Firefox refresh on save plugin

Cafe Racers, new and old.

2010.06.15 08:30 Cafe Racers, new and old.

Welcome to CafeRacers. This is a subreddit/community where you can share photos and have discussions as well as asking for help/advice if needed. Follow the rules. Any Q’s? Send A ModMail

2014.06.08 13:04 born_here Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

Don't click on that, we already did. Fighting clickbait for better journalism.

2017.07.27 01:25 brosve Spineworld

Spineworld was an online multiplayer steampunk-styled browser game founded by Playdo AB in the year 2000. This subreddit is aimed at preserving the few memories people still have of this long-forgotten game. See Wiki for more info.

2024.06.11 13:53 Ambitious_Ad4397 Can't launch kdenlive on wayland

Launching kdenlive: ``` [sas@nixos:~/mysystem]$ kdenlive qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" Could not detect package type, probably default? App dir is "/nix/store/p37zja7ngdrha7sdkql76ips25az8r5j-kdenlive-24.05.0/bin" No LADSPA plugins were found!
Check your LADSPA_PATH environment variable. profilePath from KdenliveSetting::mltPath: "/nix/store/85zl7bqsqymxcmn6d9w50r4pjzlk4ly7-mlt-7.24.0/share/mlt-7/profiles" meltPath from KdenliveSetting::meltPath: "/nix/store/85zl7bqsqymxcmn6d9w50r4pjzlk4ly7-mlt-7.24.0/bin/melt" plugin not available: "region" plugin not available: "region" Empty metadata for "glsl.manager" Empty metadata for "telecide" plugin not available: "avfilter.acompressor" plugin not available: "avfilter.aecho" plugin not available: "avfilter.agate" plugin not available: "avfilter.atadenoise" plugin not available: "avfilter.bs2b" plugin not available: "avfilter.bwdif" plugin not available: "avfilter.deblock" plugin not available: "avfilter.dedot" plugin not available: "avfilter.deflate" plugin not available: "avfilter.derain" plugin not available: "avfilter.doubleweave" plugin not available: "avfilter.field" plugin not available: "avfilter.framestep" plugin not available: "avfilter.fspp" plugin not available: "avfilter.graphmonitor" plugin not available: "avfilter.hqdn3d" plugin not available: "avfilter.inflate" plugin not available: "avfilter.lagfun" plugin not available: "avfilter.loudnorm" plugin not available: "avfilter.random" plugin not available: "avfilter.removegrain" plugin not available: "avfilter.separatefields" plugin not available: "avfilter.shuffleplanes" plugin not available: "avfilter.sofalizer" plugin not available: "" plugin not available: "avfilter.tmix" plugin not available: "avfilter.w3fdif" plugin not available: "avfilter.weave" plugin not available: "avfilter.yadif" plugin not available: "frei0r.baltan" plugin not available: "frei0r.bgsubtract0r" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_mask" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_to_rect" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_to_stereo" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_hemi_to_eq" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_rect_to_eq" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_stabilize_360" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_transform_360" plugin not available: "frei0r.delay0r" plugin not available: "frei0r.delaygrab" plugin not available: "frei0r.lightgraffiti" plugin not available: "frei0r.lightgraffiti" plugin not available: "frei0r.rgbparade" plugin not available: "frei0r.scale0tilt" plugin not available: "frei0r.tehRoxx0r" plugin not available: "frei0r.vectorscope" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa.9354877" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "movit.unsharp_mask" plugin not available: "timewarp" plugin not available: "avfilter.acompressor" plugin not available: "avfilter.aecho" plugin not available: "avfilter.agate" plugin not available: "avfilter.atadenoise" plugin not available: "avfilter.bs2b" plugin not available: "avfilter.bwdif" plugin not available: "avfilter.deblock" plugin not available: "avfilter.dedot" plugin not available: "avfilter.deflate" plugin not available: "avfilter.derain" plugin not available: "avfilter.doubleweave" plugin not available: "avfilter.field" plugin not available: "avfilter.framestep" plugin not available: "avfilter.fspp" plugin not available: "avfilter.graphmonitor" plugin not available: "avfilter.hqdn3d" plugin not available: "avfilter.inflate" plugin not available: "avfilter.lagfun" plugin not available: "avfilter.loudnorm" plugin not available: "avfilter.random" plugin not available: "avfilter.removegrain" plugin not available: "avfilter.separatefields" plugin not available: "avfilter.shuffleplanes" plugin not available: "avfilter.sofalizer" plugin not available: "" plugin not available: "avfilter.tmix" plugin not available: "avfilter.w3fdif" plugin not available: "avfilter.weave" plugin not available: "avfilter.yadif" plugin not available: "frei0r.baltan" plugin not available: "frei0r.bgsubtract0r" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_mask" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_to_rect" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_to_stereo" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_hemi_to_eq" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_rect_to_eq" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_stabilize_360" plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_transform_360" plugin not available: "frei0r.delay0r" plugin not available: "frei0r.delaygrab" plugin not available: "frei0r.lightgraffiti" plugin not available: "frei0r.lightgraffiti" plugin not available: "frei0r.rgbparade" plugin not available: "frei0r.scale0tilt" plugin not available: "frei0r.tehRoxx0r" plugin not available: "frei0r.vectorscope" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa.9354877" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "ladspa" plugin not available: "movit.unsharp_mask" plugin not available: "timewarp" === /// CANNOT ACCESS SPEECH DICTIONARIES FOLDER begin OpenGL vendor "Intel" OpenGL renderer "Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 505 (APL 3)" OpenGL threaded? true OpenGL ES? false OpenGL maximum texture size = 16384 OpenGL maximum viewport size = 16384 x 16384 end qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal Solid::Backends::Fstab::FstabStorageAccess::repairRequested(QString) qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal Solid::Backends::Fstab::FstabStorageAccess::repairDone(Solid::ErrorType, QVariant, QString) qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal Solid::Backends::Fstab::FstabStorageAccess::repairRequested(QString) qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal Solid::Backends::Fstab::FstabStorageAccess::repairDone(Solid::ErrorType, QVariant, QString) qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal Solid::Backends::Fstab::FstabStorageAccess::repairRequested(QString) qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal Solid::Backends::Fstab::FstabStorageAccess::repairDone(Solid::ErrorType, QVariant, QString) :::: USING TRACK COMPOSITING: "frei0r.cairoblend" :::: NOT FOUND DOCUMENT GUIDES !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! qrc:/qml/timeline.qml:509: ReferenceError: proxy is not defined qrc:/qml/timeline.qml:489: ReferenceError: proxy is not defined ==== NO PREVIOUS TIMELINE ::::::::::: connecting timeline: QUuid("{c24ad361-943c-4254-a23d-6e1fcad32b45}") , DUR: 0 root context get sub model new function HHHHHHHHHHHH INVALID BIN PLAYLIST... ++++++++++ ININT VIEW WITH TYPE: 0 === OPENING FILE WITH TRACKS: 3 :::: FOUND TRACTOR WITH TRACKS: 2
=== MODEL DATA CHANGED: MUTE DONE TRACK NOT FOUND!!! :::: USING TRACK COMPOSITING: "frei0r.cairoblend" ===== ACTIVATING DOCUMENT: QUuid("{c24ad361-943c-4254-a23d-6e1fcad32b45}") :::::::::::::::::::::: ==== NO PREVIOUS TIMELINE ==== ABORTING NO TIMELINE AVAILABLE ::: REQUESTING SELECTION CLEAR!!!!!! TIMELINEMODEL COUNTS: 1 ::::::==
:::::::: ... FOUND CLIP: "2" = "Sequences" ========== READY FOR TASK DISCARD ON: 3 begin begin QPaintDevice: Cannot destroy paint device that is being painted
[sas@nixos:~/mysystem]$ ``` Somehow I managed to run it, but it looks very strange..
My nixos config: ``` { config, pkgs, ... }:
{ imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ];
boot = { loader = { systemd-boot.enable = true; efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; }; kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_6_8; };
networking = { hostName = "nixos"; # Define your hostname. networkmanager.enable = true; };
time.timeZone = "Europe/Kyiv";
i18n = { defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8"; extraLocaleSettings = { LC_ADDRESS = "uk_UA.UTF-8"; LC_IDENTIFICATION = "uk_UA.UTF-8"; LC_MEASUREMENT = "uk_UA.UTF-8"; LC_MONETARY = "uk_UA.UTF-8"; LC_NAME = "uk_UA.UTF-8"; LC_NUMERIC = "uk_UA.UTF-8"; LC_PAPER = "uk_UA.UTF-8"; LC_TELEPHONE = "uk_UA.UTF-8"; LC_TIME = "uk_UA.UTF-8"; }; };
services = { displayManager.autoLogin = { enable = true; user = "sas"; }; xserver = { enable = true; # Enable the GNOME Desktop Environment. displayManager = { gdm = { enable = true; wayland = true; }; sessionCommands = "systemctl --user import-environment QT_PLUGIN_PATH"; }; desktopManager.gnome.enable = true;
 # Enable nvidia drivers videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]; # or "nvidiaLegacy470 etc. }; printing.enable = true; pipewire = { enable = true; alsa = { enable = true; support32Bit = true; }; pulse.enable = true; jack.enable = true; }; flatpak = { enable = true; = { enable = true; onCalendar = "monthly"; # Default value }; overrides = { global = { # Force Wayland by default Context.sockets = [ "wayland" "!x11" "fallback-x11" ]; Environment = { # Fix un-themed cursor in some Wayland apps XCURSOR_PATH = "/run/host/user-share/icons:/run/host/share/icons"; # Force correct theme for some GTK apps GTK_THEME = "Adwaita:dark"; }; }; }; packages = [ "net.xmind.XMind" "com.github.tchx84.Flatseal" "io.github.peazip.PeaZip" "org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent" "org.telegram.desktop" "com.dec05eba.gpu_screen_recorder" "com.usebottles.bottles" "io.lmms.LMMS" "org.ardour.Ardour" ]; }; 
# Enable sound with pipewire. sound.enable = true; security.rtkit.enable = true; = { isNormalUser = true; description = "sas"; extraGroups = [ "networkmanager" "wheel" "docker" ]; };
# Workaround for GNOME autologin: = { "getty@tty1".enable = false; "autovt@tty1".enable = false; };
nixpkgs.config = { allowUnfree = true; nvidia.acceptLicense = true; };
hardware = { pulseaudio.enable = false;
# Enable OpenGL opengl = { enable = true; driSupport = true; driSupport32Bit = true; }; nvidia = { modesetting.enable = true; powerManagement = { enable = false; finegrained = false; }; open = false; nvidiaSettings = true; package = config.boot.kernelPackages.nvidiaPackages.stable; prime = { intelBusId = "PCI:0:2:0"; nvidiaBusId = "PCI:1:0:0"; }; }; 
programs = { steam = { enable = true; gamescopeSession.enable = true; }; gamemode.enable = true; };
virtualisation.docker.enable = true;
environment = { sessionVariables.NIXOS_OZONE_WL = "1"; systemPackages = with pkgs; [ neovim # Do not forget to add an editor to edit configuration.nix! The Nano editor is also installed by default. neofetch nodejs_20 python3 google-chrome opera # Browser with VPN vscode-fhs vscodium-fhs lutris mangohud wineWow64Packages.unstableFull appimage-run lshw obsidian rclone unzip zulu17 vlc rustdesk-flutter (pkgs.callPackage (import ./bun-baseline.nix) { }) obs-studio rustup steamPackages.steamcmd godot_4 nixpkgs-fmt sqlite gcc thunderbird stremio pkgsi686Linux.gperftools logseq wl-clipboard spotube firefox ungoogled-chromium bitwarden brave localsend bisq-desktop kdePackages.kdenlive bitwig-studio ]; };
fonts.packages = with pkgs; [ fira-code-nerdfont ];
nix = { optimise = { automatic = true; dates = [ "weekly" ]; }; gc = { automatic = true; dates = "weekly"; options = "--delete-older-than 30d"; }; settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ]; }; system.stateVersion = "23.05"; } ```
submitted by Ambitious_Ad4397 to NixOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:42 okaysand AFK Champion's Scroll Guide

I finally got the champion's scroll on my account. I was able to do this in a pretty AFK and mindless way. I couldn't find other guides like this, so I thought I would share what I did in case anyone else thought of going for it. I wanted to avoid using the cannon as much as possible. It would have saved me time compared to me doing what I did, but I didn't mind it taking longer if it meant that I didn't have to actively buy a shit ton of iron ore, smelt it in the blast furnace, and then smith into cballs.
I wanted to avoid using the cannon as much as possible. It would have saved me time compared to me doing what I did, but I didn't mind it taking longer if it meant that I didn't have to actively buy a shit ton of iron ore, smelt it in the blast furnace, and then smith into cballs.
Unfortunately, some scrolls you simply couldn't AFK without the use of the cannon, those being imps, goblins and ghouls.
THIS IS BY NO MEANS EFFICIENT, I JUST WANTED TO MINIMIZE ATTENTION AND STILL GET THE CHAMPIONS CAPE. If you want to get the champion scrolls as fast as possible, I highly recommend checking out the 'Log Hunters' discord.
To maximize afkness, I recommend having runelite drop notifications in case you wanted to get some of the loot from these monsters. You can also add all the champion scrolls to the highlighted items list so that you will be notified of the champion's scrolls. I also HIGHLY RECCOMEND having the collection log popup notification for even an even smaller chance of missing it.
I will be sharing the exact coordinates for the tiles where I stand to AFK. Using the world location runelite plugin, you can see the coordinates on whatever tile is hovered over. The tiles that I provide are the ones that I found are best to AFK and reach as many NPC's as possible to maximize KPH. Imgur Photo Albums of all locations with coordinates:
Imps: I was able to get 350-400 kph just using the cannon and not actively killing them. If you can get combat achievements done, your cannon will be able to hold more cballs, which helps to AFK for longer.
I did some tracking and it came out to be around 1.5-1.7 cballs per imp.
This is because they aren't always instantly killed, the cannon sometimes hit the monks nearby, and for some also a weird glitch where the cannon just randomly hits something really far off into the distance towards the water.
Coordinates: 1750,3480
Goblins: Unfortunately there is no way to AFK them. For both Goblins and Hobgoblins, the initial plan was to AFK them at the godwars dungeon, but for some reason they are no longer aggressive towards you after killing them once.
You have to cannon them, but this scroll is one of the easiest and fastest to get.
Coordinates: 3145,3302
Skeletons: I was lucky and got this way before even thinking of the champion's cape, by killing skeletons when getting rewards potential for barrows.
To AFK them, you can go to the barrows dungeon, and camp in the room where there are 6 of them available. Being lvl 77, they will be aggresive to you no matter what. Depending on stats, mix high str bonus with high defensive bonus, or just use full guthans.
Coordinates: 3551,9711
Zombies: There are a bunch of different locations to kill them. Where I killed them, was at Zemouregal's Base, which you can access during and after Defender of Varrock quest.
I set myself at a location where 3 of these armoured zombies respawn, so that I always have 1 to kill, but not too many that they lower my HP that fast. Doing this I was able to get around 200-250 KPH.
Sometimes while looting they bunch up therefore dealing you more damage. To unbunch them, just go to the other side of the wall and back to AFK tile.
I wore tank gear, and a HP cape. Also brought guthans to heal back up.
Coordinates: 3552,4598
Giants: I personally AFKed Fire giants at the Karuulm Slayer Dungeon. I wore full guthans the whole time, and got around 200-250 KPH.
You could also AFK them at the Iowerth Dungeon so that you can get mossy keys and likely better loot overall. Be careful though, they have a magic and melee based attack. I haven't tested it, but I assume full guthans would be sufficient.
You can also AFK normal giants in the wilderness with some budget gear. I assume the KPH would be a bit higher due to them being lower combat level.
Coordinates: 1284,10203
Hobgoblins: As I said regarding goblins, I wasn't able to AFK them at GWD. Instead I went to the wilderness, where the mine is, and AFKed them there. I was able to get around 250 kph in this spot.
Coordinates: 3084,3757
Ghouls: This was another one that I left to the end due to not being able to AFK them without a cannon.
To minimize the amount of cannonballs used so that I didn't need to make more, I stood ontop of my cannon with ranged gear, a magic short bow, and let them attack me with auto retaliate on. This was my cannon would stop using cballs when I was in combat, and because they were just 1 tile away from the cannon, the cballs weren't used to kill it, reducing the amount needed.
Coordinates: 3416,3512
Earth Warriors:
Went in there with budget melee gear. Found that this tile was the best to stay on. There are more further up, but for some reason they would'nt be aggressive all the time. They were consistent in this spot.
Coordinates: 3119,9774
Jogres: I killed the jogres in GWD. Unfortunately there was no location where 2 of them spawned really close to each other, so I had to just kill 1 and wait for it to respawn. This was the only AFK method I found.
Wear all god equipment except for bandos so that Jogres remain aggresive even after 10 minutes in the same spot.
In this location, I was able to avoid all the other bandos monsters and just get the Jogre to attack me, minimizing damage taken and not needing to heal as often, AFK longer.
Coordinates: 2852, 5323
Lesser Demons:
Below the Karamja volcano there are many lesser demons there. I just used full guthans the whole time
Coordinates: 2840,9557
submitted by okaysand to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:29 anonymousquoka Need help with refreshing data for Power BI dashboard

