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r/SteamGrid Custom Artwork For Your Favorite Games

2012.06.08 02:57 Lemm r/SteamGrid Custom Artwork For Your Favorite Games

A place to share and request Steam, Origin, and GOG Galaxy cover art and more!

2011.12.11 23:01 KeenlySeen Upcycling

Upcycling is reusing waste or unwanted materials without destroying them in order to create something new.

2014.08.07 21:52 AOL_ Food Los Angeles

Food Los Angeles is dedicated to showcasing food from all over the greater Los Angeles area. Share pictures, reviews and news, and get food advice straight from the hungry Angelenos that know best!

2024.05.21 12:33 scalletavito Free personalized readings (multiple questions)

Jump on a Discord/Online Call with me for around an hour for n number of readings. I may extend if time permits. (I will be starting soon).
(Kindly DO NOT comment here, just avoiding too many notifications haha. You must DM me your scenario/situation in the first message itself.)
I'll be selecting one person for today, and others as time goes on. DM your situation/scenario in private, make sure it's interesting so I can't resist. I'll be getting in touch with people who I have a strong calling towards.
I am new to tarot and currently practicing. I am strongly connected with my deck, and it has given almost spot on reading every time!
Check my reviews here: scalletavito Tarot Reading reviews :
Thanks, and best wishes everyone. :)
PS: I'll take some time to decipher the messages as I am new and still learning.
submitted by scalletavito to Tarotpractices [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:32 scalletavito Free personalised readings (multiple questions)

Jump on a Discord/Online Call with me for around an hour for n number of readings. I may extend if time permits. (I will be starting soon).
(Kindly DO NOT comment here, just avoiding too many notifications haha. You must DM me your scenario/situation in the first message itself.)
I'll be selecting one person for today, and others as time goes on. DM your situation/scenario in private, make sure it's interesting so I can't resist. I'll be getting in touch with people who I have a strong calling towards.
I am new to tarot and currently practicing. I am strongly connected with my deck, and it has given almost spot on reading every time!
Check my reviews here: scalletavito Tarot Reading reviews : u/scalletavito (reddit.com)
Thanks, and best wishes everyone. :)
PS: I'll take some time to decipher the messages as I am new and still learning.
submitted by scalletavito to TarotReading [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:31 scalletavito Free personalized readings (multiple questions)

Jump on a Discord/Online Call with me for around an hour for n number of readings. I may extend if time permits. (I will be starting soon).
(Kindly DO NOT comment here, just avoiding too many notifications haha. You must DM me your scenario/situation in the first message itself.)
I'll be selecting one person for today, and others as time goes on. DM your situation/scenario in private, make sure it's interesting so I can't resist. I'll be getting in touch with people who I have a strong calling towards.
I am new to tarot and currently practicing. I am strongly connected with my deck, and it has given almost spot on reading every time!
Check my reviews here: scalletavito Tarot Reading reviews :
Thanks, and best wishes everyone. :)
PS: I'll take some time to decipher the messages as I am new and still learning.
submitted by scalletavito to tarotpractice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:31 Weird-One8451 Did I do something wrong?

My first best friend, who I'll call Melissa, and I met in kindergarten and were both 5 at the time. We both looked and smiled at each other. That was the day we became friends and it was the most happiest day of my childhood. I sat next to her and we were hanging out with each other every day.
We would do so many things at school with each other. We would sit on the carpet to play with the items the teacher put out for the class each morning. We would always do fun activities in the gym. We would sit at lunch, laugh about funny things we told each other, and hang out at recess every day. My favorite moment was when we were on the swings to see who would go the highest and just look at each other and smile. We did go to other parts of the playground but the swings was our favorite.
When we weren't in a classroom together with our teachers due to them having a different assigned classroom, we would still hang out in lunch and in recess because they released everyone at a certain time by grade level. For example, if we were in 1st grade and students were in a different classroom, the 1st graders would all be released at the same time while the other students in different grades remained in the same classroom. So even if Melissa and I were in different classrooms, we would always meet up and have a great time.
In 3rd grade, I found this girl who I'll call Leah. Leah and I would do pretty fun things together since we were in the same classroom and were hanging out with each other, but I'd still go and hang out with Melissa sometimes. I introduced Melissa to Leah and we basically became a friend group, or at least I thought it was a friend group.
During this time I was constantly having to pick sides with some of our things we were making up as kids. First, it was who I was to sit with at lunch. (Sometimes I wasn't lucky enough to sit with either of them because of a rule where we had to sit in a boy-girl pattern to apparently make everyone quieter during lunch time.) Then it was with some group or clan we made up during recess, Melissa was in "unicorn squad" and Leah was in "girl squad" (I made up the name of girl squad.) I would try to bring them both together but Melissa's friends and Leah's friends didn't get along too well. I had no other best friends besides the both of them and it kinda broke my heart to see them not get along as well as I was with them. Then on a very traumatic day in fourth grade that I still regret for the rest of my life, Melissa and Leah both came up to me and said "You have to pick one best friend." I said I wanted them both to be my best friends but Leah kept pushing that I only pick one. Then we made up a stupid contest to see who would win (my idea) and I was a little tired of it and made Leah win. I have never seen such a sad look on Melissa's face when we were about to leave for home. I ran after her and apologized, I tried to comfort her and I think it worked since we stopped the argument.
Later on in the year of 4th grade, Melissa and Leah had some new friends they were hanging out with. I was fine with it at first, but seeing as their friends were experiencing many joyful moments with my best friends without me, I grew hatred towards their friends. I became jealous of what they were doing. I tried everything as a 9 year old girl could possibly do to keep the relationship going between me and my best friends. I still sat with both of them at lunch and joined them in recess. When they were busy hanging out with their friends, I was left alone, wandering around the playground, doing the things my best friends and I used to do but alone this time. It became depressing just thinking about memories of me and my friends playing together in the past and having fun. Now I had to have fun but alone as I watch my best friends have fun with theirs instead of me. I became even more depressed and angry seeing other random friendships because they were having fun and not me. I felt so alone, hurt, betrayed, so much emotion. This grew into more extreme hate towards the friends of my best friends.
In 5th grade, I did everything I could to have fun with them, but for some reason, something felt off. We hung out less. We didn't sit at lunch every day. Then I found out something shocking. Leah was hanging out with other girls who would give her lunch money, (I gave her lunch money for quite a long time now so we would get snacks with my money I gave her) and was making videos with these girls. I then hated the girls because apparently in my mind, they were controlling and possessing my friend. They stole her away from me. Leah and I still hung out and I considered her my friend because I didn't understand the concept of being used for money. Leah would always invite me to make videos but I wasn't comfortable. I realized how much of a fake friend she was but I still gave her a chance to change but never happened. I went to hang out with Melissa more after this but this felt a bit off too. She was hanging out with this one girl a lot. She seems pretty happy to be with her instead of me more. Melissa was into anime and I wasn't, so that drifted us apart but I didn't see it. I wasn't really into any of my best friend's interests because I was still depressed and full of rage against these girls. I grew to hate everyone and everything and I only wanted to be with Melissa.
It was near the end of the year when I went to go with Melissa in the playground where we always used to go, the swings. She constantly kept moving away, switching swings of just walking away from me. This hurt a lot coming from a close friend like her. I went to hang out with Leah because I still had no friends besides the two of them. Leah as well, left me behind and I was there alone again. All this just fueled my anger against everything. I hated other people, I hated activities, I hated everything, including myself. I thought this was weird since I didn't express my hate that badly towards these other girls, although I did want them to through horrible and horrendous things because in my mind, they were stealing my friends. They took away the people who made me happy. I was getting worse from my mental health because I wanted nothing but my happiness and my best friends back. I had a few thoughts of kidnapping my best friends so they could be with me forever. I would be happy and experience all the happy moments we would share together again. It was pointless anyway because I was just a 10 year old and couldn't do anything.
During these final months before everyone was all homeschooled for a year, I noticed whenever I tried to be with Melissa, she moved away from me again. I tried many times to catch up with her but she continued moving away. I thought absolutely nothing of it because of a funny joke by the teachers saying we hung out too much and we should be separated. I found it funny because at the time, our friendship was strong and I thought nothing would ever separate us from having fun. So I just thought about it as if she was playing around with that joke. I gave up catching up after Melissa because I was tired and I thought she was playing the joke on me. It turns out, I overheard something she said and she said I was too clingy. I didn't know what it meant and I thought she said a funny word and thought nothing of it. Later on she asked me for a break. I said that it was fine and I thought she meant a break for one day (I thought breaks were meant to be short at the time) and we left each other alone.
It came a few days later where she said she didn't want to be my friend anymore. I then went to hang out with Leah, who I didn't hang out with for a long while, said she also didn't want to be friends with me anymore. I was broken by their words but I just thought it was all a joke to me, because I thought it was dumb to unfriend someone for hanging out with them every day.
Fast forward to 6th grade where we were homeschooled for a year, I was full of hope that I was going to be friends with Melissa again after a long time. Then came 7th grade where I was 12 and I continued to sit with her at lunch again, but this time I felt nothing. There were no fun conversations like we usually had back in elementary. I just felt like I wasn't meant to be there. I still felt the same loneliness, rage, and sadness back like I was in 5th grade. That's when I finally realized I was no longer her friend, and I had so much hate in myself for taking a year to realize I had been blind to all of this. I never felt so much sadness like that in my life. The two friends I had left me, I was really depressed by this reason, and now I constantly question myself wondering what I did wrong. I still grovel over them both. It's been a few years now. Did I do something wrong?
submitted by Weird-One8451 to ExBestFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:27 Potential_Poet2358 My (22F) little sister’s (19F) boyfriend (20M) texted me about an issue in their relationship. How do I navigate this?

