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Costco Pizza Hack, add veggies and bbq sauce

2024.06.11 01:10 TruthImaginary4459 Costco Pizza Hack, add veggies and bbq sauce

Costco Pizza Hack, add veggies and bbq sauce
So, I like to make sure I get a snack for when I get home, shopping is a lot, as is so.
I don't really find the pizza super appetizing, as they still haven't brought back the supreme pizza.
So one day, I thought to myself, whi don't I just make my own??
After a few times of doing this, here's some tips.
  1. Ask for your pizza to be uncut, it makes it so much easier to put in and pull out of the oven.
  2. You're not going to be cooking it long, so unless you want raw veggies, cut em and cook em first, til you feel good about it, you can add your sauce in this step, and if you're adding spinach or salad greens add them right at the end. (When you put em in the oven unwilted, they just get toasty??)
  3. 5 minutes at 400° to melt the cheese.
  4. KEEP THE BOX fold it backwards and use it as a spatula to put the pizza in and take it out safely. I have personally trained my fingers on heat, so when I pull it out, I just tug it gently onto the box, and bring it back. You may want assistance here til you get the hang of it.
  5. Enjoy, so yummy, you can make a great pizza with bbq sauce and just go to heaven. It's better than the supreme ever was.
This was onions, peppers, salad greens, olives, mushrooms, and a homemade bbq sauce. Everything but the bbq (and even then some ingredients) bought at Costco!!!
Have fun!! (Please be safe)
P.S. I apologize for the god awful quality of some of the pictures, my back camera is broken, and I have to take pictures with the front facing to eliminate that, but I wasn't going to stand in from of the open oven trying to get a good pic.
submitted by TruthImaginary4459 to Costco [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:09 guiltyofnothing “I didn't make the rules. Gamers want big tit's and grappling guns, not ugly fucking normos.” A female main character in the new trailer for Fable causes concern on /r/pcgaming

A big thank you to user supercooper3000 for sending this along.

The Context:

Fable is a long-running fantasy action RPG series. A new trailer for the most recent entry in the series was just released and posted to /pcgaming.
Many redditors in the thread decide that they do not like the design for the female protagonist because she is not sufficiently attractive. Drama blooms, multiple comments are deleted, and the thread is soon locked, all chronicled below…

The Drama:

One person calls the main character a “hideous mutant”:
Doubled down on the hideous mutant MC I see. Hard pass.
Show us your face
Escapism. I'm ugly IRL. Don't make me ugly in-game.
Edit: wait, does this game have no character creator?
Y'all have some serious problems that you probably need some help with instead of "escapism" if you react to seeing an average-looking woman this way...
It was a joke. I didn't even watch the trailer. But I get it, there's been a weird trend of hating on female protagonists and calling them ugly when they aren't. Still trying to figure out in what world Aloy isn't gorgeous. But hey, Reddit gonna Reddit.
Because she doesn't look like an anime waifu but instead a real person.
Remember, these dudes freaked out about her having a "beard", because she had small hairs on her face. You know, like literally every human on the planet does lol
hideous mutant is crazy calm down lol
Gamers try not to overreact challenge (impossible)
Another wonders why the developer isn’t receptive to their feedback:
Still didn't fix the character face after all the feedback?
Why would they change their character design when a vocal minority of incels complained?
You are too small of a minority to matter when it comes to sales.
It only needs fixing if you think its a flaw though.
Like not all people look like supermodels and therefore not every game charachter needs to look like one as well.
It’s probably a choice not a mistake. Also on top there's been really no confirmation that there's not a charachter selection like in the previous game. She might just be a charachter used for marketing but not exclusively the only you could play.
Like not all people look like supermodels and therefore not every game charachter needs to look like one as well.
Cope. Don't need to be a supermodel character but most people would agree they should at least look like a normal person, not whatever that MUTANT is.
Plus it's a medieval fantasy game. Most people don't want to roleplay as some ugly mutant in their fantasy games.
Gives Abby from TLOU2 but even worse.
I swear you people have never seen a woman in real life
If I'm going to play something for theoretically hundreds of hours, I want something pretty to look at. Go talk to your wife if you wanna look at something ugly. I'm sure people got into gaming because Laura Croft had reasonable sized jugs in the 90s.
I'm honestly not even sure how to answer something like this. Especialy the personal insult which seems incredibly uncalled for.
It's 100 percent called for, you are on the internet with a differing opinion. I didn't make the rules. Gamers want big tit's and grappling guns, not ugly fucking normos.
Another pines for the path not taken:
Really wish they went the 'make your own character' route instead of.. Well.. That.
Unironically I want to play it even more because of people's absurd beauty standards and the insane comments they make. Edit: Downvote me all you want assholes but people literally are cherry picking the most unflattering frames of the MC
oh wow you're such a hero dude, I'm so glad for you and the maybe 30,000ish people who might buy this slop as well
Anyone who thinks this is unacceptable/unattractive needs to get their head examined.
Dude warn me before you post vomit inducing pictures, yughhh
Another laments people’s focus:
people gonna focus on MCs face lol
You inadvertently already did.
And yeah she's ugly AF.
It's so weird. The actress looks pretty IRL, totally normal, but they decided to...I don't know what they were trying to do. They absolutely could have done better on the likeness. The hair is just awful.
That seems to be the case with a lot of these female leads. They are perfectly attractive people in the real world, but a demography of gamers views that attractiveness as threatening? And so now we uglify them?
Literally not a thing, stop swallowing the kool-aid from a bunch of weirdo grifters on the internet.
Some animator is just mid at his job, that's literally all there is to it.
Oh, so animator just mid and they cant find better onebabd this kid got approved etc? Lol
It's Microsoft man, what's so unbelievable about that based on the last 15 years of their output lmao
Dude, you said it as a fact. While in reality this is just your expectation and nothing more
While in reality this is just your expectation and nothing more
Imagine saying this unironically about a comment that was in reply to people talking about companies uglifying women intentionally for reasons lmao
No matter what company doing what, you just plainly making assumptions from your ass and staying them as facts
Ugly people exist. Reddit representation
Ugly people definitely exist. I'm not trying to force myself to look at them for 70 dollars and 100 hours. That's what D list strip clubs are for, and there's a reason those girls don't get hired for mo-cap.
I mean, she looks normal. What is your definition of not ugly?
I know how we could compare. Post a screenshot of your mug and let's use that as a standard.
She looks entirely normal, I don't understand how you can consider that character ugly.
Idk, I've had dating options before. Sorry for you my dude.
Share your picture then, we will see how attractive you actually are
Ok sure, but you didn't specify which part of the body, so don't blame me when you get butthole pics.
In a change of gears, one user laments that it doesn’t feel like Fable:
Doesn't even look like Fable to me. This is just generic. Good looking, but still generic. Fable 1, 2, and 3 (even Legends) had a unique art style. Edit: All of you making assumptions about what games I have played is just silly lmao. Didn't realize "generic" was such an insult. It still looks good. Just not stylized like the original Fable games.
Idk this feels fable as fuck to me
Generic fantasy trailer with jokes is apparently "Fable" now.
thats literally always been fable.
Can you tell us what fable is oh gatekeeper?
Sure, once you learn how to use that word properly.
You are definitely part of the problem with this sub

The Flairs:

submitted by guiltyofnothing to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:08 PersonalityPatient14 The Date That Made Me Swear Off Dating (Temporarily)

