Posterior oblique ligament, vastus medialis obliquous advancement

Danmachi Hestia is a fantastic representation of her character. (Alt: It's fine to like Hades, I like Hades, but getting defensive about Danmachi is juvenile)

2024.05.13 17:50 JLDavenport Danmachi Hestia is a fantastic representation of her character. (Alt: It's fine to like Hades, I like Hades, but getting defensive about Danmachi is juvenile)

Do you like Hades? I like Hades. Supergiant always seems to make fantastic games and it was no exception. The gameplay was fun, the story was enjoyable, the characters were either good or great, and while it took some massive liberties with the Gods (Demeter has... ice powers???) it's a fun take on them, very enjoyable.
It seems that Hades 2 came out in Early Access recently- I know this because my Twitter timeline has been chock full of Hades fans absolutely seething about Danmachi, and especially about Hestia.
Crazy stuff, right? And yet somehow my whole feed is full of "She's just an Anime girl!" and "The Hades design fits the character better!"
I don't actually want to focus too much on Hades here, since I do like it, so let's just address that second one first and say that's ridiculous and it's an ignorant or hypocritical statement.
Why? Well, mostly because the Hades design centralises entirely around the idea of her as the Guardian of the Sacred Flame. And yup, that's important, that's right there in her name, but is that more important than the idea of her as the Oldest and the Youngest? The idea of her as a Vestal Virgin? All the stories tied up in her?
I'll keep this very brief. Hestia is the first of the Titan's children, and when they were all (except Zeus) eaten, she was the last to be thrown back up- and thus she's heralded as both the first and last child, the oldest and the youngest.
This, as well as her role as patron of the city states, is why all sacrifices first included a sacrifice to Hestia. Before you give to Zeus, first you give the Hestia. Before you give to Demeter, first you give to Hestia. etc.
Similarly, she's (by her own choice) a Vestal Virgin. Hestia isn't a particularly popular Goddess, not a lot of stories use her at all, but aside from story about her being the Oldest and Youngest, there's two big stories that exist in the public consciousness and both of them are about how people want to have sex with her.
She's a beautiful young woman, a very attractive Goddess, and she was pursued by both Apollo and Neptune for her hand in marriage. Instead, she rejected both of them and swore a great oath to Zeus that she would remain a virgin for all time instead. That's the first big story, the second one is about the time she went to a party and after going to sleep for the night Priapus tried to rape her, the baying of a Donkey awoke her, whereupon the other Gods all came to her defense and beat the shit out of him.
So, she's the Guardian of the Sacred Fire. She's a Vestal Virgin. She's the Oldest and the Youngest. She's a beautiful and attractive woman who readily rejects the advances of men... And how does Hades Hestia fit into those? Well it doesn't at all. She's just an old lady with a bowl of embers on her head. There's some nice design details and a few little niche references, but by and large we've got none of Hestia's myths covered except that she's associated with fire.
And meanwhile, Danmachi handles every one of those.
Hestia's design shows us the story of her as the Oldest and the Youngest, having a young looking body that's simultaneously completely mature.
Apollo tried to make advances on her back during their time in Heaven. And we've got oblique references to attempts at rape and assault throughout his story (albeit not directed at her). Her role as a Vestal Virgin is incredibly vital to the plot, both in why Freya doesn't attack her and how she counters Freya later. She's part of the "No Sex Club" with Artemis and Athena. Her role as the patron of the Home is why she's made fun of for being a NEET, and gets her in trouble when she first comes to the lower world.
Every part of Hestia's mythos is presented. It's an absolutely faithful and fantastic interpretation of Hestia.
And it makes me sad to see so many people making these ridiculous threads about "Look at these Danmachi designs, they're just normal characters! The Hades ones are way more Godly!" like... yeah? The characters in Danmachi don't have vines coming off them or wheat in their hair, the whole point of the setting is that they're living normal lives without their powers among mortals.
But the story is still incredibly faithful to the origins and stories of those Gods and Goddesses-
Zeus is a fickle and selfish God, the greatest of all whose Familia delved further than anyone else could, a great and kind man who can raise a child with love and care... and a selfish, greedy bastard who would abandon that child without much more than a thought.
Freya's story is all about her quest to find Odr, how she's loved and cherished but suffering along the way in her own private torment. The visuals about her crying in a field of flowers was practically the genesis of what's to be the entire upcoming anime Season.
Hephaestus is an incredible creator, but is only truly comfortable in her workshop and isn't great at dealing with people. The other Gods like her well enough but mock her because of her ugly scar, and she carries a deep bitterness because when Aphrodite cheated on her when they were married.
Cassandra has a curse (tied to Apollo) that means her prophesies are never believed. Similarly both Apollo's heroic and villainous nature are shown, especially with him being corrupted by life in the city.
Hell, who even knows anything at all about a God like Miach? Well Danmachi he was "hit over the head" with debt by Dian Celch (and his follower Airmid).
And, almost to a man, the Gods in Danmachi are shown with the kind of capricious, self-centered nature that's perfectly true to old myths. Their status as divinities means they have a morality that's very different to humans, and they have their own agenda that only mostly aligns with what the mortals may want, or want to do.
Hermes is one of Bell's most trusted allies and he's betrayed him about as often as he's helped him. Freya has helped Bell almost as much as Hestia, but she's also thrown him into almost certain death to try prove something to herself. Thanatos and Erebus both love humans, but they're perfectly happy to kill them by the score to prove their own point to themselves etc etc etc.
In short: Danmachi is a setting that takes enormous pains to present the Gods and Goddesses with a kind of faithfulness that should be celebrated, and it's a real shame to see people making these big lists that essentially amount to "Look, Dionysus in Hades has vines and wine all around him and in Danmachi he's just a God living in a city (with schemes and plans underpinning his festive nature)." They're absolutely missing the point.
And I'll say again, I'm not here saying Hades is bad, or that the people who like Hades are bad. If you like the Hades interpretations more, that's fine, more power to you.
But it's absolutely ridiculous to hold up Danmachi and proclaim it as just using the Gods as window dressing. And especially so when it's often-times far more faithful.
submitted by JLDavenport to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:36 bikin12 How to tell if you are using your back muscles

How to tell if you are using your back muscles
After shooting where are you tired ? if your shoulder / deltoid muscles are tired you are using your shoulder muscles mainly to draw the bow, if your deep back muscles the Rhomboid muscles are tired and your shoulder not so much, you are using your back muscles.
submitted by bikin12 to Archery [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:20 MigraineZero Update on flat foot surgery

On 12 April I had flat foot surgery because I had a third degree navicular coronate that was starting to destroy my posterior tibialis tendon. The surgery was left tibialis posterior ligament reconstruction, calcaneus osteotomy, excise of level 3 navicular tuberosity, and tendon advancement (flexor digitorum longus).
That all sounds great but due to surgeon errors with casts. The first was a back slab was too loose and I was rattling around in it). I had to go to hospital to have it replaced, then the second cast he made so tight I was in complete agony for a night until I could find somewhere to replace it. When it was replaced my lower leg and outer foot were all bruised. Any longer I could have had compartment syndrome. Plus his reception staff are door bitches and don't pass on messages so I had to find my own solutions. These were stressful setbacks. I'm on my fourth cast.
Then 6 days ago I turned my knee scooter and my knee slipped off it and I instinctively threw the cast leg out, falling heavily on the cast with my foot twisting inside. Since then I've had pins and needles, random stabbing pains, and spasming of the ligament. Had to go back to hospital due to the pain. Apparently the x-ray shows it's not torn but has been stretched.
I have two more weeks before I can start weightbearing lightly. It's been pretty bloody rough.
These are some videos showing examples of the surgery I had done.
I would love some moral support from people, I'm feeling pretty low.
submitted by MigraineZero to flatfeet [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:03 CS2_PostMatchThreads Complexity vs MOUZ / ESL Pro League Season 19 - Semi-Final / Post-Match Discussion

Complexity 🇺🇸 1-2 🇪🇺 MOUZ

Vertigo: 13-8 Nuke: 9-13 Ancient: 4-13

Map picks:

Complexity MAP MOUZ
X Mirage
Anubis X
X Overpass
Inferno X

Full Match Stats:

Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇺🇸 Complexity
🇺🇸 EliGE 48-47 89.5 65.0% 1.13
🇳🇴 hallzerk 44-39 71.7 56.7% 1.06
🇺🇸 floppy 34-43 70.4 75.0% 0.95
🇿🇦 JT 36-42 69.8 65.0% 0.90
🇺🇸 Grim 31-46 54.3 58.3% 0.75
🇮🇱 xertioN 56-40 90.3 76.7% 1.38
🇵🇱 siuhy 47-39 78.5 73.3% 1.19
🇭🇺 torzsi 46-37 74.7 65.0% 1.16
🇫🇮 Jimpphat 36-37 72.8 80.0% 1.08
🇸🇪 Brollan 32-44 78.3 73.3% 0.97

Individual Map Stats:

Map 1: Vertigo

Team T CT Total
🇺🇸 Complexity 7 6 13
🇪🇺 MOUZ 5 3 8
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇺🇸 Complexity
🇳🇴 hallzerk 22-10 104.7 81.0% 1.74
🇺🇸 floppy 16-12 79.3 81.0% 1.22
🇿🇦 JT 13-11 81.8 76.2% 1.14
🇺🇸 EliGE 14-13 74.2 61.9% 1.08
🇺🇸 Grim 14-12 64.0 71.4% 1.08
🇮🇱 xertioN 18-17 76.7 61.9% 1.05
🇫🇮 Jimpphat 9-16 75.7 61.9% 0.87
🇭🇺 torzsi 12-15 59.2 47.6% 0.87
🇵🇱 siuhy 12-15 52.7 61.9% 0.79
🇸🇪 Brollan 7-17 64.1 57.1% 0.60

Vertigo detailed stats and VOD


Map 2: Nuke

Team CT T Total
🇺🇸 Complexity 4 5 9
🇪🇺 MOUZ 8 5 13
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇺🇸 Complexity
🇺🇸 EliGE 23-18 118.3 72.7% 1.43
🇺🇸 floppy 12-15 78.5 77.3% 1.01
🇿🇦 JT 15-18 71.7 63.6% 0.88
🇳🇴 hallzerk 14-16 54.0 54.5% 0.82
🇺🇸 Grim 10-17 52.4 63.6% 0.75
🇭🇺 torzsi 22-14 103.0 72.7% 1.51
🇮🇱 xertioN 21-16 88.3 72.7% 1.30
🇸🇪 Brollan 15-16 83.5 77.3% 1.14
🇵🇱 siuhy 13-16 68.1 77.3% 1.01
🇫🇮 Jimpphat 13-15 65.1 81.8% 1.00

Nuke detailed stats and VOD


Map 3: Ancient

Team T CT Total
🇺🇸 Complexity 4 0 4
🇪🇺 MOUZ 8 5 13
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇺🇸 Complexity
🇺🇸 EliGE 11-16 71.2 58.8% 0.82
🇳🇴 hallzerk 8-13 54.0 29.4% 0.70
🇿🇦 JT 8-13 52.5 52.9% 0.65
🇺🇸 floppy 6-16 48.9 64.7% 0.58
🇺🇸 Grim 7-17 44.8 35.3% 0.37
🇵🇱 siuhy 22-8 124.0 82.4% 1.99
🇮🇱 xertioN 17-7 109.9 100.0% 1.91
🇫🇮 Jimpphat 14-6 79.1 100.0% 1.47
🇸🇪 Brollan 10-11 89.1 88.2% 1.27
🇭🇺 torzsi 12-8 57.2 76.5% 1.11

Ancient detailed stats and VOD



M1 hallzerk - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite A offensive
M1 hallzerk - 4 Dual Elite kills on the advanced bombsite A defense
M2 torzsi - 1vs3 clutch - Part 1
M2 torzsi - 1vs3 clutch - Part 2
M2 xertioN - 1vs2 clutch
M2 hallzerk - 4 kills on the bombsite B bomb plant defense
M3 siuhy - 4 kills on the advanced bombsite B defense
M3 siuhy - 1vs3 clutch to set MOUZ on match point
M3 siuhy - 1vs3 clutch to set MOUZ on match point
M3 siuhy - 1vs3 clutch to set MOUZ on match point
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team. If you want to share any feedback or have any concerns, please message u/CS2_PostMatchThreads.
submitted by CS2_PostMatchThreads to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:39 Only_Claim_47 Any insight?

