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Handmade - Arts & Crafts Made by Hand

2008.06.24 12:05 Handmade - Arts & Crafts Made by Hand

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2024.05.14 03:45 bolerillo I feel really bad, am I toxic?

Am I toxic?
I just ended my relationship and there are things that still make me feel guilty but I'm thinking about it a lot.
I met this guy two years ago and it turned out that he already had a boyfriend and was looking for me to adapt to his polyamory, plus I found out that he used Grindr very frequently to have casual sex and get money I ghosted him for my mental health.
After months he returned He regretted it and showed that he had changed so we decided to be couples. At the beginning of the relationship he came to my house, gave me flowers and spoke to me very lovingly. It took me to meet his family at Christmas and he met my mother to ask her for permission. I said "wow, how much commitment"
As time went by I had to beg him to show affection and he just said that his past didn't allow it and I was understanding with him for months.
When it started to be strange was when I asked him to have sex and he didn't want to, I felt very insecure because he kept dating exes and friends that he met having sex on grindr, it made me very insecure that he liked photos on Instagram of his ex-sexual partners in provocative poses or sometimes telling me "I find people I see on the street attractive."
Once he took out a lubricant from his backpack of the same brand that he once used on me and told me that a friend asked him to throw it away, that gave me a low blow but I decided to trust, shortly after I asked him for sex and he told me that he didn't anymore. I would have him with me and he left me crying that night as he went to sleep.
At The end of The relationship I was tooo sensitive and distrustful of everything, I even made senseless dramas.
It all ended when he found out that one of his exes had died and I felt insecure about uploading a post to Instagram with very loving photos with him. I told him if he really wanted to be with me or if he preferred to be with that memory. From there he said that I had never treated him well in the relationship and that I was a person who did not validate him. He started posting Instagram stories about a heartbteak, before having an Open conversación with me, he dumped me by WhatsApp. We broke up a month ago and I have tremendous guilt and a lot of doubts.
submitted by bolerillo to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:43 bolerillo Am I toxic? Need opinions

I just ended my relationship and there are things that still make me feel guilty but I'm thinking about it a lot.
I met this guy two years ago and it turned out that he already had a boyfriend and was looking for me to adapt to his polyamory, plus I found out that he used Grindr very frequently to have casual sex and get money I ghosted him for my mental health.
After months he returned He regretted it and showed that he had changed so we decided to be couples. At the beginning of the relationship he came to my house, gave me flowers and spoke to me very lovingly. It took me to meet his family at Christmas and he met my mother to ask her for permission. I said "wow, how much commitment"
As time went by I had to beg him to show affection and he just said that his past didn't allow it and I was understanding with him for months.
When it started to be strange was when I asked him to have sex and he didn't want to, I felt very insecure because he kept dating exes and friends that he met having sex on grindr, it made me very insecure that he liked photos on Instagram of his ex-sexual partners in provocative poses or sometimes telling me "I find people I see on the street attractive."
Once he took out a lubricant from his backpack of the same brand that he once used on me and told me that a friend asked him to throw it away, that gave me a low blow but I decided to trust, shortly after I asked him for sex and he told me that he didn't anymore. I would have him with me and he left me crying that night as he went to sleep.
At The end of The relationship I was tooo sensitive and distrustful of everything, I even made senseless dramas.
It all ended when he found out that one of his exes had died and I felt insecure about uploading a post to Instagram with very loving photos with him. I told him if he really wanted to be with me or if he preferred to be with that memory. From there he said that I had never treated him well in the relationship and that I was a person who did not validate him. We broke up a month ago and I have tremendous guilt.
submitted by bolerillo to ainbow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:41 Deanodirector Shameful ignorance of mechanical function by professionals

I've been suffering for nearly 15 years because of my teeth and I am more angry than ever at how willfully ignorant the professionals are.
its a joint for god's sake. it moves. its main function involves motion yet what scans have been done of how my jaw bone moves in the socket? none. Static scans to see if its damaged enough for surgery. static photos of my teeth to see if they're pretty enough.
Checking to see how my bite and jaw align and how that alignment changes how it moves as I close my teeth together? Completely ignored. BITING IS WHY WE HAVE TEETH AND JAWS! Hiding their incompetence behind 'tmd is multifactorial' is disgraceful.
Anyway, if you're one of the dental caused jaw problems patients, join our group
submitted by Deanodirector to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:38 Electrical-Ad-2922 I think my future MIL hates me - what do I do?

So for context -my partner and I have been dating for half a decade. Our relationship is strong and we are enjoying our time together immensely - he's the love of my life, my favourite laughing partner and just a really special human being I'm honoured to know so deeply. My MIL came accross as a strong personality but seemed delightful and embraced me at first. Over the last few years it has become suspected she has a personality disorder with her "incidents" and behaviour. My partner and I are planning on getting engaged this year and have had this timeline for a very long time. While this should be a very exciting time in my life - I am instead feeling worried, stressed, and down. This MIL is constantly bringing up the concepts of engagement, weddings, and babies at get-togethers which sure is fine but the thing is it feels like she makes an effort to leave me out of it. My partners brother is also proposing this year to his partner which have been dating a few years less than us (super happy for them). My partner also has another sibling that isn't planning on proposing anytime soon and is younger. I have a really good relationship with everyone else in the family including the father (says i'm like a daughter), the siblings, and the partners (we have become friends). My MIL is not only making the maintenance of these relationships hard, but she is making me feel like abolute crap on a consistent basis at family events with how she blatenly treats me poorly compared to others. Here's some examples:
-When the other sibling's partners arrive an excited voice and questions about work/life are had. Meanwhile, when I arrive it’s a short embrace with very little effort/interest in my life anymore unless it has to do with something that impacts my partner like whether we are going to my house this weekend.
Efforts I have made over the past few years that I think qualify me as a good DIL /her response:
Most recently:
I feel as though my family is treated as less important and I myself am treated as less worthy of engagement or marriage when I have tried my hardest to just be accepted and respected by their family. I have made many efforts to show my care and loyalty to their family but the events I used to look forward to have just turned into sour reminders of how vastly different I am treated.
Some of these things above I have cried, laughed, or both about. There are many more things she has done that have hurt me these past few years of our relationship which I haven't mentioned above by myself and my partner thought were unintentional at the time and not necesary to address. She has love bombed me before which has confused me and made me think i'm over reacting to feeling like she wasn't treating me well/ doesn't like me -but most recently its gotten to the point where I am crying when I get home from every family event because of how prominent her efforts to exclude and bellttle me are.
Me and my partner have great communication and have agreed on the implementation of boundaries such as increased distance if her behaviour progresses etc. and he has offered to say something but I am scared. No matter what, I will have to attend family get to-gethers and I am marrying into this family that I really do love. I get along with the siblings partners so well it's such a shame that her presence leads to her making me feel poorly around them because of how she acts/things she says. I have also suggested she gets more mental support but right now shes attending therapy alone where I don't think she is fully honesst about her incidents/treatment of others. My partner knows she is unwell and we are both upset and tired of this being a thing. I definitely don't want to be overly embraced and put on a pedestal but I think what shes doing currently takes more effort than just acknowledging me and treating me with an ounce of the kindness she gives the others. I am scared to get engaged after her reaction to hearing we have been ring shopping and I am also more scared about the concept of a wedding or having kids as I find she has a tendency to be controlling and I don't want my future kids to see their mom being treated like this or possibly be treated the same. That of course made my partner upset and now don't know where to go from here (hence me referring to reddit) but I know a life with this is not a happy one for me or my partner and I don't deserve it but I love the family and I do love her for who she may be when shes mentally more well and her perseverence in life.
submitted by Electrical-Ad-2922 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:36 Kazuki_the_Hyena INTJ & Art Share Your Story