Yes long story but a lot happened on this date. 😅 this was back in 2019. Six months after I (24F now 19F then) got my heart broken for the very first time. I never was fond of love so when I actually experienced it I was devastated when I lost it. Took a while to get back on my feet but when I did I was immediately reminded of why dating sucks.
When I hit the six month mark from my break up one of my friends suggested I go on tindedating apps to get my mind off of my ex. Rebounding not the best solution but lead me to greater things. So I created a profile and immediately got matches. Back then I was heavily into memes and bonded with one dude let’s call him Dylan (21M then. fake name). We would send our meme collection and make a lot of jokes. Laughing again felt nice, not long after connecting I agreed to go on a date with him.
Now I want to clarify this guy was super nice and a good person. The odds were just not in his favor on how successful the date was considering all the signs pointed to it not working out.
It started with him picking me up. It was raining super hard that day so I waited at my apartment window to see when he arrived. He texted me he was there but I didn’t see any new cars pull up. I went outside on my balcony to get a lay of the land/parking lot. I spotted a jeep Cherokee that matched his description across the lot; two buildings down. I texted him explaining he was at the wrong building. He seemed confused on where to go so I told him to stay put and I would walk over. Unfortunately my sister took the only umbrella we had in the apartment for work. My umbrella was in my car that my sister also took to work. So I was forced to free ball it in the rain. It wouldn’t have been that bad if it Zeus wasn’t bringing his full wrath down on us.
I walked over to his car (couldn’t run due to a knee cap issues) and by the time I got in my make up was heavily smeared. I apologized for the confusion (not sure why) we did our greetings then as he backed out I started fixing my makeup. (This is sign #1)
As we drove I started to look around the vehicle. Some trash here and there but not too bad. There was rust on the car floor with a small hole. I was little anxious about the fact I could see the road underneath but have had my fair share of old cars. I’ve had cars so crappy I’d be on the side of the road so much; now I get anxiety anytime I’m in sketchy vehicles. As I was observing this a loud squeaking sound came from the dash. He laugh and said “sorry she like’s to squeal.” Then he proceeded to bang on the dash until the sound stopped. This encounter made me anxious in his car to and eventually from the date. (Sign #2)
Picking up the fact that he said ‘she’ reminded me of my ex naming his vehicle. He would also refer to the car as she.
So I ask “She? What is her name?.”
Him: “ah you caught that. Yeah this is my baby Megan.”
My smile dropped. Little did this guy know that two weeks prior I just kicked out my ex friend Megan for tons of drama. It was an ugly fallout from friends to roommates to strangers. (Sign #3) I didn’t tell Dylan this. Instead I complimented the name and changed the subject.
This whole time he was driving two towns over for our date (40 min drive). This town is where I actually worked but is also where my ex lived… I asked him where we were going; he responded with a name of my favorite chinese Buffet since he knew I liked chinese food. I was excited at first but then I remembered. My ex and I went there almost every weekend when I would stay nights with him. So many memories came rushing back of us laughing in the booths and getting our grub on. I still kept up the conversation but deep down I was questioning if I was actually ready to move on. (Sign #4)
When we pulled up he decided to park in the very back. So it was a walk to the front. I was a little disappointed since there were closer spots. Like I mentioned earlier knee cap issues. Nonetheless, I sucked it up and we made our way to the door. He saw I was stretching my back as we walked and thought it be a good idea to do the same. In an attempt to pop his back, this dude started twisting his arms/torso super fast, resulting in him accidentally clipping my head. (Sign #5)
He apologized immediately asking if I was okay. I laughed it off and told him I was fine even though I could feel the bump already forming, As we entered the restaurant he went up to the booth and YELLED “HOW MUCH FOR TWO.” I stood there embarrassed because everyone looked at us. I dislike being center of attention especially from a crowd. This will come in play later. The hostess stared at him in confusion then proceeded to explain the menu. We then got escorted to our booth which of course was the same booth my ex and I sat in for our first date. (Sign #6)
Once we got the drinks ordered we made our way to the buffet area. I grabbed my plate and immediately made my way to my favorite dish. Coconut shrimp. The way they made it here was a little bit different it had more of a sauce than the shavings and it was delicious. I started to pile it on my plate. I don’t typically eat out often so when I do I make it worth it knowing I’ll pay for it in the gym later.
Dylan walked over to me saying “wow that’s a lot of shrimp.”
Me replying with a big smile, “oh yeah it’s my favorite. Do you want some?”
Him: “No thank you. I’m allergic to shellfish.”
I look at him confused and my mind was racing: ~Isn’t coming to a chinese buffet a bad decision then? Granted he was being thoughtful doesn’t sound very safe~ I then proceeded to ask how bad was his allergy? He stated very deadly. I look back at my plate making note of everything in that restaurant that was considered shellfish. I knew if I wanted some action I couldn’t have shellfish on my lips. (I don’t know fully how it works) Even if we didn’t go there I didn’t want to accidentally touch him with shellfish residue. So I sadly scooped out the shrimp, put the plate in the dirty bin, and got a new one. I only got non shellfish items on my new plate and missed out on my favorite shrimp. (sign #7)
When we finally sat down to eat, conversation was going fine at first. I did notice that he had a habit of talking very loudly where I kept my voice consistently mellow/low for the restaurant setting. As we talked family’s of 5-6 were being seated around us with kids ranging 5-13. I usually curse like a sailor but with the kids around I tried to hold it back since I dislike public scenes. I let one slip then apologized stating the sailor comment. He said it was fine and he curses a lot too sometimes. Then he started very loudly saying every curse word in the book. I look over at the families and they were all staring at us. The parents with annoyed looks. I put my head down laughing it off then got back to eating. (Sign #8)
We finished our meal, got the ticket; then made our way to pay. As we were walking up to the front counter he moaned “my back” and started to do the arm/torso twist. I immediately stepped back. Unfortunately a waitress was walking by with drinks and she had to duck out of the way to ensure he didn’t smack the tray. Even with her daring escape two drinks did spill. She glared at us as I walked behind him and mouth sorry to her. (Sign #5 repeated)
At this point I decided dating probably wasn’t the best choice for me. However I was still considering doing the deed with him. As shallow as it sounds I’m 6ft he was 6’3”. This is rare for me to find taller guys. I don’t discriminate against short kings. I’m currently dating a short king myself. But as a tall girl sometimes it’s nice to not always being the tall one. Especially back then I never been with a tall guy. So we pay, hop in his car and I ask what’s next?
He told me he bought us a scary movie for us to watch at his apartment since I liked scary movies. Typically I wouldn’t have went but it fell in line with the end goal. His apartment was about 10 minutes away. When we arrived I was amazed how nice the apartment was. Like high quality designer apartment. Ten times nicer than mine; It had a warm cozy vibe. There was so much decoration to look at it even had a beaded curtain going to the laundry room to create a door. Complete 180 from his car. I told him I loved his apartment he responded “thanks my brother decorated it.” Then proceeded to point to where his brother’s room was. Ah was all I could say. Then he escorted me to his room which was straight ahead from the entry door. His room was nothing like the well decorated apartment. It was clutter with large furniture (shelf, bed, full size couch across the room from the bed, big dresser with tv on it) this made the room feel smaller and didn’t help it was little messy with clothes and trash. (Sign #9) this was a sign to me because of past experiences with my mother. She was a hoarder and we also had messy homes growing up so cluttered spaces aren’t ideal.
We sit down on the couch; him to my left and get the movie started. The movie was the Nun which I already seen but didn’t say anything due to not expecting to watch it anyways. He puts his now shoeless feet on the bed across from us to lay back. When he does this I notice his socks were the white and grey socks with a hole in each big toe. I dislike feet but the main problem was the fact my ex step dad use to have socks like that all the time with the holes In them. My step dad was very mean to my family so seeing those socks just made me frown. I hate the look of them and where they take me back too. (Sign #10)
I remind myself that he is cute and tall refocused on the tv. He had his arm around me as I lean into the couch/him. I waited for him to make a move but he never did. We made through the ENTIRE movie without a single move. I thought to myself maybe he was just being respectful to not interrupt it. He asked if I wanted to watch another. I told him yes thinking this one is the one stuff will go down. NOPE. I pushed up my chest giving him a view and even had my hand on his leg close to the goods. Still made it through the whole movie without anything happening. After the second movie he asked if I want to watch another. I responded with a sure thinking I’ll just make the move. 15 mins into the movie I sparked up conversation then kissed him. The kiss was interesting… I had my mouth closed only doing lips. This dude was kind of eating my lips with how wide he was opening his mouth. As we pull back I notice he is smiling ear to ear. I asked what? He then told me “I never done that before.” At this point all the puzzle pieces started falling into place. I was thinking of what to do next because I didn’t want to be this guys first time especially since I knew I wasn’t going to date him. Nor did I want to lead him on. (Sign #11)
So as we made conversation I texted my sister to call me that she locked herself out of the apartment and needed me to come home. Ten minutes later she called with her story of locking her keys in my car and the spare is in the locked apartment. I had the phone turned up so he could hear; he then asked if we needed to go and we did.
What sucked is we had a 40 minute drive all the way back to my apartment (this is why you drive your own vehicles!!!). I was already anxious in the car; however what made the drive hell was the playlist he choose. He was playing the Mary poppins musical playlist from the musical that just came out. What he also didn’t know about me is I dislike musicals. The only one I can stand is Rock of Ages with Tom Cruise. So the whole way back I just sitting there as this guy was jamming to musical music. (Sign #12)
By the time we get to my apartment I’m starting to get a headache from his high pitched singing. He turned off the radio looked at me, then immediately went to kiss me or should I say eat my mouth 😅 I leaned back and asked him to stop doing the mouth motion his was doing. He did and I told him that was better. I thanked him for the evening got out and waved him off.
I talked to him for a couple days after that unsure how to break it off. Then eventually told him I didn’t think I was over my ex and wasn’t ready for anything serious. He understood then we went separate ways.
After going through that date I concluded dating was overrated. I still kept the apps however for my ho phase I had. I know people look down on that type of stuff but during that time I was actually living. Going to parties and having adventures. It healed me in its own way. Then the next year after I met my now boyfriend and we have been together since.
Also to clarify I know some of the things I judge Dylan on were maybe harsh. The recent heartbreak didn’t help, Unfortunately for Dylan he just kept bringing back to places I didn’t want to be. I do hope he is doing well. The ‘signs’ I knowledge were not just on him. I was not emotionally mature back then and did have some stuff to work on. The signs I just took as messages from the universe that pairing wasn’t it 😅. I also hope you enjoyed the story. Would love outside input/thoughts on this interesting date.
submitted by PersonalityPatient14 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:51 RedDanson PINEAPPLE EXPRESS SMASH

