How to use vibrating ring video

The Dark Souls of subreddits

2013.06.23 01:17 MadeANewAccount The Dark Souls of subreddits

Shitty Dark Souls is a community that celebrates the awesomeness, and often shittiness of the game Dark Souls. Whereas /DarkSouls is a community around Dark Souls that is more discussion oriented in nature, /ShittyDarkSouls is about playful, and charming comics that mock and/or poke fun at Dark Souls.

2012.10.14 13:04 esbenab Make it so

Sharing woodworking plans.

2014.06.23 03:24 The_Comma_Splicer Click and Consume

You know when you sit down for a meal in front of the computer and you just need something new to watch for a bit while you eat? If you search /videos or other places, you'll find mostly short videos. But while you're eating, you don't want to be constantly fumbling around with the mouse, loading video after video. You just want to **Click and Consume**. Discord:

2024.05.21 18:31 Humble-Plankton2217 365 Conditional Access policy for Location - Country or IPs only

I just got new Business Premium licenses to help us tighten down security. We have frequent problems with our end users getting hit by AitM/passthecookie attacks, their MFA "protected" mailboxes get compromised, and criminals send invoices to our customers from our own mailboxes asking them to change ACH numbers and make payments OR use our mailboxes to deliver phish emails. Some of our customers just make the payments and don't even bother to call to verify "hey, I got this request from you to change bank routing numbers and send a $100k payment, is this really from you?"
I am so disappointed. I genuinely thought I'd be able to block sign-ins from all states except the one we do business in using a Conditional Access policy for Location.
But nope - it's only countries, or IP address or IP ranges. I didn't know. Very Pollyanna and ignorant of me.
What good does it even do me when all of our email account compromise issues have had sign-ins from within the US?? Likely bounced through a VPN. Even the tutorial videos on youtube demonstrate how the policy works by switching to another VM that's using a VPN to pretend to be in another country - a perfect demonstration of how absolutely useless a Location policy truly is.
Conditional Access by Location is stupid.
People check email at the office, but also at home and on the road. I can't just restrict it to the office's IP only. They use personal devices to check email that I can't control with Intune, as well. So I don't think I can make a trusted Device policy, either.
FML - time to look at the other security features in Premium now and prepare myself for surprises with what it can't do.
Make fun of me, it's OK. I deserve it because I didn't do enough research. I assumed. Why would I assume IPs are geo-controlled by states? STUPID of me.

submitted by Humble-Plankton2217 to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:31 Frequent-Shock4112 18f Writing group

[18F] Writing buddies, anyone welcome.
I was thinking just now. It would be cool to have a group of teens and young adults express their thoughts/ on society, themselves, etc. and how we can use these thoughts to understand not only ourselves but others, problems and solutions in our world. Especially for minorities/ LGBTQ( I’m African American and pansexual, gender fluid ) who usually don’t have equal access to express themselves this way without being judged or silenced. Hey, I’m Mya and I’ve always liked to write. My great grandma writes books and plays, my mom writes poems, etc. I’ve attempted writing short stories, poems, I love writing essays in class. Now, I mostly write my thoughts down to get a better idea of the person I’m becoming and it’s always good to not get stuck in your way of thinking and always evolve and question ( so, more philosophical). Anyway, writing can be a good outlet for your emotions, thoughts, or just creativity and there is no right or perfect way to do it. Maybe I could make the group on discord so it’ll be easier for people to share or, idk I’m open to suggestions. I’ve also started listing topics that interest me so I can research them and just write what I learned/ my thoughts. ( this is also for introverted people who wanna share their thoughts and interests without an obligation to constantly drain their social battery. Trust me, I get it. We like being around people but it can be too much). I know at our ages we kinda have an idea of who we are but we kinda feel lost still, for me writing even if it’s just random thoughts or idk maybe I watched a video and the ideas made me want to elaborate and add my own thing. It’s really helping me with self discovery. Which discovering and loving myself is what I want to focus on when high school finally ends and I have a gap year.
Thanks for reading and let me know if this is a good idea that you guys are interested in. The group doesn’t have to be big 🥰 ( Ok, I posted this yesterday and I got a few people who were interested so we decided to make the group on discord. Then I started searching for other teen groups on Reddit to let people know) We would like to keep the age between 16-19. I even said people who are 20, 21, 22 would be fine. The people that joined so far are very kind and supportive so don’t be afraid.
submitted by Frequent-Shock4112 to teenwriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:29 Korae 88% Winrate to Mythic - I love my Big Black Deck (necropotence is bad)

88% Winrate to Mythic - I love my Big Black Deck (necropotence is bad)

The Deck

Moxfield Link to the decklist:
Recently, I went on a 30-4 TEAR with mono-black to mythic. Today I'll be providing a write-up on the deck and my thoughts on it so that other members of the community can have a go at playing it.
I personally think that dark ritual and reanimate are two of the best cards in the format, and that black also has the best interaction in the format, so I've spent a lot of time tinkering with Bx or mono-B lists since OTJ dropped. I spent a lot of time trying to make a necropotence build work, until I tried this sheoldred + ring build and saw amazing results. Yes, there's some crazy amount of luck here. An 88% winrate can't last forever. 34 games in an online ladder is almost nothing at the end of the day. But I do want to share the deck, as I'd love to see the community refine and improve this list.

Necropotence is worse than The One Ring

I really do think that this build is superior to Necropotence builds (see my first idea for this deck running necro+some devotion cards ). Necropotence is a very punishing card in this format, and I really don't think its as broken as other people think. In Timeless, Necropotence is balanced by its sharp draw-backs and the high power level of the format. I think that The One Ring is a superior source of card advantage because it provides you protection for a turn, it can mitigate its own downside via the legend rule, and it can pair incredibly well with Sheoldred to stabilize and play the long game. Necropotence, on the other hand, does nothing in multiples (besides providing devotion), completely locks you out of the game if your opponent plays a pithing needle, cannot remove itself via the legend rule when you don't need more card advantage, and can't overcome its own life-loss with Sheoldred (you need to play a bad card like March and hemorrhage card advantage to make up for the life loss here).
As a quick example, I had a game against a primeval titan player where I wasn't able to sufficiently disrupt them, and they turbo'd out a prime time early. My plan was to turbo a turn 2 Sheoldred, but that's still a losing position by itself against the Primeval Titan nut draw. They had an overwhelming board of zombies that would have killed me on the next attack step, and at any moment they could topdeck Natural Order for hoof. I only had a Sheoldred in play and 4 mana available to me, but I get lucky and top-deck a Ring, buying me a turn and gaining life with Sheoldred. After drawing 3 cards with the ring and drawing for turn, I find another ring, and legend rule it for protection again. I draw more cards, another ring, legend rule it again. Opponent died to my Sheoldred triggers and Deathrite Shaman activations before they could even make another attack. A necropotence deck would not win in this situation without playing a suboptimal storm-based win condition like Beseech the Mirror + Tendrils.

Common Turn 1/2 Play-Patterns

I'd like to go over every card inclusion in the deck individually, but first I'd like to first highlight some of the most busted play patterns that will win you games for context. I love this deck because I can have a broken turn 1/2, it can interact with your opponent very well, and it can also grind with the ring. I really think you should mulligan once to try and get an opening hand with a Dark Ritual or a Reanimate if you don't see these cards in your opening 7.
  • Dark Ritual + Troll + Reanimate + Any 1 mana spell - This is the best opening hand you can have. Play your land for turn, dark ritual. If you have a thoughsieze or other 1 mana spell in hand, play it first to clear the way for your cycle+reanimate. Hopefully you'll discard your opponent's interaction or eat a spell piece so that you can cleanly resolve reanimate on Troll. Then use the other two mana to cycle then reanimate your Troll. In this position, you just put a 6/5 into play and disrupted your opponent on turn 1. Or maybe you put a 6/5 AND a deathrite shaman into play. There are very few removal spells in the format that will kill the Troll early, its nearly impossible to block the troll, and its really just 3 attack steps to kill your opponent with the troll in a fetchland format.
  • Dark Ritual + Thoughtsieze + Reanimate - In the blind, this is an interesting decision. You might want to Thoughseize alone and save your Dark Ritual for turn 2 if its game 1 and you have no other information. If you high-roll, you can get your own Atraxa on turn 1. If you low-roll and can't discard a creature, you waste a Dark Ritual. I personally prefer to only cast thoughsieze on turn 1 when I don't have any information on my opponent's hand or deck. I like to save the Dark Ritual for my turn 2 play, where I can act on the information I gained from thoughseizing with 4 mana available to me. The only exception to this is when I have other things to do with the extra Dark Ritual mana. For example, the opener could be Dark Ritual + Thoughtsieze + Reanimate + Bowmasters, where you just cast a turn 1 bowmasters if you don't discard a sweet reanimate target. Or Dark Ritual + Thoughtsieze + Reanimate + DRS + DRS. The flexibility of being able to follow up your Thoughsieze with a reanimate OR a threat based on what you see is what makes this really potent.
  • Dark Ritual + The One Ring/Sheoldred - Combined with a thoughtsieze, this is the second best opening hand the deck can have. I LOVE getting Rings and Sheoldreds out on turn 2. Its how this deck wins games. Clear the way turn 1 with a discard spell, or if you can't use a Deathrite Shaman to bait removal. Then on turn 2, go for your busted ritual turn. If you thoughsiezed turn 1, you can act on the information you gained. If your opponent is holding up a spell pierce, then don't try and turbo out a ring. If they're holding up a mana drain, let them waste their mana and just pass. The Ring will give you card advantage no matter when you play it, so you can be patient against countermagic you can play several dark rituals or threats on later turns to get through counterspells (being able to flash out bowmasters on opponent's end steps is a fantastic way to force them to tap mana to counter or remove it). Sidenote - most players will NOT counter your dark ritual and instead try to mana drain whatever you cast using the dark ritual mana. A way to get around this is to do something like cast Dark Ritual (which doesn't get countered) followed up by a Thoughseize (which they're almost forced to counter) followed up by your real threat.
  • Fair Hands (Deathrite Shaman, Bowmasters) - Wow this deck can play fair magic too! I don't need dark ritual on turn 1 to win! This deck performs great on a basic draw that interacts with your opponent. Turn 1 deathrite shaman, turn 2 discard Harvester to interact, turn 3 Ring. Or turn 1 Thoughsieze, turn 2 bowmasters, turn 3 interaction, turn 4 ring/sheoldred. If you can get to turn 4 in these sorts of games, you're generally going to win as your smother your opponent with card advantage and sheoldred triggers. In some matchups however, you might want to mulligan a slow fair hand if it doesn't interact well with your opponent's strategy.

