Digestive system of fish worksheet

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

2015.08.23 19:41 ngle Eosinophilic Esophagitis

This reddit is for the discussion of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). Eosinophilic esophagitis related news, stories of coping, and everything else associated with the disease.

2010.02.17 20:32 cheek_blushener Aquaponics

The symbiotic cultivation of plants and aquatic animals in a recirculating environment. Below are some relevant links and subreddits - consider them as well when you are posting or looking for additional information.

2020.09.14 06:11 koallary tsevhu

Tsevhu [tsɛˈβu] n. constructed art-language made by u/koallary centered around the basis of a free-order volition controlled grammar system and a hidden, non-linear writing system created using koi fish and ripples. https://discord.com/invite/YFjGFbu9RX

2024.05.01 03:55 Smileforcaroline Hemoglobin of 5, no signs of detected heart failure.

Before a month ago, I was perfectly fine besides the extremely low hemoglobin level I was living with for two years. The only issues I had were I could only walk from my room to my bathroom, my room to the living room, living room down the stairs to my car, and back up to living room, then to my room. Just those little distances had me taking about a minute and a half to catch my breath, heart beating really hard. Besides that, absolutely no symptoms. Until a month ago, when all of this started. I wrote the following from memory as best I could from the first day to the day I got treated.
I know this is long winded and may be kind of hard to follow, to my dad it’s really clear bc he lived it with me, but to my sister she said some people might have trouble following. Regardless, I am not distrustful of doctors. And I know it’s very specific, but that’s just because it’s an account of how it happened, how I came to the conclusions I came to, and how I know I was experiencing a certain symptom.
I know it’s not easy to take peoples word at face value, but I’m not a paranoid person. I just know my body extremely well. Any change in it, any pattern and I will notice it. & what I was going through is hard to mistake as I was completely bed bound, awake for days at a time bc there was no position I could sit or lay in to help. I feel like I’m constantly being gaslit as if I didn’t go through any of this. I have no reason to have faked these extreme symptoms for a month, as you’ll see it took a full month of this to get me to go to a hospital, and in the end I was forced by my dad and sister….
I had a hemoglobin level of 5 about a month ago, & I was living like that for years, then I woke up one morning extremely bloated like a balloon, & my arms & legs were weak & any position I tried to lay in, I’d wake up gasping for breath or my blood pressure would instantly drop & then come back, I stayed like this for 2 days hoping it would just stop & it didn’t. So I went to hospital & they told me my hemoglobin was 5 but that my heart was fine bc my blood pressure & echocardiogram came back normal. So I got one bag of blood then left the hospital for person reasons.
When I went home, I completely deteriorated. It started with my heart not being able to beat strong enough when I layed down, especially flat on my back. (I have a really bad wound on my foot), I was retaining an insane amount of fluid & the more fluid I retained, the harder it was to find a position where my blood would circulate well enough, so I kept losing oxygen. The more oxygen I lost, the more issues I had. I couldn’t sleep for days trying to find the right position to get oxygen, it felt like I was suffocating or drowning in my own blood. If I was too exhausted and tried to force my body to stay in a position I wasn’t getting oxygen, my body would force me awake w a gasp or my limbs would just move on their own. If I found the right position & slept in it, I’d wake up feeling much better, but the second my body and organs were waking up, the issues would start again. If I forced myself to sleep in the positions I wasn’t getting oxygen & didn’t move regardless of my body trying to get me to, by morning i was experiencing hypoxia. I was dizzy, confused, had extreme difficulty breathing, it felt exactly what it feels like when you suffocate but you just aren’t dead. I was seeing flashes of white and floaties, I couldn’t talk right, I couldn’t think straight. So I began to think this was full on heart failure bc all the symptoms matched. I found out the fluid buildup is what was making it even harder for my blood to circulate & that indicated kidney issues bc it was holding onto any sodium I ingested & wasn’t doing enough to expel the fluids from my body, so I started taking over the counter diuretics to help & I stopped eating any sodium At all so my kidney wouldn’t hold onto it. The only position I was able to sit in was on my computer chair with my feet flat on the ground I could even lean left or right or move an inch. Everytime I urinated I was able to breathe a little easier. You could literally instantly feel the relief. I began taking supplements/ nutritious foods to help my body work. Iron, fish oil, potassium, beet juice, oranges, apples, avacados, fish, yogurt, bananas, carrot juice, pomegranate juice (organic), celery, & these were the only foods I was eating. When my blood pressure would get high, it would make everything instantly worse, much harder to breathe. I smoke 2 packs a day normally & I couldn’t smoke one drag of a cigarette without worsening my symptoms ten fold. I was scared to drink water or fluids bc my body would just hold on to them at normal levels, but I’d have no choice but to keep drinking enough to flush my kidneys bc they weren’t doing it on their own so I’d have to take a diuretic & keep drinking water until I urinated enough bc my kidneys weren’t cleaning the toxins from my system it was making my chest tighten and blood pressure issues to get worse. Once I’d urinate enough until it was clear colored, Id feel a lot better. My legs had gotten extremely extremely swollen and were holding most of the fluid in my body, my blood would pool, especially in the foot with the wound, I’d have to put my legs up and then down to help myself breathe, bc it was helping my blood to move. I looked up ways to get rid of fluid retention and found a lymphatic massage which I followed to get the fluid into my arms, & the next day when I woke up my arm was as big as my legs so I knew it actually worked which surprised me bc I didn’t think it would do much but I couldn’t get it to go to my right arm too bc I only have a right hand, my left arm is amputated from the elbow. It took some relief off my legs but not nearly enough and it actually made the breathing even worse bc now the fluid was closer to my lungs. I would not get a wink of sleep for days trying to find a position where I wasn’t suffocating, all that lack of oxygen was causing hypoxia & after ever time I experienced severe lack of oxygen & hypoxia, another organ would stop functioning as well. Anyway, after so long I flushed my kidneys so much that I was completely depleted of sodium. I know this bc over the course of about 18 hours I urinated 2 buckets, I literally could only rest for about 10-20 min before I would have to pee again and this was without any diuretics, at first I was okay with it bc the less fluids i had the better I felt & was able to breathe much better. (I forgot to add that by this point, my heart had gotten much worse and couldn’t even pump blood while I was sitting up, so finding a position by this point was nearly impossible) by the end I was so insanely tired of going to the bathroom and anything I tried to eat or drink would not absorb in my body it would just be peed right out. It was causing severe pressure in my brain, it felt like my brain was swelling. I threw up a bunch of beet juice. I had severe nausea. My head was pounding, I couldn’t stand up. Doing research through all of this was really hard for me with what i was going through, but i eventually realized it was hyponatremia and I just needed salt. So then I had to figure out how to balance the salt in my body which wasn’t as easy as it sounded. (I also went through symptoms days before of high acid in my blood which was another sign that my kidneys weren’t functioning properly, I took tums by accident while I was trying to figure out what was wrong and i instantly felt a little better that’s when I was able to find out sodium bicarbonate is needed to clean the acid out of your blood, so i also was taking that whenever I felt those symptoms) so for the salt, first I had just gotten some salami from the fridge and I would eat one piece at a time trying to slowly give myself salt throughout the day, I had complications w that, then I saw that you could drink Gatorade or anything with electrolytes to fix it, so my dad got me electrolyte drinks and after 3 of them I was feeling much much better, it says to them incorporate salt into your diet after you feel stable again, and I took that as eating the amount of salt I used to eat, which was dead wrong, I ended up eating a quarter of a burrito from chipotle & once again my brain felt like it was swelling & I had all the same symptoms again so I knew I messed up trying to balance for my kidneys again but this time was another bout of constant urine until it started to smell, the second it started smelling I suddenly couldn’t eat anything at all, anything I had been eating fruits, vegetables, even beet juice, even the smallest bit of an orange if I tried to eat it would make my chest tight, blood pressure spike, more pressure in my head. I was sitting on Komode in my room too sick to do research to figure out what was wrong this time, but after a while I was able to research low blood sugar, i wasn’t totally sure but I felt I was dying and I had to take a chance and I happened to have jolly ranchers in my desk right next to me and the second I put one in my mouth I started feeling better. So at that point I had figured out the issue was now my pancreas. I didn’t know much about pancreatic issues (I was gonna be a doctor before I dropped out of college so I am really good at anatomy) but my symptoms pointed to the pancreas. When there is too much pressure on the kidneys the pancreas apparently starts having issues too. The smell in my urine was amylase, I was having pain in my right front side and in the back, I couldn’t eat anything. So the treatment for that was to completely stop drinking fluids and eating completely. I did this for 24 hours hoping it would be enough then I only ate pancreas friendly foods which for me was pineapple, but it was too early to eat and it caused issues again. My blood sugar got low again and my dad gave me a spoon full of honey which made me feel better & ur supposed to have protein after to stabilize the sugar, my dumbass asked for eggs, forgetting the yolk has fats in it which you are not supposed to eat w pancreatic issues, so once I ate the eggs I felt bad again. By this time I was so fed up with my body not working and having consequences to every little thing I put in it, I was excessively hungry from all the fluid loss plus it’s another symptom of pancreatic issues, another symptom is irritability and anger, and I got so mad at my own body I decided to pretend nothing was wrong I just wanted to eat some walnuts and once again it made things worse making me more angry so my DA said f it is gonna smoke a cig while I’m at it & im not going to move all night looking for a position with oxygen so that night I severely severely deprived my body of oxygen. I was just soo soo beyond exhausted, when I woke up I had the worst hypoxia I had had so far. I knew the damage was wayyy too far gone now. I was full on suffocating no matter what position I was in, & I still refused to go to hospital and my dad was worried so he did some research and found something called boost oxygen it’s 95% inhalants oxygen and the second I started using it it brought back oxygen to my head, my foot, my left arm, my left artery was so tight I couldn’t move my neck to the left- it made that feel better too, all my extremities that were fully deprived of oxygen suddenly were feeling a lot better. It made my lungs work better too but it was still like I could feel the tissue death in them, like they were holding the normal amount of air but it felt weird…hard to explain. I knew I was gonna end up in the hospital soon. That night I ran out of the boost oxygen I fell right back into the hypoxia, my dad had to rush to Walgreens at 1130 at night to get more and I spent the next couple days using this oxygen to keep me hanging on by a thread. I woke up one of those days my stomach/abdomen was distended, I wasn’t digesting any food, I couldn’t urinate no matter how hard I tried, my organs were making gurgling noises, and this is the only part I’m unsure of. I was having severe pressure in my neck at this point for days, and now when I was sleeping or trying to sleep, my breathing would stop as if it was no longer involuntary, and I would have to manually breathe to get it going again, then it would happen again. I was also having sleep apnea during all of this. So at this point I was feeling like my lungs were going to collapse, and that finally made me scared enough to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Yet once the emts came my blood pressure was normal and my pulse ox was 100, so they didn’t believe I was going through anything I was saying I did. Once I got to the hospital I had a male doctor & the second I told him I think I’m in organ failure he was combative and just wanted to prove me wrong and he condescendingly asked how I know that and anything I said he just didn’t believe. Then they did some blood tests and another male doctor came back and said none of my organs were in failure, my kidney & pancreas levels were slightly off but nothing crazy, they acted as if none of my symptoms made any sense especially since my pulse ox was normal. The only thing they could find wrong was my anemia level of 5 that I had been living with for 2-3 years. I told them to please test my heart, I figured it had to show up on at least an angiogram. They tested everything and said my heart was fine. They gave me 2 bags of blood and I was feeling a tonnn better but I was still feeling shortness of breath, pressure on my chest, everytime they injected anything into my iv even saline my chest would tighten, i was still getting bouts of dizziness, & every time I told them these issues they did nothing. Just “ok”, oh, your heartbeat is constantly rapid? Okay. Oh it feels like someone is pushing you into quicksand when you try to sleep? Ok. I talked to my doctor after they did every heart test and I was upset I said why is it that none of you care to explain any of my symptoms as if they didn’t and aren’t still happening? You only care about what you can see on a test, but that doesn’t change the fact i went through and am still feeling these symptoms. She said “we’ve done every test and there’s nothing wrong with your heart to explain your symptoms” I said ok I believe you there’s nothing wrong with my heart but is there anything at all that can explain the symptoms I’m having? And she pretty much said no or that these issues are hard and sometimes it takes longer for other symptoms to show up. So she completely gaslit me, and I started questioning myself. But when I got home from the hospital and remembered everything I went through the last month day by day I knew that I felt what I felt, so I went to read more about anemia and severely low anemia like I had explains my symptoms ALONE, yet none of them ever said that. When I told them I wasn’t getting enough oxygen they acted like it made no sense when it’s KNOWN hemoglobin carries oxygen to your body & when it’s low it makes the heart work harder and my hemoglobin was FIIIIVVVVEE. Like WDYM you don’t know why I’m having these symptoms? When my pulse ox came back 100 (which still confuses me as to how it could’ve been 100 when my hemoglobin was so low) they acted like my symptoms were so far fetched and how the more I read about it the more I’m insanely confused as to why they didn’t attribute my symptoms to my anemia? I get that I was wrong thinking my heart was in full failure, but anemia also causes heart DYSFUNCTION that is reversible once you get more blood. Some heart tests were before I got blood and some were after. My question is is there any reason my tests could have been coming up as normal? And why did my doctors act like my symptoms made no sense simply because my heart tests came up normal?
I know I waited much too long to get treatment, but it’s bc I truly hate dealing with doctors and nurses and not being listened to.
submitted by Smileforcaroline to Heartfailure [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:46 MetaDragon_27 I would like to introduce you to my new original creature: the Prisk!

In order of appearance: Crested Prisk - Blue-footed Prisk - Webbed Prisk
Prisks are a variety of lizard indigenous to the world of Artescan. The three species shown above are the most common varieties, but other subset varieties exist. Each major variety fills a unique ecological niche.
The Crested Prisks are the largest of the bunch, and live primarily on rocky mountaintops and sheer cliff faces. They use their barbed tails and feet to climb and secure themselves while they await their prey - birds - to come just a bit too close. They then shoot something like a chameleon tongue at it to catch it.
The Blue-footed Prisks are a burrowing variant that lives in elaborate tunnel systems underground. They will eat rocks, dirt, and anything else they dig up, digest the nutrients within - bacteria, insects, etc. - then regurgitate whatever’s left.
The Webbed Prisks are most commonly seen by humans, and are frequently domesticated for a variety of uses, from companionship to harvesting. Being the smallest and tamest of the bunch, they make great housepets. Their mucus also serves as an excellent organic sunscreen.
I am happy to share more information on any of the variants on request. :)
submitted by MetaDragon_27 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:14 ar_david_hh Artsvashen \\ French aerospace, cybersecurity, industry talks \\ Russian remittances down, Armenian wages up \\ 1991 vs 1993 borders; Yunusov & Delimitation \\ TV regulator: Armenian & foreign content; Piracy \\ European Commission; Solar deal \\ Orban's block \\ Unholy punch \\ World Trade Center

22-minute read to cover the latest developments in Armenia beyond headlines.

Azeri public continues to discuss the possible return or exchange of Armenian exclave Artsvashen currently under Azerbaijani control

Context in Monday news digest. A ranking member of Azerbaijani parliament suggested returning Artsvashen to Armenia in exchange for the Azeri exclaves, or swapping them so each side can keep what it currently controls. An Azeri analyst called it dangerous to allow Armenians to return to Artsvashen because he believes it would make the entire territory of Azerbaijan "up to Ganja" vulnerable.
AZERI JOURNALIST (Fatima Movlamli): There are currently [Azeri] military positions near the entrance of the village [Artsvashen]. Although the local population is not strictly checked upon entry and exit, some control appears to be in place. The army checks "strangers". The village is also observed from far away. All the houses are empty; they are crumbling. There is no one around. The only people you see are nearby villagers who take their cattle to [Artsvashen's] pasture.
NEARBY AZERI VILLAGER: I visit the [Armenian] village to feed my cattle and my family. If they give it to Armenians, it will be my end. This is our source of bread, and these areas will no longer be safe for us. Many of us rely on these territories for a living. There is total unemployment and none of us have other jobs. We will have to emigrate if they give this village.
NATIN JAFARLI (ReAl party): There are two reasons why the village was not populated [by Azeris, after the capture in 1992]. The first is for legal reasons because Armenia could claim it's their land and demand compensation. There are also socio-economic components that have forced the population to migrate to Baku over the past 30 years. If there was a normal socio-economic policy, there would be no migration. It's not easy to create social infrastructure in Bashkend [Artsvashen] for natural reasons. If we decide to swap the enclaves, then referendums must be held in both countries. Can you imagine the Armenian police or army marching 30 kilometers deep into Azerbaijan? It doesn't sound realistic. The same about Azeris entering the exclaves inside Armenia. How will you guarantee the population's food, banking, communication, gas, etc.? It doesn't seem realistic.
ELKHAN SHAHINOGLU (Atlas research center): Even if Armenians return our 4 villages [presumably within Azeri exclaves], it will be difficult for Azeris to live in them because we will be forced to reach the villages through Armenia. The same is true if we transfer [Artsvashen] to Armenia. Therefore, I believe this issue can be resolved if the lands are exchanged.
AZERI RESIDENT: I used to work as a nurse in [Artsvashen]. I remember how I attempted to save the lives of the soldiers who captured it. I don't want it to be returned to Armenia because I'm concerned that the same events will repeat. Nothing good will happen if Armenians return here. This place connects Shinikhi to the entire Ganja region. Should we allow Armenians to stand between the two? I'm 65 so the future generations will have to live here but no one will dare to come if they hear about the presence of Armenians.

