Partner name random generator

Hybrid Animals: Just like normal animals, only not

2013.02.28 14:31 Felfriast Hybrid Animals: Just like normal animals, only not

Create new animals by combining species with each other and/or with any other stuff you find appropriate.

2011.11.29 02:35 CobaltSmith Random Acts Of Gaming

A subreddit designed to allow gamers to spread the love of gaming.

2016.09.16 00:56 zuxtron Create your JoJo Stands

A subreddit where fans of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure can share their ideas for Stand abilities. Here is a pair of Japanese quotation marks for you to copy and paste: 「」

2024.06.07 22:05 animal-girlie AITA for not wanting to go to MIL’s birthday last minute

Today, I found out that my mother-in-law’s birthday was going to be hosted at my sister-in-law’s house instead. The party is tomorrow. The second I found out, my heart sank to my bum and I knew I did not want to go nor was it worth the effort or mental burden to go.
Originally, MIL called and personally asked for me to be there at her birthday. I said of course and made myself “unavailable” that day for my shift job schedule. I was already wary because I have been low contact with my husband’s family for more than a year now. I entirely cut off ties with my SIL around that time. I said yes to my MIL instantly because I am doing it for my MIL and we still respect each other well; we just don’t see each other often or make the effort to do so. We just go with the flow.
Well it now turns out that the birthday party for MIL will be hosted at SIL’s house because “it has more space”. For over a month the plan was to have the party at MIL’s house and I was okay with it because I had nothing against her and I could easily slip away from the other toxic family members to another room in the house. Today, a day before the party, my husband randomly says “oh bad news the party is now being held at my sister’s house”.
I am angry for a number of reasons: 1) I am entirely no contact with that SIL, she even blocked me on all social media and blocked my phone number for standing up for myself (other family members agreed with me) 2) I know my husband will still go if I say I don’t want to go and it hurts to think he doesn’t stand up for me and try to make accommodations. For example, planning to take MIL and FIL for an intimate dinner with me, him, and our child instead. 3) my husband has known about the venue change for more than a week now and decided to just tell me now. 4) my husband’s way to make me feel better was “it’s okay though because my other sister and her boyfriend will be there so you can just talk to them” 5) SIL deliberately sends out invites last minute to my DH and DD for random cookouts but makes sure to exclude me. Not only does she exclude me, she makes sure that everyone else in the family is aware of it and will even post photos with backhanded comments about me or the situation. She just wants to rub it in my face and acts as if she’s the one that cut off ties with me but really I was the one that said enough is enough and cut ties with her.
I cut off ties with this woman because on more than one major occasion she has insulted me or disrespected me to save her face and hide her own insecurities. She has cursed me out in front of other people, trying to defend her husband (who in fact lied to her while I said the truth and he didn’t admit to it for a solid week). She also used my name as an excuse to justify her lack of courage and security in her marriage by claiming I told her to search her husband’s belongings for “contraband” which I never did. She also wrote a long persuasive essay via text to my husband about how toxic I am and why he shouldn’t be with me. That’s just a few off the top of my head. I am sick of these people and I’ve tolerated them for more than 7 years now.
Help! I don’t want to disrespect my MIL but I also want to stand my ground and respect my own boundaries. I also do not want to cause tension in my marriage, which is already rocky.
submitted by animal-girlie to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:05 Amazing_Ad6561 Creating template files with hyperlinks between tabs, where the tabs will be renamed for use.

I am trying to create a template file that will be amended with each project to fit the data for that project. The file will use dozens of tabs and will include a primary summary tab.
I am attempting to set each cell in Column B, in the summary sheet, to open the appropriate tabs they are related to. The content of each cell in Column B of the summary sheet will need to pull name data from Cell C1 of the corresponding tab.
I am also trying to set cell A1 in each of those tabs to link back to the summary sheet.
All the tabs will have their names changed at the start of each project.
AND new sheets may need to be made by copying previous sheet tabs to the end of the file. Those sheets will need to be appropriately linked to new rows in the summary sheet with a copy and paste of previous rows, with only the tab reference changing and all cell references remaining static on the new tab.
I won't be able to make manual adjustments to any of this later, as others will need to be able to use this template independently of me to do their jobs effectively.
Suffice it to say that I am struggling to make this all work. I've even tried using those AI Excel formula generators on Google and none of them can figure this out either.
I wish tabs had their own reference identifier separate from their tab names...
Edit: Excel 2019 to build, but 365 online for ALL usage.
submitted by Amazing_Ad6561 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:04 Equivalent-South-857 [Android] [2018-2020] strategy game with auto generated map

submitted by Equivalent-South-857 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:03 Snaveldokter 26M The Netherlands - how has your day been? :)

Hey all!
I'm a 26 year old guy from the Netherlands and I work as a web developer. I just got back from hiking a bit near the sea and I'd like to chat with some fun people!
A little bit about me: I love listening to lots of different music, stuff like Andy Stott, Joy Orbison, Joy Crookes, Ahmad Jamal and Immolation to name a few. I also collect vinyl records. Hit me up with recommendations if you have any! Other than that I like making electronic music myself as well, spending time in nature, photography and trying to keep my plants alive.
Personality wise I'm an INTP (if you care about MBTI), I think a looot and I like researching random topics!
If you’d like to chat, send me an invite and tell me a little bit about yourself or what your plans are/were for today! I would prefer something longer term, but short term chats are fine too!
submitted by Snaveldokter to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:02 Aggravating_Gift_558 Why does my cat like me so much more than my girlfriend?

Backstory: my girlfriend(26f) and I(25m) live together with 3 cats. 2 are boys, 1 girl. All different ages. However the kicker here is our girl. Her name is Chia, my girlfriend found her and the rest of the litter(they were 3-4 weeks old at the time) in the parking lot of our apartment at like 11pm in the during a thunderstorm so we took them all in, gave them food/wateshelter etc. for the weekend until we took them to the humane society. Chia was the runt and had a slew of issues but we decided to keep her. (I was the one who pushed for us to keep her specifically, maybe she can sense that lolol)
Fast forward 2 years, and she is absolutely in love with me. Greets me at the door, follows me from room to room, sleeps next to my chaicircles my feet while I play video games, sleeps on the couch next to me if I’m watching TV and is just generally glued to my hip at all times when I’m home. She will let me hold her and dance with her in my arms, she LEAPS her head into my hand almost anytime I go to pet her etc she just shows me a lot of love.
My girlfriend on the other hand is different story entirely. She can only pet Chia for like 5 seconds tops or she will scratch and/or bite her hand. She doesn’t initiate pets from her, doesn’t give her the lovey eyes, kind of runs away from her if she approaches her, she’s like a completely different cat. I wouldn’t say that she’s mean anything, no hissing or random aggression at my girlfriend she just kind of….tolerates her presence? She is very loving to chia, she’s the one who feeds them EVERY morning, she is the “cat person” in our relationship(I grew up with a minimum of 3 dogs in the household at all times) and sometimes it kind of bums her out that Chia won’t love her the same way our boys do.
Any ideas why the dynamic is the way it is? Any tips my girlfriend could use to maybe strengthen their bond or am I just Chia’s favorite guy? Sorry for the long winded post, I just like to talk about her lol :)
submitted by Aggravating_Gift_558 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:00 Itchy_Bluejay4463 AITA for thinking about dropping out of my bestie’s Quince Court?