Individual Cards

Lets go over every card and why I believe it belongs in the deck:
  • Dark Ritual - No explanation needed.
  • Reanimate - Not much explanation needed for this either, beyond the fact that you need at about a dozen enablers to make this card work. An enable is a card that can discard your opponent's creatures, or a way for you to discard your own big creature. We have a dozen exactly - 4 thoughtseize and 8 big creatures that can discard themselves. Plus, all of our other creatures are reasonable backup targets that we're happy to reanimate when the eat a removal spell.
  • Troll of Khazad-Dum - A legacy staple alongside reanimate, it serves the same purpose in this deck. It enables busted turn 1/2 reanimations of a 6/5 pseudo-unblockable creature. It dodges most removal spells in the format. It lets us lower our land count down to just 19. Its also hard-castable with Dark Ritual, similar to how Vein Ripper functions in pioneer by being a cheat target that can also be cast fairly on later turns.
  • Harvester of Misery - Listen up kids this card makes the deck click. I haven't seen anyone else really talking about this card or playing it on ladder. This is a fantastic card that serves multiple roles in the deck. It is an UNCOUNTERABLE targeted removal spell, it is a boardwipe for small creatures, it is a reanimate target that puts itself into the graveyard, and it is a 5 power threat with menace. Oftentimes, you end up discarding this on turn 2 to answer your opponent's cheap threat, and this is a good play to make regardless of whether or not you can reanimate this card. The fact that this removal spell is UNCOUNTERABLE has won me games against slow UBx decks, this is an un-counterable way to kill their bowmasters so you can get drawing cards with your Ring. Harvester's boardwipe potential is also amazing. It cleanly kills Field of the Dead tokens for example. Its discard ability can stack with its ETB if you reanimate it. For example, if your opponent is on Jund with a board of Jarsyl (3/3), bowmasters, and a DRS, you can discard this targeting Jarsyl to shrink it to a 1/1, then reanimate it to wholesale wipe your opponent's board. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE BOARDWIPE IS SYMMETRICAL - playing this guy will kill your own DRS and Bowmasters as well. I sometimes let myself fall behind on board if I'm trying to set up a big play with harvester.
  • The One Ring and Sheoldred - Lumping these together because we know how it works. These are both fantastic cards to play on Turn 2 off a ritual that can win the game. I already went over some scenarios before, and I'm sure we know how it goes by now. As I explained before, I think this package is much better than trying to play Necropotence.
  • Thoughsieze - Premium discard spell in the format, doesn't need much explanation. I will note that I am not playing Duress or Inquisition in the maindeck because they do not synergize as well with Reanimate. If there was another discard spell that could discard big creatures, I would play it. Can I thoughtsieze myself to set up reanimate? No, you're lost in the sauce. Don't do that. Point the card at your opponent please.
  • 1x Demonic Tutor - Its restricted for a reason. I'm not sure how many copies the deck would play if it wasn't restricted, as 4 copies would be a lot. But it helps a lot with consistency in the mid-late game, and I've cast it off a ritual on turn 1 when I went Dark Ritual -> Thoughseize discarding Show + Tell -> DT for Surgical Extraction -> goodbye combo piece.
  • Deathrite Shaman - This card is banned in every other format for a reason. Its a mana accelerant that is also a late-game win condition. It can gain you life in a pinch. Its passive graveyard hate. Mwah.
  • Orcish Bowmasters - This is a very good card that keeps the power level of the deck up. I don't think I need to tell you the pros and cons of bowmasters if you're reading this much about timeless. You will sideboard this card out a lot, it has good matchups and bad matchups. But man is it good in the good matchups. As I stated before, its really good against blue decks, and often can bait out counterspells or removal to clear the way for your real threats.
  • 3 Fatal Push and 1 Sheoldred's Edict - Seems like a pretty good maindeck removal suite. Maybe someone will type an essay on why it should be 4 fatal pushes and 2 edicts. Or how I can get away with less fatal pushes. This is something you can tweak if you pick up the deck.
  • 1 Maindeck Liliana of the Veil - This is a flex spot that I've swapped around a lot. Really, this is just going to become a grief in a month when MH3 drops. Turn 1 lili off a dark ritual breaks a lot of decks backs. I originally had a maindeck Ashiok in this slot, which can also be a backbreaking play against some decks but it did literally nothing against others. This slot is completely flexible, feel free to add another removal spell or your personal pet card.
  • 8 Fetchlands - I do believe you need to run fetchlands to enable your Deathrite Shaman. 8 fetchlands seems to consistently enable its mana ability, and allow me to splash green for its other lifegain ability. These fetches also let me get my utility lands.
  • 1x Underground Mortuary - Surveil land that you will fetch frequently. I am considering running two, but I don't want too many taplands to disrupt my turn 1 Dark Ritual plays. Keep in mind, Troll more or less counts as 4 tap-lands already. Our untapped land count is pretty low for a monocolor deck.
  • 1x Overgrown Tomb - Untapped land for DRS activated ability. You can also put a green card in your sideboard if you wish. I'm not, buy maybe there's a card worth playing. A light splash in on color is pretty free for this deck.
  • 1x Gate of the Black Dragon - This tap land lets you spend 5 mana to "draw a card" once. This is significantly better than drawing a card, as it guarantees you hit a nonland card, and it gets around "draw a card" punishers like Bowmasters. I find myself fetching this and activating this in slower matchups, especially when my opponent is holding up countermagic. I don't activate it super frequently, but its absolutely worth having for the price of one tapped land. FYI Troll can grab this or Mortuary when you cycle it.
  • 1x Takenuma - Pretty free way to buy back your threats. There's not enough effects in this format to punish nonbasic lands for this to not be worth running one copy of.
  • 7 basics - keeps the manabase relatively painless for a fetchland manabase.
Sideboard Cards:
  • 3 Surgical Extraction - This comes in for unfair combo decks only. Use this to rip Show + Tell from your opponent's hand, and then rip it from their deck. Only sideboard these in if you're also sideboarding in your extra discard spells, or if your opponent is filling their own graveyard.
  • 2 Duress + 2 Inquisition of Kozilek - I like having more discard spells in the sideboard. I don't like that these can't hit big creatures to reanimate, but these are for control decks and unfair decks primarily. I'm not sure if the 2/2 split here is correct, or if 4 discard spells in the sideboard is correct. Another discard spell on my radar is Mind Spike which is a duress that lets you draw a card if you "miss" at the cost of 2 life. I've run it before in Death's Shadow lists and it performed well.
  • 2 Path of Peril, 2 Meathook Massacre, and 1 Fatal Push - this is the fair deck sideboard package, which comes in against creature decks as Thoughsiezes come out. I don't always board in all 5 together, and I again don't know if this is the correct combination of spells. Perhaps some Sheoldred's Edicts or some good old fashioned Doom Blade style cards are needed instead. However I will say that both Meathook and Path of Peril have overperformed for me. Dark Ritual can enable a crazy meathook turn, and you can also hide behind The One Ring's protection and watch your opponent build up their board before delivering the boardwipe. Path of Peril lines up really well against Tarmogoyf decks, as Harvester and Meathook can struggle to kill that card. I'm 110% open to other suggestions for these slots.
  • 2 Ashiok, Dream Render - this was originally in the maindeck and got moved out to the sideboard. It can be a BACKBREAKING card to cheat out with a Dark Ritual against some decks. It's also selective graveyard hate, which I really like. I don't like playing Leyline of the Void in this deck because it nerfs my own Reanimates. However, Ashiok lets me choose when to exile my opponent's graveyard, so I can wait until I cast my Reanimate, then active the planeswalker ability. Oftentimes, you just run Ashiok as a static hatepiece for searching libraries and don't active the ability at all.
  • 1 Pithing Needle - this sideboard slot is flexible, needle is a catch-all for random combo decks that rely on activate abilities, and tough planeswalkers to beat. I originally had 2 copies of pithing needle in the sideboard. I can be convinced that its correct to turn 2 copies, and I can also be convinced to put another card in this slot.
I'm also incredibly high on this deck because of the impending addition of Grief to the format. Grief slots perfectly into this deck, and might be the card that catapults this deck to the top. This deck is already incredibly consistent in disrupting your opponent and backing that disruption up with a threat, and Grief will only take it to the next level.


Dark Ritual is busted. You should try this deck and win some games with it. If we all work together, I'm pretty sure we can get Dark Ritual and/or Grief restricted by the end of the summer :^)
submitted by Korae to TimelessMagic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:29 FinalOpus I edited Destiny's notes on "Debate Pervertry"

Inspired by a shitpost mocking Destiny's misuse of "who's," I figured I'd see what else was out there and goddamn. Obviously, I think that the work Destiny is doing to expose common debate strategies or logical fallacies is important, but reading through the section in his notes triggered my grammatical autism. I felt like an outside party reading through it would be a bit confused by some of the wording, so I tried my best to rework this section in a way that would be more clear to the average reader.
I'll edit other sections as well if this doesn't get me banned lmao
Debate Pervertry
1.When you accuse the other side of saying a thing, and instead of allowing the other side to explain or clarify, you immediately launch in on an attack of that particular thing.
1. Quote your opponent without context and immediately attack this statement without allowing the opponent to provide clarification.
2."Show, don't tell."
When you constantly refer to other books, speakers, videos, etc..."sources of authority" that you claim to be familiar with, without contextualizing or demonstrating an understanding of any of that underlying material. You are substituting an appeal to authority for an actual argument.
2. "Show, don't tell."
Substitute a mere reference to a book, speaker, video, etc. in the place of demonstrating your own understanding or synthesis of this source material. Invoke the name of an expert instead of using their work to shape your own argument.
3. When you intentionally say the name of your interlocutor incorrectly.
3. Intentionally referring to your opponent by an incorrect name (please god call this the Bournelli Identity please please)**
5."The Clown Mirror"
Your opponent never seeming to be able to summarize your position, ever. You constantly having to criticize or refuse to accept ANY other characterization of your position.
5. "The Clown Mirror"
The refusal to accept your opponent's summary of your position. Never acknowledge a good faith attempt at characterizing your position under any circumstances.
6.The "Lazy Gardener," or, "Let's not get in the weeds" strategy
Oftentimes, when the opposition is lacking a thorough understanding of what's being said, they will oftentimes attempt to obfuscate away from crucial details by claiming that they "don't want to get into the weeds" or "don't want to get into technicalities", even though these particularly technicalities might be essential to justifying or attacking a particular argument.
6. The "Lazy Gardener," or "Let's not get into the weeds" strategy
When pressed by your opponent on crucial details of your position, brush aside an in-depth discussion of the issue and state "I don't want to get in the weeds" or "let's not get bogged down by technicalities." Dismiss crucial details as distractions to avoid betraying your own surface-level understanding of an issue.
7.The "Deaf Preacher"
When you refuse to engage with the argument and you just make big sweeping moral/virtue signal statements while avoiding any factual response to what was previously said.
7. The "Deaf Preacher"
Launch into a sweeping moral diatribe, praising your own virtues and/or attacking the morals of your opponent. Ignore any statements by your opposition and continue your sermon unphased.
8."Debate Edging"
When you constantly stack descriptive claims one over another that are clearly leading into a certain prescription that you never actually verbalize, causing other people to attack you on a prescriptive claim you've never made and allowing you to refute their arguments without addressing the obvious implications of what you're saying.
8. "Debate Edging"
Stack descriptive statements in such a manner that would lead an average audience to logically assume a prescription without actually saying it directly. Should your opponent assume this prescription as well, ignore the implications of your statements and attack the opponent for making an (oftentimes very reasonable) assumption.
9."Occam's Mallet"
When someone suggests that simply because a party benefited from something (or because they had something to gain something failing) that there must have been some sort of cohesive plot or scheme in order to bring about that particular thing, often involving highly subversive and unethical means.
9. "Occam's Mallet"
Attribute a plot, scheme, or conspiracy to any party which received a benefit from an action or event. Lead the audience to believe that no material benefit can exist without subversive and unethical tactics.
10."Moral Dodgeball"
Accusing someone of holding a different core value simply because you disagree with an applied position that they have.
10."Moral Dodgeball"
Accuse your opponent of holding a different core value simply because you disagree with an applied position they have. (Nothing really to change here!)
11."Robinhood Complex"
Always siding with the less powerful entity in any conflict, simply due to the amount of power both sides are capable of exercising.
11. "Robinhood Complex"
Take the side of the less powerful entity in any conflict by default. Ignore any complicating variables or extenuating circumstances and reduce the issue to an imbalance of power dynamics alone.
12."The Braveheart"
When someone poses a question about how a person should respond in a situation, where it's obvious that the person would need to act in a certain way to protect their interests, but the more privileged debater responds with "Personally, I wouldn't do this..." instead of acknowledging the need for the affected party to respond and protect their interests in a particular way.
  1. "The Braveheart" (I'm actually having a really hard time figuring this one out. Anyone willing to help me out here?)
13."You're being so weird/obsessed!"
When someone does something that you do exactly and then you accuse them of being weird when they do it, e.g. making clips/compilations of what the other person does and then the other community creates something in response.
13. "You're being so weird/obsessed!" (or "Pot, meet Kettle")
Mislead your audience through clips or compilations of your opponent, yet dismiss the opponent as being obsessive should they or their audience respond to your characterization with clips or compilations of their own.
14."Death by a thousand anecdotes"
When someone is incapable of pushing back factually against a heavily data-driven argument and instead relies upon personal (or popular) anecdotes, or unrelated data, to make their point.
14. "Death by a thousand anecdotes"
If your opponent attacks your argument with data, tell a series of personal anecdotes or popular stories rather than provide data of your own.
15. "Tragedy of the Commons Sense"
Basically any time someone invokes common sense because they're unable to explain or justify their position in any other way.
15. Tragedy of the Common Sense"
If unable to explain or justify your position in any way, claim that your argument is simply "common sense" and refuse to elaborate further.
submitted by FinalOpus to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:28 BleepBlimpBop $RILY DD: Long List of Short Seller Claims --- DEBUNKED with proof!

