Sheyla hershey


2021.07.10 19:14 Sheyla_Hershey

Sheyla Hershey

2023.05.31 09:53 Lopsided-Economist28 Top 10 Women With the Biggest Boobs in the World 2023

Throughout history, there have been individuals who have stood out for their exceptional bust sizes, becoming icons and symbols of beauty in their own right. From famous celebrities to everyday women, these individuals have embraced their bodies and become sources of inspiration for many.

I will present the top 10 women with the biggest boobs in the world in 2023. Each woman on this list possesses a unique and remarkable bosom, which has garnered attention and admiration from people around the globe. I will delve into their stories, highlighting their journey towards self-acceptance and confidence.

1. Chelsea Charms:
Chelsea Charms is a name that is often associated with one of the largest bosoms in the world. With an astonishing bust size of 164XXX, she has gained international recognition for her extraordinary assets.
2. Beshine:
Beshine, also known as Mayra Hills, is another woman who stands out for her exceptionally large breasts. With a reported cup size of 32Z, she has become a sensation on social media and within the adult entertainment industry.
  1. Norma Stitz:
  2. Minka:
  3. Lolo Ferrari:
  4. Maxi Mounds:
  5. Sheyla Hershey
  6. Lacey Wildd
  7. Sabrina Sabrok
  8. Susan Sykes
Click here to know more about their stories.
submitted by Lopsided-Economist28 to u/Lopsided-Economist28 [link] [comments]

2021.10.27 02:46 Doais0nashitsu4 sheyla hershey porno

submitted by Doais0nashitsu4 to u/Doais0nashitsu4 [link] [comments]

2012.12.09 00:22 TlFF This is Sheyla Hershey, the woman with the world's biggest breast implants. Her bra size is 38KKK.

This is Sheyla Hershey, the woman with the world's biggest breast implants. Her bra size is 38KKK. submitted by TlFF to WTF [link] [comments]

2012.08.03 09:50 arcanition TIL that after eight breast implant surgeries Sheyla Hershey had a breast size of 34 FFF. She then went to Brazil to get surgeries to get to 38 KKK as Texas Law prevented her from doing so.

TIL that after eight breast implant surgeries Sheyla Hershey had a breast size of 34 FFF. She then went to Brazil to get surgeries to get to 38 KKK as Texas Law prevented her from doing so. submitted by arcanition to todayilearned [link] [comments]

2012.05.19 20:09 tabledresser [Table] IAmA: I had breast reduction less than 24 hours ago. AMA.

