full Load - Rough Start Less Handouts - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111.
  79. Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature. - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs.
  80. Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk.
  81. Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4 - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying rings for special legendary effects.
  82. [PS4] STS - All-In-One - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects.
  83. (PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions.
  84. Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4 - Adds rank two of VANS perk - explorer. Uncovers map.
  85. Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4) - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS.
  86. Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4] - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away.
  87. Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4] - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit.
  88. Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4 - Moves attack spawns outside the settlements.
  89. Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4] - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits.
  90. [PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu if you have any.
  91. No Affinity Cooldown - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions.
  92. [PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120) - Increased experience required to level up.
  93. Increased EXP - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced.
  94. No Building Houses XP Gains PS4 - Building settlements don't provide experience.
  95. Pip-Boy Flashlight - Pipboy light is now a flashlight.
  96. PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light.
  97. [PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7 - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak.
  98. No Enemy Respawns - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed.
  99. Accelerated Fast Travel - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs.
  100. Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4] - Day and night lasts twice as long.

Additionally after downloading:

  • After installing the mod list, restart your PS4/PS5.
  • Dont add or remove mods mid playthrough.
  • Change game difficulty to survival in options.
  • Play on performance 60fps. Newly added mode visual 60fps is more laggy and has awfull VATS framerate.
  • If you want even more immersive settings, go to Settings, Gameplay and turn off quest markers or crosshair.
  • Go to Options, Sound and reduce ambience level by 5-8 clicks and reverb by 2-3.
  • Dont forget to change camera sensitivity (I play on max), next go to Options, Display and change hud color to blue or any other that makes sense (not red), lower transparency by 30% or more, set pip-boy colour to your preference (I use red pip-boy and minty hud to have the best compatibility with highlighting perks and scopes).

You can add/swap some mods if you want:

101... Immortal Cats - PS4 - Invincible cats, so you don't lose happiness increase when they die. Add after mod #83 \ 102... [PS4] STS - Extras - Living & Dead - Season Pass Version - You can get extra resources from scraping dead bodies in settlements. Watch out not to scrap someone alive. Place after mod #82. \ 103... Josephine Preset - Nice looking preset number 13 for female character creation. Change hair and other details if you want. Delete after leaving vault111 and saving (if you need mod list space that is). Add after mod #55. \ 104... Faster Positive Affinity For Companions - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Swap with mod #91 if you want more cheaty version. \ 105... Silent Main Menu - To mute main menu sound, find duplicate sound slider named 'Master sound' and move it all the way to the left. Add after mod #41. \ 106... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC - Quieter production lines. I ran out of space on mod list so this and next one are optional. Add after mod #34. \ 107... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #34. \ 108... [PS4] Simple Settlers (Immortal Edition) - Instead of #33, so generic settlers don't die during settlement attacks. \ 109... Reduced Rubble Etc. - Safely reduces density of unimportant objects by 50-75%. Add after #44 or swap with #45. \ 110... Vrexia's Magical Rings - Add after #57 only if you get poison/perception bug where your PER is shown as (-1). You can offset it by equiping multiple rings from this mod (created at chem bench). Didnt found a better way yet. \ 111... Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter) - For a smaller, brighter flashlight swap #96 with #95 and replace #95 with this.

Remove, if you want:

Stock, ugly Pip-Boy color - #3 \ No tinkering with legendary effects - #5 \ No powerful groups wandering and attacking places - #15 \ Radstags to be less agressive - #17 \ Dont care about building - #20 #21 #22 \ Dont care about decorating settlements - #24 #25 \ Annoying wandering brahmins instead of dogs - #31 \ Cash register sounds when gaining exp - #39 \ Old vanilla dusk and dawn lighting - #49 \ Don't use VATS much - #53 #54 #55 \ Prefer old combat scopes - #64 #65 #66 \ Don't want uncover map perk and will never unlock it - #84 \ Don't have any weapon skins from Creation Club - #90 \ Faster leveling - #92 \ To gain building EXP - #94 \ Start with 7 extra SPECIAL points to distribute - #97 \ Loot and enemies respawn after time - #98 \ Fast travel to take time - #99 \ Days be vanilla length - #100

Known issues, bugs, glitches, exploits:

Some of those are present in vanilla game. I just mention every problem encountered during testing and not fully fixed. - Ground textures in and around sanctuary flicker black. FIX: Fixes itself. Possibly after short time or reload. - Creature cages cost too much in building menu. NO FIX: Did not found a safe and balanced fix yet, so cages are most likely out of reach, because cost is absurd. - Green chest containing flare gun and 10k flares after exiting vault 111. FIX: Mod dev forgot to delete it. Ignore it or if it bothers you much, remove mod #83, which I don't recommend doing. - Hubby secret basement in Sanctuary. NO FIX: Its up to you if you want to use its content. Just easier difficulty option, but not game breaking. - Hacking rank 4 seems useless or has wrong description. NO FIX: Needs proper check. - Wall turrets sometimes glitches and play sound on repeat. FIX: Re-enter the area or reload save. - Contact frag mines seems to have too low damage. FIX: Just dont craft them. Rest of new explosives should work fine even that it shows low damage values in description. - Perception low, constant (-1) PER in stats because of poison damage/resistance bug. FIX: Add mod #110 and equip perception rings. Dont delete the mod. Cant find safer solution for now. Rings dont take equipment slots. - Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male. NO FIX: Just 25% AP regen loss at high level. Not a big deal. - Bubblegum seems to unintentionally quench thirst a bit and kind vendors give it for free. NO FIX: Free candies. Its better to use them to slow down time. - Incorrect cost to build concrete foundations. FIX: Use mod #20 to add tons of foundations in newly added category Structures-Concrete. - OCDecorator replaces creation club menu. FIX: Items from CC are still available in other building categories. Ignore or delete mod #24 + #25 if you dont care about its function. - Few perk descriptions might be slightly incorrect or missing. NO FIX: Nothing important to worry about. - Three street lights, powered water pump, industrial purifier and subway light have incorrect build costs. NO FIX: These have wrong values, but items like clean sofa or tv are more expensive to build on purpose though. - Pip-boy light wont transfer from first to third person camera view. FIX: Turn flashlight off and on. - Water surface sometimes flash black when moving underwater. NO FIX: Its not very noticable and you don't dive much in FO4 anyway. - Can't use Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal, animation stops. FIX: There is a radroach behind the wall. Kill it by swinging melee, explosives or reenter area. - Flashlight in Vault111 has incorrect beam look/color. FIX: It will fix itself after mods load right after you leave Vault111, dont worry.
v1.00 - Initial version.

Have fun!

submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:57 daimonicon777 GM ends game after five sessions because we don't find official NPCs interesting enough.

Happened playing Das Schwarze Auge, a german RPG with massive lore, with acquaintances in real life.
Already in the third session, we faced a corrupt mage who I knew to be a rather famous NPC from the RPGs heyday, which I took for an easter egg, and didn't think much about any further.
In the fourth session, we met the high priestess of the goddess of chivalry, who's church doubles as a knight order, also a famous NPC. I did play a knight myself, and hand some interactions with her on with her on that basis, but after the game, the GM asked me why I didn't talk more to her.
I said that I didn't think that I had much more to discuss with her, and he replied that she's basically the head of my religion, so there would be endless potential for conversation. I kind of agreed, but said that I didn't really see much of a point in having a long conversation with an NPC.
We went "Well, okay", and I guess in hindsight I should have realised that he seemed agitated, but I didn't.
Then in the fifth session, we met a kind of viking explorer, jet again a very famous, old NPC, but I also took that for an easter egg, especially since he wasn't really part of the plot, so nobody of the group engaged with him.
As we say we leave the location, the GM suddenly gets angry and yells at us, being mad why don't talk to the NPC more, and literally just listing official adventures and novels to us that he's in.
We replied that we didn't play or read those, so he just doesn't mean anything to us. Not even all of us recognised the name.
The GM then cussed at us thay we aren't real Das Schwarze Auge players and disbanded the group. We left his place then, barely an hour after starting to play.
Edit: Calrification because it came up a few times; Except for the mage, who was only revealed to us before we had to fight him, the NPCs were not particularly relevant to the plot. Especially the explorer seemed like a random encounter. That's why I thought they were easter eggs.
submitted by daimonicon777 to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:47 Aggressive_Tangelo_8 Is there a bug in the newest Tmod?