special i came up with for a dispensary event my smashburger pop-up did last weekend. kinda my take on red robin’s teriyaki burger in smash form. high school nostalgia achieved.
  • teriyaki glazed double smash patty (80/20 butchers blend)
  • calbot american
  • seared pineapple slice
  • lettuce/onion
  • chili crisp bbq aioli
  • brioche bun
the chili crisp bbq aioli is so good, highly recommend. recipe is simple, 1 part bbq, 1 part chili crisp, 2 parts mayo. use a sweeter bbq sauce (i use sweet baby rays) and the og chili crisp for best results. i don’t love any of the newer trendy ones, prob cuz they don’t have MSG lol.
submitted by RedDanson to burgers [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:36 lost_library_book My ‘24M’ girlfriend ‘23F’ is about to break up with me because i can’t finish during sex

I AM NOT OOP. OOP IS u/Charming_Age_6928
Originally posted on amiwrong and AmIOverreacting
Content warning: discussion of eating disorders, body dysmorphia
3 posts - Medium-long
Original post - May 12th, 2024
Second post - June 4th, 2024
Third post - June 9th, 2024
My ‘24M’ girlfriend ‘23F’ is about to break up with me because i can’t finish during sex
my girlfriend and i have been together for almost 3 years. i’ve never had issues cumming, in fact, i would always finish too fast. but about 3 months ago, i’ve been having issues finishing.
at first it would just take me a little longer to finish but now i can’t finish at all. i don’t know what changed, im still very attracted to her and i love her with all my heart. i can tell its taking a toll on her and she feels like she’s doing something wrong. it’s actually effecting our relationship because she thinks im hiding something from her.
she thinks i either: am not attracted to her, i masturbate too much, i watch porn, she’s not good in bed, im cheating on her, or i think she’s “loose”. all of those things are obviously not true but it’s like she doesn’t believe me. it sometimes puts a lot of pressure on me because i can’t 100% relax if all i think about is to cum for my girlfriend. and honestly i don’t really care if i finish or not, all i want is to make her feel good. and i try to tell her that but she says she doesnt understand what changed with me.
she says it doesn’t make sense that i can’t cum at all anymore. and honestly i don’t know too. now she barely wants to have sex because she says that it just makes her feel like i’m using her body to masturbate and that i’m just like every other man. when she told me this, it genuinely hurt because it couldn’t be further from the truth and i can’t believe that after all this time together she thinks i could do something like this. i don’t know what to do, everytime i try to talk about it, she shuts me down because she thinks im lying to her.
we ended up having a real fight about this the other day and she ended up crying saying that i don’t think she’s pretty and she stormed out. we’re perfect in every other aspect and i don’t want to throw away 3 years for this. i can understand how she feels from her perspective that’s why im asking how can i make her believe that i truly don’t know what’s going on with me? has any other man dealt with something like this?
Relevant Comments
Any major change to any bodily function should be seen by a doctor.
Delaying while wondering what’s happening is not going to fix it.
OOP confirms they are not on any medications
I would do a few things if I was in your situation
  1. Cut out porn and jerking off.
  2. Go and see your doctor.
  3. Go to therapy with your gf
  4. Are you on any new medication
  5. Talk to your GF set up a dinner and have a serious discussion. Tell her your true feelings you need to open up to her and make her feel completely loved and she needs to do the same right now for each other. You are both feeling inadequate in the bedroom and you need to support each other be vulnerable
  6. You need to get out of your head and start to enjoy it again.
1. i don’t watch porn & i jerk off once maybe twice a week (which i don’t think is too much?)
2. i did go once and everything was fine but ill go again
3. i will try to convince her. she just has her mind set on me not being attracted to her anymore and she thinks im disgusting for sleeping with her when i clearly don’t enjoy it (literally her words)
3. no
4. i’ll try
5. i’ll try
Second post - 1 month later
AIO: I (24m) think my girlfriend (23f) is starving herself. Am I overreacting or should I bring it up?
My girlfriend and I have been dating for 3 years (our anniversary was on the 2nd), and I have been having suspicions that she might be starving herself or at least has an eating disorder. We moved in together about a year ago, so I learned her routine pretty quickly. However, I’ve noticed some changes.
A few examples: when she makes food, she never makes any for herself. When I ask her where her plate is, she says that she already ate. When I offer to share mine, she says no. If I insist, she takes the tiniest bite and says she’s full, but then I hear her stomach growling a few hours later. Or, if we share a sandwich, she always takes the smallest half. Sometimes it's noticeably smaller, and when I mention it, she gets nervous and tries to change the subject.
She’s been vomiting a lot lately, and I'm scared that she’s making herself throw up. She doesn’t seem to have any other symptoms besides vomiting, and when I ask her if something is wrong, she says she doesn’t know. Her vomiting doesn’t seem “real”—one time I heard her making a lot of gagging noises and coughing, as if she was forcing it. I’m really scared for her. Some of her pants are looking a little loose on her now. Again, maybe it’s normal, but I don’t know.
I talked briefly to my sister about it, and she said that I was imagining things. But I know my girlfriend. I live with her. I feel like she’s going through something right under my nose, and I’m too blind to see it.
One time, I planned a little date and cooked something for us (I told her I wanted to try a recipe I saw online). I wanted to eat it with her while watching a movie, but she said, “Oh no, sorry, I already ate before coming.” I knew she was lying because she couldn’t look me in the eyes. I told her that I thought we would eat together, and she said she forgot and that she’s trying to cut out dairy, so she wouldn’t have eaten it anyway. Again, lies. I dropped it because I didn’t want to fight, so we just watched the movie in mostly silence. I heard her stomach growl a couple of times, and she just drank water. I was getting so irritated because I had food prepared for both of us, so why not just eat?
We went to sleep, and I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and found her eating the food I had made earlier. Why is she ashamed to eat in front of me? I have never done or said anything to make her insecure about her body or her weight. I don’t understand. She’s always preaching communication, so why not communicate with me? Am I imagining things?
Also, she’s been pressing me about going to the gym with her and making her a workout plan. Again, maybe she’s just trying to get into fitness, but with everything else, I’m scared it’s something worse. If she is starving herself, how do I approach this conversation with her? Has anyone else dealt with something like this? How did it end?
Thank you.
Relevant Comments
As someone who had an eating disorder, all of this fits. It sounds like talking to her isn't working, but maybe offering couples therapy or bringing your concerns to her family if you're close with them. It can get dangerous fast, it's good she has you to be there and try and help.
I’ll try. It’s especially difficult because I feel like she will automatically shut it down. She seems so on guard lately. I don’t know how to approach the subject
You know I care about you. I want us to have a long relationship. I have noticed, lately, that you haven't been eating and it concerns me. I want you to know that you can trust me if there is a problem. I am here to support you. I am wondering if you could have an eating disorder like bulimia.
I bet she is on guard. She has noticed that you have noticed. Get yourself some reading material about eating disorders. They are not something that can be stopped at will. It is disordered thinking. This is something that must be dealt with by a mental health professional.
Good luck. What a good partner you are.
I’ve had all the different types of eating disorders at different times in my life, I still struggle with one now. I will say that we will do anything to keep from admitting it, and it sounds like she’s going through one (if not multiple) eating disorders. Please take this with a grain of salt, but I just wanted to share some tips on what was helpful for me while battling it:
  1. Having food around, but not making me eat it at a designated time. You mentioned she ate leftovers later that night, that’s something I would do too, but I’d try to fight it off as long as I can
  2. Please do NOT point out the weight loss, or mention she looks skinny - I would see that as a “win” and that I should keep doing what I’m doing because it’s working
  3. Keep “safe” snacks around the house, even if that’s some low calorie or healthier options, so she feels better eating (we’re just trying to get her to eat.)
  4. Tell her the throwing up is so concerning that you’re going to insist she goes to the doctor if it doesn’t get better soon, because “it could be a sign of something more serious, and you want to make sure she’s okay.” This might prevent the purging a bit.
  5. Tell her how beautiful and amazing she is. Seriously. And ask her if she’s doing okay emotionally because she doesn’t seem like herself. I hope this helps OP, sending love to both of you.
ETA: typos
Third post - six days later
Hello, I made a post a couple of days ago regarding my girlfriend's eating disorder. I ended up having a conversation with her yesterday, and here’s how it went down.
I told her yesterday morning not to make any plans for that night because I wanted to do something with her. When she came home, I acted as if everything was normal. Not going to lie, I was scared at first because she seems so on guard these days. Every time I had tried to talk about this, she would always shut it down or just leave, so I was scared she would do that again.
I read some comments saying not to bring up her physical appearance because it could be seen as a “win” in her eyes, so I really tried not to do that. I ended up saying something like, "Baby, I want to talk to you because I've noticed certain behaviors, and I am worried about you. But I just want to start off by saying that I love you more than life, and that’s why I really want to solve this because I truly want to spend the rest of my life with you. But I've noticed that you haven’t been eating a lot lately, and it’s really worrying me. I know we’ve talked about this before, but I really want to have a conversation about it right now because I love you so much, and I’m scared for you. It's not weird that I care about you eating. I'm getting scared that something will happen to you because not eating and making yourself throw up can seriously affect your health. I am not trying to fight with you, but I feel like if we’re in a relationship, I should and have to bring up my concerns when there’s something. Will you please help me understand what's going on? I love you more than anything; please just help me help you."
She said I was making a big deal out of nothing and that she was fine. I said that in our three years of dating, I have never seen her act like this, and she said, "Well, of course, I’m not going to be the same at 20 and at 23." I said, "Please just talk to me and tell me what’s going on." She was quiet for a little bit and then said, "Do you think I look skinnier?"
I didn’t know what to say. Again, some people said NOT to tell her if I noticed her weight loss, but then I didn’t want to lie to her. I said I didn’t know and that I don’t notice those kinds of things. I then said that her throwing up was concerning too and I felt like she does it secretly as if she was doing it on purpose. I followed with, "I just want to help you, please," and she blurted out, "I know you don’t find me attractive anymore." I was speechless, not going to lie, because it's not true, and she just started crying like I’ve never seen her cry before. She was inconsolable.
She eventually told me that she “knew” we had bedroom issues because of my lack of attraction to her. (Context: I’ve had issues cumming, and it strained our relationship a bit. We had a serious talk about it, I got an appointment with a urologist, and I thought we had moved past it.) She said that she knew I wasn’t able to cum because I thought she was ugly and fat. I was so confused. She even pulled up examples that I had no idea about. She said that three or four months ago, we were having sex, and when I was about to finish, I apparently glanced at her stomach, and it made me not able to cum.
I reassured her that this is completely false and that I might have a medical issue, but I love her body and her face, and I think she’s the prettiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. She was like, "Stop lying." She then revealed that she didn’t even want to get skinny and that she’s doing all of this for me. I didn’t know what to say; I’ve never been in those types of situations. I just held her as she was crying in my arms, and at this point, I was crying too. I just repeated that I love her and that I’m here for her. She was crying so hard. She fell asleep in my arms.
While she was sleeping, I started looking up couples therapists and eating disorder therapists. When she woke up, she looked happier. She still wasn’t eating, but she seemed less reserved. And here I am now. I saw a comment suggesting that I should buy low-calorie snacks just to get her to eat, but I’m scared. Just finally having that conversation was hard, but now getting her to eat is a different story. Same with therapy. I don’t know if she’ll blow up at that suggestion. I called in sick at work just to spend time with her. I will try to eventually convince her to go to therapy, but for now, I don’t know. Thank you, everyone, for commenting; you all helped so much!
Relevant Comments
I’ve struggled with anorexia for 16 years, started when I was 14. Your conversation was beautiful! Please call a physician for further assistance! She may need to go into a facility to get her behaviors back in check. Do not force regular foods, this can cause more issues than beneficial. Start with protein shakes and smoothies. Liquids that are packed with nutrition.
Thank you so much
You did amazing!! What a shock to hear she thought you wanted this, it must have hurt. This will be a long journey but it sounds like you are looking up the right things. Sending love and healing
I know I haven’t stopped thinking about this. I’m trying to think about every conversation I’ve ever had with her and I literally cannot think of a single thing I’ve said or done to let her think I don’t like her body. Thank you for the support this means a lot to me
I have dysmorphia. My SIL posted candid shots of me on a trip recently and all I can see is how awful I look. What weird facial expressions I'm making. How unnatural I look sitting or standing. It's just wrong and deeply upsetting. It literally threw me into a panic attack and made me ill. Objectively I am capable of seeing that those things aren't true or not more true then anyone else in an unflattering/unposed picture but it caught me off guard and easily could have gotten worse if I didn't have the tools I've gained over years to help me manage. I have supportive and loving friends and family but I can also tell you that I've latched on to every even unintended negative thing they've said because my brain has a medical issue that needs treatment. Please don't try to logic your girlfriend out of a chemical imbalance that she needs and deserves help with.
As someone who has suffered from various eating disorders since the age of 6, I want to make sure you understand something very important: no matter what she says, YOU did not cause this.
Eating disorders lie to you, and it is very possible that the sexual issues the two of you have had may have sprung a leak in the intrusive thoughts for her, but that doesn't mean you did anything wrong. A dormant and presumably in-check or even unrealized eating disorder can jump start from something as benign as work troubles. It is simply about being in control of something, ANYTHING, makes you feel powerless.
You are challenging that control, so she's lashing out. Like I said, eating disorders lie to you. They also teach you how to lie. It's like a parasite struggling to survive - it will make its host body do anything to keep it alive.
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I think you've handled things amazingly so far, and I think that you're proving yourself to be exactly the patient and loving partner she's going to need.
Marked ongoing.
If you have comments, keep them HERE. DO NOT brigade over to the original post to comment. DO NOT harass the OOP with dms or replies.
Stay safe and remember: a preposition is an incorrect word to end a sentence with.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:17 Affectionate_Wish My boyfriend has had issues with his legs for years and we supposedly discovered a solution involving an increase of fat in his diet?