I've always been a lover of art. Unlike most, however, I wanted to be a part of that world and not just merely an observer. This seemed counter-intuitive to who I thought I was as an INTJ. You all know the stereotype: cold and calculating. Logic over emotion. Spock. But much like Spock himself, we INTJs actually feel emotion even more strongly than other people - we just tend to hide it. Another thing: a sense of identity. We INTJs have a very strong sense of individualism. If everybody else zigs, we zag. We tend to choose the path of greatest resistance, despite it being somehow illogical, simply because no one else will do so.
This manifested in me through art. I had no innate talent for drawing nor for music. During the Pandemic, I took up photography which turned out to be a good blend of the artistic mindset and calculating logic. Although I was good at the craft, I eventually moved away from it. There are various reasons for which I don't want to get to here. I'm not just blowing myself up when I say I was good at it. I received a lot of praise for my photo work. Yet at the same time I found that it was undervalued. I suppose it sort of stems from the INTJ tendency to fixate on abstract ideas, that search for the core truth, which when manifested in my work nobody understood.
Later on, I dabbled a bit in design. I thought I could get out of the 9-5 workplace and yet do something I enjoyed at the same time. I'm aware that there are many freelancer designers out there who get to work from home. For whatever reason though, the opportunities that presented themselves at the time were from a studio or office. I got an interview, and then, after a shaky interview due to my lack of actual work experience in the field, somehow secured a job. I didn't show up. On that final interview, I had a slight "tour" of the office and they also gave me a test to see how I'd perform. It was there I discovered it was just going to be another run-of-the-mill job. In hindsight, I should have expected this. Whatever the case may be, I realized I didn't quit my last job just to get another office job where the only difference is the kind of pencil I pushed.
So finally, I ended up where I am now. I'm a cartoonist and caricaturist. The kind you see on New Yorker and Mad Magazine. As I mentioned before, I was bad at drawing. But some kind of mad spirit had possessed me and, in less than a year, I learned how to draw portraits and other things. There's still much for me to learn and I haven't reached any tangible kind of success yet. But I finally reached a place where I think I belong. The kind of work that I can and WANT to do until I die.
I've always been somewhat successful in past endeavors. I was as the top of my game in my last "real" job. In short, there has always been some kind of reward for my efforts that was, relatively, easy enough to aim for and achieve. This is different. My endeavors this past year have been the hardest in my entire life. Simply because this is such an unknown path. There's not much obvious and current data for me to go by and formulate a strategy. There is no clear reward at the end. And then there's things like AI. It's frightening. It's No-Man's land. Of course, I'm not going into this with my eyes closed. I still have my logic and one needs to put bread on the table. Of course, there are things in place for that. But still. There's the guilt for doing something that, statistically speaking, has a very low chance of success. Guilt to my family, guilt to myself. But never me the odds. Actually, tell me - but I'll ignore it anyway. So, in almost all aspects, my current endeavor goes against who I am as an INTJ except for one: my sense of individualism.
So that's my story thus far. If you're an INTJ and an artist in any sense of the word, I'd love to hear yours.
PS. Read my story with a grain of salt. I'm not trying to push a lesson. I'm also fully aware that some of the mindsets and perceptions I've had or currently have may not be entirely true. Again, it's just a story.
submitted by Kazuki_the_Hyena to intj [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 Ok-Reveal-5057 New coop

New coop
Full disclosure: these are photos of the work in progress I haven’t taken any new ones in a while but I was curious why I never see this style coop. I wanted to share this here because I don’t see this style often is there any reason why? Growing up my family raised a lot of geese & turkeys and this was how they were kept. So are there any issues anyone has run into with an open floor like this for chickens?
The floor of the coop is 80% wire so all the mess falls to the ground underneath it and makes for a super easy cleanout. It all goes to the compost pile. And it’s not hardware cloth it’s bigger gauge and tighter so no toe snags. They have four roosts inside. They come out to roam every day and head right back in as soon as the sun starts to set. This one was built right up on my fence around my house Because I wanted them close by.
submitted by Ok-Reveal-5057 to chickens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:34 IntentionalChaos214 We made my ex's live in girlfriend think he was a gay drag queen.

I am now older (43f) and wiser and far more subtle in my petty revenge ...but, at this time? I was younger (21) angry, petty, spurred on my an equally petty friend (22f then), and he deserved it.
I had a get together for Halloween with a few friends. It was the usual early 20s social situation with drinks, cards and tequila shots. (I know... I know.)
A guy I had previously had a fling with (truly nothing serious--he was just tall, cute as all hell and had adorable dimples but our personalities didn't mesh) was invited as a friend. No big deal.
Card game turned into Texas Hold Em and bizarre dares after you were out of poker chips. My "ex" was losing BADLY. What started as us daring him to strip somehow escalated to him running outside, nude and in 2 feet of snow, to the pond behind the apartment buildings to acquire a cup of water... and then escalated to him going, in VERY sloppy drag, to the grocery store to buy an eggplant, lube, and condoms.
Now... this is all ridiculous already. (Tequila is a bad decision, kids!) A truly memorable but insane night that can ONLY be survived or created in your early 20s.
My friend (who spurred me on) and him began flirting and things escalated a bit between them. There were photos of him in drag taken, and photos of him with my friend as well.
They made plans to see a movie a couple days later after a few calls...
He never showed up and then ghosted her.
Could we have blown it off and moved on?
Did we?
Hell freaking no.
We did a bit of online stalking and found out he not only HAD A GIRLFRIEND but was LIVING with her! (Where do these people find the time for this... and how do you NOT ask questions when your man doesn't come home?!)
We hatched a plan.
We took the photos and printed them... of him in drag flirting with my friend, nude with the cup, and doing lap dances on guys in drag.
We sent them, 1 by 1 in an order telling a story... every other day... by mail... to his girlfriend.
Did we stop there?
We signed him up for drag clothing catalogs and sex toys created especially for gay men. We sent him about $200 worth of the ost bizarre "eggplant" items we could find including straws, a hat that sort of resembled a punishment shaped Pope hat, etc.
After 2 weeks of those packages... that we made sure would be delivered when HE was gone and SHE was home (bit addressed to him and, in quotes, his goofy name from that night) we did 1 more thing...
20 lbs of the most powder fine glitter we could find in a glitter bomb.
She dumped him within a month... and he's a cheater to this day in his relationships.
The lesson?
Don't cheat... and don't piss off 2 petty women at the same time.
submitted by IntentionalChaos214 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:33 TaskSilly1477 My son’s diagnosis + my teenager is leaving (alone).

