How much expense is to pay a plumber

Microdosing: sub-threshold dosing of psychedelic drugs for self-improvement, therapy or well-being

2013.10.16 19:48 ruseweek Microdosing: sub-threshold dosing of psychedelic drugs for self-improvement, therapy or well-being

This is a community for discussion pertaining to microdosing research, experiments, regimens and experiences. The most probable candidates for microdosing are psychedelics, but we encourage dialogue on the effects of any drugs at sub-threshold dosage. No sourcing of drugs allowed! Please have a look at the microdosing Sidebar ⬇️.

2017.09.07 20:31 Memes and Misery

A place for recovery, or just for looking at memes to forget about the pain.

2014.06.17 03:15 Respectfullyyours A subreddit to help you identify artists & works of art...

A place to find out if you have a lost masterpiece or if it's just a garage sale treasure! Please see below for submission guidelines, sub rules, and related subreddits.

2024.06.10 00:37 Sea-Skirt7438 When to buy second property

I currently own a 3bed/2bath that I bought for 215k in 2020, it was new construction and is now worth around 320k. I have a remaining mortgage of 195k. Total living expense outside of utilities is 1250 per month. I rent out one of the rooms furnished for 1K a month. Pretty consistently it’s occupied maybe 85-95%. I believe my local market I could rent the entire place out fully for 2k conservatively and 3K on the high end. When should I make the commitment to move to another place? Does anyone have any advice on how much I should have saved or what my budget should be for the second home? Should I look into a HELOC for down payment, or save more?
submitted by Sea-Skirt7438 to realestateinvesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 Dear_Marionberry3621 I didn’t know I was toxic until he cheated and finally told me his feelings

TLDR: my fiancé cheated on me but I think it’s because I didn’t know I was toxic? AITA for not giving up on fighting for us and for exposing his affair to his mother who says he was just helping another person?
24M , 24F year old, been together for 9, engaged for 2 years since we were 14. No other relationship before eachother. Well suddenly one day he leaves after playing pickle ball with our friends, saying “I can’t do this anymore”. For approximately 5 weeks he switches between talking to me and ghosting me. Me thinking it’s a mental Health situation because he was in his final term of his masters program and was rightly stressed continuously showed up for him through these 5 weeks by texting him every night saying I loved him and hope he had a good day, I maintained our house and our life, I would tell him it was okay that he was prioritizing himself and working through his tough emotions, I started therapy, started working in attachment theory work books, started reading about healthy marriages.
Turns out he was having an affair with a married woman in another state who is married and has two children. I confront him about it in a 10 page letter expressing my deep love and devotion and appreciation for him and what I can tolerate with the affair if he does come home and he says it isn’t a big deal and isn’t the reason he is leaving the relationship. We agree on another week break where he stops all contact with me and the affair partner, he ghosts me on the day we are supposed to me then another week goes by and he calls and ends things, saying I was emotionally abusive, I was toxic and tried to control him, i was mean to him and he was scared of me, I tried to keep him from his family, I was never happy with him. Stuff he has never said before in the 9 years we’ve been together. My heart is completely broken.
2 weeks after being broken up we are still trying to split apart our lives and move out etc. the weekend before we are supposed to be out of the apartment I get a notification on our joint emails that he is flying to her state. I tell his mom because I’m extremely worried about him, his safety, moving out, him coming back, etc. I want someone to keep him safe to the best of their ability. I wash my hands with it, learn how to sign out of everything and leave the rest up to his family. Two days later on the day he is supposed to fly back his affair partners family reaches out to me saying she left her two children and spouse to be with my ex and they are worried he is going to run away and skip states to avoid child support. I freak out and let his mom know what I know so that she can help him and keep him from doing something stupid like running away and not finishing his degree and she doesn’t sound too mentally stable to just leave her children after only meeting a person once.
Fast forward to now he hates me, blocked me on everything, his family won’t talk to me and has blocked me, our mutual friends dropped me from their upcoming wedding, and him and his family told me I wasn’t allowed back at the house and that they had moved out on time, the day before we have to be out of the old apartment I show up to meet the carpet cleaners and the fridge/ freezer is still full and there is a pile of garbage in the garage including a couch, and because he flew to her state the weekend he was supposed to move out the trash never got taken out and so the trash bins were overflowing with garbage and raccoons had drug trash all over the back yard. I have to clean to the best of my ability and rent a uhaul and pack all the garbage and the couch all by myself and pay for the dump fees.
It’s been a truly crazy roller coaster. I am completely shattered, I lost my best friend, my love, my partner of 9 years and half my family. They have treated me beyond poorly. I know I violated his privacy by not signing out of our joint email sooner and I shouldn’t have looked through his journal with all his plans to cheat and what she meant to him but our wedding guest list and list of baby names were in there and it was never a personal journal.
I am about 2 weeks out from all this and I know I don’t deserve this but I do see that my behaviors in our relationship might have driven him away. Ex. During very intense conflict I would attack his character and say things like “you don’t care” or “you don’t love me” or “I’m just not the woman that makes you want to do special things for” or “you are such a mommas boy” or “man you are a bad fiancé sometimes” or “you are being garbage right now”. I would become deeply upset if he went to spend time with others because I felt like we didn’t spend time together which is true we rarely went on dates or spent time together once we started workin full time, I would be sad if he didn’t come home after trips to visit his family on time and would revisit the hurt often in conflict as examples for how he would prioritize others over us. I was truly very toxic but I had no idea.
Whenever we did have conflict I would ask him what I needed to do to make him feel more loved and heard but he would just say I was perfect and if he did say anything at all it was that I needed to be happier and fight with him less. I live with so much regret, I never knew I was hurting him and us. I am putting in the work to be a more secure partner for whoever loves me next or if he comes back. He truly hates me now. I wish we could have been able to talk better before we hurt eachother in these ways. I don’t know what he is telling our friends and his family but I’m not some crazy ex, I only ever tried to love him and care for him and be his number one fan. I loved him so good on most days. I would have done anything for him. I know I’m capable of being a more secure partner because all through the 5 weeks of him using me and manipulating me and learning about his affair I only showed him kindness, love, respect, appreciation, and compassion.
He says I’m pathetic and a fool because I didn’t let him go easily (wrote him 3, 5 to 24 page letters about all he means to me and what being loved by him means and what I’ve learned about my attachment style and steps I was taking to improve) but I don’t think anyone has the right to judge how you handle trying to keep everything you love and every hope and dream.
There is this theory that if you do a thousand paper cuts (my behavior in conflict and when I was missing him) eventually you will create a chasm that is so deep and so wide nothing will be able to fix it. I think he and I built a chasm and his affair was the symptom. He is the love of my life and I tried hard, I did everything within my power, not to let him slip through my heart but in the end everything I did only made him hate me and lose everything I ever wanted. My soul is shattered and I don’t even want to pick up the pieces. How much of this is my fault?
submitted by Dear_Marionberry3621 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 raizen_maziku Fallout community if my theory is correct I figured out the root causes of the game crashes. Let me explain its alot