Hello, im having a bit of trouble right now. Im playing the up to date tmloader, but I noticed that I cant die. Like I took 1800 damage from fall damage and survived on 0 hp. I just started a new world and id rather not have to deal with this.
Heres a list of all the mods in using
Census - town npc checklist - Calamity mod music - Calamity mod - AlchemistNPC lite - armord modifiers and reforging - Basic automated (vein) mining - Better blending - Better extractinator - Better respawn - Better treasure loot bag - Boss checklist - Hunt of the old god - Calamity iterludes in-game - Calamity loot swap - Catalyst mod - Catalyst anti-tier lock - Cheat sheet - Calamity kod extra music - Compare item stats - Craftable accessories - Craftable calamity items - Begone evil! (Disable Evil Biome Spread) - Dryads wood stash - Event control - Expanded inventory - Goozma eye gore mod - Fargos mutant mod - Friendly npcs dont die - Helpful npcs - Imksushis mod - Craftable uncraftable items - Lan's house builder - Loot beams - Luminance - Absolute aquarian utilities - Magic storage - More accesory slots - More endless ammo - Angler shop - No more tombs - No pylon restrictions - Subworld Library - Calamity Wrath of the Gods - Potion safe - Pylon prevents evil - Recipe browser - Reduced grinding - Shop expander - Smarter cursor - Teleport to pylons from anywhere - Teleport all noc home - Wing slot extra - World gen previewer -
submitted by Aggressive_Tangelo_8 to CalamityMod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:41 Syraphid For those of you struggling with the end game grind.

I made a post last week asking about the best way to grind endgame rare qualities and gummies and the conclusion I came to was to scour the NPC rescues in hopes of finding high floor rescues with deluxe rewards. There’s a much simpler way of doing it and will save you a bunch of time. I’m sure this was well known when the game was new but in present day this seems to be forgotten. There’s a website that generates rescue requests on any floor of any dungeon with any reward level, if you look up pmd-gen you should find it. I normally don’t participate in exploits like this but playing the game 4 years late it makes everything way simpler and removes much of the dreadful gummie grind. Over 50 regular NPC rescues completed and I got maybe 20 gummies. I don’t have to keep refreshing the list to try to find high level requests. Simply punch in the dungeon you want (I prefer silver trench), what floor (98-87 for all 12 requests) and a deluxe reward. Punch each code into your rescue by password option and viola. 52 dx gummies on my first run though along with a bunch of upgrade items.
submitted by Syraphid to MysteryDungeon [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 gank5031 I turned 30 and started to reminiscing about Runescape.

I turned 30 recently and like a lot of people it's been a weird one for me. I've felt some angst, anxiety over such a big milestone and been very reflective on my life so far. I decided to load up Runescape and as soon as the login music hit, it felt like I was having an out of body experience, I entered into a trance where it felt like 20+ years of RuneScape associated memories and feelings came flooding back to me.
For a brief second I felt that feeling of wonder and curiosity just like when I first started playing the game as a 9/10 year old in 2004. Me and my friends all became hooked to this larger than life games. I remember the memories of wandering around Lumbridge or Varrock taking in every interaction or NPC. We would all discuss the game on the school playground and we would recall stories of dragons and demons lurking around in the wildy. Ways to make the oh so elusive gold coin. Going to a friend's house and see their older siblings who had full rune traversing unknown lands like Karijma and looking up to them as role models as were only pesky level 20s. Flooded with memories of playing the game organically, killing 3000 cows for 3k cowhides and selling them in Al-Kharid bank for 100 gp to any of the dozens of people stuffed into each bank on each world. All so I could finally afford a rune scimitar. I would occasionally stop off at the Al-Kharis scimitar or plateleg shop to window shop. Checking sal's realms calculators in-between cow's to determine how many I needed to kill for x attack lvl.
As many of my friends stopped playing into high school, my passion for the game became stronger. I became absorbed in the RuneScape world and often used it as an escape or a crutch. The feelings of warmth and comfort the game provided me when I had a crappy day at school or at home or just being a hormonal teenager. I had friends on the game who I would talk to about life and growing up for 6+ hours a day, they knew more about my life than my IRL companions. The feeling of joy on a Saturday morning when you saw your best friend log on for a day of fishing lobsters in Karijma or cutting yews in Seers together as you both chased a 99. I'll never forget the conversations and friendships I made. I have specific memories etched in my head from 15+ years ago that make me smile like farming hellhounds for clues with my friends or meeting new friends while skill training.
I feel like a lot of people who still play this game are probably at a similar age to me and have a similar story. It's amazing how Runescape has touched so many people across the world of all different backgrounds. I lost constant with my final RuneScape friend who I knew since 2008 last year and I find myself scrolling down my friends list wondering what happened to the others. I don't get the same joy or rush of excitement when I log onto RuneScape nowadays, nor have I for the past 10 years but I still find myself coming back for stints of years or months or even weeks. I feel sad when I look back on how populated the game felt, you would always encounter a fellow player on your travels or at the local bank. Now, it feels soulless a lot of the time. I have little interaction and often play alone or feel isolated. .
I haven't played this game as consistently as I used to but I think I will now. Something about being flooded with all of those emotions and memories has made me realise what an importance Runescape has in my life. Besides my parents, it might have been the most stable constant in my life.. I've spent 20 years walking down the same paths in Varrock, killing the same monsters and grinding the same skills. It might be bizarre to someone else but to me it's completely normal
submitted by gank5031 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:00 ExcitingTrust888 Are there any games like Fallout Shelter/Elder Scrolls Castles but slightly more robust?

