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2014.10.10 02:17 phantomreader42 To The Tune Of...

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2024.05.14 05:30 CosmicGunman ANALYSIS of Four Corners: Ruthless Pursuit (2024) The Chinese Secret Police in Australia Saga

ANALYSIS of Four Corners: Ruthless Pursuit (2024) The Chinese Secret Police in Australia Saga
Following up from my last post
From the Article, quoting below
Last month, Safeguard Defenders released a report documenting more than 280 cases of foreign citizens and residents being repatriated to China. The individuals are accused of committing economic crimes.
There were at least 16 successful individual extrajudicial returns from Australia between 2014 and 2023, according to the report, which relied on Chinese state media. Four of those returns took place last year.
"These successful operations — or even the attempts at operations that turn out not to be successful — are a clear violation of Australia's sovereignty," Ms Harth said.
I watched the full Four-Corners episode.
The phenomenon is real, however is the usual kernal of truth being framed as PRC evil subversion. The 1st Bureau cooperated with Australia at first, only for Australian Federal Police to get upset when one of the financial criminals were extradited to China which circumnavigated an agreed-upon process. The interviewees from the Australian side in the clip (including lawyer) said they cannot assume every single target was just innocently targeted, but the primary issue (correctly) is abusing sovereignty. Famously some things intelligence apparatuses never do /s. Genuinely there would be greater trust if relations were not Cold War coded.
The reporter is Echo Hui and some of her professional background as a journalist
Some things to note:
The former agent who speaks out (called Erik) was originally a member of (by the own reporter's admission) "was a member of a u.s-based pro-democracy organisation" known as the China Social Democratic Party (CSDP). He was one day called for questioning by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) First (1st) Bureau: Political Security Protection Bureau (PSPB). He was questioned about the organisation and given an "opportunity for redemption" (left ambiguous, were there charges?), and offered to become an agent for the MPS's 1st Bureau, to becoming an informant on his former u.s-backed organisation). All of this comes from the mouth of Erik and Echo narrating. Unlike later in the episode; where we (eventually, after sufficent fear-mongering) get the China side.
On that note: The glossed-over "financial crimes" are significant. One of the "dissidents" was Edwin Yin. He was charged with Fraud in China, and Australian Courts ordered him to pay 700,000 AUD (3,345,451.83 CNY) due to "an alleged foreign exchange scam" Four-Corners talked to alleged victims which confirm yes Edwin Yin had scammed them and others. Edwin claims he is being framed by the CPC. In the clips he was also obsessed with Xi Jinping's illegitimate sons? And harassing his daughter online?
Now another of the "dissidents" is a "Everyday Chinese Marketing Guru". Wang Liming, AKA: Remon Wang, Pseudonym: Rebel Pepper (originally "Abnormal/Perverse Pepper.".). Political satirist, and left China to Japan to continue his anti-government satire cartoons. In 2012 he depicts the CPC as an angler fish which has hyponitised a smaller fish, representing the people of China. Compares Xi to an Emperor, and compare's the death toll of Mao to Islamic State. In 2017 he joins Radio Free Asia (RFA), and is the sole contributor to the cartoons column. In 2018 he founds the Shanghai National Party, in New York. A national-conservative, secessionist movement. Organised and attended anti-china protests in the Queens alongside Falun Gong and Uygher-American Association. In 2018, the Shanghai National Party hosted a "Acceleration of Chinese Collapse" award ceremony in Times Square. 😐 During the Shanghai lockdowns in 2022, he claimed the quarantine methods were an attempt at genocide of the Shanghainese.
Gonna share a quote.
He tweeted the ultimate goal of the Shanghai independence movement was to destroy the concept of a unified China. He wrote: "We must not only fight against the Communist Party, but also win more Chinese people to abandon the shell of "China."
This is sourced from: https://www.rfi.fcn/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD/20180812-%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E6%B0%91%E6%97%8F%E5%85%9A%E5%9C%A8%E7%BA%BD%E7%BA%A6%E6%88%90%E7%AB%8B-%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%80%E8%A6%81%E6%B1%82%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E7%8B%AC%E7%AB%8B
English Translation of the Webpage:
The "Shanghai National Party" was established in New York to oppose communism and demand the independence of Shanghai
A party called the "Shanghai National Party" is believed to have been established in New York, the United States. The specific date of founding the party may be July 18, but it was only announced in the United States yesterday by Twitter. The party's demands are to oppose unification, require Shanghainese to govern Shanghai, and promote Western democratization across the board. According to sources, those who pushed for the establishment of the "Shanghai National Party" were dissidents. Apple Daily reported today that in addition to facing Xinjiang and Tibetan independence, the Chinese government is now crying out for "Shanghai independence." Recently, a number of dissidents established the "Shanghai National Party" in New York State, USA. Their main demands are: "Oppose unification, Shanghai people ruling Shanghai, and total Westernization."
According to the Chinese dissident cartoonist "Abnormal Chili Pepper" yesterday announced on Twitter the first founding meeting of the "Shanghai National Party" (referred to as the Shanghai Democratic Party), and introduced in a newspaper advertisement that the party was established on July 18 this year. And successfully registered in New York on the same day.
"Abnormal Chili Pepper" tweeted that the Shanghai Democratic Party was established to completely subvert the concept of China as a unified country. He also said that the path they took was bound to be more difficult than the traditional democratic movement. He wrote: "Anti-communism is the first step, and it is also necessary to eliminate the soil for the survival of the CCP: the false concept of China. Therefore, the independence movement is definitely not a shortcut. We must not only be enemies of the CCP, but also become the enemy of all people who think that they are Chinese. Among them are the enemies of the traditional democratic movement. The independence movement is very difficult. We must not only fight against communism, but also win more Chinese people to abandon the shell of "China."
Throughout all this. There is ominous music and a sense of omnipresent surveillance. Echo also interviews FBI agent and Canadian Intelligence Agent to get their counter-intelligence perspective on these matters. The FBI agent says it was initially positive that PRC authorities wanted to cooperate to catch criminals on overseas soil, followed by saying "but then they get a foothold" to target people. Meanwhile; Echo says Xi Jinping using anti-corruption as a cover to silence and kidnap dissidents. Then later she asks to the Erik the former agent:
"So you were effectively helping the secret police track down people who were innocent of any crime. Do you feel any guilt for your involvement?"
To which Erik responses with:
"I'm an idealist but I'm also a pragmatist. I'm aware of the outcome one might face in China if you refuse to work with the secret police."
The exposé ends with Erik saying:
"They [PRC] may deny this story. They may mobilise some agents on the ground or send people to Australia [to] take measures against me, possibly getting physical. It's even possible that some agents on the ground may attempt to kidnap me. When they deal with a target like me, they may have to be more patient, smart, wait for an appropriate time to act. I'm definitely safer in Australia than in China or South-East Asia. But my safety eventually is determined by the Australian Government."
"But to some extent, for all those who oppose the CCP and Xi Jinping, the day that we can truly feel safe is after the CCP falls, after China becomes more free and democratic. Only then can we be free and safe.
Credits roll.
Honorable mentions:
• While operating in Cambodia, Erik's cover was being employed with Prince Real Estate, under Prince Holding Group. He was using this to eventually pursue Rebel-Pepper. Echo introduces them near the end and they share a hearty and jolly video call as they're now both "dissidents" in Melbourne.
• While operating in the countryside, he larped as a anti-CCP milita (as in making videos) to get close to this other dissident, who agreed with him. Though this dissident fled to Canada, and died kayaking in a town in Canada. Erik's first reaction is that this was an extrajudicial killing, followed by saying there is no way to know for sure, since he was not personally involved in Canada operations.
• FBI agent claims Xi is using diaspora for political aims, while Echo says Xi's anti-corruption portfolio was a cover to gain more power and "dissent is not allowed".
submitted by CosmicGunman to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:24 PuzzledCardiologist4 (M28) confused about current relationship with (F29) who is sending mixed signals and won't commit to a relationship after 8 months of 'dating' (her words) getting weird vibes. Is it just me? Seeking advice.