Hello all. I have been a member of this group for a little while now but have never posted. Just been reading other posts. I have been having a lot of trouble with my right knee for 2 years now. My first mri in April 2022 the doctor told me that I had a slight tear but I chose to just do cortisone injections. The first worked for 4 months, the second for 2 months. Then they didn’t work anymore. I stopped paying to go to the doctor because I didn’t want to be out of work for surgery and the shots were no longer working. The pain and difficulty walking has gotten even worse so I had a second mri done and I have an appointment for the doctor this Wednesday but I thought maybe someone here would have some insight. Thank you in advance! Here are my results.
HISTORY: Right knee pain. Patient reports pain and limited range of motion since 12-2021. No trauma.
TECHNIQUE: A 1.5 Tesla system was utilized.
Multiplanar MRI of the right knee was performed including T1-weighted and T2-weighted sequences.
COMPARISON: Prior MRI of the right knee 4/13/2022.
FINDINGS: Medial meniscus: There is a subtle oblique tear at the junction of the posterior horn and body of medial meniscus extending to its inferior surface appearing better seen on coronal images.
The anterior horn of the medial meniscus is intact.
Lateral meniscus: The lateral meniscus is intact.
Cruciate ligaments: Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are intact.
Quadriceps and patellar tendons: Quadriceps and patellar tendons are intact.
Collateral ligaments: Collateral ligaments and popliteus tendon are intact.
Joint effusion: Small knee joint effusion. Mild to moderate subcutaneous edema in the anterior aspect of the knee.
Popliteal cyst: No measurable popliteal cyst identified.
Articular cartilage: There is interval appearing marked, full-thickness chondral thinning along the medial margin of the medial compartment.
There is moderate focal subchondral marrow edema at this level both within the weightbearing medial femoral condyle and adjacent medial tibial plateau.
Findings more likely represent reactive marrow edema due to interval appearing medial compartment arthritis.
The possibility of superimposed bony contusion or stress response cannot be entirely excluded although less likely. No discrete fracture identified.
No lateral compartment chondral defects identified.
No patellofemoral chondral defects identified.
Bone marrow: With the exception of the marrow edema in the medial compartment, the remainder of bone marrow signal is unremarkable.
Muscles: Intact. No evidence of muscle edema or atrophy.
Additional findings: None.
  1. Moderate focal marrow edema in the weightbearing medial femoral condyle and medial tibial plateau along the medial margin of the medial compartment, findings probably arthritic in etiology as there is interval appearing marked chondral thinning in the medial aspect of the medial compartment.
Possibility of superimposed bony contusions or stress response is not entirely excluded although less likely. No discrete fracture is identified. Advise correlation with the patient's exact clinical history and symptoms.
  1. Subtle oblique tear at the junction of the posterior horn and body of medial meniscus appearing since the prior examination better seen on coronal images.
  2. No evidence of ligament or tendon tear.
  3. Small knee joint effusion and mild to moderate subcutaneous edema in the anterior aspect of the knee. Other findings as above.
submitted by Only_Claim_47 to MeniscusInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:25 DisguisedFern Draco Bullitis Study n°1 : Muscles - Nicolas MOREL

Draco Bullitis Study n°1 : Muscles - Nicolas MOREL submitted by DisguisedFern to ReferenceBoard [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:48 Able-Note1516 Back stretching vs back bending vs back pain training. What’s the difference?

I’ve decided to make this blog post because frequently people ask us for a back program, and they are not specific about it. So, we have to figure out what a person wants or needs.
When someone says that they're looking for a back program, sometimes they are looking for a back bending program, sometimes they are looking for a back stretching program, and sometimes they're looking for a back pain release program.
And there are also cases when, people are looking for a tilt program, such as anterior pelvic tilt or posterior pelvic tilt, where the lower back is too rounded or too straight. And every so often people ask for a program for their upper back, but what they are really looking for is to improve their posture.If you are new to flexibility training or even if you know a little bit about flexibility training programs, not necessarily, the EasyFlexibility training programs, but training programs in general, this blog post may benefit you.

If you are new to EasyFlexibility and don't know anything about Paul Zaichik's EasyFlexibility system let us quickly tell you what our system is all about.

EasyFlexibility has been developed by Paul Zaichik a flexibility expert with over 30 years experience in the field. His Zaichik Stretching Techniques have taken the world by storm and have changed lives of thousands of people worldwide.

The principle of Paul Zaichik's system is to bring PAIN FREE, SAFE and FAST flexibility to all regardless of age and physical fitness background.
We can fill hundreds of pages explaining what the Zaichik Stretching Techniques are, or you can try one out for yourself RIGHT NOW!

Zaichik Stretching Techniques are unlike anything you’ve ever done before!

Take 6 seconds and try this technique right now! This example focuses on the shoulder because it’s easy to do standing. Watch your shoulder get flexible in 6 seconds, try it now!

What is Back Bending? What does it mean to do a Back Bend?

In short, back bending is, basically folding your body back. It might be a cobra position. It might be a bridge position. It might be any other back bending position. But that's what back bending is.📷


Unlocking supreme back flexibility isn't just for show; it's the secret sauce behind the enviable grace of those with 'cat-like' agility. Imagine bending, twisting, and stretching with the ease of a feline, captivating onlookers with your fluid movements. Sounds impressive, right?
But let's face it, the journey to limberness is often paved with groans over back aches and creaky joints. Fear not, for this odyssey doesn't have to be a Herculean ordeal.
Here's the scoop: mastering the art of the Back Extension isn't just for the elite athletes among us. Dancers, gymnasts, figure skaters, wrestlers, and even the weekend sports warriors—everyone stands to gain from a spine that bends like a willow.
Enter the game-changing Zaichik Stretching Techniques, your secret weapon to unlocking flexibility fast, minus the "ouch" factor. Ready to astound yourself with the flexibility feats you'll achieve? Plus, think of the health perks as the cherry on top of your newfound agility. Let the bending begin!📷CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS BACK BENDING COMBO!

What is Back Stretching? What does it mean to Stretch your back?

Back stretching usually means bending forward to stretch the muscles of the back, and in this case, we're talking about the extensors of the spine primarily. Or back stretching means decompression of the spinal column.
And a physical therapist or a chiropractor might have a device which will pull your upper body and lower body in opposite directions. And sometimes, you can hang on a bar with your feet not touching the ground. Or you can hang upside down with special boots which will also stretch your back. And this will actually decompress your spine.

What is back pain? Are you really having back pain? Areyou looking for a program to help ease your back pain or do you mean something else entirely when you say “I need a back pain program”?

Now, if you're looking for a back program for back pain, that's a different story, because it involves strengthening and stretching the muscles around your lower back and your hips. Because most people ask for a lower back pain program. But even with lower back pain, in some cases, the students think they need to go beyond just the core of the body and the hips into other areas as well.📷

Banish Back Pain in Just 15 Minutes a Day: At-Home Lower Back Focus Training with Paul Zaichik

Hey there! Guess what? You didn't just stumble here by accident. You're on a quest for something epic: a life without that nagging lower back pain. Imagine getting flexible and strong, without the grimace or groan, zipping through to pain-free nirvana swiftly!
Dive into this online treasure trove where Paul Zaichik will guide you through a workout that's all about boosting your lower back's happiness. We're talking about stretching and strengthening the muscle crew around your lumbar to bring balance and safe vibes to your spine.
Ready to kick back pain to the curb in less than 15 minutes a day?
This online course is your golden ticket to a series of smooth moves in a progressive program aimed at erasing back pain and warding off future sneak attacks!
Here's a sneak peek of what's in store:
Take the reins on your back's future and step into a life of ZERO pain. Discover how straightforward moves can revolutionize your lumbar health and comfort. Let's do this!CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR BACK PAIN PROGRAM

Or are you looking for a Perfect Posture Program whenyou’re asking for a back stretching program?

Now, if someone is looking for a good posture program, usually people ask for a back program, but they don't mean necessarily back bending or back stretching.
They mean making their body comfortable and strong where their upper middle back is not hunched forward, rotated or bent to the side. And that reference to the back training or back program is a posture program.📷

Having a perfect posture is one of those things that everyone talks about, yet very few know how to get.

Often general terms like "Do more Yoga", or "Take Pilates Class" come to mind.
The problem?
Too many exercises and non are specific enough to improve the way a person bears his or her body.
We fix these issues!We fix this issue by focusing on all aspects of poor posture.
This program will help you get a Perfect Posture!The combination of proprietary Zaichik Stretching and strengthening exercises reverses the effect of gravity and years of self neglect.
Each section of the body concentrated on and taken care off piece by piece.
It takes at most few weeks before a person begins to look better and most importantly to feel better.CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PERFECT POSTURE PROGRAM!

Do you have Lordosis or Kyphosis and are looking forstretching and back bending program to help you with these issues?

Finally. Sometimes people ask for a back program or to help with their back are actually looking to balance the curve in their lower back.
Whether it's an access curve such as Lordosis. Or their back is flat and they want to add a little bit of curvature to the lower back.📷

Transform Your Posture: Say Goodbye to the 'No Butt Syndrome' and Hello to a Stronger, Curvier Lower Back!

Our program revitalizes your figure by restoring the natural curve of your lower back, reducing stress and danger during everyday activities like squatting and lifting. With Zaichik Stretching and unique posture strengthening, not only will your back thank you, but you'll also see your butt reappear, stronger and more defined than ever!"CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROGRAM!

Back Bending vs Back Stretching a deeper dive.

