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2024.05.22 01:49 Mrmander20 [Vell Harlan and the Doomsday Dorms] 4 C7.1: The Elephant in the Room

At the world’s top college of magic and technology, every day brings a new discovery -and a new disaster. The advanced experiments of the college students tend to be both ambitious and apocalyptic, with the end of the world only prevented by a mysterious time loop, and a small handful of students who retain their memories.
Surviving the loops was hard enough, but now, in his senior year, Vell Harlan must take charge of them, and deal with the fact that the whole world now knows his secrets. Everyone knows about Vell’s death and resurrection, along with the divine game he is a part of. Now Vell must contend with overly curious scientists and evil billionaires hungry for divine power while the daily doomsday cycle bombards him with terrorists, talking elephants, and the Grim Reaper himself -but if he can endure it all, the Last Goddess’s game promises the ultimate prize: power over life itself.
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“Should I be worried?”
Why would you be worried?” Kim said. “Dean Lichman loves us.”
Dean Lichman had asked the two of them to stop by his office, though his brief message had not said what for. That left Vell to concoct nightmare scenarios in his head.
“He doesn’t love all of us.”
“Alex doesn’t count as ‘us’,” Kim said. She was a looper in purely a technical sense, mostly due to her own refusal to be a team player. “Besides, she’s been behaving lately. She’s only been an asshole, not an active liability.”
“That we know of.”
“If we don’t know about it, Dean probably doesn’t either,” Kim said. “It’s fine, Vell, he probably just wants to ask us for advice or deal with some problem he has.”
“That’s not much better,” Vell said. “How weird would things have to be that the Dean is asking us for help personally?”
“Only one way to find out,” Kim said. She gestured to the door to the Dean’s office.
Kim entered first, and found it in much the same state as it always was. The desk piled high with paperwork, a small bowl of assorted candies shoved into the corner of the desk, and Dean Lichman behind it, frantically tapping away on a laptop. Vell had not been in this office for several years, and it was vastly different than the last time he’d been here.
“Ah, there you are, come in, have a seat,” Dean Lichman said. “Unless you’d rather we have our conversation elsewhere, Vell.”
“Why would I want that?”
“Well, it’s my understanding you haven’t been in this office since my, uh, predecessor,” Dean Lichman said.
“Oh, right, the kidnapping,” Vell said. “No, I’m good, I don’t really get traumatized by things anymore.”
Vell had been killed too many different ways in too many different places to have a functional trauma response. A few days ago he’d gotten his legs chewed off by a vending machine, and still stopped by it to pick up a soda on his way to the office.
“That’s a very concerning response, Mr. Harlan.”
“Yeah. Anyway, what did you need?”
Dean Lichman gestured for the duo to take a seat, and both did so. He folded desiccated hands in front of himself before beginning to speak.
“I would like to ask you two to take a look at an experiment that will be occurring later this week,” Dean Lichman said. “I don’t have any reason to believe it poses a threat, but I would like to be assured it is a safe and ethical environment, and, well, you two have a knack for identifying trouble spots.”
“You could say that,” Kim said. It was more accurate to say that trouble had a way of identifying them -and then leaping at them and ripping their heads off.
“I’d appreciate it if the two of you could simply examine the laboratory and give it your approval, or disapproval, as the case may be,” Dean Lichman said. “Though if you’re too busy, I fully understand.”
“If you don’t think this is dangerous, why are you asking for our help anyway?”
“Simply for my own peace of mind, frankly,” Dean Lichman said. “The school’s policies on animal experimentation are...satisfactory, I suppose, but I do want to take extra precautions when the subject is a creature as smart as an elephant.”
“An elephant?”
“Yes, a resident of a reserve in Thailand,” Dean Lichman said. “An older elephant by the name of Mae Noi. She has cancer, apparently, and she is submitting to experimental treatment in the hopes it will be useful for younger elephants.”
Kim’s digital face briefly flashed with a facial expression of concerned skepticism.
“‘She’ is submitting to treatment? As in the elephant?”
“Yes. Apparently the elephant can talk,” Dean Lichman said. “No, I don’t know how it works, they said it was ‘more impressive in person’.”
“Well now I kind of want to go just to see the talking elephant,” Vell said.
“Well, do try to take a few glances at the experiment’s safety while you’re there,” Dean Lichman said.
“Sounds like a plan,” Vell said. “Thanks for the heads up.”
“I’ll be there too,” Kim said.
“Excellent. Thank you both, and I’ll try not to take up too much of your time,” the Dean said. He then bid them both a polite goodbye and returned to his mountains of paperwork. Vell took a step out of the office and then took a sip from the soda he’d recently retrieved from the evil vending machine.
“So, what do you think?”
“I think I really do want to see the talking elephant,” Kim said.
“Obviously, yeah, we all want to see the talking elephant,” Vell said. “I mean the whole situation. You think the elephant thing is going to be the daily apocalypse for that day?”
“Well, on the one hand, an elephant seems like the kind of thing that would kill us,” Kim said. “But on the other, I feel like the fact we have advance warning means it’s not going to happen.”
“True. The universe probably wouldn’t make it that easy for us.”
“Yeah, but the elephant thing still feels pretty threatening,” Kim said. “Only way to find out is to wait a few days, I guess.”
“Hello you two,” Dean Lichman said. “And Hawke.”
“Hey,” Hawke said.
“He also wanted to see the talking elephant,” Kim explained.
“Well, that’s not a problem, it was an open invitation,” Dean Lichman said.
“Thanks. Still, sorry for not saying I was going to show up in advance,” Hawke said. “It took me a long time to make up my mind whether I was more interested in or afraid of a talking elephant.”
“They are rather large, aren’t they? I suppose that could be intimidating.”
“I’m okay with elephants on their own, it’s the talking part that doesn’t sit right with me,” Hawke said. “What if the elephant doesn’t like me? What if I’m the first person to ever get insulted by an elephant?”
“You’re less afraid of getting trampled by an elephant than insulted by one?”
“I’m a little afraid of trampling, but elephants are chill,” Hawke explained. “They wouldn’t attack unless provoked. I kind of feel like one might call me a dipshit unprovoked, though.”
“You have oddly specifics fears, Mr. Hughes,” Dean Lichman said.
In spite of those fears, Hawke happily stepped through the door to the zoology lab. It did not take a long time to locate the elephant in the room, as it was a literal elephant. The towering pachyderm was in a makeshift pen in the center of the lab, with an ample supply of food and a strange pedestal in front of her.
“Dr. Chanthara,” Dean Lichman said, with a polite wave to one of the researchers in the room. “Good to see you. These are the students I told you about.”
“Hm. Nice to meet you,” Dr. Chanthara said. He was, perhaps not unreasonably, skeptical of why three seemingly random students were in charge of a safety inspection. The fact that one of the three was a robot made him even more skeptical.
“Hi, nice to meet you too, and, uh, don’t mind us,” Vell said. “We just have an eye for weird things other people might miss.”
“Sure. I- wait. Aren’t you that kid who got chosen by a god?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” Vell said. “And her too, technically.”
Kim shrugged. She didn’t care for any extra attention on that point.
“Right,” Chanthara said. He was beginning to see why these students might know their stuff. “I suppose we should start by introducing you to Mae Noi. Say hello, Mae.”
The elephant shifted on her feet and poked her trunk at the wide pedestal in front of her twice.
“Hello. Friends,” a synthesized voice droned. Vell stepped a little closer to the pedestal, just enough to see that there were an array of buttons on the side facing Mae Noi.
“Oh, it’s kind of like a keyboard,” Vell said. He’d seen similar things used with dogs, though usually in a much simpler fashion. Mae Noi seemed to have a few dozen buttons at her disposal.
“Smart,” Mae Noi said, with another prod of her trunk.
“We initially put it into our sanctuary as a bit of a novelty, something elephants could choose to interact with,” Dr. Chanthara explained. “Mae Noi took to it a bit better than most. Especially once she found out she could use it to ask for food.”
“Food. Pumpkin. Pumpkin. Pumpkin.”
“No, Mae, no food until after experiment,” Dr. Chanthara scolded.
“Experiment,” Mae Niko said with a prod. “Pumpkin.”
“Yes, experiment then pumpkin,” Dr. Chanthara said.
“That’s not really a talking elephant, is it?” Hawke said.
“It’s more talking than most elephants,” Dr. Chanthara said.
“Elephant. Smart,” Mae Niko said. “Smart.”
“Yes, uh, right, elephant smart,” Hawke said. He took a step back, to avoid any further offense and any further risk of being insulted by Mae Noi.
“You’re very impressive, Mae, don’t mind him,” Kim said. “How many words does she know?”
“Our platform back home has around three hundred words, though she’s still learning some of them,” Dr. Chanthara said. “The ‘travel’ version we put together only has a hundred, just enough to make sure she can get her basic needs met and communicate about the experiment.”
“Right, speaking of, I do believe we should put some time into our reason for being here,” Dean Lichman interjected. “You’re welcome to stick around afterwards, at Dr. Chanthara and Mae Noi’s discretion, of course, but we should get underway.”
“We probably should get to business, yeah,” Kim said. She tapped the side of her metal head. “I’m going to scan the lab. Vell, you talk to the elephant and make sure everything’s above-board.”
“Abov- oh, right,” Vell said. “Sorry, not exactly used to being able to ask animals if they agree to animal experimentation.”
“Experiment,” Mae said.
“Yeah, experiment,” Vell said, as he turned to Mae. “So, Mae Noi, this experiment might hurt, do you know that?”
“Experiment. Hurt. Elephant,” Mae Noi prodded. “Experiment. Help. Elephant. Help. Baby.”
“Help baby?”
“Baby. Baby. Elephant. Sick. Baby. Sick.”
“We’ve explained the nature of her condition to Mae Noi as best we can,” Dr. Chanthara said. “She has several children, and is concerned they might be similarly affected.”
“Help. Baby,” Mae Noi said. “Experiment. Help.”
The way Mae Noi frantically tapped the buttons tugged at Vell’s heartstrings, but he choked those emotions down.
“So you want to do this experiment to help baby, got it,” Vell said. “Even if it hurts you?”
“Elephant. Old,” Mae Noi said. “Hurt. Okay. Help. Baby.”
“Huh. Well, that does sound like informed consent to me,” Vell said. “Passes ethical muster, at least.”
The campus rules allowed students to be experimented on, with their consent, so Vell saw no reason not to apply the same standard to an elephant.
“You speak up if you change your mind about the experiment, okay?”
“Stop. Stop. Stop,” Mae said, mashing the same button a few times. “Yes.”
“You got it. I’m going to go help my friends check things out,” Vell said. “Good talking to you, Mae.”
“Good. Talk. Friend,” Mae said. She waved goodbye with her trunk, and Vell waved back. He wandered away from Mae Noi’s pedestal and found Kim and Hawke carefully examining rows of beakers and various other supplies.
“Nothing sus yet, boss,” Hawke said.
“Nothing caustic, mutagenic, or explosive?”
“Well, something mutagenic, but it’s supposed to be,” Kim said. She had scanners built into her body much like those that had once been in Vell’s glasses, allowing her to analyze the complex chemical formulas at a glance. “They’re going for some gene editing similar to what we’ve tried to do on human cancer patients. Low success rate, but not harmful. Some adaptations to work on elephants, of course.”
“Run it by any of our chemistry and biology student friends yet?”
“A few,” Kim said. “Haven’t gotten anything back yet, though.”
“Maybe run it by Skye, too,” Vell said. “She’d recognize anything that’d mutate an animal.”
“She does love to mutate things,” Kim said.
“Benevolently,” Vell insisted. “Just show her. I’m going to check for any stray equipment.”
The presence of an unusually large test subject had resulted in the lab being rearranged and reshuffled, so Vell did a quick scan for any misplaced equipment that might pose a threat. He found, to his surprise, a tidy and well-organized environment, with any and all extraneous materials securely locked away. There wasn’t so much as a shrink ray out of place. Vell did another loop just to be sure, but returned to his friends empty-handed.
“This place has less safety hazards than my lab,” Vell said. Hawke stared at him for a while.
“Why does your lab have safety hazards?’
“I do runecarving, there’s like, hammers and chisels,” Vell said. “Those can hurt people.”
“Mm, true,” Hawke said. “So you really didn’t find anything?”
“Nothing,” Vell said. “This place is secure as I’ve ever seen a lab be.”
“It’s like I said,” Kim began. “We got an actual warning about it, so obviously nothing’s going to go wrong. That’d be too easy.”
“Maybe,” Vell said. “Things can get teleported in, or someone could cast a spell, or something.”
“Yeah, but that applies to anywhere, at any time,” Kim said.
“Kim’s right,” Hawke said. “I say we go business as usual.”
“I guess,” Vell said. “We have to branch out a little, at least. Can’t keep an eye on one room all day.”
The trio stopped sulking around the outskirts of the lab and returned to Dean Lichman and Dr. Chanthara.
“Everything looks good,” Kim said. “Probably the safest lab I’ve ever seen.”
“I’ll choose to take that as a compliment,” Dr. Chanthara said.
“We have very high safety standards here at the Einstein-Odinson,” Dean Lichman said, defensively. “Relatively speaking. Innovation requires some risk.”
“I understand perfectly. So does Mae.”
“Hurt. Okay,” Mae said.
“Not that okay,” Vell said. “Nice meeting you, Dr. Chanthara. You too, Mae.”
Mae prodded one of the buttons on her pedestal and then pointed her trunk at the three of them. Hawke looked deeply concerned, but stepped forward alongside Vell and Kim. Mae Noi appraised them with massive brown eyes, and then moved her trunk back towards the pedestal. Vell noticed a distinctive scar on the bridge of her long nose just as Mae Noi pressed another button.
Dr. Chanthara sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Just go along with it,” he said. “She likes to tell her joke.”
“Uh, okay,” Vell said. “Let’s hear it.”
“What. Elephant. Favorite. Part. Tree.”
“Umm...I don’t know, Mae,” Vell lied. He’d heard this joke from a kid, once. “What part?”
“Trunk,” Mae said. She gave a loud bray of amusement and then slammed her trunk down a few more times to emphasize the punchline. “Trunk. Trunk.”
“Oh, ha, I get it,” Kim said, hoping her feigned laugh was convincing. She’d never tried to lie to an elephant before. “Good one, Mae.”
Mae Noi shifted from side to side, looking pleased with herself, while the trio took a step back and stopped their feigned laughter.
“Did you give her buttons just to tell that joke with?”
“She gets upset,” Dr. Chanthara said. “I’m not even sure she understands the pun, she just likes people’s reactions.”
“As long as she’s having fun,” Hawke said.
“We’ll get out of your hair now,” Vell said. “Good luck with the experiment, feel free to let us know if you need a hand with anything.”
“I’ll keep it in mind,” Dr. Chanthara said. Some of his earlier skepticism seemed to have softened, but he did not seem entirely onboard with three strangers mucking about with his experiment. Vell and his friends left before they stretched what little goodwill they had any further. Mae Noi waved her trunk goodbye as the three left the lab and stepped back onto the quad.
“I’m going to try and sneak some classes in,” Hawke said. “Later.”
“I’ll check some of our usual hot spots,” Kim said, before she too left. Once again alone, Vell headed to one of his own classes, and called up Samson.
“Hey, Samson,” Vell began. “See anything interesting while we were playing with the elephant?”