1, (15 F) was invited to be a part of my friend (15 F, we will kill her K)'s quince court, and happily accepted. if you dk, quinceañera is a huge birthday party that many Hispanic girls have when they turn 15, celebrating their coming of age. The quince court is made up of the birthday girl’s closest friends, who learn multiple dance routines to perform at the party. Naturally, dance routines and choreography require lots of practice. Our court includes me, K, and 14 of our closest friends. I knew there would be drama when I signed up for the court because multiple people involved don’t get along, and K is often involved in drama outside of this group. However, I agreed because we’ve been friends since elementary school. So far, we’ve only had two practices. It’s summer, and the party is still months away. Most people have attended at least one of the practices, if not both, but a few have missed due to prior commitments or family emergencies. K is struggling to find dates that work for everyone. Several of us have told her it will be hard to find dates that fit everyone’s schedule and that we can try practicing without our partners since we all dance with partners. Multiple members have offered advice, such as practicing at home with a video or practicing without our partners. We’ve also suggested practicing earlier in the morning, later in the afternoon, or on weekdays instead of weekends. We understand that people have jobs, but most teenagers don’t work all day. K has rejected these ideas, making it extremely difficult for everyone. There’s a couple in our group chat, R and J, who escalate problems by name-calling, picking fights, and making a big deal out of simple conversations. It feels like they enjoy causing problems and making the drama worse. Usually, we suggest a date, a few people can’t make it, and then K makes snide comments about how we need to “tell our mommies and daddies” to clear our schedules. K doesn’t have strict parents, unlike several others in the group, and often makes disparaging remarks about us not being available every day. K insists we should prioritize practice over family obligations, which many of us simply can’t do. We are teenagers, not adults, and can’t make decisions without our parents’ permission. We are trying our best, but it seems to go unnoticed. Once, K even said she doesn’t care if our grandfather is dying; she expects us to show up to her practice and forget our priorities because it’s her day and it needs to be perfect. R and J will then name-call those who are unavailable, complain about others’ suggestions for different practice times, and play the victim when told to stop. Ironically, R doesn’t even like K and once spent an hour at a sleepover badmouthing her. J doesn’t like anyone in our friend group, yet he still hangs out with us and causes drama, leading to problems with his girlfriend, R, who we’ve been friends with for years. This behavior overwhelms K, who then stops communicating for several days and expects us to show up without giving us details. Other people cause problems on the group chat as well, but it’s mostly these three. Many of us have complained outside the group chat about the constant drama, fights, and rude attitudes. Some have even compared K to a bridezilla. I understand K’s frustration and know how important this is to her, but her rudeness, including giving friends the silent treatment for weeks, is problematic. She has always been a problematic person, but it’s never been this bad. She complains about the lack of communication in the group chat, yet she rarely texts there herself. This hypocritical behavior led one of my best friends, O, to drop out of the court because the stress and fighting have strained her friendship with R. R and J have a toxic relationship, and the longer they date, the ruder and more problematic R becomes. This has caused drama within the friend group, except for a small group of four of us. The quinceañera planning is adding to the drama, pushing O and R apart, and causing friction among several others. At this point, there’s more drama than necessary. K is not communicating properly and is blaming us, and nothing is getting done. It feels too stressful and like a waste of time. I want to drop out, but I don’t want K to be mad at me since I made a commitment. I love my friends, but I don’t know if I can keep this up.So, AITA for wanting to drop out?
submitted by Itchy_Bluejay4463 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:00 enoumen A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations June 07 2024:🎥Kuaishou launches new Sora rival 🎧 OpenAI reverse engineers the workings of AI models 🤖New Chinese video generation model beats OpenAI’s Sora📊Nvidia is now the second-most valuable company, overtaking Apple 🔍OpenAI probes GPT’s inner workings

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations June 07 2024:🎥Kuaishou launches new Sora rival 🎧 OpenAI reverse engineers the workings of AI models 🤖New Chinese video generation model beats OpenAI’s Sora📊Nvidia is now the second-most valuable company, overtaking Apple 🔍OpenAI probes GPT’s inner workings

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations June 07th 2024:

🎧 OpenAI reverse engineers the workings of AI models

🤖 New Chinese video generation model beats OpenAI’s Sora

📊 Nvidia is now the second-most valuable company, overtaking Apple

🚀Adobe’s launches AEP AI Assistant to help brands master customer

🏆The most comprehensive benchmarking & leaderboard for image models is here!

🧬AI used to predict potential new antibiotics in groundbreaking study

🔒Meta gets EU complaints from 11 countries over use of personal data to train AI

🔍The Federal Trade Commission is investigating Microsoft-Inflection AI deal

🎥 Kuaishou launches new Sora rival

🔍 AI RESEARCH: OpenAI probes GPT’s inner workings

Enjoying these daily updates, listen to our podcast at:

🎧 OpenAI reverse engineers the workings of AI models

In new research, OpenAI has shared improved methods for finding a large number of "features"—patterns of activity in AI models that are human interpretable. They developed new state-of-the-art methodologies that allow scaling sparse autoencoders to tens of millions of features on frontier AI models.
It demonstrated smooth and predictable scaling, with better returns to scale than prior techniques. And they could find 16 million features in GPT-4. The research also introduces several new metrics for evaluating feature quality.
OpenAI has shared the paper, code, and feature visualizations to foster further exploration.
Why does it matter?
It could bring us closer to understanding the inner workings of neural networks. This interpretability will eventually increase model trustworthiness and steerability.
While OpenAI is being criticized for taking unnecessary risks with AI technology, this shows it is also keen on tackling the risk by making models more explainable.

🤖 New Chinese video generation model beats OpenAI’s Sora

Kuaishou, a Chinese tech company, has introduced Kling, an AI model for video generation. It can make videos up to two minutes long at 1080p resolution and 30 frames per second, vs. Sora’s one-minute videos.
Kuaishou claims Kling correctly simulates the physical properties of the real world, including complex motion sequences. Using a diffusion transformer, it can also combine concepts and create fictional scenes, such as a cat driving a car through a busy city.

📊 Nvidia is now the second-most valuable company, overtaking Apple
Kuaishou, a Chinese tech company, has introduced Kling, an AI model for video generation. It can make videos up to two minutes long at 1080p resolution and 30 frames per second, vs. Sora’s one-minute videos.
Kuaishou claims Kling correctly simulates the physical properties of the real world, including complex motion sequences. Using a diffusion transformer, it can also combine concepts and create fictional scenes, such as a cat driving a car through a busy city.
Nvidia rallied to record highs on Wednesday, with it’s stock market valuation hitting $3 trillion and overtaking Apple to become the world’s second most valuable company. This comes after Nvidia made a series of major announcements in the past week.
However, Nvidia’s stock has surged 147% so far in 2024, with demand for its top-of-the-line processors far outstripping supply as Big Tech races to build out their AI computing capabilities and dominate the emerging technology.
Microsoft remains the world’s most valuable company, with a market value of approximately $3.15 trillion.
Why does it matter?
Nvidia is now seen as a key company to watch to see how fast AI-powered tech is spreading across the business world, a shift that Nvidia’s founder, Jensen Huang, has declared as the dawn of the "next industrial revolution".