Azerbaijan is still reluctant to include the Almaty Declaration in the final peace agreement despite the April 19 separate agreement to use it for border demarcation

FM MIRZOYAN: Recently we agreed that the demarcation should take place on the basis of the Almaty Declaration and the Regulations of the border commissions should also refer to the Almaty. This is one of the principles, and if we manage to include Almaty in the peace agreement, then we will get very close to a final resolution. Our neighbor is still reluctant to make a clear reference to the Almaty Declaration in the peace treaty, which is a more comprehensive document.
The second issue is with the unblocking of communication routes. Armenia is ready to become a part of the international transit route. The Crossroads of Peace will benefit Armenia and the entire region. Turkey and Azerbaijan would also benefit by connecting East and West. If this is implemented, it will be another interesting way to connect the Persian Gulf countries with the Black Sea economic region.
QUESTION: You froze your participation in CSTO. Do you plan to join NATO?
MIRZOYAN: We do not want to be part of a dysfunctional mechanism [CSTO]. But we are still a CSTO member so it's necessary to take steps to make it function; we are discussing the issues on the AM-RU agenda. Simultaneously we have launched a process to strengthen AM-West relations and to diversify Armenia's economy.
source, video,

interview with Azeri opposition activist-in-exile Arif Yunusov

REPORTER: Azerbaijan had long refused to use 1991 Almaty for delimitation but on April 19 they agreed to launch the process based on Almaty. Why did they change their position?
YUNUSOV: Because of the problems Aliyev developed with the West. When Blinken makes a phone call, that means extensive work was done prior to the call. The issue of sanctions raised earlier this year was also raised after months of work. The collective West is pressuring Azerbaijan. We have entered the decisive phase of the West-Russia confrontation. The physical fights are taking place in Ukraine, while diplomatic wars rage in the South Caucasus.
Russia attempted on several occasions to destabilize Armenia's internal stability by using Azerbaijan but their efforts have failed and there hasn't been any serious escalation on the AM-AZ border. Pashinyan was not exaggerating the possibility of a war in Tavush a few months ago; there was indeed a real threat. However, the likelihood is much lower now and Azerbaijan has given its approval to launch the delimitation process. The ongoing delimitation process is part of the effort to regulate AM-AZ relations and push Russia out of the region.
REPORTER: Blinken spoke on Sunday with Aliyev and Pashinyan. I'm under the impression that this AM-AZ delimitation, despite being called "bilateral", is actually being moderated by the US.
YUNUSOV: Absolutely agree. Aliyev has a lengthy history of rejecting many Western efforts and being close with Putin, so the fact that he didn't reject it this time indicates serious pressure from the West. By the way, Aliyev became president in February but Biden hasn't congratulated him yet. For Aliyev, it's very important to receive a congratulation personally from Biden.
The US is moderating this process step-by-step. This process began in 2022 when Pashinyan recognized Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan; that was part of the US plan to normalize AM-AZ relations. Under this plan, Azerbaijan announced the formation of a commission to "integrate" Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians. Obviously, it all changed later and the US officials began to raise the issue of Aliyev being too close to Russia and about a need to pull him away from Putin. It appears the US is gradually getting what it wants because the US's role in this demarcation process is huge.
REPORTER: Is this also why Azerbaijan asked Russia to withdraw its military base from Nagorno-Karabakh? Was it under the US pressure?
YUNUSOV: I'm not entirely sure about the full details behind their withdrawal. I don't even know if they are truly being withdrawn because there is a motive to calm the Azerbaijani public that's anti-Russian.
There is also the fact that Russia was unable to deploy those peacekeepers on the AM-AZ border and push out the EU border monitoring mission from Armenia. Russia attempted to achieve this in December 2023 during a meeting in St. Petersburg but Pashinyan rejected Putin's efforts. Moreover, Pashinyan said that Armenia is no longer interested in the fate of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh and that this topic must be resolved between Russia and Azerbaijan. This was followed by Pashinyan's order to remove Russian agents from Yerevan's airport by August 2024. So Russia's effort to pressure Armenia with the hands of Azerbaijan has totally failed.
It's a strange situation, the withdrawal of peacekeepers. We don't know how many were removed and how many remain. I do not have information that the US pressured Azerbaijan to remove the Russian peacekeepers. [audio cuts off] The US is only strong when there is Armenia, during meetings, and we tend to receive information whenever Armenia is part of a negotiation process, whereas Azerbaijan-Russia talks are more secretive.
It appears Russia is withdrawing the equipment first because they need it ahead of the May offensive in Ukraine, before possibly a wider withdrawal by September.
Regarding the demarcation of the AM-AZ border, Russia understands that if the parties reach an agreement, that could mean the end of Russian presence in the South Caucasus. The AM-AZ border is a geopolitical issue. Russia will publicly formally welcome the delimitation efforts but it's not in their interest.
REPORTER: Why is France silent about the April 19 delimitation agreement?
YUNUSOV: France has adopted the correct position. First of all, Western states coordinate their policies [including on delimitation], but in each region, each Western state takes up a different position. For example, on the Ukraine issue, France provides support to Ukraine but the main locomotive is the US. In the South Caucasus, it's the opposite: the US provides the moderation efforts while the main locomotive - in this case, support for Armenia - is France. There is a crisis in FR-AZ relations. So France doesn't want to hinder the delimitation effort by intervening; they let the US handle it. There is currently an anti-French hysteria in Azerbaijan. The French endorsement of the AM-AZ delimitation agreement would be a big blow to the process.

ruling party rejects opposition's motion to conduct the AM-AZ border delimitation based on 1993 "de facto" borders instead of 1991 Almaty borders

Context and debates in April 23 news digest. The opposition is against delimiting borders with the 1991 Almaty maps.
The opposition accuses the ruling party of serving Turkey's interests while the ruling party accuses the opposition of attempting to derail the 1991 delimitation process so they can drag Armenia into a new conflict before bringing the Russian "empire" as a savior to establish their rule in Armenia.
One thing that struck the ruling party's nerves was the opposition's narrative that "Armenia ends where the Armenian soldier stands". The ruling party believes that this principle is both dangerously expansionist [in the case of 2.5 Azeri villages] and would also endanger the fate of occupied Armenian lands. "We have a clear border with Azerbaijan, and it must be reproduced on the ground," said a ranking ruling party MP. Yesterday the government said over 50% of the task was done on a section of the Tavush-Gazakh border.
In response to the opposition's accusations that the ruling party serving the interests of Azerbaijan by "surrendering lands", a ruling MP accused the opposition of pressuring the government to surrender a corridor to Russia and Azerbaijan.
RULING MP: Mr. Sharmazanov [ex-president Serj's party] routinely says the quiet part out loud. At first, he spoke about the need to give a corridor [to Azerbaijan and Russia, via Syunik], and more recently he made another fantastic statement. Sharmazanov said "a homeland is eternal while a state is variable. The state's borders can expand or shrink." This stems from their mentality that today they are MPs of the Armenian parliament but tomorrow they could just as easily be Russian Duma MPs, representing the Armyanski Oblast. This is the clash of values: a stable state with borders vs. a "homeland" with variable borders. For us, the Republic of Armenia is irreplaceable and the independence of Armenia is non-negotiable. //
source, video, source, source,

the independent TV & radio regulator was summoned to parliament to report the 2023 activities

REGULATOR: Last year the broadcasters under our watch operated freely, without government intervention. The TV outlets stated that they were not pressured or obstructed by any branch of the government to limit their freedom of expression.
The issue persists with misinformation and hate speech, but our 3-year-long monitoring reveals that this negative content has been significantly reduced in public multiplex. This positive trend has multiple reasons, including our Committee's fight against the abuse of "freedom of speech". This type of negative content has, by in large, moved from television to the internet and social media.
We are strongly against the government's electoral code amendment that required private media outlets to allocate a limited number of free hours to candidates during electoral campaigns. How is this different from requiring gas stations to provide free gas to candidates? The media outlets are deprived of hours that they could use to generate income.
We've been calling for reforms in the law regulating the media. The 2020 law on liberalizing media regulations is a welcoming change. The field is free, with minimal intervention from the Committee (regulator) or the government.
However, this liberalization also endangers Armenia's media security. For example, foreign channels broadcasted over Armenia's public multiplex and cable often spread content illegal under Armenian law and against the Republic of Armenia's interests. The law does not grant the Committee enough powers to curtail this. At the moment, the Committee has jurisdiction over public multiplex TV and licensed radio channels only. This creates an uneven competition field with channels broadcasted over the net, which do not have to follow the same rules. Under European directives, a minimal level of regulation of internet content has become a requirement for European countries. We advise the government to follow European practices.
The public often wonders what share of cable TV content is in Armenian or made in Armenia. Our research reveals the content based on the country of origin: Armenian 71 (vs 68 last year), Russian 174 (vs 167), European 75, American 38, Other 15. As you can see, relevant parties should take steps to increase the share of Armenian content.
We have very important progress in another metric: Armenian-language programs aired over Armenian channels, nationwide or in Yerevan. The Armenian-language programs accounted for 95% of the air. This includes foreign content translated into Armenian or with Armenian subtitles.
2018: <60%
2020: 79%
2021: 81%
2023: 95%
We have progress in another important area. Over the last 3-4 years, on the public multiplex, the share of partisan ideological content has been gradually replaced by content more beneficial to the general public. For example, (1) we now have a sports program that promotes the development of local sports and provides coverage of local events. (2) We have a family channel called Noor available in Yerevan. Despite some challenges and flaws, they are doing their best to establish themselves as a family channel. (3) We have an educational channel Bun. (4) We have a music channel Dar21.
By in large, the public multiplex still falls short of delivering what we envisage. We believe the time has come to adopt a new state strategy on media to prevent a crisis. We could have a crisis because the state has too many regulations and not enough incentives to allow channels to use their slots to generate income and produce quality content.
We fear that during the next auction for slots in 2027, several slots could be left uncontested, which could pave the way for the entry of propagandistic channels or clearly weak channels unable to deliver quality content. If the channels fail to generate income, they could also be sold to foreign buyers. Therefore, some channels could begin to serve the interests of foreign states and serve foreign propaganda to Armenian citizens.
We advise the government to...
(1) reduce the number of channels on public multiplex. It's an unreasonably high number for a country size of Armenia. Fewer public multiplex channels means each channel would receive more ad dollars, which would raise the quality of content.
(2) establish a media assistance fund to incentivize quality content over the public multiplex.
How do we monitor media channels for compliance? The monitoring phase lasts 2 months per year. In Lithuania and Georgia, it's 1 month. The rest of the time the monitoring is done by NGOs, the public, and other institutions.
We penalized 34 companies for broadcasting pirated content. This is a shamefully high number. There are unfortunately companies that do not respect intellectual property. The only option left is to ramp up the enforcement. The atmosphere of impunity among channels is driven by the fact that the size of the penalty is only $130, which is a lot less than what they'd spend on obtaining the rights to the content.
We've been enforcing rules more vigorously, and in 2023 alone there were 64 administrative proceedings. In comparison, between 2011-2018 there were a total of 17 such proceedings.
2011-2018: 17
2021: 84
2023: 64
Reasons for administrative proceedings: copyright violation, illegal ads, content harmful to children, gore & violence, cussing on air, failure to meet the minimum threshold of 20% for certain types of content, etc.
In December we made a decision to suspend the re-broadcasting of [Russian] Sputnik Radio for a month. We were accused of violating their free speech [by Armenia's opposition factions], however, the radio's leadership visited Armenia, apologized for their content, and agreed to exclude the violating show [Kremlin propagandist Tigran Keosayan] from their programming aired in Armenia. We lifted the suspension.
Once again, the Committee reminds that it will suspend any foreign outlet that broadcasts content that spreads hatred towards the Republic of Armenia or its people, interferes with Armenia's internal affairs, questions Armenia's sovereignty, or engages in provocative actions.
Along with increased enforcement, we also have more complaints filed against our decisions in courts, which shows that the enforcement & appeals process is functioning freely. Sometimes we lose these trials. We learn and gain experience.
We recently signed the first-ever agreement with a country outside Eurasia. The agreement with friendly Argentina's state media agency will allow Armenia's public channel to film a big սերիալ.
The Committee is cooperating with the high-tech ministry to use AI in our work to save resources and raise efficiency.
ASSYRIAN-ARMENIAN MP: The law requires television to provide content in the Assyrian language. Similar programs exist for Yezidis but not Assyrians.
REGULATOR: The law requires the content to be either in Assyrian language or about Assyrian culture. The latter requirement was met.
ASSYRIAN-ARMENIAN MP: But we would like to hear content, speech, in Assyrian language.
REGULATOR: We want to do that by requiring local television channels [presumably where Assyrians mostly live] to provide content in Assyrian language, rather than requiring the public channel to broadcast that content nationwide, because the vast majority of nationwide consumers would not be able to consume content in a language they do not speak. It should be more targeted. Assyrian subtitles on public nationwide channels are also an option so submit your suggestion and we'll negotiate with H1.
RULING MP: I welcome your decision to take action against [Kremlin's] Solovyov and Keosayan for their anti-Armenian and anti-Armenian Republic content, but people wonder why you don't take similar measures against others, like [Kremlin's] Kisilyov. What have you done in this regard and what suggestions have you sent to the high-tech ministry?
REGULATOR: Our Committee has the authority to suspend re-broadcasted radio channels, as in the case of Sputnik, but we cannot suspend television channels. We can only send complaints to the high-tech ministry so they can take action against TV channels based on the AM-RU interstate agreement. We have been frequently sending reports to our high-tech ministry, and after 3 years of inaction, they finally decided to take steps recently. You already know about their actions against Solovyov's content. The ministry is working with Russia to replace the [empty] Solovyov timeslot with other cultural or entertainment content. You can forget about Solovyov. As a reminder, this program was banned in Armenia not for being "anti-Armenian", which is a vague term, but for violating specific laws of Armenia. They often call for violence, incite steps to launch a war, etc. Even Armenian channels are not allowed to broadcast such content. We need to revise the AM-RU interstate agreement to grant the Committee more powers to regulate foreign channels as well. In the future, we should entirely ban all foreign channels on Armenia's public multiplex.
RULING MP: What is Shoghakat TV, who owns it, and does its content meet the requirements? [It's the channel operated by the church]
REGULATOR: Shoghakat was formerly called a religious-cultural channel. Under the new law, it must broadcast cultural-educational content; its genre legally is not religious-cultural. A recent study shows that the share of religious content is too high and it must be reduced by raising the share of cultural-educational programs to meet the requirements. The channel is receiving funds from the state and must therefore meet the cultural-educational programming requirements.
RULING MP: In other words, Shoghakat is a public channel, at least in part financed by the taxpayers, and does not provide the content it is legally required to? Religious content is not a bad thing but we must be mindful of the state resources.
REGULATOR: It's co-financed by the church and state. Shoghakat is also operating from a building owned by the church, and not the public TV.
OPPO MP: Isn't it time to also regulate the TV channels' social media accounts on Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok? They get more views than the content aired over the public multiplex. Children consume dangerous content on YouTube and TikTok. There are countries that are attempting to regulate it. Can Armenia do this? There are also unlicensed channels on the internet that spread whatever they want. How do we regulate all of this?
REGULATOR: This morning the EU's Ursula von der Leyen announced the possibility of banning TikTok in the EU. The same about the US. Even the most democratic states restrict platforms that pose a danger to their societies. It will be expensive to technologically restrict these platforms in Armenia but we must consider any measure that would protect the Armenian society. Armenia is falling behind the EU directives in terms of content restrictions.
OPPO MP: Today a 9-year-old boy sees as many naked girls in one day as the world's richest sultan throughout his whole life. This is going to have a negative impact on children. The same about narcotics. When are we going to amend the law to regulate this?
REGULATOR: In the case of the 9 y/o boy, the most important institutions are the school, parents, and the surrounding environment. As for regulating the media field, I've been saying this for 4 years and this appears to be a bipartisan issue so let's get together and decide how to regulate it.
RULING MP: Under the existing media regulation law, foreign companies are not allowed to operate a cable service in Armenia. Why is Rostelecom able to operate? Should we lift the ban on all foreign firms or should we ban Rostelecom?
REGULATOR: I believe they meet the requirement by not owning over 49% of the company shares. I believe 51% of their shares belong to an Armenian resident company. In their defense, Rostelecom has voluntarily banned Solovyov's show in Armenia.
full report, source,

անախորժ միջադեպ պառլամենտի բակում

The bodyguard of Armenia/ARF MP Levon Kocharyan, the son of ex-president Robert Kocharyan, is accused of punching and knocking down a journalist in the backyard of the parliament building after the outlet's criticism of opposition churchman and his portrayal as a corrupt agent of Russia.
REPORTER (Davit Levonyan, civic.am, affiliated with ruling party): After finishing an interview with a ruling party MP, I noticed that Levon Kocharyan's assistant/bodyguard Arthur Sukoyan was waiting nearby. He approached me and asked to speak for 2 minutes. I asked my operator to stand a bit further from us so we could talk. The bodyguard attempted to provoke a fight. He was unhappy about my opinion about churchman Bagrat [the co-organizer of the opposition's road closures in Tavush] and he said my actions were blasphemy. I said dear Arthur I have the right to free speech and I don't force my opinion on others, and that he can express his own opinion and that I don't really care about his opinion. He went on to escalate it into a physical fight in a way to present it as "two boys fighting" rather than hooliganism. He began to cuss at me. I said, "If you think I'm that type of person then I can say the same about you". I never punched him, knowing well that it was a provocation. He punched me and knocked me to the ground. I got up and cussed at him but chose not to fight. I told him that "you and the likes of you will answer for this". I wanted to verify whose assistant he was so he said Kocharyan's, and he invited me to his office to "settle the dispute". I told him to get the hell out of here and that he will answer later pa lyubomu.
QUESTION: Were there witnesses and is there a video recording?
REPORTER: My operator witnessed it and it was in front of the parliament building's security cameras. //
The alleged suspect, Arthur Sukoyan, is the son of Judge Alexei Sukoyan whose duties as a judge were terminated by SJC last year for "severe violations".
OPPO MP (Mher Sahakyan): That guy has no right to be called a journalist because I've seen his video [about the opposition churchman] and as a Christian Armenian, it's prosto unacceptable for me. Are you telling me you can describe a representative of a church any way you like and not answer for it? //
MP Mher Sahakyan himself was arrested last year after punching a ruling party MP and forcing him to get stitches.
What was the outlet's report that angered Kocharyan's bodyguard? The outlet accused the churchman of serving Russian interests and owning a meat production business in Tavush. A fact-checker has found that the churchman is indeed reported as a 25% shareholder of the company but the company says the churchman hasn't received profits. The ruling faction accuses the church of unethically using the church's media resources to advertise the "churchman's meat business".
source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source,

PM Pashinyan hosted the European Commission's Director-General of EU Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations

Pashinyan considered the AM-EU-US high-level meeting held in Brussels on April 5 as key and emphasized the need for effective implementation of the agreements reached.
Koopman noted that the European Commission is ready to contribute to the implementation of the priorities of the Armenian government to strengthen the resilience of Armenia and its economic growth.
Koopman expressed confidence that Armenia-EU relations will continue to develop and expand dynamically. The interlocutors discussed a wide range of issues related to Armenia-EU cooperation.

... On Tuesday Armenia, the EU, and Germany signed an agreement to reduce the Armenian rural population's reliance on imported Russian gas

They want to help low-income villagers and municipal buildings of Tavush, Shirak, Gegharkunik, and Syunik provinces to switch to solar energy. It will include solar water heaters, etc.
EUROPEAN COMMISSION rep.: The EU-Armenia relations are stronger than ever and the EU's dedication to Armenia is reflected in the agreements reached on April 5 in Brussels. This is a 3-year program worth €12.5 million.
GERMAN EMBASSY: Why not use the sun's energy for daily activities? Yesterday we noticed on our faces and skins how powerful the Armenian sun is. [please SPF 100 yourselves]
source, source,

World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a $116 million program for Armenia to enable reforms aimed at promoting green, resilient and inclusive development

It includes a $100 million loan from IBRD and a $16 million grant. This budget support will help the Government of Armenia to build climate resilience and reduce vulnerabilities to future shocks, as part of the 2021-2026 plan.
It includes actions that will fortify anti-corruption measures by implementing a robust framework with a whistleblowing system and gift monitoring mechanism for public servants. Further, it is aligned with the Paris Agreement.

Azerbaijani regime arrested another pro-democracy activist as part of a crackdown on an independent outlet

Mammadli, the head of the Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Centre, had his home raided by the police and was detained on Monday on charges of smuggling.
EUROPEAN UNION: This detention is the latest in a series of arrests of independent journalists & activists, and a matter of concern for the EU. All those imprisoned for exercising their fundamental rights should be released.
UNITED STATES: We are deeply concerned about the ongoing arrests of representatives of the Azerbaijani political society, in particular, Anar Mammadli. We call on the government of Azerbaijan to immediately release all those unjustly arrested. We continue to call on the government of Azerbaijan to respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all.
source, source,

Armenia's Ambassador to the US Lilith Makunts met the experts of the US-based analytical center RAND that recently advised the West to provide defense assistance to Armenia and not to pressure Armenia to cut all ties with Russia prematurely

Ambassador Makunts presented the latest developments in the AM-AZ peace process and the Crossroads of Peace logistics process.
source, source,

Hungary is blocking the €10 million military assistance to Armenia

Context in April 17 news digest. Hungary is so far preventing the transfer of European Peace Facility resources to provide Armenia with a mobile field camp capability for a battalion-size unit, including a medical treatment facility as well as relevant services and facilities
Armenia submitted the application for funding in 2023. Georgia had earlier received €30 million in assistance as part of the same fund. They received equipment for controlling artillery divisions and engineering equipment.
Hungary, led by Turkish-Azeri-Russian ally Orban, demands that Azerbaijan receive assistance with demining activities in exchange for authorizing the transfer to Armenia. However, since Azerbaijan has not formally requested assistance with demining, it's possible the process could reach a dead end. The internal negotiations continue.

Armenia's Defense Minister discussed AM-FR defence cooperation and army reforms with a French Senator

MOD Papikyan hosted Ronan Le Gloyot from the French Senate Committees on Foreign Relations, Defense, Armed Forces and European Affairs. The parties discussed AM-FR defense ties, the AM-EU ties, the Armenian army reforms, etc.

Armenia and France discussed cooperation in military industry and aerospace (🤔)

High-Tech Minister Mkhitar Hayrapetyan hosted the French Senate delegation led by Ronan Le Gloyot. They discussed cybersecurity, digitization, the establishment and operation of French high-tech firms in Armenia, defense, military industry, and aerospace cooperation.

France donates 4 diesel power generators with 100 kW to city halls and hospitals in Syunik

source, source,

Saudi Arabia's ethnic Armenian Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal Al Saud will visit Armenia

The agreement was reached during the recent visit by Armenia's Labor Minister to SA. The Prince and the Minister also agreed to establish cooperation between the Prince's AGFUND and Armenia's labor ministry.