Back bending and back stretching are not the same. But part of the reason why I'm writing this article is because, oftentimes people use these terms interchangeably. So, let’s clarify the difference.
If you are bending backward, you are stretching the muscles in front of your body. You might be strengthening the muscles in the back of your body. You might be strengthening the muscles in front of your body, or both, depending on what you are looking for.
In the EasyFlexibility system, the supporting exercises or the strength exercises that back up the flexibility depend heavily on the skill. Meaning that for one skill, you might strengthen the antagonist muscles, and then for another skill you might strengthen the agonist muscles.
For example, in Back bending you've stretched the muscles in front of your body, but which ones you would strengthen depends on what pose or what are you doing with that back bending?
If someone is doing a high cobra, which is a cobra where the feet touch the head, the muscles that will be stretched would be rectus abdominis, obliques, all six hip flexors, all four adductors, the quadriceps. And depending on the head position, the flexors of the neck.
Since you are reading this article on the EasyFlexibility blog, you either know this or you're about to find out that in the EasyFlexibility system we don't just hold a position and hope for the best. We isolate muscles based on the muscles’ actions and that speeds up the flexibility progress.
Now, if your back bending involves the arms, for example, if you're doing the bridge, you will be stretching other muscles. You'll be stretching your rhomboids. You'll be stretching your teres major. Depending on how you position your arms, you will be stretching your subscapularis, posterior deltoid, teres minor, teres major, latissimus dorsi. A lot of these muscles are located in the back, but some like pectoralis minor or pectoralis major, the sternal part, is located in the front.
Now, if you are looking to stretch your back according to the definition, if you look into stretching the muscles in your back, you will be stretching the spinal extensors. You might be stretching quadratus lumborum depending on what you do and if your arms are involved.
Interestingly, you will be stretching the same muscles that you stretch in a bridge. In other words, if you're hanging off the bar, you're stretching the same muscles that you are if you're doing a back bridge. But if your arms are not involved, then the back bending and back stretching are completely different.
An example of back stretching might be lying on your back and doing a crunch. This is a reciprocal inhibition for the back. You are contracting the muscles in front and stretching the muscles in the back. If you use your arms to hold yourself in a stretched position, let's say you're trying to pull your head to your knees, then, it now becomes a passive stretch for your back.
It is not common among athletes to have tight back muscles. When it comes to forward stretching or stretching of the back muscles, it happens but it's not common. Among people who are not active it's more common.
When athletes are looking for flexibility, in terms of stretching forward, they're usually not looking for flexibility in their back. They're looking for flexibility in their hamstrings and glutes and other muscles that restrict forward bending. And the reason for that is because of the way basic conditioning exercises are designed in athletics.
Because most people have poor posture and day to day activities involve movement of the back, most do not have a problem with flexibility of their spinal extensors. Of course, some people are in sports where they may want an extreme flexibility in their spinal extensors beyond what they already have.
For example, grapplers. But for most people, it's not really an issue. The issue is more about back bending, if someone needs that.
Not everyone needs that in their sports or activities. Some people don't need it, but they want it, and that's another story. And for most people, again, it's forward bending from the hips. That's where the restriction is, not forward bending from the spine.
I hope that this post gave you a brief overview of the difference between back bending and back stretching, and will help you understand what you are actually looking for. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us by clicking here and we’ll be more than happy to assist you in finding the right program for your particular issue.📷About the Author:Paul Zaichik is an Exercise Science Expert, author of multitude of books, and the creator of Zaichik Stretching Technique (formely known as Kinesiological Stretching Technique). His speciality is flexibility training as well as body weight conditioning. His innovative method is designed to have maximum carry over into specific athletic techniques. Paul is the author of books and DVD’s on the topic of flexibility, martial arts and bodyweight training. Over the years, Paul Zaichik has worked with a variety of individuals including athletes, entertainers, and military personnel. His ElasticSteel Method of Athletic Conditioning programs, EasyFlexibility Programs and Zaichik Stretching Techniques are used world wide by both professional and amateurs with great success.
submitted by Able-Note1516 to paulzaichik [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 12:33 SparklingSyntax No-Jumping Belly Fat Burner: 11 Easy Home Exercises

No-Jumping Belly Fat Burner: 11 Easy Home Exercises


In today's busy world, finding the time to hit the gym can be challenging. However, maintaining a regular exercise routine is crucial for our physical and mental well-being. Luckily, you don't need a gym membership or fancy equipment to stay fit and healthy. Introducing the "No-Jumping Belly Fat Burner: 13 Easy Home Exercises" routine. This comprehensive workout targets your core muscles without the need for any jumping, making it perfect for all fitness levels and ages.

The Plank: Core Foundation

The plank is a fundamental exercise that forms the basis of many core workouts. To perform a plank, start by getting into a push-up position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position for as long as you can, engaging your core muscles throughout. The plank effectively strengthens your abdominals, obliques, and lower back, making it an essential component of the "No-Jumping Belly Fat Burner" routine.

Bicycle Crunches: Dynamic Core Engagement

Bicycle crunches are a dynamic exercise that targets the obliques and rectus abdominis. To perform bicycle crunches, lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your knees bent. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground and bring your right elbow towards your left knee while straightening your right leg. Repeat on the other side, alternating in a pedaling motion. This exercise not only burns calories but also improves coordination and stability, making it a valuable addition to your home workout routine.

Russian Twists: Oblique Strengthener

Russian twists are another effective exercise for targeting the oblique muscles. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the floor, balancing on your sit bones. Clasp your hands together in front of you and twist your torso to the right, bringing your hands towards the floor beside your hip. Return to the center and twist to the left, repeating the movement in a controlled manner. Russian twists help to sculpt and define your waistline while improving rotational stability.

Leg Raises: Lower Abdominal Challenge

Leg raises are a challenging exercise that targets the lower abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms by your sides. Lift your legs towards the ceiling, keeping them straight and together. Slowly lower them back down towards the floor, stopping just before they touch the ground, then lift them back up. Leg raises effectively strengthen the lower abs, hip flexors, and lower back, helping to create a toned and defined midsection.

Mountain Climbers: Cardio and Core Combo

Mountain climbers are a dynamic exercise that elevates your heart rate while targeting your core muscles. Start in a plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Drive your right knee towards your chest, then quickly switch legs, bringing your left knee towards your chest. Continue alternating legs in a fast-paced motion, as if you're running in place. Mountain climbers not only burn calories but also improve core strength and endurance.

Bird Dog Exercise: Stability and Balance

The bird dog exercise is a great way to improve core stability and balance. Start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. Extend your right arm forward and your left leg back, keeping your hips square to the ground. Hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position and switch sides. Bird dogs engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making them an efficient and effective exercise for strengthening the core.

Side Plank Dips: Oblique Isolation

Side plank dips are a challenging variation of the traditional side plank exercise. Start in a side plank position with your right elbow directly beneath your shoulder and your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Lower your hips towards the ground, then lift them back up towards the ceiling, engaging your obliques. Repeat on the other side, alternating between left and right. Side plank dips effectively target the oblique muscles while also improving overall core strength and stability.

Boat Pose: Total Core Engagement

The boat pose is a yoga-inspired exercise that targets the entire core. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the floor, balancing on your sit bones. Extend your arms straight out in front of you, parallel to the ground. Hold this position for as long as you can, engaging your abdominals and maintaining a straight spine. Boat pose not only strengthens the core muscles but also improves balance and posture.

Push-Ups: Upper Body and Core Strength

Push-ups are a classic exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. Start in a plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Lower your chest towards the ground by bending your elbows, then push back up to the starting position. If full push-ups are too challenging, you can modify by dropping to your knees. Push-ups are a versatile exercise that can be adapted to suit any fitness level.

Tricep Dips: Arm Toning Exercise

Tricep dips are an effective exercise for targeting the triceps muscles. Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair or bench with your hands gripping the edge beside your hips. Walk your feet forward until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle and your hands are supporting your weight. Lower your body towards the ground by bending your elbows, then push back up to the starting position. Tricep dips can be performed using a chair, bench, or even the edge of a sofa, making them a convenient option for home workouts.

Supermans: Posterior Chain Activation

Supermans are a bodyweight exercise that targets the muscles of the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. Lie face down on the floor with your arms extended overhead and your legs straight behind you. Lift your chest, arms, and legs off the ground simultaneously, squeezing your glutes and lower back muscles at the top of the movement. Hold for a few seconds, then lower back down to the starting position. Supermans help to strengthen the muscles of the posterior chain, improving posture and reducing the risk of lower back pain.


In conclusion, the "No-Jumping Belly Fat Burner: 13 Easy Home Exercises" routine offers a convenient and effective way to strengthen and tone your core muscles without the need for any equipment. By incorporating these simple yet challenging exercises into your daily routine, you can achieve a stronger, leaner midsection in no time. So, clear some space in your living room, grab a water bottle, and get ready to sculpt your dream abs with this comprehensive home workout routine.


  1. Can I do these exercises if I'm a beginner?
    • Yes, absolutely! The "No-Jumping Belly Fat Burner" routine is suitable for beginners, with modifications available for each exercise to accommodate different fitness levels.
  2. How many times a week should I do this routine?
    • Aim to do this routine 3-4 times a week for best results. Allow at least one day of rest between workouts to allow your muscles to recover and grow.
  3. Can I combine this routine with other workouts?
    • Yes, you can combine the "No-Jumping Belly Fat Burner" routine with other workouts such as cardio or strength training to create a well-rounded fitness regimen.
  4. Do I need any equipment for these exercises?
    • No, all the exercises in this routine can be done using just your bodyweight, making them perfect for home workouts with minimal equipment.
  5. How long does it take to see results from this routine?
    • Results may vary depending on individual factors such as diet, genetics, and consistency. However, with regular practice and a healthy lifestyle, you can expect to see noticeable improvements in your core strength and definition within a few weeks.
submitted by SparklingSyntax to Hubofblogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:15 ElocinLise Travel 9.5 weeks post-op?

I’m due to have surgery (repair to an oblique tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus and a separate radial tear at the posterior root) at the end of this month. I’m in a bit of shock and haven’t fully processed what this will entail. The surgeon did tell me no exercise (aside from PT) until three months. I’m due to travel to Europe 9.5 weeks post-op to get my son settled in college. Do you think this is feasible? I’m beginning to wonder how a 14-hour flight in economy would feel and how active I can be at that stage.
I’m 51 and used to do barre workouts regularly, but I wouldn’t say I’m nearly as fit as my runner friends.
submitted by ElocinLise to MeniscusInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 01:07 Zev18 Anatomy of a gamer

Anatomy of a gamer submitted by Zev18 to antimeme [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:12 Spicyboio Are u a gamer??? 🤔

Are u a gamer??? 🤔 submitted by Spicyboio to okbuddyretard [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:31 Haunting-Freedom-451 Surgeon said 2-3 days before I can work again. Is that correct?

Surgeon said 2-3 days before I can work again. Is that correct?
Been having pain in my left knee for over 5 months now. Hurts when I move my left leg from left to right so it's really messing with my sleep. Finally got in for a MRI, dr said I need surgery I remove the torn part. Anyone had this procedure done? Dr was saying I could be back to work in 2-3 days is this legitimate? I run an auto detailing business and a handyman business I’m on my knees constantly. "There is an oblique type tear of the posterior horn medial meniscus which extends to the inferior articular surface and is not associated with any displaced meniscal fragments at this time. The articular cartilage of the medial compartment is preserved." "Grade 1 chondromalacia patella"
submitted by Haunting-Freedom-451 to MeniscusInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:59 Haunting-Freedom-451 Torn meniscus needs surgery

Torn meniscus needs surgery
Been having pain in my left knee for over 5 months now. Hurts when I move my left leg from left to right so it’s really messing with my sleep. Finally got in for a MRI, dr said I need surgery I remove the torn part. Anyone had this procedure done? Dr was saying I could be back to work in 2-3 days is this legitimate?
“There is an oblique type tear of the posterior horn medial meniscus which extends to the inferior articular surface and is not associated with any displaced meniscal fragments at this time. The articular cartilage of the medial compartment is preserved.” “Grade 1 chondromalacia patella”
submitted by Haunting-Freedom-451 to Kneesovertoes [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 13:49 Then_Marionberry_259 MAY 08, 2024 SCOT.V SCOTTIE RESOURCES OUTLINES 2024 EXPLORATION PLAN