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Date: 2012-05-19
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Questions Answers
Congrats on being able to once again buy the cute bras, and getting the colors other than white, taupe/ beige and black. Mine aren't quite big enough to cause me that much issue, but I do at times wish they were smaller. What do you think about the women who get implants to make them the same size you wore or larger? Do you think they really know what they are getting into? Thank you! I probably won't wear an actual bra for six weeks or so, but I am going to be happy to be able to get a bra at most stores! And I don't see too many people getting implants to be a G, but implants in general are different than real boobs. They don't hang as much, don't sag, and they're lighter. I do think they quickly realize how much harder it is to wear clothes, but that's something they anticipated. More power to them if they really want to look like that, but I'm typically wondering why they would want that.
UGH AND you get to skip on wearing a bra for a few weeks?? Lucky! Ha, I kid, I imagine you're very sore. But I envy your bra purchasing abilities. I'm actually not too sore. Just the bruises. That's it.
On dr Phil, there was a lad who had about 40 implants and was an L-cup. She wanted more. Was it her by any chance?
That's gross.
Ya im a 34 DD and i dont understand why girls would pay to have boobs my size, ya they are nice and the husband loves them but they fucking hurt...getting home and taking my bra off after work is like my favorite thing to do. I was uncomfortable without a bra because of the sag.
Ewww... implants are gross. I'm not one to shame people, but I think implants are fine when done correctly. That woman was an example of bad plastic surgery and severe body dysmorphic disorder.
Did the doc say you had a chance of dying under the knife? If so, what percentage chance? There's always the chance, but she didn't say the percentage.
The anesthesiologist told me that it's pretty safe, and he said my car ride there and back was more dangerous.
Edit: My friend asked me that yesterday, too. That made me feel great :P.
Driving is very dangerous. It can be indeed. I said, "Well dad, now I better make it home alive"
This is true. My mom has been a vet for almost 30 years and she's had a grand total of 2 animals die from anesthetics. And I would hope they're a little more careful when people go under. Yep, it's a very safe procedure. I didn't even vomit.
What are you looking forward to doing with your tinier boobs? Mostly being able to stand up straight, lie on my back without suffocating, and lie on my stomach and be able to put my arms at my sides.
Can you already feel a relief on your back? How much was the operation? have you faced any criticism from people you know or mainly support? I am really sore, so I can't really tell now.
The operation plus the anesthesiologist's fees was a little under $5,000. That's a good deal because I know the surgeon. It is typically around $7,000.
Some friends I know said I was going too small, but whatever.
*Edit: clarified cost. The surgeon's fees were $2,200.
I dated a girl with C's, honestly they're the perfect size. DD's are great to look at but terrible to live with. From the perspective of a "boob" guy I can assure you C's are just fine. Best of luck. Yeah, 32G's were not pleasant. I hooked up with a guy back when I had DD's and they still got in the way. Thanks! I'm already doing super well.
You're 18. They may not be done growing. Chances are you won't stay at a C, especially if you have kids. When I was 18, I wore a 36C. I'm 28 now, no kids, wearing a 34F. Thanks, birth control. But I've gotten 5 sizes off. So, if I go up to an F, I'd be an F and not a J (because I was a G before). Plus, I was having health issues.
How the heck do you get $5,000 being 18 year old? I have parents. They love me and have money. Win-win.
Don't get me wrong though, based on the pics it's definitely an upgrade looks-wise and of course also health/convenience-wise, no question there. Congrats. :) AND THANK YOU! I'm glad people think its a upgrade. I was nervous about that.
You don't look too different from me in your after-shot. I wear 32F/30FF. So, once your ready to start wearing bras, be sure to get fitted correctly. And congrats on getting the surgery that makes you more comfortable. I will for sure get measured. I'm so excited! And I'm so jealous you aren't saggy.
Right, I was directing that to the people who say you've gone too small. They're silly. Yeah, that was a girl who said that. The guys have been more supportive to me, maybe because they don't know what to say. :P.
They probably assume it's a trap. Hahaha. "Oh, no... you're fine just the way you are... I think?"
Or there's also the, "Oh, really? Looks down at boobs. I didn't know they were um, that gigantic causing you problems."
Will you be able to breast feed children if you decide to reproduce? I dated a girl who needed a reduction for similar reasons, but her biggest issue with it was that they wouldn't work for feeding offspring any more. For me, I think it's really a 50/50 shot, and that's a bummer.
My surgeon told me that bigger-breasted people typically have a hard time breastfeeding because the boobs are too big and overwhelming for the baby, and they can have a hard time feeding.
A lactation consultant told me that "bigger girls" have far more problems than "smaller girls" with breastfeeding. It can still be done, but some things are harder. Makes me feel better about the reduction, though, because I realize that breastfeeding could have been a problem.
Makes sense. I was supportive any way. Hard to breast feed if you're dealing with a hunched back and chronic pain. I mean, I was sad at the idea of that glorious rack mostly disappearing, but it was by far the better option for her. Ah, you dated her while she got it? Good job to be supportive. It was easier for me to consider because I've never actually had a boyfriend, so I didn't have to convince him. I just had to talk to my family and that was it. What size was she before?