Armenia's Central Bank continues to cut the refinancing rate

2020: 4.25%
2022: 10.75%
2023: 9.25%
Jan 2024: 8.75%
Mar 2024: 8.50%
Apr 2024 8.25%
source, source,

Armenian migrant workers are sending fewer remittances from Russia and could find working in Armenia more beneficial

The net inflow of individuals' remittances from Russia in Q1 2024 amounted to $656.6 million compared to $1.1 billion in Q1 2023.
CENTRAL BANK: There is a decline this year due to economic and geopolitical issues, the exchange rate, and the ratio of salaries. It is necessary to have an understanding of whether Armenian migrant workers plan to continue working in Russia. Some prefer to return to Armenia and work here, as the difference in salaries now is much smaller than, for example, 10 years ago.
source, full,

agreement is signed to build a World Trade Center in Yerevan

Details in September 7 news digest.
Construction company RenShin presented the $212 million project to the government for approval. It's expected to create 10,000 jobs. There will be 4- and 5-star hotels as well.
PASHINYAN: It will be in place of the HayPost [post office] building on 22 Saryan St. Modern construction standards will be introduced in Armenia. Since our independence, there has never been a complex of this scale. It will help Armenia raise the "we are open for business" flag.
MHER GRIGORYAN: Armenia is the only country in the region without a World Trade Center. Being the last means we can have the best quality and newest technology. //
Armenia-based Renshen will invite the international architectural giant Norman Foster, known for developing the Apple Park in California, Germany's Reichstag Building, New York skyscraper Hearst Tower, the City Hall of Southwark (London), Millennium Bridge in London, Bilbao Metro, and more.
Who will own the complex? 50% investors, 30% HayPost, 20% Government. The company will buy HayPost's shares within the next 5 years. The revenue will help develop HayPost. It will have a new modern sorting facility to handle more parcels.

16-year-old boy survives a fall from Kievian Bridge


Yerevan's Yeritasardakan subway station has new lighting: VIDEO

It's the first of several to come.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:44 Ok-Sugar-7547 High B12 levels

I’ve been on 40mg semiglutide since August 2023 and had my annual wellness check. My blood panel came back showing >2000 B12 and had never had B12 checked before. My dr said it’s too early to text for anything that would be causing this and the rest of my blood panel is normal. I talked to my semiglutide doc and she said the formula is mixed with a little B12 but you excrete it. Also, I was slightly anemic and now my iron levels are great; maybe due to food staying in your digestive system longer?
I don’t eat a lot of protein so not sure if anyone else has had this issue with bloodwork while on this.
Of course I got on Dr. Google about high B12 levels and leukemia, cancer, etc. all came up.
submitted by Ok-Sugar-7547 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:55 moralmeemo 20nb - goth boi seeking fellow weirdos

20NB - bored as heck, looking for friends!
Hey! My names Alex :3 I’m your generic goth nerd.
I live in northwestern Ohio, I primarily jump back and forth from Akron and the Cle area. I need to meet some people and make some friends, I’m so bored all the time lol. I’d prefer irl folks but online is cool too! I’m down for anything— watching anime, going to conventions, doing crafts together, going to the mall or a museum, hiking, fishing or listening to music! Anything! I collect crystals, herbs, bones, skulls, teeth and claws, and bugs! I also love horses, but ironically I don’t ride them. I love all things wilderness, especially wolves and dragons!
My music taste is really eclectic, but I mostly listen to alt rock and metal. Favorite bands right now are System of a Down and Nirvana. Speaking of, I’m really into the alt/punk aesthetic. I’ve got short dyed hair, I love collars, and so many of my things have spikes on them. That being said, as scary as I look, I am basically a “golden retriever” when it comes to people. Im pretty much Nimona and Charlie Kelly (it’s always Sunny) mixed into one, and I kinda?? Look like Ramona Flowers (maybe the dollar store version lmao)
I live with my roomie, but he’s mostly gone at work. We have a cat named Pumpkin! My roomie is a furry so if you’re into that too, cool! I’m not much of a drinker or a smoker, but I do enjoy edibles from time to time :3
My favorite things to watch are true crime documentaries, horror films, animated movies and shows. My go-to’s are JoJos bizarre adventure, Scott Pilgrim and It’s always Sunny.
If all that sounds cool, feel free to hmu! Please don’t message me if we don’t have anything in common, tho.
I am 10000% NOT into dirty stuff. At all. I’m also a lesbian for whatever that’s worth xD
submitted by moralmeemo to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:53 moralmeemo 20NB - bored as heck, looking for friends!

Hey! My names Alex :3 I’m your generic goth nerd.
I live in northwestern Ohio, I primarily jump back and forth from Akron and the Cle area. I need to meet some people and make some friends, I’m so bored all the time lol. I’d prefer irl folks but online is cool too! I’m down for anything— watching anime, going to conventions, doing crafts together, going to the mall or a museum, hiking, fishing or listening to music! Anything! I collect crystals, herbs, bones, skulls, teeth and claws, and bugs! I also love horses, but ironically I don’t ride them. I love all things wilderness, especially wolves and dragons!
My music taste is really eclectic, but I mostly listen to alt rock and metal. Favorite bands right now are System of a Down and Nirvana. Speaking of, I’m really into the alt/punk aesthetic. I’ve got short dyed hair, I love collars, and so many of my things have spikes on them. That being said, as scary as I look, I am basically a “golden retriever” when it comes to people. Im pretty much Nimona and Charlie Kelly (it’s always Sunny) mixed into one, and I kinda?? Look like Ramona Flowers (maybe the dollar store version lmao)
I live with my roomie, but he’s mostly gone at work. We have a cat named Pumpkin! My roomie is a furry so if you’re into that too, cool! I’m not much of a drinker or a smoker, but I do enjoy edibles from time to time :3
My favorite things to watch are true crime documentaries, horror films, animated movies and shows. My go-to’s are JoJos bizarre adventure, Scott Pilgrim and It’s always Sunny.
If all that sounds cool, feel free to hmu! Please don’t message me if we don’t have anything in common, tho. Also I block messages like “heyy” or “wyd”. also if ur account is dead or primarily on lewd subs, I probably won’t answer
I am 10000% NOT into dirty stuff. At all. I’m also a lesbian for whatever that’s worth xD
submitted by moralmeemo to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:37 galwayygal Mom revenge

My friend and I had our kids a month apart. My son had feeding issues from the get go. Wouldn’t latch or wouldn’t drink from the bottle. We had to go from one specialist to another. He dropped from 50th percentile to 5th. I was crying and in distress. I felt like a bad mom all the time. I kept updating my friend about this situation. Her baby, on the other hand, drank a lot of milk and was growing in percentiles. She kept sending me charts from the doctors showing that he increased a few percentiles more every time they visit the doctor and the doctor was praising her for the progress. When she comes to visit me, she would brag about how much her baby weighs like it was a prize. I was happy for her baby but this was putting more mental pressure on me. Finally when my son turned 6 months, his digestive system got better and he started drinking more milk. When he turned one, he started eating so well and caught up in percentiles.
My friend’s son, on the other hand, became a super picky eater. He wouldn’t eat anything and would throw really big tantrums at meal time. I thought I’d take some petty revenge, so I took a video of my son finishing his whole plate of rice to send her and told her that I’m a proud mom. I’m a little ashamed of my behaviour since it involves two innocent kids, and I wouldn’t do it ever again. But, I just had to do it in that moment. Please don’t judge
submitted by galwayygal to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:28 Smileforcaroline Hemoglobin of 5, but heart tests/ pulse ox clear.

I had a hemoglobin level of 5 about a month ago, & I was living like that for years, then I woke up one morning extremely bloated like a balloon, & my arms & legs were weak & any position I tried to lay in, I’d wake up gasping for breath or my blood pressure would instantly drop & then come back, I stayed like this for 2 days hoping it would just stop & it didn’t. So I went to hospital & they told me my hemoglobin was 5 but that my heart was fine bc my blood pressure & echocardiogram came back normal. So I got one bag of blood then signed out AMA.
When I went home, I completely deteriorated. It started with my heart not being able to beat strong enough when I layed down, especially flat on my back. (I have a really bad wound on my foot), I was retaining an insane amount of fluid & the more fluid I retained, the harder it was to find a position where my blood would circulate well enough, so I kept losing oxygen. The more oxygen I lost, the more issues I had. I couldn’t sleep for days trying to find the right position to get oxygen, it felt like I was suffocating or drowning in my own blood. If I was too exhausted and tried to force my body to stay in a position I wasn’t getting oxygen, my body would force me awake w a gasp or my limbs would just move on their own. If I found the right position & slept in it, I’d wake up feeling much better, but the second my body and organs were waking up, the issues would start again. If I forced myself to sleep in the positions I wasn’t getting oxygen & didn’t move regardless of my body trying to get me to, by morning i was experiencing hypoxia. I was dizzy, confused, had extreme difficulty breathing, it felt exactly what it feels like when you suffocate but you just aren’t dead. I was seeing flashes of white and floaties, I couldn’t talk right, I couldn’t think straight. So I began to think this was full on heart failure bc all the symptoms matched. I found out the fluid buildup is what was making it even harder for my blood to circulate & that indicated kidney issues bc it was holding onto any sodium I ingested & wasn’t doing enough to expel the fluids from my body, so I started taking over the counter diuretics to help & I stopped eating any sodium At all so my kidney wouldn’t hold onto it. The only position I was able to sit in was on my computer chair with my feet flat on the ground I could even lean left or right or move an inch. Everytime I urinated I was able to breathe a little easier. You could literally instantly feel the relief. I began taking supplements/ nutritious foods to help my body work. Iron, fish oil, potassium, beet juice, oranges, apples, avacados, fish, yogurt, bananas, carrot juice, pomegranate juice (organic), celery, & these were the only foods I was eating. When my blood pressure would get high, it would make everything instantly worse, much harder to breathe. I smoke 2 packs a day normally & I couldn’t smoke one drag of a cigarette without worsening my symptoms ten fold. I was scared to drink water or fluids bc my body would just hold on to them at normal levels, but I’d have no choice but to keep drinking enough to flush my kidneys bc they weren’t doing it on their own so I’d have to take a diuretic & keep drinking water until I urinated enough bc my kidneys weren’t cleaning the toxins from my system it was making my chest tighten and blood pressure issues to get worse. Once I’d urinate enough until it was clear colored, Id feel a lot better. My legs had gotten extremely extremely swollen and were holding most of the fluid in my body, my blood would pool, especially in the foot with the wound, I’d have to put my legs up and then down to help myself breathe, bc it was helping my blood to move. I looked up ways to get rid of fluid retention and found a lymphatic massage which I followed to get the fluid into my arms, & the next day when I woke up my arm was as big as my legs so I knew it actually worked which surprised me bc I didn’t think it would do much but I couldn’t get it to go to my right arm too bc I only have a right hand, my left arm is amputated from the elbow. It took some relief off my legs but not nearly enough and it actually made the breathing even worse bc now the fluid was closer to my lungs. I would not get a wink of sleep for days trying to find a position where I wasn’t suffocating, all that lack of oxygen was causing hypoxia & after ever time I experienced severe lack of oxygen & hypoxia, another organ would stop functioning as well. Anyway, after so long I flushed my kidneys so much that I was completely depleted of sodium. I know this bc over the course of about 18 hours I urinated 2 buckets, I literally could only rest for about 10-20 min before I would have to pee again and this was without any diuretics, at first I was okay with it bc the less fluids i had the better I felt & was able to breathe much better. (I forgot to add that by this point, my heart had gotten much worse and couldn’t even pump blood while I was sitting up, so finding a position by this point was nearly impossible) by the end I was so insanely tired of going to the bathroom and anything I tried to eat or drink would not absorb in my body it would just be peed right out. It was causing severe pressure in my brain, it felt like my brain was swelling. I threw up a bunch of beet juice. I had severe nausea. My head was pounding, I couldn’t stand up. Doing research through all of this was really hard for me with what i was going through, but i eventually realized it was hyponatremia and I just needed salt. So then I had to figure out how to balance the salt in my body which wasn’t as easy as it sounded. (I also went through symptoms days before of high acid in my blood which was another sign that my kidneys weren’t functioning properly, I took tums by accident while I was trying to figure out what was wrong and i instantly felt a little better that’s when I was able to find out sodium bicarbonate is needed to clean the acid out of your blood, so i also was taking that whenever I felt those symptoms) so for the salt, first I had just gotten some salami from the fridge and I would eat one piece at a time trying to slowly give myself salt throughout the day, I had complications w that, then I saw that you could drink Gatorade or anything with electrolytes to fix it, so my dad got me electrolyte drinks and after 3 of them I was feeling much much better, it says to them incorporate salt into your diet after you feel stable again, and I took that as eating the amount of salt I used to eat, which was dead wrong, I ended up eating a quarter of a burrito from chipotle & once again my brain felt like it was swelling & I had all the same symptoms again so I knew I messed up trying to balance for my kidneys again but this time was another bout of constant urine until it started to smell, the second it started smelling I suddenly couldn’t eat anything at all, anything I had been eating fruits, vegetables, even beet juice, even the smallest bit of an orange if I tried to eat it would make my chest tight, blood pressure spike, more pressure in my head. I was sitting on Komode in my room too sick to do research to figure out what was wrong this time, but after a while I was able to research low blood sugar, i wasn’t totally sure but I felt I was dying and I had to take a chance and I happened to have jolly ranchers in my desk right next to me and the second I put one in my mouth I started feeling better. So at that point I had figured out the issue was now my pancreas. I didn’t know much about pancreatic issues (I was gonna be a doctor before I dropped out of college so I am really good at anatomy) but my symptoms pointed to the pancreas. When there is too much pressure on the kidneys the pancreas apparently starts having issues too. The smell in my urine was amylase, I was having pain in my right front side and in the back, I couldn’t eat anything. So the treatment for that was to completely stop drinking fluids and eating completely. I did this for 24 hours hoping it would be enough then I only ate pancreas friendly foods which for me was pineapple, but it was too early to eat and it caused issues again. My blood sugar got low again and my dad gave me a spoon full of honey which made me feel better & ur supposed to have protein after to stabilize the sugar, my dumbass asked for eggs, forgetting the yolk has fats in it which you are not supposed to eat w pancreatic issues, so once I ate the eggs I felt bad again. By this time I was so fed up with my body not working and having consequences to every little thing I put in it, I was excessively hungry from all the fluid loss plus it’s another symptom of pancreatic issues, another symptom is irritability and anger, and I got so mad at my own body I decided to pretend nothing was wrong I just wanted to eat some walnuts and once again it made things worse making me more angry so my DA said f it is gonna smoke a cig while I’m at it & im not going to move all night looking for a position with oxygen so that night I severely severely deprived my body of oxygen. I was just soo soo beyond exhausted, when I woke up I had the worst hypoxia I had had so far. I knew the damage was wayyy too far gone now. I was full on suffocating no matter what position I was in, & I still refused to go to hospital and my dad was worried so he did some research and found something called boost oxygen it’s 95% inhalants oxygen and the second I started using it it brought back oxygen to my head, my foot, my left arm, my left artery was so tight I couldn’t move my neck to the left- it made that feel better too, all my extremities that were fully deprived of oxygen suddenly were feeling a lot better. It made my lungs work better too but it was still like I could feel the tissue death in them, like they were holding the normal amount of air but it felt weird…hard to explain. I knew I was gonna end up in the hospital soon. That night I ran out of the boost oxygen I fell right back into the hypoxia, my dad had to rush to Walgreens at 1130 at night to get more and I spent the next couple days using this oxygen to keep me hanging on by a thread. I woke up one of those days my stomach/abdomen was distended, I wasn’t digesting any food, I couldn’t urinate no matter how hard I tried, my organs were making gurgling noises, and this is the only part I’m unsure of. I was having severe pressure in my neck at this point for days, and now when I was sleeping or trying to sleep, my breathing would stop as if it was no longer involuntary, and I would have to manually breathe to get it going again, then it would happen again. I was also having sleep apnea during all of this. So at this point I was feeling like my lungs were going to collapse, and that finally made me scared enough to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Yet once the emts came my blood pressure was normal and my pulse ox was 100, so they didn’t believe I was going through anything I was saying I did. Once I got to the hospital I had a male doctor & the second I told him I think I’m in organ failure he was combative and just wanted to prove me wrong and he condescendingly asked how I know that and anything I said he just didn’t believe. Then they did some blood tests and another male doctor came back and said none of my organs were in failure, my kidney & pancreas levels were slightly off but nothing crazy, they acted as if none of my symptoms made any sense especially since my pulse ox was normal. The only thing they could find wrong was my anemia level of 5 that I had been living with for 2-3 years. I told them to please test my heart, I figured it had to show up on at least an angiogram. They tested everything and said my heart was fine. They gave me 2 bags of blood and I was feeling a tonnn better but I was still feeling shortness of breath, pressure on my chest, everytime they injected anything into my iv even saline my chest would tighten, i was still getting bouts of dizziness, & every time I told them these issues they did nothing. Just “ok”, oh, your heartbeat is constantly rapid? Okay. Oh it feels like someone is pushing you into quicksand when you try to sleep? Ok. I talked to my doctor after they did every heart test and I was upset I said why is it that none of you care to explain any of my symptoms as if they didn’t and aren’t still happening? You only care about what you can see on a test, but that doesn’t change the fact i went through and am still feeling these symptoms. She said “we’ve done every test and there’s nothing wrong with your heart to explain your symptoms” I said ok I believe you there’s nothing wrong with my heart but is there anything at all that can explain the symptoms I’m having? And she pretty much said no or that these issues are hard and sometimes it takes longer for other symptoms to show up. So she completely gaslit me, and I started questioning myself. But when I got home from the hospital and remembered everything I went through the last month day by day I knew that I felt what I felt, so I went to read more about anemia and severely low anemia like I had explains my symptoms ALONE, yet none of them ever said that. When I told them I wasn’t getting enough oxygen they acted like it made no sense when it’s KNOWN hemoglobin carries oxygen to your body & when it’s low it makes the heart work harder and my hemoglobin was FIIIIVVVVEE. Like WDYM you don’t know why I’m having these symptoms? When my pulse ox came back 100 (which still confuses me as to how it could’ve been 100 when my hemoglobin was so low) they acted like my symptoms were so far fetched and how the more I read about it the more I’m insanely confused as to why they didn’t attribute my symptoms to my anemia? I get that I was wrong thinking my heart was in full failure, but anemia also causes heart DYSFUNCTION that is reversible once you get more blood. Some heart tests were before I got blood and some were after. My question is is there any reason my tests could have been coming up as normal? And why did my doctors act like my symptoms made no sense simply because my heart tests came up normal?
I know I waited much too long to get treatment, but it’s bc I truly hate dealing with doctors and nurses and not being listened to.
submitted by Smileforcaroline to HeartProblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:28 twosidestoeverycoin My experience so far, thanks Greg!

First of all wow.
Huge props to Greg for his amazing hard work and vision creating this gorgeous game. I love the city building aspect. I love how roads look quite natural. I love the immersion and seeing your small little settlement grow into a sprawling town. Really enjoying the experience overall having made more than one very large town with other settlements in other regions at this point in time.
Things I would like to see in the future.
Dedicate families to being merchants working in the marketplace, have them run stalls, go to storehouse / granary and setup stalls in new market places as your city expands. Maybe lead into Guilds which at a later stage of the settlement opens up UI window to streamline 'pausing production' of artisans' customizing what goods are being sold etc. Turning the focus more macro-economics as a true lord of the realm would be focused on. The lord shouldn't be reassigning random stalls himself. He should be setting the area and the merchants/guilds would setup appropriate stalls in that area. I also get annoyed when worker families setup a stall, Once I have a granary and storehouse I would hope families I put in those buildings run the stalls under the current system. Gets tedious at large-scale towns juggling the family assignments.
I hope to see Armory's in the future for weapon storage / militia customization. Perhaps Barracks building for dedicating pops to military duties in the future.
Really hope we see rivers/lakes/ponds/coastal start points in the future! Fishing was a big part of medieval life and currently not available in the game. Would love to build a big sprawling coastal city with a harbodock and fishing boats etc.
I hope we can in the future send resources to new settlements and not expect trades in return. I'm the lord of the realm expanding my territory and investing in that new settlement. I don't want them to send back random resources my main town already is well stocked/supplied. I want to speed up their growth and get them moving then focus that town on whatever resources I specifically built that town for. Whether its a mining settlement or a farming settlement etc.
So far an amazing game experience. A few quality of life issues with ai bugs and I can't wait for building fortified towns with large walls and towers etc!
Looking forward to what's to come.
submitted by twosidestoeverycoin to ManorLords [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:27 NataliaFinn_VT [A4A][F4A] Contract With A Yandere Sea Angel [Script] [Possessive] [Sweet] [Caring] [Kidnapping?]

