Editing paragraphs 6th grade

[True PDF Available] Practical Management of Pain 6th Edition 2023 ISBN: 0323711014 English 1503 pages True PDF 88 MB

2024.04.28 22:05 OU7UD [True PDF Available] Practical Management of Pain 6th Edition 2023 ISBN: 0323711014 English 1503 pages True PDF 88 MB

[True PDF Available] Practical Management of Pain 6th Edition 2023 ISBN: 0323711014 English 1503 pages True PDF 88 MB
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2024.04.28 22:02 OU7UD [True PDF Available] Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 6th Edition 2023 ISBN: 0323756085 English 2354 pages True PDF 108 MB

[True PDF Available] Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 6th Edition 2023 ISBN: 0323756085 English 2354 pages True PDF 108 MB
Contact Me Her If interested
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2024.04.28 21:58 in_utero1999 I love my best friend

There's not an actual context, I just wanted to say that I love my best friend with all my heart. Not in a romantic way of course because he has a girlfriend and I'm not attracted to boys, but I'm really glad we knew each other. He's a really nice guy and he always supports me and makes me laugh, he's such a sensible boy and I really hate seeing him sad. I knew him since 6th grade and we got along really well just in few days. He's been through a lot and I feel so bad for not knowing what to do at the first place, but I hope things will get better for him. If he reads this post, I just want him to know that I care for him like no one else would and that he's the best guy I've ever met :)
submitted by in_utero1999 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:45 ddgr815 Your Guide to Understanding the Library in Every School Bills - 313Reads

Your Guide to Understanding the Library in Every School Bills - 313Reads
This month there has been a lot of movement around recently introduced bills advocating for libraries and librarians in all Michigan schools. Our Michigan Education Policy Fellow, Joy Lyman, attended and testified at the recent Senate hearing on the bills. Here’s what you need to know:
  • Libraries have been disappearing from Michigan schools over the last two decades. The Great Recession (2007-2009) caused many schools to cut library budgets, and they never recovered. Only 8% of Michigan schools have a full time librarian on staff, and there is a significant equity gap, which means that non-white and non-Hispanic students are less likely to have access to a certified school librarian. In Michigan, there are no reporting requirements regarding school libraries, so it is hard to understand exactly what schools have a library or librarian on staff. There is a significant lack of libraries and librarians in both DPSCD and public charter schools in Detroit, although schools like UPrep are using staff and student based efforts to bring school libraries back to the community.
  • The bills would require all Michigan public schools to have a library by the 2025-26 school year. The library must be in its own space and must be staffed by a certified librarian (or when one is not present, by other school personnel).
  • The bills would require all Michigan schools to have a librarian on staff who is either certified or in the process of obtaining certification through a credentialed institution. Smaller schools would be able to make this a part-time position, while larger schools would require multiple librarians, creating more equitable staffing requirements.
  • The bills do not guarantee funding for school libraries and this is problematic. The Michigan Senate passed a budget recommendation that allocated $25 million to Michigan school libraries, but according to a recent analysis, the cost of enacting these bills could be up to $403.7 million for districts across the state. The issue of funding is an equity issue because the smallest schools and districts will be disproportionately burdened in implementing the new laws, if they pass. These schools will have the highest financial needs in creating the infrastructure needed to be in compliance with the law.
  • Libraries are a part of a larger literacy issue in Michigan. Michigan ranks 46th in the country in school library staffing. As of the 2022 National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP), Michigan ranked 43rd in the nation for fourth grade reading scores. Michigan’s ranking is even lower for Black/African American 4th grade students, demonstrating continued inequities in our education system. Libraries are an essential part of the school and community ecosystem, and ensuring that our students have access to libraries and librarians is one way we can try to change this data for the better for our students.
313Reads supports the idea of all schools having school libraries staffed by a certified school librarian, but wants to see these bills revised to include language that addresses equity issues- specifically around providing funding for districts who do not have the infrastructure or staff to be in compliance with these requirements. Many schools in our community don’t have the space for a library, don’t have a certified librarian currently on staff, and don’t have the budget to quickly adapt to the new legislation. We hope that the Senate and House will consider amending the language of the bills to account for funding equity, and we encourage our community to push their lawmakers to consider this, as well. If you’re interested in supporting these bills to move forward, consider adding your signature here. Now that the Senate has had a hearing on the bills, they may pass them with some changes. You can read the bills or even suggest changes to them if you’d like to get more involved.
submitted by ddgr815 to Detroit [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:42 Silver-Springs24 Could my mother be a narcissist? Help/advice needed