I breastfed both of mine and im a (uk) 36H. Boobs can be overwhelming but the easiest way was laying down next to baby or wearing a regular bra with boob pulled up over of the cup. Once im done with having babies i'll get a reduction. Wow, that's impressive.
Wait you have never had a boy friend? Fellow FA here! High five! Heck yes!
Yeah I've never had one. Which made this decision to get surgery a lot easier.
Hmm... yes. That's good to know. I'll.... keep that in mind. Now I'm worried.
How are you even awake right now? When my mother got breast reduction she was hilariously groggy for a few days. I'm awake, I guess. I've been sleeping for a few hours at a time.
About how much did it cost? It cost around $5,000 for the surgery and anesthesia. It is typically $5-7k.
I want a reduction, myself. Would you suggest the procedure? I would suggest it so far. I'm in a bit of pain (soreness) but I'm happy and my boobs are looking good.
How did you go about selecting the size? I selected the size with my surgeon. She and I talked, and decided on a C.
How did you go about selecting the surgeon? I actually knew my surgeon because I babysat her kids, and my parents are friends with her.
, are you excited about all the new dresses you can fit into without suffocating around the boob area? YES, I am thrilled.
That cost has to be without the remaining hospital costs. Mine was over $20k and only $5k of that was how much the surgeon charged. Nope, the hospital costs were $2200. I wasn't there overnight, no drains...
Ah okay, just kidding then! I heard of one girl's that was $60k.
Wow that's crazy! Was she in the hospital for more than one night? Yeah, I think so. And she had a morphine button.
Wow. It makes me wonder what is it that causes pain for people afterwards cause I was fine after mine and my surgeon said that it's not usually a surgery that causes a lot of pain. I think missing medication doses or moving too much. I just feel like I'm really bruised. But I am feeling great.
What age did your boobs start growing? My boobs started growing when I was 12. By the time I got my period when I was 12 1/2, I was a 32B.
How long did it take them to get that big? From there, I was a D by the time I turned 13. I was a D until I was 15. Then, I had a random spurt and I was a DD. I was a DD until I was randomly growing to a G, which is a DDDD.
Does your family have a histroy of huge boobs? Well, my mom is a B, so boobs run on my dads side. Two people on my dads side have had reductions. One, (dads cousin) was a 38F and another (dads aunt) was a something KKK.
My grandfather was KKK, but we might be talking about two different things. Yeah, we probably are.
Can you show more boobs for proof? I will be super bruised for awhile, but here is a gallery of examples. (NSFW)
Someone has a pretty bum. ;) Oh no! I have a really flat bum.
Oh wow and you actually showed them. Might I suggest taking down the photo of your face though? Just seems like something you might regret being on the internet later on. I will. Do you think the second photo is enough?
You could maybe do a shot of your wraps without your face? Will do.
Haha, I remember you asking for dating advice a while back. Haha, did you give me a RES tag? I gave you one. "He still would". Thanks, actually means a lot, because I was thinking, "Now I won't have a redeeming feature.".
they grow back? Link to Oh and big boobs are nice to look at, but it's much sexier if a woman is comfortable in her body. Boobs are not a woman's only feature(unless you're a 14 year old boy :P) Haha, well they can grow back but I hope they won't too much, if at all.
I'm assuming this was covered by health insurance? I've been considering a reduction myself, but until I get under my own insurance, I think it's going to be out of the question. No, insurance was an asshole and din't cover it.
However, I was curious - how long was the operation and how big are the incisions? Did they use stitches to close everything up or staples or something else? And it's regular sutures that dissolve. I posted a pic from today where you can see all the incisions. Here it is.
(Slightly NSFL because there's some blood). Haha, isn't she cute? The cutest. I'm condidering posting my ACTUAL after pic, which is VERY nsfl.
Go ahead! I did. Check the original post.
He's saying that because people see worse things all the time on here that are only labelled as NFSW. Yeah I guess it's different when it's your own body.
That's quite impressive. Hope you get well soon! Thank you! I'm feeling great right now, so I am excited to see how I feel tomorrow.
Oh, didn't think about it that way but yes... Hope your feeling better! I'm feeling great!
What was it like having boobs? ;_; mine are small and wish they were bigger sometimes. grass is greener type thing i guess. Having them was nice at times, but they got in the way a lot. It was fun to have bragging rights and whatever, but I had a lot of back pains and shoulder problems and whatever.
Do you miss your boobs? do you think you'll regret the surgery? imo, they don't look that huge in the before pic. Here's a NSFW photo of before. It's a bit of a different perspective. I know they don't look huge, but I was having rashes and other problems.
I'm not yet eighteen, but I'm seriously considering a reduction. This week I discovered I'm a double D, and I already have some issues doing daily mundane tasks, as well problems competing in sports, and occasional pains. I'm only day one post-op, but full recovery is two weeks.
Would you recommend this procedure? I would recommend it if you're uncomfortable, especially in sports.
My wife is a 34F and it's a pain in the ass trying to buy bras and shirts fowith her. My mom is constantly talking crap because my wife's bust is so...well...busty. And aw, how is your wife handling her boobs?