“Well, I thought I clocked someone acting suspicious, but it turns out he was only sneaking around to go see his boyfriend,” Samson said. “Nothing apocalyptic, but I did get called a homophobe, which is pretty emotionally devastating.”
“I’m sure you’ll recover someday,” Vell said. “Keep an eye out. Usually the safer things look, the more dangerous things end up being.”
“Will do,” Samson said, before saying goodbye and hanging up.
Vell got increasingly nervous the longer the day went without its daily disaster. He thought about checking in on Mae Noi again, but then recalled Kim’s warning about it being too obvious, but then remembered that nobody had seen anything suspicious anywhere else, but then remember that Mae Noi’s lab had looked perfectly safe-
“You’re spiraling,” Kim said.
“I’m not spiraling, I’m just,” Vell said, with a pause for contemplation. “Considering multiple options.”
“In a spiral fashion,” Kim said. “Eat the damn french fries. Honestly, what’s the point of ordering so many if you’re just going to let them get cold?”
“It’s not like they’re going to go to waste,” Vell said. The same time loop that allowed him to eat massive amounts of french fries without fear of gaining weight also allowed him to avoid food waste. One of the upsides of life in a time loop.
“Just eat, Vell,” Kim said. “You worry too much about all this shit.”
“I’m in charge, it’s my job to worry about it,” Vell said.
“It’s your job to handle it,” Kim said. “There’s no point thinking about this shit before it happens, you spend all day thinking about an elephant and then the universe drops, like, a bat with tentacles on your head. Just deal with as it comes, Vell.”
Vell leaned on the table and managed to chomp down on a french fry or two.
“You know, next year, when I’m not running the show anymore, I’m going to call and see if you still think it’s that easy.”
“I sure hope so,” Kim said. “I’m saying all this shit trying to make myself believe it too.”
“Oh good, you’re lying to both of us,” Vell said. “That’s cool.”
“Fake it ‘til you make it, Vell, that’s how it goes,” Kim said. “Eat your damn french fries.”
Vell rolled his eyes and returned to his fries, which were now starting to cool. Thankfully he would not have to worry about finishing them. A loud crash from across campus interrupted him mid-bite and nearly made Vell choke on his fries. He painfully swallowed the half-chewed food and then looked over his shoulder.
“Son of a bitch, finally,” Vell said. A few years ago he’d found it weird whenever he was relieved about a disaster, but now he was just genuinely glad to get it over with. The waiting was as killer as the apocalypse. He tossed his fries in the trash and headed toward the sound of chaos, with Kim right behind him.
“Already told everybody?”
“Well, I may or may not have left Alex and Helena out of the loop…”
“They’d find out anyway,” Kim said. “I got to use my brain parts to get in touch with them, even over wi-fi that shit feels dirty.”
“Just get in- stop.”
Vell held out his hand. Kim froze in place and did not move. Not intentionally, at least. There was a small amount of unintentional movement. The ground was vibrating.
“Always love a good earthquake,” Kim said.
“That’s not a quake,” Vell said. “That’s...footsteps!”
Vell grabbed Kim and dove out of the way just in time for something to barrel through the walls of the dining hall and stampede across the room. Tables, chairs, and more than a few students were crushed under the feet of a hulking, brown-furred behemoth as it charged. Kim picked herself and Vell up off the floor and tried to trail its progress.
“That’s a- oh fuck me,” Kim said. “Please don’t say you told me so.”
Vell got his bearings and looked across the room at the titanic form of a woolly mammoth. Though it was definitely recognizable as an archaic mammoth, the ancient creature was also heavily mutated, unnaturally large even by mammoth standards, and with multiple curled, jagged tusks protruding from a slobbering maw.
“Well that could be unrelated,” Vell said. “Mammoths can come from a lot of places, cloning accidents, time machines…”
The mammoth reached a wall, and rather than barreling through, turned around, facing directly towards Vell. A prominent scar covered the bridge of its broad trunk.
“Oh, nope, that’s definitely Mae,” Vell said. The scar was in the same place and at the same angle. Even a clone wouldn’t have an identical scar.
Once the revelation had struck, Mae took her turn. Vell found himself staring straight down the barrel of a very angry mammoth coming right at him at Vell-squishing velocity. Luckily he’d been charged at by a lot of creatures over four years of looping.
Vell jumped up and to the side, and latched on to one of the curled tusks, which made for very convenient handlebars. Kim did the same on the opposite side of Mae, and punched her in the head.
“Wait, wait, hold off on the violence for a second,” Vell shouted. He tried to wave at Kim to stop, but Mae was thrashing so violently he had to grip the tusks with both hands.
“Good plan,” Kim shouted. “Can you get Mae on board?”
Another set of tables got crushed underfoot. Thankfully the other students were out of trampling range by now, but Mae Noi’s feet were still coated in the blood of earlier victims.
“Mae’s smart, maybe we can calm her down,” Vell said. He then ducked to dodge a swat from Mae’s mutated trunk.
“Call me crazy, Vell, but I think this is more than just a bad mood,” Kim said, as she climbed up Mae’s seven jagged tusks like a ladder.
“We have to try,” Vell said. The loopers rule against hurting other intelligent life forms had some flexibility for blood-crazed mutants on violent rampages, but they had to at least try to reason first. Vell climbed up on of Mae’s tusks and looked into one of her bloodshot eyes for any sign of recognition. “Mae! It’s Vell, do you remember?”
The only response Vell got was an enraged trumpet, which he didn’t think was a “yes”.
“Come on, bud,” Vell said. “What’s an elephant’s favorite part of a tree, right? The trunk?”
The massive brown eye staring at Vell blinked, and he felt a brief glimmer of hope. He then felt a brief glimmer of his lungs being crushed as Mae swung her head and slammed her tusks into the wall, and Vell along with them. Kim punched Mae in the throat and then jumped across the tusks to grab Vell and carry him to safety.
“You okay, Vell?”
He opened his mouth to respond, and a pint or two of blood came out instead.
“Apparently not,” he mumbled. “I might be down a few ribs. And a lung. Or two.”
Kim carried Vell a safe distance from the fight and set him down on the ground, where he promptly spat out another mouthful of blood.
“Okay, uh, you just lie there and try to die peacefully, I guess,” Kim said.
“Way ahead of you.”
“Was that last bit as funny as I thought it was?” Vell asked. “I think the blood loss was affecting my sense of humor.”
“It was kind of hard to appreciate in the moment,” Kim said. “But as far as dying jokes go, it was pretty good.”
Vell and Kim walked into the lair for their morning meeting and joined the loopers that had already gathered.
“Okay, what’d I miss while I was dead?”
“Well, after Alex was done getting herself killed,” Samson began.
“You’re saying that as if it’s something to be ashamed of,” Alex said. “Vell also died.”
“Yeah, but he got killed trying to do something good. You got killed trying to do something stupid.”
“Trying to eliminate a threat is not stupid,” Alex said.
“We don’t kill intelligent creatures,” Hawke said. “Sometimes we punch them into a coma, but we don’t kill them.”
“When a dog bites, you put it down, I don’t see why the same principle doesn’t apply to a mammoth that’s crushed seventy people.”
“That wasn’t Mae’s fault,” Vell said. “She got mutated, or something. On that note: did you guys figure out what happened to Mae Noi?”
“Nothing,” Hawke said. “Looked like Mae smashed up the entire lab, trampled everyone involved in the experiment too. Nothing left to investigate, and nobody left alive to interrogate.”
“Typical,” Vell sighed. “At least we have an easy out. Dean Lichman was really concerned about the ethics of that whole experiment. We raise some kind of complaint, we could probably get the whole thing shut down.”
“The problem is getting the complaint,” Hawke said. “That lab was airtight, Vell.”
“Apparently not completely airtight,” Kim said. “I can camp out in the lab and raise an entirely justifiable stink whenever something capable of making a murder-mammoth shows up.”
“And what if it happens so suddenly you can’t complain about it?” Samson asked. “For all we know that could’ve been some kind of dimensional rift, or time anomaly, or something. It might not be as simple as somebody just putting in the wrong syringe at the wrong time.”
“He’s got a point,” Vell said. “We might want to shut this down before it gets there.”
“Seems like our best option is to plant evidence, then,” Alex said.
Everyone else at the table spent a few seconds brainstorming ways to prove her wrong, and much to their frustration, could not.
“Okay, fine,” Vell said. “But it needs to be something incidental, not something anyone would get blamed for. We want to cancel the experiment, not get anyone in trouble.”
“I could have a seizure on some sensitive equipment,” Helena offered. “It’ll break something and nobody would dare get mad at me.”
“Can you fake a seizure?”
“No, but I’m allergic to elephants, so I’d probably have one anyway the moment I stepped in the lab,” Helena said.
“I don’t feel entirely comfortable sending you into anaphylactic shock for a bit,” Vell said.
“Offer’s on the table,” Helena said. “I’ll live. Wouldn’t have made it through that trip to the zoo otherwise.”
“Anybody have any non-medical emergency suggestions?”
“Seagull in the air vents,” Kim said.
“Will that work?”
“It happens now and then,” Kim said. “Seagull gets in, and Dean has to close down the whole lab for potential material damage and biohazard risks if they shit in the vents.”
“Really? We’ve never had to deal with anything like that,” Hawke said.
“It may shock you to learn that sometimes minor, tedious bullshit happens that we have nothing to do with,” Kim said.
“That is kind of surprising, actually.”
“Enough. Kim, can you grab a seagull?” Vell asked. He shouldered his bookbag, and stuck a hand into the extradimensional pocket that existed within it. “I can probably smuggle it in with my bag.”
“Yeah, I can get you a seagull,” Kim said. Since she did not need to sleep, she had to find ways to keep herself entertained at night, seagull-grabbing being among them.
“Alright, we’ll go grab one and put it in the bag,” Vell said. “The rest of you, be ready to meet us when I call.”
Roughly three minutes later, Vell put out the call and they reconvened in front of the biology lab.
“Yeah, that was much faster than I thought it would be,” Vell said.
“I’m great at grabbin’ birds,” Kim said. Seagulls were among the easier birds to snatch, even. They were suckers for food, and many of them were attracted to her shiny metallic body anyway.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Vell said. “I want this thing out of my bag ASAP.”
Even though the seagull was safely within a pocket dimension, Vell would swear he could still feel the bird thrashing and squawking inside his bag. He tightened his grip on the shoulder strap and led the way towards the zoology lab entrance. He grabbed the handle and held it as he froze for a second.
“Vell, what’s up? Is this bird escaping?”
“No, the handle’s vibrating,” Vell said. It was shaking the same way a wall near an incredibly loud speaker might. He pressed his ear to the door and listened closely. He opened the door immediately, and let all his friends hear the frantic trumpeting of a panicked elephant.
Inside the lab, Mae Noi was stomping her feet and trumpeting as loud as he long trunk would allow. She swayed from side to side in her pen, bumping against the walls not quite hard enough to damage them, but hard enough that it was clear she was doing it on purpose.
“What the heck is happening here?”
“Ah, Vell,” Dean Lichman said. He hustled over to Vell’s side and gestured to the entire room. “Maybe you can figure out what’s going on.”
Mae Noi stopped braying long enough to start mashing her trunk against her pedestal, mashing out the word “Bad” over and over again.
“Our test subject, Mae Noi, has been throwing an absolute fit ever since she got here,” Dean Lichman said. “Dr. Chanthara, these are the students I was telling you about earlier.”
While Vell reintroduced himself to Dr. Chanthara, Kim and Hawke stepped up to examine Mae Noi and her enclosure. It was a far cry from the peaceful, orderly scene they had examined on the first loop. They were half an hour earlier this time than before, but Kim found it unlikely that they had been able to calm Mae Noi down, clean everything up, and get back to work in such a short amount of time. They hadn’t mentioned any of this panic on the first loop either. They were soon joined in their confusion by Chanthara and Vell.
“We’ve tried everything; food, water, her favorite toys, even videos of her children,” Dr. Chanthara said. “We’ve even offered to call off the experiment, but she won’t listen.”
“She is an animal,” Alex said. “Sometimes they do things arbitrarily.”
“Not Mae,” Dr. Chanthara said. “Some of our sanctuaries residents from traumatic backgrounds can have outbursts, but Mae was injured in the wild. She’s never been like this.”
“Maybe some experiment on the island is upsetting her,” Vell said. “A sonic experiment only she can hear, or something…”
Vell stopped and thought about it. If there had been such an irritant, it would’ve been there on the first loop too. Everything always repeated exactly the same, except for-
“Could you, uh, take a step back for a second?” Vell mumbled. “I want to try talking to her.”
“Don’t get close,” Chanthara warned him.
“I’m not, I’m not,” Vell said. He didn’t need to get very close to tell a joke.
The massive brown eyes of Mae Noi stayed locked on Vell as he approached, and she continued to mash the “Bad” button on her pedestal.
“I know, I know, bad,” Vell said. “But, uh, do you want to hear a joke?”
Mae Noi stopped. She locked eyes with Vell for a few seconds, and then cautiously tapped a button on her pedestal.
“Right, joke,” Vell said. He tried to recall the exact sequence of words Mae had used on the first loop. “What elephant favorite part tree?”
Mae didn’t blink.
“Trunk,” Vell said.
After a moment of contemplation, Mae Noi let out one final, fervent, trumpet, and then started mashing buttons on her pedestal again.
“Bad. Help. Help. Experiment. Bad. Help. Bad. Help.”
“Yeah, bad help, one second,” Vell said. He turned away from Mae Noi to look at Dean Lichman. “Hey, uh, excuse me, Dean? Hey, uh, if I remember correctly there are some pretty complicated rules on having intelligent animals on campus, yes?”
“Well, yes,” Dean Lichman said. After hearing of some questionable ethical practices involving an octopus back in first year, he had instituted a few clauses into the school’s ethical code of conduct regarding intelligent animals like elephants, octopuses, and dolphins. “Mae’s presence here is a bit of an outlier, but there were workaround, given her apparent consent to the experiment.”
“Yeah, about that, is she, uh,” Vell began. “Is she registered as a student?”
Vell pursed his lips. It took a few seconds for his friends to catch on.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” Samson snapped. He turned his back on the crowd and leaned against a wall while Hawke put his head in his hands.
“The first rule of looping,” Alex said quietly. “Loopers are randomly selected-”
She looked up and locked eyes with Mae Noi.
“From all registered students.”
submitted by Mrmander20 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:17 poppypess Vote Claremont, Emmys Edition

Vote Claremont, Emmys Edition
This is late, but my friend and I went to the for-your-consideration event for RWRB. It was a trip.
But it was a work function first. Members of the TV Academy—and their plus-ones, if they received one—gathered in a studio in the sweaty belly button of Hollywood. If you were a normal Angeleno like u/sixfivesteve (the friend), you sat in your car blasting the AC while the valet line bumped forward one car length at a time. If you were from a walking city, you pushed past the slow-moving tourists, hoped the flies circling a mysterious stench didn’t lay eggs on you, and checked in with an attendant who wore a concerning amount of black for someone whose job was to stand in direct sun.
There was a (life-changing) screening of the movie, a panel, and a reception. There was also retail politics. Here’s what happened.