Hi all, I really need advice about a situation that's currently tearing my already broken family apart. We think my mum might be a narcissist (or just extremely emotionally avoidant), and I need help navigating this. If any of this is confusing/unclear, apologies in advance and I'll try to clarify in comments.
Mum: 60sF, divorced for 20yrs
Sister: 34F, lives near mum
Nephew: 4M, goes between sister and sis's STB ex-husband
My: 32M, lives a few hours drive away
Mum and sister's relationship has always been strained. I was/am the golden child, but was very quiet/in my own head/introverted growing up, so this didn't register until later. But I remember sister (16 at the time) crying to a friend saying "why is she so horrible to me". She moved out briefly after this, but moved in a few weeks later. There were other instances; the problems aren't new.
My sister split up with her STBX last year. They'd been having issues for ~2 years, but it had been quiet so I'd assumed it was fixed. Mum kept saying it was "very soon" and expressed doubt at the decision, despite sister becoming bolder, more confident, etc. Sister and ex co-parent, the arrangement was a bit awkward but actually got better when sister told ex about the mum problems (they were together for 12 years, ex knows what mum's like).
Sister has since met a lovely new partner. She says that she feels happy, like she can take on the world, and that she has no regrets about the split. Mum has refused to get on board with this. Example: sister hosted a dinner for the 4 of us where mum asked new partner a total of 3 questions, otherwise talked about nonsense/irrelevant people. Before we went on a family hol in December, mum was being cagey/short with sister, saying things like "you don't hear what I have to say". Mum apologised once sister threatened to travel separately, and we thought things were better.
It all blew up before new year's. Sister was going with new partner on a break for NYE, with nephew staying with mum. Mum launched at sister, saying "you were dishonest to me about the new partner (sister kept it quiet because she knew it was soon after the split, but it felt right to her), you send nephew to school in dirty clothes (there was a bit of dirt on a jumper) and I'm embarrassed to take him, you're swanning off on holiday and abandoning your son".
Obviously this has hugely upset sister (who's an amazing and caring mum). She said she thinks about it every day, and feels like there's a storm cloud over her every time mum's with her. Mum has since pretended this never happened. This weekend, mum accused sister of "excluding her" but refused to talk to sister and walked off. Sister is now looking at reducing mum's babysitting time (freely offered by mum) because she doesn't want mum weaponising free childcare (mum made pointed comments about childcare when I was in the room).
The situation is awful, and not going to get any better. The problematic behaviours mum presents can be summarised as:
I'm trying to work out what mum's motivators are, and what mental gymnastics she's used to make herself the hurt party in all of this. I said some heated words to her, trying to say that she was in the wrong, but she's not brought it up again. This might be because she knows she's in the wrong and doesn't like that I'm not on her side. She did accuse sister of making people take sides (which she absolutely did not. She told me what was happening and drew my own conclusions).
I really need some advice on how to handle this. Dad doesn't want to get involved (v emotionally avoidant), aunt (mum's sister, a few years older) tries to keep the peace, even though mum's horrible to her too. Our parent's emotional misgivings have been handed to us to sort out and I'm increasingly annoyed at this, but also worried for my sister (who feels ill when she has to see mum). Though she's starting to set up boundaries, it's v difficult for her as neither of us are good at confrontation (mum was always domineering and not easy to speak up to).
Do I need to confront mum further? Do I need to tell her to see a therapist if she wants to sort out this situation? Any advice/reflections would be very welcome. Thank you.
EDIT: Thought of some specific examples of her past behaviour.
submitted by Silver-Springs24 to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:41 Accomplished_Bite220 Looking for formula to evenly divide a number across 4 fields

I run a kids field day and every year we manually create a schedule based on the number of teams that have registered pre grade and gender. Ideally, I'd like to automate this portion but I can't seem to figure out a formula that we give me the results I'm looking for. I attached an example of what I'm looking for - this is what we now create manually.
There are a maximum of 32 teams in any given category (just noticed there's an error with 33 in my screenshot) and we try to distribute the team across the 8 lanes over a maximum of 4 heats. In other words, if there are 18 teams, we'd spread that over 3 heats of 6 rather than two heats of 8 teams and one of 2 teams
Any help is appreciated.
Example sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S8eY0nVo9ZczUWeNPHQGD6VG76fQ36UHleje9xkUL24/edit#gid=953131243
submitted by Accomplished_Bite220 to googlesheets [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:40 Silver-Springs24 Could my mother be a narcissist? Help/advice needed