VANCOUVER, BC , May 8, 2024 /CNW/ - Scottie Resources Corp. (" Scottie " or the " Company ") (TSXV: SCOT) (OTCQB: SCTSF) (FSE: SR8) is pleased to announce the exploration plan for the 2024 season on the Company's flagship asset, the Scottie Gold Mine Project, located in BC's Golden Triangle. Slated to start in late June, the $4 Stewart, BC , along the Granduc Road.
  • Fully financed $4.5 M budget
  • Expansionary drilling of the Blueberry Zone (~2,500 metres)
  • Underground validation of historic drilling at the Scottie Gold Mine and defining a high-grade resource for the deposit
    • Continued drilling of the Scottie Gold Mine P-Zone (~1,000 metres)
  • Step-out drilling on D-Zone targets (~1,500 metres)
  • Initial testing of the new high-grade gold showing discovered in 2023 located
between the Scottie Gold Mine and D-Zone (~1,000 metres)
  • Robust TerraSpec program (short-wave infrared spectroscopy) designed to establish
the fertile window around the Texas Creek intrusive
President and CEO, Brad Rourke commented: "Fully financed, our program this year is designed to efficiently consolidate and leverage Scottie's exploration successes at Blueberry and D-Zone into a robust framework that directly links the Scottie Gold Mine and other local deposits with these discoveries. Another key component of the program will be to establish a resource at the Scottie Gold Mine to underpin value and demonstrate a pathway for a global project-scale resource encompassing the belt of high-grade deposits that occur along the margin the Texas Creek aged intrusive stock - notably Blueberry, D-Zone, and Bend. With a healthy treasury and a clear plan to demonstrate value, we are well positioned to benefit from opportunities unfolding in the area."
2024 Exploration Program
The exploration program will commence in late-June (snow melt dependant). Drilling will commence with one diamond drill targeting the Blueberry Contact Zone for expansion, and a fly-drill will focus on targets requiring helicopter access, e.g. D-Zone and the Scottie Gold Mine. Total initial meterage budgeted is about 6,000 metres, spread across multiple targets, the allocation being dependant upon initial field observations and results. The program is being developed with the ability to easily scale up, should the market conditions change.
The TerraSpec program (short-wave infrared spectroscopy) will be following up on positive initial results from a small pilot program on the Blueberry Contact Zone that indicated a link between clay/mica minerals and proximity to the high-grade ore shoots. The 2024 TerraSpec program will expand on these results in order to assess other deposits in the Scottie Gold Mine and their relation to the adjacent Texas Creek intrusive. The program will combine data from surficial transects, analysis of historic drill core, and the 2024 drill holes.
In addition to work on the Scottie Gold Mine Project, the company will be carrying out a concerted greenfield exploration program on the Georgia Project where a new showing was discovered in 2023. The showing is located 3 kilometres south of the historic Georgia River Mine where a grab sample hosting visible gold ran 165 g/t gold. The location the 1.5 metre wide, banded quartz-carbonate-chlorite vein, is approximately 3 kilometres along strike of the historic Georgia River Mine
About the Scottie Gold Mine Project
Exploration of the Scottie Gold Mine Project over the past 5 years has produced exceptional drill results through the discovery of high-grade gold in four new zones (Blueberry Contact Zone, Domino, D-Zone, P-Zone) and the expansion of previously drill confirmed targets (Scottie Gold Mine, C-Zone, Bend Vein, Stockwork). When depicted on a map of property scale geology (Figure 1) there is a clear spatial relation between the outcropping and drill-confirmed high-grade gold targets and the contact with the Jurassic aged, Texas Creek Plutonic suite intrusion. The new 2023 surface discovery of gold-rich vein style mineralization between the Scottie Gold Mine and the C & D-Zones further supports this relationship. Geological work in the area has established strong connections between the various deposits. The chemical, mineralogical, structural, and age relationships of the deposits and host rocks support a genetic model whereby all deposits are linked to the same mineralizing event.
About the Blueberry Contact Zone
The Blueberry Contact Zone is located just 2 kilometres northeast of the 100% owned, past-producing Scottie Gold Mine located in British Columbia, Canada's Golden Triangle region. Historic trenching and channel sampling of the Blueberry Vein include results of 103.94 g/t gold over 1.43 metres, and 203.75 g/t gold over 1.90 metres. Despite high-grade surficial samples and easy road access, the Blueberry Vein had only limited reported drilling prior to the Company's exploration work. The target was significantly advanced during Scottie's 2019 drill program when an interval grading 7.44 g/t gold over 34.78 metres was intersected in a new N-S oriented zone adjacent to the main Blueberry Vein. The drill results received from 2020 - 2023, coupled with surficial mapping and sampling suggest that the N-S mineralized trend is a first order structure that hosts an array of SW-trending, sub-parallel, sulphide-rich veins that obliquely crosscut it which host high-grade gold. As of the end of 2023, the extent of the N-S zone, defined by the contact between andesite and siltstone units of the Hazelton Formation and the presence of the cross-cutting sulfide-rich structures, has a drilled strike length of 1,550 metres and has been tested to >525 metres depth. The Blueberry Contact Zone is located on the Granduc Road, 20 kilometres north of the Ascot Resources' Premier Mine. Newmont's Brucejack Mine is located 25 kilometres to the north.
Quality Assurance and Control
Results from samples taken during the 2023 field season were analyzed at SGS Minerals in Burnaby, BC Thomas Mumford
Dr. Thomas Mumford , P.Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed the technical information contained in this news release on behalf of the Company.
Scottie owns a 100% interest in the Scottie Gold Mine Property which includes the Blueberry Contact Zone and the high-grade, past-producing Scottie Gold Mine. Scottie also owns 100% interest in the Georgia Project which contains the high-grade past-producing Georgia River Mine , as well as the Cambria Project properties and the Sulu and Tide North properties. Altogether Scottie Resources holds approximately 58,500 hectares of mineral claims in the Stewart Mining Camp in the Golden Triangle.
The Company's focus is on expanding the known mineralization around the past-producing mines while advancing near mine high-grade gold targets, with the purpose of delivering a potential resource.
All of the Company's properties are located in the area known as the Golden Triangle of British Columbia which is among the world's most prolific mineralized districts.
Forward Looking Statements This news release may contain forward‐looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward‐looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. Forward‐looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date such statements were made. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward‐looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy of accuracy of this release.
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SOURCE Scottie Resources Corp.

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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 05:03 Wise-Editor8884 Really bad neck/ lower back head pain that hasnt stopped.

Really bad neck/ lower back head pain that hasnt stopped.
I, a 5,2 85lbs 13 year old have been taking ibuprofen and tylenol and 4 hours switching jt out. But dear god someone please help. Im on very high dose kf trazidone (very strong sleeping medicine) for my size and age and still getting near 4 hiurs of sleep at max because kf the pain. Ive been crying for 3 hours and i js want it to end and the pain has been here for like 2 god damn weeks. Ive added a pic and circled the area thst hurts in BLUE. Please someone help.
submitted by Wise-Editor8884 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 03:30 AutoModerator The link between Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction, Hard Flaccid Syndrome, Post Finasteride Syndrome, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and advice on how to start your healing journey based on 8 years of research and personal experiences by easyflaccid