Hello everyone!
I have always liked Fallout Shelter with the way you Build a vault, watch it grow, assign people to work in different workstations, customize them with equipments, upgrade them to make them work more efficiently, make sure to keep your citizen’s happiness in check, and then you get to go out, do missions, and explore the world outside your vault and uncover a story, but it lacks the option to make your vault look nice.
Now comes Elder Scrolls: Castles. It is basically the same game on the surface but now you can decorate your castle to make it look unique from other castles. The downside is that it lost a few things and replaced them with something else. You can’t train your units anymore to make them stronger, you upgrade their gear instead to give them better stats, and they replaced the “exploration” part of the game with an auto-battler minigame which doesn’t even have a real story tied to it.
The fun part though is now you get a ruler that decides on the affairs of the land, with decisions making your subjects happy or disappointed depending on your choice, and it can even lead to assassinations between your subjects or to your ruler. Problem is that this is very repetitive, I’ve only played the game for two weeks and I’ve seen most if not all of the decisions a ruler can make already(I’m level 115, it’s not hard to level up in the game).
Speaking of subjects, they can like/hate one another depending on your choices and just their personal gripes based on their “traits”. And these traits can be good or bad, and no character will be perfect. This is another thing they added that makes the game just slightly more interesting over Fallout Shelter. In Fallout Shelter you can basically turn everyone into a super soldier through training, but here you have to luck it out by breeding to get a character with good and multiple traits, and you can only do it once a day per couple so it does take time, or you can get lucky and get one when opening the legendary packs that you can get with cash gems, which you can get normally through the game without paying. They also grow old and the longer your ruler stays as the leader of your kingdom, the more rewards you get like cash gems, more decorations, and so on.
So if anyone can suggest a game that has these things listed below, or any game that is a “better” Fallout ShelteES: Castles clones, please comment them. And please no tower defense games like Dungeon KeepeClash of Clans, you get the idea.
The game should have most if not all of these:
Some other games that I played and enjoyed with some of the mechanics listed above:
Can’t think of other games but those are the ones that I played at the top of my head. Hope to hear from you guys, thanks!
submitted by ExcitingTrust888 to gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:30 NuclearPinecones hdtSMP64.dll disabled, fatal error occurred while loading plugin

Greetings, just a moment ago I was trying to fix an issue unrelated to this problem, just an NPC unable to load appearance properly, however, while testing possible solutions the game suddenly stopped working and giving me this error message.
The only thing I did before this started happening was to disable the mod Proteus from my mod list, then it happened, after that I re enabled the mod but it just kept happening even with the mod back on.
The thing to note here is that I haven't updated Skyrim at all since 1.6.353 nor did it update while troubleshooting, I double checked Skyrim's .exe file just to be sure.
If I remove the .dll the game works just fine but without physics, if I move it back in the error continues. I also tried to re-install HDT with the same version I'm currently using, no dice, any clues as to what's happening?
submitted by NuclearPinecones to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:04 ghost_406 NPC combat without any "combat stats"?