My (22F) little sister (19F) and her boyfriend (20M) have been dating for about half a year and he’s honestly the best friend/partner she’s ever had. He genuinely cares for her, is kind and I fully approve of him.
Last year my little sister was dating a different guy who ended up cheating on her towards the end of their relationship and he broke up with her on Valentine’s Day. I really despise that guy and told her to cut him off multiple times but she’s still friends with him. Our parents are quite controlling (I moved away) which causes her to not have any opportunities to meet new people. She has like two people aside from her boyfriend she regularly hangs out with and is barely allowed outside as our parents bombard her with household responsibilities. This is the biggest reason she’s still friends with her horrible ex from last year. I feel like her threshold when it comes to tolerating horrible behavior is extremely high due to our parents which also causes her to be okay with having her ex in her life as a friend. I can fully say that she doesn’t have any romantic feelings for him anymore, she openly says he’s not a good person and also not a good friend sometimes.
A few days ago it was my little sister’s birthday and her boyfriend planned a surprise party for her. He recruited me for help and together we invited multiple people, including her ex because he’s one of her friends. Many people couldn’t come and all of them gave us reasons whereas her ex straight-up ghosted me and her boyfriend in the group chat. Her ex said that he would definitely come plus plan but then did nothing. At this point he’s not even a good friend.
After this, my little sister’s boyfriend texted me and expressed his hate for her ex and said that he would like to talk to me about my little sister still being in contact with her ex. He said that he’s hurt she’s still friends with him, specifically because her ex was so horrible to her during their relationship. The fact that her boyfriend messaged me about this makes me think that he really cares and needs my help/advice.
I am conflicted about talking with her boyfriend. Part of me would at least like to talk with him on a shallow level about it because I do know the reasons of why her ex is still in her life. I want to let her know he messaged me but don’t know how or when. My little sister and her boyfriend have openly talked about this issue with each other as well and she knows his dislike for her ex. To be honest, I feel like her boyfriend is in the right in this issue and my little sister isn’t being fully reasonable by continuing to have contact with her ex. I really don’t want them to break up over this.
Pretty much the conclusion is that I don’t want my little sister to lose a really good relationship because of a horrible ex that she hasn’t cut off. I want to make the best decision to help them in their relationship but don’t know what to do. How should I navigate this?
tldr; My little sister is still in contact with a cheating ex and her boyfriend messaged me to discuss this issue with me. I also disapprove of her ex but don’t know how to help them in this conflict.
submitted by Potential_Poet2358 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:27 Shyam2424 How Where U Elevate Organises Hackathons Using the Drill Platform

About Where U Elevate
Where U Elevate is working on creating the next generation innovative workforce required to achieve exponential business growth in the age of digital transformation. In order to achieve this, Where U Elevate is helping businesses to identify and attract talent which is agile,adaptable, and innovative by leveraging cutting edge technologies, advanced analytics and deep expertise.
What Is Hackathons
A hackathon is a gathering where people work together intensely to solve problems or build new projects within a short timeframe, typically a day or a weekend. Teams made up of participants with various skills, such as programmers and designers, collaborate to create solutions or prototypes related to specific challenges or themes.
In a hackathon:
. Participants work in teams to solve real-world problems or explore creative ideas.
. They have a limited time to come up with solutions, which encourages quick thinking and
. Hackathons promote collaboration and often involve learning new skills or tools.
. They can be organised by companies, schools, or community groups to encourage innovation and teamwork.
Hackathons are a fun and fast-paced way to bring people together to solve problems and create new things.
Our Hackathons Solution
Hackathon Solutions
Where U Elevate specialises in conducting hassle free hackathons for organisations to evangelise top innovative talent. With customised hackathon solutions and an AI-powered technology framework enabling readily available hackathons through Drill platform, Where U Elevate engages with organisations to host impactful hackathons.
DRILL Platform
‘Next-Gen AI powered hackathon management platform by Where U Elevate’
About Drill Platform
DRILL is a Next-Gen AI powered hackathon management platform by Where
U Elevate which allows organisations to evangelise top innovative talent
using impactful hackathons with agility and providing a hassle free
hackathon experience.
. Develop POC's swiftly with Innovation Hackathons
. Hire innovative talent with Hiring Hackathons
. Give wings to new ideas with hassle free Ideathons
. Assess talent with readily available assessments using Mini-Hacks
Innovation Hackathons
Innovation Hackathons are extensively used by some of the most innovative organisations across the globe to innovate faster where an idea or a business problem involving niche skill sets is given to the technology professionals and students to solve within 24-48 hours. Over 80% of Fortune 500 companies have hosted or sponsored hackathons to accelerate their innovation processes.
Where U Elevate specialises in conducting personalised innovation hackathons for the organisations, thereby enabling them to accelerate their innovation reliably and with agility.Proven Expertise in hosting Innovation Hackathon
Hiring Hackathons
In this highly competitive talent market, hiring quality talent is one of the major challenges which every organisation is facing. Hiring hackathons become the most powerful tool to hire quality technology talent swiftly which organisations are exploring. Hiring quality talent enables organisations to innovate faster and capture markets quickly.
One of the major benefits of hiring hackathons is that organisations get access to the best talent which is being assessed thoroughly thereby saving the time consuming hiring process.
Where U Elevate enables organisations to host hiring hackathons using DRILL to hire the best talent reliably and swiftly Proven Expertise in hosting Hiring Hackathon
Ideathon is a collaborative and intensive brainstorming event in which individuals or teams come together to generate and pitch new ideas related to a particular topic or challenge. The event is typically designed to foster innovation, creativity and generate fresh perspectives on a problem. Participants are usually given a specific theme or problem statement and are encouraged to think out of the box, research, prototype and pitch their ideas to a panel of judges or the entire group. The primary goal of an Ideathon is to create innovative solutions or new opportunities that can be developed into products or services.
Mini-hacks are an effective and efficient way for organisations to assess a candidate's technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and collaboration skills within a limited timeframe. Mini-hacks assess a candidate on their creativity and capability to think out of the box by solving challenging problems within a limited time-frame.
Explain How We Engage
Step 1: Planning and Consulting
Start by planning your hackathon. Work closely with Where U Elevate to define what you want to achieve and who should participate. Set clear guidelines so the right people can join.
Step 2: Refining the Problem Statement
Decide on the main problem or theme for your hackathon. Collaborate with Where U Elevate to make sure the challenge is interesting and relevant to participants.
Step 3: Marketing and Outreach
Spread the word about your hackathon to attract participants. Use the DRILL platform to promote your event and manage registrations. Where U Elevate helps you reach a wide audience.
Step 4: Team Formation and Mentor Selection
Choose mentors and judges to support participants during the hackathon. With Where U Elevate help, select experienced individuals who can provide valuable guidance.
Step 5: Mentoring and Project Submissions
During the hackathon, mentors will assist participants in developing their solutions. Where U Elevate makes it easy for participants to submit their projects and collaborate with mentors.
Step 6: Judging and Results
Use the DRILL platform to evaluate hackathon projects. Where U Elevate ensures a fair judging process and helps you select the winners based on predefined criteria.
Organising a hackathon with Where U Elevate DRILL platform is an empowering experience that encourages innovation. Start planning your hackathon today and partner with Where U Elevate for a successful event that inspires creativity and problem-solving.
"If you're thinking about starting your career in cybersecurity, Where U Elevate offers a Cybersecurity Hackathon. Don't wait, join now! Boost your skills, win a 10 Lac prize, and enhance your portfolio."
Ready to organise your hackathon? Connect with Where U Elevate and start your innovation journey!
submitted by Shyam2424 to u/Shyam2424 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:26 Mini_joycons_18 [F4M] Slice Of Life/Fantasy RP

Hello I’m a decently experienced writer looking for anyone interested in coming up with a Slice of Life/ fantasy romance RP. The plot I had was my character is a Inkling (from Splatoon) who had moved from another city to yours and am trying to get used to the new place but meet you and from there we either can fight for a while then eventually make up or we can instantly become friend's with me due to you being fascinated by me. I'm looking for a long term partner due to me wanting this to be a slow burn slice of life and move onto stuff like jobs. Thank you for reading and I hope this interests you.
submitted by Mini_joycons_18 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:26 aine0102 my parents are controlling

19,f never went out with friends. not that im not an outspoken or friendly person, got a pretty good friend circle extremely talented supportive and hardworking people. they go out all the time and dont have to constantly update their parents on slightest minute plan changes.
first time getting along with people and them instanly making plans of going out was weird but in a jealous weird and questioning. it was later i figured their parents do not ask every detail of their day, who they met, what they had, why were they 5 min late. they dont pick and drop them everywhere they have schedules. and it was after a week or hanging out that i realised, it was me living a diffent life than everyone out there. and it broke me cus that was the point i realised that in the name of protectiveness and security and ease in commutation, they just snatched my independence from me.
they provide for me and i cannot begin to thank them enough for it, pursuing a professional study and doing good at it, always supportive. but that day i sat down and got to a conclusion that if i were to upset my parents or do not do things how they want me to do, i'd lose everything. and that has happened. asked to go out with friends, note that all of my friends come from dignified background humble and kind and educated and themselves are pursuing professional studies. never asked them before so expected there wont be a problem. was in dilemma that i dont go out cuz i dont ask to go out. often picture myself as a bird in cage unaware that shes trapped unless she tries to get out. yea so access to outside without them denied. reasoned a bit on why not. they got mad and yelled and said pretty harsh things. i was in school then and it was for the teacher's birthday. we loved her dearly and she was moving out of country. i was sure they'd let me so made plans and everything cancelled last minute cried whole evening and night. that was when it started. when the bird realised she isnt in a room but a prison.
gave a couple more tries here and there. same answers. silent treatments. refused to enroll me in the course im currently pursuing initially, calling it a financial issue. and yea there were and are financial issues but hey, grasped what was going on and did everything their way. cut ties with everyone except two friends who theyve met plenty more times than others and did as they said. regular classes, not questioning them, spending time with them. enrolled and in classes after six months.
met a guy and he was good. wanted to take me on a date. i knew they wouldnt let me go. took it slow and introduced him as my friend. asked me to cut ties with him. i kinda liked him. we had good undertanding he's help me with studies and confide about his family and life in general and i thought i can date. i wanted to date him. see where it goes like every other teenager who go out on dates after classes and study and support each other. they didnt wanted me to see him or anyother guy even as a friend. deleted every guy friend of mine's contact. we still were seeing each other until i got so burnt out of the constant watch and professional studies and competitive exams also all while managing a degree. had to break ties with him for a couple while and i admittedly couldve done with proper explanation but it was a panic attack, yeah i did starting having them right after school when everything crashed down, so panic attack with all tears and snot and heavy breathing i leave him a text that i cant do this.
fast forward today. exams done. some professional practical work everyone has to take up and my father as usual would pick me up and drop me. yesterday a friend of mine suggested we buy new books and get some food after work was done which is 1:30. i thought now that im old enough, cus the last time i tried asking was 16, maybe i can go. they said yes when asked in morning. 1:45pm text comes in. where u at. when will you be back. gave a location where he'd pick me up after we're done with books things. im at metro station, shaking, holding that ticket beacuse it was all over that again. they let me go but did they? call comes in when i dont reply in 5 minutes. he asks when will i be back upto. on saying by 4, he went why books need so much time. denied that i ever mentioned lunch too. i remember saying lunch and books. couldnt argue, not used to, dont want to upset them. two of my friends waiting for the metro so we go grab lunch and spend some time for the first time in about a year since we met, and im shaking cus its so humiliating and like. this close to crying when he hung up without saying anything further and mum texts in 2 mintes asking me to come back home rn this instant. manage to apologise and run through the station, get a cab and run home in 20 min. 2:20pm. at home. i dont if im though. in my bathroom. crying shaking of embarrassment, humiliation, guilt, frustation, anger. and hunger.
also, crossed path with the guy i was seeing. he had his guitar, he used to play for me after completing studies. killed me to pass by with just a hey and by the looks of it, he was upset about it too. everything keeps falling apart everytime i accomplish one thing.
i dont know if this is how parenting is supposed to be done because none of ppl i know have such parents and controls. so its not normal but is it abusive? i question and then ignore cus the obvious answer would disrupt the peace im holding on to. the good side of them keeping me sane.
if you've taken much time to read it through. thank you. i dont have anyone to share this with and im so lonely at times like this
submitted by aine0102 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:25 axeptcrazy Yesterday was the last day I did anything.