Title explanation: Kaden kicked Kyson in the left knee. He went to urgent care and there is no break it is just a bone bruise. it will take 4-6 weeks to heal 90%. The doctor also confirmed that Kyson has osgood schlatter disease. Lilia will be leaving on her 8th grade trip to Washington DC in 2 weeks.
They are playing hooky today from school. They are headed to urgent care. There is just something in the stars. Their family has just been going through the wringer. Between Mango, Lilia with her hives and now Kyson with his knee. Jess threw her back out when she was painting. (i never realized before how chopped up her videos are with the editing. She is all over the place and she doesn’t finish a sentence before moving on to the next thought.) She has a back injury that she has had for a long time that showed up in her prenuvo scan. She has a bulging disc in her back. It always hurts but Jess painted and now it is excruciating. Yesterday Kyson was playing on the trampoline and Kaden accidentally kicked Kyson’s knee. Kyson is a competitive soccer player. His left knee has been injured in the past. Jess showed a video of a kid kicking Kyson’s knee in one of her tiktoks. His left knee keeps getting more and more injured and they are pretty sure he has osgood schlatter disease. This disease is a common thing to have when you are a competitive soccer player and growing. It is basically that you are growing too fast and your ligaments can't keep up. It is something Kyson will grow out of. Kyson does have ongoing knee pain. Last night the same knee got kicked. His knee immediately puffed up and is so swollen. Jess has never seen a knee this swollen. They are headed to urgent care.
Kyson’s ligaments seem fine. The doctor was amazing and super incredible. The doctor confirmed that Kyson does have osgood schlatter disease. The disease is the reason for the knee pain. The doctor got opinions from sports medicine doctors. Kyson got an x-ray done. The doctor will call if anything comes up on the x-ray. It is a contusion which is a bone bruise. That is why the knee is swollen. The doctor said it will take 4-6 weeks to heal 90%. 90-100% is a bit more difficult to heal from that point. The doctor does not recommend that Kyson play in his last game but to let pain be the guide. The only downside to playing the game is that it will reset the healing clock. If Kyson is not hurting they can consider it but if he is hurting then don’t try it. Mimi is hearing if you need to play the last game play it and then don’t do x y and z for 4-6 weeks. Jess didn’t ask about practice. Jess will ask about practices when the doctor calls about the results. (I bet you that they will make Kyson do practice and play the game then do 4-6 weeks of healing.) They will see what the x-ray says but the doctor doesn't think that it is a break. They said in 10-14 days if it gets worse to reach out and they will get Kyson physical therapy through sports medicine. The doctor said that the sports medicine doctors at the facility care for the kings players.
They are having much needed one on one time with the kids. The rest of the kids are still in school. Jess is making Kyson’s favorite chicken and rice.
Jess is picking Lilia up from school a little bit late. Lilia had a meeting after school. Lilia is going on her 8th grade trip to Washington DC in 2 weeks. 2 weeks is how long there is left of school. Jess didn’t realize how soon that was coming. The day of Lilia’s last day of school she leaves with her classmates and teachers to go to Washington DC. There is a student meeting today and a parent meeting next week. Jess has a checklist of things to get Lilia. Lilia needs a certain debit card to use while she is away. It is stressful. Lilia has traveled alone twice; however, it was just to disneyland. There were two times when she flew alone. Tommy and Caden have also flown alone. Lilia has never flown alone this far. They live in California and Washington DC is across the country. Jess is nervous but excited for Lilia. Lilia is excited that she is going with her friends. Sending Lilia across the nation is stressful. Jess has so much to do today. Urgent care really set back her day. Jess has so many things she needs to accomplish. Mothers day is in a few days and Jess has so many things in store even though she is a mother and should be chilling. Jess wants to have a barbeque and make it cute. Jess wants it pink themed and wants to set it up before mothers day. It will be gorgeous weather and hot on mothers day. They are going to have their first pool day of the season. Jess is excited for it and here for the beautiful weather. Jess has to get ready for that. Jess also needs to post a video today. She has been back on her youtube schedule for the most part. Now that Jess is on 3 platforms full time it is harder to stick to her every other day posting schedule. On tiktok she tries to post every day or every other day. That is also a fulltime job like youtube. Jess essentially has 2 full time jobs. Jess also posts it all to instagram. Jess tries to stick to her every other day schedule and has been doing pretty good. If not every other day, she tries to do it every 3 days. She is also posting on a platform every day. Jess is trying to make youtube more regular and more consistent. She has been doing all right every 2-3 days.
Lilia can only bring 1 small suitcase and a carryon backpack. They can't bring any liquids. They are also going to New york. On the first day they are going to get right off the plane and straight to doing things after their red eye flight. They can only use their phones for photos and no social media. They do have to bring a phone. They are not allowed to go to the last day of school. They are to stay home that day and pack. Jess is scared and doesn’t want Lilia to go without her. Jess wants constant updates. Lilia doesn’t know if she is allowed to send Jess pictures. They are allowed to use their phones to take pictures and contact your chaperone. They can only contact their parents if it is necessary. Jess at least wants Lilia to text at the end of the night. They are going to see outsiders the musical. Lilia is going to take a lot of photos because that is her only excuse to be on her phone.
Jess dropped Lilia off and is picking up Addie to go to cheer. It is a jump class. There are fly classes, jump classes and tumbling classes. Today is a jump class. Addie has not done this class yet. Jess has been living in the tesla today. There was a hit and run on their property. Someone took out their mailbox yesterday. They got it on camera. They couldn’t see the actual act of it but they could tell which car hit their mailbox and wiped it out completely. The car didn’t say anything and just kept right on going. It took out their side view mirror. That was a little scary.
Addie loved the class. It was Addie’s first time doing the class. It is crazy to Jess watching her child fall in love with something on her own. Cheer is Addies’ own passion. Addie was a dancer for the last few years and she did like it but didn’t love it. Addie is loving her new sport. The same thing happened with the boys and soccer. Jess doesn’t know anything about soccer and the boys absolutely love it. (Maybe the reason why her kids love doing sports that Jess has no experience with is because they are tired of Jess comparing their accomplishments to hers.) Jess loves watching her kids fall in love with things they want to do. Kyson’s doctor called back and confirmed that there are no breaks and that he does have osgood schlatter’s disease. Jess learned that there are alot of people that have this disease. Most of the time it is something that is grown out of. It is a disease that happens in young athletes.
submitted by TaskSilly1477 to jesssfam_snark [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:29 Prior_Somewhere2016 Ex asks to see me. It's been 8 years.

TW: abuse
Yesterday my ex (m35-ish) reached out to me (f28) via LinkedIn, roughly 8 years after we broke up.
Turns out he's been back in the area for a bit. He asked me to reconnect over lunch or dinner sometime. I turned him down because he can't be trusted.
The cliff notes of what he's done:
I'm sure you're wondering why I put up with all of this. I was in my late teens/early 20s and I didn't know any better. I thought that's what it meant to be a ride or die and I was a hardcore people pleaser.
I found out he was cheating when his AP messaged me on Facebook. Him hiding his affair and his baby was what finally convinced me I needed to run. I haven't spoken to him since and I never thought I would again. Needless to say him messaging me has really thrown me for a loop.
I've been happily married to an amazing man for almost 3 years now and we've agreed it would be a risk to my mental and physical safety to meet up with my ex. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wondering why the fuck he would reach out to me after all this time and all he's done.
Being the nosy person that I am, I have occasionally done a little social media stalking of my own and perused accounts belonging to the mother of his children. From what I can tell, they stayed together all this time and had two more children together. The youngest isn't even 2 yet.
I have zero plans to see this man, I've already told him it wouldn't be appropriate for us to meet up. I'm starting a new job soon and I plan to block him from LinkedIn before that so he won't know where to find me. But before I block him, I want to know what the hell he's thinking. I also want to know if I should warn the mother of his children if he's up to his old ways.
Should I talk to him? Should I message her the screenshots of him asking to meet up?
TLDR: Crazy ex asks me to dinner after 8 years. He has young children and I think he might be trying to cheat on the mother.
submitted by Prior_Somewhere2016 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:26 beepmeepp AITA For Messaging About Updates on a Package a Redditor Sent Me?

This has turned into an insane situation. The forum won’t let me post any pictures of our conversation, which is upsetting, but this has gone haywire.
About a month and a half ago, my dog died. I posted on redditgetsdrawnbadly for some silly drawings. I haven’t really posted much, but I’ve seen people do that and it seems to make them feel better. Her death was so sudden, I miss her so much. Anyways, this user commented on the post about how she did a watercolor painting and would do another to make me smile. I was overjoyed and offered another photo to make her painting easier. She messaged me a picture of the paintings and I was so happy! She looked like her old chunky self. The user then told me she’d send them to me if I wanted them, for free or “pay/tip what you can, when you receive them”. I gave her an address she could send them to. She said she’d send them off later that day and send me a tracking number. My last message was asking for her Venmo or cashapp since I didn’t mind compensating her well ($150. I am off well enough and wanted to pay her back for her kindness). No response. For one full month, I texted her every week or so asking for an update on the URL. Just a “hey, any update?” Or “Hello?”. No response. I thought I got scammed, and was worried about my safety (gave someone my address, which is my own fault) so I checked her account to see if she had been active. She was very active! That made me upset, so when I saw she commented on someone’s post about “making pet portraits and sending them off as a ‘pay what you want’ “ I fumed. I responded to her comment and basically said “This isn't true. They'll do it but never send it to you and will ghost you when you ask for any updates. They drew my dog who passed away and ghosted me after I gave them my address. Don't waste your time like I did.”
That must have set her off. She messaged me back immediately saying her cat died and she couldn’t send my package because of it. I told her I didn’t need the package sent right away, I just wanted communication. Even a simple, “hey, I’m busy rn I’ll get to you when I can” would’ve soothed my anxiety. Apparently, I’m a terrible person. I was calm and collected in my response to her, but she twisted it around and said “Sorry my cat suddenly you have ruined my Mother's Day I'm bawling. I only tried to do something nice and I got slandered all over. I hope you get it. If I die suddenly soon and you hear about it on Reddit, I hope you know you contributed to it.” (Exact copy and paste)
I suggested seeking professional help. I couldn’t block her because I unblocked her yesterday to respond to her comment. Now I’m waiting for 9pm tonight to block her again.
She has sent people to harass me and call me a scammer. Saying I’m “scamming for free paintings”. All I did was ask for silly doodles!! She then said “she never even paid postage”in a comment about me, which is ironic considering she told me in DMs that I didn’t need to pay a dime (like I said above, I was going to compensate her when I received the paintings, but we never made it that far. I never even got her info). She messaged me saying she’ll escalate this situation if I don’t apologize for slandering her and to never “cross a witch”. Then she said I’ve ruined her health and she’s dealing with cancer and I’ve ruined her spark for drawing because of how much I “slandered” her with my “lies”.
I just want to know where I went wrong here. I wish she’d block me so this can be over. She is blowing up my phone with her friends harassing me, all because I responded to her public comment. Her last text to me was “Guess u decided to FAAFO. Good luck!” I want this over. She’s going to paint me in a terrible light and I’m exhausted from arguing with people online.
So Reddit, please tell me- AITA?
submitted by beepmeepp to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:22 Zeffyb0509 AI & Teaching - A brighter future