Hi all, I really need advice about a situation that's currently tearing my already broken family apart. We think my mum might be a narcissist (or just extremely emotionally avoidant), and I need help navigating this. If any of this is confusing/unclear, apologies in advance and I'll try to clarify in comments.
Mum: 60sF, divorced for 20yrs
Sister: 34F, lives near mum
Nephew: 4M, goes between sister and sis's STB ex-husband
My: 32M, lives a few hours drive away
Mum and sister's relationship has always been strained. I was/am the golden child, but was very quiet/in my own head/introverted growing up, so this didn't register until later. But I remember sister (16 at the time) crying to a friend saying "why is she so horrible to me". She moved out briefly after this, but moved in a few weeks later. There were other instances; the problems aren't new.
My sister split up with her STBX last year. They'd been having issues for ~2 years, but it had been quiet so I'd assumed it was fixed. Mum kept saying it was "very soon" and expressed doubt at the decision, despite sister becoming bolder, more confident, etc. Sister and ex co-parent, the arrangement was a bit awkward but actually got better when sister told ex about the mum problems (they were together for 12 years, ex knows what mum's like).
Sister has since met a lovely new partner. She says that she feels happy, like she can take on the world, and that she has no regrets about the split. Mum has refused to get on board with this. Example: sister hosted a dinner for the 4 of us where mum asked new partner a total of 3 questions, otherwise talked about nonsense/irrelevant people. Before we went on a family hol in December, mum was being cagey/short with sister, saying things like "you don't hear what I have to say". Mum apologised once sister threatened to travel separately, and we thought things were better.
It all blew up before new year's. Sister was going with new partner on a break for NYE, with nephew staying with mum. Mum launched at sister, saying "you were dishonest to me about the new partner (sister kept it quiet because she knew it was soon after the split, but it felt right to her), you send nephew to school in dirty clothes (there was a bit of dirt on a jumper) and I'm embarrassed to take him, you're swanning off on holiday and abandoning your son".
Obviously this has hugely upset sister (who's an amazing and caring mum). She said she thinks about it every day, and feels like there's a storm cloud over her every time mum's with her. Mum has since pretended this never happened. This weekend, mum accused sister of "excluding her" but refused to talk to sister and walked off. Sister is now looking at reducing mum's babysitting time (freely offered by mum) because she doesn't want mum weaponising free childcare (mum made pointed comments about childcare when I was in the room).
The situation is awful, and not going to get any better. The problematic behaviours mum presents can be summarised as:
I'm trying to work out what mum's motivators are, and what mental gymnastics she's used to make herself the hurt party in all of this. I said some heated words to her, trying to say that she was in the wrong, but she's not brought it up again. This might be because she knows she's in the wrong and doesn't like that I'm not on her side. She did accuse sister of making people take sides (which she absolutely did not. She told me what was happening and drew my own conclusions).
I really need some advice on how to handle this. Dad doesn't want to get involved (v emotionally avoidant), aunt (mum's sister, a few years older) tries to keep the peace, even though mum's horrible to her too. Our parent's emotional misgivings have been handed to us to sort out and I'm increasingly annoyed at this, but also worried for my sister (who feels ill when she has to see mum). Though she's starting to set up boundaries, it's v difficult for her as neither of us are good at confrontation (mum was always domineering and not easy to speak up to).
Do I need to confront mum further? Do I need to tell her to see a therapist if she wants to sort out this situation? Any advice/reflections would be very welcome. Thank you.
EDIT: Thought of some specific examples of her past behaviour.
submitted by Silver-Springs24 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:40 OU7UD [True PDF Available] Taylor and Hoyt's Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 6th Edition 2022 English 0702082988 True PDF 1154 pages 496 MB

[True PDF Available] Taylor and Hoyt's Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 6th Edition 2022 English 0702082988 True PDF 1154 pages 496 MB
Contact Me Her If interested
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2024.04.28 21:29 cdaigot22shotz Ballin since the 6th grade earrings was so big you couldn’t see my damn face 😤

Ballin since the 6th grade earrings was so big you couldn’t see my damn face 😤 submitted by cdaigot22shotz to ChiefKeef [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:28 Nyx288 When you can finally get back at your ex best friend