I've been working hard to design a system where the combat stats aren't the focus of combat,
This is in the context of choices the npcs make that the player has no active control over during combat related encounters.
Here's what I've thought of so far:
  1. Every dialogue option the player uses effects one of the npcs stats up or down. This can be directly or indirectly (overheard).
  2. After each mission the npc has a cooldown timer and if sent on another mission stats go down.
  3. While the weapon has no direct effect on combat, the quality of the gear they are given can effect their stats. For example, intimidation and morale.
  4. combat encounters tally each relevant stat and distribute bonuses or penalties to a set of possible reactions. Things like "fight" or "protect self".
  5. The reactions are listed in such a way that the highest on the list breaks ties.
  6. Some reactions, such as "heal self", are conditional.
  7. For simplicity, monsters are always hostile and "friendly type" characters only turn hostile if the player's NPC's do first.
  8. Once each side has figured out what they will do a first round happens.
  9. Who do they attack? I used party order for NPC's and assigned the same thing to the monsters. This didn't work out so great since it lead to the first two characters taking all the hits. The NPC's that did attack all focused the first monster.
  10. Each NPC has a three wound threshold and each wound gives a large penalty to most non-heal/defend reaction values. Monsters have 1-2 (for now).
  11. Each party has 4-5 NPC's and each monster groups 3-4.
  12. With a lack of a good method I just assigned a one damage value to each undefended attack.
In my recent test some characters defended other characters due to a "friend" tag in the group. This led to two NPC's not attacking due to defending another person, one NPC "doing nothing" due to a "fear_goblins" tag on them, they were also being defended. Two of the characters got hit twice and the front monster got hit killed due to two NPC's hitting it.
The goblin killed was the leader, I put him in the front by mistake, the NPC leader goes in the front so I just shoved the monster leader there without thinking. They would logically go in the back of the group.
With the goblin leader dead there was a forced morale check. One goblin failed and fled, this led to another morale check due to half the group being dead. They passed so it went to round two.
The two npc's who got hit healed themselves, the one that "did nothing" now "healed ally" on the party leader as they were the closest. One NPC attacked and wounded a goblin and the party took two more wounds.
In round three, three heroes attacked due to the "overwhelming" bonus gained from being double the size of the opposing party. One chose to defend again the "do nothing" healed someone again and the rest all focused the same front goblin (Doh!).
party takes two wounds most of which are going to the party leader. they kill the one goblin and the second goblin fails a morale check due to the overwhelmed debuff. They flee.
I had originally want to do a "probability" system to choose the battle outcome from just the initial check, but couldn't comes up with a reliable system for it.
submitted by ghost_406 to gamedesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:40 R4PP4R4P4 Can someone help me?, im on multiplayer server, and i dont know why i cant die, and my friend neither. Mods List: Calamity Mod, Traduccion al Español Calamity Mod, OreExcavator, Boss Checklist, Recipe Browser, NPC Selling Potion Again, Shared World Map.

Can someone help me?, im on multiplayer server, and i dont know why i cant die, and my friend neither. Mods List: Calamity Mod, Traduccion al Español Calamity Mod, OreExcavator, Boss Checklist, Recipe Browser, NPC Selling Potion Again, Shared World Map. submitted by R4PP4R4P4 to CalamityMod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:11 Old_North8419 [Elden Ring] Do you like the Italian translation of the game or is it bad? Does it still convey the message correctly in regards to the naming conventions of locations, bosses & etc?

[I play Elden Ring in Japanese, as From Soft is a Japanese developer, so is Miyazaki.]
The most striking difference is within how they address the main protagonist (you as the player), as in Japanese he or she is referred to as 褪せ人 (lit: "persona sbiadita") from the NPC dialog and cutscenes, however in the official Italian version it is: "Senzaluce". In regards to the Japanese original, the kanji used is 褪 + 人 but 褪せ is from the ichidan verb:


lit. trad: scolorire / sbiadire
Example sentence: 日光で看板の文字がせた。
(Le lettere dell'insegna si sono sbiadite al sole.)

