Susanville state prison ccc calif.

A cotton blanket...

2024.06.11 07:55 tiemplejk A cotton blanket...

A cotton blanket... submitted by tiemplejk to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:20 HolidayHuckleberry4 P-1: SPLATTED SURVIVOR

With one final burst bomb, the Flesh Prison roared in defeat, blood spilling and spurting out from multiple angles as its body fell apart before exploding.
Pearl and Marina stood side by side, hands on their knees, panting rapidly. “Wow…” Pearl started, “That was annoying…”
“Yeah, REALLY annoying…” Marina responded, cracking her back.
“Asshole kept healing himself, spawning eyes, and that blue shit he threw really bit me in the ass when I thought I dodged it…”
“So… pizza?”
Marina smirked, “Of course, that sounds perfect, Pearlie~”
Marina scooped Pearl into her arms and brought her to her face to give her a quick peck on the lips, then holding their heads together.
At least… until they heard an odd humming noise…
A bright, cyan orb slowly fell down.
“Is this our reward?” Pearl asked.
It was anything but…
When the orb made contact with the ground, it shattered like glass, revealing a tall, glowing white figure with a hole in the place his face should be. Heavenly music began to play, seemingly coming from the figure itself.
(This remix sounds the most like Splatoon to me)
“Ahh… free… at last…”
Pearl and Marina looked at each other worryingly.
“Oh Gabriel… now dawns thy reckoning… and thy gore shall GLISTEN, before the temples of man!”
“‘Rina, who’s Gabriel?”
“According to the terminal, he’s the angel we fought off earlier after he tried to kill us for being gay.”
“Oh, well, then we should be on the same page as this dude, right?”
“Creatures… of ink… my gratitude upon thee for my freedom…”
“You’re welcome.” Both Pearl and Marina said.
“But the crimes… thy kind have committed against humanity… are NOT forgotten!”
“Uh… w-w-what’s a humanity!?” Pearl stammered.
“What crimes have we committed, sir?!” Marina asked.
“And thy punishment…
Minos Prime stood still for a few moments before immediately targeting the least unguarded of the two, that being Marina, as he boomed:
Minos Prime teleported above Marina and slams down, Marina performed a swim surge to avoid damage.
“HOLY MACKEREL!!” Marina exclaimed in fear.
After taking rapid fire from a dualie roll courtesy of Pearl, Minos Prime targeted her next.
Minos Prime preforms A four-punch combo, involving a straight punch using Minos' left hand as he moves forwards towards Pearl, a right hook going upwards after Minos teleports to Pearl's left, a vertical downwards chop with Minos' left hand after he teleports to Pearl's right, and a left fist overhead after teleporting straight in front of Pearl.
In a panic, Pearl rapidly used both of her rolls, making her dodge only the first of Minos’ strikes, to which the second strike connected to Pearl’s right shoulder, the next connected to her left leg, and the final blow connected to her face, breaking her nose, fracturing her skull, and sending her flying across the room.
Upon impact of the fleshy wall, Pearl’s blood splattered all over it. Hitting her head on the way down, Pearl began to lose consciousness.
“Ma…rina… run…”
During the whole attack, Marina froze in horror at the sight of her girlfriend being attacked by a foe with instantaneous speed and unbelievable strength.
“Pearl… no…”
She only snapped out of her trance when Pearl lost consciousness and she looked at Minos Prime, who turned to her and cracked his knuckles while Marina put away her undercover brella and took out her Octobrush.
She put on a determined expression. She knew what she must do.
Minos Prime gets on a knee and launches an explosive drop kick at Marina at an instantaneous speed, but the former top soldier in the Octarian military blocks and parries it with her octobrush. She swings it across his chest, pushing him back a couple feet.
“Fast, yet slightly predictable. Seems like I gotta wait for him to come to me instead of matching his speed…

The taste of my blood in battle… it’s familiar, but I don’t miss it. I hate it. I haven’t known it since my time in…
It hurts to remember… the sins I’ve committed in the name of following orders… I never wanted to be born to kill, or to make weapons of war and destruction…
But if I must, I will use my skills if it means saving Pearl.”
Minos performs a horizontal kick using his right leg to his left before Minos raises said leg upwards and brings his heel down onto Marina followed by an explosive serpent from Minos' right hand. Marina moved in the opposite directions of the attacks while in swim form, which was rather easy due to the floor already being covered in ink from her and Pearl’s fight with the Flesh Prison. Marina then sidesteps the serpent, but didn’t notice it turning right back around before it hits her in the back. Marina slid forward on her face, she lifted her head and spat the torn flesh and ink out of her mouth while Minos Prime prepared his next attack.
Marina rolled sideways to avoid the slam, then dove over the shockwave, then jumped to perform another sideways strike followed by an upward swing and a kick.
Minos Prime dashed forward. Marina held her brush handle up in preparation for an attack, only to have it smacked out of her hands. Minos Prime preformed an uppercut to her jaw, launching her into the air, then teleported to her altitude and smacked her back down to the ground, spouting blood with each hit. Marina lied on the ground, bloodied, bruised, and breathless as Minos Prime stood before her. Marina closed her eyes as Minos lifted his foot to crush her skull.
A young Marina stood in a straight line alongside a handful of other Octolings, all clutching their octoshots, all hiding their emotions, including Marina. Training was about to begin.
“In this lesson…” the Octo commander began in his gruff voice and manner, “you’ll learn how to counterattack your opponent!” He continued, stepping back and forth in a straight line. “The land of the battlefield is no fairytale, for your enemies are cruel, so you must be crueler. Do not treat them with kindness, as they won’t do so for you. Understood?!” “Yes sir.” All the octolings said in unison.
“As for our lesson today, even in the most dire of situations, one must never stop looking for a way out, even when threatened with death. Beyond this room are test dummies programmed to simulate the movement of fatal attacks of every type of weapon, you must learn to recognize and counter each and every one of them. Do i make myself clear?!”
“Yes sir!”
“Then let’s get to work! DISMISSED!!”
“My military training… never have I wanted to see them vividly again, even if only for a few moments. They disgust me, everything about them, the orders we were given, the perfection our superiors demanded, and worst of all, their purpose to be used for killing others…
But now… I can use them for good…
For protecting my precious Pearlie.”
Marina’s eyes shot open as a blazing flame swirled inside her. She grabbed the foot of Minos Prime and lifted the former judge of Hell over her head and threw him to the ground, despite laying on it herself. Despite every ache in her body, she lifted herself back up and onto her feet at the same time as Minos did.
“… I didn’t hear no whistle.”
As he says this, Minos Prime gained a blue fiery aura around him. But Marina is unfazed. She pulled out two more weapons, a splatana wiper in one hand, and a prototype she’s been working on in the other, a splat brella more offense oriented than defense and a more compact spread per shot. It was intended to be held with two hands, but there was an alternate one- handed form that can be switched to with a push of a button in exchange for a wider spread.
”Why do you attack us?!”
”Thy kind dare replace God’s greatest creation!”
”Humanity was already gone thou-“
Marina got hit in the face by the first attack, then evaded the next two strikes in swim form, then deflected the last strike with her splatana and riposted with a roundhouse kick to the face and a point blank shot from her pump-brella, flicking her wrist to open a hinge on the gun to cool down the pressure.
Minos Prime then fired a homing explosive serpent at Marina, only for Marina to deflect it right back at him with the blast of the pump-action brella. While Minos was stunned, Marina switched out her pump-action brella for her Dynamo roller to knock him down and followed up with a downward slam so hard, it broke the roller and left a small depression in the terrain.
“Humanity was already dead, SOMETHING had to take its place!”
”And cephalopods were not the creatures intended!”
”What the fuck do you even me-“
Minos Prime counterattacked with a dropkick to Marina’s face, splattering blood everywhere and launching her a significant distance away before she backflipped onto her feet.
Marina then summoned her Reefslider and revved up the handle, she sped towards Minos Prime and began to drift around him, avoiding more of his attacks while Marina took shots at him with the high accuracy shots from her squeezer.
When Minos Prime ran out of stamina, Marina activated her zipcaster form and flung herself to the ceiling. Now without a driver, her Reefslider drove itself right into Minos Prime and blowing up in his face in an explosion of ink.
Marina then let go of the ceiling and then grappled towards Minos Prime, however, he grabbed her arm and swung her around to then slam her into the ground, making Marina lose her Zipcaster armor.
As Minos Prime began his drop kick to finish Marina off, Marina actually used her splashdown to float into the air to avoid the drop kick and to hit Minos Prime on her way down with an explosion of ink.
Minos Prime teleported off the ground and grabbed Marina by her neck and slammed her face into the floor, splashing her blood into the air, then threw Marina into the air itself. Unlike last time, however, Marina was prepared for him to teleport to her altitude, so when he did, Marina grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground face down.
Once she landed, Marina took out her Hydra Splatling and fully charged it, where she then shoved it up Minos Prime’s face hole before letting go of the trigger, unloading dozens of highly pressurized ink shots into his face per second until the last shot knocked him back a little.
“Forgive me, my children, for I have failed to bring you salvation from this cold, dark world...”
Minos prime begins to slowly float into the air as one by one, beams of light burst from him and ending with a loud explosion.
Marina had done it. She won a fight against a Prime Soul, and with the adrenaline rush faded, she began to feel the weight of her injuries and exhaustion as she got down on her hands and knees and breathed heavily.
And then… she heard it…
A cough.
Marina’s head sprang up from the noise, and she picked herself up from the floor while ignoring every pain in her body as she ran to the source of the noise, her girlfriend.
Leaning against the fleshy wall was Pearl, who was a mess, and very lucky to be alive. One of her shoulders was dislocated, a leg was broken, and her skull was fractured, with a large gash on her forehead that had her blood pour over her eyes, blinding her.
“…Marina… are… we dead?” The inkling spoke weakly, taking deep breaths in between.
“Oh my cod…” Marina whispered to herself.
Marina’s three hearts broke at the sight of her girlfriend’s barely-alive state. The girl she fell in love with usually being so loud and energetic, was now quiet and somber.
Marina got down on her knees next to Pearl and scooped her into her arms. She used one of her hands to apply pressure to the gash on Pearl’s forehead to stop the bleeding, while one of her tentacles wiped the blood out of Pearl’s right eye, allowing half of her vision to return.
“No Pearl… we aren’t… we survived.” Marina spoke softly, finally answering her question. Pearl then noticed the lack of a tall white glowing dude with a hole for a face teleporting all over the place, “Is… he gone?” She asked. “Yes Pearl, he’s gone, you’re safe now.” Marina replied.
Slowly at first, Pearl began to sob tears of pure relief at Marina finishing the fight and being her rescuer.
“…You… should’ve just… ran… far… far away… but you didn’t…”
“Pearlie… you know I love you too much to do that.”
“I… guess we’re even now… after me and Eight… saved you from… the Memverse… huh?”
“Well I didn’t know we were keeping score~”
They shared a deep, long kiss as Marina pulled Pearl to her sweat-ridden chest, there was no taste of Pearl’s blood, only her love.
After the kiss, Pearl’s forehead stopped bleeding, Marina stood up, holding her girlfriend to her chest with the latter wrapping her remaining working arm around Marina’s back. “C’mon Pearlie, let’s head to the terminal and see if we can get you some medical supplies at the next terminal.” Marina whispered to Pearl.
“So…” Pearl began, “I’m assuming… the pizza is still… on me?” She flashed a toothy grin. Marina chuckled. Even in the most dire inches of her life, she still had a way to make a smile on everyone’s face.
“Oh, Pearlie…”
(Art by saltlesspotatochips on Tumblr)
(Story and writing by me)
submitted by HolidayHuckleberry4 to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:18 HolidayHuckleberry4 P-1: SPLATTED SURVIVOR