Hi everyone so this is a really petty story from middle school I’m in my 3 year of high school right now.
So anyway when I was in middle school I had this two girls that were my best friends we‘ll call them Abby and Martha and we would mostly walk around the campus talking or sit at the lunch tables drawing but starting 5th grade they would start to ignore me and not answer any of my questions. But is was fine cause naive me still thought we were all friends but one day in 6th grade a few weeks before my birth day they said they had a surprise for me for my birthday but there was also some bad news and I would have to wait for them to tell me that night on discord. So there I was 6th grade me waiting for the text when I get it they said “do you want the good news are the bad news first” I said bad news first cause how bad could it be. It was bad they sent a whole ass list on why they thought I was a ”fake friend” non of them were true. They said I was homophobic which is funny cause I’m gay, they said I was racist which I’m not that either I have plenty of friends that are black, they also said that don’t care about them and never helped them when they were sad which is also wrong because one of them, Martha she said to never say are you ok to her so she doesn’t cry more and I said ok, Another one was I could never remember there birthdays bitch I could hardy remember my own birthday, either way I could keep going but I don’t want to make this to long. So that happened and what was even worse is that they added my enemy to the chat she hated me cause she thought I was trying to steal her man! It took me a whole day to process what happened and that was my first break in this story as there are many more to come. Now fast forward to my birthday I invited Martha and Abby to my party cause why not, only Martha came and two friends from my karate class. Everything was fine until, Abby messaged martha asking were she was martha said at my house Abby freaked out and called Martha a fake bitch and did message Martha for the rest of my party.
Fast forward to my 7th grade year I was still friends with Martha and I made some new friends that I hanged out with but it didn’t last long as It all started during the elections for student council half of my friend group wanted person1 to win while the other half wanted person 2 to win I didn’t know who to pick so I became my own person. But you know who keep switching sides and spending false rumors it was non other then Martha she was causing drama on the second month of school like girl. That was the first crake the second one was when martha and two other people from my friend group but egg into person 2’s soup (one of the girls from the election drama) It didn’t end well and our little group split into two groups the gossip group and the non gossip group the one I’m in along with Martha and two other girls (minded that there were 7 of use). Then Martha and one girl we will call her Stanley girl, they moved over to the gossip group cause they got into a fight with another girl in my group. And of course Martha caused a lot of drama in the gossip group and he ended up only having one friend by the end of the year who was the Stanley girl. Of course Martha got some karma in 7th grade like getting in trouble for fat shaming a diabetic kid or when the girls did like a group therapy and when I was talking about the 6th grade incident she started to cry, fake tears to cause I was ranting and calling her out on it. She always cries when shes in trouble and tries to get out of the situations and get the attention on her which worked all the way up till our 8th graduation.
When you graduate from 8th grade at my middle school you would right a three or more paragraph speech talking about your time at the school this is were my pettiness comes in. The speeches are basically thanking the school and remembering the funny moments, so what I did was talk about good things and bad things of every year, my school was kindergarten all the way till 8th grade. So you can imagine the look on Martha’s face when I basically talked shit about her in front of the whole school. It was priceless and I was the last speech of the 8th graders so when everything was done Martha and her one friend got hit with a lot of questions and insult’s from the middle schoolers and it got to the point were she started crying and ran to her mom.
So there’s my story I hoped you in joyed, feel free to ask me anything in the comments and make sure to subscribe to Charlotte as he is are petty queen. Nyx out
submitted by Nyx288 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:12 Repulsive_Union2244 [[FOR HIRE]] -- Pay Someone to Take My Statistics Exam For Me Reddit -- Take My Statistics Test For Me -- Do My Statistics Exam -- Statistics Exam Taker -- Pay Someone to Take My Online Statistics Class For Me -- Pay Someone to Take My Statistics Class For Me -- MATH: Probability Algebra MyStatLab

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I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
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submitted by Repulsive_Union2244 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:54 Penguin-Pete Dear AI Shills: You Are Very Obviously Shills

Common sense should tell you that if an AI writing assistant were any good, the client would have bought it and used it to replace me already.
Industry has tried AI. It isn't good for anything but a toy.
Clients and small businesses have tried AI. It isn't good for anything but a toy.
The public has tried AI. They used it for nothing but a toy.
We writers have tried AI. It doesn't save any time. I type faster than your prompt can even finish playing the idle animation. The stochastic parrot that you have trained to mutter some of the same words I use lacks my life-honed skill. No, it doesn't save me time to run an article through a prompt and then edit it, any more than it saves an artist time to shit on the canvas and hose it off before composing an oil painting on it.
Sorry, the investor funding is running out on your new replacement for NFTs, and you're going to lose a lot of money again. There is no customer for your toy.
If you really wanted to make software that helps writers, get to work on giving me a spell-checker that has a vocabulary extending beyond 4th grade.
submitted by Penguin-Pete to Upwork [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:47 Proper_Razzmatazz_36 Am I doing this right?

submitted by Proper_Razzmatazz_36 to FGO [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:29 TitanAura Ruijerd Superdia: A Lesson in Overcoming Tragedy (LN + Redundancy Spoilers)