Ever-shifting Short Seller Claims

The short sellers attacking RILY in 2023-2024 have been relentless, with an ever-shifting list of wild accusations.
It's sickening to watch them compile a never-ending list of baseless wild theories and claims to support their short positions, which are demonstrably false. But as each is proved false, they pivot to new claims, and/or change the goalposts.
The sheer volume of shifting claims makes it hard to track how despotic they are with their "platform," and how many falsehoods they've spun. Even for someone who watched it in real-time, for almost a year

Compiled & Debunked

Sunlight kills vampires. To that end, I've compiled a list of (i) claimants (ii) claims (iii) reality (iv) definitive source proving reality.

Why Did They Target RILY?

One of the most vocal short sellers, Nate Koppikar (who also introduced Marc Cohodes to the "opportunity") has a fund Orso Partners. Based on their SEC registration document, this is their investment thesis:
"The Account’s investment objectives are to achieve capital appreciation primarily by identifying and selling short marketable equity securities of underfollowed and complex companies with misleading or corrective disclosures through a research-intensive process. The Account employs a short-biased investment strategy with an emphasis on primarily small to mid-cap companies that are underfollowed and complex (i.e., companies with market capitalizations of less than $5 billion which the market does not yet have a wellformed bull and/or bear perspective)."
RILY fits their description. The icing on the cake was the relatively large market cap, and the relatively small float. Given extremely high insider ownership (32.9% of shares per the proxy), and limitations on when and how insiders can trade, the "free float" of the stock (i.e., the shares that regularly trade) is very small for the size of the company. Moreover, the setup would only get better - given insiders have consistently used their free cash to buy additional shares hand-over-fist (further reducing the float).
That meant, with relatively small amounts of capital, the short sellers could shove around the stock price. That ability to move price opens another profit avenue - taking large derivative positions (buying puts, and selling calls), and shoving the price (or allowing it to drift up) to profit all along the way. It looked so good, the stock has been the highest-shorted on the US indices for several months. Even after the release of the 10-K, shares remain "hard to borrow" with elevated borrow fees.

Debunked Claims

The claims made by vocal short sellers could fill a book. Most were outrageous and fanciful when they were proposed. Virtually all have objectively debunked. This isn't a comprehensive list, as their claims are too numerous and varied. But it paints an illuminating picture.
With a track record this poor, one would expect the short sellers to exit - rather than continuing to spin new narratives. Perhaps the continued attacks are their exit strategy to avoid bankruptcy... Well, #Bullish.
With the highest short interest of all US stocks (albeit likely decreased from the highs of ~76% of the float), I think this is more than ripe for a return to fair value - or well above, if a short squeeze occurs.
Note that the list below deliberately excludes three types of posts/claims from the short sellers:
A) Juvenile personal attacks and attempts to character assassinate and dox a long list of people (RILY CEO, RILY new hires, RILY clients, Marcum the auditor, Marcum's lead audit professional, any firm or individual publicly posting a bull thesis on RILY, etc.).
B) Those that make no objective claims, but simply exist as a product of malicious degeneracy (like pictures of roasted pigs in ovens labeled Bryant Riley the CEO, photoshopped pictures of the CEO in prison chains next to convicted felons, video of an obese woman barely able to walk being gored by a bull labeled Mrs. Riley the CEO's wife, etc.).
C) Those that are impossible for short sellers to know, and impossible to objectively verify (e.g., Marc Cohodes claiming a single RILY trader front runs the CEOs personal short trades in front of clients taking following the firm's bullish advice on those stocks, to guarantee profits).
Claimant Claim Reality
1) Wolfpack Wolfpack “RILY will record investment losses of up to ~$700 million in 2023” FALSE 10-K FALSE
2) Wolfpack “new loan to CORZQ will work out just as badly as the last and end in default (again) before June 2023” FALSE Repaid in full, early, on 1/6/2024.
3) Wolfpack “The coupon rate on RILY’s seven issues of baby bonds ranges from 5% to 6.75%, which we believe to be far too low to compensate investors for the existential risk that accompanies these securities.” FALSE Full redemption of May 2024 came early. Far more than sufficient cash to cover debt payments.
4) Wolfpack “According to our analysis, 4 of RILY’s largest 7 corporate borrowers with outstanding loan balances of $295.3 million are at a high risk of default, or in the case of CORZQ, is already in default.” FALSE a. Core Scientific Inc. repaid early and in full ($111MM of the “risk”) b. Exela Technologies repaid term loan in full ($55.8MM of the “risk”) c. Arena Group Holdings debt retired in full ($99MM of the “risk”). Publicly disclosed in the most recent 10-K for each company (search for "Riley" in the filing)
5) Wolfpack “RILY’s NAV is Far Below the $1.1 Billion Minimum NAV Requirement That Is Required for the Nomura Credit Agreement Putting RILY at Risk of Collapse in 2023” FALSE RILY is in full compliance with the Nomura credit agreement. Moreover, reflecting the strength of the relationship, Nomura even granted a no-fee extension when the 10-K filing was delayed. Also see 10-K for current status.
6) Wolfpack “Over $200 Million of the Goodwill and Intangible Assets on RILY’s Balance Sheet is Attributable to its Telecom Rollup, which is Centered on Dial-up and DSL Internet:” - criticizing them as dying businesses with no value FALSE Segment is extremely valuable. From just 2020 to 2023, the communications segment has returned over $212.2MM in adjusted EBITDA.
7) Nate Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) + Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate), Various RILY committed fraud with loans and closing the FRG acquisition. "The fact $RILY closed the FRG deal while hiding the Kahn loan - an all PIK defaulted loan backed by $FRG shares - is a Hall of Fame worthy act of fraud. I thought after Enron/Sarbox we couldn't have something like this happen in US markets." FALSE A law firm led an internal investigation, and an independent external investigation both found “The review confirmed what the Company previously disclosed: that the Company and its executives, including Bryant Riley, had no involvement with, or knowledge of, any of the alleged misconduct concerning Prophecy.” “The results of the independent investigation confirmed that the Company and its executives had no involvement with, or knowledge of, any of the alleged misconduct concerning Mr. Kahn or any of his affiliates. This independent investigation was conducted subsequent to the Company's February 22, 2024 disclosure of the internal review performed with the assistance of Sullivan & Cromwell LLP as outside counsel.” Also see 10-K
8) Marc Cohodes (AlderlaneEggs), ParrotCapital, Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate), Various The 10-K will never be filed. They can't produce audited financials. FALSE Audited 10-K was filed. Delay was due to Audit committee fulfilling its responsibilities and proactively conducting investigations (internal and external).
9) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) + Nate Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) + Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate) + ParrotCapital Sullivan and Cromwell knew about Massive Fraud, and did a "sham investigation" FALSE Sullivan and Cromwell is one of the most respected law firms, in the US and worldwide. "Sullivan & Cromwell continues to lead all law firm advisers in announced and completed global deals in 2023, according to Bloomberg and LSEG. The Firm advised on global announced deals totaling more than $345 billion, representing a 12.1 percent market share, per Bloomberg, and on completed global deals totaling more than $431 billion, representing a 16.9 percent market share, per LSEG." They're not compromising themselves for a relatively small client.
10) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs), Nate Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear), Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate), Parrot Capital Marcum is enabling Massive Fraud FALSE Marcum is a respected audit firm, and 13th largest by revenue. "Marcum LLP advanced into the Top 15 in the 2023 Vault Accounting list of top-ranked accounting firms. Marcum climbed six levels to the No. 13 ranking overall and earned a ranking of 14 in prestige. The Firm also won Top 20 rankings across all Practice Area, Quality of Life, and Diversity categories, including several new classifications added this year."
11) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) Nomura is enabling Massive Fraud FALSE Nomura is a global financial services company, and the oldest brokerage firm in Japan. They operate in a highly regulated industry. They're not putting themselves on the line for a relatively small client.
12) Parrot Capital "The list of $RILY enablers is massive: Marcum LLP, Sullivan and Cromwell, Seeking Alpha, Holbrook Holdings, $AX Axos Bank, Many, many more." FALSE There's no global conspiracy whereby these companies - all respected law firms, auditors, banks, and media outlets - are collectively colluding to enable RILY to commit fraud. Requires only two brain cells and one functioning synapse to know there's no grand collusion cabal between these disparate companies.
13) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs), Jonathan Weil at WSJ Franchise Group shares used to secure Kahn loan: "It is unclear whether Kahn pledged the same shares twice—to both Prophecy and B. Riley." FALSE As stated by the company, Simple UCC search disproves this. UCC # 202302295747
14) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) “Bryant Riley is on the Road, telling people the ‘audit partner at Marcum left’ and that ‘I have made mistakes’ “ FALSE Marcum audit partner was working on the audit the whole time; the original audit partner had hit the 5yr SEC rule, so he was never working on this year’s audit.
15) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) "So it turns out James La Rocca was Fired by MarcumLLP If nothing was wrong with prior $RILY Audits, why is he gone? This will be great in discovery of what exactly went on. FALSE Marcum audit partner was working on the audit the whole time; the original audit partner had hit the 5yr SEC rule, so he was never working on this year’s audit.
16) Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) “So Bryant Riley did disseminate MNPI back in March” in response to Cohodes claim that he told people the Marcum partner left FALSE Cohodes claimed Bryant Riley was telling people the Marcum auditor left. Koppikar called that disseminating MNPI. Cohodes statement was false (and thus Koppikar's derivate claim is also false). A different auditor worked on RILY, as Marcum follows the SEC rules; the lead auditor can only serve the client for 5 consecutive years. As such, Koppikar’s derivative claim of disseminating MNPI is false.
17) Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) “He appears to still not be familiar with the voting interest model of consolidation… why is a life science and tech partner signing an extremely complex investment company / broker dealer audit ???” i.e., auditor is unqualified FALSE The auditor is fully qualified. Marcum is a highly respected auditor; they don't hire unqualified people, or assign them to clients they're unqualified to audit. RILY is continuing to use Marcum as the 2024 auditor.
18) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) "Now that the $RILY dividend is going away, this omission is serious stuff" FALSE The dividend did not go away. It was reduced from $1.00/share to $0.50/share, to allow them to opportunistically allocate capital. 23Q4 and 24Q1
A sampling of the source claims listed above can be found in the images embedded in this post, with additional claims found here and here and and . form ADV. Additional claims can be sourced on the various social media venues and websites utilized by the short sellers. This is not financial advice. All claim summarizations reflect my interpretation of the short seller claims, and should be verified against original sources, along with all counters. Due to Reddit image attachment limits, not all source images are included (but any missing can be found on TwitteX or other publicly available sources).
submitted by BleepBlimpBop to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:27 SLAVKINGRED_078 what is this and how do i go back?

what is this and how do i go back? submitted by SLAVKINGRED_078 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:27 Maalenheim [A3][EU][Recruiting][18+][New Player Friendly] 7th Ranger Group

About the 7th Ranger Group [7R]

We are an international Arma 3 Milsim community officially founded in 2016, with roots dating back to 2013. We are based in Europe, with members from all over the world. As a community we strive to overcome challenges together by coordinated team play. To achieve this we rely on planning, communication and deployment of adapted military tactics and procedures. While we aim to provide an immersive, realistic experience, fun gameplay is not forgotten.