人 (Persone)

Combine from 褪せる which is now merged as 褪せ人 [あせびと]
How would you really translate it into Italian from Japanese?
I have a rough list of the stuff that is named in Elden Ring, between the Japanese and Italian version of the game (Though I won't list everything, as it'll be too much):
日本語 Traduzione dal giapponese Versione ufficiale in italiano
リムグレイブ Limgrave Sepolcride
啜り泣きの半島 Penisola dell'Imbrattamento Penisola del pianto
ストームヴィル城 Castello di Stormveil Castello di Grantempesta
湖のリエーニエ Lago Liurnia Liurnia Lacustre
深き根の底 Fondo delle radici profonde Abisso tra le Radici
ケイリッド Caelid Terre di Caelid
アルター高原 - Altopiano di Altus
忌み捨ての地下 Aborrimenti sotterranei Abissi Dimenticati
ゲルミア火山 Vulcano Gelmir Monte Gelmir
崩れゆくファルムアズラ Il Farum Azula in disfacimento Farum Azula in Frantumi
禁域 Area interdetta Terre Proibite
永遠の都ノクローン - Nokron, Città Eterna
王都ローデイル - Leyndell, La Capitale Reale
シーフラ河 - Fiume Siofra
巨人たちの山嶺 La cresta dei giganti Montagne dei Giganti Ovest
ミケラの聖樹 - Sacro Albero di Miquella
聖樹の支えエブレフェール Sostegno dell'Albero Sacro Elphael Elphael, sostegno del Sacro Albero
モーグウィン王朝 La dinastia Mohgwyn Palazzo di Mohgwyn
腐れ湖 Lago marcio Lago Putrescente
聖別雪原 - Campi di Neve Consacrati
魔術学院レアルカリア Accademia di Magia e Stregoneria Reya Lucaria Accademia de Reya Lucaria
月光の祭壇 Altare della Luna Altare del chiaro de luna
漂着墓地 Cimitero abbandonato Caverna della conoscenza
赤獅子城 Castello del Leone Rosso Castello di Mantorosso
日本語 Traduzione dal giapponese Versione ufficiale in italiano
ゴドリックの軍兵 Soldati dell'Esercito di Godrick Soldato di Godrick
神肌のふたり - Duo Sacriderma
接ぎ木のゴドリック - Godrick l'Innestato
爛れた樹霊 Spirito dell'albero dolente Spirito arboreo ulcerato
忌み鬼、マルギット Un abominio malvagio, Margit Margit il Presagio Implacabile
忌み王、モーゴッド Re degli Abomini, Morgott Morgott, Re Presagio
満月の女王レナラ Renalla, regina della luna piena Rennala, Regina del plenilunio
暗黒の落とし子、アステール Astel, Bastardo dell'Oscurità Astel, Progenie del Vuoto
最初の王、ゴッドフレイ Il primo re, Godfrey Godfrey, primo Lord ancestrale
火の巨人 - Gigante di Fuoco
百智卿ギデオン Il Signore Gideon il Cento Saggio Gideon l'Onniscente
竜王プラキドサクス Re Drago Placidusax Placidusax, Signore dei Draghi
星砕きのラダーン Radahn il frantuma-stelle Radhan il Flagello celeste
獣の司祭 (黒き剣のマリケス) Sacerdote della Bestia (Maliketh della Spada Nera) Belva eccelsiastica (Maliketh la Lama Nera)
ミケラの刃マレニア (腐敗の女神、マレニア) Lama di Miquella, Malenia (Malenia, dea della corruzione) Malenia, spada di Miquella (Malenia, Dea della marcescenza)
黄金律、ラダゴン La regola d'oro, Radagon Radagon dell'Ordine Aureo
冒涜の君主、ライカード Rykard, monarca della blasfemia Rykard, Signore della Blasfemia
鈴玉狩り Cercatore di "piccole palle" Cacciatore di globi cinerei
There is a boss you come across in catacombs, from the Japanese version, it is known as 還樹の番犬 (lit: "Cane da guardia dell'albero restituito") as opposed to the Italian localization: "Guardiano sepolcrale dell'Albero Madre" - Anyway, I'll break down the Kanji used:

還 (rispedire / restituire)

樹 (albero / arbusto)

番 (numero (serie) / orologio)

犬 (cane)

番犬 - literally means "cane da guardia"
還 ('restituire') 樹 ('albero') coined as 還樹 - literally is like "riportare un albero nel suo sito originario"
の is just a word particle present.
In hindsight:
submitted by Old_North8419 to italianlearning [link] [comments]