What is 200% of the poverty line 2011

Personal Finance For The Financially Challenged

2018.03.28 02:31 rassmann Personal Finance For The Financially Challenged

Financial advice, frugality tips, stories, opportunities, and general guidance for people who are struggling financially. No Judgement, just advice!

2010.02.15 19:15 audioverb FL Studio on Reddit

The unofficial subreddit of all things FL Studio. Community Discord Chatrooms Meet other FL Studio users by joining our discord server! https://discord.gg/27wgKfafmP

2008.01.25 07:36 Humor

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2024.05.01 09:58 LesbeanSnowQueen I(f25) am struggling with a situationship(m24) and want to know how to handle it?

I(25f) and my best friend/roommate(24m) have been not doing great. I love him a great deal, but I’m sort of miserable and the despair of never possibly meeting my long term life goals and having no one has been sitting heavily on me for four years.
I’ll try to keep things in order and quick, but there’s so many underlying things to consider… if anyone can read this and share with me their honest thoughts, I’d be SO grateful. If it’s a scrambled mess, I’m sorry!!
So just for future clarification purposes, he’s recently come out as trans (FtM) and gay(mlm) but hasn’t been able to do anything gender affirming or come out to many people for common reasons (religious, family, small community, etc). I’ll be using fake names for privacy but also so it doesn’t get too confusing with pronouns. His alias will be John by the way.
We met in middle school, but only really became friends in high school. I also met our third and mutual friend (Alice) and we were all like best friends until the last two years of high school. Due to unsafe/unstable family and home issues, I started living with him and his family, but I would pay them weekly ranging from $50-$200, whatever I had, I gave them. I was very desperate to be in a safe place for years so I also did a majority of their chores in comparison to him and his sibling on top of paying them.
His very conservative Christian family didn’t inform him that I was paying and so he thought I was freeloading or taking advantage of his family, that on top of our teenage drama made him very bitter towards me which is fair because he didn’t understand my side at the time and know all the facts. He also assumed that my depression over my family life revolved around our high school drama and made me out to be some clingy girlfriend because he knew I was a lesbian and assumed I was being possessive over him when in reality I was so devastated as a teenage girl with a dead parent and an alive highly abusive one (I was desperate to escape my situation). He also got our third friend Alice to turn many friends against me and they treated me very coldly at school. Depending on how me and him were doing, Alice would be ice-cold and not talk to me or suddenly friendly as if nothing was ever wrong and it confused me a lot! Out friendship was incredibly strained and rocky to say the least, but John really thought I was the bad person back then until many years later when we would eventually talk things out and he understood and came forward to apologize. I’m not upset anymore over that stuff, I just feel like maybe that context is needed.
So right at the end of high school (we hadn’t addressed our drama but instead ignored it and tried to go in a happier new direction) which maybe we should have but I think we were chill at the time. He also started dating a guy named Jeff and seemed overall happy. My family was unsupportive and when we tried to enroll in college together, his family seemed cool about it though. And no, context wise, his parents obviously did not or would not pay for me because it’s not their job and in no way have I ever expected such from them. I love his parents, they’re good people and I think they’re in the right for only taking care of their children. That’s how it always was for most things and I do agree with it.
Anyways I was never able to get in because my mother naturally refused to give me any paperwork or any of my information. Torn but happy for him, he went to college and I eventually went back to my family for a year.
I did not return to being Alice’s friend during any of this, but he did and I’m happy for him. He is still good friends with her to this day, she has only ever reached out to me when him and I were on good terms, and so I don’t want her back in my life for the sake of not inviting the three way drama again, but otherwise, I’m happy he has her since having friends is a healthy thing and I don’t want him getting lonely or depressed.
A year or two into his college, he dropped out to help his pregnant sister and his sister eventually kicked him out for being jobless and not helping. His family turned on him at that time and he started living with me and we rented my mom’s home. My mom’s only condition was that he get and keep a job, and she would never kick him out. Simple enough right? We lived there for about 4-5 months, he had one job and maybe worked a week and a half at the very beginning. He was super depressed and didn’t do a thing which I was very understanding of even though I was exhausted. I had two separate jobs during that time and worked the entirety of it as he stayed home. I also did the cooking and cleaning, and he just kind of fell apart while I tried to keep him motivated. I now understand I was enabling him and that’s my bad, I also at the time lied to both of our families for his sake saying that he was helping and doing his part when he wasn’t at all. My mom at the time was also taking a lot more money than she should have from me and would constantly make any opportunity to fight me and so even though he wasn’t a good roommate to me, I just needed someone.
My mom did eventually discover what was going on and kicked him out, and his parents offered for him to move across the country with them. They also offered me to come with and so I did because I was never in a good place with my family(mom specifically) and I wanted a new fresh start in life. So we moved across the country and he wound up breaking up with his bf Jeff because he was Asexual and Jeff couldn’t get past that(this carries significance later). John was also kind of depressed with me getting into relationships with other women but never made a big deal out of it at first.
We both worked at a terrible restaurant until I left to work at a hospital, he eventually followed suit because he saw the hospital was better. During this time we halved rent and bills but I still did most if not all the housework. It caused normal bumps in our roommate life but eventually I got accustomed and just accepted it since it’s not that big of a deal to me. Yes I know I can be a doormat, thank you.
Now years later while still working at the hospital, we talked about our differences we revealed the truths of his family and my bad home life back then. And if you’re comfortable knowing the quick break down of my life; I’ll put warnings for it.
///TW: child abuse, SA, homophobia///
Quick breakdown: I was the outcome of rape and my mother wedlock married my dad. She’s always disliked me and I did ruin her life, but like, she also chose that??? My dad died when I was in middle school, she made me work different jobs, sold me to old men in a sexual way, (yeah I know that’s definitely not cool), and was always abusive towards me both verbally and physically. She also made me stay in a sexually abusive relationship with a grown man(22) while I was 15 for two years. She’s still in contact with him from what I’ve heard. It is what it is. Other than my fear of most straight cis-men, I’m chill now mostly.
///sad backstory ove////
Back to the present, I’ve been paying almost all of the rent, more and more often, I still do most of the housework. He does take out trash maybe once a month and if I give him a week’s notice he might empty out the dishwasher. And yes I know this is bad, but also keep in mind I can’t drive and he does the driving and I think that balances it out since I’m useless in that regard.
For over a year now, he jokingly(?) treats me like a wife when it comes to my obligations to housework and taking care of our dog, but suddenly always makes sure we are never at all anything when it’s his family, any friends, public places.
Also now for the more mature side of our friendship, he’s ace but likes to roleplay sexually through writing gay men. I’ve been cool with that, it’s fun making characters and stories and soft romances even though he prefers more hardcore stuff like rape. He likes the classic toxic yaoi stuff but is actually a very sweet person and I don’t judge him since he doesn’t actually do anything weird, so it’s probably not a big deal. That’s like his sexual outlet I guess? So I am not ace, I buy my own stuff and use it on my own time when he’s gone since he’s disgusted by that sort of thing and I’ve promised to never relieve myself at home with him there. That’s not a problem with me, but over the years it feels like he expects me to be some loyal girlfriend but also refuses to make anything official and make me feel stable while also expecting me to commit to the duties that come along with that title. He won’t make food for himself and when he wants something from me; I have to offer him what we have like a guest telling him what we have all the time. He straight up will go hungry if I do not feed him and it worries me. He also says things and jokes about promises of platonic marriage but would never actually do that. I feel so unstable living with him and always taking care of him. From waking him up and getting us up and loaded for the day, always making our coffee at work because he works at the same place and same shift as me, taking care of him at work, and catering to any sort of bonding together after work until we go to bed unless he’s on a video game fixation kick and only does that from right when we get there till bedtime where I have time ask him to sleep at a decent hour because it’s hard to wake him up in the morning otherwise.
He knows I adore him, and while I don’t ever expect a real relationship from him, he gets super depressed and closes me out when I ever talk to anyone who he doesn’t know (as a friend obviously I don’t flirt online). He also doesn’t allow me to drink when I’m stressed and I just take it that he doesn’t want me to get addicted and I respect that. He’s only seen black out drunk once in the past 12 years that we’ve known each other and I’ve apologized so many times for it. I drink maybe a total of ten times a year and they’re usually like two shots so I can be bubbly and tipsy (at home ofc) and just eat food and watch Netflix on my phone. He refuses to touch alcohol and I never ask him to drink with me and drink out of sight for him while still in the house.
There was a time where he panicked and drank though. Just for reference I haven’t made any female friends online since I’m a lesbian and don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable, so I chatted up a random guy on call. At the time, John stepped out to go hang out with his sister and the random guy and I talked about American vs US customs and just world views, food preferences and absolutely nothing pertaining to relationships or more. He came home, saw this and heard this and chugged some vodka and stormed to our bedroom before breaking down. I immediately hung up(and never spoke again to this new friend) and went to cheer him up.
I try not to let my emotional behavior make me bitter against him, but sometimes I am so lonely since I’m not allowed to have any friends that aren’t mutual friends with him. But he can have friends outside of me, like Alice or old pals from high school that aren’t my friends anymore because of what happened. And the few attempts I’ve made to have my own friends(I made male friends specifically so that I’d never feel attraction or get weird with while also drawing a heavy line with those people), he’d become self-destructive and super depressed and it took me forever to convince him that I’m not leaving him for anyone, much less a cis-man. But he still gets a little jealous over women too, I just think he has low self esteem even though I’ve given up a lot for him.
Recently he went on a vacation to go see Alice graduate across the country for two weeks and I supported it and have been paying most of the rent so that he could have a good time even though we originally planned that he’d pay his half and that saving for his trip was his responsibility as he knew over a year in advance.
Throughout all of that, Alice has been trying to befriend me through gifts and a heartfelt apology letter, which I want to believe in, but at the same time I can’t help but feel skeptical because of easily she used to bounce back and forth with how she treated our friendship. I think she’s still a cool person, but I don’t necessarily think we can be friends again because of my own lack of trust in her. I’m not a very trusting person and that’s my own thing to sort out, and even though I don’t get angry or sad about her anymore, I just don’t feel like I want her friendship at all. If anything I feel guilty that she’s wasted money on gifts for me when I think it’s a waste. I also haven’t confronted her because I don’t want to, and this may sound selfish but I also don’t think I owe her any explanation, clarification of the past or my circumstances, or closure per her request in her letter. John also told me that he asked her to leave me alone because he understands my feelings and feels the same regarding my choice in staying strangers but she apparently wouldn’t listen from what he told me. Regardless, I still support their friendship, and in response, he respects my choice and doesn’t force me to do anything regarding her.
Again, I do not view John as my SO and we are not in a relationship, but I have a mess that clearly has no answer.
Also, I’m cool with a lot, but he does spend online beyond his means and usually can’t pay for his side of bills as of late. I talked to him about it though and he apologized for that being his coping mechanism with work being stressful but we’ve had this exact conversation more than once and nothing seems to change... I’m not afraid to admit that there was exactly one time that I could not pay half the rent in all four years of us living together but he’s done it so many times and I’m just kind of heartbroken about it. It’s not about the money, but it feels like he doesn’t care enough to change despite saying that he wants to whenever I confront him. He also never wants to ask his family for help and so I’m usually shouldering us through almost everything from handling any and all contact with our landlord to daily life at home like cooking or cleaning.
He’s closeted completely and his family still views him as their daughter and sister, but has a very loving family who will always take care of him even if they refuse to acknowledge that part of it ever came out. I don’t have a family to fall back on, so I could really use some thoughtful advice and I heard this was the place. I love him dearly as my friend and want to fix things, but where do I even start?
submitted by LesbeanSnowQueen to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 09:34 fifbeat Cynthia Rothrock, Stephen Chow, Andy Lau and Simon Yam: Here’s what’s streaming on Hi-YAH for the month of May!