Ruijerd Superdia is a relatively simple man to understand. Straightforward, stalwart, and diligent; Ruijerd is seemingly incapable of any form of dishonesty or chicanery of any kind. It only makes sense then that such a taciturn man, who prefers to speak through actions rather than words, would so easily relate to children specifically because of their straightforward, honest nature and difficulty to verbally communicate their feelings. Kids, try as they might, are terrible liars after all and, like Ruijerd, tend to adhere to Black-and-White Morality, exhibiting their difficulty in comprehending perspectives outside of their own extremely narrow worldview. If nothing else, Ruijerd can trust that a child will never betray his expectations.
As honed as his detection skills are, Ruijerd's awkward, naive personality leaves him unable to peer into the hearts of others and vulnerable to deception. For anyone familiar with eastern spiritualism, the irony of Ruijerd possessing a third eye is likely obvious. The third eye (or "Ajna") usually denotes "intuition and the ability to see things beyond what you see on the surface." Unfortunately for Ruijerd, the implementation of this concept is only as a very literal "6th sense" and acts more like a "spiritual sonar" than any sort of indication of enlightenment. This inability to parse Laplace's true intentions when recruiting the Superd tribe into the war effort and later adoption of the black spears (against the reservations of his more discerning followers) is directly responsible for the horrific, tragic deaths of his comrades, tribe, and family.
Since the war, the Superd race has been hunted, scorned, and nearly eradicated in retaliation for Ruijerd's heinous crimes. Even had he not personally slain his own kin, the blood of his people (and THOUSANDS of other innocent lives) is both literally and figuratively on his hands. Obviously it would be simple to lay most of the blame at the feet of Laplace for his deception but is this situation starting to feel a little familiar? For anyone as incompatible with innuendo as Ruijerd, don't worry, I'll elucidate.
Ruijerd Superdia is, like most of the cast, a foil to Rudeus Greyrat. More specifically, Ruijerd most closely parallels Oldeus were he to have continued living on well after the series of tragedies that drove him to become obsessed with revenge and consumed by hatred. Both lost their community and families as a result of being tricked by a charismatic greater being, destroyed their reputation, became internationally wanted criminals, and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge their complicity in their own downfall (I realize how harsh that sounds, but bear with me I am going somewhere with this).
While they carry with them an overwhelming sense of self-loathing and regret over their failures, they place an inordinate level of the blame for their actions at the feet of Laplace/Man-God respectively as the sole source of their misery, blind to how their current actions and unwillingness to let go of their hatred actively impedes their ability to gain newfound happiness and connections. Oldeus unfortunately dies before he has any such opportunity for further development, consumed by hatred, his heart full of regret at a life wasted on revenge. Ruijerd, however, blessed (or cursed) with an extremely long lifespan continues to live on even after achieving his revenge, a shell of his former self. It is with this understanding that we can see how the influence of the Greyrats slowly, but surely, shifts his perspective. And yes, I do mean Greyrat(S) as in plural, because we have 2 people to thank for this.
First is Rudeus, whose commitment to helping Ruijerd pushes him to challenge Ruijerd on his dangerously simplistic Black-and-White moral code that dictates anyone he deems to be "evil" must be killed. Ruijerd shaves his hair to avoid trouble and (despite some bumps along the way) commits to giving this "not murdering evildoers" thing a shot after witnessing Rudy's resolve to keep Eris safe (unless you're literally buying, selling, and murdering children in which case fair game, spear go BRRR). Finally, near the end of their travels together Rudeus confides in Ruijerd the reason for his oft strange behavior; his conversations with the Man-God and, to Ruijerd's shock and (justifiably) intense bittersweet joy, the revelation that not only were his people under the effects of a curse of hatred this entire time but that said curse has faded to the point that the act of shaving his head drastically lessened its effects, thereby allowing him to finally witness the positive effects of his centuries of atonement.
Allow me a brief aside to gush about the quality of writing on display regarding Ruijerd shaving his head. A haircut is widely understood as one of the evergreen (no pun intended) classic visual metaphors for dramatic character change or growth (and an example of Truth in Fiction as this is a REAL behavior people exhibit). Nothing particularly new or groundbreaking is being done with this trope. However, it is simply mindboggling just how EFFICIENTLY it was used here. This action is woven into not only Ruijerd's character arc, but the narrative as a whole. First, it serves as an in-universe explanation for how curses function (a point that becomes EXTREMELY relevant later for Cliff, Elinalise, and Orsted pertaining to the mitigation/nullification of curses), second it is used to visually and thematically demonstrate the moment Ruijerd committed to changing his ways after 400+ years of stagnation, and lastly it serves as THE singular defining action that shifts people's attitudes towards him. Cutting his hair, in conjunction with his commitment to changing his behavior and attitude, was both literally and figuratively the change he needed to make to achieve his goals. F**king [chef's kiss]. Perfection in writing by using every part of the buffalo. Anyways, back to the essay.
The second, but equally (if not more) important Greyrat, is Norn and similar to his relationship with Rudy their development is mutual and intertwined. During their travels to the northern territories, Ruijerd is given an opportunity to bond with Norn over numerous stories of his people and family which leave a lasting impression on Norn. Her contribution at this point is, of course, rather passive however it cannot be understated how therapeutic it can be to have such an active listener to engage with when recalling memories that, until recently, you might otherwise associate exclusively with pain or grief.
While consoling Norn in the added chapter "The Master Babysitter" Ruijerd draws a direct resemblance between Norn's current mindset and his son's same nearly identical refusal to be left behind by their father:
Ruijerd still didn’t know how his son had been able to defeat him back then. He roamed the whole of the Demon Continent carrying that question, but he’d never found a satisfying answer. Now, however, he had an idea. His son had surely worked hard to become stronger in ways his father never knew about. He’d followed his father’s instructions, and had trained himself with purpose and determination in order to protect both his mother and his village. Ruijerd felt such pride.
If Norn felt the same way, then she wouldn’t listen no matter how much Paul told her that he was worried or that she was precious to him.
Just by interacting with Norn and recognizing the qualities she shares with his son, he is finally able to re-interpret what these painful memories now mean to him. Memories which had previously only been a source of regret and shame can now instead be a source of strength and pride. A sentiment he relays back to Norn in the next paragraph:
“If you want to be with someone, you have to get bigger, stronger, more impressive. In order to get there, you’re going to have to bear with your circumstances right now.” His words were clumsy. He wasn’t conveying what he wanted to very clearly.
But Norn understood. Strange as it was, she found meaning in his words. They resonated differently from what Lilia, Aisha, and the other adults had said to her before, perhaps because Ruijerd’s came from a place of positivity rather than negativity.
Positivity he gained specifically from interacting with Norn. Her contributions, however, do not stop there. It takes time for her to act upon that advice, but her efforts eventually pay dividends. Both in part thanks to Ruijerd's clumsy guidance all those years ago and her own natural tenacity and grit, Norn Greyrat grows up to become a resilient, self-critical, and emotionally mature young lady with an unshakeable work ethic (albeit still a bit clumsy). If you somehow haven't watched this essay by EliteAri, do so now. It's the sole reason I didn't start with a Norn essay because despite being my favorite character in the series the perfect essay for her literally already exists, so this is about as close as I'm ever going to get to doing a dedicated Norn essay.
After reuniting during the final conflict, her resemblance to Ruijerd's previous family seems to have only intensified. As a child she resembled his son and his dauntless determination, but as an adult she more closely resembles his wife and they eventually marry and have a child together. Such a Happily Ever After is of course about as heartwarming as a basket of puppies, kittens, ducklings, piglets, AND bunnies and is extremely well earned, but I still have a few more things to mention about this clumsy couple.
While a physical resemblance would be the obvious comparison, Ruijerd was probably referring to their personalities. Given what we learn about the original history from Orsted and what we already know about Ruijerd's son, it can be inferred that both were extremely competent, respectable mothers. Norn's daughter, Luicelia Superdia, was destined to become the legendary Superd warrior and last of her kind who single-handedly restores the honor of the Superd Tribe by landing the killing blow on Demon God Laplace. In other words, they both raised an extremely disciplined, competent warrior who defeat an EmperoGod Tier combatant respectively.
Ruijerd's marriage to Norn may not be the climax but it is most certainly the finale of their respective arcs (and is arguably the healthiest marriage in the entire canon).
As I have hopefully demonstrated at length, Ruijerd's development serves to exemplify the healing that can be achieved when you form a healthy perspective of your past no matter how difficult that might be. Allowing oneself to remain chained to the resentment and hatred of being a victim is unproductive and serves only to maintain the vicious cycle of self-loathing, regret, and fear of attachment that prevents you from forming new, healthy relationships.
Ruijerd still has his centuries old trauma but he has finally found what he needed most: Acceptance.
submitted by TitanAura to sixfacedworld [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:12 OkChoice6059 AITA for refusing to give my ex-guy friend (and obsessive simp) another chance to be friends again???