I know a few of you seen some of post a long time ago kinda getting upset about all the crashes. For me to go out my way to express something like that showes I care about the game alot. So instead of just getting pissed every two seconds about it I decided to watch for things that trigger it and test some things out. Im going to give a rundown of stuff I noticed the past two weeks. I have come to the conclusion that if everything in you're game is working perfectly fine it comes down to events, possibly other players and storage for the cause or causes of the game crashing. So for example. If internet connection is good, no hardware issues etc. I will explain.
Events: seismic activity seems to be the event alot of people will crash all at once. In 2 weeks I crashed several times. If I were to compare id say seismic activity and possibly earl Williams are up in score with the most crashes. Earl Williams being significantly less compared to seismic. In 2 weeks of paying attention and documenting small number notes I did not crash once during scorched earth or the rest of the events with almost max lobby showing up a few times in two weeks. I started this experiment a little after the alien invasion. If I started this during alien invasion I believe Alien invasion would be first in the most crashes category unfortunately. Especially in Charleston.
Storage or ammo storage: it could be many different reasons for events crashing but I believe even if that were to get looked into the issue will come all the way Back to Storage. I have a theory about this Storage...
Again this has been a ongoing thing for about two weeks. Basically concluded this today. Just wanted to see if I could seriously figure this out. I will start from the beginning. I remember seeing post in this reddit that a long time ago when the game first released the storage space capacity was around 400. Over time it increased little by little. Fast forward we now have 1200. But it wasn't always that amount. Well what if I told you the more stuff you have in your storage the worse the game is. What if the game storage is still at 400 but internal numbers and the rest is cloud..
To test this theory accurately I decided to jump back on my level 20 character. The character that has barely any storage and I kept the main storage under 100. Mainly because I have all the quest weapons transferred. It was taken up way to much room on my main character. Besides that its under 200. I did everything like normal. Went back to the first few quest and even did those events. Only time the game crashed was again.. seismic activity. Played on this character for a good two weeks. Making sure to keep my ammo storage and main storage to a serious minimum. I believe doing this made a Huge difference.
Thats my theory. Many things go into a game crashing but I believe the storage for every individual player plays apart in that to.I couldn't believe how well everything felt on my second character. You guys can try this theory out. Make a new character and test it out. Dont knock it untill you know for sure. I could be onto something. Having less items in both ammo and main storage does something to this game I feel.
submitted by raizen_maziku to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 EnvironmentalShelter a bit of an opinion about the 1st expansion(aka bringing back the chinese)

game not even out and already probably getting into trouble with this opinion
i think there is no denying that china had a most rocky release, when it seemed like they wouldn't be part of the game at base i was admittedly a bit bummed, i did feel like that it was a bit to much of an aggressive autocorrection to the negative response that it recieved, but i was still hopeful that maybe in the future they would be added back
and you know what? i am happy that they not just throwing it away and are willing to bring the chinese back, i do have all the confidence they can give them the love and attention they deserved, however, i do have a problem with how this is being done
with the way the explanation of the premium edition is put, it making it seem like you will have to pay to get the chinese backs and i feel like the wrong.
the prior AoE games had content in some of their DLCs that got reworked in their DEs, but they didn't remove it to make people pay for it again. Like when 2 DE redid India to split it into four factions, if you didn't buy the DLC you still had access to the Hindustanis in skirmish (since they were the closest to the unified civ) and then also the Gujarati campaign (since the old unified Indian campaign became the explicit Gujarat campaign)

submitted by EnvironmentalShelter to AgeofMythology [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 Chas-- Nikken's End 3A: The Alliance

Nikken's End 3A: The Alliance
"What distinguished the Indian system from that of the ancient Western world is the absence of slavery. The caste system made formal slavery unnecessary in ancient India." - from The Two Classes of the Four-Fold Caste System, by Sudheer Birodkar.
In Nikken's Threefold World, which is "the world of unenlightened beings who transmigrate within the Six Paths" ** [Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity and Heaven] ... the 3rd chapter describes the structure of Nikken's World of Animality.

Table of Contents

  1. A Question of Succession
  2. Minions of Takejizaiten
  3. The Alliance
  4. Departing the Enclave
  5. Preventing the Enclave
  6. Definition of Animality (Chikusho)
  7. Getting Some Help
  8. The Survivor Gita

1. A Question of Succession

When Nikkai Abe became 60th High Priest, it was after conspiring against Nissho 57th, who wanted to transfer to Nitchu 58th, then impeaching Nitchu 58th into an election against Nichiko Hori 59th, who was a weak High Priest and was driven out and succeeded by Nikkai. Nikkai was Nikken's father (sort of). So there is a history in Nichiren Shoshu of interfering with the succession of the High Priest.
Hence, the most likely scenario for the way the Survivor Gita will play itself out ... is an attempt at a coup during the succession of the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood.
This is because the weakest moment for those within the Brahmin (First Rank) enclave is when they perpetuate themselves once more with a new heir to the High Priest's chair. Jealousy within the enclave, at that critical point, is at it's peak, as status shifts and favors are granted and retracted. So, traitors abound, easy to find and use, with less concern for the group, and more for their own safety.
Outside the Brahmin enclave, those Kshatriya and Vaishya (Second and Third Rank) alliances, which are necessary for governance now become a danger to the status quo of the Brahmins.
This will be the only time that those power relationships can be used by those outside the enclave, to place themselves inside the ring of the elite.
The threat to the Brahmins is severe.
You never see a coup that allows the current Brahmin arrangements to persist. And all Brahminist successions are a coup on some level.

2. Minions of Takejizaiten

After a full-fledged and successful coup, those formerly inside the Brahmin enclave are invariably cast down to the bottom of the heap ... because Takejizaiten watches through the gloating eyes of his minions at the astonishing descent of the once mighty, and then he watches through the ascending and pre-emininent gloating eyes of the new ruling elite.
Only Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao, the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven, also known as Takejizaiten, really always wins the Survivor Gita, as an evil and necessary function of the life of all participants.
Dai-Rokuten-no Mao rules the Threefold World, which is the six worlds of Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity and Heaven from the highest realm of the Sixth Heaven of Desire. Those in the Threefold World, and even those who temporarily escape it through the three vehicles of Learning, Realization and the traditional Bodhisattva path will eventually be brought down through the sufferings of birth and death, which are his domain. He is the gatekeeper, preventing those without faith in the Lotus Sutra (the One Supreme Vehicle) from escaping those sufferings of birth and death.
Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao, who is extremely powerful, is only subordinated in the life of humanity, through Nichiren's Buddhism, as is shown on the Gohonzon.
Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao is located in the second rank on the right side of the Gohonzon, positioned beneath Namu Muhengyo Bosatsu (Bodhisattva Bound-less Practices), and between the two shoten zenjin: Dai Bontenno (Great Heavenly King Brahma) on the left and Dai Nittenno (Great Heavenly King Sun) on the right.
The side containment of Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao by the two Shoten Zenjin is the protective result of the correct practice of the Law, the determination for Kosen Rufu and not slandering the true teachings - from Namu Jogyo Bosatsu (Bodhisattva Superior Practices), who is overlooking everything from just over the left side of Muhengyo. Left of Jogyo are Taho, and on the other side of the Law itself, Shakyamuni, Jyogyo and Anryugyo keeping tabs on things, with the Four Heavenly Kings surrounding all the rest. The assembly is held aloft by Nichiren's devotion to the Wonderful Law of the Lotus Sutra.
The containment of Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao on the bottom, comes from T'ien-T'ai Chih-i, whose ichinen sanzen provides the blueprint, or layout of the Lotus Sutra: and this is the highest wisdom of the Lotus Sutra.
Namu Muhengyo Bosatsu (Bodhisattva Bound-less Practices) keeps the lid on the evil function of Dai-Rokuten-no-Mao from the top. See the map below:
More than anything in the world, Takejizaiten (the Devil king's more common name, also Tenji-ma) requires the correct practice of faith in Nichiren's Buddhism and the Gohonzon, which will ultimately lead to his permanent confinement. Only faith in the Lotus Sutra and the Gohonzon will satisfy him, and cause him to surrender control of his domain.
Takejizaiten rewards those minions who do his bidding with a foul rapture, so they will take any risk to attempt to participate in the denouement (on the winning side) of his past minion and current victim, and watch every detail of what happens to them.
Watching the denunciation or perp-walk, or the complete downfall and destruction of his past minions, is most important to his current minions. By getting as many people to gloat as possible, he gains strength and power to cause more mischief in human life.
Ultimately, only faith in the Lotus Sutra, when it is spread widely, will cause Takejizaiten to cease his activities in the world. In the appropriate circumstances, he can instigate a reign of terror, or an apocalypse.