Cynthia Rothrock, Stephen Chow, Andy Lau and Simon Yam: Here’s what’s streaming on Hi-YAH for the month of May!
Hi-YAH!, Well Go USA’s very own Asian/martial arts streaming channel has just announced their New Release line up for the month of May, which includes a New title added to Hi-YAH! every Friday.
If you want to give Hi-YAH! a go, visitors of this site can use the promo code “CITYONFIRE” for a FREE 30 Day trial!
5/10/24 The Mob (Hi-YAH! Original)
Ready for some fast-paced gangster sh*t!? After the murder of its high-profile patriarch, the Zhou family seeks revenge against a ruthless rival clan moving to expand its own territory, sparking a brutal conflict between the warring families that throws Shanghai into chaos.
Directed by Zhao Cong (Rise of the Jurassic), The Mob stars Xu Fangzhou (All These Years), Zhang Junran (Trace), Yan Jiaying (Tiger Killer), Chen Junxi (Annals of Longevity), Guan Xiaotian (Switch), and Zhang Zhiwei (The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake)
5/17/24 City Cops
You can never get enough of Cynthia Rothrock! Also known as Beyond the Law, this 1989 Hong Kong actioner is directed by Lau Kar-Wing (Dirty Kung Fu), who also handles the martial arts action. It centers on a tough FBI cop (Rothrock) high-kicking her way to the final showdown with a Chinese Mafia boss.
City Cop features an all-star cast that includes Michael Miu Kiu-Wai (Final Run), Kent Tong Chun-Yip (Police Story), Suki Kwan Sau-Mei (High Risk) and Nishiwaki Michiko (My Lucky Stars).
For the full list: https://cityonfire.com/gangsters-cynthia-rothrock-stephen-chow-andy-lau-and-simon-yam-heres-whats-streaming-on-hi-yah-for-the-month-of-may/


submitted by fifbeat to kungfucinema [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 08:48 Fabulous_State9921 How Dwayne Johnson's Tardiness Led to a $250 Million Runaway Production

How Dwayne Johnson's Tardiness Led to a $250 Million Runaway Production

April 30th, 2024, 10:45 am
The Wrap spoke with over a dozen anonymous sources who worked on Red One, Amazon MGM's upcoming Christmas film starring Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans. The sources alleged that the movie budget ballooned to $250 million due to inexperienced producers and Johnson's unprofessional behaviour on set, which allegedly included being seven to eight hours late to set on multiple days. Sources also alleged he would pee into water bottles rather than go to the washroom and would then give the bottles to PAs to throw out.
Three insiders (who stayed anonymous for fear of being fired) said Johnson was seven to eight hours late on average and missed several full days of production. This reportedly added at least $50 million to the budget. The crew would be forced to shoot around him when he didn't show up. Amazon MGM's rep said he was never more than an hour late to set.
Allegedly Johnson and Ryan Reynolds got into a "huge fight" on the set of Netflix's Red Notice in fall 2020, because Johnson was five hours late to set. The two allegedly did not speak for years, until recently reconciling. Other insiders accused Johnson of breaking Covid protocols during the same Red Notice shoot. The IATSE Stories Instagram even called him out for it at the time. A source close to production denied this; Reynolds' publicist declined to comment.
One crew member on Ballers added: “Because of a 14+ hour day on location, where [Johnson] did not come out of his trailer to come to set until after 3 p.m. on a 7 a.m. call, I qualified for health insurance.”
Johnson himself admitted to peeing in bottles on set in a 2021 Esquire article (linked in The Wrap's piece). The IATSE Stories IG also called him out for passing the bottles off to PAs to dispose of, though insiders said they had no knowledge of this happening on the Red One set. A source close to Johnson only denied that he gave the bottles to PAs to deal with.
Sources also pointed to Hiram Garcia, the brother of Johnson’s ex-wife and business partner Dany Garcia, as being part of the problem. Garcia started out as Johnson's personal assistant in 2002. After several promotions, he became President of Production at Johnson's production company in 2017. One Universal insider said the following: “Hiram went from making Dwayne’s protein shakes to running his company.” Another added: “The only thing he has ever known is how to work for Dwayne. Any time he’s been in a situation where his responsibilities have expanded beyond DJ, he has crumbled.”
Insiders added the issues went beyond Garcia, as insiders also said Amazon MGM feature and production executives Julie Rapaport and Glenn Gainor were unprepared as the two had primarily worked on indies in the past. One insider said production personnel would repeatedly warn the producers about impending issues, only to be brushed off. Amazon disputed this.
Another source said the budget problems producers were warned about will show on screen: “It should look like a $200 million-plus movie, but it doesn’t, because more than half goes to buyouts of the stars and the above the line. When movies look cheap, people nowadays pick up on it [...] Amazon MGM have so many movies that nobody’s concentrating on what actually needs to get done. Given their volume, they can’t concentrate — if nobody else keeps them informed then it’s also just a recipe for disaster.”
Amazon MGM screened the first footage of the film at CinemaCon this year, to a group of journalists handpicked by Johnson's publicist. However, they were not allowed to write about what they'd viewed.
Johnson's next project is A24’s The Smashing Machine, a biopic about UFC fighter Mark Kerr that will be directed by Ben Safdie and also star Emily Blunt. It is scheduled to shoot over the summer, but one insider doubted it would work out: “Benny has NO clue what he’s gotten himself into.” Source
TAGGED: amazon,dwayne johnson / the rock

submitted by Fabulous_State9921 to DListedCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 08:01 coffeechap ParisTravelGuide's monthly thread - May 2024 : General Tips and Questions about the subreddit and Paris