*** = listener speaking
Can be monetised, just please link back to either this post or my YouTube!
Gender(s) can be changed if wanted!
[optional echo since it takes place underwater]
[boat breaking; fall into water; swimming]
…There we go.
You should be able to breathe and understand me now.
Sorry for making you eat the pearl through a kiss – but we didn’t have a lot of time, so I didn’t think you’d be able to understand what I was saying.
I hope you aren’t too alarmed.
I’ve seen that humans can act quite erratically when under the influence of adrenaline, and I’m not sure if you still have it pumping around in your system.
…You don’t appear to be in that kind of state. Though your eyes are quite wide, and your pupils quite dilated.
Are you alright?
How are you alive?
As I said, because of the pearl I fed you. After I saved you once you fell overboard, I managed to administer it before you were completely out of oxygen.
You’re quite lucky you fell where you did.
Well, you’d have been luckier to have not fallen at all, but this area was the best place to fall then say, a few more miles south of here.
You fell right into my territory, so I was able to save you as soon as the fish alerted me to your presence.
I hope you don’t mind the little stretches on your clothes. The fish didn’t want to risk you drifting off in a current, so they pulled you as best as they could to me while I was racing over to meet them.
What am I?
[speaker chuckles]
Why, do my wings not make it obvious enough?
I am an angel - a protector sent to earth from the heavenly realm.
Though… I say earth, however I was specifically sent to be a protector of the sea. I primarily protect the sea creatures and underwater flora, however I do also help humans such as yourself when they fall into my waters.
With how much humans worship us, I had thought that would have been your first assumption.
Was my mer tail enough to confuse you?
I’m not… ‘biblically accurate’?
What do you mean by that?
[speaker laughs]
Oh, no, no, we don’t all look like that! Those types of angels are the highest kind, who shed a ‘regular’ body like you or I have in favour of angelic enlightenment.
We needn’t bother with all of that, though. Only one of us present is an angel, and I am not one who is entertaining the idea of higher status.
I’m far more interested in you.
Since you don’t have to worry about drowning anymore, why don’t you come take a swim with me to my place?
We can talk more there.
What do we need to talk about?
I’m afraid it’s about the pearl I gave you.
The pearl isn’t just some ordinary pearl - which you are likely aware of as you appear to be an intelligent kind of human. But this pearl in particular is especially rare.
These types of pearls can only be grown and harvested by heavenly beings such as myself - they can even only have their full effect if I or one of my brethren willingly give it away.
They are not too far removed from what you humans would consider a ‘heavenly blessing’.
Unfortunately, heavenly blessings cannot just be given out without justification…
Yes, angels like myself are all about helping mortal souls such as yours - but if we were to hand out blessings without caution, humanity would plunge further into sin as your people would believe all would be handed to them irregardless of how they act.
All those you hear of who were given blessings in the past were of upright moral character or had earned the blessing in some way, yes?
You were unconscious when I administered it. That is a fact I cannot and will not deny, my dear mortal.
However, I am in a position where my hands are tied. Once the celestials above me learn I have given out a blessing - and they soon will - they will question my reasoning, to ensure I am not abusing my powers like the Destroyer of Eden did long ago.
I hope you can understand my position.
But fear not - I am not a demon, so I will not ask for your soul, nor will I ask any egregious or dangerous tasks of you.
At least… dangerous no longer.
I would like you to remain here in the sea with me.
If you were to explain to the higher seraphim that you wished to assist me in the protection of the sea, it would be the perfect reason as to why you would need a pearl.
You may be given your own tail… and perhaps even your own wings.
It may take you some time to adjust to the sea, but I’m sure it won't take you too long.
You seem right at home here… and I’m sure you’d prefer it to.
Because I know you come here whatever chance you have.
An angel cannot reveal themselves unless given proper reason, so I could never talk to you before… but I’ve always seen you rowing your boat over this part of the ocean.
Your eyes shine brighter than the sun reflecting off the ocean’s surface when you get to be alone up there…
I apologise if this crossed a boundary, but one time when you dipped your hand in the water, I snuck under your boat to brush mine against yours.
I wanted to see if I could experience some of your pure joy by the contact.
It’s very enticing to an angel such as myself.
…Your family?
Ah, right, your family lives on land…
…I was hoping that you wouldn’t care about them, so that I may avoid saying this.
The pearl… while it grants you the ability to breathe underwater, it stops you from being able to breathe on land.
I’m sorry. Giving you the pearl was the only option I had at that moment.
I didn’t want to see you suffer such an unjust end…
There is a way for me to take the pearl back, however… The pearl cannot survive outside of the ocean depths.
I cannot even extract it by the surface of the water, it would be a miracle to even retain a portion of its power.
Unless you’re confident in your swimming skills to get back to the surface from here, you… I’m sure you can imagine what would happen
I’m truly, truly sorry.
Even if I can’t
…No. I suppose you don’t have a choice.
A tour of the flora?
…I’m sure I can fit that in before the other angels arrive.
There’s some coral in particular that always reminds me of your hair, and a certain school of fish that hangs around them is the colour of your eyes…
Actually, they’re perfect to help you around!
[swimming noises]
Here - these fish shall look after you.
They shall show you around while I just finish up some affairs with the rest of their school.
Oh, this is merely the kiss of an angel.
What did you believe it to be?
[speaker giggles]
If you don’t wish to say so, I shan’t force you.
See you soon, my dear mortal.
[swimming noises fade out]
…Ah, they are even prettier up close.
How does a human manage to look even more ethereal than the highest celestial being?
Thank you, my dear fish friends, for working so hard to tip their boat over.
submitted by NataliaFinn_VT to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:26 Smileforcaroline Hemoglobin of 5, heart tests normal.

I had a hemoglobin level of 5 about a month ago, & I was living like that for years, then I woke up one morning extremely bloated like a balloon, & my arms & legs were weak & any position I tried to lay in, I’d wake up gasping for breath or my blood pressure would instantly drop & then come back, I stayed like this for 2 days hoping it would just stop & it didn’t. So I went to hospital & they told me my hemoglobin was 5 but that my heart was fine bc my blood pressure & echocardiogram came back normal. So I got one bag of blood then signed out AMA.
When I went home, I completely deteriorated. It started with my heart not being able to beat strong enough when I layed down, especially flat on my back. (I have a really bad wound on my foot), I was retaining an insane amount of fluid & the more fluid I retained, the harder it was to find a position where my blood would circulate well enough, so I kept losing oxygen. The more oxygen I lost, the more issues I had. I couldn’t sleep for days trying to find the right position to get oxygen, it felt like I was suffocating or drowning in my own blood. If I was too exhausted and tried to force my body to stay in a position I wasn’t getting oxygen, my body would force me awake w a gasp or my limbs would just move on their own. If I found the right position & slept in it, I’d wake up feeling much better, but the second my body and organs were waking up, the issues would start again. If I forced myself to sleep in the positions I wasn’t getting oxygen & didn’t move regardless of my body trying to get me to, by morning i was experiencing hypoxia. I was dizzy, confused, had extreme difficulty breathing, it felt exactly what it feels like when you suffocate but you just aren’t dead. I was seeing flashes of white and floaties, I couldn’t talk right, I couldn’t think straight. So I began to think this was full on heart failure bc all the symptoms matched. I found out the fluid buildup is what was making it even harder for my blood to circulate & that indicated kidney issues bc it was holding onto any sodium I ingested & wasn’t doing enough to expel the fluids from my body, so I started taking over the counter diuretics to help & I stopped eating any sodium At all so my kidney wouldn’t hold onto it. The only position I was able to sit in was on my computer chair with my feet flat on the ground I could even lean left or right or move an inch. Everytime I urinated I was able to breathe a little easier. You could literally instantly feel the relief. I began taking supplements/ nutritious foods to help my body work. Iron, fish oil, potassium, beet juice, oranges, apples, avacados, fish, yogurt, bananas, carrot juice, pomegranate juice (organic), celery, & these were the only foods I was eating. When my blood pressure would get high, it would make everything instantly worse, much harder to breathe. I smoke 2 packs a day normally & I couldn’t smoke one drag of a cigarette without worsening my symptoms ten fold. I was scared to drink water or fluids bc my body would just hold on to them at normal levels, but I’d have no choice but to keep drinking enough to flush my kidneys bc they weren’t doing it on their own so I’d have to take a diuretic & keep drinking water until I urinated enough bc my kidneys weren’t cleaning the toxins from my system it was making my chest tighten and blood pressure issues to get worse. Once I’d urinate enough until it was clear colored, Id feel a lot better. My legs had gotten extremely extremely swollen and were holding most of the fluid in my body, my blood would pool, especially in the foot with the wound, I’d have to put my legs up and then down to help myself breathe, bc it was helping my blood to move. I looked up ways to get rid of fluid retention and found a lymphatic massage which I followed to get the fluid into my arms, & the next day when I woke up my arm was as big as my legs so I knew it actually worked which surprised me bc I didn’t think it would do much but I couldn’t get it to go to my right arm too bc I only have a right hand, my left arm is amputated from the elbow. It took some relief off my legs but not nearly enough and it actually made the breathing even worse bc now the fluid was closer to my lungs. I would not get a wink of sleep for days trying to find a position where I wasn’t suffocating, all that lack of oxygen was causing hypoxia & after ever time I experienced severe lack of oxygen & hypoxia, another organ would stop functioning as well. Anyway, after so long I flushed my kidneys so much that I was completely depleted of sodium. I know this bc over the course of about 18 hours I urinated 2 buckets, I literally could only rest for about 10-20 min before I would have to pee again and this was without any diuretics, at first I was okay with it bc the less fluids i had the better I felt & was able to breathe much better. (I forgot to add that by this point, my heart had gotten much worse and couldn’t even pump blood while I was sitting up, so finding a position by this point was nearly impossible) by the end I was so insanely tired of going to the bathroom and anything I tried to eat or drink would not absorb in my body it would just be peed right out. It was causing severe pressure in my brain, it felt like my brain was swelling. I threw up a bunch of beet juice. I had severe nausea. My head was pounding, I couldn’t stand up. Doing research through all of this was really hard for me with what i was going through, but i eventually realized it was hyponatremia and I just needed salt. So then I had to figure out how to balance the salt in my body which wasn’t as easy as it sounded. (I also went through symptoms days before of high acid in my blood which was another sign that my kidneys weren’t functioning properly, I took tums by accident while I was trying to figure out what was wrong and i instantly felt a little better that’s when I was able to find out sodium bicarbonate is needed to clean the acid out of your blood, so i also was taking that whenever I felt those symptoms) so for the salt, first I had just gotten some salami from the fridge and I would eat one piece at a time trying to slowly give myself salt throughout the day, I had complications w that, then I saw that you could drink Gatorade or anything with electrolytes to fix it, so my dad got me electrolyte drinks and after 3 of them I was feeling much much better, it says to them incorporate salt into your diet after you feel stable again, and I took that as eating the amount of salt I used to eat, which was dead wrong, I ended up eating a quarter of a burrito from chipotle & once again my brain felt like it was swelling & I had all the same symptoms again so I knew I messed up trying to balance for my kidneys again but this time was another bout of constant urine until it started to smell, the second it started smelling I suddenly couldn’t eat anything at all, anything I had been eating fruits, vegetables, even beet juice, even the smallest bit of an orange if I tried to eat it would make my chest tight, blood pressure spike, more pressure in my head. I was sitting on Komode in my room too sick to do research to figure out what was wrong this time, but after a while I was able to research low blood sugar, i wasn’t totally sure but I felt I was dying and I had to take a chance and I happened to have jolly ranchers in my desk right next to me and the second I put one in my mouth I started feeling better. So at that point I had figured out the issue was now my pancreas. I didn’t know much about pancreatic issues (I was gonna be a doctor before I dropped out of college so I am really good at anatomy) but my symptoms pointed to the pancreas. When there is too much pressure on the kidneys the pancreas apparently starts having issues too. The smell in my urine was amylase, I was having pain in my right front side and in the back, I couldn’t eat anything. So the treatment for that was to completely stop drinking fluids and eating completely. I did this for 24 hours hoping it would be enough then I only ate pancreas friendly foods which for me was pineapple, but it was too early to eat and it caused issues again. My blood sugar got low again and my dad gave me a spoon full of honey which made me feel better & ur supposed to have protein after to stabilize the sugar, my dumbass asked for eggs, forgetting the yolk has fats in it which you are not supposed to eat w pancreatic issues, so once I ate the eggs I felt bad again. By this time I was so fed up with my body not working and having consequences to every little thing I put in it, I was excessively hungry from all the fluid loss plus it’s another symptom of pancreatic issues, another symptom is irritability and anger, and I got so mad at my own body I decided to pretend nothing was wrong I just wanted to eat some walnuts and once again it made things worse making me more angry so my DA said f it is gonna smoke a cig while I’m at it & im not going to move all night looking for a position with oxygen so that night I severely severely deprived my body of oxygen. I was just soo soo beyond exhausted, when I woke up I had the worst hypoxia I had had so far. I knew the damage was wayyy too far gone now. I was full on suffocating no matter what position I was in, & I still refused to go to hospital and my dad was worried so he did some research and found something called boost oxygen it’s 95% inhalants oxygen and the second I started using it it brought back oxygen to my head, my foot, my left arm, my left artery was so tight I couldn’t move my neck to the left- it made that feel better too, all my extremities that were fully deprived of oxygen suddenly were feeling a lot better. It made my lungs work better too but it was still like I could feel the tissue death in them, like they were holding the normal amount of air but it felt weird…hard to explain. I knew I was gonna end up in the hospital soon. That night I ran out of the boost oxygen I fell right back into the hypoxia, my dad had to rush to Walgreens at 1130 at night to get more and I spent the next couple days using this oxygen to keep me hanging on by a thread. I woke up one of those days my stomach/abdomen was distended, I wasn’t digesting any food, I couldn’t urinate no matter how hard I tried, my organs were making gurgling noises, and this is the only part I’m unsure of. I was having severe pressure in my neck at this point for days, and now when I was sleeping or trying to sleep, my breathing would stop as if it was no longer involuntary, and I would have to manually breathe to get it going again, then it would happen again. I was also having sleep apnea during all of this. So at this point I was feeling like my lungs were going to collapse, and that finally made me scared enough to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Yet once the emts came my blood pressure was normal and my pulse ox was 100, so they didn’t believe I was going through anything I was saying I did. Once I got to the hospital I had a male doctor & the second I told him I think I’m in organ failure he was combative and just wanted to prove me wrong and he condescendingly asked how I know that and anything I said he just didn’t believe. Then they did some blood tests and another male doctor came back and said none of my organs were in failure, my kidney & pancreas levels were slightly off but nothing crazy, they acted as if none of my symptoms made any sense especially since my pulse ox was normal. The only thing they could find wrong was my anemia level of 5 that I had been living with for 2-3 years. I told them to please test my heart, I figured it had to show up on at least an angiogram. They tested everything and said my heart was fine. They gave me 2 bags of blood and I was feeling a tonnn better but I was still feeling shortness of breath, pressure on my chest, everytime they injected anything into my iv even saline my chest would tighten, i was still getting bouts of dizziness, & every time I told them these issues they did nothing. Just “ok”, oh, your heartbeat is constantly rapid? Okay. Oh it feels like someone is pushing you into quicksand when you try to sleep? Ok. I talked to my doctor after they did every heart test and I was upset I said why is it that none of you care to explain any of my symptoms as if they didn’t and aren’t still happening? You only care about what you can see on a test, but that doesn’t change the fact i went through and am still feeling these symptoms. She said “we’ve done every test and there’s nothing wrong with your heart to explain your symptoms” I said ok I believe you there’s nothing wrong with my heart but is there anything at all that can explain the symptoms I’m having? And she pretty much said no or that these issues are hard and sometimes it takes longer for other symptoms to show up. So she completely gaslit me, and I started questioning myself. But when I got home from the hospital and remembered everything I went through the last month day by day I knew that I felt what I felt, so I went to read more about anemia and severely low anemia like I had explains my symptoms ALONE, yet none of them ever said that. When I told them I wasn’t getting enough oxygen they acted like it made no sense when it’s KNOWN hemoglobin carries oxygen to your body & when it’s low it makes the heart work harder and my hemoglobin was FIIIIVVVVEE. Like WDYM you don’t know why I’m having these symptoms? When my pulse ox came back 100 (which still confuses me as to how it could’ve been 100 when my hemoglobin was so low) they acted like my symptoms were so far fetched and how the more I read about it the more I’m insanely confused as to why they didn’t attribute my symptoms to my anemia? I get that I was wrong thinking my heart was in full failure, but anemia also causes heart DYSFUNCTION that is reversible once you get more blood. Some heart tests were before I got blood and some were after. My question is is there any reason my tests could have been coming up as normal? And why did my doctors act like my symptoms made no sense simply because my heart tests came up normal?
I know I waited much too long to get treatment, but it’s bc I truly hate dealing with doctors and nurses and not being listened to.
submitted by Smileforcaroline to anemiasufferers [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:24 Aest_Belequa The Halcyon System - Chapter 3