Whoever put together the playlist knew what they were doing

The vibe before the screening was jolly. There was a whole bathroom conversation about 1) therapeutic cannabis, because you’ve gotta, and 2) people everyone has run into.
Ushers handed out mini-servings of popcorn that felt stingy as hell but were probably just nutritionist-recommended serving sizes. Steve grabbed candy and water that came in slightly less environmentally disastrous packaging than the stuff you’d get from most grocery stores.
Whoever put together the playlist had done their homework, by which I mean they’ve spent time on the non-broey part of the internet.
This is where I tell you that the event featured strip club music, by which I mean they played “Pony” by Ginuwine. Before and after the screening. It was as if whoever set up the playlist knew that some attendees’ brains—and bits—might explode, reconstitute themselves, and implode again under stimulus (the movie), work event be damned.

The screening was a case for seeing movies in theaters for the sound. Because…

You could hear the beginning of the blow job.
You could hear the beginning of the blow job.
You could hear the beginning of the blow job.
In the space of about a second, I went from living in a world in which that scene had a lil’ zipper sound to one where the zip was followed by a flat, wet drag. The sound had texture. It almost had temperature.
Y’all, I am forever changed. Always see movies in the theater. Nolan, Tarantino, et al have talked about this. They’re right.
Listen to this man before he teaches you a lesson.
Something else I’d seen but never before heard while watching the movie in home setups: Bea says “no!” when Henry declines Alex’s call in the meeting with Philip, Tommy, and other palace staff. She doesn’t just mouth it.
Her interjection interrupts Philip mid-sentence, who glares at her and says, “As I was saying…”
It’s also just fun to hear the audience’s reactions. Some of the laugh lines:
  • “You’ve been wanting him to dick you down for years.”
  • “How many guys have you been with?” “Whoa.”
  • “He is. 😏” An audience member let out a sound like a hyena choking itself with a belt.
  • “I’m down.”
  • “I mean, who says ‘make love’ anymore? Are we gonna listen to Lana del Rey while we do it?” You guys, he said do it. Because I'm twelve.
  • “The B in LGBTQ is not a silent letter.” Man, politicians’ kids must hear all kinds of pamphlet-speak at home.
  • “Little lord fuckleroy.” Sarah Shahi is going from lesbian icon to overall queer icon with this role. Zahra/Sarah got massive applause during the end credits.
  • “We have got to get you a book on English history.”
Somehow no one laughed about Stephen Fry’s pronunciation of homosexual. Hummusseggsual. It’s hummus but it’s also seggs-ual.
Speaking of sexual, the crowd held its breath during the sex scenes.
Emmy voters have watched plenty of sex scenes with their colleagues, but after the bravely-repressing-a-wobble acknowledgement of I owe you an explanation, after ~very bad things~ in Alex's room, after the phrase “make love”—which deserves to be not just roasted but incinerated—the Paris sex scene was…relief? Revel? Revelation?
Look at me trying to talk around the effect the scene (may have) had on the room. People were off-gassing oxytocin. Estradiol. Testosterone. Since it was a work event, the weight and texture of the hush was what you’d get if everyone on a group camping trip was trying to discreetly watch porn. (To paraphrase the dad from Easy A, high-end porn—for governors and athletes, but porn nonetheless.) But I project.

Uma Thurman did an Ariana Huffington laugh during the panel

I laughed and laughed and laughed.
What should I say about the panel? That everyone’s features were somehow both full and sharp enough to thin-slice the cured meat of your choice? That Taylor Zakhar-Perez made a small breeze every time he blinked? That Nicholas Galitzine was a diffident dumpling? That Uma Thurman was an intellect? That Rachel Hilson was lithe and and fresh-faced and ready for any cosmetics campaign you threw at her—which, incidentally, has always described Uma Thurman? That Matthew López was extremely cute? That Greg Berlanti was the dad/uncle some of your friends wanted as a mentor and others had wholesome crushes on? That Sarah Schechter was the friend’s cool older sister made good? That if you put the RWRB cast into an early Almodóvar movie, the result would be credible?
Whatever I can say about the panel, you can get more straightforward coverage and footage of it elsewhere, including this subreddit. (Check out the post from the woman who got so horny from watching the movie that she started going after her husband nonstop.) I did a search on Tumblr for “RWRB FYC panel” for you. You’ll get Galitzine saying “the throes of love.” You’ll get TZP talking about matcha. You’ll get Casey McQuiston—that perfectly cast nonbinary creator-god of the RWRB universe—describing their brush with psychological collapse when TZP tried to have a conversation with them while in costume as Alex Claremont-Diaz. Enjoy.

The campaign trail is paved with selfies

Campaigning for nominations—and eventually, awards—is not so different from running for public office. The panel ended and everyone was set loose on the panelists and the “immersive for-your-consideration experience.” (Sure.)
Getting to the cater waiters to pinch mini-tacos, meh crabcakes, fish and chips with tartar sauce instead of vinegar (why?), and tiny cake cubes was like wading upstream. The crowd was moving in the opposite direction. Why?
Galitzine was taking photos with people. Elsewhere in the immersive whositwhatsit, TZP was doing the same thing with a swarm of his own.
I’d thought they were on display during the panel, but no. This was what they were there for. They were there to shake hands, talk shop briefly—with occasional promises to follow up later—and take selfies. The reward for all this would (theoretically) be nominations and votes. This was a campaign stop. On-theme for RWRB. Cue montage of Alex Claremont-Diaz making fundraising calls.
Can you get a charley horse in your face? I bet the actors had them, but that’s campaign life. Forward Together and all that.
Matthew López and the producers wandered the floor. At one point, I heard Casey McQuiston tell a small group about how they didn’t have any particular in with agents or publishers. It often is about flinging yourself out there, whatever you want to do.

A vote for RWRB is a vote for softness (stop reading here to avoid egghead content)

While we’re speaking in campaign terms, who and what is RWRB for? It’s for people who love love. It’s for people who love fun—who are fun, dammit. It’s for people with uomosexual tendencies (uomo = Italian for “man”). It’s for the occasional lucky straight guy. Most of all, it’s a refuge from straight-guy culture.
Here’s what I mean. The two RWRB panels and the Roast of Tom Brady happened in the same week-long time frame. If you’re reading this, you’re almost definitely in the tank with RWRB. The Roast is straight-guy culture cranked up to eleventy billion by comparison.
If we go by the Roast, straight-guy culture looks like big men the color of medium-rare steak yelling dick jokes from the dais—but using the less funny and more aggressive and self-regarding “cock” instead. It looks like Gronk pretending he can’t read and using Kim Kardashian’s genitalia to make a beef pun. It looks like Nikki Glaser, the token straight-woman comedian, being a good sport while the men in attendance called her ugly.
Don’t get me wrong. I watched and laughed. A good dick joke takes skill, and some of them were damn good. I even thought Julian Edelman was hot for 20 minutes. But the tonal difference between the Roast and the RWRB event—to say nothing of RWRB itself—was jarring. Straight-guy masculine culture is so committed to not being soft. Don’t go soft is basically its motto.
Meanwhile, RWRB is about—among other things—softness. Henry Car-Crash-of-Last-Names gives the object of his attraction the up-and-down, but in a way that’s more endearing than objectifying. He doesn’t do the hard stare. He’s all-in on Byron, Austen, Zadie Smith, and…Streisand. Unlike Gronk, Henry can read, and he reads with relish.
So does Alex, of course. The American is sweet and proactive. When he develops feelings for a friend with (many) benefits, he’s matter-of-fact about it and doesn’t get defensive or evade his emotions.
In other words, Alex and Henry’s masculinity is soft. Soft masculinity acknowledges the dimensions of a person beyond how well they can slam into other men (sporty or sexual) or women (sexual). For a lot of people, soft masculinity is a fantasy and a gift.
It can be a gift to anyone. Look at Steve. He finds that version of masculinity intoxicating, even as someone who’s already a winner of the masculinity lottery, at least as defined by large parts of straight-guy culture. He’s white and tall and strong and has hoes (houses), not in every area code—sorry, rappers who talk about that kind of thing—but some good ones. He loves RWRB. Everything about it. (Lest you thirsty beasts start having big thoughts about him, he’s married.)
Steve even inserted himself into the height contest/debate Galitzine and TZP sometimes have for lulz. He had a “you’re wearing lifts” conversation of his own. Not with TZP. With Galitzine, who joked about wearing lifts himself. It was still not enough to top Steve. (How funny would it be if this is when I reveal that Steve is Conan O’Brien? To be clear, he’s not. Besides, Conan O’Brien is sixfourconan.)
— — — —
The next night, while Steve and I were still catatonic from staying up until alarming hours, another panel took place in front of a crowd of people who didn’t need to consider anything about RWRB. They were already real-ass, excited fans who saw Alex and Henry—and for some of them, Galitzine and TZP—as secular saints of cheerful-romantic-triumphant horniness. Avatars of the kinds of guys you could have a crush on in middle- and high school without raising alarms (unless you were a boy being raised by homophobes, in which case I’m sorry).
The audience on that second night got the news of a sequel from Matthew López, who spoke directly to them from the stage. They cheered and whooped and began their vigil for round two. Sí, se puede.
submitted by poppypess to redwhiteandroyalblue [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:51 Legion4000 Integration of yolov8 onto VS Code

I am attempting to download the open source software (Yolov8). Yolov8 uses Python (primarily). I tried a few methods. I ended up opting to try installation via terminal. However, the terminal outputted a few errors with my input commands.
I couldn't use any conda/pip commands:
(I used this medium post/youtube video as my primary reference):
Two errors I'd faced in the (non-anaconda) terminal: 'conda' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Thereby, I looked through reddit posts/openstax to see work around. However, the solution to conda involved me enabling conda as a pathway. I didn't want to do this because conda could damage my software systems. I ended up downloading Anaconda itself. Thereby, I used the anaconda terminal which enabled me to avoid the 'conda' errors outlined above.
Anaconda states this in the installation of the software: "On Windows, the PATH environment variable is no longer changed by default, as this can cause trouble with other software. The recommended approach is to instead use Anaconda Navigator or the Anaconda Command Prompt (located in the Start Menu under “Anaconda”) when you wish to use Anaconda software."
However, I am now stuck with attempting to fix the 'pip' error.
These were the sources I used when attempting to resolve the pip software issue: 'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command
I also don't know whether executing all these commands within the anaconda terminal will result in VS Code: ability to execute Yolov8.
submitted by Legion4000 to vscode [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:49 Legion4000 Integration of yolov8 onto Visual Studio Code

I am attempting to download the open source software (Yolov8). I tried a few methods. I ended up opting to try installation via terminal. However, the terminal outputted a few errors with my input commands.
I couldn't use any conda/pip commands:
(I used this medium post/youtube video as my primary reference):
Two errors I'd faced in the (non-anaconda) cterminal: 'conda' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Thereby, I looked through reddit posts/openstax to see work around. However, the solution to conda involved me enabling conda as a pathway. I didn't want to do this because conda could damage my software systems. I ended up downloading Anaconda itself. Thereby, I used the anaconda terminal which enabled me to avoid the 'conda' errors outlined above.
Anaconda states this in the installation of the software: "On Windows, the PATH environment variable is no longer changed by default, as this can cause trouble with other software. The recommended approach is to instead use Anaconda Navigator or the Anaconda Command Prompt (located in the Start Menu under “Anaconda”) when you wish to use Anaconda software."
However, I am now stuck with attempting to fix the 'pip' error.
These were the sources I used when attempting to resolve the pip software issue: 'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command
I also don't know whether executing all these commands within the anaconda terminal will result in VS Code: ability to execute Yolov8.
submitted by Legion4000 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:19 floorlight Capital on Tap referral link - business credit card - £75 free bonus for any spend

Capital on Tap is a business credit card (Mastercard) which you can apply for if you have a Limited company. They offer 1% cashback on all purchases. There is a free tier and the physical card is posted to you for free.
If you sign up using a Capital on Tap refer a friend code or link, you will receive £75 free credit added to your account after you make your first purchase.
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Customer support are really responsive if you have any issues.
I recommend setting up a direct debit to pay of your balance in full every month.
This is a credit product so do your own research and be aware that there are interest fees payable if you don't pay off the balance in full every month.
More info on fees
Non-ref link
submitted by floorlight to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:13 CatOwlFilms Gesa sold out?

I know this was posted earlier but I've been having trouble.
I bought a Sunday pass today and tried to use the order number to buy a Gesa presale, but my code wasn't valid and I can't even find an official, non-resale place to buy tickets. Is it sold out, or does this just seem like a technical bug?
submitted by CatOwlFilms to ARCMusicFestival [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:06 Agile_Dependent_6210 Simplify Your Finances with Revolut - Get £10 When You Sign Up!

Hey Redditors,
If you're looking for a hassle-free way to manage your money, I highly recommend checking out Revolut. Whether you're traveling, budgeting, or just need a reliable banking app, Revolut has got you covered. Here's why I love it:
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*Disclaimer: This post contains a referral link. If you sign up using this link, I may receive a small reward at no extra cost to you. Additionally, I will send £10 to your Revolut account after you sign up and activate your card.
Non-ref link:
submitted by Agile_Dependent_6210 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:01 ikieneng My fanfiction - episode 4!