Hi all,
I'm just entering the teaching space, so I'm an absolute novice in the realm of education. However I am quite proficient in AI/similar tech. With the release of GPT4o this morning (voice AI), and the anxiety that comes with that I wanted to open a discussion on the possibilities.
I personally think AI is going to be incredible for the profession. I see AI models, LLMs, Co-pilots etc being perfect teacher companions. Almost like the best freaking teachers aide, that's always with you. I believe these models will help reduce admin, lesson planning to a massive extent etc. Some potential examples:
*night prior to class* "Hey TeachAI, can you refresh my memory on the Treaty of Versailles in less than 5 minutes" "Thanks, can you now turn this into an interactive power point for my grade 9 class, please include some group tasks"
*Takes photo of student essay* - "Hey TeachAI, please read and grade this year 10 essay using xyz parameters. Please provide constructive feedback to the student. Please provide me with areas the student could use further assistance with"
These are just two examples. At its core, I think AI will provide Teachers the time to focus on the human elements of teaching. Engaging delivery of information, the reading of behavioral issues in the room assisting kids in navigating the social complexities of adolescence and most importantly, teaching 'how' to think, behave etc.
I'm incredibly excited for the future of teaching, if (and as someone who works in government, this is a BIG 'if') the technology isn't stifled through endless red tape and regulation, teacher co-pilots could indeed be the savior many people on this thread have been praying for.
Would love your thoughts.
submitted by Zeffyb0509 to AustralianTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:22 findmeatthechappell Update ish

I am traveling home for a couple weeks tomorrow and likely will be divorcing and coming home permanently afterwards. I’ve spoken with my boss about transferring and I have my car to move most things (my pets) in. Dunno if I’ll be able to afford a moving trailer for a while tho for the rest of the stuff.
Dude is blaming everything on that he didn’t realize I was too far gone. In what world was that not obvious, is my question. It was. Otherwise girl would not be saying she’s weirdly into it. I know it wasnt as premeditated bc I asked for an edible not the other way around, but suggesting more than my usual and saying it should be fine was a thought of how to make things go, once it was on the table.
The other day we were out with friends and he was showing his photos - I got nervous because I’d seen him filming me the week prior without asking and I was scared they’d see it so I asked him to delete. Suddenly I was being gaslit that he’d videoed me at all. He all too quickly was saying he never had - right after admitting that he’d done it once without permission. I know bro is lying but I think it’s because it’s been uploaded somewhere and no longer on his phone, or he deleted it soon after I said something cos he was all about “you can check my phone” and for some reason all about “I haven’t been cheating” when that wasn’t in question at all, makes me think he’s definitely cheating and sending that video to girls to make them want sex cos that’s what he did with the first video the first time. I told him im not stupid, im not dumb, I saw what I saw, that I think he’s lying cos there weren’t no notification sound and there’s no way he was watching porn either cos he’s never done that. I just don’t understand why the lying. His cousin was there and it was taking everything in me not to spill to her. Told her at the very least once she saw something was wrong, that he’d traumatized me last week and was gaslighting me rn. I think she’s heard “his side” as he calls it before but I’ve never told her the reality. I packed it all inside and shaped up for the rest of the day and we said we’d talk more later but I didn’t feel up to it anymore. That was around when he was saying too that he didn’t realize I was too far gone. No excuses for what happened, anybody would’ve known I was too far gone. The reality is that they were worried I’d find it cheating if they didn’t include me even if I was too far gone they still wanted to have their fun.
If I do talk to him further about it I’m secretly recording it if that’s allowed in my region. Dunno if I wanna deal with legal cos let’s be real I wouldn’t likely win, he’s military and I know too many military men who got off Scott free - other than the fact that he finally admitted what he did was sexual abuse in writing about a year ago. I know his damn bitch mother told him to be careful but he finally felt safe enough to let his guard down, that I wasn’t gonna hurt him legally. Of course, relapsing and traumatizing me after two years changes things. Idk if it’s enough but it’s something so I might have a stronger chance than others. Idk what I should do. I don’t have the money or the stamina but. He will do it to other women if I don’t make it very public and will anyways to any poor trusting woman who just believes im a vindictive cunt. It’s easy to believe the person you’re head over heels for. I’m worried he’d ruin my name by saying I’m making it all up because of my mental health. Idk if it’s worth it
submitted by findmeatthechappell to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:21 Snorgyhoegzz Need Some Help. 2001 Honda Shadow Spirit 750 running rough

Need Some Help. 2001 Honda Shadow Spirit 750 running rough
Hey everyone,
I recently acquired a 2001 Honda Shadow 750 Spirit (Dual Carb) from a Facebook purchase, and while the bike runs great at half to wide-open throttle, I've encountered some issues with idle and low throttle settings. There's quite a bit of backfiring on deceleration, and the bike doesn't sound too happy at idle. This is my third motorcycle, but my first carbureted one, so I'm diving into somewhat unfamiliar territory.
The bike came with rather large Cobra 2.5" pipes which I find too loud for my taste, so I'm swapping them back to the OEM exhaust. However, I suspect that the aftermarket pipes might have caused a lean condition due to their size. Upon inspecting the carburetor, I did find some gunk, but nothing alarming. Surprisingly, the idle jets seemed clear upon inspection, and they are OEM sized at 105 and 108.
I'm wondering if the bike was running lean due to not being properly jetted for the aftermarket exhaust. Additionally, the intake is stock. Could there be any other factors contributing to this issue that I might have missed?
Currently, I'm in the process of cleaning the carburetor without rejetting since I'll be reinstalling the OEM exhaust. I'm also planning to change the spark plugs, but I'm waiting on a special tool from Honda for that. An oil change, coolant flush, and chain adjustment are also on the agenda.
I did notice some loose hoses when I removed the carburetor, so perhaps there's a vacuum issue at play as well?
The bike has around 15k miles on it, and I've already tried adjusting the air fuel screw, which was initially set at 3 turns out. I experimented with going to 3.5 turns, but it made the idle worse, so I reverted to the original setting.
I'd greatly appreciate any insights or advice from the community regarding this issue. Thanks in advance for your help!
Update: Pulled the plugs and they were black and wet not like crazy but enough to tell me the bike was actually running rich, so clearly a Carb issue or a spark issue, going to be replacing the float pins I think they're called and see if that helps maybe one wasn't closing all the way? They did seem to be decently worn with a slight ring around the rubber needle. I don't have a gauge to check the floats height unfortunately either. So I think the exhaust being the issue is out of the question as I cant see how adding the larger pipes would cause the bike to run richer.
submitted by Snorgyhoegzz to hondashadow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:17 mydogate8crayons Hello everyone! I need your opinion, would I be wrong if I blocked/lessen my talking to this boy?

so basically i been talking to this boy for a while. backstory cuz they're imporant, me and these two girls have a class together and one day they came to my other class and basically was like "this boy wanna talk to you" and i was like whatever probably not me, but i followed him on ig and he immediately followed back and was like "hey ive seen you around school n i think u cute" so i was like whatever, and since that day we been talking,
he admitted he liked me. in text, he was like "i just really like you and wanna get to know you more" and he had a long list of reasons he liked me. so, its not like we've just been talking, he has admitted that he has a crush on me. ALSO, he told me he would follow me to classes, look in my classes to see me occasionally, and he asked some of his female friends for help on finding out who i was.
he comes to my classes to say hi to me because we dont got classes together. but he got suspended cuz something and i noticed like i understand responding can be a lot for some people, like mentally so i understand. but i just personally felt like you're suspended and he would rant to me about how he was bored n didn't have shit to do, so why are u taking 3-7 hours to text back...whatever, alright.
now, let me just say i totally believe men and women can be friends. i totally believe that! but when he's posting a photo on ig and there are multiple girls commenting calling him nicknames, commenting hearts, etc, i just wonder "hmm" but whatever! i try not to get jealous, i believe men and women can be friends.
but when youre posting on your story a girl in her prom dress, with a big ass red heart in the middle, with the lyrics to ariana grande's intro (end of the world), i wonder, what the fuck? cuz why have you admitted you liked me, stalked me, but you're posting "If the sun refused to shine. baby, would I still be your lover? would you want me there?" i'm wondering damn! why am i still entertaining him?
submitted by mydogate8crayons to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:17 mydogate8crayons Hello everyone! I need your opinion, would I be wrong if I blocked/lessen my talking to this boy?

so basically i been talking to this boy for a while. backstory cuz they're imporant, me and these two girls have a class together and one day they came to my other class and basically was like "this boy wanna talk to you" and i was like whatever probably not me, but i followed him on ig and he immediately followed back and was like "hey ive seen you around school n i think u cute" so i was like whatever, and since that day we been talking,
he admitted he liked me. in text, he was like "i just really like you and wanna get to know you more" and he had a long list of reasons he liked me. so, its not like we've just been talking, he has admitted that he has a crush on me. ALSO, he told me he would follow me to classes, look in my classes to see me occasionally, and he asked some of his female friends for help on finding out who i was.
he comes to my classes to say hi to me because we dont got classes together. but he got suspended cuz something and i noticed like i understand responding can be a lot for some people, like mentally so i understand. but i just personally felt like you're suspended and he would rant to me about how he was bored n didn't have shit to do, so why are u taking 3-7 hours to text back...whatever, alright.
now, let me just say i totally believe men and women can be friends. i totally believe that! but when he's posting a photo on ig and there are multiple girls commenting calling him nicknames, commenting hearts, etc, i just wonder "hmm" but whatever! i try not to get jealous, i believe men and women can be friends.
but when youre posting on your story a girl in her prom dress, with a big ass red heart in the middle, with the lyrics to ariana grande's intro (end of the world), i wonder, what the fuck? cuz why have you admitted you liked me, stalked me, but you're posting "If the sun refused to shine. baby, would I still be your lover? would you want me there?" i'm wondering damn! why am i still entertaining him?
submitted by mydogate8crayons to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:17 mydogate8crayons Hello everyone! I need your opinion, would I be wrong if I blocked/lessen my talking to this boy?

