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2024.05.13 23:50 TTYY200 MVVM (specifically for WPF) clarification needed. Can someone help me understand?

So long story short, through my self guided learning over the last year or so, I've pretty well absorbed all the knowledge I can around WPF and XAML. (Furthermore on the XAML side thanks to some legacy code that needs to be maintained using Expressions Blend and no C# code-behind- but that's another story) In all of this time ... I am still a little confused around my specific needs regarding my desktop application and what constitutes a Viewmodel vs. a Viewmodel.
Lets get through the basics. I am creating a document writer of sorts. Its purpose is to autogenerate values, and edit default values, as well as load existing documents values into memory and be able to edit values from a loaded document. The UI is mostly ON/OFF for values and fields can be added, removed, etc through the UI. The GUI directly represents the data in the documents being generated. However, I have logic for all of my Viewmodels that prevents users from entering certain values. as well as locig that checks other parameters (if they exist) in the document (the loaded document in memory that the ui directly correlates to) to see if the values are in or out of bounds, as well as a plethora of other error handling for validation and verification like non-zero values, alpha values in a number box etc. As well as a bunch of logic that should automate the process of generating this document. For example if you add a parameter and turn it on(or true) that value will autopopulate another parameter and inform the user they must enter a value in the new input field.
I am assuming all of this is corect to assume this is Viewmodel specific logic - it has to be otherwise I have no easy way to assert this logic.
Hoever I have been reading online regarding what is and what is not 'business logic' in my application and i am unsure as to whether or not I might even have a 'model' ... Or i may be confusing some of my 'services' with what should be a 'model'. Ive been reading that business logic could be called domain logic, but that doesnt really help me..... vm should contain input logic. the view should contain output logic. It seems like everything in my case is a viewmodel....
I have a few services for reading/writing XML, reading/writing JSON, an error handler, a logger, a library for hashing, a PDF builder, an XDoc writer, user security, etc. Some of these are purely services. libraries that wrap functionality like reading and writing files using data passed to them. Others are services that consume c++ DLL's and they simply wrap the extern calls. Some just store data to help decide what to display to users. (like units for a value) using enums and static dictionaries in a static class. I would for the most part consider these to be 'services'. custom libraries that i am using in the view models. and in my only model class 'configuration'.
The configuration class reads in some configuration data on startup and these files are only ever change when the application receives an update. The configuration class holds the configuration data in a dictionary for the viewmodels to pull form as they need it. The data is already processed but the config class and all its data is packaged neatly for the viewmodels to grab.
Does this seem like an appropriate way to organize my program in an MVVM architecture? I am maybe confusing my services for what models should be doing, the services i am using are doing the 'business/domain logic'?
anybody who has some experience with MVVM standards that can chime in, my ears are open :P
submitted by TTYY200 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:46 Zak1131 Bughelp. Swarms of insects breed in Ancient shrine (evil)

Translated through a translator, sorry.
I have a bug during the game, and I can not find the culprit, because I have VERY many mods, as well as no mods affecting Ancient shrine (Ancient evil), or insect generation (I guess).
Gist: I run a settlement on a tribe in an icy mountain biome, swarming the mountain, developing and stuff. At some point my screen sometimes begins to shake (this happens when destroying or explosion), I hear squelching sounds (as when insects spawn), and then and even get a notice that the uliy expanded in Ancient shrine, which I did not even find and did not open! It's seriously on the other side of the map in the mountains and I don't interact with it in any way! I play in ice on the tribe all the time, and never had this happen before patch 1.5 and the partial mod change. In one of the saves I dug a passage to them and saw that they were actually breeding, it's very strange.... They hit rocks, sometimes walls and chew on something, digging, I can hear it all (and it's not an audio bug or visual, they're really doing it) I can assume the problem is the low temperature, it revives them and runs the script.
Please help, as I can't run the game properly because of this) I just got a notice that the hive has expanded.
The 1 screenshot below is the hive itself, which I highlighted by clicking on the extension notification
In the 2nd screenshot in the same save, I opened them up
in the 3nd screenshot is an old settlement where I uncovered the evil and found a breeding hive of beetles.
submitted by Zak1131 to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:44 Available_Log_6622 Certain subreddits’ insistences that women aren’t ever discriminated against, and instinct to deny or victim blame.

Hear me out. Let me have the soapbox for just a few minutes.
I‘ve just penned a post about how a specific subset of men refuse to listen to or take women seriously. The comments just proved what I was saying. This is a highly-recorded and well-documented phenomenon. sources will be provided at the bottom of the post. I know this happens to men on other subs. It sucks. But this isn’t what the topic of discussion is today. I’d request you make your own post on the topic as it is a very valid issue that does need to be heard. Anyway, I was complaint about how my little brother and father are completely disrespectful and dismissive towards my mom, taking her pain as some sort of joke. I posted about one example out of many that happen daily: “My little brother did this to my mother on mother’s day. My father saw him opening cards with his teeth. he thought it was gross and told him to stop. He did so immediately.
A few minutes later, he started using his hands to get ice out of my motherl’s ice machine. My mother is neurodivergent and sensitive to certain things, so she was visibly distressed and told him to stop. He didn’t listen to her. He did it three more times and wouldn’t stop. It wasn’t until the rest of my family joined in that he would actually do something.“
The comments were on fire. Save for a few that actually got me, people acted in a way that was a little demoralizing. I see this nigh daily on Reddit. It’s not even remotely new. Over many years across multiple different accounts, this phenomenon has only gotten worse. It’s happened towards both men and women. However, today’s discussion is focusing on women, so please don’t derail.
the first comment I got was disrespectful and immediately brought up men, isninuating that what I was talking about wasn't at all valid. As if I can’t take two seconds to talk about women’s issues without someone bringing up men. Another comment‘s first instinct was to inquire whether my mom was abusive. Yeah, when my mother gets disrespected, it’s HER fault. Even if she brings it up constantly and everyone ignores her, she’s the problem guys! It’s her! Why is it these people’s first thought to pin it on the person being disadvantaged? Just accept that some people suffer in some ways in society.
for example, men don’t have very many support systems. That needs to change, obviously. It brings about a lot of unneeded pain for men young and old and contributes to heaps and heaps of silent frustration. Simultaneously, women aren’t respected or taken seriously in many contexts by men, disproportionately. Women can have a voice, they can speak up, but no one listens. Again, this is pretty well documented and is corroborated in the sources I provided below. I’m not just pulling this out of my ass.
or it’s just because how my father was raised! Maybe my father was raised in a tough environment and doesn't know better after his nigh 50 years of life! Accountability, am I right? Throw it out the window.… Despite the fact that it was my mother came from a much, much worse upbringing, and she’s among the kindest people I know. Apparently, it’s her job to teach a grown ass man to respect her. My father is a very capable and intelligent human being. It’s an insult to him to insinuate that he somehow doesn’t have the autonomy or capability to check his behavior. He does. he’s a good person, too. It’s just sometimes he can be highly disrespectful towards my mother. That’s all.
Another comment cared to “point out” that apparently, I’m the problem. My entire comment history is supposedly complaining about men. Apparently people who bring up inequalities faced by women has to be a woman, too… and a man-hating one, at that.
yeah. Everyone is the problem, excluding those who constitute the ostensible issue. Blame it on other people.
In sum, the vast majority of the comments sought to justify the behavior immediately, blame it on my mother, or insinuate I was the issue. Only one or two people had their head on their shoulders in my comment section.
The Authority Gap is a good book on the topic regarding getting taken seriously. Here is a an article that summarizes it:
papers on the topic:
submitted by Available_Log_6622 to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:44 AnAnOgg Bitcoin can't survive long term with a fixed cap

Been lurking here a long time, but I wanted to post this because I don't hear anyone really talking about this:
Once all of the bitcoin has been mined, miners will need to rely solely on transaction fees for income. The bitcoin network can handle a maximum of around 220 million transactions per year.
Let's pretend the last bitcoin got mined today. If the average transaction costs, say, $10, that means that miners will only generate a maximum of $2.2 billion in total revenue per year going forward. This number is simply too small for bitcoin to function, especially if it's meant to secure trillions of dollars of value.
A single musk-rich person in that future era could absolutely wreak the network by just spending a few billion usd on mining to overwhelm it and not allow any legitimate transactions through. (A 51% attack has the power to prevent any/all transactions)
Even if it's $1,000/transaction, that's still only $220 B. If bitcoin is supposed to be a global reserve currency, that's an awfully small number required to crash the system.
And this is only if there are enough people willing to spend $1000/transaction to fill up all the blocks! In reality, people will do whatever they can to avoid doing actual transactions on the blockchain because it will be too expensive. (By using custody services such as etfs or the beloved lightning network)
All of this means that ultimately, if bitcoin is to survive and thrive, they MUST eliminate the cap and make it inflationary! Inflation is the only way to spread the cost of securing the network to all hodlers.
You might think you could just make changes to increase the number of transactions the network is capable of making, but that won't be enough. There simply aren't enough people willing to spend enough money on transactions fees for the network to be secure enough to be a global reserve currency, especially when custody services will always exist for people who want even lower transaction fees.
The only other possibility I can think of is that bitcoin simply doesn't grow all that much and it's market cap stays somewhere around a few trillion in today's terms. But if that's the case then it's just not that good of an investment going forward...
And it won't even be difficult to increase the cap when the time comes. Just a few lines of code and for enough miners to agree; hodlers don't get a vote.
Does anyone have an answer for this? Is it even theoretically possible for bitcoin to be deflationary, secure, and successful long term in its current form? The answer is no, you can only choose two.
(Yes, PoS chains don't have this particular issue, this is specific to PoW chains. PoS comes with a new set of issues, but that's a discussion for another thread. I am not claiming that PoS chains are any better overall.)
submitted by AnAnOgg to Buttcoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:36 Adventure_Drake A Promise from the Past (5)