Our take on Milsim

We apply military procedures to establish a coordinated and team play focused environment. This does not mean realism at all costs. While we do not utilize an extensive rank structure, respecting the ingame chain of command is required, as well as following standard operating procedures and having adequate discipline. Communication and capacity for teamwork are crucial.
To ensure an immersive experience we regulate equipment and use first person view only. We use a modified ACE advanced medical system. Furthermore, we do not have an extensive ORBAT or dedicated roles. In general all specialized roles are entrusted to members who are capable of fulfilling them, supported by our diverse qualification system. While we are mainly a light infantry unit, we dynamically integrate a wide range of other assets into our composition based on mission requirements.

About our operations

Our Expectations

We are looking for mature people who share our enthusiasm for overcoming challenges using tactical team play. We do not expect any previous experience and will gladly support each new member with a will to improve on their journey forward.
With our training pipelines, we provide an accessible environment for both experienced and inexperienced players. Every new member will undergo a training program which teaches the required individual skills as well as our standard operating procedures, ensuring a smooth transition into our unit. At the end of a trial period, each Recruit has to complete our Infantry Qualification Course to become a full member.


About mods

We, like many other units out there, use a collection of mods to improve and expand the base game. Some of these mods have been further customized to better suit our needs. Size of the modset is currently around 70 GB, and we use Steam Workshop to distribute and keep it synced.

How to join

Please read the general information and then fill an application on our Discord. Once a Recruiter has reviewed it, he will contact you through Discord and invite you to our Teamspeak to have a chat. If we are what you are looking for and vice versa, you will get further access to all the needed resources to be able to join our operations.

For more information

submitted by Maalenheim to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:25 Consumed2010 Total Shuffled Drama - Basic Straining

Disclaimer: I have switched back to the main subreddit, so aside from three, maybe four of you, you’re probably missing out on some context. If you’d like to be all caught up, you can comb through the previous episodes on my profile.
Emma - 2
Katie - 1
Props to u/Proofracer for coming up with plot points
At the campfire ceremony, Chris attempts to build suspense by reminding the campers about the safety of a marshmallow, but Heather insists he get on with it, so the moment is cut short. Chris calls on Shawn, Zoey and Max before tossing them all a marshmallow. He then gives Owen and Heather one each, leaving Emma and Katie. Both Emma and Heather shoot angry looks at Katie, making her feel a tad worried, but Chris gives her the last marshmallow and deems Emma eliminated, causing her to have an outburst at Heather.
Emma: I knew I couldn’t trust you! You’re a backstabbing snake!
Heather: Please, as if I’d betray you this early. If I had any say, you’d still be here for a few more weeks.
Emma: Then, how?
Katie: It’s not just me who’d been fed up with how mean you’ve become. We don’t want a second Heather on this team. No offense.
Heather: Offense taken.
As Emma walks the dock of shame and the rest of the Screaming Gophers disperse, Chris turns to the camera to say his outro.
Chris: Will Max finally do something actually evil? How much longer can Heather keep her alliance afloat? And what will Damien do once he finds out about Bunny’s replacement? Find out next time, on Total Drama Island!
In-world votes:
Emma - Katie, Owen, Max, Shawn
Katie - Heather, Zoey, Emma
Basic Straining
The episode opens with Duncan using his knife to carve a skull into the wall of the Bass cabin when Axel exits the cabin. She scoffs at him, but before she can leave, Duncan attempts to apologize for how he’s treated her in the past. Axel stops to think for a second, but she sees through Duncan’s lie and leaves anyway.
Duncan: Of course I didn’t mean what I said to Axel, but Trent and Sammy are too loyal to one another, and Damien’s essentially attached himself to Dawn. Sadly this means that Axel is the only person I have a chance to ally with, so I need to get back on her good side.
Meanwhile at the Gophers cabin, Katie is sitting dejectedly on the front steps when Owen comes over to cheer her up.
Owen: Are you still bummed out about poisoning me? It’s okay, I know it was an accident.
Katie: That’s only half the problem. Emma got so mad at me for it, and now apparently I brought a cursed item to the team.
Owen: You mean your tiki souvenir? Are you sure it’s cursed?
Katie: Apparently it’s from Boney Island, so I’d say it’s pretty cursed.
Owen: Well, you don’t have to get rid of it, if that’s what you’re worried about. It may be cursed, but it’s still yours. I say you should keep it to remember this show by.
Katie: Thanks Big-O.
Owen: You know what? Let's prove Emma wrong. If you try your best this time, I’m sure you’d do way better at the challenge than you think!
Just then, the loudspeakers turn on, but instead of Chris, it’s Chef Hatchet who orders the campers to meet him at the docks for their next challenge. At the docks, Chef is dressed in a military uniform and starts barking orders at the campers about fixing their forms, with the one exception being Axel, whose form he deems “surprisingly average”. Chef then goes over today’s challenge. The teams will go through Chef’s grueling boot camp and drop out one by one until the last person remaining wins immunity for their team. Heather asks Chef what happened to Chris, but he ignores it and starts going over further rules, like how everyone will have to address him as Master Chief, and that no one eats or sleeps unless he says so.
Axel: I was never trained in the military, but I’m adept in most fields of work Master Chief could go over, so this will be a breeze.
For the first part of the boot camp, each team must carry a canoe, and will continue to do so until someone drops out and rings a bell on the dock. Owen and Trent each make a remark about how easy the challenge sounds, but by noon, everyone is starting to feel the heat.
Chris and Chef are sitting on top of the canoes while taunting the campers about missing lunch. This causes Owen to think about quitting, but Max catches on and tells him not to.
The Bass are still holding up strong, so Duncan tries to talk to Axel again. He says that he knows she hates him, but they’re both stuck between the two couples and need each other. This causes Axel to angrily reply that she’d take her chances with the others over him, leaving Duncan beginning to get annoyed. However, Trent overhears the conversation and begins to look worried.
As night rolls through, the campers are all tired, especially Owen, who has fallen asleep with his arms still holding onto the canoe. Chef is recalling a story from his military days, and Heather asks him what war he was in, causing him to shout at her. Heather then turns to Shawn and tries to strike up a conversation with him.
Heather: Hey Zombie Boy, how do you feel about joining my alliance?
Shawn: Wait what? You’re kidding, right?
Heather: You and Emma were friends, yes?
Shawn: Sure, but that doesn’t mean I trust you. What happened to getting payback on me for locking you in the freezer?
Heather: You could trust me if you were in my alliance. With Emma gone, I’m missing a member of the alliance, and if you join, you won’t be in as bad a spot as you are now.
Shawn: Oh, and what is that supposed to mean?
Heather: Think about it. I didn’t vote Emma off, she got herself eliminated. If the team knew you worked with her, maybe they’d vote you out too. Especially since you’re such a big threat without any allies. With me, I could protect you, plus I won’t plot against you anymore.
Shawn: You were plotting against me?
Heather: That’s besides the point. Just think about it.
Later, Chef has finished bragging about his line of duty just in time for Max to decide he isn’t going to stand in one spot anymore. Much to his teammate’s dismay, he walks down the dock and rings the bell, thus allowing the contestants to drop their canoes. Chef insults Max through his megaphone before ordering everyone else to go to the mess hall to eat dinner, getting Owen excited.
In the cafeteria, Chef announces that everyone will get only ten minutes to eat before he starts night training, which gains him a lot of complaints. Damien asks him where the food is, and Chef gestures to a row of trash cans filled with leftover garbage from breakfast, which only causes more complaining. Owen, however, doesn’t discriminate against the disgusting food and eats some anyway. Chris then invites Chef to eat at the craft services tent, leaving the teams to themselves.
Trent meets with Sammy and tells her about what he heard between Duncan and Axel. He says that Duncan has a point and that since nobody really likes Duncan, Axel would be the deciding vote between them and Dawn and Damien. Hearing this, Sammy comes up with an idea, and suggests winning Axel over ahead of time so that she’s with them. Trent likes the idea, so Sammy goes over to talk with Axel. They have a friendly conversation, and Sammy offers Axel the least disgusting food she can find in the trash, to which Axel declines. Sammy then returns to Trent to talk about other ways to win Axel over.
Damien was watching Sammy’s conversation with Axel, and realises what she and Trent were trying to do, so he walks over to Dawn to talk with her.
Damien: I hate to say this, but we’re going to have to start getting extra votes against Trent and Sammy
Dawn: But why? Wouldn’t we just vote Duncan?
Damien: No, that’s not- I mean, after Duncan’s gone, all that’s left of the Killer Bass is us, them, and Axel. And I think they know that too, because they’re trying to bond with her.
Dawn: Yes, Axel is stuck in between the four of us. I’m not very worried though. I’m good friends with her.
Damien: I know, but we should start getting closer so that if need be, Axel will vote with us instead of them.
Damien then digs through the trash and finds a carrot that is half eaten, but otherwise clean. He decides to save it for Bunny, before noticing that Dawn looks unsure of something. He asks her what’s wrong and she brushes it off as having missed Bunny while it was gone. Damien is happy with this answer and tells Dawn that he knew she and Bunny would get along well, but this only makes her feel worse.
Dawn: Bunny left Damien, but I still don’t know why Duncan found a replacement. Duncan is not to be trusted, but I don’t know how to break the news to Damien that Bunny’s really gone.
We then cut to the next part of the boot camp, which is to repeat Chef’s suspiciously Triller-esque dance routine. The dancing goes on for a while until it’s interrupted when Duncan shuts off the music. Chef angrily asks him what he’s doing so Duncan reminds him about how once someone drops out the training ends. Chef says that they’ll be done when he says they’re done, before forcing Duncan to do push-ups.
Next up, write a three hundred word essay about how much you love Chef, being eliminated if you fall asleep or fail to reach the minimum word count. Owen and Katie are discussing ways to pad out their essays while cracking jokes to make each other laugh. Seeing the two of them bonding, Shawn turns back to his own essay looking a little less confident.
Duncan takes a break from doing the challenge to try and persuade Axel to join him again. She snaps at him and tells him to get lost, but Duncan mentions Shawn, which gets her attention.
Duncan: Let’s face it, everybody knows you like Shawn.
Axel: So? If you want to mock me about it, expect a fight!
Duncan: No, I’m saying that you two are pathetic. Neither one of you ever makes a move! Watching you two is like watching a car crash in slow motion.
Axel: (Sarcastically) Thanks for the advice, Dr. Love.
Duncan: You need a wingman, badly. So it’s going to be me.
Axel: Why would I ever listen to you?
Duncan: Because if you and Shawn are ever going to be a thing, you need me.
Axel: Fine. But if you pull anything you’ll leave this island in a cast.
Duncan gets Axel to close the deal with a handshake before returning back to working on the challenge. Later, Chef returns to pick up the essays, and eliminates both Trent and Zoey for falling asleep. As for everyone else, their essays meet the requirement, although Duncan’s is just one sentence with 289 verys in between. On his way out of the cafeteria, Chef slips in a puddle of Owen’s drool from him being half asleep, and Duncan offers to clean him off. This causes Chef to yell at him again, and the rest of the Bass stop Duncan from saying anything more, lest he get them all in trouble.
The next evening, the training continues, as Chef forces the campers to run an obstacle course until everyone can do it in less than a minute. As they climb a wooden wall, Axel asks Duncan for advice and he tells her she should get Shawn’s attention by showing off her survival skills in the course. Axel takes the advice and waits for Shawn to reach the top of the wall before jumping off and doing acrobatic tricks in midair. This catches Shawn’s eye, who shows off some tricks of his own in return.
The obstacle course causes trouble for some of the other campers, as Owen gets stuck while jumping through a tire, getting him eliminated. On top of that, Damien falls flat on his face when climbing the wall. He pukes up some mud, and is coughing and sputtering, so Chef eliminates him too and sends him to the infirmary.
After going through a montage of campers falling into the mud or otherwise failing, we see Katie struggle to clear a rope swing. She remembers what Owen told her and tries it again, only to clear it easily. She cheers for herself before continuing to run the course.
While crawling through the mud, Sammy reaches a deep spot and starts sinking. Duncan passes while mocking her, only to come across an angry Chef. He gives Duncan more pushups, but Duncan just thanks Chef before kissing him on the nose. This sends Chef off the edge and he announces that Duncan will spend the rest of the night in solitary confinement in the boathouse. This causes everyone to gasp, but Duncan asks how bad it could be, before we cut to him sitting in the boathouse regretting that comment.
In the cafeteria, the contestants remaining in the boot camp are being fed rock hard gruel. Dawn sits down next to Axel, intending to win her over, but Axel is the one to talk first. She explains to Dawn how Duncan is working as a wingman for her and Shawn, and while Dawn is happy for Axel, she reminds her about how Duncan is untrustworthy. She talks about how he replaced Bunny when it left Damien, and that she thinks he has a secret agenda behind everything. Axel agrees with Dawn but leaves to get more advice from Duncan anyway.
Heather finds the gruel Chef has served her to be well past unappetizing, and chooses to instead try to persuade Shawn again. She points out how close Owen, Katie and Max have become, and that since she still has Zoey, they’ll go after him first. After careful consideration, Shawn caves and agrees to work with her. But he specifies that while he will do what’s required for her to protect him, he will not associate himself as a member of her alliance. Despite this, Heather is still pleased by the news, and leaves to get some sleep.
In the boathouse, Axel finds Duncan sweeping the floors to pass the time.
Duncan: Did you get General Crazy angry at you too?
Axel: No, I’m here so you can make good on our deal. What’s some more advice you have?
Duncan: Really? You can’t be so desperate that you need my help for every single thing.
Axel: Then what do you want me to do then? This was entirely your idea!
Duncan: Just ask Shawn out. Maybe set up a date or something. But if you just sit there and don’t talk to him I promise you that nothing good will happen. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to mess with Chef.
Duncan then leaves despite Chef’s orders and heads towards the craft services tent, leaving Axel behind wondering what she could do.
In the Gophers cabin, Katie visits Owen, who congratulates her on doing so well in the boot camp. Katie is ecstatic at her performance and thanks him for giving her the pep talk. Max, while also happy for Katie, insists that “Evil has better things to do than make friends” as he works on something secret in his bunk bed. Owen tells Katie that he thinks she can win the entire challenge, but to this Katie is still a bit skeptical.
The remaining Bass return to their cabin to find Trent and Damien playing cards on the front steps, and inside Dawn finds various snacks left in a big pile on her bed. She’s confused how it got there, but is happy to finally find something edible, so she invites everybody on both teams to hang out and eat the food. As the eleven of them dig in, they discuss how insane Chef is for making them do full on combat training, with only Shawn, Axel, and surprisingly Katie enjoying the challenge. Eventually the relaxation is ruined when Chef barges in and orders everyone in the Killer Bass to line up outside. He announces that the food they were dining on was stolen from the craft services tent, and that he was tipped off that it was one of them because the perpetrator left a raw bass in the fridge. Dawn confesses that she found it on her bed, but before she can explain herself Chef automatically eliminates her from the boot camp and confiscates the rest of the food.
Chef starts the last part of the boot camp the next morning, which is to hang upside-down from a tree until only one person is left. The last campers left are Sammy, Duncan and Axel for the Bass, and Shawn, Heather and Katie for the Gophers. Axel confronts Duncan about what he did, and he admits he stole Chris and Chef’s food, left a bass behind as a calling card and dumped the food on the first bed he found. Axel is pissed at him for getting Dawn in trouble with Chef and cuts the deal between them, causing Duncan to tell her that he never really cared.
Duncan: Okay, maybe I went a little too far, but I’ve always found a way to stay in the game. Surely this will be no different, right?
Chef rants about the side effects of being upside down, and as he goes over each one, someone gets it, causing them to fall off the tree. Eventually it’s down to Axel and Katie, with Dawn cheering on Axel while Owen motivates Katie. Axel looks between Dawn and Duncan, and is visibly conflicted, while Katie’s starting to get dizzy. But just as she’s about to fall, Axel jumps off first, meaning the Screaming Gophers win. Katie then falls off the tree before being enveloped in a bear hug by Owen. Chef congratulates Katie, saying he’d go to war with her anytime, but she gets mixed messages from the complement.
Duncan scolds Axel, saying she lost the challenge for them. But she snaps at him in front of everyone.
Axel: You are not fit to be on this island! You essentially threw two challenges, ridiculed me the entire game, and now got Dawn disqualified just because you wanted to prank Chef! So excuse me if I want you out!
Duncan snaps back at her before storming off, and for the first time in a while, Axel looks relieved. Dawn then comes up to her with Damien telling her that she did the right thing. Afterwards, Damien asks Dawn if she only said that to get Axel on their side, gaining an annoyed look from her. Seeing this, he backtracks and says that they should help Axel like real friends, and is relieved when Dawn nods her head in agreement.
Vote off a Killer Bass and come up with any plot points you want to see later.
submitted by Consumed2010 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:24 Responsible_Ad1711 Finally figured out the touchscreen feature for lightgun games on my R4P