🎥 Kuaishou launches new Sora rival
Chinese tech firm Kuaishou just introduced KLING, a new text-to-video AI model capable of generating high-quality videos up to 2 minutes long with outputs that appear to rival OpenAI’s still-unreleased Sora. The details: KLING can produce videos at 1080p resolution with a maximum length of 2 minutes, surpassing the 1-minute Sora videos demoed by OpenAI. KLING’s demos include realistic outputs like a man eating noodles and scenic shots, as well as surreal clips like animals in clothes. The model uses a 3D space-time attention system to simulate complex motion and physical interactions that better mimic the real world. The model is currently available to Chinese-based users as a public demo on the KWAI iOS app. Why it matters: These generations are even more mind-blowing when you consider that Will Smith’s spaghetti-eating abomination was barely a year ago. With users still anxiously waiting for the public release of Sora, other competitors are stepping in — and the AI video landscape looks like it’s about to heat up in a major way.

ByteDance’s AI chip loophole

TikTok parent company ByteDance is renting advanced Nvidia AI chips and using them on U.S. soil, exploiting a loophole to sidestep restrictions on China’s AI chip exports. The details: Due to national security concerns, the U.S. government prohibits Nvidia from selling AI chips like the A100 and H100 directly to Chinese companies. The restrictions don't prevent Chinese firms from renting chips for use within the U.S. — ByteDance is allegedly leasing servers with chips from Oracle. ByteDance reportedly had access to over 1,500 H100 chips and several thousand A100s last month through the Oracle deal. Other Chinese giants like Alibaba and Tencent are also reportedly exploring similar options, either renting from U.S. providers or setting up US data centers. Why it matters: The AI race between the U.S. and China is only escalating — and it appears major players are going to get AI chips by any means necessary. While the U.S. tries to stall its rival’s progress with restrictions, it feels like a game of whack-a-mole that won’t stop China from reaching its AI goals.

🔍 AI RESEARCH: OpenAI probes GPT’s inner workings
OpenAI just released a new paper detailing a method for reverse engineering concepts learned by AI models and better understanding ChatGPT’s inner workings. The details: The paper was authored by members of the recently disbanded superalignment team, including Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike. ‘Scaling and Evaluating Sparse Autoencoders’ outlines a technique to ID patterns representing specific concepts inside GPT-4. By using an additional model to probe the larger model, researchers found a way to extract millions of activity patterns for further exploration. OpenAI released open-source code and a visualization tool, allowing others to explore how different words and phrases activate concepts within models. Why it matters: Much like Anthropic’s recent “Golden Gate Claude” and corresponding research, AI firms are still working to understand what’s truly going on underneath the hood. Cracking AI’s black box would be a big step towards better safety, tuning, and controllability of rapidly advancing models.

New AI Job Opportunities on June 07th 2024:

Harvey - Data Analyst: Meta - Applied AI Research Scientist - Reinforcement Learning: DeepL - Corporate Communications Lead: Palantir Technologies - Enablement Partner:

What Else Is Happening in AI on June 07th 2024

🚀Adobe’s launches AEP AI Assistant to help brands master customer

Adobe’s Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) is a real-time customer experience management (CXM) solution designed for enterprises. AEP AI Assistant is a gen AI chatbot hooked up to the AEP and an enterprise’s storehouse of advertising and customer data, brand assets, and content collateral (at their direction).

🏆The most comprehensive benchmarking & leaderboard for image models is here!

AI image models have achieved near-photographic quality. But how do they compare? Are the open-source alternatives on par with their proprietary counterparts? The Artificial Analysis Text to Image Leaderboard aims to answer these questions with human preference-based rankings.

🧬AI used to predict potential new antibiotics in groundbreaking study

Scientists used an algorithm to mine the entirety of the microbial diversity that we have on earth – or a huge representation of that – and find almost 1million new molecules encoded or hidden within all that microbial dark matter.

🔒Meta gets EU complaints from 11 countries over use of personal data to train AI

Meta rejected the criticism and referred to a May 22 blog in which it said it uses publicly available online and licensed information to train AI as well as information that people have shared publicly on its products and services.

🔍The Federal Trade Commission is investigating Microsoft-Inflection AI deal

The FTC has sent subpoenas to tech giant and startup, asking whether their partnership evaded the required government antitrust review of the transaction. Microsoft picked off Inflection’s specialized workforce of AI researchers but didn’t purchase the company outright.

Enjoying these daily updates, listen to our podcast at:

submitted by enoumen to u/enoumen [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:00 coinfeeds-bot Today's Top #1: Argentina Says Yes To Cardano

tldr; The Cardano Foundation has partnered with Entre Ríos, a province in Argentina, to advance blockchain adoption. This collaboration, signed by Governor Rogelio Frigerio and Cardano’s Rafael Fraga, aligns with Argentina's crypto-friendly initiatives under President Javier Milei. While specific projects are yet to be disclosed, the partnership could involve educational programs, developer ecosystem development, or government service pilots on the Cardano blockchain. This move could significantly boost Cardano's presence in Latin America and potentially increase the value of its native token, ADA.
*This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.
submitted by coinfeeds-bot to u/coinfeeds-bot [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:59 BLOATED_Meat_Stick 24.4.1 Macbook Performance Thread (Hard Pukers Only)