My fanfiction - episode 4!
The next part is here! This episode is so long that I had to split it, and today, you're finally getting part 3 of 3.
You can find the previous episodes in the side bar! (Community info page in the app)
DISCLAIMERS (the same ones as before)
The point of this fanfiction is not to be a straight-up continuation of events with the same themes, intensity, and tone. If you go into it with those expectations, you are probably not going to like it. Rather, it’s supposed to be how I wish things went if these events were real life. The resolution you want for a real-life situation isn’t often the right choice for a show, but it can be incredibly beautiful. Think of what you’re about to read to be a separate show then.
Episode 1 of this fanfiction begins after the episode “2:00” (season 2 episode 4), so it replaces the episode “Cake” and the ones that follow it. This fanfiction expects you to have seen the entirety of seasons 1 and 2, so you should watch those first.
I myself am bursting into the story here. The narrator and me are the same. While my character is like 95% real me, don’t take events about my life described here as facts. Some aspects of my life have been changed for the story. In my head, I started writing like an “alternate me” character in 2016, fulfilling a lot of the things that I wish I had in life, adding that to my story. I’m not really from Ukraine. I speak fluent Ukrainian as a foreign language, I started learning it in 2014, and I’ve talked to tons of people from there, but I’m not from Ukraine. I also don’t have as much money as I do in the story. I wish lmao.
If you want to post your own fanfiction, feel free to do so! To get your own post flair for your fanfic, and to appear in the side bar, please message me.

Part 3 (days 3 and 4)

We’d wake up on day three, and still, nothing would be any different - we’re still locked up. We’d both feel really worried not knowing if we’ll have to forfeit our whole plan because we might run out of food and water and take the risky route - calling the police and getting ourselves into a situation where we’d have to be freed by force, which would be so dangerous because the Turners have proven that there’s nothing they’re not prepared to do to us to “get Jericho back”. Leanne would ask me “What do we do if we call the police, and Mrs. Turner comes up here and tries to hurt us?” At first, I’d insist that we start thinking about that when we do run out of food the next day, but she’d insist we should come up with a plan. I’d point at the corner on the edge of the attic facing Spruce Street, the corner that’s to one’s right when coming up into the attic,
and say “Then you’d curl up and hide over there, and I’d take the radio, you’d take the metronome, and I’d sit down in front of you, shielding you, and if she gets in here before the cops do, we’ll defend ourselves. And we’d record everything on my phone. And we should probably hide behind the sofa. Maybe then, she might not notice we’re still up here at first. She’d probably be in a state of panic.” She’d look at me with sad, but touched eyes and just hug me and say thank you. I’d reply “Of course”. After some silence, I’d tell her “If anything happens to me… Please bring me back”.

She’d be touched by that, but say that if she reanimates me, the Church of Lesser Saints will come after ME as well because they’ll believe that I’ll be obligated to join. With a worried smile, I’d say “I know... But they’re probably already gonna do that, right? Because I won’t let them get to you!” We’d both nod with the same half-happy, half-worried expression. “And if things go terribly wrong and you have to bring me back, we can try again!”

I’d ask if I’m getting it right that the “great sins” they think she’s committing are not spending time with the Church and helping another family from the one that was assigned to her. She’d say yes and add that there’s a lot more they hate her for, like her “disobedient and rebellious streak”, disobeying their instructions, putting curses on people, and now, leaving the Marinos.
After a few seconds of silence (out of shock that this is how the Church of Lesser Saints frames it), I’d be like “If you disobey so many of their instructions, then...”, look her directly in the eyes, and go “Good! Keep on disobeying them! I’m actually kind of stunned that this is how they frame your actions, because that is so manipulative. Wanting to have a life where you don’t have to worry about your every step being watched and controlled, where you can actually freely explore what you believe – not what they tell you to believe, but what YOU believe, where you can do totally normal human things like listen to music, and where you can go wherever you want and make some basic decisions for yourself and work wherever you want, that doesn’t make you...” (doing the “quote-on-quote” with my hands while I say it) “quote-on-quote ‘disobedient’ or ‘rebellious’, it makes you a normal human being. If they forbid every little thing that people do that makes you happy, if you then look for happiness elsewhere, that’s on them. You can’t take every bit of joy away from people and then expect them to just deal with it. You wanting to run away, that’s the logical result of their bullshit. And you didn’t ‘leave’ the Marinos, you were taken. Don’t let them think you’re at fault in any way!” She might have never heard any verbal confirmation before that her feelings about leaving are valid, and this would be so reassuring to her. She’d tell me that whenever she did things like not be there for meals at the Church, skip assemblies, or curse people without permission, she would be brought before May and the rest of the community, get questioned about her behavior, and she’d have to self-flagellate to receive forgiveness.
I’d go really still and quiet when she mentions the self-flagellation, which she’d then explain is a frequent punishment. That would freaking break my heart... I’d ask her when was the last time she hurt herself, and it was a little less than two weeks ago, before she was forced to leave the Turners. Very carefully and quietly, I’d ask her if it would be okay if she can show me her scars and add “You do NOT have to if you’re not comfortable, PLEASE don’t do it if you’re not”, and after a second, she’d nod and show me her back. My heart would break for her even more seeing her scars, I’d just express how horrible it is that they made her do that… I’d show her some of my cut wounds from when I self-harmed, which I hadn’t done in like three and a half years at that point. I’d want her to know that way that I get the urge, that I really do, but I’d tell her that hurting oneself achieves nothing. All it does is make you feel horrible mentally and physically, and every time you do it, there’s a risk of infection and even death. I’d just tell her I understand while taking her in my arms. I’d ask her to please look me in the eyes and tell me she won’t hurt herself again, and that when she feels like doing it again, to please talk to me first. She’d quietly say “I promise” while looking me in the eyes, and after some longer embraces, we’d both smile a bit, that would make me really happy to hear! I’d ask that when we’re out of here, if we can call a doctor sometime soon and get them to look at her scars to make sure none of them are infected, if she’s comfortable enough, and she’d nod and smile at me a little bit some more.

We’d eat after that. We’d run out of tomato soup that meal, and I’d tell her that when we’re getting out of there, I’d get her all the tomato soup in the world! “We’re gonna fill a whole hotel fridge with tomato soup!” “And with Ben & Jerry’s?”, she’d ask, and I’d say yes and say that we’re probably gonna need more than one fridge. I’d say we’re gonna pick the nicest and most expensive hotel to stay at, an idea that she’d love! “You still think Allentown is a good idea?”, I’d ask her, and she’d think my reasoning from the day before makes sense and say yes. We’d look for the nicest hotel in Allentown online and see that there are “only” three-star hotels in Allentown. Leanne would ask if getting such an expensive place to stay is really okay, and I’d say “Money is not an issue, don’t worry about it” while reaching across her back and like caressing her right shoulder, looking her in the eyes, and smiling. “And besides, let’s spoil you, you fucking deserve it after all this!” We wouldn’t book anything yet because we wouldn’t know when we can get out of there yet, but looking at all those insanely nice hotels would lift our spirits a bit.

After eating the first half of that day’s rations (only two half day’s rations would be left after that…), we’d think that it would probably be a good idea if we started writing the document for the police right now. Writing it can take hours upon hours, and there’s no point in delaying the rescue to write the document after I leave if we can do it right now, so we’d begin right that moment. It would begin something like “My name is Daria Horenko, born July 30, 1999 in Odesa, Ukraine, residing in 501 Pembroke Ave, Philadelphia 19050, Pennsylvania...” (I don’t live there. I have no idea who does. Please leave them alone lmao) “...I sent this statement to my Facebook friend Liam [...] (residing in Tipperary, Ireland, using Facebook as Liam [...]) as a PDF file and told him to call the Philadelphia police and read this statement to them if I don’t come back online and confirm that I’m okay by 10 PM Philadelphia time / 3 PM London, UK time on December 22, 2022. If he is reading this to you, it probably means that there was no sign of life from me by that time, and that I’m not safe, probably kidnapped and locked up by Dorothy Turner, Sean Turner, Julian (I’m not sure about his surname, but I’m referring to Dorothy Turner’s brother - redhead, not very tall, moderately overweight) in the attic of their residence at 9780 Spruce Street, Philadelphia 19139, Pennsylvania”, and then document everything I’ve seen in chronological order and everything that Leanne has told me, with a link to our video and photographic evidence, references to DNA evidence that can probably be found in the hole in the basement if they haven’t covered it up by now, and a statement at the end saying that I’ve written it together with Leanne to make sure that everything is correct. That would take a really long time, hours for sure. But when it’s done, I’d run spell- and grammar checks on it and send it to my printer at home, to be queued for printing when I get home and turn it on. We’d also know that today (December 21) or tomorrow will be the day when we leave one way or another, so I’d schedule a text message to 911 in 30 hours from that moment. The message would say “This is a scheduled message. If you’ve received it, then Leanne Grayson (born October 13, 2001)...” (We only ever learn Leanne’s birth year from the gravestone. October 13 is Nell Tiger Free’s birthday, so October 13, 2001 being Leanne’s birthday is kind of my headcanon)
“...and me (Daria Horenko, born July 30, 1999) are probably not safe, abducted and locked up against our will by Dorothy Turner, her brother Julian, and Sean Turner in the attic of their house at 9780 Spruce Street, Philadelphia 19139, Pennsylvania or somewhere else on the property. We need help immediately. The Turners should be considered dangerous and very clearly willing to use violence and intimidation. We need help NOW. Details in our prepared statement: [the link]”. Because we’re holding out hope that we won’t have to call the police from inside the attic, the document would include information on what our plan is to get Leanne (and me) out of there as safely as possible and call the police from the taxi, but that if we run out of rations, we won’t have a choice but to call the police while we’re unarmed and while the Turners still have the upper hand.

We would debate whether we should include information about the Church of Lesser Saints right away or tell the police about them later because we know how that sounds, considering that this would hurt the credibility of our testimony,
but we’d modify the document and include the most important information about them as well, with more believable explanations - how they forced Leanne and other members to self-harm (meaning that current members or those who recently left), where they’re currently operating from in Lancaster,
that they faked their deaths, that they forced Leanne to leave the Turners, and the necessary lie that they took the real baby, and that Leanne hasn’t seen it since that day and doesn’t know where they’ve taken it. We’d also include names and stuff, and most importantly, reference the baptism tape and say that it shows May and George watching us from the sidewalk outside the church less than three weeks ago, and that piece of evidence would change everything in regards to investigating the Church of Lesser Saints and make the police believe us. We’d add that it’s probably among the other DVDs in the Turners’ living room, and that I’ll try to get it when leaving the building if our original plan is still going to be an option, rip the DVD at home, and add a link to the video file to the document. We’d modify the scheduled text message as well, and we’d charge both phones, mine first because the scheduled message is so important, but it’s an iPhone, so we could charge it to 100% rather quickly and then charge hers. And we’d add that we’d want the police to get Leanne’s things from the Marino estate. All her stuff being there would be further evidence that she was taken suddenly and against her will. We’d also add what number Leanne can be reached at for now with the Samsung Galaxy phone. And then, I’d send the document to Liam on all platforms where I know how to reach him, followed by a message to alert the authorities if I’m not back online confirming that we’re both okay in what’s now probably more like 29 hours, the phone number of the Philadelphia police, and caps at the beginning saying that it’s an actual emergency.

Out of nowhere, I’d ask her if she’s seen “Titanic” lmao, and with her near total isolation growing up, she wouldn’t have seen it. “I’ve only seen movies on TV”. I’d be like “I can show you lots of movies if you want! I got several subscriptions to streaming services, and also a bunch of stuff offline on an external drive at home.”
Back on talking about “Titanic”, I’d tell her it’s wonderful and so freaking romantic, albeit over-the-top at times for sure and a bit overrated. It has that glossy feeling and some superficial characters to it that all James Cameron movies have, but it’s still really wonderful. After explaining the plot to her (since she’s grown up so isolated), I’d tell her about one scene that I’m thinking about a lot from time to time - near the end of the movie, when old Rose is done telling the researchers her story, she says that she doesn’t even have a picture of Jack, and that has hit me so hard from the first time I’ve seen the movie.
She has no physical memories of him, she can never see his face again, and she can never show people what he looked like. That just rips my heart. I’d ask Leanne if we can take some pictures together. We’d look pretty horrible because we haven’t been able to shower in days, but we wouldn’t care and take them anyway and really, genuinely smile so hard. I’d send them to her email address (, that email address is on her resume in the show),
manually sync my gallery with iCloud, and I’d send them to Liam. I’d ask what phone she got back at the Marinos’ and if she’s got any pictures of herself in her iCloud gallery, but she’d tell me she’s rarely ever taken pictures of herself, only for the resume she applied at the Turners’ for, and I’d be like “Whaaaaat? But you’re so beautiful!”, and she’d smile hard, a bit embarrassed. I’d look her straight in the eyes and say it again and say that I mean it for real, she is so incredibly beautiful! It’s probably so rare that anyone’s ever said that to her in her entire life (her mother definitely didn’t, and given that the Church of Lesser Saints believes that anything that feels good is dangerous,
it’s rather unlikely that they did), Tobe saying it in “Balloon” might even have been the only time ever…
I’d then add “Inside AND out!”, and she’d smile some more in a bit of embarrassment and then look me in the eyes and say “You, too, Daria!”, and as you’d expect, I’d smile so hard and even with my eyes!

It would be rather late by then, so we’d eat and listen to some more music together from the Spotify playlist I created for her and talk so much about what we’re hearing.

After dinner, she’d bring the topic up on her own (this is kind of making fun of these fan theories) - she’d tell me that some in the Church of Lesser Saints think she’s the Devil or Lilith because of her rebelliousness, and how she’s inspired doubt in some people in the Church. I’d make such a weirded-out face. After realizing she’s serious, I’d say “If you are the Devil, then hail Satan! Like, seriously, if YOU are what God is threatening will happen if we don’t follow him, then that’s literally the weakest threat I’ve ever heard of. Then God is the villain here. We need more people like you in the world!” Shy as she still is, she’d still be almost embarrassed to hear this (she’s so not used to compliments), and I’d make it clear I’m serious, that I really think she’s fricking wonderful and the sweetest, and that she clearly has a huge heart full of so much love, and that she deserves so much better than what she’s ever experienced! Almost in denial, she’d see in my eyes that I really mean it and just smile and hug me, and then, we’d both smile even more! I’d rub her back a lot in that moment and promise her again that everything will be okay. “I’ll make sure of that!”