Hi all,
Just created an account for my question since I am struggling with something at work. I have no prior experience with Power BI but because of a colleague leaving I have been asked to take over maintaining the dashboards. The issue is as follows:
We have a dashboard that pulls data from many excel files (over 200) that are stored on a top-secret SharePoint page. Because of this, my colleague used to save a local copy on his personal device and use the get data from a folder function to load it into Power BI. Apparently he could not use the get data from SharePoint because of this. He used to manually do this every month, however it always takes a long time to refresh the data because there are a lot of excel files in the folder. Now I was wondering if it is not possible to find a way to make this more efficient. Ideally I would have that every refresh only the data from the new excel files gets added on top of the existing data (rather than having to reload all the files including the older ones). If possible, automation would be amazing such that everytime a new file gets added to SharePoint it is automatically loaded into the Power BI dashboard. Does anyone have any advice for me on how to achieve this?
I tried to explain the situation fully, but feel free to ask questions if some things are still unclear and require more explaining from my side.
submitted by anonymousquoka to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:26 XdestroyerXDTM4 Next DLC should not be like Rizia or Sordland!

QUICK DISCLAIMER: This is not me attacking the devs!!! I love them very much and I think that they are genuinely incredible people with brilliant ideas, have fantastic storywriting and game development skills and can definitely come to this conclusion themselves. However, I really want to put my opinion out there just in case the devs see and consider what I'm saying, and to see what the wider community thinks. By no means is this me saying 'oH tHE DeVs DoNt KNoW HoW To WriTE A gAme' because clearly they do since both Sordland and Rizia are pretty much masterpieces. ONTO THE MAIN POINT!
Buckle in. This is going to be a long one.
Hey everyone! So, I've been playing Suzerain pretty much immediately after it released, and I was HYPED for Rizia and... it did not disappoint! Other than some spelling mistakes, a too-short political storyline, a rushed-feeling ending and a few minor gameplay gripes I have with the decrees, I thought that Rizia was absolutely incredible and a worthy expansion to a game I love and have hundreds of hours in.
However, I think that for the next DLC, we need a change.
Here's the thing; there are some similarities between Sordland and Rizia that I feel take away from some of the potential political stories and avenues the devs could explore. For example, both Sordland and Rizia have economic issues at the start of the game (I know Rizia is supposed to be 'rich' but it doesn't feel that way on game start, with how expensive the decrees are), which leads to the gameplay direction feeling a little same-y. Now, for one DLC, that's absolutely fine- in fact, I thought that the inclusion of Energy to expand the economic gameplay in Rizia, along with the massive focus on resource extraction (unlike Sordland, which is focused on manufacturing and businesses) was a welcome addition that kept the 'bad economy, can you improve it?' storyline interesting. But I don't think it will work for a third country, in the next DLC. Instead, I think it should be one of two things: the economy is large and growing at the start of the story, and all the player needs to do is keep it growing for a 'successful' run. Or, it could be that the economy simply isn't an important part of the story- this I'm not so sure would work, but it's the only way (other than my first idea of 'economy good at start, keep it good') that I think could differentiate it from Rizia and Sordland.
Other topics that I think the next DLC shouldn't focus all that much on is immigration/ethnic conflicts, women's rights and political reforms. I hope it's obvious, but this isn't because I don't think these are important topics or dislike the way they're explored and presented in the previous DLCs. In fact, I thought that all of them were presented very well in Sordland and Rizia. My worry is that all of them are spoken about in both stories- the economy is poor in both Sordland and Rizia (despite what the Rizian council tries to gaslight you into believing...). Immigration and ethnic conflicts are an issue for both nations: Sordland has the Bluds in Bergia (and the Agno-Sords in Agnland, to a FAR lesser extent that the Bluds of course) and Rizia has Derdian and Bludish migration, as well as the Palesian cultural growth. Women's rights are important to both nations: in Sordland, women are oppressed but the most based Rayne obviously works to liberate them. In Rizia, women are far more equal than elsewhere, but there is still more to do. Political reforms are important for both as well: in Sordland, the quasi-dictatorial constituon puts chains around progress, and in Rizia the country is LITERALLY a feudal state, and the decision to reform the country (into either an absolute monarchy, minor reforms to keep the status quo or the reform into a constitutional monarchy) is an important late-game storyline.
So in both stories, they share a lot of storylines, arcs and topics. My opinion is that, for the next DLC country, it should either not include these topics and focus on other ones, or have these topics be solved (by solved, I mean the 'wholesome liberal' solution, e.g. women aren't oppressed, minorities are protected, the economy is social democratic in nature and the country is a full democracy) in order to make the country feel different, and to make sure the same topics are addressed in a third story.
This does bring up the question, what else would the story/DLC focus on? These three topics (the economy, minority rights and political reforms) encompass what the main debates in politics are in our society. Yet, I think there are two or three areas that haven't been focused on all that much in the previous stories.
  1. Non-military foreign politics. I know they tried to do this in Rizia (with the AN arbitration and Intermerkopum) and, to a lesser extent, Sordland (with the Agno-Valgish island conflict and the BFF conflict) however I think there's a very interesting but as-of-yet unexplored story arc to be had here. Military conflicts, territorial expansion and resource conflicts aren't the only forms of conflict, although they are the most obvious ones. I think the next DLC should focus on us being a strong country economically and influence-wise, and using that strong economic and influence to sway countries into our sphere of influence. If people don't really get what I mean, I'd be happy to elaborate in the comments!
  2. Religious gameplay/conflicts/organisations. Rizia did include religion in its story, but I don't think it's indepth enough for it to be counted as 'religious gameplay', imo. By 'religious gameplay', I mean, just as an example, if we were to play as a country that hosts the religious leaders for Nurity or Dastnurity- we could interact with a Council made up of religious leaders and decide the direction of the religion, enact religious reforms or backpedal into the tenets of old. Imagine something like the mod from CK3 which allows you to play as the Pope and includes the whole Papal Council mechanic (if you guys know that mod, it's very cool). I think this could be an interesting exploration of religion, it's function in society, it's meaning to people and the different ideological views of religion in general.
  3. A 'fall from grace' storyline. Once again, Rizia's story tries to make it seem as if Rizia is a rich nation that is starting to face hard times, but tbh it genuinely doesn't feel as if Rizia is rich ngl. With a 'fall from grace' scenario, I think (if written well, which I have no doubt the devs of the game can do since the writing is tear-jerking in Sordland and Rizia) it could be interesting to be the leader of a nation where everything begins to fall apart around them. There's not all that much you can do about it- the economy was doing well at the start of the game, but as time goes on it falls into an unstoppable decline. Grand ideas of political reforms are halted by a rebellious and disloyal ruling party, and unwilling opposition parties, so your rule of the country becomes not an attempt to force through reforms, but instead a race against time to try and save what you do have from falling apart. The player wouldn't be able to stop any of this, since it would be built into the story itself- instead, all the player can do is their best to try and stop the total collapse of the nation, with the endings ranging from anarchy, a civil war, a dictatorial coup, a proletarian revolution and the 'good' ending- just about managing to hold onto power as a moderate by the skin of your teeth.
I think that if written well, it could be one of the most tense, panic-inducing and terror-filled stories of the Suzerain universe. Sure, it would be depressing. Sure, it would probably make quite a few people cry if the writing quality is on par with Sordland and Rizia. Sure, it could be frustrating to see that good-intentioned actions don't always work out. Sure, it would be a very downtrodden experience. But it would also be refreshing, new, a different perspective and also pretty fucking cool. Experiencing a desperate attempt to save a country firsthand is one of the most interesting stories I can think of.
Anyway, let me know what you think. This started off as a plea to make the next DLC different from Sordland and Rizia, but turned into more of an idea for the next DLC. Of course, I don't expect the devs or anyone to agree with me, but I truly do think this is a good idea and that at least parts of it are what the next DLC should be. I really don't think that the third country should be another 'the country isn't doing well, lets fix it'-type story. Rizia was different to Sordland to such an extent where it was incredibly interesting and absolutely a welcome addition to the game. I absolutely loved it. But I think that we need something different, for the next one.
Thanks for reading!!
submitted by XdestroyerXDTM4 to suzerain [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:11 Sweet-Count2557 Maldives for Family Vacation