For weeks I was trying to figure out how to use the touchscreen for lightgun games on my R4P. I was trying different settings via Retroarch but it didn’t seem to work to a point I was getting annoyed. It wasn’t until I watch a certain video on YouTube where the person just demonstrating the different types of shooting game on Retroarch but when they showed the changes to the setting it popped a lightbulb on my head.
The first test I tried was T2 the arcade game for genesis and holy cow it worked!!
The second one was Lethal Enforcers for Sega CD and boom goes the dynamite!!
Overall, I did everything right in the beginning the only thing I forgot to do is change controller port 2 to menacer(genesis)or justifier if it’s Konami game.
The next one to tackle is the game Point Blank via Duckstation which is another one I have troubled. If I can’t get it to work on Duckstation I’m wondering if I should try it on Retroarch.
Hopefully this helps to anyone else having trouble like I was.
submitted by Responsible_Ad1711 to retroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:23 BleepBlimpBop $RILY: Long List of Short Seller Claims --- DEBUNKED

Ever-shifting Short Seller Claims

The short sellers attacking RILY in 2023-2024 have been relentless, with an ever-shifting list of wild accusations.
It's sickening to watch them compile a never-ending list of baseless wild theories and claims to support their short positions, which are demonstrably false. But as each is proved false, they pivot to new claims, and/or change the goalposts.
The sheer volume of shifting claims makes it hard to track how despotic they are with their "platform," and how many falsehoods they've spun. Even for someone who watched it in real-time, for almost a year

Compiled & Debunked

Sunlight kills vampires. To that end, I've compiled a list of (i) claimants (ii) claims (iii) reality (iv) definitive source proving reality.

Why Did They Target RILY?

One of the most vocal short sellers, Nate Koppikar (who also introduced Marc Cohodes to the "opportunity") has a fund Orso Partners. Based on their SEC registration document, this is their investment thesis:
"The Account’s investment objectives are to achieve capital appreciation primarily by identifying and selling short marketable equity securities of underfollowed and complex companies with misleading or corrective disclosures through a research-intensive process. The Account employs a short-biased investment strategy with an emphasis on primarily small to mid-cap companies that are underfollowed and complex (i.e., companies with market capitalizations of less than $5 billion which the market does not yet have a wellformed bull and/or bear perspective)."
RILY fits their description. The icing on the cake was the relatively large market cap, and the relatively small float. Given extremely high insider ownership (32.9% of shares per the proxy), and limitations on when and how insiders can trade, the "free float" of the stock (i.e., the shares that regularly trade) is very small for the size of the company. Moreover, the setup would only get better - given insiders have consistently used their free cash to buy additional shares hand-over-fist (further reducing the float).
That meant, with relatively small amounts of capital, the short sellers could shove around the stock price. That ability to move price opens another profit avenue - taking large derivative positions (buying puts, and selling calls), and shoving the price (or allowing it to drift up) to profit all along the way. It looked so good, the stock has been the highest-shorted on the US indices for several months. Even after the release of the 10-K, shares remain "hard to borrow" with elevated borrow fees.