3. The Alliance

In the era of Nikken, Nichijyun (Shinkyo) Fujimoto, the General Director of Nichiren Shoshu, and Nisshi (Kotoku) Obayashi, the Overseas Bureau chief priest and chief priest of Myoko-ji temple have been planning and moving carefully for decades.
Nichijyun has positioned himself as King of the Gakkai-haters. He is the one who crafted and delivered the notification of expulsion for the Soka Gakkai, with the careful exceptions for provisions which are revenue-enhancing like Tozan and Ceremonies, but without exception for Gojukai, retaining control of dispensing Gohonzon. This kept the money flowing, but provided a means to rip away Gakkai members into the Hokkeko. (This did not work very well, of course.)
Nichijyun and Obayashi have spared no effort and no expense to please the whims of the Brahmin families in the first rank of Nichiren Shoshu prestige. There is never a limit to any profligate spending, never a criticism of any vice or excess ... and yet every single action is carefully noted.
Every excess enjoyed or instance of bad behavior from any member of the Brahmin elite is made as public as possible, and witnesses are recorded.
This Nikken era pig has been fattened endlessly, and choked with excess ... until the appointed time of slaughter.
Any time a slight or insult could be made to a lesser priest, or their family by Nikken's relatives, no opportunity is missed, and every ill is amplified to the maximum extent. Every special favor is openly flaunted to the utmost.
The fever pitch of jealousy and hostility to Nikken's Gang of Six Families, has been slowly and carefully fostered and fed ... until the silent roar of spite and hatred is deafening.
And the devastating case against each individual which can be brought to bear is a sword of Damocles, silently hanging over the heads of the elite. Acts like the replacement of Cho'on Shiba by Shogu Kimura are now done so openly that it is clear that the six powerful Taisekiji families ARE the owners of everything AND everyone in Nichiren Shoshu.
But they are poised over a precipice. And pulling them over the side is a mountainous weight of evidence and venomous personal testimony that cannot be contradicted.
And with Nisshi Obayashi on his side Nichijyun is invulnerable to counter-attack. No breakaway group of Nichiren Shoshu Temples in Japan will be a match to the group Nichijyun Fujimoto controls, augmented by the Overseas Bureau's network of Temples. Any claim to worldwide operations rests with this Alliance, alone.
But wait ... any group of Japanese Temples might do just as well ...
... Obayashi is the real King-maker here. Even a small group of Japanese Temples with the augmentation of the Overseas Bureau will constitute the winning hand. And he can make the play at any time, even after the assurance of victory, and the settling of accounts ... if he can keep control of the Overseas Bureau.
This must be why he so carefully shifts people in and out of his operation, always having many chief secretary priests ... no one knows the whole of it, where all the bodies are buried, but Obayashi. Crafty fellow, and verrrry well prepared.
... Not that Obayashi isn't Nichijyun's man, of course.
No one is more obviously positioned to take over Nichiren Shoshu than Nichijyun. He could do so at any time, there is sooooo much evidence. All he needs is a pretext.
... And if Nichijyun mis-steps and trips up, well ... Obayashi can be flexible, and Taisekiji is surely stronger than the fortunes of any single priest or family. And if Fujimoto makes trouble ? ... there is also abundant evidence of his imperfections as well ...
But Nichijyun is the ONE ... for now.

4. Departing the Enclave

And you wondered why Prince Siddharta fled the Brahmin enclave of the Shakyas to be with the common mortals and try to find an answer to the sufferings of birth and death? The Shakyas were overthrown and destroyed during his life, and the result would not have been different if he had stayed, except for him and his legacy to the world.
Leaving the enclave to join the common mortals, who are the true Buddha is an enlightened act, the first step IS all of it: you have already won.
From "The True Aspect of All Phenomena", WND p. 384:
A common mortal is an entity of the three bodies, and a true Buddha. A Buddha is a function of the three bodies, and a provisional Buddha. In that case, though it is thought that Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for the sake of all of us living beings, that is not so. On the contrary, it is common mortals who endow him with the three virtues.
"A common mortal is ... a true Buddha". And Nichiren and Shakyamuni are endowed with the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent by the common mortal, who is the true Buddha.
Which is why the act of a priest to take his temple to the reform movement, departing forever from the reach of the Brahmin enclave and Takejizaiten, and joining the Untouchables in the SGI is such an absolutely correct path.
It is such a relief not to be a minion of Takejizaiten.

5. Preventing the Enclave

So, what was supposed to prevent all this from happening in the Fuji School? And for SGI members, how do we prevent the same thing from happening to us?
Assuming the correct practice of the Lotus Sutra, the determination for Kosen Rufu and protection of the true teachings ... the Boundless Practices of Muhengyo is all that would be missing. So, what are those?
In all cases, for the organization to expand and propagate itself without limits, in other words to be scalable for growth ... the phenomenon of Brahminism must never be allowed to persist. It WILL spontaneously form, since Takejizaiten is present in all of us. But what suppresses and contains Takejizaiten?
For the widespread propagation by the Fuji School, Muhengyo' Boundless Practices are Nikko Shonin's 26 Admonitions. In many ways, it lays out how not to emulate other Japanese and Asian Buddhist priests. And in particular it clearly requires adherence to the practice of sexual abstinence for priests and the expectation of that behavior in priests by the laity, with demotions to the lowest rank if violated (one presumes that constant repetition of the violation would make a priest a lay member, and that marriage and family would immediately cause that permanent change of status).
The intent of Nikko Shonin is obvious: if the priests all start out as lay members, from lay families, and cannot have families of their own ... then you cannot easily form a Brahmin class, through hereditary succession and nepotism. People simply have too much empathy for their own original lay family, for their Mom and Dad. And the laity take the place of their own natural children.
The reversal of that intent by the government during the Meiji Restoration did not remove the superseding requirement for priests of the Fuji School laid down in Nikko Shonin's 26 Admonitions.
For the widespread propagation by the Soka Gakkai, Muhengyo's Boundless Practices were instituted by Josei Toda, just prior to his death, when he turned over the Kosen Rufu movement to the Youth Division.
When the Youth Division run everything ... then there is far less opportunity for even a temporary self-sustaining Brahminist group ... since leadership is attained in the thirties and ends in the thirties. The baton is passed quickly and repeatedly.
Wherever the SGI and Soka Gakkai follow Mr. Toda's intent, things work very well. Ultimately, it is clear that the Youth Division need to be running everything that is important, at all levels of the organization. They need help and support from the past Youth (like the four bodhisattvas and two Buddhas keeping a permanent eye on Takejizaiten), but the Youth Division need to be making the decisions, and they need to be the ones taking responsibility for the results.
After all, you can be President of the United States at age 35 !!!
Being honest about it, young people tend to go off and do things, rather than endlessly talk about it. Sometimes redoing is necessary ... but young people can do things 4 or 5 times from the beginning, in the time it takes mature people (like myself) just to get started !!!
Young people tend to be more likely to be accepting of the new methods, like communications and the web, which aids the growth of the organization and success for campaigns. [See "creative mimesis" in Toynbee.]
In either the case of Fuji School, or Soka Gakkai (SGI) ... it is the willingness to hand over power to the children of the laity as a follower of Nikko, or hand over power to the children ... that really satisfies the faith requirements of Takejizaiten, the guardian bulldog at the gate. It is the action made - based on the faith that the common mortal is in fact the true Buddha.
But that's only an issue now in the SGI, which is a healthy organization.
Nichiren Shoshu at Taisekiji is quite a different place, and is constantly poised for a monstrous struggle for control, from the rampant misdeeds of the Brahmin elite.