Did you ever feel that other women were "haters" because they didn't have what you had? I feel so bad for my wife sometimes because of the crap she has to deal with...then she has to deal with me. Yes! I do feel like people were sometimes rude or called me a slut for wearing stuff that wasn't bad, but looked lower on me. I did get my bras at Macy's or Nordstrom. It was a hunt to get them, but they were there.
What does your significant othefamily think? I don't have a SO, but my family has been super supportive.
Speaking of supportive.... some bra joke. I mentally do that too.
I am a 32G as well. I'm seriously considering it, just because of how difficult it is to exercise and even to buy clothing and such. I also have terrible posture and back issues. The only thing I'm concerned with is the scarring, but if you say it's worth it, then it probably is. Any advice? Definitely talk to your surgeon about it, and talk to me anytime. Inbox me and I can answer anything you need to know.
Do the bandages feel weird on? Or can you even feel there? It feels like a tube top. Not bad at all.
I've always wondered, is there something like a "Locks of Love" thing so you can donate your unused boobs to the less fortunate? You'd be doing God's work. I wish. It gets burned.
Ugh... Cumbox. I thought we'd never mention that again.
Well that makes me incredibly happy to hear! Here's an uncensored photo (NSFW\). I'm 18. It's that bad. Those are my surgical markings.
And here's the NSFL after shot. See, it did include a lift! I'm so happy!
Good luck, hope you're feeling better soon. I currently don't know what they weighed, and I don't know how many grams she removed, but I think probably 1/2 pound was removed altogether.
What did they weigh beforehand? My wife is a similar size and she deals with a lot of back pain, she's considering getting a reduction in the future also. I'd tell her to go for it. You can private message me for my email if she wants to talk to me. I haven't even been home for 24 hours and I feel great.
I would imagine they took out more than 1/2 a pound, my GF's big floppy mommy boobs easily match a 5lb weight when I lift them up and she's only a DD. I'd be curious how much less you weigh in a couple of days. I think they took a little under 300g from each.
Huh, really thought it would be more than that. Eh. It's a bit though.
Planning on having this procedure in a few months. How is your pain level? Not too bad. 25 hours later and I'm probably a 2/10.
Oh man. As a 32/34 D you didn't look like a 32G! Maybe because of the X's. I'm 5'7" and a G=DDDD. She had me sign waivers stating they'll look different, but I was fine with that. Also, look into breast reduction by lipo, because you're small enough to do that I think.
I am trying desperately to make my boobs smaller. I am 5'5 starting weight at 125 and 34 DD, and I currently am 115 32 D. My waist in shrinking but not my cup size. I've thought about breast reduction, but my mom had it, and I didn't like the outcome of her nipples. Did the doctor talk to you at all about the nipples after they heal?
I think you look wonderful now and they have done a great job (speaking as a straight female - not a pick up attempt!) but I don't think you looked overly large before. I'm surprised you had as many physical difficulties as you mention. I presume you had tried specialist bras and so forth? I realize that this may be a better photo. (NSFW).
Anyway best of luck to you and just remember to get some well fitting, comfortable bras in your new size, as even smaller breasts benefit from good support. Yeah, I wore 32G but if you can see, look at my shoulders and I have dents. And of course! I think getting good bras will be a habit for now on.
How did you pick your "after" size? Was it a doctor recommendation, or did you have an idea of what you wanted? It was a doctor recommendation, and a C is just a good size.
That's good to hear! How about the nerves within that "area". ;) Do you feel any numbness or does everything feel the same? (Assuming you are not on painkillers) The areas around the sutures are numb but they will regain sensation. They weren't that sensitive to begin with. I'm not on painkillers today.
That's good! Painkillers are bad anyway... you can always build up dependency to them. A lot of people I know were/are addicted to them.
Why are your nips taped up? did they slice them off, suck out some fat, and glue them back on? O___O. Here is an illustration of how the surgery is done.
And those are steri-strips.They help keep the skin together.
Wouldn't they fade over time? Or can't you have a plastic surgeon look at them at some point? Yeah, they do fade, and I don't know about my scarring, but I mean they'll always be there a little.
Did you ever have any back issues? My gf is a 36DD and has some issues with her back curving and being very weak. Yes I had some back problems. Mostly with posture and sore shoulders and back.
I had a friend get a reduction as well! She said it was the best decision she's made. She had lots of back issues because of them. Congratulations btw! She's so happy with her decision and I can see that you are too :) Did you struggle with any back/shoulder issues or did you get the reduction before they really took a toll on your back? Yes! I have dents in my shoulders and I had rashes on and under my boobs. I did get it for back problems mainly, and it's been good so far.
Do you have a before picture to show how big they were? And maybe an update in a couple of weeks for comparison. Not creeping, I' a large breasted female (40G) so I am curious. Private message me and I'll send some.
Doesn't have to be nude or anything, should have said that before :) Okay, check the original post. I revised it.