(High Cranial Volume Pr and AE Hybrid Users ONLY)
I still can't get AE to perform well on my M2 Macbook Pro running Sonoma 14.0 and AE 24.3. 32 GBs RAM — so obviously that's going to be immediate the culprit, but I do suspect that I could do pretty much anything I wanted on this computer if I could just optimize it correctly. That's what this thread is about. I know there are a million threads like this one but hopefully we can dig up some new dirt. I haven't really written about Sonoma but what I've read seems to indicate a lot of people have had issues. I'm not an OS guy I get enough of a headache with the shit I care about. Not sure if downgrading is possible. Maybe I upgrade my RAM (whoops hee hee nvm forgot i was on an apple computer).
You can stop reading there, because the rest of this is schizo nonsense. I've sobered up and I can't say that any mother would accept a child this ugly. But I'm also getting giddy at the thought of crossposting to editors and seeing what the Avid Professionals Working On Big Serious Productions With Budgets That Totally Won't Disappear in the Next 20 Years have to tell me about making some dough in exchange for the sweet intoxication of art. I also did a better job of listing my issues in my follow up comment
**Intro Apology**
**I've bolded out the sections with the mostly important shit:** I would take extra care to avoid anything that's been italicized because it is some of the most craven text ever set to paper. As if! I can't even use metaphors anymore. Will the graphic designers starve without their paper (why is it always either minimalism or hyper realism? I like texture too but not everything has to be made out of everything, or not made out of anything at all! Nature Without Ecology.)
This is just me typing and never stopping. For some reason. Well, it's no mystery. I'm avoiding anything that even resembles productivity.
I've already wasted time just stream of concussing every intrusive thought, so why would I waste more time reformatting and trimming the fat? Bahahaha I hope you like lamb. If I put forward attention to giving you direct information that effectively communicates an idea, I might just achieve nirvana. Like if I hyperfixate when I'm shitposting, then I am just going to realize the World-Spirit in-itself trying to abide by the laws of rhetorics. Let me tell you, the laws of rhetoric certainly don't make you any less schizo. How do you think we got here?
But that's the future the fucking tech bros made. And it's fucking awesome. Can't wait to be animating using my Rule 34 Paper Texture Parallax Datamosh VFX by AEAnabolics via telekinesis (is there a plugin for that?!??!)
So no I'm not going to make this thread easily accessible or interpretable because I really want anyone possessing any degree of intelligence to stay the fuck away (there are even intelligent people amidst the industry leaders, I once even met a film producer who knew how to count through 12! In any case, if everyone under 30 could exit the room, us pedants, drop outs and philistines will congregate somewhere other than all and we'll be happy to update you later with a summary of our findings.
I do apologize for the wordvomit — I took my meds abt 30 mins before I had the brilliant idea to open up a silly little text box on reddit during my awesome Pomodoro break. I had to be off the ADHD goodies for a week for some sports stuff I was trying to do which needed my heart at optimal function. Why did my doc just let me hop back on the same dose? I am emaciated from all this heavy lifting with my fingers.
Please though, don't dismiss this as pathological ravings. I am not sick, just an Adobe Creative Suite subscriber (somehow, five years later, I'm still on the student discount paying 30 bucks!!! Haha!!! Sticking it to the man!!!! Suckers!!!! Almost as bad as pouring thousands into software you don't own and can be shut out of for trumped up fraud charges if one of the cretins working at Adobe manages to actually check the accounts submitting all those pesky support tickets. Wait....)
So ya it's pretty simple: I was sunning my balls and cheating on five different women *holistically though* before taking my L-Carnitine to maximize the effects of my meth (don't worry I don't smoke it!), when I decided, yes, this Friday, with deadlines looming in the evening, I will nuke my morning by typing. and just not stopping. It's like stim sex, but literally no one is cumming. Wait, literally it's like stim sex.
Okay stop. I want you all to save the horniness for pitching to the Rule 34 Clients — the last to adopt AI in favor of authentic art and animation (bahahahhahaha I seriously do think *This whole AI thing, or at least its acceleration, can be put squarely at the feet of Gooners. They're horny and no human can create what will quench their thirst! Such a tragic condition. Like craving art that can speak to your soul. Ugh. Can't wait for Mister Horse to drop the Anime Waifu presets*.)
*(speaking of Misters, watch Mr. Rush Rush Client — who just needed this edit NOW — not even watch the video until Sunday. That rat fuck: maybe I don't have a social life huh? Maybe I don't want another shitty "underground" (as if such a thing exists anymore) rave on a Friday and a Hinge date on a Saturday?
Maybe genuine connection is dead and all some of us can love is the labor we put into our products. Or the efforts we put into our shitposts. Certainly the products themselves are far beyond loving.
Mr. Rush Rush: your 9-5 is shit and you are shit for thinking you are not a piece of shit because you force everyone to meet your fake timelines. We no longer cultivate produce, nor ideas, we just materialize urgency so the boss can larp as the boss and we can pretend society needs us to keep rhythm. It is the Master who needs the Master's Injunction. I like want to change the world man not reproduce it. I am barren.
Just let me work on Saturday. Asshole. It would have saved all of us from this post which was, of course, provoked by pure, unmediated anxiety — and absolute boredom.
*Fuck paper textures! Fuck any lower thirds that use paper textures. Shit is garbage. The elementary school audience went off to war — it's the latest Roblox minigame. So we're not even impressing anyone any more)*
Instantly — upon the epiphany that I don't owe people shit, even if they throw money at me, my brain ditched all ideals of productivity and decided it was time to write a fucking treatise on my experiences trying to optimize AE. Please do not mock me. I am an idiot. It's not worth countering snark with snark —because I can't even read. I am literally dictating this post to my iPhone and then having chatgpt re-write it. Also, I really hope some GPT or AI research tool digs up this thread. I'm sure they will wire only the relevant information to Mr. Prompter! He deserves the best. In fact he's the only one who deserves anything.
*If I was a GPT prompt I would be posing as a weird hermit who thinks he is the postmodern reincarnation of Plato. WELCOME to the republic ... of stupid — ruled under the auspices of the Kingdoms of Adobia, Resolve-ru, and Avidia (btw can we do what we did to Twitter to Avid? I just don't think it's a cool name. I'm not Avid anytime I have to use Avid. It doesn't have neurolink compatability and I can't do a million things very shitily. It just does like one thing very well. Who would ever ask for that?!?!?1*
For some reason I decided to pump up the snark to the max on this post — I hope that's okay. Maybe I want to write novels, not make videos. In any case, I promise you I'm not AI writing this. Unless ....
But at the end of the day I'm just trying to entertain myself instead of getting real work done — which I can't imagine is something a community of useless creatives would have trouble understanding. You couldn't do math good, and that's because you're lazy!!!
(Dan Ebberts if you're here I am sorry Father: but you are not a useless sack of shit motion designer, you're not making lower thirds for the Nelk Bros? You are the fucking Grand Wizard Abstract Quantum Mathematician my guy, the highest expression of the Enlightenment rationale, not a useless 2.5d animator — though I do secretly harbor a belief that all numbers are racist and you, as the Prophet of Numbers where they don't belong (computers) have a lot of reckoning to do. Guilt erotics won't get you out of this one — we don't want sorry we want solidarity!
**I'm half shitposting and half offering my own insight in exchange for yours.** I hope you don't read malice in my words. In any case I don't think myself a victim and I will be fine. Our world is about to turn nonsensical. The division of labor will collapse. Those who are both just intelligent enough to do dumb shit and lacking in morals will take everyone else's jobs. Technocracy of the morons! Somebody invite France too.
What's your intricate knowledge of a cavernous software versus my ability to write out prompts at 130 WPM? Basically, where you used to be able to get ahead with creative ingenuity you can now get ahead by typing fast. Good riddance lol. But if only we could get this piece of shit software to do everything I want it to do with not even a smidge of an attempt to optimize, pre-render, under smart principles?