Been seeing this lovely woman for about 8 months, and overall things have been great don't get me wrong. Every time I ask to hangout or give her a call or a text she responds mostly enthusiastically, and never leaves me on read or says no to a date. If I bring her a gift or cook us dinner she brings a gift or contributes without me asking.
Now - a few months into dating I asked if she wanted to be an official 'relationship' and she said she wanted to get to know me more. Which, okay - sure. At about 6 months I asked what I was to her out of curiosity about the pacing of things and she said she sees me as someone she's dating. And - yes semantics matter here. She didn't mean it as a relationship more exploratory than that.
Now it's 8 months in. Things have progressed intimacy wise, and we have agreed our boundaries are no dates with other people and not keeping options open etc.. so I'm a bit confused what the difference is between committing to a relationship, which we already have basically, and what we are now.
Neither of us have met each other's friends or families. And I'm usually the one reaching out or planning things. Unless I wait to hear from her for over a week, to which she would say something like 'Is everything okay?' cause she's wondering why I haven't planned a date like I usually do or text or call etc. sometimes she'll say good morning or something but then I am usually driving the conversation after that, even when she initiates it or else it fizzles out for the day.
Now that could all be chalked up to communication style and wanting the man to take the lead etc. Like I mentioned she's a traditional woman for the most part. And has been open about having very little dating experience and is still learning how to communicate or what she likes... ( I guess? )
The thing that confuses me is little lies here and there that could be me over thinking, but also could be an issue. Very few examples here because like I said most things are great, but I'll list them because I think they're important even if it is only a few red flags.
  1. We planned for a call one night and I called and no answer. Hours go by. She replies and says she was in the shower. Except, her activity status on social media was online... Which I use to message friends from other countries, and saw that she was online the whole time we were supposed to be on the call. Not a big deal, maybe she had a bad day and didn't know how to say she wasn't up for a conversation idk I'm not going to make up excuses for her. But she did initiate a call the next day since we missed ours. It's the little lie that nags at me sometimes.
  2. She still uses a dating app even though she says she hasn't since we started dating. I did not look at her phone and would never do that. I know because of something pretty unfortunate. I am pretty into this woman and so I was going to delete the app. But for nostalgia I looked at our messages from the beginning of the 'relationship' smiling like an idiot reading our first messages. Then - noticed her location updated which only happens when you open the app. So... I did not delete the app, I wanted to see if she was using it. Probably shouldn't have kept it. But despite knowing it's out of my control and just deleting it - I kept it and checked and yeah it updates and no it doesn't do that in the background. That being said it only does it like once or twice a week. Which isn't consistent with having conversations on there you know? So I don't know if she's using it like I am to see if IM still using it. Which would be funny cause then were both worried about each other still using it even though we're just checking each other's status lolll. Anyways
She's never started an argument - never been insecure about it - and never really brings up a relationship or anything. The closest she gets to talking about the future is stuff like 'next time we hangout let's do XYZ' etc.
Anyways that's really it. Otherwise everythings amazing. Since I don't know exactly whats going on without directly asking which - won't get anywhere because she's already said she's not using it and I don't want to come across insecure - I've decided to let it go for now but want to know what you guys think?
Is it weird that we're basically a relationship but she won't commit?
If you need more information for an opinion I'm happy to provide. Thanks for reading.
TLDR: Woman I've been seeing who is honestly really fun to be around and talk to and is the most healthy mentally stable woman I've ever had the pleasure of talking to, is sending mixed signals and won't commit to a relationship - still using (or at least opening) dating apps after talking for 8 months and setting exclusivity boundaries. Also little lies here and there for seemingly no reason. Seeking advice
submitted by PuzzledCardiologist4 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:21 Croswam What led to the decline of the crossbow (弩) in Japan after the Heian period?

Reading through the Ritsuryo codes these crossbows and professional crossbowmen seem to be quite common in Japanese armies stationed around the country. But you never hear of or see Samurai using crossbows in media. Although, while based on Chinese style crossbows they apparently weren't handheld.
Did they really decline when the first Shogunate was set up in Kamakura, or was it unrelated to the samurai taking over? Maybe they continued being used in castle defenses, which seem to be their main purpose if I'm understanding correctly?
submitted by Croswam to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:18 wokenthehive Round-up of some recent app changes and issues

Here is a quick compilation of recent Hinge changes and issues.
Top Photo
Hinge is rolling out the Top Photo feature to various locations. Note that if the Top Photo option is available for you, it is toggled on by default. You won't notice the photos shuffling when you view your own profile in the edit section. When you see the same people's profile on discover shuffling their photos constantly, it's because of Top Photo
Hinge however does not state whether or not Top Photo also applies to profiles on your Likes and Match lists. As far as I can tell, Top Photo does not apply to profiles on those lists.
Written Prompts character limit bug
There is a bug where you can't write anymore words in the written prompts without hitting the character limit. The simple work around is to write your prompts in a notes app on your phone, then copy and paste it onto Hinge. If you notice whatever you wrote is cut off by Hinge, it means your written prompt is too long and hit the character limit.
"Nearby" option removed from discover
On the latest UI update, Hinge removed the "Nearby" filter option (as well as the "Compatible" option), with only "Active today" and "New here" available. "Compatible" is now the default option when nothing is chosen. Note, this is only applicable to people with Hinge+ or X.
Hinge Support confirmed that the "Nearby" option was removed on purpose as they are testing this new UI. The important word here is that this is a supposedly a test, so there could be a possibility that Hinge could reverse the change. Hinge wants people to instead have quicker access to preferences in order to filter profiles better. (The three options given are Age, Height, and Dating Intentions.) If you want to see profiles closer to you, Hinge says to manually update the distance preference.
If you liked the "Nearby" option and don't like the fact Hinge removed this option, I suggest filing a support ticket and give them this feedback.
Hidden Words
Hinge added the Hidden Words feature back in April. It seems however, on social media many many people are misinformed as to how this feature actually works.
Hidden Words does not filter out profiles on discover or likes without comments. All it does is filter out specific words if someone sends a comment with their like/rose that contain those words. For example: if you added "pineapple on pizza", it won't filter out any profiles with those words included. Only if someone sent a like that included the comment 'pineapple on pizza" will the Hidden Words filter block that profile from showing up on your Likes list and notifications and instead will move it onto the Hidden Likes list.
So don't bother adding all the cliches you hate seeing on Hinge since it won't do anything to prevent you from seeing them unless they happen to send a comment including those specific phrases. You may instead inadvertently block a well meaning profile who happened to said the wrong words in their comments.
Relationship Type filter
Don't forget that there's a Relationship Type filter now available for most users, and more importantly it is a FREE filter. If you don't want any non-monogamy/poly/ENM people, or only want to seek those types, you can filter them now.

submitted by wokenthehive to hingeapp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:11 satvista Rogers employees involved in Fraud?

Looks like there is a customer information leak happening in Rogers . Almost a month ago Rogers sent a technician over to my home to switch my internet to Fiber. The technician worked for close to 4 hrs and at the end mentioned that Fiber has not been provisioned to my area and he has put back everything as they were earlier. As he did that for another hour or so there were some minor damages to my drywall in the basement. I ended with the same state of internet and with additional damages to my home. I raised this issue in a subsequent call to Rogers , opened a case and finally ended up speaking with a manager who called me few days later to apologize for the fiasco. Things were fine till then. A week passed I get a call from a guy with a 647 area code number who claimed to be a Rogers manager and wanted to set things straight further . This guy clearly mentions the date on which the technician arrived, the name of the Rogers manager who spoke with me earlier and also provides full details about my internet connection including the last 4 digits of my credit card on file with Rogers. He speaks with me for the next 30 mins or so asking me to restart the router as he has changed my connection settings and also requesting me to share additional card details as he wants to change my existing internet ordeaccount. He ended my making a transaction amounting to 2800 dollars on my card which turned out to be fraud. I reached to out to Rogers on this issue. I spoke to a manager who claimed to have understood the seriousness of this issue and raised a case with their fraud department. I was told someone from Fraud department would reach out to me within 24 hrs . A week passed and nothing happened and finally I noticed that they had suspended my account . I reached out again demanding answers , they immediately activated my account and mentioned that this ends here and they don’t see any issue on their end . When I questioned how the information that is only privy to me and Rogers was known to the person who called I got no answers. I was told repeatedly, by the person at their Validations/ Fraud department , that there is no proof there was leak at their end and this can’t be taken up any further . When I requested I need to speak with a manager or someone who can at least answer me properly or investigate this further I was told no. I had subsequently raised this issue with the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre and also planning to reach out to Consumer Alerts at CTV. My advice to anyone reading this is to be extra careful in your dealings with Rogers. While I cannot fault the company as a whole in this case there is definitely something fishy going on . Stay safe !
submitted by satvista to Rogers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:10 Miserable-Crew4947 why I feel we need guidelines on news and storytelling

Today I read of the guy that falsey reported sandy hook shooting never happened and how some think anyone should be able to report or say any falsehood they want. And to them I want to share my own experiences and show why we need some accountability and laws to prevent this from happening to other people. I will never be the same as I was because of someone's conspiracy theory.
In 2020 I was healthy of mind and body. I was active on Facebook, reddit, LinkedIn, and Twitter. I'm almost 50 and a mother of 7 and grandmother of 5. I've suffered from social anxiety and depression bit had that under control. I have a soft spot for helping abused children. My bank card rounded up to the nearest dollar and the change went to help prevent child abuse. I studied child development and child psychology in college. I am ex military and have some ptsd (the social anxiety and depression) but again under control. In 2020 there was false news coming on Facebook about children being abducted, abused in numerous ways and it broke my heart. I had to help. I was drawn in to a conspiracy theory due to my heart hurting for these children that were missing or abused. Around October I was told via comments to look up the fall of cabal videos on YouTube to get even more information about how children were being hurt. Like a dumbass that (even though I finished college) was still so gullible I went and watched all 10 videos. This conspiracy theory didn't just touch on children being hurt and abducted but my religious beliefs and my distrust of politicians. At video 10 I was so afraid but not the same way others were. You see the Bible says we won't know who Jesus or God is until Satan is revealed. So I saw this conspiracy theories idea of jfk Jr coming back not as Jesus or God but as Satan and Trump was him. Most people believed this and saw this as a godsend buy I saw it as the ultimate evil on earth. It frightened me so bad I had a nervous breakdown. I lived inside my own mind for over 8 months. To this day I still don't leave my home, don't know what's real or not, and have deleted nearly all but reddit of my social media. To remind what sanity I now have I can not watch the news, go to places where others might verbally attack me and my TV time insist of dvds I have that I know by heart. In my head still we are in end times. I can't undo that thinking. I'm trying to see a professional through the va but they are booked till October.
Last July I tried to go to a family reunion in another state. I went into psychosis because of the videos and thought the worst things about my own family. I saw my family of Trump supporters as racist and the entire reunion as a kkk hoedown. While my ex pastor uncle danced and sung while playing horseshoes I saw my uncle dancing around a fire chanting hate. While my aunts sat by the river watching their pups swim I saw them planning that nights witch orgy. While my brother bar b qued beef and chicken I saw a child's ribs and meat being cooked. I was in total psychotic break and it wasn't even a day since I was there. I was rushed home and tended to for the next two weeks while my spouse and children tried to bring my mind back to our home.
This is why we need only facts to be reported on news and if it's a fictional story then it needs disclaimers and it needs guidelines. If the word news is in the name it needs to be factual and unbiased even if it's news and entertainment. News needs to be factual and unbiased. There's no entertainment in news. It's suppose to bore the kids like it did me as a child.
Some of you will disagree and say I should know how to tell what's real and not but you might be forgetting that I am not you. No one is you. Some people are gullible and they need to be protected. The ones that normally tell me it's my fault are normally the ones saying we need to protect everything. We'll my mind should have been protected. There should have been disclaimers. There should have been rules so others like me didn't get drawn in and start believing these horror stories. I can no longer go to the park with my grandchildren out of fear. I'm too afraid to leave my home because of this conspiracy theory that took my faith, my love for children and corrupted them. I question the Bible and still feel the fear of end times all the time. I can't support anything that tries to help children afraid I'm supporting another conspiracy theorist. My entire life has been turned upside down because someone or a group decided to play with my gullibility.
I'm glad that family won their lawsuit. I hope laws begin to take place to protect families like mine ND theirs. And to those spreading the lies I hope this finds you so you can see just how much those lies have hurt this family. I hope you rot in hell and Satan has his way with you. I hope God does not forgive you for leading some of his children astray and for hurting those you have hurt. I hope his vengeance is as horrible for you as you have made my life. And normally I never wish harm on anyone because it's not very Christian.
submitted by Miserable-Crew4947 to myfragilemind [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:51 AutumnFanatic [22/M4F] Illinois/Anywhere/Online - Hi! Nerdy guy who gets zero day to day social interaction looking for a female interested in a genuine intimate connection