Salut à tous & welcome to ParisTravelGuide
This monthly thread aims at giving basic recommendations to navigate the subreddit and Paris, and offering a general chatter space. Depending on the (inter)national news, we may inform you on impacting events here (strikes,threats, global cultural or sport events..)



  • General understanding
  • Accommodations
    • Increase of the tourist tax for 2024: read carefully to avoid any bad surprises, especially for non-classified hotels that can apparently charge as if they were palaces due to a loop-hole.
  • Public transport
  • Taxis
    • public: G7 (en) is the only company recognized as public taxis in Paris. It applies fixed fares for travels between the two main airports (CDG and ORLY) and the two sides of the city (left bank / right bank of the Seine river), booking or extra services fees not included.
    • private: Uber are widely used, others are available like Bolt, Heetch, Marcel or Freenow
  • Day trip
    • the Trainline (en) is a very straight forward and efficient data aggregator from various European train and bus companies. (the national one sncf-connect being a bit of a nightmare to use)
  • Airports
  • Tourism Office:
  • Cultural/Event agenda:
  • Health:
  • thread for Protest and Strikes concerns
  • Eating
    • casual: David Lebovitz(en), a blog of a former US chef living in Paris for casual / traditional food
    • trendy: Le fooding(en), trendy reference magazine for foodies
    • starred: Michelin guide, for 1/2/3 stars restaurants or other gastronomic venues
  • Civil unrest
    • Sporadic and sudden protests are very rare. The existence of a protest is very regulated, the day and the route have to be agreed with the authorities several days prior to the date.
  • Authorized protest or march
    • a march usually lasts from 2pm to 6pm and most demonstrators stay until 8pm at the final destination
    • Demonstrators (and/or police) outbursts are more likely to happen at the end from 8pm
    • Most of the stores along the route close for the whole day, and side accesses to these boulevards are barred by the police to motorized vehicles.
    • 95% of the city goes on as usual in terms of street life.
    • Metro lines M1 and M14 are automated and thus operate whether there is a strike or not.
    • Taxis: all the companies work during a strike
      • G7: main company of the "Taxis parisiens", regulated price
      • UbeHeetch/Bolt/FreeNow: categorized as VTC ("Véhicules de Tourisme avec chauffeur"), unregulated price
  • Safety
    • Police department recommendations
    • Safety tips video by les Frenchies (experienced US travelers)
    • Density & safety level: Paris administrative area ("Paris intramuros") is fairly small for a global capital but the population density is very high. Besides that, Paris is currently the most visited city in the world. This situation inevitably leads to various problems or dramas from time to time and one should beware of this cognitive bias. No public statistics accessible, but Paris' safety level is said to be fairly comparable to other big Western metropolis like London, Rome, Barcelona, Brussels or NYC but lower than Amsterdam, Berlin or generally Scandinavian / Central / Eastern European cities.
    • Violent crime: it is very unlikely in inner Paris, European gun laws being much more restrictive than US laws.
    • Pickpockets & scams: while generally safe, you might be exposed to pickpockets, scams or harassment in crowded areas, be it touristic, commercial or nightlife hubs. Keep your belongings in sight and try not to display too much costly items. Avoid unsolicited street vendors (not to be confused with, say, street artists near Montmartre or "bouquinistes" of the quays of Seine) and the occasional street games like Bonneteau ("shell game") that are known scams.
    • Cat-calling: this is a common issue towards women in Mediterranean countries. In Paris, it is more prevalent in the more modest neighborhoods in the North / North-East- of the city.
    • Emergency: If you are in an emergency situation, call 17 (police) / 18 (firefighters but who also handles all life and death emergencies) / 112 (universal European emergency number). All of them are interconnected and will be able to redirect you to the correct one if you happen to pick the wrong one.
    • Neighborhoods:
      • Tourism is concentrated in the rich areas from the center (roughly arrondissements 1st to 8th + Montmartre 18th).
      • As in most cities, main train stations tend to attract more people from the outside, hence a bit riskier, especially at night and crowded metro lines serving the main landmarks
      • The northern outskirts of the city (around Porte de la Chapelle / Porte d'Aubervilliers / Porte de la Villette) are home of temporary refugee camps, a high poverty and rarely drug use in the open. It could feel quite unsafe at night, better be accompanied by locals if you want to venture around at night there or simply pass through.
      • The surroundings of the very central area of Les Halles (around the eponymous commercial mall) can be a bit messy at night as a lot of young people gather here for eating / drinking or hanging out in the streets. It is still home of great streets for night life like rue Saint Denis but beware of the crowds.
      • Also metro stations on line 2 Barbes, La Chapelle and Stalingrad and their surroundings are among the most modest and messy, with countraband cigarettes sellers and potential pickpockets.(currently there's a dramatically sad camp of young migrants from Afghanistan under the bridge of the metro station Stalingrad)
      • Southern and Western parts are more posh and family oriented but could be "less lively" than the rest of the city.


  • Olympic Games preparation Impacts thread
  • Israel/Palestine conflict Impacts thread
  • Plan Vigipirate
    • Evacuation of public places in case of a left-alone bag for controlled destruction as what happened in the Louvre or Versailles recently. It also happens from time to time in subways.
    • Military patrolling in the city, mostly around landmarks, schools and religious buildings.
    • It doesn't mean there is a particular problem, but they take maximum precaution in these tense moments.


The comment sections below is here for members to freely ask questions that are recurrent or not worth a dedicated post (like transport, safety or protests topics), write appreciations, greetings, requesting meetups...
Same rule applies as in the rest of the sub, post topics regarding Paris and its surroundings only please.
Bref, chit-chat mode is on in the comments!
This thread is automatically archived and regenerated every first day of the month at 8am (Paris Time) - Archives
submitted by coffeechap to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 07:45 WhiteLeroyJenkins69 Mutated bear/cat/reptile looking animal on backroad

None of this is going to sound even remotely believable,but it’s too creepy for me not to share with people. My dad has told me this story about him and his brother driving around on rural county roads in north Tx one day about 15 years ago and seeing something they cannot explain. He said they had been out driving for a while and were in the middle of nowhere when they saw an animal that in their own words”absolutely does not exist”. It jumped from behind the tree line on their right side to the middle of the road in 1 jump. Took a look at the truck, now stopped dead in the middle of the road and with another jump was already on the opposite side of the road past the opposite tree line and gone. He has a hard time describing it, but the best he could come up with was a 200+ pound cat/jackal/bear with yellow reptilian eyes. They say that it looked genuinely evil and it’s the most terrifying experience they’ve had in their life. My dad does not tell this story to ANYONE. He doesn’t even like talking about it with me cause he doesn’t want me to think they’re both psychotic. My uncle who was with him has the exact same story. They were both stone cold sober and saw it in broad daylight. I don’t know what to think of it, but it was close enough they could see the yellow pigment in its eyes so they got a solid 2 seconds at least to look at this thing up close. Believe it or don’t, but I do and till this day they still don’t have the slightest clue what it was.
submitted by WhiteLeroyJenkins69 to BigfootEncounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 06:04 ImaRiderButIDC The best example of why Drake can’t compete with Kendrick