First / Previous
I’ve seen fifteen thinnings and two merges, so I know a few things.
First, most thinnings don’t merge.
Second, Universal Reality Anchors catch thinnings. (I shouldn’t know about URAs. My therapist messed up on that.)
Thinnings all have kaleidoscoping colors and make my ears ring. That’s the URAs. If you can hear it but not see it, don’t worry. If you hear it and then don’t, do worry. But that almost never happens.
Fourth, merges and thinnings almost always come in threes. The Truth Club thinks three is a Number of Power. They didn’t make that up. I did.
And last, every thinning I’ve seen happened after my first merge. And Alice and Dad both say I made them up.
They’re both liars. Make of that what you will.
Outside Victoria, British Columbia - May 23, 2043, 11:53 AM
- - - - -
My tinnitus gets louder and louder until, as I step through the L-shaped entrance to the girls’ bathroom, it’s all I can hear. The thinling’s screeches/roars/grinding fail to break through the ringing, and my whole head feels like it’s vibrating, even though it’s only my aural aug. I’ve only been this close to a thinning once, and that was three—no, four—minutes ago. This one feels worse.
I want to see the Truth in this thinning. But, I’ll be honest, I’m terrified. My throat burns, and my arms won’t stop bleeding. And I don’t know where the thinling is. It’s with me, on the right side of the fire door, away from other people. But I don’t know where.
I’m still in my lizard brain—fight, flight, freeze, fawn. Besides the water balloons, that’s one of the only true things my therapist told me. Everyone’s got two brains—the people brain that makes choices and the lizard brain that keeps you alive. My lizard brain is good at freeze, fight, and fawn. Freeze usually keeps me out of trouble, and fawn keeps Dad happy. Fight’s never gotten me much, though. Alice is a fawner, too, but she fights with Dad as much as she fawns. I’m in trouble now because I got curious and then froze instead of fleeing like I should have. I squeeze my eyes shut, count to three, and open them.
The graffiti in the girls’ bathroom never gets cleaned up—not before the girls draw more. Someone’s penned ‘beware of limbo dancers’ onto the bottom of a stall door along with a stick figure doodle of a man bending backward, and Candice has written her boyfriend’s name on the tile wall with a heart around it. A half-dozen other girls’ commentary about what a creep Derrick is adorns the rest of the chipped, off-white tiles. The thinning’s dancing lights reflect off the stained, pink floor tiles inside a stall, but not the one with the limbo man.
Some girl has kissed the mirror over the bathroom sink, leaving a blindingly crimson lip mark in the corner. It hasn’t been cleaned off yet, either. She’ll probably get sick from kissing it if a thinling doesn’t get her first. And the whole place stinks like only a girl’s bathroom can. Pee, lemon cleaning supplies, and perfume. Ugh.
Really, I decide, the whole thing is a math problem. The steps seem simple, but it has a lot of variables. I can’t let the thinling find me, and I have to stop bleeding. Once I solve those, I can work on the rest of the problem.
So, first, the thinling.
The thinning is in the stall. I ignore it for now.
The whining ring fades slightly as I creep into the bathroom’s entrance. This is not an improvement since now I can hear the monster’s screech/roagrind. It sounds like it’s down the hall, tearing into something solid. I pop my head out for a moment.
Its claw/jaw/saw pulls away from the impossibly thick fire door, revealing a gash so wide I can see it from down the hall. Its eyes/sensors turn toward me, and I duck back inside the bathroom. That was stupid. There’s nowhere to go. But I can’t think—my head is light, and I wobble just standing. I stagger back to the wall, slide into a sitting position with my legs splayed and my baggy cargo pants hiked up around my calves, and wait.
I don’t have to wait long before it slithers/slides/clatters into the bathroom entrance. It roars again, rushing toward me, and then stops.
Not, like, of its own free will, but like it’s hit an invisible wall across the bathroom, right in front of the first sink. It strains and lashes its claws/jaws/saws against whatever’s stopped it, but it can’t pass. It doesn’t even make sparks.
I release a breath I hadn’t realized had caught in my throat. The thinling’s roars of protest/angefrustration and my tinnitus drown out the raspberry sound between my numb lips. It can’t come in. It can’t come in.
Why can’t it come in?
That feels important, but it’s not something I can puzzle out right now. My brain feels fuzzy. The thinling’s not doing it, and the ringing in my ears—okay, it’s awful, but it’s not the problem. I slump down below a paper towel dispenser, reach up with a shaky hand, and grab the rough brown paper. Sheet after sheet rains down on me as I pull, tear, grab, and repeat. Once I have enough, I start the long, agonizing process of trying to find and cover dozens of cuts across my arms and face.
Most aren’t a problem. They’re shallow, and they’ve already slowed or stopped. But one on my right palm has cut deep. I wrap paper towels around it, but it keeps throbbing and pulsing. Blood drips from a long cut across my forehead, but head injuries bleed a lot, right? It’s probably not gonna kill me. My hand is more worrying. Did it catch a tendon? It hurts to move my fingers, but that might be the cut, not something deeper.
While I’m playing at medic, the thinling stalks back and forth just feet away. It roars and rips/tears/cuts futilely at the…barrier…keeping it from me. I still can’t see exactly what it is, and I can’t tell why it’s stuck. But I don’t care. Just this once, I don’t need to know the Truth. At least, not yet.
So, equation time. I know where the thinling is. Obviously. I tighten my makeshift paper towel bandage around my palm and start dabbing at my forehead, wincing every time the rough brown paper catches on the cut’s ragged edge. I’ve got most of the bleeding mostly taken care of, though my skin looks like it’s mostly paper towels. Which means I can work on the next step in balancing this.
This part goes fast. Dad? Shelter. Sora? Not sure. Ugh, Alice, who left me? Shelter. Teachers? Unknown. The police? Probably in shelters, but definitely not here. SHOCKS? Not here, but probably on their way. This seems right up the boogeyman’s alley. Superman? Yeah, right.
So, no one’s coming—no one I want to see. I’ve got me, Mom’s dress, as many paper towels as I can use, water, and…
…my phone.
I fish it out of my baggy cargo pants’ pocket, though I have to hike up Mom’s filthy dress a little to get to it. There aren’t any new messages, just a flashing SHOCKS warning to avoid the strange. I snort. Then I laugh. Then I can’t stop laughing, and it doesn’t feel like good laughter.
As I sit against the bathroom wall and laugh, I thumb through my contacts. Eventually, I land on the one person I can trust to text me back, even if I can’t trust her for anything else. I start typing, and the panic hits me again like a wave, crashing straight through the hysterical laughter.
Claire -
The ‘sending a message’ icon spins and spins, my throat tightening painfully again with each passing second. I count to almost forty in my head before a new message comes in, and my message’s text goes red.
Victoria Emergency Services -
I stop reading and shiver despite myself. SHOCKS. The boogeymen. They’re here. Or maybe not here, but on their way and aware. And I’m in the middle of their merge. Again. I don’t need a repeat of last time, because the Truth about last time is that I got lucky and my therapist wasn’t as clever as he thought.
There’s no way I can stop the shivering, and the room keeps swimming back and forth in the panic tsunami.
<…and Goldstream. Further messages with additional instructions will be set as needed.>
The message comes in twice more, identical word for word, before it stops. My phone doesn’t power off, but it’s like it’s stuck in airplane mode. I can’t connect to anything. Not to the internet, or text messages, or even to my augs—both of which are stuck in one-to-one mode with my unaugmented eye and ear. That’s not the end of the world, though. Even running hot enough to hurt, neither gets above three-to-one. What is the end of the world is that I can’t text or call anyone. Well, almost anyone.
I dial 911. It doesn’t disconnect me. Instead, an automated voice speaks in my aural aug. “All VES emergency lines are currently busy. Please hold. An operator will be with you as soon as possible. Your emergency is impor—“
I hang up and recalculate my equation since I can’t talk to anyone. SHOCKS: Definitely on their way. Superman? Even less likely, he won’t want to fight them. And no phone—or at least the only thing it’s good for is as a flashlight.
Pushing down another shudder, I light my last cigarette, push it into my mouth, and ready myself. The smoke fills my lungs, and I blow it out slowly—West End High’s in trouble already, so a fire alarm won’t make things worse.
It’s time to deal with the thinning.
I push myself up to my feet with a groan. The thinling scrabbles/scratches/slices at the invisible wall, making me jump, and I side-eye it the whole time I scooch toward the bathroom stall. My tinnitus ramps up until my entire head pounds and my aural aug burns inside my ear. “I want to know the Truth,” I whisper to myself. I repeat it like a mantra. Then I pull on the stall door’s handle.
It opens with a creak. The smell of cinnamon and tulips hits me.
I catch a split-second view of the new thinning before its rainbow colors flash and vanish, the ringing stops, and every lightbulb in the bathroom shatters in a loud, rippling series of pops.
I’m terrified, but also relieved.
Terrified because I’m in deep shit now.
I’ve been in the center of two merges in the last fifteen minutes. The animal/monstemachine paces ten feet away, back and forth. The darkness feels like it’s trying to drown me, and that’s worse than the thinling. And SHOCKS is on the way.
But relieved because, when I flip my phone’s flashlight on, I see what’s emerged from the second thinning.
It’s a gun. A revolver. Not the kind from Westerns with the long, gray-black barrel and worn wooden handle, but the kind a hard-boiled detective might carry. Or May Lay, one of the Knights from Knights of the Apocalypse. She has like twenty guns. It’s short, stubby, and shockingly white—almost porcelain, except for the part where you put bullets. That part shines like polished brass. It’s loaded, with shells made of different metals.
I should stop myself, a tiny voice in the back of my head says as I reach for the revolver. I’m already in deep shit, and I don’t need more. And the revolver’s a lie, anyway. It’s not real. It can’t be real. But the other voices—the ones that want to know the Truth or that know that if I want to deal with the trouble I’m going to be in, I need to solve the trouble I’m in now— shout it down. My fingers wrap around the carved, notched grip.
And I’m not drowning anymore. My whole body burns instead, and I scream. But when I move my arms, it just gets worse, not better, until I’m hugging myself and whimpering while trying not to so much as blink.
As quickly as it hits me, the sensation fades, and I examine the revolver more closely. It’s not heavy, and the grip is somehow perfectly sized for my not-quite-adult hand. I fiddle with the brass bullet holder—I’ve never paid attention to what you call a gun’s parts. The bullet holder should rotate out so I can load it again, but no matter what I do, I can’t get it to. It doesn’t even spin when I run my thumb against it. Instead, the bullet seems locked in line with the barrel.
Seven seems like a strange number of bullets for a six-shooter.
There’s also no safety. I know that part of a gun. My finger rests against the trigger guard—it is porcelain, but the kind you make armor out of, not the type that rich people use for dishes and everyone else shits in. This little pistol is ready to use; I can feel it more than I can see it. And I’m ready, too.
{Halcyon System Final Sync}
{Overriding Firewalls}
{Firewall Protocols Overridden: 2/3}
{System Access: 50%}
{Affected System Features}
►Skill Information
►Truth Information
►Archived Anomaly Information
►Assistance Functions
{Truth Learned: Anomalous Bond 2 (-2) - Information Unavailable}
{Stability 7/10}
{Skill Acquired: Revolver Mastery 1 - Information Unavailable}
{Claire Pendleton}
►Stability 7/10
►Skills - Revolver Mastery 1
►Truths - Anomalous Bond 2 (-2)
►Inquiries -
I blink back tears as my optic aug heats up and my aural one pops and hisses. The message reads a little like an error report on a crashing computer, a little like my augs when I reboot them in the morning, and a tiny bit like Knights of the Apocalypse’s character status screen. I glaze over most of it, but a few important parts stick out—like the Truths. I try to mentally tap the link to Anomalous Bond, but every time, I get a bonking, boinging error sound. There has to be a workaround to see what Revolver Mastery or Anomalous Bond are, but no matter what I try, the message screen won’t open them.
After almost three minutes of trial and error sounds, I decide three basic things.
First, I need to keep my Stability high. Without the Halcyon System’s Assistance Functions—whatever those are—I can’t say for sure what’ll happen if I lose all my Stability, but based on the fire I felt when I grabbed the revolver, and on the earlier message when I panicked after seeing the thinling, I don’t want it to dip much lower.
Second, I want to know what the firewalls are and how Inquiries work.
{Inquiry: What’s going on at West End High?}
Ah. That’s how. I’m not sure what’s going to happen if I answer it, but it helps me keep track of my variables better.
And third, I have a tool to access the Truth now. And not only that, but to do it in a way that lets me be sure, for the very first time, that it really is the Truth. That is, as long as I can trust the Halcyon System. And, unlike my English teacher and Mr. Roberts, it hasn’t lied to me yet. It also hasn’t told me anything yet, except that I’m in the process of…losing my mind? Falling apart? I wish I knew what Stability did, but I have bigger problems.
I push myself out of my squat and turn, pointing the revolver toward the sink, and the door, and the thinling. I’m not helpless. I don’t have to run, and that’s the Truth. I can—
It’s gone.
My first instinct is to chase after it.
Why is my first instinct to chase after it?
Without the tinnitus and the thinling’s impossible-to-describe form-changing, my migraine recedes slightly. I shouldn’t chase it. It’ll tear me apart. What I should do is try to find a way through the school, or out of the school and back inside somewhere else, to the shelter. That’s where safety is. That’s where Dad and Alice and, I hope, Sora all are.
But that thinling? It’s a mystery. And I swore an oath to the Truth Club and myself that I’d seek the Truth. Only they all thought that circle under the bleachers was a game, and I knew I meant every word. So I’m going to chase after it.
But I don’t have to be dumb about it. I mean, I’ve been pretty dumb so far, but I don’t have to be. Alice is a valedictorian, and while I don’t care enough about Language Arts or Social Studies to earn top grades like her, I’m not dumb. I just don’t pretend I’m interested in stuff I don’t care about.
On one side of the equation, I’ve got the thinling. And on the other, a variable. Something made it stop, and it didn’t do it because it felt merciful. It could be the mirror. Maybe it can’t understand its appearance either. Maybe there’s something else going on with it. Or maybe it’s the pipes. I’ve read plenty of myths that make running water a safe place. Maybe there’s truth to them.
I can’t steal a pipe, though.
My fingers scream in protest by the time I finally wrench the bathroom mirror free. It takes me almost ten minutes of pulling and wriggling my fingers between its steel backing and the cinderblock wall. When it finally does, I’ve twisted two nails back on my right hand, crushed my left thumb between the wall and the steel, and my head spins from standing for too long. But I have the bathroom mirror—intact, even the half-cleaned lipstick stain in the corner.
I lean against the wall, arms wrapped around the glass-and-steel mirror in a hug, and breathe. Then I carefully creep back to the door, revolver in one hand and mirror tucked under my arm, and stare into the twilit hallway.
It’s there. The thinling is back at the steel fire door, clawing/biting/sawing at the metal. It’s only a matter of time before it breaks through, which would be both good and bad. Good, because I need that door open. But bad, because there are people over there. Fakes and liars, yes, but still people.
They can’t handle the Truth.
I decide I can, and I flip the mirror around to face the thinling. I hope the reflection will act like a steel beam, flattening the monster against the wall or smashing it into the fire door. But it doesn’t. Instead, the thinling ignores it.
But for the first time, I can see its true form in the reflection. It’s alive. Not like a wolf, but similarly-sized; we have wolves nearby, where Vancouver Island goes wild. Where it should have four legs, it has six, and where a wolf would have jaws, its mouth is a circle of spinning, writhing teeth. It’s covered in white plates that make it look bug-like, but there’s never been a bug this size. Below the white, raw flesh pulses and twitches; I can’t tell if it’s black or dark red, but that’s a lighting problem, not because I can’t see the Truth.
It’s still ignoring me and the mirror. I decide to take a gamble. The mirror—hopefully—stopped the thinling once. It can probably do it again. I set it against the wall under a poster about the quadratic formula, level the revolver in my hands, facing the thinling even though it hurts my palm and my smashed thumb to aim, and pull the trigger.
It cracks, a purplish beam of light cuts through the air, sizzling, and the shell clatters to the ground. The sound echoes in the hall, and I realize I’ve imagined the beam’s sound. The ray leaving the gun’s barrel reaches twenty—no, fifty—feet, touches the wall above the thinling, and vanishes except for heat ripples in the air. I’ve missed. The revolver’s bullet-holder clicks as it slowly spins, and a new shell appears in the empty hole.
I stare at the mirror, not at the thinling, because the mirror tells me the Truth. It’ll stop the thinling. It has to.
But as the monster slithers/slides/clatters across the ground toward me, I lose my nerve and run. The mirror sits against the wall outside the bathroom while I hide inside, the revolver pointed shakily at the doorway.
A moment passes. Two. Three. I allow myself to breathe. To stand up and take one hesitant step toward the entrance, then another. When I gather the courage to look outside, I almost break right back into hysterics again.
The mirror worked. And the revolver’s shell glows a bright orange against the hall’s twilight.
I hobble toward the thinling. It roars in protest/angedespair as I grit my teeth, hold the revolver six inches from its scrabbling jaws/claws/saws, and brace myself.
I pull the trigger.
Then the thinling screams—the most concrete sound it’s made since I first saw it—and falls to the tile floor. Its scream hammers my mind, and I try to fight it, but can’t. The revolver slips from my grasp and joins it. And a moment later, so do I.
submitted by Aest_Belequa to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:03 ThisDudeisNotWell Has anyone ever tried smaller water changes more frequently? How'd that go?

I'm a intermediate fish keeper with some decent experience with goldfish. My personal care rule has always been to make sure my goldie water has been 100% replaced every month, if not every two weeks. Either a 25% to 50% water change every week. I've always kept my goldfish with plants--- I think it's way too hard to keep them in anything but a pond without plants, personally. I've now started to get way more into aquoponics and experimenting with that--- which has led to a very interesting delema. My poop machines are not dirtying the water fast enough.
I currently have four shabukins in an 80gal. They're young, the largest being about 4 inches and the smallest being about 3. I'm keeping them at around 72 to 75 f and doing frequent feedings to keep them growing nicely, with a rough 40% to 50% vegitable matter diet to keep their pipes unclogged. I have both aquatic and land plants growing in the tank/in the bog filter I have set up designed to heavily oxygenate the water. Lots of flowering and fruiting plants that eat a lot of nitrates--- to which I'd like to add more. My set up is kind of a hybrid of the walstad method and a traditional aquoponics set up to try and maximize the nitrogen cycle. There's also a lot of snails in my tank--- some intentionally put there, some not (bunch of pond snails houdinied their way into my bog filter somehow--- I'm just going to leave them, they're not causing any issues. I'll thin the population if it gets out of hand.) So virtually no tank maintenance other than some occasional glass cleaning.
Though my goldies are very young and will produce a much larger bioload as they mature obviously, four single tails is a lot for just an 80gal. I'll likely have to move them to something bigger as is once they get large enough for no other reason than giving them more swimming space. I'm kind of shocked my setup is already outpacing the amount of nitrates my fish are producing though, I was hoping to grow a lot more with this set up. I've been adding fertilizer to make up the difference when nessesary, but that's expensive and I would like the system to become as self-sufficient as possible. I've reduced my water changes to 25% every two weeks now, and still the highest my nitrates will get is 5ppm. After two weeks. I know a lot of commercial aquoponics set ups end up putting the fish in not-ideal conditions for the sake of plant growth, but I don't want to do that. I'm worried about reducing my water changed even more because I don't want somatostatin to build up--- though I've heard some terrestrial plants may also remove somatostatin, I can't find a straight answer about it.
I'm thinking instead of trying to switch to a 2.5gal water change daily, only doing larger water changes when I'm going to be away for a bit or nitrates get too high. That way I'm still getting that rough 100% water turn around every 31 days, while giving the plants more time to absorb the nitrates. Or does it simply not work that way and I'm an idiot, since the amount of water being changed over is the same?
I'll have to readjust as my fish get bigger, but any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by ThisDudeisNotWell to Goldfish [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:59 luminouschela Shogun MBTI (2024 TV show — SPOILERS!)

**SPOILER WARNING AGAIN** I mention little moments that occurred at various points throughout the season.
Not sure if any MBTI enthusiasts also liked the recent Shogun TV show, so I’m not sure if this post will generate much activity, but here are my thoughts.
I loved the series and wanted to explore some of the characters’ types. Of note, I haven’t read the books, so these assessments are based only on the TV show.
I'm sure there are grammatical and spelling errors, please ignore them!

Introverted intuition: Envisioning an outcome far off in the distance and feeling very dedicated to that vision. Not multiple options of what could be/what he’s hoping for but one thing—Shogun. His vision of himself in power, as Shogun, and of a peaceful Japan. His far-reaching plan to become Shogun (seems it may have been started all the way back when Akechi Jinsai killed the Taiko? Unclear to me if Toranaga pushed him to do it or not). Able to get a sense of the nature of others (this is how he can then apply Te so effectively to use the people around him to serve his Ni goal). His observant nature, his studying of the wind. They did an excellent job of having so many shots where Toranaga is just watching everything and everyone around him (understanding how he could use Yabushige and his playing of both sides; him saying to Mariko and John there’s a shadow over them, and him questioning Markio about what’s between them). His ability to understand Hiromatsu’s plan—without them needing to talk about it, he can understand how Hiromatsu’s death would benefit his plan to seem defeated. The way the different types of hawks symbolize John, Yabushige, and Mariko to him. Of course, he’s human and can’t anticipate everything—he understood his son but underestimated how reckless Nagakado was; I think he may have been surprised by his brother’s betrayal—but I think they did a good job of showing this as a strength of his.
Extroverted thinking: Makes concrete plans to bring his Ni vision to life in the real world. Uses the world around him, including the people associated with him, as tools to achieve his goals (and highly values the tools/people he feels are most useful). Able to really understand, create, work within, and manipulate systems and hierarchies (for example, he utilized the weaknesses of the Council of Regents’ structure to manipulate them). He is annoyed with distractions, poor strategy, and small talk (he got increasingly frustrated by his son’s lack of insight, Buntaro fixated on Mariko and John, John fixated on his ship). Wants the most efficient strategy to win (minimize loss, cost, etc.). Feels confident leading, giving orders, etc.
Introverted feeling: Hides his true intentions and feelings from most people and does so effectively. Because he’s so secretive and hard to read, few know the depths of his feelings and beliefs. He certainly has his cold and calculating side (which becomes even more apparent in the last episode). I think he also truly loved Mariko and Hiromatsu, and that all of the tears he shed for them were genuine. By the end of the last episode, his fondness for John also seemed genuine. He doesn’t show much affection toward his wife (wives? Wife and consort?), but he is respectful to them and seems to try and keep them safe (maybe a personal value of his not to be harsh to them or something). He appreciates poetry and uses it to express his feelings in a more understated way. Also, NiFi work together to help him understand people—Ni gives him data about what someone might do, Fi helps him understand why.
Extraverted sensing: The endpoint is fixed, but the path to his goal is adaptable when required (he didn’t plan for Nagakado to kill those people or for the earthquake, but when those things happened, Toranaga accepted reality and adjusted his plans). Not only does he study the wind, he adapts to the way it changes. He likes to watch the falcons and appreciates their different hunting styles, especially the elegance of his primary falcon. He grew to be good with a sword (of course I’m sure any child would have a hard time being a second…). He is able to pick up diving pretty quickly.