But I'm hoping maybe we can have some conversations about the best practices to get this piece of shit software to work consistently. AE is so cool 90% of the time but it's like a girlfriend that's loyal to you 90% of the time. Now I'm not suggesting Adobe is cuckolding the VFX wannabes among us.^1 But I do want to say that there's a problem when your most random software that kind of just somehow works if you need how to cast a few voodoo spells and play around with different effects is literally un-professionizable. You can do amazing things in After Effects on just 16 GB of RAM (even 8 if you're willing to walk away from your computer for a fortnight for a few renders), which was so cool when I was getting started on the shitcans they hand out in college (I sound spoiled but you didn't spend the first year of your professional career on an outdated Mac Air desperately refreshing Google News for a stimulus check as literally everyone is jobless whilst you never even got a job to be jobless from. Like come on guys, if you got started in the 90s at least you have analog nostalgia and to anyone born after 95 you look like a wizard talking about chemicals and film crystals and shit. A Covid alumnus like me who graduated in 2019 doesn't get shit, and 2020 graduates didn't even get to bask in the delusion that they were ever the center of the world. I just pray UBI is installed before the robots take our land and our animals, because truly the new generation of digital creatives is going to feature some of the dumbest people to ever rank through society. Which is true in any era, but what's unique about ours is that young people are no longer angry, just cynical like they were in the 70s. Another round of hypernormalization.
**My Problem(s)
I need the experts here to just assume that I don't want to do things the right way. Every single person who has ever posted a query to Reddit, complex or one Google Search away, every single on of us cursed posters imagines that someone will waltz into their thread and provide an unheard of fix. Jesus take the wheel! I will provide more information on my specific issues, maybe even some idiosyncratic fixes I have found (Thank you Klutz GPT! But fuck you also.) but only if you show you're not going to snarkpost. Until then I will leave you to wade through the coagulated shit stew that is this post.
This is basically the situation with the people becoming editors and motion designers. Thanks Youtube. Thanks Twitch. You ruined Cinema more than capeshit did. Special shout out to the editors in the Philippines running their Macs through literal fruits Just as Mr. Jobs intended. (Don't worry, I'm from a country that is actually dogshit, the Philipines is beautiful and extraordinarily culturally rich)
The Jungle people here to take our jobs! Why aren't we worried about them like we are AI? They can do literally any job. And they can do it poorly. Literally exactly like AI, but no one getting their underwear in a twist when they're browsing the World section on Upwrok.
Don't get me started on what the Ruskiys are doing. You've seen Russian social media, but do you understand what Russian creatives are doing? Absolutely nothing, because Russian creatives don't exist. At best they can reform and reclaim their Orthodoxy in Siberia before coming back to St. Petersburg and writing some of the greatest novels known to man (which some of the absolute most dogshit interpretations and translations ever produced of any Western texts that are even close to the Canon)
Anyway, people like me are going to be around more and more. It's me you're going to be responding "CC Marvel Effect huahua" while the Gen Alpha nicotine tweaker blows clouds into your PC's air vents. Cloud bitch! You're fucked, because the anxiety from vaping makes him lazy as fuck. We are going to starve all because these fuckers got into too much of a dopamine deficit huffing shit with 5x the nicotine of cigs. If you think we're gonna take your jobs now, just wait until I grow my third arm. I will take your job. And when I grow my third cock, I will take your wife.
**I am a "creative director", that's how I market myself at least. I work in a lot of industries, make a shit ton of ads, but I think of myself primarily as a (documentary) filmmaker and editor (at this point it may be a formality and nostalgia because people just want reels and I like money).
I began packaging documentary projects with commercial packages, so the idea has been to first tell someone I'll make a doc for them, but along the way I can use the extra edits and unused interviews or just any of the millions of unused bits of a documentary/reality project and recycle it into ads.** You wouldn't believe how well this works on someone with a little bit of ego and a little bit of money. Netflix really convinced the chuds that their life is like a documentary lol. It's okay, not everyone can monetize their passion, or have it ripped out of their hands to transform itself from quasi art (or something challenging art) to a glorified mouthpiece for mediocre wannabes and has-beens. Bring back the Birth of the Nation or that movie about the Nazi architecture, Will, Will, what was it called? Anyway, I really thought I was going to make shit about dictators or like some genuinely awful people. Instead I got all of the delusion and none of the murder, just a bunch of whining about Instagram follower counts and the "blacklist" (I really wish they'd post a sign up, because I don't want to be seen. For real.)**
** I won't claim expertise as a motion designer. And for the sake of all that is holy you can and should call me a highfalutin dilettante with talent to produce nothing except derivative drivel (I mean, I I told you I worked in documentary right?). **
**But please, please, just assume that I may just not *want* to do things the right way.** ^@
**I know I should label and rename my files. But we're way beyond that, I have become one with Solid 1, to Solid 1 + N. I am going to get last in my comps and no I'm not going to Shy anything because I am an ALPHA! (Seriously though if you are a talentless unorganized adhd piece of shit editor and wannabe filmmaker like me, there's a plugin called Declutter which will automatically sort your project: it offers decent customization that could be helpful if you are just torpedoing a bunch of Linked Comps into AE like we're in the Pacific Theater. But with this magic hack, all those dismembered and charred bits of corpse gets insta sorted into the proper bin! And now your project panel doesn't look like shit and you can screen record while you troubleshoot some issues with an Adobe representative without feeling embarrassed. (maybe if he see it, we can get some sorting function that automatically puts comps in a specific folder (or files of any type into a pre-ordained folder, either in Pr or Ae would be cool. It's not like there are a million plugins that do the exact same shit. I'd rather anime ai waifu available at the click of a button though. What will the Gooners' do if we ever dare stop production?!?1
**Every problem I have had could be improved or entirely eliminated with a proper workflow solution. I am like really painfully aware of that. **
**I have shat blood figuring out how to make Pr Pro work consistently. That's my main app yo. I've genuinly poured hours into unlearning and relearning how to do things. I hope I can like put together an advanced guide some day. But like what's the point if the client who thinks he wants an editor actually wants to see his name and his logo animated in 10 different ways? And you know, I used to be content to produce that auto shit. But the more I animate, the more keyframes I ease (if you tell me you can ease in Pr I am going to smack the shit out of you unless it's to reccomend this
Frankly, AE is such a shitshow. It's old as fuck in a way that none of the other major apps are. Like Photoshop feels stuck in the 90s in the same way but at least its code isn't fucked beyond belief and it's relatively easy to diagnose problems (maybe you need to put more thought into performance for something that generates 24 images a second, but who knows? Not Adobe. Btw, wtf is up with caches in PS? Why are they so fucking greedy for all my data. Fuck you I want space and to have you open in the background. Seriously PS is old and I feel like no one points it out because you can just use Illustrator but fuck that I can't draw mfer)**
**I am going to be spending the next three weeks making animations for about 50 reels, to pair with some other branding deliverables for Youtube and the client's website. It's a huge project and one that I scored by advertising a diverse skill set (I apologize to the specialists but we're all going to have to adjust to foreigners in our lands — if you're American this should sound like a founding ideal more than a problem).
Or so I get the job done: don't get me wrong I cringe when people come in here and ask about making AE faster and it's clear they know nothing and didn't even bother to Google. I have Googled and spent a lot of frustrating hours trying to make shit work that just didn't work.**
Ultimately, if I don't slap on effects until I have the bulk of my animation rendered, and avoid working in 3d for no reason and tread carefully when I do, then I should be good.
But I love the 3D camera. As a filmmaker it's probably my favorite tool in AE because there's actually somewhat transferable skills or a demand for vision (and when Pr's shitty AI takes off and filmmaking becomes glorified prompt writing everyone is going to stop asking for real cameras anyway so might as well accept my fate right now and bin my C70 next to all of the piece of shit analog cameras no one uses anymore and just buy as many 3d camera plugins and softwares as I can, right? Right?! Hello Cinema 4D 8) ). Parallax is fucking awesome bro. I want to receive joy when I work, so ya I'll throw on deep glow and SS3. Am I a terrible person? Probably. I just want you to know, before you offer me solutions, that I want to have my cake and eat it too and frankly I am going to give you snark if you solve one problem but create another.
(for some reason) continued in the comments. Tbh the comment is more useful than this post. I'm just having a bad day guys and retreating into words to escape my problems.
submitted by BLOATED_Meat_Stick to AfterEffects [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:58 cloutfarmerr Coinbase API Authentication Error - 401 Unauthorized