An absolute banger of a diss that’s gone over everyone’s heads so far
“Extortion my middle name as soon as you jump off of that plane, bitch”
TLDR at bottom
Seems like somewhat of a throwaway line, right? Obviously Kendrick had a line earlier about having a direct flight, so maybe it is just a common “my middle name is danger” sorta bar + a slight reference to an earlier Kendrick bar.
But it ain’t.
Second time I listened to this song, about 12 hours ago now, I was confused by this line. Why would Kendrick say this? Tf does this even mean? So I googled “extortion plane”. Which brought me to a Wikipedia article about a Chinook Helicopter that got shot down in Afghanistan in 2011 by an RPG. The helicopter’s callsign was Extortion 17.
“Lmao helicopters ain’t planes lol kdot fans reaching” Yeah no shit, and Kendrick is short, we know.
Anyway a helicopter called Extortion-17 got shot down. The “as soon as you jump out of that plane” is a reference to what the helicopter was trying to pick up: US Navy Seals and US Army Rangers.
The obvious connection for me here is that Army Rangers are notorious for being paratroopers, jumping out of planes, but Navy Seals are also trained to do so.
Kendrick is making a reference to the Rangers and SEALs that died from extortion-17 being shot down.
Beyond that, some of the SEALs that died were part of SEAL team 6. The helicopter Extortion literally killed part of the Six. I don’t think I need to explain that one even to the Drake fans reading this.
Other relevance to this: Extortion-17 is an obvious reference to Drake’s underaged allegations; particularly him groping the 17 year old on stage and making remarks about her even after he knew her age. And one last thing; Today is 17 days since “Push-Ups” dropped and Drake threatened to extort Kendrick.
This line is single-handedly the most clever and well-hidden
It could be a reach. It could be a coincidence. I could be a meat rider.
But there’s too much there for it to just be a coincidence from Kendrick, if ya ask me.
TLDR: Helicopter called Extortion 17 got shot down killing people that dropped from a plane and were part of SEAL team 6. “Extortion 17” is an obvious threat about having Drake hooking up with a 17 year old.
Thanks for reading my schizo post.
submitted by ImaRiderButIDC to hiphop101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 05:14 corixcal [OFFER]Consume, annotate, summarize or ELI5 Media, Meetings, etc.

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What is your preferred method of delivery for the summaries? (e.g., email, online platform, printed copies)
Do you require additional services such as analysis, recommendations, or personalized insights?
What is your timeframe or deadline for receiving the summaries?
Are there any confidentiality or security requirements for the content?
Let me know if you have custom requests.
Let's say about 10$ per 2 hrs of media and 200 words. Will work something out along those lines for longer projects.
submitted by corixcal to u/corixcal [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 04:45 Zaghyr Upcoming System changes that affect Riven.

I’m linking the original post, I just pulled the stuff that interests us from the datamine. This should all be on PBE right now. My own little commentary will be in italics.
Keep in mind, all of these are subject to change and not final.
Boots of Swiftness
Mercury's Treads
Mobility Boots (REMOVED)
Plated Steelcaps
Symbiotic Soles (NEW)
Synchronized Souls
Bami's Cinder
Kircheis Shard (REMOVED)
Essence Reaver
Immortal Shieldbow
Infinity Edge
Kraken Slayer
Lord Dominik's Regards
Mercurial Scimitar
Mortal Reminder
Stormrazor (REMOVED)
Yun Tal Wildarrows (NEW)
Black Cleaver
Blade of the Ruined King
Overlord's Bloodmail
Ravenous Hydra
Anathema's Chains (REMOVED)
Voltaic Cyclosword
Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo (REMOVED)
Fleet Footwork
Overheal (REMOVED)
Absorb Life
Legend Tenacity (REMOVED)
Legend Haste
Cut Down
Predator (REMOVED)
Sudden Impact
Ingenious Hunter (REMOVED)
Relentless Hunter
Font of Life
First Strike
Future's Market (REMOVED)
Cash Back (NEW)
Triple Tonic
Minion Dematerializer (REMOVED)
Jack of All Trades (NEW)
submitted by Zaghyr to Rivenmains [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 04:11 DisasterFew411 Should I add anything Rhodiola or wait until I see the effects of my current supplements?

Hello everyone. I am a young adult working in the medical field. I always find that I am really tired and need at least 10 hours of sleep to feel well relaxed. I find it nearly impossible to sleep 10 hours, have a job and have any more time to do anything else. So I have been researching supplements to improve my health, increase stamina, reduce fatigue and prevent the bad effects of aging down the line. This is what I take + I am thinking of adding 200-300 mg of Rhodiola to these.
Morning: Cod Liver Oil and Vitamin D3 2500 IU
Afternoon: Collagen Peptide Powder and Heme Iron Pills
Evening: Camu Camu Powder and Amla Powder
Night: Chlorella Tablets 30 mins before bed
A few of these I started taking recently (Vitamin D3, collagen peptides, camu camu powder). Should I wait to see the effects of these before I add Rhodiola or do these have no positive effect on chronic fatigue?
Thank you for your help :)
Sorry forgot to put brackets around (Rhodiola) in the title, now I can't change it.
submitted by DisasterFew411 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 04:10 astonedmeerkat A Tale of Four Soldiers