It's time for our first look at life on Earth! I hope everyone has been enjoying the story so far. As always, let me know your thoughts on the story so far. It's been a joy sharing it with you all.
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Memory transcription subject: UN Secretary-General Elias Meier Date [standardized human time]: July 13, 2136
Sometimes I wondered what Earth would be like had the Skalgans not landed here hundreds of years ago. Every UN summit these days seemed to involve settling some kind of dispute involving them. Whether it be accusations of resource theft, threats in response to those accusations, or disputes over succession, there was always something to resolve. There was rarely any actual conflict that occurred nowadays, but security had been required to break up a few squabbles in the past, often ones involving delegates charging each other.
Despite how rowdy they could be, they were stalwart allies. That stubbornness made them dependable to follow through with their alliances. Whether it was war, work, or simply having a dependable friend, it was hard to go wrong with them. They proved themselves early on in the history of their arrival.
I reminded myself of that as I listened to the leader of the Garian nation petitioning other nations for aid in their efforts to assemble yet another space shipyard. I was certain we had more than enough, but the Garian leader wouldn’t have anything less than ‘overwhelming force against potential threats’. An aspect of Skalgan culture that carried on since their arrival was their concern over the calamity that had brought them to Earth appearing once more from the heavens. It’d created a divide among the people, from those that felt we should isolate ourselves from the wider galaxy, to those that felt we should either find allies or track down this great threat to eliminate it. The exploratory mission we’ve sent out has certainly riled up the xenophobes, who felt we needed to prepare a grand fleet if we were gonna announce ourselves to the galactic stage.
An aid came and tapped me on my shoulder, pulling me from my thoughts. “Sir.” She whispered. “I need you to come with me.”
If I was being called away, then it must have been an emergency. Nodding, I stood and followed here, my security detail trailing behind. We were only just walking up to the briefing room doors when I started hearing a very loud conversation. “-could be them! We need to start assembling ships immediately in case they-” I open the doors, interrupting whoever it was that was shouting. Scanning the room quickly, I saw that most of the people assembled were from several different space agencies, though there were also individuals from historical institutes and national militaries.
“Right, might I ask what has folks so riled up?” I asked.“The Odyssey crew made contact with extraterrestrials.” A short-haired woman in a leather jacket said, passing me a folder. I managed to catch her nametag, which read Dr. Kuemper, SETI. “They call themselves the Venlil, and going by appearances alone, seem to be related to the Skalgan. Not only that, but they’re a part of a Federation of hundreds of other species. Certainly more than we ever theorized.”
This news came as a shock. I flipped through the various pages and photos in the folder, taking in everything that's been gathered so far. There was a photo of one of the Skalgan astronauts next to a Venlil. Side by side, it was easy to see how one could assume they shared a similar lineage, despite some of their physical differences. If these were truly aliens related to the Skalgan, then their kind has survived the attack on their homeworld or at least escaped to a separate planet.
We’ve known that life existed at some point beyond our star system, but that was only known through the existence of the Skalgan. Even then, the nature of their origin took generations to fully understand. They crashed on earth during an age where we were still using muskets, a time when we didn’t even have a concept of electricity. They may have brought a technological boost with them, but without the means to reproduce or maintain it, much had deteriorated away, and that included the electronic data their ship carried. For all we knew, the Skalgan and their attackers were the only other life in the galaxy. They may have even gone extinct in the time it took us to achieve FTL flight.
“So we might have ourselves the Skalgan home planet and their long lost cousins. I hope that the presence of so many generals in this meeting isn’t a suggestion to invade.” I looked over all the individuals in military attire that were present.
Dr. Kuemper frowned. “The issue isn’t with the Venlil. It’s the Federation and their enemies. It’s a complicated mess. To start, the Federation is made up entirely of herbivores who are extremely xenophobic towards any meat consuming species.”
I look back down at the folder, leafing to a page about the Venlil society. It only took me a moment to spot the bold letters highlighting the fear and distrust they have towards, as they label them, predatory species. “Well, we must have done something right if we got far enough to exchange knowledge.”
“You can thank us for being there.” One of the Skalgan in the room spoke up, a general by the name of Ledric from the nation Rerig that sat on the western coast of North America. “The fact that we had a Skalgan among the crew made it easier for the Venlil to accept the human. They may have just shot the ship down had astronaut Noah not been there, or taken them prisoner, or done all sorts of horrible things!”
“I think it would be best if we did not worry about the what-ifs and instead think about the now.” I said, finally taking a seat at the table. “So the Skalgan look-alikes have a fear of meat eaters. Does this extend to the rest of their federation?”
“I’m afraid so.” The doctor said. “It seems like it’s actually a founding pillar of the Federation’s doctrine. The Arxur, the enemies of the federation, have been on a campaign of terror against them for several centuries. They’re responsible for the destruction of at least 62 planets and billions of lives.”
“Jesus Christ, please tell me you’re kidding.”
“I wish, sir. There’s a full brief on the page labeled ‘Arxur’ in your file. There’s also footage of them committing every war crime in the book. I mean, they literally eat children.”
“Well shit.” I sighed, barely having a moment to think before the Rerig general Ledric spoke up again. “These monsters eat sentient beings and keep people as livestock! They have to be the ones responsible for the original attack on our homeworld. It makes sense that the ‘wrath of the galaxy’ told in Skalgan mythos refers to them.”
“Can we be certain?” I asked Ledric. “I don’t doubt that this species is monstrous in nature, but I don’t know if any of the original records from the ships you arrived in have survived to this day to confirm that.”
“You’re right about that.” Another Skalgan spoke up, a historian from Rerig. “Surviving records are little more than fragments at best. Even electronic records can’t survive the decay that hundreds of years of time would bring. Without the proper understanding of how to properly preserve digital records, they broke down into little more than scrap metal over the centuries. We have no idea who those ships originally belonged to, where they came from, or how my people got ahold of them. Hell, we don’t even know if it was one or multiple species responsible for the attack on Skalga.”
I lightly nodded, thinking about the possible explanations. “What about the Federation? How do they play into this?”
“According to the records the Venlil provided, they had only just made initial contact with the Federation around the time the Skalgan landed on Earth.” Dr. Kuemper said. “It's a bit difficult to line up our timelines without exact dates. At best we can estimate by about a decade or so. It’s possible that the Skalgan acquired ships from the Federation. There’s also the possibility that the ships were Arxur cattle vessels that they managed to commandeer. There is also the possibility of an unknown group being involved, but so far there’s no evidence of that.”
There were a lot of hypotheticals being given, but no solid narrative so far. “I’d rather not make any major decisions till we know for certain what we’re dealing with. There’s also the matter of these physical differences between the Skalgan and Venlil, and the matter of the Federation's potential hostility to us humans. Are they aware of us?”
“Not yet.” Dr. Kuemper said. “Only the Venlil know of humans. The Federation only knows of the Skalgan for now.”
“Right… Well if they’re as hostile towards meat eaters as this report leads us to believe, we’re gonna have to figure out a way to break the news to them gently.”
“Why should we bother?” Ledric asked. “If the Federation was there when Skalga was attacked yet did nothing, why should we even try being friendly? Do they fear the Arxur so much that they wouldn’t intervene?”
“We shouldn’t be making assumptions like that.” I said. “We don’t know what happened all those centuries ago, and the last thing we want is to go accusing people of wrongdoings that they didn’t commit. I’d rather we make allies than enemies. And speaking of such matters, I believe the Venlil will be a good place to start. Their governor was willing to risk her position to keep us hidden. She and her people may be able to speak on our behalf, and their potential ties to Skalgan may further secure their trust. Not to mention that our best chance of learning about the origin of the Skalgan race would be in cooperation with them.”
“What of the Arxur?” Ledric spoke once more. “They’re clearly a threat to both their Federation and us. We should strike some of these livestock worlds as a show of our allegiance with the Venlil. That would also show this Federation that humans are an ally.”
I grimaced. We'd only just discovered life beyond our system and already we were talking war. Announcing a potential war with extraterrestrials would cause the divide between those for and against alien contact to widen even further. However, we couldn’t share the potential discovery of the Skalgan’s ancestors without including the threat that not just the Arxur posed, but the danger humans would be in if we made a mistake with introducing ourselves to the Federation. This whole situation was a minefield, and we were having to carefully pick our way through it.
“Lets start by releasing the findings and then judge our next course of action based on the public’s feedback. We need to be united on whatever decision we make, as this will affect all of us, both Humans and Skalgans. If the people just want to make allies, that’s what we’ll do. But if they want us to show we’re willing to fight for the Venlil and the Federation, then we’ll fight.”
An outside threat and long lost family would be powerful motivators to bring people together. I was fairly certain I knew already what the Skalgan’s position on this would be, but they weren’t on the potential firing line for their biology.
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submitted by Adventure_Drake to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:35 Potential_Mind_1866 Repost - linking to original thread. Post was accidentally removed by mods

Drake has made well over $200 million dollars off of his fans' gambling losses which we can easily assume are over $6 billion spent.
I posted yesterday interested to see what people think Kendrick should talk about if he drops again on Drake.
There is something I really want him to break down - Drake's involvement with a website that
  1. Pays him $100m+ annually since 2022
  2. He participates in public engagement media with, knowingly encouraging minors to gamble.

What is this?

(Overall scope of this website)
This website was officially formed in 2017 (7 years ago) for online crypto gambling. There was basically no verification at the very beginning of their launch, and to this day they have very, very flimsy protocols to identify/verify age of their players.
Processing img zeqh1xygz3zc1...
Here are some dates and numbers relating to how many bets had been placed on the platform
In the 14 months leading up to January 2022, 39 Billion bets were placed on the website. 21 Billion of these bets came after trainwreckstv became affiliated.
I don't want to go into trainwreckstv. If you become interested in him, you can watch coffeezilla's video (coffeezilla 360 million dollars)
Some more numbers
Year Bets Placed on the Website
2021 + 2 months 39,229,581,015
2022 62,418,061,486
2023 68,701,192,678
This website reported $2.6 billion in gaming revenue in 2022. Gaming revenue is the total amount wagered on the site minus the total amount paid out to players.Check footnotes for wagered
If you'd like to get further into the numbers...Check footnotes for house edge While some exceptions exist, classic table games typically have lower house edges (1-3%) than progressive jackpot slots , typically the games with the highest house edges (5-15%). Video slots sit somewhere in the middle (4-5%). ...and we take an completely rough, VERY generous, estimate that people are running on about a 3% house edge on average (it is likely much higher than this.)Check Footnote to see what house edge is (bottom)then we can approximate of the $86 billion that was wagered in 2022 on this website, $71 Billion was wagered while Drake was involved in 2022.

Drake's Involvement

Drake has been involved with this website for over two years, being paid NO LESS THAN $200 million for literally just being a poster boy. This is MOST LIKELY not including what he is paid for his streams (which appear to show him placing millions of dollars on single roulette spins). He is probably also given an amount to wager on his own as he, himself, is a gambling addict.
Why do they do this? How do they even have the money for this? Look at the numbers above, they are making an unbelievable fortune off of this and it's because of creators like trainwreckstv and Drake.
There are hundreds of affiliated creators operating through streams and youtube with communities of underage gamblers, a group that is trending up with gambling addictions. Each of these creators tend to make 3%-10% of affiliatesCheck footnotes for affiliates on their community member's deposits.
Casinos are able to pay these dividends because they are making multiples of what these collaborators are making. Why else would they do it?

Why is this bad

These are children gambling on these sites. I have solid evidence of a user having wagered over $100,000 om this website without EVER having been verified for any age, ID, proof of address. NOTHING.
I have researched by going through multiple communities speaking to gamblers who were gambling for years by the time they turned 18 (among others of course). I do not have a large sample size, but my sample is just a few small gambling communities among hundreds of similar, larger and much larger communities.. I believe to be a largely unbiased sample (I know that sounds like an oxy moron "I believe it is unbiased" lol, but you know what I mean)
I have not performed interviews, just mostly got numbers from people. I'm sure many would come forward if asked though.

In conclusion, we can easily assume Drake has made well over $200 million dollars off of his fans' gambling losses which we can easily assume are over $6 billion.

I cannot stress this enough, these are such light numbers. It is probably much more, and the only defense Drake probably has is that he spent it all or lost it gambling too.
submitted by Potential_Mind_1866 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:35 GranGransCootDust What do you think of The Joker in The Dark Knight (2008) and the film's themes of morality and human nature?

Awhile back I read a discussion, probably on Reddit, in which a professed psychopath (I'll call him Pepe) criticized normal people/neurotypicals (NTs for short) for not living up to their supposed principles. Pepe felt that NTs were more like psychopaths than they admitted, and were faking, or at least greatly exaggerating, their feelings in order to manipulate/virtue signal.
Pepe had a point about NTs often not living up to their proclaimed moral principles, but seemingly overreacted in assuming NTs were largely faking their feelings.
Pepe reminded me a lot of The Joker character (famously portrayed by Heath Ledger) from The Dark Knight. The Joker expressed a similar attitude toward "normal people" (NTs) Quote:
You see, their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. Their only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these "civilized people" — they'll eat each other.
The Joker seems to resent "civilized" people's sense of superiority to those like him, so he uses terrorism to wipe away this phony veneer of decency and expose all the supposedly "decent" people for the selfish, amoral beings much more like himself he believes them to be.
I got the sense that Pepe was in denial about how different he was from NTs, and was unconsciously trying to validate his sense of superiority by denouncing NTs as hypocrites. The Joker had a similar, but seemingly less judgmental perspective — while Pepe simply disdained NTs, The Joker seemed to be engaged in constructive criticism, wanting to convert people to his "no rules" philosophy. Again, maybe this was just The Joker (like Pepe) narcissistically valorizing his psychopathy. And, sure, maybe The Joker was just pretending to have a higher purpose, but I would ignore this last possibility because 1) It leads to infinite regress and 2) It's fucking boring, yo.
I guess I am wondering two things about this: 1) What do you think of the Joker as a depiction of a psychopath? And 2) What did you think of the movie itself, especially its themes of morality and human nature?
submitted by GranGransCootDust to askpsychology [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:32 WereWolfWil Acceptance of death

Ss13, is dying, it has been for months. Yes I know this post gets made all the time but to be very honest with you it's made all the time for a f****** reason.
I've played this game for years now but I've stopped over the past year. I just don't feel like it's worth getting on.
Want to relearn an entire job? Because every server has a different method? What's that you're complaining about? The game that constantly gets changed by devs who keep trying to take ways for people to grief out, only to realize that griefing is the main way for antagonists to actually play the game?
Devs have been going on a balance craze, and it's been for the last couple years. It's only made it more and more difficult to do your job as a normal person. Also every single server I play rarely does anything besides traitor now. I have made this comment several times, but it is very obvious that admins owners, mods and other people on the servers are picking and choosing who gets to be the antagonist. It's not hard at all to set it up, in fact it's been to the point where someone will get an antagonist roll three times in a row in a server full of 50 to 70 people. I've seen entire groups of friends end up as death squad several times in a row. I've made this comment 2 years ago and I'm making it again now because it's just never gone anywhere. When's the last time you were an antagonist? When's the last time you played on a server and didn't have to wait 15 rounds in a row to actually do something other than the jobs. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer but it's just that this game has so many possible game modes, and it always ends up being an extended traitor round.
Admins are quick to ban anybody nowadays, and it's gotten to the extent where I'm looking at people on discord and Reddit be banned for simply asking why. I've said it for years and I will continue to say it and you can all sit here and lie to yourselves and think that you're happy. The admins are power tripping two levels unlike any other game ever.
This is a round-based game. Each round takes roughly 1 hour long. Every single time I've played the rounds have gone to 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours long because the admin wants to extend because there are no antagonists so that people can just do their jobs. I'm sorry but who wants to sit as the janitor for 3 hours and repeatedly go through the main hallway and wash the floors over and over and over. Who wants to be the chemist who sits there making useless medications that never get used during the round? Oh what's this you want to spice the Roundup because it's been going on for 3 and 1/2 hours and there hasn't been a single incident? What's this? It's a low RP server meaning that griefing really shouldn't be that big of a deal to the admins? Nope. Go f*** yourself.
You don't understand that investing an hour intp a round of ss13 is hoping that some crazy s*** will go down, and that you can either react to it, help it or destroy it. Now it's just people just playing around with r&d and coding and boring shit, while the game is running. It's not fun anymore. There's no challenge. There's no danger. There's no reason to actually do anything. There's no reason to grab anything to protect yourself. And if you do, God forbid security or the admins find you doing that. Labeled a power gamer immediately
Go ahead and check my bans. They're years old. I don't give a f*** anymore. I've been banned for stupid things that I deserve to be banned for and I've been banned for things that I don't deserve to be banned for. The question is how long are all of us going to sit here and be complacent. This game is s*** server count is going down, and best servers are being run into the ground.
I I genuinely am not attacking mods in admins who are trying to just progress the technology of the game and add new things to do, I'm more so angry with things like botany being switched around from an old system that worked very well to a new system that barely functions at all. Hell I'm able to grow like four plants around, just waiting for mutagen to work. I used to be able to fill the entire kitchen in a matter of 15 minutes, now. The end of the round comes before I can even get mutagen.
submitted by WereWolfWil to SS13 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:32 milldrive Sabify Review: Unpacking the Reality Behind the AI Trading Hype