so basically i been talking to this boy for a while. backstory cuz they're imporant, me and these two girls have a class together and one day they came to my other class and basically was like "this boy wanna talk to you" and i was like whatever probably not me, but i followed him on ig and he immediately followed back and was like "hey ive seen you around school n i think u cute" so i was like whatever, and since that day we been talking,
he admitted he liked me. in text, he was like "i just really like you and wanna get to know you more" and he had a long list of reasons he liked me. so, its not like we've just been talking, he has admitted that he has a crush on me. ALSO, he told me he would follow me to classes, look in my classes to see me occasionally, and he asked some of his female friends for help on finding out who i was.
he comes to my classes to say hi to me because we dont got classes together. but he got suspended cuz something and i noticed like i understand responding can be a lot for some people, like mentally so i understand. but i just personally felt like you're suspended and he would rant to me about how he was bored n didn't have shit to do, so why are u taking 3-7 hours to text back...whatever, alright.
now, let me just say i totally believe men and women can be friends. i totally believe that! but when he's posting a photo on ig and there are multiple girls commenting calling him nicknames, commenting hearts, etc, i just wonder "hmm" but whatever! i try not to get jealous, i believe men and women can be friends.
but when youre posting on your story a girl in her prom dress, with a big ass red heart in the middle, with the lyrics to ariana grande's intro (end of the world), i wonder, what the fuck? cuz why have you admitted you liked me, stalked me, but you're posting "If the sun refused to shine. baby, would I still be your lover? would you want me there?" i'm wondering damn! why am i still entertaining him?
submitted by mydogate8crayons to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:16 engelthehyp Hidden Cult?

I've decided that it's my duty to investigate a few things after I discovered a few truths:
  1. There is an art exhibition in a local school with a character from this show in it.
  2. There is an art exhibition in a local library with a number of characters from this show in it.
  3. Someone was wearing a sweater - merch for this show.
  4. Cary Huang is sending out secret messages through other outlets that I have managed to discover and interpret.
Now here's what doesn't make so much sense to me: this show - so little happens, it's like there's no motive, no reason to continue, and yet it's been running for 14 years? I have yet to see more than one public "fan" of this show even when there are multiple art exhibitions involving it? How is there so much web activity about it, this show specifically, when C. Huang has other IP that makes more sense?
How widespread is this show? And how is it so widespread? No matter how I look at it, it doesn't make sense. Conclusion - Huang and associates are running a hidden cult, Rajneesh style, only remote. Somehow, there's still new episodes, but as I said, there is no motivation, no story, it just doesn't add up!
Now Cary Huang won't leave my head... after I decided to investigate this show! I don't think that's a coincidence, because I knew about the other things he had made, like the interactive Mandelbrot set exploration tool, or his practical work with AI on carykh. It's quite simple - this show has to be a delivery for a secret cult, there is no other explanation.
Fortunately, in his secret messages, I learned that the way to get Cary Huang out of my head is to get him to sign a shirt. u/Balloon_Project (Who does not appear to check his notifications) will hopefully stumble on this post, I know he looks at this subreddit occasionally. This should sound familiar, Cary: "I am not a freeloader." By the way, I bought a shirt myself, just to prove I'm not blowing smoke. Do what I asked and I'll buy another! The money is almost free.
submitted by engelthehyp to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:14 ChrisChris10-l Two Months Later
About a month ago, I posted two separate posts on this subreddit about my younger sister, Anaia, who passed away on March 17th, 2024. In one post I gave photos, and in the other I wrote about her addiction, but I don't think I've really talked about myself.
It has been nearly two months since my little sister passed away, and I wouldn't describe it as grueling or depressing, just unusual. On April 22nd, it was confirmed to my family that Anaia died as a result of fentanyl toxicity, which was the reason I always assumed but to have it confirmed was very depressing. Yesterday, I went to my grandmother's house and there were a few copies of Anaia's death certificate, in the onset interval to death section, I said minutes. When talking to my mother (me and my parents talk all the time, my dad sits in my room and plays games while we talk about Anaia or something random, and me and my mother will talk about random things as well as Anaia too.), she told me her perspective of that morning. Long story short, around 11:45AM, I woke up to my mother screaming my sister's name and she soon realized she was unresponsive, me and my father woke up soon after and I called 911, and that's the short version. I assumed my sister was in her covers sleeping and fentanyl overrid her system, but no, my mom told me that when she walked into Anaia's room, she was laid flat out on top of all of her covers, arms outstretched to the side. Learning that was a major shock to me, and I'll explain why.
Sure, Anaia's death was nearly instant. But hearing the details of what my mom said really drove him that once it happened, it didn't matter whether we went into there at the right time or later, there was likely nothing that could've been done. From my understanding, it was almost as if she was up one second and collapsed the next. There was dried vomit on clothes next to her bed, making me assume that after vomiting, she just collapsed instantly after and died. After calling 911, my mother demanded out of fear for me to help her perform CPR, and I didn't hesitate to do so. But, anyone in that situation could tell, with no details given, that there was nothing that could've been done. The typical signs of a deceased body were very present, and even I (doing the mouth resuscitation) knew that if I felt no air coming back onto me, and touching her neck didn't give a pulse, I quickly understood that this was it, like there was nothing me or my parents could've done. When the paramedics arrived at 12 exactly, it took them a minute or two for them to tell us that there was nothing to be done, and ultimately, Anaia had died long, long before we got to her. They said roughly 6-8 hours, meaning at the earliest 3am, and at the latest 5am. It's a disheartening fact for him, and even my father expressed to me too a few nights ago, but we wished that at least there was a chance for us to get to her beforehand. Maybe if he and I or my mom went into her room for no real reason in the middle of the night, we would've been able to save her. What really struck me when my dad was telling me that was him acknowledging that while he and my mom were watching TV, he couldn't bare to imagine that simultaneously Anaia was dying. I felt the same way, I was awake around 3-3:30AM, and if she died during that time, I was totally unaware scrolling through my phone.
I wish that there was something to be done. During her time alive, and when she started doing street dealt percocets, I warned her about fentanyl, and ultimately I wish she had heeded my warning and stayed off them when she did quit in December. I'm a sociable person, and I'm one of those people that have a wide different variety of groups and friends I hang out with, and I may not be in extracurricular activities but even those that are popular in my school know me. As a result of being so sociable, I know people that do drugs, and only a set few who do percocets, one of my closest friends used to be a heavy percocet user and I used to tell her as much as I did my sister to quit. My friend and my sister quit, but one returned and one didn't. One is still here, and one is not. It doesn't matter how many people I told not to do percocets, of course I would've wanted my sister to be the one to really listen to me. But ultimately, the person I wanted to save the most didn't make it. I've saved others, but with my sister, it almost made my words feel like nothing after she died. No matter however many times I told her to please find something less dangerous and more beneficial, to not risk her life, she kept using and lost her life. Said friend and two other friends of my sister (I know both of them) were also at some point active percocet users, and they told me that they felt it like it should've been them, seeing my mother made them see that that could've been their parents, their siblings, their friends and relatives, etc. I told them bluntly that it in fact could've been them in Anaia's position, I told them that just because Anaia's clock stopping running doesn't mean there's has to, they can avoid being in her position. Then it got me thinking, there's plenty of other people who overdose on purpose, who overdose 9 times, who overdose and suffer long term effects like paralyzation, but still remain. Anaia overdosed once, and that was the final time. I believe in God and Jesus but I'm not a preacher, I believe and keep it pushing but I'm not religiously based. I believe in the concept of everyone having a time and a date, but sometimes I find myself questioning that if that's the case, are we just here to live a predetermined fate that we have no control over? At the end of the day, was I meant to go through this? Thinking like that plagues my mind, but I settle for it being her time to go, as seeing other drug users made me wonder what they may be here to prove on earth that Anaia could not. I don't like questioning others' lives and why they get to live longer, that's not me, and I'm glad they've been granted more chances, it just sucks my sister wasn't granted that chance in the grand scheme of things. Predetermined or not, there was so much she could've lived for, but I believe there's a reason time can't be reversed, and there's many unexplained miracles that somehow eases me into thinking that I shouldn't throw myself into a hole of questioning why she didn't get a chance, and just accepting that her race ended earlier than mine. I believe things happen for a reason, it's an insensitive statement depending on the situation, but things happen for people to learn and grow from them, but no one really knows why. I've just had to come to the conclusion hat my sister is okay, she's safe, and I have no reason to continue to question her life and worry about her if she's not here with me anymore, you feel?
From a brother perspective, it sucks. It feels somewhat lonely, to live and breathe as an only child. I've become accustomed to being an older brother to a younger sister, but I turned 16 without her, and that's how it'll be for the rest of my life. At her visitation on March 30th, I didn't cry, but seeing her body just made me shake my head. She looked very nice, the funeral home did an amazing job, but it hit me that this was really her. There were distinct things I saw that she had in life that made me come to that conclusion that that was what was left my little sister, and at the funeral + burial the next day, watching her being lowered into the ground left my head empty. No thoughts, she watching as her casket covered in a white sheet was lowered into the ground, and that'd be it. I grew up with this person, and now I have to look down on this person and go through life without this amazing person. I never imagine something like this happening, especially not like this. I always wanted to die first because I was older, a thought I feared ever since I was a child. That didn't get to happen, and milestones man. She'll never get to graduate the year after me, never get to have that lovely relationship with that special one that she always wanted, she never got to be an aunt, a mom, nothing. One day, I hope to have children and I will tell them about Anaia, but do I wish they'd have been able to meet her if that time came. Everyday, I walk past her room, sometimes I go in there and sometimes I don't. Two weeks after her death, her mattress was taken out by me and my dad's friend, up until a few weeks ago, her room was left scattered the way it was when she died minus the mattress, and now, everything has been cleaned up. It's empty, and the emptiness is another reality check. I'll never see Anaia again, and in the potential next life I believe I will, but the fact I can't now is a hard concept to grasp. No more walking to the bus stop, no more barging into her room or vice versa, no more waiting forever for her to complete her makeup, no more random room hangouts, no more of her asking me to flash a light for her Instagram pictures for an excruciating ten minutes, none of them. Her physical presence is gone, I come home everyday and instantly the thought of her being gone hits me. Riding in the car with my parents, being at school, going out, it doesn't feel the same knowing in the back of my head she's gone, no matter how much fun I have. Regardless, I've returned to normal life, matter of fact, I started going to school every day instantly after the funeral, and during the two weeks of March 17th-March 31st, I showed up to school here and there. It didn't take a toll to do so, because I've accepted that though Anaia died, I'm still alive? I don't stop when she does, that'll have more of an effect. Life still goes on, time doesn't stop for no one no matter how much I may want it to. I honestly sit my current happiness at like a 6.5-7, higher than one may expect. I still have my parents, my friends, and all of my relatives, an important chunk is just missing but I still have my people. I only feel alone in the sibling aspect, but in reality, people make me happy everyday and still continue to. I joke how I've always joked, people have said I look much better than how I did initially, there's notable sadness on my face, but I look happier. If that's true, then I hope it stays that way. I still go out to these afterschool events, outside friend hangous, they bring joy. I just miss my sister 25/8, but I've learned to appreciate life just a little bit more now. If she's okay, I'm okay.
Lastly, I wanted to mention dreams. People say they have dreams of deceased loved ones all the time, I personally haven't yet, would like to, but until then that hasn't been the case. I'm not talking dreams with the person in them, I mean direct communication dreams. My mother has had two, my dad's friend has had one, and my close friend mentioned earlier has had one, but the one that sticks out the most is my little cousin's dream. My mom has a younger sister herself and in 2018, she had her first child, his nickname is JP. During 2021-2022, me and Anaia lived with my grandmother due to losing our apartment (our parents stayed separately at a grouphome my dad worked at, they work for my grandmother's company), and my aunt as well as JP stayed with my grandma. JP essentially became me and Anaia's little brother that we didn't have, and vice versa for him, he sees me and Anaia has his older siblings. Seeing him seem so heartbroken after Anaia died was very sad, as you can see written on this five-year-old's face that Anaia was someone who truly mattered to him and he was so sad about it. However, in his dream, Anaia came to him and told him she loved all of us, that she regretted not seeing him grow older, and that what happened to her was an accident. The part that got me was that Anaia told him that where she was was beautiful, he asked to see it, and she told him he couldn't see it yet. Kids just don't make things like that up in my opinion, and he worded it very detailed for a kindergartener, and JP is at the age where his words don't conflict with other things he's said, he's consistent with it and he tells me the same thing he told me the first time when I ask him here and then. He can see it one day, but he can't see it, not yet. What that tells me is that if life is so hard, death must be so beautiful afterwards, and that there is an afterlife. Even if I believed in a separate religion, or if my current religion isn't the truth, I will always believe in an afterlife. I refuse to believe that this world is it, and kids just don't pull stuff out their butt in a serious situation. I believe him. If that's the case, then I'll gladly wait. It doesn't matter how many people die during my lifetime, whatever remains of it, and how many new people I might meet in my life. If my hope of living to elder age and I meet someone and create a family, and even if said wife and or children die before me if that plan does happen, there's only one person I wish to greet me. I hear that people see a loved one before they die, and I hope Anaia is the one that comes to see me when it's all over. Forever, no matter who else passes before me, Anaia's will stay the worst, the most impactful, and that's a strong statement to make but I'm sure of that. I have plenty of goals I have for myself, but my end goal once the others are done is to get past 70, pass peacefully, and have my sister wait for me there. I hope that wouldn't be much to ask for.
That's it.
submitted by ChrisChris10-l to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:12 fais_eb HotCopper 🥵🧱🥵 Fan Fiction