With one final burst bomb, the Flesh Prison roared in defeat, blood spilling and spurting out from multiple angles as its body fell apart before exploding.
Pearl and Marina stood side by side, hands on their knees, panting rapidly. “Wow…” Pearl started, “That was annoying…”
“Yeah, REALLY annoying…” Marina responded, cracking her back.
“Asshole kept healing himself, spawning eyes, and that blue shit he threw really bit me in the ass when I thought I dodged it…”
“So… pizza?”
Marina smirked, “Of course, that sounds perfect, Pearlie~”
Marina scooped Pearl into her arms and brought her to her face to give her a quick peck on the lips, then holding their heads together.
At least… until they heard an odd humming noise…
A bright, cyan orb slowly fell down.
“Is this our reward?” Pearl asked.
It was anything but…
When the orb made contact with the ground, it shattered like glass, revealing a tall, glowing white figure with a hole in the place his face should be. Heavenly music began to play, seemingly coming from the figure itself.
(This remix sounds the most like Splatoon to me)
“Ahh… free… at last…”
Pearl and Marina looked at each other worryingly.
“Oh Gabriel… now dawns thy reckoning… and thy gore shall GLISTEN, before the temples of man!”
“‘Rina, who’s Gabriel?”
“According to the terminal, he’s the angel we fought off earlier after he tried to kill us for being gay.”
“Oh, well, then we should be on the same page as this dude, right?”
“Creatures… of ink… my gratitude upon thee for my freedom…”
“You’re welcome.” Both Pearl and Marina said.
“But the crimes… thy kind have committed against humanity… are NOT forgotten!”
“Uh… w-w-what’s a humanity!?” Pearl stammered.
“What crimes have we committed, sir?!” Marina asked.
“And thy punishment…
Minos Prime stood still for a few moments before immediately targeting the least unguarded of the two, that being Marina, as he boomed:
Minos Prime teleported above Marina and slams down, Marina performed a swim surge to avoid damage.
“HOLY MACKEREL!!” Marina exclaimed in fear.
After taking rapid fire from a dualie roll courtesy of Pearl, Minos Prime targeted her next.
Minos Prime preforms A four-punch combo, involving a straight punch using Minos' left hand as he moves forwards towards Pearl, a right hook going upwards after Minos teleports to Pearl's left, a vertical downwards chop with Minos' left hand after he teleports to Pearl's right, and a left fist overhead after teleporting straight in front of Pearl.
In a panic, Pearl rapidly used both of her rolls, making her dodge only the first of Minos’ strikes, to which the second strike connected to Pearl’s right shoulder, the next connected to her left leg, and the final blow connected to her face, breaking her nose, fracturing her skull, and sending her flying across the room.
Upon impact of the fleshy wall, Pearl’s blood splattered all over it. Hitting her head on the way down, Pearl began to lose consciousness.
“Ma…rina… run…”
During the whole attack, Marina froze in horror at the sight of her girlfriend being attacked by a foe with instantaneous speed and unbelievable strength.
“Pearl… no…”
She only snapped out of her trance when Pearl lost consciousness and she looked at Minos Prime, who turned to her and cracked his knuckles while Marina put away her undercover brella and took out her Octobrush.
She put on a determined expression. She knew what she must do.
Minos Prime gets on a knee and launches an explosive drop kick at Marina at an instantaneous speed, but the former top soldier in the Octarian military blocks and parries it with her octobrush. She swings it across his chest, pushing him back a couple feet.
“Fast, yet slightly predictable. Seems like I gotta wait for him to come to me instead of matching his speed…

The taste of my blood in battle… it’s familiar, but I don’t miss it. I hate it. I haven’t known it since my time in…
It hurts to remember… the sins I’ve committed in the name of following orders… I never wanted to be born to kill, or to make weapons of war and destruction…
But if I must, I will use my skills if it means saving Pearl.”
Minos performs a horizontal kick using his right leg to his left before Minos raises said leg upwards and brings his heel down onto Marina followed by an explosive serpent from Minos' right hand. Marina moved in the opposite directions of the attacks while in swim form, which was rather easy due to the floor already being covered in ink from her and Pearl’s fight with the Flesh Prison. Marina then sidesteps the serpent, but didn’t notice it turning right back around before it hits her in the back. Marina slid forward on her face, she lifted her head and spat the torn flesh and ink out of her mouth while Minos Prime prepared his next attack.
Marina rolled sideways to avoid the slam, then dove over the shockwave, then jumped to perform another sideways strike followed by an upward swing and a kick.
Minos Prime dashed forward. Marina held her brush handle up in preparation for an attack, only to have it smacked out of her hands. Minos Prime preformed an uppercut to her jaw, launching her into the air, then teleported to her altitude and smacked her back down to the ground, spouting blood with each hit. Marina lied on the ground, bloodied, bruised, and breathless as Minos Prime stood before her. Marina closed her eyes as Minos lifted his foot to crush her skull.
A young Marina stood in a straight line alongside a handful of other Octolings, all clutching their octoshots, all hiding their emotions, including Marina. Training was about to begin.
“In this lesson…” the Octo commander began in his gruff voice and manner, “you’ll learn how to counterattack your opponent!” He continued, stepping back and forth in a straight line. “The land of the battlefield is no fairytale, for your enemies are cruel, so you must be crueler. Do not treat them with kindness, as they won’t do so for you. Understood?!” “Yes sir.” All the octolings said in unison.
“As for our lesson today, even in the most dire of situations, one must never stop looking for a way out, even when threatened with death. Beyond this room are test dummies programmed to simulate the movement of fatal attacks of every type of weapon, you must learn to recognize and counter each and every one of them. Do i make myself clear?!”
“Yes sir!”
“Then let’s get to work!”
“My military training… never have I wanted to see them vividly again, even if only for a few moments. They disgust me, everything about them, the orders we were given, the perfection our superiors demanded, and worst of all, their purpose to be used for killing others…
But now… I can use them for good…
For protecting my precious Pearlie.”
Marina’s eyes shot open as a blazing flame swirled inside her. She grabbed the foot of Minos Prime and lifted the former judge of Hell over her head and threw him to the ground, despite laying on it herself. Despite every ache in her body, she lifted herself back up and onto her feet at the same time as Minos did.
“… I didn’t hear no whistle.”
As he says this, Minos Prime gained a blue fiery aura around him. But Marina is unfazed. She pulled out two more weapons, a splatana wiper in one hand, and a prototype she’s been working on in the other, a splat brella more offense oriented than defense and a more compact spread per shot. It was intended to be held with two hands, but there was an alternate one- handed form that can be switched to with a push of a button in exchange for a wider spread.
”Why do you attack us?!”
”Thy kind dare replace God’s greatest creation!”
”Humanity was already gone thou-“
Marina got hit in the face by the first attack, then evaded the next two strikes in swim form, then deflected the last strike with her splatana and riposted with a roundhouse kick to the face and a point blank shot from her pump-brella, flicking her wrist to open a hinge on the gun to cool down the pressure.
Minos Prime then fired a homing explosive serpent at Marina, only for Marina to deflect it right back at him with the blast of the pump-action brella. While Minos was stunned, Marina switched out her pump-action brella for her Dynamo roller to knock him down and followed up with a downward slam so hard, it broke the roller and left a small depression in the terrain.
“Humanity was already dead, SOMETHING had to take its place!”
”And cephalopods were not the creatures intended!”
”What the fuck do you even me-“
Minos Prime counterattacked with a dropkick to Marina’s face, splattering blood everywhere and launching her a significant distance away before she backflipped onto her feet.
Marina then summoned her Reefslider and revved up the handle, she sped towards Minos Prime and began to drift around him, avoiding more of his attacks while Marina took shots at him with the high accuracy shots from her squeezer.
When Minos Prime ran out of stamina, Marina activated her zipcaster form and flung herself to the ceiling. Now without a driver, her Reefslider drove itself right into Minos Prime and blowing up in his face in an explosion of ink.
Marina then let go of the ceiling and then grappled towards Minos Prime, however, he grabbed her arm and swung her around to then slam her into the ground, making Marina lose her Zipcaster armor.
As Minos Prime began his drop kick to finish Marina off, Marina actually used her splashdown to float into the air to avoid the drop kick and to hit Minos Prime on her way down with an explosion of ink.
Minos Prime teleported off the ground and grabbed Marina by her neck and slammed her face into the floor, splashing her blood into the air, then threw Marina into the air itself. Unlike last time, however, Marina was prepared for him to teleport to her altitude, so when he did, Marina grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground face down.
Once she landed, Marina took out her Hydra Splatling and fully charged it, where she then shoved it up Minos Prime’s face hole before letting go of the trigger, unloading dozens of highly pressurized ink shots into his face per second until the last shot knocked him back a little.
“Forgive me, my children, for I have failed to bring you salvation from this cold, dark world...”
Minos prime begins to slowly float into the air as one by one, beams of light burst from him and ending with a loud explosion.
Marina had done it. She won a fight against a Prime Soul, and with the adrenaline rush faded, she began to feel the weight of her injuries and exhaustion as she got down on her hands and knees and breathed heavily.
And then… she heard it…
A cough.
Marina’s head sprang up from the noise, and she picked herself up from the floor while ignoring every pain in her body as she ran to the source of the noise, her girlfriend.
Leaning against the fleshy wall was Pearl, who was a mess, and very lucky to be alive. One of her shoulders was dislocated, a leg was broken, and her skull was fractured, with a large gash on her forehead that had her blood pour over her eyes, blinding her.
“…Marina… are… we dead?” The inkling spoke weakly, taking deep breaths in between.
“Oh my cod…” Marina whispered to herself.
Marina’s three hearts broke at the sight of her girlfriend’s barely-alive state. The girl she fell in love with usually being so loud and energetic, was now quiet and somber.
Marina got down on her knees next to Pearl and scooped her into her arms. She used one of her hands to apply pressure to the gash on Pearl’s forehead to stop the bleeding, while one of her tentacles wiped the blood out of Pearl’s right eye, allowing half of her vision to return.
“No Pearl… we aren’t… we survived.” Marina spoke softly, finally answering her question. Pearl then noticed the lack of a tall white glowing dude with a hole for a face teleporting all over the place, “Is… he gone?” She asked. “Yes Pearl, he’s gone, you’re safe now.” Marina replied.
Slowly at first, Pearl began to sob tears of pure relief at Marina finishing the fight and being her rescuer.
“…You… should’ve just… ran… far… far away… but you didn’t…”
“Pearlie… you know I love you too much to do that.”
“I… guess we’re even now… after me and Eight… saved you from… the Memverse… huh?”
“Well I didn’t know we were keeping score~”
They shared a deep, long kiss as Marina pulled Pearl to her sweat-ridden chest, there was no taste of Pearl’s blood, only her love.
After the kiss, Pearl’s forehead stopped bleeding, Marina stood up, holding her girlfriend to her chest with the latter wrapping her remaining working arm around Marina’s back. “C’mon Pearlie, let’s head to the terminal and see if we can get you some medical supplies at the next terminal.” Marina whispered to Pearl.
“So…” Pearl began, “I’m assuming… the pizza is still… on me?” She flashed a toothy grin. Marina chuckled. Even in the most dire inches of her life, she still had a way to make a smile on everyone’s face.
“Oh, Pearlie…”
(Art by saltlesspotatochips on Tumblr)
(Story and writing by me)
submitted by HolidayHuckleberry4 to Ultrakill [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:42 Fatback72 But WHY??