Debunked Claims

The claims made by vocal short sellers could fill a book. Most were outrageous and fanciful when they were proposed. Virtually all have objectively debunked. This isn't a comprehensive list, as their claims are too numerous and varied. But it paints an illuminating picture.
With a track record this poor, one would expect the short sellers to exit - rather than continuing to spin new narratives. Perhaps the continued attacks are their exit strategy to avoid bankruptcy... Well, #Bullish.
With the highest short interest of all US stocks (albeit likely decreased from the highs of ~76% of the float), I think this is more than ripe for a return to fair value - or well above, if a short squeeze occurs.
Note that the list below deliberately excludes three types of posts/claims from the short sellers:
A) Juvenile personal attacks and attempts to character assassinate and dox a long list of people (RILY CEO, RILY new hires, RILY clients, Marcum the auditor, Marcum's lead audit professional, any firm or individual publicly posting a bull thesis on RILY, etc.).
B) Those that make no objective claims, but simply exist as a product of malicious degeneracy (like pictures of roasted pigs in ovens labeled Bryant Riley the CEO, photoshopped pictures of the CEO in prison chains next to convicted felons, video of an obese woman barely able to walk being gored by a bull labeled Mrs. Riley the CEO's wife, etc.).
C) Those that are impossible for short sellers to know, and impossible to objectively verify (e.g., Marc Cohodes claiming a single RILY trader front runs the CEOs personal short trades in front of clients taking following the firm's bullish advice on those stocks, to guarantee profits).
Claimant Claim Reality
1) Wolfpack Wolfpack “RILY will record investment losses of up to ~$700 million in 2023” FALSE 10-K FALSE
2) Wolfpack “new loan to CORZQ will work out just as badly as the last and end in default (again) before June 2023” FALSE Repaid in full, early, on 1/6/2024.
3) Wolfpack “The coupon rate on RILY’s seven issues of baby bonds ranges from 5% to 6.75%, which we believe to be far too low to compensate investors for the existential risk that accompanies these securities.” FALSE Full redemption of May 2024 came early. Far more than sufficient cash to cover debt payments.
4) Wolfpack “According to our analysis, 4 of RILY’s largest 7 corporate borrowers with outstanding loan balances of $295.3 million are at a high risk of default, or in the case of CORZQ, is already in default.” FALSE a. Core Scientific Inc. repaid early and in full ($111MM of the “risk”) b. Exela Technologies repaid term loan in full ($55.8MM of the “risk”) c. Arena Group Holdings debt retired in full ($99MM of the “risk”). Publicly disclosed in the most recent 10-K for each company (search for "Riley" in the filing)
5) Wolfpack “RILY’s NAV is Far Below the $1.1 Billion Minimum NAV Requirement That Is Required for the Nomura Credit Agreement Putting RILY at Risk of Collapse in 2023” FALSE RILY is in full compliance with the Nomura credit agreement. Moreover, reflecting the strength of the relationship, Nomura even granted a no-fee extension when the 10-K filing was delayed. Also see 10-K for current status.
6) Wolfpack “Over $200 Million of the Goodwill and Intangible Assets on RILY’s Balance Sheet is Attributable to its Telecom Rollup, which is Centered on Dial-up and DSL Internet:” - criticizing them as dying businesses with no value FALSE Segment is extremely valuable. From just 2020 to 2023, the communications segment has returned over $212.2MM in adjusted EBITDA.
7) Nate Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) + Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate), Various RILY committed fraud with loans and closing the FRG acquisition. "The fact $RILY closed the FRG deal while hiding the Kahn loan - an all PIK defaulted loan backed by $FRG shares - is a Hall of Fame worthy act of fraud. I thought after Enron/Sarbox we couldn't have something like this happen in US markets." FALSE A law firm led an internal investigation, and an independent external investigation both found “The review confirmed what the Company previously disclosed: that the Company and its executives, including Bryant Riley, had no involvement with, or knowledge of, any of the alleged misconduct concerning Prophecy.” “The results of the independent investigation confirmed that the Company and its executives had no involvement with, or knowledge of, any of the alleged misconduct concerning Mr. Kahn or any of his affiliates. This independent investigation was conducted subsequent to the Company's February 22, 2024 disclosure of the internal review performed with the assistance of Sullivan & Cromwell LLP as outside counsel.” Also see 10-K
8) Marc Cohodes (AlderlaneEggs), ParrotCapital, Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate), Various The 10-K will never be filed. They can't produce audited financials. FALSE Audited 10-K was filed. Delay was due to Audit committee fulfilling its responsibilities and proactively conducting investigations (internal and external).
9) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) + Nate Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) + Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate) + ParrotCapital Sullivan and Cromwell knew about Massive Fraud, and did a "sham investigation" FALSE Sullivan and Cromwell is one of the most respected law firms, in the US and worldwide. "Sullivan & Cromwell continues to lead all law firm advisers in announced and completed global deals in 2023, according to Bloomberg and LSEG. The Firm advised on global announced deals totaling more than $345 billion, representing a 12.1 percent market share, per Bloomberg, and on completed global deals totaling more than $431 billion, representing a 16.9 percent market share, per LSEG." They're not compromising themselves for a relatively small client.
10) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs), Nate Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear), Bill Abbate Jr. (JrAbbate), Parrot Capital Marcum is enabling Massive Fraud FALSE Marcum is a respected audit firm, and 13th largest by revenue. "Marcum LLP advanced into the Top 15 in the 2023 Vault Accounting list of top-ranked accounting firms. Marcum climbed six levels to the No. 13 ranking overall and earned a ranking of 14 in prestige. The Firm also won Top 20 rankings across all Practice Area, Quality of Life, and Diversity categories, including several new classifications added this year."
11) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) Nomura is enabling Massive Fraud FALSE Nomura is a global financial services company, and the oldest brokerage firm in Japan. They operate in a highly regulated industry. They're not putting themselves on the line for a relatively small client.
12) Parrot Capital "The list of $RILY enablers is massive: Marcum LLP, Sullivan and Cromwell, Seeking Alpha, Holbrook Holdings, $AX Axos Bank, Many, many more." FALSE There's no global conspiracy whereby these companies - all respected law firms, auditors, banks, and media outlets - are collectively colluding to enable RILY to commit fraud. Requires only two brain cells and one functioning synapse to know there's no grand collusion cabal between these disparate companies.
13) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs), Jonathan Weil at WSJ Franchise Group shares used to secure Kahn loan: "It is unclear whether Kahn pledged the same shares twice—to both Prophecy and B. Riley." FALSE As stated by the company, Simple UCC search disproves this. UCC # 202302295747
14) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) “Bryant Riley is on the Road, telling people the ‘audit partner at Marcum left’ and that ‘I have made mistakes’ “ FALSE Marcum audit partner was working on the audit the whole time; the original audit partner had hit the 5yr SEC rule, so he was never working on this year’s audit.
15) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) "So it turns out James La Rocca was Fired by MarcumLLP If nothing was wrong with prior $RILY Audits, why is he gone? This will be great in discovery of what exactly went on. FALSE Marcum audit partner was working on the audit the whole time; the original audit partner had hit the 5yr SEC rule, so he was never working on this year’s audit.
16) Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) “So Bryant Riley did disseminate MNPI back in March” in response to Cohodes claim that he told people the Marcum partner left FALSE Cohodes claimed Bryant Riley was telling people the Marcum auditor left. Koppikar called that disseminating MNPI. Cohodes statement was false (and thus Koppikar's derivate claim is also false). A different auditor worked on RILY, as Marcum follows the SEC rules; the lead auditor can only serve the client for 5 consecutive years. As such, Koppikar’s derivative claim of disseminating MNPI is false.
17) Koppikar (TheFriendlyBear) “He appears to still not be familiar with the voting interest model of consolidation… why is a life science and tech partner signing an extremely complex investment company / broker dealer audit ???” i.e., auditor is unqualified FALSE The auditor is fully qualified. Marcum is a highly respected auditor; they don't hire unqualified people, or assign them to clients they're unqualified to audit. RILY is continuing to use Marcum as the 2024 auditor.
18) Marc Cohodes (AlderLaneEggs) "Now that the $RILY dividend is going away, this omission is serious stuff" FALSE The dividend did not go away. It was reduced from $1.00/share to $0.50/share, to allow them to opportunistically allocate capital. 23Q4 and 24Q1
A sampling of the source claims listed above can be found in the images embedded in this post, with additional claims found here and here and and . form ADV. Additional claims can be sourced on the various social media venues and websites utilized by the short sellers. This is not financial advice. All claim summarizations reflect my interpretation of the short seller claims, and should be verified against original sources, along with all counters. Due to Reddit image attachment limits, not all source images are included (but any missing can be found on TwitteX or other publicly available sources).
submitted by BleepBlimpBop to RILYStock [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:22 Battle_Rattle It’s 2024, Ultralight AND Comfortable is Attainable. My Gear Video

The mods are letting me do a little self-promotion of my yearly gear video, probably because I haven’t asked in 3 years. :) Thanks Mods.
Here it is. Some background though…
In 2012 I made my Reddit login and not long after I was in ultralight, a tiny sub (~ 7,500 members) with some seriously weird people. Mountain Laurel Designs and GoLite seemed like Gods of UL gear, we watched every Chad Poindexter video and Andrew Skurkas spreadsheets were handed around like proof of alien contact. ultralight had a lot of different people. Some were looking to go SUL (under 5 lbs,) some people wanted to get under 10lbs, and a handful came by to tell us we were all going to die in the woods or our setups were ridiculously uncomfortable.
In 2016 I thought I had some things figured out, so I made a “What’s in My Pack” video focused on being deeply ultralight but still comfortable and safe. That was my thing, always trying to push comfort up, but pack weight down. It wasn’t easy to do then, but 8 years on I’m doing much better. We're all doing better.
This sub has grown roughly 14,811% since my first post. While the sub is largely what it was in 2012, there are people here, actively participating, still in that “die in the woods/it’s not comfortable” class. They’re here looking for individual gear ideas, but holding onto inflated baseweights, and seemingly unable to understand how good we have it now. From DCF, better down fill, 0.3mil titanium, 300% more cottage companies, to mainstream gear companies making actually UL things - the availability of ultralight gear that still retains function, durably, is way better. It’s not 2012 anymore, and you may not know it.
So, my 2024 gear video is for all those “you’re gonna die” types. Remember, if you don’t agree with a choice, you still have 2.5lbs/1.3kg to fix it before you break 10lbs. Incidentally, I do think ultralight is just a number – 10lbs/4.5kg.
Please give the video a watch and then tell me what you would improve. Since 2012, I’ve been stealing ideas from people just like you.
Video Notes (it’s been out for awhile now)
1) I didn’t know GearSkeptic had debunked the mold in a sleeping pad thing. My bad. I’d still like to know why those dark spots corresponded to baffle welding failure in two pads of mine.
2) Some of you are saying the Outdoor Vital sun hoody is better, but they don’t list UPF and they have an abrasion warning. Sounds kinda bad, yeh?
3) Some people are mad I’m still using gear that has been discontinued. In general, be suspicious of any YouTuber whose links are all fresh affiliate links. They’re there for the money. Also, it proves alot of UL gear lasts years. Again, people love to say UL gear doesn’t last.
4) In 2024 if you bought all this gear at once it would be a lot of money. I added it all up in 2021 and it was only $300-$400 more that the average PCT Thru Hiker Gear cost according to HalfwayAnywheres survey. I'm ok with that.
submitted by Battle_Rattle to Ultralight [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:21 snakeUA [PC] [2000’s] Game where you can use parts of your foes as weapons

Genre: I really am not sure, probably roguelike or metroidvania. 3rd person.
Estimated year of release: 2000-2018~
Graphics: Simplistic 3D, "Journey" or "Risk of rain 2" looks really similar in terms of style
Notable characters: cocky final boss/narrator that looked like spinning dark blood pyramid with big yellow eye, always looking down
Notable gameplay mechanics: when you defeated an enemy it breaks in to many pieces, and you can use the same piece as a weapon, or as a shield, pr as a piece of armor
Other details: probably has/ or had some sort of a multiplayer
Ok, so now, rumbling time. This game sits in my memory rant free, and whoever I ask, never even heard about anything similar. As a 2000’s baby, biggest half of my childhood was on YouTube, where I mostly watched Minecraft stuff, but one day I stumbled across a video of a creator that I don’t really remember, It was a long let’s play of this game. He was playing with his friend or something.
The game start by showing a giant pyramid with an eye on every top of it, than camera zooms in inside, showing how a floating platform slowly goes down with player characters on top of it (imagine chibis with sand colour bodies and pyramid heads). While this happening the narrator mocks you, have you will never get out from this labyrinth.
The thing I remember really clearly, is youtuber’s character jumping and killing a bat, and then the youtuber freaks out, like "omg you can use it wings as an armor and as a sword?!", something like that.
submitted by snakeUA to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:19 MisfitOnAMountain I think I found my home church

I've been struggling with my faith, especially after seeing how Christianity has been twisted into something used to suppress and devalue people. My (soon to be ex) husband and I tried many churches, but none felt like home to me. On Sunday, I took our daughter to a little church in the mountains that proudly flies the pride flag. I was hesitant because I've never been to church as a single mom. I felt immediately welcomed. I knew it was home when I started to feel a little awkward sitting alone, and all of a sudden a white Labrador was putting her head in my lap. This church welcomes dogs! As a former dog walker, this settled my heart. It's a very small congregation, and I'm looking forward to getting plugged in. The pastor was so kind, the sermon felt real, and I felt no judgement bouncing my baby girl on my knees while not having a wedding ring. They even have a cry room, even though there are no other babies there. It's like this space was waiting for my daughter and I to find it. I just wanted to share my excitement at finding such an incredible place to call home in my little conservative mountain town.
submitted by MisfitOnAMountain to OpenChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:18 Natse1028 Pass on first attempt AT/AT/AT with less than 2 weeks of preparation