For whatever it's worth, here is some additional proof (even though I have looked at the pictures already lol) that this girl's legit. Otherwise, she would have been preparing to lie about this AMA for about a week now. Link to Haha yes I am legit. I totally took a shower which felt awesome. And I wouldn't lie about this. Self posts don't get karma.
You'd be surprised of how many "non-karma" AMA posts end up being lies. Ugh, I don't get why people get off to lying.
Anyways, as per usual thanks for doing this AMA! And you're welcome! I'm glad you care!
Am I the only one here who thinks they weren't so big before? Trust me, they were big. Here's another pic with my markings.
Yep, they were big. Big and beautiful. But you're the owner of your body! This surgery was such a relief.
Do you have before/after pics? mainly before because i just viewed the after pic. Yeah here you go
And I have since added an after to the original post.
I have a question. I am in an identical boat to you pre-op, and also have some really bad double curve scoliosis. I've been contemplating a reduction for years because things are so bad for me that insurance would cover it, but I also have insane body image issues, and I'm terrified that smaller boobs would make my mind think my stomach looked fat, and that I'd really never feel good about my appearance again if I went through with it. Have you experienced anything like that? A little, but then I remembered that I am sick of rashes and my boobs were so saggy and I was physically uncomfortable without a bra.
At the risk of sounding like a creeper, I actually have no idea how big 32G is. Do you have a (SFW) body pic? Pics. They're censored.
You are brave for going through this, I saw the surgery itself on discover once. They cut a line from the bottom up and around the nipple right? And pull fat and tissue out to reduce it to a specific size. Yes, that is exactly it. If you can see the photos, the incisions explain it.
Does it freak you out to look down and be a carved up mess? (i'm afraid of blood and scalpels, so i'm wondering how it is for more normal people, if that's what you are) I try not to look at it too much, but it's not too bad, actually. It's not too freaky.
I have debated having this surgery, I'm only a 32DD, but my posture is just terrible since I hit puberty. The thing I'm most worried about is losing nipple sensitivity. I imagine you're in a lot of pain right now, but do you think you've lost much sensitivity in your nipples? More people report hypersensitivity after. I can't tell but I can feel them now.
What is your opinion on turtles? Well, I like turtles
How much weight did they take off your chest? I had almost four pounds of boob removed when I got mine! Congrats. It will be feel amazing when you see how perky they stay!! I think a half pound altogether. My mom doesn't remember.
Does it hurt? I'm sore. It feels like my chest is one big bruise.
Will those bandages hurt to take off once the area heals? They're supposed to come off on their own.
Before and after photos? Look at the original post.
Did the doctors ever mention about how your breasts might grow back? cause I have a friend who got the same surgery as you but after a year or so (not sure) they started growing again. They mentioned there's a chance, but at this point I was glad to have some taken off.
Would weight training ie back exercises be an option for well endowed women? It can, but it can also make pecs bigger.
So that's a good thing or bad thing? Bad because it makes boobs look even bigger.
It makes them easier to handle, but look bigger? I don't actually see the problem here. You have to understand that as well as health problems, there are the problems with clothing and stuff.
Not to mention people who thought I was sexually available at age 13 and cat-called, and when I was 14 a kid I knew put a knife to my neck and felt me up.
I was considering a breast reduction. Do they lift them as well, so you know, they're more perky? Yes! The pictures say it all!
You look amazing! I hope you get fully healed soon! I feel awesome. Very little pain, which is great. I am healing really quickly.
Honestly they didn't look anything close to a 32G. more like a D. I can assure you, they were 32G's.
Here's another photo
I'm now a believer, the other angle made them look smaller. Yeah. My mom was impressed with how well I hid them. That pic was the first time she's seen them.
Have you noticed any difference yet or do they still have you doped up on medicine. I stopped taking meds almost 48 hours ago. I was out today and I think I look good.
36GG :( I contemplate this everyday. I recommend it.
I "C" what you did there. :D.
I'm 19 and wear a 34DD bras so I sort of feel your pain. Definitely not nearly as much though :/ I sometimes wonder how much my breasts would change after having kids.. I know! I was worried about after kids too.
Happy healing! They look great by the way. And thank you! I think they look good as well!
I was able to semi-successfully breast feed after mine. Rent a good pump and you will be good to at least give it an honest shot! It was easier for the second child for me. That's good that a pump helped. I guess I need to just live and consider it when the time comes.
Breasts aren't always sexual. Most people over 12 realize that. I posted the photos online, and my mom asked me if I've shown people, so I explained they're online FOR SCIENCE, and she was at first upset, but then I explained it how I see it.
>They're not sexual photos. I could be more dressed up, in lingerie or clothing, and they could be more provocative than the photos of my breasts.
She backed off. She has been sending those pics to basically all her friends, so I'm glad she likes them. :P.
A girl in reddit finally showing off her tits and no one's upvoting nor asking. I'm not really showing off because the pics aren't great. But yeah haha.
Last updated: 2012-05-23 14:42 UTC
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submitted by tabledresser to tabled [link] [comments]