Not my words, but an incredibly moving read:
“For the first hundred days of the war, time stood still. Every hour was replaced with a heart wrenching shock and a disbelief that something so nightmarish could actually happen. The next hundred days forced us to accept a new reality, in which devastating tragedies became an everyday knock on the door—one too frequent to answer each time; too heavy to feel every day. But still, impossible to ignore.
On a Friday morning, in the middle of the Pesach (Passover) holiday, we drove up to a makeshift army base bordering Southern Gaza. My kids eagerly jumped out of the car and into the sandy desert scape, where a group of soldiers welcomed them with big smiles and a strong high five, before inviting us to chat around a tiny table in their coffee house.
The house was about the size of a walk-in closet, but for these guys who have been spending most of the last 200 days in tents, it was luxury. It had air conditioning, a fridge, and a hot water urn.
Their eyes twinkled as we conversed, and their tones shifted between laughter, frustration, and earnesty while they shared the wonder that they were even still alive.
The group of four are part of a reservist squad which had been in the north until now. Mendy, the squad commander, is a full time student who had to cram all his studies into a one month break from duty. Kfir is a business owner whose partner is struggling to keep things operational while he’s gone. Chaim is an accountant who doesn’t know if his clients will come back to him when the war is over, and Vehoshema is a yeshiva teacher who still uses his Talmudic thumb gestures when discussing military dilemmas. Three of the four have wives and small kids waiting for them at home.
“I think my wife sleeps better at night now that I’m not in the north anymore,” Chaim confessed.
I asked them what October 7th was like for their unit. I already heard from many heroic soldiers who had been on the frontlines on the Gaza border that day, but it was my first time meeting soldiers who had been in the north.
“Well,” Mendy started answering before they all began to smirk. “It was Simchat Torah right? Our company commander is a Chabadnik. You know what Chabadniks are like on Simchat Torah?”
We all laughed a little, before they quickly explained that actually their company commander is really great, and somehow managed to quickly sort out the fog of the early moments of war, and get them together at a border community. There was a big fear that Hezbollah would do the same as Hamas, and have a much easier time breaking through the Lebanon border into Israel, where they could cause a mirror devastation, or worse.
IDF soldiers quickly lined the entire border’s length, while civilians were evacuated. On the first night most soldiers slept in their cars, because they didn’t have tents yet. In the morning, the fire began.
“Our company commander is smart,” Kfir explained. “First thing he did was make us dig trenches in all our positions along the border. He didn’t manage to get us permission to use a bulldozer, so we had to do it all by hand, with regular shovels.”
He showed us his hands; they were covered in blisters, his skin peeling. Then he pulled out his phone and showed us photos of the trenches. It looked like documentation of World War II—but in full color. Soldiers stood in the ground, eyes peering over, one looked through binoculars and the others had their guns pointed and ready. Right in front of them was a wire fence, and on the other side a hill where armed Hezbollah terrorists stood behind bushes, short walls, and sometimes out in the open.
There are no sirens on the border. Anti-tank missiles and mortar fire take less than three seconds to hit, and the Hezbollah terrorists fire every time they see something move. Soldiers and any civilians who stayed in the area have to make sure they’re never seen from across the hill. Their ears are trained to hear the sudden whistle sound of a flying projectile, and instinctively drop down the second it begins.
“There’s no doubt G-d was keeping us alive back there,” Vehoshema smiled. “There were so many times when one of us randomly felt the need to move an inch, just seconds before a missile flew through the place they had been standing.”
“At least ten guys in our squad have minor injuries to their ears or knuckles,” Mendy added in. “All from missiles or shrapnel that narrowly missed hitting where it would have been fatal.”
Kfir eagerly pulled out his phone again. “Look, I starred in a Hezbollah movie! They thought they killed me.”
The short clip had dramatic background music as it focused in on a group of IDF soldiers in a forest getting geared up and into position. The Hezbollah terrorists stood just over the fence on a hilltop, a mere few hundred meters away. With a cry to Allah, the terrorist fired an anti-tank missile straight towards the soldiers, and within two seconds a hit was made, followed by a large explosion.
I looked at Kfir in amazement. “That’s you? But you’re alive..?”
“Yeah! We all ducked just in time,” he grinned big. “One guy got a scratch on his head, the other guy’s kipa flew off. Our ears hurt real bad from the sound. But that’s it!”
The reservists spent five months on the northern border, under constant fire, before getting a short break to go home. Most of those five months were through the mountain winter, where it wasn’t so much snow, but plenty of rain and biting cold winds. They told us about nights where it was too cold to sleep, and their leather boots only held in the chill and froze their feet more. They’d leave their tents and walk around outside just to warm up. Campfires were out of the question—those would instantly give away their position and subject them to Hezbollah fire.
In between guard duty, they trained for the possibility of a ground operation inside Lebanon—something which they all agreed was necessary, but would be a very difficult battle. Hezbollah is far better armed than Hamas, with sophisticated modern weapons and a hilltop terrain.
Listening to their stories I began to feel a little guilty. “Did you ever feel neglected?” I asked. “The soldiers in the south are always brought treats and barbecues, and get gear sponsored… did you feel left out?”
They smiled sheepishly. Vehoshema pulled out his helmet, and placed it on the table. It looked horrendous. I tried to find the stamp inside to see what year it was from—but it didn’t even exist.
“Who knows,” Mendy piqued in. “Maybe our grandpas wore it during the Six Day War. I’m not sure it even provides much protection at all.”
Vehoshema is a machine gunner, but his helmet doesn’t have a night vision clip, so he has to hold the gun in one hand, and his light in the other.
“Listen,” Asher interjected. “We’re not complaining. Of course we’re happy to be here in the south now, and yeah it was pretty awful in the north, but when we’re done our job down here, we’ll go back up and do what we need to there.”
They were very relaxed, even eager, about the fact that they were set to enter Gaza in less than a week. Defending Israel against Hamas would be good practice for facing Hezbollah, they reassured us.
The question was burning inside of me, but it finally came out.
“How, after six months away from your families, and all the freezing cold muddy nights in trenches, face to face with some of the world’s most well-armed terrorists, knowing that you have at least several more months of this, how do you still have the motivation to keep on going?”
It was silent for a moment. The four soldiers looked at each other. The traditional accountant, the Tel Aviv business owner, the yeshiva teacher, and the university student with the trendy haircut.
“Some nights, after another projectile whizzed by our heads,” Kfir started. “We’d make coffee or smoke cigarettes and sit around laughing at how we could’ve just died.“
Chaim seemingly knew exactly where Kfir was going with this. “We’re like brothers. Through thick and thin, we have each other. We developed an incredible bond, and really hold each other up. We even manage to have good times together.”
They were all nodding. Kfir continued, “and there’s the ideology. We have no other land. Most soldiers will tell you this is enough to keep them going until the very end. It’s the land of our fathers, where we are finally safe, and we need to keep it that way.”
More agreement all around. Then Vehoshema continued. “And a third thing,” he pointed up towards the sky, his smile taking over his whole face. Even before he finished explaining, everyone was smiling in agreement. “He is watching over us. G-d saved us so many times. It’s a miracle we’re still alive, and with miracles we will continue.”
We’re two hundred and four days into the war. Our hearts are worn from the pain, our tears more hesitant to break through. We pull along daily life while hoping for a spark of good news; for the hostages to come home, for wounds to heal.
But through the hardest times, it all became crystal clear: We have each other, we have our homeland, and we have our G-d watching over us. Those will keep us going until we bring the good days, where the whole world will know nothing but G-dly peace and harmony.”
Written by Bruria Efune
submitted by astonedmeerkat to Israel [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 03:21 Fuzzy0g1c [Blackmarket][WTS] Account Grand Admiral F7A MkI 2013

Selling my account and looking to get a fair trade out of it. Let me know what you think the following is worth.
Game Packages:
Standalone Ships:
Hangar Decorations:
Subscriber Flair (many of these have 2 because I was a subscriber for a while):
Other Stuff (Uncategorized):
[Blackmarket] listings require the following disclaimer in the post:
(1) Account sales are in clear violation of RSI's terms of service, and are at high risk of being terminated at any time
(2) The original owner will remain the legal owner of the account except in specific jurisdiction where local laws that supercede RSI's EULA allows for account transfers
(3) Seller understands that some personal information may be permanently associated with their account and consent to this information transferring with the account with this and any future transaction involving this account.
I (Fuzzy0g1c) promise to abandon my account, agreeing to never attempt to recover said account via RSI or any other means. As per RSI's EULA all accounts remain the original account owner and RSI's sole property
(1) I am "selling" the right to be added as an "Authorized User" to my account, which is allowed as per RSI's 2016 Terms of Service.
(2) I will remain the original owner only in the event that official contact is required from the parent company (CIG).
(3) I understand that my personal information may be permanently retained in the address and billing sections.
I agree to the above clauses and will not attempt to access, recover or tamper with the said account unless it is requested by the Authorized User.
submitted by Fuzzy0g1c to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 03:08 DragonKnov Kunlun Sect's Weakest Disciple: Chapter 07

‎[📖First ⏮️Previous Next⏭️]

The morning air remained crisp and rejuvenating after the sect's announcement echoed through the mountain peaks.

With the routine morning exercise canceled, the disciples found themselves with unexpected free time.

Some wandered the winding paths aimlessly, while others busied themselves preparing for the upcoming tower challenge.




On the aged brick path, Ji Wuye's figure came into view, his lean muscles straining as he dragged a gargantuan boulder behind him, tethered by a thick rope wound around his waist.


Each step was a battle, his face flushed crimson from the exertion, eyes bulging with determination. A cacophony of thoughts swirled through his mind, like leaves caught in a whirlwind.

'Why am I doing this?' The question echoed relentlessly, but the answer was as clear as the rising sun. He had to do it, an unwavering resolve burning within him.

This wasn't a sect training or punishment; he chose to bear this burden willingly. Even with his 2nd realm, carrying a boulder weighing over 200 jin in one go was an impossible feat for someone of his level.

He had to utilize his Qi to strengthen his leg muscles, taking frequent breaks to replenish his energy, before repeating the grueling process again and again.

Being under the 4th martial artist realm meant he was still considered a normal human, only slightly stronger, a far cry from the legendary Immortals who could split the sky and cleave mountains with a mere flick of their wrists.

Along the way, he encountered groups of male disciples who watched him struggle, their cold gazes fixated on his plight.

Sarcastic remarks and mocking laughter pierced the air, but Ji Wuye ignored them, knowing that none of them dared to confront him directly.

Thanks to his striking appearance, powerful Senior Sisters had made it abundantly clear in the past that he was not someone to be trifled with, their stern warnings still fresh in the minds of those who dared to cross him.

Though circumstances had changed since then, and he was stronger now, the memory of relying on the protection of Senior Sisters while carrying this boulder still stirred a sense of embarrassment within him, like a thorn buried deep beneath his pride.

... ‎

After what seemed like an eternity, Ji Wuye finally reached his destination, his chest heaving with each labored breath. He gazed upon the overgrown wild grass and the broken wooden door, the disheveled rooftop a testament to years of neglect and abandon.