Introverted sensing: Respects her culture’s customs—loyal to her leader, listens to her abusive husband and doesn’t speak ill of him in public (despite hating him), thinks it’s important for everyone to have their purpose, focused on the samurai having their swords, understands the power structures and customs well. As Ochiba says, she understands what she’s to do, where she’s to go, and what role she should play without being told. Cannot let the memories of the past go or the heavy weight of her family name, those things haunt her, her whole life and take up a significant part of her days (and it was Toranaga that interpreted her father’s actions—sending her away to save her (and also to follow Toranag?)—Mariko didn’t come to that conclusion on her own). Generally comfortable with the routine/sticking to the plan (she wants to die but otherwise she isn’t longing to break away from what the group is doing).
Extroverted thinking: A good strategist in her own right (negotiating the price with Gin, the way she handled the translations (didn’t always say exactly what was said), her understanding of how to play her role once she gets to Osaka and part of that is by manipulating the power structure). She understands how to use her words effectively to accomplish a goal rather than just express herself (comforting Toranaga, giving Ochiba a clue Ishido wouldn’t understand). Even in small ways she is good at making sure what needs to get done, gets done: helps Fuji give up her son; negotiates with Fuji to stay with John for 6 months (because Toranaga wants Fuji to do that, so Mariko comes up with a plan to accomplish the task), and gets John set up in his home in Ajiro (the vibe of ok everyone, here he is, he needs swords, he needs a bath, etc. making sure those practicalities are handled).
Introverted feeling: Like Toranaga she hides her emotions well when she wants to—the queen of maintaining a blank face and giving off a cold vibe. Buntaro, for example, is surprised at the end that she never cared for him (when she reveals that in the tea room). She feels close to John after he steps up to second her because he’s finally honoring what she’s doing, how she feels, and what she believes instead of trying to force something else on her. The cross was so meaningful to her because of its emotional significance, and it never left her body until the scene where she thought she’d have to kill herself (this has SiFi tones as well because it’s particularly related to intense past experiences). I think she, like Toranaga, appreciates that poetry can allow for emotional expression in a more subtle way. Si and Fi can interact by Fi imbuing reflections of the past with strong emotional tones (so she doesn’t just remember her father’s betrayal, it also deeply pierces her emotionally whenever she thinks of it). She also has an emotional attachment to the customs—when Toranaga is without his swords after the earthquake, she is very distressed about it. Similar to Toranaga, her Si and Fi work together to help her understand people—Si gives her data about what someone might do (based on how they’ve acted in the past, ), Fi helps her understand why they do what they do—this is why she was better at understanding Ochiba no Kata, Mariko grew to know her and understand her motivations steadily over time.
Extraverted intuition: I think this is part of what makes her good at poetry—being able to make quick connections between words and concepts, even ones that seem disparate. I think this also helps her be so adept at her translator role (understanding the essence of what’s being said by the speaker and thinking of ways to express the same sentiment/general idea while using words that are not offensive to the receiver).

Introverted sensing: Similar to Si explanation for Mariko—for example, she was so unhappy about having to be John’s consort, but once she’s committed herself to the role she does it to the fullest (when she takes John’s gun and promises to care for it while also pointing it at Omi, making sure there’s dinner and that the house is clean, making sure the gardener was killed for disobeying John and touching that bird). At the end her calling isn’t to find freedom, build a new social structure (like Gin), or try to find power—she is comfortable with and comforted by the idea of becoming a nun (something long established, something she can more confidently predict and envision).
Extraverted feeling: Once she settles into her role, she is good at meeting the needs of others and trying to maintain a stable emotional atmosphere (make sure we throw the soup out far away so the smell won’t bother everyone; make sure we have the right dishes, if we don’t let me offer a quick but warm apology to smooth over any insults). Comparing Mariko and Fuji, if John says something that Mariko finds offends her own beliefs or the cultural structures in place enough, she says something to him (pushes back/argues; “your words gave the bird meaning”, clearly insinuating the situation he’s upset about is his own fault and expresses disapproval; vs Fuji trying to follow his logic and ultimately apologizing and offering to kill herself to stop his anger when they can’t seem to understand each other). Maybe Fuji would push back/argue on occasion, but when we see her interactions with John she just meets the needs he’s expressed or protects him in her own way (when John and Buntaro are drunk at dinner, she tries to apologize (on John’s behalf) for his bad behavior; when John asks her to arrange a meeting with Toranaga and help him with his message, she does so no questions asked). More outwardly emotionally expressive (really big reaction when her son and husband were to die (understandable of course) and when she’s told she has to be John’s consort vs Mariko's more internal distress at being sent away to marry Buntaro or preparing to kill herself or face her death when the door blew open). Mariko does have a significant external emotional expression after Buntaro physically abuses her after that tense dinner, but Fuji’s response is to match her intensity and try to calm things down to make sure the emotions in the house are what they should be (Fuji says something like “if you disturb this home, you dishonor the Anjin.”). At first, Fuji wants to die with her son and husband but by the end has let go of the idea, come to peace with what happened, and will instead become a nun and be in an environment with a clear way to behave and a relatively set and predictable emotional landscape (vs Mariko’s more long-lasting desire to die after her father died). Giving John her family swords as a clear sign of her commitment to her role and appreciating him giving her something and acknowledging what she’s doing.
Introverted thinking: Less focused on the external implementation of plans, systems, etc.; less focused on strategizing; less focused on having clear goals and thinking about how to make them a reality. Instead, focuses on what makes sense to her—well, you said if the bird was touched, whoever touched it would have to die, but it was disturbing the peace in the neighborhood so it had to be removed…so the gardener removed it, and we killed him. We did exactly as you instructed, so why are you getting upset? John is horrified, but, to Fuji, it’s confusing to her why the gardener’s death doesn’t make sense to John. When John recommends she spread her loved ones’ ashes in the ocean, she sees this as reasonable (there’s no way the ashes can go to the family grave, how will I take it to the church, and John says this is honoring them and helping their spirit move on—it’s a reasonable idea).
Extraverted intuition: We don’t get to see as much of this with her? If anyone noticed anything please do share!

Extraverted sensing: Skilled pilot and finds the action associated with being on the ship exciting. Understands how the boat moves (when he’s directing the men how to row and how to prevent it from flipping, when he gets Toranaga’s ship out of the harbor, surprising even Toranaga). He also has skill with his guns and the cannons. A good in-the-moment and responsive thinker—his outburst in an early scene protects the guards from opening all of the boxes so Toranaga’s plan won’t be ruined, quick to action whenever there’s an attack and smart about how to take out opponents (like during the shinobi attack with his hand through the wall move and trying to block the door). Good awareness of his physical surroundings (gets the sense he'll be ambushed in the woods for ex). Heartily enjoys food and drink and wants external glory (or at least he thought he did—to be the first to sail to Japan and back to England, to gain respect in his home country, to have lots of money and die in a big home with his “trophies” if you will). A key part of his relationship with Mariko goes beyond words and is about when their fingers brush or of course when they sleep together. He has family back home (maybe kids? I can’t remember), and he may have feelings for them, but Mariko is right here in front of him, and it makes his feelings for her more intense that she’s with him in the present.
Introverted feeling: His whole character arc is seeing the value in honoring others, being aware of and a part of a community, and looking beyond your personal goals and desires. I think he will hold Mariko in his heart forever and that her actions and beliefs will influence him. It’s important to him to speak out against religious hypocrisy.
Extraverted thinking: He’s actually a good and animated leader. His style is different than Toranaga’s, but his SeTe work together to make him effective (like in the ending scene when they’re trying to pull the boat out of the water). I think this is part of what Toranaga sees in John/part of John’s use as a tool for Toranaga. In the end scene, the positions they’re standing in seem meaningful—Toranaga is alone and on high monitoring everyone else, looking ahead to the future, while John is amongst the people, having experiences with them, giving orders but also giving them energy and expressing appreciation for their hard work. Both of their roles are important and now they kind of understand each other and their respective roles. John tries to plan a way to use the Japanese people and get out of Japan. Even though he’s ultimately unsuccessful, he was trying to get his ship and get out nearly until the end. He kept trying to come at Toranaga from different angles (I have no role here let me go; fine, give me a bigger role and let me have my ship, and I’ll sail for you; I’ll return and get my men, then we’ll get back to the ship, etc.). His plans are more I’ll take this action now, another good SeTe example is when he threatened to kill himself at the end if Toranaga didn’t stop killing the villagers. It was an in-the-moment decision (it seemed so anyway) but based on a structure/strategy he’d learned (to die in protest).
Introverted intuition: He comes to at least sense that Toranaga is looking beyond what everyone else is focusing on. Even if he doesn’t fully see the picture Toranaga does, he’s confident enough to tell that catholic guy, “if you think it’s over, you don’t know your opponent, and you aren’t seeing the full picture” (summarizing, not an actual quote). He comes to understand how elegant? Toranaga’s plan was (he comments that Toranaga doesn’t have to get his hands dirty or waste a bunch of soldiers; he just had to sacrifice one woman). He also has a clear vision of his future, and he clung to it until he truly had a change of heart (then that future vanished and he had to reimagine a life in Japan).

Extraverted sensing: In-the-moment problem solver, like John. Like when he first arrived in Ajiro early in the season, he was quickly planning with Omi how they could use the ship to their advantage (of course with Toranaga’s more long-range based thinking, he had spies in Ajiro and already knew about the ship). Good physical awareness as well (when he wasn’t able to save that guy on the cliff, he knew when it was time to give up and was ready to kill himself), seems he’s a skilled fighter (at least from the little scene we see where he’s criticizing John for being unable to use a sword). For his torture/punishment, he likes the externally perceptible suffering of the person (likes to hear the screaming in real-time; vs say Mariko who is content with just internally knowing how much Buntaro suffers because she won’t give him any emotional reactions). Even when he had to commit Seppuku, he’s quick and decisive about it, and does it in his style (vs the other very symbolic versions we saw earlier in the show).
Introverted thinking: Focused on an individualized plan for his survival. For him, SeTi led to his quick tactical changes (I’ll back this guy, never mind this one. Hm, things not looking so good anymore let me figure out how to get back in the other’s good graces, etc.). With TiFe, his plans often included an element of charming/getting friendly with other people (I’ll convince them I’m an asset, I’ll offer this thing to this person to try and please them). Always trying to figure out how he can make it through all of the craziness, how to play both sides, not caring so much about long-term plans, or making people follow him—he wants to live. He seemed like a genuinely curious person who wanted to understand things. He seemed to be developing some kind of internal system to rank different deaths, it was kind of like his own experiment (you could envision him keeping notes, writing the different deaths down, explaining the reasoning for the rankings). Frustrated when he doesn’t understand what’s going on/when things don’t make sense to him—why did Toranaga send you, Mariko? What’s his plan? Why would you start a winter poem when it’s spring? When is Crimson sky, and how will it work? He has a bit of a harder time than the Te users trying to effectively use his chess pieces (by the time he tries to give John to Ishido, John is pretty much irrelevant to Ishido).
Extraverted feeling: Based on some comments and review podcasts and videos I saw—a lot of people really like Yabushige; he was a popular character. People didn’t necessarily respect him, but they found him charming and funny. I think his Fe was part of that charm (when talking with either Ishido or Toranaga, he had a very laidback “we’re all on the same side; calm down, calm down, you can trust me”, kind of that smooth-talker energy; his interactions with Omi were much less formal and distant than Toranaga’s interactions with his son. Yabushige made sure Omi was respectful, but there was more warmth between them). He was even pretty close with his main servant guy whereas none of Toranaga’s more lowly servants are seen having frequent semi-casual (while still respectful) interactions. Toranaga had to kill him in the end but smiled at him too—even though Yabushige couldn’t be trusted and had betrayed Toranaga in many ways, there was still some measure of fondness Toranaga had for Yabushige. He didn’t think about or understand the emotional impact of things until they happened, and then his emotions caught him off guard. He was so shocked about Mariko’s death, his role in causing her death, and his feelings about it that he has a mental breakdown at the end (seeing the fish, frantic on the ship back to Ajiro stopping his clothes off and talking about trying to escape to England). He wanted good social standing (liked it when the soldiers were cheering his name and got annoyed when they started cheering Toranaga’s name instead; wants to be close to and feel privy to the plans of the most powerful figures). His sexual preference was also interesting--he was more of an observer, watching his servant and Kiku’s enjoyment and feeding off of that was arousing for him. Kiku can quickly assess that that’s what might please him, but Yabushige himself almost seems surprised that he’s into it (less aware of his inner emotional self than an Fi user). Finally, he’s rarely alone. I know they all have servants and stuff but Toranaga or even John would have moments where they were just sitting/standing alone and reflecting. Yabushige usually had Omi or his servant or someone else close to him and would interact with them.
Introverted intuition: He sees through Toranaga in the end and comes to understand the true nature of a life like his vs a life like Toranaga’s. He sees that Toranaga is power-hungry and just as vicious and focused on his own powesuccess/survival as much as anyone else—it’s just that Toranaga hides his intentions better. Yabushige also realizes he was one of Tornado’s chess pieces all along, that the leaders/the “great men” use the lives of those beneath them as tools to serve whatever greater purpose they want.

Didn't do the full, function-by-function thing for these, but here are a few more I thought about:
Toda Hirokatsu “Buntaro” — ISTP
Yoshii Nagakado — ESFP
Ochiba no Kata - INFJ
Gin — ENFJ
submitted by luminouschela to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:41 Elaisa_ I'm Tired

Today I was in a traffic accident. For context : I work (I guess now Worked ) at a burrito restaurant close to my collage as a food carrier (Don't know if it's right translation) 4 days a week Wednesday to Saturday. It had flexible hours, good boss and okay salary to pay my rent.
For past weeks It was really hard for me to put my all focus on job. In my country traffic is kinda harsh and chaotic especially if you ride a motorcycle so you need to put all of your focus to road when riding it. Tomorrow will be national holiday for my country. I had plans just for myself. I would go to some place and wander till my feet fail me but my boss said "I need you Wednesday." we go back and forth and compromised. I would work Today (Tuesday) and he would let me be Wednesday.
So I get to work, missed some classes because of it but I said "Okay". However my mind was totally not at work. My mind was at tomorrow plans and my ex gf. I was just riding and thinking. I think after sometime my mind got himself to auto Mode because I don't remember how 5 hours passed. I had 2 hours left and I was in my thoughts again. Suddenly my GPS loudly warned me about missing a right turn so I panicked and tried to turn right immedietly while I was in middle lane. Unfortunately I didn't see the car on the right lane and she crashed at me from behind while she was on full brake mode. I collapsed to the ground immedietly and still slide 5-10 meters. It would have been bad if I didn't had protective gears the boss gave.
I didn't feel pain, I didn't feel sorry, I wasn't angry, I was like "Yeah, I would be suprised if I didn't experience this. Good job, dumbfck." and I just laid there. I don't know how many seconds or minutes passed but the only reason I didn't get up because I felt so tired and exhausted. I just wanted to laid there, if possible sleep. I didn't want to do anything, I didn't want to think. But people who have seen the accident rushed to the scene and tried to help me and call an ambulance. I got up slowly and told them "No need, I'm okay etc". The Woman who hit me was in tears I walked to her I said "I'm sorry for the accident, It was all on me I will compansate whatever damage has been done to your car, again I'm sorry and I apologize." we talked quite some and she didn't want any type of compensation nor holding a record with polices. We parted ways.
My gears and motorcycle were scratched and minorly damaged here and there. There was nothing big but it was visible. I cursed at myself, I felt so tired that I just wanted to run and escape and do nothing about everything. But in the end I took a big breath. I rode the motorcycle and went back to the restaurant. I explained everything to the boss I apologized and suggested I should compansate. He told me not to be sorry, he was glad I was okay and I should take a week or two off. I thanked him and came to my home.
When I laid down my whole body started to ache with pain. I felt mentally and physically exhausted. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. So here I am lied down just thinking and breathing shortly to not feel the crushing pain in my chest.
Most of you here when I told my interaction with my ex gf some weeks ago told me "She doesn't want to be neither friend nor more. She stated clearly she has a boyfriend. What will you do, are you going to be spineless and still try to talk to her? I got so angry to these comments. I deleted them, deleted the post, blocked them etc. Because you guys were right. It would be dishonorable thing to do. I tried to fool myself by saying "haha no she said not Right now, so there is a chance 🤓". When I saw her post about wanting help about a problem in her computer I saw It was the same computer we bought together. I got so happy for it. Like dude? She probably just didn't even bother to sell. After that I tried to help her, luckily it worked and she thanked me. Just because of a "Thank you" I smirked rest of the school day. When I came home and went to the bathroom and saw that smirky face. I ashamed, embarrassed of myself. Just how much of a fool can you be?
When I told this on reddit and wanted an advice (Because I can't say I'm emotionally smartest man) most of the comments and dm's was "She is playing with you, making fun of you etc" I got angry again and deleted the post. I might know nothing about her but if I know just one thing about her it's She's not that kind of person, not a cruel person. Yes she can be rude and sharp tongued against the people she dislikes but never cruel.
I thought to myself shamely "I wish she would care me enough to try to make fun of me" but no I was 99% sure she didn't thought about me since we last talked and not before that as well. I wrote my feelings, thoughts here and there post it. The next day I saw her post about a cute stray kitty. She was so cute and scared in the photos, I wanted to help. I commented what can I do etc. We talked and talked. Probably like 15-20 minutes but for me it was 3-4 hours long. She sent a photo of the kitty, new home etc. We talked about what can we do and other general things. Even though I couldn't help I was in 10 most happy person at the moment list. I giggled, hugged my pillow like a teenager.
Approximately 5-6 hours later she messaged me saying "She read my 2 post about my feelings and this is not my true feelings, she didn't had a flirt or fling after we broken up etc" I was literally shocked but I didn't had the time to digest this information. I tried to answer her questions with my best ability I could give. After that was silence. I was at a rollercoaster of emotions. Does she care about me? If she has a boyfriend why did she looked at me? She said she didn't had any flirts but she says she has boyfriend, What is the meaning of this? I couldn't answer any of my questions. I couldn't understand what was happening. The only thing I knew was even though she may not care about me she wanted to look at me. I was more than happy for this.
I wrote her the next day, we talked a bit more and yeah I was literally the happiest man on Earth that day. I smiled so much and so long that my cheekbones were hurting the next day, not even joking.
Then silence again. I don't know what to do, if I could I would be okay just being friends with her. I wish she meant to me as some random gf we had a good time. But no, she means to me something much more. Most people use "I'm in love" so carelessly. This words mean so much to me. You can like someone you see and love them at the process. But being in love is something different, much different for me and I wouldn't even think twice if I asked to myself Am I in love with her? What can I do or what can I do with my emotions, how can I manage them? Other than "Let go of her bro, There is so much fish in the sea" opinions/comments
submitted by Elaisa_ to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:24 syfdemonlord Evaluate my urban composting strategy to combine bokashi with traditional compost pile method

I am new to the composting world and am lucky to have purchased a townhome in DC with a decently sized back yard (for a townhouse) and front porch area that I want to make into a hobby. I would love to ultimately work towards a self-sustaining composting system.
Could I get some critiques/comments on my strategy.
I plan on purchasing three types of bins.
  1. Kitchen scraps bin - something like this
  2. DIY Bokashi Bucket - (green stream)
  3. Outdoor enclosed bin - something like this (brown stream)
I would fill the kitchen scraps bin regularly and feed those materials into the bokashi bucket. I wanted to use this approach to create a separate stream of "green" material for my pile that can be fully enclosed to avoid rats/pests since our backyard borders an alley.
I would add general yard waste, leaves, grass clippings, papecardboard into the outdoor enclosed bin to serve as the "brown material stream." Then I would add the post-digestion bokashi materials to the outdoor enclosed bin.
  • Is this a workable strategy?
  • Does it make sense to have two separate outdoor bins - (1) to serve as a brown stream storage and (2) to combine brown and green in alternating layers?
  • Would the linked bin in (3) work for this purpose or should I look at one of these tumbling bins?
submitted by syfdemonlord to composting [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:02 -ichthyosaur- I got the game early, here’s my review • solo/multiplayer