Maldives for Family Vacation
Maldives for Family Vacation As we step onto the pristine shores of the Maldives, it's as if a door opens to a world of possibilities for our family vacation.The azure waters beckon us to explore their depths, while the golden sands hold promises of relaxation and endless play.But what lies beyond the postcard-perfect scenery? What secrets do these paradise islands hold for families seeking an unforgettable experience?Let us embark on this journey together, as we uncover the hidden treasures and discover why the Maldives is the perfect destination for a family vacation.Key TakeawaysThe Maldives offers a wide range of family-friendly resorts and accommodations, including luxury resorts with dedicated kids clubs and beach villas with private pools.There are plenty of family-friendly activities and water sports available in the Maldives, such as snorkeling, kayaking, and glass-bottom boat tours, providing entertainment for everyone.Families can have unique marine life encounters and educational experiences in the Maldives, including guided snorkeling tours, interactive marine conservation programs, and visits to local island communities.When planning a family vacation in the Maldives, it is important to choose the perfect resort with amenities like dedicated kids clubs, overwater villas with stunning views, and family holiday packages with perks. It is also essential to pack essentials for kids and consider staying at all-inclusive resorts or exploring must-visit islands like Baa Atoll and Maalifushi.Best Maldives Family ResortsWhen it comes to finding the best Maldives family resorts, you'll be delighted to discover a wide range of options that cater to the needs and preferences of families of all sizes and ages. The Maldives is renowned for its luxury resorts, and many of them are perfect for families looking to create unforgettable memories together.These family-friendly resorts offer a host of amenities and activities designed specifically for kids, ensuring that they've a fantastic time during their stay. One of the key features of these resorts is their dedicated kids clubs. These clubs provide a safe and supervised environment where children can engage in age-appropriate activities and make new friends. Whether it's arts and crafts, sports, or educational programs, there's always something fun and exciting happening at the kids club.For families seeking privacy and exclusivity, there are resorts that offer beach villas with private pools. These luxurious accommodations provide ample space for the whole family to relax and unwind. Imagine spending your days lounging by the pool, taking refreshing dips, and enjoying quality time with your loved ones.Furthermore, these family resorts in Maldives boast spacious villas that can comfortably accommodate families of all sizes. With separate bedrooms, living areas, and dining spaces, these villas provide the perfect home away from home.With all these incredible features and activities for kids, it's no wonder that Maldives is a top choice for families seeking a memorable vacation. So go ahead and start planning your family getaway to one of these amazing resorts. You won't be disappointed!Family-Friendly Activities in the MaldivesWhen it comes to family-friendly activities in the Maldives, there are plenty of options to keep everyone entertained.From exciting water sports like kayaking, paddleboarding, and windsurfing, to exploring the vibrant marine life through snorkeling or taking a glass-bottom boat tour, there's something for everyone.Plus, many resorts offer kids clubs and organized activities, ensuring that little ones have a blast while parents can relax and enjoy their vacation too.Water Sports OptionsWith an abundance of family-friendly resorts and a wide range of water sports and activities, the Maldives offers an exciting and adventurous vacation for families of all ages. Many resorts in the Maldives provide all-inclusive options, making it convenient for families to enjoy various water sports without worrying about extra costs.Whether it's snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, kayaking along the breathtaking coastline, or trying out thrilling jet skiing, there's something for everyone in the family to enjoy. The Maldives is renowned for its vibrant marine life, and families can explore the underwater world through snorkeling or diving excursions.For those seeking a more relaxed experience, paddleboarding or sailing on the calm turquoise waters can be a perfect way to spend a day. With the backdrop of stunning tropical landscapes and luxurious resorts, the Maldives offers an unforgettable water sports experience for families seeking adventure and fun on their vacation.Kid-Friendly ResortsAfter enjoying the thrilling water sports options available in the Maldives, families can continue their adventure by exploring the kid-friendly resorts that offer a wide range of family-friendly activities and amenities. The Maldives is home to numerous all-inclusive resorts that cater to families, ensuring a memorable vacation for everyone. These resorts provide a variety of options, from private villas with pools to luxury hotels with kids clubs. Some highly recommended resorts for families include JA Manafaru, Centara Grand Island Resort & Spa Maldives, and Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru. Families seeking added privacy and luxury can opt for resorts like Sun Siyam Iru Fushi, Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru, and Six Senses Laamu, which offer private villas and pools. For those looking for additional amenities such as gyms and private balconies, options like Six Senses Laamu, Gili Lankanfushi, and Raffles Maldives Meradhoo are recommended. Kid and family-friendly resorts like Bandos Maldives and Kurumba Maldives offer specially designed activities and amenities for children and families, ensuring a fun-filled vacation for all.Resort NameAmenitiesVilla NauticaKids Club, Pool, Luxury VillasVilla ParkKids Club, Pool, Luxury VillasCinnamon DhonveliKids Club, Pool, Luxury VillasJA ManafaruKids Club, Pool, Luxury VillasCentara Grand Island ResortKids Club, Pool, Luxury VillasBanyan Tree VabbinfaruKids Club, Pool, Luxury VillasSun Siyam Iru FushiPrivate Villas, Pools, Luxury AmenitiesSix Senses LaamuPrivate Villas, Pools, Luxury AmenitiesGili LankanfushiPrivate Villas, Pools, Luxury AmenitiesRaffles Maldives MeradhooPrivate Villas, Pools, Luxury AmenitiesBandos MaldivesKids Club, Pool, Family ActivitiesKurumba MaldivesKids Club, Pool, Family ActivitiesMarine Life EncountersEmbark on an unforgettable adventure as you and your family dive into the mesmerizing world of marine life in the Maldives. Here are some family-friendly activities that will allow you to have incredible encounters with the marine life in this tropical paradise:Engage in guided snorkeling tours to witness the vibrant marine life and colorful coral reefs up close.Enjoy family-friendly activities such as dolphin watching cruises, where kids can spot playful dolphins in their natural habitat.Participate in interactive marine conservation programs, allowing families to learn about the local ecosystem and efforts to protect it.Explore the underwater world with glass-bottom boat tours, giving families a unique perspective on the diverse marine life without getting wet.Visit local island communities to experience traditional Maldivian culture, including insights into fishing practices and marine livelihoods.These activities can be enjoyed at family-friendly resorts in the Maldives, such as St. Regis, Siyam World Maldives, Soneva Jani, and Sun Siyam.Don't forget to indulge in the unique experience of underwater dining, where you can enjoy a delicious meal while surrounded by the wonders of the marine world.Get ready for an extraordinary journey filled with unforgettable marine life encounters.Tips for Traveling With Kids to the MaldivesWhen traveling with kids to the Maldives, it's important to find accommodations that are kid-friendly and cater to the needs of the whole family. Look for resorts that offer all-inclusive options, as well as private villas with pools for privacy and flexibility.Additionally, do your research and choose a resort with plenty of family-friendly activities and facilities to keep the kids entertained throughout your stay.Don't forget to pack essential items for kids, such as sunscreen, insect repellent, and swimwear, to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable vacation for everyone.Kid-Friendly AccommodationsWhen traveling with kids to the Maldives, finding a kid-friendly accommodation is key for a memorable and enjoyable family vacation. Here are five things to consider when looking for the perfect resort in the Maldives for your fun family getaway:UNESCO World Biosphere: Choose a resort located in a UNESCO world biosphere reserve to introduce your kids to the wonders of marine life and the importance of conservation.Overwater Villas: Opt for overwater villas that offer stunning views of the turquoise waters and colorful coral reefs. Your kids will love spotting fish and other marine creatures right from the comfort of your villa.Dedicated Kids' Clubs: Look for resorts that have dedicated kids' clubs with supervised activities and entertainment to keep your kids engaged and entertained throughout your stay.Swimming Pool: Find a resort with a kid-friendly swimming pool that has shallow areas for younger kids to splash around in and deeper areas for older kids to have fun.Family Holiday Packages: Consider booking a family holiday package that includes special perks such as complimentary meals for kids, discounted rates for additional rooms, and access to a range of family-friendly activities.With these tips in mind, you'll be able to find the perfect kid-friendly accommodation in the Maldives for a fun-filled family vacation.Family-Friendly ActivitiesDuring your family vacation in the Maldives, you'll discover an array of family-friendly activities that will delight kids and adults alike. The Maldives is home to some of the best family resorts in the world, offering a wide range of activities to keep children of all ages entertained.The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort, for example, offers a Kids Club where children aged 4 to 12 can enjoy supervised activities such as arts and crafts, water sports, and treasure hunts.Soneva Fushi, another popular island resort, has a dedicated Den for children aged 1 to 12, complete with a pirate ship, cinema, and zip line.If you're looking for a more adventurous experience, Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru offers snorkeling excursions, dolphin cruises, and even a junior marine biologist program.No matter which resort you choose, you can be sure that there will be plenty of family-friendly activities to enjoy during your stay in the Maldives.Packing Essentials for KidsTo ensure a smooth and enjoyable family vacation in the Maldives, it's important to pack the essential items that will keep your kids comfortable and protected throughout your stay.Here are some packing essentials for kids:Light, breathable clothing: Pack clothes suitable for the warm climate to keep your kids comfortable during their stay in the Maldives.Sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses: Protect your kids from the strong tropical sun while enjoying outdoor activities.Insect repellent: Keep your kids protected from mosquito bites, especially during evenings and nights.Swimwear and water shoes: Let your kids enjoy the beautiful beaches and water activities in the Maldives.Small first aid kit: Be prepared for any minor health issues by packing essential medications and supplies.All-Inclusive Resorts for Family VacationsAll-inclusive resorts in the Maldives offer convenience and a family-friendly atmosphere, making them the ideal choice for a memorable family vacation. With numerous options available, families can find the perfect beach resort to cater to the needs of the whole family.One of the top destinations for families in the Maldives is the Baa Atoll, known for its stunning private island resorts. Six Senses Laamu, for example, offers spacious villas and a Kids Club that provides a range of activities for children of all ages. The resort also boasts a picturesque beach and a variety of water sports for the whole family to enjoy.For families looking for the best resorts in the Maldives, there are plenty of options to choose from. Villa Nautica, Atmosphere Kanifushi Maldives, and JA Manafaru are just a few examples of all-inclusive resorts that offer excellent service and amenities for families. These resorts provide a range of activities, such as snorkeling, diving, and island hopping, ensuring that there's something for everyone to enjoy.In addition to the Baa Atoll, there are other private island resorts in the Maldives that are highly recommended for families. Villa Park, Kandima Maldives, and LUX* South Ari Atoll are known for their family-friendly ambiance and top-notch amenities. These resorts offer spacious accommodations, kids' clubs, and a variety of dining options, ensuring that families have everything they need for a fantastic vacation.Whether you're seeking privacy and luxury or a fun-filled family adventure, the Maldives has it all. With its breathtaking natural beauty and world-class resorts, it's no wonder that the Maldives is a popular destination for families seeking a memorable vacation.Family-Friendly Water Sports in the MaldivesFamilies visiting the Maldives can delight in a wide array of family-friendly water sports activities suitable for all ages, ensuring an unforgettable aquatic adventure for everyone. Here are five exciting options to consider:Snorkeling: Dive into the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives and explore the vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful fish. It's a great activity for families to witness the beauty of the underwater world together.Kayaking: Paddle through the calm lagoons and mangroves, soaking in the breathtaking views of the lush tropical surroundings. It's a fun way for families to bond while enjoying the serenity of the Maldivian waters.Paddleboarding: Challenge yourselves to balance on a paddleboard and glide across the tranquil turquoise waters. It's a fantastic activity for families to enjoy some friendly competition and test their coordination skills.Windsurfing: Feel the exhilaration as you harness the power of the wind and glide across the waves. With equipment suitable for all skill levels, families can try their hand at windsurfing and experience the thrill of this popular water sport.Dolphin Watching: Embark on a magical journey to spot playful dolphins in their natural habitat. It's an unforgettable experience for families, watching these majestic creatures leap and frolic in the open waters.With these family-friendly water sports options, families can create lasting memories of their island experience in the Maldives.After a day of play and exploration, unwind at the resort's fine dining restaurants or relax by the kids' pool, ensuring a perfect balance of adventure and relaxation for families with young kids.Exploring the Marine Life With Kids in the MaldivesGet ready for an unforgettable adventure as we explore the vibrant marine life of the Maldives with our kids.From kid-friendly snorkeling spots teeming with colorful fish to exciting encounters with sea turtles and dolphins, there's something for everyone in this underwater paradise.Dive into educational underwater experiences where our little ones can learn about the diverse marine ecosystem while having a blast.Kid-Friendly Snorkeling SpotsDiscover the mesmerizing underwater world of the Maldives with your children as you explore the vibrant marine life and colorful coral reefs in kid-friendly snorkeling spots. The Maldives offers a great opportunity for families to stay at all-inclusive resorts that provide a perfect setting for snorkeling adventures.Here are five kid-friendly snorkeling spots that you should consider:Villa Nautica: This family-friendly resort offers direct access to a stunning house reef, where children can marvel at the diverse marine life.Atmosphere Kanifushi Maldives: With its sister COMO hotel nearby, this resort provides a traditional Maldivian experience and a range of activities for families.Sun Siyam Olhuveli: Enjoy snorkeling with your kids in the crystal-clear waters surrounding this resort, which also offers an array of activities for all ages.Villa Park: This resort is ideal for families, with its spacious villas and a house reef that's perfect for snorkeling adventures.JA Manafaru: Discover the wonders of the underwater world with your kids at this resort, known for its family-friendly atmosphere and exciting activities.These snorkeling spots in the Maldives offer a great opportunity for families to bond and create lasting memories while exploring the captivating marine life.Marine Life EncountersImmerse yourself and your children in the captivating marine life of the Maldives as you embark on unforgettable snorkeling adventures. The Maldives offer incredible opportunities for marine life encounters, with its crystal-clear waters and abundant marine biodiversity.One of the best spots for encountering marine life is the South Ari Atoll, where you can witness majestic manta rays gliding gracefully through the Indian Ocean. Another popular location is the North Malé Atoll, home to vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful sea creatures.With its variety of family-friendly amenities and activities, the Siyam Iru resort is a great choice for a family vacation in the Maldives. Whether it's exploring the underwater world or simply relaxing on pristine beaches, the Maldives promises an unforgettable experience for the whole family.Educational Underwater ExperiencesEmbarking on an educational underwater adventure with your kids in the Maldives promises a captivating experience filled with vibrant coral reefs, colorful sea creatures, and unforgettable memories. Here are five exciting ways to explore the marine life with your little ones:Underwater Dining Experiences: Some resorts in the Maldives offer unique dining options where you can enjoy a delicious meal surrounded by the breathtaking underwater world. Imagine watching the vibrant fish swim by as you savor a mouthwatering dish.Manta Ray Sanctuaries: Dive into the crystal clear waters and witness the graceful beauty of manta rays up close. Some resorts have dedicated sanctuaries where these gentle giants gather, providing an incredible opportunity for kids to learn about marine conservation.Snorkeling and Diving: Take your little adventurers on a snorkeling or diving expedition to discover the wonders beneath the waves. The Maldives boasts stunning coral reefs teeming with life, offering an educational experience like no other.Marine-themed Kids Clubs: Many family-friendly resorts have kids clubs that offer a range of marine-themed activities. From guided snorkeling tours to educational workshops on marine conservation, these clubs keep kids entertained while teaching them about the underwater world.Sirru Fen Fushi: This new hotel in the Maldives offers a unique marine life experience aimed at the next generation of ocean enthusiasts. With its two-bedroom beach suites, families can enjoy exclusive access to the underwater world through a private coral garden and a dedicated marine biologist.With these incredible educational underwater experiences, your family vacation in the Maldives is bound to be both fun and educational. So, grab your snorkels and book your hotel for an unforgettable adventure around the island of Maadhoo.Choosing the Right Accommodation for Your FamilyWhen it comes to planning a Maldives family vacation, one of the most important decisions you'll need to make is choosing the right accommodation for your family. Luckily, there are plenty of options to choose from, and we've compiled a list of the best hotels in the Maldives that cater to families.If you're looking for spacious accommodations, consider resorts that offer multi-bedroom villas. These villas provide ample space for the whole family to spread out and relax. You'll also want to make sure that the resort offers family-friendly activities and amenities. Look for resorts that have taken care to create an environment that's welcoming to families of all ages.Some resorts even go above and beyond to ensure that families have a memorable stay. They provide exceptional service and staff who are attentive to your family's needs. These resorts understand that a family vacation is about creating lasting memories, and they strive to make your stay as enjoyable as possible.For those looking to indulge in some relaxation, look for resorts that have spa facilities. After a long day of exploring and adventuring, parents can unwind with a massage or spa treatment while the kids enjoy the resort's supervised activities.Lastly, for a truly luxurious experience, consider resorts that offer private villas with plunge pools. These private accommodations provide the perfect retreat for families who want privacy and exclusivity.Must-Visit Islands for Families in the MaldivesIf you're planning a family vacation in the Maldives, get ready to explore some of the most breathtaking islands in the world.The Maldives is known for its stunning natural beauty, crystal-clear waters, and pristine beaches, making it the perfect destination for a family getaway.Here are some of the best islands that are aimed at creating unforgettable experiences for families:Maalifushi: Located in the South Ari Atoll, Maalifushi is one of the best islands for families in the Maldives. It offers a range of family-friendly activities, including snorkeling, diving, and water sports. The island also features luxurious accommodations and world-class amenities.Kanifushi: Situated in the Lhaviyani Atoll, Kanifushi is another top choice for families. This island offers spacious villas, a kids' club, and a wide range of activities for children of all ages. The stunning beach and vibrant marine life make it a paradise for young adventurers.Olhuveli: Nestled in the South Male Atoll, Olhuveli is known for its beautiful beaches and family-friendly atmosphere. The island offers a range of activities, including snorkeling, diving, and water sports. The resort also features spacious villas and a kids' club.Manafaru: Located in the Haa Alifu Atoll, Manafaru offers a peaceful and secluded setting for families. The island boasts luxurious accommodations, a kids' club, and a range of family activities, including snorkeling, dolphin watching, and fishing.Meeru: Situated in the North Male Atoll, Meeru is a popular choice for families. The island offers spacious accommodations, a kids' club, and a range of family-friendly activities, including snorkeling, diving, and water sports.These islands provide the perfect backdrop for a memorable family vacation in the Maldives. With their world-class amenities, stunning beaches, and exciting activities, they're sure to create unforgettable experiences for both children and adults.Childcare and Kids' Clubs in the MaldivesWith a multitude of family-friendly resorts and a wide range of activities catered specifically for children, the Maldives ensures a stress-free and enjoyable vacation for the whole family. Many resorts in the Maldives understand the importance of providing parents with childcare options and kids with entertainment. They offer kids clubs with scheduled activities for all ages, giving parents the opportunity to relax while their little ones are engaged in fun and supervised activities.Here is a table showcasing some of the family-friendly resorts in the Maldives that provide childcare and kids' clubs:Resort NameChildcare OptionsActivities OfferedSpecial AmenitiesParadise ResortKids club with trained staffYoga classes, scavenger hunts, craftsKids club with its own pool and pirate shipSun Island ResortBabysitting services available on requestBeach games, pizza-making, ice cream partiesShallow and shaded pools for toddlersLily Beach ResortKids club with supervised activitiesJunior-size windsurfers, paddle pools, playgroundOrganized games and activities for the whole familyThese resorts aim to make the Maldives a haven for families by providing a range of activities that cater to different interests and age groups. From yoga classes and scavenger hunts to crafts and ice cream parties, kids will never run out of things to do. Parents can enjoy their vacation knowing that their children are safe and entertained in the capable hands of trained staff. Some resorts even have special amenities such as their own pools, pirate ships, and shallow pools for toddlers, ensuring a fun and engaging experience for children of all ages. The Maldives truly caters to the needs of families, making it the perfect destination for a memorable family vacation.Packing Essentials for a Family Vacation in the MaldivesAfter exploring the childcare options and kids' clubs available in the Maldives, it's important to know what essential items to pack for a memorable family vacation in this tropical paradise. Here are the top 5 packing essentials to make sure your family has an amazing time:Lightweight, breathable clothing and swimwear: With the Maldives' warm climate, you'll want to pack clothes that keep you cool and comfortable. Don't forget your swimsuits for enjoying the crystal-clear lagoons!Reef-safe sunscreen, sun hats, and UV protective clothing: The sun in the Maldives can be intense, so it's crucial to protect your family's skin. Opt for reef-safe sunscreen to help preserve the stunning marine life.Water shoes: Exploring the beaches and participating in water sports like snorkeling is a must in the Maldives. Water shoes will protect your feet from sharp corals and hot sand.Snorkeling gear and beach toys: The Maldives is famous for its underwater wonders, and snorkeling is an activity the whole family can enjoy. Don't forget to pack snorkeling gear and beach toys for the kids to enhance their beach fun.Insect repellent, first-aid kit, and necessary medications: While the Maldives is a paradise, it's always good to be prepared. Bring insect repellent to keep mosquitoes at bay and pack a first-aid kit and any necessary medications to handle minor health issues.With these packing essentials, you'll be well-prepared to have an unforgettable family vacation in the Maldives. So go ahead, take part in the thrilling adventures, relax on pristine beaches, and create memories that will make you want to come back again and again.Frequently Asked QuestionsIs Maldives Good for Family Vacation?Yes, Maldives is a great destination for a family vacation. There are plenty of family-friendly activities to enjoy, such as water sports and engaging kids clubs. Child-friendly resorts offer safety measures and entertainment options for children.The best time to visit with kids is during the dry season when the weather is pleasant. Families can also enjoy family-friendly dining options and beautiful beaches.When traveling with kids to the Maldives, remember to pack essentials and plan accordingly for a memorable trip.Is It Worth Taking Kids to the Maldives?It is definitely worth taking kids to the Maldives! With a wide range of family-friendly activities and child-friendly resorts, there are plenty of options to keep the little ones entertained. Safety measures for kids are taken seriously, ensuring a worry-free vacation.The Maldives also offers educational opportunities, allowing children to learn about marine life and conservation efforts. Tips for traveling with children include packing essentials and planning activities suitable for their age.The best time to visit with kids is during the dry season, from November to April. Create lasting memories with your family as you embark on unique experiences in the Maldives.Is It Expensive in Maldives?Yes, the Maldives can be an expensive destination, but there are ways to save money and make it more budget-friendly.Look for affordable accommodation options, such as guesthouses or budget resorts.Utilize local transportation tips, like taking public ferries instead of private transfers.Find cheap dining options by eating at local cafes and markets.Explore free attractions in the Maldives, like public beaches and snorkeling spots.Save money on water sports by booking packages or opting for less expensive activities.Shop on a budget by bargaining at local markets.Visit during the off-peak season for deals and discounts.How Many Days Is Best for Maldives?For the ideal duration in the Maldives, we recommend staying for at least 5-7 days. This allows families to fully enjoy the plethora of family-friendly activities and amenities offered by the best resorts. Safety measures for kids are also taken into consideration, ensuring a worry-free vacation. Don't worry about breaking the bank, as there are budget-friendly options available.Must-visit attractions for families and family-friendly dining options are abundant, making the Maldives a perfect destination for a memorable family vacation.Here are some tips for traveling with kids to the Maldives...ConclusionAs we conclude our exploration of family vacations in the Maldives, one thing is for certain: this paradise destination has something for everyone.From luxurious all-inclusive resorts and exciting water sports to beautiful beaches and family-friendly activities, the Maldives offers endless opportunities for an unforgettable family getaway.So pack your bags, embrace the suspenseful anticipation, and get ready to create lifelong memories in this tropical paradise.The Maldives awaits you!
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2024.06.11 13:05 dimanikulin Detecting Architectural Gaps with Automation - Proposed Solution