Okay this sounds insane, I'm aware. And yes Charlotte, this is not wedding drama...no this is far better. This is petty HIGHSCHOOL DRAMA. Prepare yourself for a rude, because I might have to split this entire story into parts.
  1. Backstory Time I (16F) used to be friends with a boy (17M, let's call him Nate) who was in my class. The first time I saw him was in my freshman year, 2021, and for some reason I used to have a crush on Nate. At the time I was 14, he was 15. (Maybe it was because he was blonde, or he was athletic, and because he was funny.) That was a biiiiigg mistake, most likely because I was fresh out of homeschooling and hadn't interacted with any males outside of family friends and childhood friends since 6th grade. He didn't like me back, turns out he was trying to bag my girl friend at the time (16F), and so I was like "Bet, go be together you lovebirds, I don't care anyways". After that happened, his best friend saw the whole ordeal and texted me through Nate's phone so he could cheer me up about getting rejected. The best friend(15M at the time, now 17M. Let's call him Alan.) ended up flirting with me after some time, and we both were crushing on eachother about a week later. Let me just say that I fell HARD for Alan, like it was to the point that I couldn't wait to fall asleep and see him the next day at school. We end up dating, but I had a moment of clarity and realized I have no idea what I'm doing and what dating is about, so we went back to being friends. This turned into a situationship of sorts, and it took about a year for it to dissolve, and it took ME two and a half years to finally get over him. THIS WHOLE TIME, I had no idea that Nate was actually jealous of me and Alan...and he was determined to win my "love" for him back.
I shall release part two when I have the opportunity, I have two essays to finish rn and some family matters to help with. But I have to say this....Charlotte I absolutely love you, you've helped me so much and made me realize it's okay to let myself be silly and not give two potato's about what others think. Thank you. 💖🥔
PART TWO COMING SOOOOON, please help this story reach our Honorable Judge ✨✨
submitted by OkChoice6059 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:07 jailbreak627 Passed AT/AT/AT - Exam Tips, Tricks, and Resources

Hey Everyone,
Passed the exam with AT/AT/AT earlier this week. I got a lot of useful information out of this sub so hopefully, some of these tools. tips, and tricks can help someone going down the PMP path. :)
Taking The Exam
So as you know, the test is 4 hours long 180 questions. For pure test taking suggestions I would recommend the below.
Test Itself
Test Observations
Exam Question Tips
Materials Used
Andrew Raymadal 35 Hr. PMP Exam Prep Course (Udemy)
PMI StudyHall
PM Aspirant Process Group Game
PMP Exam-PMI New Format 2024 Mock Simulator (PMBOK7 Updated)
150 PMBOK 7 Scenario Based PMP Exam Questions and Answer
The Complete Project Management Body of Knowledge in One Video (PMBOK 7th Edition)
Materials Aware Of But Didn't Use
Third3Rock Notes
200 AGILE PMP Questions and Answers - the BEST Preparation for the Exam!
100 WATERFALL PMP Questions and Answers - EXCELLENT Preparation for the Exam!
Hopefully some of these tips/resources are able to help you out. Keep grinding and putting in those long hours. It will be worth it. Good luck!
submitted by jailbreak627 to pmp [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:01 HourMap3576 Emotional Distress