TLDR: My boyfriend and I have been for about a year. He used to run a lot years ago while not eating enough, which forced him to quit because his legs couldn’t take the toll anymore. For several years after he stopped running, his legs would get weak/tired even after a relatively low amount of exercise (ex. walking a few miles). We recently decided to work on improving his diet and realized he hadn’t been getting enough fat. Ever since he’s increased his fat intake by eating nuts, his legs have gotten better. His doctor doesn’t believe that a change in nutrition could have led to the improvements, so we’ve started to wonder if a small dietary change could have really “fixed” a problem that was going on for years.
Longer version: My boyfriend used to do distance running in high school. However, he had an unhealthy approach where he’d run a lot and then not eat enough, partly because he was afraid of gaining weight. Eventually, I guess this combination of intense exercise and inadequate nutrition burned him out to the point that he could no longer run without his legs getting super weak, so he stopped running. Ever since then, for about 6 years, his legs would get tired quickly after most physical activities, like walking more than a mile or two. We’ve been together about a year but I only recently learned about his problem because he was embarrassed to talk about it with me. I encouraged him to visit a doctor to figure out what was going on, as he had been a few times before and was recommended physical therapy but it didn’t really help. We also started to wonder if it had something to do with his diet because we noticed that if he didn’t eat enough during the day he’d feel fatigued in general, not just his legs. So we started by increasing his carb and protein intake to see if that was the issue, but it didn’t really help. Suddenly it dawned on me that his diet had very little fat. I guess I hadn’t realized it until that point, but after comparing my diet and his diet I realized that basically all the sources of fat I was used to were not a part of his diet. We decided a good place to start would be eating more nuts since they’re a good source of healthy fats, taste good, and are easy to find. For the past few months now, he’s been eating peanut butter with his breakfast and trail mix during the day, and his legs no longer get as weak. In fact, there was a week where he walked 5+ miles a day and his legs were fine. He did visit a doctor recently and this doctor recommended that he get bloodwork done and see a rheumatologist. The doctor didn’t seem to think nutrition could play a role in my boyfriend feeling better, which I guess makes sense because even to me it’s strange. Perhaps doctors are so used to telling people about the dangers of too much fat that they never stopped to think about what can happen if someone doesn’t eat enough of it?
submitted by Affectionate_Wish to MealPlanYourMacros [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:08 Odd_Dare_2509 Drained weight?

I can’t for the life of me figure out how to track this (without draining and weighing the entire can). Let’s say I use 20g of drained corn… how do I track that if there’s no drained weight? Am I just stupid lol I can’t figure out what to do
submitted by Odd_Dare_2509 to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:02 NotBatman28 [DIPLOMACY] Critical Rearmament

The Smokester was rocking a sold out yacht party just outside of the Japanese occupied Socotra's EEZ, music blaring, and drinks flowing. As he was dropping fat beats to the audience Jushin Liger sat there incredibly angry, as the yacht was in fact a small fishing boat that only held himself, Smokey, and the pilot of the boat. Smokey played God awful self-made music remixes at an incredibly loud volume, while getting progressively drunk on warm eggnog flavored Buzzballs, which was his idea of sick ass boat party.
“The Smokester” Jushin Liger snapped his fingers to get his attention “Cut the music let’s go over the plan one more time”, Smokey turned down his music, obviously keeping the tunes running but at a much reduced volume. “I think I got this chief, it aint the Smokester’s first rodeo” Smokey said winking at Jushin Liger, making him incredibly more annoyed. “ok, ok you know it, but I’m just going to say it out loud one more time” Jushin Liger continued “We are going to drop you off outside of Socotra, and then exfil, you are then going to hangout until the Japanese authorities arrest you, and once talking to the proper person, you’re going to…?” Jushin Liger stopped to have Smokey answer.
“Uh planes” Smokey replied packing his Jansport backpack with provisions, as in bottles of Kahlua, and only Kahula. “What type of planes?” Jushin Liger again questioning whether he paid attention to the myriad of times Jushin Liger laid out the plan. “Attack Planes?” Smokey replied. Jushin Liger pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed “BOSS planes Smokey, we need BOSS planes, you know the ones that don't destroy the nations treaty, the ones that dont plunge us back into war”, “The Smokester” Smokey replied “I’m building a…” Jushin Liger cut him off “a brand, I know, I know, I apologize, just, just remember B.O.S.S. BOSS, you know” Jushin Liger had an idea on how to get it through to Smokey “Planes like you buddy, you are the boss” Smokey's expression lit up, “Yeah fucking right I am, and don’t you forget it”, it took everything in Jushin Liger's power not to drown Smokey then and there.
As the dead of night approached the small vessel went into the waters outside of Socotra, dumping Smokey on an inflatable swim ring designed to look like a donut, equipped with cupholders, 500 feet from shore. As the boat hurried back into the open water. Smokey lazily drifted to shore. Unbeknownst to the small crew he had drifted right outside of the palace once belonging to the Emir of the island, Danny Glover, “Shit yeah” Smokey said as he approached the former residence, intending to knock on the door and hangout, as it was on Smokey's bucket list as a place to visit.
submitted by NotBatman28 to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:41 maddenplayer12345 Cauliflower bbq chicken pizza / 260cal 40g protein

Cauliflower bbq chicken pizza / 260cal 40g protein submitted by maddenplayer12345 to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:30 tn508s Wendys vs local butcher

Wendys vs local butcher
I've been going to school and staying at a friend's house weekdays then driving home on weekends. There is a wendys a block away from school so out of laziness I started eating there at lunch. I started comparing and check this out. 6 large beef patties for $11.60, hot and fresh. Comparatively to this group beef from local butcher for $10.07, uncooked still retaining its water weight. My friend suggested I start shopping at Costco, which I will take the advice. But I may just start eating at wendys for every meal, haha.
submitted by tn508s to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:29 Whole-Future-2391 Nice find !

Nice find !
Saw this at my local neighborhood Walmart, they have both
submitted by Whole-Future-2391 to DrSquatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:26 CheeesyGiraffe Simply protein crispy bars…good or bad?

I just found these Simply Protein crispy bars at Costco and they really fix my snack cravings. I can’t do dairy so all the whey protein snacks are out. But I’m concerned about soy protein isolate and the process behind making it. Also where is the sugar alcohol in the ingredients list?
Here’s the full ingredient list: Soy protein crisps(soy protein isolate, tapioca starch, sea salt), inulin, cashew butter, vegetable glycerin, coconut, natural flavor.
Nutrition facts: total carbs 15g, dietary fiber 7g, total sugar 1g, sugar alcohol 4g
submitted by CheeesyGiraffe to keto [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:17 grateful429mama [Live Setlist Thread] Monday, 06/10/24 - Steelhouse - Omaha, NE

[Live Setlist Thread] Monday, 06/10/24 - Steelhouse - Omaha, NE
poster by
Scheduled Start Time: 7:30pm CT
Set 1:
Set 2:


[ ] McLovin’ it
[ ] Space Panther
[ ] Party at the moon tower
[ ] Floating on a marshmallow sea
[ ] Readings from the Book of St. Peter
[ ] Ignoring no fly Air-Dini space
[ ] Hollywood Nights
[ ] Entering interdimensional travel
[ ] Accelerating growth on your upper lip
[ ] Ted talking
[ ] Flapping them jacks
[ ] Summoning deep space aliens with a mating call
[ ] Channeling euro Goose
[ ] Twin Peaks = jacked
[ ] Clapping your hands
[ ] Razzle dazzle shoulders
[ ] Wondering whose first Goose show it is
[ ] Taking a Marlboro Menthol smoke break
Tickets: Here
Venue Info:
Fun Venue Fact: The Steelhouse is managed by a non-profit organization called Omaha Performing Arts (O-pa) which is arts organization bringing music, dance, Broadway, comedy, and more to the Holland Center, Orpheum Theater and Steelhouse Omaha. O-pa’s mission includes enriching the community through arts and entertainment, education and engagement initiatives, and operating these three world-class venues. The Steelhouse Omaha project team includes Ennead Architects, Holland Basham Architects, Fisher Dachs, Threshold Acoustics, Kiewit Building Group and TRI Project Solutions
Weather: 81°F and partly cloudy w/ 20% chance of meatballs at show time
Check-Ins (limited to before show & setbreak): in line! Ashville, NC (x2) Chicago, IL (x2) Midlothian, VA Seattle, WA Los Angeles, CA Omaha, NE Louisville, KY Dayon, OH Marina, CA Lockport, IL Saratoga Springs, NY Victoria, BC Standish, ME Kansas City, MO Belle Haven, VA at the show! Elk,CA Sec. 209 Atlanta, GA Salt Lake City, UT
submitted by grateful429mama to GoosetheBand [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:05 Bright-Camp3178 The Ultimate Guide to Unicity Vision Essentials Plus

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Vision Health
  3. Importance of Vision Health
  4. Common Vision Problems
  5. Preventative Measures for Vision Health
  6. Unicity Vision Essentials Plus Overview
  7. What is Unicity Vision Essentials Plus?
  8. How Unicity Vision Essentials Plus Works
  9. Benefits of Unicity Vision Essentials Plus
  10. Enhancement of Visual Clarity
  11. Protection Against Blue Light
  12. Support for Age-Related Vision Concerns
  13. Who Should Use Unicity Vision Essentials Plus?
  14. Ideal Candidates for the Supplement
  15. Consulting with a Healthcare Provider
  16. How to Incorporate Unicity Vision Essentials Plus into Your Routine
  17. Dosage Recommendations
  18. Combining with a Healthy Lifestyle
  19. Customer Experiences and Testimonials
  20. Real-Life Success Stories
  21. Where to Buy Unicity Vision Essentials Plus
  22. Purchasing Options
  23. Conclusion
  24. FAQs

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus: Your Ultimate Guide to Better Vision

Unexpected Fact or Statistic

Did you know that over 2.2 billion people globally suffer from vision impairment or blindness, and almost half of these cases could have been prevented or are yet to be addressed? Vision health is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of overall wellness. As someone deeply concerned about maintaining good vision, I found a remarkable solution: Unicity Vision Essentials Plus. Let’s dive into what makes this product exceptional and why it might be the perfect addition to your daily routine.

Introduction to Unicity Vision Essentials Plus

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus is a comprehensive supplement designed to support and enhance vision health. Packed with a potent blend of natural ingredients, this product aims to protect your eyes from common vision problems and promote overall eye health.

Purpose of the Article

In this article, I’ll provide an in-depth look at Unicity Vision Essentials Plus, covering its benefits, key ingredients, usage guidelines, and real-life testimonials. Whether you’re dealing with age-related vision issues, digital eye strain, or simply want to maintain optimal eye health, this guide will help you understand how Unicity Vision Essentials Plus can be a game-changer.

Understanding Vision Health

Importance of Vision Health

Maintaining good vision health is essential for a high quality of life. Vision problems can significantly affect daily activities, productivity, and overall well-being. From reading and driving to enjoying your favorite hobbies, clear vision is crucial.

Prevalence of Vision Problems

Vision problems are more common than many realize. According to the World Health Organization, at least 1 billion people globally have vision impairment that could have been prevented. This highlights the importance of taking proactive steps to maintain eye health.

Impact of Vision Health on Quality of Life

Good vision is vital for performing everyday tasks and enjoying life to the fullest. Poor vision can lead to difficulties in reading, recognizing faces, driving, and even walking, affecting independence and quality of life.

Common Vision Problems

Understanding common vision problems can help you take preventive measures and seek appropriate treatments.

Nearsightedness and Farsightedness

Nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hyperopia) are common refractive errors. Nearsighted individuals struggle to see distant objects clearly, while farsighted people have difficulty focusing on close objects.

Age-Related Vision Issues

As we age, our vision naturally deteriorates. Conditions like presbyopia, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) become more prevalent, necessitating regular eye check-ups and proactive eye care.

Preventative Measures for Vision Health

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, wearing protective eyewear, and regular eye examinations are crucial steps in preserving vision health. Consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can also support eye health.

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus Overview

What is Unicity Vision Essentials Plus?

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus is a dietary supplement formulated to support and enhance vision health. It combines a unique blend of natural ingredients known for their beneficial effects on eye health.

Product Description

This supplement is designed to provide comprehensive eye support. It includes antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help protect the eyes from oxidative stress and other damaging factors.

Ingredients Breakdown

Key ingredients include lutein, zeaxanthin, bilberry extract, and vitamins A, C, and E. These components work together to support various aspects of eye health, from protecting the retina to improving night vision.

How Unicity Vision Essentials Plus Works

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus works by delivering essential nutrients that support the structure and function of the eyes.

Mechanism of Action

The ingredients in Unicity Vision Essentials Plus provide antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress in the eyes. They also support the health of the retina and macula, crucial for maintaining clear vision.

Scientific Backing

Numerous studies support the effectiveness of the ingredients in Unicity Vision Essentials Plus. For example, lutein and zeaxanthin are well-known for their role in protecting against age-related macular degeneration and improving visual performance.

Benefits of Unicity Vision Essentials Plus

Enhancement of Visual Clarity

One of the primary benefits of Unicity Vision Essentials Plus is the enhancement of visual clarity.

Improved Night Vision

Many users report significant improvements in night vision, allowing for safer driving and better visibility in low-light conditions.

Reduced Eye Strain

In our digital age, eye strain is a common issue. Unicity Vision Essentials Plus helps reduce eye strain, especially for those who spend long hours in front of screens.

Protection Against Blue Light

The supplement offers protection against blue light, which is particularly important in our digital world.

Digital Eye Strain

Prolonged exposure to screens can lead to digital eye strain. The antioxidants in Unicity Vision Essentials Plus help mitigate this by protecting the eyes from the harmful effects of blue light.

Prevention of Long-Term Damage

Blue light can cause long-term damage to the eyes, contributing to conditions like macular degeneration. The ingredients in Unicity Vision Essentials Plus help protect against this damage.

Support for Age-Related Vision Concerns

As we age, our risk of developing vision problems increases. Unicity Vision Essentials Plus provides targeted support for these issues.

Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss in older adults. The supplement’s ingredients help protect against AMD by supporting macular health.


Cataracts, another common age-related issue, can be delayed or prevented with proper nutritional support. Unicity Vision Essentials Plus offers this support, helping to maintain clear lenses and prevent cataract formation.

Who Should Use Unicity Vision Essentials Plus?

Ideal Candidates for the Supplement

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus is suitable for a wide range of individuals looking to improve or maintain their vision health.

Age Groups

While beneficial for all ages, it is particularly advantageous for older adults who are at higher risk for age-related vision issues.

Lifestyle Considerations

People who spend significant time in front of digital screens, those with a family history of vision problems, and individuals exposed to harsh environmental conditions can greatly benefit from this supplement.

Consulting with a Healthcare Provider

Before starting any new supplement, it’s always wise to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it’s appropriate for your specific health needs and conditions.

How to Incorporate Unicity Vision Essentials Plus into Your Routine

Dosage Recommendations

For optimal results, follow the recommended dosage instructions on the product label. Consistency is key to achieving the best outcomes.

Combining with a Healthy Lifestyle

Incorporating Unicity Vision Essentials Plus into a healthy lifestyle can enhance its benefits.

Dietary Considerations

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids supports overall eye health. Foods like carrots, spinach, and fish are excellent choices.

Regular Eye Check-ups

Routine eye examinations are crucial for early detection and management of potential vision problems. Pairing this with Unicity Vision Essentials Plus can provide comprehensive eye care.