Detecting Architectural Gaps with Automation - Proposed Solution


In the ever-evolving realm of software development, the quest for a robust and seamlessly integrated solution stands as a paramount pursuit. This article embarks on a comprehensive journey into the depths of a proposed software solution, meticulously scrutinizing its architecture, integration strategies, and deployment modalities. Through this exploration, we illuminate the symbiotic dance between users and technology, offering a roadmap for architects, developers, and IT aficionados alike to navigate the labyrinth of a forward-thinking software solution.

The Context View for Standalone Application

A context diagram (view) defines the solution's boundaries and connections with third parties, such as external systems, users, and data.
As shown in the context diagram above, there is an interaction between Users and the Proposed Solution. These interactions will be implemented using a UI web interface.
For obtaining input, the solution interacts with Online and Offline UML tools using their API to retrieve the initial Software Architecture and to save the extracted Software Architecture.
To access code, configuration, and the database, interactions with Version Control Systems and the database are utilized.
Finally, Report Storage is employed to save the outputs extracted from the Architecture under analysis.

The Context View for a Separate Step in CI/CD

The sole distinction between the previous view and the Context View for a Separate Step in CI/CD is the integration of the proposed solution with the existing CI/CD pipeline.

Functional View

The functional diagram below illustrates the high-level functional decomposition of the proposed solution. An agenda is provided below to explain the color coding used in the functional decomposition diagram.

Integration Layer

The function of the integration layer is to abstract and segregate the system from external components, enhancing system extensibility and modifiability.
The following components are involved:
  • Online UML Tools Integration Point: This component integrates Online UML tools with the Processor.
  • Offline UML Tools Integration Point: This component integrates Offline UML tools with the Processor.
  • Version Control Systems (VSC) Integration Point: This component integrates Version Control Systems with the Processor.
  • Databases Integration Point: This component integrates database configurations with the Processor.
  • CI/CD Integration Point: This component integrates CI/CD tools (such as Jenkins, Bamboo) with the Processor.
  • Reports Plugins: An engine designed to generate reports in a flexible manner and store them in an external report storage.

User Interface

The user interface function interacts with users in two modes: architects and administrator mode. It utilizes a web interface that is compatible with desktop browsers.

Data Layer

The data layer function maintains the following types of data:
  • Architecture Baselines: This feature records the history of architecture changes, allowing users to track and view past changes. It is accessible for viewing from the architects' panel.
  • System Configuration: This aspect encompasses a set of check configurations for processing. It also keeps track of configurations for report plugins. Changes to these configurations can be made from the architects' panel.
  • User Configuration: This includes user profiles and access rights, which can be modified from the administrator panel.

Processing Layer

The processing layer serves as a fundamental function within systems, tasked with processing input data to identify architecture problems. Configuration of this layer takes place through the architect panel, where checks against the input are initiated. Additionally, it collaborates with the reports plugins engine for report storage. Furthermore, the extracted architecture is preserved in Architecture baselines, enabling architects to review it at a later time. It is worth noting that Machine Learning (ML) might be employed during processing to enhance the quality of reports.

Deployment View

The deployment view illustrates how a solution is intended to be deployed, encompassing its flows and the supporting components.

Deployment View - On-Premises
On-premise deployment assumes the use of a single computing node for installation. The Database component should be deployed first, as other components depend on it. Subsequently, the Processor and ML components are deployed once the Database component is in place. The User Interface component, report plugins, and integration points are deployed in the final stage.
The Database component is deployed as a single DB instance with multiple schemas inside. The User Interface component is presented as a web service, while the Processor and ML components are native processes built for the target platform. Reports plugins and integration points are designed as dynamic libraries that can be easily added, removed, and configured at runtime.

Deployment View - Cloud
Cloud deployment involves the utilization of two computing nodes for installation. Due to the potentially high CPU usage of the Machine Learning process, it is recommended to allocate a dedicated machine for this purpose within the cloud pipeline.

Integration with UML Design Tools:

As previously mentioned, the proposed solution should seamlessly integrate with offline UML design tools, including:
  • Microsoft Visio
  • OmniGraffle
Furthermore, the proposed solution should also integrate effectively with online UML design tools, which encompass:
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • LucidChart
  • Draw.IO
  • PlantUML

Integration with Offline UML Design Tools

Due to the absence of APIs in offline tools, collaboration with them is established through import mechanisms. Consequently, architectural documents saved in Microsoft Visio format will be exported by a plugin (integration point) and subsequently analyzed by the Processor. The path for scanning input documents will be stored in the System Configuration DB. To support this form of integration, the ability to parse various input formats must be implemented.

Integration with Online UML Design Tools

Online UML design tools typically offer APIs for integration purposes. The collaboration with such tools will make use of their respective APIs. However, it's important to note that some UML design tools might lack APIs for integration. In such scenarios, the import of architecture documents to a designated folder will be undertaken. The subsequent parsing of these documents will be implemented to import data into the Processor, following a similar approach as outlined earlier for offline tools.
For online UML design tools, HTTP or REST APIs are commonly available. Accordingly, the integration point will access data within the UML design tool using the provided HTTP or REST API. Each integration with a specific tool will require a distinct integration point. For instance, integration with LucidChart will be realized using the HTTP protocol with GET and POST verbs. On the other hand, integration with Enterprise Architect will involve the use of a REST API with JSON as the data format.

Integration with AWS, Azure, or GCP

This section outlines how the proposed solution can seamlessly integrate with AWS, Azure, or GCP. Given the potential enhancements Machine Learning can offer in terms of result quality, it is advisable to allocate a dedicated compute node for ML tasks. However, in scenarios where the on-premise environment lacks the capability to support ML calculations, a viable solution is to leverage a Cloud Environment for both ML computation and the overall computing needs.
Drawing from the deployment flows previously described, each component should be matched with the appropriate cloud provider service. For instance, in the context of AWS:
  • Processor - Leveraging AWS Lambda functions
  • Database - Utilizing RDS and MySQL services
  • Machine Learning - Employing AWS Machine Learning services
  • And so forth for other components
Similar mapping strategies can be applied for Azure and GCP, ensuring that each component seamlessly integrates with the suitable services provided by the respective cloud platforms.

Dependency Analysis Tool

Dependency identification plays a crucial role in architecture analysis. It dissects the entire codebase into components and elucidates their interactions. Given that similar functions are already available in tools like JDeps, leveraging their output would logically bolster the implementation of the proposed solution. JDeps, for instance, is a command-line tool utilized for launching the Java class dependency analyzer. For systems built on the .NET framework, Net Dependency Walker serves as a suitable choice to ascertain dependencies.

Integration with Jenkins or Bamboo

As mentioned previously, one facet of the application involves integration within a CI/CD pipeline. CI/CD represents a multifaceted and composite process, encompassing numerous stages. Within a single CI/CD pipeline, a plethora of functionalities converge to facilitate a comprehensive workflow.
The diagram provided illustrates a standard CI/CD pipeline, depicted as the first pipeline. This pipeline encompasses multiple sequential stages, which include:
  • Plan
  • Code
  • Build
  • Test
  • Release
  • Deploy
  • Operate
At present, two prominent products, Jenkins and Bamboo, serve as implementations of the CI/CD pipeline concept. In real-world project scenarios, both Jenkins and Bamboo are utilized to create pipelines tailored to specific project requirements. Typically, upon each code commit, at least one pipeline is triggered, orchestrating various processes.
In the context of integrating the proposed solution, the existing pipeline structure can be extended. This extension entails invoking the proposed solution for architecture analysis. Consequently, the augmented pipeline would resemble the second pipeline depicted in the provided diagram.
submitted by dimanikulin to fva [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 12:20 NotDeleted702 Why can't I get my mods to work?

Why can't I get my mods to work?
I'm obviously fucking something up and its annoying the shit out of me. Wish it was as easy as ready or not modding, etc. Spent HOURS trying shit and I'm getting pissed.
Only downloading Hardcore22 mod. So far...
I downloaded CET (Tweaks)- saved to downloads in compressed zipped folder, right clicked extract all, dragged folder to 2077 main folder. Setup bindings and got that working so obviously thats good?
Can someone help me out with exact steps for the hardcore mod download. Cuz there's multiple different ways of people doing it and their all different.
I saved the file to downloads, When I unzip the compressed folder their (using 7zip) do I select 1- "extract files" 2- "extract here" 0r 3.- "extract to hardcore..." from there I take the bin and archive folder and drag it to the main 2077 folder. This did not work. So, In the 2077 archive folder I created a "mod" folder after "pc" and dragged there. Does it not go in the contents folder with the other .archive files? With the "r6" .yaml i put it in the "tweaks" folder after "r6" Someone else said to put it in bin/x64/plugins/cyberenginetweaks/mods. None of these work. Am I supposed to 7zip the actual .archive & .yaml files again after i already 7zip the main folder or something? I'm fucking lost as you can tell I spend hours upon hours trying shit when i just want to play a game after work for a bit. Followed like 4 step by step videos on youtube to a T. The unzipping is what i must be doing wrong. The other 2 games i modded were not this difficult.
submitted by NotDeleted702 to cyberpunk2077mods [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:20 okaysand "AFK" Champion's Cape Guide