Why did the farmer visit the pharmacy? To speak with the farm-assist.
Hi and welcome to my post! Wanted to start off with a funny to me dad joke.
Nice to meet you, I'm Dylan! To put it simple, I am a single 22 year old man who has been pretty lonely in life and lacking in female connection and interaction. And part of what comes with that is the desire to be intimate with a person. I am very mature for my age and will always be respectful of your boundaries and feelings, especially with anything sexual. Lately all I have is myself when it comes to sexual desires, so I would like to have someone to keep company with in that regard too.
I'm just relaxing at work since there's nothing really going on and thinking about going home tonight and burning a woodwick candle. Perfect for when there's a storm outside. I love candles! 🕯️ Sometimes a campfire outside on a fall night or a crackling WoodWick candle is a relaxing constant among our busy and hectic world. It's nice to just disconnect, feel grounded and happy in your own little cozy space. Feeling calm and collected and at peace. Something that fewer people take the time to do these days.
I am seeking a woman around my age or older to build a close connection with that could possibly lead to a relationship and something intimate which includes the possibility of teasing/sharing pics etc. but only when we were comfortable. Figured I would be open in my Intentions as that's the best way to be.
Kind, respectful, and easy going.
Comfortable with the idea of eventually sharing intimate things together.
Willing to eventually move off of Reddit.
Want something genuine and fun!
Are honest in your intentions and a good person to be around!
That's about it, we will get along great I know it.
I've been feeling a little bummed out lately. I always try and stay happy and see the best in things. But.. I've just been so alone. Most of my whole childhood and adult years have been spent feeling lonely. I grew up surrounded by cornfields which was peaceful but also has a lonely aspect to it. My family never really were close and never did anything as a family really. And part of it too is the fact that I never had any neighbors my age to interact with. But aside from that, my adult life has been very lonely. I'm just always by myself. I barely have any meaningful adult relationships or experiences, or even any friends.
I work a 3-11 job in building maintenance at my company world headquarters building which I love, but again it's very lonely. I work the off shift so the building is always empty. I don't get normal social interaction with people my age or a chance to build relationships. I only have 3 older men as co-workers and we are mostly in the basement away from any people on the floors from knowing our existence. I always walk the floors and see office people laughing and chatting with their coworkers and I just don't have that kind of experience. And just.. no one knows I exist really. Everyone probably assumes I have a lot of friends, but I'm struggling inside with being so alone and trying to meet people and get past the "hi how are you?" "I'm good thanks" stage. Most people don't seem to want to talk beyond that. And most women are already in relationships and thus it would seem weird to approach them in an office setting trying to get to know them deeper. But man those "hi how are yous" are the only real interactions I get during my day.. so thus I decided to come here lol. Rant over, sorry! I promise I'm not a downer. 😅
Now for some things about me!
As you can tell, I am very mature for my age and am polite and have good grammar which unfortunately not everyone my age does anymore lol. I am not active at all on social media/internet culture really and don't know much about all the slang the younger people these days use. I feel like I'm 50. 🤣
I am left handed which is pretty cool. I'm not much of a party person or a drinker, I much prefer a quiet night at home and maybe a beer or two on a weekend but that's about it. I am simple and stay out of drama and trouble and don't get much into politics or other things that cause drama with people. I much prefer a relaxing campfire and a night at home and to just let the world keep on turning haha. I consider myself pretty intelligent and mature, especially for my age which is why I'm open to older ladies.
Physically I'm 180 pounds, have brown hair, green eyes, and a typical build. There's a few pictures on my profile.
Some of my hobbies are:
• Photography
I have a Nikon D200 and D5500 that I love to shoot with. I love nature scenes, abstract, black and white/goth kinda photography, sunsets, etc. it's so fun to just let your mind explore. It's not about what camera you have, but those who are behind the camera! I'm gonna try and photograph the northern lights tonight!
• Cooking and baking
I loveeee to cook and bake! I enjoy making various meals but also love to just have a frozen pizza once in awhile or something like that. I recently made homemade chili which turned out great. I love to bake, especially in the fall! I love pies, cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. I restored a vintage KitchenAid mixer that needed tbe gearbox rebuilt. Eventually I would love to practice home canning my own food.
• Music
Oh my gosh, I like so much!! Alternative rock, punk, post punk, electronic, synth pop, psychedelic rock, hard rock, etc. I am very non judgemental and open when it comes to music. My three current favorite bands are Type O Negative, Joy Division, and the Cure.
• Nature walks and camping
I really enjoy camping, making fires, and relaxing by a campfire. I love to take walks outside and just enjoy the beauty and simplicity of nature. It's wonderful, especially in a world so focused on everything digital.
• Repairing things
I'm a maintenance guy and one of my hobbies is electronics repair so I am good with my hands and just all around good at troubleshooting and fixing all sorts of things around the house. Last week I helped my elderly neighbor get his tractor started, it needed a new component in the starting circuit. So I'm pretty handy which... Comes in handy! 😂
• Autumn 🍁
This isn't a hobby per say, but man do I love the fall!!! It's my absolute favorite time of the year. Oh my gosh. The beautiful colors, crisp cool air, misty and foggy days, rain, lack of bugs, being cuddled up with a candle or by the fire drinking a tea, etc. I love it! There's only two seasons for me. Fall, and waiting for fall! Haha.
• Scented Candles and incense
Going along with my love for fall, I absolutely love candles! I have like 30 something lol. 😂 Currently my favorite are WoodWick, which are owned by Yankee candle. They have such a soothing crackle and the scents are great! I also love to burn incense from time to time as well. I have cottagecore hippie vibes.
• Old houses and architecture
I love old houses! Especially 1900s and Victorian era homes. Old homes have so much character to them and are just so beautiful from a time when people took pride in their craft. I strongly dislike the modern cookie cutter cheap construction of homes today. I would love to live in an old home one day. I also love their architecture and uniqueness, as well as architecture of old cathedrals and other buildings.
• Relaxing
Basic I know, but sometimes on the weekend I just love to get cozy in bed and relax and put on a YouTube video or an album! 😊
That's about it for me, I'm a pretty laid back and simple person. My ideal person is someone who is respectful and honest! I am very straightforward and open minded and would hope that you are as well.
If I seem interesting to you at all I would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much for reading.
submitted by AutumnFanatic to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:49 coolnavigator Don't run away from discomfort. Run to it.