The link between Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction, Hard Flaccid Syndrome, Post Finasteride Syndrome, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and advice on how to start your healing journey based on 8 years of research and personal experiences : pssdhealing (
Here are all my thoughts and advice based on my personal experiences, other people’s insight and helpful experiences, and research I have done on and off about pelvic floor issues from the past eight years or so. I am not claiming that any of this is revolutionary, but I hope it can help some of you out there to give you a head start on healing and advance our understanding of these conditions. As I am a 27 year old male with previous major problems with pelvic floor issues and hard flaccid, some of my advice may be biased towards my condition. However, I believe everyone can benefit from a lot of this because I really do think that all of these conditions that I mentioned are linked in at least some way, especially by pelvic floor dysfunction and sex hormone desensitization. I try not to come to these forums because it increases anxiety and negative emotions which leads to worse pelvic floor symptoms, so my apologies if I do not respond to your questions. For hard flaccid and pelvic floor affected people, follow my advice and I am confident you can heal and reach a place where your symptoms barely affect your life, if at all, which is where I am at now. The mentality of trying to find a 100% “magic cure” solution just leads to anxiety and catastrophic thinking if you have a set back which will only worsen your symptoms. You can and will heal. I know this is a lot of information, but try to implement just one or two things at a time. Focus on the present, and take it one day at a time. Don’t get overwhelmed. All of this is my opinion and not professional medical advice. Talk with your doctor before starting anything.
Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS), Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD), Hard Flaccid Syndrome (HFS), Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome all can have some similar symptoms. I believe that they are all either caused or can be exacerbated by androgen and estrogen receptor insensitivity and are triggered by medication, genital injury, and pelvic floor inflammation and dysfunction. The pelvic floor is rich in androgen receptors and estrogen receptors. However, without proper androgen receptor activation and sensitivity, the pelvic floor muscles don’t have enough DHT which line the tissues of the pelvic floor, genitalia, and lower urinary tract. DHT is vital for healthy sexual functioning in both sexes - it provides an anabolic effect to tissues to provide strength, stability, healing, and relaxation to tissues. As a result of androgen receptor insensitivity and lack of DHT, the pelvic floor can become chronically weakened, tight, and inflamed which reduces blood flow to the region leading to even more androgen receptor insensitivity and thus less DHT. These symptoms can cause psychological stress to the individual which tightens the pelvic floor further leading to more symptoms and less blood flow. One study found that androgen sensitivity has raised the possibility that androgens can be used to rebuild the weakened and/or damaged muscles comprising the pelvic floor - source. Some people may also have normal hormone levels in the blood when tested, but these hormones cannot reach or be effective in the pelvic floor tissues or brain due to sex hormone insensitivity and the lack of the blood flow in the region caused by pelvic floor tightness and dysfunction. It is also likely that there is a problem with desensitized estrogen receptors causing a similar mechanism of dysfunction because they are also found in the pelvic floor, genitals, and brain and are important for pelvic floor health, sexual functioning, cognition, and emotions in both sexes. The most important element to remember to help start the healing process for these disorders is to boost blood flow through supplements, stretches, and exercises which will increase both androgen and estrogen receptor sensitivity over time.
Many males with PFS, PSSD, and Pelvic Floor dysfunction are affected by the hard flaccid condition.
Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) caused by Finasteride, a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor (5-ARI), plummets DHT levels in the body to try to help hair loss causing sexual dysfunction and pelvic floor issues. Androgen receptors that surround the pelvic floor, genitals, and brain become desensitized due to the Finasteride leading to less DHT binding to these receptors causing dysfunction and a tight, weak pelvic floor. The tight, dysfunctional pelvic floor now restricts blood flow which impacts healing and the delivery of testosterone to this area that further exacerbates androgen insensitivity leading to less DHT in these tissues. Since androgen receptors are found in the brain and androgens have neuroprotective effects, this could be one reason why some PFS and PSSD sufferers are also impacted cognitively. An herbal supplement called Saw Palmetto has also been reported to cause a disorder similar to PFS because it is also a 5-ARI that blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Another disorder called Post Accutane Syndrome (PAS) is also similar to PFS and it reduces DHT as well through being a 5-ARI: “Isotretinoin, used to treat severe acne, has been shown to induce hormonal changes, especially to reduce 5 alpha-reductase in the production of the tissue-derived dihydrotestosterone (DHT) metabolite 3 alpha-Adiol G.”. PFS, PAS, and PSSD are thought to cause not only androgen receptor desensitization, but likely estrogen receptor desensitization as well.
For Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD), SSRIs are also known to decrease androgens and down regulate androgen receptors. This study shows that SSRIs can have an anti-estrogenic effect as well and can even reduce the expression of estrogen receptors (ER), including in the hypothalamus.. As sex hormones get desensitized in the pelvic floor, genital region, and brain, it causes localized DHT and estrogen levels in these tissues to decrease causing emotional blunting, sexual dysfunction, pelvic floor issues, hard flaccid syndrome, and more. The pelvic floor dysfunction can then prevent the sex hormone receptors from being reactivated and sensitized due to restricting oxygen and sex hormone rich blood flow to the tissues. SSRIs can cause androgen receptor insensitivity and estrogen receptor insensitivity by severely inhibiting the serotonin transporter (SERT) leading to increased serotonin levels which desensitizes those receptors throughout the body. One key to help heal from PSSD is increasing androgen production, androgen receptor sensitivity, and blood flow to boost BDNF, SERT, and DHT levels to hopefully allow any estrogen receptor desensitization recover on its own over time after everything else is normalized. Once androgen levels in local tissues (pelvic floor, brain, genitals) are normalized again through androgen receptor activation and sensitivity, it will encourage the conversion of androgens into estrogens in these tissues via aromatase. It is also worth to mention that some community members are trying to restore estrogen receptor sensitivity via boosting estrogen in various ways including by taking hops extract which is a potent phytoestrogen. This is also interesting: Estradiol represents another important natural ligand for androgen receptors that may play an essential role for the androgen receptor function and the development of the male reproductive system.
As mentioned earlier, people with PSSD and other disorders might have normal looking hormone blood tests (testosterone, DHT, estrogen, etc), but the issue is that these hormones are not functioning in the brain, pelvic floor, and genitals properly due to androgen and estrogen receptor insensitivity. An important thing to also recognize is that the medical community still has no official explanation how exactly SSRIs cause all of these debilitating side effects, but they are still being readily prescribed without informed consent about the risks of PSSD. It is unfortunate that it is people like us on the internet leading the charge to investigate and inform. We all need to continue to do our part to spread awareness of these iatrogenic disorders to warn people about the risks of taking these medications because their medical providers aren’t likely going to. Thank you to the PSSD Network for helping to give a voice to the unheard.
Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD): Biological Plausibility, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Presumed Risk Factors
Androgen receptor (AR) inactivation in mice led to reduction in hypothalamic neural nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), indicating the regulatory sexual function of this neurotransmitter. Furthermore, activation of the pre and post-synaptic 5HT1A receptors was found to be correlated with inhibitory effect on erectile function. All of these factors are speculated to be involved in this symptom and might be related to epigenetic alteration of androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptor (ER) densities due to influence of SSRIs on the epigenome.
In male PSSD sufferers, the penile shaft can be rigid during erection, yet the glans of the penis remains flaccid.This symptom may arise from hypo-activation of the dopaminergic and oxytocinergic pathways. The glans of the penis, in particular, receives its blood supply from the deep dorsal artery. Perhaps this points to a selective arterial malfunction relative to pelvic floor dysfunction which usually accompanies PSSD.
Here is another interesting study that gives support to the importance of increasing blood flow to help heal:
If SSRIs produce sexual side effects by impairing vasocongestion to the genital region, it would be expected that pharmacologic agents that increase blood flow to the genital region would improve sexual functioning. Indeed, several anecdotal reports and studies have found that sildenafil (a drug designed to treat erectile failure by increasing blood flow into the penile tissue) was successful in reversing SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction in both men and women [8,9,87,88,109]. Sildenafil acts to increase blood flow into the genital tissue by facilitating c-GMP activity that is initiated by nitric oxide [19] and preliminary evidence suggests that the SSRIs may cause sexual difficulties by inhibiting nitric oxide synthase [39,118].
Here is a paper from a community member that hypothesizes that the main issue is lasting estrogen receptor insensitivity just to give another interesting perspective on Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction, Post-Finasteride Syndrome, and Post-Retinoid Sexual Dysfunction
As the body is starved of DHT, ARs upregulate in response. At the same time, ER activation is significantly increased as a result of the increased production of Estradiol during treatment (due to higher Testosterone availability by reduced 5a reduction to DHT) - eventually leading to ER downregulation.
Hard Flaccid Syndrome (HFS) - There are many men suffering from HFS and pelvic floor issues due to PSSD, PFS, heavy weight lifting, excess kegeling, or in the case I’m presenting here, physical damage to the genitals from excessive, vigorous sexual activity (my case) or penis enlargement exercises. When the genitals get damaged, an inflammatory process starts and the pelvic floor contracts to protect itself. Since the pelvic floor is now in a chronic, contracted state, it limits oxygen and sex hormone rich blood flow to the genitals and pelvic floor which leads to sex hormone insensitivity and negatively impacts healing, muscle relaxation, and DHT production in these tissues. Finasteride, Accutane, and SSRIs also desensitize sex hormone receptors in the genitals and pelvic floor tissues leading to hard flaccid and pelvic floor dysfunction. Since the pelvic floor tightness restricts blood flow, it is difficult for hard flaccid sufferers to reactivate and sensitize their pelvic floor muscle androgen receptors again to regain relaxation and strength in their pelvic floor muscles, including the ischiocavernosus (IC), bulbocavernosus (BC), and pubococcygeus (PC) which are in a contracted state; the IC muscle in particular is thought to be the most implicated in the cause of hard flaccid. We first need to promote relaxation in the pelvic floor by boosting blood flow through supplements and stretches because tight muscles are weak muscles. Once the pelvic floor is in a chronic state of tension, it is hard to heal from pelvic floor issues because you likely already had bad habits such as poor posture, unhealthy sexual practices, stiff muscles, sedentary lifestyle, unchecked anxiety, and other negative lifestyle factors. Along with supplements, exercises, and stretches, correcting these bad habits is necessary to heal to have an even healthier pelvic floor than you ever had before because it likely was already tight and dysfunctional to begin with before developing obvious issues, but it was more subtle and you had no awareness of your pelvic floor muscles until now. You have the potential to now become a much healthier person overall than you ever would have been without being affected by pelvic floor dysfunction and hard flaccid.
32% of women will develop a pelvic floor disorder in their lifetime which is double that of men. While childbirth and pregnancy plays a role in this discrepancy, women also have far less testosterone and DHT levels than men which I believe plays a major factor. Since women have less testosterone, their androgen receptors that line the pelvic floor don’t make enough DHT to adequately support these tissues compared to men. This makes them more prone to pelvic floor dysfunction that causes them a disparate amount of pain, tightness, and inflammation. Androgen receptors and their ability to convert testosterone into DHT play such a vital role in pelvic floor health and sexual functioning. This is mentioned in a research study: Prevailing scientific literature has indicated the presence of androgen receptors in the levator ani muscle and pelvic fascia. The existence of androgen receptors in the vaginal wall can play an essential role in the development of pelvic floor disorders in women.Thus, androgen-related disorders may interfere with the function of pelvic floor muscles. [Many people mistakenly believe that androgens are only important for male sexual health:](,of%20sexual%20dysfunction%20in%20women.] Androgens have a three-fold action on female sexual function. They (1) increase libido by providing the fuel for a woman’s psychosexual stimulation, (2) increase sensitivity and blood flow to the external genitalia, and (3) increase the intensity of sexual gratification.
What I see in all these conditions is that sex hormone receptors become desensitized in the pelvic floor and genital tissues either from a drug, pelvic tightness, or inflammation from injury leading to less hormones being produced causing sexual and pelvic floor dysfunction. The pelvic floor now goes into a chronic tightened state as a response, leading to less oxygen and testosterone rich blood flow to the genital and pelvic region which leads to more androgen insensitivity and subsequently less DHT. This all explains why many people who have these conditions are helped by supplements that improve androgen receptor sensitivity and blood flow, and why pelvic floor therapy and exercises are so helpful to many of them. Estrogen receptor insensitivity in the pelvic floor also appears to have a similar mechanical negative effect by leading to less estrogen levels in the pelvic floor and genital tissues. It is also possible that some people with PSSD/PFS may have subtle or no pelvic floor symptoms, but the medication still desensitizes sex hormone sensitivity in their genitals and pelvic floor tissues that is leading to sexual dysfunction.
Another study linking androgens and the pelvic floor: Levator ani and other muscles of the pelvic floor and lower urinary tract are sensitive to the anabolic effects of testosterone. Androgen receptors are also expressed in the pelvic floor and lower urinary tract of both animals and humans. Anabolic effects of androgens may play an important role in the female pelvic-floor and lower-urinary-tract disorders. Furthermore, the interactions between androgen and nitric oxide synthase and arginase have been demonstrated, suggesting that androgens may also participate in modulating the physiological functions of the lower urinary tract through nitric oxide. The action of androgens in the lower urinary tract and pelvic floor is complex and may depend on their anabolic effects, hormonal modulation, receptor expression, interaction with nitric oxide synthase, or a combination of these effects.
My solution to help heal and improve the well-being of people with these issues is to try to improve sex hormone receptor sensitivity and pelvic floor function through supplements, stretches, exercises, and boosting blood flow which will hopefully restore normal levels of estrogens and androgens in pelvic, genital, and brain tissues. The body has a tremendous capability of self-healing, but we need to support it through active recovery methods.
We will first start with supplements (this is not professional medical advice - talk with your doctor before taking):
L-citrulline - This is the precursor to l-arginine, and it will improve blood flow and levels of nitric oxide to help get oxygen and testosterone rich blood to the pelvic floor and genital tissues to increase androgen sensitivity. Nitric oxide can also induce smooth muscle relaxation which is important for relaxing the pelvic floor. Herein we report on a young man affected by PSSD who regained sexual functioning after 3-month treatment with EDOVIS, a dietary supplement containing L-citrulline and other commonly used aphrodisiacs.. I recommend taking at least 6000 mg daily by taking 2000mg three times throughout the day. The max dose is 10,000mg. Even potentially better, people report great results using Cialis to improve blood flow and healing rather than L-citrulline and some doctors will even prescribe it to women if you show them the evidence - talk with your doctor. “Tadalafil (Cialis) reversal of sexual dysfunction caused by serotonin enhancing medications in women”. L-Citrulline and Cialis are not recommended to be taken together.