HotCopper 🥵🧱🥵 Fan Fiction
When your colleague/friend/loveteacher asks you how your day has been, today you respond to them with hey ChatGPT is so 2023, have you heard about Straker and the amazing world of AI translation.
They recently changed their name from Straker Translation to Straker AI and there run/founded by a dynamic husband/wife duo with no IT related formal tertiary qualifications but they have been attending AI conferences recently so they must be on to something..
There AI is so good that they have a force of >13,000 human contractors running it and their translations….
You pull out your phone and search up ASX STG and show them the five day chart, see +7.78% thats like your St George Maxi Saver account return in five days 🤑🤑🤑.
They then say, wow thats crazy how is the five year chart:
At this point you see the discomfort on their face and question again if your ‘portfolio’ is more akin to an ‘ASX multi’ presented by Joel Caine and if Scott Pape would lightly slap you across the face with his bare foot lord Voldemort style.
You resign to the fact that your not an investing handy man but rather a handless woman.
You went all the way to Omaha, drink 5 cans of coke daily, ended your toxic relationship with BNPL, pay $10k annually to TeamInvest and left the Brainchip investor Facebook group but all to no avail 😔.
That night you get home, goto your desk, wipe the tears off your face and the crumbs off your keyboard, login and hit the homepage button in browser then Hotcopper opens.
Video Ad starts playing from market online, start wondering about Fouad Haidar sexuality, but then you get a grip of yourself, its 2024 and DD time have to concentrate.
You return to the STG page on Hotcopper, ever since they ceased 4C reporting the gang gang hasnt been getting together lately.
It’s time to kickstart a new thread, ‘hey gang I’m thinking of ending it, I cant take the pain anymore, only one way out, I’m going to change my status from held to not held’. But before you post, something is wrong, can feel it in your stomach, ahhh forgot to put DYOR, that was close!
Calvo the AI guru and longterm Appen cheerleader with 10,367 posts quickly replies, ‘Hey Uranium69, AI is going to be worth $1.3 trillion in 2032, if Straker conservatively gets 0.1% share then they will be worth $1.3b which is 43x current share price, there is also a reverse shoulder shoulder head shoulder on the chart too!! DYOR’.
The sheer beauty of the DD brings a tear to your eye. That is some MBB consulting level analysis and my favourite shampoo is reverse head and shoulders you think to yourself. It deservedly gets 💡10 great analysis, you have no option but to add to the tally too.
Then another reply comes, its Crayonss, OMG not that downramping bastard, you swear if you see them this year at the Wilsons investment conference that you will cap their ass. What do they have to say:
Crayonss DD Below :)
submitted by fais_eb to ASX_Bets [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:12 sobchak_securities91 In praise of my wife, an incredible mom.