Sabify Review: Unpacking the Reality Behind the AI Trading Hype
Hey Reddit,
Today, I’m diving into Sabify, a name that’s been floating around in discussions about cryptocurrency investment opportunities. Sabify is marketed as a cutting-edge fintech platform using AI for trading, but there are some serious concerns you should be aware of before getting involved. Let’s break down what Sabify claims to offer and the red flags that come with it.
Now before I did in...
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  • Being on the phone all day
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If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out New Digital Economy.
If you want to know more about Sabify keep reading…

What is Sabify Review?
Sabify operates under the domain “,” and intriguingly, some parts of its website source-code are in Portuguese. However, Sabify gives off a mysterious vibe as it fails to provide any substantial information about who owns or runs the platform. Their homepage is pretty minimalistic, mainly just an affiliate login form, which doesn't inspire much confidence.

Sabify's Business Model

Sabify doesn't sell any actual products or services to the general public. Instead, it solely markets its affiliate membership, which is a common trait in many questionable MLM schemes. Affiliates are encouraged to purchase licenses that purportedly allow them to benefit from AI-driven trading, promising passive returns that sound too good to be true. Here’s how the licenses break down:
  • Quantum 50: Pay 150 USDT to potentially invest 300 USDT or more, with a 50% tax on returns.
  • Quantum 60: Higher investment and slightly lower tax.
  • Zen: Pay 1000 USDT to invest 500 USDT or more, with the lowest tax rate of 25%.

The Compensation Scheme

Sabify’s compensation model heavily emphasizes recruitment. It operates on a binary structure where affiliates are positioned at the top of a binary team, split into two sides. This structure supports earning through new recruitments rather than through actual product sales, which is a hallmark of a pyramid scheme.

Investment and Returns

The allure of Sabify lies in its advertised capability of generating returns through AI trading. Affiliates invest in various tiers, expecting high returns based on the amount invested. However, Sabify does not provide any verifiable evidence of generating revenue via AI trading, which is a significant concern. If their AI were as successful at trading as claimed, why would they need substantial investments from the public?

Regulatory and Legality Issues

Sabify presents itself as an investment opportunity involving securities, due to the promise of returns generated through trading activities. However, they have not registered with any securities or commodities regulators, which is mandatory for legal operation in most jurisdictions. This non-compliance indicates potential securities and commodities fraud.

Is Sabify a Ponzi Scheme?

The business model suggests that Sabify might be operating as a Ponzi scheme, relying heavily on new investments to pay returns to earlier investors. This is unsustainable and often leads to the collapse of the platform, leaving many investors out of pocket.

Conclusion: Should You Invest in Sabify?

In conclusion, while Sabify attempts to market itself as a revolutionary AI trading platform, the lack of transparency, dependency on new recruitments for returns, and non-compliance with regulatory laws paint a different picture. Investing in Sabify carries substantial risk, likely ending in a loss of funds when the scheme inevitably collapses.
For anyone considering Sabify, I strongly recommend proceeding with caution, doing thorough research, and possibly consulting a financial advisor. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
What are your thoughts or experiences with Sabify or similar platforms? Let’s keep the discussion going and help each other stay informed!
Stay safe and invest wisely, everyone!
submitted by milldrive to u/milldrive [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:30 cheinyeanlim Employees Secretly Using AI Tools at Work, Microsoft Study Finds

Employees Secretly Using AI Tools at Work, Microsoft Study Finds
A Microsoft and LinkedIn study reveals many employees are utilizing generative AI tools at work without their managers' knowledge or approval. The study surveyed 31,000 knowledge workers across 31 countries.
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest trends in tech and marketing – join our subreddit community martechnewser today for instant notifications!
  • 75% of respondents use generative AI at work, mostly without management's knowledge.
  • 78% bring their own AI tools to work, rising to 80% at small/mid-sized businesses
  • 52% are hesitant to admit using AI for core tasks, while another 53% express reluctance due to the fear of being replaceable by AI.
  • 79 percent of executives believe AI is necessary, but 60 percent doubt their company has a clear plan for its use.
With increasing individual AI usage, companies will feel pressured to adopt official AI solutions, such as those offered by Microsoft. The company even mentions this in the study, arguing that workers bringing their own AI tools to work pose a 'threat to data security'.
submitted by cheinyeanlim to martechnewser [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:28 ThatOtherShore How Codependency Develops and Why It Ends in Narcissistic Abuse

I agree with Ross Rosenberg’s redefining of codependent behaviors as ‘self-love deficit disorder’. That seems to be a very accurate read of WHY people fall into codependency in certain relationship dynamics. Self-love deficit usually arises due to childhood conditioning in which the child was parentified, put on a pedestal for conditional approval, emotionally neglected, or directly abused.
In all of these cases, which are all forms of abuse (though it may be unconscious and unintentional), the child develops a distorted belief that he/she is not ‘good enough’ to just be loved and accepted for who they are and must either perform, obey, serve, or act inauthentically in order to get their needs for love and safety met. This attacks the child’s inherent self worth because they lack the emotional and physical maturity to understand that the parent is incorrect and not parenting well. Nor can the child meet their own needs or leave the home. Therefore, everything is directed inward and the child develops a deep sense of shame and low self-worth, believing that he/she must please the parent by being whatever version reduces conflict, lessens abuse, and provokes approval.
Although codependent people are often highly empathic, that empathy has unfortunately developed through hyper-vigilance and taking on other people’s feelings as our own (aka enmeshment). This results in habits of people-pleasing, walking on eggshells, being a chameleon, over-giving, and performing inauthentically for approval. What kind of person will be drawn to a people-pleasing over-giver with low self-esteem in certain vulnerable areas, who wants to avoid conflict, has poor boundaries, and is afraid to be disliked? Ding ding.
The child re-enacts this narcissist-codependent dynamic in romantic relationships and friendships because so far that is all they have known, so it seems not only ‘normal’ but that there is no other way to receive love and acceptance. I call this the pattern of self-negation and servitude. Anyone with low self-worth and a deficit of self-love will be highly vulnerable to emotional manipulation, because there is a desperate desire to be fully loved, admired, seen as attractive and worthy, and totally accepted for who they are, to finally be ‘good enough’.
This is exactly why codependent people are so taken in and susceptible to love-bombing and covert manipulation. If they run into someone who is very convincing at showering them with massive amounts of love, lust, attention, admiration, almost worship, it will feel like the greatest ‘love-high’ that they’ve experienced in their lives. They will feel they have finally found true love and a soul mate, and the intense joy and finally feeling ‘home’ with another person will make them extremely eager to reciprocate by being supportive, generous, helpful, romantic, you name it.
Now, with a healthy authentic person, this is actually what we should be looking for- but not so fast and so soon and so over-the-top. Healthy, authentic people do not ‘love bomb’ because they know it’s weird and creepy and unsafe to get too close to someone new too fast. That is normal restraint. Manipulators, borderlines, and pathological narcissists only know this tactic to draw someone in because they too are extremely deficient in self-love underneath their false surface. It becomes a two-way manipulation dance instead of a safe, healthy, growing attachment that can become a sustainable mutually-supporting relationship between two adults.
Those of us who have been through this know all too well that it feels worse than death when the fantasy ends and the loveboming is replaced by devaluation and abuse. The codependent wants to ride that breadcrumb rollercoaster forever in pursuit of that original high, that feeling of ecstatic connection, love, and acceptance. To let that go forever and realize it was never real and never going to last is the cruel deathblow that all codependents must face as their initiation into healing and individuation. To stop getting into those unhealthy, abusive dynamics is a sign of real progress and recovery.
It is very, very hard to break this cycle because it is one that has been inherited over generations. It did not start with you, you were programmed this way and it’s probably even in your DNA to some degree. But it is possible to completely transform yourself and heal so that you develop a healthier attachment style and a balanced relational frame. That’s what all of recovery is about- reclaiming your own heart, your own dignity, and your own hopes and dreams so that you stop being someone else’s sock puppet just to feel wanted and loved. It’s a truly awful way to live and I’m not exaggerating by saying it can kill you if you‘re not careful. It becomes a love addiction, a sex addiction, and even a sad abuse addiction. We were not put on God’s green earth to live that way or give up our own personal sovereignty for twisted people to abuse.
Unfortunately, very few codependents have the awareness or capacity to voluntarily give up their ways and heal. It is only a tremendous shock to their system in the form of that one evil relationship worse than anything they’ve ever experienced that forces them to reassess their lives and choose a better way. Much like the addict or alcoholic who has to hit rock bottom before they get sober for good, the codependent runs into a truly diabolical person or relationship and decides,” NO MORE!”
There may be relapses and it will likely not be a quick, linear road. But those who truly want to exert their will and their faith to align with their highest values and the uphold dignity of their own hearts will change themselves for the better. As difficult as it is to face this turning point and climb out of hell, I also know what an exciting journey full of redemption and potential greatness can be waiting on the other side.
submitted by ThatOtherShore to NewTongues [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:28 AlfrescoDog The Great Wall and Wall Street: Become a Better Trader by Understanding the Perils of 🇨🇳 Chinese Companies on 🇺🇸 U.S. Exchanges