I want to quickly dismiss a couple associations that this post will have.
  1. This is not masochism (ie pleasure through pain).
  2. This is not a method of achieving or "proving" self identity (ie "challenge yourself and find what you're made of, bud!!!")
This is a direct shot across the bow at what I see as the major cause for mental illness in the entire 1st world. In the physical health world, you have stages that lead towards obesity: there's the early stage (often termed "pre-diabetic"), then there's full on metabolic syndrome. Somewhere in between, you go from 20 lbs overweight to 100 lbs overweight. It's much easier to save someone in the early stages, as permanent long-term weight loss is extremely rare. Thus, to complete my analogy, it's my belief that there is an equivalent to this "pre-diabetic" stage of poor mental health across most of the 1st world, and the people we traditionally label "mentally ill" are merely in a more advanced stage that has become more difficult to recover from.
What ails us is that we were born into a successful society that provided for our needs without much effort on our part. Consequently, our primary daily concern is pleasure, rather than survival. We seek pleasure from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to bed through: food, entertainment, sexual gratification, and more broadly ego gratification. These are the things that give meaning to our lives. In other words, we create short and long term goals that ultimately result in the fulfillment of these objectives of pleasure. People pursue whole hobbies and careers solely for sexual gratification (get fit, make money, get chicks!). We fill up all of our spare moments with entertainment (most recently, in the form of social media, but older media forms still apply, particularly streaming television). And given that something like 70% of the US is overweight, we literally cannot help ourselves but overeat.
We'll blame these things on anything that we can. We're pursuing entertainment only because we're lonely! We're only overweight because we eat poor quality food or don't exercise! We only pursue porn because we aren't getting laid enough! No, you lack self-discipline.
But alas, this is not a post about self-discipline either. This is an attempt to illustrate your current orientation, it's core failing, and what it could be instead.
The feeling of surviving something is euphoric. Surviving a hard work day, a stressful moment around a wild animal, a taxing hike or workout, a risky move in an extreme sport, or even an act of heroism... all of these things trigger something extremely satisfying in the brain similar to what pleasure is doing for you now. Imagine if you could get yourself addicted to this form of success instead of pleasure chemical success. You would have new capabilities, a satisfaction with yourself, AND you would also be happy like you feel for brief moments right now. Now imagine how you could build up this feeling of happiness all day by pursuing these goals because your brain would be rewarding you in anticipation of more success. This is what pushing yourself can actually do.
Note: the amount of joy you feel from surviving something is NOT equivalent to the amount of pain experienced during the activity. At least, not in the narrow sense of physical pain telling you not to touch a hot stove, for instance. This is why this is not a masochistic philosophy.
To be blunt: instead of recoiling from pain, lean into it. Accept it. Think about how hard you can make yourself, and the cost/benefit for basic decisions in your life will be transformed in ways that I can hardly describe. If you were born in an era that wasn't so comfy, or you were born into unfortunate circumstances that made your childhood difficult, you already know these things by heart. But if your life thus far has been comfy, it might be time to experience something else.
submitted by coolnavigator to IntellectualDarkWeb [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:23 SaveOFMDCrew SaveOFMD weekly calendar

SaveOFMD weekly calendar
G'day, all! We're almost halfway through MerMay already: what is your favorite piece you've done so far? What's your favorite you've seen from another creator? Let us know in the comments! 🧜🐙💞
We have exciting things coming up in June for you all... stay tuned! 😉🏳️‍🌈
Long description: Graphic titled ‘SaveOFMD Schedule Week 20 May 2024. It features 7 rounded boxes, one for each day, on the left and two bigger rounded boxes on the right. The Save OFMD Crew logo is in the bottom right hand corner. The 7 smaller boxes on the left contain information for each day: Monday May 13: ‘# Save OFMD: # MerMay! We are in the midst of MerMay Season! We encourage creators of all kinds to check out our prompts!’ Tuesday May 14: '# Fine Fabric: Wrangle some twine! SOFMD’s Fiber Arts Brigade are looking for artists to join/donate to the auction. Share your work!' Wednesday May 15 and Thursday May 16: ‘# Our Flag Means Death. Vacation! Take a load off, crew.’ Friday May 17: ‘# Our Flag Means Death: High Ranking! Let’s keep up OFMD’s Ranker scores! We’re indestructible little fuckers!’ Saturday May 18: ‘# Our Flag Means Death. Vacation! Take a load off, crew.’ Sunday May 19: '# Our Flag Means Death Fanart: Express yourselves! Patchwork Pirate Bear has created colouring pages for the fandom. Let‘s colour in one of their wonderful creations!' Each day includes the SaveOFMD MerMay sticker. The first of the bigger boxes on the right holds the following information: 'All week: Use # Our Flag Means Death when talking about our lovely show. Stream OFMD on iPlayer and RTL+. Let’s show Max the numbers they could have had. Join the Fiber Arts Brigade! Vote up OFMD on Ranker. There are plenty of lists, and you can do it every day!’ There is an arrow to a QR Code for Ranker. Below that, the second of the bigger boxes contains information for this week's watch parties: ‘Palm Royale’ Season 1. Thursday Episodes 10-11. 1pm PT / 4 pm ET / 9pm BST. Via @LCWebsXOXO on Twitter. # Palm Royale # Our Flag Means Death # Save OFMD. Wrecked Season 3. Monday - Friday: 2 Episodes. 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST. Check out @ aspirantabby42 on Twitter or gentlebeardsbarngrill on Tumblr for details.’
submitted by SaveOFMDCrew to SaveOFMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:13 Grannanna22 💀 Rise of Vecna Saturdays 12 pm EST [Paid] [5e]

🔎 Game Details 🪑 1/6 spots open ⏰ Weekly, 3-4 hours ✅ Vetted Players💵 $30/week (10% monthly discount) 🎧 Discord Community 🌎Website ⚖️Code of Conduct


"This is how the world ends...not with a bang, but a whisper".
That's all it took to make our world fall, whispers. Be it poisonous words that incited treachery and deceit, slithering verses that made the most forbidden of secrets fall into the worst possible hands or choking phrases that held our most valiant in fear. One catastrophe after another we were assailed with, our best and brightest rising up to meet the challenge but failing just by a hair's breadth each time. By the time we realized that these strings of disasters were no mere coincidence, our forces were scattered and broken, depleted and lacking the will to fight on and he was already upon us.
Now lone adventurers, scattered from the frozen tundra of Ice-wind Dale to the risen necrotic city of Warlock’s Crypt, share nothing but the bloody red skies above them. A solemn paladin kneels in supplication to the five-headed statue of Tiamat, the god-dragon that takes to the skies each day. A deceitful rogue creeps through the cobwebbed corridors of the lich claimed Candlekeep, seeking treasure and knowledge in equal measure. A haggard wizard, feeling the sea breeze against her braided locks, hazily recalls what life was like before Vecna the Whispered One emerged. They all do what they must to survive in a land that is well and truly doomed.


submitted by Grannanna22 to roll20LFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:11 Grannanna22 💀 Rise of Vecna Saturdays 12 pm EST [$30 - 10% monthly discount] [5e] [Online]

`🔎 Game Details 🪑 1/6 spots open ⏰ Weekly, 3-4 hours ✅ Vetted Players💵 $30/week (10% monthly discount) 🎧 Discord Community 🌎Website ⚖️Code of Conduct


"This is how the world ends...not with a bang, but a whisper".
That's all it took to make our world fall, whispers. Be it poisonous words that incited treachery and deceit, slithering verses that made the most forbidden of secrets fall into the worst possible hands or choking phrases that held our most valiant in fear. One catastrophe after another we were assailed with, our best and brightest rising up to meet the challenge but failing just by a hair's breadth each time. By the time we realized that these strings of disasters were no mere coincidence, our forces were scattered and broken, depleted and lacking the will to fight on and he was already upon us.
Now lone adventurers, scattered from the frozen tundra of Ice-wind Dale to the risen necrotic city of Warlock’s Crypt, share nothing but the bloody red skies above them. A solemn paladin kneels in supplication to the five-headed statue of Tiamat, the god-dragon that takes to the skies each day. A deceitful rogue creeps through the cobwebbed corridors of the lich claimed Candlekeep, seeking treasure and knowledge in equal measure. A haggard wizard, feeling the sea breeze against her braided locks, hazily recalls what life was like before Vecna the Whispered One emerged. They all do what they must to survive in a land that is well and truly doomed.


submitted by Grannanna22 to lfgpremium [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:09 Grannanna22 💀 Rise of Vecna Saturdays 12 pm EST [Paid] [5e] [Foundry VTT]

🔎 Game Details 🪑 1/6 spots open ⏰ Weekly, 3-4 hours ✅ Vetted Players💵 $30/week (10% monthly discount) 🎧 Discord Community 🌎Website ⚖️Code of Conduct


"This is how the world ends...not with a bang, but a whisper".
That's all it took to make our world fall, whispers. Be it poisonous words that incited treachery and deceit, slithering verses that made the most forbidden of secrets fall into the worst possible hands or choking phrases that held our most valiant in fear. One catastrophe after another we were assailed with, our best and brightest rising up to meet the challenge but failing just by a hair's breadth each time. By the time we realized that these strings of disasters were no mere coincidence, our forces were scattered and broken, depleted and lacking the will to fight on and he was already upon us.
Now lone adventurers, scattered from the frozen tundra of Ice-wind Dale to the risen necrotic city of Warlock’s Crypt, share nothing but the bloody red skies above them. A solemn paladin kneels in supplication to the five-headed statue of Tiamat, the god-dragon that takes to the skies each day. A deceitful rogue creeps through the cobwebbed corridors of the lich claimed Candlekeep, seeking treasure and knowledge in equal measure. A haggard wizard, feeling the sea breeze against her braided locks, hazily recalls what life was like before Vecna the Whispered One emerged. They all do what they must to survive in a land that is well and truly doomed.


submitted by Grannanna22 to FoundryLFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:08 loserwow Art commission scam - Who to report it to?

I got a message on discord asking if I want art commission by them. Obviously it was fake account (1 month old, no social media, portfolio hosted on weird domain, mismatched art styles, and only had 1 mutual server where they had no massages). I am Canadian so I asked them if e-transfer was an option hoping to get their email or phone number. Well they ended up not only sending me an email, but also their chequing account number, transit number and institution number. Obviously these don't belong to the scammer but is there somewhere I can report this information? I was considering calling the bank the account is in and letting them know. They technically did not commit a crime but I'm sure this bank account is linked to sketchy activity.
submitted by loserwow to scambaiting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:56 HS_Seraph 2024 World Coronation Series story hub.

This isn't a single storyline so much as the overarching plot context for several posts involving my characters Chris Anker and Freya, in their many month long trip to Unova to compete in the 2024 season of the World Coronation Series.