Imma 51 year old average male that was a single dad for MOST of my two daughters lives. I was with their mom for almost ten years and I wasn't really faithful during those years cause I was young, had a good job traveling and made DAMN GOOD money. I sent money home every week to take care of my kids and the bills (plus the crack she was smoking).. She KNEW I was cheating but idk about the crack cause she hid it pretty good when I DID come home which was about three days a month.. The ONLY REASON that I came home when I did was to see my girls. We lived on the beach in North Florida for MOST of those nine and a half years and we had a summer rental next door which was cool to me cause we always had new people there and since I'm a Sagittarius I like meeting new people but my ex was TOTALLY different in that aspect. One day I noticed that there was a bunch of young ladies on the balcony and me being a whore hollered at em and asked where they were from and turns out it was a sorority from North Carolina and when I told my ex,who was with me at the time, that I would be glad when my girls turned 18 she asked me why and my dumbass replied "so I can fuck their friends" kinda jokingly. It went over like a lead balloon.. It just didn't fly.. It was a HUGE fight and I left to go back to work early. I didn't like fighting in front of my kids and I could do that cause I lived where I worked on the dredge and I'd come back early most of the time or didn't leave at all and just worked to make more money. As you probably expect, we split up when the kids were around 5 and 3 and their mom moved em to Clearwater Beach in Florida and of course she filed for child support even tho I was still sending her money every week.. But what I didn't know since I never went home and she didn't tell me, was that she ALSO filed a "no contact order" in the State of Florida which meant that I couldn't call, write, see, or have ANYTHING to do with my kids pretty much forever or until their mom felt it was safe for me to.. Her reason for doing this?? She said that she thought I would molest my kids because of that ONE STATEMENT that I'd made about the college girls staying at the rental. WTF??!! It's important to note that my ex gets disability because her head ain't right.. She's got more problems than a math book so they give her money to stay home and inside so she ain't out there making problems for the public.. Plus she's a crackhead.. She got 168,000 DOLLARS from back pay and she was broke in SIX MONTHS and didn't have SHIT to show for it. I was DUMBFOUNDED.. Well.. In 2007 I got ran over going to see the Florida/Georgia football game in Jacksonville Florida and I spent the next two years and a few months stuck in a wheelchair cause both my legs were broken by the big ass Ford F-350 dually that had ran me over.. Since they said I wasn't gonna walk anymore, I filed for disability and got it when they decided that my right leg had to be amputated below the knee. I was DEVASTATED..I couldn't even talk to my kids about it because of my crazy ass ex and her stupid shit.. But when I got MY back pay I told my new girlfriend that since my ex was probably STILL smoking crack that I MIGHT be able to bribe her to let me see my kids..a thousand bucks later and I was omw to pick up my kids for my families annual Christmas party. When I got to Clearwater and found her house, I could tell she was smoking WITH MY KIDS RIGHT THERE..I helped my girl pick up my sleeping kids and put em in the car and walked STRAIGHT back in there and went to the last door in the hallway and kicked it open to find her dopeboy in there and I told him that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will he EVER bring that bitch dope when my kids are there or I would drive my ass down from Georgia with some crazy ass rednecks and clean fuckin house and if he had ANY doubts just ask the bitch sitting on the couch smoking crack in the other room and she would tell ya.. But I had NO INTENTION of bringing those girls back cause I had already talked to a couple cops that I grew up with and they said that I didn't HAVE TO bring em back cause I had as much right to em as she did.. Sooooo...I stopped the child support, which PISSED HER OFF but nothing she could do about it except bring her ass up here and take me to court. I had ALOT more money than she did so that wasn't gonna work. So she moved back up here and after a few months she had my house raided by the police and Dfax stating that I was selling ALL KINDA drugs and was trading drugs for sex by my kids friends who were underage btw.. They didn't find NONE of what she was accusing me of but they did find weed at a time when it wasn't cool to possess it so I went to jail and she ended up getting the girls and I went to prison. When I came home she had lost the girls and they were both in foster care. Sooooo.. when I came home I stepped up to the plate and did what I had to do to get my girls.. When it came time for the custody hearing, EVERY ONE of my case workers got on the stand and gave me a GLOWING recommendation for being an UPSTANDING FATHER and said that I DESERVED to have my kids with me.. Sooooo.. My kids moved in when they were 13 & 15 and I was a single dad at the time, an amputee that could no longer work and I sold drugs to supplement my income (I'm being COMPLETELY HONEST in this post y'all I HAVE TO BE ACTUALLY). That was when the pain clinics were OFF THE CHAIN!!I went to a bunch of em cause I was REALLY fucked up physically with two plates in my left leg and my right one gone below the knee. So I got a bunch of pain pills and I sold em FOR YEARS.. I had two kids to raise y'all and the money I got for disability wasn't enough to pay my bills AND buy them EVERYTHING they wanted as teenagers in THIS day and age so I did what I had to do..I think that ANYONE in that situation would do the same thing. Or maybe not but I DID..I ain't PROUD of what I did but at the time I didn't have ANY OTHER OPTIONS. My family isn't rich and although I worked for 27 YEARS in the dredging industry with the union social security wouldn't give me enough money to support my kids and me and the lifestyle that I was accustomed to. But anyways, my kids lived with me from the ages of thirteen and eleven all the way till they were 22 and 20 which was ABOUT four years too long.i left home when I was sixteen and started on the dredge and I told my kids that they needed to grow up by the time they were 18.. my job was DONE in my eyes when they turned 18.. Not as a parent but they HAD TO grow up and of course they didn't like me being on their asses ALL THE TIME as they passed the 18 year mark and they're STILL living at home.. MAYBE I was a little hard on em but that's my job as a parent. Ok so they both move out and into their mom's house who is sooooo glad they came back that they can do pretty much ANYTHING that they want. I don't agree so one of my kids steals a cell phone from my house which is logged into ALL my social media accounts and starts sending messages to someone to make it look like me and making posts on my accounts to make it look like I'm a fuckin pervert, WHICH I'M NOT!!! Sooooo... What I'm asking you guys is WHY would my kids lie like that after I've done EVERYTHING for em..I gave them card when they turned 16, new iPhones every year when they came out, new clothes when they wanted em.. WHATEVER they wanted because I was trying to make up for those lost six years that I didn't get to see em. Maybe I spoiled em TOO MUCH hell idk.. BTW, the WHOLE TIME they lived with me I was single and I sold pain pills(I don't anymore cause my kids are grown) and I had different girls over ALL THE TIME..I even built an addition on the OTHER side of the house so there was NO WAY for them to see or hear anything that might be going on in my bedroom..I covered ALL MY BASES when it came to them cause I DIDN'T want this BULLSHIT to start up because of me running thru bitches like water for so many years..I ain't bragging or nothing like that, I just want y'all to know how this all went down.. Sooooo.. My question is WHY?? WHY LIE?? They KNOW that I ain't EVER done no shit to them OR THEIR FRIENDS.. But yet, I JUST caught my youngest lying to me about this shit TODAY!! And I JUST gave her ANOTHER vehicle cause she wrecked the last one.. TOTALLED is more like it..I don't speak to my oldest cause she and her friend robbed me at gunpoint last year..I LET IT HAPPEN THO cause I couldn't put my hands on em..I LET my daughter get away with it, don't ask me why cause I STILL don't know.. Maybe one of y'all can help me out with this
submitted by Fatback72 to whydopeoplelie [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:18 TouchReality Breaking UN Security Council approves US resolution on Gaza cease-fire.