I finally got the champion's scroll on my account. I was able to do this in a pretty AFK and mindless way. I couldn't find other guides like this, so I thought I would share what I did in case anyone else thought of going for it. I wanted to avoid using the cannon as much as possible. It would have saved me time compared to me doing what I did, but I didn't mind it taking longer if it meant that I didn't have to actively buy a shit ton of iron ore, smelt it in the blast furnace, and then smith into cballs.
THIS IS BY NO MEANS EFFICIENT, I JUST WANTED TO MINIMIZE ATTENTION AND STILL GET THE CHAMPIONS CAPE. If you want to get the champion scrolls as fast as possible, I highly recommend checking out the 'Log Hunters' discord.
To maximize afkness, I recommend having runelite drop notifications in case you wanted to get some of the loot from these monsters. You can also add all the champion scrolls to the highlighted items list so that you will be notified of the champion's scrolls. I also HIGHLY RECCOMEND having the collection log popup notification for even an even smaller chance of missing it.
I will be sharing the exact coordinates for the tiles where I stand to AFK. Using the world location runelite plugin, you can see the coordinates on whatever tile is hovered over. The tiles that I provide are the ones that I found are best to AFK and reach as many NPC's as possible to maximize KPH. Imgur Photo Album of all locations with coordinates:
Imps: I was able to get 350-400 kph just using the cannon and not actively killing them. If you can get combat achievements done, your cannon will be able to hold more cballs, which helps to AFK for longer.
I did some tracking and it came out to be around 1.5-1.7 cballs per imp.
This is because they aren't always instantly killed, the cannon sometimes hit the monks nearby, and for some also a weird glitch where the cannon just randomly hits something really far off into the distance towards the water.
Coordinates: 1750,3480
Goblins: Unfortunately there is no way to AFK them. For both Goblins and Hobgoblins, the initial plan was to AFK them at the godwars dungeon, but for some reason they are no longer aggressive towards you after killing them once.
You have to cannon them, but this scroll is one of the easiest and fastest to get.
Coordinates: 3145,3302
Skeletons: I was lucky and got this way before even thinking of the champion's cape, by killing skeletons when getting rewards potential for barrows.
To AFK them, you can go to the barrows dungeon, and camp in the room where there are 6 of them available. Being lvl 77, they will be aggresive to you no matter what. Depending on stats, mix high str bonus with high defensive bonus, or just use full guthans.
Coordinates: 3551,9711
Zombies: There are a bunch of different locations to kill them. Where I killed them, was at Zemouregal's Base, which you can access during and after Defender of Varrock quest.
I set myself at a location where 3 of these armoured zombies respawn, so that I always have 1 to kill, but not too many that they lower my HP that fast. Doing this I was able to get around 200-250 KPH.
Sometimes while looting they bunch up therefore dealing you more damage. To unbunch them, just go to the other side of the wall and back to AFK tile.
I wore tank gear, and a HP cape. Also brought guthans to heal back up.
Coordinates: 3552,4598
Giants: I personally AFKed Fire giants at the Karuulm Slayer Dungeon. I wore full guthans the whole time, and got around 200-250 KPH.
You could also AFK them at the Iowerth Dungeon so that you can get mossy keys and likely better loot overall. Be careful though, they have a magic and melee based attack. I haven't tested it, but I assume full guthans would be sufficient.
You can also AFK normal giants in the wilderness with some budget gear. I assume the KPH would be a bit higher due to them being lower combat level.
Coordinates: 1284,10203
Hobgoblins: As I said regarding goblins, I wasn't able to AFK them at GWD. Instead I went to the wilderness, where the mine is, and AFKed them there. I was able to get around 250 kph in this spot.
Coordinates: 3084,3757
Ghouls: This was another one that I left to the end due to not being able to AFK them without a cannon.
To minimize the amount of cannonballs used so that I didn't need to make more, I stood ontop of my cannon with ranged gear, a magic short bow, and let them attack me with auto retaliate on. This was my cannon would stop using cballs when I was in combat, and because they were just 1 tile away from the cannon, the cballs weren't used to kill it, reducing the amount needed.
Coordinates: 3416,3512
Earth Warriors: Went in there with budget melee gear. Found that this tile was the best to stay on. There are more further up, but for some reason they would'nt be aggressive all the time. They were consistent in this spot.
Coordinates: 3119,9774
Jogres: I killed the jogres in GWD. Unfortunately there was no location where 2 of them spawned really close to each other, so I had to just kill 1 and wait for it to respawn. This was the only AFK method I found.
Wear all god equipment except for bandos so that Jogres remain aggresive even after 10 minutes in the same spot.
In this location, I was able to avoid all the other bandos monsters and just get the Jogre to attack me, minimizing damage taken and not needing to heal as often, AFK longer.
Coordinates: 2852, 5323
Lesser Demons:
Below the Karamja volcano there are many lesser demons there. I just used full guthans the whole time
Coordinates: 2840,9557
submitted by okaysand to ironscape [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:05 Competitive-Jello924 Revolutionize Your Web Design Workflow with These Essential Tailwind CSS Tips and Tricks

Hey webdev! I've been working with Tailwind CSS quite a bit lately, and I thought I'd share some tips and tricks that might help you out. If you’ve been wanting to streamline your design process, Tailwind CSS is a fantastic utility-first framework to make your life easier. Let’s jump in:
Tip #1: Use the JIT (Just In Time) Mode - Jetting (pun intended) is crucial. By enabling JIT mode in your Tailwind config, you can drastically reduce your CSS file size and compile super fast. This way, you only generate the CSS you are actually using.
javascript // tailwind.config.js module.exports = { mode: 'jit', purge: ['./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'], // Adjust paths accordingly … }
Tip #2: Customizing Design System - Tailwind makes it ridiculously easy to customize your design system. Adjust your theme in tailwind.config.js to match your brand’s specific color palette, typography, spacing, and more.
javascript // tailwind.config.js theme: { extend: { colors: { primary: '#1E3A8A', secondary: '#CBD5E0', customGray: '#EDF2F7' }, spacing: { '18': '4.5rem', }, }, }
Tip #3: Optimizing for Dark Mode - Want dark mode support? Effortlessly done with Tailwind's dark mode feature. Toggle it using the dark class.
Your content here...

Tip #4: Responsive Design with Ease - Tailwind’s responsive design features allow for seamless scaling. Use breakpoint prefixes like sm:, md:, lg: to control your layout on different screen sizes.
Adaptive padding

Trick #1: Leveraging @apply Directive - @apply can simplify styles and reuse common utilities within your CSS files. Perfect for complex or repeating patterns.
css /* styles.css */ .btn-primary { @apply bg-blue-500 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded; }
Exploring Plugins and Addons - Make your toolset even more powerful by using Tailwind CSS plugins. Implementing tailwindcss-aspect-ratio, forms, or typography can extend functionality without bloating your CSS file.
bash npm install @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio
javascript // tailwind.config.js plugins: [ require('@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio'), ],
A Real-life Example - I customized a client’s site with an entirely bespoke look in just hours by leveraging Tailwind CSS. Managing colors, typography, and spacing directly through theme configurations saved a ton of time. JIT mode kept the build lightning fast, and responsive classes kept everything tight across devices.
That’s it for now! Dive into your projects and give Tailwind CSS a try. Feel free to comment with questions or share your own experiences and tips! Happy coding!
submitted by Competitive-Jello924 to CodeCraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:00 AutoModerator Weekly Game Questions and Help Thread + Megathread Listing

Weekly Game Questions and Help Thread + Megathread Listing

Weekly Game Questions and Help Thread
Greetings all new, returning, and existing ARKS defenders!
The "Weekly Game Questions and Help Thread" thread is posted every Wednesday on this subreddit for all your PSO2:NGS-related questions, technical support needs and general help requests. This is the place to ask any question, no matter how simple, obscure or repeatedly asked.

New to NGS?

The official website has an overview for new players as well as a game guide. Make sure to use this obscure drop-down menu if you're on mobile to access more pages.
If you like watching a video, SEGA recently released a new trailer for the game that gives a good overview. It can be found here.

Official Discord server

SEGA run an official Discord server for the Global version of PSO2. You can join it at


The Phantasy Star Fleet Discord server has a channel dedicated to guides for NGS, including a beginner guide and class guides! Check out the #en-ngs-guides-n-info channel for those.
In addition, Leziony has put together a Progression Guide for Novices. Whether you're new to the game or need a refresher, this guide may help you!Note: this uses terminology from the JP fan translation by Arks-Layer, so some terms may not match up with their Global equivilents.

Community Wiki

The Arks-Visiphone is a wiki maintained by Arks-Layer and several contributors. You can find the Global version here. There you can find details on equipment, quests, enemies and more!

Please check out the resources below:

If you are struggling to get assistance here, or if you are needing help from community developers (for translation plugins, the Tweaker, Telepipe Proxy) in a live* manner, join the Phantasy Star Fleet Discord server. *(Please read and follow the server rules. Live does not mean instant.)
Please start your question with "Global:" or "JP:" to better differentiate what region you are seeking help for.
(Click here for previous Game Questions and Help threads)


/PSO2NGS has several Megathreads that are posted on a schedule or as major events such as NGS Headlines occur. Below are links to these.
submitted by AutoModerator to PSO2NGS [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 09:45 Get_Drivers_Ed Comprehensive Drivers Ed for Safe Driving - Get Drivers Ed

Comprehensive Drivers Ed for Safe Driving - Get Drivers Ed

The Comprehensive Guide to Drivers Ed: Building a Foundation for Safe Driving

Driving is an essential life skill that comes with significant responsibilities. Whether you're a new driver eager to get behind the wheel or someone looking to refresh your driving skills, drivers education is crucial. At Get Drivers Ed, we offer comprehensive programs designed to equip drivers with the knowledge and confidence needed to navigate the roads safely. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of drivers ed, what our program offers, and why choosing Get Drivers Ed can make all the difference in your driving journey.

Why Drivers Ed is Essential

Drivers ed provides the foundational skills and knowledge necessary for safe driving. Here are several reasons why drivers ed is essential:
  1. Understanding Traffic Laws
Traffic laws and regulations are the backbone of safe driving. Drivers ed courses cover these laws extensively, ensuring that new drivers understand the rules of the road. This knowledge helps prevent accidents and promotes a harmonious driving environment. By familiarizing drivers with the legal aspects of driving, such as right-of-way rules, speed limits, and traffic signs, we help create more responsible and law-abiding motorists.
  1. Developing Safe Driving Habits
Drivers ed emphasizes the importance of safe driving habits, such as obeying speed limits, using turn signals, and maintaining a safe following distance. These habits are crucial for preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of all road users. At Get Drivers Ed, we focus on instilling these habits through repeated practice and reinforcement, making them second nature to our students.
  1. Building Confidence
Confidence is key to becoming a competent driver. Through structured lessons and hands-on practice, drivers ed helps build the confidence needed to handle various driving situations. Our experienced instructors at Get Drivers Ed provide personalized guidance to help students feel comfortable and capable behind the wheel. Confidence not only makes driving more enjoyable but also reduces anxiety and improves decision-making in stressful situations.
  1. Reducing Insurance Costs
Many insurance companies offer discounts to drivers who have completed a drivers ed course. By investing in drivers ed, you can potentially reduce your insurance premiums and save money in the long run. This financial benefit is an added incentive for parents and young drivers to enroll in a reputable drivers ed program.
  1. Preparing for the Driving Test
Passing the driving test is a significant milestone. Drivers ed courses are designed to prepare students for both the written and practical components of the test. At Get Drivers Ed, our curriculum covers all aspects of the test, increasing the likelihood of passing on the first attempt. Our practice tests and mock exams help students familiarize themselves with the test format and build the confidence needed to succeed.
What Get Drivers Ed Offers
At Get Drivers Ed, we offer a comprehensive drivers ed program tailored to meet the needs of new and experienced drivers alike. Here’s what you can expect from our program:
  1. Comprehensive Curriculum
Our curriculum covers everything from basic vehicle operation to advanced defensive driving techniques. We ensure that our students are well-prepared to handle any driving situation they may encounter. Topics include traffic laws, safe driving practices, vehicle maintenance, and emergency response. This thorough approach ensures that students are equipped with the knowledge needed for safe driving.
  1. Experienced Instructors
Our instructors are seasoned professionals with a passion for teaching. They provide personalized instruction and constructive feedback, helping students develop the skills needed to drive safely and confidently. Our instructors are patient, understanding, and skilled at adapting their teaching methods to suit each student’s learning style.
  1. Interactive Learning
We use a variety of interactive learning methods, including online modules, quizzes, and simulations, to make the learning process engaging and effective. Our online modules allow students to learn at their own pace and review material as needed. Interactive tools such as driving simulators and virtual reality experiences provide a safe and controlled environment for students to practice and hone their skills.
  1. Hands-On Practice
Practical experience is a crucial part of our program. We offer ample behind-the-wheel training, allowing students to apply what they’ve learned in real-world scenarios under the supervision of our skilled instructors. This hands-on experience is invaluable for building confidence and competence. Students practice driving in various conditions, including city streets, highways, and inclement weather, ensuring they are prepared for any situation.
  1. Flexible Scheduling
We understand that our students have busy lives. That’s why we offer flexible scheduling options, including evening and weekend classes, to accommodate different schedules. This flexibility ensures that everyone can find a convenient time to complete their drivers ed training without disrupting their other commitments.
Success Stories
Many students have successfully completed our drivers ed program and gone on to become safe and confident drivers. For example, Alex, a recent graduate, shared his experience: "Get Drivers Ed provided me with the knowledge and confidence I needed to pass my driving test on the first try. The instructors were supportive and made learning to drive an enjoyable experience."
Another success story is Emily, who was initially anxious about driving but found comfort and confidence through our program: "I was really nervous about driving, but Get Drivers Ed helped me overcome my fears. The instructors were patient and encouraged me every step of the way. Now, I feel confident driving on my own."

Conclusion: Start Your Driving Journey with Get Drivers Ed

Drivers ed is a vital step in ensuring that you are prepared for the responsibilities of the road. At Get Drivers Ed, we are dedicated to providing high-quality education that empowers drivers to become safe and responsible. Our comprehensive program offers everything you need to succeed, from expert instruction to practical experience. Don’t wait—enroll today and take the first step towards a safer driving future. Visit Get Drivers Ed and start your journey to becoming a confident driver. With our support and guidance, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the roads safely and confidently.
submitted by Get_Drivers_Ed to u/Get_Drivers_Ed [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 09:37 Egnur Are there any alternatives to Google's "Material Theme Builder" plugin?