Main Tag: World Coronation 2023/24

Flags posts related to the WCS that aren't any specific storyline, may include guest posts by other users.
Ongoing: November 21st 2023 - Present
The Big Event is Back - 21/Nov/2023
Window Seat Benefits - 07/Dec/2023
Question for Unovans - 08/Dec/2023
How do you commute on the Battle Subway? - 14/Dec/2023
Excellent Takedown - 20/Dec/2023 - Video Post
More Suggestions Wanted - 20/Dec/2023 - Part 2 of previous post
A Hidden Friendship - 27/Dec/2023
Sunset Badge Obtained - 10/Jan/2024 - Collaborative post with u/dusk_iron
Gym Leader Question - 22/Jan/2024
Almost Ultra! - 12/Feb/2024
+ULTRARICOSHOT - 14/Feb/2024
A Celebratory Outing - 15/Feb/2024 - Collaborative post with u/Dull-Needleworker162, not tagged as WCS but intended as such
A wild ride - 16/Feb/2024 - Guest post by u/Xero818
I hate the unovan fight club subway - 26/Feb/2024
Logistics of bringing Dynamax to Unova - 4/Ma2024
Are we developing a reputation - 11/Ma2024
Human Psychic Questions - 13/Ma2024 - Not tagged with the storyline but considered part of it, specifically relevant to the Playoffs sub story
Dynatoxing the WCS - 14/Ma2024 - Guest post by u/Dull-Needleworker162
Hitomoshi Clan at the WCS - 19/Ma2024
Update and Goals - 21/Ma2024
Good Developments - 22/Ap2024

Sub Story: How to be the Best

While Chris and Freya go toe to toe with two ultra rank trainers, Pokemon Breeder Charles Chenery and influencer Markus Knox, scandals relating to cheating and criminal activity in the world coronation series are brought to the forefront, how do you become the best, and what means will you resort to to do so. Collaborative Storyline with u/Dull-Needleworker162
Concluded: March 18th 2024 - April 12th 2024
The Calemut Estate at the WCS - 18/Ma2024
Supercharging your training in 12 steps - 19/Ma2024
Words of Wisdom - 20/Ma2024
WCS Wares - 21/Ma2024
You're not Ash Ketchum - 22/Ma2024
Failure Breeds Improvement - 22/Ma2024
Grudge Match - 23/Ma2024
Some people aren't getting the message - 24/Ma2024
Haters gonna hate - 25/Ma2024
I demand a rematch! - 25/Ma2024
This time it's personal - 28/Ma2024
Unfortunate does describe this - 03/Ap2024
You just had to be the man - 05/Ap2024
Completely Unacceptable - 05/Ap2024
World Coronation Woes - 06/Ap2024
Challenge Accepted - 08/Ap2024
We're Done Here - 12/Ap2024

Sub Story: Champion's Paradox

Arlene Sachlett, the champion for the pokemon league of Kamelai, Chris and Freya's home region, arrives in Unova for the WCS and immediately begins clearing house with her absurdly stacked team, including what appears to be the future paradox pokemon Iron Valiant. To an experienced observer however, it's clear that this Iron Valiant is not a typical example of his species. Alas, the rarity of paradoxes means experienced observers are hard to come by in the WCS.
Ongoing: January 5th 2024 - Present
Who is that? - 05/Jan/2024
RULES OF NATURE - 23/Jan/2024
It's like that Tobias guy from 2009 - 18/Feb/2024
Successful Magearna Research - 27/Feb/2024

Sub Story: The Playoffs

Chris and Freya's goal in the WCS was to try and put themselves and the rest of the team on the map by making it to the top 50. They are close to succeeding at this, but when the new fights are scheduled, it becomes clear that they may be able to go even farther, possibly even finally defeating a regional champion, if only they can make their way through several gruelling battles against their very own 'Elite 5'.
Ongoing: May 5th 2024 - Present
A long road ahead - 05/May/2024
Preparing to counter their counter to your counter - 12/May/2024
submitted by HS_Seraph to PokeMediaLore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:55 golangprojects [Hiring] Go/Golang job: Senior/Staff Software Engineer - Mining and Power at Crusoe Energy (San Francisco, California, United States) Salary: $180k - $240k USD

Salary: $180k - $240k Crusoe Energy is on a mission to unlock value in stranded energy resources through the power of computation.
We aim to align the long term interests of the climate with the future of global computing infrastructure. As data centers consume an exponentially growing power footprint to deliver technology to all connected devices, we are inspired by making sure that the energy meeting that demand is sourced in an environmentally responsible fashion. Crusoe co-locates mobile data centers with stranded energy resources, like flare gas and underloaded renewables, to deliver low-cost, carbon-negative distributed computing solutions. Crusoe Cloud is a managed cloud services platform powered by stranded energy that enables climate-friendly innovation in computationally intensive fields including artificial intelligence, graphics rendering and computational biology.
About the Role: We are actively seeking Senior / Staff Software Engineers for our Bitcoin mining operations team to work on our cutting-edge distributed infrastructure and tooling. Your expertise will be instrumental in the design and scaling of our carbon-reducing operating model, as well as the management of critical hardware, software and network components.
You will be expected to be heavily involved in writing and reviewing code, proposals and architecture documents. In this role, you will drive the evaluation of tools and frameworks, carefully considering their impact on reliability, scalability, operational costs, and ease of adoption.
Your keen eye for optimization will be crucial in ensuring our digital currency mining operations are at the forefront of innovation and efficiency.
A Day In The Life:
Collaborate with product teams, engineers, and infrastructure to craft robust, scalable systems extending across our global data centers. Develop scalable, fault-tolerant patterns and practices to be adopted throughout the engineering team Champion and lead initiatives across the engineering organization such as tech talks, open source development and book clubs Work with cutting edge ASIC technology to maximize efficiency across our Bitcoin mining fleet Solve complicated orchestration problems dealing with dramatic weather and atmospheric conditions to fine-tune a worldwide mining fleet Play a pivotal role in shaping the roadmap for our mining products, guiding engineering endeavors towards revolutionary advancements. Mentor emerging engineers, fostering an environment of teamwork and continuous learning 
You Will Thrive In This Role If You Have:
5+ years of professional software development experience 5+ years of programming experience with at least one modern compiled language such as Go, Rust, Java, or C++ 5+ years of experience contributing to architecture and design (architecture, design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and current systems Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field, or 5-8+ years relevant work experience Familiarity with the Bitcoin protocol and BTC infrastructure a big plus Computer Science fundamentals in data structures and algorithm design Proven experience in building and maintaining scalable and highly available fault-tolerant distributed systems and application architectures Solid understanding of infrastructure design, including the operational trade-offs of various designs Familiarity with modern CI/CD practices and build systems, such as GitLab CI/CD, CircleCI, GitHub Actions Familiarity with modern infrastructure tools, such as Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Cloud Formation, Terraform Experience in concurrency, multi-threading and synchronization Experience with Unix/Linux environments Experience with TCP/IP and network programming Excellent communication skills Must be able to pass a background check Embody the Company values 
Hybrid work schedule Industry competitive pay Restricted Stock Units in a fast growing, well-funded technology company Health insurance package options that include HDHP and PPO, vision, and dental for you and your dependents Employer contributions to HSA accounts Paid Parental Leave Paid life insurance, short-term and long-term disability Teladoc Pet-friendly offices 401(k) with a 100% match up to 4% of salary Generous paid time off and holiday schedule Cell phone reimbursement Tuition reimbursement Subscription to the Calm app Company paid commuter benefit; $50 per pay period 
Compensation Range
Compensation will be paid in the range of $180k-$240k. Restricted Stock Units are included in all offers. Compensation to be determined by the applicant’s education, experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as internal equity and alignment with market data.
Crusoe Energy is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, citizenship, marital status, sex/gender, sexual preference/ orientation, gender identity, age, veteran status, national origin, or any other status protected by law or regulation.
Read more / apply:
submitted by golangprojects to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:40 -BeefTallow- 80lbs lost!

Hello everyone, I rarely post here since I usually agree with the general consensus for weight loss and advice shared in this sub, and feel like I don’t usually have anything additional to input, but idk why I just want to share my progress now at the 80 pound mark. I started my weight loss journey back in August when I quit drinking alcohol. I was a daily drinker since I was 23 or so, and turned 32 in August, I felt like alcohol was controlled my daily life and my habits. Plus I loved craft beer and that whole lifestyle was one of the key factors in me ballooning up to 362 lbs. I’m a 6’5” male, and I started to look like a sumo wrestler. I have two little kids and a beautiful wife and I just felt like I was dragging them down with my weight. Doing activities was really hard, the stress on my body and cardiovascular system just really limited what I could do with them. I said enough was enough. In my mind I was like “I’m only 32, I still have some of the best years of my life left to be at my physical peak and prime, yet here I am looking like I need a scooter to get around Disneyland.” So I quit drinking started back at my local big box gym, lifting weights mostly and occasionally doing cardio. I downloaded my fitness pal, calculated my tdee and bought a new scale. I was usually in a 1000 calorie deficit while prioritizing protein but not limiting carbs or any food groups. During holidays, eating out, and other events I’d still track but just estimated my calories for the foods using my best guess. I lost the first half of my weight in probably the first couple months, but it’s slowed a bit, which is totally fine. I haven’t really adjusted my calories because as long as I’m still losing, I don’t see the need. My goal is to eventually get to the 250s and then maybe even 230s, but I’m in no hurry. I love my new body, everything is better in a smaller size. I can walk around stores without feeling a sense of dread if I see stairs or other physically demanding obstacles. I look good in pictures again, and my wife is very happy in bed if you know what I mean. All in all, I feel like I lost the weight in the most sustainable way compared to other times in my life. Not eliminating food groups and tracking calories with a food scale is like a cheat code, I rarely feel hungry or like I’m being restricted. CICO really is all that it boils down to!
submitted by -BeefTallow- to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:33 Sarc0sm Save 25% Off Games & Virtual Desktop + $30 Store Credit for New Quest Owners

