Kenken puzzles

Square Wisdom: 200 Calcudoku Puzzles

2024.05.08 07:01 djape Square Wisdom: 200 Calcudoku Puzzles

200 puzzles. CalcuDoku. 106 pages. Dimensions: 6x0.24x9 inches. Price: $9.99. Published on: May 4, 2009

kenken #books #puzzle #giftidea #gift

submitted by djape to djape [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:39 Significant-Tip-4108 Got to end of 9x9 but have an error

Got to end of 9x9 but have an error
Hi, newish to the game and have always done 3x3, 4x4, and a few 5x5s, and have gotten much better and faster at those, so today decided to see what an “easy” 9x9 would be like. As you can see in the screenshot after almost 3 hours I finally completed the last square.
BUT! When I put in the final number the KenKen app buzzed instead of giving me a congratulatory thumbs up. Uh oh.
I finally found the problem which is in column 7, it has two sixes and zero fours.
My question is, because KenKens are SO interconnected, it almost feels like this error is unfixable, in other words it feels like I might just have to clear out the whole puzzle and start it over from scratch.
Is that true? Or is there a method or strategy to “root out” the mistake and then build back up?
There is an “undo” button on the app, so I thought maybe I could try repeated undos until it looked clear of the issue, but the undo doesn’t do anything right now, maybe because I paused the game, not sure.
Any insight is appreciated!
submitted by Significant-Tip-4108 to kenken [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 15:34 AnnaBaptist79 I Miss Kenken

The NYT crossword page used to have this wonderful puzzle called KenKen. It's basically a crossword, but with numbers. You used the four different arithmetic operations to solve the puzzle. I liked it because the crossword would challenge my vocabulary and knowledge of idioms, pop culture, etc, and KenKen would work on arithmetic skills on a higher level than Sudoku (which I also play). There is a website with KenKen puzzles, but it's not the same. I don't know how to explain it exactly, but when it was in the NYT, the puzzles seemed to be structured better and we're slightly more challenging.
submitted by AnnaBaptist79 to NYTCrossword [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:22 djape Square Wisdom: 200 Calcudoku Puzzles

200 puzzles. CalcuDoku. 108 pages. Dimensions: 6x0.25x9 inches. Price: $8.99. Published on: May 4, 2009

kenken #books #puzzle #giftidea #gift

submitted by djape to djape [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 11:19 Minute-Being-9719 What competitions matter

I've participated in different maths competitions like ukmt but I was wondering if it would be worth mentioning in my personal statement the fact I came 7th nationally in the kenken international puzzle competition while in secondary education. Is it not worthwhile since it's been quite some time or still worth briefly referencing in a sentence. Any advice appreciated
submitted by Minute-Being-9719 to 6thForm [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 20:35 Significant-Tip-4108 4x4 stuck

4x4 stuck
Hi, I’m newer to KenKen and love it. There are occasionally puzzles where I feel like I should be able to notice a path forward, but where I’m just not seeing anything that lets me advance. In these situations I can eventually solve them via brute strength or experimenting, but I’d rather learn a new trick so I can improve.
The attached 4x4 is a great example - I just don’t see where I can add another number but it feels like I’m missing something. Please let me know if you have any ideas - thanks!!
submitted by Significant-Tip-4108 to kenken [link] [comments]

2023.09.28 19:11 q2e4t6u8o0q2_ The Stupidest test paper ever

The Stupidest test paper ever
Just look at this kenken puzzle and tell me what is wrong . This was done by a student of class 8. God save this generation
submitted by q2e4t6u8o0q2_ to mathmemes [link] [comments]

2023.09.28 19:08 q2e4t6u8o0q2_ The Stupidest test paper I have ever seen

The Stupidest test paper I have ever seen
Just look at this kenken puzzle from my classmate
submitted by q2e4t6u8o0q2_ to mathsmemes [link] [comments]

2023.08.23 15:40 dolphin560 the most liked Calcudoku puzzle after 1 year of data

the most liked Calcudoku puzzle after 1 year of data
After processing about 110,000 "likes" in a little over a year, this is the favourite Calcudoku (Kenken) puzzle:
How to solve: put numbers from 1 to 10 in each row and each column, such that:
- each row and each column has each number exactly once
- in "cages" (blocks of cells with a thick border) with more than one cell: the operation shown, applied to the numbers in the cage, should produce the result shown

You can also solve it online at:

submitted by dolphin560 to puzzles [link] [comments]

2023.07.24 16:48 dolphin560 Calcudoku puzzles against the clock

Calcudoku puzzles against the clock
Just a reminder for those people who like #stress while puzzling: you can solve Calcudoku puzzles against the clock as well on 🙀
I got a new personal best for the 4x4 on Thursday 😀
#calcudoku #kenken #sudoku #logic #math #mathpuzzle #mathpuzzles #logicpuzzle #logicpuzzles #brainteaser #brainteasers
submitted by dolphin560 to calcudoku [link] [comments]