6. Definition of World of Animals (Chikusho)

From the SGI Dictionary:
world of animals [畜生界] (Jpn chikushō-kai): Also, realm of animals or world of animality. The third of the Ten Worlds and one of the three, and the four, evil paths. When viewed as a state of life, the world of animals is a condition governed by instinct, in which one has no sense of reason or morality. Beings or persons in this world stand in fear of the strong but despise and prey upon those weaker than themselves. In The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind, Nichiren defines the characteristic of this world as "foolishness," which is one of the three poisons.

7. Getting Some Help

If you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest, or a Hokkeko member from anywhere in the world, and are thinking about switching to the SGI call (310) 260-8900 or contact the Headquarters at SGI Plaza.
Tell them that you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest or Hokkeko member, and wish to speak to someone about the SGI, and what to do.

8. The Survivor Gita

Nikken, the self-appointed Usurper King of the Rats at Taisekiji, has been replaced by Nichinyo, who is an angry member of the elite, due to too many blows to the head in fights. A little punchy, he rules from weakness, since Nikken publicly had plans for his son to take over.
One thing that is known for certain: There will be a new Rat King. And then there will be another.
Another thing that is known for certain: All the alliances will change, and more than once. Anyone that has watched Survivor knows this.
Rule Number Zero:
The War of the Rodents can only be won by ... King Rat.
More to come ... These questions will be answered !!!
submitted by Chas-- to SGIWhistleblowersMITA [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:35 wethekingdom84 Things are going downhill

I don't like to share about my depression to those around me because I don't want to cause them depression.
40 y/o wife and mom of 3. I've always suffered from feeling down, maybe not full blown depression. Things have seemed to get worse after we bought our new house and I couldn't be home with my kids anymore.
Now I have to work full time and I feel chronically tired and like I'm missing out on my family. I get up at 4, and work till 4, try to go to bed by 7:30, but I toss and turn. My job is pretty physical. A lot of days it's OK as long as I can zone out. But if I think about it too much I want to cry.
I crave down time, but then I get bored and don't know what to do. I nap a ton, but then don't want to wake up and face life. I don't want to do anything, but it makes it worse.
I was diagnosed with bipolar 2, ptsd, and depression. I am on lamotrigine, latuda, and now ambien. My Dr just increased my latuda and said I should feel better in a week or two.
I feel like I just want to sleep or die.
I want to quit my job so badly, it's so hard to not walk off the job. I know I can cut down to part time somewhere, but we need to pay off debt first.
We have 3 vehicles, 2 became non drive able within like 3 weeks of each other, so now we are borrowing a truck from a friend, we can't drive our car because it was declared totalled, (its drive-able but we arent allowed tl drive it) so we need to pay the rest of it off that insurance didnt pay.
Our ac unit went out and we had to buy a whole new one for 9 grand, so we are paying on that.
We owe the irs 7,000 dollars. It's just 1 thing after another. I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I feel bad for unloading all of this. But I'm terrified because I had a very strong urge to off myself, and I don't want to do it. This was so exhausting to write and I'm sure it might get rejected because a lot of my posts on reddit do.
I just wanted to vent. I go back to work tomorrow after the weekend.
How can I feel better?? I need some help and advice.
submitted by wethekingdom84 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 OliOAK North San Jose Rent

Hello, I’m a Canadian moving to SJ because I got a job at a tech company. What’s the best way to find a place in North San Jose? I’m okay to rent just a room in a shared house or apartment, or find a 1B1B. I’ve been struggling to find something that isn’t obscenely expensive. Everyone on Facebook seems to be scammers trying get you to pay a deposit on a fake place (suspiciously low rent, won’t allow in-person or video tour). Are there any websites you recommend? Any particular strategies? What are the biggest red flags that I might not know about? I know rent is super high here — I’m just looking for advice on how to go about this. Thank you for your time, and any advice you choose to provide.
submitted by OliOAK to SanJose [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:33 Mr-Oxygen Navigating Health Insurance with a Chronic Condition: Considering Moving States and Seeking Advice

I’ve been trying to understand how health insurance works but still find it confusing. I currently reside and work in Massachusetts, where I hold a decent-paying job. Unfortunately, due to a chronic condition I developed last year, I am unable to continue working. My workplace can’t provide the necessary accommodations, and I’ve struggled to find the required medical care in Massachusetts—a surprisingly true situation.
Given these circumstances, I’m seriously considering moving to New York to access the necessary care and stay with my family. However, I’m concerned about the financial burden, particularly the out-of-pocket costs for medical insurance and medications. My options appear limited: either choose COBRA coverage, which could exceed $800 per month, or seek a subsidy.
Additionally, despite my condition qualifying me as disabled, I still do not meet the requirements for Medicaid, which I find absurd.
  1. Could anyone provide me with an accurate estimate of how much COBRA might cost?
  2. Would I qualify for a subsidy given that I currently have a decent-paying job?
  3. What is the timeline for becoming eligible for a subsidy or Medicaid after losing income?
Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.
TL;DR: Living in MA with a decent job but must quit due to a chronic condition and lack of necessary accommodations. Struggling to understand health insurance options, including high COBRA costs, and facing potential Medicaid ineligibility despite being disabled. Thinking of moving to NY for better care. Questions about COBRA costs, subsidy qualifications, and eligibility timelines for state aid. Any advice appreciated.
submitted by Mr-Oxygen to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:31 ExpertsReviewz What Debts To Pay off First To Improve Credit Score in 24 Hours