Customer Experiences and Testimonials

Real-Life Success Stories

Hearing from others who have used Unicity Vision Essentials Plus can provide valuable insights into its effectiveness.

Positive Feedback

Many customers have shared their positive experiences, noting significant improvements in vision clarity, reduced eye strain, and overall eye comfort.

Personal Anecdotes

Stories from users who have benefited from the supplement add a personal touch, making the benefits of Unicity Vision Essentials Plus more relatable and tangible.

Where to Buy Unicity Vision Essentials Plus

Purchasing Options

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus is readily available for purchase online.

Availability on Souqbazzar

You can find this supplement on Souqbazzar, a trusted platform offering genuine products. Be sure to take advantage of their Father’s Day promotion for additional savings.

Father’s Day Promotion

In celebration of Father’s Day, Souqbazzar is offering special discounts on Unicity Vision Essentials Plus. This is a perfect opportunity to invest in your vision health or gift it to a loved one.


Recap of Key Points

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus offers a comprehensive solution for maintaining and improving vision health. From enhancing visual clarity and protecting against blue light to supporting age-related vision concerns, this supplement is a valuable addition to your daily routine.

Final Thoughts on Vision Health

Prioritizing vision health is essential for a fulfilling life. With the right support, such as Unicity Vision Essentials Plus, you can enjoy clear vision and protect your eyes from common issues. Remember to combine this supplement with a healthy lifestyle and regular eye check-ups for the best results.


What are the key ingredients in Unicity Vision Essentials Plus?

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus contains lutein, zeaxanthin, bilberry extract, and vitamins A, C, and E. These ingredients work together to support various aspects of eye health.

How long does it take to see results?

Results can vary, but many users report noticeable improvements within a few weeks of consistent use. For best results, follow the recommended dosage and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Are there any side effects?

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus is generally well-tolerated. However, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking other medications.

Can I take Unicity Vision Essentials Plus with other supplements?

Yes, but it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure there are no interactions between the supplements you are taking.

Is it safe for children?

Unicity Vision Essentials Plus is formulated for adults. Consult with a pediatrician before giving any supplements to children.

Where to Purchase The Feel Great System Products & Price!

Click the’Buy Now’ link

submitted by Bright-Camp3178 to u/Bright-Camp3178 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:58 hotdoghandz Lunch today was level 10 vegan bullshit

Lunch today was level 10 vegan bullshit submitted by hotdoghandz to ShittyVeganFoodPorn [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:57 Icy_Procedure9965 The Smoothie Diet Review: Did it live up to the hype (Honest Review)

The 21-Day Smoothie Diet is a weight loss plan touted as an easy and effective alternative to fad diets.
In fact, the creator of the plan claims that the diet is associated with a long list of benefits and can help improve sleep, keep your skin glowing, skyrocket energy levels, and increase weight loss almost instantly.
However, there are several serious downsides associated with this program, and it may do more harm than good in the long run when it comes to your health.
This article will take a closer look at the 21-Day Smoothie Diet, how it works, and some of the negative risks and side effects it may be associated with.

=> click here to visit the official website of Smoothie Diet

What is it?

The 21-Day Smoothie Diet is a weight loss plan developed by health coach Drew Sgoutas.
The plan involves swapping two of your meals each day with smoothies, and the principles of the program are outlined in the e-book, “The Smoothie Diet,” which is available online for $47.
The e-book includes 36 smoothie recipes, meal and snack ideas, shopping lists, weekly schedules, and tips for preparing the smoothies and maintaining weight loss long-term.
According to Sgoutas, the 3-week diet plan can help promote healthy eating, enhance immune function, detoxify the body, improve skin and gut health, and rev up energy levels.
Sgoutas also claims that the diet can boost weight loss. In fact, some testimonials displayed on the website claim that the plan led to up to 9 pounds (4 kg) of weight loss in just 3 days.
The 21-Day Smoothie Diet is a 3-week diet plan that involves replacing two meals per day with smoothies. The program claims to enhance immunity, boost energy levels, improve skin and gut health, and increase weight loss quickly.

How to follow it

The 21-Day Smoothie Diet involves replacing two of your meals each day with smoothies using the recipes found in the e-book.
There are 36 recipes provided in the book, created using ingredients like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and almond or coconut milk.
In addition to these two smoothies, the plan allows you to eat one solid meal per day and two healthy snacks.
Solid meals should consist mostly of whole foods, and snacks should be low in sugar and high in fiber, with around 150–200 calories per serving.
You are also allowed one cheat day per week where you don’t consume any smoothies, though meals should still consist mostly of whole, minimally processed foods.
Optionally, you can kick off the plan with a 3-day detox, which requires you to consume a smoothie in place of all three daily meals, with two healthy snacks in between.
According to the program’s website, the diet works by creating a calorie deficit, meaning that you are expending more calories than you consume each day.
The diet is also high in fiber and claims to help reset your taste buds to reduce sugar cravings.
The program is intended to be followed for 3 weeks but can be repeated as many times as needed until you ‘reach your goal weight.’

Foods to eat and avoid

The 21-Day Smoothie Diet encourages nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables while limiting processed ingredients.

Foods to eat

Most of the smoothie recipes included in the 3-week program consist of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, mixed with coconut milk, coconut water, or almond milk.
Additionally, the plan emphasizes whole, minimally processed foods for your remaining meals and snacks while following the diet.
Some specific examples of foods that are encouraged on the 21-Day Smoothie Diet:

=> click here to visit the official website of Smoothie Diet

Foods to avoid

On the 21-Day Smoothie Diet, you should limit your intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and processed foods, including processed meat, refined grains, and fried foods.
Here are some examples of foods to limit or avoid while following the diet:

Does it aid weight loss?

According to the 21-Day Smoothie Diet creator, the plan provides a total of around 1,500 calories per day.
Consuming 1,500 calories per day will lead to weight loss for many people. However, this may vary based on many different factors, including your age, body size, health status, and activity level (1Trusted Source).
The diet also encourages a variety of nutrient-dense foods, like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, all of which are high in fiber.
Fiber moves through the digestive tract slowly, helping to keep you feeling fuller for longer, which could support weight loss (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).
However, despite being low in calories and high in fiber, the 21-Day Smoothie is also very restrictive and can be difficult to follow.
Furthermore, research suggests that liquids, such as smoothies, are less filling than solid foods, meaning you may feel more hungry drinking mostly smoothies each day (4Trusted Source).
Not only that, but some studies show that weight loss programs that use meal replacements may be associated with a higher risk of weight regain once a typical diet is resumed (5, 6).
Therefore, while swapping some of your meals for smoothies may lead to short-term weight loss, it’s unlikely to be effective long-term.

Downsides and side effects

In addition to being restrictive, unsustainable, and difficult to follow, the 21-Day Smoothie Diet may have several other downsides and side effects.

Increases risk of nutrient deficiencies

Eating just one solid meal per day and replacing your remaining two meals with smoothies may increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies.
Though the smoothie recipes recommended by this program contain nutrient-dense ingredients like fruits and veggies, they also omit or limit many of the foods typically included in a balanced meal, such as whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins.
Some are also low in protein. For example, the Green Detox smoothie — made with kale, coconut water, bananas, ginger, and lemon — contains less than 4 grams of protein per serving.
That makes it challenging to ensure you’re meeting your protein needs, negatively impacting tissue repair, muscle growth, immune function, and more (7Trusted Source).
Additionally, though the diet claims to provide around 1,500 calories per day, most the smoothie recipes are very low in calories and unlikely to provide enough calories to meet the needs of most healthy adults.
Consuming too few calories each day can slow your metabolism and cause serious negative side effects, including hunger, nausea, headaches, and fatigue (8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source).