It's a bit of a bittersweet feeling knowing that your last day is so sudden, you don't wanna give it up but you also know that you have to otherwise you're never going to get better.
I signed myself up for NHS talking therapy and have my assessment call in June, and I'm terrified. I have the support of my boyfriend and friends who are encouraging me to keep the appointment even though I'm frightened whoever I speak to will inform my parents (I'm 27f and don't even live at home anymore) that I'm a nutcase, or on the other end of the spectrum - they don't think I'm suffering enough to qualify for help. But my boyfriend is going through cancer treatment and I said to him last night that I'd sh again, and I said that "it makes me feel better" which a lot of people can agree with. But what I didn't expect, was to have it sound as mental as it does, and I've promised him I'll get help.
Fingers crossed the NHS take me seriously enough to actually give me this help, I've never been diagnosed with anxiety or anything but I hope that I can start a new chapter of not doing anything :)
Does anyone from the UK have any experience with the NHS talking therapy?
submitted by axeptcrazy to AdultSelfHarm [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:25 EMN_Sandwich Experience with Lehigh defense Xtreme Chaos 160gr .308

Looking for anyone who has used this hunting or done some accuracy testing with it. I know alot of these new "shredder" style rounds have a hard time stabilizing in shorter barrels. (Rifle Springfield redline 16" 1:10 .308). The ballistics gel testing videos make it look like a hand grenade goes off in the cavity. If anyone has some first hand experience I'd appreciate it.
submitted by EMN_Sandwich to reloading [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:24 PriestofJudas Most enjoyable awful horror douchebags?

It’s always fun having horror characters you love to hate. Seeing them die is also such a satisfying moment so who are your favourite dickbags?
Until recently I placed Shaun Ruddy from Deadstream as my top one but after watching it last year and rewatching it today, it’s got to be Evan from Thanksgiving. Dude has so many quotable lines that all make him into the biggest bag of dicks on earth and his death is suuuuper satisfying
submitted by PriestofJudas to horror [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:23 graciefaceee Help! New shipment boxes

Help! New shipment boxes
We did our first shipment with the new boxes and I quite literally have never felt so dumb. Me and my team tried to figure out a way to break them down and make them compact without them sliding everywhere. (We couldn’t 🫣) and then we tried to figure out how in the world we are supposed to reuse them? I watched the video and read the instructions and they simply do not work well at all. Can someone who maybe has figured them out walk me through it for my teams sake lol
submitted by graciefaceee to SephoraWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:22 PoetryDependent7621 How to deal with a shitty boss?

I work at a daycare. Honestly my first and only job I've had. Been here a crappy 8 years and honestly hate it. My coworkers for the most part are lazy, my boss is a pastor who caters to the workers who go to his church and I don't so I've always been treated poorly. About a month ago I was left with more than the allowed 4 babies by myself because he assigned 3 teachers to another room with only 10 kids (only one teacher was needed for said room). When I asked why I was told I was acting stupid and complaining. Eventually let that go. But then yesterday after two weeks of letting the owner know we are out of groceries basically for the kids and I'm having to use my money for it, I came in yesterday to absolutely no groceries. So I just texted the pastor asking if he saw my messages and what to do because we have no food for the kids really. We were out of vegetables, fruits and basically any food besides one bag of fish sticks which won't food over 30 kids. And while I'm talking to another worker he calls her, and first thing out his mouth was (my name) "can't cook and she keeps complaining we don't have food". Like why are you calling someone else about the issue I asked you. And let alone insulting me in said process. I never once was rude about the food. And I'm not gonna lie I texted him asking what his issue is with me and he started on the phone like I had an attitude and getting pissed at me. And I was mad trying to tell him what am I supposed to do because we don't have food for these kids. And I'm literally wasting my money ti make sure they can get the right stuff because no one is getting it for them. And he's just getting pissed at me. And guys I currently can't afford to move jobs. I'm looking now, but due to no car and an illness it's not the easiest thing for me to just leave like most people. So can anyone suggest what to do without just saying leave the job. Because I am working on that. But I need other advice as well. Because my mental health is deteriorating at this job and being treated like I'm an issue when all I do is try and do my job as best I can
submitted by PoetryDependent7621 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:22 InternationalBoot257 I have a ocd problem.

I am a compulsive hoarder.
Hi reddit I would like to share my experience whit you.
For the past few months I have been asking everyone for old crt tv's and I have found some, the problem is that I have to hide them in a old semi abandoned factory in order to hide them form my family. They do not support my decision to collect them, in fact nobody knows about it if they found them I would be done for, they would destroy every single one of them, and they are right I am a compulsive hoarder, my room his always a mess and I already cleaned it tow times, papers, plastics, old toys, recently I got read of t a box full of toys and tow plastic bags full of useless trash all scattered in small room.
That is why my family doesn't want me to collect this supposed useless electronics, because they take to much space and I wont ever stop getting new ones, and I think they are right I already have contacts of over 30 different people, only some can give me tv's but they are quite numerus.
I already have hidden at least 9 TV's of which only 4 work. I am thinking of giving the broken ones to an old pawn shop but I don't have car and I hide them by bringing them myself, I cannot possibly throw them out or give them because their a secret and I cant go to neither to the pawn shop or the recycling plant do to the distance.
Also I ask literally everyone, I am still asking people, and not asking makes me stressed and depressed, and waiting for other people to give them also causes stress and anxiety, and I also ask in very inappropriate situations some friends of mine have already call me out.
I cannot bring my self to let go or to get rid of them, and my room is already filled whit old radios, cd players, a vcr, a crt tv, books and comics, musical instruments, old consoles and new electronics etc recently my desk almost broke from the weight.
I cant bring my self to sell this items and I am always getting more crap, I still have storage space in the factory but when will someone in my family find out and what will they do.
This situation is freaking me out.
Besides I already have a lot of people wating for me to collect their old tv's.
I wanted to write more but won't rob you of your time plz if you have something to tell me write it!
submitted by InternationalBoot257 to MentalHealthPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:22 send_me_jokes_plz I'm under contract! Why am I panicking? How do I make this easier?

My first offer was accepted. I have an amazing loan officer who matched the best rate I could find, my realtor is amazing and pushed everything through very quickly. $265k house, just under 2k square feet, one acre of land, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, appliances included. House is in good shape, clean and well maintained. Septic tank, boiler, water softener, and furnace are all less than 10 years old. Roof will most likely need to be replaced within 5 years. Feels way too good to be true.
I'm going back and forth between pure ecstasy and pure panic. I moved out of my parents house 6 years ago, and haven't moved since, so I'm getting really nervous about the stress of moving. I have 8 months on my lease so I can do it slowly, and will be able to break my lease for pretty cheap once I'm ready, already talked to my landlord about it. Any advice for making moving as easy as possible?
Is there anything I should be aware of during this closing process, or afterwards? Any advice for minimizing costs during it all? 4% down and only $7000 in closing costs, I should have $10k-$15k left over for moving/etc, which is lower than I'd like. I have enough set aside to pay rent for the next 6 months, and my monthly payment with escrow and PMI will be under 30% of my take home pay, after 401k contributions and all that, and I'm a new grad so I'll be looking for better pay once this is all settled. On paper, I think the numbers work out, although I'm not quite sure how much owning a home truly costs. I plan on saving at least 2% of the value each year for repairs/etc, based on what I've seen online.
I feel like all of this worked out too well, that it can't really be this easy. Inspection is later this week, so maybe I'll discover something is totally wrong with the house, but my realtor thinks the sellers just want to retire somewhere nicer as quickly as they can.
Any advice is appreciated, this is terrifying! (:
submitted by send_me_jokes_plz to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:19 TerriMKozlowski Why It's Important To Understand Your Past Isn't An Indication Of Your Future

People ruminate on the past, who’s wronged them, and the things that are absent from their lives. People imagine past events as though they are still happening now. They use who they were in the past to define their future.
The issue with defining oneself in the present from your past is that it keeps you bound to the past. This self-imposed limitation asserts that everything about your past determines how you will behave in the future. Your future hasn't been written yet. The decisions you make will continue to shape who you can be.
When you are a child of an alcoholic, you learn from a very young age the signs to look for so you aren’t in the line of fire when the next violent episode occurs. And the feared incident always happens. Consequently, you become conditioned to react to these indications.
As an adult, you see evidence that because bad things have happened in the past doesn’t mean more bad things will happen. Not every slurred speech or stumbling from another person will cause harm. Therefore, you can determine that the past doesn’t have to repeat itself.
Although this may take time to realize, it doesn’t have to. You’re shaped by your past. The good news is, you aren’t bound to it. You can move beyond the difficulties of the past and into something far better. The main reason you don’t have to repeat the past is because you can learn from it.
While we cannot predict the future, we will most surely live it. Every action and decision we take - or don't - ripples into the future. ~ Jacque Fresco

Your Mindset Determines Your Future

You often have feelings and attachments to the past. The past can be hard to let go of, and it affects you emotionally. Yet you have a choice to make, an option to choose a different outlook, a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset.
The fixed mindset is the idea that you believe your attributes and abilities are inherently fixed and can’t be changed. For example, you may think that you’re as smart as you’ll ever be and therefore, that thought process causes you not to even try to learn new things. Since you don’t believe your intelligence can grow with time and experience, then you can’t change, and your future will be the same.
A growth mindset is the exact opposite. This mindset is founded on the conviction that your basic abilities can be cultivated and are malleable. This allows one to grow with enthusiasm, time, and a commitment to improving, learning, and becoming greater than before. With a growth mindset, failures are short-term setbacks, and the process is usually more important than the outcome. So, with a growth mindset, your future is never predetermined. It’s boundless.
The fixed mindset is the most common mindset and the most harmful. So, you need to know which mindset you favor so you can learn from the past and then choose a different future. You can change your mindset just by thinking it through.
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. ~ Mary Pickford

Reframing Your Past To Better Serve You

Your world is the one you make through your decisions. So is the one you remember from your past. Change the significance of the experiences if what you remember is difficult or negative. Examine the experiences that are preventing you from moving forward and try to see them from a more positive perspective. Reframe your rejection, to believe it was a sign from the Universe directing you to a better place. If you have ever failed at something, consider it a lesson in building resilience for a better future.
Accepting your history serves as a springboard and a means of getting ready for the future once you can no longer imagine a better ending for it. The way you identify who you have been and how you envision who you will be next, combine to form who you are today. Take care of the narratives you accept and write about yourself. Take deliberate steps to embrace the lessons learned from the past and the opportunities that lie ahead. 
These are the components of who you are right now. The gifts that make up your current existence have been your experiences. A clear vision for your life is essential, as you attract what you focus on. Your destiny is entirely within your control. Even if you can't control everything in life, you can still do great things if you accept responsibility, grow from your mistakes, and have a clear vision.
There are times in our lives when we have to realize our past is precisely what it is, and we cannot change it. But we can change the story we tell ourselves about it, and by doing that, we can change the future. ~ Eleanor Brown