L-Carnitine - This will improve the number of androgen receptors and their sensitivity to testosterone to increase levels of DHT in the pelvic floor, genital tissues, and brain. I recommend taking 2000mg daily. Acetyl-L-Carnitine can pass through the blood-brain barrier, while Propionyl-L-carnitine has a high degree of interaction with testosterone. Propionyl may be better for sexual and pelvic floor dysfunction, while Acetyl might help people suffering from the mental effects of PSSD. This study used each at 2000mg daily to improve erectile dysfunction along with Viagra.. I would work up to 2000mg each of Acetyl and Propionyl L-Carnitine along with Cialis instead of Viagra as it lasts in the body for much longer (36 hours) for increased blood flow healing purposes. You can also use L-Citrulline instead of Cialis as mentioned earlier. Discuss with your doctor before taking them.
Vitamin D - This vitamin, which acts more like a hormone, works directly with the endocrine system. It has its own receptors throughout the body and they are often in close proximity to androgen receptors. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with a stunting of testosterone's effects on androgen receptors and a decline in testosterone levels. Vitamin D will encourage androgen receptor resensitization. One study found that higher vitamin D levels are associated with a decreased risk of pelvic floor disorders in women, and The levator ani and coccygeus muscles are skeletal muscles that are critical components of the pelvic floor and may be affected by vitamin D nutritional status. I recommend 4000IU of vitamin D daily or whatever gets your levels to 60 - 80 ng/ml.
If you have inflammatory issues or pain due to pelvic floor dysfunction, I recommend a fish oil supplement daily. I take fish oil, and I find that it helps limit pelvic inflammation. I also take Magnesium Glycinate to relax the smooth muscle that lines the pelvic floor and genital tissue. I recommend it for people with clear pelvic floor dysfunction, but others should be careful as research says magnesium is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. Take quercetin and bromelain as needed if you experience pelvic inflammatory flare ups and pain, but just be careful as quercetin can also inhibit the production of DHT from testosterone as well. Some say fish oil blocks DHT too, but experiencing chronic pelvic floor pain and inflammation will do more harm to you than minimal DHT blocking. I recommend staying away from all DHT inhibiting foods and supplements for people with PSSD, PFS, and PAS unless you are experiencing pelvic pain and inflammation.
As always, discuss these supplements with your doctor to see if they are okay for you. Lower your supplement intake based on side effects. These aren’t a magic cure, but a tool to help you on your journey to recovery. Don’t do anything without doctor supervision, but this thread gives more evidence for the “cure” for PSSD/PFS being resensitizing androgen receptors and estrogen receptors along with enhancing blood flow as it details how some men recovered through taking high doses of androgens, post cycle therapy, and Cialis. This at least gives hope that a hormonal cure can be created one day by medical professionals. I would of course recommend trying to heal yourself naturally for a long time before doing any hormone treatments under the supervision of a doctor.
I also recommend doing some form of yoga or pelvic floor stretches daily to improve blood flow for pelvic floor relaxation and sex hormone receptor sensitivity. You also need to request to see a pelvic floor therapist for an evaluation and treatment. Learn how to do reverse kegels. Doing reverse kegels will be difficult at first because your pelvic floor is tight and you have little to no awareness of these muscles, so just focus on lengthening and relaxing the pelvic floor through stretches for now. Do not do regular kegels for pelvic floor issues. Learn how to diaphragmatically breathe in 360 degrees to create expansion in your rib cage and abdomen to encourage pelvic floor relaxation. Do not breathe through your chest, and “belly breathing” isn’t the right term because the ribs need to expand as well. You can learn how to diaphragmatically breathe through an exercise such as 4-7-8 breathing. Here is a great video on diaphragmatic breathing and another video. I cannot overstate it enough: retraining yourself to properly breathe diaphragmatically is the single most important thing that you can do to heal from pelvic floor issues. Be a student of breathing: study and take notes on how to breathe better.
Stretches/Yoga poses I recommend:
Hold the Malasana/hindi/yoga squat pose for at least 5-10 minutes at least twice a day, but doing it morning, mid-day, and at night would be the best. Some get great results holding it for 15-20 minutes.This is one of the most important things for your pelvic floor because it will help lengthen and release it. Doing them barefoot is also very beneficial to strengthen your ankles and feet which are connected to your pelvic floor. Again, remember to breathe deeply down into your belly and pelvic floor for all these stretches.
Begin your stretching routine with an Exercise ball ab stretch and Upward-facing dog/cobra pose. This will help stretch your lower abs and psoas muscles so that you can get more breath deeper down into your pelvic floor for the rest of your stretches. Some people say that these types of stretches aren’t great for people who have Anterior Pelvic Tilt, which we should fix, but I still do them as it is important to stretch the lower abs that are hard to get to. You can experiment with doing them sporadically instead of every time you stretch.
This is my current personal complete stretch routine I do in order 3+ days a week:
Myofascial release on my glutes with an orb massage ball but you can use any small hard ball (don’t do this if glutes are currently sore) > Calf stretch against a wall or a yoga block which is what I use > exercise ball ab stretch > upward facing dog > (optional) Do a handful of cat cows > Supine hamstring stretch with yoga strap or an IdealStretch tool which is what I use > Kneeling hip flexor stretch > flat on back supine single knee to chest stretch > then bring knee to opposite shoulder stretch > supine figure four > I do this stretch next right after figure four > Reclined bound angle pose > (optional) butterfly stretch > (optional) A little bit of downward facing dog to stretch the calves > (optional) Lizard Pose) > (optional) Half split stretch/Half monkey pose with yoga blocks > Half-pigeon pose > Child’s pose > Wall quad hip flexor stretch > Wall figure four stretch > Wall straddle pose > Wall happy baby pose > Flat on back while pulling knees apart > kneeling with one leg, other leg out to side for adductors > (optional) Frog pose with feet together > regular Frog pose with feet separated in line with the knees > Yoga squat/malasana > Corpse pose
All these stretches are the ones I found most useful in a routine. See what works for you and develop your own routine. Consistency is the most important. This long stretching routine may not be possible for you to complete regularly so make adjustments, but doing this routine at least 3 days a week is ideal. Stretches such as the yoga squat, supine hamstring stretch, hip flexor stretches, and wall stretches are vital and should be done most days to help relax the pelvic floor. For how long you should hold each stretch, just go by how you and your body feels. Really let go, breathe, and sink into every stretch. On rest days, doing some deep breathing in child’s pose, reclined bound angle pose, flat on back while pulling knees apart, and the happy baby wall pose is really great while trying to do gentle reverse kegels.
You can also work on more individualized stretches for posture to correct anterior pelvic tilt, muscle imbalances, and to release other tight muscles, such as the upper body. Listen to your body if you need to give yourself a rest day from stretching. Adding in a 30-60 minute walk/swim on rest days is incredibly beneficial as well. Eventually, you can also try to learn isometric PNF stretching to incorporate it into some of the stretches such as the kneeling hip flexor stretch and hamstring stretch.
After working to relax and lengthen your pelvic floor through yoga and stretches, I would begin gentle body strengthening exercises that are pelvic floor safe. The pelvic floor is a master compensator. So, if the glutes, adductors, deep hip rotators, transversus abdominis, and other supportive muscles are weak, then the pelvic floor is in the prime position to pick up the slack which leads to a lot of strain on the pelvic floor which results in tightness and dysfunction. You need to strengthen the surrounding muscles to relieve tightness in the pelvic floor. This is where working with a pelvic floor therapist would be helpful to point out safe individualized exercises for you. Yoga will help strengthen your muscles in a safe way too.
The glutes and transversus abdominis in particular are very important to strengthen. Glute bridge, single glute bridge, side lying leg raises, lateral band walks can help build up glute strength. Deadbugs, Bird Dog, 8- point planks, or planks with pelvic floor-friendly modifications, can help to strengthen the transversus abdominis (TVA). Abdominal work may be triggering to your pelvic floor symptoms, especially the 8 point plank, so you can instead look into hypopressive exercises to work the TVA without overworking the pelvic floor. These exercises will help you bring more awareness to your breathing, diaphragm, TVA, and pelvic floor which are all important for recovery. Here is how to find and become aware of the TVA. Do side planks for your oblique ab muscles.
For hip/abductors do the side lying hip abduction exercise, fire hydrants, and the shinbox lunge. For the adductors, do Copenhagen adductor exercise, cossack squats, and an exercise where you squeeze a soft ball between the knees just don’t do any crunch movements with pelvic floor issues. For hamstrings, Nordic hamstring curl/glute ham raises, and single leg bridge. For the back, do supine pelvic tilt. One person even reported that dorsiflexion exercises and stretches were one important element to solve his pelvic floor issues; this is most likely because the ankle bone, like everything else including even our jaw, is connected to the pelvic floor.
Like with anything, do all these exercises in moderation and stop if you sense your pelvic floor is not responding well to them - do them one at a time to see which ones your pelvic floor can handle for now. Here is an exercise routine from another poster that has helped many people. Just be careful of the ab exercises such as the ab wheel and 5 minute planks with your pelvic floor issues - don’t over do it or avoid it if they cause too many symptoms.
Myofascial release and foam rolling to release trigger points also helps a lot of people to relax their pelvic floor muscles and improve blood flow. The glutes are the most important area to target for pelvic floor issues when foam rolling in my experience if you only had limited time. Using a soft ball to lay on and breathe deeply can help release trigger points in the abdominal muscles and psoas which can help you breathe better and relax the pelvic floor. I haven’t done it, but you can also try out a massage gun for myofascial release; just be careful and don’t use it in sensitive pelvic areas. Some men and women also report success using a therawand to release internal trigger points that are causing them pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms.
Walking and swimming for 30-60 minutes are some of the best exercises to lengthen, relax, stretch, and release your pelvic floor, boost blood flow, and help to retain and build strength in muscles that give support to the pelvic floor. Walk or swim for 5+ days a week for the best results. The breaststroke and freestyle are very helpful for pelvic floor sufferers. Along with swimming, people also use an elliptical at a low resistance to help provide a cardio workout that is safer for your pelvic floor.
Fix your posture. Pelvic floor issues and hard flaccid syndrome are closely associated with Anterior Pelvic Tilt and other postural issues. Get evaluated by a physical therapist so that they can give you exercises and stretches to fix it. You could also look into the Postural Restoration institute and see one of their providers and try to implement some of their exercises. In the meantime, here is one video playlist on how to fix APT. Another video to fix APT says to stretch the hip flexors, lower back, while focusing on strengthening the abs, glutes, and hamstrings. Make sure that you sit and walk with good posture - watch this to learn how to walk correctly - activate your glutes during each step and push off with your back foot!. I also recommend getting a standing desk to try to avoid sitting for long periods of time.
Weight training can be effective for boosting active androgen receptors in the body to increase testosterone and DHT levels. However, you need to make sure that it isn’t making your pelvic floor symptoms worse which defeats the purpose. If you are going to lift weights with pelvic floor issues, don’t lift heavy, do any intensive ab workouts, or any other exercises that can put extra strain on your pelvic floor. Do lifts where you can sit down instead of standing up. Start with yoga, stretching, and gentle body exercises to relax your pelvic floor and strengthen surrounding muscles before incorporating consistent weight training. I highly recommend, however, just sticking with yoga and pelvic floor safe body weight exercises to build strength instead. Those with PSSD without pelvic floor dysfunction may benefit a lot from lifting weights, high-intensity interval training, and doing bodyweight exercises such as squats regularly to boost androgen receptors and DHT. Remember to see a pelvic floor therapist to get evaluated first before starting any weight lifting because many people have pelvic floor issues without even realizing it.
Work on your mental health. Anxiety can worsen pelvic floor issues. Just as dogs tuck and tense their tails when stressed, we tense our pelvic floors which are directly connected to our tailbone where we used to have tails ourselves in our evolutionary history. As we are impacted by sexual dysfunction and pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms, we become anxious along with other negative emotions which leads to more pelvic floor tension symptoms due to the fight or flight mode response causing even more anxiety leading to more symptoms. It is a vicious cycle that needs to break by not becoming anxious and negative when we experience pelvic floor symptoms or hard flaccid and instead let go, accept, and realize that it is a normal process when trying to heal because sometimes our muscles that are used to that tightness don't want to let go of the tension we hold in our pelvic floors. Daily yoga, meditation, stretching, and walking will help with anxiety. I would also see a mental health therapist because all of these issues are deeply traumatic and we cannot go through this alone. We often hold tension in the form of emotions and trauma in our bodies, especially our pelvic floor and genital areas. By openly talking about these issues with a therapist, it will help us process and release our emotions and trauma that we are holding inside our bodies to improve our anxiety, relax our pelvic floor, and to let go of all of our tension. Many people who healed their hard flaccid and pelvic floor issues said that solving their anxiety and negative thoughts by talking to a mental health counselor was vital in recovery. The mind-body connection is so powerful, and it directly impacts our pelvic floor. Those who are stuck in the cycle of experiencing pelvic floor symptoms leading to anxiety and negative thoughts will also benefit from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy you can do by yourself like in this video or preferably with a trained therapist. Here is an informative mini lecture on how stress impacts the pelvic floor.
I would also definitely go on a healthy anti-inflammatory diet. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, marijuana, and other substances. Avoid foods and liquids that can trigger pelvic floor inflammation such as highly acidic fruits and veggies, carbonated beverages, very spicy foods, and artificial sugars. To maintain a healthy gut to reduce inflammation in your body I recommend trying a low-histamine probiotic supplement along with eating healthy. You should also work on preventing or fixing constipation; eat a lot of soluble fiber to not get constipated - take a supplement such as metamucil if you have to. Check the Bristol stool shape chart to identify if you are constipated because even mild constipation can contribute to pelvic floor tension. This is because the constipation leads to a lot of pressure being put on your rectum and pelvic floor leading to the muscles becoming weak and dysfunctional. I am willing to bet many of you are constipated and don’t know it because it isn’t just whether you go regularly, it is also how your stool is shaped. People with pelvic floor disorders are at a high risk of constipation which makes their tension and dysfunction worse which then worsens the constipation, another cycle to fix. I recommend getting a Squatty Potty to reduce strain on the pelvic floor during elimination.
To help heal hard flaccid and pelvic floor issues, never watch pornography again (this is vital). Go on NoFap for 90+ days to help heal your brain and body from any unhealthy pornography and sexual habits you have partaken in. Pornography leads to involuntary kegels, a tight pelvic floor, desensitizes you, and messes up the dopamine and arousal circuitry in your brain. Don’t climax too often. Learn how to reverse kegel by yourself and during sexual activities. Never edge or regular kegel - it leads to pelvic floor tightness and dysfunction - just relax your arousal through a reverse kegel. Keep your pelvic floor relaxed during sexual activities.
Stay strong and never give up. You will heal. Thank you for reading.
submitted by AutoModerator to PSSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:11 1949redmond Looking for feedback or similar tears