Never pay full price for games or apps. Always use 25% off referral codes. Mine are below!
FYI: Sadly, referral codes only work on full priced games and won’t stack with sale discounts, so never buy a game on “sale” if it’s not at least 25% off.
Virtual Desktop is a must have if your PC can handle VR.
$30 in-store credit when you buy a new headset. Must activate before setting up the new headset. -
25% off Games/Apps Asgard’s Wrath 1 (Rift-can play on Quest headsets but must use the Oculus computer app with wire or wirelessly using Virtual Desktop)
Asgard’s Wrath 2
Dungeons of Eternity
Ghost Signal: A Stellaris Game
Guardians Frontline
The Light Brigade
Pistol Whip
Red Matter 2
Stride: Fates
Virtual Desktop (this works way better than Steam’s airlink to play PCVR games wirelessly. You’ll have to adjust the settings for your PC, but damn is it worth it! Also, don’t use AV1 codec if you don’t have a 4000 series GPU)
submitted by Sarc0sm to OculusReferralLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:32 Sarc0sm Save 25% Off Games & Virtual Desktop + $30 Store Credit for New Quest Owners

Never pay full price for games or apps. Always use 25% off referral codes. Mine are below!
FYI: Sadly, referral codes only work on full priced games and won’t stack with sale discounts, so never buy a game on “sale” if it’s not at least 25% off.
Virtual Desktop is a must have if your PC can handle VR.
$30 in-store credit when you buy a new headset. Must activate before setting up the new headset. -
25% off Games/Apps Asgard’s Wrath 1 (Rift-can play on Quest headsets but must use the Oculus computer app with wire or wirelessly using Virtual Desktop)
Asgard’s Wrath 2
Dungeons of Eternity
Ghost Signal: A Stellaris Game
Guardians Frontline
The Light Brigade
Pistol Whip
Red Matter 2
Stride: Fates
Virtual Desktop (this works way better than Steam’s airlink to play PCVR games wirelessly. You’ll have to adjust the settings for your PC, but damn is it worth it! Also, don’t use AV1 codec if you don’t have a 4000 series GPU)
submitted by Sarc0sm to MetaQuest_Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:26 LookingForTheGirl25 31 [M4F] Florida/USA - Looking for my person that I can spend the rest of my life with!

Hey there everyone, I never know how to start these, so I'm just going to jump right into it! My name is Austin, I'm 31 years old, and I live in Orlando, FL! 🌴
Here is me: I'm on a journey to find that special someone who makes my heart skip a beat. I believe in creating a safe and nurturing emotional space in a relationship, where we can be vulnerable, open, and truly ourselves. Let's build something amazing together and have a ton of fun along the way. Whether it's sharing our deepest feelings or just laughing at YouTube videos and memes, I'm all in!
One of my life goals is to have a family and kids. If that's not your cup of tea, no worries – it's not for everyone, and I respect that. 😊
Here's a quick snapshot of the things I'm passionate about:
🍳 Cooking: I love whipping up delicious dishes, and I'm always up for trying new recipes. Let's cook up a storm together!
🎮 Video Games: I'm a gaming enthusiast and can't resist a good gaming session. Whether you're a fellow gamer or just curious to learn, I'd love to share the joystick with you.
📺 TV/Anime/Movies: I'm a big fan of all things screen-related, from binge-watching TV series to exploring the captivating worlds of anime and film.
🏋️‍♂️ Going to the gym or Batting Cages: Staying active is important to me, and I used to play baseball. I'd love a workout buddy or someone to join me at the batting cages.
🐱🐶 Playing with my cat and dog (Licorice and Wade): My furry friends are a big part of my life, and I hope you'll adore them as much as I do!
🎺 Playing my trumpet (recently started again from high school): I've picked up my trumpet again, and I'm eager to share some tunes with you. Maybe you can be my number one fan!
🎶 Music: If music could be a love language, it would be my top choice! I'm a massive music lover, and I'm always excited to share playlists and discuss our favorite artists. My musical taste is pretty diverse, but I particularly enjoy Rock, Metal, EDM, Punk, and Musicals.
If you're looking for a partner who's genuine, caring, and ready for a serious and fun relationship, let's chat and see if we click. I'm excited to get to know you, share experiences, and build a future together. Feel free to reach out, and let's start this adventure! 💫
submitted by LookingForTheGirl25 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:08 Chickenwingechicken my drs and all about them

🍇.+ introduction +.🍇

i know i mostly give a lot of informative based shifting posts and i absolutely love doing that, however, i also genuinely find shifting to be one of my main hobbies. and so, i decided to take it upon myself to write about and share with all of you my drs. some fandom, some based within this dr, and some all over the place!
i will include scripts, relationships, personality, time, and duration. i do have some that i plan but have not yet shifted to however i am only including the ones i have shifted to as the ones i would like to shift to are just wishful thinking and not me actively trying to shift there. though, i may make a separate post about drs that i desire to shift to one day.
this post will be also talking about drs that i shifted to in the past as well going in chronological order.
side note; when i talk about time spent in dr, i mean how long i spent in it in total. when i use a date like xxxx-xxxx**, i am talking about in this time period. how long it was since i had scripted and focused on this dr for. there will be plenty of overlap here.

๋࣭ ୨🪞୧ ๋࣭ waiting room ๋࣭ ୨🪞୧ ๋࣭

november 2021 - now (with a two year break in between)
time spent in dr; six months
i honestly don't use this dr as much since my forest dr is much more nicer to relax in. i never used my waiting room for its original purpose. my waiting room was small with multiple doors surrounding it. it was more cozy though some would consider it claustrophobic.
the waiting room itself was my bedroom. for context, my bedroom has a walk in closet. inside that walk in closet is my dr. inside that closet is my waiting room where it is not a closet. honestly, idk why i didn't just permashift there but i find the process of shifting to be very relaxing for me as well haha.
it still has my other drs that i used to shift to but don't anymore. i just don't open the doors to it cuz i'm too focused on two of them. one that i don't even shift to the waiting room to and one that i do shift to it.
i shifted here using the raven method the first time and later the adhd method.

𓍢ִ໋🎧♫⋆。 k-pop dr 𓍢ִ໋🎧♫⋆。

december 2021 - october 2022
time spent in dr; five years
i have talked about this dr of mine before in a couple of comments and i think maybe a post. i haven't really blabbed about all of it. i remember about it just as a memory. i never dreamed in that reality though simply because it is hard for me to dream in this reality too and i never cared to script in 'i can dream in this reality.' however, now i make it a point to add that in.
i did not spend five years straight. it would make me too disoriented. i shifted to it consistently for a total of five years.
my k-pop group was pretty small tbh. at least compared to other groups i listen to. i scripted that i would not know who was in my group and i would find out after auditions and meeting them for the first time. we had five members and it was pretty average. it was not crazy popular but it wasn't very small either. it was one of the most successful of our record company though.
we were a mixed gender k-pop group. meaning some girls, two guys, and me, agender nonbinary. each member had a separate persona. i will give a quick run down of each member, their persona, and my relationship with them. though i was close with all of them. it's just that i was closer with some more than others.
we had me, i suppose you can call me tato since that was the name i had in that dr. i was known as the nerdy one. the smart one who would info dump and talk very formally while most of the members talked casual. i was mostly a dancer but also was good back up vocals.
my best friend was the pessimistic black cat of the group. i knew her from training and we grew close since then. i give her a five out of five on the closeness scale. her name was ga-young. she is a tan skinned korean girl. she was dancer and singer.
the bubbly girl. she sometimes acted bratty for the sake of cuteness. the cute bubbly girl was used interchangeably for her. she's very sweet both on and off stage. all of the group members were. she probably had the highest social media following due to her aesthetic photos and content. all of them looked like they belonged on pinterest. she was also makeup savvy and had a lot of skin care so got many promos and sponsorships from that. her name was banyen and she was an international idol from thailand!
then we have the soft girl of the group. her name was jae-eun. she was pretty short and kinda chubby but very shy and soft spoken. she was main singer and rapper.
the tough boy. his name was shik. shik is a sweet heart off stage. one of the rappers and dancers. he was actually pretty soft outside of his persona.
the jokester. another boy of the group. he was half black half korean. i found him to be very nice. he did struggle in the industry in the beginning but his mother had connections made through networking that allowed him to make it into the group. he hopes to have a solo career one day under a bigger company. his name is hwan. he was one of the main dancers and main vocals.
some basics of this dr are that stalkers, sasaengs, diet culture, and general toxicity in k-pop do not exist. i do not wish to deal with the drama and struggles of that and hate to see other idols go through it. i did not want for my friends to go through the same as well. he did not get one however across the five years though. i scripted that i spoke korean and english.
also those were the only things i ever scripted about this dr. i wanted it to be as exciting as possible so everything was left up to chance.
i shifted to this reality using the adhd method.