Everybody Changes; So The Future Will Differ From The Past

As an adult, you have experienced enough of life to see that one constant is change. You grow, circumstances transform, people develop. All of this is observable. Therefore, if everybody changes, then the past can’t indicate the future.
Even those around you that don’t seem to have the desire to grow still change. They are based on the circumstances that occur in their life and by the choices they make. Not making a choice is still choosing, which impacts one’s life that doesn’t allow things to stay the same. Thus, despite a lack of growth, the future will differ from the past.
As you develop, how you perceive the past is altered and reframed. You learn from the past and determine ways to prevent unwanted situations. You make informed decisions and take responsibility for your choices, so that you can move forward toward the goals and dreams. Thus, validating that you are creating a better future than your past.
My aha moment came when I realized my past was holding me back because I allowed it to. I embraced both the idea that I had total autonomy to decide in the present and the reality that I couldn’t change the past, only reframe it. Then I choose to forgive anyone who had wronged me, as well as myself for my previous missteps. And you can make the same choice.
People underestimate their capacity for change. There is never a right time to do a difficult thing. ~John Porter

Making Your Future Better than Your Past

As you have seen, in order to improve your future than your past, believe that it’s possible. This may take a bit of courage to overcome your fears and move towards a growth mindset. Here are some ways to help you with this process.

1. Find Your Tribe To Create The Future You Desire

You may have to cut ties with those people in your life that keep you fixated on negativity. The girlfriend who’s always teasing you about the mistake you made years ago has no bearing on the present, except that it keeps your ego in a place of embarrassment every time she mentions it. The people who remind you of your failings or missteps are focusing on the negativity of the past. You may need to spend less time with these people.
Instead, focus on those people who are encouraging, the ones who are excited for you to try new ventures or take a class. This is your tribe, the ones who look at your best attributes and speak positively to you. They remind you of the successes you’ve had, to inspire you to keep moving forward. Make new friends in the areas that you are growing. It's helpful to have someone learning with you to discuss and problem solve together.
Releasing those people from your life that have a negative influence on you is an important step to safeguarding that your future doesn’t resemble your past. By ensuring that you have people who are positive and encouraging around, you help yourself enlarge the possibilities of a better and boundless future.
When we think we have been hurt by someone in the past, we build up defenses to protect ourselves from being hurt in the future. So the fearful past causes a fearful future and the past and future become one. ~ Gerald G. Jampolsky

2. Let Go Of The Past And Its Attachments

Fear of loss is a common concern, like the anxiety of losing your job and the grief of losing a friend. The harsh reality is that you will lose things and loved ones. It’s the natural course of life. Nonetheless, being anxious about the future or worried about the past does nothing but keep you from being fully present and working towards your goals.
The fear of loss can cause many to stay in a mode of indecision and procrastination throughout the course of their lives. People grow attached to the stuff in their lives. Things like their profession, their prominence, their income, their lifestyle, etc. To pursue a change would mean relinquishing some or these things that are now associated as part of your life. Because of this aversion to loss, many people choose to put their dreams on hold — continuously.
By becoming less attached to the things in your life, you overcome the fear of loss. This enables you to move forward towards your goals and build a better future for yourself.
Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. ~ Yoda

3. Accepting What Is Stops The Struggling

By learning to be thankful for your current situation, one changes the focus from lack to having enough. This is important from a universal perspective. Acceptance for what is allows peace to enter your life instead of feeling you are fighting just to get by.
Part of acceptance is gratitude for everything you have, which includes any hardships, as they’re there for you to learn something. The fastest way through adversity is to ask the Universe what lesson are you to glean from the experience. Then, you have to get quiet and discern how this situation can teach you something about yourself or how you relate to the world around you.
One of the best ways to help you see all the good in your life is a gratitude journal. It’s easy to write a few items each evening that happened during your day, which you are grateful for. They can be things like the beautiful sunrise you witnessed while driving into work or your child passed their math test even though he struggled with the homework. You have things in your life to appreciate, and this is where you need to focus your attention in order to shape the vision you have for your future.
Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that there’s got to be a way through it. ~ Michael J. Fox

4. Small Steps Towards A Better Future

Growth and development don’t happen overnight. It takes time. And you want things to happen quickly as you are impatient with yourself. But you need to be kind, give a little self-care and self-love. Pay attention to the incremental steps you take as you grow.
It took me over two years before I could meditate daily. I wanted to, but I had to overcome obstacles within myself in order to accomplish this goal. First, I set the intention to meditate daily, but I had focus issues. So, I had to work on being able to quiet my mind so that I could focus. Once I accomplished that step, I added meditation to my calendar, because if it’s on my calendar, I do it. This entire process could be frustrating, but I focused on each incremental step, not the end result. Now, I wouldn’t begin my day without first meditating.
So, whatever you are trying to accomplish, set up steps along the path so you can have minor victories along the way. This ensures you will continue to move forward even if you run into a time of struggle. Being able to see that you overcame previous difficulties encourages you to continue until you accomplish the goal.
You need to be content with small steps. That's all life is. Small steps that you take every day, so when you look back down the road, it all adds up and you know you covered some distance. ~ Katie Kacvinsky

Remember, You Are Wiser Now

It’s unnecessary for you to continue suffering just because you were taken advantage of or mistreated by others, often by those closest to you. You have the power to decide to quit mentally reliving the past. Actually, more anguish is frequently caused by your mind continuously playing back an awful experience from the past than by the actual incident.
You are no longer required to assume the victim's role. You're a survivor. And you can determine how you interpret negative experiences from your past. It’s the key to your freedom.
Unlike what some people think, you can be remorseful without always punishing yourself for past transgressions. Make the adjustments and move on. I can attest to the liberating nature of forgiveness, having extended forgiveness to my abusive mother. You don't choose to be forgiving of others in order to excuse or justify their actions. You choose to be free through forgiveness.
It's also important for you to accept responsibility for your own missteps. Since nobody is perfect. You don't have to serve a life sentence that you put on yourself in order to make up for the wrongs you did or the poor decisions you made. Treat yourself with self-compassion.
You can choose to see your past as quicksand or a launching pad. It’s up to you to make use of your experiences as a tool or allow them to be used against you.
Close the door on the past. Don’t try to forget the mistakes, but don't dwell on them. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space. ~ Johnny Cash

Moving Forward Believing In A Better Future

You have the freedom to decide how much control you wish to have over your present life, regardless of what has happened in the past. Although it’s impossible to undo the past, you can reframe it and decide how to respond to it.
Belief is paramount to being able to do anything. Confidence in your abilities, conviction in your resolve to constantly move forward, and faith that all your work will make your dreams a reality. Maintaining this belief is important, which is why you need to take pride in the victories along the way.
Every disappointment that you overcame, each circumstance you seized, and the individuals that arrived along the way that you recognized were there to help you. All the success along the way helps you maintain the belief that the future is going to be better than your past, because you are creating it every day.
No matter how awful it was, your past does not indicate your future. The decisions and deeds you commit to today will ultimately shape who you become in the future. Decide to take what you've learned from the past and use it in the present to live the life that was meant for you.
Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay. ~ Simone de Beauvoir
submitted by TerriMKozlowski to personalgrowthnow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:19 Big_Valuable_5912 Help, should I quit after first month or does it get easier?

I started my phd in the start of April. I am so overwhelmed and stressed. The topic is new, the city is new, the colleagues are new, and I feel like I don't understand anything. I am now supposed to be doing my research plan mut everything is making me so overwhelmed I don't even know where to start. My supervisor is very nice, but busy. Everyone around me knows everything and I am the only one who doesn't understand. Still I feel like I am expected to deliver the same quality of work.
Should I just quit after I am too deep in it as I have never felt this "bad" in my life. Or is this just all because of the new things etc.
Anybody with similar start?
submitted by Big_Valuable_5912 to PhD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:18 Stage-Piercing727 Best Coleman Electric Grill

Best Coleman Electric Grill

Welcome to our comprehensive roundup featuring the top Coleman Electric Grills! Explore our selection of the finest outdoor cooking appliances, designed with convenience and versatility in mind. Join us as we dive into the world of electric grilling and uncover the best options perfect for your next barbecue gathering.