The Great Wall and Wall Street: Become a Better Trader by Understanding the Perils of 🇨🇳 Chinese Companies on 🇺🇸 U.S. Exchanges
⚠️ Attention all traders and holders of Chinese stocks: You should read this if you don’t know what a VIE is. Sure, most of you will be repelled by the great wall of text here (so many words!), but you might want to keep this post nearby.
Hello. You are aware that Wall Street’s bustling bazaar hosts a veritable Forbidden City of Chinese companies draped in ticker tape rather than silk. Today, I will provide background and data on all allowed Chinese companies listed on three of the largest U.S. stock exchanges: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Nasdaq, and NYSE American.
I should note that a bustling troupe of 26 national securities exchanges are registered with the SEC in the United States. Most are owned by the Nasdaq, NYSE, or the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE).
Nonetheless, based on data from the World Federation of Exchanges as of August 2023, the NYSE and Nasdaq were the top two exchanges behemoths of the global financial stage, accounting for 42.4% of the total $110.2 trillion in valuation traded across 80 major global exchanges.
🖼️ I had a photo of Wall Street to add here, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
2022 vs. 2023
According to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, as of January 8, 2024, there were 265 Chinese companies listed on the three U.S. exchanges, with a total market capitalization of $848 billion. That valuation is down from a year prior—January 9, 2023—when a slightly lower 252 Chinese companies were tracked, but they represented a total market capitalization of $1.03 trillion.
Since January 2023, 24 Chinese companies have entered the spotlight of the three U.S. exchanges, raising $656 million in combined initial public offerings (IPOs). On the other hand, eleven Chinese companies have folded their tents and delisted.
China Securities Regulatory Commission
The American stock exchanges witnessed a springtime bloom of Chinese IPOs in the first quarter of 2023. However, this listing activity came to an abrupt halt as the clock struck March 31, 2023.
Why? The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) implemented a revised approval process for companies going public overseas.
I won’t get into the details, but China has rules to cap foreign investment and ownership in sectors deemed strategic, such as technology. In the past, those regulations have driven several Chinese firms to the legal gymnastics of a Variable Interest Entity (VIE) structure—a clever contrivance that allowed them to leapfrog domestic constraints.
However, under the revised review mechanism, every company, regardless of its corporate ownership structure, must now bow before the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) to register its intent to list overseas.
🖼️ I had a photo of the CSRC building to add here, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
The gatekeeper
Therefore, although the CSRC touted this regulation as a necessary measure for enforcing regulatory compliance and preventing fraud (which is true), it also helps regulators act as gatekeepers poised to block any proposed listing they deem poses a risk to their national security or jeopardizes China's national interests.
This process is wide-ranging. For instance, it includes an evaluation of the company’s safeguards against disclosing what the Chinese Communist Party considers potential state secrets. But we’re not talking about top-secret black-ops projects meant to be hidden from international oversight committees. No… any company that collects personal information on more than one million users requires stern data security review mechanisms for its cross-border data flows.
For perspective, TikTok has over 150 million users in the U.S. alone and is not subject to the same scrutiny from the Western nations.
Currently, the CSRC approval process is reportedly taking upward of six months.
Audit inspections and investigations in China
You’re probably unaware of the HFCAA, so let’s start there.
The Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act of 2020 (HFCAA) is a law that requires companies publicly listed on stock exchanges in the U.S. to disclose to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) information on foreign jurisdictions that prevent the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) from conducting inspections.
That law laid down a stern ultimatum: If Chinese authorities kept obstructing the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) from inspecting audit firms in China or Hong Kong for three consecutive years, the companies audited by these entities would face a ban from the bustling arenas of the U.S. exchanges.
Basically, either China allowed the PCAOB to inspect the audit firms, or the companies had to change to another auditing firm within three years.
Then, as 2022 waned to its final days (literally, on December 29), President Joe Biden signed a Consolidated Appropriations Act, which contained a provision that will tighten the noose, shortening future timelines from three consecutive years to only two.
Once they looked under the rock
Finally allowed to conduct full investigations of audit firms in mainland China and Hong Kong after over a decade of obstruction, the PCAOB announced the findings of its first round of inspections in May 2023, identifying deficiencies in seven of eight audits conducted by the auditing firms KPMG Huazhen and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Hong Kong. Audits of Chinese Companies Are Highly Deficient, U.S. Regulator Says
On November 30, 2023, the PCAOB announced fines against three audit firms in China, totaling $7.9 million for misconduct. For perspective, that number included the second and third-largest fines ever doled out by the PCAOB.
Why were the fines so bad?
Those sneaky Chinese accountants
Imagine a gaggle of accountants in the far reaches of PwC China and Hong Kong applying for a U.S. auditing curriculum. But alas, these foreign accountants find the U.S. auditing training tests a trifle tedious, so someone came up with the answers and decided to pass them around like a secret note in a schoolroom.
From 2018 to 2020, over 1,000 of these busy bees completed their U.S. auditing online exams by copying the answers from two unauthorized apps with a fervor that would make a gossip columnist blush.
When confronted with the evidence, PwC China and PwC Hong Kong response: 🤷‍♂️
And let me remind you, this happened late last year. Both firms are expected to provide reasonable assurance that their personnel will act with integrity in connection with internal training and to report their compliance to the PCAOB within 150 days—April 2024.
🖼️ I was planning on using an AI-generated image of Chinese accountants cheating, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
State-owned enterprises
According to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, this graph represents the total market capitalization of Chinese companies listed in the three U.S. exchanges.
Market Capitalization of Listed Chinese Companies
The number of listed companies has stayed at around 260. However, all Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have delisted themselves from U.S. exchanges, most of them soon after the PCAOB announced it had secured complete access to Chinese auditors’ records.
Variable Interest Entities (VIEs)
Most traders—and that means you—are unaware that 166 Chinese companies currently listed on the three major U.S. exchanges use a VIE structure.
As of January 8, 2024, these companies have a market capitalization of $772 billion. For perspective, that represents 91% of the total market capitalization of all the Chinese firms listed on the three major U.S. exchanges.
What the hell is a VIE?
It is a complex corporate structure that grants shareholders contractual claims to control via an offshore shell company without transferring actual ownership in the company.
A Variable Interest Entity (VIE) is a bit like a riverboat casino’s cleverest trick, allowing a company to sell its chips on a foreign table without ever letting the players hold the cards directly.
A VIE is a structure used primarily by companies that wish to partake in the financial streams of another country (the U.S. exchanges) without breaking local laws (Chinese laws) that prevent full ownership.
Remember, Chinese companies structured themselves as VIEs to circumvent China’s restrictions—not U.S. restrictions—on foreign ownership in industries the CCP deems sensitive.
Therefore, when you hold stock in one of these Chinese companies, you’re not officially holding any actual ownership in the company. Because if you did, then that company could be breaking Chinese restrictive caps on foreign investment and ownership.
That’s why they set up a façade, or a legal entity, that controls the business on paper, but the true power and profits are funneled back to the company pulling the strings.
Granted, it’s not as shaky as asking a random stranger to hold your shares, but it is crafty, and you should be aware of the risks.
Wait. What are the risks?
You need to understand that there’s a shadow of potential risk looming. Potential. Now, don't mistake me for the town crier of doom; I'm not proclaiming that the sky is falling on these shares. Nor am I declaring that disaster is certain for Chinese stocks.
What I am pointing out, however, is the presence of a risk—a subtle beast that might just catch you off guard if you remain unaware.
And let’s face it: Most of you are completely oblivious to these issues.
There are two sides here: 🇺🇸 & 🇨🇳
Since July 2021, the SEC has imposed additional disclosure requirements for Chinese companies using a VIE to sell shares in the U.S. These requirements include greater transparency about the relationship between the VIE and its Chinese operating companies.
In summary, the SEC aims to push VIEs toward the company behind them to offer more clarity on U.S. investor ownership in the Chinese operating company.
On the other side, Chinese companies that list overseas using a VIE were not required to register their listings with the CSRC, as the VIE is not considered a Chinese company under China’s law. This is the reason VIEs were used in the first place.
However, as I mentioned earlier, after March 31, 2023, the CSRC established requirements for all new Chinese companies to register and receive permission before going public overseas—even those planning to use VIE structures. That’s why there was a boom of Chinese IPOs before that deadline.
Granted, on September 14, 2023, a Chinese auto insurance platform became the first company that received the elusive blessing of the CSRC to list, and it did so using a VIE arrangement, breaking the long, dry spell that had plagued Chinese IPOs when she listed on the Nasdaq four days later.
However, even though VIEs received some sort of recognition from the CSRC, the VIE corporate structures still hold dubious legal status under China’s laws. Remember, VIEs purpose is to avoid being considered a Chinese company under China’s laws.
So… do you see the potential risk here?
Umm… No, I don’t get it.
Think about it. Either country could potentially increase regulations for VIEs, but if the SEC forces them to be more transparent, the VIE would not be able to circumvent China’s restrictions. That’s one risk.
Also, at some point, China’s CSRC might question whether it’s appropriate to recognize a corporate structure that was created to circumvent its laws.
Which leads me to this: What’s keeping the CCP from deciding to start reigning in those VIEs?
The answer is simple: They’re not in a hurry to do so because if misfortune should befall, it’ll be the foreign investors who’ll see their assets deflated like a punctured balloon.
🖼️ I would've added a nice image or two by now, to balance all the text and make this more appealing, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
If a VIE-listed company goes private at a lower valuation, businesses fail, or there’s a valuation discrepancy, the enforceability of a VIE’s contractual arrangements is unproven in Chinese courts. With VIE-listed companies, foreign investors’ recourse in the Chinese legal system is as elusive as a catfish’s whisper.
Yeah, but that’s unlikely…
Sure. Of course, I’m not saying every Chinese stock will have these issues. But it can happen. And it has happened.
The unlucky case of Luckin Coffee
Due to the lack of compliance with international audit inspections, Chinese corporate financial statements’ reliability for valuation and investment is not assured.
Such is the case of Luckin Coffee. In a bold bid to capture Wall Street’s hearts and wallets, Luckin Coffee showed up dressed in finery, flaunting alluring figures of revenue, operations, and bustling customer traffic.
At her grand debut, the stock sashayed onto the Nasdaq at $17, swirling up a storm of interested buyers to the tune of $561 million in capital.
For a fleeting moment, Luckin shimmered like a star over the financial firmament, boasting a market capitalization that soared to a heady $12 billion, with shares peaking just over $50.
Ah, but as the adage goes, ‘Truth will out.’ And out it came—the revelation of those embroidered numbers caused the company's stock to plummet like a stone tossed from a bridge, leaving a wake of investor losses and culminating in a disgraceful delisting from Nasdaq 13 months after her debut. Luckin Coffee Drops Nasdaq Appeal; Shares to Be Delisted
🖼️ I would've added an AI-generated image of a cup of Luckin Coffee jumping from a bridge, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
Well… but that won’t happen to me…
Uh-huh. On April 2, 2020, after announcing that employees—including its chief operating officer—falsified 2.2 billion yuan (about $310 million) in sales throughout 2019, Luckin's shares nosedived -80%.
This is from one of you unluckin bastards: I've lost 240k on Luckin Coffee, all my life savings. Now I'm broke af.
I’m sure many of you might reckon yourselves immune to a similar debacle since you think you’re smart enough to use stops to escape any runaway losses. It's time to wake up and smell the Luckin coffee. Chinese news catalysts often strike like lightning at night, and the stops you set under the sun cannot shield you from storms that explode in the moonlight. Dumbass.
Chinese regulators can be mercurial
Even though the PCAOB is currently able to perform its oversight responsibilities, concerns remain around the possibility that Chinese regulators might backtrack, potentially clamping down once again on the PCAOB's ability to access audit firms and personnel across mainland China and Hong Kong.
If that happens, the PCAOB can quickly declare a negative determination. HOWEVER, this action would only start the countdown under the HFCAA, giving U.S.-listed Chinese companies a window of TWO years to secure services from an auditor in a compliant jurisdiction or face a trading ban. That’s it.
Of course, within that time, Chinese regulators could agree once again to allow access to the PCAOB, thus resetting the two-year countdown without significant consequences.
What lurks in the shadows
Although the risk of PCAOB non-compliance looms over these financial engagements, it is the ghost of potentially misconstrued—or, let's say, creatively presented—earnings reports coming to light that should scare you most. Or, on the flip side, present the biggest opportunity.
I believe it is possible that there are several ghosts out there—ghastly financial figures dressed up a tad too finely—lingering in the shadows, unchecked and unchallenged. If they’re found and unveiled under the harsh spotlight of scrutiny, the fallout would be immediate and severe, leaving investors scrambling.
And if that happens, it’s not about diamond-holding through the plunge since the company might opt (or be forced) to delist from the U.S. exchanges.
🖼️ I would've added an AI-generated image of an attractive young Chinese ghost woman, implying both the allure of Chinese stocks, but also the risk of getting closer. However, I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
You need to understand a crucial concept. Many traders believe that if a company messes up, plunges, and gets delisted, it means the company is basically over—dead. But that’s not the case here. A delisting does not equal death.
I mean, Luckin Coffee is still out there, alive and kicking.
16,218 stores and counting, covering 240+ cities across China.
You would think that a company like that would not be able to cheat on its balance sheet. Yeah, just like you would think PwC China would notice 1,000 accountants cheated their way through the U.S. auditing curriculum.
🖼️ I would've added an AI-generated image of a Chinese accountant dabbing like a boss for getting his cheated accounting diploma, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
So… is it too far-fetched to believe more ghosts might come to light, now that the PCAOB can supervise the numbers?
I mentioned a flip side since you could specialize in tracking everything the PCAOB does. If you can get a whiff about increased auditing on a certain company, you might decide to play a short position in anticipation of a potential ghost coming to light. Be warned, though, that it’s not as if they tweet out which companies they’re auditing.
If I were to do it, I would research and join whatever digital saloon young Chinese ledger-keepers convene in. Perhaps I’d stumble upon a post by SumYungGuy or another pleading for advice on how to parley with the PCAOB Laowai making a fuss over his figures. The poor lad's in a pickle, you see, since he cheated the exam and doesn’t know squat.
For the purposes of this table, a company is considered Chinese if:
  1. It has been identified as being from the PRC (the People's Republic of China) by the relevant stock exchange;
  2. It lists a PRC address as its principal executive office in filings with the SEC; or
  3. It has a majority of operations in the PRC, including a company structured offshore but whose value is ultimately tied through a relationship in the PRC.
⚠️ Some Chinese companies that use offshore corporate entities hide or do not identify their primary Chinese corporate domicile in their listing information. This complicates tracing, making it difficult to guarantee that this list captures all Chinese companies registered offshore.
I should also point out that this list does not include companies domiciled exclusively in Hong Kong or Macau.
⚠️ Remember, this list only considers Chinese companies listed on three of the largest U.S. stock exchanges: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Nasdaq, and NYSE American.
Oh, and btw, this isn’t a list I came up with. This info was compiled by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. It’s their methodology and list.
Since the majority is a VIE, I’ve marked the ones that are not registered as a VIE with an asterisk (*). This is determined using the most recent annual report filed with the SEC. A company is judged to have a VIE if:
  1. It explicitly describes using a VIE to conduct all or part of its business operations in China, or
  2. It describes a subsidiary in which it has no direct equity interest but relies on contractual arrangements to exercise control and receive economic benefits from its operations in China.
⚠️ For companies that have been listed for less than a year, information contained in the company’s most recently updated investment prospectus, as filed with the SEC, is used instead.
Chinese companies listed on U.S. exchanges
Companies are arranged by the size of their current market capitalization. All companies utilize a VIE corporate structure, except those marked with an asterisk (*).
BABA Alibaba Group Holding Limited PDD Pinduoduo Inc. NTES NetEase, Inc. JD, Inc. BIDU Baidu, Inc TCOM International, Ltd. TME Tencent Music Entertainment Group LI Li Auto BEKE KE Holdings BGNE BeiGene * ZTO ZTO Express (Cayman) Inc. YUMC Yum China Holdings Inc. EDU New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Inc. HTHT H World Group Limited * NIO NIO Inc. YMM Full Truck Alliance Co. Ltd VIPS Vipshop Holdings Limited TAL TAL Education Group LEGN Legend Biotech * MNSO Miniso * BZ Kanzhun Limited XPEV Xpeng BILI Bilibili Inc. IQ iQIYI, Inc. HCM HUTCHMED (China) Limited * ATHM Autohome Inc. QFIN Qifu Technology RLX RLX Technology LU Lufax ATAT Atour Lifestyle Holdings * WB Weibo Corporation ZLAB Zai Lab Limited * ZKH ZKH Group Ltd * YY JOYY Inc. GOTU Gaotu Techedu, Inc. MSC Studio City International Holdings Limited * GCT GigaCloud Technology Inc GDS GDS Holdings Limited ACMR ACM Research, Inc. * HOLI Hollysys Automation Technologies, Ltd. * FINV FinVolution Group JKS JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. * DQ Daqo New Energy Corp. * MOMO Hello Group Inc. CSIQ Canadian Solar Inc. * EH Ehang TUYA Tuya Inc. NOAH Noah Holdings Ltd. HUYA HUYA Inc. KC Kingsoft Cloud YALA Yalla *
These are only 51 of the 261 Chinese companies currently listed on the major U.S. exchanges to comply with rule three. I kept the market cap minimum at $750M to allow for some wiggle room.
I mentioned earlier that the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission had 265 tickers, but that was on January 8, 2024. Since then, three companies have been acquired, and the other one has voluntarily delisted.
As you can confirm, the vast majority is structured as a VIE.
I was going to include charts to illustrate how several Chinese stocks—aside from the ones with the biggest market caps—tend to display sudden rallies, followed by after-hours reversals. It is important to recognize them, whether you want to capitalize on them, or avoid them entirely. But I can't add any more attachments, so...
Besides, it's unlikely that many of you have even read this far without images.
Have a good day.
submitted by AlfrescoDog to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:25 MitchConnir Need advice: Hiring a Sysadmin (or other title) after decades of subpar IT management