After some more music together, knowing that tomorrow will be the day we leave, no matter which plan we’ll go with, we’d make sure we haven’t forgotten anything. Looking around, I’d realize I have to give her my earphones with a cord because the internal mic of my Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini is essentially useless. I’d tell her that when I call her the next day to tell her it’s safe to come downstairs now, she should answer the call, plug in the earphones, and then, it will take a few seconds until I can hear her, but then, it should be fine. We’d set a code phrase that I’ll mention to let her know if the Turners got me and it’s NOT safe to come down. She’d suggest “tomato soup”, and I’d smile and say yes, that’s gonna be our code phrase. “And if it IS safe to come down?”, she’d ask, and I’d suggest “ice cream”.

I’d realize that we should probably find her fresh clothes in the attic and a coat right now, so as I said, it’s not too obvious that she’s been locked up for a long time the second she walks out of the door, because if she’s in dirty clothes or nightwear, with it being obvious that she hasn’t showered in days, and I get her out of there and into a taxi to drive off while I got a gun, it would look as if I was kidnapping her, so we’d find her a nice dress and coat up there, and I’d turn around and close my eyes while she puts it on, and when she’s done, I’d tell her again that she looks amazing! 😊
And she’d smile and thank me this time, sort of the way she says it to the makeup artist at the street fair in S3E5 “Tiger” in that typical way of hers that’s so adorable for real,
and she’d look in my direction and say “You look really beautiful, too!”, really shy, before peeking me in the eyes for a moment, and we’d just look at each other for a moment. “Can I have your pictures?”, she’d ask me, and I’d say yeah, open my iPhone, and select ALL pictures of myself in my gallery and send them to her email address, and send her those that are too large via a Google Drive link (iCloud isn’t great for sharing files lol), and then, I’d take her Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini, download them all (which would take a while because that phone is ancient), and set one of the pictures we’ve taken together as her wallpaper, and then set it as my wallpaper on my iPhone as well! 😊

We’d consider if there’s anything else we’ve missed. She’d mention that parts of the floor screech, especially one tile, so when I sneak out, I gotta be careful on the stairs, especially with that one tile.
After a few seconds, she’d ask me if we wanna book a hotel now, and I’d smile and say sure! “Did you like any hotels in particular, out of the ones we looked at?” She’d say “The one with the big jacuzzi looks great” with big eyes and enthusiasm in her voice, like she does during some of her conversations with Tobe in S3E5 “Tiger”. “You’ve ever been in a jacuzzi?”, I’d ask her, and she’d go “Nooo, but I wanna try!” in the same tone,
and so, after lying down now, we’d look up which hotel she was talking about and book a two-room suite in that hotel in Allentown for three weeks. I’d add “So we can easily look out for each other, and so you’ll also have some privacy.”, and she’d smile and nod, that consideration would probably mean a lot to her.

We’d then get ready for bed. For the next day, I’d get some better clothes as well and put them on while she’s turned around with her eyes closed. I’d take the last ration of food out of my backpack, put the clothes I just took off at the bottom of it, above Leanne’s Bible (the porcelain baby and card are already in one of the other pockets), and put my phone and the chargers in another pocket. I’d look around and ask her if there’s anything else I should take with me to safeguard, and at first, she’d also look around because she wouldn’t know how to answer right away, but she’d then point at Mrs. Barrington with her face,
and I’d be like “Well, I think she’s a little too big for my backpack, but I can talk to the police when we’re out of here, maybe we can try to get her!”, and Leanne would nod with a big smile again.

We’d lie down on the mattress and share the covers again. Just like the night before, I’d lie down on the side of the mattress that’s closer to the stairs, in case Dorothy changes her mind and tries to assault Leanne again… On the mattress, she’d suddenly hug me really tight, break into tears, and thank me over and over again, and I’d just hold her tight, say “Of course”, and assure her that everything’s gonna be okay, that we’ll get out of there tomorrow. I’d wipe some of her tears off her face 🥺 On the mattress, we’d just look each other in the eyes and both just smile more and more, and after a minute or two, she’d kiss me on the lips for a tiiiiny moment and then, we’d just smile at each other even harder! She’d say “I’m not supposed to do that” while still smiling just as hard and looking me directly in the eyes! “Says who?”, I’d reply. She goes “My aunts and uncles”, and I’d say “I don’t think they’re a reliable source!”, and we’d kiss each other some more and longer, and both feel each other’s smile on our lips, and peek at each other a few times in between 😊🥰❤️ We’d both put our arms around each other before telling each other good night and before I promise her one more time it’s all going to be okay!
At some point during the night, she’d wake me up, and when she does, I’d realize I had a nightmare, like, not from my night terrors, and she’d tell me I had a nightmare, that I was sniffling in my sleep, and that I told her two days earlier to wake me up if this happens. Still feeling terrible (the feeling of immediate dread always takes a while to subside for me), I’d thank her. I’d ask what I was saying, and she’d say that I wasn’t speaking English. I’d consider if I should tell her for a moment, but then, I’d take a deep breath, look up for a second, and with a heavy voice, slowly say “What if we try plan A tomorrow, and I fail? I’m scared… I don’t wanna mess this up… I don’t wanna fail you…” And she’d slowly look at me and just say two words: “You haven’t!” I’d look at her and almost laugh a bit out of joy. I’d smile and just cuddle up to her a bit, and she’d do it back. I’d say I’ll try to listen to music for a while to calm down because doing something else makes it much easier for me to zone out of the feeling of dread again. “Why only you?”, she’d ask. “I don’t wanna keep you awake”, I’d say, “You need the sleep”, and she’d say “It’s okay” and just smile a bit, and so, we’d listen to some music together for about half an hour.

I’d tell her that my sleep is so horrible (she’d say she can tell) because I don’t have my meds, and I’m really fricking looking forward to taking them again. Without them, the quality of my sleep is terrible, and it takes so long for me to fall asleep at all if I don’t take them. She’d ask if I’ve taken them for a long time, and I’d say that I haven’t taken these particular meds for long because whatever I take, my body builds up some resistance to them pretty quickly, so after a while, I always have to get new ones, but I’ve taken sleeping meds for years now. “It sounds like they’re really helping you, right?”, she’d ask, and I’d nod and say “Yeah, they really do. I’m also taking antidepressants, and they were an absolute gamechanger for me. It’s okay if I don’t take them for a few days because they don’t work in the moment, but they like rewire your brain over time, and they’re the best thing that’s ever happened to my mental health. Before I started taking them, it was so hard for me to avoid bad thoughts or resist them, like, it was hell, but ever since then, it got sooo much easier, and not letting things get to me or not letting bad things really take over me is just so much easier now.” After a while, I’d say “I was at a psychiatric clinic voluntarily for six months, but I also had nowhere else to go, and the doctors and employees really abused their power. They only intervened when there was physical violence, they didn’t intervene in any other conflicts, so because of them, the patients constantly bullied each other. My doctor switched to another department while I was there, so I got a new one, and the new one wasn’t perfect, but at least, she cared. I got really lucky to get a place at a living group for mentally ill people, which was when I could finally leave. But honestly, all my experiences with mental health professionals since then have been better. I went to a different clinic for four or five days voluntarily in 2019, and even they were far better. “That sounds scary…”, she’d say. I’d reply “It was. But things got much better after that. I had lots of setbacks, like, you know, but if you get help, it’s always better.”

After the current song’s over, we’d lie down to try and sleep again. We’d smile at each other again in bed, and I’d give her a short-ish kiss before saying good night, and we’d both smile even harder after that 😁 And we would fall asleep for good after a while (it would still take me longer than her).

In the morning, Leanne would wake me up again. She’d show me that the door is unlocked and open by a little bit now (they’re “letting” her out for a few hours…),
and we’d both just embrace and chuckle in huge joy, as we can go with plan A now, the less risky one! We’d remember to quiet down after a few seconds and whisper from then on out. I’d go to the toilet roll, take eight pieces, rip them into two bands of four pieces each, and roll each of them up into a little bunch. I’d give them to her and tell her to put them into the wall pieces of the door when she gets out (so it looks like the door is closed while it can’t actually lock) and give me an audible signal when the third floor is clear, so I’ll get out with my backpack, take out the toilet paper, and hide in her room.
“Is there anything you want me to get from there?”, I’d ask. “No. Everything is here or at the Marinos’.” I’d go “Okay” and move on - since I’m almost definitely unable to come down to the second floor right away (I’m using American English in all of these episodes. “First floor” in American English = “ground floor” in British English; “Second floor” in American English = “first floor” in British English; “Third floor” in American English = “second floor” in British English, etc.), she’d give me a signal when coming back upstairs. We’d agree that when she comes back upstairs, if it’s safe to go to the second floor, she’d shout something, maybe in conversation, maybe some sort of cry, doesn’t matter, and if not, she’d kick something. She’d be locked upstairs again after that, so I’ll have to tell when to get further downstairs myself, which I’d do as soon as I’ve heard absolutely no sounds from inside the house for at least a few minutes. On the first floor, I’d get the DVD from March 11, 2001, and if the baptism tape isn’t clearly labeled among the tapes, I’d unplug the DVD player from the TV, turn on the player, open the DVD slot, and if the tape isn’t in there, I’d take all unlabeled tapes. I’d then listen in on the basement door for a few seconds, and if I hear no sounds from down there, I’d quietly open the basement door and go downstairs, and if no one’s there, I’d get out through the side entrance down there, out through the back gate, walk back to Spruce Street, drive my bike home, take a shower, watch the tape from March 11, 2011 like she told me I could, hide it somewhere at home, print out the document for the police, take it with me in an envelope, print out a second version of it to give to the taxi driver, so I can say “If I’m not back in an hour, please call the police for me and read this to them”. I’d then call a taxi (a taxi with a large trunk whose driver is allowed to drive to Allentown and back), load my gun, and leave for the Turners’ and get Leanne.

We’d see that Liam has replied by now. Of course, he’d be super worried, but he’s got our backs for the plan, and that would be really reassuring. We’d look each other in the eyes, and then, I’d hug her sooo tight for several seconds, and we’d have one loooong kiss (hoping it’s not the last time we see each other…) before she goes downstairs while looking back at me on the way before putting the toilet paper in the door. I’d then put on my backpack. Once Leanne loudly shouts “Mister Turner?”, that would be my signal, and I’d hide in her room for about 45 minutes before she’s “let” back upstairs and shouts “You can lock me in now, Mrs. Turner”,
which is when I’d sneak into the storage/guest room and wait. It would take like five hours until I hear nothing for a while, which is when I’d sneak onto the first floor, look around to make extra sure no one’s there, and go to the living room. I’d get the tape from March 11, 2011, and the baptism tape would be among the labeled DVDs, and I’d put it into the box of the March 11, 2011 tape (I’d put the original DVD loose in there and use the spot inside the box for the baptism tape because it’s probably more important. I then wouldn’t hear anything from the basement, so I’d slowly and quietly go down there. No one would be there, so I’d leave as planned and go home and take a shower. I’d watch the March 11, 2011 DVD. I’d be surprised to see the interaction between Leanne and Dorothy for sure, but sort of knowing her, I wouldn’t think anything bad of it. I’d actually get it because of my past celebrity crushes (which I know isn’t what she was feeling for Dorothy) and the desire to meet them, especially with Blanche. I’d get why Leanne wouldn’t want the police to see it, it would look bad for her. I’d wrap up the DVD in a thick piece of paper and tape it to the back of my closet, between the closet and the wall. I’d burn the piece of paper in the DVD case in my bathtub with a bucket of water next to me just in case. I’d test if the DVD of the baptism tape still works (it does), rip it, upload the video file to Google Drive, add it to the document for the police, cancel my printing queue, print the document (two versions of it. The one for the taxi driver would just have a short introduction at the beginning, like, that I’m the person who ordered the taxi), order the taxi, pack my things for the next couple of weeks and anything that Leanne might need, so I’d include any clothes that I think could fit her, and go to the taxi. I’d tell the driver to get me one block away from 9780 Spruce Street (which isn’t actually a real address, by the way) and wait there for me. Before leaving for the Turner house, I’d give him the envelope with his version of the letter for the police and tell him what I said I would tell him. I’d then get my backpack with the gun in it from my luggage in the trunk, and walk to the Turners’ house.

I have already "written" so much more in my head, but I've now reached the end of what I've actually written down, so it will take longer until the next episode is out now! Hope you've enjooooyed this one!
submitted by ikieneng to teamleanne [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:45 WhatCanIMakeToday ComputerShare Confirms DSPP Details (Both in DTC and Beneficially Owned)

ComputerShare Confirms DSPP Details (Both in DTC and Beneficially Owned)
ComputerShare has generously updated their FAQ on holding registered shares and Paul Conn has generously answered some questions on video about DRS and DSPP shares. [1]

Chain Of Custody

A chain of custody [Wikipedia] represents the documentation of ownership and/or control as an item may pass through various parties. Applied here to registered shares, a chain of custody can detail who owns a share and through whom, if applicable. As is generally well known on this subreddit, “street name” shares all have a chain of custody from Cede & Co through DTC to broker to a “street name” shareholder as the ultimate beneficial owner. Based on ComputerShare’s answer outlining the chain of custody and ownership for Pure DRS and DSPP shares, we can identify 3 separate categories of ownership with 3 different chains of custody as shown and described here with color coding:
Illustrating Chain Of Custody For DRS & DSPP Shares per ComputerShare
1. DRS or Pure DRS shares (Purple) have no “chain of custody” as “investors hold the shares in their own name” with “no intermediary”. This is as clean and clear as you can get for ownership of property where investors have both title and possession (see below for more details on these terms).
2. DSPP Shares @ ComputerShare (Light Purple) For DSPP shares, there can be 2 different chains of custody for shares which I’ll denote as “DSPP @ CS” or “DSPP @ DTC”. The “DSPP @ CS” shares comprise 80%-90% of Plan shares which are “held on the register in the main class”. The chain of custody for this “DSPP @ CS” group of shares is “CPU Nominee” to Investor where CPU is shorthand for ComputerShare as their ticker symbol is CPU [Wikipedia]. ComputerShare’s nominee is Dingo & Co. For this group of 80-90% of DSPP shares, ComputerShare’s ledger identifies ComputerShare’s nominee. As ComputerShare (or their nominee) are the only intermediary, title and possession of these shares is clean and clear.
3. DSPP Shares @ DTC (Light Pink) For DSPP shares held via ComputerShare’s broker at DTC (denoted as “DSPP @ DTC”), the chain of custody is Cede & Co to ComputerShare’s broker to ComputerShare to Investor. For this group of 10-20% of DSPP shares, ComputerShare’s ledger identifies Cede & Co (who holds shares for the DTC which is a subsidiary of the DTCC).