Hi, I am an 18M. For starters, I am going through a tough time. I do not understand or know my problem I am confused as hell. I feel confident but at the same time self-loathing sometimes. I have gone emotionally numb. I feel no emotional connection to my family.
So here it starts.-
  1. I belong to India and my parents got married some 19 years ago. My mother is highly educated she has 4-5 degrees and the majority of them are from top colleges in India but she wasn't allowed to work because my grandma was a narcissist who controlled my family's life and favored my uncle's family over my father's. When my first sister was born she was born with cerebral palsy along with high learning disability and tons of other issues due to hospital negligence but my mother faced the brunt of it as it's because of you that child was born disabled and a whole ton of shit. So after my sister was born both of my parents stopped to say or limited? their interaction with me as my father was having a financial crisis and my mother was handling the medical complications of my sister. The only time my mother will interact with me was when she will be tutoring me and it was always beating the shit out of me so much that I pissed myself also albeit I was only 6 or 7 years old.
  2. I do not even remember my childhood with my family aside from all the scolding and beating. It was either in my handwriting or why I wasn't being obedient. Basically, she took her frustration out on me. Then after I turned 12 we moved out of my grandpa's house (it's common in India to live in joint families) and also my mother got pregnant with my 2nd sibling now I was nearing my end sem in 6th grade and it happened so that my mum asked me a question I knew the answer to it but couldn't recite it so she took my badminton racket and beat with me it until it broke. It was a birthday gift from my grandfather so I liked it a lot. This above was one instance that I remember very boldly. There are a lot of other instances also like a lot of them that I remember whether similar to it or worse.
  3. Now the pandemic hits so we move to another state in India where my father got a job. Now here is the interesting part. My mother finished her psychology degree here (she decided to learn psychology due to my sister and started practicing) and this time around my grandma passed away so grandpa moved in with us my mother didn't like it and apparently due to the pandemic she herself was dealing with depression and some other issues then she just bursts into flames one day. My grandpa moved away to my uncles' house and my father also moved away to a different city for his job while I and my mum with sister stayed here for high school during pandemic my parents almost got divorced it was so bad that every weekend my father will come to the home there will be bickering and shouting ) to escape I got addicted to porn and masturbation.
  4. She started this with me also. I am a very laid-back type of guy someone who avoids fighting and argument like the plague even if it used to take a lot of shit to get me angry but since 2022 October every time I hear my mother shouting doesn't matter what topic or to whom she is shouting. I get enraged like the next level I will just march towards her and start shouting at her to keep the fuck down. In the meantime, I also got into my very first relationship which was very good tbh it lasted 3 months but ended very abruptly in 3 months. My mother found out about my girlfriend at that time by searching my phone secretly and she was again enraged like why am I talking to a girl like this? I hate this and I have told my mom countless times that when it comes to my relationships she has no authority over me. She gets pissed off over this fact. Since then if I had any views that opposed her I would be called an idiot and bookish knowledge reader. By this time I had started to argue back with her pointing out her faults and what shit she did to me then she would go on to do whataboutism and in the end, it was I who had to make up to her and apologize. To this day she hasn't even acknowledged that what happened to me was bad it always like "Understand that I was also suffering at that time". She has started personal attacks on me whenever she gets angry she will hurl extremely personal insults like you deserve no friends, you do not deserve to be born, etc. I do not buy any expensive items like nothing I did not go out much (movies and all otherwise I had a good social life ). I did not demand any useless things or branded clothes or watches like a normal teen but then also she called me a waste of money [ incident from yesterday we were in the mall and she bought me a pair of shoes for 12k rupees now in India you get excellent quality shoes for at max 3k so she started saying You didn't perform well in entrance exam still I bought you expensive shoes like okay I didn't want these shoes you took me to the store and asked me which one would I like, I was going for the cheaper option but you insisted that I buy these]
  5. Every festival in my house for the past 4 years has been shit it's always shouting and bickering with her. I have started to hate her. My father never bought me expensive shit or over-the-top candies and stuff and I am thankful for it but he is doing it for my kid sister which flips out my mom calling her a spoiled kid like mum she is a 7-year-old she is meant to be spoiled. But whenever my mom screams at her for studies I imagine my 6-year-old self crying and asking her to stop hitting me and when I protest this treatment of my sister I get called a failure ( I am an average student).
  6. I have become emotionally numb, Due to entrances I have become personality-less. I used to enjoy AAA games now I can not play them due to studying. I used to go to the gym and I improved my back and shoulders so much that it corrected my posture but now it's been a year since I went to the gym and all the progress has been lost and I have gotten fat which I never was but am now. I can not focus on anything. I like to just sit at my laptop and surf through 3-4 websites for 12 hours a day. I have brain fog. I do not have the will to study anymore. I just want to run away and never contact my mom. There is so much to tell but I do not know how to express it. When I told her I hated her she said to me to stop holding grudges against her, Her classic getaway is to order some takeout but never ever apologize or accept that she is at fault. I have also developed the same issues I have become so arrogant in regards to that no one knows more than me. I hate the fact she beat the hell out of me for 15 years of my life and that also stopped because one day I ran away to my grandparent's house and they had to call the police to find me. Why the fuck I was born? I feel no emotions except emptiness and rage. Was I an investment plan or some shit? Ki today we will put X amount in your education then you support us through our old age. My mom also hates my father in the regards that he did not stand up for her against my grandparents ( I also do not like this fact) but will convince my mother he loves her in private but but that's the same thing she does to me whenever I say you are not emotionally supportive she says we give you money and support your choice what hell supposed more we have to do? It's like despite her being a professional therapist she still fucking doesn't realize that I need help and always dismisses me.
  7. What can I do to improve my mental health and focus and will to study as I have college entrances? I am just tired of everything life music etc. I have not drive or will to do anything.
submitted by HourMap3576 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:58 Stand-Our-Ground-Pod Time Travel Clothing Series