"Finally... I'm here," he panted heavily, wiping the beads of sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.

The abandoned courtyard, once occupied by servants, had been left empty and unused since the introduction of ranks like Outer Disciples, essentially martial artist servants.

Normal people were driven out, their former homes left to crumble and decay. As for why Ji Wuye chose this desolate place, despite attracting unwanted attention, the reason...

"But first, let's fix this first," Ji Wuye muttered in a low tone, his eyes fixed on the scattered and abandoned pile of logs with a peculiar appearance in the deserted courtyard.
‎ ...

Ten minutes later, the logs were neatly arranged, and his hands reddened, not from moving them, but from the weight of the stone boulder he carried above them, his muscles straining with each step.

Taking a deep breath and resting for another minute, his narrowed red eyes focused on the shining boulder of rock, determination etched across his features.

"Let's do this!"

Leaning against the arranged logs, he carefully walked backward until he found a comfortable position. His hand touched the boulder, and he pressed one of the imprints on the nearby logs, causing the rock to fall onto his back with a resounding thud.

"Ugh!" Ji Wuye coughed in surprise, his eyes glaring defiantly as he felt the heavy weight threatening to crush him. For a moment, the world spun, and darkness crept at the edges of his vision, the weight almost making him pass out.


But he bit his tongue, regaining his senses through sheer force of will. The sun had risen above his head, casting his shadow upon the ground as he held the boulder aloft, refusing to let it fall, his muscles quivering with the effort.

"1!" Ji Wuye shouted, his voice reverberating through the abandoned courtyard as he slowly squatted, the massive boulder weighing heavily on his back.

At the same time, he manipulated his Qi, channeling the ethereal energy into his Twelve Meridians, allowing it to accumulate in his Lower Dantian.

"2!" His legs trembled violently, the muscles straining against the colossal weight as he attempted to straighten up.

When his Lower Dantian was filled to the brim with Qi, he dispersed it back into the surroundings, the air around him shimmering faintly with the release of energy.

"3!" The process repeated, drawing Qi into his body and accumulating it in his Lower Dantian with each controlled breath. But this time, the Qi felt more refined, calmly entering his body as if guided by an unseen force.

On the contrary, Ji Wuye, feeling the subtle effects coursing through his veins, showed a grin, his lips curling upward in a display of hard-won satisfaction.

"It worked!" he exclaimed, his eyes alight with triumph.

In his previous life, this training method belonged to the renowned Wudang Sect, known for their martial power and superior sword techniques that could cleave mountains with a single stroke.

Both their Patriarch and disciples possessed astonishing strength, their reputations echoing through the ages like thunderclaps.

When the Tower of the God emerged, they willingly shared their training methods to prepare for the invasion of floor 50.

This demonstration of selflessness highlighted the difference between the orthodox and unorthodox righteous factions.

One was willing to sacrifice anything for the world, while the other was selfish and self-serving, hoarding their knowledge and power like misers guarding their treasures.

This training not only increased muscle mass but also improved stamina and Qi control, particularly when enveloping the body with Qi.

While a 1st realm martial artist could only maintain full body envelopment for a mere 10 minutes, the disciples of the Wudang Sect managed to double that using this method, their bodies brimming with energy like wells overflowing with vitality.

"Those muscular and barbarian disciples, their strength is like that of a bear. No wonder this training is high risk, high reward!"

Ji Wuye muttered, his eyes narrowing as he recalled the awe-inspiring physiques of the Wudang disciples, their muscles rippling like chiseled stone beneath their robes.

However, while their strength was unquestionable, he remembered some individuals who pushed themselves too far, too fast, their ambition outstripping their caution.

The image of a young disciple of Wudang sect came to mind, his face contorted in agony, lacking restraint in his eagerness to progress at breakneck speed.

The young disciple had trained eagerly and excitedly without pause, heedless of the warnings from his Elders.

On the fifth day, as his muscles screamed under the weight of an overloaded boulder, something snapped, the sickening sound echoing like a gunshot in Ji Wuye's memory.

Recalling this tale and envisioning the excruciating pain the young disciple experienced, Ji Wuye froze for a moment, his brow furrowing with concern.

He glanced at the pill nestled in his pocket, its surface glinting in the sunlight like a promise of salvation. "Not... at this moment... But if that happens, I can just use this..."

"4!" Ji Wuye shouted, this time with a broader smile that amplified both his determination and the possibility of sustaining it indefinitely.


Several moments later, the sun still hung overhead, showing no signs of the sky changing hue.
‎ Only 30 minutes had passed since he began the training, yet Ji Wuye lay in the abandoned courtyard, his eyes fixed on the dancing white clouds against the azure expanse, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath.
‎ A burning sensation coursed through his body, searing his muscles with a fiery intensity.
‎ Even while lying down, his legs trembled uncontrollably, but most striking was the way his muscles seemed to pulse and twitch beneath his skin, rippling like waves upon the ocean.
‎ "Ugh… this hurts so much..." Ji Wuye couldn't help but complain, punching his abdomen where it kept twitching, each impact sending waves of intense pain radiating through his body, as if he were being whipped with torn barbs.
‎ After the agony subsided, his glaring red eyes softened, gazing at the tranquil blue sky with a wandering mind, his thoughts drifting like the clouds above.
‎ 'Should I just give up?' A fleeting, devilish thought crossed his mind as he was about to close his eyes, tempting him with the sweet release of surrender.
‎ It cannot be helped. Back then, in the previous time line, he did everything in moderation, not even willing to diligently engage in hard work like this... But his eyes suddenly shot open, glaring back at the sky as if challenging the heavens themselves.
‎ Memories of his near-death experience resurfaced, unbidden flashes of pain and terror searing through his mind, reminding him of the purpose behind his grueling efforts, the reason he could not falter.
‎ His bleeding tongue, already bitten in a moment of agony before, began to bleed once more as he clenched his fist so tightly that his knuckles turned white, the nails digging into his calloused palms.
‎ His narrowed red eyes filled with resentment and an unwavering unwillingness to surrender, burning with an intensity that could melt steel.
‎ "At this time, I bet they're all still drunk on their own genius, thinking nothing will happen and treating the appearance of the Tower like a competition," Ji Wuye muttered, his voice dripping with disdain as he slammed his fist against the ground, causing a tremor that sent dust motes dancing in the sunlight.
‎ All he wanted was to live a comfortable life, to training in peace and enjoy the simple pleasures that existence had to offer.
‎ But fate had other plans, and the Tower's sudden emergence had shattered that dream, forcing him into a desperate struggle for survival. And those so-called geniuses, those lazy, arrogant fools, seemed content to rest on their laurels, oblivious to the danger that loomed on the horizon.
‎ Finally, tired of his thoughts spiraling into a whirlpool of bitterness, he stood up on trembling legs, his muscles protesting with every movement.
‎ He looked down at the disarray of logs before him, their haphazard arrangement a physical manifestation of the chaos that had consumed his life, and began to count the time until the Tower forcefully summoned him, each second ticking away like grains of sand in an hourglass.
‎ "Let's begin the second round."
‎[📖First ⏮️Previous Next⏭️]
submitted by DragonKnov to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:54 SisterCyrene Blue Cross HMO Silver question?

Hi all! I'm really new to this and I really could use some help, please! I have a basic, general question about the Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO plan. The Plan ID is 98185MI0180015. My question is specifically this: Hypothetically, if I enroll in this HMO, and then immediately pay the maximum out of pocket deductible of $2,200... what happens then? Would my copays go down to $0? What's the "full plan benefits" after deductible is covered? I'm already going to call the BCBN rep and ask tomorrow after I get off work, but I thought I would start here, you know, just in case someone can easily answer this for me. Thanks again :) :) :)
P.S. Does anyone know if this plan covers Dental? I feel like it doesn't, because the lady on the Marketplace phone line didn't mention anything about dental.
submitted by SisterCyrene to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:51 ZoZleepy What the fyuck is up w companions reactions in Act 3 y'all??