Hey everyone,
I could really use the advice of the sysadmin community on the next steps for hiring someone to help clean up an IT environment that is the result of multiple decades of organic growth and management by the same solo IT person, a person whose IT knowledge and curiosity peaked a long time ago.
Anyway, my situation is as follows. I was originally going to write an even longer history of our IT situation, and would be happy too if people are interested, but here is the gist of my situation. I'm sorry if anything is a bit disjointed, but I'm trying to refrain from writing a case study.
I have worked for the last 15 years at my family's business, and Harry has been managing our IT for the last 40 years. Harry was one of my father's first employees, had gone to school for music-related majors, took a non-IT job at a new manufacturing and retail company, then became our IT person as we developed IT needs.
Fast forward after a few decades of organic IT growth with Harry reporting to our prior CFO for the last 20 years (a CFO who was territorial, unpleasant to work with, and terrible with technology), and the state of our current IT environment is bad. I believe that is mainly due to a horrible combination of Harry not doing a great job at anything IT-related, and being our sole IT person, and having a tech-illiterate CFO managing Harry. Our CFO would also occasionally find small-time/hacky consultants to work with, but never wanted to listen to my input. After a few years of being at the company, I suggested we needed a ticketing system, but our CFO wanted to keep managing projects using a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet...
After our CFO retired, we brought in a new CFO, and she came with a referral to an MSP her husband had used at the company he was at. That company had sold to a larger holding company since the CFO's husband started using the MSP, one that seemed to mess around in the crypto space, and I thought the lead was bad (based on a variety of things I saw). Over the last 15 years, a large part of my job has been doing due diligence on vendors, software solutions, web developers, and various agencies. Regardless, we spent a few months doing due diligence and a paid audit with that MSP. By the end of the audit, we decided not to move forward with that MSP.
In addition, our company decided Harry should start reporting to me rather than our new CFO. I have 15 years of experience at the company overseeing all of our internet properties, digital marketing, and was kind of a third wheel of the IT department when I first started at the company. I went to undergrad for Management Information Systems, have a graduate business degree, and basically consider myself an IT person who isn't pursuing an IT career. I know our internal companies well, what our users do and don't need, and understand the costs and opportunity costs to bringing (or not bringing) in new systems and technology.
I have also been tinkering with computers and technology for almost three decades. I build my own computers, built my own NAS running Unraid, run updates on our VMware-based servers, can read and modify code, wired my own home with CAT 6, had a brief stint as a Sharepoint developer, moved 100+ employees from our original POP3 email system to Google Workspace (when I started at the company), set up a UniFi-based dedicated WiFi and surveillance network, specced out and racked our new Dell servers, and have helped replace and migrate dozens of our users off of old Windows 7 machines. I also have personally undertaken onboarding our endpoints in NinjaOne, installing Defender for Endpoint, and bringing our various Fortigate firewalls up to date. My point here is that while I am not a Sysadmin myself (and definitely am not suggesting I'm an expert at ANY of those things), and definitely don't have depth when it comes to Active Directory, Azure, etc., I am a bit of a jack of all trades IT person, and am very well-suited to work with a real Sysadmin. For almost everything I do, I either find what the best practice is, know that I or we aren't meeting best practices, or will happily let our team/company know when I can't expertly speak to something.
With that backstory out of the way, here are a few extra points:
  1. Harry basically works half the week, has health issues, wants to retire in a year or two, and I can't count on him to come up with any new or current solutions. Harry has been loyal to the company, and I consider him a friend, and there is still work and value he can add until he is ready to retire. That said, he is our "IT Director", but whoever we hire will not be reporting to Harry. I will figure out the structural and human/social aspects of not having our new hire feel bad having to comment on things Harry has or hasn't done, as well as figuring out work Harry can do a good job on that won't create extra work. I expect I would probably have Harry do work on the legacy ERP system he has helped support, which is something I don't expect our new hire to have much to do with.
  2. There will probably be some people out there who feel there has been mismanagement, that Harry sounds incompetent, that we were understaffed, or that the ex-CFO did a bad job, etc. Most of that is probably true, but that is the past. As someone who generally knows a fair amount about IT, I HAVE known that our IT situation isn't great, but as I said, the situation is complicated.
  3. Our current IT environment is a bit of a mess. We are just now finishing up replacing remaining Windows 7 machines, have a brand new ESXi cluster (set up pre-Broadcom acquisition) but have to set up a few new virtual machines to replace Server 2012 R2 (or worse) virtual machines, have to remove local admin privileges from almost all of our users (this is decades in the making), and have loads of best practices and management systems I'd like to see us have in place. There are way more projects than just this, but this is just a sampling. Outside of lots of overdue overhaul, I don't think we have a tremendous amount of break/fix at the company.
  4. I am so understaffed right now with my original responsibilities at the company, basically being our main new IT person, and trying to plan for our next major ERP systems. I don't have enough hours in the day and am killing myself emotionally. I need to hire someone full-time, but I need advice on if that job title should be a Sysadmin, and how I should go about presenting this opportunity. I am NOT expecting whoever we hire to be an expert in everything, which is a common complaint I've seen in sysadmin. I would like to strategically hire partners (or continue to work with a person or two we already work with) when it comes to things like firewall expertise. Our new hire would work directly with me to start overhauling our IT systems as needed. I have no expectations someone can come in and clean everything up in weeks or months, but I'd like to find someone talented who will seek out right-sized, best-practice-based solutions and systems, and work with me to transform an IT environment that was basically built under one person's watch. When hiring for the position, I'd like to be upfront that there is initially going to be a lot of project work required.
  5. I have been looking through sysadmin for probably the last two years, and I often seem complaints about management not getting IT, managers being too frugal, etc. While our IT situation is messier than I would like to bring someone into, I feel confident I can give whoever we hire a collegial, bureaucracy-free environment. I am practical, am great at knowing what I do and don't know, understand project management (I'm used to working on year-long projects), and am very familiar with the common joke about "anything that plugs into the wall being IT". While the job I'm looking to hire for won't be turn-key, my goal and plan is to hire someone who won't be expected to know everything or work all the time, and that as we continue to improve our systems, that it won't need to be a rigorous IT job. I am planning to work closely with whoever we hire, will help cover any non-business-hours issues, etc. I love the idea of someone smart coming in, helping whip things into shape, and developing the job into a cushy one. I am willing to pay for someone talented, and one of my highest priorities will be to provide a great work environment.
  6. In my original post, I mentioned that our IT situation has been complicated. By that I mean Harry transitioning into an IT role decades ago, bad management–especially by our prior CFO, a lack of awareness on how bad the IT situation was–from Harry himself, as well as management. There are lots of reasons our IT situation is what it is, but intentional understaffing to save money wasn't one of them.
Finally, after all the points above, I would appreciate any constructive advice on who/what job title to hire for, what I should be looking for, etc. Do I look for five or seven plus years of experience? I want someone who has enough experience that he/she at least knows about deploying software using AD and Group Policy, making sure our fleet of machines is up-to-date using Microsoft-provided or paid tools available, etc.
Whenever I read through posts and replies on this subreddit, I see people who provide good answers (or who are smart enough to come to this subreddit to seek advice), and I think to myself how I'd like to work with someone like that. I don't know if that seems weird or like a low bar, but right now I'm used to working with Harry, and he definitely doesn't know about this Subreddit, struggles to use Google Meet, isn't big into 2FA.
Thanks to anyone who read all of this, and to anyone who posts any tips or advice!
submitted by MitchConnir to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:24 Grouchy_Carpenter489 Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP: It is time to forget about standard Excel sheets and take an enhanced data upload tool

Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP: It is time to forget about standard Excel sheets and take an enhanced data upload tool
A Time to Forget About Ordinary Excel Sheets and Take an Enhanced Data Upload Tool
Thousands of users worldwide of Oracle Fusion ERP use ADFdi and FBDI for data loading or data management generally. Excel has some great features that help to streamline data analysis. There is no argument that Excel is a highly functional tool for organizational data management.
Ordinary Microsoft Excel spreadsheets have many limitations regarding data loading to Oracle Fusion Cloud. Excel is great for simple ad hoc calculations, but it needs connectivity features to automate and document its contents, making its use prone to error.
Manually keying in data in Oracle Cloud from Excel worksheets or copy-pasting is a slow, time-consuming process that is bound to reduce employee productivity. Accuracy is also compromised, and inaccurate data can cost an organization millions in revenue. Excel needs more automation, so if you handle large volumes of data, there may be a better tool for you. Furthermore, data security is not assured since Excel does not have encryption features.
The standard Oracle tools (ADFdi and FBDI) are rigid in nature; the user cannot move columns around or even easily paste data from another sheet to ADFdi or FBDI. The error reporting and resolution cycle is too cumbersome and needs specialized technical knowledge.
Why do people still use Excel sheets for data management?
It’s cheaper
For a team that doesn't care about automation, why bother spending on something more costly if they can get away with something that stores data tables? Considering its limitations, is it worth it in the long-run cost?
Excel is easy to use. It is one of the basic Microsoft Office tools that most people learn to use in basic computer interactions. Because they are already familiar with it, most people find Excel easy to use and often prefer to do so than learn new about new tools.
Limited knowledge of what’s available
Some people are just stuck in their routines. They need help staying current on the newest software available on the market. If the leadership of a team or members does not take the initiative to look around and find out what the market has to offer, they will be stuck with Excel and its attendant costs when others are enjoying the benefits of more advanced tools.
Poor experience with some project management software
Choosing a data loading tool to suit your data loading needs is a task that should be taken seriously. Many data-loading teams that used Excel have been turned off by their previous experience with data-loading tools. Some tools are cumbersome and difficult to use, others are code intensive and not suitable for most end users, and some may need more features you are looking for. The poor experience is a result of poor customization.
Suppose you had a tool that allowed you to use the easy-to-use and familiar Excel worksheet while providing you with advanced specialized features for loading data into the cloud. Wouldn’t that be great?
How to make Excel work with advanced tools
Working with Excel in data loading does not have to be a slow and cumbersome process that does not ensure the accuracy or security of your data. You can harness the power of Excel and still enjoy using advanced data-loading tools. More4Apps and Simplified Loader are Excel-based data-loading to consider.
More4Apps is an Excel-based data-loading tool that allows businesses to integrate familiar Excel spreadsheets with Oracle EBS and Oracle Fusion. Its tools work within the familiar interface of Microsoft Excel, leveraging the many features of Excel to facilitate data loading.
Training is optional since Excel is the main interface, and end-users are familiar with it. Unlike ordinary Excel spreadsheets, which are limited in scalability, More4Apps empowers data owners to carry out mass data uploads and updates.
A plugin must be installed on a PC before you can use More4Apps. The IT Helpdesk needs to be involved in installing the plugin, so only specific PCs can be used.
More4Apps sends and receives data from the server hosted by More4Apps. Considering data security, allowing data transfers to a third-party server without ensuring the details are transferred is risky. Robust testing is required with every release of More4Apps update to ensure your data is transferred to a safe place. The IT Security department needs to get involved in verifying the third-party server and plugin.
Simplified Loader
~Simplified Loader~ is an Excel-based tool designed explicitly for uploading or downloading data to and from Oracle Fusion Cloud. The Simplified Loader template is easy to use. It includes a toolbar that contains operations specific to the template. The output of any operation is displayed in the Excel template's Load Status and Error Message fields.
Simplified Loader Excel files upload or download data from Oracle Fusion Cloud. Simplified Loader’s Excel templates are used either for mass data loads, for example, data migration, or everyday data loading activities in Oracle Cloud.
Simplified Loader ensures your data’s security by routing data from the Excel template directly to Oracle Cloud without a third-party server. The Simplified Loader template doesn’t need plugin installation and runs using Macros, similar to how other Oracle Cloud tools interact with Oracle.
Which template should you choose?
User convenience - Both More4Apps and Simplified Loader provide features that enhance user experience. Most UX features are similar in both products. Since they use Microsoft Excel, additional training is rarely necessary. More4Apps provides a form to input data that is not in the tabular format. Whereas the Simplified Loader provides a single unified sheet to enter data, the same sheet is used to invoke the list of values.
Both tools allow you to insert custom columns, hide or delete columns you don't need, and insert formulas you may need for data analysis. You can also analyze or validate data before uploading it.
Data Security - Oracle Fusion only allows interaction through APIs. Both More4Apps and Simplified Loader use APIs to interact with Oracle, so the security protocols are the same in both toolsets. More4Apps uses an external system to manage licenses. From the IT point of view, in a highly data-sensitive environment, the IT has to open additional ports to interact with the More4Apps servers to validate licenses.
In terms of data security, both toolsets have the same features.
License Management - This topic is considerably different in More4Apps and Simplified Loader. More4Apps restricts the number of times an administrator can update users licensed to use the Simplified Loader template, whereas, in Simplified Loader, the Administrator has full control over maintaining the users licensed to use the Simplified Loader templates.
Support—Both organizations offer excellent support to users who log defects using the support system. Simplified Loader has a vast library of short videos demonstrating product features and functionalities. More4Apps has recently adopted the approach of video tutorials.
Plugin installation - This is a key difference between the two templates. The More4Apps template requires an additional plugin installed on the user's machine. The user will always see an additional toolbar in Excel when working on any Excel document. The user always has to use the PC where the plugin is installed. In comparison, the Simplified Loader Excel doesn’t need any plugin installation on the user’s machine. When the user opens the Simplified Loader file, the Simplified Loader toolbar appears. Users won’t see the additional toolbar when they open any other Excel file.
Using Excel parallelly: When using either toolset, Excel cannot be used for any other purposes. The user has to wait until the data is loaded to Oracle.
Pricing: Both toolsets offer per-user licensing. More4Apps offers licenses per user by module, whereas Simplified Loader offers licenses per user by Template. License management at the template level gives the administrator higher control to assign the right user to the right template, resulting in purchasing the right number of licenses per user. The More4Apps licenses are considerably higher (more than 5x) than the Simplified Loader licenses.
Using ordinary Excel spreadsheets for data loading may not be very effective. Excel may have shortcomings, but you can use it efficiently with advanced data-loading tools to get the best of both applications. Both More4Apps and Simplified Loader provide similar features for loading data in Oracle. Both are advanced data-loading tools that make your experience more pleasant and effective. Simplified Loader is more handy as it does not need plugin installation, and the user doesn’t need any involvement from IT to install the plug-in.
submitted by Grouchy_Carpenter489 to u/Grouchy_Carpenter489 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:23 eatmusubi Migrating Watched Status to New Plex Install

So, I'm reformatting my hard drive (going from Win10 to Win10), and don't want to lose my Plex watched status. I tried following this guide, but ran into a few snags. I have not worked with SQL prior to this, so I'm kind of teaching myself in the moment. When I tried pasting the command as given into the SQLite prompt, it just returned "...," and after some Googling I learned it was waiting for me to end the string of code and execute, so I gave it ";". Upon doing this, it tells me there's a problem with the code, but it won't tell me what the problem is. I tried breaking it up into separate lines, removing quotation marks, executing each part (between the "dividers") separately, nothing seems to work. I even tried it in both CMD and Powershell in case that was the problem somehow. In the end, no "settings.sql" file is generated.
I have also looked at a bunch of posts where people were trying to do this, including ones where people had modified the code, and nothing has worked so far. Any assistance would be much appreciated, this is the last thing keeping me from reformatting and it's been driving me crazy for like a week now.
submitted by eatmusubi to PleX [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:22 climbTheStairs reddit (web) can automatically translate posts and comments? how and for which posts does this work?

I came upon the following URL with a ?tl=fr query string:
which translates the entire thread, all the user-generated content, (from English) to French.
However, adding the same query to other threads has no effect. Neither does changing the language code (e.g. ?tl=zh, ?tl=ar).
I did not know this was possible! I am so confused, I have never seen this before!
submitted by climbTheStairs to help [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:14 classy_barbarian I wrote a fully-fledged Minesweeper for command line... in Python!
So I just finished making this, thought I'd share it.
This is my first big attempt at making a "full" game using classes for everything. I used to play a lot of minesweeper so I was inspired to do this properly. And not only that but being a beginner, and also part of my personality, is I like to comment my code to very thorough levels. Every function or class has a full docstring and most of the code has in-line comments explaining what the code is doing. I personally need to "rubber-duck" my code like this to keep myself organized. But I'm hoping some other people out there find it informative.
Here's an overview of the features:
-dynamic grid generation allows for custom sizes and mine count -validation math makes sure everything makes sense and is on the grid -There's a stopwatch that runs in a separate thread for accuracy -cluster reveal function -flagging mode and logic -There's a debug mode (on by default) that shows extremely verbose logging of all the inputs and outputs of functions and game states. I actually needed this myself at several points for debugging. You can toggle the debug mode in-game. -type reveal to toggle reveal the entire grid (for... testing... yes.) -previous times can remember your times between rounds -For the real minesweeper players, there's a '3x3 vs minecount' check built in as well! You can't have a legit minesweeper game without it seriously. (For the uninitiated that means when you "check" a square that's already been revealed, it'll auto reveal the 3x3 squares around it as long as it counts a number of flags equal to or higher than its adjacent mine count. If you have not flagged enough cells, it won't do the check. Its an essential part of minesweeper that lets you scan quickly by checking a bunch of squares at the same time. Anyway its in there.
Also I made this in VS Code and hopefully most of you are as well because there's a bunch of ANSI coloring codes to make the text pretty in the terminal . I confirmed it works in PyCharm as well so you should be fine with that. Although the pycharm terminal is suspiciously laggy compared to VS Code for some reason. Anyway hopefully someone finds this interesting.
submitted by classy_barbarian to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:12 bambaazon Logic Pro 11.0 release notes