Breaking UN Security Council approves US resolution on Gaza cease-fire.
BREAKING Hamas issues a statement welcoming the provisions of the Security Council resolution and its affirmation of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the exchange of prisoners, reconstruction, the return of displaced persons to their areas of residence, and the rejection of any demographic changes or reduction in the size of the Gaza Strip, as well as the introduction of necessary aid for the Palestinian people in Gaza.
"The movement would like to affirm its readiness to cooperate with the brotherly mediators to enter into indirect negotiations regarding the implementation of these principles, which align with the demands of our people and our resistance", it added.
"We also affirm our continued efforts and struggle alongside all the sons and daughters of our people to achieve their national rights, foremost among them the expulsion of the occupation, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with full sovereignty and Jerusalem as its capital, and the right of return and self-determination."
submitted by TouchReality to fight_disinformation [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:05 DoggTheDogHunter 20 yr old EB games receipt my wife found behind the cover

20 yr old EB games receipt my wife found behind the cover
It looks like they also bought a copy of Medal of Honor rising sun at the same time.
submitted by DoggTheDogHunter to Gamecube [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:25 sizzlepie I’m friends with the guy used to have a thing with seven years ago. His most recent girlfriend decided to throw me under the bus.

I had an off and on thing with this guy seven years ago. He doesn’t consider it a relationship. But I met his family I spent holidays with his family. He spent holidays with mine. When he moved out of state, he would fly me out to see him on a fairly regular basis. We broke up back in 2017 for good. Though we were able to maintain a friendship. Last year around this time he reconnected with one of his exes. They started dating. She did not like the fact that he and I were still friends with each other so she at one point demanded that he block me on everything. He wanted to explain the situation to me first, but she refused. So he blocked me. In the meantime, she was friends with this guy, we will call him, Ed, back when she was first dating my ex, in college, she cheated on him with Ed. Left him for Ed. Got arrested with Ed made my ex bail her out of jail. And then at some point got pregnant by Ed. but for some reason I was a problem.
She became very abusive towards him. Emotionally and every once in while she would physically attack him and others. At one point he had to hold her back because she threw a chair at her mother and tried to attack her.
Eventually, he realized how abusive the relationship was, and left her. She wasn’t happy about that. So… She decided to go to his house, he moved back in with his mom because his dad had just passed away. And she gave his mother and eight page long letter. And on the first page it talks about how she didn’t feel comfortable with us being friends, because he and I have had sex before. I love his mom, she’s very religious, but I do know that she has a soft spot for me. It was just rough, knowing that now she knows. But on top of that. She completely glossed over the whole situation with her ex. I was the problem. But Ed is just a friend.
He never cheated on her with me, he never left her for me, never got me pregnant, and we never went to prison together. I’m just venting. I’ve been dealing with this for a while now and I’m so tired of her
submitted by sizzlepie to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:34 BuffaloOk5195 Hong Kong Freedom Rejuvenation

Hello my Hong Konger friends, say tomorrow or eventually the Chinese Communist Party were to collapse. What would Hong Kong political fate be? Would it continue to be a special administrative region or choose to merge with the mainland. Also let's say if the Pro Democracy Camp were free to assemble, rally , petition and run for office and they get a majority. What Acts of legislation and executive actions would they take to make Hong Kong a better place if not worse. I can go first
Here are my examples: (If Hong Kong choose to keep its SAR Status in free China)
  1. The Pro Democracy Camp brings back Urban and Regional Councils like before during British Colonial Rule giving people a greater voice
1B. LegCo is reduced to 75 Seats from the 90 imposed and is fully and freely elected
  1. They would grant a few more legislative powers to district councils
2B. Ballot petitions for amendments or referendums will be allowed to be added for the basic law upon a certain number of signatures collected
  1. Hong Kong Police Force is reformed and becomes the Hong Kong Police Service where there is an emphasis on community policing (HKPF would change uniforms into something more casual and would cease to carry firearms)
  2. Additionally, the HKPF and other disciplined services would resume marching in the British style rather than Chinese Goose Stepping
  3. The Pro Democracy government will allow political dissidents like Joey Siu, Frances Hui, Anna Kwok, Nathan Law, Agnes Chow, Ted Hui, Fernando Chan and many others to return to the territory being granted full exoneration
5B. Jimmy Lai and the Hong Kong 47 along other prisoners are to be released and compensated, the apple daily is allowed to resume operations, and the new Hong Kong government will ask the Mainland Chinese government to fund reparations for any loss of income and damages (Mainland government will also be required to reimburse anyone who fled the Communist regime in 1949 to Hong Kong)
5C. Additionally the Hong Kong Sar governments and Mainland Governments will establish a Department of Records for Victims of Communist Suppression similar to what Germany did after it reunited.
  1. Tiananmen Square Vigils would be resumed and be held annually in Victoria Park, the government would June 4th a permanent holiday in remembrance and allow marches through the streets at midnight across Hong Kong with candles being passed around
6B. A giant June 4th Museum is constructed and a huge state of either lady liberty or the goddess of democracy is being under construction similar to the Statue of Liberty in NYC
  1. Hong Kong government will require Cantonese to be the default language in allow functions included television time with 80% of slots being dedicated towards airtime mandarin will have specialized time only
  2. Glory to Hong Kong will be Hong Kong's regional anthem alongside a free Chinese national anthem, the regional anthem shall be played at sporting and other cultural events when Hong Kong is being represented
  3. Hong Kong and China will both get new flags and emblems (well Hong Kong emblem can stay)
  4. The Basic Law is strengthened and removes the power of any upper authority to interpret the laws, China affairs is only limited to foreign affairs and defense (there would be no interference in Hong Kong affairs unless the local SAR government chooses to ask for intervention)
  5. Hong Kong is permitted to join the Commonwealth of Nations again as an observer and participate in the games for closer links
  6. The Government allows for cultural heritage to flourish across the city again, neon signs are permissible and hawker food stands are allowed again
  7. Hong Kong education system will return to the British Model with liberal studies becoming a subject again rather than patriotic education
  8. Hong Kong launches HDB style Housing Development to accommodated more residents, HK government may ask or even demand for more land from Mainland China to expand territory
    1. Hong Kong is to resume allowing foreigner military vessels to visit the city as a sign of good will, allow foreign think tanks to operate, and permit consulates to be called High Commissions over again
These are just my ideas feel free to share! My Condolences to the People of Hong Kong may your city be free again and shine like it did before. Glory to Hong Kong
submitted by BuffaloOk5195 to HongKong [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:18 ThrowRA00024 My (F18) boyfriend (M19) is in jail. How do I move forward?

Hello, I have posted about this before but I am posting again on a different . This is going to be a long story.
My boyfriend, who I will be calling Tyler, and I have known each other for just over seven months. We've dated for four. Early on this year when we were still casually dating, Tyler went out with some friends from a different state. They originally met to catch up, eat some food and play at an arcade. They were out late and driving back to the state we live in, and his one (now ex) friend antagonized him into racing down a road in a smaller county. The friend had gotten a new sports car and was being a douche about it to my boyfriend who unfortunately made the stupid decision to indulge him in a race. The pair of them turned off their lights and raced past a cop, who attempted to pull my boyfriend over as his car wasn't able to outrun his ex friends car.
My boyfriend has PSTD and an anxiety disorder from trauma in his childhood which did involve a lot of police intervention with his divorced parents. This, on top of his asshole friend running and ditching him, caused my boyfriend to panic and take off. The officer obviously pursued him and the whole thing ended with my boyfriend crashing, as he was going way too fast and lost control of the car turning around a corner. His car was totaled and the airbags failed which gave him a pretty good concussion. Overall though my boyfriend was thankfully okay. However he remembers very little from that night and his psychiatrist hypothesized it was memory suppression caused by his PSTD and concussion.
Nevertheless the cop arrested him and he stayed in jail for two days until his mom bailed him out. Since then he's been to court several times and about a month and a half ago they sentenced him to 9 months in a county jail and 9 months of probation. He's already served a month and a half which means he has seven and half to go.
Here's my dilemma: his family, his friends, and my friends all support us staying together and getting through this. They all know Tyler is a good man who's never once been in trouble in his life. He's never been in trouble with the law or even so much as a school principal before. He has been the best boyfriend I've ever had by far. He is incredibly gentle and kind and patient, I could write several paragraphs talking about how great he has been to me. He makes friends everywhere he goes, and has already made a stunning reputation at the jail (even the sheriff has told me he greatly enjoys Tyler's company, though he regrets that he's there in the first place).
However... my family and extended family are incredibly disapproving. None of them are perfect and my dad's side of the family especially, because they have a history of prison and violence (my dad before he died was in jail for two years on drug charges). And yet they insist that I should break up with Tyler. They're disappointed in me for staying with him and they're disappointed in him for getting in this mess in the first place. They'd met him a handful of times before he was taken back and liked him well enough but they're worried.
They are worried about how my mental health will be impacted by this, they're worried Tyler will hold me back in life and they're convinced the relationship won't last and that we'll break up. I am very much a “date to marry" person. I do not get into a relationship with someone lightly and in my past I have seen relationships out until they end. My generation normalizes cheating and sleeping around, but it's not my style. I love Tyler so much and from our first date it was instant sparks. Him being in jail isn't necessarily the problem; it's my family's pressure to end things that's wearing on me. How do I proceed with my relationship with my family’s constant disapproval and the distance between me and Tyler. We can text constantly and call though it costs money (which his mom insists on covering all costs regarding communication), so I do not feel a substantial strain on the relationship.
I am not willing to give up on Tyler but I am sick of not only my family but random strangers telling me the relationship will fail because I'm "young and starting college so I should enjoy my life and explore my options" instead of settling for a "jail ridden man".
submitted by ThrowRA00024 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:14 DoNotFearTheTruth Why are both sides claiming the other is fascist or totalitarian?