Pass on first attempt AT/AT/AT with less than 2 weeks of preparation
Hi Reddit! Want to make this post since I couldn't have done it with just weeks of prep without the help of the community. I'm terrible at managing my time due to various commitment and didn't begin revision 2 weeks before exam day. My way of tackling it with the amount of time that I have is to achieve the bare minimum - to pass the exam. Meaning my method and process is very exam oriented, so scoring AT/AT/AT is truly a surprised. Sharing my experiences below and happy to answer any questions!
A bit about myself - Former management consultant with experiences in digital/ system implement/ PMO. Still in my early career (~5 yrs of experience). Currently a PM in Finance.
Application process & Audit:
  • I've submitted my application a year ago but cancelled the exam due to some conflict. Got a reminder from PMI saying that I should schedule it before my application expire, by that time I only have ~1.5 months till it expired
  • My application was being audit since I didn't pay too much effort in putting down the descriptions. I then spent some time to fill in the project management experience in great details. The most annoying part is to explain what was going on to my project manage teammate so that they would vouch for me on the project experiences.
Preparation & Study:
  • I officially begin my study around 2 weeks before the actual exam. Didn't study everyday consistently. More like I study on a Sunday > some study during weekday (night) > Study on Sat & Sun > some study during weekday (night) > Exam day (Saturday)
  • I spent around 4 afternoons on MCs, each day around 4-6 hours of study. Also spent like ~2 hours of study on 2-3 weekdays (since I have to work during the day).
  • I identify areas which I am not familiar with whilst doing David M's MC/ SH, then try to memorise the definition and understand the concept by looking them up in Third3Rock's study notes. I didn't use any mind maps or wrote a bunch of notes.
Study Materials:
  • Andrew Ramdayal's Udemy course - Not a fan. Put it on x2 speed and listen, the materials/ cheat sheet don't work for me as I'd just forget what he was saying right away and more importantly, I just simply not able to understand the concepts through his videos. But I do see how some might prefer his method of teaching.
  • David Mclachlan's Youtube video - I watch his Complete PMBOK tutorial (~1 hr long) + all Agile concept videos before start doing any exam questions. Then did his 150 scenario based questions and 200 agile questions (which I only finished 100 questions). The way how he elaborate his thought process is basically what helps me to tackle the questions, how he explained the reason why the options are right/wrong.
  • Third3Rock's study note - Best $17 I have spent (other than study hall). I read through the full notes and understand the PMI mindset, re-read through out the revision process and on exam day.
  • PMI Study hall (Essential) - Can't speak for other PMP question bank but this is very useful to get yourself familiar with the exams formula (e.g., the timer, strikethrough answers, level of difficulties for the questions). Very helpful tool. I did the 13 mini quiz out of 15 (15 questions for each mini quiz), score between 53% to 73% which is quit low compare to other posts that I see here. Did the full length mock exam in 2-3 go, used 3 hours, scored 76%. Since I'm short in time, when I saw a question where I am not too sure of the vocabulary/ process, I'll search for the word in Third3Rock's study note then answer to ensure I understand the concept immediately instead of waiting to completed the whole mock exam.
Exam Strategy:
  • I took the exam in person and receive the exam result the next morning. I first write down the allocated time for each section the moment I got in just to remind myself on time management (e.g., Section 1 has to finish by 180 mins mark, Section 2 has to finish by 90 mins mark). For me, I have allocated 90 mins for every section which consists of 60 questions, and also wrote down a "buffer time" which is around 10 mins before each section end, so that I'll remind myself to speed up if I'm still struggling doing the questions instead of reviewing the flagged questions. I ended up using ~2.5 hours and left immediately since I'm very hungry and cold.
  • I got 5-6 drag and drop, they are asking you to match the terminology against a scenario that best describe it. No questions for calculation or CPI/SPI numbers. 1-2 heat map questions.
  • Questions are easier than Study Hall's questions. Mostly straightforward, not as tricky as Study Hall's. You can tell right away what questions are expert level, I'll usually flag those and won't spent too much time dwelling on it and revisit them after completing the rest.
  • Flag the questions which you are unsure of and revisit. I'll flag it even if I have the slightest doubt.
  • Use the highlighter function and strikethrough. Highlight keywords in the questions to help you to determine what scenario we're in, which would impact your priority using PMI mindset e.g., Agile/ Waterfall/ Iterative, Regulatory. Just like how David M went through the exam questions in his Youtube videos.
  • Instead of picking the answer that looks the best right away, I always use the strikethrough function first to ensure all the wrong answers are eliminated. Usually that would leave you with 2 best answers, then you can determine which one is better. This method will help you to narrow down the potential best fit answer.
Final tip:
  • Define your strategy in tackling the questions (e.g., what types of questions you are able to get through quickly and what takes longer time to figure out) and get comfortable with the exam format. Be mindful of the time management.
  • Define your study strategy based on your strengths & weaknesses
  • Instead of memorise all the processes, learn the "PMI mindset". Real life PM experiences help, but that doesn't help you to select the answer that PMI want you to select. Third3Rock's study note and David M's YouTube video taught the thought process very well.
  • Sleep well the night before. Bring some snacks for break if you got hungry easily. Stay hydrated and grab a jacket just incase the venue has strong air conditioning.
  • Don't be like me and begin the study 2 weeks before hand. Set your own pace. You'll know when you're ready or not when you finish your Study Hall full length exam
Now good luck to ya'll who will be doing it soon! Trust yourself and you can do it :)!
submitted by Natse1028 to pmp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:16 Hungry-Piglet-6579 Really excited for the Sonos Ace

I honestly am not sure what people expected from these new headphones. Aside from the obvious problems with the app, just going by the headphones themselves they seem great. I too am disappointed we won’t get WiFi music streaming directly to the headphones but we were also expecting a feature like that on headphones that are $100 less than the AirPods Max when they came out. Without a proper review, on the surface these headphones best the AirPods Max in a number of categories.
  1. 30 hours of battery life vs 20
  2. Actually has a on/off switch.
  3. Has a proper carrying case.
  4. Lossless audio for android users.
  5. 3min charge gives you 3hrs of playback as opposed to 5min charge giving you 1.5hrs of playback on AirPods Max
  6. Arc tv sound hand off (with support for beam and ray coming later) now I use my AirPods Max with Apple TV, and it works great but with the Sonos Ace, ANYTHING outputting to the soundbar can be listened to on the headphones, including blu ray players, cable tv boxes, gaming consoles, streaming devices, built in tv apps, and external videos or music on a usb connected to your tv. Some people in the Sonos ecosystem might have a Sonos Beam or Ray if they care about sound quality in their bedroom or kids rooms but not everyone will have an Apple TV in each room, there are people that might spend more money to get better sound quality from their tv but are perfectly happy just using their TV’s built in apps or cheap streaming sticks. I have an older tv from 2019 in my bedroom that doesn’t have Bluetooth and I don’t need an Apple TV in that room but I do have a beam gen 2 which will let me watch movies with the Ace in the future.
  7. This one is subject to personal taste but imo the Sonos Ace look much better than the AirPods Max, especially in white. I never got the white AirPods Max because I didn’t know how the white cloth material would stand up to years of use.
  8. You will be able to adjust the treble and bass in the app for the Ace. Other headphones give you more control but you have more options for eq when just comparing to the AirPods Max.
The Verge posted an article today with initial impressions on sound quality and mentioned they sound “damn good” with noise cancellation sounding “eerie” as well as saying noise transparency was “just as reliable” so far they seem like they will stand up to other premium headphones in these categories with the added benefit of TV sound hand off. I don’t understand people saying they don’t know why Sonos is going into the headphone space if they are not bringing anything new, Sennheiser, Sony, and Bose all seem very similar with some features being better or worse than the others and yet they keep releasing newer versions with minor to moderate changes but nothing revolutionary.
submitted by Hungry-Piglet-6579 to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:13 Dry_Draw2674 Could someone help me identify a product in a cake video

I want to make my son a ufc cake - found a good YouTube video but unsure what the product the guy uses is. He pours something into a mould for the netting and it sets nicely - pops out almost flexible but hard. I’ve never used a pouring/liquid fondant so don’t know how that sets.
I don’t know if I can post the video link here? If not it’s by Puropasteles called how to make a ufc ring cake on YouTube. If anyone recognises what he’s using I’d be eternally grateful 🙏
submitted by Dry_Draw2674 to cakedecorating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:11 East_Presence_9834 [F4M] Looking for a full-lit partner for SoL plots!

Hi! I'm a 25-year-old female in the EST time zone, seeking a serious long-term roleplay partner. You will need to be 21+. I have 10+ years of experience and prefer slice-of-life plots with twists—romance, drama, tragedy, and angst.
Plots: I enjoy scenarios like a married couple balancing fame and busy schedules, and I’m open to similar themes. No sci-fi or fantasy ideas please.
Writing Style: I expect mirroring each other's replies length as needed in the roleplay. I will not respond to 3-4 lines. Adaptability is key—short for dialogue, longer for other scenes. Be prepared to play multiple characters, with your main character always prominent.
Writing Expectations: I write in the third person but am flexible. I prefer partners who can reply more than twice a day and use proper grammar (this is seriously a must). I boast about not being a stickler but deep inside, I know I am. I'm bothered by the smallest of spelling errors and punctuation errors. Sorry, but that's just how my brain works!
Communication: Use Discord or Chatzy. I prefer a partner who can reply more than twice a day. Communication is crucial—let me know if you’ll be busy. Don't bother if you're going to ghost me. I've started some really good roleplays in the past and had to end them because I got ghosted. So my expectations are that you let me know when you're busy so I'm not just waiting around. After a week of no response, I will automatically assume the roleplay is over and move on.
Involvement: Contribute equally to advancing the plot. I’m open-minded and can adapt to various storylines. I will NOT keep pushing it forward. Be bold, please.
OOC: I’d like a friendly partner to discuss likes and dislikes but of course not to the point that OOC is all we ever do. No pictures, videos, or audio, and please ensure your significant other is aware of your roleplaying if you’re in a relationship.
Plot Ideas: I have a few but I'm open to creating something new. If none of these appeal to you, please include in your message what you want to roleplay.
  1. Girlfriend Inc.
  2. Famous couple.
  3. Illegal MMA fighting.
If interested, send a chat request with more than a hello. Share your favorite color so I know you read my essay, what you liked, and what you're looking for to help me respond better. I have been seeking a decent roleplay partner for a while now so I have a good sense of what I like and dislike. While I don't ask for a writing sample, I do expect that my partner shares a similar passion for writing and creating a roleplay. I'm exhausted of bad actors so I will probably come off very curt and defensive but I promise to warm up if things work out! Hope to hear from you!
submitted by East_Presence_9834 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:10 East_Presence_9834 [F4M] Looking for a full-lit partner for SoL plots!

Hi! I'm a 25-year-old female in the EST time zone, seeking a serious long-term roleplay partner. You will need to be 21+. I have 10+ years of experience and prefer slice-of-life plots with twists—romance, drama, tragedy, and angst.
Plots: I enjoy scenarios like a married couple balancing fame and busy schedules, and I’m open to similar themes. No sci-fi, fantasy, or NSFW-centered ideas please.
Writing Style: I expect mirroring each other's replies length as needed in the roleplay. I will not respond to 3-4 lines. Adaptability is key—short for dialogue, longer for other scenes. Be prepared to play multiple characters, with your main character always prominent.
Writing Expectations: I write in the third person but am flexible. I prefer partners who can reply more than twice a day and use proper grammar (this is seriously a must). I boast about not being a stickler but deep inside, I know I am. I'm bothered by the smallest of spelling errors and punctuation errors. Sorry, but that's just how my brain works!
Communication: Use Discord or Chatzy. I prefer a partner who can reply more than twice a day. Communication is crucial—let me know if you’ll be busy. Don't bother if you're going to ghost me. I've started some really good roleplays in the past and had to end them because I got ghosted. So my expectations are that you let me know when you're busy so I'm not just waiting around. After a week of no response, I will automatically assume the roleplay is over and move on.
Involvement: Contribute equally to advancing the plot. I’m open-minded and can adapt to various storylines. I will NOT keep pushing it forward. Be bold, please.
OOC: I’d like a friendly partner to discuss likes and dislikes but of course not to the point that OOC is all we ever do. No pictures, videos, or audio, and please ensure your significant other is aware of your roleplaying if you’re in a relationship.
Plot Ideas: I have a few but I'm open to creating something new. If none of these appeal to you, please include in your message what you want to roleplay.
  1. Girlfriend Inc.
  2. Famous couple.
  3. Illegal MMA fighting.
If interested, send a chat request with more than a hello. Share your favorite color so I know you read my essay, what you liked, and what you're looking for to help me respond better. I have been seeking a decent roleplay partner for a while now so I have a good sense of what I like and dislike. While I don't ask for a writing sample, I do expect that my partner shares a similar passion for writing and creating a roleplay. I'm exhausted of bad actors so I will probably come off very curt and defensive but I promise to warm up if things work out! Hope to hear from you!
submitted by East_Presence_9834 to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:10 Exciting_Passenger39 Jeremy's IT Lab

Questions about Jeremy's CCNA course.
I have gone through about 40 of the 119 videos on Youtube so far and first let me say, this is one of the best instructors I have used and I have taken alot of tests. ( 7 Comptia certs )
The videos are extremely informative but I am a bit worried on how much information is being covered. Is this what to expect on the CCNA test, this seems like an extremely large amount of information?
submitted by Exciting_Passenger39 to ccna [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:09 Super-Lifeguard-5887 Buying advice - help me out!