What Debts To Pay off First To Improve Credit Score in 24 Hours
What Type of Debt Should Be Paid Off First?
When trying to improve your credit score, prioritizing which debts to pay off first can make a significant difference. Typically, it's advisable to pay off high-interest debts, like credit card balances, before other types of debt. High-interest debts accumulate quickly, and reducing these balances can free up more money to pay off other debts and improve your credit utilization ratio, a key factor in your credit score.
what debt to pay off first to improve credit score
(877) 706-2008 Free Custom Debt Analysis
What Is the Smartest Debt to Pay Off First?
The smartest debt to pay off first is usually the one with the highest interest rate. This is often referred to as the "avalanche method" of debt repayment. By tackling high-interest debts first, you minimize the amount of interest you pay over time, which can accelerate your overall debt repayment process and improve your financial health.
Which Credit Card Should I Pay Off First to Improve my Credit?
To improve your credit score, focus on paying off credit cards with the highest interest rates or the highest balances first. Alternatively, you can use the "snowball method," which involves paying off the smallest balances first to gain quick wins and build momentum. Both strategies can positively impact your credit score by reducing your credit utilization ratio and demonstrating a responsible payment history.
Does Paying Off Debt Early Improve Your Credit Score?
Paying off debt early can improve your credit score by reducing your overall debt burden and showing lenders that you can manage and repay your debts responsibly. However, it's important to maintain a balance of different types of credit and keep older accounts open, as a mix of credit types and a longer credit history can also positively influence your score.
Should I Pay Off My Credit Card in Full or Leave a Small Balance?
How to Get an 800 Credit Score?
Achieving an 800 credit score involves several steps:
Pay your bills on time: Payment history is the most significant factor in your credit score.
Keep your credit utilization low: Aim to use less than 30% of your available credit.
Maintain a mix of credit types: Having both installment loans and revolving credit accounts can boost your score.
Keep old accounts open: A longer credit history improves your score.
Limit new credit applications: Too many hard inquiries can lower your score temporarily.
How Much Can Your Credit Score Go Up If You Pay Off Debt?
The amount your credit score can increase after paying off debt depends on various factors, including the type and amount of debt paid off, your overall credit profile, and your current score. Generally, paying off significant portions of high-interest debt or reducing your credit card balances can lead to noticeable improvements in your credit score, sometimes by several points or even more than 100 points over time.
Is It Worth Paying Off Debt Early?
Paying off debt early can be worth it, especially if it helps you avoid high interest charges. It also improves your credit utilization ratio, which can boost your credit score. However, ensure that paying off debt early doesn't deplete your emergency savings or hinder your ability to meet other financial obligations.
How Much Will Credit Score Increase After Paying Off Collections?
Paying off collections can improve your credit score, but the impact varies. While newer credit scoring models (like FICO 9 and VantageScore 3.0) ignore paid collections, older models still consider them, though with less weight. Therefore, paying off collections can improve your score, especially if you're being evaluated with a newer scoring model.
Should I Pay Off My Credit Card in Full or Leave a Small Balance?
It's a common myth that leaving a small balance on your credit card helps your credit score. In reality, paying off your credit card in full each month is the best approach. It demonstrates responsible credit management and avoids interest charges, positively impacting your credit score.
What debts to pay off first to boost credit score fast.

Should I Pay Off My Credit Card in Full or Leave a Small Balance?

submitted by ExpertsReviewz to ExpertReviews [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:31 wethekingdom84 Will it ever end?

I don't like to share about my depression to those around me because I don't want to cause them depression.
40 y/o wife and mom of 3. I've always suffered from feeling down, maybe not full blown depression. Things have seemed to get worse after we bought our new house and I couldn't be home with my kids anymore.
Now I have to work full time and I feel chronically tired and like I'm missing out on my family. I get up at 4, and work till 4, try to go to bed by 7:30, but I toss and turn. My job is pretty physical. A lot of days it's OK as long as I can zone out. But if I think about it too much I want to cry.
I crave down time, but then I get bored and don't know what to do. I nap a ton, but then don't want to wake up and face life. I don't want to do anything, but it makes it worse.
I was diagnosed with bipolar 2, ptsd, and depression. I am on lamotrigine, latuda, and now ambien. My Dr just increased my latuda and said I should feel better in a week or two.
I feel like I just want to sleep or die.
I want to quit my job so badly, it's so hard to not walk off the job. I know I can cut down to part time somewhere, but we need to pay off debt first.
We have 3 vehicles, 2 became non drive able within like 3 weeks of each other, so now we are borrowing a truck from a friend, we can't drive our car because it was declared totalled, (its drive-able but we arent allowed tl drive it) so we need to pay the rest of it off that insurance didnt pay.
Our ac unit went out and we had to buy a whole new one for 9 grand, so we are paying on that.
We owe the irs 7,000 dollars. It's just 1 thing after another. I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I feel bad for unloading all of this. But I'm terrified because I had a very strong urge to off myself, and I don't want to do it. This was so exhausting to write and I'm sure it might get rejected because a lot of my posts on reddit do.
I just wanted to vent. I go back to work tomorrow after the weekend.
How can I feel better?? I need some help and advice.
submitted by wethekingdom84 to depression_help [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:30 lonelyP1 why does spending money make me sad?

Life Context: I (17f) grew up poor. My mother ended up working really hard and now she's married and we live middle class. I was living with my dad (who is still poor) pretty much full time until recently (he sucks). I feel like I've always been terrible with money, but recently when I moved in with my mom and her husband, I've been having problems with spending money. I used to have to hide money from myself, but now I have trouble bringing myself to spend anything. My bf (17m) does not seem to always have this problem. He grew up living (from the sound of it) VERY comfortably, better than what I have now, and he recently (within the last few years) has become poor.
Problem Context: Just now I cried because my boyfriend wants to go to a nice theatre, and the tickets there are more expensive than the theatre I found that's pretty cheap, has a student discount, and that we've gone to before. I have $30 in my bank account, the expensive place is $27 for tickets and the cheap place is $18. He said he'd pay me back in cash (we're ordering the tickets online), but it still made me so upset.
Actual Question: Does anyone else have trouble making decisions between the cheaper and more expensive option? Does anyone know why it would make me so upset? Does anyone have advice for how I can maybe get over it or how to explain this to him? How do I decide which theatre to go to?
submitted by lonelyP1 to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:30 BreakfastChkn [PC] Breakfast Chicken Incorporated! Witness these nuggets!

Welcome, we are Breakfast Chicken Incorporated!
We're a clan of friends (and friends of friends) who have grown mainly via word of mouth. We've been brought together here by fate, circumstance and a shared love for fried/baked poultry. We're a friendly, inclusive clan that doesn't discriminate by skill level or experience, and are always down for teaching or helping out. We also understand that it can be intimidating to join a raid group of people who already know each other quite well, so we try to do our best to foster a positive environment where anyone can feel welcome, as we think that one of the best feelings you can pay forward in Destiny is a memorable experience in your first run through a raid. That being said, we're all here to have fun and wield Technicolor space magic, so we also do our best to make the clan a fun place to be and not suck all the air out of the room being overly strict.
Our clan Discord is set up to allow activity pings for Crucible, Strikes, Raids, Dungeons, Gambit and Seasonal Activities, using custom reaction roles so you can easily choose which types of activities you'd want to be able to be pinged for and find others within the clan for grouping up for relevant activities. Gone are the days of relentless @ everyone pings, only see notifications for the things you are interested in doing! We also feature a channel for easily scheduling events, with the ability to easily post events such as a raid, a dungeon run or pretty much anything you'd like with a simple slash command. We’re primarily a NA clan with a mix of players from the East and West coast, and the clan is most active in the evenings and late nights.
As mentioned briefly before, we are an inclusive clan that respects all races, religions, genders and sexualities. How you look or who you choose to love has no bearing on our opinion of you as a person, the only metric you'll be measured by is how you choose to interact with and treat others. On that topic, what we are strict on is no bullying, harassment or edgy/repulsive behavior or content posting for the sake of being shocking or hurtful. That means no gore, porn or offensive memes. We're mature (within reason) and kindly ask that if you apply that you share these values.
To this end, we are an 18+ only clan as we've discovered through trial and multiple errors that this is the best way to keep the immaturity levels low. That being said, we will nip any childishness from grown adults in the bud when and if it arises. Which is very rarely, because we are all awesome and fun and you'll like us and stuff, enough of the spooky policyspeak! Come try us out if you think we'd be a good fit for you, and engage with as much or as little as I've described here at the pace you feel comfortable with.
Apply at the clan page below if you’d like to join, then DM us here or contact us through the Destiny app for a link to the clan Discord!
submitted by BreakfastChkn to DestinyClanFinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:29 Worthy-Of-Dignity 😂 WHAT? 😂

😂 WHAT? 😂
Like, what? This made me laugh. I hope it makes somebody else chuckle too lol
submitted by Worthy-Of-Dignity to SugarBABYonlyforum [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:28 Expensive_Noise5748 Am I being a fool? Or just loyal to a fault?