I’ll start things off with saying that I didn’t pay for Nintendo online for this game, considering there’s possibly only two people on earth who can play this right now. So I have no idea what multiplayer is like, but I can’t imagine it’s adding anything meaningful to the game.
This here is, from what I can tell, the bulk of the game. I don’t know what else story mode has to offer because they locked that behind a progression wall. There may be features I haven’t discovered that I may express have been removed, please correct me once y’all get the game if that is the case :)
The first thing I noticed is that the fish feel very out of place. There’s just a lot of single fish scattered across the ocean and they’re just, hanging out with a bunch of other single fish. If they’re not a schooling fish such as barracuda or tuna it’s just gonna be one of them. Remember the old games? You’d find blue tangs in heaps, schools of sea goldies with one red male, pods of dolphins, and overall congregations of the same species. I guess Luminous decided that found family and lone wolf dolphins was a better concept. This also happens with mixes of fresh and saltwater fish, which is a point I’ll get into later. All in all it feels like they threw a bunch of random fish into the pot and said that’ll do.
EVERY. SINGLE. FISH. GLOWS. I thought once you discovered a species you’d be rid of the monochrome blue fish that blend into the background, but alas, it’s just that single individual. It’s ugly and it completely ruins the look of the already jumbled environment. It’s incredibly tedious to scan all of these fish without finding new species, but you sort of turn on autopilot mode and do it anyway. Which brings me to my next point, the scanning itself. The game wants you to scan every single creature you come across, but once you let go of the button or the scan runs out you enter focus mode. Which gets quite annoying when the whole point of the game quite literally is to scan. I find myself pressing B to constantly cancel the scan. It’s also nearly impossible to choose which fish you want to focus on. But don’t worry! You can easily select the unidentified fish from the menu to the left if it is close by! That way you won’t have to swim over to the fish to look at it, and the developers didn’t have to make controls and mechanics that feel intuitive and easy to manage. You’ll be delighted when presented with the opportunity to simply click a button instead of holding it down! Once you’ve managed to focus on a fish you can enjoy the three sentences of facts forcibly read to you out loud by AI. As far as I can tell there is no way to get additional information, but I could be wrong.
There is no way to interact with the fish apart from adding them as your buddy, which is a feature I actually like but have decided to dislike out of spite. Why remove a fun, simple mechanic for this? Not every creature can be added to your buddy list either. This also means that unfortunately, there are no dolphin partners.
I should also mention that there are no zoom in points!
Now for what we’ve all been waiting for: the procedurally generated environment. It could be worse, I think. It’s not good by any means, but you won’t find an abyss in freshwater, I hope. It doesn’t flow at all and there are very few landmarks to use if you want to find your way back somewhere. As of right now I’ve been stuck in a closed off area for about ten minutes and cannot find the cave system that took me here. There are very long stretches of sand with absolutely nothing, empty rock formations, and very sporadically placed corals and plants. The edges of the map is just a drop off, absolutely nothing to it.
A fun little detail I noticed they added however is the cool ability the fish have to go through walls!
I can’t find anywhere to go ashore either, which is a mechanic I don’t think anyone is surprised is missing from the game.
Once again I find the game fails to give me the information I need to understand anything that is happening to me. All of a sudden my switch began to angrily vibrate and I had no idea why. It sped up when I got closer to a certain patch of coral, and after a good few minutes I realised I had made the mistake of not scanning the already identified fish above the coral. Once I had figured that out myself the game told me there are glitchy fish, and I have to find them. Endless Ocean going meta was not something I expected.
My map looks like Gatama Atoll, so imagine my surprise when I find an electric eel chilling in the coral. I started finding more freshwater fish that had taken the wrong turn somewhere, and even an extinct turtle. I went into a cave which was nothing short of the Amazon river itself, and on the other side I sure enough found myself in waters with low salt levels. The first thing I found was a bull shark, which I’m actually stoked about. There’s a lot of variety in the freshwater department which I really appreciate. However, the terrain looks just like the saltwater areas but with a splash of jungle. The freshwater area I found isn’t very large, and it soon transitioned back into the Pacific Ocean, where piranhas and clownfish meet.
Something that really bothered me was that the game occasionally goes completely silent? Apart from your breathing of course. No ambience, no music which already is more rare than the fish labeled “rare”, just nothing. Still waiting on those lonely dolphins to make a single note.
There’s a day/night cycle which I don’t like, I would have preferred if we could decide what time of day we dive at. It only makes matters worse when you discover it’s ridiculously short. It is not an exaggeration when I say that I looked away for a few seconds and it was like someone had turned on the lights. Nighttime feels much shorter than daytime but maybe that’s just me. I haven’t seen much difference in what fish you can find depending on time of day, except for that one time I saw a giant squid at a five meter deep coral reef. I stared at it in disbelief and it stared back with its incredibly human eyes. Not sure if it was a coincidence though as I haven’t noticed any other variation. My previous statements aside, I feel like there must be a point to the day/night cycle and that I’ve just been really unlucky, so take this with a grain of salt.
I also learned about the phenomena of seeing the effects of the sun setting from the inside of a very dark cave!
It’s possible to continue playing on the same map again even though you don’t have the ID! That’s of course as long as you don’t get the whim to try out another map, that previous map will now be replaced with the new one. Because who needs variation when you can just discover 80% of the barren sand flats of the Veiled sea in order to get that ID?
It’s a shame the game’s sole base mechanic gets boring after there’s been a repeat in the same fish a bit too much. Now, I have no complaints in the amount of variety we have, but I just don’t want to scan another scissortail sergeant.
So far I find this game mode more enjoyable and I’ll definitely continue playing, though that may or may not have something to do with a certain amount of money I spent on this. It’s definitely no game deserving of the Endless Ocean title, but it can be fun for a poorly made and rushed diving sim where your only motivation to keep playing is to find every single low resolution fish.
Edit: I’ve noticed a lot more of groups of the same fish as I explored other regions of this map. If only this game could be saved by congregating animals…
submitted by -ichthyosaur- to EndlessOcean [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 22:29 thepwnman33 Gastritis 10+ years fixed in 90 days

I suffered from crippling gastritis for over 10 years, it affected my mental and overall health, took all the medicines, diets, lifestyle changes you can come up with and more, visited several doctors and did all the test (even gallbladder, pancreas and liver tests) and stomach PH, Sibo. Its likely that if you have read about it, I have tried it. You can see my posts in the past here, desperate searching, looking for a solution after 10 years of struggle. I am not promising this will heal you as it did me, but If you were to follow on any advice that is at least not going to hurt you, let it be this. I can guarantee you I've felt your desperation, pain and anxiety for over a decade.
Bismuth, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Rabeprazole (been on an off them for years at a time), Famotidine, Ranitidine, Antibiotics (They never found H.Pylori but still decided to put me on antibiotics), Domperidone, Metoproclamide, IVs with Vitamins and Glutathione, PepZin Gi, Iberogast, BPC, Mastic Gum, Multivitamins, Digestive Enzymes, Colostrum, Gelatin, Collagen, Glutamine, Curcumin, fasting, keto, boiled food only. Obviously, for years no spicy food, no alcohol, no caffeine, no smoking, no chocolate, nothing really tasty. I would also avoid eating protein because it made the indigestion feel x10 worse (no eggs, chicken, fish, meat)... Hell, I even did intermittent hypoxia, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (It did help my tinnitus however).
Everyday after eating, I felt what I can only describe as a 15-30 minute relief, followed by a "stone" in the stomach, feelings of indigestion/dyspepsia that lasted for 3-6 hours post eating, bloating, discomfort that turned into actual pain at times, acid reflux when waking up (burnt throat).
I learned to sleep on a chair for years (actually sitting with a very very mild inclination, similarly to a plane chair) to avoid the bad reflux (this led me to chronic neck pain and tensional headaches which I am currently working on fixing) no food or water 4 hours before bed.
In 90 days of a drastic diet change based on a simple principle, I healed 80-90% of my gastritis symptoms, in 180 days gone, after 270 days or so, I am now working my way to slowly quitting taking Omeprazole and antiacids but I experiment no discomfort, note: today I ate 9 Oreos, drank a beer, had pancakes with jam . This would have been unimaginable 6 months ago. All of this while my stress levels remain the same through-out the journey (stress was never a factor).
Now I am not saying this will change your life like it did mine, but if you have tried everything and you experience symptoms similar to mine, give this a try. Just for the record, I have read hundreds of relevant research paper about gastritis, I often felt I knew more about gastritis than the specialists I visited, ill say this with the utmost respect to medical professional in something as uncertain as gastritis, most don't have a clue what they are dealing with, they are stochastic parrots with A/B/C options.
What changed everything for me was stumbling upon "Fast Track" by Dr Norm Robillard, now I am not saying you buy anything from him, ill give you the scoop. The reason why I found him was because although my gastritis was pretty terrible, it was my reflux that was really messing even with my capacity to sleep, I had given up hope on ever fixing my gastritis, but had hope on fixing my reflux, after all I was worried of Barret's Esophagus which is a pre-cancerous condition (was even consulting with a doctor for potential surgery).
His theory is pretty simple ill get into it soon, but here are my own findings from reading hundreds of academic research papers and my own experience A lot of people can get gastritis from "x" (it can be whatever) but gastritis technically heals relatively fast (matter of weeks/months) If you feel you are not healing while you are being respectful with your diet and habits, If you dont have atrophic or auto-immune gastritis (which are very rare) if you dont have H.pylori and/or if your pancreas/gall bladdeliver are all functioning properly, something ELSE is wrong. In general as a rule of thumb for most, you can assume that if you dont have H.Pylori but you have chronic gastritis while being responsible for 1-2 months without improvements, there is a very, very high chance there is an overgrowth of bacteria taking place.
You can screw up your stomach lining doing something silly, out of stress, Covid, whatever it may be, its pretty irrelevant, pretty much everyone (some with more tendency than others) can get a gastritis's.
What is the first thing Doctors do ? They give you Omeprazole or Famotidine and a pat in the back of course, its on the manual.
Long-term Omeprazole (PPIs in general) and H2 Blockers are the biggest friend and foes imaginable for the gastritis sufferer, and they are in my opinion more often than not the reason behind most issues even if indirectly. Anything that lowers stomach PH is an aid to heal relatively faster, at the expense of changing a very complex ecosystem that was DESIGNED to have acidic environment for a reason. Not only because it dissolved food but it stops the proliferation of bacteria in an area of the body that deal with the highest bacteria activity than any other organ. Lowering your PH just by 0.1 fir months WILL by itself cause noticeable changes in your microbiota, now imagine lowering 0.5 or even 1 sustained for weeks/months.
When you take omeprazole for a couple of months, you will get bacterial overgrowth in the earlier long intestinal tract, there is NO WAY around that, its non-negotiable, you have lowered the PH chronically, you have allowed these things to proliferate, for some this problem might have even been there before Gastritis, before omeprazole, you just made it worse, hell, for some it might be the reason you have gastritis on the first place too.
There is going to be fermentation from this bacteria feeding on the food and releasing Methane/Hydrogen, this built up gas which in turn makes night reflux happens as your sphincter relaxes while you sleep, the acid will burn your stomach and esophagus/throat, this perpetuates a never ending cycle of impossibility to heal. But it does not simply stay there, when there is gas build up in the small intestine (while you are awake and not sleeping) the sphincter interprets that as having an overload of food (it is full after all), so the Pyloric sphincter (the "valve" that connects the Duodene and the small intestine) will not open up, allowing the stomach to hold up the food for longer which consequently leads to acid further irritating the stomach, when what you really need is for the food to leave your stomach as soon as possible, the less activity the better, in layman terms, the gases are "fooling" your nervous system to have a delayed gastric emptying, not to the point where it becomes gastroparesis, but to the point where you are often experimenting the symptoms of functional dyspepsia (which in a nutshell are all the symptomatic discomforts of gastritis). In the medical world, functional dyspepsia and gastritis are very cool words which mean "idk what the hell it is, but there is inflammation, bloating, discomfort and/or pain, that is why you get omeprazole, not an answer as to how you can cure the source of your problems, its all way too inclusive and generic.
So you see, gas is the problem, that creates reflux during the night (irritating the stomach lining), and delays gastric emptying during the day (irritating the stomach lining), gas generated by bacteria's that shouldnt be there, because you changed the habitat of a very delicate ecosystem. So you see, maybe your gastritis was because you were sipping margaritas and takin ibuprofen, or whatever it was, the point is, good Ol´Omeprazole is low-key not allowing you to heal because it promotes a dramatically negative effect. You are probably on your 6th month taking PPIs, fighting the rebounds for a second time, but you were never really fine on the first place, you are constantly setting yourself back, prolonging the cycle of bacteria proliferation. Quitting PPIs is an art, and this hunts and hurts a lot of people that don't know what they are doing, because as I said, Omeprazole always ends up becoming the issue, you came for "X" and you left with "Y" problem.
Ok enough talking, how do you fix it ? In principle its simple, you need to starve the bacteria and eventually get off the PPIs, H2 blockers and antacids. If you accomplish this, there is a solid chance you will heal your reflux and gastritis.
So how do you starve them ? You make a drastic diet change. I know, you probably been there before, but this one is gonna hit you like a Mike Tyson hook, my dear boy. Fun fact, I did a SIBO test and got negative even before starting this diet, and that is the point, you dont need to be diagnosed from SIBO to have issues with bacteria overgrowth, I wont get into too many details, but SIBO diagnosis and standardization is not where it needs to be, if you have what is known as "Methane SIBO" but you have an overgrowth of certain Eubacteria and archaebacteria known as methanophiles (they feed on Methane) but you also have an overgrowth of other bacteria which produce Methane (methanogens) your breath test might claim you don't have SIBO, when in truth, you do, but that is another chapter.
Say bye bye to the following;
-Potatoes (in any shape or form) -Rice -Artificial sweeteners -Anything with Lactose, potentially anything lactose-free too -Fructose (Yeah that too, say bye to fruit for a while)
Bet you ate a lot of the above, thinking it was cool, eh ? I remember eating rice for 4 months straight (lost 20 pounds) and felt worse daily, makes sense now, same with potatoes.
There are a few things more, but pretty irrelevant, instead lets focus on what did I eat ? You can look into the book I mentioned above, or if you want extreme, do as I did. All I know is that I starved the living crap of whatever was causing my reflux and bloating, and as a consequence my gastritis healed.... This was never a goal, it was by accident, by trying to fix 1 problem I solved everything.
I ate minced meat, eggs, salmon, olive oil, chicken, dextrose (you don't need to go into ketosis, buy dextrose) which is a super fast acting sugar (just be careful with it) the cool thing about dextrose is that its glycemic index allows it to be absorbed incredibly fast, not allowing to ferment (unlike fructose) and use it on things, I often did sweet omelets', sounds disgusting, well, they are disgusting, but it did the trick for me. No vegetable, just full blown protein diet with dextrose, I did drink a lot of green tea, but I have been doing that for 8 years.
1 month later reflux and bloating gone, 3 months later, pains and overall acid sensation gone, 6 months later, I am eating Oreos and KitKats! I no longer do the diet, I eat whatever I want nowadays, its been 3 months of eating freely, again, I am pretty responsible but gastritis is no longer a drawdown, my focus is fixing all the issues caused by over 1 decade of changing my habits around it. I am very conscious that I am likely vulnerable to suffering gastritis again which is why i will never get out of line with my stomach, but I am very positive and hopeful I can continue to live a normal life when it comes to my guy. I am not out of the woods I still need to quit PPIs but I have a very long-term approach which is working. For those that may wonder, my last endoscopy revealed gastritis is gone (first time I get that diagnosis in 7 endoscopic tests)
Yes, I suffered daily for 10 years, and I suffer no more. I hope you can heal, friend.
submitted by thepwnman33 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 22:04 Martneb American GF 5/6: Makiya 'Minerva' Hope A girl from the past, or perhaps just a rich girl wanting to live in it

After leaving Route 66 our family becomes a bit lost due to not knowing how the interstate system works, finally coming to stop at a dirt road to stretch their legs and to answer nature's call after hours of bussing around. They are also hungry (Especially Kurumi).
After walking a bit away to get a private place to do the business, he hears steps coming near him and thinking it is one of his current girlfriends, he hastily pulls up his pants, already apologizing when his falls on...
A girl, with skin even darker than Eira's and a dress style even he knows to be over a hundred years old and her accent seems to match her state of dress.
After averting her eyes she asks 'from what far away land have you come from?'
'I am from Japan...' and their dialogue devolves into him asking if there is a town nearby where could get something to drink, eat and refuel.
She agrees taking them to her town, New Westcott, a village straight out of 1830s America, with everyone in Rentarou's family wondering if they have taken a turn to many and accidentally travelling past.
The people in the village are obviously reenactors but notice their confusion and fully stay in character for the giggles, furthering the families worries.
The girl who lead them here then introduces herself as Minerva Hope, adopted by Quakers.
This leads then to the people of the town noticing the strange way these foreigners dress, leading to a dress up chapter, with the three main ways the girlfriends dressing being either 1830s American clothing or late Edo period clothing, the way their ancestors would likely dress at the time, with Uto and Iku choosing a more male dresscoat.
As does Rentarou, making his GFs swoon and the townspeople laugh saying that 'this Oriental has the suave and charme of a Frenchman.'
Then it comes to food and Naddy, of course, asks if they have the most American of all foods: Burgers. But much to her dismay, Minerva and the others don't actually know this 'burger', asking if they could describe it further.
This video would be how it goes, just with funny commentary from the family: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS4jZMRVRvo
As they come to the fried potatoes however, Maddy asks for Ketchup. What they get however is some strange mushroom sauce that Dei likens to Worcestershire Sauce and upon asking further she hears that Minerva heard from someone in the Navy that the origin of Ketchup is in a fermented fish sauce brought over by English sailors from China.
This devastates Naddy to her core: Ketchup, the most American of sauces, merely an import from the Far East, but Minerva asks her if she perhaps has more recipes from her homeland, as good food is meant to be shared, leading to Naddy, as well as Yaku, Mei and others to cook some Japanese dishes (The town does have rice, but not the kind that sticks together) leading to a big town feast. (*Happy Kurumi noises*)
During the cleanup however, the family gets the relief that they didn't travel back in time, as a luxurious car comes rolling into town, with two people stepping out of it, with some girlfriends immediately recognizing them as very famous American superstar couple.
And said couple has come to pick up their daughter from the reenactment village they bankroll, Makiya Hope, aka Minerva, who is a bit embarrassed by her parents barging into her period appropriate flirting with Rentarou.
Mr. Hope however immediately recognizes that this Asian kid has taken his daughters heart and invites them to stay at their house. Upon the question of having enough rooms, the Hope parents answer that it ain't gonna be a problem, followed next by a shot of their giant mansion, making even Hahari pale.
During their evening and morning stay Makiya explains to them, that while her family is always very doting on her she always felt something was missing, even travelling to Africa during a concert tour of her mother without managing to find this something. Until the day she stumbled onto a historical reenactment group finding this something to be the, in some aspects, simple life, despite all its struggles.
After her family found out about it she feared they might ban her from going there any further, but instead giving them a huge amount of funding, due to it making her daughter happy.
The two are basically the nicest people you could ever meet. Cue Makiya's dad, a burly rapper, singing wholesome raps with Shizuka (Sorry if I gave anyone diabetes by reading this.)
The next part of the plot however is a very important discovery, as during breakfast (Where Makiya's mom is the one less knowledgeable in how to cook, learning how to cook), Karane tries to swipe off what she thinks is a speck of food, though it sticks.
It turns out that this is Rentarou's first beard hair, making his family very excited (Hahari: MEI GET THE CAMERA!). And, as his father hadn't taught him how to shave yet, Mr. Hope offers to take him to a barbershop, to have it done by professionals, with Ms. Hope asking the girls if they would like to take a visit a hair salon she always goes to. (The two salon are in the same building).
This leads to two montages, one where Rentarou and Mr. Hope, as well as the other tenants and employees of the barbershop have a bit of a 'men talk', with Rentarou confessing (again) that he loves each and everyone with all his heart. All the while the girlfriends get new their hair made, a field where Nozawa has likely more fantasy than I could ever dream, although Maddy's fleeced carpet is going to need some heavy effort to get cleaned.
This is followed by a collection of panels where the new hair is commented on, as well as the GFs savoring the sight of a even more well groomed Rentarou, with Rentarou having taken the tips from his first shaving to mind for the future.
As they prepare to leave the next day, they are held up by Makiya, once again dressed as Minerva asking if she could drive along them in their caravan of iron horses in an obviously very old fashioned way.
She also guesses where they are headed next as she leaps in, after wishing her parents goodbye:
"Do not spill me where we are headed. From the direction, I would wager we are headed to Philadelphia, or mayhaps the Empire City of New York?"
Naddy: "That's right love. We are headin' for the Big Apple!"
Also had the idea of visiting the 'Ancient American Battlefield' of Gettysburg, but I think it might stretch it too long.
Next on: Sapphire Kazaki, proper, straight As honor student by day, rebellious, fiery rocker by night
submitted by Martneb to 100Fanojo [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 22:02 KyleKKent Out of Cruel Space, Part 988