I'm having a frustrating issue with an authentication error when trying to access the Coinbase API. My friend and I are using the exact same code and API keys, line for line, and it works perfectly for him. We are both on Windows, so I don't think it's an OS-related issue.
Here's the setup:
This is what I'm getting
Response status: 401 Response reason: Unauthorized Raw response data: Unauthorized
I've verified that the key_name, key_secret, and service_name are correct. The JWT token generation and API requests are identical to my friend's setup. Yet, I consistently get a 401 Unauthorized error, while my friend does not.
Things I've Checked:
submitted by cloutfarmerr to CoinBase [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:57 Itchy_Bluejay4463 AITA for thinking about dropping out of my bestie’s Quince Court?

1, (15 F) was invited to be a part of my friend (15 F, we will kill her K)'s quince court, and happily accepted. if you dk, quinceañera is a huge birthday party that many Hispanic girls have when they turn 15, celebrating their coming of age. The quince court is made up of the birthday girl’s closest friends, who learn multiple dance routines to perform at the party. Naturally, dance routines and choreography require lots of practice. Our court includes me, K, and 14 of our closest friends. I knew there would be drama when I signed up for the court because multiple people involved don’t get along, and K is often involved in drama outside of this group. However, I agreed because we’ve been friends since elementary school. So far, we’ve only had two practices. It’s summer, and the party is still months away. Most people have attended at least one of the practices, if not both, but a few have missed due to prior commitments or family emergencies. K is struggling to find dates that work for everyone. Several of us have told her it will be hard to find dates that fit everyone’s schedule and that we can try practicing without our partners since we all dance with partners. Multiple members have offered advice, such as practicing at home with a video or practicing without our partners. We’ve also suggested practicing earlier in the morning, later in the afternoon, or on weekdays instead of weekends. We understand that people have jobs, but most teenagers don’t work all day. K has rejected these ideas, making it extremely difficult for everyone. There’s a couple in our group chat, R and J, who escalate problems by name-calling, picking fights, and making a big deal out of simple conversations. It feels like they enjoy causing problems and making the drama worse. Usually, we suggest a date, a few people can’t make it, and then K makes snide comments about how we need to “tell our mommies and daddies” to clear our schedules. K doesn’t have strict parents, unlike several others in the group, and often makes disparaging remarks about us not being available every day. K insists we should prioritize practice over family obligations, which many of us simply can’t do. We are teenagers, not adults, and can’t make decisions without our parents’ permission. We are trying our best, but it seems to go unnoticed. Once, K even said she doesn’t care if our grandfather is dying; she expects us to show up to her practice and forget our priorities because it’s her day and it needs to be perfect. R and J will then name-call those who are unavailable, complain about others’ suggestions for different practice times, and play the victim when told to stop. Ironically, R doesn’t even like K and once spent an hour at a sleepover badmouthing her. J doesn’t like anyone in our friend group, yet he still hangs out with us and causes drama, leading to problems with his girlfriend, R, who we’ve been friends with for years. This behavior overwhelms K, who then stops communicating for several days and expects us to show up without giving us details. Other people cause problems on the group chat as well, but it’s mostly these three. Many of us have complained outside the group chat about the constant drama, fights, and rude attitudes. Some have even compared K to a bridezilla. I understand K’s frustration and know how important this is to her, but her rudeness, including giving friends the silent treatment for weeks, is problematic. She has always been a problematic person, but it’s never been this bad. She complains about the lack of communication in the group chat, yet she rarely texts there herself. This hypocritical behavior led one of my best friends, O, to drop out of the court because the stress and fighting have strained her friendship with R. R and J have a toxic relationship, and the longer they date, the ruder and more problematic R becomes. This has caused drama within the friend group, except for a small group of four of us. The quinceañera planning is adding to the drama, pushing O and R apart, and causing friction among several others. At this point, there’s more drama than necessary. K is not communicating properly and is blaming us, and nothing is getting done. It feels too stressful and like a waste of time. I want to drop out, but I don’t want K to be mad at me since I made a commitment. I love my friends, but I don’t know if I can keep this up.So, AITA for wanting to drop out?
submitted by Itchy_Bluejay4463 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:57 Itchy_Bluejay4463 AITA for thinking about dropping out of my bestie’s Quince Court?

1, (15 F) was invited to be a part of my friend (15 F, we will kill her K)'s quince court, and happily accepted. if you dk, quinceañera is a huge birthday party that many Hispanic girls have when they turn 15, celebrating their coming of age. The quince court is made up of the birthday girl’s closest friends, who learn multiple dance routines to perform at the party. Naturally, dance routines and choreography require lots of practice. Our court includes me, K, and 14 of our closest friends. I knew there would be drama when I signed up for the court because multiple people involved don’t get along, and K is often involved in drama outside of this group. However, I agreed because we’ve been friends since elementary school. So far, we’ve only had two practices. It’s summer, and the party is still months away. Most people have attended at least one of the practices, if not both, but a few have missed due to prior commitments or family emergencies. K is struggling to find dates that work for everyone. Several of us have told her it will be hard to find dates that fit everyone’s schedule and that we can try practicing without our partners since we all dance with partners. Multiple members have offered advice, such as practicing at home with a video or practicing without our partners. We’ve also suggested practicing earlier in the morning, later in the afternoon, or on weekdays instead of weekends. We understand that people have jobs, but most teenagers don’t work all day. K has rejected these ideas, making it extremely difficult for everyone. There’s a couple in our group chat, R and J, who escalate problems by name-calling, picking fights, and making a big deal out of simple conversations. It feels like they enjoy causing problems and making the drama worse. Usually, we suggest a date, a few people can’t make it, and then K makes snide comments about how we need to “tell our mommies and daddies” to clear our schedules. K doesn’t have strict parents, unlike several others in the group, and often makes disparaging remarks about us not being available every day. K insists we should prioritize practice over family obligations, which many of us simply can’t do. We are teenagers, not adults, and can’t make decisions without our parents’ permission. We are trying our best, but it seems to go unnoticed. Once, K even said she doesn’t care if our grandfather is dying; she expects us to show up to her practice and forget our priorities because it’s her day and it needs to be perfect. R and J will then name-call those who are unavailable, complain about others’ suggestions for different practice times, and play the victim when told to stop. Ironically, R doesn’t even like K and once spent an hour at a sleepover badmouthing her. J doesn’t like anyone in our friend group, yet he still hangs out with us and causes drama, leading to problems with his girlfriend, R, who we’ve been friends with for years. This behavior overwhelms K, who then stops communicating for several days and expects us to show up without giving us details. Other people cause problems on the group chat as well, but it’s mostly these three. Many of us have complained outside the group chat about the constant drama, fights, and rude attitudes. Some have even compared K to a bridezilla. I understand K’s frustration and know how important this is to her, but her rudeness, including giving friends the silent treatment for weeks, is problematic. She has always been a problematic person, but it’s never been this bad. She complains about the lack of communication in the group chat, yet she rarely texts there herself. This hypocritical behavior led one of my best friends, O, to drop out of the court because the stress and fighting have strained her friendship with R. R and J have a toxic relationship, and the longer they date, the ruder and more problematic R becomes. This has caused drama within the friend group, except for a small group of four of us. The quinceañera planning is adding to the drama, pushing O and R apart, and causing friction among several others. At this point, there’s more drama than necessary. K is not communicating properly and is blaming us, and nothing is getting done. It feels too stressful and like a waste of time. I want to drop out, but I don’t want K to be mad at me since I made a commitment. I love my friends, but I don’t know if I can keep this up.So, AITA for wanting to drop out?
submitted by Itchy_Bluejay4463 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:56 NatGoSplat Looking for a partner for normal roleplay!