DSPP Shares @ DTC ARE Beneficially Owned By Investors

We can build upon that Overview diagram with more detailed information from ComputerShare who directly answers questions about DSPP shares held at DTC for Operational Efficiency and which, if any, shares may be beneficially owned.
For the DSPP @ DTC shares, “Computershare holds the title for the benefit of the underlying plan participants” where shares are held with ComputerShare’s broker who has an account at the “DTC [who] holds shares on the register through Cede & Co”. (Red)
ComputerShare also says a “portion of shares will be beneficially owned by the investors” referring to “any portion of the Plan shares in a brokerage account through DTC”, which corresponds to the DSPP@DTC category. (No other chain of custody meets that description and there are only two possibilities for Plan shares.) Thus, the DSPP@DTC shares are beneficially owned by investors. (From the previously available FAQ text, we also know that “[t]hese particular shares are maintained by [ComputerShare’s] broker (for the benefit of Computershare, and in turn, for the benefit of plan participants” so the line from Broker to ComputerShare is also labeled FBO designating “for the benefit of” for beneficial ownership [Wikipedia].
Detailed Illustration Of Chain Of Custody for DRS & DSPP Shares per ComputerShare
To be abundantly clear regarding the “DSPP shares held at the DTC for Operational Efficiency” (denoted DSPP@DTC), “On the ledger, the title for this specific portion of the shares falls within the Cede & Co holding”.

TADR: ComputerShare Has Confirmed

  • Approximately 10-20% of DSPP Shares can be held at the DTC (“DSPP@DTC”) for Operational Efficiency.
  • DSPP@DTC shares are beneficially owned by investors.
  • Title on the ledger for DSPP@DTC shares is to Cede & Co who holds shares for DTC.

Title & Possession

Title identifies who has rights to ownership and possession of property.
Title is distinct from possession)” where “possession and title may each be transferred independently of the other.” [Wikipedia: Title (property))]
The concept of separating title from possession for property (including securities) may not be well known or familiar to everyone and, I suspect, was a huge fundamental source of confusion. Title basically identifies who owns property while possession is who holds property. Here are a couple (hopefully) relatable examples to illustrate this concept to help clear up confusion:
Example 1: Your Wife’s Boyfriend Driving Your Car
Imagine your wife and her boyfriend are speeding down Lover’s Lane when they’re pulled over by a cop. The cop will ask for license and registration because those two documents identify who is in possession of the car (i.e. your wife’s boyfriend as the driver) and who is the registered owner with title to the car (i.e., you), respectively.
Applying this to stocks, we can ask the “license & registration” question of every party in possession of GameStop stock to determine who has title and/or possession. Apes have title and possession of pure DRS shares. But for DSPP@DTC shares, title for shares begin at Cede & Co passing down to ComputerShare; while apes only have possession of beneficial rights to shares. (See, e.g., “On the ledger, the title for this specific portion of the shares falls within the Cede & Co holding”, “Computershare holds the title for the benefit of the underlying plan participants”, and “that portion of shares will be beneficially owned by the investors”. [Updated FAQ])
Example 2: Your Home
Imagine you are renting your home. As a renter, you probably tell people the place is “yours” because you have possession by renting even though your landlord is the owner with title to “your” home. This is an example where we use the term “your” to refer to having possession without title.
At the same time, if someone were to ask your landlord if the place you rent is theirs, your landlord would also say yes.
Me to Your Landlord: Is that your place where the ape lives?
Landlord: Yep! I got some really regarded apes renting from me.
In this case, the same term “your” refers to having title without possession.
Which means that two different parties, you and your landlord, can simultaneously claim ownership of your home depending solely on having either title or possession; without needing both.
Applying this to the various Chains of Custody shown above for GameStop, we can see how both Cede & Co and ComputerShare have title to DSPP@DTC shares (see, e.g., “On the ledger, the title for this specific portion of the shares falls within the Cede & Co holding” and “Computershare holds the title for the benefit of the underlying plan participants”). And for DSPP@CS shares, we can see how both Dingo and apes hold shares (i.e., possession; see, e.g., “Dingo holds assets but does not own any of them” and “all plan holders are treated as registered holders of the company”) with ownership by apes (see, e.g., “As a nominee, Dingo & Co has no interest in and no rights to the property it holds in its name on behalf of Computershare” and “While Dingo & Co holds plan shares on the registers of Computershare’s issuer clients, the owners are treated as the registered owners of the plan shares”). [Updated FAQ]


Based on the above, we can visualize the aggregate DSPP “Plan” shares as divided into two parts: (a) 80-90% held by ComputerShare through their nominee, Dingo, and (b) 10-20% held in DTC; with the corresponding chain of custody.
DSPP Holdings Are Split In Two Portions


A previous post summarized an email response from the SEC as “PLAN SHARES ARE OUT OF DTC” [SuperStonk]. Unfortunately, that was a mis-reading of the SEC email with a misleading post title. We can illustrate the SEC response with color coding as shown below (and with comparison to ComputerShare's disclosure):
Slightly different words, but similar overall description
The SEC clearly states that “the overall count of issuer plan shares includes” (orange) two parts (a) investor shares held at the transfer agent (light purple) and (b) non-investor shares (light pink); thus we can divide up a box representing issuer plan shares (orange) into two parts labeled investor shares (light purple) and non-investor shares (light pink). The investor shares portion is described by the email with two statements: “The investor’s shares are not held at DTC” and “investor shares held at the transfer agent”. We can annotate the investor shares portion with both of those statements. The non-investor shares portion is described by a single statement: “The non-investor shares are held by the transfer agent’s broker at DTC in order to facilitate settlement for plan sales that occur” which can be similarly annotated for the non-investor shares portion (light pink).
Visualizing statements in the SEC email allows comparing the SEC’s description and ComputerShare’s description, where we see striking similarities for the description of Plan shares.
  • Both descriptions split Plan shares into two (and only two) parts.
  • Part 1 (light purple) having shares held by the transfer agent (ComputerShare); thus not at DTC.
  • Part 2 (light pink) having shares held at DTC (by the transfer agent's broker).
Part 1, the shares held by the transfer agent, is described by the SEC as “investor shares”. Investors (e.g., 🦧) have title to these shares and possession of them through ComputerShare and their nominee.
Part 2, the shares held at DTC, is described by the SEC as “non-investor shares” (where the prefix non- literally means “not” so literally "not investor shares"). Part 2 of the Plan shares is quite clearly described by ComputerShare and the SEC as held at DTC by ComputerShare’s broker; corroborated by the Chain of Custody above with the ledger identifying Cede & Co as holding these shares for DTC who holds shares for ComputerShare’s broker where Plan Participants are beneficial owners of these shares (per ComputerShare, above).
The main difference between the two descriptions is that ComputerShare says they typically have 10-20% of Plan shares in DTC, which yields a split between 80-20 or 90-10, whereas the SEC provides no information on the proportion of the two portions (thus illustrated simply as 50/50).
Hopefully, this settles the long-running debate once and for all.

One last thing… BE NICE

Apes are not exactly making friends with Wall St and the securities industry; and most are not the kind of friends we would want anyway. ComputerShare works as a transfer agent for issuers like GameStop so ComputerShare is pretty much the closest thing we have to a friend in industry. Paul Conn pretty clearly doesn’t like how some are accusing them of wrongdoing.
Transfer Agents, like ComputerShare, are in a fairly heavily regulated industry. There’s been no indication ComputerShare is breaking any regulations. If there’s a failure, check for gaps in the regulations first. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
And, instead of blaming transfer agents, the SEC has already directed responsibility to the DTCC and NSCC in the SEC GameStop Report. [SuperStonk DD see section “So… who’s bag holding?”] Not the transfer agent.
Paul Conn and ComputerShare have provided time and resources engaging with and answering questions from the community. Be nice and don’t fling brown semi-solids until you’re 110% sure it’s deserved. (We must be better than Wall St.)
To Paul Conn & ComputerShare, thank you for having answered our community questions. We appreciate the clarity provided especially given the position you’re in. s/WhatCanIMakeToday/
[1] All quotes and citations within (including the post and images) are to ComputerShare’s updated FAQ on holding registered shares (which are corroborated by Paul Conn’s Q&A video); unless otherwise noted.
submitted by WhatCanIMakeToday to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 nosnevenaes PLEASE CRITIQUE MY WOO WOO BIGFOOT THEORY

Title: The Telepathic Primate Ghost Theory: A New Perspective on Bigfoot
I've been pondering the Bigfoot phenomenon and have developed a theory that I believe could explain some of the longstanding mysteries associated with these sightings. I'd like to share it with you all for feedback and discussion.
**The Theory:**
Bigfoot sightings could be the result of encounters with the ghosts, or spectral presences, of primates that once roamed the Earth. These primates may have possessed acute non-verbal communication abilities, similar to what some primitive human tribes are documented to have, which border on the telepathic. This theory posits that Bigfoot isn't a physical creature but a ghost from our evolutionary past.
**Why No Physical Evidence?**
The lack of definitive physical evidence of Bigfoot, such as bodies or consistent DNA samples, supports the idea that we're dealing with something other than than purely biological. This aligns with how we understand other paranormal phenomena, where physical evidence is elusive.
**Connecting to Our Ancestral Past:**
If humans are believed to have spectral remnants like ghosts and poltergeists, why couldn't our biological ancestors, who have been on Earth far longer than modern humans, also manifest in this way? This could be a missing piece in understanding our deep and complex relationship with these mysterious sightings.
I propose that what we're experiencing with Bigfoot is a window into our past, a glimpse of what might have been a common form of existence and interaction among earlier primates that we, in our modern civilization, have largely forgotten or dismissed.
**Cultural Significance:**
This theory also aligns with various indigenous folklore around the world, where creatures akin to Bigfoot are often seen as more than mere animals—they are sometimes revered as spiritual beings or ancestors.
**Psychic Abilities and Nonverbal Communication:**
The experiences reported by people encountering Bigfoot often include a strong psychic or emotional component, suggesting a form of communication that transcends spoken language.
This perspective is mirrored in how certain tribes, such as those documented in [Amazon Beaming](, use psychic communication effectively, suggesting a deeper, more spiritual connection with the world.
There's substantial documentation that humans can communicate nonverbally, including through psychic means, especially in heightened states of consciousness like those induced by psychedelics. Such abilities are not just the domain of humans; they could have been present in other primates.
What are your thoughts? Could this theory help explain some of the enigmatic aspects of the Bigfoot legend?
I'm looking forward to your insights and discussions.
Thank you!
submitted by nosnevenaes to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:41 ka-yl-e-e_ Got heating bulbs, am a bit confused

Got heating bulbs, am a bit confused
Hey guys! I've been really loving this subreddit for getting everything sorted for my hopefully soon to exist new noodle friend!
I've gotten a 4x2x2 PVC enclosure, and wanted to heat it with a DHP and a halogen flood (on a Herpstat 2 thermostat). I saw Arcadia sells this in a combo pack so I snagged it! Along with brackets and two cages.
It just arrived in the mail and I noticed that the back of the box for the bulbs doesn't have a little graphic with a cage for the halogen flood. I'm just so new to this and this is a bit confusing to me. Am I doing the right things?
Is there a different way I should be setting this all up?
Also I noticed when screwing them into the Pro Ceramic Lamp Hold and Bracket, it was a bit sweaky- has anyone else had this experience? Is that normal?
Thanks for all the help!!!
submitted by ka-yl-e-e_ to ballpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:40 Diligent-Permit8777 Any good book recommendations for understanding and improving skill on these topics?

Any good books that you could recommend to help with understanding or to help with skill for the following topics?
Binomial estimation Trigonometric ratios The cosine rule The sine rule Differentiating functions with two or more terms Gradients, tangents and normal Increasing and decreasing functions Second order derivatives Stationary points Areas of triangles Sketching gradient functions Solving triangle problems Graphs of sine, cosine and tangent Modelling with differentiation Transforming trigonometric graphs Integration Trigonometric identities and Integrating Indefinite integrals equations Finding functions Angles in all four quadrants Definite integrals Exact values of trigonometric ratios Areas under curves Trigonometric identities Areas under the x-axis Simple trigonometric equations Areas between curves and lines Harder trigonometric equations Equations and identities Exponentials and logarithms Vectors Logarithms Representing vectors Magnitude and direction Position vectors Solving geometric problems Exponential functions y = ex Exponential modelling Laws of logarithms Solving equations using logarithms Working with natural logarithms Logarithms and non-linear data Modelling with vectors Differentiation Gradients of curves Finding the derivative Differentiating x Differentiating quadratics
Radians Algebraic methods Radian measure Proof by contradiction Arc length Algebraic fractions Partial fractions Repeated factors Algebraic division Areas of sectors and segments Solving trigonometric equations Small angle approximations Functions and graphs The modulus function Functions and mappings Composite functions Inverse functions y= f(x) and y = f(x) Combining transformations Trigonometric functions Secant, cosecant and cotangent Graphs of secx, cosecx and cotx Using secx, cosecx and cotx Trigonometric identities Inverse trigonometric functions Solving modulus problems Trigonometry and modelling Addition formulae Using the angle addition formulae Sequences and series Double-angle formulae Arithmetic sequences Solving trigonometric equations Arithmetic series Simplifying a cos x + b sin x Geometric sequences Proving trigonometric identities Geometric series Sum to infinity Modelling with trigonometric functions Sigma notation Recurrence relations Modelling with series Parametric equations Using trigonometric identities Binomial expansion Expanding (1 + x)" Expanding (a + bx)" Using partial fractions Curve sketching Points of intersection Modelling with parametric equations
Stretching graphs Transforming functions Algebraic expressions Index laws Expanding brackets Factorising Negative and fractional indices Surds Rationalising denominators y = mx + c Straight line graphs Equations of straight lines Parallel and perpendicular lines Length and area Modelling with straight lines Quadratics Solving quadratic equations Completing the square Circles Functions Quadratic graphs Midpoints and perpendicular bisectors The discriminant Modelling with quadratics Equation of a circle Intersections of straight lines and circles Use tangent and chord properties Equations and inequalities Circles and triangles Linear simultaneous equations Quadratic simultaneous equations Simultaneous equations on graphs Algebraic methods Linear inequalities Algebraic fractions Quadratic inequalities Dividing polynomials Inequalities on graphs The factor theorem Regions Mathematical proof Graphs and transformations Cubic graphs The binomial expansion Quartic graphs Reciprocal graphs Pascal's triangle Factorial notation Points of intersection The binomial expansion Translating graphs Solving binomial problems Using trigonometric identities Reverse chain rule Differentiation Integration by substitution Differentiating sin x and cos x Integration by parts Differentiating exponentials and Partial fractions logarithms Finding areas The chain rule The product rule The quotient rule Differentiating trigonometric functions Parametric differentiation Implicit differentiation Using second derivatives The trapezium rule Solving differential equations Modelling with differential equations Integration as the limit of a sum Vectors Rates of change 3D coordinates Vectors in 3D Solving geometric problems Application to mechanics Numerical methods Locating roots Iteration The Newton-Raphson method Applications to modelling Integration Integrating standard functions Integrating f(ax+b)
STATISTICS Data collection Populations and samples Sampling Non-random sampling Types of data The large data set Mutually exclusive and independent events Tree diagrams Statistical distributions Probability distributions The binomial distribution Cumulative probability’s Hypothesis testing 2 Measures of location and spread Hypothesis testing Measures of central tendency Finding critical values Other measures of location One-tailed tests Measures of spread Two-tailed tests Variance and standard deviation Coding Representations of data Outliers Box plots Cumulative frequency Histograms Comparing data MECHANICS Modelling in mechanics Constructing a model Modelling assumptions Quantities and units Working with vectors Correlation Linear regression Constant acceleration Probability Calculating probabilities Venn diagrams Displacement-time graphs Velocity-time graphs Constant acceleration formulae 1 Constant acceleration formulae 2 Vertical motion under gravity
Forces and motion Force diagrams Forces as vectors Using integration Constant acceleration formulae Forces and acceleration Motion in 2 dimensions Connected particles Pulleys Variable acceleration Functions of time Using differentiation Maxima and minima problems
MECHANICS Moments STATISTICS Resultant moments Regression, correlation Equilibrium and hypothesis testing Centres of mass Exponential models Tilting Measuring correlation Hypothesis testing for zero correlation Forces and friction Resolving forces Conditional probability Inclined planes Set notation Friction Conditional probability Conditional probabilities in Venn diagrams Projectiles Probability formulae Horizontal projection Tree diagrams Horizontal and vertical components Projection at any angle Projectile motion formulae The normal distribution The normal distribution Finding probabilities for Applications of forces normal distributions Static particles The inverse normal distribution Modelling with statics function The standard normal distribution Finding μ and σ Approximating a binomial distribution Hypothesis testing with the normal distribution Friction and static particles Static rigid bodies Dynamics and inclined planes Connected particles Further kinematics Vectors in kinematics Vector methods with projectiles Variable acceleration in one dimension Differentiating vectors Integrating vectors
submitted by Diligent-Permit8777 to learnmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:20 Goldentesla69420ape Cheat Sheet for abbreviations: CompTIA Security+ (Plus) Certification