I remember a series with 4? girls who would alternate as the main character. They would travel in time by wearing clothing from a trunk or chest in an attic—it might have been one of their neighbor’s attics? Anyone remember this?
Edited to add: this was a children’s or YA series. I read it in 4th or 5th grade.
submitted by Stand-Our-Ground-Pod to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:54 NeonGlowieEyes780 Management introduced new quarterly evals and they are a joke

For context, when I started working at my current job, we had annual evals where if you did well on your eval, you got a $1 hourly raise. Two years in a row I got my raise, because working here WAS worth it back then. Thing is, the company exchanged hands and we are now owned by a corporation. Needless to say, ALL of our work perks and incentive programs were dismantled and disposed of.
Fast-forward several years later to post-pandemic. We are always understaffed, we get abysmally low hours, and when we do get some shifts we are doing the collective job of 5 people each because once again purposely understaffed.
Management is lazy and refuse to do their own jobs, spending all of their time with their radios off hiding in the count room with the safe. Where all the money is.
Most recently, we got a new quarterly evals program. They grade our work performance based on what they observe, then hand you a sheet with the grading scale on it. The new incentive to do well on these evals?
None. Just the vague threat of "actions will be taken". THERE IS LITERALLY NO REWARD FOR DOING WELL ON THESE EVALS. NO RAISE, NO NOTHING.
They graded me as "beginner" in ALL departments despite me working there for 9 years and knowing full well what my job is. I ask them to explain my low scores and holy shit.
I had to put my foot down due to pervasive negligence on managements' part and I refuse to take certain shifts for my mental health. They said they will be giving low evals until I decide to return to those shifts. IDK how legal that is, but it doesn't feel like it.
EDIT: The job pays minimum wage, no benefits of any kind, and only 10 - 16 hours a week.
submitted by NeonGlowieEyes780 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:50 gulliverian Why is iCloud Web interface so freaking AWFUL

I'm a Windows user with an iPhone. (So shoot me, I don't have a choice.)
And I use Notes constantly as my daily scratchpad. But I need something with a decent web interface.
At my desk, I would like to be able to go into notes and edit things there and copy and paste to and from Notes. But the web interface to iCloud notes is freaking AWFUL. It lacks the most basic editing capabilities, like being able to drag selected bits of text around, move paragraphs up and down with hotkeys, etc.
Aesthetically, it looks like it was last updated in 2003.
Am I missing something? Is it better on a Mac with Safari?
Or am I just ranting?
submitted by gulliverian to iCloud [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:43 Tiny-Construction-92 How to get this effect

Hey guys! I’m new to color grading and editing photos and had a couple questions. To start off I’m a fan of this band and there album photos always seem to be highly edited and color graded as seen above. And i wass wondering 1) a reconommend free app I can download to get this effect. And 2) what would I have to do on the app to get this effect!!?? If you have anything lmk!
submitted by Tiny-Construction-92 to ColorGrading [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:27 PhillyInquirer I'm a Philadelphia Inquirer reporter who covered the NFL Draft. Ask me anything on Monday, April 29 at 12 p.m.

I'm a Philadelphia Inquirer reporter who covered the NFL Draft. Ask me anything on Monday, April 29 at 12 p.m.
The 2024 NFL Draft has come and gone, which means one thing: draft grades and analysis!
If you have questions about the Eagles' draft class, The Inquirer's resident draft expert Devin Jackson has answers, starting at noon ET.
Feel free to send in your questions now, but in the meantime, check out all of our draft takeaways!
submitted by PhillyInquirer to eagles [link] [comments]