I've increasingly used Google's "Material Theme Builder" plugin in my Figma projects over the years. It provides comprehensive tools, saving me from starting from scratch. The plugin builds all my text styles, a thorough color palette with both light and dark schemes variables, and the entire Material Design Icons library is available as a community file with components for easy icon swaps.
Nowadays, I mostly design SaaS solutions, although I used to focus on traditional websites and e-commerce. My clients rarely need specialized icons or have strict design systems, so this plugin integrates well with their existing setups.
While I love this approach, I sometimes feel constrained by the strict color guidelines necessary for maintaining correct contrasts and accessibility. I'm exploring if there are similar tools and systems available?
For background I work as a UI (and UX) designer for a consulting agency specialising in master data and business development. I have a degree in graphic design, but have shifted from traditional graphic design to digital design over the past decade.
submitted by Egnur to FigmaDesign [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 08:35 first_ofmany Moderately High End Build

submitted by first_ofmany to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:19 Packathonjohn Looking for a talented character artist for building an extensible modular character system

To save you some time before reading more, we are definitely planning on paying which is what I'd expect would be the most likely option to take. That being said, if for whatever reason you decide to, assuming it'd be mutually beneficial, we would be open to bringing you on as a permanent member of the team, there wouldn't be any pay upfront but you would receive a sizable percentage of revenue under contract. (A decent amount of people think revshare is stupid and if you're one of them that's fine, as I said we're expecting to most likely just pay upfront).
I'm a software engineer on a project of a small team, doing a physics based super power action/sandbox game. Being a software engineer, we have tons of physics and procedural systems going on like dynamically changing seasons with snow deformation, destruction, procedural animation/active ragdoll, etc. Everything is interactable and you interact with the world through using various powers, it's designed to be a very dynamic and reactive system/world where all sorts of things can happen in it that us as developers didn't explicitly account for.
That being said, we have no character artist. So right now, it's basically standard stock puppets/mannequins running around with mocap animation and procedural ragdoll physics/ik and we're approaching the point where we need some actual character models as we move into the phase of showing off footage.
I really like scalable solutions and frontloading work, so I am looking for a skilled artist/team to collaborate on building a system for customizable, fairly realistic characters. This would include building it to allow for morphing and blending between different body types (skinny, muscular, fat), different hair styles, swappable clothes, morphing for facial feature customization, eye/skin colors, etc and support both male/female characters. This needs to be able to work during runtime, so any code functionality I will be implementing alongside you handling the artist/modeling parts.
This is a major task and will require collaboration and lots of design consideration and that will be reflected in your compensation. Additionally, once the art and code side is done, we can discuss the possibility of releasing the full system, code and art assets together as a plugin, in which case we would split any revenue generated from it 50/50 in addition to your initial compensation (whatever you choose).
So if you have the capability and drive to take on something like this, please feel free to reach out to me, we would love to work with you.
submitted by Packathonjohn to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:01 shrugir Web Portal Development Cost

Web Portal Development Cost
Web Portal Development Cost
What Is A Web Portal Development?

The web portal is a web-based solution that provides access to the information to a community of users, employees, suppliers and many more. It can be utilized by the business platforms to provide their users with a better experience and personalized information access to perform multiple functions all at once.

Web solutions have become very common among various businesses. One can hardly find a company that won't benefit from having a web portal. This type of software allows organizations to automate numerous processes and significantly increase engagement of employees, customers, and partners into the business.

What Is the Purpose of Your Web Portal Development?

It is important to figure out the actual purpose behind your web portal development project because it will greatly influence every other segment of it. This includes the theme, plugins, additional features that you will require for the web portal.

Hence in order to plan the cost for web portal development you have to choose from your requirements itself. Web portals represent the web solutions that can bring multiple resources altogether focusing your forum. They can be used as an internal tool for any platform that can perfectly keep the informative content all together at a place.

Why Is Web Portal Development Important?

The web portal is not just a web page but it provides a complete web solution that has all the informative content for everyone. It can be said as a single access point for multiple information actively including the categorization information for individuals as well as customers.

For developing web portal solutions, it is extremely important to have some advanced skills and features like rich app development, client scripting, server scripting, registration and many more. That's why Websites are developed by professionals.

Many business platforms require different needs to create web portal solutions and obviously it is an advantage to have many solutions rather than one. In the corporate sector business platforms developer portal solutions as a small segment of intranet for their employees so that it gets easy to manage workflow, schedule the events, contact information, document management, and other activities.

Web portal solutions are also used for community websites or to publish for the organizations. They also provide a manageable and organized structure for the platform so that they can efficiently manage the increasing visitors at their platform. The most incredible factor of web portals is that they are not messy and quite easy to manage once it is designed and set up accurately by the website developer.

It is also capable of providing instant publishing of the content to the admin. Web portals can enhance the efficiency of any business along with expanding the distribution channels.

Factors That Influence the Cost of Web Portal Development:

Web portals are basically a website solution listing all the resources available on the Internet at a single point. This type of web solution is highly informative and out of all the solutions, the Cost of web portal development is most affordable.

Web portals have there on importance in a large number of industries and this type of project can create a great difference to any business platform.

Which Is the Best Web Portal Development Company?

Every business needs a strong web presence to stand out among their own kind. It doesn't matter whether you are just starting off or are already tucked in, a well-directed user interaction helps in adding considerable value to your business. Here's when web portals come in handy.

Innovative and Cost-Effective Web Portal Development Company:

Travelopro is the Best Web Portal Development Company and it offers Travel Portal Development, Web Portal Development, Travel Software, Hotel Management System, And Hotel Management Software to travel companies globally.

Travel industries are growing vast since the technology and internet users are increased. Internet has also made this industry very competitive and innovative in the market. There are so many peoples who are currently present in the market for running their travel business.

Therefore, every person in the market wants to improve their online visibility and traffic. Marketing your business to your clients is an important part of being a travel business.

So, if you are glancing forward to enhance your online tour & travel business or build strong presence in the travel industry then hire Travel Portal Development Company which enables you to generate good and healthy business and ROI.

Travelopro Software Services is one of the wonderful Travel Technology Company around the travel industry. We provide services in the entire major sector namely Travel Portal Development, travel booking engine development, travel solutions, GB/XML/API.

We are into online travel portal with low cost and provide the services within the audience needs. Travelopro basically sells travel products to the customer that includes flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, activities, packages and much more.

To develop OTA software, it's important how effectively you manage the cost in building a website. Travelopro helps you to overcome financial troubles in building travel portal software or online booking software.

Design, Development, Testing, And Security Complexity:

The completion of the design takes a lot of time and sincerity. The time and cost to develop a design depends on the nature and complexity of the website. Development parts depend on a wide array of factors such as application architecture intricacy, no. of travel APIs involved, use of Al, and features of the application may define the time and cost required.

A travel portal has a lot of transaction details and customer data therefore, overlooking the testing and security is not a good idea. Testing the application holistically and removing all the vulnerabilities to the application takes an ample amount of time which costs high.

There is no specific price range on building a portal as it totally depends on your business as well the company you have hired to build to the application.

We also offer you various different travel portal development plans which you can check from Application Development that tells you all the features as well as the price range of the development.

Custom Portal Development:

By developing a custom portal, an organization can not only take its customer support and sales process to the next level but it also gets a chance to improve brand loyalty.

Users of such a portal have an opportunity to place and track orders themselves, report problems, activate or deactivate services, get personalized recommendations, review the purchase history, and do many other things without the need to contact your company's reps. This saves their time, increase satisfaction, and helps to build long-term relationships.

B2B customer portal:

In this world of web technology, it is very important to provide a global platform to your business and get found worldwide for your products, services and business.

Travelopro develops best B2B websites for stimulating customer awareness and heavy traffic for your business and also enhances your productivity and effectiveness. Our B2B web portal development aimed to provide a platform to enterprises for their worldwide market.

It includes transaction between organizations like manufacturer and wholesaler or retailer. With our b2b ecommerce solutions your business get hike in exploring the network worldwide with ease.

Custom B2B web development is an effective way to deliver your end users the detailed information about your company, products and services. B2B ecommerce solutions are basically a platform for ecommerce transaction among business around the globe.

B2C customer portal:

B2C web portal allow you to create effective and efficient worldwide sales system with reduced operational cost. Travelopro provides you a platform to stay connected with your end users and attract potential clients towards your B2C portal.

Our B2C portal development team understands your business needs and implements solution that best fit your business objectives and brings right customers at your b2c web portal. We always care about ease of access for your consumers and their preferences for making you their best choice.

Our experts always keep in mind that the heavy traffic can be easily managed by the b2c portal and it must have uniform display at different screens. Our B2C web portals are easily manageable with modern looks and feel. We always aim to implement inventive and professional B2C portal for our clients with modernization so that our clients can achieve great success and compete others around the globe.

For more details, Pls visit our Website:
submitted by shrugir to u/shrugir [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:41 MixAccomplished5679 1st Ever PC Multiple uses $6k-$8k budget

All build/upgrade/parts check requests copy & answer these to post: • New build or upgrade? • Existing parts/monitors to reuse? (List with models/links) • PC purpose? (Gaming, editing, etc. List apps/ games) • Purchase country? Near Micro Center? (If not US, list local vendors) • Monitors needed? (Number, size, resolution, refresh rate) • Budget range? (Include tax considerations) • WiFi or wired connection? • Size/noise constraints? • Cololighting preferences? • Any other specific needs?
New build No parts or monitors existing Purposes: Competitive Gaming, Streaming, video/ content creation, music production/ recording, beginner coding Western New York US I want 1 Ultra Wide Monitor that can do everything or more than a TUF Gaming VG28UQL1A monitor can do! Including tax I am willing to spend $6,000- $8,000 Hopefully less than $8,000 but that is the max I recently came across $10,000 and want to switch from console to pc I have purchased a $1,000 Studio desk that is not included in my budget and am saving $1,000 for accessories like mouse rgb strips docks mics and cameras etc… which I have no clue what I want for that part Wired Connection No size restrictions but I need something that isn’t so noisy that I can hear when recording music or content I want as much rgb coloring as I can get Other than that I would love advice on a mic and camera set up / headset and such but I’m mainly looking for a really good capable pc with a ton of storage I was gonna buy an apple Mac Studio for 10 grand and then I thought maybe I could get more for my money I am currently in the apple ecosystem and I worry about my digital privacy plz help me! I am willing to post a picture when the setup is done
submitted by MixAccomplished5679 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:48 Oranjizzzz Storage Modes Question

Storage Modes Question
I'm currently studying to take the Pl-300 Exam and I'm looking for a better explanation on a practice question.
The data has the following refresh requirements:
✑ Customer must be refreshed daily.
✑ Date must be refreshed once every three years.
✑ Sales must be refreshed in near real time.
✑ SalesAggregate must be refreshed once per week.
You need to select the storage modes for the tables. The solution must meet the following requirements:
✑ Minimize the load times of visuals.
✑ Ensure that the data is loaded to the model based on the refresh requirements.
Which storage mode should you select for each table?
✑ Customer: Dual
✑ Date: Dual
✑ Sales: Direct Query
✑ SalesAggregate: Import
I don't understand why SalesAggregate has to be Import? It's being refreshed less frequently than Customer but has to be cached? Wouldn't keeping it as Dual save on load time? Is it because the relationship it has with the other tables?
submitted by Oranjizzzz to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:45 SomeRandomDude1229 Trip Review - India and my first time in Biz

This was not my first time redeeming points, but was my first time transferring points. I had to plan a trip to India with a 3 month advance period, so wasn't left with many ideal options. However, it didn't turn out as bad as expected, so here's more about an up-and-coming product.
Itinerary: AUS -> SFO -> DEL -> MAA (Y, J, J); MAA -> DOH -> SFO -> AUS (Y, Y, Y).
Outbound - Ticketing:
The only airline with reasonable connections and pricing was Air India (even in economy), and I happened to search just as the Turkish devaluations were announced. Air India availability in business was pretty available, so I decided to give the new (ex-Delta One) product a try. I was debating the ex-Etihad, but decided to go with a same-day layover in SFO rather than an overnight in JFK.
I booked a positioning flight from AUS to SFO for 15k United miles (from previous unsatisfactory travels). Not the best redemption but I didn't have many, nor had a use for them, and decided to save on the cash.
Now, as I said earlier, Turkish awards were being devalued, so I booked this ticket on the second-to-last day of the old award chart. Scored a ticket from SFO-MAA for 52.5k Turkish miles, transferred from Cap1. The transfer was virtually instant, and ticketing was easy, and done within 2 hours. This same ticket would be far more expensive now, so look towards Aeroplan or LifeMiles.
Return - Ticketing:
I had to be back in the US, and had a stash of AA miles. AA just so happened to have availability in Qatar for economy, so I booked it. Easy to do online, and the total was 40k miles + $95 in taxes. One way tickets were running about $880-$900 (RTs were $1550), so the miles were a better cost for me.
Outbound - Experience:
Online Check-In was a chore, so I went to the airport early to handle it. United was able to interline my bags all the way to Chennai (however, this proved to be a waste, as shown later). Initially their system tried to charge me, but after everything refreshed, the allowance was given as 2 bags. For those travelling on a Star Alliance carrier, this is a neat way to make separate tickets less of a hassle. The AUS-SFO flight was uneventful, barring an unnecessarily rude gate agent.
At SFO, I tried out the United Polaris lounge, which was AMAZING! Must try if you have access in SFO. The showers were refreshing, and the food at their dine in service was amazing (and I have dietary restrictions, so my options were more limited). The people there are so friendly as well - I lost my water bottle, and within 5 minutes I had it back (I just had to reclear security unfortunately).
I'm guessing it's SFO's issue, but I hate the fact the terminals are not connected airside. I had to go pick up my boarding pass at the check-in counters, and then re-clear security (which is where I realized I lost my water bottle). Thank god I had TSA pre, else it would have taken me at least 40 minutes to get past the security line.
The Air India contracted lounge (Golden Gate) had a couple food options but was nothing like Polaris, so I headed to the gate for boarding.
Boarding was delayed by 25 minutes because of cleaning and cabin checks. After boarding, the flight was further delayed because of maintenance issues. I'm glad I was able to settle into my seat because else, that would have been a long hour. Cabin crew went around and passed juices and snacks at this point.
The flight was great, food was excellent, and cabin crew were super attentive and approachable. I definitely did order one too many green teas though, but the crew delivered each one with a smile. The suite definitely rivals Q-suites in terms of functionality, based on the photos I've seen. Maybe size-wise it's different.
Now for the drawbacks - the captain decided last-minute to take a longer flight path than filed. What was filed as a 14:35 hr flight was docked at the gate at 16:25 hrs length. This does not include the hour delay. So, in total, we were delayed 2 hours and 50 minutes, approx. My layover was 3 hours and 40 minutes, leaving me 50 minutes to clear immigration, customs, and re-check-in in Delhi (port of entry). As soon as my bags arrived, a lady told us we could not board our next flight, and re-directed us to a ticketing counter. That's where I discovered over 50 passengers missed the same flight as me (traveling from SFO), and over 40 others missed another domestic connection flight. With 3 personnel, we had to wait 2 hours for a ticketing agent. There, I was told that they could not rebook me due to booking with Turkish. I had no SIM card (low cost carrier) nor wifi, so had to connect to an agent's hotspot to call my dad and ask him to call Turkish. I literally had to beg them for me to even look at my ticket (worsened by the fact a few of them refused to speak in English), and they said they could give me a flight 10 hours later.
By the time this back and forth happened, I realized there was a flight departing an hour and a half later, and asked them to book me on that. They said no, there was no availability in my class. After another 10 minutes of pleading, they finally booked me on standby (There were 4 seats of 16 empty in the flight). I would not wish a connecting experience in Delhi on anyone. If you need to board a connecting flight, use Bengaluru (BLR) as your point of entry.
The last flight was also uneventful, though it came with a decent breakfast (and the flight attendant was super sweet). I also used the Encalm lounge in Delhi (for 10 minutes) and had a nice dosa.
Air India flights - really becoming a great product, both hard product and soft product. Enjoyable experience on the plane itself.
Air India ground service - 0/10 - if they want more customers, they need to completely overhaul Delhi. Use Bengaluru for a better experience.
Inbound - Experience:
Qatar Airways check-in was decent, though the agent reassigned my seat for no reason, moving me 16 rows back.
The Chennai lounge (there's only 1) was nice. The Dosa bar is amazing, and there's a staff member available to assist in the restrooms (for like toothpaste, cleaning, and stuff) that had such a positive attitude at 3 in the morning that put a smile on my face.
The flight to Doha was quick and easy. The screens were nice and equipped with Bluetooth, and the meal was good for an economy flight.
The lounge in Doha (Al Maha lounge) was a nice lounge to relax and grab a bite to eat, though options were very limited. Also, double security checks with widely varying guidelines are 100% unnecessary. It literally just wasted an extra 10 minutes of my life.
Then begins the mildly off-putting story of Doha to San Francisco. Whoever did the seatback cleaning and checking did not do a proper job. The seat that the check-in agent put me in 16 rows back was busted to the point it was borderline inoperable. The seat was dirty, recline was only 75%, the air nozzle was blocked (yes, I tried twisting it), and the seatback entertainment screen was broken 50% of the time (the agents had to keep resetting it, and got annoyed when I asked them to do so). Certain flight attendants were operating with a holier-than-thou attitude (and it was specifically to the subcontinent folk, for some reason, despite the FAs being of subcontinental origin), and there were unexplained delays on both ends. Whoever handled baggage also did a terrible job, as it took an hour and a half for me to get my bags AFTER clearing customs.
SFO to Austin (on Alaska this time) was also delayed. I got some nice sunset views though. But landing in Austin at 12:30 in the morning is not really that fun.
B789 > A350 in terms of Qatar's economy product. Staff are also better when flying into Doha (comparatively, and I've had a couple experiences on Qatar before). Food is nice though. Also, terminal A at SFO sucks for connections, please just make everything at SFO connected airside.
Overall, a fun accent to my trip where I got to spend some awesome time with family. Enjoyed most parts of this trip with a few jarring lows that did throw a wrench - but hey, that happens sometimes. Also, lesson learned, avoid Delhi like the plague.
submitted by SomeRandomDude1229 to awardtravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:35 Stage-Piercing727 Best Gallon Water Bottles