2023.07.07 10:20 quentin_taranturtle I am probably the perfect example of benign existence, but I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

/benignexistence post
I am a tax accountant who has been getting really into logic puzzles (grid puzzles [zebra puzzles], kenken, math crosswords lately).
Yesterday I wrote my first grid puzzle from scratch and I’m pretty proud of it. I’ve been having vision of grandeur of writing a bunch of them and publishing a book. And have been doing a bunch of research on extremely small independent publishers that specialize in these types of books.
Today I’ve spent New Years Eve doing more puzzles, watched a 1971 suspense movie starring Dustin Hoffman called Straw Dogs, watched some archived videos of the comedian Norm Macdonald on his show Norm Macdonald Live on my new iPad my partner got me for Christmas (they also got me a puzzle board for physical puzzles!), and I spent like 3 hours doing some editing/beta testing for logic puzzles from someone who creates his own and posts them on reddit.
I’ve also been working on growing a subreddit I created from scratch in August by trying to learn some webscraping techniques and finding some worthy cross post material. The members of the sub are really awesome, but coming up with high quality questions is a challenge for the uncreative accountant that I am. Well thought out posts get really well thought out answers from some wicked smart people, but posts are infrequent so it can be a challenge to get engagement.
My partner wants to get drunk and go crazy tonight and I probably will because I love them and they need a bit more holiday engagement than me, but I would be happier just doing more puzzles / reading true crime honestly
Anyway, based on this post alone how old do you think I am? And my gender? I feel like I have the hobbies of an 85 year old. Haha.
submitted by quentin_taranturtle to quentin_taranturtle [link] [comments]

2023.06.16 19:56 NotAsNiceAsTheTowel Looking for printed puzzle subscription

Hey all, I'm buying a present for my Dad and am looking for a printed puzzle game subscription with a variety of puzzles available-- ideally a mix of number and word games (he likes kenken, sudoku, crosswords, spelling bee, wordle, etc). He has a subscription to NYT already and loves their games so something similar to that would be great. He doesn't love tech so it needs to be a printed hard copy format. Please let me know, thank you!
submitted by NotAsNiceAsTheTowel to puzzles [link] [comments]

2023.06.06 14:16 the_one_named_bob Difference between "wasting time" while gaming and wasting time in game: a mobile perspective