Well here’s the news: Mildly complex predominantly oblique horizontal tearing of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus
I meet with the ortho in about a month. Before I had the MRI I had already suspected a tear and have been done about 2 months of PT. Things have improved a ton, but just wondering what anyone else had experienced with this…
I do have a very manual labor job and I do run and lift weights. I’ve backed off the running and am still lifting with no squats or anything that puts excessive hyperflexion on the knee.
submitted by 1949redmond to MeniscusInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:16 Emperor_Of_Catkind Brief Introduction into Mustelidean Languages

Mustelidean language family is spoken by the numerous members of the Mustelidae taxonomic family such as ferrets, polecats, weasels, martens, sables, badgers, otters and others. The number of languages is not yet determined but it is the most dispersed bestial language family. Its existence is unique and somewhat phaenomenal because in-universe, the cases of multi-species language families are fairly rare and there are no language families with common ancestry between such high taxonomic order.
The distribution of Mustelidean languages in the modern day
The hypothetical distribution of Mustelidean languages in its height c. 2,000 BP
It is believed that such wide distribution is the result of forced resettlements conducted by prehistoric advanced civilizations, which are called "dispersals" in the context of the history of the family. The physiological structure of mustelid mouths is fairly similar allowing them to acquire the proto-languages evolving into individual languages, and borrow the neighboring Mustelidean languages (in some cases).
This family had emerged c. 40,000 BC in southern or north-western part of Siberia. It is widely accepted that its first speakers could be wolverines who imposed their language to martens, weasels, sables, or all of them. There were two dispersals: the First Dispersal occured c. 35,000 BC, conducted by prehistoric Vulpine civilization and resulted in emergence of Lutrian, Kalan and probably Meleic and Wolverinian languages. The Second Dispersal occured c. 12,000 BC by Feline and Canine civilizations resulting in separation of Proto-Mustelan and Proto-American Martid into European and American branches, and of Kharzic and Meleic into northern and southern branches.
Reaching its apex somewhere around 2-3 thousand years BP, the Mustelidean language family nowadays experiencing the loss of population, area and diversity due to the human, pet and more prominent species' activity.


There are four of the most widely accepted branches of Mustelidaean languages that undisputedly belong to them: Mustelan, Asiatic Martid, American Martid and Kharzic. These subgroups are also known as "Mustelidaean Proper" because they share common features in phonetics and grammar. Their typical features include:
Meleic is also included though it has highly divergent grammar. And finally, the position of Lutrian, Kalan and Wolverinian branches is debated. In-universe, one scholars think that their languages descend from Proto-Mustelidean and drastically diverged through the dozens of millenias; others think that these languages were just influenced by PMusd during the First Dispersal acquiring some words in the process.
This is where controversy whether it descends from Proto-Mustelidaean or just loaned it features begins: while the most of basic stems are clearly of Mustelidean origin, they typically have a fairly agglutinative morphology, SOV word order, and most of the affixes are not reconstructible to Proto-Mustelidaean. The situation is complicated with Meleic languages being more loaning than usual, and it is unclear whether some stems were loaned from PMusd or its later stages.

Language Comparison

English Proto-Mustelidaean Furritian Steppe Mustelan Beech Marté American Martenese Erminese
one *i-śil, *(a)-jɨg yke [ˈaɪkʰ] яӣк [ja.ˈi:k] vñui [ˈə̃ɥ] ˈĩ.jĩ a.naĩ
two *(a)-ʈi yë [ˈjeʰ] ӣ [ˈi:] te [ˈtɛ] ʈʂi t͡ʃi
three *ʈi-jɨg ëjek [eʰ.d͡ʒɪk] ӣӣк [i:.ˈi:k] téie [ˈtøɥ] ʈʂi.jĩ t͡ʃĩ:
four *ʎįɲ (?) layt [ˈlʷɔɪtʰ] лай [ˈlai] lân [ˈlɑn] lĩ.wə lĩ:
five *-ŋmot- (?) shont [ˈʃontʰ] шана̄т [ʂa:.ˈnat] gnóch [ˈŋœ̃ʃ] ˈŋmo.sĩ mu.ʃĩ
six * eare [ˈi:.wɤ] ӣлай [i:ˈlai] héi [ˈhøj] he.ˈlĩ hi.ˈlĩ
seven * eakeny [ˈi:.kɛɲ] ӣкаң [i:.kaɲ] tsomau [t͡] ʈʂĩ.ˈgu.wə t͡ʃi.ˈmu.t͡ʃĩ
eight *-ʈoHtu- (?) aytoon [ɛɪ.tu:n] ятâн [ˈja.tɑ:n] tohaun [to.ũ] ʈʂĩ.ˈwũ t͡ʃi.ˈi.lĩ:
nine * bule [ˈbɯ:.ɤ] бул [ˈbul] culaun [ku.lũ] kũ.ˈlũ ka.ˈlũ
ten *rel (?) roul [wa.ʊ:]; yrut [aɪ.ɐtʰ] жол [ˈʐol] riéu [ˈʁøw] pi:.dðũ pi.dũ
*phonological evolution of branches not determined yet
English Siblina Northern Kolonok* Kharza* Yinkisai* Visonic Pekanian
one [ˈɪs] ˈi.sə ʃɯ34 ja1 / ǐ:t34 ʂɪ341 / ji:34 ˈɔʰɥ ˈɑj
two ит [ˈit] ˈi.tə 32 ja1 / ɲi:32 321 /ɲi:32 ˈʂɪ ˈsi
three трыы [ˈtʝɨ:] ə.ˈtaj ɖɯ32 ja1 / sam34 ɖɑ:n5 ə1 / sɑn5 ˈʂɪʰɥ ˈsɑ.jɪ
four hани [ˈ] ˈha.nə jȁm1 a1 / si32 jan1 ə1 / sɪ:51 ˈʎi:.ɛʰ ˈlik
five нор [ˈnor] ˈno.rə 32.ɺi34 ja1 / u:423 ŋʷɤ213 ˈŋɑz ˈgɑ.hɪ
six хибии [ç] ˈxi:.βi baj32 a1 / ɺy32 bəɪ32 ə1 / ʐu:51 ˈeʎ ˈi.lɪ
seven симянь [ɕi.mjaɲ] ˈxu:.mɛ.ɲi ɺi34.mu32 ja1 / t͡sit32 ʐɪu:2131 / ʈʂi5 ˈʂɑ.ɔʰ ˈsɑ.vʊ
eight дьоосень [ˈɟo:.ɕeɲ] ə.ˈto:.ɲi gum1 a1 / ʝět34 kun1 ə1 / ɖɪa51 ˈsɑ.vɔ ˈsɑ.vɑj.hɪ
nine бiруу [bɪ.ru:] βə.ˈru: tum32 a1 / jy423 tun1 ə1 / kɪu213 ˈhur ˈku.lʊ
ten ҕяр [ˈʝar] ə.ˈxɛr ʝip34 dʐi:51 ˈ ˈpi.lʊ
English Mele* Menñe* Lutrian* Itachigo Kurotengo
one шеррик [ˈʃɛr.rig] сёрик [ˈʃɵ.rɪg] ѣрай [ɔ.ˈɾɑj5] ˈi.t͡si ˈi.ɕɪ
two тюк [ˈcug] тюк [ˈcʉk] ва [ˈvɑ5] ˈi.tu / ˈni ˈi.tɪ / ˈni
three тенай [tɛ.ˈnɑj] тенай [tɪ.ˈnɑj] ълiѭ'н [ʌ.ɫji45.jɔ̃ˀn5] u.ˈte: / ˈsan ˈtɕu: / ˈsan
four верриmbɛr.ri] вёриmβɵ.rɪ] ноц [ˈnɔt͡s3] ˈ ˈhaɴ
five шугби [ʃu.g͡bi] сюгви [ʃʉ.ɣ͡βɪ] ъ'кполтъ [ʌˀ.k͡pɔɫ3.tʌ] ˈ / gwɛn ˈnoɴ / ˈgo
six хуник [ˈxu.nig] юник [ˈjʉ.nɪg] ѫ'ӈлиҙ [ʊ̃ˀŋ.ɫið3] ˈhi:.βi / ɾo.kwɛn hi.ˈβi: / ˈʐo.kɯ
seven тенедь [cɛ.nɛɟ] тёнит [cɵ.nɪt] врѫкатi [vɾʊ̃.kɑ5.tji] ˈhi:.mɛ.i / ˈsi.t͡sjen ɕɪ.ˈmaɴ / ˈɕi.tɕɪ
eight тётьен [ˈcɔ.cɛn] тётьин [ˈcɔ.cɪn] влѣкатi [vɫjɔ.ˈkɑ5.tji] u.ˈto:.i / ˈba.t͡sjen ˈdʐo:.ɕɪɴ / ˈba.tɕɪ
nine вуру [] вурю [mβu.ˈrʉ] лъмиҙ [ɫʌ.mið3] ˈβu:.ɾu / ˈkjɔn bɪ.ˈɾɯ / kju
ten йер [ˈjɛr] йер [ˈjɛr] ѣру ɔ.ˈɾu3 ˈi.ɛ.ɾu / d͡zʲi.bʷɛn ˈʐa.ɾɯ / ˈʑi.βɯ
Sample Text: "Once upon a time the hare and the grouse lived very well."


Jýoh báën wë grueta näsh-e chs-kun-e ö uje fae.
d͡ʒaɪ.ˈóʰ ˈbɛɪ.éʰn wèʰ ˈgʷɯ́ʰɥ.tə ˈnàʰ.ʃɪ t͡ʃ.ˈsku.nɪ oʰ ˈu.d͡ʒɪ fɛj
[long time ago] hare and grouse have-PERF ABSTR.PL-life-PERF which COMP.ADV good


Гуонь-енаа-м сы-й бан, бьяс мии hiлдит гуо-хи-я хуу-ҕин-ии тедьïс.
ˈguo.ɲ sɨj ˈban ˈbjaɕ mi: hɪl.ˈdit ˈguo:.çi.ja xu:.ʝi.ˈni: ˈteɟ.jɪs
AUG-ancient-PL.OBL day-PL.OBL [in that], hare and grouse AUG-PASS.COP-POSS ABSTR.COL-live-PST good

Beech Marté

Vn đer đin-'re ruéñe liebre mód ouéthođ gué vn pign órtauc tenđets.
ə̃ ˈɖɛʁ ˈɖˠĩ.ɘɾ ˈʁø.ɳɛ ˈli.bɘɾ mœt wø̃.ˈθoɖˠ ˈwø̃ ə̃ ˈpiʊŋ ˈœɻ.toʊ tã.ˈɖˠat͡s
OBL year DEM-SUBJ COP.PST hare and grouse live.PASS OBL life very good
submitted by Emperor_Of_Catkind to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 14:11 Then_Marionberry_259 MAY 07, 2024 EXN.TO EXCELLON DRILLS 1.37 G/T GOLD OVER 81.2 METRES INCLUDING 2.77 G/T GOLD OVER 15.6 METRES AT KILGORE PROJECT