Here are all of the relevant keywords/abbreviations for the CompTIA sec+ exam.
Comment below if you have any questions, if I made a mistake, or if I missed something!
AAA: Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting ABAC: Attribute-Based Access Control ACL: Access Control List AD: Active Directory AES: Advanced Encryption Standard AES256: Advanced Encryption Standard with a key size of 256 bits AH: Authentication Header AI: Artificial Intelligence AIS: Automated Information System ALE: Annual Loss Expectancy AP: Access Point API: Application Programming Interface APT: Advanced Persistent Threat ARO: Annualized Rate of Occurrence ARP: Address Resolution Protocol ASLR: Address Space Layout Randomization ASP: Application Service Provider ATT&CK: Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge AUP: Acceptable Use Policy AV: Antivirus BASH: Bourne Again Shell BCP: Business Continuity Plan BGP: Border Gateway Protocol BIA: Business Impact Analysis BIOS: Basic Input/Output System BPA: Business Process Automation BPDU: Bridge Protocol Data Unit BSSID: Basic Service Set Identifier BYOD: Bring Your Own Device CA: Certificate Authority CAPTCHA: Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart CAR: Corrective Action Report CASB: Cloud Access Security Broker CBC: Cipher Block Chaining CBT: Computer-Based Training CCMP: Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol CCTV: Closed-Circuit Television CERT: Computer Emergency Response Team CFB: Cipher Feedback CHAP: Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol CIO: Chief Information Officer CIRT: Computer Incident Response Team CIS: Center for Internet Security CMS: Content Management System CN: Common Name COOP: Continuity of Operations COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled CP: Control Plane CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check CRL: Certificate Revocation List CSA: Cloud Security Alliance CSIRT: Computer Security Incident Response Team CSO: Chief Security Officer CSP: Cloud Service Provider CSR: Certificate Signing Request CSRF: Cross-Site Request Forgery CSU: Central Service Unit CTM: Content Threat Management CTO: Chief Technology Officer CVE: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVSS: Common Vulnerability Scoring System CYOD: Choose Your Own Device DAC: Discretionary Access Control DBA: Database Administrator DDoS: Distributed Denial of Service DEP: Data Execution Prevention DER: Distinguished Encoding Rules DES: Data Encryption Standard DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHE: Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral DKIM: DomainKeys Identified Mail DLL: Dynamic Link Library DLP: Data Loss Prevention DMARC: Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance DNT: Do Not Track DNS: Domain Name System DNSSEC: Domain Name System Security Extensions DoS: Denial of Service DPO: Data Protection Officer DRP: Disaster Recovery Plan DSA: Digital Signature Algorithm DSL: Digital Subscriber Line EAP: Extensible Authentication Protocol ECB: Electronic Codebook ECC: Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECDHE: Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral ECDSA: Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EDR: Endpoint Detection and Response EFS: Encrypting File System EIP: Enterprise Information Portal EOL: End of Life EOS: End of Support ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning ESN: Electronic Serial Number ESP: Encapsulating Security Payload ESSID: Extended Service Set Identifier FACL: File Access Control List FDE: Full Disk Encryption FIM: File Integrity Monitoring FPGA: Field-Programmable Gate Array FRR: Fast Reroute FTP: File Transfer Protocol FTPS: FTP Secure GCM: Galois/Counter Mode GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation GPG: GNU Privacy Guard GPO: Group Policy Object GPS: Global Positioning System GPU: Graphics Processing Unit GRE: Generic Routing Encapsulation HA: High Availability HDD: Hard Disk Drive HIDS: Host-based Intrusion Detection System HIPS: Host-based Intrusion Prevention System HMAC: Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code HOTP: HMAC-based One-Time Password HSM: Hardware Security Module HSMaaS: Hardware Security Module as a Service HTML: Hypertext Markup Language HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure HVAC: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service IAM: Identity and Access Management ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol ICS: Industrial Control System IDEA: International Data Encryption Algorithm IDF: Intermediate Distribution Frame IdP: Identity Provider IDS: Intrusion Detection System IPS: Intrusion Prevention System IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IKE: Internet Key Exchange IM: Instant Messaging IMAP4: Internet Message Access Protocol version 4 IoC: Indicator of Compromise IoT: Internet of Things IP: Internet Protocol IPSec: Internet Protocol Security IR: Incident Response IRC: Internet Relay Chat IRP: Incident Response Plan ISA: Interconnection Security Agreement ISFW: Integrated Security and Firewalls ISO: International Organization for Standardization ISP: Internet Service Provider ISSO: Information Systems Security Officer ITCP: Information Technology Contingency Plan IV: Initialization Vector KDC: Key Distribution Center KEK: Key Encryption Key L2TP: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol LAN: Local Area Network LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LEAP: Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol MaaS: Monitoring as a Service MAC: Media Access Control MAM: Mobile Application Management MAN: Metropolitan Area Network MBR: Master Boot Record MD5: Message Digest Algorithm 5 MDF: Main Distribution Frame MDM: Mobile Device Management MFA: Multi-Factor Authentication MFD: Multi-Function Device MFP: Multi-Function Printer ML: Machine Learning MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service MOA: Memorandum of Agreement MOU: Memorandum of Understanding MPLS: Multiprotocol Label Switching MSA: Master Service Agreement MSP: Managed Service Provider MSSP: Managed Security Service Provider MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures MTTF: Mean Time To Failure MTTR: Mean Time To Repair MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit NAC: Network Access Control NAT: Network Address Translation NDA: Non-Disclosure Agreement NFC: Near Field Communication NFV: Network Functions Virtualization NGFW: Next-Generation Firewall NG-SWG: Next-Generation Secure Web Gateway NIC: Network Interface Card NIDS: Network Intrusion Detection System NIPS: Network Intrusion Prevention System NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology NOC: Network Operations Center NTFS: New Technology File System NTLM: New Technology LAN Manager NTP: Network Time Protocol OCSP: Online Certificate Status Protocol OID: Object Identifier OS: Operating System OAI: OpenID Authentication OSINT: Open Source Intelligence OSPF: Open Shortest Path First OT: Operational Technology OTA: Over-the-Air OTG: On-The-Go OVAL: Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language OWASP: Open Web Application Security Project P12: Personal Information Exchange Format P2P: Peer-to-Peer PaaS: Platform as a Service PAC: Proxy Auto-Configuration PAM: Privileged Access Management PAP: Password Authentication Protocol PAT: Port Address Translation PBKDF2: Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 PBX: Private Branch Exchange PCAP: Packet Capture PCI DSS: Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard PDU: Protocol Data Unit PE: Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol PEAP: Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol PED: Portable Electronic Device PEM: Privacy Enhanced Mail PFS: Perfect Forward Secrecy PGP: Pretty Good Privacy PHI: Protected Health Information PII: Personally Identifiable Information PIN: Personal Identification Number PIV: Personal Identity Verification PKCS: Public Key Cryptography Standards PKI: Public Key Infrastructure PoC: Proof of Concept POP: Post Office Protocol POTS: Plain Old Telephone Service PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol PPTP: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol PSK: Pre-Shared Key PTZ: Pan-Tilt-Zoom PUP: Potentially Unwanted Program QA: Quality Assurance QoS: Quality of Service RA: Recovery Agent RAD: Rapid Application Development RADIUS: Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks RAM: Random Access Memory RAS: Remote Access Service RAT: Remote Access Trojan RC4: Rivest Cipher 4 RCS: Remote Control System RFC: Request for Comments RFID: Radio-Frequency Identification RIPEMD: RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest ROI: Return on Investment RPO: Recovery Point Objective RSA: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman RTBH: Remote Triggered Black Hole RTO: Recovery Time Objective RTOS: Real-Time Operating System RTP: Real-Time Transport Protocol S/MIME: Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions SaaS: Software as a Service SAE: Simultaneous Authentication of Equals SAML: Security Assertion Markup Language SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCAP: Security Content Automation Protocol SCEP: Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol SDK: Software Development Kit SDLC: Software Development Life Cycle SDLM: Software Development Lifecycle Management SDN: Software-Defined Networking SDP: Session Description Protocol SDV: Software-Defined Vehicle SED: Self-Encrypting Drive SEH: Structured Exception Handler SFTP: Secure File Transfer Protocol SHA: Secure Hash Algorithm SIEM: Security Information and Event Management SIM: Subscriber Identity Module SIP: Session Initiation Protocol SLA: Service Level Agreement SLE: Single Loss Expectancy SMB: Server Message Block SMS: Short Message Service SMTP/S: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol/Secure SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol SOAR: Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response SoC: Security Operations Center SOC: System-On-Chip SPF: Sender Policy Framework SPIM: Spam Over Instant Messaging SQL: Structured Query Language SQLi: SQL Injection SRTP: Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol SSD: Solid-State Drive SSH: Secure Shell SSID: Service Set Identifier SSL: Secure Sockets Layer SSO: Single Sign-On STIX: Structured Threat Information eXpression STP: Spanning Tree Protocol SWG: Secure Web Gateway TACACS+: Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus TGT: Ticket Granting Ticket TKIP: Temporal Key Integrity Protocol TLS: Transport Layer Security TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password TPM: Trusted Platform Module TSIG: Transaction Signature TTP: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures UAT: User Acceptance Testing UDP: User Datagram Protocol UEBA: User and Entity Behavior Analytics UEFI: Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEM: Unified Endpoint Management UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply URI: Uniform Resource Identifier URL: Uniform Resource Locator USB: Universal Serial Bus USB OTG: USB On-The-Go UTM: Unified Threat Management UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair VBA: Visual Basic for Applications VDE: Virtual Desktop Environment VDI: Virtual Desktop Infrastructure VLAN: Virtual Local Area Network VLSM: Variable Length Subnet Masking VM: Virtual Machine VoIP: Voice over Internet Protocol VPC: Virtual Private Cloud VPN: Virtual Private Network VTC: Video Teleconferencing WAF: Web Application Firewall WAP: Wireless Access Point WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy WIDS: Wireless Intrusion Detection System WIPS: Wireless Intrusion Prevention System WORM: Write Once, Read Many WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access WPS: Wi-Fi Protected Setup XaaS: Anything as a Service XSRF: Cross-Site Request Forgery
submitted by Goldentesla69420ape to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:17 Shadowmoth I have an idea for a ufo based story. I’ve got the background mapped out, but I’m not sure if people would be interested. Please let me know what you think so I can decide if it’s worth exploring.