Ok this is my second play through, first time as durge, like maybe halfway through act 3.
Shadowheart left my party in my first run bc I forgot to bring her to the nightsong, so I was curious to see how her quest continues.I decided to be evil and straight up offer Shadowheart to Viconia, save spamming to obviously reload.
But what the fuck yall? These companions barely give a shit that I betrayed the first person who joined our party! I talked to everyone, and was honestly shocked by how little they cared lmfao. Gale disapproved but made a joke, Astarion admitted he kind of respected my choice even if he was scared of it as well, Karlach even said: "Hey, we did the right thing, uhh right?"
Only Wyll said more than one line, and actually was hurt and offended by our choice, calling us out on our cruelty. Jaheira was clearly disgusted as well.
Sometimes I find it kind of disappointing and hollow how in Act 3 the companions are so wildly inconsistent and/or just straight up have no reaction at all to these very intense and built up moments. I can already feel the lack of reactions for Durge, and it's kind of disappointing. Like bro I've spent over 200 hours in this run, we've all been battling for our lives in the wilds of Faérun, and you could care less by now?
How do we let Larian know that at the very least, they should patch up and attend to Act 3 as long and lovingly they did to Act 1?
Tldr: I let Shadowheart be snatched up by the Sharrans and was shocked by how little the companions cared or reacted.
submitted by ZoZleepy to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:44 Ok_Post_149 tutorial ideas for an OSS dev tool I built

Hey LocalLLaMA community,
About 6 months ago I shared a closed source developer tool I built. It actually got a decent amount of traction but internal adoption sucked because no established company was willing to pipe terabytes of data into some small startup's cloud. Since then I spoke with the community and I decided to open source the tool. I'm currently building in the open and when I have a functioning tool (hopefully next month) I want to have some killer tutorials already made to share out. I'd love to hear what tutorial ideas or use cases you can come up with, here is a little rundown about the tool.
Burla is the simplest cluster compute software, it enables users to scale their code across thousands of cloud machines, with zero setup, and a single line of code. Here is a high level feature set.
Important to note that right now we don't support inter-node communication so I'm looking for embarrassingly parallel problems. Think ensemble training, tokenization, batch inference, and data compression.
I look forward to hearing from the community and hopefully I can build out some tutorials that solve real issues.
submitted by Ok_Post_149 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:17 Christof_Shield Dreamcatcher the NightWing (and a note about off-color moons)

Sometimes, the moons are not silver. Sometimes, they stain the sky and the ground. These occurrences are what some dragons call "off-color" moons. When a NightWing hatches when the moons are off-color, they have abilities that do not fall in-line with the standard mind-reading or foresight. They were supposedly of great, if secret, interest to Darkstalker, who sought to use his animus magic to replicate these powers. One of the most notable of these attempts, the trio of dreamvisitors he created, were intended to replicate the powers of a NightWing hatched during a purple off-color, though the replication of these powers were incomplete due to the limited documentation of NightWings hatched under nights like these.
A purple off-color happens when there is a lunar eclipse at the same time as a second brightest night in the same century. It combines a lunar eclipse NightWing's power of control with a blue moon NightWing's power over the not-quite-physical, allowing the NightWing in question to have the power to enter and control the dreams of others.
Dreamcatcher is one such NightWing, from recent times. 200 years after the War of SandWing Succession, there were two brightest nights in the same 100-year timespan, and the second happened to line up with a lunar eclipse.
(base by AM-AKA-Storm)
Dreamcatcher grew up in the Kingdom of Sand, travelling around with his mother, Visionchaser. He does not say what happened, but he has left her and, when Visionchaser attacked him, screaming about how much she hates him, the aging seer ended up locked into an endless sleep by Dreamcatcher's powers, with no signs of waking up. Since then, Dreamcatcher has been the only source of information of what those like him can and cannot do.
While he is (at this time) only 4 years old, he is already the size of a fully-grown NightWing, though his large size is more likely due to genetics (likely some sort of clue as to his deceased father) than it has to do with his power over dreams.
For the most part, Dreamcatcher seems to be quite pleasant towards other dragons, almost seeming to get energy from helping them. However, around scavengers, he has been shown to not care about the 200-year-old law. As such, scavengers are warned to stay as far away from the big, purple NightWing as possible.
Dreamcatcher currently lives in a collection of abandoned ruins, with the treasures he has scoured together, and with a list of every dragon he has met, in case he needs to walk in their dreams.

[Notice: From this moment on, if I intend to RP in a comments of a post, I will note who is speaking, since Foxglove is no longer my only on-Reddit character.]
[P.S. The "off-color" idea is free to use, if anyone feels inspired by the idea. I'm not sure if anyone will, but... well... shrug]
submitted by Christof_Shield to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:16 Cale017 Is Abyss just a National Showcase?

I'm struggling to wrap my head around Abyss 12. Anytime I look up guides it seems like there's two variants:
1) "behold my c6r5 speedrun"
2) "behold the f2power of my Xianling national"
I see tips like sub dps only really need 50/10 or 60/120 with 200ish ER, then that main dps who have that amount of crit should also be sufficient DPS. Genshin is supposed to be easy, things like 80/240 crit lines shouldn't be necessary to clear the Abyss from everything I see online, and yet even with DPS built that far eclipse any statline on any f2p guide I've seen, and sub DPS at very similar levels, I can't clear. It seems like Sucrose is a necessity no matter what, even if you don't want to use her, even if you have EVERY other Anemo unit, still gotta use Sucrose cuz 250k falling damage is too good. Mm, mm, cheese. In almost every case I see one half of abyss being handled by some flavor of national team, and the other being based around some kind of ridiculously overbuilt unit who ignores whatever is actually required of the floor. Doesn't matter that I'm ecstatic about having a C2 950 EM Kazuha, that spot is Sucrose or I'm not doing enough damage somehow.
Diluc/Xianyun? Go get Furina and farm several fresh Marechausee Hunter sets. Yae? C2, 75/225, doesn't matter not a main dps even with 2 dendro units alongside her. C6 Xiao on 80/200? Come back when you have C6 Faruzan too.
So far as I can tell I have to give up on playing the game with the units I want because they're not allowed to be effective in the abyss for some odd reason. My Diluc is no good without Furina since XQ can't apply enough hydro to consistently vape his plunges with Xianyun,. My c2 Yae can't be main DPS on aggravate, which I pulled and built Nahida to play. Neuv is about the only unit I have who stands up on his own in Abyss and he's... you know, Neuv. He's got half assed hand me down artifacts and still pumps out an entire Xiao ult's damage in a single charged attack. It's play national one half and then play some super specifically tuned team on the other half if not Neuv/some c6 unit who could probably solo already anyways.
There are other mechanics, some may say. Different enemy weaknesses, different poise ratings, mob vs boss floors. Somehow all universally answered by a single team archetype that I just plain have never had an interest in building. But every time I can't clear an abyss rotation it's thrown in my face again to just build Xianling National and try again later. I'm spitefully developing her 3 years into the game cycle because NOTHING has come as close to clearing as her at level 70 did last week.
"Weapons to 90, skills maxed, get better artifacts!"
If people are clearing 12 at AR 35 with 4 star units, I shouldn't need to squeeze an extra 5-10% damage out of units that are already significantly stronger than the examples. For instance, I get a smidgeon of extra attack for levelling Bennet to 90, but that's supposed to be the dividing line between me clearing and not?
"Your rotation is off!"
My buffs are up, I've got VV shred going off, I'm vaping the hits I want to vape. What rotational improvements can I make? If I'm just supposed to shave frames off the rotation, again why is my DPS window so tight and specific with units that are, so far as I can tell, far stronger than examples given?
"Your positioning is off!"
If it's a mob floor I guarantee you they're grouped. I use Kazuha and Venti constantly. If it's a boss floor positioning doesn't matter. If there are two enemies I can't give the good succ, I line them up with each other so I'm hitting both as much as possible when hitting one.
Is it some kind of curse I don't know about that you're required to use National to get through your first abyss completion? I've spent so many resources over the last few years and clearly have been either unlucky or wrong about how I did so and now it feels like I can't recover my account without a ridiculous amount of farming for units I would only EVER use for clearing Abyss, and don't enjoy playing otherwise. I'm about ready to just pay some streamer to clear abyss for me so I can see that it can be done with what I already have.
submitted by Cale017 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:40 ElsinoreGP Workaround for Missing mods... Your save files are not compromised!!!! don't delete. XBOX S/X

Don't believe what you here/see around the web. 99.99% of mods are working and accounted for. The in-game mod manager is borked, that's all. And the search engine doesn't work how you think it does. It searches items by context, not by the mods name. That why your having trouble finding your mods.
This work around is only for people having trouble locating their mods. If you are having trouble downloading them into your load list, this won't help you with that.
First of all, ignore how much space you have left for mods. the numbers are funked, but they don't stop you from populating the load order to it's 2GB capacity.
Secondly, you need to sign up at Bethesda.com if you haven't already. This is where the actual mod manager is, and just a much better place to browse mods and make your lists.
Now, on the website, populate your favorites list with the mods you need or want.
Then, go to the in-game mod manager, find your favorites list. There may already be some of your old mods in that list. Download the ones you want and then remove them from the favorites list. As you remove an item from the in-game favorites list, it will replace it with the next one from the favorites list on the website.
Rinse and repeat until you have all you mods installed.