New Features and enhancements
New AI-enhanced tools join Smart Tempo and the Pitch Correction plug-in to augment your artistry.
Bass Player and Keyboard Player join Drummer to complete a set of Session Players — all built with AI making it easy to create performances that respond to your direction.
Session Players can follow the same chord progression using Global chord track.
Add warmth to any track with ChromaGlow, an advanced plug-in with five saturation models designed to simulate the sound of vintage analog hardware.*
Separate a stereo audio file into stems for vocals, drums, bass and other parts with Stem Splitter.*
Session Players, ChromaGlow, and Stem Splitter also come to Logic Pro for iPad 2 — making it simple to move between projects created in Logic Pro for Mac.
Play any of six deeply-sampled acoustic and electric basses with Studio Bass.
Perform any of three meticulously-sampled pianos with Studio Piano.
Loops that contain chord tags will automatically populate the chord track when added to a project.
Three new Producer Packs are available: Hardwell, The Kount, and Cory Wong.
Original multi-track project of Swing! by Ellie Dixon available as in-app demo song.
Downmix and trim options allow custom mixing for non-Atmos channel configurations.
Exported ADM BWF files have been expanded beyond Dolby Atmos and can contain settings for stereo and other multi-channel formats.
Bounce in place adds automatic real-time recording for External Instrument regions or tracks that utilize external hardware using the Logic Pro I/O plug-in.
Route MIDI signals generated by supported software instruments and effects to the input of other tracks for creative layering during playback or recording.
Edit more efficiently using key commands for moving, extending, or resizing marquee selections.
The Nudge Region/Event Position key commands now also nudge Marquee selections.
The Transpose Region/Event key commands now also move or expand the Marquee selection up/down.
Pattern regions can now be created on Drummer tracks, and Drummer regions can be converted to Pattern regions.
New key commands include Trim Note End to Following Notes (Force Legato) With Overlap and Trim Note End to Selected (Force Legato) With Overlap.
Bounce in Place and Track Freeze can now be performed in real time, allowing for use of external instruments, I/O plug-ins, and external inserts.
Mastering Assistant analysis now can be performed in real time, allowing for use in projects that incorporate external I/O or instruments.
The Dolby Atmos plug-in now offers Downmix and Surround/Height Trim controls.
The Recent Projects list can now be configured to show up to 50 projects.
* Requires a Mac with Apple silicon.
Stability and reliability
Scripts with 1071 characters or more in Scripter no longer cause Logic Pro to quit unexpectedly.
Fixes an issue where creating a an event in a lane assigned to Note off in Step Sequencer could cause Logic Pro to quit unexpectedly.
Fixes an issue where Logic Pro could fail to launch with an Error Initializing Core MIDI message when the system is under heavy load performing other tasks.
Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when a 64-bit floating point IR file is loaded into Space Designer.
Fixes an issue where Logic Pro could hang when opening a project while the Project Settings > MIDI window is displayed.
Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when creating multiple Aux tracks with multiple existing Aux tracks selected.
Improves stability when bypassing control surfaces with Musical Typing open when EuControl software is installed.
Fixes an issue where Logic Pro could hang when quitting a project containing a large number of instances of Sampler.
Fixes an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when replacing a playing Live Loops cell with another loop.
The UI is now more responsive when adjusting Flex Pitches directly on regions in Deviation mode.
Performance is improved when editing Transient Markers in Take regions with Flex enabled.
Performance is improved when making Flex Pitch edits in the Tracks area with a large number of selected regions.
Alchemy's Performance is improved.
Performance is improved when moving regions in projects with a large number of tracks and regions.
Projects containing a large number of flex-pitched regions now open more quickly.
Resolves an issue where loading a project saved with a Summing stack selected that contains Software Instruments that have no regions and/or with the tracks turned off could load the Software Instruments into memory.
VoiceOver now announces the state of Automation mode buttons on channel strips.
VoiceOver now announces the status of the Pause button in the LCD.
VoiceOver no longer announces hidden controls in the Smart Controls view.
VoiceOver no longer reads the values of pan knobs that are currently hidden in Sends on Faders mode.
VoiceOver now announces the state of the Details button and the Follow button in the Drummer Editor.
VoiceOver now announces left-click and Command-click Tool selections in the Control Bar.
VoiceOver now announces the name of the Time Quantize button in the Piano Roll.
VoiceOver now announces changes in value when the Next/Previous key commands are used to change Quantize values.
VoiceOver now announces state of key commands for Cycle, Mute, Track Solo, Input Monitoring, Track On/Off, and Lock/Unlock Track.
VoiceOver now announces the selection state of focused tracks.
Spatial Audio
Fixes an issue where adding a new 3D Object track for the first time to a Spatial Audio project could cause the Renderer to switch from the current model to the Apple renderer.
The Dolby Atmos plug-in now offers a 5.1.2 monitoring option.
Fixes an issue where setting a project to Dolby Atmos could output to 7.1.4 even when the mode defaults to Apple Renderer.
It is now possible to monitor Dolby Atmos projects directly via HDMI to a surround capable receiveamplifier.
The metering for Height channels now shows as post-fader on the Master channel as expected.
Loading a Master Bus channel strip setting in the 7.1.4 channel format now preserves the 7.1.4 channel layout as expected.
Session Players
Resolves an issue where loading a user-created Drum Machine Designer patch could set the input to a bus and fail to load the Drum Machine Designer instrument.
Using the Create Drummer Region command in a Marquee selection now creates a region that corresponds to the Marquee.
Smart Tempo
In cases where there is not an existing Smart Tempo Multitrack Set, selecting an audio file in the Smart Tempo Multitrack Set window and disabling the “Contribute to analysis” check box now causes the Update button to change to Analyze as expected.
Pressing the Space bar now immediately stops a Free Tempo recording.
Fixes an issue where projects previously open in the same Logic Pro session could unexpectedly affect “Contribute to Analysis” in the Smart Tempo editor.
Audio regions recorded to unnamed tracks now include the project name and track number in their name.
The channel strip Stereo Pan control and the Pan menu now can be adjusted when Caps Lock is enabled.
Creating a single Multi-timbral Software Instrument in the New Track Sheet no longer creates two Software Instrument instances in the All view of the Mixer.
Resolves an issue where remaining tracks in a Multitimbral Software Instrument Track Stack could unexpectedly rename the channel strip.
Adjusting the activity status of a speaker in the Surround panner no longer causes the signal to unexpectedly mute.
Groups now immediately show as inactive when switched off for a selected set of channels in the Mixer.
Metering now correctly works on individual channel strips with plug-ins that send to more than two channels and are routed to a surround bus.
Option-clicking on a send in a selected group of channel strips now sets all corresponding sends to 0 dB as expected.
Fixes an issue where performing Undo after adjusting the fader values of grouped channels with Group Clutch enabled and then disabled could cause the faders to jump up to +6 dB when one member of the group is touched.
Setting multiple selected channels to No VCA now works as expected
The oscillator section in Alchemy offers a new Wide Unison mode.
All controls for Additive Effects now accept typed-in values as expected.
Values typed into parameters related to milliseconds (MS) in Acoustic Reverb are no longer interpreted as full seconds.
Resolves an issue where performance control destinations for modulation could show as duplicated.
Sampler, Quick Sampler, and Quick Alchemy
The Playback direction button in Quick Sampler now immediately updates when clicked.
The view now scrolls correctly when dragging the Trim marker in Sample Alchemy.
It is now possible to adjust the level of a group in Sampler up to +24 dB.
The Up/Down buttons for navigating zones in Sampler now remain available after adjusting the start or end positions of samples.
The general Zoom/Scroll key commands now can be used to trim the current view in Sample Alchemy.
Handles and Trim Handles in Sample Alchemy behave correctly when click-dragged, even when the plug-in window does not have focus.
The Ancient Vocal Chop and Baily Glide plug-in settings for Quick Sampler now open in Classic mode, as expected.
The MIDI Scripter plug-in now shows in Logic Pro when running in dark mode.
Fixes an issue where clicking on Sampled IR in Space Designer could activate Synthesized IR mode unexpectedly.
Resolves an issue where repositioning the playhead could cause audio to cut out on channel strips that use Step FX.
The preset Note Repeater in Scripter now works as expected.
The wet/dry setting on Ringshifter is now always set to 100% wet when inserted on an Aux.
There's now a DI Delay Compensation switch in Bass Amp Designer to improve phase correlation when blending between Amp and Direct Box in the plug-in.
StepFX now includes presets using Sidechain.
The Beat Breaker preset called “Basic / 2 Slices, Speed 66%” no longer plays the slices at 50% speed instead of 66%.
Resolves an issue where ES2 could produce glitching sounds when using Sine Level or Poly Voice mode on Apple Silicon computers.
Mono > Stereo instances of Console EQ no longer can cause unexpected feedback.
Using the Delete all Automation key command while an Audio Unit window has key focus no longer causes the Audio Unit window to go blank.
The menu for the compression section of Phat FX can now be opened by clicking on the Up/Down arrows.
Beat Breaker now offers new default patterns divided evenly into 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 slices.
Mastering Assistant
There is no longer unexpected latency with bounces from projects that use the Clean or Clean + Excite mode in Mastering Assistant.
Mastering Assistant analysis is no longer incorrectly triggered in projects that contain no regions, but are previewing audio from Ultrabeat, etc.
Mastering Assistant no longer allows the -1 dBFS peak limit to be exceeded in certain cases.
The Consolidate Relative and Absolute for Visible / Automation menu item now only displays when automation types that support relative automation are active in the lane.
Region-based Automation is now pasted as Track-based Automation when pasted to an area of a track that does not contain regions.
Pitchbend now works as expected with zones in Sampler that do not have Flex Pitch enabled.
Selecting Region-based automation points on a region now deselects previously selected automation points on other regions
Disabling Region-Based Automation no longer dims the Power button for MIDI CC data lanes in the Piano Roll.
The movie window now updates to show the correct frame when moving Region-based automation points.
The Autoselect automation parameter now works as expected when clicking any plug-in control.
Automation of the Gain plug-in no longer exhibits unexpected latency.
Region-based automation is now drawn correctly when recorded into projects that start earlier than 1 1 1 1.
Automation lane views for all tracks are now maintained when switching into Flex view and then back to Automation view.
Flex Time and Flex Pitch
Flex Pitched notes now play as expected when clicked while Record or Input Monitoring is active on the track.
Flexed audio tracks using Monophonic or Slicing mode no longer produce clicks at tempo changes.
Takes and comping
Fade-ins are now applied when flatten and merge is performed on Comps.
Renaming a take that encompasses the entire length of an audio file no longer unexpectedly changes the file name.
Comps in Take Folders are now preserved when performing Cut Section Between Locators on a section that includes the end of one Take folder and the beginning of another, with a gap in-between.
Track Stacks
Record-arming a Track Stack now arms grouped audio tracks in a Track Stack it contains.
Dragging a subtrack out of a Track Stack that is assigned to a VCA now removes the assignment for the subtrack.
Fixes an issue where Track Stacks could sometimes be dimmed when some, but not all, subtracks are muted or off.
It's now possible to replace stacked instrument patches that are inside a Summing Stack with single track patches.
Track Alternatives
Loading a patch on a Summing Stack containing sub-tracks with Track Alternatives no longer causes inactive alternatives to be deleted.
Track Alternatives can now be created for the Stereo Output track.
Selection-Based Processing
Using Selection-Based Processing on a Marquee selected section within a Take Folder no longer creates an unexpected comp.
Selection-Based Processing on a comp now retains the comp.
The spacing of notes is improved in cases where there is a dotted note on a line with the stem is pointing upward.
Command + Z to undo now works after deleting a Score Set.
Upward bends in TAB staves now display correctly.
Importing an instrument track no longer can cause Score Sets in the current project to disappear.
Imported Score Sets can now be deleted from a project.
Live Loops
“Join Region and Fill Cell” now works as expected.
Recording a performance in Live Loops now temporarily puts all tracks into Automation: Latch mode.
Fixes an issue where changing patches for a Live Loop track could cause the length of cells to change unexpectedly.
It's now possible to paste MIDI notes into a Live Loops cell.
Step Sequencer
It's now easier to use the disclosure triangle to open sub-rows in Step Sequencer.
Pattern regions now play back correctly immediately after being nudged.
Pattern Regions now immediately play as expected after using the Slip/Rotate tool to drag their contents to the left.
The “Separate pattern region by kit piece” command on Drum Machine Designer tracks is now applied to the correct area of the Pattern Region, in cases where the left border of the region has been moved to the right.
The length and number of steps of a newly created Pattern Region accounts for Time Signature changes correctly.
The maximum possible pattern length of a Pattern region is now 4 bars of the current time signature.
Step Sequencer now allows pattern lengths to be added based on 5/4 and 7/8 time signatures.
The Step Sequencer Inc/Dec controls now work in Loop Edit mode.
Fixes an issue where Pattern Regions on frozen tracks be edited unexpectedly.
Region-based automation now displays properly on Pattern regions in tracks that have been partially frozen, and on regions that have been frozen and then unfrozen.
It's now possible to assign MIDI channels per step in a Pattern Region.
Reset messages for Software Instruments now work correctly.
Sustain messages are now sent correctly when playing back regions with Clip Length enabled in cycle mode.
There is now an “Internal MIDI in” setting in the Track Inspector to allow for recording MIDI from any other software instrument or External MIDI Instrument track.
The “Send all MIDI settings” key command now sends program changes to external devices assigned to empty tracks.
Resolves an issue where 3 bytes of random MIDI data would be sent when playing back regions containing SysEx data with MIDI 2.0 disabled
New 'internal MIDI in' feature allows recording of MIDI from other tracks, including MIDI FX plug-in output and 3rd party MIDI generators.
The “Delete MIDI events outside region boundaries" key command now correctly creates a starting CC event in the region to match the last matching CC of the same type in the track.
Fixes an issue where Chase could cut off notes that are preceded by notes of the same pitch on tracks with third-party instrument plug-ins.
The Humanize transform set now works as expected when the Randomize functions for Position, Length, or Velocity are set to very small values.
The menu item Delete and Move in the Event List is now only displayed if regions are displayed in the window.
When MIDI 2.0 is selected in the Settings, clicking on an Event in the Event List no longer plays events back with MIDI 1.0 resolution.
Fixes an issue where using the Cut command in the Audio Track Editor could switch the view to another editor.
When a region in the Project Audio window is double-clicked, the Audio Track editor now opens as expected.
The content link buttons for the Piano Roll and Score show the correct color as expected when toggled using the mouse.
The Event List correctly updates to reflect changes made by using key commands to select notes in other editors.
Resolves an issue where the Velocity tool in the Piano roll could affect the values of non-note events.
Fixes an issue where applying the Transform set Double Speed could cause the notes to disappear from the Piano Roll.
Step Input
Extending the length of note entered using Step Input now works correctly.
Global Tracks
Adding multiple audio Apple Loops of the same key to different tracks of a new project now changes the project key as expected.
Clicked in Tempo points are now placed at their correct positions in projects that start earlier than 1 1 1 1.
Share and export
When No Overlap is enabled, regions bounced onto existing regions no longer overlap them.
Audio files bounced from Logic Pro now include the proper Encoded Date in the metadata.
Fixes an issue where MIDI regions could be truncated when bounced in place.
Fixes an issue where audio files including Volume/Pan automation exported from mono tracks that use plug-ins could export as stereo files.
It is now possible to bounce sub-channels of multitimbral instrument tracks as individual files.
Resolves an issue when dragging multiple audio files into a project, choosing the “Place all files on one track” option could create a second track and places the first file on one track, and the rest on the second.
Output channels in the Mixer can now be imported from other Logic Pro projects.
Apple Loops
The Loops browser now correctly shows the same enharmonic key an Apple Loop was tagged with.
Apple Loops now preview using the Key Signature active at the current position of the playhead.
It's now possible to add Aliases to bookmarks and untagged loops.
Dragging an Apple Loop from the loop browser to an existing track no longer changes the input for the track.
Fixes an issue where MIDI Apple Loops could jump to the start of the nearest bar position when dragged from the Loop Browser to the middle of a bar.
Video Support
A secondary screen that is running a full screen video with Show Animations off will no longer remain black after closing the project.
Key Commands
The “Increase (or Decrease) last clicked parameter” key commands now work for controls in the LCD.
The “Record off for all” key command now works on Software Instrument tracks in cases where one or more audio tracks are also record-enabled.
There is now a key command to add to the current selection of regions or cells that are assigned to a toggle solo group.
The Zoom Toggle key command now works in the Step Editor.
GarageBand projects that use Pitch Correction now sound the same when opened in Logic Pro.
If Undo is used immediately after creating a project, the New Track Sheet is displayed as expected rather than leaving a project with no tracks.
Undo/Redo now works as expected with Audio Unit v3 plug-ins.
Changing the Automation Mode, or changing a Track On/Off state now creates an Undo step.
Performing Undo after adding a surround track no longer corrects Drummer tracks in the project.
Logic Remote
Logic Remote immediately updates to show time and signature changes made in Logic Pro.
Control Surfaces and MIDI controllers
Controls on Control Surface devices that use Lua scripts now provide feedback when learning assignments for them in Logic Pro.
Illuminated buttons on control surfaces now show the correct state for Show/Hide Track Editor.
The LCD now displays the Cycle start and end times in both SMPTE time and Bars/Beats when the secondary ruler is displayed.
Search in the All Files browser now finds matching items in bookmarked folders.
Fixes an issue where the visible editor in the Main window could unexpectedly switch when rubber-band selecting regions.
Audio Take folders created in Cycle mode now loop as expected after recording when Loop is enabled in the Region Inspector.
It's now possible to create external MIDI tracks when Core Audio is disabled in Logic Pro.
Resolves an issue where deleting a Flex marker from an audio region while a Marker List is visible could switch the key focus to the Marker List.
Track information pasted into a text editor now includes the TIME position when the Use Musical Grid setting for the project is not enabled.
Input monitoring buttons are now displayed on audio tracks when Logic Pro has fallen back to an alternate audio device because the selected device is not available.
Previewing an audio region in the Project Audio window no longer causes it to jump to the top of the window.
Command+Option clicking on the On/Off button of a track now toggles the button for all tracks, as expected.
Copy/paste of regions now works when Automation view is enabled.
Right-clicking on a looped segment of a region now opens the contextual menu as expected.
It's now easier to see when black keys are depressed in the Musical Typing window.
The right arrow key now reliably moves the text cursor in the Bounce > Save As file name panel.
Groove Templates created from audio regions now work in Smart Quantize mode.
Dragging multiple regions from the same audio file from the Project Audio browser to the Tracks area now works correctly.
Audio regions are no longer moved to unexpected positions when trimming, if absolute Snap mode is on, and the region anchor is moved away from the start of the region
Fixes an issue where pasting a Marquee selection with No Overlap and Snap Edits to Zero Crossings mode enabled could delete a non-overlapping part of an existing region.
Autozoom now triggers when a region's upper right corner is dragged in the Main window, or the Audio Track Editor.
The Playhead no longer may briefly appear to be in the wrong position when zooming horizontally.
The Time Ruler now immediately updates to reflect changes made to the “Bar Position [bar position] plays at SMPTE” setting.
The File browser correctly shows the full path when using Save As.
submitted by bambaazon to Logic_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:11 zeen516 I've been working on a side project for my job, I'm trying to use python to analyze the quality of audio of some devices but something doesn't seem right with the FFT plot