Best Gallon Water Bottles
Staying hydrated throughout the day is essential, and gallon water bottles make it easier to keep track of your water intake. In this article, we'll explore some of the best gallon water bottles on the market, ensuring that you find the perfect drinking companion.
Whether you're at the gym, on a hike, or just trying to improve your daily water consumption, gallon water bottles provide a convenient and eco-friendly solution. Read on to discover our top picks for these versatile, high-capacity containers.

The Top 19 Best Gallon Water Bottles
  1. 3-Gallon Stackable Refillable Water Bottle - Perfect for large-scale events, the American Maid 3 Gallon Stackable Water Bottle is a lifetime-lasting, space-saving solution made of BPA-free material, complete with a 53mm screw cap and easy-to-grip handle.
  2. 3.78L Big Water Jug for Hydration and Fitness - The Gym Keg: A 128oz, 3.78L jug perfect for hydration, featuring a straw and classic lid, a carry strap, and time markings for fitness goals, all while being lightweight, BPA-free, and visually appealing.
  3. Gigantic 1-Gallon BPA-Free Water Jug for Sports and Outdoor Fun - Experience unbeatable hydration with the HYDRATE 1-Gallon Transparent Black Water Bottle - BPA-free, leakproof, and perfect for sports, gym, and outdoor adventures.
  4. High-Capacity 128 oz Water Bottle for Hydration On-the-Go - The Dr.hydro Gallon Jug is a 128 oz BPA-free, leak-proof water bottle with a wide mouth for easy cleaning, perfect for staying hydrated on-the-go and monitoring your daily water intake during workouts, camping trips, or other outdoor activities.
  5. 128 OZ Healthy Water Jug with Straw - Discover the motivational, leak-proof, and eco-friendly SLUXKE 1Gallon Water Bottle with a wide mouth for easy adding of ice and fruits, and a comfortable straw to make consuming water enjoyable and healthy.
  6. Simple Modern 1-Gallon Water Bottle with Straw Lid and Ounce Markers - Lavender Mist - The Simple Modern 1-Gallon Tritan Plastic Water Bottle with Straw Lid Lavender Mist is a lightweight, BPA-free, and leak-proof option to stay hydrated on the go, with convenient ounce markers and a reusable design that reduces waste.
  7. 1-Gallon Vacuum Insulated Water Jug with Stainless Steel Base, Lid, and Rope Handle - Unmatched Quality: AMDISIC's 128oz Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle offers exceptional performance, lasting for up to 48 hours of ice-cold refreshment or 24 hours of steaming warmth, making it perfect for outdoor adventures and daily hydration.
  8. Topre 128oz Insulated Water Bottle - Topre 128oz Insulated Water Bottle for Outdoor Adventures and Active Lifestyle, Leak-Proof with 3 Lids & Brush, Durable and Sweat-Free, Perfect for Keeping Cold or Warm Drinks for Hours
  9. 128oz Large Time Marker Water Bottle for Max Hydration - BuildLife 128oz Gallon Water Bottle with Ergonomic Time Marker, Motivational Quotes, Durable Nylon Strap, and Affordable Price - Perfect for Hydration Reminders and Outdoor Adventures.
  10. Durable 5-Gallon Water Bottle - Durable American Maid Water Bottle, Made from Tough Material with BPA-Free Plastic, Ensuring Eco-Friendliness and Enhanced Safety; Ideal for Home, Office, and Emergency Shelters with Efficient Transport and Spill-Proof Design
  11. Large Capacity Gallon Water Bottle with Sleeve - A must-have 1-Gallon Water Bottle with sleeve, perfect for hydration on-the-go, fitness, and daily use. Featuring a leak-proof and BPA-free design, it offers motivational time markers and a daily goal percentage tracker.
  12. Premium 1-Gallon Water Bottle with Straw and Motivational Quotes for Hydration On-The-Go - 4.5/5 - Top-rated 1 Gallon Water Bottles with straw, 128 oz / 3.8L, BPA-free, 2-in-1 Lid, Motivational times to drink, Durable, Leak-proof, Large for Gym, Travel & Outdoors.
  13. 1 Gallon Reusable Sports Water Bottle with Time Markers and Straw - The Hydro Gallon Bottle is a transparent black, leakproof, BPA-free water bottle with a big handle, straw and spout lid. It's perfect for staying motivated with its time markers and holds a full gallon of water.
  14. 1 Gallon Reusable Glass Water Jug - Experience unmatched purity and taste preservation with this 1-gallon glass water bottle jug crafted from sustainable materials, featuring a 38-mm screw cap, and designed with your health and our planet in mind.
  15. Insulated Gallon Water Bottle Jug with Military Grade Sleeve - The Hydro Gallon Tactical water bottle - a high-capacity, insulated stainless steel bottle with a military-grade sleeve and shoulder straps for comfortable carrying, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking versatile hydration solutions.
  16. Good & Gather 1-Gallon Distilled Water Jug - Experience the clean, refreshing taste of Good & Gather's 1-Gallon Distilled Water, perfect for all your cooking and household needs.
  17. 1-Gallon Motivational Time Marker Water Bottle - Discover the Hydro Gallon Bottle: A BPA-free, leakproof 1-gallon water bottle equipped with time markers, straw lid, handle, double pocket, and adjustable shoulder strap for added convenience and motivation throughout your day.
  18. 1-Gallon Clear Glass Jug - Discover the Perfect Blend of Durability and Style with Home Brew Ohio's FasTrack MN-TF9E-S1RA 1-Gallon Glass Water Bottle - Featuring a 38mm Metal Screw Cap and Stunning Clear Design.
  19. 1-Gallon Precision Hydration Water Bottle - Stay hydrated with Otten's Reusable BPA-Free Tritan Water Bottle, boasting a 1-gallon capacity, precise time scale, and made from food-grade, high-quality material for a healthy and sustainable drinking experience.
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🔗3-Gallon Stackable Refillable Water Bottle
I recently purchased the American Maid 3 Gallon Stackable Water Bottle, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for me. The sleek design and the ease with which I can carry it around have made it my go-to choice for storing and serving water.
One of the standout features of this water bottle is its stackable design. When filled, I can stack up to three bottles without any hassle, making storage a breeze. This is particularly useful in my home, where space is always at a premium.
The handle on the bottle is also worth mentioning. It's sturdy and easy to grip, making it incredibly easy to carry. This has made a big difference in my daily routine, as I no longer have to struggle with unwieldy water containers.
However, there is one downside to this product. The lid can be a bit leaky, which can be quite inconvenient at times. I've found that the best way to deal with this is to use a ziplock bag over the lid to prevent any mishaps.
Overall, I would highly recommend the American Maid 3 Gallon Stackable Water Bottle to anyone looking for a reliable and easy-to-use water storage solution. Its stackable design and convenient handle make it a great choice for any home. Just be aware of the leaky lid issue, and you'll be good to go!

🔗3.78L Big Water Jug for Hydration and Fitness
The Gym Keg is more than just a water bottle; it's a fitness companion that helps me stay hydrated and motivated during my workouts. I was initially skeptical about the mighty capacity of 3.78 liters, but it turns out to be quite handy. The all-in-one arsenal - straw lid, classic lid, carry strap, and time markers - makes the hydration journey enjoyable and effortless.
One aspect that stands out is the craftsmanship. The lightweight, BPA-free plastic doesn't compromise on quality, ensuring my water stays pure and safe. The GYM KEG's design is visually appealing too, adding an extra touch of style to my workout gear.
However, no product is perfect. One minor inconvenience is the clips that hold the strap, which can sometimes detach from the bottle. This, however, doesn't detract significantly from its overall performance. Also, the bottle's size might be intimidating for some, but it's definitely worth it for those who wish to up their hydration game.
In conclusion, the Gym Keg is a mighty water bottle that keeps me hydrated throughout my day. Its robust features, impressive capacity, and eye-catching design make it a worthwhile investment for any fitness enthusiast.

🔗Gigantic 1-Gallon BPA-Free Water Jug for Sports and Outdoor Fun
As a fitness enthusiast, I've been using the Hydrate 1 Gallon Water Bottle for my daily workout sessions. This BPA-free jug is perfect for quenching my thirst during intense workout sessions without leaving any unpleasant aftertaste. The transparent black design not only looks stylish but also allows me to track my water intake throughout the day.
One of the things that truly stands out about this product is its large capacity. With 128 oz, I never have to worry about running out of water, even on extended workout sessions. The secure flip cap ensures easy access to my water and prevents any leaks or spills, keeping my workout area mess-free.
However, there are a couple of cons to consider. The bottle's robust nylon carrying strap makes it easy to carry around, but the handle can be a bit uncomfortable after prolonged use. Additionally, the bottle's thickness might make it slightly more prone to cracking if accidentally dropped.
In conclusion, the Hydrate 1 Gallon Water Bottle has been an essential part of my daily workout routine. Its large capacity, leak-proof design, and stylish appearance make it a must-have for anyone looking to stay hydrated during their fitness activities. Despite its few minor drawbacks, this water bottle has definitely made a positive impact on my overall hydration levels and workout performance.

🔗High-Capacity 128 oz Water Bottle for Hydration On-the-Go
As a fitness enthusiast, I can attest that the Dr. hydro Gallon Jug has been a game-changer for me. Not only does it hold a massive 128 oz of water, but it's also surprisingly easy to carry around with its ergonomic handle. The wide mouth design is a bonus as it allows me to quickly fill up with ice or add supplements to my water with ease.
One standout feature for me is the leak-proof cap. I've had my fair share of water spills in my gym bag, but this jug has been a lifesaver. Its silicone straw is not only comfortable to drink from but also helps me monitor my water intake throughout the day.
However, there have been some downsides as well. I've noticed that the material can get scratched and stained easily, which isn't exactly visually appealing. Additionally, while the capacity is great for long hikes or beach trips, it can be quite heavy when full.
Overall, the Dr. hydro Gallon Jug is a reliable water bottle that has made staying hydrated more convenient than ever. Just be prepared for the weight and potential staining issues.

🔗128 OZ Healthy Water Jug with Straw
I've been using this colorful 1-gallon water bottle from SLUXKE for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's made staying hydrated a lot more enjoyable. The time marker on the side is a great motivational tool, making sure I drink enough water throughout the day. The leak-proof lid and wide straw make pouring and sipping effortless, whether I'm at the gym or at the office.
One thing that really stands out is how lightweight and sturdy the bottle is, despite its large capacity. I love that I can easily add ice cubes or even some fresh fruit to my water through the wide-mouth opening, giving it a refreshing twist. Plus, the nylon strap makes it easy to carry around and perfect for outdoor activities.
On the downside, it's not dishwashersafe, so I have to hand wash it, and it can't handle hot liquids, which is a bit of a bummer when I want a hot cup of tea on a cold day. However, overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with this bottle's performance and can definitely recommend it to anyone looking to stay hydrated and motivated to drink more water.

🔗Simple Modern 1-Gallon Water Bottle with Straw Lid and Ounce Markers - Lavender Mist
I've been using the Simple Modern 1-Gallon Tritan Plastic Water Bottle with Straw Lid in Lavender Mist for a while now, and I'm quite impressed with how it has made my daily hydration goals easier to achieve. The bottle's generous size lets me carry a gallon of water without needing constant refills, making it perfect for long commutes or a day out in the sun.
One of the standout features for me is the leak-proof straw lid, which ensures I can drink without worrying about any spills or water damaging my stuff. Additionally, the bottle's markings help me keep track of how much I'm drinking throughout the day, making it a truly useful tool for staying hydrated.
However, there are a few cons worth mentioning. Firstly, despite being BPA-free, the plastic material can give the water a slight taste. Additionally, the bottle is not suitable for hot liquids, which limits its use for certain applications.
Overall, the Simple Modern Gallon Water Bottle with Straw Lid is a solid choice for anyone looking to keep themselves hydrated throughout the day without needing to constantly refill their bottle. While there are some minor drawbacks to consider, the positive features make this water bottle a worthwhile addition to your drinkware collection.

🔗1-Gallon Vacuum Insulated Water Jug with Stainless Steel Base, Lid, and Rope Handle
When I first received the AMDISIC One Gallon Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle, I was excited to see how well it would perform during my long hikes. This product has been my trusted companion now for weeks. The 128oz capacity is perfect for a day outdoors, and the vacuum-insulated feature keeps my water ice cold all day. The bottles' 18/8 food-grade stainless steel material is not only sturdy but also rust-proof, BPA-free, and lead-free, ensuring the best freshness of the content.
One of the most convenient features of this product is the wide-mouth design, making it effortless to fill with ice cubes or clean using a brush. The inclusion of extra lids, a paracord for easy carrying, and an adjustable-length brush for thorough cleaning make this water bottle truly multifunctional and user-friendly.
There's no compromise when it comes to this product's reliability and safety. The thick walls and leak-proof design with a rubber seal ring ensure a stress-free experience, even during the most intense workout sessions.
In summary, the AMDISIC One Gallon Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle is an excellent investment for anyone looking for a reliable, durable, and multifunctional hydration solution for their outdoor adventures or sports activities.