Also, you can do this all from within the Xbox. This requires using the busted, in-game search function though. It's the same procedure...just favorite a mod, and then remove one from the list, and that next mod will pop up...(after all the ones on the website of course, because those were in line first)
Hope this helps. I'm currently playing a 4 year old save file that started on xbox one, all 84 mods in tact, and the game is playing beautifully... 30 hours so far and not a crash in sight.. game feels rock solid. I have a ton of bases and literally thousands of objects on display at all of them...plus over 200 settlers scattered around. before the update the game was shaky at best, and could crash almost anywhere, doing almost anything. that has completely stopped.
submitted by ElsinoreGP to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:27 madrobot11 Should I leave or stay?

I work at a residential Nexstar company as many of you may know how they work. I have recently become very upset with how management is acting and managing things. one of my big ones is the office will sometimes over book Maintenace's and will have the oncall tech run some of the ones we miss in the day after hours. I STRONGLY disagree with this. I talked with my manager about this saying the point of oncall is for emergancy calls and not a catch all for Maintenace's we weren't able to get to in normal working hours. And he agreed with this statement. A tech just ran an after hour call this evening and I pointed out what our boss said about that. my boss then back tracked and said how non oncall people dont have to if they have something going on but the oncall tech has too since "our job is customer service and we will be there when the customer wants us there". I would like to know if this is normal throughout the industry since as I think the techs personal life is worth more. I do get the customer service part as a company but where does the line stop? They have also recently have been having techs who have below a $200 average ticket to fill out an option form and upload the photo of the form onto the job to prove they provided options like corrosion inhibitors, hard starts, surge protectors, UV's, ETC. I need opinions if it's worth staying since im 2 years into the 4 NCCER apprenticship here and not sure if its transferable else were. I would like to try more commercial but worried that I wont get payed as well since I get payed well here. My first year here I made 77K but I do have to sell and im the top seller at my company. Please let me know if its worth staying until I get my Journeymen or leaving and finding something else. Thanks for reading this poorly written paragraph.
submitted by madrobot11 to HVAC [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:25 boulderingbro Baby overlander / suspension build questions for my SR5 (Penelope)

Would love some help / advice on suspension upgrades for my overlander build if anyone has a spare minute.
This is for my 21 SR5 Double Cab LB. Her name is Penelope.
I'm going to add one of these toppers (tall version) - https://www.leer.com/dcc-truck-cap?cclcl=en_US
With some plywood bed framing, batteries, water, diesel heater, etc. Nothing majorly heavy, and I expect this topper to be around 200 lbs. So I might reach close to or slightly over payload with all the people and plywood and gear (950 lbs for my truck).
My questions, I'm going to upgrade the suspension a bit to account for this payload, and I have some rough ideas in order of importance.
I was going to go for a max of 2" lift with the dakar springs and something slightly lower in the front? Though I'm starting to get into territory that I'm unfamiliar with. Can someone let me know what they think of this so far? Where I might be going wrong or could adjust to do a bit better?
I'm not offroading, just camping. Ski resorts and BLM land. So I really don't need anything major. I have no desire for a slide in big boy, I just really don't want one.
Follow up dynamic questions:
I'm in CO if that helps.
submitted by boulderingbro to ToyotaTacoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:24 Lady_Stardust9 A Literary Review of Scottie: Chapter One, or We're Hootenback!

Hey gorls and sock puppets! I hope that you are all having a fabulous day! We lost a lot when the ‘verse was deleted this month, so I’m coming back from my social media sabbatical to rewrite my Scottie reviews.
Summary: Scottie begins her epic tale by complaining about it being her first day of school and the way her parents become dreadfully unjust during the school year. For example, they cut her weekly $200 allowance to $15 and only let her have friends over on Saturday! Scottie still considers them good parents and has a close relationship with them, finding the way that her mom met her dad when she was 18 and he was 15 very romantic. Scottie begins to head to the kitchen, but she faces her little sister, Samantha, asking where her glasses are. Scottie screams at her to be quiet and enters the kitchen, where she grabs a half-cooked sausage that her mom is currently frying.
When breakfast is ready, Scottie’s mom calls Samantha to eat with them. Scottie and her mother are shocked to see Samantha wearing makeup and Scottie’s revealing clothing. Scottie yells at her, but she decides to stop because their aunt died in a car crash last month. Scottie’s mom tells Samantha to change, but gives in as soon as Samantha says that her change in style is just because she wants to be like Scottie. The three eat breakfast in silence.
Notes and Highlights:
Gorl Molment: “Her hair was pin straight, naturally curly; hoop earrings, her ears are pierced?; pink short spaghetti strap, whoa she has boobs; short jean skirt, surprised I can't see her underwear; pink leggings and white converse shoes; carrying a purse, where is her Jonas Brothers backpack?; wearing makeup, MY MAKEUP!”
Geniuslynn Situation-Type-Deal: “Junior, 11th grader, homework, drama, rules, boring teachers, long lectures, kindergarten allowances, beginning of hell, ending of freedom, today and for another 295 days.”
Overall Rating: 16 out of 20 McNuggets! This chapter is a very strong beginning! It’s a wonderful glimpse into how Pookie thinks that an ideal family works, and we already get to experience some of the main themes of Scottie, such as Scottie slut-shaming Samantha and being generally unpleasant. The scene where Scottie yoinks an undercooked sausage is also one of my favorite molments in Scottie because it’s delightfully Amberlynn-coded.
submitted by Lady_Stardust9 to Amberverse_Freedom [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:41 Willing_Sell_8702 Trying to rebuild my credit, what are my best options?

So I'm trying to rebuild my credit, don't have a big purchase coming up but I am pretty tired of having such small credit limits on my cards. Pandemic hit me pretty hard and I fell behind on a lot things like credit cards, two were closed, etc.
So now, I have a decent job and make about 100k/yr in a HCOL city, but my budget is pretty decent. Right now what I have to pay:
So I spend about ~2.5k a month on living and what not. I shop a bit and do other things so typically put aside 500-1000 in savings a month. This year though I decided to attack those CC debts that I have and paid off the closed account (2.5k), a PayPal credit line that I was paying the minimum on for the last who knows how many years (4.5k), another closed card that had 1k on it, and agreed to settle a debt with a bank for a 4k CC down to 1000, which I am paying $100 a month for. I could just pay it off now but don't see the benefit, so if there is one let me know!
I started work and everything else late so do need to start putting money away into retirement, have very little in a 401k but hoping that as my career progresses (software engineering) that the salary will increase and I can start putting more money aside. I have ~6k in a HYSA and ~6k in my checking after paying those all off.
So CC debt is essentially gone. I have two credit cards now that have a $500 limit and I pay them off multiple times so that I don't have to use my debit card - and I would really like a higher limit so that I can actually use them to make large purchases. I checked my FICO w BoA/Chase and it says 668, but I can't get any credit limit increases. Should I try and get a secured credit card? I feel like that will be low as well but would that help expedite things? Again, know I am behind financially and trying to catch up, but also trying to live a bit of the life that I missed out on the last 10 years where I was dead broke and basically homeless lol.
submitted by Willing_Sell_8702 to personalfinance [link] [comments]