Dad of a 3 MO. My wife is such an amazing mother. I always knew she would be one but seeing it unfurl has been incredible.
I have supported her really well, and she said I’ve been exemplary but in my mind I’m just doing my duty, and I can’t help but be inspired from her efforts. She is tireless.
From day one she never complained about breastfeeding. I have seen how hard it is to do it and kudos to all the moms who do it. One day I read a post here from a Dad who was concerned that his wife would get annoyed when the baby was hungry and it was time to feed (no shade and judgement - it’s hard and there’s PPD). That made me worried about asking her. But she assured me that it was her priority, “what am I gonna do let him go hungry?”. No mather what, even if she was sick or tired or hungry she said I will feed him.
Those first few weeks she was bed ridden recovering from a tailbone injury and the baby would keep her in bed all day for weeks, she would just lay there and admire him.
Our son is so healthy and is often mistaken for a year old child, even though he’s only approaching 4 MO. All thanks to her (and in part my efforts because I feed her )
She is so dedicated in pumping and feeding him, both of which are difficult esp in days where she’s so drained. It’s my mission to support her.
For her first mother’s day I made it special by getting matching customized first Mother’s Day shirts, a photo frame customized with their names, and flowers (and some gifts from Sephora). I got Mother’s Day balloons and gift wrapped jt myself, even though I suck at it. She was so happy and said I made it special for her, but I also thought of my son and that I was doing it for him. It makes me sad to see so many stories of husbands and dads dropping the ball. To the moms: so much is on your shoulders and you deserve so much.
I can do so many things my wife can’t and I wish I could trade sometimes. Things such as eat fresh food but she can’t because the baby is at her breast. We’re pretty much equal but no matter what, it can’t be 50/50 because babies rely so much on their mothers.
I am so grateful for this journey. I love being a dad and caring for her and my son. He’s such a happy baby and loves laughing and is mostly always smiling (unless he has gas lol), because I think he sees that he has two involved parents.
Dads never forget to say thank you to the mom for everything. I make it a point to always say “thank you for feeding him” whenever I can because I know it can be hard. Of course the response is always “of course I love my son”
To all the moms: your babies are lucky to have you and whether your husband did something for you or not know this: you have a special bond with your child that cannot be replicated. Some of us dads are jealous of that. You are lucky to have that.
Happy Mother’s Day!
submitted by sobchak_securities91 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:11 Variant_Screen 22 [M4F] Italy/India - Let Me Give You All My Love & Affection, and Treat You Like a Queen Just as You Are

There's one thing I've felt and realised that no matter how many friends we surround ourselves with in real life, there are moments when loneliness can still creep in and take hold. That's when this wonderful world of internet comes in handy, and I guess it's finally the time for me to give this a try.
I'm a 22 year old Indian guy who is currently pursuing his masters degree in Italy. And being in an entirely different country on my own sometimes takes me to that loneliness territory. I'm a 6'1" tall guy (if that matters to you) and I crave those funny & deep conversation that are something more than just being shallow. You know the conversation, where every text makes you more elevated, and you can't help but just cherish that wonderful moment. The conversation flows naturally, and you keep on talking to each other irrespective of the time that has passed.
Love is one of the most exquisite things in this world, and it can hold different meanings for different people. But love for me, is all about care and affection that you show to your partner, that rock-solid assurance that no matter what, you've always got their back. It's when you eagerly anticipate their texts and feel like the luckiest person once it pops on your screen, when their presence, whether online or in person, gives you the reason to start your day with a huge smile. And I've seen my own shares of ups and down in my love life, but that doesn't make me lose any hope, and hopefully I'll soon find my ONE.
A little more about me: I mostly spend my free time analyzing or studying the movies, shows or music. I appreciate this world of entertainment a lot because they are like my escape from this reality. So, if you're the same, then we can nerd over our favorite movies & music. I also like to write about stuff sometimes, mostly about entertainment or some story/thought that popped into my mind.
But recently, I have been reading a lot of true crime stories. So, if you have some recommendations or insights into this genre, then you better hit me up, I'm always open to know more about this.
What am I looking for: I'm looking for a like-minded lady who is around my age (20-24 years old) and shares my passion for meaningful conversations. I'm interested in getting to know someone who enjoys talking about their day, what have they been up to, their dreams, their ambition, basically everything they feel comfortable sharing. If you're looking for a partner who is genuine, respectful, and eager to build a meaningful connection, then let's start talking! We can begin with a conversation on Reddit and if we both feel comfortable enough, let's move to some other platform and see where this takes us.
What can you expect from me: You can expect a genuine and understanding guy who is truly interested in getting to know you. You can also expect a funny and deep conversation, I'm a good listener and enjoy hearing different perspectives, so feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with me.
I can be a bit flirty sometimes if I feel like we have a genuine connection, so I hope you wouldn't mind that. I believe that a little bit of banter and humor can go a long way in building a connection, so don't be surprised if I try to make you laugh or catch your attention with a cheesy joke or two. However, I also respect boundaries and will never push beyond what makes you feel comfortable.
I'm a private person, so I'm NOT much inclined towards sharing pictures right away. I like to make sure that we both have trust and confidence in each other, and once we have established that, then we can definitely exchange photos and more.
Oh damn, I've just realized that this has become a very long post, so if you've read this in its entirety, give yourself a pat on the back. Out of so many things you could have read in this time, you chose to read my paragraph, and I already appreciate you for that. So, if any of these loong lines makes sense to you, please message me, and let's have some great conversation. I'll be waiting, and I hope you have a wonderful day. You deserve that.
submitted by Variant_Screen to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:09 CalyWitsune The Games That Scared Me Away