🔗Topre 128oz Insulated Water Bottle
I recently invested in the Topre 128oz Insulated Water Bottle, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer for me! The bottle comes with eight accessories, including three different lids, two straws, two brushes, and a portable pouch. It's super convenient to use and keeps my drinks cold for up to 48 hours or hot for 24 hours, thanks to its double-wall design.
Made of food-grade 18/8 stainless steel, this bottle is safe and toxic-free, with a matte-coated exterior that's both shatter-proof and sweat-free. As a result, it has become my go-to travel companion, making my daily outings hassle-free. The bottle's capacity of 128 oz (3785 ml) ensures I stay hydrated throughout the day.
One of the best features of this bottle is its leak-proof lid, which comes in three different styles to suit my mood or activity. Additionally, it includes two replacement straws and a couple of handy brushes to help me keep my bottle clean. The package also comes with a carrying pouch, complete with an adjustable strap, which makes toting my bottle around incredibly easy.
However, despite all the features and accessories, I've encountered a couple of minor snags. First, the bottle should be hand-washed only, which can be a bit tedious. Second, the bottle and lids should not be placed in an oven, microwave, or freezer to prevent damage. Lastly, aligning the seal ring with the lid before use is crucial to prevent spills, and it's best to avoid keeping sugar-filled beverages in the bottle for over 24 hours to prevent spoilage.
All in all, the Topre 128oz Insulated Water Bottle has been an excellent addition to my daily routine. It keeps my beverages at the perfect temperature, is easy to use, and is designed to last for a long time, making my busy life that much more manageable.

🔗128oz Large Time Marker Water Bottle for Max Hydration
I've been using the BuildLife Gallon Water Bottle with Straw for a while now, and I must say it's transformed my hydration habits for the better. Its unique time marker feature makes it super easy to track my daily water intake without any effort. The large capacity and multiple colors to choose from allow me to fall in love with drinking water, not just because my body needs it.
One of the things I adore about this bottle is how simple it is to drink from, thanks to the nozzle and straw. The high-quality nylon strap is durable and makes it easy to carry the bottle on the go. Plus, the handle design provides a good hand grip, making it comfortable to use.
The bottle is easy to clean and maintain, especially with its Ergonomic Strap for easier transportation and a better grip. While it's hand-wash only, it's easy to clean using baking soda and vinegar.
One standout feature of the BuildLife Gallon Water Bottle is its creative motivational phrases and time markings that make it extremely user-friendly. It comes with phrases like "7am- Good Morning, " "9am- You've got it! ", and so on, which truly motivate me to drink water all day long.
The BuildLife Water Bottle is designed to remind you to drink water every day and make your life easier in doing so. Its time marker and measurement features are super helpful, and the bottle comes in a variety of great colors to suit your style.
On the downside, the bottle can be a bit heavy when filled to its maximum capacity, but that's a minor inconvenience considering its many benefits. Overall, the BuildLife Gallon Water Bottle with Straw has made a tremendous positive impact on my daily water intake, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to stay properly hydrated.

🔗Durable 5-Gallon Water Bottle
The American Maid 5-gal Water Bottle has been a game-changer for me in terms of storing liquid, especially water. Its durable material ensures that I get the most out of every bottle, while the partially recycled nature of the product makes it a greener option compared to others in the market. The BPA-free plastic and twist-off cap make it safe to use and easy to carry around or store for later use.
Using this water bottle daily at work, the twist-of cap truly came in handy, preventing any water spills or drips when the bottle was not in use. Additionally, the lid kept out dust and other particles, ensuring a clean and fresh source of water. The convenient handle also made transporting the water bottle a breeze.
One issue I had with the American Maid water bottle was that I needed to purchase replacement lids as the supplied ones were prone to leaking. This was a small inconvenience that I resolved by ordering leak-proof lids from Amazon. It was also important for me to find a suitable replacement cap for my water cooler dispenser; thanks to some helpful online resources, I was able to find a suitable solution.
Overall, I am quite satisfied with the American Maid 5-gal Water Bottle. Its robust construction, eco-friendliness, and helpful features make it a fantastic choice for everyday use or emergency preparedness. Although the supplied lids could be improved upon, this minor inconvenience did not outweigh the benefits this water bottle provided.

🔗Large Capacity Gallon Water Bottle with Sleeve
I've been using the Hydro Gallon 1 Pro for quite some time now, and it has truly revolutionized my daily water intake. This gallon-sized water bottle with a sleeve is perfect for those who are always on-the-go, whether you're hitting the gym or heading to work. The first thing that stood out to me was its massive capacity - one gallon is no joke, and it's helped me stay hydrated throughout the day without constantly refilling.
The bottle itself is made of high-quality, transparent black PETG plastic, which is both BPA-free and leak-proof. It also features a handle for easy carrying, so no more dropping or fumbling around when you're in a hurry. Another highlight is the neoprene sleeve, which not only looks great but also works as insulation, keeping your water cool for much longer. Plus, it comes with a zippered pocket that's perfect for stashing your phone, keys, or other small essentials.
One area where the Hydro Gallon 1 Pro could improve is its cleaning process. While it's relatively easy to clean gently with warm soapy water, thorough cleaning requires a more tedious process involving baking soda and soaking overnight. It's a little inconvenient, but it's worth it for maintaining the bottle's freshness and quality.
Overall, I'm incredibly impressed with the Hydro Gallon 1 Pro. Its large capacity, durable construction, and handy features make it the perfect companion for anyone looking to stay hydrated and organized throughout the day.

🔗Premium 1-Gallon Water Bottle with Straw and Motivational Quotes for Hydration On-The-Go
I've had the pleasure of using a 1-gallon water bottle with a straw for a few weeks now, and it's been a game-changer in my daily hydration journey. The first thing that stood out to me was the bright motivational quotes printed on the sides. They definitely kept me going when trying to drink enough water every day.
The material is top-notch too, completely BPA-free and made from eco-friendly reusable stuff. Plus, the wide mouth design makes refilling with ice cubes super easy. It's also great for carrying around due to its portable carry handle. I feel confident holding it during long hikes, gym sessions, or any other outdoor activity.
The highlight feature, though, has to be its leak-proof and dust-proof cap. Trust me, I've knocked it over many times and there hasn't been a single drop of water spilled. And the silicone sealing ring ensures that no dust gets in.
However, while the bottle is easy to clean by hand, it would be nice if it were dishwasher safe. But overall, this 1-gallon water bottle with a straw is a fantastic choice for anyone looking to stay hydrated and motivated all day long.

🔗1 Gallon Reusable Sports Water Bottle with Time Markers and Straw
I must say, my Hydro Gallon Bottle has been a game-changer. From its 1-gallon capacity to the straw and spout lids, it's everything I've ever wanted in a water bottle! It's light, though not insulated; perfect for my daily jogs. The big handle made carrying it a breeze, and those motivational time markers kept me on track.
However, it needed a thorough cleaning before use - a little baking soda soak did the trick. Oh, and be careful with the straw, it can fall out easily. Despite these minor drawbacks, my Hydro Gallon Bottle is an excellent companion, helping me stay hydrated and active throughout my day.

Buyer's Guide


Gallon Water Bottles FAQ

Answering your most frequently asked questions about gallon water bottles!
  • What is a gallon water bottle?
A gallon water bottle is a large water container that holds one gallon (3.79 liters) of liquid. These bottles are often used for outdoor activities, office settings, or sports practice.
  • How much water does a gallon bottle hold?
A gallon water bottle can hold about 3.79 liters of liquid. This size is ideal for long-term hydration, particularly in settings where access to water might be limited or refilling isn't convenient.
  • Why use a gallon water bottle?
Gallon water bottles provide an excellent way to ensure you drink enough water throughout the day. Having a large water bottle readily available encourages consistent hydration, which can improve overall health and energy levels.
  • What are the benefits of a gallon water bottle over regular water bottles?
Unlike regular water bottles, gallon water bottles offer more capacity for prolonged hydration, reducing the need for frequent refilling. They also tend to be sturdier, designed for long-term use.
  • What should I consider when buying a gallon water bottle?
Key factors to consider when purchasing a gallon water bottle include material (stainless steel, plastic, glass), design (handle, no-spill cap), and how easy it is to clean.
  • Are gallon water bottles safe?
As long as the materials used are food-grade and the bottle is kept clean, gallon water bottles are perfectly safe for use.
  • How long does a gallon water bottle last?
Gallon water bottles are built to last. With proper care and maintenance, a gallon water bottle can last several years.
  • How do I clean a gallon water bottle?
Cleaning a gallon water bottle is straightforward. After each use, rinse the bottle thoroughly with water. For a more thorough cleaning, wash the inside with warm, soapy water and a soft-bristle bottle brush, then rinse well.
  • Can I freeze a gallon water bottle?
Freezing a gallon water bottle can lead to fractures in the material. Additionally, the water’s expansion upon freezing may lead to cracks or leakage. Therefore, it is not recommended to freeze a gallon water bottle.
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2024.06.11 04:36 nkReDz Configuring Nintendo 64 Controls + Emulator shortcuts, Koriki 1.0.2 - RG35XX 2023 (Old) Koriki

Configuring Nintendo 64 Controls + Emulator shortcuts, Koriki 1.0.2 - RG35XX 2023 (Old) Koriki
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Emulator shortcuts
Nintendo 64 buttons
Nintendo 64 configuration in OS
I've had my RG35XX 2023 (Old version 256Gb RAM) for over a year now and recently I went to look at the Operating Systems (OS) to see if there were any new or improved ones. Unfortunately the OSes are now focusing on the new ones (1Gb Ram), so I decided to try out an 'old friend' Koriki, which didn't work with the emulator shortcuts (save state, load state, etc.) (Or it did and I was too lazy to investigate).
Advantages of Koriki:
Starts up faster, has a simpler interface and you can edit the Nintendo 64 shortcuts directly in the OS, without having to keep plugging the Micro SD into the computer. Yay!
Disadvantages of Koriki:
I copied my save states from Batocera to Koriki, Zelda Ocarina and Majora's Mask (thanks Gosh) and the performance is very good, but it's better on Batocera OS 0.8.1, I didn't delve any further to try and change the emulator (In batocera Mupen64Plus: Rice runs perfect).
From this point I assume that you have already installed Koriki 1.0.2 on your RG35XX.
Location of the Nintendo 64 emulator file:
SHARE Partition -> system\configs\mupen64\mupen64plus.cfg
Emulator shortcuts: Close game, save / load state, screenshot, etc. (You can see how to set up your own shortcuts in the attached images):
# ---------- Starts at line 138 ---------- # Joystick event string for stopping the emulator Joy Mapping Stop = "J0B8/B9" # Joystick event string for switching between fullscreen/windowed modes Joy Mapping Fullscreen = "" # Joystick event string for saving the emulator state Joy Mapping Save State = "J0B10/B3" # Joystick event string for loading the emulator state Joy Mapping Load State = "J0B10/B2" # Joystick event string for advancing the save state slot Joy Mapping Increment Slot = "J0B10/B13" # Joystick event string for resetting the emulator Joy Mapping Reset = "" # Joystick event string for slowing down the emulator Joy Mapping Speed Down = "J0B8/B14" # Joystick event string for speeding up the emulator Joy Mapping Speed Up = "J0B8/B13" # Joystick event string for taking a screenshot Joy Mapping Screenshot = "J0B10/B7" # Joystick event string for pausing the emulator Joy Mapping Pause = "" # Joystick event string for muting/unmuting the sound Joy Mapping Mute = "" # Joystick event string for increasing the volume Joy Mapping Increase Volume = "" # Joystick event string for decreasing the volume Joy Mapping Decrease Volume = "" # Joystick event string for fast-forward Joy Mapping Fast Forward = "" # Joystick event string for advancing by one frame when paused Joy Mapping Frame Advance = "" # Joystick event string for pressing the game shark button Joy Mapping Gameshark = "" # ---------- Ends at line 169 ---------- 
My Nintendo 64 Koriki shortcuts:
  • Menu + Y -> Saves the game quickly (Be careful not to save at the wrong time);
  • Menu + X -> Quickly reloads the save;
  • Select + Start -> Closes the emulator / game;
  • Menu + D-Pad Up -> Increases the save/load state slot, 0-9, after 9 returns to 0;
  • Select + D-Pad Up -> Speeding up the emulator;
  • Select + D-Pad Down -> Slowing down the emulator;
  • Menu + R2 -> Screenshot;
I could also have included to restart the emulatogame, in which case it would be Menu + A -> J0B10/B0.
Now we'll configure the buttons on the Nintendo 64 controller. I've left them the same as I configured them in Batocera OS, but Koriki has a different way of configuring them. This configuration, in the file, is below the code block above. (You can see how to set up your own shortcuts in the attached images):
# ---------- Starts at line 172 ---------- [Input-SDL-Control1] Version = 2 mode = 0 device = 0 name = "b'RG35XX Gamepad'" plugged = True plugin = 2 AnalogDeadzone = "0,0" AnalogPeak = "32768,32768" mouse = False Mempak switch = "" Rumblepak switch = "" A Button = "button(1)" B Button = "button(3)" C Button U = "button(7)" C Button D = "button(8)" C Button R = "button(0)" C Button L = "button(2)" Start = "button(9)" L Trig = "button(4)" R Trig = "button(5)" Z Trig = "button(6)" DPad U = "button(13)" DPad D = "button(14)" DPad R = "button(16)" DPad L = "button(15)" Y Axis = "button(13,14)" X Axis = "button(15,16)" # ---------- Ends at line 200 ---------- 
My Nintendo 64 buttons x RG35XX:
  • A Blue button -> B;
  • B Green button -> Y;
  • C Button Up (Yellow) -> R2;
  • C Button Down (Yellow) -> Select;
  • C Button Right (Yellow) -> A;
  • C Button Left (Yellow) -> X;
  • Left Trigger -> L1;
  • Right Trigger -> R1;
  • Z Trigger -> L2;
  • Start Red -> Start;
Wow, this post took more work than the Batocera OS one, but I hope it helps you.
Have fun! o/
More Nintendo 64 info's: Play and Config N64 on Batocera OS About Ocarina About Majora's
submitted by nkReDz to RG35XX [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:25 Gyrobreaker script/gui etc edit files not opening at all after the finickings of a silly computer illiterate person, need some assistance / help

when i started up ren'py it asked me what i'd like to access the script with & clicked one of those 'open with (x)' suggestions on accident and then all my script ended up opening on firefox, so i thought i could resolve that issue by deleting the program (* i was merely playing around and had no important info saved, i didnt loose anything) and redownloading it. however, it continued on instead of showing me the normal script screen. then it started opening up with java, which is screwed up on my computer too so i removed it and tried again. now when i click edit files nothing happens at all. has anyone encountered this and does anyone know how to make the edit files area open again? thank you!
submitted by Gyrobreaker to RenPy [link] [comments]

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