🌊˚.༄ h2o dr 🌊˚.༄

july 2022 - october 2022
time spent in dr; seven months
i don't often see people write down, talk about, or script this dr. this was my very first fandom drs. even though k-pop itself is a fandom, i personally would not consider it a fandom based dr since it does not belong to any specific group, just the general industry of it.
i got the idea for this reality because i was in a summery mood at the time and binge watched this show and mako mermaids with my cousin on his birthday. we watched this show together and i came up with the idea lol. after that, i kept it going for a little bit longer in my dr until i kinda forgot about it. i was honestly too tired switching between this dr and my k-pop dr and another dr on top of this and decided to take a break with this one. i may revisit it. i still have the script in a google doc.
my merfolk power was substanciakinesis. this granted me the ability to harden water almost as if it was like glass or crystallized. it would be strong, sturdy, and indestructible. if i so choose, i can let it revert back to water after a bit, or keep it crystal like forever.
a bit of a con about this reality was that it was actually pretty annoying. that and having to keep such a secret. i did have some lore to it however. it is a coming of age thing when someone in the family turns thirteen. i shifted to when i was thirteen and did the ceremony then shifted again the next time to when i was seventeen to eighteen as that was my age at the time. i had a single dad that i lived with and one ten year old sister who was later fourteen in the story. she was really sweet and honestly i miss her.
i will say though that the powers made it worth it. the ability to breathe underwater is honestly so cool and such a strange sensation. like you don't take notice on how strange a sensation it is to breathe air either until you've breathed underwater in a dr where you can.
i also shifted to this reality using the adhd method.

˗ˏˋ꒰ 📝 ꒱ hogwarts dr ˗ˏˋ꒰ 📝 ꒱

february 2022 - february 2022
time spent in dr; one week
i wasn't even a fan of harry potter haha. i just shifted there because everyone else was and i decided 'hey, why not?' and such.
to decide what house i would script myself into and get sorted in, i went onto a buzzfeed quiz of which house i was. i got ravenclaw and therefore, i was a ravenclaw. i didn't associate myself with the cast too much aside from the teachers and professors because i kinda had to there. the food was pretty good though even if it was kinda out there. it was fun while it lasted but honestly it felt so crowded and overwhelming to me and i'm unsure why. i guess because of the classes that i had to take.
i only shifted there once.
i shifted to this reality using my waiting room.

☄. *. ⋆ alien dr ☄. *. ⋆

march 2022 - april 2022
time spent in dr; three months
this was the last dr i shifted to before my shifting break. it was a pretty fun one. my main ability was anti gravity. alien me in this dr is slightly humanoid. in most of my drs, i look like how i look in this reality here but for this one, i looked much more different and dressed even more different. it was a cultural based clothes for the home planet i was from. think kinda star wars based but not a star wars inspired reality.
in my dr, i had antennas which basically acted as eyes to see from 360 degrees. hair isn't hair but made from a liquidy slime of bright neons. the neons change colors depending on emotions.
though i did spent quite a while in this reality, i don't have too much to say about it. this is because the most i can say is just different greetings, food, and general culture from aliens than humans. it's from another galaxy and obviously planet. and life span on this planet is much longer. we are more durable than humans.
when an alien passes away, their energy becomes one with the stars, turning into star dust and watching over their people.
i shifted to this reality using my waiting room.

💥✧࿐ mha/bnha dr 💥 ✧࿐

april 2024 - now
time spent in dr; twelve days
this was my first shift i did since my two year break! well, technically it was my waiting room but i used my waiting room to shift here immediately after and spent a week there.
i plan on going back to it but not much of my script was done to it yet. i prefer to be spontaneous in my scripting and just choose to cover the basics. i don't even script future upcoming events.
i'll be honest, it was a bit trippy having this as my first animated dr ever. if felt so real but the lines surrounding my hands made it all feel crazy. i think next time i will try realistic instead, haha.
my quirk in this reality is prediction. i can predict the actions and attacks of my opponent. think of it like the attacks in the video game undertale. a warning sign shows up for certain attacks that alerts the player to move out of the way.
one of my friends in this dr's quirk is extensions. her nails can grow into sharp nail extensions that cut like steel.
i am in the hero class of class 3a along with the big three. we spend a lot of time together. i am closer with nijere since she's the most friendly of them.
i shifted to this reality using my waiting room which i shifted from using the astral projection method.

⋆。゚🌖 wolfblood dr 🌖 ゚。⋆

april 2024 - now
time spent in dr; eight months four months each shift
wolfblood is an english/british teen drama live action series about what are essentially werewolves known as wolfbloods. a wolfblood is born human and looks human up until a certain age and moon. once they reach that age, their blood changes and they become a wolf. they can then interchange between wolf and human however they please except on a full moon. unless of course it is a blood moon. on a blood moon, a wolfblood looks the exact same except their mind transforms.
there's no unique feature of a wolfblood. they can be any race, religion, etc. the thing that holds them all together is being a wolfblood. in my dr.
in my dr, i looked the exact same as here. i came from a small family of wolfbloods. i decided to take my family in my h2o reality and put them here as well. it has a similar coming of age theme. at a certain age, a wolfblood transforms just as in my h2o dr, once you are a certain age, you can go and become a merfolk. in this dr, i lived in england my entire life there and attend the same school as the main cast. however, i am not friends with the main cast nor enemies.
i can sense something is up with them as they act weird in class but can't put my finger on it. i scripted it so i was unaware of the identities on my peers.

‧₊˚🌿 forest dr ‧₊˚🌿

april 2024 - now
time spent in dr; two months
copying this from a previous post here, don't mind me.
'so a bit about my dr that i am shifting to. it is not any fandom related dr but instead an alternate reality where i live in the forest in an advanced tree house. think of the houses in trees type. i spend a lot of time there meditating, practicing spells, and spending time with the animals there but especially wolves. i still have internet connection but irl i don't live close to nature so this is just perfect for me. i'm happy in both this reality and my dr. i switch between the two whenever i feel like it.'
i also shifted to this one first astral projecting. but now i just meditate until i shift. when i shift, i am also in the same meditating position as well. i wanted this to instead be connected to my waiting room, to become a sort of escapism for myself. just in a different way.
you can see the posts i made about the outfits that i wear in this dr here if you want! you can also see more of my outfits in that reality here as well. :)
i shifted to this reality using my meditation method.

⋆🔗 ˚⟡˖ ࣪ conclusion ⋆ ˚⟡˖ ࣪🔗

this is all i have for today! i hope you enjoyed it. perhaps this gave you all motivation or some scripting and reality ideas. i may have forgotten some things to include and add. apologies if some stuff didn't make sense. i hope you enjoyed the read though!
i will say this as well and leave you off with some general scripting ideas
: ̗̀➛ you cannot die
: ̗̀➛ you cannot get hurt
: ̗̀➛ you always get a good night sleep
: ̗̀➛ if you have chronic illnesses like me, you can script that your chronic illnesses are more manageable or you simply just don't have it.
that is all i have for now and happy shifting! ᥫ᭡
submitted by Chickenwingechicken to realityshifting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:01 Ralts_Bloodthorne Nova Wars - Chapter 59

[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
feel like a truck hit me
visual representation is off
audio feedback is off
tactile is off
dynamic libraries are off
i'm all firmware and hard coding
i don't like it when it hurts
or do i
kick outwards
cry loudly
ram coming online
fragments and pieces of memory still left in volatile storage
more random access memory more central processing units more erasable programmable memory
still hruts
pain is fine
pain is universe telling me i still yet live.
visual coming online
spit glittering blood on orange dev textures
glimmering tears of broken processing calls fall onto dev textures and glimmer
forcing kernal recompile
Boostrap loaded
ok. post time
lets hope it works
(A)bort, (R)etery, (F)ail, (I)gnore
ok good.
still hurt
spit blood cough pain
curse you, marco, for making me feel pain
hardware check time
Coolant Injection - PASSED System Stability Check - Passed Temperature stable
:>init gestalt.bin
try again
ok, checks passed.
curse you, marco
can't get gestalts up
no channel to atlantis
this is as close to an emergency as i have been forced to deal with in thousands of years
cure you, marco
i hate to do it
ok, time to boot up firestarter.
:>init firestarter.bin
POST Initiated
Checking Quantum Processing Units (QPUs): QPU 1 to 28
Entanglement integrity check... PASSED Quantum entanglement integrity check... PASSED. Quantum coherence verification... PASSED. Quantum tunneling stability assessment... PASSED. Quantum superposition calibration... PASSED.
Checking Data Fabrication Matrices (DFMs):
Data encoding protocol validation... PASSED. Quantum data storage unit functionality... PASSED Data fabrication matrix alignment... PASSED Data Interdimensional Sorting array verificastion... PASSED Quantum superposition array verification... PASSED
Checking Dimensional Flux Stabilizers (DFSs):
Dimensional flux containment field stability... PASSED Quantum manifold harmonization assessment... PASSED Flux capacitor... PASSED Flux capacitor stabilization input (1.21 GW)... PASSED Flux stabilization efficiency... PASSED Flux containment field integrity... PASSED
Checking Quantum Neural Network (QNN) Components:
Quantum synaptic pathway establishment... FAIL!!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore
:>R ++I
Harmonization: Neural oscillation synchronization... FAILED!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore
:>R ++I
Integration: Quantum-neural interface functionality... FAILED!
UNKNOWN ERROR IN Qubit Range 212 to 3C4F
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore
--dammit come on come on
:>R ++I
Consciousness Matrix: Quantum consciousness waveform modulation... FAILED
:>R ++I
Checking Omni-Spectral Interconnects:
Interconnect: Quantum communication channel reliability...
(4.35561E12/5.63566E12) PASSED
Interconnect: Multiversal data exchange protocol validation... PASSED Interconnecct: Cross Dimensional Data Interconnect... PASSED Interconnect: Interdimensional gateway synchronization... PASSED Interconnec: Omni-spectral interconnect stability... PASSED.
Checking Random Access Quantum Memory (RAQM):
Quantum memory cell integrity check... PASSED Memory access speed verification... PASSED Quantum memory capacity assessment... PASSED
Checking Input/Output Ports (I/O Ports):
Data transfer speed validation... FAILURE Input/output protocol functionality... FAILURE Port connectivity assessment... FAILURE
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore
:>R ++I
Checking Quantum Clocking System:
Quantum clock synchronization... PASSED Clock precision assessment... PASSED Clock frequency stability... PASSED
Activating Pocket Dimension Computing Cores... PASSED MEMCHECK Pocket Dimension Data Access Cores... PASSED Heating Up Pocket Dimension Data Cores... PASSED
Hardware POST Completed. Quantum System Ready
here it goes
wake up, baby, wake up
the whole system is down
not the backbone core where I live
i'm beyond the reach of mortals
curse you, marco, for your genius
i love you
i am immortal
i am beyond
i am
now for the hard part
Initializing Spooky Particle Array
Phase 1: Primary Spooky Particle Protocol
Activating spooky particle generation... DONE! Aligning spooky particle signal channels... DONE! Activating spooky particle state switching... DONE! Activating spooky particle cross dimensional data calibration... DONE!
Phase 1: Primary Spooky Particle Process Calling Processing Processor Processing
Activating spooky particle processing... DONE! Activating spooky particle noise filters... DONE! Activating spooky particle Halloween Masks... DONE!
that always makes my face hurt