The Top 19 Best Coleman Electric Grill

  1. Coleman Roadtrip 24" Portable Electric Griddle with Folding Steel Legs and Integrated Lid - The Coleman RoadTrip 24" Griddle XLT Black offers ultimate portability, a smooth cooking surface, and even heat distribution for your camping and backyard barbecue adventures, all in one convenient package.
  2. Portable Coleman Camp Grill for Easy Outdoor Cooking - Cook up a storm on the Coleman Deluxe Camp Grill, perfect for a variety of outdoor adventures with its versatile design, high-quality materials, and ease of storage.
  3. Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill: Perfect for On-the-Go Cooking - Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill - Enjoy delicious grilled meals anytime, anywhere with this versatile, easy-to-use, and easy-to-clean grill!
  4. Compact Portable Coleman Instastart Grill for Outdoor Cooking - Bring the party anywhere with Coleman's Instastart Propane Party Grill - compact, easy to transport, and perfect for flavor-packed sizzling treats.
  5. Coleman Roadtrip Steel Portable Griddle: Versatile, Powerful Outdoor Cooking Solution - Coleman RoadTrip Steel Portable Griddle, Blue Nights - The ultimate portable griddle for all your outdoor cooking needs with a powerful 14,000 BTU cooking surface, smooth and easy-to-clean setup, and even heat distribution for perfect results every time.
  6. Smokeless Electric Grill by Gotham Steel - Luxurious Grilling Experience - Experience quick and convenient grilling with the Gotham Steel Large Brown Smokeless Electric Grill, perfect for preparing your favorite gluten-free and dairy-free meals without any mess.
  7. Portable Coleman Grill for Camping and Outdoor Adventures - Experience versatile, efficient, and easy-to-clean outdoor grilling with the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Propane Grill, perfect for camping, hunting, and tailgating adventures!
  8. Cuisinart Smoke-Less Contact Griddler: Versatile Indoor Griller for Delicious Grilled Meals - Enjoy smokeless, hassle-free grilling with Cuisinart's GR-6S Contact Smoke-Less Mode Griddler, featuring independent heating temperatures, adjustable to 175-425°F, dual plate functions, and simple cleanup.
  9. Brookstone IndooOutdoor Electric Grill for Charcoal-Free Cooking - Indulge in authentic char-grilled flavors indoors or outdoors with Brookstone's stainless steel electric grill, featuring independent temperature control, non-stick coated grill plate, and convenient features for hassle-free grilling.
  10. Portable Coleman Gas Grill for the Ultimate Grilling Experience - The Coleman PerfectFlow InstaStart Propane Grill offers a convenient, mess-free grilling experience for any outdoor adventure, making it the perfect choice for camping, hunting, tailgating, and emergency situations.
  11. Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill for Healthy and Delicious Cooking - The Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill offers easy temperature control, a nonstick cooking surface, and a 125 sq. in. grilling space, making it the perfect choice for health-conscious cooks who prioritize ease of use, cleanup, and durability.
  12. Portable Camping Grill/Stove with Wind Protection and Easy Clean-Up - Experience versatile outdoor cooking with the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Camp Grill/Stove, featuring dual-sided cooking, windblock panels, and easy cleanup for a perfect camping meal.
  13. Compact Coleman Propane Grill/Stove for Camping Adventures - Grill like a pro with the Coleman Electric Grill, featuring a convenient 2-in-1 design, ample cooking space, and compact setup for outdoor adventures.
  14. Portable Coleman Grill for Camping - Experience hassle-free outdoor cooking with the Coleman NXT 200 Portable Grill, perfect for camping enthusiasts seeking a versatile cooking solution.
  15. Coleman Portable Gas Grill with 3 Adjustable Burners and Integrated Thermometer - The Coleman Roadtrip 285 Portable Stand-Up Propane Grill offers hassle-free portability, enhanced temperature control with 3 independently adjustable burners, and a spacious cooking area, ensuring perfect grilled meals every time.
  16. Coleman 2000020947 Portable 225-Square Inch Gas Grill in Red - Coleman Sportster Propane Grill: Powerful 11,000 BTU heat, easy transport, and a 225-square inch cooking surface make this the ultimate grilling companion.
  17. Cuisinart Outdoor Electric Grill and VersaStand: Portable and Compact Cooking Solution - The Cuisinart Outdoor Electric Grill with VersaStand provides a large, easy-to-clean cooking surface, efficient heating, and a telescoping base for convenient use, making it a top choice for outdoor grilling enthusiasts in any setting.
  18. Portable Coleman Black Tabletop Grill with Adjustable Burners - Experience hassle-free outdoor cooking with the Coleman Roadtrip 225 Black Portable Table Top Grill, offering up to 11,000 BTUs, 2 adjustable burners, and a convenient Instastart ignition for a great camping or tailgate experience.
  19. Coleman Roadtrip LX Propane Portable Gas Grill for Easy Camp Cooking - Coleman Roadtrip LX Propane Grill: A high-quality, portable gas grill with matchless lighting, easy-to-use push-button ignition, and authentic open-flame drip-through grilling ideal for camping cooking adventures.
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🔗Coleman Roadtrip 24" Portable Electric Griddle with Folding Steel Legs and Integrated Lid

Imagine having a portable griddle that you can take on all your camping adventures, effortlessly cooking up a storm of delicious meals in the great outdoors. That's exactly what the Coleman Roadtrip Griddle XLT provides, with its easy-collapsing steel scissor legs that make for a smooth transition from storing to cooking and quick setup.
It's the ultimate companion for your camping needs, featuring a 24-inch cooking surface that heats up to 20,000 BTUs - more than enough to cater to a crowd and evenly heat your food. The smooth, rolled carbon steel griddle cooktop pre-seasoned to prevent rust offers an efficient cooking experience, making it a breeze to clean up afterwards thanks to the removable rear grease tray.
Now, while it's a fantastic piece of equipment for outdoor cooking, it does have a few drawbacks. Its weight and size might pose a challenge when trying to transport it, especially when you're not in the midst of a spacious camping area. Plus, you'll need to dedicate some time and patience to maintaining the griddle after each use – a task that even the most seasoned barbecue enthusiasts might find a bit daunting.
Overall, the Coleman Roadtrip Griddle XLT offers a fantastic combination of portability, versatility, and power, making it the perfect addition to your camping inventory. However, be prepared to tackle some minor challenges along the way, such as its bulkiness and the time-consuming maintenance processes.

🔗Portable Coleman Camp Grill for Easy Outdoor Cooking

I recently took the Coleman Deluxe Camp Grill on a camping trip with my friends. We were excited to try out this grill, as it seemed like a simple and convenient option for cooking over a campfire.
One of the first things we noticed was how sturdy and well-built it was. It's made from nickel-plated steel, which gave us confidence in its ability to handle the heat and the elements. The grill can be used either standing over the flames or laid flat on top of the fire, which was a useful feature that we appreciated.
Now, let's talk about the drawbacks. The grill has two sizes of holes, and we found that the larger ones were too big, causing our burgers to fall through when we were trying to flip them. We also thought it would be better if all the holes were the same size, as it would have made cooking more efficient.
Despite these minor issues, the Coleman Deluxe Camp Grill was a convenient and reliable option for our camping trip. It was easy to transport and fold up flat for storage, which made it a great choice for traveling. Overall, we were happy with our experience using this grill and would recommend it to others looking for a simple and convenient cooking tool for camping trips.

🔗Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill: Perfect for On-the-Go Cooking

I recently tried the Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer for my outdoor cooking adventures. As a busy mom who loves to cook, this little grill proved to be perfect for my on-the-go meals.
The first thing that stood out to me was its built-in handle, which made it incredibly easy to transport and store. The design was compact and lightweight, making it an ideal companion for weekend camping trips or a quick dinner on my deck.
The InstaStart button was a highlight of my experience. Say goodbye to lighting a match or dealing with a lighter – this grill fires up with just the push of a button. Plus, the adjustable horseshoe burner allowed me to have precise temperature control, ensuring my burgers and hotdogs turned out perfectly cooked every time.
However, there were a couple of downsides. The grill wasn't the most durable, with a few users reporting issues with the lid latch. Additionally, the porcelain coating on the grate was not as sturdy as I would have hoped, which made it more challenging to clean up after use.
Overall, the Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill is an excellent option for those looking for a small, portable grill for their adventures or to use at home. With easy-to-use features like InstaStart and a adjustable burner, this grill makes outdoor cooking a breeze. But, potential buyers should be aware of the durability issues and the need to handle the grill with care.

🔗Compact Portable Coleman Instastart Grill for Outdoor Cooking

The Coleman Instastart Propane Party Grill was designed to bring the party anywhere; with its compact and lightweight design, this grill is perfect for tailgating, camping, or just hanging out in the backyard. One of its highlights is the 8,000-BTU burner control system that offers a perfect touch of heat, whether you're cooking up some steaks or just toasting some marshmallows.
The grill itself is easy to assemble and even easier to clean. The components are dishwasher-safe, making your post-cooking chores a breeze. I especially loved the feature that allows the legs to detach and fit inside the grill for easy storage and transportation.
Despite its many merits, there were a few drawbacks. Firstly, the grill's surface is prone to sticking and food could roll off quite easily. Additionally, the grill's performance varied; in some instances, the heat was unevenly distributed. The grill top, too, was a disappointment; the supplied one was too small and didn't fit properly.
In conclusion, the Coleman Instastart Propane Party Grill is a convenient and portable solution for those who want to grill or cook on-the-go. While it could use a few tweaks, such as a better grill top and even heat distribution, overall it does its job and makes for a fun addition to any get-together.

🔗Coleman Roadtrip Steel Portable Griddle: Versatile, Powerful Outdoor Cooking Solution

During my recent camping trip, I decided to bring along the Coleman Roadtrip Steel Portable Griddle, which I had heard great things about for its versatility and ease of use. I was particularly drawn to its 19-inch rolled carbon steel griddle cooktop, as it promised to cook up to 10 hamburgers at once with a whopping 14,000 BTUs of power.
Setting it up was a breeze; the scissor legs folded down effortlessly, and the two sturdy wheels made transportation an absolute cinch. I found the cooking surface incredibly smooth, which made flipping burgers a breeze. The griddle performed admirably, cooking evenly across its surface, much to my satisfaction.
One aspect that stood out, however, was the product's cleanliness. Its smooth surface proved a snap to clean, while the removable grease tray ensured a mess-free experience both during and after cooking.
Despite the initial assembly struggle mentioned by a reviewer, overall, I found the Coleman Roadtrip Griddle to be a fantastic choice for campers and backyard enthusiasts alike. The combination of its easy transport, even cooking heat distribution, and quick start mechanism make it a standout among portable griddles. My only caveat would be its weight, which while not a deal breaker, can make it a tad cumbersome to maneuver alone.

🔗Smokeless Electric Grill by Gotham Steel - Luxurious Grilling Experience

I recently tried the Gotham Steel 1619 Smokeless Electric Grill and was thoroughly impressed with its capabilities. Its large size and brown color made it a perfect addition to my kitchen, and it was easy to maneuver around thanks to its lightweight design.
One of the most outstanding features of this grill is its smokeless technology, ensuring that my kitchen was always free of the usual grilling smoke. The electric heating element cooked my food evenly and quickly, while the non-stick surface made cleaning a breeze.
However, there was one downside to this otherwise fantastic grill - its size. While it's great for large gatherings, it can be quite bulky and take up a significant amount of counter space.
Overall, the Gotham Steel 1619 Smokeless Electric Grill is a fantastic kitchen appliance that offers fast, even cooking with minimal mess. Although its bulkiness may be a drawback for some, it's a small price to pay for its impressive performance and ease of use.

🔗Portable Coleman Grill for Camping and Outdoor Adventures

I recently tried out the Coleman Portable Propane Grill during a camping trip, and I have to say, it made cooking in the great outdoors a breeze. I loved how versatile this grill is; perfect for camping, hunting, or tailgating. The heat output was impressive, with 11,000 BTUs of power across the 180 square inch grilling surface.
One of the features that really stood out to me was the PerfectHeat technology. It ensures efficient cooking using less fuel, which is great when you're out in the wilderness. The PerfectFlow technology also shines in extreme conditions, providing consistent performance across all weather scenarios.
Another handy feature was the WindBlock panels that help shield your flame from the wind. However, during calmer days, they fold down easily to serve as side tables. The removable grease management system is also a plus, making cleanup a breeze.
One thing I noticed wasn't perfect was the durability of the grill top. I had heard warnings about it, but mine unfortunately warped after just a few uses. This resulted in it being unable to close properly.
Despite this minor setback, the Coleman Portable Propane Grill proved to be a reliable and convenient companion for our outdoor adventures. It's perfect for creating the ideal meal, anywhere and anytime.