TLDR; my relationship feels one sided in almost all aspects and I’m going crazy, idk if I should tough it out to help his mental health or save myself from being potentially used.
Sorry if this is long, my partner and I (both early 30’s) have been best friends for the last 15 years and dating for 2. I love him to pieces and feel like he’s my person but I am just not happy because it feels like almost all burdens and responsibilities are on me. We both struggle with mental health (depression, anxiety and cptsd, although his cptsd experience was a lot more violent, mine more emotional) and it has even caused some health issues for us both. I have been going to therapy consistently for over a year now and he has only gone with me one time. He won’t work (for anyone other than himself) and he has JUST very recently started doing a tiny bit of side work, although it’s not much. But for the past 2 years it’s all been me, working my ass off and paying for all our needs. I am barely getting by, burned out and drowning. I feel like I can’t depend on him. On top of it, I do most the cleaning, at least half the cooking, and no matter how hard I try to keep up on it, he trashes the house behind me by almost never cleaning his messes or doing anything on his own accord. And he is naturally very messy. I’m the only one with a car, that I pay for everything for. Payments, insurance, gas and maintenance. He gets the luxury of being able to use my car and not having to pay for anything. I’ve invested over $1k into his hobbies, even my own blood sweat and tears working on projects with him that never get finished or sold. And am told to keep hanging on until he can make something happen. I’ve even mentioned several times that maybe he should attempt at getting disability, but he never makes any moves himself. And on top of all that, I have to beg to even get him to leave the house with me. Whether it’s to spend time with friends, family, to have fun, or to run errands, I feel like I end up doing most things alone. He doesn’t even have much libido, so sex is somewhat rare, even though he’s very affectionate outside of the bedroom aspect. I keep holding on because we’ve had a connection for so long and I feel like he really just needs help. But I can’t make him get up, I’ve tried. He refuses to even consider medication, and even talking about therapy, he never pursues. I feel like he has no real ambition to do anything other than spend time outside or watch videos. I don’t want money to drive us apart, and I know I have to pick my battles. But it just feels so unfair and hard to keep up with. I understand how hard the mental and physical struggles are, I guess the only difference is he has a choice to not get up and handle shit and I DONT have that option. I have a severe back injury that had me completely debilitated for 2 years and it is so hard to keep working, I end up having to quit, let my back relax and start a new job, it’s so hard. I spent 3 years in physical therapy just to get it to the point that it’s barely tolerable. But apparently his issues are more important. I really don’t want to give up on us, but idk how much more I can take. I need help from my partner!! Am I crazy?
submitted by Expensive_Noise5748 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:28 BreakfastChkn [PC] Breakfast Chicken Incorporated! Witness these nuggets!

Welcome, we are Breakfast Chicken Incorporated!
We're a clan of friends (and friends of friends) who have grown mainly via word of mouth. We've been brought together here by fate, circumstance and a shared love for fried/baked poultry. We're a friendly, inclusive clan that doesn't discriminate by skill level or experience, and are always down for teaching or helping out. We also understand that it can be intimidating to join a raid group of people who already know each other quite well, so we try to do our best to foster a positive environment where anyone can feel welcome, as we think that one of the best feelings you can pay forward in Destiny is a memorable experience in your first run through a raid. That being said, we're all here to have fun and wield Technicolor space magic, so we also do our best to make the clan a fun place to be and not suck all the air out of the room being overly strict.
Our clan Discord is set up to allow activity pings for Crucible, Strikes, Raids, Dungeons, Gambit and Seasonal Activities, using custom reaction roles so you can easily choose which types of activities you'd want to be able to be pinged for and find others within the clan for grouping up for relevant activities. Gone are the days of relentless @ everyone pings, only see notifications for the things you are interested in doing! We also feature a channel for easily scheduling events, with the ability to easily post events such as a raid, a dungeon run or pretty much anything you'd like with a simple slash command. We’re primarily a NA clan with a mix of players from the East and West coast, and the clan is most active in the evenings and late nights.
As mentioned briefly before, we are an inclusive clan that respects all races, religions, genders and sexualities. How you look or who you choose to love has no bearing on our opinion of you as a person, the only metric you'll be measured by is how you choose to interact with and treat others. On that topic, what we are strict on is no bullying, harassment or edgy/repulsive behavior or content posting for the sake of being shocking or hurtful. That means no gore, porn or offensive memes. We're mature (within reason) and kindly ask that if you apply that you share these values.
To this end, we are an 18+ only clan as we've discovered through trial and multiple errors that this is the best way to keep the immaturity levels low. That being said, we will nip any childishness from grown adults in the bud when and if it arises. Which is very rarely, because we are all awesome and fun and you'll like us and stuff, enough of the spooky policyspeak! Come try us out if you think we'd be a good fit for you, and engage with as much or as little as I've described here at the pace you feel comfortable with.
Apply at the clan page below if you’d like to join, then DM us here or contact us through the Destiny app for a link to the clan Discord!
submitted by BreakfastChkn to Destiny2Clans [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:26 kaboomglc [US-OR][H] Nintendo Switch games. PS5 Games. Xbox controllers [W] Paypal

First time selling here. Family life causing me to sell my collection. I'll take pictures of specific games as requested, which I'll have my reddit name and date attached to on a sticky note. Shipping is negotiable depending on how large a purchase is, but will be $5 for single game purchases, with the exception of Ring Fit and Tetris Connected Collectors edition as they are larger. My intention is to use USPS Ground Advantage for shipments unless another service is requested and paid for. PayPal Goods and Services is fine. I don't use Venmo or Cashapp so it pretty much has to be PayPal or maybe Zelle. I've read the rules, so hopefully I am doing this correctly!
Nintendo Switch:
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince - New $53
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny [Unrelenting Edition] - CIB $22
Dragon Quest Treasures - CIB $26
Final Fantasy VII & VIII Remastered Twin Pack - New $31
Persona 3 Portable - New $70
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory - CIB $20
Mario Party Superstars - CIB $40
Octopath Traveler II - CIB $39
Star Ocean: The Second Story R - New $41
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line - CIB $31
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - CIB $19
Sonic Colors Ultimate [Launch Edition] - CIB $20
New Pokemon Snap - CIB $32
Shin Megami Tensei V [Steelbook Edition] - CIB $24
Tetris 99 - Game and case. Membership used already. $25
Ys IX: Monstrum NOX [Pact Edition] - CIB $40
NEO: The World Ends With You - CIB $20
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - CIB $23
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury - CIB $37
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town - CIB $20
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond - CIB $33
Bravely Default II - CIB $21
Knockout Home Fitness - CIB $25
Mario Golf: Super Rush - CIB $34
Blue Reflection: Second Light - CIB $43
Luigi's Mansion 3 - CIB $35
Hasbro Game Night - CIB $15
Cruis'n Blast - CIB $20
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 - CIB $18
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - CIB $40
Mary Skelter 2 - CIB $45
Fire Emblem Engage - CIB $33
Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain - CIB $20
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin - CIB $25
Monster Hunter Rise - CIB $15
New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe - CIB $32
Hot Wheels Unleashed [Challenge Accepted] - New $42
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - CIB $37
Zelda Link's Awakening - CIB $35
Nintendo Switch Sports - CIB $32
Pokemon Sword - CIB $31
Disgaea 5 Complete - CIB $25
Final Fantasy X X-2 HD Remaster - X2 code used. CIB $23
Persona 4 Golden - New $70
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos [Chicken Edition] - CIB $18
Final Fantasy IX - New $40
Live A Live - CIB $28
Burnout Paradise Remastered - CIB $15
Triangle Strategy - CIB $31
Unicorn Overlord - New $50
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration - CIB $30
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (JP) - CIB $35
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition - CIB $25
Crystal Crisis [Launch Edition] - CIB $23
Family Feud - CIB $15
Octopath Traveler - CIB $38
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 1 ‑ CIB $35
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 3 - CIB $35
Dragon Quest Builders 2 - CIB $38
Cris Tales - CIB $12
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - CIB $29
Super Mario 3D All-Stars - CIB $80
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - CIB $34
Super Mario Odyssey [Starter Pack] - CIB $55
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - New $41
Arkanoid Eternal Battle - CIB $20
Pac-Man Museum Plus - CIB $17
Persona 5 Tactica - New $25
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition - CIB $40
Front Mission 1st [Limited Edition] - New $50
Final Fantasy I-VI Collection Pixel Remaster - CIB $80
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore - CIB $47
Ring Fit Adventure - New $50
Tetris Effect Connected [Collector's Edition] - New $150
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus - CIB $30
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster - CIB $20
Battle Chasers Nightwar - Generic Gamestop box - $15
Collection of Mana - CIB $23
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games - CIB $12
Mary Skelter Finale - CIB $42
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - CIB $36
Moero Crystal H - CIB $42
Mario Tennis Aces - CIB $30
Legend of Mana Remastered - CIB $41
Rune Factory 4 Special - CIB $42
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX - CIB $41
Marvel Spiderman: Miles Morales [Ultimate Edition] - New $25
Yakuza: Like a Dragon -CIB $20
NBA 2K21 [Mamba Forever Edition] - New $37
Sackboy: A Big Adventure - New $28
Hades - New $25
Returnal - CIB $24
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - New $25
Xbox Controllers:
Microsoft 20th Anniversary Xbox Controller - New $80
Xbox Forza Horizon 5 Controller - New $110
submitted by kaboomglc to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:25 S_A_N_D_ Will this work for line noise caused by fridge relay.