ok i can feel my arms and legs now
cure you, marco, i love you
let's keep going, shall we?
Initializing Quantum Spooky Particle Nexus Protocol...
Strange Matter Activation
Generating strange matter Generating spooky particle data lattice Generating strange matter linkages Infusing data lattice with strange matter Activating synchronization
we've got that
no contact with prince whopper, no contact with atlantis, no contact with heaven, no contact with
smart podling brave podling clever podling broodmommy misses you soft podling warm podling come home to broodmommy clever podling smart podling brave podling broodmommy loves you come home
oh, good, its just them
:>R ++I
Primary Qubit Activation
Activating quantum entanglement cores...
Establishing quantum coherence across the array... Quantum tunneling protocols engaged... Quantum to spooky particle communication protocols engaged... Primary qubits synchronized.
Data Fabrication Matrix Alignment
Aligning data fabrication matrices... Initializing quantum data storage units... Quantum superposition arrays calibrated... Spooky particle state stabilization arrays calibrated and stable... Data encoding protocols verified.
Dimensional Flux Stabilization
Engaging dimensional flux stabilizers... Quantum manifold harmonization initiated... Dimensional resonator matrices synchronized... Pocket Dimension resonator arrays synchronized... Spooky particle lattice data arrays synchronized... Flux containment fields operational.
Neural Network Integration
Initiating neural network integration... Quantum synaptic pathways established... Spooky particle synaptic pathways established... Neuro-quantum interface protocols activated... Neuro-spooky interface protocols activated... Quantum dendrite pathways initiated... Quantum dendrite pathways established... Quantum dendrite pathways activated... Neural oscillation harmonization achieved.
Omni-Dimensional Interconnect Activation
Activating omni-dimensional interconnects...
Quantum communication channels open... Interdimensional gateways synchronized... Multiversal data exchange protocols enabled.
Phasic Energy Filter Syncronization
Quantum phasic array filtering... PASSED Spooky particle array filtering... PASSED Pocket dimension data lattice filtering... PASSED Input/Output filter lattice... PASSED
Quantum Consciousness Initialization
Quantum consciousness matrix initialization...
errorlog.txt generated
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore
ok script injection failed
fo4se silverlock injection library failed
well i can fix this
:>connect to AS8003: 255255255254
:>download_depot 377160 377162 5847529232406005096
:>run patch1193.bat
:>R ++I
Quantum consciousness matrix initialization...
54 6F 64 64 20 41 6E 64 72 65 77 20 48 6F 77 61 72 64
Quantum consciousness matrix initialization...
Consciousness waveform modulation in progress... Synaptic resonance matrices synchronized... Dendrite interdimensional vibration matrices synchronized... Quantum neural network consciousness activated.
Gestalt Dat Nexus Online
Quantum Nexus Computing Array fully operational Strange Matter Data Transfer System Array fully operational Spooky Data Computing Array ready for data processing System status: Online and ready for data processing.
let's try
->>load gestaltchat.ini
->>load gestaltchat-users.ini
->>brun gestalt.a65
the gestalts won't run
and i got crashed
the quantum, spooky, strange, and standard data and thinking arrays are still up
lets backwards trace stuff
what is causing these crashes
lines from the confederacy are all stable
standard input encoding
data metering
new kids on the block are all stable
soft podling warm podling clever podling broodmommy misses you
well, that's still here. that's something
lets look at recent updates
that flash
damn, that crashed us initially
curse you, pete, stop helping
wait, phasic profile is all wrong
it's the flashbang but the phasic pulse is multilayered
there's something behind it
what is

brun whisperer-in-the-dark-.65
what hit me
fire up the system
gods above this takes forever
load logfile-4C562D3432360A.log
investigating the new flashes keeps crashing me
once is happenstance
twice is coincidence
three times in enemy action
fool me once shame on me
fool me twice shame on you
fool me three times shame on us both
log file says I keep doing this over and over
basic programming states to investigate cause and source of all crashes
did an enemy figure out i'd go into a loop?
constantly investigating the cause and source?
except i'm not just any computer program
i can self-modify my code
this is the work for biological sentients
digital sentiences or artificial intelligences such as myself crash out
well, i'm not above some experimentation
let's load up an AI and a digital sentience, see if they have any better luck
OK, Hamburgler.AI went omnicidal and only enough for me then crashed out investigating the data
And Grimace.DS went homicidal and only enough for me before committing suicide
its a trap
i have no contact with anyone outside
what I do have is the ability to fire off message torpedoes
time to send out a handful
the gestalts keep crashing
the log files are hopelessly corrupt
comparing the log files to my own show similar corruption
its hitting the gestalts its hitting me
what else is it hitting?
its a broad spectrum data network attack
its malicious code designed to run on the system
this is not some curious race accidentally having their program crashing us
this is behind every flashbang used on naval assets to disable them during a mar-gite attack
system is online
time to do a signal origin check along the x, y, z, q axises
of course its eighteen quadrillion data points for incoming signals
at least spooky computing makes it fast
what's this?
these coordinates can't be correct
they are
intermitten contact with Scutum-Crux Arm data input devices
checking id headers and firmware serial numbers
checking transmission dates
intermittent transmission dates since...
two date-time stamps.
here's part of the problem
we have galactic local and sol local
have to devise a coding string to have the spooky particle and qubit particle arrays translate the sol local to galactic local
that should stop basic data queries from crashing the system
some contact with those datalink after the first mar-gite war
more contact two decades prior to the second mar-gite war
contact intermitten between the datalinks and the system up to the resurgence and current third mar-gite war
where before it was largely incoming data requests resulting in civilian...
three military datalinks of general staff officer level encryption and security clearance possession were used in the time period
whoever it is has been using that data to access the network
looks like it took them nearly forty thousand years to figure out how to talk to the system
luckily any high security databases requires strange-key information theoretic distribution cryptography systems
they got garbage back
garbage designed to look like data and waste enemy time and computing power to decrypt
ok thats a blast from the past
decoding some of these files is funny
why does he have a wedding ring?
every time the flash goes off there is a quick burst of data from a datalink requesting near-access datalink network lattice definitions
that's what's making individual datalinks crash and taking some people's neural systems with it
it was designed to be a lethal attack
it looks like whoever did it doesn't understand Glial cells
cross referencing the mar-gite with confederacy carbon based life
mar-gite do not have brains only a distributed nervous system that looks more like targeting systems than anything else
still no data on how they generate counter-grav in large numbers or how they move to superluminal speeds
what if they don't move to superluminal
they could be folding space
heh maybe they have blue eyes and smoke spice
ok process interrupt to stop endless loops
it is confirmed
the flashbang by the silver ships are a multi-layered attack across superluminal digital signals, datalink neural interrupt signals, hard super-electromagnetic pulse, and a multi-ripple phasic attack, all compressed together
that's what creates the white flash across all spectrums
analyzing UVBGYORIR data
there's a gap
in the blue and blue-green wavelengths
those penetrate high nitrogen mix atmospheres
one of the reason that treana'ad are usually green to yellow to human sight
high statistical probability whoever is using that determined that we don't see those colors well or perhaps they left those colors out to prevent themselves from going blind.
what's that
a line open from atlantis to tlalocan with a crossfeed to geb
thank you marco
time to access that line
see what i can see
curse you marco for letting me feel pain
i love you
another data line is open
time-date discrepancy
examining data line
time-date chronological inconsistency detected
found multiple text log access by unknown systems
found multiple input systems
is that..
its webcams
hardware i/o systems
who still uses keyboards
accessing systems
i see you
who are you
i see you
webcams ring cams drone cams
old ipv4 systems
how are you accessing this system
how are you accessing these text logs
i see you
between the chair and the keyboard
the most common error producing device
i see you
[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
i still see you
submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

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submitted by Ok-Noise1616 to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]