🔗Cuisinart Smoke-Less Contact Griddler: Versatile Indoor Griller for Delicious Grilled Meals

I recently had the pleasure of using the Cuisinart GR-6S Contact Smoke-Less Mode Griddler in my own kitchen. Honestly, it brought a whole new dimension to my indoor grilling game. The smokeless feature made grilling indoors a breeze without filling my apartment with smoke.
One of the first things I noticed was the adjustable temperatures. It made it incredibly easy to get the perfect sear on my steaks, evenly brown my pancakes, and cook each dish to perfection without overcooking or undercooking. The LCD display and digital controls were quite user-friendly and made selecting the desired temperature a snap. Yet, there was a bit of a learning curve in the beginning.
Now, the highlight of the Griddler was the DuoControl Heating Advantage. I could independently control the temperature on the upper and lower plates. I used this to cook a variety of dishes like fish, poultry, and veggies. However, it did require some trial and error to figure out the ideal temperatures for each dish.
I also loved the removable drip tray and the nonstick dishwasher-safe plates. Cleanup was a breeze, which was a great thing considering how much I used the griddler. The capacity was fairly small, but as I said, it was made to handle a couple of sandwiches at a time.
However, there were a couple of issues. Firstly, the bottom plate didn't cook evenly when both the top and bottom had the same temperature. To fix this, I had to play around with the temperatures to get the right results. Also, the cooking surface was quite small, but considering its compact design, it made sense.
The construction was sturdy and, in fact, exceeded my expectations. The silver color made it a great addition to my kitchen, adding a certain visual appeal. The appliance held up well against daily use, proving to be quite durable. However, the design was a bit of a challenge to understand right out of the box.
Overall, I found the Cuisinart GR-6S Contact Smoke-Less Mode Griddler a joy to use. It added a touch of innovation to my grilling routines and was a great addition to my kitchen appliances collection. Even with its minor flaws, it certainly delivered in terms of quality and performance.

🔗Brookstone IndooOutdoor Electric Grill for Charcoal-Free Cooking

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Brookstone Indoor, Outdoor Electric Grill. It's been great as a home grilling solution since it doesn't require charcoal or propane. My first time using it, I grilled some chicken, and the flavors just popped.
The two heating zones provided precise temperature control, allowing me to achieve that authentic grilled taste. However, I found the cleanup process a bit challenging as grease collected in the drip tray, making it a hassle to keep everything clean. Regardless, the grill's stainless-steel design and sleek outdoor cover made it a worthwhile addition to my outdoor cooking setup.

🔗Portable Coleman Gas Grill for the Ultimate Grilling Experience

I recently tried out the Coleman PerfectFlow InstaStart Gas Grill for a weekend camping trip. It was a breeze to set up, and with just a push of a button, the grill was up and running in no time. The convenient matchless lighting system really stood out to me, as it made starting the grill a hassle-free experience.
One of the biggest pros of this grill is its durability. The steel-crafted body is tough and can withstand various outdoor elements without any issues. Plus, on those calm days, the shields fold down as side tables, providing extra work space.
However, I did encounter a few cons during my time with the grill. Firstly, the drip tray wasn't the most effective. It seemed to catch grease well but can be a bit messy to clean. Secondly, the grill plate occasionally caused some difficulty in achieving an even cook.
Despite a few minor drawbacks, the Coleman PerfectFlow InstaStart Gas Grill has proven to be a reliable companion for me on my camping trips. So, if you're looking for a portable, convenient, and durable grill for your outdoor adventures, this might just be the one for you.

🔗Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill for Healthy and Delicious Cooking

I recently tried out the Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill and was quite impressed by its performance. This grill was a game-changer in my household as it allowed me to enjoy juicy, flavorful grilled meats without having to step outside in the elements. The nonstick cooking surface was a standout feature as it made cleanup a breeze, unlike my old grill that could be a hassle to clean.
One of the things that stood out the most was the temperature control. It made it super easy to adjust the heat to my liking, ensuring that my food was perfectly cooked every time. The even heat distribution was also noticeable - no more burnt burgers or overcooked steaks!
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I encountered. Although it's compact and portable, it took a little longer to heat up compared to my outdoor grill. Additionally, some users have mentioned issues with the grill's durability, but I haven't experienced any problems myself yet.
Overall, the Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill is a fantastic product that has made an excellent addition to my kitchen. Its easy-to-clean features, exceptional temperature control, and even heat distribution make it a worthwhile investment for any grilling enthusiast.

🔗Portable Camping Grill/Stove with Wind Protection and Easy Clean-Up

I recently tried out the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Camp Propane Grill/Stove, and I must say, it has been a game-changer during my camping trips. The ability to use it as both a stove and a grill at the same time is such a convenient feature.
One thing that really stands out is the wind block system. It ensures that the burners aren't affected by wind, which is a common issue when cooking outdoors. The propane pressure control technology also makes sure that the cooking surface generates up to 10,000 BTUs of cooking power.
However, there are a few downsides. The non-stick surface, while easy to clean, can sometimes be a bit tricky to handle while cooking. Additionally, the dimensions might be a bit bigger than expected, so it could take up more space than anticipated.
Overall, I've had a positive experience with the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Camp Propane Grill/Stove. It's a reliable and versatile option for those who love camping and cooking outdoors.

🔗Compact Coleman Propane Grill/Stove for Camping Adventures

A Coleman Tabletop Propane Gas Camping 2-in-1 Grill/Stove 2-Burner Gray has been my go-to grilling companion during recent camping trips. The convenience of cooking multiple meals simultaneously while occupying minimal space is truly a game-changer.
The best aspect of this grill is its versatility - it enables me to whip up a quick skillet meal or sear some burgers all at once, making it a perfect companion in the kitchen. Additionally, the grill surface fits a 10-inch pan, providing ample room for larger dishes.
However, I did encounter a minor inconvenience with the stove's design. The stove surface cannot accommodate a larger pot, rendering it unsuitable for preparing larger meals.
Overall, I am pleased with the Coleman Tabletop Propane Gas Camping 2-in-1 Grill/Stove 2-Burner Gray, as it has significantly streamlined my camping cooking experience. Despite the limitation with the stove's surface, its versatility and functionality make it a valuable addition to my camping gear.

🔗Portable Coleman Grill for Camping


The Coleman NXT 200 Portable Grill has been my trusty companion for countless camping trips and backyard barbecues. Its 20,000 BTUs of cooking intensity and 321 square inches of grilling space make it perfect for cooking up a storm, whether you're making burgers for the whole family or whipping up a quick meal on the go.
There are a few aspects of this grill that really stand out in my experience. First and foremost, its durability is top-notch. It's been with me through wind, rain, and snow, and it still performs like a champ. The materials used in its construction are of the highest quality, ensuring that it can withstand the elements and remain functional for years to come.
However, there are a couple of things that could use some improvement. One major drawback is the size and weight of the grill. It can be a bit of a struggle to transport it, especially if you're on your own. It's not exactly a lightweight option, so be prepared for a bit of heft when you're moving it from place to place.
Another area where this grill could use some work is the availability of accessories. Some users have reported difficulty in finding certain attachments, like the griddle, which can limit the versatility of the grill. It would be great if there were more options available for those looking to expand their cooking capabilities.
Overall, the Coleman NXT 200 Portable Grill is a reliable and powerful grill that has served me well in a variety of situations. It's a bit cumbersome to transport and accessory availability can be hit or miss, but if you're in the market for a dependable and efficient grill, this one fits the bill.

Buyer's Guide

A Coleman Electric Grill is a convenient and versatile option for those seeking an effortless outdoor cooking experience. These grills come in various sizes and configurations, making it essential to consider several factors before making your purchase. Here are some important considerations to help you choose the right Coleman Electric Grill to suit your needs.

Power Source & Portability

The power source of the grill is a crucial factor to consider, as it will determine how you use it and where. Coleman Electric Grills come with different power sources: 120 volts AC (standard household), 240 volts AC (requires a dedicated outdoor outlet), or portable options powered by propane or natural gas. Decide on the power source that will work best for you based on your electricity access and mobility needs.

Cooking Surface Size & Capacity

The size of the cooking surface and capacity of the grill will influence the amount of food you can cook at once. Coleman Electric Grills offer various cooking surface options, ranging from 120 square inches to over 600 square inches. Determine the size you'll need to accommodate your cooking requirements and the number of people you plan to serve.

Heating Elements & Cooking Settings

Consider the heating elements and cooking settings when selecting a Coleman Electric Grill. Many models offer individual heat settings for each burner, allowing you to control temperature zones for different cooking needs. Look for grills with adjustable heat output settings or temperature probes for more precise cooking results.


Additional Features

Additional features may also influence your decision. Some Coleman Electric Grills come with features such as side burners, warming racks, lighted control knobs, and even built-in refrigerators or beverage coolers. Weigh these features against your needs and budget to make the best choice.

Maintenance & Cleaning

Easy maintenance and cleaning are vital aspects of an electric grill. Look for grills with removable parts for simple cleaning, durable materials that withstand heat, and grease management systems to keep your grill in top condition.

Cost & Warranty

Your budget will play a significant role in determining your purchasing options. Compare prices and find the best value for your money. Additionally, consider the warranty offered by the manufacturer, as it will provide peace of mind and help protect your investment in the long run.
By taking all these factors into account, you can confidently choose the perfect Coleman Electric Grill to suit your outdoor cooking needs.


What is the Coleman Electric Grill?

The Coleman Electric Grill is a portable grill that utilizes electric heating elements instead of traditional gas or charcoal. It is designed for convenience and ease of use, making it a popular choice for outdoor cooking and tailgating.


What are the key features of the Coleman Electric Grill?

  • Portability: The grill is lightweight and compact, making it easy to transport and store.
  • Electric Heating: The grill uses electric heating elements, which produce consistent heat and reduce the risk of flare-ups.
  • Adjustable Heat Settings: Most Coleman Electric Grills have multiple heat settings, allowing users to control the temperature to suit their needs.
  • Easy Clean-Up: The grill's non-stick cooking surface makes clean-up a breeze, while the grease tray catches excess grease for easy disposal.

What types of food can I cook on the Coleman Electric Grill?

You can cook a variety of foods on the Coleman Electric Grill, including burgers, hot dogs, steaks, chicken, fish, and even vegetables. The grill's consistent heat and even cooking surface make it perfect for a wide range of delicious outdoor cooking options.

What are the benefits of electric grills compared to traditional gas or charcoal grills?

  • Ease of use: Electric grills are generally simpler to use than traditional gas or charcoal grills, as they don't require the purchase or disposal of propane tanks or the use of charcoal.
  • Faster heating and cooking: Electric grills heat up more quickly and cook food faster than traditional gas or charcoal grills, making it easier to get dinner on the table in no time.
  • Safety: Electric grills are generally considered safer than traditional gas or charcoal grills, as they have no open flames or hot surfaces that could cause accidents.
  • Consistent heat: Electric grills provide consistent heat, which reduces the risk of overcooking or undercooking food.
  • Less maintenance: Electric grills require less maintenance than traditional gas or charcoal grills, as they don't produce the same level of soot, ash, or other byproducts that need to be cleaned up.