Trigger warning: I will discuss video/mobile games so if you feel or think that that can trigger your addiction and cravings, do not read any further.
Summary or TLDR: Mostly, I will discuss how some games actually waste your time and mental energy on other things then game itself or force you to spend more time than you want, which in itself takes you from enjoying a short session of gaming to slugging through a list of chores. A chore which is subtle and hard to notices. Mostly because of use of many different resources/currencies and many different daily tasks to get those resources/currencies in a specific time frame. So if you want to spend some quality time with your games, try to avoid games where you do everything else but the game or where you are forced to play even when you don't want to.
Background: I am from the "moderation" camp, since gaming isn't my biggest vice and I prefer to try to have control over my problematic behavior. Which means that I put emphasis on what I play and when I play it, more than just how much I play because that is very context dependent; simply quality over quantity and not to the point where my and my families lives are negatively effected. Which kinda leads me to want to check what it is that I actually play...
I mostly play Duolingo, Daily Puzzle, Sudoku/Kenken and chess puzzles. Recently added Skullgirls because I loved fighting games but now I mostly play occasionally with friends on our gaming nights. So I thought: what's the harm to try it again on my phone and I can hardly remember why I removed it couple of years ago (oh, do I remember it now). Do feel like I play it slightly more than others but can hardly say it is by a lot... so why not track it by screen time.
Which gave me an average for a whole week of: Sudoku/Kenken/Chess 30 min, Duolingo 1h 40 min, Daily Puzzle 2h 30min and Skullgirls 4h 30 min (and then my comics and novel reader is ~11h so...). That's almost same for one game as every other one combined and yet, I can't say I feel more satisfied by it. Or even that I played that much, I can much easily remember which puzzles I did over the week or which words I trained. So I analyzed what I mostly did in those games and since one can immediately notice difference in amount of currencies, I took a note of them too.
Sudoku, kenken, chess puzzles: Most have either a subscribe to premium or buy new puzzles with money. Some are free. Almost all have some kind of after game short ads. Most chess puzzles can be done in 2 - 5 min, kenken and sudoku in 5 - 20 min depending on difficulty and you can always paus and come back. So you at most you need to "manage" your daily allowed free puzzles and spend all your time on puzzles themselves.
Daily Puzzle: You can go ad free with premium (which also unlocks previous puzzles but I guess you have to pay for them with coins), you have coins to pay for using puzzles and you have streak where 5+ days streak will give you free access to todays puzzles. Which are 7 new every day. Everyone of them can be done in 5 - 30 min depending on difficulty. And you can use coins to get hints, which in my opinion both ruins the fun of a puzzle as well as the point of geting coins from finishing a puzzle. Same here, you do need to manage coins and streak but you get them by playing puzzles without any other musts beside daily doing at least one puzzle.
Duolingo: Now here we can see more and more gamification by resource management, but at least I can forgive it since it is "free" and more of edutainment. We have streak for your flair and some awards (double xp + crystals and 3 days of super) every 50/100? days, we have lives which is amount of misstakes you can make and then we have crystals to refill hearts, buy "boosters" and open up legendary lessons. (Also you have premium version with super which have some more functionality but since I have no plans of paying, I don't even try it when it's free.) And to get more crystals you have to either watch <30 s ads or do daily quests, which are still in line with your goals with the game but can be cumbersome because getting Y xp or spending 10 -15 min in app is reasonable but playing game of chance in finding some character X times or getting speaking or listening exercise can be a trial for your patiens. Each session is short, 1 - 5 min, but can be longer if you try to finish daily quests or get enough xp to higher on the leaderboard. Add to that xp booster which you get by doing exercise before and after specific time and you now have a schedule for the whole day. Which is okay but only because it is gamified language learning and learning a bit every day, every week is a good(-ish since it would be better to spend some of that time with actual book) habit.
Skullgirls: Welcome to resource management galore! Oh, and some fighting I guess. You have coins, crystals, energy/stamina for every fighter but also for different game modes, two different tickets to play specific modes per day, parts of different chest which will give you one whole when enough is collected... oh, and don't forget your characters which can be merged, upgrades etc. I love how obvious it can be when you can't by coins by money but you can buy crystals, which in turn are used to buy coins. Well, you do get coins in most other packs you can buy and I see that they do have subscription to daily coins so the usual obfuscation of what you pay for almost does a full lap and comes back clear and visible! And now you need to spend time in different modes both to fill up daily missions as well as trying to get the weekly rewards in them. Every single fight is max 3 min but since you will have to finish multiple fights to finish some modes or to collect enough points, it is easy to play maybe 5 - 10 fights a day just to get this done and without really feeling like you want to play. And would you look at that, 5 fights/day*3min/fight*7days/week = 115 min or 1h 55min while 10 fights is 3h 50min. Where probably only 1 fight would feel as something you actually want to do. Add to that all the time you spend arranging characters, going through menus, checking you score in different modes and what rewards you want... and I have my 4h 30min. But only ~30min of those I actually enjoy it.
But they all are similarly free and nobody is forcing me to play after all, so what's the harm, right?
submitted by the_one_named_bob to StopGaming [link] [comments]

2023.05.29 23:38 devilintheeden_ [Release] New KenKen Puzzle Game – A Blend of Numbers, Logic, and Fun!

[Release] New KenKen Puzzle Game – A Blend of Numbers, Logic, and Fun!
Hello fellow godot & gaming enthusiasts and puzzle lovers!
I'm excited to announce the release of our new KenKen puzzle game made in godot 4. Designed with a sleek, user-friendly interface, it's inspired by the 'Keen' puzzle from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection. We've taken that concept and added our unique touches, creating a truly engaging experience.
The game comes loaded with 400 handcrafted puzzles sourced from the extensive collection available on the Corner Cases blog. Puzzles are neatly organized across 20 pages for your convenience.
Let's talk about the game controls:
  1. To input numbers as answers, left-click on a grid cell and press keys 1-6 or select from the virtual buttons on the right side panel.
  2. To clear a grid cell, press the Backspace or Delete key, or click the Delete button in the right side panel.
  3. To mark potential answers, right-click on an unfilled grid cell and input your marker numbers. To remove a marker, simply input the same number again.
  4. And, of course, we also provide undo and redo functions. Press Control+Z to undo, and Control+Y to redo, or use the corresponding buttons on the right panel.
This is just the beginning. We're currently working on an algorithm to generate KenKen puzzles with varying difficulty levels, ensuring you'll always have a fresh challenge.
There is a longer demo and introduction on youtube for the game:
Try out our KenKen puzzle game here:
We welcome your feedback and look forward to hearing about your puzzle-solving experiences!
Happy gaming!