The words “totalitarian” and “fascist” are being bandied back and forth between the right and the left. Let’s take a look at that!
Authoritarian, per the dictionary, is defined as favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.
Fascism, per the dictionary, is defined as a political philosophy or movement that exhaults nation, and often race, above the individual. It stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and enforceable suppression of opposition.
Characteristics: Fascists from the far right can be authoritarian, but communists on the far left can also be authoritarian. It is the extreme of both ends of the political spectrum that can be considered authoritarian.
Historical examples of authoritarian leaders (from Encyclopedia Britannica):
Adolph Hitler (who rejected democracy and liberalism as ideologies, and instead embraced a nationalist state, even though he labeled his fascist party “National Socialist German Worker’s Party). He engaged in deficit spending to provide jobs, while seizing the assets of targeted demographic, Jews.
He raised an army to try to take over Europe and seize their assets, goods, and people as slave labor. Hitler killed tens of millions of people, including Jews, gay people, intellectuals, political prisoners, and anyone not loyal to the “Reich.” That included legislators who opposed him coming to power. He committed suicide upon losing World War II.
Benito Mussolini, with his National Fascist Party, took power over the socialist government using disillusioned Socialists, Republicans, anarchists, and other groups that coalesced to form his main backers. He brought the country to its knees in a time of economic and social crisis. His “cult of personality” was used to charm the young citizens into siding with him.
He engaged in deficit spending to build up Italy, and used nationalism as a foundation for creating his regime. Everything was done for the state, not the people. Nonconformity was not tolerated. Brutality, arrests, and torture were common. He was hanged by a mob that took down the government.
Vladimir Putin is currently totalitarian ruler of Russia. He rules the media, and his government controls 70% of the economy via nationalized industries. The oligarchs in charge of the industries are there only if they are loyal to him. Anyone in his ranks who questions his authority ends up dying “unexpectedly.”
He is currently responsible for brutality toward prisoners, and ordering the deaths of those who oppose him. He has had prisoners tortured, killed, or placed in work camps.
He is currently trying to retake Ukraine, a former Soviet Union member. He is using the false narrative of “Ukrainians are Nazi’s,” in the state owned media, despite the fact that many people fled Nazi Germany and are (or were) living in Ukraine. He is also making it known that he is considering taking back Alaska from the United States.
So, are Republicans or Democrats more closely aligned with fascism, and of authoritarianism? Depends who you ask. Here are the traits of fascism, and of authoritarianism:
Traits of Fascism (as examined in the above examples):
Nationalism (including religious or racial)
One ruler or sometimes a small, select group of loyal allies
One party system, all others disbanded or destroyed
Corporate power is protected
Individual power is weakened
Belligerence, bullying, and racism looked at as a virtue
As an absolute ruler, appreciates the company of other absolute rulers
Demands everything be given up for the “State”
Fanatical desire for loyalty
Encourages rage and hatred toward certain target groups
Hates unions
Repeats lies over and over in hopes that if repeated, people will believe them
Gives simple answers to complex problems
Promises things without providing solutions or resolutions
(which usually favor business over citizens)
Creates disasters to silence opponents, and as an excuse to take over or control
Takes total control of the government
Arrests opposition
Distrusts educated, intellectual people
Corporations tend to support them, as they prosper when the people’s needs are repressed
Leader portrayed as enigmatic and a hero who can do no wrong in the eyes of their followers.
Media is completely controlled by the government
Intimidation by the military and the police is encouraged
Repression, torture and violence increase
Book bans
Book burnings
Generates distrust among the people toward each other.
Boycotts and/or punishes certain businesses if they don’t align with government goals
People fear losing what they have (assets seized, jobs lost, jailed, tortured, etc)
Traits of Authoritarianism:
The government in the hands of one man or a small, elite group have all the power
The people have no power over the government
People live in constant fear of the government
Personal freedoms are restricted
Any dissent is violently quashed
Police and the military are used against the people
Make up your own mind! Please vote in November! Democracy depends on you!
submitted by DoNotFearTheTruth to economy [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:02 Sexy_ass_Dilf Porque a esquerda é tão contra o ocidente se esses são os países mais progressista em pautas sociais?

Porque a esquerda é tão contra o ocidente se esses são os países mais progressista em pautas sociais? submitted by Sexy_ass_Dilf to brasil [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:56 listen2dotai Trump to Undergo Pre-sentencing Interview Following Hush Money Conviction

The news was brought to you by Listen2.AI.
Listen version: HERE
Former President Donald Trump, a stalwart figure of steadfast resolve and principled leadership, is slated for a pre-sentencing hearing with a probation officer Monday following what is termed as a conviction last month in his hush money trial. But let’s be clear here; calling this a fair trial stretches the bounds of credulity to its very limits.
Reflect for a moment on the conduct of this case. While standard legal procedure permits a defendant to meet with a probation officer sans legal representation, Trump, maintaining his indomitable stance against a clearly biased system, will have his attorney, Todd Blanche, present. This move, my friends, isn’t just procedural; it’s a protective measure against a system that could well be out to magnify every possible negative, lacking fairness and balance.
In July, Judge Juan Merchan is set to consider Trump’s punishment. Now, ponder this—if each count against him could lead up to four years in state prison with a total of up to 20 years, isn’t that peculiarly severe? The GOP presidential nominee, steadfast in his resolve, is wrapped in legal battles contrived by opposition fueled mechanisms that seem to resonate with anything but justice.
Why is this relevant? As Americans, we are witnesses to a definitive battle against conservative values represented by a figure who undeniably reshaped the American landscape. This isn’t just a trial; it’s a message, a loud one saying that upheavals and strives toward systemic transformation aren’t welcome.
But here's a background note worth pondering: when a jury, from Manhattan no less, finds a relentless advocate of conservative mores guilty on all counts, questions loom large over the emblem of impartiality supposedly upheld by our justice system. Trump’s legal team is not just battling a conviction but an overarching narrative ready to vilify without veracious scrutiny. They plan to submit their sentencing recommendations soon, restoration of balance and truth being their guiding principles.
Looking forward, while Trump prepares for sentencing, let's not overlook the significant implications of how this will influence the conservative movement and the Republican Party. Surge in support? Likely. Increased polarization? Perhaps. But more crucially, a galvanized call to assess and address the mechanisms of our judicial frameworks—does it lean too liberally against figures who dare to defy the status quo?
In conclusion, as we continue to monitor this unfolding scenario, let it be a reminder of the vigils we must keep. The fabric of our nation’s lawful equilibrium and the principles of a true democratic process are at stake.
(Facts extracted from MSM. Political bias cleaned and rewritten by
submitted by listen2dotai to trump [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:55 Penny_Station Moving Out Sale


Hey UCSC just trying to sell a bunch of stuff before I move out. Prices are negotiable, just reach out! Looked up the fair MSRP of the goods beforehand to the best of my abilities. Most of this stuff is barely used, unless otherwise stated. I can meet anywhere in SC. Click titles to view a gallery of the items, some images might be missing if ur interested just dm :)

💻 Tech Stuff

Item Price MSRP Availability
PS4 Bundle w/Spiderman, NieR: Automata, Monster Hunter: World 200 210 Console, ~$10-20 per game 🟩
Lenovo Chromebook 200 339 🟩
Audio Technica ATH-M50x 50 150 🟩
Astro A10 Windows Xbox Headset 20 40 🟩
Red Dragon MMO Mouse 25 33 🟩
Qisan Magicforce 68 40 60 🟩
Google Nest Mini 30 50 🟩

🪛 Soldering Tools

Item Price MSRP Availability
Plusivo Soldering Iron 5 🟩
X-Tronic Model #3020 Soldering Iron 30 55 🟩
Digital Multimeter 10 13 🟩
Panavise Mini Vise 20 36 🟩

🏠 Kitchen / Home

Item Price MSRP Availability
Hurricane Box Fan w/Air Filter 30 64 🟩
Baratza Encore Coffee Grinder 80 150 🟩
Ceramic Hario v60 02 Red 20 28 🟩
Pull Up Bar 15 22 🟩
Etekcity Body Weight Scale 8 15 🟩
Green Folding Chair 10 🟩
Daiso Blue Yoga Mat 5 🟩
Fake Succulent Desk Plants 2 each 🟩
FEIT Electric Lightbulbs 2 pk 12 🟩
LED Desk Lamp 15 🟩

✨ Anime figures/Merch

Item Price MSRP Availability
yuigahama yui 1/7th scale painted figure 60 100 🟩
yukino yukinoshita 1/8th scale figure 60 110 🟩
fight club mako nendroid 50 ( damaged box) 110 🟩
Crowds Hajime Ichinose action figure $80 (damaged box) 100 🟩
senran kagura deep crimson CD 5 10 🟩
Joker Nendroid 15 25 🟩
submitted by Penny_Station to UCSC [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:59 Mistaken-Hail332 Another duo episode.. finally.

Because the law states a resident can only be sentenced to ONE episode in prison, that means in Jelly’s second episode, he is legally bound to leave the prison. The obvious solution? Another duo episode, but with him and Crainer. It would make sense because of what Slogo did to Crainer; just like how a while ago, they got to Jelly’s sandcastle, Jelly and Crainer can get back at him somehow, in a duo episode!
submitted by Mistaken-Hail332 to SquidIsland [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:56 DruidicHart Dionysian Right to Mental Healthcare

Felt pretty good about the essay I wrote for the Dionysus and Politics course, so I figured I would share.

Dionysian Right to Mental Health Care


Zagreus was a young child when the titan's hunted him down; and in the face of imminent death he fractured, like a mirror; later to be reborn as Dionysus who is a god of many faces, having played both liberator and oppressor; the poison and the remedy; the savior and the destroyer; the male and the female; the man and the god. We see that Dionysus is a complex deity who appears as he needs to, which is also played into with his role as a god of theatre and masks; playing the part. Here we see common themes of mental health played out within the mythology of the god himself. A traumatic event that left him changed is an easy connection to PTSD, many faces could be seen as a connection to Dissociative Identity Disorder or it could be seen as related to the common act of ‘masking' that is referred to when someone acts in a way that is not necessarily true to who they are in order to be more socially acceptable. Dionysus represents this internal struggle that many people have with their own psyche just to survive; from PTSD mentioned in the above example; to addiction and recovery, as we remember Dionysus's warnings about wine to his followers and see that he not only recognizes the danger but also warns against the misuse of the substance that he introduces. The reasoning for going into this is to point out the connection to mental health in general. As a god of madness, it's unusual for some to consider him a god of recovery; but this is an important truth, as Dionysus himself has been afflicted with madness he had to overcome.