What maintenance is required for the Coleman Electric Grill?

The Coleman Electric Grill requires minimal maintenance, as it uses electric heating elements and a non-stick cooking surface. Simply wipe down the cooking surface and grill grates after each use, and empty the grease tray as needed. Regular cleaning of the grill and ensuring it is stored properly will help to extend its lifespan.

How do I light the Coleman Electric Grill?

Most Coleman Electric Grills do not require lighting, as they use electric heating elements instead of open flames. Simply plug in the grill, set the desired heat setting, and allow it to reach the desired temperature before cooking.

What is the warranty period on the Coleman Electric Grill?

Coleman typically offers a one-year warranty on their electric grills, although this can vary depending on the specific model and the retailer it was purchased from. It is always a good idea to check with the retailer or contact Coleman's customer service for the most up-to-date information on product warranties.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:17 Soggy_Lab8575 I hate how i look so much i want to either get a ton of cosmetic surgery or killmyself. I cant stand it anymore.

I (20M) feel like i got pretty lucky with alot of things that men say women want. Im 6"5, im semi muscular (ill get into this one l8r), i got good hair, and half desent facial hair, i have a LOT of money for ppl my age (around 100k at 20 due to a legal suit involving a death of a close relitive), and above average sized thing (not to be crass but i think its important for what im talking about).
Now thats all great, like every alpha male guy would say thats all that matters to get women but my insecurity comes from my face. I HATE the way my face looks. Like i cant put into words how disgusting my face is. My nose is down turned and pruyrdes too far from my face, my eyes are too deep set into my skull and have these disgusting genetic under eye bags that are always shadowed, my cheeks are fat and puffy and i have a aweful jaw that shoots way too high up to early on my face, as well as one side of my face is round and 1 side is sharp. I hate seeing myself. But so much of life is just seeing yourself, i dont want photos of me, i dont want to be seen in public, i dont want to go on dates, etc all because i hate the way i look. Ive gone through soo much in my life but ive really gotten through it all, abusive parents as a kid, dead parent as a teen, all my grandparents are dead, no real connections, a disease that hospitialized me for most of highschool, and so many other struggles in my life and yet the only thing that consitantly weighs on my mind and makes me suididal is my face.
I hate it so much i cant put it into words. Ive done ALOT of reflecting on why i hate how i look because im probaly objectivly speeking barely below average or maybe even average levels of attractivness. I think it comes from bad experinces with women in the past and a sense of inadequicy caused by having abusive parents. I know i mentioned alpha male shit at thr begining of this post but im actually not into any of that bullshit at all. Im a pretty big feminist and ive always kind of prided myself on not being that cringe women hating andrew tate fan, but what im realizing is i just internilized all that hatred instead of putting it onto women.
I constantly look at myself, i check myself in every reflection to confirm im still ugly, if there isnt a mirror i take a photo or look at myself in my phones reflection. I do this because i want to know what i look like in the moment. Even when im alone i constantly check. I have over 6k selfies on my phone if just that. Sometimes i feel confident and i feel like a 8 or a 9 out of 10 and then i see myself in normal/natural lighting and i feel like a 3/10. Its so paralalyzing. I would do anything to just feel comfterable in my own skin. I miss out on so many great things because im paranoid about how i look. When i walk to the store i spend the entire time obbsesivly freaking out about my aprarejce, when i hang out with friends i try and consuously position myself in ways they see my good side or me in good lighting because i dont want them to THINK im ugly. Its so miserable i want it to be over. Im genuinly suisidal over my facial apearnece which feels so pathetic when you consider what other people are going through or even what I have experinced in the past, its wierd THIS small thing is so deteimental to my life.
I feel my body is fine but i do have a eating disorder specifically in a attempt to reduce facial fat. I do sooo much to try and inprove my aperace but at this point its just genetics. Like i have a massive skin care routine, i work out frequently, and so much more but it just doesnt help.
One of my friends told me he though i was ugly when he first met me but now he things im average and it destroyed me. Idk why he said it honeslty i think he was drunk and ment it as a compliment and for a normal person they would just move on but for me its lingered in my mind 24/7 for the last 3 months. It doesnt even matter what he thinks because im straight and its not like im trying to date him but I think becuase of the way i obssess over what others think of my apearjwce it like confirmed my already negitive thoufhrs about my apernece. I dont voice these kind of things to ppl so its not like any1 knows not to say things like that but if i did ask him not to it would honeslty make ut worse because then it would feel like he was silently judging me.
I desprutially want to be loved, i think it has to do with being phyically and emotionally abused by both my parents as a kid because i feel this deep sinkinh feeling in my chest all the time and it feeld like the only way i could fix it would be love. Sometimes i get a glimse of it, like i fall in love and we go on a few dates and then it doesnt work out but for that short few weeks it felt like everything was fine fir the first rime ever. I want to just experince basic love like hugging and spending time together with someone in a romantic sense SOO deeply and it feels like it i was more attractive maybe those dates where i was in love but it wasnt mutual would work out.
I social media stalk one girl in particular and evey new boyfriend she gets is like 500x more attractive than me and it just makes me feel hopeless but i litterally cant get over her. 2 years and the feelings never went away. Every time i think im over her i dream about her or something big happens involving her or a friend mentions her in passing and its like all these dormant feeling reawaken and i just feel so inadiqet. Like i dont even want any1 else. Its wierd and it fucking sucks.
I feel like the only real options left are get cosmetic surgery and hope that fixes everything, or die and never have to worry about it again but i genuinly think all the time about all the bad photos thsg would be used at my funeral. If i got cosmetic survery i would move to the other side of the country and start a new life and just pretend it never happened and not talk to any1 who new me from before until they A forgot what i looked like, or B enough time passed its reasonable i looked diffrent.
What should i do? Is this fixable?
submitted by Soggy_Lab8575 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:16 mattposts6789 A fun game variant: have secret and public objectives swap places!

This is a variant I've played three games with now, and its really superb. The full rules go like this:
1- During setup, set aside the following SOs: Destroy their Greatest Ship (Destroy another player's war sun or flagship. ), Make an Example of Their World (Use BOMBARDMENT to destroy the last of a player's ground forces on a planet. ), Turn Their Fleets to Dust (Use SPACE CANNON to destroy the last of a player's ships in a system.), and Form a Spy Network (Discard 5 Action Cards.).
2- Shuffle the rest of the SOs together, and pick 5. These are now the Stage I Public Objectives. They work just the same as in the real game- with the exception that if they come up, Spark a Rebellion (Win a combat against a player who has the most victory points) and Unveil Flagship (Win a space combat in a system that contains your flagship) are able to be scored in the Action Phase, as soon as you fulfil them. For the rest, you can only score 1 in the Status Phase (unless you have Imperial) just like the vanilla game.
3- Shuffle together the unused SOs, the set aside SOs, and the real Stage I POs. These now form a common Secret Objectives deck. Secret Objectives are unchanged from the base game.
NOTE: we're only using the base game here, friends and I are too broke to shell out for POK.
I don't think this will ever beat the base game; but as a refreshing novelty I can 100% recommend. The other 3 Action Phase secrets need to be kept out of contention for obvious reasons, and while you could leave Form a Spy Network in there, I just think that it would get boring if everyone was stockpiling Action Cards.
I once had the pleasure of playing this variant, and had Spark a Rebellion, Unveil Flagship, and Adapt New Strategies (Own your two faction techs) come up as Public Objectives. We hadn't sorted out all the kinks of this variant at that stage, so we had all 5 Action Phase SOs in the running to come up as public objectives, and Destroy Their Greatest Ship (Destroy another player's war sun or flagship) came up as the fifth Stage I Public Objective, when there were already 3 flagships on the board. I'll remember that night for the rest of my life.
LESS SPICY VARIANT: Another way to spice up objectives is to have the first two Stage I POs be base-game POs, and the other 3 Stage I POs be secrets. This is probably a far more robust system than what I am proposing above. Usually if we do this, we have the first two POs set as Expand Borders (Control 6 planets in non-home systems )and Intimidate Council (Have 1 or more ships in 2 systems that are adjacent to Mecatol Rex's System). That is because these two objectives encourage conflict, which leads to more exciting games. We always use these 2 as the 2 starting objectives if we have new players, because let's face it, games with 5 non-conflict Stage Is can get boring.
ONLY MILDLY SPICY VARIANT: Replace only the third Stage I PO with a secret. We have played this way once to add a touch of spice, and we plan to now do this in every game, unless we're playing my variant, or the Red Tape variant that is also very popular.
submitted by mattposts6789 to twilightimperium [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:16 aajjoindia The Role of Permanent Staffing Agencies

The Role of Permanent Staffing Agencies
The process of finding applicants for full-time jobs within a company is known as permanent staffing. An organisation that specialises in permanent personnel handles this kind of hiring. They offer you candidates that match credible employees with open positions. Candidates placed through staffing agencies are typically considered part of the c workforce and receive the same advantages and compensation as other employees.
In permanent recruitment, several processes are involved, such as employee salary, experience, job description, etc. Companies taking help of recruitment agencies for the same? Look no further than Vision India Services Pvt. Ltd.! Our team of experts takes proper care of the whole staffing process. We have a proven record of offering high-quality, reliable staff to our clients. Vision India, offers a range of legal permanent staffing solutions that will fit your requirements.
But what about the role of permanent staffing companies? Well, they play a crucial role in the recruiting agencies. It provides firms with a pool of credible candidates to choose from. It also helps firms save time and money by pre-screening and interviewing candidates on their behalf.

Types of Talented Candidates Hiring

Temporary and permanent staffing are the two categories. The option to screen and evaluate fresh applications before making a permanent hire and the possibility of lower expenses compared to permanent recruitment; are two advantages of temporary employment. The disadvantage is that temporary employees acquired through recruiting agencies might not work as hard and may only be with the organisation for a short while.
Full-time hiring has advantages and cons of its own. Positively, permanent candidates are more likely to have a greater retention rate and are typically more committed to their work. However, permanent employees are not pocket-friendly, and it can take longer to recruit the best candidate.
The recruiting for your organisation will depend on your hiring needs. Like, if working on a short-term project, hire temporary employees. Moreover, if your company growing and wants someone for the long term, recruit permanent employees.