I have a mini-fridge on the same circuit as my computer, speakers etc. Every time the fridge turns off, I get a loud pop through the speakers. From what I can tell, it's not inrush current as I only have issues when the fridge turns off, never when it turns on.
Moving the fridge to another circuit is not an option.
I can get a line filter for the speakers, but those are more expensive and I still have a lot of other electronics on different outlets on the same circuit so it would be much better to filtestop this at the source rather than installing a bunch of line filters.
From what I can tell, the best option is to install an RC snubber on the fridge.
This is what I've been looking at.
My questions are, will this work/is it safe?
How do I install the snubber on the fridge? I'm not a novice with electrical work, and have everything I need other than the snubber, I'm just not sure exactly where/how it should be installed. Is it directional? Do I install it across the live and neutral wires before the relay, across the relay, or in parallel with the compressor after the relay?
Not sure if it matters, but I'm in Canada - Ontario on 120VAC.
submitted by S_A_N_D_ to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 tinyfox333 Anastasia Fascia Beauty SCAM

The program is a scam and a lie. SHE IS A FAKE AND A LIE, PLEASE DON’T FALL FOR THIS! She has had work done on her face, it is NOT from her massages. You will feel relaxed from the massages and see slight changes, but it is not worth the insane amount of money you will pay for her to scramble her way through the videos She blocked me on Instagram the only time I’ve ever commented on her page because I noticed so many fake accounts. Don’t waste your money or support this! This is absolutely not fair to use women’s looks against them, promising to help their insecurities and taking $500 from them to be a total scam. Even her cult-like supporters on Reddit subs and Instagram will defend her to their death, block you and delete comments. That alone should concern you and what kind of business you’re supporting.
DO YOUR RESEARCH! Read my story and make your own decisions, but please ladies, STOP falling for this stuff! Don’t support someone who obviously has had work done and who is incredibly unprofessional. This is not to discredit the self care/massages and I 100% support avoiding harmful procedures like Botox, etc. I’m in absolutely no support of getting work done - which is why I want others to not support this INSTAGRAM INFLUENCER.
My story is of an interaction I had with her, not her program directly before you read my long story. Long story short: The business model is obviously a scam, she uses fake bots to promote her page, including Reddit and if the business or results is questioned the comments are deleted and the users are blocked. Her education background is impossible to find and the oldest post on her IG is 2021. The business is an huge corp LLC social media company based out of Dubai.
A friend sent me Anastasia’s page on Instagram a couple months ago. I was intrigued, but the first thing I told her was how much of a scam it looked like. She insisted it looked legit, so I figured I’d give it a try. There’s no doubt that it’s a healthy routine for lymphatic draining - which will naturally brighten the face and bring down inflammation/puffiness. But I noticed it all seemed a little ridiculous. The massages didn’t make sense. The wording didn’t make sense. The story didn’t make sense. If you go to the beginning of her profile, there’s only a few posts from 2021 - and then suddenly, boom. She’s a full-blown influencer with a “business.” Her videos of her education, is clearly from one course maybe over a week span.
Here’s the real kicker, I’m finally convinced I would watch her videos and started reading the comments and looking at the pages that claimed they saw results. I wanted to see if they had before/after pictures, their age, their weight, whatever I could find to see how this worked. 90% of the pages I would click on looked like burner pages, fake accounts. No photos, zero followers or very little followers, not following anyone or following 800+ people with again, zero followers… I found it fishy, but assumed it was Instagram being doing annoying, weird Instagram things. But kept it in mind.
Just forward to a couple weeks ago, after repeatedly seeing these fake accounts comment, I decide to look her up on Google to see her certifications, the layout of her course, the science behind her claims. I come across Reddit threads and EVERY SINGLE THREAD had MORE BURNER ACCOUNTS! All of them! You click on the name feverishly defending this random woman and her company and they were brand new accounts and that was their only comment.
Okay, I laugh about it and move on. Until 30 minutes ago. Another video of hers comes up and it just looks ridiculous. Talking about how to transform your chubby face. I click on the comments, relatively fresh all within 30-40 minutes prior and out of the 15 comments I immediately see 5 fake accounts. So, finally I comment on the video. All I mention is how weird it is that all the profiles claiming success look like fake accounts and if you click on them, you’ll see for yourself 🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟
I then proceed to reply to the fake accounts and just saying “another one - one of them REPLIES to me within 30 SECONDS claiming they have numerous fake profiles because they would be EMBARRASSED for their friends and family to see them following and account like Anastasia’s! Within the next minute Anastasia likes one of my comments saying “another one and then… this is the best part… SHE BLOCKS ME ON INSTAGRAM!
I have a private profile, I never said anything mean or hateful or disrespectful, I don’t have many followers and I’ve never commented on her videos before.
Please, please everyone. Do your research. From the bottom of my heart, I am so sad to watch people get conned out of A LOT of money to pray on their insecurities. Look at other Reddit comments. Even look at the Instagram comments and how unprofessional she is. You will even see a glimpse from this thread. The course is a joke. You won’t get emailed back, like a genuine, hard working “small business” would do and the company LLC is a Dubai-based social media company. I can’t even report the profile, most likely because Instagram won’t allow it because she pulls in so much traction.
submitted by tinyfox333 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 Imtired000- The need of a conversation