2011.07.08 22:10 wownews Glamour model Sheyla Hershey's boobs grew so huge they were in breach of Texas state law

submitted by wownews to [link] [comments]

2010.07.15 02:41 anutensil Woman May Die Because Of Her Size MMM Implants -- Texan Sheyla Hershey, who achieved her goal of having the world's biggest boobs, is "in the fight of her life," after contracting a severe staph infection.

submitted by anutensil to women [link] [comments]

2010.07.15 02:38 anutensil Woman May Die Because Of Her Size MMM Implants -- Texan Sheyla Hershey, who achieved her goal of having the world's biggest boobs, is "in the fight of her life," after contracting a severe staph infection.

submitted by anutensil to women [link] [comments]

2009.02.10 19:18 tetem Sheyla Hershey - largest implants ever - 34FFF to 38KKK

Sheyla Hershey - largest implants ever - 34FFF to 38KKK submitted by tetem to WTF [link] [comments]

2009.02.09 23:49 realitysucks Sheyla Hershey got world's largest breast implants size 38KKK.

submitted by realitysucks to [link] [comments]

2009.02.06 21:23 Sadie Sheyla Hershey has HUGE boobs

submitted by Sadie to entertainment [link] [comments]

2009.02.06 02:20 lamestuff Sheyla Hershey Biggest Breast Implants Record 38KKK - 12 PICS

submitted by lamestuff to pics [link] [comments]

2009.02.05 21:25 lamestuff Sheyla Hershey Biggest Breast Implants Record - 38 KKK

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2009.02.05 20:26 lamagic Sheyla Hershey Biggest Breast Implants Record Photos

submitted by lamagic to WTF [link] [comments]

2009.02.05 11:20 gaunilo Twin peaks: Sheyla Hershey has world’s biggest breasts - who’s the lucky guy who measured?

submitted by gaunilo to [link] [comments]

2009.02.04 18:25 dnic24 Sheyla Hershey - Record-Breaking Breasts 38KKK

Sheyla Hershey - Record-Breaking Breasts 38KKK submitted by dnic24 to WTF [link] [comments]