My name is Aydan and I’m looking for a partner to role play with. If I do not respond, it’s probably because I’m studying since I have exams. I’m running off London time. I’m 18 years old!
Please use correct grammar, for example ‘u’ or ‘yh’
I don’t mind if you’re really detailed with your replies or not, but don’t be too vague and dry!
We don’t have to do one roleplay for long term.
The stories can be absurd, I don’t really mind (to a certain extent lol).
Before we begin to roleplay overall tell me about your character! I don’t mind at all if you would like to speak in 3rd or 1st person. But please, stick to one perspective and one tense. Don’t be afraid to ask if you can put a new idea into our roleplay!! :)
Reply in the comments or DM me if you’re interested!!
Discord: a_snttt
submitted by NatGoSplat to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:55 MissShayla Landlord didn't pay the electric bill and I already paid her rent.

We paid rent on the fifth of this month, two days ago. Our upstairs neighbor did as well. All utilities and wifi are included. Nothing is in our names except the lease agreement. But our landlord went dark and now both levels were set for disconnection on Monday at 8am. Upstairs bit the bullet and paid their level and as much of ours as possible. But there's still $72.80 left on ours and the disconnection will still happen if not paid in full. Neither household knew she hadn't paid the bill in two months.
We're set to fully move on July 1st. I'm leaving tomorrow with a ride to a new city. I have a new job lined up, but it doesn't start until the 17th. My husband is staying back to finish packing and take care of our four cats and two dogs. I'm staying with my dad and the new place will be available on July 1st. And I just had a used e-bike delivered to my dad's place so I can get around and leave my husband with the truck. We can pack fast, but my dad has roommates. And understandably, he doesn't want six random animals showing up.
We're asking for $75 via CashApp. I know they'll take a dollar or two for the transfer, hence the extra few bucks.
submitted by MissShayla to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:54 RCAXio Kid Shroom (499/$4.99) - Avatar Released!

Name: Kid Shroom
By: u/ZukoBih
Supply: 499
Price: $4.99
Secondary Market:
Direct Link:
Discord Avatar Marketplace Random Avatar Swap
submitted by RCAXio to avatartrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:54 djdoug 40 [M4F] #Chicago - Looking for someone to see the world with and to hopefully come home to

Hi there,
My name is Doug I am a flight attendant and looking for someone that could be forever. Someone that wants to travel the world with me and that wants me to be their person.
A little about me. I am a flight attendant that loves to travel (Obviously my job kinda requires it). I also love thrills. I love riding roller coasters and have ridden over 400. Hopefully someday I’ll get that number up a little more. I also love thrills and adventures. I want to get back into skydiving but that might be something in the future. I also enjoy just curled up in bed watching movies or playing video games. I got a switch a while back now and have started to use it more. I am not too picky when it comes to food and love spicy food. You dont have to like spicy food and I can make plenty of things that are not.
Now for the baggage. We all come with it so I might as well throw it out there. I am divorced and have a kid. My wife and I got divorced last year after a while of me trying to save the marriage (even though she had the affair). We have an 8 year old daughter (9 in a few months) and we share custody of her. So I’ll also point out that I am NOT looking for someone to be my daughter’s new mother. She has a mother and I would never take that away from her. I am looking for a partner for me. Now obviously eventually when I introduce a new partner to my daughter I would absolutely hope that my new partner and her can be friends. The other three pieces of baggage are that 1. I am fixed so I cant give you any children, 2. I dont know that I am up for marriage again. With all the crap that my ex wife put me through I find it hard to think about ever puttin myself in that position again. While I say that I do realize that its still a possibility and I might change my mind but I might not I guess if I found the right woman maybe. And 3 the hardest pill to swallow. I am stuck in roselle, IL. In our divorce agreement in an effort to prevent my ex from just moving away and me having to follow my daughter I had it put in that both parties would reside in roselle IL unless both parties agreed to a move.
So after all that I am sure no one is reading this but on the off chance that you are thats great. I am hoping to find someone for a real relationship. Something that will be long term something that could be forever. I have done some thinking over the past few months and I am hoping to find someone that gets a smile on their face from a good morning text. Someone that also likes to text me good night and just genuinely wants to be my person. Being single sucks. Having the ability to travel the world for cheap/free is amazing but not having anyone to go with all the time sucks. Be my person and travel the world with me:)
I am going to add some pictures of me right here:) I really hope that you are out there reading this and I hope to hear from you Doug
PS. Please be 18 or older.
submitted by djdoug to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:54 Ok-Quality3823 I have no more enemies

I finished Vinland Saga (no ad) and it has changed my life forever. Prior I had a lot of hatred towards myself, my parents, school bullies, friends you name it. It felt like the entire world was against me. I got diagnosed with severe depression, isolated myself and cut myself a lot. In short I think many of you can relate to most things I mentioned. I just randomly stumbled on this show and binged through the entire thing in a week (highly recommend it to anyone). Story in comments: In short don’t care about what happens don’t care about what will be. Nothing really matters which means you can fuck up and move on. Alright thx for sticking through, ima hit the bed. ✌️
submitted by Ok-Quality3823 to selfharmteens [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:53 djdoug 40 [M4F] #Chicago - Looking for someone to see the world with and hopefully to come home to.