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 7, 2024) - Excellon Resources Inc. (TSX: EXN) (FSE: E4X2) ("Excellon" or the "Company") is pleased to announce further drill results from the 2022 exploration program at its 100% owned Kilgore Project ("Kilgore") in Idaho, USA.
Final results from 2022 drill program released, including:
  • 1.37 g/t Au over 81.21 metres in EX22KG004, including 2.77 g/t Au over 15.64 metres and 5.28 g/t Au over 5.54 metres, confirming high-grade mineralization in the Aspen sediments.
  • 0.53 g/t Au over 56.24 metres in EX22KG005, including 2.91 g/t Au over 1.45 metres, successfully testing extension of the existing mineralized envelope to the southwest.
  • 0.74 g/t Au over 115.60 metres in EX2KG001, including 26.50 g/t Au over 0.65 metres, improving definition of the mineralized envelope.
  • Information will be included on future resource and geological modelling to further refine targets.
"Today's announcement is two-fold: we have successfully confirmed mineralization in an area of Kilgore previously underdrilled, returning grade-intervals inline with the current Mineral Resource Estimate cut-off and potentially further extending mineralization to the southwest of the deposit," stated Shawn Howarth, President and CEO. "We have also intersected mineralization in the Aspen sediments, where we are focusing on the potential for higher-grade zones. The information announced today will help us to better understand grade contouring and will be used in future resource modelling and exploration drill programs."
Exploration Results:
The 2022 drill program comprised six diamond drill holes totalling 2,145 metres with oriented core and detailed sampling to improve structural understanding of high-grade mineralization and potential. A summary of the selected holes is provided below:
  • EX22KG001: A confirmation drillhole within the current mineral resource envelope identified by previous drilling. A more detailed sampling was conducted, identifying a high level of grade variability, and control of mineralization by narrow jarosite-filled structures and high-grade vein stockwork. Mineralization returned was previously reported in the Company's press release dated December 6, 2022, and is summarized in Table 1 below.
  • EX22KG003: Drilled at an oblique angle and designed to improve structural data within the deposit along the north-west margins and further insights on lithological contacts. The hole reconfirmed mineralization in the Tertiary volcanics including an intersection of 0.44 g/t Au over 83.68 metres.
  • EX22KG004: Drilled for structural data within the deposit for improved modelling, EX22KG004 confirmed high-grade mineralization within the resource envelope and in the Aspen sediments, returning 1.37 g/t Au over 81.21 metres, including 2.77 g/t Au over 15.64 metres and 5.28 g/t Au over 5.54 metres.
Figure 1: Cross-Section of Hole EX22KG004
  • EX22KG005: Drilled in the southwest area of the deposit previously underdrilled, EX22KG005 potentially increases tonnage by extending the limit of the grade shell and returning 0.53 g/t Au over 56.24 metres, including 2.91 g/t Au over 1.45 metres and 1.00 g/t Au over 8.19 metres. Mineralization occurs in the Tertiary Tuffs and Tertiary Quartz Porphyry, which proves to be a good mineralization host and could be used a mineralization guide in other parts of the property.
Figure 2: Cross-Section of Hole EX22KG005
  • EX22KG006: Successfully tested an undrilled area proximal to grade shell intersecting 0.36 g/t Au over 34.82 metres, potentially increasing mineralization towards the southwest.
A summary of drill assays can be found in the following table.
Table 1: Kilgore Interval Summary (2022 Drilling)

(1) From-to intervals are measured from the drill collar.\*(2) All intervals are reported as core length.**(3) Released on December 6, 2022.*
Figure 3: Drillhole Summary
Technical Information and Quality Control Notes
The drilling results contained in this news release have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").
Kilgore drill core samples are prepared and assayed by ALS in Twin Falls, Idaho. The lab is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:20015. Assay turnarounds have been impacted recently by a worldwide increase in demand for laboratory services. The Company has a comprehensive QA/QC program, supervised by a Qualified Person.
The sampling of, and assay data from, the core sampling and reporting is monitored through a quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) program designed according to best industry practice. Samples from HQ- and BQ-sized drill core are selected by Excellon geologists and cut into halves at the project site. Half of the core is retained at the site for reference purposes. Sample intervals vary from 0.2 to 3.05 metres in length, with samples being selected to honour geological contacts. Samples are labelled and packed into sealed plastic bags which are grouped into larger fibre bags for shipping. A formal chain-of-custody procedure is in place for the security of samples from project to laboratory.
Samples are delivered by Excellon staff to the ALS laboratory in Twin Falls, Idaho. Samples then undergo crushing to 70% passing two millimetres, rotary split of 250 grams, followed by pulverizing to 85% passing 75 microns before a 50-gram sub-sample is selected for analysis. The samples are then analyzed using fire assay for gold and silver with a gravimetric finish and multi-element analysis performed by ICP-MS analysis for base metals and multi-element data.
Qualified Person
Mr. Jorge Ortega, P. Geo. has acted as the Qualified Person, as defined in NI43-101, with respect to the disclosure of the scientific and technical information contained in this press release.
About Excellon
Excellon's vision is to realize opportunities through the acquisition of advanced development or producing assets with further potential to gain from an experienced management team for the benefit of our employees, communities and shareholders. The Company is advancing a portfolio of gold, silver and base metals assets including Kilgore, an advanced gold exploration project in Idaho; and Silver City, a high-grade epithermal silver district in Saxony, Germany with 750 years of mining history and little modern exploration.
Additional details on Excellon's properties are available at
For Further Information, Please Contact:
Excellon Resources Inc. Shawn Howarth, President & Chief Executive Officer (416) 312-6665 [](
All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained, referenced or incorporated by reference in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" and "forward looking information" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as: "actively", "advance", "anticipated", "assess", "believe", "cause", "commence", "completion", "conditions", "consideration", "continues", "development", "due course", "expectation", "exploration", "extend", "extension", "flexibility", "focused", "forward", "further", "future", "if", "implement", "liquidity", "looking", "maturity", "may", "negotiations", "occur", "opportunities", "options", "outcome", "outstanding", "potential", "providing", "reach", "restructuring", "risk", "subject to", "to be", "update", "vision", "waive", "when", "will", and "would", or variations of such words, and similar such words, expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results can, could, may, should, to, will, would (or not) be achieved, occur, provide, result, complete or support in the future or which, by their nature, refer to future events. In some cases, forward-looking information may be stated in the present tense, such as in respect of current matters that may be continuing, or that may have a future impact or effect. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding potential mineralization; future resource and geological modelling to further refine targets; potentially further extending mineralization to the southwest of the deposit; focusing on the potential for higher-grade zones; and the Company's objectives, goals and future plans and strategies. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct, and any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future actions, results or performance. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions, estimates, expectations and opinions, which are considered reasonable and represent best judgment based on available facts, as of the date such statements are made. If such assumptions, estimates, expectations and opinions prove to be incorrect, actual and future results may be materially different than expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors which may cause the actual results or performance of the Company to be materially different from any future results or performance expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors include, among others, the "Risk Factors" in the Company's annual information form dated April 1, 2024 (the "2024 AIF"), and the risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors identified in the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis, and accompanying financial statements, for the year ended December 31, 2023, and the Company's other applicable public disclosure (collectively, "Company Disclosure"). The foregoing list of risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors is not exhaustive; readers should consult the more complete discussion of the Company's business, financial condition and prospects that is provided in the 2024 AIF and the other Company Disclosure. The forward-looking statements referenced or contained in this news release are expressly qualified by these Cautionary Statements as well as the Cautionary Statements in the other Company Disclosure. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this news release (or as otherwise expressly specified) and the Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, except as required by applicable laws.
To view the source version of this press release, please visit
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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]


For many people, Total Knee Replacement (TKR) surgery is not just a surgical procedure but a second chance to an improved quality of life. It helps people to regain confidence and independence in their life. Hence, choosing the right implant can drastically change one’s experience and long term effects after surgery.
What is a Total Knee Replacement Surgery?
Before understanding about implants and Total Knee Replacement, let’s examine why Total Knee Replacement is required.
Total Knee Replacement is indicated when there is some damage to the knee joint. This damage may lead to severe knee pain which ultimately could be due to multiple causes like- Osteoarthritis: This is a ‘wear and tear’ joint disease which is common in the aging population. This is one of the most common cause of knee pain.- Rheumatoid Arthritis: This is a chronic disease in which the body’s immune system starts attacking its own body, including joints- Injury to the knee joint and its structures- Late stage bone cancer
The knee joint works like a door hinge joint with limited motions. It consists of bones, ligaments, muscles, cartilage and other surrounding soft tissues. These bones are Femur (thigh bone), Tibia (shin bone) and Patella (knee cap). All these structures help in maintaining stability of the joint.
A Total Knee Replacement surgery is a common surgery where the damaged part of the knee is replaced by an implant to reduce pain and restore joint function. This implant consists of 4 components-
There are so many implants in the market. Let’s understand implants to make wise choices.
A knee implant replaces the natural knee joint. Most of the traditional implants are unable to replicate this natural knee joint and its motions as they rely on a hinge-like mechanism. Except an OURO EXCEL Medial Pivot Knee (MPK) implant.
The goal of the OURO EXCEL Medial Pivot Knee implant is to ensure that patients can have a high degree of satisfaction after a total knee replacement. It is engineered to mimic the knee joint's natural movement patterns due to an unique design that closely imitates the physiological kinematics and anatomical structure of the native knee joint.
The inner side of a natural knee joint provides stability when performing actions like bending, walking, and running by bearing a large portion of the strain. By emphasizing stability on the inner side the OURO EXCEL Medial Pivot Knee mimics this natural knee function. The three design advancements of the OURO EXCEL Medial Pivot Knee implant help to provide patients a ‘natural knee’ experience.
Femoral Component: Single radius design reduces instability
Anatomic Insert : Deep groove to accommodate the natural shape of bones which reduces pressure on the knee joint. It also helps in reducing unexpected knee joint motion.
Tibial Component : A 3 degree posterior slope, dove tail locking and peripheral rim provides maximum rotational stability
The OURO EXCEL Medial Pivot Knee is coated with Gold** which improves body safety and provides allergy protection. It is created with Swiss Precision that ensures it is reliable and a perfect fit. The components are created with Vitamin E Polyethylene which has a higher oxidative resistance. This leads to less infection and less bone loss. All these features provide an overall long term stability to the implant and improves patient satisfaction after surgery.
Multiple studies** show an improvement in Oxford Knee Score (OKS), which is an assessment of knee pain and function, from 19.5 to 41.2 post Medial Pivot Knee surgery. The average maximum active movement is at 124°.These studies indicate that there are minimal chances of patients requiring a repeat surgery after a Medial Pivot Knee surgery.
A Total Knee Replacement surgery is a crucial decision in a person’s life and the selection of an appropriate implant should be made in consultation with the doctor.
submitted by PrajwalH22 to u/PrajwalH22 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:13 NeoKoseii Meniscus Repair Doubts

25M. This was my diagnosis:
Got surgery, doctor bsaid a part of the posterior horn was shredded with loose fibres that had t9 be trimmed a bit but the rest was repaired and looks good.
Surprisingly my surgeon said he didn't even touch the medial meniscus even after probing. Will it heal on it's own?
Also I was advised for partial load bearing on the toes right from day 1 which so was unlike what others have expressed here. I am unsure of the pain because I'm hoppen on painkillers rn but what do you think.
Overall, pumped to be on the road to recovery and back to sport! I hope it goes well!
submitted by NeoKoseii to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:46 NeoKoseii Day 1 of Meniscus Surgery Recovery

25M. This was my diagnosis:
Got surgery, doctor bsaid a part of the posterior horn was shredded with loose fibres that had t9 be trimmed a bit but the rest was repaired and looks good.
Surprisingly my surgeon said he didn't even touch the medial meniscus even after probing. Will it heal on it's own?
Also I was advised for partial load bearing on the toes right from day 1 which so was unlike what others have expressed here. I am unsure of the pain because I'm hoppen on painkillers rn but what do you think.
Overall, pumped to be on the road to recovery and back to sport! I hope it goes well!
submitted by NeoKoseii to KneeInjuries [link] [comments]