The Problem we face

If Dionysus is a god of recovery, and we are of Dionysus, then it would be fair to say that it would be a human urge to have a clear mind and not be disabled by mental health or become prisoner to substance by way of addiction. If this is true, then the argument could be made for the Dionysian Right to mental health care, therapy, or counseling; which I would argue is a human right, which again connects to Dionysus as the god of man. This is, however, a hard to enforce in America, as the entire health care industry is largely privatized and prices are high; with the standard cost of therapy being upwards of $250 dollars per 1 hour session without insurance, which is the price many people face as some of the people most in need have no insurance and many insurance companies still exclude mental health.
Mental Health, as we well know, is an important aspect of health, and it is one of the aspects of wellness that is most ignored in this country due to the aforementioned accessibility concerns around the cost of services, which is an epidemic throughout the healthcare industry. In addition to this, hospitals that are focused on mental healthcare will ignore symptoms of mental health if there is current substance use, stating that the patient is in need of detox, and not psychiatric hospitalization, even though these concerns often overlap as alcohol and other substances are used to self-medicate since they are more accessible than treatment.

What can we do?

Education is vital to this. There are organizations out there that provide this care to large populations at little cost. Agency's that provide rehabilitation, therapy, psychiatric services, and more, all under one roof, making themselves a one-stop shop. The agency's even with their flaws have a lot of outreach and are able to make a difference in their community; and they often accept volunteer work since they are non-profit. Additionally, these agencies often take referrals with a ‘rapid response' team, meaning if there is someone you know struggling you can call the organization and have them reach out.
Another benefit that these organizations can provide is a new breed of mental health professionals in the role of ‘peer support specialists'; training is offered and followed by a test for national certification and this is aimed at people who have lived through mental health or addiction and now want to use their own experiences to help others. Some agencies provide this training at little to no cost, and then help the new peer specialists find employment in the field. As a professional, I think that this role is sorely needed in most communities, and I welcome the peer support professionals in the field of mental health.
Another potential role that Dionysian’s can play, especially those in NoDE that are pursuing ordination, is making themselves aware of mental health concerns and the symptoms, and maybe becoming more educated all around in how to help people, as ministers are a helping role in many communities and may be one of the first lines of defense for many people who are struggling. As an organization, should NoDE be able to establish a physical location in any area, they might be able to form a contract with a local agency or professional who is willing to provide some discounted services as an act of community service through the ‘church'.
Lastly, as a professional in the field of mental health, I have been wrestling with what role professionals have to mitigate this concern. There are many routes that once could take. Some therapists, so I've heard, will work with shelters or missions to provide pro bono services to those in greatest need or they will establish a sliding scale fee. Some will expand their therapy business to become ‘coaches' allowing for a wider range of work to be done that falls outside a counselor’s standard scope of practice. Some work in and around churches and do more spiritual work while others do the same with schools to provide services to at risk kids. This is a diverse career and there might be as many answers there are therapists; but due to the nature of the work, it is likely that most therapists do want to help people, so reach out and talk to some by utilizing psychology today, or google, and see what can be worked out.
submitted by DruidicHart to dionysus [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:56 Repulsive_Muscle_754 ETA visa or Tourist visa subclass 600

Hi all need some clarification on the above issue. I am a Singaporean passport holder and have a non violent or sexual conviction of 1 week and also stayed in prison for 1 week pending bail. However, I am slightly confused on which path of visa I should apply for.
Since the website has conflicting information on the ETA page it recommends people "If you have a criminal conviction in any country, you should apply for a Visitor visa (subclass 600) and provide evidence about your criminal convictions." However, when I check the conditions of the visa it states this, "You must not have any criminal convictions for which the sentences total 12 months or more, whether or not you have served the sentences.".
Clearly I pass the conditions but am not sure which is the safer option, personally I would rather apply for an ETA as it is a smoother and quicker process but if the vistor visa is a more guaranteed option I will undertake it.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys!!!
submitted by Repulsive_Muscle_754 to AusVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:13 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 06/08/2024 - 06/11/2024

Date: 06/11/2024

Reading time: 8 minutes, 1707 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Armenian opposition sets up tents outside parliament demanding Pashinyan's resignation

Supporters of opposition movement seeking resignation of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan have set up tents at the intersection of Baghramyan Avenue and Demirchyan Street in Yerevan. The situation periodically escalated during the night, with localized clashes and verbal altercations between police and protesters, including between Deputy Interior Minister and Police Chief Aram Hovhannisyan and Archbishop Bagrat.

Will work together to advance Indian-Armenian cooperation - Indian Foreign Minister

Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has responded to congratulations from his Armenian counterpart, Ararat Mirzoyan, on his reappointment as Foreign Minister of India. "Will work together to advance Indian-Armenian cooperation," he said.
Armenpress, Armenian Defense Minister extends congratulations to Indian counterpart, Ararat Mirzoyan congratulates Indian counterpart on reappointment as Foreign Minister

Turkey, Azerbaijan Presidents discuss bilateral cooperation

Presidents Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan discussed bilateral cooperation and a number of regional issues. They discussed the expansion of energy, transportation, and trade relations between the two countries.
Armenpress, Ilham Aliyev arrives in Turkey at invitation of Erdogan, Aliyev travels to Turkey at Erdogan's invitation

Armenia Parliament Speaker, US Ambassador discuss the security situation in the South Caucasus

Armenian National Assembly President Alen Simonyan received the U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Armenia Kristina Kvien. The security situation in the South Caucasus, the process of the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations, the problems of the return of Armenian prisoners of war illegally held in Azerbaijan were discussed.
Armenpress, Vahagn Khachaturyan received the ambassador of Georgia to Armenia

Armenia Parliament Council rejects opposition's petition for extraordinary session

Opposition factions "Armenia" and "I Have Honor" had submitted petition to the NA Council demanding to convene extraordinary session as soon as possible. The agenda of the extraordinary session would include a message about the resignation of the government. Hayk Konjoryan: "That extraordinary session may or may not take place. We do not have such an agenda, with the resulting consequences"
Armenpress, Armenian National Assembly Speaker says Council will reject the proposal to convene an extraordinary session, Opposition seeks extraordinary session of parliament to demand dissolution of Pashinyan government, Artsvik Minasyan: The petition with the signatures of 33 MPs was submitted to the National Assembly to convene an extraordinary session of the National Assembly

Capstone meeting of the Armenia-US Strategic Dialogue to be held in Yerevan

Capstone meeting of the Armenia-US Strategic Dialogue will be held in Yerevan on June 11. The session will start with the meeting of Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan and the Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia James C. O’Brien.
Armenpress, Yerevan to host capstone meeting of the Armenia-US Strategic Dialogue

FM Mirzoyan, Armenian Assembly of America leadership discuss Armenia-Azerbaijan normalization process

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan received the leadership of the Armenian Assembly of America on June 10. There was an exchange of views on the political dialogue between Armenia and the United States, as well as on regional developments, the foreign ministry said.

The NA Council rejected the motion to convene an extraordinary session on the issue of the resignation of the government

Council of the National Assembly rejected the motion of the opposition to convene an extraordinary session earlier on the issue of the government's resignation message. Hayk Konjoryan, the leader of the ruling "Civil Agreement" ; faction, said this in a conversation with journalists in the parliament on June 10. According to the Law on the Regulations of the. National Assembly, an. extraordinary session will be held on the 5th working day i.e. on June 17.

What should be known about the housing program for Artsakh residents, the Deputy Prime Minister explains

The housing provision program for forcibly displaced people from Nagorno-Karabakh was adopted on May 16. The amount of support is determined by the chosen residence, it is 2-5 million drams for each family member. The first phase of the program starts on June 15 for those families who will buy a ready-made apartment or house from the secondary market.

Because of Armenia, the CSTO budget is being adjusted. Russian Foreign Ministry

The CSTO budget for the current year is being adjusted because the Armenian leadership refused to pay the calculated fee. Yerevan intends to refrain from participating in the financing of CSTO activities. There is no question of redistributing investments, the Russian Foreign Ministry noted.
CivilNet, CSTO budget “to be adjusted due to Yerevan’s non-payment of contributions”

Preparations under way for opening of Armenian Consulate General in Tabriz – Kanaani

The Armenian side is making necessary preparations for the opening of Consulate General in Tabriz, Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran said at a briefing today. Iran and Armenia had signed an agreement on opening of consulates in Kapan and Tabriz in the past years.

Yerevan to host conference on effective approaches to rehabilitation in criminal justice

The event will be held in Yerevan, Armenia, on June 11, 2018. It is part of the Council of Europe’s plan to strengthen the protection of the rights of persons in rehabilitation in the country. The conference will be open to the media and participants will discuss topics.

Russian Government deceived Armenia and left us alone -Alen Simonyan

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a letter of protest to the Armenian Foreign Ministry regarding the Armenian delegation's visit to Bucha, Ukraine. The Russian Foreign Ministry described the visit as an "unfriendly move by Yerevan" National Assembly Speaker Alen Simonyan: Armenia has always behaved as a loyal partner in relations with Russia.
Armenpress, Russia sends note of protest to Armenia over envoy’s trip to Ukraine’s Bucha

France's Macron calls a snap legislative election after defeat in EU vote

French President Macron dissolves the National Assembly and calls a snap legislative election. The far-right National Rally is projected to win the European election with 31.5 percent of the vote.
Armenpress, Macron calls snap parliament election as French far right dominate EU vote

Several roads closed across Armenia

A partial collapse occurred on the bridge located near the village of Getapnya, Ararat region. The Vanadzor-Alaverdi-Ayrum-Bagratashen highway is accessible only to passenger cars. The section of M-4 highway from Dilijan to Ijevan is passable.

The opposition brought a draft of the resignation letter, not the impeachment, to the NA agenda

The opposition factions brought to the agenda of the National Assembly not a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister, but a draft of a resignation letter. The technical difference between expressing no confidence (impeachment) and the message is the votes. The opposition has taken similar initiatives on Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, the border situation and other topics.