HHH/Herbert’s Hundred Harem
The sound of his alarm got him moving. But more than moving or the alarm, it’s when he pulls in Axiom to wake up that it truly starts to disturb his wives.
“It’s okay, back to sleep.” He bids them as he slips to the far side of the room as he answers the communicator. “What’s going on? Civvies present.”
“Catch of the day has bite marks on it.”
“I see, do we recognize the pattern or are the dentists still debating?”
“It’s going to take a little longer.”
“Which catch was this? The piranha, snapper, barracuda or we getting a shark?” He asks trying to see if they got something random, something juicy, something dangerous or something really dangerous.
“Barracuda, but the teeth marks suggest a shark is nearby. Could just be an enthusiastic snapper though.”
“And there’s always the risk of piranha or another barracuda, or if we’re lucky a snapper. We eating off a platter or a stick?”
“Plastic platter.” He says signifying a ‘slum’ on one of the Plates.
“Hmm... Got it. Is the meal hot enough to eat through the plate? Does it need mastication?” He asks and glances over to see some of his brides shifting as the strange word is used and then settling as they remember it means ‘to chew’. Code is so damn useful.
He flashes them a grin and the girls sigh a little and there are some grins. He then steps out of the room entirely and into the hallway. Still not in the clear, but clearer.
“Alright, out of casual earshot. Still home.” He says and there’s a cough.
“Your tagged fish swam to some friends. She has a lot of them. Some are looking tasty, but we think there may be fin soup on the horizon and there’s a hint of something familiar, but it could be a case of mistaken identity. After all, lots of shark wind up missing a couple of teeth, and in an ocean as vast as Centris.”
“It can always be coincidence. Got it.” Herbert answers. “Fishing with beers? Fly Fishing, Casting a Net or Deep Sea?” IE: Standard Procedure, Delicate Operation, Overt Operation or Focused Operation?
“Just beers for now.”
“Understood.” He says. “You’re not calling to tell me all’s well and things are progressing as normal. Spill it.”
“I won the bet.” The man on the other side says and Herbert curses. Them winning a bet and a grin in their voice is always a bad sign. “Mister Hazard.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s being juggled around if your cute routine should be classified as a Cognito Hazard as you seem to have turned several normal women into pedophiles.”
“I’m calling hard bullshit on that. I was going over the top but not to that level.” Herbert retorts.
“I dunno, that riot you left behind when you were unsafe lasted nearly an hour before the police broke it up. A few of them were shown pictures of you and the rioters were let go with a warning. So you’re memetic cuteness can transfer through images you naughty widdle boy.”
“Then you better watch yourself, because this is a woman’s galaxy and if I can steal their hearts and minds then I can have them tear yours from it’s moorings.”
“The heart or the mind?”
“You know which I mean.”
“My mind? I suppose having a mind blowing train pulled on me is ONE way to go.”
“You know what I mean!”
“I do, but let’s pretend I don’t.”
“You ARE aware that I’m working on a way to strangle someone through a communicator right?” Herbert asks.
“I am now, but working on implies you can’t so far. So hah.”
“Agent Marlin...”
“But for fear of your little kiddie fingers finding their way around my throat, I will back off. Just be ready, we’re getting a lot and it can happen at any time.”
“I was ready when you called Marlin. If that’s all this is really about then I’m just going back to bed. An exhausted soldier is an ineffective one.”
“Just have your gun close.”
“I sleep on top of it. Small size means I can sleep on my stomach with my hands under my pillow. Around the grip of a pistol.”
“Dude, how paranoid are you?”
“Some days I fear not nearly enough.” Herbert replies.
“I hate how much sense that answer makes.”
“Love you too, goodnight asshole.” Herbert states before hanging up. He gives the communicator a little flip as he considers. Varthy is no innocent, but the fact that even with her body being tagged, her clothing and bags being tagged and her communicator’s frequency monitored they only had a maybe? And right after a mission gone wrong? She was clearly being kept at arm’s length, or has a professional policy of distancing herself from her customers. Either way it’s smart, but who’s being smart? Or perhaps both are.
“Smart enemies suck, no easy way to pull them apart.” He notes before he senses a tiny amount of movement as one of the Purriz comes up to him. He helps the little thing up and it starts making it’s distinctive purring sound as he gives it a few gentle rubs. The light blue and orange crustacean cuddles close as he thinks. He then nods and pockets the communicator again. Time for more sleep.
“Uh... sir you have... something in your hair.”
“It’s product. My wives adore it and it blends well enough with my natural hair colour to my eyes. But to them it looks amazing.” He says.
“And... what does it look like?’
“It looks like I have a glittering halo. Apparently this stuff refracts ultraviolet light to a high degree.” Herbert says as he rolls his neck. “Alright, it’s been five and a half hours since my last update. I know Marlin’s off shift and likely sawing logs. So where’s my... thank you.”
He opens the folder he was handed as he walks to his office and opens the door. “Think carefully on where a cross punch from me will go.”
His fellow agent steps out of the shadows without trying anything and he greets the bearded Merra. “Haddock.”
“Sir, things are progressing oddly.” Haddock tells him.
“I can see that. So our new friend has a connection to the Darnaxion Concurrence, or at least hangs out in those areas. Could have been a dead drop, could have been litter she picked up. Hard to tell.” Herbert notes as he sits at his desk. “Alright, I’m sitting and braced. What’s so bad you need to tell me in person?”
“We’ve fully identified the metal. It’s sending alarms through the system of every allied government organization we’ve shared it with.”
“So it IS some kind of blood metal?”
“It’s not just that sir. It’s that the metal is ridiculously hard to make, can not be mass produced and basically works like Khutha on Steroids.”
“And the reason we haven’t run into it before is because the refining process takes such a huge loss of life that Khutha is just better.”
“Basically. It’s also insanely illegal to even possess. If you can’t justify why you have it, then possession of a piece as small as a coin can get you executed, even in states where execution is NOT in the standard books.”
“That bad?”
“If you kill person to make some, you get maybe five milligrams of the metal.” Haddock says and Herbert sucks in a sharp breath past his teeth. “The fact that so much was found...”
“That corridor was a monument to genocide. But why?”
“I don’t know. Cloned blood doesn’t work. Chemically crafted or enhanced blood doesn’t work. Both of them get close-ish, and if you mix in maybe one part per thousand of the authentic Blood-Metal with it’s False Brother you get a closer alloy. But the samples we got are pure.”
“Meaning that they came out of a person. Something to do with being part of a living soul that does it.”
“Yes. Sir, this can easily become a causes-beli if mishandled.”
“Then we won’t mishandle it. We inform everyone we are required to and bring them in fully to our investigations. We get ambassadors to the Admiral and allied agents in here as well. This isn’t some schlocky war film that needs to justify high drama based on a time period of a real life cold war. We are not their enemies, we are not opposed to them and they are not to us. We have different ways of operating but we are on the same side.”
“Everything within reason. Us working to declaw criminal organizations and calm down potential points of chaos will have sparse details in order to maintain proper operations, but otherwise we’re going to work with them openly.”
“And if they press for details?”
“Explain why that’s a bad idea and insist on Non-Disclosure Agreements. We have a legal division for a reason, and as much fun as they’re having with the trial of Juliette Comet they might appreciate the change of pace.” Herbert says.
“Bazalash is really earning her nickname as The Trytite Lady. She’s putting Comet’s life under an atomic microscope and citing the laws relevant at that point in time, and the laws of the spires she’s above as well to make sure that any argument from any angle is considered.”
“Yeah, I’m shocked most criminal organizations haven’t spontaneously combusted with her in the system.” Herbert says in an amused tone. “This is going to get weird. We’re going to have to be open, but discrete at the same time. Knowledge that something like this had been done will set off a panic, a nasty one, but if we’re found covering up any part of this then men or not, the sky is falling on us with perhaps the literal wrath of god, perhaps even multiple gods.”
“Falling on YOU, if that happens I’m throwing your ass under the buss and booking it like my ass caught fire.”
“Fair enough, not everyone can cute away the wrath of the righteous.”
“The cute kid routine is not the answer to all life’s problems.” Haddock says in an amused tone.
“Then perhaps it should stop being the proper answer to so many problems.” Herbert states before looking at Haddock sharply. “Soldier.”
The tight tone makes Haddock straighten up. Things may run fairly casual to keep the stress down, but when that tone is used... “Is this verbal report serious? My next step is to call the lab and confirm, and if I find you are joking about something this potentially dangerous.”
“I am not Sir. I wish I was, I wish I could hit you with a pie and run away until I’m pinned down for a court marshal. But I can’t. This is a kind of metal where you need to kill ten people to make a fucking knockoff trytite coin out of it. This sort of shit only shows up in horror novels, the ones that never make it to the holo-screen because they’re too fucking graphic. Best case scenario the Darnaxian Concurrence bumbled their way into finding a method to refine it en-mass by complete fucking accident, but even that is horrifying because while Blood Metal is poorly understood due to how thankfully rare it is, everything we know about it is an increasing nightmare. It does weird things embedded in a person’s body and can be used to trigger the really nasty Axiom Effects. The kind of things you only imagine after taking the hard stuff and going to sleep with a splatterfest horror movie on.”
“I see...” Herbert says to himself as he considers. “Excuse me, I need to talk to a lot of people and see if I can’t get our researchers to find some method to detect this stuff. Creating or refining something like that will be a kiss on the lips to the people that want to help us.”
“So...” Herbert notes as he scans the immediate area. The response to all his calls and trying to straighten this potential cluster fuck out? He was now on a team. Each of them under orders to work together and find the source of the Blood Metal. Simple as that.
The personal assistant of The Trytite Lady was ostensibly in charge and giving him the stink eye. Something about him is bothering Jahlassi and the Nagasha is giving him a stern look and is clearly the eyes of the literal goddess of justice on this case.
“Good evening ladies. All of you are here because we have a situation that we need to keep a lid on to prevent a panic, but working in secret will merely get suspicion and rage thrown about. So in summation I have encountered the object of our attention for this combined investigation. It occurred during my investigations of the Darnaxian Concurrence who are active on Spire Anmeru as well as the Plates Glavori and Muliti. Long story short The Undaunted through me encountered an unusual metal that was used in their constructions that we have confirmed to be pure Blood Metal.” He says and there is a wave of discomfort, muttered swearing in multiple languages and very upset expressions.
“Yes, so this isn’t something we’ve encountered before, but from how difficult the damn stuff is to create I hope I can be forgiven for my ignorance.” Herbert notes. “Now then, if you’ll all direct your attention to the bundles of folders on the table, there is all the information related to the Darnaxian Concurrence we have as well as every case or mission that has even tangentially touched it.”
“Children are involved?” Jahlassi asks in horror.
“Children accidentally intercepted a weapon drop that a criminal tried to cover up and then a professional assassin who occasionally does work for the Darnaxian Concurrence was found in the station she was arrested at. I consider that enough of a connection.” Herbert says and there are looks of consideration. “Subtracting myself as a commonality because I lead to The Undaunted and that leads into everything we’re doing. But otherwise everything we know is in those documents.”
“These are fairly thick and expansive.”
“People are at the front as is appropriate.”
“Shrunken munition launchers?” One person asks.
“Shrink guns?” Another asks.
“There are several names for such, but we found one in the hand of the Darnaxian Concurrence. I took a bad shot from it as it was mentally linked and not a standard fire weapon. So I dodged at the wrong time. It’s why I look even more illegal than normal.”
“Could you not joke about such please?” Jahlassi asks.
~First~ Last
submitted by KyleKKent to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:49 Outrageous_Land_6042 Gentle or not gentle

Hi all I have a 3 month old boy wondering if he needs gentle formula. Excessive runny poops every 2 hours and, clear discomfort when feeding. Maybe he doesnt need the gentle formula anymore. Trying Similac pro advance to Rule it out. Anyone have any experience with this change all of a sudden? I noticed his digestive system is working now as the seedy poops are in.
submitted by Outrageous_Land_6042 to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:48 percyjblack Quick Start Guide to 18:6 Fasting

Intermittent fasting has profound health benefits, and a growing body of research supports its effectiveness in improving metabolic health, boosting weight loss, and promoting longevity.
Here’s a complete guide to 18:6 fasting to get you started and practical tips and tricks to transition smoothly into extended fasting periods.

What is 18:6 fasting?

An 18:6 fast involves alternating between an 18-hour fasting period and a six-hour eating window.
Because of its simplicity, 18:6 fasting is one of the most popular intermittent fasting schedules that has helped many individuals lose weight, improve their metabolic balance, and enhance their overall health.
During fasting periods, the body is forced to utilize stored body fat instead of blood glucose to generate energy. This metabolic switch from using sugar as a fuel source to burning fat triggers ketosis.
Ketosis is a metabolic state that enhances the body’s ability to burn fat. This not only helps weight loss but also has been linked to improved energy levels, mental clarity, and better blood sugar control.
Watch the video below to discover why fasting for 18 hours can dramatically spike brain power.
Dramatically Spike BRAINPOWER with an 18 Hour Fast

Is it safe?

The 18:6 fasting regime has gained widespread popularity due to its impressive health benefits, and research repeatedly confirms the effectiveness and long-term safety of intermittent fasting.
A study published in Diabetes Care evaluated the safety of intermittent fasting in diabetic patients. The authors summarized that adherence to a time-restricted eating pattern is a safe and feasible therapeutic strategy to promote metabolic and hormonal health.
“From an evolutionary point of view, the human body is well adapted to intermittent fasting, which mimics the natural feast-and-famine cycles that our ancestors experienced,” explains Dr. Berg.
Although the 18:6 fast is considered safe for most people, it’s crucial to understand that some people should avoid fasting.

Who shouldn’t do 18:6 fasting

Intermittent fasting can increase the risk of unhealthy eating patterns in individuals with eating disorders.
In addition, those who are underweight or at risk of malnourishment could lose excessive body fat or develop nutrient deficiencies when limiting food intake to restricted time periods.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding are periods of increased caloric needs, and pregnant or breastfeeding mothers shouldn’t practice intermittent, prolonged, or alternate-day fasting.
Fasting can trigger profound metabolic changes, and it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional if you have underlying medical conditions such as poor liver function, kidney disease, or low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, before starting the 18:6 fasting routine.

Health benefits of 18:6 fasting

Although many individuals start practicing intermittent fasting to achieve a healthy weight, time-restricted eating has various other health benefits beyond weight loss.
Research published in The New England Journal of Medicine investigated the health benefits of the 18:6 fast and concluded, “The 18:6 fasting pattern can trigger a metabolic switch from glucose-based to ketone-based energy, with increased stress resistance, increased longevity, and a decreased incidence of diseases, including cancer and obesity.”
Here are five health benefits of 18:6 fasting.

1. Promotes a healthy body weight

Time-restricted eating patterns naturally limit calorie intake, which helps avoid weight gain and promotes weight loss.
However, the benefits of intermittent fasting for weight management aren’t just linked to calorie restriction during fasting windows.
Fasting stimulates growth hormone production, which can boost muscle mass and enhance the body’s capacity to utilize stored fat as a fuel source, thereby promoting fat-burning and weight loss.

2. May help reverse diabetes

Fasting for 18 hours keeps blood sugar levels balanced, which helps prevent insulin resistance linked to metabolic syndrome, obesity, and diabetes.
Intermittent fasting has been extensively studied as a potential therapeutic tool to prevent, manage, and even reverse diabetes.
A study published in JAMA Network Open found that time-restricted eating improved weight status, long-term blood glucose control, insulin sensitivity, and other metabolic health markers in diabetic individuals.
In fact, 18:6 fasting has such profound benefits for metabolic health that intermittent fasting could replace insulin for diabetes, potentially providing an effective and safe alternative to pharmaceutical diabetes treatments.

3. Boosts brain function

Evidence published in Nutrition Reviews suggests that fasting directly stimulates the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
BDNF is a crucial protein supporting neuronal cell growth and functionality. Higher concentrations of BDNF in the central nervous system are associated with improved cognitive function, memory recall, and mood regulation.

4. Triggers autophagy

Fasting for prolonged periods triggers autophagy, a cellular recycling and repair mechanism that removes damaged or dysfunctional cell organelles.
Autophagy is a crucial process that helps maintain cellular health and functionality, which is associated with a lower risk of various chronic diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis, and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

5. Supports heart health

Metabolic and cardiovascular health are intricately connected.
Obesity, blood sugar imbalances, and insulin resistance are all established risk factors for heart disease, significantly increasing the chances of cardiovascular issues such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes.
Intermittent fasting has been shown to restore balanced metabolic functions effectively. This makes time-restricted eating a powerful strategy for promoting a healthy heart and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How to start an 18:6 fast

The key principle of the 18:6 fast is to avoid food and calorie-containing beverages during an 18-hour fasting period.
While it may be tempting to start with 18-hour fasting periods immediately, it’s crucial to remember that your body needs time to adapt to prolonged caloric restriction.
Fasting for too long too quickly is one of the most common intermittent fasting mistakes and can lead to unpleasant side effects, including headaches, dizziness, irritability, and disrupted sleep.
If you are new to intermittent fasting, it’s recommended to start with a 14-hour fast followed by a ten-hour eating window and gradually prolong your fasting periods until you reach an 18:6 schedule.
How quickly you can achieve a consistent 18:6 fasting routine depends on your metabolic health and overall dietary pattern. While some individuals can fast for 18 hours within a few days, others may require several weeks to comfortably restrict their eating periods to six hours.

What can you drink while fasting?

During the initial stages of adapting to caloric restriction, fasting can lead to temporary fluid loss and disruptions in electrolyte balance.
Adequate fluid intake during fasting periods is crucial to minimize the risk of dehydration. However, it’s vital to consume calorie-free beverages that won’t break your fast.
Here are fasting-friendly drink options:
  • Plain water
  • Sparkling or carbonated water
  • Lemon water
  • Black coffee
  • Black and green tea
  • Herbal tea
  • Diluted apple cider vinegar
In addition, replenishing electrolytes during fasting periods with a sugar-free electrolyte powder is an excellent option for maintaining the body’s fluid and electrolyte balance. This supports overall well-being and helps prevent fatigue, dizziness, and muscle cramps.
Many people who practice intermittent fasting drink bulletproof coffee during their fasting period to help curb hunger, boost energy levels, and enhance mental focus.
Although bulletproof coffee does contain calories, it’s considered fasting-friendly as it’s made with black coffee, butter, and coconut oil, none of which interfere with the body’s natural fasting state.

Tips and tricks

While time-restricted eating has various metabolic advantages, it’s equally important to consider what you eat during your eating windows.
Combining an 18:6 fast with a healthy diet can speed up fasting success and help you achieve your health and fitness goals more effectively.
Here are four tips and tricks to smoothly transition into an 18:6 fasting regime.

1. Eat plenty of healthy fats

Consuming plenty of healthy fats during your eating window plays a critical role in providing your body with fuel and can help maintain fat-burning even when you break your fast.
Obtaining the majority of your daily calories from fats while limiting carbohydrate intake keeps blood sugar levels low and forces your body to continue using fat to generate energy.
Limiting carbs keeps your metabolism in ketosis, which explains why a nutritious high-fat diet such as Healthy Keto® is an ideal intermittent fasting diet meal plan.
Combining keto with intermittent fasting is an excellent strategy to maximize the health benefits of ketosis and helps curb hunger and cravings during your 18-hour fasting period.
There are plenty of healthy fat sources on the keto food list to choose from, including olive and coconut oil, full-fat cheese, butter, heavy cream, seeds, and nuts.

2. Focus on nutrient-rich foods

Processed foods can increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies as they typically lack vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and other vital nutrients necessary for overall health.
It's crucial to prioritize nutritious foods to ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs to function optimally, especially during fasting periods.
Healthy Keto focuses on nutrient-dense organic vegetables, grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, and pasture-raised eggs, making it a perfect addition to an 18:6 intermittent fasting schedule.

3. Limit carbohydrates

Sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods, such as bread, rice, and pasta, are rapidly broken down and absorbed, which raises blood sugar levels.
Elevated blood sugar will stop ketosis and fat burning, as the liver prioritizes using blood glucose as a fuel source. Consuming carbs and sugars when you break a fast can slow fasting success and hinder weight loss.
In addition, sugar and refined carbs can cause blood sugar imbalances and energy fluctuations. This can trigger hunger and cravings during your fasting window, making it more challenging to achieve an 18-hour fast.

4. Avoid snacking

Breaking a snacking habit is crucial to smoothly transitioning into intermittent fasting and helps prolong fasting periods.
Consuming any foods that raise blood sugar levels, even low-calorie or healthy snacks, can break the fasting state and disrupt ketosis and fat-burning.
Although it might seem challenging to avoid snacking during the initial stages of adapting to intermittent fasting, hunger, and cravings will decrease as your body adjusts to using body fat for fuel.
submitted by percyjblack to DrEricBergDC [link] [comments]