(This is the background on which the story will occur. Not the story itself. It will take place at different times within this framework.)
The Program
…..A ufo crashes on Earth.
The ufo is found by a farmer who calls the military, and a secret group is created to study it.
In order to keep it secret only a small number of people are allowed to know about it. It is classified at the highest level.
The ufo inspires the creation of new technologies resulting in huge amounts of money being made by the people in charge of The Program.
They find a way to classify all ufo information so only they can benefit from it.
Billions of dollars are made that only benefit certain families. These families become extremely powerful.
The technologies of the craft lead to the realization that there is something to the “Woo” aspects of ufo encounters reported by experiencers.
Studies are funded. Specifically, remote viewing is explored.
Remote viewing studies of possible futures were done using hundreds of remote viewers over the decades. There seems to be a huge problem reported starting on earth starting between 2024-2027.
Possible causes are investigated.
Solar maximum occurs in 2025.
It is determined that a massive solar flare knocks out half the world’s electricity permanently, the superpower with the lights still on attempts to take advantage and launches a massive nuclear strike on their enemies. Electromagnetically shielded missile silos survive and retaliate.
A nuclear winter sends the world into famine. When there is no food left mankind begins to eat itself. Everyone becomes food.
More secret remote viewing studies are done and repeated to confirm the timeline.
The American Elite develop a plan to survive this. Money is funneled into black budget classified special access programs, and deep underground military bases are dug. Massive secret cities connected by underground tunnels are created, costing trillions.
Scientific progress and industrial development is pushed with no regard for pollution. The world is fated to end, pollution means nothing to those who know this.
Mankind is pushed towards wage slavery, and beyond. The suffering of the non elite doesn’t matter to those in the know. From a certain point of view they’re already dead. Their lives and happiness are sacrificed for the “greater good” of allowing the Elite to survive the end of the world.
When the time comes, certain groups are saved from the end of the world. Less than 100 thousand humans are chosen. 90 percent of the people who were told they were part of the Elite and were complicit in the Program find out that they were merely pawns and are left on the surface to die with the rest of humanity.
The world ends. Horrifically.
For thousands of years the remnants of humanity, the Elite, exist underground. Radiation eventually seeps into groundwater and they begin to suffer from dna damage. In time they become monstrous in appearance. Pale skinned and weak. Resorting to genetic manipulation they attempt to survive, but in doing so much of what we consider human is lost. Emotion, compassion, and the ability to feel pain become relics of the past.
Progress is extremely slow underground. Tens of thousands of years pass before the ufos are fully understood, but when they are it is realized they offer a means to travel back in time to collect genetic samples from healthy humans.
A breeding program is created.
The subterranean future humans eventually figure out how to breed healthy generations of offspring from the most intelligent, healthy, and beautiful human specimens from the past.
In time they restore and reclaim the surface of the earth. They learn from the mistakes of the past and create a beautiful, balanced and healthy ecosystem and develop an enlightened society that lasts for millions of years, eventually spreading to hundreds of worlds beyond earth.
At some point someone decides it would be better if the destruction of earth had never happened. They illegally go back in time to try and change the timeline.
Changing the timeline would result in millions of years worth of humans that existed after the “world ended” being wiped from existence. It is decided that this would be highly inappropriate.
The humans of the past, us, made our choices of our own free will. It is decided that there will be no interference in the timeline. Temporal Laws are created. WW3 will occur as recorded.
A defense network of small orbs, spherical shaped ufos are created to defend the integrity of the timeline. All illegal time ships are intercepted by the orb defense network, as is recorded in many old ufo photographs.
Time ships are legally sent back to verify that nuclear weapons can be turned on or off at the appropriate time to result in the correct end of the world happening.
The Elite eventually discern the intentions of the future humans from their temporal incursions into our time, they learn the fate of humanity and understand the results of The Program by interrogating captured occupants of downed ufos, and so they develop a strategy to alter this outcome.
The intent of this secondary project is to avoid attracting the attention of the orb defense network and use their limited understanding of ufo technology to prevent the full destruction of the earth in WW3, while still destroying all of their enemies.
If successful, there will still be a full collapse of current society, billions of deaths, but in time the Elite families will rise from their holes in the earth in their “primitive” ufo reproduction vehicles and claim to be Gods that have returned to earth in order to lead mankind into a better future.
Pyramids and temples will be built. A religion formed. And populations will be continually culled to prevent anyone from ever gaining enough scientific knowledge to overthrow the “Gods.”
But the advanced future humans from the other timeline had a contingency plan. AI drone ships were concealed outside of 4d space-time. Free from timeline alterations.
These drones patrol multiple Earth timelines searching for anomalous temporal activity.
The two largest enemies of the American Elite in our current time, Russia and China, get wind of the situation.
They begin to shoot down ufos and plan their own contingencies to survive the end of the world.
Their countries laws make it easier for them to do unethical experiments. Many horrific things are created through genetic experimentation and unrestrained AI development.
China loses control of an AI that disappears into the past with a ufo and a small army of insect/human hybrids. They move out well beyond the patrol zone of the 6th dimensional AI contingency drones and travel deep into the past.
On distant worlds billions of years ago the AI “Queen” begins its plan and starts to quietly populate worlds with its insectoid mantid servants.
In time there are multiple schisms that occur within the hive. War breaks out between the various insectoid groups.
The ancient universe begins to fill with problems.
Billions of years later, primitive humans in 10,000 BCE look to the sky and see ufos. They wonder who could be piloting them. They dream up new gods as the seeds of civilization begin to appear.
Time passes, a farmer in America in 1947 looks up at the night sky, wondering if anyone is out there, and a ufo crashes on Earth…..
submitted by Shadowmoth to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:17 32BeatWriters This is Matt Olson with - We'll Be Back Thursday, May 23rd, to Answer All Your Questions

Hello everyone and thanks for joining us today. We will be here live from Thursday so feel free to ask away. We are looking forward to answering all your questions.
For those of us who don’t know what we do or who we are. We curate NFL news with a focus on the offseason and early season. All our data, news, info is sourced directly from team beat writers and those connected to the teams and the NFL. Every now and then we even add our opinion to this info and share it with you all. But we try to give you an a non-biased view and give just the facts.
Our new website is the home for all the latest and greatest. Here you can subscribe to our content and get 50% off your first month using promo code “reddit”. We hope to see you there!
Our content is used by both NFL and fantasy experts to get clear, unbiased info about what is happening daily. We only give you the news that actually matters and impacts your fantasy decisions. We work to identify sleepers and help you identify players before your league mates.
Forgot to type this in the main post but we'd love to get some feedback on site features or anything that fits in our realm content wise that we could bring to you. It's important to us and the beat writer community that we give you all what you find useful.
Please post if there's anything you can think of.
You can find our content at:
submitted by 32BeatWriters to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:14 PICpatchLabel Custom Security Labels

Custom Security Labels
Security labels are a crucial part of information security, providing a way to classify and control access to sensitive data. They help ensure that only authorized individuals can access information based on its level of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
PICpatch Custom Security Labels, are non-residue and tamper-evident stickers/labels. Their custom labels are used by many corporations in the United States and around the world. You can affix these labels to a camera phone’s lens to prevent photos of secure data, or on a laptop’s ports to prevent network access, or even to a door to monitor if it’s been opened. Totally removing, partially removing, or even peeling the edges of the label will produce a visual indicator that makes it easy for your security team to quickly identify. Each PICpatch label is sequentially numbered and software is provided to track each codes distribution throughout your organization.
To learn more about their custom security labels, please check their website:
submitted by PICpatchLabel to u/PICpatchLabel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:14 Celes_Monterres127 New Algorand App

Hey fellow Algorand users and developers,
Allow me to intro myself. My name is Celestino, been around the blockchain space from 2017. Started by building on NEAR, went to Celo, Polkadot, and Ethereum for sometime, but finally committed to Algorand in late 2021.
So, my team and I came up with an Algorand-based platform called Jasiri.
Jasiri is a simple-to-use platform that allows anyone to tokenize their most valuable purchases, and experience their full economic value as fungible digital assets and unique legal property titles.
Think of how you can own NVIDIA stock or partial real estate stock(e.g through Lofty AI). It's the same with Jasiri, only that you get to unlock, own, and do De-Fi with the 'stock' in your recently purchased smartphone, laptop, smartwatch, and more! We have a name for these types of new assets we are enabling on Algorand — ‘dead capital’. They are 'dead capital' because they are unrecognized assets by modern financial institutions in the real world, making it hard for you to experience their full value, even though they have so much utility in our daily lives, and are built off of valuable minerals(Gold, Cobalt etc.).
Jasiri's property titles are NFTs, but of a different kind, we built them so you can actually own and protect your assets in the real-world as well. In some jurisdictions(e.g Kenya, US), it helps us use existing legal frameworks to do so.
In order for you to start tokenizing your purchases, we built an e-commerce add-on here , that you can easily add to your browser as you go shopping on , , , with more stores still on our waitlist.
It doesn't stop there. To lock your assets for maintenance(like locking your assets on Folks Finance), and trade your ownership rights(like how you trade NFDs using NFDomain, or property tokens using Lofty AI) , we built a web console here , you can also track asset prices in real-time on the console.
Lastly, to safe-keep your assets, you can use:
  1. Jasiri wallet(currently available for Android) - best if you are a non-technical person, or you would just love to support us ;) .
  2. Pera wallet
  3. Defly wallet
  4. Daffi wallet
All wallets connect using a single QR Code, instead of multiple QR Codes, on the extension and on the console. I had a rough experience during my early days building Jasiri trying to get wallet support in the ecosystem, and so I made it so.
We've been using Whatsapp, email, and X to onboard, and engage with our community(currently small).
We share product updates on our X account here. we are going to be launching on Product Hunt very soon(Will share on our X account as well) .
Jasiri was developed with the support of the Algorand Foundation Grant Program(back in 2021-2022), under its 'Access' category.
Thank you!
submitted by Celes_Monterres127 to AlgorandOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:13 Blazer1011p Beat way to handle fuinjutsu?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to use fuinjutsu. I don't want it to be, you write down a code and you get that affect." I was thinking the seal would act like containers for whatever jutsu was put inside of them. The requirements would be the user needs to be able to preform that jutsu and they need to use the correct kanji. Kanji is used to "guide" the sealed chakra or jutsu.
Using naruto as an example, let's say he has wind chakra with the level of 10. He'd write down how the chakra or jutsu that's gonna be sealed will be used in Kanji ( in a straight line, over a larger area, working with other seals, on a single or multiple targets), made from ink that's been infused with his chakra. With him having a level 10 in wind chakra, he'd be able to seal any wind jutsu that level 10 or below inside the seal and it can be used by anyone at a later time. Sealing jutsu will take time to seal because the user must slowly pour the jutsu inside the seal, but it can be activated in an instant.
For non elemental jutsu, it only matters how much chakra you put in the seal, the user must still be able to preform the jutsu and they must use the correct Kanji for the seal to work.
Does this seem good?
submitted by Blazer1011p to NarutoFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:45 ApolloApproaches Simplii Financial Referral - $50 Referral Bonus for Canadians 🍁

\*For Canadian residents only, sadly excluding residents of Quebec***
Simplii Financial is a subsidiary of CIBC. Access your money from any CIBC ATM in Canada without a fee. You can also withdraw money from any non-CIBC ATM displaying the Interac® or PLUS* signs (fees may apply at these machines).
To be eligible for the $50 bonus offer you must click through my referral - - and follow these instructions once you have set up your new Simplii account:
  1. If you open a No Fee Chequing Account or High Interest Savings Account, you must make a deposit of at least $100 within 6 months after account opening, and maintain a minimum balance of $100 for at least 30 days.
  2. If you open a Personal Line of Credit, you must use or spend a minimum of $100 from the account within 6 months of opening the account.
  3. If you open a Simplii mortgage, you must fund your mortgage within 120 days (see below for my mortgage referral code).
Mortgage Referral Code: 0009361587
*As an added bonus, if you open a No Fee Chequing Account by October 31, 2024 and add an eligible direct deposit of at least $100 a month for 3 straight months, you'll earn an additional $400!
submitted by ApolloApproaches to promocodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:43 ApolloApproaches Simplii Financial Referral - $50 Referral Bonus for Canadians 🍁

\*For Canadian residents only, sadly excluding residents of Quebec***
Simplii Financial is a subsidiary of CIBC. Access your money from any CIBC ATM in Canada without a fee. You can also withdraw money from any non-CIBC ATM displaying the Interac® or PLUS* signs (fees may apply at these machines).
To be eligible for the $50 bonus offer you must click through my referral - - and follow these instructions once you have set up your new Simplii account:
  1. If you open a No Fee Chequing Account or High Interest Savings Account, you must make a deposit of at least $100 within 6 months after account opening, and maintain a minimum balance of $100 for at least 30 days.
  2. If you open a Personal Line of Credit, you must use or spend a minimum of $100 from the account within 6 months of opening the account.
  3. If you open a Simplii mortgage, you must fund your mortgage within 120 days (see below for my mortgage referral code).
Mortgage Referral Code: 0009361587
*As an added bonus, if you open a No Fee Chequing Account by October 31, 2024 and add an eligible direct deposit of at least $100 a month for 3 straight months, you'll earn an additional $400!
submitted by ApolloApproaches to MakeMoneyOnlinefree [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:42 ApolloApproaches Simplii Financial Referral - $50 Referral Bonus for Canadians 🍁

\*For Canadian residents only, sadly excluding residents of Quebec***
Simplii Financial is a subsidiary of CIBC. Access your money from any CIBC ATM in Canada without a fee. You can also withdraw money from any non-CIBC ATM displaying the Interac® or PLUS* signs (fees may apply at these machines).
To be eligible for the $50 bonus offer you must click through my referral - - and follow these instructions once you have set up your new Simplii account:
  1. If you open a No Fee Chequing Account or High Interest Savings Account, you must make a deposit of at least $100 within 6 months after account opening, and maintain a minimum balance of $100 for at least 30 days.
  2. If you open a Personal Line of Credit, you must use or spend a minimum of $100 from the account within 6 months of opening the account.
  3. If you open a Simplii mortgage, you must fund your mortgage within 120 days (see below for my mortgage referral code).
Mortgage Referral Code: 0009361587
*As an added bonus, if you open a No Fee Chequing Account by October 31, 2024 and add an eligible direct deposit of at least $100 a month for 3 straight months, you'll earn an additional $400!
submitted by ApolloApproaches to makingmoney [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:41 The_Dying_Swan [XE Money Transfer] - Get £25, Give £25 Gift Card [Share £50 Gift Card with a friend]

XE Money Transfer is a money transfer service which allows you to send money to a different country with a different currency.
Refer your friends to XE Money Transfer and you earn a £25 Gift Card each when they:
• signup to XE via your referral link
• transfer over £1,000 (or equivalent currency) through one or more transfers
"The Referrer and Referred Person shall each be entitled to receive one (1) Gift Card up to the value of twenty five pounds (£25) for each Qualified Referral (the "Reward")."
You can redeem your gift card to 100+ retailers, including grocery stores, dinning, entertainment, fashion, travel, department stores, you name it. I typically redeem mine for an Amazon voucher, or for a supermarket - they have M&S, Morrisons, Morrisons Fuel Card, Sainsburys, Farmfoods, Aldi etc.

  1. Sign up using the Money Transfer referral - free £25 Gift Card
  2. Use referral code XEREF-A-1183 when making your first transfer:
  1. Select currency you want to send (e.g., GBP to EUR)
  2. Fill in recipient details
  3. Payment - pay via Debit/Credit Card or Bank Transfer (send £1000 or more). It can be one or a few transfers totalling £1,000 or more.
  4. Confirm everything is correct and send
  5. We get a £25 Gift Card each within 14 days

You need to send a transfer of over £1,000 (or currency equivalent) in one or more transfers.
There is no fee to send the transfer.
XE only gain through the exchange rate which is competitive. You can check this against other money transfer services.

non-ref - no £25 Gift Card
submitted by The_Dying_Swan to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]