Introduction I have been looking all over the internet for the past 3 months. Watched every video. Read every forum. All because I want to buy a high-end home espresso setup. I want it to be my endgame - just so that I do not have to worry about upgrades the coming years.
The journey started because I have amazing coffee at work and I hate my Nespresso at home. We finally have some budget to upgrade our home setup. We're just with the two of us, but love hosting dinners occasionally. Milk drinks are a big yes! Would love to switch to other beans every month or so.
The machine I'm certain of the one I would like to order. A stainless steel La Marzocco Linea Micra. Dual boiler, PID, quick-heat up, timeless design and well build. I'm also be able to setup on and off schedules via the app. I might be biased, because we have a La Marzocco Linea PB - 2 group at work.. but the heart wants what it wants.
I do miss the brew by weight function that the Linea Mini has (with an additional €400 scale) but that is just nonsens. I can flip the switch myself for that amount of money.
The grinder But.. I cannot decide on the grinder. Since I found out grind-by-weight (GBW) grinders are a thing now I'm intrigued. That would make dialing in espresso's a bit quicker and the overal consistency would be perfect. No need to weight the portafilter anymore. So I'm debating between two GBW models;
1. Fiorenzato AllGround Sense (64mm) - €1100
2. Eureka Atom W 65 GRINDER (65mm) - €1400
The accessoires I think I do need a fancy Normcore Spring Loaded Tamper V4 with Ripple Base?
The questions.. But.. Is a lot of money. So now I'm sitting here writing this post for advice and to help me make a choice before I spend. I might need some encouragement, I can postpone this endlessly because there is always something better of more bang for the buck somewhere else.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Super-Lifeguard-5887 to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:07 CuriousAnachronism 24 [M4M] Germany/Europe/Online - A Dream of Love


Hello and welcome to my post. I will subdivide this into two large parts. One will cover my thoughts, feelings, my hopes and dreams...While the other will tell you the specifics of how I pass the time, what topics interest me, what passions do I posses. I believe that at the end of this leap into my inner world, you dear reader, will have all the necessary information to judge whether we are compatible or not.

Part I
I am writing this in the hopes of finding something that I lack. Lately I have had this feeling, this tinge of melancholy within the dephts of my being, this yearning to find a kindred spirit, another Soul, much like mine, to form a bond with. Perhaps Loneliness is the right word for what is bothering me, but to use it seems to carry with it a connotation of ungratefulness. Ungratefulness for the people that I do have in my life, although none of them, of course, have the connection to me that I seek here.

I have found it increasingly necessary to seek in this Life a sort of purity of thought. What I mean is, I have began to undestand what ideas and concepts are ultimately compatible with my inner most Self, ergo what guidelines I have to follow to feel the most whole. Naturally I have likewise realised what I cannot add to my Self and what I will henceforth reject with all the power that I posses.

With this new context in mind, I now follow on the path of self improvement. I will now begin to mold my Self into my perfected idea of how the Self should be. This is certainly a significant undertaking, one that will not be easy to follow through on but one that I ultimately have to do. To me such context is essential. It is akin to a Guiding Star shining in the night. I will follow this Star for without it I am lost in the vast Darkness.

Looking back at my life, it was suboptimal, especially if one compares the way it molded me to how I will now mold myself. I suppose I must look on with a hint of regret at all that time which one might consider to be lost. Still... I try to stave off such decisively negative interpretations, after all, I have ultimately came to these conclusions. That means that somewhere along the line I had to have picked up on enough of such ideas for them to become so cemented in my consciousness. Well, either that or I was always like this, but in that case I can at least thank my life up to this point for not being able to supress such manifestations of my inner most Self.

To add to the topic of my life, I must admit that not all the battles have yet been won, not all the Demons vanquished, not every Mountain climbed. I want you to keep such things in mind when deciding whether or not to approach me. Many will shy away, I undestand that much, but the pursuit of true Companionship is just another such battle. Having said all that I do believe that being able to overcome hurdles together carries with it a certain appeal. That is to say, what's the fun in joining once the Game is already over?

I don't shy away from such challenges, perhaps to a fault. Certain troubles that I faced in the past carry with them a long shadow over my current health and well being. Still, I intend to change little in this regard other than the proficiency with which I will clash the current of my Will against the cliffs of Life.
Part II
In this part of my post I will tell you about my interests and hobbies, I will try to be thorough, commonality in this regard is rather important to build a relationship
History. I have had an interest in history for almost a decade now, it started back in school and developed from there. Well, now that I think about it one could argue that it started even earlier in my life as I liked watching the odd historic documentary or film aired on television but it wasn't regular back then, I never actively sought it out. I am mostly interested in European history in the period between the 18th-20th century but I sometimes branch out to other time periods and other parts of the world. I watch various channels related to history and read articles and sometimes books. I have recently got a few books on the German revolution of 1848/1849 and a historical magazine on the Thirty Years' War. Besides that I try to visit museums sometimes.
Literature. Especially old novels. I like to immerse myself in the Worlds of these books, I tend to read them while listening to thematically fitting music and take my time with them. One time you are following a troubled Youth in his quest for spiritual understanding of the world, another you see the aged and decrepit Doctor gambling his very Soul on the promises of abtaining satisfaction in earthy pleasures, then again your olfaction notices the most pleasant scent known to man even as the one eminating it has the appearance of a revolting Frog. These and many other stories open up to you once you decide to set foot into the literary World.
Languages. I know three, with one being a bit rusty. I am currently working intently on strengthening it. I believe that if I continue to apply myself in this regard then I should be able to finally conquer it. What language am I working on? Well, if you were to stack all the major works in it they would be as tall as a house... It is fun to go through different works in multiple languages, the same goes for film, games and such.
Games. I recently played Cyberpunk 2077. Well as recently as I played any major story centric game. Now that the dust has settled and the bugs mostly removed...It's not that bad. The main questline at least. Besides that I tried Fallout 76 (Very average, I'm dissapointed with what they made the "RPG" system) and I might give Deus Ex Manking Divided another spin (since it's somewhat similar to Cyberpunk when it comes to its aesthetics). Dark Souls is one of my favorite series, I still haven't beaten Elden Ring though. When it came out I wasn't in the right mindset to invest a hundred hours into it, with all those bosses and difficult locations. I think I'll only consider playing it if I am streaming it to someone. I am generally interested in either streaming games or having the person I am talking to stream them to me. To be specific I mean streaming to a single person while being on call. Besides that I'm a big fan of Paradox strategy games, especially Europa Universalis IV and Heats of Iron IV, I tend to only play single player since I find multiplayer with many people to be rather stressful but on the other hand I have nothing against a co-op game. I'm not the best player though, despite the ammount of hours I have in them. Another great game I would mention would be Dragon's Dogma. A very underrated RPG. I recently beat it again and it was an atmospheric and interesting experience. It is one of those games that feel like they have an endless ammount of depth and constant new secrets to discover.
Anime and Manga. In recent times my interest in them has waned but I still watch the occasional series here and there. Like Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Which I found to be rather mediocre) and the very good first season from the new arc of Bleach. Some of my favourite series include: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Death Note, Fate;Zero, Psycho Pass, Code Geass and Attack on Titan. I wouldn't mind if you were to introduce me to some new series, maybe based on the ones I mentioned. My favourite Manga is Berserk which I still follow, althought I am still not certain on the direction that the new author is taking. I suppose it really is a matter of contention whether a somewhat (or considerably warped) vision is better than an unfinished work. One could argue that a few novels remain unfinished and possess a macabre appeal to them as such.
Music. Classical music has a very special place in my heart. A few of my favourite pieces would be: Clair de Lune, Nocturne Op. 9 No.2, Devil's Trill Sonata, Danse Macabre, Valse Sentimentale, Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92: II. Alegreto (by Beethoven) and Suite from Swan Lake, Op. 20a: I. Scene. Moderato. There are more but these ones always invoke something in me when I listen to them. Besides Classical I also enjoy listening to Synthwave, old Western pop and J-pop, both modern and from the 20th century.
Esotericism. I am interested in things spiritual, mystical, magical and esoteric. I have read religios texts, magical grimoires, introductions to various schools of thought. It is interesting to me.
Hopefully I was able to cast the spotlight upon my inner World in a clear and unequivocal manner. I feel the need to add to the aforementioned that I am rather introverted, which means that I tend to dislike large social gatherings. I managed to condition myself to be able to endure the presense of large groups of people but it isn't something that I would seek out in most cases. Besides that I am neurodivergent and suffer from certain issues with mental health. I have to take medication to keep myself under control. They work well enough but certain days are harder than others. I respect the struggle that others have with mental health but in the context of a relationship I have my limits, no one with BDP for instance. I am also not looking for anything casual. I understand than one cannot demand depth and meaning from a conversation with an absolute stranger, that is akin to trying to build a sand castle right before the waves strike but I ask at least that you enter with a mindset that this might become something of significance. I also do want to say that I am completely Monogamous. My preference? The sickly, pale, intellectual who watches rain droplets slide down the window in Autumn. And...someone wholesome, if you get my meaning. Lastly, if I enjoy the company of a person I tend to not want to let them go.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and have a good day. I ask that you send a DM instead of a chat. Write "Radiant Sun" as the title.
Goodbye...Or perhaps untill we meet again
submitted by CuriousAnachronism to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:07 lemonwtea A pre-midnight rant

I've been a resident for 24 years now and I still cannot bring myself to like this city. If I can even call it a city. Besides the lack of greenery and decent people, I've got a few solid reasons - DHBVN cut off my electricity after we contested 43k electricity bill. Apparently they've been charging us an average since August since our metre was faulty. They installed a new metre sometime in Jan/Feb without any notice to us. It's only when we raised a complaint abt the bill that all these 'facts' were revealed to us. Complete lack of cooperation from the DHBVN folks. Very jat way of turning you away and making you feel helpless. Questions remained answered. Highly dismissive when we asked them about how they even calculated their average and their method of billing us since August 2023. No answers. The person stopped responding and kept staring at his computer. I felt so helpless.
After i raised the complaint, they send my application to Hisar and it'll be sorted and I wouldn't have to pay these inflated, baseless charges. 4 days later, they cut my electricity because the complaint wasn't fed in their system. I went again to sort it out. Not a single utterance of 'sorry for the inconvenience'. Instead I got 'jod toh Diya madam, aaur kya karru main.' I didn't want to aggravate the issue so I let my witty comeback stay inside. But lo and behold, yesterday they cut my electricity again - realised it after 2 hrs of no electricity. Guess the reason this time - they hadn't filled in my complaint in their system. AGAIN.
There's some water issue every week. Either the pipes are filled with air in the kitchen or the bathrooms, preventing the flow of water. Every month, we face days where inspire of the motor being on for 4-5 hrs, our tanki isn't filled up. Have to ration basic bathing routines. And I'm very careful with water wastage anyway. Sometimes, there's no water to flush after the morning poop. I've started filling up two buckets at night so the next day basic water supply is secure.
Next, I've got bloody current fluctuation in my sector. Or maybe just my house. The AC stops working. My treadmill out of nowhere stopped. The fridge has gone down a couple of times. No matter how many times I change that little white box that regulates the electricity supply, something or the other breaks down.
Let's move onto the third - there are no trees here. There are but not enough for humans to enjoy. I'm not saying build a bloody paradise. But what the hell - why is there always concrete in my vision. I've planted a few trees. Planted seeds when I was a kid and i see some of the them blooming but it's not enough.
Fourth. I hate the wedding seasons. There's a vacant space in front of my house and the residents use it for all kinds of functions. There's music blaring throughout the curfew, no control. So loud that the floor vibrates. And wedding seasons are the worst. 20+ years of this incivility and I'm still not used to it. I don't think Im asking for too much if I ask for a curfew time. Am I?
Number five - the monsoons. Actually no. Rains anytime. Even if it's rained for 20 minutes, the roads will be clogged up. The drainage system is so poor. It takes a day and a half for it to clear up. Monsoons is another story.
I don't like the people either if I'm being totally honest but that's just my bias. They're interfering but so is 95% of this country. But I can't wrap my head around how they talk. It's pointed but not in a kind way. This is still something I can work around because I like politeness so I'm to blame for expecting it.
But everything else - I cannot. I also know I can't do anything about it. I'll vote but we know who's coming back to power. This is a grey, bleary city and the heat's getting to me. It's so grey. And not in the highly efficient albeit dystopian grey. Just ugly and gloomy grey. I loathe the roads too. Not a single smooth road until we reach the Jaipur highway.
All I can do it rant. And maybe, help myself feel slightly relieved.
submitted by lemonwtea to gurgaon [link] [comments]