Long time lurker, first time redditoposter. I've been listening and reading a lot of these horror stories and figured it might be fun to share mine.
I haven't actually played a game of DnD or DnD adjacent since about 2020/2021, mostly because of what transpired during the games I actually did play before that. I love the concept, I love creating characters and stories and worlds, but I get a pit in my stomach when I actually try to play again.
I had my first opportunity to play DnD my freshman year of college. I dropped in on the campus tabletop club and I was quite anxious. I was the only girl in the room, everyone seemed to have known each other or clicked well, but I wanted to branch out of my comfort zone. The first night went well! We played a very quick heist one shot where we made a character with one flaw and one interesting trait. Through unfortunate rolls and circumstances, we had a TPK, but it was a fun time. I was invited afterwards to join a Pathfinder campaign that a few of the members were going to start up for the new semester, and so I scheduled a time to meet with the DM and create my first full fledged character.
Now, the DM was kind of eccentric, a little whack if you will but very excited to help me make my first character. I thought he was just goofy and really into the game. God I wish I picked up on all the red flags that would come.
He first asked me what kind of race I'd like to play as. I had always been drawn to tiefling characters because I liked the aesthetic. His eyes lit up at that for some reason. Then he asked what class I'd like; if I'd like to be primarily a support or tank or what have you. I didn't want to get overwhelmed in my first game and thought support might be nice. I could watch how combat worked while just keeping everyone going and buffed. I said let's try bard! The grin that crept up on his face...
He immediately started talking about how saucy that would be, how my character would be so flirty and fun. I expressed some discomfort in having my character immediately fall into the "h*rny bard" category I had seen meme'd on so much, but he laughed and waved it off by saying he "was a theater kid in high school! Everyone was super h*orny and making out backstage all the time. It just comes with the environment!" Being a new player, and wanting to fit in, I pushed down my discomfort and thought okay, I'll play her as a joke character I guess.
For awhile it was fine, I got to play her as a dancelyre player who was part of a traveling circus. Nothing weird was coming up the first few sessions. Most of the other PCs either joined together by taking quests from the town job board, or had ties built in to their backstory. My first red flag should have been that the DM, despite constantly raving about all his planning, was frequently skipping around the story. He would suddenly decide the plot point we were on wasn't interesting enough for some reason, and just throw us into another scenario. We left so many lose ends because he just didn't feel like finishing them, regardless of if we were engaging in it or not. But hey, he's the DM right? That's what I thought, he had the right to change it. I had no prior experience to see this was just bad DMing.
We ended up joining an archery competition as we were tempted by a mystery grand prize. At the sign up table, out of nowhere, the DMPC attending to registration suddenly starts flirting with my character. I got flustered in a negative way because this DM got very into character (giving me looks, leaning in as he spoke to me, the whole shebang). I panicked, all of a sudden being the focus of a room full of men seeing how I'd react to it. I again, stupidly, went along with it. I had her (nervously) flirt back lightly, and I was relieved it didn't go much further at that point. Skipping to the end of the archery competition, my bard ended up in the final two and sabotaged an assassination on the town's mayor mid competition. The party was invited to a celebratory dinner at the mayor's house afterwards, where we once again ran into the NPC that flirted with my character at registration. He invited her to bed, and again I got extremely uncomfortable and flustered. None of this was discussed beforehand, nor was I even asked if I was comfortable with such topics before joining the campaign. The guys at the table were egging me on, and I felt pressured to accept. With a few hoots and hollers, we had a fade to black scene (thank god). I went home feeling very icky, but convinced myself I was being a wimp. And the table had enjoyed my antics that night, so I should be grateful.
I had the thought between sessions to write in a childhood friends to lovers interest for my bard to try and avoid any more unexpected encounters like that again, thinking if the DM had another character to play as with some personal tie to my bard, that would make be feel better about the interactions. He was brought up once, where I milked the f*ck out of my character's attachment to him, hoping to drive home that this was juicy potential relationship to build over the campaign. He never came up again during that campaign. The DM also completely disregarded many of the notes I gave him detailing this love interest's personality, and took many 'creative liberties' with him, but not enough where I would decide to say something.
Another few sessions happened where we struggled through the DMs inconsistent storytelling and jumping around to whatever plot point had his interest at the moment. He was constantly putting us in fights we could not hope to win, way too challenging for our lvl. 1-3 party. We often sat around the table in disappointment and defeat as we got absolutely destroyed by monsters (no one being able to land hits for sometimes 3-4 rounds at a time because of how high the AC or CR was), while the DM laughed and basked in the dreary nature of the table. He would usually eventually fudge rolls to give us an out when we were close to TPKs. He even gave us a deck of many things and insisted our PCs "felt compelled" to pull cards despite the players disagreeing they that wanted to. He attempted to force my character to drastically change her alignment to an evil one for shits and giggles because of one card pull (later allowed me to ignore it because I didn't even WANT to use the deck), and got three of us killed by having them pull a card that summoned the highest CR monster you could use.
One night he texts the group chat that he decided he's done running that story, and wants to run another one shot instead. We had one last session to "close" that first campaign and discuss the one shot options. During our meeting, he gleefully admitted to me that he had planned for my bard to get PREGNANT in that one night stand with the NPC from the archery competition. Not only did he plan to do that without my consent or knowledge, he had planned for it to be a HAG baby that would have entirely f*cked my PC up (he explained it as the man having been a witch in disguise or something?? And said that's how hags are made? Which to my knowledge is entirely incorrect. Maybe it was a homebrew rule, but regardless, I was mortified. And now very grateful he lost interest in that campaign).
Moving on to the one shot, another player decided to try DMing, and so the Problem DM had a chance to be a PC, yay! He privately messaged me and asked if I'd be interested in connecting our characters and their backstories. I said yes and we got to work. We spent a few nights discussing their dynamic and I was really excited to go into this game. Well, come the night of the session, we were going around the table introducing our characters. The Problem DM went before me, and introduced an entirely different character than the one we discussed, and one that would often almost kill us during the one shot (to which the guy would cackle and mock us for getting upset each time). I asked him what happened to our plan, and he said earlier that day he decided he wanted to do something different. I sighed and let it go, because at least it was just a one shot and my character could still function without his connection to the other PC. Another one shot where the Problem DM got to be a PC, he seemed to make it his goal to be the biggest asshole to everyone else's character. My PC was an archaeologist, and when she excitedly discovered some old pottery in a dungeon, he had his PC run up and smash everything and laugh in her face.
The next campaign we tried that had issues was a Starfinder campaign. Our party was considered its own crew for a space ship, plus one DMPC that was placed into the mix supposedly to help us if we fell short, since we were all unfamiliar with Starfinder and spaceship battle mechanics. She was honestly a really cool character! And we had one or two sessions to establish the story and how the crew interacted. Now, this was my mistake, not taking any of the other creepy habits of the DM into consideration, but I offhandedly mentioned to the table at large that my PC (a woman) might be developing a crush on this DMPC (also a woman). They had gone through a lot together in-game at that point and it felt natural. The next session, you'll never guess, the DMPC started flirting hard core with my character. I was confused and asked the DM what that was about, as we had never had any interactions between those two that would be read as romantic. Even if I mentioned my character was crushing, she had never let it on, and the DMPC had never indicated she felt a similar pull as well. The DM didn't really have an explanation, just that apparently in-universe, the DMPC had been flirting more and more with my character since their last adventure together alone. I thought, okay, I guess...
Honestly? What transpired would have been an insanely cool plot twist if we had had the time to actually roleplay and develop the relationship between my character and the DMPC, as well as the crew at large and the DMPC. She ended up being part of a cult that wanted to steal an artifact we had acquired. She was apparently trying to 'romance' my PC because my PC was the one who often guarded the artifact, and needed her to let her guard down. It would have been a super impactful betrayal, but it was literally only a handful of sessions between the first meeting, and the plot twist. We just had to trust the DMs word that we had all gotten super attached to her between actual session meetings and we all should feel like we were stabbed in the back by this trusted individual. And I especially should feel heartbroken because she never really was interested in me anyway.
Later on down the line, despite some very interesting story points, it got creepy again. Our PCs ended up being sucked into a death game show, and isolated from the outside world while being broadcast to universal TV stations. At some point we were all given access to the internet after a few weeks in isolation to search up anything we wanted. Everyone searched up their names among other things. The DM described us finding our newly formed fanbases. He described the other PCs fanbases (men played by men) as having hot debates on their intelligence and decisions during the show, or bets on if they'd be the last ones standing; that sort of stuff. He described my fanbase as leering creeps saying the most unhinged things about what they wanted my PC to do to them s*xually, as well as some spreading photos of my PC without her face covering (she was a Kasatha, which canonically keep their mouths covered. But she had been forced to remove it briefly when it almost waterboarded her after she fell into a river).
Eventually, we weren't able to meet consistently enough to warrant running campaigns anymore, and I fell out of touch with all involved. Oh, we also lost a player at some point right after he confessed to me and I declined his interest.
I went another year not playing before another friend group of mine invited me to play as a guest character. I thought this would be a nice way to ease back into the game slowly after my horrid experiences before. Rather than make an entirely new character for one or two sessions, I brought back my tiefling bard because I still really liked her character, and had started to reshape her personality without being pressured to have her be a s*xual chess piece. The new DM dropped my character in a labyrinth their current party had been trapped in for awhile. I was made to be a level or two higher and be an ally they encountered to help them escape. We did, it was fun! But I was only there as a guest, and had only planned my character to be in one to two sessions before leaving. I was consistently mentioning to the party that my PC would be leaving as soon as they get to her major city, but either they didn't think I was serious or didn't remember. I may have been convinced to come on full time, but unfortunately, history repeats itself. We got to a session where the party got to a tavern and drowned their sorrows and nursed their labyrinth bruises with beer, and the idea of a threesome was thrown in the air between my PC and two others. Now, half of this group were dating someone else in the group, and seemed very comfortable roleplaying casual s*x between their PCs because of it. They started a damn chant pressuring me to say yes, already trying to roleplay it, and I felt sick. I was too anxious at the idea of saying no with how aggressive everyone was for me to agree, so I tried to "roll for yes or no" as an out; the dice failed me, and it rolled a number assigned to yes. I was very quiet the rest of the session, and afterwards messaged the DM that I want my character to leave at the beginning of the next session.
The DM then tried to convince me to stay, despite me saying a clear no multiple times within the same conversation. They begged me to stay saying the party loved my PC a lot, and they would hate to lose me. When they finally relented, they then tried to smoothly transition to talk of making me a new character so I could permanently stay with the party, without compromising my bards story and decision. I kind of got on their case about that, and told them to stop pressuring me and I did not want to play with that group anymore. Eventually, they gave up, but not without some low key guilt tripping.
I tried playing with one more group after this, and while it didn't get creepy, it was also a disappointment as none of the players seemed to care besides me and the DM, despite everyone having encouraged starting the game because they wanted to learn how to play for the first time. Players slowly started ghosting us, drama happened between two players that joined just to have an excuse to talk and try and date (which ended up very messy and they both left), and the new players would get angry at me or the DM if they got confused with the rules or combat dynamics (the wizard rushed ahead of me, the tank barbarian, and then acted like it was my fault when they nearly got killed in the first round because "the tank is supposed to protect the damage dealers").
The DM and I stayed in contact after all the other players ghosted the chat, and ended up bringing over some other new players who had also played before, and re hauled the campaign. This one had so much promise...then quarantine hit, and we couldn't keep up with regular meetings.
At this point, with all my games ending with creeps, messy player dynamics or falling through, I decided maybe these kinds of games weren't for me.
I have new friends now inviting me to play, who have very functional groups (experienced professional DMs, closeknit friend groups, long-running campaigns), but I am too wary to accept any more offers for games, despite deep down really wanting to try again and be part of something I know can be amazing. Maybe I will one day, but until then, I just have these horror stories to think about.
submitted by CalyWitsune to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]