A shoooort demo
submitted by devilintheeden_ to godot [link] [comments]

2023.02.01 18:16 Dash_Lambda I think this KenKen might be impossible, but I'm not sure

I think this KenKen might be impossible, but I'm not sure
Hey! This is from the IOS app "Opdoku = Calcudoku + Mathdoku", really great KenKen thing with a lot of options, but I got so stuck on this one I ended up abandoning the 48-puzzle streak.
It's KenKen with the usual addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, but with the operations omitted. I found multiple cages that I could narrow down to two or three possible answers and brute forced it, and every single attempt failed --I probably spent a couple days staring at it. I think the app randomly generates the puzzles, so either I missed something or the generation can produce impossible boards.
Sooo... I'd appreciate any input!
EDIT: The image didn't post the first time, so I added it.
submitted by Dash_Lambda to puzzles [link] [comments]

2023.01.11 22:17 isaakdemaio Math Education and KenKen

I'm a Ph.D Student interested in math education. I enjoy solving KenKen puzzles but was trying to think of ways to incorporate math education and KenKen. I am also an 8th grade special education math teacher.
I posted a few YouTube videos of myself completing KenKen puzzles and I had a viewer reach out to me asking about applications and video recording. He was interested in prime factorization and I found that be interesting in regards to KenKen puzzles.
What other math topics do you think pertain to KenKen puzzles?
submitted by isaakdemaio to kenken [link] [comments]

2023.01.10 21:50 SpringLover455 How do you do KenKen puzzles?

submitted by SpringLover455 to mathpuzzles [link] [comments]

2023.01.03 18:12 dolphin560 if you enjoy solving Calcudoku (aka Kenken) number puzzles

submitted by dolphin560 to newreddits [link] [comments]

2023.01.01 03:29 quentin_taranturtle I am probably the perfect example of benign existence, but I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

I am a tax accountant who has been getting really into logic puzzles (grid puzzles [zebra puzzles], kenken, math crosswords lately).
Yesterday I wrote my first grid puzzle from scratch and I’m pretty proud of it. I’ve been having vision of grandeur of writing a bunch of them and publishing a book. And have been doing a bunch of research on extremely small independent publishers that specialize in these types of books.
Today I’ve spent New Years Eve doing more puzzles, watched a 1971 suspense movie starring Dustin Hoffman called Straw Dogs, watched some archived videos of the comedian Norm Macdonald on his show Norm Macdonald Live on my new iPad my partner got me for Christmas (they also got me a puzzle board for physical puzzles!), and I spent like 3 hours doing some editing/beta testing for logic puzzles from someone who creates his own and posts them on reddit.
I’ve also been working on growing a subreddit I created from scratch in August by trying to learn some webscraping techniques and finding some worthy cross post material. The members of the sub are really awesome, but coming up with high quality questions is a challenge for the uncreative accountant that I am. Well thought out posts get really well thought out answers from some wicked smart people, but posts are infrequent so it can be a challenge to get engagement.
My partner wants to get drunk and go crazy tonight and I probably will because I love them and they need a bit more holiday engagement than me, but I would be happier just doing more puzzles / reading true crime honestly
Anyway, based on this post alone how old do you think I am? And my gender? I feel like I have the hobbies of an 85 year old. Haha.
submitted by quentin_taranturtle to BenignExistence [link] [comments]

2022.12.28 03:34 No_Barracuda200 Please help my weekly math puzzle.

submitted by No_Barracuda200 to askmath [link] [comments]

2022.10.31 04:34 rooftoppastryshop 19 [F4R] California, USA - bookworm seeking friendship (and maybe more)

I don't have that many friends. My evenings are spent calling my family back home, meandering around the internet, and doing homework. I'm turning to Reddit once more to find long-term friends and/or a partner.
My interests include
I am looking for good internet friends I can chat with for long periods of time, send memes to, and enjoy the many pleasures life has to offer, but also a romantic partner for the indefinite future. I'd like a love that is found in not enough movies, with lingering conversations over late dinners. But, I also want a partnership in creativity and support.
For both parties of interest, please be 19 or older. If you have read this far, recommend me an author and tell me where you're from. If you have not read this far and have decided to DM me solely because of the "19F," I hope you eat warm, mushy grapes sometime in the near future.
Please message if you dream too much, regardless of the physical distance between us.
submitted by rooftoppastryshop to r4r [link] [comments]

2022.01.07 00:29 PM_me_recipies Can you help me solve my kenken puzzle with logic and not trial and error?

Here is what I have whittled it down to. The little numbers in green are possible numbers in those boxes. The bigger numbers in black are numbers I'm sure belong there.ere is what I have whittled it down to. The little numbers in green are possible numbers in those boxes. The bigger numbers in black are numbers I'm sure belong there.
Link to puzzle because I can't seem to post a picture:
submitted by PM_me_recipies to puzzle [link] [comments]