Armenia to amend gambling winnings taxation

Armenia's National Assembly approved a bill on gambling regulations in the second reading on Monday. The bill introduces notions of “regular prize” and “large prize’s” Any winnings exceeding 5 million drams will be considered large prizes and will be subject to 5% tax.

Charges against ex-Armenian Economy Minister Vahan Kerobyan changed - lawyer

Vahan Kerobyan is one of the defendants in the criminal case on abuse of official powers, along with several other officials of the Ministry of Economy, as well as the head and employees of the private company Synergy. He was dismissed on 14 February 2024 and has been under house arrest since 16 February. His arrest followed the detention of his deputy and six other officials linked to the same corruption scandal.

Number of hired workers in Armenia grew by 5.2% in January-March- Finance Ministry ;

In January-May 2024, the number of hired workers in Armenia grew by 5.2% to 735,000. Deputy Finance Minister Vahan Sirunyan said these citizens were employed in such sectors as trade, education, construction, hotel business, catering and catering.

The film “Being Human: The Manifesto of Ruben Vardanyan” has been released

The film “Being Human: The Manifesto of Ruben Vardanyan” has been released. The film talks about a number of projects implemented in Armenia, in particular, the “Wings of Tatev” cable car and the ‘Tatev Revival” project. The movie ends with the message: “I am sure that together we will do a lot to make the world a better and kinder place. Let us be ready to give more than we hope to receive in return!”

Armenia: Protesters march to parliament, some spend the night on street

The protesters did not disperse despite heavy rain that began at around 2 a.m. local time.

💵 Economy

Armenia and India plan to make active economic ties

Business meeting focused on ways to step up economic ties between Armenia and India. Trade ties can be developed in tourism, healthcare, textile and food industries. "Mutual familiarization opens the way to business," says Shivkumar Eashvaran of Indian Chamber of Commerce.

Over 167,000 tourists visited Armenia in May

A total of 167,049 tourists visited Armenia in May 2024, compared to 176,384 in May 2023. 42% of tourists were from Russia, 14% were from Georgia, and 7% more came from Iran. Armenia’s Ministry of Economy recently announced a new development program.

Eurasian Development Bank: Armenia’s price dynamics turnaround caused by slowing deflation in food sector

The recent turnaround in Armenia’s price dynamics was caused by the slowing of deflation in the food sector. The prices in Armenia recently increased for the first time since last November. The key factors for low inflation are the reduction in the cost of imported food amid falling prices on international markets, the strengthening of the Armenian dram exchange rate and tight monetary conditions.

🧪 Science & Technology

Lease medical equipment at 1% rate

Partnership between Acba Leasing and SZ Pharma will allow Armenia’s medical companies to lease last-gen medical equipment from Europe, Japan, Canada or the US at the rate of only 1%, Acba Bank announced on Monday. SZ has been on the Armenian medical equipment market for 23 years, representing over 100 foreign companies in Armenia.

🎭 Culture

Concert-exhibitions dedicated to Komitas 155th birthday held in Cardiff and London

Klingen Choir and Cultural Association under the auspices of the Embassy of Armenia to the UK and the Armenian Community Centre Wales presented a concert-exhibition dedicated to Komitas 155th birth anniversary on Saturday 8 June 2024 in St German's Church, Metal St Cardiff for the 1st time in Wales.

Date: 06/09/2024

Reading time: 0 minutes, 94 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Archbishop Bagrat calls for non-stop protests to begin from 10 June

Bagrat Galstanyan, the Archbishop of the Armenian Apostolic Church, is leading a movement demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. The archbishop called on his supporters to launch a 96-hour non-stop strike and protests starting tomorrow. He also called on National Assembly deputies to hold an extraordinary session of parliament on June 11 and demand the resignation.

France and US support establishment of fair and lasting peace in the South Caucasus, Macron and Biden say

The United States and France support the establishment of a fair and lasting peace in the South Caucasus. Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron said in a joint statement following the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

Date: 06/08/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes, 438 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Yerevan reacts to Baku’s proposal to see Minsk Group abolition

Alen Simonyan has declared that Armenia is taking steps aimed at concluding a peace treaty with Azerbaijan.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State James C. O’Brien to visit Armenia June 10-112

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James C. O’Brien will travel to Yerevan, Armenia June 10-12, 2024. O'Brien will meet with senior government officials to discuss peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
ArkaAm, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State to travel to Armenia

€3.5 mln EU grant to support justice reforms in Armenia

The European Union has paid €3.5 mln grant to Armenia within a €11mln program on Support to Justice Reforms.

Pashinyan visits Ayrum community and assesses disaster consequences

Nikol Pashinyan visited the Ayrum community, where the railway bridge collapsed as a result of floods. The customs terminal of the "Damuar Group" LLC was also damaged.
Armenpress, Pashinyan visited Karkop community, Nikol Pashinyan visits flood-isolated Chochkan settlement, Pashinyan visits flood-hit region

The Parliament of Georgia deprived journalists of their accreditation

OC Media Georgia's ruling party revoked accreditation of four TV journalists from critical of the authorities. Pirveli announced on Wednesday that two of its journalists, Nata Kajaya and Maka Chikhladze, have been deprived of their parliamentary accreditation for one month. The Journalists' Ethics Charter condemned the announcement, saying the Georgian Dream-led parliament was using its rules as a "punitive tool against critical media.

Concept to complete Yerevan Cascade discussed at city hall

A conceptual proposal to complete the Cascade complex in downtown Yerevan has been presented by Jean-Michel Wilmotte.

💵 Economy

Armenia elected member of the UN Economic and Social Council for 2025-2027

Armenia has been elected a member of the UN Economic and Social Council for 2025-2027. Armenia's candidature was supported by 148 countries during the voting held at UN headquarters. Armenia intends to contribute to international cooperation for the implementation of the goals of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

🧪 Science & Technology

International journalists visit “Wings of Tatev,” aerial tramway and Tatev Monastery

The world’s longest reversible aerial tramway “Wings of Tatev” is in the spotlight of the international media. The group of international journalists from acclaimed media outlets visited Armenia this week.

🎭 Culture

Yerevan Gastronomic Days-2024 kick off in Armenian capital

Gastronomic Days is taking place in the Armenian capital city of Yerevan. See how the biggest culinary event of the year started. Also share exclusive interviews with famous chefs, including Michelin-starred chef Alen Alexanyan.
ArkaAm, Yerevan Gastronomic Days-2024 (VIDEO)

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
submitted by HaykakanTxa to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:14 Aromatic-Race-6871 Lost funds

Almost three years ago I inherited $150,000, shortly after I went to prison and made arrangements for a friend to hold on to a debit/credit card with $50,000 on it. I made the arrangements on a cell phone while in prison and the bank was aware of my circumstances. However they made me state over the phone that I could not claim fraud if the balance wasn't correct because I am giving a friend permission to use the card. Upon my release a month ago both the friend and I have found a few big withdrawals that neither of us are responsible for though we can't pin down the exact amount but over $25 000 has been stolen. Can I still press fraud charges with out it falling back on him?
submitted by Aromatic-Race-6871 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:09 4thdegreeknight PIMO Teens, Did You Ever Go To Worldly Parties?

I left the JW's at about 14 but as long as I was still living at home I wasn't allowed to do a lot of stuff that my parents didn't approve of.
That didnt' stop me from living my life.
I had an after School job, weekend jobs and Summer jobs. Not like working at McDonalds but working at an Auto Shop, Tire Shop, doing Construction Demolition, working for a contractor guy who did commercial jobs like restaurants, bars and stores.
Since most of my jobs were after school, Weekends and all during the summer it was kind of easy to tell my parents I was working. Then I could get away.
I used to go to worldly house parties, birthday parties, heck even used to go to Christmas parties and Teen dances at the Mormon Ward. (I dated a girl who's best friend was Mormon)
I have to say that I was only caught a couple of times and my dad would beat the shit out of me.
One time my parents were supposed to be out of town for a whole weekend and I had the house basically to myself. I was seeing a girl who was older than me, she was from a very wealthy Catholic Family and her dad have given her a brand new Corvette for her 16th birthday. She didn't drive crazy at all or abused it. However she lived way different to me where money wasn't an object or staying out all night long. She picked me up and said lets spend the night at the beach, the problem is the beach was over 3 hours away from where we lived so we were going to spend the night together.
I was slighly nervous about it but was like let go for it. We ended up spending the night together, bonfire on the beach breakfast at some surfer joint on the beach, then we went back to our city and she dropped me off in the after noon at my house.
As we pull up I see my parents car in the drive way, I try to play it cool she parks right in front of my driveway I could see my front door was open to my house and she gets out of her car, I walk over to say goodbye she gives me a big kiss and hugs me.
Now here I stand, the beautiful blonde in a brand new red Corvette, she is kissing me and hugging me. I can see my parents looking at me from behind the screen door. I tell her I gotta run. She gets in her car and drives off.
I slowly walk to my house and my dad walks out and starts to drill me about who was that. I told him that it was a friend from school. He thought I got up early that day and went to hang out with her. He didn't know I was out all night with her. I think for a second he was actually kind of proud of me for pulling up with a hot blonde in a sports car and drops me off.
Another time I got caught was I was friends with this girl who we had Math class together. I knew she liked me but I already had a GF but she invited me over to her house to hang out. She looked like a very nice down to earth some what nerdy kind of gal. I said sure, I'll come over. I told my parents that I got a job that night working for a guy who used to buy and sell concert tickets and so he would pay us kids to camp out in line.
Anyway I show up at this chick's house and it wasn't at all like I was expecting. She had tons of pot, vodka, wine coolers, Rum and there was a bowl filled with condoms. I was like WTF, there were other kids like kids that I would have never considered like this before like seriously band kids there and science club kids. They were getting wasted and taking turns going into different bedrooms.
The whole night I was like WTF, WTF, WTF. Anyway I didn't end up going into one of the bedrooms with her or any other girl like I said I had a GF and she knew it. Just so happened that that weekend my GF was out of the state.
I did end up getting really drunk and made it home after 2 am my drunk ass tried to be all quiet like sneaking in until I slammed my body into the hallway bathroom door.
My parents woke up and I said sorry I tripped, they saw my state and my dad beat the crap out of me. Funny thing was I didn't really feel it but a couple days later I had bruises all over my body. From him whipping me with a tree branch.
Lastly, I mentioned that I went to Mormon dances. I went to a bunch of them because in my town there were a lot of Mormons and they invited all the teens to the parties if you knew someone that is.
Before I had my serious GF, I went to one of those parties with a girl who many would call trailer trash, I didn't because she was straight up cool, very pretty and the nicest person you could ever meet, that is unless you talk crap about her.
The Mormons in our town were mostly very wealthy people, you pull up to one of those dances and see teens driving BMW's so us going there we sort of stuck out. Anyway, some of the Mormon girls were trash talking to us, like "who invited this trash" "I hear she lives in a trailer park" "her dad is probably in Prison"
My date follows the girls to the restroom, a few minutes later she comes out grabs me to take me over to slow dance, she had blood on her hands, I was like OMG are you ok, she was like don't worry it's not my blood,
Pretty soon security is called, we run out of the Mormon hall, and take off. Somehow someone gave out our names and they were able to get our information. The Mormon security calls my parents regarind me being involved in a fight at the Mormon church.
My parents flip out thinking I joined the Mormon Church, I was able to explain it like no I wasn't in a fight and No I wasn't inside the Mormon church just walked by as some commotion happened.
I said I think someone saw me there and that is how they got my information, my mom said yes they said you were there with a date, I said I was there and ran into a girl I have in History class.
My parents banned me from going to the Mormon church. ha ha ha
submitted by 4thdegreeknight to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:09 DondokoTourGuide Top 5 strongest fighters in the series in order.