The project's purpose is to be used as a a mock spectrum analyzer so that I can review the quality of different digital stethoscopes. It plots, in real time, the audio's waveform, its FFT, the SNR, and the Total harmonic distortion. I'll be adding a start and pause button once I've gotten this to a point that I am satisfied, and ideally I'll have another button that spits out a report with the information in the plots or other info that I don't plan to plot but could prove useful.
Currently, I'm troubleshooting the FFT plot. The issue here is that when I use a test sound off of youtube of 1000Hz, the plot doesn't show a peak at 1000Hz as it should. For some reason I also seem to have a lot of noise that makes no sense, considering I am in an extremely quiet area. I tried to mitigate some of the noise on the audio waveform by using a moving average filter, which also helps with decluttering the plotted signal, however the FFT just won't cooperate.
To calculate and plot the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) in the code, the audio data is first passed through the np.fft.fft() function from the numpy library. This function computes the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform. The output of this function is a complex array containing the frequency spectrum of the input audio signal.
To plot the FFT, the code then extracts the magnitude of the complex FFT result using np.abs(), which calculates the absolute value of the complex numbers. This should provide the magnitude spectrum of the audio signal.
I thought this was all that I had to do, could someone weigh in on what I may be doing wrong here? and also whether I am approaching this project in the correct way? Should there be other factors I should be looking at for audio quality?
This is my code so far:
Here is the function where I am calculating the FFT:
def animate(i): data = data_int = np.array(struct.unpack(str(2 * CHUNK) + 'B', data), dtype=np.uint8)[::2] + 127 snr = signaltonoise(data_int) signal_mean = np.mean(data_int) data_int_centered = data_int - signal_mean moving_avg_data = np.convolve(data_int_centered, np.ones(window_size) / window_size, mode='same') y_fft = fft(moving_avg_data) thd_val = thd(np.abs(y_fft)) line.set_ydata(moving_avg_data) fft_scaled = np.abs(y_fft[:CHUNK]) * 2 / (256 * CHUNK) max_index = np.argmax(fft_scaled) frequency = max_index * 44100 / CHUNK ax2.set_ylim(0, np.max(np.abs(y_fft[:CHUNK]) * 2 / (256 * CHUNK)) * 1.2) ax.set_title(f'AUDIO WAVEFORM') ax2.set_title(f'FFT - Strongest Frequency: {frequency:.2f} Hz') ax3.clear() ax4.clear() ax3.set_title(f'Signal to noise ratio: {snr:.2f} dB') ax4.set_title(f'Total Harmonic Distortion: {thd_val:.2f} dB') ax3.plot(range(len(snr_vals)), snr_vals, color='blue') ax4.plot(range(len(thd_vals)), thd_vals, color='red') return line, line_fft, ax3, ax4 

submitted by zeen516 to DSP [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:11 RumpleFORSKINNNN trying to learn Mazes ... using DFS algorithm create a simple traversing method in a maze

I can't figure out how to make this algorithm work through DFS maze traversing method ...
My output for this code is shown below ... but it should instead show the DFS algorithm at work ... traversing through the "*" field from "S" start-point to E ending-point ... and replace "*" with empty space " " to mark the traversed nodes ... until it reaches E end-point ... I don't what I am missing and why it's not doing the traversing ...
If you have any recommendations or input on what I can add or edit to make it work ... I would be eternally thankful
The code output
S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * E menu: 1. generate new maze 2. exit enter your choice: 
The code ....
#include  #include  #include  #include  //for std::shuffle #include  #include  #include  //for system("cls") //struct holding coordinates struct Coordinate { int x; int y; }; // class representing maze class Maze { private: std::vector> maze; //two dimensional container to hold maze nodes int size; //size of the maze Coordinate start; //start point Coordinate end; //End point public: Maze(int size); //constructer void generateDFS(); //generate maze using depth first search (DFS) void draw(); // draw maze bool isValidMove(int x, int y); //check if move is valid void clearVisited(); //clear visited marks void printMenu(); //print menu void processUserInput(); // takee user input }; // constructor for Maze class Maze::Maze(int size) : size(size) { // initalize maze with walls maze.resize(size, std::vector(size, '*')); } // generate maze using depth first search (DFS) void Maze::generateDFS() { std::stack mazeStack; mazeStack.push({ 1, 1 }); // start from (1,1) //clear previous maze for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) maze[i][j] = '*'; //fixed start and end points (E-betyg) start = { 0, 0 }; end = { size - 1, size - 1 }; maze[start.y][start.x] = 'S'; // set start point maze[end.y][end.x] = 'E'; // set end point while (!mazeStack.empty()) { Coordinate current =; int x = current.x; int y = current.y; if (x == end.x && y == end.y) { break; // reached the end } mazeStack.pop(); //mark cell as visted maze[y][x] = ' '; // randomize direction std::vector dirs = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; //directions: 0 - up, 1 - down, 2 - left, 3 - right std::shuffle(dirs.begin(), dirs.end(), std::mt19937(std::random_device()())); // Iterate over randomized directions for (int dir : dirs) { int nx = x, ny = y; if (dir == 0) ny--; //up else if (dir == 1) ny++; //down else if (dir == 2) nx--; //left else if (dir == 3) nx++; //right // check if the move is valid and within maze boundaries if (isValidMove(nx, ny)) { mazeStack.push({ nx, ny }); maze[ny][nx] = ' '; // mark the new position as part of the maze } } } clearVisited(); // clear visited marks } //draw maze void Maze::draw() { // clear the screen before drawing system("cls"); // draw the maze for (size_t i = 0; i < maze.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < maze[i].size(); j++) { std::cout << maze[i][j] << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } } //we check if move is valid bool Maze::isValidMove(int x, int y) { return (x >= 0 && x < size && y >= 0 && y < size && maze[y][x] == '*'); } //clear visited marks void Maze::clearVisited() { //clear all cells except for start and end points for (size_t i = 0; i < maze.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < maze[i].size(); j++) { if (maze[i][j] != 'S' && maze[i][j] != 'E') { maze[i][j] = '*'; } } } } //print menu void Maze::printMenu() { std::cout << "\nmenu:\n"; std::cout << "1. generate new maze\n"; std::cout << "2. exit\n"; } // user input void Maze::processUserInput() { int choice; while (true) { printMenu(); std::cout << "enter your choice: "; //check if input is a valid integer std::cin >> choice; if ( { std::cin.clear(); // clear input buffer std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); // Ignore invalid input std::cout << "Invalid choice. please enter a number.\n"; continue; } switch (choice) { case 1: generateDFS(); draw(); break; case 2: return; default: std::cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again.\n"; } } } int main() { int size = 5; //default size of maze Maze maze(size); maze.processUserInput(); return 0; } 
submitted by RumpleFORSKINNNN to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:08 Objective_Tie_7626 Generation Question

How big a hit would you take on your future house price to pass it on to your children?
My mum and dad had us (me and my twin brother) when they were 18 (1988) and bought a house for 20k. They sold that house for £49,500 and bought a bigger house for £64,000 when we were 10 years old which they still own and the house would be £200k plus at a conservative estimate now.
I've come back from Uni and ten years in England and bought a house for 300k plus as a straight swap for the spec we had in England (4 bed, two receptions and a garage) in a nice area of a city here.
Recently though we've had to refix our mortgage and thanks to that clown Liz Truss (the lady that opened up new pork markets in china) we're looking at paying £1600 a month now and the house has been valued £15k lower than what we paid for it after a survey was done just to fix a rate and the bank say not many would be able to pay that mortgage here.
This got me thinking about my daughter and what she'd be expected to pay when the time comes just to get on the market. I've no doubt a correction is needed in the market (it was the small print on the mortgage that got me, total amount payable for the 270k we were needing to borrow was 557k, which is scandalous when you think about it) but will our generation be the ones that make it happen?
I'm 35 and have lived through 2 serious recessions already but I pity the kids I see at 30 years plus still living with mum and dad and getting shit for buying a nice car or going on several holidays a year because they have literally given up on the dream of owning a home.
What policy could we adopt to give our kids a chance of being adults when they are in their 20s as I know wages will not improve to the level required and if we were to go into a serious level of negative equity it would just be the banks that would gain from it.
Thatchers buy your council house was a con as it's left affordable housing in tatters for the generations that followed. Nationalising a bank or housing developer wouldn't be a bad shout especially if house building is going to slow down. I've read that we'll be the richest generation ever after we inherit property from our boomer relatives but at what cost if our children are having to be heavily subsidised just to pay for heavily inflated housing?
Can't be just me thinking about this, is it?
submitted by Objective_Tie_7626 to northernireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:06 RumpleFORSKINNNN Learning Mazes ... using DFS algorithm create a simple traversing method in a maze

I can't figure out how to make this algorithm work through DFS maze traversing method ...
My output for this code is shown below ... but it should instead show the DFS algorithm at work ... traversing through the "*" field from "S" start-point to E ending-point ... and replace "*" with empty space " " to mark the traversed nodes ... until it reaches E end-point ... I don't what I am missing and why it's not doing the traversing ...
If you have any recommendations or input on what I can add or edit to make it work ... I would be eternally thankful
The code output
S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * E menu: 1. generate new maze 2. exit enter your choice: 
The code ....
#include  #include  #include  #include  //for std::shuffle #include  #include  #include  //for system("cls") //struct holding coordinates struct Coordinate { int x; int y; }; // class representing maze class Maze { private: std::vector> maze; //two dimensional container to hold maze nodes int size; //size of the maze Coordinate start; //start point Coordinate end; //End point public: Maze(int size); //constructer void generateDFS(); //generate maze using depth first search (DFS) void draw(); // draw maze bool isValidMove(int x, int y); //check if move is valid void clearVisited(); //clear visited marks void printMenu(); //print menu void processUserInput(); // takee user input }; // constructor for Maze class Maze::Maze(int size) : size(size) { // initalize maze with walls maze.resize(size, std::vector(size, '*')); } // generate maze using depth first search (DFS) void Maze::generateDFS() { std::stack mazeStack; mazeStack.push({ 1, 1 }); // start from (1,1) //clear previous maze for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) maze[i][j] = '*'; //fixed start and end points (E-betyg) start = { 0, 0 }; end = { size - 1, size - 1 }; maze[start.y][start.x] = 'S'; // set start point maze[end.y][end.x] = 'E'; // set end point while (!mazeStack.empty()) { Coordinate current =; int x = current.x; int y = current.y; if (x == end.x && y == end.y) { break; // reached the end } mazeStack.pop(); //mark cell as visted maze[y][x] = ' '; // randomize direction std::vector dirs = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; //directions: 0 - up, 1 - down, 2 - left, 3 - right std::shuffle(dirs.begin(), dirs.end(), std::mt19937(std::random_device()())); // Iterate over randomized directions for (int dir : dirs) { int nx = x, ny = y; if (dir == 0) ny--; //up else if (dir == 1) ny++; //down else if (dir == 2) nx--; //left else if (dir == 3) nx++; //right // check if the move is valid and within maze boundaries if (isValidMove(nx, ny)) { mazeStack.push({ nx, ny }); maze[ny][nx] = ' '; // mark the new position as part of the maze } } } clearVisited(); // clear visited marks } //draw maze void Maze::draw() { // clear the screen before drawing system("cls"); // draw the maze for (size_t i = 0; i < maze.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < maze[i].size(); j++) { std::cout << maze[i][j] << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } } //we check if move is valid bool Maze::isValidMove(int x, int y) { return (x >= 0 && x < size && y >= 0 && y < size && maze[y][x] == '*'); } //clear visited marks void Maze::clearVisited() { //clear all cells except for start and end points for (size_t i = 0; i < maze.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < maze[i].size(); j++) { if (maze[i][j] != 'S' && maze[i][j] != 'E') { maze[i][j] = '*'; } } } } //print menu void Maze::printMenu() { std::cout << "\nmenu:\n"; std::cout << "1. generate new maze\n"; std::cout << "2. exit\n"; } // user input void Maze::processUserInput() { int choice; while (true) { printMenu(); std::cout << "enter your choice: "; //check if input is a valid integer std::cin >> choice; if ( { std::cin.clear(); // clear input buffer std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); // Ignore invalid input std::cout << "Invalid choice. please enter a number.\n"; continue; } switch (choice) { case 1: generateDFS(); draw(); break; case 2: return; default: std::cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again.\n"; } } } int main() { int size = 5; //default size of maze Maze maze(size); maze.processUserInput(); return 0; } 
submitted by RumpleFORSKINNNN to cpp_questions [link] [comments]