I need someone to talk to anonymously tbh, that's why I'm here, I don't want to be dragged into therapy.
Well it's been a while, I found meaning in life again. but recently I just feel like even more of a burden after thinking to myself at night
I was always the most positive kid in class, was considered the class clown perhaps, but I don't know what to do with life anymore, I lost that spark in me to see the bright side of everything.
I feel as if I can't be loved and a burden. I'm in tertiary education right now (not gonna give it away) and my parents are asking me to get a job to help pay for my expenses (≈40 USD a week)
which I can't because of tight schedule and no one is gonna hire me for a day or two a week in my country
and now I feel like I can't be in a relationship anymore, the last one I had I left just because i felt that we didn't click well and she really deserves better.
ever since a kid I can't read emotions well, always mess up and act too impulsively, multiple attempts since 12 and all failed, now I wish it didn't and I never had to waste all these resources.
the same as before I feel like people will kill to be at where I'm at now but Im just tired and don't mind death
I just want a partner who is positive and cheerful as I once were and don't mind me being broke, maybe have a family living in a house/apartment living a normal, happy life, that's all that I ask.
but now I guess that's also a bit much to ask
I'm not sure what's wrong with me, I don't think I'm depressed, but I would appreciate someone to talk to rn anonymously
submitted by Imtired000- to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:22 HandsomeWorker308 What fictional characters do you find very relatable?

Star Wars
For me, Anakin in Star Wars is incredibly related. I noticed a lot of people complaining about Anakin's dialogue in Attack of the Clones but to me it always made a lot of sense. Anakin was a brilliant child who was a slave for the first nine years of his life. Afterwards, he was taken to become a warrior monk for the next 10 years.
Throughout that time, Anakin kill a few people (some jedi are basically child police during the Prequels and later become child soldiers during the clone wars). Anakin's psyche would realistically be messed up by that. Anakin being awkward and not knowing how to talk to women is completely normal for his age, especially considering his background. That is completely understandable for nerdy NTs and also for neurodivergent people.
The scene where he slaughters tuskens is also realistic considering real soldiers his age (19) have done that in multiple warriors including World War II and the Vietnam War. When he struggles with impulsivity through the Clone Wars and in Episode III it makes plenty of sense. I wouldn't be surprised if Anakin also has ADHD and excessive compulsive disorder. I wonder if Star Wars fans who are on the spectrum had any different views of Anakin from NTs.
I'm also a huge fan of Lucas, but let's be honest, Lucas does not act or seem like most NTs. He is logical, a deep thinker, somewhat awkward, and seems to be a massive introvert.
I know X-Men was created to represent racial struggles, but I've heard it also is meant to represent ethnic minorities and those who are mentally deviant. The mutants often come across to me as oppressed autistic people who are attacked by the NT majority. They are often bullied by those that fear them and I feel it is the same with us.
As some of you know, there are studies that conclude people are threatened by those who think, move, or act differently than them. Another thing that reminds me of X-Men is that the mutants are powers. Let me say, some of the smartest people I've ever met were on the spectrum. I feel I am more intelligent than most NTs in areas outside of social affairs and sports.
Even with sports, I always suck when I first start and lack an interest in them but I'm a faster learner in most that I compete in and can adjust relatively quick. Those who are autistic from what I've seen are usually more logical. Some are better at math, and I've noticed a lot in my school took up engineering (often considered the most difficult mainstream major).
Some of the aspies I've met have a heightened ability to focus and pay attention to detail. Many are profoundly creative. Multiple musicians and music producers have autism. Mozart, Beethoven, and Albert Einstein were suspected of being autistic. Despite all this potential and all these abilities people try to keep us down.
Professor Xavier reminds me of the child-like hope we should have. Magneto reminds me of the rightful anger and frustration we should show at times. Sometimes, when I want to unite aspies and autistic people, I think of him. I remember when Mystique told Beast to be proud of his true form and when Magneto told her that. I feel the same way when people are ashamed of their condition.
There is nothing to be ashamed of. You didn't make yourself like that and you can't help it. Being as you comes with advantages and disadvantages. NTs have all kind of weakness and strengths. Only reason it's often harder for us is because we aren't the majority and the book wasn't written in our POV.
I still feel like we can rise up and be so much greater. I still feel that we are better together. Sometimes it seems like we need heroes to try to bring us together with the NTs. Sometimes I feel like we constantly are in survival mode like the X-Men were when they were hunted by the sentinels.
Cyclops reminds of the person who tries to walk the line and be right but sometimes struggles when he realizes how messed up people are. Wolverine reminds me of those who become apathetic and detached due to the way things are.
submitted by HandsomeWorker308 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:21 aitaloudsinging AITA for being rude to my stepdaughter and banning her from eating with the family

I have 2 stepdaughters, Scarlett (18), and Ava (16).
Scarlett is an amazing singer. She's been in some kind of voice lessons since she was 10 and just graduated from one of the best performing arts schools in the state, where she went on a full scholarship since 6th grade. She has a YouTube channel where she sings that she's starting to make money from and was accepted into some very prestigious music schools. Additionally, she has been working paid gigs for the last 2 years and makes at least $500-1000 per week, more in the summers. She's even been the opening artist at a few concerts. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just saying she's an objectively good singer.
Ava, on the other hand, is not a good singer. She likes to believe she is and she might become one if she actually stuck with voice lessons or choir classes but she always quits after 1-2 weeks because they're "bullying her" (giving constructive feedback, I've seen the notes her classmates and teachers have given her).
Ava also likes to sing very loudly and/or at bad times. For example, if she feels that we're too quiet at the dinner table she starts to loudly sing. It doesn't sound good and I honestly don't know how she doesn't hear it. If you ask her to stop she keeps going and if you're blunt and say stop, that doesn't sound good/we don't want to hear it she keeps going and gets even louder just to annoy you.
If we're in the car and we don't let her choose the songs she'll loudly sing whatever she wants, not what's playing, to annoy us and responds the same way to us telling her to stop. The only person she listens to is her dad.
A few weeks ago we were trying to eat and she was singing again. I told her to stop and she refused so I took her plate and told her from now on she is no longer allowed to eat at my table. She can eat in her room, the backyard, her car, the garage, wherever she wants as long as we can't hear her from the dining room and that this will continue until she can behave appropriately at the table.
My husband and I argued about it but he's not home for dinner so there isn't much he can do about it. Today she was eating lunch with us and started singing again. I told her to stop and she didn't listen so I again took her plate and told her to eat somewhere where we can't hear her if she doesn't want to act appropriately. Ava argued that she's a better singer than Scarlett and that Scarlett sings all the time. I was done with her bullshit so I asked her how many times someone other than her dad has actually asked her to sing, not even paying her to be there, just ask her to sing or how many performing arts schools she's gotten accepted to (she's applied to many).
She started to cry and my husband wants me to apologize for being rude to her and is insisting I allow her to eat with the family again. AITA?
submitted by aitaloudsinging to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:19 ginus0104 I messed up

I went to see a rock gig on friday and I took my pentax MG with a roll of cinestill 800T thinking I will have some fun. I loaded the film and just went to shoot straight away leaving the shutter speed on 1/100. The f stop was on 2.8 because I was very close to the stage but it was dark… I remember thinking how fast the shutter speed was weirdly… but I was kinda tipsy and enjoyed the music soo much I didn’t pay attention properly. That roll is one of the most expensive films I have ever purchased though. Is it anyway salvageable? I know it can be pushed and pulled when developing, or is that just not enough. I can normally expose photos correctly so I am mad at myself for sure.
submitted by ginus0104 to analog [link] [comments]