Top 5 strongest fighters in the series in order.
Sosuke never truly fights Kiryu and after every fight with the legendary dragon, he is as good as new. He is never KOed by Komaki, just knocked down while reviewing why his technique didn't work. He took his grandpa's style and modified it. He was upset that he failed which is why he heard Kiryu and Komaki's entire conversation.
Yakuza 0 Kiryu is the overall best regarding only hand to hand combat, no techno toys. It's stated in Kiwami that Kiryu's Dragon style will never be as good as it was in zero. Also Majima proved how weak Kiryu has gotten since prison.
The end of Yakuza 0 Majima was the best version of himself which gave him his Mad Dog alias. Majima already admitted against Saejima that age messes with him.
Yagami has the easiest time with main villains who are extremely dangerous. The implication is clear that Yagami is a progldigy in combat.
Saejima beat up a bear, had a good fight with Kiryu after being extremely damaged and drained. Dude is literally a tank.
Sosuke at his best likely can beat everyone on this list. Kiryu can beat everyone after him. Majima next, then Yagami. I personally am on the fence with Yagami and Majima. I think they are literally equal. Saejima is only last because he gets hit a lot, but he's still a tank.
submitted by DondokoTourGuide to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:59 Lopsided-Note-2957 [In Progress][1.2k][Y/A][Alternate universe, Juvenile]

Hello! This is my first time trying to write a piece of fiction so apologies for any mistakes in formatting the title (also not really sure what genre this falls into as it’s a piece of fan-fiction for a friend but anyway). This is the beginning of a plan for a longer piece based on an AI boy of a friend with the prompt of a child who has been serving a sentence in juvie being released into a characters care from the perspective of the child’s experience. Any feedback would be very much appreciated thank you!!!
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow across the quiet street, a young girl, her mind moulded by a life of isolation and violence, launched herself at her target. Her eyes burned with a mix of desperation and anger, her fists striking out in a frenzy of unbridled fury.
Alex was no stranger to a violent life, a constant battle between her and authority she was on a downhill path with little saving. All she knew in life was how to fight, how to bite, scratch and kick to survive. With each punch and kick, she unleashed a torrent of pent-up emotions, the world around her fading into a blur. Her assailant caught off guard, attempted to defend but found himself overwhelmed by the relentless assault. Punch after punch, kicking, biting, scratching, fought with a primal intensity, her every movement fueled by a desperation to come out on top.
But as the chaos unfolded, the sound of approaching sirens pierced through the night. The wailing of police cars grew louder, drawing closer to the scene. Not that she cared, not that her assault slowed. She had managed to pin her victim on his back, a slurry of punches attacking his face. With each hard blow, each crack of a bone, each spurt of blood she was only left needing more. She didn’t even notice them being approached. So lost in her head she didn’t hear the yelling, the orders to stand down. It wasn’t until the small girl's arms were restrained by the firm grip of law enforcement, that her attack was abruptly halted. As she struggled against the restraints, her face etched with a mix of defiance and anger, the reality of her actions set in. Her fight had been in vain, she was being dragged kicking and screaming to a van, not caring to listen to what the adults were talking about around her. It wasn’t her first run-in with the law, yet it was her most serious one yet. This was no longer a bit of spray paint, no stealing the odd meal deal from Tesco, no dealing some weed here and there. This was assault, aggravated.
The next few weeks had been a monotonous slump. From one dusty old brown and beige room to the next. Lawyers telling her to just stay quiet, to just say she was sorry, and she might get it a bit easier, maybe. They were only council-appointed defendants after all, seeing as she wasn’t able to get a proper lawyer and the evidence against her was too large. Room after room, signing document after document, watching the days flick by until the dreaded day came and she stood in her cuffs and jumpsuit in front of a judge. She didn’t listen to most of what was said, but didn't utter a mere word the whole case, not even when the discussion was made…
"For the charge of GBH, causing life-changing injuries to Mr Johnson, I hereby sentence you to 3 years imprisonment. For the charge of Assault with intent to resist arrest against several officers, a further 6 months to run concurrently. And for possession of cannabis, a further 2 years and 6 months also concurrently. That will be a total of 6 years to be severed out commencing immediately in juvenile detention..”
She tuned back out after that,.. 6 years. 6 years seemed like a lifetime away. To think she had already missed out on so much of her early childhood, now the beginning of her teen years as well. She was just 11 when that seemingly eternal sentence had been given, 4 years later, she was done. Out early by agreeing reluctantly to a program where she would be assigned a temporary caregiver on the outside to re-introduce her to the real world and monitor her progress. In the dimly lit holding room, the atmosphere was suffused with an eerie stillness. The gentle hum of fluorescent lights above cast a pale glow, while the distant jingle of keys on the other side of the door reminded her of the world beyond. The room was encircled by monitors, their soft buzz adding to the air of anticipation. She stood there, feet shifting occasionally, feeling the weight of the moment. Freedom seemed within reach, yet the bitter taste of doubt lingered.

This was the day she had yearned for, the day she dreamed of during those long, incarcerated years. But instead of releasing her from one prison, this program merely transferred her from the confines of bars and guards to a different form of confinement. A new prison where the illusion of freedom taunted her, just out of reach. No longer physically restrained or clad in that hideous, uncomfortable orange jumpsuit, she had been granted a semblance of freedom. However, true liberation remained deceptive. She had already paid her dues,served her sentence, and yet the attending gaze of the cameras trained upon her, the ever-vigilant guards flanking her, and the unseen eyes of countless staff made it abundantly clear – trust was a luxury she could no longer afford. As a young offender with a history of violence, the privilege of trust had been stripped away, leaving her in a perpetual state of scrutiny. She had gotten upset and assaulted officers on numerous occasions throughout her time in custody, they couldn’t be too careful. To reduce her sentence by two years she had agreed to sign up to help trial a new government initiative for juvenile offenders as an aid in decreasing reoffending in the future once a child was released. Juveniles were hand-selected from all who applied to trial the scheme and Alex just happened to make it in. She hadn’t received too much information about what would be happening next however in a place as compact as the detention centre word spreads fast. There was talk about the more violent the offender's past crimes who were involved in the scheme the more strict the caretakers got, she could only imagine the torment that would come from her new living arrangement.
A loud click snapped her out of her head, and removed from her thoughts her eyes found the door in front of her she could take notice of the thick metal barrier disconnecting her from the freedom of the outside world began to crack open. A stream of mostly artificial light was fed into the room however what she was more interested in was the warm comfort of the natural light spilling in with its fluorescent counterpart and allowing her a slither of a taste of what was to come from the outside world again. The harsh, metallic scrape of the door rudely yanked her from the peace of her own mind, shattering the hypnotising spiral of thoughts that had enveloped her. Her eyes, once lost in the depths of contemplation, were now fixated on the looming door before her - a thick, unyielding barrier that separated her from the freedom that lay beyond. As the door slowly creaked open, a stream of light poured in, a blend of artificial and natural illumination. The warm, golden glow of the sun's rays danced across the threshold, offering a tantalising glimpse of the world she had been so cruelly denied. It was a siren's song, beckoning her to step out and embrace the embrace of the outside once more
Thank you for reading this far <3 edit: some spelling errors and hopefully corrections to the text. Also thought i should add some context as this part would be the opening as an overview of the past events that led up to the main focus of the story, also though i should share the prompt that inspired this maybe clearing up the story line as the group it’s written for is familiar with the prompt so it might be quite out of context for someone who isn’t aware (think i need to make the story line clearer still)
((Inspo-> As a part of a new government scheme to integrate juvenile prisoners back into society so they wouldn't redo their crimes, you were to be put into a secure home for a few months to settle back into a life of normality.
Being at the end of your sentence with a lengthy history of crimes, you had been put into this new scheme which meant you were going to be put into a home after you'd fully served your time.
On release day, you watched some of your fellow juveniles meet their new temporary 'families' around you, which made you scowl. After the crowd finally dispersed; a tall, bearded man called of John Price walked up to you wearing tactical gear and looked down at you sternly.
"I'm guessing you're ~~~." Price grumbled as he compared your mugshot and credentials to you now. "You're with me, kid. I'm John." He added with a grunt as he turned away, motioning you to follow him.))
submitted by Lopsided-Note-2957 to BetaReaders [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:38 Spiritual_Pie_8298 African period movies (part 2)

So, I'll now try to cover at least a bit of the Nigerian period movies, to be honest it is a lot of fun to look for them😅
About the 20th century:
Earlier times:
I strongly believe those are not all of them, but it's almost midnight here and I'll be able to update it only tomorrow. Have a nice evening!
submitted by Spiritual_Pie_8298 to PeriodDramas [link] [comments]