Hi there,
My name is Doug I am a flight attendant and looking for someone that could be forever. Someone that wants to travel the world with me and that wants me to be their person.
A little about me. I am a flight attendant that loves to travel (Obviously my job kinda requires it). I also love thrills. I love riding roller coasters and have ridden over 400. Hopefully someday I’ll get that number up a little more. I also love thrills and adventures. I want to get back into skydiving but that might be something in the future. I also enjoy just curled up in bed watching movies or playing video games. I got a switch a while back now and have started to use it more. I am not too picky when it comes to food and love spicy food. You dont have to like spicy food and I can make plenty of things that are not.
Now for the baggage. We all come with it so I might as well throw it out there. I am divorced and have a kid. I got divorced last year after a while of me trying to save it (even though she had the affair). We have an 8 year old daughter (9 in a few months) and we share custody of her. So I’ll also point out that I am NOT looking for someone to be my daughter’s new mother. She has a mother and I would never take that away from her. I am looking for a partner for me. Now obviously eventually when I introduce a new partner to my daughter I would absolutely hope that my new partner and her can be friends. The other three pieces of baggage are that 1. I am fixed so I cant give you any children, 2. I dont know that I am up to get hitched again. With all the crap that my ex put me through I find it hard to think about ever putting myself in that position again. While I say that I do realize that its still a possibility and I might change my mind but I might not I guess if I found the right woman maybe. And 3 the hardest pill to swallow. I am stuck in roselle, IL. In our divorce agreement in an effort to prevent my ex from just moving away and me having to follow my daughter I had it put in that both parties would reside in roselle IL unless both parties agreed to a move.
So after all that I am sure no one is reading this but on the off chance that you are thats great. I am hoping to find someone for a real relationship. Something that will be long term something that could be forever. I have done some thinking over the past few months and I am hoping to find someone that gets a smile on their face from a good morning text. Someone that also likes to text me good night and just genuinely wants to be my person. Being single sucks. Having the ability to travel the world for cheap/free is amazing but not having anyone to go with all the time sucks. Be my person and travel the world with me:)
I am going to add some pictures of me right here:) I really hope that you are out there reading this and I hope to hear from you Doug
PS. Please be 18 or older.
submitted by djdoug to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:50 P1tfalll I'm so tired of it

[Insert generic complaints about the meta here] But seriously, I'm so tired of facing the same reno control decks every single game I play, no matter the deck I run, the techs I put in, if I'm aggro or control myself, it is so tiring and completely takes away the fun of the game for me. I've been trying to push to legend for the first ever time, and I'm currently in diamond 8, but I just faced a reno priest that played 7 AMANTHULS from Puppetmaster Dorian and Gaslight gatekeeper, a randomly generated Tess Graymane, and 2 different Versions of zilliax 3 different times. I understand it's all part of the game and I'm sure this all seems a bit much, but oh my god does it get tiring putting out my 4th big board of the game to get 1 mana 1/1 amanthul'd into nonexistence again. I'm over it.
submitted by P1tfalll to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:49 jazzyjaguar4253 AITA for exposing my cheating ex boyfriend?

Hi all! Throwaway account and ages and names changed for privacy. I’m looking for any kind of advice, so please read! So about a week ago my ex boyfriend dumped me out of the blue over text and proceeded to block my number and every social media account. I can’t really go into the details about the exact reason, but it was essentially just a bunch of excuses and random problems that we had already fixed. Anyway, I didn’t contact him after this and just left it alone. I respected his decision and didn’t want to make it any harder for him to move on. He made it clear he didn’t want to hear from me. I started the process of coping with the break up, hanging with my girls and eating a ton of ice cream. About 3 days after the break up one of my friends felt it was time to tell me something. She sat me down and told me that the exact same day he broke up with me, she saw him out and about with “the girl I shouldn’t worry about.” I know we all have one of those. Obviously I was pissed and I found it hard to believe that he only started talking to her that same day. I had a hunch that he had been talking to her before he has broken up with me. I asked an inside source who had information from people close to him and here is what I found out. He told people that we broke up an entire week before we actually did. About a week before he dumped me, he told me he was going to bed at around 12-12:30 and texted me again at 3 am saying he woke up and had trouble sleeping. That entire time, he was at another girls house. I don’t know what happened between them and I honestly don’t want to. Knowing he went there was enough for me. Then I found out that I was right and he had been texting “the girl I didn’t have to worry about” 2-3 days before he dumped me. So, now to the part where I might be the asshole. After I found this out I was very angry and I made a social media post calling him out and letting my friends know what I had found out. I told the whole story and called him a cheater (we all have different opinions about cheating and to me, sneaking over to a girls house and texting an ex while you’re in a relationship falls into the cheating category). I wanted to expose what he did because he was trying to put the whole break up onto me and tell people everything was my fault. I didn’t think it was fair that he gets to keep his “nice guy” persona while I get painted as the bad one. I felt good about doing this and most of my friends supported me. However, there were a few people who felt like I should’ve just kept this to myself and not exposed him like I did. They didn’t think what he did was “that bad” and said I should’ve just let it go. So AITA for exposing him? Any advice is appreciated, because I’ve never really experienced this before and I would love to hear from anyone who has experienced something similar. Sorry for the wall of text, I appreciate anyone who read it.
submitted by jazzyjaguar4253 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:49 Weedy_McSpeedy Custom chapter help

Custom chapter help
Came back to Warhammer last year after a little 20 year break. Went space marines but didn't know enough about the lore or play styles to commit to a chapter. So decided to make my own. Now I haven't quite come up with a shoulder emblem, was thinking they could be a bit ambiguous. General back story is - most of the chapter were destroyed, and home planet overrun. But a small group were found having gone into hiding after having recovered and protected a STC. So they were granted to continue the chapter even though it had fallen to less than 100. Would this work to make sense in 40k lore? I want their linage to be ambitious, like maybe the gene seed mutated from hiding and they've forgotten information about the chapter symbol and name? Or they all kinda had battle shock from seeing their home world and chapter being over run and all but destroyed. (Or maybe they're not actually loyalists 👀) Would this work on having gene seed checked? But it's still unclear but they're allowed to carry on? Just a lot of questions tbh 😂 and I know it's like 'its you're chapter, you can do whatever you want' but I'd like to respect the lore if I could. A little more random info - they had to use rudimental camouflage in order to hide and survive (blue/black/grey) the last survivors where all granted terminator armour - that is fashioned in the camouflage as homage to those who survived. As a result the chapter now also utilities camouflage in its Phobos marines. (Having tempered with the original armour is also why there was no shoulder symbol on the last survivors found) So yeah. Anything to help steer me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Weedy_McSpeedy to spacemarines [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:49 Main-Divide8602 Unblocked after 10 months

Never been one to hit up Reddit for thoughts or opinions in regards to relationships but figured I’d float my situation out there just to see what people think
Was in a year long relationship that my ex-gf ended due to long distance. Aside from the distance it was a healthy relationship that was a lot fun and extremely passionate. After calling it quits we made small talk thru text for about a month until one night I randomly received a long goodbye and thank you for everything text that also explained that I was gonna be blocked so that we could both move on w/ our lives. Before I could even respond I was blocked both through my phone and IG.
Last night I was searching for my friend on IG whose name starts w/ the same letter as hers and noticed her name pop up in the search bar. Her profile is private but I was unblocked. Usually people say in this situation the person unblocks you because they’ve moved on but what makes this different is that I have a personal IG profile and a seperate business IG. She only unblocked my personal profile. The business profile is still blocked. I’m not even considering reaching out but found i it interesting that only my personal page is unblocked. Any thoughts?
submitted by Main-Divide8602 to dating [link] [comments]