Define Temporary-To-Permanent Staffing

For companies, the process of temp-to-prem means staffing for a contract position that leads to a long-term position after a specific period. Staffing companies help companies by providing temp-to-perm hiring. In this process, the company recruits contract employees if they want to hire them permanently. It helps provide credible employees to client organisations.
There are many things to remember if you’re opting for temp-to-perm recruitment. Firstly, understand how long the contract will last and the criteria for being offered a long-term position. Secondly, research properly and ask a bunch of questions. It will help you source the best arrangement for your requirements and avoid pitfalls.
Temp-to-perm recruitment aims to offer employers a way to test out candidates before recruiting permanent employees. This type of staffing can be advantageous for companies because it allows them to:
  • Determine employee’s skills and abilities
  • Select if a candidate is a credible fit for the firm culture
  • Save on employee training costs
Temp-to-perm recruitment can also be beneficial for candidates because it gives them a chance to:
  • Ensure their skills and abilities
  • Show their value to the firm
  • Gain valuable experience

Working in a Permanent Firm

The first step in the long-term employees is identifying the requirements for a specific skill or knowledge within the firm. Once the hiring need is determined, the firm will search for employees with the necessary skills or qualifications. There are several ways to go about it, including through personal relationships, internet job boards, employment advertisements, and more. Following their understanding of your employment requirements, the business will start interviewing and screening possible applicants. It helps determine a credible employee for your company. The company will extend an employment offer after selecting the candidates.
Working with a leading staffing company is credible if you want to hire permanent staff. At Vision India, we have a team of professionals who can assist you screen credible candidates for your company in no time. The experts from our firm will start working with you to understand your needs. You can contact us today for credible hiring. With us, you can also learn about a permanent staffing company.

Permanent Staffing Solutions Is Credible For Any Company. When?

The recruitment needs of every company are different. You can resolve all your queries by partnering with permanent staffing solutions. However, here are some points in which it makes sense to start looking for credible employees to join your team on a more permanent basis:

When Your Company Is Growing Rapidly

If your firm is service-focused and developing rapidly, permanent candidates can be a credible option as it will help you provide a quality and customer service standard. In addition, full-time permanent candidates to your workforce will give you the flexibility to grow your company without sacrificing the quality of your product or services.

When You Require More Specialised Skills

Another common reason to shake hands with permanent staffing solutions is when you need employees with more credible skills. You might need individuals with experience if you're growing your company into a new product line or market. Hiring permanent staff could be the greatest option to make sure you have the correct team to support your company's goals because it can be difficult to source a respectable skillset with temporary individuals.

When You’re Ready to Invest In a Team

Investing in your team is another reason to consider outsourcing permanent staffing needs. When you want full-time staff, you bring a long-term commitment to your team members. It can help you build a positive culture and create strong camaraderie among your employees. If you need help determining whether your company is ready for permanent staffing outsourcing, contact Vision India Services, a staffing agency, for guidance. For all types of your Staffing needs, trust this leading staffing agency!

Get Started With the Right Permanent Staffing Agency

By working with a reputable staffing company, companies can recruit credible candidates for their requirements and avoid the hassle and expense of conducting their search. This leading staffing services provider is the answer for businesses needing high-quality permanent employees. We are a professional recruitment services provider with a devoted team to source a suitable match for your company. Get in touch with Vision India right now to find out how we can assist you in finding the ideal candidates for your business if you're looking for a staffing agency to handle your hiring needs.
Because we are a top source of staffing services, businesses can obtain assistance from us. With years of experience, the firm helps many companies in India and globally. It is a leading permanent staffing solution for many businesses. Because it not only manages the hiring process but also provides employee training, onboarding, payroll, legal compliance management, etc. Firms can outsource their staffing and HR processes to us. In the technology-driven world, every company needs credible employees that firms can take from recruitment firms without spending too much from their pocket. Your one-stop solution can boost productivity and take your company toward growth.
Make the right permanent staffing decision with us today!
The process of finding applicants for full-time jobs within a company is known as permanent staffing. An organisation that specialises in permanent personnel handles this kind of hiring. They offer you candidates that match credible employees with open positions. Candidates placed through staffing agencies are typically considered part of the c workforce and receive the same advantages and compensation as other employees.
In permanent recruitment, several processes are involved, such as employee salary, experience, job description, etc. Companies taking help of recruitment agencies for the same? Look no further than Vision India Services Pvt. Ltd.! Our team of experts takes proper care of the whole staffing process. We have a proven record of offering high-quality, reliable staff to our clients. Vision India, offers a range of legal permanent staffing solutions that will fit your requirements.
But what about the role of permanent staffing companies? Well, they play a crucial role in the recruiting agencies. It provides firms with a pool of credible candidates to choose from. It also helps firms save time and money by pre-screening and interviewing candidates on their behalf.

Types of Talented Candidates Hiring

Temporary and permanent staffing are the two categories. The option to screen and evaluate fresh applications before making a permanent hire and the possibility of lower expenses compared to permanent recruitment; are two advantages of temporary employment. The disadvantage is that temporary employees acquired through recruiting agencies might not work as hard and may only be with the organisation for a short while.
Full-time hiring has advantages and cons of its own. Positively, permanent candidates are more likely to have a greater retention rate and are typically more committed to their work. However, permanent employees are not pocket-friendly, and it can take longer to recruit the best candidate.
The recruiting for your organisation will depend on your hiring needs. Like, if working on a short-term project, hire temporary employees. Moreover, if your company growing and wants someone for the long term, recruit permanent employees.

Define Temporary-To-Permanent Staffing

For companies, the process of temp-to-prem means staffing for a contract position that leads to a long-term position after a specific period. Staffing companies help companies by providing temp-to-perm hiring. In this process, the company recruits contract employees if they want to hire them permanently. It helps provide credible employees to client organisations.
There are many things to remember if you’re opting for temp-to-perm recruitment. Firstly, understand how long the contract will last and the criteria for being offered a long-term position. Secondly, research properly and ask a bunch of questions. It will help you source the best arrangement for your requirements and avoid pitfalls.
Temp-to-perm recruitment aims to offer employers a way to test out candidates before recruiting permanent employees. This type of staffing can be advantageous for companies because it allows them to:
  • Determine employee’s skills and abilities
  • Select if a candidate is a credible fit for the firm culture
  • Save on employee training costs
Temp-to-perm recruitment can also be beneficial for candidates because it gives them a chance to:
  • Ensure their skills and abilities
  • Show their value to the firm
  • Gain valuable experience

Working in a Permanent Firm

The first step in the long-term employees is identifying the requirements for a specific skill or knowledge within the firm. Once the hiring need is determined, the firm will search for employees with the necessary skills or qualifications. There are several ways to go about it, including through personal relationships, internet job boards, employment advertisements, and more. Following their understanding of your employment requirements, the business will start interviewing and screening possible applicants. It helps determine a credible employee for your company. The company will extend an employment offer after selecting the candidates.
Working with a leading staffing company is credible if you want to hire permanent staff. At Vision India, we have a team of professionals who can assist you screen credible candidates for your company in no time. The experts from our firm will start working with you to understand your needs. You can contact us today for credible hiring. With us, you can also learn about a permanent staffing company.

Permanent Staffing Solutions Is Credible For Any Company. When?

The recruitment needs of every company are different. You can resolve all your queries by partnering with permanent staffing solutions. However, here are some points in which it makes sense to start looking for credible employees to join your team on a more permanent basis:

When Your Company Is Growing Rapidly

If your firm is service-focused and developing rapidly, permanent candidates can be a credible option as it will help you provide a quality and customer service standard. In addition, full-time permanent candidates to your workforce will give you the flexibility to grow your company without sacrificing the quality of your product or services.

When You Require More Specialised Skills

Another common reason to shake hands with permanent staffing solutions is when you need employees with more credible skills. You might need individuals with experience if you're growing your company into a new product line or market. Hiring permanent staff could be the greatest option to make sure you have the correct team to support your company's goals because it can be difficult to source a respectable skillset with temporary individuals.

When You’re Ready to Invest In a Team

Investing in your team is another reason to consider outsourcing permanent staffing needs. When you want full-time staff, you bring a long-term commitment to your team members. It can help you build a positive culture and create strong camaraderie among your employees. If you need help determining whether your company is ready for permanent staffing outsourcing, contact Vision India Services, a staffing agency, for guidance. For all types of your Staffing needs, trust this leading staffing agency!

Get Started With the Right Permanent Staffing Agency

By working with a reputable staffing company, companies can recruit credible candidates for their requirements and avoid the hassle and expense of conducting their search. This leading staffing services provider is the answer for businesses needing high-quality permanent employees. We are a professional recruitment services provider with a devoted team to source a suitable match for your company. Get in touch with Vision India right now to find out how we can assist you in finding the ideal candidates for your business if you're looking for a staffing agency to handle your hiring needs.
Because we are a top source of staffing services, businesses can obtain assistance from us. With years of experience, the firm helps many companies in India and globally. It is a leading permanent staffing solution for many businesses. Because it not only manages the hiring process but also provides employee training, onboarding, payroll, legal compliance management, etc. Firms can outsource their staffing and HR processes to us. In the technology-driven world, every company needs credible employees that firms can take from recruitment firms without spending too much from their pocket. Your one-stop solution can boost productivity and take your company toward growth.
Make the right permanent staffing decision with us today!
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2024.05.21 12:15 Happy_Present6987 I (f24) am wanting to move in with my boyfriend (m29) of 4 years. His parents own the home he rents but they’re religious. How do I go about this?

Hi! So I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years now. We have basically lived together for the entirety of our relationship without actually signing a lease together. I’ve always had a separate place I’ve rented but with how expensive everything is these days it’s pointless for me to continue renting a space i barely stay in. My significant other has a house with a completely empty apartment in the basement with a shower, bedroom, and kitchen. It’s a completely separate living space from the upstairs. I could rent the space for half the price I’m currently paying and would have way more space. We both have dogs and often help take care of them for each other because we have crazy work schedules. I don’t even remember the last time we bought separate bags of dog food so it makes sense for me to move in. The plus side is that I can still have “my own place” with the convenience of still being in the same home. The only problem is my bf’s parents are extremely religious and are the landlords of the home. They wouldn’t want us living together if we weren’t married so i often hide my things when they randomly drop by. If we got our own place that they weren’t the landlord of there’s nothing they can say about it. but since they own the home my boyfriend is extremely apprehensive to ask them if I can rent the space. He has the fear that it will mess up what we’re able to do now and that they would be watching us like hawks and make it harder for me to stay there. In my opinion it doesn’t hurt to ask even if the chances of yes are slim. They had recently brought up to him that if he wanted to rent the empty space for cheaper rent he could. it’s weighing heavily on me because after being together for 4 years I’m ready to share a space together but i don’t anticipate him moving out any time soon because he could have an opportunity to buy the home in several years which would be amazing for when we get married to have a starter home. I feel like we’re too old to be having parents control aspects of our relationship it makes me feel like I’m back in highschool. I want to respect their beliefs but feel like this is technically not against it since we would have separate spaces. How do i go about this? i want my boyfriend to stop being avoidant of an uncomfortable conversation but want to respect his feelings & dealing with them being difficult about even asking. What should i do? I feel so discouraged watching my friends live with their partners with no issue. He also has a sibling who recently moved in with their significant other & when she told the parents they took it way better than expected but obviously they know they can’t stop her so i feel like now is the time to ask.
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