May be high in sugar

Many of the smoothies on the 21-Day Smoothie Diet contain multiple servings of fruits, including bananas, pineapples, peaches, and strawberries.
Some also contain other high sugar ingredients, such as honey or granola.
Though these ingredients can be enjoyed as part of a healthy, balanced diet, the high amounts included in this diet may not be suitable for everyone.
In particular, people with diabetes may need to monitor their intake of foods high in carbohydrates, such as fruit or honey, to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels (10Trusted Source).

Not based on evidence

One of the biggest flaws of the 21-Day Smoothie Diet is that there is no research to back it up.
While smoothies can be a great addition to a well-rounded diet, there’s no evidence to show that eating smoothies in place of other nutrient-dense foods can improve your skin, gut health, or immune function, as the diet claims.
Furthermore, the diet’s official website is filled with testimonials from customers claiming to lose large amounts of weight very quickly.
Not only is this unrealistic and unsustainable, but it could also be harmful to health (11Trusted Source).

The bottom line

The 21-Day Smoothie Diet is a 3-week weight loss plan that involves replacing some of your meals each day with smoothies.
Though the diet encourages many nutritious ingredients, it’s also restrictive, unsustainable, and very low in calories and protein, increasing the risk of nutritional deficiencies and other side effects.
Furthermore, it’s not backed by research and is high in carbs and sugar, which might not suit people with diabetes.
Instead of cycling through different fad diets to reach your goals, consider pairing a nutritious, well-rounded diet with a healthy lifestyle for best results.
That is more beneficial for weight management and overall health in the long run, and it’s also much more simple, sustainable, and effective.

Just one thing

Try this today: If you prefer a structured diet plan like the 21-Day Smoothie Diet, there are plenty of other options to help you reach your health goals. Check out this article for a list of the 9 best diet plans to consider.
submitted by Icy_Procedure9965 to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:53 Vexivero I don't know if I just eat a lot or if this is misleading serving sizes, but I usually add about 1-2 pounds of extra pasta with these packages. This time I didn't add any to see how full I would get and I ate it all in one sitting plus 10 ounces of spinach, chips & salsa, and cake.

I don't know if I just eat a lot or if this is misleading serving sizes, but I usually add about 1-2 pounds of extra pasta with these packages. This time I didn't add any to see how full I would get and I ate it all in one sitting plus 10 ounces of spinach, chips & salsa, and cake. submitted by Vexivero to shrinkflation [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:34 BluehairedBaker Looking for Alabama ~1940's Pulled Pork

Hi! Kinda shot in the dark but my grandma grew up in Gadsden, AL in the early 1940's. She was telling me of a place called McCuen's that made BBQ pulled pork sandwiches that she loved. I found an old newspaper article online about it but didn't find any info on trying to recreate the sandwich. So I'm checking here (and a few other subreddits) if anyone has any idea of a recipe I could try. All I could get from her was that : It was sweet, not mustard or vinegar based, it wasn't in a BBQ sauce but wasn't dry, definitely not spicy since she thinks bell peppers at too hot, and wasn't real strong in smoked flavor. Any ideas?
submitted by BluehairedBaker to Old_Recipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:32 1_Curious_Bird The PERFECT Gift!

My SIL is extremely wealthy, lives in a huge house with an elevator, and has a gorgeous backyard with a built-in BBQ/bar, jacuzzi, pool with gratto and slide, suana, and waterfall.
She had a huge birthday party last year and we drove across state lines to attend. We spent the entire drive scrambling to think of a gift she didn’t already own.
When we arrived at her house, we all had to use the restroom…that’s when it hit me! She didn’t have any bidets (something we own and love)! I walked out and told my family that’s what we should get her.
They all thought it was a strange gift, but I told them, if we install that bad boy in her master bathroom, she would have no choice but to use it; subsequently loving it so much that she’d want to install them in every bathroom.
She still tells everyone this was her favorite gift and has since installed one in every restroom (just as I suggested). This was my most brilliant gift ever, and I’m still proud of the fact that I thought of it.
submitted by 1_Curious_Bird to bidets [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:07 -PreservedKillick- Missoula XC 2024 left Marshall Mountain trashed

submitted by -PreservedKillick- to mountainbiking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:06 LIS1050010 Discussion: Grow Your Own Protein - Quinoa

Livestock agriculture contributes 18% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. This fact was thrust into the media’s attention earlier this week when Lord Stern, the author of the influential Stern Review on the costs of tackling global warming, declared that people will need to reduce their consumption of meat if we are to take climate change targets seriously. Whatever your views on this statement, it is clear that home-grown produce is the best source of food if we are to reduce our carbon footprint. Yet the question in many people’s minds is whether a plant-based diet can meet our nutritional requirements for protein? With less livestock would it be feasible to grow everything required for a well-balanced diet?
In fact, the idea that plants do not provide good sources of protein is largely an outdated myth. It is true that many of our staple plant foods do not contain such concentrations of protein as meat. However, a balanced diet of vegetables, coupled with grains, nuts, seeds or legumes gives ample protein for optimal health. It is only when the majority of foods we eat are highly processed, rather than a range of whole-foods, that the protein and nutritional balance suffers.
However, not all plants are nutritionally equal. There are some plant foods that are particularly good as sources of protein and, surprisingly, they can be grown in a variety of climates. I had always been under the impression that the best vegetable protein sources were soy and pulses such as lentils, which are difficult to grow in England. So I was delighted to find the Real Seed Catalogue listing high-protein grains such as Quinoa suitable for our climate and set out to grow some this year.
Quinoa is remarkable – an ancient plant that has been called ‘the gold of the Incas’ due to its origins in South America. Although usually thought of as a grain, it is actually related to the spinach, chard and beet family (Chenopodium). It is a complete source of protein (all the essential amino acids) and has an impressive list of health-giving properties. Better still, it is very easy to use – the grains are slightly larger than couscous and are cooked in a similar way to rice, with little spirals of white germ appearing as they expand. It goes well with most meals you would traditionally serve with rice such as curries, stews and tagines.
Growing quinoa was easier than I expected. I started the seeds off in small pots and then planted them out in late May. Unlike common grains like wheat, just a few plants are required and are spaced 2 feet apart. By the start of August they were approaching 6 feet tall and needed staking to prevent them flopping over in high winds. I chose the ‘rainbow’ variety and sure enough the seed heads started to be tinged with red, amber and green by September. Keeping an eye out for the first fallen seeds proved to be the best way to tell when they were ready for harvest.
Processing the grains was more tricky. I followed the online instructions to rub the plant heads over a soil sieve which gets most of the grain out, along with some little bits of plant falling through. I left this to dry out for a day or two and then set about the biblical process of winnowing the seed from the chaff! This was much harder than it looked and involved pouring the seed onto a cloth on a windy day so that the little plant bits were blown further away than the grain and repeating the process 3 or 4 times. In the end I had to pick out some bits and accept that about 15% of the grain was never going to get separated.
Commercially produced quinoa must be processed very thoroughly because when I cooked it there was a noticeable bitterness to the water which comes from the saponins that need to be washed off the seed. By changing the water half way through cooking I was able to eliminate this and the results were excellent. Quinoa expands more than rice, so you need less of it for a good meal. From my five plants I harvested about 700g (1.5lb) of uncooked quinoa – enough for a good portion for about 10 people - but I think this could be increased with practice at the processing stage.
Was it worth it? Yes, it was very satisfying to know that this amazing grain could be grown by me at home. Would I grow it again? If I had more space then I would certainly consider it and I may well try some other quinoa varieties in the future. It was resilient, pest-free and low-maintenance – perfect for locations that are not ideal for other plants. Most importantly it passed the taste test, not only for me but when served up to guests as well. It may not be the whole solution to greenhouse gases from livestock but it was a very interesting experiment. Quinoa certainly deserves more attention as a promising protein of the future passed down from the ancient Incas of South America.
Please do add a comment if you have grown grains, nuts, seeds etc... and I may add details of another grain, amaranth, later in the year when I have finished harvesting it.

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submitted by LIS1050010 to selfreliance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 Alex_aomame Is this for cooked or uncooked? Thanks!

submitted by Alex_aomame to caloriecount [link] [comments]